#if this isn't game of the year it'll be a crime
selenityshiroi · 1 year
Random TOTK thoughts since I'm back in work today but am very 'head empty, only Zelda' so have some things I'm in love with:
I love how, although there is some 'who are you? Oh, yes, you're that swordsman' reactions to Link, in general NPCs (especially ones who had side quests in BOTW) know who Link is. It makes everything more cohesive and gives a depth to the world for both games
All BOTW side quests are canon. Link's house (which Zelda now lives in *wiggles eyebrows*)? Canon. Tarrey Town? Canon. Yiga Hideout? Canon. Weirdly presented penpal quest that creeped everyone out? Canon but JUST FRIENDS.
Mattison implies that around 5-6 years have passed (since she didn't even exist in BOTW but now is a walking, talking, reading child...unless Gerudo grow and develop quicker than we expect). And you can see that in the age of some of the younger characters like the Sheikah and Rito kids. And it also helps with the belief that they had time to dispose/repurpose the Sheikah tech into the new tech. Especially if it all stopped working.
Link is so much more expressive this time round but in appropriate ways. They took care to not just have him blank faced or generic emotional response. The first tower scene is panic and wtf but all the ones after that are slightly different than that first one because he knows what to expect. I wish they'd had different reactions for the different geoglyphs but the spoilery post final one has a much more intense reaction at least.
I still haven't stopped opening the item menu everytime I want to change abilities...
The cutscenes are getting me right in the heart. No spoilers but I had to spoil myself for the end because I got too emotional and couldn't wait the next 100 hours it's going to take me to finish to find out how certain things are resolved.
Yahaha you found me! I still love Koroks but, no, I can't help you find your friend right now. I'm busy. (But I am going to go back and do all the friend ones later)
Shrines are genuinely difficult at times. Probably because I keep underestimating some of the abilities. I've seen some uses online that are so 5 head it's unbelievable. I'm going to watch so many let's plays when I can to see how people did things differently.
Gimmie all the clothes. I will explore every nook and cranny of this world for a shitty tunic.
This whole game is 'Oh, what's that? Oh, what's over here? Oh, a quest marker! Hmm, that's weird I should check that out. BLUPEE! Wait...what was I doing?' And it's GLORIOUS.
Tulin my beloved...please stop jumpscaring me with your sound effects that are soft but just close enough to make me think I'm gonna get shanked by an enemy
I have stumbled across more than a few enemies that I have noped back out of ASAP. Even with my new confidence on fighting enemies from my recent BOTW playthrough. That is a later goal.
All the new characters and existing significant NPCs are amazing so far. And there is a lot of hope in the rebuilding which is nice despite the Upheaval. People are looking to the future everywhere and it warms your heart :)
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ozzgin · 8 months
Yandere! Yakuza x Reader (V)
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In a rather unlucky turn of events, you find yourself kidnapped for being in the wrong place during a gang war. Worry not, your yakuza boyfriend is at your service. Yet another bloody reason not to mess with him.
Content: female reader, organized crime, violence, gore, obsessive behavior
[Part 4] | [Yakuza Masterlist]
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"Damn it!"
The scarred man throws another tile into the pile, clicking his tongue.
"I gotta say, you're pretty good for a foreigner." A second man with an eyepatch remarks, carefully inspecting his set before retrieving a tile of his own. "Pung."
You take another greedy sip of the cheap sake and slam the little cup back on the table.
"Kind of inevitable to learn mahjong when your only friends in this country are yakuza." You look up towards your captor with a frown. "You guys ever heard of board games or something?"
"Try to explain new rules to this dumbass!" A third man angrily pours himself another glass, pointing towards the first. "Fuck, I could iron clothes on that smooth brain of yours!"
"Fuck off, you're not any better." The scarred man continues his turn with furrowed brows. 
"If I were you I'd keep quiet about being pals with the yakuza. They'll question you, too, after the office guy. Don't make it worse." The man wearing an eyepatch mentions in a lowered voice. The table suddenly goes quiet.
"When is he coming out?" You ask hesitantly, bile pooling in your mouth. You already suspect the answer.
"He's not. Bodies are discarded through the back entrance." He pats the ash off and takes another drag off his cigarette. 
You swallow. 
Being involved with the Triad was not part of your new year resolutions, yet here you are about to be interrogated by the local Chinese syndicate. At least the lackeys have taken pity on you, a poor civilian caught in the middle of their rivalry. Hence the fake sense of normalcy as you chitchat at the mahjong table with a cup of sake to ease your wrecked nerves. 
"I'm guessing they won't be as friendly back there." You nod towards the door, where they took your work superior several hours ago. 
That's all you get and you can only smile bitterly. Huh. You wonder if this is how Daitou's victims feel, helplessly waiting for whatever is brought upon them. Having to watch him unwrap his tool belt, stuffed with rusty old tools littered in blotches of dried up blood. Pondering his questions while he eyes the row delectably, hovering his hand over the potential ways to loosen up the tongue.
Would they torture you, too? Hopefully not. It should be rather obvious you're just a mere civilian. Then again, if your work superior mentioned anything about you being Daitou's girlfriend...He's never told you anything downright incriminating, but it'll be hard to convince these fellows that you truly are clueless.
Maybe they'll let you go if you offer your finger as a token of peace. Your forehead wrinkles at the thought. Isn't it more of a Japanese custom anyways? And if they say yes, then what? Do they provide you with the required utensils or are you expected to improvise on the spot?
You remember one of Daitou's seniors describing the process in great detail during the Christmas party. You had asked him about it, purely out of curiosity, and he certainly delivered almost more than your stomach was able to handle (Daitou scolded him later for telling you too much). You take the tatami mat and preferably wrap it in cloth, to soak up the blood. Any sharp blade will do, but traditionally you'd be offered a proper tantō that can easily slice through the bone. Obviously you want to cut as little as possible, so you still have some functionality remaining. Right above the joint. You must put all of your body weight into the thrust, otherwise the cut won't be clean and it turns into a mess. 
Hell. You wipe the cold beads of sweat that have formed on your face. You can barely chop an onion. Maybe one of the gangsters has enough experience and goodwill to offer to do it for you. Then you only have to clench your teeth and prepare for the blow. It can't be that bad. Surely the shock will be too great, and your brain won't even register it. Before you know it, they'll dip your hand in ice and rush you to someone fit to perform the aftercare. Yeah. That should to the trick. 
"Hey, foreigner. It's your turn."
"Leave her be, can't you see she's pale?"
You glance up and notice the men looking at you expectantly. They've already showed you plenty of kindness from the moment they shoved you in that black van with the rest of the office workers. Perhaps you can rely on them one final time. You suddenly bow, head pressing against the table. They're somewhat startled by your gesture. 
"I'm deeply sorry to ask, but might any of you be knowledgeable in blades?"
"H-huh? What for?"
You ceremoniously slam your hand onto the table, rattling the mahjong tiles. You struggle to let the words out, but try to maintain a straight face, picturing Shozo Hirono's cool attitude when he performed the deed himself in Battles without Honor and Humanity. 
"Would your Boss be satisfied with a yubitsume? I cannot offer anything else of use."
You feel a harsh hand smack against the back of your neck and you cough, taken out of your focus.
"Dumbass! What the hell are you talking about? Why would our Boss need the finger of a civilian, and a woman on top of that? 笨人!" The man with an eyepatch is red and flustered as he scolds you. The other two are holding back their snickers, amused by the scene.
"Let her! I have a knife on me right now." The scarred man comments with a grin. "Whaddaya say, kid? Or have you changed your mind already?"
"A man never goes back on his word." You bark and straighten your back, crossing your arms imposingly. 
The eyepatch man smacks you again and the other two begin clapping, terribly entertained by your tomfoolery. 
The spectacle doesn't last long. Within seconds, you jump out of your seat at the sound of rapid gunshots and scattered, erratic shouts.
Daitou bows before his Seniors and mumbles a polite, monotonous greeting. It's highly unusual to have the Lieutenants gathered at the office like this. Kazuya is fidgeting in his seat, Boss is away on a trip. What else could require everyone's immediate attendance? He makes his way to the blonde man and drops himself on the sofa, awaiting the details. 
"Wakasugi has been taken."
A chaotic murmur ensues. 
"He's been making offers for a building in a neutral area. That's where the Chinese sell their drugs and they claim it to be their turf. I hear some of our newbies got caught dealing that shit as well. Boss has been on their throats for some time now and this is their way to say fuck you."
Ah. More gang rivalry drama. Daitou presses his lips together, trying his best to hold back a yawn threatening to escape his mouth. Hopefully they'll leave him out of it, he has a date planned with you and he'd rather not show up reeking of rotten flesh. 
If you get kidnapped, think of yourself as already dead. The Yakuza doesn't negotiate. They just get their revenge tenfold. Unless it's someone important, like the Boss himself, the honorable way is to die without betraying your Family. 
"Just put a few bullets in them. Should teach them a lesson." He says while stretching. 
"Yeah, we're sending Oota and his men to deal with it. Just be on the lookout." One of the Seniors responds. 
"Still, the fucking guts on them. To show up at the office, right before our eyes-" Another man cries out, frustration in his voice.
"What did you say?" 
Kazuya flinches. He knows where this is going and he glares at the outraged yakuza, trying to silence him. Sadly he doesn't take the hint.
"Right? They just waltzed in, shot some of our guys and took Wakasugi and whoever was nearby. Heh, what are they gonna do with a bunch of office assistants? Extra weight to carry to the dump."
"Enough!" Kazuya's exasperated yell causes everyone to quiet down.
There are several confused looks being exchanged before everyone's eyes eventually rest on Daitou, now staring ahead motionless. Didn't his girlfriend work at that office? The Senior giving out the initial order has realized the mistake. He quickly clears his throat and is about to speak, but Daitou abruptly stands up and heads for the door.
"Oi! I said we're leaving it to Oota. This isn't your job." 
He tries to repeat his words with confidence, but his voice falters towards the end when faced with Daitou's massive frame. Particularly the barrel that's now pressing into his forehead.
"Mind your fucking business or I'll kill you right here." Daitou threatens.
"D-don't think Boss will help you out of this one, brat. If you go, you're disobeying your Senior."
The tall yakuza smirks mockingly. 
"See if you can run for Boss with your skull split open, bitch."
Kazuya slaps the gun aside and steps between the men.
"Just let him go. I'll take responsibility." He pleads, his friend already slamming the door behind him. 
Once the aggressor has left, everyone exhales discreetly in relief.
"He'll get us in trouble with the cops." The Senior retorts to the blonde in a berating tone.
"What else do you suggest? You know there's no way around it if he's pissed."
