#if you would've preferred to plot let me know!
storywriter007 · 1 month
hi hi hi!! i loved your preferences with the HoO boys! i was wondering if you could do another one, with literally any plot (ex- cuddling hcs, first kiss, or anything you feel like writing) with the same boys (+maybe nico if you write for him?) thank u!!
First Kiss - HoO Boys x Fem!Reader
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author's note: hey i'm so glad you liked my work!! y'all have no idea how much it means to me omg :)
warnings: kissing, cursing, whiskey is mentioned as a scent (tbh i've never smelled it, it's just vibes)
genre: fluff
word count: 3.2k (all bullet points)
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
percy jackson
you and him would've started off as best friends
and as both of you get older, you start liking each-other
percy would 100% be aware of his crush on you
he knows he has it, but he just avoids acting on it
he kinda just does his best to ignore his feelings
bc even though he's charismatic and charming
he's shy and anxious
he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
and make you never want to talk to him again
he doesn't want to ruin everything you guys have and lose your trust in him
so he undoubtedly tries to pursue someone else
he'll talk about this other girl to you
not to make you jealous
but instead as a weak attempt to make himself feel like he doesn't like you
not a good idea
he makes you unintentionally jealous
you distance yourself from him bc you like him but can't stand hearing abt another girl all the time
but, you don't want to ruin things for him (bc you are convinced he is crazily crushing on her)
so you decide that you've just gotta let him go
percy wonders why his best friend is being so distant
you guys go weeks barely communicating
percy is still trying to convince himself he doesn't like you
but distance makes the heart grow fonder
he realizes and accepts the fact that he is madly in love w/ you (who wouldn't be?)
and that he can't stand this weird distance between you guys anymore
he decides he needs to talk to you
so one day you're just sitting on the deck by the lake with your feet in the water
you're just contemplating your love affair with him
and you see him coming your way
you're trying to avoid him so you get up and start to leave
he literally sprints to you and grabs your arm
you turn to look at him and he asks you why you've been avoiding him
you snatch your arm out of his grip and tell him it's nothing and that you're busy
he doesn't let you leave and keeps asking
so you slide a passive aggressive comment, something like "i bet your girlfriend's thinking about you"
and he realizes that you're jealous
and that he didn't convince himself that he liked this other girl
but he convinced you
he tells you everything
he tells you how much he likes you and that he never even liked this other girl
he was just trying to convince himself he did bc he didn't want to ruin things between the two of you
you confess to liking him too
both of you kind of laugh off your stupid choices
after you're done laughing, you kinda just look into each-other's eyes
both of you are leaning in
until you hear someone coming, and percy just grabs you and jumps underwater
and you guys have your first kiss underwater
your arms are around his neck and his are on your waist
you're like pressed up against one-another
the kiss is kinda steamy bc let's be honest: you've wanted to kiss each-other for five years
but it's a sweet kiss
percy smells like vanilla
you can hear the person saying "i swear they were here a minute ago" and then walking off
you both come up to the surface undeniably blushing/hot and laughing
jason grace
listen, i love jason
that man is STIFF
like you could literally leave him a note that says "i want to kiss you"
and he'd find you and go "that was a pretty good song you suggested. i like this one-direction band"
ok but anyways, you guys are frenemies
you guys started off as rivals
you thought being the son of jupiter would make him arrogant
and you thought he was, but he was really just reserved and serious
he didn't know how to be anything different
he didn't like you because you argued with him about everything
you challenged him constantly
and you weren't as nice to him as you were everyone else
throughout the years, you get to know each-other better
but that doesn't mean you get along
you guys occasionally unite and get along (and typically when you do, it's the best hours of your life)
but otherwise, you two have it out for each other
constant disagreements and fights
you just loose all of your patience when it comes to each other
so you have a love-hate relationship with him
yeah you'd kill for him but you would never lend him an extra pen on tests
yeah he'd die for you but he would never let you look at his notes
you get along when you need to and this exact mentality is what lands both of you together, as praetors
but let's be real: there is so much unspoken tension between the two of you
like yeah you hate each other but you lowkey wanna make out
and you can't lie and say you didn't trust him or didn't like him
he'd proved you wrong on hundreds of occasions
he was capable, kind, caring, smart, loyal
and he couldn't lie and say he hated you either
you were fun, kind, ambitious, intelligent, and loyal too
over the years, both of you projected an "i hate you."
when in reality, you'd grown quite fond of one-another
you've shown your worst selves to each-other, you've lied for each-other, you've told secrets to each-other, and you've just been each-other's constant
y'both know you like each other: that's what makes the hate even stronger
like jason has other feelings for you but he doesn't know what to call them
attraction? a small crush? love? sexual tension? is it getting hot in here?
first kiss happens before you guys head into a huge battle
yes. the possibility of never seeing you again is what makes the man realize he's in love with you
like you guys are standing on a hill, watching the army of monsters slowly march towards camp jupiter
you guys turn to look at each other
you two are thinking the same thing: if i die, it's an honor to have served with you
"you ready?" you'd ask
"always." he'd say (typical roman)
you'd turn to look at him, but he's already looking at you
he grabs you by your arm and pulls you in for a kiss
it's a long kiss
it's passionate, and it's needy, but it's sweet at the same time
he basically lifts you off your feet and you're holding onto neck and his hair
you're pulling him closer into and he's holding you so tightly
you want to remember this
jason smells like fresh clean sheets mixed w/ whiskey
when you guys finally pull away bc you know you have to lead an army, you rest your foreheads against one-anothers
"good luck y/n"
"i'm gonna see you when this is over jason."
"i know you will."
one of the rare times you guys use first names
and yes, you do see each other again :)
leo valdez
you and leo happens when you first get to camp
and instantly his mind short-circuits and he's like DAM
he knows you're probs gonna reject him
but hey you miss 100% of the chances you don't take
so he starts off, as always, making some bold flirty comment
and to his surprise, you return the banter
he has to pause for a second
he stutters and thinks of a witty response
you laugh at how flustered he is
and that's the start of a beautiful friendship
from that day on, you two are partners in crime
your guys' days consist of: making stupid things, playing stupid pranks, sneaking out to get fast food, and making vlogs of all of the stupid things you do (on an old vhs recorder leo rigged)
you guys are a two in one; if you went somewhere, he did too
soon, your friendship evolves into things that aren't just fun hangouts
you often catch him under cabin 9 and talk to him
you guys open up to each other in his little workshop, a lot
he tells you things he's never told anyone and you do the same
what's different about your relationship w/ leo is that you don't make fun of him
you barely argue with him, you respect him, you don't call him scrawny, you don't point out his insecurities, and you never make a joke at his expense
this makes him feel a lot more comfortable around you
and he puts down whatever he's doing if you come to him in an emotionally distressful state
you guys listen to each other, cry in front of each other, and help each other feel better
leo becomes the only person in your life you can rely on
and you're the same for him
so his thoughts evolve from DAM to i think i'm in love with you
and everyday he's around you, he finds himself falling more and more in love with you
and every late night you're with him under cabin 9, you start to like him more too
he's nervous to confess to you bc he doesn't want you to not feel the same way and you end up pushing him away or something
but he can't ignore how deeply he feels for you
he can't stand it when other guys try to hit on you bc all that's going through his head is that's my girl
so after a lot of contemplating, he decides he needs to tell you how he feels
he invites you to his workshop at a really specific time (which is weird bc he just says come whenever)
but you go and this man has cleaned the place up and dimmed the lights
he has a robot that he programmed
it sees you and starts playing some really corny love song
and he confesses that he really really likes you and that it kills him seeing other guys trying to flirt with you
he says the sweetest things ever about why he likes you and he just sounds like a fangirl tbh
he starts rambling abt how much he likes and how it's totally okay if you don't feel the same way and that he doesn't want this to affect your friendship if you don't and etc
you just go up to him and kiss him
the robot starts cheering and saying "da lady loves leo!!!!" (he would totally program that change my mind)
he short circuits (like the day you met him)
but he kisses you back, hands around your waist as yours are around his neck
leo smells like burning firewood mixed with cinammon
it's a long and sweet kiss, but you guys have to pull away bc you're laughing too much
why? bc the robot won't stop cheering and saying "da lady loves leo!!!!" so he has to take a minute to make it play your favorite song
"sorry." he'd chuckle. "where were we?"
and then you guys would kiss again
frank zhang
you and frank are best friends
you first met each other cleaning the weapons room
you were looking at archery equipment and you just kinda mindlessly said "i wish i knew how to use this"
and frank's ears shot up so fast
he offered to help you learn, and you guys came to a deal
you'd help him become a better swordsman and he would help you become a better archer
during your guys' training sessions, you'd talk a lot
frank finally felt like he had a real friend
you guys would share stories about your pasts and your interests
maybe a little bit of gossip too
frank was kinda surprised you hung out with him so much bc in his eyes, he was a loser
you reassured him that having different strengths didn't make him weak
you often traded shifts with other campers so you could spend more time with him
as time went on, frank became more confident in his ability as a swordsman
and you became more confident in your skills as an archer
so during the next war game
you two teamed up and actually led your group to victory
no one expected two kids from the fifth cohort to steal a victory like that but you guys did
you were diligent, effective, and cooperative
you guys were over the moon that night and frank thanked you for helping him become a better soldier
and you did the same
it was after that night you guys both realized you had a serious crush on one-another
after countless hours training, cleaning, and working
after having hundreds of deep conversations
after helping each-other reach their goals
you guys realize that you really liked one-another
so one day, some kid at camp makes fun of frank for being better at archery than sword fighting
he shakes it off now, ever since you told him the people who make fun of him probably miss the entire target during archery
but he got really pissed off when the kid said "i guess that's why you and y/n are friends. you exchange weaknesses"
it made him upset bc you aren't weak
you acknowledged you faltered in one spot and wanted to do better
that's brave, that's strong
so frank might've "accidentally" hit the kid with his arrow
it was nothing serious, but he was pinned up against the wall by an arrow
it was rlly funny
unfortunately, reyna didn't think so, and frank got sentenced with a bunch of chores
you didn't know this, so you switched your shift and visited him in the weapons room
you asked him what he'd done to miss all the camp activites
he wouldn't say at first, but then he'd admit he kinda shot an arrow and a kid ended up pinned against a wall
you'd ask why he did that bc you knew frank wasn't violent in the least
and it just comes out right there
he admits he went a little crazy bc he didn't like how this kid was talking about you
he talks about how incredible you are and it made him angry that some kid tried to minimize you to a weakness you were working on improving
"and i don't know, i guess i get heated when it comes to people i love" he'd say, before pausing and realizing what just came out of his mouth
obviously you're smiling bc you love him too
you tell him that you love him too, and that you didn't say anything bc you were scared of ruining your friendship
so yes, your first kiss is in the weapons room
you just kinda jump on him and kiss him
he bumps into the wall behind him and he wraps his arms around your mid-section
and yours are around his neck
it's a cute, sweet kiss
it lasts a few seconds more than it should
frank smells like sugar mixed with the irony-smell of the weaponry
but afterwards, you help frank with his chores so you guys can go train
nico di angelo
nico doesn't think other people are easy to trust
he has a lot of issues and he has a hard time making friends
a lot of people have been/are mean to him
but, you, you're different
you've got this radiant personality and what makes you even more attractive
is that you care
you care so much about other campers and people
kids or not, you're always trying to help people feel better
you often help will solace at the infirmary to give him (THE camp healer) a break
you always help the younger campers with things parents typically would
such as tying shoelaces, fixing hair, determining what size of jeans you wear
you help the counselors (lowkey serving as like a therapist)
nico admires you from afar
so it's the infamous day that the camp plays capture the flag
nico opts out
you take over the infirmary for the day so will can get a chance to play
nico is just walking around; bored and lonely
i mean, everyone is playing w/ their friends
and he doesn't participate bc he doesn't have any
and he doesn't want the two he has to feel like he's being clingy
he walks into the infirmary, figuring no one would be there anyways
and there you are, organizing charts and files
he apologizes for coming in
and you tell him it's no issue
in fact, you invite him to sit with you
he's so taken aback bc no one has ever shown him this much grace at camp
he wants to run away bc he doesn't know what your intentions are
but then you just start talking to him, like he's normal
like he's not some terrifying trinket that you need to be cautious with
like he's just any other kid
you ask him about his interests, his music taste, his favorite color, and more
at first, he gives pretty brief responses bc he's convinced you want something from him
but at the end of the day when it's time for dinner, you invite him to sit with you
he's even more shocked
he straight asks "really? don't you think i'm weird or i want to kill you or something?"
and you just say "if you don't want to sit with me, you don't have to. but i think you're really cool."
friendship is born
every shift, nico visits you in the infirmary
he's hesitant to visit you when other campers are around, but you assure him it's okay
you always introduce him as "my friend nico."
you're always happy to see him
and he for once, he feels like he's not a burden
as you guys become better friends, you both open up to one-another
you guys slowly start falling for each other without realizing it
you realize that you always buy mythomagic cards for him
and he realizes that he is unable to look at a stethoscope without thinking of you
and so many little chats and hangouts make you guys slowly fall for each other
one night, you guys are hanging out in the infirmary
you're cleaning up
nico usually gives you company towards the end of the day
you guys just get to the topic of love
and he tells you abt how he at one point was in love with percy and it just made him realize he's into guys and girls
it's a beautiful story, even with it's sad parts
and you tell him abt how you don't really feel loved, even though you have so much to give
and that's half the reason you do what you do, in a silent prayer someone will love you back
and he just casually slides "well, i love you"
and you look at him and smile "i love you too."
after you finish cleaning up, you guys look at each other for too long
and then you kiss
nico's holding you firmly between him bc he's sitting on the examination table
and you hold his face
he smells like whiskey and cinnamon (with a hint of spooky)
it's a passionate kiss between two people who never thought they could be loved
but here they are, loved
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daddyfordaeddy · 1 month
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noun - décolletage; a low neckline on a woman's dress or top.
