#if she was feeling particularly energetic she might actively go out looking for a fight but otherwise
For those of you who have sidesteps who will (hopefully) receive a happy ending, will your sidestep go back to fighting crime or not? What’s their plan?
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hi!! can i please get a bungou stray dogs matchup? im a seventeen year old bisexual girl, & i use she/her pronouns :). im an infp & a cancer!
im a really bubbly and energetic person, and i can be pretty clingy sometimes, especially with the people im close to. im an optimist, and i always try to make the people i love (my friends) feel better. i spend a lot of my time looking after other people, so sometimes i sorta neglect my own needs, but im working on it!! i love yoga, going for walks, baking, writing, and shopping. i no love makeup and anything girly, and I love dressing up even if im not going anywhere, it’s just fun! my love languages are physical touch & gifts. i tend to sorta latch onto people absentmindedly— especially when im worried or scared, but it’s just such a weirdly ground and calming thing?? i love anything cute or soft, and whenever i see animals when im out with my friends i always try to pet them, or if it’s someone walking a dog i ask to. i have a weird fear of bugs, but i still don’t want to kill them, so every time i take them outside it’s at arm length and im like crying the whole time lol. sweet and soft things are absolutely wonderful, and i love little plants that you can keep at a desk or in your room!! i have two and they all have names :)
for my appearance, im 5’2 & i have long light brown hair that i usually curl. i have almond brown eyes, perpetually rosy cheeks, a few stray moles across my face, and im fairly pale. i have a baby face, and people often think im a lot younger than i actually am when i don’t wear makeup. my style is very soft and girly, and almost all of my shoes have some kind of platform because i feel really cool whenever im tall!! i like to think they make me look tough but alas, i know better than that by now… a girl can still hope though!
please & thank you!! i hope you have a nice day and remember to drink some water!! ❤︎
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I ship you with Atsushi! 
Both being INFPs you care deeply about the emotions of those around you, he is constantly looking for cues from you as to tell how you are feeling or what your needs might be. He is extremely attentive. He could never even imagine hurting the feelings of his friends, let alone you. He simply wants you to feel happy and at ease in his company. That being said, this was most likely the reason he was hesitant to open up to you at first, his past is not exactly pretty, that tied with his ability was more than enough to make him scared of loosing you. He tries to keep his emotions to himself initially, however as time passes he finds himself coming to you more and more for advice or even comfort. There is no lack of challenging days at the agency and sometimes he just needs to feel you in his arms after a particularly gruelling one. Burying his head into your shoulder, snaking his arms around your waist as your familiar scent calms him down. Sometimes he feels as though you are the only one who can ground him.
You do not have to worry about your clinginess around him at all, he actively encourages it, even if it is subconscious. He has such a fear of abandonment due to his rough past growing up in the orphanage, so the fact that you depend on him so much is incredibly reassuring. I imagine you would share the same love language, which is physical touch, although I do believe it would take a little while for him to be completely at ease in your company. Not wanting to be a burden or let his guard down again in the fear you would leave him, you notice his hesitancy and would like nothing more than to allow him to relax fully in you company. One of the first moments he truly let his guard down would most likely be a few weeks into seeing you. You often find yourselves spending multiple evening together throughout the week, due to his busy work schedule. It became later and later into the night and he was fighting the urge to sleep, determined to spend as much time in your company as he could before he is back in the office again. His eyes becoming heavy as he lies down with his head in your lap, attempting to get closer to you and more comfortable, the sound of the TV working as white noise, with you being distracted at the sweet boy on you legs. Hesitantly running your hands through his hair, brushing it out of the way of his peaceful face, smiling as he subconsciously leans into your touch. You could have stayed like this forever. 
I also believe that his love language would include acts of service, this is extremely noticeable when he notices you love to bake. At fist he is hesitant to help you, casually walking in the kitchen and observing you, apron covered in flour, your eyebrows furrowed as you focus on the task in front of you. Usually he would like to just observe you bake, partly because he would be scared of messing it up but also he just loves the way you skilfully glide around the kitchen. He would be the type of guy to keep a few ingredients on hand around the kitchen, just in case you suddenly got bored whilst he was out at work and wanted to make something tasty. He has never had the opportunity to bake before, although with your reassurance he will come around to helping you out. Even with your careful guidance, he does often leave the kitchen is a state! You can’t get mad though, loving the way he hangs onto every word that comes from your mouth, expelling what to do as he tries to follow you exact instructions. He always manages to get flour somewhere on his face, making you laugh as you are constantly wiping it of his cheek. Whenever this happens he can’t help but blush, feeling you fuss over him at such close proximity is incredibly endearing. 
He is such a caring boyfriend and will always try and support him no matter what. He is your number one cheerleader in everything you do, especially when you come home from you most recent shopping trip. Announcing that he is home and greeting you with a tight hug as always, asking you what you got up to that day. If you did end up going shopping, which he most likely deduced from the multiple bags sat on the kitchen counter he of course would like to see them. By this he does not mean taking them out of the bag and holding them up, oh no. He will expect you to try on act out fit you got. Giving you a boyish grin and asking you to spin around in your new dress, he can’t help the way his lips slowly turn up. He always compliments your fashion taste and can’t get enough of your girly style. And after the lengthy fashion show you often put on for him, he always offers to help you put it away. Neatly folding your clothes and letting his hands linger on the fabric, recalling the way the fabric perfectly moulded to your body. And if you ever decide to dress up for him? He could literally melt. This most likely happens when he has some free time at lunch, asking you to meet him in the local coffee shop near the agency. The first few time he asked you there he was super nervous about you meeting his coworkers, in fear they might scare you off. But as always he had nothing to worry about. When you turned up in such an adorable outfit, looking effortlessly beautiful, he was completely at a loss for words. Holding the door open for you and admiring you from behind, he questions how did he manage to find such a sweet girl. After talking and laughing for well over an hour he finally decides that he needs to get back to work. Offering to walk back with him he of course accepts, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible, you walk him right up to the doors. Pulling you in for a quick hug, placing a small kiss on your forehead as he disappears back into the agency, smiling to yourself as you begin to walk home. As soon as Atsushi returns he is greeted by to an unusual silence, with most of the members staring at him before quickly boarding him with questions about you. Honestly they are all pretty surprised at how he managed to get a girlfriend, let alone someone as lovely looking as yourself. The blush doesn’t go unnoticed by his coworkers as he can’t stop himself from gushing about you. Receiving a pat on the back from Dazai, he couldn’t have been prouder of him. 
The song I associate with you guys would be ‘Dive’ by Tim Atlas!
You sound so sweet! I hope you’re having a lovely day/night and a better tomorrow 💖 💖 
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the first major snowfall in ages finally hit nyc recently and all im imaging is the Polycule attaching snowboards and the such to the back of simons van and them just being happy with snow day activities
oof, this ask is from so many months ago, i'm so sorry. i was very busy. i'm also not sure how great my answer will be because i'm a whole ass brazilian so i have no idea what snow day activies are, but i will try anyway
so, major advantages: meliorn has magic and maia is a werewolf and if i'm not mistaken it's said or implied that werewolves have a higher core body temperature than humans. or maybe i made that up, but it's canon for me
major disadvantages: raphael and simon are vampires, which means that technically they are kind of "cold-blooded" creatures? i mean they would still have other important temperature regulating mechanisms such as mitochrondrial heat production and muscle contraction, but they basically don't have a heartbeat/blood flow/arguably blood at all, which is a major way of regulating core temperature, and canonically their skin feels pretty cold, so like. they probably are more suscetible to temperature changes is what i'm saying (i'm mostly going off this source [link] for this. i'm already overthinking this answer good job me)
plus i am once again saying that raphael is from guadalajara which means that like me he is used to Worm Temperchoores, like, WAY warmer than NYC's, and he grew up without pretty much any kind of snow at all. and sure he's lived in NYC for years so he's SOMEWHAT used to the cold but he still spent his formative years in guadalajara, so like. he fucking hates the cold, is my point
but back to major advantages: meliorn and magic! which means they can do something about it. don't ask me what, but i'm sure they can do Something. i mean i'm sure to some extent the downworld has already figured out a solution to this problem cuz while it might not kill them (since they're immortal) it is very uncomfortable and probably makes them slower, which is a disadvantage to say the least. plus raphael has magnus who knows that raphael is a grumpy ass in the cold. also i think java is similarly hot so magnus Gets It, but idk what the temperatures usually are in jakarta
anyway my point is that magnus probably got some coats/vests/blankets spelled for his boy so they can keep him toasty (since they are otherwise kinda useless for vampires since they rely on trapping body heat and vampires don't have any) and vampires in general probably have access to that kinda stuff, but still, rapha gets grumpy and his face is still cold and everything is just awful and he doesn't understand how gringos do it. his complaints fly for about 2 days before the New Yorker Squad™ (particularly simon and maia, who drag clary and inevitably everyone else is there) decides that they've had enough of this and that raphael will learn how to enjoy the snow
he is like "i am not willingly going into the snow! you don't understand, i'm a vampire, i won't get back my body heat the way you do". simon: "i literally am also a vampire". raphael: "you're just a fledgeling, you wouldn't understand" "i've been a vampire for like, ten years!" "seven" "same thing" "it's so not the-" "i have gone through enough winters to be able to understand, and you, sir, are going to learn to enjoy the snow. have you EVER even made a snow angel?" "no" "well this changes today"
he literally has no excuse because meliorn has this super sweet spell that keeps him from losing heat so like. he doesn't even need a coat (he's still wearing it and preferably also a scarf and gloves because he is, first and foremost, dramatic) so he is forced to have a day off and go play in the snow, woe is him
(he tells the clan that should they need anything they should ring him, but they're like "nah simon has promised us pictures of you in the snow, we can handle ourselves" and it's not like raphael is too busy these days, really)
anyway! they have fun. simon strikes me as the winter lover kind of person altho really i think he enjoys all seasons in their own way, but like... hot chocolate and scarves and snow fights, yes? and while i think maia might prefer warmer temperatures she can double enjoy herself in the snow now that she's a werewolf because she gets less cold and like, damn, tell me that being a wolf and jumping headfirst into a pile of snow wouldn't be fun. you can't, unless you're a bad taste bitch
i also think maia is the building snow forts kind of gal because, idk, she just looks that way. and sure she's excited about kicking everyone's asses during snowball fight but FIRST she needs to have a full fort complete with towers and windows for her to throw snowballs from and shit
rapha is the one that helps her build it the most cuz he likes the motions and besides it is a little less energetic than whatever it is that the rest of these wackos are doing. again izzy didn't get any chances to play in the snow either so naturally clary is dragging her around from snow activity to snow activity and running around everywhere and holy shit they have so much energy. simon is there as well naturally and eventually they make it their goal in life to ruin maia's and rapha's fort, which ends up kickstarting the mandatory snowball fight. even tho maia only has a half complete fort
(eventually when everyone has left maia and rapha will come back and finish the fort. it's the principle of the thing. raphael also wants to build an igloo or some shit and maia rolls her eyes but actually i can see him being into building snow things? it's just soothing and nice and quiet and he can pretend there's Elegance and Finesse to it)
and meliorn is just watching them curiously the whole time because of course they know snow but they dont really know about Snow Activities these funky little non-seelies dedicate themselves too. i feel like the seelies have their own snow activities, maybe like, festivals? dances with the snowfall and games to welcome the change in the environment, that sort of thing. but they are nothing like snow angels ("it doesn't look like an angel in the slightest, just like you kept moving your legs and arms in the snow" "thats what it is" "right, so...?") or snowmen ("also doesn't look like a man" "meliorn we aren't exactly artists") or snow fights (altho that one they can appreciate) and they're really interested in like participating even though they dont understand and everyone has to keep telling them that it's Not That Deep and izzy is so amused she just kisses them one billion times
eventually they start doing it just to get more of those laugh-filled kisses of hers
also at least one of them, probably izzy of rapha or meliorn since they are the snow ignorant ones of the group, is absolutely horrible at making snowmen. probably izzy tbh because shadowhunters dont exactly have a knack for these things. like clary's snowman is all artistic and simon's is fun and creative, maia's is pretty, raphael's and meliorn's look like the Platonic Ideal Of A Snowman, and izzy's looks like A Pile Of Dirt. clary giggles at it for an embarrassing amount of time, which inevitably leads to izzy taking the snow from her snowman to throw snowballs at clary and triggering a new snowfight
and then they have some soup inside and cuddle under a blanket as they fight over what they should watch and all is well with the world
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wrctings · 4 years
Pre-serum Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes | Let your heart be light
fandom: Marvel Univers characters: Pre-serum Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes summary: Where Steve and his mom spend Christmas Eve’s at the Barnes’s, Bucky takes a nap and Steve draws him. word count: 1.7k 
writing a christmas one shot in february isn’t too late, right? i missed 30s steve and buck so of course i had to write some fluff <3
New York City, Christmas 1935
When the two boys slid their shivering frames through the doorway, shaking off the snowflakes caught in their hair and coats as they took the latter off, the first thing to welcome them was the delicious waft of food which had enveloped the entire apartment, the perky jingling of cutlery that emanated from the kitchen accounting for the fact that an active cooking activity was indeed taking place in there. Their cheeks rosy from the piercing cold and their breath short from having spent the afternoon out in the snow, they untied their shoes, leaving them in the corridor, and proceeded to the living room, where the warmth radiating off the crackling fireplace eased the prickling of their skin at once.
“Mom, we’re back!” Bucky announced, heading for the kitchen, Steve in his wake. “How are you? It smells so good in here!”
“We were wondering when you boys would come back and give us a hand,” Mrs Barnes gave them a smile, shaking her head. “It’s all fine. We should always make joined Christmas dinners, it’s a lot less exhausting than doing it yourself for the whole family,” she added gratefully, glancing at Sarah, who nodded in approval.
“Are you okay darling?” The blond woman caringly asked Steve, who reassured her with a light-hearted nod.
“If there’s anything we can do, we’ll be glad to help,” he then assured voluntarily, earning an affectionate look from the two women.
“Actually, I have a feeling you’ll cause more trouble than anything…” One of Bucky’s sisters retorted humorously.
“That may not be wrong…,” the brunet boy conceded sheepishly, eyeing all the culinary supplies suspiciously.
“Maybe you could dress the table, how about that?” Mrs Barnes proposed an alternative. “It’s a little too early now, but we’ll call you when it’s the right time. For the time being, why don’t you go put some records on?”
“Steve, stay close to the fireplace!” The other boy’s mom called after her son as Bucky and Steve took off, shaking her head fondly as the blond promised that she didn’t have to worry (although he had barely recovered from a cold). “Kids…” Sarah muttered, sharing a knowing glance with Winnifred, who could only chuckle. “But at least they look after one another.”
“Thank God,” the brunette woman laughed, rolling her eyes. “Sometimes I wonder whether that causes less or more trouble.”
Meanwhile, Steve and Bucky set to complete the task that they had been asked to undertake. Rummaging through the music collection of the Barnes with great care, Steve selected a record which Bucky then placed upon the turntable, sparking up the soft whirring of the record player while he was cautiously manipulating the needle. A few seconds later, the merry tune of a Christmas song erupted from the device, taking over the far-off clattering and voices coming from the kitchen with smooth notes of jazz that swirled through the room.
“There we go,” a satisfied smile played upon Bucky’s lips, the young man letting himself tumble on the nearby couch with a deep sigh. “I feel like I could take a nap just now…,” he breathed out, lazily stretching out his arms while letting his head fall backwards against the backrest.
“Tired already?” Steve raised a daring eyebrow, teasing his friend with his usual playfulness.
“Shut up,” without even looking, Bucky grabbed a pillow and threw it toward the other boy’s voice, but missed the target. “How the hell do you still have energy?”
“I don’t, I just pretend,” the blond actually confessed, shrugging as he laughed. He never had to play pretend with Bucky, who always accepted him the way he was, no matter whether he caught Steve on a painful day of suffering from sickness, had to come to his rescue in a fight or simply met with him to hang out. Plus, his best friend had seen him in dire straits one too many times to unnecessarily play tough. “Alright, you take a nap, I’ll get my sketchbook.”
“Wake me up if I happen to actually drift off,” Bucky mumbled, momentarily straightening up just so he could cuddle up to the cushion set in the corner where the armrest and the backrest formed an angle. Through half-closed eyelids, he noticed Steve taking a seat on the floor and flick through the pages of his sketchbook, the flames happily waltzing in the chimney behind him sending glimmering beams across the young man’s shirt and skin, their reflection playing in the golden strands of hair that brushed his forehead as he craned his neck, concentrated on his sketch.
Lulled by the gay rhythm of the music and the regular, soft sound of his friend’s pen scraping a piece of paper, Bucky feared that he in truth might just doze off, the both peaceful and jolly atmosphere of the room exacerbating his body’s will to rest. However, there was no way he was going to leave Steve alone on Christmas evening, especially since they spent it together this year, so Bucky fought sleepiness back by trying to keep his mind awake. Just a few minutes, he told himself, I’ll rest for a little bit, then I’ll be ready to celebrate.
Since the early December evening had already dawned, the room would’ve been bathed in darkness if not for the chirping chimney and the bright lights that had been turned on, making it easier for Bucky not to let his thoughts succumb to the strain of his body. He wondered whether his family would like the gifts he got them, but especially if Steve would — since Bucky had more money, he always tried to get his friend a present that he would be particularly fond of for Christmas, and he knew that Steve would also do his best to offer him something nice in return, though with more limited means. But most importantly, Bucky was merely glad and excited to spend the 24th of December surrounded by everyone he loved most, especially since Steve and his mother were joining them around the table this year. In the end, gifts mattered little.
