#if we put enough clothes on them nobody can tell how out of practice we are
cordycepsbian · 2 years
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"human" leif or something
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sunnycanvas · 11 months
Could you make one of Balwin's girlfriend? He comes from the future, but he decided to stay in the time of Balwin Haci, who to celebrate their union they travel to the sea and his girlfriend decides to put on a very revealing swimsuit for the time and everyone watches her, making the king jealous.
I had been bored after Baldwin IV left for battlefield. I wanted to further accompany him but Baldwin IV denied saying that it would be dangerous for me to further accompany him. He kissed my forehead thanking me for support and asked me to wait obediently in tent before leaving. I sighed bored as I came out of the tent. I wasn't worried about my boyfriend since I knew according to history books that he would win battle of Montingsard. I sort of guessed that I would be left alone in tent. So unknown to my boyfriend. I had already packed a bikini. Once I was sure that I am all alone. I decided to wear bikini to swim in the sea nearby
I was happy to feel cool water against my skin. I properly submerged in water ensuring my hair cooled down as well. I was so engrossed in water that I didn't hear the sound of knights coming. As they walked they were stunned to see me in bikini
"Isn't that the king's mistress"
"Look at her, she is practically naked"
"Such a woman like her isn't fit to be queen of Jerusalem"
I was stunned when I heard those words. I slowly came out of water and saw knights looking at me. Some looked in disgust while some were shocked but maximum had lust in their eyes. I looked all around me and saw that I was surrounded by knights
"She has such a beautiful body"
"Look at her chest, this is the first time I have seen a woman's chest"
"It's like she is naked in front of her"
I heard their comments. I suddenly felt very scared knowing how different people's mentality is compared to future. How could I be stupid enough to wear bikini in medieval era I thought
"What's going on here"
I immediately recognised the voice of my boyfriend. I was happy but also but scared knowing how easily jealous my boyfriend can get. I could see few knights in front of me making way for my boyfriend. As my boyfriend made his way through the crowd he was shocked and angry at my display and maybe bit aroused? I couldn't tell I was to scared.
"Get a blanket" he called in his authoritative voice. "Every one look away and go back to your tents". Soon the crowd slowly dispersed as someone handed my boyfriend blanket. In his controlled voice he called me "Come here" but I could easily detect his anger. As I neared the end of the sea. Baldwin IV quickly covered me in blanket and tried moving me towards his tent. I could feel some knights trying to peek on me but one glare from my boyfriend was enough to send shivers down their spine and make them look away.
"Ouch" I said in pain. "I am so sorry my grip must by too tight" Baldwin IV quickly apologized and was being gentler. "No" I replied. "It was the sharp rock which I stepped on" hearing this Baldwin IV quickly lifted me in his arms and carried me to his tent. Once we reached there he put he down.
"How could you allow yourself to go naked in front of everyone" "Do you have any idea how much have you not only embarassed yourself but me as well" I got up and tried defending myself saying"But honey, it was so hot outside" "I wanted to cool myself off".
"In that display" he yelled back. "Why don't you understand that you only belong to me" "I am the only one who has a right to see you like this but now my men have seen you like this even before me" "Now they will have sinful thoughts and dreams about you and I have to live with this fact". "Not only that they will probably start mocking you, or spread lies in your name"
"Honey, please" a single drop of tear fell down in my eyes and Baldwin IV grew quite. "Please this how people in future dress when they go to beach". "I thought nobody was here and kind of forget about the culture of clothes"
"Unbelievable, you want me to believe you that people dres- I mean you were almost naked out there"
I knew Baldwin IV knew some where deep down that I had told the truth but was unwilling to believe me. He was jealous and hurt. I could tell as a man of honour he was worried about my reputation as well. Baldwin IV rubbed his forehead in annoyance and let out a frustrated sigh. "I will see what can be done and ensure that gossip of today doesn't spread and soon gets forgotten". Baldwin IV suddenly looked back at me. He started to check me out. I knew for sure that he wanted to tear off my bikini and take me right here but his anger and hurt was stronger. "I am going to sleep now, quickly change back to normal clothes and please don't disturb me" I slowly feel down on mat again with tears coming down on face. Fearful of what have I done to his heart and if we can go back being same as before
"Please don't cry love" "I will pray to God for some miracle" "Even if miracle doesn't happen I will ensure that rumours spread in your name will be punished" "And please don't go out like that" I looked at him suprised prompting him to further continue. He looked away embarassed saying "I hate others seeing you like this, this is only my right to see you like that" I giggled at his response "But don't forget I am still mad at you so sleep on another mat" I smiled in response and quickly wore my normal clothes and went to sleep on my mat
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forgodsgoddamnsake · 7 months
Belly Dancer - 7
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Warning: smut oral f/m receiving, language, angst(and fluff don't worry I don't wanna make you sad), mention of bullying, mention of anger issues and so on.
“Tell me a secret.” You said as you sat on the kitchen island in Harry’s white shirt.
He was cooking on the stove with his back to you, wearing a grey t-shirt.
“Hm, let me think about it.” He hummed, turned around to face you. “My father taught me how to use a gun when I was just twelve. Till now, never missed a shot.”
“Nah, that’s old news, tell me something I don’t know.”
“How is that old news?”
“It’s kinda obvious, you know?”
“No, I don’t, explain.” His eyebrows were furrowed.
“A guy at your age in that business, the way you were so confident using guns. That expertise with guns doesn’t come within two years of practice. It means that you’ve been around guns and weapons long enough. You never spoke of your dad at all, like he never existed, which also means that he had a hand in this.” You spoke, confidently.
“And you caught all that when we were firing the other day?” He asked, kind of surprised.
“You’re bright, y/n.” He smiled. “Tell me a secret about you, too.” He said and you had to think about it as he turned off the stove.
“I got into a fight when I was younger, I kinda hurt the girl bad.”
“Oh, what happened?”
“I guess I had an anger issue. I’m not a person that you can get them angry easily, but once I’m angry, hell’s breaking loose. She was my friend and we were good until she started dressing differently and started ignoring me like we were never friends at all. One day we were in the same group and she made fun of my clothes in front of the whole class.” You bit your lip to hide the smirk. “I didn’t like criticism much, so I grabbed her and in the next second we were fighting and punching each other.”
“Are you happy that you did that?” He asked, noticing your smirk.
“I’d be lying if I said I am not. I am happy that I didn’t let her do that to me, no one is allowed to bully me or treat me like I’m nobody. To be honest, I like intimidating people. Since that fight, nobody at school had ever said anything to me that I didn’t like.” You looked him in the eyes and his smile widened.
Other guys might be intimidated by what you said, but he wasn’t. He appreciated that you were a person that didn’t let people walk all over her. It made him feel like he had a female version of himself.
 “I did that at elementary school as well, by the way. I scratched and pulled the hair of the bully in my school. She was a bitch that deserved to be scratched in the face. She told me I had bad hair, that I was ugly every damn day. I tried being a good girl till I just snapped, I couldn’t let her bring me down. Think I might still have this trait. Wouldn’t give it up, though, even it makes me appear like a violent person. People need to stay the fuck away from me if they ever think they can bully me and just walk away, fuck no.” You said, with zero regret.
He walked towards you, put his hands on either side of you on the kitchen island, gave you a big smirk.
“Badass, aren’t you?”
“I am, Gatsby.” You smiled as he gave you a peck on the lips.
“How about I give you another session so you can learn how to use guns properly?”
“I like the idea.”
You both stood in the same field that you stood in a month back with new green bottles on display for you to shoot. The weather was hot so pulling your hair up into a big bun was the best option. Harry was thinking that you might need to let your anger out on something that wouldn’t be hurt. He was damn right, the amount of anger you had was unbearable. The mixed-up feelings you had sometimes wouldn’t even let you concentrate on just one feeling, you were so angry at everything, no fear of anything, but on the other hand, there was this little girl inside you that was in a corner afraid of everything, defeated and so soft she could break.
Without realizing it, Harry was trying to help you and you felt that, but to you it seemed like he was trying to provide things to you, but you provided nothing. What could you give to a guy like Harry who already had everything?
Harry was trying to teach you how to shoot far targets, but you were failing terribly and he’d tease you with this. Until a car pulled over next to yours only for you to watch Michael get out of it with an expression you thought it was anger.
“Harry, minute please?” Michael asked as he looked you up and down. He didn’t like you.
“Okay, Harry I’ll be in the car, I have to call Sam anyways.” You said, excusing yourself. Harry nodded to you and put one of the guns in the wooden box as he said to Michael once they were all alone.
“What was that?”
“Bringing a girl to our field is okay by me, but what the fuck is it with you spending all your time with her? You didn’t show up, not even a call, you’re not answering your phone.” Michael said, trying to maintain his annoyance.
“Are we married or something? I’m having fun, what’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing’s wrong, H. But this’s got to stop, we’re fucked, Harry, we’re in a hole, we need to get the deal out of Ray, you hear me?” Michael huffed.
Harry cracked his knuckles and rolled his eyes, “We’ll have to get another deal out of any other person we know.”
“No, H, that’s not possible, we specifically want Russian arms and Ray is the only one that can provide us the supplies in such short notice.”
“I tried, Mike. I called him, he was pissed that I kicked him out of the after-party. I’m not sucking his balls to get this deal, okay?”
“I know he’s a piece of shit, but we have to convince him. Let y/n give him the dance he asked for, women have charm.”
“Are you out of your mind?” Harry spat.
“What else do you have in mind? This happened in the first place because of her.”
“So, the only way to fix this is to give him what he wants? Her?”
“It’s not like she’ll sleep with him, it’s her job, H. Y/N is a dancer, all’s she going to do is dance.”
“I’m not doing that to her, hear me? Not on my watch.” Harry said.
“Fuck you, this bitch is getting you wrapped around her finger, what’s with that? Did she give you a good jerking off or something?”
“The fuck you said?”
“You heard me, Harry. This girl’s not for you, man. We have work to do and all you do is follow her around like a lost puppy.”
Harry took a step towards Michael; their foreheads were touching and their eyes were seeing red. They were whispering in a way of anger.
“Say shit like that one more time, Miky, I fucking dare you.”
“Yeah, sure you do, stuffing your face in her pussy was not enough and now you’re turning your back on your friend.”
“You call yourself a friend, you son of a bitch?”
“Yeah, I do. I’m the one taking all of the responsibility so you can go have fun with your little sluts.”
“Get out of my face before I break yours.” Harry said and pushed Michael away, walked towards the car where you sat. He didn’t speak through the whole drive and he pulled over at your apartment. And that was it for the day.
That same night and after you were done with your job, Michael’s face appeared next to your car.
It had been six months since you knew Harry. Michael would show up almost every night at the club to convince you with the offer. You had many dates with Harry, most of them were just you guys having fun. You made sure not to talk too much about yourself, you thought you already did talk too much.
What happened at the after-party was still lingering in your head because Michael wouldn't stop showing for it, you didn’t want to make Harry lose a deal because of you. You felt heavy at the idea, you were alone for a long time and having a man take care of you was not something you were used to at the time.
You were ready to perform for Ray at his place as Michael asked you.
A part of you wanted to do this to prove to yourself that no one could tell you what to do or save you, that you were good all by yourself, the other part wanted to do it so you get Harry the deal. You had to provide him with something.
Angela was preparing your suit for the private performance in the private room the host had provided for you. Your bodyguard was waiting in the hallway, that was your only condition to accept the offer. You decided to wear a blue suit for the performance; you got into the suit, put on your makeup, were ready to do something you didn’t want so you shake off the feeling of a man protecting you.
You didn’t want someone to protect you.
Every breath you took was heavy like a million stone pressing into your throat. It had been a long time since you did something you did not want.
You gave yourself one last look in the mirror, and you saw that you weren’t happy about that whole thing.
Ray was sitting on a black armchair and the song had started as you asked Angela. You got out of the room and were ready for dancing the feeling off.
Angela saw the sadness lingering in your eyes, she’d been your assistant since the beginning so she noticed. Oh, she noticed the face of yours that was completely broken, yet expressionless. There was nothing she could do, she tried talking you out of it, but you only snapped at her. She sighed sadly as she watched you from the slightly open door.
That body suit was not too revealing, you chose one that covered most of you to get a little comfortable. Your waist drew a big circle, then you started dancing your body with no smile visible. Smiling was critical, but you couldn’t afford it so you danced with a poker face on.
However, you found your eyes tearing up, dancing with tears in your eyes, trying your best to not let them fall down your cheeks. The eyes of Ray were eating the sight of you which disgusted you even more. Disgusted by yourself, your body. You didn’t want to do this. Who could save you then?
Meanwhile, Harry was calling you and Angela answered as usual,
“Hello, Mr. Styles. Y/N is busy now.” She started, but he could hear the song playing in the background.
Harry knew that you were off the club that day, you did not tell him that you had any other performance as he was thinking of taking you out.
“Where exactly? I may drive y/n home.” He asked, confused.
She gave him the address and hung up. Angela completely ignored your order to not answer Harry’s calls. Angela felt that she had to step up and not let you do something that made you sad deeply. Michael was checking some guns out of a wooden box at one of Harry’s warehouses, then he looked at Harry to see him confused. Harry didn’t know why he was confused, “What’s wrong, H?” Mike asked inspecting a gun in his hand.
“Y/N is having a private performance she didn’t tell me about.” He looked at Mike, but Mike avoided any eye contact and that was something Harry noticed.
“Maybe she forgot.” Michael mumbled.
That look on Michael’s face is a liar’s look. They had been friends long enough, and Harry knew that he was lying.
“What do you know that I don’t, Michael?” Harry asked, rising from his chair. The warehouse was not lighted well, only a yellow light bulb. That deem light made Harry’s expression look a lot worse.
“Ugh, nothing.”
“You’re lying. What is it?”
“She asked me to give Ray the private performance he asked for, so we could get the deal we had to get which you blew. Satisfied?” Michael huffed looking to Harry.
“You made the girl I’m seeing perform behind my back!?” Harry yelled.
“She asked me not to tell, okay?”
“It is not, Mike, it is not okay.” Harry mumbled, seeing red.
He got out of the warehouse, jogging towards his car, followed by Michael who was calling his name to get him to slow down.
Meanwhile you were changing into your next suit, trying to suck in your tears.
In the garage where you kept your car, you were driving your legs to walk with Angela next to you, holding your bag. Harry’s figure appeared next to your car, leaning on it, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. You glared at Angela so she walked faster to open the trunk of the car.
"You owe me." You said bluntly with a poker face, walking to open your driver’s seat without even looking at him.
"Excuse me? I owe you?" He straightened up and raised his arms in confusion.
"Yes, you do. That shitty performance was for your own sake." You said, throwing your handbag inside violently.
He had to take a step towards you, "You did exactly what I told you not to do!" He yelled in your face.
"Hey! Don't raise your voice at me. I did this for your own sake." You slammed the car door, turning around to face him, raising your pointer at him.
"What sake was that? You think I care about some deal? No, darling, you did this all for your own sake. I won't fall for your shit!" His lips were curled upside down, like he was disgusted.
"Oh, really? Do you think I wanted to perform for that piece of shit? His eyes were practically undressing me every fucking second and I hated every second of it, Harry!" You yelled.
"And that is exactly why I told you not to perform, but you're too stubborn to listen. You had to make yourself appear like some independent girl, look where we are now! Because you're too fucking stubborn to listen to a fucking word I say!" He yelled back right in your face, but you gave him a sarcastic smile.
"So, this is my fault now? You asked me to be at that after-party where that shit asked me to perform!"
"It is your fault-"
"No, it fucking isn't-"
"It fucking is, y/n!"
"Stop yelling at me!"
"You stop yelling at me and listen for a change!"
"You started it!"
"Listen, all I asked was for you to not perform for him, but you fucked up everything I said and did what you wanted anyways. That is pure disrespect."
"Disrespect?!" You exclaimed.
None of you noticed that Angela was still standing by the car trunk, watching both of you yelling at each other.
