#if you are a fan of either loki or thor as of the end of thor 2
deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
The reader (Replacement Fighter) and the gods/humans got invited to a wedding. The guys begged them to wear something that was not black, but the reader was not having it as they've always been obsessed with the color black. They tried to run out of the changing room, telling the guys they'd rather not attend, but the guys insisted. Some even tried pulling on the reader's arms or clothes. They finally settled with something that wasn't black for once in their life.
However as the wedding carried on, there was some drama (you can decide what it was about) stirring up amongst the other guests. But the reader being reader, they just indulged in the cupcakes nearby as everyone else was either arguing or fighting.
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Gods: Odin, Thor, Poseidon, Hades, Aphrodite, Loki, Buddha & Apollo
Humans: Lubu, Sasaki, Qin & Tesla
-You scowled softly, arms folded across your chest as (Love) was holding up a different colored suit to you, something that wasn’t black.
-You had a very particular taste in your wardrobe, mainly anything black, as it was the color you liked and you knew you looked good in, “It’s a wedding, why can’t I wear my black suit?”
-(Love) was rather amused by your unwillingness to wear a different color, “Because the invitation said that nobody is to wear black, except for shoes.”
-You groaned, falling back on your bed like a toddler which made (Love) laugh, finding it rather amusing, seeing you acting like a child as you threw an arm over your face.
-After a moment you sat up, your pout still on your face as you looked at the different suits (Love) had prepared and you pointed at the dark purple one, as it was the darkest colors that had been presented to you, “Just for the wedding.”
-Several hours later, you walked into the wedding reception with (Love), stunning all who saw you in something that wasn’t black! You looked good in color- you should wear color more often, or at least that’s what everyone told you when they came over to you.
-(Love) was pleased that you were wearing something appropriate for the wedding, as everyone was in various colors, leaving only the happy couple in black, standing out against the sea of various colors, which you did have to admit looked good.
-(Love) was looking for you about ten minutes later, and after stalking the dance floor, thinking someone might have dragged you out there, they went to the one place that they knew you would be, the buffet table!
-And there you were, a plate in hand, trying the various sweets available at the massive dessert bar. (Love) couldn’t help but laugh, thinking it was amusing as they walked over.
-You offered them your plate, offering them a treat as your attention was on something else now.
-(Love’s) gaze followed your own and you saw two of the bridesmaids squaring up with one of the groomsmen, who was cheating on them both with each other, and they just found out.
-The drama was way more interesting than catching the bouquet or playing games, as you watched these bridesmaids tearing this boy down, both leaving him, reducing him to tears, which you mentioned to (Love), “Why do the cheaters always try to act like the victims? Is it to get sympathy?”
-(Love) didn’t answer, munching on a mini cupcake, as you watched this pathetic space for a man pleading with both women, begging one, then the other, not to leave, which made things worse.
-The happy couple were soon by you as well, trying the different desserts, watching this fallout as well, as the bride grinned at the groom, “You were right, it’s not a real wedding unless there’s a fight.” He just laughed, “That’s not a fight, a chair hasn’t been thrown yet!”
-(Love) shoved a cupcake into your mouth before you said anything about helping, you weren’t going to start a fight at a wedding.
-Chairs end up getting thrown after a third woman, a guest of another bridesmaid, came over to see what was happening and everything hit the fan very quickly, luckily after the bride and groom made their exit.
-(Love) helped you carry a few more plates of sweets out of the wedding hall as you both decided to get out before it got even worse and you both sat on your couch together, eating the food, relaxing for the rest of the evening.
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gloriousburden · 18 days
A few types of MCU Loki fans I’ve encountered/noticed being in the fandom for over three years now:
DISCLAIMER: DON’T TAKE THIS TOO SERIOUSLY PLEASEEEE IT’S LIGHTHEARTED!! Some of these things apply to me as well, and some don’t lol. Doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone it’s all just for giggles.
The Lokius shipper Series Fan:
- Usually younger Gen Z. Can be anywhere from 14 to 23 years old. They’re younger teenagers most of the time.
- Heavily on TikTok but also on Pinterest/Twitter.
- Got into the MCU/Loki more recently. Either from the Series, or from Ragnarok.
- For some reason, wholeheartedly believes that one Tumblr post from like ten years ago that states Loki is 16/17 in human years. Even though that’s not canon at all and it does not work like that.
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be the Variant/Ragnarok. Sometimes Avengers.
- Almost ALWAYS a fan of Good Omens or OFMD.
- Obviously… Ships Lokius.
- Very anti Sylvie/Sylki, but LOVES Mobius.
- EXTREMELY anti Thorki, even though not a lot of people ship them anymore.
- Spreads a lot of misinformation. Such as taking the fact that Marvel confirmed that the Scepter influenced Loki, and mistaking that with them 100% confirming the theory of Loki being brainwashed by Thanos.
- Thinks Loki’s eyes are green???
- Newer to fandom in general.
- Doesn’t talk a whole lot about the series outside of the ships/fanon discourse.
- Making Loki tree/Yggdrasil jokes CONSTANTLY.
- Either thinks that Loki before the series was completely evil, or an angel. No in between.
- “For you, for all of us 🥺” / “Your savior is here!”
- Often forgets/doesn’t remember the fact that Loki/OG Loki are two different characters, and groups them together.
- Either a Swiftie who likes to constantly joke about when Taylor and Tom dated for 3 months like 8 years ago and also associates a lot of her Songs/Lyrics with Loki, or is someone who has a bit more of an Alternative taste in Music/Fashion.
- Doesn’t really talk about Thor that much, or really wants him and Loki to reunite.
- They’ve probably seen other movies including Tom like Crimson Peak, Skull Island, and High Rise. The more popular ones.
- Owns a lot of TVA related merch.
- “He’s not Odin’s son, or Laufey’s son… He’s Frigga’s son 🥺” or insists on calling Loki by “Laufeyson.”
- In Fanon, sort of treats Loki as a very normal, modern human, and not a god from an entirely different realm.
- Has either dropped the Series/their love of Loki a few months after the Series ended for the “next best thing”, or is currently still raving about all of it.
- Quite immature about other’s opinions/perspectives on Loki/or even people who ship the opposite ship from their own. This is mainly because they’re younger or because they really like their Fanon idea of Loki/Which ship should be Canon.
- Has some questionable headcanons/opinions of their own on Loki.
- Loves Frigga.
- Hates Odin.
The OG Loki fan who’s been a fan of him since 2011/2012, but is a bit more casual about his characterization:
- Usually a Millennial/in their late twenties or mid thirties. May even be in their fourties.
- Has been here for a good while, and saw just about every movie featuring him as well as other MCU movies in the theater when they first came out. Was probably a younger adult/older teenager when Avengers came out.
- Fanfic writer!!
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be Ragnarok, TDW, or Avengers.
- Mainly reside on Tumblr/AO3 but also on Twitter from time to time.
- “The Sun will shine on us again.” / “Love is a Dagger.”
- Some depict Loki in their Fanfics in a Smutty/BookTok YA Fantasy Novel style. Some in other ways. They also have a lot of fun with their Fics! So many AUs.
- They are carrying the Loki x Reader tag, I won’t lie. 🫡
- Doesn’t necessarily love the Series, but also doesn’t necessarily hate it. Does prefer the OG Loki they know and love over the Series and had a few disappointments with the Series, though.
- MAJOR Hiddlestoner. Some may like Tom more than they like Loki. Have watched his entire filmography and then some.
- A lot of them have really cool Loki related tattoos.
- Collects a lot of merch. Both from the Series, as well as more OG Loki merch. Also owns about fourty Tom magazines.
- Probably has met Tom/owns an autograph or something signed by him.
- Usually ships Loki with Sigyn, Jane, Tony, or an OC they’ve had since 2013. Honestly, I don’t personally see them that often anymore, but may ship Thorki. Does not really ship Lokius/Sylki whatsoever, or uses Sylvie as a bit of a self insert in Fics.
- Sometimes also a huge fan of Bucky/The Winter Soldier or Sebastian Stan. Associates Bucky and Loki a lot especially in Fics.
- Some are also fans of Star Wars who love Kylo Ren.
- Actually they like a lot of other morally grey characters.
- Probably has a pet named after Loki.
- Feels deeply for Loki, and relates to him in certain ways. Really likes humanizing him in their fics. Loves the more vulnerable side of him.
- Loves Frigga.
- Hates Odin.
The Loki purist/“He’s literally me” Fan:
- Anywhere from 16 - 28 years old. May be a bit older than that. Usually Mid/Older Gen Z, or younger Millennial.
- Has either grown up loving Loki, or became a fan a bit more recently.
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be TDW, but obviously can be any of the three OG depictions of him.
- LIVES on Tumblr. A bit of an extinct species elsewhere, but some may also be on Twitter.
- #1 Loki defenders. Very protective of/sensitive about how he is depicted not only in Canon, but also in Fanon. Usually deemed as harsh by series fans/non series haters whenever they criticize the Series or Ragnarok, but in reality, deeply relates to Loki and takes it very personally when he is depicted inaccurately. They see themselves in him, and are so, so, SO tired of seeing him mischaracterized. But also can be genuinely harsh at times. I’ve been guilty of that.
- Either heavily believes the “Thanos Brainwashed Loki” theory, or completely rejects it.
- “I never wanted the Throne. I only ever wanted to be your Equal.” / “Trust my Rage.”
