#if this movie trends i hope it's because it's from everyone shitting on it and review bombing it
thewanderingace · 2 years
I haven’t watched Netflix’s Persuasion and I absolutely will not touch it and based on every professional review, screenshot, tumblr post, reaction, etc about the movie tells me I am making the right decision. This looks like an absolute shit hole of a movie. Like they never even picked up the book let alone read it. What the hell were they thinking with this movie??
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katapotato55 · 1 year
How to write a good metaphor
yall seemed to like my post on "how to write good horror" so i figured i should make another one of these.
1- do. not. explain. the. metaphor.
"oh but how will the audience know my deep and meaningful message- "
SOME PEOPLE WONT GET IT. if you explain what you mean then suddenly the metaphor won't be deep anymore. it becomes a generic forced message.
i know you are tempted to make a character infodump about everything, fucking don't.
followup on this:
2- a good metaphor should potentially have multiple interpretations.
"but i don't want people to get the wrong impression of the story!"
then you either need to make damn sure its an elegantly written metaphor, or none at all. the death of the author is the idea that everyone has their own vision of a story they read, rearguards of authors intent. you need to come to terms with this or else you won't improve your writing skills.
you need to trust that your audience is intelligent enough to understand the metaphor on their own without bashing them over the head with it. sometimes people misunderstand meaning, it is a fact of life.
The game little inferno was thought of as a metaphor about pollution, in which later the creators went out to say it was actually about capitalism and wasting your life with things like exploitative mobile games. you just need make it SUBTLE and hope for the best.
3- The story/gameplay/etc should inform the metaphor(and sometimes reference real life examples)
To mention little inferno again, the "you must wait x amount of time for in-game item to be given to you" is a mirror of mobile games in the real world that use timers to leach money from you.
another example: analogue horror.
broken old technology is scary on its own, but many good analogue horror artists tend to use this to the advantage.
analogue horror can be used as a metaphor for dying trends and technology, like how in the 30's through 70's we used asbestos in the walls. Analogue horror makes a great parralel to this idea (see Blue_channel by gooseworx for a good example.) . the audience questions WHY this is on an old CRT tv and not just a smartphone, perhaps to imply this was an event that happened years ago.
undertale is another example, where most RPG's encourage you to fight and to level up, undertale uses this as a simple metaphor about obsessive control and being cruel to get an arbitrary achievement (i recommend the escapist's video on "why i didn't review undertale" on youtube for way better examples)
tldr: a metaphor is stronger if you lightly reference real life occurances and implement your metaphor in the medium presented.
4- the curtains are blue because they are blue.
not everyone is going to understand your metaphor
and not everyone is going to notice every single little metaphor you add to your story.
remember those teachers that would constantly stretch to imply something in a story is a metaphor and that the curtains are blue because of some deep metaphor for death and sadness and shit?
those teachers are full of it. ignore them.
metaphors are allowed to be simple. not every metaphor needs to be a hyper deep depth defying world changing thing. I could even argue a bunch of small metaphors connected to each other can be better than one big metaphor depending on your story.
relax. don't think too much about it because your average audience member won't.
5- study movies, tv, books, games, etc and understand why their metaphors work.
don't fall into that "the curtains are blue because of a deep message" English teacher mindset mind you.
"but how do i tell what is and isn't a metaphor?" you may ask
simple. trust your gut. you won't understand everything you come across but the human brain has a way of telling what is and isn't a metaphor in stories.
(spoiler about bugsnax)
I could argue Bugsnax is a metaphor about drug abuse and addiction. The characters have personality traits commonly associated with people vulnerable to drug addiction. An athlete, a hippy, a married couple going through a rough spot in their marriage with the threat of divorce, a mentally ill person with trauma and paranoia, etc.
It isn't obvious, many people may disagree with me, but you can't deny that there are signs i may be right.
(end of spoiler) the point i am trying to make: don't stretch to find a metaphor when you don't see one. if you are curious google other people's theories and make your own opinion. metaphors are hard and you will learn over time. and finally 6- do not ever do "it was all just a dream" or "the character is secretly in a coma" etc this applies to writing in general but it is still related to metaphors. the only time i have seen this done well is driver san francisco, but what it did right was A- make it so the players can guess ahead of time the mystery, such as the radio saying voices of your character in the hospital, or if you zoomed out you could hear a heart monitor. and B- it didn't completely un-do the entire story. that is my core issue with this trope. it either wastes your time un-doing the entire story readers worked hard to finish, or it is just nonsensical and terrible. "dora the explorer is actually in purgatory!" "spongebob is a metaphor for the 7 deadly sins!" "ash is in a coma and that is why he never ages! " ooooor it is a cartoon and you are forcing meaning that doesn't exist in something that doesn't even imply it. the world being a bit weird is not enough to be a metaphor for anything. If you want to make a good metaphor: do more effort than just slapping a lazy "it was all a coma" thing at the end. Like horror, stuff like this needs to be built up properly. also consider authors intent. I understand death of the author and all of that, but do you really think a retired marine biologist made spongebob to be a complex metaphor about sinners in hell ? (rip Stephen Hillenburg btw. we didn't deserve him.) thank you for reading, hope this helps. and please, learn to understand the tropes of metaphors before you attempt to make the story of a generation. edit- adding a couple more things i forgot 7- "the darkness is going to destroy the land or whatever!" i see this used all the time. spooky wookey dark shadowy bits going to destroy a land and is the hero's generic bad thing to fight. stop it. it is not a deep and complex metaphor about depression or whatever the hell you are on about. its lazy and stupid. 8- a story should stand up on its own regardless if audience members understand the metaphor or not I don't like Gris. it is a very pretty game with lovely visuals But also the entire story is just the main character moping about artistically and shit and go on about how artistically sad and dramatic this all is. if i don't understand the story without understanding the metaphor, then your story and your metaphor sucks. an example of a metaphor done well: spiritfairer without the metaphor, it is a simple game about running a traveling boat. even if you didn't care too much about the deeper meaning it is a cute story and the gameplay is fun (spoiler) if you look deeper, it can also be taken as a metaphor about greif and learning to accept your loved ones will one day die. things like the boat being filled with empty houses you can't remove is a good example of this. (end of spoiler) your story needs to stand up on its own to be good. don't use a metaphor as a crutch.
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ellemfaoh · 2 years
Hello~ may I request a Brady Hepner with like the little trend on tiktok where the reader accidentally texts him basically talking about their crush on him, thinking it was their friend. Thank you, I hope you have a good day/night💕
Modern!Vance x GN!Reader
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1.8k
Genre: Fluff, Accidental Confession, Somewhat Plot Heavy
Summary: You, a small side character that was near Vance in The Black Phone, accidentally messaged him on Instagram, thinking you were talking with Gwen Blake, telling him about how major the crush you had on him was. You didn’t realize until it was too late.
Author's Note: I decided to change the plot to be more of a Modern!Vance AU because I’m not sure the actors would like fanfics written about themselves. But I tried to make Vance as Brady Hepner as possible when he was out of the role, iykwim. I hope that’s fine!
Author’s Note 2.0: I can’t even fuck with you guys when I say I finished writing this in band, I’ve had to reformat this shit 4 times, and my laptop is broken so if it looks weird I apologize. My life is literally in shambles and school started like yesterday
At first it was a small thing. You talked to Vance when your scene got a break called, cracking a joke about how busted the pinball machine was—considering that there were multiple instances where the score wouldn’t increase when he hit something, or how the flipper on the left sometimes malfunctioned. Sure, it was as authentic a machine they could get, but there were a lot of errors when it came to this scene sometimes. He laughed and mentioned how he saw you jump a little when he yelled, reassuring you that he really wouldn’t do something like that.
You were hooked from then.
Your friendship slowly progressed as the shooting of the film went on. You gushed about how much you liked the vibe of the late 70’s in this movie, and Vance talked about how he really liked the jackets he got to wear for this role. He was a little bummed when he didn't get to take them home, but apparently he’s been trying to get them to give him the jackets. You told him how excited you were to get a chance to be in a feature film, even when you weren’t a major part of the story. You just stood next to him and got knocked into the machine while he played pinball. You were pretty happy your character was getting bumped into, and not the one doing the bumping. Even if it was a role, you’d rather not have to act out getting thrown to the floor. Though, maybe it wouldn’t have been too bad since Vance would grab you and hold you close.
You had to shake the daydream away, making sure your blush wasn’t visible to him. Though, he probably wouldn’t have noticed considering he was talking about how he nearly cried out of joy when the director called him and told him he landed the role. You just sat and smiled next to him as he talked, periodically grabbing your water bottle and drinking. It did get kind of warm when there were a bunch of people in one room for a while trying to get the perfect shot.
“Hey, (Y/N).” Vance said, voice laced with a confused tone.
“Hm?” You hummed, lips pressed against your bottle.
“I’m like, ninety percent sure that’s my water bottle.”
You choked, swallowing the water so it didn’t get spat all over, some of it dribbling down your chin as you coughed. Vance laughed and patted your back, trying to make the liquid and air go the correct way through your throat. With an apology, you wiped your mouth and got up to get him a new drink. You almost dropped the new bottle when he made a joke about ‘eye for an eye’ and took your previous bottle.
“Cut!” Was yelled by the director, directing everyone to start this segment of the scene from the top as a camera person helped Brady up from his place on the floor.
All he did was laugh, saying something along the lines of, “These jeans are so tight. How did 70’s kids do anything?” He looked over at you when you laughed on the sidelines, laughing along with you.
Tonight was the premier of the movie, all of the hard work the actors put in finally paying off. It was a pretty big hit amongst the audience, and critics seemed to enjoy it, considering the rating stayed around the 80’s. You weren’t a major enough character in this film to really say you did that much, but you did have a few other shows and movies where you were a major or major-minor character, so the photographers asked you to pose for photos regardless. While your previous works weren’t too popular, this movie was definitely going to help your career—same with Finney, Gwen, Albert Shaw, and the rest of the ‘Ghost Kids’— as you guys dubbed them amongst the crew.
You walked off to the side pretty quickly, talking with Bruce and Griffin about some inside jokes concerning the movie and what you guys thought of other horror movies. When you looked up at them both, you noticed they were looking behind you for some reason, but just before you could turn your head, a pair of hands blocked your vision, a loud “BOO!” shouted from behind you. You and Vance laughed at his joke, giving him a joking punch in the shoulder while he pulled his new movie moves on you.
“I hate that you learned some amount of combat.”
“And I love it.”
Neither of you paid the cameras flashing much attention at that moment, simply living in the moment as Bruce and Griffin joined in. You were all grateful for the opportunity to be in such an amazing movie and meet equally amazing people, the rest of the cast coming over to join in on the activity, the paparazzi getting as many shots as possible.
