#if this keeps on going i think ill have to cross fluff out entirely from my fics lol
lesbiankordian · 7 months
aromantic thoughts
in one book about transness i read, the author said that even if you go through transition, even if you accomplish everything trans related you wanted, the feeling, the years, of sadness and alienation just don't go away and are always somewhere deep inside you. you may still compare yourself to cis people and still not feel enough. even if transphobia magically evaporated, your transness wouldn't - even if you had a perfect life with no transphobic incidents.
and it's exactly the same with aromanticism. i generally feel good. but there are days where i just can't understand why i can't feel the same way as other people do. why i can't understand that one (supposed to be universal) beautiful poem about love. why most people's values are a bit different than mine. why i can't be truly happy in a queer club, because there are people in love everywhere and my friend's talking to me about her love problem with a guy and the people next to me are all flirting with each other and a girl's hitting on me but i'm afraid bc she'll probably stop when i say "hey, i don't wanna go on a date. ever. but we can kiss if you want". (don't even know if i actually like doing that).
many times i feel like that while talking about friends. life. attitude, not necessarily towards relationship things. it doesn't have to be anything romantic. bc romance as a norm goes so deep you're reminded everyday you're different, and that your difference - if you show it to others - is a rather bad thing in their morality spectrum. everytime i think about that i wonder if i'm not confusing aromanticism with sth different, but i do think aromanticism falls under that category too.
the author of the book i mentioned said that when she first realized she was trans, she was terrified of the thought that was how her life was gonna look like - after all those awful years, it'd only go downhill (realization, transition process etc), this time bc of her own actions. similarly, i know the way i live now is the best for me (probably). but i do that deliberately. i could stop anytime and try to go against myself, caring for someone the way my friends seem to be able to. i long for that, simultaneously knowing i wouldn't last a minute.
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peachesofteal · 11 months
Idk if your comfortable with writing this but how do you think the boys would be when darlings on her period?
So, so soft 🩵
I self indulgently based this off of my pre-medication periods… where I would get violently ill from brutal cramps and bleed like a stuck pig.
Mentions of blood, female reader having her period. Caretaking. Comfort. Fluff.
“Darling?” Johnny’s hand squeezes your hip, and you blink from where your face is half resting in the pillow.
“Mmmph.” You groan.
“It’s nearly eight. Si and I have to go across town for a meeting, you’ll be alright?” You nod lazily, knees curling up close to your chest. Your abdomen is on fire, and your entire body throbs with the pressure of your muscles working.
Johnny kneads your skin, trying too soothe you, bring you comfort. You can feel the strength in his fingers, the firm flex of his muscles against you and you sink into it, into him as much as you can, trying to curl into his body and let him take away your misery. Your pain.
You hate your fucking period.
Johnny’s lips ghost along your cheek, and you managed to catch a glimpse of him before he pulls away. Brow furrowed, eyes creased in concern. He murmurs something to Simon, who stands in the doorway, shrugging on a jacket.
“Another round of advil?”
“Too soon.” He answers, and crosses the room to lean over you. “Darling, will you be alright while Johnny and I are out? Or do you want us to stay?” Stay. You want to ask, want to cry over it, your misery making you feel weak and needy, the sharp pain in your lower belly radiating down through your legs.
But you can’t. You know that. Or rather… you know you could. You know they’d make new arrangements, that they’d move their schedules if you only said stay… but you won’t.
And if you can’t, if you won’t… well. Then you won’t feel like burden. Like an added weight. A responsibility.
Simon’s watching, the entire time you hem and haw in your mind, too keen eyes peeling back your layers, like he’s rooting around in your heart to find the truth.
“We can-“
“No! No, I’m fine. I’ll be alright.” You assure, meekly, and try not to watch as they exchange a look.
“Are you sure?” Johnny asks, and you nod.
“Yeah. ‘M just gonna go back to bed anyway.” He fidgets with a cord, the one to your heating pad… before the blankets are lifting and he’s pressing the palm of his hand against it to ensure it’s working.
Simon moves, foreboding lines of his body swift and calculated when he bends to press a kiss to your hairline before saying they wouldn’t be too long, that they’d call on their way home.
You fall asleep quickly, after Johnny lowers the lights in the bedroom and the door clicks shut, 3 locks sliding into place and keeping you safe, secure in the flat.
Three things wake you, hours later:
1. You’re in agony. Your lower body is practically seizing in pain. Your stomach is trying to claw its way out of your throat.
2. The guys are home. The lights are dim, and you squint when you realize they’re both in the room, by your side, Simon stripping the blanket off your body and Johnny trying to gently lift you into his arms without waking you.
And… 3. The worst thing to wake up to, the blood. You’ve bled through the super plus tampon and the pad that was in your underwear… leaking all over your thighs, and the sheets beneath you.
“It’s alright.” Johnny coos when he realizes you’re awake, softly reassuring you, arms coming under your shoulders to pull you forward and cradle you against his chest. “We’ve got you.”
“The sheets.” You moan and he shushes you, quick fingers swiping over your brow that’s slick with sweat.
“Don’t worry about the sheets.” Simon responds, and then he’s patting your thigh, a signal to move. You do so, weakly, swinging your legs to the side so they dangle over the bed while Johnny keeps you tucked into him.
“Bath.” You mumble.
“Shower. Then soak.” Simon corrects. Johnny lifts you free from the mattress while you watch Simon strip the sheets, and then he carries you into the bathroom.
“Poor darling.” He hums, still holding you close while he turns the shower on.
The water gets hot, quickly, and you melt into the wall underneath the spray, letting it run over your body and warm your muscles. Johnny and Simon both come in and out of the bathroom while you use an excessive amount of body wash, the lavender one, until you’re soaped clean.
When you step out, the bath’s already been running, and Simon’s got a water bottle with a handful of pills, waiting. He helps you into the tub, where Johnny already sits, and you settle between Johnny’s legs, molding your back to his chest, Simon half leaned over the edge of the tub. The water is hot, not as hot as the shower, but warm enough that steam rises in the bathroom, twisting along the white tile, filling the air with foggy white vapor. Simon rubs your neck, urging you tip your head backwards against Johnny’s shoulder. You breathe through your nose, trying to push away the pain, trying to expel it on your exhales, biding time until the naproxen kicks in.
“Mmm.” You moan, tension and stress leaking from your body. The heat does wonders to soothe your overworked muscles, gradually calming the storm that’s brewing beneath your belly button, and Simon chuckles softly.
“Much.” You pause, taking a deep breath. Johnny’s fingertips trail water over your skin, and he kisses you sweetly. “Sorry for the mess.”
“No, darling.”
“It’s alright.” They both reassure you, words soft and full of love, and you sink into them, sink into Johnny’s embrace, his skin against yours, and Simon’s hand flexing on the back of your neck, pushing you closer and closer into a more sublime, subdued state.
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saschax · 1 month
Hello ! Would it be possible some nsfw-fluff an Valeria and female reader?, maybe something ab how reader got home and she was tired decided to take a bath and vale followed her? 🤭
gruß (greetings), and of course. ill shall do this.
not entirely sure what fluff means, but it means happy ending (according to the internet)? so, mmm... hope this is good...
sorry for late response. and im terribly sorry if this is bad; im not used to female reader x female (and since im not a female myself, i have no absolutely fucking idea on how they say things amongst themselves)
people aged less than 18+ please skip this as this is not for you. please do not read this. i beg of you, do not.
i am not responsible if your child is reading this, as a parent- it is you who is responsible for your child's media consumption.
if you are 18 or above, feel free to read!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: nsfw, two females are in a romantic relationship
the door opens for reader, vale stands in front of her with narrowed eyes.
"where you've been, hm??" valeria hums, crossing her arms.
valeria is a bit frustrated reader came home later than planned. they were going to watch a movie when she gets home, but its too late to watch a movie. looking behind reader, it is night time.
getting no response, valeria opens her mouth- brows furrowing in anger, then- as her eyes looks up and down at reader's figure. she freezes.
reader's eyes was slightly droopy, her back hunched over a bit like she was very tired.
tired from work.
valeria softens when reader hugs her. although, valeria didn't quite like the smell of other perfumes on her.
debe haber otras mujeres alrededor de mi chica.. estúpido trabajo..
reader seems to pick up on this, so she lets go.
"am sorry- just- just work caught up to me, thats all." reader finally replies to vale's question.
it is vale's time to be quiet for a moment, reader sees vale's eyes looking her up and down.
"poor baby, you tired?" valeria said with a condescending tone. reader nods her head, "hm, why don't we go to bed? we can..." she tilts her head back at the tv. "watch the movie later."
"sounds okay," reader agrees, moving past valeria to walk to their shared bedroom.
when reader opens the door, realizing her partner isn't following her. she looks over her shoulder, only to see valeria having her arms crossed, and her foot tapping the ground expectingly.
reader's face flashes a goofy tired grin, walking back to valeria and taking her hand- valeria smiles back- and she drags her loving partner into the bedroom.
as they enter the bedroom, reader gently tugs valeria onto the bed and valeria allows the motion, laying on the bed (of course she took her shoes off).
expecting reader to sleep next to her, what she did next surprises her.
reader went into the bathroom.
valeria arches one of her eyebrows, and the next second, she hears water running.
oh? is she taking a bath?
without ME?
not a chance, valeria huffs as she thinks.
letting the water run for a moment, she swings her legs to the side and starts to walk into the bathroom, looks like reader was quick to get into the bathtub as she sees her there- well, she isn't laying in the bathrub- reader is standing, preparing to lay down.
reader eyes is wide, bug eyed. trying to cover herself with her hands (she's completely naked) while keeping her balance on the slippery bathtub.
reader feels nervous, but it looks like valeria is enjoying this- her smirk says it all.
"well, it seems like you need some help getting clean," vale said playfully, stepping closer to the tub and reaching out to turn off the faucet.
reader's face is red as a tomato at this point, still covering herself as much as possible. this is embarrassing!
valeria tries to move her hands away, only to met with resistance. with a tsk, she pulls harder, and reader relents.
"sit down." she says, humming after.
reader lets out an audible gulp, sitting. of course, when valeria wants her to move in a certain spot- she moved.
now, valeria is currently behind her- with reader showing her back to valeria.
reader's heart races as vale's touch sent shivers down her spine. they had been together for quite some time now and shared everything else - why not share a shower too?
as much as her mind scream she likes this- her body is stiffening. she's not used to this sort of touches on her body.
as vale begins running a soap-covered hand over her shoulders, gently massaging away any tension or stress from work or life in general, reader couldn't help but let out a soft moan of pleasure at the sensation coursing through her body.
after a moment of doing this, vale's hands trails lower down reader's body, slowly gliding over her soft curves and sensitive areas. she feels the heat emanating from reader's skin as she presses closer against her, their wet bodies molding together like two halves of a whole.
reader gasps when she felt vale's fingers dip beneath the water and brush against her most intimate place.
her hips buckle slightly in response to the unexpected touch but vale holds onto her tightly, keeping them both upright in the tub.
"you like that?" vale whispers huskily into reader's ear before moving lower to kiss along her neck and collarbone.
the sensation sent shivers up and down reader's spine as she moans softly at this newfound pleasure.
feeling embarrassed of her moans and soft little gasps- sounds vale happens to like so much, vale sees a hand sneaking their way up to reader's mouth- effectively almost drowning, if not, all their sweet little noises.
"no, no, carino, i want to hear you.." she tsks, using a free hand to moves reader's hand away, although slowly and gently, away from her mouth.
the noises continues, and every now and then- she hears a whimper.
god, it sounded beautiful. she'd kill to hear that sound forever.
vale's mouth moves upward, pausing her little attacks on reader's neck and instead, begins to bite reader's earlobe.
even reader's ears seems to be blushing red, and this only seems to make reader's cuter in vale's eyes.
"vale- ngh- i'm going to- ngh- cum-!" reader whimpers, the last word being said in a higher pitched when vale sped up her movements.
"si, si, come on my fingers mi amor." valeria eggs her on, and the last two words were reader's undone.
seeing white, she lets out a silent scream. the springy coil in her snaps..
vale however, did not relent. even after reader came down from her high, she kept going.
whimpers and pleads of stop is encouraging for valeria, only making her go faster and faster.
i think reader made valeria addicted to her sounds and wants to hear more...
after, with reader passing out, thanks to valeria's strength. she cleans reader, of course she had to renew the water, dressed reader, and places reader gently in bed.
all the while, reader was snoring happily away. into dreamlands.
and as valeria settles into the bed, last thing she says was..
"love you, mi amor." and with that, settles her head into reader's neck and sleeps.
what did i write
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heart2beom · 1 year
second lead syndrome
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pairing: taehyun x gn!reader
genre: fluff, just tons of fluff
synopsis: taehyun, your neighbor, has been helping you out with beomgyu, the best friend you've been in love with for your entire life. when you finally score a date, albeit taehyuns plan working, you're in crisis.
because you start getting second thoughts.
warning: purposeful wrong tagging for more reach. sorry babes im greedy 😭 though i dont specify pronouns, this is more fem leaning!!
notes: i wrote this in only an hour, not the most quality work but i had to release something for my favorite man's birthday hello????!?! also was listening to this is what falling in love feels like by JVKE on repeat, if that helps with the reading experience. i have no idea if it does. lol as always, reblogging will help the algorithm pick this up so as a content creator, ill love you for it.
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you were extremely fidgety as you looked at yourself in the mirror -- this was the fourth outfit you've changed into. you slightly chewed on your bottom lip, furrowing your brows together thinking...none of this felt real, that was one thing you were sure of. preparing to go on a date with beomgyu...it's like dying and actually walking up the stairs of heaven.
the man that was all your firsts yet, felt like a distant, unachievable dream. the man that makes you go to sleep with the biggest smile, and the man that makes you kick your feet, squealing into your pillow even after long graduating high school. he felt just like a celebrity crush. a celebrity crush, someone you'll never ever have the chance to date.
that is, until taehyun moved in next door. you heard rumors from the old ladies at the apartments' lobby that he was a genius, a young einstein if you will, graduating seoul university with top marks.
you don't know what, but something possessed you to go knock at his door's flat, pushing a welcome basket of bread in his arms, saying word for word, "teach me how to make a guy fall in love with me". of course, you managed to squeak out a please for politeness sake.
it was the built up desperation, you guessed looking back. but despite thinking highly of taehyun's mind, you never expected whatever voodoo steps he made up to actually work. sure, it took...what? like, months and twenty bucks every now and then, but it worked.
you turned away from your mirror, looking back at the man occupying your bed, cocking your head to the side.
"what? are you feeling like you're dreaming again?" he asks, mirroring your action. "want me to pinch you?"
you exhale, exhausted. "i need to change."
which taehyun sat up straight to, "again? i already told you, you look pretty."
you roll your eyes to that comment. maybe getting a man to help you prepare for a date wasn't the brightest idea you've had, though, you aren't particularly known for having bright ideas anyway.
"i need an honest opinion, but you just keep on saying oh you look good, oh you look pretty" you mock, deepening your voice to mimic taehyuns'. before he could retaliate, you add "and it's not helping, at all."
it was silent for a while, until he folded his arms,"you want me to give my honest opinion?" he asked. and you nod, frantically at that.
"brutally honest, hit me with the straight, cold facts." you say, preparing yourself by straightening your shoulders.
"well, for one" he starts, to which you take a deep breath at anticipation, "you'll never make it on time for your dream date. that's one fact."
you groan, walking in your stupidly long heels to sit on the edge of your bed, next to taehyun. "okay, well, that's a given at this point. give me something else."
"and you're incredibly, weirdly nervous for a movie date with your best friend. that's another fact." he had put his phone face down next to him, now with his legs crossed, as he looked out for your reaction.
"taehyun." you drawl, beyond annoyed.
"what?", he asked innocent, like he wasn't just taunting you. all you did was give him a death glare, which earned an airy laugh from him.
"alright, i'll be serious now, i promise." he said, scooching up to sit directly by your side now, his legs touching yours with how close he was.
"starting with your face— don't get mad, you asked for this." he warned with a raised finger, which made you nervously gulp. did you really look that bad? you nodded to reassure him to continue anyway—you weren't going to risk going to this date looking bad.
"your eyes; the glitter, though it helps pull your whole look together," he makes a hand gesture, your breath hitched in your throat, as you nodded for him to continue "it's dull when you compare it to your eyes."
you furrow your brows, incredibly puzzled. "what does that mean?"
"your eyes shine more" he said with a cheeky grin, your mouth left agape at his playfullness.
"glitter doesn't shine. you..you suck at flirting." you said hitting his shoulder, letting out an unbelievable scoff.
he fauxes hurt as he rubs his shoulder, "this isn't flirting, i'm being very honest right now!"
you roll your eyes, a smile tugging at your lips. "mhm"
he shrugs, "i'm not going to continue if you don't believe me."
"okay, okay. i believe you, continue kang."
"alright. so, your brows," you nod. "perfectly trimmed, which..." he leans closer to your face, his thumb grazing your eyebrows. you didn't expect the sudden closeness, so your breath was hitched, stuck right in your throat. "which is good. there's no little hairs in between, or surrounding them."
he moves away after what felt like a whole hour, in reality, was just a few seconds. only beomgyu ever got that close to you — that's your justification for your heart quickening at the proximity. you just got reminded of beomgyu, that was it.
"going well so far." you breathed out, finally being able to talk.
"yeah? told you you don't look bad." you narrowed your eyes. "taehyun. you're not doing this just to say i told you so are you? that's, like, cheating!"
taehyun sighed. "y/n, do you think i'm trying to sabotage you or something? i'm not. i'm not praying on your downfall, i'm being honest."
your previously furrowed eyebrows turned into pleading ones, filled with insecurity. "yeah?"
"yeah." you looked up to see his eyes. they always calmed your anxiousness, you found that the eyes are the doors of the soul saying couldn't have matched anyone more than it did taehyun, you knew everything just by looking at them. and this time, when you looked at them, it was almost overwhelming how they looked back at you with such softness — sincerity.
so overwhelming, your heart picked up at a faster speed, once again. what was up with you?
"okay, now, your lips," and again, his thumb. the one responsible to all of this. it was on your lips, going back and forth on the bottom one, then facing it to his eyes. he looked a bit taken back, kind of shocked.
"what?" you ask with your brows raised. he turns his thumb to you, with an amused smile spread on his face, "there's no red."
you let out an airy laugh, he was way too cute. "well, yeah, it's a no smudge matte lipstick. it's impossible to get off without makeup wipes."
"huh. then, that's good. you can kiss beomgyu without it being all messy." you nod slowly to that. "hey, on that note, refrain from giving me details about the kiss... if it happens."
you're quick to retaliate with a scoff. "it will happen, why won't it happen? it'll happen!"
he shakes his head, which earns an offended expression from you. "i'm just saying, you're the biggest coward i know."
"you're the biggest coward i know." you replied immaturely.
"i'm going to...i'm going to ignore that lame comeback and pretend it wasn't awful." he said, taking a look at his phone. "it's about to be ten...are you feeling less..insecure?"
you look at your heels, then back at him with a smile. "think so, yeah."
when you finally lock your door with keys, taehyun hovering over your back, you turn to him chirply. you're ready, you're ready to go out with beomgyu.
"so." you started, looking up at him, a large smile on your face. "thank you, taehyun. seriously. i know it was kind of weird at first, like you know, spending a lot of time with a stranger but to be completely honest—"
"it wasn't." he interrupted.
"it wasn't weird spending so much time with you."
"oh—well, uh" again, taehyun catches you off guard with his aloofness, making you stutter like an idiot, completely forgetting your monologue.
it didn't help that taehyun somehow was closer than you thought, way closer than the usual arm length. seriously, what was up with the proximity?
when you catch a glimpse of his eyes, it was again, so soft, waiting for you to say something. then, when taehyuns hand found its way tucking a strand behind your ear, you couldn't hear anything anymore. your heartbeat was magnified to your ears, despite seeing that his mouth was moving, saying something, you couldn't focus.
he waved a hand at your face, and you refocused again.
