#if you get the urge to put your house up on chicken legs or eat small children that's no fault of your own.
waffliesinyoface · 10 months
was thinking more about youkai-ification while in the shower, and you know what's the best part of it, IMO?
not realizing it's happening.
it starts off with small subtle personality changes, which could be noticeable to any of your friends, but to you? it's so slow that for you it's just your new normal. you've always been like this, right?
you don't notice that anything is different until one day when you look in the mirror and realize that your eyes haven't always been red.
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what else might have changed? can you even tell?
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hayakawalove · 5 months
Survival Skills
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Summary: Suguru has to go on a business trip, leaving you and Satoru to fend for yourselves. Will you be able to? A/N: I really really like this fic. I thought the idea of you and Gojo trying to figure out how to manage without Suguru would be very funny. I doubt Suguru minds caring for either of you, my whole thing about him is that he needs to be needed. Comments always appreciated!
CW: SFW, Fluff, Polyamory, Food, Teasing, Humor, Comfort, Light Angst, Suggestive Joke, Very Mild Infidelity Joke, Gender Neutral Reader, They/Them Reader W/C: 6,697
Credit to Benkeibear for the banner
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“Alright, I made some garden pasta for the both of you. It’s in the fridge. I also left out some recipes in case you guys go through that fast.” 
You stand next to the door, staring up at Suguru as he lists off the food he had left for you and Satoru. He was such a worrier, if you didn’t know any better you would think Suguru thought the both of you might starve the second he left. 
On second thought, you might. 
“Thank you Suguru-“ you start. 
“And I left some chicken in the fridge for tonight’s dinner. It just needs to be cooked, I already marinated it, it's that one you liked from-“ He interrupts you, his lips twisted in a frown. 
“-Thank you, Suguru.” You grab him by the arms, holding him firmly as you cut him off. 
Suguru stops talking, no doubt getting the message. You had been trying to get him out the door for thirty minutes now, you were certain the taxi driver outside was nearly losing his mind. 
Suguru peeks over your head, sliding past you to walk towards Satoru. He was laying on the couch, his long limbs hanging over the edge. You really should get a bigger couch. 
Suguru leans down and places a kiss on Satoru’s lips, almost melting down when Satoru lifts a hand up to hold the back of his head. The sight almost brings you to your knees. 
“Do you really have to go?” Satoru asks when Suguru peels himself off. 
Suguru hums before squeezing Satoru’s shoulder, turning around to face you once more. 
“Are you sure you guys are going to be okay?” Worry is etched into his face. 
“Yes, mom. We'll be fine.” You reassure him, even though the words feel hollow. 
Would you be fine? You and Satoru were grown adults, fully capable of handling yourselves. 
“If Satoru got an extra kiss, I want one too.” 
Suguru’s face relaxes into a smile as he leans down, placing a gentle hand on your cheek. His lips slip perfectly between yours. You have to fight the urge to drag him back inside. 
A horn sounds out, breaking the tender moment.The cab was still waiting. 
“Okay. Text me if you need anything.” Suguru speaks, punctuating each word with a kiss. 
The overt signs of affection soothe your nerves the slightest bit. Everything would be fine. And you wouldn’t be completely alone. Satoru would be here with you.
Your fingers tremble as you close the door behind Suguru, and an unnerving silence begins to take hold of your residence. It wouldn’t be silent for long though, not when you had Satoru in the house. 
“So what do you wanna do now? We could throw a rager and party till the cops show up.” Satoru proposes. 
You snort and drag your feet away from the door, bringing yourself to the couch. 
“We would need to have friends to do that, Satoru.” 
“Wh- I have friends, don’t know about you though.” 
You roll your eyes while he snickers to himself. Your foot nudges his leg, and he clicks his tongue. You wouldn’t throw a party, although the noise and commotion would have been greatly appreciated. 
“Come on, why don’t we eat some of the leftovers Suguru made and put something on.” 
Satoru sighs dramatically at your denial of a party before sitting up. 
You dish out two bowls of garden pasta for the two of you, your stomach rumbling at the mere sight of Suguru’s cooking. Satoru puts on your favorite show while the two of you start to eat. The food tasted amazing, like always. When Suguru first entered your life, you were sure that eventually you would get used to his cooking, but no. It amazed you every single time you had it. 
At first, it was sort of nice having some extra personal time with Satoru. Being in a polyamorous relationship could be difficult at times, trying to navigate the best way to divide your attention. With Suguru on a business trip, the two of you were able to spend some much needed time together. You even noticed that Satoru clung onto you a little more when you slept, no longer having to share you with Suguru. 
When you wake up in the morning, the bed is decidedly more cold than it was the previous day. You turn your head to the right, Suguru’s designated spot, only to be met with air. You feel a heavy weight against you, long limbs tangled in yours. Satoru. His arm is thrown across your body while his bottom half is laying on top of you, his legs on yours. It was suffocating. But it was just what you needed with the lack of Suguru. 
You close your eyes and focus on Satoru’s breathing. It's a steady pattern, one that could lull you back to sleep if you weren’t careful. It was the weekend so realistically, you and Satoru could stay in bed all day if you wanted to. The idea sounded nice, but you needed something first. 
You jostle your legs, causing Satoru to grumble. You pinch his arm and he yelps, squeezing you tighter. 
“I know you’re awake, Satoru.” 
“No I'm not.” He responds, voice devoid of any sleepiness. 
“I'm hungry,” you whine “you should make us crepes. Suguru left the recipe.” 
Satoru’s eyes flick open and you’re almost startled by the blue looking at you. His hair was ruffled, an adorable look on him. 
“Why don't you make it?” 
The two of you could go back and forth for hours; this was why it was good to have Suguru there to cook. 
“Because I just woke up, I’ll make dinner when we run out of leftovers.” 
Satoru thinks for a moment, before dramatically groaning, pushing himself up. He’s wearing a loose white shirt with black pants, and he looks so cozy you almost felt bad for making him get up. You did need to eat though, and so did he. 
You trudge after him, plopping on a stool at the bar as you watch him navigate the kitchen. He looks confident, like he belongs there, even though you know damn well he hasn’t cooked a thing since Suguru walked into his life. 
You're telling him about your dream as he holds a mixing bowl, leaning his back against the counter as he listens to you while stirring the crepe batter. You decide on Nutella and strawberries for the fillings, the mere thought of it making your mouth water. 
“And then when we left the house, you got struck by lightning-“ you’re talking before he interrupts you. 
“Hah? You killed me off in your dream?” His eyebrows are touching his hairline, looking the slightest bit offended. 
“I can't control my dreams! You can't either. Remember when you had that spicy dream about-“ 
He rushes to cut you off, not wanting to be reminded of it. You weren’t sure why he told you stuff, he knew you would just tease him after. It wasn’t like he was any better. 
“Okay okay, point taken. Kill off Suguru next time though, yeah?” He turns around, and starts to pour the batter into a pan to cook. 
“Duly noted.” You remark, picking up a strawberry to pop into your mouth. 
Satoru faces you again as the crepe cooks, his fingers tapping his arm. He looked impatient. He usually was. You drag your eyes down his body before bringing them back up to his face, where you notice he's already staring at you. 
“See something you like?” He comments, a cocky grin on his face. 
“I do, you wanna go out some time? My boyfriends not home.” 
Satoru chuckles and walks towards the bar, leaning over in front of you. 
He reaches across it and grabs your hand, turning it over until your palm is facing up. He looks calculated as he stares down, running his thumb over the skin, light enough it almost tickles. A small smirk appears on his lips once he sees you squirming out of the corner of his eyes. 
“Wanna play rock paper scissors on who has to do the dishes?” You ask. 
He flicks his blue eyes up to you. 
“I’m cooking, why don’t you do dishes?” 
“Oh, so you’re afraid of losing.” You prod, knowing you’ll get a reaction. 
Satoru sneers and stands up straight with his hand out. You reach out too, noticing the size difference of your fists. 
“Ready?” You wait a moment. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot-“ 
You lay your hand flat while he keeps his in a fist. Satoru’s brows furrow while you grin. His lips twitch while he looks up at you and pouts, always a sore loser. 
“Two out of three?” He proposes, already getting his hand ready for the next round.
You jokingly roll your eyes and set your hand out again. Satoru’s looking at you intently, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth, eyes wide as if he could predict your next move. 
He was able to, apparently. 
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot-“ 
You put down scissors, and his hand is formed into a rock. Satoru cackles and taps your scissors, happy with himself. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself pretty boy, there’s still one round left.” 
The two of you get into position for the final game. There’s a distinct smell floating over to your nose, and you crinkle it as you look over Satoru’s shoulder. 
“Satoru, I think it’s burning-“ 
“Yeah yeah hold on, let’s go.” Satoru’s in the zone. 
You shrug and straighten in your seat. 
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot-“ you recite. 
You put down scissors and he puts down paper. You chuckle as you snip at his hand. He juts his lip out as he grieves his loss, and you almost feel bad. The smell is getting stronger now, and Satoru’s finally picking up on it. 
“Oh, shit- why didn’t you tell me it was burning?” He turns around and fumbles, rushing over to the burner. 
You give him a deadpan stare, shoving another strawberry in your mouth. 
“Gotta cook, gotta clean, gotta do everything around here.” Satoru’s mumbling under his breath. 
“I know, you’re like Suguru.” 
Satoru dumps the burnt crepe in the trash before turning around, pouring more batter in the pan. You watch him from behind as he cooks, his hip popping to the side as he rests a hand on it, tapping his foot as he waits for the crepe. The sight was borderline mouthwatering. 
Once the crepes are finished, Satoru sits next to you as the two of you decorate them, slathering the chocolate spread on and placing strawberries neatly down. While he burned the first one, all the others turned out perfect. Leave it to Satoru to be good at something. He groans in satisfaction as he takes a bite of his. 
Breakfast was good, decidedly so, but there was something missing as you ate. Or rather, someone was missing. 
You lay on your stomach on your bed as you gaze at your phone. You were calling Suguru, hoping to catch a glimpse of him before you went to bed. 
The phone flashes the second he answers and your head perks up. 
“Hey baby.”
Your heart falters at the sound of his silky tone. 
“How was your day?” He asks. 
He’s lying in a hotel bed, dark circles beneath his eyes as he watches your face. The sight hurts you. He’s made an off-handed comment before that he didn’t sleep well without you and Satoru. Your fingers twitch with the need to reach through the screen to grab him. 
“It was okay, how was yours?” 
“It was alright. Nothing interesting has happened yet,” he pauses and his eyes flick down before he brings them back up to you. “Wish I was home though.” 
“Do you?” You tease, your teeth digging into your cheek. 
“I do. It's a bit weird. I haven’t had this much alone time since Satoru got the stomach flu in school, and even then he was calling me every hour to baby him.” 
You let out a laugh. 
Suguru gets up from his bed and carries the phone with him. It looks like he’s in the bathroom now, you can tell with the shower curtains behind him. He’s shirtless with a pair of pajama pants on, they were red plaid that hung low on his waist. It was a Christmas gift you had gotten him several years ago. Even though he was far away, there was still evidence of your love on his body. 
Suguru sets you on the counter, digging his teeth in the hair tie around his wrist. It hangs from his mouth as his hands comb through his hair, putting it into a bun. You’re mesmerized as you watch the action. 
“Satoru tried making your crepes earlier.” You comment, watching Suguru. 
He hums to prove he’s listening, as he stares into the mirror. You watch his tight stomach as he washes his hands, leaning forward to pull out his contacts. 
“They turned out okay. The second batch anyway. The first batch he got distracted and almost burnt the house down.” 
Suguru blinks a couple times before looking down at you, his eyes squinting. 
“I’m kidding! Well, kind of. We were playing rock paper scissors and he was losing, so he was distracted and the first one burnt. I won by the way.” 
Suguru lifts up his phone and carries you back to the bed, sitting down and sliding on his glasses. He always thought he looked the worst at bedtime, unpresentable he said, but you always thought it was when he looked best. 
“Oh hey, you talking to Suguru?” Satoru enters the bedroom and asks, flopping down. 
He inches up the bed, and lays on top of you, pushing his weight on your back while he grabs the phone, pointing it towards him. 
“You miss us so much you just had to call?” Satoru says lightly. 
“Sure, Satoru.” Suguru’s face softens as he watches him. 
“Did they tell you that I won rock paper scissors?” Satoru goes on. 
You wiggle beneath him, trying to distribute his weight. Fruitless effort. 
“No, they didn’t. They did tell me that they won, though.” 
Satoru plasters on a shocked face and uses his other hand to push your face down towards the bed. You chuckle beneath him, poking your head up again. 
“I’m being bullied in your absence, you know.” Satoru tells Suguru. 
“Well, someone has to keep you in line.” 
You giggle beneath Satoru. It was true. Someone had to manage Satoru while Suguru was gone. 
“I have to head to bed, got an early day tomorrow. I love you both.” Suguru says, and you can tell he really doesn’t want to hang up. 
“Okay… I love you!” You try to make your voice cheery. 
“I love you more!” Satoru almost yells. 
The two of you smile at the camera until Suguru clicks off. You try not to let the silence get to you. 
The next several days were relatively harmless. Suguru called every day, sometimes multiple times if he had the time. You finally ran out of the garden pasta and chicken leftovers, much to your chagrin. Satoru had eaten more than you thought he would. It was because he told you he thought the two tupperware were his, and that there were two others in the fridge for you. When he overheard Suguru saying he put leftovers for the both of you in the fridge, he took that as there was a container for each of you. 
There wasn’t. 
So here you are. 
You end up driving to the store as Satoru was a self proclaimed Passenger Princess. He talked to you the whole time while shuffling through his playlist. 
When the two of you arrive, Satoru makes a beeline to the carts. His lanky figure hunches over as he pushes it, walking at a much slower pace to keep up with you. Satoru and Suguru usually walked extremely fast, given their freakishly long legs. 
And they made fun of you for being slow. 
Satoru always offered to give you piggy back rides, but you only made that mistake once. You were green in the face once he finished, sick for the rest of the day. 
“What’s on the list?” Satoru asks, eyes trailing over the shelves.
You look down at the paper in front of you, carefully reading Suguru’s neat handwriting. 
“Beef, noodles, broccoli, ginger, and green onion.” You read off. 
You link your arm around Satoru’s (he wasn’t the only one who was feeling extra needy while Suguru was gone). Satoru’s arm is thick and hard underneath yours, the result of working out daily for years. Calling it mere eye candy would be gross negligence. 
The two of you had gotten everything on the list, save for the noodles. You were debating in the middle of the aisle between two different packs. 
“Why can’t we just get that one? Comes with more.” Satoru says, pointing to the package in your right hand. It was twice the size of the other one. 
“Cause it’s not the brand Suguru wrote down.” You respond, eyes flicking back and forth. 
It would be nice to have extra, but still… 
“They’re both noodles.” Satoru remarks. 
“Do you want it to taste like Suguru’s?” 
You take Satoru’s silence as an answer, stuffing the larger package back on the shelf. Honestly, you didn’t really see the need to get the specific brand either. But Suguru was meticulous, and you decided you would be too, in his stead. 
You throw the noodles in the cart, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction flow through you. See? You didn’t need Suguru to function. You normally did shopping with him anyway, but you tended to just talk his ear off the whole time while he picked out what he needed. He liked the company, he said. 
When you turn around, you see Satoru shifting everything in the cart. You raise your brows, waiting for him to explain. 
“Get in.” He lifts his head up, signaling for you to hop in. 
You dart your eyes back and forth between the cart and him. 
“I’m not- we could get in trouble-“
“Oh, so you’re a scaredy cat.” Satoru has a shit eating grin as he leans against the cart. 
Now that was something you couldn’t have. You grumble to him and take his hand as he helps you crawl into the cart. It’s a bit fun, you feel joy sparking in your body the second he moves the cart. He pushes it fast before jumping on the back with both feet, letting the momentum carry the two of you. Your laughter fills the air and Satoru’s grinning at you. You felt so carefree, momentarily forgetting the sadness that lurked beneath. 
What feels like an earthquake shocks you from your moment of joy. You whip your head around to the front of the cart, eyes popping out once you see the cause. Your cart had knocked into someone else’s, the older woman scowling at you. 
“You need to watch where you're-“ she starts, her gaze moving from you to Satoru, “-going.” Her words sound light as she stares up at Satoru, clearly in awe of his beauty. 
“I’m sorry, that was my bad.” Satoru says with a chuckle, scratching the back of his head. 
The woman sputters as she stares up at him. Lucky bastard. He could start a war, and apologize right after and get away with it. Pretty privileges. 
“It’s-it’s okay. Just try to be careful? You wouldn't want to get hurt.” She says, aiming her words at Satoru, even though you were in the one in the cart. 
The audacity. 
“Yes! Thank you!” Satoru is smooth as he waves her off. He doesn’t stop smiling until she’s out of sight. 
“You’re unbelievable.” You murmur under your breath, looking up at him. 
Satoru drops his head to look down at you, and you’re almost startled at the intensity of his eyes. You weren’t immune to his beauty either. 
“It’s not my fault old women love me.” 
“Everyone loves you.” 
Satoru grins, shoving the cart before jumping on it again. He didn’t learn anything. You can’t be mad though, not with the way you start to laugh in fun again. The two of you travel down the aisles, slipping different treats into the cart, shoving them on your lap. 
Satoru pays and the two of you head out, the daunting task of cooking dinner resting on your shoulders. 
You stand in the kitchen feeling completely out of place as you stare at the ingredients before you. It wasn’t a hard recipe by any means, Suguru picked it for its ease. But it was still incredibly daunting. With a sigh, you begin to start cooking the meat, trying to shove the nerves from your mind. You kicked Satoru out of the kitchen, banishing him to your bedroom while you cooked so he wouldn't distract you. 
It was going okay, it really was, it smelled and even looked delicious. That was until you added the garlic powder. You swear it came out faster than it normally did, probably intent on ruining your night if you had to guess. Your eyes stare at the lump of powder in the pan before you rush to mix it, hoping by some miracle that it would dilute. 
You turn the stove off with a dissatisfied expression, glaring at the meal as if it personally did you wrong. A heavy garlic smell hangs in the air, permeating in the small kitchen, as if to shove your face in the failure. 
“Satoru! It’s… done.” You mumble the last part. 
Satoru comes bounding out of the bedroom, a large grin on his face that twitches the second he reaches you before he forces it back. 
“Smells great!” He comments. 
Your lip wobbles into a frown as you stare up at him. 
“Whaatt? I’m serious. Smells fantastic.” He puts an emphasis on the last word. 
You have to keep a sob from bubbling up your throat. You knew there was no way you could compete with Suguru. Turning around, you mope while grabbing bowls, dishing out the dinner for you two. A dinner that would kill any vampire, even if they just looked at it. 
Hanging your head in shame you nudge Satoru’s bowl over to him. Honestly, you were debating if it would have just been better to starve for the night. Satoru grabs his chopsticks and immediately dives in, shoving the utensils in his mouth once he has a hefty amount of food piled on. 
“Wait-!” You try to stop him, although you're not even sure what you’d say. 
Satoru bounces his head side to side as if he’s thinking, his pale cheeks puffed out from the amount of noodles he had. Your eyes are wide open as you stare at him, unsure if you would need to grab water or google how to do the Heimlich maneuver. 
“It’s good!” Satoru says, chopsticks snapping as he picks even more. 
Your mouth is hung open as you witness him chowing down on the food. He can’t be serious. It’s bad. You know it’s bad. 
Why is he lying? 
“Satoru- it’s okay, you don’t, you don’t have to keep eating it, we can order something.” You move to grab his bowl from him. 
Satoru slaps your hand and flicks his lashes up to you. His face is incredibly serious, and for the life of you, you can’t figure out why. 
“I want this.” He maintains eye contact as he grabs more, slipping it past his pink lips. 
You feel exposed under his gaze so you look away, crossing your chest. Is he trying to prove something to you? 
“We should tell Suguru he’s kicked out of the kitchen once he comes back, since you can cook.” 
“Okay, now that feels like you’re making fun of me.” 
“I’m serious! How’d you get the meat so tender?” He’s speaking around mouthfuls of food. 
The meat was tender. You were actually really proud of it, even snapping a picture to send to Suguru. The food was going good until the incident. 
You poke and prod at your food, taking several bites before you nudge the bowl away. Satoru may be able to put on a brave face as he eats it, but you’re much weaker than him. 
Not only does Satoru eat his bowl, he gets seconds, leaving next to nothing in the pan once he finishes. The first couple bites amazed you, how could he pretend it wasn’t bad? Then he had more, and more, and you were starting to worry the copious amounts of garlic had killed his taste buds. 
You were still hungry so once he finishes, he stands up to make you instant ramen. It wasn’t the healthiest of meals, sure, but at least you weren’t going to go hungry. Satoru sits next to you and watches as you dive in, much more eager to eat this than the monstrosity you created. He has love in his eyes as he stares, opening his mouth wide when you offer him a bite. 
Just where did all that food go? 
“All done?” He asks, standing up to grab your bowl. 
You aren’t even feeling upset anymore. Satoru was good at that, though. He always knew how to cheer you up, using his ridiculousness to his advantage. 
“Thank you, Satoru.” You murmur and wrap your arms around him. 
He uses his free hand to pull you in closer. When you look up at him you feel like you’re floating; you had so much love in your heart for him. Satoru leans down, lips pushed out in an attempt to kiss you. 
You could smell the garlic from where you’re sitting. 
You press your hand against his mouth and attempt to push him away. 
“N-no! I don’t wanna kiss your garlic lips.”
“Baby, you’re so mean to me!” He presses against your hand, face inching closer to yours. 
“Get away from me!” You screech with a laugh, running to your bedroom. 
Satoru cackles behind you, pushing the dirty dishes in the sink to clean later, before he chases after you. 
Several days had passed since the night you cooked for Satoru. Suguru would be coming home today, you think. It was hard to remember. The days had blended together in a conglomeration of time without Suguru. You were excited to see him again. You hadn’t slept well the past couple of days. You hadn’t slept at all for the past two, really. No matter how warm Satoru felt hogging you at night, his limbs wrapping around you like an octopus, your right side still felt remarkably cold. There was a hole in your bed, a Suguru shaped one. 
He’d be home today. He’d be home. 
When Suguru arrives home, he feels something like excitement and relief wash over him. He was able to come home way earlier than anticipated. The sun was barely starting to peek over the clouds, he wasn’t supposed to be back until dinner time. Suguru digs into his pocket once he’s stopped at the door, rummaging around until he grabs hold of his keys. He carefully pushes them in the door, not wanting to wake you. 
The house is silent when he walks in, almost eerily so. Is this what Satoru was used to? He was always the early bird out of the three of you, waking up hours before you and Suguru even thought to. Suguru keeps his steps light as he walks into the house, leaving his bags by the door. The first thing he notices is a bump of hair poking out above the couch. Your hair. 
Why were you out here? 
Kicking Satoru out, he would understand. But you? 
Suguru makes his way closer to you, standing behind the couch. He leans over and places a hand on your shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of your face. You jump in your seat and screech, your phone flying from your hands. Suguru winces once it makes impact with the floor, and brings his eyes back to you. 
You looked… awful. 
There are dark circles underneath your frenzied eyes, your chest heaving as you stare at Suguru. Once you’re able to comprehend that it’s just him, you twirl around and jump over the couch at him. 
Suguru instantly wraps his arms around you so you won’t drop. 
Are you… lighter? 
“Suguru!” Your words are muffled into his neck, your breathing tickling the side of his throat. 
He feels relief at the weight of you against him. He missed being crushed by the presence of you and Satoru. Suguru lifts a hand up and holds the back of your head, shifting his fingers into your hair. The two of you stand like this until he begrudgingly sets you down. 
Your eyes are lit up as you stare at him, your body practically jumping up and down. 
“You’re here early! Right? What time is it? What day is it?” You ask. 
Suguru’s brow lifts up as he watches you, only tearing his eyes away to stare at his watch. It was very early. 
“Why are you awake?” He asks, looking at you. 
The definition of guilt pinches up on your face. You look away, suddenly finding everything else in the room much more interesting than him, even though you were attached to him moments ago. 
Suguru waits for an answer that doesn’t come. 
“How long have you been awake?” His voice is deeper this time. 
He knows he found the sore spot by the way you wince. Suguru says your name in a reprimanding tone. 
“I am willfully choosing not to answer.” You murmur. 
Suguru grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him. His heart breaks at the sight. Sure, he probably also looked like he hadn’t slept well in awhile. But that was him, and you are you. And you’re his baby. 
Suguru repeats your name a second time, voice much softer. Your face relaxes as you sag in his hold. 
“Two… days.” You respond quietly, Suguru has to strain his ears to hear the end of it. 
Suguru normally tries not to overreact. That was left to Satoru. But he can’t stop the way his eyes bulge from his head, his lips parting in shock. 
“Huh?” He feels the sudden urge to wrap you up and tuck you away. 
“It’s not my fault! The bed was just so cold… and then I got distracted by my phone, which-” you look over your shoulder at your phone on the floor “-shouldn’t be a problem anymore.” 
Suguru’s heart tugs into guilt. He knew that wasn’t what you were intending. You would never want to make him feel bad. 
You couldn’t sleep without him? 