“Why the hell didn’t you wake me up?” Running a hand over his face, Bucky groaned while blinking several times, struggling to adjust his clouded sight to the lighting of the living room. It turned out that keeping oneself awake was quite a difficult task, even when one might tell themselves that their lively thoughts would keep their distracted from the lure of slumber. “What time is it?”
“Don’t worry Buck, it’s only been fifteen minutes,” Steve reassured him distractedly, still hunched over his drawing. “It’s nearly seven.”
Pushing himself away from the armrest of the couch, Bucky’s fingers tangled in his hair as he tried to make it sit properly, pushing loose brown strands off his forehead.  Only fifteen minutes, that was acceptable. He yawned into the back of his hand, stretching his back, then swung his legs onto the floor and bent forward, trying to get a glimpse of Steve’s doodles — his gaze landed on the outline of a sofa, on which he recognised his own silhouette.
“You know I’m gonna become famous too if you do, right? I’m your number one drawing reference, at this point.” He joked, but the soft glow of his eyes, from either remnants of sleepiness or fondness, made it seem like he was actually both touched and impressed.
“It’s not my fault if you fall asleep on my watch. What do you want me to do? For once, something stays still while I’m sketching, I gotta make most of it.”
It took Steve another few minutes to come to end of his sketch of a sleepy Bucky, fixing the shadows playing in the folds of his friend’s clothes as his pencil adroitly glided across the paper. Bucky, still towering over the blond, kept on watching him draw above Steve’s shoulder, having always been fasciated by the way his friend could so beautifully make images come to life out of nothingness — no matter how much the other boy would get frustrated over a doodle that he struggled with, Bucky knew that it would still be infinitely better than anything most people could come up with. Seeing the curves and edges of his own body forming such meticulous shapes under Steve’s fingertips, the brunet felt like he had caught his own self plunged in a slumber; as if time had turned back to just minutes ago, and he could witness his reflection laying on the couch.
“Alright.” After one last stroke of a pen, Steve held the sketchbook up, analysing the outcome. Bucky could tell that he wasn’t disappointed with the result as the young man put it back down, not getting another hold of his pencil either. “You’re not still sleepy, are you?” He then turned around to give Bucky a quick smile, emerging out of the state of concentration that had taken over him while he was drawing.
“No, I’m not. It’s time for celebration now!” His friend retorted energetically, alluding to the festive Christmas tree that had been set in a corner of the room, the few colourful decorations tangled up in its branches and the golden star at its top gleaming as light ricocheted off them.
With a brief glance at the window, Bucky noticed that the snowfall had grown even stronger, thick and fluffy snowflakes coating the entire street and delicate flowers of frost already starting to spring upon the panes, adorning them with whimsical motives.
Before Steve and Bucky had time to do anything else, Mrs Barnes’s voice reached them from the kitchen, rising above the music that had continued playing.
“Boys, come and set the table!”
“On it!” Her son shouted back, not a single trouble weighing his heart down as the only think he could focus on was this special night, full of the joy and warmth of sharing it with all the people dearest to him. “Shall we?” He took a look at Steve, unable to suppress a wholesome smile that he just couldn’t contain. And he didn’t want to.
“We shall,” his friend agreed, smiling back. “First to get to the kitchen wins?” and, before Bucky could answer, the blond was off.
“Steve, you have asthma!” was all that Bucky could yell after him, laughing as he trailed behind, however catching up fast.
“But I’m winning!”
A very merry Christmas indeed.
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oathofoaksart · 4 years
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bio under the cut!!
General Name: Amelie Gwin A.K.A: Zephyr; Zeph, Zephy, Amma Age: 16 [S1], 18 [S2] Gender: Cisgender Female Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual Occupation: Founder Legionnaire  
Race: Metahuman Location: Legion of Superheroes Headquarters; Earth Hometown: New Metropolis, USA; Earth
Relations Parents: Sinclair (deceased) and Cornelia Gwin Siblings: Sable, Kahlo, and Drexel Gwin Friends: Chuck “Bouncing Boy” Taine, Imra “Saturn Girl” Ardeen, Luornu “Triplicate Girl” Durgo, Tinya “Phantom Girl” Wazzo, Clark “Superman” Kent, Brainiac 5, Brin “Timberwolf” Londo, Galatea @generalfandomsofthefreak​, Reep “Chameleon Boy” Daggle, Rokk “Cosmic Boy” Krinn Partner/s: Garth “Lightning Lad” Ranzz (ev.); Mekt "Lightning Lord" Ranzz (AU) Misc.: Mekt Ranzz, Ayla Ranzz Affiliations: The Legion of Superheroes
Appearance Skin: Medium Fair, rosy undertones Hair: Jet black Eyes: Black; turn fully white when concentrating a heavy attack Height: 5’1” Build: Generally small, but limber; similar to a cheerleading flyer Distinctions: Considered averagely cute; often told she has big, pretty eyes. While she’s rarely out of uniform anymore, she has what’s considered a “tomboy-ish” style.
Energetic | Playful | Dedicated | Impulsive | Brash
Type: ESFP-A (The Entertainer) Temperament: Sanguine-Choleric Alignment: Chaotic Good
Lively, loud, fun-loving; Amelie takes the role of being the Legion’s resident jokester. Even during dangerous situations, Amma is given to flippant (and most of the time, cringe-worthy) wisecracks and one-liners, staying relaxed and seemingly carefree all the while. She’s shameless flirt, constantly spouting lame pick up lines to anyone she sees as the least bit attractive (although she does very poorly at actually getting a date). Despite her general goofiness, she’s incredibly dedicated to the Legion cause and her fellow Legionnaires, giving her 100% and beyond.
Amma’s happy-go-lucky attitude is for the most part, for the sake of relieving the stress that the life of a hero often brings. Not just for herself, but for her friends as well, however it’ll occasionally blow up in her face. While she might not mean to, she has a habit of coming across as immature and reckless, especially compared to the other founding Legionnaires. Over the years, this had started to shape into a suppressed inferiority complex that when exposed, leads to sporadic and intense clashes with others.
Amelie uses air manipulation as an offset of telekinesis, maneuvering the air in and/or around objects she moves them to her will, including herself, enabling flight without the use of her Legion flight ring. She can also manifest her aerokinesis in strong gusts, whirlwinds, and gales. By controlling air waves, Amelie is capable of sound amplification and negation.  
Like all Legionnaires, Amelie owns a Legion flight ring, which enables flight outside of her natural metagene, provides communication between other Legionnaires, can emit light like a flashlight, and protects the wearer from the vacuum of space. The Legionnaire belt works as a cloaking device.
Amelie is unable to create her own atmosphere, she can only use the air that's already available; her powers are rendered useless in a vacuum. They’re also tied a bit closely to her emotions, she has a hard time reeling them in if her emotions get the best of her.
Amelie was first born to Sinclair and Cornelia Gwin, followed three years later by all male triplets. The Gwins lived a happy existence, making their living off the small but successful restaurant under Sinclair’s name. Amma was an active, sporty girl throughout all of elementary and middle school and from a young age was smitten with the idea of running the restaurant when she was old enough. Her parents were loving and doting of her and her brothers, but she was particularly close to her father, who was known for his jolliness and all around silliness.  
Tragedy struck the Gwins when Amma was twelve, her father was caught in the middle of an armed robbery while closing the restaurant. Sinclair was found dead at the scene. The Gwins stumbled at the sudden blow, Cornelia scrambled to not only trying to keep herself from falling apart, but console her children while keeping the business stable. Seeing her mother doing her best to keep everything cohesive, Amma did her best as the eldest of the children to comfort her brothers and help in any way she could in the restaurant.
The incident of her father’s murder molded much of her personality. She loved her father dearly and his death devastated her, but instead of allowing herself the time to grieve she took up Sinclair’s jovial disposition. She forced herself to stay strong for her family, shoving any of her own trauma down where no one could see it, and instead focused on trying to brighten everyone else’s day. 
The stress of keeping up her mask of cheeriness eventually came too much not more than a few months after Sinclair’s death. A particularly nasty crying spell came to a crux, alone in her room, Amma felt as if everything was too much and too soon, her feelings erupted. She didn’t realize the roar in her ears wasn’t just her blood rushing, but that her room had been seized by a whirlwind, ripping through posters and hurling around furniture. The noise alerted her mother, who came rushing to her daughter’s side, which proved nearly disastrous. The storm correspond to Amma’s emotions, who was now in a panic, as the wind tore the roof off and sent both Amma and Cornelia sailing through the clouds.
Amma, in what should have been a futile effort, imagined that they’d somehow make it down safely. When the force of the impact never came, the mother and daughter opened their eyes to see they were hovering unharmed over the remains of their house, the triplets staring up at them in awe.
Amma, due to the stress of grief that went unchecked, activated her own metagene.
The Gwins made their home at the restaurant, loyal customers and helpful neighbors contributed in making the place comfortable for them with generous donations. Meanwhile, Amma experimented with her new found abilities, all under the careful eye of her mother. While abilities such as her own was no longer too outside the norm in the 31st century, Amma couldn’t fight the feeling that her powers could perhaps make a difference, instead of having them just thrown under the rug as a quirk.
She developed the habit of dropping by the remaining superhero museums, Superman and the Flash, as they were the first few who came to time with abilities that helped the world. The prospect of being a hero herself was something that called her greatly, but Amma couldn’t think up a way to start. Her chance would appear however, just a little after her thirteenth birthday.
Once again roaming through the Superman Museum, Amma encountered three kids right around her age, huddled far off to the corner of the building. Experience in having three younger brothers who were more often than not up to no good, Amma tried out a new trick she had been practicing. By keeping together the air waves from their voices a longer distance, she was able to carry their conversation to where she was staying, essentially eavesdropping. What she thought was three kids potentially plotting to trash the museum was actually plan on solving the conspiracy behind the threat over billionaire, R.J Brande’s, head.
Amma practically forced herself into the conversation, much to the surprise of the other three. A Braalian with magnetic manipulation, Rokk Krinn, a Titinian telepath, Imra Ardeen and Winathian electrokinetic, Garth Ranzz. Rokk, Imra and Garth were skeptical of Amma, who shoved herself into their plans with no sense of the danger to come. She won them over however, by showing them her own abilities, namely, her flight and the ease of transportation it would bring. And so the four became a rag-tag team of heroes, coming together to save R.J Brande.
Brande was grateful for their quick-thinking and selflessness and in return now helps fund their team of defenders, The Legion of Superheroes.  
Amelie goes by Zephyr, a senior Legionnaire, and fights so that the galaxy can be safe from the likes of the Fatal Five and that no one should have to experience her loss.
Zephyr is a skilled cruiser pilot, since her abilities are void in space, she didn't want rendered useless. Her fighting style bleeds into her piloting, very quick on her reflexes.
Amma prefers to float everywhere rather than have her feet touch the ground, reason being she’s the second shortest member of the Legion and it’s hard to tell when she’s in the air.
One of the few things Amma takes with extreme caution is kitchen duty, she’s taken the title of the Legion’s Head Chef. Other Legionnaires take scheduled shifts helping her set up meals for the day. She’s surprisingly stern when it comes to the kitchen, from food preparation to cleanliness.
She’s notorious for developing inconvenient crushes, such as with a constant thorn in the Legion’s side, Mekt Ranzz, and far beyond her league, the President of United Planets, Winema Wazzo
Amma is well aware of her status as a founder, but dislikes drawing respect out through it. However, she does wish that her fellow founders took her a little more seriously, something that causes friction mostly between Cosmic Boy and herself.
She had originally named herself Gale Girl when the Legion first came to be, but with Imra, Luorno and Tinya’s hero names all ending in “Girl” as well, Amma wanted to stand out. Zephyr looks and sounds cool.
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alit0my · 4 years
You know those fanfics, 5 times (something) plus 1. So five times someone on the team taught Booker something. And since it was he who taught. (maybe with OT3) {for example: teaching a language, cooking, fighting with a sword}
hello anon! idek if you still want this fic bc its been so long... but i have finished it! no ot3 this time im afraid, just didnt fit well with where i took this... hope you enjoy!
1 - Russia, 1812
When they first found him in Russia, they barely understood one another and had to use Andromache’s passable French to communicate. The Asian woman beside her named Quynh stared at him, as if looking into his soul as he gasped out words of conversation as he recovered from another hypothermic shock. The two men were paired off, keeping a close eye on their surroundings and ignoring the conversation altogether as they did not understand.
”The first thing we will do,” Andy said, handing another wooly coat his way. ”Is teach you a language we can all speak.”
”Like hell you will. I’m to return to my family,” he replied, wrapping the coat around him tighter. Andy shook her head and huffed, glancing at Quynh beside her.
”When you return in fifty years, when your family is dead, we will teach you Russian.”
”Or you could learn better French,” Booker snapped, cursing the entire world under his breath as his limbs shook uncontrollably.
The corners of Andy’s lips curled upwards slightly.
(Back then, Booker paid no mind to this. But now, he knew it was the introduction to Andy’s competitive side.)
It was thirty-eight years later when Booker returned. Andy had gotten better at French, and Booker grumbled at the fact that he now had to learn Russian, as per their unofficial agreement.
He wasn’t half bad at Russian, but he wasn’t particularly good at it either.
~ 2 - Italy, 1850
As he returned to the group after the passing of his son, the last of his true family, Quynh pulled Booker aside and placed a bow in his hands. She watched as he pulled the bow string back slightly, testing the recoil of the weapon as if he was examining its limits. Booker was just trying to not break the thing.
Quynh was scary, and Booker did not want to mess with her.
”Now aim at the target,” she had told him, nodding her head to the tree as she placed an arrow in his other hand. ,em>”Aim, and fire.”
Booker did as he was told.
Booker missed the tree by a mile.
Quynh tutted and put her hands on her hips, before taking another arrow out of the quiver on her back.
”Try again,” she said, almost encouragingly. ”We have time. I’ll make sure you can handle a bow almost as good as me.”
Booker ended up being half as good as Quynh, which they both saw as an achievement.
(He could never be as good at archery as Quynh, but it was the thought that counted at the time. Really, Booker should have been grateful for the distraction.)
~ 3 - Japan, 1894
Nicky was sitting at the kitchen table cleaning his sniper rifle when Booker walked in, still half asleep. Pausing in his tracks, Booker rubbed at his eyes and looked at the weapon on the table, never having really seen it out of its case which Nicky kept stored under his bed in their various safehouses.
Nicky looked up at locked eyes with the youngest, beckoning him over to sit beside him.
”I will show you how to clean this, and then if you want, how to use it,” Nicky said, picking up the scope and rubbing the rag gently across the glass. Booker nodded and watched silently before Nicky handed him a part and a new rag. ”Gently, don’t rush or you may scratch the metal.”
Booker wasn’t sure how a piece of cloth would scratch metal, but he dared not say. Nicky was allowing him into his space, to help clean his most prized possession.
When the weapon was cleaned, Nicky showed Booker how to reassemble the rifle before picking it up and beckoning him outside.
”We will set up here, and I will teach you how to shoot,” Nicky explained as he set up the tripod that would hold the barrel steady. ”Come, look down the scope.”
Booker could not see a thing, and Nicky gently nudged his head until he gasped, suddenly seeing the tin can in the distance.
”Now line it up, and shoot.”
Booker missed, but Nicky’s eyes gleamed.
(It was something that Booker looked back on fondly as he sat in his French apartment surrounded by booze.)
~ 4 - Egypt, 1948
”Where is your sword, Booker?” Joe exclaimed whenever they were gearing up for a mission. Booker looked at him then the others, who all had a sword strapped to their bodies whereas he only had an assault rifle and a handgun.
”I.. Don’t have one?”
Joe scoffed. ”I will change that. When we are done I will teach you how to wield a sword.”
Booker objected, which fell upon dead ears as the team went back to gathering their gear. Furrowing his brow, Booker looked down at his assault rifle and started to feel anxious. Was knowing how to wield a sword some kind of necessity to be in this strange team of immortals?
(He found out later, the next day in fact, when Joe had woken him up at the break of dawn with his scimitar in one hand and a longsword in the other. Joe was always the early riser, and the most energetic. Booker missed him the most.)
”Here, I will train you the art of the sword,” Joe smiled, but Booker could see the excitement shining through his eyes. ”Try to strike me.”
Booker looked at him incredulously, but swung the blade at him.
He ended up on his ass with Joe standing above him, scimitar pressed lightly on his throat.
”You take too big of a swing, leaves too much gap for the enemy to strike,” Joe explained, removing the weapon from Booker’s neck and holding a hand out to help him up. ”This will be fun. Bonding, if you will.”
”Joe, no one even uses swords anymore?”
Booker ended up on his ass again, in record time.
~ +1 - France, 2020
Booker hadn’t heard from them in six months, as per their non-contact rule, but he hadn’t expected a package to arrive at his front door with his alias on it. Curious, he placed his glass of water (which still tasted of whiskey from the night before) on the counter and picked up the box, setting it down on his kitchen table.
He stared at it for a while, not sure what to make of it as he decided to rip open the box before he could change his mind. Inside were a bunch of letters each with his name written in different handwriting, a few pictures and five small magnets that represented each member of the team.
Booker picked up the first letter from Andy, skimming through the words quickly before the tears fell on the paper and ruined it for good.
’...miss you Book…...Nile’s idea to……..considered your biological family……….struggling to cope……..should have listened to you more, and for that I’m so sorry. You taught me that there is more to life than what we do, and I should have seen that back in the 1800’s and not belittled you for it. I love you Book, see you soon.’
Quynh’s letter was short as sweet, but mainly contained phrases in many languages calling him a dumbass and pictures of him practising with the bow.
