#if the financial package is good then i can do it
the-music-keeper · 1 year
Objective #10 is done. While most of the requirements look vague on paper (like most seminar classes do, to be honest), Dr. Clark's bio has a wonderful list of topics he's led seminars on -- including flamenco and tango.
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monsterfactoryfanfic · 2 months
if I've learned anything from grad school it's to check your sources, and this has proven invaluable in the dozens of instances when I've had an MBA-type try to tell me something about finances or leadership. Case in point:
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Firefox serves me clickbaity articles through Pocket, which is fine because I like Firefox. But sometimes an article makes me curious. I'm pretty anal about my finances, and I wondered if this article was, as I suspected, total horseshit, or could potentially benefit me and help me get my spending under control. So let's check the article in question.
It mostly seems like common sense. "...track expenses and income for at least a month before setting a budget...How much money do I have or earn? How much do I want to save?" Basic shit like that. But then I get to this section:
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This sounds fucking made up to me. And thankfully, they've provided a source to their claim that "research has repeatedly shown" that writing things down changes behavior. First mistake. What research is this?
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Forbes, naturally, my #1 source for absolute dogshit fart-sniffing financial schlock. Forbes is the type of website that guy from high school who constantly posts on linkedin trawls daily for little articles like this that make him feel better about refusing to pay for a decent package for his employees' healthcare (I'm from the United States, a barbaric, conflict-ridden country in the throes of civil unrest, so obsessed with violence that its warlords prioritize weapons over universal medical coverage. I digress). Forbes constantly posts shit like this, and I constantly spend my time at leadership seminars debunking poor consultants who get paid to read these claims credulously. Look at this highlighted text. Does it make sense to you that simply writing your financial goals down would result in a 10x increase in your income? Because if it does, let me make you an offer on this sick ass bridge.
Thankfully, Forbes also makes the mistake of citing their sources. Let's check to see where this hyperlink goes:
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SidSavara. I've never heard of this site, but the About section tells me that Sid is "a technology leader who empowers teams to grow into their best selves. He is a life-long learner enjoys developing software, leading teams in delivering mission critical projects, playing guitar and watching football and basketball."
That doesn't mean anything. What are his LinkedIn credentials? With the caveat that anyone can lie on Linkedin, Mr. Savara appears to be a Software Engineer. Which is fine! I'm glad software engineers exist! But Sid's got nothing in his professional history which suggests he knows shit about finance. So I'm already pretty skeptical of his website, which is increasingly looking like a personal fart-huffing blog.
The article itself repeats the credulous claim made in the Forbes story earlier, but this time, provides no link for the 3% story. Mr. Savara is smarter than his colleages at Forbes, it's much wiser to just make shit up.
HOWEVER. I am not the first person to have followed this rabbit hole. Because at the very top of this article, there is a disclaimer.
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Uh oh!
Sid's been called out before, and in the follow up to this article, he reveals the truth.
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You can guess where this is going.
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So to go back to the VERY beginning of this post, both Pocket/Good Housekeeping and Forbes failed to do even the most basic of research, taking the wild claim that writing down your budget may increase your income by 10x on good faith and the word of a(n admittedly honest about his shortcomings) software engineer.
Why did I spend 30 minutes to make a tumblr post about this? Mostly to show off how smart I am, but also to remind folks of just how flimsy any claim on the internet can be. Click those links, follow those sources, and when the sources stop linking, ask why.
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izvmimi · 10 months
cw: this is so goofy. selfship-coded. izuku has a subtle breeding kink (i wrote this what's new). pregnancy mention. condom use. suggestive, minors dni.
you sit warily on the toilet seat, your fiancé right outside the door, and your foot tap tap taps as you wait for the little piece of plastic in your hand to decide your future.
ironically, you don't have the energy for trepidation anymore because you feel like by now you're at this literally every couple of days.
but baby it doesn't feel good?
but don't you want me to feel all of me?
i promise i'll pull out better this time.
just the tip is fine, right?
izuku's outside the bathroom door, giving you privacy as though he wasn't nose deep between your legs just last night, slobbering all over you like a starving puppy presented with a wet meal. for a moment it occurs to you that if you really are pregnant, even if you can clearly handle it financially and emotionally, you'll shove that stick so far up his ass that-
your timer goes off and it's negative.
you sigh.
izuku bursts in at the sound of your voice, immediately uttering a supportive "is everything okay baby?" the shine to his emerald eyes makes you wonder if he actually, deep down, does want you pregnant.
"perfect. no baby."
he grins and kisses your forehead as you adjust your panties up and stand to wash your hands. squishing your cheeks as he has trouble getting his hands off of you, he promises that he'll actually invest in some condoms.
you don't believe him, but you consider making that appointment to your ob-gyn to get an intrauterine device you've been thinking about sooner rather than later.
another night comes and he's looked at you like that and he continues to be built like that and you have no choice but to let him do whatever he wants with you, even if it is to drag you not really kicking and not really screaming from your work, going from holding you around your midsection to lifting you up effortlessly so that your crotch is pressed against his face. he sniffs you like an entire dog and you're both terribly embarrassed and terribly aroused by his sheer want for you. izuku is already pressing kisses to your mound through your yoga pants as he carries you to the bed.
"izuku, i still have shit to do!" you argue, but you're holding on tight to his head to keep your balance, as if he would ever let you fall.
"you've worked hard enough," he says, muffled by your legs around his face. "i'm asking politely. may i please have some pussy?"
the fact that he's asking this, just as you land on the bed with a practical bounce is almost offensive. you sit up.
"are you even asking?"
he leans in, grinning as he gets on all fours to descend upon you.
"i mean yeah, of course," he replies, knowing full well that you won't say no as he pulls off his shirt. you shake your head, but your shirt goes over your head as well. he catches your lips in a kiss first, and you sink into the bed under his weight as he practically smothers you in kisses. wet, sloppy, silly, you laugh against each other, groping each other with your hands, and then it occurs to you both at the same time.
you pull away, his teeth still grazing at your lower lip.
"izuku, do you have any?"
he blinks for a moment, sitting back on his heels. then his eyes widen.
izuku sounds a little too excited just for condoms, and your eyes narrow, but he practically leaps off the bed and is burrowing through his workbag for something, and you squint, expecting a box.
what he comes up with dries you up so fast you'll need iv fluids.
his grin is wide as he presents to you, proudly, a string of pristine looking condoms, all printed with all might's million watt smile right on the packaging.
"see, i didn't forget!"
a moment of silence passes as you beg the heavens above that your adonis of a partner is not fucking serious about fucking you sideways with his mentor's brand of contraceptive rubbers.
you walk out of the room, immediately, so irate you can't speak.
"WHAT?!" he asks, following you out immediately. "come on!"
there's no way you are coming or cumming anywhere in the next hour. not like this.
you find your seat back at your desk and crack open your hardback textbook as hard as you can, doing your best to ignore the whine his voice has taken. he can actually die of blue balls for all you care.
"come on, it's not that bad!"
you snap your head at him and give him a look, and he immediately recants.
"okay, i'll go out right now and get normal condoms, i promise."
you lick the tip of your index finger and turn the page of your book.
"please, my dick is literally so hard right now, don't you care if i die?"
"perish. let me see," you reply, without turning your head.
"wow!" you can't' help but stifle a laugh at his disbelief. you hear him shift upwards and turn, not even realizing he had been kneeling.
as he stands, you do get a look at his... impressive member. maybe he could die like this, the way that thing is rock hard and waiting desperately for you.
you blink, look at your book, then look back at him. he's looking at you with the puppy dog eyes, and he still looks the way he does and he's still built the way he is, and...
moments later, you're folded into a jackknife because your pro hero fiancé somehow always gets his way, but at least, mercifully, his mentor's condom isn't wrapped all over what's pumping in and out of you.
right before your eyes roll back in your head, you can still see all might's smile, and maybe you should have just stuck with the damn pregnancy tests after all.
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nientedal · 10 months
What progress at home has biden enacted? What policies of his show that he is making progress that prove he is actually different than trump?
I like to pretend I have faith in humanity, so I'll answer as if you're asking this in good faith.
Biden's DEA has lifted restrictions on telehealth prescriptions to make appointments and assistance more accessible.
He put a funding package into place to help unhoused people get access to mental and physical healthcare, as well as short-term and long-term housing.
He has attempted and is still attempting to get student debt relief through - this was blocked by Republican judges appointed by Trump, but he's still working on it.
Infrastructure repair - his administration has budgeted funds to actually fix some severely-damaged and frequently-traveled bridges.
Trying to expand access to healthcare to include undocumented immigrants who came to the USA as children (Dreamers) under the Affordable Care Act. Support for Navigator programs and outreach has also been increased.
He has vetoed Republican-led bills that were attempting to overturn environmental protections - one that would have forbidden investment fund managers to consider climate change in their portfolios (I have two degrees in accounting and this is actually huge), and another that would have overturned restrictions on agricultural runoff into our waterways.
He and his administration worked for ages to get rail workers paid sick days.
This is just some of what he's been doing. Meanwhile, Trump and other Republicans want to criminalize the lives of LGBT people like you and me. They want to eliminate no-fault divorce and force births that will kill parents or devastate them financially. They have stated flat out that they want to install a military dictatorship in the USA. They attempted to put that in motion on January 6th, 2021. They failed once. They will do better next time.
One party wants to house the homeless and expand social safety nets, while the other one wants to criminalize homelessness. One of them wants a future in which I might be able to vote to change how much of a war machine my country is, while the other one wants to eliminate my ability to vote entirely. Those are not the same. Those literally are opposites.
At the end of the day, all you and I can do is choose to do the least amount of harm possible. You and I cannot choose to do no harm. This is the USA, we sell war, you and I cannot choose to do no harm. I wish we could, my god do I wish we could, but that is not an option. So we grieve for the harm we couldn't eliminate and work to minimize the harm that is done. Despite all the crap they support, Democrats are the minimum amount of harm right now. Acting like they aren't is exactly what brought us to an election where our options are a future where we are either wading in blood or drowning in it.
Not voting for Biden will not help Palestine. Not voting for Biden will guarantee a Republican president who will make the situation in Palestine WORSE. AND it'll hurt a lot of other places as well, both at home and abroad, because Republicans are about business and the USA is in the business of war! And I would very much like that to change someday! I would very much like to someday be able to choose to do no harm! And I know what I have to do to try for that future, so what are YOU going to do? There is no standing off to the side in this. If you aren't helping pull, you're the dead weight we're pulling. Are you going to dig your feet into the mud and blood and drown us there? Or are you going to get the fuck off your ass, grit your teeth, and help us pull free?
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reasonsforhope · 25 days
"A trial programme providing a free meal a day has yielded not just financial relief for households but also improved child nutrition and student outcomes such as attendance and focus.
The free school lunch initiative for children from poor or disadvantaged families was introduced by President-elect Prabowo Subianto and Vice-President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka as one of their key campaign promises. Mr Gibran is President Joko Widodo’s elder son...
The pair – who won the Feb 14 presidential election by a landslide and will be inaugurated in October – had in the lead-up to the polls pledged to offer free lunches and milk for students as well as nutritional aid to toddlers and pregnant women in a bid to lower the country’s stunting rate.
Over 20 per cent of Indonesian children under the age of five experienced stunted growth in 2022, according to the United Nations. Stunting, which is being too short for one’s age as a result of poor nutrition, can result in long-term development delays.
When fully implemented by 2029, the programme will cover 83.9 million beneficiaries across the world’s fourth-most-populous nation of nearly 280 million, and cost over 400 trillion rupiah (S$33.7 billion) a year – about 2 per cent of annual gross domestic product.
But on the ground, a trial that was first rolled out in January at 16 schools in Sukabumi, in West Java, has been warmly received by around 3,500 students, their parents and school leaders, who have seen positive changes.
For one thing, saving on the cost of lunches for four of her nine children has provided significant finan­cial relief for Indonesian house­wife Rofiati, 46.
Her husband, a teacher at an Islamic boarding school in Sukabumi, earns 2.5 million rupiah a month on average, and the free school meals have helped them save about 420,000 rupiah monthly, which she can put towards other household needs.
Her children do not usually have breakfast before school. Before the free lunch programme, her children would eat lunch only upon returning home from school. Lunch would usually consist of instant noodles, or dishes of vegetables, eggs, tempeh or salted fish.
“I am not worried any more because I know they will eat at school. They have more appetite as they eat together with their friends,” Ms Rofiati told The Straits Times, adding that her children’s appetites have improved and they also like the variety of the meals provided. In fact, her 11-year-old daughter has gained 4kg since the programme started.
Every day, students on the programme receive a lunch package worth 15,000 rupiah, containing rice, meat such as chicken, fish or beef, vegetables, fruit and milk.
At home, the family usually eats meat only once a week.
It is not just the financial savings that parents are happy about. Ms Depi Ratna Juwarti, who has two out of three children benefiting from the free lunches, has noticed other encouraging results.
“They rarely get sick now. They are more motivated to study and spend a longer time studying at night,” Ms Depi said.
Her eldest daughter, Adifa Alifiya Mahrain, 12, also has good reviews. “The food is always delicious and the menu changes every day. I always eat everything. It’s a lot of fun to eat together with my friends,” said Adifa, who hopes to become a paediatrician in the future.
Mr Shalahudin Sanusi, principal of Gelarsari Islamic primary school in Sukabumi, which is trialling the programme, said he has noticed that pupils have been able to concentrate better and understand lessons more.
He said the initiative has raised the attendance rate of its 110 pupils from 85 per cent to 95 per cent. “They eat modestly at home – mostly rice and salted fish. Rice and eggs are the best they can get,” he told ST. “Now, they are so excited, some even arrive in school at 6am, an hour before lessons start.”"
-via The Straits Times, May 18, 2024
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
Onesie Party
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SUMMARY: Ace and Deuce, with a hint from Cater and financially support from Kalim, gave you a costume made Grim onesie. And decided to throw a surprise (to only you) onesie party at Ramshackle Dorm and invite all the students you knew. Onesies were the mandatory dress code!
CHARACTERS: All NRC Students. (Leona is mentioned because, let’s face it, he would only wear a onesie if he was forced to)
TAGS: Fluf; GN Reader.
COMMENTS: I'm new at posting here on tumblr. This is the first thing I write as a fan of something. I already read other things like this here and I enjoyed them. One night I was wearing my own onesie and got this idea. I also like to write so, why not?
I hope you enjoy reading. I did enjoy writing it.
BTW: English isn't my first language.
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You were on Ramshackle Dorm. It was already late night, and you were getting ready to go to bed when you decided to make one last check at your Magicam.
You had a massage from Cater. He sent to you a post. It was a photo of someone wearing a black cat onesie with red fire in its ears.
Cater: It reminded me of Gri-Chan
Cater: they're making custom onesie!!
Cater: a Grim onesie would be so adorbs!!!!!
Cater: and you'd look so cuuute on one ;)
That made you giggle. You checked the post just to confirm what you´ve already thought.
You: They’re sooo CUTE!!!
You: I would love to have a Grim onesie but…
You: they’re so expensive :(
You: That and Grim would probably tease me about it and his ego would inflate even more -.-
Cater: hahahahaha He would do that because he would love to see you in that too XD
Cater: but yah... it's a shame it's so expensive :(
Cater: Ow... I need to go... Don't want to lose my head to be up past hours
Cater: nighty night~
You: good night ~
Little did you know Cater would tell your two dummy best friends about the onesie thing.
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It was a chilly night, some days after that chat, and the sun was just a few seconds of set, when you heard a knock on the front door.
Grim smelled the air. “I smell FOOD!” he said, rushing to the door.
You hear Ace and Deuce's voices. And then you see them appear in the lounge where you were sitting on the sofa. If you were drinking something, you would have spit it out or choked on your laughter.