It had been a few days since you last hung out with any of the TBP cast, rest at home on your bed and scrolling on your phone, seeing Instagram appreciation posts for the movie sent to you by Gwen. You were almost shocked that they were about you.
Gwen: Looks like you’re getting a little more popular!
(Y/N): Oh shush, it’s just one post y’know
Gwen: Yeah, but look at the likes
Gwen: Try searching up a few of the directors and casting people you follow, you might be surprised to see ;)
You thought for a moment, swiping off of the messaging with your friend and going to your ’following’ list, swiping through the list. There weren’t many other people you followed aside from fellow actors, good friends, and directors you admired; hoping one day to work with them one day by hoping they’d scroll onto your page or find you somewhere online. You were grateful for spam accounts though, mostly because there were other interests you had, but you had to keep your page “professional.”
Going back to the post, you searched up usernames in the liked section—eyes nearly popping out of your head when you saw a few directors had liked the post, along with your friends. You squealed and kicked your legs in the air out of excitement, tapping on Gwen’s profile in the list and DMing her about your findings. She was offline right now, but she’d see it soon.
(Y/N): Hehe, so did Vance
(Y/N): I know you’re probably tired of hearing me gush about him, but you’re the only one who knows about my crush.
(Y/N): Which is good, because then it’d probably cause some sorta weird domino effect in our group and his career and stuff, which I wouldn’t wanna ruin
(Y/N): But Vance is so handsome Gwen, like…
If anyone could see Vance right now, they’d probably laugh at him. His face was a blooming red. He at first chuckled when he realized you meant to talk to Gwen, so he was about to tell you the mistake…until he learned about your apparent crush on him. Now he couldn’t stop reading, watching his notifications pop up as to not alert you he had actually been reading your messages. Oh god. What should he do? I mean, he knew how you felt now. Have you always felt like this? How long have you been crushing on him? When did Gwen learn? Did anyone else know? He had a million questions running through his head.
Maybe that kind of explains why you acted some ways. He always thought you just had some sort of quirks about you; which is kind of why he never questioned your behavior. Actors in general are pretty interesting people just by themselves. What were you thinking of when you spaced off talking to him? Or when you watched him during every scene he was shooting—I mean everyone was watching, but he always felt your eyes the most. That could also explain the racing of his heart right now. He never thought about it, but it seemed he also had a special place for you, and now he was finally realizing it.
He likes you too.
“God…” He muttered into his pillow, pushing his bangs and the hair in his face back. That explained why he was excited to shoot scenes when you were with him in them. Why he liked hanging out with you in a different way as opposed to how it felt hanging out with Bruce or Finn outside of filming.
(Y/N): Gwen??
(Y/N): Normally you’re online to tell me to stop by now
(Y/N): Are you shooting a new film or something?
It was weird to you, seeing that Gwen wasn’t online in the middle of your vance spam. Maybe she was shooting a new movie or at an audition. You decided to click on the profile button to look and see if she updated her bio or posted something on her story, but you were horrified to learn that you weren’t texting Gwen the whole time. You were texting Vance.
“Oh my god.” You said, dread filling every inch of your being. Sure you wanted to confess to him one day…but not like this! “No no no no no!” You shouted, instantly firing some apology messages.
(Y/N): Vance I’m so sorry I didn’t realize I clicked on your account.
(Y/N): Just ignore that!
(Y/N): Sorry, it must’ve been weird to get some messages from me like that
(Y/N): You can just ignore them, we can still be friends if you want and I swear I won’t be weird or anything!
Vance: Don’t worry about it
Vance: It was kind of funny watching you gush about my hair and jawline haha
Vance: And
Vance: It’s nice to know you feel the same way
Vance was too scared to look at your response, nervously bouncing his leg as he sat on the edge of his bed and contemplated every moment in his life that led him to this moment. How was he stupid enough to not realize you liked him and that he liked you? He had so many opportunities to tell you in person; quiet moments off set when you guys would talk about small things, the movie premier, the times you hung around on the set of that little mart. Stupid, stupid Vance.
Meanwhile, on your end of the phone you were freaking out. “He feels the same way?” You questioned at first, letting the air in the room settle for a bit before it dawned on you. Holy shit. Vance Hopper felt the same way about you! He also had a crush on you! Squealing and celebrating in joy took you about five minutes, the idea to reply not even dawning on you. When you did realize however, you were quick to send out a few messages.
(Y/N): Well then, I guess we should set something up then
Vance: Yeah, we should :)
You both sat there on opposite sides of the screen smiling at your phones.
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deaconusdelirium · 2 years
Back by unpopular demand? Me!
My guess is you guys are tired of me that’s why I went ➡️ for what, 3 months?
Anyways, what way to kick off Slasher season with *Ahem*? I’m a little rusty I guess, so please push it aside while I get it all together again
Warning: Danny being a horny fucking pervert, he’s literally his own warning. Sexual tension… uh like three shitty movie references, a drop of lemon 🍋 and.. severe disappointment
God, why did you agree to come to this stupid party? It wasn’t like you knew anyone, your friend who held the get together promised to stay by you, only to leave when a group of high priced society looking bunch called her over. Then you were all by yourself, standing in the same spot your friend had left you, silently hoping she’d come collect you again. But by the looks of it, she wasn’t anytime soon.
Did you look stupid standing there with your arms crossed over your body with the obvious anxiety packed body language you were letting the whole room read? Everyone knew each other, they were laughing and conversing. That protruding thought from the back of your mind threatening to come true made you chew your nail out of instinct.
Maybe it would be best…
Then like that, your friend was gone. Which was fine, it wasn’t like you were going to go out of your way to push through the crowd of people only to be brushed off again. Just before you lifted your foot, it felt even more embarrassing to leave, the whole room probably anticipated your departure and a ‘there they finally go’ as you walked off. Lucky most people cleared a path for you, making it even more unsettling like all eyes were on you.
Walking out the door and into the warm fall night, it was like your senses cleared and you could breath again. All that you had to do now was fight traffic back home.
Walking up into the front door, the key jingling in the process of letting you in. Quickly turning around, it felt like you needed to expect something tonight. But you’ve felt like that for the past few months. The air that left your lips turned into a cloud, the night getting progressively colder making you walk in and close the door as fast as you could.
What was there to do now? The rest of your night was suppose to be spent at a party instead of bored at home.
Taking the warm jacket you had on, off, it was like your brain had a mind of its own. And soon enough you sat on the couch, tea in hand as the TV silently played in the background. A blanket spread across your lap as you chewed on the strings of your hoodie. There was nothing good on, the tea had gone warm almost cool. The streets busy at rush hour and with the house almost warm, maybe it would be good to spend the rest of the remainder of the night in bed scrolling through whatever just to judge the things people were into. ‘Really? You think going to Universal studios just to see the new Nope setup is a trend right now?’ Yeah that’s not called a hobby nor trend
Setting the mug on the coffee table, it was like a slap across the face when you suddenly didn’t want to get up. So you threw yourself back into the cushions with a huff, “you wanna put that pretty mouth of yours to work or what?” You jumped and glared at the gaping white mask that was staring you down for who knows how long. “How long have you been there?” You made it pretty clear to him that you weren’t going to put up with his shit tonight as he only laughed in response. “Long enough, still trying to get these images out of my head about you”
“Well then I guess it’s time for you to leave, because I’m going to bed” that came out a lot sarcastic then you meant for it to be, “then I guess I’m in for a real treat tonight” you groaned and looked away from him, the couch dipped signaling he sat down and without thinking any further, he was most definitely close as he could be. However when you looked back, he only continued to stare at you, no words exchanged only the looks you both had.
Your eyes took notice of his breathing under the cape, his chest rising up and down ever so slowly, deep.. agonizingly… slow hypotonic rhythm that had you looking at his chest a bit longer than you liked to admit. Seconds went by and his mask tilted to the side like a dog as he leaned in. Two gloved fingered ran across the blanket on your lap until he started caressing it, like he was feeling the material through the leather gloves. The closer he got the more you could feel the warmth and hear the huffs of air that echoed in the mask.
You stood your ground, clearly telling him you weren’t going to budge tonight. Then his hand went up your thigh and
Again, you jumped as he grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around your shoulder, pulling you closer as he let out a small chuckle. “You’re real jumpy tonight” he whispered, you didn’t say anything as you let your heart calm down from the sudden adrenaline that coursed through your veins. The blanket wrapped around his fist as he yanked it closer to his chest, your body stiff as the mouth of his mask met your neck, a shudder ran down your spine at the cold plastic soon melting warm like butter. He inhaled before his head traveled down to your clavicle, then right over your heart. Oh how he loved hearing your heart beat like you just ran a marathon or even better, watched a scary movie. His eyes fluttered shut under the mask as the pace slowed and soon it was like a drum, beating in short bursts over and over
-Thump thump- -thump thump- -thump thump-
It was like his own version of serotonin, and like that you pushed him away, standing up leaving him to glare at you. He watched from the couch as you began towards the stairs, he got an idea just before your foot started the steps, he jumped up and ran after you as your heart once again started as you ran up the steps thinking he finally went out of his mind and ends up killing you. The heavy thud of boots against the carpeted wood reminded him of your heart. He laughed, following you to your room. Then he shoved the door open as he grabbed your upper arms. Seeing you try to catch your breath as he leaned in to meet your lips as if he just delivered a kiss.
“What the fuck Danny?!” You stepped away from him as he shrugged, smiling like he had finally aced a test.
It was like your heart wanted to jump out your chest and air was scarce, “don’t- don’t you ever fucking do that again you-” you cut yourself off as you were about to punch his arm with all your might, only to weakly deliver a shove that barely even made him move. “Fuck your hot” he stepped closer only to be pushed into the little chair you had for your ‘office’
He spun around, never minding you walk into the bathroom attached, maybe he could get lucky tonight. He quickly pulled his shirt up but below his pecs, making sure the mask stayed on as he loosened his belt, making sure to keep his pants buttoned. One arm thrown over his head as his hand grabbed the headdress, and the other laid still on the arm rest. Then you came back, let out a yelp and covering your eyes with your hand, “my goodness” you complained as he watched you. “You running a private show?” He motioned between the computer being almost directly across your bed, making you bloom with embarrassment as you denied his question
“No, no no no-” “cause I’m willing to be the extra prop” he offered, making you sit at the edge of the bed in front of him, hands covering your face as you peeped through your fingers, “or if not, we could always” he cut himself off as he lifted his hips up and down and let a small moan out. Making you shut your eyes with a slight ring in your ears, there was no denying that sight would leave you tonight. Cause it certainly did make you smile and made your legs squeeze together in what? Excitement? Embarrassment?