’Next time, maybe try to be a perfect shot before you decide to cross us you moron…….I hope you have improved with your bow I gave you, oh wait you left it in England and some historian took it to the museum because it is so ancient…..You better get me my bow back you absolute- Nile has been reading over my shoulder this whole time and now I’m going to write some good things about you…
‘How to start? What is good about you, Booker? You reminded me that not everyone is good at something first go, and that they deserve the effort and time you put into them. You ended up being a good shot and it only took you ten years! The others took twice as long. We will have a competition when you return, so keep those archery skills sharp, my friend.’
The next letter was from both Joe and Nicky, and Booker smiled softly to himself. Never to be separated, those two, and he was a fool to think otherwise.
’Nicky does not want to write you a letter, so I will write for both of us. This was Nile’s idea, sending you this little ‘care-package’ as she called it, but do not think this is an olive branch. We are grateful for you, Book, and since you turned up our lives have been somewhat exciting. Our separate and joint experiences in teaching you things has brought us both enjoyable memories, and though somewhat tainted by your actions, upon your return we would like to teach you more new things as we teach Nile. Maybe you might actually improve on your skills for once.
We both love you dearly.’
Booker sniffled and separated the picture enclosed within the letter. It was a capture of when Nicky was teaching him how to cook proper spaghetti bolognese, after he found out that Booker was using jar sauce and packet pasta. Booker remembered getting scolded all night in Italian, and when he told Nicky he understood, the response he got was ”Good. I should hope so."
Nile didn’t write a letter, but she didn’t need to write one. They only knew each other for two weeks before shit hit the fan and Booker was sent away. Instead, in Nile’s envelope was a tiny slip of paper with a phone number on it, along with some fliers for activities to do around Paris.
’Call me anytime, I’m here to chat. Also, don’t mope about for a hundred years, do something! Learn a new skill! (Okay, that might be hard but just do it, maybe bake some sourdough? You love that stuff!)’
Booker took the magnets out of the box, walked over to his fridge and placed them in a circle with a small click!, his heart panging every time.
Bow and arrow, two swords, a labrys, and a handgun with a US flag.
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blueskymovies · 3 years
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A film, also called a movie, motion picture or moving picture, is a work of visual art used to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or atmosphere through the use of moving images. These images are generally accompanied by sound, and more rarely, other sensory stimulations.[1] The word """"cinema"""", short for cinematography, is often used to refer to filmmaking and the film industry, and to the art form that is the result of it.
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Its and Jeremy Camp (K.J. Apa) is a youthful and hopeful performer who might want just to respect his God through the intensity of music. Leaving his Indiana home for the hotter atmosphere of California and a school or college training, Jeremy before long comes Bookmark this site across one Melissa Heing (Britt Robertson), an individual college understudy that he takes sees in the crowd at a nearby show. Bookmark this site Falling for cupid’s bolt promptly, he acquaints himself with her and rapidly finds that she really is pulled in to him as well. Notwithstanding, Melissa keeps away from shaping a sprouting relationship as she fears it’ll make an abnormal circumstance among Jeremy and their common companion, Jean-Luc (Nathan Parson), an individual artist and who additionally offers feeling for Melissa. In any case, Jeremy is persevering as he continued looking for her until they in the long run cut off up in a caring dating association. In any case, their energetic romance Bookmark this sitewith the other individual includes a stop when life-threating updates on Melissa having malignant growth becomes the dominant focal point. The determination never really discourage Jeremey’s affection for her and the couple inevitably weds presently. Howsoever, they before long wind up strolling a brilliant line between a coexistence and enduring by her Bookmark this siteillness; with Jeremy scrutinizing his confidence in music, himself, and with God himself.
A television program that shows food introduction in a kitchen TV studio. During the time of this program, the show’s host, who is regularly a big name gourmet expert, plans at least one dishes during the time of the scene. The gourmet expert takes the review crowd through the food’s motivation, readiness, and phases of cooking. likewise called “cel (short for celluloid) movement”, this is among the most established liveliness subgenres. Essentially, it is a method of energizing an animation by drawing and painting envisions yourself. Each drawing or painting is an alternate edge of activity, so when they are flipped or placed in arrangement at the correct speed, they give the fantasy of development. Models are Beauty and the Beast and Spirited Away. A story with respect to a beast, animal or freak that threatens individuals. Generally, it fits in to the repulsiveness kind, for instance, Mary Shelley’s epic Frankenstein. Shelley’s Frankenstein is ordinarily additionally considered the main sci-fi story (organic science reviving the dead), yet it presents an immense “animal”. Other clear Monster stories are of the animals of legends and tale: the Vampire, the Ghoul, the Werewolf, the Zombie, and so on Creatures, for example, that portrayed in Karloff’s The Mummy would likewise qualify.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time.[1][2][3][4][5] The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself.[6][7][8] A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States.
Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders.[citation needed][9][10][11][12] These rights frequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution.[13]
Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights are inconsistent.[14]
Typically, the public law duration of a copyright expires 50 to 100 years after the creator dies, depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries require certain copyright formalities[5] to establishing copyright, others recognize copyright in any completed work, without a formal registration.
It is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity. However, Parc argues that contrary to prevailing beliefs, imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further. This argument has been supported
by many examples such as Millet and Van Gogh, Picasso, Manet, and Monet, etc.[15]
As referenced, I Still Believe is coordinated by the Erwin Brothers (Andrew and Jon), whose past executive works incorporate such Movies like Moms’ PARTICULAR DATE, Woodlawn, and I COULD Only Imagine. Given their partiality fascination strict based Christian films, the Erwin Brothers appear to be much the same as an appropriate decision in presenting to Jeremy Camp’s story to a realistic portrayal; moving toward the material with a specific sort of gentBookmark this siteleness and truthfulness to the procedures. Much like I COULD Only Imagine, the Erwin Brothers shape the component around the life of a well known Christian artist; introducing his humble begiings and the entirety of the hardships that he should look en route, while melodic tunes/performaBookmark this sitence mulling over significance of the film’s account story movement. Saying this doesn’t imply that that the film isn’t without its heavier minutes, with the Erwin, who (once more) know about strict hints topics inside their undertakings, outline I Still Believe convincing messages of adoration, misfortune, and recovery, which (as usual) are very crucial to watch and experience throBookmark this siteugh misfortune.
This even addresses the film’s content, which was peed by Erwin siblings playing twofold obligation on the undertaking, which has a lot of sincere emotional minutes that may surely pull on the heartstrings of certain watchers out there along with give to be a significant drawing in story of going directly through misfortune and difficulty and finding a reclamation circular segment to get away from it. That is particularly made bounteously clear when working with a deadly ailment that is like what Melissa goes through in the film, which is pretty all inclusive and intelligent in everybody’s reality, with the Erwin Brothers painting the agonizing excursion that Melissa brings with Jeremy close by, who must sort out some way to adapt to agony of a friend or family member. There is a “twofold edge” blade to the film’s content, yet I’ll specify that underneath. Get the job done to express, the film settles rapidly in to the recognizable example of a strict religious component that, while not actually cleaned or unique, could be the “comfort food” to a few; anticipating a healthy message of confidence, expectation, and love. By and by, I didn’t know about Jeremy Camp and the account of he and Melissa Heing, so it was a significant impactful excursion that was contributed unfurling through the whole film’s procedures. As a side-note, the film is a lttle bit a “tragedy”, so for people who inclined to crying during these emotional ardent motion pictures… .get your tissues out."
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bungod-hearth · 4 years
I adore your swap AU & had some questions if that is OK. 1: Did Luz have any trouble with Eda's parents in letting her move in? 2: Is she still friends & got a similar relationship to canon with Gus & Willow? 3: What's her Palisman, Owlbert or does she have an original? 4: does she have a portal to the human world or are both she & Belos looking for that? 5: Does she have any Glyph jewelry, or still utilize mostly paper & her staff? 6: Would she defeat then befriend those trying to arrest her XD
Hey there!! I'm glad you liked it so much you got curious and I'm more than happy to answer!💕💕
I'll put everything under the cut cause it's long as fuck sorry
1- that's something I'm actually working through! Since we still don't know basically anything about Eda's family and how they reacted after the curse (except for Lilith obviously), Eda kind of runs away from home after getting cursed, looking for this mysterious lonely witch who knows a different way to use magic, but I'm still not sure if she actually comes back home to tell her parents she has a mentor that could help her or if she leaves that duty to Lilith after assuring her she's gonna be okay with Luz (because Lilith will absolutely be the first to look for and also find Eda). I'm mostly imagining her parents as lively- cause both Eda and Lily have quite the temper even if Lily tries to hide it- but still somewhat attached to the rules and traditions given by the Emperor, and having your most talented child cursed in a way that hinders her magic in a world where magic is literally everything... yikes. But the idea of her finding someone who could actually help her even if not through a cure for the curse could be something easy to accept all things considered, despite living far from them. This part is still a work in progress, but maybe we'll get more info on the Clawthorne parents next season!
2- Willow and Gus are definitely still Luz best friends and they got to know each other in a very similar manner as in canon! Luz still found her way into Hexside when she got on the Boiling Isles and they all went to school together. Same goes for Amity, Bosha, Skaara, Viney etc..., but in particular the relationship with Amity takes longer to develop also cause I’m a sucker for slowburn
3- Owlbert is still Eda's palisman and she'll get him while under Luz's tutelage! Luz instead has her own staff, but I'm deciding on the palisman itself cause there's several options:
no Palisman, only magical staff that's a bit weaker than others due to that, because Luz still doesn't feel like she deserves it as a "real" witch/doesn't have such a connection with the Isles like others born there/didn't felt particularly drawn to any creature and decided to wait. But she gets her Palisman as well later, influenced by Eda: a snowy owl, an ashy-faced owl, or a burrowing owl. Snowy Owl -> mostly bc fitting Azura's white aesthetic Ashy Faced Owl -> I think the most well known owl species of the Dominican Republic, with its peculiar gray colored face Burrowing Owl -> have you seen these guys they're damn adorable and tinyyyyyy- (also another species found in the Dominican Republic actually)
A black cat Palisman, since they're the most common and stereotypical symbol for witches and it would totally be in character for Luz to go "uehuehe kitty". Also because of her hoodie if yall want to count that.
A black dog/hound, one of the goddess Hecate sacred animals, the one representing loyalty obviously and the emotive part of magic and energy. In general I think dogs fit Luz well tho.
Some... mystical or mythological creature of some kind? Cause Luz realizes she can go hogwild with her palisman and thus frees her imagination.
Otter. With a dark side ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
4- the portal to the human world got lost in some way after Luz arrived in the Boiling Isles! That's why she's stranded there and hasn't seen her mom in more than 25 years :) I don't have the details yet since, again, we have so little information on the portal itself! Why in canon Eda's the one who has it? Was it in her parents possession or she found it in the Night Market or something? Where does it come from originally?? Hell if we know. This obviously becomes a bit of a problem for my au cause it influences how Luz arrived in the Isles in the first place. Could it be a random human treasures smuggler who accidentally brought her there? Did the Emperor/Emperor's Coven had it and things got out of hand? Or maybe the Clawthorne, or even the Blight family, got it? The only thing I'm sure of is that yes, both Luz and Belos are actively looking for it, for different reasons of course, and that hypothetically in the au story it will jump up again, and there will be drama and angst.
5- Luz definitely upgraded her glyph craft!! She experimented and honed both glyphs and skills through the years, finding new glyphs, different combinations, variations and applications, and is now super prepared, enough to keep up with the Emperor's coven squads that try to capture her- and Amity. She kind of adapts to the situation so her equipment isn't every day 100% the same, but the casting methods are similar: carved jewelry and accessories, embroidered fabrics, runestones, she even made her own (mono use) stickers! Naturally, these objects aren't infinitely durable and using them consumes them physically and energetically, but depending on the material and size they vary in durability and power. Though, the trusted notepad and pencil are always there in some pocket, along with some already-drawn papers for emergencies. She also got a couple of tattoos that include glyphs, one of which is a light spell, obviously, but it's a more risky way of casting since it uses her own physical energy, so the glyphs themselves are small. Both Gus and Willow got one as well! and Amity too but it's technically a secret
6- oh you know she will lmao I mean, she's not Steven Universe, but she is observant and a good person, and understands that sometimes certain situations, events, upbringing and generally education cough Emperor propaganda cough bring people to do bad stuff. This won't stop her from smacking to the ground and eventually punch if she runs out of glyphs whoever tries to hurt her or her loved ones. If they show regret and/or understand what they're doing is wrong, changing their ways, she might concede her forgiveness, but otherwise they're gonna eat the dust. I think she knows every member of Amity's squad by name tho?? And she kinda has fun escaping law, so the fights can go like "Hey Steve, I heard you're a dad now! Congrats dude!! If you want I can make you explode a little so you can stay home and play with the baby beast!" or "Wait, you guys don't even have dental?? You should have told me, I would have aimed lower!"
With Amity is a whole other thing, the romantic tension between them is so thick the rest of the team feels like they're intruding something every time for f sake
Whew, I think I answered everything? Thank you for taking interest in this little thing of mine! I also have answered another couple of asks about the au before, you can to check out the toh swap au tag on my blog if you want!
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3rdgymbros · 4 years
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𝓑𝓲𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
Name: Ruby Corentin
Nicknames: Munchkin
Name meaning: Ruby is a predominantly feminine given name taken from the name of the gemstone ruby. The name of the gemstone comes from the Latin ruber, meaning red. Corentin means "hurricane" in Breton.
Gender: Female
Birthday: 25 August
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Age: ?
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Red
Homeland: Munchkin Land
Family: None.
Quote: “Ordinary? I’ve never been an ordinary girl. I do bleed, but the pain goes away fast; how can anything like that be called ordinary?”
𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓡𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓰𝓮 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓕𝓲𝓵𝓮
Dorm: Oznitus ( a fandorm created by @gtfolingling​ )
School Year: First 
Class: 1-C ; Student no. 17
Occupation: Student
Club: Horseback Riding Club
Best Subject: Practical Magic
Special Skill: Getting into trouble, getting out of trouble, lock-picking
𝓕𝓾𝓷 𝓕𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼
Inspired by: The ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz
Dominant hand: Right
Favourite Colours: Red, silver, gold
Favourite Food: Junk foods, desserts
Least Favourite Food: Bland food, vegetables
Likes: Fashion, window shopping, vintage designs, thrift shops, museums, libraries, starry nights, cafes, high places
Dislikes: Being cooped up, boredom, people trying to control her, needles, hospitals, small spaces, the smell of incense
Hobbies and Talents: Exploring, horse-riding, trying new things, cafe-hopping, looking for fun things to do, hanging out with friends
𝓟𝓱𝔂𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓼
Appearance: Despite her status, she takes on the appearance of a young girl. She has pale skin, and long red hair styled loosely after a hime cut; heavy bangs frame her face, with straightened forelocks that reach her chin. Part of her hair has been gathered into a braid, but otherwise hangs free to her waist. A black hair ribbon also adorns her hair.
Style: A very trendy girl, her casual outfits reflect her taste in fashion as well, and are reminiscent of Korean street fashion, with a feminine touch. Examples can be found here and here. It should be noted that whatever outfit she wears, she will always be found wearing a pair of red shoes.
Makeup: Goes barefaced, except for a dab of pale pink lipgloss.
Body type: Slim of waist, and slight of frame, with an average-sized chest.
Voice actress: Nakashima Yuki ( Samples of her vocals can be found here and here. )
Personality: Cheerful and high-spirited, Ruby is a playful, active and generally positive girl who always finds something to be excited or passionate about. She easily makes friends and gets along with everyone, regardless of their personality. She can be a rather chaotic individual, as she’s always searching for something fun to do, and is very easily caught up in trouble. She is also extremely curious and easily amazed, charmed by new things she discovers in the world around her.
She can be blunt sometimes, throwing out barbed remarks when annoyed and pushed past her limits; this most likely happens when someone insults her dorm and her friends. She also has no qualms with chiding or insulting someone if she feels that they are underperforming, or if they are not meeting her standards. However, if asked to, or if the person in question looks particularly upset, Ruby will apologise. 
During the rare times that she engages in battle, Ruby is brutal, and she seems almost like a different, darker, person. She becomes sadistic and cold-hearted, going berserk and destroying everything and everyone in her path. A smile will play upon her face as she toys with her opponent, her laughter ringing out high and clear over the sounds of battle. It should be noted that hearing Theo Westcott’s voice is able to snap her out of her bloodlust in battle.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strengths: Curious, loyal, optimistic, honest, brave, determined, energetic, playful, high-spirited, affectionate
Flaws: Reckless, impulsive, little regard for her own safety, blunt, sadistic in battle, sharp-tongued, has trouble understanding people at times
An immortal being, originally from Munchkin land, Ruby was worshipped by a coven of dark witches as their deity and her powers used to solidify their control over the land. Ruby would grow up in a sheltered environment; everything she wanted was given to her, but she was essentially imprisoned in the house and in her room, looking longingly upon the outside world, wishing to experience life as she knew it. 
This changed when the coven was overthrown; Ruby would then be transferred into the care of a coven of good witches, who would then raise her as their own, acting as her guardians, teaching her magic spells and social etiquette. Ruby would be later sent to Night Raven College to keep her safe from the other dark witches, who wish to use her for their own nefarious purposes once again, and so that she would be able to have a somewhat normal life. 
However, Ruby has only a vague memory of her time as a deity; she only remembers bars on the walls of her room, along with the smell of incense. 
Ruby has an immense amount of magical power, although she very rarely fights, and even more rarely, fights to her fullest capacity. She is fond of using her magic to manipulate crystals. Mages use crystal magic for its defensive power, creating walls with high resistance, and its offensive power, creating large crystal pillars to injure opponents.