Besides having some bags with snacks, they were also wearing onesies. Ace had an ace of hearts onesie and Deuce had a two of spades onesie. They say that line of onesies were made based on the Queen of Hearts card soldier.
Ace was loud when he greeted you. Deuce was probably still embarrassed about the situation.
“You look so adorbs!” You said, purposely imitating Cater, and laughing. That made Deuce blush a little.
“HA ha ha. I know right?” Ace said, “But don’t think can escape from join us.”
“I would love to, but unfortunately for you, I don't have a onesie.”
“Are you sure?” Ace took out one of the things Deuce carried in one of the bags.
“OI!” Deuce protested. And Ace threw you a paper bag. Like a package that arrived in the mail. When you picked it up, you realized that by the softness, inside the bag there should be some kind of clothing.
You opened the bag while they took the snacks out of the bags and placed them on the table. And unfurling a gray onesie with a trifurcated tail, blue fire coming out of the cat ears and a black and white striped bow around the neck, which the zipper handle being a pendant.
“Don't just stand there looking at it. Go dress it before the party starts!”
“Party?! What party?!”
Ace had a mischievous smirk on his face.
“Sorry, (Y/N).” Deuce said, “I wanted to tell you, but they wanted it to be a surprise.”
“They? You mean there more people than you two who are involved in this?”
“Of course.” Ace said, “That thing was expensive. Who do you think we tricked to… I mean, who do you think offered to pay for the whole thing when he knew about it?”
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. And someone else nocked at the door. Either it was a huge coincidence or a great timing. You put the onesie on the sofa and went to open the door.
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Kalim’s greeting was as warm as always. He was wearing a red parrot onesie. He had his signature smile, until he saw your clothes.
“Oh, did we come too soon? Ace and Deuce haven’t arrived yet? I hope I didn't ruin the surprise.”
“Oh no. They are here. I just haven't put on my onesie yet.”
He sighed with relief “I got scared for a second. Then go try it one! I can’t wait to see how it looks on you!”
You smiled “Ok, I’ll go. After you enter.”
Kalim wasn't carrying anything, but the person who came in after him and greeted you had about three boxes stacked in his arms. You controlled your laughter because you knew he wouldn't like that. But Jamil looked so cute in his dark red snake onesie. You felt the need to say something.
“Don't be mad at me, but you look kinda cute on that.”
“D-don’t worry. I’m not mad” and he quickly balanced the boxes on one arm to pull the hood up to cover his blushing face with the other. “Thanks.” He whispered. That just made it worse. He was now even cuter.
You went to one of the empty rooms to change to your new onesie. When you returned to the lounge all the boys ware looking at you the same way, but Kalim was the one saying what probably all of them were thinking.
“Aw! You look so cute (Y/N)!”
“Myahaha. Looks like we find the perfect uniform for my hench-human.”
And before you could say something back, another knocks the door. You were so excited about seeing another NRC student in a cute onesie than you almost rush to the door.
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OMG. Now it was Trey and Cater on a three of clubs and four of diamonds onesies. They'll tell you that the four card soldier onesies pack was on discount, so they took it. And of course, Trey brought one of his cakes. Like Deuce, Trey was a little embarrassed. But Cater...
“OGS, you look cuter that I thought! I need a pic of us (Y/N)!”
(OGS = Oh Great Seven)
They entered and after them… surprise of surprises:
“Riddle?!” It was already too late to try to sound less cooked. And he was wearing a red hedgehog onesie. “I-I didn’t thought… um…”
“Think, (Y/N), I didn't think.” He corrected you. maybe because he would anyways, or maybe to try to soften the soft blush that was already starting to form. “Well, since you always go to our unbirthday parties when invited, and sometimes even help preparing them, I thought the minimum I could do to show my appreciation was to attend to one of your parties.”
After he entered, something on the back of the onesie caught your eye. You weren't looking at that, swear! But that little round tail was so cute.
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A few minutes later, new knockings on the door.
“Kalim?” You asked, “How many people did you invite?”
“Well, to be honest, I was thinking about inviting all the students at school. But Jamil said that you could not like that especially because it was a surprise party, so he suggested only invited the people you know.”
You smiled at Jamil as saying thank you.
“So I only invited… um, let me see… Jamil, Riddle, Trey, Cater, Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Vil, Rook, Epel…”
Another knock interrupted Kalim’s list. Whoever it was from that list, it was better to open the door and fast.
Ruggie was wearing a hyena onesie. You were as happy to see him as he was to see you but... “Isn’t it a little bit… weird for you?” You asked.
“Hey! I'm a very loyal guy to my roots. Shehe.”
“That and Leona-senpai said it was either that or a lion onesie.” Jack said. He will revel to you that Leona was the one paying for Ruggie's onesie. and he wanted to buy the lion one for Ruggie, just to mess with him, but eventually Ruggie convinced him to buy the hyena one. Jack himself was wearing a dark blue onesie with little stars and little moons that glowed in the dark, what made you look confused and with a lot of questions at him.
Jack blushed. “L-listen, it's a long story. It was the only thing I had. I bought this a couple of years ago because of my little sister. I can explain it later...”
You didn’t saw anyone else with them. “Oh, what a shame Leona couldn’t come.” You say to Ruggie with a smirk on your face. Despite you really wanting to see him in a cute onesie, you know he wouldn’t do such thing.
And speaking of him, if you’re questioning why Leona would buy Ruggie a onesie just for that party. They made a deal. And Ruggie’s part of the deal was sneakily snap some pictures of your pretty figure on that cute onesie for Leona. And maybe he would save some copies to himself too.
Them entered and you saw that Ruggie’s onesie covered his entire back. So, his little tail was inside. Unlike Jack's tail, which poked out of his onesie and struggled not to wag like a happy dog’s one.
After the two of them entered the lounge, Ace started messing with Jack, and Ruggie started messing with Riddle because of they’re onesies. Nothing to make neither of them too mad, but it made you star worrying about other possible gests.
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Not long after, you open the door again.
“Awww... why an azarashi-chan onesie? You should have got a Shrimp one.” Floyd whined. “Ne Jade?”
“He Floyd.” His Twin agreed “Oh, but you still look adorable on that direbeast onesie.”  After Ruggie, it was no surprise seeing them on eels onesies. The funniest thing about their onesies was the feet getting out of the onesie while the tail continued a little further back.
But honestly, even more funny was Azul in front of them. Was he using an octopus onesie? Unfortunately for you, no. He was wearing a… business onesies! A onesie that looked like a suit. How did he even find one of those? You could have asked if you didn't just start laughing.
Azul looked a little upset about your laugh.
“I told you that one was stupid.” Floyd said. “You should have got a cute one.”
“I didn’t want a cute one.” Azul said back to Floyd, and then asked you: “Is there something wrong about the onesie I chose?”
“No, no.” You assured him, still giggling a little. “There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just that I never saw a onesie liked that. I didn’t even know those existed.”
“I would rather see Azul on an octopus onesie myself as well.” Jade said with his signature smile that only the people who knew him knew it was a mocking smile.
“Absolutely not!” Azul reiterated. And as if trying to change the subject of the conversation. “Though, (Y/N), despite the preferences of my colleagues, I may say that you look wonderful in those clothes.” Oh, he tried to control the blush, but little did he know it was stronger than his wishes.
The Tweels smiled mischievously but didn’t say anything about it. Looking at them and thinking about the people that were already on the lounge, you realised something. You opened your arms in a signal for them not to enter yet.
“Wait, just… Can I please ask you something?” you opened your arms in a signal for them not to enter yet. But you quickly remember when you saw their, let's say, villainous smiles. You wanted a favor from the Fish Mafia, hum?
“Of course, prefect.” Azul said with his charming smile. “Anything you wish. You already should know that.”
There was only one thing you could use to your advantage when dealing with those three. And especially in this situation. They soften when their poor unfortunate souls are cute.
“Can you please not anger anyone? You know, teasing them about the onesies? I wanted everyone to enjoy the party.” You asked with only the necessary amount of puppy eyes.
“Anger anyone?” Floyd repeated, then smiled. “Is kingyo-chan here?”
Time to increase the puppy eyes, directed at both at Floyd and Azul. And while Azul was thinking you thought of a possible offer to Floyd. “I'll buy a shrimp onesie!”
Floyd’s smile softened and warmed. “Really~? And would you visit me with it dressed at Octavinelle whenever I ask you~?”
“Not whenever you ask.” You stood.
“And what if we set a maximum limit?” Jade said, as if that deal was of his interest as well. “Once a week maximum?”
“Once a month.”
“Twice a month” Floyd pouted.
“Fine. Twice a month maximum.”
“Okay~! What do you think Azul?”
“Um… Allow me to be the one selling the onesie to you, and we have a deal.”
You signed. “Fine.”
“It’s a deal then, my dear (Y/N). It’s always a pleasure to do them with you.”
If it makes you feel better, remember that you just made a dela with them while everyone wearing onesies. And little did Azul know he would be teased for his choice of onesie as well. At least Jamil had that to counterattack.
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Next knocks on the door.
“Beauté! Oh, Trickster, your onesie is magnifique! Such clothing specially designed based on a close friend! What a wonderful show of beautiful bonds.” And Rook did it again, made you blush with his flourish. “Ah~” he whispered at you with a smile. “And of course, you could get even more beautiful.” He was wearing a light purple bear onesie.
“Rook, don’t spoil (Y/N) already with your complements.” Vil said. He was wearing a peacock onesie. He looked at you and smiled. “But I agree, it is a pretty cosy sight to behold. I even dare say you may look better than Grim himself.”
You smiled, still blushing. “Don’t say that in front of him.”
They entered and finally you see your fellow Pomefiore freshman. Epel was wearing a purple onesie with white lines with little drawings (like a Christmas onesie, but purple instead of red). But the biggest surprise was seeing him with his excited smile. You would think he from all people wouldn't like a party like this. I mean, it's kind of hard looking anything other than cute on a onesie. But he seems looking forward to the party.
“Ah! I love your onesie.” You tell him.
“Thanks! My grandma did it for me some time ago. I never had the opportunity to use it with other people wearing their own onesies too!”
“I also told him that he wouldn't need to worry about being the only one being called cute on this party.” Vil said.
“Oh! I'm eager to see what our dear schoolmates chose to wear on this night.”
“Um, Rook?” You ask before he continued followed the other two to the lounge.
“I’m curious. Epel is wearing a onesie that his grandmother made. Vil is wearing, well, the animal that I most associated with him.” You giggle. “But I was wondering why you’ve chose a bear?”
He smiled at you. “I’m glad I picked your curiosity.” Rook had his, let’s say, hunter smile on his face. “Well, since you’re the host, I may tell you. You see, I always found fascinating by how a huge beast like a bear could turn into a soft and cute toy for children. Both an efficient predator and a fluffy friend. I thought it was a good fit for both the party and me. Wouldn't you agree, trickster?”
“Indeed.” you smiled, slightly worried.
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Some minutes later, more knock on the door.
“HIII, prefect!” And you thought Ortho couldn't look cuter. He was wearing a magenta onesie with little horns, and with the ways he was moving you were able to glance a pointy tail behind him as well. He even changed his flames hair colour to match the onesie. “Wow! The Grim-san onesie is so cool! It looks so good on you.”
"Thank you. Your onesie is so cool too."
“Ha ha, thank you. They are from characters we really like. We thought it would be cool to matching clothes for this kind of party.”
“We? Matching?”
“And I’m already regretting that.” You heard a familiar deep voice saying somewhere outside.
“Ni-san! Come on, you said you wanted to show everyone how superior our onesies are.” Then he imitated Idia's voice. “There's no way those guys have better onesies than this. I personally upgraded mine from their standard self to accommodate my shut-in needs.”
“Fine, fine… you don't need to info-dump everything in one line of dialog.”
Instead of waiting for Idia to came out of his hiding place, you snick out your head to find him crouching to the wall close to the door.
“Heep! N-no need to jump-scare me.” He was wearing a onesie similar to Ortho’s, but his was teal, and the horns were longer than Ortho's. He was using the hoodie to hide his face, despite the long blue flames of hair that lit him. You could also see the pointy tail lying on the ground.
“Sorry.” Your eyes widened. “Your onesies are so cool! And the fact they’re matching is so adorable.”
Idia looked up at you, saw your cat ears with flames that match his own hair, and the ends of that same hair began to turn pink.
“(Y/N), could you help me convince my brother to enter the party. Please.” The please wasn't needed, he was asking you with his cute little brother's voice, and you existed heart couldn’t say no to that. That and you also wanted Idia in the party.
“Um… If I tell you some of the onesies others are wearing, would you feel more comfortable?”
“That could be considered a spoiler but… yah… If the game offers you some hint about the element of your opponent’s attacks, you’re a noob for not taking advantage of that.” And with it he at least got up. Making you be the one looking up.
“Let me see… Ace, Deuce, Trey and Cater are matching to. They’re card soldiers.”
“Um… I think I saw the pack online…”
“Riddle is a red hedgehog.”
“WHA-? Riddle-shi is here?! And on a hedgehog onesie?!”
“Right? I was as chocked as you.”
“Well, from the small sample my theory still holds.” Idia whispered with a smug smile.
“So, will you enter with me Ni-san?”
“Y-yes. I-I can go with you.”
Ortho happily thanked you and tugged his big brother by his onesie sleeve. After they entered you could see in both onesies a little pair of demon wings.
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You were still waiting for someone else. But it seemed to be taking longer than the others.
“Kalim. Please tell me that you didn’t forget to invite de guys from Diasomnia.”
“I could swear I invited everyone… AH! That's what I forgot to tell Lilia in music club meeting!”
“What?! You didn’t invite them?!”
“Don’t warry, (Y/N).” Jamil said to you. “I made sure to go to the music club room after their meeting was over and I came across Lilia on the corridor. I can assure you that I informed him of the party.”
You could hug and kiss this boy right there and then and it shown on your eyes. “Oh Jamil, you’re the best!” he said it was nothing as he hid his face in his onesie's hoodie.
Despite that, you were only relieved when you finally heard another knock on the door. You open it with an expectant smile on your face and...
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Aaaahh! Lilia!” you scold.
Lilia just did one of his popped out of nowhere upside-down things. This time appearing on the top of your door trim.
“Fuhuhu. Forgive me, but I couldn’t resist.” He said as he turned to land his feet on the floor. He was wearing a black dragon onesie, with fluffy horns and tail and a purple belly.
You looked at him, he looked at you.
“You look so cute!” you both said to each other at the same time. And while you were laugh it off, three tallest figures appeared behind Lilia.
They were all wearing the same black dragon onesies. The only exception was that Malleus' onesie didn't have the fluffy horns. Instead, there were holes on the hoodie specially made for his real horns take the place of the fake ones. He had his charming, delighted smile on. The smile he always has when he's invited for something.
“Indeed, that is certainly a flattering attire. Especially on you, Child of Man.”
“Thank you.” You smiled and blush. “Come on in! I want to see your onesies better.”
“HA!” Sebek yelled. “A human capable of understand the grandiosity of waka-sama to be willing to admire his figure in such admirable garment.” He was probably calling the onesie admirable because it was design based on the dragon form of the Thorn Fairy.
This also made a sleeping Silver standing next to Malleus wake up. He sighed. “I knew this onesie was too comfortable.” He was the last one entering the hall.
It was funny seeing Sebek so proud for using a dragon’s onesie alongside his Waka-sama. Seeing sleepy Silver on that onesie was one of the cutest sights of the night. But you also felt sorry for him because he was struggling more than usual to stay awake.
And Malleus, the warm way he was looking at you on your Grim onesie plus how cute he was on his, you suddenly felt like hugging him. He would probably like it. Sebek wouldn't.
You told them they could join the others on the lounge, and they started walking there. But you saw Malleus staying behind with you, and with a little help from Lilia, the other two didn't realise it. The moment they walked in the lounge you heard Sebek starting an argument with Ace about their onesies.
