#ill edit all in the official fic
perseabeth · 29 days
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The Promise of the Wild Sea
< this is not an official fic yet, i had this AU in my mind for a while, and now i got the time to write few parts of it. if the story was to your liking, i might get encouraged to make it an official fic. i’d like to remind you that i do not own any of the characters, as they all belong to the original myths and Rick Riordan. except for the oc Callista. however, i made some alternation in the myths that could benefit my story. i hope you like these changes. also this is a fem!percy version. enjoy reading >
- 1184 BCE, The fallen city of Troy -
Apollo stood in front of Callista’s pyre, the flames not yet lit, his gaze fixed on her lifeless face. Her once radiant beauty now drained, her cheeks no longer flushed with the color of life. Her hair, dark as the starless night, framed a visage that seemed at peace, a peace she had found only in death. Yet, she had stolen his peace with her departure, leaving him hollow and bereft.
With painstaking care, he had smoothed away every bruise, every mark of the cruelty she had endured, wishing to present her to the underworld in the full splendor of her glory. His Callista, his heart. He clutched the two drachmas in his hand, the coins a symbol of her final journey, but to him, they were a cruel reminder of his eternal separation from her. How could he consign her to the underworld, knowing he would be condemned to an eternity without her by his side?
His soul ached with a grief that seemed too vast to contain. With a trembling breath, he placed the drachmas on her closed eyes, sealing her fate, preparing her for her voyage to the underworld. She deserved a realm free from the sorrows of war and the sting of death, a place of peace and light. He swore on his immortal soul that she would find solace in Elysium.
Apollo leaned down, his tears falling like rain upon her serene face, pressing a final kiss to her cold, unresponsive forehead.
“Farewell, my Callista... until we meet again, my angel.”
The sun god cradled her cheeks in his trembling hands, his soy blue eyes filled with the agony of days spent pleading with his uncle, the merciless lord of death, for this moment. She was there in his embrace, radiant as the true princess she was, her beauty untouched by the shadows of the underworld. Her black hair cascaded down her back like the soft night sky, a dark tapestry embroidered with stars in silken threads. Her eyes, those mesmerizing sea-green eyes, gazed up at him—the very eyes he had yearned to kiss open one last time before cruel fate tore her away.
But nothing unfolded as he had hoped.
"My lord," Callista whispered, her eyes shining with boundless love for the man before her. She wore a white, elegant chiton that clung to her form with an ethereal grace, adorned with a delicate laurel crown—a vision of Trojan royalty. Apollo shook his head, refusing to accept the words forming on her lips. "No, you are coming with me," he implored, tears welling up in his sky-blue eyes, each drop a testament to his anguish. He was begging, pleading for her to return with him to the world of the living.
The princess before him shook her head gently, her gaze unwavering. "No, my lord, I am dead. I am happy here," she said softly. She took his palm, still cradling her cheek, and pressed a tender kiss upon it, as if sealing their fates with that simple, heartbreaking act. "You must respect the rules of death, my love. You must go on and find happiness in the lands of the living."
Her words stabbed his heart, despite the delicateness of her voice, despite the sweetness of her words, and despite the loveliness of her eyes. She was pushing him away, each word like a dagger twisting deeper.
Callista looked at him again, her gaze filled with a sorrowful resolve. "I'm with my family, and you should be with yours. Lord Zeus will not be tolerable when he hears that you brought me back from death."
Apollo tried to reason with her, desperation lacing his voice. "But Uncle Hades has already accepted," he argued, only to be met with another tender kiss on his palm from Callista.
"I'm not letting you get into an argument with your father," she replied softly. She lifted her hand and gently caressed the strand of his hair falling on his forehead. Her melodic voice continued, soothing yet heartbreaking. "You will live on. You will find happiness again, I'm sure."
"My happiness is with you only," he insisted, his voice breaking.
But Callista only shook her head with a sad smile. "That's what you're saying now, because the pain is so new. But trust me, my love... time will go on, life will go on." She looked into his eyes, her determination unyielding. He knew there was no way to change her heart. She gave him a beautiful smile that could have brightened his days if not for their situation. "You did all you could. You made sure I found my final rest in a beautiful place. Now it's your turn to let go... to move on."
Apollo's tears threatened to fall, threatening to drown his eyes. He did the only thing he could do in that moment; he planted a soft, small kiss on her lips, a goodbye kiss filled with all the sorrow of a love that could never be. It was a kiss that spoke of unending longing and the crushing weight of farewell.
He would never force her to do anything. If she was happy, he would be happy, even if it meant an immortal lifetime of his heart shattering every day he remembered that she wasn't waking up next to him.
His time in the underworld was ticking away, leaving him with precious few moments to spare in the arms of his beloved. How cruel fate is, he thought, that even time refuses to grant him a longer respite to find peace in her embrace one last time.
He kissed her forehead once more, a goodbye kiss—the same kiss he had planted on her brow the day of her pyre, the day they consigned her body to the flames in a solemn ritual of farewell. He looked into those beautiful eyes one last time. "I swear to you, I’ll always find you in the stars, in the calm oceans, in the beautiful sunlight, in the warm flames, and in the serene mountains. You will always haunt me, forever haunt my life, Callista."
This earned him a sad smile from her beloved face, and he realized he loved all her smiles except this one. "Who knows, maybe someday you will find me again, amidst the moors or maybe in the wild sea."
He nodded, a silent nod, as a single tear traced a path down his cheek. He kissed her hands one last time and turned his back, leaving his beloved, leaving his heart, leaving the bane of his soul in Elysium, where she belonged. Before he stepped away, he turned to her one last time. "Someday, I’ll find you in the wild sea."
With that, Apollo left the underworld, each step a testament to the immortal lifetime of sorrow that awaited him, a sorrow he would bear for the love he could never truly hold again.
- December, 2007. New York City-
"And now, sis. Transportation for the Hunters, you say? Good timing. I was just about ready to roll.
"These demigods will also need a ride," Artemis said, pointing to us. "Some of Chiron's campers."
"No problem!" Apollo checked us out. "Let's see... Thalia, right? I've heard all about you."
Thalia blushed. "Hi, Lord Apollo."
"Zeus's girl, yes? Makes you my half sister. Used to be a tree, didn't you? Glad you're back. I hate it when pretty girls turn into trees. Man, I remember one time—"
"Brother," Artemis said. "You should get going."
"Oh, right." Then his gaze landed on me, and his eyes widened with a mixture of shock and recognition, as if he had glimpsed a long-lost memory. The once vibrant blue of his eyes now bore golden freckles, a haunting reminder of his divine nature. "Callista?"
I met his gaze, my heart pounding with confusion and uncertainty. Was he mistaking me for someone else, someone from his past? “No. I mean... no, sir."
Calling a teenager "sir" felt awkward, but I knew better than to offend an immortal. They were known to have volatile tempers, and tended to get offended easily. Then they blew stuff up. and now Apollo seems to be on verge of blowing things up, or me perhaps.
His silence stretched on, his eyes still fixed on me, probing and searching. It was as if he was peering into my soul, unraveling the layers of my being with each passing moment.
Eventually, his gaze shifted to his sister, Artemis, who offered him a subtle shake of her head. Their silent exchange felt like a wordless, deep conversation, conveying a depth of understanding that transcended spoken words. Apollo cleared his throat, breaking the tension that hung in the air, before turning his attention back to me.
His gaze shifted abruptly from sheer confusion to a myriad of emotions I couldn't quite pinpoint. It reminded me of the way my mom once described my reaction to blue cookies or a serene beach—a mix of wonder and longing. Yet, as he looked at me, I saw something more. His eyes, now a crystal-clear sky blue, brimmed with an affection that seemed to encompass the entire world. It was a strange sensation, one that left me feeling oddly nervous, knowing that he was a god who could unleash his power at any moment. If it were anyone else, I might have blushed under their gaze. But facing a god for the first time, unsure if he was friend or foe, left me feeling unsettled rather than flustered.
"Percy Jackson," Apollo's voice cut through the tense silence like a blade. For a moment, it felt as though time itself had frozen, as if I were caught in a web of his penetrating gaze. I nodded silently. Then, without a word, he turned away, his attention shifting back to the group. The weight of his gaze that seemed to convey the burden of centuries, left me unsettled.
"Well!" he exclaimed in a cheerful voice again, as if the past few moments were nothing, breaking the silence. "We'd better load up, huh? The ride only goes one way—west. And if you miss it, you miss it."
i’d love to hear your opinion about this.
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mikobeautifulheart · 4 months
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How JJK men react when they (or you) "accidently" fall on you (or them).
Including: Yuta, Yuji and Megumi
Tw: none unless you don't like falling over.
All the second year students were at the traning field when you noticed that you forgot your phone.
Normally that wouldn't bother you, but today Yuta was supposed to come back from his training trip in Africa. There was nothing official with you guys but everyone around you could feel how much you both fell for each other. Just like the day he first arrived, you introduced yourself (probably the only person who did) to him. It was just like two wires fused and after that you guys became close. But it ened when Yuta left and you felt loke it was back to old times again with Maki, Panda and Toge.
"MAKIII" you yelled across the field as Maki was in the middle of her warm up lap.
"I NEED TO GO GET MY PHONE, ILL BE BACK SOON" You yelled getting a thumb up approval from her.
So you ran off the field and onto the path past the shed of cursed tools and straight to the main building in Jujustu high. You swung open the door and sprinted down the hallways.
Yuta was supposed to text you when he got back and nearly at the dormatrys because they changed the locks while he was gone and getting him his own key would take a while with his seemingly 'sudden' return. Luckily you had 2 keys made because you wanted a spare just in case it came handy.
You swung open the classroom door when you realised you forgot where you left your bag, which held your phone and pair of keys. You searched up the whole room panicking but to no avail. You looked at the clock on the wall. 4:00 pm. Yuta was supposed to be back at 4:10 and you figured the only other place your bag would be was on the bench bu the traning field...
Letting out a loud sigh of frustration you didn't want to waste any more time so you took a short cut to the oval. Right through the buildings window. You stood at the edge and pushed off landing harshly on the ground making you stumble a bit before sprinting again.
You made it to the field at 4:03, a new record, but still with your frantic searching you couldn't find your bag.
"I have to be quick before Yuta gets here or he'll be locked out the dorms!" You said franticly knowing your 3 classmates were watching you and wondering what you were doing.
You felt a tap on your sholder
"Tuna mayo Shakke."
(*We moved class rooms today remember?)
Your eyes went white realising you looked in the wrong room.
"I KNEW IT WAS IN OUR CLASS ROOM" You yelled before running again.
This time you went to the right room and saw your bag on your desk. You snatched it and looked at the time on your phone 4:11.
You said you would met Yuta at the schools enterance but there was no way you would make it there in time...unless you ran. Again.
You spun on you heals and with the last and most of your energy you ran head first into some body making them lose thier balance because the last thing they expected was getting rammed head first in a deserted hallway.
You fell onto your back in shock not realising the person hand was holding the back of your head making sure it never hit the ground.
"Are you alright!?" He asked looking down at you
It was Yuta.
"Yeah sorry about-YUTA?!" Your face flushed as his body caged your on the floor
"Sorry I didn't see you running then and just got in your way."
"NO, NO IT WAS MY FAULT" you were losing your sanity, he was so close and so...diffrent. His hair hung over his eyes and his body frame was way bigger from the last time you saw him.
He suddenly turned his head away from your gaze but you could see the red tint in his ears.
"Nice catch" you heard some one say
Both you and yuta looked down the hallway to see Maki standing there with a cursed weapon.
Immediately Yuta got up embarassed and offered you a hand up.
"Uh welcome back." You tried to act normally but that moment would live in your mind forever.
You were in the library studying for Gojos "surprise quiz" that was taking place tomorrow. How were you going to get through all the subject set in the quiz with only one day's notice? Well you concluded that Gojo was not a very qualified teacher.
On the list of study books you'd need to read to take notes from there was one that was up impossibly high up on a shelf. But it was okay because there was a ladder at the end of the shelf you would just have to bring over.
You pulled the ladder over and made sure it was stable by shaking it a few times slightly, knowing there wouldn't be anyone to hold the ladder for you because Megumi, Nobora and Yuji were all currently out on a mission that you were no put on. It was a but disappointing but it was the perfect opportunity to study.
You got up on the ladder, when it came to the last step you got a bit nervous because the ladder began to shake a bit. But you took a deep breath and managed to make it up there without falling. You grabbed the book quickly got down the ladder. You put it on top of the other books you were using. You walked back to your table with all your study notes and materials.
It was a successful hour because you felt like you were finally ready. So you packed up your things and began to put the books back. Until it came to the high shelf. You tested the ladders durability again and finally took the first step. When tou were half way up, book tucked beneath your arm, you heard the library doors open and two people arguing. You already knew it was Nobora and Yuji. And if Nobora and Yuji were there then Megumi must be tagging along to. You kept climbing but a little faster so you could greet your friends back from their mission, however when you got to the top step you heard Nobora.
You looked down the ladder and saw the three (as predicted) walking toward the ladder when Nobora kicked Yujis back sending him forward right into the ladder you were on. With his instincts he grabbed a side of the ladder which only made him land on his back.
You let out a panicked gasp as you felt yourself lose your footing and fall off the ladder.
Nobora and Megumi watched in shock as the suddenly saw you fall off the ladder and crash...right into Yuji. Thank goodness for Yujis reflex skills because he managed to catch you. Catch being you landing the back of your head into his chest.
"YOU IDIOT" Nobora yelled
"ME KILL HER? YOUR THE WITCH THAT PUSHED ME!" He yelled in retaliation you slowly sat up in-between his legs.
"Are you okay?" Yuji sat up to crossing his legs almost trapping you between him.
"Yeah I'll be alright" you mumbled but before you could rub the back of your pounding head you felt yujis hand on it.
"I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time, really I didn't mean to hurt you"
"I know, it's okay Yuji I know you wouldn't purposely hurt me."
A blush spreads across his face and your body warms against his.
You look around trying to avert his gaze before realising that you didn't have the book any more.
"Huh? where did my book go..." your eyes wander to Megumi who's rubbing the top of his head with one hand and holding your book with the other.
"Here" He mumbled in pain.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: yeah I'm not entirely happy with the Yuta part but maybe I'll re write it if you guys want. Also if you want a part 2 with other characters let me know because I was going to add Megumi but didn't.
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pixelatedraindrops · 3 months
My awaited finale to my RainCode Sickfics of the Heart Series is finally done at last!! This took me a couple of months to put together but I figured since I mentioned it months before and delayed it, I had to get it done as my next project. It's the MakoYuma sickfic where Yuma takes care of a seriously ill Makoto.
This fanfic is officially my longest RainCode fic to date, even beating HIWTHI's word length, so make sure to read it only if you have time! It's the final sequel to that fic as well.
Be Warned: This fic is on the angsty/extreme side with a few trigger warnings. Such as Vomiting, Psychological Trauma and Implied Suicide. Please take caution/care if you read!
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Also yes! This is the second commission I received from FTAngel! (if I'm gonna commission someone for official looking work, then I'll ask for both my targets getting cared for hehe :3) This illustrates a scene toward the end of Chapter 7 (the fic will feature it as well)
There are actually a few people I'd like to shout out/credit for this fanfic's creation. So thank you all for unknowingly inspiring me ^-^
Your art and thoughts of Makoto's past as a test subject were very helpful fodder to make this fic super angsty and tie to how much this poor thing has likely suffered. Helped me write down some good dialogue for the hallucinations and freakouts in the delirium stage. So Thank you for that!
Your small fic where Makoto age regresses when he got stressed gave me some good thoughts for writing Makoto's delirious behavior. Although I'm not a huge fan of age regression, reducing Makoto to a vulnerable and needy child-like state when super ill was a lot of fun! I love the idea of him being reduced to that since he never could be a child (and he is 3 freaking years old lmao)
Those sprite edits you made really fueled my juices to continue wiring this fic. Having a picture in my head of what a vulnerable Makoto looked like was such an inspiration boost so thank you for taking the time to make those edits! I hope you don't mind me using some of them in the fic's 5th Chapter. Also your theory and thoughts of homunculi not being able to die from illness was briefly mentioned as well.
Thank you for being my beta reader. I usually don't trust others to read my work but given how well your reading does with the community and in general, as well as you being a Makoto superfan, your encouragement really helped me feel more confident in continuing and getting this done. Thank you so much again.
With that out of the way, I hope you all enjoy the story!! I will still write more sickfics for RainCode, but this is the final one that I consider to be canon/post canon.
So I hope it delivers well!
Eat up RainCode and MakoYuma fans!
Hope the meal is to your liking~ ^-^ ♡
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blackhairedjjun · 1 year
flowers of every color | 1. irises
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overall summary: when your father is assigned as the new head gardener to the royal family, you are also tasked with helping him maintain the castle's many gardens and extensive floral arrangements. by chance you find yourself crossing paths with the "ice-cold" crown prince, choi yeonjun... who turns out to be not as ice-cold as everyone says he is.
chapter summary: as the head gardener’s child, you are introduced to the castle and to the royal family. your first task: deliver a fresh bouquet of flowers to the crown prince’s bedroom. thankfully, the task is not as bad as it seems.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: illness, one instance of the word “dammit”
author’s note: this chapter is VERY rough, since i wrote it before i turned this fic into a series. it wasn’t planned, and i wrote it in one sitting as “hey what if i explored this idea” kind of thing. i may go back and post an edited version, but only if i have the time and energy.
masterlist | next
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after the old gardener passes away from old age, your father, who is already renowed in your region for his excellent green thumb, is appointed as the new royal gardener for the house of choi. you've always been your father’s assistant in his gardening work, so pack up your things and move into the castle complex. the next few days are a whirlwind of touring the castle and especially the surrounding grounds; there are multiple gardens bursting with all sorts of flowers, trees, and shrubs. 
all throughout your main point of contact has been with the chamberlain and with various servants tasked with helping your father manage the gardens. you meet the king and queen only once, when they meet you and your father in the main garden to give you their official welcome. you do not see their only son, the crown prince. the king and queen say that he is feeling unwell, but you have heard of the rumors about the “ice-cold” prince choi yeonjun. he is an arrogant one, they say, and turns up his nose at the thought of meeting commoners. perhaps that is the true reason why he failed to meet you, you think.
after the first few days of touring and briefing, you are given your first official task. it’s a simple one: replace the flowers in the vase of the crown prince’s bedroom using the ones in the royal greenhouse. you can’t help but feel an odd mixture of curiosity and nervousness at this task - you’ll finally see just how ice-cold the prince is, but you don’t look forward to having that coldness directed at you.
but duties are duties, so on one quiet morning, you make your way to the prince’s bedroom. the door is slightly ajar, but you knock anyway out of politeness (and to avoid receiving his scorn).
“your majesty?”
no answer.
you knock again, just to make sure, but there’s still no response. perhaps he isn’t in his room, you think -- royal duties are time-consuming, after all.
you let yourself in and spot the flower vase at the other side of the room. as you make your way to it and take out the old wilted flowers, you glance at the prince’s bed. it’s a fine four-poster bed, but it’s covered in all manner of sheets and quilts, and the bedside table is no better with the mass of jugs and half-filled water glasses on top of it. you sigh. surely even a prince has the dignity to clean up after hims--
cough! cough!
your thoughts are interrupted by a violent coughing fit, followed by a pained groan.
oh. you’re wrong. not only is yeonjun still here, but he’s also actually unwell.
still, you don’t want to disturb him too much, so you place the new flowers in the vase as quickly as you can and tiptoe out of the room. before you can make your way to the door, however, his voice calls out, scratchy and hoarse: “w-who’s there?”
you stop in your tracks and, unsure what to do, bow in front of the four-poster bed. “i’m sorry to disturb you, your majesty,” you stammer, and you hastily introduce yourself with your name and your new position. “i was just repla--”
“stay, please...”
“...your majesty?”
he repeats your name and is interrupted by another coughing fit.
at this point you realize it would be awful to just leave a sick person there, crown prince or not, so you make your way to the four-poster bed. yeonjun is buried underneath the mass of sheets, and you realize just how awful he looks. his face is pale, and his eyes look tired. immediately you feel guilty for trying to leave him, and for thinking that he intentionally snubbed you and your father when he was probably feeling much worse a few days ago.
his hand comes out from underneath the sheets and reaches out for yours. hesitantly, you take it. his palms are clammy.
“can you stay for a bit, please?” he asks again. he’s pouting now and looking at you with sincere eyes.
“ah- your majesty,” you stammer, but your words are jumbled as you try to speak. "i was only supposed to - the flowers - i’m not supposed to stay - i’m the gardener’s...”
