#ill be working on the few i got left in the box here soon
hockeynoses · 8 months
fix me up along the line (Ste/ddie snz fic)
Summary: Another Ste/ddie snz fic! (Will I ever stop? Only time will tell.) Inspired by @sneezeshame's post here. Steve is traveling for work and is super sick. He calls Eddie from his hotel room. Future fic.
Rating: Other than snz stuff, this could be rated PG. I thought about making Eddie have the kink here, but I didn't. 1k.
Warnings: Mess. Implied future contagion.
Notes: The title is a line from the full version of the ancient song Hello My Baby. I've loved that song ever since I saw that frog singing it. 💖
Eddie fiddles with the strings on his guitar, killing time while he waits to hear from Steve. He’d promised he’d call Eddie once he got settled at the hotel up in Seattle; some conference his fancy job was making him travel for. Eddie had just gotten back to their house in LA from a gig that kept him away for the weekend. Their schedules caused them to just miss each other, Eddie arriving home the afternoon Steve left.
The shrill ring of the phone pulls him from his thoughts. Finally!
“Hey babe.”
“You made it! Wait, you did make it, right?”
“Yep, checked idn a bidt ago,” Steve says. Eddie hears what he thinks is a squeaky, congested sniffle. “I’b godda have a shower soon and thedn head down for dinner.”
“Nice. How was the flight?” Eddie asks.
“Idt was… haah… hold odn… ihhh … hih’YEEHIISSHHH’oo!”
Eddie hears a wet, spraying sneeze explode on the other end of the line and blinks in shock. It sounds like Steve had time to twist away from the phone and has now set it down in an attempt to find some tissues.
“Shiiihh- ugh. SNF. Shidt.” An ill-sounding noseblow gurgles down the line, and concern pierces through Eddie.
“You feelin’ alright, sweetheart?”
“I’ve just beed sneezing all day,” Steve groans. “And I thigk the plane gave mbe a headache.” He follows that up with a few desperate, soupy sniffles, trying to stop his nose from running freely. “The cabidn pressure was bmessing with bmy sinuses and I couldn’t stob sneeziiii-hih… Hiiiih-ZZSSHHESSH’iue!”
“It sounds like you’re sick, babe.” He knows how stubborn Steve can be on the rare times he does get sick. Steve was already stressed about this trip, and Eddie doesn’t want him to overexert himself if he really is feeling that poorly.
“I dod’t… huh… I dod’t have tibe to be …haah… het’GGKSSHHH’uh! Hep’TIISHHH! Ughh. To be sigg.” Judging from the sound of those, Steve was just letting them fly, sneezing openly and spraying his hotel room with everything he had. The scrape of several tissues being pulled from a box fills the air, followed by a long, crackling blow.
“I hate to break it to you, but I think you might be. You sound awful already.” Eddie cups the receiver to his face with both hands. There’s a tug in his heart and he wants nothing more than for Steve to be back home so he can take care of him. He’d force him to stay in bed and would wait on him hand and foot, bringing him anything he asked for. “Did this just start today?”
“Dno…” Another sickly sniffle. “I’ve felt rudn down for a couble of days. Then last night I started sdeezing and I-iiihhh huh’KKSSSHH’IUE!” An exhausted sigh. “I didn’t gedt mbuch sleep.” He pulls a handful of tissues out, one after the other, and buries his face in them. “I thigk the pressure on the plane mbade it worse and then ihhh- HEH’TSSCHUH! Idt’s jusdt so damp here.” He clears his throat, his voice starting to go a little ragged. “I got caught ind the rain tryigg to hail a cab, which pro-ahh-bably didn’t h-he-hih’AEEISSHHah! SNF. Helb.”
“Poor thing. I wish I was there with you.”
“Probably best thadt… thadt you-ooo… huh’NGGSSHHiggh! Guh. Thadt you aren’t.” Eddie doesn’t think he’s imagining things when he hears the sheer mess of that one, thick and telling. “I thigk I’b pretty condagious. Huh… hih’YEIISHH’IUE!”
The line crackles as Steve sneezes uncovered, directly onto the receiver; the wet, viscous mess of it contaminating everything. Eddie flinches back on instinct. Steve sounds so cold-ridden and contagious that Eddie almost believes he could catch it over the phone, halfway across the country.
Steve moans, “SNF. Oh god. I’b so sorry. I cadn’t stob.”
“Steve… you sound really, really sick. Are you sure you should be going out like that?” Steve’s too busy abusing another tissue with a drenching noseblow to respond, so Eddie adds hopefully, “You should just come home.”
“Cadn’t. The bmanagement team specifically chose bme to represent the compady at the conference, and if I – if I – hih’kgxshht! Ugh. ‘Scuse bme. If I wandt the promotion I have to keeb bmy shit together. Ha-k’ISH’IGSHH’uh!”
“I don’t think anyone’s going to appreciate you getting them sick.” Eddie says, appealing to Steve’s vanity in a last-ditch effort. Everyone who comes within ten feet of him is going to be at risk of catching this thing. He’s going to be shaking so many hands, sharing so many meals, sitting in so many crowded conference rooms…
“I dod’t really have mbuch of aahh…Ha’AEESHHH’IUE! SNF. Mbuch of a choice.” Another miserable blow travels down the line, straight into Eddie’s ear.
There’s a beat of silence where Steve must be dazed after such a heavy noseblow, trying to catch his breath. Eddie can hear his open-mouthed, congested panting crackle over the phone receiver. If they don’t sanitize every inch of that place after he leaves, whoever stays there next is going to be in for a world of misery.
“I still wish there was something I could do,” Eddie says. “You sure you don’t need some food delivered? Or a care package? I can check if a delivery service would go to the pharmacy-”
“Eddie,” Steve says, and Eddie hears the smile in his voice despite everything. “You’re sweedt, but I’b good.”
“Okay…” Eddie’s still going to see about that pharmacy, just try and stop him. “You’ll let me know if it gets any worse? I could always fly up there and come rescue you.”
Steve chuckles, which turns into the beginnings of a cough. “I’ll be finde, really. Jusdt have to power through a few…heh…days…heh’RRIISHHH’IUE!” Another careless, wet sneeze bursts from him, dousing the phone in droplets, making Eddie wince again.
“May God bless your soul,” Eddie says, with exaggerated sincerity. Steve is too distracted to thank him.
“Ugh, whadt a bmess,” he says, pulling more tissues from his dwindling supply. “I’ve godda get these under condtrol.” His words are muffled into the bundle of tissues before he releases a long, squelching blow.
“Good luck with that.”
“Thaggs,” Steve responds, matching his sarcastic tone. He swallows around his burning throat. “Well, I’ve godda gedt in the shower and gedt cleaned up before dinner.”
“Alright, I’ll let you go.” Eddie has to stop himself from pouting. “But call me before you go to bed, yeah?”
“Assumbing I don’t gedt back and immediately pass oudt. Hih-kxxngt!” Steve says, smothering another sneeze in his full, slimy tissues.
Eddie huffs a laugh. “Okay. Take care of yourself, sweetheart.”
“I will. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
The last thing Eddie hears is Steve’s breath hitching before the clunk of the contaminated phone being placed back into its holder cuts off the call. Eddie immediately starts looking into getting a care package from the pharmacy delivered…maybe some soup, too. Steve’s gonna need it.
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Cold Breeze
Chapter 4 Raph x reader story A/N: Alrighty! Here we are with yet another chapter! Is it 5am yet again?? mayhaps but oh well, ill fix my sleeping schedule soon enough. Hope Yall enjoy this chapter as well. Chapter 1/ 2/ 3
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The next few weeks went by in a flash, (Y/N) was added to their group and fit in perfectly, almost like a lost puzzle piece of theirs. Mikey took the liberty to add her to their groupchat and the shenanigans just kept going from there, hang out plans, coffee dates, rooftop nights (and sometimes days) and late night pizza hours at the girls’ apartment.
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But even thought she got along wonderfully with all the brothers, it was clear to see that her and Raph were the closest, they just… fit together, their banter was great and their humour bounced off each other quick and easy. It was hard not to like (Y/N), she was just so nice, listened whenever he had to go on a rant about something that was bothering while also being able to bring him back down to reality… not to mention humbling him when he was getting too cocky (her own words) for his own good.
Today’s plan was for all of them to meet up at the roof again, they had starting to hang out there more often than not. It was quiet and cosy as well as far away from any wondering eyes, they had enough of those when they went out for coffee already. Raph and Donnie would be meeting them a bit later since they had to do a bit of patrol work, nothing too big if he’s honest. This last week just had a lot of small crimes happening and they thought it best to make some quick look outs for safety.
­Back at the girls’ apartment were the others, Mikey and Casey were talking about some movie that had come out while Leo, (Y/N) and April all chatted about their day Leo and (Y/N) had unknowingly started reading the same book and were bouncing off ideas while April nodded along and gave her own input.
Soft music played in the background as usual (thanks Mikey), and the air was comfortable. Soon enough, just as the sun started going down, they heard Raph and Donnie land right next to them.
“Hey guys! Everyone alright?” Donnie asks, plopping down next to April and immediately stealing the juice she had in her hands.
“Hey!” She makes a move to grab it but he just holds it out of her reach.
“Pay some respect to the working class, April” he smiles, as he sips at the box slowly which in turn makes Leo give him a light tap on head, Donnie laughs but returns the drink to its rightful owner.
“We didn’t grab anything, thought ya would have it covered.” Raph says, he goes to sit next to (Y/N) but a single touch to her shoulder is enough for him to see that she was already starting to get cold. So, he quickly grabs at her and lifts, sitting down and dropping her on his lap, pulling his jacket over her shoulders, his expression not really one that left open the possibility of her arguing to him about it.
(Y/N) sighs, not even surprised by this anymore and just makes herself comfortable at her new spot, which is pretty easy if she’s being completely honest. The jacket brings a familiar warmth and if she focuses enough she could fully fall asleep to it. As the evening went on they all just fell into their usual banter, making fun of each other and dodging fists (lovingly of course).
“Still can’t believe this guy told me knitting was easy, he is a big ass liar that’s what! I can’t even look at another tutorial for like at least a week!” (Y/N) says laughing, the group quickly joins her and  the brothers nod.
“I mean given the fact we have been doing training like that for years I think it’s safe for us to say that.” Donnie chuckles, not that he did much of that part of training much, since it was to teach patience but he could understand where his friend was coming from.
“I keep saying it takes practice but she doesn’t listen ta me.” Raph shrugs, and he can feel her retort coming even before she opens her mouth because his big hand just covers her mouth, which is to say it covered her face.
“Dude! Move it!” she says grabbing him to pull him off, Mikey laughing but no one really doing anything much to help besides Leo lightly telling his brother to let go. Raph decided to take mercy on (Y/N) tho, taking his hand from her face to just covering her mouth.
“I won’t have ya slandering my name, not in front a’ these nerds.” He whispers to her making her huff, but he can fell her smile forming behind his hand. She leans back down onto his chest and gives his hand a light kiss, resigning to just listening to the conversation their friends were having.
It had been like this for a while now, little soft touches here and there, smiles that very much felt reserved just for them as well as looks. Raph didn’t really know what was happening, but he also sure couldn’t complain much about it. It felt nice to have someone like this for himself, yeas he got along with April, but she had Donnie to be closer to, while Mikey had Leo to… well to annoy. And Casey was different, they were friends yes, but not like this. Not soft and calm, him and Jones was always more of a friendly wrestle match waiting to happen.
So he let himself relax, laugh with the people around him and enjoy the cold breeze on the terrace.
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Love’s warmth
|Twice Sana x gn reader
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A/n for @ihrtvivi and @jihyology writting exchange, heres a fluffy sana story for @happilychaengs hopefully you like it❤️🥺 i loved your Nayeon story, thank you again!!
You had known Sana for a few years now.
You met her while at a concert. You found herself next to her in the standing crowd.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, she had accidentally spilled her whole drink on you while dancing.
And that's how you met.
and now, a few years later, you were a couple.
You started off as friends after that incident, then sana asked you to be her partner.
And a few months ago, you asked sana to be your wife. For some it would have been too quick, seeing as you had been together for about over a year. But you knew in your heart you would never want to spend your days with anyone other than her.
While you had been working at your company, Sana had been on tour with her group.
She had just landed back in South Korea today. You were still stuck at work and decided on Facetiming her.
You closed the door to your office before doing so.
You pressed the call button and soon after, the love of your life showed up on your screen.
She excitingly squealed before asking you where you were.
‘’Ah i'm still stuck at work baby’’ your smile dropped
Sana immediately tried to bring your mood up
‘’Baby! Don't worry, ill be waiting for you at the dorm’’ she pouted
‘’Okay, ill be there soon’’ you inquired
‘’Hmmm, i know you will’’ she smiled cheekily making you giggle
‘’I love you’’
‘’I love you too jagi, ill see you later baby!’’ She said before you both ended the call
You took a step outside the building and quickly realized you were screwed. Not only was it freezing, there seemed to be a little snow storm brewing up.
‘’Its just 5 minutes’’ you reassured yourself before completely walking out to make your way to Sana’s dorm
Despite the storm and you warthm disappearing, the storm didn't stop you from your romantic endeavor.
After all, this was going to be the first time you would see her after months of waiting.
You stopped at a little café when you and sana would often go back when you were in the talking stage.
It always had fresh baked goods as well as unique flowers hanging around the shop
You walked in, recognizing the warm atmosphere and sweet smell of fresh
You picked a few of Sana’s favorite desserts and paid before exiting into the storm again.
A few minutes later you were finally at her door.
Before you could knock, the door opened to show no other then sana
She jumped into your arms before even saying a word
‘’I missed you so much’’ sana said, her words muffled into your neck
You gently rubbed her back ‘’i missed you too baby’’
She inched back before looking at you, cupping your face with both her hands, a smile now playing on her lips
‘’I got you your favorite desserts’’ you nodded at the box that was now on the ground
She quickly looked over before pouting, now whining as she hugged you again
‘’ you didnt have to do that!’’ Sama exclaimed
‘’Hmm, i know, but i was also hungry so…’’ you joked, earning her laugh
You looked at her precious smile
‘’Can i kiss you?’’ You asked, staring at her lips, impossible to look away.
She smiled before noddind cutely ‘’ of course jagi’’
You leaned in to leave a sweet and tender kiss to her lips, hoping to convey just how much you truly missed her.
Once the kiss was over, sana was left with a frown on her face
‘’your lips are freezing’’ she exclaimed concerned
‘’Oh it's nothing’’ you tried reassuring but you were too late as she started pulling your jacket off of you, bringing you to her room.
You laughed as she seemed so focused on getting you there, barely a word leaving her mouth
‘’I promise i'm fine sana’’
she made you sit at the end of her bed before heading to her closet
‘’here, these clothes are dry and warm’’ she gave you new clothes
‘’Oh thank you princess’’ you smiled before starting to change
She intensely looked over at you, like wanting to make sure you changed from your wet clothes
Once done she approached you before placing her arms around your waist.
‘’Thank you’’ she kissed the tip of your nose
‘’Thank you as well’’ you giggled, making her smile appear once more
She let go of you before laying in bed, you quickly joined her, jumping in.
‘’You were out in the cold for too long baby, we need to make sure you don't catch anything’’ she explained before pulling you close to her
‘’Hmm isn't that an excuse to cuddle me miss?’’ You teased, earning a light tap on your arm
You played along with it, acting hurt.
Sana pouted at you before she cooed ‘’aww is my baby hurt’’ she asked sarcastically
‘’Yes very’’ you replied, snuggling closer
She giggled before putting her arms and legs around you
‘’Well then well have to sleep that away’’ she smiled before kissing the crown of your head
A few moments of comfortable silence passed before you spoke again
‘’Thank you Sana, I want to hear everything from your tour tomorrow’’
‘’No need to thank me baby, and we have all day tomorrow’’ she pulled the covers over the both of you, bringing you impossibly closer
‘’I love you so much’’ you mumbled
‘’I love you too baby’’
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Heya, do you have any tips that get my new baby hognose to eat? I have other snakes that were picky babies (corn snake, king snake and bp) so I’m not too worried, but he hasn’t eaten for 2 weeks now. His breeder said all the hatchlings were eating well. I’ve already given him some deep substrate, you think I should lessen that do I can keep a better eye on him?
I'd absolutely keep his substrate deep! It hasn't been long enough that I'd be worried, but here are my troubleshooting tips for picky new hognoses.
Do they feel safe in their enclosure? This is the number one reason new baby hoggies won't eat. Deep substrate (which he's got) is good, but make sure you also have lots and lots of clutter in his enclosure, especially if it's bigger than, like, 10 gallons. Multiple hides (the boxes from heat bulbs with a door cut in them are good for baby hoggies), pieces of decor, etc. My trick for adding lots of clutter in baby hognose enclosures is to add a bunch of crumpled paper towel balls. They clutter up the space and give the snake things to slither over and hide under.
Adding onto that point, is his enclosure being kept in a calm, quiet area of the house? If you haven't already, drape a blanket or towel over part of the enclosure to keep it calm and dark inside.
How are you offering food? A lot of hognoses are scared of feeding tongs. My assumption with hognoses is usually that they'll be most comfortable taking food that's been left in their enclosure for them to find. Leaving food on top of a hide or in a hollow you've made in the substrate are both good options.
Is the food too big? Most baby hoggies, especially by the time they've been sold, should be big enough to eat whole pinky mice, but sometimes they're just a little behind. If he's on the small side, try offering just pinky heads for a few weeks.