- Very creative. Creates Art of Loki, Fanfics, Edits, Cosplays him, etc…
- Sometimes weirdly resembles him in ways??? LOL. Taking “He’s literally me” literally
- Has a more Alternative taste in Music, Fashion, Aesthetics, etc..
- They either see Loki as their bff, their life partner, or as an enigma to observe. Or all of the above.
- Pretty into Norse Myth, and likes incorporating aspects of it creatively, or when talking about Loki.
- Has a good amount of Fandom experience, and does not tend to argue with other Loki purists/OG Loki fans over petty things. Because at the end of the day… it’s just Tumblr. And we usually all have a common middle ground. Or, is constantly arguing with others.
- They don’t really ship Loki with anyone, but if they do… it’s usually Sigyn or Thor. Or someone really random.
- Either really enjoys depicting Loki in a more Feminine/Neutral form, and wishes his fluidity was depicted in the MCU, or doesn’t talk about it all that much.
- Single handedly keeping the memory of Loki (prior to Ragnarok) alive. 🫡
- Loves the comics, or hasn’t touched a single one.
- Disliked Taika Waititi before it was cool.
- Lost complete trust in the MCU after the handling of Loki’s characterization in Ragnarok, and had no hope in the Series when it was first announced. Or… really hoped it would be our last hope.
- Either deems Thor as the origin of all evil, or actually likes him.
- Wishes it was still 2013 everyday of their lives.
- Either respects/likes Tom to a certain extent, or really does not like him.
- Has a few really cool merch items, or has a lot of everything and anything they can find that doesn’t include Ragnarok/The series. Usually, they DIY their merch.
- Needs to emulate him at any given moment and in any way possible.
- Likes Frigga, but acknowledges that she has messed up in ways. Or really does not like her, period.
- Hates Odin.
The… Male MCU casual/dudebro who strictly lives on TikTok/Instagram/Twitter and did not really like Loki that much until the Series finale came out and thinks Loki is a Sigma Male who dropped everything in order for his friends and his… “Girl” to live:
- ????? Wtf
- Okay I added this one more as a joke because obviously they’re not Loki fans, but…
- Anywhere from ages 15, to 24. No older than that.
- Definitely disregarded Loki’s character before the Series. Also due to him having a fanbase where Women/Girls are the majority. Now Loki is the best MCU character and has the best arc out of everyone else. 🤦🏻‍♀️
- Wholeheartedly believes that Loki was a narcissist/was overreacting about everything he’s been through, or believes that Loki is an angel now because he had a “Redemption Arc”.
- Has never picked up a single Loki comic.
- Jokes a lot about Loki “loving” himself (Sylki kiss).
- Calls the Series “Peak Fiction” just because the rest of the bullshit the MCU has been putting out was absolute garbage, and also because they haven’t really watched anything else.
- If you as an actual Loki fan correct them on any of their bullshit, they act like they know more than you because they loved the series. How could anyone hate it?
- Makes self insert memes/tries to project onto Loki in the absolute worst ways possible.
- Worships the ground that Michael Waldron walks on. Though, they all hated Multiverse of Magic..
- “Let time pass…” / “I know what kind of god I have to be. For you, for all of us.” (Once again.)
- Similarly to our Lokius shipper Series Fans… they do not realize that Loki/the Variant are literally two different people.
- Loves Mobius JUST because he is portrayed by Owen Wilson.
- Also very annoying about Loki being confirmed bisexual in the Series.
- Really wants not only Thor and Loki to reunite, but also Hela.
- Hated the earlier Thor movies, loved Ragnarok, hated Love and Thunder.
- Probably thinks the treatment of Thor in Infinity War was funny af.
- Who’s Frigga?
- Loves Odin probably. (Hehe)
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dreamycloud · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
I’m trying to get one more Lokius fic written before I have to hit the pause button again to work on other projects, and this one involves Thor and Love… which is a challenge since I wasn’t a fan of Love and Thunder. But I DO love them, and the idea of Mobius and Loki meeting Love kind of sets my brain on fire. So here we go!
So another Saturday crept up on Thor, and he expected it to go the way he predicted. Rain tapped on the windows in his bedroom. He buried his face in his pillow and listened for the sound of the alarms deactivating. Instead, his door creaked open and little feet padded on the floorboards. His bed dipped when Love climbed up and burrowed under the covers.
“Why don’t you smell like puddles and giggles?” Thor rasped, summoning up a smile that came oddly easier this morning.
Love didn’t reply. She pulled the sheets off Thor, exposing his bare back, and traced the tattoos running from the back of his neck down his spine. Tattoos for remembrance. The sad times. “Don’t you feel different?” she asked, focused on the ink. Her tongue poked out of her mouth as she traced REST IN MISCHIEF.
Thor’s brow crinkled. He did feel different. But the day began different, didn’t it? “You always jump in puddles, Love. You’re throwing me off.”
“Because today isn’t for puddles,” she said with a gravity only young children and byproducts of the Endless can pull off. She followed the sharp lines of Loki’s horned helmet between his shoulder blades. “Something’s changed. I can feel it. Today isn’t the same as yesterday.”
Thor huffed. “That’s why they call it tomorrow.”
Love dove over his shoulder, splatting herself in the small space between him and the end of the bed. He circled her waist, keeping her from falling onto the floor. She giggled and then tugged on his beard. “You don’t understand. It feels like we’ve moved. Like overnight, someone picked up Midgard and moved it from one shelf to another shelf, and this shelf belongs to someone who cares.”
“Shelves?” Thor couldn’t follow her when she was like this. He didn’t understand the implications of a child resurrected by Eternity and suspected Love didn’t have a grasp on it either. They’d learn together—he hoped.
Love rolled her eyes. “We’re being watched over today, where we weren’t yesterday. Can’t you feel the difference?”
Thor sucked in his breath. Blew it out. He poked at the gaping hole in his chest and found, much to his surprise, that it felt smaller. “Are we in danger, Love?”
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therese-lokidottir · 19 days
Fucking pissed off at all the retconning of Loki’s backstory and his pain in the series. And how it rendered people virtually blameless according to some fans. The more I read, the more annoyed I get.
It’s not Thor, The Warriors 3, and Odin’s fault anymore they were so awful, it wasn’t that Loki was outcasted for being different- It’s the TVA making them that way because Loki should be a villain. Loki was born to be a villain. Also Odin “loves” Loki and Loki should have appreciated that.
Rightful king of Jotunheim? Wrong! Loki was just born to be a buttmonkey villain. It’s not his birthright. Infact, let’s not touch Loki’s self hatred over his heritage to the point people don’t even know he’s a frost giant if they haven’t seen any of the previous films.
It’s not Thanos who sent Loki- It’s the TVA who made him that way because Loki should be a villain and is naturally evil. Also he was mad at his Brother and Father and had a tantrum.
And Dark World and Hell, even Ragnarok where Loki does fucking GOOD deeds? Ignored. Loki should be a villain. He’s never done any good deeds ever and was always a villain cuz he has the TVA pulling his strings. (Let’s face it, the MCU dislikes Thor 1 and Dark World.)
All of his trauma seems to be retconned and all the people who hurt him are now considered blameless because they were puppets too, basically. Loki is supposed to be an evil punching bag and nothing more. It sucks his relativity away. It sucks his moral grayness away. It sucks his trauma away as “Not actually real, really. No one hurt him- or at least no one to blame hurt him. He’s just the evil punching bag of the MCU, but like it’s not the TVA’s fault either cuz they saved him and are just doing their job, and were brainwashed, or some shit. 🤷🤷” Fuck this series, fuck Waldron. This series has such a terrible understanding of nihilism and an anti-Free will message to boot, it’s not as smart as it thinks it is. No one writing on this liked Loki or knew anything about him, and it’s clear. And now the writers have the absolute nerve to say that “Asgard was Toxic to Loki and he finally has people who care about him”? Now???? When the people who “cared” were probably just as bad if not worse than Asgard???? I’m sorry for ranting- I’m just so annoyed. This is why nothing in the series will ever be canon to me and what they’re saying now is annoying. Not even the series Variant of Loki is canon to me. :( Fuck the TVA plot. (I’m beginning to wonder if the writers see people who were outcasted and othered as “pathetic”……)
Yeah, I get it I've made my rants as well
Really, the entire premise of the series and the TVA have an implication no one seem to realize and that they don't actually want to explore. It's frustrating because really what it is that no one is any certain way, it just that anyone who goes off the path is murdered.
The Loki of the void fighting of the example of how both shallow the writing is and how it contradicts and doesn't even explore its own concepts. They say Lokis who try to fix themselves end up in the void, but then it just goes with the idea that Loki is evil and selfish. So, why even have that line at all?
It's such a poorly written show that because of its need to make loki to be terrible any interesting end up going down the drain. Also, because it's so unclear what the actual rules are. There are no implications of what is actually true vs what the characters are claiming so you have to take what the characters say at face value and that is frustrating and often contradictory to what was established early in canon.
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I'm just going to say it Kevin Feige and all the MCU writers and directors deprived us of a Thor and Loki reunion. I think it's safe to say at this point both Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston might be done with the MCU for the foreseeable future. When you factor in everything that Chris is going through taking a break from acting to spend more time with his family because of future health concerns, and combine with Thor Love and Thunder receiving so many negative reviews from fans and critics. The possibility of Thor 5 is looking pretty low. I feel like we are more likely to see him in the next Avengers movie.
