#if you want jedi stuff hcs i have. Many More.
moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
the yellow saber rey pulls at the end... it's not just some ha! new color! saber right? it's a lightsaber??? or something??? (i read a fanfic where there were a darksaber and a lightsaber and thennn i just watched rogue one and they mention documents about a darksaber briefly so that's a real shit?)
Oh yeah no Rey gets a cool lightsaber that is yellow, but it's just a normal lightsaber. The darksaber is uuuh something else you'll see in TCW, Rebels or The Mandalorian, but it's not in the movies. As its name indicates, it's black, and it looks extremely cool on screen. It's a lightsaber but also not really? You'll know when you see it, it has its own lore (you can go look at the Wookieepedia page for it if you want but it can be a little dry). But yeah it is really just "hey look we made it canon sabers can be yellow too!", on top of "look she gets Her Own! she's a Real Jedi now!"
Lightsaber lore for you: the kyber crystal inside a lightsaber is what gives a lightsaber its colour, during the prequels era the younglings would go to Illum as was tradition and walk around in the cave until the one kiinnda sentient, Force-sensitive crystal that would be the best fit for them caught their eye and they'd leave with it (like the wand that chooses its wizard, yes). This process is shown in one of the TCW arcs I recommended you actually! The kids are really cute in it <3 Incidentally, kyber is really powerful, which is why you might have seen the name Illum somewhere else: it's the planet that Hux chose to become Starkiller, the kyber core (that had been used by the Jedi as a source for their sabers for it is implied to be centuries) was used to power up the thing.
Kyber crystals usually are blue/green for the good guys (there's lore related to that but it's pretty niche), then Ahsoka had a greenish-yellow saber for a while, for some people (Samuel L Jackson) it can be purple, and with Rey we have canon confirmation (canon, canon, vite dit given how little people liked the sequels) that they can also be yellow, which we'd only seen in legends stuffe before.
They can also be red if a person falls to the dark side, because kyber crystals are attuned to the Force and so they do not vibe with people who use the dark side. When a Force user falls, their crystal eventually stops working for them, at which point they usually force the crystal to submit to their will and kind of mentally break their spirit? which is a processus called bleeding, and it's evil and bad because the crystals are implied to be at least kind of aware of some stuff, which means they are kind o torturing them, but they're darksiders so it's appropriate.
And Filoni made it (maybe not him but it's Ahsoka related so I'm pinning it on him) he made it so you can heal a red crystal, which Ahsoka does later on and which results in a white crystal. In the Fallen Order games you can customise your blade and they can also be orange, indigo, cyan and magenta, plus some other material has used orange as the colour of training, low power lightsabers. That's less important though.
The out of universe reasons they're those colours are they were just supposed to be blue and red to show good guys/bad guys, but then Luke got a green one so it would be obvious he had a new saber and the colour wouldn't clash with the sky of Tatooine, then Samuel L Jackson wanted a purple one because it's his fave colour (me too bestie), and the rest was probably because people thought it would be neat if there were other colours.
This is a piece of concept art (??) for the High Republic project, which basically is a multimedia project that showcases the Republic in its golden age, before the prequels era, and I love this art specifically because it shows a pretty good diversity in saber & character design while still keeping it clear they're all force-sensitives (/Jedi?). There's also a neat few pages in a comics on why they use lightsabers and not anything else, though they also have variations on the traditional lightsaber that you can see on the Wookieepedia page for lightsabers.
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(the darksaber looks like the black saber to the right, with a white halo and a black inside instead of a while inside and a coloured halo, which is super cool visually. This isn't the darksaber though I don't think, the handle isn't right. And maybe the person wielding it is a darksider given the golden eyes?? Whatever. Cool art)
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spiralingemptyness · 9 months
I want more… clone hc pt. 2
why not more hc, I’m bored and wanna ramble… sorry if I repeated any.
99 is the best vode, he knows everything. If a brother is said, he’ll hug them, give words of encouragement and stuff and a mysteriously some illegal contraband that whatever the clone likes will randomly show up.
Shaak ti is buff and can hold her own if not demolish the Alphas on the training mats (The Rancor battalion found that out the hard way)
Jek, Rys and Thire became close after the mission with Yoda, Thire is still close with the commanders on Coruscant, but he’s even closer with the other two
While Hound may be a sergeant, he’s still an honorary commander member, he became the little brother of the group
…Thorn didn’t die on Scipio, nope, no way. Amidala saved him, always carrying a blaster or smth.
Dogma became really good at braiding hair because of all the time he braided Tups hair, so after Umbara when he definitely goes to Coruscant, Amidala finds out and sometimes ask him to do her hair.
Colt may essentially be Buir of Kamino, but all the alphas (especially 17) out Buir him, and it can be very comedic how a big burly alpha is hauling a ARC commander just to force them to sleep.
Fox absolutely denies or threaten to black mail shebse squad if they bring up the fact Fox was the first to fold and call Alpha-17 buir.
Colt and Wolffe have regular holo-calls just to shit talk Ventress.
Rex got adopted into Shebse squad after he bit Cody (Wolffe was proud)
When Kix is on shift in medbay, most of the time Jesse is there with him, he doesn’t have to be their but he’s a good batch mate.
Each shebse squad member have a quirk in fighting droids: Cody punches and spin kicks them, Wolffe bits them, Rex throws his blasters at them if they run out of ammo, Fox for some reason carry’s a high voltage taser, Bly drop kicks them, and Ponds throws rocks at them to catch them off guard
On multiple occasions animals like Loth cats and Tookas have been snuck on board the venators and multiple times have had to been taken off board
Fives has a girly scream, Torrent found out after he was caught singing in the barracks
Comet (and Plo Buir) can convice Wolffe to take care of himself (little brother privileges), unlike Boost, Warthog, and Sinker who have to sedate him of physically haul him away from the bridge
MEDICS GIVE STICKERS, if a your a good patient, you get a sticker. So there is a lot of vode with stickers inside or outside there armor
Colt keeps himself loaded with weapons, many different types of blasters, check. Lots of vibroblades and vibroswords (that he stole from commando droids), check. It will take a solid 10 mins for him to de-weapon himself
after Khorm, Plo threatened Captain Ozzel…. It was terrifying, Kit Fisto was both shocked and absolutely scared of getting on Plo Koons bad side.
Monnk collects different shells and rocks from the ocean floor and give them to different vode
kit fisto taught his battalion how to fish, just randomly, out of the blue he said they were going fishing and they went fishing
Ashoka definitely stole the ‘I’m no Jedi’ line from Rex.
everyone form the 212th and some 501st members were more traumatized by a bold Kenobi than the fact he faked his death to be a bounty hunter for a time period
kix has trouble staying warm after the cyro-freeze, like he’ll be bundled up in layers on tatooine
quinlan snuck into fox’s office once and was hit with a data pad on the head when he scared him and got himself a concussion, safe to say he doesn’t sneak up on fox anymore
clones have a sweet tooth
Once Hound got hurt while chasing a suspect and Grizzer went absolutely feral on the person who hurt him, it took Thorn and Stone just to separate him from the suspect, (fox and thire were just watching in shock as they helped hound)
padawans always use vents for travel (ex. Echo: where’s the commander. Fives casually: oh she’s in the vents. Echo: oh.. WHY IS SHE IN THE VENTS)
(Might be in the other one) The corrie guard have a bet everytime a battalion is on leave, the bet is: which members of what battalion will have the most in the drunk tank.
medics have to have a smex-ed meeting with every new shiny that boards
Bly (respectfully, cause he is a gentleman) asked Aayla to wear armor, the next day she was wearing Bly’s spare armor. Bly couldn’t stop blushing the whole day and it made his tattoos orange
When one or more of the Shebse squad is on leave, they bully fox into going to 79’s with them or to take care of himself. Safe to say, that whenever that happens the corrie guard can relax a bit
the most annoying patients for medics is any CO or jedis, all medics curse like sailors
when Kix was a medic shiny he hadn’t yet mastered the disapproval stare or the ‘shut the kark up and do what I say’ stare, so the vode listened to him just because it was so cute and funny, they quickly learned to stop thinking like that.
once after a battle Obi-Wan found Cody lying star fished on his back, he kicked a droid and broke his foot and collapsed once his foot gave out. Obi-wan just sighed, forced healed his foot a bit and carried him to the medics (Cody was turned into a sputtering and flustered mess)
Rex was already being corrupted by Skywalker’s tendencies when he was just a lieutenant in the 212th, Cody was horrified and wanted to bash his head into the wall.
Boil and Waxer secretly adopted Numa after Ryloth, each just co-parenting her
Kids on coruscant would sometimes come up to a guard member and hand them a paper of a drawing, ask for a hug, or just give them goodies. The guard now has a wall full of drawings given to them by kids in the barracks
the guard have stupid names for operations, it’s just a serious op about observing and trying to take down a drug ring (with vos’s help) and it has a name like “operation: too high to fly”
the cadets will hang off from any limb they can reach of their clone trainers and shaak ti
medics will lay on a cot with an injured clone on it to help them sleep, they’ll either be sleeping with them or doing data work
so yah… I’ll make more. Might make some of cod, fnaf , Dc, etc. as well and try to do art as well
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Anakin skywalker, Darth Vader, Obi wan Kenobi, Cody.
Overall Headcanons
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Back on my Star Wars bullshit, so heres some overall hcs about some of the characters I love, enjoy. Ft some x reader elements. Can yall tell which character ive been most obsessed with lately?
 Let me know if you guys are interested in more like this, as it’s a good way to get the writing juices flowing.
 Mild nsfw stuff under the cut, but it’s nothing wild.
Anakin Skywalker
-          Anger issues, but would never yell at you as it reminds him of his time as a slave
-          Gets nightmares about his time as a slave and his fears.
-          Wears black because it sets him away from the other jedi. They made him feel as if he didn’t belong, so he was gonna go his own way.
-          When he first joined the jedi he had a really hard time drinking or just using water in general since it was so sparce on Tatooine. Nowadays he enjoys to take long showers and baths.