If he's not taking anything for love nor money, offering tiny pieces of hard-boiled egg is an age-old trick to get picky babies eating. If he accepts that, you can scent pinky mice with eggs until he's eating them on his own.
If you can, ask his breeder how they were feeding him! They might be able to tell you what's worked for your specific snake in the past.
Good luck, I hope he eats for you soon! He's most likely just settling in, but do keep an eye on him and take him to the vet if he's still not eating in a few more weeks, or if you notice him losing weight or showing signs of illness (open-mouthed breathing, discharge/drool around the mouth, extremely restless pacing, etc.).
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justadeadreaper · 4 months
Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day! I will be posting the first part of my Valentine's Day fic now, and later, I will edit it so that it has the rest of the fic later as I just need to go through it and update the grammar, so please ignore this until this message has been deleted. I just want to upload some now as it is a Valentine's Day fic and today is Valentine's Day.
This is a fic between König (called Konrad in the fic as his name changes depending on if he is at work or at home as he puts on a different persona for work) and an OC called Aster. This is part of my series for my Rewrite AU, where I rewrite COD as I do not like MWIII and have so many ideas for the series.
A love-drunk smile had taken over his face as he placed the last of the boxes on the mat that was nestled in front of the door. Konrad gently closed the door behind him as he pushed his keys through the hole to lock it once more. He was happy with himself, and his smile only grew as he heard a meow from behind him as little paws tapped against the hardwood floor in his direction.
He turned around to see the little cat that was meowing at him for its normal welcome home scratches.
“Hallo, kleine. Have you been looking after everything while I’ve been gone?” Konrad asked as he knelt down to meet the cat at their level so he could give them the attention they pestered for.
“Now you need to be quiet for vati. I have a surprise that I do not need you setting off. Think you can do it Blitz?” he asked the cat as if it was a child that needed to keep a secret.
The cat only meowed in return; a satisfied huff left his lips.
“Liebling, I’m back.” Konrad called out as he stood back up.
No response. Odd, but maybe they could not hear him.
“Mein Stein?” Konrad called out again as his paranoia started to spike.
Still nothing.
“Hallo?” He continued to call out as he rushed down the hallway to the lounge.
Once he got to their lounge, he could not see a thing. It was like the whole place had been shrouded by darkness compared to their hallway, which had been lit as usual.
“Aster? Is everything okay?” Konrad asked as he walked around the living room to the light switch but to also try and find him as his worry continued to grow.
“Liebling, where are you?!” he shouted as his worry jumped to the next level, thinking that something horrid had happened while he was gone; he had made a lot of enemies after all.
“Konrad! I am here, do not worry.” A voice called out as he heard them walk out of the doorway of the dimly lit kitchen.
“Well, why are all the lights off then? And why didn’t you answer?” Konrad grumbled, his worry slowly disappearing to be replaced by annoyance and anger.
“Stop! I am sorry! I was busy doing something, and I was playing music through them, so I did not switch it off and hear you until Snow knocked me! Just do not turn them on!” Aster shrieked as even in the dark he could see that his boyfriend was going to turn on the light.
“Liebling, why wouldn’t I? I can barely see in front of my nose; it’s that dark in here.” Konrad shook his head as he flicked the light on to illuminate the room.
As soon as the light hit his boyfriend he understood why Aster had said to keep the lights off. The shorter man stood a few feet in front of him; his black but greyed hair was tied into a makeshift bun as loose, curly strands sprung loose. Konrad saw the bloodied apron -the only assumption he could make as the poor apron was covered in a red liquid- that covered the front of Aster’s body to hide the ill-fitting clothes of Konrad’s that he wore beneath it.
“I am so sorry.” He apologised as he turned around to stare at the wall instead of at him. “I’m looking away, I promise.” “It is why I told you to not turn the lights on,” Aster sighed.
Aster rushed to one of the cabinets they had in the lounge to store documents and supplies that also displayed the pictures and figurines of different anime characters on top. Konrad heard the rustling as Aster looked underneath the stacks of documents before he moved to the cleaning supplies that he removed and put back in with a thud. Then there was a collection of bangs as doors and drawers were searched, accompanied by some more rustling.
“I can not find one!” Aster screeched as he continued with his search.
“Have you checked the top right drawer?” Konrad proposed the idea of checking it.
“Yes, of course I have!” Aster snapped like he had been called idiotic.
“If you need me to I’ll go to the bedroom and grab one.” Konrad offered as he turned the balls of his foot in the direction of the stairs.
“No! I do not need you running after me because I am an idiot and forgot where I put my own veils,” Aster shook his head, his words between a sigh and a grumble.
“Don’t degrade yourself for a slip-up. And are you sure you checked the draw properly? There should be two under my journal,” Konrad responded, as he had been sure that he had put some in the cabinet in case there were ever any surprise guests.
He heard no response in return as he heard the drawer be opened once more. More rustling. Then some grumbles he could not understand that were followed by the drawer shutting again.
“Found it?” Konrad asked to confirm before he counted down for when he could turn around.
“Yes,” Aster muttered, “Thank you”
“See, I told you! You shouldn’t worry about this. I always have one around here somewhere for you. I probably have enough of them to veil a whole church,” Konrad shook his head as he sighed to himself.
Konrad listened as he watched the wall. He heard as the fabric rustled before pins clipped it into place, but he dared not to turn around just yet. He waited as he knew that it took time to make sure everything was in place.
“Aster?” Konrad asked after a minute.
“Yes?” Aster replied, his voice tinted with worry as he knew what was going to be asked.
“Why are you covered in blood?” Konrad asked as he tried not to sound too judgemental or curious.
“Just listen-”
“If you need me to hide a body, you could have just said. I don’t need you pulling your back out again because you don’t want to bother me,” Konrad cut Aster off before the shorter man got to explain.
“No, it is not a dead body,” Aster replied with a huff, as that was Konrad’s first thought, “Why is your first thought me killing someone?”
“It’s you,” Konrad replied
“Eh- Fair enough,” Aster agreed as he knew there was no arguing with that statement.
“You once told those stupid village hormone goblins that if they tried to steal our fruits again, you’d turn them into soap bars that you’d sell to their mothers. I’ve seen what you do to people on the field. I wouldn’t be surprised if you caught them stealing today and went along with your promise,” Konrad went on to drive his point in.
“I was frustrated since they took my perfectly good tomatoes. They were for my jambalaya! What were those brats going to use them for?! Throw them at Mrs. Dobler because they think that the old crone is a witch?!” Aster rolled his eyes as he squawked on.
“Why are you covered in blood then?” Konrad sighed as he was still curious as to where the blood was from.
“It does not matter,” Aster dismissed him.
“And where are the boys? Aeolus has normally come running to me by now, don’t tell me that it’s their blood,” Konrad groaned; he was ready to kill Aster if anything had happened to the boys; he had grown quite attached after all.
“No. I know I am horrid, but I am not that bad. This is just some tomato juice and blood from some meat. The three of them are at the Wieser’s home for the night,” Aster replied; he was offended that Konrad thought so lowly of him even if he knew that the thoughts were justified.
“Why?” Konrad asked.
“I thought you wore glasses so you could see?” Aster looked him up and down as he knew Konrad was wearing them.
He growled, to which Aster only sighed; he had hurt the giant’s feelings.
“Take a look around. Unless a sudden tumour has formed in your brain, which has caused your ability to see to vanish, I think you can see what is going on,” Aster groaned as he pinched the sides of his nose.
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theosilvas · 1 year
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pedro pascal / 48 / cismale —have you noticed that THEO SILVA is back in town? the BARTENDER is apparently pretty LOYAL, but HE can also be a little JUDGEMENTAL. HE is always blasting IN THE AIR TONIGHT by PHIL COLLINS, as it makes them think of something from their past. i hope the VIRGO has a better time here than most.
tw: illness, death, homophobia
At the age of seven, nearly eight, the Silva family were the targets of a home robbery that left Theo without parents and sent to live with his Uncles at the other end of the continent. They always wanted kids, but not like this.
Uncle Evan was the brother of Theo's mom, but Theo developed a closer bond with his uncle's husband, Uncle Matthew, that he did with his blood relation. The man's quiet nature made him a better companion for the grieving child and together they cultivated a love for the outdoors.
Theo learned how to garden and grew an apple tree from a seed just like his kindergarten class taught him, he grew little herbs on the windowsill and watched Uncle Evan throw them in food and drinks and felt like he contributed. He also liked seeing that he could keep something alive, even if plants weren't the same as people.
He had a green thumb, but also bloody knuckles. Not all of his time was spent growing herbs and participating in 4H club. Not everyone was tolerant of Theo's family and when people tried to take it out on him, Theo pushed back. Uncle Matthew didn't approve of fighting, but Uncle Evan did, and that was the start of lessons at the gym in self defense and for the first time since moving, Theo found something besides blood to share with Evan - boxing.
As all kids do, he grew up, but he never moved far away from his family, attending college only an hour away. He wasn't a phenomenal student, never was, but Theo knew they were proud of him and supported him anyway, through thick and thin. Evan used to say that Theo needed to get a fancy diploma and go on to be a millionaire so he could support Evan and Matt once they were addled old men, and Theo always laughed and said he would, even though he knew he'd never be rich.
What happened next would have been easier if he was. Matt was diagnosed with cancer during Theo's second year of college and bills quickly piled up. Theo eventually dropped out and threw himself fully into work to try helping, but helping with the finances didn't help Matt, who lost his battle and seemed to take part of Evan with him.
There wasn't any returning to college after that, just working and trying to look out for Evan, who was never the same. The jokes about taking care of him in his old age no longer seemed like jokes, for all that Evan was only in his sixties. That still seemed like it was too young for Evan to fall apart, at least in Theo's mind.
It wasn't the life Theo planned, and he knew it wasn't the one Uncle Matt wanted for him, but Theo made do as the years past, time adding up until college was a half forgotten memory. He worked a variety of odd jobs, bouncing around between things that didn't requite any qualifications until one of Evan's friends mentioned needing a new bartender soon, and promising to hire Theo if he got certified. It would cost, but the pay raise would make up for it in a month or two.
That's where he met Lucy, and it felt like love at first sight. She became a light for him, a joy as things with Evan became worse. Theo knew his hours were difficult, that he was often preoccupied and stressed because of his family, and Lucy always seemed to handle it with grace. She handled it with grace for a few years and by the time Evan grew worse, they were engaged. Their apartment was small, and Theo was filled with ideas of moving into Evan and Matthew's old house with her one day, renovating it and having a small family with her.
Then Evan passed away from health complications and Lucy admitted to cheating on him, claiming she hadn't wanted to weigh him down with the knowledge when he was dealing with Evan in the hospital, and then the funeral. In Theo's mind, it wasn't any better finding out his fiancee was leaving him for the man she'd been having an affair with while he was grieving, and the split ended up acrimonious.
With his family dead or gone, Theo's life felt empty and he sold everything tying him to his old life before packing up and crossing the continent once again to restart his life.
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daredevil-1910 · 2 years
On a Far Away Land
I know i promised a lot of chapter, and ive been overthinking most of them but i guess ill just post them.
I will be aging up the characters, Right now this OC is about Lucy's age, which is 18, ill let all of you do the math.
13 years ago.... 
"Goodbye Elijah, I will be coming back as soon as I can, be good to Mrs. Peterson, ok?" I nodded at my mother enthusiastically knowing she was going to bring sweets when she came back.  
She always did it, when she went into town, she would bring me sweets for being good with Mrs. Peterson
"Eli, I keep forgetting what your age was again" I stuck out my hand with four fingers sticking outward.
"How many is that sweetie?" She always asked me this question. And I always answered the same thing.
"I'm four Mrs. Peterson" I quickly answered her question and was back to playing with my toys. Boy I can't wait till momma gets back.
The next day
Ring ring
That's the telephone, Mrs. Peterson answered from the kitchen.
"Yes, this is her, oh my, oh no, yes, he's here, what am I supposed to do with him? I can't really... alright I’ll do it" Mrs. Peterson looks real worried I wonder what happened.
Present day
My mother had died, some men had robbed and shot her. Left her for dead. Her body was found that same day a few hours later, apparently, she hadn't even made it to town.
I stayed with Mrs. Peterson. She took care of me and comforted me when days got hard.
But unfortunately, she got sick and died when I was 11 years old.
I'm 17 now, not really grown. But I know more than most kids my age should. After Mrs. Peterson died, I got taken to my aunt's place, not a nice lady. As far as she knows I don't exist. I go to school because I'm pretty sure she is being forced to let me, or else she would have me scrub the entire house every day. But hey, at least I have a place to stay and food to eat every day.
I'm mostly alone, not feeling like staying home so I walk around town. I've hardened in the past four years, my parents death was hard, but I was a kid, didn't really know what was happening. But when Mrs. Peterson died... I... it was like something broke inside of me. So now I'm quiet
I'm a little bigger than kids my age and always looked a bit more intimidating. Packed on a little more muscle than a normal 17-year-old should have from working at my aunt's stable. So, people naturally assume I'm older.
Right now, I'm making my way back to my aunt's place from the market. She sent me to pick up some packages she had bought the other day. Apparently, she needed them as fast as possible. I don't know why she would need more clothes, but I do as I’m told.
I walked past some kids that looked much older than me, around 18 to be precise, when I went to dodge them one of them made contact with me, he bumped my shoulder, hard. I stumbled a little but didn't fall. 
"Well, would you look at that, it seems like we have a problem in our hands boys” the bigger one in the middle approached me first.
"Look, I’m not really in the mood to deal with this so I'll be on my way" I turned on my heel and picked up the box I had dropped.
"Oh yeah, you can go, as soon as you apologize." I froze at what I just heard; can you believe the stupidity some people have.
"Excuse me" I turned around slowly, cooking my head to one side.
"You heard me, apologize" he crossed his arms over his chest and a smirk I couldn't really tell was like. Mainly it looked stupid.
"Ok, I don't know if you lack the brain cells, well let’s be honest, you clearly do, but you bumped into me, so really the only one who should be apologizing here should be you" I put the box back on the ground expecting a fight.
"You better watch your mouth kid before I bust it open" the kid took a step closer to me hands tensing up
"What did I say something that hurt you, too bad, you should really keep your feelings in check before you go around messing with people" I smirked at him and his answer was as expected, the boy tried to push me, but I leaned back and punched him in the nose as I took a step back.
"You are going to regret that" I quickly dodge under him and make a run for it. There is a forest nearby that I know like the back of my hand. I'm sure they are not going to follow me there.
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, heading towards the forest. When I finally made it seemed like I had lost them.
So, I stopped running. Paying attention to everything around me trying to make sure nothing would jump me when I heard a bush rustling to my right.
 Thinking it was one of the boys I walked towards the sound ready to take him on. Because clearly, running was not enough.
The mush was actually a bunch of plants together in one spot, so I walked into it. But as soon as I put one foot down, the ground gave way under me.
And I fell, fell for what felt like minutes.
Eventually I landed on a soft surface, it seemed to be... sand.
"Is this a beach?" I stood up and looked around, having no clue of what just happened how the hell did I just land on a beach
I got up and tried to rub off the sand I had on my face. Mainly out of my eyes and nose. Once I did, I decided to not waste any time and find out where I'm at.
I kept walking towards a hill on the far side of the beach. My feet felt heavy on the wet sand. I looked like a newborn foal walking around like this.
 I climbed the hill and came across the ruins of a castle. All of a sudden, I could feel this ancient power calling me from within the ruins.
For some reason I felt like me being here isn't a fluke or coincidence. Someone powerful wants me here.
I decided to explore the world around me, find a place to stay so I can survive. After exploring the ruins, I found a rusty sword on the ground. I took a strap of my shirt and tied it around my waist making sure the sword was secure.
I walked around aimlessly trying to find a sign of what I should do but found no answers. I sat down and began to think of ways I could get back home, everything I could come up with included a boat. Unfortunately, I don’t think there are any boats on this island.
From a distance I heard galloping, must be a dozen horses headed straight at me, the ground started trembling under my feet making me believe that there was more than I thought.  I tried to run but found out that I was surrounded. I took my sword out and waited for whatever was surrounding me to show their faces.
What came out of the woods surprised me to no end, out of all the things I thought it was this is definitely not one of those things. I found myself surrounded by Centaurs. 
Before I could react, I got tied up and hung from my legs.
“Take him back to camp, and tie him up to the post securely, can’t have anyone escape again” One of them said, it seems he was the leader. 
“I’m not sure what’s going on here, but trust me, you have the wrong g-” I got cut off by a rag being tied up around my mouth. 
What came next was hours of being hung upside down before reaching the centaurs camp. When we finally got there, my hands were tied around a wooden post that was extremely high. I started hearing voices, murmurs, and conversations between the centaurs. 
“Why are we keeping this boy here?” 
“He could be with the Tremarines”
“He’s just a boy!” a female centaur was arguing with the one who gave the order to capture me, confirming my initial thoughts of him being the leader. 
“We can’t risk it, many of our people died the last time something like this happened”
“All I’m saying is-” she got cut off by the sound of a horn that seemed to be an alarm.
Everyone started scrambling, some of the centaur running towards the children and the elderly and others straight for the weapons. The woman that wanted to let me go stood there, debating with herself of what she should do.
She picked up a dagger from a nearby table and cut me loose. I took off the rag around my mouth and ran as fast as I could away from the camp.
Something inside of me was screaming at me to turn back around and help them. I hesitated for a second but eventually found myself running back towards the camp. I picked up a sword that looked like one I could handle and went to see what the threat was.