Suguru sighs and pulls you into a warm hug. You nestle into his embrace, your face smooshing against his broad chest. Suguru swears he can feel himself drifting off to dreamland, but he forces himself out. 
He pulls away and reaches over the couch to grab a blanket. He wraps it tightly around your body, including the back of your head. You look a bit like you’re in a cocoon by the time he’s done. He pulls it tight around your chest, and grabs your face with both hands. 
“Go lay down.” His voice is soft but commanding. “I’m gonna cook something, I’ll get you when it’s ready.” 
You look to the ground like a scolded child as you nod, dragging your feet towards the bedroom. Suguru feels a renewed sense of responsibility as he watches you trudge away. He takes a deep breath and looks around. 
Where was Satoru? 
Suguru knew he would be up. At least, he should be up. Suguru walks into the house, going towards the kitchen. He finds Satoru sitting at the table facing away from him, looking down. 
“Satoru?” Suguru says to announce his presence, learning from his mistake. 
Satoru’s head whips around, tossing his phone on the table while he bounces up to his feet. He charges toward Suguru, jumping up until he’s latched around him. Suguru doesn’t have to hold him in place, he can feel Satoru’s legs wrapped tightly against his back. Suguru sways in place and smoothes a hand down Satoru’s back. He peers over Satoru’s shoulder to the table where he notices a bowl of something. Ice cream. 
A wave of smell coming from Satoru’s shampoo washes over Suguru, and he buries his face into the side of Satoru’s neck even more. He missed that smell. 
Suguru pulls Satoru away, reaching behind to unlatch Satoru’s limbs from his body. He sets him down and looks at him, able to maintain eye contact without looking down. 
Satoru looked good. He thought so, at least. He looked wide awake, probably having been awake for at least thirty minutes. Suguru adjusts one of Satoru’s stray white hairs, before looking him up and down. 
“When’s the last time you ate something green?” Suguru asks, knowing that would be Satoru’s issue once Suguru was gone. 
Satoru looks over his own shoulder to the table at his bowl of ice cream. His bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. 
“Uh, now?” Satoru responds, looking back at Suguru. 
Suguru squints at Satoru, clearly unimpressed. 
“Have I told you how handsome you are lately?” Satoru goes on. 
“Finish what you have, but I’m making something for everyone. I’m gonna make sure to put lots of vegetables in it, just for you.” 
Satoru whines as Suguru turns around, tying his hair up and shoving his sleeves out of the way. 
You’re nestled in the sheets of your bed when Suguru’s voice pulls you from the deep sleep you managed to find yourself in. It was like just knowing Suguru was in the house was enough to calm your nerves to grant you rest. You twist and turn in the bed, debating on whether or not to bring the blanket with you. You hadn’t realized how exhausted you were until Suguru woke you up, and you found yourself wanting to go back to sleep. 
A delicious smell carries over to the bedroom, snapping you out of your haze. The one thing you missed more than sleep was Suguru’s cooking. 
You jump out of bed and make your way to the kitchen. Suguru’s standing next to the stove, a spatula in hand as he looks down. He isn’t wearing his sweater anymore, instead he was wearing a loose white shirt. Satoru is sitting on the counter next to him with a bowl held firmly in his hands, a spoon in his mouth. He’s wearing Suguru’s sweater now, and you don’t doubt for a second that he begged Suguru for it. 
You didn’t blame him. You wanted to drown in Suguru just as much. 
“Is it ready?” You ask, lifting a fist up to wipe the sleep from your eyes. 
Suguru turns around and a soft smile grows on his face as he watches you. You really were his baby. 
“Just about, will you take Satoru’s dishes? He won’t let me have them.” 
“I’m not done yet!” Satoru complains, gripping the bowl closer to him. 
“Satoru, the bowl is empty.” Suguru says, as if he’s already repeated that. 
Satoru digs his spoon back into the bowl, lifting it up to his lips again. The bowl was empty. There were only melted remains of the ice cream clinging to the glass, Satoru scooping it up and easing it past his lips. 
You walk up to him and try to tug the bowl from his hands. On the second tug Satoru finally relents, letting you take the dish to the sink. That was one thing you did right. There were no dirty dishes, the house was in relatively clean condition in general. You refused to let Suguru come home to a messy house. 
Suguru dishes out three bowls for you all, evenly distributing the food. Your mouth is watering by the time he’s done, and you’re diving in the second he gives you yours. 
The food all but melts in your mouth. It was so good. And it didn’t reek of garlic. Suguru stands in the kitchen as he eats, watching you and Satoru sit at the bar. There’s an easy smile on his face as he watches you both, only looking away to shovel more food into his mouth. 
“I’m sorry for making you cook.” You mumble around the food, guilt tugging at your chest. 
You really were pathetic, you could hardly survive with him out of the house. He just got back from his trip, yet he dropped everything to take care of you. 
Suguru picks up on the sadness on your face. 
“I don’t mind, really. I was craving a home cooked meal anyway.” 
Satoru’s lips twitch into a smile. He’s up to something. 
“If you wanted a home cooked meal you should have just said so. They made beef noodles while you were gone, we actually saved the leftovers.” 
Your face heats up, and you kick Satoru’s leg besides yours. 
“Shut up! No I didn’t, Suguru!” 
Suguru’s brow is raised as he watches the two of you bicker. 
“Did you? I didn’t see it.” He talks under his breath as he turns around, opening the fridge to look into it. 
“Suguru!” You whine. 
“It’s in the-“ Satoru’s voice is muffled as he speaks through your hand, “-the front in the container.” 
Suguru reaches to grab it, turning around to set it on the counter. They were the leftovers you hadn’t eaten, as Satoru had consumed everything else. Your face is scrunched up as you watch Suguru open the lid. 
A strong smell of garlic fills the area and you sob, covering your face with your hands. Embarrassed didn’t even cover the half of it. 
Suguru’s face is curious as he peers down, using his utensil to dig into the container, not bothering to heat it up. If he can tell how overpowering the garlic is, he doesn’t show it. Suguru bites into the food, chewing for a moment while the room quiets down. 
“You put a unique spin on it.” He finally says. 
You sob even louder, dropping your head. Satoru is chuckling beside you, taking a sip from his cup. 
“I didn’t say it was bad! It’s just, a choice.” Suguru tilts his head as he takes a second bite. 
“Please stop.” You whine. 
The two boys were ruthless together. Sometimes you forgot, but it didn’t take them long to remind you. It was hard to tell which was worse, the upfront bullying of Satoru or the teasing Suguru took up, that often left you wondering if he was being mean at all. 
Suguru closes the container, and for reasons unknown slips it back into the fridge. Personally, you would have preferred if he threw the whole damn thing away, container included. Or lit it on fire. 
“I hate you.” You murmur to Satoru. 
He side hugs you, pulling you close to him; as close as he can without yanking you from your seat. 
“Did you guys have some good bonding time together?” Suguru asks, picking up all your dirty dishes before dropping them in the sink. 
“We did!” Satoru says proudly. 
You did, and that was nice. You just couldn’t announce it right now, you were too busy showing your displeasure. 
Suguru steps out of the kitchen and makes his way to you both. He presses a kiss to Satoru’s forehead, and grabs your jaw. He bites back a coo at the scowl resting on your face. So damn cute. He presses his lips against yours and you nearly melt. Suguru pulls back and lets his eyes float between you two. He really missed you guys. 
“You wanna go back to sleep?” He offers. 
You grin excitedly and hop off the stool, pulling Satoru with you. The two of you trip over your feet as you run to the bedroom, Suguru trailing behind with a smile on his face. 
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss, @dinolvrrr, @kimi01985, @mikisspeak
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hope-drunk · 1 year
| a year ago, abby left you suddenly after a month long love affair. now she's back to convince you she's changed.
| cw: me writing southern accents and it's bad, talk of father death, jerry anderson is homophobic, talk of food, reader showers three times in this who knows why, f!reader, oral & fingering (r!recieving), petnames, umm that's it but like abandonment issues i guess? abby like dips hard LOL
| wc: 3.8k
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The mugginess hasn’t let up in recent days, causing your hair to look a mess, and you to have a strong urge to be naked all the time. Getting comfortable in your bed was a pain. The sheets were too hot; the pillow pushing your sticky hair onto the back of your neck. You don’t think you’ve gotten a good night's sleep in ages. The fans in your room weren’t doing much; nothing could battle this southern heat.
You were already awake before your alarm went off at 6 A.M. You quickly silence the screeching sound of the clock and roll out of bed, throwing on a loose tank top that lays on your floor. You’re instantly annoyed by the fabric but try to push it off. You stroll into your kitchen, opening the fridge and standing there for a few seconds to absorb the cold air that blows out. You grab some scraps of breakfast and eat quickly, already running a tad behind because the heat is making you move slower. 
You go to the bathroom and take off the flimsy tank top and your panties. You step in immediately and let the cold water wash over you. Your shower goes faster than you wanted it to, but you step out and dry off. You don’t bother to dry your hair, hoping that the dampness might keep you cooled off for a little bit longer. You get dressed in your usual attire, a self cut tank top made out of an old t-shirt and jean shorts.
You walk to the field behind your house, first checking on the chickens, collecting the eggs the hens dropped and making sure they have food. Then you moved to the sheep, replacing their water and giving them their feed. 
After you think the animals are situated, you begin your walk into town. It’s summer days like these where you wish you owned a car, or even a bike. But in a town this small, it always seemed useless. Everything was a five minute walk. The only thing that was further than five minutes was the gas station that sat on the edge of town near the highway, and that was only about a ten minute walk. Your journey to the grocery store feels like it takes eons. But when you open the door and the air conditioning blasts you, you think you see heaven.
“Hot one, huh?” The store clerk says to you in response to your sigh of relief.
“Tell me about it,” you say, smiling politely and walking to grab a basket.
You take your time with your shopping, swinging the green basket against your leg over and over while you scan the aisles. You spend extra long in the freezer section, and decide to treat yourself to some popsicles, you put them in the basket and let the door close by itself. You don’t notice the pair of strong arms that are crossed by the door. 
You turn away to go get your next item, “Not even gonna say hello?”
Your head whips around before your body does. You gulp at the realization of who it is.
“Popsicles, huh,” she nods to herself, grabbing the box out of your basket. “Didn’t know you liked these ones, darlin’.”
You snatch them out of her hand and throw them back into the green plastic, “You don’t know anythin’ about me, Abby.”
“C’mon, don’t be like that.” Abby’s voice drips like southern honey, but it reminds you of gasoline. One spark from you and the town would be on fire. 
You don’t answer her, just go back to your shopping. You scan the shelves for the next thing on your list. You can see her out of the corner of your eye still following you around, but you don’t pay her any mind. It’s honestly a shame, because you were gonna spend your sweet time in the air conditioned store, and now you can’t, because Abby decided to show up.
You remember now that it was exactly a year ago today that she showed up in town before leaving a month later with no warning. She had seemed so perfect, so normal, you’d never felt like that before with anyone. You let her stay in your house. She was planning on just passing through, staying the night at the motel for the festivities then going on her way, but she told you you changed her mind. Abby told you that she wanted to stay and be with you. What a load of bullshit. 
You finish your shopping, continuing to ignore Abby as she trails behind you, in her stupid t-shirt, with her stupid muscles, and her ridiculous boots. 
“This all for y’then?” The cashier asks.
“That’ll do it.” You reply, pulling out the cash you’re using to pay. 
You take your bags and thank him, rushing towards the doors and pushing one of them open with your back. 
Abby stops at the clerk to get her brand of cigarettes; running out behind you after she pays with a crinkled up ten dollar bill.
“Hey! What’s the rush?” She says, rushing up to you. She smacks the pack of cigarettes on her palm before opening it and popping one into her mouth; swiftly lighting it with a blue lighter.
“Don’t wanna see you, Abs. Thought you would be able to figure that out.” You say, silently hoping that that will be enough for her and that she’ll turn around and never come back to your town. But Abby, ever so stubborn, continues walking next to you.
“What? You still mad about last summer? Told you I had to go.”
You scoff at her. “Yeah, then you also told me you were never gonna leave me. Wanted to help raise my chickens and sheeps. Live in my house with me. Start a life here. Look, I don’t have time for this; too goddamn hot to deal with your bullshit.”
She nods her head; takes a long drag of the almost gone cigarette. “‘Least let me carry your bags?”
That you oblige to, handing over the heavy plastic bags that you swear were getting sticky from the heat. You just wanted to be home, with your fans, and your animals; without Abby. You didn’t even want her to see the inside of your house. You didn’t want her to be in the four walls of your bedroom again; it would be painful for you. To see her in your house again, where she made you all those promises. It would be painful because now you know that all you were to her was a quick fuck and a free place to stay.
Your house comes into view and you pause in the road, motioning your hands so she’ll give you your bags back. She does reluctantly, and you can’t help but notice the droplet of sweat dripping down her large muscles. You huff away the memories, taking the bags back and walking up to your front door.
“Not even gonna invite me in? No lemonade for my hard work?” Abby asks, trying to make light of the situation.
“I seriously never want to see your face again, Abigail.” With that you open your door, slinking in and closing it behind you.
You press your back to the door once you’re inside; willing yourself not to cry about her. You’ve done enough of that; swear you could fill an ocean with your tears. You know that you shouldn’t get so worked up over something that lasted a month, but it was the first real thing you’ve ever had. It’s not like there were any other women who liked women around here, so when Abby rolled in and made you all those promises, you thought you had actually found something. You thought you would be able to start a life with her and do all the things you’ve dreamed about doing since you were a little girl. Then, she was up and gone, and you were left alone again.
It took you a while to get used to your solitude again, and you were doing a damn good job at it now. Sometimes you wonder if it was even Abby you missed, or if you just missed having someone to do everything with. You try to stop thinking about it, forcing your body off the door and into the kitchen. You slowly put all the groceries away, scared that when you finish your mind will wander. 
You do pretty good for the rest of the day. You keep yourself entertained and busy, tending to your animals and reading a book. You only think about Abby a few times, but are able to brush it off. You think you’ve got it under control; you think that her little visit didn’t affect you. Once it hits around 7 P.M. you huddle the animals into their respective cages and barns. You go back inside and take another quick cold shower. It’s hard work herding those animals, and even though the sun is getting lower, it’s not getting any less humid. You dry off and put on fresh clothes, walking out into your kitchen to prepare your dinner. 
What you don’t expect to hear is a knock at your door. You silently question it before waking up to the door swinging it open; prepared to tell off some church people who just won’t stop trying. But there she stands. Abby has a bouquet of assorted carnations and daisies, a few roses thrown into there. You cross your arms, waiting for her to speak.
“Will you please let me explain? Please? Just a few minutes and you can decide if you want me to really go or not.”
“I’m timing you.” You say, walking back into your house and sitting down on your couch.
Abby moves into your living room. She’s changed from what she wore at the store. She now has on jeans and a black cut off tank top and her same signature braid.
“I’m gonna try not to stumble over my words– been preparing for this. I loved being here with you, first of all. Leaving you was never because of you. My dad got real sick, the type where you go and say goodbye. He had been in and out of the ICU around that time, but, when I got that phone call, swear I could feel it in my bones that that was it.”
You straighten out your back. You knew a little bit about Abby’s dad. Mostly that they were very close until she came out to him.
“And I didn’t know how to tell you. Didn’t know how to tell anyone. I wish I could’ve ignored it and stayed with you but I just–” she shakes her head to herself.
“He’s your dad.”
“Yeah, he was my dad.”
The past tense makes you let out a sigh, suddenly your heart breaks for the girl all over again. You will your brain to remember what she did. You feel bad that she lost her dad, but she could’ve communicated.
“I’m sorry, Abby. But, you still had no right to leave me like you did.”
“I know, I know. I got scared. I knew if I stayed with you that– he wouldn’t see me. I could have handled it better. I had every intention of coming back sooner than now, but I felt like you wouldn’t wanna see me.”
“You’ve got that right.”
“I’m sorry, okay? I don’t know how this is supposed to work. All I know is that everything I told you is true. I miss living here. I hate running around the country anymore. I just wanna be here with you. Herd your fucking sheep and collect the eggs. Have you make me that killer omelet that I love. I miss you, all of you. Didn’t know what I wanted a year ago, but I do know. I’d like to be with you, if you’d have me.”
You try to process all that she’s saying; try to take in the massive amount of information she’s dumped into your hands. You just stare past her, straight at the wall. Do you want her to come back? You did– a few days ago when you were crying about being lonely. You don’t want to forgive her this easily though. What? A few words and an explanation and she’s just allowed in your house again? Hell no, there’s no way in hell that she can just creep back in here. What if she leaves again? Are you gonna embarrass yourself like that all over again?
“Abby…” you trail off, unsure of what to actually say to her.
“I know. I don’t want to be the victim here, and I’m sorry if I’m making it seem that way. I just want you to know that, it really, really, wasn’t your fault.”
“Thanks for that, cowboy.” She smiles at the nickname, you do too. Her long history of speedrunning through small towns made you come up with it. “Alright, well, you can stay for dinner. But, I have the right to kick you out at any time.”
“Yes ma’am,” she says. 
You start to make her favorite meal from you with ingredients you bought today. She keeps you entertained, staying out of your way but talking your ear off. It feels normal; it feels like old times. You can’t help but let her ease her way back into your space. She takes off her boots, undoes her braid and puts it up into a bun. You ask her to get you something and she knows exactly where it is. It feels too simple. Honestly, it feels like a dream. You feel like you’re floating through this strange reality where Abby never left and you’ve kept living in this home ever since she showed up this time last year.
You eat dinner at the table in the spots you always sat in. Continuing the laughter and the fun. You don’t even mind the heat anymore. You don’t care about anything other than Abby’s gray eyes staring back into yours. You get shy under her gaze all over again. When you’re both done, you can’t get up from the table, you get too invested in your conversation and neither of you want to disrupt it. You wish you could’ve kept your stoic face on, but Abby was something else. She always has been. She’s the only one who’s ever made you feel truly comfortable with yourself, in this town. Finally, you get up and take the plate from in front of her, moving it to the sink.
“That’s not what happened, and you know it.” Abby practically yells.
“I mean, I watched you fall in the sheep shit myself. Y’trying to gaslight me, Anderson?”
“I’m not saying I didn’t fall in the shit. I’m saying that what you’re saying led me to the sheep shit is wrong. I wasn’t looking at your ass and then tripped. I was– looking at the sign on top of the barn.”
“Well, your eyes were awfully low to be looking at the top of the barn.” You shrug your shoulders with a small giggle.
Abby waves her hand in the air, a small blush on her face from the memory of the second time she came to your house. 
“I missed you a lot, y’know.” Abby says, mostly under her breath.
When you look at her, she’s looking up at you through her eyelashes. Her chest rising and falling steadily. She sits with her legs slightly spread and her elbows on her thighs. Those strong fucking thighs. You thought you could get along with her as friends; you thought that’s what she wanted– to be friends now. 
You look away from her so you don’t give in. “Abby, I don’t know if I can.” 
“I’m here. I’m here again; it’ll be good, like it was before.”
“That’s what you said before you left. ‘I’m here for you. Never gonna leave you, sweetheart. You’ll never be alone again.’ Then I was. I was the loneliest I’d ever been. I don’t blame you for leaving, Abby. But I can’t take it if you leave again.”
Abby gets up from the table and walks over to you. She towers over you, grabbing your face between her hands and forcing you to look at her. “Not gonna leave you. Ever. I learned my fucking lesson. Feel like I need you to breathe. Like my chest was tight the entire time I was out of this goddamn town. Swear, the second I pulled in, I felt my lungs fill up for the first time in a fucking year. Please, sweetheart. I’m not gonna let y’down again.”
Her chest is moving more rapidly now. It’s hard to look in her eyes. She hasn’t taken hers off of you. “I swear.”
You push your lips up so they reach hers; she sighs into the kiss, hastily taking her hands away from your face and wrapping them around your body. You push her back away from the kitchen and towards the bedroom. She doesn't break the kiss once as she walks backwards, avoiding any and all furniture; like she’s always known where everything is. In a way she has, but it’s still impressive. A whole fucking year without her in your house and she still moves swiftly around the furniture towards your bedroom. She moves like it’s built in her bones; like she’s always meant to be here.
You enter the bedroom and she breaks away only to shove your discarded clothes that lay on your bed onto the floor. You rip your shirt off in the meantime, you were going to take off your shorts too, but Abby is back on you in a second. Kissing everywhere; licking everywhere. You don’t think your heart has ever beat faster. It’s scary how well she knows you. Just like the house, she still has every part of your body memorized. She still knows the spot below your collarbones that makes your hips buck. She knows how much rubbing the outside of your thigh while she kisses you turns you on. She knows that you need the anticipation built before you go straight into fucking. Abby knows you. 
She slides down your stomach, mouthing at the skin there, you push her head down, trying to get her to take the hint that you haven’t been laid in a year and you’re worked up enough. She scoffs into you and continues kissing you. A whine escapes your mouth, and she finally moves to where you need her. You lift your hips up while she removes your shorts and panties.
She starts to rub tight circles onto your clit, eyes connected to your face; waiting for you to look back at her. You don’t. You squeeze your eyes shut and try not to overthink the situation you’ve found yourself in. With every circle on your clit your head grows fuzzier, making this feel more and more like a dream.
“Not gonna leave you.” Abby says, like she can read your mind. “Never leaving your side again. You’re gonna be fucking sick of me, angel.”
You moan; open your eyes to take her all in. All you can manage is a nod. Abby growls and takes away her hand. You go to gasp, but in seconds she’s connected her tongue to your clit. You moan now, a sound deep from your chest that blossoms like a flower fed fertilizer. You forgot how good Abby was at this. The good memories pushed to the back of your mind. You’ve only been able to focus on her leaving for so long. The only thing you think about is waking up to that empty bed. 
She grunts into your cunt, “Missed how you fucking taste. S’goddamn sweet, princess.”
She’s here now, you remind yourself. She’s here forever. You’re sure the doubt will creep in at some point. You’re sure you’ll be scared to sleep next to her for a while. But right now, this is all that matters; her tongue drawing intricate shapes into you. You push your hand on top of her head.
“Don’t leave me,” you pant out.
Abby removes her mouth and pushes two thick fingers into you, forcing your back to arch off the bed. She moves up to your face, “Y’forget how to listen, doll? Gotta train you t’be my good girl again, huh? I ain’t leaving, never again. Got that?” 
You forgot how bad her accent gets when she’s turned on. 
“Answer me, tell me I’m gettin’ through that thick skull of yours.”
“Yes, Abby. I understand.”
“There y’go, sweet thing. Just lay back and take it.”
You do as she asks, finding it easy to fall back into submission under her. Your brain is basically blank by now, only focusing on the slow pull and push of Abby’s fingers inside of you. You moan and whine and buck your hips. Not scared to be messy or annoying. You’re not scared of anything in front of Abby. She loves you, you know it. She takes you how you are. 
“Don’t think I’m gonna– last long.” You say.
“That’s alright, so pent up, ain’t you? Let it all go for me. Let it all out.” She reconnects her mouth with your cunt and you know that you’re in for.
You feel the knot get tighter and tighter in your stomach. It feels like fire is spreading across your body. You feel a bead of sweat fall from Abby’s forehead onto you, and it gets to you. She’s real; she’s back. She’s eating you out and making you cum the way only she knows how to. The small band holding your orgasm back snaps. You cum with a sob, bucking your hips into her face so your clit brushes up into her nose. You start to cry from the pressure that was built up in you that’s finally being released. Abby works you through it, lets you grind on her face and you swear you can feel her smile into you.
She comes up to lay beside you when you finally stop twitching; shushing you when she removes her fingers.
“Missed seein’ you like that.”
“Bet you did,” you say, voice hoarse.
“Missed seein’ you in general, but the way you look when you cum, man. Ain’t nothing like it.”
You suddenly feel embarrassed by the crude talk, you roll over away from her and face your closet. She whispers a few sorry’s before using her arms to roll you back over and pull you into her chest. She kisses the top of your head. 
“It’s so hot I might die.” You say into her, tracing a shape on her chest.
“Wanna shower?” 
“Don’t gotta ask me twice.”
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rosiestalez · 26 days
Hey, hey! I got an ask. Btw, I loved your smallville imagine. I was wondering if you could do a Clark x Fem!Reader fluff? One thing I’ve always noticed is Clark’s eye contact is wheww girl! It’s so intimate and honest, yet intense. He’s got the type of eyes you can lost in, but my shy ass would look down or away because yeah- I think he would be the type to always catch your eyes with his especially in face to face conversations. You know like, tilt his head a bit when you look down or just lift your head up himself. 😭😍 Whenever you have time, I’m gonna let you do your magic!
I would be HAPPY to do this!
Mango and Movies
TomWelling!Clark Kent x afab!Reader, Reader POV
A/N: this and my recent participation in horse riding class has been inspiring me. I love, love, LOVE horses, and one day I will be owning one named Mango!
Summary: Clark helps you ride a horse. It’s also date night.
Warnings: NONE, just fluff, also not my gif!!