Pairing: servant! Wooyoung x lady! f! Reader
Genre: Smut, implied established relationship, E for explicit, MDNI
Warnings: infidelity (woo and yn fuck, yn is married to someone else), ⚠️somnophilia (it is implied that both of them do this on a regular basis, and it is just a roleplay. it is extremely hinted at so still, please be warned!)⚠️, smut warnings under cut
Word count: 1720
Smut warnings: Peeking tom (wooyoung is a perv and watches yn sleep and touches himself over her), somnophilia (implied consensual, discussed beforehand but not shown), fingering (f receiving), begging, dirty talk, unprotected (⚠️dont do!⚠️), creampie, multiple orgasms
This is part of a pervert! ATEEZ collab with @sanjoongie, @mingsolo, @flurrys-creativity (Limerence), @potatomountain, @desirehorizon, @bunnliix, and @skteezcursed :) As their stories drop, their links will be added. Enjoy!
A big thank you to potatomountain for helping me figure out the plot too 🩷 probably would've suffered without you lololol
⚠️Please note, this fic, although implied consensual, is very vague on the consent part. YN and Wooyoung have talked about it and agreed to it beforehand, but it's only very lightly implied. Please approach with caution.⚠️
Wooyoung can’t help but to keep his eyes pinned on your sleeping form as he half-heartedly dusts the dresser for the fifth time. He knows it’s wrong, he can get fired in the blink of an eye, but the chance of getting caught just makes him grow even harder in his pants. All the other servants are with the new master on a business trip, only the cooks, stable boys, and Wooyoung are left in the mansion with the mistress. Just what Wooyoung prefers.
It’s no well-kept secret that Wooyoung is known to play around with his fellow servants, or even some esteemed guests. And it’s not to say he doesn’t enjoy it, but his sights have always been set on you. On Lady YN, his sweet mistress who can do no wrong in his eyes. You’ve always been so kind, so sweet to him, all Wooyoung wants to do is hear your precious moans as he makes you fall apart on his fingers.
Your new husband couldn’t, that much Wooyoung knows. When he creeps under your windowsill at night, hearing the new master’s grunts and groans, and your light moans that he knows deep down are fake, he knows he could do so much better. Just the thought of it boils his blood.
Carefully, quietly, he puts down the duster and approaches your bed. You’re a deep sleeper, he’s sure you wouldn’t wake up if he just takes a peek. Nothing wrong with that. With gentle hands, he lifts the linen sheet covering you and moves it to the side, breathing in deeply at the sight of your lithe form. He didn’t think you would sleep almost bare, the only thing covering you is a sheer nightgown that hides nothing, but he’s not going to complain.
Your lips are pressed into a pout as you sleep, unaware of Wooyoung staring at you like a starved man looking at his last meal. Unwilling to let this chance slip through his fingers, Wooyoung quickly moves his hand down, palming at himself through his pants, biting his lip to keep his moans to a minimum.
With every moment, he grows more desperate, his hips bucking into his hand and he groans under his breath, loosening his pants and shoving them down his thighs. With a stifled moan, he wraps his hand around his length, slowly stroking it up and down and thumbing at the tip. It doesn’t take long for precum to start beading at his tip and sticking to his fingers.
Wooyoung’s eyes drink in your form as you groan and shift around in your sleep, moving to your back and exposing your breasts and cunt, visible through the thin fabric of your gown. Wooyoung’s eyes can’t seem to stay in one place…that is, until he reaches your crotch. He can’t hold back the gasp at seeing how wet your folds are. You must be dreaming about something dirty. Slick is sticking to your thighs, strings of it connecting them together.
Wooyoung’s free hand reaches out without him even realising, pressing his thumb against your pulsing hole. A moan breaks out of your throat and Wooyoung immediately stiffens, eyes flicking up to your face, but you remain asleep. “Woo…” falls out of your throat, and Wooyoung’s eyes widen. There’s no way…did you… “Wooyoung…”
There’s no denying it now. Your quiet moans only serve to make Wooyoung more bold, crawling onto the bed and sitting on his knees, bringing his hand up to cup your chest, thumb now playing with a nipple. Each touch brings a whimper out of your mouth, and you slowly blink awake, eyes glazed over and hazy.
Wooyoung freezes, hand still gripping your chest and his hard cock pressed against your thigh. “Yes, my lady?” he whispers, eyes trained in on your face as you look up at him with such pretty, pretty eyes. “How may I be of assistance?”
You shift to sit up, leg dragging against his sensitive length and Wooyoung bites his lip to keep the moans at bay. “Aren’t you going to continue?” Your voice is small, delicate, and Wooyoung so badly wants to just eat you up. “It’s so hard to feel good with…him. I saw you outside at my window, you know, and I wanted nothing more than for you to come and show me how it’s done. Please, Wooyoung.”
That’s all Wooyoung needs to hear, his arm wrapping around your waist and hoisting your body up until you’re flush with his torso, face so close to his. “Gladly, my lady,” he hums before capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
Unabashedly, you moan into his mouth, your hands moving up to grasp at his shirt as his tongue presses into your mouth. He can practically taste how much you want him, your hips canting up against his leg as you try and get as much friction as you can.
“Wooyoung, please,” you whine into his mouth, and your voice only serves to make Wooyoung somehow harder.
With a grunt, he moves his hands to grip at your thighs, yanking the hem of your dress up and lifting your hips until his dick, throbbing painfully, presses against your bare cunt. He lets out a hiss at the feeling of your soft, wet folds practically enveloping his length, your slick dripping down to his balls and spreading on his thighs. “You’re so wet for me, my lady. So eager, huh? Tell me, how does the master try to please you?” You groan, head dropping against Wooyoung’s shoulder and he pinches the flesh of your breast, making you squeal. “Go on, speak. How else am I going to show you how much better I am?”
“Ah, well, he would kiss my neck softly, and touch my– ah– my breasts,” you whimper out, every few words punctuated by your soft moans as Wooyoung sinks his teeth into your clavicle, soothing the sting with wet kisses on your sensitive skin. His hands grip the collar of your dress, ripping open the already-low neckline. You gasp as his grip slides over to cup your breasts, his thumbs playing with your nipples and you keen, hips grinding down on his crotch. “Oh God, Wooyoung, just put it in, please–”
Wooyoung laughs into your neck, his hands pinching your nipple just a little too harsh, shutting you up with a moan. “God, so impatient. You really can’t stand the master, huh. Don’t worry, my lady, I’ll treat you right.” As he speaks, one of his hands grasp the base of his cock, guiding it to slide between your folds, his precum making the slide so much smoother until the head finally catches on your hole. It feels like it’s sucking him in, Wooyoung biting his lip to keep himself from coming too fast.
“Youngah–” you moan, cunt pulsing as your walls stretch to accommodate his thick cock.
The nickname, although not perverted by a long shot, sparks something in Wooyoung’s brain and he bites into your shoulder, hard, as his thighs shake and he spills ropes of hot come inside of you. And yet, he remains hard.
“Shit–” Wooyoug groans, his grip tightening, sure to leave nail marks in your soft flesh. “God, squeezing me so tight…Do you feel me in you? You make me so insane, I just want to fuck you full of my come until my cunt is forever filled with my load. You hear that? Your cunt is mine, and I can fill it whenever I want, okay? Whose cunt is this?”
Your mouth is hanging open, nothing but incoherent babbles falling out, but Wooyoung is having none of that. He lands a harsh slap to your clit and you half moan, half scream out, “Wooyoung! It’s you, fuck. Please!”
A low chuckle sounds in your ear, Wooyoung smiling sweetly, a harsh contrast to the sharp look in his eyes. “That’s right, my lady. You’re fucking mine,” he all but growls into your ear, landing another harsh slap to your cunt before bringing his fingers to your clit and playing with the bundle of nerves.
“Yours! Fuck, I’m yours, Wooyoung,” you repeat yourself, head empty of all other vocabulary. “Please, fuck.”
Your cunt is clenching around him so well, tears springing to your eyes as you reach the edge of your orgasm. With one last ‘please’, Wooyoung’s other hand grips your chin, causing your mouth to open, and he spits in your mouth before crashing his lips on top of yours and coming once again.
With every throb of his cock and his come filling you up bit by bit again, you also reach your orgasm with a loud, drawn-out whine. Your body goes limp in Wooyoung’s hold, head resting on your chest as your thighs still quiver and your bones feel like jelly.
Wooyoung’s breath puffs over your hair, his touch back to being gentle as he rubs your back, calming you down. “My lady, how are you feeling?” he murmurs, hands stilling their movement.
“Good,” you hum, moving your head to smile up at your beloved servant. “I’m good. Thank you, Wooyoung. You certainly have helped.”
Unable to help himself, Wooyoung tilts his head to steal yet another breathtaking kiss from you. “Good. I don’t want to hurt my precious lady, you know.” He smiles, pecking your lips again. “And we’ll have the rest of the week to ourselves still, you know. Your husband doesn’t return for another two weeks.”
You shrug, shifting in his lap as you frown at your ripped nightgown. “Yes, well, maybe in those two weeks, I can find a reason to divorce him. For now, we can stick to our games and play-pretend. But my question is…did you really have to rip this? I had it imported, you know.”
You glare up at him, a pout forming on your lips, and Wooyoung can feel his aching dick start to twitch back to life. “Well…I’m sure I can find a way to make it up to you,” he hums, nosing his way down your neck, all the while pressing kisses to it. “Lay back, and I’ll treat you right.”
“You better,” you threaten without real bite. “As your lady, I command you.” Your voice grows breathy as his breath ghosts over your sensitive cunt.
“I live to serve.”
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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☆ overcome.mp3 ☆
/ happy ending /
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> angst with a hopeful ending ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> ot8!skz x gn!reader ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> forgiveness doesn't come easy but they already knew that. ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> cursing ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
first part -> hyung line | maknae line
a/n: here's the happy ending that i promised and we're done with the series ¡! you can choose which ending you prefer to read.
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chan ✉
staying all alone that night made you process a whole lot of things. mostly how much you loved chan and how much he meant to you for you to give up. but that didn't mean that what he said didn't hurt you and affect you in a way. second chances are not given, they're earned and you wanted for him to prove that. for him to show you that he really wanted this and he wanted it as much as you did.
when he opened the door in the morning to check on you, he didn't expect to still find you in your shared bedroom. even after crying all your tears out, you didn't have the strength to face him because you didn't wanna give in too easily. you were determined to try and make him understand what you felt.
"hey babe. i called but you did not answer." he said simply and you just looked at him taking in his appearance. the bags under his eyes, the clothes that he wore yesterday and the regret in his voice. "i don't even know where to start, i just don't know why i said that and i'm sorry."
"i know. i just needed some time chris, it's okay. well i mean what you said it's not okay but i don't wanna lose what we have." you said as you grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his and holding onto them. "but i need you that if something like this happens again, i won't hesitate to walk out the door." 
"i won't take you for granted. i just need one more chance and i'll show you what you truly are worth. i just can't believe i said those things and-." he tried to explain again but you stopped him
"chris. i know and let's try not to repeat that mistake, okay? i'd rather not talk about it because i don't wanna remember but just please know that i'll stay." you said and he sighed as he nodded. he felt like a weight was off his chest but at the same time he knew he had to be better and do better. it hurt to know that he hurt you but this was his chance to fix it.
minho ✉
you knew how he was. he was 100% gonna chase after you left even if you insisted that you wanted to be alone tonight. you still hoped he would come after you anyways, even if it still hurt. even if he found the worst words possible to express his anger, you wanted to see him. it might've been delusional or stupid but you needed to hear him say sorry a few more times.
and there he was, absolutely exhausted from running. leaving his work scene even after winning another show but caring a bit more about saving his relationship than celebrating with his bandmates. you looked at him right in the eye and you could sense regret but you needed to hear from him first.
"baby, love, jagi i'm so fucking sorry." lee minho was on his knees in a public scenery begging for forgiveness. you would've never painted this picture in your mind but here it was right in front of you. "i would do anything for you if i have to. i know i look like a fool and you're probably dying of embarrassment but if you decide to end things, i don't think i'm gonna be able to take it."
"just like i'm not taking what just happened. listen minho and please get up." like he was in your command, he got up immediately. "i don't know what your ex boyfriends/girlfriends were like but i'm not gonna stand the hurtful comments you make. however i'm not gonna let you go but i need some time yeah?" 
"how much time?" you've never seen him so determined yet so desperate at the same time. he really wanted to be with you and it showed but it wasn't enough. actions spoke louder than words and you hoped he would demonstrate that.
"i'll let you know, for now just let me be." you said walking away not before he hugged you tightly and did not let go for a solid minute. you ruffled his hair as you pressed a kiss to his forehead. maybe time would heal the open wounds after all.
changbin ✉
"did you truly feel that way?" you asked when he arrived home from the studio. you were so ready to leave but you needed to know before you did if this was anger speaking or if he truly felt what he said. you were a firm believer that words were spoken for a reason. he sighed and left his things before looking at you, trying to take in the scene that you might just leave him if you didn't say the right things.
"no. i could never feel that way about you even if i wanted to. i was angry and that's not an excuse but i need you to know that the truth is that. take me or leave me, i would rather you be with someone who didn't provoke as much damage as i did tonight." he said and you could see the tears coming out like a cascade. it hurt to see him this way and you didn't know what to do. "love i'm sorry, i know i don't deserve it but would you please stay tonight?" 
"why? what's gonna change?" you asked, crossing your arms as you looked at him. he looked so fragile and broken at the same time. he expected for you to be mad but you just looked disappointed and that hurt even more. "binnie please say anything just to make me wanna stay."
"i love you. i want to be with you so badly even if all my insecurities are telling me no right now, i need you so bad. i know i'm not enough, i know i shouldn't have said any of those words, fuck them, i always wanted you and that's never gonna change." he said wiping his tears away and getting close to you. you didn't take a step back this time as you took in your arms and cried with him. "i won't ever make you feel like that ever again (y/n), please stay."
"okay. i'll stay for tonight but we'll talk in the morning clearly yeah?" you said as he nodded. he needed to make things right this time and not let you down.
hyunjin ✉
you could hear a lot of movement coming from the other side of the door. you thought hyunjin left but it looked like he didn't as you headed towards your kitchen where the noise was coming. he was there doing the dishes, he had done every task that was left unattended before. if that made him think that he was gonna forgive you, then he didn't know you.
