#im about to go to sleep so i'll probably forget
ghostiidasponk · 3 days
brainrot below the cut but HEAR ME OUT
tw: non graphic body dysmorphia, angst, VERY DARK
I will embrace
Embrace your membranes, your bones
And keep you cool
Then, I will squeeze out
Squeeze out your evil, your grim and your woe
Transform myself
Once and for all
Sink into the tub
Reborn, Reform, Twist my legs to one and mind to none.
Tell me, tell me,
What do you see In the mirror that's covered in chalky steam
Touch me, touch me, Kiss me to sleep
So I can breathe
Cut me open and give me gills
something something MC finds Azul (merform) on the beach (NRC isnt a thing in this au LET IT HAPPEN), crying because he constantly gets bullied by mermaids/ hates himself a lot- but then MC finds him so captivating (because omg OCTOMER?1!1?1?) and decides to take Azul home and keep him in his bathtub (IM STILL WORKIMG THAT PART OUT) but Azul still ignores Yuu because he's still thinking about those mermaids, he's still thinking about the harsh words, still wants to be accepted by them
but Yuu loves Azul so much, so much that they even start changing themselves *physically* for him, looking for mermaid scales to stick to their body, twisting their two legs into one to make a mermaid tail- because maybe when they're finally a mermaid- a mermaid that recognizes Azul and accepts him for who he is, then maybe they could finally, *finally* have that taste of a love they oh so desperately longed from him.
and that's when Azul finally recognizes just how much Yuu loves him- that they're even willing to change in horrifying, self destructive ways that he sees that the more Yuu's infatuation grows for him, the more his mind spirals into madness- and Azul can't help but love Yuu because 'oh my god you're destroying youtself for me that's so sweet and concerning.'
And I know Azul would probably like,,, make a contract or something to turn Yuu into a mermaid but BUT FOR THE SAKE OF THE SONG PSLSPSLPSLSPSSL LETS PRETEND ANOYHER SCENARIO
With tweezers and nippers, Trim off my fins
And forever I'll be yours
I won't fight or make you cry
Whatever you need, Whenever you need
I'll be by your side
And then I gave you my eyes, To see all the colours
And then I gave you my ears, To hear all the sirens
And then I gave you my heart, To fill in the emptiness in your chest
And then I gave you my brain, So that you can learn to love
That's right baby, as the lyrics suggest Azul starts giving Yuu his ACTUAL body parts to get them closer and closer to being a mermaid- wanting to help Yuu reach their goal, as sick as it is
Tell me tell me, What do you see
In the water that's clinging onto my skin
Cut me cut me
Please make it deep
If I'm covered in scars, Will you look at me
Kiss me kiss me, Don't leave me be
I'm a bathtub mermaid, I cannot swim but only sing
Just pull the plug
Flush down all your memories
Into the sea
At the end of it all, Azul begs for Yuu to forget about him, to go back to living the life before they met Azul, before they started ruining themselves, before they descended into madness, when they were still happy, a self-sacrifice for a self-sacrifice.
haha anyway yeah thanks for listening to my ted talk good night folks. Very scuffed very last minute- but if you wanna sing to the song it's 'Bathtub Mermaid' by Mili :3c
this entire thing was inspired by a song interpretation I found online- I'm gonna look for the link and post it here mwehehe
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siffrins-therapist · 8 months
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I forgot about this one XD
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lowkeyremi · 11 months
Late Nights aizawa x reader
it's my birthday so im writing about the man i share it with (-ε-)
content: post war au, fluff, established relationship
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"This isn't good for your health, Sho." Today marks the 5th night he's stayed up past 11 pm grading papers or doing something else for his job.
"How do you think I managed before I met you?" His small sigh meets your ears, and you really want to help him. Seeing out of only one eye is most definitely slowing him down.
"You looked dead on the outside when we first met. Do you want me to help grade papers?"
"I'll finish before one, go back to bed, honey." His eyes meet yours once he hears you scoff. He's draining himself by staying up this late, every single night. His face is lit by the warm kitchen light, one of his hands tugging at his long black strands of hair in order to keep himself sane.
"Shota. I'm not taking no for an answer." You say firmly, crossing your arms to indicate that you mean business.
"I knew you'd say that, come sit down." He gives in every single time. He knows he needs the help, he just doesn't want to admit it.
"Can you read through these essays?" At first you're confident, there's only a few papers on the table.
"Can you?" You nod diligently. You confirm you're willing to help, and your husband gets up from the table and slowly walks toward your shared bedroom. When he does return there's a large stack of papers in his arms. They drop on the table with a thump. He chuckles at your horrified expression.
"Just get through as many as you can. Write feedback on them too, hon." No wonder he's always so tired, you forget that 1-A isn't his only class. If you can remember right he has six periods of classes.
"Is this pile all your class or.." He's sat back down by now and started going through papers with red pen.
"That's 3rd and 4th period. I'm finishing up with 1st and 2nd right now." You click your tongue. It's hard to get started, you don't have any motivation unlike Shota. His only motivation is probably the fact he has to do this.
"Why don't you have an online classroom? It would make grading so much easier." He's probably going to say something about not knowing how to use it..
"I prefer for my students to write manually, because it helps with remembrance." Sounds like something an old man would say. You'd voice your opinion but he'd have a comeback for sure.
"Shotaaaaa, I don't wanna do anymore." Your head is resting on the table, the cool wood on your cheek. He doesn't even spare you any sympathy either, laughing at you quietly. His rich chuckles sound like comfort more than mockery in your opinion though.
"Sweetheart, you've only graded four essays." The huge stack of papers looks back at you from it's side of the table.
"Yeah and each essay had like four to five papers in it. I feel bad for your students." The two of you are going to cuddle. You're determined to make it happen, so before he could even reply, you bounce up from your seat, grab his hand, and tug him towards your bedroom.
"We're going to sleep. I'm not taking any other answers besides "okay" or "yes my love." He clicks his tongue at your statement, but finds no reason to oblige.
"Do you want to know something?" He whispers into your ear cuddling you close enough to feel the warmth of his chest on your back.
"What?" At this point you're only half-conscious, struggling to register what your husband's just said.
"I'm actually ahead of schedule. I can grade those papers loosely throughout this week." He admits with no guilt or shame in his voice at all. What a workaholic.
"Are you serious? So I could have been cuddling you all this time?"
"Yeah, I just do work to get out of my head." You wonder how many times you'll have to remind him that you're his strength and that you'll help him through anything, before he actually believes it.
"If you were having trouble sleeping, you should have told me." His big hand rests in your hair playing with it slowly.
"Didn't wanna bother you." His hand is so comforting that you almost fall asleep.
"You're never a bother to me Sho." Your voice is so soft and sincere that he almost breaks out into tears of joy. He's so happy to have met you.
"Oh." It has finally clicked in his brain, even though you've been married to him for quite some time.
You are his light.
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busycloudy · 1 year
The Love Potion
  • I've wanted to write this for FOREVER but I kept forgetting to💀 
•  ft: Dorm Leaders 
• Tw: Kissing(Not much tbh), and a love potion. 
• Very fluffy fanfic and crack
• The reader is MC and goes by they/them pronouns. The reader is already in a relationship with the dormleaders. 
• They may or may not be ooc 
• Hope ya enjoy!
 • To your horror Crewel assigned you, Ace, Deuce, and grim to make a love potion. Fun right? Wrong! 
• For whatever reason you had some hope that they wouldn't do anything wrong, so you casually put your drink somewhere near the cauldron, leaving to go get something. 
• Grim accidently knocked over the cauldron, spilling it EVERYWHERE, and what do you know, some got into your drink! 
• "Grim! Why'd you knock over the cauldron!" Ace argued. "It was on accident!" Grim frowned. They started arguing and Deuce was just watching, until you came back and picked up your drink to drink it. 
• "Wait, no, MC!" Deuce tried to stop you from drinking it, but it was to late. Ace and Grim finally stopped arguing and looked over to see a MC with hearts in their eyes. 
• The trio brought you over to Crewel and told him about what had happened. "Are you pups always so stupid?" Crewel frowned. "Professor can you please just tell us if this is going to be permanent?" Ace asked. "Luckily not, but it will last 24 hours" Crewel said. 
• The trio did not want to be stuck with a lovesick MC for 24 hours so they brought you to your lover.
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Riddle Rosehearts
"What have you three done this ti- MC!" He rushed over to grab you from Ace and Deuce's arms. "Riddle, has anyone ever told you that you look adorable?" You said. "Cause you do..." You also said, then giving him a peck on the lips. "W-What Mc?" Riddle was beyond confused(and flustered) Sure you guys were in a relationship, but you never were this affectionate in public. "Yeah, um, they kinda drank a love potion..." Ace said. After he said that Deuce, Ace, and Grim ran for their dear lives. "You three get back here!" Riddle didn't chase them though, still holding you in his arms. "MC, why you still hang out with those three is something I'll never understand..." Riddle mumbled while taking you to his room. "Hm, I wonder if there's a cure..." Riddle said as he layed you down on his bed, then starting to walk away, but he felt a tug on his sleeve. "Hm? Yes MC?" He turned around to see you tugging on his sleeve. "C'mon Riddle, just stay with me for a bit" You said with a fake pout. "Oh dear, MC im not so s-" Riddle said. "Please..." You cut him off. "Fine, but only for a bit" He said with a soft smile, going in to the bed with you. You guys ended up cuddling for practically all day. "I might have to thank those three..." You heard him mumble.