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Clark is helping me tack up his horse, but the one that I borrow. I’m struggling with the girth getting it even on both sides because Mango keeps holding his breath, this is his least favorite part now making it my least favorite part. “Urg! Mango please stop”, I groan frustratedly while trying to pull the buckle to the third notch. “You have super strength Clark, can you PLEASE help?” I look at him. He just chuckles and shakes his head no, with his arms crossed against his chest. My irritation points to him, but damn those baby blues.
“Unfortunately I can’t help with this. You have to figure this one out for yourself sweetheart”, he looks down to me. I sigh, I fix my stance, hold my breath and try again pulling the girth upwards.
“You’re…so…mean”, I say while still struggling. And finally I get it clasped, I let out a deep breath as did Mango. I slip two fingers in between the girth and his tummy, it’s a perfect fit for now.
“There you go my love, you didn’t need my help, now did you?”, he kisses the top of my head. I roll my eyes walking over to grab the bridle and start putting it on the horse.
We make our way to the arena, so Clark can continue teaching Mango and I to ride.
Mango is four and the Kent’s rescued him last year, he and I bonded super quick so when I decided I wanted to ride, I immediately requested that I want to learn on Mango. They were hesitant at first, but they broke him enough to be able to ride around in the arena.
Clark hoisted me up so I can put my left foot in the stirrup and I swing over planting my right foot comfortably in the other one. He passes the reigns over to me, “remember, to get him to go you have to squeeze your legs tightly against his abdomen”, he reassures patting the horse’s neck. I nod doing as he says, and Mango does not move. I try again, a little harder and he starts walking, but slow. “Perfect darling you’re doing great, now I want you to turn right, do you remember how?” I nod pulling the reigns to the right, Mango follows the direction. “Good job princess!”, he smiles at me. “Now turn left and walk back to me”, I pull the reigns left and mango walks back to the left. “Perfect!”, I can’t help, but blush when I look in those eyes along with hearing those praises.
After a couple of hours of practicing walking around the area, the sun starts to set. We make our way out the arena, and begin getting Mango ready to go back into his stall for the night.
“I had fun, thank you!”, I hug Clark as we walk into the house, the smell of roasted chicken and veggies fill the air. He and I sit down in our respective chairs before preparing our plates to eat Mrs. Kent’s wonderful home made meal.
I help clean up the kitchen while Clark and Mr. Kent set up the projector in the hayloft for the movie date Clark and I planned.
“Are you ready baby?” He walks into the kitchen.
“Yeah!”, I smile, “Mrs. Kent do you need help with anything else?”
“No sweetheart you’re good to go, you guys enjoy your night!”, she smiles at us and adds a wink. Clark blushes, he grabs my hand rushing us out the door.
“Woah this is beautiful!”, the loft is filled with beautiful fairy twinkle lights, the air mattress is laying on top of two couches put together to create a bed, “Are those matching pajamas I see?”, he nods, I jump in excitement, and a little squeal slips from my lips. I hurriedly covers my mouth, “oh I’m sorry, I forgot your hearing is sensitive.”
“It’s okay baby, did I do okay?”, he looks at me with those captivating eyes, gosh they make me weak.
“You did perfect, happy anniversary.”, I stand on my tip toes planting a kiss on his soft lips.
“Happy anniversary, I love you.”
“I love you too”, I smile and kiss him again.
We change into the matching set, but for some reason he ‘forgets’ to put on his shirt. We cuddle up together dimming the lights, the movie begins playing. “Baby?” I nudge, “I have a question.”
He looks over at me, “what’s wrong?”, he asks.
“Do you still have feelings for Lois?”
“WHAT?!” He sits up, I look down and start playing with my nails. “Baby? Seriously?”
“What? Seriously. Y’all were engaged and then all of the sudden there’s no feelings involved?” I pause, “that really doesn’t make sense.”
He lifts my chin forcing eye contact with those pretty blue eyes. Gosh those eyes, “I have no feelings for her”, he reassures. “Baby, I love you, and you only”, he cups my face and pulls me in for a kiss.
“I love you too, but not as much as I love mango”, I giggle. He rolls his eyes and lays back down.
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dcggersedge · 2 months
Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck
You’re six years old when you learn what hunger feels like.
The people of Brodia are strong, made of the same stuff as the very mountains they live in. That’s what Papa says as Mama sets the table for dinner. Tough as rocks and impossible to keep down.
The Divine is always watching, Mama says as she takes her seat at the table. The mending she’d been working on for the neighbors in exchange for the eggs you ate this morning is neatly tucked away. They don’t help those who don’t help themselves. We solve our own problems before anybody else.
Neither of them say anything about how the plates on the table are almost empty. Neither of them say anything about how it’s been like that for a while now. You don’t say anything either. You smile, thank Mama for dinner, and tell yourself that it’s your problem to fix when your belly doesn’t fill.
(The other kids know the feeling too. It comes up one day, while sprawled out on the ground after a game of tag. “If Brodians are made of the same thing as the mountain…” one kid asks, quiet voice carrying on the wind. “do you think we can eat dirt?”
Silent, as the small group considers the question. Then laughter, teasing, and urging each other back onto your feet so you can play a bit more before dinner.)
You’re seven years old when Papa loses his hand.
Not completely, he assures you when he sees you staring at the limb that’s been bound up so tightly, he can’t even move. It’s still attached. Still working. Just an accident in the mines. Nothing that he can’t handle.
Except he can’t work like that, Mama says. There’s a pile of the neighbors' laundry in the corner that she asked you to help return after dinner, in exchange for…whatever they can spare. He can’t work, which means they all have to work harder in the meantime. Nothing they can’t handle.
Neither of them talk about how the small meals get smaller. Neither of them talk in front of you about how Papa can’t find new work, about how Mama’s doing more and more and barely getting anything. You hear it all the same, crouched outside your house beneath your window. The walls aren’t thick enough to block the yelling if you’re listening for it.
(At 16 you learn that it wasn’t an accident, but negligence. Another noble cutting corners and rushing, hurrying, what is the wellbeing of faceless workers worth when the war needs resources, and those who provide them need profits? You find this out as the noble bleeds out around one of your knives.)
But that’s later. Now, you’re seven, holding a fistful of dirt and a head full of memory. You know what hunger feels like. You know that dirt tastes like iron, and you fix the problem by pretending as hard as you can that your belly is full.
You’re eight years old when you are kicked out of your house.
It’s for your own good, Papa says when he sees you staring at him. He won’t look at your eyes, the same color as his, instead nodding at the man you just met who has a hand on your shoulder. You’re a tough kid, you’ll be fine. Nothing you can’t handle.
One problem fixed, you hear Mama saying to herself in the house. Through the doorway, you can see the large bag the man gave them spilling coins onto the table. One less mouth to feed, and coin to feed what’s left. One problem fixed, just took some hard work.
Master doesn’t say anything, just waits for you to pick up your things and follow. He doesn’t say anything when you cry. He doesn’t say anything at all, not even when you sit at the table and he puts a plate down in front of you.
It’s still not full. Not like his. He sees your eyes watching him from across the table and scoffs. You wanna eat good, he asks, pointing down at his plate. You don’t say anything, but you nod your head and try not to flinch as he stabs into the meat.
You will when you work.
(The meal after your first kill is chicken, slathered with tomato that makes it look like your hands did only hours before. You eat it, and fix the problem by pretending it doesn’t taste like iron and dirt.)
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archived-kin · 4 years
petty ghost haunts their murderer but doesn’t actually do anything vengeful, more at eleven
note from kin: i don’t even know what this is myself to be honest but the simple way of putting it is that you were accidentally killed by one of satan’s fits of rage and now your ghost follows him around and messes with him at any given opportunity out of pettiness
basically i came up with the prompt ‘vengeful spirit is more of a slightly miffed and extremely petty spirit who doesn’t actually do much but inconvenience their hauntee, shenanigans ensue’ and ran with it
(as a heads up, reader is not mc in this situation, and this takes place before any of the exchange program stuff, so belphie’s not in the attic and solomon and the angels aren’t in the devildom)
fandom: obey me!
character(s): gn!reader, satan, beelzebub
pairing(s): satan/reader (though it isn’t particularly romantic since you’re, y’know, dead, so it’s more of a satan & reader)
warning(s): references to death, beel eats an entire rotisserie chicken
genre: crack (with a bit of fluff i guess???)
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“For the last time, [Name], put the knife down.”
“Bite me, bitch-boy.”
Satan lets out a long-suffering sigh and sets down his mug of coffee, then reaches out and carefully pushes the floating butter knife pointed directly at his jugular back down onto the table. “I don’t know why you keep trying that. You do know it wouldn’t actually get through my skin even if you did manage to hit me, right?”
“It’s the thought that counts,” comes your disembodied voice from somewhere near the ceiling. You’ve probably decided to float up there to sulk like you always do after a failed attack.
“I’d prefer you didn’t think about it at all.”
A still-wet towel pulls itself from the rack on the wall and hits him square in the face. Satan gives an exasperated groan as it slides down his face and lands on the table with a soft splat.
“That’s what you get,” You sniff indignantly, finally materialising in front of him with a scowl. You’re floating upside down in a way that makes it look like you’re standing on the ceiling. “Buttface.”
“Come on, you can come up with better material than that,” Satan shakes his head, pushing back his chair and picking up the wet towel you’ve just flung at him to hang it back up again. “Where did all your creativity from yesterday go?”
“Six feet under with the remains of my body, probably,” you reply with a scowl. Then, as an afterthought, you add, “Confounded cheese wheel.”
“Oh, that’s a new one,” He comments, mildly surprised. “Where’d you pick that up?”
“Made it up myself. Ha!” You bob past him and through the wall, most likely to go terrorise Mammon by making his lights flicker on and off again. “Guess my creativity isn’t as dead as I am after all.”
“You still haven’t gotten over that, I see.” He sighs.
Your head immediately pops back out of the wall and glares across the room at him. “Excuse me?”
“It’s been weeks now - months, even,” Satan explains carefully as he sits back down at the table, not wanting to aggravate you further. The last time he'd brought something like this up, he’d ended up making you so angry that you’d managed to become physically corporeal enough to fling him across the room. “I would have thought you’d have passed on by now, that’s all. Surely it doesn’t take this long for the gates to the Celestial Realm to open?”
You consider his words, apparently appeased by their logic. “...I guess. Maybe I’m not passing on because I can’t rest in peace yet, like the ghosts do in horror films.”
“They’re films, you can’t expect to apply what happens in them to reality,” Satan replies flatly. “Besides, even if that was the situation, you've met all the criteria to 'rest in peace’, haven't you?”
“Are you trying to tell me, the dead one here, what merits as ‘resting in peace’?” You counter, floating back through the wall so that your entire body is in the room again. “My murderer’s still walking about like he doesn’t dress in the entire green colour spectrum and think it’s a good idea. How am I supposed to rest in peace knowing that?”
Satan looks down at his outfit, a little offended. “What’s wrong with my clothes?”
“What’s right with your clothes?” You shoot back, drifting over to him and passing a ghostly hand through his shoulder, apparently too lazy to muster up the energy to make your hand physical enough to touch him. “Look at it! Your blazer doesn’t even have lapels!”
“It isn’t a blazer.”
“Jacket, then.” You make a move as if to pinch at the fabric, but your fingers just pass right through it like a hot knife through butter. “It doesn’t even fit you. The sleeves are too short.”
Satan resists the urge to roll his eyes. “I wouldn’t be able to wear it if it didn’t fit me. Besides, why does it matter to you?”
“The demon I might be doomed to be attached to for the rest of my afterlife has the worst fashion sense in all three realms is the matter,” You sigh dramatically and float up to the ceiling again. “Why do you even wear rip-off jeans if you’re going to put a belt over it?”
“First of all, they aren’t rip-off jeans,” Satan tells you as you start idly making the kitchen light flicker. He should probably tell you to stop doing that whenever you get bored, but he’s gotten so used to it at this point that he can’t really be bothered to. “And, second of all, why does it matter if I’m wearing a belt on it?”
“Rip-off jeans are meant to be ripped off,” You explain with all the patience of a mother explaining something to a curious child, completely disregarding Satan’s first point. “Putting a belt on top of it kind makes that redundant.”
Satan thinks about it for a moment and begrudgingly comes to the conclusion that your statement is correct - not that it makes a difference to him. “...they’re still not rip-off jeans.”
“Think whatever you want to think, burro verde.”
“It means green donkey in Spanish.”
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Where’d you get that from?”
“I took Spanish for, like, three years when I was in high school,” You shrug, and the light brightens and dims slightly with the movement of your shoulders, as if it’s shrugging with you. “Failed all the exams, but at least I got something worthwhile out of it.”
“Three years of linguistic lessons and all you learn is how to string together bizarre insults,” Satan shakes his head. “You really are incorrigible.”
“That’s a big word. You sure you know what it means?”
“Of course I do,” He gives you a slightly disgruntled look. “I wouldn’t use it if I didn’t. What do you take me for?”
“Someone who doesn’t know what incorrigible means, obviously.” You pretend to aim a kick at the spider perched quietly in the corner of the ceiling, but Timothy ignores your efforts to boot him from his web. After a moment, growing tired of bothering the little guy, you ask, “...what does it mean?”
Satan snickers, then answers, sounding as if he’s reading the definition directly out of a dictionary, “In reference to a person or their behaviour, unable to be changed or reformed.”
You contemplate his words for a few seconds. “Is that a good thing?”
“Not usually when that particular word is used for it, no.”
“Oh. Bitch.”
He pauses at that, moving his mug of now marginally cooler coffee away from his mouth again, having been in the middle of taking another sip when you decided to insult him again. “Where did that come from?”
“You called me incorrigible, which you just said is not a good thing to be,” You explain as if it’s obvious, frowning down at him. “So I’m taking it as an insult and insulting you back. Bitch.”
“You didn’t have to say it again.”
“I didn’t, but it’s fun to call you names.” You snort and glide down from the ceiling to float above the table, crossing your legs and pretending to sit down on it. “It’s not as fun as it used to be, though. You never get all puffed up about it anymore.”
“That’s your own fault for doing it so much that I got used to it,” Satan reproaches. “Besides, it was pointless getting angry. It’s not like I can do anything to you in return.”
“You could ignore me and pretend I don’t exist or something.”
“Is that what you want me to do?”
“No!” You hurriedly throw up your hands in a gesture of surrender and shake your head so hard that Satan swears he actually feels a breeze - an even more impressive achievement considering that your body isn’t even tangible. “Please don’t. You’re the only being in the entire universe that I can actually interact with.”
“Sometimes I wonder if that is a good thing,” Satan mutters.
“It’s a good thing for me, and that’s all that matters,” You reply, unfazed.
No one other than Satan appears to have the ability to see you, which is an odd thing in and of itself. Ghosts aren’t a foreign thing to the Devildom - they’re so common that you could probably just walk into a convenience store and find one shelving cans of soup - but you don’t seem to follow any of the rules that they do. Sometimes Satan wonders if you’re able to actively choose to not allow his brothers to see you as you drift around the house, but then again, he’s pretty sure that, if you had the option to make Lucifer watch you pretend to fist fight that weird skeleton hanging in his room, you definitely would.
Satan doesn’t pretend to understand the laws of your otherworldly existence - he’s read so many variations on the rules behind lingering spirits like you that he can scarcely tell the difference between pure fiction and actual logical hypothesis. It’s easy enough to wrangle you into behaving for a day so that he can observe you properly by promising to leave his radio on for you while he’s out, but the observations themselves never seem to lead to anything. He knows that you’re able to pass through any physical object (as far as he knows), can make lights (of both the electronic and candle variety) flicker at will, can muster up enough physicality to move and touch things if you try, and can phase in and out of perceivable view, but he doesn’t know why you can do any of those things.
“Quit trying to come up with explanations for everything,” You’d told him wisely a month or so ago, when you’d floated in on him muttering to himself about the possibility of something called ‘ether energy’. “You’re just gonna give yourself a headache.”
Then you’d started making his candles flicker like disco lights until he stopped.
“...but I don’t think he spotted me, since he probably would’ve commented on the floating meat cleaver if he did, and— hey, big guy!”
That last exclamation is aimed at Beel, who has just walked into the kitchen and is now rummaging unceremoniously through the fridge, most likely in search of something to eat. At this point Satan’s pretty sure that you still don’t know any of his brothers’ names - at the very least, even if you do, you’ve never called them by them.
Beel continues to sort through the various already empty boxes and containers in the fridge as you start zooming back and forth through him, marvelling over the sheer broadness of his chest and shoulders. It isn’t the first time you’ve done this to him - or indeed any of the brothers - but Satan can tell that it’s more innocent awe than any kind of objectification or intent to harm, so he doesn’t mind. As mischievous as you are, he’s pretty sure you don’t have a genuinely malicious or wanton bone in your body... well, you don’t have any bones anymore - or a body, for that matter - but the point still stands.
“Hungry?” He guesses, but it’s honestly more of a statement. It is Beel, after all.
The Avatar of Gluttony withdraws from his search briefly to offer a nod. “I didn’t get to finish all of my lunch.”
“Well, there’s a surprise,” You comment as Beel sticks his head back into the fridge, finally tiring of buffeting yourself back and forth like a pendulum and choosing to start hovering just over the second youngest’s shoulders to watch his hunt. “Wonder what he was up to that got him to stop eating.”
Satan opens his mouth to reply, then stops and closes it again. It’s not that he doesn’t trust Beel with the not-really-a-secret of your existence, but he’s sure that at some point or another, Beel will end up letting it slip to Lucifer, who would most likely want to know why your death ended up attaching your spirit to his brother, and Satan’s already gone to great lengths to make sure that the oldest won’t find out about the rampage he went on that cost you your life in the first place. It'd just be a waste of that effort for Lucifer to find out anyway. Besides, it isn’t like the information will make much difference to Beel - he can’t see or hear you, and you’re pretty harmless, so there wouldn’t be any need for him to get involved in the situation anyway.
You, meanwhile, are well aware that Satan isn’t going to be saying anything to you while one of his brothers is in the room - you don’t really understand his reasoning for it, since you like to think that you’re a pleasure of a ghost to know, but you suppose you can’t really force him to make any decisions. Besides, you’re pretty content with the way things are right now; you don’t want to complicate the situation by bringing in another demon who, as far as you know, might just smite you on the spot if they find out about your existence.
Instead, you busy yourself with watching in fascination as Beel somehow pulls what looks like a rotisserie chicken from the very back of the fridge and shove the whole thing in this mouth. You exchange slightly disturbed looks with Satan as he begins to chew - you’re pretty sure you’ve just seen him dislocate his jaw like a snake to fit it in there.
“You might want to calm down, Beel,” Satan advises after a brief moment’s stunned silence, though even he knows that it’s a fruitless warning. “You’ll end up choking.”
Beel nods, but makes absolutely no move to slow in his aggressive chewing.
“This must be what the peak of evolution looks like,” You say in bemused awe as Beel finishes eating. The entire chicken has disappeared down his throat - bones and all. “How the hell does he manage that?”
Satan doesn’t answer, but his subtle shrug says that your guess is as good as his.
Much to your surprise and Satan’s resignation, Beel immediately goes back to the fridge, apparently unsatisfied by the copious amount of fowl he’s just eaten. To be honest, you feel sorry for the guy - while the you from when you’d still been able to eat would have done some unspeakable things to be able to consume as much as he does and still remain that fit, you’re sure that the black hole he calls a stomach must be an awful thing to have to deal with. At least he gets to enjoy a lot of food because of it, though you suppose it’s a double-edged sword if he’s also constantly being scolded for it. Personally, you don’t understand the reasoning behind telling someone off for eating as much food as they need, but they are demons. You probably shouldn’t expect them to have that level of compassion.
By the time you break out of your train of thought, Beel has found something else to eat amidst the many empty boxes in the fridge. It’s much smaller than the rotisserie chicken - some kind of pastry with a dollop of snowy white cream on top, decorated with a few lines of melted chocolate to look like a cat’s face. In fact, it looks almost identical to…
“Hey, wait!” You swipe a useless hand through Beel’s arm as he raises the pastry to his mouth. “Don’t eat that—!”
Too late. The pastry disappears into Beel’s mouth, and you drift backwards again, letting out a defeated groan. Satan shoots you a curious look - you can’t eat, after all, so why are you so upset about Beel eating that pastry? Is there something special about it?
His question is answered when he actually turns to look at his younger brother. The Avatar of Gluttony has gone rigid on the spot and is blinking rapidly, his eyes the size of moons.
“Beel…?” Satan questions hesitantly. “Are you feeling alright?”
Beel takes a long moment to respond, nodding slowly. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Satan takes a closer look and realises that Beel’s pupils seem to have dilated to an almost impossible degree, resembling a cat’s eyes when it’s about to go absolutely feral. Whatever it is was in that pastry, it’s definitely hit him hard.
Now, Satan isn’t one to interrupt good fun when it’s about to happen, so instead of stepping in and performing some sort of spell that might help on his possibly-high brother like a good guy, he sits back and watches as Beel’s head swings around the room as if he's never seen anything in it before like the mischief-loving little shit he is. Beel himself doesn’t appear to be negatively affected, so it can’t be that bad, right?
You float cautiously around the giant as his hands ball into fists. His entire body is trembling slightly with pent-up energy. Then, a split second later, as if he’s been zapped by some catalystic bolt of lightning, he abruptly snaps back on his heel and positively zooms out of the room. You can practically see the cartoony cloud of dust that he’s kicking up as he disappears down the corridor.
“He’s absolutely zooted right now,” You comment, flipping upside with a resigned sigh and crossing your arms a little grumpily. “I told him not to eat it.”
“He couldn’t hear you, you know,” Satan says, moving over to the fridge and slamming it shut, since Beel has neglected to. “What was even in that thing?”
You shrug. “Don’t know. I’ve just been calling it demon-nip.”
“I suppose that it does to demons what catnip does to cats, then?” Satan doesn’t even wait for you to answer before continuing - rude. “How did you even get a hold of it? Never mind that, how did you manage to get it in a pastry and put it in the fridge?”
“I got some help from one of the poltergeists downtown to make it,” You wave your hands about dismissively. “You should pay more attention when you go out. I disappeared for, like, five hours, and you didn’t even notice.”
“When even was this?”
“Tuesday, I think. Remember when you bought that giant bag of cat paw-shaped biscuits and then accidentally dropped the bag in the hall and got them everywhere?”
You don’t miss the way that the tips of his ears go slightly pink as he coughs subtly and averts his gaze. “...why would the poltergeists help you? They hate humans.”
“I don’t know, actually…” You ponder for a moment, then decide, “...probably because I’m cute.”
“Are you?” Satan deadpans. “Cute is what you’d call a cat. You’re just… tolerable.”
“Oh, fuck you, I think I’m adorable.” You huff, flying over and poking him hard in the side of the head. Satan hisses in pain and reaches up to rub the sore spot, but he supposes he should have seen that blow coming - you’re never too humble to make yourself physical enough to hit him after an insult.
“Where did that idea even come from?” He asks quickly, not wanting to take another attack. You may be a mere imprint of a dead human, but your fingers are sharp, and he’d prefer not to provoke you further if he can avoid it.
His change of subject is so abrupt and obvious that it’s almost laughable, but you choose not to call him out on it. As much as you’d like to set him on fire or something, he hasn’t given you a really good reason to commit arson yet, and you’d just end up feeling bad for doing it. Well, to be fair, he did kill you… but still, you don’t want to keep holding that over his head.
“I read it in a book.” You answer. Satan’s eyes light up slightly.
“Do you remember the title?” He asks almost eagerly, and you disguise a snicker. His intentions are practically painted in bright red paint across his face - he’s hoping that there’ll be more schemes like the one you’ve performed that he can use against that sadist of an older brother of his.
Unfortunately for him, the book doesn’t exist. “Yeah. It’s called One Hundred Ways To Get Back At The Ass That Killed You, Free Of Murder and Actual Crimes That Might Get You Persecuted And Sent To Super Hell.”
Satan clearly isn’t thinking very hard today, because for a moment he actually looks as if he believes you - you suppose it’s because he’s grown desensitised to the oddness of such long titles after hearing so many weirdly specific anime titles from the otaku brother that you still have yet to see come out of his room. (You’ve floated in a few times to have a look around and appreciate the decor, but other than that, you’ve barely even seen his face. You’re not even sure what his name is, to be honest…)
He realises what you’re getting at after a moment, though, and immediately frowns at you in disapproval. You just grin, pleased with your small victory.
“You're insufferable,” He says, shaking his head with an long sigh.
“No, I'm cute,” You counter, frowning. “Weren't you listening to me earlier?”
He throws his hands up hastily as you drift forward with a hand brandished and a nasty glint in your eye, unwilling to get jabbed at again. “Okay, okay, I get it.”
You, however, don't relent. Eyes narrowing, you float even closer - so close that, if you'd been physical, he’d have been able to feel your breath on his face. “Say it.”
Satan may be one of the seven most powerful demons in the Devildom (below Diavolo, of course, and possibly Barbatos), but the aggression of a pissed-off ghost, especially if that ghost is you, isn't anything he wants to be on the receiving end of right now. “Fine, fine! You're adorable, you're cute, whatever. Now will you leave me alone?”
You finally pull back, beaming in a gratified fashion. “That's all I wanted to hear!”
Satan gives you an irritated look as you drift back across the kitchen, a satisfied grin on your face. “You’re insufferable.”