“then i’ll...” he pauses to regain some of his energy. when he speaks again, his voice is softer. “i’ll tell them i asked for you. i’ll tell them not to punish you, okay? it’ll be my fault.”
you soften at his words and the guilt starts to eat at you again. here he was sticking his neck out for you; how could you have seriously believed that he was a cold man?
“please,” he repeats, “can you stay, even for a b--”
he starts coughing again, covering his mouth with his free hand. it strikes you at that moment that it doesn’t matter whether yeonjun is the prince or not - he’s a sick man who’s lonely and tired, and wants a little company to make the illness a little more bearable. you remember what it’s like to be sick in bed all alone, fending for yourself while your father is away doing work. 
“...okay,” you say at last. “i’ll stay.”
it takes all of yeonjun’s energy to move aside so that you can sit on the edge of the bed, but he does anyway. you sit with him, and he doesn’t let go of your hand, and the silence is surprisingly less unnerving than you expected it to be. you look around the room, taking in the fine furniture and lavish decor, occasionally sparing a glance at yeonjun staring up at the ceiling and trying to get some rest. it’s a nice room, you think, especially with the morning sunlight coming in through the large windows.
at some point, when you think that yeonjun has fallen asleep, you absentmindedly starting singing a song to yourself. you remember a lovely, lighthearted ballad that you and your father like to sing together while you two do the routine work of the gardens: watering, pulling away weeds, adding in fertilizer. you smile as you sing to yourself, thinking of all the work you’ve done together and all the work you still have to do in this castle.
your eyes widen and you glance down at yeonjun smiling at you from the bed. turns out he wasn’t asleep after all.
“e-excuse me?”
“your voice is pretty,” he repeats. “can you sing that again?”
you can’t help the blush that creeps up on your cheeks at his compliment, and you oblige.
it’s been five days since the incident in yeonjun’s room, and since then you’ve been so busy managing the gardens with your father that you haven’t had time to even think about what happened. the royal grounds are huge, with entire sections due for replanting, and you and your father set to work making sure that all the right seasonal flowers are planted in time for them to bloom. you two are also in charge of the various floral decorations adorning the castle, and it’s your responsibility to make sure that every flower in every vase in the whole space is as fresh as new.
you find yourself in the royal greenhouse one afternoon tending to some irises that are almost ready to be planted in the western gardens. you’re so busy inspecting them, checking their soil and plucking out any leaves and buds that look eaten by pests, that you don’t notice someone enter through the greenhouse door.
“excuse me,” a voice calls out, “ is y/n here?”
you whip your head and are startled to find yeonjun in the greenhouse with you. you almost drop your shears but manage to bow at him, and when you look up at him again you realize just how handsome he is. now that he’s recovered you can admire his cat-like eyes, his soft cheeks, his full lips. he really does look like a prince straight out of a storybook, you muse.
“your majesty! i - are you feeling better?!”
he smiles at you. his whole face lights up when he smiles, and he seems even more handsome to you now. “yes, i am. i wanted to thank you, y/n,” he says. “for staying with me when i was sick.”
you feel yourself blush again and you glance down at the irises to hide your expression. “uh, you’re welcome... and i’m glad you’re okay now.”
once again the old feelings of guilt creep up back onto you. no way on earth was this the same man that people called an ice-cold prince.
“you didn’t have to come here,” you say. you lift a hand to brush against the petals of the irises to distract yourself. “you feeling better is enough.”
“no, no, i wanted to!” yeonjun takes a step closer to you. “i really, really mean it. i was feeling bored and lonely when i was sick... you helped me. so thank you.”
you look up at him again, and the warmth from his words is greater than any amount of sunlight entering the greenhouse. you can’t help but smile yourself.
if you could hear his thoughts, you would hear him musing on how beautiful you look when you smile.
“you’re welcome, then,” you say.
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fbfh · 2 years
rocks at your window pt. 4 - ricky bowen x reader
disclaimer: this series contains smut and chapter by chapter warnings, so as with all nsfw works, ricky is aged up to 18+!! ricky and reader are 18 and in their senior year
additionally, we're working towards a ricky x therapy plot so he's going to start expressing some symptoms of mental illness and bpd starting in this chapter but I promise he does get therapy eventually and has a good support system (he gets worse before he gets better yk) and obviously i'm not a professional and this is for entertainment so while I have done my research pls take this with a grain of salt!! or several!! /lh
!! contains some spoilers for season 1 of hsmtmts, and previous chapters of this fic !!
wc: 11k I know
genre: smut, slice of life/coming of age, one sided pining, fluff
pairing: ricky bowen x (afab she/her) reader
warnings: NOT PROOF READ AT ALL, more facebook messanger texts we'll politely pretend aren't facebook messanger, protecting carlos and seb during hoco (+ one use of the word homophobia), you're the dolly levi of the friend group, a LOT of hello dolly references??, TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF, ricky's falling HARD, antagonist!nina, one sided rina angst (like BIG gina angst), big red is ricky's temporary therapist, ricky has bpd, ricky kind of splits on gina??, ricky has anxiety too, dr phil and big red and natalie's emotional support hamster are the only consistant things in anyone's life, drama/general messiness, oral (m + f recieving), sneaky quiet late night don't wake up the parents sex, making out, ricky thinks you smell so good he has to bang you right now, "stay quiet or I stop", switch!ricky, switch!reader, calling ricky a good boy, praise kink, giggly sex, waking up the morning after to an empty bed but not at all on bad terms (and no ghosting)
summary: ricky works up the guts to ask you to homecoming. if you can navigate all the drama, maybe he'll get to rearrange yours after dancing together all night.
song recs: old friend - mitski, 10 minutes ago - cinderella (1997), dancing - hello dolly (1969), in love on valentine's day - paul sandrone, daniel farrant, james knight (spotify link bc it's literally not on youtube??? tracking down this song was a nightmare /lh), you turned the tables on me - billie holiday, born to be brave - nico iaciancio cover (bc that's what I think the original sounds like in canon), soulmate who wasn't meant to be - jess benko, perfume - new hope club
a/n: could I have split this up?? yes but I'm not going to. also congrats 2 me bc I'm officially in the 10k one shot girlie club!! this is the longest thing i've ever written and my eyes are burning. ricky has bpd, I knew from the moment I saw this motherfucker I was like "yup bpd and mommy issues" and I was RIGHT why is no one talking about this also go watch crazy ex girlfriend
tags: @yesv01 @afidiofobia @aliyahsutherland @hopefullhearts @afidiofobia @aliyahsutherland @matiere-detoiles @ifilwtmfc @uselesssapphickitten @nxstalgicnxbxdy @ggclarissa
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There’s no reason to be nervous. Ricky has literally no reason to be nervous. You’ve been together practically 24/7 since… all this began. He ducks his head down and his eyes land on the smooth counter top of the booth you’re sitting in. Heat rushes to his cheeks as it so often does around you, as he remembers all the time you’ve spent together. He tries to pay as much attention as he can to your summary of the video essay on vampire diaries you’d watched while doing homework last night, even though his thoughts are racing, and all centered on you. On asking you something really important - but also like, totally not a big deal or whatever.
“So apparently they just regularly bring characters back from the dead,” you inform him with a laugh, and take a sip of your coffee. He didn’t think people could look particularly cute while sipping something until he met you… until he got close with you. 
“Yeah, that’s pretty crazy,” he agrees, hoping he sounds normal. You glance up at him to make sure he’s okay. You can tell he seems a little distracted, and he knows he has to ask you. It’s now or never. 
“So…” he begins.
“Yeah?” you lean forward, already invested in what he has to say. God, he loves that. He loves the way you care, really care about what he has to say. He lets out a small, breathy laugh, that you mirror when you hear his.
“So, homecoming is soon,” he smiles, and is pretty sure you know where he’s going with this. Your eyes widen in moderate surprise.
“It is? Already?” you ask, pulling out your phone to check your very messy calendar. “Jesus, I thought we still had a few more weeks…” you muse, and Ricky smiles. God, how can you make everything - even being a little scatterbrained sometimes - so fucking cute? 
You look back up from your phone, snapping him back to attention. His breath is shallow.
“So…” he says again, and rubs the palms of his hands up and down his jeans. Why is he so nervous? He has no reason to be nervous. You’re silent, waiting for him to continue in a way that feels patient, encouraging even, instead of critical like it would be from someone else. 
“...Do you want to go? To homecoming?” 
His heart is in his throat.
“Like, together?” You take another sip. He’s so choked up, so worried you’ll say no. He nods. You smile. 
“Hell yeah,” you lean back and pull out your phone to text your mom, who is currently at a PTA meeting, about dress shopping this weekend, biting your lip as you type. Relief turns to elation as you discuss plans, coordinate rides with your friends, and get a plan together. He bounces his leg, getting really excited for all this. He’s never been one for school dances, but with you… it’s a whole different story. He can’t stop looking at you. 
“So, what color is your dress going to be? You know, so I can get a tie to match.” A light, happy chuckle dances across the table and you hum in consideration, glancing down at the scone in your hand, your favorite flavor that’s become somewhat of a signature with you and Ricky.
You both giggle.
“Perfect.” he smiles. You’re going to look so pretty in a peach dress. At homecoming. With him. A burst of kinetic energy waves through him at the thought. The atmosphere is nice, comfortable. It always is with you. You finish the bite of pastry in your mouth.
“You know,” you start, “maybe you should go suit shopping with your dad. It might be nice to have a guy’s day together.” 
His mom has been gone for a few weeks now, and he told you how badly his dad is struggling. He means well, it’s just… been hard on him. It might be nice, he thinks, really nice to go out and spend some time with his dad, have some fun. He doesn’t remember the last time they had a day like that together. He’d really like that, if his dad wanted to.
“Yeah,” he agrees, wondering when a good time to bring it up will be, “that would be nice.” 
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Around the time you’re ready to head home, your phone lights up with a text from your mom, informing you everything at the PTA meeting went great, and she’ll fill you in on the details at home, and you thank her, informing her there’s a hazelnut coffee coming her way. 
It’s Friday night, and you have less than 24 hours to homecoming. You’re not sure how you were able to find a dress you actually like in the right color on such short notice, but somehow you managed. You and Ricky have been texting all day, filling each other in on how last minute shopping had been going for each of you. He was shocked at how well today went with his dad. He was bracing himself for the worst for a lot of the afternoon, but the day progressed and nothing bad happened. They even got dinner afterwards. 
Now, you’re sitting at your desk, finishing some homework while you facetime each other and fill him in on the whole cast’s plan to be there for Carlos and Seb tomorrow night. 
“And, like,” you continue rambling as you wrap up your science worksheet, “it’s so ridiculous that that’s even necessary, you know? Out of all the living things in the world, humans are the only ones who thought to make up homophobia.” 
“Right? Worst idea ever,” he muses. 
“Exactly!” you exclaim in agreement, looking up at your phone. You mutter something about how stupid people can be, eyes moving down and skimming your paper, double checking your answers one last time. Ricky watches you do this. Your desk light casts a warm glow over you, and he can see some of your posters on the opposite wall from  where you have your phone propped up. He knows exactly which ones they are, too. He has every detail of your room - and of you - memorized by now.
He’s supposed to be finishing his english homework, that’s the whole point of facetiming each other this late, to keep each other company while you work. Instead his papers lay discarded on his desk as he watches you, a look of fondness dusting his face. You tap your pencil against each question on your worksheet, eyebrows scrunched, mouthing the answers to yourself as you go. Occasionally you’ll stop, turning to your book to check a chart or vocabulary word, then erase your answer and select a different one. 
“And that’s why we proofread,” you mutter to yourself, and Ricky giggles. You look back up at him, smiling, then back at your paper for one last once over. 
“Okay, I’m just about done,” you say, putting your homework in your bag to turn in later, with a satisfactory sigh. Ricky glances at the time. It’s getting late already. He’s torn between wanting to make sure you get enough sleep, and wanting to talk to you all night. He watches you rub your eyes, suppressing a yawn. 
“We should probably go to bed now,” it’s more of a question, but you agree anyway. You pick up your phone and walk into your bathroom, grabbing your toothbrush as you say your drawn out good nights. 
Ricky thought he was nervous asking you to homecoming? Turns out that’s nothing compared where he is now, waiting for you in your foyer. Somehow your house had become the unofficial get ready spot for the girls and Carlos, and meet up place for everyone else. So that’s where Ricky finds himself, barely unable to socialize or talk with his friends, all his thoughts preoccupied with you. He hasn’t seen you all day; you and the girls have been getting ready together, and he’s been trying to teach Big Red to dance all day. 
Ashlyn comes down first. Her bubbly presence immediately eases some of the tension in the atmosphere from Ricky and EJ having to wait together in such close quarters. She waits with them for the others while they finish getting ready. It doesn’t slip past Ricky how nervous Big Red suddenly gets when she comes down the staircase. 
Natalie is next - almost. Half way down the stairs, a snap resonates off the walls, and she freezes. She looks down at her left shoe, the heel of which has completely snapped off.
“Oh my god,” she mutters, and walks carefully back up to your room. A minute later, presumably after she informs you about her wardrobe malfunction, Ricky hears your voice, faint and bouncing off the stairwell. 
“It’s okay, that’s the risk you take with stilettos,” you say, trying to calm her justified panic. He hears you say something about how Margot Robbie broke a heel at an award show a few years ago as your bedroom door closes again. 
The door opens, and Carlos appears at the landing. His face falls slightly as he realizes Seb isn’t here yet.
“It’s okay, he’s probably going to meet up with us at school.” Ricky comforts. 
“Yeah,” he agrees with a laugh at his own nervousness, “yeah, you’re probably right.”  Carlos takes a deep breath, and Ricky notices the swirly, metallic red pattern on his suit. 
“You look great, man,” He says, hoping to take Carlos’s mind off the unexpected radio silence from Seb. The comment is appreciated, but seems to catch him off guard. 
“Thanks,” he replies, “dude,” he punctuates with a friendly - very awkward - punch to Ricky’s arm. It’s more of a nudge, but he appreciates the sense of comradery nonetheless. 
Footsteps echo down the stairs, and Ricky looks up, stomach twisting in anticipation. Natalie emmerges, much more carefully this time. She greets everyone, then starts talking to Ashlyn about the shoe incident. Ricky is trying really, really hard not to look like he’s waiting for you, but it feels almost impossible to focus on anything else. 
Finally, several painfully long minutes later, he hears the click of high heels approaching the steps. He walks to the bottom of the stairs, heart thumping as you round the corner, and all the breath is pulled from his lungs at the sight of you. You descend the stairs, hair and dress flowing and bouncing with every step, glowing under the chandelier light. Your dress, mid length and flouncy, a peachy champagne that compliments your hair and skin tone perfectly, shimmers subtly when you move, glistening like starlight. 
Your makeup is understated and glowy, bringing out every beautiful feature you have - which is all of them. Your hair is perfect, glossy and voluminous. Your earrings look like little pink silk flowers, and there are matching, larger silk flowers on the side of your heels. Your nails are manicured a soft peachy pink, with little sparkling accents. You even smell like peaches, he realizes, subconsciously taking a step closer to the bottom of the stairs as you get closer. You seem to descend in slow motion as Ricky takes in every detail.
Your expression mirrors his the moment you see him. You did not expect him to look that good in a suit. It couldn’t fit better, the cut and seams of the dark fabric perfectly accentuating his physique. His tie matches your dress, the same shade of peach, and you bite back a smile. The expression on his face can only be described as a breathless wow, and it’s something you'll never forget. Your cheeks are warm and suddenly it all feels real. You find yourself very excited to have fun at homecoming with him tonight. 
You finally float down to the bottom of the stairs, stopping in front of him. It’s quiet for a moment, as you take each other in, face to face. You’re both struggling to find the words, thrown off guard by the energy in the air, by each other. Behind you, Ashlyn claps awkwardly.
“Alright, everyone ready to go?” 
You and Ricky both giggle at the same time, and his chest warms at how in sync you are. 
“Yeah,” You confirm, smiling over at Ashlyn and grabbing Ricky’s arm in a way that makes his heart palpitate, “let’s go.”
Standing with you on the dance floor, his hand on your waist as you attempt to teach him how to waltz, Ricky is so thankful for homecoming, for an opportunity to be close to you like this. 
“I told you,” he laughs, enamored with your optimistic determination, “I can’t dance.” 
“Yes,” you smile, “you can. You just haven’t had the right teacher.” His cheeks flush at your words, the feeling of your hands on his, and he’s hit with the sudden memory of the last time your lips were on his neck. 
“I think you’re probably right about that…” he mutters under his breath. You bite back a smile, adjusting the position of his hand on your waist. You step closer, and his heart beats faster. He watches your face closely as you explain the basics of a waltz, a box step. 
“Like in ‘Dancing’ from Hello Dolly.” you smile, eyes widening at the blank look on his face. “Oh my god, it’s a musical classic! Carol Channing played Dolly in the original broadway cast in ‘64, then Barbra Streisand in the film adaptation in ‘69.” 
“Wow,” he smiles. He loves when you talk about theatre and Broadway, loves the way your eyes light up. “They’re like, really famous, right?” You let out a light hearted scoff.
“Broadway legends.” You smile, “The movie was directed by Gene Kelly, too, it’s amazing. We should watch it this weekend, if you want to,” you look up at him, eyes glittering under the soft twinkling lights. 
“Yeah,” Ricky laughs, “definitely.” 
After a moment, you remember why you brought Hello Dolly up in the first place. 
“Right,” you say, memory jogged, “there’s a song called ‘Dancing’ where Dolly is teaching Cornelius and Barnaby how to dance so they can impress these girls who work at a ladies hat shop-” 
“Cornelius and Barnaby?” he asks with a laugh. 
“It takes place in 1890!” you say, jokingly defensive. 
“Right,” he agrees, “so a… ladies hat shop…?” 
“Totally era appropriate.” 
You’re both giggling, trying not to be too loud. You lean your head forward, resting it on his shoulder. The sound of your laughter, the feeling of your head resting against him brings back that warm feeling he always gets around you. It takes you a moment to regain your composure. It’s been like this all night, the conversation flowing like a river, always making each other laugh over something or other. 
“So,” you begin, once again ready to dance with him, “put your hand on her waist and stand.” You recite, moving his hand from your back to your waist and adjusting your posture. 
“With her right-” you hesitate, making sure you have the correct hand, then continue, “in your left hand. And…” You step back with your left foot, motioning for him to follow, then back and out with your right, then together. 
“One… two… three…” 
You repeat the steps.
“One… two… three…”
And again.
“One… two… three…” 
You look up at him, your smile blinding.
“Look, you’re dancing!” 
He looks up at you, excited, disbelieving that he got it so quickly.
“Wait, that’s it?” he asks quietly.
“Yeah,” you nod, “see? I told you you can dance.” You start to move again, and he follows, hesitant but slowly getting the hang of it. After a second, he says your name, voice quiet and still watching the ground. 
“Can you keep singing? It’s making it a lot easier…” he chuckles, hoping you can’t tell how much he loves hearing your voice. 
So you do. You sing quietly, just enough for him to hear, about dancing and how it’s the perfect excuse to hold someone you like close to you, as you waltz carefully around the room. An electric, intimate feeling ties you together as you weave through the room. It's like something clicked, he thinks, because it makes sense. This, dancing, makes sense. He’s pulled from his epiphany by your melodic voice. 
"We should do Hello Dolly, it would be so fun!" You giggle.
"Yeah?" He asks, smile mirroring yours, "Who would you play?" You let out a light hearted huff, considering. 
"I would love to play Dolly," you admit. You had always hoped to portray the classic role, dreaming of being able to follow in the footsteps of other iconic actresses like Carol Channing and Barbra Streisand. You barely get the sentence out when Ricky nods, agreeing. 
"You would make an amazing Dolly." You laugh, cheeks warm, flattered by his response. 
"Who do you think I should be?" He asks, that playful energy flowing comfortably between you as he raises his arm, spinning you around. 
"Well," you begin with a laugh, "if you played Cornelius we’d get to waltz together. But if you played Horace and I played Dolly we'd get married at the end." 
His heart squeezes at your words, imagination already taking off like a wild horse. Again, your melodic voice pulls him back down to earth. 
"But playing Irene would be fun too…" you sigh, twirling in his arms again, your dress glittering under the soft lights. Your hands return to their previous position resting on his shoulder and your waist, free hands clasped together, and you begin to move in tandem. You twirl and float around the room, feeling the music wrap around you like a warm blanket in autumn. 
In that beautiful moment between the two of you, he doesn’t just understand dancing, he realizes, he loves it. Like, a lot. He loves this, being close to you. He loves the connection between you, and he wants to keep dancing with you all night. 
He giggles, twirling you around in his arms again. On your way around, you see Carlos behind you at your table holding up his phone, a smile on his face. You’re glad he seems okay; Seb still hasn’t shown up and everyone’s been worried about both of them. A split second later, you’re back in Ricky’s arms, and your heart soars at the smile on his face. You’d been hoping dancing together at homecoming might help him in rehearsals. Based on how well he’s doing - and how much fun he seems to be having - you can tell your hunch was correct. 