No one replies to what seems to be an universally agreed upon truth.
He blows out the smoke and crushes the cigarette under his foot. Fuck. He needs to calm down. They most likely haven't killed you, but if they laid a single hand on you...He's blacking out again. Whatever blinding rage possessed him back in his youth, when his Boss got wounded, would now pale in comparison. His ears are ringing and his vision is foggy. He can't even recall how he made it to their building. Or how he got past the guards. Although that one's easy to figure out, judging from their twisted throats. 
He checks his rounds one final time and kicks the heavy metal door open. Only about a dozen of them, but no sign of you yet. Should take a minute. It is time for him to pay his respects. 
"What the fuck was that?" the scarred man swiftly takes out his weapon and knocks the stool over with his foot.
If it is who you think it is...Your face twists in fear.
"Listen, you've been nice to me so I don't want to see you dead. Could you...could you leave, please? It might be someone I know and I promise you there's no point in fighting back."
The noticeable quiver in your speech might lead one to believe you're awaiting your executioner, not your savior and boyfriend. But you've seen Daitou angry and the ordeal flooded the very marrow of your bones with terror. Naturally he could never be upset at his darling for any reason, ever. Whoever poses a threat to you, however, can't say the same thing. You remember trying to pull him back from a random drunk that had groped you during an outing, and he tightly gripped your jaw with a bloodied hand and nearly ordered you in a ragged growl: "Hey. I said I'll be done in a moment. Be a good girl and close your eyes." 
Thus, from experience, you know he'd never listen to your pleas. Maybe if he was lucid enough, but not in this manic state. The man wearing an eyepatch scans your expression attentively. Your worry is genuine and the other room is gradually becoming quieter, but not in a way that'd inspire him confidence. He certainly doesn't feel like dying today and there's nothing honorable about throwing yourself into a senseless battle. He nods at the other two men and he asks you one last time if you'll be fine by yourself, to which you shake your head vehemently. Please go away already. 
The final obstacle crumbles under Daitou's weight and you fiddle with your glass, alone, at the mahjong table. He seems to be taken aback, and once he confirms you're not in any pain or discomfort, his demeanor switches within an instant. 
"Where's everyone?"
"They ran away."
"Just like that? And left you here?" He stares at you, baffled.
"Maybe there's some still in the back. These ones left because I asked them to."
He approaches you, still bewildered and confused. He looks like a lost dog.
"What? They were nice to me and I didn't want you to kill them. You never listen when I tell you to stop." You huff, pouting and folding your arms.
"Sorry. I got a little bit anxious." He kneels before you and extends a hand apologetically. "Friends again?"
"Wash your hands at least, I don't want to know what organ remains you have stuck through your fingers."
He chuckles and wipes the palm against his shirt. You follow his movements and notice the bullet wounds near the ribcage. This madman. You speedily bend to his level and remove his jacket to inspect the injuries.
"Christ. Take off your shirt and let's at least stop the bleeding before we leave. How the hell can you still stand with all these holes in you?"
Daitou unbuttons his shirt obediently and you try to wrap it around his abdomen. You notice the thick, wide scar crossing his stomach, presently smeared with blood. Either his or someone else's. 
"Now that I think about it, how did you get this scar? From a gang fight as well?"
"Oh no, I got this in prison. I was supposed to serve many more years, but one of the Seniors rang and said Boss needs me for something. They were in talks with the police chief to maybe bribe my way out. 
But I felt terrible knowing that Boss would be wasting money on my mistakes. At the time the place was overcrowded, so I figured they'd let me out for medical emergencies. So I cut my stomach open and they counted it as a suicide attempt." He responds with a proud grin. 
You grimace a little at the mental image. 
The cloth has been tightly, albeit clumsily secured around his gashes and you both get up. It occurs to you that throughout this mess you haven't feared for your life once. It feels like Daitou is always there to get you out of trouble. Despite his unorthodox methods.
You gaze up at him and notice the prosthetic eye has rolled inwards, so you adjust it slightly with your finger. He follows your romantic gesture with a quick peck on the lips. 
"You'll get yourself killed one day." You whine, tired.
"And leave you alone? Never. You're stuck with me for life."
He flashes you a wide smile and pats your head.
"Can we still go on that date?" The yakuza suddenly remembers, guiding you as you zigzag your way among fresh corpses.
So he hasn't forgotten. A faint blush dusts your cheeks.
"Sure, but I'd like to have a bath first."
"Then let's have one together." He suggests cheerfully, completely unbothered by whatever just happened.  
Tags: @yandere-city2 @lokiofasgard12 @zeniiis @lucienbarkbark @channelinglament @your-next-daydream @bath1lda @murder-hobo @zanzie
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thankskenpenders · 11 months
Sonic Superstars!
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Superstars is out! And guess what? It's good! It's a worthy new entry in the series, and I mostly like it. Mostly. Except for the handful of parts I don't. As usual, allow me to share my thoughts.
(For the record, I got the PS5 version of Superstars. I can't speak for how it plays on older hardware like the Switch, or how the weird Steam version that seems to make you log in with Epic runs. But I encountered zero performance issues, personally.)
General thoughts
The thing is, aside from two notable flaws I'll discuss in greater detail below, I can sum up my feelings on most of Superstars quickly. You see, it's... a Sonic game. This will either be a blessing or a curse depending on who you ask. It's not a bold new take on the series that'll blow you away, but they also didn't fuck it up. There's no catch this time! There's something refreshing about that straightforwardness, given how rare it is to get a regular-ass New Sonic Game from Sega. It's just a new classic-style game where you can play as Amy, set on a new island with all new zones, and Fang is in it! This might be damning with faint praise, but that's what it says on the tin, and they did a good job overall.
(It also has co-op. That's nice. I didn't play it in co-op.)
It plays exactly how it should. At no point did anything feel Wrong. The graphics might not have the absolute highest fidelity, but I think the character models look really nice, and the levels look appropriately good with vibrant color palettes. A couple zones like Sky Temple gave me Klonoa vibes, which I like. One zone is an absolutely incredible homage that I won't spoil. The story here is minimal (as expected), but there are a few good moments of telling the story through the gameplay, particularly one very cute sequence with Trip. I did find a couple stage gimmicks moderately annoying (Speed Jungle 2 and Press Factory 2, looking at you), but like... I could say the same thing about Mania, and also damn near every other Sonic game ever made. There's always That One Level. Superstars may not raise the series to new heights, but it generally executes well on the standard beats of the series. It's an easy recommendation for all fans of 2D Sonic.
Really, aside from the two big flaws (we'll get to them), this game's greatest crimes are simply not being quite as good as Mania, and also coming out the same week as the more creative and polished Super Mario Bros. Wonder. If we hadn't gotten Mania, I would easily be calling this my favorite 2D Sonic game since... what, the Advance trilogy 20 years ago? I like the Rush games, but if you asked me to replay one or the other, I might have a better time with Superstars. And, yes, it beats the hell out of Sonic 4. It's not even close. Anyone who says this game is exactly like Sonic 4 is just being a hater.
...I guess I would say that $60 is a bit steep for this, but you know it'll be on sale for a more appropriate $30-$40 in a few months. This isn't a Nintendo game we're talking about here.
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Nice little tweaks
Superstars also features a number of welcome quality-of-life updates over Mania, bringing it more in line with the design ethos of modern platformers.
You have infinite lives! No more getting a game over on the final boss and having to redo the whole final zone - or, god forbid, the entire game
Time overs are gone! It'll warn you before you go over ten minutes, but I have no idea why because it doesn't kill you anymore
The game features a hub from which you can easily replay previous levels, rather than needing to beat the game or put in a cheat code to unlock the level select
This means you can easily go back and hunt for any special stage rings you missed. However, as a tradeoff, it seems like you can only get one Emerald per zone now, rather than being able to get Super Sonic by the end of the first or second zone
You can swap characters between levels! No more having to start a whole 'nother save file to play as Tails
And those characters even have optional little movement tutorial rooms available from the hub, which is great for new players who may not know about things like the Drop Dash
And, finally, checkpoints now feature arrows pointing in the direction you were supposed to be going, in case you forget upon respawning
Of course, while you might not be getting game overs, Superstars certainly compensated with some bosses that kicked my ass.
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Here's what I would consider notable flaw #1.
I have mixed feelings on the bosses in Superstars. I don't think many of them are poorly designed - in fact, a lot of them are good, and offer fun moments of spectacle. But for a 2D Sonic game, they're REALLY long and drawn out, and by the late game this was starting to get draining.
Bosses tend to be the type where you have to dodge their attack patterns for a while until you get the chance to hit them exactly once, MAYBE twice. A few bosses seem to have quicker options if you abuse your post-hit invulnerability or play as a character with a double jump, but many will either be completely invincible or run away to the background for long periods of time, making it impossible to damage them outside of the allotted windows. And even if it seems like you'll be able to get in a second hit, many bosses turn invincible and skip ahead to the next attack pattern as soon as they take the first hit. Again, most of these fights aren't BAD, but because of this behavior they sometimes take almost as long to beat as the entire levels preceding them. This didn't bother me much early in the game, but against the more challenging bosses towards the end that kept killing me several minutes into a long fight, it got tiring. The final boss of Story Mode probably took me like an hour.
While this certainly isn't an uncommon style of boss design, part of me suspects they did this for the sake of co-op players. For one, playing in co-op means that you don't necessarily have to start the entire fight over if one person dies, so I assume the length is less of an issue. But in particular, true classic-style Sonic bosses that you can just hit repeatedly with good timing would go down in a few seconds against a team of four players. Likewise, the swarm of clones from the "Avatar" Emerald power would probably obliterate every Genesis era boss with one button press. So I get why every boss needs all these invulnerability periods, but still. I at least wish they'd made some of those attack patterns shorter and given you more frequent opportunities to deal damage.
Emeralds and their powers
Speaking of the new Chaos Emerald powers: they're neat, I guess? They're fine. I didn't use them much. Actually, I kept forgetting I even had them - although the game will play a noise and show an icon in the corner of the screen to remind you any time you reach a spot where a specific power is useful. Avatar, the first power you get, is at least good for getting a couple free hits in on the trickier bosses. Yellow's ability to slow time is obviously good, but, again, I always forgot I even had it and made it through just fine without it. I was also pleased to realize that the swimming power is useful for the water levels and not just for climbing up waterfalls.
Oh, and the new grappling-based special stages kind of suck, but they're not the worst, and I'll at least give them credit for trying something new. (Motion Sickness Zone from Sonic 1 does return as a bonus minigame, but I only did it once lmao.)