"yes i know. it's not enough but i was complaining like an idiot and not doing anything." he said as he sighed looking at you. you were still mad at his comments and it looked like it wasn't gonna be easy for him but then again that's what he loved about you, you stood there proud like you were. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said anything and i don't know what it was that put me in a mood to say that shit to you. it doesn't matter, what matters is you and i hope you know that i will change if i have to because i can't be creating drama like this anymore."
"it's not that jinnie. i usually don't mind putting up with it but today it was too much. your words just hurt me in a way, made me feel like i was worth less than you and them for that matter." you explained and he nodded. he felt like crying but he didn't want to in front of you. he felt hopeless and so fucking sad that he made you feel like this. 
"i know. i'm sorry, you're worth more than i could ever ask for and i don't want you to feel any different. i know it's not easy what you do and i'm gonna help around more because we're a team right? we both need to put in the effort." he said as he got close to you, carefully planting a kiss on your forehead. 
"a team, i like that." you muttered as you gave in to his arms and rested your head on his chest.
jisung ✉
being without jisung was hell but you needed time. even if he tried to contact you in every way that he could, it went ignored for now. it was probably painting the worst image on his mind but one day you showed up back to the apartment you shared together. it surprised you to see him there, sleeping on the couch, you would've thought he was staying at the dorms.
"baby? you're here?" he asked as he opened his eyes and tried to compose himself in front of you. he got up so fast, he almost fell but he tried to put on his best look as he didn't know why you were here. well it was your house but after what happened, he lived there thinking the worst. "babe can we talk?"
"yeah that's why i came here. to give you a chance to explain yourself." you said firmly and it took him by surprise just like your arrival. he wanted a second chance so badly so he decided to look for the best words and to tell you the absolute truth of it all.
"okay. i'm gonna start by saying i'm sorry and letting you know that even if i did fuck up real bad, i still want you and only you more than anyone or anything. i don't think you're difficult and i definitely don't think you're bad. i just said the worst words at the worst time didn't i? now that i'm saying it out loud i don't think i even deserve a second chance. but i'm gonna fight for you every day because i truly believe you're the one (y/n)." he said and he expected not to cry but he still felt the sobs leaving his body anyways.
you welcomed him in your arms as he couldn't stop crying and sighed. jisung wasn't truly mean spirited, he wouldn't say words like that because he meant them you thought. it would take long to heal but you were willing to give him another chance.
"it's okay. we're okay but we still need to talk about it whenever we can yeah?" you said as he responded "yesyesyes" which made you laugh. you wiped his tears away and hoped that things like these wouldn't happen again.
felix ✉
i waited an entire day to text felix again. as much as i was doubting myself, thinking that maybe i am too clingy, there was a part of me hoping he didn't mean it at all. expecting that the worst was just out of anger or fear and not a pure emotion he was feeling so hurtful and devastating. i got an immediate response saying he would come over and before i could respond, he was already at the door.
opening up the door to see a distraught and tired felix was a surprise. it was a competition through your mind telling you that you shouldn't care about what he did but in the end your tender side always won as you took in his appearance. 
"love i'm sorry. i'm so fucking sorry." he repeated over and over as he came in but he didn't just pass through, he fell right into my arms as i held him. "i'm the fucking clingy one, i'm the one who can't be without you and you're not a bother at all. i invited you and every frustration got the best of me and i took it out on the person i love the most and i-."
"i know." i didn't exactly know because there was still this side of me that was deeply hurt by his words. but i was willing to understand where he was coming from and what was happening that led him to get so angry.
"i don't deserve your forgiveness. i don't even deserve to be standing here in front of you or you holding me but please know that i will always be sorry about this." he said looking me in the eye. bloodshot eyes suddenly closing as i leaned in and met him for a kiss. it was a painful one because it felt like a last one but i savoured every moment that i could get with felix. 
"i still want you felix." i said and he closed the gap again as he met me for another kiss. he wanted me as much as i did and sometimes doing something about it spoke louder than a million words.
seungmin ✉
as you unlocked the door of your unshared bedroom, you didn't expect seungmin to be sleeping on the floor on the other side. you crouched down as you slowly poked him to wake him up and that's when he opened his eyes, they were reddish and his hair was a mess. 
"i didn't even notice i fell asleep at the door." he said as you both got up and the tension was still there. you didn't know how to feel and he didn't know what to say exactly. he was convinced you were mad at him but you just looked so sad that it broke him. even when you closed the door and he pretended to walk away, he stayed. he wanted to see you so bad yet every part of him knew that you needed to be alone.
"minnie do you actually want to break up with me?" you asked and you never saw him shake his head so fast. he didn't cry very often but he was willing to cry in front of you if it meant that you would see how sorry he was.
"never in a million years. i know what i said is not okay and that i should've never mentioned it in the first place." he said as he took your hands and looked at you again. "i'm sorry love, i'm sorry for making you feel unappreciated and unloved because that's the thing i want you to feel the least."
"i just thought you were going to leave me when you said that." you sincerely said and if his heart didn't break before, the sight and the words before him were killing his heart slowly.
"no, never. you can't get rid of me that easily baby. i will always stay and tell you the truth." he said as he kissed your cheek and as soon as he placed it, you gave him a little smile that warmed his heart back again. maybe you wouldn't get over this quickly but then again he did not expect that to happen, he would be there in the healing process.
jeongin ✉
he did let you go that night but he insisted that he wanted to talk every minute of the day after it. as much as you thought that you needed time, you needed to see him again before it all crumbled apart. he was there waiting for you in your apartment as you got back from work. who knows how long he had been standing there, looking a mess and hoping for the best.
"(y/n), god i missed you." it filled your heart with so many feelings that you could not express the way he said those words. you were so hurt and you could tell by just looking at him that he wasn't doing well either. he wanted to lean in for a kiss or just have you in his arms again but he contained himself from doing so.
"i missed you too innie. i think we need to talk before... we do anything." you said and he nodded as he stood there awkwardly but he knew it was his turn to talk, to mend things and to make it right this time like he didn't do it that night.
"i'm sorry, i know that it wasn't an okay thing to say. i know exactly why i'm with you and i wouldn't want to be with anyone else in any other way. i want you because you've taught me so much, showed me so much of myself and loved me unconditionally from the start." he was in the verge of tears but he swallowed and continued talking. "i don't think i'm able to be without you, just right now it's been hell."
"i feel the same way, i don't like being apart from you even if i'm mad." you said honestly and he nodded 'cause he felt the same way. "i would like to take things slow, i don't forgive you fully but you're there innie. i wish i could erase the pain but i can't."
"i know, i'll show that i mean it baby. i'll show you how i actually feel." he said and you believed him. you truly did want him to show you what needed to be shown. before he could leave, you hugged him so tight and that's when he let the tears actually go.
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onepiece-polls · 28 days
One Piece Crack Ship Poll - Round 2 Side H
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Propaganda under the cut.
Zeff x Kureha: Two experts in their fields, they could bond over their idiot sons. Kureha would probably like Zeff's attitude towards women (to a point), they have similar levels of maturity and tend to show affection through aggression. And both have to be good with their hands~
Zeff x Sora:
Sanji should get to have two loving parents.
Let the good Sanji parents raise him (and maybe the rest of Vinsmokes) together.
They're both Sanji's parental figures. Sora, Zeff, and Sanji would've made such a cute family together, and Zeff would've treated Sora the way she deserved to be treated. Just imagine an AU where Sora survived and escaped with Sanji into the East Blue! And then meeting Zeff! It would be adorable.
I just think it would be nice if Sanji had two parents that loved him and that they love each other.
I think sora deserves a husband who's not the worst person on the face of the planet and who loves her and her son unconditionally is all.
Dailyrebranded's au is everything to me. Imagine Sora escaping and raising her children with Best Dad Zeff. They are adorable, the food and meals metaphors are through the roof, and Sora lives!
Nami x Kaya: Nami is so kind and gentle with Kaya, and Kaya so generous with Nami. The perfect sugar baby girlfriend scenario. I know Kaya had to stay in Syrup Village for very clear plot reasons, but the girls could still send each other letters! The live action only made my love for this pair stronger.
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merbear25 · 7 months
Been thinking a lot about Caesar...
Been thinking about how difficult it'd be to set your suspicions aside. Despite his calming and inviting demeanor, his actions deteriorate those around him—decay and peril extending out of his finger tips.
A talented mind being applied to such chaos and suffering: when paired with a wide grin, doubt in his sincerity blanketed over you. Fearing what could happen if you were caught off guard, planning precautions ensued. However, he'd be keeping an eye on you, even when you thought you were alone.
You were refraining from getting too close to him; you'd witnessed too many fall victim to having the life sucked out of them or being overly trusting, leading them to nightmarish experiments. Naivete was acting as an opiate—omitting any sense to resist, making them malleable.
Keeping track of what exactly set him off, you'd jot each one in your notebook. In doing this, you were picking up on certain habits of his, which were ones that might be seen as endearing if it were anyone else: babbling to himself if he made a careless miscalculation, how animated he'd get around certain people, and the way he threw his hair up in a huff while working.
Danger comes in all shapes and sizes, though. Unbeknownst to you, he was just as cautious of you as you were of him. Having his fair share of trust issues, he'd been keeping tabs on you since you waltzed into his life. He kept an eye on everyone, but you and your most recent behavior set off alarms.
Lurking behind each corner, staying just out of sight, so as not draw your attention to him, he observed you. Distrust made his chest heave, while watching you scribble something in your notebook. Forboding casted itself, consuming any ability for reconsideration.
Hissing from what sounded like a busted pipe caused fear to wrap around your heart, making you break out in a cold sweat. Shortly after the first signal of his presence was released, the gas clouds trailed up and over your body and dispersed around you.
Too nervous to turn around to face him, you calmly closed your notebook and waited.
"What have you been up to?"
There was no malice in his words, yet you knew better than to take him at face value. "I was just finishing up the notes from earlier. You know, before I forgot."
Locks of his hair drapped over you as he leaned in. He whispered, "How long did you think you'd be able to hide this from me?"
Attempting to suppress your rising heart rate, you assured him you'd been keeping to your work as normal.
He placed a hand down firmly on the table next to your notebook. Going wide-eyed at his sudden falter in patience, you peared down at what contained all that you'd written down on him.
"In that case, you won't mind if I take a look, will you?" His other hand snaked around from the other side.
When he threw the cover open, you shut your eyes, not being able to bear witnessing death closing in on you. After a few moments passed, you were shaking from anticipation of the punishment he'd surely cast down on you—but nothing was happening. Cautiously, you opened one eye to see which page he'd opened to: those of his personal habits, along with the little hearts doodled next to some of them were glaring back at you.
Not knowing whether you would've preferred to be slain for plotting against him or from your own humiliation, you sat where you were—staring at the pages that'd betrayed you.
Breaking the silence, he let out a chuckle, "Had no idea you were the type to get 'love sick'."
NSFW below the cut!!! fem!reader, teasing, fingering, vaginal penetration
Shell shock still effecting you, you weren't able to muster an excuse.
"Don't worry, dear. Your little secret is safe with me," he laughed a bit harder this time, the irony was too sweet not to torment you with. Calming down from that outburst, he leaned in again and brought his hands nearer to you. "That is, on one condition."
With surprise replacing your fear, you'd unfortunately allowed yourself to fall pray to his trickery just as the others had. "What is it?"
Tilting his head up to ponder, he laid his hands on your shoulders saying, "Hm, I may have a suitable solution." Offering his hand, he lured you in with a simple command, "Follow me."
Finding yourself in his bedroom made you halt in your tracks. "Did we...take a wrong turn?" Denial passed over your lips of what was about to unfold.
"Surely you can't be as naive as the others." Grinning down at you, he ran his hand over your dress, cupping your breast just before you pulled away in disbelief.
"Don't tell me you were scribbling hearts in your journal next to my name as a bluff."
While backing away, you stumbled and tripped onto the floor. Having fallen on your tailbone, you winced from the sudden pain.
Cocking his head at you, he sighed, "You may, however, be more hopeless than the others." In one swoop, he tossed you on the bed. Not having enough time to process what was happening, he took advantage of your vertigo—climbing on top of you, releasing spores of arousal with each shift he made.
Having picked up on your nerves, he started out slowly: rubbing your legs, running his hands up your dress, and circling his thumbs at the top of your pubic bone. He was observing your expressions and body language, all of which were hinting that you were getting rather excited.
Laying down next to you, he had you wrapped in his arms. Opening your legs, he ran his hand over your panties, which were already set to be rung out. Witnessing the affects he had on you, he pressed his hardening member against your leg while twirling his fingers around your clit.
This was proving to be too much for you; you were feeling overwhelmed from the rushes of lust and uncertainty towards him. "I don't know if I can do this," you breathed heavily, trying to avert your eyes, which had already begun to blur from the much awaited release you'd secretly been after.
He nuzzled against the top of your head, caressing your weeping slit. "Your body is calling out for me though. Why should it be denied what it's obviously craving?"
You bit at your bottom lip as you felt him grind up against your thigh again; your chest was falling and rising from the build up which you were hanging on by a thread.
Sensing you were cracking, the drive to push you past your limits took over; he forced your delicates to the side, partcially exposing your needy pussy. Sliding his fingers inbetween your slick lips, he grinned at the sight of you: clinging to the sheets, already thrusting against him; you were still trying to resist, although your will-power was hurridly reaching its breaking point.
Watching you deperately chase after your repressed lust, he ripped the top of your dress down, revealing your breasts. Greedily grabbing and clenching them, care was especially given to your erect nipples. You whimpered as he pinched them, testing how easy it'd be to make you crumble from ecstasy.
Rutting against his stiffened length, your hand latched onto his hip to steady yourself. Paying no mind to how he'd been watching you, you failed to notice his dark fantasies coming forth.
Him abruptly tugging your panties off made you gasp―the material left behind red spots from the sudden force. Your shrieks only added to your delectable vulnerability.