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Leona Kingscholar
Ruggie took you to the lions room after the trio gave you to him and said"Take them to Leona for us!" and ran off. "What a bunch of wimps..." Ruggie said. You two eventually made it to Leona's room to find him... Sleeping(How shocking😲😕) Ruggie just layed you down next to Leona and went his own ways. Leona turned over to see a heart eyed MC. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't delusional. He realized you had drunken a love potion and smirked. "Leona, has anyone told you how amazing you are?" You said. "Nope, just you herbivore" He smiled, wrapping his tail around your waist to bring you closer. As he brought you closer he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. "Well you really are" You said, truly lovesick. You just gave this man a full on ego boost and he is bragging about it, love potion or not. You two cuddled the rest of the day, but lets be honest he would cuddle you for a whole day even if you didn't drink a love potion.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Let's be honest he probably has a cure, but is he gonna use it? No. He thought you were just absolutely adorable when Ace and Deuce brought you to him, why would he use a cure? He told Floyd and Jade the reason he didn't use the cure was because "They clearly are not in a state to sign a contract and make an agreement with me." We all know that was a lie and he would never make you sign a contract for things like a cure. "Azul why don't you come and cuddle me?" You asked when Azul was doing paperwork. His face turned slightly red. You walked up to behind him and put your arms over his shoulders putting your weight on him. "Please?" You said with a fake pout. He eventually gave in and cuddled you on the couch some. Floyd came across the room and took some pictures to tease Azul about it later on. Sadly Azul eventually had to continue his paperwork.
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Kalim Al-Asim
If he had any party's that day, he canceled them all when the Adeuce duo brought you over and said you accidentally drank a love potion. "MC! I'm so happy to see you! They drank a love potion? I'll make sure to care for them!" He said. He is just the sweetest most innocent person ever. "Kalim, has anyone ever mentioned how adorable you are? Because you are so adorable!" You booped him on the nose. He hugged you, cuddled you, kissed you. He did literally anything that was affectionate in some way. You guys were mainly in his room being lovebirds (In the most innocent way possible you dirty minded person). Near the end of the day, you two cuddled in his room to pass time.
Why is this one so short😭
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil was casually walking around Pomefiore when he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Uh, Vil, we need you to take care of MC..." Deuce awkwardly said. "What have you three potatoes done this time?" Vil crossed his arms. "They kinda...drank a love potion..." Deuce gave a awkward smile. Vil looked over to see you with hearts in your eyes and sighed. Deuce, Ace and Grim then left you with Vil. "Dear, why do you still hangout with those three..." He mumbled. "Vil has anyone told you you're gorgeous" You smiled. "Hm?" Vil might have been a bit taken aback by your sudden sentence. "You truly are the fairest in the land" You continued. "Thank you potato" Vil gave you a soft smile. The two of two walked to his room and hanged out most of the day. You may or may not have smothered him in kisses, which he then gave you a kiss on your cheek and forehead, leaving a lipstick stain. When you look in the mirror the next day you might see a lipstick stain on your neck.
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Idia Shroud
Idia was playing video games as always until Ortho came in his room telling Idia you drank a love potion. Idia did not know what to do at that moment. Ortho put you on your boyfriend's bed and left. You kinda just sat there watching him play his video games and do what he normally does. Suddenly you had gotten up and draped your arms on his shoulders which might've startled him some. You put your head on his shoulder, and his hair turned pink. "Uh- Do you need anything MC?" He nervously asked. "Nothing, just wanted to cuddle you" You mumbled. When I tell you his face flushed, his face flushed. His hair could not have been more pink. He continued to do his things and you kinda just stood there behind him relaxing. After a while you had stopped and went to lay in his bed, and he soon joined you.
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Malleus Draconia
The trio brought you over to Malleus and the sky may or may not have become a bit cloudy, but it cleared up right after because Malleus thought you were absolutely adorable in this state! "Malleus! MC drank a love potion!" Grim ran in the dorm, Ace and Deuce behind him, carrying you(So dramatic for what?) Malleus didn't expect you to be so affectionate. You sat near him on the couch, but then you layed down and put your head in his lap. "Malleus has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?" You smiled at him. He raised a questioning brow before you continued. "Because you truly are amazing darling" You continued. The sky was definitely a lot sunnier throughout the day to say the least. You guys cuddled near the end of the day, and really just most of the day (Sebek was not happy)
I finally finished it! This took 10× longer than I thought it would! I don't really know how to write Kalim and Malleus so if their ooc, or any of the dorm leaders are ooc, sorry!
Hope ya enjoyed!
Edit: 940 likes!? Y'all are amazing! Just wanted to say tysm for supporting my writing and I'm currently working on pt 2! It might take some time as I struggle to write certain characters.
Part 2 here
Have a splendid day!
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percyluvr · 7 months
hello!! you're fics r amazing and i wanted to request some hc or a drabble, you choose, about fem!reading being the head counselor of hermes cabin and totally being his fem version. thank u so much if u do 🫶🏻🫶🏻
percy jackson x hermes cabin counselor!reader summary: hcs abt percy with hermes counselor reader basically being him but as a girl
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first, i think u two would be inseparable
like im talking sitting at each others tables during meals, training together all the time, sneaking off to go make out in his cabin when u really should be leading camp activities, sleeping in each other's cabins, etc etc
im just thinking of the iconic percabeth underwater kiss with u guys
with him using his powers to make sure u can breathe while u kiss, and teeth clashing together making u guys just giggle ur little hearts out
when u two go back to nyc for the school year u would live with him, sally, and paul and they would treat u like their own kid
they see how much percy likes you and how similar you two are and they cant help but think of u as one of their own
hanging out in nyc together, he teaches u how to skateboard bc he DEFINITELY knows how to
adding onto that, he would definitely teach u how to surf if u didnt know how
just thinking about if u also have the same music taste, u two dancing around the kitchen to ur favorite songs
making brownies together for estelle's school bake sales in the future!!! my heart omfg
back to camp, i think everyone would be worried if they ever saw u two not together
like im talking celebrity break up gossip page type all up in ur business
but then they see one of you sneaking out of the same place the other one just walked out of and they realize that u two were just trying to be sneaky???
but why
bc really u two have never been sneaky in ur entire lives
if either of u got picked to lead a quest, u would immediately pick the other as the first person to come with on ur quest bc u literally cannot live without each other
or just sentences in general
literally couple goals
like, if someone is talking to both of u, sometimes you'll make the same joke at the exact same time and laugh ur asses off and the other person will just like. stand there staring until they eventually just walk away bc u two wont stop laughing
like i just think u two are on the same wavelength all the time
if one of u forgets to do something, u dont even have to worry bc the other already did it for u
i saw somewhere that leo could probably tweak phones so the demigods can use them, and u two would both go to him to get phones so u could make each other ur lockscreen and background
i think the two of u would send each other the DUMBEST tiktoks or instagram reels
or like u would send it and then realize that the other already sent it or liked it
the two of u would definitely do tiktok trends
dancing together
u would DEFINITELY do the peeling the orange trend
and he would just peel the orange. no questions asked
like u wouldnt even have to ask him
he'd just see u with the orange be like "here baby give me that, i'll peel it for you"
matching tiktok pfps for SURE
or matching bios !!!!!
u two definitely went to see the barbie movie together
i have no doubts
whenever he gets pranked by connor or travis, u immediately send them to laundry duty
but they still say its worth it because one time when u were sleeping in percy's room, they poured water on the two of u and both of u chased them around camp until u realized that percy had no shirt, and u had no pants
u werent THAT embarrassed bc like. everyone already knows anyway
but the stolls thought it was SO funny and they made it their mission to prank both of u again
when u two go on cabin inspections, even if u arent doing it together, u always give each other's cabin a 10 even tho u both know that neither of ur cabins deserve it ....
the two of u definitely sneak out of ur cabins at night when u arent together and sit down by the river, just to be met with the other sitting there with the exact same thought as u
and u end up going back to his cabin to sleep
u guys have definitely gotten yelled at by mr d and chiron
but u kept doing it
so they just gave up
but anyways, u guys r literally the it couple at camp
like, all the couples wanna be like u guys
ur just such a perfect fit & u love each other so much and u cant help but show it
a/n: this was my first time doing hcs and i think i kinda got a bit carried away... but anyways i hope u like it !! also, i love writing and im so happy that u like mine, it means so much to me <3
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sporesmoldandfungi · 4 months
roll with me - marty mcfly x reader
A/N : yes i know my tumblr is mainly ghostbusters related things but im in a bttf phase rn and there's not enough marty mcfly works. i will probably make this a series until i run out of gas lol. ignore any grammar and spelling errors, i typed this at two am last night :))))) enjoy!!
"God damn it, McFly..." she muttered under her breath, seeing her grandfather's house in a complete mess. It looked like a tornado had flown through the already messy and cluttered home. Walking over pieces of broken metal and random items cluttering the floor, she reached the workbench. On top of it, lay a note in messy handwriting.
Sorry about the mess, I couldn't resist trying the new amp. Promise I'll come by sometime to make it up to you. See you tonight.
She crumpled the note and threw it over her shoulder to join the rest of the mess. She couldn't for the life of her understand why her grandfather, a brilliant albeit cooky scientist, chose to keep Marty McFly as company.
Sure, he was funny, kind, sometimes charming, and was nothing but good to Doc, but Y/N still didn't understand what he saw in Marty. He wasn't as smart as her. He was careless. He didn't even have a real interest in science. The better question would be, why did Marty McFly hang around Doc Brown?
Their relationship often crossed her mind, seeing as she often had to fight Marty for her grandfather's attention, and it was also downright strange. Nevertheless, she had to get used to Marty, it was obvious he wasn't going anywhere.
Y/N tinkered on the leftover gadgets Doc had entrusted her with to finish while he was gone. She looked at the many clocks that littered the walls.
"Four o'clock. Okay, Brown, you've got..." She stopped to look at her wristwatch. "About nine hours to get this place back together for Pop."
She picked up the broom and began sweeping up piles of the broken amplifier. As she cleaned the destroyed living room, her thoughts kept going back to Marty. For all the good qualities he had, he sure was selfish. 'I'll make it up to you sometime.' my ass.
It took her until nightfall to finish cleaning the house, including the rotting dog food her grandfather left in Einstein's bowl. She made herself a quick meal and plopped in front of the TV, catching the last few stories from the ten o'clock news.
She eventually dozed off, the TV still playing in the background. Just before she was about to drift into a deep sleep, she heard the backdoor creak open then close quietly. She opened up one eye to see Marty tiptoeing through the room.
"Hey, McFly." Y/N said, yawning and sitting up.
He jumped at the sound of her voice, turning around to see her rubbing her eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand awkwardly. "Hey, Y/N. You picked up the place pretty quickly."