There were soldiers attacking the centaurs. setting fire to their homes destroying any resource they had and slaughtering them. One of the men saw me and looked me dead in the eye. With an evil grin I saw him start to walk towards me, sword in hand ready for a fight.
Despite the fact that I have never fought with a sword in my life, I felt like I could do this. So, I charged at the man with all I had, and decided to use my small size as an advantage. whenever the man would swing right, I would dodge and slice at his left side, until eventually from either blood loss or fatigue, the man fell.
I kept running, killing any men that looked like an easy target. anyone who let their guard down.
As I was stabbing one of the soldiers, I saw that the man that had me tied up before was on the ground pinned. With a soldier about to swing his sword down on the centaur’s head. so, I stopped him, I crashed my sword with his, holding his sword with my blade. with one swift move I knocked the blade out of the man’s hand and tripped him holding my own sword to his neck.
“Leave, and tell whoever sent you to stop killing this people, or else he’ll deal with me”
I looked the man dead in the eye, used the shadow and darkness to make myself look more intimidating.
 The man called for a retreat, the few remaining soldiers ran with him, and they were chased down by the still standing centaurs.
I turned around and found the centaurs that didn’t run off bowed, with their swords on the ground. their leader did the same. this land, these creatures. There's something here that fills me, something I haven’t felt since Mrs. Peterson died. I wonder if this is a dream, and if it is I don’t want to wake up.
“I owe you my life Son of Adam” their leader stepped forward and bowed as well as the others. It felt right to do the same.
I dropped to my knees and stuck the sword, that was a little too big for me, on the ground, and bowed my head.
“My name is Elijah Thompson, I don’t know how I got here, and I’m afraid I am not from this world.” I stayed in the same position I was in not moving afraid of disrespecting the creature in any way.
“Rise Elijah Thompson, my name is Glenstorm,” he extended a hand to help me up. He explained to me where I was, a place called Narnia. He also told me of their situation and why he had me tied up.
“I understand, I would have done the same” I nodded at him, he clearly still felt guilty.
“So, tell me, if you aren’t from here, how you got here?” I told him everything from my aunt to the crazy man at the store.
After I did, he asked a question that got me thinking really hard.
“Do you wish to go back to where you are from?” I really wouldn’t be missed back home, and this here, something calls to me, I actually feel wanted here.
“no” I put simply.
@the-second-tonks(you might like it)@arquitecturadelanada@moonrainbowfish
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madam-wakefield · 7 months
Open when... Chapter 9
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 When a few years into their relationship Bernie is asked to go back to the army and deploy Serena isn't sure how she's going to get through the nine months without her girlfriend. What she doesn't expect is for it to be her girlfriend who has the perfect set of surprises to get her through both the best and the worst days. Canon divergent - Elinor lives (well actually the accident never happens), Raf lives, and Cameron isn't a total ass! The staff of AAU also probably didn't all work on there at the same time in canon but do in this! The fic is already fully written with the first few chapters having already been Beta'd. 27 chapters including the epilogue. Hoping to post every Monday and Friday!
Open when you feel ill…
It takes her feeling poorly to realise how much Bernie does for her when she’s around. She wakes up at 5am for her double shift, her alarm blaring too loudly in her ears, intensifying the headache she hadn’t been aware of two minutes before. 
She rolls over to silence it and it’s then that she realises her muscles ache. She sighs because she can not afford to be ill. 
She forces herself out of bed, wraps herself in her fluffiest dressing gown since she’s cold even for the time of year. She shuffles downstairs to make a drink, knowing Jason will be up soon and she can’t let him worry about her being ill. 
By the time she arrives at work her headache has turned into a migraine despite the tablets she’s taken. Every noise makes her head pound. She spends as much of her time in the office as possible, doing paperwork, all the stuff she can do by hand, head unable to deal with the artificial light of the computer screen. 
At lunch time she goes to Pulses, in need of a good strong coffee and perhaps a pastry. It’s not the soup Bernie normally cooks for her, but it will have to do because Bernie isn’t here. Her heart aches to have Bernie close, wonders what her brave soldier is doing at this very moment, and then feels so stupid for being so dramatic over being a little bit sick. She curses her own stupidity because she’s definitely got the better of their two deals. Her partner is in the middle of a war zone, for Christ’s sake! 
She goes back to AAU determined to actually do her job, visit patients and pick up some of the slack she’s placed on Raf and Morven that morning. She doses herself up on painkillers–safe ones–before she heads into theatre to deal with the red phone, 36-year-old RTC victim. The surgery is more complicated than she expects, with extreme injuries even for a car accident. Every time they patch a tear it seems they find a new one elsewhere. The surgery lasts for five hours and it’s as she’s washing down that she starts to sneeze. She’s only got an hour of her shift left and she’s determined to get through. 
She does her final ward round and heads to the nurses’ station to deposit a set of patient notes. 
“Ms. Campbell,” Morven says when she straightens up. “No offence, but you look awful, why don’t you head home? Your shift finishes in ten anyway. Get out before the red phone keeps you here all night.” 
Serena smiles at Morven, so thankful that she’s picked up on her feeling less than perfect. “You know what, Dr. Digby? I think I might just take you up on that offer.” She slips into the office, turns off her computer and makes a neat pile of paperwork she needs to finish. Before she pulls her coat down from the rack, wrapping it tightly round her, she feels cold even if her skin may feel like it’s on fire. She picks up her bag and heads for the door. Grateful that it’s fish and chips night and that she can ring in Jason’s order on the way to save her having to wait around. 
As she steps back into the ward Morven is standing there holding a box out to her. Her eyebrows knit together because she’s not expecting anything, hasn’t ordered anything and when she does she always orders it to the house, the elderly neighbour always takes parcels in for them. 
“What is that! And why would I want it?” Serena says perhaps a little too sharply, she instantly regrets it apologising quickly.
“It’s okay, no one likes being ill. But please just take it, don’t ask questions and open it when you get home,” Morven says, touching her arm gently. Serena wants to say that it’s a stupid idea, and why can’t she just open it here, save her having to find time to put the box in the recycling, but she doesn’t. Morven doesn’t deserve that, it’s not Morven’s fault she’s ill. She’s been amazing all day, picking up extra consults without Serena even having to ask. She may not have told them but every member of her AAU family knows she’s feeling like death warmed over. 
She arrives home, the smell of Jason’s supper turning her stomach, so she’s extremely glad that she had chosen not to get anything for herself. Right now all she wants to do is crawl into bed and never get out again. 
She places the box on the stairs and walks to the kitchen to set about plating up Jason’s dinner, calling him to let him know she’s home and it’s ready. She explains she’s not feeling well when he questions as to why she hasn’t got her own plate and excuses herself upstairs after reminding Jason that she loves him and that she’s here if he needs anything. 
Serena dresses in her warmest pyjamas, the ones she wouldn’t need if Bernie were here, her own personal radiator. Before climbing under the covers, propping herself up on the pillow and turning her attention to the box then. She folds back the flaps quickly but stops when she notices what’s inside. 
Bernie’s soup thermos, the same colour as that pink coat she loves so much, and that stupid folding army spoon that Serena always jokes about. She feels the lump start to form in her throat. 
She lifts the thermos, warm to the touch already. Unscrews the lid and is met by the smell of butternut squash soup, the kind Bernie always makes when she’s not feeling good. She swipes at her eyes, willing the tears trying to pool there to go away. It’s then that she notices the envelope, Bernie’s messy writing reading “Serena - Open when you feel ill…” 
She picks it up, finger tracing her name that Bernie herself had clearly written there. She turns it over and gently slides out the letter inside, and it even smells like her, Serena wonders if she’s sprayed it with her own perfume before writing. 
My Dearest Serena, 
If you are reading this, it means you are unwell. I’m so sorry that I can’t be there to hold you close, to kiss your forehead the way you like when you are feeling lousy. I’m sorry I’m not there to make you fresh soup the way I normally do, I hope the soup I made and had Morven freeze will help somewhat, I know how you struggle to eat when you are poorly. 
I’m sorry I’m not there to hear your snarky remark about my stupid folding spoon. I’m sorry that I can’t tuck you up in bed and take all the pain away. 
I know how much you hate being ill and right now I’d give anything to be by your side. While I’m not there to care for you please do it yourself, call in sick tomorrow if you need to. You and your health are important, my love, remember that if not for you, then for me. 
Go eat the soup now, I’ll expect a verdict on its post-frozen taste in my next bluey. While you eat, remember that I miss you so much each day and that every spare moment I have I spend thinking about you. When I wake up in the horrible dusty bunk in the morning you are the first thought on my mind, and when I close my eyes to sleep, yours is the last face I see. Also remember that I love you so much, and that I will be home to hold you in my arms soon. 
Feel better soon. 
All My Love, Bernie,
Your Big Macho Army Medic x
By the time she has gotten to the bottom of the letter she is sobbing, hot tears dripping onto the page, because she misses Bernie so much. It’s not just that Bernie is so good to her, too good to her. While she was getting ready to head off to a war zone, Bernie took time to make sure she would look after herself if she were poorly and it makes her heart swell with love and pride.
She eats the soup and it’s almost as good as it is when it’s freshly made. And then she falls asleep, thinking only of her wonderful, amazing, thoughtful and, most of all, brave soldier! 
She does indeed have to ring in sick for the next three days, stupid flu! It’s only on the fourth day of feeling poorly that she can finally keep her eyes open for long enough without getting a headache to write Bernie a bluey in reply deciding it’s definitely time for another handwritten letter. 
Dear Bernie, 
You are incredible, amazing and selfless. I simply have no other words. How I ever got so lucky as for you to fall in love with me I will never know! To answer your question, your soup tastes almost as good in its post-frozen form. I definitely missed the kiss on my forehead though. You’ve probably guessed by now I’ve been poorly, but before you worry, I’m doing much better now. I took the days off work that I needed, and I feel well enough to go back tomorrow. I have two days back followed by a long weekend off. 
I just want to say thank you, how you managed to think of me so much whilst you were also getting ready to go out there, I just can’t comprehend, but once again, thank you. In return I thought you could do with a care package. I know it’s not the whiskey you probably really need now you’ve been gone for two months, but hopefully it’s at least a little bit of a morale boost. The jelly babies and Mars Bar are from Jason. 
I’m going to sign off now so I can take a gentle stroll to the post office to send it to you.
All my love, darling
Stay safe, soldier.
Serena x
Serena finishes the letter and places it on the top of the box filled with a variety of different sweets and goodies for Bernie, from her favourite hand cream to a couple of packets of savoury noodles for those days when the ration food is basically unstomachable. It doesn’t seem like enough but it’s all Serena can do, and she only hopes it brings a smile to Bernie’s face. 
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reddogf13 · 7 months
Outlast 2: Deliverance CH 7
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Also on A03
Status: Incomplete
Rated: M - Dead Dove Do Not Eat This takes place in the Outlast 2 universe after all.
Previous chap: Ch: 6 Apothecary
Next chap: Ch: 8 Kings men
~Ch: 7 Badlands~
For the whole week he stayed inside to work on the chain mail. Doing a quick check on everyone in the morning then back inside. It became a routine for someone to bring him dinner since he never came out for it. Usually forgetting to eat, he was always worried about why someone was knocking on his door. Marta did it the first few times until John took over. Curious about the work on the chain mail. When Blake would officially step into the quarantine area. Blake unable to give much of an answer. Explaining that his chain mail was for possible arrows shot at him, albeit not very well. Mainly to buy him a couple hits if someone did shoot him, doubting it'd stand up well based on what it was recycled from. As for going, the time would be soon as the week came to a close. Then came the very short topic, asked by John, of dealing with Laird and Nick. After informing John of their deaths since his last visit Blake left to find Jacob. If the medicines here, it'll be time. Leaving for the doctor's place. Picking up a box from a marked location someplace else the doctor instructed them to. Doing a count to make sure it was all there before leaving back to Temple Gate. Time had come to enter the quarantine, but first he had to make the announcement.
Word naturally got around what he was aiming to do. Aside from those horribly ill to the point of seeing it, he wanted to give meds to everyone else. Crush anything anyone had before it became noticeable. Checking over his chain mail vest he deemed “good enough.” Having no sleeves or a collar. Covering him as much as a sleeveless shirt would. It would help keep the vital organs safe, but meant nothing against a head shot or if a leg was crippled. Better than nothing. Tired, he went out to the hall when dinner was being served. Passing up on an offered bowl of chili. Kitchen resorting to cans again after they picked the mountains clean.
Standing at the podium up front people quieted down from their talking. “You all know by now that I plan to enter the quarantine. When I went outside earlier it was to pick up the medicine. These-” Shaking a med bottle in hand. “Will cure those ill in quarantine. Not of everything though. The disease they've suffered for years has done permanent damage that will never go away. But they will be safe to be around and interact with after going through a full treatment of meds. Like them I want everyone here to be on meds. If there is anything going on, but hasn't fully shown itself it'll take care of it. Along with a few other things that basic cough syrup wont handle. Tomorrow I'll enter quarantine to lead them out to the new one for closer watch and care. They will stay there to be treated until fourteen days have passed. After that they will be allowed back into Temple Gate and moved into jobs to help the community. I want everyone to treat them as equals and not lesser. We should all know by now that things weren't a punishment by God. It was all a lie to keep someone high and mighty in position.” Finished until he forgot something. “And uh, there'll be a very important meeting on what this disease is, how it's spread, and other… Things.” Awkwardly stumbling about his sex ED class. Out of the two things he wasn't looking forward to, doing that seemed far worse to tackle. “Line up to get your bottle. Take two pills and keep taking two every day until the bottles empty. Do not skip any.”
Passing out bottles to everyone formed a long line. Mathew approached directly to the front to offer help distributing. “Can I take a bunch of bottles to pass out to the end?”
“Yeah, otherwise it's going to take forever with how long this line is.”
Mathew nodded, Grabbing arm fulls of bottles to pass out half way down the line while Blake did the front. When returning to grab more handfuls his dad offered to help as well. Passing out meds to the whole town in fifteen minutes. Taking stock of what was left Blake was happy to still see many bottles. Good, might have enough. Taking the remaining back to his room for now. Returning to take his, now cold, bowl of chili. Eating through his meal alone with a look over his chain mail. Am I ready for this? Chewing on a bite for ages to the point he could choke it down. Appetite lost by then that he pushed aside his remaining bowl. Gathering up what little energy he had he dragged himself to bed. Throwing the blanket over his head to hide from the world. Wanting to be alone in the quiet dark for the rest of the night. Right as he shut his eyes he bolted up to his name being screamed from outside. Racing out into the dark night he found an angry mob. Yelling to each other while surrounding someone yelling in pain. “What are you doing?!” he shoved through the mob, tearing apart whoever was in its middle. At the front he was stunned back by who it was. “Lynn?!”
She looked at him, carved to pieces. Limbs hanging by uncut tendons. Bones kept others attached without muscle to hide them. “Look what they did to me!” She screeched at him. Hobbling up to her legs. “Look what they did! And you stay with them!”
“I-I'm sorry, I-”
“You help them after what they did! You're a fucking vile piece of shit!”
Blake couldn't muster any words to her. World closing in to crush him. The mob turned to surround him instead. “I-”
“You couldn't help me or Jessica, but you help them?! Did you really try?!”
Tears streamed down his face. “I did!”
“Liar! If you could've killed Knoth just like that, why didn't you? You could've had them help me! You let this all happen! You let them kill me! You let him kill Jessica!”
“Liar! Angel of Death. You'll kill everyone you meet. That's what you want. That's why you're here.” Skin still left on her body sagged. Separating from the muscle it stretched into thin threads as it melted to the floor. “War, now pestilence, who rides next Blake? And then? There's only one horseman left.” Blood fell from her mouth. Boils of pus formed across her, grossly huge before bursting to ooze off her. Eating more of her away as an aggressive acid. The figures around him grew thin and twisted. Swarms of locusts eating past their eyes to burst from their mouths in a darkening cloud. He couldn't be here anymore, he had to leave. He ran through the swarm stopped by an immediate pain of hitting a solid object. Eyes shooting open to find himself flailed out on the floor of his room. Face in pain, mostly his nose, from landing on it. Groaning he slipped back into bed to rub his sore face. His night spent awake in bed, full of dread, staring at the ceiling. Deciding to do something, other than dread for the day, he got up to redecorate. Swiping his glasses from off a shelf before shoving junk boxes to the side to move shelves someplace better. Getting rid of things completely from his room. His lonely cot off to the side opposite to his work desk. A few shelves against the wall toward the left of both. Walls barren of anything except nails. A lone yellowed ceiling bulb providing the room it's only light without windows. Sparse for right now. Need to find a rug to give this place some color. Admiring his organized handy work. Warm expression dulling at seeing the first bit of sun creep under his door. Sighing “here we go.” He grabbed his chain mail to slip on. Wearing his vest he filled with bottles of meds. Bandages shoved in about every pocket he could.
His steps echoing down the hall felt so loud to him. Maybe it was true with how heavy the chain mail was. In the great hall he greeted everyone from the front. “I-… I decided to hold the meeting until after I get back.” Struggling to get through today already.
It must've been written all over his face by what Marta asked him. “Should you go tomorrow?” More of a subtle suggestion.
“No, the longer it takes the less I can save.” Passing by to step out.