“Is something wrong, Tsunotarou?”
“Do you remember me giving you permission to touch my horns?”
“Yes.” And you already did it once or twice.
“I know they are part of your suit, but would you allow me to touch your ears?”
It took you a moment to finally answer with a wanna-be smug smile. “You can touch them, if you're willing to suffer the consequences for the audacity.” And you even dared to try to strike one of Malleus' powerful poses.
“Ha ha ha ha.” You successfully made him give you one of his genuine laughs. “Fine then. I have never been one to cowered over anything.” He got closer to you, reached out his hands and started petting your cat ears.
And while he was entertained by that, you hugged him. He widened his eyes looking down at you on his chest.
“The consequences.” You told him. What made him giggled and return the hug.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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chefkids · 7 months
So what comes next?
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In case you have not heard. Season 3 might be the last. This was the same source that first announced that the bear will have additional episodes and they would begin filming in February so I would say they are pretty reliable. It was also Chris' intention to just do 3 seasons, and based on the major themes I do think it makes sense.
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The timeline to pay back Jimmy was 18 months. We're already 3 months in. I doubt Season 3 will cover an entire year and 3 months. So why end it at Season 3 when there is still so much that could happen and they could explore?
The Bear will shut down.
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It's not unheard of for Michelin star restaurants to shut down. I could see them giving it their all and even getting a star or two, but in the end it still not being enough. Operating costs is extremely high. Gentrification was touched lightly in season 1 with the landscape of the neighborhood changing. Many Michelin restaurants are part of restaurant groups and have large financially backing plus generate income through other products like books or packaged goods.
The show has been setting up everyone to be ready to be on their own if or when the time comes.
Marcus becoming a legit pastry chef.
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Tina leveling up in the kitchen as a sous.
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Richie becoming a high end host and expediter.
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Natalie becoming a manager and also a mom.
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They have all gained skills that could get them a job anywhere else. Carmy and Sydney are the ones still stuck.
Sydney is terrified of having to start over once again, because she's scared of time running out for her. She's not even 30, most people don't get to have their own restaurants until much later in life. She wants what Carmy got and she wants to share it with him.
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Carmy doesn't know what he's doing on his own. Mikey was his motivation but now that he's accepted he's gone, the only thing that seems to get him motivated is his fear of disappointing Sydney. He started cooking out of spite and has seemingly ignored all his other interests like fashion and drawing.
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They need want each other. I think it will end with knowing that they will have each other even if it's not about the restaurant anymore, because really this show was never really about the restaurant but the people in it.
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Syd will stop stressing about time, Carmy will find his own purpose. And maybe 10 years down the line they'll give it another try and build something completely new and he'll actually be there for her in the process. I think it will be bittersweet, but still hopeful.
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Honestly this is the only way that I can see it having a concrete ending, without leaving a ton of questions in the air, while still having a optimistic door open for the future. In the end the restaurant might have not succeeded financially, but it brought everyone together and made them better.
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201 notes · View notes
detectivestucks · 6 months
Home for the Holidays
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18+ content, Minors Do NOT Interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader
Summery: You just broke up with your boyfriend of five years and decided to take an extended stay with your mom and step dad for the holidays. You start to rekindle your high school relationship when your jealous stepfather, Kakashi, steps in.
Warnings: NSFW, Stepcest, Oral male receiving, leg grinding, rough doggy, unprotected penetration.
Word Count: 6.1k
Anon Ask
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The last of the packages are piled in the car. Each one wrapped in crisp shiny paper, adorned with red and white bows, and labeled with a sticker in the corner. One last check of your hair in the rearview mirror and you turn over the engine with the push of a button. You back out of your drive, headed to your mom’s house for Christmas. 
You recently broke up with your boyfriend and asked him to move out. Your apartment does nothing but remind you of your lost relationship so your mom and step dad offered to let you stick around during the holidays for an extended stay.
“I’m home!”
“Y/N!” Your mom hurries to the front door and gives you a big hug
“Hi Mom” you hold her tightly, happy to see her.
“Hey Y/N”
You see your step dad stand in the front hallway, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Hi Kakashi” you say with a smile. Your mom was so lucky. After she left your dad, your mom got a major upgrade when she married Kakashi. Your dad was a good looking man but that’s all he had going for him. He was lazy and never seemed to be able to hold down a job. You remember the day that broke your mom. She screamed at you when you told her how much it cost to apply to colleges. She was stressed, buckling under the pressure to provide while the person who was supposed to be her partner failed her time and time again. 
The next day you went out and secretly got a job then waited for your first paycheck to apply to schools. When your mom had stopped by your room and offered you the money for your applications you admitted that you already had it taken care of. When she asked you how and you showed her your paystub she sobbed on your bed. Apparently you, a high school student, were able to bring home more income than your lazy good-for-nothing father. In her eyes he ran out of excuses that day and she was tired of him holding her back. Instead of numbers she saw a message. It was time for her to make a change. 
Shortly after you left for school your mom met Kakashi. A man even more handsome than your father and more importantly, a provider. There was a bit of an age gap between them but it never seemed to bother them. Sure he was younger, but he was so accomplished, well mannered, and financially stable that those 10 years seemed to be a lie. They had a perfect relationship, one that you tried to replicate but instead you found yourself with a man just like your dad. 
Recently you found the strength to get out of the cycle of disappointment. To demand he either get a job or move out. When he chose the latter you were crushed. All you were to him after five years was a meal ticket. You weren’t important enough to put in a little effort and get a job. It was crushing but it’s for the better. Now you can find someone like Kakashi. A real man who can provide or at the very least, be an equal partner. 
You bring all the gifts inside and place them under the tree before you go back to your car to get your suitcase. 
“No, no, I got it.” Kakashi says gently pushing you back. 
“Kakashi, you don’t have to.”
“Too late.” he softly jokes.
You feel a small blush cover your face. It could be the cold breeze fluttering through the street but it had been so long since any man had done something kind and well mannered for you that you almost forgot what chivalry looked like. 
The next morning you wake to the smell of breakfast. I’m gonna love staying here if they plan to do this every morning. You think to yourself. You get out of bed and change into some yoga pants and a v-neck sweater along with matching thigh high socks. You toss your hair up into a messy bun and allow some face framing pieces to stick out. 
“Well don’t you paint the picture of comfort”
“Morning Kakashi”
“You look cute”
“Morning Mom”
“What are you getting into today?”
“I was gonna go hang out with Krystal later.”
“That sounds fun. I didn’t know she was in town.”
“Yeah, she moved back to the area for work. Got a job nearby.”
“Good for her. It'll be nice for you to have company while you’re in town.”
“Yeah, I’m really excited to see her.”
You take a seat at the table by your mom when Kakashi brings over the plates, setting one down in front of you.
“Thank you Kakashi. It looks delicious.”
“You’re welcome.”
You whip out your phone and take a picture of your food with your mom in the background. You type Good to be back and share it to your story. Soon after you phone starts buzzing with notifications of your old high school friends saying hi and excited to see you back in town. 
“Sounds like you’re gonna be busy when you’re in town.”
You shrug your shoulders, “Yeah, possibly.”
You check your phone and notice one name that stands out in particular. Your ex boyfriend from high school, Tyler. 
Hey cutie, glad to see you’re back in town. We should catch up later.
Hey Ty, you in town for the holidays too?
Yeah, how long are you in town for?
Three weeks, you?
Till New Years day.
Wanna meet up tonight?
Our old spot?
Sounds perfect. I’ll see you then.
Though you’re not trying to get back together with your ex, a rebound right about now sounds nice. You put a little extra effort into your appearance as you brush out your loose curls and iron out your skirt with your hands. Simple makeup with a rose colored gloss, a dusty pink sweater dress with dusty pink thigh high socks and black knee high boots to go with your long black coat. You grabbed your hat and gloves on your way out the door but as you’re about to leave you catch Kakashi. 
“Someone’s dressed to impress”.
“That obvious, huh?”
“Who’s the guy?”
For a second you think you see Kakashi’s face flash before returning to its usual smile. You blink a few times, realizing you were imagining things. 
“You kids have a good time, though maybe not too good of a time, if you catch my drift.”
You roll your eyes with an embarrassed giggle. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Night!”
“That’s it baby. Just like that. Feels s’good”
You're on your knees on the passenger side of Ty’s car ignoring the Top40 radio station playing in the background. How’d you get in this position, you ask? Well, dinner brought up a lot of old feelings and your recent breakup left you touch starved. Add in a little liquor and you got yourself a quick car blowjob like the two of you used to do back in high school. 
“Fuck you’ve gotten so much better at this.”
“Mhm” you agree, mouth stuffed full. You pull back releasing with a small ribbon of saliva connecting you. “Well it helps that I’m not a virgin anymore” You go back down on him. 
“If you- fuuck-if you don’t m-mind, shit-I’d like to-to keep seeing-ah-you, while you’re b-back”
You loved how you were making him weak and choking over his words. It gave your ego some much needed inflation. 
“Yes, I’d enjoy that quite a bit actually” you purr before licking a stripe up his shaft. You resumed bobbing up and down along his length with hollowed cheeks. At the end of the night you swallowed his load before he pulled you up into a heated and passionate kiss swearing he should’ve never let you go. The entire evening was filled with warmth and you drove home high on endorphins.
You quietly open the front door of your parents house trying not to wake anyone as you come home for the night. You take off your coat and boots in the foyer and turn to slip upstairs. 
“-shit! Kakashi, you scared me!”
When you had turned to go up the stairs you almost ran into your Stepdad. 
“I see you didn’t heed my warning about having too much fun.”
You look at him in surprise. “I-I thought that was a joke” you whisper. A small laugh slips out as you say it. “I’m literally a single adult. Why would you care? What I do is none of your concern so long as it’s not happening in your house.”
Kakashi gets very close to you in the darkness of the house. You take a few steps back but he keeps moving forward. You go to step backwards one more time only for your heel to kick the wall. Kakashi keeps advancing placing one arm on the wall by your face, caging you in when he lowers his face to your ear,
“You’re my daughter. What you do and who you do will always be my concern.”
Your throat bobs as you swallow his words. You feel his lips ghost over your cheek and down your neck, soft kisses pressed against the sensitive skin. 
It was wildly inappropriate. He had no right to tell you who to date and he definitely had no business touching you like this. He is your mom’s husband. But did that stop your eyes from fluttering shut? Did that prevent your heart from missing a beat? Did that change how your breath faltered? No, it did not. You were shamefully turned on by his advance and he knew it. 
“I don’t want you seeing that boy again” he whispers in your ear before giving you one last kiss on the forehead and heading up to bed. 
You stood there leaning against the wall in complete shock. You had always had such a normal relationship with Kakashi. Where did this suddenly come from?
The next day Kakashi greeted you when you came down for breakfast. Your eyes lingered on him a little longer than usual to which he gave you an inquisitive look. So was he really going to pretend like nothing happened last night? Was he going to gaslight you into believing you made it up? 
You feel your phone buzz. It was Ty. 
Had a great time last night. It was really good catching up. Can I see you again tonight?
You pause. Of course you wanted to see him. There was history there. A feeling of familiarity and a major ego boost that proved to be necessary after your recent breakup. …but Kakashi’s warning lingers in your mind. Your eyes pan up to him sitting across from you at the dinner table. You’re being crazy. Well, he’s being crazy. You shake your head to clear your mind. 
Of course. What time?
“Hey sweetie, I’m gonna grab a quick shower. Have fun tonight. Tell Ty I say hi!”
“Thanks mom, I’ll let him know”
“Night Y/N”
“Night mom!”
Your mom walks away from your bathroom to head to hers. You finish applying your mascara and grab some stud earrings. You smile in the mirror remembering all those nights in high school when you’d pain over your hair and makeup before going to Ty’s house. He was your first boyfriend, your first love, your first everything. You didn’t even break up over a fight, you just broke up cause you chose to go to different colleges. There was still love there. Why not indulge yourself while you’re home?
You turn off the light as you walk out of the bathroom when someone grabs you by the wrist. Your arm is lifted above your head as your entire backside thuds against the wall. 
“Going somewhere?”
You feel the wind get knocked out of you, “wha-what?”
“I remember distinctly telling you to not see that boy again” 
“Kakashi’s I’m an adult and you’re not actually my father; I can date whoever I like.”
He props his leg between your own, the skirt of your dress draping over his thigh, and tightened his grip on your wrist before leaning into your ear
“Nice try” he punctuates his words with a kiss to your cheek. “But you’re forgetting who’s house you’re staying at.”
“Kakashi I’m going on this date” you whisper, wind blown but still not taking his possessive behavior laying down. 
“Then let me make sure you go with a clear head”
He rests his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes through his lashes. His gaze was intense. It penetrated your mind, letting him see all the filthy thoughts that surfaced in the compromising position he had you in. Your lids flutter closed, guilt creeping over you till Kakashi’s thigh found its way against your underwear. You shudder from the sudden contact, feeling how warm he was against you. 
“If that’s the case, I gotta make sure you’re satisfied before you get any desperate ideas on your date.”
He presses his thigh harder between your legs, rocking his knee up and down. You bite your lip trying to pretend it doesn’t feel heavenly but it does, it really does. A small moan escapes you. 
“Good girl, say that again”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head at the sound of his deep husky voice. He pushes up against you again, his grip further tightening on your wrist with excitement. You instinctually rut against him, making your lip quiver. A smile stretches his lips. He was watching you with his predator’s gaze, enjoying how you pleasure yourself on his thigh. He applied more pressure between your legs, tugging against your labia just right. Your chest falls as a loud groan slips out. 
“Grind on my leg, pretty girl. I wanna see you make yourself cum.”
You open your eyes and stare into his brown ones, your pupils blown wide. You tentatively start to rut against him. He leans closer and you slowly relax into him with each rock of your hips. He leans the side of his face against your hair. You bring your free hand up to his shoulder for support. Fingers gripping into his shirt, finding your balance as you feel yourself fall into pleasure. 
“Keep going pretty girl. You’re doing a good job, I can feel how wet you are.”
You softly moan. He releases your wrist letting both of your arms drape around his neck. Hands clutching onto him, desperately seeking stability from the dizzying sensation that overwhelms you. Kakashi’s hands reach into your hair, pulling you in closer. 
You drag your folds against his thigh more harshly. The fabric of your underwear providing the much needed friction. Your head is swimming as you lean against Kakashi. 
“Smear those juicy lips all over my pants, baby. I wanna see the wet stain from your cum.”
You bite your lip as your head collapses onto his shoulder. The dirty talk, the taboo, the friction, the closeness, the risk of getting caught. You feel it all build in your core. 
“Cum pretty girl, cum for daddy.”
He kisses your neck in the most sensitive spot as you rut desperately on him, fingers clutching tighter till warmth spreads throughout your body. A rush of pleasure and exhaustion overcomes you as you fall limp against his firm chest. 
“Good job baby, daddy’s proud of you.” 
He turns his head to kiss your cheek. You look at him, eyes falling to his mouth. He pauses before lightly pressing a kiss on your parted lips. 
He pulls you off of him, lifting your face up by your chin. In a sarcastic tone be chides,
“Have fun on your date. This is the last time you’re seeing that boy. You’re forbidden from seeing him again after tonight so say your goodbyes” 
He straightens up and walks away. You’re left standing alone in the hallway feeling used.
Why was he messing with you like this? 
“What are you doing tonight sweetie?” Your mom asks while stabbing the last bites of waffle with her fork and bringing it up to her open mouth.
You look down at your lap blushing
“Oh? A third date. Does this mean you are officially getting back together?”
You glance up at your mom and can’t help but notice Kakashi’s face. He looked livid. Your expression faltered a bit before you fully focused on your mom. You shrug.