“You’ve said that already,” You sing back, laughing in victory when you see his eyebrow twitch slightly in annoyance. “And you had the nerve to lecture me about creativity earlier! Why don’t you come up with better material, Mr Shoes-Up-My-Ass?”
He doesn’t reply for a good moment, attempting to think of a insult to counter your admittedly slightly juvenile one. Try as he might, though, all of his good jibes seem to have evaporated. “...shut up.”
His pathetic response, of course, immediately compels you to take the piss out of him. Clutching your chest dramatically, as if Satan’s just stabbed you with the knife you’d been waving about earlier, you wail, “Oh, thy words do wound me! 'Tis like thou hath rip’d my heart out with thy own hands!”
Satan glares you for a long moment, but he doesn’t have the heart to keep it up when you’re grinning so brightly. Honestly, you’re a nuisance and a brat sometimes, sure, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t consider you his closest friend at this point. “...do you even know how to use those words?”
You drop the act faster than Asmo throws it down on a Saturday night, shrugging and floating back over to hover just above the chair across from Satan’s. “Nope. It sounded right, though, right?”
“I haven’t read enough works in Old English to know,” Satan admits with a shake of his head. “But it did, I suppose…”
It’s kind of weird that he’s agreeing so easily, you think. Has he just had enough of your bullshit and is complying with to keep you quiet? Or has he just finally seen the light of your brilliance?
...well, you suppose it doesn’t matter. You grin and move to ruffle his hair, but forget to make your hand physical and instead end up flying right through his head. Satan shudders slightly - though he doesn’t feel it, it’s still weird to have an entire hand and arm go through his cranium.
“Could you not?” He complains as you right yourself and pull your hand back again. “This feels weird.”
“Pet names aren’t going to do anything,” He sighs, pulling his chair to the side so that he’s no longer half-inside your torso. “Hands to yourself.”
“No, it was an insult,” You correct him. “I was calling you a baby. Though bitch-boy works too.”
Satan lets out a long sigh. Now you’re just back where you started.
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noladyme · 4 years
As It Should Be - A Raymond Smith One Shot
Raymond is the perfect gentleman, with a perfect home, and very settled habits. One of those habits had become to cancel dates at the last minute; and in stead spend the night in with his girl.
Now, she's had enough, and decides to challenge him on it, doing everything she can, to get on his nerves. The result is much more interesting than she'd anticipated.
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Hell hath no fury like a girlfriend of a gentleman gangster, who has been stood up one too many times.
Ray had given me a key a few months before, during dinner at our favorite steakhouse – his backyard. We’d been celebrating 6 months together, and he’d handed me a small wrapped box, with a pretty bow tied around it. He’d most likely used a ruler to get the paper and the ribbon exactly the sizes he needed, to make it look as perfect as possible. His perfectionism both drove me mad, and turned me on immensely.
My hands had been shaking, partly in fear – I was no near ready for any diamond rings – but Ray had given me a slight smile. “Don’t worry, darling”, he said. “Nothing near as serious as you’re worried it might be”. “You telling me we’re not serious, Raymond?”, I replied snarkily. “Just open it, love”, he said.
Inside the tiny packet lay a golden key. “It’s for the house”, Ray said. “I want you to be able to come and go as you please… Just don’t try to break in to any locked freezers”. I raised a brow at him. “Is this because you don’t like my flat?”, I asked. “I know you have issues with council estates…”. “You spend most nights here anyway”, Ray said. “Look, I’m not asking you to move in… Unless you want to of course”. I laughed at his amused expression. “You wouldn’t last a week with me in the house!”, I said. “First time I use the wrong glass for red wine, or leave water stains on the bathroom mirror; you’ll go mad”. Ray blinked – his little adorable tick. “No, I won’t”. I tugged at his beard, and smiled. “Yes you will”.
Ray pressed the key into my hand. “Just… keep this, alright? The house feels more like a home when you’re here”. I leaned towards him, and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “I didn’t get you anything…”, I blushed. “That’s alright”, Ray smiled. “You can give me head in the shower later”.
I had used the key on more than one occasion – admittedly preferring Ray’s more comfortable bed to my own lumpy mattress in my one-bedroom rental. And both Ray and me had enjoyed when I’d been waiting for him in it, naked and ready to help him relax after a tense day of whatever it was Mickey had him doing all over London. Tonight, my plan was different.
Ray had cancelled four dates in a row, just as I was about to leave the house. He’d call just as I would be about to put on my shoes. “I’m so sorry, love. Work ran late. I’ll have Bunny pick you up, drop you at the house, yeah?”. And once again, I’d end up waiting for Raymond in his house, in my pretty dress; until he’d show up – an hour later – with a bouquet of roses or a pair of earrings too expensive for the queen, takeout from some fancy restaurant; and an apologetic smile on his face.
I was beginning to wonder whether Ray didn’t want to be in public with me. I wasn’t the kind if woman he’d usually meet while wining and dining lords and ladies all over England. Maybe my teacher’s salary and fondness of things like public transport – he’d practically begged me to let him get me a car, which I’d declined vehemently – was becoming too lower class to him. I decided to challenge him on it – and maybe, just maybe, I wanted to punish Ray just a little bit, for cancelling our plans for the hundredth time.
This time, I was ready. Ray called, on cue, just as I was about to slip on my shoes. “I’m so sorry, love…”, he began. “It’s alright, Ray. I understand”, I said. “I’ll pick up dinner on the way”. Ray paused for a moment. “I don’t want you waiting in some restaurant alone”, he said. “Don’t worry, babe. Bunny will be there”, I replied. “Tell you what. You can pick up the wine”. “Ripasso?”. I heard the smile in his voice. “You know me, I’m not choosey. Just make it red”, I said. “See you soon”, Ray said, and with after a few more warm words, we said goodbye, and hung up.
Bunny gave me large grin as I jumped into the back seat of the large Mercedes, dressed in leggings, a hoodie, and a smug expression. “Hello, Bunny”, I said. “We need to make a stop”. “Of course, miss. Where?”, he asked. “McDonalds drive-through”, I said. Bunny’s smile became impossibly bigger. “Ray is in for it, isn’t he…?”, he asked. “You fucking know it”, I smiled, and leaned back in my seat.
Once inside the house, I began my preparations. My first stop after kicking off my shoes and setting down the bag of food in the kitchen, was in Rays closet. I checked to see Fletcher wasn’t hiding in it, as he’d done once before; and then went through the collection of shirts. I chose a white Armani, shrugged of my hoodie; and put it on. For an extra touch, I left the closet door open, mussed up the sheets on the bed, and threw the duvet and a pillow on the floor. Next up was the bathroom. I opened the lid to the toilet, washed up – making sure to spray some water on the mirror – and dropped the towel on the floor, once I’d wiped my hands.
I dropped my hoodie on a chair in the hallway, and made my way to the kitchen. Being a big fan of Rays espresso machine, I made myself an americano, poured it into a tea mug – drank half of it – and left the mug in the sink. I took out two plates, carrying them over to the coffee table. I chose the actual silver silverware from the drawer, and put it by the plates.
With a few final touches, and after touching up my makeup, I sat down in one of leather recliners, and put my feet up – waiting for Raymond to come home. It wasn’t long before I heard his keys turn in the lock, and I readied myself for a potential catastrophe. I heard his footsteps in the hallway, and got up to stand. “Darling?”, he called out. “Something smells… deep fried”. I heard him stumble for a moment, probably over my sneakers on the floor. “I’m in here”, I said, and went to meet him in the kitchen – knowing his usual route when he got home.
Ray looked as dapper as ever, in a tweed jacket, a vest, and a pair of dark grey slacks. He looked mildly annoyed about having tripped over my shoes; and was holding a bottle of wine in one hand, and a wrapped box from Selfridges. When he saw my relaxed attire, he looked confused.
“I love when you wear my shirts, but that’s…”. “Armani. I know", I said, and tugged at it. “It’s very comfortable“.
Ray shrugged, put down the wine, went over to slip an arm around me, and kissed me deeply. I was finding it difficult to keep my composure, as I stood pressed against his firm frame; and inhaled his scent. “I brought you something… to apologize", he said, and handed me the beautifully adorned box. “You didn’t have to, Ray", I said, and suppressed the urge to open it; in stead tossing it on the kitchen island. He looked at me with narrowed eyes, and I kissed his cheek. “Dinner’s ready. Go wash up". Raymond stole another kiss, and squeezed my bottom, before going back out into the hallway, and towards the bathroom.
“Is this your sweater in the hallway?”, Ray called out to me, as he passed it. “Probably”, I responded. “You don’t usually wear hoodies”. “You could hang it…”, he said. “Never mind, I’ll do it”. I smiled to myself, imagining his grumpy face as he hung my 15 quid hoodie, next to his own Burberry trench on the coatrack.
Once Ray returned from the bathroom, I was sipping some of the delicious red wine, from one of the cognac glasses. Ray didn’t say a word about the state I’d left his bathroom in, but he did twitch at my choice of glass. “Something wrong?”, I asked sweetly. “Nothing at all”, he said, and tried for a smile. I handed him a glass of his own, and he struggled with not holding it in his palm, as he would have, had it been filled with brandy. I clinked my glass to his, and smiled. “Everything alright with work? What made you late?”, I asked. “A meeting with some people… Nothing that would interest you”, Raymond said, and turned towards the counter, noticing the half full mug of coffee in the sink. “I’m happy you’re making yourself at home”, he grunted, and peeked out the corner of his eyes at me. “Well, you told me to…”, I said, and linked my fingers with his.
Rays eyes twinkled, and he leaned in for another kiss; parting his lips, to deepen it. His tongue probed for entry to my mouth, but I pulled back. “Let’s eat”, I said, and walked towards the living room area. “I’ll set the table”, Ray said. “I already did”, I smiled. He looked confusedly at the dining table. “We eating outside?”, he asked. “No. I set us up over here”, I said casually, and threw myself on the couch; patting the seat next to me. Ray looked flabbergasted. “I have this lovely dining table…”, he tried. “Bring the wine”, I said, ignoring his words.
Ray sat down next to me, and filled my glass. I picked up the paper bag of food, and began distributing burgers and fries on the plates. “I got chili cheese tops and chicken wings as well”, I said. “Eat up”. I picked up the knife and fork, and began cutting into my burger. “That’s a … salad fork”, Ray said, his voice choked. “There’s salad in the burger”, I shrugged. Ray looked at me incredulously, as I dipped a few fries in my ketchup, and then – deliberately – let some of it fall and stain his shirt I was wearing. “Woops”, I said, and grabbed a napkin, beginning to dab at the stain. “Fuck, darling. That’s dry clean only!”, Ray sighed. “I’ll get it out… maybe some bleach”, I said. His eyes widened.
“What’s going on with you?”, he asked. “Nothing", I said, feigning confusion. I took a big bite from my burger, using the silver salad fork to put it there. “Yum". Ray took the fork from me, just as I was about to take another bite. “What are you doing?", I frowned “Why are you testing me?”, he demanded. “I haven’t the slightest idea what you mean, babe", I said. “I’m just enjoying a date with my darling”. “In a stained Armani shirt, and leggings?”, Raymond said. I shrugged. “It wasn’t like we were going out anyway". “I had reservations at…”, he began. I blew a raspberry at him, catching him completely of guard. “Like there was ever a chance we’d use those", I said.
Raymond’s eyes finally lit up in understanding. “You’re angry that I was late, and we had to change plans tonight". “Tonight?”, I sneered. “Try the last… five dates we were supposed to go on". Ray pinched the bridge of his nose, and took a deep breath. “I see… This isn’t how I’d seen the evening going either, love". “Sure it was", I said, getting up from the couch with my cognac glass of wine in hand. I took off my socks, and walked over towards the door to the yard. I opened it, and threw my socks outside. Ray got up behind me, in shock. “Its fine, really. I don’t mind the fact that you don’t want to be seen in public with me. That I’m not worth enough to be taken out somewhere nice”. Using a chair as a step, I walked onto the dining table, and made a little catwalk back and forth. Ray looked equal parts terrified, astounded and enraged. “This way, I can show you how truly at home I feel here".
“Please get off the table", he croaked. “No”, I said, taking a sip of my wine. “Please", Ray tried again, obviously trying to control himself. “Not happening", I said. I stopped my leisure stroll back and forth, and looked Raymond square in the face. We were both quiet, and it was like a standoff in one of those old western movies. “Get off the fucking table, or else…”, Ray said, patience clearly wearing thin. “Or else… what?”, I challenged him.
Though enjoying my little game, I was also beginning to fear that I was digging myself into a bigger hole than I could get out of. Raymond’s eyes were on fire, but I thought I could see something behind the rage – something quite intriguing. I decided to keep my game going. Either Ray would kick me out on my ass, or something else would happen; something much more fun. Either way, I’d have some sort if closure. “I will spank you six ways from Sunday", he said. I hadn’t expected that. “Is that a promise?”, I asked, not sounding remotely as confident as I’d hoped to.
As I lifted the glass to my lips again – all the time keeping my eyes on Ray’s – I shifted my fingers, so that I was palming it in my hand. Ray blinked again, twitching from my teasing.
Suddenly he made a jolt forwards, as if launching himself at me, and I almost fell of the table as I stumbled backwards. Looking down myself, I realized some of the red wine had splashed onto his shirt. “You made me spill my wine!”, I said. “Last fucking chance, darling”, Ray said, walking towards me; almost on the prowl. “We gonna dance now?”, I said. I walked to the middle of the table again – downed my drink – and used my toes to push the bowl of fruit towards the edge. Ray caught it just as it toppled over.
He walked over to the kitchen island, put down the bowl, and calmly took of his jacket; before rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. He walked over to the head of the table, cleared his throat; and set down his palms on it – his eyes dark. “Right. This is going to hurt me more than it will you”, he declared, before pouncing on me; catching my legs, and throwing me over his shoulder. He gave me a hard spank over the ass. “Will you behave now?”. “No!”, I yelled. He set me down, and turned me around by the shoulders; forcing my upper body down over the table, with a hand pressed down between my shoulder blades. I could honestly say I’d never been more turned on in my life.
“I asked you nicely, and you still acted like an imp”, he said. He used his free hand to pull down my leggings, exposing my panty-clad bottom; and as I kicked my legs, he removed them completely. “Impish behavior demands punishment”. He delivered a hard smack on my left cheek. “Ow!”, I yelled, trying to wrestle myself away from him. “You’re spanking me like a child, now?”. Ray leaned to hold me down with his whole arm. “Well, if you’re going to behave like a child…”, Ray said, and spanked my right cheek. His hand rubbed over my skin afterwards, almost soothingly. “You’re the one who should be punished!”, I growled. “You’ve been cancelling all our plans lately”. Ray spanked me on the left cheek again. “That’s what you’re doing? Punishing me?”, he asked. He gave my right cheek another smack. “When all I’m doing is keeping you happy… getting you flowers and presents; telling you to make yourself at home in this nice house… Oh, no; love. I’m a fucking prince to you”. “Yeah, I’m really feeling my princess Di fantasy here!”, I scoffed.
Raymond began spanking both my cheeks in turn. I let out yelps and whimpers at each hit; as they sent signals straight to my core. “This is for the silverware (smack)… This is for throwing the towel on the floor (smack)… For the glasses (smack)… For leaving your shoes about for me to trip over (smack)… And this (smack), is for walking all over my dining table on your bare feet (smack)…”. I was struggling in vain to get free; and at the same time wanted this torture to never end. His fingers ghosted my covered folds, and I drew in a short breath. Ray pulled me up to stand, and raised a brow, as he looked down at me. “Now, will you behave?”. “Not in a million fucking years”, I said.
Before he could catch me, I sprang towards the kitchen island, crawling on to it. Ray caught my ankle, but I managed to get free; and got down on the other side – the island now a barrier between us. I smiled wickedly. I grabbed the half full mug form the sink, and held it up as to spray the coffee at him. “Careful, Raymond. I know how you dislike getting dirty”, I smirked. “I’ll show you how fucking dirty I can get, babe", Ray growled, and sprang over the island, making me drop the mug back into the sink in pure shock.
Ray pulled me into his arms, pinning my arms down at my sides, and attacking my lips with a feverish kiss. I didn’t struggle now; my body responding by completely giving in to lust. After a moment of passionately kissing me, Ray let me go; and ripped open the shirt. “You ruined my shirt”, he growled, and pulled it off me; leaving me in my bra and panties. He was still impeccably dressed himself. The mix of his warm body and the cool fabric of his vest pressing against my naked skin was heaven. I began leaning against Ray, and bit my lip with a smirk. He shook his head. “You want to use things the way they’re not supposed to be used? Fine. Get your ass on that counter”.
My jaw dropped. Sex with Raymond was always thrilling, and we’d enjoyed these sessions, not only in his – and a few times my – bed, the backseat of his car, and in the shower; but also, one time in a fitting room, where Ray had come with me to help chose a dress for a job interview at a private school. I made the mistake of bending over with my back to him; and suddenly found myself pressed against the wall, with Ray covering my mouth with his hand, to muffle my moaning as he screwed me into oblivion. I hadn’t gotten the job, but I did gain a memory for life. In spite of this, we’d never had sex in his kitchen. Ray had this obsession with keeping everything in his home as it should be, and I had a feeling that it might be because he needed to control at least some things in his otherwise quite unpredictable life.
I gave myself a second to feel bad for having disrupted his perfect home base; before he lifted me up to sit on the kitchen island. He snatched a pair of scissors out of a drawer, pulled out the fabric of my panties, and cutting through them at my hips. “You bought me these!”, I said. “I don’t care”, he growled. “I’ll get you some new ones”. He ripped the ruined panties of me, and looked down at the apex of my thighs. The cool wooden surface against my bottom made the sting from the spanking subdue, and I shifted to get more comfortable. The moment seemed to drag out forever, as Ray just looked at me. He took a deep breath. “Don’t move”.
Ray left the room for a moment, and then returned; having poured himself a proper glass of probably very expensive scotch. Leaning back against the counter opposite me, crossing his legs; he took a sip of the drink, and commenced his staring at me. “I have to say, that is the most appetizing piece of meat laid out in my kitchen in a long time”, he said. “Ray…”, I said, feeling myself melt under his gaze. A wicked smile ghosted his face, when suddenly his phone buzzed in his pocket. He leisurely took it out, and picked up the call.
“Yes?... Handled it this morning. Meeting’s set up for tomorrow afternoon… No, you didn’t interrupt anything, boss. Just preparing dinner…”. He began strolling calmly around the kitchen, and I didn’t dare move. “I was about to ask her, but she’s a bit preoccupied at the moment… I’m sure she’d love to, count on us…”. He took another sip of his scotch, and then held the glass to my lips; seemingly for me to taste. As I opened my mouth, he pulled the glass back, and dribbled some of the amber liquid down my chest instead. I frowned, and parted my lips to speak; but Ray set down the glass, and held a finger to my lips. “Will we be needing extra security…? I’ll take care of it… Yes, of course, I’ll wait…”.
With the phone still to his ear, Raymond licked the trail of scotch on my skin, from my collarbone, down to the top of my breast. My breath hitched at the sensation of his hot tongue. Just as he was about to move the cup of my bra down, to go for my nipple, he stepped back again. “Yes, I’m here… Did he…? Well, he’s a right cunt, but consider it handled… I’ll keep you in the loop. Goodnight, boss. Give my best to Rosalind”.
He hung up the phone, and put it on the counter next to me. His fingertips travelled over my thighs; avoiding my warmth. “Sorry about that, but you know how it is”, he said. “Now where were we…?”. “You were wasting a 1000-pound scotch on my tits”, I jeered. “1500”, Ray said. “And I wouldn’t call it wasted”. He took another sip of the scotch, but before he swallowed it, he put his lips to mine; letting me have a taste. “What was that about you not being worth enough? I usually don’t baste my meat in expensive whiskey”.
He put his hands on my ass, and made me scoot forwards on the counter. His fingers travelled down my belly, and finally met my folds; dipping in between them. I drew in a ragged breath, as he slid his fingers up and down. “Let’s have a taste”, he said, and removed them again, putting them into his mouth. “Sweet, bit tangy, perfectly moist”. He dipped his fingers again, this time letting one of them dip in to the knuckle, and crook upwards. I threw my head back, and closed my eyes. He removed the finger again, and I groaned. “Quit with the games, Ray”, I complained. “You started this, love”, he said. “I’m just finishing it”. “Then, bloody finish it!”, I retorted.
Raymond stepped back, corrected his glasses, and clicked his tongue chidingly. “Now, now. No need to be greedy. We’ve got all night. As you said, dinner plans are out the window”, he said. “Fine. I wasn’t hungry anyway”, I said. He raised a brow at me. “No? Let’s see if we can wake that appetite”. He thrusted two fingers into me, and used his free hand to get me to lie back; before moving it down to brush against my clit. “Please…”, I whimpered. “Please, what? Forgive me, Ray? I’ll never be a brat again, Ray?”. He thrusted his fingers upwards, touching my sensitive spot inside, as he began rubbing circles on my nub. “No…”, I said, not wanting to give in. I struggled to keep my composure, but as Ray began thrusting harder, and stroked deliciously at me, I was soon too far gone to speak. “I’m…”. “That’s what I thought”, Ray said calmly. I clambered to hold on to something, put found nothing but a rolling pin; which fell to the floor, making a clanking sound to accompany my own cry of passion, as I came.
Ray gently withdrew his fingers, wiped them of in a handkerchief from his pocket; and took my hand for me to sit up. “All good?”, he asked, his face not giving away an ounce of emotion. His pants were giving away enough, though; as the bulge on the front of them had grown quite a bit. “Living room”, he ordered, and as I got off the counter, and walked towards the door, he turned around, and quickly washed the mug in the sink. “Tea mug for coffee. Honestly…”, I heard him mutter.
As I stood in the dimly lit living room alone, waiting, I shivered from the chill entering through the still open door to the back yard. “Ray?”, I called out. “Coming, darling”, he responded, and he came through the doorway; walking over to the patio door, and closing it. He gestured at me to get over to the couch. “Knees”. He was carrying the whiskey-glass, and refilled it. “Don’t I get one?”, I asked. “No… I said; knees”. He sat down on the couch, legs spread casually, and looked on, as I got down on my knees in front of him. The elitist machismo in the room, was thick enough to carve with a butter-knife. “How’s the appetite?”. “Getting there”, I admitted. “Well, bon apetit”, Ray said, and gestured towards his crotch.
I rested my elbows on his thighs, and unbuttoned his pants; pulling down the zipper. Ray made no move to help me unwrap his erection, so I went on to pull down the elastic of his boxer-briefs as well. He let out a silent grunt, when I wrapped my hand around him; and I smiled at his respond to my touch. I began stroking the velvety skin on his hardness; and Ray took a sip of his drink as he watched me. I stuck out my tongue, and flicked the tip over the sensitive spot under the head; before flattening it, and sucking him into my mouth. Ray tasted as good as he looked and smelled. A perfectly expensive taste, with an undertone of something animal – dangerous even. I bobbed my head up and down, hollowing my cheeks to make my pull on his penis tighter. Putting my hand into his bowers, I managed to get his testicles over the elastic as well. This made me able to massage them gently; rolling them in my palm the way I knew he liked.
My vagina was still sensitive from Rays former treatment, so when he leaned forwards, ran a hand down my back – between my cheeks – and slid a finger between my folds; I almost came from just that second of contact. Ray sat back again, and continued his viewing of my work on his cock. “Don’t stop on my account”, he said. I made a swallowing movement, and another stifled groan came from him. I hummed slightly; making vibrations to add to the sensation. I added pressure to his testicles, and felt them tighten in my hand. Apparently, Ray was even more impacted by my treatment, than his face gave of. I released him from my mouth with a pop, and smiled sweetly up at him. “Enjoying yourself, Raymond?”, I asked. He cupped my chin. “You know I am, darling”, he smiled. “But it seems to me, you are as well”. I nodded, and bit my lip.
I went back to sucking him off, while he finished his drink. I could tell he was struggling not to grab on to me, so I took his free hand, and put it on my head. At first, he simply ran his fingers through my hair; but then held on to it, and began controlling my movements. I let go of his testicles, and held on to his thighs, as I let him take charge of me. Ray led me to take him shallowly; then pressed me as far down as I could take him. After a few minutes, he couldn’t keep quiet anymore, and let out audible grunts and gasps, accompanied by a series of fuck, babe and that’s perfect, darling. With one final deep push, his cock twitched; and he came in my mouth – holding me there until he was completely finished. He let go of me, and I sat back on my heels; swallowing.
Ray took a moment to calm his breathing, before getting on his feet, and helping me to stand in front of him. He put himself back into his pants, and led me in front of him, towards the bedroom. I knew we’d end up there at some point; and suddenly felt a chill down my spine, when I remembered the state, I’d left the room in. Before he could open the door, I stopped him. “Ray… Uhm…”, I started. “What?”, he asked. “I sort of left a mess in there… The closet…”. “Fletcher wasn’t in it again, was he?”, Ray growled. “No, nothing like that…”, I said. He gently pushed me out of the way, and opened the door; stepping inside, and turning on the lights. “The fuck…”, he said from inside. I moved up behind him. “At least I didn’t spill ketchup on anything…”, I tried.
