#ik not a lot of folks see these posts but i have a good time just talking abt my thoughts and plans even just to myself so whatever <3
starry-simming · 1 year
i have a lot of ideas for the Beckhams going into at least the 50s, i just have to get back into it. i think its good to take breaks and do other stuff, ive been having a grand time doing strangerville and sharing that. but i also am excited especially to get to the 20s and 30s with the Beckhams
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pumpkinsy0 · 16 days
Two-Bit growing up after Dallas’s death makes all the sense in the world to me. HEAR ME OUT: Darry while close with the group doesn’t necessarily hang out with them one on one. He’s the adult of the group if you will, and has his own priorities right now. Plus the fact that he is older than most of them so it would hard for them to bond at times. Next you have Steve and Sodapop who are as thick as thieves. The two are linked at the hip and are always around each other. Except during school hours when Two-Bit and Steve hang out. Then we have Johnny and Ponyboy…we’ll need I say more?
Two-Bit had Darry for a long time, but since the Curtis Parents death things have grown tense. Darry has to grow up while Two-bit doesn’t,not really anyway.I imagine he and Dallas spent a good chunk of time together. Both because they were the closest in age but also because they had a wild streak.Both aren’t exactly tied to anything, and mostly likely wreaked havoc in the town. In a way they had their own thing going on. Dallas didn’t have to act as an older brother figure and got to act more his age around Two. Two-Bit didn’t have to be a wise cracking joker..well not always. Sometimes he could just be Keith and that was good enough. The two were partners in crime, and in their own way brothers.But then Dallas death happens, a death that’s so horrific on so many levels. The implications of his death making Two-Bit’s head spin.
Johnny and Dallas’s death hits hard on the gang but Dallas’s death would bit Two-Bit harder because of HOW he died. Yes a cop shot him, but Two-Bit knew better. He knew it was only a matter of time before Dallas lost it. He isn’t quite angry at Dallas, but he isn’t exactly at peace either.On those days he finds himself sitting across Dallas’s grave. For once he can’t seem to find something to say, instead just sits there silently. Two-Bit misses a lot of things in life. He missed how close he and Darrel use to be, or how he and Johnny had sleepovers when things got bad with his folks, and he misses how simple things use to be.But most of all? He just misses his brother.
((THIS IS A LONG WINDED RANT IK!! I’m so so sorry your probably sick of me by now 🫡😭.And don’t get my wrong I have ALOT of ideas on how Two-Bit feels about Johnny post death BUT I wanted to keep it strictly Dallas and Two-Bit centered.))
to add on, before he grew up, he was just, questioning things
what would stick w two bit about it is like, the LAST time he saw dally, it was just him spiraling, like just losing himself, and the LAST time two actually talked to dally was when dally asked for his switchblade, something he cherished and gave up without a second thought for him, but dally killed himself leaving him essentially w nothing, so maybe sometimes two would stay up at night wondering how dally felt towards him and if he cherished him the same way he did dally, get what i mean????
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inbarfink · 7 months
Okay, so that previous post was a bit of a goof but also… kinda not?
I mean, I already did a silly rambly post trying to figure out my thoughts about an Ineffable Husbands Petrigrof AU. And specifically about the idea of how an Aziraphale-as-Simon-as-Ice-King would even work and what he would be obsessed with. By that I mean that books seems like the obvious choice but also that might be too well-suited for Aziraphale? You know, when the whole point of the Magic Crown’s curse is that it made Simon into a totally different person. Like, it’s not like Ice King liked collecting ancient artifacts… or books for that matter. Simon loves books too!
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And it’s really just recently that it hit me that I was looking at it from the totally wrong angle! Like, Simon was not just generally inclined towards princesses from the get-go - he became obsessed with princesses and romance because he was missing Betty! That’s like a whole Big Obvious Point in ‘Holly Jolly Secrets’!
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So what I need to think about isn’t just the Magic Crown exaggerating and twisting Aziraphale’s general personality and behavior - it’s the Magic Crown exaggerating and twisting Aziraphale’s behaviors and emotions when he feels like he lost Crowley forever. The question here is ‘how would Aziraphale cope with losing Crowley’ and then twisting and exaggerating it until Aziraphale feels like a wholly different person.
(or, well, nearly so. I mean, like I said the chasm of difference between Simon Petrikov and Ice King are a very important thematic point I would like to preserve but also… given as this IS an AU, I would also like every variation of Aziraphale to read as Recognizably Azirapahle on some level. So that means the difference between ‘Ezra Fell’ and ‘Snow Angel’ might not be as extreme as the original Simon and IK but… it should still be a Difference!)
So… well… this might be yet another case where Good Omens S3 would end up being very instructive to an Adventure Time AU. Like, how would Aziraphale act if he thought that he lost Crowley forever? Well, just Wait and See in S3! Buuut… S3 is still a long way away (and also the circumstances between the Ineffable Divorce and what happened with Simon and Betty are very different so whatever happens in S3 might not be a perfect match), so let’s see what I can think up right now…
Does Snow Angel just kidnap random people to try and make them his drinking buddies or take them out to dinner? Does he try to go after, like, ‘bad boys’? Maybe he tries to make Evil folks good with the power of his ‘love’? You know, that’s not what the Aziraphale/Crowley dynamic actually is but it is the misconception Aziraphale seems to have about it sometimes - so it can play into the whole ‘whoops turns out my view of our relationship was totally biased and wrong!’ thing Simon goes through in ‘Fionna and Cake!
Or maybe instead of kidnapping people… Snow Angel is infamous in Ooo for putting himself in perilous situations and looking for some romantic rescue that never quite comes? 
Or maybe Aziraphale’s longing for Crowley makes him fall even more into his hedonistic streak. You know, Crowley loves to tempt him, enjoying Earthly Indulgences together is their most common pastime… If Aziraphale was trying to chase the Feeling that Crowley Made Him Feel while the Magic Crown was also eating away at his sanity and his actual memories of Crowley… maybe the thing he ends up chasing in a futile attempt to fill the hole Crowley has made in his life is just more and more mindless hedonism? (And you can actually bring the Book Hoarding idea back into it, it’s just that Snow Angel would be hoarding a lot more than just books)
Or maybe Aziraphale would go in the total opposite direction, maybe he’ll cope by totally turning his back on Crowley and his questions and their mutual love of life and instead start embracing Heaven-like ideas of coldness and discipline and an incredibly black-and-white, self-righteous and self-centered view of the world? On the one hand it feels very thematically appropriate for the Magic Crown’s effect on Aziraphale to be counterpart to Heaven Propaganda…. But on the other hand, I feel like it kinda leads Snow Angel into being a more Serious type of villain than an Ice King Counterpart should be?
I still need to think which of these options I like best, but I feel like I’m finally going at the right direction for this AU! Right now I am leaning mostly to the hedonism focus, especially as it seems like a good way to balance out the whole thing where Ezra Fell and Snow Angel can have seemingly totally different personalities but also on some level are both recognizably a version of Aziraphale Goodomens?
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cupidsdescendant · 2 years
Mercs helping with period cramps! (Part 2)
Hiya babes <3! I hope you all are having a happy holiday! If u don’t celebrate Christmas I hope you have a happy whatever-day!💗💗💗💗 thank you for all the support I’ve been getting on my last posts I appreciate it beyond words!
-clueless but considerate
-when he sees you struggling they try to help however he can
-pryo sees the world different from her view so whenever she sees you hurt or bleeding she believes that your period is a real life devil stabbing you
-yes ik it’s sorta weird but this is how I imagine pyros mind handling things
-usually he’ll punch the air as you lay on the floor or chop the wind believing they’re saving you
-you tell them to relax ! Explaining your menstrual cycle yourself to him in the simplest terms
-you give pryo a small list of what you need and he agrees
-he gets all the things you need in the…maybe more violent ways by killing the workers at the market in retaliation or not getting the stuff for free
-you know she loves you tho <3 and he tries his best!