On to Tom Hiddleston with the way Loki season 2 ended, and it seems like this time. There will be no season 3 Loki's story in the MCU is complete for now. I don't think there are going to mess with him for awhile. So yeah we're not getting that the brother reunion we hoped for. Ever since Endgame when past Loki escaped his time-line.
With all that being said they better not do the same thing to Carol and Monica. I want a teary-eyed "I never thought I would see you again. Reunion between these two Carol better not die before Monica is returned to her universe, and also bonus points. If Kamala is present for the reunion as well because they are practically best friends by the end of the movie, or at least Monica is another person Kamala looks up to. But yeah give it to us you jerks we didn't get to see Thor and Loki reunite, nor did we get to see Coulson and The Avengers reunite. Plus I'm still on the fence on rather or not we'll get Peter with MJ and Ned either considering the weird relationship with Disney and Sony. So yeah they can give us at least one. Or we riot.
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Loki Finding Out He’s a Dad- Loki Laufeyson xreader Headcanon
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Summary: Y/N is pregant and loki finds out and what plans he would make and how he would react
Warnings: none just fluffy cuteness
. Y/N is nervous to tell Loki she’s pregnant but knows he’ll be really happy they’re gonna have a child
. Loki will be happy either way if it’s a boy or girl but would secretly hope it’s a girl
. Loki would wanna build a nursery for the baby and would wanna have a home on both midgard and Asgard
. Loki would want Y/N to come up with the first name of the child but would want his mother’s name as the middle name
. Loki would wanna touch Y/N’s belly and would wanna talk to the baby and get excited when the baby kicks
. Thor would be very happy for Y/N and loki and would be very excited about being an uncle and would help spoil the kid
. Loki would take care of Y/N and bring her whatever she needs and will go to all the doctor appointments with her and would reassure her that he will be by her side forever and will love her and the baby so much
. Loki will wanna read to the baby every night and will wanna hold them and help give Y/N breaks when she needs it
. Loki will take Y/N to Asgard for the birth to give her the best care
. Loki will be so proud to be a dad and knows Y/N will be the most wonderful mother
. Loki and Y/N end up having a baby girl (give the baby whatever name you would like)
. Loki knows his mother would be really proud of loki being a dad and wishes she could meet the baby
. Y/N wonders wether the child will have loki’s powers or not and Loki later on helps her find out
. Loki and Y/N raise the baby on Asgard together and loki protects his family whatever it takes and is the happiest with Y/N and their child and even though Y/N didn’t want Loki teaching their daughter pranks it’s all in good fun and loki makes sure it doesn’t cross any lines
Hey lovelies!! I thought this would be a cute fan fic headcanon 😊 hope you all enjoy xx💚💚💚
@lokiandbuckysdoll @jessybarnes
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ghostsandmirrors · 26 days
this is far longer than expected.
they are organised by muse, but I'm not organising them as like canons, then originals. they're just all in this together.
The Menagerie do you have a smug shithead muse? we have a zoo! pick one or two or three to bully your muse with. they're all a pain in the ass. (the menagerie are the animals. they're all canons from different sources.)
Bucky Bucky and general DC heroes (MCU/DC crossover) (I started writing half my muses on MCU/DC crossover forum sites, including Bucky! I'm throwing him back into his roots)
Batman I just think Bucky meeting Batman would be very funny, especially in a professional setting and especially if canon divergent post-Endgame. Bucky having war flashbacks to being chased through Bucharest by a man dressed as a cat because 'so many superheroes are furries.'
Wonder Woman Bucky and Diana based on that one fan plot where Diana was involved, in some way, with fighting during WWII and they met back then and then meet again in the modern day. bonus points if Diana thinks he's his own grandson and he doesn't correct her.
Superman idk Bucky and Superman would just be kinda wholesome? also if Superman mun comfortable, Bucky would totally have a crush on Superman. you can't convince me otherwise. also Clark and Bucky as a ship would be 'pure of heart, dumb of ass' in that order and it makes me giggle.
Other any of the Batfam would also be fun but there's every chance they get unofficially adopted. new dad! new dad! new dad!
I don't know that many DC heroes. girl help. who else is there? idk but I want them!
Bucky + ship partner post-mission shit. anything. just them being like 'thank FUCK that's over with'. snuggling. idgaf.
Bucky + Steve, Bucky + Sam pure of heart, dumb of ass. this is a never-ending want. it's not a specific want, either. I just like putting them in threads together.
Bucky + Thor I don't know why but I've always wanted to and never gotten the chance to.
Bucky/Loki 🥺👉👈 Listen...
Bucky + Spider-Muses I once joked about Bucky adopting various Spider-characters and I still want it. Bucky is the ancient, morally ambiguous MCU Batman on this blog, in that he will not stop fucking adopting people, but at least Bruce usually adopts children. Bucky'll adopt a 30 year old. they're still 70 years younger than him so they're fair game.
Joker Joker + Batman <3 Joker is obsessed with Batman. ofc I want to thread them. I want every possible thread in any verse that's most comfortable. Joker is my comfort villain.
Joker + Batman characters in general (focused on villains/rogues gallery) I have no specifics, I just realised he talks to the Rogues Gallery a lot in comics/cartoons and my Joker… hasn't. ever. I can fix that.
Dylan Dylan and Heroes (any DC) I also want Dylan and Gotham heroes, Gordon, etc.. Dylan needs more screentime 'cause her ass is overshadowed by the fuckin owl at this point. lbr who isn't.
Dylan and Heroes (any MCU) also Dylan plus marvel heroes since she has an MCU verse. do I have icons? fuck no. am I asking for Dylan threads regardless? fuck yes.
Jameson Jameson and Heroes (any) Mortitaint is a masked murderer. that's it. that's the pitch. you want your muse hit with a shovel? I can help with that! also if any men want a boyfriend who is sweaty and dirty every day and surprisingly strong……………. im just saying……………… and then they can one day find out the other is a hero/villain……………………….. drama. 👀 (this includes anti-heroes)
Jameson and Villains (any) I just think it'd be interesting, y'know? Jameson doesn't tend to play well with others, in general, but there's a chance it doesn't go horribly wrong!
Wag Wag and X-Men Characters Wagner Himura is an X-Men oc that, in his entire time on my blog, has never threaded with an X-Men character. it can be any character and any verse. I don't care. I just want him to speak to other mutants, man.
Logan specifically, I would like Wag and Logan threads. I always picture Wag as a general pest when he starts working at the school, like throwing water balloons filled with speed potions at people that annoy him kind of pest, and I get the feeling Logan would either hate his guts, like him because he does not discriminate between students and teachers, or be very cautious because he doesn't know Wag's limits while Wag's just like 'hey ;D I don't actually find you attractive but if flirting means I don't get stabbed, I'll flirt. ;D I'm high as a fuckin kite rn lmao ;D'
Charles Xavier Wag and Charles would also be funny because of the aforementioned 'high as a kite'.
Brotherhood any brotherhood muse in his brotherhood verse would be nice, too. Idk how he got into the brotherhood in that verse and I want to explore it. I just miss writing Wag, lbr.
OCs tbh any OC. let's yeet our x-men OCs together and see what bad ideas they come out with. it'll be funny. I'm willing to make up places that they can go through a portal to, as well.
Bam and X-Men Characters Bam has an X-Men verse in which he vibrates particles when angry and I just… I miss Bam being chaotic. I miss Bam being a mess. she's gotten too collected and I want disaster Bam back. I don't have specific preferences for this one.
Wag and Bam Basically, both Wag and Bam (in his X-Men verse) have abilities that can/are activated by emotions. With Wag, he has more control over his abilities and thus the chances of anger doing anything is low but not zero. If his anger is doing anything, it's a silent, 'scorched Earth' kind of anger that mostly shows in things moving telekinetically. With Bam, his power is exclusively activated by anger.
I just want that in a(nother, in Bam's case) thread or plot. It'd be fun.
Mattie and Avengers/SHIELD/HYDRA Mattie worked for both SHIELD and HYDRA so I would like to establish some kind of relations with SHIELD and HYDRA muses, but she also sent records to the Avengers after the fall of HYDRA and began torturing/murdering HYDRA agents who survived The Snap so like……….. 👀
also Avengers meeting her after The Blip or whatever dumb bitch shit The Snap 2: Electric Boogaloo is canonically called would be… like she a gremlin in the swamplands. she's a whole fuckin cryptid by that point. I want her ex-coworkers to meet the cryptid she's become and be like, '... ayo? you good?' and her to be knee-deep in swamp water, dragging a body, like, '... yup!'
Arnulf Arnulf and Steve's Friends arnulf needs to meet non-Steve avengers (or others who know him). it would be funny. 'hey you kinda look like Steve Rogers..' '[subtle german accent] a lot of people say that! it's so strange. I don't see it.'
Past - HYDRA threads between like 2012-2014 would be interesting? idk. I feel like I've forgotten how to write serious threads.
Ultron + MCU? I'm sure i've mentioned this before but I just really want Ultron to reunite with the avengers through like idk texts? e-mails? something technology based so the urge to blow his ass up is reduced.
this is not limited to just the avengers. you have an MCU hero muse? a child of a canon? I'll take 'em. give me any muse who may know Ultron or his reputation.