Ray began removing his vest and shirt, not saying a word all the while. I was worried – and at the same time hoping – that I was in for another spanking. I went to sit on the bed, and heard Ray open his belt behind me. “No", he said calmly. I turned to face him, and saw he was shedding his pants and boxer briefs. Undressed, Ray was no less regal. He might as well be wearing a dinner jacket, and holding a glass of port. As it was, he was naked as the day he was born, standing proud and fit. I sent a thankful thought to his personal trainer; or, Coach, as I knew him. Ray put his clothes in the hamper, removed his glasses, and placed them on the dresser in the spot he always did.
“Seeing as you’ve thrown half the bedding on the floor, we might as well start there”, he said. “But the bed is right there…”, I said, slipping an arm around his torso. I ran my hand up his chest, and back down, running my nails through Rays pubic hair – as always, well groomed, and blonde as his head. He raised a brow at me, and caught my wrist, as I was about to take a hold of his penis. “And the red wine glasses were right within reach too, but you still chose something else", he said. “You asked for this, love. Its upside down-day".
With a swoop of his arm, Ray had me on the floor, and he patted my hip to make me roll onto my stomach. Once there, he gave me hard smack over my bottom. “Lift", he ordered, and when I did, he took the pillow; putting it under my hips, so my ass was raised in the air, and my chest against the duvet covered floor. I looked back over my shoulder, and saw Ray kneeling behind me. The view of my bottom and wetness had made him hard again, within record time; and he stroked himself a few times, while he probed my entrance with his fingertips. Stroking my cheeks with his free hand, he then gave me one more hard spank. With a firm hold on himself and one of my hips, he pushed into me; bottoming out with the first thrust.
“Oh, my… fuck!”, I cried out. Ray stroked my back up and down gently, and then spanked me again. “I thought my spanking was over”, I whimpered. Ray leaned over me, to kiss my neck, and speak into my ear. “Why would I stop, when you keep making those delicious little squeaks every time I do?”. He smacked me one more time, and I whimpered loudly. “There we are".
He began moving his hips, the blunt tip of his cock rubbing perfectly against my front wall. I rolled my lower body, and with the pillow under my hips, my back was perfectly arched to make the sensation of Ray inside me more intense than ever. Ray kissed and nibbled at the sweet spot on my neck, as he moved in and out of me. “You taste better than a Big Mac, any day of the week”, he chuckled. His warm breath against my skin, sent small jolts to my warmth, and I moaned wantonly. I clenched the muscles in my tunnel around him; knowing that it was one of his favorites among my tricks. “Fuck, you know what that does to me, love…”, he croaked. I repeated the action, and Ray let out a choked moan.
He placed a hand on either side of me, and held himself up to thrust shallowly, before bottoming out again. I craved his closeness, and tried lifting my body to have his chest against my back; but Ray pushed me down. He took each of my wrists in one hand, holding them behind my back, and grabbed a handful of my hair – holding on tightly, as he forced me against the floor. I was completely at Raymond’s mercy in this position. I couldn’t move my arms, lift my back or my head; and he had placed his knees between mine – making it impossible for me to put my legs together. All this brute dominance, and his casual upper-crust demeanor, had me feeling like I was in sex-paradise.
He went back to shallow thrusts, and then one deep one, trying to make me reach my climax by stimulating my g-spot. Soon after, he was successful; heat rose from my feet and all through my body, and I felt my walls contract. I cried out in extasy. I heard Raymond groan, trying to hold back his own orgasm; apparently not finished with me yet.
After I’d settled around him, Ray pulled out. “I’d love to shag you in the backyard now, but its late, and cold; so, if you don’t mind, let’s go for the bed", he said. “That works", I agreed, though my body was still convulsing. Ray leaned down and left small kisses up my spine. “Do you need to stop?”, he asked softly. “No! Please…”, I pleaded. I managed, with Raymond’s help, to get onto the bed; my legs shaking, and breath ragged. Ray grabbed the pillow and duvet, and quickly made the bed up properly; an impressive feat, as my exhausted body was splayed out on it. He got under the duvet with me, and gently spread my legs, to lay between them.
Hooking a leg around Ray’s hips, I pulled him towards me. “I think you’ve learnt your lesson, now”, he smiled, and stroked my cheek gently. I put a hand behind his head, and lifted my head to catch his lips with my own. Our tongues stroked softly against each other, and I let out a content sigh. “Soft finish?”, I smiled. Ray lifted his head, and raised a brow at me. “Fuck no”, he declared.
Suddenly, both my knees were hooked over his shoulders, and he pushed into me with a groan. My eyes rolled back into my head, as Ray began thrusting hard and fast into me; without mercy. Every thrust felt like it reached the deepest parts of me. Gone was the well-groomed gentleman dom. Ray was a wild animal, his jaw clenched, and pupils blown. His hands were holding on to my breasts, making his arms force my thighs together. I was sure that I would have bruises on both my breasts and my thighs from his attack, could not give less of a fuck; from the extreme orgasm that was building in my core. Crying out wasn’t enough; I screamed Ray’s name so loud, I was sure his neighbors would show up with noise complaints. In his current state, I was convinced he’d probably meet them in the door naked, telling them to either get in and enjoy the show, or fuck right off.
I grabbed his biceps, and dug my nails into his skin, leaving my own marks on my lover. My legs stretched out, and every muscle in my body tightened, as I exploded. Ray growled from my walls tightening around him, and the pain my nails were surely bringing him. His hair was disheveled, and his eyes burrowing into mine. My orgasm was at its peak, and my voice hit a pitch I didn’t know it could. Ray kept thrusting, and the feeling was getting so intense, I was unsure whether or not I’d pass out before long. “Please… I… Too much!”, I whimpered; as my body was thrusted back and forth from Ray’s movements. “Almost, baby. Keep going…”, he growled.
Just as I began thinking this is it. I’m going to die from too much orgasming, Raymond pounded into me three final times, and came inside me with a roar.
I was shaking as Ray dropped my legs from his shoulders, kissed my unmoving lips; and pulled out of me. He laid down next to me, and gave a me a crooked smile. “You still with me?”, he chuckled. “I just came… a lot!”, I croaked. “I could tell…”, he said, and moved a lock of my hair out of my face. “You’ll be happy to know, that so did I”. I laughed hoarsely.
“I should get cleaned up, before I get cum all over your Egyptian cotton sheets”, I sighed. “Fuck it. They were on sale”, Ray shrugged. I shook my head in mock confusion. “Excuse me?”, I said. “You bought something on sale?”. “Just keep it between us, love”, he said, and pulled me close, to kiss me. I tugged at his bottom lip with my teeth. “I still have to go pee”, I said. I crawled out of the bed, and made my way towards the door. “Please put the towel back on the hook, when you’re done washing your hands”, he called after me. I smirked at him over my shoulder.
Once I’d finished my business, I made my way back to the bedroom. Ray had already fixed up the bed, and left his spare robe for me over a chair. Putting it on, I searched for him; finding him clearing up the mess I’d made around the house. I leaned against the doorway, watching him. “I’m sorry”, I lied. “No, you’re not”, he said. After having put the plates in the dishwasher, he walked over to me, taking my hand and pulling me with him, to sit down on the couch; where earlier he’d been enjoying my lips around his cock. “And as much as I enjoyed screwing you senseless just now, I’d like to know where all this came from”.
I looked down at our joined hands. ”You’ve been avoiding going out with me”, I said. “I know I don’t fit in to your posh lifestyle, but…”. “That’s what this was about? Getting back at me?”, he asked. “Partly”, I admitted. “And I suppose I wanted to… make you see what I’m really like. So, you could make a decision to either accept me, or…”. “Finish it”, Ray finished my sentence for me. I nodded.
He sighed deeply. “Darling… First of all, the fact that you don’t give a shit about which fork to use, and throw your clothes around, annoys the hell out of me; and makes me love you even more”. I met his eyes, and let out a short breath. Raymond had never used that word before. “Love…?”, I whispered. “Fuck yes, I love you”, he smiled. “And you not only fit in my life, you’d leave one hell of a hole, if you left. So no, I don’t want to finish it. You’re not getting rid of me by feeding me fast food, and throwing your socks in my yard”.
I frowned. “Then, why are you always working late? Cancelling our plans?”, I asked. “Well, that is the second part of this conversation, I suppose”, he said. “I knew we’d get here at some point, but I’ve been putting it off… You know what I do, isn’t exactly legal”. “Of course I do”, I said. “It’s not normal to sleep with a .48 in the drawer of your bedside table”. Ray brushed his thumb over my knuckles, and continued. “We’ve been having some issues with another… organization, in town”, he said. “They’ve been making some threatening moves… I’m worried, that of you’re seen with me, they’ll try to use you to get to me”. My jaw dropped. “As in… They’d kill me?”, I croaked. “I don’t think they’d go that far, but I’m not willing to take that chance”, Ray said firmly.
I took a few moments to think. “Ray… you can’t keep me locked up in this house”, I said. “I’m more than happy to do what you ask me to keep safe; but at some point, I’d like to get out… make all those posh cunts jealous of my arm candy”. I tugged gently at his beard, winking at him. “Who says you’re not the arm candy, darling?”, he smiled. “What, in my 20 quid H&M dresses, and worn shoes?”, I scoffed.
Ray stood up, and led me into the kitchen. He grabbed the wrapped box. “Actually, that’s why I got you this”, he said, and handed it to me. “Now, that was quite a bit more than 20 quid, but I’m sure you’ll look just as lovely in it, as you do in everything else you wear”. I blushed, and began unwrapping the box, opening the lid, to reveal a beautiful cocktail dress; in my exact size. “I don’t have anywhere to wear this!”, I said. “And it’s too expensive to keep at my flat. I’ll get robbed. I had to buy a lockbox for those earrings you got me”. “Michael has a birthday-party coming up next weekend. His wife will have my bollocks, if I don’t show; with a date”, Raymond said. “So, I can’t cancel on you this time”.
I took out the dress, and held it against me. “Bringing me as your date for your boss’ party… that’s pretty official, love”, I smiled. “It is, and it’s about time”, Ray responded. “And as far as where to store it…”. He tilted his head, and looked pleadingly. “Please leave that rat infested hell hole of a flat, and move in here permanently. I have to take a shower every time I come home from that place”. “It’s not that bad”, I said. “My next-door neighbor bakes me cookies every Christmas”. “And the one further down the hall, sells smack out of his trunk”, Ray retorted.
I bit my lip. “You really want me here? With my novelty mugs, and sneakers littering the hallway?”. “Absolutely”, Ray assured me. “Gives me ample opportunity to shag you on every surface we didn’t make it to tonight”. “Even the table in the backyard?”, I grinned. “We’ll have to make sure the grill isn’t so hot, you burn your perfect ass”, he said. “What do you say…?”. “Fuck it. Why not…?”.
Ray smiled warmly, and wrapped me in his arms. “Just for future reference; I prefer Burger King over Mickey D’s”.
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chrizbang · 3 years
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Pairing: Bang Chan x female reader
Genre: Romance, eventual smut, slow burn
Warnings: Idol!Chan, awkward date, mentions of food, suggestive (just a mention of penis, lol)
Word count: 1.702
Chapters: 1, 2
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"Are you an idol?"
"What are you going to wear?" Mia asked. She was sitting on your bed, next to a pile of clothes. You were trying to choose the perfect outfit but nothing looked good enough. Yeah, you were panicking. "I don't know," you whined, defeated. "Why don't you wear a cute dress? Like this one?" Mia raised a white tight dress in the air.
"Mia, it's a date at his house. I need to wear something casual but it still needs to make me look hot. I need new clothes." "Nope." Mia got up, gathering some clothes from the mess on your bed. "You need to get your shit together. Here." She handed you a white long sleeve shirt and a leather skirt that made your ass look amazing. "Use it with some vans and boom! Hot and cozy." "I think that will do." "And for your make-up?" "I want something soft since I'm only going to his house." "Makes sense. Get ready already so I can take you there." "Are you really going to do this for me, bestie?" You made a silly face. Mia rolled her eyes. "Just get dressed."
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Mia stopped her car at the address that Chan sent you. She asked you if you wanted her to get you when you left, but you assured her that you would take an uber. On the way, you messaged Chan telling him that you were close. When you arrived, he was waiting for you at the door. "Hi," you waved at him. For a moment you realized that you looked like an excited teenager and you had to fight the urge to laugh at yourself. "Hey," Chan smiled and hugged you. It was a quick hug but it was enough to make you feel your legs shaking. "Come in," he said. You noticed how that the place looked big, it was well decorated but simple, nothing fancy. "So, remember the guys you saw at the restaurant with me?" Chan asked, standing next to the door with you. He helped you to take your coat off so he could hang it on the coat rack. "Yes, I do." "We live together. I asked them to leave, so it's just the two of us." "Oh," you widened your eyes. "Okay." "I-It's not what you're thinking though. It's just so we could have privacy." He raised his hands, trying to defend himself. "It's okay," you laughed. "I think it's for the best. I would probably feel really embarrassed around a bunch of boys I don't know." Both of you stayed there for a moment, avoiding each other's eyes, not knowing what to say. Chan was wearing a white t-shirt that looked really good on him and some jeans. His hair was way too styled up for someone who was staying at home. "It's there something burning?" you asked. "Oh, shit!" Chan ran to the kitchen, trying to save something that was inside of the oven. "Oh, fuck," he complained while he put it on the balcony. Whatever that was, it was not edible anymore. "What was that?" you asked him. "I wanted to do something different for our date so I tried to cook a pie. But it clearly didn't work." You laughed out loud, throwing your head back. "I'm sorry, Chan," you said, crying because of how much you were laughing. Chan smiled, feeling satisfied by hearing you laugh. "It's okay," he giggled. "I guess we'll have to order takeout." "Sounds good to me," you chuckled, cleaning your tears. Chan ordered fast food. You were eating it in the kitchen with him but you couldn't help but notice the poorly placed curtain at the end of the kitchen. You laughed. "What?" Chan asked, his mouth full of food. "Nothing," you said. "Hey, I wanted to ask you something. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Chan raised his eyebrow. "What is it?" "Are you an idol?" Chan widened his eyes, choking on his food. He grabbed a cup of juice to help him out.  After taking two big sips and clearing his throat, he started to talk. "Uhm, yes, I'm an idol,” his voice was low almost like he was telling you a secret. "That's very nice, Chan." "Sorry for not telling you." He looked worried. "It's just that things are way more complicated when it comes to relationships when you are an idol, and-" "Look," you interrupted him. "You don't have to explain yourself. It's not like you were hiding that you were married with kids." Chan laughed, feeling relieved. "Your friends, they are also part of the group, right?" "Yes. I'm the leader," Chan said with a soft smile and pride in his expression. Chan talked about the group, their hardships, and the members. You could see the love in his eyes when he talked about them. He clearly was passionate about it. He assured you that he would introduce you to them the next time. "So there will be a next time?" you purred. "If you want to." He smiled and you felt your heart skip a beat. "I would love to."
"There something..." Chan said, pointing to your mouth. "What?" "There something on your mouth." "Here?" you asked, touching the right corner of your mouth. "Here," Chan reached to your mouth, cleaning it with his thumb. You knew that your cheeks were bright red. You chuckled, lowering your head and looking at your food. "Thank you," you whispered. "You look really cute when you're shy," Chan teased. "Stop," you laughed, hiding your face with your hands. "Don't act like you're not shy too." "I am," Chan agreed, shaking his head and licking his lips. "It's been a while since the last time I had a date. I don't really have much free time." He looked thoughtful. You noticed that he was trying to be careful with his words. Maybe he didn't want to scare you away. "I can imagine." "To be honest, I wasn't even looking for a date. But when I saw you..." Chan stopped and looked at you, his eyes were shining bright, his cheeks red and the cute dimples were prominent on his face while he smiled. "I don't know. You are something else." "Chan, stop." You closed your eyes, not knowing how to deal with his compliments. "You barely know me." "That's why we are on a date, right? I want to know everything about you." You smiled. Maybe he was just being a philanderer. But the way he looked at you made you feel like he was being honest. You and Chan talked a lot. He wasn't joking when he said that he wanted to know everything about you. He asked about your work, your family, your friends, your dreams, the things you liked to do. He listened to you with so much attention and care that you didn't even notice that it was late.
"I think I should get going," you said, the disappointment of leaving was very clear in your voice.
"Really?" Chan pouted. "Yeah, I have to work tomorrow." "Okay," Chan got up to get your coat. "Thank you for coming, I had a lot of fun today." "Thank you for having me," you said, following him. "I'm sorry for not being able to take you home." "Chan, don't worry about it." Chan locked eyes with you. You saw his eyes wandering for a moment to your lips while he licked his. You felt like you were going to faint if he didn't do something. Should you kiss him? Was he going to kiss you? You weren't able to know the answer because somebody opened the door, startling both of you. "Oh, hey. Sorry, I forgot about your date," a tall man said. "Y/N, this is Hyunjin, Hyunjin, this is Y/N," Chan said, his lips distorting in a way that showed that he was upset for being interrupted. "Nice to meet you," you giggled. "Nice to meet you too." "I have to go," you said, walking through them to the door. "Text me when you get home, okay?" Chan asked. "Sure! Bye." You waved at him and left. While you were walking away, you were pretty sure you heard Chan saying something like "I could have kissed her if it wasn't for you" to Hyunjin. You laughed.
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"How was it?" you heard Mia asking through your phone. You threw yourself on the bed, sighing. "It was amazing." "Don't fall in love, girl. It was just one date." "I'm not in love." You rolled your eyes. "But it's impossible not to be amazed by him." "Did he kissed you?" "No. I think he was about to but somebody else came home and I left." "I can't believe you ran away," Mia mocked you. "I didn't run away, Mia. I just... I don't know, I'm too shy about this. I'm not bold like you" you scoffed. "t's okay, baby. I still love you even though you are a little chicken." You rolled your eyes again. Suddenly, you heard the ringtone of your phone indicating that you had a message. It was from Chan. "Wait, hold on. I'll call you later, I just got a message from Chan." "I hope it is a picture of his big cock." "Mia!" you laughed. "Bye." "Bye, girl." You opened the text to see what Chan sent to you. Chan, 10:32 pm: Hey Chan, 10:32 pm: I was wondering if you wanna come over to watch a movie Chan, 10:32 pm: When you are free Y/N, 10:32 pm: yeah, sure Y/N, 10:33 pm: I would love to Chan, 10:33 pm: Okay then Chan, 10:33 pm: I'll introduce you to my friends Chan, 10:34 pm: But I need to warn you that they are very loud Y/N, 10:35 pm: that sounds fun Y/N, 10:37 pm: I need to warn you that I might stay a little shy for a while Chan, 10:38 pm: It's okay Chan, 10:38 pm: You can hold my hand if you want Chan, 10:38 pm: You know, just to help you overcome your shyness Y/N, 10:38: I would love to You smiled and went to sleep, excited for your next date with Chan.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for kissblocking the caracthers (idk if this is a term, lol).
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
!: that classic collapse into someone’s waiting arms
Continuation for the villain from call me???
Whatever you write is great so this ⬆️ is just a suggestion.
I am a simple man. I look at a prompt. I write 1.3k words of fluffy nonsense. So this is a little bit off prompt, but it comes into play at the end! Thank you so much for your ask!
CW//Past trauma, refusal to eat
To say that Villain was a handful would be... well, it would be completely false.
Objectively, the former tormentor of the city was about as simple a ward as one could hope for, medical professional or not. Their needs were simple, their requests even more so.
When Hero’s time of laying low had at last expired, it had been a nerve-wracking affair for both them and Doctor. Despite the doctor’s welcoming hospitality, hiding in their apartment forever was simply not a tenable option. For one thing, it would put a target on the house bigger than the whole damn thing. And, for another, Hero had work to do. People to talk to, dots to connect.
Doctor wouldn’t pretend that they understood any of it. The politics of heroes and villains were far beyond their mind’s purview. They were a doctor. They took care of people-- that was their role in all of it, and it was the only role they were interesting in fulfilling.
And that was how Villain came into their care.
While Hero was in the home, they had occupied themself with the tending of their former nemesis in every way they could manage. They fed them, ensured they were clean, and spent half their day walking around the house with a nervous villain either in their arms or trailing close behind.
Thus, when the hero started spending most of the day outside the home, returning only in the evenings, it was... difficult.
The first two days had been spent watching Villain sit by the apartment’s front door like a canine, using their tablet only to say the same two things, often over and over again in rapid succession:
“Miss Hero.”
“Where Hero.”
“Where Hero miss Hero.”
“Where Hero.”
After those days, Doctor had at last managed to redirect them to a couch, once it had been moved and turned to show a clear view of the door. They needed to know when Hero got home, they said. Needed to greet them. To see them.
In front of the couch had been positioned the apartment’s television, though it was been very particularly placed as to allow the door to be viewed without issue. It was the only way that Villain had agreed to sit upon it. Not that they’d actually agreed, per se, they had simply stopped climbing off when Doctor lifted them onto it.
Now... that was where they were.
The doctor moved out of the kitchen, glancing to the corner of the apartment’s common space that had turned to the villain’s dayroom.
The television chattered with its unending noise. Villain never seemed to use the remote, even though it sat on the couch at their side. They watched whatever their caretaker put on, though they only switched it when the constant stream of the same noise became too grating to bear. At the moment, the screen displayed some action show-- characters in low lighting shouting over a forgettable macguffin.
Yesterday, it had been the shopping channel. The day before, the weather. Whatever it was, its watcher did not seem to mind. They had not requested the thing in the first place. Doctor had only installed it when the tugging on their heartstrings had grown too great, watching the hero’s heartbroken ward stare at that door, day in and day out.
And thus, Villain sat on the couch. From morning to evening, they would seat themself in the same position, unbroken by even the slightest twitching. If they had the option, they would have likely preferred to stay there. Stay by the door, so there would be no time wasted when Hero at last returned.
But, much to the villain’s chagrin, Doctor, too, was a resident of the apartment, and they knew that sorrowful longing was not a substitute for life.
Mealtimes were the most important.
Getting Villain to eat was a hell of its own right. It was Hero’s idea, to imitate the Nutriblocks with something more appetizing. And, sure, it was easy with desserts. But getting them to eat real food? It seemed like a neverending fight. Thus far, their diet consisted of mashed potatoes, and, if they were feeling especially open-minded, unseasoned, ungarnished chicken.
They still got Nutriblocks. Not full ones, but handfuls of the grey crap, which they wolfed down as though they were being starved. Hero’s awareness of this fact was... lacking, but they would never understand that, without the grey blocks, their ward would have long since began to wither away.
Doctor glanced back to the kitchen. Water boiled atop the stove, specks of salt bouncing from its bubbling surface. Dinner would be prepared soon, and, once again, they would have to coax the potatoes down their ward’s throat.
But, the tubers would take ages to soften. There was plenty of time to wait around.
“Villain?” The doctor moved with slow, even steps towards the couch. The villain’s gaze, they noted, had been fixed on the door instead of the television. When they were called they looked over blearily. “How are you doing?”
“Where Hero.” The tablet chattered. “Miss Hero.”
“Yeah. I know you miss them, bud. But they’re out meeting with Teammate, okay? They’ll be back this evening. They always come back.”
Villain frowned stubbornly.
“Hero back. Hero back.”
“In a bit, okay?”
Doctor did their best to talk to the one who they took care of. Between their own activities, they made the time to make conversation. To try to ease their loneliness.
Villain hated it. They knew that. Villain hated them. They were the one who hauled them away from the door, who forced them to look at things other than its solid wood paneling.
They hated the exercises, relearning to use their legs, to walk, to use their hands. They hated when the doctor urged them to make laps of the apartment’s floorspace-- a border collie nipping at the ankle of a sheep. The villain needed it. Doctor would not let the couch turn into their new prison.
And, for that, they were hated. It did not phase them too much; though it did phase them.
“When. When Hero.”
“Soon. Soon Hero. Dinner is almost ready, so it’s evening, and Hero comes home in the evening.”
The mention of mealtime made Villain’s countenance twist.
“Don’t want.”
“You need to eat.”
“Don’t want.”
“You’ll starve, Villain.”
“No. Want...” Their fingers wandered around the tablet’s screen. “White black.”
“White black?”
“White with black.”
“Hm...” Doctor had gotten quite skilled with the sort of verbal charades. “Grey?”
“Yes.” Though the tablet spoke in monotone, Villain’s expression provided all the excitement that was needed. “Want white black.”
The Nutriblock.
“You can’t just have that. You need something else. I made potatoes again, okay? Well, they’re still on the stove, but, you know what I mean. Will you eat those?”
“Don’t want.”
“Want white black.”
The doctor bit their lip in frustration.
“If you eat your potatoes, you can have some of that, okay?”
Villain frowned.
“Will you eat then?”
“Thank god.” Doctor exhaled. “Okay, it’ll be ready in just a few. You, um- It looks like your show is getting to a good part. So, I’ll just...”
They stood, turning, before a familiar sound made them whirl around a second time.
A knock on the door.
“Hero Hero Hero Hero.” The tablet caterwauled.
The long suffering Doctor sighed, and felt relief in its most physical possible form. There was equal annoyance and pride as they watched Villain leap up from the couch-- a central goal of that day’s exercises-- and scramble to the door. Even as it nearly hit them with its swing, they seemed to pay no mind.