Sun hidden by the thick gray clouds collecting across Temple Gate. Following his route he took so many times before to know the way. Good thing I didn't eat breakfast. Stomach already unsettled enough he was sure it would have tossed itself by now. Making one stop to pick something up he Ignored the many steps of followers behind him coming to watch. He stood before the gate into the quarantine zone. Ugly rusted chain link layered by bundles upon bundles of barbed wire to keep all out or in. warnings of sickness to depressing messages of “God bless.” pinned to the chain links. He glanced at Mathew stepping up to his side, who passed a glance back. In a warning he asked the boy.“They tried to kill me last time. I don't know if I can keep you safe. Are you sure you want to go?”
He smiled. “I have faith in you.” Losing it at the sight of what was in Blake's hands.
A long, sharpened axe he stopped for. Brought along to help those far too lost to the disease. “Is your father here? Does he know?”
“H-he didn't want to see me go. We had a long talk b-before.”
They turned to Marta stepping up. “You want me to come?”
“No.” Blake answered. “You're too much of a target if there are arrows. I want as few people as possible for me to worry about.”
She dipped her head, attention snapping to something off in the distance. “Val's watching.” Everyone else's attention snapping toward where she looked.
He scanned the horizon and found that fleck of gold. “Well, if she wants to see an idiot fumble through quarantine. I can't stop her.” Shifting his shoulders he stepped toward the gate. Taking a deep breath he opened the rusted door. “Close this once we're in.” Slipping by to squeeze nervously past the walls of barbed wire. Stuck at his side was Mathew tracing his steps.
More so by the time a thick mist rolled down the mountains to flow between the buildings. Hiding their surroundings until they passed close enough to touch something. If some bastard jumps out to vomit on me again. They're getting an axe to the face, no matter. Axe end held high enough to tap against his cheek. It's cold metal down to its weight lowering his hands brought a strange comfort. What didn't was the noise all the rattling bottles caused at each step. How was I to do this again? Find someone and then? Rounding each corner spiking his fear for it to crash down. Mist making it impossible to see more than five feet in front of him. Whispering to Mathew standing next to him. “Did we pass anyone?”
“I didn't see anyone. I don't hear anyone either.”
“Fuck, someones gotta be around here.” Did everyone die? He feared the worst the longer it took to find anybody. Worried about Mathew after he traveled farther from his side. “Don't go too far. We can't risk it with this mist.” Catching up to the young man stopped by finding someone.
Blake looked down at the one laying before them. “He alive?”
“No.” Confirming what Blake knew from the lack of breathing. “You think they left?”
“I wouldn't be surprised. They didn't have anything here, but death and misery. But how long ago since they left, then? After their deacons' death or after Knoth's?”
“I don't think they would've gotten the news. They only know things because Knoth sent Laird letters.”
“Great, I'll have to break the news then.”
“If we find anyone.”
Forward they passed the stable buildings out into the more shack areas. Environment harder to navigate without any sort of street to follow. Buildings made around trees rather than the other way around. Eaten by nature for daring to try and settle in its path. Bodies littered the ground every few feet. A few were checked for life while others obvious from their half rotten forms. Out of morbid curiosity he stood by a few of the bodies. A similar look about them to how Lynn was in his dream. Can I do this? Doubt gnawed on his mind. Too late to turn back now.
Attention whipping toward Mathew shouting. “Hey, there's someone!” Pointing to a silhouetted figure standing in the fog.
The figure turned to look at Mathew confused. Eyes turned wide when Blake came into view out of the mist. “He's back!” shouting out as he ran away. His silhouette swept away by the thick air.
“Oh boy.” Blake fidgeted with the axe. “Stay close. I don't know what's going to happen.”
Out of the gray they appeared one by one. Dark silhouettes of an approaching mob come to see him. “It's true!” “He's back!” “Our savior!” He heard multiple voices shout. More figures appearing from all sides to circle them.
“Whoa, wait. Hold on!” Blake spoke to the closing crowd.
“He's forgiven us! Forgiven us for killing our saints Laird and Nick!” “Come to deliver his flesh!” “Take a piece of him!” “We are saved!”
“Hey, no! That's not how it works!” His voice fell on deaf ears. Heart thudding in his head at the sharp carving blades shining in their grip. Hands reaching out to tear him apart he grabbed Mathew to turn into a run. leapt on by one of the ill, he dropped his axe. Clawing into whoever was on his back to rip them off. Disgusted by the blood smeared over him he swept the axe back up. Shoving Mathew toward a space they hadn't closed in on. Mobs of the ill coming out of every crevice to crowd after Blake. He knocked a few back by the blunt end of his axe. Leaping over those he thought were bodies until they lunged for their legs.
“What do we do?” Mathew asked the same question Blake was asking himself.
“Find a safe place.” Was what he came up with.
Charging into a shack that had no way to shut themselves inside. Right in and out they went through multiple structures. Leaping over fallen logs to fences they couldn't see much of. A clunk noise turned Blake's blood to ice. Halting behind a tree he yanked Mathew behind in time to see a chunk of tree shot off.
“You said Laird and Nick were dead!”
“They are, but their crossbows still around.” Yanking Mathew forward rather harshly to keep them going before the next reload. Slowed too much the hoard had caught up to the two. Their exits dwindled further and further; they kept making twists and turns to escape. Blake saw in his mind that their escape was turning into a loop. Their circle tightening without a way to break through. If they were caught by the mob wall too long he imagined an arrow would finish them off. A whiz of one by the back of his head nicked the skin off. His dreaded asthma squeezed the lungs out of his air. If he didn't stop soon for a breather he would surely collapse. Mathew would have to guard his body until he woke. Refusing to leave Mathew in that position he rather split away. Shelter was what they needed to have any chance. Ignoring his wheezing he scanned the mists edge, running up to a slanted shack they found empty with some doors to block. Shoving a table against it that wouldn't hold for long. He shook against a wall to wheeze air into his burning lungs. This place felt so much worse then when he was here last. Was this a mistake? Could I go back? Imagining himself returning to disappointed looks from everyone upon his failed mission. He felt sick, readying to vomit. Held back by Mathew patting him on the shoulder. His voice unable to reach Blake stuck in his thoughts. Why am I here? I can't help these people. I shouldn't have come back, I shouldn't be here. Lynn, I'm sorry. I- Literally shaken from his thoughts by Mathew.
“Sir, are you alright?”
He looked down to his hands. “Y-yeah. Needed a moment.” He couldn't stop shaking. God, what am I doing?
“Should we go back? We can come another time with more people. At least when it's clear and we can see our hands in front of our faces.”
Willing to admit defeat if it got him back someplace safe. “Yeah, let's do that.” His lungs no longer burning he went for the door. Table moved to peek his head out he glanced back and forth. Without seeing the silhouette of the hoard he stepped out first. Back slammed into the floor before he realized what had happened. Knocked back so hard by a hit to the chest. His tightly shut eyes opened to Mathews shocked face dragging him back inside to slam the door shut. “Are you okay?!”
Blake sat up to look at what hit him. An arrow, stuck into his chest. He pulled the chain mail away from him and let out a breath when he saw it didn't pierce him too deep. A slight jab while most the arrow was stuck in between the broken links. “Fuck.” Gripping the arrow to yank it out not going too well. It was jammed in good and a mob of people came banging on the door left him no choice but to leave it. Snapping off its length to not deal with that while running. Helped to his feet they prepared for what was coming. Blake had the only weapon on hand. Both had nowhere to run to in the metal makeshift shack. Their lone exit blocked by people wanting to devour him alive. Tightening his grip on the axe he slammed it into one of the walls. Loosening it back enough that him and Mathew slipped out. An arrow swishing past Blake's head when disappearing into the mist.
In his running he didn't see right away that Mathew was no longer at his shoulder. “Mathew?” He called out despite the danger. “Mathew?!” Frantic about if he should run back or search nearby. When did he lose sight of him? Did Mathew get ahead of him? Heart wrenched by the sounds of him begging for help. Blake didn't hesitate to run toward the sound.
Arriving to the scene of them hanging Mathew up a tree. Choked by a rope pulled back by a group Blake charged into the line. Knocking them over to drop Mathew to gasp for air at the dirt. Another arrow slammed Blake down next to him after a hit to the shoulder. Hands grabbed onto his chain mail vest to get a grip on him. Unintentionally helping him to his feet he bashed away those who had a hold. Yanking Mathew up by the arm to scare an exit open by wildly swinging his axe. He could've chopped right through them, but that would ruin the whole reason they were there. Goddamn these people! Another flash of an arrow passed his vision. Lungs choking him to wheeze in what air he could. Anger boiling over at this point. I'm an angel, aren't I? I shouldn't be running. He pushed Mathew forward to keep going.
Choking on his words when Blake ran back to the hoard. “What are you doing?!”
“Living up to my title.” If someones going to die first it's gonna be the one with the arrows. Stopping and going with each shot taken his way. On his final approach his burning courage faltered by another hit to the chest. Gritting his teeth from the painful hit he kept forward. Another hit he was sure broke a rib. Then a third hit too high for his liking. He was close and had to find the bow man before another round was loaded. Soon as he saw a figure by a tree he charged at them. The dull end of his axe slammed into the shooter's head. Blake grabbed the cross bow before it had a second to lay on the ground. Roaring at the one he stood over. “Get up!” Gripping what covering they had to get them on their feet. Fighting him to keep the bow or his axe from being taken. He shoved them back into a nearby tree tired of all the fighting. “You want a savior?! You got the Angel of Death instead! I reaped Knoth's soul in the center of Temple Gate itself!” Like he wanted his title scared the fight right out of his captive. “Eat me and all you'll get is deadly food poisoning!” Calming down to not shout his next wording. “I didn't come to kill, I came here to help, but you have to do what I say.” Giving the other a light shake. “Understand?”
They nodded. “Y-yes.”
“Good, go out and tell them I will help them. Not by being eaten!” Slipping out a bottle. “These can help heal you of the disease, but not of the damage it's done over the years. I have many of these and can get more if there's not enough to pass out. I will lead you all out to a new quarantine. One that's safer where you will get better care. This one can be yours.” Passing the bottle to the others hands. “Get everyone to gather by the gate into Temple Gate. Everyone, no matter their condition. Those I cannot help with medicine… I will help them pass on instead.” Guiding the other out into the mist to gather the still hunting hoard. Really hoping that Mathew was safe wherever he ended up and wasn't eaten. He stood still by the tree, crossbow and axe in hand. Allowing the news of his true saving method to spread first. The mist cleared later in the day he tracked his way back to the more town like area. Anxiety almost having him run at the sight of a mob of people. Calming down that this was the place he told them to meet.
Each one passed glances between one another upon seeing him. Whispers murmuring his intimidating title “Angel of Death”. Alongside the news he informed the first of. “Knoth's gone.” “Taken by the Angel.” “Will we be taken too?” They parted from his path to the center of the assembly.
“I have come to save who I can. If you listen to me I will take you out of this dump to a new quarantine zone. Which will be temporary.” He awkwardly announced. “This was not a punishment from the lord. This was never a “disease of the soul.” You were led astray by Knoth. He spread this disease among you and knew he could have helped you at any time, but he didn't. He is no longer here, I killed him. I will be doing what he was supposed to a long time ago. Not by eating me or my friend.” Pulling another bottle off him to hold up. “After taking this medication for a full fourteen days you will be allowed back fully into Temple Gate.” The news brought up many whispers within the crowd. Hushed by Blake continuing his instructions. “I want to save as many as I can, but I need help finding everyone. As the Angel of Death I have one other task. I can't save everyone, despite wanting to.” Delivering the grim news.
“Who shall be taken to the lord?” One asked.
“... Those the medicine cannot help. You probably know who, ones who suffered the longest… Help me find others to save. Those who are the worst will be getting bottles first.” Spreading a way out of the crowd. He was worried at not seeing Mathew within the crowd. They wandered around the disgusting quarantine area. Checking on bodies to confirm they were dead or not. It didn't take long for Blake to find the first of many too far gone. Laying as the living dead left skinless in the dirt. Emaciated as they wheezed without a reaction to anything Blake spoke to them. He took a deep breath to slam the axe down hard as he could. Skull cracking in two for a merciful kill in one hit. It was why he picked his axe so carefully. Its weight offered a strong hit that wouldn't force him to do another one on a poor soul. Careful around handling those piled in ditches. Half piled with the dead while the rest could be living. If that's what it could be called at this point.
Each merciful passing left Blake questioning if this was right. Could he help them some other way? When he saw the next person suffering he knew there was nothing to be done. Even getting them to a real hospital for help wouldn't save them. At most they'd be given heavy painkillers for end of life care. He kept on his sweep for those too far gone. Wanting to make sure no one was forgotten when they left, stuck alone to rot without anybody knowing.
“Blake!” He stopped when Mathew called. Racing to find him standing at the entrance of a tent half collapsed. The look on his face saying it was urgent. Inside he met a woman looking as bad as the rest. Laying in bed covered in an angry red rash that peeled the skin back. Boils not helping the already damaged skin cracking around them. Covered in old bandages that may as well be useless now. Despite her condition she managed to smile at Blake's appearance. “Here's the angel I told you about mom.” Mathew gestured to Blake.
He smiled an awkward. “Hey.” When introduced. taking a small stool nearby he sat beside her resting place. Examining the poor women he knew the disease had stuck with her too long. Judging by how Mathew left to stand outside, he knew it too.
She wheezed out each word.“My son told me about all you've done.”
“Heh, I don't think it's much. How are you feeling?”
“Tired of being sick. The air is too thick to take in anymore. I can't stand since my heart stills between the few beats.” She was honest, but it wasn't what Blake wanted to hear. Her tired eyes settled on the bloody axe in his hands. “I didn't expect to see my son ever again before my time. Always waiting for the night that would be my last. I prayed for it, being the lone thing I had left to look forward to. Before then I prayed that my son would be safe. That I would never see him end up here. From what he's told me, that won't be happening to anyone else. I'm happy to see that my boys in good hands, that's all I really wanted. I have nothing more to pray for.”
Blake dipped his head down to the axe. Standing to continue out his task without another word. Outside Mathew was on the verge of tears. Unable to look at Blake when he finally stepped out of the tent. Breaking down after Blake set a hand on his shoulder. Crumpling into himself to sit and sob into his hands. Refusing to move on even when his arm was tugged on. One arm pulled away from him he gripped onto a bottle Blake set against his hand. Sobs slowing enough to clear the tears from his eyes to stare down at the orange bottle.
“I have to keep going around for a while. Help your mother and move people to the other quarantine. Pass out the rest of the meds once everyone's settled.” Patting the younger man on the back after he cried even harder over the given bottle.
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bish-plz-haha · 11 months
Chapter 16
The next few days were slower than Harry remembered the work days going by. He did acquire the wand that was used to fire the spell that bonded the two of them. Hermione had owled him to tell him that they'll be ready by Saturday evening. And that Harry was to tell Draco.
"Hey. What's got you so late this morning?" Harry jumped in place, looking to the small couch that sat next to the door as he entered.
"Oh. Um, just... stuff. What're you doing here?" Harry asked.
Ron smiled at him, looking towards the box next to him. "Came to clear out my office and turn in my resignation." He said. Harry nodded and sat at his desk. Ron took a look around. "You gotta dust soon. It's getting dirty in here." Harry chuckled.
"I dont spend a lot of time in here anymore. You know this." Harry laughed. Ron hummed. "I genuinely cant believe you're doing this. I think you'll be great at the shop though. Ill have to come by sometime." Ron nodded, smiling brightly at the idea. They sat talking for a bit - Harry asking about the shop and new products. Ron was happy to engage him, telling him about George's ideas for silent yet fun toys for people that have problems with loud noises.
"George says it's for people who have PTSD from the war - or just anything really. He still jumps at loud noises. And sometimes talks like Fred is still here." Ron spoke quietly, his voice soft, as though faded, and cumbersome with the memories of the past. "I think most of us still do - jump at loud noises we aren't expecting, I mean. It was traumatic and a scary time for everyone. So George gave me the job to figure out how these toys will operate and work, just without noise." Ron divulged. After about ten minutes of talking, he stood and grabbed his box, announcing his leave.
"I'm gonna head out. By the way, 'Mione said that she'll be ready by six Saturday."
"She owled me. But thank you though." Harry said as he showed Ron out. After his friend had left, he closed the door and sat back at his desk. He tried to get through paperwork that had piled up. But his thoughts were riddled with anxiety - racing round and round in his head, pounding at his skull like cars running around a track.
Can you please block your thoughts? I cannot concentrate with your thoughts seeping into my head every five minutes. Draco said telepathiclly.
Sorry. My anxiety is just getting worse the closer we are.
I understand but try to distract yourself.Draco told him. Harry had tried. He tried to do paperwork but that failed. He tried to take a nap and that failed as well. He knew distraction was how Draco was coping but it just didn't work for him. Harry decided that he would try a new form of distraction; just enough to get him through the day. He decided that he was going for a walk. He found himself pacing up and down the hall outside of his office. It replaced his anxiety but definitely gave him time to think about the upcoming ritual. Come down to the lab. He heard Draco in his head. Harry took a deep breath, tried to steady himself, and made way towards the lab. He knocked on the door before entering. The weird part was that the door was closed. Draco hardly ever closed the lab door.
"Why'd you ask me down here?" Harry questioned when he entered after being told to do so. Draco was where he normally was; hunched over a cauldron with a stirring rod in hand. He looked up at the sound of Harry's voice.
"Because you're freaking out over nothing and I need help." He said. Harry blinked at him.
"With what?"
"I need to make twenty seven wolfsbane potions by tomorrow and my assistant is out for exams." Draco informed. "So I need you to follow this step by step and help me finish up these potions." Draco nodded to the large, old looking book in front of him. Harry nodded and got to work. He prept the cauldron before creating his base.