"think you should go now, love of your life's blowing up your phone."
"um—um yeah" you stuttered, waking up from your thoughts. "it's probably beomgyu" you muttered, smiling weakly.
"yeah," he chuckled a little, and god, was it so fucking cute. "thats why i said love of your life."
it was weird how you didn't catch that, you've always been referring to beomgyu as the love of your life, especially with taehyun.
you watched as he unlocked his door knob, looking back at you with his eyes twinkling a little under the dim hallway lights, "don't get nervous, you really do look pretty."
then he was gone, cruelly leaving you with one thought as you looked at the texts from the contact name, 'love of my life'.
you weren't ready. you weren't ready to go out with beomgyu. at all.
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ending a/n: soooo how we feeling? cute? cute? readers so starstruck by taehyuns eyes and im just like..yup, same. me. this was originally apart of a very long fic i was working on, but that was scrapped, so..lol have this cute lil thing
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slothgiirl · 1 year
nesting (xiao x reader)
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1.5k. established relationship. fluff. suggestive but nothing explicit.bird xiao traits tho i didnt lean hard enough into it i dont think so mb ill try again soon.
The first time it happens there’s frost on the ground when you wake up. You have to force the window open. The frost cracks. You wince, half expecting to have broken the window. 
Cold air invades the already drafty flat at the top of Wangshu Inn. 
You cross your arms over your chest. The cotton robe did little to protect from the start of the winter season. Snezhnaya did have a monopoly on snow. All too soon snow would cover the Liyue landscape. There were only a handful of snow days and the sun melted most of it away by noon, but you still shivered as the sun rose.
You strike the flint, restarting the fire in the wood stove. Xiao must have put it out accidentally. It was a common occurrence with his anemo fuelled comings and goings. You didn’t want to say anything, worried your lover would take it the wrong way. This was new. He’d only just asked you to move in with him.
You rub your hands together. 
No, you would simply relight the fire. 
Striking the flint again, you light the incense, dispelling any lingering demonic energies. The smell of herbs and resin was familiar by now. Xiao had taught you the ritual, the ancient Liyue words to recite, to keep yourself free of his taint. 
You sigh.
You can see your breath. 
The ink would have to be warmed for you to work. 
You pull on your warmest trousers, think about purchasing some meters of wool from the Mondstadt traders to sew a warmer set, and set out a fresh new sheet of paper. Your calligraphy was well liked in Liyue Harbor. The smooth lines were auspicious for merchants most worried after Morax’s passing.
The ink was smooth liquid once more. Lately, your head has been filled with tales of Skybracer. You flip through your books, looking for a passage that speaks to you when a gust of wind enters the room atop Wangshu Inn. 
“You’re back,” you smile, knowing it was Xiao. “I didn’t even feel you come in last night.” 
“I did not want to disturb you,” your lover sets a knit blanket over your shoulders, “while I have little use for rest, I would not deprive you of sleep.” Xiao carefully places a flawless chunk of mystic ore on your desk. It sparkles in the early morning sun. 
“It’s pretty.” You’d never use it to enhance anything. A gift from Xiao, you’d treasure it forever. 
“The shine caught my eye,” Xiao admits, ducking his head down, “was your sleep undisturbed?” He worried his nightmares would leak into your dreams. 
“I still think you could’ve woken me up.” You snort when he traces the marks on your collar bones. “We mortals can take naps Adeptus Xiao,” you tease, raking your fingers through his hair. “And I never mind when it’s you.”
Xiao scowls, “who else would it be?” 
You kiss his jaw, “my alarm clock.” You set your work aside, focusing the sum of your attention on your lover. “Where did you get this,” you ask, feeling the heft of the cotton used, the intricate knit. All knits were intercrate when you’d given up on knitting entirely. 
“Do you like it,” he asks softly, taking your hands in his. 
“Mhm.” You plant a kiss against his brow. 
“The surge in demonic activity in Cuijue Slope has coincided with an increase in temple offerings,” Xiao explains. “Given the change in weather. . .” he trails off. 
“Are you staying long,” you ask, wrapping your arms around his neck, intent on keeping him to yourself. You had gone far in teaching Xiao the benefits of cuddling even if he didn’t need to sleep. 
“No.” Xiao’s amber eyes met yours. He wraps his arm around your waist.
“Mm,” you smile, knowing you’d won. Then you kiss him, welcoming the warmth of his lips against yours. 
You help Verr Goldet spread salt all along the ramp up to Wangshu Inn. The bags of salt were heavy and it was hard not to feel like a freeloader when you didn’t know the specifics of Xiao’s arrangement with the Innkeeper and her husband. 
“There,” Verr Goldet wipes her hands on her apron, “that should do it.”
“I’d hate to fall from this far up,” you look over the railing. The frost took longer and longer to melt with each passing day. 
“It’s a good thing the Traveler took up our commissions to fix the stairs,” the woman agrees. “Smiley Yanxiao made chicken and dumpling soup if you’d like a bowl.”
“You are too kind Auntie,” you address her warmly. Everything else felt too cold, this was the best form of address for her you decide on. 
“Come now, you just helped me lug salt up and down five stories. That’s at least worth soup. It’d have to pay 10,000 mora for the adventure’s guild to do it.”
“Well,” you laugh, “when you put it that way.”
You have dinner with the staff of Wangshu Inn. It’s past midnight when you finally make your way up to your home. Your home with Xiao. You have to take a deep breath when you linger on that for too long, waiting outside your door because it was true and your heart felt like it wanted to explode from happiness. Your’s and Xiao’s home. 
You step inside.
It wasn’t anything special. You doubted the most pious of Liyue imagined an Adeptus to reside in a studio cluttered with jars of ink, a tiny stove, and your clothes carelessly tossed into a pile on the trunk, and yet there Xiao was, fluffing up pillows on the bed in a simple act of domesticity that had you swooning. His spear was set against the wall, Yaksha mask on his belt and he was arranging the blankets that had seemingly appeared out of thin air. 
“Hey,” you set your shoes by the door, changing into your house slippers. “have you been waiting long?”
Xiao shakes his head, focused on arranging the pillows. “I do not mind. My duties are solitary in nature.” 
You feed more wood into the stove. The thing was well built, filling the room despite being the size of your night stand. 
“Will you join me,” Xiao sits up in bed on his knees, red dusting his cheeks. He could be so bashful for an adeptus that regularly slayed demons. You loved the fact the he flustered easily even when he’d fucked you on the grass. 
“I’d love to,” you hang up your jacket, “will you stay with me?” 
He doesn’t answer right away, waiting for you to crawl into bed with him.
You discard your sweater and trousers, adding more to the pile on your trunk. Laundry day was fast approaching. “Do you want me to make you anything to eat?” 
Xiao shakes his head. “There’s no need.” 
You slide under the covers, sighing against the plush blankets. There were furs at the foot of the bed that your toes grazed when you stretched out. The pillow covers must be silk you think, tapping Xiao’s arm, “lay down with me.” 
He lays down next to you, cupping your cheek with his hand. “I am glad you are here.” 
“So will you stay?” There’s so much raw love and fondness for you in Xiao’s eyes as you stroke your hands over his chest, feeling up his muscular arms. You wanted nothing more than to feel his naked body against yours. You wanted Xiao, wanted to feel him inside you. 
“Mm,” Xiao tips your chin back, kissing the side of your throat. “That was my intention when I asked you to lay with me.”
Your body flushes with heat. You doubt Xiao said the innuendo intentionally, but you don't care when he nips your bottom lip with his teeth. 
You’re greedy. 
You kiss him back readily, pulling his body flush against yours, canting your hips, rubbing against his leg shamelessly. You kiss him, stroking his tongue with yours. 
Xiao leans back, all puffed up, pleased in a way that’s new to you. 
You lay your head back, catching your breath, already thinking of new ways to entice him to lay with you. To fuck you. To make love to you, whatever so long as it meant having Xiao. 
“That can’t be comfortable,” you pull on his gloves, “to sleep in,” you allude to his usual warrior’s gear. 
“Your intentions are transparent,” Xiao huffs, sliding his thigh between your legs and you know that he’ll spend the next few hours making love to you.
You slip your hand under his shirt, “I love you.”
“As I love you,” he whispers softly against your cheek.
Xiao hangs crystal cores from the ceiling. 
They twinkle in the night like your own private stars. 
Xiao sets chunks of Cor Lapis and Noctilucous Jade on the windowsill as if jewelers didn’t pay a small fortune for raw gemstone this pristine. There’s slices of bright blue crystal chunk on the wall next to your line paintings that alchemists would covet for their potions. 
But it doesn’t click for you until you leaf through a book on Dihua Marsh, painting abstract cranes for practice on brown recycled paper. It doesn’t click for you until you read the description on the finches and their nests that you remember what type of illuminated beast Xiao is.
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Take a Break
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Jin x Royal Scientist!OC
CW: none, just some sickening sweet fluff
Word Count: 1583
Part of the Ikemen Library Valentine’s Gift Exchange
A gift for @olivermorningstar
Thank you @ikemenlibrary for hosting :) 
Valentine’s day wasn’t something Oliver really cared about. When working in the palace, everyday is just another work day. He was appreciated among the rest of the staff, receiving little tokens of appreciation while he continued to work in his lab. Sometimes he’d hear a distant “Happy Valentine’s Day!” from down the hallways, and a face would briefly cross his mind before resuming his work. He had work to do. There has been a small outbreak of sickness in the townships closest to the palace, and Sariel entrusted the task of creating a cure to him. It wasn’t an illness that was fatal by any means, but the people were suffering regardless. 
Jin, on the other hand, couldn’t stop thinking about what he could do to impress the good-natured scientist. Despite the casanova of Rhodolite’s 7 princes, he was at a loss for what he could do to make this day special. Everyday since he started working as the Royal Scientist, Jin would find an excuse to stop by the research labs, letting Oliver ramble on about the newest information and how close he is to finding a cure. He knows it’s been harder recently though. Oliver’s rants have gone from excitement and anticipation to confusion and frustration. This illness appears harder to cure than he previously anticipated. Jin believed in him. No one else in all of Rhodolite could whip up antidotes and cures quite like Oliver, and he wanted him to know that. That’s when the idea hit him.
Oliver banged his fist on the desk, frustration consuming him entirely. This shouldn’t be so hard to solve. He knows he’s cured harder illnesses than this. Why was this one giving him so much trouble? The scientist was so focused that he didn’t hear the door to the labs creek open, the 1st prince walking in and taking a seat on the counter near him. 
“Any new updates, kid?” Jin asked, fully expecting Oliver to vent out his anger. Instead though, Oliver looked over at him, tears of anguish threatening to spill over. 
“I can’t let Rhodolite down. The people need me but I don’t know what to do,” his fists hitting the desk again, his cup of pencils rattling slightly. “I’ve visited with infected patients, taken samples of saliva, blood, and grosser bodily fluids. I’ve spent days doing everything I can in my power to figure out what kills this illness, just to come back with nothing!” The tears finally fell, dotting his cheeks. Jin walked over and crouched down next to him, his hands gently swiping away the sadness on his face. 
“Let’s take a break, Oliver,” Jin’s face in a gentle smile. He handed him a lollipop, one of the many Jin keeps with him. 
“I can’t afford a break right now!” Oliver let out a frustrated sigh. “Sariel gave me a task and I need to complete it.”
“When does this task need to be completed by?” Jin asked knowingly.
“Well,” Oliver thought for a moment. “There isn’t necessarily a due date for this, but there are people that need my help! I can’t go and take a break.”
“So there’s no due date but you’d rather work yourself half to death than rest for let’s say, an hour?” The look on Oliver’s face told Jin everything he needed to know. He knew Jin was right. He knew he wouldn’t get anything done in this state. Jin gestured forward with the candy one more time before Oliver finally took it. 
“Thank you for checking on me.” The gentle smile Oliver gave was enough to send butterflies through Jin’s whole body. Now it was time for Operation: Break Time.
The rose garden was empty except for Jin, Oliver, and the mountain of sweets in front of them. The smell of the garden mixed sweetly with the smell from the pastries, made by Yves. 
“I don’t remember the last time I had the opportunity to indulge like this!” Oliver’s eyes sparkled at the food, scouring around for which to choose first. Jin was already half finished with his first one.
“You looked like you needed some sugar and sunshine, kid.” Jin patted his head affectionately. His hand fell to the side of his face, gently stroking his cheek with his thumb.  “Now tell me what’s stunting your progress with your task.”
With a mouth-full of pastry, Oliver rambled on about how the side effects were similar to food poisoning, but it’s unnatural for food poisoning to affect such a large population. 
“So it’s not contagious, but it’s widespread. I’ve made an antidote that works temporarily, but results don’t last much longer than a few hours. I can’t pinpoint it.” The dejected feeling of failure was part of the scientific process, but he’s never been stunted on progress for this long. The mountain of pastries shrank before them until there was nothing but a few crumbs remaining. 
“Let’s go take a walk around the town. Maybe you’ll find some useful information out there.” Jin offered his hand. There were more reasons why he wanted to take him into town, but this was the easiest way to justify it to Oliver.
Oliver felt like something had to have been set up here. The town was livelier than usual, but maybe it was just Valentine’s Day. He looked up at the prince that escorted him around the town. Music playing from nearby musicians drifted through the streets and the townspeople looked happy. Jin looked at Oliver’s hand, pushing himself to grab hold of it before he heard a child complaining to his mother about a painful stomach ache. It also caught Oliver’s attention and he ran over to them. 
“Hi, my name is Oliver. I’m the royal scientist in charge of finding a cure to the stomach bug going around town right now.” After introducing himself, he reached into his bag and brought out a bag containing an orange, powdery substance. “Jin, can you please fetch me a cup of water? It’s a water-soluble antidote that should help.” The child’s mother looked fondly at Oliver and thanked him for his help. Jin returned with the water and handed it to Oliver. He began to pour the powder into the water before he noticed the water had speckles of something in it. 
“What’s wrong? Should I go and retrieve a different water?”
“Jin, where is this water sourced from?” The gears turned in Oliver’s head. He had a lead.
“The well that was recently put in town. It’s made it easier for the townspeople to get their water supplies.” A crease formed between Jin’s eyebrows. He knew Oliver had an idea and was ready to help in any way he could.
“The well has been such a big help to our town,” the woman mentioned. “Not only is there fresh water nearby, but people say that it grants wishes.
“Wishes?” Oliver and Jin said at the same time.
“You throw a coin into the well and they say any of your dreams can come true.”
“THAT’S IT!” Oliver began to run to the nearby well and sure enough, there was a pile of coins resting at the bottom. He pulled up a bucket of water from the well to inspect and the water had speckles of stuff in it too.
“Do you think?..” Jin began to trail off, looking at Oliver.
“I most definitely do. I think the older coins have begun corroding at the bottom of the well, releasing a toxin into the water.” Oliver turned to the lady and her child who followed them to the well. “Please use a different source of water for the time being. Mix this powder in with the different water and have him rest for a few hours. He’ll be better in no time.”
Back in the lab, Oliver ran tests on the tainted water, as well as the effects of the antidote on it. Jin sat nearby, watching in awe as he consumed another lollipop. 
“I think this is it!” Oliver penciled in some last pieces of information before closing his notebook. His eyes sparkled as he looked over at Jin, his face filled with relief. Jin could hear his heart beating in his ears. This might be why he liked the scientist to begin with. That look on his face indicating a job well done was Jin’s only kryptonite. 
“I didn’t doubt for a second that you would figure it out,” Jin placed a hand on Oliver’s head, roughing up his hair for a moment. He looked up at the 1st prince. Their eyes met briefly before they both turned their gazes away. Then a quick thought jumped into Oliver’s mind.
“Jin?” the young scientist asked.
“What is it?”
“I think I can take a proper break now.” He beamed up at Jin, who was already way ahead of him. 
The rose gardens were always the most peaceful at night. The stars in Rhodolite always twinkled brightly, and nothing in the world was quite as calming. The two of them sat on a blanket, discussing various things that Oliver might have missed while engrossed in his research.
“Most of all, kid, I missed getting to hang out with you.” A genuine smile graced his face as he finally reached over to hold Oliver’s hand. The blush creeping onto his cheeks was evident, but they paid it no mind. They were too lost in the stars they saw in each other's eyes.
"Happy Valentine's Day."
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hailey-murdock · 1 year
Lose you
Chapter 3
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Paring: Matt Murdock x Fem!reader
Warnings:(for this entire series) Angst, death, illness, nightmare, established relationship, drinking, depression, use of pet names, fluff, implied smut, mentions of college Matt and reader(let me know if I missed something out)
Tags: @little-miss-dilf-lover
Summary: Matt "the man without fear" may not after all be that. He fears he'll lose the person he most loves
Other characters: Foggy Nelson, Frank Castle
WC: 2.4K
A/N: Keep in mind the warnings, this chapter can be triggering to readers. Please read with precaution. (Reblogs, comment and likes are appreciated)
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"You're amazing, sweetheart." Matt felt so much pride in his heart after the both of you had shown each other how deep your love is.
"And you're perfect Matty".
"Thank you..I love you, hun."
"I love you to the moon and back matty". A smile appeared on your face while the two of you held each other, entangled naked in the bed sheets.
"I love you even more than that. I love you to the multiverse and back. I will always love you in every world that exists. And I will always love you in every world that exists..in every timeline..in every universe. You're my soulmate".
You felt your eyes water. "I'm so sorry Matt, I don't want to leave you-". The guilt was eating you up inside of knowing you were going to leave behind Matt alone.
"What do you mean.."? He felt his heart beat faster and he started to tear up. What is it? What did the doctor say"? Matt had genuinely been caught up in the moment that he forgot about everything. That illusion was slowly starting to fade as reality finally managed to set into his head. 
"Matt remember that he said I have 6 months to live, you were there with me". 
The color drained from Matt's  face as he heard your words. His eyes widened and he stopped tearing up immediately. Matt didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think. His mind was blank.
"That's not..".  Matt closed his eyes as tears started to fall. "That's not fair.."
That was all Matt could say. He was speechless. He didn't want to believe it.
"Matt, listen to me, we are gonna make those 6 months the best 6 months we've ever lived. And I'm gonna love you until my last breath". 
"Y..you promise?" Matt tilted his head, tears running down his face. He was going to try to believe it, to keep a positive attitude. But deep down, Matt just felt like his world was collapsing around him. He was in denial.
You crossed your heart "I promise baby".  You smiled softly, but your face was still red and you were still wiping tears from your eyes.
"Thank you..thank you for that. I..I..I'll be strong. For you and for us. I'll make these last 6 months of your life memorable. I love you".
"You don't have to be strong Matty, it's okay to be sad and cry about it. You need to let it out, don't bottle it up. That will do you more harm".
"Ok ok..maybe I'll allow myself to cry..just a little.." Matt smiled and he gave a little laugh. He wiped his tears and he gave you a little kiss. "Hey...I don't know what I would do without you. I don't know how I would be strong enough to deal with anything..without you. You're my rock. You're my compass. I don't..I don't know what I would do without my rock..my compass..my love".
You cried softly at Matt's words. "Ever since I've met you Matt, you have made me a better person each day. You've shown me what real true love is and I'm thankful for that. We've both have made mistakes about our relationship in the past but we've always done everything we can to move forward and love one another"
Matt started tearing up more as I heard you as well. "You make me a better person too. You taught me what it's like to be kind and to be loving. I was so tough before I met you..so cold. But you..you showed me what it means to be warm, what it means to be gentle..what it means to be kind. You taught me things..you even taught me that it's ok to cry..that it's ok to be sad. Your heart is full of love..and you've taught me that". 