After a few more songs, you begin to make your way back to your table. Ricky’s hand settles on your back, guiding you through the crowd. Two more people are seated there than when you left, and your eyes widen. 
“Oh my god.” you say quietly, “Gina and EJ came together?” 
Ricky glances up, gaze almost immediately turning back to you as you get closer.
“Oh, they did? I didn’t notice.” 
Fighting to maintain her poker face, Gina’s stomach drops at his words. Her eyes dart between you and Ricky, the way he’s looking at you. She grips her clutch tighter. This is really, really bad for her. Gina barely had a plan for making Ricky jealous and freaked out so he’d quit the show to begin with. She definitely did not plan on you waltzing into the picture - literally - and stealing away all of his attention. He can’t get jealous if all of his focus is on you. A sinking feeling begins to invade the pit of her stomach. 
Ricky’s phone buzzes with a text from his dad. 
“Hey,” he says, showing you the screen, “which shirt do you like better?” 
He’s been filling you in on his dad’s hot date he has tonight, and you’re both very relieved to see that he’s doing okay, putting himself out there. You look at the pictures, and consider.
“Hmm… the second one.” you conclude. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought too,” he agrees easily. He loves how you always seem to be on the same page. 
“Wow,” comes EJ’s voice from across the table. He sounds really stiff. “I had no idea you were each other’s dates to homecoming.” He states, sharing a quick look with Gina he hopes no one notices. 
“Yeah, we are,” Ricky smiles, “we’re each other’s dates.” He doesn’t think it would be too far fetched to say you’re… dating. 
“Yep, partners in crime.” You smile, showing off your plastic ring. Ricky holds up his, kept on a chain, sitting right over his heart. 
“Aw,” Carlos says, an almost bittersweet undercurrent to his voice, “you guys are so cute.” He gestures for you to lean closer to each other. “Let me get a pic for my story!” 
Ricky does not need to be told twice. He throws his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you hold his arm and giggle. It’s the perfect shot, the sincerity of the fun you’re having evident in the photo. 
Gina runs her tongue over her teeth. She really does not like that. 
Across town, sitting at a table in a shitty karaoke spot, Nina scrolls through instagram while Kourtney rants about the bitch who criticized her costume suggestions. Something about a lime green sweater? She’s not really paying attention, she’s too distracted by the hideous dress that Gina’s wearing. And the fact that she went to hoco with Nina’s ex boyfriend. 
“Look at this,” she says, showing Kourtney her phone. “She looks like she’s wearing a bedazzled tablecloth.” Kourtney looks at her phone, disapproval written all over her face. 
“And,” Nina says, gearing up to point out the obvious jab at her, “she’s with EJ.”
Kourtney knows where this is going. Before Nini can go off about how obviously Gina has it out for her, she takes a sip of her drink. 
“Is there anything on their stories?”
She taps EJ’s story and it’s just a boomerang of the food. 
“No, just-” Carlos’s story plays next and Nina almost pukes. Right there on her screen is Ricky, kissing your cheek, leaning into you like a cat. You’re in an unfortunately gorgeous dress, grinning so sincerely, your nose effortlessly scrunched. Next is a video of you two dancing. Like, really, properly dancing. She can’t believe you got him to dance - he doesn’t even dance in rehearsal when he’s supposed to! She watches the two of you ballroom dancing around the gym, breath speeding up slightly at the realization that he’s actually good. The sick pit forming in her stomach grows as she rewatches the video again. She wants to know why, after all the practice, all the failed attempts and his reluctance, why it works when you do it? Why isn’t she good enough? She dwells in the feeling for a few minutes. She scrolls through a few more hoco posts before finding one that has your account tagged. It’s private. 
“Kourt,” she says, showing her her phone, “you need to follow her.” 
“Why?” Kourtney asks.
“So I can see what’s on her instagram.” Nina says. She can’t let you know she’s lurking, so the obvious solution is to lurk through Kourtney’s account. Kourtney sighs. She requests to follow you. 
A few feet away from your table, Ashlyn gives you a look, gesturing subtly to Carlos, then to the hallway. Seb still isn’t here. 
“Hey,” you say quietly to Ricky, “I’ll be right back.” you smile, eyes flicking over to Ashlyn and Carlos. 
“Yeah, sure,” he says, watching you leave with them to give Carlos a pep talk. A soft smile kisses the corners of Ricky’s mouth, watching you in utter adoration. He lets out a small sigh, gaze lingering on where you stood even after you’re out of sight. 
Gina watches him watch you, his dark auburn hair glowing in the warm twinkle lights strung up throughout the gym. His eyes seem to sparkle with joy when he finally tears his gaze away, staring absentmindedly at the table. 
“EJ,” she says, “could you get me some punch, babe?” 
“Uh,” he says, clearly unused to the term of endearment, “sure… babe.” He heads over to the drinks, the tension between them thinly veiled. This seems to snap Ricky out of whatever his train of thought was, and he scoots closer to Gina. She watches him lean closer to her and begin speaking in a low, almost strangely intimate tone of voice. 
"Hey, you know EJ went through Nini’s phone before they broke up, right?” 
She raises her eyebrows. 
“Just… you know, be a little careful around him.” 
“I can take care of myself, Ricky.” She states incredulously.
“Yeah, of course you can.” he says, head tilted to the side with a little smile, like it should be obvious, “You’re so talented and ambitious, and - honestly, way too good for him.” He mutters the last part, but she definitely hears it. 
“You’re way too cool to get your heart broken by a guy who plays water polo.” He says, drawing a reflexive laugh out of her. 
“Just… take care of yourself.” he concludes, locking eyes with her before moving back to his seat. It’s only for a moment, but long enough for her to commit the color to memory.
“Right.” she says, working harder than she usually has to to keep her expression neutral. 
Later, between dances, you and Ricky catch your breath at the snack table. You take a sip of your drink, eyes landing on Gina and EJ, who are very obviously arguing. You nudge Ricky, motioning over to them.
“What are they saying? Wrong answers only.” 
He considers, then begins to narrate in his best EJ impression. 
“Ugh, Gina! Stop moving! I haven’t posted on instagram in 35 seconds and blurry so doesn’t fit my theme.”
You try to stifle the loud, beautiful laugh that brings warmth to his cheeks and a smile to his lips as your eyes lock, sharing a look so close he never wants to look away. 
“I said wrong answers only…” you say through muffled giggles. He stares at you, fixated. He’s blinded by your warmth, your beauty, and he can’t look away from you. His attention is snapped back to where it had been when you gasp dramatically, shock written all over your face. He follows your gaze to EJ, who’s dripping with punch, and Gina, who’s storming away from him.
“...Oh my god.” you say, already dissolving into laughter again, Ricky following suit. 
Soon you’re dancing again, pressed up against each other, swaying gently to the oldies playing softly over the speakers. Ricky can feel your body heat, smell your shampoo, and the way it mixes with your sweet peachy perfume. You smell so good, he thinks he could probably get high off you alone. His hand rests firmly on your back, holding you close to him, and his fingertips brush over the exposed skin peeking out over the straps of your dress. He traces your shoulder blades, your spine, feeling how close together your hearts are beating. One of your arms is wrapped around him, your head resting on his shoulder. Both your free hands are intertwined, and he loves the feeling of your fingers intertwining with his. He’s steeped in a hazy sort of ecstasy, spurred further on by your warm little breaths tickling his neck. 
He lets out a soft sigh, more content than he’s probably ever been. He feels you smile against his blazer when he traces the outline of the back of your dress. You hum softly to the music, singing along to a few of the words. He’s not surprised that you know this song, of course you would know a song this pretty and romantic. He hopes he’ll remember to ask you the name of it later. Dancing, he realizes, isn’t just fun - it’s amazing. He loves dancing. He loves dancing with you. After a few moments, he realizes there’s not many people on the dance floor. He doesn’t get why so many guys don’t like slow dancing; when you really love someone, isn’t any reason to hold them close to you a good one? He thinks it is. His heart flutters when you let out a breathy sigh against his skin.
You adjust your head on Ricky’s shoulder, watching Carlos across the room. He looks so… melancholic. You should go check on him. And Gina. And probably EJ. Christ, tonight has been a lot. You adjust your head again, facing towards him. 
“We should check on Gina,” you say reluctantly, murmuring into his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. He loves when you do that, loves how you know when people are hurting and what to do about it. But right now, he really, really does not want to let go of you for anyone or anything. Maybe it’s selfish, he thinks, maybe it’s selfish for wanting you all to himself like this, but he just can’t bring himself to let go of you yet. Maybe he deserves to be a little selfish sometimes. Maybe he should just give himself permission to do whatever makes him feel better. He holds you tighter, face burying into your neck. 
“After this song,” he breathes, eyes fluttering closed in your embrace. You nod gently.
“Okay,” you agree, voice so low he can barely hear it. 
Eventually the final piano chords sound, and he holds you tight as the last few, painfully bittersweet notes reverberate through the room. The song ends, and he lets go of you slower and more reluctantly than he’s done anything. 
You sigh, tracing your hands on his shoulders, slowly coming out of that cozy trance like state you’ve been in together.
“Okay,” you start, “let’s split up. I’ll check on Carlos, you can check on Gina, and I’ll have Ashlyn check on EJ cause they’re cousins.” 
He agrees, hit with a sudden wave of nerves about the confrontation. You can sense his hesitation.
“What should I say?” he asks, with a chuckle. He’d told you about how he warned Gina about EJ earlier in the evening, which you had agreed was totally the right move. He told you how she seemed irritable after the interaction, and wondered if he’d done anything wrong, if he could have handled it better. “I don’t think so”, you had said with a sad shrug, “some people just refuse to acknowledge the person they’re dating is kind of shitty.” 
You’re right, he realized, now ready to approach this with more compassion and less confrontation. You think for a second, then reply.
“You can apologize if what you said before came off wrong, that you didn’t mean anything bad by it.” 
“Okay,” he nods.
“And try to relate to her - you’re new to theatre, she’s new to east high, you gotta stick together, you know?”
You send him a thumbs up as you part ways, looking for Carlos. After chatting with Carlos, he left to get some water. You see Ricky approaching you through the crowd, and stand up from your table, meeting him halfway.
“How’d it go?” you ask. He seems hesitant.
“She asked for a ride home.” Your eyes go wide with understanding. He knew you’d get what’s going on, you always know just what to do. 
“Oh, dude, the last thing she probably wants right now is to get in a car with EJ.” Ricky thinks that’s the last thing anyone would want. “If you want you can give her a ride, then come back and we can keep dancing.” He smiles, and agrees. Any plan that ends with dancing with you more sounds like a good plan to him. You quickly fill him in on how things are going with the Carlos/Seb situation in spite of its anticlimactic nature - no one can get a hold of Seb, and Carlos is really, really regretting this whole thing. You and Ashlyn are going to try and hype him up and turn the night around for him so it’s not a totally horrible memory to look back on, and Ricky agrees that’s a good plan. 
“I’ll be back really soon so I can help you guys out,” he says, hoping to extend the conversation a little, to stand close to you and talk confidentially with you just a little more. You smile, looking relieved at his support, and it makes his heart flutter. You touch his arm, sending him a knowing look.
“We need all the help we can get, so thank you.” you state with a chuckle. He tries not to be obvious, but he knows he can’t hide his flushed cheeks and dilated pupils. He hopes you don’t notice. 
You really didn’t expect to be the glue holding everyone together tonight, but you love your friends, so you’re not complaining. After a lengthy conversation with Carlos about how amazing he is regardless of who he is or isn’t seeing, and that there will be so many guys throwing themselves at him after high school, you finally get him out of his funk a little. You were about to go dance together and have a good time, because he shouldn’t let anything ruin his homecoming, when Natalie scurried over to you holding the side of her dress. 
“It snagged on the back of a chair and my whole leg is out, Angelina Jolie style.” She says in a rush, clearly getting more freaked out. You and Carlos share a look.
“It’s okay,” you say gently, “I have a sewing kit in my bag and I can have you fixed up in two minutes flat.” You look over at Carlos again, making sure he’ll be okay. He confirms silently, nudging you two towards the doors. 
“You go fix this wardrobe malfunction,” he says, already trying to pull out of the funk he’d been stuck in all night, “I’m going to warm up the dance floor. When you get back, get ready to dance your heart out.” 
He’s not all the way there, but he’s trying. You both agree, and you send him one last encouraging look before moving carefully to the hallway, trying not to let Natalie’s dress rip any more than it already is. You look back one last time as you pass through the doors, and finally, Carlos is out on the dance floor. You smile, excited to dance with him once you get back.
“God, I wish I had my hamster right now…” Natalie mutters, and you know if she needs her emotional support hamster, it’s pretty bad. 
A few minutes later, you have your sewing kit and Natalie’s dress is back to its former glory. She has on a fresh coat of lip gloss, just finished showing you pictures of her hamster, and is ready to head back out. You stay behind to touch up your makeup a little, telling her you’ll be right behind her.  As you’re walking back out, someone turns the corner at the other end of the hallway. You freeze in place, eyes growing wide as they land on none other than Seb. He smiles nervously, raising a hand to wave at you. Before he can, you let out a shocked squeak, scurrying back into the gym. His heart sinks. He hopes you don’t hate him, and he’s really worried Carlos is going to. 
When you enter, you see Carlos dancing his heart out. You don’t have time to be relieved, weaving your way through the crowd to Mr. Mazzara. You slam your hands on the table, avoiding the sound and light equipment he’s managing. 
“Mr. Mazzara!” He looks up at you, startled, as you begin to explain in a rush. He looks at you, a pleading puppy dog look written on your face, and sighs. 
“I suppose that’s fine…” he says, making a few adjustments to the switch board in front of him. 
“Thank you!” you say quietly, before running onto the dance floor. Carlos is finally in his element. He dances beautifully to the music, free and expressive. Right when the beat drops, a circle of spotlights go up. One lands on him, the other lands across the room on Seb, and they lock eyes in a moment that can only be described as magical. Ashlyn looks at the scene, straight out of a movie, then over to you. You high five her. 
“Nice!” she whispers. You can see it between them, the energy, the chemistry, the electricity. You look at Ashlyn, nodding toward your table. You both sit down, giving them some time to talk and catch up. You try to be subtle as you watch them talk, not close enough to eavesdrop, but watching their expressions, gaging how it's going. They're smiling, then they're laughing, and soon they're dancing together. It's going well, you think. You can't wait for Carlos to fill you in later. 
Sitting in Gina's driveway, a surprisingly more comfortable energy in the air than either of them had expected, Ricky tries to think of how to say what he wants to say. 
"Not quite the evil mansion with wrought-iron and gargoyles you were picturing?" She asks, a hopeful playfulness to her voice. She almost sounds nervous. 
"What? No…" he says. The comment takes him by surprise, snapping him back to attention. "...Well maybe some gargoyles." His joking tone and comforting energy has her giggling. She doesn't remember the last time she giggled. She feels his eyes on her, and tries not to look over at him. She does anyway. 
"You're not that bad, you know." He muses. She tries to control her breathing. She doesn't say anything. 
"Also," he continues, looking back over at the windshield, "I should thank you for that night at the skatepark, keeping me in the show. It means a lot, it's… a really big deal to me." He looks up and left at the top of the car window, mind already wandering about how if he had quit, he never would have gotten close to you like this, never would have fallen in… your arms the way he had that night. He can't imagine you not being in his life, and he has Gina to thank in part for that. He feels a sense of gratitude blooming for her. They talk a little more, and the feeling grows; Gina really is not that bad. He can feel a friendly bond growing between them, a sense of comradery. 
"So… now is probably a good time to ask about the whole drink thing," he starts with a chuckle. She ducks her head, equal parts embarrassed at her actions, and that he saw her at such a low moment. She lets out a sigh. The gesture reminds him of something you might do. He thinks you two would be good friends. He’s already imagining what you’ll say when he fills you in on all this, he’s excited to get your opinion. 
“...My mom moves around a lot for work. Like, a lot…” 
Once she starts, she can’t stop, and it’s not long before she’s unintentionally spilled her guts and her life story to him. She wishes she could stop talking, but it’s like she totally lost her filter with him. She’s always been so reserved, so calculated, and now she doesn’t even have time to think before the words are already spilling out. It’s a new feeling, being so candid with someone, and an unsettling one. 
She risks a glance over at Ricky, who’s just… listening to her. Taking in what she says. That somehow makes her more nervous than if he’d just ignored her or told her to shut up already. She wishes someone would tell her to shut up, she wishes she could. She finally gets to the end of her never ending stream of consciousness, and she’s stunned as they sit in the silence, Ricky really absorbing her words, her feelings. He reaches over and grabs her hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze before letting go - a mannerism he picked up from you. Heat floods her chest, prickly and almost painful, hyper aware of where his skin just touched hers.
“You know, you-” She’ll never know what he was going to say, his words are cut short by the porch lights flashing through the windshield. Gina’s stomach sinks. She doesn’t want to go inside yet. She doesn’t want this moment to be over, but she has to listen to her mom. She reaches for the door, then hesitates. She turns back to Ricky, desperate to try one more time, to put herself out there, to plant some roots. 
“I meant what I said at the skate park… about you having your own style.” 
He smiles, looking down with a breathy chuckle. His leg is bouncing slightly, he can’t wait to get back to school and dance with you more, spend the rest of this magical night with you. 
“Thank you, that’s-” He’s cut off again, this time by the kiss Gina presses to his cheek. She’s out of the car and inside before he can look at her face. She holds her coat tight around her against the chilly rain beginning to drizzle down, and a second later, the front door closes and she’s inside.He lets out another chuckle, different this time. ‘That was weird.’ He thinks. He barely has the thought before his stomach drops, a sick, cold fear clutching him. What if you find out Gina kissed him? What if you find out and you hate him, what if he breaks your heart into a million pieces without trying? Or worse, what if you lose interest in him because you think he likes Gina? He can feel himself panicking at the idea, unable to stop the onslaught of all too real feeling anxieties wracking his mind, creating a pit in his stomach as he peels out of the driveway and makes his way back to school. 
No, no, that’s not going to happen. He’s not going to lose you because he’s not able to express how much he cares about you. He’s not going to let that happen. Trying to hold this panic at bay, he pulls out his phone as he walks through the parking lot towards the school again. How to show someone you love them. He types the words into google, skimming article titles, reddit threads, quora responses, until he finds himself at the gym doors. He sees you across the room, dancing in a group with Carlos, Ashlyn, Natalie, and Seb. ‘Oh, Seb’s here. That’s good,’ he thinks, a momentary relief that at least one or two fires had been put out tonight. He spots Big Red on the opposite side of the room, and makes his way over to him carefully, trying not to be seen by you. He can’t be around you until he figures this out, he can’t hurt you like this. 
Ricky approaches Big Red with an intense energy he has trouble reading, before Ricky starts to speak. 
“Dude,” he says, voice intense and hushed, “Gina kissed me on the cheek.” 
“That’s great!” 
“No, it’s not!” Ricky says, clearly very frazzled. Okay, that’s where this is going. 
“That’s awful!” Red course corrects as Ricky fills him in on the car ride with Gina. As he tells Red everything that happened, Ricky finds himself kind of hating Gina right now. Why would she do this to him, why would she put him in this position? Does she hate him or something? He thinks she must, there’s no other reason for her to sabotage his relationship with you like this. She must hate him if she’s trying to ruin the most important thing in his life. 
“Listen, I really, really like her…” his eyes keep flicking over to you, gaze magnetized by your presence, “like, a lot. How can I make sure I don’t fuck this up? Because I can not fuck up with her.”
“Woah, man,” Red starts, trying to help Ricky ground himself a little, “chill out. In all fairness, cheek kisses can be platonic.” 
“Right,” Ricky nods, starting to feel assured, and Red continues. 
“So, if Gina wants to date you when you’re… kind of seeing someone, she has to make that more clear to you.”
“Right.” Ricky states, agreeing. He really hopes she doesn’t. 
“I think you’re okay,” Red says, sensing his energy changing already, “just make sure she knows how much you like her. Make it really, objectively obvious.” 
Yeah. He just has to make it obvious. 
“Yeah, you’re right,” he says to Red, his eyes locked on you as you laugh at something Carlos says, making his stomach twist and tingle, “I just have to make sure she knows how much… I like her.” 
Red watches him make his way over to you, a spring in his step and a plan in his mind. Thank god for Dr. Phil, Red thinks, or else there’s no way he’d be able to help his friends navigate all their drama. He chuckles at the thought, watching Ashlyn fix the strap of your dress. 