After seeing him chuck them off to the side, you felt his bare cock proding you. Pressing against your thigh, the motions from him preparing himself jolted across your lower half.
He forced your legs further apart; a faint whimper came from him when he realized your lower half had been coated in your disgraceful abandonment of morals.
After taking a minute to admire the view, he promptly thrusted inside you. Knowing it'd cause some pain, the sadist in him still yearned to see you squirm. The initial twinge of discomfort wore off, now just fragments scattered amongst your spasming walls.
You both new you wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer. Settling on twirling your pearl against the pad of his finger, he allowed himself the pleasure of watching your breasts chaotically bounce and slap against each other.
Your self-control was failing you: slipping away with each thrust he rammed between your creamy lips. Your breath was shaking as your vision speckled. Feeling you unravel on him unexpectedly forced his own willpower to collapse―joining you in your rapturing frenzy.
As he eased out of you, you let the cum spill out; watching it drip down, you kept the tingles of bliss prickling at the sight of it a secret from him.
You looked over at him to catch a devilish look appear on his face. Forgetting what'd gotten you into this predicament, you casually asked what that look was for.
"Hm? Just thinking about the next secret you'll try to hide from me. You're constantly scribbling in that damn thing, so there should be plenty to blackmail you with."
Your cheeks reddened when thinking back to the incriminating ideas you had. When you shrank away from him, he alluded to his hunches, "This will surely make for a good compromise."
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purplink8 · 9 months
Hate hate HATE what the anime did to the way Sayu's kidnapping was handled (specifically by Light). The anime just wants to show how utterly devoid of love anime!Light (coz no manga!Light would never seriously consider killing Sayu oh my god) is even towards his family at the face of his Kira goals.
Contrary to the manga (which i prefer who would've guessed) in which Light is shown very genuinely caring for his family! And you know just who wanted to save Sayu more? Or who was more active in saving her between Light & Soichiro?
It was Light (at least manga!Light coz idk what the hell was going on in anime!Light's mind during that episode). Yeah, I know. It might be surprising to those who haven't read the manga but this protective brother of Sayu's? Cares for her deeply.
And the anime just had to fuck that up, hadn't it? 🤦🏻‍♀️
I hate episode 28 (titled 'Impatience') of the anime with a burning passion. So much so that I'll compare it with how the plot ACTUALLY transpires in the Manga.
This post is...long: I've tried my hardest to not go overboard with my negative(?) rant against the anime but it was an impossible task imo /o\
If any of the points mentioned in this post are good, they are due to tumblr user casuistor's post which I read on a regular basis. (Go check it out!! It's much much better than anything I could've written in my whole life. Yes, I'm a fan :)
If there are any mistakes, it would be entirely correct to attribute them to me.
I admit I hadn't paid much attention to the manga the first time I had read it but holy shit even then I had picked up on how close the Yagami siblings were!
I couldn't make much sense of the plot of the 2nd arc (I wasn't completely over L's death so forgive me for being in a daze) and yet I was absolutely sure of the fact that Light had done everything in his power to save Sayu. Even if you were not following the plot closely, you'd still understand that fact (which the anime did much worse than deliberately ignoring it). Why?
Because Ryuk kindly summarizes the plot/points this out:
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Honestly, I don't even need to go on at this point now, do I? Ryuk, who never fails to call out Light (for example, saying that Light will be the only bad guy left if he kills every 'bad' guy out there in chapter 1), has just confirmed what thoughtful manga readers already knew: Light has a soft spot for his sister.
I'm still petty at the anime so I won't stop at this point. I'll first explain how it goes in the manga, then how the anime butchered it. Let's gooo!
To understand the circumstances surrounding Sayu's kidnapping, we need to note that the NPA director Takimura is kidnapped by Mello first for the exchange of the notebook. Soichiro notifies every bureau of the NPA. And Light, of course, doesn't hesitate for a minute to kill Takimura (obviously, the priority of Death Note >>> the life of Takimura, to Light).
This is supposed to happen behind the scenes in the manga compared to the anime which makes Light killing Takimura much more obvious:
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-episode 27: Abduction
Anyways, it's part of Light's plan to let the kidnappers take the fall for Takimura's death (so that Kira won't be blamed for his murder. And since only the kidnappers and the NPA know about the kidnapping: it won't be assumed that Kira has any link to the NPA).
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Light seriously doubts that the kidnappers would just drop the issue due to Takimura's death and he's right. Sayu is kidnapped.
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Mello is taking full responsibility for Takimura's death just like Light intended him to. However, this time, rather than any person whom Light could've easily disposed of (like Takimura) to avoid letting the notebook fall into the kidnappers' hands, Sayu- the sister for whom Light cares deeply- is kidnapped instead.
Not only that, Mello expects Soichiro to keep this a secret from the rest of the NPA personnel otherwise as he threatens, he'll kill Sayu. Now, we know that during Takimura's kidnapping, rest of the NPA were notified of the fact (Yes, the circumstances are quite different- there wasn't a threat to Takimura's life for letting the others know of his kidnapping), Ide points this out:
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Ide is apparently okay with Sayu's death and appeals to (read: pressures) 'duty/justice above my family' side of Soichiro Yagami to send word to every NPA department even if that means Sayu will be killed. And you know what? Soichiro actually agrees to do so!
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I would like you to see Light's reaction here, these panels come directly after the above one:
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Light wastes no time to completely change his plan to have everyone assume that it was the kidnappers who killed Takimura to -> Kira did it. This was Light's previous plan before Sayu got involved:
"It's part of Light's plan to let the kidnappers take the fall for Takimura's death (so that Kira won't be blamed for his murder. And since only the kidnappers and the NPA know about the kidnapping: it won't be assumed that Kira has any link to the NPA)."
This changing of plans that Light does immediately is actively detrimental to Light's Kira's cause (in other words, disadvantageous to Kira's goals). Look at Light digging a hole for himself just to save his sister:
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Light argues to not notify the other NPA departments otherwise Kira would know about the kidnapping and kill Sayu (and they wouldn't get a chance to investigate the kidnappers if Kira kills Sayu before they can negotiate with them). So their best bet is to keep quiet about it so that Kira doesn't know; meanwhile they can, as Ide says, try and catch the culprit while negotiating the exchange.
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Back to how this is in no way an advantage to Light (as Kira):
Telling the task force that Kira was behind Takimura's murder whose kidnapping was known only to the NPA personnel suggests that Kira has a link to NPA info and may lead to doubt against those in NPA being Kira (the NPA that Light is now the part of) so obviously not a win for Kira/Light.
Light is in now a very bad position if he needs to kill Sayu in the future to avoid the Note falling to the kidnappers' hands. Because now he can't blame Kira for her death, can he? He is the one who stopped them from sending word to rest of the NPA so Kira has (according to Light) theoretically no way of knowing about the exchange with Sayu situation (unless if Kira were in the task force itself thus narrowing down the list of Kira suspects); ergo Kira won't kill her.
So why the hell is Light okay with these disadvantages instead of his previous, practically/pragmatically (for Kira's cause) better plan? Better yet, why not did he kill Sayu himself without a moment of hesitation like he did with Takimura when he had the chance to do so before suggesting that it was Kira who killed Takimura, the kidnappers could've been framed for Sayu's death? Or just allow notifying the NPA personnel so that they made a move and let the kidnappers do the dirty work?
Because, as Ryuk says, Light has a soft spot for his sister:
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Note that: Light doesn't even try to deny it in his thoughts ("...that's not all" anyone?). We're talking about the guy who rationalizes his way out of his feelings, who views emotions as the reason 'why most idiots screw up' and he does NOT DENY THAT HE CARES FOR HIS SISTER.
Also worthy of note is how quickly he decides to tell the task force that Kira killed Takimura. Usually, we get a long wall of text of Light planning his every move. Not in this case. I believe it's because this decision was fueled by emotion rather than reason- the emotion being brotherly love ofc.
["A totally emotional decision is typically very fast. This is because it takes time (at least 0.1 seconds) for the rational cortex to get going. This is the reactive (and largely subconscious) decision-making that you encounter in heated arguments or when faced with immediate danger.
Common emotional decisions may use some logic, but the main driving force is emotion, which either overrides logic or uses a pseudo-logic to support emotional choices (this is extremely common)." (as a bonus have this research by Damasio)]
Once, Light has time to think, he goes 'well even if in the worst case scenario (the kidnappers get the note) I have Misa's eyes so I'm still at an advantage eh...?'
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He is, instead of contemplating a way to kill Sayu so that the note is safe, thinking (however briefly) of how it won't be muuuuuuuch of a problem if Mello does gets his hands on the note. Idk about you guys but man that rlly gives us an idea of Light's priorities (Sayu>>>>>>Death Note).
Here's instance #2 demonstrating Light's priorities (when Soichiro asks Light to just save Sayu as the former doesn't care if he loses his life. And Light responds by saying don't be a fool etc etc):
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#Sayu matters more than the Death Note
Now we come to the scene which the anime seems to have taken to heart to entirely without the context. When Soichiro goes underground for the exchange, we have Near taunting Light (as L number 2)
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This is not Light seriously deciding to kill Sayu (remember when he had the time to think over his decision, killing Sayu was not even an option but handing over the note to Mello was, in the worst case (even if he has Misa's eyes, it doesn't mean the idea is any less ridiculous)).
This is him, so stressed that he's coming up with so rubbish ideas that even he goes 'wtf am i thinking??' Because at this point, killing Sayu would be announcing that Kira is among the task force as only they know of Sayu's kidnapping + her name & face, which is again bad for Kira's cause. And the one responsible for this predicament is Light himself as he was the one who told the task force not to alert the NPA personnel.
If Light really had been meaning to kill Sayu, he had plenty of time & opportunity to do so (without the suspicion falling on him) before suggesting that Kira killed Takimura. Light essentially ran in the opposite direction when he was faced with the perfect chance of killing Sayu (just let the others notify the departments of NPA -> kill Sayu -> Blame Kira for it, foolproof. but he did Not take this route as he Loves his sister) and now when it is absolutely NOT AN OPTION (for obvious reasons) he's thinking it since he's stressed to the point of irrationality.
Yes, he's seen thinking this:
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...aaaand he can't bring himself to finish the thought because he knows that he did the opposite since he loves Sayu & Soichiro dearly and couldn't bring himself to kill them.
Also look how concerned Light is over the well-being of Sayu & Soichiro that he calls his dad to ask if they're okay:
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I hope at this point you believe me when I say that manga!Light never seriously considers killing Sayu. He loves his sister too much for that.
Now we move on to how the anime (fucked it all up) adapted this. I'm not particularly happy with it (understatement of the year) so I'm gonna rant about how inferior it is compared to the manga. Let's gooo!
The plot goes pretty similarly: Takimura is kidnapped ->Light kills him -> Sayu is kidnapped -> Mello demands them not to notify the NPA personnel lest they kill Sayu.
But the change in episode 27 is that they remove the discussion (mainly Ide pressuring Soichiro) around whether to notify the NPA personnel. Soichiro deciding to send word to all departments of NPA is cut so we don't get to see Light swooping in to protect Sayu.
Still, anime!Light does reveal that it was Kira who killed Takimura. And advises the task force to keep Sayu's kidnapping a secret. However, anime!Ryuk doesn't call anime!Light out on him having a soft spot for his sister (coz as far as the anime is concerned, they really REALLY wanna sell the idea that Light doesn't care for Sayu).
It's a lot harder, therefore, to make sense of anime!Light's motivations in changing his plan from having the kidnappers framed for Takimura's murder to admitting that Kira did it. It appears that it happens just because ???
Like there is no reason in manga!Light doing this apart from saving his sister but anime!Light cannot have any redeeming qualities like loving his family, he needs to be a 100% evil villain!! ...So we have zero explanation for anime!Light's actions.
The exchange between Light & Soichiro re: the whole 'I don't care if I die but please save Sayu' + 'You can't die in front of Sayu no matter what...You must make the right decisions so that both you and Sayu live.' occurs without change. But due to the succeeding added anime-only scenes (which I'll talk about later), this conversation sounds fake from Light's side while it is completely genuine in the manga.
Then the infamous scene (which I hate to death) of anime!Light SERIOUSLY considering to kill Sayu comes:
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And Misa overhears him saying that in the bathroom coz why not?? make it worse??? :) :) :)
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And anime!Light comes as close as to killing Sayu that he even has his watch opened with the piece of the notebook
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...wow such an awful brother being a piece of shit >:(
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Wait! Can brotherly affection save the day? Has anime!Light finally realized the error of his ways?
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Nope. Anime!Light chooses not to kill Sayu not because he loves her but because it would be self-incriminating to do so. Yeah...what. an. asshole.
Light calling his dad to check up on how him & Sayu are doing is cut from the anime. Instead, take a look at how displeased anime!Light is after Sayu is rescued by sacrificing the notebook.
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...yeah, this is Not the face of someone who's happy with the way things happened (namely losing the Death Note to Mello in exchange for Sayu's life). It's clear where anime!Light's priorities actually lie (Death Note>>>>Family) He's so angry that he takes out his anger on Misa by slapping the drink she offers, out of her hands:
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Oh and these scenes are nowhere in the manga, they're just in the anime to emphasize just how big of a jerk brother anime!Light is.
In conclusion! Manga!Light (who's the only Light that matters really imo) loves his sister, would never seriously consider killing her in contrast to anime!Light who is very ready to say 'Sayonara Sayu Yagami' via murder and would've done so if it wasn't self-incriminating.
As you can see manga!Light is far superior to anime!Light. If you've stuck around to read this post to the end (a) I love you & (b) I hope you have a fantabulous day!! <333
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blacckdiamondposts · 1 year
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Caught between the Good and the Bad 2
Pairing: Gojō Satoru x f!Reader (18+) Plot: Reader gets into trouble for her little escapades with Getō Suguru. We all know what kind of punishment Gojō prefers. Tags: Smut, Fingering, Cunnilingus, Orgasm Denial, Spanking, Edging, literally (Y/N)‘s brain out Warnings: Smut, MDNI, Student-Teacher Relationship (is of age!)
"I'm only going to ask you one more time," Gojō warned you, "where have you been?"