"Yeah, y/n, disrespect. You went there and wore god knows what to show off your flesh for a guy that only wants to see what's underneath."
"I wore a suit, Harry, I wear them every day for god's sake!"
"You wear them on a stage, in front of an audience, you wear them at parties that you work at, not at somebody's house when he's the only audience." He yelled the last part.
"I did this for you." You whispered, looking to the ground.
"No, you fucking did not! You did this for yourself so you could say to yourself that no man could tell you what to do!"
"No, no, I did not." Your eyes teared a little. And you tried your best to not cry in front of anyone, but this was becoming too much for you to handle.
"Yeah, you did, you completely disrespected me. I cannot even look at you now." He ran his fingers in his hair, looking away.
"What do you wanna hear? That you were right? Yes, Harry, you fucking were right. I hated every second of it, I was literally crying. I did this because I could not bear the idea of someone protecting me!" You yelled the last sentence with your eyes full of tears. "And I wish I listened to you, I wish I could take it back and listen to what you said, but I can't. I can't reverse time and not do it. I only wanted to dance for you but I just couldn't let you protect me. I'm afraid, Harry, okay?" You sighed, a tear rolling on your cheek when he looked at you, his chest rising up and down.
"I'm afraid of every day I will suffer when you leave. I don't want to get used to you; I was fine before you came along. There will be nothing left of me if you break me like everyone else. I just can't give you the knife so you can kill me whenever you feel like it." You broke down and started crying, that was when he grabbed you to his chest to hug you, one arm around your neck.
You muffled through your tears. “I’m just afraid, Harry.”
He deepened the hug and kissed your temple before whispering in your ear, “I’m not leaving, y/n.”
“Yes, you are. Everybody leaves.”
“Not me, baby. Just please, listen to me, I don’t like being disrespected. I don’t want you to interfere with my work whatsoever, it’s no place for you. I know these people; you can’t be around them.” He said gently.
You sobbed a little and he pulled away a little to wipe off your tears with his fingers. He gave a kiss to your forehead and pulled you in his arms again.
“Awww.” Angela says, fingers intertwined. You both chuckled at her till Harry said, “I want you to go home, okay? I have some business to go through, then I’ll catch you there.”
“Okay, don’t be late, I cooked today.”
“Can’t wait to taste.” He said before giving you one last kiss on the forehead and leave.
You got into your car with Angela to drive her home. Angela cleared her throat as you were driving, “I’m sorry, y/n, I gave him the address.”
“It’s okay, Angela, sometimes we need people to step up for us.”
“You’re not mad at me?”
“No, honey, I’m not. I know that you just wanted to look out for me. I did a stupid thing, I didn’t even wanna do it, but I just did.” You huffed.
“Harry seems nice, he was really worried about you.” She said and you smiled at her words.
Harry pulled over by the warehouse, got out of the car with no expression, didn’t say hello to any of the guards as usual. He went in to find Michael sitting at his chair. Towers of boxes were filled inside the warehouse. Harry walked towards Michael and said without sitting, looking at Michael who raised his head to face Harry, “We’re done, Michael. I’ll have a word with the accountant so you can take all the money you put back, if you want arms instead that’s fine. I don’t want to see your face again.” Then Harry turned around to leave, but Michael’s voice stopped him.
“What? What’s that for? What did she tell you to make you turn against me?” Michael asked as Harry turned around once again.
“She didn’t say anything, she didn’t even mention your name. She took full responsibility of what she did, but I know better, Michael. I know you too much, I know that none of what you said was true.” Harry said lowly, yet angrily. “I know that she didn’t tell you not to tell me, I know that you must have convinced her to do that behind my back. Since that after-party she never not even for once mentioned that offer, and you wouldn’t shut up about it. You’re cunning, Michael, I’ll give you that.”
“And that’s why you’re leaving me behind? Harry, I’m your friend.”
“What kind of a friend are you, man? You know what? It’s not even about her at all, it’s about you going behind my back. You speak ill of the girl I like all the time; I suck it in and just give you the benefit of the doubt. But, no, Michael, not anymore.”
“We needed that deal, Harry, I had to do it.” Michael stood up.
“You got your deal. But you don’t have me anymore, we’re done.” Harry said and just left, leaving Michael back cursing himself.
Their friendship was perfect, they’d fuck girls, drink, do business, have each other’s back. No matter how much they fought, nothing led them to that point of no return. But Michael’s friendship was over to Harry, not because of you. If a friend could deceive another friend, then how could they trust one another?
Harry’s car was pulled over at your apartment, he rang the bell and you opened the door. You were in one of your cute pajamas, but once you opened the door and saw Harry’s face you had to open your arms for him. He went in your arms and hugged you tightly. He dug his face in the crook of your neck, trying to hold back his tears. You wrapped him tightly in your arms and rubbed his back gently, reassuring him.
“It’s gonna be okay, Harry.” You whispered in his ear and just stayed there for a while, the front door still open, in each other’s arms until Harry was moving his head and saw Jessica standing by her bedroom door, looking at you both.
“It’s been 5 minutes, aren’t you bored?” She commented and you had to chuckle. You both pulled away but kept his hand in yours.
“I didn’t know you were here; I wouldn’t have come.” He said, smirking at her.
“Y/N is a bad influence, isn’t she?” She said as she took a seat on the barstool.
Jessica was a redhead with lots of piercings and tattoos, she was taller than you and more muscular.
“Come on in, Gatsby, I’m making late dinner.” You said and led him in as you closed the front door behind him.
You let go of his hand and went right to the fridge to take out the food you had half-cooked earlier. You put the plates of the food on the island and jogged to your room and returned with a hairclip, you pulled your hair up with the hairclip. Then, you went to the fridge again to pour them both some juice.
“Wanna know the story behind the hairclip?” Jessica asked Harry with a big smirk on her face.
“Aren’t you a bitch?!” You exclaimed turning on the oven and put two pots on.
“Tell me.” Harry said as he sipped from his cup.
“Y/N was trying to cook me some food, what was the name of that dish, y/n?”
“It was an eastern dish, it consists of pasta, rice, fried onions, and lentil. It’s a hard dish to make.” You answered, going on with your cooking.
“Yeah, and she was going on with cooking till we smelled something burning, turns out she left her too long hair going around with her like a fucking Rapunzel.” Jessica said through her laughs and Harry’s eyes widened at you.
“My god, your hair burnt!?” He asked, looking at you.
“Just the tips I swear!” You said raising your middle finger at her. “I’ll get you, bitch.”
“Since that day she never turns on the stove without tying her hair up.”
“How did you guys meet?” Harry asked. You turned your head and looked at her, “Wanna tell him?”
She smiled at you, “We had a fight at one of the clubs. We were auditioning I looked her up and down, she looked like pick-me girl.”
“Fuck you, I didn’t. I minded my own business till you made that little comment of yours!”
“Tell me!” Harry laughed, “I’d like to know the whole story.”
“Okay, okay, y/n was flicking her hair all the time like she was the only girl on earth or something. She looked different; you know? I told her that there was some gum stuck in her hair.” Harry burst into laughing as you and Jessica laughed along yet she continued, “She got all riled up and kept looking for that gum till she missed the audition.”
“Oh my god, then what?” He asked through his laughs.
“She waited for me outside and was determined to pull my hair off.”
“Sounds like y/n.”
“Then when we were fighting, some guy held me in an inappropriate way, she yelled at him ‘Don’t touch her, pig’” Jessica laughed as she imitated you. “She kicked him in the nuts for me. Then we sat on the sidewalk, talking and became friends since then.”
“I’d never change a thing about it, Jess. I love you.” You said and then turned around and walked to the kitchen island facing both of them.
“Jessica had my back when everybody turned their backs on me. She lent me money, got me the job at the club, got me to stay with her when I had nowhere else to go.”
“We sound so gay.” She said and you both laughed and high-fived each other.
Harry looked at both of you and felt sad a little when he remembered Michael.
“Where’s the food, y/n? I gotta go soon.” She said and you turned to the stove again to finish your cooking.
“Okay, Jess, put the food in the plates, I gotta go to the bathroom.” You said and walked to the bathroom. Jessica nodded at you and stood to turn off the stove.
“You like her, just Harry?” She asked Harry, taking him off his thoughts.
“Yeah, I do, very much actually.”
“Y/N is a good girl, she has her bad moments, but she’s a really good friend. I have to tell you something really quick before she comes back, though I think she’ll be late. She takes her phone with her to scroll on.” She smirked and he chuckled. “Y/N may act tough, she’s tough but she needs someone to protect her from herself. She told me that a while back when she was drunk at yours she had a bad dream. That happens a lot, her family messed her up, she has zero contact with any of them, she’s only got me and now you. She doesn’t let people into her life that much so I need you to promise me that if you ever feel like you don’t want to be with her, just tell her the truth.”
“I want to be with her-“
“I’m just saying, I don’t wanna see my best friend like that. Just please, promise me that if you wanna let her go, let her go slowly. Don’t break her heart anymore than it already is. I love that bitch, she’s a person you can always lean on. She told me all about that fucker from her country, she loved him, listened to him, got him gifts, told him all words of affirmation, and he threw her like trash. I can’t let that happen before my eyes.”
“I promise I really want her, I have no intention of breaking her heart. She’s-“ He got cut off by your voice, “Who’re you two talking about?”
“No one, I was just telling him about the time when you were two and ran naked around the house.” Jessica said as she filled the plates with food.
“What’s that?” Harry asked pointing at his plate.
“Shut up and eat.” You said getting yourselves forks and spoons.
You started eating but soon Jessica got a phone call.
“I have to go, y/n.” She said, stuffing her mouth with food.
“Tell your boyfriend to fuck himself for me, please.” You said and she raised her middle finger and grabbed her purse and went to open the front door as she turned around.
“I don’t want you both doing stupid shit, as long as you’re under my roof, you live by my rules. Bye.” She said as she went out and closed the door behind her. You chuckled and looked over to Harry who was next to you, didn’t touch his food.
“Is there something bothering you, or you just don’t like my food?” You asked before putting the full spoon into your mouth.
“I had a talk with Mike.” He said lowly, playing with his food.
“What kind of a talk?”
“I ended our friendship.”
“What?” You let go of your spoon, giving him your full attention.
“I had to.”
“No, Harry, there’s nothing that could end that friendship of yours.”
“He made you perform for Ray, y/n!”
“He didn’t make me do shit, I agreed, this is my decision. You didn’t punish me for it, why punish him?”
“Because he knows better than to do such thing behind my back.”
“Michael loves you, Harry. He wanted to save your business with this deal, I told him not to tell you, I told him to stay out of it. He cares for you, baby, he didn’t want to do things behind your back. He made a mistake just like me, don’t punish him too hard.”
“He knows better, y/n.” He said with sadness all over his voice.
“Harry, you’re punishing him and you. Think of all the times he had your back, he wouldn’t hurt you.”
“I’ll have to think about it.”
“You damn should, he loves you like a brother.”
“How do you know?”
“He told me.”
Harry sighed and grabbed the spoon to his mouth and his eyes widened, “What is that? It’s so good.”
“It’s a secret.” You winked.
You both laid on your bed, Harry’s head on your lap as you played with his hair, you were reading a book and he was scrolling on his phone. You huffed and snatched the phone from his hand.
“Hey! What’s that for?”
“I want you to take my virginity.” You said with straight face.
“What?” He straightened up to face you.
“You heard me.”
“What do you mean why?”
“Why do you wanna give it up before marriage?”
“I think it’s time for me to let it go.”
“Why me, then?”
You brushed his hair with your fingers, “Because I like you, Harry. You mean so much to me now. You’re nice, gentle, and you take care of me. You treat me so good like I’m the only girl on earth. I want to give something so precious to a guy that’s become so precious to me.”
He smiled and cupped your face, “I can’t, I can’t take something that important from you.”
“I want you to, Harry. I didn’t wanna give it up to some guy that would leave me the next day. Ugh, I don’t know what’ll happen between us, and maybe it’s too soon. But before we do anything, I have to ask. Are we actually dating or what? We’ve never talked about it; we’ve been going out for about five months now.”
He thought about it for a moment, you had been going on dates for quite a while, but you never talked about where you were standing.
“I think we’ve went on dates more than a dozen times, so I think yeah, we are dating, y/n.” He answered, truthfully.
“Do you wanna?” You winked and he sighed.
“I can’t, I want you to have it the special way you deserve. You deserve to give it in the most special way possible.” He said as he caressed your cheek softly. “But I really need you to give me a blowjob before little Harry explode.” He grinned and you burst into laughing.
You cupped his face and pulled him in for a deep kiss, the kiss was emotional and so sweet. He got his tongue into your mouth and you followed. He bit your bottom lip a little and got you right under him as he was caressing your hips and waist.
He pulled away from the kiss only to lick on your neck. He kissed and licked your sweet spot as your moans got louder by the touch. He was right between your legs so you felt him getting harder above you. You craved touching him so your hands crawled under his t-shirt to strip him. Once he took of his shirt, he unbuttoned your pajama blouse to see you in a beautiful lace grey bra.
“I love every little detail of you, y/n.” He whispered as he walked the tip of his finger on the stretch marks on your breasts.
You hummed and cupped his dick through his jeans and you got a moan out of him. He took your bra off and threw it somewhere.
“I like you better this way.” He grinned and squeezed both breasts in his hands and put one nipple into his mouth to lick. Gave the same attention to the other nipple and they got harder and he felt an urge to twist them a little. He did and you gasped.
You felt shy dirty-talking so you stuck to the moaning. His hands were caressing your whole body as he was kissing his way down to the hem of your pants. He looked into your eyes and took off your pants and played with your pussy with his finger so slowly it killed you.
“Stop teasing me!” You whined.
“You do that all the time, now’s my turn.” He said on your pussy.
He grabbed the hem of your panties in between his teeth and took it off completely with your help, of course. He spread your legs and dove right in, licking on your clit gently as his hands crawled up to your breasts to squeeze them. You arched your back as you felt his tongue enter you slowly, your hands were deep in his hair tugging at it.
He twisted your nipples between his fingers as his tongue was moving from fucking you to drawing circles on your clit.
“You like that, princess?” He whispered and you couldn’t hear him clearly so he got no answer from you, only moans.
He pulled his tongue away and looked into your eyes and twisted your nipples just a little harder and you gasped.
“I said, you like that?” He repeated and you nodded. “Words, princess.”
“Yes, Harry, yes, I love it, please. Give me your tongue again, I’m so close, plea-“ You ended your sentence with a loud moan as he grabbed your clit between his lips to kiss and lick.
 “Harry, I’m gonna cum, I’m go-“ You were interrupted by the hard orgasm that hit you. You tugged on his hair harder and arched your back so hard. You pushed him a little from you as you were cumming and it made him smirk as he was watching your body shake under his touch.
“Fuck, that was so sexy.” His smirk grew wider as you pulled him up to kiss him deeply, violently.
You turned him over so you could be on top, You felt bold.
“I want you to cum in my mouth.” You whispered in his ear before kissing his neck. “Can I give you a love bite?” You asked and he only chuckled.
“You can do whatever you want, Rapunzel. I’m all yours.”
God, those nicknames did you good.
You gave him a couple of love-bites on his neck and near his shoulder-blade, you loved that he was not a silent guy in bed. Harry gave you all the moans you needed to figure that he was enjoying your touches. You kissed his neck one last time before using your two central teeth and tongue to make your way down on his body.
“Fuck, that’s new.” He moaned before helping him take his pants and boxers off, then he collected your hair with his two hands and had it in one fist.
You winked at him, “Not gonna tease you this time.”
“You better not to or I swea-Oh fuck!” He was interrupted as you put him in your mouth to stop him from talking. You felt his pre-cum on your tongue as you tried taking more of him without gagging. You put as much as you could down your throat until you gagged, kept him in there a little.
“Fuck, yes, you’re so good to me, princess.” He moaned pulling on your hair a little harder. Pulling your hair only made him harder.