Hero was home.
There was an exhausted, nearly haunted look about their eyes, but that meant nothing when they saw their ward. As they always did, they swung their arms wide open, leaving Villain to stumble into them. With a single heave, their former enemy was held close to their chest, hugging them and burying their head into their chest.
Doctor smiled.
Villain may have been a handful, but, at the end of the day, it was worth it.
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xxreader-writerxx · 3 years
Study Buddy (Part 2 I guess)
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, fingering, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, exposition, and cursing.
Y/N= Your Name L/N= Your Last Name Y/H= Your House
You walk into where you and Fred usually meet, his dorm taking off your jacket still stressed from Hermione’s interrogation. You get shoved against the wall lightly, feeling his warm lips on yours. “Hi Freddie...” You giggle when he finally lets you go. “Hello darling...” He says while playing with your blouse buttons. “Woah woah woah… Where’s the work?” You ask, smiling goofily matching his smile and he moves over to show you his desk. You look at his papers which have close to chicken scratch writing all over it. He massages your hips standing behind you with his chin placed on your shoulder humming as he fights the urge to leave hickeys all over your neck.
“This problem is wrong.” You point out a few and he sighs. “Just the tie then? Or like halfway unbuttoned? Or cuddles?” He asks and you laugh nodding. “Fix the problems and we can cuddle.” You tell him and he nods turning faster than light to his papers. You watch as he bites his lip as he tries to correct them. He finally finishes and you nod smiling. “Perfect.” You tell him, kissing him quickly as you take off your shirt beneath his view. “What’s that for?” He asks, smiling. “You did finish your work. Just rewarding you.” You mumble going in for another kiss as you both lay down. As he wrapped his arms around you falling asleep quickly from his insane day of Quidditch you couldn’t help but remember how it all started.
I sit eating my favorite meal at the Gryffindor table laughing with my friends, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Lee, and Angelina. I’m in Lee and Angelina’s year but I never really made friends with anyone else in my year. Lee keeps trying to introduce me to the Weasley Twins every now and then but I either choke up last minute or get busy. The Weasley twins are the hottest people, and sadly the most troublesome, in our year. I can tell the two apart from a scar on Fred’s eyebrow but we’ve never truly met. I have classes with both but we haven’t talked. I’m the top of my year and I was always on time for class so me and them never really ran in the same circle. They rather prank and be wild. I love a good prank but I rather study.
I head to potions and the twins have already created havoc. The room was filled with a smoke and I realized it from the smell right away. I cover the bottom of my face with my sleeve running over to the cauldron which has a lot of already sleeping students next to it. I throw a lid on it and use a vacuuming spell to get rid of the leftover smoke quickly. I make a batch of the counter potion and put it in a spray bottle. I walk over to the first few students spraying it on them. I get to the end finally spraying the potion on Professor Snape. Everyone is awake and coughing. I go over to the culprits checking if they're ok. “Hi?” Fred says and I shush him checking for any lung harm. “That was dangerous.” I mumble and he nods rubbing his eyes. “George. George, wake up.” I say shaking the other twin. He pops his head up and looks at me quizzically. “H-How did you know who was who?” He asks, still groggy. “It's fairly obvious.” I mumble still in Healer Mode. “And who are you?” He asks as I move on to the next student. “Y/N L/N” I spit out and they nod. “I can handle this Y/N” Professor Snape instructs and I move so he can handle them.
“Now...” I say turning to the two boys. I slap their heads and they groan, rubbing their heads. “That was an idiotic thing to do. You are lucky I got here in time. If I didn’t that sleeping potion would make your lungs stop working and numbing your body. Let alone the others in the room. You better apologize and I will be writing to your mother.” I start to ramble but get cut off by Fred smirking. “You’re cute when you’re angry.” He says smiling and George nods. “Very kissable.” He agrees and I blush against my will. “Listen flattery won’t get you anywhere. Your mother Molly will be hearing of this.” I say and they whip their heads to see me. “Y-you know our mother?” George says now nervous. “Yes. I visit a lot you two are just too insane to notice.” I spit and they look at each other then me with their eyes squinted. “Oh my god- Y/N?! The no-boobs Y/N?! Well you certainly- Grew.” Fred says and I give him a death stare. “Sorry.” He mumbles and I nod.
I walk over to Snape and check his pulse and everything since he cannot do it himself. I nod curtly stepping away and he fixes his collar. “Good job Y/N/ 150 points to Y/H, 115 points from Gryffindor.” He reports and I nod going to my desk. Instead of my usual partner I get greeted by Fred who is smiling wildly. “Yes?” I ask and he shrugs. “I like this seat.” He explains and I nod.
We finish our class and Professor Snape calls me up. I walk over and he points at Fred. “He and George are falling behind. They have potential but waste their time doing pranks and jokes. Could you help Fred do work? I will give you extra credit. Me and his teachers think you and another girl are the best for the two. Top of your years of course.” He explains and I nod. “Yes sir. I will definitely get on that, no extra credit needed.” I say making him raise an eyebrow. “The joy of teaching of course.” I mumble and he nods questionably.
A few hours later I’m banging on Freds door. He opens the door only wearing sweats and I cover my face with papers. “Sorry. Thought you were my roommates.” He explains shyly grabbing a shirt off of the ground out of the millions of piles. I look around with my nose scrunched at the mess. “I always love getting that reaction. Helps the ego.” He says looking at the mess before him.
“Anyways...” I say and turn, giving him the books. “Read these. I have noticed your usual reading rate is around 160 pages per minute. But when you like the book it's 300. Try to meet me in the middle. I also noticed you dog ear pages. When you do that its bad for the book. Bookmark. Now what I think we will start off studying potions and finishing that workload. When you finish that we do transfiguration. Then some DADA homework. And-” I stop myself seeing him walk over to his bed reading a pranking magazine. “What are you doing?” I ask and he looks up at me. “Zonkos.” He points out showing me the magazine. “I know that… Why are you reading it?” I ask sitting down moving his legs. “Work.” I point out the books and he nods. “Read em all.” He explains. “What do you mean?” I ask and he laughs. “I read 'em. How do you think me and George make those potions? We know our shit, it's just the work we don’t bother doing.” He explains. I nod grabbing the magazine earning an upset groan. “How bout each workload you finish you get to read an article.” I propose and he groans getting up.
A few minutes later he’s finished and snatches the magazine from me grumpily. I smile reading the work. It's perfect. Some mistakes but it was only the hard stuff. I smile hugging him lightly and I back away quickly realizing I just hugged Fred Weasley. “Sorry.” We both say and chuckle. “Ok. Next piece of work.” I say and he groans, giving me the magazine. “This counts as slavery” He points out and I shake my head laughing. “I did want to say, your laugh is my favorite.” He says and I look at him confused. “Just because I didn’t remember you doesn’t mean I don’t notice you. You aren’t stuck up like most of the smart kids. I always liked that.” He tells me and I blush. “Just do your work you flirt.” I say blushing and he winks grabbing his quill. “Only flirt with the pretty ones.” He says and I blush more.
He finishes all his work after about two hours the whole time we joked around and laughed. I get up to leave but he stops me smiling. “Want to stay a little longer?” He asks and I kiss his cheek sweetly. “Gotta study myself.” I say and see he’s now blushing. “You studied this entire time.” He tells me and I laugh. “I have advanced classes, always gotta study.” I explain and he nods his smile only dropping a tiny bit. “Maybe later.” He says with a wink. I walk out blushing and sit next to Hermione who laughs at my state.
***Fred POV***
I walk over to Ron with George. We grab his collar from behind lifting him up and bringing him into a nearby storage closet as he yells. “WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!” He yells at us and we look at him annoyed. “OH GODRIC- MIONEEEE- L/N- SOMEONE BLOODY HELP ME THESE TWO ARE GOING TO HURT ME I KNOW THE LOOK!” He yells banging on the door. We grab his collar again earning a shriek. “CALM DOWN I JUST HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT Y/N YOU TWIT!” I yell over his screams and he looks at me confused. “Y/N? What about her? She came over last christmas.” He explains and we look at each other slapping each other’s arm. “Why the hell do we not remember?!” We ask each other and he shrugs. “Fred was snogging some girl and George was drunk and high.” He explains and we look at each other annoyed.
“So what are your questions?” He asks and we nod. “We need the insider information. The pretty girl that he’s been drooling over is actually Y/N. She’s tutoring Freddie Boy and he’s got a crush.” George explains and I blush hitting his arm. “Do not.” I say and he scoffs.
“Do too.”
“Do not!”
“Do too!”
We start shoving each other and Ron stops us. “What the hell do you want to know?!” He asks and I nod. “Stuff like her favorite flower, favorite food, favorite everything.” He asks and I nod. “Well- She likes Blue Irises, but she’s allergic. Her second favorite is roses, she loves when guys know the meaning behind them too. I remember you read up on them so go with that. She doesn’t have a favorite food but if you want to be alone with her she’s always in the library after dinner. Tell her you wanted some extra study time or something.” He explains and we look at him skeptically. “Why are you telling us this?” I ask and he opens the door a little and points at a table in the Great Hall. “Malfoy’s making moves on her. I much rather Fred than him.” He explains. I watch as she giggles with Malfoy smiling besides her. “He’s probably just trying to use her. She’s hot as hell and smart too.” Ron admits and we nod.
“Well that isn’t happening.” I say and conjure a bouquet of light pink, peach, and coral roses. I walk over to her table and hold them up for her. She looks at them putting a hand to her chest. “Oh my god Fred what are these?” She asks, smiling and I smile back warmly. “I just wanted to say thank you for helping me with my school work.” I explain and she smells them smiling. “So the pink is for how sweet you are for helping me. Then the orange means appreciation because I really do appreciate it. And finally coral means friendship.” I say lying on the last part. She chuckles taking the coral one and smelling it. “Coral actually means desire but this was so sweet!” She says hugging me tightly. I smile at the short girl trying her best to wrap her arms around me and look at Malfoy as he sneers at me. “So Draco… As I said I’m now tutoring Fred, and have been for bout a week, so sadly I can’t tutor you. But maybe when his grades get up I’ll help with yours.” She explains and quickly kisses his cheek. I feel as if I just got a bludger to the chest and I keep my composure.
***Y/N’s POV**
I’m studying inside the library when I hear scuffling at the doors. I walk over to see Fred fighting Ron and George as they shove him into the library. I laugh quietly watching as they shove him inside. I can’t make out what they’re saying but they finally get him inside. They talk for a few seconds and Ron grabs his shoulders then slaps him a few times. He stands up nodding and they leave. He tries running out but they shove him back inside and I laugh a little louder. It gets his attention and he fights them harder making me feel a little upset. I walk over as he fights them and tap his shoulder. “If you’re afraid of me you can just say that.” I tell him and he looks down at me blushing. “N-no no no. I just don’t want to be studying but they’re forcing me.” He explains and I nod.
“Want to study with me? The library’s a little stuffy so I was just about to head to my dorm. If you’d like I would love it if you’d join me.” I ask shyly and he looks down at me smiling. “Well… Don’t want you to be lonely...” He says and I laugh holding my hand out. I drag him to my dorm sitting on my bed.
After some time of studying I catch myself looking up at him even though his back is turned to me he’s hypnotizing. I watch his strong arms move from one book to another or how he would lean his head back all the way. I rub my thighs together lightly as I try to take my mind off of it but I soon realize I have a mirror right in front of him. He spins around in his chair looking at me with a smirk. “Watcha doin?” He asks and I shrug acting innocent. He nods turning around chuckling.
A few days later I’m tutoring him in a classroom as he sits at the desk and he finally gets annoyed. He pushes all of his books on the ground getting my attention. I turn and see him walking up to me smiling flirtatiously. “I have been staring at your ass for way too long for that to be allowed.” He says and I blush furiously. “What?” I stutter and he grabs the side of my face kissing me. I give in to the kiss holding the back of his head and he slips his tongue past my lips. I moan lightly at this as he picks me up massaging my ass. He sets me on the desk when he finally retracts his head, placing his forehead to mine. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He whispers out of breath. I kiss him again and feel his hands start to undo my polo. I place my hand on his chest and he looks at me worried. “W-we shouldn’t be doing this...” I mumble and he kisses me lightly. “We don’t have to, but I do think we totally should.” He says and I chuckle. I kiss him again and pull away stopping myself. “Godric why do you have to be so hot?” I ask and he shrugs smiling.
“What if...” He starts. He walks over to his desk and taps it. “Each piece of work done. One article of clothing. Then you're still doing your job and we still get to have fun.” He proposes and I chuckle shyly. He picks me up from the front desk placing me on his with my legs on either side. “Well?” He asks again and I bite my lip. “We would be breaking the rules...” I mumble and he laughs as if I said the funniest joke ever. “Like I care. Now. One piece for one piece of clothing?” He asks and I finally give in nodding. He kisses my thigh and I feel it go all the way to my core.
He rubs my thigh absent-mindedly as he works on the paper. He finally gets the first one done and hands it to me as he unbuttons the polo I have on. I check it and place it behind me. “First one done.” I say as if my shirt wasn’t off and he wasn’t eyeing my chest. “One kiss?” He asks and I laugh kissing him. He starts kissing down my neck and I finally stop him, handing him the next piece of work. He gets that done quicker than ever and tries taking off my bra but I stop him. “Underwear last.” I tell him and he nods, kissing my thigh again sending shivers through my entire body. He helps me shimmy off my skirt and throws it on the ground. “Godric you are beautiful.” He mumbles looking at me with a hunger I’ve never seen before.
He finishes another assignment at record speed. “Are you sure darling?” He asks before taking off my bra. “Please.” I mumble and he nods taking it off. He keeps his eyes on my chest making my cheeks turn pink. “Darling… You are gorgeous.” He tells me, kissing me roughly. He massages my chest making me moan. He drags my hips to fall into his lap as I feel contact with my aching clit and his trousers I moan louder into his mouth. “I know darling..” He mumbles as he moves to my chest sucking on my nipple and massaging the other. “Freddie...” I moan as he leaves hickeys on my chest. I remember the work and almost don’t care but making him wait would add so much more fun.
I give it to him sitting back in my place and he groans hitting his head on the desk lightly. “You are murdering me here.” He mumbles and I chuckle massaging his head lightly. He picks it up, moving his work back on the desk. Every now and then he’d glance at my chest smirking and working harder. He finishes the homework, giving it to me and I read it over slowly. He finally grabs it viciously and slamming it behind me, making me jump. “Darling please take off those horrible panties before I cut them off.” He tells me and I nod quickly. I shuffle them off and he flicks his wand to silence and lock the room.
He tugs my hips to the edge of the desk kissing my inner thigh. He moves to right above where I want him to be kissing it and I whine lightly. “Aw darling… Would you like me to lick your pretty cunt clean?” He asks and I nod furiously as he finally licks all the way from my entrance to my clit and lightly swirls his tongue around it making me moan. He starts eating me out (is it obvious I don’t know how to word it-) and rubbing my clit as I moan his name over and over again. He pulled away right before I was about to come, leaving me to let out a whiney moan. He kisses me lighty and pulls away chuckling. “Sorry I just can’t take the trousers right now.” He mumbles softly. He gets up taking his clothes off and I watch biting my nails lightly.
He kisses me finally and I stop him before he sits down. “I-I’ve never. Ya know...” I mumble and he kisses me. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He tells me and I shake my head. “No I just want to warn you...” I explain and he kisses me softly. “You sure?” He asks and I nod, biting my lip. He sits down and moves me slowly on him. It hurts at first but Fred’s kisses helped me and the pain turned quickly into pleasure. I nod and start moving when he gives me the go-ahead. I feel his hands guide my waist as I go up and down against his dick. He chuckles, kissing me, moving one of my hands that are clutched to his shoulder to my stomach, smirking. “Feel that? I shouldn’t even fit” He chuckles and I nod kissing him roughly. I feel him massage my ass with one hand still guiding me with the other. He moans my name, moving his head back. I feel myself get close as he keeps moving me sucking on my chest. “Freddie ‘m gonna come.” I mumble and he nods kissing my shoulder. “Go on. I want to see your cum spill on my lap.” He mumbles and I nod, continuously going up and down.
I moan out his name loudly when I finally come all over his dick and he lightly praises me. I keep going until I feel him cum inside me and I fall into his arms exhausted. “So… Do I get out of tutoring now?” He jokes and I laugh lightly. “I will not succumb to your seduction.” I mumble and he laughs. I feel his chest rise and fall violently from laughter and I just hum in ecstasy.
We get dressed and he stops me blushing lightly. “Is this… an only one time thing?” He asks and I laugh. “If you think you will take my virginity and it being a one time thing I will hex your cute ass.” I tell him and he smiles pulling me in for a long kiss. We sit down facing each other and I grab my notebook. “Whatcha doin?” He asks and I click my pen. “We need rules” I tell him and he nods.
“Ok so You follow the school rules, I follow yours. You don't, you don't fuck me for a week per rule broken got it?” I ask caressing his cheek as he melts into it smiling goofily. “Yes ma’am...” He mumbles and I write it down. “Let's also make the clothing=work. Not all the time, just when I’m tutoring you.” I tell him and he nods happily. We continue making rules while he rubs my wrist lovingly.
I get snapped back to reality as Fred is giving me a light backrub to soothe the tension from Hermione’s questioning. “Right there darling...” I mumble and he moves a little to go to where I was pointing. “What were you thinking about?” He asks and I nod as he tries his best to massage my back. I smile at the question and rub his hand. “When we got together four months ago.” I mumble and he chuckles. “That was a many blow and hand jobs ago.” He jokes and I slap his hand laughing. “Can’t believe they still haven’t found out! Like should we tell them already?!” I ask and he laughs shaking his head. “It's funny watching them prod and wonder.” He tells me. I hear the door rattle and George mumble a spell. I jump to the floor and roll underneath his bed quickly. Should I make a part 3 where they get caught? So sorry if its bad
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Primrose, part One
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Rating: SFW Length: 1929 Pairing: Male Reader x Male Orc (both cis)
Just a bit of fluff during these trying times.
I see him one bright summer morning in my grandmother's garden, near the edge of her property where the forest kisses the grass. I find him sleeping between the rosemary and the hydrangeas, curled up in the shade of a willow tree, barefoot and smelling of sweet wine. The morning sun has yet to reach him and so the dew still clings to him yet, making him almost seem to shimmer like a daydream in the dappled light.
He's big even for an orc, though I admit I haven't met many. His skin is the colour of cherry blossoms except where it seems to be lacking pigment, like a sliver which looks like a widow's peak that disappears into his vivid pink hair, and a splotch that spreads like a butterfly across his sharp cheekbones and the bridge of his nose. His hair is a rich pink colour, long and thick and braided loosely, the ribbon almost lost to the clover and lemongrass he’s lying on. I take a moment to study him among the birdsong and the stirring of the cicadas in the forest, watching the rise and fall of his broad, hairy chest where it's exposed by buttons either undone or lost to the night's festivities.
He's the most handsome man I've ever seen, and I almost feel remorse when I upend a bucket of water over his head.
He snorts and gasps, splutters and coughs, looking about him wildly as he flails and struggles to right himself from his lazy sprawl. "What in the hell?" he exclaims, breathless and agog, and when he turns his baby blue eyes up to meet mine, they go wide as dinner plates.
"You're crushing the lemongrass," I tell him, keeping my face and tone neutral while I smother my amusement.
"Did you just soak me?" he asks, something like awe stealing across his face.
"You're crushing the lemongrass," I say again, propping my dripping bucket against my hip through the overalls I'm wearing. "My lemongrass. Get out of my garden, you drunk."
It seems he can contain himself no longer; he throws his head back and roars with laughter until tears gather in his eyes. "And here I heard no one but a canny old crone lived in this cottage!"
"My grandmother," I supply, feeling my lips curve up despite myself. "I'm just a canny young bastard."
"And what happened to the crone?" asks the orc, getting up and pulling his shirt over his head to wring it out over the hydrangeas.
I can't help but notice that his torso is thick and muscled, and that the dense curls on his chest go all the way down his soft belly. Here, they turn white along with his skin in a broad swathe, and I find myself wondering where else his skin changes colour beneath his clothes.
"See something you like?"
My eyes snap back up to the orc's face, and where I'm expecting a smug, lascivious smirk, there is instead a bemused, almost shy smile. I know that I don't blush when I'm embarrassed, but I'm surprised to see that he does, two spots of red blooming across his cheeks like roses.
"She fell and broke her hip three weeks ago," I tell him, and I make a point to look only at his face while he puts his shirt back on. "She left me in charge of the house. What's it to you?"
The orc holds up his hands, and I see that one palm is white as cream. "Only curious," he assures me, turning his gaze to the cottage behind me. "Nice place."
I give him a very flat look. "Try to rob me and you'll regret it."
Once again he laughs, gesturing with his hands as if to fend me off. "Easy, easy! Are you always so hostile?"
"Only to strangers who pass out drunk in my herb garden."
He smiles, then, and I curse him internally; of course he'd have dimples. "Well, what if we weren't strangers? I'm Primrose, but most just call me Prim. You are?"
I feel my eyes narrow as I weigh my options, absently drumming my fingers against the side of my bucket. I debate telling him my name, but his disarming smile pries it out of my mouth before I can think better of it.
Primrose’s eyes light up. “What a pretty name. It suits you. Not like mine.”
“Oh?” I call over my shoulder as I turn to head back to the house, pretending to be bored of the stranger who tromps through the herbs behind me in his haste to follow. “I’m sure I don’t care why.”
“Oh, come on,” the big orc snorts. “‘Primrose’? For a man? ‘Prim’ is my only saving grace!”
“Don’t you fancy hearing ‘Rosie’?” I ask knowing that I’m being prickly, putting aside the bucket and reaching for the garden hose.
Primrose stops short, mouth opening and closing soundlessly before he can grumble, “Only my mother calls me that.”
“It’s a good name,” I say, turning to face him with the hose head in my hand. “It suits you. Unlike mine.”
Primrose laughs awkwardly, eyeing the hose like a snake about to bite. “Is that for me?”
I lift a brow. “Do you want breakfast, or not?”
His belly answers before his mouth can, rumbling loudly between us and causing him to splutter and cover it with his hands as if to silence it. “I suppose I do,” he sheepishly replies.
“Then I’ll hose the mud off your feet and you’ll go straight to the bath. I’ll wash your clothes while you soak the booze out of your system, feed you, and then you can get the hell off of my property.”
“Bossy,” Primrose says with a laugh, startling only a little when I turn the cold water of the hose on his feet. “I don’t have the foggiest where I might have lost them.”
“Your marbles?” I drawl, and I thrill at the quick grin it earns me from the orc.
“My boots.”
“Hm. Come in, then. Mind the door.” I warn him just in time to save him a nasty knot on his forehead, leading him into my grandmother’s cottage to the big claw-foot tub that I begin to fill with steaming water. I add bath salts and rose oil for his muscles and for my own amusement, which he doesn’t seem to miss despite how straight-faced I keep.
“Very funny,” he rumbles, pulling the ribbon from his hair and shaking it out of its plait. It falls all the way down to his backside, and in that moment, I want nothing more than to put my fingers in it and play with it until I’ve figured out just how many shades of pink there are to find. I control my urges and rein in my impulses as I’ve always done, leaving briefly under the context of getting the washing machine ready and returning only once I’m sure he’s in the tub. It’s not hard to gauge when he enters; the cottage is quiet except for birdsong, and his groan is low and long.
I bustle in to gather his clothing and wrinkle my nose at the tattered hair ribbon; the silk was fine to begin with, but it’s been torn and tattered in small but noticeable ways along the ends, and the mud is in so deep that it may never come out. “You’ve ruined this ribbon,” I inform Primrose, pinning him with a scrutinising look that he wriggles under the weight of like an errant schoolboy.
“I don’t remember how or when,” he says. “Last night is… a blur, at best.”
“Hm,” I sniff, looking away from him to head for the door. “Maybe this will teach you not to drink so much in future. A ribbon can be replaced, but if you’d fallen asleep facedown in a ditch somewhere, the night’s rain would have drowned you. Is that how you want to go out? Drunk and drowning in a puddle somewhere?”
I almost feel sorry for the way I make him squirm, big as he is. He’s all muscle, barrel-chested and with hard, shapely legs that he draws up to his chest in the tub. “No,” he all but meeps, meek as a kitten. “My mother would bring me back just to kill me. I won’t drink so much again.”
“See that you don’t,” I reply, sweeping out of the room to get the laundry going. Halfway without thinking, I stash the ruined ribbon in my pocket and go upstairs to my room to fetch him another. I, too, have long hair that requires being tied back from time to time, so I grab one of my ribbons and place it on top of the pile when his clothing has been washed and dried. I set these just inside the bathroom door and inform him that breakfast will be ready within the hour, and so I hear him reluctantly begin the drawn-out process of unwillingly leaving a warm bath.
Breakfast is simple, but hearty. Eggs, potatoes, sausages—all locally sourced from the farmers in the countryside. I’m chewing on a mouthful of eggs when I remember I have a delivery to make to my grandmother’s egg supplier: a watermelon she had traded for that was a little overripe to eat, but perfect for the chickens as a treat. I inform Primrose of this and we both spend a moment looking at his feet, contemplating his predicament. In the end, I pick up the receiver in my grandmother’s kitchen and call a carriage for him, waving away his words of thanks.