"I'm telling the truth," you groaned in annoyance.
"Alright then," Gojō turned around with a click of his tongue, "come on,"
"Where are we going?"
"The principal," Gojō replied.
You gulped at his dry response as it heavily contrasted his usual self. You furrowed your brows but followed suit, keeping quiet. Once you've reached the principal's, Gojō's eyes lingered on your back while you got questioned.
"I injured myself while I exorcised that curse, and then I passed out," you explained, "I don't really remember anything until I woke up,"
"Where did you wake up," Principal Yaga asked, cocking a brow.
"On the roof," you replied, "I don't know how I got up there,"
"I thought the whole building got searched," Yaga looked questioningly at Gojō.
"It did," he shrugged, "but she wasn't there,"
"We'll have to investigate this matter," Yaga sighed, and you felt your heart pound against your chest.
"Don't worry," Gojō grinned at the principal, "I'm already on it,"
"Alright," the principal nodded, "(Y/N) if you remember anything, let us know,"
"I will," you promised.
You followed Gojō out of the room before the latter turned around.
"Freshen up and get that checked by Shōko," he pointed to your forehead, "then I want you to meet me in the classroom,"
You nodded in reply before rushing off. About an hour and a half later, you were in front of the classroom. The door was wide open, and Gojō sat by the desk. He was leaned back in his chair, arms resting behind his head while his feet were thrown onto the desk.
"(Y/N)," his head lulled to the side as he noticed your presence, "took you long enough,"
"Sorry," you muttered.
"Come on in," he commanded, "and close the door,"
You did as you were told and approached him slowly, avoiding his gaze. You looked at everything but him, much to his dismay. Gojō dragged his feet off the desk, letting out a long sigh as he stood up, towering over your much smaller frame, "now, would you finally tell me the truth?"
"But I told you already," you retorted.
"Nu-uh, cut that shit," he wiggled his finger in front of your face, "you're the worst liar,"
"Sensei, I-," you turned your face away, earning yourself a displeased look.
"I can sense it, his presence," his voice dropped, "what happened?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," you said.
"(Y/N)," his voice dropped, which made a shiver run down your spine, "drop the act,"
A defeated sigh spilled over your lips as you lowered your gaze, fidgeting with the sleeves of your uniform, "he appeared there after I was done with the mission,"
"Why didn't you call me," Gojō questioned confusedly.
"Come on, he would've killed me right then and there," you finally looked at him.
"I would've been there in an instant, "he argued as he drew his brows together.
"And he could've killed me in an instant, "you said, to which Gojō rolled his eyes in reply.
"I passed out at one point," you continued, "when I woke up, I didn't recognize where I was,"
"But Suguru brought me back to his place and took care of my injury," you explained. And oh, how it made his blood boil to hear you casually address him.
Gojō's hand came up, and he slipped his eye mask off. His piercing blue orbs were staring into your soul. That's how it felt to you, at least, "what happened there?"
Once again, you averted your gaze, fixing it on the ground. Gojō took a step closer before he grabbed your chin. He tilted your head forcefully, making you look up at him and exposing the bruised spots on your neck. His eyes widened as they fixed on your skin's blue and purple marks. His jaw clenched, feeling the rage within himself grow.
"Did he force himself onto you," he asked.
But he wasn't stupid. He knew you. He didn't need an answer to know the truth. He could look right through you.
"Oh, (Y/N)," with his other hand, he pulled down the collar of your uniform, "you better tell me exactly what happened,"
"I was being nice up until now," his gaze found yours, "but I'm about to lose my temper,"
"Spit it out. What happened?"
There was no way of freeing yourself from his iron grip, and you were sure he'd bruise your chin with the way his fingers dug into your skin. If you weren't about to get killed by Gojō, you'd surely die out of pure embarrassment.
"It just happened," you muttered, voice barely audible.
"This doesn't just happen,"
"As I said, it just happened," you retorted, "we kissed, and one thing led to another,"
"(Y/N)," he let out a strained laugh, letting go of your chin, "I'm speechless,"
"Do you know what you did," he asked, looking at you as if you were a special-grade curse, "that was so stupid!"
"Do you understand how much trouble you could get into," his voice got louder, "you know how the higher-ups are,"
"I know," you mumbled, "I'm sorry,"
"I guess I'll have to punish you for that," Gojō looked at you through half-lidded eyes.
He grabbed your upper arm, striding towards the desk.
"W-what are you doing," you asked, eyes wide as you looked at his face.
"If you like to whore around like that," he started, "I'll have my way with you as well,"
Gojō pushed you down, bending you over his desk until your chest met the wooden surface. Your wrists were pinned against your lower back, his large hand keeping them in place. Gojō had a devilish smirk as he placed his other hand on your thigh. The way you jerked ever so lightly didn't go unnoticed by him.
A shaky breath escaped your lips as his hand slowly slid up, raking your skirt.
"You better take your punishment like a good girl," he looked down at you.
"W-what," you looked over your shoulder, the heat within yourself spreading, even though you couldn't quite grasp the happenings.
Gojō clicked his tongue in displeasure as his eyes fixed on the bruises on your butt, "is there a place he didn't mark?"
"Guess I'll just have to leave darker bruises," he chuckled as his hand came down forcefully. The little yelp that spilled over your lips went straight to his cock. Each spank was harder, and tears pricked the corners of your eyes. 
The outline of his hand was visible, the stinging sensation adding to your pleasure. His left hand moved between your thighs, teasingly stroking your slit through the thin fabric of your underwear. Yet, you couldn't help but enjoy your punishment, which the latter surely noticed.
"(Y/N), are you enjoying this," he asked, "you're soaking through your little panties,"
"G-Gojō-Sensei," You whined.
"Satoru," he corrected you, wanting to hear you say his name.
"S-satoru," moaned shakily.
His long body bent over yours, lips brushing against your ear, "my name sounds so good when you moan it like that,"
He teased your clothed sex, feeling your arousal seep through your underwear. You were trying to grind against his hand as you needed more friction. However, Gojō stopped his ministrations, "you better stop with that,"
You did as you were told in hopes of getting what you wanted.
He hooked his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, sliding them down your trembling legs, where they pooled around your ankle. He plopped onto his chair, scooting closer before he spread your legs further apart. His head dipped between your thighs, and he let his tongue slide over your wet cunt.
"Fu-uck," You moaned.
Gojō's tongue was lapping up your juices, earning an approving hum at your sweet taste. You tried your best to steady yourself, but the way his tongue was working on your sex was unbearable.
"C-Close," you mumbled, mind already hazy.
Instead of getting pushed over the edge, you were met by a sudden absence between your legs. Gojō pulled away, watching your hips grind pathetically against sweet nothing in search of friction. He repeated his ministrations, riling you up and getting you close only to edge you. 
"What the fuck," you looked over your shoulders only to find the white-haired male with a sly expression.
"You don't really think I'll let you cum," he cocked a brow, "do you?"
"Please," You begged, needing to find release, "I can't take this,"
"Oh, but we only just started, "he threw his head back in amusement, his lips tugged into a smirk, "how many times was that now? Three or four?"
"Please," you whined, cursing him for the way he was teasing you.
"(Y/N)," his voice dropped, "I wasn't joking when I told you that this is your punishment,"
Gojō stood up, one of his hands snaking around your thigh and moving between your legs. He started to tease your clit slowly, earning lewd sounds from you.
"That's what you get for being such a whore," he clicked his tongue as he watched you through half-lidded eyes, "letting someone like him fuck you? Seriously (Y/N), didn't I teach you better?"
He pushed two of his digits into you while he rubbed your clit with his thumb, "fuck, you're wet,"
 Gojō grabbed a fistful of your hair before he pulled you up until your back was flush against his broad chest. All the while, his fingers were still working on your dripping cunt. His hand soon moved to your neck, fingers wrapping around it. You turned your head, locking eyes with the white-haired male before he leaned closer. Your lips clashed together, Gojō forcing his tongue into your mouth, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
You were squirming, feeling yourself once again getting closer to your edge. You could feel his bulge press against your lower back, which had you biting your lip in anticipation.
"You're dripping wet," he breathed against your ear, leaving a trail of kisses on your neck. You gasped as his teeth raked over your shoulder, biting into your soft flesh to mark his territory. 
"S-Satoru," You breathed, feeling yourself get to the edge once again.
But, as expected, he stopped his ministrations, letting you fall down against his desk as inaudible words were spilling over your lips. You were overstimulated, unable to take any more of his teasing. 
Gojō manhandled you, turning you around. A soft thud sound was heard as your back hit against the desk. His eyes raked over your body, watching your chest heave with each breath.
His hand came up to cup your cheek before he turned your face towards him, "I want you to look at me,"
His lips found yours while he undid your uniform, pushing your jacket over your shoulders. He groaned against your lips as he felt your hard nips beneath your white cotton tee.
"No bra? Lucky me," he chuckled before he removed your shirt, hands cupping your breasts, fingers rolling your nips as you moaned against his lips. Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his waist, grinding against his bopping bulge, but he quickly stopped your movements.
"Now, what do you think you're doing," he questioned as he stood back up, towering over you. 
"Please, stop the teasing," you said, throwing your head back in frustration.
He smirked at you while he undid his belt, pushing his pants and boxer briefs down just enough to free his aching hard cock. You gulped at the sight of it. It was bigger than you could've ever imagined. 
Gojō's hands found their way to the back of your knees, pulling you to the edge of the desk in one swift motion. He pumped his cock a couple of times before he positioned his flushed tip at your entrance. He spread the bead of precum on your slit, dipping his hot tip between your folds, making sure to stroke your clit with each movement.
"Hah, please," you breathed as you looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Please, what," he asked. 
He loved the sight in front of him. The begging puppy eyes, those rosy cheeks, the way your baby hairs clung to your glistening skin, and all because of him. He could've cum right then and there.
"S-stop teasing," you whined, moving your hips against his cock.
His lips tugged into a devilish smirk, "be a good girl and be patient,"
"Satoru," you sounded demanding, "please, I need more,"
This was different for Gojō as well. He couldn't contain himself as he finally had his way with his favorite student. He pushed his tip into your wanting heat, your head lulled back as he stretched your walls, "fuck,"
A whiny moan escaped your mouth as you felt full, eyes squeezed shut as you couldn't focus on anything besides his cock stretching you out.
"You're so fucking tight," he groaned, sheathing himself into you with one finally thrust. 
The way he filled you up and the fact that you could feel every vein of his long throbbing cock had your toes curling.
He grabbed your chin, tilting your head before he dipped down. Your moans were muffled as hungry lips clashed against yours. Gojō was moving his hips at an agonizingly slow speed, dragging his full length out before snapping his hips against yours.
"Look at you, taking my cock like such a good girl, "he praised.
"I need more," you breathed, "I can't take this,"
"Oh, you want more," he asked, a grin plastered on his face, "what a greedy little whore,"
He dragged his hands over your body until they were placed on your thighs. With a swift motion, he pushed your knees up to your shoulders, hands pressing against the back of your thighs. 
He quite literally folded you in half.
As he started to move again, his cock reached a point you didn't know existed. His tip hit your cervix as he picked up his pace. Your moans echoed off the walls, which only spurred him on.
His balls were slapping against your ass. The squelching sound of the thrusts just added to the ecstatic feeling.
Gojō gritted his teeth as he pounded into you. He cursed your lewd expression and the way your walls were clamping around his cock. He knew he couldn't drag this out as long as he wanted. 
"G-gonna cum," you moaned.
"No, you won't," he breathed as he pulled his length out, and you groaned in response.
"Not again," you sobbed, looking at him with teary eyes, "please don't do this,"
"Are you crying," he asked, cocking his head to the side. That devilish smirk splayed across his face once again.
"N-no," you turned your head to the side, avoiding his gaze as heavy tears rolled over your rosy cheeks. The overstimulation felt like it was too much to handle.
He hated it as much as you did but couldn't let you get off like that. His cock was aching for a relief, especially with the view in front of him. You were a mess. 
He picked up his pace, pounding into your wet heat with a steady rhythm. The tip of his cock brushed over that sweet spot within you with each thrust. 
"Did he fuck you this good," Gojō asked curiously. Almost as if that competition between him and Suguru came naturally. Just like back then.
Your lips tugged into a smirk, "what makes you think he wasn't better?"
It was barely audible, but it was loud and clear to him, like a punch to his gut.
"What a feisty little thing you are," he said as he thrust particularly hard into you. 
"Learned that from my," you moaned, "my teacher,"
Gojō loosened his grip on your thighs, letting them wrap around his hips as he leaned closer. He was propped up on his elbow while his other hand was placed on your neck. His thumb and index finger were digging into your chin, "I'm gonna fuck that little brain out,"
It sounded playful, and yet it felt like a warning to you. And just like that, he picked up his pace, hips rutting against yours. Your whole body was trembling, that familiar feeling spreading once again. His lips latched onto your neck, licking and biting your soft spot. His hot breath against your skin let a shiver run down your spine.
You mumbled something under your breath, but the latter couldn't understand.
"Gotta speak a bit clearer than that," he breathed against the shell of your ear.
He straightened his back, leaning onto the palm of his hand as he fucked you mercilessly and chased after his own relief.
"F-fuck," you moaned, "c-c-close,"
"Cum for me," Gojō groaned, "s-shit, can I cum in you?"
You nodded your head. The feeling of your walls clamping around his cock had him cum instantly, filling you up. A moan spilled over your lips as your body started to shake vigorously, eyes squeezed shut as your orgasm finally washed over you. The overwhelming feeling took its toll on you, and everything went black. 
Gojō's head was thrown back, breathing heavily as he came down from his high. He pulled himself out, watching as the mixture of your fluids gushed out of your used cunt.
"(Y/N)," he looked at you as worry settled in, "(Y/N)?"
Finally, your eyes slowly fluttered open, meeting his gaze.
"You alright?"
You gulped, nodding at the white-haired man in front of you.
"Got me worried for a second," he chuckled lowly, "guess I went a bit too hard on you,"
He fucked you dumb, quite literally. You couldn't form any coherent words. 