He rolled closer and pulled your hands away from your face, seeing you look away. “Go on, do what you want with me. I’m fine with it sweetheart, I’m sure you got ideas of your own in here” his hand ran through your hair as he mentioned your head. You shook your head no as he was the one to huff in annoyance this time. What could he do to try and get you to do something, then he remembered. The way you stared at him while he was trying to regain his breath downstairs. You watched as he pulled the black shirt over his head and thrown into the laundry basket he long ago called ‘our laundry basket’
Eyes widening, you stood up and finally spoke “ok, I think it’s time for you to leave” Jesus Christ what would it take for you to give in? Truth be told, he was currently on the run after he slipped up just a little. But for the most part he just wanted some.
He grabbed your wrist and pushed you against your work desk, pulling you by your thighs until you sat at the edge, making his stomach tighten slightly as well. God he so wanted to record this and send this to whoever your boss was. Instead, “interview me” he shook his head up as he sat back in the chair. “What?” You were so clueless, “interview me, see if I got what it takes to get with you” he explained as you laughed, rolling your eyes. But nonetheless giving in, now it was his turn to watch you. Your fingers grab the stack of papers, pulling piece by piece towards your chest with nimble fingers. He so wanted to be in that position, you in his lap, your fingers running through his hair as you pulled him to your chest. Both your bodies almost becoming one as he released his tension
“Are you socially active?” Your voice made him look at you, not hearing you right “sexually active? That gave him a slap to the chest. “No you idiot, I said socially. Like- are you socially active… uh. Are you good with talking to people you’ve never met? Being comfortable in a room with many people you have to work with?” Well that was a poor explanation “ohh, uh yeah I guess” his response made you raise a brow “you guess? It’s a yes or no question. I can’t write ‘I guess’ cause it sounds like I forced you to say so,” you shook your head and marked yes
“Do you plan on being on time, to work, meetings, and conferences? Even if it means working overtime?” “Mhm” you looked at him because of his answer, so you just marked yes. A couple more questions went by without him saying anything perverted. “This is so boring, what the hell” he whined as it was only the fifth question. “You said to interview you” “I know what I said, just… let’s role play something else” he scooted closer as his hands squeezed your thigh. Kneeding them softly under his palm, “that was role play?” You laughed at him, “it didn’t go exactly as I planned, sure, but you looked too cute focusing on the questions. I wonder if that’s how you always look working”
You hummed, still smiling trying not to laugh. It really made you wonder how he thought that would play out good. The furthest it would go would probably be you telling him off, until he threatens you… bending you over your desk making you hope your boss doesn’t walk in- fuck.
He grabbed your hands, intertwining your fingers with his as he leaned up towards you. “Come on, lemme be your husband” that was so out of context as you nervously laughed, now how do you get out of this situation?
“I’m serious” “no your not” you added, he stayed silent.
His hand guided your over his wrist, up his forearm to his bicep. Feeling his veins under your fingertips as his other hand went behind your back. Pulling you to sit on his lap, his warmth making you lean into him slightly as he continued to guide your hand down pass his neck, leaving an invisible trail down his abs, making you feel them as he sunk further into the chair. You were almost higher than him, and soon enough your hands were on their own. They didn’t wander like he wanted them to, but you kept them right above his stomach, his hands on your hips as he got ready, already enjoying this position. Much to his dismay, you pulled your hands back, “sorry I- I didn’t mean to” you apologized as his brows furrowed, for what?
He shook his head no as he moved you both to the bed, pushing you down softly as he stood up, looking down at you. His hand coming to your face as he whispered not to apologize over and over. Then it hit him, did you not want him because he came off too strong? Or maybe it was because you thought he only wanted what he desired? Sure he was a fucking psychopath but he wasn’t going to mess with your feelings, he’s nothing if not sorry. “I need you” he whispered, feeling his hot breath through the mouth of the mask as you nodded, giving in. To hell if he wanted only your body, it’s been so long since you’ve had this and you needed it
“I swear I need you” his hands pulled yours above your head as his body was flush against yours. Feeling the small piece of your own stomach against his as your shirt began to rise up. He pulled his hand from your side and moved the mask up to his mouth, wanting to taste you. You shut your eyes not wanting to invade his privacy any further as his tongue viscously claimed your mouth his own, soon enough you couldn’t tell apart your own drool from his. His hips beginning to try and find comfort, release anything from the stupid pants you both wore.
Your chest heaved as he licked a line from the corner of your mouth like he was carving a smile to your earlobe, giving it a teasing nip before taking it between his lips. A breathy “fuck I need you” as he began to undo his pants, a phone call from your friend was all it took to end it
Might be some typos but forgive me. Request? Send it. Complaints? Put a bag over your head
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jujutsukgojo · 1 year
The Less You Know, The Better
mafia Shouto todoroki x reader
“Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re not going to talk, okay?” He stalked toward you, graceful strides without a fault. “I know you won’t because you’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
What the fuck?
Right in front of you, he grabs your face. “The less you know, the better. You know nothing of tonight.”
He caressed your face. “What do you know?”
“Nothing.” Your response was quick.  “Good girl,” He placed a kiss on your head.
tw: mentioned gang violence, mentioned murder, idk
A/N: this is shit and it hurt my feelings to edit and post it i'm SCREAMING. i dont own bnha
shouto todoroki x reader, 4.8k
You look at the man that was once your classmate. His red and white hair parted in the middle with his red hair slicked back, scar prominent and beautiful, and eyes deceptively warm and innocent. He wears a tux so white, that it is like an angel's wing. You know better. You know that he'd never even get close to heaven to touch a divine being. You know him better than anyone, honestly.
His friends and family consider him noble, a little oblivious, goofy, and overall sweet and kind. That he in no way is he like his older brother. That is a bold-faced lie if you ever heard one.  
Shouto has held a candle for you since you met him at U.A. when he was openly cold. His eyes were piercing and unforgiving and his touch frosty yet fiery. Everyone forgave him for his hostility and helped him see the light of life. You were one of them, too.   
 He held doors open for you and slammed them shut on everyone else, he was gentle and courteous, during lunch he’d get up from his lonesome table and give you his sweets or his entire lunch if you forgot yours, so in return, you offered to just share it. All of these little things made you swoon and sit with him. During those times, you got to know Shouto for who he is. He never told you about his family life in depth, though. Not until Izuku got to him. Even then, the details were never fully explained to you. Some holes were never filled properly, and you never asked.   
 Second year came around and he was nicer than the last year, third year shared the same trend.    
The first time he proposed was later in your first year. You told him that the two of you couldn’t get married since you both were too young. Shouto reasoned with an ‘Okay, later then.’.  
The girls in the class squealed in excitement when he said that.    
This continued, much to everyone’s amusement. Soon it became sort of like a gag. Mina even had him recreate romantic movie scenes to get you to say yes. Once, Aizawa joined in and begged you to say yes so everyone could shut up as he tried to get the class under control.  
Sweet, sweet, Shouto showed his true colors a couple of months ago in the dead of night. You wish that you wouldn’t have walked into that restaurant and wouldn’t have come across the back alley.  
There Shouto was, standing tall, with blood coating his arms, men surrounding him, and terribly beaten and possibly dead people at his feet. For a moment you thought he was in danger and was just defending himself against assailants until you realized that these men in black were with him. Not wanting to believe your eyes and still needing to understand, you waited in secret. Shouto answered your question as he collected the money and showed that the men around him, three of them, collected the bodies. All except for one that lay on the ground.    
“A messenger is sometimes needed,” Shouto said while wiping his hand on a handkerchief that was given to him. If the blood wasn’t smeared all over it, the emblem on it would look like a mythological Chimera.    
The messenger was completely beaten yet still managed to limp with one leg not broken. He'd be screaming in agony had the adrenaline not kicked in. You curled up even more behind a box as he passed you. His eyes faced the exit with hope in his bruised eyes. You hope he didn’t see your bold-colored dress that stood out too much even in the night.  
 The three men disposed of the bodies by wrapping them up in plastic and tying a rope around them. The trunk of the truck is already covered with a bright blue tarp. The men placed the bodies inside and shut the double doors.  
One of the men get out various supplies and sprayed them on the ground. The drain collects the liquid happily. Because it is an alley, stenches, dirt, and every other disgusting thing, are normal. Perhaps that is why deep cleaning isn’t given, you presume.   
Either way, it is disgusting and scary. What you saw is evil and wrong on all levels.    
One of the three men, the one with a beanie on his head with one curl sticking out and a tattoo peeking from the back of his neck, opened the door for Shouto. “Nah, I'll walk.”    
The three men drive away. “I know you’re there, (Y/n).” Your heart stopped. Not waiting another moment, you backed away from the scene. “I want to talk to you.”    
You don’t answer him and instead, you shook your head as you leave in a crouched position. Suddenly, you’re grabbed and lifted to stare Shouto in the eyes. “I-I didn’t see anything, honest!”   
 Frozen stiff, you don’t fight when he lifts you completely and carried you bridal style. Your breath was short. The streetlights, despite the evil he committed, gave him justice for his beauty. Now revealing a terrible violent nature, he still resembles something angelic. Only this time, it is a vengeful angel rejected by God.    
 “Sh-Shouto, don’t.” You whispered. He said nothing in return. Minutes later, he says, “Keys.”   
Looking to your right, your door stands. He took you home. You didn’t even notice where he was going. Without hesitation, you jumped out of his hold and scrambled for your keys. Shouto pressed himself against you and dug inside your purse. Instantly, he held them and unlocked the door. Once you saw the door open, you jumped inside and closed the door.    
At least you tried to.    
Shouto’s foot sat in the way and helped him push himself through. “No!”    
“Stop.” He stood in front of you with the door closed behind him. For a moment neither of you speak. “You saw too much, you know that?”   
“No, I didn’t.” He scoffs and looks around your place as if he hasn’t been inside a million times. As if he didn’t help you move in and decorate. “Don’t play stupid.”   
You could have sworn you were quiet. Not a whimper or whine, not a creak or shuffle or a click of your heel. Hell, you didn't even breathe. At this time, you should have said that you wouldn’t tell anyone, but you can’t. How can you? You saw something horrific! People should know!   
 “Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re not going to talk, okay?” He stalked toward you, graceful strides without a fault. “I know you won’t because you’re a good girl, aren’t you?”   
What the fuck?   
Right in front of you, he grabs your face. “The less you know, the better. You know nothing of tonight.”   
He caressed your face. “What do you know?”   
“Nothing.” Your response was quick. “Good girl,” He placed a kiss on your head. With one bolt of courage, you said, “You won’t get away with this!”   
