#im a disabled cane user
wormrat · 10 months
“People are only mad about the ofmd ending because they-” *proceeds to list a bunch of stupid fandom drama that has nothing to do with S2’s overall bad writing, clear lack of sensitivity readers for disability and other marginalized identities, the racism of Ed’s plotline* like ohh okay I see u guys are just able-bodied and yt and don’t want to think critically
no offense but if you watched S2 and all you could think about was how annoying a certain section of Izzy fans were going to be about specific scenes, then you have enormous privilege because the rest of us were over here umcomfortable with the treatment of physical disability and how they made Ed basically a violent MOC that could only be “calmed” by The White Man
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decora-kai · 18 days
Ive seen posts about how disabled people should be able to have hobbies and how we should be able to do things that we like if we enjoy it and if it doesnt hurt us, and yeah I totally agree, but like unpopular opinion ig, let disabled people do things they enjoy even if it hurts them.
I, as a chronically ill person, have things I enjoy doing that arent that good for my pain levels. For example, I enjoy going on walks, just for like an hour or so around my town and in the forest. I will most likely have a flare up the day after/for a couple days after and my legs will be aching most of the way through walking but I love it, not the pain but the walking and seeing places (specifically the woods, i love the woods so much omdddd). Another example is video games, which may sound like an odd thing to flare from for some, but with fast paced video games on console or pc, my fingers get very stiff and achey from moving around so much so quickly, and it tires me to have to even use my eyes sometimes but I really like playing them.
Obviously there are way more examples that I've missed but the point still gets across. Let disabled people have hobbies, even ones that may mess up their pain levels, or make them extremely fatigued etc.
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sam-the-pancake · 8 months
We've reached a new layer of not respecting mobility aid users/not seeing us as people.
Today in my class I was using my wheelchair and going towards someone to ask a question. They jumped up and grabbed someone else's cane from "in my way" and began to move it. I said no it's ok, and they said something like don't worry I'll put it back. I said no again and they returned it to where it was. I asked my question and went back to my spot. The person who's cane it was was sitting right there. They could have moved it if they thought it was in my way or if I asked them to.
A minute later I heard the cane fall over. It hadn't fallen before that but of course the abled person who moved it didn't know how to balance it properly.
Don't touch people's aids. Both myself and the other disabled person were able to handle the situation if necessary, but it didn't need to be handled because there wasn't a problem.
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bebsi-cola · 1 year
disabled people have talked already about how inappropriate it is to touch or grab their mobility aids. but less often i think do people know how to act if they were asked to hold, retrieve, or touch someone's aid (such as crutches or canes as these are the aids i have used and am familiar with)
being friends, family, or partners with a disabled person doesn't grant permission to touch their aids at any time. furthermore having permission to touch an aid - to hold it, pick it up, or retrieve it etc - doesn't give permission to touch or play with them as you please. while keeping in mind that different people's boundaries will vary, here are some things not to do with someone mobility aid:
don't fiddle, stim, or play with it
don't wave it or swing them around
don't hold it by the handle the owner uses to utilize it
do not use the device
do not "test it out"
do not lean your weight on it
[in the case of crutches] do not use them to hop or otherwise take your feet off the ground for fun
try not to drop them or make them unclean
do not adjust any settings
do not use them as a weapon or play-weapon
do not walk immediately behind the air user/out of sight
try not to flip them upside down
what you should do instead:
return the aid immediately when asked. no delays because you were not done with them
hold the aid(s) upright, out of the way from other people by the main body
ask before touching or negotiate times when it is okay to grab without asking (such as if they have been dropped or are falling)
give the aid user increased space and distance to use them safely
try to make sure you aren't forcing an aid user to walk on a sloped path (such as on the pavement/sidewalk)
most importantly, don't take someone's boundaries around their mobility device personally, regardless of how close you two are. disabled people deserve autonomy over the things that support and supplement their body functions just as much as their own body.
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defiantcripple · 6 months
The crippled urge to go "nice cane" to every other cane user you see
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spriinglocked · 3 months
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saw one of my mootie oomfie pookies (hi @ltlemon) say smth about my fnv jumpscare so heres my other fnv art that i havent posted
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moonhibs · 11 months
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Au where Julian is a child of divorce
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sulfursystem · 6 months
cane users rain and mountain holding each others canes to see how big the height difference is and mounty thinks its the funniest shit ever
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dizzy1ife · 4 months
I'm so tired of how the public school system fails to support disabled students.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
touching or pushing someone's mobility aid without their consent is assault. don't touch us, and dont touch our aids (which we often see as extensions of our bodies) unless we genuinely tell you it's okay. an unsure yes is a no. a yes under coercion is a no. either respect our boundaries or stay far, far away.
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unknownchoatic · 7 months
im currently in massive amounts of pain so now im projecting onto Nightmare:
disabled Nightmare. put him in a wheelchair, crutches, whatever
cause like in Dreamtale when the apple incident happened the tentacles like ripped themselves out of his back. he has to have some type of chronic back pain
like the first 500 years or so, he was fine, but then his henchmen(killer) were like “no fuck that ur in pain” and its just the gradual progression of cane to crutches to a wheelchair
and Nm (though he knows that it helps and he likes that theres less pain) ngl kinda hates using his mobility aids, because he doesn’t want to seem weak.
or for those who enjoy Nightmare being in his passive form, just make him unable to walk. like the tentacles kept his spine form completely getting destroyed, but without them Nm is wheelchair bound cause the magic flowing to his legs is all fucked up
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cosmohydrargyrum · 2 months
idk why my rheumatologist always catches an attitude like IM working against HER. I'm not attacking you queen I'm just asking a question.
medical professional with no listening skills who needs things their way VS. disabled teenager with medical anxiety who just wants adequate care
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yikes-ajax · 10 months
So it's fine when I walk around with a cane, but when I run on all fours it's "unacceptable" and "terrifying"
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youngchronicpain · 11 months
anyone have book recs where the main character is a cane user? I'm trying to write a story with a cane user main character and even though I literally am a part time cane user I realized I don't think I've actually read a story with that as a key part??? and I would like to
pls and thank you ❤️
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fellow-queer-birdguy · 11 months
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I already got to try walking around with it and I love it!!! It's gonna help me so much!! I can't wait to customize it!!
I'm gonna take it with me when I go to a museum on Thursday, wish me luck!!!
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defiantcripple · 4 months
I am on a task force to add a bathroom to my college, and I need some wheelchair users' perspectives on accessibility in restrooms!
How much space do find you need in a stall?
What are some structural problems you run into in bathrooms?
What's your required turn radius?
Please include what kind of wheelchair you use (manual, powerchair, etc.), and feel free to add anything else you think would be helpful! Love y'all!
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