"Come on," Gojō carefully lifted you off the desk as he noticed just how exhausted you were. Hence, he took you back to his quarters (he totally didn't use his teleportation skills for that. Plus, he surely didn't accidentally destroy the desk with it because he forgot about its drawback).
Later, you found yourself in his bed, limbs tangled beneath his duvet. 
"You really can't tell anyone about meeting him," Gojō broke the quiet atmosphere, "I don't even wanna imagine what the higher-ups would do with you,"
You turned your head up, your gaze meeting his, "I won't,"
"Besides, I'm sure my amazing teacher would look out for me," you joked, "and if that wouldn't be the case, I could just join Suguru,"
Gojō clenched his jaw at your reply, "that would eventually end in your death,"
You let out a sigh, "I know, I know,"
"Did he tell you to join him," Gojō asked curiously. 
"No, he didn't," you replied, "he wouldn't force anyone to join him,"
You thought back to your parting conversation.
"Thanks for getting me back here," you smiled at the dark-haired male.
"I would drop you off at Jujutsu High, but that's impossible," Suguru returned the smile.
"What's wrong? You seem to have something on your mind," he asked, furrowing his brow.
"Oh, it's nothing," you waved your hand dismissively, "I was just thinking about what lie to tell them,"
"I don't wanna get in trouble," you bit your cheeks.
"Well, Satoru will probably find out," Suguru shrugged, "but he's the last one you should worry about,"
"If you would get into real trouble, just call me," he said, "I'll take care of you,"
"Thank you," you squeezed his hand before letting go.
"Take care, (Y/N)," he turned around, waving as he was about to get onto his curse.
"Suguru, wait," you called as you walked a couple of steps closer.
He looked over his shoulder, smiling at you, "what is it?"
"Why didn't you kill me?"
He got onto his curse, chuckling at your question, "you remind me of someone,"
You watched him fly off, leaving you where you've met him the previous day.
"He said that I remind him of someone," you muttered, "do you have an idea who that could be?"
Gojō's mind was flooded with memories of his youth as he thought about Suguru. He knew who Suguru had in mind. After all, Gojō noticed it himself. The way you changed over the past years. You started as a loud, cheerful student, only to shut yourself off with every death of your classmates. You were just like Suguru before he turned his back on Jujutsu High. 
He swore to himself that he would keep you on the right path. 
"I have no idea," he replied.
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
the whole ‘why is he here’ thing is 95% of the reason i don’t understand where tf BT shippers are getting all of this from. ‘tommy’s so kind to buck’ ‘they’re so smitten’ ‘they’re made for eachother’ ‘buck’s so happy with tommy’. okay, but where?? show me in canon, read me dialogue, point out specific scenes, SHOW ME exactly where the show had told or shown you that these things are true. and they can’t! because there has been nothing on screen to suggest this, no development, no certainty about their relationship, no discussion about their relationship at all actually, no emotional connection… sure buck is smiling and happy but it’s not like buck has never smiled or never been happy before? ‘buck’s grinning!’ that’s literally how oliver smiles! he cheeses!! the show is giving absolutely nothing but then the shippers run with it and headcanon and make things up out of thin air and decide it’s canon fact to shove in people’s faces and delude themselves into believing they’re getting more than they are. either season 8 breaks them off and treats him as the fairly unimportant plot device for buck’s bisexuality realisation that they decided to keep around for a bit longer because he was getting them clicks and attention, despite the fact that they had no idea what to do with him… or it actually makes an effort to prove to us ‘why he is still here’. i know which option i’d prefer…. but my point still stands. sorry for the paragraph!
Don't apologize, I'm giving you a standing ovation. The whole Buck is happy, he's grinning thing if funny because he was like that with every girl before? He was grinning like that at Ali, he looked smitten by Taylor up until the point in 5a where they decided the relationship has been enough, everyone saw how he was smiling a Natalia at the coffee date or during 618, even the cemetery while talking about her and no one was screaming endgame even tho Natalia was played out to be his endgame in case of a cancellation. And the whole T is so kind to Buck, sure, the flirting can be cute in 704, BUT Buck is an unreliable narrator, so I kinda eye everything that happened there wondering how much is true and how much is Buck's rose colored glasses, but even in that scene, T was in no position to excuse Buck from hurting Eddie, and he actually asked Buck out after kissing him out of nowhere instead of running away like Taylor, but it's not like Taylor set a very high bar. Then maybe the way he tops Buck's beer on the date? But that gets overshadowed by the way he calls a car and leaves Buck on the curb, only communicating he's leaving when he's literally in the car, when he could've talked to Buck before? Also the closet joke to Eddie when he knew Buck wasn't out was ?????? And then we have the coffee that i still don't understand why any of that happened, because why would you agree to go to someone's sister's wedding after half a date you walked off? Then the party, if he was so great he would've dressed on theme????? He literally needs to change into a uniform because he shows up at the hospital in said uniform, so he could've put effort into his outfit. The way the hospital scene could've been cute if he had helped Buck clean his face or at least told Buck his face was dirty, and they could've walked in holding hands or something. The ceremony had nothing, Buck's hand was even in his pocket because there was nothing about that conversation to indicate they were more than friends. And the dinner in the loft had Buck being vulnerable, and the weirdest tone shift leading to a kink joke that feels very out of place given the circumstances. That's it. That's every scene. Tell me where are you seeing them being made for each other? I honestly feel like T comes out as callous and condescending every time he opens his mouth. I can't find anything to like about him or about him when it comes to Buck and I legit don't understand where the hype is coming. Like, seriously. The show gave me nothing. Let's see how the show handles him next season, I guess.
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sunnysaystuff · 1 month
My stance on the Jegulus-Jily-"All Death Eaters suck because canon says so" dispute (or whatever):
After receiving MULTIPLE hate asks (wtf I'm literally nobody why do you care so much) guess I have to put this out here!!
first up - stuff I think is important:
Wolfstar isn't canon and it's the backbone of the fandom, so why do we suddenly decide canon is the shit when people write Jegulus/Jegulily fics? "James would've never liked a Death Eater" fanfiction means you can make stuff up, regardless of what canon James would've liked or wanted.
"Canon-compliant Jegulus fics don't make sense" did James explicitly tell you to your face that he would never date Regulus :0 canon-compliant is a very loose term. a lot of the time it just means that canonical deaths and plot-related events occurred, moreso than relationship-related events.
Jegulus haters often say that Jegulus fans constantly villainize Lily, but the fact of the matter is that they don't. You see more Jily fans villainizing Regulus for originally being a Death Eater than you see Jegulus fans villainizing Lily. "Regulus deserves the villainization and Lily hasn't done anything wrong" - reminder that you can hate on canon Regulus all you want (despite the fact that he eventually changed) but you should know that fanfiction might present him differently. Random fanfic Regulus is not the canon Regulus you despise.
Jegulus fans who despise Snape for his actions in canon aren't being very fair. He joined the Death Eaters and then he ended up working against the Dark Lord, just as Regulus did. Yes, he spent years bullying Harry, but do you honestly think Regulus wouldn't have behaved similarly if he had been in a similar position? If Regulus had been in love with Lily, and James and his brother and their friends were constantly making fun of him, and then Lily died after marrying someone he hated, do you think Regulus would have treated the godson of his estranged brother who betrayed Lily, the identical-to-James son of his enemy, with fairness or kindness? Regulus was canonically also not a nice person at all - was literally a Voldemort fanboy, and Snape wasn't even confirmed to be that much - and in fanon he's often characterized as this petty little shit. So do you think Regulus wouldn't have been awful to Harry as well?
Adding on to that, people call Snape toxic and creepy for being "obsessed with Lily" (he loved her because she was a bright spot in his awful life, platonic or romantic. Obsessed? Maybe <- My hot take), but when Regulus does it with James, it's sexy?
"Stop romanticizing Death Eaters" if it's not your cup of tea, don't read. I think these characters are just that, characters, and fanon stuff means you can do whatever you want with them! You can rewrite someone's entire story and personality if you want (ex: THOSE Dark Harry fics, a number of Dramione fics).
my personal opinions:
Jily and Jegulus are both super fun ships. Love 'em equally, though I'd say currently I'm leaning toward Jily.
I love Jegulily. I think it's really fun and has a lot of potential :0
I'm alr with Snape bashing and no Snape bashing (it's not that deep gang, same for Peter 'cause honestly it's kinda silly how people try to sub-in other characters as the 4th Marauder. Peter existed y'all.)
I think the Black sisters deserve more attention :0
Yes sometimes the characters are ooc in fics!! What to do when you see this and don't like it is click the back button!!
I don't have a problem with Remadora, but I prefer Wolfstar :)
I don't believe in canon casanova of gryffindor tower; I think it's cute in fanon though<3
endnotes/tldr since I wrote a whole essay:
ship and let ship. every (non-proship) ship is valid. this is what fanon's for.
let people hc and do what they want omg pls stop throwing hands over little things
have your opinions they're valid! just don't try to force them on others!!
feel free to argue with me in notes if you want; just be respectful please! I'm down to hear others' opinions; you might change my mind on stuff!!
might add more if I missed anything! I just thought it was lowkey important to put my opinion out here.
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ebonysplendor · 8 months
Where Winter Crows Go Review ❄️🐦‍⬛
TL;DR: Chaga mushrooms ain't the only thing that Crowe be foraging, but this time he doesn't want to share the spoils with the squad for research purposes.
Game Link: https://prikarin.itch.io/where-winter-crows-go
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Optional Reader-Insert with choice of pronouns, Yandere LI, 17+ Spiciness: 1/5 -- It gets a little flirty, but it's sweet and innocent LI Red Flags: 3/5 -- Manipulative, little hands on, has a temper
Want to know more? Well, let's get into it!
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Okay, so, the full release finally came, and ya girl was SO excited! The demo was very promising, but I needed a little more convincing. That being said, this wasn't by any means one of the one's that I was the most ecstatic about, but I was still excited enough about it to check back occasionally for the full release. I just so happened to get lucky recently and saw that it had actually dropped back in November. So, I was late, but not embarrassingly so. Now, this review on the other hand... But listen! I just recently decided to take the plunge and start making reviews, so mind ya business lol.
Anyways, this isn't about me and my tardiness, this is about this pleasant little game that really went for it in the full version, and boi, did they go for it!
I'd classify this as one of those "slow burn" visual novels, simply because it's not obvious that our LI is a lil' psycho off the rip, and there's nothing too unsettling from the jump aside from getting caught in a blizzard. Actually, since we're on the topic, the LI -- his name is Crowe Lynn, by the way -- is actually pretty damn hospitable, and he's a full blown scientist. The most shocking part is, he isn't even doing anything sketchy! for the most part. He is deadass living in the middle of nowhere for research purposes and is writing books to know why nature is...well, naturing, for lack of better wording.
That being said, I think the intro is long enough, and I'm really excited to tell you more about this game, because you guys have got to play this whenever you get the chance! As always, I'm going to tell you as much as possible about the game without ruining the game itself.
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So, boom. We're -- or Aspen, should you decide to play through their eyes, but I prefer self-insert -- going on a trip in our favorite run down car to get to some town where there is supposed to be this really nice place to let off some steam via skiing. Trust me, we did research on this; we know what we're talking about. Anyways, while driving, we start noticing how we've been on this same road for a long time, and yet, we haven't seen anybody for an equally long time.
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Run down car? Long road? No one for miles? You already know what's about to happen.
Yep, you guessed it, we get a flat, and as you've also probably guessed, we have no spare tire, but bear with me! The game isn't this predictable, I swear! You've gotta understand that it can just be a little hard to get away from certain tropes, and let's be real, they kind've have to happen for plot purposes. I mean, think about if we actually had a tire in the trunk. We would've been outtie, we would've had a great trip, and there would've been no game lol. Sometimes, you just gotta cut the devs some slack.
Anywho, so yeah, flat tire and no spare. Naturally, we hike it to try to find some help, but the weather kind've picks up, and the clothes that we have, while appropriate for the cold, aren't adequate enough for a full blown blizzard. No worries though, because guess who comes to the rescue? This guy!
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Everybody, this is Crowe. Crowe, this is everybody.
As you'd expect (I know I keep saying that, but lmao it's not a overly predictable game, I swear!), Crowe is this really chill dude. Actually, more than a chill dude, he's a massive nature nerd. That's actually why he's out in the middle of the woods anyways! Like I mentioned before, he's researching why nature be naturing, specifically -- at least, his current topic from the way it was worded is -- partial migration. If you've never heard of that, don't even worry about it, in the game he explains it to us. Like, I'm telling you. This man is super into this stuff, and we love a smart man.
Getting away from that though, he basically ends up telling us that the town that we're in is pretty much deserted with the exception of like 13 other people, and because of the blizzard, the time it'd take to clean the roads, the likelihood of there being another blizzard right behind the one that just happened, and cleaning up after that blizzard, getting to our planned destination just wasn't going to happen. ...Well, shit.
What are we going to do then? Our car has a flat, we can't travel, and there's not any resorts nearby. No worries though, because the bae came through! He said "Oh, you can just stay with me!" Oh wooooooord???
So guess what we do? Make ourselves cozy in this bomb ass cabin. I'm not even exaggerating about that. Like, this cabin is REALLY nice! Take a peek!
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That's just our room and the hallway. You can only imagine how bomb the rest of the place looks. Like, I'm telling y'all, it's super cozy up in here. But we must stay focused! And by we, I mean me, because I could go on and on about how nice this cabin looks.
Back to the topic at hand though, we've agreed to stay with Crowe, even though, we honestly don't have much of a choice, but it was just dope that Crowe was cool with everything. That being said, during our stay, we do all kinds of pretty cool stuff! We go foraging with him for chaga mushrooms and winterberries, we create some powders to add to other stuff, and we make some medicines. Everything was going super smoothly ... until it wasn't.
Crowe kind've has...a weird temper. Like, we had accidentally gotten hurt, and he had gotten super pissed about it. We love a man that cares about his guest, but he was a bit overdramatic about it. You'd think we would've lost a limb or something. The main thing that got him really pissed, though, was when we had mentioned our car and implied leaving. He did not like that, and when I say we got into it bad? Oh, the insults were flying. Like, look at this!