She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, thanks for that mess by the way, it was a great way to start my weekend. What are you doing here anyways? I thought I was meeting you at the Twin Pines Mall?"
"Doc asked me to pick up the camera on my way there. Probably a good thing I stopped by, from the looks of it, you were about to go into a coma." He smirked.
"Shut up." She muttered.
As Marty looked for the camera, she threw her acid wash jacket on and began lacing up her high tops. By the time she started grabbing her scooter from the spare closet, he had found the camera and was carrying it triumphantly.
He slung it around his shoulder, following Y/N out the door. She mounted the scooter, waiting for Marty to grab his skateboard. He looked her up and down and chuckled.
She frowned, "What's so funny, McFly?"
"When are you finally gonna let me teach you to ride in style, Y/N? You look like a kindergartener on that thing."
"You talk a big game. Are you forgetting I beat you almost every time we race?" She smirked.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He mocked. Marty got situated, ready to take off. "Come on, Y/N, no more kid stuff or we're gonna be late."
She smirked, "What's wrong McFly? Chicken?"
She saw him freeze and turn around slowly. "What did you call me?"
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, keeping the scooter upright by balancing it between her knees. "You heard me."
Marty approached her angrily, waving a finger in her face. "No one calls me chicken, Brown, nobody."
Their noses were almost touching as he stared down at her. She looked up at him, internally flustered, externally smug. "We'll see about that."
In a flash, she took off towards the mall, leaving Marty speechless in the dust. He quickly got back on his skateboard, hurrying to catch up with her. Marty could see Y/N's head thrown back, laughing to herself as she rode ahead. Although he was pissed, he couldn't help but smile to himself at the sight of her. He had been trying for as long as he knew her, to be her friend. While her grandfather, Doc Brown, was one of the friendliest people he had ever met, his granddaughter, Y/N was as stubborn as a mule. She never flashed her charming smile his way unless it was at his expense. They had a lot in common. Their uncommon modes of transportation, their love of rock n' roll, their love of Doc. Yet, there she stood, relishing in his humility.
They continued the race all the way up to the mall. Although Marty had tried to catch up, the head start Y/N got proved to be just enough for her to win. He kicked up the skateboard, sticking it under his armpit and jogging towards Doc and Y/N, who was already talking excitedly with him.
Doc heard the footsteps and turned to face him, his face lighting up at the sight of the boy. "Marty! You made it! Did you bring the camera?"
Marty checked to see if it was still slung around his shoulder, it was. "Yeah, yeah. Where have you been the past week, Doc?"
"I've been working on something big, Marty, something very big. I've been waiting thirty years for this day." Doc said, walking around the large truck parked beside them. Y/N and Marty followed behind, seeing Einstein as they turned the corner. They both pet him as they continued to follow Doc. The three of them stopped in front of the parked DeLorean.
Doc and Y/N smiled at the sight of it, while Marty looked confused. "A DeLorean?"
"All of your questions will be answered soon, Marty. Roll the tape. Y/N, make sure he's getting all of this." Doc instructed, standing by the DeLorean.
They both nodded. Marty held up the camera, beginning to record while Y/N watched.
Doc cleared his throat before speaking. "Good evening. I'm Dr. Emmett Brown. I'm standing on the parking lot at Twin Pines Mall. It's Saturday morning, October 26, 1985, 1:18 a.m., and this is temporal experiment number one." He paused for a moment, then turned his attention to Einstein. "Come on, Einie. Hey, hey, boy, get in there."
Doc opened the door to the driver's seat, helping the dog into the front seat. "That a boy! In you go. Sit down. Put your seat belt on. That's it." He instructed, getting the obedient dog situated.
The confusion on Marty's face grew as he looked on. Doc leaned down to hold up his watch as well as the one hanging around Einstein's neck. Doc held it up towards the camera. Y/N nudged Marty, motioning for him to zoom in on the clocks.
"Please note that Einstein's clock is in precise synchronization with my control watch." Doc put the watches down and double checked that Marty was getting all of this.
Marty gave him a thumbs up and Doc began closing the door, then joining the two in front of the car. He pulled out a remote control from his pocket and began pushing the joysticks forward. Marty looked at it and asked, "You got that thing hooked up to the car?"
Y/N rolled her eyes, "No shit, Sherlock."
The DeLorean began to rumble with the sound of the engine. Marty was still focused on the remote.
Doc smiled, pushing the joysticks forward, "Watch this." The DeLorean began to move, but Marty was still distracted. Y/N rolled her eyes again and grabbed the camera, moving it to focus on the car. The DeLorean turned sharply and lined up in front of the three, albeit from all the way across the lot. Doc looked at the two teens, smirking. "If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit."
The tires screeched loudly before accelerating quickly towards the group. As the car got closer, Marty tried moving away before the car reached them, Doc and Y/N both pulled him back. He looked at the two, seeing that they both had the same crazy, wild-eyed expression on their faces. His attention was quickly drawn back to the fast-approaching car. Just as the car was about to hit them, a bright light flashed and the car disappeared, leaving only behind two trails of fires where the wheels would be. The three of them turned around, looking at the empty lot behind them. Doc and Y/N began cheering, jumping up and down and running in circles. Marty, still confused, stared on.
He heard the two talking to each other, breaking his prior concentration. He quickly approached them, "Jesus Christ, Doc! You disintegrated Einstein!"
Doc turned to the confused and frightened teen. "Calm down, Marty. I didn't disintegrate anything. The molecular structure of the car and Einstein are completely intact!"
"Then where the hell are they!?" He screamed, pacing.
"Not where, McFly, when." Y/N smirked.
"You see, Einstein has just become the world's first time traveler. I sent him into the future. One minute into the future, to be exact. At precisely 1:21 a.m. and zero seconds, we shall catch up with him and the time machine." Doc explained, the joy still spread on his face.
"Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you trying to tell me that you built a time machine out of a DeLorean?" Marty asked, not believing what he was hearing.
"The way I see it, if you're going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style? Besides, the stainless-steel construction made the flux dispersal..." Doc started, but the beeping of his watch interrupted him. He quickly grabbed Marty, "Watch out!"
Marty instinctively grabbed ahold of Y/N pulling her away along with him, just as the DeLorean came speeding back into the parking lot. The car was covered in ice, steam protruding off of it. As Doc ran to the car, ready to open the door, Mary and Y/N stood back. They both looked down at their interlaced fingers and blushed. Y/N was the first to let go, shaking her hand slightly as she walked towards Doc and the car.
After seeing that Einstein was okay and intact, Marty finished filming the last bits of the dog's short journey through time, how the machine worked, and Doc reliving the day he first came up with the idea of time travel before Doc ushered him and Y/N away to put on radiation suits. They entered the large van and began suiting up. The air was thick with a tension that was unknown to either one of them. Marty was the first to attempt to break the silence.
"So, uh, you knew about this time travel thing, and you didn't tell me?"
She scoffed, "Why would I tell you, McFly?"
He zipped up the suit, walking over to her. "You can't just ignore it, Y/N."
She was looking down, putting her legs into the suit. "Ignore what?"
"Me. Us."
She looked up, seeing the seriousness in his face. "What do you mean us?"
"You mean to tell me you didn't feel what I felt back there?" he asked.
She stood up, sliding the rest of the suit on. "Excitement? I mean who wouldn't be when they witnessed time travel? It's not something you see every day, McFly."
"Goddamn it, Y/N. I'm being serious." Marty said, running his hand through his hair.
"So am I, you aren't very direct when you speak." She said, beginning to walk away.
He groaned and grabbed her by the waist pulling her close to him. Her eyes widened and she looked up at him with the same doe-eyed expression that she had when their hands were intertwined. Still holding her to his chest, he took one hand and pointed at her face. "That, that face. It tells me that you feel the same way I do whenever we touch."
She let herself be held by him, before snapping back into reality and pushing herself off. She walked towards the door, opening it. "Come on, Doc's probably wondering what's taking so long."
Marty watched as she left, thinking to himself, "Why does she have to be so goddamn stubborn?"
He joined them outside, listening to the tail end of their conversation. "... so, I took their Plutonium, and I gave them a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts!"
"Pop... that's really dangerous, are you sure it's under control?" Y/N asked, concern lacing her face.
Doc waved off her words, "Never mind that, Marty, get that camera ready. Y/N, grab my luggage from the truck and bring it here. " The teens followed Doc's instructions as he took his seat in the driver's seat. Y/N finally joined Marty's side, who was already filming Doc.
"I, Dr. Emmett Brown, am about to embark on an historic journey." Doc began but stopped and chuckled to himself. "What am I thinking of? I almost forgot to bring extra plutonium. How did I ever expect to get back? One pellet, one trip. I must be out of my mind." He stood up, walking over to his equipment, but stopped when he heard Einstein barking. Doc walked over to the barking creature, "What is it Einie?" His face then drained of all color, and he looked on in horror.
Marty and Y/N shared a worried glance before joining him at his side.
Doc began to speak, still looking ahead in horror. "They found me, I don't know how, but they found me."
Marty and Y/N followed his stare and saw a small, green van suddenly turn its headlights on as it drove towards them. Einstein quickly ran into the safety of Doc's equipment van. The three of them could make out the figure of a man standing out of the sunroof. Doc turned to the two and quickly pushed them away.
"Run for it!" He cried.
Marty quickly grabbed Y/N's hand and ran back towards the DeLorean. She gripped his hand tightly as they looked at Doc as the headlight shone brighter and brighter on him. They watched as he raised his hands in surrender. The car screeched to a stop, and they saw the man in the sunroof aim a large gun at Doc. Y/N started to run towards her grandfather, but the man had already opened fire on Doc. She screamed and fell to her knees.
Marty stood behind her, tears filing his eyes. He screamed out, "No! You bastards!"
The man's attention was now on the mourning pair. Marty watched as the man began to aim his gun at Y/N's head as she crawled towards Doc's lifeless body. Marty ran forward, tackling her and moving her out of the way as bullets ricocheted off the pavement next to them. He shielded her body with his own. They both braced for the impact of the bullets but heard the gun clicking instead. Marty lifted his head to see the gunman struggling with the weapon. He quickly pulled Y/N up and led her toward the idle DeLorean. He threw open the passenger's door, practically tossing the mourning Y/N into the seat. He followed suit, hopping into the driver's seat. Marty quickly turned on the ignition and sped away from the men who from the looks of it, finally got their weapon back in working order.