Crystal Flowers: Upon casting the spell, a series of sharp crystals rise from the ground, forming the shape of a flower. The crystal is sharp enough to easily cut through the user's targets. Additionally, the user can summon the crystals in any location they desire. Due to the sheer size of the spell, the user can attack multiple targets at once.
Crystal Shield: A crystal barrier is manifested, protecting the caster from harm.
Unique Magic: There’s No Place Like Home. When this magic is activated, the user can manipulate space by creating portals. In battle, it can be used to return attacks back to an opponent, to move allies into advantageous positions, and to warp enemies out of battle or into attacks.
Theos Westcott (gtfolingling): Ruby is completely undeterred by his reputation and powers, seeing him as her dorm head and a good friend as well. Her smiles come free and easy when she’s around him, and she tries to rope him into joining in the activities and fun, inviting him along to partake in her mischief. Ruby will even listen to his muttering, nodding along, and adding her own input whenever she can. On nights that she has trouble sleeping, Ruby will pad out of her room to see if Theo is awake and gaming; if he is, she’ll plop down beside him with a yawn and keep him company into the early hours of the morning.
Evett Easten (gtfolingling): Ruby sees him as an older brother figure of sorts, pouting when he tells her to stop fooling around. Outwardly, she’ll claim that his nagging is annoying, but she inwardly finds herself relishing in the attention, and the feeling of being cared for and looked out for. She often comes to him to request help for household chores, or to ask him questions about the school, and humans in general. She’s also learned a few curse words, thanks to being around him for lengthy periods of time, though she doesn’t use vulgarities as frequently as he does.
Mika Norwurde (gtfolingling): She enjoys accompanying him on his pranks, and often partakes in the chaos that he creates, laughing right along as she watches the situation. Ruby finds it easy to get pulled along into his pace, and considers him a good friend, along with a partner in crime. Many of his videos and pictures feature her, either in the background or as the main attraction.
Primrose Ochre (toadodoki): Seeing as how they both hail from the same land, it is inevitable that Prim has heard rumours about Ruby. Ruby, however, has no memory of her time with the dark coven, and can’t quite understand why her dorm mate is so wary of her, though she does her best to befriend Prim, being quite persistent when she wants to be. Ruby also does her best to watch out for Prim, and is all too eager to fight in her place, or stand up for her if need be, knowing how unassertive she can be.
Madoc Vandris (xvi-jumper): She finds herself being unable to relate to his family struggles, but at the same time, a small part of her finds herself sympathetic and understanding. His calm presence might even rub off on Ruby, who is practically a ball of energy at the best of times. She would also probably enjoy watching him use his magic, and watching him bring objects to life.
Lilia Vanrouge: She feels a sense of familiarity with him, but can’t fathom why; though, unbeknownst to her, Lilia has seen her before as well, during her days as a deity. She finds his company pleasant enough and can be seen in the Diasomnia dorm with him, as they talk late into the night.
Malleus Draconia: The most powerful mage in the school, this fact has not escaped Ruby, who is eager to pit her powers against his. Other than that, she is on rather good terms with him, considering how often she visits the Diasomnia dorm.
Much like Lilia, there are pictures of her in the history textbook; although she looks wildly different. Her eyes are dark and sad, and she seems a lifeless doll, dressed in gold silks trimmed with lace, and her hair pulled back into an elaborate knot at the base of her neck.
Her most prized possession is the black ribbon she’s always seen with. She promised that she would be good whenever she wears the ribbon, and, as such, takes it off before embarking on mischief.
She has the ability to convince people into doing things by using her cute “puppy dog eyes”.
She is also bad at doing household chores and cooking.
She is also bad at doing household chores and cooking, although she claims that Lilia has been teaching her how to cook.
She likes collecting hair ribbons, even if she doesn’t wear all of them. 
Her shoes are all in varying shades of red.
She is afraid of ghosts.
She enjoys leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Her body is also very flexible, and she is capable of doing somersaults and backflips with ease.
Due to her immortal status, she places little concern on her own welfare, seeing as how she can heal quickly. That being said, she has no qualms about using her own body as a shield if need be.
Theos and Evett both call her ‘Munchkin’, to which Ruby responds with puffed cheeks, and an angry pout.
The nickname has started spreading around the school, much to Ruby’s dismay. However, she absolutely refuses to answer when other people call her that. Her other nickname is “The Smiling Monster”, owing to how she always smiles, even in the thick of battle.
She has trouble sleeping at night; she can never remember her dreams, only that she wakes up frightened, on the verge of tears and drenched in sweat.
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ukiyoeunoia · 3 years
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information and statistics for feliciano martinez
including an in-depth personality analysis
Full name: Feliciano Efraim Martinez Nicknames: Chano, Murcielago, Mercy Age: physically 36, officially unknown Date of Birth: Unofficially April 4th, 1983 (10pm), officially unknown Hometown: Ermita de los Correa, Zacatecas, MX Current location: Salem, MA Ethnicity: Mexican/Celestial Nationality: Mexican Gender: nonbinary male (he/him) Sexuality: Pansexual, Homoromantic Religion: None Political Affiliation: Unaffiliated Occupation: Retired reaper & notorious hitman, bouncer, hunter, private security Languages spoken: Latin, English, Spanish, Portuguese Accent: Mexican-American
Face Claim: Manny Montana Hair Colour: Darkest Brown, kept short Eye Colour: Brown Weight: 170lbs Height: 6′1 Build: Lean Athletic Tattoos: Various, most notably a large bat on the front of his throat.  Piercings: None
Label: The Merciless Positive Traits: +attentive, determined, dauntless, quick-witted, protective, intellectual Negative Traits: - sarcastic, cunning, insensitive, volatile, cocky, reclusive Goals/Desires: none?? he doesn’t care about human shit. Fears: none. lel Hobbies: what are hobbies? people watching, smoking, philosophizing, picking bar fights, torture sometimes, on a milder note: pranks
Father: none. Mother: lucifer. Sibling(s): none. Children: reyna, plenty others. open slots (UNLIMITED). the man is the nick cannon of demons really Pet(s): none, might consider it.
Zodiac Sign: Aries - “Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and Aries natives are the first to start--and the first to finish--whatever they set out to do. Aries is an active, energetic sign. People with Sun in Aries are direct, straightforward, and uncomplicated. They expect the same from others, and are baffled when they don't always get it. The body comes first with Aries. Sun in Aries people are natural athletes. At the very least, their natural inclination is to use their bodies to get things done. They're not given to long, drawn-out emotional moments; nor are they big on planning ahead. Instead, they live their lives simply. What is happening right now is most important to Aries. Impatience is a definite vice, and innovation is a huge strength.” MBTI: ESTP-A - The Entrepreneur. “Theory, abstract concepts and plodding discussions about global issues and their implications don’t keep Entrepreneurs interested for long. Entrepreneurs keep their conversation energetic, with a good dose of intelligence, but they like to talk about what is – or better yet, to just go out and do it. Entrepreneurs leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and escape clauses. Entrepreneurs are the likeliest personality type to make a lifestyle of risky behavior. They live in the moment and dive into the action – they are the eye of the storm. People with the Entrepreneur personality type enjoy drama, passion, and pleasure, not for emotional thrills, but because it’s so stimulating to their logical minds. They are forced to make critical decisions based on factual, immediate reality in a process of rapid-fire rational stimulus response.“ Alignment: True Neutral - “A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil-after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she's not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way.“ Enneagram: Type 8 - The Challenger. “We have named personality type Eight The Challenger because, of all the types, Eights enjoy taking on challenges themselves as well as giving others opportunities that challenge them to exceed themselves in some way. Eights are charismatic and have the physical and psychological capacities to persuade others to follow them into all kinds of endeavors—from starting a company, to rebuilding a city, to running a household, to waging war, to making peace.Eights have enormous willpower and vitality, and they feel most alive when they are exercising these capacities in the world. They use their abundant energy to effect changes in their environment—to “leave their mark" on it—but also to keep the environment, and especially other people, from hurting them and those they care about. At an early age, Eights understand that this requires strength, will, persistence, and endurance—qualities that they develop in themselves and which they look for in others.“ Celtic Tree: Alder - “People born under the sign of the Alder love to travel and strike out on their own. They're quite brave and competitive. They're quite funny, but become angry easily. They make great parents and entrepreneurs.“ Temperament: Choleric - “Choleric people are very savvy, analytical, and logical. Extremely practical and straightforward, they aren’t necessarily good companions or particularly friendly.They dislike small talks and enjoy deep and meaningful conversations. They would rather be alone than in the company of shallow, superficial people.Ideally, they want to spend time with people who have similar professional interests.” Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw - “Ravenclaws possess the traits of cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Many well-known inventors and innovators have come from Ravenclaw. Students in Ravenclaw are noted for their individuality and acceptance of people and things that others would consider weird, as well as their outstanding intelligence. They can also be quirky and possess unusual intellectual interests. While others may be inclined to shun and ridicule such people, Ravenclaws generally accept and celebrate these eccentrics. Though they are often called stuck up, that is not the case.” Primary Vice: Wrath - “Wrath (Latin: ira) can be defined as uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage, and even hatred. Wrath often reveals itself in the wish to seek vengeance. In its purest form, wrath presents with injury, violence, and hate that may provoke feuds that can go on for centuries. Wrath may persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. Feelings of wrath can manifest in different ways, including impatience, hateful misanthropy, revenge, and self-destructive behavior, such as drug abuse or suicide.“ Primary Virtue: Diligence “Diligence—carefulness and persistent effort or work—is one of the seven heavenly virtues. It is indicative of a work ethic, the belief that work is good in itself.” Element: Water - “Your priority in life: Freedom. You prefer to “flow” rather than be confined to tightly scheduled, highly structured days. Water people crave the ability to come and go as they please, and to do what feels right as the mood presents itself. Your secret to success: Creativity. You’re a creative thinker with an unusual approach to anything you do, and thus can bring new advances in your field. Water people are nonconformists who think outside the box and don’t care about others’ opinions of them.”
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fizzingwizard · 5 years
so I actually don’t remember seeing the Digimon Adventure profiles listed on this site before. :o
They look familiar to me - tbh they read a lot like character profiles as they might have been shown when Adventure was first airing. A lot of it’s right from the first 13 episodes. I have most likely seen these before, and I’m certain the mega fans out there have done these already, but still there were tidbits I’d totally forgotten about!
So even if this wasn’t that last anon’s request, I’m gonna translate them. At the very least, it’s a nostalgia blast!
He's a "I don't like studying but I'm up for all physical activity!" athletic young boy. He's the super active type whose his body moves faster than his mouth. Sometimes he overdoes it and fails, but he never lets it get him down, and optimistically leads his friends on with his inherent courage and energy. He's in the soccer club at his elementary school, where he is their ace striker in spite of being a fifth grader.
“Anyway, let’s go! It’s no use just waiting around here!”
An energetic girl with short-cut hair. She doesn't wear skirts and always dresses boyishly. She's got great reflexes and made a "two top" formation with Taichi in the soccer club. But while strong-willed like a guy on the one hand, on the other she's sensitive and considerate of her friends, so she often winds up with a sisterly role in the ragtag group.
"Hey, don't just get all relaxed like that. I'm not going to take responsibility here."
A cool kid who does well in both school and sports. His parents divorced three years ago, and now he and his father are living together. Perhaps because he has a strong sense of responsibility and is overly serious, he tends to be a bit cautious during their adventure in the digital world. Maybe for that reason, he often gets into conflicts with intuitive Taichi. He’s also overprotective of his younger brother Takeru, who lives with their mother. His special skill is playing the harmonica.
“I’m saying we should wait and take stock of the situation for a while! Everyone’s tired!”
A boy who’s always carrying around his notebook computer and whose number one hobby is using the Internet. He’s very inquisitive, and when he comes a cross a puzzle he becomes totally absorbed in trying to solve it. But when he becomes too engrossed he can miss other problems or dangers in front of him, so he sometimes offends people. He isn’t great with socializing and always refers to everyone as “-san.” He swears he’s bad at physical activity (but is he?).
“Maybe we can solve the mystery. What this world is, who you are...”
She's the number one prettiest girl in Koushirou's class. Basically, she's a soft-hearted, young lady-type who everyone likes, but having been raised in a wealthy family without any cares, she can be a little selfish and irrepsonsibile. She hasn't known hardship, so when something bad happens she has a bad habit of quickly crying about it and relying on someone else. To be plain, she's not very useful, but she has an innocent personality that oddly no one can hate.
"I hate this! I'm going home!"
A reliable, serious honors student. Born into an elite family, his future goal is to enter a first-class university. He’s the oldest of the group, so he always feels an obligation to bring the others together as the leader. But due to his indecisiveness and lack of skills, the reality often is it’s emotions only that are spinning his wheels, and he looks like a fool to the others.
"I have to be be strong. I have to bring everyone together."
Yamato's little brother. Since their parents’ divorce, he’s been living with his mother. Because of that, he really adores Yamato, and believes that everything will be okay as long as his brother is here. Although his personality is kind and honest, sometimes he listens to Taichi over his overprotective brother and unknowingly annoys Yamato.
"Yeah! It's summer vacation, so I came to my brother's place to play!"
Taichi's little sister and the eighth Chosen Child. She was supposed to go to camp with the others and journey in the Digimon's world, but she had to stay home due to a cold and was the only one left behind in the real world. Usually she's very kind and cares about her brother, but when a terrible adversary appears she has an inner strength that doesn't waver.
"He's very kind, my big brother."
I’m gonna do the partner Digimon too, but only the bits that I haven’t seen much before, since usually it’s the same stuff regurgitated again and again.
Agumon: He (probably?) inherited his quickfire personality from Taichi, often fighting recklessly to protect him. But he's usually easy and carefree, and the other humans besides often Taichi treat him with friendship.
“I... I will protect Taichi!”
Piyomon: She likes to be coddled, and loves her partner Sora. Her personality is honest and she feels sad when scolded by Sora.  She's really not so good at flying, and always competes with Patamon who's at a similar level.
“As long as Sora’s here, I’m not worried!”
Gabumon: He acts tough around his fellow Digimon and humans, but inside he's quite shy, and never takes off his Garurumon pelt (so his real face is a secret).
(When someone tries to take off his fur) “Ah, don’t ever do that!”
Tentomon: His relaxed and friendly personality with everyone maybe makes a surprisingly good combination with Koushirou, who is not good at socializing at all. He keeps up a running commentary as if he knows a lot about Digimon, but there is some good information thrown in. For some reason he speaks in Kansai dialect.
"I’ve never seen a legend before, so I don't know."
Palmon: Her personality clearly shows her emotions and she tends to go at her own pace. Also the way she likes to be spoiled resembles Mimi a lot. Depending on her mood, she can emit different scents from the flower on her head, and she can extend her leaf-like arms to photosynthesize.
“That’s right. Feet that are like roots are great!”
Gomamon: When he gets angry, the red fur on his hair bristles... He's a rascal who meddles with everything he sees, so of course he plays around without really listening to Jou either.
"It's okay, when push comes to shove, I'll help you out."
Patamon: He is particularly amenable compared to other Digimon, and bravely does what he is told. He can fly using his ears, but only at one kilometer an hour, so walking is actually much faster.
“I can fly, look!”
Tailmon: Although it's hard to imagine it based on her cute appearance, but she can take out Greymon and the others light as bean bags... Perhaps because she was in command of the Digimon unit [under Vamdemon]. she sometimes speaks to her fellow Digimon in a commanding tone like a strong-willed older sister.
"My training was different from yours. Alright, let's go, Patamon!"
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mimiorzea · 4 years
2, 7, 14, 21, 23, 24, 35, 40 for goth dragon dad (2/3)
(in reference to [this ask meme]!)
2) Who do they look to for guidance?
when Chiyo was still alive, it was very common for Khaizo to have sort of mental “conversations” with himself on what he thought Tama would do in a given situation. he wanted to maintain a sense of Tama's presence in Chiyo's life, so honoring what he thought Tama would have wanted with her was important to him; he also spent a lot of his time in those years feeling lost, especially in the beginning, so this idea that he might be able to "talk to her" and imagine her guidance on any number of things was something he leaned on a lot.
after Chiyo died, he felt (among countless other things) that he had failed Tama by failing to protect their daughter, which meant that he spent a lot of time instead feeling too ashamed to take comfort in or consult his memory of Tama for guidance the way he used to. thus, in the years since, that memory -- of what she might say, of her voice, etc. -- has slowly eroded and grown more distant.
on a less serious note, he also quite respects Percevains, his much older coworker, and even Walcher, an older local alchemist he knows. although his advancing age and reclusive nature means he interacts with increasingly less of his "elders," he still has a reflexive respect for them, perhaps ingrained by his upbringing. it's questionable whether Khaizo would ever go asking these individuals for life advice, but should they offer it to him, he will often at least seriously consider it out of respect for their greater experience.
(he also, in acknowledging Liloie's close relationship with her own daughter, eventually comes to consult her for guidance on navigating difficult circumstances with Yesugen.)
7) Any family scandals? Does your character know about them?
gosh. the answer here is "yes, probably," but i haven't thought of any specifically.