-a respect full lad, but he doesn’t help much
-he doesn’t really know how to and he could care less
-“Dontcha got arms? You can get this yourself, mate” he says as he focuses on his rifle
-instead you insist he gets you things so he can visit you more often and hang out
-Spy him in the head after he saw Sniper ask if he was okay
-“YOU FOOL!” Spy says as he points to snipers chest and pushes him back a little
-“What the bloody hell is wrong with you, mate?!!” He says in retaliation
-spy gives him a lecture about being considerate to a woman and respectful blah blah and sniper reluctantly agrees
-Sniper legit tries but never gets the hang of it, he helps out in all sorta ways but it’ll always be wrong
-Months go by like this and Sniper always dreads when it’s your cycle because he feels bad he can never be the best for you
-“I can shoot at attah things” Sniper says as he shoots off the head of a Scout “but I cant finish the shot at this thing, doc.”
-Sniper begged Medic to come up to his camper to talk about it, reluctantly Medic listens
-Medic also teaches him how to be proper (spy also helps too lol) but after hours and days of training it’s no use
-Sniper will always tell you how much he loves you when he messes up at it and that he’ll try again next time, so rlly it’s the thought that counts <3
-Engi is already a sweet man and he’s even sweeter when you’re on your cycle
-he understands despite not having any experience with it before and he’s a wonderful listener
-he gets you everything you need no matter what, he gets them quickly!
-Engi will try to make devices to stop your cycle (all of them failing) but when you’re in bed with cramps he’ll sketch and write about a new design
-“it’s okay, pumpkin. This one will work I have a good feeling-!” He says as he kisses your cheek
-he feeds you southern dishes and foods in bed <33
-“uh ahuh-..uhm hello, darling..” Engi says nervously, he’s sweating like crazy and his entire face is red
-“yes Engi? Is something a matter?”
-“well..you see I have an ..idea for uhm..an “invention” he says with quotation marks “well it’s been done-e. befor-e.. but uh i’d like to customize it to fit you-..so I would-..l-like some measurem-ents…”
-“oh of course! What do ya need measured” Y/N says back with a warm smile
-“Uhm. I would need to-..measure your uh.. “ he clears his throat and whispers
“Your hoo-ha-“
“HE MEANS YA PUSSY!” Scout screams out as he laughs as a shook Engi
“WILL YOU GET OUT BOY!” Engi angrily yells back with
-You find out that Engineer wanted to measure your uh..yeah..so then he could make you a custom period cup
-you agree and in the end he makes it and gives it to you in a little bag with a bow
-“I’m very sorry, pumpkin. I should’ve been a lot more ..uh..better with the way I acted.”
-you kiss Engi on the cheek “it’s okay you didn’t do anything wrong. Thank you, hon”
Welp that’s all folks ! It’s currently 2:22 (make a wish <3) and I would love to sleep now from a long day. I hope you all stay safe and have a good day! Mwah! XOXOXO (part 3 will be out soon!)
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dreddedwheat · 9 months
Back to the Dredd-tomes: Judgement Day
Okay, so-!
Brief introduction: I used to have a previous blog that focused on my youthful fanboyism of the 2000AD and Judge Dredd universe. A few misstimed clicks a year or so back and that all got nuked, and it basically killed my enthusiasm for writing stuff up, since I lost a metric ton of amateur analysis, fan-mixes and other stuff that most people would usually forget.
There was a lot of back and forth with good folks like @judgeanon (who I credit with helping support what is a vanishingly small online discussion around Dredd and 2000ad in general), which is now sadly mostly lost. Usually for the better with my more immature antics, hence the fresh start and fresh name to go with it.
However, after a Christmas filled with a sudden surge of - probably ill-informed - Dredd buys, I decided to get back into things. That means actually talking about the comic that was formative for me as a fan of both comic-books and fiction in general...
And where better to start than the biggest, the meanest, and the best/baddest (depending on who you ask) Dredd epic, JUDGEMENT DAY. (Spoiler warnings, images courtesy of the 2000AD site and Google Search.)
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So, let's get into a basic overview of this contentious Dredd epic...
The Story so far: Judge Dredd is a law-enforcer in Mega-City One, a massive post-apocalyptic metropolis. As a Judge he's authorised to deliver instant sentencing on the spot, no jury or court necessary. He's judge, jury and executioner, and he is the law, but you probably already knew that.
Johnny Alpha is a Strontium Dog, a mutant bounty-hunter that wants to break free of life on an increasingly anti-mutant Earth. Taking on the bounties no-one else will touch, he utilises his unique 'Alpha Eyes' to see through walls, sense other people's intentions and more. He always gets his man.
Alright, now that introductions are out of the way, let's get into it. For the uninitiated, a Dredd 'epic' is a pretty standard description for a big summer storyline. This all started with the "Apocalypse War" back in the eighties, a storyline which defined not only Judge Dredd but also British Boy's comics.
For American fans, and British comic readers of a certain age (like me) it's hard to imagine a time when most British comics were simply lukewarm re-treads of the same adventure stories you'd read in the fifties, sixties and seventies. Of course, not all of these were bad - far from it - but like many things in Britain during the eighties they were a victim of a stuffy, uptight and squeamish society.
2000AD proved to be a seminal title in many ways, mostly in introducing borderline graphic violence, mature storylines, cynical themes and more complicated heroes. Judge Dredd, a tyrannical authoritarian supercop who nonetheless has strong principles and heroic intentions is the most emblematic of that.
However, for most of his lifetime Dredd had been a relatively straightforward and heroic figure. And although a direct criticism of this was not far away - in the form of the Democracy Now storyline - the Apocalypse War was perhaps the first time we saw Dredd on a firm backfoot.
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The lantern-jawed hero was put thoroughly on the defensive when the Sovs, a pastiche of Soviet-era Russia, attacked and destroyed a large portion of Mega-City One. It was a grand war story depicting the Judges of the city waging guerilla warfare and culminating with a particularly chilling page where Dredd retaliates using the Sov's own nukes, obliterating hundreds of millions of people.
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Yee-ikes, even nowadays this is vicious stuff. Now imagine this in a mag that's being sold next to "The Beano" on shelves and you can imagine why this was considered such a definitive storyline.
But, okay, why am I telling you this? Well, put simple, Judgement Day is a result of the inherent love that writer Garth Ennis, best-known now for titles like The Boys and Punisher Max, had for this storyline. At least that's the prevailing thesis put forwards by people like JA, God knows that online discussion of Dredd is hard to come by no matter what.
Regardless, this should set the stage. By now, Mega-City One has fazed many crises and successive near-extinction events. Most recently - at the time - Necropolis, where the Dark Judges (we'll get into them) invaded and took control of the city's Judges, attempting to carry out their campaign of omnnicide before being narrowly halted by Judge Dredd, McGruder, Cadet Giant and the everlovin' Psi-Judge Anderson.
So, stage-set, where does that lead us?
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Judgement Day is, in simple terms, Dredd vs Zombies. Pretty cliché now, but back in the 90s this was still a fresh and rather bloody concept. And regardless of what one thinks of Ennis' writing, the art is stunning and graphic, with Dredd mainstay Carlos Ezquerra taking center-stage. Although I'd argue that Dean Ormston is at least second-best if not better, with some mouthwatering - pardon the pun - depictions of flesh-eating zombies cribbing from giallo films.