The bullets were heard on either side of the vehicle, just barely missing it. Y/N screamed as Marty continued to drive as fast as he could. The Libyan's van grew closer and closer as Marty frantically tried to drive out of the mall's parking lot. The DeLorean shook as the Libyan's van hit the back bumper.
Marty looked down at the speedometer, "Let's see if you bastards can do 90."
Y/N's eyes widened, "No!"
He looked at her confused then back at the rapidly increasing speed. He watched as it climbed closer and closer to 90. "What's the problem? You want to end up like Doc? Or do you wanna get the hell out of here?"
"McFly, do you remember what happens when the car hits 88 miles an hour?" She asked, watching as the speedometer reached top speeds.
Marty's eyes widened in fear, realizing what was about to happen. Before he could step on the brakes, the car lit up with blinding, blue light. The light temporarily blinded both of them as the car went back to driving in complete darkness. As Marty's vision adjusted back to normal, his eyes widened as the DeLorean hit a pine tree.
"Look out!" Y/N shouted as they drove towards a lone barn in the distance.
Marty tried to get the car to turn, but it was too late, the DeLorean hurled through the side of the bar, crash-landing in a pile of hay. They both groaned at the impact. Marty began undoing his seatbelt, once free, he turned his attention to the girl next to him. "Are you okay?"
She nodded, her eyes not meeting his. She was fixated on something in front of them. Marty followed her gaze and saw a light coming from one of the barn doors. He turned to Y/N, "Stay here, I'm gonna check this out."
He opened the driver's door, bumping his head as he exited, making his radiation helmet fly over his head. From inside the helmet, he could make out the silhouettes of two adults and two children. He was also able to make out the sound of their frightened screams, no doubt afraid that Marty was an intruder. He raised his hands up in defense, trying to calm them down. As he stepped through the large hay pile towards the family, he saw one of the adults raise what looked like a shotgun up at him.
"Shit!" he cried, flinging himself back in the car.
As the figure fired the first shot, Marty had already driven back out of the barn and away from the family. He found a road and sharply turned on it, still speeding away.
"Okay, McFly. Get a grip on yourself, this is all a dream. It's just a very intense dream." Marty said to himself as he drove. He turned to face Y/N who looked as frantic and confused as he was. "This has to be a dream, right?"
Before she could respond, her eyes widened, and she quickly reached for the steering wheel. Marty looked ahead and saw the approaching vehicle she was trying to avoid. She turned it sharply, making them swerve to the side. Marty slammed on the brakes before they made an impact with the car. They were both panting, having just escaped death three times in five minutes.
Marty and Y/N both stepped out of the vehicle, approaching the black car in front of them. They walked to the driver's side window, seeing an older couple in the front seats. They both looked frightened at the sight of the two strangely dressed teens. Marty leaned his head down, to talk to the man driving.
"Hey, listen, you got to help us," Marty said to the man, but his wife was urging him to drive away. The old man took one glance at Marty and Y/N before hitting the gas and speeding away from them.
Marty groaned, walking back towards Y/N. She was leaning against the hood of the DeLorean, staring ahead. "Y/N?" he asked, trying to get her attention, but she continued to stare. He groaned again and placed his hands on her shoulders, slightly shaking her. "Y/N, you got to help out here. Where the hell are we?"
Y/N finally met his gaze. His eyes were wide and full of confusion. He had sweat forming in the base of his hair, starting to travel down the sides of his face. He looked at her with so much emotion, hoping she could somehow make this all go away. She gently removed his hands from her shoulder and spun him to face what she was looking at. She pointed ahead, "Does that give you a hint?"
Marty followed her finger to see the entrance to his neighborhood. Only there was no neighborhood, no houses, no streets. Just the two pieces of stone that read Lyon Estates. He looked to the side and saw a billboard advertising the neighborhood that was still not built. His eyes widened once more, realizing the gravity of their situation.
"It can't be." He whispered.
Y/N walked back towards the passenger seat, starting to take off her radiation suit. Marty stared ahead for only a moment before opening the driver's door. He sat down beside her, attempting to turn the car back on.
"Don't even bother." Y/N said, making Marty stop his actions and look at her. "It won't work. Remember what Doc said, it needs Plutonium to run. One pellet, one trip."
"So, are you trying to tell me we're stuck here? Wherever the hell this is." Marty asked.
She stood up, stepping out of the suit, tossing it in the car. She ignored his question, instead saying, "Come on, help me push it behind that billboard. We got to go into town, so I can figure out a way for us to get out of here."
Y/N slammed the door shut, making Marty jump. He quickly threw off his radiation suit and joined Y/N at the back of the car. They pushed it off the road and into the field, rolling it behind the large billboard for Lyon Estates. Y/N wiped her hands on her jeans before walking back onto the road, making Marty follow suit. They both began walking to where the black car had driven off. Neither of them said a word to each other, both too caught up in their thoughts to speak. Marty looked up to see a road sign that read,
Hill Valley: 2 Miles
"This is heavy."
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chweverni · 9 months
HOW I THINK _ bonedo 'n their love languages ! (pt.1)
pairing; ot6!bonedo x fem!reader synopsis; how would your adorable boyfriend(s) express their love for you? word count; 998 author's note; this is my first time writing sth ot6 soo bear with me!! and thank you all for the immense support on my prev posts it means a lot <33 keeping in mind that there are only 5 love languages, i'll try to make it as accurate as possible ! ♡ read pt.2 here !
edit; i did get two of the members' name wrong at first! im so sorry to previous readers :((((((
MYUNG JAEHYUN - quality time/physical affection
jaehyun is known for his bubbly personality and moreover he's an ENFP. so chances are, that he's a sucker for one-on-one interaction with his significant other. so, he would like spending every minute he can with you, be it for studies or just simply sitting together with you, talking about your day. he's the one to sulk over delays in any plans you two make and he'll probably go off like, "so, when are you free if not today?", with a VERY adorable pout plastered on his face. (let's not forget how his eyes sparkle most of the times).
also, i think he's very likely to randomly hug or kiss you in the middle of the day. so be ready for very tight back hugs, fore-head kisses, nose kisses, interlocking of hands or wrapping an arm round your shoulder randomly during classes, or during chores or projects!
"just one kiss! i promise it will happen again!", he'll say with a smile, proceeding to cup your face to plant a kiss on your lips.
"can we hold hands? i'm 'bout to sleep. class is getting boring!", he'll say while pulling your chair closer to him quietly to not disturb the class.
PARK SUNG HO - words of affirmation/acts of service
ENTJs although extroverted, are not known to be big fans of physical touch so he'll be more focused on helping you around, be it for school work such as homework, or assignments, or projects. he'd be the one to prepare notes for a class he's not even taking, just so that you can at the least fulfill your five hour sleep schedule. he'd be the one to prepare playlists and compile them in cassettes or CDs so that you can listen to them while doing anything.
when you're studying together at the library, if you're picking up something from under the table, he'll make sure to cover the edges of the table with his hand, so that you don't get hurt. the type to open car doors, or classroom doors for you.
he'd be the type to want to listen to words of affirmation which assures him that you still love him in the relationship. and this goes both ways, he'll also praise you and your achievements (even the smallest ones).
"ah! i'm so proud of you, love! i knew you could do it.", he'll say, being your biggest supporter at anything you do.
"i love you a lot, and maybe you've heard that a million times already. but, my love for you is exponential."
LEE SANG HYEOK - physical touch/words of affirmation
riwoo is a cutie patootie and for him, intimate actions such as hugs, kisses, holding hands, wrapping arms around your arm/waist and words to affirm that he, in fact, is the one for you, is the best thing one can do to make him feel loved. think of it like this, if you remember every little thing he says and acknowledge his interests, likes and dislikes, he'll probably just wife you right there and then. (not that it's that easy though! he's probably the one who takes long before they let someone in their hearts/lives)
and it goes both ways too, he'll remember the most insignificant thing you say and remind you how cute, pretty, sexy, kind, caring, understanding you are.
"you're a good listener, you understand me so well baby.", he'll say, leaving a short kiss on your lips.
"and a good kisser too! i won the lottery!"
he'll be the one to keep you close to him whenever you both go out for a date. it's like, he loves you too much to let you go. he'll put your hand in his pockets if it's cold (still holding hands there, too!). he'll randomly just go ahead and give you recharge hugs when you're preparing for exams or tests at school.
"i hope you feel better because your warm hugs are like batteries for me to continue with school."
HAN DONG MIN - quality time/acts of service
INTJs are a bunch of people who like to focus on more deeper aspects on relationships, such as communicating, understanding and helping each other out during hard and stressful times. taesan would be the type to engage in deep and long thoughts with you, often asking you if there's anything at all bothering you. "can i say something about this baby? or you'd like me to listen?", he'll say, while softly rubbing your back, when you're opening up about your day.
acts of service go both ways for you two. he'd be the type to carry your stuff for you if it's too heavy. or the one who give you a piggy back ride if your shoes hurt your feet. he'll push stray strands of hair out of your face when you're reading something with concentration. and for you, you'll make him food whenever he's late from practice. or save him the work given at school, so that he can catch up without difficulties. you'd make small cards to remember his birthday and plan dates whenever you can to show him that you love him as much as he does.
"love, you didn't have to do this.. you were probably busy with school work too..", he'd say, fiddling with his fingers, feeling bad that you went out of your way to make him food while he practised.
"no! this is my way of saying that i love my hard-working boyfriend a lot and he should learn how to accept my gifts, because this is gonna be a long-term thing from now on-wards!"
"i love you..", he'll reply, sitting down with you to eat together, while you ask him how things went there. maybe you offer back pats and head pats as he talks about it. he'll be thrilled to see little notes you leave at his backpack during practice and will most definitely call you afterwards to return the favor!
hehe! i'll update about the remaining two members later! i hope this post intrigued you lol
all creds to chweverni only on tumblr! <3 come back for more!!!