Shouto sighed and stared down at you. It made you remember that he has always been taller. No matter how tall you are, he’s about a head bigger if not more.    
As he leaves, he tells you to lock the door and windows. “It’s dangerous out here.”   
Since then, you’ve felt like you’re being watched. Bolting the doors and securing the windows is your priority. Because of what you saw, you want to march right to the authorities and tell them everything, but for some reason, you can’t. Fear and guilt are set deep inside whenever you think about it.    
Now here he is, at this stupid party or gala or whatever. In your face, asking for a dance. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”   
 Smirking, he places your drink in the waiter’s awaiting hand. “For you? A dance with me is always a good idea.”   
 He twirls you around the floor. Your dress that compliments your skin tone sways with the motion. The subtle designs on it shine in the light as he gently grabs your hand to show you off with every movement. Onlookers coo at you both and whisper ‘a lovely couple’. Those whispers make you warm.    
“I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever.”   
You look around and see your old classmates, bringing a certain comfort at the moment. You notice Eijirō standing by the door, Tooru shimmying her way around the guests being as nosey as ever, and surprisingly, Kyoka has her ears perked up, seemingly joining her.  
 Momo smiles and looks around, admiring the décor. She's got the right idea. It's gorgeous. A classic ballroom set: gold and red, a chandelier, delicious food and desserts, gorgeous flowers of roses and lilies, and even more beautifully, a bouquet of bluebells. All of it screams money, elegance, and symbolism. It's truly a show of wealth. A place like this is something you never thought you'd be invited to.  
 Everyone seems to be doing okay. They're a little off, but alright. It makes you smile, your old classmates. With them being around you feel a little better.   
“It’s only been a few months, Todoroki.” He firmly grabs your waist and loops your hand through his. The hold is secure and intimate.    
 “Todoroki? What happened to Shouto?” You roll your eyes and shake your head. “Don’t do that.”   
 He hums. “Well, it throws me off. The only reason you should be saying “Todoroki” is if it has a “missus” and your name.”   
 “Oh, come on,” You scoff in disappointment. “That was lame.”    
“Sorry, I'm rusty. I haven’t asked you to marry me in these few months, (Y/n).” You separate yourself from him for a moment. “I know good and damn well your ass did not-”   
He’s genuinely smiling at you.  “I haven’t even asked yet!”  
“And you’re not going to!” He laughs again, something he only does when he’s with you. It’s been that way since high school. You're the only one who sees that he has dimples.  
 “(Y/n), please marry me. I’ll treat you right.” He promises.   
“A damn dirty lie.” He pulls you close to him. A beautiful whisper is on his lips. “No, it’s not. You’ll be safe and loved. I’ll give you the world, my love. Just say the word.”   
That’s the first time he’s called you that. Usually, it’s ‘dove’, ‘beauty’, and most often, ‘soba noodle’. The last is a nickname he picked up in high school that was suggested by Sero.  
 “I am in love you, (Y/n). And one day, you’ll be my wife. Mark my words.” You suck on your teeth. “The devil is a liar.”   
  Now in your mid-twenties, Shouto still asks you to be his wife. This has been going on for what? Ten years or something?    
“Would you like to see me on one knee? Because I'll do it right here.” You step on his foot lightly. “No, you won’t, a public proposal is embarrassing.”   
He hums and moves to get down. You yank him up. “Stop that!” Embarrassed, you look around and see a few people watching. 
“This is why I don’t trust you.” That’s the gospel truth. At any moment he could turn on you.   
 “One day you will.”    
 You shake your head no. “You’re lying to everyone. All of these people, too. You are a shady bastard. What the hell is going on anyway?”   
“All you need to know is that I am still your Shouto.” You look up at him. “Which Shouto is that?”    
“All of me. Every side of me will love you beyond the end. Not a single part of me will hurt you, this I swear.” You stop moving. And really look at him. He is still Shouto, right? Can he be saved?  
“What have you gotten yourself into, Shouto? Is there a way out?”   
“The less you know, my soba noodle, the better.”  He kisses your knuckles as the song is over.   
He keeps saying that. And the more he talks the more it seems to be the best thing for you. Because, in an odd sense, it’s comforting. Whether or not it is in the worst way is up for interpretation.    
At night you hear the screams of people begging for mercy. You hear children weeping in the dark with no light to find them. Red is everywhere with Shouto in the middle of the room. He gazes into your eyes as you look around. Then, a single hand is extended towards you with Shouto giving you a hopeful look.    
This is the dream you’ve been having ever since that fateful night when you saw the side of Shouto you never wanted to see. One that you never thought was there had met you with a terrifying turn of its head.    
Before the dance, that dream started to fade. But then Shouto held you and it came back with a vengeance. Only this time, it feels more real than ever. Now you are waking up covered in sweat and checking around to see if there is any evidence of the dream. This can’t continue.    
You spy Izuku, Tenya, and Katsuki enter Izuku’s apartment building. This is the perfect time to free yourself of all of this.    
 You danced with Shouto and for a moment it felt normal. Then at night, you are reminded of what you saw. Shouto with rolled-up sleeves, blood on his arms, and specks on his face. Cold and fierce eyes and skin that kissed the moonlight, giving him a beautiful glow, that in the situation, looked more evil than it did angelic. Like an entity of darkness manifested in the moonlight. A rejected angel covered in blood rather than holy water. All of that came back to you when you saw him again.    
The way he held you reminded you of him before all of this. The way you knew him before he killed or before you found out he had this vicious side of him. Everything has changed now. And the only way to get rid of that vision of the rejected angel is to put him behind bars.   
This secret can’t be held any longer, not by yourself. It breaks your heart as you mourn a friend, hell, maybe even someone who you’d marry.    
You never saw yourself with anyone else. And now you are willing to end that future for everyone’s sake. Who knows who he’ll attack next, right?   
  This is your Shouto. The one whose laugh that only you know and whose smile that you keep in your chest. The one who makes your heart flutter. Your heart aches as you run to Izuku’s apartment building and run up the stairs. You stop midway and wipe your face as tears flow. You are cursing up a storm and praying that there won't be any evidence of your tears.  
 If anyone can stop this, they can. They're good people you have known for years. You may not have the strength to turn him in, but they do. 
 You knock on the door. “Izuku, it’s me! Open the hell up!” You hear nothing at first until Katsuki opens the door with a frown. “You shouldn’t be here, (Y/n).”   
Katsuki, despite his aggressive nature, has never been that way with you. At first he was prickly then after knowing you for some time, Katsuki just didn’t have an issue with you. 
“Katsuki, we need to talk, please.”    
He reluctantly lets you in and turns to his friends. “She’s here.”    
“Hello, (Y/n).” Tenya waves and asks what brings you here. There is something off about his voice. Maybe it is what Shouto did and the dance that is throwing you off. The atmosphere is different from what you are used to with them as well. It is reminiscent of the party but on a bigger scale. Like they are waiting on an eggshell or something? Shifting eyes back and forth at each other, waiting for you to speak.
Paranoia is to blame, surely. It is because for the first time in months, you had been with Shouto in what seemed like an innocent if not romantic dance. You were in the arms of a murderer, and it has been weighing on you like the mountain of bodies that is surely on Shouto’s list.
These are your friends. These are justice-loving people that will help you. They have the strength to do what you can’t.  
You hear the door close behind you. All three men wait patiently for you to answer. You’re jittery and pace around the floor. “I need help or advice or something.”   
“Like what?” Tenya sits back on the arm of the brown leather couch. Izuku comes out of the kitchen with a couple of mugs. He sets them down on the coffee table and waits for you to continue.  
Taking a deep breath, you answer him. “What do you do if you saw something bad months ago? I mean, what if the bad thing was caused by a friend, what do you do?”   
 All three men go stiff. Tenya is the first to speak. “Depends on the situation. Some things are better off unsaid.”   
 Izuku nods at Tenya’s words. “Some things just have to be sorted on their own.” Izuku adds.   
 These aren’t the answers you were looking for. You try to explain your case further.
“I saw Shouto kill a few people and this guy limped away. I don’t know what happened to him. I haven’t told anyone but I feel like I should. I know it’s unbelievable, but it happened. I saw it with my own eyes. ”   
You know that it doesn't sound like the Shouto they know. You are prepared to defend what you saw even though you don't have the slightest bit of evidence. 
“Don’t say shit.” You turn to see Katsuki cross his arms. His words confuse you even further, especially since it is someone who had such tremendous growth. Katsuki wants you to give up. You struggle to get your words out. “But-”   
“(Y/n), before you say another word, do yourself a favor and drop it.” Izuku, the sweet nerdy, righteous man, stares at you. His once joyous, green, round, eyes are absent and are replaced with something hard and cold. This is totally out of character. Never would he ever-  
Suddenly, it dawns on you. The entire thing is finally setting in.    
They're in on it. There is no way they would ever say for you to drop it if they weren't, even if their life were on the line or some shit. When you entered the apartment, it was a little off, but it is worse now that you have told what you saw. Now it is tense and even more unfamiliar with these friends of yours. Like confronting Shouto is an unwelcomed notion  and what you saw is something that they also need to keep secret.   
Recently, you’ve felt like you were being watched. And sometimes you turn around to see no one. Most often, however, it is a friend from U.A. When you saw them, you didn’t feel the least bit worried. You felt a lot safer knowing it was a former classmate, a friend, someone you hold dear.  
Now it makes sense. Every single classmate is in on it. The party or gala thing you went to was nothing but an inspection of the other attendants who may have been a part of something bad too.    
You accounted their behaviors at the time due to stress. Never did you think they would ever participate in such wickedness. Now that you are piecing everything together, you remember how your classmates were acting. Their positions at the party, and how only a few were mingling and dancing. They were working, and not a nine-to-five job. No, it was all for Shouto.    
The less you know, the better. Something a gangster would say to a mob wife or a yakuza wife. You don’t know fully.   
After a few moments, you take a guess, “Is Shouto the one in charge?”   
“Yes,” says Katsuki. “And it is best if you go home.”    
There it is.   
 “How could you guys? Tenya, what about the lost children?” You want to cry so badly.    
He always said he’d save the lost and crying children. So, how can he be this way? In a gang, mafia, yakuza type shit? What else could it be if everyone is in on it as a group? You admired him so much and were proud that he was your class president.    
How did this all come about anyway? Was Shouto born into it, or did he make it by himself? How did they get wrapped into it? How did you not notice?  
“Go home, (Y/n).” Izuku coldly says. He is usually so warm and thoughtful. So comforting and generous. Never would he talk to anyone this way. Especially you, who he considers a close friend. “Izuku...”   