Battle Mode
I haven't played Battle Mode. Couldn't tell you if it's good or not. It did, however, give us official designs for Metal Tails and Metal Amy after all these years, and also it let me make this:
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...Okay, enough beating around the bush. Let's talk about the thing that REALLY drags down the experience.
The soundtrack...
(This lengthy section on the music will feature some light spoilers for things like zone names and themes.)
Now, don't get me wrong. There are some bangers in here that I've been listening to on loop. But this is one of the most inconsistent soundtracks I've ever heard, and I'm not sure I've ever played another game where the music has such a sharp dip in quality in the back half.
As anyone following this blog knows, prior to release I was a little obsessed with trying to gauge what the soundtrack would be like. "Jun Senoue" and "new Classic Sonic game" naturally evokes the memory of Sonic 4, but from the start we knew Tee Lopes was involved as well, and almost all of the music previewed before released leans more towards the sound of Sonic Mania than anything else. I was hopeful! I was excited! Jun deserved another chance at doing another classic Sonic OST, and Tee is one of my favorite game composers of all time between his Sonic material and other works like the TMNT: Shredder's Revenge OST. I frequently thought back to this Sonic 4 remix medley by Jun and Tee as a reminder that these two could really be the dream team, bringing out the best in each other's work.
Sure enough, the front half of the game is largely dominated by the Mania sound, whether it's a track by Tee himself or one by an in-house Sega artist that's compatible with his style. Pinball Carnival Act 1 by Rintaro Soma (an up-and-coming composer who wrote a bunch of the Cyber Space themes in Frontiers) takes obvious inspiration from Mania's Studiopolis Act 1, to the point that I was shocked when Sega posted the track and revealed it wasn't written by Tee. Act 2, however, forges more of its own sound by leaning into the act's spooky haunted carnival theme. And despite being the music lead, the only level theme that I know for sure was written by Senoue in the front half of the game (Bridge Island Act 1) was actually arranged by Tee Lopes to give it more of that Mania sound. Hell, the level clear jingle is literally just the one from Mania. A few level themes by other composers don't quite match that style, but they fit in well enough.
But there are early signs that this sound won't be consistent throughout the game. Our first warning of things to come is the boss music:
When early copies started floating around and the soundtrack leaked, many, many people hoped that this was merely a placeholder, like the literal Sonic 4 Episode II music used in the earliest previews of Speed Jungle, and that it'd get replaced with a day one patch. Oh, those poor, innocent fools...
Even if you don't mind the poor production with the returning Sonic 4 faux-Genesis sound, this is a very simplistic thirteen second snippet of music that then plays a second time in a higher key before it loops. This wouldn't be the end of the world if the bosses were as short as the ones in the Genesis games, of course, but they're not! This theme is used for a ton of lengthy fights throughout the game, including an EXTREMELY long and tedious autoscroller boss at the end of Golden Capital Act 2. Maybe I would've enjoyed the bosses in this game more if they were paired with some earworms that'd get me hyped up and sell how cool and exciting the fights are supposed to be, but grating songs like this just made the minutes spent fighting those bosses feel like an eternity.
Still, boss music (and menu music) aside, all of the level themes in the front half of the game ranged from decent to great, with the peak easily being the phenomenal Lagoon City Act 2 by Tee Lopes. And then... I got to the back half of the game. And the Mania style completely disappeared, replaced largely with the dreaded Sonic 4 sound. That isn't the style for EVERY song in the back half, but even the ones that try something different tend to be weaker than the material from the first six zones, with less engaging melodies and less intricate arrangement. Many sound straight up unfinished, leaning on extremely basic synth patches with no personality. And there isn't a single track from Tee in the back half. He just disappears from the project altogether.
What this means is that we go from this absolute banger by Tee Lopes in zone 6, which elevates what's otherwise a bog standard desert level to a thrilling adventure:
To... this, in zone 7:
It's EXTREMELY jarring!
The thing is, this is actually one of the better tracks in this style. I have to assume this is by Senoue, because you can totally hear a good Adventure or Heroes era Senoue track in there once you get past the crude synth replication of the Genesis era Sonic sound. Senoue is still a great composer, as you can hear clear as day with Bridge Island, but he's working with a restrictive sound palette that doesn't play to his strengths at all. If only he'd bust out that damn guitar, or at least pick some better synths.
(And no matter what people will tell you, no, this is not an accurate recreation of what the Genesis's YM2612 chip really sounded like, nor is it representative of what it CAN sound like at its best. Go back to the Streets of Rage 2 or Ristar soundtracks if you need a reminder.)
While I can at least see what the Press Factory tracks were aiming for, some other faux-FM synth tracks are just really bland. They don't have anything interesting going on, and they also don't seem particularly tailor made for the levels they accompany. They're just attempts to mimic what Sonic 1-3 sounded like on a very literal level. Take, for instance, the Golden Capital Act 1 theme, AKA "we've got Sky Sanctuary at home." While the better level themes in this game enhance the mood or even completely carry the vibes of a level, the weaker tracks can really suck all the air out of the room and make a level feel like more of a slog.
What kills me is that there are, in fact, a couple examples of how to do throwbacks to classic Sega FM synth music well on this very soundtrack! They're just not the Sonic 4 type tracks. I love the Frozen Base Act 2 theme, presumably composed by legendary Sega composer Hiroshi "HIRO" Kawaguchi, who's responsible for all-time classic arcade soundtracks like Fantasy Zone, Out Run, Hang-On, After Burner, and more, as well as the hacking and pinball themes from Frontiers. Maybe to an untrained ear this doesn't sound all that different, but it has a catchier tune, better instruments, and stronger production overall. I'm also a fan of the track for Sky Temple, which isn't perfect, but it blends a few Genesis-esque instruments like the Sonic 1+2 snare with other instruments for a richer sound. If the whole soundtrack sounded more like these examples, I'd definitely be complaining less.
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I really just have to wonder... how did this happen? How did this end up being so inconsistent? Many fans on social media are jumping to the conclusion that Senoue is just extremely stubborn and refuses to ditch the style from Sonic 4. I can't deny this possibility, but some things just don't add up. The almost complete lack of "retro" style music in the promotional material. The fact that the style just suddenly shifts halfway through the game, then disappears for the final zone, as if that's not the note they want to end on. The complete lack of any tracks by Tee Lopes in the back half. The focus on the Mania-style tracks in the bonus "mini soundtrack." And most perplexing of all, the fact that three of the first tracks you hear in the game were Senoue compositions that were given extra attention with arrangements from Tee Lopes.
This is pure speculation on my part, but it almost seems like they straight up ran out of time.
Perhaps Jun wanted more of his tracks to get full arrangements from Tee, or for Tee to contribute more songs, but things were down to the wire and they chose to leave in some of the raw Sonic 4 style demos. The soundtrack being crunched out in a matter of months at the end of development would certainly explain why Speed Jungle had to be demoed without its music a mere four months ago. It'd also explain why a game that's only a few hours long needs NINETEEN composers listed in the credits. And also the fact that multiple zones just have completely different, unrelated music by different artists across their acts. Did they need multiple artists working on different acts simultaneously, completely independent from each other with no time to cross reference each others' work, due to extreme time constraints? I'd buy it.
Ah well. It's not the end of the world. I've heard worse Sonic music. But I'll always think of what could have been...
At least the final battle with Eggman at the end of Story Mode has a pretty kickass boss theme, which ALMOST makes up for how bad most of the preceding boss music is (and the fact that that very difficult fight doesn't have a checkpoint between phases and took me like an hour to beat lmao). It even seems like it might be written by longtime Phantasy Star Online composer and recurring Sonic contributor Hideaki Kobayashi. That's the guy who wrote NONAGRESSION!!!!!!!
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The postgame
Speaking of beating Eggman! It turns out Superstars has a good deal of postgame content, as merely beating the last zone with all the Chaos Emeralds doesn't take you to the true final boss. In order to do that, you'll need to do something else.
Before we hit the big spoiler warning, I'm going to give any future players who are still reading a warning. If you value your sanity... don't force yourself to do all the postgame stuff. Don't make the mistakes I did. It's not worth it, and it may very well knock your personal score for the game down a couple points.
The bonus scenario
Sonic Superstars has a big surprise in store for anyone who beats the main story. For the first time since... what, Silver? In 2006? We finally have a brand new playable character in a new Sonic platformer! (I wouldn't count the player avatar in Forces as a full-fledged New Character.) Yes, after the credits roll, you unlock Trip as the super-secret fifth playable character. I was really excited to see this. Trip is cute, even if her masked appearance from early in the game is perhaps a more unique design than a Sonic-ified lizard girl who can only vaguely look like a real sungazer lizard. She IS the first new Sonic character Ohshima has designed since the '90s, though, so she gets points for that - and she gets even more points for literally turning into a dragon when she goes Super. We love a girl who can turn into a dragon, don't we folks? And her playstyle is fun, too, with a double jump and the ability to roll along walls and ceilings.
But Trip isn't just playable. Like Knuckles before her, she gets an entire alternate story mode of her own, which somewhat remixes the level layouts, generally makes things more challenging, and swaps out Eggman for Egg Robo. I was so excited to see this! It really felt like the game had so much more in store for me than I'd anticipated.
...Then I spent probably around three hours attempting to beat the new final battle with Fang at the end of Trip's Story. And it made me regret doing Trip's Story at all.
Once you learn the patterns, a lot of them are actually piss easy. But the difficulty comes down to a few misguided factors:
The fight is LOOOONG. On a successful attempt the whole thing will probably take the average player about, like... seven or eight minutes? Maybe longer? This is where I really started to get pissed at the game for making me wait through these stupid attack patterns before I could attempt to hit the boss once.
The fight is divided between two phases, one with Fang in a vehicle and another with him in a giant robot, with no checkpoint between them. Dying to one of Fang's bullshit attacks on the second phase means having to redo the ~5 minute first phase all over again. And, worst of all...
Fang has multiple projectile attacks that are guaranteed instant kills, even if you have rings.
Also there's a stupid desperation headbutt attack that can really easily catch you off guard and kill you, but I only got that far in the fight once.
It's the instant kills that got me. If those fucking immobilizing net attacks just made you drop your rings, or you could at least wiggle out of them by mashing buttons (EDIT: apparently you CAN do this but you literally have to button mash so rapidly that it's a crapshoot whether or not you'll physically be able to do it), it would have been totally doable! Kinda fun, even! Slow, but pretty cool in terms of spectacle. But nope! Three hours! Three hours on this! This is, without a doubt, the hardest boss I have ever faced in any Sonic game, period, and one of the hardest bosses I've ever seen in ANY game. All because of one attack pattern where making a tiny mistake means starting over.