Judge Dredd - and the rest of his post-nuclear world - suddenly face an overwhelming undead assault from the necromagus Sabbat. Resurrecting billions of corpses, Sabbat wages all-out war on the Mega-Cities, and all seems lost until the arrival of Johnny Alpha...
Alpha and Dredd had already met in the story "Top Dogs" where Johnny and his partner, the time-displaced viking Wulf Sternhammer, narrowly escaped capture by the lawman. Naturally, they don't get on too well.
Regardless, Alpha proves instrumental in helping Dredd - and a coalition of international Judges - finding and destroying (or near-enough) Sabbat in a bloody showdown in the Radlands of Ji, a part of post-nuclear China.
In-between we have lavish set-pieces of Dredd and his fellow Judges fending off hordes of the undead, flashes to other parts of the globe and other judges playing their part, as well as fantastic art throughout.
So, what's the problem?
Well, the main issue is that, as JA pointed out in his own posts on the storyline, Judgement Day is very much a 'blockbuster' event. And sadly, it's as close as 2000AD has ever gotten to emulating the American comics ideal of the big crossover event. And NOT in a good way. Although you couldn't criticise it for being slow-paced and overwrought, it has many issues that mark it out for fans.
For one, the storyline - as I only recently found out - ran consecutively in both 2000AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine, the latter a solely Dreddverse-focused publication. Now, obviously, the issues with asking people to buy two magazines, monthly and weekly, aside this also meant that the fairly fast-paced movie-style storyline was constantly being broken up.
Add onto that the ridiculous stakes ("Billions of people are dying! Planet Earth is on the brink!"), an at-times-confusing tone (Sabbat's zombies performing a Disney-esque musical number during the climactic showdown), the destruction of various international Mega-cities - few of which we'd even had the chance to know - and the borderline fanservicey pairing of Dredd and Alpha, and we have a recipe for...not a disaster, but something that's a bit of a messy moment in the Dredd saga.
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Because, yes, Dredd's story has been continuous, and while not concrete generally the broad-strokes have always been pretty solid (usually a tweak to a character's origin or what they said and did here, but stuff like the Apocalypse War is almost untouched). Judgement Day really feels like a moment where a lot of potential areas of the world like Brasilia, Mega-City Two and others were, quite literally, nuked off the face of the Earth. We also saw some interesting side-characters gored under the zombie hordes, such as Oz Judge Bruce and Judge Dekker.
Basically, Judgement Day slammed the door shut on potential plotlines, was shaky in terms of the publishing angle and overall had more of an overwrought Hollywood blockbuster than intense action-thriller. It also came hot on the heels of Necropolis, and arguably was part of a quick-succession of world-shaking crises such as Inferno which, as far as I can tell, numbed readership going into the 2000s.
Sabbat also stands as quite a weak villain. He rarely appears until the finale, and his backstory - a downtrodden teacher's pet turned murderous necromancer - may be an amusing reference to the aforementioned "Beano" but it's also a bit of a silly one for someone who's meant to be our big, brutal bad-guy, and not in a good way. He's not a bore to read, but sometimes his moments of simpering arrogance can undercut what is essentially an apocalyptic moment for the world of Dredd.
However, even more frustratingly, Judgement Day is also a massive stepping-stone in terms of the-then current Dredd plotline, making it very hard to ignore. It effectively marked Chief Judge McGruder's last major heroic moment, the first time we saw Judge Hershey take up the mantle of Chief Judge and perhaps the most definitive Alpha/Dredd crossover.
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I think it's a testament to the overall high-quality of major Dredd storylines that Judgement Day holds up as well as it does. But it also bears all the hallmarks of something that would work well in a vacuum, but which has a messy place in continuity. I'd loved to have seen a non-canon take on this, perhaps allowing us to bring in characters like Wulf Sternhammer - who was sadly offed before this storyline was written - into the zombie battle royale.
There's also some usual holdovers of poorly-aged stuff that was endemic to British comics at the time. Hondo-City, Ciudad Barranquilla and other areas get equal billing but some traces of their stereotypical origins remain. This storyline did go some way to fleshing out the wider world - as much as it obliterated it - of Dredd.
Yet I can't deny that, in the moment of reading, Judgement Day is enthralling. It's pure, gorey action and fanservice. I just wish it didn't cast such a shadow across later stories, and that it hadn't taken so many interesting places and people with it in the process.
Picking this story up, you know what you're getting, and if you're along for the ride...you'll have a hell of a time.
As it stands, Judgement Day is a weaker entry writing-wise but still well-worth picking up for the art and general premise alone. If you're a new Dredd fan and want something a bit lighter than the commonly-cited "America" storyline, this is a fine way to get into the fast-paced and more action-focused content of 2000AD without needing much forward knowledge.
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iightbringer · 5 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝓲. ︱ introduction.
hello all, thank you for taking the time to read this silly little blog intro!  my name is lucifer and you may use any pronouns you feel fit for me, i’m not picky in the least. i am twenty this year and a proud virgin— i mean .. virgo. i’m terrible at writing bio’s, so here’s just a few things to know about me — i come from a land down unda, i sow chaos, confusion and mild amounts of concern in the hearts of everyone i meet and oh, did i mention how much i fucking love frogs? like, i can’t get enough of those funky little guys. that muppet has inexplicably and irreparably ruined me. and now, moving right along with a word from our sponsor, who just so happens to be the most beautiful, amazing girl in the entire world — my darling girlfriend! love you, boo <3
❝⠀⠀ hi. i'm lucifer's 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉 &. today i'm here 2 talk abt the one nd the only: lucifer. first, they vvv friendly. it's almost scary bc who tf is that nice. well i have news for u. they are. i'm still shy to approach them even if we're tgt bc they like. rly talented. they modest asf but they're rly good at everything they do. esp writing. nd art. like girl i can't even begin to tell u. u hve to see for yourself. also: charming. so playful but in endearing way. and. that dumbass never fails to make me smile. 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭: so. protective. their loyalty is absolutely. shocking. nd they dn't just give that away. next slide: observant. and so focused on details &. ideas. constantly thinking abt smth. seeing them brainstorm or voice their opinion will never not be fascinating. furthermore: they genuine &. best believe they'll keep it 𝟏𝟎𝟎 w u. they dn't play w bs yk. it took a lot for me to understand they hve good intentions. they're good to me, &. they treat me so well. but now ik it's bc they truly love me. to close: i'm not the type to say sappy things. even tho that's all i did. but meeting them would be so worth it. it was for me. but u better not hurt them. or i'll hve a nice chat with u. anyway. ty for reading this far. if u need me, i'll be busy planning lucifer's demise. farewell.⠀⠀❞
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ signed, 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆. ⠀⠀⠀
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝓲𝓲. ︱ interests.
  ⠀⠀⠀these are the things i enjoy doing⠀…
★ ⠀⠀writing. cosplaying. crafting. roleplaying. drawing. gardening. painting. gaming. singing (badly).
  ⠀⠀⠀and these are a few of my favourite things⠀…
★ ⠀⠀horror movies. fizzy drinks. the colour white. jensen ackles. stuffed animals. religious imagery. vintage music. zombies. andrew scott. musical theatre. mod fashion. imagine dragons. aussie representation. theology. gore. trixie mattel. rainbows. mental stability. pokemon. cats. shopping. crime shows.
  ⠀⠀⠀shows i’m into ⠀…
★ ⠀⠀house m.d. supernatural. the walking dead⁺. banshee. you. hannibal. dexter. sherlock. american horror story⁺. criminal minds. scream queens. lucifer. squid game. the boys. the last of us. hazbin hotel. fallout.