Ai and Tony Stark I always imagine that they know each other due to being rich and fundraisers and shit like that. Ai might be an assassin but she gives to charity and does all the Very Good Things she's meant to which means attending Stark fundraisers and drinking his booze x
they do not have to like each other. I don't think Ai has met a single person she likes since she killed her husband, I'll be honest.
Villains generally I do want more villain threads where my villain muses are being villains and doing villainous things. like, I have Joker and Ultron who deserve some attention but also Jameson, Ai, Mattie, Jesse, I have a verse where Bam's a villain (he's doing it for the vibes. that'd hold up in court /s), I have the brotherhood verse with Wag… like… plz. I want my muses to go apeshit.
Fandomless OCs (Liaxee, the Bringer, Lieat) also I would like to do more with supernatural/fantasy/generally fandomless OCs and Liaxee or the Bringer or Lieat. Liaxee is a joy to write, the Bringer is my dumb bitch, and Lieat's the cutest muse I have. I love them all, your honour.
I think Supernatural (the show) muses and any of these three would be fun, too. especially Lieat, because idk if there's anything like them in the Supernatural universe?
I know I have two doctor who blogs following me so I'm lumping them in with supernatural/fantasy/fandomless oc/Superrnatural (the show). yous wanna meet a void creature?
Special Requests have you ever seen a Crazy Quilt RPer? he's my favourite Batman villain. please. (this is mostly a joke but if there actually is a Crazy Quilt RPer, I want to know.)
Egghead is another DC special request because I love Batman villains.
also Typeface and Spellcheck. Idk them that well, but I want to and I have Spider-Man.
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thisdorkyblogthing · 7 months
Hi! I adore your blog and was wondering if you had some headcanons for Thor or Loki you would like to share or any AUs? :3
Thank you!! And I definitely have some AU ideas:
(listed in no particular order)
Kidnapping AU 1:
Loki's a troubled popstar and Thor's his long time stalker/#1 fan/kidnapper
Loki started rising to fame from youtube as a teen and got scooped up out of his shitty home life by a Big Name Producer (Ihe Grandmaster) and they totally started their loooong on again/off again relationship as soon as Loki turned 18 and not a moment sooner
Loki also started to develop problems with drugs an alcohol, which I'm sure has nothing to do with the last point
Around the same time Loki's becoming popular on youtube, a troubled, teenaged Thor comes across one of his videos and an obsession is born
Thor, having decided that he needs to be Loki's protector, joins the military and does surprisingly well for like ~10 years
as long as no one EVER makes any jabs about his taste in music, lighthearted or otherwise
Thor's discharged when a higher up makes a joke about some of Thor's Loki paraphernalia and Violence Happens)
hey! at least Thor has a lot more free time to REALLY get in to stalking Loki!
which is really great timing bc he senses that Loki's gonna relapse again - with The Grandmaster's help.... and thinks he might have more planned... (and maybe he's right)
so he takes matters into his own stong, beefy hands
Oh No, My Roommate's Little Brother Is Hot:
Thor and Helblindi are friends that have been living together since the start of their junior year in college, and are getting ready for their senior year
Loki's just graduated highschool and is getting ready to start at the same school in the fall and wants to stay with them over the summer so he can have a head start on getting settled in
Helblindi has been de-hyping Loki to Thor HARD, so he expects some ugly gawky little dork to show up
except OOPS HE'S ACTUALLY HE'S BEAUTIFUL, and a bit of a gawky dork, but in a very cute way
which is a problem because he's never actually mentioned that he's bisexual to Helblindi and Bro Code probably dictates to not lust over your bro's lil bro
even when the lil bro in question starts flirting with you
(Loki thought he was having a witty banter with a chill straight guy until he realized Thor was, in fact, not straight at all, and he was actually just flirting with a hot guy oops)
Helblindi finds himself a girlfriend and keeps bringing her over for ~sleepovers~ and she's uh, a bit loud about it so Thor and Loki end up going on cute little late night adventures that aren't romantic at all and don't result in any kisses under the moonlight
more moonlight kisses may or may not happen, resulting in a secret 'I think we're boyfriends?' scenario until Helblindi catches them and is NOT pleased with Thor's blatant disregard of the Bro Code
Kidnapping AU 2:
Loki's the black sheep of his of his very wealthy and powerful family. He's gotten into trouble a few times in the past and went to art school instead of getting into law or business or something more useful to them
so like, he gets that he's not the favorite but they still love him, right? (....... RIGHT??)
and then a couple nights before one of his brothers is set to get married, while out on the town for the bachelor party, Loki steps out of the club they're in for some air and to get a break from being either getting relentlessly shit on and iced out by everyone in turns when he's suddenly snatched up and manhandled away by some big surfer looking dude.
said surfer dude is Thor- an environmental activist whose name is featured on many top 10 lists for his favorite hobby of 'destroying shit to save nature' and he was good enough at it that the government definitely thought he was working in a group for a while there. He's a winner and his mom is very proud (maybe, they probably haven't talked in a while, he's busy.)
He thinks kidnapping Loki is going to be a great way to get his demands heard, unfortunately, he didn't seem to realize that Loki was the spare son and that the family is in no rush to get him back and seems more than a little annoyed about the fact that Loki had to go and be so damned kidnappable
"Wow, that's so fucked up dude." -Thor probably.
Loki's so heartbroken and enraged that he's ready to firebomb that gaudy-ass wedding himself
There's more but I'll stop there bc I'm Tired and this is getting long as hell.
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sorcharavenlock · 1 year
28. A night at the pub.
After talking to Frigga, Loki's mood improves a lot.
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He goes running with Fenrir the next morning...
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...and I catch him dancing in the kitchen!
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"Mari, come listen! I learned to play a new song!"
Oh, so I'm 'Mari' now! I smile and make my way into the basement.
Before I know it, Loki is singing along with the song he's playing on the guitar. I soon realise it's "Every little thing she does is magic" by 'The Police':
"Though I've tried before to tell her
Of the feelings I have for her in my heart
Every time that I come near her
I just lose my nerve as I've done from the start
Every little thing she does is magic..."
Loki has a nice voice, and he only misses a few notes on the guitar. but halfway through the song his mood changes.
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"Never mind, it's a silly song anyway," he says as he stops playing.
"I liked it," I say softly. But Loki floats through the wall before I can stop him.
of course, the last thing he wants to do is encourage my "delusional sentiments" for him...
We agreed to meet up with the others in the pub on Saturday night. I am wearing a new dress and Loki's mood has improved immeasurably.
It is quiet at 'The Gnome's Arms' and we sit down together.
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"Hey, you've got your eyebrows fully back!" Loki comments to Nea. "What? I've never lost them in the fire, I just tinted them differently," she grins.
"I'm so glad you are here," I whisper to Kitty. "I think Loki knows I have feelings for him and he hates it!"
"I'm sure you're wrong," Kitty whispers back. "I saw the way he was looking at you when we came in!"
I suddenly feel a lot better.
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We order drinks and sit down at one of the tables.
"I did as you nagged and I contacted my ancestral witch," Loki begins. "To my surprise, my Mother was the one to answer."
"That is great!" Kitty says. "You mean your biological mother?"
"No," Loki corrects, "My real mother. The one who raised me, looked after me, and taught me everything that I know about magic.."
"Frigga agrees with you, Kitty," I say. "We need to find Thor. But we don't really know how to go about it."
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"I might have an idea," Nea says. "you know how I'm a bit of an amateur photographer? It's really just a hobby," she explains to Loki.
"Anyway, I'm part of an online photography group. We share hints and tips and stuff. I have a friend there, he calls himself 'Webhead2001'. We've been chatting on and off, his real name is Peter. He lives in New York, and he's been posting amazing pics of the Avengers. A lot of Spiderman pics actually, I think he might be a bit of a fan. He seems to be able to get pretty close to him. I could DM him and ask if he can help us contact Thor?"
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"That is a brilliant idea!" I say. "Sure, send him a DM. Maybe tell him we know something about Loki that Thor would love to know?"
"I'll contact him tomorrow," Nea promises.
We have a few more drinks, and Nea and Loki end up giggling more and more with each drink they have!
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There's a dartboard in the pub, and soon Loki persuades us to play. I'm terrible at it, and Nea and Loki nearly fall over with laughter as I miss the board.
Loki is the next to try.
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Loki doesn't completely miss, but he doesn't score a point either.
"I'm a bit rusty," he shrugs.
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"Watch me, I've got this!"
Nea's aim is good but the dart misses the board by a hair!
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"I bet he's going to miss again, darts aren't daggers," Kitty says to Nea.
This time Loki scores two points!
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Nea tries again, but while her dart clearly hits the board, she gets no points.
"Whaaa?" she looks at the board in confusion.
Kitty and I giggle, we have an idea who might be behind this!
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"I know you are cheating," I say quietly to Loki, who smiles mischievously.
Nea doesn't score a single point despite hitting the board multiple times!
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"YOU!" She realises. "LOKI!"
"What?" Loki asks innocently.
"I know you are cheating!" Nea accuses him.
"You might know, but you can not prove it!" Loki smirks.
"GAAAAAH!" Nea looks at me. "How do you put up with him?"
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(despite her grumbling, Nea and Loki just became Good Friends!)
We all hang out together for a bit longer, but it's getting late and Fenrir is bored and in need of his evening walk, so we say goodbye.
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I'm about to head up the stairs when Loki stops me. He suddenly seems tense.
"What is it?" I ask, wondering what's bothering him.