You pushed him in and out of your mouth a little and got it out completely with a pop. He was trying to keep his eyes on you to appreciate the sight of you taking him in. You started licking his cock from the side as you were jerking him off with one hand. The other hand was gently massaging his balls.
You moaned while he was in your mouth and that sent him over the edge.
“Princess, I’m gonna cum. Don’t stop, don’t, don’t.” His moans were getting louder as you began pushing him in and out faster.
You felt his cum fill your mouth, but you didn’t stop until he was finished. You pulled him out of your mouth with his cum on your tongue. You looked at him, still in between his legs by his cock, you opened your mouth so he could see his cum on your tongue. He grabbed your bottom lip and bit his own.
“I wish I could take a picture; fuck you look incredibly sexy.” He groaned and you nodded. “What? Want me to take a picture?” He asked and you nodded again.
“Are you sure?” Again, he asked and you nodded.
He pulled your phone that was on the nightstand and you pressed your finger on it so it would unlock. He turned on the camera and took a picture.
He put the phone down.
“Swallow.” He ordered.
And you swallowed.
The picture was you, your eyes not in the scene. Your mouth open, cum all over your tongue, Harry’s finger pulling down your bottom lip, a strand of your hair was in sight.
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Percy X Reader Fluff!!!
My head was pounding. It was a long week with all the tests and trying to get accepted into colleges. And let me tell you, getting into college with ADHD and dyslexia is NOT for the weak.
I had stupid ELA homework. I was practically pulling out my hair. I hated ELA class; it was the WORST. I sucked at spelling, I couldn’t read. I tried so hard, but the letters would spin, do 180s, and fly off the page. I could not focus at all. I was debating burning the paper with my fire, but decided against it when I heard a buzz from my side.
My face lit up when I saw my boyfriend texted me. I threw down my pencil and opened his message. “Hey Y/n, wanna go to the new aquarima that opened?” I couldn’t help but laugh at his misspelling of aquarium, but I knew what he meant. “Yeah, I would love to?”
Nothing could cheer me up faster than my boyfriend, and even more so when it's a date. “Awesome! See you then?” “Sure, what day and time?” “Today, 1 hour?” “Wait, today?” “Yeah?” “I’m doing homework though.” “You’ll probably give up soon enough.” “Excuse me?” “See you in an hour, princess.” I couldn’t help but scoff. “Wow…” I said out loud to nobody and got up to get ready for my date. I grabbed cute yet comfortable clothes and went to take a shower, smiling that dork knew how to cheer me up anytime.
I did my hair and put on my shoes when I heard knocking at my door. I practically ran to the door and smiled when I saw the handsome boy behind it. “Hello, princess,” he gave a genuine smile. “You look amazing.”
“I’m not even dressed up?”
“You still look amazing,” he smiled and leaned down to my lips, giving me a kiss with his soft lips that had a hint of sweetness, probably from cherry coke, his all-time favorite drink.
“Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, let me grab my keys.” I grabbed my keys and locked the door. “The aquarium is pretty big. There is a food court there too,” I mentioned as we walked towards the car.
He opened my door, smiling. “Ladies first.” Before jogging to his door, he was always going the extra mile for me. It was crazy. He held doors, made me breakfast in bed, all the cute stuff. In all honesty, I don’t know how or why I got so lucky to have him in my life, but he was genuinely one of the few things I am grateful for.
The drive there was normal. We talked about the aquarium, our schools, our home life, any crazy stuff we found on the internet. We tried to keep our other lives separate from our normal lives as much as possible, and we did a pretty good job at avoiding it most of the time.
“You know Annabeth wants to get back in touch with me,” he said at one point.
“Really?” I couldn’t help but chuckle. “As friends or does she still have a crush on you?”
“Not sure. I told her I was taken, but she seemed panicked, like something was wrong at camp.”
“We should just leave it be for now. We can check up on camp tomorrow. We are on a date tonight.”
“Right, sorry, love,” Percy sighed, rubbing my thigh.
He pulled into the parking lot and smiled softly. “We made it alive?”
“I couldn’t tell?”
“Shut it,” he laughed before jogging over to open my door.
“You know I can open my doors, right?”
“I’m just making sure you don’t slam my car doors,” he teased.
“Wow,” I nudged him and laughed. “Let's go, seaweed head.”
“Of course,” he grinned and held open the door of the aquarium entrance. It was beautiful inside. The rugs were dark blue, the walls were light blue, and all types of fishes were painted over the walls.
“Woah, that fish is pretty,” I pointed over to one of the painted fishes on the wall.
“In case you couldn’t tell, my dear Y/n, that's a painted fish, not a real one.”
“I’m not dumb!” He smiled and walked over to the cashier, who was a sweet older man in his 60s.
“Two tickets, please,” Percy requested.
“Of course, that's 28 dollars,” the cashier replied.
“Thank you,” Percy handed him the money and handed me my ticket.
“So, you like older men now?” I teased.
“All I said was thank you!” He pouted.
“Yea— Woah, that's a big shark!?” I dragged Percy along to one of the shark tanks.
“Yeah, they are meant to be big.”
“Quiet,” I rolled my eyes at his sassiness. “What would happen if you asked it to do a backflip?”
“Why would I ask it—”
“I mean, you can talk to animals, can’t you?”
“Wow, you are boring then.”
“Oh, is that so? And what can you do, princess? Make a sword? And heat up your hands?”
“Yeah, I can. And what can you do? Fall 600 feet into an ocean?”
“Actually, yes, I can.”
“Try hard.”
“Always,” he grinned and kissed my cheek.
“Look at that one right there, it's pretty like you.”
“So you're saying I look like a fish?”
“You always have something to say, don't you?”
“Yes, I do.” I smiled and kissed his cheek.
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silly-guy-123 · 9 months
Mostly platonic but with a hint of romance if you squint
Badsansuary Day 4 - Compliments
Horror x Reader
(Also the rest of the Bad Sanses are here but they aren't the main focus)
“you look nice today,” Horror said.
The end.
It was surprisingly hot outside today, considering that it was winter. You weren't a fan of the heat when it went on for too long, but today you welcomed the change from freezing cold to somewhat warm.
You might even be able to go outside today without feeling like you're going to get frostbite.
But alas, you had nobody to spend the day with…
Actually. You did.
You almost forgot that you had friends, which was embarrassing.
Anyway, you got dressed in clothing appropriate for the weather. And you made sure to bring a jacket, just in case it got cold again.
One could never be too prepared.
Then you went outside, sending your friends a quick text that practically demanded they show up. But it was worded politely. You were so amazing at making things sound polite when you needed to.
Anyway. You had plans today.
A picnic!
You had been tracking the weather for several days in order to hopefully find a day warm enough for it.
You had prepared a bunch of snacks the day before.
So you were really hoping that your friends would show up.
You just had to wait.
Eventually your waiting payed off, because you could see the cracked skull of your best friend, Horror, along with your other skeleton friends, Dust, Killer, and Nightmare.
Yeah. All of your friends were skeletons. So what? They were better than everyone else. Even if they were a bunch of murderous hobos.
You had the picnic set up already. So there wasn't really a rush. You decided to have a bit of a conversation first.
“Can you believe how warm it is today?” You asked.
Nightmare just frowned. “Yes. I am, quite literally, seeing it with my own eyes.
“No need to be such a buzzkill!” You teased playfully, turning to the rest of the group. You opened your mouth to speak, but Dust interrupted you.
“don’t even start. we came here for a picnic, not a one hour rambling session,” he said grumpily, but there was a smile on his face.
Killer put his elbow on Dust's shoulder, leaning on him. “Awww, come on, you know, I think listening to them talk about the types of plants and their differences is fun. Why don't they tell us about it, hmm?”
“noooo!!” Dust said, pretending to be mortally wounded.
Horror just chuckled, “thanks for this, muffin. we all needed a break. you're the best.”
You tried to laugh it off, not used to being complimented so highly. “Haha! Anyway, let's eat, I guess.”
And so you all sat down for a picnic, and began to eat. Once the meal was finished, everyone appeared to be content.
“you made that? wow, thought ya bought it from a store or somethin’, ‘s really good.” Horror grabbed a second helping.
There was a chorus of agreement from everyone else except Nightmare, who preferred to just watch.
“Thank you everyone,” You said, trying to hide your embarrassment. You just liked to cook. You didn't need to be complimented for it.
Nightmare looked at his watch. “Oh. It's nearly 6pm. The sun will be going down soon.” He looked at you. “Hate to cut this short, but we must be going now.”
You understood. You just nodded, and went to pick everything up. Horror decided to help you, and you both went inside to put everything away.
“i meant what i said, muffin,” Horror said, “you really are the best.”
You began to blush, and decided to kick him out.
“Okayyyyyy, time to stop the unnecessary praise for something so simple! Bye bye!!! Stay safe everyone!!”
You said this after shoving Horror out of the house (you weren't actually shoving him, he only left because you seemed insistant) and waving at everyone before they left.
What a good day.
Horror belongs to Sour Apple Studios,
Dust belongs to Ask Dusttale
Killer belongs to Rahafwabas (I hope I didn't spell that wrong 😭)
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog
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momentsbeforemass · 1 year
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(by request, my homily from earlier today)
If you were going to summarize the Gospel we just heard [the parable of the wicked tenants, linked at the end], how would you do it?
For me, it comes down to one word – “mine.”
What we see in today’s Gospel is ugly. And it is nothing other than the end product of “mine,” the most dangerous idea our species has ever come up with.
When I say “mine,” I mean all mine.
Not just me first. It’s not enough that I win. You have to lose.
Taken to its natural conclusion, that is where “mine” ends up.
We’ve all seen it happen, maybe even in our own families. When mom dies. And one of the kids says “mine” about something in the estate. Something that mom left to someone else.
Whether it’s been a long time coming, or it’s a complete surprise, as that estate plays out you get to see a side of someone you thought you knew. A part of them that is truly ugly. And one that has no room for anyone else.
That is “mine” in action.
Or maybe you’ve lived it.
You worked there for ten years. You’re a top performer. Nobody does the job as well as you do. And everyone knows it.
When the chance for a promotion opened up, you were the obvious choice.
And then they gave it some kid who hadn’t even been there for a year.
That was your opportunity! You put in the time. No one was more qualified than you. It was yours. You deserved it. You were robbed!
That is what “mine” feels like.
And that is what we see playing out in today’s Gospel. “Mine” has gotten its claws into the tenants. And once it starts, it doesn’t stop.
That’s why it keeps ramping up, and why it gets completely out of hand. So that they can finally say “mine” – about the vineyard.
The thing is, the parable stops before “mine” is done having it’s way with the tenants.
If the owner hadn’t stepped in, if the tenants had taken over the vineyard?
“Mine” would have kept going. And they would have turned on each other, until only one of them was left to say “mine.”
Because that is how “mine” works. “Mine” means all mine.
It’s not enough that I win. You have to lose.
Taken to its natural, unavoidable conclusion, that is where “mine” ends up.
If you want to know what can destroy the strongest bonds of family, love, and friendship, this is it.
If you want to know what can separate us from God, this is it.
If you want to know what got us tossed out of the Garden, this is it.
“Mine” is the original sin.
And you’re thinking, “That’s not me, my sister was the greedy one when mom died. Besides, I’ve never beaten up a messenger, much less killed someone. None of this applies to me, right?”
I wish.
What Jesus is showing us is where “mine” ends up. But that’s not where it starts.
For most of us, it usually starts in disguise. And you and I are the ones camouflaging it.
We disguise “mine” in all kinds of ways. But whether we clothe in the language of success. Or power. Or influence. Or wealth. Or anger. Or even fear. They’re all just different ways of saying “mine.”
And no matter how we disguise “mine” at the beginning, if we let “mine” get its claws into us, this is where it ends up.
So, what can we do about it?
First, we’ve got to be honest about our limitations. You and I both know that we can’t just tell ourselves to not do something. And then pretend like that’s going to work.
If nothing else, we’ve been through enough Lents, where we’ve tried to give up even the most trivial things, to know better.
If we’re going to keep “mine” from sinking its claws into us, you and I need to do something. We need a concrete, positive way to respond.
This is what discipleship and stewardship are all about. How?
Discipleship is practical. It’s accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. And then? Actually living like Jesus is your Lord and Savior.
As our diocesan synod put it, discipleship means making “a conscious, firm decision, carried out in action,” to be a follower of Jesus Christ – no matter the cost to yourself. It’s “a committed approach to living a Christian life within the Catholic Church.” That’s the official stuff.
What it really means is being who you are, as a Christian.
And stewardship? It’s how we put discipleship into practice. In every part of our lives. From how we treat ourselves, to how treat others. From how we use the influence that we have, to how we use the things that we have.
It’s living out who you are, as a Christian.
So, how do you and I do that?
I’m going to tell you something you already know. This is not easy.
And it’s not a one-and-done. This is something that has to be done over and over.
In every interaction. In every decision. In every action.
In every day. In every hour. In every thing.
If you’re serious, here’s the roadmap. From C.S. Lewis,
Give up yourself, and you will find your real self. Lose your life and you will save it.
Submit to death, death of your ambitions and favorite wishes every day and death of your whole body in the end. Submit with every fiber of your being, and you will find eternal life.
Keep back nothing. Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours.
Nothing in you that has not died will ever be raised from the dead.
Look for yourself [say “mine”], and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in.
Sunday’s Readings
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speckle-the-crow · 1 year
Tonnyjul drabble/oneshot I wrote late at night and hardly proofread that I'm not gonna post on ao3 (it has 0 plot and was just writing practice for me)
Wordcount: 1.2k words
Again, this fic has 0 plot. I wrote this to practice on writing more descriptive scenes. In the future, I might add in this or certain lines into other fics because there's some stuff I really liked in this!
The sound of the knife tip snapping off and clattering to the dirt ground was enough to make Julia cringe. As if that wasn’t enough, the collective gasp of the audience finalized it. She already knew this memory would keep her up many nights (if the others weren’t enough already). 
“Why are you still upset? It’s alright, nobody remembers it now.” Tonny hummed after the two got backstage. He was taking off the green costume he wore during the performance. It was a slight workout taking off the clothing, as it stuck tightly to the skin with the help of the circus heat. He replaced it with a just as equally ugly outfit for his clown act. 
“Because it’s embarrassing! I screwed up the one performance I have in front of the crowd. Did you not hear the gasp?”
Tonny shrugged, putting on some oversized shoes. “Accidents happen. The good news is nobody got hurt.”
Julia muttered something to herself about her hat being too big to see rightly.
“It’s over now. The sooner you can stop thinking about it, the better.” He told her softly.
Tonny was well familiar that when Julia got upset, she often lashed out, little things easily adding to her mood. How she blew up at him when they first officially met and then again when he found her running around in Aspett. He could tell that another anger strike was coming. 
“I don’t think it’s that bad. The outfit fits you.” Tonny smiled at her. 
“Are you saying I have a big head?” Julia growled. 
“What!? No, I just think the whole… mushroom thing looks nice on you.” He awkwardly waved his hand towards her. Well, shit. 
“Mushroom thing?” Julia stared at him. Looks nice on me??
“You look like a fairy- in a magical way. The makeup, the ear extensions, just everything. If you’re not comfortable wearing the outfit, we can change it. My top priority is that everyone feels comfortable.”
Julia stared at him, picking up on his awkward and nervous stammering.
“I’m not saying it’s bad- but don’t keep the outfit if you don’t like it…”
She rubbed her face with a tired sigh as the ringleader kept rambling on and tuned him out. Gosh, he was really getting on her nerves. All this time Julia was wondering how she’d kill Tonny when in the end, she was sure she was going to strangle him. She did not have it in her to deal with his awkwardness, whatever made him more boyish near her. 
“And what about you? You like that outfit?” She half-snapped at Tonny, who was almost completely changed into the clown costume. The only thing missing was the face paint. 
“What about it?” Tonny looked down at his outfit, observing his large shoes and puffy pants.