  ⠀⠀⠀games i’ve played ⠀…
★ ⠀⠀bioshock⁺. mass effect. resident evil⁺. outlast. beyond: two souls. telltales the walking dead⁺. undertale. alice: madness returns. the quarry. detroit: become human. baldurs gate 3. batman: the telltale series⁺. heavy rain. alien: isolation. we happy few⁺. the last of us. until dawn. death stranding. corpse party.
and for a comprehensive list of horror & marvel movies i’ve seen, click here. 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝓲𝓲𝓲. ︱ information.
if you’re interested in a roleplay with me, please do feel free to send me a message and i’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. i do not & will not roleplay with anyone under the age of eighteen.
  ⠀⠀⠀ do not follow this account if you ⠀…
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ are sexist, any sort of phobic, racist, etc. 
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ promote/post about drugs, alcohol or smoking oorp.
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ are a nsfw blog or frequently post nsfw content.
and i think that’s all, folks. thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day, wherever you are. peace!
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usersasaki · 1 year
hello tumblr user usersasaki 🫵 you will never know who i am! (or who knows lol hi karma <3) this anon has been looking into getting into orv but keeps procrastinating like they do on many other things and so asks you, one of their resident orv likers they know, to uh. idk. but feel free to ramble on about why you like orv so much & why someone should get into it (like me!) so maybe i can finally be convinced to read it Now instead of putting it off for later again and again !! ... or something like that 🥺✨
ahem. yes. anyways. i'm totally normal abt this, i totally didn't go feral for a few moments before i started typing this. OK BUT I'M SO READY TO TRY TO CONVINCE U TO READ THIS CUZ WHEN I SAY THIS WEBTOON + WEBNOVEL HAS CHANGED ME ENTIRELY. pls bear with me, giving me a chance to word vomit was not a good idea /hj. i'll put everything under the cut :] and i'll try to keep everything as spoilerless as possible so that u can safely enjoy the story when u get to it
i will apologise in advance for the person i've become, this might end up becoming a HUGE post (edit: i think it did, this is apparently at a lil more than 2k words rn cuz i typed this in google docs for fear of tumblr nuking my entire draft and me having to start all over again)
tldr for those who don't want to go through a 2k essay; orv is for you if you enjoy clean art, stories that will break down your initial expectations and surpass them, and things like found family, love (all kinds), and just an emotional rollercoaster in general. prepare snacks and tissues.
i'll start with the webtoon because that's where it started for me! honestly one of the things i look for most when i start a webtoon is the art. and there are times when even if i like the story, if the art ain't it for me, i'll drop the story 😭💀 but orv has such beautiful and crisp art, very edible art HAHAHA (both webtoon and novel by the way but i'll get to the novel in a bit) it makes me go so O.O sometimes. here's an example of the art, you might've seen it somewhere but i'm still adding it here for the pure beauty of these men named kim dokja and yoo joonghyuk AND ALSO han sooyoung and jung heewon (yes i'm gay, no it's not obvious /j). every character in this webtoon is so well drawn and just. chef's kiss okay, so if you like pretty art, you've got that right here folks.
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moving on, the story seems, at first, like a very generic action fantasy webtoon where the world of a novel becomes reality and our mc aka kim dokja is the one who knows how to get to the end and he gets to meet his favourite novel’s protagonist yoo joonghyuk and decides to save the world. but as the story progresses on and on, it becomes so much more than that. the storytelling skills have to be applauded because webtoons can't use lots of words and have to convey things more concisely than their novel counterparts but they've done an amazing job of using the right dialogues in the right places with the right amount of impact. AND as of right now, the story is starting to head towards what i'd like to say is the actual beginning of this webtoon >:) that’s all i can say without spoiling some major things from the novel so,, yeah!
another beautiful part is the portrayal of each of the characters, especially kdj, and their different dynamics with kdj. now kim dokja is our mc and the main narrator of this entire thing so we’re quite limited in that sense because all we see and know is what kim dokja tells us through his narration. a lot of posts have accurately pinned him down as an unreliable narrator because he really only ever shows his companions (and us readers) one part of things and we’re all left to speculate about things. each companion holds a different opinion of kdj but all of them are united in the fact that they trust him to help them get through everything. while the webtoon hasn’t had a chance to explore that yet, i’m looking forward to how they will show it to us :] i’d say that this webtoon is worth a read also because kim dokja is the most mind boggling, intriguing and frustrating character you will ever meet. that’s a fact that’ll get clearer as you get closer to the recent chapters of the webtoon, but i love how he’s relatable in the sense that he both makes me screech in awe but also makes me want to wring his neck with how he is sometimes. i love him *holds him by the neck* (affectionately). oh and when i say every character is just a beautiful piece of art, i mean both their literal art and also the way they’ve been written, though it is more clear in the novel as of right now.
NOW i’m gonna move onto the webnovel because i honestly fell deeper into the rabbit hole purely because of the novel. and sing shong (the author of the webnovel) is an absolute genius for the way they have both intricately and simply pushed a single message throughout the length of the novel. i constantly joke about how reading the orv novel has changed my brain chemistry but i’m not joking most of the time because it really did. in many ways, i’m sure this is a novel i will remember for a very long time to come.
the same points i spoke about for the webtoon stand for the novel as well BUT of course the novel is just immaculately written and it deserves a chance of its own. it’s not that the writing of the novel is extraordinarily fancy or anything, it’s actually quite simple reading without too many complicated words but i think that has a beauty of its own. it’s able to convey what it needs to without having 10 pages of description and that’s awesome to me. there are issues with some things written in the novel but as it isn’t a focus or the point of orv (i got this point from this tumblr post, feel free to read through it if you want to because they have written some great points that can’t be said better by me!), it’s still a novel that entertains you to the fullest.
the characters are admittedly more fleshed out in the novel than the webtoon but that’s because the webtoon is still catching up while the novel is complete (it ended with epilogue chapters but recently the author came out with side stories). the relationships are just very detailed and it gives you a look into not only kim dokja’s head, but also yoo joonghyuk and other characters’ heads as well, though they’re not as common because the majority of the story is in kdj’s point of view. i’ve neglected mentioning other character names so far but kim dokja has a set of the most loyal and sweet and sometimes feral companions besides yoo joonghyuk like yoo sangah, who is someone kdj knew before the novel became their world, jung heewon and lee hyunsung, kdj’s trusty sword and shield, lee gilyoung and shin yoosung, his children (not biological but yes). there’s also lee jihye, an avid yoo joonghyuk follower who insults kdj at every turn but cares for him, and han sooyoung, who is portrayed as a bit of an antagonist or an anti-hero (as far as the webtoon goes anyway wink wink). and a lot of other characters you’ll grow to either love a lot or hate with a passion oR even have your opinion take a whole 180 about as you read on and on, that’s just the kinda novel this is.
don’t even get me started on the underlying themes of this novel. this is me being an english major (and psychology major unintentionally, double major woohoo) through and through but i love analysing characters and figuring out themes that come out through the writing. i won’t go too into the details so that i won’t spoil it for anyone who happens upon this post. but there’s the overarching theme of love; not just romantic love but also platonic love, familial love and the most important one of this novel, self-love. another theme i think is quite relevant and important to this story is more easily relatable to people who read often because it goes into how books can change you BUT you can also change books by reading them over and over again and understanding it better. also how stories can save you but you, as a reader, have the power to save stories by reading them. because in the end, a story continues because you read it. OH I CAN’T FORGET THIS, found family <3 if you’re a fan of found family, this is for you, it’s present throughout the story as a small but encompassing theme.