Ricky checks his phone one more time on the way over, looking over a chart of love languages one more time. He’s not sure what your love language is, so he’ll just have to try all of them and see what you seem to like best. Gift giving and acts of service aren’t really options right now, so tonight he’ll focus on words of affirmation, physical touch, and quality time. If he has to drown you in all five love languages at once to make sure you know how he feels about you, he will. 
“Hey,” he starts, watching your reaction nervously, scared you somehow already hate him. You turn around at the sound of his voice, eyes lighting up. 
“Hey!” you smile, “You’re back!” you grab his arm, pulling him in closer to the group. 
“Seb’s here,” you say, and he smiles, relieved at your reaction. 
“Hey, man,” he smiles. 
“Fill me in later,” you say quietly, referring to giving Gina a ride, and he nods, a little bit ready to forget the whole thing. 
Now that all the drama, wardrobe malfunctions, and late entrances are out of the way, you and what remains of your friends spend the rest of the night like you intended; dancing, laughing, and taking great pictures together. Later on into the night, everyone’s just about had their fill of fun and the party starts winding down. You split up, most of your friends piling into the Salt Lake slices delivery van so Red can drop them off. After some more hugs and laughs, you finally part ways, climbing into the passenger seat of his orange Volkswagen Beetle. 
His heart is thumping as you grab his hand and squeeze it a little once you’re on your way back to his house, causing a fresh wave of heat to rise to his face, and god he's nervous right now. His mind is still screaming at him that you're going to hate him, that he has to prove his feelings to you. He lets out a small little laugh at the gesture. 
“Well,” you start, tired from the night, but thriving off the energy between you, “that could have gone way worse…” 
“Yeah,” he laughs, nodding in agreement. You talk for the whole drive back to his place. You’d planned on staying over tonight since Ricky was driving and you figured it would be late, plus your mom’s car is at the mechanic so she’s using yours until some time tomorrow. You exchange sleepy chuckles as he parks. He checks his phone one more time as you leave the car, opening an article of women submitting stories about how they knew a guy loved them in a new tab. He sees a text from his dad - the date went well, he hopes Ricky and you had a good time at homecoming, and he’s going to bed so try to keep the noise down when you get back. 
“My dad’s asleep,” he says softly, unlocking the door. He guides you inside, hand resting low on your back, and closes the door quietly behind him. Walking quietly from his foyer to his room shouldn’t have been a problem, but standing in the darkness with Ricky, you both suddenly find it hard not to start giggling. Hushing each other, you quickly sneak up the stairs past Mr. Bowen’s room, down the hall to Ricky’s room. He barely closes the door and flicks the lock closed before dissolving into giggles. You kick off your heels, glad to finally take them off, and grab a makeup wipe from your bag. He digs through his clothes for a second before handing you a big t-shirt to sleep in. 
“Thanks,” you say, throwing away the makeup wipes. He gazes at you, watching you transition from formal and made up to casual and comfortable, your beauty unwavering. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen anyone as pretty as you before. You watch him take off his jacket and tie, and undo the first button or two of his shirt. The action sends butterflies to your stomach and heat to your core. You glance away. You stand up, seeing if you can reach the zipper of your dress. Before you can ask, you feel Ricky behind you. 
“Need some help with that?” He asks, closer to your ear than you’d expected and resting his hands on your waist. You both chuckle.
“Yeah,” you state, voice low and soft. He moves slowly, unzipping the back of your dress, careful not to snag the delicate fabric. You feel the bodice loosen around you, the end of the zipper stopping at the small of your back. He doesn’t move away. You can feel his breath fan over your shoulder, hand still resting on your waist. 
His face is so close to yours, and he mutters your name softly before pressing a kiss to your jawline, then another and another. He moves down, burying his face in your neck as he continues to press hot, open mouthed kisses against your skin. He breathes in your perfume, peachy and sweet and intoxicating. He nips at your neck causing you to gasp, his hands moving below the draping fabric and directly onto your warm skin. You sigh at the contact. He pulls you closer to him, holding you tight as he sucks on your neck. Your dress is slipping off your shoulders, barely on at all anymore, as he begins to feel you up, touching you and caressing you so tenderly. 
“Ricky,” you sigh. Your voice sounds so pretty when you’re like this. 
“God, I-” he breathes, barely catching the words before they’re out. He lets out a nervous laugh, causing you to giggle in his grasp. He shushes you through his own laughter, his hands never ceasing the way they rome over your body. 
"We have to be quiet," he says, turning you around in his arms, pressing himself up against you, trying so, so hard not to kiss you yet. 
"I can be quiet…" you state, a jokingly incredulous tone in your voice. You stare each other down, and he tries not to break first, tries not to smile or laugh, but god, it’s impossible not to smile when he looks at you. Before he can crack, before he loses all composure and bares his soul for you, places his heart eternally in your hands to do as you please with, he pivots. 
"Yeah?" He asks, and you feel the energy change, growing electric between you. "Is that a challenge?"
His tone is dangerous and he watches your eyes get wide. A second later he has you pinned against his mattress, pressing playful nips and kisses against your skin as muffled giggles and sighs escape your pretty mouth. His hands move down, grabbing your exposed skin as he kisses you harder and harder, riling the both of you up. You tear off the little remaining clothes either of you has on and he begins to roll his hips against you, grinding his hot, throbbing member against your heat. You let out a breathy moan, louder than before, as he continues to rock his hips against yours. 
“That wasn’t very quiet,” he murmurs into your ear between kisses to your cheek and jawline. Your chest vibrates against his, and a wave of relief washes through him. You don’t hate him. He loves that feeling he gets when he makes you laugh, he wants to make you do it again. 
“I can stay quiet,” you insist, already swept away by his touch, distracted by the warm kisses and bites he’s planting on your neck and chest. You’re even more distracted by the feeling of his fingers making their way down, brushing against your clit as they come into contact with the arousal dripping down your folds. He smiles, realizing if he can get you this turned on, this touchy, you must like him. He pushes his fingers in, finally met again with the cathartic feeling of your cushy, bumpy walls squeezing and folding around him. Arousal gushes, dripping down his fingers as he begins to stimulate the tight, sensitive muscles stretching around his fingers. He dwells on the feeling for a moment, maybe two, before you’re moaning again. It makes him laugh. 
“I sure hope you can,” he says, another dangerously playful look on his face, “cause if you get too loud…” He watches you for a split second, hanging on his words, anticipation written across your face, “I’m gonna stop.” 
Your stomach flip flops, exploding with butterflies at his words. Before you can look at his face, before you can gauge how serious he is about following through on his threat, his lips are on yours again. He kisses you, mouth open, tongue already prodding into your mouth. You’re lucky, you think, that he’s unintentionally muffling your noises with his mouth. You’re really lucky, because he quickly finds your g-spot, and there are a couple moans you couldn’t hold back if your life depended on it.
Every sigh, every gasp, every beautiful heart pounding moan Ricky elicits from you sends a fresh wave of relief and reassurance through him. You don’t hate him, and you’re not going to. You could never when he’s this good, this devoted to you. It’s impossible for him not to be when you’re so good to him. You’re so responsive to his touch, you’re totally on the same wavelength. 
You must know what he’s telling you through his actions, through the way he looks at you, the words he’s had to bite back from spilling out more than once. You wouldn’t be dripping down his fingers and moaning into his mouth and grabbing at him like this, you wouldn’t be in his bed if you didn’t feel the way he does about you - or even something close to it. He’ll happily take whatever you want to give him. Of course he wants it all, he wants to completely take over your heart, but just a little bit will keep him happy until he can.
“Right there,” you whine against his lips, “fuck, just like that… feels so good…” you mutter. 
‘See?’ he thinks, ‘You don’t say stuff like that if you don’t like someone a lot, much less moan it…’ 
It’s working. His plan to not lose you is working, he just has to make you cum so hard you can’t think straight, as many times as possible. And he’s going to, because there’s no way he can risk losing you. So he brings up his thumb, rubbing it over your clit as he curls his fingers against your gummy walls. It’s euphoric and overwhelming, and you barely have time to tug his hair before you’re cumming and pulsing around his fingers. 
You squeeze and clamp tight around him, and he can’t resist anymore. He needs his tongue inside you, he needs to taste you, feel you squeeze his tongue and cream into his mouth. So he pulls away, already missing the feeling of your mouths against each other, and gazes at you, breath fanning across your cheeks, eyes locked. He takes you in, thumb caressing your cheek while the other continues to fondle your clit. After a moment he’s able to break his gaze away, and he moves down, pushing your legs open. You heart thumps in your chest in anticipation as he begins to lick and suck on your heat, tongue flicking into your drippy hole. 
As soon as he gets a taste, he wants more. He stretches out his tongue, going to town on your cunt. Every sigh and tug of his hair, every attempt to muffle your moans makes him more eager to have you gush your sweet sticky cum all over him. This time he has some experience, and he’s making the most of it. He finds those spots inside you that make your eyes roll back, switching between them, bumping his nose against your clit, drawing stifled moan after stifled moan from you. One slips out, for real this time, and he pauses. It takes all his willpower; your scent is intoxicating and your taste is addictive, but the look on your face when you realize he’s standing by what he said is totally worth it. 
“I told you,” he murmurs against your core, the vibrations and tone of his voice sending electricity through you, “we have to be quiet…” Your hand is clamped over your mouth, and you nod. Your timing couldn’t be better, because you don’t have time to finish the gesture before he dives back in. After that, it doesn’t take much to send you over the edge. 
You give him everything he’s wanted all night, squeezing and gushing all over him while he laps up everything, holding down your hips while he shoves his tongue deeper inside you. It’s always surprising how far inside you he’s able to get it. You whine and moan, choking out praise as he already begins building up another high. He’s throbbing, desperate for anything you’ll give him, and he wants to make you say more shit like that. He wants to be good for you. 
“Oh god- fuck, Ricky!” you choke out in a whisper, one hand tangled in his hair, the other clamped over your mouth. You’re already close again, he can feel it. He knew this would work. He knew he could prove to you how much you mean to him. He doubles his efforts, squeezing your thighs and grinding his face against your pussy, still dripping from the last times he made you cum. His eyes are half lidded and locked on you, watching your face, the way you squirm below his touch, the way your tits bounce with every movement. You’re not sure how long it is until he has you absolutely gushing and convulsing around his tongue again, but every moment is filled with ecstasy. 
“Fuck you’re good at that…” you murmur, hand now playing with his hair instead of pulling it. “You’re one of the good ones, huh?” 
You probably could have knocked him out with a feather. Your words reverberate in his mind, and his cheeks flush. One of the good ones. Yeah. 
He’s throbbing harder than before, almost painfully turned on. He climbs back up over you, but before he can reach into his nightstand for a condom, you flip him over, straddling him. You look down at him with those beautiful eyes that hold every star in the night sky, biting your lip in that endearing way of yours. Your hands are warm on his shoulders, and he’s stunned at the suddenness of your action, and really eager to see where you’re going with this. He could watch you like this for hours, freezing this moment in time forever, eternally content with you, the way you touch him and look at him. You lean down closer to him, breath tickling his cheeks. 
“My turn.” 
You smile, the words coming out in a hushed giggle. Before he can blink, you’re grabbing his rock hard cock, squeezing it in your hands and teasing the tip as you spread around the precum already dripping down the side. He watches you, eyes wide and excited as you open your mouth, wrapping your lips around him. Your mouth is velvety soft, warm and wet, and he has to try not to cum on the spot. You pump the base of his cock, taking more of him in your mouth, and he tries not to buck his hips. He tries so hard not to move at all, tries to be good for you while you work your magic on him. He lets out a long, low moan. Suddenly you freeze, popping your lips off with a small wet noise as you look up at him. 
“Stay quiet or I stop…” you tease, throwing his own conditions back at him. He nods, panting at your words. “Good boy.” You murmur under your breath, but he definitely hears. Good boy. He can feel the oxytocin flooding his brain, and you barely get your lips around him and start bobbing your head before he feels it.
“I’m close,” he chokes out, and you look up at him. He watches a smirk appear at the corners of your eyes before you drag your tongue along the bottom of his cock. It’s more than enough, and he watches in utter awe as he shoots his load into your mouth, and you swallow all of it. The sight is enough to have him throbbing again. He bites back more moans, desperate for you to keep going, for you to call him a good boy again. You bob your head along his length, tongue dragging along the vein on the underside of his cock. 
One hand comes down to fondle his balls, and a choked moan slips out. He never knew he could feel this good. He never knew one person could make him like this. You continue to lick and suck, squeeze and pump and rub, and soon he’s fighting another orgasm, hoping to bask in the feeling of your mouth around him for just a little longer. His prayers are in vain, he realizes, as he shoots another load of sticky, salty cum into your mouth. You have no trouble taking this one either. You continue to suck and lick, riding out the last of his high, before finally releasing him with a soft pop. 
Thoroughly fucked out, he watches you climb up next to him, awestruck. You grab a blanket, pulling it over the both of you, and moving his face to press a few more kisses to his lips. Your tastes mingle as your tongues connect, and Ricky doesn’t think he’s ever tasted something that delicious. He wants more of it. It’s only when you eventually pull away that your eyes land on the clock behind him. 
“Christ, it’s late,” you murmur. You blink heavily, Ricky mirroring the action, and you trace your thumb over his cheek, just looking at him a little longer. You tug the blanket up a little higher, snuggling up next to him. He holds you close on instinct, still trying to process everything that happened tonight in spite of how exhausted he is. It hits him suddenly, and he struggles to stay awake so he can appreciate the kiss you press to his jaw, the warm feeling of your hand on his chest.
He tries so hard to stay awake, to look at you for a little while, because no amount of time with you feels like enough. He refuses to acknowledge the heavy way he blinks and squeezes his eyes, trying to force them to focus on you, but he can feel himself losing the fight against the deep sleep he’s about to slip into. This night was a success, he thinks. He did a good job.
Late morning sunlight streams through his window, finally dragging Ricky back into the waking world. He looks over, missing your presence, and finds his bed empty. As he rolls over, he’s struck by the sweet, intoxicating scent of your peachy perfume. It’s all over his pillow, his sheets, his blankets. His whole room smells faintly of your scent. He buries his nose in the pillow where you’d slept, breathing it in, taking him right back to last night. 
Eventually, he checks his phone. It’s later than he’d expected, but he’s greeted with a text from you, bringing an immediate, even bigger smile to his face. 
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He sighs, lovestruck. He doesn’t want to get out of bed, doesn’t want the scent of your perfume to fade. He just wants to bask in it. 
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kitmoas · 2 years
Na úpätí trónu
Summary: Two of the most powerful beings help your best friend get what she wants; and you're there to make sure it all goes as planned.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader x Kate Bishop
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: Dark Fic (Sacrifice, Stockholm Syndrome, Hostage Vibes, Evil Gods), Dark Scarlet Queen!Wanda, Dark Skeleton King Kate, Dub con/noncon, Magic Use, Cum filled Strap (r!receiving), Power Bottom Wanda (kinda?), Royalty Kink!!!!, degrading, MAGICAL MARKS, pain with weapon use?, mental manipulation (magical and non), BREEDING KINKKKK
*As usual let me know if I missed anything important*
A/N: This is the LAST official Occult fic and I must say I'm pretty excited about the idea with this one! We love a stoic Wanda and slightly crazy Kate who end up being softies with you in private!  Once again any mistakes are mine, and we just ignore them because editing is hard
***MINORS DNI*** ***18+***
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Main Master list // kitmoas | occult
No matter how much you thrashed about, kicked, or screamed you knew you were no match for your best friend. An entire lifetime of training in the Red Room made sure that she was a small firecracker of muscle, and even though you tried your hardest to stay fit you knew that you couldn’t even compare. 
You have no idea where you are, having decided with the blonde to take one last road trip before you graduated from college. The two of you were ending graduate school and you both were finally heading into the real adult world, but now you would give anything to just go back to studying. Everything started out so normal until the last leg of the drive when you woke up with something covering your eyes and you couldn’t move your body. You could hear her mumbling out how sorry she was as she drove, the car screeching as she made reckless turns at what sounded like dangerously high speeds. 
“Y–yelena..Elly..Come on, let’s just talk this out. Please? What is this?” Your voice was cracking entirely too much as you tried to stay calm, thinking that maybe the former widow’s chemicals were messing with her brain again. “Where’s your hand Els, I’m here.” She had a few times in the past where she would get violent and you just had to remind her that she was safe, and that she was free. This felt different but you needed to try. She was ignoring you, slurred mumbling under her breath as she continued to drive. 
Trying to plead with her for what felt like hours, the car was finally coming to a stop. She was pulling you out of the car before you could really process what was happening, carrying you and you could feel the tears hitting your arm. “Elly, tell me what’s going on! Please, we’re best friends. I love you. I–” Your sentence was cut off as your body was dropped unceremoniously on the ground, and the blindfold was ripped from your face. 
Trees towering over you and a snow capped mountain in the distance is the first thing your vision focuses on before it slips to your best friend as she paces in front of you, face red and wet. You’re laying on what feels like rubble, two pillars and a half fallen concrete wall are across from you. The blonde whips around a glare spread across her face as she looks down at you, “Don’t say that! Not now, don’t make this harder for me!” 
You want to laugh because it’s obvious that whatever is happening is entirely worse for you, but you fall silent regardless. Ill fate settles in your body as you realize that no matter how loud you scream, no one can save you and you still cannot move your body. She’s walking around now, pushing rocks and crumbled concrete into the grass and away from the cracked flooring. The panic on her face is obvious and she’s pulling bags out of the car, rushing around as she glances at her watch. You see the cover of one of the books, confusion fills your brain as you start to recognize the incantation written on the front. 
Yelena finally kneels down near you, a shaky exhale as she takes your fearful eyes. “They can help me bring her back. I need to bring her back.” She smiles sadly at you, “You will be the key to bringing back my Natasha.” She drags the book closer, reading through the instructions as she shakes above you. 
Even though this is a terrible fate for you, you can see how much it hurts your best friend. The blonde hadn’t been the same since her beloved sister died during a fight. Half of her soul disappeared that day and you spent your time together trying to get her to be happy again, and it’s become obvious that you failed. Yelena was mumbling, almost frantically, as she rushed to start whatever process she wanted. 
She freezes and slowly turns to you, a guilty almost apologetic expression spreads across her face. One of her many knives appears out of nowhere, and she makes quick work of cutting your clothing off. You barely have time to note the brisk air when she drags the blade along your torso, leaving cuts that bead with crimson. Pained whimpers threaten to fall from your lips, but it doesn’t deter her. You’re starting to believe nothing will, and you’ll be left here in the middle of nowhere by your own best friend.  
Shivering the cold wind makes your bones feel brittle and you can feel your entire will to live just start draining. “Are you going to kill me? Is this all just to watch me die? In the name of what? Some random being that won’t even give you what you actually want?” You had given up your fight long before this, but as she drew your blood you were just interested in who she was even trying to sacrifice you to. No true god would care about a single person, not even someone as amazing as Natasha. 
She’s on autopilot, not flinching once as she turns to pour your blood along the stone. You were too focused on Yelena as she kneels, rocking and muttering, to notice the spreading ice that covers the grass and trees. It’s only when a throne appears surrounded by a dense darkness do the two of you silence completely. Almost ink black fog radiates from the chair as it settles gently on the ground, and two pairs of glowing eyes float–unblinking crimson and indigo. As the darkness fades and the royal pedestal finally comes into light, you choke on your own words when you recognize the Undead King’s crown adorning the figure that is perched on the top of the crest rail. 
The fear sinks into your body, even more than before, as you realize this is real. You weren’t just dying, your soul is going to be sacrificed to one of the most cruel daemon’s out there. Yelena stands, shaking but confident as she approaches the throne. “Your majesty, King of the Skeletons, I bring you a sacrifice in exchange for a soul that you have. She’s everything you ever go searching for, the perfect soul for the highest of royalty.*” 
The blonde barely gets her rambling out before she’s encased in a blinding red mist, forced onto her knees. A pained whimper falls from her lips, but it’s only when the shadows fade away that you see the people on the throne. The Undead crown that you knew sat upon a young girl’s head, long raven locks flowing and a gruesome bloody skeleton mask across most of her face with only her menacing eyes visible. Dressed in all black, her sleeves torn off display prominent muscles and a staff strapped on her back. She looms over a gorgeous woman, a floating red crown above her ginger hair. You don’t recognize her, but you are entranced by the scarlet wisps falling from her ash tipped fingers. 
The brunette crawls around the palmette almost like a gargoyle to sneer down at the blonde, “Worthless mortal! You demand things from me before even acknowledging the true Queen?” The woman spoken of slams Yelena into a pillar, wrapping her magic tightly against the stone. “You will bend the knee to her as I did many moons ago for we would be nothing without the divine Controller of Chaos” Watching as the girl defies all laws of gravity, hanging carelessly on the ear of the throne, you can’t help but be confused. If this girl was such a big being herself that you were supposedly being sacrificed to her, then why is she working for some other idol?