You grabbed Matt's hand and kissed it. "You, Matt Murdock are by far the greatest blessings that God has given me in my entire life".
"You're the greatest blessing God has given me too. I'll never understand what he sees in me. I don't understand how he could make a man as imperfect as me just happen to meet someone as perfect as you..but I'm so grateful that I did. I love you so much".
You wrapped your arm around Matt's arms and held it  tightly. "You are an angel sent from God to me".
Matt's eyes widened and tears dropped from his eyes even more than before.  "I...I don't know I deserve that title. I'm too imperfect.". He laughed a little bit. "I'm just..just a man. Who is in love. A silly, imperfect man who is in love".
You leaned in to kiss Matt's soft lips. "There are no words to describe...what you are to me..what we are to each other..I love you Matt Murdock".
Matt held you tight. "I love you too, sweetheart. I love you so much". Matt sighed and he closed his eyes. "I just wish that we could be together forever..but that can't be.."
His voice was sad. "I'm not going to give up, though. I will try and make every second I have with you count and live every second to the fullest".
"I know you will and that's why I love you Matt".
Five months pass and you're  getting worse each day. Matt still tried to put on a smile, but over the months his heart felt so heavy..and he tried his best to keep things positive. His heart broke though as he watched the days slowly go away. Matt tried to make things the best they could be..and he tried to spend as much time as he could with you, to make each day as memorable as he could.
Over the months Matt started to go back to college, and he tried to give himself something to work towards as well...to keep his mind off of things.
You were on call with Foggy, you both had agreed on him visiting you in a few. But started feeling really sick but you didn't want to say anything to Foggy. So you decided to call Matt while he was at school. 
The sound of the buzzing was loud in your ear and it was starting to get hard to keep your eyes open. Finally Matt answered the phone. 
"Hey sweetheart".
"Matt?" Your voice sounded so weak. Matt's face quickly went from neutral to worried.
"Is...is everything alright"? He began to walk out of the classroom and he started to walk back to the apartment worried. "Are you ok..are you feeling sick..?"
"M-Matt I need you to c-come h-home". You say very softly to the point you could barely hear your voice and you felt so weak that I collapsed on the floor and passed out as you tried to walk to the bedroom. 
Matt felt scared when he heard your words. He felt my heart drop to the floor and I started to get nervous when he heard the "thud" understanding that you fell.
"No no no..". Matt ran into an alley and I kept running as fast as I could. And jumping up to the roof and running to you. He felt tears drop from his face as I was already expecting the worst...but I was trying not to think about it.
You laid on the floor mumbling softly his name. Matt had never run faster in his entire life like in that moment, tears dropped from his face as I thought about being alone again. As he thought about losing...you. Matt knew what this meant.
"Please God, no..please. Tell me I have at least a little more time..".
Your heartbeat was getting slower by the minute. After some time had passed, Matt finally managed to get there. I ran so fast to the house...to get to you. He ran in the house and I sensed  you laying on the floor. Matt dropped to his knees next to you. 
"N..No...please". His voice broke. "You can't die...you can't". Tears dropped from my face again as he hugged you and he squeezed you tight.
A tear ran down your face and you felt cold, your body was freezing. Your heartbeat was getting even more slower and that for the first time ever Matt hated the way your heart beated. "M-Matt?" You pulled him with the last bit of energy you had left. 
"Y..yes..I'm here". Matt put his head on your chest and he hugged you tightly.
"I'm so sorry. I..I don't want to lose you. Why so soon"?  Matt was trying to hold his composure, but he found it hard to do so as tears continued to fall from his face.
"I-i love y-you in every world t-that exists".
Those are your last words as you take your last breath.
Matt heard your words and he felt a rush of grief hit his heart. He closed my eyes and his tears dropped on your face as I kept hugging you closely. Out of so much pain Matt let out a scream of pain and anger. He felt so much emotion..so many different kinds of emotions..all at the same time. He didn't know what to do or to say.
"N..no..No no no no no". Matt kept shaking his head. "God no". Matt squeezed you close, refusing to accept what you said. Even if it was true, he didn't want to accept it.
Your lifeless body laid there in his arms. More tears dropped from Matt's face as I kept holding you..not letting go. He doesn't want to believe this. Matt closed his eyes and he  tried to block out everything he was feeling and he just held you..but it didn't work. Matt kept crying.
It had been an hour since Foggy had called asking to come by and when he got to the apartment he saw Matt on the ground holding your lifeless body.
"Matt"? Foggy couldn't believe what was right in front of him. Tears pricked his eyes. He was speechless. He had just called, how was this possible. You sounded fine on the phone call. 
Matt didn't hear him. He was completely and utterly consumed in his grief. When he heard his name..I felt an immense amount of sadness. Matt  opened his eyes to see Foggy in front of him, and Matt felt tears running down my face again as his chest began to drop. That was the final nail in the coffin.
"N..no". It became too much..Matt couldn't accept it. Foggy immediately called for an ambulance to take you away. 
"Matt get up". Foggy tried to pull Matt away from you, he couldn't stand the scene in front of him. He tried to stay strong for Matt as he held back his tears. In Matt's grief and sadness, he didn't stop him as Foggy started to pull him away. Matt let himself fall to the floor and his heart broke even more. He felt so crushed. He felt like I had lost everything.
"Foggy…she's g-gone". Foggy held Matt in his arms to try to comfort him as he saw you on the ground. "It's all gonna be okay". Matt started sobbing as he felt so much emotion. His heart was completely shattered, and he felt like his soul was being crushed. He held Foggy tightly in a hug as he continued to sob in desperation. 
The ambulance came to take your body away. When the ambulance came, Matt felt his heart drop. He didn't want to let you go...there had to be something he could do. He wouldn't give up. Matt wanted to stay with you, no matter what. He tried asking them to be let inside the ambulance. Matt even attempted to go in. He tried going into the ambulance but they told him they wouldn't allow him.
"No..please". Tears dropped from Matt's face as he watched them take you away from him. Foggy held him back to let them do their job since he tried to get into the ambulance, fighting with them. "Matt, we have to let her go".
"F..foggy why? Why"?! He cried into his shoulder in grief. There had to be something that could have saved you. Matt had never in his entire life had felt so weak and powerless. All because he had lost you. You were gone. 
"I'm sorry but it was her time to go Matt". 
Tears kept falling as Matt heard the ambulance drive away, taking you away from him. First he lost his dad, Stick and now you? Why? Wasn't he god's soldier? Hasn't he sacrificed so much already?
"It can't be the end for her..please don't tell me that". He felt like his heart was going to explode as so many different things were hitting. Matt felt so crushed and he wasn’t ready for this.
I'm so sorry Matt but it's real. S-she's gone and there's nothing we can do…look we have to plan a funeral for her….."
Matt's heart dropped even more when the reality finally set in. You were gone..and then he and Foggy had to plan your funeral. He felt even more sad. Matt closed his eyes as he felt more tears run down his face. Matt felt like the only one who could understand his pain was Frank. Who knew this could be so painful? Of course Matt lost many people in his life, but you, with you it was so much different. You were the reason Matt wanted to live, to keep on fighting his demons. 
"I...how?..this doesn't feel real". 
"It's real bud and I'm truly sorry, I know how much you loved her. Foggy hugged him tightly. He didn't know what to say anymore. His guard was crumbling slowly. He tried so hard to be strong for Matt but he couldn’t. 
"I don't know how I can live without her...everything I did was with her in mind. Everything I loved..she was a part of it. She was..she was my whole life..and she's gone. This..this isn't fair".
Foggy didn't know what to say except just to hold you. Matt was completely devastated.
"Please God..tell me this isn't real.Please tell me this is all a nightmare..that I'm going to wake up soon".
"I'm sorry Matt".
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jobrookekarev · 10 months
The Beating of Two Hearts
Chapter: One of Nine
Words: 1,984
Summary: Jo faints in the OR, sending Alex into a panic, but for the moment she and their unborn baby are alright. However her little cold masks something more. When she faints again Addison discovers Jo has an arrhythmia which leads to another, more difficult diagnosis. 
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson.
Characters: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson, Carina DeLuca, Luna Wilson, Helena Karev.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Drama, Domestic, Marriage, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Family, Happy Ending, Light Angst, Parenthood, Pregnancy, Children, Medical, Illness, Additional Tags to Be Added, 
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: And now we get to Jo's pregnancy with Karev baby #3! Rest assured I've already written and edited this entire story so updates will be weekly and punctual.
Alex was trying to concentrate. He had one shot at this and prepared himself as he watched the timer countdown. He only had a few seconds to do this so he knew he had to be perfect. He watched as the timer counted down, 3, 2, 1, go. He let the first pendulum swing then the second, but then he fumbled the third one. Two of the pendulums crashed together and he lost the game. Alex tried again, but with the same results, and groaned at his failures. 
This stupid game was getting the better of him. He was a surgeon, he was supposed to have quick fingers and know how to keep time. The fifteen-year-old nonbinary teen, Luca, in the bed next to him, giggled as Alex grumbled and tried again. This time he got all the swinging in time, and the fourth one went before the two collided and he lost again. Luca snorted but had the decency to cover their mouth.
Alex grunted as he handed the phone back to Luca. “Since when does Tic Tok have games anyway? I thought it was just like a dancing-storytelling version of Vine?” Alex asked as he crossed his arms.
“Oh please like you don't have a TikTok Dr. Alex,” Lucas said as they shook their head. “And it's a multi-purpose social media app. I even get news on here.” 
“Whatever,” Alex said as he waved it off. “Can I take a look at your scar now?”
“Yeah,” Luca said, rolling up their gown as Alex saw the scar on their side. 
The incision was healing nicely after the repair for blunt force trauma to their abdomen nearly ripped apart their liver. Although they had to take the right lobe out, the left lobe of the liver was recovering nicely and would regenerate the right lobe soon enough. Luca was healing up nicely, inside and out and they had gotten their strength and humor back. Link had worked with him in surgery as they reset the teen’s leg and grabbed the Doppler to check the blood flow, seeing that all was good.
“Well, I think we're on track to discharge you tomorrow and you can go home,” Alex said with a smile.
“Really?” Luca asked, perking up as they smiled.
“Yup, you should get out of here, it’s been long enough,” Alex said as he knew how much Luca wanted to go home and hated being away from friends and their mom. 
They had been airlifted here from Gold Bar after they were in a car crash with their father who was recovering in the general ward. Their mom worked and couldn’t make it in every day and their friends could only visit once. Alex had heard Owen's plan to discharge their father tomorrow and figured he’d see if Luca could go home as well.
Alex put the Doppler away as Luca pulled up tik tok on their phone again. “Wanna play again before you go and see if you can beat it?” 
Before Alex could say yes, the door swung open and one of the interns, Yasuda ran in. Alex turned, annoyed at how she had rushed in, but when he saw the look on her face he paused. It was a look of worry that meant someone he loved was hurt and his heart stopped. 
“Dr Karev, it's your wife.”
Alex raced down the hallway like an intern running after an incoming trauma. As soon as Yasuda said that Jo had fainted, he ran off to find her. He was desperate to get to his wife. He had to see if she and their baby were alright. He knew realistically that they would be, but he had to see it for himself.
He ran up to the maternity ward first, before running down to the ORs, knowing that was where they were coming from. He eventually found them as Carina was pushing Jo in a wheelchair with one of the newer OB interns beside her. Alex quickly raced up to them and they paused for a second as he finally reached her. Despite seeing her, there was still a tightness in his chest as he knelt in front of her. Jo gave him a tired smile, looking up from where she was holding her 26 week pregnant bump and an ice pack against her forehead. 
“I'm okay,” Jo promised, although she looked up at him with weary eyes. 
“Like hell you are,” Alex said, cupping her cheek with his hand and holding her bump with his other hand. “What happened? How did you hit your head? Are you dizzy? Did you throw up?”
“Hey,” Jo said, getting him to focus on her again as she looked into his eyes. “I'm fine. The baby’s fine, I promise.” 
Sill, Alex looked up at Carina who gave him a reassuring smile. “Rest assured Dr. Karev, Jo and your baby are alright. She was faint from standing for a long uterine abrasion surgery and she only hit her head on a tray as she was trying to get up on her own. Apart from a small bump on her head, she is fine.”
Alex nodded as Jo let him move the ice pack so he could see the small red mark on her hairline. “You're okay?”
“I’m okay,” Jo assured him with a smile, as much as she said she hated everyone fussing over her, she secretly loved to be taken care of by him, especially while pregnant. 
“I thought we said no fainting in ORs this time around,” Alex said with a slight smile despite his lingering worry. 
“I know,” Jo looked up at him with a matching small smile, and he could see fatigue in her eyes.
“Why don’t you take the rest of the day off and go home to rest,” Alex insisted as he took over punishing her wheelchair as they continued down the hallways again. 
“It’s already approved,” Carina agreed with a nod. 
“No,” Jo insisted as she looked up at them. 
Alex and Carina exchanged a look as both of them paused for a second before they both opened their mouths to protest. However, Jo quickly cut them off. 
“I’m fine, I promise and I’ll take it easy for the rest of the day,” Jo said as she looked at them insistently. “I'll take a break and go get something to eat and drink. I'll go visit the girls and then I'll do paperwork, nothing too strenuous.”
“Josephine, I don't think this is very wise,” Carina said, her eyebrows knitted together as she placed a hand on Jo’s shoulder. “And as your doctor and your superior, I am urging you to go home.”
“I don't want to go home and be bored for the next four hours until Alex and the girls get there,” Jo lamented with a frown.
“Jo please just take it easy, for your sake and the baby's sake!” Alex pleaded with her, getting mad that she would rather stress herself out than relax at home.
“The baby and I are fine!” Jo said as she went to get up, despite both of their protests as they tried to keep her seated and she managed to stand up strong. “I am fine.”
Jo walked away from them and Alex let out a deep sigh. He pinched his nose as Carina just shook her head and put her hand on her hips. They never understood why she did this. He knew she hated being lonely, and her anxiety rose especially while pregnant, but this was beyond that.
“I’ll at least keep an eye on her and make sure she does desk work, checking in patients, calls, and chart work, but no work on any active labors or C-sections,” Carina said as she shrugged, they both knew by now that Jo would still try and deliver babies. It was what she lived for.
“I'll stay with her for now and if she gets faint again, I'll take her home,” Alex nodded as Carina agreed with their plan. 
Carina went back down the hall to the OR to finish the surgery while Alex looked back to Jo. She was walking away and he had to jog to catch up with her. When he did, he put a hand on her back as he fell in step with her. Jo smiled at him, as she knew she had won. 
They both took a lunch and went down to the cafeteria. They got something to eat and drink as she rested with her feet up on an extra chair. He watched her closely, but she seemed alright and was even eager to chase the girls around. They pulled them out of daycare for a bit as they got some cuddles and hung out in Alex’s office before they took them back.
After they said goodbye to the girls, they walked back up to the maternity ward. Carina was waiting for her and Jo sat down in a chair at the nurse's station. Carina presented her with a stack of charts to work on and Jo scowled at the tower of paperwork she had. 
“You could always just go home?” Alex said, looking down at her as he leaned on the counter. 
“No, I’m good,” Jo said as she plastered on a smile, opened the first file, and logged into the computer
“Alright,” Alex as he stood there a little longer, wishing for an excuse to stay. 
Jo glanced over at him with a light glare, telling him to go. His phone dinged and Alex pulled it out as he sighed. He was being paged to the ER for a consult but looked back at his pregnant wife. 
“Go, I'll be fine,” Jo said again with a light smile.
He almost believed her, but there was something inside of him that told him he needed to worry about her. Still, he looked down at the page and knew that he had to go. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. Jo smiled before she reached up to grasp his chin as she turned to kiss his lips.
“Promise me, you’ll page me if you even feel the slightest bit sick,” Alex insisted as he watched her.
“I promise,” Jo said and he knew she was resisting the urge to roll her eyes. “But don't worry I'm in good hands.” 
Jo looked back at the nurses who all smiled back at her and nodded, reassuring him. If he couldn’t look after her, the nurses were the second best thing. 
“Alright, I'll see you later,” Alex said as he reluctantly turned around and walked away. 
Later that afternoon Alex walked back to the Maternity ward and saw Jo standing at the nurse's station. He couldn't shake the feeling of worry he had for her and decided to take an extra break to go check on her. Although he had heard from the nurses that she was fine and grumbling about the paperwork. 
When he spotted her, Jo was speaking to a few of the new interns and the nurses. Alex smiled as he approached her. At 26 weeks pregnant, Jo had a sizable bump under her black scrub shirt, and he loved admiring it. She had both of her hands on her back, rubbing in small circles and he reached out to rub her back for her. As Alex put his hand on her back, Jo looked up at him with hazy eyes and leaned into him as she began to waver. 
“Jo, Jo,” Alex said as her eyes fluttered shut and he quickly wrapped his arms around her and held her.
“I'm fine, I didn’t pass out,” Jo said, putting a hand on her head as she took a few deep breaths. “I'm just a little light headed.”
“Get me a chair!” Alex yelled at them as they all jumped into action. 
The intern quickly turned and scrambled around as they tried to grab one of the chairs that were connected to a line of other chairs from the waiting room. The nurses were smarter and quickly gave him the rolling chair from behind the desk and helped him ease Jo into it.
Alex pulled out his stethoscope and gave her a once-over. Her heart sounded fine, her lungs sounded good too. But as he put his hand on her forehead, she felt hot. 
“Is there anything I can get you, Dr. Karev?” One of the interns asked.
“No, now scram,” Alex said, knowing Jo didn’t like a crowd fussing over her and they all quickly left them alone.
“I hate this,” Jo said, rubbing her forehead.
“I know,” Alex gave her a sad smile as he knelt down in front of her and reached up to cup her cheek. “What's going on Jo?” 
“I'm not feeling so good,” Jo admitted with a sigh. “I think I'm coming down with a cold or something.”
“Why didn’t you tell me or Carina?”
“I didn't want you to worry, I'm sorry,” Jo said as she frowned and tears sprung in her eyes.
“I’m always going to worry about you, but if I know what's going on then I can help you,” Alex said as he rubbed her cheek with his thumb.
“I know,” Jo cried as she covered her face with her hand. “It just makes me feel like I can't do my job or anything and I didn’t want to be admitted like last time where everyone was there and they all found out I was pregnant. It was fun to celebrate it, but I hated being fussed over.” 
“I know you hate it, but you need to be fussed over because you’re not feeling well. You're clearly running a fever and I know you're tired. And don't pretend that you don't have a runny nose, because I know you have tissues stuffed in your pockets.”
“My throat hurts too,” Jo admitted as her voice started to sound a little horse.
“I’m sorry, Jo,” Alex said with a sigh as he frowned. 
Now that she was in the second trimester her pregnancy symptoms had eased up. However it came with new symptoms, she still had insomnia and she struggled to sleep. This often left her tired and in need of a daily nap alongside their toddlers. She was also dealing with heartburn and round ligament pain. Now that she was sick he couldn’t imagine how much worse she felt.
“Come on, let's go home,” Alex said, putting his arm around her as he helped her up. 
“Okay,” Jo said as for once she didn't protest and leaned into him.
“Thank you,” Alex said as he reached around to hold her bump and they walked together towards the resident’s lounge.
“Will you make me mac and cheese for dinner?” Jo asked, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
“Of course,” Alex agreed, despite how they’d had twice in the past week he knew the girls loved it just like their Mama. 
“Thank you,” Jo said as she leaned in and kissed his cheek and he tried not to blush at her affection.