The glitches didn't help, either. Something about the way the circular boss arena was set up in both stories' final battles seems to make the floor intangible sometimes for non-player objects. Occasionally my dropped rings, enemies I was supposed to knock towards Fang, or one of Fang's insta-kill projectiles would just fall through the floor randomly. This definitely wasn't my main problem, but it helped drive home the idea that this fight just wasn't worth my time.
After three hours of attempts, I gave up. I just went and looked up the ending of Trip's story, as well as the contents of the Final Story, on YouTube. Turns out I made the right call, because boy, that true final boss looks like dogshit. It's just a very dull fight against a big generic cartoon dragon. Apparently this is the thing Eggman was looking for. It appears and is defeated with little fanfare. I think I liked it better when I assumed the scary dragon being foreshadowed was just Super Trip.
...Also, hey, what's up with The End being very conspicuously visible in the background of the last zone?? I know it's just a cheeky cameo, but, like... isn't it supposed to be sealed away in Cyber Space right now? Should I be taking this literally? Does this have lore implications? This is one hell of a way to remind people that the timeline's been reunified, I guess
Closing thoughts
I really hate to part ways with Superstars on a sour note like this, because like I said up top, I mostly enjoyed my time with it! It's really just a small handful of particularly frustrating bosses and the inconsistent soundtrack that drag it down. Other than that, it's solid as a rock. Maybe wait for sales if you're not dying to play it, but it's definitely worth playing for any Sonic fan. Just... skip the true ending. I would have stepped away MUCH happier with this game if I'd done that.
I wanna try to end this on a more positive note but I'm tired, so, uhhhh... look, you can unlock a Metal Nights skin for your Battle Mode bot!!
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Anyway back to jamming to about half the soundtrack on loop while pretending the other half doesn't exist, and looking forward to the continued Fang Renaissance with his upcoming IDW miniseries
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ineed-to-sleep · 7 months
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Tagged by @seldaryne <3
I'm tagging @alongtidesoflight , @peachshroom , @boghermit to share some BG3 oc info if you'd like! ^^
And anyone who wants to do this, pls consider yourself tagged and feel free to tag me so I can see your oc!
Name: Nawen Farlong
Nickname(s): No specific nicknames, though she does get "darling" from Astarion and "soldier" from Karlach. She's generally more often the one that gives people nicknames instead of receiving them skdhakd Astarion gets "angel" and "kitten" a lot, Shadowheart gets "my heart" and "my love" and Karlach usually gets "general"(a lot of the nicknames she gives were initially meant with sarcasm, but after a while became actual terms of endearment).
Pronouns: She/her
Star sign: Whatever the in-universe equivalent of a scorpio is
Height: 5'3" with the attitude of 6'4"
Orientation: Everyone is game. If she were a romance option, rest assured you could probably romance her, as long as you're being a cunt ♡
Race: Half-drow
Romancing: Astarion, but it's kinda hard to tell unless you spend a long time with them. Astarion isn't 100% comfortable with touching and she's not fond of PDA(she gets all light headed and giggly with physical affection and she hates being seen like that by most people. it breaks the bad bitch fantasy). You could see them occasionally flirting or teasing each other but they're also just Like That with most people, so it's hard to tell if they're really an item. They mostly look like coworkers. Partners in crime if you will.
Favorite fruit: She doesn't really have a particular favorite. She likes melon pies and cranberry wine, so by association she might feel more inclined to like those fruits, but nothing she's too crazy about.
Favorite season: She generally likes fall and spring, when it's not too hot out but not too cold either. Wearing too many layers of clothing makes her feel trapped and constrained, and as much as she likes showing skin, warmer temperatures make wearing armor extra uncomfortable, so middle of the road is her favorite.
Favorite flower: It's a tie between lavender and jasmine- lavender providing one of her favorite scents and jasmine one of her favorite teas. She's also fond of water lilies, graceful reminders of the wetlands she grew up in.
Favorite scent: She's never been one for dedicated worship but loves the smell of incense you usually find in temples. She rarely gets inside temples, but when she does she usually comes out with at least a couple "borrowed" incense sticks. Her favorite varieties are lavender and rosemary scents. Other than that, she likes very subtle perfumes that you can only really smell if you get your nose right up on her neck.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Tea. Coffee tends to make her shaky and more anxious, and hot chocolate tends to be a bit too sweet for her tastes. Tea usually helps calm her nerves, so she feels encouraged to drink it quite often.
Average sleep hours: This woman is paranoid and right after popping out of the nautiloid she gets maybe a total of 2-4 hrs of sleep a night. She knows she needs to sleep to function like a human being the next day, but because of a constant fear of attack and distrust for her companions, her sleep time is sectioned and she wakes up several times during the night because there was a weird noise or her internal clock said "ok you've had enough, get up and do the rounds for the 100th time". She always gets up earlier than everyone else. She gets a bit more comfortable as she starts to trust the people around her, but bad habits die hard and it'll be years before she can get an actual full night of rest.
Dogs or cats: She likes animals in general, and her favorites are little mice(quick, can get in and out of places really easily, make for great messengers and easy-to-hide-in-your-pocket pets), but if she had to choose between cats and dogs, cats would probably win, just because they're usually quieter companions and she feels she has more in common with them than with dogs.
Dream trip: She's been to most major cities along the sword coast and is honestly a little bit sick of the place by now. She also has a bit of an aversion to the underdark due to having her differences with some of the locals. Overall, she would love to visit other places in Faerun, maybe farther up north. She's also always been curious about Candlekeep, not because of the endless book collection, but because of rumors of hidden magic and strange creatures living beneath its halls.
Amount of blankets: None at all, if she can help it. Blankets can get in the way if you need to get up quickly in the middle of the night or struggle with an attacker- not that it's happened to her before, noo, nothing embarrassing like that. But she'd rather prevent any mishaps.
Random fact(s):
She gets new piercings on her ears by the beginning of act 3, courtesy of Shadowheart, and helps her change her hair in return.
She and Karlach have the most unexpected friendship and she would probably die for Karlach while Karlach really believes she could fix her.
She's a magic nerd and can often keep up with Gale when discussing the arcane(usually alienating everyone else in the party from the conversation).
She fights with double rapiers instead of double daggers or swords because she understood, from a very early age, how to serve cunt.
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doveshovel · 4 months
can we get more Hunter lore? 👉👈 niche little blorbo
!! Can't believe my little guy has gained niche blorbo status. I am honored, thank you anon <3
Feels it's important to mention that I'm not a very good writer, and Hunter's entire deal is essentially just me trying to make a character whose backstory is wildly out of place in the girl power sparkly horsie game but still sort of works with the cannon actions of the player character. This is just a hastily thrown together summary of how he winds up in Jorvik. That said, of course you can get more Hunter lore! :^D Sorry this took so long but I had to do some art to go with it :'))
Everything's tucked below since there ended up being a lot more than expected :') I think it's all fairly mild but
Content Warnings: Image 1: Some mild blood
Image 2: (dressed) head injury
Hunter's pre-jorvik summary contains: patricide, improper body disposal, vehicle theft (x5), unlawful operation of motor vehicles, crossing state lines with stolen property, trespassing, breaking and entering, evading arrest, speeding, and other minor crimes. Also some mention of drowning, concussion, and brain damage.
When an attempt to slip away from his childhood home in the dead of night goes awry, Hunter accidentally hits and subsequently kills his father with a stolen car, then does some sloppy short-notice body disposal. It's nowhere near enough to make sure he's not a suspect, but it does ensure that the body isn't found for another week (until the neighbors come by to ask why his father wasn't at church, only to find that the front door's been left wide open and a small family of raccoons have made their home in the kitchen). He makes his way from his old house in rural North Carolina (U.S.) northwards through eight states under cover of night, switching cars three times along the way (once in Virginia, once in Pennsylvania, and again in New Jersey) until he arrives at the coast of Massachusetts.
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^Hunter, age 19, 5 hours after hiding the body of his father
It's here that (not knowing shit about sailing, boats, or oceanic navigation) he chooses an old pontoon in a private dock to hotwire and sail across the Atlantic with the hope of evading prosecution. Three days into the so-far shockingly successful voyage, rough seas capsize his little vessel, leaving Hunter stranded half-conscious and about two-thirds drowned on some debris until the North Atlantic Current carries him into Jorvegian fishing territory. Five days after accidentally murdering his father, he's spotted drifting on some debris by the crew of a Jorvik fishing vessel and brought back to Cape West where he gets some bearings and starts life anew. :^)
The little pontoon isn't so lucky, and its remains wash up along the coast of Maine nearly three weeks later. By then, it's been connected to Hunter's murder + string of vehicle thefts, and he's presumed to have died at sea in an unsuccessful getaway. In some ways, he did.
Most memories of life before the storm have been wiped clear from his brain, and what little that returns in brief flashes is usually just as quickly forgotten again. Some foggy details of events in early childhood remain, but his entire personality is altered by damage and Hunter becomes someone else entirely, often feeling that he's living in a borrowed body.
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^old doodle of Hunter, age 19, a week after landing in Cape West
Hunter spends about two weeks recovering from a concussion and anoxic brain damage at the fishing club's Cape West bunkhouse before he's well enough to start learning the ropes and work doing some slightly less intensive odd-jobs around the village (fixing nets, processing fish, delivering mail, a little stablehand work at Goldenleaf, etc.). He attends a riding camp in Moorland towards the end of his first year in Jorvik at the suggestion of Mr.Trout, who believes it'll be a good way to get some better ideas of what the horse-loving isle of Jorvik has to offer and find some sense of self beyond Goldenhills Valley.
From here, its essentially the main storyline with some minor changes and seasonings thrown in :^)
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critter-genfic-events · 7 months
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This week, we have seven hilarious prank fics recced! Read along for some hi-jinks and mischief! Check them out under the cut, and as ever, comment or kudos if you like them!
What Goes Up by krakens (2311,General) Warnings: None Pairings: background Vax/Gilmore
Pike suggests playing a prank on Vax. Grog suggests putting a cow in his room.
Reccer says: A perfect Vox Machina messing around fic
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Open All the Windows by hufflepirate (4563,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Jester & the Traveler
Even as Jester grows older, sometimes that first spell is still the best spell. It always means the Traveler is there. It always means she isn't really alone.
Reccer says: I liked it
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Distance makes the heart grow fonder by Multifandom_damnation (2805,General) Warnings: None Pairings: The Clay Siblings
Caduceus is gone just as fast as he arrived, and he leaves his siblings behind to bicker amongst themselves and think about everything he's been through in the ten years that they've been away.
Reccer says: I love the sibling dynamics and the outsider view of what Caduceus would have been through without his siblings.