Khaizo got more exposure to his mother's side of the family, which also had some significant notoriety in his tribe, so any scandals he was aware of probably came from that side. his mother's decision to marry a man from the Ura tribe -- especially one who didn't stand out for his hunting proficiency, one of the Khatayin's most valued standards of excellence -- was shocking and likely talked about as a point of gossip, but wasn't necessarily a scandal. the fact that his uncle eventually took up the bow instead of continuing the family tradition of spear-hunting was a similar level of "scandal" in that it was also likely gossiped about but ultimately wasn't that big of a deal.
both of Khaizo’s male cousins were troublesome in one way or another. Munokhoi was something of a perpetual slacker in a family of intensely competitive hunters, and i can see him having gotten entangled in something silly, like somehow romancing the tribe khagan's daughter despite being very unlike their traditional idea of a model young man. Ganzorig was the opposite; hypercompetitive and always looking to prove himself by any means possible, he frequently accrued injuries or got on his tribemates' nerves by butting heads with them over just about everything, and when Khaizo was young he sometimes let himself get goaded into participating. for the most part Khaizo was well-behaved, so if he got in some sort of trouble, it was usually by association with one of these two.
the last thing i'll mention is that Khaizo's mother was initially quite unhappy about his choice of wife, thinking him uncharacteristically rash and short-sighted and childish for even considering leaving his home and family for a woman he "couldn't have known as well as he did half of his own tribemates" -- and a woman who Khasar was convinced could not be much more than a pretty thing to look at, at that. Khaizo, who otherwise deeply respected his mother, fought bitterly with her on this front; not from a place of disrespect, but a place of hurt, as he took her assumption that he would make such a decision so flippantly to be an attack on his own character, to say little of his very Measured and Seriously-Considered decision at the wizened age of 17.
up until the point he actually left the tribe, Khaizo threw himself whole-heartedly into garnering his mother's blessing. (it helped that Khasar herself chose to marry someone more unconventional outside of the tribe, who then left his own family to be with her; Chuluun, who was more sympathetic and swayed by the sincerity of Khaizo's devotion to the woman he wished to be with, had many private conversations with Khasar in which he helped to whittle her down by reminding her of this.) caught in the midst of entreaties by both her husband and her son, it still wasn't until Tama herself came to the Khatayin encampment and threw herself at Khasar's feet (to Khaizo's own appalled surprise), promising to do whatever it took to win her approval, that Khasar finally softened.
that was probably the biggest "scandal" applicable to Khaizo's family -- Khasar's only son deciding to leave the tribe to be with an ex-Doman Raen woman was a story to be told -- but it certainly wasn't spoken again after news came by the Khatayin that Khaizo was seized from the Malaguld for conscription, only for his wife and child both to vanish from the tribe shortly thereafter. Khasar never did look at her tribemates' children the same after that, becoming bitter and unapproachable on the subject in her hurt.
that ended up way longer than i meant for it to be. whoops.
14) What is something that never fails to make them excited?
boy i sure would like to know
probably younger kids, though he would be hard-pressed to admit it (and he makes an effort to hide it). he feels very strongly for them, intense "i want to protect it and see it grow up happy and healthy" vibes. this applies to young animals, too, most of the time, and sometimes even more grown ones. if they interact with him positively at all, it really melts his heart, and if you know what to look for you can tell (expression softening, crinkling in the corners of his eyes). he can be surprisingly energetic with them.
21) Do they prefer giving or receiving gifts?
giving. giving his loved ones things that they cherish or make them light up is rewarding to him, and one of the reasons he feels so fulfilled by having learned how to make things with his hands. providing practical gifts (a nice set of boots for keeping warm, a weapon for hunting food, etc.) is a way to make him feel as though his loved ones are safe and cared for, which is the ultimate reward, tbh. 
receiving things is nice, too, although part of Khaizo starts to feel uncomfortable any time he accrues too many things that could be seen as "memorabilia" of a person. he's seen several people that he dearly loves rendered into a token or two (or in Chiyo's case, a whole childhood of bits and bobbles that make up all he has left of her) of remembrance, and the thought of one day having to look at those gifts he received from someone and hurt over their loss in a similar way detracts from the moment sometimes.
23) What do they want most in life?
in truth, he just wants to live a fairly content, peaceful life surrounded by family that he helps protect and provide for -- he's very traditionally minded in that regard. he 100% would have lived a pretty standard and unremarkable life out in his tribe in Othard if he hadn't been picked up and forcibly conscripted into the Garlean Empire to fight in a war halfway across the world. like really, his entire life has just been him trying his Absolute Hardest to live a normal goddang life meanwhile the universe drags him off into some conflict or another; the only exception being that half a decade where he was so pissed that it (and particularly the Ishgardians) wouldn't stop ruining his life that he, like, murdered some people over it.
24) What do they think they’re good at, but aren’t?
being stoic and unattached and making completely objective / logical decisions not at all informed by a crippling fear of loss and failure.
don't tell him that, though.
(he’s actually always been kinda bad about this, as evidenced by his decision to leave his tribe to be with Tama. he tried to be reasonable and logical about it, as much as a love-struck 17 year old can be, but most anyone else could see that emotion played no small part. all of which is to say, he’s often very blind to how strongly his emotions influence his logic -- sometimes even, in the most egregious cases, as someone is actively rubbing his nose in it.)
35) What color would they paint their nails?
if you wouldn't paint your nails black are you even goth
also, it was brought up that he would let any little kids who wanted to paint his nails paint them whatever color they liked, which is completely true and valid.
40) Blanket fort or tree house?
tree house. those trees in the Dravanian Forelands look like they could make some pretty sick tree houses. great, now i want that to be a thing. (can that be a thing?)
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diveronarpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, ALEX! You’ve been accepted for the role of HORATIO. Admin Rogue: Alex, I can’t exaggerate enough how thrilled I was every moment of reading your app. You were so clever and thought so quickly, it was like seeing Hunter being built in front of me, until he became not just a character I wrote, but a person in his own right, quick-witted and dipped in gold. He was mesmerizing from start to finish; I believe I ended up half in love with him by the end of reading it. You brought such exciting depth to him that I can’t wait to see him brought to life! . Thank you for bringing my most beautiful son to the dash. Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Alex Age | Twenty-four Preferred Pronouns | She/Her Activity Level | I am a full time grad student but because of the messy events happening throughout the world at the moment, I have been left with more free time than I know how to handle! I anticipate investing that time in plotting with people and beginning threads so once classes pick up again, I am in a rhythm and able to maintain stable activity (catching up on all/most replies 2-3 times a week). Timezone | US EST How did you find the rp?  | Honestly, at this point I don’t even remember. I have been lurking for eons, waiting for the right timing and the right character to become available, and now couldn’t be more perfect!
Character | HORATIO, Hunter Marchesi
What drew you to this character? | There are about a thousand-and-one things that I could list here. I have always been drawn to characters that walk the line between golden and gilded, the ones that are a little bit too inhuman to be fully mortal and yet too weak to truly be a god. When I read Hunter’s biography, it was striking how electric he felt. Reading through the plot summaries, it’s evident that Verona has been wading through dark times for a while now, and glancing through several biographies, her inhabitants are not without their scars. Yet here is Hunter, a boy from out of town that stumbled into the greatest war the underbelly of Verona has ever seen. He’s too clever to be fully naïve, yet he’s rampantly green – and that newness brings with it a certain freshness. Hunter isn’t tarnished yet. His future is bright, and he’s ambitious enough to learn how to make himself known in a new society. All the possibilities that came tumbling in with Hunter was vastly appealing to me, as well as his capability to step confidently into this world. Also, this one line in Castora’s connection had me dead: “He doesn’t hate her of course; his family often deals in philanthropy.”
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character?
BECOMING INSTRUMENTAL: Being an initiate sounds significantly more important than Hunter currently feels. He’s too new to be helpful, too green to pretend that he knows what he’s doing. Hunter requires mentors to aid in his transition. After all, his face is one that’s never known a bruise, his fingers remain ignorant to the pulse of a trigger, and his nose blind to the rusting of blood. He has started taking on minor missions, learning what he can and aiming to impress, but he needs guidance if he’s going to thrive outside of his comfort zone, and the people that he receives that guidance from will leave a lasting impression upon the Montague’s newest recruit.
NEW MONEY: All his life, Hunter has lived within the penthouse of society. The Marchesi family had wealth so vast that it was rumored to transcend written record. Often, he heard his father discuss how he hardly considered new money families to be money at all. “After all, if you don’t have at least three generations of wealth, you’re no better than a peasant that happened to have a successful night of gambling.” Essentially, Hunter has no concept of what it means to happen into wealth, but he imagines it feels rather similar to his new position within the Montague ranks. It is not the Marchesi family that matters here. No, everyone around him owes blood it to the Montagues, and Hunter is beginning to expect there is no exchange rate for a life debt. He is dealing in an entirely new currency, which he finds remarkably exhilarating. His journey within the mob is just beginning, and as such he’s blinded by challenge and possibility and bolstered by a history that has never known failure. However, I anticipate Hunter stumbling as he assimilates into a new life, and as such, I expect that he will begin to struggle with his idea of self. Hunter is no longer defined by a name, or wealth, or charm; everyone around him carries such characteristics aplenty. For perhaps the first time, Hunter will need to learn how to identify himself without his very foundations, and that may entail a dash of demolition.
LOYALTY IS FICKLE: As someone that has only joined a mob to avoid certain death, Hunter lacks the strict loyalty that seems to flow through the veins of his new family. Of course, he remains loyal to his own life (who wouldn’t?), and to a certain degree, Henry (largely because the good professor had the courtesy to keep him alive). As such, Hunter is able to recognize that helping a Capulet would potentially ruin his future, but the fear of such ruination hasn’t yet gripped his heart. Why shouldn’t he reach out to Beau? What’s the worst that could happen? // The way I visualize this conflict entails Hunter reaching out to Beau before becoming completely entrenched within the Montague camp. Naturally, Hunter will come to realize just how dark and violent life at war can be, thus adding pressure to the help he’s become determined to offer, perhaps leading to the first glimmer that perhaps danger can be just as terrifying as it is invigorating.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | You have my blessing to kill him off as you see fit!
Hunter was never one to enjoy sitting still, and his leg bounced even as he reclined in his seat. Those that did not know him may mistake the bobbing as movement motivated by nervousness, yet there was too much light glittering across his eyes to be born of anything but excitement. He might as well have been starting his first day at his dream job, not beginning to repay a newly incurred life debt.
His accomplice didn’t appear quite as energetic. Their shoulders were slumped, their gaze downturned. When he’d walked in, Hunter had guessed him to be in his mid-twenties. With the cloud hovering over his head, he looked twice that age. Thirty minutes into a stake-out, Hunter had started picking up on the crow’s feet, the downward angle of his lips, the hair that was in desperate need of a trim. He’d always thought the grandiose mobsters of Verona would have more style.
Five minutes passed, and Hunter focused his attention on the dimly lit street in front of him. He’d been in the city less than a month now, and he barely recognized the intersection in front of them. “Where are we in the city?” he asked.
“Ten minutes north of the Roman Arena,” his partner answered. Hunter had introduced himself at the start of the mission, but his partner had settled for a quick once-over before settling on silence and slipping into the car. He hadn’t bothered to ask his name since.
“Haven’t made it to the Arena yet,” Hunter mused. His partner didn’t respond, so Hunter settled for another question. “What is your favorite place in Verona?” Again, he was met with silence. If they weren’t three hours into a stale stakeout, Hunter would have let it go. He would have read the tension between them as one better suited for silence, but three hours of nothing begged to be replaced by something of substance. “I think that I’ll be quite fond of Lamberti Tower when the time comes. Haven’t exactly had good reason to celebrate yet.” He leaned his head back against the headrest and waited for an answer that he knew wasn’t coming. This time, he let silence settle between them. The moon arched higher overhead, a desperate sliver against the abyss of the night sky.
Hunter glanced at the clock. It’d been ten minutes since his last question, meaning it was high time to strike up conversation again. “What’s your typical day like? So far, all I’ve done are stakeouts and guard shifts at the library.”
“Depends on the day.”
“You’re a real charmer, anyone ever tell you that?” Hunter softened the dig with a wink. “Know any particularly talented fighters? I’m looking for a sparring coach. Punching bags rarely hit back.” Silence. Not even a pity chuckle. “You’re going to need to start answering some of my questions. These are the easy ones.”
His partner glanced at him briefly. “Awfully bossy for an initiate, anyone ever tell you that?” A sigh, and Hunter assumed that was the end of the conversation but the next sentence came with a pleasant surprise. “What are you doing now? Working out? Running errands? Sucking up to your superiors? All worthwhile things, sure. But I’m guessing they aren’t scratching that adrenaline itch that drove you to sign up.”
“And what makes you think I have an – how did you put it? Adrenaline itch?”
“You’re young, confident, rich. The world was given to you on a silver platter so you’re wondering if it’ll taste different on paper. Need something to stoke your fire since you’ve never come in contact with real conflict. You made a mistake joining, kid.”
Hunter swallowed the first response that threatened to spring to his lips. His partner was trying to start a fight, to insult him to the point he’d shut up for the remainder of the night. He wouldn’t be so lucky.
“Alright then, if we’re talking about mistakes, teach me something. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made thus far?”
“Man doesn’t go around bragging about his mistakes.”
For the first time all night, Hunter agreed with him. He didn’t want to speak of the first mistake he’d ever made in life that carried consequences. There was still something unsettling about remembering that night, Doctor Zhang creating bloodshed and making it disappear with the bat of an eye. He’d made it seem so easy, and Hunter couldn’t yet imagine himself in such a position. He’d wondered nightly if it was a mistake to have pursued Henry for this long, to think about him as frequently as he did. It led to far too many uncertainties. If Henry Zhang was his greatest mistake, then signing up for a philosophy course was the root of all evil. It sounded ridiculous. Naturally, that meant that the true nature of the mistake would require significantly more introspection than Hunter cared to participate in. So he settled: his biggest mistake was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A shame, but at least it was true.
Nearly an hour passed, filled with a brief moment of excitement when they noted movement ahead only to be met by the visage of a couple stumbling home linked arm-in-arm. There were at least three hours still until sunrise, and Hunter was beginning to lose all motivation. There had to be a better use of time and resources. There was no way this would be his future.
“What’s the most difficult task they’ve asked of you?” he asked suddenly, sure that this night marked his own.
“Staking out in a car all night with an initiate that isn’t comfortable with silence.”
“I’m trying to learn. It shows initiative,” Hunter countered.
“It shows that you’re nosey.”
Hunter wanted to be offended, but he couldn’t help the soft laugh that bubbled from his lips. After a night of intermingled silence, distant traffic, and brusque responses, this was the closest thing to humor he’d encountered, even if it was at his own expense. “They haven’t asked anything difficult of me yet.”
“Be thankful for that, son. You need to learn how to crawl before you can walk.”
“Alas, I came out the womb already sprinting.” It might be the low lighting, but Hunter swore he saw the slightest smirk on his partner’s face. It was enough camaraderie to summon up the question he had been desperately wanting answered all night: “What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?”
What warmth he’d gained was quickly replaced with solid ice. “You shouldn’t ask questions like that.”
Hunter hummed. “Maybe not, but I’m still interested. I think it all seems very… personal. Professional on the surface, of course. They’re competing industries in a small space, conflict in inevitable. But it hardly seems as if they’re fighting over territory at this point. Everything feels much more intimate, and not in a particularly loving way.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t I?” He sounded confident, maybe even cocky. But he wasn’t entirely certain, and that unsettled him. Ever since arriving and locking himself within Verona’s perfect cage, he’d been trying to uncover the nature of this war they were fighting. If he was going to risk his life for someone, it only made sense to know why. Yet the answers were vague, elusive, textbook. There were too many layers of blood staining these streets to ever get at the bottom of it all, and Hunter was beginning to realize that like it or not, he’d been assigned a side in this war. And he would fight it.
ZERO TO SIXTY: While Hunter was never groomed for war, a prior life of extravagance and wealth was not without its incidental lessons. Around his twentieth birthday, Hunter experienced a bout of boredom stronger than any that had come before. University was routine (save for the exception of a single course that oft labored late nights, red eyes, and grins that dripped sunshine), his parents were content with his performance, and his circle of friends remained vast and glittering of silver and gold. There was no change, no challenge looming ahead, and so he sought to create his own. // The first time he slipped into the driver’s seat of a Ferrari 488, he was sold. Looking back, he recognized his first lap as a slow fumble, but at the time he had felt himself a natural. Sinking into curves made his heart race, and the rumble of an engine with more power than he could control sent all thoughts of discontent scattering. Ever one to turn talent to profit, he began to race on the weekends, soaring with pride as his name began to climb the leaderboards of local tracks. The thought of turning his passion into a full-blown career would flit through his mind whenever he was standing in the winner’s circle, but he would wake the next morning with the knowledge that the lifetime wages of Formula One racers appeared mere pocket change next to the Marchesi fortune. Little did he know that he could one day turn his talent into a lucrative career as a getaway driver for the Montagues.
Driving playlist:   1. Physical // Dua Lipa. 2. Ride It // Regard. 3. Roller // Apache 207. 4. Red Flag // Billy Talent. 5. Run Boy run // Woodkid. 6. Slip // Skrizzly Adams. 7. Legend Has It // Run the Jewels.
FAMILIAL INFLUENCE: The headlines have been screaming it for ages: the British aristocracy is running low on funds. However, a single glance at the Marchesi family would cast doubt upon even the most reputable reporter. With manors in three different countries, the Marchesis have no qualms about demonstrating their wealth. // Jasper Marchesi was the eldest of four brothers, and he inherited his father’s art empire upon his death. Collectionswere the Marchesi trade, particularly the acquisition of difficult-to-come-by pieces. Jasper often cited the families distant Italian roots as being the source of his exquisite taste, and he honored the heritage by building a home in Milan. It was at this home that Hunter remembers spending a majority of the year, with voyages to Britain reserved for the holiday season and vacations to Brazil confined to the summer. // While her husband was rapt with the arts, Ana Marchesi believed that wealth was best unearthed in the modern-day gold of real estate. She began investigating just how lucrative buying, selling, and renting properties could be while her father was still traveling the world on diplomatic assignments. What started with a few rental houses quickly morphed into buying mansions left abandoned by new-money families that never had a chance of living in such elegance and transferring them (at a notable mark-up) back into the hands of those with the resources to invest in such a gilded future. Jasper reminded her on numerous occasions that such a business wasn’t necessary, that marrying into the Marchesi family meant that she had already bought into a future of diamonds and galas, but Ana insisted upon building her own empire. // Between the decadence of his father and the intrepid spirit of his mother, Hunter was destined for success. His family’s background required fluency in English, Italian, and Portuguese, and his father’s aptitude for the arts and his mother’s skill with finance instilled a harmony of practicum and creativity within him. He exclusively attended private schools as a child and enrolled in the most prestigious university in Italy without batting an eye. He pursued a degree in economics, and upon graduation assumed control of a subset of art galleries across Italy.