“For starters, the god-forsaken shoes.”
Tonny once again re-shifted his gaze towards the large shoes. He was so happy he finally found comically large shoes that fit him rightly and didn’t make a noise when walked. Seeing as how the whole circus was slowly falling apart (from crew members to knives), Tonny felt like the shoes were one of the best things the circus had to show. 
“I like them.” Tonny tapped his foot on the ground softly, grabbing white face paint.
“Not surprised.” She muttered, sitting down on a crate.
A second passed when it clicked what she said. “Rude. They’re meant to be like this.”
“Did you willingly offer to be a clown?”
“Is that supposed to be an insult?”
“No. I’m genuinely curious about how you got stuck with that act.”
“Well, when we became a circus- you remember Dotty’s story from a month or so ago, right? Anyways, we started filling in basic roles. Silk dancers, fortune tellers, clowns, you understand it. And nobody wanted to be a clown and I got forced into it because I’m the leader.”
“Leader and a clown? Which one is easier?” Julia chuckled.
Tonny held back a tired sigh. It’s like she’s becoming more like Sahed every day. I don’t like her spending time with him. 
“They’re both hard in their own ways. But also similar.” Tonny answered, trying to play off Julia’s sharp tongue to be because of a certain ah’kon. Telling himself that’s why he’s slightly hurt overhearing her talk like him. Not because of the time she spent with Sahed slowly made her change the way she spoke and acted.
Wasn’t there an old saying that if someone likes another person, they adapt to become more like them? The ringleader glanced around, looking for the makeup brush. 
“It’s in the drawer. Dotty cleaned everything and moved stuff around.” Julia had taken off her hat and was running her hand over the gills of the fake mushroom. This was now a common ritual and she’d quickly learn the order of his costume transformation.
Tonny opened one of the drawers and saw a brush with bristles slightly stained blue roll around. He grabbed the brush and the face paint, making eye contact with Julia in the old, stained mirror. The exaggerated red blush, the white freckles, the pointed ears. She looked like a fawn who’d just woken up in a field of flowers. It was a sight he wouldn’t mind seeing every day- he sometimes stole a glance at her during performances. Julia stared back at him, a tired but soft look in her eyes. Tonny felt himself become a bit lighter due to the softness in her gaze. Maybe Sahed hadn’t fully influenced her. Maybe there was some part of her that Tonny could find, a part that could be just for the two.
Realization struck Tonny as he realized that he’d been staring. He quickly applied the eye makeup, glad that the white face paint was thick enough to cover the slight burning on his cheeks. He hurriedly finished the blue face paint and the red nose (he refused to wear an actual nose accessory, as it made it hard to breathe with all the running around) and tossed on his wig in a quick motion, fixing it slightly to be more centered. Julia had watched this process multiple times- the way that Tonny was able to change from ringleader to knife-throwing performer to a ginger clown had always impressed her. It seemed each costume had their own personality too.
“The show must go on,” Tonny nodded, walking out of the tent swiftly. Every time he put on the wig he would exit the tent repeating those same five words. Julia thought that it was likely the equivalent of sweeping a bunch of items off a large table and laying out a map to explain a plan- something she’d always see the kids pretend-play in the schoolyard. It likely made the ringleader feel cool.
“The show must go on,” Julia repeated to herself, putting the hat back on. She should really pick up the knife remnants before a kid tried to swipe it as a souvenir. 
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Direction – Thirty-One | Hunt x HWU MC (Danielle)
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Summary: Danielle and Hunt continue their conversation.
Words: 700+
Notes: He he he, I’m back! Hello hello hello! Not dead! Still here, still writing. ‘Sup? P.S. Working on the next part already, so hopefully you won’t have to wait nine months until the story continues. Oopsie.
❥ Previous Chapter: Thirty ❥ Moodyvalentine’s Masterlist
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There was a knock on the door, and Danielle immediately assumed it was Chris, who was checking in on them to see whether they were both still alive. When he opened the door, however, Chris had a rather grim expression on his face. “We’ve got a problem. And by we, I mean you guys.”
Just then, Hunt’s phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and Danielle could catch a glimpse of his screen just long enough to see the caller ID – Priya Singh. Uh-oh. That could not be good news.
Hunt told her to stay quiet and picked up. Danielle couldn’t hear exactly what was said, but she was pretty sure she could make out the words disgusting and bastard.
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Priya hadn’t called his personal number in several years, and the fact that she was calling now could only mean one thing: something horrible had happened, and Thomas was certain he knew what. Very reluctantly, he picked up the phone, and was immediately greeted by a slew of insults.
“Thomas, you disgusting bastard. Have you lost your bloody mind? You can’t be that stupid, you—”
“Priya,” he interrupted her, not willing to subject himself to this much longer. “Could you perhaps tell me why you are insulting me this time?”
As if he didn’t already know. It must have leaked. Chris coming in, telling them they had a problem, and now this? The photos that he was sure must have been taken of their kiss earlier that day were out there now. He knew they were.
And, still, when Priya confirmed just that, he was shocked. “You have to ask? You’re fucking a student, Thomas.”
“Former student, first of all,” Thomas said, then quickly added, “And I’m not fucking anyone.”
“Oh, sure you aren’t. How long has this been going on? Centaurus Lost? Earlier, even? The photo from Sundance? She’s a child, Thomas!”
Danielle must have heard that last sentence, which wasn’t surprising since Priya had practically shouted it, and chimed in. “I’m twenty-six, thank you very much. Most definitely not a child.” Thomas glared at her, which had the desired effect of her shutting her mouth. She was not helping the situation.
“She’s with you right now?! Are you-- oh, God, I hope you’re wearing clothes. Please tell me you’re not--”
This time, it wasn’t Danielle who said something, but Chris, who very unhelpfully said, “Nope, I’m here, too. Nothing shady going on.”
Thomas sighed and put the phone on speaker. If everyone was going to join the conversation, either way, he might as well.
“Oh, great, the other boyfriend’s here, too,” Priya groaned.
“Hey!” Danielle exclaimed. “Neither of them is my boyfriend, okay? Now, can someone please tell us what exactly we’re dealing with here?”
“Does nobody here have Google alerts for their name set up? Check TMZ, or any other gossip site for that matter,” Priya said exasperatedly. “Thomas, I’ve called a board meeting to see what we’re going to do about this. Expect an invitation to an official hearing soon.”
Thomas gasped. He knew she was far from a friend these days, but he would not have expected her to be so quick to judge. “Priya, nothing happened when she was a student. This is none of your—”
“I’ll be in touch,” she interrupted him, then promptly hung up.
Thomas buried his head in his hands and let out a long sigh. His life, his career, everything was over. And it was all because he couldn’t keep his feelings in check. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
He knew, logically, it wasn’t Danielle’s fault. He knew he shouldn’t be mad at her – and he wasn’t, he was mad at everything right now – but despite all the talking, and the mutual understanding that they would handle this together, the reality of it was a different beast entirely.
“Thomas?” she ventured, lightly touching his arm. He flinched, and she immediately pulled her hand away.
He took a deep breath, then told her, as calmly as he could, “I’m sorry, I need-- I need some time. Please, I--”
Danielle looked quite unhappy with that answer, but she nodded. “I understand. It’s okay, I’ll… I’ll be just across the hall in case you need to find me.”
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Tags (let me know if you wish to be removed from this list because it’s also 9 months old lol):
@trappedinfanfiction​​ @oneemofungirl​ @alleksa16​ @hopelessromantic1352​​ @silversparrow1112​  @alj4890​  @lilyoffandoms​
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patheticlittleguy · 3 months
the naming and bathing of PB - part two of their recovery arc, immediately after "stepping out of the woods"
He perks up at the mention of food. He takes Jaime's hand, and allows her to pull them to their feet. She opens the door, and helps the kid limp into her home. It's small, and cluttered, but the air conditioning works and so does the TV.
Jaime sets the kid down on the couch, and says, "You need to eat something." She fetches a bag of chips from the kitchen, and hands it to the kid.
The kid examines it- the opening, the way it's folded over itself, the clip holding it shut- and then pulls the clip off and unfolds it. It reminds Jaime of a toddler slowly opening a birthday present. Then, the kid leans forward to stick her mouth in the bag, and Jaime sets a hand on the kid's shoulder.
"Use your hands, sweetheart." She reaches for the bag, to demonstrate grabbing a chip, but the kid growls at her. Teeth bared and everything. Jaime pulls her hand away, and says to herself, "oh, boy."
Luckily, the kid seems able to move chips into their mouth with their hands, so Jaime goes and takes a shower. As she did, she wonders how long this kid is going to end up staying in her house. Maybe the cops will stop by and ask after a missing person tonight. Maybe nobody is looking for her, or him, or whoever this kid used to be. Old enough to be in college, but unfamiliar with dyed hair or chip clips. Body hair with spots like an animal. Jaime wonders if this kid is one of those metahumans. She wonders if the kid is running from something. She also wonders if she will be able to feed this kid.
Jaime towels off, and then puts on pijamas. She emerges from the bedroom, and says to the kid, "alright, your turn in the bath."
She looks up at Jaime with big eyes and crumbs around her mouth. She chews, swallows, and then stares at Jaime.
"Put the chips down, and then go take a bath, okay?" Jaime points at the bathroom door. "You can bathe yourself, right?"
The kid sets the chips down on the table, and limps towards the bathroom. Jaime helps the kid get to the bath, and sets them down on the edge of the tub. The kid stares at her, and then at the faucet. Jaime eyes the knots in her hair, and says, "how about I grab some scissors, and we can get this off your shoulders?"
The kid glares at her.
"Okay, I'll help you detangle it, then." Jaime turns the water on warm, and then says, "if you'll take those clothes off, I'll put 'em in the wash while you bathe."
She takes her shirt off hesitantly, and then wiggles out of her shorts. Jaime picks them up, and finds nothing in the pockets before she tosses them into the washer. When she returns to the bathroom, she finds the kid leaning down into the bath, one hand gently patting the water.
"Is it nice and warm?" Jaime sticks her hand under the faucet, and then pulls the drain shut to let the tub fill up. Once there's a good layer of water at the bottom of the tub, she guides the kid into the tub, and grabs a washcloth. Jaime puts the washcloth under the running water, and then starts wiping away the worst of the grime. The kid allows Jaime to handle him with practiced ease, like a model, or a doll. There's fur with big black spots on his legs, too, and down his back and his sides.
"You know," Jaime says softly, "if you're not gonna tell me your name, I might just have to give you a nickname." She opens up the drain, to let the grimy water flow out. "Any suggestions?"
Jaime shuts the faucet off for a moment, and lets the tub empty. Then, she turns it back on, and lets the tub fill again. As it does, she explains, "I entertain at kid's parties and carnivals and stuff, and I use a stage name. Miss Jellybean, your expert in balloon animals and kids' comedy." She leans the kid back, and uses the washcloth to thoroughly wet their hair. "I could call you Blondie. Is that too basic?"
The kid is staring up into space. Jaime puts a generous amount of shampoo in their hair, and works it in gently. She continues, "The spots make me think of chocolate chips, but Cookie sounds like a dog. I don't think that's what you want."
She sets the washcloth down for a moment, and grabs a cup from the bathroom counter. The tub is full enough that she shuts the faucet off. The kid leans back, and Jaime puts a hand on his hairline as she rinses out his hair. "I don't know why, but I feel like Peanut Butter would be cute. PB for short. I think I might be hungry."
Jaime works plenty of conditioner into the kid's hair, and then uses her old wide-toothed comb to work out the knots at the bottom of her mane. "Any thoughts?" She works through the mats slowly, loosening them up as much as she can. It reminds her of when she was little, and her mom would help her detangle the unruly mane she had back then.
The kid whispers something, and Jaime completely misses it, lost in thought as she was. She's listening now, though, and the kid works up the courage to repeat it. "'M hungry too." His voice is scratchy and very low.
"Yeah? I think I have some leftover spaghetti that needs to be eaten. You like spaghetti?" Despite herself, Jaime is smiling. She runs the comb slowly through the entire length of the kid's hair, and only runs into a small knot in the middle. She rinses the kid's hair again, and then combs it some more. "Alright, we're almost done here. Let's get you rinsed off one last time, and then we'll dry you off and take a look at that cut on your foot."
Jaime wipes her down with the washcloth a second time, and then helps her stand to wrap a dry towel around her. She starts shivering as she steps out of the tub. She clutches the towel around her chest. Jaime has the kid sit down on the edge of the tub, and sits on the floor.
She gently sets the kid's injured foot in her lap. The cut goes right through the pad of his foot. She leans over to grab the first aid kit, and puts some antibiotic cream on it. She wraps it in gauze, and then athletic tape. She goes and checks on the clothes in the wash, and moves them over to the dryer, and lends the kid some spare pijamas.
"Alright, then, Peanut Butter, let's go heat us up some dinner." Jaime pats her knees, and then stands.
[continued here.]
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miracleweaponhunt · 4 months
Miracle Weapon Hunt Chapter 48: Semifinals
"So then, what's happened here?"
The worst came to pass, and a guard was dead. Found inside the building in the early morning hours. A large scar on his neck, looked like it was from a sword, or at least a machete of some kind. But despite that, there wasn't any blood to be seen. The guard had a sword, and it was chipped in a few areas to indicate he was in a fight, but there was very little blood on either the blade or his clothes. Especially odd considering just how gory the neck was.
"So then, Arden. What do you make of this?" Rodrick looked at the corpse as he applied his gloves to his hands. Arden tried to play it cool around the body, but he wasn't certain if it was working.
"Well, I was asleep. Didn't hear anything, so maybe he got shoved out the window?"
"Well, nobody seems to have tampered with the window." Rodrick approached the window and looked outside it. Nothing out of the ordinary there, either. No blood on the floor below, and while it was high up, there didn't appear to be evidence of a fight occurring.
"Wielders. Only option." Rodrick said calmly, taking out his notebook. "And I think I figured it out."
"There was a man who had the power to switch people's places, remember? He got kicked out during the qualifying rounds, but that was probably to keep a low profile. Okay, tell your men to get the information on every participant, and if you can, their current location. Because if one leaks information, they all do."
Rodrick scouted the top floor. Sure enough, the fake gauntlet was still where he left it, in a random hotel room on a pedestal, practically begging to be stolen. He pulled up a photo he had printed of the fake. Sure enough again, the gauntlet was now at a slightly different angle. Someone took the bait, and it was time to figure out who.
Cassandra woke up, barely able to hold her head with how heavy it was with thoughts of yesterday. Julian was still asleep, so she didn't think to disturb him. She just went down to the kitchen, got herself some toast to fill herself, and began eating. The other three remaining were in the room. Cheng politely waved to her, and she waved back at a safe distance. Capri and Willow were discussing something amongst themselves. What exactly? Didn't really matter. She was halfway through her toast pile when she realized she didn't put anything on it. Whatever, the bread here was probably grown for optimal muscle gain and tasted good enough as is. When that was done, her and Cheng were called into the arena.
Cassandra brought a spear and a axe with her. Keep this guy at a distance. And if that fails, cut him up.
"And welcome to the semi-finals of the Fightston Games!" The announcer rang out to the cheering crowds. "We got the one girl army out for vengeance, Cassandra Torres!"
The crowds cheered as Cassandra stepped into the arena. They were practically in a frenzy, wanting bloodshed. Her or Cheng? To them it probably didn't matter.
"And her opponent, the king of mutilation with no history except the bodies in his wake, mister Cheng Tse!"
The crowd was stirred up into another frenzy, but one of pure unfiltered hatred. The arena started throwing out curses and boos, but Cheng stood still to it all. He just shrugged casually to Cassandra, who didn't feel like reciprocating.
"And… begin!"
Cassandra brandished her spear and pointed it towards Cheng. Cheng looked at the point, and then back at Cassandra. Cassandra ran and swung the spear horizontally, which Cheng ducked under. Cassandra followed with a kick to his shins, and Cheng tripped. Cassandra threw the spear over him, causing him to panic a little. Cassandra grabbed him by the legs. Pretty simple plan here. Get him out without actually hurting him. Once they were at the edge of the arena, he was thrown out of bounds. In less than half a minute, he was dealt with.