now this could be just me but i get extremely emotional when it comes to my favourite media, so i squeal with joy at happy parts, sob uncontrollably when sad scenes come up, punch my pillows when something makes me mad⏤ you get my point. and this novel gave me an entire rollercoaster of emotions and made me so URGH in good, bad and ugly ways. it kinda brings me back to my point about kdj being an unreliable narrator since the reason why it gets so hard and sad is because this man never tells anyone anything. he takes it upon himself to do everything, much to the annoyance and despair of his companions and us the readers. we know nothing other than what kdj is willing to tell us, not about his plans, not about him, not about his own feelings. and we’re left to guess and guess until everything is laid bare and then we’re still trying to. process everything. yeah i don’t know if this part is making any sense but i can’t really go into detail without majorly spoiling the story. so you’re gonna have to come back to my post once you’re done to be like “ohhh, right this is what they meant.” /j
To move to a lighter and probably my last point, the novel illustrations are gold i tell you. it’s done by a person named blackbox or bb-nim for short and i love just going through their art for fun. of course, if you’re reading it on a website like i did, then you’re not going to see the illustrations side by side so you should definitely check out blackbox’s twitter which i’ve linked here :] you’ll probably also find their art on pinterest. gorgeous art i tell you, BUT BUT BUT there are spoilers here and there so beware if you go digging through their media tab on their twt. I’ll put some of my favourite pieces that are as non-spoiler as possible under this
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so. yeah. these are my reasons for why you should read both the orv webtoon and novel. In the end, all i can say is that if you give them a chance, you’ll probably get hooked just as i did. i knew to a certain extent about how the novel was but nothing prepared me enough but i’m not complaining because it is genuinely so good. i’ll add a list of content warnings here that i got from the wiki page because i don’t want anyone to be ambushed by anything they’re not comfortable with reading: graphic violence, death and murder, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, suicide, body horror, dissociation, transphobia (this might be a deal breaker and it would be for me too as a nonbinary person but it’s not a major focus and happens a couple times throughout the story), cephalopods, tentacles (yes these are real content warnings on the wiki HAHAHA), and finally hospitals.
to all of you who actually read this far, thank you! you are a great person for reading through a random person on the internet go on and on about a webtoon and novel, hope you have an awesome day/night ahead of you! if you have any questions about things in the webtoon or novel, feel free to hit me up, i’m always down to have conversations about orv (none of my irls have read it but i will use this essay to convince one of them to give it a chance so wish me luck). anyway, peace out folks! :]
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autimind · 2 years
Myths about Autism #3 - no empathy
Have you ever overheard a foreigner ordering drinks or food in a restaurant? Have you tried doing this in another language when you were abroad for business or on a holiday?
"Bring me a beer." "I want the day soup."
Restaurant staff is used to a variety of conduct from their customers but these sentences are basically orders and come accross as very curt, if not outright rude. This varies with culture and location, obviously. These examples will have to suffice.
Are these foreigners rude? Were you? Well possibly but probably not. The problem here is a lack of fluency. This is simply the best way these people can voice their requests.
Where I live, it is still common to ask for permission to pay for something in a shop. "Mag ik dit afrekenen?"/"May I pay for this?" This is idiomatic language, a diffuse and ever-shifting cultural standard that proscribes certain phrasing as not only grammatically correct but 'the right thing to say' in a plethora of circumstances. If you don't know this, you will be seen as weird at best, rude at worst.
I promise there is a point to all this. In much the same way, austistic folk are seen as having no empathy or, slightly better, low empathy. The reason is not that we are dead inside or do not care about others but that we show our emotions differently and have trouble recognising non-verbal cues. In effect, we don't speak the language very well, so to say.
For allistic people, non-verbal conduct is so important that they see it as basically equal to the inner life of others. They can and will form flash judgments about the core of your being based on what they pick up from you and how they interpret your gestures, tone of voice, the direction of your gaze and so on and so forth. After they have done so they will resist vehemently any attempt to explain them they are wrong or even someone just had a really bad day and reacted poorly. Because they are not trained to think about their own thinking, they cannot but follow their instincts. In further enoucnters, they will interpret whatever it is you say along the lines of their initial judgments.
Do you know the cliché phrase about the importance of making a good first impression? Now you know why that is true: poor insight in human cognition and a lack of goodwill or benevolence.
How are we to understand the barrage of signals, words, gestures and other social cues that is fired at us constantly and that in real time? I will tell you right here and right now that most austistics are perfectly capble of forming connections and feeling for others. All we require is some time to process.
Some percentage of autistics have low (fine) motor control, which makes it hard to consciously move facial and other muscles. A lot of us are clumsy. If someone's smile seems forced that may very well be because they are working very hard to consciously pull of something that is demanded by society and is effortless for most people.
Admittedly, some of us are low-empathy or at least identify as such. I have no special insight into whether that is true or not on the inside. However, there is a marked difference between empathy, which is shown, and compassion, which is felt. It is compassion that, hopefully, drives our actions. Empathy can be part of our actions.
Compassion heals the world one person at a time. It can be compared to the soft light of the Moon that holds no agression or compelling force but does reach everywhere. No being is beyond our compassion. I'll probably write more about compassion in later posts.
Finally, I would like to say that sometimes a low-key approach to empathy is the right thing to do. I work in a team of six to eight people - depending on various matters - and have seen my fair share of hapiness and sorrow from my colleagues. It is noticeable that when someone has a really hard time at work, they tend to ask me to talk with them for a few minutes. My calmness and inquisitive questions apparently support them in a way they like. My voice barely changes in tone in such talks and I show no or few gestures. I simply allow them to be and listen to what they need to say.
How would our culture change if this was the normal or common response to hurt? Low empathy for the win! :-)
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nanjokei · 2 years
top five genres of music 🫡
no particular order
1. denpa - genre is still alive in my heart. god will strike down kawaii future bass with his righteous thunder. i genuinely think that its kawaii future bass's fault— i know a lot of people blame it on denpa singers becoming vtubers but i dunno, the denpa singers that i know that took on those careers still do denpa stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on the other hand all the singers that have pivoted to kawaii future bass don't do denpa anymore. I HATE KAWAII FUTURE BASS AHHHHHHHH AHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH ITS SO HORRIBLE IT DOESNT EVEN SOUND GOOD STOP WITH THE FINGER SNAPPING AND POPPING NOISES AND GARAGEBAND LOOPS LITERALLY THE MOST BRAINDEAD MUSIC POSSIBLE *gets hit over the head with a mallet* anyway. sorry about that
2. shoegaze - SHOEGAZE NEEDS TO COME BACK!!! where is MIKGAZER II!!! i fucking love shoegaze. incredibly good and underrated genre i will not let people make it the butt of every "lol average nerdy white boy music" STFU!!!!!!