“We’re gonna talk it over tonight. We broke up on really good terms and we’re both single and he’s so nice. Plus if I’m gonna be in town for awhile-”
Your sentence is cut off by Kakashi clearing his throat and adjusting himself in his seat. 
“You okay honey?”
Your mom rubs soothing circles on Kakashi’s back while his eyes bore into you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just think why not leave high school in the past where it belongs?”
“I don’t know babe. I think it’s kinda romantic rekindling after all these years. You should’ve seen how cute they were together at prom.”
“Mom stop”
“Yes babe, please stop.”
“Whaaat! I’m just saying! You guys looked like you were getting married in your white prom dress.”
“Yes I remember you crying. It was so embarrassing.”
“Ouch! Babe, are you sure you’re okay?”
Your mom rips her hand out of Kakashi’s grasp, shaking it with a smile on her face.
“Sorry love, I’m a little distracted. I think I’m gonna head to the gym this morning. Clear my head.”
“Yeah, work on those big muscles for me. Maybe next time you break my hand.” Your mom says with a playful elbow to his side. Kakashi half smiles and gives her a peck on the cheek. 
“Here let me clean these up” He reaches over and starts stacking all the plates to bring them over to the sink. Your mom gives you a questioning look. You shrug and pretend to not know what’s wrong but you feel your gut wrench. 
Your head is swirling with questions. Why does he care so much? He’s married…to your mom no less. Does he just want to have claim to you both or does he actually have feelings for you? But it doesn’t matter. He’s married to your mom.
Kakashi heads to the gym and when he comes home he ignores you for the rest of the day. He spends time with your mom till she gets ready to leave to go to her girlfriend's christmas party. 
“Bye sweetie.” she coos as she kisses her husband.
“Bye my love.” He gives her a passionate kiss right in front of you. One so inappropriate that it had you questioning if it was just an act to make you jealous.
“Bye mom, have fun!”
She looks over at you with a knowing look, “You too!” She gives you a wink and walks out the door. You turn to go upstairs and start getting ready to see Ty, this time ignoring Kakashi. Let him see how it feels to be ignored. 
You're looking for jewelry to compliment your fitted black leather top and flowy bright red pants when you see him out of the corner of your eye.
“Are you really going to start dating him again?”
“What’s it to you?”
“I don’t like watching you date loser men.”
“Aww. Sweet.” you say with a bite. 
Kakashi moves in close to you. “I don’t appreciate the sarcasm.”
“I don’t appreciate you interfering in my love life.”
Kakashi backs you up into the wall, arms pressing into it by each side of your face. 
“I spent five years watching you date that idiot. Five years watching him devour you with his eyes, kiss your soft lips, cling to your side like the unworthy weevil he is. I’m not doing it again”
“It’s almost like you have feelings for me or something,” you chide
Kakashi leans in, closing his eyes and taking a long draft of your scent. He kisses behind your ear. 
“I tried to be respectful of your relationship but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stand by and let you enter into another one.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better? You respected my relationship when you’re literally married to my mom?! What about respecting your marriage?!”
“Enough!” he snaps back. “I’ll not have you talk back to me in my own house!”
“And I’ll not have you disrespect my mom. I want answers!”
Kakashi crashes his lips against your ruby ones, painted to match your dress pants. You try to pull back but his hand grabs the back of your head, keeping you still. He doesn’t want to hear any more of your thoughts. He just needs you. Needs to taste you and feel you. Needs to dominate you and claim you. You’re rightfully his and it was time you realized that.
He pushes his tongue past your lips. It’s not a request, it’s a demand. Your resolve quickly unravels as his pink muscle licks its way through your mouth. He pulls you into him, his hand snaking around your waist, fingers gripping your leather top and he crushes you into his chest. 
You feel his swollen muscles, still bulging from his earlier workout, press into your soft stomach. A moan falls past your lips as you study his frame through your clothed bodies. You want to trace it with your fingers and as you imagine it he sucks on your tongue, pulling it out of your mouth. Your shoulders drop, relaxing into him, surrendering to his desires. He releases your tongue and sinks his teeth into your bottom lip, pulling the pigment off of it. His desire smearing your perfect powdered face. You teethe on his upper lip giving into your carnal desires right along with him. 
He releases your mouth and cradles your head. You pant into his neck, gripping his shirt in your hands. “That’s my girl. Give in to daddy.”
You let out a small whine in agreement and begin kissing his neck, leaving behind some of your lipstick. His head lolls back in ecstasy, his groan of triumph filling your ear. Your eyes roll to the back of your head. Being pursued like this, being viewed as a prize, especially by someone as hot as him. Your morals lapse. You want all of him to yourself. You selfishly crave him, trying to claim him as your mouth works up the column of his throat and along his jaw.
His fingers run along the seams of your top, looking for how to take it off. Searching for the invisible zipper that will free your tits from their cage. His desire to ravage you is clouding his mind. He doesn’t care how it will impact his marriage. He just needs to explore every inch of you as soon as his damned hands can rid your body of your lovely clothing. In his desperation to strip you he begins to scold,
“How dare you dress like this for another man. You little slut. You just wanted to get fucked.”
“I was going on a date. The whole point was to look impressive.”
“Don’t get me started on that date. I was clear that you’re forbidden from seeing that boy again.”
“I already told you, you're not my dad.” you breathe.  Your mind turned to mush from lust as he groped you in search of a way to get off the damned shirt.
However that last comment really got to him. He grasps your hair by your intricate up-do, fisting it and yanking back hard. “How dare you.”
“How dare I what?” You tease. You challenge his authority as you look up at him through lidded eyes.
He gives up on tearing off your clothes and instead forces you to your knees by your hair. He frees his heavy length from his sweatpants and shoves it against your lips. You look up at him still testing his rule over you.
Your eyes glare back at him in defiance. He yanks your head back by the hair causing your lips to part as a little whine of pain slips out. He seizes the opportunity and stuffs your mouth with his angry cock, letting it fill you till it hits the back of your closed throat. Your ruby lips looked so beautiful stretched around his girth. It made him twitch. A little cry emitting from you as you feel the movement.
“I’m your daddy” he snaps “No one else, just me.” His fingers tighten in your hair, “Now relax that pretty throat and let me sink all the way in.”
You cave to his demand and nod up at him with doe eyes. Your lids fall shut and you take a deep breath in through your nose, allowing his musk to fill your nostrils and swim around your mind. Your heart fluttered shamefully.
You relax and allow him to glide past your vocal chords. You’re suddenly eager to please him. You’re eager to show him how good you can make him feel. You press your nose flat against his silver happy trail and stick out your tongue to lick his base. You fondle him, encouraging him and letting him know you want him to bust deep in your throat. Both of his hands sink into your scalp. 
“Gods you’re perfect. J-just like that pretty girl. Keep sucking off daddy’s cock.”
He takes full control of your head with both hands still threaded through your hair. 
“Here, lemme help you, baby. Just relax for me.” 
You do as he asks and he begins to thrust wildly into your mouth. Vulgar squelching sounds fill your room as Kakashi freely fucked your face. His pace was brutal. You are all but sure your voice will be suspiciously hoarse tomorrow after tonight’s abuse. You feel your scalp go numb from the strain Kakashi’s hands are putting on your hair and your hands claw at the front of his thighs, bracing yourself so that you don’t fall over from his dizzying strokes. You can’t so much as breathe in this position. You’re dying to tap out. 
Your fingers dig into his thighs even deeper and you can feel the muscle tighten under your fingertips. You can feel the twitching of his cockhead above the overwhelming sensation of his thrusts. A series of moans fall out of his mouth and then you feel the warmth of his seed spilling down the inside of your neck.
You hold your breath just a little longer so that you can milk the rest of him before you finally push him off. Slobber falls down your chin as you greedily gulp down the air you had been deprived of. 
Bathing in victory, Kakashi leans down and grabs you at your bicep, pulling you up to throw you down on your bed. He curls his fingers under your waistband and aggressively rips down your red pants.
“I’m tired-” he punctuates the word with a hard tug of your bottoms “of you hiding my pussy from me.” He throws the pants against the wall leaving you in a black lace thong and your tight leather top.
 He stands at the foot of your bed, panting in his hunger for you. His eyes resemble those of a feral dog. You knew he was going to ruin you as his eyes drank in your figure. His pants pool  around his ankles while he looks at how the leather stretches over breasts, pushing them up and allowing the tissue to spill out of the neckline. His eyes roamed down your cinched in waist and made its way to the thin lace fabric of your thong that lightly covered your throbbing sex. A hint of cream is dripping out of your folds and soaking the sting that ran its way between the ass cheeks, only strengthening his desire to spread them.
He pulls his shirt off over his head, tossing it into a pile with your discarded pants. He feels his racing heart stop at the look in your eyes. You stare at his chest feeling almost as hungry for him as he was for you. He crawls up over you, your hands gravitating towards his muscles. Your pupils are mesmerized by the topography of his torso.
You pull him down and roll him to his back, straddling his lap, allowing the wet lace to sit directly on top of his hardening length. Your fingers lightly brush his skin, feeling out where your next gentle kiss will be placed. You allow your lips to linger each time they press into him. A ghost of a breath warming his skin as you worship every facet of his body. 
His boner can be felt growing against your warmth. He starts to roll his hips upwards against you, jolting you forward so that your hands fall by his face, catching your weight. 
“I don’t wanna wait anymore, pretty girl. I need to feel you around me.” He hisses as he continues to rut against you. His hands pulled your face down to meet his. 
“Ride it for me baby.”
You bite your lower lip and nod. Staring him in the eye as you lift yourself up and pull your thong to the side. His eyes lower to your heat, watching as he lines up his tip and groaning at the sight of his fat cock disappearing inside of you. 
You sank all the way down on him till your hips were flush against his. Kakashi bites his own lip so hard he makes himself bleed. 
“Fuck, it feels even better than I could’ve dreamed. I’ve fucked my fist so many times thinking about this moment and now here you are. Fuck”
His desperate words stir something in you. On your knees you begin to roll your hips back and forth allowing him to come out of you up to his tip before plunging him back in. Kakashi nearly goes cross eyed at the feeling. You mewl a little as the friction of the motion rubs your clit at the same time that he’s stretching you wide. You close your eyes savoring the way he feels. 
“Yes baby, just like that. Ride me just like that.”
“Yes daddy, anything for you.”
A depraved smile covers Kakashi’s face. It was filthy and wrong and he loved it. You were his. You belong to him. He coveted you, fingers sinking into your waist as he guided you back and forth. 
You lean forward, lowering your face to nest in Kakashi’s neck. Your heavy breaths rush against his sensitive skin. It was heaven to feel the warmth of your labors sweep over him. He pulls you back and forth a little faster. 
“Thank you daddy.”
“You’re welcome pretty girl”
You plant your feet under you and begin to jump up and down on him. One hand planted on his sternum. You could feel him reach his deepest depth as you sat high on your throne and the love sick gaze he gave you when you started lifting your hips, smacking them back down with force was enough to make arousal squelch out of you and run all the way down to your bedsheets. 
He loved the feeling so much but he needed to go faster. He wanted more friction. He grabs you and flips you onto your back, placing himself above you. Your legs wrap around his torso and he uses the position to pound away inside of you. You cry out rhythmically, each thrust raising your voice an octave as your mind struggles to comprehend the pleasure of how Kakashi fills you.
He leans up, giving his arm just enough space to rub his thumb pad over your engorged bud. Sweeping in circular motions at a pace matching his thrusts. 
Your eyebrows knit together in pleasure. Your heart racing from the excitement. Your hands hug around each knee pulling your legs up and apart. Spreading yourself wide for him.
“Daddy! I’m gonna c-cum!” you squeal
He keeps pounding into you. Stroking your nerve bundle in heavenly circles even faster than before. You feel the sweat beading on your brow. 
“Oh fuck daddy! Fuck! I c-can’t handle any m-more.”
You’re crying from the pleasure. It was all you could do to not completely crumble underneath him. You were tensing your core, desperate to keep your body sewn together. If you didn’t you were sure that you would lose all shape and simply melt into the bed. 
He looks down where you connect and sees a creamy ring. His chest swells with pride. 
“You came around daddy’s cock? Then you’re officially mine now baby. You’re not allowed to do that for anyone else.”
“Stop telling me what to do” you breathe, exhausted and exacerbated.
He grabs you and flips you onto your hands and knees, shoving himself inside your sensitive cunt still pulsing from your orgasm. You scream from the sudden and harsh intrusion.
“Stop disrespecting me with that dirty mouth of yours or I’ll take you like a bitch from behind.”
“I fucking dare you to try.” you sneer. 
Your insubordination fuels him. His hips begin to launch into you. He rails you on his cock but you regret nothing. You’ll talk back to him all day if he’s going to ram his fat cock into your quivering hole like this. His hand wraps around your throat pulling back so you can’t run from him. 
“Does the bad girl like daddy’s cock?”
“Yes! Yes, I like daddy’s cock!”
“That’s right. You’re gonna take daddy’s cock the rest of the night now for being a disrespectful little slut.”
He continues slamming into your behind. His heavy balls swinging forward and slapping into your clit. You squirm from the pleasure, your toes curling from how good it felt.
“I fuckin love how tight you’re wrapping around my cock, pretty baby.”
Only whorish moans and cries come out of you. You begin to babble as his pace quickens. You start to tense up, your tail tucking under you from the intensity of his assault. He pushes down on your back, forcing it to arch. 
“Take it like the little slut you are. Always trying to give my pussy away to other boys. Such a bad girl.”
He grabs the back of your head and pushes it down into the pillow. 
“When are you ready to admit you’re mine?” He husks as he bullies deep inside of you. He pounds away at your tight slit. Your eyes going cross from how his tip pushes your cervix out of the way. His fingers dig into the flesh of your ass. 
“Admit it” he growls, “Admit your mine.”
“Fuck!” you throw your head back “Yes! I’m yours!” 
You gasp as he thrusts even harder, hearing the words he’s been craving finally come from your mouth. Your eyes squeeze shut. His thrusts are so violent that you bounce off his cock. Your admission has him spiraling with lust. His thighs tighten along with his sack. His dick twitches as it’s dragged in and out of you.
Suddenly he loses his pace and empties the entirety of his balls into your stretched out cunt. Holding himself all the way inside of you, forcing his load to stay stuffed deep in your gummy walls. He leans over your back, whispering into your ear, 
“You belong to me baby. Don’t you forget it.”
He pulls out of you letting you fall down exhausted and roll onto your back. Your fucked out face stares back up at him, completely enamored with how good he made you feel. 
Kakashi kneels between your legs and leans down to whisper in your ear, “I’m still very disappointed in you for trying to give my pussy away to Tyler. I think I need to fuck a few more loads into you for good measure. You gonna be daddy’s good girl and let me fuck you full of my cum?”
You respond by pulling him down into a sloppy kiss and rutting your dripping hole against his manhood. He was already growing hard again, ready for another deposit. You wondered how many loads he’d fill you with by Christmas day. Your birth control better be ready to work miracles this month.
You hear a faint buzzing sound when Kakashi reaches over and grabs your phone. It’s Ty
Hey, I’m here where are you?
This is her father, she’s busy rn. 
Kakashi sets down your phone. “Now pretty baby, where were we?”
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heartsforhavik · 9 months
sugar daddy! johnny cage x reader hcs
warnings: established relationship, gender neutral reader, slight angst if you squint
summary: sfw hcs of johnny cage being a sugar daddy in your relationship
a/n: howdy y’all. guess what. i wrote this outta nowhere cuz i saw someone thirsting for a sugar daddy johnny sooooo. here we are. i love writing this goofy goober hes so silly. sorry for all my late updates these days btw. ive had this in my drafts for weeks istg.
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- dating a rich dude has its perks. like being spoiled 24/7!