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So, yeah, we fought, and what about it? It's whatever. Forget him...
...Actually, we felt really bad about the whole thing, and so did he. We talked it out, and everything was all good again; however, now he's acting really weird, we're getting really suspicious, and we still have to get home. That being said, we call it an early night, borrow one of his books, and pretty much make a gameplan so we can figure out how to get home as well as what the hell is going on that is not only making Crowe act weird, but what is going on in general.
And we do! We sneak out the next morning and ... we actually make things worse because now, we're REALLY confused. I'm not going to get into the details, but just know that there are more questions than answers at this point. So, yeah, while the investigating helped, it only helped a little, and I genuinely mean only a little.
One thing that we know for sure though...
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This man is definitely crazy in love with us.
And that's all I'm going to tell you! Lol I'm sorry! But if I tell you the rest, it'll literally be the ending, and it'll ruin it! You know how much I want you guys to play it, so no way am I going to spill the details, but like most visual novels, how it ends is completely up to the choices that you make.
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Guys...the full game delivered.
I prefer choice heavy visual novels like Darling Duality and Forcefully Yours, but this still wasn't bad by any means. I actually thought it was quite good! Like I said, the most shocking thing to me about all of this is that this man is deadass a scientist! Like, he really isn't doing anything entirely sketchy out there! That was the biggest plot twist of the century to me! But, anyways, letting go of that. Let me tell you more of my thoughts on the game, and why I feel like you should play it whenever you get the chance.
The visuals are absolutely stunning, first and foremost. So far, my favorite VN visual wise has been Mushroom Oasis, but this is definitely a solid number 2 spot. I absolutely adore the art style. I also appreciate the revamp that they did with Crowe. There is nothing wrong with femboys by any means, but to me, Crowe was a little girly looking, and he very much so looked like a small child lol. Like look at the difference in this.
This is the old Crowe Lynn
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And this is the new Crowe Lynn
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Lol you see what I mean? He looked like a child that wanted to be a scientist when he grew up versus the actual adult him that chose science as a profession. The redesign was definitely a good choice, and I love how he looks now, especially with the longer hair and worn out lab coat. What do you think, though? Which did you prefer?
Aside from that though, you know what one of my favorite things about the game was? The fact that -- and listen close, because this is about to be a tip! -- the endings that you get are based more on how the character feels about Crowe versus how Crowe feels about us. How curious is that?
In a majority of visual novels, the endings are literally dependent on how far we push the LI or their affinity for us, but it's not like that in this one. We get a different ending based on if we trust him or not, if we flirt back with him or ignore his remarks, and some other factors that I don't want to include and possible spoil the story. I just thought that was a really interesting take, and that was super creative of the developer. It was definitely refreshing to play as more of myself and base the gameplay on my -- or rather my character's -- feelings versus playing for the LI and his feelings.
With all that in mind, I definitely say give this game a go! It has a nice mystery/suspense to it, and not to mention, there is a really bomb song during the credits. I was so sad to see that it was not on Spotify! Well, let me clarify, it IS, but it's not available to me which sucks ass. It's not even on YouTube, and it hurts me so bad! Ugh!
Anyways, in case my feelings and opinions weren't clear -- play this game, play this game, play this game, play this game! As always, be sure to leave your comments on the dev's page if you feel like they've done a good job, and you want to give them that extra reassurance to keep making games. Of course, donations are always helpful to them as well! Like mentioned at the very top, here is a link to the game so that you can play it for yourself, and I really want you to play it for yourself!
That's all from me! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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Where Winter Crows Go
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thedrarrylibrarian · 4 months
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I know I always say this, but it’s always true - I am so excited for this month’s guest reccer! To say that Grace, who writes as @mintawasalreadytaken, has excellent taste would be an understatement - she is a tastemaker. I realized as I was looking through a server that we’re both in that I read Coyote Ugly (which I recced a few weeks ago) based on her recommendation first! She’s also an accomplished writer herself, so if you like her rec, be sure to check out her works.
I leave the format of the rec up to the guest reccer - sometimes people use emojis, sometimes they give the rec as bullet points, and sometimes people prefer to write paragraphs. Grace asked if we could have a conversation about this fic together, and I eagerly agreed! I’ll be TDL below, and she’ll be Grace. Just as a heads up, there are minor spoilers for the fic below the cut.
Without further ado, I present the May Happy Hour Recommendation - in conversation with @mintawasalreadytaken!
I Do Not Love You by @writandromance (228,290 words, Rated M)
In 2013, a carefully-designed Obliviation leaves Harry reconfiguring his life and identity without any memories of true love; an act that's essentially erased Draco Malfoy from his mind despite a wedding band and shared home.
In 2000, Draco had expected Pansy's relationship with Luna to bring the Gryffindors a bit closer to his orbit of quiet, carefully pacifistic existence, but he never expected to navigate such a transparent embrace into a unit of family, friendship, and love.
A mystery, two love stories, and a reminder that learning to love never has an end date.
TDL: You picked I Do Not Love You for this month's rec. Would you start by telling people who have never read it why they should give it a try?
Grace: I think I speak for a lot of us in the world of fanfiction, specifically Drarry fanfic, that we're not generally known for being chill about our obsessions. So, as someone who's read a lot of hurt/comfort and angst, I Do Not Love You stands out to me because it does a number of interesting things with its key trope, amnesia. It's a love story told backwards, and a love story that's as much about hate and how hate destroys as it is about love and how love builds.
TDL: I appreciate that you brought up the love story told backwards - I think that's one of the best parts of this story. The way, especially at the beginning, that the two plot-lines contrast makes it stand out to the reader about what Harry's lost, even when Harry himself doesn't realize.
Grace: Mmhmm, agreed. We start very firmly rooted in Harry's POV, with an eventual back and forth POVs between Harry and Draco, at opposite ends of the timeline of their relationship. So there's this wonderful tension there, right from go.
TDL: I think that's something very smart and enjoyable about Writ's writing. She's very good at creating that tension and then trusting the reader with it. She’s excellent at showing one perspective, and letting the reader infer the other perspective. It would've been easy to write from Draco's POV and get all of his angsty heartbreak firsthand, but instead she writes it from Harry's POV and we get his anger and are left to come to our own conclusions about Draco's hurt. It makes the conclusions more powerful to the reader.
Grace: Trusting the reader is certainly one of her strengths. Part of my deep enjoyment of this fic is how it begs to be re-read. It's only on the re-read that certain details, "tells" in Draco's behaviour, for example, become clear indicators of what will happen. But you need to learn them from Harry's POV first. It makes for a very fun circular read, in that way. Another way that trust is established masterfully is the contrast between Harry's anger in the present and the vignettes of his empathetic, whole-hearted earnestness in the flashback scenes. The distance between the two Harry's emotional states is enough for the reader to draw their own conclusions of how much it must pain Draco to go through this experience.
Though I will say, the angsty heartbreak moment we do get to see firsthand gets me every time. It's the most delicious stab in the heart!
TDL: I know it’s a spoiler, but will you be specific? What part exactly are you thinking of?
Grace: “I lost my husband.”
TDL: I put that quote down in my notes too - and "I didn't even get to say goodbye."
Grace: It gets to the heart of the worst part of a beautiful relationship: the fear of loss.
TDL: So we've done our favorite angsty moments. This fic, while angsty, is also really full of fun and funny moments. Does anything stick out to you along those lines?
Grace: Two stick out to me immediately. One is a callback to the Pablo Neruda quote off the top, from which the fic takes its title. "Your hand on my chest is my hand,” only Harry adds his own sexy twist to it, lol. The second is this incredibly tense moment mid-fight where Harry snaps about how long it would take to fall back in love with Draco and Draco's deadpan response of "You said 'when'" which is peak Drarry to me. That stubbornness in the face of literally anything, even the other avowing their supposed hatred.
What's your favourite funny moment?
TDL: Oh it’s got to be when we find out later that Pansy laughed at the toothbrush incident. It's just such a best friend thing to do. It felt like something I'd do to my sister or that she'd do to me and I think it added a realness to their friendship. They’re ride or die for each other, but they also laugh at each other, even in the hard times. I also love any scene Jules is in!
Grace: Agreed! The toothbrush moment was hilarious. And Jules is one of my favourite of Harry's familiars/pets-with-speaking-roles, ever.
TDL: I'm obsessed with the idea of a chameleon speaking Parseltongue! I also feel like Jules' character had a lot of thought put into it - what would be important to a chameleon? What would a chameleon notice and think in this situation?
Grace: Yes, his take on death and his sense of humour about it – that bonds Harry to him. The lens of his understanding of the relationship between Harry and his "ice queen" and the purpose of molting. It was all so well done. The fact that Jules can infer Harry's emotional state and then decides on whether and to what degree to argue about what kind of feed he requests is so spot on. Amazing characterization work.
TDL: With all of Harry and Draco’s friends and family, this fic had an ensemble of characters. Were there any other favorites?
Grace: My two favourites live on opposite sides of the spectrum. Ron, for his stoic, constant style of quiet and level-headed support. And Blaise, a true wild-card, who is ruled enough by ego to do things that endanger his relationships with both Harry and Draco, just never too much. They love him for it, even though he can be a chaos monster.
TDL: Blaise was on my list too! I thought his shenanigans brought a lot to the fic and I thought it was cool to see him portrayed as an equally important friend to both Harry and Draco that Harry saw him as someone to turn to for help, not just “Draco’s friend” but “my friend.”
Grace: The melding of friend groups, as most often happens when you're in a long term relationship, was done masterfully here. and the lines drawn in the sand becoming murky in places and crystal clear in others when a break-up looms, too.
TDL: Which brings us back to that relatable fear of loss - this loss is not just one person but friendships, community, a life and a future.
Something else that I want to mention is how immersive this fic is, even in a re-read. I knew what was coming and was still hooked.
Grace: True! It begins with a focus on interiority. We get the emotional punches first, and then the plot to underpin it. But in my view, the plot comes second to the feelings. It's a fic that invites you as the reader to put yourself into Draco's shoes. We all experience loss and so when we get thrown into this situation of experiencing what, for both of them, they consider a world-ending loss, we relate. The troubles only begin there, because after that there's still waking up every day and trying, again and again.
TDL: For a fic whose title refuses love, what better description is there for love than waking up every day and trying, again and again.
Is there anything else you’d like to add before we end this rec?
Grace: Just to say thank you for entertaining this, and for your thoughtful questions! And to thank Writ for writing this masterpiece of a painful, quietly beautiful love story. And to end on a quote – one of the ones I come back to constantly, as a reminder to self of the usefulness in trying at the things we find the most difficult: 
"Aw, don't get smart to wash off all the vulnerability, you wore it so well," he replied, eyes sparkling. As he backed towards the doorway, his arms opened wide. "Bask in the beauty of a difficult, emotional conversation." 
xoxo minta / grace
❤️ As always, if you enjoy this rec, please bookmark abd leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Friday!
PS - If you're interested in knowing what Grace and I are reading next, @writandromance just started posting a new Pride and Prejudice based fic. It's not complete, but chapter one went up today and we are so excited!
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fanaticbitchhh · 11 months
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anthony lockwood x injured!gn!reader
warnings: blood, fluff!, lockwood being incredibly full of himself (as per usual)
synopsis: you cut your hand with your rapier while tracking down a ghost, having been caught off guard. lockwood comes to your rescue, patching you up once you arrive back home.
a/n: im so srry its short, i had no motivation but i did at the same time. i also changed the plot half way through writing and i couldn't be bothered to change the first half.
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lucy, lockwood and you walk through the door, you were lucky lucy carries around a small emergency first aid kit, you would've thought you'd bleed out by the time you got back to 35 portland row.
lockwood grips your unhurt wrist, dragging you softly up the stairs to the bathroom. you hop up onto the counter and wait for lockwood to gather the supplies he needed.
he eventually finds them, after a few minutes of rummaging around the bathroom. he gently grips your injured hand, being extremely cautious.
lockwood wraps your hand lightly, careful not to hurt you. "i thought you were supposed to be an expert with your rapier..." he teases.
"i got scared, she just jumped infront of me and i got startled.." you roll your eyes. "technically wasnt my fault."
"i think that means it is your fault, darling," lockwood tells you, smiling at your response. still, he keeps tending to your wound, being sure to avoid hurting you any further.
"you know, i wouldn't have been scared of that ghost," he says, trying to comfort you by showing how brave (and also just awesome) he is.
"full of yourself much locky?" you smirk with a small blush on your face, knowing how annoyed he got by people calling him that.
he only ever let one person call him 'locky' and he told you many great stories of her, of flo bones. the legend herself.
he smirks in response to your retaliation.
"plus, the ghost had an ugly face" you shrug. "AND she just randomly popped up infront of me, she could've touched me and you would be sobbing so hard over me." you tease, a small smile on your face since you knew he would be upset.
you and lockwood had been in a relationship for a few months now, it was fairly new but you knew you loved eachother. you didnt want to wait for anything, any of lockwood and co. could die at any moment, you prefer to spend as much time as humanly possible with all of them, which is fairly easy since you all live together.
he chuckles a bit, even he knew it would be true.
"well, good thing you arent dying on me any time soon." he says, he seems to be reassuring himself with the statement.
you smile at him as he finishes up wrapping your hand.
"thanks locky." you laugh, hopping off the counter.
"i love you y/n." he smirks, you blushed.
he knew exactly how to get you to blush, he was quite proud of the fact honestly.
"i love you too." you smile, reaching up to kiss his cheek.
"why're you so lanky?" you mutter, pulling away from his cheek.
"i dont know love, genetics i guess." he winks.
"well, m' gonna thank genetics for making you so handsome" you say.
"im gonna have to thank em' for making you so perfect love" he smiles, leaving you standing in the bathroom a blushing mess.
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tjerra14 · 1 month
[chinhands] Hey so. If you could put Ikrie into Forbidden West, what would she be doing?