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mystarsohee · 3 months
heyhey kae ! missing u MWAH there's a kiss ! was just wondering if u had time in ur busy schedule to write some more cg!shotaro? just missing him atm,, hope u understand. thanks ! <3
— @swee7dream
we makin' music
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genre: fluff
riizes new music video came out.. and now shotaro has to deal with your fixation on it.
!!! non-sexual agere, only cg name used is taro.
cg!shotaro fem!reader , (ft. rii7e) ((seunghan is here even tho he isnt back for boom boom bass))
boom ba doom boom boom bass ♪ boom ba doom boom boom bass~
this is what shotaro heard echoing throughout the apartment when he came home from promotions that day. riize recently released a new music video, boom boom bass. you were a briize as much as you were his baby, so you were there for the music video premieres, and you asked shotaro to get a few albums for you to open!
he opened the door to the bedroom, and he saw you jumping on the bed, dressed in sunglasses with a hairbrush in your hand as a makeshift microphone. the tv that was against the wall was playing the music video, him and his members dancing across the screen.
"woah baby, you're gonna steal my job! my little dancer!" he said, ruffling your hair.
"hi taro!!!!!!"
you jumped into his arms, onto the floor so the two of you could dance together! he knew all the moves, you knew all the words, it was perfect!
once you restarted the song a few more times, you found yourself worn out.
————— ୨୧ —————
the following day, shotaro found you watching youtube on your ipad in the living room. he immediately recognized the video as a boom boom bass performance (duh, its his song!) he joins you on the couch, puts an arm around your shoulder, and kisses your head.
"taro!" you give him a kiss, "hehe, you look so cool in this video!"
"you know it! only the coolest performance for you pretty baby. there are only a few more promotions left, you should come watch soon!"
the two of you discussed tagging along with him, and it sounded like a set plan!
it was all you could talk about for the next day or two.
"taro, what outfit will you wear?"
"taro, what if you forget the dance moves?"
"taro, will they have snacks?"
he was just as excited, since you were his biggest motivation, inspiration, and supporter.
"i dont know yet baby. i'll find out the day of."
"you know, im too good of a dancer to forget!"
"i'll make sure they have all your favorites. i'll also make sure anton doesn't eat them all."
shotaro thought it was absolutely adorable. the way you'd be regressed so much, yet you would still ask to watch riize's comeback performances, behind the scenes, and of course the music video. and he would put them on every time! he would also find you in your room looking through the photobook of the album, or sometimes he'd catch you singing boom boom bass while playing or coloring.
the night before the performance you were going to watch, you could hardly sleep!
"my love, i know you're super excited. i am too, but you gotta sleep! we have a long day ahead of us. look! all your stuffies are already sleeping."
your taro was right.. you should probably head to bed.
————— ୨୧ —————
finally the day has come! you were going to watch riize perform boom boom bass! you put on your coolest looking outfit, paired with a cute headband, and of course, the matching bracelet you and shotaro had. you also accessorized with a photocard of taro, one you pulled from the album all on your own!
speaking of taro, he was currently texting one of his members.
sohee ✌️: you're bringing the baby right??
yeah shes coming with, shes actually really excited to see you and the guys
sohee ✌️: good good, what snacks does she want? i'll let staff know!
he responded with a few of your favorite snacks and a drink you enjoyed.
"i am so excited!!" you could barely stay still since the moment you woke up.
you held his hand the whole way backstage, and when you saw the other riize members, it was safe to say you were a little starstruck. after all, it has been a few months since you've last seen them, in person of course. other than that, the only way you've seen the members was from the same perspective as every other briize!
you hid behind shotaro, wrapping yourself around him. you didn't realize how scary this would be!
"sorry guys, shes being a bit shy! oh look pretty, eunseok has a snack for you."
you peek out from behind his back, and see eunseok holding out one of your favorite snacks!
"go ahead baby, i'll be right behind you."
you quickly grabbed the package from him, and ran right back to shotaro. hiding your face from everyone while you opened the bag.
"what do you say? use your manners please."
oh right, you don't want taro mad at you for not using your manners! quickly you turned back around to face eunseok.
"thank you eunseok.." you softly said. you were already eating some of the snack so your words were hardly even heard! but it seemed like he understood since he gave you a big smile!
"could i have a bite? please?" a black haired boy said from the side.
you recognized him as seunghan and he was holding out his hand in front of you. you looked back at shotaro, and he gave you a nod of approval. placing a piece in his hand, he replied with a quick "thank you"
some more interactions with the other members were shared, and it was time for them to head on stage. you stayed back, watching from a tv screen since you and shotaro weren't comfortable with you out in the crowd. the performance started, and it was like shotaro wad the only one on stage. his presence and voice were so beautiful, how was he even real!
the performance lasted shorter than you wanted, but the boys were back in the room with you faster than you expected! shotaro scooped you up and brought you to a couch in the corner, placing you on his lap.
"how'd i do? who was the coolest one there baby?"
"of course you taro!! thank you for letting me come." you put your arms around him, your face snuggled tightly in his neck.
"no problem pretty girl. lets head back soon so we can cuddle?"
after dinner, a shower, and another boom boom bass dance party, both of you were tucked in bed. you rambled on and on about how special today was, and how special shotaro was to you. he rubbed circles around your back, trying to get you to fall asleep. once you got everything off your mind you were out like a light. today was long for you, but it was more than okay because taro was there with you. and he'll be there whenever you need him to be.
author note: ok 1 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 this was not proofread so pls ignore any errors! 2 this was written for my sweetie vix i love her guys (⌒▽⌒) i tried my best to write something really good, so i hope it lives up to your expectations! i wanted to come up with a better plot but its already been so long since you sent this in and i didnt wanna keep u waiting!!!i also enjoy writing cg!shotaro i think hes so amazing. also boomboom bass has been stuck in my head since it came out... (^^)
as always, feedback is always appreciated 💕
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bloody-bread · 4 months
Someone asked "Why is Finneas so evil? How high is his kill count?"
I'll say this, he's not evil, he's a researcher and he has the right (and the wrong) to experiment on it, whatever consequences it may bring upon any world is part of the process of discovering something in a field so novel as it is the dreamscape. Now, he does feel guilty for doing interacting with those dreams, an evil person would not stop to think about if what they are doing is wrong or not, does he keep doing it? yes, but I don't think that makes him evil, a bit stupid yes, but no evil.
Can you blame him tho? He's exploring something that probably the average Evalas inhabitant would call "afterlife" (if they even believe on something like that) , with endless possibilities and outcomes, worlds that may not have the same amount of magic that Evalas does but that are precious and rich on their own way.
And let's not forget that the mere existence of the dreamscape breaks every believe that has it's roots in Evalas (exagerating, idk what they believe in there but you get what I mean), he needs to understand how all of this works before anyone else finds out about it, there is powerful people that may want to use this as a source of power so he can't just go out there and ask questions or debate with other people (aside from his listener Ig) about whatever he has found out until now, he's alone in this, he's the only one (again, aside from the listener) that stands between whoever wants to take advantage of this dreamscape and it's habitants.
So I would never cal him evil, he's the one protecting them even if it may not look like that from their point of view, he commited a few mistakes, yes but in the gran scheme of things is just a small price to pay for the good of the whole dreamscape and Evalas.
And at least two, but that's just theories /hj.
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year
OMGGG IM ACTUALLY THINKING of like a part 3 of the Craig x reader jqjejdj but TWEEK joins the mix. After hearing it that night he could stop thinking about it and wanted to probably fuck y/n with Craig auejeje I’m dumb but I love your writing SOOO MUCHH!!
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Warning: All characters are over 18! Swearing! Smut!
Background: After Tweek hears you and Craig at your last sleepover. Craig figures out a solution
Status: Request Open
Previous part
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'Plus one'
As Tweek laid there pretending to sleep he felt a surge of emotions hearing the sounds you and Craig were making. As Craig roughly fucked you he felt himself grow harder from the sounds coming out of your mouth. You sounded amazing he wanted to make you sound like that.
He laid there stroking his cock to the sound of your moans as Craig shamelessly fucked you. He heard him switch your position and slam into you again. He whimpered as he heard your moans get louder. Fuck...did you two forget he was here?
"Craig oh fuck~!" You moaned out making Tweek's hand move faster on his cock.
"God...oh fuck..." He whimpered quietly not that it would have mattered because of how loud you two were he probably could have yelled and you two wouldn't have heard him.
"That's it. Tell me how good it feels~" Craig groaned moving even faster inside you filling the room with the erotic sounds of your bodies eagerly craving each other.
Oh god. Listen to him, tell him how good it felt. It was disgusting, perverted, downright wrong, but fuck was it hot. The sound of your moans. The sound your body made when Craig slammed into you like a feral animal. Even the sounds Craig made were sending Tweek over the edge.
Once you both reached your peak, Tweek was right there with you both. He had to bite down on his shirt to keep himself from moaning out as his hand stroked him faster causing him to spill all over his hand. He couldn't get himself to stop stroking until you stopped moaning.
He heard you two whispering to each other but in his own dazed state, he couldn't decipher a single word. Once he heard you and Craig fall asleep he sneaked out of the fort and into the bathroom. He cleaned himself off and splashed his face with cold water. He looked into the mirror seeing his own flushed face.
"Holy fuck."
The next morning he tried his best to act like nothing was wrong. But fuck it was hard. He never saw you as anything other than a friend but after last night he suddenly noticed every small movement you made, every curve under your clothes, the way your lips looked when you said his name.
"Tweek!" You said waving your hand in front of his face trying to catch his attention.
He put his coffee down at shook his head. "Sorry um j-just ru-running slow today."
"You ok?" Craig asked sitting down at the table next to him.
"Y-yeah just n-need to finish my c-coffee." He mumbled as he continued drinking his coffee.
"Ok...well when ya'll wanna do this again?" You asked sitting down next to Craig.
Tweek choked on his coffee. Did he hear you right? God were you planning on fucking Craig again with him in the room again? He could feel his cock straining against his pants at the thought.