3. folk/fantasy/traditional/whatever the person tagging the music is calling it - are you seeing a pattern here. i just really like stuff thats kind of sequestered to doujin music, niche or kinda dead... i love both vocal songs and instrumentals of this genre. i just want to feel like im in a 16 bit console or ps2 jrpg at all times. yes specifically those descriptors. please understand
4. synthpop - i feel like this has been dead since the early 2010s but when jpop and kpop were into this sound >>>> (think lovegazer (album) btw its really fucked up how much deco seems to hate this album. ik some of the songs are on the 2008-2014 comp but not all of them... he wants to erase this and his gumi songs so bad. but to me i love this so much its such a strong album)
5. eurobeat - i know god is kind because eurobeat exists
h/m - not really a genre but, DTM music in general - i really fucking love DTM music from the early 90s to mid 00s. i fucking love amateur midi music. i think its natural bc i grew up in a time where midi music was still really common + a lot of my interests (largely subculture) have crossover into music and a lot of producers started off as desktop music nerds or had love for such a subculture. (and ofc a lot of early post-miku vocaloid music had that charming sort of DTMer midi touch to it so its triple the nostalgia) this isnt the most subversive example, but i really love this album like crazy
also another h/m is 2nd gen kpop. i am not a kpop guy, i only had friend's recs in the early 10's— but i have a lot of love for that music and that is what kpop is to me. i don't really like a lot of the current trends (songs almost entirely in english, egregious rapping where none of the members have any flow, everything being girl crush) its just not fun to me. i think current kpop needs to be fun again its too serious, then i might actually get more into it or at least enjoy it as a bystander. more songs like this please
another h/m, mostly cause its such a jumble of genres to me— in general im not good at identifying genres. but i love moody rock stuff, all the soft rocks, folk rocks and alternative shit but i also love grunge and emo and all that. just the pure vibes but im mostly talking about the stuff that usually falls under alternative barring grunge and emo. idk how to describe it...
also gothic stuff like whatever ali project is on
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nonhuman-swag · 1 year
HELLO. ima, this is gonna b a post about like. how i experience gender, or ig lack there of (LOL) and other shtuff. other items and things about ME. yahoo! yippee!!!!! if this is unreadable sorry its mostly for me. teehee
anyways. to start off rq hellooo i am ezekiel (aka zeke :] ) and im agender n a lesbian (?) (this is questionable for now, as im feelin less and less at home with this label in a way.)
to be Real, personally, and for myself, i hate the idea of gender. not a fan! ik its important to other folks n i get it but for me i just. i dont know. nothing feels correct or what can be used to describe. nonbinary, female, male, etc just dont. work. i dont see myself in that. i see myself as a mass of flesh n bone n blood who lives and creates n thats about it. sometimes even that view is hard to realize and be at home with.
also my ideal body is the ken doll. nothing 👍 that dude has Nothing n i WISH that was me
im not sure if this is because of growing up the way i did, bein neurodivergent, the internet or whatever else but thats how things went so now im here with a weird outlook on myself or what have you. simply, i just done feel real a lot. like i Know im real, factually, i know that i live, that other people percieve me and interact with me n like, i have emotions i have memories i have things its just. sometimes it just feels empty. like watchin a video game of whats supposed to be your life. things r just kind of set out for you and ur doin tasks or whatever. its funny when i like, realize "holy moly this is real! im real!" n like. im just sittin there driving or whatever. i HEART driving btw. good stuff. there was a hot second in time where i didnt like lookin in the mirror cause i felt like the person staring back was Not Me. uncomfortable fr fr! shout out to that dream i had where me and myself (2 of me) where in like, the bathtub and we fought. like i fought myself and like. tried to drown myself but like in beautiful dream magic it didnt hurt it didnt feel like anything it was just Happening. i think about this dream a lot.
i think there is One Cool Plus about bein weird n kind of disconnected from urself n that is: i LOVE playing dress up. i love wearing cool n epic clothes. like yes ough. body... i wish it was something else but also, these clothes i have look good on it. its a good body, it has some problems that surgeries can help later down the line but not perfect but yea. i like feeling pretty or handsome or whatever in clothes. i think fashion is epic. i think the same about makeup. i enjoy just treatin myself like a paperdoll and just looking Cool. same goes for tattoos. ive gotten 4 of them n i love them, and i have plans for more. its just. i think despite it all, customizing ur character model is like. the coolest shit ever. it helps i think too, in a way of like "dude... i Am cool" or whatever. idk. explosion.jpg on my MIND
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esdaleo · 4 years
𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 with asahi azumane
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 - headcanons about asahi! 
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 - none. this is just. fluff.
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 - tooth-rotting fluff bc i am in love with this man. asahi azumane x gn!reader
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀 - you heard it here folks in im love with asahi. i spend every second coming up w headcanons for him so i decided: why not dump it all onto a soft, fluffy post? also ik this isnt the first time someone has posted something along these lines im not saying im original thanks okay byeee
☆ asahi is one of the softest people to live with, this is no surprise. he wakes you up with a cup of your favourite hot drink, whether it be tea, coffee or hot chocolate. he often prepares it before he leaves for his daily morning run.
☆ steal his clothes all you want, he loves it. when he first sees you wearing one of his shirts, he’s a blushing mess and he can’t form words for the first five or so minutes. you think that you’ve killed him.
☆ if his s/o is accident prone, he would basically baby proof the place. anytime he heard a crash or a thump, he’d come running to ensure that you’re okay. 
☆ sometimes it’s the other way around. because he’s so big, sometimes he doesn’t really watch where his limbs are going so he bumps into a table or maybe into the corner of a shelf. 
☆ he likes watermelon gum and breath mints, so there’s always a stash of it on his bedside table.
☆ he owns several stuffed animals and keeps them on a shelf in his room, i don’t make the rules here. he has a few that are his favourites, like an oversized teddy bear that he used to hug to sleep everynight.
☆ if his s/o just so happened to have longer hair, he’d love to braid it. despite his big and wide hands, he has a way with hair. his older sister taught him how to braid it, most likely.
☆ the biggest cuddler. ever. the big spoon and the little spoon always changes, even if you’re a lot smaller than him. sometimes, he just wants to be held and let the world around him melt away.
☆ if you’re comfotable with it, he would absolutely LOVE giving you back hugs at unexpected times. he’d be very nervous the first time around, his arms hovering beside you until you leaned back and bumped into his chest as a way to say “it’s okay, you can hug me.”
☆ he likes running errands for you, even if you don’t want him to. his love language is acts of service, so doing things for you is just second nature.
☆ when he’s designing, cleaning, basically going around everyday life, he hums to himself. whether it’s a random tune that he heard on the radio or a nostalgic song that was once sung to him, more often than not you’ll hear him quietly humming to himself. 
☆ he always tries to postpone you leaving. he’ll pout at you, “forget” things to get you to look for them, all those things. in reality, he’s just doesn’t want you to go.
☆ patience is key with this man. sometimes, he gets very nervous about things and just needs reassurance. if you give him that, he’ll be by your side forever. just be his little cheerleader. please.
☆ he loves animals. he probably asks you about getting one from time to time and will get so excited if you even debate it. he might seem shy, but he’s easily exciteable, especially when it comes to animals.
☆ he also likes plants. he’ll take care of them like they’re his biological child. he’ll say good morning to them, give them names, water them, all of those things. 
☆ as he becomes more comfortable around you, the two of you start having late night conversations.
☆ they can be complete nonsense or they can be about your insecurities, life struggles and more. he always likes it when you have deep conversations, he thinks they’re very heartfelt and that it helps to build your relationship.
☆ after a rough day, he’d want nothing more than to just lay on your lap, stomach or shoulder and listen to you talk about your own day. 
☆ he always, and i mean always, asks you beforehand when he invites friends over. these friends are mainly the karasuno team, which is notorious for getting loud. though, more often than not, he only has noya, daichi and sugawara at home because the whole team would be far too many.
☆ if you have an interest, he would let you sit and talk about it and he would listen for as long as you wanted. he enjoys seeing how happy said interest makes you, so he guesses that letting you talk about it might make you even happier.
☆ his number one goal is to make sure that you’re happy, coming off that last point. if the two of you have been apart for more than three hours, he sends you a message reminding you that he loves you and that he misses you. a lot.
☆ goodnight and good morning messages from him are a MUST. whether it’s a small “good morning! <3″ or a lengthy “goodnight ( preferred nickname ), i’ll see you when you wake up. i love you and you look very cute while you’re resting,  hehe, (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡”
☆ his favourite nicknames consist of food based ones like honey, pudding and pumpkin. also prince. it makes him feel nice and fancy. 