More // Poets of the Fall —What do you give someone who has it all? More, just to be sure. I got what I wanted so naturally I want more, what I paid for. Kansas City // The Mowgli’s — Been in a new town, got the same issues to work through. It turns out when you move, you just take them all with you. Wanna Be Missed // Hayley Kiyoko — I wanna be missed, like every night. I wanna be kissed, like it’s the last time. Say you can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t breathe without me. An Evening I Will Not Forget // Dermot Kennedy — I remember when her heart broke over stubborn shit. That’s no way to be living kid; the angel of death is ruthless. And I’m always thinking summertime with the bikes out, pushing our luck, getting wiped out, days with nothing but laughing loud. Power Over Me // Dermot Kennedy — I wanna be king in your story. I wanna know who you are. I want your heart to beat for me. Pay the Man // Foster the People — Seasons change, you know it’ll never be the same. We’ll see the sun again before it fades. I just wanna say [REDACTED]. Cringe // Matt Maeson — She said I’m looking like a bad man, smooth criminal. She said my spirit doesn’t move like it did before. She said that I don’t look like me no more. The Best // AWOLNATION —Me, I wanna walk a little bit taller. Me, I wanna feel a little bit stronger. Me, I wanna think a little bit smarter. Said I just want to be the best. Classic Man // Jidenna — My name, calling all night. I could pull the wool while I’m being polite. Like darling, calling all night. I can be a bull while I’m being polite. Bonus Track: 7 rings // Ariana Grande
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pengiesama · 5 years
The Gang Crashes a Party While in Drag (Chapter 1) (Fic, TOZ, Sorey/Mikleo)
Title: The Gang Crashes a Party While in Drag Series: Tales of Zestiria Pairing: Sorey/Mikleo
Sorey and the crew investigate reports of a black market trafficking ring, and zero in on a particularly nasty noble at the center of it all. Luckily, said noble is opening his chateau to host a masquerade – the perfect opportunity to get close. Unluckily, the Shepherd’s fame has spread wide, and Sorey needs a disguise to make sure he’s incognito.
This is achieved by the obvious solution, and that's to disguise him in a dress and pass him off as Rose's sister. What could possibly go wrong?
Written for the Sorey/Mikleo 2019 Big Bang!
I partnered up with the wonderful Arivess @minstrels-ink​ and Nami; both of whom provided their artistic skills to complement my wack-ass ideas. I am eternally grateful to them.
Arivess's art is featured in Chapter 1! You can find her Tumblr here. Nami's art is featured in Chapter 2! You can find her Twitter here.
Link: AO3
Read on Tumblr!
“You’re lucky that you’re such a quick study on running in heels.”
“C’mon, Mikleo, is this really the time!?”
The hellion was fast – very fast – and easily closed in on whatever distance Sorey tried to put between them. His armatus with Mikleo was suited for sniping from afar, not for getting up close and personal with those rows and rows of sharp teeth. A change of tactics was needed, and – one body as they were – Sorey didn’t even need to speak the thought aloud before Mikleo helped him put the thought into action.
Sorey released his hold on the tether keeping them in the armatus, and felt Mikleo do the same. They split in two, and Mikleo allowed himself to be flung from Sorey’s sure and steady grip directly into the trunk of a tree. He vaulted gracefully off the trunk, and used the momentum to spring himself across the clearing and well out of the way of the rampaging hellion – and well out of the way of Sorey’s flaming sword.
“Fethmus Mioma!”
The flames illuminated the dark forest clearing, like morning’s light. The hellion shrank back, briefly stunned. Not that Sorey considered himself anything like an expert on hellions, but he’d never seen anything quite like this before. A wolf-headed hellion that stood at the height of three men, and had the approximate width of one of the emaciated famine victims that were such a common sight in towns these days. It was the width that was, perhaps, the most concerning – by any logic, it should have been wider, so much wider, to fit all the victims that it had been reported to have consumed. How could a hellion that devoured whole caravans of victims – stuffing them into the ever-drooling mouth, with its dozens of long, long arms – still be so grotesquely thin?
As always, Sorey’s certain tendency to get lost in his thoughts was something of a hindrance in battle. Luckily, there was someone still paying attention in this fight. The hellion was knocked over by a lucky hit from Rose and Edna’s armatus, and careened into a nearby tree with a dangerous-sounding crack. The tree lurched and toppled over, pinning the beast beneath it. Howling, the hellion tried to drag its body along the forest floor with those dozens of long arms; like a massive centipede that had been trapped beneath a giant boot. The air around the creature shimmered, and from the glinting aether, glowing chains sprang forth and bound the hellion (and the tree) more firmly into place. Zaveid landed atop the creature from where he’d been slinking about in the treetop cover, and struck a pose.
The hellion was too wounded to flee, too wounded to toss Zaveid off; too wounded and too mad with malevolence to do anything but crouch, drool, and snarl as Sorey and Lailah approached to attempt purification.
Rose wheezed in relief as she stumbled out of her armatus. She shook out her wrist, and flexed her fingers, as if testing to make sure they could still hold a knife.
“Geez! That thing’s skull was rock-hard. Felt like trying to put my fist through a wall…”
“You’re welcome to use your head next time if the Lady Edna’s holy fists aren’t cutting the mustard,” Edna replied drily. “I imagine it’s one of the only naturally-occurring elements that outrank them on the hardness scale.”
“I’m glad everyone’s feeling so energetic after that fight.” Mikleo finished up tending to Rose’s hand and arm with his healing artes, and surveyed the rest of the party judgmentally. “I take that to mean that no one will be whining at me when we head to the inn that their back hurts, then? I’d prefer to be bothered now than have to find out later…”
Sorey felt Mikleo’s stare burning into the back of his neck. He swallowed hard and tried to focus on finishing things up with Lailah and the hellion.
“Yanno, it’s almost a shame that we gotta purify this thing,” Zaveid said. He was still perched atop the hellion, and was holding the chains binding it like a pair of reins. “It’d make a pretty metal mount, don’t ya think? Roll up to a hot date riding this thing and you’ll have ‘em swooning.”
The hellion gave a pained shriek as the flames continued to burn away its tainted flesh. The acrid smell of it filled the night air. Its many limbs clawed at its face and neck, rending the skin there, as if mutilating itself was a relief in comparison to being healed of the corruption inside.
“The more we learn about you, Zaveid,” Mikleo said. “The more we understand you.”
“You’ll want to get down,” Lailah lightly called up to him.
Zaveid winked at her and made a little heart with his fingers. “Ooh, Lailah, no need to be so shy. C’mon up here, the weather’s fine—”
The flames had climbed up to where Zaveid stood, and the hellion’s constructed form finally collapsed in on itself like the frame of a burning house. Zaveid stumbled briefly before managing to catch himself on the superheated updraft of air and bounce off it to land on the ground with a…marginal amount of grace. Or at least without falling on his ass.
“How’s it looking?” Rose called over to Sorey and Lailah. “Human, animal, plant? Bunch of rocks glued together with googly eyes stuck on?”
Sorey took a deep breath to steady himself after the purification, and Mikleo was already behind him to grab at his shoulder. Steady as anything.
“Human,” Sorey said, finally. “Still alive. Not awake yet.”
“Peachy,” Rose said. “Much easier to interrogate a person. I’ve heard that the Sparrowfeathers’ boss is in quite a snit over all those shipments he’s gobbled up, and she’s dying for the full story.”
Which was, of course, part of why they were here. This particular hellion had been targeting caravans navigating this stretch of road between the border of Hyland and Rolance. The harrowing accounts of the survivors was motivation enough for Sorey and Rose to investigate and intervene, but Rose’s own motivation was given a bit of a nitro boost when she learned that several Sparrowfeather shipments had been delayed or lost due to the creature’s activity.
The man was waking up. He looked so terribly ordinary, in comparison to the nightmare that stalked the roads on a hundred limbs. He was dressed in simple traveling clothes. Thin cheeks, worn boots. Another person overcome by malevolence by starvation and resentment? He’d hardly be the first. But all he’d need was support, and –
“…delayed, delayed, delayed, delayed, can’t be late again, the boss said we can’t be late again, get the cargo—”
“Hold him down,” Rose said to Zaveid, before moving in herself.
“Anything for you, boss lady,” Zaveid said.
Chains glinted and held the man down, stopping him from thrashing while Rose grabbed his head on both sides and forced him to look at her.
“Hey. We’re passing through. Who’s this boss of yours? We’ll get the cargo to him on time.”
The man’s pupils shrank to pinpricks.
He began to shake, then began to weep.
“Gone. Gone, they’re gone, they’re gone, we were supposed to deliver them to Hyland for sale but they’re gone and the boss he won’t like it he’ll know it was me and then Anne, Anne and the kids, they’ll—”
Zaveid pulled his chains tight, cutting the man off and binding him tighter to the ground.
“He’s gonna go hellion again if he gets himself worked up,” he barked at Rose. “And I sure as hell don’t like all this ‘them’ stuff with his ‘cargo’.”
Rose knew when to back down – that conversation was going nowhere fast, anyway. She wisely allowed Lailah to cast a spell that sent the man into the comparative relief of unconsciousness, and mulled over the facts they had.
“The Scattered Bones will take him into custody,” she said, finally.
“Custody?” Sorey said uneasily.
Rose leaned her head on her hand and looked at Sorey, one eyebrow raised. “You saw what happened the second he woke up. They’ll keep an eye on him at HQ and see if they can get the full story out of him.”
Sorey stared at the man for a moment, then swallowed hard. “And…try to help him?”
“As best as we can,” Rose replied, honestly. “You’ve seen this before, Sorey. People getting so desperate that they do things they can never forgive themselves for. He might wake up with a new lease on life, and we’ll put him to work in the company. Or he might wake up and immediately go creepy-crawly again the second he remembers what he’s done. Sometimes you just need to—”
“I get it,” Sorey cut her off. “But…we can’t just…he mentioned a boss.”
“Oh, don’t worry.” A slow, dangerous smile spread across Rose’s face. “We’re not done with them just yet.”
Lailah ahemed lightly, and glided forward.
“The man is purified. The Shepherd’s duty is finished,” she said. “Shall we discuss our next moves in a more…hospitable area?”
“Let’s rest at the inn a while,” Mikleo said.
His hand was a comfort and anchor on Sorey’s back. He allowed himself to lean into it, and be guided by Mikleo’s sure current.
 “So, good news first,” Rose began. “It didn’t take long for us to get info on this boss guy.”
But Rose’s tone did not, in fact, indicate that the news was quite as good as all that. Things never seemed to be quite so simple, anymore.
“And the bad news?” Mikleo asked, voicing Sorey’s thoughts aloud.
Rose threw herself onto the inn bed and leaned back on her arms.
“Hooboy. Where to start? The bad news, the REALLY bad news, or the damn inconvenient news?”
“Ooh, now you’ve gotten me all excited.” Edna’s face was utterly expressionless, and her tone likewise. She was perched atop the inn’s tall wooden wardrobe; the vantage point allowing her to better beam her disdain at those below like a judgmental gargoyle. “Spill the beans before I perish from anticipation.”
Rose squinted up at her. “…how did you get…anyway. So. Our friend was part of a black market smuggling operation. First it was just contraband goods, and then they branched out into human trafficking – that was when his conscience caught up with him and he started chowing down on his coworkers and stalking the highways. He was pretty low on the ladder and didn’t know much about the guys really running it; he only ever had contact with cronies. But everything he told us lines up with cases that we’ve been monitoring for months. This ring isn’t just limited to a few scattered caravans on rural backroads. We’ve got reports of it being tied to activity across Hyland and Rolance, which let me tell you, will do peace talks no favors. Hyland’s gonna blame Rolance and Rolance’s gonna blame Hyland and so on.”
“…so, was that the bad news, the really bad news, or the inconvenient news?” asked Sorey.
“It’s all blended together in an intricate tapestry of unfortunateness,” Rose said. “So on one hand, it is Hyland’s fault. All of our sources are pointing to one of their nobles being the ringleader behind it all – his eminence Lord Mardoc of House Melwas. House Melwas owns most of the shipping lines nearest to Rolance’s borders, so the infrastructure was already there for him to pull this off. But on the other hand, even though he’s footing the bills and reaping the profits, these kinds of enterprises tend to be…group ventures. Especially when they’ve got a reach as wide as this. It’s not gonna go away completely even if we manage to take the boss chump down.”
“Even if we were to apprehend everyone involved, Hyland and Rolance would need to work together to extradite the accused and bring them to trial,” Mikleo said. “It could take years.”
“And that’s assuming Rolance will play nice,” Rose added. “Bet they’d only be too happy to set the blame totally on Hyland’s shoulders.”
“So…I guess it’s up to the Shepherd, then?” Sorey said, softly.
There was historical precedent for such a thing: Shepherds, mediating international disputes as the neutral third parties they were always intended to be. Sorey could rattle off at least three or four such incidents off the top of his head – one of them even involved digging up the skeleton of a previous Rolance pope to put it on trial. (The skeleton, judged guilty, was stripped of its papal hat and frockery and then beheaded. Sorey often wondered if any of that was truly necessary.) But reading about it in history books was one thing, and being expected to live it himself was…quite another.
A long, drawn-out fight amongst a bunch of squabbling politicians and nobles, all trying to point fingers while the world around them was falling apart. When the cards were laid out on the table like this, the odds seemed…almost insurmountable. Sorey’s shoulders drooped with the weight of his thoughts. Mikleo’s cool hand on his nape was all that kept him from sinking too deeply into a place that would be hard to return from. Here be darkness, and skeleton popes.
“And you guys wonder why I went into customer service,” said Rose.
“Just want to note that it’s so convenient that your little gossip crew dug up so much dirt so fast,” Edna commented drily. “Almost like they’ve been sitting on said dirt for a while, doing nothing about it until it got inconvenient. Like when it was your turn to get your shipments munched on.”
Edna, unfortunately, always seemed to know how to hit where it hurt. She zeroed in on weak points so easily: Mikleo’s height, Zaveid’s receding hairline, Rose’s sense of justice. Sorey’s heart twisted unhappily at the sight of Rose’s knuckles fisted in the bedspread.
“Kinda feels like that, doesn’t it?” Rose finally said. She lifted her head, wearing a thoughtful expression. “You know, we’d joked for the longest time that we should start invoicing the Hyland knights, since we were doing their jobs for them – upholding the peace and all that. But it seems like we’ve gotten a little lax lately.”
“Rose,” Mikleo said. “It’s not your job to police Hyland’s laws. You can’t take all that responsibility on yourself.
Sorey couldn’t help but sense that comment wasn’t just directed at Rose, for some reason. (Like the fact that Mikleo’s hand found his own when he said it, and squeezed tight.) Still, Rose didn’t exactly seem to take the advice to heart. She jumped to her feet, and set her hands to her hips; a grin plastered to her face.
“It’s a matter of customer service at this point,” Rose said. “The Scattered Bones can’t refuse to investigate a direct request, now can they?”
Sorey blinked. “A direct request? From who?”
“Our friend from last night. Remember? Eight feet tall, big and scary, sharp teeth, loads of arms?”
“I don’t remember him asking anything,” Sorey replied, dubious.
“He definitely didn’t,” Mikleo agreed. “He yelled a bit and then passed out. I’d wager his hellion form was much taller than a mere eight feet, as well.”
“Guys,” Rose groaned. “A little bit of room for interpretation, please. Plus, if this Mardoc guy really is behind this operation, his homebase is probably lousy with malevolence – cleaning that up is right up our alley. So what do you say; wanna do a house-call at Chateau Melwas? It’s on the outskirts of—”
Sorey startled at Rose’s question, suddenly remembering something very important – something absolutely vital. He seized Mikleo’s wrist, urgently.
“Wait! Chateau Melwas. Of course; we only ever saw it written out like that, but of course it’d be owned by House Melwas!”
Mikleo’s eyes went huge, and he seized Sorey’s wrist right back.
“You’re right! It’s only logical. Chateau Melwas, built atop the underground Baudemagus Cathedral. An architectural marvel, built with a mix of Hyland and Rolance techniques to keep its structural integrity. It’s been sealed off for centuries from the public.”
“We could see the archivolts,” Sorey whispered urgently.
“We could see the archivolts,” Mikleo agreed, just as urgently. For just a moment, his gaze grew distant and vacant, as if he was wholly lost in thoughts of archivolts. Sorey could relate. He could so, so relate.
“I know I should be more careful about what I say, but I just don’t ever know what’s going to set them off…” Rose lamented. She looked up at Edna. “Wanna help me find Lailah and Zaveid so we can start brainstorming?”
Edna hopped down from her perch. “I’ll take any opportunity to get out of this room, no matter how unpleasant. Circumstances must.”