"Oh my god Tweek you sure you good?" You asked reaching to pat his back but he quickly stood up.
"I have to go!" He blurted out before running out the door.
You stared at the door for a second trying to process what just happened. You looked over at Craig who simply shrugged.
"That was like weird right?" You asked.
"Oh very fucking weird but it's Tweek he panics. I'll talk to him later." He said sipping his own coffee.
So there he was. He had cornered Tweek in the storage closet at the coffee shop. He was going for a more peaceful approach that wouldn't overwhelm him but when he continued to ignore his questions he needed a more direct approach.
"Now are you gonna tell me what your problem is?" Craig asked crossing his arms and looking down at him.
"I know you're lying now why are you being weird? Is it because me and Y/N kissed?" He asked.
"W-what n-no!" He said looking up at him panicking a bit.
"Then what is it? We had a good time. It was nice. Then you woke up...all...weird..." Craig said his words slowing down towards the end as the pieces slowly connected in his brain. "You...you heard us didn't you?"
"W-what? H-heard you? N-no I uh I don't k-know wh-what you're ta-t-talking about." He said clearly lying.
"Oh my god. You heard me and Y/N having sex," Craig said putting a hand up to his mouth.
"I-I...I just....It was so...so hot." He confessed as his face flushed. God why is he saying this. "Hearing them was so....so fucking hot."
So that's how it started. It took Craig a while to figure out what to do, but when the idea popped into his head, it was hard not to go through with it. The next day, they both came over to your place again for another sleepover. Everything was set up, but you could tell Tweek was on edge.
You all went about the night as normal. You played a movie, and you all laid down. Tweek said he would rather sleep on the couch than in the fort with you and Craig. Once he left, Craig turned to you with a smug look.
Within a few minutes, Craig came out to where Tweek was waiting. He was sitting on the couch fidgeting with his hands nervously.
"She's all ready. She's blindfolded and ready for you, so put this on." Craig said, handing him a blindfold.
"W-why do I n-n-need one?" He asked taking the blindfold.
"Because if you see her, you'll get nervous." Craig explained and Tweek nodded.
Once he got the blindfold on, Craig took his hand, leading him into the fort. Craig guided Tweek between your legs. Craig placed your legs on Tweek's shoulders, causing his breath to hitch as he could feel your warmth close to his face.
Tweek slowly moved closer until his lips came into contact with your slick folds. He slowly stuck his tongue out and slowly licked between your folds. Your taste was intoxicating he didn't know you would taste this good. He moaned softly against you as his mouth worked tirelessly against your dripping cunt relishing in every moan, whimper, and gasp he caused to escape your lips.
"O-oh god~ P-please don't stop~" You moaned out. Tweek groaned at your words and wrapped his arms around your thighs pulling you closer and holding you in place.
Craig watched with a smirk on his face. He moved behind Tweek and swiftly took off his blindfold. Tweek looked up at you, his eyes roaming up your naked body taking in every detail until his eyes reached your face.
Craig said he blindfolded you. He said he would, so why aren't you? You looked down at him with a flushed face. It took a simple conversation with Craig for you to agree to be ravished by both of them that night. A conversation Tweek didn't know about.
"Please, Tweek~, please don't stop~ I'm so close~" You moaned out, causing Tweek to blush and continue his tongue movements.
"How does it feel Y/N?" Criaig asked, sitting down next to you and soothingly running his fingers through your hair.
You looked up at him, your face was red, and you could barely keep your eyes open. "S-so good~"
"Keep going, Tweek. Make her cum on your face." Craig said with a smirk as you leaned your head back moaning louder.
Tweek slowly brought his fingers to your entrance gently pushing two inside as he applied gentle suction to your clit. You arched your back and moaned louder. He moved his fingers faster, feeling you tighten around that until it became too much.
"Tweek~!" You moaned out as you came on his fingers and tongue.
Tweek pulled away, licking his lips. You looked up at him, your chest rising and falling rapidly. He leaned in, placing his lips against your. The kiss started off surprisingly innocent, a pure representation of years of hidden emotions between you two. The kiss quickly became heated, and as your tongues connected, you could taste the remnants of yourself. Once you both pulled away Craig smirked.
"We're not done yet, sweetheart. You have to take care of us." Craig said, pulling down his sweatpants enough for his cock to spring out.
Tweek bit his lips and followed suit. He pulled down his own sweatpants and stroked himself above you.
"Please Y/N please let me be inside you~" Tweek begged as he thrusted into his own hand desperately.
"You gonna deny him when he's this needy?" Craig teased as he stroked his own cock.
You shook your head and got on your hands and knees in front of Craig and presented yourself to Tweek.
"Please Tweek please fuck me~" You begged turning your head back to look at him.
Tweek gently put his hands on your hips and lined himself up with your entrance. He slowly guided himself inside you, causing you both to moan as he buried himself inside you.
"Oh Tweek~" You moaned out
"Oh fuck you feel amazing~" Tweek moaned as he started thrusting inside you.
Craig grabbed your chin gently bringing your attention to him. "Didn't forget about me did you?"
"No~ I'm sorry~" You managed to moan out and slowly brought your head down, taking him into your mouth as Tweek thrusted into you.
"Just like that, such a good girl," Craig groaned, pulling your hair into a ponytail and slowly guiding your movements.
Tweek watched as you sucks Craig's cock only heightening his own arousal. He thrusted faster, gripping your hips to keep himself in control. The room filled with moans, skin on skin, and soft gags.
Craig gripped your hair harder as he thrusted into your mouth. You could hardly breath but fuck that didn't matter right now you felt too fucking good to care. Tweek was thrusting harder, but it felt like he was holding back so he wouldn't hurt you. Craig, on the other hand, didn't care at all. He loved the idea of pushing you to your limit. The mear thought that he could break you made him thrust into your mouth faster.
Tweek pulled your hips back into him, slowly letting his self-control slip as he grew closer and closer to his own orgasm. And by the way your pussy gripped onto his cock he knew you were close too. He looked up, seeing Craig's face twisted in pure pleasure.
"She feels so good~ I can't hold back much longer~" Tweek said, his voice strained as his cock twitched inside you.
Craig face fucked you harder as he grew closer to his release. You moaned loudly around Craig's cock as you came onto Tweek's cock making him thrust faster.
"Give it to her she loved being covered in cum" Craid said with his own strained voice.
Tweek quickly pulled out just in time to cum onto your ass and back. Craig groaned as he thrusted into your mouth one last time, bringing your mouth down to the base as he shot his load down your throat.
He kept you down for a second before eventually pulling you away from his cock. You gasped for air and laid on your stomach as Tweek cleaned you off with gentle care.
"Y-you ok Y/N?" Tweek asked, gently stroking your hair.
You nodded, still not being able to form an actual response. Craig laid next to you and wrapped his arms around you. Tweek laid on your other side and hugged you from behind.
"Did we hurt you?" Craig asked softly.
"N..no.." You muttered, burying your face into his chest.
"Try to get some rest Y/N." Tweek whispered kissing the back of your head.
Craig chuckled and kissed your forehead before speaking. "You're gonna need it for round two."
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A/N: OK, so still not good at writing smut but yeah, this is the third part of my mini Craig series that was supposed to be just a one-shot but turned into a trilogy. I'm not complaining, though. You all seem to love it, so I am at ya'lls service. And don't worry if I haven't gotten to your request yet! I'm a little behind, but please keep sending them in. I promise in like two weeks my inbox will be empty if ya'll don't keep sending ideas 😭. but anyway, thank you for reading! Love yall 🩷
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kpopbestie96 · 2 months
Meeting with you ex - Bang Chan
Hello lovelies, hope you enjoy this fun little short story. The photos Chan posted gave me inspo to write it. If he can be delusional, so can I! 😂 hope you enjoy it!
18+, cussing, flirting, she/her, y/n, fake text messages, photos of Chan from his Instagram
Italics means in thoughts
You slide onto your couch after experiencing an amazing Sunday that you haven't had in over two months.
It was finally the first day you didn't think about him because Sundays where the days that you would spend together. You knew that forgetting about him would take some time and still have a long way to go.
You put your favorite show on and heard your phone going off, assuming it's the friend's group chat, wanting to discuss today's fun adventures.
But when you picked up your phone you saw it was the ex you thought you were finally forgetting about. Fuck...of course he would text today...of all days!
You wanted to ignore the message; your brain was yelling at you to just delete it. But your heart was curious to see he wanted, wanted to know if he was okay. Ugh...im going to regret this...
You typed saying hi before nervously tossing your phone on the coffee table. I can't believe I did that, you layed down on your couch, placing a pillow over your face as you yelled into it. Why did I respond?? Why??? I was forgetting about him!!
A minute went by before a ding went off, indicating another message came through from him. Although, you were hoping it was truly anyone else. Welp, let's see what he wants. Why must my curiosity do this to me.
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"AAAAHHHHHHH", you screamed into your pillow again as you tossed your phone onto the couch next to you, hoping it disappears forever. Should I tell my friends? No...I won't hear the end of it...maybe after I'll tell them. That's if I even go...
The next morning came, and you got little to no sleep, tossing and turning from the night before. The moment your alarm went off, you stared up at your ceiling contemplating if you should go. I'm just going to text him that I can't make it.
But when you went to the messages you saw the smiley emoji he put, probably excited to meet up. Well fuck...you quickly jumped into the shower and began to think what he could possibly talk about at lunch. Mentally preparing yourself for anything that comes up in the conversation.
Rushing around your house, after doing your makeup, you found a simple summer dress, that's a bit short, it sits right about your knees. It's white with small daisies placed all over with spaghetti straps. You paired it with some cute plain white sandals that have a small heel.
Right before heading out you looked at yourself one last time in the mirror as your nerves began to grow. The same nerves made your stomach turn as you followed the GPS to the café Chan recommend.
There's a spot, you thought to yourself as you turned into it and parking the car. You stared out into the open, gripping the steering wheel, as you kept repeating in your head how you can't do this. Fuck it, I'm leaving. But when you went to restart the car, there was this guilt mixed with nervous feeling swirling around.
I guess I'll go for a bit, you thought as you looked in the review mirror before grabbing your bag and heading in to the café.