"Oh, there's no blood this time?" The announcer whispered from his booth, not realizing his mic was still on. "I mean, Cassandra takes a quick victory! And now, Capri against Willow!"
Nobody was considering the fight ending this quick, so Cassandra shuffled through the entryway on her own. She wasn't Legion. Cheng was probably Legion, and she didn't know him. She didn't like him. She had no memories of him or anything else relating to the Legion, other than the ones she killed. Which felt bad. But it shouldn't. Except it should. They're brainwashed children grown into a weird cult. But was she also in a weird cult? Cheng said divine birthrights and monarchies were bad, and like…probably? Willow was cool, but all it took was one unprepared asshat with power and the skyspace would crumble. Because if Willow was to be believed, that almost happened with Fightston once? Her head was quickly filling with thoughts, and some of them leaked out when she bumped into the wall.
"You okay?" Willow asked from in front of her.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Good luck with your fight."
Willow gave Cassandra a side-eye, which she didn't respond too. Probably thinking about saving whatever Legion members were scheming around here. She stepped out into the arena, and Capri was already waving to the fans.
"And now for the second fight! The jovial princess vs the queen of clowns! Willow vs Capri! Now, begin!"
Willow charged towards Capri, spear in hand. She thrust it forward, and Capri ducked underneath, getting behind Willow and landing a kick, sending her forwards. Willow clutched her spear, spinning it around as soon as she regained her footing. Capri calmly jumped, landing like a cat on the edge of her spear, gazing into Willow's eyes before she flicked the spear upwards. Airborne, Capri quickly changed her mallet to the size of a person and slammed it downwards. Willow got away, grabbing the mallet as the size changed enough to fit in her hands. She snatched it out of Capri's hands, throwing it at her head and following that up with a punch to her stomach. 
Capri tumbled away dramatically, which eventually turned into cartwheeling around Willow, managing to evade every swing of her spear and responding with kicks to her legs. Willow was always able to stand, but her breathing was feeling heavier. She was quickly losing steam, so she had to end this, and end it quickly. 
She held her spear upwards, spinning it above herself with one hand. When she was almost certain Capri was in front of her, she spun it slightly slower so that the point was behind her when Capri approached. As she predicted, Capri appeared in front with a devilish grin and a fist coiled and ready. Willow barely managed to retaliate, their fists colliding, and Willow hopped over the sweep she knew Capri would pull, moving her fist to an overhead swing. Capri took the hit, sticking her tongue out and falling to her back like a cartoon. Willow hesitated to react, and Capri sprung up regardless. Willow swiped the air in front of her, and Capri put her fingers on the tip of the spear. Willow then swung her spear behind her slamming them both on the floor and diving to meet Capri on the ground. She landed successfully, and Capri was unable to move. Her arms were free, so she quickly scrambled to get her hammer out of her pockets, which Willow allowed with no resistance. She was just applying pressure to not let her up. Now she was suspicious, but this was her only option. 
She got the mallet out, trying to hit her hands with it, but Willow wouldn't budge. Out of options, she increased the size, and yet Willow didn't move. She threw the mallet upwards, and Willow still wasn't moving. Surely she wasn't trying to force a tie, right? But as the mallet reached it's apex, Willow quickly flipped Capri to the top, kicking her in the stomach before crawling out from underneath her as the mallet made it's impact. Willow quickly climbed to the top and sat on the enlarged mallet as Capri struggled to breath underneath the weight. The mallet shrunk, and Willow calmly pushed Capri's head to the ground as she tried to get up.
"Well, Capri. As fun as this has been, I think we both know you got outplayed."
"Well, I guess so." Capri sighed, slightly moodily. "I quit."
"And Willow makes it to the finals!" The announcer yelled. "Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the grand finale!"
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barnabytremayne · 1 year
Things to do when you're bored
Boredom is a universal human experience. We all feel it from time to time, regardless of our age, interests, or lifestyle. But while boredom can be unpleasant, it can also be an opportunity to try new things, learn new skills, and expand our horizons.
Here is a list of ideas for things to do when you're bored:
Have a tea party with your stuffed animals. Invite them to a formal tea party and serve them tiny cups of tea and biscuits. You can even dress up in your fanciest clothes for the occasion.
Go for a walk in the park while wearing a blindfold. This is a great way to experience your surroundings in a new and different way. Just be careful not to trip over anything!
Try to write a poem using only words that start with the letter "E." This is a challenging but fun activity that will get your creative juices flowing.
Build a fort out of blankets and pillows in your living room. Then, crawl inside and have a picnic lunch.
Give yourself a makeover using only makeup that you find in your trash can. This is a great way to test your creativity and see what kind of look you can come up with.
Have a dance party with your pets. Put on some music and dance around like nobody's watching. Your pets will probably enjoy it too!
Try to balance a spoon on your nose for as long as possible. This is a surprisingly difficult task, but it's also a lot of fun.
Write a letter to your future self. Tell them all about your life today and what you hope to achieve in the future. Then, seal the letter and put it away somewhere safe. You can open it up in a few years and see how your life has changed.
Try to eat a bowl of cereal without using your hands. This is a messy but fun challenge that will test your coordination.
Have a conversation with your reflection in the mirror. Ask them questions about their life and see what they say. You might be surprised at what you learn!
Try to juggle three oranges. This is a classic circus skill that is surprisingly difficult to master. But with enough practice, you'll be able to do it!
Have a staring contest with your pet. See who can last the longest without blinking.
Have a karaoke night.
Learn a new dance.
Take a nap.
The possibilities are endless! So next time you're bored, don't despair. Use it as an opportunity to explore your interests and discover new things.
No matter what you choose to do, make sure it's something that you enjoy and that makes you feel good. Boredom is a temporary state, so make the most of it!
Have fun.
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tarydarrington · 3 years
"Alright, everyone," Veth says with authority, and everyone else quiets down. "Tomorrow is the big day."
Caleb sighs and ducks behind his drink. There is a speech coming. This is exactly the sort of ceremony he had hoped to avoid by having this get-together at his home rather than the bar Veth had suggested. It's only five of them, tonight; Beauregard and Yasha are always in town, and Veth had insisted on coming. And Essek, of course. He's not sure when the elf's presence at his side became an of course, but in a careful way, he likes it.
“As the person in this world who cares the most about Caleb--”
Essek silently quirks an eyebrow at that, and it doesn’t get past Veth.
“Alright, come on, just because you got him into bed and I didn’t doesn’t mean--”
Caleb clears his throat loudly, and Veth’s smile snaps back into place.
“As Caleb’s oldest, dearest, truest friend,” she says, and Essek manages to look dignified even while rolling his eyes, “it is my humble duty to tell you all how amazing he is on this momentous occasion.”
“You know, I am starting a new job, not getting married,” Caleb murmurs in her direction.
“And we’re all very proud of you!” Veth replies.
Caleb takes a long drink as the others chime in with agreement. Yasha shoots him a sympathetic look, and he returns a tight smile.
“Come on, man,” Beau says from where she leans against the table, “aren’t you excited, at all?”
He takes a long breath. Excited is a word for it. Ready to vomit at a moment’s notice is perhaps more accurate. The Soltryce Academy is tricky. He’s been back there a few times in recent weeks, for interviews and preparation, and each time, it’s felt like walking through a dream of a place the mind could not quite capture properly.
For whatever purpose, Trent has always wanted Caleb - Bren - to follow in his footsteps. Those footsteps feel a touch too literal in those hallways.
“Caleb?” Beau’s voice brings him out of his thoughts. “You still with us?”
He shakes his head. "Ja. Entschuldigung. There is a lot to think about."
Veth lowers her glass, frowning. "Nobody threatened you, did they? Because I'll have words with them."
"No, nothing like that." Not lately, anyway. He sets his own drink down on the table. "Just a bit worried, perhaps."
"Worried about what?" Beau asks flatly.
Caleb lets out a long breath, looking down at the floor. Where to begin? He’s worried that everything will go wrong. Worried that he’ll turn up with his clothes on backwards, or spill coffee down the front of his shirt, or trip over his words before the lesson even starts. Worried, most of all, about what comes after.
“I hope that I will not…” He searches for the right words. “I hope that I will be able to serve my students well enough,” he settles on. “The examples I have had were, ah….” Trent Ikithon is not one he wishes to emulate.
Essek frowns. “Carve your own path,” he says. “Someone as brilliant as you are needs no one to emulate.”
“Ja, well, that is fine for throwing together a spell or two, but I imagine the students will need a little more structure.” These are young minds. Any mistakes he makes will stick with them. He, of all people, knows just how much.
“Maybe you could ask them what they want from you,” Yasha pipes up. “You know, make sure you’re doing alright.”
Caleb lets out a long sigh. “Ja, maybe. That is a good idea.” Of course, it also requires that the students in question trust him enough to give him a straight answer.
They sit in relative silence for a moment, working away at their drinks. He hopes Veth doesn’t resent him for stepping on the atmosphere.
“Seriously, man, you’re gonna be great.” Beau knocks back the rest of her drink. “You’re already the best professor I’ve ever known.”
“I do not think the owl counts as a point of comparison,” Caleb deadpans. “Regardless, I will settle for not making a fool of myself for a first impression. That will be difficult enough.”
Beau shrugs, and reaches over to refill her glass. There’s a devious look in her eye that makes him nervous. "So why don't you practice?" she asks.
Caleb looks at her warily. "Practice?"
"Yeah, man." She gestures at the others. "Here's your class. Teach us something."
Before he can object, she’s already begun to pull an armchair toward the coffee table in the center of the room. Soon enough, three more seats have joined it, all on the same side. She throws her arms wide with a challenging grin.
“First day,” she says. “Don’t be late.” With that, she flops down onto the rightmost chair.
Transfixed in bemusement, Caleb watches as Yasha and Veth rush to occupy the next two seats in the makeshift classroom. The Expositor commands a room, it seems.
“Are you comfortable with this?” Essek murmurs as he brushes past as well. “I am willing to be the, ah... wet blanket, if need be.”
Caleb sighs, briefly twining their fingers together and squeezing once before letting him go. “Not comfortable, no, but it’s not a bad idea.”
Someone wolf whistles from the peanut gallery, and Caleb turns a fond glare on them all. All three of them are, of course, the picture of innocence. He shakes his head as Essek settles down primly in the last remaining chair. It’s not exactly the picture of an academic setting, with their glasses of half-finished booze still on the table in front of them and the lot of them draped over armchairs and ottomans.
“Alright,” says Beau, who has not even bothered to put her drink down. She makes a trilling sound that he thinks is probably meant to emulate a school bell. “Hit us.”
"We will be brutally honest," Veth promises. "Which means we will tell you honestly how perfect you are."
"Or if there's anything you could do better," Yasha adds.
Caleb stares back at them. It’s nothing he hasn’t gone over in his own head a hundred times. Even once or twice, to a captive audience of cats. It’s a short class. It will be over before he knows it.
The others look up at him expectantly. Watching him. Waiting. Caleb clears his throat.
"I, ah... feel a bit silly,” he admits.
Without a word, Essek waves a hand, and the familiar faces before him shift to those of strangers.
It’s almost embarrassing how much it helps. Caleb takes a deep breath and lets it out, running through the lesson plan in his head.
"Guten Morgen, class, I am, ah… Professor Widogast." It's the first time he's said that particular pair of words out loud.
"Whoo!" the student who is not Veth shouts.
"Yeah!" the student who is not Beau chimes in.
Caleb gives them a look and straightens his coat. "This is Introductory Transmutation, in room 142, so if you are all in the correct place--"
"Professor?" The student who is not Yasha raises her hand.
"Ah, ja, Miss…"
Not-Beau slaps a hand over her own mouth and mutters, “Holy shit,” into it.
“Was that too much?” not-Yasha whispers.
“Babe, it was so hot,” not-Beau hisses back.
Caleb clears his throat. "Miss Lionett, do you have a question?"
Not-Yasha seems to suddenly remember her role, and she folds her hands in her lap. "No," she says, "I have to use the bathroom."
Caleb pinches the bridge of his nose as not-Beau bites back a giggle. “Ja, okay, go.”
“Don’t let her go!” not-Veth interjects. “She knew it was almost time for class; she should have gone earlier.”
“Dude, if she has to pee then she has to pee,” not-Beau protests.
Pointedly, not-Essek raises his hand.
Caleb lets himself sigh with relief. “Ja, Master…?”
“Gross, Professor, we don’t need to know about your weird sex dynamics,” not-Beau says.
Not-Essek’s face blooms red, and Caleb presses a hand to his face to hide the same. “You know very well, Beauregard, that it is an honorific.”
Not-Beau shrugs, looking very pleased with herself as she takes another sip of her drink. Not-Essek glares very polite daggers at her before clearing his throat.
“Thelyss,” he answers.
Beau cups both hands around her mouth and boos.
“No, it’s better that he’s honest,” Veth says. “We already know he’s a terrible actor.”
“Herr Thelyss,” Caleb says, raising his voice above the heckling. “Do you have a question?”
Essek leans forward, resting his elbows on the table in a gesture that’s much too endearing. “I wondered what you will be teaching us today, Professor Widogast.”
Caleb tries not to dwell on the way the title hits differently on Essek’s voice, instead straightening up and waving one hand behind him. An illusory chalkboard appears in the air behind him to polite applause from Veth and Yasha. Back on track.
“Well, this is your first day,” he says. “So I know that - Beauregard, please remove your feet from the table - I know that most of your other teachers will be spending time going over the material that you will be covering this semester, but, ah…” What is he meant to be doing with his hands? They feel limp if they’re at his sides, but too formal behind his back and too awkward in front of him. Perhaps he should have a lectern? Somewhere to rest them, or shuffle with papers?
His gaze drifts back to his “students,” who all blink back at him expectantly. Essek inclines his head as though to prompt him on. He clasps his hands in front of his chest, hoping it will do for now.
“Right,” he continues. “Ja, so I thought we would take a look at something more practical to start. We will leave the reading for tomorrow; you have enough of that today.”
He waves his hands again, and behind him, a set of runes and diagrams appears on the chalkboard. Above it is written the word Prestidigitation.
“So, ah, partner up,” he orders. “Introduce yourselves. If there is someone on their own, a group of three is perfectly acceptable.”
“I call Miss Lionett,” Beau shouts, grabbing Yasha’s hand.
“Can I go to the bathroom, first?” Yasha asks.
Caleb gives her an incredulous look.
“I really do need to go,” she says.
He gestures towards the hallway, and she shuffles off. In the meantime, Veth and Essek scoot their chairs closer together. Caleb’s gaze lingers questioningly on Beau, who shakes her head.
“She’s not learning anything tonight, man. Go ahead.”
“Ja, okay,” he says distantly.
It feels silly, explaining the spell to this motley crew. Beau has leaned back in her chair, arms crossed, eyes glassy, clearly not paying an ounce of attention. Essek has produced a piece of paper upon which Veth occasionally scribbles, though the way he periodically nods approval at Caleb’s points betrays his own prior knowledge of the subject. After a few minutes, Yasha returns and attempts to take down notes of her own.
“Is everyone following along?” he asks after a while, knowing it’s a futile question.
“Yep,” Beau lies.
“Hmm.” Yasha hums.
“Perfectly,” Essek says.
“You’re doing amazing, sweetie,” Veth confirms with a wink.
He continues, running them through the various applications one by one. Beau gives him an occasional “uh huh” that he believes not one bit. At one point, he catches Essek take a passing glance at Veth’s paper, widen his eyes, and lean forward to murmur something to her. He isn’t sure he wants to know what that’s about.
“Let’s keep focused, please, everyone,” he reminds them.
Essek waves a hand to signal him to continue. Nothing too scandalous, then. He goes through the final few points, then comes to stop in front of the chalkboard, hands awkwardly clasped again.