- johnny doesn’t have a specific love language. but if he had to have one, it would be gift giving.
- it’s not *just* because he has the financial stability to do so, but he loves showing off his knowledge of your taste by giving you gifts catered towards your interests.
- if you ever happen to dislike something he got, even if you hid your disapproval, johnny would immediately notice and replace it. only the best for his beloved!
- he probably would notice right away if you didn’t like something. you don’t show it with your face, but he can just *tell* sometimes. it’s like a gut feeling to him. spidey senses, even. sugar daddy senses.
- “johnny, there’s no need to waste your time returning it. i like it, i swear!”
- “no you don’t. but no worries, honey. i’ll be back in a jiffy! i’ll come back with an even better gift. a gift so good, it’ll change your life! trust me.”
- if you ever mention that you like something, johnny would be searching for it in every store he enters and he would spend hours looking it up online. he wouldn’t just buy *all* the stuff he sees for you, he must find only the best of the best for you.
- let’s say you mentioned that you liked ducks one time. that night before going to sleep in your shared bed, johnny would turn away from you and he’d search all over the internet for anything with ducks on it. or a giant duck plush. you would try to look over his shoulder to see what he’s searching for, but he’d childishly wiggle his finger in front of your face and say “no peeking!”
- expect large packages to show up at your door every day. johnny loves online shopping, and you’d have to pry his phone away from his fingers to stop his addiction.
- 90% of the packages aren’t even for him. most of it is for you. clothes he thinks would look great on you and show off your body, accessories you showed the slightest bit of interest in, or cds/vinyl of your favorite artists (some are even signed, thanks to johnny’s connections.)
- he doesn’t want you to pay him back. johnny spoils you because he loves you. he is fully aware that he doesn’t have to. it’s just his way of showing that he loves you and he can provide for you for the rest of your life, if you’d let him.
- you don’t even have to lift a single finger! let him buy you clothes and food and other necessities, he loves doing so.
- no matter how badly you wish to pay him back, johnny would not let you. he doesn’t want you to pay him back as if it’s debt. all he wants in return is your affection and validation.
- he would never admit it, but he craves validation from you all the time. he lost his ex-wife because he was so caught up in the money and fame in his life, and he doesn’t want to repeat history. if he ever accidentally overwhelmed you with his job or money, he would feel extremely guilty about it. it’s pretty much his greatest fear.
- overall, johnny loves spoiling you. you’re such a sweet and precious thing, so of course he must treat you well! you deserve the greatest luxuries he can provide, whether you asked for it or not. if you ever ask for anything, don’t feel like a brat, he wouldn’t mind! in fact, he would love to grant your wishes every time you ask for a certain gift. if not, no worries. he can learn your likes and dislikes the longer you’re together, no need to tell him what you want. he’ll figure it out.
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princesssmars · 1 year
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an ellabs x black!streamer!reader
some times your viewers expect you're in a relationship, and one time you spell it out clearly for them.
wc : 1.860
contains : reader is feminine ! the picture is more lightskin but all shades can read <333 ltlvc reference
a/n : coming up with chat usernames is so hard what the fawk??? but yeah while i ignore trolls the ones under these tags were pissing me off so i wrote this for my fellow black girlies <333 i hope u enjoy :)
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lets get one thing out of the way, you loved being a streamer. now that you had a good following of a few thousand regular watchers, you were more than financially stable, got to do something you enjoyed as a job, and even made a few new streaming friends.
but when it came to those friends, every content creator knew simple friendships could stir up drama. you had heard of many cases of friendships being strained or ruined because of this job. more specifically because of the fans.
which is why you took an oath to leave finer details like relationships out of your work. if you did tell a story about that time you and your friends nearly got kicked out of a local mall's journey's, you would keep descriptions of friends brief and blank, even resorting to calling people "friend number one, friend number two..."
luckily most of your fans were more than understanding that you wanted to keep some of your life private.
most of them.
case one : the first p.o. box
it was another po box opening stream you decided to start early in the day, wanting to show and appreciate chat with the things they got for you.
lululemonsz : babe i hope its a new keyboard urs is on a iv drip !
wariolover96 : open it open the box OPEN IT
shelovedantee : damn is there a bomb in it hurry up
you laughed looking at all the people in chat begging you to open the current package in your hand.
"everybody chill out. look, im gonna open the first one now."
you quickly got a pair of scissors to cut off the packing tape on both ends, hurrying to pull the cardboard from its place.
the chat started speeding up when your mouth fell open in shock, slowly reaching in and pulling out the keyboard. it was sleek, mechanical, and your favorite color.
biiiigpoo : omg isnt that thing like $250?
lululemonsz : this as the first gift is CRAZY
ilovestardewmc1237 : one of your viewers is in love with you
you couldn't even respond, turning the keyboard over and back again to admire the details of it. out of the corner of your eye you spot a little yellow sticky note at the bottom, bringing it up to read it without letting the camera see. once you got to the end, your eyes widened and you quickly moved on to the next gifts.
but the light reflecting from your window and monitor was enough for chat to see a few letters on the note. after that, your fandom quickly began talking of a person named "A" who had not only the money to get you crazy expensive keyboards, but was also able to fluster you with a small note.
case two : the search history.
every so often, your mods would host little events on your stream. these could include giveaways, shitty chat therapy, and little games for everyone to play. today it was a challenege : the more bits people donated, the crazier stuff you had to do for them. it was all pretty tame, and the end goal was one you didnt think you'd manage to hit.
never doubt the power of charisma and a pretty face, because after only three hours you manged to reach that two thousand dollar mark, and chat was raving at what you'd have to reveal next : your search history.
ariagatorr : damn this lowkey invasive 💀
devonchcgo22 : and we dont give a fuck
plantsnparsnip : right open that shit up
"i hate yall, do you know that? like genuinely." you groaned, slowly movied your mouse to open your chrome history.
there wasn't much for chat to bully you about thankfully, just some light teasing about how much you use pinterest and asking what it was you bought on etsy. and just when you thought you were done, someone had to open their big damn mouth.
pian0picass0 : wait a minute why did you open ellies stream THREE times ????
chat started moving faster as they read the comment, everyone asking you to open the stream and show them what was going on. sucking your teeth and denying them as you had shown them what they wanted!
after quickly wrapping up the stream and giving your thanks and goodbyes, a portion of viewers went on a manhunt for any ellie who was streaming at the moment.
once clicking on the stream, they found it was just a casual stream with ellie. she was obviously pretty, but was super laid-back in her jeans and converse as she strummed some songs on her guitar.
"oh hey, welcome to the stream i guess. any requests? i was gonna practice some radiohead because my friend asked for it."
pian0picass0 : hey ellie! do you know who (y/u) is by any chance?
"'sup casso. uhhhh no i dont think i do. did she send yall over here? maybe ill check her channel out."
case three : the enhanced dm's
"everybody shut the fuck up and lets start this stupid thing."
this was it, one of your biggest streams of the year. and also the most fun. and most aggravating.
the gist was simple. you and 5 other streamers were thrown into a discord call and whoever lasted the longest through the sleep deprivation and challenges won a heap of cash.
what the hell was it with you getting screwed over by challenges?
it didn't seem that bad. the host, a close friend of yours, told you to share your screen so everyone could decide something to tweet from your twitter.
now, your friends in the call didn't notice what was on your screen when you shared it, and if they did they didn't say anything. but never doubt the perseverance of your crazy ass viewers, because one took the liberty to see exactly what you were saying in that split second they could see your dm's, because they swore they knew that profile picture...
abby : don't worry you'll do fine
abby : you're not gonna get embarrassed by any of the challenges
abby : i hope
y/n : seriously
abby : come onn you know i'm rooting for you &lt;3
y/n : aww thanks bee
abby : yup. for the whole event i'm gonna be your personal cheerleader ^3^
y/n : oooo you gonna put on a uniform for me?
abby : don't push it.
case four : the voice chat slip up
at this point, there was no point in acting like you didn't know the two streamers.
the first was abby. mostly posted fitness, health, and lifestyle videos on youtube, but would occasionally go live on twitch to talk with her fans or stream herself working out at the gym.
(you may or may not have admitted live that you found her by watching a few of her workout streams. whoops.)
and then there was ellie, a gaming streamer who was known for being chill and quiet when playing music but as loud as a plane engine when playing cs:go. don't even get her started on cod.
but luckily you'd manage to convince her to play some games with you on your latest stream! some stardew, maybe some overcooked. even if she kept burning all of the damn food.
leave it to ellie williams to always surprise you, though.
when you hear the du-dum of the discord join noise, your face lights up and your mouth opens to greet ellie before she beats you to it.
"ok, babe, which game we playin first?"
to make a long story shot, your chat went ballistic and you gave a stern talking to the red head after the stream ended.
case five : the instagram post
most of the time you leave most of your notifications off to avoid your phone sounding like a constant alarm. but you're guessing your recent endeavor of babysitting your cute but horrifically grabby nephew screwed you over, because before you know it the sound of dozens on instagram notifications are waking you up and pushing your bonnet from where it slipped down your eyes before unlocking your phone.
at first it seems like a normal picture abby posted, standing in front of a mirror in her living room , flexing her arm and covered in a thin sheen of sweat after an apparent workout session. ever the show off.
but when you zoomed into a blip of color in the background, your eyes almost pop out of your head when you see it.
its you and ellie, you sitting in her lap while she showed you some stupid meme on her phone she said reminded her of you.
the post was only thirty minutes old but already had a few thousand comments, the previes of 'OMG?????' and "no fucking way" giving you a hint to what people were thinking.
you turned off your phone, tossed it back on the nightstand and went back to sleep.
case six : the joint stream
y/nsstan69 : not an unscheduled stream ??? is it judgement day ???
onlycuntz : "ft surprise guest" girl we aren't stupid
you had to hide the smile from appearing on your face as you read through the comments of your chat. you knew some of them were probably smart enough to know what was going on. the three of you hadn't really been discrete in the days following abby's slip up post, and viewers jumped at the chance to point you out in the background of some of her workout videos. and to point out how you were staring at her.
so, here you sat in the comfort of your cute gaming chair ready to tell chat the big news with your special guest.
"so, i bet some of you are wondering why im streaming off schedule, but i had something big in my personal life that i wanted to tell you guys! in a few minutes my gest should be here..."
your voice trailed off as you kept your eye on chat, seeing a bunch of comments that you werent expecting from this big announcement.
motionpickers : lmaooooo are they serious
lululemonsz : she's gonna be so pissed
you begin to turn around in your chair when two pairs of lips press a kiss to each of your cheeks.
"you guys are so unserious."
"and you are so bad at hiding things." ellie pulls up and extra chair and rolls it up to yours so her knees touch yours. she tugs your hand into hers to sit on her lap, ignoring when you pinch her with your nails.
"ignore her. we could tell what you were doing and figured we should all do it together," abby is on your other side, resting her hip on the arm of your chair. "so, go ahead. it's pretty obvious already."
"wow, thanks for the support you guys."
"anytime, hun."
uhuhstasia : i literally cant tell whos luckier
ilovestardewmc1237 : is it appropiate to say i called this
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b1rds3ye · 1 year
A Gift for Two
Your new hot boss gifts you a fancy dinner for two, unfortunately you’re not seeing anyone… yet.
Pairing: Boss!Kyle Garrick x Secretary!Reader Genre: Fluff, Confessions(-ish), Colleagues to More Word Count: 1.4k For Gazfest by @glitterypirateduck
Categories: Alternate Universe (4), Boss Gaz (11), Civilian Gaz (12)
Prompts: “Do I make you nervous?” (8)
A/N: I’ve always written fics where Gaz and Reader are of similar rank/positions I thought I’d try something new 😌 (also ended up imagining a lil backstory for our boss and secretary I might come back and write some more about them)
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Out of respect, you knock at the open door of Kyle Garrick’s office. Knuckles rapping against the timber quicker than a wood chipper, usually you announce your presence far more patiently but this was a matter of utmost urgency - at least for you. You knock incessantly for a good few seconds, only a few metres away from your target but it does little to stir your boss from his paperwork.
“Come in.”
He hasn’t even looked up from his paperwork but you don’t miss the upward quirk of his lips, it seems he’s enjoying your slight panic. Because really, who else would be knocking at his door at this time?
You hurriedly walk up to him, still in your outer coat and bag in one hand. In the other, an intricate invitation made of thick paper that you plop onto the top of his desk. Seeing them in his peripheral vision, Garrick finally leans back. He purses his lips a little to stop the smile creeping up on his face.
“Sir-" you stumble over your words as your mind crashes into your disbelief. “Just- what is this?”
It was him right? No one else would barge into your office before you - you’re not sure if anyone else can. And surely no one else here would have the money or generosity to provide a pre-paid package for two at the most expensive restaurant in the area, the card greeting you on the desk as you walked into your office. He mentioned before it was his favourite spot, and seemed offended on your behalf when you said you had never been.
Garrick gingerly picks up the card and his gaze told you all you needed to know.
“I think they call it a ‘token of appreciation’.”
You drop your back onto the ground.
“This isn’t just a ‘token’ this is…”
He tilts his head curiously.
“This is too much,” you shake your head. “Just- why?”
Garrick stands from the desk he is seated at, rounding it until he stands next to you. Reaching across the desk to brace himself against it, his arm is dangerously close to your waist, the voluminous creases of his rolled up sleeves brushing against your dress shirt. Not trusting yourself, you pull your head forward, staring unfocused at the distant skyscrapers peeking out of the window.
“It’s been a rough few months in the branch.”
He leans back, almost trapping himself between you and the desk, but he looks down the corridor to see the occasional colleague walk past, bustling and on the grind. Long gone were the days where the office was dead quiet even during rush hours, where you - bless your heart - had no choice but to religiously check that all necessary electronics and lights were turned off at the end of a shift to ensure not a single cent was wasted. This branch that Garrick was initially transferred to was a financial black hole; all he had was a bare boned office, piling debts… and an endearing little secretary desperately trying to keep the branch afloat.
Garrick stays silent until you look at him and you realise then how close your faces are. But you don’t pull away, you can’t when you’re trapped in his eyes that look at you with such gratitude and you’re taken back to the quiet overtime nights in the office, where the only souls are you two working side by side on the final pile of paperwork. His voice now is even quieter than the hushed whispers and giggles you shared in those nights (and upon reflection, you’re not sure if a secretary and boss are really meant to act like that).
“I owe you. This entire branch does.”
He smiles earnestly, honesty glowing through his pearly whites.
“You deserve the treat.”
He brings the card up between you, separating you. Bringing his gaze down to it, his smile takes a little bit more effort to maintain.
“And I’m sure there’s no better way to spend it than with your partner.”
“Huh?” You straighten at his assumption, card forgotten as you internally flail. “Actually, I- uh, I’m not seeing anyone at the moment.”
A singular word that ends with an upwards lilt. He looks at you curiously, eyes alight like whenever he’s scheming a new business venture - glee with a sprinkle of mischief - and you feel your stomach drop to the ground. Why on earth did you feel compelled to give such information to your boss?
Card still in hand, he tilts it invitingly in your direction.
“I’m sure you’ll find someone who is plenty happy to spend a private dinner with you.”
You bite the bottom of your lip as you reach up to grab the card between you. Fingers brush against his as you secure your grip but you don’t flinch nor do you pull away. And neither does he. Every moment is bringing you closer to him (or is he bringing himself closer to you?), pushing the boundaries of a purely contractual relationship. But that was your direct superior, the coy and unexpected tease who always says something a little off. Does something a little more than necessary for a “boss who cares”, who seems to take joy in putting you in situations more akin to a teen rom-com than an actual corporate job.
Situations such as now, where you swear he’s egging you on. Your years in the company have kept you on your feet, giving you wisdom and experience to decipher what other colleagues are thinking. And yet with the apparent answer that your boss wants to join you for dinner, such a notion is pummeled down into your doubts by corporate convention.