-          Cant eat too strong tasting foods.
-          Has a real hard time talking about his emotions. Because of this, if he falls in love hed rather go around nursing a crush than actually confess.
-          He falls in love super easily, and gets kinda blinded by it.
-          Touch starved as hell, literally melts into your hands if you cradle his face in your palms.
-          Loves kissing, could spend hours with his lips on yours or just kissing you all over.
-          Oral fixation. Goes hand in hand with him loving to kiss so much. Watch out for your fingers.
-          Has a strong gag reflex, but doesn’t let it stop him.
-          This man is verse leaning towards submissive and you can’t convince me otherwise. Those anger issues make me think he just wants someone to love him and take care of him.
-          Loves you wearing his clothes or wearing your clothes.
Darth Vader (I know he’s also Anakin but whateves)
-          Still has real bad anger issues, but in a more subdued and controlled manner if that makes sense. Still won’t yell at you.
-          Very self-conscious about his body, and is scared of touching anything he cares about because he doesn’t want to accidentally destroy it.
-          Still has horrible nightmares but these are mainly about the purging of the jedi.
-          He secretly listens to recordings from before the fall of the jedi and the republic when he is feeling extra down.
-          Mourns how he can’t kiss anymore. Tries to breathe as quietly as possible when you cuddle because he thinks the noise disturbs you.
-          Secretly still sensitive so it would help you if affirm that you love him.
-          More touch starved than ever, wants you to touch what little accessed skin he has, all the time.
-          Doesn’t talk much anymore. This scares other people as he’s just a large silent scary shadow.
-          I don’t think he has much of a sex drive after becoming Darth Vader, mainly because I think his own body is too damaged, though he would be able to use his hands.
-          Though I think he would like to sit on his knees in front of you with his head in your lap, having you caress him.
Obi wan Kenobi
-          Insomniac to the fullest. He uses the force to keep going.
-          Loves tea more than anything, has a collection of teas from different planets he’s been too in his time as a jedi.
-          Touch starved, as I think all jedi are at this point.
-          Has nightmares and lasting trauma from the many things he went through even before he became a jedi knight like melida/daan and bandomeer.
-          Quite protective of those he cares about, though he doesn’t express it much with words.
-          Doesn’t cry much, so when he does, he just needs someone to hold him as he gets it out.
-          He sneaks out of the temple to eat at Dex´s diner all the time. He brings along Anakin, Ashoka and later multiple clones.
-          Isn’t as uptight as people think. He will bend or break rules regularly, he just isn’t caught.
-          I think he both tops or bottoms, whatever the mood is that day, though I see him as the type of person to refer to it as “lovemaking”.
-          Has had multiple partners in the past, a few being Quinlan, I believe they were casual and just did it to relieve stress and etc, Santine or even Siri Tachi.
-          He is quite confident with a partner, even if he isn’t sure what he’s doing.
-          Likes making his partner feel good, holds you close and maybe even clings on quite desperately at times.
-          A big cuddler, just wants to lay for hours and half sleep with you in his arms.
-          Would keep your relationship a secret for obvious reasons, but would be willing to leave the jedi for you If you got very serious and truly loved eachother.
-          Tries to keep serious at all times, but can be quite goofy and lovey-dovey behind closed doors.
-          Very protective over his fellow clones and the jedi he is assigned.
-          Used to follow orders as closely as possible, but after joining the 212th, has started to follow in Obi wans footsteps and bend rules to fit the situation.
-          Secretly struggles a lot with being a clone and not being seen as a living sentient being by most people.
-          Has issues with his self-esteem, please tell him he’s good enough.
-          Has very little knowledge about kids, the outside world of sex ed, as I don’t believe the kamonians thought it was something clones needed to know.
-          Sterile, as I believe most clones aren’t able to have children.
-          Likes to cuddle and be held close, hold him as tight as you can against your chest. Will listen to your heartbeat and fall asleep to it.
-          Likes it when his partner caresses his scar or holds his face in their palms. Please pepper kisses all over his voice.
-          I think he’s fine with whatever in the bedroom, but it will be kinda awkward or goofy the first couple of times as he figures out how it works.
-          Likes to go slow and take his time, take you in and really show you how much he loves you.
-          Doesn’t keep your relationship a huge secret, as in his squad and some jedi know but not the council or the republic as you could be forced to split up.
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fancyfade · 8 months
I got into DC recently and latched onto Talia like a baby duckling. Like even before I fully understood her as a character I was ready to fight for her honor, which is when ran into your blog on her tag.
The Talia brainrot has been really rotting my brain SO you got anything Talia related? Arcs you wish were explored. If you were put in charge of a Talia run what would it be? Outfits you saw, or made up, that you think she would rock? Do you know any other blogs that are normal (as in they know Talia's OG characterization) about Talia? HCs? Your bio says you like Star Wars, so what Star Wars character do you think she would be friends with? (I think she would be friends with Satine Kryze) Who do you think she would despise? Do you think she would be a Jedi? If so what era do you think she would thrive in? What's her favorite Shakespeare play? Do you think she would have a favorite quote from him? (I think it would be Beatrice's "I will eat his heart in the marketplace" from Much Ado. Beatrice's relationship with Hero is so personal to me and I definitely think that's the type of cousin/ older sister Talia would be). Something DC brought up once about Talia, but you think it should be explored more (WHO IS AMALA DC??? WHAT IS HER FRIENDSHIP WITH TALIA TELL ME MORE).
Oh most importantly: How do you deal with comics that completely screw her up? I'm reading Tomasi's Batman and Robin and GOD I barely get through the beginning of Vol 2, and I know there are comics that do worse with her. So I know I can't just drop comics that do a nasty job with her because then I should just quit Batfam comics in general and try some other fam and I have NO idea where to start with that and ugh.
Just anything about Talia.
Also, I know I typed a lot and if you don't want to answer some of them that is 100% fine! Or if you want to answer them in parts across different posts. I just need more with her.
hmmm so talia arcs i would like to see
well probably b/c i am just re-reading lexcorp, but i would like a more satisfying end to president lex stuff and lexcorp talia. I feel like he just kind of grabs the idiot ball, unless I am remembering the end to this saga wrong. like IIRC it was due to him being stupid in batman/superman and not any of the people trying to take him down... which is SUCH a shame b/c a story of talia teaming up with the superman characters and helping them take down lex could be so interesting. like. we saw talia feed calvin carson info to get him to go to the press about lex. we saw clark go undercover* to try to find some dirt on lex after lex covered up his crimes. lois got a lot of dirt on lex he conveniently made disappear about his involvement in OWAW . i want to see this all come together in a satisfying way!!
for star wars, I think Satele Shan (from SWTOR era) interacting with Talia could be very cool! both in I just think both characters are neat, but also for some interesting mother son parallelisms and contrasts. Talia initially wants Damian but then realizes she has to give him up to avoid him being raised in the league and to protect him from his parents possibly dying on him, Satele I don't think we see a ton of reason why she gives up Theron, but in general I viewed her as a character who did not want to be a mother, and she knew that she couldn't be theron's mother while still fulfilling all her obligations to the Jedi and fighting the sith, and that's OK (Fandom hates this). I think seeing them interact and team up to stop a bigger threat could be cool.
Also would be cool: To see Talia interacting with Imperial Agent's crew (again SWTOR :P). Talia in her lexcorp era often feels very much like she'd fit in with the vibes they are going for in that story, which is that no one really trusts anyone completely, or in many cases at all. A lot of her time in Lexcorp she has no allies and has to play all her cards very close to her chest as she's dealing w/ very dangerous people. especially if you go with defector-imperial agent (who defects in chapter 2 to... that guy who's name i forget since it's been a very long time since I played swtor IA. ardun?). B/c my understanding of defector IA (I've never played it b/c Aereinys is too mad to consider it, even tho she also hates the empire at that point) would, being a double agent appearing to work for the empire and having to pull off missions successfully for them to stay useful, routinely work against people who otherwise would be on her side, while working for people she finds morally repugnant.
For Jedi stuff I think Talia would want to be one of those chill nerdy Jedi who meditate and study. But if we go with her in canon plotlines a Jedi Shadow would work well :P
I don't read much shakespeare so I can't say much for what her favorite Shakespeare play would be. if we're going w/ Talia + literature appreciation, I can see her liking Hombre Pequeñito (link) which is admittedly a short poem and not a play but :P
For dealing with comics that completely screw her up: I honestly just write my own headcanon stuff and that's my canon now. It is helped a little by the fact that new 52 created a big break in my mental continuity, b/c they messed up so many characters I care about (Babs, Cass, Jaime), so all of DC from 2011 til now is very much "I do what I want". So there is stuff to re-write but less stuff.
I got my own fanfic (link) for how pre-Morrison Talia can meet Damian, and that's what I hang my mental canons on for them.
I do know that people who are reading Ram V's TEC run say it's got pretty good Talia, I haven't read it yet but hopefully they're getting her back on the right track.
for other blogs that are good about talia u might find some in my talia al ghul tag (link)... there are a lot of good blogs tho. @brucetalias, @immortaldino, @fluffykitty149, and @arellas are often who I think of for the Talia fans!
*for like 1 issue ;_;
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cacodaemonia · 2 years
Since you know a lot about the GAR, and Clones in general, I was wondering what your take on "access to information" for the clones is.
Would they have unlimited access to the holonet? Could they text each other stupid stuff without anyone noticing or getting in trouble? Would a clone be able to research the most obscure stuff as long as he had time and the inclination to do it?
Or do you think the access would be limited to a need to know basis and, as a clone, you'd have to be tight with an IT-/Comms-guy or something? Or maybe it depends on how nice your General is and how strict he set the "parental controls"?😄
Hi! :D Haha, idk if I'd say I know a lot about the GAR, since neither canon nor legends explains it in any kind of way that makes sense. XD But I have thought about it a lot and come up with my own headcanons that make sense to me, a person who has never been in the military and hasn't read the gazillion SW comics, novels, etc.