“Come on, I’ll take you home.” Katsuki tries to lead you to the door, but you jump away from him.    
“Be honest you guys! What about the crying kids? How can you save them if you are the ones making them cry? Your guys’ fucking dreams of being some type of heroes?”    
 Izuku stalks towards you. “I am being nice. Go home.” He hisses. This whole thing is unbelievable. It is totally out of character for them, especially Izuku. Your eyes are getting watery. You're scared, too.    
“Be gentle, Izuku!” Tenya stands and comes to your defense. “Deku, you’re on thin ice. You know better when it’s her.” Katsuki warns.    
Izuku turns to his friends. “She won’t go if we don’t.” You get what he’s talking about. That you won’t leave if they aren’t rough because you’re in disbelief.  
You slowly reach for Tenya. “Tenya...”  
“There are different ways to being a good person.” Tenya replies, straightening his back. His eyes meet yours. An indigo color covered by glasses, like high school.   
You can't help but release a laugh. “What kind of a fucking good person kills people and collects money right after? I saw Shouto do that!”  Katsuki sharply calls your name and he comes towards you. Ignoring him, you continue. “What is going on? What is this?”   
You want to hear them say it. They need to confess what this all is or at least correct your theory. To say it isn’t so, to say that it is all a mistake, to prove you wrong and laugh about it as a joke. At this moment, you’re willing to be the victim of a prank, no matter how much you hate that.    
Katsuki sighs and runs his hand through his hair. “Shouto will explain it to you. Right now, you need to go home.” You shake your head no. “Tell me it’s a lie then!”   
 Izuku suddenly whips out his phone. He dials a number and much to your surprise, Shouto is on the line. “She’s here.”   
You gasp and back up. He's the last person you want to see right now. You look at Tenya and ask about the crying children again. All he does is stare at you dead on with an ounce of pity.    
“Katsuki...what about winning to save?”   
“I am winning.” You shake your head. “How is that possible? I saw him kill people. If you’re rolling with him, then-”   
Izuku catches your attention again. His glare is on par with Shouto’s in high school. You can’t hear what he’s saying because of the thumping in your ears. “You motherfucker...”  You curse.  
He’s telling on you. Wait, telling on you? Since when did Shouto become the authority for you?   
Izuku one last time says, “The less you know, the better. Trust us and go home.”  Trust?  
“I can’t save you and Shouto, can I?” Your lip wobbles as you see the three of them with their head down. Whatever they’re in, they are too far gone. Yes, you wanted to turn Shouto in. But you wanted them to do it since you couldn’t actually bring yourself to. It was too painful and even then it ate at you. You don't want this for them and Shouto. For them to be in that life.   
  They wanted to be some kind of hero. To be good people and stand up for what’s right. If that’s the case, then what is this?  
You can’t save him or any of them. You can’t bring yourself to turn any of them in.  What kind of hero are you?  
You take off, no longer wishing to stay in their presence, and demand answers. It hurts too much. The class of U.A. is your family. When no one loved you, they did, and you loved them just as much. They're murderers. Some kind of gang-type shit. Something you aren’t equipped for. You don't know what to do with this information now that you see the stain from the blood on their hands.   
Entering your home, you lock the doors and windows. You close the curtains and place furniture in front of the door. Turning off the lights, you head to a corner and sit down. Self-preservation is clawing at you to call someone but your loyalty and heartbreak prevent you from doing so.  
As you hold your phone, you think of Shouto. You think of the way Izuku was pushing you out to stop asking questions and Tenya and Katsuki’s scolding. You think of all of the ways you’ve felt safe with them.    
  Have they ever harmed you? No. However, they have harmed others. If they are with Shouto, then no doubt. Yet, they protect you, don’t they? The longer you think about it, the more you see it clearly. That sense of safety and not a single sign of aggression or hostility. Not a single person, classmate or not, has wronged you when they were there.    
I s this why you feel like a traitor? Have you always been loyal to them and most of all, Shouto? The phone in your hand starts to shake when you stop typing the numbers. It's not so bad to have friends like this. So far, so good, right? The thought starts to calm you down.  
“Why are you hiding?”   
You scream at the top of your lungs. His eyes have a confused look in them, and his head is cocked. Shouto rubs his ear and raises his eyebrow. “Damn, you have good lungs.”   
For only a moment, you freeze. Suddenly, the flight kicks in and you take off. Shouto calls for your name gently and runs behind you. “Stop! Just give me a minute!”   
  “No!” You turn a corner to your kitchen. How he managed to grab you when you had a head start, you’ll never know. “(Y/n), please, it’s okay.”    
 The deep voice that you have always been familiar with is calm and soothing. Against your better judgment, you stop. “How did you get in?”   
“You literally gave us a key years ago.” Shit, you did. How could you have forgotten. It was when you first got this place, too. So, all this time he could have just barged in here and you would have been totally clueless. Bummer.    
“That doesn’t give you the right to be here when I'm not.” He sighs. “Please, let me talk.”    
He guides you to the couch. Shouto looks for the words to say to you as he takes a deep breath.  
 “I know you’re confused. Just please listen to me,” He adjusts himself to face you. “Yes, we are a little different. But we are still us. We’re still your friends. We've never lied about our friendship,” Shouto hesitantly touches your hand as if he is afraid you’ll jump away or worse. “And I have not lied about my love.”   
You look at the ceiling and wipe your other hand on your pants. “I’m gonna die.”  
“No, you won’t.”   
“Ha! Oh yeah? What about everyone else?” You challenge, side eyeing him. He sighs and looks down for a moment. “Only when crossed, I swear. We aren’t beasts."  
You feel a tear stream down your face. The feelings are conflicting and are starting to hurt. “You’re still scary.”   
“I’m so sorry you saw that, honest. That's why no one ever said anything. I didn’t want you to think I was some kind of monster.” He whispers as his pinky grazes yours. He almost sounds as if he is ashamed. Some part of you wonders if he is. “You will never be harmed in any way. You are safe, on my life.”  
Somehow, Shouto's words start to work. Perhaps everything is suddenly crashing down. Maybe it is just reality settling in or you finally admitting your feelings for him rather than playfully keeping him on his toes. Despite your earlier reservations, your fear and worries melt away. You lean into his touch and warmth.  
You swing one more time. Just once more. "What is all of this, Shouto? How do you get out of it?"  
"(Y/n), the less you know, the better. Trust in me."  You start to believe those words. You start to believe Shouto.  
 If only for the moment.    
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
Hi there! I’m new to the quarry fandom! I was wondering if you were still taking requests and if you were, if I could request some headcanons for what it would be like to date Dylan, and what kinda s/o he would look for? Gn reader preferably for our ladies and gentlemen simps! And more personality base rather than looks cuz he seems like the kinda guy to appreciate anyone regardless of shape, size, or color!
If you’re not comfortable writing that or aren’t taking requests that’s totally fine too! Thank you! I really enjoy your writing 👌🏻
ok so Dylan is one of my faves but this was honestly a little difficult to do cause I love him and Ryan together so I hope its ok. The Aussie in me jumped out a bit at some points too, so, sorry to all my Northern hemisphere readers.
What he looks for in a partner
Firstly his s/o has to be someone that takes a genuine interest or happily listens along to his ramblings/explanations. Even if its a topic his s/o knows nothing about/isn't interested he needs to know they'll always listen anyway and never feels like he's being a bother
ideally they can see past the witty front he puts up, and be able to determine when he's joking and when he isn't.
someone who's not too serious and understands why he can be so blase sometimes
While he's flirty from the get go it would take some serious effort for him to actually open up.
from his interactions with Ryan we know he does like the strong/mysterious kind but I can just as easily see him being with a more extroverted partner (like Kaitlyn or Jacob)
He definitely needs someone with at least a little bit of impulse control because otherwise, well he'll end up a hand down
What it's like to date Dylan
trying out random and new things all the time, I imagine him as someone that hyperfixates on things and likes to drag you along for the ride.
shit talking, when you and Dylan gossip it can become an all out hatefest but you'll always end it with 'but who are we to judge' as if that makes up for it.
Dylan becomes one of your 'biggest fans' watching you from afar whenever you do anything. you could be buttering bread and he'll be swinging his feet. The more open you are and reciprocate this energy the more you'll get back
Dylan will always be there to cheer you up from a bad day/mood he can tell without any words when you need comfort and quickly learns what you're most receptive to and what you hate.
He's very protective (I know everyone says this but I mean its literally canon) and if someone was seriously causing you any grief or talking behind your back and his words arent enough he probably would get into a fight that he knows he might lose (unless you tell him not to)
I'm inclined to think your dates tend more towards indoor/arcade/movie/cafe dates unless you're hardcore into hikes and shit and then he'll go along with you occasionally.
You definitely go ice skating once and he sucks, no grace, long arms desperately flapping around as he grabs on to you. If you suck too then it's even funnier and the both of you eat shit multiple times
dates to a shopping centre where you just go and walk around judging people. Frequenting Kmart and Target just to find the weirdest shit and making each other try on the most cooked outfits you can find.
He definitely has a tik tok and even if he hasn't posted before the two of you start making them together. But not the wholesome trends no. you two are up there slapping each other with tortillas.
You go to local fares/carnivals and just gorge yourselves on the food and he tries to win you something big and fails but you love whatever shitty little thing he gets you anyway.
This is kind of short but I'm still a little sick so I hope you all enjoy anyway
@laurakearnxy @wolfsquad @rainbows-dreams @dylanlenievy @kestisvrse @aaetherr69 @jjkk1m @g0th1ka @ghostverz @thebookbakery @qlqstqr @sheriff-hackett
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ordinaryschmuck · 8 months
Quick Thoughts on "A Lesson For Your Next Life" from Season Two of--
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Gosh dang it! It made me think! It made me hope! But they're STILL doing that annoying bit with the title card! CRAP! And they knew they were doing it too with all those teases with characters forcing the word "Inv--
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THAT WORD! CRAP...Anyways, this episode's a great start.
For those who don't know, I LOVED Season One of...this show. It's one of my favorite bits of superhero media, featuring great characters and greater stakes. And Mark is definitely up there as one of my favorite superheroes in a lot of ways, with Omni-Man being one of my favorite twist villains. If you want to know my full thoughts, I did a full review of Season One that you can read right here.
And yes, I saw the Atom Eve special. And I will always use that as an example to proof that superhero shows and movies don't need to look ugly and grimy in order to show how dark and realistic their world is. If In--THIS SHOW can tell one of the darkest, grittiest origin stories I've ever seen from a superhero and have her be in BRIGHT PINK, then there's no excuse to take all the color out of Superman's suit just because you wanted to tell a darker story with him.