“Okay, that is it,” he says. “You have as much time as you require to finish the spell, and when you are finished, I would like one person from each group to demonstrate.”
He gives the others a questioning look. It’s one of the points he’s most worried about. A way to take pressure off some of the slower students could just as easily be a way to unintentionally foster competition and resentment. But none of them objects, so he gives them another nod.
“I suppose we should skip the demonstration portion,” he mumbles.
“I can do it,” Yasha chirps. Without warning, she swings the massive greatsword from her back and sinks the tip into the table, making the others jump. “I made a small mark.”
Caleb covers his eyes with one hand. “Ja, will it go away in one hour?”
Yasha silently places her drink down over the indentation. Caleb sighs. It isn’t as though he has very many guests, anyway.
“I can probably swing producing an odor, for you,” Beau offers. “But I figure you probably don’t want that.”
He ignores her, and instead gives Essek a tight smile.
“Well, would my second group care to demonstrate?”
Beau jerks a thumb in Essek’s direction and fake-coughs to Yasha, “Teacher’s pet.”
Essek ignores her and sits back, fingers working in those little patterns he draws when something has piqued his curiosity. “I believe so,” he says, and nods to Veth.
Caleb raises his eyebrows as all eyes turn to Veth. Though Essek had the courtesy to leave her a halfling, her features and coloring are entirely different - but that wide smile as she stands and rubs both hands together would give her away, no matter the face it was set in. And as Beau swears under her breath, Yasha and Caleb look on wide-eyed, and Essek watches with a smirk, she pulls her hands apart to let loose a shower of sparks.
“You… learned the spell,” Caleb says numbly. He hadn’t imagined any of them were actually paying attention.
“It was an excellent lesson!” Veth replies.
As she takes her seat again, Beau and Yasha give her a smattering of stunned applause. Essek clears his throat pointedly.
“And I guess, maybe, Essek gave me one pointer,” Veth amends with an eye-roll.
“Hey, so your partner system worked,” Yasha points out.
It had. The lesson had worked, the procedure had worked - his teaching had worked. There’s still a little voice in his head reminding him that Veth is brilliant, and an adult, and perfectly capable of learning things like this without even so much as his help - but he can’t deny that it’s his guidance that taught her this particular spell. ‘An excellent lesson,’ Veth had said. In this moment, he’s inclined to believe it might be half true. Caleb realizes very suddenly that he’s beaming.
With a snap of his fingers, Essek dispels the disguises. The soft smile on his face - his real face, and Caleb always misses it dearly when it’s hidden - says he hasn’t failed to notice Caleb’s relief.
“Danke, all of you,” he says sheepishly, waving a hand to vanish the chalkboard.
“Thank you!” Veth says. “For the shiny new spell and for the masterclass in professoring.”
“You were really good,” Yasha agrees. “I’m, uh... I’m sorry about the table.”
He dips his head to hide the way his face is flushing. They exaggerate, the lot of them. But there is something to be said for having friends who will say such things. “Ja, well,” he says, “I am not convinced it will translate to an actual class, but I will hope.”
Beau takes another swig of her drink, wiping her mouth afterwards. “Dude, we were the worst and you still managed to teach somebody something,” she says. “Those kids have nothing on us. You got this.”
He offers her a smile, retrieving his glass from the table as Yasha, Veth, and Essek do the same. He hopes it’s true. He hopes that, separate entirely from his ability to teach them the how of magic, he will be able to keep them safe. That he will be able to keep from passing on any damage he received in his own time in those halls.
He catches Essek’s eye, and the knowing look there puts some of the anxious buzzing to rest. He will be better. He will struggle, most likely. He will stumble, inevitably. But he will give better than he got. He’s been practicing that part for years.
“To Professor Widogast!” Veth shouts, breaking him out of his thoughts.
“Professor Widogast,” the others echo, and Caleb smiles.
“To my very good friends,” he replies.
“To the hottest professor the Soltryce Academy has ever seen,” Veth shouts in response, and Caleb nearly chokes on his drink when Essek casually clinks his glass against hers with a nod.
They drink together. Caleb thinks, just a little bit, he might be excited.
thanks @peregrintook for reading this over and telling me it wasn't the worst thing i had ever written (in much more generous words than that), and @saturdaysky for catching me red-handed last time i deleted it and being so kind about it 💜
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Possesive! Jeon Jungkook- Only Mine....
Your new promp list had me 🥵🥵🥵 if it’s ok can I request numbers 1, 3, 34, 79 with jealous best friend JJK snapping after seeing you around boys all the time? You can choose if you want it noncon or dubcon 🥵
OMG I GLAD YOU LIKE IT! OKAY LETS GET RIGHT TO IT! (Also since I don’t do non-con, I’ll make it consensual. Just a heads up)
1- Look at me when I fuck you!
3- I said FUCKING BEG!
34- I feel like the angrier you get at me, the harder I fuck you.
79- Stay the night with me…I don’t care if it will ruin our friendship.
“Kookie!” You ran up to your bestie as he walked out of the airport terminal.
“Y/N!” he practically dropped his duffel bag as he wrapped his arms around your wait. He hoisted you off the ground. He buried his head in the crook of your neck. “My Y/N, I missed you.”
“I missed you more.” you laughed as he tightened his arms around you.
“And I get you all to myself- he began.
“Y/N!” you heard an onslaught of voices. Taehyung, Hoseok, Seokjin and the other guys all crowded around you. You were pulled out of Jungkook’s hug into Namjoon.
“Guys!” you smiled. “I missed you all too!”
“Damn, you should’ve seen Jungkook! He bolted out of the plane!” Hoseok laughed.
“Maybe because I wanted to see my Y/N.” he grumbled in reply. “Give her back!”
“No way!” Yoongi scoffed. “You can have her back after we get dinner.”
Jungkook glared as his friends. How dare they just take you from him?! 
“You guys!” you laughed. “We’re making a scene!” you said as their fans caught sights of you. They all seemed infuriated. “You’re fans are gonna-”
“Our fans aren’t gonna do shit.” Jungkook glared into the crowd. “Let them try.” he seethed. He snatched you back into his embrace. “I’ll protect you, love.”
You nodded shyly as Kookie led you to the front of the airport.
“Okay weirdos! Dinner is served!” you held the giant box of takeout. “Noodles for Yoongi, Taehyung! Rice Cakes for Seokjin, Namjoon and Hobi. For Jimin, some Extra Spicy Tofu Stew. and For Jungkook and I, fried rice!” you put the box on the coffee table.
Jungkook smirked, of course he went out of his way to make sure no one ordered the same thing as you. He made sure you had ordered last so he could order the same thing. 
“Shit, they gave me way too much Bulgogi.” Namjoon seethed. “Y/N, wanna split with me? I don’t think I’ll be able to eat all of this.” Namjoon looked at you who had already settled. 
“Oh. Sure!” you smiled. 
Namjoon shot Jungkook a mean spirited smile. “In your face, asshole.” he said with his eyes, even though the words never escaped his lips
DAMNIT! Jungkook felt his fist clench. He rolled his eyes. “Hey! Y/N! Pass me a napkin will ya?”
“Oh. yeah.” you threw a napkin his way before resuming your conversation with Yoongi. 
Jungkook watched as Yoongi traced his fingers on your wrists as he spoke to you.  His face hardened into a glare. Everyone knew he liked you, but until he made his move they wouldn’t care. 
To say he was pissed was an understatement. He was practically steaming at the ears.
“Why were you with Hoseok?” he asks as he stormed through his room door, a hand tightly wrapped around your wrist. Surprising but not painful.
“He needed help shopping for an outfit for a photoshoot?” you raised a brow. “Why?”
“Don’t bullshit me! You were on a date!”
“Okay first of all even if I was, what business of yours is that?” you crossed your arms. “You’ve been acting pretty weird these past few days and I don’t like it!”
“I dare you to fucking finish that sentence.” you warned. “You can forget you had a friend if you do.” You backed towards the door.
Jungkook grew more and more agitated. “Y/N I’m sorry.” he ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean to say that.”
“Why are you acting so weird?” you sighed. “Do you not like me anymore?”
“No!!” he looked at you as if you had lost your mind. “Y/N I LOVE YOU!” he blurted out. “I’ve loved you for five fucking years ever since we met!!” he spilled his heart out. “and y-you’re putting me in an uncomfortable position!”
“Huh?” you could barely register what he said before he stormed up and captured your mouth is a kiss. 
‘Kookie!” you were surprised to say the least. “You just- Hmm.” he didn’t give you time to talk as he kissed you again, wrapping his arms tightly around you. He ran his fingers down your spine, holding you close.
You would have been over cloud nine...if you weren’t so angry.
“WAIT A MINUTE.” you forced yourself to step back from him. “FIVE YEARS?” you exploded. “FIVE FUCKING YEARS AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME! YOU LET ME BELIEVE YOU ONLY SAW ME AS A FRIEND FOR FIVE MISERY FILLED-...”you began pacing back and forth as you lashed out on your friend.
Jungkook just watched as you drug him for filth, calling him every name in the book.
“YOU ASSHOLE! I’VE BEEN TRYING TO HIDE MY FEELINGS AND YOU JUST COME OUT THE WATER AND TELL ME THAT- OH YOU PEICE OF-” Jungkook finally had enough and cornered you against the nearest wall.
“...I feel like... I feel like the angrier you get at me, the harder I fuck you. “ he mused aloud. “You’re in love with me? And you didn’t tell me?” he raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that somethin-”
"I am still mad at you.” you sneered. “After tonight you are dead to me.”
“Am I ?” he cooed. “So you don’t want me to...” he began fumbling with your jeans, unfastening the button with one hand. 
“What are you doing?” your eyes widened. You were now more shocked that angry. “Don’t you dare-...” you felt the pads of his fingers along the line of your clothed slit. 
“What? Was that a moan I just heard?” he smirked. “Come on Y/N I know you can be louder than that. Maybe if you beg enough, I’ll make you cum.” he creeped into the waistband of your panties. “Come on...beg me honey.”
“I refuse.” you looked away. “Y-you can go fu-fuuuhh-” you felt the pads of his fingers. 
“I said fucking beg.” he sneered, pressing his body up against yours. “Stop being so damn stubborn. Let me hear those sounds you think nobody hears when you finger yourself in the bathrooms at midnight.”
“How did you-”
“You stink at being quiet.” he bit his lip. “Come on.” he spoke in a babyish voice, rubbing your clit. “This is how you do it to yourself, right?”
“J-jungkook.” you whimpered. “W-what are you-”you cut yourself off as you felt his fingers slip into your wetness. A loud moan erupted from your lungs. 
“Yeah, that’s it. That’s fucking it.” he growled. “Moan like that some more.” he slowly thrust his fingers in and out of you. “Are you thinking about me when you thrust those pretty fingers into that-”
“Don’t say it! That’s a dirty word!” you warned, while ironically mewling like a little kitty cat.
“Don’t say what? That pussy? That cunt? That soaking wet womanhood you got down there. The same pussy that’s asking me to shove my dick in there?” he smirked as he spoke.
“You d-dick!” you leaned forward, your head falling on his shoulder. “S-such as asshole.”
“  Look at me when I fuck you with my fingers.” he demanded. “Or I’ll stop completely.”
You shyly lifted you head. Jungkook thought you were so adorable and truth be told he wouldn’t have stopped. To know that you obeyed anyways was so relieving. 
“Shit, I needa taste you real quick.” he moved his fingers from you and yanked down your jeans. “Kick those off for me.”
You instantly obeyed, throwing your jeans and panties off to the side. He lowered himself to his knees. “Shit, look at that.” he wasted no time in driving his tongue into you.
“Hey Jungkook!” there was a knock on the door. Jungkook had pushed you against the door, stopping anyone from opening it. You heard Jimin’s voice.
You glared down at Jungkook with warning. You knew what was gonna happen, but you were scared anyways. 
“Hmmm!” he moaned loudly, driving his tongue deeper into your slit. He sucked at your clit, causing a loud cry to escape you. 
“Umm is Y/N in there with you?” he called. “IS SHE HURT?!”
You tried to talk, but Jungkook had hooked your leg over his shoulder. “Come on, answer him.”
“I-I’m okay!” you found it in yourself to talk. “I’m just...a little busy!” you clenched your fist to focus on something, anything else. “Doing things!”
“Like what?”
“LIKE BEING FUCKED BY ME!” Jungkook yelled back as he rose to his feet, pants dropping around his ankles. He hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. You felt his cock slip into your heat. “COME BACK LATER!”
He didn’t wait for an answer as he carried you to the bed, setting you down along with himself. He slowly thrust himself into your wetness. “Damnit Y/N.” he seethed, sucking in a harsh intake of air. “Shit.” his jaw went slack.
“F-fuck.” you whimpered. “Kookie.” you whimpered. 
“Y/N.” you could see the tears of pleasure forming in his eyes. “You feel so- So fucking good. Look at me, p-please?”
You didn’t tear your eyes away from him. You found it hard to. “Jungkook! I- Uh..” you were now a load, crumbling mess.
“I want to kiss you, come here.” he grabbed either side of your face and gave you a slopped kiss, shoving his tongue into your mouth instantly. “Y/N, I’m gonna cum. But I don’t want to until you cum first. So I’m gonna go faster okay?” His eyes bore into yours, noses touching.
You shyly nodded, feeling his thrusts increase. You were hella sensitive, and in love with it. “Jungkook.” you moaned. “It feels-”
“I know.” he kissed you again. “Fuck, cum for me...cum for me please~” he mewled through thrusts.
He didn’t have to tell you twice. A string of curses he had never heard before along with his name spilled from your lips. Jungkook was next to cum, yanking himself from you. He spilled his cum practically all over the place. He collapsed next to you, leaving you both to stare at the ceiling.
“...I should go.”
“ No...Stay the night with me…I don’t care if it will ruin our friendship.“ he breathed out. “Y/N...I-..I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“You should be.” your breath hitched. “Probably would have gotten this out of the way a lot sooner.”
Your grumpy words made him laugh a little. He lazily threw an arm around you and pulled you towards him. “I love you, for real.”
“Of course. You’re mine. Only mine...”
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itsdanii · 4 years
can i req the iwa, atsumu, and suna being in a secret relationship w the reader and the reader gets insecure bc they wanna keep it a secret? w comfort after plspls
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Hey, bubs! Of course, you can request ♥️ Unfortunately, I'm only taking 1-2 characters per request so I canceled Iwaizumi from the list. Also, this is only Atsumu's part. Don't worry, I'm still going to do Suna's part, however, it will be uploaded tomorrow instead of today. I hope you enjoy it! Have a good day, stay safe and hydrated! ♥️
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Secret Relationship
genre: semi-angst to fluff, comfort
warning/s: self doubt and insecurity, descriptions of anxiety, do message me if i missed any
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason.
ft. atsumu miya
maybe keeping your relationship wasn't the best decision after all
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Atsumu Miya
You and Atsumu have been in a relationship for 2 years now
With the rising popularity of Atsumu, not only throughout Inarizaki but to the other schools as well, he decided on keeping your relationship a secret
Though you respected Atsumu's choice, it can't be helped that sometimes your emotions got the best of you
Random girls would always approach your boyfriend. They were basically anywhere, everywhere - at school, during practice matches, and even when you were both trying to have a simple date on a nearby cafe
You tried to confront Atsumu about it once but you only ended up fighting, him saying that there was nothing to worry for because you were the only person he loved
So despite the heavy feeling of insecurity looming over you, you tried to understand his side which eventually caused the both of you to make up
You tried to ignore the insecurity and put your trust on Atsumu
But maybe sometimes, trust isn't just enough
"Y/n, someone's looking for you."
You lifted your gaze from the book you were reading, eyes snapping towards the direction of the door where two unfamiliar students were currently standing and waiting for you.