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ketchupkio · 3 years
Can you gush about some of you guys ASAU folks? Any we haven't seen yet but will soon?
okokokokok so new ppl may not be introduced for a while bc Confidential takes place BEFORE all the other stuff. y'all already met Flicker a little and i can't talk about S O M E O N E tho i rlly want to (cough First cough cough) uhhhhhh let's see i think Champ would technically be next but ppl tend to ask about him semi frequently??? hmmmmmm. there's Colt? who we don't usually talk about and prolly won't appear for a while and we don't have super solid plans for how to work him in yet but we have Myriad sooo Colt should in theory make an appearance AT SOME POINT so ummmmm.....
honestly idk why ppl are so interested in Champion? maybe bc they kinda know what he'd be like based on the botw memories and kiiiiinda aoc bc he had a similar situation but it's nOT AOC. squints at the plot. we did something different that started before aoc was even announced (or mizu did and we're working it in) and ik i said that before lol but we have a lot of asks and a lot of miscellaneous info on the blog and it's tough to comb thru.
i think it'll be interesting writing for Champ tho? we did various non asau/non canon things with him before we nailed down the plot and i think we've got a p good idea of his character at this point. ofc it'll become clearer as we write him. i like contrasting him to Wild tho bc Wild is so........ not what Champ is. Champ could have been Wild and Champ is v much "the other guy" to them and it freaks them out a little. but like....... getting to his plot arc. that will be some crazy shit. Mikah's gonna try to fuck up everything and the chain is gonna have to get involved in a major historical event. Mizu has usually been the one to write Champion's parts when we've used him in stuff........ except for that one time. ehehe.
but anyway!!! i like thinking about their gender situation bc trans stuff is My Agenda TM and Wild has v much transed their gender. and i think it weirds Wild and Champ out bc Champ thought he was wholly cis before meeting the chain and he's kinda forced into stereotypes like his whole life has been so he didnt think he had the option of anything else bc of the Expectations yknow. but then there's Wild, free of all the (specific) burdens and anxieties that weigh Champ down and he's thinking like "......can i be like that? is that how it's meant to be?" but the answer to that is fuzzy. bc Wild is a different person! they got a second chance and there are some holdovers from then but they're fundamentally different ppl. it might open up Champ's eyes a little but they're...... so different. unless Champion's whole situation changed, i don't think he'd ever get the chance to experiment with his gender. maybe in private his partners could convince him to loosen up a little but like..... over a decent period of time and being gently introduced to this idea, as well as Champion allowing himself to indulge a little and have something for himself.
well! that's some Thoughts on a boi. characters get easier to gush about as we write them in the context and we haven't had a chance to write Champ yet! it's like we get to know the character more as we write for them.
if there's a more specific bby u wanna know about, lemme know! goooooooooods i can't wait to gush about First tho but just....... have to wait until Confidential is posted..... just gotta wait... or that's what i keep telling myself lmao. thanks for sending me an ask!! sorry i talked a lot vndslknsdl
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max--phillips · 3 years
okay you got me sometimes i just like to pretend ik what a brat tamer is 😔 i just wanted to fit in
Anon I know this is a dig @ me, if not a joke, but that post was just me grumbling because a lot of folks who write fanfic either pretend or think they know a lot about kink when they. Don’t. And like, whatever, but kink is sort of a special interest of mine so I just wish people cared a little more about it?? That said I also think I phrased that post a little wrong, now that I think about it. I don’t think a lot of people actually know what a brat tamer does. But, this is a pretty good opportunity for me to further explain.
The definition of brat is pretty straight forward. That hasn’t changed much from since you were a kid, right? A brat in kink is someone who (usually lightheartedly) enjoys pushing buttons, breaking rules, and generally being cheeky and provocative to get a reaction from their dom.
A brat tamer is also what’s on the label, but here’s the thing. Just because a character is a dad doesn’t mean they’re going to be a brat tamer. Just because a character is grumpy or disciplined or cold doesn’t mean they’re going to be a brat tamer. It depends on how the brat tamer is coming at it: there’s soft ways, that aligns with more soft dom stuff, and then there’s hard ways, that align more with hard dom stuff. A soft dom brat tamer might have more patience, but is still willing to punish a brat and tell them no when necessary. A harder dom brat tamer will likely have little to no patience and be much more liberal with the punishments. And here’s the thing: punishments aren’t always fun. A brat tamer isn’t always going to wring 20 orgasms out of you after you broke rules and were annoying all day. Brats don’t always get what they want; that’s the whole thing. A lot of times the brat is going to get spanked, assigned chores, or be humiliated in some way the dom sees fit. (This is all, of course, based in prenegotiated limits and consented to.)
Also, a brat/brat tamer relationship isn’t always going to stay brat/brat tamer. Of course it depends relationship to relationship, as with everything, but in some cases you can sort of see a brat tamer as like…… a dog trainer? At least in concept. (It may or may not have anything to do with pet play lmao) The dom’s long term goal may be to basically train the brat/submissive into being well behaved long term, possibly with the end goal looking like a more traditional D/s or Master/slave or whatever relationship.
Ultimately, in fanfic, write whatever you want and do whatever you want and headcanon characters however you want. It’s your fantasy and your concept, so go nuts. But I also encourage folks to branch out and look at the possibilities when it comes to kink and bdsm. There’s so much more than the surface level paddles and ropes and blindfolds, y’know??
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lez-exclude-men · 4 years
I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but have you actually been close friends with any trans people?
Yes, one of my close friends identifies as non-binary, and two people I knew in hs (one was a best friend, the other was just a friend) transitioned, but then detransitioned to different degrees in college (the former best friend and I still keep in touch, but they went through an abusive relationship and were talked into cutting me off and then we reconnected but they're still healing and figuring themselves out etc-- long story).
I will say I for the most part feel like respecting pronouns is important. I dont for people who are clearly predators or when a crime is committed that is male violence and needs to be recognized as such for contextual reasons, etc.
I also support safe medical care for dysphoric folks; current close friend that identifies as non-binary for a few years had really bad chest dysphoria and I helped them research binding and got them the safest proper binder I could. I did, however, heavily encouraged them to find a good therapist, and that helped them a lot. Generally my stance on dysphoria is that therapy should be the first treatment option, and the therapist should figure out if the individual can work through it, or learn to manage it, or if it is a strong/stubborn type and requires medication (HRT) as well. I think dysphoric folks deserve informed consent-- to know all the potential short term and long term risks and effects of HRT (which neither of my hs friends got). HRT shouldnt be the first thing doctors/therapists jump to, it shouldnt be taken lightly, and it shouldn't be encouraged without making sure the person is both informed and able to consent (ik this isnt the majority of cases, but 13 year olds shouldn't be prescribed life altering drugs, no matter whether or not they agree in the moment). I also think we should recognize sex and gender are different. A dysphoric person can change their appearance and body to be closer to the opposite sex, but you can't actually change your sex.
I take issue with people claiming to be trans or nonbinary or something with no dysphoria. I dont think nonbinary is actually a thing, I think it's just various forms of being GNC smooshed together, and I take issue with the idea of it. But when one is gnc qnd has dysphoria and wishes to be called they/them to alleviate some of that, that's fine, it just doesn't make you some "other" category. And I do have an intense hatred of men (males), and hate when they use their dysphoria or made up gender as an excuse/explanation for violence against women.
--my thoughts are much more detailed and nuanced than that, but I'm going to continue to my actual point instead of going down that rabbit trail.
This blog is just a snapshot of part of me. And I've done a lot of growing and changing here, so some of my older, angrier posts may not apply as much anymore. And idk if I still have this in my bio or not (I did for a while), but not everything I reblog I agree with. Sometimes it's just food for thought, sometimes there's some underlying reason and I'm frustrated/angry and this is my way to vent.