"It's about what I said the other night," Loki begins hesitantly.
"Okay?" I'm not sure what he is talking about, but I'm listening.
"Never mind," Loki changes his mind. "It is late and you are tired. sleep well." And with that, he walks out of the door to take Fenrir for his evening walk.
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thot-son-of-odin · 9 months
20 Questions For Writers
I’m taking @galaxythreads’ post as unofficial tagging because I want to do this lol
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Thor (unfortunately the hyperfixation has taken root)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. midas is king (and he holds me so tight)
2. a shrike to your sharp
3. be as you’ve always been
4. I am loved (I am loved)
5. our truth is burned from history (this is actually my favorite of all five, I’m glad it’s on here haha)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to, I haven’t really been recently since I’ve been busy (and lazy) but I wanna start doing it again.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This since the situation that Thor and Loki in does not get resolved lol,,,,,maybe I should write a sequel.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I actually thought most of mine ended happyish but I’m realizing the really happy ending is probably this one???
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not really? I’ve been getting some weird anonymous comments that aren’t hate??? They’re just odd. And I feel like they come from the same person too. I’m not bothered by it, I’m just,,,,,,confused????
9. Do you write smut?
Yes! I only have one smut fic so far but I want to write more!
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, I’m just not really interested in them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and hopefully that never happens
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet! Blanket permission if anyone ever wants to, please just let me know!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes and I love doing it! It’s so much fun, plus you have another person to complain to when the fic isn’t going the way you want!
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Thor and Loki, but both platonically and romantically if that makes sense? I am a brodinsons fan before I am a thorki fan.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have too many, writing is hard :’(
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I like to think I have a good head for plotting and coming up with ideas
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing down what I have planned. People should look thru my idea list and write some of the fics I’ve thought of lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Think it can be good in small quantities if you’re simply using google translate but if you’re trying to write a lot in that language, you should probably either already know it or ask for help from someone who does. As a reader tho, it’s not entirely helpful unless there’s a translation also given — I think it takes you out of the fic if you have to look it up
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor who
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Hmm I feel like my fav fic shifts from week to week. Right now it’s mother make me a big gray cloud because it’s the longest I’ve written and it’s also finished!! So super excited about it!
Tagging @babygirlthor, @worstloki, @thorarms, @nostalgia-tblr, @shinysoroka, @thortwenty151, @colifower, and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!
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tallseaweed · 8 months
Relinquish Your Burden: Chapter 4
Word Count: 2.2k
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Remembering the peculiar gravity that she experienced on her first visit, Sylvie opened the Time Door within arms reach of the Yggdrasil. On a hunch, she positioned the door at the middle of the ‘trunk,’ where the verdant light of Loki's magic flared the brightest.
Normally, she would try to enchant her way past magical barriers, but with such high stakes, she was paranoid that enchantment would inadvertently harm the timelines. Instead—taking care to keep her feet firmly planted on the New York side of the Time Door—she lit one of her palms with magic and rested it on the trunk, hoping it alerted Loki to her presence.
One moment passed. Then another.
Just as she was starting to think that Loki either couldn't sense her or was purposefully ignoring her, the timelines began to shift, morphing into the entrance to a small tunnel, just tall enough for a person to walk through. She exhaled in relief, leaning back through the Time Door to address the group.
"Alright everyone, he's letting us in. Watch your step, there's a bit of a gap between us and the tunnel." And with that, she turned her back on them and disappeared through the glowing orange door.
She was in a sea of emerald green. The entire tunnel was aglow with thousands of shifting timelines. Awestruck, she gently ran the tips of her fingers along the branches that made up the walls. She didn't need her magic to be able to sense how alive they were. Thin strands of time would occasionally flake away, only to be reabsorbed after briefly floating around on a phantom breeze.
Sylvie glanced up ahead of her and froze. There, sitting on a makeshift gilded throne in a cavern at the end of the tunnel, was Loki.
A memory came to her, unbidden.
"I don't want a throne, I just… I just want you to be okay."
Voice thick with emotion, she whispered, "Hey, Loki."
He gave her a bittersweet smile. "Hello, Sylvie." His voice was a bit hoarse from disuse.
Abruptly, his gaze shifted to the Time Door, his eyes widening ever so slightly as he beheld the group gathering behind her.
Mobius wasn't sure what he'd expected to be walking into. The last time he'd come anywhere near this close to the timelines, the bursts of temporal radiation had left him unsteady, feeling like he was about to be flung from the gangway at any second. So when he stepped into a tunnel of intertwining timelines emitting the soothing green glow of Loki's magic, he marveled at how natural, how right it all felt. The multiverse really had needed to be freed.
Mobius's attention was instantly drawn end of the tunnel, his eyes immediately locking onto familiar pale green ones. His breath caught in his chest.
Those eyes.
Seeing Loki brought all the memories rushing back in sharper clarity. How could he have forgotten just how sinfully sharp the lines of his face were, or that slight furrow between his eyebrows? Loki looked exactly the same as the day he'd left. He supposed existing outside of time would do that to a person.
Loki was sitting on a makeshift throne, the gold of it reflecting and blending into the soft emerald light of the cavern at the tunnel's end. In his hands were the thick strands of timelines, glowing brightest where they met the steady flow of magic emanating from his palms. As Mobius drew closer, he saw that the timelines fanning out behind Loki's head appeared to be part of his cape.
A choked whisper came from behind Mobius's shoulder. "Brother… it's really you."
By that point, the group was exiting the tunnel and entering the small cavern. Mobius was close enough to see every minute expression that crossed Loki's face.
The God took a shuddering breath, eyes shining with unshed tears. "I'm not the brother you lost, Thor," he whispered back hoarsely.
"That hardly matters," Thor protested.
Loki took in their little group for a moment before quietly asking, "What are you all doing here?"
That snapped Mobius from his stupor. "Getting you out, of course." He made an effort to sound lighthearted. "You didn't think we would just leave you here, did ya?"
Loki closed his eyes, a lone tear slipping past his dark eyelashes. "Mobius, I can't leave. The timelines would die without my magic."
"You're wrong," Sylvie cut in, and all eyes shifted toward her. She crossed her arms and continued. "I don't know why you don't realize it, but this multiversal Yggdrasil you created? It can sustain itself. I could tell from the moment I first saw it. Felt it. You can leave, Loki." She softened her voice. "The timelines don't need you anymore. You're free. I swear it."
Loki squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head slightly. He looked back up at her, taking a deep breath. "Look, I don't know why you think you could possibly know that, but even if that is true, I still can't leave." His voice was shaking slightly, continually rising in volume. "If I'm not here, who would watch the timelines for threats to the Multiverse? For He Who Remains' Variants?? I'm here to keep everyone safe." He looked from Sylvie to Thor, then down at Love, but his eyes locked on Mobius's as he said "I chose this burden, this purpose, and I won't abandon it now."
Mobius felt like Loki was trying to get him to understand something that he wasn't saying, but Mobius refused to take the bait. He was being ridiculous! Mobius shook his head and said, "Loki, the TVA is keeping everyone safe now, it's their new purpose!"
Loki set his jaw, seemingly attempting to keep his emotions in check. "Mobius, I can see threats before they even happen. For the TVA, finding these threats is still like finding a needle in a haystack. They would never see them coming in time."
All of a sudden, something, no, someone appeared to the right of Loki's throne. Immediately, Sylvie drew her machete and Thor gripped Mjolnir in warning, but neither of them made a move. Starting a fight in such close proximity to the timelines would be catastrophic.
The being was humanoid, but larger than they were—easily over a head taller than Thor. Once Mobius got over the shock of its glowing blue eyes, he took in its warm brown skin, high-collared purple robes, and gold adornments. It peered down at Loki.
"What if I told you there was someone else monitoring the threats to the Multiverse?"
Loki's eyes widened. "You," he breathed.
Never taking his eyes off the strange being, Mobius took a protective step closer to the throne. "Who is this Loki?"
"I am the Watcher,” the being responded. “I observe all that transpires in the Multiverse. Its stories are my own."
Mobius raised a questioning eyebrow at Loki.
"It's true,” Loki confirmed. "I've seen it myself. He can appear anywhere, see everything." He looked back at the Watcher. "But doesn't make a habit of intervening."
"I've been watching your creation for quite some time, God of Stories," said the Watcher. "What your companion says is true. Your creation can sustain itself without you."
At this, Loki's jaw visibly tightened, and Thor and Sylvie lowered their weapons.
"Like I just told my companions, I'm here to do something if the Multiverse is in danger. Can you honestly say you would do the same?"
"I may have sworn an oath to not interfere, but as I'm sure you're aware, I've recruited others to do so in my place when the Multiverse is truly at risk." The Watcher paused, assessing the God below him. "What if I swore a new oath—to forewarn you of any impending Multiversal threats?" Loki's eyebrows rose, but he made no comment. "You could pass the information to your Time Variance Authority”—Mobius cringed at the Watcher’s palpable disdain for the organization that spent millennia restricting the multiverse—"or use the information however you see fit."
As Loki weighed the offer against his stubborn resolve, Mobius realized he was holding his breath. Exhaling shakily, he closed the remaining distance between himself and the throne, kneeling down before it so that he was looking up at the man he'd once called a scared little boy, a mischievous scamp, his friend. Mobius gently placed a hand on Loki's knee. A supplicant before a God, he mused. Loki looked down at Mobius in surprise. Such beautiful, devastating eyes. "Please," Mobius whispered, blinking back his tears. "Come back to us."