A while later and Harry had successfully followed the instructions that were written down and had a cauldron full of wolfsbane. "Good job." Draco praised as he looked into the iron pot. Harry beamed at him. "And you're not anxious now." Harry looked at him confused for a moment before realising. Draco was right. His heartbeat was steady in his ears and his mind wasnt racing. He was focused on the task at hand and that composed him enough to think clearly.
"You're right." He said. Draco looked at him, his features soft.
"I told you. It works when you're anxious to have something to put all your focus into. That's why I really liked potions in school." Draco said as he continued to look over the file resting in front of him. "It gave me a chance to level my head and think clearly." Harry nodded and thanked him.
After brewing two more cauldrons worth of wolfsbane, Draco thanked Harry for his help and switched gears. Harry watched as Draco brought out a different cauldron, a bigger one, and started mixing things together.
"What're you doing now?" Harry asked after about twenty minutes of sitting quietly.
"I was brought a sample of a potion by Auror Clarke earlier today." Draco told him. "So far I've determined it's some sort of enhanced pain potion mixed with muggle narcotics. Not sure why." Draco said.
"It sells." Harry said. Draco hummed his acknowledgement and removed the stirring rod from the cauldron. "Um, so earlier today, I got an owl from Hermione. She told me that she'll be ready by Saturday evening." Draco nodded and looked at him.
"This-this is really happening." A look of bewilderment crossed Draco face. He placed his hands on the desk and put his weight on them, head hung. "I'm not sure I want this to happen."
"It has to. Remember, we may not be able to break this later on. And later on, our sense of what's real and what's not may not be there. Draco, I'm scared too. But we'll get through this. Together." Harry told him.
Draco looked up at him with a tender smile, affection front and centre in his eyes. "Together." He repeated.
"Well, I have to get back to my office but see you at home?"
"Well duh." Draco sent him a playful smile. Harry turned and walked out the door. He walked back to his office with a smile on his face.
Later that night, Harry and Draco sat down for dinner like they normally did. The air was somehow lighter despite the tension they were both carrying in their shoulders.
"You know," Harry started, "I don't really remember much of that day honestly. I do remember Ron and Hermione saying you refused aid from the healers." Harry laughed. "I hope you know that you could've put a death sentence on both of us by refusing right?" Harry picked up the glass in front of him and took a sip.
Draco was taken aback. His reaction delayed as a moment later he said, "What? What're you talking about?"
"Yeah." Harry swallowed  the food he had chewed and looked to Draco. "Hermione told me that if that spell had been cast wrong - even the slightest bit - we could've died. She said it would've happened in the first twenty four hours. Or was it forty eight hours? Either way, it was somewhere between that."
"Oh." Was all Draco said. The room was silent for a while as Draco sat his utensils down and thought about what the younger had said. It was a while before he spoke up again. "I'm sorry I was so reckless. Honestly, even though it was just a few months ago, I didn't really care what happened to me. Die, not die. It didn't matter. But I'm sorry I didn't take your life into account." Draco said sincerely.
Harry gave him a knowing smile. "You don't have to explain it to me. I get it. Since the incident, I've been pushing papers and sitting out field work. Robards doesn't want - and I quote - "to lose the face of the ministry over a cons mistake." I just want to do more; help people. But I got desk duty." Harry sighed. "I like the action. I like the thrill. The adrenaline rush I get from chasing down the bad guys. The battles we get into. But since we could have died, he's got me sitting on the bench."
"Well," Draco started, swallowing his food. "Why dont you say something? You got into this profession for a reason - whether it be that reason or not is for you to decide. But you didn't join to be the face of the department - of the building." Draco placed his fork down and sternly looked to Harry. "Do what you signed up to do - your job. And part of that job, as of right now, is sticking up for yourself and telling them you don't want to just be their face."
Nodding, Harry stood up from the table, determination set to his features before deflating quickly. "I cant." Harry sat back down.
"Of course you can."
"No. I really cant. I don't know what to say."
Draco huffed. "Have you ever followed script?" Harry shook his head. "And are you going to start now?" Again, a head shake. "So go start explaining to them why you need to be in the field. Exactly what you just told me." Harry nodded.
"Yeah. You're right." Harry smiled and kissed Draco on the cheek quickly before bolting out of the room, plates in hand. Harry quickly made way for the drawing room, thinking about what he was going to write down and hand in to Robards.
"What's this?" The head auror questioned as he looked at the paper he was just handed. It was early morning so there weren't a lot of people in the building - less risk for distraction and interruption.
"Why I should be out in the field instead of behind a desk." Harry told him earnestly.
"We can't risk-"
"Yes, I know. You cant risk losing the face of the ministry. You've told me multiple times. But I'm good at what I do. I don't want to sit behind my reputation as "the boy who lived" the rest of my life." Harry could feel the anger rising, though it wasnt like before. This time, he could feel control. Though he wanted his point to get across to the head auror more than anything. "I want to show people that I'm good at what I do and that back then I wasnt just some kid that just got lucky - cause that's not what happened. I want to show people that they can - that I can - be more than just a legend for the history books." Harry took a deep breath, steadying himself before looking to his boss.
"Auror Potter." Robards sighed he placed his clasped hands on his desk and leaned forward. "It wasn't my decision to bench you. It was the ministers. I'll give him the word that you would like to be placed back into the field but odds are against you right now." Robards gave him a sympathetic look before dismissing him.
Harry left the room and sauntered back to his office slowly. Harry took a seat in the chair behind his desk and let his head fall to the desktop. He had a good feeling about getting his position back and being reassinged to work in the field again when he woke up that morning. But now, knowing it was the minister himself that took Harry out of the field, the attempt to be reassigned to field work seemed futile.
"Hey, how'd it-" Draco knocked on his door. Harry heard the man step into the office and close the door, taking a seat on the couch. "What happened. I can feel your depression radiating off your body." Harry gave a dry chuckle and lifted his head from the desk.
"It wasn't Robards." Harry informed.
"If not him, then who?" Draco questioned. Harry gave a heavy sigh and looked down at his fiddling fingers then back to Draco.
"The minister himself." Draco sat shocked.
"The minister usually doesnt muddle with the affairs of any department. Why are you so special?"
"Did you forget who I am? I'm "the boy who lived" and they want to keep it that way." Draco sighed and sat up in his seat.
"Well," Draco paused. Harry could almost see the gears turning in his head, trying to think of every possible solution. "You'll just have to appeal the ministers decision." He finally said.
"The attempt is futile. There's no way they'd let me risk my life. Not again. Not even if I got a lawyer or something to appeal. They'd find some way to shut me down." Harry said honestly.
Draco sighed and agreed. "It's worth a shot anyway if you love your job and are good at it." Draco got up and left the room without another word. Harry took his words into account. Maybe the blonde was right. Maybe if Harry proved he loved his job and was good at it - that what happened was just a minor mistake - they'd consider putting him back in the field.
"Thanks." Harry mumbled before setting about his paperwork. The day went by quicker than either hoped.
Tomorrow is it. The last time we'll share thoughts. Draco told him, ironically, through thought. He sounded slightly down.
As long as it goes correctly.Harry responded. Harry made his way to the apparition point but instead of home, he apparated to the front of George's shop: Weasley's & Weasley's Toy Joke Emporium. He had renamed it from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes when Fred died. "Fred had horrible name ideas but insisted. And you remember how assertive he was about something he set his mind to." The older Weasley once told Harry.
"Hello?" Harry called. "Anyone?"
"We're closed. Sor- oh. Harry!" George exclaimed as he walked out from the back. "Didn't know you were going to pop by." He said happily. "I'll give you a tour. Over here, we have the practical jokes. Dont need skill for those. Over there we have the gross - but funny - items. Over there-"
Harry looked around at the shop in awe. "You've done some amazing work with this place." Harry told him once  he finished explaining all the sections of the shop. George nodded and smiled at him gratefully. "Ron told me you're working on some new products?"
"Ah." George beamed. "Yeah. As you probably know, a lot  of people suffer from PTSD since the war - including me and Ron. And loud noises can trigger a bad response when unexpected. So I assume it's the same for a lot of people. Jokes are apart of everyday life though and I couldn't imagine going through life without them. But the toys that make a loud noise makes me jump or cry or even have flashbacks when they go off without expectation. So, I thought what if it were that way for others. All the fun without the noise." George led Harry to the stairs and up. "We're creating more room for a whole section of toys up here for those who have suffered in the war. PTSD in general really. As they say, laughter is the bed medicine and when it doesn't set you off, I agree."
Harry looked around the top floor before walking to the railing. He gazed out into the shop in amazement. "You've really taken something that was a painful reminder and made it your own." Harry muttered.
"Well, the world keeps going on with daily life so if you fall behind, you're left behind. I didn't want to be left behind. I wanted a place to laugh - a place that is as much a part of me as it was him. And this was it. So I decided to reopen as soon as I could because people count on this being a place they can go to escape what happened." George leaned against the railing next to him. They were silent for a few moments before the redhead mumbled, "Do you think he would be proud?"
Harry looked over to the red haired man and noticed tears pricking the corner of his eyes. "Yeah. I think he would. I know all of your family is. And I am as well." Harry reached over and slung an arm over his shoulder as they continued to look out at the shop. Toys hung on all the walls, leaving no wall visible and uncovered. The tables and shelves set around the base floor of the shop gave it a more crowded look than what Harry thought it actually was.
As they walked down the stairs, Harry checked his watch. It was an hour later than he should've been home. "Well, I wanted to drop by, see how  you are doing. Say hello." Harry said giving George a quick hug before turning to leave.
"Harry," George called out as Harry pushed open the door. "Thank you." Harry smiled at him and nodded before stepping out and apparating home quickly.
"You're an hour late." Draco said as Harry entered the house.
Sheepishly smiling at him, Harry nodded. "I was with George at the shop. He was showing me around."
Draco nodded and opened his mouth to speak. "Dinner is ready!" Draco and Harry looked to Daisy who had apparated beside them in the doorway. They both nodded and Daisy apparated away. As Draco and Harry looked to each other, Harry started laughing.
"That was perfect timing!" He wheezed. Draco, who had his hands on his knees, nodded in agreement. Once they composed themselves, they walked into the dining room. Daisy had already brought the food to the table and poured each of them a glass of pumpkin juice. They ate in silence. The air tense with thoughts of the following day but the energy was comforting.
"So, how was your day?" Harry asked as he sipped the juice.
"Really? We're going to talk about our days as small talk? I get we're trying to not think about the proceedings tomorrow but we can do better than 'how was your day?'" Draco said.
"Alright. How was your week?"
Draco chuckled. "Alright. New topic: have you heard about the London zoo? A panda has been born and they named her Lola." Harry cooed at the thought. They finished their meal talking about animals.
"Ya know, I really want to get a dog." Harry informed Draco.
"Why haven't you?"
Harry thought for a second. "Money, I suppose. They're quite expensive and need a lot of attention. Of which I can't offer either because of work." Harry explained. Draco hummed and told Harry of his wishes.
"I really want a lizard. I've never had a pet in my life and would like one. And despite the fact that I was scared for my life because of a snake for three years, I'd rather stick to a reptile. They're easier to care for." Draco told him. Harry chuckled.
"That might be true but can they love you like a dog or a cat?"
Draco hummed. "No. But they are very interesting. Unlike with a dog where you can predict their actions." With that, Draco smiled at Harry and went to wash his dishes. Harry quickly followed Draco to the kitchen.
"I'm scared." Harry muttered as he placed his plate in the cupboard.
"I understand that. I am as well." They stood, side by side, staring straight ahead. Harry reached over blindly and grabbed Draco's hand, giving it a quick squeeze before releasing and walking out the door.
"I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
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bestbidani · 1 year
Not having a great time.
I need to vent but I don't want to bum my friends and family out. So... I'm posting here where people have the option to not read this post.
Trigger warning: pet illness, talk of possible death
Our cat, Roland, isn't doing well. He has feline herpes, the symptoms of which are like that of a cold, or allergies: runny nose, yellow mucus, sneezing, eye discharge. It's not uncommon for him to have flare ups occasionally, and the symptoms last for a few days. In addition to being a little tired, he eats a little less because the sinus drainage makes his tummy hurt.
Last Thursday, he showed symptoms of a herpes flare up. Mostly normal.
Friday, he hid under the bed all day and wasn't very interested in food. I brought him some wet food, he ate some of it. I left it out for him, he ate some later.
He spent all Saturday under the bed. Stopped grooming himself. I had to drag him out from under the bed to get him to eat. Showed very little interest in food. Ate a few bites.
Slept all Sunday in his cat bed at the foot of our bed. Ate even less than he did Saturday. I can tell he's losing weight.
Slept all Monday. Refused food no matter what I did. I'm starting to panic.
Tuesday, I check on him via security camera and notice his legs are kinda stiff when he walks, and he's kind of hunched over when he sits. I pick up some prescription cat food from the vet. I'm able to get him to eat a few spoonfuls. I feel relieved.
I'm working from home Wednesday, so I feed him his high calorie prescription food throughout the day. He eats 3/4 of the can over the day. He spends most of the day in his cat bed. I only see him get up to go to the litter box. He's wobbly and very stiff while walking. Loses is balance and falls over at one point. I think it's odd, but maybe he's still kind of weak and tired from not eating much lately. I figured since he ate a decent amount of food this day, he would start improving.
This past Thursday he eats a decent amount of breakfast. I check on him via camera. He gets out of his bed once to go to the litter box. I notice he doesn't get his entire body in it, and ends up peeing outside the box. I'm concerned, but rationalized it thinking "he's still getting his strength back and maybe didn't realize he didn't get his butt in the box." I'm out late, and my husband feeds him as soon as he gets home. I get home around 9 and check on him. Husband and I both notice he's awake and laying in his cat bed, but his breathing is rapid and shallow. He struggles to stand up, and lets out a meow that sounds distressed. He takes a few unsteady steps towards the litterbox before he abruptly lays down and sighs. He struggles to stand back up before tipping over and peeing on himself.
So now we're panicking and rush him to the emergency vet. They give him oxygen for the distressed breathing. They run a blood panel and take an x-ray. Other than a mild fever, they don't find anything out of the ordinary. Organs are fine. Nothing abnormal on the x-ray. No fluids, no masses.
They give us a saline bag, IV drip, needles, meds to stimulate appetite, and meds to break the fever. We take him home, give him fluids, wait an hour and give him his meds as per the vet's instructions. He cries when we pick him up and move him, but we figure that he just doesn't feel well and is stressed. We feed him then go to sleep.
This morning I worked from home so I could monitor and feed him. He was more enthusiastic about food than he had been previously. While it's not his usual meows, he's more vocal than usual. I hoped it was a sign that his energy was returning.
I went into the office for the afternoon when my husband worked from home. I don't get any updates from him, but he told me that Roland ate around 2:00.
I've been checking on him regularly since I got home. And I think he's getting worse.
He's not sleeping as much, but he's laying on his side, restlessly moving his feet around. He just occasionally cries. But he especially cries if he's sitting or trying to stand up. He's falling over more when he walks. He cries when we touch him. His breathing is distressed and shallow. He seems to be in pain, but I don't know why or what to do.
I'm scared he has FIP. It's rare but fatal. His symptoms seem to match those listed on the wiki page.
I'm feel helpless watching him suffer. I watch his little chest rise and fall with each breath, wondering if I'm watching his final ones. Every time I leave the room and come back, I'm terrified I'll find him not breathing.
I'm making myself sick with worry. I can't stop crying and having panic attacks. I've cried so hard I've gagged. I'm nauseous. I'm shaking. I hurt so much.
My husband is breaking down. If we're like this now... How are we going to survive if Roland doesn't make it?
I'm not religious, but I'm praying and begging God not to take my little baby from me. He's 8 years old; he's supposed to have many more years left. He has to.
Please. I love him so much. Please don't take him.
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luci-four · 4 years
Henlis,, May I request the obey me boys in a Hypmic AU,, whichever boys of your choosing,,
A/N: hello “anon” who I totally don’t know and didn’t watch send this to my inbox while you sat across the couch from me, you get the bare minimum
Diavolo (Leader) Barbatos Lucifer
Asmo (Leader) Mammon Levi
Satan (Leader) Beel Belphie
Solomon (Leader) Luke Simeon
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n, tommy, wilbur and phil
requested: yes/no
an: part 7 of the great adventures series - a rollercoaster of emotions
warnings: cursing, jokes about death (like the vlog) , didn’t proof read as its 6am sorry for any mistakes
it had been around a week since you last spoke to tubbo, the pair of you got into a heated argument and honestly you didn’t want to be anywhere near the boy. no one heard from you since you and tubbo blocked each other, ranboo would talk to you about how you need to forgive and forget and Tommy would do the same to tubbo eventually you unblocked each other however apart from that it was pretty much useless neither of you were willing to talk to the other person, it was just one of those things that needed time, soon enough you’d be friends again. at least you hoped that would be the case. later that day Wilbur sent you a message asking what time he should pick you up tomorrow not wanting to argue you let him know a time and went off to get ready for the night.