You can hear Yelena babbling, apologies and swearing her loyalty, but the scarlet Queen is looking directly at you now. Her eyes ablaze as they bore into you. “Enough Kate.” It doesn’t take much more for the younger girl to turn her attention to you, following the ginger’s gaze. You watch as she settles in her spot, throwing her legs over the throne’s arm to lay lazily. Self hatred settles in your gut as you think about how attractive you found that, the way she so effortlessly moves. You were always attracted to things that were bad for you, glutton at heart. 
Startling you, Kate leaps into the air. Slowly hovering down to land in front of the throne, her outfit expands as she straightens. Black encases her entire body, just briefly showing off a crimson jewel around her neck, as she buttons her suit jacket. Slipping the staff to hold as a cane, skeleton hands emerge from inside, clawing at the ground with each step she takes closer to you. Even though you still couldn’t move, the fear was evident in your eyes and it made the girl cackle as she finally leaned down near you. 
Her nail, long and devilishly sharp, pierces your skin as she uses it to move your head around; inspecting you. She gropes your naked body, taking in the way some of the goosebumps along your skin pops against the eagle-like grip. Kate’s glowing purple eyes clear as she hovers above you, leaving an eerily dark sapphire. Using her staff she nudges your legs apart, pulling and poking your pussy lips apart as she examines every part of you. No matter how much you want to squirm away, you can’t and your body doesn’t know any better than to enjoy the probing. Shame fills your head when you realize that you begin to drip down your thighs, strings of your slick getting attached to her scepter. 
You want to scream, beg her to stop, that your soul is hers and just to let you go burn in Hell for all eternity. A squeak scratches at your throat, just barely making a noise. Her eyes dart back up to your face, flashing purple momentarily. Letting the tip of the staff tap against your cunt, hitting your clit randomly; she observes you. “Don’t be scared, sweet thing. You’ll serve an amazing purpose, and that’s better than anything you could have ever done in your meritless life here on this floating rock.” She lets her thumb pop into your mouth, forcing past your locked jaw as your teeth scrape against the thin skin. 
Every nerve in your body is firing, trying to squirm away from the spirit’s activity. You just wanted to go home and forget this ever happened but you aren’t sure that’s ever going to happen again. The thumb in your mouth is thrusting slowly, pointedly gagging you any time you seem to fight her. Kate coos above you, smacking her staff vigorously against your red cunt. “Awww Wanda, can we keep her? She’s just so adorable. The most enthralling voluptuous offering for you, My Queen.” 
Your eyes flicker over to the older woman, watching as she lazily calls the two of you over. The first time her magic wraps you up you feel like a lifeless doll, your limbs flopping to your sides as you are dragged through the air. “What is wrong with her? She hasn’t moved an inch since we arrived? ” The witch’s question is rhetorical, easily reading both yours and Yelena’s mind to understand what happened. “Does she not want to play with us?” Wanda’s pout is taunting, entirely too smug as she eyes the shiny wetness along your quivering thighs. A snap of her finger has you falling from the sky, but you’re able to put your arms out to brace yourself. 
Jaw slack as you stare up in shock at the ginger, who has a *lazy* arrogant look on her face. You’re so *enamored* with being able to move again that you weren’t expecting strong hands gripping your hips. Drawing you up onto your knees, you feel the *sharp* nails trailing along your backside. “We wanted you to be able to feel it when we take what we want from you.” The cold breath puffs against the shell of your ear, immediately making the hair on the back of your neck stand up. 
Even though you know the effects of whatever chemical Yelena drugged you with are gone, your muscles fruitlessly fight against the magic blanketing around you. Unbeknownst to you, the two supernatural beings just find your struggle endearing. Most of their sacrifices are frozen in terror, unable to resist the two even if they wanted to. 
A deep throaty chuckle makes you freeze, the sound striking against the nerves at the base of your neck. Head ticking as your body tries to fight the grating noise, Wanda finally moves. Sitting with her legs spread and her elbows resting on her knees, she curls a single finger under your chin. Her thumb traces your bottom lip, slowly smearing drool as a maniacal smile spreads across her face. Eyes squinting gleefully as you try to snarl at her, snapping your teeth towards her. 
You knew that fighting was stupid but you refused to go down easily, these demonic beings wouldn’t get your soul without a struggle. The feeling of something hard bumping between your thighs caused a stumble in your demeanor, but you tried to power through. Each time Wanda came near you, you tried to bite her and you threw a few insults her way as well but none of them made much of an impact. 
Her spit splatters on your face, and her palm collides violently with your cheek before you can even blink. The pain doesn’t register until she’s cooing and rubbing the bright red spot across the side of her face, a searing almost burning sensation ripples through your entire skull. “You think a couple measly Earth insults and some biting will make us run?” She grips your jaw, tightly with no regard at your high pitched wail as you can almost feel the bone cracking. Her gleaming eyes finally settle and a deep forest replaces as she finally looks at you directly. 
Diverting your eyes, the fear plummets into your gut and it’s beginning to take a toll on your mindset. Tapping your cheek, she waits until your gaze meets hers to let her powers overtake once more. Her magic seeps out of her dark fingertips, down your jaw and slithering around your neck. It drags you closer to her, strangling you as she watches your reaction. 
Glaring, you try your hardest to match her gaze in intensity but you were so focused on Wanda that you almost completely forgot about Kate. The undead king was having the time of her life, playing in between your legs as the ginger messed with your head. The strap adorning her hips always made her happy, she felt empowered as she ripped into her victims but you were different. No matter how hard she hit your raw puffy cunt, you just dripped with more slick and your clit throbbed under her thumb. It was almost like your body knew that you were meant to be theirs, even if your mind refused to let your soul settle. 
The thick strap forcing its way into you makes a gurgled scream fall from your squished mouth, the crimson mist around your throat tightening. You try to wiggle away as much as possible, the pain from Kate thrusting into you was overwhelming but her nail digs further into your hip bones. A mocking laugh fills your ears as the brunette leans down, rutting into you. “The dumb slut is dripping all over my cock and expects me to believe the pathetic fear emanating from you?” 
Wanda just smiles, tutting as you try to shaking your head. With a blink of an eye, the bottom of her suit disappears and your jaw drops in shock. “Hush now, little one, let’s put that troublesome mouth to work.” She’s dragging both you and the younger girl forward, leaning back as your tongue touches her hard clit. Her fingers tangle roughly in your hair, directing you where she wants you. “If you’re a good girl, maybe we’ll let you cum or maybe we’ll even let you live.” The ginger’s voice is breathy, a sternness backing it even as she lets the pleasure fill her body. 
You try your hardest to not get addicted to the taste of the woman in front of you, it’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever had. No doubt inhuman as you try to turn your head, pull away, anything to not give her what she wants but the magic around your neck forces you to pant. Not one to usually want to separate from a pretty woman, you mentally shake off the thought of you losing your freedom and decide to focus on the way Wanda is leaking into your mouth. 
The older woman isn’t really letting you do too much, the fist in your hair keeps you mostly locked in place. Her hips grinding on her own will, the most you can do is lay your tongue flat as she uses your face. Each time her movements stutter, you take the moment to suck her clit into your mouth; relishing the deep grunts and moans that fall from her mouth. 
Though your focus was forced to be on Wanda, it was getting more and more difficult the longer Kate thrusts into you. Every movement rocks your body forward, and drags you back as she pulls out of you. The skeleton ruler disregards your comfort as she takes what she wants from you, forcing muffled moans to vibrate against the witch’s clenching cunt. The king’s open palm slaps against the swell of your ass, leaving a rippling purple mark instantly. The pain makes you pitifully writhe beneath her as you try to put distance between the two of you when she slaps you again. 
Kate’s fingers pulled at your nipples, making your hips jut up. “Don’t fight it. This isn’t about you whore, this is about pleasing your Majestic. Get it through your idiotic meager brain that you are being blessed to taste her. Make her cum and maybe I won’t kill you on the spot, maybe I’ll even let you get some pleasure after I’m done using you like the hole you are.” Your body is rocking with each movement she makes, but the vibrating magic moves down your torso and suddenly you can no longer feel anything. It’s a buzzing numbness, like your entire body fell asleep–an almost stabbing pain erupting along your skin.  
The abrupt dense fog in your brain was diluting your thoughts now, the numbness along your body filling your mind quickly. You barely could keep up with Wanda’s movements, just letting her fuck herself on your tongue. It started to fill your body with a warmth that even her magic couldn’t get rid of, a sense of pride as you watched this powerful being start to fall apart because of your mouth. The moans falling from her crimson lips makes you up your ante, focusing as much as you can on her clit. You can almost feel it throbbing in your mouth as you suction around it, relishing in the grunted praise and the way her fist tightens in your tangled locks. 
Kate sinks her fangs in your shoulder, breaking the skin as she forces her cock as deep into you as possible with each thrust. “I’m going to cum in you, and you’re going to take it like the good little cum dumpster you are.” Her voice is cracking as she mutters against your sweat slicked back. 
It’s Wanda who falls over the edge first, her quivering thighs locking around your head and the magic encasing wavering for the first time that night. Her strained moans vibrate through her body, echoing in your ears. You desperately want to feel how you clench around the king’s cock, knowing that you loved making someone so stoic like the witch cum so hard. Her voice echoes in your mind as she finally starts calming down, her hand tangled in your hair streaming ruby fog into your brain. Praise that warms your body and makes you wiggle happily. 
Her grip falters with each buck of the brunette’s hips, the force snapping your head forward each time. Wanda pushes your head back, the heel of her hand shoving at your forehead so that you’re forced to look into her eyes. “Your majesty is going to paint your insides with her cum and you’re going to thank her. That bratty little mouth will not disobey us anymore, not if you ever want to feel anything ever again.” 
You aren’t sure if you want to know the state of your torso as the undead king claws desperately at it, digging her razor nails into your thin skin. “You’re so fucking tight, sweet thing. I’m going to use this pussy for centuries to come, and I’ll never get tired of it.” Kate’s voice cracks as she wraps a hand around your throat from behind you, using it as leverage. “Such a messy slut, drippin all over m’cock.” Her words slur as she slams into you, hips jerking as she finally falls  over the edge; the enchanted strap filling you with demonic cum. 
Everything is entirely too overwhelming, all of your senses that are overtaken by the two of them. The taste and smell of Wanda still strong, and the warm feeling as the tingly numbness disappeared was filled with Kate’s cum leaking out of you and her large calloused hands rubbing along your body. With the witch’s hand still in your hair, your vision is blurred but stuck to the way the ginger’s hair is messy in all the right ways now. 
You don’t even actually feel it when the king pulls out of you, just collapsing when the only support is the queen’s grip in your hair. You’re being lifted and settled on the lap of Wanda, who barely even pays you any attention instead just firmly grips your waist. Slouching on her, against what you believe to be her wants, you struggle to regain control over your body as it gets back feeling. The aftermath of the rough treatment you just received had exhausted your body even though you didn’t feel a majority of it. 
Watching as Kate goes to talk to Yelena who has finally slumped in a fetal position where she was dropped, Wanda surprisingly pulls you closer to her. Curling into the warm witch you relish in the heat difference, as your body is dramatically losing heat in the wind. Her hand comes up to the left side of your collarbone, thumb rubbing along it. It’s a sweet comforting gesture but you’re suddenly whimpering in pain. It ceases quickly, ultimately just an annoyance. Without really thinking about it you look up at her, pleading eyes as you pout at her. The queen shushes you, a soft smile along her lips as she caresses the mark that is the source of your pain. 
A dark cloud of smoke appears and out tumbles Natasha, pale and weak as she collapses on the ground. You don’t hear much as you watch your best friend stumble over to her sister, tears streaming down her face as the two embrace. The minute the two touch chains appear out of nowhere, a collar laid with bones wrapped tightly around your neck. Connected by the heavy metal to the throne, you look at the skeleton king confused as the fuzzy feeling in your brain returns. “You’re home sweet thing, forever with your Majestic and Majesty.” 
Donned in casual wear, Kate was walking around the spacious hall when she felt the call she had been waiting for. A smug smile stretches her face as she twirls around to find you, curled up in Wanda’s lap eating food from her fingers. She pauses for a moment to watch your pink tongue lap at the juices left on the ash dipped fingertips, a hungry growl getting caught in her throat when she remembers what she still needs to do. 
“We must go, an important deal is coming to an end.” As she strides towards you, you sit mesmerized as you do each time you watch her clothes transform into her formal wear. Her purple sweats replaced with a sharp black leather suit, armor wrapped around her torso and her cherished staff appearing on her back. Walking up to you, she cups your cheek and lets her forehead rest against yours. A throat clear from one of the only workers to see the private life of the three of you grabs your attention, “Are you ready my sweet love?” 
A mumbled “Yes, my Majesty.” is heard as your clothes fall into a mist, leaving you nude once more. The king rubbing her thumb over your collar, tracing the bones that she rules, cheek twitching as she struggles to remain focused on the task at hand. You settle on your knees, dragging your heavy chains with you to get comfortable at the foot of the throne. Wanda simply stretching out as she waits for Kate to climb onto the crest railing. 
Within seconds you are materialized to a plain, fire and rubble falling from the sky but only one thing truly catches your attention. There in the distance is a body, surrounded by heavy smoke, but with a snap of her fingers Kate calls the soul to stand in front of the three of you. The blonde braided hair is a quick give away as you take in your best friend, your sacrificer. She looks confused momentarily before realizing she died in the fight, gulping as she comes face to face with the end of her deal. 
The white widow had been fighting for years to fill her sister’s shoes after Natasha had once again passed away during an Avenger battle. You watch as Wanda fills the blonde’s head with memories, playing back the life she held as the three of them waited for her to perish. You can see the struggle on her face, the guilt each time her gaze passes your slouched form. The weight of the chains is something you aren’t used to as the more compliant you had become, the more Wanda took the weight from your shoulders. 
Unbeknownst to your best friend, you had fallen happily into a life with the demonic beings. Widely known across the pits of Hell as their pet, but the longer you spent with them the more you couldn’t live without them. There in the halls of their extravagant castle, you were their prized trophy. The life you lived was truly better than any moment that you held on Earth, just as your king had promised, and you couldn’t have imagined a better life. 
“Welcome to the calvary White Widow, you once again will fight alongside your sister; my general.” Kate’s voice is professional, a bit of a hiss at the end of words. She knows that the grudge she holds for this deal is pointless for it brought you into their lives, but she knows that the only reason you no longer fight is the everlasting fog that seeps into your mind. Something that she knows you can never learn of, for it will break the illusion of love and send you into an everlasting spiral. 
Glancing at the two marks, one a simple whimple along your collarbone while the other a harsh slash along your ribcage, glowing bright– unwavering crimson and amethyst. Laid there with love, it makes the brunette smirks as the guilt radiates off of the blonde when she sees them. “You will pay for the soul that you so selfishly sacrificed to myself and the Scarlet Queen many decades ago. For only the pompous would ever offer anything to daemons like us, and your soul does not deserve to rest ever again. ” 
Yelena gaze is stuck on you, watching with shame as Wanda’s magic wraps around your neck. It tightens painfully as it yanks your head back, forcing you to look up. “You’re little best friend no longer exists, but you can meet her once more. Don’t worry if she doesn’t talk, she only speaks to the two of us now.” As the witch speaks, your thoughts start catching up with you but they are no match for her. No matter how many memories of your time on Earth resurface as you look at your former friend, the queen forces them out with a bit of chaos. “Isn’t that right? What are you?” Her voice is all knowing, chuckling as she listens to the blonde’s hopes that her presence will shake you from whatever spell that she has you under. 
“The Undead King’s Property and the Scarlet Queen’s Pet.”
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dwarvenchords · 20 days
Hi chords!! I am haunting your inbox once more >:) But also please never worry about responding fast or at all lmao, life is busy!! 13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
16. Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop?
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
heheh hello again moss. ive set up a lil chill space for you in here actually, including the comfiest chair you could possibly imagine, please keep comin back :')
13. is this how i drop the clementine playlist? bc this is what ive been listening to almost exclusively while im writing. also if you cant tell by how barren it is, i actually use tidal, not spotify :') but i felt i should make the official playlist available to the masses lol. sam fender has kinda become the unofficial musician of clementine. in my spare time ive been listening to a lot of chappell roan and a band called The Thing (listen to their song Neptuune its incredible)
16. i do a little of everything! my usual go to when im trying to break out of a creative rut is to switch where im writing. so ill go from my laptop to a notebook, ive been doing a lot of roadtripping just to travel back and forth from home to where i currently live so ive done a lot of voice to text recently? had a day where i wrote like 4k on voice to text alone, it was so much editing :')
30. I definitely edit as i go. the wonderful @i-am-church-the-cat takes a pass over all my stuff before it goes out into the world as well and i cannot thank him more for that (love u bro). i dont edit a lot however, i mostly just fix like, grammatical errors and any sort of repetitive vocabulary. im definitely the type where i will wait to write a scene until i feel like i can really do it justice, not someone who will do a bunch of different drafts and pick and choose what i like out of them. usually, its what i write is how it goes, and if something doesnt work it goes to the bottom of the document to be slotted in where it fits later.
thank u for the ask heehee
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openheartfanfics · 1 year
Newly Added Fics
Feb 11 - 17, 2023
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
After Dark: Satisfaction Guaranteed - @storyofmychoices ☁💘
Bryce has a special surprise waiting for Olivia.
I’m a Sucker for You! - @peonierose ☁💘
Bryce and Luna spend some time on Valentine‘s Day (even though they’re not the biggest Valentine’s Day fans).
Love, Rosie - @peonierose 📷💘
It’s February 14th, Maxine‘s Birthday. So all her family & friends share some love on her (not) beloved day. Valentine‘s Day.
Once A Shattered Heart - @a-cloud-for-dreams 🦚
As Chandini and Bryce work on planning their wedding, he helps her deal with a heartbreak that never healed. [Wedding]
A Valentine's Surprise - @peonyblossom ☁💘
Ethan is woken up early by his daughter, who needs his help making a Valentine's Day surprise for her mom. [Domestic; Family]
Abundance - @jerzwriter ☁💘
It's their first Valentine's Day together, but they still have to keep things secret... and Ethan isn't helping.
Accidental Valentine - @cariantha ☁💘
It’s Valentine’s Day and Ethan and Sawyer get “stuck” spending the evening together.
Afternoon Delight - @coffeeheartaddict2 ☁💘
It is Valentine’s Day and Ethan sends Casey a cake to help get her through the afternoon.
Caked - @txemrn 🎭Ⓜ
After receiving horrible life-changing news from the hospital's lab report, Tatum is overcome with worry with having to be the bearer of bad news to the couple. TW: Depiction of dysfunctional eating
Death Stare - @headoverheelsforramsey ☁💘
A friendly staring contest turns into a heated competition. Who will emerge as the winner? Ethan or Meera? [Donahue's; Friends Intervene]
Flowers - @jamespotterthefirst 🎭💘
She is stung when he sends flowers to someone else on Valentine’s Day. [Jealous]
Making a Mark - @txemrn ☁💘Ⓜ
Despite med school exams, Ethan and Tatum plan on spending time together for their first Valentine's day; but their plans take a different course... literally. [Jealous]
Not the Right Person - @lucy-268 ☁💘
Various “Celebrations” for Valentine’s Day when you aren’t celebrating with the right person. Feat. Sienna Trinh, Aurora Emery
Okay to treat yourself - @amortentiaopenheart ☁💘
Ethan receives an anonymous gift.
Special Surprise - @potionsprefect ☁💘
Luke and Lily enlist Aunt Sienna for a very special mission. Feat. Sienna Trinh [Domestic; Family]
Staying In - @potionsprefect ☁
Victoria is left disappointed when she is sick on her birthday. [Birthday; Illness/Injury]
Valentine Memories - @liaromancewriter ☁💘
When Alan finds a box of childhood memorabilia, Cassie teases Ethan about his romantic past. Feat. Alan Ramsey
The Art of Doing Nothing - @dr-colossal-pita ☁💘
They don't do valentine's cards...until they do.
Stained Glass and Stuffed Animals - @peonyblossom ☁💘
Sienna continues her own little tradition of Valentine's sleepovers with her friends, even if most of them already live in the same apartment.
The Galentine’s Day Queens: A TRR / Open Heart Crossover - @bebepac ☁💘
Daniel takes Riley and their friends on a special night on the town as Galentines. Feat. F!MC
The Reluctant Valentine - @liaromancewriter ☁💘
It’s Valentine’s Day, and Max can’t say no to his favorite girl.
Ground Rules - @jerzwriter 📱Ⓜ
Not long after they finally made it official, Casey just wants to set some things straight. Can Tobias wear her down?