Loki’s cheeks were glistening in the emerald light. "But Mobius," he whispered back, "it's my burden." His eyebrows were furrowed with grief. Before Mobius could collect himself enough to respond, the Watcher interjected. “This is your glorious purpose, God of Stories, but it does not have to remain your burden.”
"Please, Brother," Thor pleaded shakily. Mobius didn’t need to turn around to know he was crying too. "Come home."
Loki squeezed his eyes shut and was silent for a long while. Mobius looked down. He wouldn't be able to stand looking Loki in the eyes if he denied them again. Loki took a shaky breath, and Mobius emotionally braced himself.
"Alright," Loki whispered.
By the time Mobius realized what he meant, the God was slowly, painfully prying his fingers open to release the timelines he held. Mobius pulled his hand back from Loki’s knee and watched in awe as the timelines fell away from his grip, absorbing into the other branches as if they had always meant to be there. Even in the wake of Loki's absent magic, the timelines retained their soothing green glow.
With his hands unoccupied, Loki began unfastening his cloak with stiff fingers. When it came free, the timelines melded to the cavern walls, and what little fabric remained of the cloak disintegrated upon contact.
Loki braced himself on the stout armrests of his makeshift throne, rising unsteadily to his feet. Mobius shuffled backward, bringing himself to standing as Loki rose to his full height, lifting the horned kintsugi crown from his head. Carefully, as if it were made of glass, he placed it onto the throne's gilded seat and slowly turned to face them all. 
Before he could say anything or take so much as a step, Thor was crashing into him, pulling him into a bone-crushing embrace. It didn't take long for Loki to grip him back fiercely, and for both brothers' shoulders to begin shaking with sobs.
"I thought I'd never see you again," Thor choked out, and Loki’s grip tightened on his brother's fur cape.
"I'm here," Loki whispered thickly. "I'm here, Brother."
Mobius felt tears streaming down his own face and looked over to Sylvie. She was crying too, wiping her eyes as she watched the sentimental reunion. He leaned over and squeezed her shoulder. Whatever resentments Mobius had toward the way she'd gone about this, Sylvie was the reason they’d got here. That Loki was free. That he was coming back to them.
He looked down at Love. She was watching the embrace with a bittersweet smile. With all the hardship and grief she’d endured at such a young age, she undoubtedly recognized how precious a reunion like this was.
When their sobs subsided and Thor reluctantly released his brother, Loki turned to the Watcher. "I want to hear you swear the oath."
The Watcher's mouth quirked slightly at the authoritative tone. “As you wish,” he granted. "I, Uatu the Watcher, swear to forewarn you of any impending threats to the Multiverse."
"And any threats to my friends and family," Loki interjected. The Watcher raised his eyebrows. Loki was not deterred. "Have I not earned the right to the knowledge that would keep them safe, with all I had planned to and would have sacrificed?” The Watcher’s lips parted to reply, but Loki didn’t give him the chance. “If not for that, then as a continued servant to the wellbeing of the Multiverse?"
The Watcher paused for a moment, considering. "Alright God of Stories, I swear to warn you of any threats to those you hold dear." 
Loki’s shoulders sagged with relief. “Thank you,” he whispered solemnly. The Watcher nodded once before fading away.
The weight of ensuing silence was palpable. Deciding it had stretched on for long enough, Mobius voiced what they were all likely thinking. "Where to now?" 
He had no idea where Loki would want to go. Back to the TVA? Likely not, and since his original timeline had been pruned, it left no obvious options. Mobius guessed Loki must have been having a similar train of thought, seeing as he was shifting uneasily under Mobius’s gaze. "I'm… not sure," he admitted eventually.
"Not to worry Brother, I know a place," Thor responded easily, resting a hand on Loki's shoulder. The latter's green eyes glanced toward Mobius and Sylvie. Tuned into Loki’s every move, Thor added, "Sylvie and Mobius would be more than welcome there as well." Mobius felt a pressure in his chest ease.
"Alright then, where to?" asked Sylvie, pulling out her TemPad.
"New Asgard."
Hello everyone! I'm so sorry that the wait for this chapter was a lot longer than expected, I underestimated how chaotic my transition back to classes would be. From here on out, I'm estimating that I can get a new chapter out around every 2 weeks.
Loki's officially back! I hope I did the reunion justice. I figured it would be hard for him to accept that there was another way to keep the Multiverse protected after all he went through in episode 6.
I decided to use capital-M Multiverse when Loki and the Watcher were talking about it to demonstrate their knowledge and reverence for it. As Loki mentions, he sees himself as a "servant to the wellbeing of the Multiverse." Everyone else uses lowercase-m multiverse because it is still a semi-abstract concept for them. They know it's the result of the timelines being freed, but that's pretty much the extent of their understanding.
I went with capital-G God for referring to Loki because I was inspired by Loki Head Writer Eric Martin saying "We wanted to truly have him step up from lowercase-G god to capital-G God." Loki definitely deserves the promotion 😅
If you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist at any point, please leave a comment or send me a message :)
@loopsisloops @muddyorbsblr @superficialdomina @infinitystoner @unlucky-number-13
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squids-comics · 9 months
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So I just finished Loki, and I think I know where the MCU is going. This is going to sound like a wild conspiracy theory, but if it happens, Avengers 5 and 6 will make Endgame look tiny in comparison.
Spoilers ahead for any and all Kang related developments, as well as some Spider-Man stuff.
The groundwork so far:
Loki season one ended with the reveal of He Who Remains, a variant of Kang the Conqueror who stopped all the other Kang variants from existing by erasing the multiverse. He did this to prevent a war between the Kang variants that would cause all universes to explode or something. Ominous and spooky!
He dies and the multiverse happens, meaning the Kang war is going to happen, and it's going to happen soon.
Then Spider-Man no way home happened and Spidey and Dr Strange messed around in the multiverse. We'll come back to this.
Now I thought the show What If? was supposed to offer a teaser for the Kang War.
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For those of you who skipped it, What If? takes us on a trip through the multiverse, showing us new takes on beloved characters. These included Peggy Carter but as a super soldier, Dr Strange but as an eldritch horror, and Thor but as a frat bro.
I figured the Kang War would follow our typical MCU cast that we all know and love and then these guys swoop in and help stop the bad guys in a big climactic moment, like the "on your left" in Endgame. I don't think that's the case anymore. And it's all thanks to one small line of dialogue at the very end of Loki season 2.
At the very end of Loki season 2, the TVA is restructured to be on the lookout for variants of Kang. One of the workers said a variant was sighted near the 616 branch. That is the single line that made everything click.
For those unaware (like I was when I first heard the line, I did a bit of research before writing all this out!), the MCU used to be branch 199999 of the multiverse, but has recently been renamed to branch 616. 616 is also the branch of the main comic universe, which essentially separates the two multiverses indefinitely. But that is actually a genius move, one that lets the films build their own multiverse without needing to worry about prior lore from the comics. And What If? is only a small sampling of what that multiverse has to offer.
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No Way Home! I told you we'd come back to it. This one film has been the biggest project to flesh out the MCU multiverse. We all thought it was fan service, but we couldn't see the big picture yet.
The climax of the film involves the Spider-Man from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films and the Spider-Man from the Amazing Spider-Man films coming into the MCU 616 universe to help MCU Spidey fight his villains. This explicitly connects these three franchises into the same multiverse! But it doesn't stop there! The end credits scene (as well as Morbius' end credits scene) connected it to Sony's Venom-verse! That's four franchises that the Kang War can pull from, but it's going to be even bigger!!
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There's one small throwaway line in Across the Spider-Verse that connects the Spider-Verse films to the MCU. Miguel O'Hara complains about the various things going wrong across the Spider-Verse, including "Dr Strange and that nerdy kid from Earth 199999". Earth 199999 is the old name for the MCU. Miguel is upset over the events of No Way Home.
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We could see some (or all) of these Spideys could show up in the Kang War. Tell me that wouldn't be way cooler than anything Endgame did!
I don't think it will stop there either! I remember one project really stood out to me when they were announcing their phase five and six plans for the MCU.
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The first X-Men project in the MCU, and it's a continuation of a thirty year old cartoon. Plus, they greenlit it for a second season before the first was even released. X-Men are the fourth best selling single issue comic series of all time (behind Spider-Man, Batman, and Superman), making them a huge IP. Making their first project in the MCU something as niche as this feels like a slight misstep. Unless, this project is aiming to tie the original cartoon into the multiverse, letting these versions of the X-Men fight in the Kang War. I guess we'll find out when the show debuts in a few months.
There's also one more thing that they could possibly tie in, that I don't think they will.
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I don't think they'll actually do it, but it would be really really funny if they did.
(Also Insomniac's Spider-Man games complicate this whole thing a lot, but I've already wrote way too much so I'll cover that in a future post if this one does well)
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beheworthy · 11 months
You know, I've put up with a lot when it comes to Thor.
They gouged his eye out. Broke him up with Jane for no reason. Made him a depressed alcoholic and laughed at his weight. Snatched kingship from him for no reason.
They ruined him in a new way seemingly permanently at the end of every film, yet I showed up for his next film first day first show because I had hope.
But what they've done this time - snatching Jane away from him and giving this rando kid as A PRIZE/SOLUTION FOR JANE - has just knocked the wind out of my sails.