Jo did as she was told, for once, and went home. They let Carina and Hayes know they were leaving and Alex took a bit of work home with him. Then they went and got the girls from daycare and headed home. When they got there, her nose started running even more and she opened up the cough drops. He took her temperature and she was 100.9° F.  Alex just raised an eyebrow at her as Jo ignored his eyes. She did stay home the next day and the day after that. After a few days in bed, Jo recovered from her cold. Then she was back to her usual self, even her pregnancy symptoms eased up, and Alex’s worry disappeared… 
Until a week later.
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capricornwriter5 · 1 year
OUR SEESAW - Chapter 17
Pairing: Min Yoongi x female OC
Genre: idol au, Suga X female OC, smut, fluff, angst, college romance, friends to lovers, exes to lovers, happy ending. ⚠️Warning: mentions of mental health affections, drugs, explicit sex
Words: 3k
➳ Prev. Chapter
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Chapter 17 - Yet to Come
During the first seven days, Emmy and Yoongi received a lot of medical support, as those would be the most critical days. Although the girl suffered from nausea, headaches, sweating, and shivering caused by the drugs, she turned out to be extraordinarily strong against the craving to consume. Every time she felt that she wanted to quit because of how ill she felt, she thought about the type of life she wanted to achieve and moved on.
The few times Yoongi saw her seriously doubting, he would take her to the piano and help her think only about the music.
He also helped her with two other symptoms that, without Yoongi, would have cost her a lot: poor appetite and insomnia. Yet, when Yoongi's help truly became vital was after the detox. It was thanks to him that depression didn't sink its claws into Emmy, and it was also thanks to Yoongi that anxiety lost its grip. The boy never left her alone, never allowing there to be a moment during the day when Emmy could break down. They both knew that it would be a long process and that in the future there would be more difficult days than others, but at least those first few days, Yoongi carried that weight like no other person would have done.
Perhaps because of the same dedication and kindness that Yoongi put into it, Emmy made an effort to stay as calm as possible and not make Yoongi have to live a nightmare next to her. Of course, there were times when Emmy cried and even argued with him, but things never got out of hand.
In addition to having been consuming different drugs for so long, the girl's body did not take the detoxification so well and she needed almost the entire month of medication. Therefore, she fell far behind in her classes and the truth was that she had no motivation to resume her courses.
Yoongi, on the other hand, hadn't enrolled in that many classes; besides, they were very simple for him being the musical genius that he was, so he had no problem. Additionally to the situation with Emmy, Yoongi also had his mother's, and he needed to keep an eye on it. Added to that, his bosses on his radio weren't the most understanding people, not even taking into account that Yoongi was using his vacation, he wasn't asking them for any favors. This did not matter to them, and they ended up firing him. Fortunately, his job at the restaurant was not in danger, and he was able to continue composing music for some groups.
He tried to hide what had happened on the radio from Emmy so as not to worry her more, but the truth was that he was terrible at lying or hiding things, so Emmy found out the same day. Contrary to what she would have done at any other time in her life, Emmy didn't say anything to him, instead she quickly thought about how to help him.
They were preparing breakfast together when Emmy took advantage of her boyfriend being distracted, she told him that they would have visitors at night.
“Did you invite Hobi and Woosung?”
"No, I want you to meet someone." With that answer, Yoongi turned around waiting for more details. "It's a surprise, but you'll like it, I promise."
“Freckles, are you sure you want to have guests? You could barely sleep yesterday because of the dizziness."
"Baby, calm down." She responded by laughing and leaning in to kiss his forehead. "I feel okay, and I really want you to meet this man."
“Hmm… should I be worried? I've never seen you so excited for another man.” Yoongi's claim, accompanied by his crossed arms and his whiny tone made Emmy laugh.
"The only man you should worry about is Jin, he texts me ALL day to ask about you."
"Aren't you going to tell me who he is? Does he cook better than me? Is he more handsome than me?" The girl chose to ignore him and continue making breakfast, but when Yoongi activated his jealous mode, there was no way to make him stop. "Emmy!"
"I'm sorry, baby, I can't hear you."
"Are you seriously going to turn on the music while I'm talking?" He asked more than offended to see that the girl was already turning on the speakers. “Can you at least tell me if he's funnier than me? Okay, don't tell me anything, I'm going to go buy some carrots for breakfast."
“Are you going out wearing your pajamas? You're not even wearing a shirt and look at your hair!"
Looking at the shirt he was going to wear, Emmy couldn't help but hide a mischievous laugh. She wasn't going to tell him anything, but her boyfriend noticed her wicked smile and insisted that she tell him what was so funny.
“Do you remember that a few days ago I tried to do laundry? Well... that t-shirt was on my first failed attempt. I mixed it with my colored shirts and well… look at its back.”
"You gotta be kidding me... Freckles!" He exclaimed looking in the mirror and noticing a huge pink spot on the back of the t-shirt. “We studied for a whole week how to wash clothes, I even left you post-its next to the washing machine on how to do it. You don't listen to me because you think it's funny, right?"
"I don't listen to you because I prefer to see you, you're very cute."
"I'm leaving," He said, looking exactly like a bitter cat. "And I'm not just going to buy carrots, I'm going to bring more Post-its."
Of course, it was all a lie, Yoongi hated leaving her alone and if he had to do the shopping, they usually went together. They looked extremely adorable not only because they were always holding hands, but also because Yoongi didn't take his eyes off her, making sure she felt well and that she didn't need anything. He hadn't even made it to the door before he had already turned grumbling back to continue with breakfast.
He couldn't even imagine how his life would change with that night's visit.
Finally, night came, at 7 o'clock someone knocked on the door and it was Emmy who opened it. Yoongi nearly fell off the couch when he saw who came in. He was an old man with a friendly smile that made him seem younger than he was. He was a well-known producer, his tremendous talent led him to work for renowned artists and even win several awards for his work. Yoongi knew that his girlfriend knew famous people, but not even in his wildest dream would he have expected to see him there.
That night, Emmy could not stop staring at his musician. He looked so excited talking to the producer that he looked like a little kid.
“I was a bit surprised that Emmy invited me to come today, not because of the invitation, but because she was especially insistent that if I came, I'd meet an exceptional musician.” Commented the producer.
"Oh! Well, I…”
"Come on Yoongs, don't be shy, you are very good," Emmy said making him laugh shyly.
“If you don't mind sharing your music with a stranger, you could send me some of what you've created. I recently ran out of an assistant and I need one. Also, if you are recommended by Emmy, I'm sure you'll do your job well.”
"Are you serious?" Yoongi asked.
"You couldn't have asked him at a better time, Yoongi just quit, I think he has some free time." Emmy winked at her boyfriend, letting him speechless, he had no idea she already knew about that.
"I'd love to! But right now… ”Yoongi immediately looked at her, not even with a proposal like that he would leave her alone; yet, his girlfriend did not let him speak; instead, she got closer and gave a peck on his cheek.
"It's a great opportunity. Don't doubt it."
Seeing the hesitation on Yoongi's face, the producer continued talking.
“I was living in Japan, in fact, I came to visit these days. I still need to go back and finish getting some things ready before I move back to Korea. Take some time to think about this, and if you decide to accept, we can start as soon as I'm here. In the meantime, you can send me a few things to know a little more about your style.” Yoongi couldn't believe that was happening and feeling the greatest of illusions, he accepted the offer.
With dinner almost over, Yoongi noticed how his girlfriend massaged her temple a couple of times and put aside the glasses she wore when she was at home. After that time living together, plus the one they had already known each other, Yoongi knew many of her gestures and that was a typical one of hers when the headache attacked her, especially during the last month.
Fortunately, the producer left and as soon as the couple was alone, Yoongi and Emmy were able to rest in the living room. After so much time together, they both already had their favorite place in those huge armchairs, and they used them so much that they already had their figures marked. Yoongi would always lean back on the arm of the chair with Emmy nestled snugly on his chest.
"How do you feel, dear?"
“It's just a tiny headache, it doesn't matter. What's very important is that you'll have a new job and in something that you are passionate about! You'll be one step closer to your dream.” Yoongi smiled for only a few moments because delicately, he made Emmy lie down in such a way that he could see her eyes.
"Again you did something for me that I've no way to thank you, freckles."
“Yoongs, you have nothing to thank me for. Besides, I didn't do much, I just introduced you to a friend.”
“I promise you that I won't miss this opportunity and I'll make you proud of me.”
"I already am." The answer came accompanied by a kiss on Yoongi's lips. But to the musician's surprise, he felt how his girlfriend pull a lock of his hair hard enough so that it did not go unnoticed. “That was for hiding from me that you'd been fired.”
"I can take it, I think I deserve it." Said Yoongi trying to assume a serious and honorable behavior, but he only managed to make her girlfriend laugh
“You have to promise me that when you are a famous producer, you'll always leave me a place where I can sit and watch you work for hours.”
“A place where I can also take breaks and nap with you? Sounds like an excellent idea. But what about you? What will happen to me when you become the best pianist of all?"
“Yoongs, you know that…”
“Don't tell me you're going to forget about me.”
Yoongi was about to make all the drama, but Emmy shut him up with a promise. “I promise you two things. The first is that you'll always have a seat in all my presentations, and the second is that I'll always leave a space next to me so that you can sit down and play with me whenever you want.”
“So no collaborations with other artists, I mean… no one else can sit in my place.” Yoongi said making Emmy laugh even more.
“There'll be collaborations! Now, someone taking your place... never. But since you're so jealous today, I think I'll put a condition on that space next to me. If you use it, you must kiss me."
"In front of the audience?" He asked widening his eyes. "I always knew you were a flasher…” He said crossing his arms and shaking his head negatively. "Okay, I accept it. But if you want to use that place that I will also save for you, from time to time you have to get up and hug me."
"Oh my god! Nobody would believe how spoiled you are! I love you!" Yoongi could barely breathe among so many kisses and hugs. "Of course I will, Yoongs, and I'll hug you even tighter if there's a girl near you."
The next day everything went normally. Yoongi and Emmy had shared hours together until the girl decided to play the piano while her boyfriend practiced on the guitar. At times they were both distracted because as much as they loved music and their instruments, when they realized who they had next to them they couldn't help but smile lovely at each other. Most of the time Emmy would go up to the musician and steal a kiss, eliciting adorable shy giggles from Yoongi.
However, with dinner almost ready, Yoongi put her guitar aside, and approaching quietly, he hugged his girlfriend from behind. Leaning forward a bit, Yoongi intertwined his fingers with Emmy's over the piano keys, and before the girl could say anything, he spoke in his raspy voice.
"Come with me, let's take a bath."
Without wasting a second, Emmy got up and went upstairs with Yoongi. She hadn't realized when he had filled the tub, much less did she know when he lit the candles, or when he brought up tangerines for both of them.
As soon as they entered the tub, Yoongi received his girlfriend in his arms, who snuggled up at the same time that she closed her eyes and felt Yoongi's hands spreading the foam over her thighs, abdomen, arms, and legs.
For a few moments, the musician did nothing more than caress the body of his girl.
Emmy had not been on her best days, either because of the medications or because of the anxiety of being in a period of total abstinence, her body sometimes suffered it. Yoongi knew better than anyone when she wasn't feeling well, when she was struggling to hold her own, and when she felt a little better.
For that same reason, during that month they had not had sex, and the girl's physical activity had considerably dropped. However, she was beginning to feel better and Yoongi was already seeing some changes.
“Yoongs, I miss making love to you. I'm sorry, I know it's very boring having to take care of me all day."
“Taking care of you is everything but boring. Actually, I love taking care of you, I want to do it forever." He responded wholeheartedly. “Besides, I'm not going anywhere, and I won't let you either. We have all the time to have sex. For now, let's focus on you being okay."
"Well... I felt pretty good today." She responded by turning a little to look at him and raising her eyebrows.
"That's great, my love."
"Don't look at me like that, you're not going to convince me."
"But Yoongs! Don't you miss me?"
"Freckles, are you serious?" He asked her with an indignant tone, and even more so when he saw that Emmy nodded in agreement. "Precious, I've been drooling over you since I met you, if you didn't see me as a total pervert, I could tell you everything I thought every night after our lessons."
"Well... If you insist that nothing happens today, you could tell me."
After a deep sigh that in the end sounded more like a moan, Yoongi closed his eyes for a moment and remembered those first piano lessons with Emmy at his house. As soon as he opened her eyes, Emmy noticed a leer and sinful smile.
"Yoongi, tell me! What did you think after our classes?"
“You have a curious way of looking at the sheet music. Even though they are close to you, you always lean forward and fold your arms together while reading. Such a spectacular sight.” He said biting his lip and getting dangerously close to his girlfriend until they both brushed against each other's lips. “I thought about how fucking your tits and coming all over them would feel. I thought about it many times, luckily I already know how it feels."
"How wrong I was when I thought you were a professional teacher who only thought of teaching me!"
"Oh! Very wrong, Emmy." He whispered, biting his lower lip, “I did think about teaching you, but about how to ride my cock all night. Yet, it turned out that you knew exactly how to do it, even better than I expected. Also, in the end, you certainly knew how to trap my cock inside your mouth. Because yes... I thought so too, every time you bit or licked your lips in front of me I thought so. And I knew you were doing it intentionally, you also wanted me to make you scream my name." Seducing her better than anyone, Yoongi caressed his girl's thigh and grinned as he felt her skin crawl under his touch.
“Do you know what else I thought every time you left my house?” He asked this time spreading kisses around Emmy's neck until he finally caught the girl's earlobe with his teeth. “How wet you had to come home every time you were alone with me. You touched yourself thinking of me, right?" He asked without moving away from her ear, and when he sensed her nodding, he smiled even more. “Hmm, how many nights without being able to sleep thinking about the sound of your fingers going in and out of your body thinking about me. But, precious, I assure you that was not what I thought about the most. Not even all the times I made a mess in my bed thinking about fucking you from behind and looking at your ass while I did it, or how much I wanted to see you on your knees can be compared to how hard I got thinking about eating you until I saw you shaking from so many orgasms. There was nothing I craved more than to use my tongue on you, to be able to taste you."
Yoongi chuckled as he took his girlfriend's chin to look at him and was able to see what he had done to her. Emmy couldn't even speak.
"What's up, dear? You asked me to tell you and believe me, I was a gentleman." He said without losing his smile before kissing her cheek.
"You always get what you want, right?" Again, the boy closed his eyes and moaned deeply. However, this time he took the girl's hand and placed it on his crotch, letting her feel how hard he had got just from having that conversation.
"Yoongi, you can't just tell me all this and pretend nothing happens."
"Not until the doctor says you're okay, precious."
"But I'm fine!"
"You're aroused, that doesn't mean you're fully recovered." He said laughing.
"You're such a teaser, I hate you!"
"I love you freckles." He responded by stealing a kiss on her lips.
“Yoongi, I felt your boner! Are you telling me that you can just ignore it?"
"Oh no... there's no way I'm going to ignore it, believe me." He winked at her and leaned back in the tub, bringing his girlfriend with him.
"You said you'd do anything for me."
"I will" he replied without any doubt.
“I want to hear and see you when you touch yourself. Do it here, by my side."
Opening his eyes again, Yoongi raised his eyebrow and showed her one of those smirks that would kill anyone, especially since he sensually licked his lips.
“As you wish, my love, just come closer, I want to feel you.”
The guttural sounds that came out of the musician's mouth every time he stroked his cock in his hands were so addictive that she felt that her head and her whole body were going to explode from the need to hear more. Yoongi was being more vocal and expressive than usual that night. The handsome musician not only moaned in her ear, but he grinned at her every time he looked at her, he wanted to make it very clear that only she could provoke him that much. After a while, unable to resist anymore, Yoongi brought her closer, placing his hand behind his girlfriend's neck, and as soon as he began to kiss her, he looked for Emmy's hand under the water so that she could feel when he came, caused by the kiss.
Shaken, dying from the heat, but more than satisfied, the musician opened his eyes again and smiled at his girl, who was still in shock at how sensual it had been to have Yoongi touching himself next to her.
"I'm going to make it up to you. As soon as the doctor tells you you're fully recovered, ohh… freckles..." He said licking her neck. "I'll do to you everything I didn't dare to say today."
➳ Next Chapter: soon
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
@dreamwatch I am answering your ask here so I can hide it under the cut!
METAMORPHOSES spoilers ahead for anyone not caught up/ who cares about that sort of thing fjdaksljf
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first of all thank you so much for not just reading my little universe but for thinking about it enough to have such an interesting question I am beside myself a little bit maybe!!
second of all, you're exactly right! his transformations didn't make themselves known for so long because he was so scared of what he'd already done/ what he'd been as Kas that he kept all of it on just. a painfully tight mental and physical lock. our boy was so tense, created so many rules for himself in how he interacted with the world that his body would fully freeze sometimes to keep from transforming without his permission.
which makes your question so interesting because you know what? I hadn't thought about how being sick or incapacitated would affect that!! but I sure am right now!!
because the thing is, Eddie doesn't let go of control entirely even once he knows what's up, right? he learns how to manage this part of himself in a healthy way by allowing it freedom and in the process comes to actually identify with the whole of himself rather than "Eddie" and "The Thing Eddie Sometimes Is" which is to say that the Snakes of it all would probably react to illness much the same way they react to Eddie's episode in chapter 10 when he gets triggered by the lights.
Eddie's brain and heart and soul know that he is at his most protected with all his pointy bits on display, he's the least mess-with-able when he has his powers at full volume so to speak, so if he's sick or hurt enough to be stuck in bed, then he's physically vulnerable enough to slip into a form that feels safer, I think.
The snakes are protective, they snap at Owens because he isn't safe and drift towards Steve and Wayne because they are, and if Eddie is laid out in bed not wanting to be touched then god help the person who tries to cross that boundary close enough to those sharp little rows of teeth, you know fjkasdlfj
which of course brings up the issue of "what if he shifts in public on accident" and our boy has a nifty little ability to tell someone "forget you ever saw that" and have it stick for real so good for him but trust that he'd have to immediately be talked down from taking that free spare identity hopper and murray have waiting for him too because HE'S STILL EDDIE AT THE END OF THE DAY FLAWS AND ALL.
anyways this is such a rambly response to your question and I hope I answered it somewhere in there, but now I want to write about Eddie being grumpy and sick with a bunch of stuffy-nosed snakes growing out of his head because there is something so hilarious and endearing about that. you're making me want to write FLUFF who AM I
thank you for your question I could obviously talk about this universe for a thousand years but I'll refrain have a lovely evening!! 💚🐍
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440mxs-wife · 1 year
Mail Order Bride, Part 4: Wedding Night
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Pairing: Sheriff!McCoy x Paige Stone (OFC). Other characters: Thomas Morgan (OMC, mentioned)
Word Count: 5155
General warnings:  As the title implies, mail-order bride arrangement, parent’s illness, outlaws, overprotective sister, Wild West-level violence but some fluff as well. Each chapter will have individual warnings as needed.
Chapter warning: Slightly NSFW (16+ only) Paige’s first time, body-image/insecurity, unprotected p in v sex, Leonard is an awesome husband
A/N: This is set around the 1930′s in the Western U.S. I will endeavor to remain as true to the historical timeline as I can. There may be some....bending of history to fit the narrative, but nothing major. This is, after all, a work of fiction. :) Enjoy and please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
A/N 2: This is somewhat of a “filler” chapter, in that it is entirely about the wedding night activities. Now that I’ve crossed this hurdle, the story can get moving once again. But, if you aren’t comfortable with the subject, you can skip it and it won’t detract from the story as I post more chapters.
As always, thank you for reading. Enjoy!
"Welcome home, Mrs. McCoy," he remarked.
Before entering their home, Leonard had scooped Paige up into his arms to carry her across the threshold. Just as the newlyweds stepped through the doorway, Paige meshed her lips with Leonard's in a passionate, lingering kiss. He could taste the sweetness of the wedding cake they'd consumed earlier in the evening. She detected a hint of the bourbon he'd sipped during the toast to their nuptials.