The car ride to Alton towers was pretty quiet the majority of the ride was spent playing random car games like eye spy or singing along to the radio as there was no traffic you got there rather quickly giving you longer in the park. you loved theme parks and Tommy knew this so he took the opportunity to invite you and get you out of the house, he also knew he would need the support. Phil began recording as you all made your way through the park the sky car was first so you could get to the other half of the park Tommy made it pretty clear he wasn’t the biggest fan of this and you and Wilbur didn’t help his cause by discussing the recent crash in Italy that killed a group of people, you pointed out all the rides you passed teasing Tommy whilst Wilbur interviewed him on why he wanted to hit 10 million subs, as soon as Tommy mentioned the girl from college your eyes widened and you sat trying not to laugh as Wilbur and Phil sat telling him to call her. Tommy looked at you trying to get back up but you responded by telling him you want to speak to her.
once off the sky car you stood with an arm around Tommy's shoulders as Wilbur spoke to the girl who you’re hoping is in on it and that they’re not calling up the poor girl unexpectedly. as soon as you were informed that her favourite ride was the smiler Tommy pulled you into a hug hiding his face in the crook of your neck
“Are you serious”
“you’ll be fine it’s the safest ride here...if you ignore the crash”
the four of you walked around the park looking for an easy rollercoaster as you make your way up to the smiler, the blade caught Wilbur's eye so the three of you made your way whilst Phil decided to stay back to record, you sat next to Tommy reassuring him that he’s going to be fine and how it can’t be that bad as a family with a young child got on the ride after you.
“if I pee myself will you laugh at me”
“yes..actually that’ll make it easier for me”
“Please don’t do that Wilbur”
“only for you y/n”
the ride started slowly however the speed soon picked up you sat laughing as Tommy went on to make references about technoblade and how he’s never going to die. soon enough the three of you began ‘singing’ the lyrics to road trip in an attempt to calm down a little bit. was it working? no. a few minutes later the ride came to an end as you made your way off of the ride you heard a child screaming about how fun it was
“how is that six-year-old shouting I loved it”
“are we cowards”
“yes, yes you are”
you made it to Phil first and rambled on about how fun it was before Wilbur and Tommy made it to you both wanting to go home
on your journey to the next ride, Tommy pointed out claw machines and dragged you to them, Phil had a go first and didn’t win the dog Tommy wanted, you had a go determined to win however like Phil you didn’t win
“This is bullshit ill buy you a toy dog”
“Why are you never satisfied”
“Good question”
you walked away from the machines with the others Tommy complained that he was being forced to go on the rides, you pointed at the smiler and Wilbur announced you could all go on that now, the rest of the walk was pretty quiet after that. soon enough you were in the queue to go on duel, you were walking with Phil not realising that Wilbur was currently telling your best friend that he was going to die, the only reason you found out was because Tommy ran up to you asking if he was going to die
“Tommy, no who told you that... Wilbur stop laughing it’s not- it’s not funny”
“y/n you’re quite literally laughing”
you put your finger on your lips and walked off. you sat with Phil so you could have a break from Tommy screaming in your ear as soon as Tommy yelled there were guns the ride began, you weren’t the best at this ride you missed the target a few too many times than you’d like to admit, once the ride was over Tommy made the mistake of laughing about how low your score was you made eye contact with Tommy and placed your hand on his shoulder
“Tommy... you screamed at everything the entire way around. if that ride was any longer i’m afraid I’d lose my hearing”
“didn’t you also do shit Tommy”
“fuck off”
and with that you left the ride walking through the gift shop, you and Tommy were like little children picking up anything that was covered in bright colours, you and Tommy found a squishy monster and named it Clarence you ended up getting attached and Wilbur stayed with you as you paid for it whilst Phil and Tommy were leaving the shop
“Phil we lost y/n and Wilbur”
“sorry y/n got distracted”
you all continued walking to the next ride Tommy instantly got distracted by the dryer outside of the river rapids ride and spent a good few minutes asking to go into the dryer. at this point, you noticed another toy shop and ran off to that one whilst they argued with Tommy about the dryer a few minutes later you met up with them again as you began making your way to the next ride
“what I hate the most about Phil is his kindness”
“wasn’t kind enough to let me win on duel”
“I pray on his downfall”
Phil turned to you only to be met with you nodding as Tommy goes on to talk about hating his generosity
“Phil I've been thinking about you... it’s ruined my day”
“mine was ruined by Tommy screaming at stupid o clock in the morning”
“y/n it’s 12 pm”
“okay and I usually wake up at 3 pm this is early for me”
you stood in the queue for river rapids, as much as you wanted to make Tommy calm down you hated this ride and Wilbur saying there was a chance of drowning made you hate it even more
“y/n will we be fine”
“no this is horrifying I remember the incident where someone was dragged under a ride like this”
“what are you two thinking about then”
“I’m thinking about the beyond”
“I’m thinking about the sweet release of death”
“you might be going there”
“no, we won’t”
you and Tommy began to panic as you got closer to the ride, Tommy announced the floor was moving which tricked your brain into believing that the floor was moving, Wilbur was still talking about you all dying in a few minutes whilst laughing at Phil trying to make him stop despite the fact he was clearly laughing. Tommy got on first as you were making your way to a seat Tommy pulled you over to him so you were sat together. a worker came over and told you all to keep your seat during the ride
“can I get off”
as soon as you finished your sentence the ride began to move making the others laugh
“ill take that as a no”
a few minutes later you forgot you were scared as you were too busy laughing about the fact that so far out of the four of you the only person getting drenched in water was Phil. this newfound confidence didn't last long the ride began going faster and you and Tommy got drenched in water
“We made it through the second most dangerous part”
you looked at Phil tilting your head waiting for him to confirm that Wilbur was just trying to scare you again. your thoughts were interrupted by Wilbur beginning to speak to the camera
“Alton towers is a very safe and risk-free theme park fun for all the family”
he flipped the camera so the three of you could be seen Phil was laughing Tommy had his head in his hands and you were sat with your hood over your head hiding your face so you couldn’t see what was going to happen. Phil told you to hold on but he was interrupted by Wilbur using the camera to record the four of you together again it was clear you and Tommy were not having the most fun on the ride compared to the others. the ride crashed into the small wall next to the ride causing it to jerk forward making the four of you hit your leg
“my fucking thigh”
“y/n there are children nearby”
“y/n, Tommy you two are lucky to be alive”
you and Tommy turned to face each other then looked back at Wilbur who was continuing to chant that you’re lucky to be alive clearly ignoring Phil who was telling him to stop. eventually, the ride came to an end and you all got off, Phil helped you walk around for a minute as your legs felt extremely weak after that ride
“you okay now y/n”
“yeah yeah thank you, Phil. I'm never going on that ride again”
you all made your way to the centre of the park Wilbur disappeared as you and Tommy stood begging Phil for cotton candy, your only argument being that you really wanted it
“please Phil”
“We can have a little”
“we’re growing Phil we need more than a little”
“it’s diabetes in a box”
“it’s pure joy”
“yeah it’s fun in a box let us get some”
“stop being a dick”
Wilbur came running out of a shop carrying as much cotton candy as he could shouting for you and Tommy to take some and run which you gladly did. the pair of you sat on the grass eating as much cotton candy as you could
“that is so sugary”
you and Tommy both grabbed a fistful of cotton candy waving it at the two adults in front of you both, resulting in Phil calling you both goblins, they both walked away leaving you two to enjoy each other’s company for a little while whilst they had a break from the pair of you screaming.
“that’s..that's Tommy and y/n”
it was almost time to face the smiler but before that, you had to conquer oblivion again this was another ride that terrified you but Tommy's reaction to the ride made you laugh for a good few minutes until you realised you were in the queue
“oh fuck. we are going to die”
“you’ll impress the girl and y/n you’ll impress tubbo”
“ill buy her flowers”
“This is a death trap” you went on first and sat a few seats away from the middle Tommy not far behind you
“if we die ill never forgive you”
“you’ll be fine”
“will we though”
“I mean”
“Tommy she was hesitant to answer that get me off this ride”
just like last time the ride started just as you finished trying to get off the ride
“y/n you really need to stop asking to get off the rides it makes them start earlier”
the way to the top of the ride was mainly just you and Tommy yelling curse words trying to stay calm
“Phil do we have to”
“Why could I not stay with Wilbur”
“awe look at the view”
“can we just stay up here- oh shit don’t look down”
“any last words”
“lovely knowing you all”
just before the ride was about to go down the drop Tommy grabbed your hand only letting go for a minute whilst you got off of the ride, as soon as you were making your way to Wilbur so you could all go on the spinball wizard ride he held your hand again keeping you close. your way to the ride was a range of Wilbur telling you all about the smiler or Tommy telling you all he was worried he was going to piss
“what the fuck is yours and Wilburs obsession with announcing you might piss on the ride”
you sat with Wilbur for this ride as he was the only person you hadn’t sat with yet and Tommy sat behind you both, you and Wilbur spent the ride screaming, yelling song lyrics or saying your goodbyes
“for lmanburg”
“Should I be worried.. you did you know create an explosion”
you spent the rest of the ride laughing before it came to an end. you all made your way to the smiler making jokes about how it’s all the girl from college wants to see him on.
“you ready Tommy”
“let’s go home”
“y/n you’re supposed to be on my team”
the four of you made your way through the gates ignoring Tommy who was yelling about it being a prison simulator, you sat at the end next to Tommy
“so this is safe”
“apart from the crashes yeah”
“y/n? is it safe?”
“it’s safe Tommy I can see you’re genuinely scared I wouldn’t lie in a time like this..maybe”
you and Wilbur agreed to become his wingmen and a few seconds later the ride began, you spent the ride laughing quietly as Tommy began confessing his love
as soon as the ride ended you stood as a group again and called the girl from college, Wilbur practically yelled about how Tommy went on the smiler only for the girl to ask who Tommy was and how she wasn’t friends with him
“it’s okay mate”
“you okay Tommy”
you and Wilbur pulled Tommy into a hug.
a few minutes later you all made your way back to the car park as it was getting late. once in the car you handed Tommy the squishy monster you both named Clarence, Tommy screamed whilst pulling you into a hug before asking you how and when you were able to buy it. when you were halfway home you began to get a migraine Tommy pulled you into a side hug so you could rest your head on his shoulder and have a nap for the rest of the journey back home.
a few days late you received a message
tubbo: I miss you
y/n: I suppose I miss you too
tubbo: that’s good because I’m outside please let me inside
y/n: on it!!
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @c1loudee
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stay-midnight · 3 years
Fun through Harsh Times
Tumblr media
Kim Seungmin x Male Reader x Bang Chan
W.C: 4.8K Words
Triggers: Explicit Smut, Human Discrimination, Conflict at the end, Some angst too.
THINGS TO NOTE: Demigod AU!! Seungmin - Son of Athena, Chan — Son of Demeter, Hyunjin — Son of Nemesis, Changbin — Son of Hades. Human Reader
Kinks/Warnings: Dom/Top Seungmin, Switch/Verse Reader, Sub/Bottom Bang Chan, Anal Sex, Unprotected Sex (make sure to cover the d to prevent std~), Buttplugs, Cuckolding, Daddy Kink, Master Kink, Use of Vines, Seungmin has a big dick, Degradation, Punishments, Usage of a different petnames, Biting, Mutual Masturbation, Lots of Cum, Multiple Orgasms, Creampie, Crying, Nipple Play, Ass Slapping, Use of Abilities and Powers during Sex, Bruises, Rough Sex, Soft Aftercare.
A/N: my works are getting longer I- and ooh~ this is my second? third? fic this month omg hshshsh. Also, I reread this alot of times to make sure it's okay cuz i didn't like it's based form so i had to rewrite and add new things. 💀💀, anygays hopefully you guys like this! oh and after the changbin fic which I may start writing at the 20th, in June i may open requests! this time though, ill accept three to not stress myself 💀.
You carefully remove the bread from the oven as to not burn yourself, looking at the clearly displeased customer at a call at how slow-paced you were working. You finally placed the bought breads at a plastic bag, handing it to him with a fake smile.
“Sorry, the dumb fucking human was too slow.” The customer spoke to the phone loud enough for you to catch as he walked away in a bad mood.
You sighed tiredly, remembering the amount of discrimination you received after living here for these past few months.
When Seungmin asked you to live with him and Chan at the island, you were ecstatic since you thought it would be amazing to move in with your boyfriends.
All your expectations were shut down as soon as the demigods that lived in the island clearly were not happy with you arriving. The constant murmurs and the glares were enough to tell you so.
Though, Seungmin and Chan didn't know how badly people treated you in the bakery.
You didn't wanna burden them as you were already thankful of living with them.
Changbin was there in the bakery with you anyway, if someone gets too harsh on you Bin was always there to scare them away.
Changbin was scary at first when you started working with him, when you found out he was Hades’ son — you were extremely careful to not get sent to the underworld. As time passed by, you found out he was extremely soft, so you became good friends with the man.
You blink tiredly as you picked up your bag and hauled it over your shoulder, before placing the "close" sign outside and bringing down the metal bars.
“I’m heading home now Binnie!” you shouted to the male at the back that was arranging boxes. You remove your apron, seconds later before fixing up your shirt and brushing your hair off your face.
“Bye! Stay safe on the way home, Y/N!” Changbin shouted back before groaning loudly and loud thud sound. You were about to check on him before he shouted again.
“I’m okay! Stupid box just fell..” he said out. You chuckle and slowly moved away.
“Be careful more, Bin!” you said back, before finally taking your leave with a last okay, bye! from him.
. . .
You sighed as you continued walking back to where you’re residing in — Seungmin’s mansion.
Seungmin has many times told you that you didn't need to work or and he could send a driver to pick you up. You rejected both offer, since you wanted to work and atleast help pay for your food. You also rejected the offer about the pick-up driver, opting to walk home instead.
Humming as you scrolled through the social media on your phone, you continuously walked to the direction of the place you called home with a smile on your face as you read through the cat posts.
You looked around a bit and caught the looks of disgust on the face of the nearby citizens causing you to freeze — before slowly moving again, trying to ignore them.
“What’s with them against humans anyways.” you whisper lowly as you try to ignore them, a slight pang shot through your heart, sad when you heard something.
“What did Athena’s son see in him anyways, he already has Demeter's boy. Why bring a human into the mix.” A lady near you harshly whispered.
You bit your lips trying to contain your flaring anger at her — trying to relax your nerves that was begging to have a go at her, just so you could finally arrive at the house.
. . .
You sighed in relief at the sight of the mansion gate, before even tapping the doorbell — you were greeted by the sight of the most beautiful emerald eyes, smiling brightly with dimples shown.
“Y/N~!” said male shouted in an excited manner, he looked as pretty as always and you just can't help falling for him like the day you first met.
All invasive thoughts left your mind at the sight of your bright and caring lover.
“Hi Channie~” you greeted as the gates slowly retracted to the side, removing the barrier between both of you. He ran to you and threw himself at you to which you caught him happily.
He then wrapped his arms around your neck and kissed you in a endearing way. “Where is Seung?” you ask after a bit, taking a peek at the front garden.
He let out a frown before grabbing your hand and led you through the path, “He.. He... still hasn't returned.. It’s been four days.” Chan said in a melancholic tone, his once bright eyes dimmed in sadness.
You look at him before taking notice that the plants at the sides were drying up and water was coming out of them. You frowned at the sight of it and continued as Chan led you inside.
“Chan... Seung has a lot of duties, he—” you waved your hand away at the maid entering with food to which she nods and leaves before continuing, “He has a lot on his shoulders especially dealing with the rebels, okay?” you reassured him, gently patting his head that was hung low.
Chan nodded understandingly before turning to you and leaning closer for a kiss on the lips to which you happily obliged — kissing him dearly.
“So no more, moping around. He wouldn't want that would he?” you smiled at him to which he nods at your words and gave you a lovely smile.
“He wouldn't..” he trailed off before climbing on to your lap to which you held him, you were still loving the fact that despite Chan being older than you and Min, he is the cutest.
Sure, Seungmin is cute as well but he has that scary side of him which leaves everyone shaking.
You buried your face on the neck of your lover and sighed. Chan smelled like flowers — fresh flowers to say the least, which calmed your nerves a bit. Chan giggles at you tickling his neck with your breath to which you cooed slightly.
A knock was heard from outside the door on the room you were both in, “Come in!” you said loudly for the person to hear.
A guard suddenly opened the door, “Sire’s.” he bowed deeply, “Uh, Sir Seungmin is coming home later at around an hour or so..” he said, pressing his lips to a thin line at the silent air he got and the stares from both of you.
The guard looked at you with a frown before smiling at the sight Chan. You looked at him with a saddened look to which he took note off, clearly trying not to scoff.
Chan also was suspicious at how the low demigod looked at you differently, Chan immediately raised his eyebrows at the guard
“He just wanted to let both of you know..” the guard quickly stated before leaving and shutting the door quickly due to the awkward tension he felt.
Chan bursted in a happy frenzy when the man left as he launched himself to hug you.
The flowers at the table suddenly bloomed after Chan’s was excited.
Chan slowly climbed off your lap and sat on the bed — he turned to you before raising both his eyebrows in a teasing
Then Chan smirked at you seconds later, his mind whirring thoughts. “Wanna give him a surprise?” he murmured.
You raised an eyebrow at the sudden change in demeanor — This was the Chan that teased both you and Seungmin in bed, the Chan that always had bratty plans in mind — the Chan that loved to be punished by Seungmin.
You nod without even knowing what will happen — little did you know about what’s Seungmin is gonna do to both of you later.
. . .
You look at Chan as if he was a crazy person, “Chan, are you sure? You know how Seung is when we start things without h-him?” you said in shock at the idea, shivering and stuttering at the thought when Seungmin caught both of you fucking without him. Let’s just say neither Chan or you could sit properly for days.
He tilted his head and smiled, “Cmon, Y/N.. It’ll be fun! Plus, he left us hanging for four days.” you look at Chan before sighing in defeat.