For the first time in the 10 years of following his story, I genuinely don't want to see him again. Because it will be one of the two scenarios whenever he shows up next: they'll either age her up and the whole thing will be about how much better the new generation is while he's a bumbling buffoon (even more than he already is made). Or it will be this same dynamic where she's bullying him/being an annoying brat but it's presented as "cute uwu".
And it makes me so mad. There's just nowhere to go with this character weighing him down at all times now.
It's been over a year and I've still not been able to make peace with it. Probably because during the past screwups, his next outing was always announced. So, I knew I'd see him again and it will somehow fix the mess of the previous one. But this time, it's been over a year and no next outing is announced. So we don't know how we will see him again. That's just adding to my anxiety.
I see rumors that Thor might show up in the last two episodes of Loki Season 2. Captain Marvel's sequel teased someone coming to her via Bifrost in one of its trailer. Thor could show up in these and I just don't want it because that kid will be stuck to him everywhere he goes.
The fact that fans have rejected this character gives me hope that Marvel might retcon her the way they're scrapping whatever that doesn't work left right and center.
But as it stands, they've ruined my favorite character in such a final way that I just don't know what to do now. :(
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magnusmodig · 2 months
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╰┈➤ 🔥 + brodinsons relationship (how it is portrayed either in canon or fan-portrayals, you pick)
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||. I don't have many bad things to say about brodinsons in canon, that is for absolute sure. At least, I don't as far as 2011-2013 brodinsons goes. And Infinity War brodinsons. That said, I do have some nitpicks with Gag//na.rok's version of the brothers– which boils down to that they are not the same dynamic as expressed in the original three films. (Yes, I do count AVENGERS as the 2nd brodinsons film, bite me.)
As far as canon goes, Gag//na.rok does a couple of things wrong, but off the cuff the first thing that burns my biscuits is the bold claim that Loki has always had a habit of physically assaulting Thor for funzies. What started off as an improv by Ch//ri.s became a meme throughout the MCU fandom, and then from there a fanon with the brothers. It's a funny gag, I will give it that, genuinely. I chuckled when I first saw it. But having done such deep dives into both brothers in preparation for this blog in particular, I can say with absolute certainty that there is no way in hell that Loki was ever going around hurting Thor for the heck of it and I can prove it with not one but TWO meta. The first and ONLY time that Thor gets stabbed by Loki is during AVENGERS at the top of Stark Tower, and it was deliberately done on Loki's end. Thor actively stumbles out of surprise and shock that he was just harmed by his own brother— someone he once fully believed he could trust to the world's end, and whom he cherishes deeply, mind you— and is so disturbed by Loki's action that he is continues to stumble and stagger after the fact. Not because the dagger did any lasting damage to Thor (although it did draw blood, which is part of the point I'm about to elaborate on), but because it was his brother's hand who dealt the blow, and the stab itself was a symbolic gesture of severing sentiment.
(Also, because I'm sure some people will assume I'm miscounting, no Loki does not stab Thor during the Svartfalheim heist in THOR: THE DARK WORLD. It is an illusion from every moment onward after Thor and Loki share the following lines: L: You still don't trust me, brother? T: Would you? L: No, I wouldn't. Everything after that, from the moment Loki pulls out his dagger, was a ruse that both brothers were actively engaged in and had consented to. At no point is Thor caught off guard by Loki's theatrics, because the entire scene features the brothers attempting to trick Malekith (which they succeed in) to destroy the Aether (which they do not succeed in). If anything, I would go so far as to personally suggest that the brothers had designed equally elaborate schemes in the past that included similar theatrics, given the ease with which they pull this ruse off. And I say that with confidence because it is plenty clear that the brothers interactions, from the moment that Loki is released from the prison cell, and including the entirety of the escape on the Dark Elf ship, harkens back to a time long before the brothers had experienced their falling out. THOR: THE DARK WORLD does its job in showing us that the brothers, despite everything, still work well together, and they share an innate chemistry and brotherly bickering during their various adventures, including the quest to rid Jane of the Aether.)
To review the actual scene in question, I have gathered screenshots from the movie (and timestamps.)
It's important to remember 1 key detail about the brothers, and 1 key scene that ties into the moment of the Avengers tower, and that is the cliff scene, and that the brothers mostly talk in subtext.
Yes, they are talking about the overall Chutari invasion that Loki is spearheading in New York City at the exact moment in the context of which they are speaking to one another...
TO THAT END, I need to establish one other key component to fully understand the true weight behind their dynamic:
Thor and Loki's feud throughout this film has nothing to do with Earth, the threat to Earth and very rarely ever is outside of purely objective, logistical potential for harm and intergalactic war.
It's what sets Thor apart from the other Avengers from start to finish; it is what makes him the outsider. The other Avengers consider Loki an enemy. Some of them even hate him. Thor does not. He actively defends Loki and clearly loves him dearly. ("[Loki's] brain is a bag full of cats. You can smell crazy on him. / "Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard, and he is my brother." 00:53:37-00:53:47) The other Avengers see Loki and other aliens as a threat to humanity to be warded off. Thor, the resident alien of the group, obviously is testament to the polar opposite of that hot take, says as much. He knows that Loki is currently acting as the rare exception, not the rule. ("Why is S.H.I.E.L.D. building weapons of mass destruction? / "Because of people like him." / "Me? [...] My people want nothing but peace with your planet.")
There is ALSO the entirety of their opening scene together to keep in mind before I go through the Stark Tower conversation:
THE CLIFF SCENE (00:44:44-00:47:07)
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T: I thought you dead. (in reference to Loki tossing himself into a black hole at the end of "THOR") L: Did you mourn?
THESE LINES IN PARTICULAR set the tone for the entire conversation. Please keep in mind that this is their first conversation since their falling out, and while I can't go into every facet of the emotional damage done to the bond between the two brothers (and especially the trauma done to Thor...), what I will say is this: the last time that Thor saw Loki was when Loki threw himself into the abyss of space to be torn apart by a black hole, and this was done RIGHT IN FRONT OF THOR'S OWN EYES after an equally traumatic banishment experience. There are A LOT of emotions going on there, and it's easy to forget that in place of much of Loki's dialogue in this scene, and for the reason I'm going to highlight right below.
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T: We all did. (subtext: I did [note: Loki doesn't catch the subtext.])
This is when the brothers slip from literal meaning and into subtext, and begin to bob and weave between the two. It all starts with Thor's inability (or unwillingness, depending on how you want to read it) to speak his heart plainly to his brother. Loki asks "did you mourn [me]?", and Thor diverts from "I" (personal) did, to "We" (impersonal) did. He is actively distancing himself from the topic of grief and the mourning he experienced after Loki's "death"... but it's about as close as Thor will ever get to admitting that he, personally, mourned for Loki, and mourned deeply for him.
He then attempts to continue the distancing/deflecting with the following line, although we don't know what he was going to say to finish the sentence.
T: Our father—
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L: (interrupting) —YOUR. father.
Loki interrupting this is rooted in his personal grievances towards Odin. These are grievances I will not be touching on for the length of this meta as they are virtually irrelevant to the topic at hand. Just know that in interrupting Thor here, he does rob Thor of his ability to continue to distance himself from the situation... but he also robs Thor of his ability to express whatever he might have expressed about his grieving if he had been allowed to continue.
Either way:
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T: We grew up together. We played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?
Thor and Loki, despite being masters of speaking in subtext, have a shared habit of taking one another literally. When Loki says "I am not your brother" / "Odin is your father", Thor is taking Loki's meaning as something akin to "I am disowning you, Thor Odinson, very specifically, and I want nothing to do with you." As you can imagine this is an extraordinarily painful thing to hear, especially when BOTH BROTHERS were lied to about Loki's blood heritage for their whole lives, and Thor actually found out much later than Loki.
The most important thing to keep in mind here is that Thor is defending their bond as brothers. In that way, he is also defending the love they share. They grew up together. They played together. They fought together. They loved each other, because they were - and still are - brothers. Does that mean nothing to Loki? THAT is what Thor is asking here.
Loki is ... a prat and a dollop-head in this scene. I'll save a full scale line-by line + 2011 context meta for another time, but it's also worth nothing that thunder strikes multiple times throughout the length of this conversation and they are at the following intervals:
L: He did tell you my true parentage, did he not? (thunder rumbles. aka: yes, he did.) L: I remember you tossing me into an abyss (thunder rumbles. The thunder continues during:) T: So you take the world as recompense for your imagined slights? (aka: Thor is taking Loki's words to literally mean the black hole, instead of Loki's jealousy being 'an abyss'.) L: And you are doing a marvelous job of [protecting the humans and Earth] (Loki is taking a pot shot at Thor's insecurity of being a worthy, protector king here. Maybe I'll talka bout it in another meta...) L: I have grown, ODINSON! (Thunder rumbles. Loki is yet again distancing himself from Thor as a brother.)
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T: You give up the tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream!
The brothers continue their argument. Notably, they are still talking to each other straight and without subtext with these lines. (For the uninitiated, they're arguing about being worthy to be king and what that entails which... is an entire meta that I really should discuss at some point...)
Thor then weaves the literal into the subtext of the conversation that Loki has been avoiding this entire time, which is their bond, their brotherhood, and Thor's grief.
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T: You come home. (subtext: with/to me.)