"Leonard," Paige sighed, and he hummed in response. "Don't you think you oughta put me down now?" she asked.
Leonard pulled back to gaze lovingly at his new wife. "Never, darlin'," he grinned. "I gotcha right where I want ya, and that's here in my arms, always," he smirked as he peppered her face with kisses.
Paige squirmed in his hold, giggling at his playfulness. This side of him was her favorite, the one who smiled the easiest, who wasn't burdened by the gravity and importance of his profession. Although, she wondered which side was in charge of him when he agreed to marry her and take over the contract and send the money to her family. That's a problem for another day, Paige thought. This is my wedding day and wedding night, so I'm going to enjoy it.
Leonard studied the facial expressions as they flitted across his new bride's face. Though he'd only known her for just over a week, he had learned some of her tells. Right now, Leonard was certain she'd had something on her mind, but she'd chosen to dismiss it for the time being. We have a whole lifetime to figure each other out. I only hope I can make her as happy as she's already made me, he thought with a soft smile.
Paige placed her hand alongside her new husband's cheek, gently grazing his face with her thumb. "What're you thinking about, Leonard?" she wondered.
Without breaking eye contact with Paige, Leonard bypassed the question as he pressed a kiss to her palm and heard the hitch in her breathing. "You like that, sugar?" he murmured and watched Paige slowly nod her head. "Trust me, this is only the beginnin'. And I can't wait to kiss your silky skin all over and mark you as mine," he whispered.
Paige let out a shuddering breath at the thought of Leonard seeing the parts of her body she was so used to keeping covered up. Tendrils of doubt began to creep in and threatened to burst the bubble of bliss they were in as they inched closer to the wedding night activities. Will he like what he sees? How does my body look compared to other women, to his ex-wife, Jocelyn? What if he's completely disgusted by my body? These and other thoughts were among the ones raging through her head at the moment.
Leonard sensed a shift in Paige the moment he talked about more intimate matters between them. "Paige? Sweetheart, are you all right?" he asked.
Paige dropped her hand and her gaze from Leonard's face. "I'm fine, Leonard," she replied. "It's been a long but wonderful day. I think it's all catching up with me, that's all," she explained.
Leonard carefully released Paige from his hold and placed her feet on the floor. He hooked his index finger under her chin, tilted it up and held it until Paige's eyes finally met his. "Now, sugar, we may have only been married for a matter of hours, but I can tell somethin's botherin' you. Whatever it is, I promise, you can tell me," he added.
Paige took a deep breath before answering as she tried to stave off the sting of tears. "What if...." she started then looked away, twisting her hands together. Leonard waited patiently for her to continue, which she did after another stabilizing breath. "I know you've been married before, and probably courted others before that, so....what if you don't like what you see? Of me," she finished.
Leonard's heart nearly broke at how small Paige sounded, at the thought that he would ever reject her. If she only knew how many of the past few nights he had laid awake, thinking of her just down the hall. How soft her skin would be under his rough, calloused hands. He couldn't wait to breathe in the scent of her perfume as his lips traced a path, mapping every part of her body. From her lips to her neck, upon her collarbone, right over her heart, across her stomach, down her thighs, all the way to the tips of her toes.
As much as he desired her, craved being close to her in that way, he was determined to let Paige set the pace. If the farthest she wanted to go tonight was to sleep in the same bed and for them to hold each other, then that's what would happen. Leonard's main concern was to make sure Paige felt safe with him. He wanted her to feel secure enough to explore certain avenues of intimacy without fear of rejection.
"Oh my darling wife," Leonard murmured. "You have no idea how utterly enticing you are to me. From your eyes that saw past a gruff, sarcastic sheriff and that light up whenever I enter the room. To your hands that have done so much to make this house a home for us. These same hands are the ones I long to hold and have exploring every inch of me. And your lips....oh, sweetheart, this is where I can't even begin to describe the effect your lips have on me. I can't wait to show you all that I can do to you with my lips. My imagination is running wild thinking of how it will feel when you do the same for me," he remarked.
Paige had been letting Leonard take the lead in their brief courtship, because that's how she was raised, that the man was in charge. Over and over, Leonard proved to her otherwise, with his thoughts on their marriage being more of a partnership. He was the more experienced partner, and yet he was willing to let her control their path to intimacy. Anything that happened was going to do so on her timetable, which gave her a sense of empowerment she'd never had before.
She didn't know if what else she was feeling for Leonard could be called "love" at this point. There was so much more to learn about him, parts she couldn't wait to explore. She was certain that whatever the sentiment, it was considerably more than what she'd felt for that boy back home. Paige had grown up with her former beau, Thomas Morgan, and been friends since they were in grade school. However, in the end, he chose another. Leonard was a loyal, trustworthy, patient and honorable man. And she couldn't help but be physically attracted to him.
Paige rose up on her toes and surged forward, crashing her lips to Leonard's, knocking him half a step back in astonishment. He quickly recovered as his hands instinctively flew to her waist, tugging her body so that it was flush with his. A moan of pleasure escaped from Paige but it was quickly swallowed by Leonard's mouth as his hands roamed up and down her back. Her hands cradled Leonard's neck and her fingertips teased the hairs at the base of his neck, while her thumbs caressed his jawline.
Leonard decided to test the waters with his new wife by deepening the kiss. His tongue darted out to trace the seam of Paige's lips, which caused her to gasp in shock. He took advantage of her surprise and slid his tongue into the wet, heated cavern of her mouth. At first, her tongue was unmoving, almost rigid, but Leonard persisted. When her tongue slipped over into his mouth to explore, a groan of pleasure rumbled through his chest. The sound seemed to have emboldened Paige, because her kisses grew more heated, and her grip on his hair tightened.
As eager as he was to continue, Leonard was bound by his unspoken promise to let Paige lead. He gently pulled his lips from hers and reached up to tenderly cup her cheek with his large, capable hand. At the separation, a flicker of uncertainty crossed Paige's sweet face as she met his eyes. "Leonard? I-is everything okay? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, I've never--"
Leonard rushed to reassure Paige. "Darlin', you did nothing wrong, not at all. I loved every second of what just happened," he replied softly. "I know I may have given you a little nudge into some new territory, but I gotta tell ya sweet girl--everything about that was perfect," he affirmed. "I only wanted to make sure you were still on board with how things were moving. Are you okay?"
Paige nodded then smiled shyly and her cheeks grew rosy at his praise. Her confidence growing, she slid her hands up the back of his head and around to the brim of his hat. "Do you s'pose maybe we could take this hat off?" she asked breathily. Without waiting for his answer, she lifted the hat from his head and carefully set it in the chair next to her.
When she met with no resistance from Leonard, she took it another step. At the thought that he may want to undress her at some point, she felt a little dampness down below. "Maybe loosen up this tie a little," she suggested. Her fingertips danced across his neck until they were poised beneath his Adam's apple. Paige slowly worked at the knot until it released, then she pulled one end of his tie until it completely slipped out from under his collar.
Leonard marveled at the change he was seeing in Paige after such a short time. He wanted to see how far she would go at undressing him before allowing him to return the favor. He watched as her nimble fingers unbuttoned his jacket next, then her hands blazed a path up his broad chest. When the tips of her nails grazed his peaked nipples, it sent a shudder through his body as he moaned at the sensation.
Paige's eyes flew up to his to check that she didn't hurt him, but the look on Leonard's face showed anything but pain. She wasn't sure what caused his reaction, so instead of taking off his jacket, her hands traveled up his sides, along his rib cage. When they moved back over his nipples again, he groaned louder at the pleasurable sensation.
Realization dawned on Paige that if Leonard was sensitive there, what would it be like when he touched her in the same place? Her breasts were of an average size, nothing she considered remarkable, but larger than Leonard's pecs were. Suddenly, she was aching to find out how it would feel to have his hands on any part of her breasts for any amount of time. The thoughts only added to the wetness in her panties, which she was sure were nearly soaked.
"Not nice to tease, darlin'," Leonard playfully warned. He captured her hands by the wrists and kissed each fingertip, one by one. Then he positioned her palms on his upper chest, just under his jacket and watched as she pushed it off of his shoulders. She caught it behind his back and carefully draped it across the back of the chair where she'd deposited his hat.
"Not teasin', just uncovering you, layer by layer," Paige replied. "Help me with my boots, Len?"
"Of course, sweetheart," he responded. Leonard dropped to his knees in front of his wife and placed Paige's hands on his shoulders. Then he lifted her left foot to remove her boot, repeating the motion for her right foot. Before he stood up, he ran his hands up and down the lower half of her legs eventually, stopping at the knee. His nose was at the same height as her center and when he inhaled deeply, he could smell the sweet scent of her arousal.
"May-maybe we should go to the bedroom?" Paige suggested.
Leonard caught her hands in his. "We can do that, but we don't have to do anything you don't want to do, sugar. If all you want to do tonight is fall asleep in each other's arms, that's all right with me, I promise I won't be upset. I'm not gonna lie though, I've been looking forward to this night all week, but it's about what you want, what you're comfortable with," he affirmed. "I just want to make you feel good, darlin'."
"I do feel good with everything we've done so far, but I know there's more. I feel safe with you. Cherished, respected even. I want....I want you to show me, Leonard. Will you show me more? Please?" she whispered.
Her soft plea was enough for him. Leonard scooped Paige back up into his arms and she wrapped hers around his neck for the short trip from the living room to the bedroom. Once inside, he lowered her feet to the ground so that she stood before him. Her face was turned upward, searching for and was granted eye contact with him. His hand cupped her cheek, the pad of his thumb gently stroking her skin. "We can stop any time you want. Any time, no matter what, and I won't be angry. Okay?" he murmured.
Paige nodded. "Words, baby. I need you to tell me you want this," he insisted.
"I want this Leonard, want you," Paige confirmed. "Make me yours," she begged him.
Still holding her hands, Leonard started walking backwards towards the bed, gently tugging Paige with him. When the backs of his legs hit the mattress, he untucked his shirt from his trousers then sat down and released her hands. He bent down so that he could remove his boots and socks.
Paige took a half step back to give him more room, and when he was done, she moved closer to him. She placed her hands on his cheeks and tilted his head up to meet her gaze. Slowly she threaded her fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp and his eyes drifted closed. She smiled at the hum of contentment emanating from her husband. When he nuzzled his nose into her midsection, she giggled.
Leonard lifted his eyes but rested his chin on her tummy. To Leonard, her laughter was the sweetest sound in the world, one he'd never tire of hearing. Paige's nimble fingers started to unfasten the buttons of his shirt. As his shirt was pushed from his broad shoulders, his eyes drifted to the left side of her dress and the row of buttons concealing the zipper. He kept her gaze until he heard her say, "yes" ever so softly in permission.
Rising to his feet, Leonard pivoted around Paige until he was standing behind her. His right hand settled at her waist, while his left hand glided over her curves to the bottom button. One by one, Leonard worked at unfastening each of the twelve satin-covered buttons. At the top, he slowly and carefully pulled down the zipper, thus loosening the dress that was previously clinging to Paige's curves.
Leonard's hands left her waist and ghosted a path up her sides, cupping the undersides of her breasts. His thumbs gently grazed her already pert nipples. It caused her to nearly double over and drew a cry of ecstasy from her at the unexpected but not unwelcome sensation. "Are you okay?" he asked.
"'M fine, didn't expect that, is all. It was....an amazing feeling," Paige whispered.
"Oh, we're just getting started, sugar. Relax baby, I've got you. Gonna take good care of you," Leonard murmured in the delicate shell of her ear. His hands rubbed up and down Paige's arms, then settled on her shoulders. His thumbs hooked under the lace of her dress and lazily eased it off of her shoulders.
Leonard started leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses on the newly exposed surface. He lightly nipped the area where Paige's neck met her collarbone before sucking his mark onto her skin. He softly blew across the moistened area, and was pleased to see the goosebumps that formed on her creamy, delicate flesh. Paige closed her eyes and shuddered at the effect that Leonard's mouth was having on her. "Feels....so good," she rasped.
The dress was pushed further down her arms and over her chest, where Leonard again paused, this time to gently squeeze her breasts. Paige leaned into his touch, and a moan escaped when she felt Leonard's lips on her bare right shoulder. She could feel the evidence of his arousal pressing against her backside. Once the dress was past her hips, it dropped to her ankles in a puddle of white lace, leaving her in her white satin slip and undergarments.
Out of instinct, Paige's hands flew up in an effort to cover herself as she turned to face her husband. Leonard lightly shook his head and tugged her arms to uncover her body. "No no, sweet girl, I wanna see all of you, and I want you to see all of me," he remarked. "Besides, you have nothing to be ashamed of, darlin', you're absolutely gorgeous."
Paige took stock of the man she married, standing shirtless in front of her. His muscular, toned chest had a smattering of dark curly hair on his pecs and a trail down the middle to his waist. She could see places where the skin was pink and puckered, indicating an injury as a result of his often dangerous profession. Her fingertips ghosted over the scars and she reverently kissed any she could reach. She felt Leonard shudder in response this time, bringing a smile to her face.
Leonard was in awe of the woman before him, how tenderly she was grazing his skin, and how responsive she was to his touch. Since they had entered what was now their bedroom, he had seen her confidence grow little bits at a time. She let him remove her wedding dress, and at the same time, learn about her body so he knew how to bring her the most pleasure possible.
When his shirt was removed, she didn't turn away from him and wasn't put off by his scars or any other imperfections, real or imagined. Although he didn't know why she felt the need to hide her body from him. His new wife was completely breathtaking and from this moment forward, he intended to worship her in the manner she deserved.
Before he could reach for the spaghetti straps of her satin slip, Paige leisurely slid them down off of her shoulders, one by one. She saw Leonard's eyes darken with desire as he watched the slinky fabric drop from her body to join her dress on the floor. As she reached behind her to unclasp her bra, Leonard caught her hands in his. "Wait. Allow me," he added huskily.
Paige nodded and stepped closer to Leonard. Her arms wound around his neck, while his hands met in the middle of her back to release the clasp for her bra. Leonard drew the straps down her outstretched arms and away from her body, revealing her exquisite breasts. His blood shot due south at the sight of her pink pebbled nipples and couldn't resist taking one in his mouth.
The moment his lips closed around her sensitive peak, Paige threw her head back and closed her eyes in unbridled pleasure. Her breathing came out in short puffs as her mind scrambled to keep up with the new sensations flooding her body. "Oh, Leonard!" she panted.
Leonard released the nipple with an audible pop as he turned his attention to the other breast, lavishing the same treatment. Paige was breathing heavily now, with her head lolled back and her mouth open in absolute ecstasy. The wetness in her panties seemed to have increased tenfold, like there was a waterfall between her legs. "Leonard, please," was all Paige could manage to say.
He disengaged his mouth from her breast, noticing how it glistened with moisture. He blew across the surface, causing the nipple to stiffen once more and a shiver to run through Paige. "You're so beautiful, sweetheart, so responsive," he crooned. Leonard trailed his hands down Paige's ribcage until he reached her waist, where the top seam of her panties rested. He waited until she met his gaze and waited for permission, which she granted with a whispered "yes".
Leonard hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slowly dragged them down her legs. She stepped out of them, placing her hands on Leonard's shoulders to brace herself. As he rose to stand again, Leonard's hands swept up the backs of her calves and thighs. He molded his hands to her backside, then gave a quick swat to one cheek. Paige gasped both in surprise and at the brief sting of pain, then relaxed as it morphed into pleasure.
"Hmm, you like that darlin'? Maybe we can revisit that some other time," Leonard smirked. He gripped Paige's thighs and lifted her, then placed her gently in the middle of the bed. "You are exquisite, and all mine," he added.
"All yours, always," Paige echoed. She reached out with her hand, beckoning him to join her in the bed.
"I'll be right there, sugar. Just have to get m'self ready for you. Now that I can see all of you, I want you to see all of me," he replied softly. Leonard slowly unbuckled his belt and withdrew the leather band from the loops on his trousers. He rolled it up and placed it neatly in his top dresser drawer. He returned to stand at the side of the bed, where Paige was laying on her side, propped up on one elbow.
Without breaking eye contact, Leonard unbuttoned his trousers, then slowly slid the zipper down to reveal his dark blue boxers. He dipped his thumbs inside the waistband of his boxers and pushed them and his pants past his hips, down his legs and dropped them to the floor. He bent down to pick up his trousers and Paige's remaining articles of clothing and draped them over the chair next to his dresser.
When Leonard was about to climb into bed, he was stopped by the perplexed look on his wife's face. "What's wrong, darlin'? You okay?" he asked. His eyes followed her wide-eyed gaze, which had dropped to focus on the situation occurring between his legs. Leonard fought back the urge to chuckle, as it wasn't her fault she was innocent in the ways of marital relations.
"Is....is it....that's not going to fit, Leonard," Paige whispered. She felt like it was all over before it even started, because if her body couldn't accommodate him, then she'd already failed him as his wife.
"Of course it will, sweetheart, but I've got to prepare you," he replied as he knelt on the bed. He nudged her shoulder so that she was laying on her back, with him hovering over her.
Paige reached out with her hand, then glanced up at Leonard. "Can I touch it?" she wondered. Before her fingers could graze any part of him, he caught her hand in his. She quickly retracted her hand and dropped her gaze, fearing she'd done something wrong again.
Leonard at once realized his mistake and gently cupped her cheek. "I'm sorry darlin', you didn't do anything wrong. As good as it would feel for you to touch me there, I'm afraid that if you did, this would all be over before it started," he explained with a grin. "This is your first time, and I want it to be special for you," he added lovingly.
Paige covered his hand still resting on your cheek and pressed a kiss to his palm. "And it will be special, Leonard, because it's you," she remarked. "I'm ready for you to show me," she affirmed.
Leonard bent down and captured Paige's lips with his own, his mouth moving languidly with hers. At the same time, his hand was trailing over her legs, reaching between them to nudge them open. His finger breached her folds, gathering her arousal and spreading it around to prepare her to be able to take him.
Paige gasped at the unexpected intrusion, her hand immediately grasping Leonard's forearm to anchor herself. She rolled and bucked her hips as if by instinct, creating a friction that drove her passion to a higher level. Leonard continued with his ministrations, his thumb grazing her bundle of nerves and nearly sending her into orbit. "Oh, Leonard! Don't stop, please d-don't st-stop....fee-feels good," she babbled.
Leonard's mouth traced a path from Paige's lips to her jawline, then down the valley of her breasts and back to nip the skin at her neck. He inserted one finger into her tight, wet channel, quickly adding a second in a scissor-like motion to work her open. "Oh, baby, you look so beautiful like this, so receptive," he soothed. Seeing his wife's reactions to his caresses furthered his enjoyment as well.
As Leonard's fingers continued to stroke Paige in her most intimate area, she felt an unfamiliar, pressure-like sensation building in her lower body. "Leonard," she moaned. "Some--something's happening--" she panted.
Leonard realized Paige was close to reaching her peak. "Let go, sweetheart. Just relax and let it happen," he assured. He rocked his two fingers in and out of her, then pressed on her sweet spot with his thumb and watched her come apart. Her body writhed beneath him, while her legs shook with the intensity of her first ever orgasm. A series of incoherent babbles fell from her mouth, with Leonard's name dropping from her lips like a prayer.
While Paige was coming down from her high, it felt more like her soul was returning to her body, as if it was floating back to earth. Her breathing was gradually returning to normal, though she shuddered from oversensitivity when Leonard withdrew his hand. "Leonard, that was....it was unbelievable, you were incredible," she remarked breathily. As she looked down, Paige noticed that her husband was still in a state of arousal.