But then again, your boss wasn’t a conventional one.
You take a deep breath.
First name basis. Your heart races as he offers a teasing tut of the lips.
“If you’re going to ask me, you’re not going to ask me as your boss.”
He says his own title with disdain and in any other scenario you’d laugh. But now you only feel your face heating up at how entertained he seems. He knows what you’re going to ask, but you still can’t manage to get the words out.
A little satisfied hum and you’re swooning at the sound. You really need to get a hold of yourself. You try to focus on the card but as you trace over every detail of it, the fancy calligraphy, your mind is wondering yet again. A dinner for two, potentially with your boss. Your boss who you’ve been admiring for far too long and is currently standing far too close. Even your addled mind is aware of the warmth gently emanating from his presence, how his steady breaths are all you can hear in the silence save for your racing heart-
“Do I make you nervous?”
You stare at him incredulously and he laughs and damn that’s probably the most beautiful thing you’ve heard in your entire life. Still, your boss - no, Kyle - is a little merciful at your struggle, the arm that was always so close to you now makes the short travel to hold onto your front. His hold is light, uncertain as he reads for any possible signs of discomfort from you and that consideration alone bolsters your confidence.
“Would you join me for dinner?”
He pulls a face.
“A secretary asking something from their boss? How bold-”
You groan in frustration at his antics and try to pull away but Kyle is far quicker (and probably stronger with how his muscles are clearly defined through his dress shirt). His hand quickly finds purchase on your wrist, just firm enough for resistance but loose enough for you to leave if you really wanted to. But you don’t, instead letting the momentum of your wrist in his spin you back round to face him. When you stand still he lets out a satisfied hum and his hand slips off your wrist to then interlace his fingers with yours and all you can think about is how perfectly your hands slot together. Your digits instinctively curl around his and he smiles.
“Of course, love. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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Call of Duty Masterlist
Check out the Entire Gazfest Here!!
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50calmadeuce · 2 months
Ch. 36: Another Deployment
Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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Jake held your left hand as the two of you slowly walked towards his family from the rental car. He carried his travel bag in his right hand.
"I'll be back," he said reassuringly.
You tucked a piece of hair behind your left ear as the wind blew. "I know, Jake. I've never had any doubt in that."
Jake squeezed your hand gently, a warm smile on his face. "That means everything to me, Y/N."
His family spotted you both and came over, their faces a mix of joy and a touch of sadness. Cindy was the first to reach you, wrapping you in a warm hug. "We'll take good care of you while he's gone," she whispered, her voice full of reassurance.
Jake's sisters followed suit, each giving you a hug and words of encouragement. "You just call us if you need anything, okay?" one of them said, her eyes full of determination.
Jake looked at his family, grateful for their support, and then a playful grin spread across his face. "I'm glad my wife will still be taken care of when I leave, but remember, I'm the one who's actually leaving," he said teasingly.
Jake's family laughed, and Cindy playfully swatted his arm. "Oh, we know, Jake. But you'll be in good hands too. We've got a care package ready for you."
Jake chuckled. "I appreciate that, Mom."
You stood back, watching the interaction with a smile. Jake's family had always been welcoming and supportive, and it was comforting to know they were there for you.
Jake's dad stepped forward, clapping Jake on the shoulder. "You stay safe out there, son. We’ll be here holding down the fort."
Jake nodded, his expression turning serious. "I will, Dad. Thanks for everything."
Max also stepped up to Jake and put out his hand. "She'll be in great hands."
Jake reached for his hand and then pulled Max in for a brotherly like hug. "I know."
As the time for departure grew closer, the family stepped away for you and Jake to get your last few minutes and Jake turned to you, pulling you into a tight embrace, your foreheads touching. "I love you, Y/N. I'll call as soon as I can."
You tried not to cry, but the pregnancy hormones got to you first as a single tear started to slowly form and slide down a cheek.
Jake grinned playfully. "Why Y/N Seresin, are you crying?" he asked with a teasing lilt in his voice. "My strong and independent wife is crying," he responded as he gently reached up with his thumb and wiped the tear away.
You half cried and half laughed. "Not funny, Jake Seresin."
"It is just a little bit," he said, gently pulling your face closer. As the two of you kissed, the tears really started to flow.
When you parted, Jake got down on one knee and placed his hands on your belly. "You take really good care of momma while I'm gone. You're a Seresin. We all stick together." He gently kissed your stomach and then slowly rose back up. "I love you, Y/N Seresin. Don't you forget that."
You smiled. "Never and the feeling is mutual."
He started towards the building, and just before reaching the door, he looked back for one final glance at you. Once again, he sent you a kiss through the air. Playing along, you mimed catching it and pressed it to your lips, then sent one back to him. He mimicked catching it, placing it tenderly on his lips. With a heavy heart, you watched him turn away and disappear into the building, the door sealing shut behind him.
The tears started to flow heavily now and you were really hating these hormones.
"Oh, Y/N. Come here, sweetie," Cindy said as she walked up to you. You turned towards her, burying your face into her shoulder and letting it all out.
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An hour later, you and Max walked through the doors of Jake's apartment.
"Wow. I give you credit. I couldn't do that," Max said. "Especially after four years of nothing."
"Trust me, Max. It's not easy, but Jake and I have had to rebuild a solid relationship in a really short time."
He nodded. "Yeah. I saw that. My question is, how?"
Your phone dinged, and you looked at it. It was a text from Phoenix asking about Max, and you giggled as you glanced at him. "Maybe someday you'll find out for yourself what it's like to date an independent yet strong woman. I think Phoenix really has the hots for you."
Max, whom you've known for a while now, started to blush.
"Are you blushing?" you teased.
"No!" he denied, looking away.
You laughed, enjoying seeing Max flustered. "Come on, it's obvious you like her too."
Max rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact. "She's… she's great. But I'm not sure she sees me that way."
You raised an eyebrow. "Oh, trust me, she does. That text was asking about you, after all."
Max sighed, trying to hide his smile. "Alright, alright. Maybe I'll talk to her."
"Good," you said, giving him a playful nudge. "You deserve to be happy, Max."
He smiled, finally meeting your eyes. "Thanks, Y/N. I appreciate that."
You looked around the apartment, thinking about the journey you and Jake had been on. "As for rebuilding a relationship… it takes time, patience, and a lot of communication. We both had to be honest about our mistakes and our feelings. Even that was a challenge. It's not easy, but it's worth it."
Max nodded thoughtfully. "I'll keep that in mind. You and Jake are a great example of what love and dedication can do."
You smiled, touched by his words. "Thanks. Now, let's get this place in order before we fly out to Wyoming," you said with a sigh.
"What about all the stuff from the baby shower?"
"Oh, Penny is taking care of that. I told her to send it and let me know how much it was and I would reimburse her. Chuck is aware of it's arrival." You turned and looked at him. "I found a small cabin to rent while we're there."
"Let me know half and I'll have it reimbursed for work," he replied.
"Will do," you responded as you sighed again and looked around the apartment. "I'll start in the bedroom. Did you just want to order take out since our flight leaves early in the morning?"
"Do you do this every time Jake leaves?" Max asked.
"Do what?"
"Clean his apartment."
"This is only the second time I've done it. Thankfully he doesn't have much here."
Max nodded. "Makes sense and yes. Take out is fine."
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Later that night, you and Max sat at the small table in Jake's apartment eating Chinese food.
Max took a sip from his cup of tea and looked across the table at you. "You know, Y/N, I have to say, you’re handling all of this really well."
You smiled, pushing some rice around on your plate. "Thank you, Max. It’s been a lot, but I’ve got good people around me. Plus, it’s not the first time I've had to manage on my own."
Max nodded, understanding. "Still, it’s not easy. But you’re strong. I’ve always admired that about you."
You felt a warmth from his words. "I couldn’t do it without everyone’s support. And knowing Jake is out there doing what he loves makes it a bit easier."
Max’s eyes softened. "He’s a lucky guy. And you’re going to be a fantastic mom. I have no doubt about it."
You laughed softly. "I hope so. I guess we’ll find out soon enough."
"Are you scared?" he asked, suddenly serious.
You looked up at him, your eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and determination. "Yeah. I mean, I have so many questions about myself. Will I make the best decisions? Will I be able to handle everything? It’s a lot to take on, and sometimes I wonder if I’m ready for it all."
Max laughed. "This coming from a large animal veterinarian."
You mixed your food on your plate. "A baby isn't a large animal, Max."
Max chuckled, shaking his head. "True. But you’ve dealt with a lot of challenges with those large animals, and I’m sure you’ll handle this one just as well."
You smiled, appreciating his encouragement. "I guess it’s all about adapting and learning as you go, right?"
"Exactly," Max agreed, leaning back in his chair. "And I'm sure Jake's family will be there to help."
You laughed, a big smile on your face. "That is true."
As you both enjoyed your meal, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, with Max recounting amusing stories from his travels and you sharing updates about life back home. The comfort of having a friend by your side made the evening feel warmer and more manageable.
Tags: @buckysteveloki-me @bellyliveslife @tgmreader @callsign-barbell @86laura11 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @guacam011y @nerdgirljen @hookslove1592 @dempy @djs8891 @smoothdogsgirl
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cowgurrrl · 7 months
Slow It Down Cowboy
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author’s note: this ended up being so chunky but I hope that’s okay
Summary: The wall [5.8k!!!]
Warnings: academic blackmail??, bad administrative decisions, an even worse parent, Joel comforting reader, more art talk, slight angst
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As the sun sets earlier and the weather dips below the usual heat, things actually start looking pretty good. Andie, somehow, found time off of work and is coming home for a few days during the long winter break. You've gotten back to making art you actually care about now that you're in a race with Joel. All your students are settled and starting to come out of their shells, making more experimental art. Ellie continues to show up with cups of coffee with your name on them before anyone else can spill into your classroom, and you continue to text Joel. 
How much are you spending on coffee now?
I thought we agreed to keep certain things secret.
Joel Miller.
Hush. You deserve it.
In between lessons and at lunch, you'll manage to catch each other at the right time and shoot messages off as fast as they come in. He helps you fix a squeaky chair over text, and you help him set up a care package to send to Sarah. It's nice even though you haven't really seen him since the night of the gallery opening. Even things at the bar seem to be doing better, and you're making enough to not have to worry so much. But you're most proud of the list of students whose art will be shown at the winter showcase, Ellie's work among them. 
You make a big deal about it and send in an announcement to be read in the morning, congratulating all the students. You even go out of your way to announce it in all your classes and offer extra credit to any student who shows up to support their classmates. Surprisingly, your rag-tag group of moody teenagers actually seem keen about the opportunity. Things are going well. You're happy, healthy, financially stable(ish), and your guards are down for the first time in a long time.
You're working with quiet music playing over your computer when the knock at your door sounds during planning period. You stand to open it, but before you can, you hear a jangle of keys and the popping of the lock. Principal Martinez walks in, squints at you, and immediately turns on the overhead fluorescent lights that haven't been used in God knows how long. They buzz in protest as your eyes adjust. 
"Hey!" You manage to sound cheery even though she looks like she means business. "I'm assuming you're here about the winter showcase?" You ask, and the line between her brows deepens.
"The what?"
"The showcase? A couple of my kids from the art club got accepted to have their artwork shown in a gallery downtown. It was on the announcements this morning. I can send you the information about when the event is." You offer. Something clicks, and she shakes her head now that she knows what you're talking about. 
"Oh, that," she says. "No, I'm not here about that." 
"Am I in trouble?" 
"Not exactly." She says, and you feel panic pool in your stomach like an unwanted visitor. "Dalton Green's father has brought his grade in your class to my attention."
"He hasn't turned anything in to me since September. I can't grade an empty page," you say, hoping that she's as aware as you are that it's the beginning of November. "I sent an email to his father and football coach back in October, but I still haven't seen any work from him."
"Mr. Green says he's positive his son has turned in work. Are you sure you haven't just misplaced it?" 
"No, I've graded and given back every single assignment from the semester." 
"Let me be clear," she says. "Are you sure you haven't just forgotten to put his grades in? It's an easy mistake to make. You could always just input them now so that he's eligible to continue playing. You wouldn't want to bench a perfectly responsible young man. Would you?"
"Ma'am, are you suggesting I lie about Dalton's grades just so he can keep playing football?" You ask, your panic quickly turning into frustration. 
"It'd be such a silly thing to fail something as simple as art. Especially when the funding for the school comes directly from our team's ability to perform. Sometimes, as teachers, we have to make sacrifices to ensure the greater good of our students." She says. It never fails to surprise you how condescending people can be when it comes to your job. Martinez will be gone in a year to fight for a place on the school board, and it's clear she's not pulling her punches even now. Still, you're floored by the ask. Never in your career have you been asked by a principal to lie about a student's grades. 
"I'd be willing to make certain accommodations, but I'm really not comfortable doing that. If he wanted to turn something in, I could find a way to give him half credit." You say. Her face changes almost imperceptibly before she straightens up with a cynical smile. 
"Well, I think since you had the idea, you should be the one to call his father and tell him the good news," she says it like it's a reward, but it feels like more of a punishment. Your good mood comes crumbling around you as she looks at you expectantly. You have principles as a teacher. This is one of them, but how far are you willing to go to protect it? "I have a meeting with some people from the school board, but please let me know what conclusion you and Mr. Green come to regarding Dalton's grades." She says as she walks out of your room, not even bothering to look at you over her shoulder as she speaks to you.
"Fuck," you mutter as the door closes behind her. You stare at the phone and think about your options. You can't let her walk all over you just because she's your boss, and you won't compromise your values just so the football program will thrive. But you also really don't want to make this phone call. If Dalton's dad is as pleasant as he seems over email, you can't imagine this going well. "Fuck." You say again as you pick up the receiver and search your records for Dalton's dad's phone number. You find it, and in a burst of confidence, dial the number and listen to the line ring, secretly hoping he won't pick up. 
"Green." His dad says in place of a greeting, and you take a deep breath.
"Hi, Mr. Green. This is Dalton's art teacher from school. I understand you had some issues regarding his grade in my class?" You tread very carefully, but even then, he scoffs.
"You're damn right I have some issues. Why are you failin' him? He's gotta pass to play football, and Principal Martinez said you'd get it sorted." 
"Yes, sir, that's why I'm calling," you say. "Dalton hasn't turned in any of the assignments I've given out since September, and because of that, I've been unable to give him a good grade. However, I can make some arrangements to give him half credit for every assignment he turns in before the end of next week. That should give him more than enough time between classes and practice." 
"He told me you lost his assignments."
"No, sir, I haven't received anything from him." You say. He doesn't say anything for a moment, and you almost hope the call dropped before he can respond. 
"Are you sayin' my son's a liar?" 
You spend the next twenty minutes being berated over the phone, not even allowed to get a word in without being cut off. Several times throughout the call, you think about hanging up and unplugging the phone, but you know that'd only make it worse. God forbid he show up at the school and humiliate you in front of the other staff or, worse, students. No wonder Dalton has issues if this is how his father speaks to people. If your day wasn't ruined by your encounter with the principal, it certainly is now. You handle it as well as possible until he gets near the end of his rant and takes a deep breath.
"I just can't believe they'd let a teacher as horrible as you work there. What right do you have to teach anything?" He says, and that's what really gets under your skin. Suddenly, hot tears spring in your eyes, and your throat feels like sandpaper.
"I don't know." It is the only thing you can think to say.
"Call me back when you have a real fuckin' solution and not whatever bullshit this is." He spits before hanging up the phone. You put the receiver down and bury your head in your hands, trying your best not to cry. Your molars buzz, and it feels like your head is swelling with pain. His insults and backhanded comments echo in your ears, and you can't hold the tears back any longer. 