Anyways, I love this series and I was looking forward to Season Two for TWO YEARS for a reason. And like I said, it's a great start.
The thing about a show as serialized as this, Season Premiers are mostly a direct reaction to the last season's finale, doing a "Where are they now" bit by showing how everyone reacted to what happened last time. There's a lot of great stuff there, primarily through Mark who has trouble coping with the events of Chicago where Nolan went from training his son to TRAINING his son. And...yeah, I don't blame him. Even as an observer, that shit was FUCKED. It DOES stop the episode from standing out on its own, but it still provides great material.
But another job for a season premier is to show what's in stored for this new story, and "A Lesson For Your Next Life" does that by introducing new characters, new threads, and...the multiverse. And that last part is both good and bad timing for this show. Because now the Multiverse is a big trend. The problem is that people feel over-saturated due to people seeing multiverse stuff EVERYWHERE. It can't be helped because this is a storyline in the comics (Yes, I finally read those...SOME of those) and that kind of idea works BEST with superheroes. Still, this is, like...the FIFTH(?) multiverse thing this year alone and I won't blame people for rolling their eyes at yet ANOTHER story. Still, I have high hopes. Just as long as the show gives us something more like Fionna and Cake or Spider-Verse and less Multiverse of Madness or The Flash.
Regardless, everything seems interesting so far, and I can't wait to see what happens next with...this show. It's going to be annoying to deal with that title card, though...
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
also if you feel like doing more than one set of hcs I am forever and always searching for platonic/qpr madwheeler crumbs 🙏🏼 🕯
beck, of course i'll do platonic madwheeler headcanons for you. after the contributions you've given to the fandom today, or at the very least, the strange chaos you've caused, you deserve this.
i think that max and mike have very similar food opinions and they kind of hate it? like why tf are you copying me??
but also it's validating to have someone that they can count on to agree with them
i think they both like those coconut macaroon cookies
they're the only ones who like them btw
but if they ever have differing food opinions?
all hell breaks loose
bc neither of them is wrong. they're just not.
for example, mike likes candy corn. max. does not.
i don't think either of them will admit it, but once mike starts growing his hair out, max helps teach him how to style it
also when he starts wearing eyeliner and painting his nails, she does that for him too
because he doesn't have a steady enough hand to handle that shit
we all know the party has a bunch of different mini sub-divisions that have sleepovers all the time and everything
but i think mike and max have literally scheduled to have a sleepover with each other at least once a month
because to both of them, the other is just the best possible person to vent to and blow off steam with, and they make sure to have a scheduled time for that so they can get their emotions out in a healthy way
of course they end up having sleepovers and venting more than once a month most of the time, but they just always keep that standard to make sure they have a set aside time for it
they go to break rooms together
(places where they give you safety goggles and just let you smash stuff, not sure if that's just an america thing or if they have those everywhere)
breaking stuff is just so therapeutic to both of them
also they do that tiktok trend where you write things on a plate and then you smash it
and max braids mike's hair when he's stressed and venting a lot of the time
he leans back into her lap while she does it and he just explodes with his feelings
but enough with them venting all the time, let's talk more positive things
both max and mike are INCREDIBLY intelligent
they're actually the dream team for group projects and things like that
everyone wants them in their group
even though you might think they'd argue over ideas, they really have the same ideas and opinions when it comes to academics
also they go christmas shopping for their boyfriends together!!
will and lucas also go shopping for max and mike together hehe
i have a hc too that max and mike are disney channel original movie junkies
they know the lyrics to every fucking movie under the sun, and can act out full on musical numbers just the two of them
they entered their school talent show together with "can't stop singing" from teen beach movie
they learned to tap dance for it.
so we know mike doesn't like getting his picture taken (unless he's in a picture with will), and max sees that
but she thinks mike has a great smile and she wants him to know that and understand that
so she gets a polaroid camera for the two of them to share and they take candids of themselves and their friends all the time
and max shows each picture to mike and tells him that, no matter how chaotic the picture is, it's beautiful because their friends are together and the pictures show so much joy
mike still doesn't LOVE having his picture taken, but he appreciates it a lot more now, and smiles for pictures more often
they both have just. the biggest hearts
and they both want to act in the best interest of others which is why they get in fights sometimes but i think they can actually talk it out and realize that they both want the same thing
their communication definitely gets better the older they get and their relationship gets stronger every day <3
i hope you enjoy @tntozier :)
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revengemode · 2 years
Skip if you’re not trying to read anything Anti related on this beautiful Sunday. I said that I would address it, so here I am. This is the first and last time I talk about this topic on those two talented women.
I understand that fans pitting celebrities (especially women) against each other is nothing new. Throughout my 5 months on this app, I’ve seen everyone under the sun being “compared” to Zendaya. It’s a part of the game.
The Timmy in Zendaya’s plane “debacle” combined with Timmy/Taylor at the “Bones And All” London premiere unleashed a special kind of degenerates though.
All day you anti(s) (might have been one person circumventing Tumblrs “block” button) were flooding my asks claiming that you were happy for Taylor’s success because she deserves it more than Zendaya. You/Y’all also said that it was about time Hollywood had a new black woman taking over. According to you/y’all, Zendaya’s success is manufactured by this “machine” (sprinkled with nasty Weinstein stuff) while Taylor’s is authentic.
Now, let’s get to the straightening.
If/When Taylor reaches the heights Zendaya has (and I’m only speaking in terms of stardom, commercial success, etc…), it means that Hollywood is trending in the right direction. Why would I ever be against that? We need more Taylors, Kekes, Issas, Quintas, Lashanas, Letitias, Lupitas, Amandlas, Kiki, Marsais (and the list goes on). When I write “Sue me, I’m rooting for everybody thats black”, I mean that shit.
I’m never on the side of “there can only be one”. If you’re truly for diversity in HW (which those antis clearly aren’t btw but we will get to that) and are on that type of time (there can only be one), you’re hustling backwards. You need to free yourself from this way of thinking.
When you’re jumping in my asks (someone who clearly supports Zendaya) with this hate/vitriol, what are you hoping to achieve? Are you hoping that I go on a rant to speak on Z’s accomplishments in order to downplay Taylor’s? Stupid.
The reality of it is that those asks were not about Taylor…at all. Antis use her to push this nasty anti-Z agenda. What better way than to use another woman of color to bring down Zendaya. We can’t say that they are racist now because they “support” Taylor…Goofy.
It seems to me (and I might be off, remember I haven’t been here that long) that it stems from this narrative (pushed by some degen Zendaya fans but also degen Timmy fans) that Z “rejected” him or that she set super strict boundaries during the Dune promo. Which led to degen Timmy fans hating on Zendaya because of those assumptions. A faction of those degen Timmy fans are now using Taylor as proxy in these silly fan wars. This is why we are seeing the comparison between Timmy&Taylor vs Timmy&Z’s body language on the red carpet which then leads to all this anti bullshit in my asks.
I’m not even going to touch on the industry plant allegations, Zendaya’s journey (and the obstacles throughout said journey) is well documented. She didn’t just blow up out of nowhere.
All the Harvey W. talk is nasty. Everyone saying “oh I hope he didn’t do anything to her but its weird how she took off” Stop it… you’re not slick. You’re NASTY. I’ll leave it at that.
To be clear, I do believe that some people genuinely became fans of Taylor through the Timmy association (not because of Timmy). It’s normal to find out someone is going to be in a movie with your fave and to fall in love with their previous work.
What’s not normal is the anti behavior I saw yesterday. There’s nothing you can say to convince me that these anti(s) are genuine fans of hers.
I said it before and I’ll say it again “Sue me, I’m rooting for everybody thats black”. I’m very much looking forward to seeing Taylor in Bones And All (not on Thanksgiving Day though 🩸). I was sold with her performance in the trailer (I’ve yet to watch Waves but will get on it eventually).
Finally, no amount of shade thrown on social media is going to dim Taylor or Zendaya’s light.
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magpiecaranthir · 1 year
Hi! Hope your ask box sitch gets fixed soon 💜 Do you have any thoughts or opinions about clothes and fashion in middle earth from any time period and any people? I’m doing a little fashion timeline project for myself and thought it could be fun to hear other opinions if you feel like it 💜
Oh, from what I hear it's not going to get fixed like, ever. But that's fine that's what I have this acc for now :)
Ok ok so you opened a big can of worms I'll try to keep the lid on best I can
So I'll ramble about the Dunlendings first because I have been knee deep into their existence with my recent fics I cant leave my babies alone. It's all over the place bc I got in ramble mode sorry. Also, it's very long lol.
Ok so dunlendings are said to be the descendants of some of the haladin, right? So their clothes are partially influenced by that in the same way gondor is influenced by former numenorean trends and the likes
I fucking hate the movie depiction of the dunlendings. Look at this shit. No. I refuse.
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What I will take from that shitshow is the primarily dark hair and the preference for shorter (not more than like 5cm) unadorned beards, and some incorporation of furs.
The dunlendings used to live in the forests of Middle earth, not just in what would come to be Dunland. But when the numenoreans needed wood they chased them off.
Based on that I think they used more muted, natural colours like greens, deep reds and oranges, brown, the occasional black. They preferred light fabrics back then, especially in the settlements close to the shores and further south. They did a sort of tiedye to imitate natural fur patterns during hunting. That's something they do even in later ages.
When they were forced to migrate inland and into the mountains (what would be Dunland) their fabrics in general became sturdier. Thicker linen, more wool, and the likes.
They keep the population of larger predators in check in the mountains, so their furs make it into the garments fairly often. Usually used for children's clothing because they are very much mortal and they know babies and elders need a bit of extra protection from the cold.
Usually they also have ceremonial furs for special occasions (usually any type of bear for holidays of sorts)
And pelts with peculiar colouring/patterns or from mountain lions/wolves/other pack animals and the likes for special festivities relating to members of the community. (Think wedding, burial, birth).
Not everyone wears those to all celebrations. They are worn by the one who is the star of the show and their family, so to speak. Bride and groom's families wear those, while everyone else wears normal festivity clothes.
Those are accompanied by fairly unadorned clothes with sturdy but artful geometrical embroidery, usually around the hems, collars and cuffs.
Belts worn by the males are the centerpiece beside the felt, and are very artful, especially because in my hcs every village has mastered the art of burning patterns into leather. The belts are wide and loose, and usually are made from a prey animal of their formal fur garment bc they believe they should not deprive predator from prey, even in death.
Women wear usually dresses for celebrations, they are sturdy and have several layers so you can mix and match depending on the season. So several underlayers, chemises, stockings per ensemble.