Leonard followed her gaze and reached over to take her hand in his. He rose up on his knees and guided Paige's hand to wrap around his throbbing member. He moved her hand up and down along the shaft, covering her thumb to help spread the moisture leaking from the tip. He relished not only the feeling created by the friction, but from having his wife's hand on his most sensitive part. "Just like that, baby. Ohhh, that feels so good, sweetheart," he whispered as his eyes closed in pleasure.
Paige kept moving her hand up and down, and Leonard soon let go once she got into a rhythm. When she tried to change the angle of her wrist, she twisted her hand as she stroked his velvety steel shaft. " "Darlin'...sugar...baby...angel," he chanted, followed by a drawn-out moan of satisfaction. "Whoa whoa, hold on a minute, sweetheart," he panted. "I want to be inside you," he remarked. "You know, like earlier with my fingers but--"
"With your....?" Paige's eyes dropped to view Leonard's aching manhood. He nodded, then she whispered, "Yes....please."
Leonard wasted no time moving to kneel between her legs, while Paige rolled over onto her back. She held her arms out in acceptance of what was about to happen as well as to embrace her lover, her husband. Paige knew a little more about what to expect based on her earlier experience, and she implicitly trusted Leonard to take care of her.
After lining himself up with her entrance, Leonard began to slowly push forward, inch by glorious inch. He kept his gaze on Paige, checking for any signs of discomfort. With it being her first time, there was a little pain to be expected, but he wanted to make sure there was no more than absolutely necessary.
As Leonard continued to press himself further within her walls, Paige took note of  how full she felt and the slight burn of the stretch as he moved inside her. When he was almost fully sheathed, she felt a pinch of pain, but it soon gave way to a pleasurable sensation. Leonard braced himself above her, an elbow on each side, so he didn't rest all of his weight on Paige.
When he had buried himself to the hilt within her, Leonard began to rock his hips to create a rhythm, which Paige met stroke for stroke. The friction between them elevated their desire for one another and built layers of passion, each one higher than the last. Leonard hooked Paige's legs around his hips, which changed the angle and allowed him to drive even deeper.
Blissful moans and whispers of praise and adoration reverberated filled the room as they edged towards their peaks. It wasn't long before Paige began to feel the pressure building in her lower body, as it did before. "Oh! Leonard--it's--I'm gonna--" she rambled. By now, Paige was clinging to Leonard like a koala, her legs locked behind him at the ankles, still meeting his thrusts.
"Almost there with you, darlin'," he panted as his hips rocked faster and increased the friction. Leonard reached between their bodies to rub circles around her bundle of nerves, which sent Paige tumbling over the edge with a shout of his name. Another few thrusts and he was following her, with spurts of his warm seed painting her velvety walls as he chanted her name.
Still connected, Leonard carefully rolled them over so they were on their sides, facing each other. A blissful smile graced Paige's face, prompting Leonard to wear one as well. They basked in the afterglow, holding each other, waiting for their breathing and heartbeats to return to normal.
Once they did, Leonard carefully eased himself out of her, then padded to the bathroom to clean up, returning with a washcloth to do the same for his wife. He draped the washcloth on the edge of the laundry basket then climbed back into bed with Paige. Leonard lay on his side, propped up on one elbow, his free hand grazing Paige's cheek. "You are so beautiful," he murmured.
"And you are the best and most incredible husband I could ever have asked for," she replied warmly. "I loved every second of today, especially the last part. When can we do that again?" she asked brightly.
Leonard chuckled lightly. "It's going to take me a little time to recover, sweetheart. Besides, I'm a bit tired from everything that went on today. Getting married to you," he grinned, tapping the end of her nose. "Celebrating afterwards with our friends, then carrying you through the door and makin' you mine," he remarked.
"Now that you mention it, I am somewhat tired myself," Paige admitted while trying to stifle a yawn. Her fingers threaded through his hair, then traced a path down the side of his face and came to rest by cradling his neck. She pressed a kiss to the end of his nose. "Goodnight, Leonard," she whispered.
Leonard in turn kissed her forehead, then her cheek before finally capturing her lips with his own. "Goodnight, Mrs. McCoy," he murmured softly.
@marvelouslytrekking @writercole @spacedancer1701 @anna-phora @hlabounty96 @darkestfireee​ @rooweighton​ @phoenixisred​
4 notes · View notes
blackholelynn · 2 years
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Summary: You have a secret rendezvous with Arthur in the forest, but when you return to the lower town, you find that a plague has started while you were away
Pairing: Arthur Pendragon x Reader
Warnings: Illness/plague
Word Count: A whopping 3.6k!
A/N: I saw this prompt and I immediately thought of writing an Arthur fic, so here we are many, many words later! I actually used the wording of the prompt exactly and bolded it within the fic, so you'll be able to tell. This was written almost entirely in one sitting because I just couldn't pull myself away, but here it is! This is mostly fluff, with like...maybe a dash of hurt/comfort if you squint? Hope you enjoy!!
“Are you certain that nobody knows we’re here?” You asked, following Arthur through the forest. The terrain made it challenging to keep up, but you were not about to let this opportunity pass. It had been weeks since you could see Arthur for more than a few passing seconds, so the thought of spending an entire day with him was perfect.
Arthur chuckled as he turned towards you, holding out a hand to help you over a huge log. “I’m certain. I told Merlin to inform my father that I had gone out on a hunt.”
“And he won’t come looking for you?”
“No,” Arthur assured you. “Merlin will let us know if he does.”
An unbridled grin crossed your features as the nervousness melted away, and even after you were over the rough terrain, you kept hold of Arthur’s hand. “This is perfect. Thank you.”
He paused your journey to take your other hand in his as well, and the love in his eyes made your heart sing. “Thank you for putting up with all the secrecy. I wish it didn’t have to be this way.”
“You don’t have to thank me. If this is what we have to do to be together, then I’ll gladly continue sneaking around.” You mischievously smirked and swung your linked hands between you. “And you can’t deny it’s a bit fun, what with the thrill and all.”
He shook his head and laughed, continuing on the path to your meeting spot. “I only wish that I could court you officially. I’m sure you have more than your fair share of suitors in the lower town.”
“Oh yes, I’m swatting them away like flies,” you sarcastically responded. “Actually, Arthur, you’re the only person who has shown interest in me. I think most men find me intimidating.”
“You? Intimidating?”
You feigned offense and gasped. “Yes! Not everyone is willing to put up with my brashness.”
“You shouldn’t be with someone who has to ‘put up’ with you,” Arthur told you sincerely. The soft look of adoration was in his eyes again, and although he stayed looking forward to ensure the two of you wouldn’t tumble over the foliage, you could still see how much care he had for you. “Anyone who doesn’t see how wonderful you are is a fool.”
“Flatterer,” you snickered, bumping his shoulder with your own.
You both spent the rest of the walk in silence until you arrived at Arthur's chosen destination. It was a small clearing surrounded by tall trees that obstructed it from view. Arthur had laid out a blanket with baskets of food set out and prepared. The sunlight that streamed through the leaves cascaded over the area. It was perfect, more than you ever could have expected or hoped for.
Arthur opened his arms in a flourish, gesturing to the picnic he’d set up. “Do you like it?”
“It’s perfect,” you affirmed. You stepped further into the clearing, sitting down on the blanket alongside the picnic baskets, and looked up at Arthur, beckoning for him to join you. “Now come here and join me. I don’t want the fruits of your labor to go to waste.”
He smiled and lowered himself down beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “What were you saying again about being intimidating.”
“Oh, shut it,” you giggled. “You wouldn’t have me any other way.”
“You’re right.” Arthur leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to your lips, a smile on his lips as he stared into your eyes. “As always.”
The two of you spent hours basking in each other’s presence, eating the decadent foods that Arthur had snuck away from the kitchens. There was little conversation for the rest of your time spent together. You both preferred to spend the rest of the time with your lips pressed together, your hands leaving feather-light touches in their wakes. It was a moment that you never wanted to end, but you knew that you couldn’t stay in the forest forever. He was the prince, and you had duties to attend to back in town.
You squinted your eyes as you looked up at the sky, noticing that the sun was on a descent. “Arthur…” you trailed off, unable to focus. At the moment, Arthur’s lips were attached to your throat, making it terribly hard to concentrate. “It’s getting late.”
“Mm, I think we could get away with another hour,” he muttered against your skin. His teeth grazed against your pulse point, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
“We need to be back before nightfall. Although I would love to stay, I’m expected back.”
“Please,” he begged.
You held his face in your hands, pressing one kiss against his lips before pulling away and resting your forehead against his. “I’m sorry. You know we have to stay careful. We can’t get reckless.”
“You don’t have to remind me,” Arthur whined. He stood up, offering you a hand to help you up. “But we can make the trip back a bit slower and extend our time together.”
“Whatever you desire, your highness.” You curtsied in jest, a mischievous glint in your eye.
Arthur put an arm around your waist, drawing you close and whispering in your ear, “That would be you, darling.”
You tried to fight the heat that rose in your face and the back of your neck as you followed him out of the forest, and despite the shorter strides you made, you were still back much sooner than you both had hoped. Just before you exited the treeline, you and Arthur said your goodbyes and made sure to go your separate ways. He would return to the castle, and you would go back to your place in the lower town.
However, as you followed the winding trail back into the town, you noticed that no people were bustling about. Despite it being late, you had still expected to see people on their way back to their homes, but the streets were completely empty. Your stomach dropped as you continued walking further, becoming evermore concerned when the houses began to cluster closer together, and there were still no people.
A house’s door opened, and when Gaius was the one to step out, you wasted no time calling out to him. “Gaius!” You rushed over to him with a hopeful look in your eyes. If the physician were here, he would undoubtedly know what had happened in your absence. “What’s happening? Why are the streets so empty?”
Gaius’s mouth thinned into a line as he gave you a sympathetic glance. “There is a plague running rampant through the lower town. I am surprised you were not aware of it.”
“Oh.” You hadn’t thought of the fact that you being away was odd. You worked in the lower town in The Rising Sun, serving ale and food to patrons, and it was extremely rare for you to be gone. “I needed to run some errands for Evoric.”
“Errands? You came from the trail to the forest,” Gaius noted.
You turned back to look at the path you had traveled before turning back to Gaius with (what you hoped was) a convincing smile. “Yes! I knew of some berries in the forest that make great wine, and I offered to gather them.”
“No luck?”
“No, it seems the wildlife had other ideas for me today. I’ve spent all day in the forests, but I couldn’t find a single bush that wasn’t picked clean by the animals.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Gaius readjusted the bag he was carrying, which undoubtedly held the remedies and medical supplies he used. He took a look around the empty town before returning his attention to you. “Is there anyone in the upper quarter you can stay with?”
“I suppose I could stay with Gwen, but…” you trailed off, an uneasiness settling about you. It didn’t feel right to leave those you had known behind while you fled to safety. “What of some of the elderly that live here? Do they have anyone to care for them?”
“The plague is affecting young and old alike. I’m afraid that there are very few that have not fallen ill.”
“Is there anything that you can do for them?”
“I am doing everything that I can for them, but I must return to the castle to work on a more effective remedy,” Gaius said, and the regret in his voice was unmistakable. You could tell that he wanted to do more but was at a loss. With all his experience, you were sure that if Gaius were given enough time, he would find a treatment for the sickness running rampant through your home.
And you would be sure that the people were alive when he returned with that treatment. “I’m staying. Is there anything you can tell me to do to help those that are sick? I can care for them while you’re gone.”
“Are you sure?” Gaius asked, raising a brow at your sudden offer to assist. However, he didn’t need a response. He could see the determination in your eyes and nodded when he realized you would be unwavering. “You will need to try and keep the fevers down. You will also need to try and get them to eat and drink even if they refuse. It will be important to keep their strength up.” Gaius then pointed out each affected house to you, instructing you on the proper care for the people.
“I will make sure to care for them until you return.”
“Thank you. Make sure you also care for yourself. I should be back by the morning” Gaius gave you one last nod before starting towards the castle. You watched him leave before turning back to look at the houses that Gaius had directed you to, and you took a deep breath in before starting towards them. It would be a long night.
It was early afternoon when you realized that Gaius had not yet returned to the lower town. At least a dozen more people had gotten sick since he had left, and the people had caught wind that you were filling in for the physician. You hadn’t slept, and although your eyes were weary with exhaustion, you continued bustling from house to house.
You sat at the bedside of an elderly man who was one of the first to become ill, dabbing at the sweat on his brow. His daughter stood behind you in the doorway and wrung her hands nervously as she watched you care for him.
“You said that Gaius would be back in the morning,” she stated simply.
You nodded and set down the cloth so you could turn towards her. “That is what he told me. However, I’m beginning to worry.”
“What do you think may have happened?”
“I’m not certain.” You frowned, trying to piece it together in your mind. However, you couldn’t think of why he wouldn’t at least come back to check on his patients, even if he hadn’t figured out a remedy. “I would not normally ask this of you, but…I think something may have happened. Would you be able to take over these duties while I fetch Gaius?”
Without hesitation, she nodded. “Of course. You have done so much for us. It’s the least I could do.”
“I promise to be back shortly,” you assured her. You stood up from the chair and squeezed her arm as you passed her in the doorway. “Stay safe.”
“I will do my best.”
You forced your tired legs to carry you through the lower town and to the upper quarter as you left the house. It was a swift journey since there were no crowds to push through. When you got to the upper quarter and there were still no people milling about, you began to be concerned.
Until you approached the castle and a large crowd of people was gathered around the closed gates. Arthur stood on top of the ramparts looking down at the people, and you could tell that something was desperately wrong.
“What’s going on?” you asked someone in the crowd.
“The prince is going to address the disease running through the kingdom.”
You looked back up at Arthur, where he stood regally on top of the ramparts. He kept looking back at his father with a reluctant gaze, but one nod from Uther seemed to confirm whatever Arthur was dreading so much. You could see the weight on his shoulders, and at that moment, all you wanted to do was be by his side, to tell him that it was going to be alright.
He was standing on the balcony, looking down into the faces of his people, who loved him, who trusted him, and he almost couldn’t get the words out. Especially when his eyes locked with yours, and you could see his regal persona drop for just a moment. The despair that crossed his face was only there for a second, but you still saw it. “Our court physician has heard your pleas about the plague that has begun in our kingdom. We understand your concerns, and he is currently working on a remedy. However…” He hesitated and tore his eyes away from your own to address the crowd. “As of right now, we will be closing the gates to the Citadel. Until a treatment is found, no one is to enter or leave the castle.”
The crowd around you erupted into raucous complaints, and you hurriedly stepped back from the fray as they rushed towards the gates. It was complete chaos as everyone’s desperation culminated and exploded. Although you wanted to stay and try and find a way to Arthur, you knew that you would need to head back to the lower town and continue assisting the people, especially if Gaius could not return.
The responsibility to inform the people of the lower town fell to you, and it was difficult to see their spirits fall. You spent days running on little sleep and even less food in your stomach, going from house to house to care for those who were ill or who had fallen sick since the disease started spreading.
Once again, you were at the same older man’s bedside when your body was wracked by a coughing fit. You hurried to turn away from the elderly man lying in bed as you coughed, and his daughter was quick to rush to your side. She put a gentle hand on your shoulder to try and ground you.
“You should rest,” she urged.
You shook your head, clearing your throat as the coughing stopped. “I can’t. Someone needs to take care of the ill.”
“If you fall ill, there will be no one to take care of us. You must rest.”
“No. Please, I…” you trailed off, having difficulty thinking of the words that you wanted to say. A fog smothered your brain, and your eyes began to droop. You were so tired all of a sudden.
I could close my eyes. Just a moment. Only a moment.
Except when you did close your eyes, you collapsed. The only thing you felt was the cold ground as you fell out of the chair and the daughter’s hands shaking your shoulders.
When you woke up, you felt like your head was swimming. You didn’t recognize the room you were in, and you sat up to try and get your bearings. A warm blanket was wrapped around you, and it was much softer than the ones you were used to. There were shelves in the room stacked with bottles and herbs.
“You’re awake.”
Merlin stood in the room's doorway with a basket, and he rushed over to you when he realized that you were awake. Your brows furrowed when you saw him. How was he here? They said no one in or out of the castle.
Despite his protests, you didn’t lie back down. “How did I get here?”
“You collapsed. You were carried to the gates by one of the men of the lower town.”
“But why am I here?” You couldn’t wrap your head around it. As far as anyone knew, you weren’t anyone special – just the girl that worked in the tavern. “The gates are closed.”
Merlin picked up a small bottle filled with a dark liquid and handed it to you. “Here, you’ll need to drink this.” He waited for you to finish drinking the medicine before he continued. “Gaius convinced the king that it would be helpful to have one person to study in order to devise a treatment.”
You held the empty bottle in your hands, studying it with a deep frown. “You should have had him take the elderly man I cared for. He’s in much worse shape.”
“You heard what I said,” you pointed out, setting the bottle down. You threw the blanket off of you, standing up. “I’m going back to the lower town.”
Merlin shook his head, immediately grabbing you by the arm and trying to stop you from leaving. “Hold on! You’re recovering, but you’re in no shape to be traveling. You shouldn’t even be out of bed! Let me get Gaius for you and–”
“I shouldn’t get special treatment, Merlin. You know that. It creates suspicion.” You weren’t strong enough to break his grasp, but you stayed standing. You met his gaze head-on in defiance.
“Arthur was ready to tell the King to get you treatment,” Merlin blurted out. The shock of his revelation allowed him to ease you back into the bed, and he carefully covered you with the blanket once more. “This was the best option to keep your relationship a secret. If you go back to the lower town, I’m sure that Arthur would do something drastic to keep you safe, so you need to stay here.”
You were still speechless but managed to nod in understanding, sinking back into the cot. Merlin gave you a small smile. He mentioned something about getting Gaius that you didn’t quite catch before he left. You sat alone, trying to process what Merlin had said.
Arthur would have come clean? He would have risked everything, all for me?
Another set of footsteps alerted you to someone else entering the room, and when they saw you were awake, the pace quickened so that they were at your side. “Are you alright?” It was Arthur. He sat down by your bedside, taking your chilled hand in both of his own. There was a look of desperation to him. “Gaius wasn’t sure…” He trailed off, and you could tell what his fear had been.
“I’m alright,” you assured him with a weak smile. When he wasn’t convinced, you laid your hand on the side of his neck, your thumb brushing over his jawline. “Arthur, Merlin told me you were going to tell the King. Please tell me that’s not true.”
He didn’t meet your gaze, his eyes falling to your other hand, still held in his own. “I never wanted to close the gates.”
“I know, but that doesn’t answer my question. Was he telling the truth?”
“Yes,” Arthur admitted.
You harshly swatted his shoulder, not wasting any time in scolding him. “No matter what happens, you can’t risk the crown like that. No special treatment, no obvious signs of affection. We agreed on that.”
“Yes, but–”
“We. Agreed. Arthur, this is bigger than the two of us.”
Arthur leaned forward so that he was mere inches from your face, and you could see every detail of the despair that was in his expression. “No. There is nothing more important than you, not to me. I was not going to sit idly by when there was a chance you could have died.” He let go of your hand and instead caressed your face. He looked at you as though he were burning the image of your face into his memory, and you realized how near death you had truly been.
You put your hands over his and ran your thumbs over his knuckles. “I can’t say that I would be able to calm myself if anything had happened to you either, but we need to be more careful in the future. We must take into account the people we’ve entrusted our secret to. They will be able to help us far more than if we were alone.”
“I shudder at the thought of having my fate in Merlin’s hands,” Arthur teased.
“Oh, hush. You and I both know he’s far more capable than you give him credit for.”
“Don’t let him hear you. I’ll never live it down.”
You pressed a quick kiss to his lips, and a smile found its way to your face again as you looked into his eyes. “Your secret’s safe with me.”