“I mean it,” he insists. “If this house had been empty, I’d have had to walk all the way back to town barefoot.”
“It would have taught you a lesson, at least,” I say, and this time I can’t help the little smirk that steals across my face.
Primrose laughs, loud and joyful. “You’re a viper! Can nothing I say earn me any sweetness?”
“You want sweetness?” I ask, and I can feel myself smiling now. “Don’t pass out in my garden next time.”
Primrose leans in across the porch where we’re awaiting his carriage. “‘Next time’?”
“Oh, don’t read into it,” I huff, shaking my head and leaning against the railing. “You want sweetness, you need a better impression than what you’ve given. There’s Mr. Higgens now.” I gesture with my glass of lemonade, and Primrose’s expression falls.
“Ah.” We’re silent as the carriage pulls up the dirt road to the front door, and I wave to the driver and exchange pleasantries as Primrose reluctantly heads down the front porch steps. He looks back up at me when his feet hit the dirt, and I almost laugh at the way his big blue eyes look almost childishly hopeful. “Would you soak me if I visited again?”
“I might,” I say nonchalantly, tilting my head this way and that. “I might not.”
Primrose grins, and all at once all the wind is under his sails again. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, waving exuberantly from the carriage after he’s boarded it. I wave back, bemused by the morning’s events, and watch the carriage until it disappears around a woody bend and completely out of view. I go back inside and wash the breakfast crockery, shaking my head at myself and my foolishness when I find the ruined ribbon in my pocket when I’m wiping my hands on my jeans.
What was I doing? I had a watermelon to deliver.
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 23: Desperate Passions
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, oral sex, penetrative sex, nipple play, nipple piercings, scars/stitches, fingering
Summary: Juniper is fully healed and ready to get back to one of their favorite hobbies!
Feedback appreciated. 18+. This is a smut heavy chapter
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“What are we having tonight, love?” Heisenberg asked, sitting back in the wooden chair. He had returned from working to find her over the stove, a simmering pot filling the apartment with a delicate fragrance.
“Pilaf.” She answered sweetly.
“Ah…alright.” Heisenberg nodded, her answer not making anything more clear to him.
He cut open a cigar, lighting it and bringing it to his lips as he watched her.
She pulled two deep plates out of the cabinet, looking towards him, “Get anything exciting made today?”
He made a prideful rumble, speaking through the cigar, “Mhm. The Soldat Zwei is almost finished. Give the bastard one, maybe two, good days of work and he should be up.”
“They are the ones with two drills right?”
“Correct. Moved the reactor core to the back as well.”
“When are you starting the….the Pan..pan?” She couldn’t find the words, placing a glass of water and silverware on the table.
“The Panzer?”
“Yea that one! They looked big.”
“Oh, sweetheart, it will be.” He gave a devilish smile, “Gotta wait till I get a bastard built like a shit brick house for that one.”
“Like Sturm?” She scooped food into the deep plates.
“Unfortunately…yes.” He frowned, that creature still brought him nothing but grief.
Juniper placed a plate before him, before taking a seat with her own.
Fuck me…what is this?
Heisenberg gulped looking at the meal. It was a pile of rice with chicken, carrots, mushrooms and herbs mixed in. It smelled normal and appetizing but left much to be desired to the eyes.
Juniper took a bite, looking at him through narrow eyes.
“Love, did you make bread as well?” He asked hopefully.
“No, there’s rice in here.” She pointed her fork at him, “And vegetables. Eat it.”
He made a little grumble, tucking into his food. It tasted good, the rice made with the broth from the chicken and the herbs giving it a homely taste.
…Thank god.
Heisenberg thought, mercifully, as he started eating with more gusto. Juniper loved to cook, and loved seeing him eat what she made even more. But her passion for the craft was almost matched with her desire to strive to make each meal healthy. Even if it meant throwing in things that tasted like death to pack more nutrients into every meal.
Heisenberg didn’t know if it was her trying to curb his lack of anything healthy or some Devine  force punishing him for his terrible daily diet for decades. In any case, it was a small price to pay for her happiness.
He finished his plate, even going back for a second. On the way back to his seat he paused, giving Juniper a soft pat on top of her head with his free hand. She beamed up at him.
They spoke more of his upcoming Soldat plans over dinner. Heisenberg explained how the Panzers should be immune to most types of damage, save for heavier explosions. They would be risky to produce and time consuming but a good last line of defense.
“Will all the armor put stress on the core?” Juniper asked.
He nodded, “I’ll have to use the bigger exhaust port like on Sturm but take in the energy production per energy draw to the multiple drills.”
“So they don’t overheat?”
“Precisely. I don’t want them spitting fire like the big boy.” Heisenberg pointed out.
After Juniper cleaned up the mess from dinner, Heisenberg ushered her into the bathroom. She followed him, used to this routine, she pulled her dress off and sat on the sink. Heisenberg leaned  on his palms against the counter on either side of her, dipping in to give her a kiss. She deepened the contact, hands finding the sleeves of his button up shirt.
He gave a happy little rumble, pulling away enough to inspect her incision. She sat still, waiting as he looked her over with a critical eye. The infection was completely gone, the tissue a healthy healing pink.
“I can probably remove the stitches, if you’d like.” He concluded.
“Please.” She almost begged, “They itch.”
He stood, chuckling, “Itching is good, means it’s healing.”
He retrieved a sharp pair of scissors, pouring a bit of peroxide over the blades before kneeling before her once more. With careful cuts he snipped through the stitches, pulling them free with deft fingers.
He tossed them away one by one into the trash can. Juniper watched him with big eyes.
“Will it scar?” Juniper asked quietly.
“Afraid so, Darling.” Heisenberg frowned.
Her eyes looked glassy, glancing over the pinkish new tissue.
Heisenberg took her face in his hands, lifting her chin up to meet his gaze. She wilted a bit.
"What's up?" He asked, concern in his gaze.
"Hmm…" She almost didn't answer, looking away, "I don’t want you to think I’m ugly…I have really bad scars…”
“Are you fucking serious.” Heisenberg’s lips were a fine line, “Look at me.”
She met his eyes, him correcting her, “No look at all of me. Look at all the shit my body has been through.”
Her eyes wavered, scanning him over. He was covered in scars, his skin was a patchwork of pearlescent lattice, even his face sporting a few.
“I am a scarred, fucked up old man.” He said plainly, “You are so fucking beautiful. A few scars can’t change that.”
Her eyes watered, cheeks growing rosey.
His face split with a grin, “Have I ever hesitated to bend your ass over every flat surface in this factory?”
 “…no.” She mumbled.
“Don’t  you even start to think I don’t find you sexy as all hell, ok love?”
“You haven’t bent me over anything in months.” Juniper pouted in his hands.
Heisenberg looked at her a moment before throwing back his head and barking out with laughter.
“You were healing!” He bared his teeth playfully, “But you’re all fixed up now, how about I show you how much you drive me fucking wild?”
Juniper smiled, nuzzling into his cupped hands, “Please, master?”
“Oh Honey.” He almost purred, “Keep that up and you’ll be bedridden again.”
They made their way back to the bedroom, Heisenberg catching her up in a messy kiss. While she was distracted he removed the rest of her clothing, backing her up until her calves touched the bed.
He lightly pushed her back, Juniper making a little ‘oof’ as she hit the bed. She propped herself up on her elbows, smiling as Heisenberg fell to his knees before her.
He didn’t dive straight into her heat like she expected, instead pulling her by the ankles closer to the edge.
His eyes were dark and hungry as he dipped his head in to drop rough kisses up the length of her leg. Juniper shivered at the heat of his mouth as he trailed ever closer to the place she wanted him desperately.
His lips lingered on the softness of her inner thigh, sucking a dark blotch there. He pulled free with a wet pop, meeting her gaze. She was already flushed.
“I’m going to have to re-mark my claim on you.” He almost purred the words.
“Make me yours in every way.” She spoke sweetly.
“I plan to.” He promised, kissing upwards.
He dropped a kiss just above her clit, smiling when her breath hitched. She made a little sound of want when he pulled away, thrusting her hips up in an effort to urge him back. Heisenberg growled as his large hands found her legs, pushing her down against the bed.
Juniper whimpered, watching him move higher.
He kissed along her scar, eyes flicking up to meet hers. The new tissue was sensitive under his lips, his beard making her skin prickle.
“Fucking perfect.” He concluded when he covered its length, his hands forcing her thighs more apart, “Every part.”
“…stop.” Juniper’s cheeks reddened further.
“Oh no.” He gave a devilish smile, “No mercy for you my little wifey.”
She gave a little mewl at his tone, her core clenching air.
“I was looking forward to dessert all night.” His face split with a mirthful grin.
“Then come get it!” She bared her teeth a bit playfully
Heisenberg dove into her sex, eating her like a starving man. He was messy and forceful, causing her to melt in seconds. He growled into her flesh, already feeling her tighten under him. He pulled away, scoring his thumb over her clit as he licked slick from his lips, “Already such a damn mess for me.”
“It’s…it’s been a w-while.” She spoke between pants.
 “Too long.” He agreed, going back in.
He made sure to pull multiple orgasms from her with only his mouth and hands, stopping every so often to trail kisses up her abdomen. She was breathy and blissed out, completely forgetting her earlier self-consciousness.
He stood, giving her a moment of mercy. Juniper watched him, breasts quaking as she regained her breath. Her skin was already glistening with a light sheen of sweat, stray onyx curls stuck to her forehead. Heisenberg slowly removed each layer of clothing, almost making a show of it under her hungry gaze.
Finally kicking off his boxers he crawled onto the bed. The bed creaked under their combined weight as he loomed over her.
Juniper eager hands found him quickly, squeezing the thick ropes of muscle that made his arms.
“Pretty impressive eh?” He smirked cockily.
Her fingers slid upwards, fanning over his chest. She gave him a little devilish look as she found his only nipple piercing.
His breath hitched a bit as she toyed with it; coming almost unglued entirely when her head quickly dipped in to take the metal into her mouth.
The movement was almost too fast for him to react before the sensation rippled through his body. Juniper was spurred on when she saw how his body shivered in response, deepening the contact.
Heisenberg pushed her away, holding her down against the bed with strong hands. He swallowed, “That’s enough of that.”
Juniper licked her lips, the taste of metal and skin on her tongue, “Seemed to like it.”
He ground his teeth a bit, aware of his hard cock. He caught her lips up with his own before she could continue.
He kept her occupied, grouping down her body as he lined himself up. She gasped into his mouth when she felt the weeping tip bump her folds. He pulled away to brace himself over her.
“Fuck, I missed you.” His voice was low and almost wavering as he pushed into her. Juniper’s back arched, moaning as his cock stretched her out deliciously.
Her core was tight from the months without him.
He started pumping into her almost desperately, lifting her legs to hook around his waist. With the better angle he was able to reach deeper, rubbing against her g-spot with every thrust.
She clawed down his back, crying out every time their hips sloppily met together.
The sex was messy and raw, both needing to feel the release of pent up passions. Heisenberg groaned out breathily, hands finding purchase in the mattress to buck into her harder.
He felt her tense under him. “F-Fuck! Come for me Doll. Come on my cock!” He grunted out, moving a hand to her clit. His thumb scored quick circles into the sensitive bundle of nerves.
Juniper buckled under him, sobbing out her release. A surge of slick coated his cock as her cunt clamped down on him.
She felt divine, like liquid velvet around him. Heisenberg became a mess of sounds himself, balls slapping into her ass roughly as he chased his own release.
His hips jolted, bottoming out in her. She felt him pulse as her insides were flooded with hot ropes of come.
She felt extremely full, bits of his release oozing out around his cock.
He settled over her, wanting to stay slotted within her walls. Catching her breath she pulled his face closer, peppering his jaw with kisses.
He gave a little rumble of amusement, letting her fawn over him.
They tangled into one another, the darkness filled with the sounds of their heavy breathes and soft moans. A hunger of the flesh deep in their minds. Words weren’t needed. Their touches, tinged with desperation for an act both had feared would be lost to them, was everything in that moment.
Skin to skin, a heartbeat felt under fingertips. The world outside the bed didn’t exist, the nightmares couldn’t reach them.
Heisenberg pressed his body against Juniper’s, his cock never leaving her. In the soft lulls between rounds of sex he held her close, wanting to feel over every inch of her. She thankfully held onto him, losing track of the hours. He nipped into the soft flesh of her throat, huffing out hotly when he heard her mewl.
He felt her tense under him as he rocked into her afresh. Juniper didn’t know how many rounds or orgasms they shared, the night becoming a blur of pleasure and overstimulation.
Eventually exhaustion overtook her and Juniper fell asleep against his chest. Heisenberg stayed fully inserted inside of her, softly tracing her spinal scar. Their bodies were stuck together with sweat, he could feel every breath and heartbeat of hers.
He let his mind wander to work. With the spring thaw here it would make collecting bodies from the grave easier, but also he would have to be much more on top of watching the village for casualties.
Juniper was his favorite distraction but she was a distraction nonetheless. He wouldn’t force her away, no, she gave him more purpose to strive to escape. She made his hunger to explore the world deeper, he wanted to give her a better life than the factory.
And he would give it to her.
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i-need-air · 4 years
bruh i almost really only if you’re okay with it wanna part 2 of kiri’s but like it has a married life and kids because dog hybrid kiri with kids or normal puppies too just sound adorable
That sounds so cute so I decided to mix both things. Here you have Kiri with doggos and kiddies 🥺💕
In here reader can get pregnant and ig goes by "mommy", I wanted to make it like this bc imagine smol lil kirishimas running around with smol black tails and wiggly ears and;;;; I'm soft—
Word count: 1.4k
[ Main Hybrid!Kirishima HCs ] [ Masterlist ]
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× since we've established he starts as a dog trainer, expect to have doggos around the house all the time
× but it takes some good months for him to ever consider adopting one with you
× he's really aware of both of your financial situation so he'd need his business to boom before considering it, and maybe renting a bigger apartment
× what was good was that his internet fame got him sponsors and extra-cash
× whenever the time comes to consider it and talk it with you, he'd sit you down and mutter a cute "I was thinking—" while he's cuddling into your chest
× guess who's ready to do at the next shelter to adopt? Kiri is so eager to help another life 🥺
× adopts a big pitbull that's the sweetest thing in reality and in a few days he takes the doggo with him at work
× seriously loves seeing you cuddling big soft furry baby but gets jealous playfully; dog's in your lap? lifts you both up and now you're all in his lap, don't question it
× calls it Dynamo or something, saying he wants to honor his friend that he still had to find 🥺🥺🥺
× they're inseparable and look so intimidating together ajdjkejs until he smiles brightly and dog starts jumping around happy to exist; they both wiggle their tails and i swear just the cutest ever omg
× now before he considers children [ daydreams about it around 2 hours a day but sure ] he wants to be able to give you more
× saves up for a promise ring a few months in the relationship
× "My heart will forever be yours and someday I want to officially be able to call you mine" manly speech but he's tearing up while he puts it on your ring finger
× marriage between species was still a dicey issue, although it was legal some people still protested about it daily
× still believed in your relationship and was willing to take whatever came your way
× wants to do it the right way because he's a firm believer you deserve the best and wants to give it to you
× you did have to have a very small wedding but it did not matter to him and hopefully to you either
× KIDDIES!!!! skfjsljdhs I'm melting bc
× you guys planned it, right? it had to be a good time for both of you and had to have space for a smol little pack
× yeah, he calls it a pack; it seems it comes from his old days where his closest friends called themselves that and he now wants his own
× when you're settled and surprise him with the news???? falls on his knees, puts his forehead on your belly and sighs, taking his shaky hands to place them there too
× it's happening, it really is
× both him and Dynamo get very protective of you
× they've always been but it's as if the dog actually feels his owner on the edge protecting his mate
× from the day you've told him you're expecting he's gonna carry you around
× i mean, he likes to do it, leave him have it
× but he's fucking embarrassing as hell; once your belly starts getting bigger and let's say you find each other on the street, he's gonna pick you up bridal style and walk you home
× all the neighborhood simps for you both
× [ unrelated but everyone has a crush on him and are jealous of u, i don't make the rules ]
× doesn't matter if you scold him all flustered bc he's just going to laugh wholeheartedly and say some cheesy stuff like "It's just that I'm too happy right now" and he makes you shut up and boil of embarrassment
× oh my god; he puts his head on your belly and listens to two heartbeats [ has very good hearing ] and gets soft as fuck
× when the bundle of happiness arrives he's crying
× like he cries cries
× holds the baby and cries
× baby cries and he cries
× you're washing the baby and he observes the scene, crying
× absolutely adores both of you
× hear me out; smoll bby has an even smoler tail
× that they wiggle whenever they see their momma or dadda...
× yeah, from the first few weeks baby does that and it kills you
× [ imagine: ] it's 3 A.M., baby woke you two up crying and he kisses your forehead, urging you to go back to sleep; he goes to the baby's room and picks em up softly, holding them close to his chest and singing a sweet lullaby in his deep raspy voice, just above a whisper; Dynamo is a self-proclaimed bodyguard so the dog is always by the baby's door... you get up to see what's taking him so long and he's just sitting on the armchair in the room, kissing your baby's forehead tenderly...
× i really love the idea of Kiri having a daughter just because he'd be such a great dad; pick cute clothes, do her hair, play with her, have tea-parties; 🥺 strong big man with cute daughter? 💘💖💘💖💘
× gets so soft for his pup; calls your kid a pup; pup responds with wiggly tail
× she starts learning the puppy eyes from his dad and now, for sure, it's the death of you
× you're gone now, one of those looks and you can't argue anything and give in
× i feel he'd post about his family online and that's when his following would just explode, basically turning him into an advocate for hybrid lives and showing the world they're not different from normal humans; still keeps his privacy cuz people are mean mfs sometimes
× can we just accept the fact that they're both a mess? loud, clumsy and sunshine-y?
× her first words are Mamma and he instantly jumps in her face to ask "Hey, what aBOUT DADDY?!?!?!?"
× will get out of his way to make his smol sunshine giggle and her adorable cute laughs are his life juice
× gets energy to eat the world afterwards
× has this exagerated way of talking just to entertain the baby; even mundane things like: gasps —and I— dramatic pause to look around —made a MILKSHAKE! throws his arms in the air, making bb giggle and clap
× ridiculous dad;
× places your daughter on Dynamo's back and makes it carry her around like a horse
× gives her a paper made sword and roars a battle cry
× adorable squeal-like roar in response from his daughter
× also will have her be on his shoulders if you guys walk anywhere, keeping her in place by holding her chubby legs secured
× dumb songs for everything while they walk; "We're going to the mall, WE'RE GONNA BUY IT ALL, WE WANT SOME CHICKEN NUGGETS AND MAYBE GET SOME MUFFINS"
× "No."
× insert puppy eyes
× "... fine..."
× will want more children; like i said, he wants his own pack
× is more than happy to adopt hybrids too; he knows specially the youngest ones are treated badly so if you can't have children, please consider it
× because he will love them with all his heart and he has so much love and care to give
× just think about how he'd be surrounded with two, three children, all trying to climb on him, one hanging on his beefy arm, another clawing his leg, one on his shoulders; such a sight~
× every time he sees his kids doing anything he watches them carefully then turns to you with love in his eyes
× "You make me the happiest man alive"
× you gave him a new life, such happiness he only dreamed about in his darkest days and is thankful every single day;
× sometimes forgets how incredibly amazing he is, yet your words help him
× if your children call him the best dad ever?
× beams
× brighter than the sun itself
× will give it all for your family
× now and forever
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ryvgvji · 4 years
Experiment | Denki Kaminari
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genre: smut, crack and some fluff
warning: use of drugs, vaginal sex, light cursing, blowjobs, fingering, light degradation, edging
summary: on your day off you come across a tweet that catch you attention. figure that you and Denki should take viagra together and see what happens. you never thought that it would be this good.
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(apologies for any grammar errors)
it’s really late and i should be sleeping...if you have any requests go ahead and make requests <3
masterpost | rules
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you and Kamainari are off today for work. it’s been a while since this has happened. it’s either him having to be away for patrols or you spending the weekend working on the front line. so when Kaminari found out that he could take the weekend, he couldn’t let the chance pass him by.
now on Saturday, you both were in your living room enjoying each other’s presence as Kami plays on his switch and you watch reruns of your favorite show. close by his side your head rests on his shoulder. “babe?” he pauses his game. “hm?” you look at him. he leans in and presses his lips to yours. you smile and kiss him back. “what was that for?” you asked him. “nothin’ just wanted a kiss.” he smiles at you as he turns off his game and puts it on the table beside him. he turns to you laying down on the couch and opening his arms for you. you comply and crawl into his arms. he kisses your forehead and squeezes you close.
“how’d i get so lucky?” he sighs. “i say the about you.” you snuggle into his chest. his hands reach down for you ass and gives it a squeeze. you smile and shake your head. “what?” he smacks your ass and cups it. “stop~!” you laugh. he continues on to pat your ass making a random beat. “i don’t wanna.” he chuckles. your hands sneak to his side and you start to tickle him. “no! no! stop!” he laughs moving you around in his lap. you take advantage to sit on him and trap him between your legs. he squirms as his sweet giggles fills the room. tears roll down his cheek as light sparks come from him. “...y/n...i-i’m gonna-“ you know what he meant. you got off him. he takes deep breaths trying to calm himself. “you good buddy.” you smile at him. he turns his head to you. “i’m gonna get you back for that.” he chuckles. he runs after you as you run away from him.
officially beat from all the running and laughing, you guys lay on the kitchen floor catching your breath. small giggles escape you both as you look at each other. these times were the best moments. you just look at each other and laugh. you lived for it.
“hey babe, you wanna go out?” he asks you. he nod and sit up. “where to?” “anywhere you want.” he leans on his elbow and holds your hand. “mcdonald’s it is!” he smiles and stand, helping you up as well. you guys go and change. deciding to just take transportation, you grab your house keeps and head out locking the apartment door behind you.
after a short bus ride you arrive at mcdonald’s. getting off at your stop, you guys walk into mcdonald’s and onto the line. you guys placed your order before swiping your card, receiving your receipt and walking to sit. you sit a table near by and scroll your phones.
while on Twitter you liked a couple of posts and laughed at the funny videos that popped on your timeline. Kaminari returned with the tray of food and place it in front of you. you take your drink off the tray and sip on it before taking a chicken nugget and dipped it in sauce eating it.
this tweet in particular grabbed your attention for a long time. what if you did that with Kaminari? i mean he wouldn’t mind right. Kaminari notices and asks you what’s up. you show him the tweet.
“Why Don’t We Both Take A Viagra Pill And See How Horny We Can Get? 🤭” he noticed that you liked the post. he smiles and looks at you. “you wanna do that?” he can see the small smile on your lips as you nod your head. “i try it...with you.” you almost whisper. he takes you phone turning it off and put it on the table. leaning forward and hand intertwined with yours, his golden eyes hooded as he looks at you. “don’t have to be shy about it.” his thumb brush against your knuckles in a soothing manner. “i wanna do whatever you wanna do treasure.” he kisses your hand.
you finished all your mcdonald’s and left. now walking down the block hand in hand, you stop at the close by pharmacy. you head for the drug section. reading over the labels you see women and men’s viagra. quickly picking them up you rush to check them out before anyone sees and leave the store with Kaminari. giggling at what just happened you hand Kaminari the bag. “i can’t believe that just happened.” “did you really have to run like that tho.” he laughs. “you wanna get caught by sex pills by paparazzi?” you look at him. “good point. let’s get home.”
getting home after quite some time, the sun was now setting indicating the ending of another day. you move to the kictchen and washing your hands before getting some juice. you grab a bottle for Kaminari and for yourself. “here.” you toss him the drink. he catches it and drinks it, almost finished the whole bottle already. “damn slow down.” you laugh and close your bottle. you guys move to your shared room and turn on the lights. “we should change before we get started.” Kaminari says. you nod and put on your clothes from before.
you guys sat on the bed and turned on the tv. you reach for the bag at the door of the bed and put it between you and Kaminari. turning it upside down, the two boxes dropped on the bed. “so, how do we do this?” you look up at him. he picks up the pink box and hands it to you. “open it.” you open the box and pull out the pack of pills in packaging. “how much do i take?” you read the label. “let’s take two.” you pop two pills out the pack and put it back in the box. you look and see Kaminari doing the same and taking the blue pills into his hand. “ready?” he questions. you nod and put the pills in your mouth at the same time as him. you swallow it down with the juice. “now we wait.”
it’s been about 45 mins now and you’re feeling a bit hot. you could feel your pulse beating in your neck as your breathing started to speed up. Kaminari had went to the bathroom to take a shower. you were all alone in the room and quite needy now. you tried to distract yourself from the feeling by turning on the tv. you put the tv onto a random sitcom and tried to watch.
you waited and waited for Kaminari to come back. he was taking quite a while, or so it felt like. your body was now shivering with need and desire. your legs were parted and your glistening sex was bare for all to see. you had striped from you close because your were feeling so hot. your hands rubbed on your thighs as you resist the urge to touch yourself. “fuck~ where is Denki.” you slightly moaned out.
your body was on fire. you needed Kamainari to put it out for you. your body yearned for him. all of him. you wanted him to give you everything he got. you need him to touch the deepest places that no one has ever touched. just like that Kaminari enters the room.
his towel hangs low on his hips and water drips from his yellow hair down his fit body. you felt yourself let out a whine just from the sight. he watches your body with droopy eyes. the way you squeeze your thighs together only spreading your essence even more. he licks his lips and his eyes trails up to your face. he saw your needy expression and he knew that he wasn’t the only one that’s feeling this way.