A hostess by the front door immediately greeted you as you walked up, asking if it was just you today or how many were in your party.
"No, I'm meeting someone here. I think he might be here already." And as you said that your ex did in fact message you that he was sitting down outside on the patio they have.
"Oh, he's actually sitting down outside," you pointed as the hostess smiled.
"Go right ahead," she waved her hand as you nervously walk to him.
Your legs began to feel wobbly and their were butterflies in your stomach flying around as you could see his black sunglasses sitting on his black hat.
And why the fuck is he wearing a tank top? Is he trying to show off his muscles?? Is he trying to make me want him again??
The closer you got, the more you thought about running away. But, as you were about to turn back around, Chan moved his head up and locked eyes with you.
You stood in your spot close to the table, with your breath hitched in your throat. He couldn't help but smile, showing off his dimples, making you melt in your spot. Fuck this man...ugh...
"Hey y/n, glad you made it." He got up and went to hug you but stepped back before he realized what he was doing.
You could see how awkward this was becoming so you decided to just hug him and get it out of the way. Oh this was a mistake, you thought as he wrapped his arms around you. The familiarity hit you hard as you missed his hugs. They felt like a warm blanket on a cold day, after you've been outside. You felt calm/relaxed as you could feel yourself melting into the hug.
"Umm let's sit down," He said clearing his throat as he broke up the hug.
You nodded your head as he pulled out your chair for you. "Oh, thank you." He's really not going to make this easy on me.
He sat down across from you as you couldn't help but take in his jewelry. Seeing his earrings, the necklace he bought when you and him were on vacation. His bracelets and his ring that sat on his right index finger, showing off his veiny hands.
"Soo how have you been?" He asked shyly as you snapped your eyes up to meet with him. Man, he's so fucking gorgeous. Okay stay strong, you can do this.
"I've been good, just working a lot. I had off today, so that's nice. How have you've been?"
"Good, working a lot too. Staying busy..."
"That's good," you cringed how how awkward this conversation was going, while the waiter walked up to take your drink and food order.
"Oh, went back to Australia..." He brought up after the waiter walked away.
"How was that? How's your family?"
"Everyone is good, doing well. Missed Berry so much!"
"Glad everyone is doing good, aww I miss Berry too."
"Here, let me show you this video I took of her. She was chasing a butterfly." He took out his phone to show you the video and other photos he took while he was there. You felt a bit more relaxed, feeling like normal with him. It was a nice way to break up the awkward tension.
You even recalled a memory of when you went with him to Australia and Berry kept wanting to hang out with you, ignoring Chan.
Moments go by that you and him don't realize the food and drinks are already being brought out as you both smiled before taking bites of your foods.
I can't believe how well this is going, you thought. Even while eating, you both would shared a laugh as you joked like a old times. He even began taking photos of you like when you guys were together, making you do the same.
"Sooo should we talk about it?" He asked taking a sip of drink, fidgeting with the straw as you became quiet. The smile that once sat on your face disappeared as you sat back in your chair. I should have known...I mean this is one of the things I thought he would bring up, you stared at the ground wondering what to say before looking back up at him.
"Um...Chan...we had such a nice day," you tried to say simply. Let's hold off for now..."
"But, you don't miss this?" he asked while pointing between the two of you.
You shrugged your shoulders because it was you who initiated the break up. But deep down you missed him so much, your heart would ache for him. You would want to show up to his house but knew you couldn't.
"Look, I'm going to be honest with you," he sat up in his chair while he cleared his throat. Oh no, you thought as you shifted uncofortably in your seat. "I miss you so much. I missed this. Yes, I just wanted to come to lunch and see how you were doing but this made me realize how much I want you back."
You nodded you head because you knew what he meant. This lunch reminded you how much you still love him. "But we broke up for a reason...I just think..."
"Think about it, please...and we'll talk more about it," he said interrupting you. You nodded your head before he change the subject and had you laughing moments later.
After talking for a bit more, he walked you to your car to say goodbye. "Let me know when you get home."
"I will," you displayed a soft smile right before he wrapped his arms around you, making your body tense for a few seconds. I need to calm down, you thought as you brought your hands up and wrapped your arms around his toned torso, closing your eyes tightly. Wow, I really did miss you.
Neither one of you wanted to let go as you could feel the tears wanting to form. You wanted to cry out, yelling how much you missed him and want to be back together. But, you blinked your eyes to push the tears away, making you move your head up and locking eyes with him. Then, mistakenly, your eyes dropped to his pink pillow-like lips that you immediately regret looking at, making you shoot your eyes back up at his.
You could see him smirk, knowing you were caught. Fuck..."If you want to...you can just ask." He snickered as you could feel your cheeks become warm, mentally palming your forehead for becoming weak for him. Why must he have this affect on me???
"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." you said wiggling your way out of his hug and taking a step back.
"Really? I saw your eyes fall down to my lips," He had the biggest smile on his face, seeing the tips of his ears a bit red.
"I don't know what you're talking about..." you crossed your arms in front of your chest as you moved your head to the side, trying to play it off. Although, you knew he wasn't going to let this go.
"So you didn't do this?" He took a small step towards you, gently placing his right index finger on your cheek. You shivered under his touch and his cold ring that made contact. He slowly moved your head to face him as he moved his eyes down towards your lips this time before meeting your gaze again.
"I- I...uh don't know what you mean," you laughed flirtatiously as you playful pushed him away. You could feel your cheeks become warm as you knew what he was doing.
"Oh, I'm sorry, let me get closer," He said taking a huge step toward you this time, towering over, making you look up at him. Your bodies so close you could put a pencil in between you two and it wouldn't fall.
You mouth was a bit agape as your eyes were locked with his, feeling as if you were in a trance. "This," he said moving his eyes slowly down to your lips then back up at your eyes. You felt a knot in your stomach form as your pressed your lips tightly together from trying to keep yourself from smiling. Don't break, you can do this!
"I did no such thing..." you seductively said, catching yourself off guard.
He moved his hand up, pushing a strand of hair out of your face, making goosebumps rise on your arm. "So you don't want to kiss me?" He inched his head lower towards yours as you were losing breathing. You looked down at his lips seeing how close they are to yours. If you puckered your lips, they would immediately touch his.
Fuck....why...why! This man, I swear! You moved your eyes up to his, feeling his smile against your lips, "So you didn't move your eyes down to look at my lips, to want to taste them again?" He tucked his left hand in your hair as his right hand grabbed yours.
You could only softly nod your head yes as he closed his eyes, making you do the same as you awaited for it. Oh shit, oh shit, is the only thing you thought as you waited for the kiss. But you opened your eyes when you felt nothing happening, seeing him back away from you. "Guess I imagined," he shrugged.
"Christopher!" You yelled as he began to laugh.
"Hey, I didn't do anything," his laughed filled your ears as you couldn't believe he teased you like that. Can't believe him!
"You know what you did!" You pointed at him as you tried to hold in your laughter because you did find it amusing. Even if he made you almost break.
"I don't know what you mean," his tongue poked the side of his cheek knowing you love when he does that.
"That's it, I gotta go," you threw your hands up in defeat before digging in your purse for your keys.
"Thank you for coming, get home safe!" He said after calming his laughter down.
"I will, you do too!" You pretend to say in a angry voice.
On the car ride home, you could feel a smile spread across your face. The feeling of how close his lips were still lingered making you giggle to yourself. If someone looks into my car, they're going to think I'm crazy. Definitely not telling my friends about that.
As soon as you got home, you lied down on your couch and messaged Chan that you made it. I should don't it, but as quick as you were to think, the quicker you were to scrolling through the photos you took of him.
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Maybe I should get back with him I missed him so much. And, we had a really fun time today...you thought as you saw a message pop up from Chan.
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You sat staring at the screen, feeling your heart beating against your chest. Just do it, just say it! Your fingers began to quickly dance against your phone screen, not reading it back before you hit send.
Like the shy person you are, you quickly locked your phone and set it in the coffee table. You stood up, letting out some strange noise because of how nervous you are feeling. 'Its fine...I'm fine', you said out loud as you walked away from what you did.
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* Part two of Meeting with your ex- Bang Chan (the end)
* Other Stray Kids stuff I made
* My stories on Wattpad and A03
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leomoon65 · 9 months
Your first time with Dina
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little info for you preference: afab reader, she/her perspective, wlw based but has a bisexual undertone just no men sexually.
you've liked dina for a few years now but never wanted to ruin your friendship but what happens when dina invites you over and a game of truth or dare turns sexual?
warning: virginity taking, p*rn categories mentioned, smut, , strap, teasing, edging, slight degradation, sexual tension, light language, mention and small affects of weed, 18+ minors dni, semi slow burned, idk im probably forgetting some this was written at 5am
a/n: i never wrote anything like this, let alone posted. this is proofread (update at 5am, it barely is) but im known for having spelling/grammar errors due to personal reasons so pls go easy on me. also, dina and the reader are in college to make everyone legal. i apologize for this being so long, i really wanted to add detail and make it the best i can. please enjoy (:
*a little background*
dina is your childhood best friend, she's a year older than you so you have always looked up to her and she protected you. you've had your ups and downs, complained and cried over various ex partners, came out to each other and have been through thick and thin. she is your person and you are hers.