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Spell JAMmer by xtinethepirate (1496,General) Warnings: Pairings: Background Shadowgast, Essek & Verin Thelyss
Essek relates a story from his past. Jester gets ideas. Verin is stuck with cleaning duty.
Reccer says: A fun callback to the random Verin and Essek story Matt told on a charity stream, with added Jessties
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Untitled Fearne Game by Deramin (200,General) Warnings: minor animal ruffling Pairings:
It’s a lovely morning at the pond, and you are a horrible fey.
Reccer says: It's extremely short (200 words) but perfect for what it needs to be
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The Wrong Side of the Bed by Samuraiko (467,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Just because Orym's the healthy and well-adjusted one doesn't mean he can't cut loose and have some fun every now and again... especially with a little help from Ashton. (takes place just before the departure to the Heartmoor)
Reccer says: I liked it
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garden crimes by quinn_of_aebradore (233,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek & Yasha
Yasha engages in some mischief while she and Essek are gardening together.
Reccer says: It's short, sweet, and wonderfully silly!
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring fics focused on Ashton!
Then, it'll be Hair Care, Pre-Campaign, and Crashing A Party!
Any fics coming to mind?  Well, then use this form to submit!
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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mukurosgf · 6 months
danganronpa if notes :3 (SPOILERS)
disclaimer: i didn't start writing notes until later into the novel
- mukuro was clearly very riddled with hope no matter how many times she said to junko that she loved despair. junko hated this.
- it's very clear that junko knows about mukuro's crush on makoto, it was possibly even an issue during their years at hopes peak
- mukuro doesn't acknowledge it but she is incredibly smart.
- despite her sister ratting her out, she still excuses junko's actions as her "just wanting to feel despair". she is very conflicted because she realizes if she betrays junko, it'll still make her happy with despair
- there are so many signs of her forcibly numbing herself to be a "good killing machine"
- junko isn't afraid to sexualize mukuro while she's talking through monokuma—much like she does with the rest of her former classmates
- despite being her older sister technically, mukuro seeks validation from junko.
- "no script to follow" foreshadowing her absolute lack of identity
- defying junko feels impossible to mukuro—against her nature.
- junko is counting on mukuro caring more about having makoto all to herself than his actual life. junko thinks this because she knows all mukuro has ever wanted is to be seen. also that if he lives, his perception of mukuro will be ruined by her crimes
- despite everything, she immediately trusts junko that his [makoto's] blood type is B. she has so much hope. it both shocks and disappoints junko
- junko hates disappointment—it is NOT the same as despair. it's like losing despair
- junko was born into despair. meanwhile mukuro had no despair or hope for the world from day one. her sister led her onto the path of despair. her doubt was a new development.
- she planned to ask if makoto could be spared. makoto was her connection to the world.
- "are you just a bitch who's pledged her loyalty to her owner?" seemingly talking about fenrir but clearly not only about that.
- junko lied about the blood type and yells at mukuro for her blind hope.
- junko parts ways with mukuro with a "i love you"
- when junko tries getting into her head about what her peers may think of her when they see what it's like outside when mukuro gets them out—mukuro doesn't care since she's used to it
- in high stress situations, mukuro's soldier-like instinct kicks in and she gets very numb. power is the way of communication between junko and mukuro in that moment while they fight.
- any attention and validation from junko is good to mukuro
- mukuro's strength is her reflexes (making her death in game sadly ironic)
- junko describes mukuro as a phenomenon—a "disappointing girl who no longer understood herself, who only knew how to be violent because it was all she could believe in anymore."
- mukuro's greatest fear is losing her memory. losing all her ties to her sister and the world.
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Shuichi? I'm glad to see you finally giving Shirogane what she deserves, but I don't think I feel good about it, I don't know why, I'm supposed to be smiling about it, I'm supposed to be excited, to be happy, but I'm not! No matter how hard I try, I can't force myself to be happy about it
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Ok...You will sit, and you will LISTEN...!
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I get that you guys don't approve of me sparing her life like this. I understand you may think it's stupid, and gives way to much more chaos and death. After all, leaving Tsumugi alive invites only more chaos, right? That's what you think?
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But I demand that you all just sit and think about it for a second...What DOES killing Shirogane even achieve in the end?
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She'll go. That doesn't mean Zetsubou will! Even if their head is cut off, that's not going to destroy the work they've put in so far. Someone else will rise to the cause and fill the gap that she left, just like Shirogane herself did for Junko Enoshima...!
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These Despairs...they're like seagulls who keep coming back for more food after getting a tiny nibble of your sandwich...! And simply killing them isn't going to FIX any of this! The world already got destroyed! Enoshima's death didn't fix that! TWO more Killing Games happened post-Enoshima because of her followers, and FIFTY-FREAKING-THREE happened in ours!
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If you think that this is all part of a plan to get Shirogane to give up on her pointless dreams and seek redemption for her crimes...Pah...We all know that's not how she does things. The only reason I spared her is because her empire is falling around her, and now she's stuck being a blank-slate of a person, with no original ideas or schemes left to throw at us, knowing that taking our lives like she swears to, it won't take it all back, like I just said! For her? That's a fate WORSE than death!
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Woah, hey, Shuichi...! Y-You ok?
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And another thing!? Look at Enoshima! Look at Otonokoji! These Despair types defy death as a concept anyway! Let's say I DO kill Shirogane! How long do you think it'll be before she comes RIGHT THE FUCK BACK AGAIN to make us all EVEN MORE MISERABLE!?
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The only thing that gets achieves if I decide to bite the bullet and take Shirogane's life is that...I become a murderer. And what's stopping me from running with that idea and slaughtering every bad guy I come across, even for petty reasons!? From becoming KURIPA!?
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I would become the exact person that my real world self desired to become. When he signed up for all of this...this BULLSHIT! A sadistic murderous detective with a plan to kill everybody around him in an ingenious way...!
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Shuichi, hold on-!
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And you want to know what the most screwed up part of all of this is!? You guys want me to kill Shirogane because that's what YOU want! You want ME! The CHARACTER that you are watching, to enact justice! To side with Hope and destroy Despair! Sounds familiar, right? You know, that very idea that kept Danganronpa going a crapton of years!?
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I am NOT going to give ANY fan of Danganronpa the SATISFACTION of watching me become a killer! Not my old self, not Shirogane, and NOT YOU! So hate me all you want for defying the expectations you set for me as a character! I am NOT your ENTERTAINMENT, DAMMIT!
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I...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I...I'm just so...sick...and tired of all of this...I stopped someone from dying...and yet inside, I feel like I murdered countless others...Do you know how hard it is to justify your own actions to a bunch of faceless, merciless members of an ask blog, who WANT your enemies to be slaughtered!?
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Shuichi...I got a question for ya...Do you consider the real Ryoma Hoshi to be who I am now, or the person I was before all this happened?
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...The Ryoma in front of me is the real one, of course.
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Well, you should know this Ryoma killed a whole bunch of people out or rage and vengeance. And he lived every day of his life after regretting it, even when he got a second chance to live as a free man.
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...You made the right choice. I guarantee you that.
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If Shirogane DOES somehow come back to terrorize us again, all she'll be doing is coming back for another beating! Right?
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...Yeah...Listen...I love you SO much...Don't EVER think of yourself as anything less than one of the greatest people that exists in this world...You don't deserve to go through this stress...
*Kaede gently presses her forehead against Shuichi's, embracing him warmly as tears stream down both their faces.
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I love you too...I love all of you...I don't deserve any of your kindness...
*Everyone except Kokichi and Nico huddle around Shuichi for a hug.
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llolianarchives · 3 months
Boggart: Internal
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Learning how to counter a boggart is taught within a Fifth-year's first semester. Yet when Genevieve is required to face it again for her exams, it seems that her fears have taken a new form.
(A/N: Genevieve Myra Moxie is an original character and MC stand-in of mine for the game and its storyline.)
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A boggart is a non-being, deemed harmless by the textbooks. Harmless, it claims, as if psychological damage has the worth of that of a paper cut's. Bitter as she can be, in truth, Genevieve knows that her fears are not suited for her kind — for her classmates who dread spiders and acne and loud storms. She's almost tempted to give Professor Hecat a look if it weren't for the sheer confidence the woman has in her capabilities. (And who is she dissapoint? She, Hero of Hogwarts, Wielder of Ancient Magic.)
The staccatto of her heart is in her ears. The thought hurts: She's caused many, their own hearts, to stop beating. Would they crawl out that wardrobe, shrieking of their sorrows and her sins? Would it pour a stream of thick velvet, flooding the room and staining her hands red? It takes the form of your fears. The book had not been so specific. Make a mockery out of your nightmares and the boggart shall be defeated. She wants to spit venom and ask how does one make a mockery of the dead and the disappointed.
It is she who is next in line.
"Miss Moxie, if you could please come forward."
Judgement, a part of her whispers. This is judgement. Condemnation for your crimes. I had done it all for the sake of good. Look at how happy we were just moments ago. It is a demonstration of today's DADA curriculum. I'll succeed.
Professor Hecat meets her eyes.
The crowd eyes her like a spectacle, dispersing from the center as if to form a makeshift carpet. Since the events of the attempted Goblin Rebellion, most have begun to see her as a walking, talking theatre, moreso than they did when she first arrived as the 'Mysterious Fifth-Year'.
Genevieve steps forward, her wand held firm in her hand.
"You know the counter, dear girl. Think it amusing. Do not let it rule you," she urges. "I know you of all people, Miss Moxie, will persevere."
Hecat's hand on the knob hesitates, waiting for Genevieve's signal. Her classmates turn silent in raw anticipation.
She nods.
And the doors creak open.
"Is that—?!"
Something descends from the darkness — a shoe that matches her's in all its customized cobblerly. Another steps out and fear grabs her by the throat when it dawns upon the girl that the boggart is her.
A mirror image of her own but unlike her in so many ways.
Its facing this way, standing as a mannequin for whatever evil wracks within, limbs looking wrong, disjointed, longer somehow. Once dainty-skin painted purple and bruised, pale like a corpse, like the ones she's seen and killed. The same curved jaw, straight nose, llight hair, but this isn't her. It's not. It can't be.
With its chapped lips and sunken cheeks, its fingers flex around a familiar wand of intertwined wood–
and raises it to–
No. Fight it. It'll kill...
– her.
"The lesson ends here! Miss Onai, kindly guide Miss Moxie to the infirmary."
It should be that simple.
It should be, watching Hecat subdue the creature.
It's that simple: a play of one's wand and the boggart's visage contorts, a grotesque parody of fears both imagined and real. Hecat stands in between the girl and the wardrobe. With a final whimper, it dissolves into a haze. The room, previously thick with dread, shares an exhale.