Even without having the need to hear what they needed you for, you instantly knew why they're here. For the past weeks, after Inarizaki's defeat against Karasuno, you've been bombarded by several girls, holding chocolates and teddy bears in hand, asking you to deliver them to Atsumu since they were afraid of giving it to him directly. So, as his "bestfriend," they wanted you to give it to him instead.
And although you wanted to be mad and scream at them to stop, you couldn't just do that. It would be wrong for you to snap at them since nobody, aside from Suna and Osamu, knew about you and Atsumu's relationship.
Sighing loudly, you shut the book you were reading and went over to the two girls with a semi-forced smile. "For 'Tsumu?" you asked, taking the paperbag from them and taking a peek of what's inside.
One of the girls nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling as she fanned her face with her hands. "Yes, please! I really really like Atsumu and the way he played from the previous match was so splendid! With every spike, I can't help but fall in love even more!"
You could only chuckle at what she said because even though there was a feeling of jealousy inside of you, you wouldn't be able to deny that what she said was true. You loved how he was able to inspire other people through sports and you couldn't be more proud of being his s/o.
"Please hand this letter to Atsumu, senpai!" the other girl said, bowing down as she handed you a letter.
You reluctantly took the envelope from her, your body becoming stiff as you muttered a small "Okay."
"I put all my feelings and support in that letter so I'd really appreciate if you handed it to him," she said with a smile.
Just how were you supposed to tell these girls to stop giving you stuff and ordering you to hand them over to your boyfriend? You weren't the type of person who would hinder others to relay their feelings. In fact, it wasn't your job to blatantly tell them to give up. It was Atsumu's responsibility, not yours.
But it wasn't your obligation to be their messenger as well.
Torn between two sides, you decided on maintaining a polite smile, giving the two juniors a pat on the head before nodding. "I'll make sure to deliver these to him, okay? Now, go back to your classroom and study well."
The two girls glanced at each other, eyes sparkling before smiling at you. "Thank you so much!" Turning around, the two went on their way, squealing slightly at their successful mission.
You, on the other hand, sighed and stared at the paperbag with a small frown. "Guess that's two more girls on the list," you mumbled before slipping back inside your classroom.
When the class ended, you immediately headed to the gym where you knew Atsumu was currently training. With the paperbag and 2 more boxes of chocolate given by some fangirls along the way, you entered the gym and placed the items down on the empty bench.
"That fer me, angel?" came Atsumu's voice from behind you.
Spinning around, you were met with a grinning Atsumu before getting engulfed with a warm hug. Sighing with your eyes closed, you wrapped your arms around him tightly, unconsciously gripping the back of his jersey. You couldn't help but bury your face more to his chest despite the slight sweat clinging to his clothes.
"Ya alright?" Atsumu murmured beside your ear, worry obviously evident on his tone as he slightly squeezed you.
As you were about to answer, someone from behind Atsumu cleared their throat. Your small moment was immediately cut off and Atsumu reeled back as if you were caught doing something wrong.
The comfort he brought awhile ago was instantly replaced by uncertainty and insecurity, making your heart throb as you bit your lower lip.
"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Aran asked while shifting his gaze between you and Atsumu.
With a forced chuckle, Atsumu was quick to scratch the back of his head. "It's fine. I was just givin' y/n here a hug. They seem kinda down. Ya know, bestfriend duties."
"Ah.." Aran simply muttered with a slow nod. "Practice is almost done. Why don't ya sit down while we cool down and clean up?"
Sitting down on the bench, you looked at Aran with a small smile before nodding. "Okay," you said before turning your head to Atsumu's direction. His eyebrow was already raised as if asking you whether you were fine or not.
"I'm fine Atsumu. I'll wait for you here."
When the boys went back to the court, you were left alone to ponder with your thoughts. It felt as if the sounds around you suddenly died, your self doubts once again making its presence known.
You knew how much Atsumu loves you. In fact, he never failed to remind you everyday. Not once did he forgot to say it and express it through actions, or at least when you were both alone.
Everytime you were in school, he would deny your relationship. When people asked if you were his s/o, he would simply shake his head and claim you as his bestfriend. It really didn't bother you at first but as the time passed, you were slowly starting to question why he would do such thing.
Though he claimed that it was to avoid people from harassing you and picking on you, was it really? What if there was a deeper reason?
What if he was slowly getting tired of you? What if he didn't even liked you in the first place?
You anxiously tapped your foot on the floor at the thought. Gripping the hem of your hoodie, you stared at the gifts you brought from his fangirls. You knew that it was an act of invading someone's privacy but you couldn't help but reach for the letter given by your junior awhile ago.
You took a quick glance at the boys, checking if they were still cooling down, before opening the envelope slowly. As you read on the letter, you unconscious tapped your foot faster on the floor, your grip on the paper tightening as you let each words sink into you.
Bit by bit, you absorbed what was written on the paper, making the unpleasant feeling inside you deepen. You wouldn't deny that the letter was well written and you were certain that if it was handed to Atsumu by that girl personally, she might be able to get his attention.
After all, she was pretty. She looked like a bubbly person and someone who people would easily get along with. There was an optimistic aura around her which you knew Atsumu would appreciate.
And maybe if-
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Atsumu's hand touching your shoulder.
Jolting up slightly, you looked up at him with wide eyes, immediately noticing the worried expression on his face. "Tsumu.." you mumbled with a shaky voice, your eyes glossing with tears as your lips trembled.
Atsumu was quick to sit down beside you. Lifting you up, he sat you down on his lap and nestled your face on the side of his neck, knowing how much you hated it when people see you crying.
"Y-your teammates," you mumbled against his skin, hiding your face even more as you tightened your grip on the letter you were holding, almost crumpling it.
"Let's worry about them later, alright, angel? Yer my priority and ya know that," he answered while rubbing your back, "Now, tell me what happened. Why are ya crying?"
With the overwhelming emotions surrounding you, it took you a few seconds before you could answer, and you were thankful that Atsumu was patient enough to wait instead of forcing you. "Do you really love me, Tsumu?"
You felt Atsumu stiffen at your question and for a biref moment, you were scared of hearing the answer.
Was this it? Was he really lying to you all this time?
"Look at me, angel," Atsumu said, slightly pulling away from his embrace to cup your cheeks in his hands. "Of course, I do. Where is this coming from? Did somebody-"
"No," you cut him off. "It's just that... you always tell people that we're nothing but bestfriends. I can't always have my moments with you because you want to hide our relationship. It didn't really matter at first but... because of your constant denial, your fangirls would keep sending me these random stuffs and ask me to give them to you. I'm scared, Tsumu. What if one day you get tired of me... or worse, what if it's me who gets tired? I don't like this set-up..."
"I want to be able to express my feelings. I want the people to know that you're mine. Why can't you show them that you love me, Tsumu?... Do you even love me?"
Atsumu was left speechless as he listened to your words. All he could do was rub your back soothingly while listening to you as you let everything out. As you did, the guilt inside of him kept on piling up, enough to make him clench his jaw at how disappointed he was at himself for making you cry.
"Of course, I do. I love ya so much, angel. Don't ever ferget that. I'm sorry fer not taking yer feelings in consideration. I didn't know that ya have been feeling this way fer quite a while now. I really thought that we were already fine after our first argument about this but.. I guess I should've paid more attention," Atsumu said while staring at you, his hands still cupping your cheeks to angle your face to him. "The reason why I wanted to hide our relationship was fer people not to bother ya. It wasn't my intention to make ya feel insecure. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, angel." Wiping your cheeks with his thumb, Atsumu leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead. "Would it make ya feel better if we open our relationship to other people? No more hiding it."
Nodding, you wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled. "Mhm, yes, please."
"Alright, if that's what ya want."
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darkmulti · 4 years
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-> 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞
-> 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝.
-> 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
-> releasing this a bit early because we reached 4K+!! Thank you guys so much! I love you all<3
It was a Saturday night — the busiest day of the week. You worked at the strip club, not as an exotic dancer but as a waiter. The money you were making was just enough for you to survive on your own.
Tonight, you wanted to ask your boss if you could start working as a dancer. You packed your new dancewear and everything you might need in case the boss says yes. It was around 4 pm when you arrived. You walked to your boss’s office and gently knocked on the door.
“Come in”
You grab the door handle and push the door open, revealing your boss Taehyung with a glass of whiskey in his hand.
“Hello, little one. What can I help you with?”
You thought the nickname was creepy at first, and when you politely asked him to stop calling you that, he said that he had a nickname for every employee. Over time, you’ve grown used to it. And you’d be lying if you said that it didn’t give you butterflies in your stomach.
“I know this is sudden, but can I start dancing?”
Taehyung squeezed the glass cup tightly, almost shattering it with his bare hand.
“But why? You’re just a little angel. Angels don’t sin, little one.”
“Sir, I really need money. I want to go back to school and get a degree so I can have a permanent job.”
There was a pause of silence before you spoke up again.
“I-I can show you my skills. I’ve been practicing. I even brought my dancewear.”
Taehyung shoots you a glare. It was intense and almost threatening. He sighs as he puts the glass of whiskey on his desk and walks to the couch, where he sat down with his muscular thighs spread apart.
“Go wear your little outfit and come back here.”
You innerly smile and leave to the dressing room to change. Once the door closed, Taehyung let out a chuckle. He’s never going to allow you to be a dancer, he just wants to watch you for his pleasure.
After adjusting your straps and fixing up your hair, you sprayed some perfume around your neck and walk back to his office.
“Sir, I’m ready.”
“Good, now come in and lock the door.”
You did as told then remove your robe. It didn’t take long for Taehyung’s member to harden after seeing your body on full display. Taehyung turned some music on then said “the stage is all yours, little one.”
You’ve been practicing for months, just for this moment. Bending over and whipping your hair back, showing off your beautiful body to him. Taehyung motioned you to come to him, so you can give him a lap dance.
He placed his hands on your hips and made you grind on his bulge. Your face warmed up after feeling his boner that you caused. Taehyung started moving his hips with yours, making you whimper.
His hands moved to your breast and gave it a light squeeze. “Sir, I thought touching is not allowed.”
“I’m the boss. I make the rules. Right now, touching is allowed.” You were too naive to understand that he was manipulating you.
30 minutes pass and you finally stop and take a step back.
“So... what did you think?”
You were expecting a positive response and even a praise but you got the complete opposite.
“I’m sorry, little one. You’re not good enough. I can give you a raise but I’m not letting you become a dancer.”
“But what if I practice more? Could you reconsider?!”
“No is my final answer, little one. I’m a very busy man and I don’t have time to watch you dance just for you to fail.”
Embarrassed. You felt so embarrassed. You genuinely thought Taehyung was enjoying your show. Well, it sure as hell looked like it. A gloomy look took over your face and you walked towards the door to leave.
“Don’t give me that pouty face, little one.”
Taehyung abruptly pulled you on his lap and attached his lips to yours. You didn’t respond until Taehyung’s hand spanked your butt, causing you to moan.
“Grind on me, baby. I know you want it just as much as I do.”
You rubbed your clit harder against his bulge until you released. “Keep moving, little one. Help daddy cum too.” He growled, before grabbing your face and kissing you again. Deep moans left his mouth turning you on even more. His hands all over your body — it felt euphoric.
Taehyung let out one last groan before cumming in his pants. “Fuck! You’re so fucking good.” he kissed your jawline and moved down to your neck.
“How about this, little one. You become my personal dancer and I pay you money. You can stay with me, I’ll buy you everything you need as long as you accompany me and satisfy my sexual needs.”
“Like a sugar daddy?”
No dating
No lying
No revealing clothes
If something is wrong, tell him
No swearing
Don’t be bratty
Obey him
Never reject his kisses
Don’t leave without his permission
Answer his calls and texts immediately
How he’s like:
Taehyung’s a charming, gentleman
He treats you like a queen
He never ignores you
You’re his first priority
This man spoils the shit out of you
He buys you luxurious clothes and accessories
For your birthday, he bought you a brand new Porsche convertible
Taehyung’s very possessive, but you honestly don’t mind
You love spending time with him anyways
Anytime another male is too close to you, he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him
If you hug him, his hands will immediately go down to your ass and grab it
He’s very affectionate
Even at important events, Taehyung will always hug you, kiss your lips, cheeks and forehead in front of anyone
Sometimes you forget that you’re his sugar baby because he treats you like his wife
Your opinion matters to him
Whether it’s a big or small decision, he always wants to hear what you think
In the morning, he makes you breakfast
Especially if you had a long night with him (if ykyk)
When he’s doing work, he makes you sit on his lap and do some cock warming
Taehyung loves travelling with you
He’d rent out expensive villas or hotel room
Taehyung loves swimming with you
The man enjoys your company
You’re so lovable, sweet and innocent
It was almost like you were made for him
Yandere Taehyung:
Taehyung was secretly obsessed with you
After he hired you as a waiter, he wanted to know everything about you
Since the job application required your address, Taehyung knew where you lived
He broke into your apartment and hid tiny cameras in places you’d never see
There were cameras in your kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom
He did this to keep an eye on you and make sure that you’re not seeing another man
When you’re at work, Taehyung stops by your apartment and takes some of your underwear to get off
He hacked into all your social media accounts, unfollowed guys he didn’t like and checked your dm’s regularly to make sure nobody was trying to get with you
If you made plans with your friends, Taehyung would show up (in disguise) and watch you from afar
Whenever you had plans or even a date, Taehyung would call you and say that more waiters are needed and he will pay extra because it’s an emergency
So you end up cancelling on your friends/date which angers them
Soon, your friends stopped inviting you to hang out because you always cancel last minute because of work
Taehyung’s plan was too isolated you from your friends which gives him the perfect opportunity to swoop in and be your one and only companion
And what do you know, his plan worked
Not only that but since you have no friends anymore, you’re always with him
So he never has to worry about you fooling around behind his back
Sex Life:
Taehyung was incredible in bed
He never failed to satisfy your sexual needs
You’ve both tried so many kinky things in bed and it was honestly fun
He was addicted to eating you out
Hickeys all over your body. Between your thighs, on your stomach and chest. All over your neck, collar bone and jawline.
Taehyung loves marking what’s his
Traditional rough sex + doggy
But hey, it gets the job done
Three round minimum, 7 rounds maximum
Taehyung will always cum inside of you
He loves watching himself cum into your little hole
He gets more turned on when watches cum his leaking out of your hole and running down your thigh
Dry humping is something he’s into
The idea of both of your coming without having actual sex drives him crazy
Blowjobs for days
He loves watching you suck him off
Make eye contact with him while you suck and he’ll have an orgasm
You must swallow all of his cum
Don’t spit it out
Before Taehyung got you, he used to use your underwear to masturbate
You eventually started to notice that a bunch of your panties disappeared
Therefore, Taehyung returned most of them (except for his favourites), some washed, some not
Taehyung could literally cum to the thought of you wearing panties covered in his dried-up cum
It made him hard just thinking about it
Over time, you notice Taehyung becoming more aggressive in bed
It would get so bad that you’d have to use the safe word to get him to stop
You noticed he started doing things he’s never discussed with you before
Sometimes, you cry under him because he scares you
He’d pin your hands above your head and fuck as hard as he could
You were not used to it nor were you a big fan of it
He was taking everything out on you
Taehyung would start at 21:30 and finish at 04:00
Unknowingly, Taehyung’s yandere side took over him
Some may know him as V
His cruel and sadistic side who felt no remorse whatsoever
V’s kinks are dark and heavy
He choked you until you couldn’t breathe, tied you up so you couldn’t move, and slapped you when you asked him to stop
V enjoyed watching you cry too
Overstimulation was the worst part
Your core was crying for a break but V couldn’t care less
The man fucked you until you passed out
Minimum 7 rounds, maximum... there’s no maximum
In the morning, he’d still be deep in you and depending on his mood, he may or may not fuck you again
At this point, you didn’t care if it was Taehyung or V, you needed to leave him
Trying to break off the (3 years) contract:
This is when Taehyung goes fucking insane.