A week passed before you had regained your strength enough to travel outside of the castle and back to your home in the lower town. When you had arrived back, you were surrounded by a crowd of grateful faces and cheers. You, the young girl who only worked in the tavern, became a hero in your own right. You’d cared for the people around you and fended off disease long enough for Gaius to find treatment through you.
Maybe not today, perhaps not even in a few months, but eventually, you and Arthur would no longer have to keep your relationship a secret. When that time came, you no longer doubted that the people would come to accept you. No matter your status, your care and concern were what set you apart, and if Uther was the only one that couldn’t see that, then so be it. You would wait until Arthur could decide for himself. Until then, you would keep your secret and bide your time.
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heli0s-writes · 4 years
Summary: Serendipity, it’s the only way Steve can describe it. His ma was right: he’d always been slow.
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Reader
A/N: Fluff with a tiny sprinkle of Steve angst because I love one sad boi. Written for @wkemeup​​‘s 4K Challenge like an entire year ago!! I’m so sorry, Kas!! The prompt was Bright Eyes’ “First Day of My Life”. 2.8k words.
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It was supposed to rain.
Thunderclaps rolled in the distance all morning. Moisture hung heavy in the air and the earth smelled like wet already--- salty, thick, sweet. The app on his phone blinked gray clouds straight across the screen. Seventy-three degrees and a nine-five percent chance of precipitation. Winds NE 20 miles per hour.
But at 2:30 in the afternoon when Steve slides into the car, it’s clear and blue.
So he figures it’s coincidence and poor meteorology when the engine quietly rumbles to life. He fixes the collar of his shirt, checks for hotels around the midway point, and sends an uneasy look to the empty passenger seat.
Then, he makes his way to where you are.
The two-lane country road stretches on. Winding and curving, pitch-black and howling with wind and wildlife. Bugs splatter on the windshield and he mechanically sprays a bit of fluid, wiping them off, the squeaks giving his radio a bit of rhythm in all this late-night talk. It’ll be another half hour before he gets to the hotel and he’s still wrestling with himself if he should even break.
No reason to now. He can drive all night. No reason to other than his pride.
“So what is it?”
There’s an imprint in the seat. An outline of a warm body folding soft creases in the leather. Late night talk radio fizzles out, and he’s tired, so he can’t get too upset at his brain for seeing the shape even though it’s been months since anyone’s sat there.
He chances a look over, then quickly back ahead because sure—the sedan is small, but this tiny strip of pavement feels even smaller. Too right and he’ll careen into the woods, too left and if another car’s coming around the bend Steve would roll out alive, but he’d be the only one.
He looks again.
Legs folded. Bare feet. Ankles crossed on the dash. Casually sitting with one hand on your phone and the other one behind your head, face lit incandescent by the screen. It was the first time he’d been alone with you after New York; he remembers this.
You hadn’t even given a glance sideways at him, still fixed on the screen, thumb sliding up and focused on mission details in a perfect picture of indifference.
“Your whole thing. Mister Red-White-and-Broody, most eligible bachelor in all of America—which, by the way, is so far up your ass all fifty states might as well be coming out of your mouth—”
“Stop it.”
“Okay, Rogers.” A smirk. His last name slipping between your lips like military title. “Fine, you’re all gilded in the front, suffering in the back. So—” You turned finally, pulled your feet back and tucked them under your body, “What is it?”
Steve pretended to think, left hand clenching a fraction tighter on the wheel, feeling its strength beneath his grip. His face remained impassive and dedicated forward, turning the seconds in his head, counting down the appropriate time for his reply.
It was a game, certainly. Your assertion, your poise, hand propping up your head—all of it. Your entire being was a foil to one Steven Grant Rogers and he was strapped with you for half a week. Already the car ride was beginning to foreshadow what was quickly seeming to be a long assignment.
“It’s my job—”
“So weak.”
“I’m busy—”
“Are you even trying to lie?”
You were known to do this: lay out a path of questions that only gave your company the pretense of a genuine conversation. You’d lead them like a wrangler leading horses to water, knowing they wouldn’t drink, but giving them just enough time to stare at their own reflection in the pool before you’d yank the harness elsewhere.
It was always a short path, but what you lacked in subtlety you made up for with honesty.
Agitated, Steve snapped before he could rein himself back in.
“What are you, my psychologist?” Horse.
“You don’t have one. You are the only Avengers Tower resident who has run off every psychologist on Stark’s payroll. So--” a twist of your torso, your back pressed up against the door handle as you stared at the outline of his side profile. Wrangler.
The question dangled in front of his gritted teeth. The answer he’d known long ago was behind two perfect calcium rows, pressed up, trying to find its way through the cracks.
What’s your thing? We fought together. We live together. We suffered a cataclysmic event in the form of aliens together---so why doesn’t anybody know you?
You leaned forward, body tilting until it almost touched your former footrest. Your head sloped to find his face and when he flicked his eyes sharply to yours, Steve knew it wasn’t sharp enough.
“You don’t want to be vulnerable.”
You’d led him through the brief route of your inquisition and had seen all you cared to see. Your voice bounced off the window when you closed your eyes and turned away.
“Steve,” you sighed, mouth going to the side in a smile. “Vulnerability is clumsy, but it’s the only thing worth anything.”
He had thought: No, it isn’t. He’d spent too long being vulnerable already, and he couldn’t afford it again. Twenty years of a miserable half-life and seventy years of sleep and suddenly the world was new and different and strange. Coming back into his body was new and different and strange but it was the body that afforded him invulnerability.
Mostly, anyway.
Steve decided, then, at least he could make up for that lump of mortality—that lump of weakness—with performance.
So, he became the blacksmith to his feeble Brooklyn boy heart. Forged carbon steel, gold-plated, immaculately polished like his own shield at press conferences. Smoothed himself into a monumental display of impeccable posturing and hid the boy away where no one could reach him. Let him go back to sleep, too. Frozen in a time long passed, long forgotten.
He wasn’t Steve Rogers anymore because no one knew Steve Rogers anymore; it was the only way he could carry on. Didn’t you know?
No, he supposed, you didn’t.
On the ride back you surrendered yourself to the backseat, laying down in the most comfortable position the sedan would allow, and chatted his ear off the entire ride home. Called him Steve and looked at him through the rearview mirror. Eyes met eyes, and yours crinkled at the edges with some secret knowledge.
By the end of it, all he could think about was how he didn’t mind the conversation and that his first name even sounded a little nice coming out of your mouth.
You shimmer in the passenger side until your hair hangs a little longer. His brown leather jacket is around your shoulders. A stretch of your arms. A stretch of your lips. Months passed and Rogers befell the man you knew during the Manhattan Crisis while he became Steve.
Steve on missions and in the field—On your six, Steve! Keep up, old boy. Steve at the tower and Steve in the gym— don’t touch my weights, Steve, you’ll throw your back out.
Steve getting the door and pouring the whiskey and letting you wear his jacket when you were cold. Finding you across rooms at parties because there was an easiness to your presence that calmed the crowd. Shooting pool and watching movies. Up late and out late and laughing until the early hours.
He was Steve, your friend, because he finally allowed himself to have a friend.
You change. Shimmer again until your hair is pulled back from your swollen face. A hospital gown crinkled around your shoulders. Asleep, cold. Too close to death, too close to him. He couldn’t even sit by your bedside, only standing by the door, shuffling from one wall to the other and watched the monitors with a too-loud and static-filled brain.
He was hesitantly Steve when you stepped too close to him on the balcony nights later, hand precariously hovering over that fragile boy heart, finally pressing down on it, feeling his delicate pulse thawing and crawling towards you. Tipsy smile and you tasted like whiskey and easy joy.
The kiss was clumsy, like you’d said. Vulnerability threw him back to the 40’s, all gangly limbed and ill, his lungs malfunctioning, his breath smothered in his mouth. He stumbled, but the banister held him up.
You didn’t mind that his knees felt boneless. You chalked it up to too much drink, but the touch of your still-bruised cheek abruptly burned down his throat—warm and smooth and cataclysmic until he caught sight of the way you winced as his hand cupped your tender face. Steve stepped back, then, and apologized for what he said should have never happened.
There was a small quiver from your shoulder before you quietly went back inside.
He cursed himself on the balcony. Cursed letting it all happen in the first place. Captain Rogers watched your retreating steps, burying the spark and the fire. And the boy must have cried in his ice-block coffin when he buried him again, too.
“Don’t look at me like that.” God, he’s going crazy. Poor night-vision and an addled brain causing him to scold an empty seat. “You stopped talking to me.”
His grip on the steering wheel tightens the way it does when you’re too deep in his head and he can’t get you out. Days without hearing from you smeared together in careful steps of a cagey dance. Comments always presented as half-truths—riddles he struggled to deconstruct. Breadcrumbs never leaving enough of a trail to lead him anywhere. He wants the harness back. Wants back your confident hand.
“You could have said something.” Steve scoffs, because you always had something to say. “Anything. You could have said anything. We were—friends.”
And hell, doesn’t that sound stupid out loud? Maybe it’s best that he’s got nothing but infinity beyond the sedan’s glaring brights and a million thoughts of unsaid words. It’s all useless, anyway. Best that he can get it all out now, talking to your ghost. It keeps all his thoughts in his head and keeps him from yelling every time he sees you not-looking, not-smiling, not-talking to him.
Steve flicks the wipers on again. Shuts off the radio. Shuts off the navigation. Takes the car off cruise-control to give himself something to do. He’ll stop overnight, after all.
Suddenly then, in the distance, two glowing eyes greet him steadily. Measured paces, in a firm and crisp trajectory, growing closer and closer. Glaring and vivid, beating the monotonous grind of nighttime out of him. His pinky moves, and his high beams flip to low beams, white giving way to yellow and the glistening road signs and tree-shadows in the distance slowly diminish.
Bleached spectral glaring of leaves and road signs soften ochre and brown, indigo dark. For a fleeting moment, even Steve’s enhanced eyes feel half-blind again as he readjusts to the pitch-black night barely lit. The car coming toward him does the same, highs blinking low and they pass each other in quiet understanding. In blind trust on the dark road, dependent on each other’s good faith to see it through.
He thinks of Sarah Rogers in a tiny Brooklyn kitchen, floral wallpaper yellowed and peeling behind her. One hand on an apron-clad hip, cooking interrupted by her son stumbling in dripping blood down his shirt, her other hand clenched around a wet kitchen rag.
“Steven Grant Rogers! Oh—wretched! What else can I say,” she’d sigh as she pressed it to his nose, “You do whatever you please, anyhow. You just put this on your face—and don’t think it’ll get you out of doing the dishes, either.”
“But—” he’d attempt.
She’d put up her hand, “Lord have mercy on any young woman that’ll have you. May she have your poor mother’s patient heart.”
His ma always called him slow. A dolt through and through. Quick to temper, but laborious to do much else. Common sense always took its sweet time-- took the long path home to get to Steve Rogers. In seventy-odd years, he hasn’t changed.
Better than coincidence and better than poor meteorology. Serendipity. It’s the only way he can describe it.
Like finding a crumpled up twenty in his pocket—or in his case, a five—enough then for a week’s worth of meals. Like having that nightmare— the one right before the plane crashes and instead of going down with it, he wakes up. Like expecting to drive five hours through a storm and stopping overnight, but instead it’s clear and blue as far as he can see.
The rush, the relief, the deafening joy that shuts everything else up and out.
Sarah Rogers was right: he’d always been slow.
So he careens back onto the highway from the service road, steadying his foot on the pedal and flies about fifteen miles faster than the speed limit says he should. The car is vibrating to a thrilled beat inside his chest. Steve can’t help smiling.
It was supposed to rain. All the way to the next mid-morning but the sky parts a brilliant orange sunrise and he nearly sprints to the door. He doesn’t wait for it to open all the way before he barrels in. A sliver of parting wood is enough, and Steve throws it wide with his enormous shoulders, kicking it shut firmly with his boot.
The imprint of your body on the couch is still warm—you, halfway across the room in alarm—real and even warmer when Steve gathers you into his arms. He’s been awake for over 24 hours, talking to himself, talking to your hallucination, so he apologizes when his teeth click against yours in a frantic kiss.
You pull away, dazed, a little bit pissed off, but you cow the swirl of emotions into professionalism. “What are you—you’re not supposed to be here until late—did you drive through--”
“Steve,” he interrupts, “Steve.”
He’s so tired of the long road. Can’t stand another second of maneuvering in the dark down winding paths or broken streetlight avenues you’re not at the end of so he keeps his next phrase short: “I really like you.”
You raise your brow and brush the back of your knuckles over your lips, the light from the balcony streaming over your face. His hand tenderly brushes your cheek, the same one he touched all those months ago and you blink in surprise. Quick, calculating movements even as you lean gently into his touch.
“Steve…” you say slowly before your mouth pinches together in a poor attempt to hide the smirk threatening to surface. “You drove all night to… ask me to call you Steve.”
“Well,” he shrugs, “And the mission.”
“Right, the mission. The debrief didn’t mention that it required a lot of… kissing.”
“It came up recently; I haven’t adjusted the file yet.” He grins at your rolling eyes, your swollen lips peeling back to reveal a joyful display of teeth at his stubborn defiance.
“Took you long enough,” you mumble.
You place your hand over his chest, over his heart.
You kiss him and Steve hears himself sighing into your mouth. His cheeks flush with embarrassment, but you’re not letting go, and he presses his lips to yours a little slower, a little firmer, learning the ways you like to feel him there.
“Steve,” you breathe, and it paints him in the most galvanized care. “Steve,” you say again, and his eyes slip shut, like he’s being laid to rest. And maybe he is. Finally weary of lugging around all his armor, all his pretense.  
The boy emerges, thawing toward his name held sweetly in your mouth.
He fumbles with his awkward limbs—a newly birthed foal trying to find its footing—but you’re patient and enduring. He takes in his trembling body—knobby knees and gangly elbows. Inept gait still learning how to be. He takes the sights—white casting over the balcony. You, even brighter.
It was supposed to rain, but you link your fingers through his, leading him toward the open doors, smiling against a backdrop of sherbet swirls. He stumbles, but you’ve got him. A few short steps, just a few more, and Steve kisses you again in the sunbathed daybreak, resurrected and anew.
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Can I have something fluffy with gn reader x Law please? <3
I WENT ABIT MAD ON THIS. Law is like my best boy. I even have Law tats haha. so writing him after so long I was very nervous. I hope you like.
Law x GN reader SFW Fluff/Angst Words: 1,558 Not proof read oops
You had always wanted to go to sea, being a pirate wasn’t exactly what you had been thinking when it came to visions of the wide-open sea, beautiful sunsets and amazing adventures. But adventures you got regardless of the unforeseen career option. Your only real complaint apart from the dangers of the job was the fact that you felt lonely, being a Straw Hat pirate was great, you loved your crew but there was no one you felt a deep connection with, not the type you’d always longed for, someone to hold your hand, share a bed with.
That was until you’d met the surgeon of death, you didn’t think someone as harsh as him would have been your type. The way he always seemed pissed off and irritated at even being around your crew, the fact he just needed your captains help and had formed a hasty alliance that every moment of every day you thought he deeply regretted the choice, that much was always clear on his face.
You were shocked he didn’t have wrinkles with how much his brows were permanently furrowed, even when the man ate at dinner with you all, the way his stern expression never left his face. Whenever you’d glance at him you always thought he would be so much more handsome if he smiled.
Just like everyone that you’d come across during this new life of yours, Law was no exception, scars of a tragic past remained on his soul. You couldn’t blame him for that and at least he wasn’t ever nasty or ill willed towards anyone. He seemed to even get along with some of the crew. The less intense members.
Thinking back to the first night you really made progress with the heart pirate you recalled how it changed the way you thought about him. It had been late into the evening, everyone settling down to their own devices.
You knocked on Chopper’s office door, opening it before you got an answer, often the small medic had issues rushing from his chair and to the door to open it so you always just stepped in. “Chopper can you look at this for me?” you asked closing the door.
“The Doctor went to bed an hour ago.”
You gripped the doorknob, that deep voice certainly didn’t belong to the sweet fluffy reindeer, you took a breath, why didn’t you just wait for a response like a nice normal and polite person? You had never been in a room alone with Law until now. Taking a breath and telling yourself that your hand wasn’t going to get any better by just going to bed.
“Oh, sorry” cradling your sore hand close to your chest your eyes darted around everywhere you could to avoid looking at him.
He was sat at the doctor’s desk, a medical textbook open, a pot of coffee at his side. His normal irritated expression however wasn’t present, his brows relaxed, his whole posture in fact looked lazy, his long legs stretched under the table, he looked comfortable in the chair, like he was on his own ship.
“I can look at it.”
He turned to face you, cocking his head to the side to give you his full attention, his gaze rested on your chest, or rather the aching hand you clutched there, feeling your own beating heart as he nodded for you to come forward.
“Are you sure?” You looked at the comfy stool next to his desk, inching towards it.
Your hesitation made him laugh, actually laugh, it was such a nice sound you decided, deep but smooth, you’d never heard him make any show of amusement, he hadn’t even cracked a smile in all the time you had known him. But here he was, the very person who had the reputation of being a twisted individual, a current warlord for gods sake, the surgeon of DEATH in fact, smirking at you as you nervously sat down where he’d gestured.
“I am still a doctor you know” another chuckle as he straightened up in his seat.
“I know I don’t look like one, but my father was a doctor, I learned a great deal from him, it’s not just my devil fruit that affords me my gifts” Law explained and crossed his arms over his chest waiting for you to go on.
“Sorry, I know you shouldn’t believer every rumor that floats out at sea, if I believed everything the papers or drunks in bars said I’d think my captain was the devil but I’ve seen that man with chopsticks up his nose, I’ve seen him sleeping like a baby, he’s no devil” You knew your nerves had turned into rambling, feeling your palms sweat at being so close with the other captain but his soft chuckle, under his breath, trying to be discreet. But you’d heard it, such a nice sound you mused feeling a little more at ease around him now.
“Well, my hand hurts, ever since I climbed down from the crows nest about three hours ago, I think I got it tangled in the ropes as I slipped a little” You explained. Law nodded his head before he held his tattooed hands out.
You held your hand out for him, he gently took it in both of his, long nimble fingers moved over your digits, feeling different parts, he was surprisingly gentle, his hands warm and welcoming. You couldn’t help but stare as he expertly examined your aching hand. You felt your gaze drift from his hands, up his arms and towards his face. His expression was like nothing you’d ever seen on the warlord. Soft. The way his tired eyes looked over your hand, he seemed happy to help, in his true element.
If not for whatever plagued him in his past, would he have been happy just being a village doctor? He seemed at peace right now. You allowed yourself to smile, your heart beating faster for an entirely different reason then when you’d set foot into the doctor’s office.
His grey eyes met yours when he pressed a certain painful part of your hand and you yelped. He clicked his tongue pressed a little harder, flexing your hand in his grasp. You bit your lip and focused on where your hands met.
“You sprained your hand” He pulled his hands away and you hated how your heart dropped at the loss of contact.
Law pushed his chair out and stood up, walking around the doctor’s office and looking for things, opening a few draws. You did your best to stifle any laughter from watching the very tall man try navigating his way around storage designed for a very small reindeer. It was comical.
“Avoid using it wherever you can for starters” he explained pulling out a small box and returning to the desk. “Ice will help it; you should have come to me sooner about it but” yeah, he was a doctor alright you mused as he took your hand once more. “Ice for twenty minutes every two to three hours will help with the swelling, I’m going to bandage it up right now, a compression will help support your hand while it heals, I suggest elevating it as much as possible.”
You nodded along while watching him work on your hand, he did so much damage to people, you’d seen some of the things he was capable of, he was terrifyingly powerful. But the way he held your hand still, being firm but gentle was a side you didn’t think someone who’d swapped out people’s body parts and rearranged souls for what seemed like fun could ever be capable of.