So, to answer your question, I lean more toward your second set of options. I wrote up a short headcanon about my holonet headcanons for my AU here on AO3. But basically it boils down to 'I like the trash-tech aesthetic of Star Wars and I don't think things like our modern internet/texting/etc. mesh with that.'
So yes, there is a holonet in my AU, but it doesn't instantly connect every person in the Galaxy, and I think clones the GAR, in particular, have very limited access. Many governments irl restrict internet access in their countries in order to control what kind of information their citizens might encounter. So imo, both the Kaminoans and the GAR would consider it important that the clones learn as little as possible about 'normal life' and things like past proletariat or slave revolutions/uprisings; they only need to know enough to be effective soldiers, after all.
That said, I imagine there are ways around this. The initial issue is that, given the clones' indoctrination on Kamino and their extremely limited life experience at the beginning of the war, would they even consider the fact that their access to information is being restricted? Obviously some would eventually, and those trained as slicers or serving in spec ops might start poking around.
As you suggested, I also imagine it would vary somewhat by unit—if they serve under a Jedi, who the Jedi is, other people they encounter who might get them questioning things. For example, as much as I don't like Anakin, I HC that he managed to bypass most of the restrictions on the holocasters on his flagships simply because he wanted to be able to watch whatever. And the 501st benefited from that.
I also headcanon that clones' HUDs and datapads get mostly wiped with every software/firmware update the GAR pushes out, which makes it more difficult for them to save images or other files, or to leak those to anyone outside the GAR.
Haha, sorry that got so long, and I hope it made sense. Like I said, I have thought about all this a lot in the name of preserving SW's trash-tech vibe. XD;
Thanks for the interesting ask! Do you have any particular headcanons?
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the family going on disney trips has my entire heart and the mario v gaston fic quite literally hasn’t left my mind. aside from the ‘luigi grew up wanting to be a prince’/cast members love him stuff, do you have any other disney hcs for them?
- @luigisghosts / dittyel (ao3)
Hi again! Lovely to see you ^^
I HAVE SO MANY! I don't even know where to get started.
The first time they ventured out and went to Disney was because good old Uncle Spike saw that Luigi was having a hard time with everything going on with Mario, and wanted to do something for him. One day, Spike was going over to help Mario set up some furniture for Luigi's new bedroom (they had moved houses again) and walked in on Luigi watching Lilo and Stitch, he knew then what he could do to cheer him up.
He and Pauline went all out to make sure that Luigi had the best possible experience, and so that Mario didn't have to worry too much. Well, he did anyway, but Spike insisted it was diluted worry!
Due to Luigi's neurodivergency and health conditions, the staff at the park were made aware of him in order to make the stay more magical despite his differences. This made it all the more magical for him as he could talk to his favourite characters, and they knew his name!
To Mario's surprise, he found out he really enjoyed going to Disney. He learnt how to unwind there and simply just be a fun dad to Luigi instead of constantly worrying. It became their safe place, where they could go to just relax and be a family with no worries of what happens outside of Disney.
This is why they all decided to start going as much as they could. It became a tradition, and never got old for them.
Spike and Mario loved to attend those adult evenings where you can dress up whilst Pauline stayed at the hotel with Luigi. They went as Jedi once, because they both absolutely love star wars and will hear no bad things about it. Especially whilst dressed as Obi-Wan and Anakin.
Side note, whenever Spike and Mario are on different levels of ground, without fail they always go 'it's over Anakin! I have the high ground!' 'You underestimate my power' - it never fails to embarrass Pauline and Luigi but honestly they don't care they find it too funny
During the fireworks shows: Mario, with Luigi on his shoulders, alongside Spike and Pauline, are all happily singing along to the music, clapping, and then always, always go for drinks afterwards where they will then talk about how amazing it was.
It's normally Spike and Pauline who go on the rollercoasters as Mario always got paranoid about Luigi going on them, but one day they eventually convinced him to ride with them, and they all have the picture framed somewhere in their respective houses. The image of Mario clinging to Pauline's arm whilst Luigi and Spike had their hands thrown up in the air. Mario does not like rollercoasters.
A mild inconvenience? Spike, Pauline and Mario all look at each other, and give each other the look. The 'should we go to Disney?' Look and then within a few weeks they're back there.
Luigi likes to dress up as his favourite characters but he's very, very shy so Mario, Spike and Pauline all walk around the park with mouse ears and face paint on to bring the focus to them and not Luigi.
They're remembered at Disney for being called 'the crazy family' because of how amazingly chaotic they are when there. (This is actually inspiration from my family because we go to Blackpool every year, and all the staff there remember us as 'crazy family' HAHA)
Spike has a picture with every single Disney Princess.
Mario has beef with Gaston.
Pauline likes to complain with the Evil Queen about how annoying Spike and Mario are.
Luigi only eats at one specific restaurant so it's always a battle to get a reservation there.
Their houses are all full with Disney artifacts.
All in all, they love Disney HAHA. If you have any more questions about it feel free to ask ^^
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dhampiravidi · 5 months
What was your inspiration for/drew you to writing Skadi and Rela? {Taking a bit of liberty with a mun-directed question about roleplaying.}
ok, it's kinda dumb but most (if not ALL) of my OCs are basically "hey, so I noticed there's no _____ in this fandom" OR "oof I wanna make a self-insert!" *1 week later* "OK, now I gotta make sure they aren't a Mary Sue, so I can introduce them to Tumblr--"
anyway 🌸
I think most people know this, but Marvel's version of Thor is not a lot like the Norse god Thor. You've got blond, discovering-himself Hemsworth vs. redhead, bulky, fairly aggressive god. Which is fine (I guess, I mean, I LIKE when people accurately depict deities every now & then, but whatever). Norse Loki swings violently between "that funny guy we adopted into our fam" & "guy who pisses everyone off". Sounds similar to Marvel Loki, except the family tree is totally different & Marvel Loki usually only does bad stuff because he's jealous of Thor.
anyway 😁
I figured I'd make my own Asgardian, because I'd decided I COULD NOT make my DC OC (whose FC is Tessa Thompson) crossover into Marvel/the MCU. I read about the Norse gods & was attracted to Skadi because 1) I'm a sucker for water/ice supernaturals & 2) she reminded me of Artemis. Short version: Skathi (alt. spelling of the Norse goddess) is a jotunn (Frost Giant) who gets tricked into marrying the Vanir god Njord by Loki. They divorce because he doesn't wanna move to her mountains & she doesn't wanna move to his sea. Oh & she got to marry a Vanir (or Aesir) because Loki killed her dad (sort of). So we've got a rightfully angry, badass huntress of the mountains whose dad dies. I focused on that, but really leaned into her having some warmth that she only shows to animals & those who prove their kind natures to her. My Skadi doesn't use her cryokinesis much because she prefers to rely on her hunting skills & (my HC) Jotunn appreciate resourcefulness.
bear with me 🐻🐼
I'll be honest: I have crushed on Anakin since I was FIVE. I think I liked his hair in Episode III. I read parts of Wookiepedia in middle & high school, just in time for the new movies. I thought "holy SHIT, Jacen Solo is like Jason Todd + Anakin, he'll be so BADASS" but ofc we can't have ANYTHING NICE, so we got...the sequels (& like 30 books being cut from canon). Yeah, well, I still like magic ninjas, so I wanted to make a Jedi.
Initially, I was going to do a version of my DC OC aka make a self-insert, then subtract any Mary Sue-ishness. Nah. I picked one of my favorite SW races, the pretty Twi'lek & looked at my list of Western Zodiac characteristics. I hadn't really made many introverted, bookish OCs, so I made Rela into one. I read all the lore on Twi'leks & looked up how long it takes to go up the Jedi ranks. Once I figured out what her whole timeline might look like, I squooshed her into Anakin's peer group at the Temple :D also I absolutely LOVE it whenever someone can dual-wield blades or handguns. IRL, it takes a lot more skill than people realize. Oh & I love purple (Rela's skin color)! It was a coincidence to find that her RL FC, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, starred in a movie where she had purple hair!
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
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@masterofthehighgroud​ has sent: Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition 1 | 2 | 6 | 12
Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition [Accepting]
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1. Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
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// My rules has a section showing the fandoms/communities I don’t want to interact or rp with! Here’s a reminder to it:
MLP, Homestuck, Undertale, Fnaf, League of Legends (Arcane won’t get a pass), Genshin Impact, Fnf, Disney and MCU (I’m debating on whether or not, I’ll give the comics a pass tho...)
Star wars stuff in specific.  I’m intimidated and iffy about Legends characters, simply because I’m still not 100% knowledgeable about it (I’m learning more and more about it). Kotor/jedi fallen order/any of the SW games... I’m also not well versed in them, so I’ll also be hesitant to interact with them. With all of these things said, here are my straight ‘no’s. Unless I’m well acquaintanced with the mun behind the muse, I’ll not write with any of the sequels era characters (As stated in my muses directory. Although I’ve watched the trilogy, I’m not entirely familiar with it, which contributes to my overall lack of interest in interacting with it). Then there are the Starcruiser hotel, and the theme park attractions which are at the very bottom of everything thus getting the biggest no (I don’t think I have to talk about how the vibes between those things, don’t fall in line with anything else within the SW universe, right? Nah man, y’all can keep and try to excuse the +6k dollar LARP mess [which I heard that Disney is looking to double the prices so Y I K E S])
And as I’m writing this: I also won’t RP with Andor muses, until the serie is over.
2. Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
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// I’m not a fan of those fix-it AUs. No matter what it may be about. ‘No order 66 palpie chokes on a croissant & the galaxy is all fine & dandy uwu AU’, ‘clones are just one big family & jango is their dad uwu AU’. I understand the desire for those types of plots for fanarts and fanfics, but when it comes RP? Killing off the tragedy in SW is the equivalent of, burning down SW’s very essence. Also I’ve noticed that with these plots, they always end up watering down so many things about SW. The name of the series is literally Star wars, the war IS meant to be ugly, I don’t think anyone should sugarcoat that.
6. Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
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// I think that the Kenobi series hype is long dead by now, SO I can finally say this, without sb coming out of the woodworks to crucify me for it. Reva was mediocre at best (the actress put on her best, it is just that the script she was handed to was bad. The odds were against her.). She most certainly wasn’t the worst thing that came out of the show, see young Leia (wtf did they do to thIS KID?) and Tala (who? I literally forgot about her 5 secs after her death).
I just wished that Lucas arts hadn’t wasted their time with fan-baiting, hate-baiting its audience, all while using Ingram as a meat-shield for every single criticism towards the show. And instead taken their time to properly iron out this character. BC as she currently stands? It’s bad... That pitiful attempt at a redemption? Yeah, it could use some MUCH needed work, instead of just slapping it on her then calling it a day. But I’ll take what we got, over whatever the drafted one had in it (Cody’s legacy is safe... For now...).
12. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
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// What’s up with all the weird anons me and many of my mutuals have been getting? I’ve never had to deal with anything like it, in all of my RPing years. What’s up with people not knowing how to use the block function, and blacklisting feature?
I’ve received multiple anons, whining about the fact I write cloneshipping. Or even having meltdowns over some of my HCs. I want to believe this is the result of how the search function on tumblr now operates, so it searches with anything that contains the searched words, instead of the tags. So, I’m chalking it up to being just strangers, finding my blog unaware of what this blog is about. But at the same time, there is a part of me that thinks I’ve received hate from actual RPers over that. BC god forbid, blocking sb and moving on with their day, is just too simple.
There is never a bad reason to not block someone. Even if it may sound silly in your mind, just block/filter out whatever is bugging you. It’s a whole lot better than hate-reading, or exposing yourself to shit you know that causes you discomfort.
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hcgrian · 3 years
I HAVE to mention build swap era grian’s channel in fics i am physically unable to keep them out because it’s just so good especially in watcher aus espexially in MY watcher aus
Like in mine I see it as the watchers are kinda like the jedi from star wars where they find kids who would work well as watchers and kidnap children ask parents to give up their kid for the greater good.
Grian and all the build swap judges + Taurtus are all kidnapped children who work to keep the universe in check and make sure players move on with their updates (even though they can do it without them).
The watchers realm exists outside of time and space in the end realm. Watchers become immortal once they’re strong enough to grow their wings and fly and learn their magic, but until then they’re kept only in that realm unless it’s to go to a creative world to train. So the kids grow up not knowing anything different until they start working as watchers.
That’s when Grian starts to realize after MANY years that the watchers aren’t all that good despite them trying to be. And they won’t ever change and anyone who tries to change them gets killed. “It’s for the best” is what they say.
I actually have a watcher!grian playlist lol
so sorry for ranting i just love watcher grian
im sorry for replying to this so late IM SORRY
build swap has ALOT of potential for worldbuilding too.... i love when fics make the servers like small little worlds and make servers like hypixel or mentions other servers and hubs and and ITS SO GOOD and the watchers being part of it also makes other servers like EVO more relevant, was EVO just a test by the watchers? and why?
I REALLY like this ideas, about type of star wars stuff- they just steal children and they train away from all contact with other players or servers... that sounds EXACTLY like something they would do
to be honest, im not that big of a fan of the watchers being strictly this horrible and evil gods who will fuck you over and over just becuse of #EVIL and #EDGY
I like to see watchers as instead of pure evil creatures that cause chaos and want to 'control' everything, as gods who simply don't understand humanity and perhaps accidentally dehumanize all those children they steal because they dont understand how humans players feelings work
and with this,, accidently, maybe in the progress traumatizing these children who have no idea how questionable it is since they always lived in this environment
the watchers justifying questionable actions and ideals for 'the best' >>>>>
grian realizing after running away from the watchers, tired of these questionable rules and ideals and then going to hermitcraft and learning how to live and feel again like an ACTUAL person he never got to be at all.. it's like one of my favourites hcs of 'how grian got to hermitcraft' kinda thing
pearl also being a watcher is also one of my FAVOURITE headcanons, with the skyduo being siblings it just go PERFECTLY and with this i bring:
grian showing pearl she can also live and be free like they never could with the watchers,'they never considered themselves and their feelings, him showing her sister all this new stuff out of that black and white ideals the Watchers would tell them about
I also made a skyduo playlist with a friend, and im on my way to making my OWN grian playlist (from yhs to hc) and its sooo much fun
may u perhaps... share that playlist please... 🐈‍⬛
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laciefuyu · 4 years
What sort of "holydays" do you think the Jedi would have?
I can picture them celebrating or marking the Epinox of whatever planet their on (if that planet has one.) due to it representing ballance between dark and light since day and night are of equal length on this date.
I can also imagine them marking the Solstice for mostly the same reasons, them being the longest day and the longest night respectively.
But here the thing, the Balance in the Force is not the same amount of Light and Dark, it doesn't work like that. Most people because the metaphor of Light and Dark instinctively think of it as something that cannot be separated and connect it Balance as the same amount of Light and Dark but you see The Force is, as Lucas wrote, highly tied to motivation such as Selflessness vs Selfishness.
So I'll put it this way, The Light Side stands for altruistic and selfless, and the other side is The Heavy Side (Instead Dark Side) which stand for egoism and selfish. (Selfishness weighs people down that's why use Heavy Side). Sith used it and so as they existed, it would cause unbalance. It's because their motivation is entirely selfish whether its about materialistic (such as wealth) or power, they basically a black hole of selfishness as nothing will ever truly satisfy them. The mere existence of a Sith already make the Force unbalanced.
So yeah, I don't consider them marking equinox or solstice especially not because of that reason.
Okay now we enter the headcanon territory of Jedi Culture. So Jedi Holidays, been discussing it with my friends and we come up with several things. 
1. Temple Founding Day
This is the day where the Jedi celebrated the Founding of the Temple. In this day that the Temple would be decorated with many lantern in various places. The temple would be so full of light that it would almost like they are basked with the light sides in that day. There probably a small festival along with it where the Jedi from Younglings to Elders having Arts performance. Music (This can be ensemble performance like Kumi-Daiko that I mentioned in Jedi Music HC post for example), Dance (We sees the early part of Younglings arc that they have some form of Jedi Dance, or doing Lightsaber forms but in more exaggerated and artistic purpose instead), Theatre Performance (About How the Temple Founded!), Poem Reading (Poem that is written by Jedi Artists and performance by Knights or Masters) and some more.
2. Honoring the Dead Day
You see, Jedi as they are, wouldn't focus on their pain and dwelling it instead this would be the time they celebrated the life of people that had returned to the Force. From their ancestors, remembering the accomplishment they have, the legacy they left behind and what kind of person they are remembered for and so on. Then, for people who just recently passed their lineage, friends etc gathered doing small meditation session and talking about them in fond memory instead. 
In Legends, there are Memory Moths, so drawn from it, in this Day the Memory Moth released from the Jedi Monument and letting loose around the Temple. The fun fact is in Chinese Culture, Moth is seen as soul of the deceased person visiting. The Memory Moths served as reference to it, especially how it able to mimic the name of the person that being whispered to it. It was almost like the deceased truly come to visit, bearing the named of the death.
3. Yoda's Birthday
Being Grandmaster and one of the oldest Jedi make him a beloved figures and at first it wasn't a temple-wide celebration but then as time pass, everyone have decide to make it official holiday at some point in his life.
Younglings and Initiates tend to compete to give Master Yoda the best presents while the Padawan usually giving performance of their lightsaber forms in ensemble manner (the Padawans so spending nights after nights perfecting it.) Knights and Masters often instead just congratulate him giving him best wishes.
The highlight of this day for Master Yoda thought, when in this Day they end up spending time in the Hall for feast, how Jedi of all ages able to mingling, comfortable and sharing laughter. That's the best present for Master Yoda because there is nothing he wishes more than peace and happiness for Jedi.
5. New Year Day
Here the little tricky one because the easiest one they will celebrate New Year based on Coruscant and it will be temple-wide celebration and it would be a quite festive day.
Jedi are diverse and respect the birth culture of their people, so if their member wanted to celebrate it, they would support it. The casual happy new year despite the other Jedi is not part of the celebration would be heard around temple.
6. Celebration of the Teaching Day
Since teaching is essentially their calling, Jedi would have a day where they could appreciate their teachers and not limited to Jedi but people who come to visit and being guest teacher or just generally taught them something.
Younglings/Initiates/Padawans tend to either make cards (which usually why they likes the teaching and how they appreciates the teacher) or making hand-made stuffs (it can be something like Origami (folded paper)) or both or little performance.
Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters who also wants to appreciate their Masters tend give practical things like food or drink and thank them for the teaching.
The guest teachers or people have teach them things on this day would get cards or package where they would says start 'It's Celebration of Teaching Day in the Temple, I want to say how thankful I am :)' and continue with how much they appreciate what the teachers teach them.
Teaching is, after all, Jedi's love language. So the idea of this day is because of it.
This is what my friends and I have so far regarding Jedi's Holiday.
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
About that Fox post: i absolutely love you for writing it, thank you for that
Also, for your consideration:
- Where were you during the zillo beast attack?
- throwing a surprise birthday party for him?
- going shopping together
- I have a scenario that him dating an investigative journalist would be very chaotic, any thoughts?
- what's the friendship with his brothers like?
- why do i fell he would be good with kids? Like your nephew or something
- on that note, does he get the dad genes from Jango?
- post-war AU? in the timeline where Palpatine chokes and dies like he's supposed to
- Getting!! Married!! (eventualy)
many Fox thoughts today, many thoughts
sorry this is so long, I have little self control and a lots of love for fox. i love u so much for asking this and letting me explore what a life with fox would be like.
also I apologize for being a h*rny bitch and not controling myself, so nsfw thots are marked like this so if u wanna skip that's fine.
and uh, first I'm gonna answer the investigative journalist hc and base everything about this in that solely thought because that's a galaxy brain thing to say.
I have a scenario that him dating an investigative journalist would be very chaotic, any thoughts?