Her legs are trembling, or is her body entirely? The world sways and Genevieve can't see anyone past the blur of her vision.
"Off now, everyone! Well done!"
She can't feel herself. Is she still alive?
"Vivi," calls a familiar, accented voice.
Natty places a hand on her shoulder, tugging Genevieve into a hug that's botj solid and warm and she yields. Her head falls against the crook of Natty's neck. She submits to being pampered, submits to letting the tremors of her body wash away.
It looked at her.
Eyes hollowed and dark, pupils slit like some semblance of composed insanity.
"It's alright now..."
A lighter voice, this time — Poppy's. Genevieve feels circles rubbed against her back as Poppy whispers words of encouragement. Sweet nothings. Empty promises of assurance.
Her friends know nothing of the truth. She ensured it. She's done well in keeping them at an arm's length. Only Sebastian had broken through her walls, tethered closely to her side, created a home in her heart, yet look now where he stands.
They cannot- should not see the blood on her hands, nor the scars strewn about her body like a heinous frankenstein. They cannot know of the crown placed upon her head and the thorns that dig in, of her duties and failures.
It reeks of copper and soil.
To what lengths are you willing to go?
It hurts that her friends don't feel real.
Are you a hero or a monster?
The repository calls her name.
Are you even Genevieve Moxie?
Her friends guide a husk to the infirmary, not without a string of kind words and gentle touches to her skin.
"It's alright."
But she knows, it's not.
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firebugging · 8 months
Haruka 9, 17, 18 for the ask game :p
I just realised that we aren't moots!! I forgof to fb (collapses) THIS GOT LONG WOAH
9. do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
Coming from an environment kinda similar to his (but obviously way less harsh) so I sorta get why he did it. I think his younger sister is who he killed? If that's the case, then I can't forgive him. Maybe a few years ago I would've been more neutral on it, but right now I just can't stand the idea of someone killing their younger sibling. I can't think of any instance shown that shows evidence of her ever being hostile towards him so that makes it a bit worse imo.
If he'd killed his mother I would've said forgiven... Sorry Haru </3 In t3 I plan on voting him inno though!
17. which vocaloid producers do you think suit them?
AUUUAUUAAU THIS IS THE HARD ONE... I could be a dumbass basic idiot and say kikuo? Not a-lot to say on this one hefrgt it's late and I'm tired so my brain isn't workingg
18. which non-deco vocaloid songs do you think suit them?
Yellow by Yoh Kamiyama (yeah I'm bringing it up again) I think quite a few of the lyrics fit him! But also another one that I can't remember rn auhtfg. I put some lyrics as examples as to why I associate the song with him <3
"Don't abandon me, for I'm just a foolish child" Awaken your naive eyes before my muddled identity All the toys were put away last night I still want to stay as innocent as ever...
Once again, in the closet Waiting alone is always like this It'll change, it'll end It's confirmed
Continue to seek that Worth, worth, worth
You've purposedly mistaken that, that day will not arrive Collapsed, divergence and disengagement There's no salvation within your reach Yet still, I recall your warmth...
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elliotwriteswords · 11 months
the orchid aroma (nanowrimo 2023 project)
title: the orchid aroma
genre: crime
themes: found family; self discovery; acceptance; trust; lgbt & polyam relationships
Augustus Clove is a world-renowned thief. He is the best of the best; he's stolen countless things across the globe, other thieves look up to him, and no one has ever been able to catch him. Only one person has come close, and that's insurance investigator Grant Albright, who has been chasing him for several years. Unexpected circumstances cause their game of cat-and-mouse to end when they have to put their differences aside and work together to steal a famous necklace (with the help of Grant's wife Celia and Augustus' criminal friends). They will need to learn how to trust one another and navigate through confusing feelings in order to pull off this heist.
main characters:
augustus clove is a world-renowned thief, grifter, & mastermind. he is the most charming person you will ever meet (& the most handsome), which he constantly uses to his advantage. he enjoys the finer things in life & likes to live expensively, but he also knows how to stay simple when necessary. it may seem like he has a lot of friends but colleagues might be a better descriptor; as a criminal, most of the people in his life can never stay for long so he is very loyal to those he allows to get close to him, scarce as they might be
grant albright is the insurance investigator who has been chasing augustus for the past few years & is celia's husband. he is the only person who has ever been a match for augustus & he knows him better than anyone. he is a little chaotic, a little intense, & a little repressed, but celia & augustus help to bring out the best in him. also he really loves his wife
celia albright is grant's wife who gets thrown into this world entirely by accident but honestly she isn't mad about it, as she finds she's very well-suited for this kind of life (even more than grant, much to his dismay). she's basically up for anything & enjoys trying new things, even when it's illegal
bennett m. acer, or ace to anyone who knows (of) them, is one of the best hackers there is. they are often underestimated because of how young they are but they are extremely skilled & fast-thinking. also they definitely have adhd
darcy wheeler is a fence who augustus frequently works with. she's a whole lot of fun, is very friendly, & might as well be made of sunshine because she can & will brighten your day
juliet de vere is a thief & has known augustus the longest. she doesn't talk about her past much but she is proud of who she is today
micah hart is a getaway driver who is kinda new to the whole 'being a serious professional criminal' thing but he is trying his very best!! also an adhd king
robin blakely is a forger & is a little intimidating before you get to know him but he's actually a big softie. it's surprisingly easy to worm your way into his heart, which is probably why he's so closed off at first
piper hayes is a thief who mostly only does what's best for her, regardless of whether it'll hurt others. working with a team & genuinely caring about them is an adjustment for her but she learns how to put them first
ellery ball is a thief who normally sticks to himself, but he owes augustus so he agrees to be a part of his team. he isn't too thrilled to be working with so many others, but especially with piper after she had double-crossed him several years ago. it takes some time, but he eventually grows to trust the team (yes, including piper)
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airokunomega · 1 month
what if after searching for almost 20 years, you found that there isn't a problem, you just can't be happy? no medication can help you, no therapist is willing to take you, your family and friends have all but given up, that's your reality is simply you cannot be happy. would you do anything at all?
what am i doing so wrong that I'm so far behind and so stagnant after so long when it's easy to do what I'm trying to do. im trying to reach top 1k in the world in beat saber so i can give up on hobbies and everyone else is like "oh im top 500 and i had a lot of fun getting here this game is so good and i just play it on the side" and here i am, literally not having fun at all, giving it everything i have, taking it very seriously, and not getting anywhere
therapists stop showing up to appointments after the third appointment or so, simply just ghost me. so many to the point where I've run out of people licenced in my area to help
I've tried just about every antidepressant under the sun, including non FDA approved ones and lithium, which is typically for crazy people
in my state who can legally help me, i have nobody left who can help, and have been out for months. i regularly check for appointments through 3 different agencies. plus, i don't know what else to do. ive tried kooky stuff like spit tests to see what meds would work best, or essential oil treatment. Believe me, ive had an open mind.
and 988 is the most fucking useless thing ever. you call, get put on hold for 30 ish minutes, then hung up on. nkt disconnected, hung up on. (I have a software that tells the difference). the 1 time I did actually wait for someone in the past 4 days, they said "call right back if we are disconnected, it'll put you right back with me"
called again, hung up on again
tried texting, nobody bothered to respond after 3 hours, then i gave up.
im simply trying to reach a goal in one thing that i might have even a small chance at achieving so i can give up on hobbies as a whole
it becomes bleak and meaningless when your efforts are not only in vain, but joyless and worthless
I have tried this list of hobbies:
PC gaming
PC building
Pet husbandry
Car detailing
3d modeling
3d printing
Soap opera
Comedy shows
Doom scrolling House flipping
Virtual reality
Road tripping
Forest exploring
Shotgun and rifle shooting The list goes on
list of hobbies I've tried for months and got zero enjoyment out of, but also were terrible at
ive tried online and in person therapy, psychiatric care, mental hospitals admission, Therapy groups, out of state therapy which i got warned for because it's technically a crime, and there's no medication i can try left
I'm tired
im so god fucking damn tired
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Here's the playlist for the fic, have fun -Danny Words: 2,642 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'She's So High' -by Castlecomer
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VIII. I Commit a Hate Crime
Lily isn't happy about me leaving, but she isn't sad either. I have the irking suspicion that I'll be the one who calls first. Camp's where Thalia Grace is, so Lily will have someone to hang out with, they're both equally scary.
Before I leave, Lily gives me the Aphrodite figurine from her Mythomagic game, and she's blessed it, or at least that was her intention, that's what counts. It'll keep my spirits up when things get hard.
Tyson gives me a dove made of metal scraps, it's beautifully crafted, and I cry when I see it. The Stolls give me back my teddy bag—I didn't even notice it was gone!—fully stashed with candy and ambrosia for emergencies only.
"Your new mom will give you veggies and all that healthy food," Travis ruffles my hair. "We're making sure you get the good stuff as well."
"Hey, my mom gives me a balanced diet!" Percy exclaims. "She makes the best chocolate chip cookies!"
Lily holds my hands and squeezes them. "Always on the lookout."
We press the scars on our wrists together, like a high-five gesture. "Thank you for the figurine. I'll keep in touch."
"You better," she grins.
"Mom's here," Percy announces, then he pats Lily's shoulder. "Look after the camp for us, alright, Lily?" 
My friend blushes furiously, she mutters a reply and walks away. 
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Leo's mood worsens after he checks Festus's circuits. "Not my fault. Festus, you're making me look bad."
"What's the matter?" Ara keeps her distance, but she's paying close attention to what he's doing. 
Leo opens the control panel and his shoulders fall. "Oh, Festus, what the heck?"
"What is it?" Ara presses anxiously. "What happened?"
"Everything's icy!" The boy complains. "All of it! This is nuts, it looks like Festus's been sleeping in a freezer!"
"Maybe Khione did it, she didn't seem to like us..." Ara climbs the dragon again, the purple cloak flies behind her as she moves. Leo can't help but notice how quick she is. "Can you fix it?"
"Can I fix a pretty girl's dragon? Yeah, but I'll be honest, one more of these godly stunts and Festus could be done for," he sighs, sitting back down and staring at the panel in defeat.
Ara kneels next to him, her face is so full of worry, that the boy's jealous of his own dragon. What did Festus do to make her love him this much?
"Hey, I'd build two Festus for you if I could, I'll try my best to keep him going," Leo tells her. "You care a lot, don't you?"
Ara caresses the dragon's head with a gentle hand. "I was the one who brought it back..."