 They were to infiltrate the chateau of House Melwas, to gather evidence and evaluate the truth of the claims against Lord Mardoc (and admire some archivolts in the process). Luckily for them, they had stumbled upon this mission during a most fortuitous time – Lord Mardoc was opening Chateau Melwas for a masquerade ball. It would be the best chance they’d get to investigate…and, perhaps, the only chance.
To an outside observer, the cards would seem to be stacked in Sorey’s favor. Not only would he have the noise and bustle of the masquerade to hide his movements, but he also had a master assassin and four magical invisible friends to back him up. Surely it would be child’s play for the almighty Shepherd.
Unfortunately, there were a few handicaps in play that evened the odds:
One: Sorey, even at this point in his short career, had become quite recognizable as the Shepherd.
Two: Rose, having a long and storied career as one of the continent’s most successful capitalists, was even more recognizable.
Being that they were famous-slash-infamous, it called for them to attend undercover – after all, if it was discovered that the Shepherd was in attendance, Mardoc would surely rush to dispose of any evidence of his illicit activities, making their entire search fruitless.
Surely a masquerade would make undercover activity simple…if it were not for the final handicap:
Three: Sorey was an absolutely wretched actor, and was sure to give away the game in a matter of seconds.
Thus, this called for a more stealthy infiltration. To this end, they tested out Mikleo’s talents in the safety of their base of operations (being their room at the inn).
“Uh…” Rose frowned, looking Sorey over critically. “I don’t think this is gonna work.”
Sorey was invisible…in some places. One arm, then the fingers of his other hand, and his torso. His right leg blinked back into view, then disappeared again, then slowly regained its opacity once more as the seconds ticked by.
“Just…give me a minute…” Mikleo said through gritted teeth. He was visibly shaking from the effort of keeping up the spell for so long. His skin was even paler than normal, and was beaded with sweat.
Sorey appeared to be torn between the urge to rush over to Mikleo’s side to support him, and the urge to stay in place as firmly instructed by Mikleo at the start of the experiment.
“Mikleo,” Sorey pleaded. “We’ve got backup options, you know?”
“Like what?” Mikleo snapped. He briefly lost his hold on the spell, and Sorey’s torso flickered. “Put a bedsheet over your head and pretend to be ghosts haunting the grounds?”
Rose shivered. “Gonna veto that one. Hard.”
Edna made a sympathetic noise, and patted Rose’s shoulder. “You’re so right, Rose. That’d be so inconsiderate to all the ghosts that probably already haunt that moldy old underground cathedral. Don’t wanna stir them up.”
Rose wailed and immediately retreated under the bed.
Lailah, finally, set a hand on Mikleo’s should and bade him to stop. Exhausted, Mikleo released the spell and leaned heavily on his staff. Sorey rushed over on his reappearing limbs to offer his support, and lead him to sit on the bed that Rose was currently lurking beneath.
“It was well worth attempting, but I must advise overexerting ourselves on this venture,” Lailah said. “Chateau Melwas is well outside of Ladylake’s jurisdiction – and as such, well outside of the reach of Lord Uno’s protective domain. The malevolence is thick here, our powers dampened with it. It would be dangerous indeed to take risks.”
“Back in the day, I’d just…dash up the walls and in through the windows, in and out like a shot…” Sorey heard Rose quietly musing underneath the bed. It seemed like she was mostly talking to herself. “Can’t really do that anymore, can I? Zaveid, he just doesn’t get my style, not like you did…”
Sorey squeezed Mikleo’s shoulder, and tried to get him to catch his eye.
“Rain check on cloak practice?” he asked, hopefully. “Maybe when we’re in a place where the air’s a bit cleaner?”
Mikleo would not, however, catch his eye, and sullenly wriggled his shoulder out of Sorey’s hold. Sorey’s heart sank.
Seeing Mikleo’s already-sour mood, Edna clicked her tongue, ready to make things worse, as usual.
“Why must we bank our hopes on the powers of a single frail Meebo?” she asked. “Just tart Sorey up in something pretty and have him flash the bouncers some leg at the door.”
She clearly did not mean this statement in earnest. She clearly meant it as a joke, as a way to needle Mikleo for being unable to live up to his own unreasonably high standards of personal achievement; to get him riled up enough to stop stewing in self-pity.
But there came a rumble from beneath the bed.
Rose scuttled out from her dark domain on all fours; her hair and eyes wild with inspiration.
“That’s it,” she whispered. “That’s our game. We dress in drag and crash this party.”
This bizarre conclusion at least seemed to break Mikleo out of his sulk. He stared at her, baffled.
“…you’ll do what?”
Rose grabbed Sorey by the shoulder with one hand, and grabbed his chin in the other. She presented him to the rest of the group thusly, very proud of herself.
“I present to you: Lady Soreyella Sparrowfeather, with her dashing older brother, Lord Roseino Sparrowfeather. We are young single nouveau riche siblings travelling the world on our mamá and papá’s dime, looking for fun, excitement, and a suitor who will treat my naïve little sister like the delicate, squishy little cream puff she is.”
“…Okay,” Mikleo said, once he was sure Rose was finished. “Just give me a few minutes and we can try the cloaking arte again. I know that if I can just get a handle on the light refraction, I’ll be able to keep it up for as long as we need…”
Mikleo trailed off. The atmosphere of the room had changed palpably with Rose’s suggestion – it seemed to burn alight with an excitement that tingled the skin. The source of the burning flame was unmistakable: Lailah seemed to almost be hovering above the floor, and was wreathed in a holy aura of light. She clasped her hands together, and lifted them upwards, a prayer to the heavens.
“Splendid,” she whispered. “Oh, how splendid indeed. An undercover mission – not only under the cover of night, but also under cover of the finest finery!”
Mikleo wondered if it would be out of line for him to walk over and tug Lailah back down to have both her feet on the floor. Surely it would be within Sorey’s rights as Shepherd…but what would stop her from arising once more? Would it be better to simply tie a string to her ankle so she didn’t accidentally float away? These questions were all important ones, but they were secondary to the more salient question of the moment:
“Are you forgetting Lastonbell?” Mikleo asked. “Our resident provincial lard? Hello? Oh, not him too…”
Zaveid had joined Lailah in her conference approximately six inches above the flooring, his excitement equally as evident.
“Food, wine, gorgeous sights to see,” Zaveid whispered mistily. “Ladies beckoning with their burning gazes from across the crowded dance hall.”
It was becoming clear that the vote was heading in a certain direction; that direction being “Sorey and Rose crossdressing to crash a party”. Edna smirked at Mikleo and Sorey devilishly.
“Rose’s suggestion really just is so splendid, and the Lady Edna wholeheartedly supports it.” Edna twirled her umbrella as she spoke. “She simply cannot wait to see the Shepherd traipsing about in a shimmering gown and heels, resembling a graceful overdressed cupcake. He will blend right in with the buffet table and remain utterly undetectable. The perfect plan.”
Mikleo gaped at Sorey, speechless. Sorey, for his part, seemed resigned to his fate. He sighed heavily.
“If you guys think it’ll work, I’ll do it,” Sorey said. “But I don’t…I don’t really know anything about, well…any of this. Dancing, and balls, and dressing up…”
Lailah and Zaveid floated over to Sorey, and both took one of his hands in their own, tenderly.
“Fear not,” they spoke in unison. “For we will be at your side.”
“I know,” Sorey assured them. “You always are. But I’ll feel a little, well…out of place…”
Lailah’s grip tightened, and she leaned in, her eyes blazing.
“Please understand, Shepherd Sorey,” she said. “We will be by your side, all of us, in finery as fine as yours.”
Edna’s umbrella stopped twirling. “Excuse me?” she asked flatly.
Zaveid rose several more inches off the floor in his excitement. “You mean…”
“With the powers invested in me by the Lord Maotelus, I decree as Prime Lord that we shall all be disguised in a similar method, alongside the Shepherd and Squire.” Lailah’s voice was clear, commanding – it seemed to echo off the walls of the inn as if the walls were made of the resonant marble of a cathedral instead of ordinary wood. “It is our duty as seraphim to assist the Shepherd in all things, to show solidarity and share in his trials.”
“Pass,” Edna said, then shrieked aloud repeatedly as she was forcibly levitated off the ground to join Lailah and Zaveid.
“Guess you shouldn’t have voted for such a splendid plan if you weren’t willing to participate,” Mikleo wearily commented. He, too, was also being lifted off the ground by an invisible force gripping his capes and dangling him like a scruffed cat.
“Um,” Sorey said. “I really appreciate the company, but…isn’t the masquerade in less than a week? Can we find someone who can make outfits for everyone on such short notice? Especially outfits for, well, someone they can’t even really see…”
Rose threw her arm around Sorey’s shoulder (with some effort, considering the height difference and the fact that she was not currently taking part in the levitation fiesta).
“Sorey, Sorey, Sorey. Are you forgetting who you’re dealing with here?” Rose said. “The Sparrowfeathers have their ways. We just need to hit up this one tailor that owes me a favor or three…”
 It was, of course, in Lastonbell that they found this tailor – the city of artisans was home to the most skilled hands on the continent, no matter what the craft. Rose smiled charmingly at the woman who answered the door. The smile was met with a weary stare.
“Ella,” Rose said. “Have I got a project for you.”
Ella slowly tried shutting the door, but Rose wedged her foot in before she could manage.
“Now, now, don’t try to be shy about it; we both know that you’re always excited to do work for me! Like I was saying, I’ve got a project and I just know you’re the only person who can pull it off. Don’t leave me out in the cold, here!”
Ella sighed tiredly. “I’ve told you a thousand times that there’s a limit to what those suits are designed to withstand. A little blood, the sealant can handle. You get sloppy, you get stains.”
Sorey could hazard a guess at how Rose had made the acquaintance of this woman. Rose huffed in irritation.
“Why do you always think I’m here about our suits? I’ve got other stuff on my plate, you know.”
“I also already told you that I can’t make them withstand deep ocean pressure.”
“We can talk about that again later!” Rose muscled her way in through the door, pulling Sorey along behind her. “Right now I need you to make six people look very pretty. Four of them are invisible. Also we’re all crossdressing and in disguise.”
Ella processed Rose’s words, and the situation she was presented. On her worktable, a pencil lifted, and began to sketch fervently on the sketchpad there. After a few moments, the pencil paused, and the sketchpad floated over to present itself to Ella for review. Ella leaned in, squinting through her thick glasses at the designs the phantom pencil had drafted for her. Finally, she shrugged.
“Whatever.” She went to fetch her measuring tape and some paper for notes. “As long as you keep giving me discounts on fabric.”
 The day of the masquerade had arrived, and their disguises had arrived to their inn room, not a moment too soon.
“Your tailor friend worked so tirelessly, day and night,” Lailah said with a note of concern, even as she was visibly itching to tear into the carefully-wrapped packages. “I do hope that she didn’t exhaust herself.”
“She gets like that when she’s inspired,” Rose explained. “And it’s not like she did it out of the goodness of her heart. She gets first pick on any of our textile shipments, and every completed commission is a punch on her Scattered Bones loyalty card. Ten punches and she gets a free assassination request.”
The room became palpably awkward. Rose sighed aloud.
“Joking,” she said. “Not about the shipment thing though.”
“We just wonder sometimes…” Mikleo mumbled.
It was the moment of truth. The fashion show of the century. The couture reckoning.  
Rose posed with her booted leg on a footrest. She looked sleek, debonair – her fitted suit hid her curves, but could not quite flatten her entirely; giving her a silhouette that would steal the attention of men and women alike. The suit was a reddish-pink the color of the sky at twilight, and the fabric shone and shimmered luxuriously in the candlelight. She looked inarguably well put-together, but had an air of the rogue. Her red hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, and she wore a black handlebar moustache for…some reason.
“A moustache is not a toy,” chided Lailah.
Lailah looked as elegant as ever, and as understated as ever – that was to say, not understated whatsoever. It was a known fact in the study of zoology that the male of a species was very frequently the most glamorously-dressed, and while it was doubtful that Lailah had much interest in the field, perhaps she’d once travelled with someone who did. Or maybe she just saw a peacock one time, and thought, Yes! That is what I want to look like if I ever had to crossdress for a villain’s masquerade ball! Her ruby-red suit’s tails trailed behind her like a bird’s tailfeathers, and the ensemble positively dripped with white lace and golden filigree. Her hair was pulled back into its customary ponytail, but was braided through with red ribbon. Despite her admonishing Rose for moustache crimes, she herself wore a gaudy, dandy top hat atop her head.
“I swear on my last breath that I will smear jam all over this cravat and hide it in your bed at night,” Edna hissed.
Edna…well. Perhaps it was karmic consequence that had landed her in her current outfit, or perhaps it was her complete refusal to work with Ella and pay more than a scornful glance to the outfit designs that Lailah had drafted. She looked like the precious darling scion of a hallowed aristocratic house. She was absolutely drowning in frills and lace, in bows and cravats. Though the design was intended to bring to mind a sailor suit, a rock would have looked more seaworthy.
“You cut a distinguishing figure,” Lailah said sincerely. Rose cackled and twirled her moustache.
Visibly miserable, Edna yanked and tugged at the white stockings that she wore under her bloomers. “I haven’t worn pants in years. If I suffocate tonight I’m going to smear jam all over these tights and—”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it.” Rose twirled her moustache once more for good measure. “Gentlemen, or should I say, gentleladies! You’re up!”
Zaveid’s leg was the first thing that could be seen in the doorway – his bare leg, sporting a gun holster hooked to his garter. He whirled into view, pressing his whole body up against the doorframe, posing like a femme fatale from a trashy stage play. Ella probably did not need to spend much time on his ensemble, considering how…little there was of it. It showcased his entire back, and bared cleavage to the point of obscenity. The sides were slit up to his hips, allowing him to showcase the curve of his ass with very little trouble. Despite the…lack of modesty, he didn’t look bad. It was just…
“I thought we were trying to not call attention to ourselves?” Edna commented flatly.
“You think about how we’d manage that with Zaveid, and you get back to me,” Rose said.
“I’m just…too much…to ignore…” Zaveid said breathily, fluttering his eyelashes on every syllable.
Despite herself, Edna had to give her that one.
“Um,” Sorey’s voice called from the hallway. “Can you guys tell me if I put this on right? I think I’ve got some leftover sashes…”
The group was stunned to silence as Sorey entered the room. It was not as though they expected Sorey to look bad in his disguise. They just didn’t expect him to look this good. Ella had outdone herself. The white bodice, trimmed with blue and gold embroidery, served two important functions: it cinched Sorey’s waist, and pushed up his already fairly large chest to create the illusion of a voluminous bosom. On the other hand, Ella chose not to hide Sorey’s broad shoulders and muscled arms; instead flattering and showcasing them with cutout shoulders and draping sleeves. The blond wig on his head framed his face charmingly; when Sorey gave a shy, awkward smile, those present in the room felt as though a thousand arrows hit their hearts.
“It’s a little tight, you know, in…this area.” Sorey gestured to his honkers. “But I really like the skirts! Did you tell Ella how much I love flappy capes?”
His practice in the armatus gave him the grace and balance to twirl in his heels, allowing the long, flowing skirts to float around him like a princess from a fairytale.
“Your tailor girl’s a magician,” Zaveid said with a note of wonder in his voice. “Man. If she made Sorey look like such a sweet little thing, just think about…”
He trailed off, but everyone knew exactly to whom he was referring. They looked towards the door, on the edge of their seats.
Secretly, everyone really had been looking forward to seeing Mikleo all dolled up—
“Mikleo! Come out, please!” Sorey pleaded. “I wanna see how pretty you look!”
…okay, “secretly” for everyone except Sorey, who was always extremely loud about all things Mikleo. But the fact remained: Mikleo was already stunning enough, with his snow-white skin and striking violet eyes, with his tiny waist and delicate features. Expectations were high, and were only made higher by the clear demonstration of Ella’s skills.
“I took a sneak peek at the dress Miss Ella sent for him,” Lailah sighed aloud as she spoke. “Truly lovely! Mikleo will be a vision in it.”
This assurance only served to heighten the excitement in the room, and served to make Sorey nearly start vibrating in place. They heard a grumble and the sound of footsteps from the hallway, and Mikleo stepped into the room…
“Are you happy now?” Mikleo spat, crossing his arms. That snow-white skin of his was cherry red, from the tips of his ears to his chest.
The dress was indeed beautiful, and was fitted to Mikleo’s envious figure perfectly. His waist, dainty as ever, was only made lovelier by the finely-embroidered and ribboned bodice. The sleeves and skirts flowed like water, shimmering in the room’s candlelight like a pond reflecting the sun. The colors of the fabric complemented his fair complexion perfectly – it was as though a fairy of ice and snow had descended to bless them with a crisp winter’s day.
However, the enchanting effect was seriously spoiled by the sour and uncomfortable look on Mikleo’s face, and the stiffness in the way that he moved. He walked like he was on stilts, and turned in place like he had sacks of barley tied to his hips. It was abundantly clear that skirts and heels did not agree with him on a personal or spiritual level. Putting a beautiful swan in a beautiful dress resulted in something that was less than the sum of its parts. And resulted in a pissed-off swan.
Sorey sighed dreamily, and swept over in his skirts to twirl around the room with Mikleo – Sorey, moving with effortless charm, and Mikleo, moving like a flailing fish.
“You look so great! Doesn’t he!?” Sorey asked the room, though he wouldn’t have heard any answer they gave, so lost he was in their twirling. “If only everyone in that whole ballroom could see you, I bet they’d just look at you and go, ‘wow’…”
At least now Mikleo was pouting, rather than scowling. It made him look marginally more presentable.
“…well, now that the two of us look so dashing,” Rose said, trying to get the subject onto something that wouldn’t horribly offend Sorey. “I think we’re ready to crash that party.”