Thor does NOT plead. He does not beg for anything, to anyone. Still here he is, pleading with his brother to come home. Why? Because Thor wants him to come home. THOR misses him. THOR wants him back. This is his heart's desire, and Thor is FINALLY making this conversation expressly about himself - about THEM - even if he doesn't say what's unspoken.
You, my brother, come home to me.
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This time, Loki DOES catch the subtext. He understands. It's why he is so, SO silent here; it's why he stares the way he does. He wasn't expecting Thor to plead with him over sentiment. He certainly wasn't expecting Thor to care enough to want him back.
So, this time, Loki pivots. Loki turns it into something far outside of himself. Loki makes it impersonal.
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L: (about tesseract) I don't have it. (subtext: I won't/can't come home to you.)
Loki rejects him, and Thor understands Loki's meaning, but he misunderstands that from Loki's perspective, he feels himself far too neck deep into his own ambitions to turn tail now. It would be a disgrace on his honor, and Loki does not believe that he is truly welcome back, no matter what Thor says.
This all fuels the TOWER SCENE later on. (1:46:52-1:47:42)
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T: You think this madness will end with your rule?
One again, the brothers are in conflict, and there is a literal text and a subtext. Overtly, they are speaking about the Chutari invasion and Loki's part to play in it, but make no mistake in believing that that's what this conversation is about. It is STILL about coming home, and it is still about them and their bond, because while Thor is fighting for Earth's safety.... I really do believe he's fighting for his brother even more than that. (yet another meta for future vi to worry about... Thor, bless him, is not an impartial being and he can't surrender his personal attachments for any cause. It's his most selfish trait, and his greatest strength but I digress.)
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L: It's too late! (subtext: it's too late for us/for me [to go home to you].) L: (resigned) It's too late to stop it.
Remember that their conversation at the Stark Tower is a direct continuation of their conversation on the cliff. So when Loki says "it's too late", he isn't just talking about the invasion. He can stop that if he tries to. If anyone can, it's Loki, the greatest sorcerer in all of Asgard. Loki means it's too late for them. It's too late for HIM. It's too late for him to come home after everything he has done up to this point. (I'd imagine he may also be talking about the events of 2011 but that's neither here nor there.)
As you can see from Thor's expression, Thor is in tune with Loki's true meaning. He knows Loki is talking about himself. Hence:
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T: No. We can. Together. (subtext: No it isn't too late for us. I want you to come home.)
We can fix this. We can go home, together. It is not too late for us. You can still give up this poisonous dream. I still want you to come home.
There's a long pause in which Loki stares at Thor exactly like on the cliff, and then he gives a weak smile and that is when Loki stabs Thor in the abdomen with a tiny dagger. It's enough to make Thor stagger, because Thor isn't expecting it. Thor is reaching out with arms wide open towards his prodigal brother, and once again, Loki rejects him. And to make it clear that Loki truly believes it's too late for him (something even he deeply regrets, btw. He's crying in this scene.), Loki does the one thing that he has NEVER done, and draws Thor's blood in combat. He actually WOUNDS him, and he does it by his own hand.
This is not something he had done before. Ever. Period. In THOR (2011), they sparred, but Loki was not going out of his way to actually harm Thor. (If anything he was trying to goad Thor to harm him.) And when Loki snapped Thor's neck with the Destroyer, nearly killing him, that was not done by Loki's own, personal hand, physically and in person. It's also possible that Loki wasn't actually intending to kill Thor with the Destroyer, especially given even Thor forgets his own limitations as a mortal being.
BUT THIS? This was deliberate. This was personal. This was done entirely by Loki's own hand, of his own volition, and in a way that neither he nor Thor can ever take back or pretend was a mistake.
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L: Sentiment.
And so in this way, Loki is trying to rid himself of his sentiment; his lingering love for his family and especially his brother. And, in another way, he's likewise telling Thor that his sentiment won't save Loki; all that they share, all that love, all that sentiment is worthless. Because in Loki's eyes there is no saving Loki.
Loki can't go home to his family, he has fallen too far. (and yet, he still loves them; he too is filled with sentiment.)
T: You give up the tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream! You come home. L: I don't have it.
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^^^ A screenshot of Thor's reaction to the dagger in question. It's small, it clearly does very little to Thor. It barely has any blood on it, but it did draw blood nonetheless, because Loki can get close to Thor, Loki knows Thor's weaknesses, and Loki knows Thor's sentiment.
It is after Thor throws this dagger - this manifestation of their bond's slow disintegration - onto the floor of the tower that Thor finally commits to protecting Earth as his number one priority... even if doing so and ignoring his sentiment continues to pain him and cripple him greatly.
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Thor stumbles (1:50:25-1:50:40)
He isn't stumbling and staggering because the dagger did damage to him. He's stumbling and staggering because of who did it, and how much that person means to him. Thor has been betrayed, his heart has been broken, and while he knows without a doubt that he must stand against Loki and beside the Avengers to keep Earth safe from his own loved one... it comes at a great cost: sentiment.
This is also why the quintessential Avengers circling shot ONLY happens after Thor has the Tower moment with Loki, because then and ONLY THEN is Thor actually on the same page as the rest of the Avengers.
So, no. I don't think that Loki would have ever in a million years have stabbed Thor before that point. Not for a joke save the (apparently canonical now...) one time, and certainly not as much as fanon likes to say he would have. Thor trusts Loki implicitly. Loki is the only person in their Asgardian group who can effectively and consistently rein Thor's impulses in. They are a perfect match for each other; two sides of one coin. And Loki's betrayal would not mean as much to Thor in this scene if Loki had ever caused Thor physical harm (meaning: enough to draw blood) before AVENGERS' Tower Scene.
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goredollanganger · 4 months
Lore Olympus fans,
I heard Lore Olympus is ending soon! And Y'all may want more Greek mythos in modern day! I got yah!
I'm writing a book about the Greek theoi set in modern day Greece, except no civilization ever fell due to colonization, so things like Rome, modern Europe, or the modern Americas don't exist.
I introduce g_ds and spirits from other civilizations who also now live in a modern world with modern laws. You meet Jesus, Al-lat (Allah's g_ddess daughter from the indigenous Arabic religion), Allah, Ogun, Sosondowah, Gendewitha, White Buffalo Woman, Loki, Thor, Benten, Shiva, and others!
I discuss topics about Ancient Greece. I talk about pederasty, the sexism women faces, slavery, the shame men who were the bottom in a male relationship are made to feel, lesphobia.
I have spent years studying to write this book. I've been planning this book since middle school.
I don't water down the fact they are all related, I have the Greek theoi talk about the trauma of being written to sleep your parent. I don't make the Greek religion into a fairy tale. I recognize the Greeks worshiped their theoi as g_ds. I recognize that every deity you meet (either be a theoi, a g_d, a spirit, a force of nature, etc) is a higher being and that people worship them in their own ways.
See yah soon!
Gore <3
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bookwormcosplays · 6 months
Apparently, I watched phase one of marvel so now we're onto phase two. Let's go!
Iron Man 3: Oh Stark is a jerk. We already knew this, but like that really is a low blow to go out of your way to tell someone you're going to do something then not do it. Not from personal experience of course... *sighs* I enjoyed this. I really did. Way better than the first movie, but I think I like it a smidge better than the sequel. I prefer the sequel'a villain though because it felt more valid. But also if someone left me on the roof, I would want to fight them too. I don't like the arc reactor being taken away. I know this universe continues and I felt like the arc reactor protected him against Loki. I don't know. Also the kid, I really liked him. When kids are in movies, I tense up because it'll either be done really well or really bad. In this case, the boy acted his little heart out. Onto the next movie!
Thor The Dark World: BORING. SNOOZEFEST. I really tried here guys. I watched the movie. Sure the realms lore and the antagonists are interesting I guess, but Thor and his story is just boring. If Taika "ruined the Thor franchise" with the newest Thor film, it has to be the worst movie ever written. This one and the first are the only ones I've actively disliked so far.
Captain America Winter Soldier: Okay we should be back in the good world. Maybe I'll understand the bucky x steve ship with this one. I have higher hope for this because generally after a boring one Marvel gives you a good movie. This is where the "you know me" "no I don't" meme comes from??? I liked this one a lot. This is better than all the Iron Man movies and Avengers. This is really good. I didn't expect much since I wasn't really a fan of the first film, but this had me immersed from beginning to end. I expected Captain America to be reunited with his old friend Bucky so it was interesting that didn't happen. I'm excited about the twins! I'm thinking... It's someone that has become popular in these last couple of years. But don't tell me!
Guardians of the Galaxy: Yeah I'm not wasting my time on this one
Avengers Age of Ultron: I just really HATE that they feel the need to make a romance film out of everything. I want superheroes. Not everyone needs to be in a relationship. Give it a break. But I'm enjoying the philosophical questions this movie is breaking. Also at first, I felt like the characters were flat now I'm starting to see their dimensions. The twins were interesting characters and the stark weapons showed up again. This is what I talk about when people apologize for their actions. Yes you can genuinely feel sorry, but your actions still affected people in real life at the end of the day. You can't blame anyone for the grudges they hold or the lack of forgiveness when they were negatively affected by you. I liked the antagonist in this one and also his death was pretty cool (some of the villains deaths were kinda corny ngl). Not my favorite of the avengers movie mostly because of the whole relationship thing that took up too much of the movie in my opinion especially when I didn't care. Also the "fine I'll do it myself" meme!
Ant Man: Skipping this one too for now
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