"You?" Leo can't help feeling attracted to this girl, she's full of surprises. A well-made ten from head to toe. "Is he like your son?" He teases her, trying to get rid of the butterflies.
Ara wrinkles her nose, which makes it worse for him 'cause for a moment she looks even cuter. "You probably think it's obnoxious, considering I didn't build him—"
"You probably think I'm stupid for naming him," he replies. "You've known him the longest—"
"I just poked around until he woke. I was trying to save a friend and—"
Leo laughs. "Every time you tell me a story, they end or start with 'I was trying to save a friend'. Is that all you do?"
"Emphasis on trying," she replies, a tiny smile on her face. "When you're a demigod, it sort of becomes like second nature to step in when someone needs help."
Leo then hums and changes the subject because no, Leo never looked out for anyone but himself, so he can't relate to this. "Must be easy for you, you're a tiny wonder woman." 
Ara laughs and it's like fireworks go off in his mind. He can't stand how giddy she makes him.
"I wasn't always this strong, you know? Two years ago I was four feet tall, and as brittle as a feather."
"Now that's a story I wanna hear," Leo smirks.
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So picture me on the first day of school, clutching onto Percy's worn-down hoodie as we walk into the building. He stops in front of my locker and places a hand on my shoulder, he's forgotten about my empath touch, and the worry and anxiety hit me double. 
"What's the plan?" He asks me.
"We eat together," I glance at the strangers around me. "If a kid makes eye contact for too long, I pretend I didn't notice..."
"It might be a monster, or I might get locked up in a janitor's closet."
"You're small, Ara, but you have charm on your side," he eyes me with concern. "Use it."
As a twelve-year-old who has lived years in a controlled environment, his behavior is confusing. "Aren't you supposed to tell me to have fun?"
Percy snorts. "It's a school, Ara. We don't have fun here."
I nod in agreement, he knows better, after all. 
We go our separate ways. The classes are dull, and I struggle with my dyslexia and ADHD but it's not the worst... then I meet the other kids. 
You see, demigods' rules work differently than the ones mortal kids have in public spaces. For example, at camp, you could almost kill someone during training, but that's alright cause they also tried to maim you so you're even.
Here is like they can't wait to be on the FBI's most-wanted list. I've seen students commit war crimes and the teachers don't bat an eye. The popular kids, dear Zeus, they'd make Adonis feel like a clown. One time I wore Percy's old basketball shorts to P.E. and I swear you would've thought I showed up covered in pig's blood.
Puberty's standing outside my window pointing a shotgun at me. My hair isn't soft enough, my eyes are too small, and my nose is too large for my face—but I'm not going to stand in the middle of my living room and whine about it.
I begged Percy to give me the shirts and hoodies he no longer wanted because I liked them. I even liked the things he didn't like. He'd gotten this sweater for Christmas that he absolutely despised and the next time Sally asked about it, he said that I had taken it hostage and "refused" to give it back. 
I think she knows he was lying, but Sally likes how our sibling dynamic bloomed so quickly. The three of us are amazing together, every Friday is movie night, every Sunday is game night, and sometimes Sally tucks us in—or just me, when Percy is feeling too grown up. I'm perfectly happy when I'm not reminded of my existence inside a human body. 
There is one event I remember vividly, and it reminds me that no matter how important I am at camp, in the mortal world, I'm still a nobody.
My first date ever.
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Leo's glaring at the disk he's holding like it's the source of every single problem in his life.
"Sir, is that disk bothering you?" Ara nudges his shoulder. "Just melt it out of existence!"
His brows knit together. "Dude, don't even joke about it..."
Ara's intrigued by his reaction, and she cocks her head to the side. "What's on your mind?"
"Oof, let's not go there!" The boy makes a face. "Are you seriously not afraid?"
"Of you?" She smirks. "Leo, I know a guy that can raise the dead. I don't think your situation's that alarming—"
"What about that line in the prophecy? To storm or fire the world must fall."
"If I could get rid of the fates, I would," Ara groans. The sky thunders. "I said what I said!"
Leo gets up abruptly, staring at the mud with wide eyes. 
"You... You killed my mom."
"What?" Ara looks in the direction he's glaring at, but nothing's there. "Leo?"
He seizes a piece of plastic, throwing it into a puddle of waste. "Leave me alone!"
"Leo!" Ara gets up. "Who are you talking to?"
He looks at her with frantic eyes, but before he can reply, a loud crash comes from inside the building behind them. Ara draws out her sword and runs, Leo catches up quickly and almost leaves her behind, but Ara stops him from rushing into the place.
"Follow me, don't be a hero," she whispers.
As soon as they enter, the smell of something rotten makes her gag. Piper calls out to them, and Leo freezes. They hide and listen as a heavy voice speaks:
"Told you it was nothing."
Ara's knees buckle and she holds onto Leo. Piper's voice comes back, but they can see it's not coming from the girl. "Leo, help me! Help—" Then the creature changes its voice. "Bah, there's nobody out there. No demigod could be that quiet, eh?"
The boy shakes her shoulder with wide eyes, demanding an answer. Ara points to the logo on the wall and mouths: "Cyclops." 
"Probably ran away, if they know what's good for them. Or the girl was lying about the two other demigods. Let's get cooking."
Ara and Leo recoil closer together, she closes her eyes as an emergency light blinds her. Ara's nose to nose with Leo, and her heart flutters at the proximity. He smells just like the forges at camp, and that is weirdly comforting to her.
"First lesson for rookie demigods: Cooperation is the best tactic for survival," she whispers at him.
Jason and Piper are tied by the ankles with thick chains going all the way down to their necks. Piper's moving but Jason's limp, an ugly bump on his forehead tells Ara he's got a concussion. The girl's hand holds the hilt of her sword tightly. Three cyclops against two demigods. Not impossible, just challenging.
She crouches next to Leo again and lifts three fingers, trying to remain calm, and then points at his tool belt silently asking if he's got something there that could help. "We don't have to fight them." She thinks, hoping he understands. Leo rummages through the contents of his backpack. 
The boy works as quickly as his mind comes up with an idea. He's got a stack of tiny remote control units in his hands and locks eyes with her, pointing at the cranes. They'll have to be fast, so it's time to use one of her wildcards. 
She supports her forehead on the handle of her sword, praying with all her heart. "Lord Hermes, if you're listening... help." Ara opens her eyes and looks at Leo, the boy doesn't even question her actions, his mind already on the next thing. 
"Rarr! Don't try your pretty talk on me, girl! I'm Ma Gasket! I've eaten heroes tougher than you for lunch!" The female cyclops calls Piper a spawn of Venus after she tries to use charmspeak on them.
"Never fought a child of Olympus, though," Ara thinks with pride. Leo and she work in silence as if they've done this a thousand times before. The girl reaches out and he hands her wire, Leo holds out a hand and Ara gives him the screwdriver.
"What was that, you ingrate?" Ma Gasket snaps at one of her kids.
"Nothing, Ma. I said you got a soft heart. We get to work for you, feed you, file your toenails—"
"And you should be grateful! Now, stoke the fire, Torque! And Sump, you idiot, my case of salsa is in the other warehouse. Don't tell me you expect me to eat these demigods without salsa!"
"Yes, Ma," Sump replies. "I mean no, Ma. I mean—" 
"Go get it!" Ma hits him on the head, and Ara thanks her for disorienting the babies beforehand. Piper catches a glimpse of them and gasps. "What's the matter, girl? So fragile I broke you?"
"I think it's my ribs, ma'am. If I'm busted up inside, I'll taste terrible," she lies.
"Good one!" Ma chortles. "The last hero we ate—remember him, Torque? Son of Mercury, wasn't he?"
"Mercury!" Ara thinks with delight. It seems she made the right call when she prayed to Hermes, he'll definitely want to get even with these clowns.
"Yes, Ma. Tasty. Little bit stringy."
"He tried a trick like that. Said he was on medication. But he tasted fine!"
"Tasted like mutton. Purple shirt. Talked in Latin. Yes, a bit stringy, but good."
"Purple shirt? Latin?" Piper questions, having the same thoughts as Ara and Leo.
"Good eating," Ma hums. "Point is, girl, we're not as dumb as people think! We're not falling for those stupid tricks and riddles, not us northern Cyclopes."
"Oh, I've heard about the northern Cyclopes! I never knew you were so big and clever!"
"Flattery won't work either!" The monster says proudly. "It's true, you'll be breakfast for the best Cyclopes around."
"But aren't Cyclopes good? I thought you made weapons for the gods."
Ara can't help but think about her brother, Tyson. He's not really her brother, but he calls her sister because Percy does, and she doesn't mind adding him to her family tree.
"...Titans lost. No good! No more need for Cyclops weapons."
"Oh, no! I'm sure you made some amazing weapons."
"Squeaky war hammer!" One of Ma's babies picks up something and slams it against the floor. It sounds like a big angry duck.
"Terrifying," Piper approves.
"Not as good as the exploding axe, but this one can be used more than once." 
Leo gets impatient and a couple of wires spark in his hands. The young Cyclops reacts, throwing a huge truck in their direction. Ara and Leo roll to opposite sides, Ara runs towards the catwalk and as she does she prays to both, Hermes and Mercury. 
"I need to be faster!" She pants.
Almost immediately, her skin starts glowing green. Ara has Hermes's blessing now. Her feet move so fast that she's barely touching the floor, she reaches the catwalk as Torque flies up, and without thinking, Ara jumps and stabs him between the shoulder blades with her sword.
He turns to dust and therefore Ara has nothing to hold on to so she falls, but being the best climber in camp has given her the great skill to know how to land without hurting any of her soft spots. She gets up like it's nothing, still glowing as she moves towards Ma Gasket with her sword ready.
The girl sneaks between Ma's legs and slices one ankle, enraging the Cyclops and distracting her. Sump comes back. "Ma, I got the extra-spicy—" 
Leo moves the crane in time and slams the young Cyclops onto the ground with such force that he instantly turns into dust. "You busted my boys!" Ma Gasket shrieks. "Only I get to bust my boys!" 
"That's not something to be proud of," Ara lifts her sword again. "Get a parenting book!"
Leo tries to slam two cranes against Ma, but she breaks them easily. Ara's eyes wander up. "Leo, throw me to the engine block!"
"Just do it!"
Ma Gasket throws the robotic arms toward Leo and he barely dodges them. Ara climbs the crane at the speed of light. "Any more tricks, demigods?" Ma Gasket growls.
"Heck, yeah, I got tricks!" Leo distracts her as Ara gets to the top. "Take one more step, and I'll destroy you with fire!"
"Would you? Cyclopes are immune to fire, you idiot. But if you wish to play with flames, let me help!" Ma Gasket laughs.