AHDJSJ I LOVE THIS. okay okay but I feel like because of this job this is exactly why you guys met, like you needed some info and you asked some shiny but he didn't know a thing and you were like "is there someone I can talk with about this?" and when he's about to reply, Fox enters in action and he's like "need anything?" but sO COCKY.
he hates journalists mostly because some of them treat the clones very badly and never talk about the casualties or that kind of stuff about war, right.
like, it would turn into this-- banter filled with sexual tension that would've ended up in a make out session if 1. fox didn't have that much of self control and two if he weren't wearing his bucket.
it'd be like
"listen man-"
"it's commander for you." a pause, "or sir."
or like
"i need to do other things if you don't mind."
"i can think of a few you could be doing right now." and the way your eyes run through his entire body, even if he's all covered in plastoid but damn you if he isn't the hottest man walking, and he actually shivers, and gulps, because it's not like he wasn't thinking about that either, pushing down your pants and railing you right then and there in that fucking filthy alley. he is well aware how his suddenly codpiece feels too tight, but you only smirk and go, "you know, like giving me the information I need?"
it'd be so ridiculous, but you also caused this impression on him that when you turned away to go on your business he was dEVASTED, but he didn't want to let u know he actually liked you. He's stubborn, that man.
So by some miracle when you're investigating something, you guys run into each other bc he's on patrol or something and he's GIDDY. but also frozen in place bc he didn't think he would ever see you again, mostly because Coruscant is big and has too many people in it. and you're like
"ah, commander fox, isn't it?" and he quickly resumes to say something that shows how aNNOYED he pretends to be, but he ends up tagging alone because "these parts are not safe"
"you'd need protection."
and the smirk you have is sO ARROGANT because it's not your first rodeo.
"you wouldn't want to have a civvie getting killed or something on your watch now, would you?" and he clears his throat and nods sharply. and you give him this innocent eyes and bat your lashes, "my hero."
and if you think those words didn't do aNYTHING to him, you're mistaken u hear me, he's instantly hARD.
so anyways after that YOU ask him out, and he's like, stuttering and saying yes and all.
now some random thoughts on this magnificent hc.
• if it can't be himself, he would always have the men he trusts the most going on patrols around the zone you're around in case something happens.
• he lOVES when you rant about something new you discovered, and when he asks for mOre info bc he's a, how do you say chismoso?, he loves gossip??? anyways and you're like "nu huh, you gotta wait till tomorrow, foxie"
• he aLWAYS makes sure to read/see your job, either if you work for some newspaper, magazine, etc or if you're on the TV he nEVER misses it.
• if you work for the TV, his brothers are always like "fOX YOUR GIRL IS ON THE HOLONET LIKE RN!!!" and he gives them this bitch face because he kNOWS THANK YOU.
• alright but imagine going on dates with him and being like "did you know there was an investigation last year around this part that–?" ROMANCE AT ITS PEAK.
• if his shift ends before you even think of going home, he definitely joins you on your investigations.
Where were you during the zillo beast attack?
uhh, I think you'd be home, like maybe you turned in early and fox maybe didn't know, so he was almost in tears when he called you after the whole thing happened because he was so worried.
of course, during the attack, he tried to push the thought aside, bc I think all clones have this, uh, switch, that makes them not worry during missions that much? just like, have this thought here and there but nothing serious that would make them paralyzed and have a panic attack right there. but every second he thought of you and hoped you were alright.
unlike you, that were worried sick because you saw the chaos unfold, the troopers arriving in shuttles and the jedi doing whatever they were doing and you just heard destruction. you DID cried a bit and when fox called you, you cried even harder. and he was like "it's alright, I'm alright baby."
that night he hold you SO tight, whispering sweet nothings on your ear and never stopped kissing you once. you barely got any sleep because you were so afraid of waking up only to find out the other died on the attack and it was all a dream.
throwing a surprise birthday party for him?
now, clones don't exactly have a birthday???? but he did all these nice things for your birthday (he and the boys baked you a cake that was sO UGLY and tasted a bit weird) so you thought you could surprise him too.
it's most likely he gives you the date when he graduated from Kamino or something and for all the years you're with him, you never miss his "birthday" at first you did something quiet, like a dinner at your place, bought him something nice, gave him a bath or something and spoiled the shit out of him.
so for the second year, you threw him a party in his office, made him this cake or whatever and decorated with red and white balloons and invited a few troopers that wanted to help you and he was stoic for a moment, but then you were like "hAPPY BIRTHDAY!" and hugged him so tight and he relaxed under your touch and whispered this small "thank you baby"
everyone congratulated him and he was a bit awkward but when they start telling all these stories of them and fox on the job, he starts to loosen up a bit, so while everyone is eating cake he hugs you from behind and chuckling lowly in your ear as he listens to his brothers.
he dOESNT like pda like I said but he forgets for a moment because he just loves you sO SO SO SO MUCH. it's also easier for him to whisper filthy things into your ear and mumble how good you are for him, that he doesn't deserve you, that he can't wait for everyone to leave cause he wants to have his present (you) nipping your earlobe and making u all hot and bothered and would def fuck you nice and hard on his desk. yup
going shopping together
imagine, jUST IMAGINE, he'd look like your personal bodyguard 😭😭 like, he'd be behind you carrying most of your bags and people would look at you wondering who are you, why are you sO important to have the commander of the Coruscant guard with you???
but like, you don't care and fox doesn't even notice, and he'd be so attentive, faking to be both annoyed and uninterested but he'd see this nice shirt or dress or whatever and grumble something like "you'd look good on this" i just-
and like when you pass by the lingerie store, dUDE, he'd make you model for him, him sitting like he fucking owns the place, getting harder and harder every time he sees you in a new pair of underwear and when you show off this cute little red set. damn.
if you go to the market or something, he'd always love to show you these things like "look at that" or just pull you towards this stall and you'd adORE to show him stuff like, "ohh, fox here try this" or "what you think about this?" and stuff like that.
what's the friendship with his brothers like?
i think it'd be very easy-going and light, they would tease you sometimes, but they really like you, mostly because they see fox isn't as stressed as before and they see how happy he is when around you.
they think he deserve it, to have somewhere where he's free and loved, so yeah.
they sometimes ask him about you and never miss a chance to say hi when you stop by the office.
the boys absolutely ADORE you.
why do i fell he would be good with kids? Like your nephew or something. does he get the dad genes from Jango?
like, I think at first he'd be very hesitant when it comes to children, like he'd be nervous when you introduce him to your niece and when you ask him if he wants to hold her, he says a quick no and just prefers to watch you, heart feeling funny when you make faces at the little baby in your arms.
at some point he dOES hold her, with such care and a gentleness that makes your heart flutter, and he coos softly as she sleeps soundly in his arms, rocking her with a delicacy you thought impossible from such hard man, and when he looks at you his eyes shine with this flash of something you can quite place but makes your heart skip a beat and think of how much you'd love to have this, with him, a little family, a baby that has his curls and maybe your eyes, a mix of your skin color with his and maybe his stubbornness completed by your charisma. a perfect little thing for you two to hold and care and love.
he'd be such a good dad, but then again every clone would be the most fantastic dad bc it's literally in their genes.
if you have a nephew that is, u know, older but still a kiddie, like 5 or 6, the lil boy would be aMAZED by fox, he'd love him so much, like imagine, always asking for the commander, wanting to play with him, asking fox to carry him eVERYWHERE, and at first fox would be like, shy and uncertain and he wouldn't know how to act until he accepts the fact that this little boy really likes him and looks up to him and fox becomes The Cool Uncle™
post-war AU? in the timeline where Palpatine chokes and dies like he's supposed to and Getting!! Married!! (eventualy)
well, in my post-war AU, clones get Rights™ and get paid and have vacations and stuff, sO, maybe you get to have Fox for a little more time and his schedule isn't as bad as it was during the war, so maybe after the war you get home to a nice dinner and fox using this silly apron and sometimes you come home early just so you can cook with him.
maybe you go on holidays to these nice places, going to the beach or the woods and finally settling somewhere quiet, start a family in this nice house or if you don't want kids then it's just the two of you and maybe a few pets.
i think the wedding would be officiated in Coruscant, of course, so his brothers and your fam can go, he'd definitely cry when he see you walking down the isle or when you put the ring on his finger and he'd be so so so happy, dancing with you all night, being so clingy because he's just Over the moon, y'know, kissing your cheeks and neck, whispering how lucky he is and how much he loves you, and how good you look, never leaving your side and always leaning over with pouty lips for you to kiss him.
when he proposed it was during one of your sweet, soft times with him, maybe in the aftertaste of your sexy times, as he holds you close to his chest, fingers running up and down your skin, as he stares at the ceiling and the question comes out as if he were talking about the weather, his heartbeat is slow and steady and it's one of those times he feels confident and sure.
you have talked about a future together, so he knows you'd say yes.
it's more a statement than a question, really.
"marry me." he would say, so quietly, almost a whisper. and when you look up you only find this beautiful emotion filling his eyes.
"what?" you just want to make sure you heard right, he'd smile softly, cup your cheek and as his thumb caresses your skin he'd whisper.
"will you marry me?"
you oBVIOUSLY say yes while ugly sobbing.
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Masterlist - Updated 08/17/2020
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader - Kiss prompt #1
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader - Kiss Prompt #2 (NSFWish)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Senator!Reader
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Senator!Reader
Obi-Wan Kenobi - I’m tired of being your secret
Obi-Wan - I might have slept in your robe while you were gone
Commander Cody
Commander Cody x Jedi!Reader
Commander Cody x Reader Imagine
Cody - I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay
Cody - We both know that I should walk away but I can’t
Captain Rex
Imagine tripping over your own feet and Rex catching you in a dip
Rex x Padawan!Reader
Rex x Reader
Captain Rex x Jedi!Reader
Imagine Rex asking you to marry him
Rex - What’s in the box
Rex - So... Breakfast?