What a fucking shit show. You know Martinez won't do anything about the verbal abuse unless you're willing to lie about grades, which is a ridiculous request in the first place. Dalton's dad won't back down, and you can safely assume Coach Sanders is next up on the roster if you don't do something soon. Why can't you get a kid to turn in a fucking piece of paper? Are you really that bad of a teacher that you're losing an argument with a seventeen-year-old? Is this the hill you want to die on? 
You think about going upstairs and seeking refuge in Mrs. Tomlinson's English class, your favorite coworker and the one who hides the good snacks in her desk, but you know she has a class, and you don't want to embarrass yourself. Andie is seven hours ahead and probably asleep. You're friends with people from the bar but not good enough friends that you could call them crying about a situation like this. The realization that you're alone in this makes you more emotional, and you have to stifle your sobs behind your hand. 
You jump when your doorknob twists open again, and you half-expect Martinez to be there with an I-told-you-so look on her face. You quickly turn so your back is to the door and wipe the tears on your face. You can't stand to be humiliated again today. When you turn back to see who entered your classroom, Joel's big brown eyes soften when he sees how upset you are. 
"Honey," he murmurs, and you almost start sobbing again at his soft tone. "What's goin' on?" 
"I didn't know you were coming today." You sniffle, trying to pull yourself together. He walks over and drops his toolbox on a nearby table so he can pull you up from your chair. 
"Supposed to be a surprise." He says as he tucks you into his chest. You hug him tightly and let him rub your back in the quiet of your classroom. His shirt smells like laundry detergent and the cold wind sweeping through the hill country. He should be wearing a jacket, but he's not, and you can feel goosebumps on his skin. For a minute, you just cling to him and cry, staining his shirt with tears, but he doesn't care. He's patient and shushes you gently as he adjusts his hold on you to bring you closer. You bury your face in his neck, and he kisses your head. 
"What are you doing here?" You ask into his skin. 
"I found your missin' piece for the projector. I thought I'd come install it for you so you'd stop fallin' off things tryna get it to work," he says. He leans back just enough to swipe your hair out of your eyes and rests his hands on either side of your face so you can see him. You want to turn away because you know you look like a crying mess, but he doesn't flinch. "There she is," he whispers fondly when you meet his eyes. "Your turn. What happened that's got you all upset?" He asks, swiping his thumbs under your eyes to catch stray tears. 
"Just… a really shitty call with a parent." You say, not wanting to get into specifics just yet. 
"Anythin' I can do?" He asks, and you shake your head. Just his presence is enough to make you feel better. His big, warm hands holding you like you're precious is a big plus, too. You run your hands over the muscles hidden by his shirt and take a deep breath. 
"Just this," you say, and he smiles. "'S a very nice surprise."
"I might've had ulterior motives." He says sheepishly, and you chuckle.
"What are your ulterior motives, maverick?" You ask. You honestly don't know where the nickname came from, but it's stuck around. You've heard it used by old southern women when talking about someone who's independent or doesn't follow the rules. "There goes maverick again!" They'd say when their unruly son would go speeding by in the kitchen. You think the private name suits him.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks quietly, without a hint of shame or doubt in his voice. You almost fold just because of how he's looking at you through his long eyelashes. Almost. The age-old sound of your projector whirring reminds you where you are, and you straighten up.
"Not here."
"After I fix the projector?" He negotiates, and you laugh at how quickly he bounces back.
"After you fix the projector and we're not on school campus anymore." 
"Deal," he says as he turns away from you and toward his toolbox. "You should time me. This might be the fastest replacement I've ever done."
"You're really that motivated now?" You tease, the levity between you two draining the dredges of your bad afternoon from your brain. He smiles and digs in his toolbox for the right screwdriver. 
"For you? Of course." He says. You bite the inside of your cheek, fighting a smile, and he winks at you. He's barely standing on a chair before you grab his arm and stop him.
"Wait," you say. You're not really sure what the plan is, but you also don't care. Joel, however, looks confused. "I found an old step stool in my storage closet the other day, but it's on the top shelf. If you can get it down, that might be a little safer."
"You've had a step stool this whole time, and you're still climbin' on tables?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at you. "You're gonna put me in an early grave one of these days."
"Quit that," you laugh as he steps off the chair. "I didn't have time to get it down whenever I needed it, and I just forgot about it until the other day. C'mon, I'll show you where it is." He sighs dramatically but follows you into the dusty storage room filled floor to ceiling with various art supplies. It's hidden by a suspicious-looking, windowless door just off to the right of your classroom. You think it might've been used as a tornado shelter when the school was much smaller and younger, but since then, it's been renovated into a personal storage room. 
The second the door closes behind him, you turn around, push him against it, and kiss him before you can change your mind. He gasps into you like he wasn't expecting this but quickly grabs your waist, anchoring to you and kissing you back feverishly. You really had planned on making him wait until you were safe, far away from school grounds, instead of pulling him into the nearest private space like a teenager. But you figured if Martinez can break the rules, why can't you? 
Your hand snakes through his hair and plays with the curls at the nape of his neck, drawing a content sigh from Joel. His lips are a little chapped and firm against yours. He tastes like coffee and something sweet, and you want more. You tip your mouth up to him to kiss him deeper, and he grips your hips hard, his fingers grazing the skin just under the hem of your shirt. You test scratching your nails over the back of his neck, and he shudders beautifully under your touch. In one move, he switches places with you and pins you between him and the door. 
With him in control, he slows down just a little, kissing you softly like he's got all the time in the world. You've realized Joel likes treating you like you're made of porcelain. Like all it would take is one wrong move, and you'd fall apart under his touch. He lets you make the first move every time, tying his hands behind his back until you say the word in an impressive show of self-control. Even at the art gallery, when there was so much tension between you, you thought you'd choke on it; he wasn't the one who initiated. The knee-jerk reaction of flipping your positions against the door to take control is his first show of power, and you like it. What do you need to do to get him to do it again?
The bell sounding through the intercom breaks you apart, and you groan at the intrusion. Nothing is keeping you after school today but you aren't ready to separate from Joel just yet. You rest your head on the door and stare at him as you vaguely hear the sounds of rowdy kids flooding the hallways. His lips are swollen and a little pink, and his hair is messy from all your pulling. 
"What?" He questions your staring and you shake your head.
"I just like looking at you," you say. "Your hair is also a mess, but that's a completely different story." 
"And whose fault is that?" He laughs and musses his curls back into place. You help with a few strands at the back and smile when everything is tame again. 
"Good as new." You say. Now, it's his turn to peer at you, and you give him a confused look. You swipe under your eyes as if there's mascara stuck there and fix your hair, waiting for him to give you the all-clear, but he just chuckles.
"I can't believe you pulled me into a closet to make out." 
"Me neither, honestly." You admit as the both of you dissolve into delirious laughter. You wait in the closet for a few more minutes so the hallways can clear out (and you can kiss a little more) before you finally exit, checking that it's clear and then opening the door wider for Joel. When he sees his toolbox sitting on the desk where he left it, he sighs and glances between you and the ceiling. 
"I'm never gonna get to fix that goddamn projector." He mutters, and you laugh as you pass in front of him and pat his shoulder. 
"Next time, maverick." You say. His grumbles disappear as you pack up your stuff side-by-side in silence. It's nice to not feel like you always have to fill the space with conversation. It's enough for papers to rustle as they land in your bag and his tools to clink as they find their proper homes. The hallways have gone quiet, and the eerie silence of an empty school slowly creeps up on you. 
Joel's boots squeaking catch your attention as you unplug your computer and start turning off various lamps around the classroom. He stands in front of the whiteboard where you have a big print of a Rothko painting displayed for today's art history lesson. He tilts his head as he looks at it like he's trying to find some hidden meaning or perspective, and you smile to yourself at the motion. 
"Lots of people think it's not much to look at." You break the silence from the back of the room, and he looks at you over your shoulder.
"I didn't say that."
"I know. I'm just letting you know what certain historians say," you say. You finish with all the lamps, and the only light coming into the classroom is the little bit of natural light streaming in from the windows near the ceiling. Stray dust spins in the air as you join him in looking at the poster of the Rothko, and you try to imagine what he's thinking. 
It's a little unnerving, like most of the ones Rothko made towards the end of his life. The vast darkness on the top half of the painting is daunting, while the gray at the bottom helps ground the viewer, at least a little. If you look closely enough, you can see the various washes and brushstrokes he used to create the painting. Obviously, a lot of skill and time went into something like this, even though not everyone wants to see it. "It's hard to know what it meant to him. It probably didn't mean anything, honestly. He wanted people to have sensory experiences with his art, so you only get as much as you put into it." You explain, and Joel nods but doesn't look away from the painting.
"Is it the surface of the moon?" He asks. 
"What makes you say that?" You interrogate, trying to hide your excitement at getting to hear him tell you what he thinks of art. 
"Well, it kinda looks like I'm standin' on the moon and lookin' out into space." He says as he runs his finger over the divide between the two colors. 
"Where's the Earth, then?"
"Maybe I'm on the dark side of the moon." 
"I don't know," he says. "Maybe the Earth is just too far away, and I can't reach it, but I know it's there. If the moon started spinnin' faster or somethin', I could see it, but maybe it's not for me to see..." It's incredibly profound, even if he doesn't realize it. You see where he's coming from based on what you know about his past and almost want to reach for his hand, but you don't. "But I don't know. What do I know bout art?"
"A lot," you answer quickly, hating how he talks about himself like he's stupid. "You know a lot. That was a really good analysis." He hums noncommittally and bumps your shoulder with his. 
"What bout you? What's it to you?" He asks, and you sigh as you look the colors over again.
"A wall and the night sky." 
"A wall?" 
"Yeah. It's either protecting me or keeping me in, but either way, it's there, and there's not much I can do about it. I could stay where I am and never find out what's beyond it and be safe, or I could climb the wall and never be the same again. I wouldn't know what's behind it or what's out there— that's why it's all black at the top— but maybe that's what's so interesting about it. The unknown." You say, and Joel hums. 
"You should be a teacher or somethin'." He says, and you laugh and move to grab your backpack off your desk. 
"It just might be in the cards for me," you say. "What's Ellie doing tonight? Don't you have to pick her up?" 
"She's actually going to the movies with some friends tonight." He says, beaming with pride, and you gasp dramatically.
"Is she really?"
"Sent her with twenty dollars and everythin'."
"Oh, that's so good! She's doing so good! I knew art club would get her out of her shell." You clap your hands, and he nods, smiling.
"She certainly ain't shy anymore. It feels like she's always on the phone with someone these days." He's a little nostalgic for the little girl who used to cling to her dad, and you make a sympathetic sound. 
"Don't you worry. I'm sure she'll want to hang out with her old dad during winter break."
"Old?!" He parrots as you usher him out of the room, your keys jingling on your arm. 
"Her words, not mine." You say as you walk out into the empty hallway with him and lock your classroom door behind you. He scoffs and grumbles something under his breath but doesn't push you for any insider information on Ellie. You like having your secrets with her, and as long as she's not a threat to herself or others, you'll keep those secrets until she's ready to tell him. 
You walk out to the parking lot together to catch the last few rays of sun scattering across the sky and smile when you see that Joel somehow managed to park close to your car. He loads his tools up in his truck bed while you throw your backpack in the backseat, but neither of you gets in your car immediately after things are settled. Instead, you wander back over to his truck and lean against one of the doors. 
"So, if Ellie's out with friends, what are you doing for the rest of the night?" You ask, and he smirks, stepping into your space. You think about scolding him, but the parking lot is practically empty. Plus, you like having him close. In the orange light of dusk, you feel safe next to him and his truck. He quirks an eyebrow at you and looks serious. 
"Are you askin' me on a date?"
"It's not a date."
"Is this the same thing like you weren't gonna kiss me, and then you did?" He teases. You roll your eyes and push off his truck, putting your arms up in defeat. 
"I didn't realize Joel Miller hated spontaneity so much. Fine, I'll stop doing it." You start walking back toward your car, but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back before you can get far. You smile when your chest collides with his and look up at him. 
"Now, I didn't say all that," he says. "'M just surprised. You're gettin' ballsy."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"I don't think so," he says as he leans forward like he's about to tell you a secret. "I think it's pretty hot, actually." He whispers lowly in your ear, his breath fanning out across your neck and making your face hot. You shove at his shoulder, but he just laughs and grabs your hand. "What? You don't like me callin' you hot?" 
"You're ridiculous, you know that?" 
"I ain't hearin' a 'no.'" 
"Yes, Joel, I like it. Is that what you wanna hear?" You finally relent, and he shrugs with every ounce of sass.
"Maybe," he says. "I also wanna hear what you were thinkin' for our not date."
"Oh, something super romantic." 
"Oh, yeah. Whataburger meals and milkshakes." You say, and he makes a play at his knees giving out under him. 
"A woman after my own heart." He groans, and you roll your eyes. 
You could take separate cars. It'd probably be easier for getting home and take away an extra stop, but you don't really care about that when you climb into the passenger's side of his truck. He doesn't seem surprised by your decision to ride with him and rests a hand on your thigh the second he pulls out of the school parking lot. He asks about your day, painting, and even if you've heard anything else from Henry as he drives. You rant a little about Principal Martinez and ask about his day, so he gets a turn ranting about headers and structural issues. You're not exactly sure what he's talking about, but you nod and listen anyway, and he doesn't critique you for not knowing. 
When you get to Whataburger, you have to scout to make sure there are no teenagers you recognize before going in. Of course, he opens the door and lets you order first like a gentleman, but you elbow him out of the way so you can pay before he can even reach for his wallet. By the look on his face, you would've thought you ripped a cookie out of his hands. "It's my turn!" You say, but he still looks shocked when you hand him his orange and white striped cup. You choose a booth near the back and continue talking about your days or recent developments until your food comes, and then you talk in between bites. It's not romantic, but it is comfortable. 
He updates you on Sarah's progress in medical school and even shows you pictures on his phone of the last time the three of them were all together. He looks lighter when he's with the both of them like all the pieces of his heart are bound in those girls. You like to think it is. He tells you how he's looking at grants for small-business owners in Austin and is eligible to apply for a good amount. "'M just nervous I won't get any." He says, and you shake your head.
"They've got insane amounts of money they're looking to give to hardworking people. I bet you'll be a millionaire by the end of this bet." You say, and he chuckles as he pops a fry in his mouth. 
"What bout you?" He asks.
"What about me?"
"How's the search for a gallery goin'?" You take a deep breath at his question and shrug.
"I don't really have anything to submit just yet, but some places are taking rolling submissions, so I can send something in whenever. I just want it to be good." 
"'M sure it will be." He says, and you give him a look. 
"You haven't even seen any of my work. What if it's awful?"
"Then I'd lie and say it's the best thing I've ever seen." 
"So you’re a iiar." 
"At least, I'd be a considerate liar." He says. You're about to start arguing with him about it when a pair of familiar eyes meet yours across the restaurant. Before you can even think about a tactic to get out of the situation, she's already up and walking toward your booth.
"Oh, shit," you mutter, and Joel's eyebrows furrow until he finds who you're looking at. His face falls exactly the same way you're sure yours did.
"Hi!" Marnie greets as she lands in front of you. "I haven't seen you in a minute!"
"I know! I've been meaning to text you about getting drinks, but I keep forgetting!" It's a lie. A considerate lie, but a lie nevertheless. 
"Oh, you're too sweet. We'll set somethin' up," she says as she turns to Joel. "And you! I haven't seen you since Sarah moved. How is she?" Oh, shit. How does she know you and Joel? He recovers quickly with a charming smile and a nod.
"Yes, ma'am. She's doin' real good up in Boston. Keepin' outta trouble and everythin'." 