The monster throws hot coals at him and picks up a barrel of kerosene. Leo bursts into flames but as he does, the robotic arm where Ara's crouching Spider-Man style rises up. She jumps to the engine block. Leo is completely intact, holding the melted remote like it's Play-Doh.
"You live?" The monster gasps. "What are you?"
"The son of Hephaestus," he states proudly. "And I warned you I'd destroy you with fire." 
Ara holds onto the block and slashes the chain keeping it in place. She coughs as a cloud of golden dust puffs out from under the heavy block.
"Not immune to engines, huh?" Leo laughs. "Boo-yah!"
"You didn't destroy her with fire, though," the girl points out as she jumps off the block.
"Sunshine, you looked just as hot to me," he replies, looking at her with a huge smile.
Ara faints without warning.
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Next Chapter ->
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spongeofaces · 5 months
hi there!
i'd like to request a romantic twisted wonderland matchup if that's alright. please do not match me with the first years.
my info are as follows: gender: female sexuality: bisexual (leaning towards men), aromantic personality indicators: intj 5w4 ; melancholic-choleric signs: pisces sun / taurus rising / taurus moon hogwarts house: ravenclaw alignment: neutral good alignment preferred gender to be matched with: male
personality: studious, business-minded, tech-savvy, a little bit of a perfectionist, highly values knowledge and intelligence, tends to overwork, stubbornly independent, calm and composed, intimidating at first glance (according to colleagues), reserved and extremely introverted, protective to loved ones, obedient and respectful to authorities but will not hesitate to call them out if necessary, blunt, idealistic but a complete realist/pessimist on serious situations, highly organised, loves to play video games or read and write books on spare time, passionate, drawn to mysterious, historical, gothic, and horror subjects
hobbies + likes: researching abandoned and haunted places, writing, reading, exams, stationery, business-related topics (esp finance), coffee shops, bookstores and libraries, electronic shops, technology, video games, dark royalty / dark academia aesthetic, classical literature, classical music, detective/crime/mystery/horror stories (esp. from 19th century), cats, history, listening and belting out to musicals when alone, greek mythology
dislikes: bugs, studying repetitive subjects without gaining new knowledge, failure to meet own expectations, unnecessary change
fashion choices: gothic, elegant, classic, vintage, and formal fashion styles
partner preference: someone gentle yet authoritative, smart/highly intelligent and has a lot of knowledge generally or on a certain subject
ideal date: no preference but museum dates and coffee dates are great
i think this info is enough. let me know if you need anything else! thanks! ❤️
Struggled a bit with this one, so sorry if the results aren't what you wanted :(
I match twstgarden with...
🐉 Malleus Draconia 🐉
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Doesn't matter how introverted you are, Malleus converses the same with everyone (excluding Lilia, Sebek, Silver) anyway. He also isn't the most social person, (doesn't get out much) so he doesn't know awkwardness from confidence.
A big quality time guy, and maybe physical touch? Gentle giant.
He'll support you from the frontlines, or the sidelines, just tell him what he can do. But remember to give him some support too, it aint easy being a lonely prince.
He's patient, so open up in your own time. He's happy to go at whatever pace you set for a relationship. Real respectful.
Knowledgeable in older topics.
This guy knows nothing about technology. Showing him a video game will result in many curious enquiries. It may take him a little bit to learn the ways of gaming, but he'll treasure any time you spend teaching him.
Again with technology, make him a music playlist. He'll adore it.
Honestly, this guy would go just about anywhere, as long as you invite him. He knows plenty of abandoned places to explore, and would be ecstatic to research them together with you! Oh, please let him tell you about gargoyles, he's obsessed.
Lots of dates! Be prepared to visit a lot of new places, cafes, shops, parks, museums, basically everywhere datey. Oh, but wherever you go, it'll probably be pretty empty. For good or bad, Malleus's prescence scared any other visitors off. But, that just means more space for the two of you.
Other options: Vil, Leona and Riddle.
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bonkersbon · 6 months
Random rants because I couldn't sleep all night
Insomnia is a bitch
But here it goes (and yes I'm sober just prob crazy🤔)
Teenagers are not TEENS 13 and Adults are not grown adults at 18
It is wild to me that this world expects so much from literal CHILDREN! children
They question why they are trialing kids are adults as early as 12 years old
Because they're making adult decisions and expected to as early as 13
Thirteen is not a damn teen
They're children and no one is treating them so
I used to get offended at the reference “it all starts at home” Or blaming the parents
It isn't 100 on the parents, let's face it! This world and social media now play a massive role in our children's minds and all the medications they're on for this or that
But the problem is the parenting and then society
We're an oxymoron
If you are raising your kids right then, at 13, they're still playing with Barbies and board games and monster trucks and making slime and playing hide and seek
That is what children do
And people are raising their kids so messed up that 12 year old ARE OUT COMMITTING crimes, having the deed and doing things they can't comprehend
They're combative and fight and get abusive with the officers and society as they do at home because of how they're being taught
They're skipping school and not knowing how to make decisions and then end up homeless
The statistics are all there, and history after history, people are repeating the same shit messing up their kids, and now the issue with kids is technology and being overstimulated
Take that technology away and see how long they can sit still
How many kids mimic everything they see
Idolization and profound misconception of what is socially acceptable or morally right. See it on TV. They mimic it
Even hurting others
There are so many hidden agendas everywhere you go
With what people sell wear and advertise
Ten year olds wearing makeup and not believing they are pretty how do they even know to talk like that or be like that
Their innocence is robbed, but parents can play a huge role
They slip away from you and grow up no matter how much you try to shelter or protect them
It'll happen
But a teen is not a teen, and an 18 isn't an adult
Protect your damn kids from this world
Raise them teach them and damn educate them
Protect them, shelter them, and do whatever you must as a parent to raise your kid to be a good kid! And a morally good one, too! Who helps others not be damn delulu babies and filled with weird jealousy and malice — always trying to compete — for what? Your spot quicker to the ultimate destination?
So many parents fail their kids, and they fail them so early on
But what I'm mad at right now is society as a whole expecting kids to grow up too fast and know too much too fast. And then, on top of it, not raising them with proper discipline so when they're “adults,” they're out there tearing up this world. And then you all question why?! I wonder why so many kids out there doing petty crimes then acting out like four-year-olds in the judicial system and getting slaps on the wrist and sent back out for the parents to take no responsibility and blame it on the system
It starts at home
And anyone who believes differently is delusional and can fight me over it
They need to bring back old school butt whoppings and for the love of god ladies and gentleman stop kicking your kids out at 18! They ain't grown
They can't afford to live on their let alone make grown decisions. Let them live at home and push for them to get an education and or an excellent job
Push for kids to help parents more. We don't help elderly and that is because we haven't taught our kids to
We in America kick our kids out at 18 and put our family into nursing homes
Live at home take care of each other and help each other and learn right do right and be right
Be kind
The selfishness and malice and generational dysfunction will always make me mad
And trust me I'm not speaking from a glass house
How I grew up and how I've chose to parent hasnt been a walk in the park
But I communicate
My kids are KIDS, and they have hearts and souls, and feelings beyond what society even gives them time for, and raising good kids in this fucked up world isn't easy. But seeing it all come to shit sucks! Navigating thru it sucks and having to teach my kids about ignoring certain people in life is so sad
To teach them all the dangers and reality is already sad
Why would I want to push them on their own to face that already at only 18
It starts at home, with parenting
Love your kids! And they are kids! Children! Tiny innocent beings with huge imaginations that want love and to discover
We'd have many better people if parenting styles and dysfunction weren't so THERE! Like just why does it even have to be a thing anymore
When will we do better
Abuse or drugs or addiction or mental illness will never be a reason to be a shitty person or a shitty parent, and I fear for my children ever to feel unloved or get hurt by this world, but it'll happen, but why would I actively treat them like an adult or teen way beyond the appropriate time
I just don't understand it anymore and I don't want to
I'm just going to keep mentally fighting to stay strong thru the Bullshit
Cuz parenting with other parents is hard
Adulting with other adults is even harder
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abronzeagegod · 1 year
Meet Lyta
Lyta is a coworker of Aeth, they've been working at Tech Support for about two years less than Aeth. She's passionate, a bit loud, and can be a lot, but she's also loyal as hell and deeply into Aeth. (Aeth doesn't know because Aeth is dumb) She's been Aeth's best friend for a number of years at this point, and she's ok with how things are for now. Her flirting style is extremely unsubtle.
Still she's very smart and is a very capable tech support technician. If you need someone to solve a problem with only a soldering iron and a 1/4 a roll of duct tape, call Lyta.
Luck: half way decent
truly trashy TV: And the Fifth Rose was Black and Real Monsters of the Sea are her top favorites but she will watch some dramas if the mood calls for it (Law Machines is a good one too)
playing Future Myths with Aeth, and making truly insane builds (twenty levels of technomancer, seventeen levels of war engineer, and three levels of moon paladin which any "serious" player would say is extremely dumb and nonoptimal but Lyta makes it work, has fun with it, and constantly does things to upset the "standard meta")
going out into the field and solving problems with whatever she's got on hand
meeting weird people over the course of the job
talking about meeting weird people over the course of the job with Aeth
She is neutral on:
mimosas, Lyta likes herself a brunch (especially with Aeth) but doesn't get the love of mimosas at brunch
the second season finale of The Third Sun Rises which wasn't good, but she doesn't hate nearly as much as Aeth, and she has learned to not bring it up any more
her apartment, it's fine, better than her last one, but she's just not attached to it, it's not really home, but it'll do
supremely popular modernist artist Orgil, Lyta does get it, she understands the art and the intent behind it, she just doesn't think it's the greatest thing in the world
the board game Encroachment (think Settlers of Catan) which is fun under the right circumstances but the people who are too into it or care way too much they suck the fun out of it, she wants to play it and just have fun and not get too into it or debate strategy
She hates:
her coworker Teddy, he knows what he did
the dark fantasy movie series Highland Court and all the subsequent spin-off, they just didn't really gel with Lyta and that was fine, and then they became the most popular thing in the world and she's very annoyed that it's all people seem to talk about and she's tired of trying to explain that she just thinks all the characters are poorly written and only passably acted so she's start to say that the reason she hates it is because there isn't enough homo-eroticism or socialism.
Millionaire's Row in the Clutches, fuck them millionaires and fuck their terrible houses, modernist architecture is a crime and this minimalist bullshit should be legally allowed to be set on fire
bugs, she knows that it's not cool to say that when there are various insectoid beings around but the amount of legs and hair they have is deeply unnerving to her
the fact that Aeth seems to be oblivious to the fact that Lyta wants to make out with them so hard
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