Oh buddy, I am SO glad you asked! The short answer to this would probably be "chase her down and then glue herself to Aloy's side because her spear needs company and what else is she gonna do" but since I'm slightly (pathologically) passionate about all That, I'll put a longer one under the cut (and buckle up because it will likely be overly long)
It's no secret that I'm an ardent believer in "Ikrie would not stay in the Cut" because there's just too much in the game's text to suggest otherwise. She categorically excludes going back to the White Teeth, and quite possibly the other werak(s) she's known since then at the end of her quest on the foundation of her beliefs not aligning with theirs, brings up the possibility of maybe forming her own werak further down the line; and when you meet her again at Snowchants, she expresses a certain uncertainty about what she wants to do with her future. Will she go back to Ban-Ur, after a little time to heal? Will she build Hunting Grounds of her own? "Fate's a long climb on a high cliff for people like you and me," she tells Aloy, and who knows where fate will lead her?
If you're a little deluded, like me, the answer to that would be "Aloy's side". She certainly is overjoyed to see her again at Snowchants, and when you tell her that you'll do her challenge another time, one of her possible replies is "Then I'll stay a little longer." For her. (cue me chewing through concrete again) But then Aloy leaves for the West, and isn't exactly subtle about it considering she just disappears after the Spire affair. Even if you don't stick with my personal headcanon (which sees Aloy asking Ikrie to come with her), I still think that word of what happened at the Spire (or is going to happen, depending on the timeline you prefer to follow) would reach the Cut, and eventually Snowchants, and Ikrie; and I can't imagine her sitting on her hands knowing the one person who helped her when she was at her lowest could use some help now (plus we all know Ikrie isn't all that good at boundaries and letting things and people go). (There's also a whole bunch about her and Inatut teaming up as Gildun's bodyguards and ending up in the West that way in my head.) So, if we then just skip to the "what would she be doing" instead of the "how did she get there", I always thought she would be a) a much needed addition to the gang (there is no real Banuk representative, as Sylens doesn't really count. Granted, with Talanah's bigger role having been scrapped, the Carja are also amiss, but I've always felt that to really drive home the point of the game, having members of all tribes as Aloy's companions would've been crucial, and they failed to deliver on that) and b) nicely tie into the Utaru arc. I really like Varl, so nothing against him, but I've always felt his role during the Dying Lands cauldron dive would've been better given to another character. He was there kinda just to hold Zo's hand, and while he did a good job at that, to me it also felt it didn't add all that much to the plot and character development, and was frankly a little underutilised. He was just Kinda There. The only stake he had in this was accompanying his friend and girlfriend, and while you can make the argument that alone was enough, he didn't really have as much connection to what was going on main plot-wise as the others (Zo, Kotallo, Alva) had with their respective sections of the subfunction collection quest. So here's where I'm fully going off the rails: I would've thrown Ikrie into that mix. She's from the Cut. She knows a thing or three about machines, be it fighting them or how they work and normally behave ("In thin air, [Scrappers] can smell metal for miles"), and she knows how Hephaestus affects them. Sure, Apex machines are a step up from Daemonic ones, but the pattern persists, and I'm pretty sure that upon seeing them roaming Utaru lands she would be able to make the connection similar to Aloy. And knowing what they have done to her people, she would have ample motivation to prevent the same happening to the Utaru. Not to mention it would've been fascinating to see her interact with Utaru culture and their approach to the Land-Gods, as I see a lot of overlap but also plenty of differences between Utaru and Banuk mindsets, and well. She seems an interesting character to explore some of that. After that, there's the Base. From then on, I'd just think she'd be part of the team. Maybe disassembling machine parts. Kissing Aloy. Hogging the work bench where you have to collect millions of parts to get a corrupted override working. Not that I necessarily think that she would be particularly good at that at first, but she'd likely be interested to learn. After all, if everything she sees turns Banuk belief and tradition on its head, why not figure out how things work in a different way? Also causing some havoc with Kotallo, because why not.
ANYWAY. This has gotten overly long, but the gist of it is. Ikrie in HFW. Yes.
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neko-loogi · 1 year
Hey y'all, sorry I'm late but I'm back with another one of these Helluva Boss opinion thingies-
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Alright so the new episode, to be honest I enjoyed it more than the previous ones but I have to admit it still has its flaws. So let's discuss that.
So there's the whole Ozzie and Fizz being together, being all lovey-dovey. And honestly? It's the cutest shit I've ever seen. Stolas and Blitzo wish they could have that lmao
I also wanted to point out that I absolutely love the aesthetic of the Lust Ring (well mostly because it's purple and blue with neon pinks, which is different from the usual red that Viv is so obsessed with-). My only complaint however?
Is that the background should be slightly darker because characters like Ozzie blend a little too well with them. I mean, I can understand why the background is bright and all that, but Viv just loves to make her characters be barely noticeable in the shot-
Now, there's a few things I don't like about this episode, for starters, the pacing was absolute dogshit. Like, everything went by so fucking fast, I had to often pause the episode several times just to look at shit in the background or just the scene in general. It was a hard episode to digest, really.
Another thing I found stupid and unnecessary was the whole Ozzie signing contracts with Stolas- it was very out of place and like, it honestly felt like they just added that to pat the run time. Not only that but, why couldn't Ozzie just go to the Greed Ring and beat the crap out of Crimson and his goons for kidnapping Fizz? Like, I was legit expecting Ozzie to go in and do some crazy shit but he didn't- he just stood there, signing a bunch of papers and for what?? Fr that shit was anticlimactic.
Then there's the "accident" that caused Fizz to lose his limbs and horns. Honestly the scene was somewhat impactful for me but at the same time it went by too fast. And not only that, I hate that Blitzo admits that it was his fault, yet he makes everything about himself like- COULD YOU NOT DO THAT, YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT??? And you know what makes me even more mad about this scene? Is the fact that Blitzo had feelings for Fizz and was going to confess to him- WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Istg can Viv stop making Blitzo being this uwu pathetic sad baby of an OC who fucks everything that breathes? (no wonder she made him canonically pansexual, it just shows-).
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I also think it was stupid to make Fizz apologize to Blitzo- like, I don't care if what he did was an accident, that shit was fucked up. And it just seems so off that Fizz was all like "yeah you fucked me up and ruined my life but y'know what? I forgive you because plot reasons". I dunno man, it just doesn't sit well with me.
*Edit: I personally would've much preferred if Fizz didn't apologize to Blitzo, kinda like how his sister Barbie did. Where she just told him to fuck off and that she never wanted to see him again.
There's also the song that Fizz randomly sings at the end- it's terrible. I legit cringed the whole time while watching the entire scene. And finally uhh, Striker and Crimson working together was really stupid, it felt like a desperate attempt to make something look cool but it failed miserably.
Anyway, that's all. Thanks for reading, uh bye-
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deafchild2000 · 7 months
I don't care how you guys feel about Charlotte, if there's one thing I'm glad S2 (in it's prime) explored - it was generational merfolk magic.
(Admitting Charlotte truther here) I find it fascinating exploring Mako Island and the generations of mermaids over the years for many reasons. Let's be honest, there's plenty of H2O fanfiction on Fanfiction.Net that tried exploring the H2O gang growing up and having powers to various degrees. Some focus on adulthood and drag it out while others get to the marriage and children phase a bit too quickly, but a few stand out just right (and by right, I mean "I could read this as if I'm watching it on TV"). But what I gather trying to read is Next Generation fics. Some writers opt to say the girls had normal children and don't tell them the Secret - which leads to history repeating and the daughters and/or sons finding their way onto Mako and going through the Metamorphosis. Others say the children are born with their powers, therefore automatically in on the Secret. And I think I recall a fic that ventured into the girls (or maybe just Cleo) becoming grandmothers themselves.
(FYI: It's a lot more telling how long ago a fanfic was written if the mermen in them have orangey-gold tails or any other colors pre-Mako Mermaids.)
Overall, I do appreciate those stories, but that doesn't diminish my preference for the past mermaids or what they could've/would've done if taking the present canon into account. I wanna explore how being mermaids in the 50s had worked out, if Gracie's choice was what split the group up, or if it was the tip of the iceberg. But mostly, I wanna know why Gracie was the only one to have a family and the implications of her ties to Mako after no longer being a mermaid. Did Gracie leave and never look back? Could Annette have been an 80s mermaid if she had returned? And regardless of how she came in, was Charlotte being drawn to Mako and becoming a mermaid really shocking?
Or what about Julia? The only reason we found out she died was because her locket sold at an estate sale and ended up at a jewelry shop. But did that have to necessarily mean she was alone or could it be implied she did have family and they sold her stuff without realizing the significance of the locket? What if someone did try to look for it and couldn't track it down? Maybe, if not directly a grandchild, but a grand-niece or nephew?
So in that hypothesis, out of the 4 known members of the 50s group, Gracie and Julia had more reasons to have had families in their lives while Louise (an elderly widow) and Max (a recluse hermit) didn't.
I understand we got used to the iconic OG girls, but there are too many holes and plots to be left unexplored.
((Before I end on this note, let me send this off that next-generation tropes don't necessarily have to apply to children and grandchildren. I'll fan the flame that Kim Sertori could have received the torch and become a mermaid. Cleo and co. were off the college and with the moon pool supposedly damaged, it wouldn't be like more mermaid hijinx could occur...that they'd be aware of. And what if Taryn Marler (Julia in S2 and Sophie in S3) had been brought on as a twenty-something woman who endured Metamorphosis, unlike the teenagers before her? Her character - Rachel Samuels from Blue Water High S2, free to watch on YouTube - had a much more preferable persona for H2O, so why not combine them into someone fleshed out? Instead of the main characters having children or having them help out the next random group of teenaged Merfolk - why not focus on a narrative of a mermaid's siblings finally stepping into her shoes and a woman entering her adult years as a mermaid?))
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seungkwansphd · 2 years
room for interpretation [preview]
pairing: lawyer!jeonghan x lawyer!reader word count: 700-ish of TBD 🤡 synopsis: as top of class, you and jeonghan had been many things to each other. enthusiastic rivals, begrudging allies, and...parties to a jokingly written (but legally binding) marriage contingency contract? this piece of paper would've been long forgotten had an unexpected merger not thrown you back into each others' lives. themes: rivals to coworkers to tentative friends to lovers, "if we're both single by X age" marriage contract, probably smut?, angst?, lots of PLOT to be determined.
a/n: i feel like i've been kinda MIA lately, so wanted to share what i've been working on! all of this is a WIP, so lmk ur thoughts
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“Jeonghan! YN!” Peter grabbed your hands suddenly, “Look at you. Are you truly resigned to a life of loneliness? You both have strong potential to make partner before thirty five, but are you willing to give up your happiness to do so?”
“I-,” Jeonghan laughed.
Jeonghan thought for a moment. It was back of mind right now, but he did envision himself with a family in the future.
“I don’t plan to compromise on anything,” you laughed, glancing at Jeonghan as Peter went to go refill his beer.
“Oh no?” He raised an eyebrow in interest.
“Certainly not,” you shook your head vehemently. “I’m a catch. I’ll be married before I’m thirty and make partner before thirty-five. I will have it all.”
Jeonghan wanted to roll his eyes and smile at the same time. You had been like this for as long as he’d known you. Confident, smart, and stubborn. You were a huge pain in the ass, but that was also why he respected you. There simply wasn’t anyone else in your class that could give him a run for his money in the way that you did. As a result, you were his frequent sparring partner, even if you wouldn’t consider yourselves friends.
“Good luck with that,” he scoffed, bringing his class to his lips. “Peter has a point. The hours and demands of an associate trying to make partner are crazy. It would be stupid to try and date through all that.”
“It’s not my fault that no one’s interested in you,” you teased.
This wasn’t true at all. While quite the thorn in your side, Jeonghan was also incredibly smart, infuriatingly tenacious, and not difficult to look at by any means. He probably could successfully date while making partner if he wanted to.
Jeonghan’s eyes flicked over you, giving you a withering look.
“We both know that's not true.”
“Not sure why you're so concerned about bagging someone before thirty then,” you goaded him, taking a sassy sip from your glass.
“I prefer to be realistic.”
“It is realistic…for me.”
Jeonghan was staring you down now, eyes narrowed slightly at you in something akin to annoyance. This often happened when you two took up arms.
“Let's make it interesting,” Jeonghan suggested.
You furrowed your brows. This was not a good sign.
“If neither of us is married by the time we're thirty, we'll be each others’ contingency plans.”
“What?” you coughed.
“I mean, it shouldn't be a concern for you, since you’re more than sure you’ll be married by then. And you're so sweet to be worried about whether I'll be married by thirty, so this should put your mind at ease.”
Your eyes swiveled around in your head, trying to understand exactly how he had managed to twist the conversation into this?
“I’ve returned with more alcohol,” Peter announced as he set three more beers on the table.
You shifted away from Jeonghan and faced the beverages with an awkward grimace. You weren't even halfway done with your first beer.
“What's happening?” you looked up at Jeonghan with confusion.
You’d been studying tax law in the library when a hand had slapped a sheet of paper over your text. Jeonghan had a triumphant look on his face, almost as if he’d bested you in a mock trial.
As if that explained anything.
“For?” you asked, rifling through your brain to see if there was some contract related assignment that you had forgotten about.
“Our marriage contingency contract.”
“What?” you made a face at him. 
“Legally binding. Feel free to review.”
“I-,” your curiosity took over as you grabbed the document, scanning it over.
Jeonghan wasn’t top of class for no reason. He had really written this in language that was clear. There was little to no room for interpretation. If you signed this, you would be marrying Yoon Jeonghan if you were still single at thirty.
“Nice work,” you gave the contract a gentle pat as you slid it back towards him. “It’s good to practice our writing skills.”
“Aren’t you going to sign?” he asked, eyes glancing to your pen pointedly.
“Are you serious?” you asked, slightly exasperated at his persistence now. “What is the point of this?”
Jeonghan crossed his arms. He’d never taken you for a coward.
“I guess you aren’t that confident that you’ll be married before thirty.”
Your hackles raised. It was funny because you were often commended for sidestepping goading in practice courtroom settings. In fact you prided yourself on it, but this time when Jeonghan laid out the bait, you took it hook, line, and sinker.
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