My beliefs and politics, though not entirely, closely align with those of @radicallyaligned , if you want to go read some of her posts. She's much more eloquent on the topics of gender and politics and women's anger than I am and I am frequently in awe of how she manages to word things.
The bottom line is: dysphoria is real, gender roles should not be so strict that being gnc is really even a thing, female people need to be protected from males and should have their rights ensured, and there is a lot of complex history and medical stuff involved in all of this.
And really, my feminism is one of the most important things to me, which means I am an activist for female people, for which I use the term women as a category, even though this includes trans men and other ways of seeing oneself. It does not include, not now or ever, people born male.
I hope that answers your question, and all the other ones that were wrapped up in it. And thank you for clarifying you were trying to be respectful about this and not come off as condescending. I hope you have a good evening, and feel free to drop by my ask box another time if you want 💙
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October Reads
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Plato: “The Republic”
8.5/10: It wasn’t bad, but wasn’t exactly my thing either? I look up to Plato and Socrates a lot and my own philosophy comes from them, but it’s not like a regular book club novel that you discuss with your friends (mine thought I was being pretentious-). We love our funky Ancient Greek men, I once I had dream where I was in Ancient Greece and I saw Plato. He turned around, saw me, and said, “Oh shit, you’re not supposed to be here.” and socked me in the face???
Shelley, Mary: “Frankenstein”
10/10: Absolute fucking legendary. Very disappointed that Frankenstein’s story and monster have been distorted by time, losing its original flavor. Still fun to see it being read during the fall season and discussed in class. This goes hard w/ “Woman in White”, “Dracula”, and Poe’s works. Her writing style gives me authors’ envy. I am very in love with her and her works, so I would like to read more of them :)
Dostoevsky, Fyodor: Collected Works
10/10: I love Russian literature. I wanted to buy “Notes from Underground”, but I got Poor Folk, White Nights, The Double, and an excerpt from C&P??? Win win. It’s going to be his birthday soon, so expect a long b-day post. I like his style and themes so much I can’t describe them. Would recommend buying if you want to get into Russian lit.
Woolf, Virginia: “Orlando”
9/10: This is so good???? I would give it a ten, but the writing style of Woolf hasn’t really clicked with me??? Ik, I can handle Dostoevsky, but not Woolf? Someone knock some sense into me. “Orlando” is quite the witty novel, with reincarnations and history-building at it’s finest! Also, bisexual icon <3. It’s a quote-filled book and the first book I’ve had the courage to annotate! It’s such fun and I plan on doing more.
Also, I’ll be experimenting with different formats until I find one I like, so bear with me. I was satisfied with this months books and can’t wait for November!
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fansofvow · 4 years
im here to clear up some things.
edit: just scroll to the bottom for the tl;dr cause this is a lot but i think its necessary so it doesnt seem half assed or glossed over.
if you can’t tell by the perpetual lowercase here, its mod galen! i figured i should address the drama coming on here from a different perspective. no, this isn’t mod atlas dumping all her problems on me, she’s already tried talking abt it herself - its me deciding to speak up on my own accord after seeing the shitfest my dash has become.
keep in mind - i will be happy to discuss any of this with you guys civilly, but im not going to be kind to nasty anon hate. dm us, or just send us a polite ask, and we can sort things out! if we’ve done something ignorant, i promise you we will educate ourselves and apologise sincerely.
the galen thing
first and foremost - i saw some people saying its sus that i, an nb mod, was added to the blog right after the galen debacle. it was not to save face or hide behind me! ironically, the reason i got added now of all times was because mod atlas and i were discussing what was going on, i gave my thoughts on the matter, she asked me if id be interested in being a mod!
mod atlas then thanked me for my insight and educated her on the issue and figured it would be a good idea to actually have someone in the lgbt+ community on the blog - that way, these silly ignorant mistakes will not happen again. i wont let it happen. not to mention she’s getting pretty busy in her personal life so she thought itd be a good idea to bring someone else on board.
i believe that people can learn from their mistakes - i was also hurt by that misgendering galen post. i bitched about it too. but i saw that everyone involved apologised, genuinely didn’t mean it, and promised to do better. and i’ll hold them to that! but im not gonna start talking trash abt them on other peoples blogs just bc they made a rly ignorant post. if you’re cis, i really don’t want you speaking up on this matter anymore. its not your fight. youre not in the position to forgive nor condemn any of these people. trans folk, im not going to tell you that anyone deserves your forgiveness, that’s up to you, but what they do deserve is your decent respect. unless they say theyre blatantly against trans people - aka make a deliberately transphobic statement rather than one made out of pure ignorance - in that case, all bets are off lmfao. i dont take that shit lightly and ill come for you too.
to the person who made the misgendering galen post - you know who you are, i dont want to send you any more hate than you’ve already been getting so im not going to @ you, but please. reupload your apology about the post, cause i scrolled through your blog for ages and didn’t find it - if i didn’t see it reblogged on this blog, i wouldn’t have known you apologised. i wouldn’t have felt like your blog is a safe space for nonbinary folk. its important you own up to mistakes and keep the apology there.
the nahara thing
look. im poc. im also straight up sick and tired of lovestruck’s mistreatment of dark-skinned characters, especially black characters (why do half of them look like recoloured white people....?) like nahara. its important for our representation that she does well! that way, we can get more diverse li’s on our roster in the future instead of every skinny white person getting the spotlight and 9238428903 seasons. (i love you onyx and juliette, but what the fuck.)
that being said - i dont think what mod atlas said was that bad, especially considering it wasn’t here on fansofvow, the only thing reblogged onto here being her english lesson on galen’s route with a relieved comment abt how thats a series started right.
please understand - we’ve been afraid of the new characters’ routes ever since the strike. a lot of writers left, a lot are likely to be leaving, and we’re concerned about the status of the app. this wasn’t to shoot down nahara, but out of pure relief that we’re not seeing a downwards spike in the writing quality post-strike.
that being said - if you think nahara’s route is well written, and great - thats awesome! please give her all the love for us, cause we do want her to do well. she’s just not our cup of tea. can we please respect that instead of slamming this blog’s name? nahara is still doing well, im seeing hype for her everywhere- one or two negative opinions wont change that. we’re not even going to a leave a review in-app, which is the most important form of community feedback to lovestruck.
the posts have been deleted. please, give it a rest. keep loving nahara. quit the drama.
the nikolai’s route in school thing
all the students that saw the screenshots were 18+, and none of the examples were sexual in nature. teenagers get shown romeo and juliet in school, a play ending in a double suicide, but showing adults a few lines of good writing from a 17+ app is bad? its not like she showed them a scene from a straight up porno, its just a story that happens to have sexual themes in it. its up to the students whether they read the whole story or not, and they’re mature enough to handle it. that’s all im going to say abt the matter, cause im no teacher,
and lastly...
i see a lot of people saying that we, fansofvow, need to “set an example” cause we think we’re a “fandom leader” or somehow think we’re on some high horse cause of clout? i have no idea where this started because ik for a fact mod atlas has never referred to herself as a “fandom leader” or anything like that, and guys, we’re not that up ourselves. we don’t even have tons of followers! we’re just doing our thing to support VOW. please don’t put words in our mouths.
with all that out of the way, i hope we can move on and make the community a happier place for everyone.
-mod galen
tl;dr: people make ignorant mistakes sometimes. mod atlas has apologised for reblogging the post abt misgendering galen, wants nahara to do well, only showed non-sexual writing examples of nikolai to 18+ students and never called herself a “fandom leader.”
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