You knew Seungmin was just doing his job as Athena’s Son so Chan’s reason wasn't justifiable to say the least. But how Seungmin punished both of you was really hot at that time.. And you wouldn't mind seeing it again.
“Fine...” you said — giving in to Chan’s request, even though knowing it was a scary and terrible idea. Chan held out his hand before a pink flower and with red edges at their pollens appeared.
“Is that one of your drug flowers, again Channie?—” you asked, looked at him confused. To which Chan giggled and nodded repeatedly.
Chan is a son of Demeter, meaning he has control over nature’s plants, he is one of the tender of green life in the island but usually he isn't on duty because there are other children of Demeter on this island. You didn't know though, that Chan could create special types of flowers that contain a drug or an effect in them when inhaling their scent. The first drug flower you saw was a grey flower — it makes people fall asleep fast.
“What is it?” you asks, eyeing the flower carefully, he grinned at you before saying, “Aphrodisiac.” he said, moving the flower closer to your face.
You look at him before covering your nose immediately, “Why?!” you said through your hand, not wanting to inhale more of its alluring scent.
A smirk was back on his lips, “Maybe it’ll make you hornier therefore, maybe you can fuck me rougher?” he said teasingly before withdrawing the dangerous drug from your face.
You let go of your nose and sighed, “You could just ask..?” He looked at you straight in the eyes as you finished your statement — Chan’s orbs glinting with arousal, the aphrodisiac flower in his hand slowly wilted to gray dust.
“Hm? Would you be rough with me then?” He purred, pushing you down the bed — his emerald orbs staring down to yours, He grinded his ass on your clothed cock in a teasing manner.
A grin was plastered on his face before you switched positions with him, his back hitting the bed softly. He gasped, clearly suprised with the action.
You had both of his hands pinned on top of his head in a heartbeat causing Chan to squirm against your grip, “You’re such a brat, baby~... And I don't like brats.” you said the last part with a glare. He whined before looking up at you with puppy eyes, to which you chuckled at.
“That won’t work Channie.” you said, biting his neck harshly — him releasing a loud moan at the pain, Chan was such a painslut — he got off to Seungmin’s punishments so you expected no less.
You slowly lowered Chan’s shorts that he was wearing. Smiling at the growing dark spot at the middle of his underwear. “Already leaking? What a slutty baby, I have~” You taunted, squeezing his growing erection as you pressed your own clothed bulge against his thigh.
Chan moaned loudly at what you said his dick hardening even more.
You clicked your tongue in annoyance at the clothes you were both wearing.
You made quick work of the clothes on Chan’s body and yours as well. You noticed that vines with pink roses had appeared at the corners of the room, to which you smiled at — it shows that Chan was extremely needy.
You look at Chan — bare as the day he was born, your eyes raked over his form — from his face that had a red hue to the, to his chest and those beautiful pink buds — and to his pretty pink dick that was leaking precum down to his balls. He was so beautiful — inside and out. Fuck, his delicate pale skin was very enticing to fill with marks.
You wanted to ravage this man in front of you and savour the pleasure.
Chan let out a whine, “D— Do something, master...” he said, to which you raised an eyebrow at the sudden nickname.
You never expected Chan to call you that, so you looked at him with widened eyes before regaining your composure and moved closer to Chan as you hovered over him.
You lift his legs up shortly, licking your lips at the puckered hole — already shining and wet. “You prepped yourself already?” You ask, softly touching the ring of muscles with your thumb — gently.
He nods repeatedly, rolling his hips down impatiently — wanting some form of penetration, “Stay still, dumb pup.” you said harshly before finally shoving two fingers at his wet hole immediately. Feeling his walls clench against your digits.
“M-Master, please.... Puppy don’t need more stretching, puppy just wanna be fucked.” He begged, a tear slowly falling off his red cheeks.
You hummed, acknowledging his request — you took a condom from the drawer to which he pouted before plants came out of your hands and snagged the condom away and back to the drawer. “No condoms please...” he said, looking at you with a pout.
You smiled and lined up your tip against his lubricated hole — you smiled at his babbling words at the pressure on his entrance.
You spread his legs further — almost bending him in half, you cooed at the sight of his leaking cock — dripping a lot against his abs. You then slowly sink in to the welcoming warmth, savouring how his walls spazzes around your size.
“Ah f-fuck, puppy...” you almost howled out as your hips hit his ass. Chan was so cute — his eyes stinging with tears as he let out small moans. His chest was heaving and red was spreading all over his chest.
“M-Master, move. move, p-please...” He whined out, pushing himself back on your cock. You grinned as you remember his request earlier about being rough.
You pulled out slowly, before snapping your hips back as you fucked him precisely but rough at the same time. His useless cock was now oozing with cum at the tip. “F— Fuck fuck fuck.” he chanted repeatedly with every snap of your hips, as he rolled his eyes back at the pleasure.
You see red at the sight of Chan moaning "Master" while also cursing at the same time. You grip his muscular thighs as you pull him back on your cock, thrusting up to him in sequence.
“Pup, I’m close... God, you feel so good around me..” Chan moaned in response as you leaned down to bite a pink nipple, the bud hardening against your teeth as he arch his back against you at the sensation.
You disconnected your lips from his perked bud so you could take a look at the beautiful man underneath you.
Chan looked so fucked out, his hair was disheveled and his green eyes were shining through his tears. You were almost proud at how much you fucked Chan dumb.
“Cumming!! Master, ah~” he sniffed as he felt his cock shoot out spurts of white, reaching up to his pec — decorating his chest in his white sperm.
His walls clenched around you in a tight grip as you let out a low moan of your own as you emptied yourself inside of him — filling him up as you gripped his hips in a bruising way.
Chan’s body were trembling from the aftershock of his orgasm, you pecked his lips and smiled as you look down at him, his chest heaving and sweat and cum mixing on his pretty skin.
“I’m pulling out Channie, is that okay?” You asked in a warm tone, softly brushing your hand through his hair to relax him.
“Plug..?” he breathed out as you nod before reaching out to one of the drawers and pulling out a medium-sized buttplug before slowly pulling out of him — placing the plug to keep Chan full of your warm liquid.
He sighed in relief and smiled at you to which you smiled back, “I’ll go get a towel to clean you up, alright?” you said before getting up and placing your boxers on.
He hummed in agreement as he just laid there a bit tired of the activities.
. .
You opened the door out the room to run to the bathroom before a voice behind you stopped you, “Had fun, Y/N?” the male voice said in a cold tone.
You turned back and saw Seungmin standing, leaning at the wall as he looked at you with deadly eyes. “You both started without me.” he said blankly before trudging towards you as you stood there with cold feet.
“Why don’t you tell me, love. Who wanted it more?” Seungmin whispered to your ear when he stood in front of you his hand trailing down to your ass before grabbing a cheek.
“I— I did.”
He slapped your ass firmly — a moan slipped out of your lips from that. His eyes flashed a dangerous pink hue before it returned to normal. “Do you think you could lie to me?” he hissed out.
“A-Ah... Channie did..” You gulped at the slight anger that was hidden in his voice.
“As expected.” he chuckled darkly before pulling on your arm, slowly dragging you back to the room.
. .
A sudden opening of the door, made the tired Chan jump up from the bed. His mouth opened in shock as Seungmin was there with a grip on you.
Seungmin wanted to coo at Chan’s expression but instead kept his act on.
“Sit on the bed.” he said referring to you, to which you complied to easily. He silently grabbed the bottle of lube at a drawer — yours and Chan’s eyes following his form as he does so.
Seungmin then removed his clothes with ease, you almost drooling at his large length to which you eyed like candy, to which Seungmin took notice and almost smiled — just barely stopping himself from doing so.
“Tie yourself up, puppy.” Seungmin said in a voice of authority to which Chan lightly whimpered at, he nods slightly before placing his hand above his head and against the headboard.
A gasp left your lips as vines started to wrap and thicken around Chan’s wrists, tightening up and securing Chan on the side of the bed.
It always shocks you when Seung uses that ability he was blessed with, "Voice of Authority" as the demigods call it. Whenever Seungmin uses it, most weaker demigods will get on there knees and comply but much stronger ones can resist it. Whenever Seungmin uses it on humans though, it gives him perfect control over them.
— Seungmin promised you he will never use it on you as he doesn't want to take away your free will.
Seungmin sat on the bed, grabbing you and placing you on his lap harshly before he moved you and himself so he could face Chan.
His cock was hardening on your back as he bit your neck softly, he looked at Chan with a smirk, “Tell me puppy, what did you call Y/N earlier again?”
Chan looked at you and whined as his cock started to spring up. “I c-called him, m-master...” he said, looking at Seungmin with puppy eyes as his hole clearly clenched around the buttplug.
Seungmin chuckled as he kissed your shoulder, “And who am I to you, pretty?” Seungmin whispered in your ears huskily, clearly noticing your cock straining against your boxers.
“D— Daddy..” you asked, embarrassed as you felt Chan’s gaze upon you, a gasp left you as Seungmin pulled down your boxers in one go, his hands trailing over your thighs.
He lifted you up a bit so that your hole was exposed to Chan and so that his hands could near it.
He popped the bottle of lube open, circling your rim with a wet finger. You let out a sigh of pleasure when a finger finally went into you, slowly — it wasn't enough though, you needed more.
Seungmin took your hips rocking as a go sign as another finger joined inside till it finally became three moments later, you were bouncing on his slender fingers now and Chan was watching all of this unfold with tired eyes but his cock that was standing provided enough that Seungmin knows that he is still needy.
“Want your cock, da— daddy..” you begged out in a high voice, wanting the man behind you to fully destroy you already.
Seungmin turned to Chan that was rubbing his legs together uncomfortably — in need of some sort of friction. “Look at your master being a pathetic cockslut, Channie~” he mocked you, to which Chan let out a short “M—Mmph~”
You whimper at what Seungmin had said.
Before he lifted you up and slowly brung you down on his large dick, your back flushed against his chest.
Chan moaned at the sight of your hole taking in Seungmin’s cock deliciously while you had drool dripping down your cheek at the amazing stretch.
Chan whined against his restraints as his cock leaked as much as it could.
You lay your head back on Seungmin’s shoulder as you panted in pleasure, Seungmin nuzzled his head on your shoulder before using his fingers to pulling at your nipples.
You moaned loudly when Seungmin shifted a bit causing his cock inside to prod your bundle of sensitive nerves.
Seungmin pulled you off his dick slowly before slamming you back down, causing you to let out a cry as your hole clenched around his girth repeatedly.
“Doing so good, baby.. You feel so tight around me, yeah? Well this is gonna be a long punishment isn’t it? Let’s if you can walk tomorrow, love~” He hummed, kissing the back of your ear as you let out whimpers of pleasure.
He then look at Chan who was still messy but pretty, “Don’t think you’re out of the punishment though, slut. You’re not gonna cum as you watch me destroy your cocksleeve of a master’s hole.”
Chan thrusts up into the air and whine in retaliation, with his mind set on one thing, wanna cum.
Seungmin then started a rough pace of thrusting up into you, chasing his own pleasure and using you as his very own fucktoy for your punishment.
. . .
You forgot now how long Seungmin was thrusting into you and rearranging your insides — how long he had speared you on his cock. You were on cloud nine the whole time so you didn't bother to take notice of the time.
But your body was aching from your third orgasm today and Seungmin hadn't even came yet — how the hell does he last so long.. Fuck. you wanted him to fill you up like how you filled up Channie earlier.
Speaking of Chan, you looked at him and saw him whining and writhing — hopelessly rubbing his thighs together. His muscles were flexing, the more he struggles.
White spots blinded your eyesight as you trembled, your tip spurting out little dribbles of cum as you moaned weakly. Your cock felt like falling off as the lewd squelching filled the room.
Seungmin was growling while marking your neck as every thrust of his, sends a dizzying shiver throughout your body.
“I’m close now, love...” He whispered to which you responded with a simple and short, “Want it inside..”
Seungmin chuckled deeply and wrapped his hands around your waist before thrusting up to you one last time and coating your walls in sticky white with a sexy groan — as you let out a weak moan at the wet sensation.
That was what it all took for you to collapse on the bed, your cheeks pressing into the warm mattress as you felt Seung’s cum dribble out your hole — down to your balls and wetting the mattress.
Seungmin licked his lips at the sight of your entrance loose, gaping and oozing with his cum.
Seungmin was also tired, so he grabbed Chan’s cock in his hand to jerk him off fast to which Chan came immediately with a howl.
“You can untie yourself now, Channie..” Seungmin said in a soft tone,, to then which the vines restricting his hands turned into dust immediately before Chan grabbed you softly and held you.
You look at Chan with droopy eyes, smiling at him dearly. Chan giggled before holding you tightly even though his body was sticky.
Seungmin had went out of the room to fetch some dry towels and water while also leaving his two lovers to cuddle with one another.
. .
“You okay, bubs? Minnie wasn't too rough? I could prick him with thorns if you’d like..~” Chan mumbles, pecking your lips softly while also letting out a tiny laugh at then end.
You nod, giggling afterwards to which Chan smiled — brushing through your locks with his hand, a loving grin plastered on his face.
Humming softly as Chan waited for Seungmin to come back.
. .
Seungmin finally arrived with a three damp cloth hanging on his shoulder while carrying a cup and a pitcher filled with water. He smiled lovingly at the both of you before setting down the water pitcher and cups at the nightstand.
He then moved closer to the both of you to wipe both of you clean. He started with Chan, thoroughly wiping his chest down to his abs before teasing him by pushing the buttplug deeper in his ass to which Chan let out a small whine too.
After that, he cleaned you up too by wiping the cum on your thighs and around your buttcheeks.
He started to finger your gaping hole slowly too, trying to remove any more excess cum that was left inside. While being fingered, you were biting your lips, trying to not moan at a sensitive part being touched.
He looked at both you and Chan sweetly, before leaning down to kiss you both at the forehead. “Such good babies, I have~” He said in a teasing tone.
Chan pouted, “I’m older than you, Minmin!!”, he glared at Seungmin which made him laugh, he then patted Chan’s head. “Doesn’t matter, pup~” You watched their interactions with a tired smile.
Before Seungmin remembered something earlier to which he turned to you, sitting on the bed. His smile turning flat. “So, I passed by the bakery earlier and your co-worker said something to me.”
You froze on the spot before looking at his cold eyes, “Why didn't you tell me that the other citizens treated you like shit and called you names?” He said, a small anger laced in his voice. — It was not directed at you though.
Chan’s mouth hang agape a short while before he growled — taking into account what Seungmin said, “They do fucking what to you?” He snapped, venom clearly in his tone. Chan rarely gets mad and when he does expect a disaster.
Chan barely could contain himself as roots flowed out the walls and into the hallway, Seungmin looked over at Chan, “Channie, calm down.” His eyes flashing the same pink hue as earlier in the hallway encounter.
“Calm— What? Calm down? They treat him terribly, and you expect me to not choke them where they live?” Chan seethed, not happy at what Seungmin is doing — which is trying to stop him.
The roots on the walls enlarge and footsteps was audibly heard outside the walls of the room — possibly guards that were trying to run away to avoid getting trampled by the evergrowing vines
“I’ll deal with it, so don't worry. Just don't destroy the house okay?” Seungmin tried to reason as best as he can.
But Chan didn't stop still littering the whole room with dangerous roots and long vines. Angry Chan was a force to be reckoned with ans even Min had hard times to calm him down.
“Chan.” Seungmin had used his own ability now, wanting Chan to stop what he was doing — His jaw tightened in frustration while you sat there with fear at the conflict of your boyfriends.
Chan flinched slightly before growling lowly, challenging Seungmin, “Don’t you fucking dare use that on me outside of bed, Kim Seungmin.” he said darkly, glaring at black haired man.
“Bang Christopher fucking Chan. Wilt your plants, are you challenging me? ” Seungmin looked down at Chan with a dark pink flare at his eyes, displeased with the disrespect of the nature demigod.
Chan’s eyes slowly diluted back to normal and whimpered, his plants were now gone — turned into dust, he looked at Seungmin like a puppy that had been beaten up.
Seungmin sighed and sat back down on the bed, petting Chan is in his fragile state before he grabbed him so he could hold him properly.
He looked at you before speaking, “You’re gonna have a bodyguard with you at all times, I already assigned who. Hyunjin will detain anyone who bad-mouths you, okay?” Seungmin said clear as day.
“B— But-”
“No buts, Y/N. This is for your safety, not only physically but also emotionally. Plus, they can't get away with disrespecting what’s mine.” He fumed slightly.
Your eyes softened and rubbed his shoulder comfortably to soothe his anger. “Fine. But let’s sleep for now. Chan is tired, you’re tired, I’m also tired...” you whisper to him, hugging him before he laid Chan down to the bed.
Soon enough all of you fell into a comfortable sleep, you were hugging Chan as Seungmin was spooning the both of you. The fight earlier soon vanished like a wisp as the room fell into a comfortable silence.
. . .
Special Scene~:
“How dare you fucking touch me. I am a son of A— ow! ow!” The man getting cuffed by Hyunjin said out. Hyunjin made sure to tighten the cuffs more to make sure the rude customer felt discomfort.
“Do I look like I care? No. You are going to have jail time, bitch.” Hyunjin, a son of Nemesis sassed out as he grabbed his phone and dialed someone to come pick the detainee up.
You look over at Changbin at the scene you just witnessed, he looked back at you.
“Okay, but that’s kinda ho—”
“Changbin!” you look at him, secretly judging his word choices.
“What? It’s true..” Hades’ son trailed off.