No One Else - @jerzwriter ☁💘
Misunderstandings, changes in plans, a blast from the past, and secret admirers threaten to turn Tobias & Casey's first second Valentine's Day upside down.
Part 1
Simple Pleasures - @jerzwriter ☁💘
Tobias is driving himself crazy trying to create the perfect Valentine's Day for his new wife and momma-to-be. [Pregnancy]
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eeveeshiko · 10 months
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𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠: 𝕀𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕜𝕒 𝔸𝕜𝕚𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒
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Ichika Akiyama (秋山 維智花) is my ndrv3 OC that I made back in 2018! She's gone through four redesigns in total and is very VERY dear to me <3
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Here's her reference sheet based on the official ndrv3 character references and...
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Here's a FAR more detailed reference of her!
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Aand her pregame design!
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𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕠
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Ichika's google drive: - This has all of her sprites, pixel sprites, and some in game edits of her, and also her report card! Ichika's fics: - Her fic is available on both Wattpad and Ao3
Ichika's Toyhou.se: - If you want a summarized version of her story (not recommended but y'know lol), I've written up her wiki on toyhou.se! IT'S A WIP ATM ILL PUT THE LINK HERE WHEN IM DONE (SOON LMAO)
- Ichika's tag | #Ichika Akiyama
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sea-jello · 1 year
remember the last day for the auditions sign up form is april 30th!! you can resubmit it if you change your mind on the character youre auditioning for, but please specify it is a resubmission. i will not be taking any more responses on may 1st. actual auditions wont open immediately, it will be in a couple weeks
however we will be starting in other departments soon! so if youre not in it yet please please PLEASE join the discord server. this is the final call. if youre not in it by may 1st im assuming youre not participating. (edit i was an idiot back then i think i was trying to scare you into joining thats my bad. join whenever you want) and if you have to be on do not disturb check your pings every once in a while i dont want to chase you down every time we need to get something done. if i cant reach you youre not doing it and ill find someone else. if you wont be able to respond/do something due to time and life and whatnot please just tell me!! i dont want to be waiting on you for a response. checking my phone every 10 minutes makes me look addicted you know
ive seen some people say they want a major role or nothing, or theyre willing to get discord only if they get a major role so ofc this doesnt apply to you guys. ill tidy the server up when i have time/when we start so tomorrow or the day after, but yeah excuse the all-over-the-place-ness
speaking of final call i dont want to go through every form searching for your @ to tag you every other day so please go follow @bmcblr-remake or turn notifs on or something cause there will be announcements and audition forms and stuff on there but rn its completely empty lmao. i will be sending the important stuff to the discord server so you dont HAVE to follow it but yk
this will also probably be the final time i post about official bmcblr stuff on here so if you followed me just for that go follow @bmcblr-remake get outta here
im literally tagging every single person who wants to participate regardless cause were gonna get this shit GOING
@gay-stranger-things @mynameismicah-getitright @itsjustjo78 @homo-phoneic @happistar @bbopit @thesquirrelqueer @neotheater-kid @antisocial-headphones-kid @radrat-with-a-tophat @astrellanyx @alveolion @dragonairice @kaslynspeaks @a-family-of-rats @feathertail11 @fic-recs-wanted-broadway-needed @mr-sh0wtime @spiirals @olliefeelsthings @preposterous-proposal @alsbullshit @lokibuni @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @pumakittycat @merf-txt @quiznak-ofgrayskull @keycr0w @jeremy-does-stuff @greenes-artdump @swagcoolcat @eryan-lainfa @thetheatergremlin @iheartspongebob @99dentay
apparently it wont let me tag 70+ people so the rest get to be in a rb LMAO
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
It's so nice to have new Sebagni content with big feelings and disabled Sebastian
So much content of this ship is made by antis and I don't want to suport them so thank you for making this story that I identify with
Anon 🥺🥺🥺🥺 … this ask made (makes) me so happy.
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I’m such a sucker for all those things in a story and there just…. Isn’t a lot of it in the fandom, especially for ships like sebagni. I also am sad that antis love that ship so much, bc as wholesome as it can be, I also like exploring some darker aspects of Agni’s character.
I think it’s easy to see him as this perfect paragon, and maybe he did become that, but he wasn’t always that way, and even so, he was still human. I think antis especially like to pretend the “bad agni” that existed before Soma never existed…. But I think the fact that Agni wasn’t always so pure and saintly is part of why he such a loveable character.
I’m glad you can identify with the story, too (though I’m sorry if it’s bc you also deal with illness/disability and all the frustrations that go with it 🫂)…. I really didn’t ever intend to publish the story. At first, I was just gonna write it for myself as I desperately needed something to cling to with the absolute bullshit I’ve had to deal with in the last couple years (this year especially), but I am glad that I did opt to share it, as it does seem to have resonated with a niche group of people. <3
I’ll spend the next day or two on editing and formatting, so hopefully I can update officially on Wednesday. Unless something happens, it should absolutely be this week.
I’ve been really enjoying finally writing sebagni, so much so that if I am able to finish this story this year (that would be amazing if I could), I may try and start another sebagni piece, maybe one of my abandoned (put on the far back burner) ideas, or maybe another one in a similar vein…. I guess time will tell.
For now, I’m really enjoying the relationships in this fic, especially Seb & Tanaka and Seb & Agni ofc. But also Tanaka/Vince. In fact, I may end up doing a oneshot spin off that covers some of their relationship, like how they met, why they couldn’t be the couple/family Tanaka wanted, and how Vince died…. But it’s possible that may end up as part of Synch proper….
I have a semi-concrete idea of what the rest of the fic will entail, and I think it’ll be around 10 chapters. But so far it’s been surprising me, so it may be longer than that… but it’s not gonna be a fraction as expansive a story as WDH, so it is theoretically possible I could finish it this year.
I’m trying to take a laid back approach to this story, just write what I need to for my sanity and enjoy it as I go.
But I’m excited bc we’ll have two new characters to meet in ch 4!
Ty again so much for this ask. I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story. (^_^)
You can read the first 3 chapters of Synchronize on AO3.
Anyone is welcome to read and comment as long as you’re respectful and kind. 🥰
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shewithoutrain-yugioh · 5 months
Whoops been a while but hey! I come bearing not one, but TWO pieces of good news!
1. I have a beta reader now!! They’re wonderful and amazing and perfect and get my out of my head when I start spiralling.
2. Ch 3 has officially been beta read! Meaning it’s in the stage of final edits. I’m planning on it being up on Jan 27th 🤭
I’ll be updating here more regularly once I’ve gotten my feet under me — it’s been a busy month with real life and repeating illnesses so I’ve let things slide.
I promise I have a lot planned for this fic, and I can’t wait to share it with you all!
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succubusphan · 10 months
Two Man Team - Chapter 13
Summary: This is the story of two struggling friends who after many trials and tribulations find their way back to each other and build the life they've always dreamed of.
Or how Phil changed his life by talking to random strangers on the internet.
Rating: E
Tags/warnings: Friends to lovers, Friends with benefits, mental health issues (mainly anxiety), Slow burn, Dan is a psych student. Canon divergence (the timeline is altered and some things never happened), Slutty Phil, Angst with a happy ending. The fic spans many years.
Author's Note: Written for the OSPBB 2023 @oldschoolpbb. Thank you @effingmeteors for being my life saviour and beta as usual and to my artist Lin @anironsidh.
Edits and the art will be added at some point, we are busy bees.
This is basically the epilogue, thank you for joining me in this journey and I hope you enjoyed the ride.
Total Word Count: 75k ish
Read on Ao3
CHAPTER 13: Two Man Team
January of 2019
Having spent the holidays with his family without telling them about Dan was harder than Phil had expected, but he needed to discuss the situation with Dan first. They of course knew that Dan had returned to YouTube and that they had rekindled their friendship, but Phil had avoided any further questions on the topic. 
After a bit of back and forth, he and Dan decided that keeping appearances for Phil’s birthday at the end of the month was not really an option, so they sat down on the sofa fumbling with Phil’s phone, opening his mum’s contact and finally hitting the facetime button on accident when he almost dropped his phone to the floor. 
“Child!” Phil’s mother said. 
Phil scrambled to set the camera to his face without showing Dan. “Hi, Mum!” he replied, his voice cracking from the nerves as if he was 15 all over again. “How are you?”
“Doing well, you know, tending to the garden,” she smiled. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing?” he said, sounding like it was definitely something.
“Phil, I am your mother. Don’t try to lie, you are terrible at it.”
“I just - wanted to tell you something,” he said, biting his lip.
“Are you ill?” She asked, sounding quite concerned, her face falling.
“No! Not at all. I’m seeing someone,” he said and almost slapped himself. Dan gave him a reproachful look. They were a bit past the “seeing each other” stage.
“Oh!” She said, her smile returning. “You have a partner?”
“Yes! I actually misspoke. I do have a partner,” he clarified.
“Well, that’s quite nice. How long have you been together?”
Phil looked at Dan with wide eyes, there were so many possible answers to that question. Dan shrugged and mouthed an “October?” at him.
“Uh, October - ish,” Phil said, looking back at her. “We were seeing where things were going but we - made it official in October.”
“Why didn’t you bring them over for Christmas?” She asked.
She was trying not to push, Phil could tell, but after he posted his coming out, there was no need to keep beating around the bush. “He, Mum, we can say it. It’s a man.”
She laughed, letting out a happy sigh. “Oh, I’m glad, Child. I didn’t want to assume or offend you. You know how much your father and I love you, we just want you to be happy.”
Phil did know, but he smiled nonetheless. “Yeah…”
“What can you tell me about your partner - boyfriend?”
“It’s D-Dan!” he said, with a nervous laugh. “And… well, you know Dan.”
“Oh, dear! I love Dan! What a sweet boy! Oh, Phil, that is just wonderful,” she said, sounding genuinely happy. “Since October?” she prodded, narrowing her eyes.
Phil laughed and looked at Dan’s beaming face, gesturing for him to speak up, but Dan only made a silly face at him.
“Yes!” Phil said. “I swear, since October. We took things slowly because of… the time we were apart.”
“Hiiii!” said Dan as Phil turned the phone towards him.
“Oh, hi love! How have you been?” She asked, “Can you hear me?”
“Yes, he can hear you,” Phil said.
“I’m doing well, very happy,” Dan said, with that tone he’d always used with Phil’s mum. He had always been a sweet talker.
“That’s all that matters then! Phil, you have to bring him over for your birthday!”
“Yes!” Dan said before Phil could reply. “I accept the invitation!” 
Phil poked his side as they both laughed. “We’ll be there for the weekend.”
“Martyn and Cornelia are coming as well!” She said. 
“Who is that?” Asked Phil’s dad in the background.
“It’s Phil! Do you want to talk to him?”
His father didn’t reply to her and just grabbed the phone. “Hello, son,” he said merrily. “Are you coming to us for your birthday?”
“Yeah,” he said and hesitated for only a second but that was enough.
“He has a boyfriend!” His mum said, sounding almost more excited about it than Phil.
“Oh! A boyfriend! That’s nice. Is he treating you well?”
“No, he’s horrible to me!” Phil said, theatrically.
“Shut up!” said Dan, blushing and slapping his arm.
“I know that voice! Don’t I know that voice?” Phil’s dad asked away from the phone.
“It’s Dan!” said his mum.
“Yeah, It’s Dan,” said Phil, still giggling about his little joke and the effect it had on Dan.
“Hi, Dan!” His dad said. “You found yourself a nice boyfriend there?”
Dan squished his face to Phil’s to be in frame “Sometimes I’m inclined to believe that no,” he laughed.
“I’ll have you know I’m a wonderful boyfriend,” Phil said.
Dan gave him a look and a cheeky smile. “He leaves every cupboard open after making coffees he doesn’t actually drink until they are cold.”
“Spend a lot of time with him?” Phil’s dad asked, reading between the lines.
“He stayed over one day and never left,” Phil said, with a laugh.
“Don’t say that, they will think I’m just leeching here,” Dan said, swatting at him. “I moved in recently, when my lease was up.”
“You could have come for Christmas then,” commented Phil’s mum.
“His family wanted him with them as well, Mum. Don’t worry, I will drag him over soon.”
“Good, you do that,” Phil’s father said. “Dan, take care of him for me.”
“I will,” Dan said with a small smile.
“See you then,” Phil’s dad said. “Bye!”
“Bye!” Dan and Phil said in unison, making his mum laugh.
“Bye, boys!” She said and disconnected the call.
“That went better than expected,” Dan said, pressing a small kiss to his lips.
“It was good,” Phil agreed and wrapped his arms around Dan’s frame. “I’m glad that they were so calm about it.”
“It’s because they knew, or they suspected. Your dad definitely knew.”
“He has been onto us since the beginning.”
Dan tsked. “I don’t think we were as slick as we thought we were.”
“Probably not,” Phil snorted.
When the weekend of Phil’s birthday finally rolled around, he and Dan were in a bit of a panic.
Even though the phone call with the announcement had gone fairly well, it was a bit nerve wracking for Phil because he had never officially introduced anyone as a boyfriend. His family knew that he was gay but it wasn’t something that he really talked about. They had sort of figured it out on their own and were kind enough not to bother him about it. And Dan was nervous to see Phil’s parents again as Phil’s boyfriend, this was also a new experience for him and he was still getting used to being out of the closet.
As soon as they set foot in his parents’ house, Phil’s mum pulled Dan into a hug and pinched his cheek, which was quite hard because of the height difference. Still, Dan bent down and let her enjoy herself. He beamed as Phil’s parents welcomed him in without a hint of awkwardness. 
“Go take your bags upstairs and come back down to sit by the fire, we’ll be right over with some tea,” his mum said, gesturing to the sofas by the fireplace on her way to the kitchen with her husband in tow. 
Phil didn’t need to be told twice. With the wind raging outside and snow threatening to fall, by the fire was exactly where he wanted to be. He took Dan’s coat and put it away before leading his boyfriend to one of the two guest bedrooms. It was decorated in muted colours and consisted of a double bed, two bedside tables and a few decorative items. Phil looked around and sighed, wishing that they were still at his old family home; this one didn’t hold the same memories.
Dan wrapped his arms around him, hugging him from behind. “Everything ok?” He asked, resting his chin on Phil’s shoulder.
“Yeah, I was just thinking.”
“What about?” Dan said, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I wish we could go back to the old house.”
“Hmm, the place where we first got together,” Dan mused. “That would be nice, but we can make new memories here.”
“Yeah,” Phil said and turned around, resting his arms on Dan’s shoulder and leaning in for a kiss.
Dan shoved his cold hands under Phil’s hoodie making him squirm and jump back with a laugh. 
“You beast!” Phil said.
“Better?” Dan smirked.
“Yeah, but I’ll get you later!”
“Can’t wait,” Dan said, wiggling his eyebrows and walking out the door.
Phil shook his head and followed after him, catching up to Dan who was already on the sofa and sitting at his side, leaving the two armchairs across the coffee table for his parents.
Dan stretched his arms towards the fire and rubbed them together. “I am finally starting to feel my fingers again.”
“I wish I could climb inside the fire,” Phil added and Dan gave him a warning look. “It was just an expression.” 
He knew that Phil was not being serious but with how prone to accidents he was, they could never be too safe. “I miss having a fireplace,” lamented Dan and Phil made a mental note of that.
“At least we have an aircon,” Phil commented, rubbing Dan’s back.
“True, but it’s hard to appreciate it during the winter months.”
“Here we are!” Phil’s mum said, walking over and narrowly avoiding dropping the tray before setting it down on the coffee table. “Milk, Dan?” She gave them a little smile when she saw Phil’s hands on Dan’s back.
“Yes, please,” Dan said, clearing his throat.
His dad sat down and reached for his own cup, adding sugar and stirring before taking a sip and smiling happily.
“You look so handsome,” his mum said, handing the cup to Dan. “Is this your natural hair?”
“No, I got a perm,” Dan laughed and Phil saw him relaxing a bit into his spot on the sofa. He took a sip of his tea and hummed. “Yes, it is my natural hair. I just didn’t like it before.”
“I think it’s an improvement from your previous look,” she smiled, blowing into her cup as she stirred her tea.
“Oh, absolutely,” he said, pausing. “So, how are you two doing? Do you enjoy living on the Island?”
Phil’s dad nodded. “Yes, I think this is one of the best decisions we ever made. We loved our house, but this is the perfect place to retire to.”
“We like to go on walks around the cliffs on most days,” she added. “I find the sea breeze refreshing and calming.”
“Sounds like paradise,” Dan said.
Phil could tell what his parents were hinting at so he decided to stir the conversation away from that topic. “When are Mar and Corn getting here?” He said, finally reaching for his own cup and taking a tentative sip, humming gleefully when he tasted the honey.
“Tomorrow, sometime after 3, I believe,” his dad said.
“Good!” Phil replied. “I think he will be happy to see Dan again.”
“Does Martyn know?” His mother asked.
“No. I mean, he probably did, but no, nobody knew for certain. Just Mark and his boyfriend and we told Anja recently.”
Dan nodded. “We were not trying to be super secretive about it, but we wanted to make sure that things were working properly before we told anyone else, if that makes sense?”
“Can I ask something?” She asked.
“Of course, anything,” Dan said, and Phil was tempted to say that maybe not anything but kept quiet.
“You know, Phil never said anything to us, but I thought you were dating back in the day. Then it made sense to me that Phil didn’t bring any girls over, just you. And Anja.”
“It was not like that with Dan - or with Anja.”
Dan made a noncommittal face. “It was kind of like that, but not really. We liked each other, definitely, but we weren’t officially dating, I would say.”
“We weren’t,” Phil said. “And Anja is a lesbian; she has had a girlfriend since… 2011 I believe. I introduced them.”
“You didn’t date Anja then?” She asked.
Phil shook his head. “No, she stayed because I was her gay friend and she knew it was safe.”
“Oh, and then she came over with a girl… and you slept on the sofa.” She pressed her hand to her forehead. “I thought you were just embarrassed to send her friend to the sofa to have some privacy,” she said in wonder.
“Mum!” Phil said, feeling the heat rising to his face. “I would have never done that with you in the house.” 
Dan laughed.
“Are all of your friends gay?” His dad asked.
Phil hummed. “Not every single friend, but I would say that most friends I’ve made in the last few years are gay. We just understand each other better.”
Dan nodded. “I grew up and found out that not only were some of my bullies gay but most of my friends too, even though none of us were out at the time, and some of us didn’t even know yet.”
“I suppose that you find people that you can relate to and have things in common, if that’s being gay, or knitting, or having a book club, right?” His mum asked.
“That’s a good point,” Dan said.
Then his dad looked at Phil and caught him off guard. “Dan stayed over quite often when travelled,” he commented with an amused smile, apparently realising what Phil hadn’t meant to imply before.
Phil coughed but his mum was thankfully ready to save him.
“It’s so wonderful that you are back together now,” She said. 
Dan nodded. “It took some time, but he thankfully listened to me when I apologised and explained myself.”
“Phil can be a little stubborn,” she conceded.
“He was more than a little stubborn, but I deserved it,” Dan said. “It was not easy, but I’m glad he had it in him to forgive me,” he reached towards Phil and laced their fingers together. 
The butterflies in Phil’s stomach were still there and he could feel himself blushing, but when he looked at his parents he saw nothing but acceptance and perhaps a little relief that he wasn’t going to die alone after all.
“You seem like a good match,” his dad said with a gentle smile. 
Phil’s heart burst with happiness. He could hear the pride in his father’s voice, the pride he had wanted to hear his entire life. “Thank you,” he said, clearing his throat as he tried to not get overly emotional.
“So how is… work?” His dad asked.
“Quite good,” Phil said, feeling thankful to have something else to focus on. “I have exciting projects going and Dan too.”
“Anything you can share?” He asked.
“Not yet, but you will know soon enough,” Phil said.
“Please give us a warning if it’s something important so we don’t hear about it from the neighbours,” his mum said.
Phil winced and mumbled an “Alright.” He took a long sip from his cup. “I didn’t tell them before posting my coming out,” he mumbled in Dan’s general direction.
“You didn’t tell them before posting?” Dan asked, looking at Phil out of the corner of his eye.
“No, he doesn’t tell us much these days,” She said, a bit too dramatically.
“Don’t say that, I just figured you knew already,” Phil said, snorting. “And I forgot.”
“We knew but we didn’t know!” She said. “And then we watched Dan’s video - which was so wonderful by the way - and we finally got some idea of what went on in your life.”
Phil huffed, starting to get a bit annoyed.
“Thank you,” Dan said. “It was a lot of work but I’m glad that you liked it.” He squeezed Phil’s hand in support.
Phil was grateful that his boyfriend knew how to suck up to his mum and stir the conversation away from him and how bad of a son he was.