The dresses themselves formal but not center-stage formal, but every single one has a decorative overskirt you tie around the waist. That comes on and off, and the dress is perfectly complete without it. That one has lots of embroidery.
The women in the family usually start embroidering a fabric when the baby is around 5 and shows some character, and its finished when they marry. Jts their dowry of sorts. If no women are in the family/can sew then theres usually elders who are more than happy bc while dunlendings do not particularly care for fashion statements, the overskirts are an expression of love from the community for the girl/woman.
Every day clothing is still muted in the later years of the 3rd age, and each settlement has their own preferred garment and usually pelt of choice. For example, you'll have a settlement close to the mountains of Dunland where the people prefer bear fur over wolf, while a settlement further towards Rohan/south prefers wolf pelt over bear. It's not entirely dependent on where they live.
Also families that havent moved away for a few generations have developed special embroidery similar to family heraldry, which gets more elaborate with every generation bc they take pride in their heritage and survival despite the numenorean's best efforts to get rid of the dunlendings.
I'll cut myself off here because it's already so long lol.
Idk if the dunlendings are something you're interested in, but imo much of these things (use of natural colours and tyedye to blend into woodland realms, use of ceremonial furs and artful belts and hand-me-down dedicated embroidery) are what have been passed down from the haladin people, and adjusted to the current time/living situation of the dunlendings
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Check out the site here
The following is my take on AI writing, and the content of this video on Sudowrite.
Sudowrite class
By Eldon Macwood, grimdark/cyberpunk author.
For those who don't understand AI writing, using a platform like Sudowrite isn't all point and click. There's still a lot of work, just different work. For some, this will really help them, as the AI becomes a jr writer, not THE writer. Note the difference.
I still prefer to write my own stories, but I do dig cool tools that can help me out. I have used name generators to help me out. I have picked brains to help me out (not literally, unless AI can help with that, kidding, maybe).
I have played around with different styles to see how a story might work. I have gotten ideas from movies/series, from shit that happens to ppl, etc. I also use story prompt cards that doubles as a game to flesh out story ideas, which right now you can check out the Lore Master's Deck backerkit! Not AI, but the company is called, The Story Engine, it's fucking fantastic!
Point is, I still use the world around me to help write stories. AI is just another tool. There will be idiots who abuse it, fuck those idiots. And fuck anyone who overloads story submissions with AI stories when the rules clearly state not to.
I support Human authors, and funny thing, many who use Sudowrite are actual writers. Hence why this tool helps them so much, because they know enough actual skills to get the most out of the tool. I know it's the trend to hate AI, and hate anyone who uses it, but as a person who hates trends, and hates people looking for fights, I do hope to shed thought on this topic that challenges that tend. I am a natural author. I have been writing off and on for over ten years, had some published. I have shared pages with some great names.
I will continue to write my stories. I will also use the tools available to help me best tell the story. I won't use it to this extreme, as seen in the video above, but I do dig how Elizabeth West really puts a lot of work and thought into her writing.
And like with any book, it all depends on the writer. If it sucks, review it, rate it, and explain the problems. Like with every book. Let potential readers know if the book wasn't well written/edited. This is the thing with self-published books, and everyone of us don't gatekeep self-published authors (I'm assuming reasonable Humans are reading this, ergo, they're not gatekeeping tash heaps). But we still know there are a lot of idiots out there who abuse the ability to self-publish. Be we writers aren't those idiots, are we? We're better than that. No different than with a pro writer who uses AI as a tool.
I will again stress this, it's very different to let the AI do all of the work, which yes, there are writers out there who will do that. Sure, they can if they wish, and I hope if they do, they will make sure the story is still edited well, and give a warning that it is.
I'm not against that if they are upfront. My issue would be, if I see a really interesting book. I decide to buy it. I read it, and I hate it bc it looks like something a toddler would write. THEN, I find out it was all AI written. I'd feel like they didn't even try. I'd feel like they just plugged in some words, let a machine crank out 80k words, and called it book, and then released it. A story is a Hell of a lot more than that.
Sure, in a year, three years, ten years, at some point we will see an AI app that can write any story, make it perfect, and people will indeed use it. They will be able to crank stories just as good as our favorite authors, and release those books as soon as a day apart. Imagine AI stories just as good as a GRRM novel, only without the 10+ year wait in between books. Ten days later, BOOM, sequel!
That is scary. Especially since I adore writing. And those of us who adore it, we will choke on the dust of AI because we won't be able to keep up with the AI writers. BUT, while this is a coming thing to expect, there will be readers who will want to read our books. And this doesn't mean we can't use AI as a tool.
Because if we use it as a tool, and not to do all the writing for us, while we might be a little slower than the complete AI generated stories, we won't be near as slow as those who don't use the tools.
It's up to us all. It's fine to hate the abusers. I fucking hate every kind of abuser. Well, I abuse caffeine, and I don't hate myself, so I do have a few loopholes, but still. Just don't go hating on everyone who uses AI. Because for one, using AI as a tool, doesn't make the author less of a writer. Just like they're not thieves. The topic of AI in the creative world is a lot more complex than what the AI haters think. Hence why I stand by the artists and writers who use AI as a tool. Their voice counts just as much as the haters, and they're way more likable.
If you're still a hater, and you look down on me, I will assume you're no different than a self-publish hater. You might as well be. I will also assume you don't bother to look outside of your opinion, which is sad. For those of you more open minded, and at the very least, curious how this all works, here's the site! I like the Story Engine (not the prompt cards I mentioned earlier) plugin they use. It's a sweet tool, and there are various ways you can use it.
Love me, hate me, whatever, just remember, I never, ever, support abusing AI. I don't support tools replacing Humans, I support tools being used to help Humans. Note the difference.
I wish you farewell, and may your wordsauce be plentiful! Except for the haters. I wish a GRRM level of writer's block on them, because I'm a cruel fucker. lol.
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bingobongobonko · 1 year
Hassan + Yves:🍇🍑🍰🍹🍔🍟
Sitting in front of you so normally with a vice grip on your shoulders.....Hi!!!!!
For purpose of this ask, gonna be referring to DND Hassan :)
🍇: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic?
Hassan: unsure... hard to say. hassan really aint one to have long-lasting friendships, not outta choice but the fact that his friends usually dont stick around. but in a group he's usually the voice of reason but if that voice of reason could be easily swayed into being an accomplice. like yk the kid from the magical school bus thats like can we PLEASE have a normal field trip..... thats him. thats hassan de ruyter. he's so unsure about everything but he'll tag along cuz he dont got no one else. despite this and his fear of everybody he can honestly be a genuine and kind guy 2 hang with..... just a little bit tired 24/7 and easily exasperated but for the most part it really dont change the fact that he cares about people a LOT. he will sit with you after a very long day and reminisce the past and hope for the future. even if he cant assure himself, he'll sure as hell assure you.
Yves: PETTY ASSHOLE... you wouldnt be even sure if you WERE friends cuz its hard to tell if he likes you or not. cuz he can act like he tolerates you and then talk about you behind your back like its nothing. dreamy sigh... he starts problems with people on purpose... hes THAT guy yk. very petty, very judgemental, but not very secretive about it. he's abrasive and a drama queen but its ok hes silly about it..
🍑: What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other?
Hassan: same sorta approach he has for friendships: He doesn't. he's never dated, more or less because he doesn't feel like he COULD be dated. however... think his brain flares up for dominant women. women who can carry him bridal style... heeeeeeeeey... not exclusive to women though. but besides that, honestly someone who he can chill with and do fuckall. and probably as introverted out as he is.
Yves: someone who can loosen up and be silaaaay and have fun!!!! he goes out a lot, so having someone who can keep up with him is a good thing!! ofc thats less important. frankly someone who's willing to scratch his back and he'll do the same, mutually beneficial relationship.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Hassan: you can do whatever you want, but instigating shit with betsy, you are LITERALLY on his shitlist. thats the only thing in this world he cares about, that and his goat. you cant hurt his animals and get away with it, you are forever hated.
Yves: ripping him away from control, or making him feel like he's not in control. that's probably the biggest part of him. a need to be in control of everything and everyone - including himself. so taking away that choice, no matter how harmful or questionable his choice is, youre basically threatening his entire self worth since his entire persona is built on control and power.
🍹: Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them?
Hassan: saedboy... nawt really.. he can be a really HONESTLY funny fucking guy, even if on accident cuz of how he interacts with people, and being a scaredy cat, but no one really knows him long enough for any anecdotes to be made.
Yves: him and elias went out for a night in the city, originally intending to get parts for his mech, but something happened and i dont even know what happened, but they woke up in elias's apartment with half of their face temporarily paralyzed and also ppl on the omninet were calling yves and elias Mistresses. i dont know what happened. i dont know what happened.
🍔: Are there any recent trends you think your OC would hate? Or love?
Hassan: 😭 i dont know any IN trends rn... but i know he'd love the barbie movie i just know he'd gather all of his friends and beg them to watch barbie with him..... he's very fucking passionate about the shit he likes and hes not a pushy guy but he WILL beg on his knees.
Yves: i hate 2 say it... but this is just yves, thats just who he is. he'd HATE the re-emergence of unions.... he's those dudes on twitter who complain abt how no one wants to work these days and like. if youre living on minimum wage then save money and get another job. and then he goes offline and takes wages by being a landlord. do you understand. he's so fucking out of touch and tone deaf.
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
Hassan: if you'd ask him, *probably* sleeping in. he'll take any inch of sleep he can get, even if its 2 days in a row. that is actually his guilty pleasure. he would not move for anything if he had the choice.
Yves: if asked, he'd probably be like... :) my guilty pleasure is icecream or something super innocuous like that. but its actually making people angry at him and setting shit on fire.
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Hassan: bit sad but public intoxication... tbh... he does. that a lot. its how he gets himself in deep shit cuz he's a lot more cocky and loud when he's drunk, compared to a sober him that's just anxious and soft spoken. he'd honestly get arrested for being just fucking insanely drunk and doing some stupid shit.