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
ayo feel like doing a gorou confession fic for me? pretty please with sprinkles on top (you know that fucking tiktok)
Ofc Pizzato anything for u my dear 🥰
Pairing: Gorou x gn!reader
Warnings: slight angst
Word count: 1,969
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You heard a couple friendly knocks on your office door, eyes glancing to the clock to see it was a little past noon and you knew exactly who it was. “Come in,” you chime, putting down your pen and stretching upwards with a smile.
“Helloooooo!” You hear as the door swung open, Kazuha flaunting an envelope between his fingers. “Letter time!”
You sweep to your feet and give him grabby hands. “Give it to me!” He chuckles and places the thin paper into your hands. “Tell me who it is already,” you giggle as you rip it open and slide the letter out.
“No,” he sighs, rolling his eyes. “I keep my promises.”
You quirk and eyebrow before you fold open the letter. “Even if I bribe you with dango?”
Kazuha smiles. “Even if you bribe me with dango.”
You grunt and groan but it quickly stops when you unfold the letter, reading the contents.
Good afternoon, cupcake, it starts. You blush at the pet name. I hope your day is going as well as mine. I’ve just won the office lottery! I’m going to ask for more snacks in the break room. That way, everyone benefits too! Specifically though, I want more sakura mochi! The ones you made for us were delicious. Share your recipe? :3
I adore you, your secret admirer.
You squeeze the letter to your chest and squeal, your face warm from blushing and your heart pounding against your chest. “Oh, Kazuha, whoever this person is, I really wish they’d come up and confess!”
Kazuha tuts and wiggles his finger. “But then the mystery wouldn’t be there anymore.”
“Screw mystery!” You squealed, gazing down at the illegible and scratchy handwriting, the mysterious stains and fur all over the page. “I’m ready to hear these words in person.”
Just then there was a knock on your door and a quick turn of the knob, one of the top brass leaning against your door frame. “Good morning, Chatty Cathy’s,” sang a familiar voice and ear twitches.
You wave while Kazuha bows, hiding the letter behind your back. “Good morning, General Gorou.”
The tail behind his back wagged discreetly as the two men share a knowing glance. “Kazuha,” the general clears his throat. “May I speak with you?”
The samurai nods his head and gives you a little wave as he walks out the door. “Bye boys!” You sing, tucking the letter back into the envelope and putting it away.
The next day, as routine, a little past noon you heard three friendly knocks on your door. You excitedly put your pen down, closing your ledger and standing out of your chair and onto your feet. “Kazuha,” you grinned. “Come in!”
He pushed the door open with his back, lugging a big box with some plastic sticking out from the top. “I’m just a mule to you guys aren’t I?” He groaned, lifting the box up and onto your desk. “This is ridiculous.”
You stood on your tippy toes to try and peek inside the box without being obnoxious. “What is it?” You hum, getting more and more restless.
“Your letter, what else?” He kind of snapped, letting out a deep sigh and rolling his eyes. “I wish he’d confess too. That way I don’t have to carry these things.”
You pulled back the top of the box that was just out of your reach. “Here,” pushing your hands away, Kazuha tore the box apart to expose a giant basket full of goodies and flowers. “The letter.”
Kazuha snapped the taped-on letter from the plastic and handed it to you. Wasting no time at all, you rip the envelope open and unfold the letter.
Dearest [Y/N], you’ve pierced my heart like an arrow through a target and I simply cannot get you off my mind. I heard from the grapevine that you wish for my confession. …Maybe I shall do so in the near future? It’s not that I do not want to be yours, but rather that you make me quite nervous. Still, we see each other for terribly brief moments but these moments are the most precious to me. Hopefully I can muster up the courage to finally tell you how I feel. In the meantime, please accept these treats and toys imported from across the globe. My favorite are the dog-shaped biscuits.
Your shy admirer.
Looking up from the letter you find Kazuha stuffing his face with some chocolatey cookies from within a tin box labeled ‘Fontaine.’ “Are those good?” You ask, reaching in and stealing one.
“Mhm,” Kazuha hums, taking a bite out of the one in his hand. “I’ve never had Fontaine chocolate. I guess the rumors about being the best were true.”
You melt under the sweet taste and crunchy texture, thinking that if your crush’s letters had a taste, it would be like this. “This is so nice,” you sigh, eyes sparkling as they gaze upon the basket. “Do you think he’s going to confess to me?”
Kazuha stares out the windows of your office that peer into the rest of the building, watching a certain general spill water on himself and the resistance leader. He takes another bite of a cookie. “Maybe.”
You squeal in delight and spin around in joy. “My heart’s beating so fast! I hope he does it soon or I’ll explode!”
Kazuha chuckles and playfully shoves you aside. “If you explode, I’m eating all of your snacks.”
“No! They’re mine!”
Weeks— almost a month— go by with no further letters. Kazuha stopped coming by, whether at noon or otherwise. The only knocks you got were visits from Kokomi about the budget or from other soldiers carrying reports and receipts from spending. Your heart ached at the sudden lack of contact, wondering if you had done or said something wrong.
Maybe your eagerness was intimidating and this mystery man just wanted someone to flirt with without commitment. Maybe he got bored of you. Maybe he didn’t want to talk to you anymore.
Regardless, you wanted to try and spark it back up in case you’ve stepped on some toes without realizing. That night when you got home, you tossed the ingredients for sakura mochi into a bowl and got to mixing.
The office ate everything you brought before lunchtime rolled around. With such great success, you had confidence that he’d reach out to you tomorrow, if not today.
But alas you were left in silence once more, leaving your heart to crumble and ache. You were quick to recover, considering you never met the guy— let alone knew his name. But you had no time to be worrying anyway, because in a couple of days one of the squads were returning from the front lines and you needed to factor in medical costs. Apparently they took a hard hit when Sara Kujou showed up with her samurai. Kokomi was depending on you, and you didn’t want to let her down.
You spend these few days really crunching the numbers, making sure that every wounded soldier would get the basic medical necessities with some left over for any miscalculations. With every i dotted and every t crossed, you stuffed your report into a fancy envelope and handed it to Kokomi. “Thank you [Y/N] for your hard work under such a sudden timetable.” She thanked, tucking the envelope under her arm. “The team should be arriving tomorrow, so I will be submitting this for review immediately.”
You bow respectfully and offer your thanks for praise. “It’s no problem at all, Her Excellency. I was given ample time to prepare the balance sheet.” You begin to turn when you’re stopped once again by her.
“Before you go,” she smiles softly. “Would you mind helping out at the infirmary? We’re short handed right now with the sudden intake of Delusions.”
“Of course, Her Excellency. I will be there whenever you need me.”
You weren’t specialized in medics but you had helped around often enough to know the basics. And anyone could become a master at immediate medical attention after doing it so many times.
The flood of gurneys was a little disheartening to see, but you were still thankful for all that they do for the greater of the country. It must be scary being at the front lines, but everyone knew what they were signing up for.
You catch sight of Genera Gorou and Lord Kazuha chatting with Lady Kokomi before you were assigned to a batch of wounded soldiers, feeling a little bad for harboring ill feelings toward the young lord for disappearing. ‘You could’ve at least told me that you were leaving,’ you thought as you rinsed the injured area.
“I can take over from here,” the head medic stepped in, slipping on a new pair of gloves before getting a closer look at the soldier before you. With most of everyone patched up and recovering, the medic team was able to take control of the infirmary once again.
You wash your hands and check the clock. A little past noon. It’s funny how at this time you would’ve waited with bated breath for a couple of knocks. But not anymore.
You step out of the infirmary and find Kazuha and General Gorou sitting outside on the benches there. “Oh, hi boys,” you say surprised.
Kazuha grabs and shakes your hand. “Thank you for helping out our soldiers,” he says seriously.
“Oh, it’s not that big of a deal,” you mutter. “I do this all the time.”
A calloused hand pushes Kazuha’s away and shakes your hand firmer, harder. “No, [Y/N],” Gorou says with a sort of oomph behind his words. “These are my men…my family. They would be suffering if not for your help.”
You look to the side uncomfortably, a little put-off by the tension in the air. “And that’s why—!” Gorou continues, suddenly eight decibels louder. You hold eye contact with the general, his face darkening into a deep red flush, his eyes glassy and ears twitching. He squeezed your hand harder and shut his eyes. “M-My C-C-Cupcake!!! P-Please let m-me take you on a date!!!!”
Kazuha winced at the loudness of his friend, covering one of his ears but still smiling nonetheless. The people walking by stared and mumbled, but it didn’t matter as you felt your heart pound against your chest. You felt your eyes well with tears as now your face flushed red, the general cautiously opening his eyes to see your trembling lips and pathetic pout. “A-Ah! [Y/N], don’t cry!!”
You tug on his hand hard, pulling the man into your arms and squeezing him tight. You sobbed into his chest, hearing and feeling how frantic his heart was beating as well. “You idiot!” You shout into his battle-worn chest. “Don’t disappear without telling me…”
Gorou caressed the back of your head and chewed on his lip, his tail drooping with guilt but twitching with excitement for being in your arms. “Did I…scare you?” He whispered tentatively, choosing his words carefully.
You pull away and wipe your eyes, Gorou watching you closely and holding tightly onto your waist. “I thought you got tired of me…because I stopped hearing from you.” Gorou frowned and cupped your face, thumbing your cheeks gently. “I even made sakura mochi and I didn’t—”
“You made sakura mochi??!??!!! Is there any left?!?” Gorou’s jaw dropped. He let you go to turn and run to the break room, halting before running back to embrace you once more. “Heh, uh…” he chuckled nervously. “I’d actually…rather hold you like this…”
You couldn’t fight the smile that spread across your cheeks, flushing your body against his chest. “That’s okay,” you giggle. “There aren’t any left.”
You had no idea that his ears could flatten sadly like that.
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wolf-and-bard · 3 years
The Geraskier divorce attorney AU of my dreams (hear me out):
-Geralt doesn't have regulars. Of course, he doesn't have regulars, he's a divorce attorney, a good one at that; sure sometimes there are clients that hire him twice because of mistakes or short-lived marriages, or he will have the odd person whose ex-partner he once helped, but in his ten-year-career, he's never once had a person come to him more than twice
-He has never married. The few long-term relationships he had didn't amount to anything in that regard and perhaps his job has spoiled the whole affair for him; there's never been a need either, he has his daughter Ciri, has his horse Roach which he rides on weekends, he couldn't be more content (or so he thinks)
(-Jaskier knows that many people would and do call him a whore, an adulterer, but he isn't. He is a romantic, a fall-in-lover, a dreamer, a free spirit. Which is why he gave himself the name 'Jaskier' (much more befitting of his character than Julian, what a common name) and why he tends to end up at the altar... more often than is strictly normative)
-The first time Jaskier enters Geralt's office, he acts as though it's the beginning of a Broadway show. He walks in, stands in the middle of the room and opens his arms wide. "Good day," he twitters and flashes Geralt the brightest grin. Geralt raises his eyebrows, but he isn't about to turn away a guy who looks affluent enough he can charge him a little extra. "Hello?" - "Julian Alfred Pankratz, call me Jaskier." Jaskier settles into the chair opposite Geralt's desk and puts his leather-clad feet up on them. Geralt pushes them off and asks: "Mr. Pankratz, what can I do for you?" - "Ah yes. My lover and muse, the Countess de Stael, has left me for another. The problem is that we got married just last month and I'm afraid she is going to bleed me dry if I don't have a proper attorney. You've been recommended to me by a friend. What do you say? Help out a fool?" What? Countess? Well. "Fine," Geralt says. "Let's talk fees."
-Jaskier is a lot and when the divorce is through and all aspects of their working relationship are settled, Geralt calls his babysitter - Yen's always happy to jump in on short notice - and invites his colleagues Lambert and Eskel to get drunk. Jaskier was annoying and exhausting, constantly babbling and flirting with Geralt and, god, he never wants to see him again.
-Of course, Geralt sees him again. By the time he does - half a year after the first time - Geralt has almost forgotten about Jaskier and his stupid Countess and how utterly drained that job left him. Jaskier sounds cheerful on the phone, not at all the common cadence for Geralt's clients, and comes into the office with two Macchiatos and a box of donuts; disgruntled, but unable to say no to sugar, Geralt allows for them to have the coffee over their conversation about Jaskier's upcoming divorce and it makes it more bearable. "So," Geralt says. "Give me a rough outline of the situation." Just to be prepared. Jaskier grins, wipes a sprinkle off his lips and takes a sip of coffee. "This is going to sound ridiculous, but hear me out. So about two months after you helped me last time, the Countess de Stael gave me a call..." Geralt wants to smack the man when he is done his well-embellished tale. Jaskier is obviously being used. But he's not here to judge, he's here to do his job and Jaskier pays well.
-The third is a woman called Molly. Geralt never gets to meet her, Jaskier never talks about her, it is as though she doesn't exist as more than a job to get done, a contract to fulfill. Aside from the topic of his soon to be ex-wife, Jaskier is more talkative than usual. He asks questions about Geralt's personal life, talks about his job - of course he's a broadway performer, 'star' doesn't quite apply - lingers. Geralt finds he... doesn't mind this time. It's nice to socialize for a bit, even if it is within the general bounds of his job. Jaskier makes him laugh somehow.
-"You should give me a discount," Jaskier jokes when he's there to leave a paycheck for Geralt for the fourth time (that Countess again, Geralt doesn't understand how they got married three times in a span of two years (in addition to that Molly woman)). "I don't give out discounts," Geralt replies. - "Why not? I'm a loyal customer, you should have a system for this." - "Mr. Pankratz, do you realize that you are the only person I know who goes through this many marriages in such a short amount of time?" - "Always knew I was special," Jaskier laughs and leaves with a small wave.
-"Okay, Geralt, what the hell?" Lambert asks, strutting in after Jaskier's gone with a bad temper written across his face. "Who is this man? And why does he keep coming back? You know I can hear his voice from my office. So if, like, you're having some sort of strange workplace affair, cut it the fuck out." -  "He's just an idiot who keeps getting married," Geralt says and waves Lambert away. He doesn't add that he kind of starts to miss the idiot.
-Priscilla is very nearly a different story, something Geralt only finds out after the fact. Jaskier breaks down before their court appointment, sobbing into Geralt's shoulder that he can't do it, he can't let her go, why doesn't she want him; by that point Geralt has known Jaskier for almost four years and the thought of him staying in a marriage for longer than half of one makes him queasy, gives him little bursts of pain against his breastbone; in truth, he's glad Priscilla's leaving Jaskier, antsy that it took almost a year for them to split up; she approaches him after the divorce is through, while Jaskier's in the courthouse bathroom crying his eyes out. "Tell him I'm sorry," Priscilla says and Geralt scowls at her. "Tell him I wouldn't have left him if I didn't have to. Tell him to wait for me." She leaves and Geralt doesn't even know why he should be the one to relay that message to Jaskier and so he doesn't. Jaskier never mentions her again.
-The sixth time is the Countess de Stael again and Geralt already prepared his case from the e-mail Jaskier sent ahead. The last three times all went in favour of the noblewoman who was able to protect her fortune, but Geralt thinks he can make a case for emotional manipulation and get Jaskier at least a sizable indemnity. "Mr. Pankratz," Geralt says when Jaskier comes for their appointment.  "Are you ever going to call me Jaskier?" Jaskier replies with a sigh and drops into the chair. His hair is tousled, there are deep half-moons under his eyes which look like he spent the whole night crying. Geralt's heart feels bruised, but he can't get involved dammit. "That would be inappropriate," he grunts. They get to work and Jaskier walks out with a broken-heart and a swollen bank account.
-"When will you give up on that woman?" Geralt asks when Jaskier saunters into his office one Friday, not three months after the last divorce. It's late afternoon and Geralt's ready for a weekend of watching Disney movies with Ciri, but Jaskier's always a sight for sore eyes these days. Not for the first time does Geralt consider asking him out for coffee, but the fact that he's only ever seeing Geralt because he's in need of a(nother) divorce somehow poses a barrier. "Now that is not very professional of you. To answer your question: right now. That's why I'm here." And for the first time with these two, it's Jaskier that wants the divorce, Jaskier that takes the initiative. He's only ever been the one to get dumped. Geralt's up all night thinking about that.
-For an entire year, Jaskier does not return and that annoys Geralt. He finds himself fretting, distracted, hoping Jaskier will turn up with another marriage to be dealt with, but he doesn't. The thought that Jaskier might have found someone he wants to stay with makes him physically ill. His code of conduct forbids him from using Jaskier's contact info though. Maybe this is for the best and anyway, Geralt is down to earth while Jaskier is... well, Jaskier. An emotional roller-coaster. He has his daughter and his horse and all is well. Only it isn't because Geralt managed to fall in love with Jaskier. (When Lambert and Eskel find out they laugh at him for two hours straight)
-Jaskier does turn up eventually, but not to get divorced again. He waits outside the building where Geralt works with two cups of coffee in hand and a tired smile. Geralt lets himself be led to a nearby bench, lets Jaskier speak. "I considered proposing to random strangers just to have another botched marriage for you to get me out of," Jaskier says. "But that would have been rather inconsiderate and there are easier ways to see you." - "I thought you might have found one that sticks," Geralt replies, tracing the rim of his coffee cup with a finger. "I might have."  Jaskier winks at Geralt and Geralt decides to throw caution to the wind. He leans over and kisses Jaskier's lips, then mutters, "I don't ever want to see you in my office again." - "And here I thought that your desk would make such a great hmph..." Geralt shuts him up with another kiss. It feels right.  
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