“Come to me tomorrow morning and I can re-do it if needs be” you wished he’d hold your hand longer, but he moved to get something else, a little cup which held two pills.
“For the pain”
“Thank you” You watched him pour you a glass of water and handed it you, aiming for your good hand. You gulped the medication he’d given you and drinking the water to chase it down you let out a sigh.
Law simply nodded in response to your gratitude, saying nothing more as he got comfortable in his seat once more, taking a swig of his black coffee, no wounder the man never slept, you stood from your seat and excused yourself with a small ‘goodnight’ closing the door.
Walking along the deck, just the sound of waves lapping against the ship to keep you company. You turned the corner and pressed yourself against the wall, your newly bandaged hand laid over your heart as you stared out to sea, watching the moon shimmer across the dark surface of water. You felt your lip tremble.
The feeling you’d wanted all your life, the tight feeling in your chest, the fluttering of butterflies, all-encompassing feeling and desire to be by someone’s side. You were in love. You were in love with Trafalgar Law of all people, and you knew this wouldn’t end well for you.
You bit your lip, slowly sinking to your knees on the wooden deck of the ship. You could feel tears prick your eyes. This was going to hurt, worse then never knowing what it was like to long for someone.
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
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locked lips
pairing: Pro Hero! Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: NSFW 18+ MINORS DNI [please im literally begging you], swearing, legal consumption of alcohol, slight praise, fingering, use of the name ‘baby’, deku being a little bit of a cocky jerk, unprotected intercourse, make-up sex
genre: ex’s to lovers, smut, aged up characters, fluff/angst (?)
word count: ~2.2k words
synopsis: You broke up with him on impulse. That doesn’t mean you stopped loving him. Now you’re back at his place, at a party you planned, with him looking just so desirable. What else were you to do?
a/n: hi hi! alright friends, this being my first nsfw post i cannot stress enough how important it is that minors don’t interact. if i catch any minors interacting with this post, ill delete this post and block them, which i obviously don’t want to have to do. just please respect these rules :)) anyway, reblogs are greatly appreciated and enjoy xx
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You scrolled through your phone, mindlessly. You tried your best not to double tap on any of the pictures on your screen. The last thing you needed was for him to know you were stalking his page.
“You should start getting ready,” said Uraraka. You looked over at her, cocking a brow.
“Uh I'm not going?” you huffed. Uraraka sat down beside you.
“Don’t be like that Y/N. You still have to go tonight, regardless of Deku.”
“The party is at Deku’s house. I’d look like a total idiot showing my face there after we broke up.”
You sat up and crossed your arms. Ochaco sighed. She grabbed your shoulders.
“Y/N, you are gonna go to the party and make Deku regret his entire life. Anyway, I’m bringing you as my plus one, so you have to come!”
You sighed. “Fine, but I’m staying with you the whole night.”
Ochaco smiled and gave you a quick hug. She got up and began scanning through her closet again.
You had been staying with Uraraka since you and Izuku had broken up. It was a blow out fight. You yelled at him for caring about work more than you. He shouted at you for not being understanding of his career. The words you meant mixed with the words you didn’t, and chaos erupted between you and him. So, you packed a bag and left. You didn’t want to, but you were done.
While you and Deku were still together, you helped him plan an event for him and his fellow Pro Heroes, as an opportunity for them all to get together. Now, you would be attending that same event. Only, not with him.
“Who would’ve thought there’d be a day where I’d have too many clothes to choose from,” laughed Ochaco. You smiled.
“You should wear that pink dress Iida bought you for your birthday. I don’t think you’ve worn it out yet.”
“You think? It’s not too much…”
“Of course not! You’ll look hot,” you teased. Ochaco smiled.
“Alright alright I’ll wear it. But then you have to wear this!” She pulled out a bag from her closet and handed it to you.
“Please don’t tell me you bought me something…”
“I had to! All your clothes are still at his place...and I wanted to make sure you felt good tonight.”
You gave Ochaco a nudge and pulled out the tissue paper. You felt the soft material in between your fingertips, pulling it out from the bag.
“No need to thank me. You’ve been through hell and back these last few weeks, the least I could do is get you a pretty dress.”
You jumped towards your friend, engulfing her in a hug.
“Thank you.”
“Hey now, let’s get ready! The limousine will be here in just a few hours!”
You sat in the back of the limo with Ochaco as you were on your way to Deku’s party. You looked like a million bucks. A little part of you hoped someone would take notice.
The estate where Izuku lived was gated off. Once you were let inside, you could see the beaming lights from the top of the hill. You felt your stomach clench, nerves building inside of you. You wanted to see him, but you also didn’t want to see him doing better without you. You haven’t even been apart that long. A month maybe? Certainly not long enough for him to be over you, because you certainly weren’t over him.
“Oh wow, Deku went all out!” cheered Ochaco. You looked to see the endless decorations and glamor that surrounded you.
“Yeah, these were my ideas,” you mumbled. Ochaco placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t stress about it. Let’s just have fun, okay?”
You exited the vehicle and began to make your way inside. Champagne fountains and blasting music greeting you. His house was just as extraordinary as you remembered it. Nothing less than perfect for the No. 1 Hero.
“Uravity! Y/N!”
You turned to see your friend Iida, plus others from your old days at UA.
“You two are looking stunning tonight!” smiled Kirishima.
“Why thank you, it’s all thanks to this one,” you chuckled, giving Ochaco a nudge.
“I honestly didn’t expect to see you here tonight Y/N,” said Shoto. You shrugged.
“Well, I was invited after all. So Mr. Number One Hero can deal with it,” you huffed.
“Sounds like you could use a drink.”
Kaminari handed you a glass of champagne, which you took happily. You clinked glasses with your friends before dousing the beverage down.
“It’s gonna be a long night,” you mumbled to yourself.
You found yourself on the living room couch of Izuku’s large complex. You watched as Pro Heroes danced mindlessly with far too many drinks in their systems. You chuckled. At least they’re having fun.
You hadn’t seen Izuku all night, which was strange considering this was his party. You looked over to the glass staircase, knowing more than well that his bedroom was upstairs. You knew the layout like the back of your hand, after all, you lived here for a year.
You knew all your stuff had to be upstairs. You only had time to pack a small bag the day you left. Surely he wasn’t awful enough to throw your things away. You got up from the couch and quietly made your way up the stairs, hoping no one saw you sneak away from the action of the party.
His bedroom was at the end of the hallway. The doors were closed. You placed your shaky hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly. It was unlocked.
You stepped inside. The smell of his cologne filled your senses, causing memories to flood in as well. His room was neat, as if no one had been sleeping in it. You turned to the closet. All your clothing should be on the right side.
“Sneaking around?”
You jumped, removing your hand from the closet handle. You turned around slowly.
“Just wanted to make sure you didn’t burn my shit,” you huffed. Izuku chuckled. He took a few steps towards you, opening the closet.
“Don’t paint me as a villain Y/N. All your things are safe and sound.”
Your side of the closet was just as you left it. Exactly how you left it. You looked back to Izuku.
“Perfect. Then I’ll be taking it with me when I leave-”
“I’m surprised you came at all. I figured you’d want to be as far away from here as possible.”
“I didn’t come for you, I came for Ochaco.”
“Oh right.”
Deku took a step back, placing his hands in his pockets. That devilish smile stared you down, causing your face to burn. You could see the outline of his muscles through his white button down.
“You look incredible by the way. New dress?” he smirked. You rolled your eyes.
“Well since all my clothes were here, yes.”
“Well serves you right for leaving out of nowhere.”
Your eyes widened and you clenched your fists.
“I didn’t leave out of nowhere, I left because you cared more about your job than me!”
“That’s not true-”
“To hell it is! I was tired of being second to everything so I left!”
Izuku took a deep breath and stepped closer to you. He placed his hand under your chin, having you look at him.
“I didn’t want to break up.”
Your breathing got heavier without you even realizing it. You also didn’t realize that Midoriya had you pressed against the closet door.
“I-I didn’t want to either…” you whispered. Izuku smiled.
“Then tell me baby, why did we?”
“B-Because I didn’t know what else to do…”
Izuku brushed his thumb against your cheek, then took a step back.
“Look, I’m sorry. The last thing I wanted was to make you feel under-appreciated...but-”
Izuku moved closer to you again, pinning your arms to your sides and pressing his torso against you all in a swift motion.
“-I can think of a better way to prove it to you.”
You tried to catch your breath. All you wanted was him at this exact moment. Was that a good thing? Of course not. Did you care? Of course not.
“Then prove it to me.”
Izuku wasted little time in moving you onto his California-king. He pinned you down onto the mattress and instantly kissed you. You felt the rush of butterflies swarm your stomach. You hated how much you had missed this.
Deku let go of your wrists and you began to unbutton his shirt. With little patience, he helped you from out of your dress. He dived back down, locking lips with you once more. You dragged your nails down his back, listening as soft groans escaped his lips. He moved down to kiss and suck on your neck.
“Fuck~” was all you were able to get out. Izuku’s hands grazed your burning body, feeling the skin that he had been craving since the day you left. He snaked his hand to your back, unbuckling your bra easily.
“I’ve still got it…” he teased. He threw the bra to the floor and gave you little time to breathe before kissing you again. You ran your fingers through his fluffy hair, pulling him impossibly closer.
His puppy dog eyes stared back at you.
“What is it?”
You panted heavily, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I need you.”
A smirk creeped onto his face. Izuku kissed your cheek.
“I promised I was gonna prove it to you, wasn’t I?”
Izuku sat up, unbuckling his belt. He slid off his pants and boxers. You caught a glimpse of him, causing your body to feel on fire. Midoriya placed his head in between your legs. He teasingly kissed your inner thighs, keeping his hands glued onto them. The anticipation was practically killing you.
“Patience baby...I’m in no rush…”
He moved up to your underwear, biting onto one of the strings and pulling it down. They were practically soaked already. Same with your bra, he tossed them to the floor.
He continued to kiss and nip at your thighs, inching impossibly closer to you. You couldn’t take it anymore.
You grabbed Izuku up and kissed him feverishly.
“So eager baby~”
“Please just fuck me,” you whispered. Izuku chuckled. He licked his lips.
“As you wish.”
Izuku spread your legs apart, dipping one of his fingers inside of you with ease. You arched your back, letting out a moan, and gripping onto his arm tightly.
“That’s it baby~”
Midoriya slipped another finger in, stretching you out even more. You clenched around him as he added more pressure.
He removed his fingers and better adjusted himself above you. He held his cock in his hand before slowly pushing it inside of you.
You didn’t remember him ever feeling this good.
Izuku began to thrust into you, slow at first before building in speed. You could feel yourself clenching around him, sweat forming on your skin. Midoriya groaned with each movement as he pushed even deeper. He kissed you as he fucked you, though you were such a mess you could barely keep up.
He knew exactly how to get you worked up.
“Oh god...I’m c-close,” you mumbled.
“Not yet…”
Midoriya moved his hand down, taking his thumb and rubbing your needy clit. You gripped onto him even harder, digging your nails into his skin as he pushed you over the edge.
“Oh fuck-fuck-”
“Fuck baby, I-I love you-I’m sorry-” he stuttered out.
“I-I love you t-too. Fuck Izuku- I’m gonna cum-”
“Cum with me baby-”
Izuku went even harder as he reached his climax, following you. You let out a pleasure filled scream as you let go. Izuku laid on top of you, catching his breath as your body shook below him.
He looked up at you, brushing his hair back.
“I love you,” he repeated, in case you didn’t believe him the first time. You smiled.
“I love you too.”
You had forgotten all about the party that was occurring below you. As you got redressed to head back down to meet Ochaco, you felt Izuku grab your hand.
“What is it?” you asked him. Midoriya took your other hand as he stood before you.
“I really am sorry. I don’t want you to leave again,” he explained. You sighed. You ran your fingers through his hair, kissing his cheek.
“It’s okay, I won’t.”
You walked downstairs with Izuku, his hand interlocked with yours. You watched as Ochaco’s jaw dropped at the sight of you.
“Oh so that’s where you were for the last hour and a half?” she huffed. You chuckled nervously.
“Yeah sorry…”
“Well the limo is here to take us back home, or are you staying here?” she asked. You looked up at Midoriya.
“I’m staying.”
Soon the Midoriya residence was quiet, just you and him remained. You curled up with him on the couch, his arms holding you tightly as he kissed your head.
“You wanna know why I didn’t get rid of any of your things?” he said. You laughed.
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because I knew you’d be back.”
reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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sooibian · 3 years
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Pairing: Baekhyun x fem!Reader
Genre: Parents AU, tooth rotting fluff
Description: "When was the last time we did something together as a family?" you ask Baekhyun and...it backfires.
Word Count: 1.4k unedited!!!
A/N: Thank you for daydreaming about this cute little scenario @littleflowercrown13​ 💗 i hope you enjoy!!!!
Scraping your hair up in a bun, you padded into the living room with an idea floating in your consciousness which fortified upon finding your husband sprawled out on the couch, snoring away a beautiful Saturday afternoon while your two year old’s pony plushie had been merrily galloping along his torso.
This is what your weekends had come to - Baekhyun would snatch every minute he could find to take a nap and your little one would unwind in the company of her inanimate playthings. Family time was simply...non-existent! The three of you were together all the time but not really.
Plopping down on the box arm of the couch with a pointedly loud sigh, you tried to shake him awake, your ringleted doll enthusiastically following suit. Baekhyun fought the two of you off by curling up like a shrimp, shoving his face into the pillow and letting out a muffled groan thus inviting a flurry of giggles from the bright eyed little lady whose marigold sized fists danced on her appa’s arm as she excitedly bounced on the balls of her feeties.
“Ow!” Feigning injury, Baekhyun’s hand flew up to his shoulder to block another blow from the marigold fisted warrior princess. But she was caught unawares when he suddenly scooped her up in his arm and put her down on his chest, playful fingers wiggling along her protruding tummy.
More giggles from both father and daughter.
“Why did you wake me up?” grumbled Baekhyun. The entirety of his attention seized by his own miniature version, he masked the annoyance in his tone by wearing a wide grin on his face.
Poking your husband in the side with a bamboo needle (a failed attempt at knitting), you whined, “You’re sleeping all! the! time! I’m bored!” You lifted her off of Baekhyun’s chest, allowing him to sit up straight and stretch his back, only for her to go flying back into his arms again.
“Jagiya, sometimes I wonder who the real two-year-old is!” Baekhyun exclaimed, peppering the high tension baby's face with soft kisses. Their levels of energy had always been directly proportional - you never failed to notice how Baekhyun's effervescence fuelled her tempo. She suddenly seemed like a whole ‘nother person - in complete contrast to the tiny angelic girl who'd been quietly playing with her pony just a couple of minutes ago.
You protested, "When was the last time we did something together as a family?"
He shot you a look in response that said 'That’s rich coming from you!' but his boxy grin made a revival as soon as he set his eyes on the fluff ball in his hands.
You’d admittedly been a spoilsport when it came to participating in Baekhyun planned “activities” but they were simply “not your jam”.  A couple of weeks ago, the father daughter duo had decided to dress up as murderous clowns after seeing posters of IT Chapter Two around the city! Murderous! Clowns!! So instead of blatantly refusing their invitation to dress up as one yourself, you volunteered to be their photographer and clean up the mess after.
It was a lesson learnt.
So the next time they were ready to play Masterchef with the Sous Chef’s tush parked on the Head Chef’s hip and altered-to-fit toques perched atop their peanut shaped heads, you slyly feigned a work emergency and asked your husband’s best friend to drop in for sometime to keep an eye on them….and well, avert any potential disasters. You were grateful not to have come home to ruin and debris but to your angels well fed and soundly asleep on the couch with the Head Chef’s bright yellow chick apron soaking up Little Miss Sous Chef’s drool. Thank God!
No, thank Kim Minseok!
“We could do something that’s not...umm..well..” you started hesitantly.
Mischief dancing in his eyes, Baekhyun cracked a sly smile and asked, “Stressful?”
Pursing your lips, you gave him a non-committal nod.
Mirroring her father’s enthusiasm, your little one threw her hands in the air and thundered in baby coo.
Baekhyun had laid down an old rug on the living room floor and together you arranged clay masks, lotions, cotton pads, baby oils, moisturizers...the entire shebang. You excused yourself to the bathroom to cleanse your face while the older troublemaker tossed the younger one into the air, the sound of saccharine giggles and gurgles pervading the entire room.
Your lips unconsciously synced to the words of a familiar song stuck in your head...just this one line playing over and over again as you trotted out of the living room.
‘...I can’t even close my eyes and I don’t know why...guess I don’t like surprises..’
A vague foreboding swiftly crept into your consciousness. Dabbing your face dry, you darted towards the living room with a different tune stuck in your head.
‘Everytime I turn around, something don’t feel right! Just might be paranoid!’
From a distance, everything seemed eerily normal.
Gongju-nim was seated cross legged on the rug, with a fluffy cushion placed against her smol lap on which Baekhyun had his head rested. Rubbing your eyes, you blinked furiously to adjust to the baffling scene before you.
Jaw slacked, you stood watching her pudgy fingers work expertly along Baekhyun’s soft facial skin, evenly spreading the blackish grey gooey clay mask all over his face and neck. A sunflower hair band wearing Baekhyun guided her by occasionally tilting his head from side to side so as to avoid the mouth and eye area.
The two thoughts occupying your mind in the moment were the damage that the clay mask would do to her two year old silken tofu skin and ways to throttle Baekhyun without the teensie warrior princess coming to his defence riding her wee little pony plushie.
But before you could do or say anything, her clay mask wielding fist suddenly went whop on his pursed lips.
Baekhyun’s eyes flew open in horror and the little one burst into another fit of giggles upon seeing her appa’s startled face. You bit on your tongue to hold back your laughter as your husband frantically shook his head to dissuade her but with the competence of a professional, she continued to even out the mask all over his lips.
You quietly went and sat next to her as she reached out for another scoop of the mask from the tub. Aiming a gremlin grin at you, she proudly flaunted her clay covered hands and you realized that she had gloves on. Washed over with relief, you ignored Baekhyun’s clay swaddled cry for help and extended your arms out to her.
But Little Miss Esthetician was all fired up!
She enthusiastically struck her father’s forehead with her tinie palms (yet again you ignored Baekhyun’s pained whimper. After all, he had brought this upon himself) and cooed, “Mama~” gesturing that it was your turn now to avail her valued services.
“Oh, my baby!” you chuckled, “Come here, let’s get you cleaned up.” Gently scooping her up in your arms, you laid her down next to her father.
Now that Baekhyun had been shut up for a good twenty minutes or so, you started to clean the mess off of her hands while berating him in a sing-song voice. “Why did you think it was a good idea to allow her to come in contact with these harsh ~ chemical ~ substances ~ ?”
Brows raised, Baekhyun sat up with a start, shook his head in denial and defended himself with a loud, “Mmmm!!!”
You knew that the mask, made entirely out of quality, kid-friendly natural ingredients, was relatively safe but you were simply not the parent who took risks. You were pulled out of your reverie by gongju-nim dissolving into another fit of giggles at the sound that came out of her appa’s sealed mouth. Amused, you smiled down at her and continued, “It could’ve gone into her eyes, Baekhyunnie ~ or her mouth ~” In hindsight, it was an ill-timed joke but Baekhyun’s lips curled up in an endearing clay laced smile and his eyes crinkled into half moons.
Your out-of-tune complaining was drowned out by the overwhelming feeling of love that blossomed in Baekhyun’s heart for his chaotic little family. He quickly sneaked a picture of the three of you - him with his clay mask on and his beautiful ladies in the background, faces lit up by the other’s bright smile - and gleefully shared it with his 20.9 million followers. He then grabbed a box of tissues to help you clean the mess that he'd inadvertently yet expectedly made.
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