Arc Trooper Echo
Imagine spending a lazy day with Echo
Arc Trooper Echo x Reader
Echo - I don’t know why I’m crying
Echo - I adore you
Arc Trooper Fives
Imagine Fives always telling you lame pick-up lines
Fives x Reader
Fives - This is by far the dumbest thing you’ve ever done
Clone Trooper Jesse
Jesse x Reader (NSFW)
Jesse - If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were flirting with me
Jesse - Are you really flirting with me right now
Jesse - Ugh, not you again
Commander Wolffe
Commander Wolffe x Reader
Commander Wolffe x Reader
Commander Wolffe x Reader
Wolffe - Well this will make an exciting diary entry
Wolffe - Let me tell you exactly where in the hell you can go
Wolffe - The baby’s kicks are keeping me up
Clone Trooper Kix
Kix - I brought you some caf
Kix - Are you still awake
Clone Trooper Hardcase
Hardcase - First one to make a sound loses
Hardcase - I love you a lot, but please stop trying to cook me dinner, you suck
500 Follower Appreciation 
14 - Morning wood sliding against your ass - Kix
25 - His fingers sliding between you own - Wolffe
NSFW 5-10 Sentence Requests
(Below the cut in case people don’t like NSFW)
NSFW with Fives or Wolffe playing strip-poker? XD Thank you ;)
NSFW Headcanon: Can I get a hc where the reader strip-dances around Hardcase during a night at 79’s? owo
Hello there! For NSFW headcanon thing: may I please request first time with Obi?
NSFW head cannon request: Rex likes to surprise his S/O in the shower to initiate intimate times ;) Thanks a ton!
You said so yourself, you can send as many as you want!!! THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD!!! Lemme request a Tup ficlet, where they do a quickie before battle?
NSFW headcanon Request. Fives enjoys morning sex. Please and thanks!!
3rd time here again, back and betta aye Lemme get a Kix ficlet where Kix teases the reader throughout the day, and when they get into the barracks shit really starts going uphill?
NSFW Headcanon request please! Wolffe likes marking his s/o😏 p.s your writing is AMAZING liebling😍i love you💞
NSFW headcanon request: Cody finds the reader masturbating to him; Cody gives them an intimate time after finding them in that stance? ;)
NSFW headcannon: Hardcase loves the risk of getting caught. Thank you so much!
Hi! Can I request a NSFW with Fives and Reader having sex after having some stupid fight? Thank you!! :)
THERE HASN’T BEEN A CODY NSFW HEADCANON SO HERE IS MY THOT ASS- Nsfw ficlet Where Cody likes to use leashes on their s/o?
I love your writing! Can I get a 5 sentence NSFW Wolffe? That he loves to eat out his s/o on the kitchen table? Please and thank you!
Can you do the the Nsfw headcannon of Captain Rex fucking his gf while she wears his helmet? THANK YOU🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
For the NSFW headcannons can you write Hardcase loves cumming in his ladyfriend? I need more of him❤️ You’re the best!
For the NSFW headcannons can you write Hardcase loves cumming in his ladyfriend? I need more of him❤️ You’re the best!
NSFW head cannon please and thank you : Echo is reeeeaaalllyyy good at oral ;)
NSFW head cannon request: Anything with Rex and blindfold. Pretty please and thanks!
Hello! NSFW with a frustrated Wolffe after lost a battle? Thank you!
I just had this thought as like, an NSFW headcanon where Fives likes to talk dirty in his s/o’s ear just to tease them during the day and to just get them in the mood
NSFW ficlet with Hardcase? His S/O and him went on a secret mission, and his s/o is dressed up in a extremely revealing costume, and Hardcase just does them when they go back to Coruscant. Thanks! I REALLY LOVE THESE
NSFW heascanon for Cody. He starts off slow and loves foreplay but once the first article of clothing gets removed the whole mood changes 😉
Nsfw ficlet where his s/o is a pole dancer, and during their break, Cody just takes them backstage and just pounds into them relentlessly until his s/o cannot walk straight?
NSFW Ficlet with Kix? Kix likes to do BDSM with his s/o?
NSFW request: Rex’s reunion with his girlfriend after a long time apart gets heated ;). Thanks!
Nsfw ficlet with Fives? He likes to use sex toys on his s/o?
Your writing is awesome! Can I request nsfw Cody with a jedi lover after thinking they were dead (dat sweet ‘i almost lost you’ stuff tho)
Hi! Can I request an NSFW head cannon w/ Wolffe please? He really likes it when his s/o rides him? Thank you!
NSFW Request: Captain rex being the readers first time. Thanks a ton!
NSFW with Fives throwing a “special” birthday party for reader?
NSFW ficlet with Rex? He loves to use sex toys on his s/o in bed?
Hello! I really love your stories, and I am so in love with these NSFW ficlets!! Could I request with Jesse, please? Jesse likes to use his hands on his girl to make her cum a lot???
Nsfw headcannon? Fives loves getting head in public Thank youuu
i see that you’re writing again!!! may i get a nsfw request where cody likes to finger his s/o and see her squirt? 
I see NSFW requests are open again >:D Rex gets too stressed sometimes working on files so his s/o decides to help relieve his stress by riding him
....nsfw clones? Hmm. Any that doesn't get enough love or your muse...or who fits best for this. GF that loves going down on them. And if your feeling it. Separate or together. F2f who loves being railed against a wall by their lover ;p
I love your writing! Could you write NSFW with cyborg Echo and his s/o? His metal arm could vibrate and they used it in bed. S/o convince Echo that he's still her Echo no matter how he looks.
im a hoe and im back for the requests. ANYWAYS, can i get a nsfw request where hardcase has his s/o pose up as a stripper and he gets really turned on so he fucks her really hard in the back rooms 😳😳😳
Yo I asked for an nsfw request a long time ago when they were closed and I'm so glad they're back. ❤ Can I *cough* *slides a $20* get: Can I request a rex nsfw ficlet and he and s/o got a thing for cum. Like lots of it and everywhere. 👌
Headcannon idea, Obi Wan wall sex? Or sex standing up, where he is holding the reader?
Could you do Obi Wan face sitting?
can i get a nsfw request where cody likes to get called ‘commander’ in the bedroom?
Nsfw request: Rex making his s/o squirt for the first time and being really into it??
hey! can i get nsfw request with commander cody where the reader fingers herself on a comlink video call with the commander? he commands her on what to do and stuff? thanks!
nsfw headcanon thing idk - for kix: he gets a holovideo of his s/o masturbating and he jacks off to the video then his s/o catches him; then they masturbate to one another before fucking ❤️ thanks
Can I ask for an NSFW headcannon with obi wan and the reader engaging in some bdsm?
nsfw headcanon - tup loves to eats out his s/o on the table; his s/o loves to praise him and run her fingers through his long hair. thanks!
Hello there! I love the frustrated Wolffe NSFW headcannon and was wondering if we could get one for Rex?
NSFW for Rex- reader is a huge tease and Rex finally snaps and roughly fucks the reader
nsfw request with hardcase pretty please? he likes to pick up his s/o and eat them out against the wall as he squeezes at her tits? thank you☺️
NSFW with kix needing some help from his “nurse?”
NSFW: fives eats you out from under your desk while a commander tries to talk to you!
nsfw prompt w/ jesse - they catch their s/o pleasuring themselves and see their lewd expressions and sounds; jesse teaches them some patience
hello! can i have a nsfw prompt with fives? reader is his s/o and she gives him a lap dance for him? fives takes care of her ;)
nsfw with wolffe asking his s/o if he's making them feel good
NSFW for captain rex and s/o where the s/o is pleasuring themselves when rex walks in and they're super embarrassed and tries to apologize when rex decides to help them
NSFW Jesse eating out mechanic reader while she’s bent over fixing something?
for the nsfw request! Echo talking dirty to reader at inappropriate (and appropriate) times 💙
Nsfw prompt with Cody - Cody saves reader and she repays him for his heroic act
nsfw prompt for echo - his s/o wears very revealing clothing around him and echo can't take it anymore and rips off her clothing. thanks
NSFW request: teasing Jesse in front of the shinies and he orders them to clear out so he can fuck your face 😜
NSFW: Fives x reader where it’s the readers first time please? Thanks!
i’d like to request a nsfw prompt with echo? his s/o always sends him lewd photos of herself for him when he’s away, and when he’s coming back she sends him a picture with her in his favorite set of lingerie. thank you❣️
Idk if it’s canon but I feel like Jesse is a bit bigger than your average clone? I was hoping for the NSFW prompt you could write something about him having a size kink and teasing the reader by saying dirty things throughout the day! Thank you!
NSFW with Rex where the reader made him jealous and he snaps? Thanks Love
nsfw prompt - reader is wolffe’s s/o; s/o rides/sits on her commander’s face ;)
Can you do a NSFW with Cody where he just teases her throughout the whole day please? Thanks.
Jesse smut pre order 66
nsfw with wolffe when the reader enjoys teasing
wolffe fucking his s/o inside a laat gunship? thank u❤️
NSFW: could you please do one where the reader is Cody’s first time?? I’ve never seen it done before, and your writing is amazing I thought I’d as you!
Nsfw of Wolffe fucking the reader.
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Blinker Headcanons
Again, no one asked for this, but I adore Blinker, and there are so many HCs I’ve got for him!
He is the morale booster of Contigo Squadron. He brings the lighthearted joking and pleasant attitude when they’re all feeling a bit down. But he’s not insensitive about it. If the situation doesn’t call for it, he’s not making jokes
But, of course, behind the bubbly attitude, the snarking, and the joking, he’s just as affected by the horrors of war. The death of every trooper, every brother hits everyone hard, but with Blinker, who makes a point of befriending everyone––it hurts immensely every time he finds out one of them has been KIA
I’ve mentioned it before, and I’ll say it again––Blinker is an artist. A good artist. If they’re stuck out on the battlefield, bivouacked for the night, he can be found scratching designs or drawings into the dirt. When he was a cadet he definitely graffiti-ed the inside of his sleeping pod, and definitely got in trouble for it
He’s helped design a lot of his brothers’ armor markings (even painted some himself). And when the 442nd starts painting nose art on their ships, he’s called in as a consultant, if not coming up for the designs himself (the one for Contigo is ABSOLUTELY of Elara, and both Obi-Wan and Anakin choke when they see it) (this nose art will be canon in “Balance,” so, don’t worry, we will see the fully fledged reaction to it)
In a similar vein, Blinker’s designed tattoos for fellow troopers; and he’s given them, too. He’s one of the go-to guys in the 442nd for it
So the bet started out as little more than a joke. It was obvious that Elara and Obi-Wan were very close, and he kinda just... nudged Klick one day and was like ‘wanna bet whether our Genny’s got a thing with the Genny from the 212th?’