“It was very emotional,” she said. “I quite enjoyed it, even though it had some sad parts. I wish you didn’t have to go through that.” She looked at Dan with deep sadness in her eyes.
“Well, it all turned me into a person I’m proud to be today,” Dan said. 
“We are proud of you too, Dan,” his dad said and before Dan could react, he continued. “Actually, if you could come with me, I want to show you something.” He got up to his feet.
“Of course,” Dan said and followed him to his office, throwing Phil a confused look over his shoulder.
“Come,” Phil’s mum whispered then. She grabbed their coats and took his hand, pulling him through the sliding door and out to the garden.      
“It’s way too cold to be out,” Phil said, sipping his jacket on and pulling his gloves out of his pocket.
“Oh, it will boost your immune system,” she said, holding onto his arm as they walked slowly in circles around the garden. “I wanted to see how you were doing.”
“I told you, I am happy with Dan.” He interlaced his fingers to make sure his gloves were properly fitted.
“I know, I know. You do look happy, but I worry sometimes,” she said. “After Dan left - you weren’t the same for a long time. I don’t think you are the same, even now.”
“Neither is he. We both went through quite a bit of pain together and on our own,” Phil admitted. “And nobody is the same at 31 than at twenty-something.”
“That’s fair. I am just a bit scared for you too, even though I know Dan is a good boy.”
“We will be alright this time, Mum,” he reassured her. “The thing you don’t understand is that with him in the closet and me being only partially out, things were never going to work. At the time Dan wasn’t even able to accept himself, so dealing with that publicly on top of our feelings was too much.” 
“My heart breaks for him,” she said. “I’m sure the relationship will work this time.” She patted Phil’s arm
“You can never be 100% sure of anything, but it took almost a year to get back to a place where we were comfortable enough to start dating again and we haven’t had any major issues,” Phil said. 
She let out a deep sigh of relief and smiled widely. “I’m glad to hear that, Child. You two deserve to be happy and it seems that you are determined to be together.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, it’s nothing bad. You fought through any sort of problem that came your way to make it to the other side and I think that’s what matters. No relationship comes without obstacles, the important thing is that you work to sort through them.”
He nodded. “Do you and Dad argue a lot now that you are retired?”
“Not much anymore,” she said, patting his hand. “We know who we are and what to do to avoid creating arguments. And we still love each other.”
Phil smiled. “What’s your secret?” He asked.
Humming, she paused for a moment before replying. “Don’t hang on to silly tiffs and never go to sleep angry. Solve your arguments before bed. That’s what your grandma told me and It worked well.”
“I will,” Phil said, getting lost in thought when he realised that the two year anniversary of his grandma’s death was coming. He missed her so much.
His mum caught up to the reason for his silence. “She was very proud of you, you know?” She said, “A few years ago, she asked if you were dating anyone and I told her that I believed so. That made her happy, even when I told her that it might be a boy.”
Phil’s eyes welled up with tears briefly. He wished he’d had that conversation with her but she had gotten ill and passed before Phil could make his way back. He shouldn’t have waited so long to talk to her about it. At least now he knew that she supported him. “Do you think she would have liked Dan?” he asked.
“She would have loved to meet Dan, but she knew of him from YouTube,” she said.
Phil’s eyebrows burrowed into a frown. “How?”
“You have to remember that Dan was the only person you brought home so I showed her a few of the videos you made together.”
“Oh my god! What videos?” Phil asked, half amused, half horrified. A single tear slid down his cheek but he rubbed it away quickly. Sniffling through the laugh.
“Only the more innocent ones,” she said, raising one eyebrow at him.
“I can’t believe you showed her that. You like to gossip way too much,” Phil said.
She booped the tip of his nose. “And you took after me, so I don’t want to hear it, dear.”
“Alright,” Phil said. “Thank you for the advice and for showing grandma a part of me I didn’t have the chance to share with her. It means more to me than you know.” He turned towards her and pulled her into a hug.
“You’re welcome, dear,” she smiled. “Let’s go back inside, you are shaking like a leaf.”
They made their way back into the house and Phil could still hear his dad’s voice faintly mid-conversation.
“...You make him happy. We were so worried about him these past few years,” he said. “I wanted you to know that you will always be welcome in this house.”
“Thank you, Mr Lester,” Dan said.
“Nigel,” his dad said. “In your video, you said that your father didn’t take your … email very well. Right?”
“No,” Dan mumbled. 
Phil followed their voices and stood in the hallway, shamelessly listening in.
“Sometimes the people we love are the ones that hurt us the most, but the good thing is that we can find other people to love. We are your family, Dan.”
“I -” Dan paused. “Thank you, you don’t know how much this means…”
Phil turned around the corner and saw Dan hugging his dad tightly. He stood there for a moment, staring at the scene with a shocked smile and retreated to the downstairs bathroom to give them some privacy and compose himself. He looked in the mirror and smiled, still a little moved by his parents’ reaction, he hadn’t expected this much support from them, and now he felt guilty for ever doubting them.
After a few minutes, he joined his mother in setting the table.
Dinner went without a hitch and it came with a much lighter tone. They shared a bottle of wine over pasta and played Scrabble past midnight when his mum finally deemed the night over.
They said their goodbyes and climbed up the stairs to the guest bedroom. The bed looked so soft and comfortable it was basically screaming Phil’s name. He slipped into his pyjamas quickly to avoid the biting cold and slid under the covers.
Dan snorted a laugh. “Cold?”
“Uh-huh. Aren’t you?” Phil mumbled, only his eyes peeking from under his burrow.
“Not that much. I think the wine got to me.” He took off his jeans and pulled on a different hoodie before getting under the covers and scooching closer to Phil. “Come here,” Dan said, pulling him into a hug and dropping a kiss to the tip of his nose.
Phil sighed happily, slipping his fingers into the curls on the back of Dan’s hair that was beginning to grow just a bit too long for Dan’s taste. “Love you,” he said, leaning in for a slow kiss.
Dan’s hold on him tightened, his hand sliding under Phil’s pyjama top and resting on his lower back. 
There was no urgency, no heat, just comfort and familiarity. Phil knew that if he chose to push Dan in the slightest way, he would probably jump at the opportunity to have sex, but they would have their fun at home. Home. The flat they shared for the time being before -
He smiled and broke the kiss, staring into Dan’s eyes in the moonlight.
“Winter is my favourite. I love the cold because I can hold you like this and sleep without us drowning in a pool of sweat,” Dan laughed.
“We can do this all year, you just have to program the aircon fairly low. You are like a tiny oven.”
“I’m not tiny,” Dan pouted.
“You will always be the tiniest of babies to me,” Phil teased.
“Shut up, old man,” Dan said, letting out a yawn. “Big spoon or little spoon?”
“Mmmm, big spoon,” Phil said, wrapping his arms around Dan’s torso when he turned around. He kissed Dan’s shoulders and threw one leg over Dan’s, tangling it between his feet and smiled.
“You’re a weird one, Lester.”
“Your mum is weird,” Phil mumbled and shut his eyes. 
“Happy birthday, Babe,” mumbled Dan.
“Mmm, thanks.” 
This was going to be his best year, he could already tell.
The following morning, Phil woke up to his mum shaking him by the shoulder. He threw a hand over his eyes to let them adjust to the brightness. “Mum!” Phil whines, stretching his hand in search of Dan.
“Happy birthday, love!” She said. “Dan is already dressed and sitting down for breakfast. Wouldn’t you like to join us?”
Phil groaned. Why did Dan have to suck up to his parents by getting up early too? It was his birthday, he could have slept in. “What time is it?”
“It’s eleven already, so up, up! Off you go to the bathroom,” she said. “I made pancakes!”
Phil’s eyes widened. The one thing his mum didn’t ruin or burn to a crisp. “Alright!” He said and got up, changing into a warmer hoodie and heading downstairs after a pit stop at the bathroom.
“A pit stop,” he mumbled to himself with a snort. He needed to stop watching Formula 1 with Dan.
“There he is!” his dad said as soon as Phil walked into the kitchen, making him smile. “Happy birthday, son.”
“Thank you,” Phil said.
Dan reached out to him and pulled him by the hand to sit at his side. He leaned in to kiss his cheek and whispered a “Happy birthday, Love,” into his ear.
Phil smiled so widely he thought his face might just split from the happiness and then he made eye contact with his mum, who had watched the interaction closely and blushed.
At least she looked happy for him but it was a bit embarrassing. On the other hand, Phil couldn’t help but notice that Dan didn’t completely avoid PDA, he just kept them at a minimum. It was not something that they had discussed, but Phil wouldn’t have expected Dan to be ok with something like this after being in the closet for so long. It was a good birthday surprise.
“Sleep well?” asked Dan.
Phil nodded, reaching across the table for his coffee mug.
“Well, wait a minute,” his mum said, squeezing lemon on top of his pancakes and sprinkling them with sugar before handing him the plate.
“Do you want to share?” He asked Dan.
“I already ate mine. These are all yours.”
“You didn’t wait for me?” Phil pouted.
“I was hungry, bitch. I woke up at 9!” Dan teased.
“Wow, you should have woken me up!”
“Please, I know how you get - and it’s your birthday.” Dan gave him a look.
“I don’t know what you mean. I am a perfect angel,” Phil said.
Dan rolled his eyes at him and snorted.
“Martyn will be here around 3 so that’s when I will serve the roast and we can cut the cake after. Is that ok?” his mum asked.
“Yes,” Phil said. “Our flight it’s not until 9 so we can leave around 7.”
“What a pitty that you couldn't stay a bit longer,” his dad said.
“I know, I’m sorry but we have work. We will visit again at some point,” Phil said.
“I hope that you can visit in a few months and stay over,” Dan said. “I am going on tour with a new project and I would love it if you could come.”
“Of course!” Phil’s mum said. “Will your mother be there?”
“Um, sure. We can get tickets for both families on the same date,” Dan said.
“Wonderful!” she said with a smile.
“When will it be?” Phil’s dad asked.
“Closer to the end of the year. I will let you know exactly when the producers tell me,” Dan said. 
Phil looked between Dan and his mum, smiling at how sweetly she was pushing him into a corner to make a family reunion happen as soon as possible even with them living on opposite ends of the country. Still, he decided to rescue his boyfriend.
“Do you need help with anything, Dad?” Phil asked.
“Yes, actually! You can start chopping the onions and peeling potatoes,” he said. “Dan, do you think you can run to the store and get some more wine?”
“Yes, absolutely!” said Dan, surely aching to escape Phil’s mum’s interrogation.
“I will walk with you, dear,” she said, already reaching for her coat before Dan could say no.
Phil snorted and went in search of the onions. When he got back into the kitchen, his dad was waiting for him with a small framed art piece. He had to pause for a moment. He placed his hand on his heart and grabbed it with shaky hands. It was a charcoal drawing of the last picture Phil had taken with his parents and his grandma, but his dad had added Dan in. His eyes welled up in tears and he set the picture on the counter before pulling his dad into a tight hug with a choked sob. “T-thank you!”
His dad rubbed his back and Phil couldn’t remember a single time they had hugged like this since he’d been a child. He made sure to account for every detail of the way his father was holding him, comforting him. 
“I’m proud of you, son,” he said.
“Thank you,” Phil mumbled. He didn’t want to have any regrets. One day his father would be gone and he wouldn’t have any other time to tell him. He remembered his vow to tell the people he loved the most just how much they meant to him, but his dad had somehow been skipped. Well, not somehow. They were men, they just didn’t do this type of thing, not since Phil had turned into an adult, but Phil didn’t want to continue on like that. “I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too,” his dad said with no hesitation.
They finished cooking side by side, swaying to the music playing in the radio in amicable silence.
By half past three, the roast was ready, Martyn and Cornelia were washing up, and Dan and Phil were setting the table. In one of Phil’s trips to the kitchen, Martyn caught him by the hand and asked him to follow him out to the garden. 
Phil immediately regretted not taking a moment to grab a coat, but at least Martyn didn’t seem to be doing any better. “Fuck, Mar. What is it?”
“Shh! I don’t want Mum to hear. I just wanted to check something with you.”
“Yeah, what happened?” asked Phil, feeling a bit worried already.
“So - Cornelia and I have something to announce and we were waiting to do it in person but it’s your birthday… and I don’t think we'll be coming back here for a while so I wanted to check with you.” Martyn bit his lip. “Would you mind?”
“Announcing what?” Phil asked.
Martyn looked into the house, checking that no one was snooping on them, and whispered: “We’re having a baby!”
Phil’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth to let out a squeal of delight but Martyn knew him too well and covered his mouth and nose for good measure.
“Don’t!” he whispered. “I will let you go but don’t scream!”
Phil nodded and once Martyn released him, Phil grabbed him by his jumper and shook him slightly. “I am going to be an uncle?!” he whisper-shouted.
“Yeah!” Martyn laughed and nodded, looking just as excited as Phil was, maybe even a bit more.
“Alright, that has to be the best birthday present I’ve ever gotten. I am going to spoil your kid so badly, you’re going to hate me,” Phil said.
“I already hate you,” he said with a laugh and Phil punched his arm.
The sliding door opened and Dan peeked his head out. “Lester! Don’t leave me to set the table alone just because it’s your birthday.” Then he disappeared without waiting for a reply.
“He has you on a short leash,” Martyn said with an amused smile.
Phil nodded. “Yeah. Been thinking of running away…”
“Dork!” Martyn said and walked inside.
Phil followed after him, lost in thought at the notion that his brother was going to be a father. Dan gave him a weird look but Phil just shrugged and carried the Yorkshire puddings and black currant sauce to the table. Dan had already brought the meat and roasted potatoes.
His mum went around serving wine and Phil realised that she would soon notice Cornelia wasn’t drinking. “Oh, let me do that,” he said. “Dan, can you bring the Ribena from the fridge?”
“Sure,” he said with a frown but didn’t question Phil.
“You boys are not having wine?” His mum asked.
“I read that it can make you dizzy to drink before a flight when you are prone to migraines, so I’m not drinking today.”
“Oh, I’ll take Ribena as well,” said Cornelia.
“That sounds nice, actually. I feel a bit dehydrated myself so I’ll join you,” Martyn said.
Phil’s mum looked a bit upset that half of the table wouldn’t enjoy the wine she bought.
Dan returned with a pitcher of Ribena and placed it on the table. He took a seat next to Phil and eyed him suspiciously. 
Phil took a moment to check his messages while his mum served the roast because he knew she didn’t like them being on their phones while they ate and he got a notification from Dan immediately.
“What are you up to?”
“What?” Phil asked, playing coy.
“What’s going on? You’re being weird.”
“I am always weird according to most people.”
Dan sneaked a hand under the table and pinched Phil’s thigh, making him jump. “Fuck!”
“Philip!” his mum chided him.
“Sorry! I think I pulled a muscle on my leg.”
“Well don’t curse and take an ibuprofen,” she said and continued serving.
Phil grabbed his phone again. “I will get you for that. Just don’t say anything, Martyn will announce it soon. He asked me not to tell.”
“Alright,” Dan typed before they were told to put their phones down.
Dinner went by smoothly, although Phil was anxious for Martyn to drop the news so that they could all talk about it. The secret was burning him from the inside. When his mum went to the kitchen to make coffee, he went along and asked if they could cut the cake already. 
She was a bit shocked but accepted, so Phil got it from the fridge and set it on the table. It was all covered in candy with a small doll resembling Phil emerging from it. “Aww, that’s cute, Mum,” Phil called over his shoulder.
“I didn’t make it, I just bought it,” she replied.
Phil snorted. Once the coffee and the mugs were at the table, Dan lit the candle and led the happy birthday song for Phil. 
In that moment, Phil felt frozen in time, looking around, his loved ones smiling, supporting him and his relationship with Dan, who was easily slotting into the family and he looked at Cornelia, who would soon give him the best gift he could ever get.
Dan laid his hand on Phil’s shoulder. “Make a wish!”
Phil smiled at him and leaned down closer to the cake. “I don’t need anything else,” he thought and blew the candle out. He stood up and looked at Martyn, trying to signal him to speak up.
“Corn?” Martyn said.
“We wanted to take a moment to tell you something since we are all together here - the entire family,” she said, looking at them all. “We are having a baby.” She beamed. “I am four months pregnant!”
“Oh, Martyn!” his mum said, rubbing a few stray tears away and hugged his brother briefly before pulling Cornelia into a crushing hug. “This is wonderful!”
His dad shook Martyn’s hand before thinking about it for a moment and pulling him into a hug and Phil could have sworn he saw a single tear rolling down his cheek.
Then it was Dan’s turn to congratulate them and Cornelia asked if he was excited to become an uncle which almost made Phil cry. He just walked over to his brother and gave him a big hug, then he joined Dan in hugging Cornelia who merely laughed.
It was his favourite birthday so far.
The following months were a bit of a haze. Dan had stopped taking new patients the previous year to allow him to continue to work with Young Minds, continue acting occasionally and posting on YouTube. He also focused on his mental health book deal, which he’d gladly accepted at a minimum fee and promptly got to work. 
It took him almost six months to write and it stressed him out to no end, but he found that he enjoyed the process as well. Phil often read bits and pieces of the book, but Dan was a bit overzealous of his draft until it was completely edited. 
He also had a stand-up show written and its tour was in negotiations for the second half of the year. On the other hand, Phil had started his own secret project in the works; he allocated his free time for it fully but he wasn’t going to share it with Dan until he was sure it was what he wanted and had a direct plan of action. He took advantage of the fact that Dan was working his butt off to form a very concrete proposal to buy property together. It would be a huge step for them and he knew that Dan would probably drown in the what ifs if Phil didn’t have at least some ideas of how they could afford such a project and what they would be looking for. 
In May, Phil finally felt ready to broach the subject. He took his plans and sat Dan for a talk at the breakfast bar.
“What’s up?” Dan asked, looking nervous and quite pale.
“Everything is alright. I just wanted to ask you something,” Phil said, placing a cup of tea in front of Dan. He opened his mouth to speak but found no words. He let out a little frustrated sigh. “Well… I’m buying a house.”
“Oh?” Dan frowned.
Phil raised his eyebrows at his own stupidity. “For us. For both of us to live together there.”
Dan visibly relaxed. “Oh, ok,” he said with a little laugh.
“Yeah, the thing is… I want to completely remodel it, but I want you to see it and tell me if you like it, if you like the area and to help me design it.”
“Oh, wow,” Dan said, pausing. “I love the idea but, how much money are we talking about?”
Phil had considered paying for it himself, but he knew better than offering something like that to Dan, he would never accept it. “Here,” he said, getting the folder from one of the small drawers in the kitchen.
“You were hiding this in the kitchen?” Dan asked with an amused smile.
Phil shrugged. “Why would you even be looking in there? How often do you cook, Danny boy?”
“Fair,” Dan mumbled, skimming through the pages of the three financial options Phil had presented to him. “I like the 50-50 one if I can just transfer the money to you every month.”
“That was my favourite one too. Now look at the pictures,” Phil said, turning a few pages. Each picture came with handwritten notes of his plan and questions for Dan.
Dan’s face transformed, his smile growing as he turned each page. “It’s gorgeous. Ohhh, the garden, Phil!” Dan said in wonder. “The inside is very old-fashioned but I like the bare bones. Can we afford to remodel it? I think that it could be a bit much.”
“We have the merch store, ad revenue, sponsors, you have your book, we have savings. I know that construction can get out of hand but it will probably take at least a year to complete it so I think we can manage it,” Phil said and braced himself. “All you need to agree to is to let me pay rent completely, at least until your earnings are more similar to mine.”
Dan pursed his lips. Phil could tell that he didn’t like the idea at all but he was in no position to argue. He was still catching up on his metrics. “Alright, but I will pay it back.”
“Don’t,” Phil said. “Put it aside for a trip to Japan. We’ve always wanted to go.”
“I like the sound of that,” Dan said. “Thank you, love.” He leaned in and pressed three quick kisses to Phil’s lips. “I love you!”
“Love you too,” Phil said, letting out a small sigh and taking the first sip of his tepid tea.
June 2019 
Dan was a bit scared of how the so-called phannies would react to his stand-up so he did a few pre-shows - with unrelated material of course - at a small pub and it went amazingly well. They loved his style and the crude jokes. As it turned out, their viewers had grown with them and made it fairly evident that there had always been people of their own age and even older watching their content. As Dan had simply put it: “They’re old.” 
Phil had known that most of their viewers were queer for quite a while but seeing the army of -mostly- lesbians at Dan’s small shows was a delight. It was a freeing experience for both of them. Dan got to make as many gay sex jokes as he wanted and people often matched his energy which made him incredibly happy and Phil got to see Dan be himself fully, be confident in his own identity and sexuality which also turned into a bit of a surprising self-discovery journey. 