Yves: i cant even answer this question properly bc. he HAS committed crimes, war crimes. actual war criminal. not using the word as a throwabout, thats actually something he's done + tried to do again on more than one occasion. but he'd prolly get arrested for espionage lol
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hissweatyarmpits · 1 month
the whole “block all celebrities” thing is kinda goofy. i understand what y’all are trying to do 100%, but remember if only a quarter of the population is blocking all these celebrities not much is going to happen. if you’re so serious about it you have to end all subscription’s to pretty much everything. including amazon, hulu, disney, netflix, spotify, apple music, hbo, etc. everytime you stream a movie or song money is being sent to most likely sex trafficking & celebrities, and their record companies. block all ads, businesses, etc. just blocking celebrities ain’t gonna do much. i also think it’s funny how now everyone is being “woke” about what really goes on in hollywood, and the elites. we ain’t the first generation to notice & find these things out yall. i am happy that some people are trying to actually change things though. i hope someday we can ruin the elites. it’s also not just celebrities, it’s also politicians and the government. the politicians probably have more power than the celebrities. so instead of voting for one party every 4 years, how bout we actually make a change. you can’t be saying all this shit about boycotting celebrities and then still dick ride politics & vote. don’t add up lol. we had all the proof years ago with epstein, but y’all js chose to be like “wtf that’s so wrong!” and then do absolutely nothing about it. y’all saw all the people on the list, and the literal proof and still chose to support and stream those people. the celebrities you love are all in on it. atleast the ones that are signed with companies. nobody is safe, everyone around you is not trustworthy. perfect example: drake. he been fucking minors, and literally running a sex ring. proof been all right there, and y’all still chose to ignore it or “don’t believe it” because it’s a celebrity like????? r y’all slow??? the government is literally trying to take away birth control from women because apparently it’s “unnatural”. apparently girls can be ready to have sex at age 3, and be pregnant. wtf? y’all see this shit and don’t even say anything or try to really change anything. don’t get me wrong… the people who protest and risk their lives daily to try and make a change for women are fucking amazing. love y’all for that. y’all can act “woke” but at the end of the day we all know you’re just following the trend, and don’t actually care nor act on it. there’s billions of proof, and fucked things that have happened and everyone chooses to ignore it. while over 80% of americans are starving and struggling to pay for basic needs, elites are out there spending $75,000 for a met gala ticket. a fucking fashion show that probably sells little kids inside. don’t forget about bohemian grove. absolutely sick. ryan garcia spoke out about it, said all these things he saw n heard, and had proof and you all still ignore it and think he’s crazy. it’s giving insane hypocrisy from all of y’all. you cannot be posting and saying all these things about boycotting celebrities & the elites while not doing anything about it and continuing to ride their dick. just remember every-time you stream a song, watch a movie, and give them views you’re contributing to a young child getting sold off into sex trafficking. stay safe, don’t get kidnapped by drake❤️
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foreverpining · 3 months
Backstory (9th grade)
Okay so we're talking again and it comes to the first day of high school. I'm anxious as shit as most people are their first day of high school but it goes decently well. Until I get home and get on my iPad to see my friend that my bestie had dated the year before had absolutely cussed me the fuck out calling me all sorts of names saying that I lied to him. I had no clue what was going on so I respond and I'm like bro I have no clue what you're talking about. So then he accuses me of lying to him about there not being anything serious going on between me and my bestie because he saw me holding hands with them in the parking lot after school. I was like woah woah woah after school let out I was struggling to find the car rider line so I could go the hell home I certainly wasn't holding hands leisurely around the parking lot with anyone. So we talk around amongst the friend group and find out that this new girl my bestie is with looks almost identical to me and apparently because she was new everyone had been confusing her for me all day. I was sat there in my bed like well that's weird as shit. They add my bestie to the group chat we'd made and start questioning them about how they're dating this new girl that looks exactly like me and what the hell all that is about. They said they didn't see the resemblance and didn't wanna talk about it anymore. It was dropped for then, I would later find out that she kept getting confused for me so much that she started dying her hair so people wouldn't confuse her for me. Me and my bestie are doing great we're seeing each other like every week hanging out watching movies playing games. Over text I'm basically being their therapist and helping them with all of their issues cause they didn't trust actual professionals. Till around September when one of our hangouts gets a little out of hand and there's some under the skirt fondling if you know what I mean. I kinda messed up after going back to school tho because I have a very bad tendency to kiss and tell. Word got around the friend group where multiple of them were friends with my bestie's girlfriend. It ended up getting back to her and one fateful day as I was waiting to see the endocrinologist my bestie told me that their girlfriend said they are no longer allowed to speak with me if they wish to continue being with them and they chose the relationship and said they hoped I'd forgive them. We didn't talk for quite a while I threw myself into reading fanfics and watching bootlegs of musicals on YouTube. I also got far into talking to strangers online as a way to fill the void in me. Did not end well I'll leave it there because it doesn't matter to our story today. Then one night there's this school event where classes did projects and some students would present them. I was chosen as one of the presenters for my honors English class and was told I'd be paired presenting with someone from the regular English class taught by the same teacher. I get there I'm walking around looking at everything till it's time for me to go do my thing for English class. Then when I get there who do I see but my bestie standing right there next to the display which I'm presenting with the pin saying they were also presenting it. My brain went into full blown panic mode because I'd been devastated for months and now here they were right in front of me. I got through it and we kinda exchanged pleasantries very awkwardly. Then after I was done I convinced my parents it was time to leave and I went home and listened to Freeze Your Brain from the Heathers musical on repeat until I cried myself to sleep. Not much else to the story except me being sad until February of 2018. They messaged me out of the blue to reconnect we talked a lot and ended up spending Valentine's Day together, a trend that if you continue with this story follows throughout the rest of the year. For my birthday we went to Applebee's then back to my sister's house. 10th grade will have to be it's own post. Reached Character limit.
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starsandwriting · 2 years
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You posted 3,756 times in 2022
That's 1,886 more posts than 2021!
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3,625 posts reblogged (97%)
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Only 19% of your posts had no tags
#0 - 146 posts
#tma - 911 posts
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#tag game - 142 posts
#queer - 141 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the biggest one is following instructions to a t but the other person gets mad at you cos apparently they wanted you to do 'implied' things
Your Top Posts in 2022:
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Everything everywhere all at once or something
76 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
Ok so apparently ive admitted defeat about my resolve to not get hyped up. So since ive seen other people do it here's some things im hoping come out of this tma surprise
("Realistic chances" of any given idea happening have not been considered<3)
A full blown tma arg, where jon/martin/annabelle/oliver have travelled to our world along with the fears and are messaging in forums, posting videos, etc, trying to gain information and stop the fears from gaining power and stop our world from ending up on the same trajectory as theirs. We have to solve the arg to understand what is going on in Magnus Archives Part 2
Tma artbook. Illustrated statements, entities concept art, bonus enamel pins, ceaseless watcher poster, map of uk but eldritch infested. Do you see my vision
(Once again taps sign that says "realistic chances" have not been considered, im just daydreaming<3)
Comeback of everyone's favorite bitch s1 jonathan 'everything is stupid and i hate gertrude' sims. Just him tearing some statements to pieces, classic s1 tma style
Animated statements. I do not want tma adapted to any other medium because it is made for audio-only but. I'll be very hyped for some statements animated shorts, like those banger Guest for Mr Spider animatics on yt
Jmart trauma recovery somewhere else 100k hurt/comfort podfic
Feel free to add your own i wanna hear wjat other people want :]
78 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
Friendly reminder to not let your queer headcanons take the spotlight away from the poc representation in the movie
91 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
Hermitcraft Charity Livestream highlights so far
(Of the past 15 mins or so cos it just occured to me to note my fav moments) (which is basically all of them)
Grians cursed skins are back
The ACK! guy who kept coming back in donos abdj o7 o7 /pos
Banana false<3
Doc revealed his diamonds and everyone immediately stole them😭
Someone just donated 5k holy shit
Just. I love when everyone fires rockets in joy when the donos are being announced
On that note, martyn is SO good at the announcements, the hermits chose so well
Ren: let me tell you, grian's gong is the most relaxing thing you'll ever experience
Grian: the most horrid parrot squacks while beating the gong
101 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
HELP tma is trending because of that live slug thing dhkkdd. Last month it was jurgen leitner getting piped. From now on i want tma to trend every month for some new insane reason
497 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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twillightteaparty · 2 years
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Best friend headcanon! part two!
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Friends who complain together are staying together. Y'all be keeping each other's secrets together, and taking them to your Graves.
You will get to know things that no one else will ever get to know not even his family knows this shit. Kalim could never know the things you do.
His love language is food, you will be well fed for the rest of your life for as long as you are friends. Truly a God's blessing for sure.
On the other side of this double edge sword you are like the only person Jamil accepts any amount of help from. Your also the only person that can give him constructive criticism that does cause him immense amounts of anger
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Y'all broke bastards out here. Guess we are being gay and doing crimes, presumably those crimes are mostly tax fraud but don't sweat the details
There is a lot of quoting memes, vines, tictoks and more but very out of context and if one of you starts it the other will finish the joke and it always ends in giggling fits.
On less hectic and more casual days I imagine there is a lot of sitting in silence and just spending time together. Considering you guys are probably over worked and exhausted it's nice to just vibe together.
You better be willing to pull pranks with this man, how else are you expecting this relationship to last? Well the other way is food. You give Ruggie a snack and he's wrapped around your pinkie finger
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You better be coming to tell him everything first, that said he also has all the latest tea to catch you up on. Y'all out here gossiping and day dreaming what can I say.
I imagine many nights are spent painting nails, pampering yourselves, all while eat popcorn and watching movie you both like.
I think it's safe to say that cater will be posting selfies of the two of you all over magicam. Tagged and hash tagged. He always is your number one supporter.
Honestly the best person to study with because it's easy to relax and focus, also his notes are always so easy to follow. Their colour coded and everything.
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You are one of very few people who get to get away with teasing him, do not abuse this power. To be fair I think that could be said for any friendship.
He's a very caring friend and will always go out of his way to always make accommodations for you. You have a headache? Have some appropriate pain killers and a nice cup of soothing tea <3
He'll of course he more than willing to help you study, or perhaps even come up with creative solutions to any problems you may be having. He's incredible to bounce ideas off of.
Unfortunately or fortunately being friends with Azul means being friends with or at least associated with the leech twins. For better and worse.
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You will always be up to date on the latest news, the latest events of whatever show Idia has been watching, the plot twists in his games, even on the latest trends in technology. There are few people he can get himself to talk to, though when he can talk to someone he talks a lot.
He's more than willing to help you study, he may be overconfident in what he knows though. mostly because he finds subjects in school easy and often gets homework done quickly because it doesn't interest him.
if you ever play any game with him it really do be him carrying through the game as he is level 80 + and then like helping you fight everything and helping you get places so you don't have to sprint everywhere or whatever. though no matter what it's always a lot of fun.
y'all have your own discord server or something where you guys trade news, memes, and joke around. it's perfect for streaming movies so you don't have to hike his dorm room every time. or hang out in VC as you guys do your own thing and listen to music together.
Part one / part two /
Me continuing my best friend's headcanon series no one asked for, more likely than you thought. to be fair, The first one probably wasn't all that great but whatever I don't care.
Regardless, I hope everyone enjoyed the post.
Signed, Admin Tea
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