"And Ellie? How's she doin'? She still makin' art?" 900,000 people in Austin and countless Whataburgers within 100 square miles, and the person who walks into the one you're in is the one you used to work with at school. Not only that, but she knows Joel's kids. She knows Joel. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Yeah, she's still doin' art. She's good at it. She's seein' a movie with some friends from school tonight." He says, and Marnie's eyes light up at the mention of the high school while Joel tenses.
"Oh, my gosh, how's the new classroom? I completely forgot they renovated that old teacher's lounge a couple years ago." 
"It's good. The equipment's a little old, but nothing's fallen apart yet. You'll have to come see it sometime."
"We'll have to find a time!" She says, always insanely cheerful. "Well, I'll let y'all get back to your meal, but I'd be kickin' myself if I didn't come over here and say hello to you two. Joel, please tell the girls I said hi."
"Yes, ma'am," Joel says politely. With that, Marnie turns and walks back to her waiting husband and says something that sounds like, "I know them!" Your food is suddenly cold and unappetizing when you look at it, and your stomach is in knots. The warm bubble around you and Joel has burst, and you're left in the stark light of the truth. "D'you wanna go?" Joel whispers, and you nod. 
He takes your trays and throws away the food before opening the door for you to walk out into the cool night air, avoiding Marnie's stare the whole time. He doesn't reach for you or help you into the truck. He barely looks at you until you're in the safety of the cab. The world is spinning around you, and alarms are sounding in your brain. What the fuck just happened?
"How do you know her?" You ask Joel, staring straight ahead, and he swallows hard.
"She was Sarah and Ellie's science tutor," he says, and your eyes flutter shut. "How do you know her?"
"She was the science teacher at the high school during my first year there. She left to go to a different school after that, but we were pretty close."  
"So, she knows you're a teacher at the same school my kid goes to."
"And she knows Ellie does art, so she knows she would be one of my students." You slowly piece together how bad this could be. You got caught having dinner with the parents of one of your students. If Marnie says anything, word could travel through the district until Martinez hears about it. You'd be in much more trouble than you already are with her. You could be accused of giving Ellie special treatment and violating school policy. 
"Fuck." Joel mumbles, mirroring your exact thoughts, and you nod. 
"We can't do this." You whisper, not wanting to admit it, especially after such a nice day with him. He doesn't protest. He feels the gravity of the situation. You want to put your hand over his. You want to hug him. You want to comfort him the way he comforted you, but you can't. 
"I know." His voice is even and controlled like he's choosing his words carefully, but you can hear the disappointment in his words. You can't go back to an hour ago when you were laughing and pulling him into storage rooms. You have to stay where you are. You have to stay safe. He is the personification of your wall and you have to be okay with not knowing what’s beyond it.
You can't do this.
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 @ignorethisplz2004 @buckyispunk @d1lf-loverrr @vee-bees-blog @moel-jiller @anoverwhelmingdin @casssiopeia
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vitaminseetarot · 1 year
Last Quarter Moon PAC: What Are You Harvesting? 🌗🍓🍹
Welcome, one and all, to my last chapter of the four-part moon series! In the beginning, all we had was the seed of potential. We then added some tender love and compost, tending to its stretching stems and budding leaves. We then sat back and witnessed the colorful flower blooming forth, reflecting our work well done.
Now it's finally time to take a look at what will be harvested from this growth. How will it sweeten your life? How will it ensure that more growth can continue to the next month? What blessings will at last be bestowed that will, with careful preservation, last through the winter and beyond?
Take a peek at the three packages of fruit you see down below. These are of the frozen kind so they will last for many smoothies and muffins to come. (Brand names are blotted out for your convenience.)
Pile 1 - Chilly Blueberries Pile 2 - Snowy Strawberries Pile 3 - Frosty Plums
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Pile 1
Cards: Four of Swords, Three of Cups, Nine of Cups; Dandelion Wish, Avocado - Prosperity, Scorpio Moon - Camouflage, 6 - Freedom
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I guess it works that I called this the Chilly Blueberry pile cause it seems like you're just looking to chill. You've been through the long haul this last month, and for you the growth hasn't come easily. Now you're being greatly encouraged to kick back and relax for the last few days of the season remaining.
You've been spending a great amount of time working on your internal issues. This pile has done some immense shadow work, and perhaps you sense that you're still in the thick of it, laying low and addressing some old fears. These fears may have to do with something you've been wishing and longing for. There's almost a feeling of treating shadow work as a full time job, wanting to purge and clear as much as possible to make room for desires. Which isn't a bad thing! It can be the recommended thing for many people (like one of the other piles, per example wink), but there's also such a thing as overdoing it. Sometimes you get to a place where you've squeezed out every tear cried out and felt the rock bottom of rock bottom, where you're hitting impenetrable bedrock. Pile 1, this is your reminder that you've been doing GREAT work improving yourself, but now it's time to breathe.
You're going to be harvesting peace, relaxation, a chance to decompress and distract yourself with good times. Your friends could be trying to pull you out of the house or into a discord chat -- join them! Don't let yourself get distracted by the heavy emotions at this time. Not all shadow work is productive, like with anything it can be habitual and keep you ruminating in a little loop. You are protected as far as social relations are concerned. You're being given the space to relate your deep inner work with the work others have been doing. I can't tell you how refreshing it is to be in the thick of some deep karmic issues, only to find out a close friend or even acquaintance has been going through a similar ordeal.
Right now, even with all the freaky planet shit happening out there, don't think that the next few months will be like your last few. You're gonna undergo a subtle transformation on your own naturally after this harvest. You'll be moving into a place of wish making and abundance. This may even boost your sense of financial freedom. It could be that some of your shadow work involved money, but I'm really getting abundance in general with this pile. You don't have to overwork yourself to get to that place, pile 1, you're already approaching it. There's no need to get a 100% completion rating on your spiritual practice. You're not being rewarded for hard work, you're being rewarded because you're in the right place and time to be receiving the abundance coming for you. The shadow work is to help you get in a better mindset and receive without letting old baggage get in the way. It's not a forever thing.
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Pile 2
Cards: Five of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, Page of Cups; Turtle Creek, Strawberry - Affection, Leo Rising - Shine, 5 - Heart Healing
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How awesome is it that you got the strawberry card for your strawberry reading?! Maybe you just really like eating them; the card does talk about affection after all! With Leo Rising, I'm feeling that this pile has been really affected by the Leo Venus retrograde. Lucky for you, the planet will station direct in a few days, gradually bringing back in a feeling of overall sweetness to your life like a tide coming in.
It could have been that your self-worth took a small hit in some way. Some things may have happened that tested you just a little too much. You wanted more out of your circumstances, but when you ask and ask your spirit guides and higher self and nothing seems to happen on the surface at the end of the day, that can really wreck confidence over time. You'd hear things like "maybe it's just not meant for you," to which you'd respond, "then what is?" You're about to gain a lot more clarity as to what is for you, and that no matter what your doubts say, pile 2, you deserve this!
That belief is very important--it keeps you from creating blind spots where opportunities lie. I felt relief pulling the King of Pentacles in the middle. The King does not think at all about what he deserves, he simply has it. He listened to that one random shampoo commercial's message "because you're worth it, baby" and stuck to that philosophy for the rest of his life. He needed this confidence because with Pentacles (and as hinted by your Turtle Creek card), success doesn't happen overnight. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if something is going to work out in the long run. We often have to wave our hair around like supermodels and strut our stuff as though we know it will anyway. (I just got "Good As Hell" by Lizzo in my head. You might benefit from pampering yourself a little to remind yourself of your worthiness.)
There's going to be a moment of inspiration that comes to you this harvest, like an artistic idea or emotional epiphany that will flood through your slow moving creek. Page of Cups doesn't see you as really stuck, but will help push you along either way. Your lack mentality is being restored to a fullness mentality, and with this comes a strong wave of emotional resolution. Letting yourself feel the hurt of lack for just a moment in time can help you clear it out of your system to make room for healthier and better feelings that actually stick. You're allowed to set down your doubts for now and be more vulnerable and open to giving and receiving. It may not seem so, but vulnerability is important to creating flow, and flow is when we sense that we are moving with life and not against it, so that naturally things will work out for us. When you're ready to open your doors to life with softness and tender affection, so will the doors to what you've been dreaming of.
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Pile 3
Cards: VII Chariot, Queen of Swords, Ten of Cups; Cottage Hill, Watermelon - Fun, Sagittarius Rising - Adventure, 9 - Self Acceptance
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Before I flipped over your cards, I looked at the Cottage Hill card and imagined how cozy you've been for the last while, maybe a season or two where you stayed home and felt comfortable. I even channeled a feeling of enjoying old familiar songs and games. Then I turned the cards around and got the exact opposite message!
Your cards are nudging towards pushing yourself out there and taking in the goodness of life without getting muddled in the details. You've been in a state of analysis (paralysis?) for some time, and the only thing you're harvesting, whether you like it or not, is the chance to go out and enjoy yourself. It doesn't have to involve others, it can be just you looking to try something new (maybe rock climbing isn't in your taste, but there are many other things to explore). Forgive me for saying this, but we all know what dried plums are: prunes. And what do prunes help with? Of course, getting things going! The Chariot isn't always a card of traveling, but you are specifically having your travel experiences sweetened this time around. A dash of spontaneity and whimsy has been added to your harvest. There is stuff out there waiting for you to see it and experience it for yourself.
Please don't think that this time to run around and enjoy yourself is a waste of time, pile 3. Do you know how hard it is to want to move ahead when you have 6-8 planets in retrograde? Cut yourself a bit of slack. Being a successful human being doesn't mean never allowing yourself to feel content with the present, especially since for many people being successful means exactly that. You also never know what these greater experiences could bring you in the long run. A good time spent away can be like a shower that prepares you for the next big thing to tackle. It could be hiding blessings in between, waiting for you to seize them.
The Queen is Swords approaches everything with discernment, so you can work with her energy by finding out what sort of thing you would like to do or see next. It doesn't mean planning every single thing out. The best itineraries keep you from getting lost from point A to point B, while also leaving room for exploration. Maybe you'd be interested in joining a computer programming class, for example. It doesn't mean you have to sign up for the full major. Taking things a step at a time can really help you determine what's better for you further down the road. Self-Acceptance card talks about how to deal with our tendency to self-contradict. There's a part of you what wants to move ahead, and part of you that wants to stay put in the comfort zone. Plan out your "itinerary" so you're not caught in black-and-white thinking. If you're feeling the resistance to move, just try it a little at a time. You'll have a lot more fun this way.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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Hardwired Island
90s nostalgia isn't cool anymore, its all about that early aughts nostalgia, so I propose we have transparent plastic prosthetic limbs, like those bootleg PS2/Wii controllers Touchstones: Bubblegum Crisis, 90s Cyberpunk Anime in general
Genre: Cyberpunk What is this game?: Hardwired Island is a cyberpunk game about being broke citizens in the first space station city on earth 
How's the gameplay?: Hardwired Island uses a 2d6+Bonus system, inspired by PBTA, but the game itself isn't exactly that. Hardwired's character creation is one of its big draws, being fairly simple but allowing many different character concepts, maybe you're an android street fighter, wanting to enter the big leagues, or an ex-military drone operator, wanting to atone for your crimes, character creation works by picking a background, Occupation, and 2 traits, which lets you get really flexible with your character! Backgrounds have misc abilities and determine your character's skills (which you get to create yourself, so if you want your character to be really good at niche internet drama, you can!), Occupations give you powerful abilities that make you really good at things that other people can do worse, and traits are just random abilities and events in your character's history. The Big Thing about Hardwired is its financial shock system, whenever your character makes a big purchase, such as for example a prosthetic, they might get more financial stress, which can end up leading them into a crisis, where they might need to reach out to a friend to get a place to stay, or move back with their parents, or make shady deals with the mafia, and so on. Hardwired's mechanics are Narrative-first, meaning they exist to create interesting drama for characters, and that makes it a very fun system for just making cool stories
What's the setting (If any) like?: Hardwired takes place in the far future of 2020, on a giant space station city, where the rich prosper and the poor toil. Hardwired is really keen on the "boring dystopia" aspect, there's definitely interesting stuff! but players are assumed to be common laymen trying their best to get by, of course this doesn't mean their ADVENTURES have to be boring! a package delivery gig could end with dealing with the strange Dreamers, bizarre AI with weird powers, or an investigation on an anonymous street artist could end in inciting a riot against a local bank, and so on!
What's the tone?: Hardwired will try to crush your players, it is not a pleasant world, there's kindness everywhere, and good people to be found, but the world is overwhelmingly against you
Session length: 1-2 hours is realistic enough
Number of Players: 4-6 is the recommended amount by me!
Malleability: Hardwired's mechanics are kinda rooted in its setting, but a crafty GM could likely do something interesting with them, I've been working on a hack for my own cyberpunk setting, for example!
Resources: a Google Sheet is available, and that's honestly kinda all you need, its not a very complex system. There's two or so expansions, one of them includes a playable cat occupation!
So I hesitated a lil on posting this game because i know people have Opinions on this game, but this game's great and im tired of pretending its not. It's a definite must play for any cyberpunk fan, in my opinion
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merakiui · 1 year
That ceo!azul did sum to me but likr- imagine you and azul in a kind of "arranged marriage" troupe but its actually just him forcing u into this situation. How'd u even get here? Well first, you were fired from ur work bcs of "mistreatment towards other employees" issue. Defending urself won't work when there's someone pulling the strings from behind. Second, u can't really rely on ur parents since they're too old to be working, welp- they're relying on u since they're too old so-.. oh! I know! Job hunting! What? U bumped on someone? Sorry! "I've falled for u" well- sir, technically i bumped into u so u fell-… What? Go on a date with u as a compensation? Uh- sure?? Ohh this man named Azul is a nice man, too nice actually. He treats u well, cares for ur family, is kind, financially stable and most of all! Is devilishly handsome! A perfect man who doesn't expect anything from you(yet)! Hm? U want me to live with u? Sure! Eh? Sex? Ok! Huh? A wedding? Uhm- sure?? W-what?? A… Baby..? That's unexpected… O-ok? Since he's a good man and dotes on u.. nothing can be wrong right?
😵‍💫 he's so fine,,,, and he's the full package, too! So no matter how much you try to avoid him or tiptoe around all of these things he wants from you, everyone you know thinks he's a blessing. He's a well-off man with an impressive job. He has the resources to care for you and your parents as they're getting on in years. And he's sweet and handsome and has an impeccable fashion sense. Seriously, why haven't you married him yet?! >:( everyone thinks you're crazy for not grasping such a good opportunity, but then they don't know Azul beneath the perfect, pristine façade he upholds. He dotes on you, but it's to an unhealthy amount. And he's trying to be patient, but he wants that ring on your finger as soon as possible, preferably with a baby on the way as well, but he can exercise a little restraint for your sake.
He brings you to all sorts of fancy events and introduces you as his lover. You meet his parents and he's so excited to tell them that one day the two of you will be wed, but in the meantime you're trying day and night for a child. You can try to run away, but when you show just an ounce of defiance or you stray too far from Azul's hold the Leech twins are there to remind you of where you ought to be. Sometimes they're assigned to watch over you while Azul's at work. Ever since you got involved with him, he's insisted you needn't work. So you quit your job (at Azul's behest) and now live in his luxurious penthouse. You feel like a child when the twins are put on babysitting duty. You try to chase them out, but they're here to stay, grinning down at you and slyly warning you to play nice (or be mean; they don't mind it when you're rough).
You're the worst at saying no, and since Azul has done so many good things for you and your family it's impossible to deny him what he wants. You feel like no matter what you do you can never repay the debt you owe him. Even though you try to plead with him about wearing protection or how you think it would be smarter if you took birth control, he's adamant that it has to be raw. He wants to start a family with you! Can't do that if you're practicing safe sex now, can you? Don't be silly, (Name). He'll take good care of you once you're pregnant. After all, he always has. So just lay back and let him give you what he wants you want.
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