Phil had thought that he had been confident in his own skin for years and years but being semi-closeted in aspects of your life plays a weird game on your mind. The little offhand comments you’d get, or having to lie by omission to some weird intrusive questions, having to come up with made-up stories in interviews, it was all very tiring. Phil found that he also loved to make crude jokes in public, perhaps not as much in his videos but in his everyday life. It was just something that brought him a lot of joy.
It was a relief to be so secure in their relationship that when Dan joked about people sliding into his DMs and living his hot boy summer, Phil didn’t feel jealous at all. He knew that Dan was loyal to him and that what they had was a priority for both of them. 
Before things got too busy and with the excuse of Dan’s birthday, they took a weekend trip to visit his family. 
Phil stood before the same door he’d stood almost a decade prior and smiled at the bittersweet memories it brought. He knew that this time things would be different. With Dan’s homophobic father long gone from the family home, they weren’t as worried about things going awry, so his mind turned to the first few months after they met in person, when everything had changed. Sharing Dan’s bed, flirting, playing hours upon hours of video games and filming. Phil let out a sigh as he remembered Dan looking at him, the golden specks in his warm brown eyes dancing in the sunlight as he laughed, his hobbit hair wild and free. 
“Ready?” Dan asked, pulling him from his musings.
Phil simply smiled at him and nodded, but before he could ring the doorbell, Karen opened the door, welcoming them and wrapping them into a tight hug each. 
“Oh, Phil! It’s so good to see you again after so long! I’ve been asking Dan to bring you over forever,” she said.
“Thank you so much!” Phil said with a huge smile. A side eye Dan’s way revealed that he had been, in fact, asked to bring Phil over, if his beat red face and neck scratching was any indication. “He keeps me hidden, what can I say?”
She laughed and swatted Dan’s arm.
“I don’t!” Dan said. “We’ve just been busy, Mum.”
“Of course you have.” Karen rolled her eyes at her son and ushered them inside. 
She pointed Phil towards one of the armchairs and Dan to the closest spot to him on the bigger sofa, choosing the other end of it for herself. As soon as Phil had taken his place, he felt two soft paws scratching at his legs. “Awww, Hi Colin! Nice to meet you!” Phil said as he helped the pup climb onto his lap. He gave Colin a kiss and turned his attention back to Dan’s mum. “How have you been?” he finally asked.
“Oh, you know how it is,” she said. “Teaching is very difficult with this newer generation, they are quite unruly, but I still love my job. How are you guys? Any new projects?”
Dan reached his hand to pet Colin absentmindedly but kept his eyes on his mum. “My book is out already and it did very well. People are saying they enjoyed it and that it helped them manage their mental health a bit better, so I’m happy about that. The tour is about to start, I brought you tickets, as you requested,” he said, fishing them out of his pocket and handing them over to her. “You can go with Nana and Popsie; Adrian wants to go on a different date.”
“Your brother is such a loose cannonball sometimes,” she shook her head but smiled. “Will your parents be there, Phil?” Karen asked although it didn’t really sound like a question. Phil realised that this was not Dan’s mother talking to him, it was his “Mother in Law” letting him know that she expected him to make it work so that both families could finally meet after so many years. There were expectations.
Phil blinked but he didn’t let his smile falter. He was a bit nervous, but he had, gladly, made the arrangements to save everyone the pain of flying over another time. It was not quite a middle ground but it was the best option.“Yes, of course. They love Dan and they’re very excited to see the show. All of our friends are going on different dates as well.” He kept petting Colin, who was trying to take a nap on his lap but kept opening his eyes every time Dan or Phil touched him.
“Did you warn Nana that it’s rude?” Dan asked, picking at the fabric of the sofa cushion.
“Yes, but she has been watching your videos, so she knows what to expect,” Karen said. “You should have her on your channel, I think she would like that very much.”
Dan sputtered. “I don’t know about that.”
“Aw, that would be so cute!” Phil said. “Also the viewers loved her comment about the Ipad and the old home videos where she tried to scare you. I think she’d be a hit.”
Karen nodded. “See? Phil agrees with me!”
“He’s just sucking up to you,” Dan said.
Phil laughed. “I would never!”
“Don’t be like that, Phil is very sweet and polite!” Karen said, patting Phil’s knee.
Phil stuck his tongue out to Dan.
The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of Dan’s grandparents and causing both Dan and Phil to stand and Colin to jump from his lap, throwing a reproachful look over his shoulder as he marched towards Dan.
“Hellooo,” Dan said, picking him up and going up to greet his grandparents.
Phil stood by his armchair and awkwardly waited for everyone to join him to shake Nana’s and Popsie’s hands as they sat on the big sofa with Karen, relegating Dan -and Colin- to the armchair across the room. Seeing Dan’s pout at being so far away from him made Phil regret not joining him on the big sofa when he got the chance.
Dan’s grandparents were extremely polite but a bit aloof at first. Dan had mentioned that they were open to the idea of him being gay but they hadn’t been in contact with any gay people per se, so they would have to try to act naturally to give them an idea of what they could expect. Basically, Dan had asked Phil to be himself and treat him as if they were alone at home, with as much pda or as little as he felt like doing.
“Phil, it is so nice to see you,” Dan’s grandma said, folding her hands on her lap.
Phil smiled. “Thank you,” he said and nodded at Popsie. “Nice to see you both again. I hope you remember me.”
“I do,” Dan’s grandma said, looking at Dan out of the corner of her eye. “Daniel couldn’t quite stop talking about you all the time so by the time I met you, I felt like I already knew you. That made it hard to forget you.”
Phil didn’t know what to say to that, so he smiled. It was a little bit funny, picturing Dan with his massive crush, going on and on about Phil.
“Nana, don’t make me sound so lame,” Dan said a bit too loudly, causing Colin to lift his head and huff. Dan looked at him apologetically and ruffled his fur.
“I am only telling the truth, if that makes you sound ‘lame’ as you put it…” she trailed off.
Phil burst out laughing and suddenly felt at ease with her. “You are delightful.”
“I’m going to be bullied the entire day, aren’t I?” Dan asked, pouting and flipping Colin’s ear inside out.
Popsie smiled at him and nodded before focusing on Phil. “So, what are your plans for the future?” he asked.
“For the future?” Phil asked, unsure of what to say, so he started speaking about work as per usual. “I have a lot of videos in the work, sponsors, my brother runs our merch company as well, but I do need to look things over. We are quite busy at the moment, especially with Dan going away on tour for a few months.” He looked at Dan across the room for any indication on how good of a reply that was but Dan merely shrugged.
“Well, that’s wonderful, but… we’ve been wondering if you two are going to get married, adopt children? I’m not sure how it’s done nowadays,” Popsie said with a small smile.
Dan sank further into his armchair, trying to make himself small and turned to talk to his mum, who completely ignored him in favour of listening to Phil’s answer.
Phil’s eyes widened, but he thought each and every single one of his movements carefully. He took account of how he was sitting, his posture, and his hands. He sat as a perfectly respectable human instead of a pile of goo; he squared his shoulders, laced his fingers on his lap and leaned forward trying to exude confidence. “Well, we haven’t discussed marriage quite yet, but we are buying property together this year.”
“You are?” Karen asked, beaming and looking between Dan and Phil.
Dan nodded but let Phil do the talking.
“Yes, it was my idea,” Phil said. “As you may know, Dan and I have quite a bit of history and it took us some time to repair our friendship and build a strong and loving relationship, so we are taking things slow to make sure that we are doing things the right way.”
“That is good! It’s important to take the time to consider things and not just jump into a wedding,” Karen said, looking pointedly at her mother. “A house sounds wonderful. May I ask if it will be under both of your names?”
Phil nodded. “Yes. We have already decided how we will split the cost, and since we are going to remodel it before moving in, it will probably be a long process.”
“Where are you buying?” Popsie asked, giving him what Phil assumed was an approving look. 
“Kensington,” Phil said. “It’s a three-story house with a huge back garden.” He pulled his phone out and showed them a few pictures.
“It looks like a good place for a family,” Dan’s grandma said.
“Please, no mention of children,” Dan whined, pulling Colin to lay on his chest and wrapping his arms around him.
“Don’t you want children, Daniel?” she asked.
“Not right now,” Dan said with a frown. “We have a lot of work ahead. If it happens it will happen.”
“But how?” Popsie asked, cocking his head. “I don’t mean to be rude, of course, but I don’t understand.”
Phil saw a mix of embarrassment and anger forming in Dan’s face, but he could see that Popsie was just trying to understand, so he took over the conversation. “Well, neither of us will be getting pregnant,” he laughed. “But gay couples have different options, or rather, we have the same options as most couples dealing with infertility, like adoption, or getting eggs from a donor and paying a surrogate to carry the child, or simply to remain child-free. Like I said, at the moment we are focusing on ourselves and our relationship, anything else will come in the future, when we have the proper time and money to make it happen.” Phil ventured a look at Dan and found nothing but gratitude and love in his eyes.
“Yes,” Dan said, the smile slowly returning to his face. “I may be just a little selfish here, but I don’t want to share Phil with anyone at the moment, and if we decided to have children, a wedding would probably happen first. For now, we have our house to focus on and our projects.”
Karen smiled and patted Dan’s hand. “It sounds like you have a wonderful life together.”
“We do,” Dan said, his smile widening. “And I am very happy.”
“That’s all that matters then,” Dan’s grandma said and clapped her hands once. “Congratulations to you both.”
Popsie smiled and nodded. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile this much, Daniel. It is a relief to still be alive to see you so happy.”
“Well, don’t take it as a sign to die,” Dan said, letting out an awkward laugh. “That would not make me very happy.”
“It’s not my time yet,” Popsie chuckled.
The doorbell rang once again and Karen walked over to the window, pulling the curtains back. “Looks like the pizza is here!” she said, giving Phil an apologetic look before walking over to the door.
“Karen! Pizza? While having company over? Why didn’t you cook something?” Dan’s grandma said, getting up and walking after her daughter.
“I’m not a great cook and I didn’t want to stress about it,” Karen said.
“But I am, I could have made something!” 
Karen waved her off. “It’s fine and Phil loves pizza, don’t you Phil?”
“I do!” Phil added and finally remembered that as a guest he should probably offer to carry the pizzas. “I can take that to the kitchen,” he said.
“You are such a darling, Phil. Always so polite!” Karen said, handing him the boxes.
Out of the corner of his eye, Phil saw Popsie sliding closer to Dan and whispering something as he placed a hand on his shoulder and watched Dan rub his cheek quickly to wipe a few tears as he nodded and smiled. 
Phil let out a sigh of relief. Everything was finally falling into place. Both families had accepted them with love and respect for them and the relationship they shared. It was all they had ever wanted.
October 2019
October brought many milestones. They celebrated their first anniversary as an official couple and the 10th anniversary of the day they first met. 
The celebration itself was more of an improvised dinner date at their new home, in which construction had just started, sitting on a blanket, basically having a picnic and wine. Maybe it would not be considered the most romantic set up by the majority of people, but to them it was. It symbolised so many achievements and the hard work that they had put on themselves, their friendship and their relationship, as well as being their first property. In a way, it was the most romantic celebration they could have put together. There were no aesthetic decorations, fancy restaurants or public displays, it was just them - together, sharing a moment.
Dan grabbed a slice of pizza and moaned dramatically as he bit into it.
Phil laughed at his antics. God, he loved how Dan made him laugh with the simplest gestures. He loved Dan, his curly hair, his warm brown eyes, that low voice he used when it was just the two of them. He loved Dan dressed to the nines or only in his joggers and a stained T-shirt, his eyes falling shut from how tired he was. He loved Dan naked too, when it was just him, no decoration, no masks, just Dan. He loved Dan so much that he sometimes felt his heart would burst out of his chest at any moment.
“What?” Dan asked mid chew.
Phil snorted. “You have stubble now,” he said, cupping Dan’s cheek and rubbing his thumb on his chin.
“I’ll get it tomorrow,” Dan said.
“Don’t,” Phil smiled. “I like it.”
“I thought you said it was too rough on your skin,” Dan said.
“Maybe I like it rough,” Phil said with an awkward wink.
Dan laughed and threw a piece of crust his way.
“Hey, be nice!” Phil said.
“I’m always nice,” Dan said, pointing at his bruised forehead. “Today I slammed my head into the cabinets again and I didn’t even yell at you about it.”
“Is that why you were cursing this morning?”
“Yes, but I let you have a lie in instead of going to you to complain.”
“You could have joined me,” Phil said, grabbing a slice of pizza and taking a bite.
“I wanted to clean so that you don’t have to keep up with everything while I’m gone,” Dan said, his smile dropping a bit.
“That’s actually very sweet of you,” Phil said.
Dan pretended to retch. “Shut up,” he said, very fondly. It was the first time that they would be apart for an extended period of time since they got back together. Phil could hardly remember what life without Dan was like, but it was necessary. He would support every single solo project Dan had, and help him spread his wings, in the same way Dan supported him.
This was the time for Dan to spend some time with his followers without Phil’s presence, except in the occasional show.
“I’m going to miss you and go a bit crazy,” Phil admitted.
“You can always come to visit me on the road.”
“Maybe I will,” Phil said and leaned in to press a quick kiss to Dan’s lips.
“Please do,” Dan said, sounding a little smaller, perhaps like a lost child.
“Aww,” said Phil and gave him a quick succession of kisses on the lips. Three for good luck. “You will do amazingly, they will love you.”
“What if I fuck up on stage?” Dan frowned.
“Then they will laugh with you, which is the point of the show,” Phil said. “You know what to do already, just be yourself.”
“Sometimes I panic and consider cancelling.”
Phil nodded. “I know, I can see it in your eyes from time to time, but I also know that you were made to do this. You have to go out there and make little theatre kid Dan proud.”
“I know, but I could also just go live in the woods,” Dan said, only half joking.
“You are afraid of trees, and the show starts next week. It’s too late to back out now,” Phil laughed, patting his leg.
Dan snorted a laugh. “Yeah,” he said, shifting slightly and laying back onto Phil’s lap. “I love you, you know?” he asked, looking up at Phil.
“Yeah, I know,” Phil said, running his fingers through Dan’s curls. “I love you too.”
“Enough to keep my plants alive while I am away?” Dan smirked.
“I can’t promise that,” Phil laughed. “But I can promise that the house will still be standing when you come back - probably.”
Dan laughed, his eyes crinkling with happiness. “Probably.”
Dan’s stand-up show “We’re all doomed” opened to a full theatre of fans who had shown up to support him. Their excitement permeated the air and got into Phil. He was there to see his favourite person perform.
Phil danced in his seat while the pre show playlist boomed through the speakers. His smile widened when Dan came onto the stage. He felt a hand resting on his own, turned to his side and looked into his mother’s eyes, her smile matching his.
His heart sang as he watched Dan perform, giving it his all, working the stage and feeding off the audience’s energy.
He loved the show, he really did, but watching both of their families laugh along with Dan’s jokes and look at him proudly had to be one of Phil’s favourite memories from that night.
As the show came to a close, Dan came on stage one last time to thank the audience and looked up to the gallery where his people were. He made direct eye contact with Phil and placed his hand on his heart, smiling widely and mouthing a silent “I love you,” and Phil wanted to keep that image engraved in his mind forever.
It had taken such a long time to get to this point, but they were finally where they wanted to be, together, and even though Phil didn’t forget everything that had happened, all the heartache, all the hardships, he didn’t doubt for a second that it had all been worth it. God, he loved Dan so much, and he was going to spend the rest of his life making him happy - just as happy as Dan made him.  
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f1-giuki · 1 year
And i know i've been lucky enough to know about many of them but do tell about the fishes fear me one
What is that? I'm lovong the energy of that title, it feels like yours
Darling, I am a mentally ill person who had too much time on their hands a few months back💀💀
Okay, so official announcement, the Fishes fear me, women want me wip is going to be the sixth part of A Sunday Kind of Love, spring edition!
I wanted to have a fic where Max is sneezing all day because of the pollen and Charles looks at him smitten and Max wants to die. I'm also gonna make Charles so flustered after they've been boyfriends for a while and Max being like 'are you okay?' and Charles hiding his face away and Max saying 'whatever, partner' and Charles combusts.
They're also going on a trip on a boat and have a picnic in a flowery meadow, with Max trying to fish and Charles trying to tan and not laughing when Max can't get the bait properly on the hook.
Lando and the boys are obviously going to be there too, and Lando is going to pick up knitting. He might want to start a podcast where he talks shit about people and Charles comments 'toxic, I like it' and Max being like 'y'all can be like this but I get called the one who killed christ' as he manages to throw the fishing thing (this is exceptional vocabulary) in the canal. Carlos is going to be there too, saying that Lando dropped a stich, just to have him furiously checking and panicking for nothing, and trying to find a marketing solution for their podcast.
This is the idea so far, I hope you like it darling! 💖💖 I might change the title but it looks silly enough to keep it (and it's a Kim Seokjin reference sksjskwlelle)💀💖
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whatevertheweather · 2 years
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It’s Sunday! Imagine that. So, as it happens, I have been a little bit fixated on...something original? Me? Really? Okay technically it started with an idea for a fic, but I’m fixated on making it original. A step in the right direction I guess. That said, I don’t have any proper new words to share on a day such as this, but boy do I ever have a lot of documents where I ramble in an attempt to figure out what I’m writing. Sometimes they’re funny, and I felt like posting something today, so here’s a sampling that covers a range of 5 different fics.
Yes okay officially adding mention to chap 1. Will possibly need to add additional mention in his first convo. JK I did that too. It took a completely reasonable amount of time and I feel great about it.
Girl get your shit together. — okay okay I did
although CONS: that undermines the impact of the thought that Simon isn’t upset about that guy. PROS: it’s sexy as hell.
Let’s remember why I’ve done this. Um. So. The reason I did this in chap 3…uh [...] Idk. I was drinking wine at the time.
maybe a “that” because there may or may not be a dead body nearby who knows.
There was just a pencil on the ground. That’s fine. It’s a believable outcome of the situation.
Something else would have to break/end the tension in chap 1 (she says, giving no thought at all to what that might be)
Fuck dammit god damn okay fine I’m opening this section more poetically fuck
K so Simon. What’s up with that guy in this fic. Let’s revisit. Okay well I’m inebriated so that didn’t yield much.
So let’s go do that most ill-advised of activities: editing this while drunk.
Alright collectively this gives the impression that I write while drunk far more often than I do. I promise several of these are from the same night. Anywho, tagbacks/hellos/tagforwards below the cut <3
@whogaveyoupermission @fatalfangirl @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @moodandmist @artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @ionlydrinkhotwater @facewithoutheart @martsonmars @castawaypitch @confused-bi-queer @ivelovedhimthroughworse @captain-aralias @basiltonbutliketheherb @aristocratic-otter @tea-brigade @mostlymaudlin @bookish-bogwitch
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lavenderandlaurel · 3 months
okay wow that sure was march, huh. some good things and some not-so-good things.
good stuff:
visiting a friend in a nearby city and seeing the mountain goats! also bought more books than I needed and ate some divine vegan bbq
being back in chicago, if only very briefly
finishing a blog post for my main professional organization, which should go live this week
feeling like I'm making steady progress in bouldering - I'm working on a v3 problem that's likely to be taken down before I solve it, but I've gotten so much farther on it than I expected
reading a lot this month: 7 books overall, with a shoutout to roller derby by michella m. marino
doing a big clean of the house over the past week and really noticing the difference
s t r e t c h i n g. more of this next month
practicing piano semi-regularly! it's always such a struggle to sit down at the keyboard but once I do I remember "oh yeah this is fun"
journaling more
practicing chinese on my own while the conversation group I'm part of takes a little break. it feels like some of the new concepts and vocab I've encountered this year are starting to sink in
getting so into heaven official's blessing again even though I've been dancing around the fandom for ages, and on a related note,
writing 8000 words of a new fic that I simply cannot stop thinking about
less good:
on my trip earlier in the month I also visited my hometown at the same time my mom's family was visiting and man! do they get on my nerves
since I got back I have been in suuuuch a cooking slump. rip
my first major exhibit since starting this new job opens in two months and I am fucking stressed about it. it's a guest curator doing the majority of the research and writing the panels, but I am responsible for editing, making the interactives, acquiring all the image rights, doing the evaluation, securing the object loans, and ultimately making sure visitors have a good and interesting time. I'm still figuring out how this team works, how long different things take, and when things need to be ready to be handed off to other people, and I feel like I'm making a giant mess out of it even though it's probably fine. such a good :) opportunity :) to work on my default perfectionism :)))
relatedly, my anxiety has been through the fucking roof in the past few weeks to the point of making me physically ill. weirdly, this doesn't help me get anything done to relieve the task-related anxiety
I have basically done no work at all on the historic preservation side gig this month, which is a problem. however, I did pick it back up again this weekend and managed to make some progress. trying to be nice to myself about it
finances. augh.
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