And Klick took him up on it with a resounding ‘there’s no way.’
And Blinker was like ‘you have seen ‘em right?’ And that was when he realized... his theory might actually have some weight to it
So he started compiling the evidence, because dear god was there so much of it
And then he started presenting it to fellow members of the 442nd, and the betting pool grew; it got to a point where he couldn’t remember everything anymore, and thus the spreadsheet was created
When Blinker said he wants Elara to be happy, he really, truly means that. When they were assigned to a Jedi General, he expected them to be stuffy, by-the-book, and boring. But Elara is none of those things. When the lads started marking up their armor (kinda against protocol), she said she saw no issue with it. She’s willing to bend rules, especially if it benefits the safety of her battalion. She’s got a great sense of humor (she banters with him, it’s great), has great stories to tell. Most of all, she cares about them. And that means everything to Blinker. Absolutely everything. So he desperately wants nothing but happiness and peace to befall his beloved Genny
Gunney, despite being his polar opposite, is absolutely his best friend. They work well as a team (see that one gif from BoB I posted of Luz and Welsh). Whenever they’re together, people feel like they get whiplash because Blinker’s so lively and Gunney’s so deadpan
Blinker’s crazy hair (left half blonde, right black; left eyebrow black, right blonde) was the result of a dare made in the wake of Geonosis. He did it, loved it, and kept it
When Phase II armor gets put into production, and more elaborate markings are allowed, Blinker’s helmet is the most elaborately decorated thing you have ever seen
This man can hold his liquor/drink––but he is a rowdy drunk (see him spilling his drink on Gunney’s head in the Moulee-rah Moocha chapter). He may be rowdy, but he is a fun drunk... until the end of the night hits and he gets a little sad
He knows that, after the war, he wants to settle down. He doesn’t know where, he doesn’t know to do what, but he knows that he wants to find somewhere to put down roots. Planet hopping has been fun and all, but Blinker truly cannot wait to have one spot, one place to call home––one that’s not a cramped military barracks. He wants a home.
Extra, Non-Headcanon Stuff:
In writing Blinker, I’ve had a few characters that remind me of the way that I’ve characterized him. One of which is Klaus Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy, and another is the characterization of George Luz from Band of Brothers
All of the music I associate with this man is ridiculously up-beat. I’m talking “Everybody Loves Me” by OneRepublic and “The Walker” by Fitz and The Tantrums
Blinker was one of the first three troopers I conceptualized; and the first one that became a fully realized character when I was fleshing them out
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gothwarlocks · 3 years
17. How were you introduced to the fandom? 25. What type of ship would you fly? and 30. Do you have any headcanons (was thinking of how you've talked about the underground scene in SW but this can be about anything)?
thank you Raven!! 🖤🥰
Placing under a cut bc I ended up rambling a lot! It’s a long post.
17. How were you introduced to the fandom?
I didn’t actively participate in any true Star Wars fandom for a while, actually. When SWTOR launched in 2011 I was about 16 and hadn’t had great interactions with SW fans since the majority I bumped into were gatekeepy cishet men, and being a closeted gay trans kid... lol, you get it. I mostly just chatted with irl friends about stuff I was excited about. And also, the fandom wasn’t really established too well on here yet, so there’s that. I would peek around tumblr occasionally but short of a couple people chatting about it or posting fanart there wasn’t a sense of community yet (at least, from what I saw).
In 2010 though, idk If anyone will know about this at all but if you ever heard of Clone Wars Adventures I was very very present there haha. I interacted with mostly other teens or the occasional chill adult that was there for some reason (this was a very...kid-oriented online game). I was hounded a lot by other players bc I would always be top 5 on the leaderboards for a couple of the silly little minigames :) it was really fun, actually! I would log on and since you can see peoples’ online/offline status, I would get messages within minutes from players wanting to challenge me to a 1v1 of some sort lol. There was also instanced housing, and there was more free reign on building stuff, so people got really creative. I myself built a functioning cantina/music venue on the roof of my Coruscant apartment (which should not have been reach-able lol) that was sometimes used for group chilling.
If anyone ever is interested, look up some videos. The things players would build and boundary-break to do is very cool lol. Once SWTOR launched though, players that had formed friend groups or guilds just migrated there. It was interesting to see!
25. What type of ship would you fly?
HMMM there are so many ships around in the EU lol. Almost too hard to narrow it down... When I was a kid I was obsessed with A-wings, X-wings, and Naboo starfighters. From SWTOR, I think my favorite ship is either the Phantom, for it’s sleek and elegent design, or the smuggler’s freighter, for it’s cozy and communal atmosphere.
30. Do you have any headcanons?
Oh yeah!! Like you mentioned I do love thinking about subcultures in the galaxy and expanding on that, but here’s a few for SWTOR and EU(?) that I enjoy:
(Sorry in advance for how many run-on sentences there are and if anything just sounds harebrained lol. CW for talk of transition, I suppose!)
Dathomirian Zabraks in the Old Republic Era... I just accept that their witchy culture(s) have existed for millennia, but were just very isolationist and did their best to remain undetected from the rest of the galaxy--different groups could have had other policies though. The group portrayed in CW could be maybe the last group to survive, or something like that (since in Jedi Order it’s presented like that, right?). Anywho, as a matriarchal culture that unfortunately enslaves Zabrak men, I think they would have a unique take on gender. I think trans women/trans feminine people would be wholly embraced and exalted as having “ascended” out of the male lower caste for discovering who they really are, and trans men/trans masculine people would be, well, not so cherished(?) having--and I say this as a trans man--“lowered” or “belittled” themselves. The witches can change/enhance body shape through magic, as seen with Maul and Savage. So I imagine they would help trans people that want to physically transition to help fit them into the social roles they were always meant to have, and beyond that there isn’t much to blink at. I headcanon Lorn still has the skin pigmentation of a Datho witch (and he retains some of their powers), but his tattoos are given to him by fellow Zabrak men and his horns and other body characteristics are given to him through witch rituals. And as for non-binary Dathomirian people, I would hope they just have the choice to belong to either the witch clans or Zabrak tribes. I’d love to hear a non-binary person’s take on this, to be honest 👀
Rattataki should have little to no sexual dimorphism, and they could stand to look more...alien. (Plus, they desperately need lore-building.) I just think of all the species they could have done this for out of the game, this one could have been it.
I also just absorb and adopt a lot of HC’s I see going around for all sorts of stuff, here’s a few of my fav that aren’t my own:
Twi’leks having headgear designed for trans or gnc twi’leks to help them express themselves. Also lekku accessories in general are very cute and fun to think about.
Cathar behaving a little bit feline... In cute ways :)
Togruta with sharp teeth and montrals that can grow into all sorts of forms!
Sith Purebloods having black sclera and pointed ears is a pipe dream of mine but it’s cool if they don’t given their integration with Humans.
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reliciron · 4 years
Eternal Empire After Effects
In addition to that post I made a while back about how your characters deal with either the boost in Force sensitivity or the brand new sensitivity for your smugglers/troopers/agents/bounty hunters. I want to talk about the general fucked up-ness that the Commander has to deal with post-KotET.
Like DAMN. Bare minimum, they’ve had to deal with carbonite poisoning, the general mind games of Valkorian, and then they had their mind literally broken in the last chapter. At worst, they get all that, plus taking a lightsaber to the gut. To say nothing of having to fight an impossible war for a little over a year straight with everyone’s hopes and dreams riding around on their shoulders.
A lot of the posts I’ve seen about other people’s ocs has some form of lingering effects from everything. And I just want to talk about it for a minute, cause I live for filling in the scenes we don’t see. [Take this with a grain of salt, as I’ve never played a dark side character, so my perspective will be skewed.]
Long term physical effects:
They were poisoned slowly over the course of 5 years, you can’t tell me that one little dart thing can fix that, at least not right away. This could take the form of lingering nausea, migraines, dizziness. The symptoms of heavy metal poisoning would fit well here. And I hc my consular as having some permanent nerve pain from it.
The stab on Asylum is absolute bullshit in the game. Valkorian or no, there’s no way they’d be walking out. I think I posted a pic I took before, but the stab is easily close enough for the heat transfer to damage the spine. Bone cracks and warps with heat, so you can see the problem there. The wound is almost dead on for where the stomach sits and the lungs, liver, kidney, and intestines are all in range to get badly burnt (yeah I know, alien anatomy might be different, but we’re assuming its mostly the same).
We’ve seen what a lightsaber can do to a blast door in The Phantom Menace, take that and apply it to a person, and Arcann held that blade there a loooong time.
Yes, Valkorian saves them, but I think of it more as he kept them from dying, and not, he completely stopped the blade from cooking them from the inside out. So the three days Lana mentioned are horseshit. The Gravestone’s tiny ass med-bay is absolutely not equipped to handle an injury like this.
I always figured a better way was Valkorian kept them alive long enough for Lana to threaten her way onto an appropriate station and made the doctors fix them. Even so, getting what amounts to several organ transplants, implants to bypass possible spinal chord damage, replacement ribs and vertebra, and a whole lot of skin and muscle grafts will leave your Commander pretty messed up, even with magical Star Wars tech and Force magic. And their allotted recovery time seems to be the length of the base’s construction on Odessen, so there’s no way in hell they’re really done healing by the time they have to go back out into battle.