“As long as our Cupcake Shepherd keeps his mouth shut,” Edna mumbled. She was lying face-down on the inn floor to indicate her displeasure at everything around her.
“Yeah, well, if things go well, Soreyella Sparrowfeather won’t need to do much talking at all,” Rose said. “Roseino will distract all those guests with his charm and tales of adventure, while Soreyella and Miklette slip out to investigate the building and get some evidence of Mardoc’s extracurricular business ventures.”
“Mikleo,” Mikleo harshly corrected. “Will escort Sorey. Without these stupid—pointless—”
In a fit of fury, Mikleo tore off one heeled shoe and threw it across the room. He then hobbled out of the room, one heel still on, grumbling as he lurched back to his own room to find his normal footwear. Sorey gathered up his skirts and hurried after him like a practiced maiden.
The stage was set, and the cast were in costume and ready for their cue. But the question remained: even with evidence at hand, what could be done if Hyland insisted on ignoring the crimes of its nobility?
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(Art by Arivess!)
5 notes · View notes
benscursedkid · 5 years
What about 27,28,29,30,31,46,63 and 71 for Rebekah and Jacob?
of course!! thanks for asking, bubs, and i hope you enjoy! 💞✨
27. What is their biggest strength? 
Rebekah- her biggest strength as a character would probably have to be her determination. not to be confused with stubbornness, she’s not a particularly stubborn individual, it’s more like the second she sets her mind to something she cares about and matters to her, she’ll make damn sure she achieves it, whatever it may be. it ranges from idle tasks to making sure she studies for a certain amount of time, doesn’t forget to put away her journals, reminds her friends of this and that to, say, finding her missing brother and making her family whole again. it would definitely take something huge and extremely impactful to deter her from her quest.
Jacob- i would say that his biggest character strength is also one of his biggest character flaws. his ability and willingness to adapt to others has proven in the past to be very useful in his pursuit of the vaults– it makes it easier to trust him and believe the things he tells you. it’s also something that made him fairly well liked among his peers. he was whoever he needed to be, whoever you wanted him to be. unfortunately, this also made him a bit of an enigma, hard to place and understand. his few friends and close family members are really the only ones who truly knew him, and he was grateful for them, but because of his dicey charisma, he often times found himself more lonely than not.
28. Are they aware of their strengths?
Rebekah- i think it’s fairly safe to say she’s aware of the quality in herself, but if asked, i doubt she would assume that it’s necessarily her biggest strength. she’s more likely to guess something like creativity or kindness. and while these are definitely defining character traits that should be valued, as an individual, they’re not quite as useful as her determination.
Jacob- likewise, he probably wouldn’t assume it’s his biggest character strength, but he is much more aware of the quality and does place it higher up on a list of valued traits of his. probably only behind his intelligence and creativity in his mind.
29. How would they describe their own personality?
Rebekah- so, i wouldn’t go as far to say she’s particularly self-deprecating, but she definitely doesn’t give herself enough credit. she doesn’t really think of herself or her personality as anything truly special, so, if asked, she’d likely say something along the lines of “average” or “background”. however, it’s actually something that doesn’t really bother her. she’s okay with it and, to tell you the truth, she doesn’t think she’d be able to handle the life of someone so significant. she’s perfectly fine to sticking to her quiet corners and forgotten hallways.
Jacob- varies depending on when you ask him. if you were to ask him before attending Hogwarts, he’d probably say something a bit happier and encouraging, though still quite modest. after starting school, he probably wouldn’t even know where to begin defining himself. in years 1-4, he’d be more prone to saying “intelligent”, “creative”, and “friendly”. years 5-6 though? he’d have no idea. it’s around that time that he loses himself, so your guess, really, is as good as his. finally, after being let out of the portrait curse five years later, he’d definitely say something darker, more like, “no good”, “absent”, and, “more trouble than he’s worth”.
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
Rebekah & Jacob- for both, it depends heavily on the level of fright. if it’s a silly little jump scare played by a friend or a harmless spook around Halloween, they’re more likely to let it go and even have a laugh at themselves. but if it’s something more threatening, possibly on the verge of life-or-death, their first isnstict is definitely to fight or defend; protect. whether it be themselves or someone else who may be with them at the time, it doesn’t really matter.
31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?
Rebekah- i love this question for Rebekah in particular because her levels of selfish/selflessness are very muddled. in general, she’s not a very selfish person. when it comes to friends and people she cares about, she’s more likely to put their needs before her own. as i stated earlier, she’s big on making sure the people around her are comfortable. so, more often than not, she tends to be rather selfless with them. however, though the occurrence itself is very rare, when Rebekah gets particularly attached to a person, because of what happened with Jacob and her parents, she gets absolutely terrified of losing them. she’ll do just about anything to make sure it doesn’t happen, even if her methods aren’t very conventional. however, if the person is around to tell her what they want, she’s more inclinded to listen and take their words into account. in Jacob’s case, for example, he wasn’t there to tell her what he wanted or why he disappeared, so she automatically assumed he was stuck and wanted to come home... because that’s what she wanted. when Penny asked her what she would do if, perhaps, he didn’t want to be found, she didn’t believe it and couldn’t accept it because “why wouldn’t he wand to come home? of course he does!” she didn’t stop to consider what she’d do if he didn’t because she wanted him back so much, she couldn’t stand the thought. she just blantantly refused to think about it at all, despite the possibility that he truly felt that way. luckily for her, that wasn’t the case, but anyone who’s caught up knows that he’s not the best at showing it.
Jacob- also not especially selfish. in fact, i’d even go as far to say that, looking at the big picture, he’s probably a bit more selfless than Rebekah. this comes as a bit of a surprise for a lot of people who are familiar with the both of them as Rebekah is particularly known for being kind and caring and altogether one who puts others first. while Jacob is likewise understanding and good, the only time he’s ever truly put his needs above all else is after he began to lose himself in the vaults. but during this time he wasn’t really himself, the vaults and R having corrupted and changed him, poisoned his mind and tried to mold it to their own benefit. so, taking this into account, he’s shockingly the less selfish sibling. and one person who he will always put first, even if it means distancing himself and allowing her to hate him, is Rebekah. but what he doesn’t seem to understand is that what he thinks is best for her isn’t the same as what might actually be best for her. but i suppose they’re both guilty in the regard.
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?
Rebekah- she can express her emotions well enough. she’s very gentle and kind-hearted and she feels that expressing emotions is very important in relationships of all kinds. it’s not hard for her to tell someone what she thinks or how she feels– unless it’s a romantic confession, those take a while –and she’s pretty good at it. as for hiding emotions? it’s a bit harder considering she’s kind of an open book. i mean, she doesn’t even lie about pursuing the vaults. everybody knows. she really only lies to the staff when she’s doing something she specifically isn’t supposed to. but, because of this, she has learned to get better at lying and dissuading a conversation when she doesn’t want to talk about something. so over the years, she has gotten better at hiding things.
Jacob- he is equally as good at expressing his emotions as he is hiding them... which is fairly good. he’s a bit less private than his sister in a general sense. he’s not particularly quiet, nor is he very shy like she is. he’s more outgoing and talkative than she is for the most part. he doesn’t mind explaining himself and doesn’t find it difficult to express and regulate his emotions. however, it’s also relatively easy for him to hide his emotions. don’t play poker with him. unless you’re particularly close with him, it’s extremely hard to know what he’s thinking whenever he does go quiet. but, thankfully, the small few people who are close with him and do understand him know this and are patient with him. this, in turn, relaxes him and makes him more comfortable around them. he’ll tell them if he thinks it’s something they either ought to know or would like to know.
63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?
posted here! ✨
71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any?
Rebekah- very good with children. like with most people, she’s good at knowing just what the child needs. if it’s a quieter child, she can be quiet and comforting. if the child is more lively and energetic, she can do that, too. children like her company and kindness. having children was always something she wanted eventually. that hasn’t really changed much. like a lovesick teenager, she would occasionally imagine what having a family with Ben might be like, but she understands that’s way down a line they haven’t even crossed yet and also depends heavily on his feelings towards the matter. as of sixth year, everything is messy and bleak so it’s not really something she thinks much about anymore. though, her and Ben do end up having three children after the second war. two sons and a daughter. the oldest being their son Eddie, their second son as the youngest, Noah, leaving their daughter Sienna stuck being the middle child.
Jacob- also amazing with kids. he’s a bit more active and lighter than Rebekah. where she’s shy and gentle and rather quiet, he is very sociable, outgoing, and just generally playful. children love his enthusiasm and playing with him is always fun. he’s a bit on the taller side at 6’2, so they also like climbing all over him. but if he’s with a child who’s more timid or quiet, it has never failed him to read them a story or break out the art supplies and let them loose on the paper. as for having children, he always thought it was a nice idea. he loved being a big brother growing up and helping Rebekah learn things and keep her company. he was rather good at it, too. unfortunately though, as of where things are right now, he’s no longer so sure. it’s not so much that he doesn’t want them anymore more than it is he doesn’t necessarily think it’s the best idea. after all that’s happened and the things he’s done, he’s scared to mess up and not be the father they need or the kind that they deserve. i’m personally still on the fence on whether that’s in the cards for him down the line. the only person he could really see himself doing that with in the past was Stelina... but he’s definitely not going to seek her out after what he’s put her through.
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musictatertot · 6 years
Walking a mile in their shoes (Yang)
A previous post about Ruby and her character development up until the episode "So That's How it is" has lead to this! Yang is absolutely fascinating!
Let me know if you guys noticed anything I missed or if you think I have misunderstood/misinterpreted something (highly likely).
Yang Xiao Long
Out of every character in the show right now, Yang worries me the most. Her character development has been spot on and completely realistic, but not particularly in a good way. At least, not for the situation she is in.
Yang has been through some shit. Not even just recently, but her whole life. The feeling of abandonment that has followed her her whole life has never really gone away. In fact, it's only grown stronger.
In the first three volumes Yang was bullheaded, stubborn, energetic, and a large positive influence on her team. She had always been Ruby's cheerleader, pushing her to be more confident in herself and go for the gold! She was the main support pillar of Blake, working closely as her partner to make her feel safe and listened to. Those first three volumes we didn't really see many interaction between her and Weiss, but just because you aren't actively working to help someone doesn't mean you are not helping at all. Weiss is from a very tense, closed door kind of home. Yang, for all intents and purposes, was the Sparta kick to all closed doors she had never known was possible. Watching someone with that kind of confidence can be extremely inspiring, and I believe that might have been a strong portion of the respect the two clearly had for each other throughout those first three volumes, as shown in the two vs. two battle in the tournament.
Then Beacon fell and everything went wrong. Cinder was right to have them take out Yang the way they did (those rat bastards. I still love them as character portrayals but damn them!). Yang was the unshakeable foundation. She held absolute belief in herself because she had worked her damned hardest to be able to feel that way. She made sure her team, her family, saw her as someone they could depend on. Someone who was strong enough, and good enough, to defeat anything in their way.
Mercury and Emerald took that from her. I know we all place pretty much all of the blame for Yang's emotional turmoil right now on Adam (and rightfully so that dick) but I don't think we should forget that directly before that she had already been shaken down to her core beliefs. For a moment there, her whole team had been against her. Not aggressively, no, but it was clear that they were horrified by her actions (false as they were but no one had known that yet).
Suddenly her role was gone. Ruby looked at her as though she were the one that needed supporting. Blake, for a heart wrenching moment, believed she could become a cruel person. And Weiss...
Weiss actually surprised me. For all of her troubles with Ruby and Blake before I had expected at least a small confrontational remark. Nothing major, she had clearly already grown and opened up some by that point, perhaps just asking her why she did it. Instead she was completely supportive of Yang, immediately believing that she had a reason for what she had done and that the reason was valid. I knew she had grown but at this moment I realized how much. Good job Weiss.
I think that was a strong starting point for the supportive relationship (romantic or platonic, I just love the interactions and really, really want to see more so you can choose for yourselves) that they begin to develop in the fifth volume.
Weiss withstanding, Yang was still at a loss. Then she hears about her mother from Qrow. I won't say it was a wrong call, I don't have enough experience with either of their emotional states to say if it would have been better to remain silent or not, but it is factually accurate to say that Yang was in a very emotionally vulnerable state when she got the news.
Mentally vulnerable, mentions of absent mother thus bringing a strong reminder of those heavy abandonment feelings, Beacon falling, loosing an arm (another huge part of who she is) and then Blake leaves.
If the tournament had gone well, or at least Yang had been left alone, I feel like Yang would have reacted a bit differently about Blake's disappearance. She still would have been upset, absolutely, but the strong stab of betrayal she had felt would have been lessened. At least, I believe so. Too much had happened, she couldn't think about why Blake had left. Only that she had.
Thoughts of abandonment had already been on her mind. The situation exacerbated that and tore what little mental defenses she had left down. Losing her arm was, no doubt, an extreme blow to her core. The mental manipulation just added twice the impact.
(I actually think she should be equally, or maybe even more so in some cases, vengeful towards Emerald and Mercury, but I can see how the actual physical trauma has overwritten what they did in her mind a fair bit)
As such, I was supremely impressed when she was able to pull herself up again, and in such short time too! I know it was months covered in the fourth volume, but things like that can take up to years to even to begin making strong progress in. She wasn't completely stable, of course not, something like that doesn't just go away (and CRWBY you are gosh darn amazing for keeping that in mind you loveable masterminds) as shown by her shaking hand in tense situations and outbursts of anger whenever she is questioned but she was taking strong steps forward. She was trying, and really, that's all I wanted for her.
Honestly, I think at this point she has genuinely moved on from the trauma of what Adam has done to her (not the feelings they inflicted, but the trauma of it), taking that pain to make herself stronger, but she is still struggling immensely with what Mercury and Emerald did to her. This is especially worse because I don't think she even realizes that there is a problem that needs to be addressed (Jinn, can we please have some more questions please? We need a therapy circle, stat).
There are a lot of different ways to process trauma. It all depends on the person and what works for them! For the trauma with Adam Yang has turned her pain and fear into vengeance and anger again. Awesome for her, she's moving forwards! Unfortunately, by not paying attention to the mental attacks she suffered she is using those same tactics against those without fully being aware. In volume five it was not quite as noticeable, a few moments here and there (shouting at Ruby and Weiss, losing her cool when asking about her mother being turned into a raven), but I especially noticed it in her character songs. Especially "Ignite".
Yang's songs have always been about self assuredness, fighting, and unwavering confidence. These were still there, and I loved it.
There was also a lot more... aggression. "I Burn" as well as "Armed and Ready" were about fighting and fighting back against an oppressive force. "Ignite" was a bit more brutal. Slowly but surely her actions are taking on more violent means. She has always been a fighter, so violence is par for the course, but the line in particular in "Ignite" that caught my attention was "Didn't mother warn you, now she's going to mourn you". Several other lines follow this thread and I can clearly see that her anger and bloodlust is on the rise.
Not necessarily a bad thing, when fighting enemies. Not a great thing when it is directed at the people closest to you as well.
I adore Yang, but I am growing increasingly worried about her more constant bouts of anger. They are valid reasons for anger, but she is losing the restraint she once had. My main case in point is when her, alongside Weiss and Blake, turned their weapons on Qrow.
Weiss and Blake I can understand. They don't know Qrow. All they know is that he is extremely loyal to Ozpin so of course they would be wary of him approaching Ruby when she stands against him.
Yang, however, knows better. She's known Qrow even longer than Ruby, and his actions were clearly pacifying. Standing between him and Ruby, sure. Letting him know you stand with her, even if he disagrees. Pointing her weapon at him, that's too much. That is a reaction without thought, which is becoming more common.
I also find Yang acting more and more like, well, a rebellious teenager. Teenagers go through a hormonal period where it is literally almost impossible to see things from a point of view different from their own, particularly when they are upset. Everyone has it at different times in their lives ranging from preteens to even their early twenties, but it is still a process of growth. It is very egocentric, very normal, and a very bad time for it.
Yang has no patience anymore. She is acting hypocritically more and more often. Being angry at Ozpin for hiding things is natural, and I expected it. But the amount of anger she held and self righteousness she showed was at odds with her own secrets regarding Raven. Protecting her mother is something I empathize with, but Raven is also a Maiden. If you're going to get mad at someone for hiding things about the fight you are in, you should be aware enough that you are doing the same. She is not; this the teenage egocentrism.
Even during Jinn's story about Ozpin's past, Yang's expressions were more often anger than anything else. And not really anger at anyone other that Ozpin. She can not break herself from her original thoughts that he can not be trusted, regardless of his reasons.
I am especially worried about her thoughts on her mother now. Because she did not trust a word her mother said, but as it turns out not everything she had said was a lie. This, almost scarily often, had the ever present thought of "what else was she right about". Now I am worried that her mind will make that emotional leap of distrusting Ozpin so much that she believed everything her mother said. She still is angry and hateful for the abondment but now there is a valid reason for it. Her mother abandoned her for a reason, and that reason is currently locked away inside a lost farmer boy.
Im hoping Weiss or Ruby is able to get through to her. I wish it could be Blake, but with the previous abandonment and Yang's feelings about it I don't think she will really be willing to listen to what Blake has to say while her emotions are still high. Ruby has a very special connection to her and has the best luck of making her step back, but I think Weiss has the best chance of making her reflect. Speaking from experience it is kind of hard to take when you get a younger sibling's criticism for you choices. It's both a matter of pride and a matter of you, being the oldest, are supposed to be taking care of them and showing them the best way. I hope it will be Ruby who makes her take a step back, Weiss who makes her reflect, and Blake who listens and supports thus bridging the gap between them and restoring that trusting relationship Yang desperately needs.
I love Yang. I hope she looks in and works to help herself soon, before she does something she will regret.
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