After nights of relentless sex, you finally decide to break the contract. You couldn’t handle the abuse anymore. Sex every night to “remind you of your place” was complete bullshit. You stayed with him for two more months, hoping that the old, sweet Taehyung would come back and save you.
Unfortunately, he never did. After you lost all hope, you wanted to get away from Taehyung as soon as possible. He can keep all the gifts and money he’s given you if that means freedom.
You woke up only to see Taehyung missing from the bed. He must’ve gone to work, you thought. You get ready and pack all of the clothes you brought to his mansion. You write a small message on a notepad, saying that it’s over. You didn’t dare to tell him face to face because you knew exactly where it would’ve lead to.
You left his mansion and took the bus back to your apartment. An hour later, Taehyung was blowing up your phone, spamming you with messages.
“Where the fuck are you?!”
“Answer my calls!”
“Explain the message on the notepad!”
“What do you mean that we’re “done” ?”
“The contract’s not over yet! I still fucking own you.”
“Get your ass over here!”
“You’re making your punishment worse for yourself.”
“How can you say goodbye to me like this?! Do I mean nothing to you?!”
“You’re going to regret this!”
“Come back here, now!”
“Stay where you are, I’m on my way!”
You started to tear up because you were petrified. You drop your phone in fear and ran into your closet. You hid in a basket full of your clothes so no one could see you. Not even a minute passed and Taehyung was banging on your apartment door.
You covered your mouth, stopping the sobs from coming out. You needed to find a weapon. You looked around your closet and that’s when you spotted something.
A camera.
A tiny camera is hidden in plain sight. Your heart dropped to your stomach. How long has that been there? Who placed it there? Your mind immediately went to Taehyung. You were trying to connect the dots but how could he have possibly gotten into your apartment?
You stopped questioning when you heard Taehyung break down the door. He came right to your bedroom and opened the closet door. He pulled out the basket you were hiding. “Get up.”
That’s when you knew the camera belonged to him. He knew your exact location. You couldn’t help but wonder how long he’s been watching you.
You take a deep breath in and stand up. Taehyung’s fierce eyes encountered your terrified ones. He grabbed your jaw and pulled your face close to his.
“What the fuck were you thinking?! You nearly gave me a heart attack! I thought one of my enemies kidnapped you but no! You just left me with a shitty ass note.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?!” Taehyung pinched the bridge of his nose. “SORRY?! THAT’S ALL YOU FUCKING GOT?!”
He picked up your glass jewelry box and threw it on the floor. The whole thing shattered, causing you to burst out in tears. “T- Taehyung! Stop! Stop it! You’re scaring me!”
“Good bitch. Seems like I haven’t scared you enough because you still have the nerve to fucking leave me.”
Omg, I finally wrote something after months of being an unproductive piece of shit.
This is bad, but I still hope you enjoyed 😊
Oh and I apologize for any mistakes. Like always, I’m half asleep:)
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starryhyuck · 4 years
thin ice. (m)
Tumblr media
pairing: icehockeyplayer!mark x figureskater!reader
words: 2.6k+
summary: mark lee is the only thing standing in the way of your team’s victory. therefore, fucking him dumb is the best way to defeat him.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: dom!mark, sub!reader, overstimulation, constant fucking, bathroom sex, talks of car blowjobs, sex on the floor, (slight) breeding kink, creampie, hair pulling
disclaimer: i have no idea how figure skating or ice hockey works, i literally fell on my ass when i tried to step on the ice
Thirty seconds.
Thirty seconds left and the money is all yours. You can see it now — the lavish outfits, brand new skates, and even silk hair ties for when you want to play dress up. Mark Lee just has to miss this shot.
“He’s going to fucking make it,” Doyeon hisses in your ear, chewing on her nails in anticipation.
“Shut up!” You push her away and tell her to stop damaging her fingers.
You watch as Mark glides across the ice, almost knocking into Doyoung twice. “Slam him, slam him!” You screech, ignoring the stares of people around you. You simply want to see Mark get wiped out so glory can be within your reach.
You feel your world collapse when the puck hits the net, time stopping in slow motion as the crowd jumps up in pure bliss. Doyeon’s already crying in your shoulder, and you hear the angry shouts of Chaeyoung on your other side.
Mark Lee, you fucking asshole.
Since you were five years old, the ice became your home. And no, you didn’t have an awakening and gain powers like Elsa from Frozen. Your mother discovered how much you loved figure skating, even though your brother, Johnny, was a tall, bumbling mess once he stepped in the rink.
Once your talent was discovered, you were enrolled in figure skating classes and spent most of your afternoons gliding around the ice. You were excited to learn that you could possibly do the sport professionally if you practiced hard enough, but nobody told you how difficult the athletics administration could be.
You were scouted for your college because of your talents in figure skating, many believing you would be a great candidate for the Winter Olympics. However, when you arrived to campus, you learned that you would never be the first priority in the athletics budget.
It was a constant battle between figure skating and ice hockey for the money. Most of the funds went to football and basketball anyways, so you didn’t have much to fight for in the first place. The deal made by the athletics department was simple — if the ice hockey team could not carry themselves to a national championship, the rest of their budget would be distributed to your team.
The victory was within reach until Mark Lee scored the winning goal Friday night, making the ice hockey team one step closer to the national title.
You’re currently waiting for them to finish practice, tapping your foot impatiently as you stand besides the opening to the rink. You finally hear the boys finish up, laughing with one another as they exit. Their eyes narrow at the sight of you.
“Don’t you have better things to do?” Ten asks.
You smile. “Nope. Sicheng, we need to talk.”
The captain sighs and follows you until you’re out of earshot. “What is it now?”
You scoff. “You know damn well my team deserves the money more than you do. Worlds is just around the corner and we need the money in order to get there.”
Sicheng laughs at you, still holding his helmet from practice in one hand. “Please. Don’t act like you’re doing this for your team, we both know you’re just wanting to advance for yourself.”
If you could punch Sicheng without facing a lawsuit, your life would be so much easier. You take a step closer to him, ignoring the immediate flush in his cheeks at the proximity.
“I hope your team fails at the next game. I’ll be watching when you do.”
“Stop harassing him.” Mark approaches the scene, pulling his captain’s shoulder and pushing him away from you. “Just face that your team won’t make it. Can’t blame us for your failure.”
You smile sweetly at Mark. He’s been haunted ever since Donghyuck leaked his secret that he used to like you during your freshman year. Mark used to follow you around like a lost puppy, but now, he has no hesitation putting you in place. You know you still have the advantage over him because after all, he can’t deny the way his heart beats when he sees you.
Sicheng observes as you grip onto the fabric of Mark’s uniform, pulling him close until his nose is inches away from yours. Mark gulps at the proximity, not feeling so confident anymore.
“Don’t act like if I dropped to my knees right now, you wouldn’t jump at the chance to stuff my mouth full-”
“Okay!” Sicheng exclaims, pulling the blushing boy to his side. Mark’s cheeks are almost as bright as his uniform. Sicheng glares at you. “We’re going to win on Friday. Then, I’m taking your entire team’s budget.”
You smirk. “Good luck with that.”
“I’m not sure this is going to work,” Yeji remarks, watching as Doyeon pulls a tight black dress over your head. You roll your eyes at her comment while Chaeyoung helps you adjust the spaghetti straps of your dress.
“Don’t be so negative,” Seojeong flicks Yeji’s forehead, causing the younger girl to glare at her.
You’re all gathered in Doyeon’s living room, trying to hatch out a plan that Yeji believes is doomed to fail. Tonight was the celebratory party before the game, a dumb idea concocted by Donghyuck on every Thursday night. It goes to show how irresponsible the ice hockey team really is, getting wasted the night before their biggest game. However, tonight works in your favor, because as demonstrated just a few days ago, you still have Mark Lee in your waiting palm. All he needs is a little push away from his teammates and you’ve fully got him. Once the plan is in place, you highly doubt Mark will be able to perform well tomorrow. Considering he’s the team’s best player, taking him down secures a win for the figure skating team.
“Does everyone know their roles?” You check again, eyeing Yeji from her spot on Doyeon’s couch.
She scoffs. “Of course I do.”
“Good,” Chaeyoung nods. “Remember that this isn’t just for us but the future figure skaters for years to come.”
None of you have time to comment on Chaeyoung’s dramatics, already seeing how stressed she is by the way she tugs at her hair frantically trying to apply lip gloss on you. The girls finish getting you all dolled up when Seojeong gets a text.
“Yuta says Mark’s ready,” she announces. You thank the heavens that Yuta was able to get in the ice hockey’s team good graces, none of them expecting the figure skater to be a double agent.
“Let’s get him then,” you grin.
You’re quickly shoved into Yeji’s tiny car and the five of you are off to Donghyuck’s apartment. There’s commotion when you arrive — Sungchan standing on the couch and declaring Sicheng the cutest man alive, Ten giggling with Yangyang by the kitchen counter, Donghyuck’s tongue shoved down a random girl’s throat and Jeno trying to save Mark from choking in the bathroom. Your eyes meet Yuta’s and he winks at you, making sure no one else has seen your arrival. You lean on the doorframe of Donghyuck’s bathroom, smiling at the two of them. Jeno sees you first, urgently patting Mark’s back to save him.
“What’s wrong? Did he see a naked girl or something?”
Mark’s eyes shoot up at the sound of your voice and he gets even more flustered, coughing and choking even more now.
“Why are you here?” Jeno frowns.
You smile and shrug. “To enjoy the show. I can handle Mark from here, Jeno.”
Jeno laughs. “As if I would leave him with you.”
“But Yeji’s waiting in the living room. Are you really going to keep her waiting?”
You smirk at Jeno’s confliction before he finally gives in, leaving Mark and you in the bathroom. You shut the door while Mark recovers, downing a glass of water to help the food go down. “Why are you really here?” He asks once he’s calmed down. He tries not to linger on what you’re wearing, the swell of your breasts tempting him in this close proximity. His gaze flies to the ceiling when your hand wraps around his shoulder, pulling him in closer and letting his fingers rest on your hip.
“What’s wrong, Mark? Scared of a little action?”
“I know what you’re doing,” he hisses. “We’re going to win tomorrow. You can’t stop me.”
You pout. “Is the win really worth it, Mark? Do you want it more than my pussy around your cock?” He grunts lowly, fingers tightening around your waist. You smile. “Or what about your cock shoved down my throat until I can’t breathe? You could easily bend me over the sink and take me any way you want. Doesn’t that sound so much better?”
“Don’t,” he warns you, cord about to snap. “You’re being such a brat.”
He needs one more push. You lean closer to whisper in his ear. “Please, Mark? I want your cum inside me. Need it dripping down my thighs so everyone can see who I belong to.”
He breaks, growling as he pushes you against the sink. You giggle when his lips crash into yours, his hands quickly moving to push up the fabric of your dress. He delivers one slap to your clothed clit and you moan at the sensation.
“Fucking annoying whore,” he scoffs at you. “Look at you. So fucking desperate for money that you would drive all the way here just to take my cock like a good girl. That’s what you want, isn’t it? For me to fuck you until you cry?”
You nod frantically, whimpering. “Please please please. I want it so badly.”
He shoves two fingers in your dripping hole and you cry, back arching against the mirror. Mark’s fingers grip your cheeks and he turns you so that you’re looking right at him. You hold his stare when his thumb rubs frantically at your clit, fingers curling inside of you.
“S-So good, so good,” you blubber, eyes rolling back at the pleasure filling your veins.
You whine when he retracts his fingers but he’s quick to drop to his knees, ripping your underwear and flinging it to the side so he has no obstacles in his way. He immediately dives into your pussy, licking and sucking at your folds. You internally curse. You had no idea Mark was this good at eating pussy or you would’ve prepared yourself more. Your fingers tangle in his hair as his lips attach to your clit, abusing the nub by sucking harshly.
The pain throws you into your first orgasm, whimpering loudly as you fall apart around Mark’s tongue. He quickly cleans you up, not missing any of your juices as he licks your pussy clean.
His eyes darken when he stands, taking in the sight of you looking so fucked out on top of the bathroom sink. He’s about to unbuckle his belt before you stop him.
“I want to fuck at your place. Please?”
He nods at your request, helping you get down and adjusting your dress. It’s a little harder to walk since Mark ripped your panties, but you make do. You two exit the bathroom and you’re about to leave before you hear Donghyuck’s voice.
“Where the fuck are you two going?”
You glance at Mark, who’s a little irritated by his teammate’s appearance.
“Mind your own fucking business, Donghyuck.”
You smirk at the blonde boy’s shocked expression as you two leave his apartment. Mark walks fast, fumbling with the keys to his car.
“I didn’t know you could drive.”
“Trust me, I can’t.”
The drive to his apartment involves two pit stops, the first one happening because you desperately want to give Mark a blowjob and the second one happening because Mark desperately wants to taste you again.
When you finally get to his apartment, the both of you are already a mess. You don’t even make it to the bedroom — Mark shoving you down on his living room rug and pushing his cock deep inside you. You moan at the intrusion and Mark wastes no time, setting up a fast pace and ramming his cock into your sweet spot over and over again. You’re a drooling mess, letting him abuse your pussy. His fingers tangle into your hair and he pulls you upwards. He balances you so that your back is against his chest.
“Such a perfect little slut for me. What would the panel of judges at Worlds say when they see you? The future Olympic gold medalist begging for cock?”
“I would let them see,” you whisper back at him. “Let them know what lengths I would go to just to win that fucking competition.”
You fall apart around his cock again, your orgasms coming faster after the first two. You whine when you hear Mark’s constant grunts filling your ears.
“Cum inside, Mark. Want all of your cum.”
“Yeah? Little whore wants it all? Wants to be bred like a good little bitch?”
You cry. “Yes, yes, yes! I want it so badly.”
That’s all it takes for Mark to shoot ribbons of white inside of you, coating your insides. You both collapse on the floor, exhausted.
A few minutes pass in silence before Mark speaks up. “I’m ready to go again after I eat some ramen.”
You laugh. “Make it two servings and I’ll be ready.”
He eagerly gets up and shuffles to his kitchen. You smirk, searching for your phone and shooting a text to the group chat.
I’ve got him. The money’s all ours.
After eating ramen and chatting for a little bit, Mark takes you again on the barstool of his kitchen. Then, he fucks you up against the wall, on his couch and in his bed.
He’s thoroughly fucked out when you two finish and you smile, leaning over to kiss him.
“Good luck with your game tomorrow.”
You leave him laying in his bed, wondering if he just jeopardized the future of his team.
There’s one minute left in the game.
The team is down by one point and they’re all looking at Mark as they huddle together. Donghyuck hisses at him.
“Did she fuck you stupid? We’re going to lose everything because of you!”
Mark shakes his head, trying to compose himself. It’s hard to do so when he spots you in the crowd, smiling at him as if you want him to win. You’ve thoroughly fucked with his head, his thoughts constantly traveling to the image of you beneath him, sobbing as he shoves his thick cock into you mercilessly.
“This is your fault, Jeno!” Ten growls. “You should’ve never left Mark alone with her!”
“Everyone, shut up!” Sicheng bellows, annoyed by his teammates. “We’re going to lose if we don’t focus. What’s wrong with you, Mark?”
“I-I don’t know.”
Donghyuck scoffs. “I think I do.”
Sicheng glares at the younger male to be quiet. “I don’t care what it is anymore. There’s one minute left and I need you to get it together.”
“I will, I will,” Mark insists, even though he’s not so sure about it himself. They break the huddle and get back into the game, Mark trying to focus as the referee blows the whistle. Jung Jaehyun comes charging at him and Mark tries to dodge.
“Come on, Mark!”
As soon as he hears your voice overpower the audience, he loses his balance and Jaehyun slams him up against the wall. Mark groans when he tumbles to the ground and it isn’t long before he hears the final buzzer echo in the rink. The competing team jumps for joy, laughing with one another as they meet in the middle of the ice. Mark stays on the ground, watching pitifully as his teammates slump in defeat.
His eyes look for yours again in the stands, but you’re already long gone.
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