“you couldn’t wait could you treasure.” he walks to the foot of the bed and takes in the sight of you naked. “i need it.” you breathe out. your chest heaving and eyes maintaining contact with your boyfriend. “need what treasure?” he taunts. not in the mood for the teasing you sit up and crawl over to him. pushing yourself up on your knees your eye level with him as you wrap your arms around his neck. “i need you.” you lean in his ear. you heard a slight buzz as Kaminari quirk emits from his hand.
pulling him in, you take him down on top of you as you back hits the bed. he place his hand on the bed beside your head and his other arm wraps around your waist. you feel him through the material of the towel against your thigh. his tongue swipes against your lip and you parted them, allowing him to explore you. you moan as his tongue brushes against yours. “i didn’t even touch you yet babe.” he laughs and moves down your jawline. “sh.” you weave your hands in his hair pushing closer to you.
he kisses and suck on your neck leaving marks in his wake. he trails down your stomach kissing on your abdomen. his eyes lock with yours as he parts your legs. you could feel his heavy breathe dangerously close to your core. you bite your lip and continue to tangle your hand in his wet hair. he wraps is arms around your thighs and holds them down.
he flattens his tongue and drag it up against you. a small sigh leaves your parted lips. he repeats the action again. he uses he thumb and forefinger to part you lips giving him more access to your opening. he kitty licks on your clit, raking his teeth ever so lightly against it. he then dips his tongue into your hole, pushing in feeling your riged walls clench on the muscle. he pulls back before entering you again and pressing his tongue up against your g-spot. you let out a breathy moan slightly pulling his hair as your heels press into his back. “baby.” “hm?” he looks up at you. “go faster please.”
complying he unwrap his right arm from around your leg and uses two fingers to circle your hole. you coat his fingers enough for him to start pushing in. his fingers go deep, brushing up against your spot. you let out a moan. he leans down and attack your clit, sucking on it with his finger plunging in and out of you. high moans fall from you lips, egging him on more to go faster. you buck against him, encircling your hips for more pleasure. “hah... hah... it feel so fucking good.” you whine out. you could feel the coil in your stomach bout to break in any moment if he keeps this pace going.
“i can feel you clenching on my fingers treasure. you gonna cum on them like the little slut you are?” he curls his fingers. you let out wanton moan leaning your head against the pillows. your hands going straight to Kaminari’s hair. you open your legs more allowing him to go deeper. he reaches up for your boob giving it a light squeeze. your body is shaking as you get closer to euphoria. “i-i... Kami!” just one more thrust and curl of his fingers and you would be there, you know it. you could feel it on the tip of your tongue. but before that can happen, he stops.
“wha- why’d you stop.” you stare down at him. pulling away with a string of saliva connected to your clit, he licks his lips. “you only come when i tell you to.” pulling you up off the bed, he smashes his lips against you and let’s you taste yourself. his hands move down to undo the towel from around his waist.
you pull away and look down. you see his cock standing against his stomach. the tip brightly red and oozing out pre-cum. it slighty twitched with anticipation. “come on treasure, i want to see you suck on this cock.” he pumps his cock in front of your face. you lick your lips when the cum drips onto the bed. you get off the bed and on your knees in front of him. “praise this cock and show how much you want it deep inside of you.”
you whimper and move closer. taking a hold of him in your hand, you part you lips and take him past your lips. you taste the salty flavor when the tip lay on your tongue. he lets out a low groan moving his hand to your cheek. you look up at him from under your lashes and take him deeper. “damn, you really look good on your knees.” he smiles, caressing his thumb on your cheek. you hallow your cheeks and take him down further till he all the way down.
slowly breathing through your nose, you run your tongue on the underside of his cock. “mm~ such a pretty girl. can you swallow for me?” you did as told. your muscles squeeze him as you moved them. he lets out a shaker breath. you did it once more and earned a groan from Kaminari. pulling back you allow yourself to breathe.
“if you can be a good girl and suck on my off, then i’ll give you what you want.” he explains to you. nodding eagerly looking up and him with pleading eyes. “go on and show me what you got treasure.”
wasting no time, you take him back into your mouth. you swirl your tongue on the tip, occasionally swiping at the slit. Kaminari shivers and tilts his head back. you move your hands to pump his shaft. his cock covered in saliva and pre-cum makes it easy to move your hands. you suck on him hard, twisting at his shaft in the process. “oh! holy fu- mm~” he moan. “deeper treasure.” he looks at you while biting his lip. you put your hands on his thigh taking him all the way down your throat. he let’s out a guttural groan. you reach down to fondle with his balls making him buck into your mouth. you continue to bob your head up and down, squeezing and playing with his balls. “what a damn cock slut.” he grunts out. “you want me to fill that slutty mouth of yours with my thick cum?” he looks down at you. you hum around him in approval sending vibrations straight to his twitchy cock. “yeah? you want me cum in your mouth baby?” you nod unable to speak. “get ready. i’m gonna fill that pretty mouth of yours.” few sharp thrusts down your throat making your gag, he cums. “oh fuck! yes! fuck yeh~” you swallow everything, milking him of whatever left him. his legs twitch and he pulls out your mouth.
“show me.” he taps his finger to your lip. you open your mouth proving that you drank every last drop that he had to offer. “good girl.” he praises. you stand to your feet. he pulls you into a kiss. you feel that his cock is getting hard once again. “since you did so good. i think i should give you what you want.” he picks you up and holds you against him. “please Kami.. i need it.” walking over to the bed with you, he lays you against it getting on top of you. he leans down to suck on your chest, circling his tongue around your nipple. he reaches to the side table and grabs a condom out the drawer. he puts it on and looks up at you. “ready?” he ask as he line himself up with you. “please!”
teasing your clit with the tip. he gathers your juices and pushes in. you both let out a gasp from the feeling. your hands fly to his back raking your nails over his muscular back. Kaminari eyes sqeeze tightly trying to control his breathing. “your so fucking tight!” he groans out. his head drops down to your neck. your hands move to his arms. “Kaminari start moving please.” you plead.
he pulls back and slams back in. “hnn~” you moan. he does it again. he starts to speed up his pace and go deeper. your hands dig into his shoulders. his lips kiss and suck on your neck making you shiver with pleasure. “hah- ahhh~ fuck yeah! yes!” he moans. keeping the same speed, he grabs a whole of your left leg and bring it up to your chest. the stretch hurted but the overwhelming pleasure that you were receiving could not compare. “Kami~ yes baby, please.” you moan as you pull him in for a kiss. his tongue pressed against your own and swipe along the inside of your mouth. “what do you want treasure?” he looks you in your eyes. “ha~ ha~ y-you.” you pant out trying to maintain. he taps your cheek with his hands when your eyes loll back as you let out a straggled moan. “i didn’t hear you.” he teases. he move your other leg to press against your chest. he’s thrusting balls deep at a relentless pace. you could keep your legs shake and your clit throb. “I WANT YOU!” you yell from the pleasure.
he comes to a stop. not again. “Kami~ please~ i’m begging you, lemme cum~” you whine looking at him with watery eyes. he smiles down at you and flips you both over. your now seated on his cock. “you wanna cum? then fuck yourself on this cock.” he lands a smack on your ass.
rising yourself off him, you slam back down feeling him hit your cervix. “ah~” you moan. “oh yeah baby, impale yourself on this cock!” he grunts, grabbing a hold of your hips helping you move against him. you brace your hands on the sides of his heads as you bounce up and down on his shaft. the deep feeling of him hitting against your spot each time that you drop down on him has your chest bouncing above his face and your moans escaping you loudly. wrapping his arms around your upper body, he brings you close in and sucks on your nipples. “hah~ ah fuck!” you cry out from the overstimulation. he swirls his tongue around the swollen bud and suck on it hard. he lightly bites on it as he moves to do the same to the other nipple. you clench on him, loving the way he makes you feel. “you like that treasure?” he asks you. you let out a small moan in response. without warning he starts to thrust up into you.
“Kami! i’m not gonna last much longer.” you whine out. he goes even hard, hard smacks on your ass making you jolt. “you gonna cum for me treasure?” he moans. you nod dropping your head down into his neck. “please let me cum.” you whimper against him. his pace not giving up had that coil in your stomach tightening and ready to burst. “go ahead baby, cum.” he goes to suck on your neck. feeling your body get sweaty and shaky by the moment, you fuck yourself on him harder. “treasure~ ahh fuck!” he moans out, chest heaving and he’s mind fucked out. he could feel himself on the verge of cumming. electricity starts to leave his body coursing through the both you. “ah! ah! nghhh~!” “i’m gonna!” Kaminari thrusts into you harder. “fuck! fuck! fuck! yeah~ your pussy is just made for me treasure!” he kisses you greedily. you moan into the kiss. “hm~ baby i’m gonna cum!” you gasp, tears rolling down your face. “yeah?” he smacks your ass. “yeah!” “ah fuck! cum all over me treasure.” he groans. thrusting and slamming into each other, you guys bring each other to your climax. “KAMINARI! NG~” “FUCK!” you clutch to each other shaking and trembling as Kaminari send electricity through both of your bodies. his hips stutter and come to a hilt as he came in the condom deep inside of you. “i love you!” “i love you too treasure.”
coming down from your highs, you lay on your side next to Kaminari trying to catch your breath. him on his back, he runs his hand over your thigh in a soothing manner. “you were amazing.” he taps on your skin. “yeah? you too babe.” you smile at him. placing a kiss on your lips, he picks you up bridal style. “let me clean you up.” he says and walks to the bathroom with you.
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HASO, “A bucket.”
I wrote this little fluff piece this morning because I didn’t have the energy to write anything else. Still fighting with my motivation right now, but I hope you all like it :)
The air smelled like fall, wet dirt, a chill, and the unmistakable tang of mouldering leaves raked into large yellowing piles. The sky overhead was blue, and it was just beginning to warm as the sun peaked higher into the sky.  Standing on the sidewalk, he stared down the street of his childhood watching orange and yellow leaves fall to the pavement. In the distance he could hear the shouting of children, and watched decorative skeletons clatter and blow in a light wind.
A soft crunching noise jogged him from his musings, and he turned to see Sunny contemplatively staring at a yellowed leaf, only to watch her pop it into her mouth and crunch on it like it was a potato chip.
He frowned at her and she turned to look at him, “What?”
“What do you mean, Seriously?”
“Gonna go ahead and eat the fall ambiance?”
She frowned at him,” The trees aren’t using them anymore, and I don’t see you eating them.” He just shook his head at her, and turned to walk up the front steps and onto the porch. She paused to stare at the cluster of pumpkins on the front steps, and the grizzly faces that were carved into them. His father was a master at pumpkin carving, evidenced by the fact that Sunny made, “What the hell.” she turned to look at Adam and he shrugged.
“What are those?”
“That does not answer my question.”
“THey are a type of squash or gourd or…. Or something. People grow and eat them most of the time, but it is traditional, in october to carve scary faces on them for fun. Maybe mom has another one lying around and will let you try it out.”
“But why?”
“Back in the day people thought that doing this would help to fend off evil spirits, but now it is more of a contest to flex who is the most artistic. Dad wins every year.”
They stepped onto the porch where fallen leaves were still clinging wetly to the front steps and knocked.
“It’s open!” Came the voice from inside 
The two of them slipped in, Adam taking off his shoes and Sunny wiping her damp feet on the entrance rug.
They walked into the living room to find his mother, Martha sitting on the floor at the center of an explosion of pictures, and a couple of open binders.
Adam and Sunny walked in very carefully stepping over the pictures.
“Sorting the photo album again?” “Again, the last time I did this was almost ten years ago.” 
Adam wantered closer to his mother and Sunny curiously examined some of the photos, until one caught her eye.
A very tiny, chubby human barely able to stand on his own, and with bright green eyes.
She picked up the picture gingerly in one hand, “Awww is this you? You and your fat little cheeks.”
Adam turned, and Sunny held up the picture. Adam blushed and Martha laughed, Sunny looked at the next picture in the line, which seemed to be paired to the first, but now the small boy had a large bucket on his head, his feet sticking out from underneath. The bucket had holes in the side.
“What are you doing.”
Martha laughed again, “We were playing hide and seek.” Adam was still blushing madly as she continued, “He grew into his intelligence late in life.”
Martha walked slowly from the back room into the living room, “Ready or not here I come.”
The house was mostly quiet. The rest of her brood was out with their father on a hike for the day, but their littlest had woken up with a slight cough so she had decided to keep him home. He had spent the first half of the day lethargic, but around lunch time after some strawberries he had perked up and become  his usual exhausting self.
“Come out come out. I’m gonna get you.”
It was the giggling that gave him away, but when she turned to look she paused, sagged a bit and rolled her eyes covering her smile and laugh with a hand. The living room was completely clean, aside from a round laundry basket sitting dead in the middle, and two chubby little legs sticking out from under it. Not to mention that since it was a laundry basket it had holes in the side, and she could see him looking at her from inside.
She discreetly took a picture and quietly to herself Lord child i hope you grow into your brains soon
But instead of calling him out on his hiding spot she wandered around the room hands on hips, “Now where could he have gone…. Could he be under here?”
She kept up the pretence for the longest time until he seemed to have gotten tired of her charade. She heard the bucket tip over and he ran over on his stubby little legs grabbing her by the leg.
She acted surprised, “OH there you are!. I have been looking ALL over.”
He grinned and hugged her leg again.
She reached down and picked him up and he rested his head against her shoulder.
That was another thing about her youngest. He was VERY VERY cuddly, and she idly wondered what that would translate to when he got older. She patted his back and tried to fix his unruly blond hair which stuck up from all sides of his head, but it was no use, she sighed and gave up.
Oh well, she tried her best.
“You know honestly sometimes he is STILL as dumb as a pile of bricks.” Sunny mused setting the picture back down.
Adam rubbed the back of his neck, “I got my masters in aviation and orbital physics.””
“And yet who is the one who insists on putting strange alien plants in his mouth without knowing i they are safe or not.”
Martha frowned at her youngest.
He frowned back, “That is hardly fair, you eat them.”
“I also eat leaves, doesn’t mean you can too.”
She sifted through the pictures and barked a laugh at one that caught her eye, she picked it up, what are you doing. She turned the picture around, and Adam blushed madly. Martha laughed, “Oh yeah, we had to call the fire department for that one.”
“No, no no we are not going to be telling that story.”
A firefighter and a cop framed either side of the picture both giving exaggerated thumbs up with a young boy\ mabe seven or eight in the background stuck, backside first in a bucket of some sort, looking very embarrassed.
Martha grinned, “I think you were seven or eight maybe.”
“IT was Jeromy’s fault.”
“I dare you.”
The four boys and one girl stood  at the top of the hill staring down.
Maya, who was fifteen years old, older by five years than Jeremy who was eleven, frowned down the hill, “What if he runs into one of those trees.”
“He's got a thick skull, he’ll be ok.” Thomas said ruffling Adam’s hair viciously so the younger boy squirmed protested and ducked away. Adam was a very small boy, shorter than average and very thin. His clothes always seemed too big, his shirts baggy, and the shorts he was wearing were forced to stay on only by the belt his father had had to poke three more holes into to make it fit.
Even his sneakers seemed too big flopping around on his feet with floppy untied laces. 
“Who is even going to fit in that?” David asked.
Arguably the smartest of the three brothers, it hadn’t occurred to the others that none of them would fit.
That’s when all their heads turned to look at Adam.
Adam frowned, “But I don’t want to.”
“Chiken.” Thomas said 
“Come on your the only one small enough.” Jeremy urged.
“I see your chances of dying as very low, “ David interjected helpfully.
Maya tossed her braid back over one shoulder, “We should at least put some padding down at the bottom. Because if he gets hurt mom will kill me.”
Maya was technically supposed to be babysitting them, and keeping them out of trouble. But as was common with their family, she was not immune to the pull of a hair brained idea especially not when she was just to curious to see how it turned out.
Adam stomped his foot, “But you guys ALWAYS make me do it.”
“Because the buckets are ALWAYS too small for us, “Come on don’t be a chicken.”
Adam sighed and walked over to the barrel. He tired crawling inside it backwards, and when that didn’t work he attempted to go in face first, but every time he was just to tall.
He shook his head, “Too small.”
David looked at him very thoughtfully, and then an idea seemed to jump into his head.
“Not if we fold you in half.”
Adam frowned at him.
“Come on, hold the barrel upright.” The other boys did as told, while David instructed Adam to sit inside butt first.
Adam frowned, “But that doesn’t sound very comfortable, and how am I going to get out.”
“We will tip you out, don’t worry.”
Adam frowned but then allowed himself to slide down into the barrel. It was immediately very uncomfortable.
He wanted to tell them to pull him out but by that time he had been tipped over onto his side, “Ready?”
They ignored him.
Adam was near panicking now, it wasn’t exactly easy to breathe.
“Three, two, one.”
And then the world was spinning around him. He rocked and bounced and spun so fast his eyes rolled inside his head. He screamed but the scream was cut off as he slammed painfully into something.
Dazed and sure he was going to vomit, he heard voices.
“Oh no, Adam!”
“Adam are you ok!”
Footsteps raced down the hill.
“Oh no we killed him!”
“Shut up He’s still alive, look.” Something kicked his foot, and he groaned.
He’s still breathing.
“Let him out.”
Something tugged on his feet. But it only managed to pull him and the barrel with it.
“Here you guys hold the bucket and we will pull him out.
Wat ensued was a horrible tug of war on his legs and on the bucket neither of which seemed to want to let go.
They dropped his legs.
“Um, what if we tipped the bucket upside down?”
The four of them tried really hard, and at one point almost succeeded until someone’s hand slipped and Adam crashed into the ground very painfully. He was near panic now, “Guys! Get me out of here.”
David patted his foot, “Its ok, ill get you out, ‘we just need science.”
Science turned out to be a  shoddy pulley system that went over the swing set and was designed to let them lift the bucket by way of rope and shake Adam out onto the ground.
The problem was the rope kept slipping off the bucket.
“Oh… no.”
A car rolled over gravel.
“Oh no, dad’s home.”
They heard a car door slammed shut, and Adam felt as the others hurriedly rolled him behind the swingset.
A door opened and the jangle of keys followed their father around the side of the house.
“There you all are, glad to see everyone is still in one piece, you didn’t burn the house down.”
There was sudden silence, “Where is Adam.”
“Uh, he…. He is us, around here somewhere.” Jeremy had always been bad at lying 
Their father turned his gaze on Maya, “Maya what is going on.”
“Uh…. nothing dad, we….”
“Don’t even try it….”
She sagged a bit, “We got Adam stuck in a barrel.”
There was a moment of silence, he heard the shifting of footsteps, “You got Adam stuck in a-” The light filtering into the barrel was cut off and he saw the silhouette of his father’s head, “Huh, you weren’t kidding. You are okay in their kiddo.”
His muffled reply came.
“Yeah…. I guess.”
Their dad grabbed the barrel by one end, tipped it over and shook Adam a few times. WHen nothing happened he gently set him back down, “Huh.”
“I hold and you pull his feet, “” They tried again but it didn’t work the second time either.
“Well, I have some tools in the garage.”
Adam began to panic as he thought of his dad's circular table saw.
“Ok ok.”
He heard his dad quiet for a minute and then, “Hey Joe, yeah this is Jim Vir….. doing good, and you, how about the family….. Glad to hear it….. Yeah anyway, my kids got my youngest boy stuck in a barrel like the geniuses they are, and I can’t seem to get him out. You want to send me a firefighter or two with something that can help….. Yeah thanks joe.”
Adam was relieved.
Of course as it turned out it was a slow day at both the police department AND the fire station, so what came rolling up was a motorcade of emergency vehicles. Adam was so embarrassed he wished he could melt through the barrel and into the ground as a group of cops and firefighters walked over to peer down at him from above.
“That looks comfortable.”
“How are you doing there son?”
There barrel was tipped back over, and he even saw his father sna a few pictures as the firefighters and police went to work surrounding the barrel. Of course since the entire towns emergency crew were here that drew curious neighbors who couldn’t help but laugh along with Jim at the antics of his children.
The wors part is when Martha showed up, and ran from the car scared out of her mind assuming something horrible had happened, only to find her husband laughing and taking pictures with the local emergency response team, and her youngest stuck in an oversized bucket.
At the end of the day they were forced to cut him out, but the sweet relief when he tipped onto the ground free at least was almost worth the embarrassment. He might not have thought that if he had known there was still a picture in both the police department and the fire station of him as a kid stuck in a barrel.
Sunny was laughing at him by the time Martha was done with her story.
He grimaced, “Why do you only keep finding the embarrassing pictures.
“Oh what is this,”
“What are you wearing?”
Adam covered his eyes.
“Oh yeah, I couldn’t get my other boys to wear it, but he would model anything for me when I needed it. This was when I was doing a commission for a Seventies themed party. Isn’t he adorable.”
“Is that a jumpsuit, and what is with those glasses.”
Adam looked up at the sky.
“And of course when Maya moved out, and I didn’t have the money for a mannequin….”
Sunny picked up another picture, “That is one big ass dress.”
“Ah yes the bell skirts, doesn’t he look nice.”
Adam grunted and cleared his throat, “I think you'll find corsets are surprisingly comfortable. Second of all, I rock the regency and victorian periods, and no one can tell me otherwise.”
He might as well own it.
This was the 41st century, dresses weren’t just for women anymore, and some of them had been quite comfortable.
They would never really be his style, but he could see  why someone else would find them appealing.
By this point both Sunny and martha had migrated to the couch where they looked through embarrassing pictures of him as a baby and shared embarrassing stories. Sometimes gross stories as he sat on the other side of the room and suffered silently. Sunny seemed to be enjoying herself though, so he let it slide.
Seeing her happy was nice, since it hadn’t been very common over the past few months.
He blamed himself for that, and wondered idly how long it would take for her to fully forgive him.
He hoped not long.
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the-blind-geisha · 3 years
Do you have any headcanons about Modern Demiurge as a kid? He sounds adorable in your story
Aww, thank you so much~. I am glad he is enjoyed as he is! ♥♥♥
Demiurge was born on October 7th.
He doesn't know anything about his father. Demons and angels have an ability that can erase their presence in photographs and in peoples' minds to make their existences around humans in ancient time easier to go unnoticed. Even if he was born after his father left, there are no photos that Demiurge has of him.
All he knows is his father was an archdevil who used fire magic.
This leaves a bit of a void in Demiurge's life, causing him to always look to older male demons, wondering if that's his father.
His mother always told Demiurge she felt he didn't leave out of spite, but something else pulled him away. She stands by the belief that the mysterious packages of food and money was Demiurge's father's doing.
Regardless of this, Demiurge is still a bit resentful and blames himself for his father's absence as he ages.
Being a primary meat eater, Linnea had to mash up a lot of meats with other veggies to get him to eat properly as a baby, once she weaned him off of milk.
He had such a horrible fever when he was a toddler that Linnea worried she would lose him. He had to be rushed to the emergency room for this. His body was trying to adjust to the abnormal warmth it would radiate within him.
He was highly intelligent for a child. He would often spell words with his spelling blocks that even Linnea rarely said around him.
His tail was poisonous as a child, but since he was too young to be operated on to have the poison glands in his tail removed, his mother found ways to put his tail in a knitted cozy. Though I do love the idea she put corkscrews on his spikes that Bunngy and I joke about. XD
He would have the glands removed when he was 10.
When it was safe to do so, Demiurge would wrap his tail about his mother's leg as he walked or cuddled up beside her.
Because he's a half demon growing up with a human mother, he tends to mirror how humans act while running off of instincts.
Being a hunter/predator type creature, he ran out and hunted down one of the chickens at their farm when he was only seven.
He didn't see the harm in this—just providing for the person who was in his life. Linnea had to try and train him away from the urge as he got older. (She did cook the chicken and thank him for the food).
Demiurge taught himself to play piano when he was eleven. It's a small passion of his.
Saturday nights were reserved for him and his mother to eat spaghetti together on a blanket Linnea spread out on the living room floor. They would just sit and talk about their days together.
Because they lived on a lot of farm land, Demiurge would find any excuse to stomp out into the rain and play in the mud.
His first ever experience with the hunter's moon was when he turned 12. Linnea noticed he would cry and beg to go outside. If she wouldn't let him, he'd just sit and stare outside while growling.
After a while of him having anxiety attacks of not being able to go out and hunt, she found ways to distract his mind to some degree.
She tried to minimize the accidents by keeping him locked up in the house till the Hunter's Moon was over.
While Demiurge was picked on a lot at school, he did find a few friends he could rely on.
They would often come over and play about the farm or enjoy playing with some of his toys.
Even at the age of five, Demiurge would help his mother cook in the kitchen by handing her things she needed. (He always tried to sneak chicken in everything).
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