Specific injuries aside, a year is a long time to fight more or less constantly. At least during the base game you sort of had rests between chapters. They’re gonna rack up an impressive list of injuries, alongside wear and tear like their knees and feet having trouble from the constant running and jumping. And their elbows and shoulders will break down from hours upon hours of absorbing the recoil of a gun or the constant flurry and clash of a lightsaber.
Long term mental effects:
As ugly as the physical stuff is, the mental effects are just as bad. Depending on what class they are, having the goddamn Sith Emperor riding shotgun in their head will fuck them up big time.
Classes who faced off with him more-or-less directly, like the Knight, Consular, and Warrior, are going to have the worst time of it because they KNOW what this sort of thing leads to. The warrior has seen the dead eyed puppet on Voss and knows that could be them soon. The consular had to deal with the emperors children and the First Son. They’ve seen a prominent and powerful Jedi master absolutely crumple under the power of the emperor and he wasn’t even IN there. And Knights have already experienced the emperor’s control first hand.
Not to say the others won’t have trouble with it, it’s just that the reasons will be a little less direct. The smuggler and bounty hunter are used to being their own people, not tied down to anything or accountable to anyone, and now there’s the threat that everything they have will be taken from them and there’s no amount of sneaking or shooting that will save them. Troopers built up their command from basically nothing and now they’re Republic heroes, but Valkorian now threatens the lives of everyone they’ve sworn to protect. The agent is easy, they’ve suffered mind control before, they’ve been slaves in their own body, and they’re terrified of it happening again. And inquisitors were literal slaves who clawed their way to the top, and they’d sooner die than be a slave again.
So just having that asshole there means constant stress for the whole of KotFE and KotET. Insomnia must be a given. How do you know you’ll wake up as YOU? That Valkorian won’t hollow you out in your sleep and walk around in your skin the next day? And for the Knight, Agent, and Inquisitor, I’d think panic attacks are probably a thing, even if they don’t let anyone see it.
The stab will definitely cause some trauma. Pretty sure any wound that gruesome would. And if they didn’t have nightmares before, they sure do now and I’m willing to bet that they might shy away from lightsabers for a while, which leaves an interesting dilemma considering they’re in a war with Force-users, and some of them are Force-users themselves.
Fighting a guerrilla war with an absurdly powerful adversary has to be incredibly taxing, especially for classes who’ve never had to command anything. Smugglers and Bounty Hunters are very screwed here, assuming they care about running the Alliance well. And the burden of saving the galaxy is a heavy one. I can definitely see classes who have saved the galaxy multiple times to be getting increasing bitter about always having to be the one to clean up the messes. Why are THEY the ones who always have to suffer? Why isn’t there ever a hero to save THEM when they need it?!
Agents get their own little special bit here with the bullshit that is Vaylin’s conditioning. They know exactly the kind of misery she’s going through, the powerlessness that one single phrase or word causes. I can understand that the writers couldn’t figure out or bother with a whole separate scene of the agent refusing to use the conditioning, cause then they’d have to figure out how to not have Vaylin murder them on the spot. But goddamn we could’ve at least seen them struggle with it! Maybe an extra few lines of them pleading with Vaylin because they desperately don’t want to use her control phrase. Ugh, at least behind the scenes an agent can have a break down about how they’ve become exactly like the intelligence officers who’d decided that they were too much of a liability to go without a leash they could pull. And now they’ve pulled an identical leash on Vaylin.
And then we have their mind being broken. That could be a post in and of itself. Valkorian came within a hair’s breadth of destroying them entirely, and they were so broken that they didn’t even know their own name. And in the space of 10 or so minutes, they scrape themselves together and fight a god. It’s very impressive (and I’ve got my own issues with that fight) but I don’t think you can pull yourself together that fast after being that messed up without some lingering issues.
Chronic insomnia and night terrors, full blown PTSD, panic disorders, severe anxiety; something THAT traumatic will absolutely leave marks.
And after that? They just keep going. Yeah, things calm down, but they’re still at the head of a very powerful faction now (if not ruling Zakuul), there’s no going back after this. And they’ve got a massive restoration project ahead of them as tensions continue to simmer between the Republic and Empire. The more dutiful characters must be near the end of their rope. There’s no rest, just the next fire to put out, and they continue to run themselves into the ground. And the more flighty characters are now forever shackled by the Alliance. There’s no flying off into the sunset for them. No more anonymity as a bounty hunter or smuggler. Their old life is over, whether the wanted it or not. And how can they really relax when there’s this many people looking at them for direction. They’ve become just like those asshole military leaders who they used to mock.
And for just about all of my characters, they hide it. No one can know that they’re falling apart at the seams. Either it’s about personal pride and acting unphased cause they’re just THAT good, or because they’re trying to be the leader the Alliance deserves and don’t want to disappoint or frighten them by showing just how badly they’re coping. Either way there will be a breaking point.
And even after it all comes out in the open, and they (hopefully) get the help they need. It’s never completely over. Chronic pain and fatigue, depression and anxiety, persistent insomnia; these things don’t just disappear, they’re an ongoing struggle that helps color their future actions.
I just… I really like considering things like this because it hits close to home. Seeing them struggle with some of the things I deal with makes them feel more like people. Cause god knows the writers aren’t gonna put this kind of stuff in there.
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tessiete · 3 years
⭐️ for the director's cut ask!
Alright, so here’s the thing. @tree-scapes  suggested I do the Korkie, Luke, and Qui-Gon fic (but that’s cause she’s on a Luke thing, right now, quite understandably, and I’m benefitting from her DinLuke fic! - mind your tags) and anyway, I remembered WAIT -
I have three UNRELEASED LULLABIES I wrote for the Korkie, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fic, No Single Effort 
So we’re gonna do that one instead, otherwise these will just languish, and I spent at least twenty minutes on them.
Firstly, that fic was written for @anakin-skywalker-is-my-hero who was anxious about a world where Anakin and Korkie coexisted in the Jedi, and I wanted to try and persuade them of how that balance would work.
I...did not. Because I got distracted. I meant for it to be very much Obi-Wan and Anakin centric, but the problem was, the Spotify song chosen was a children’s lullaby (What If? By Sharon, Lois, and Bram, but I think it’s sort of an everyone song), and I had a coinciding revelation that Anakin and Korkie are only max three years apart, and I realised that...the story was gonna be about them.
For the record, I imagine that once grown, Anakin and Obi-Wan and their magnetic souls DO pull them together as brothers, while Korkie is a softer, more civilised sort, and gravitates to the more grounded serenity of Qui-Gon (who absolutely spoils him in a way he feels he cannot spoil Anakin, as his padawan). Maybe one day I’ll get around to showing this!
But in the meantime, here are the lullabies:
This is basically a Mandalorian adaptation of the Spotify song...in Mando’a and Basic
Buir, buir! te ik'aad pir'ekulor te ik'aad pir'ekulor par gar a te kar cuyir dar teh te kebii'tra bal Ni dar'taylir tion'jor o meg, o meg, Kelir Ni vaabir? Pirusti ik'aad, sushir at te woor sa bic calls gar gai bal jorir Nau teh gar sur'haaise at tracyn te ne'tra kar o pehea ibac kar Kelir dral
Mommy, mommy! The baby’s crying Crying in the cradle for you to come But the sun has gone from the sky And I don’t know why Oh, what, oh, what shall I do?
Then baby, listen to the wind As it calls your name And carries light from your eyes To reignite the darkened sun Then how that sun will shine.
There are six more verses, so um...yeah.
There is a brief reference to Korkie correcting the way Anakin sings this song, and that’s because I wanted to reference the idea that Mandalorian lullabies are similar to Maori oriori, and is meant to be memorised and repeated. It’s much more recitative than modern Western lullabies. But since it’s also based on a modern Western lullaby, I also tried to incorporate traditional Scottish songs. These are difficult to find in any truly ancient way because Scotland like, ain’t super great for records. And the Picts have, um, pretty nearly none. But many old lullabies from the area have pretty depressing lyrics, and so I thought this sadder kinda theme fit well to combine the two.
I watched this documentary on YouTube as my main source, and it’s really beautiful.
So, Huttese. This is Anakin’s native language, and like, I know it’s supposedly Polish (?) and stuff, but my family is Jamaican, and to me it’s always sounded vaguely like Patois, so...I borrowed a Jamaican folk song called Carry Me Ackee, Go To Linstead Market, and, again, basically translated it nearly directly.
Koose mi pallie tah Pika gatu nopa wuipui wud dwana Koose mi pallie tah Pika gatu nopa wuipui wud dwana Chaska, chaska! Mana a mika Ki tuto, ki malia tuto Chaska, chaska! Mana a mika Ki tuto, ki malia tuto.
Carry my pallie to Pika market Not one wuipui to buy Carry my pallie to Pika market Not one wuipui to buy Stars, stars! Nothing to eat This night, this long night. Stars, stars! Nothing to eat This night, this long night.
And here’s Miss Lou singing the original.
The Jedi lullaby. It’s based on Star’s Lullaby from Peter & Wendy, the musical by Johnny Cunningham I just...love this lullaby, and I was immediately struck by the play of light and dark in the lyrics. The dark is made comforting, and safe.
And I thought that was really interesting for the Jedi…
And since so many lullabies carry arcane or bizarre old proverbs or morals, I was intrigued by the idea that this traditional Jedi lullaby might present the dark as something not to be feared, but in a natural balance with the light (which, like, hc is how I truly think the Jedi are meant to/actually do conceive of the dark...but you know, Palps...proximity...trauma…experience. You feel me?)
But who would just love old, forgotten things? Qui-Gon.
And who would love the tradition in them? Obi-Wan.
So here are the Jedi lyrics.
The dark is deep, and it surrounds you Just as a cloak of endless night But high above, the stars watch o’er you Burning long, and burning bright Forever light, forever light
We walk this path, alone together But by your side, I’ll ever be That even when I’ve gone forever I’ll stay with you, in memory Forever light, forever light.
And here is the Original Song
(Alsothetitlecomesfromthequote:  'There is no single effort more radical in its potential for saving the world than a transformation of the way we raise our children.' - Marianne Williamson)
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