*dina texts you*
"hey y/n, wanna come over, smoke a bowl and chill tn?"
you smile at your best friend's text responding "yes ofc idiot" as you make your way back from your last class of the day. you are glad you don't have to work another shift at the local retro video game store that mind you, dina always stops to bother you almost every shift. you can focus on the weekend and just have a night with your best friend.
you make your dorm, change into a white cropped shirt, jeans, your campus hoodie (go longhorns) and a pair of vans. "i'll be out for the night" you tell your roommate nancy. "oooo are you finally going to get laid?" nancy giggles to herself. "shut up, no it's dina, we are just going to smoke and i'll probably end up staying the night, text me if you need anything" you say with a smile and you're off. since dina is a sophomore she's in a different dormitory then the freshmen like yourself. making your way to the sophomore dorms you excitingly knock on dina's dorm room. the infamous "808", which happened to be your lucky number that dina was filled with joy when she was given her new dorm earlier this year.
dina: "y/n!" dina says eagerly as she pulls you into one of her famous dina hugs. "how was class?" "how are you?" "is anyone bothering you, i can stand up for you if you need me to?" "do you have enough money in your lunch account?" dina's proceeds to ask more questions before you giggle and reassure that everything is well, no one is bothering you, no you did not set your dorm on fire, and yes, you are good with money. dina reminds you she asks these questions out of love and it's her "best friend responsibility" you just stick your tongue out and make your way to her couch.
dina is wearing the university t shirt but cropped, some gym shorts and socks since she's at home, you notice her stummy poking out of her shirt and can't help but blush and think about what her shirt would look like off and on the floor "hey you!" she says snapping you out of your mini wet--- daydreaming session. "huh?" you say nervously. "can you turn some music on, grab the bong, and our favorite blankets?" "i'm making us some chicken with rice for dinner and i need to watch the oven so the rice rises properly." (she's quite the perfectionist) "sure thing"
you get up, go into dina's room, grabbing her childhood blanket off her bed next to her childhood bear "Mr. Dinaworth" she named when she was 4. dina's blanket consists of ladybugs on sunflowers, it was the blanket that she slept/sleeps with/ has around whenever she is at home. you grab another big blanket you too use when you come over, just a grey and white blanket that is pretty thick and big enough to warm the both of you. you come back put the blankets down, grab the bong from the bathroom since dina just cleaned it out before you came and had not had the time to grab it earlier. you finish by lightly plopping yourself on her couch. "alexa, play vibe music" "playing trust issues by drake on amazon music" the music is low and you smell the amazing food dina is making, you make your way over to her. "can i help?" dina smiles, "yes, you can help by sitting pretty on the couch it's done, it just needs plating". your face gets red from the "sitting pretty" phrase making your way back to the couch. dina is back five minutes later. "for you" she says handing you her famous chicken, white rice with soy sauce and broccoli on a plate. "you do too much for me deen" you say as you start eating. dina responds "what, i have to make sure the pretty girls in my life are fed". there it is.. those damn butterflies in your stomach... "no no you think to yourself , dina is a natural flirt she doesn't mean it like that let along towards you". you sit your food and catch up with dina as every other hangout goes.
about an hour later, dinner is all cleaned up, the music is going and you and dina are buzzed off of the hits you've taken but this is nothing new for you two. "hey let's play truth or dare" dina says. "what are we? thirteen?" you giggle as you start to feel the affects of the weed. dina laughs and puts her hand on your thigh "casually" you feel yourself start to get wet and tingly, "no it's the weed, it's stuff she got that's why i feel like this" you think. "no we are not thirteen but i wanna have some fun, not just smoke our brains out to frank ocean, drake and kehlani all night" she giggles again, ahh you could hear that giggle all day and never get sick of it, it's the same giggle she had when yall were kids, never changed but you love it regardless. "fine, this better be fun" you say noticing dina hasn't moved her hand form your thigh. "sweet" she smiles with intentions that you don't notice.
"truth" you say as you two start the round. "pussy" dina says finally removing her hand from your thigh, you're a water fountain at six flags by now but you never admit that to your best friend, that would be weird. "what is your favorite season" she asks with seriousness. "are you fucking with me?" you laugh, ask me something better than that. "oh? you want a challenge huh? you think you can handle it? she smirks at you. "come on deen, bring on" you think she'll ask you something pg-13 of what boy/girl do you like on camp--- " "what porn do you watch?" woah holy shit, you weren't expecting that. "don't challenge me pretty one without expecting some heat back". there you go, looking red as bob the tomato himself. "umm umm, usually lesbian but i get some straight just for... strap affect" *as you giggle. dina raises her eyebrow... "your virgin ass knows what a strap is?" you laugh again, "yes dina i wasn't born yesterday". dina's mind really races, she has a strap in her room that she wanted to use... "no no dina, play it cool, you can't scare her off now"
"dina truth or dare" you ask snapping her from her thoughts. "dare" she says with confidence. "hmm i dare you to do a flip" you say nervously not wanting to push any boundaries. "really? that's sooo easy, you know i was in gymnastic as a kid" she gets up behind the couch with enough room and flips backwards with ease. "oof im not as young as i used to be" she giggles. "okay okay my turn lets kick it up a notch" she sits and gets oddly close to you, "who, on campus is the prettiest girl to handsomest guy on campus?" you sit and think, "well i don't really talk to many guys but adam is kinda cute and helps me with my math homework but i would never sleep with him, girls... mmm... *the weed and confidence booster kicks in a little*
"i know a girl, she's jewish, looks a lot like you" *you giggle highly. "Talia?" she says mentioning her older sister who is eight years older than you and seven to dina. "no no silly, i'm talking about y---" reality hits "shit shit, i gave myself away, fuck this new weed, fuck why did it say that, she's gonna hate me, she's my best friend". you are interrupted again by dina saying "do you like me y/n". fuck, dina can be intimidating to others, she scared off your ex girlfriend once, friends who have wronged you and even your own mother when need be, but this intimidating stare was filled with passion and soft eyes but confusion over all. "y-- yes, i do, fuck i didn't wanna ruin anything because we have been friends for years and i didn't wanna fuck anything up... shit i should g---"
a/n: woah, sorry this super long, i had to split it into two parts, it'll be up on my page as well. i hope you all enjoyed reading my first smut fic. i'm sorry if things aren't your tea, i wrote it from personal reads to personal ideas. if you want anything else that i'd be comfortable reading let me know. you don't see too many dina stories but i hope this once you enjoyed.
- c
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Down Time with the Creepypasta Guys
Another short thing to burn some time!! I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes :(!! Its v cold in my room rn and I'm shivering <\3
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Really, when the two of you have time together, with norhing to do, he mostly just goes along with whatever you want to do
Something tells me he'd much rather study and observe you, but I also feel like he'd join in whatever activity to humor you
Reading? Movies? Games? He won't turn you down if you ask politely
Dont expect him to go out in broad daylight with you, though
His favorite activities to do with you by far are reading, but he also enjoys slow dancing with you
Even just holding you and swaying is enough
Almost makes both of you forget he's a monster
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Eyeless Jack;
Another one that's down with whatever you want to do
I feel like right off the bat Jack would want to stick with something simple, that doesn't take too much energy
If you bring something to his cabin that can play movies, he'll pull himself close to you and melt into your side
He may even sling an arm across your torso, if he feels confident enough that you won't freak out
Since I hc he lives out in the woods, he won't mind taking you around for a walk; as long as the weather isn't too bothersome and you don't run off and get hurt
Don't expect him to play games like tag with you
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Laughing Jack;
Now this guy? Real funny guy
You two would probably get up to the stupidest shit tbh
He seems like the type to engage in friendly roast battles, not sure why
You two could spend hours poking fun at each other like this
Obviously you introduce him to comedy shows and skits, and generally show him things you find funny
If he wasn't an 8 foot tall clown he would LOVE to go to a fair or carnival with you, hell! He'd probably enjoy places like chuck e cheese
He seems the type to go bonkers over those places
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Tim (Masky);
This is all assuming that you don't know about his whole proxy thing, since that's how I wrote the Christmas scenario a few days ago, so for the time being I'm sticking with that unless the prompt says otherwise!! So!!
Lots and lots of sleep
He'll get red in the face if you bring it up, but he's a huge cuddlebug
Constantly holding some part of you during your nap sessions
Hand. Arm. Torso. Leg. Wrist. If he can get his hands on it, he's holding it
Will end up snuggling into you even if you two are sleeping on opposite sides of the bed
If you two really want to, you may go out and catch a movie, or go out to eat
Another thing you two often do is tend to the wounds that appear on his body when he's away... he seems to get stressed when he can't recall where they came from
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Brian (Hoodie);
The park is probably his go to place to unwind
Watching clouds, feeding the birds, maybe walking along a trail or two
He wants to just.. chill, much like how Tim does, but he's far more willing to go outside than Tim
Though, he's not against staying in for the afternoon and doing a couples activity
He seems like the type to enjoy cooking and baking
Idk why
Matching aprons
Maybe he'll hug you from behind n guide your hands during it
Not to make you feel bad or that you're doing it wrong!!
He wants to be close to you, is all
And thars another one done!! Sorry if it's a little dry <\3 im trying to scrape my brain for ideas but I'm drawing blanks <\3
If there's any creepypastas you want me to add to my base list let me know!! If I'm comfy with adding them I'll add them!!
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manicplank · 7 months
i went through your blog and realized not only you already had sleep headcanons but also i LIKED it im sorry i have an awful memory ouauayghh
you dont have to do it if you dont wanna kwhekej
That's okay! I also have memory issues and had to look up whether or not I did one already. BUT, for you, I'll do
Peppino: Heavy sleeper. Can sleep anywhere. Often falls asleep in his chair at home while he's watching TV. Has fallen asleep at the counter of the pizzeria. He's the kind of person to start sleeping in a neatly made bed just to end up with pillows and blankets on the floor.
Gustavo: Normal sleeper. Dreams a lot. Had a full-size bed that he was comfortable in... until he got Brick. Had to upgrade to a queen. Sleeps better now that he has Brick. Sleeps like a normal person blanket and pillow wise. Occasionally gets knocked out of bed by Brick.
Brick: BEDHOG. Warm. Sleeps in loaf position or all curled up. Loves to snuggle up to Gustavo. Occasionally squeaks in his sleep.
Mr. Stick: Sleeps like a dead ant. Light sleeper. Might grumble in his sleep every now and again. Doesn't have to set alarms because he's on a decent schedule.
Pepperman: Deep sleeper. Surrounds himself with pillows so he doesn't roll off the bed. Tries to paint his dreams but usually forgets them by the time he wakes up.
The Vigilante: Deep sleeper. Can fall asleep I'm neutral position. Sometimes falls asleep at the saloon with his boots kicked up on the counter and his hat over his eyes. Often takes old man naps. Melts when he sleeps long.
The Noise: Either sleeps super deep or super light. You know that meme about men being twitchy in their sleep? That's him. Occasionally groans in his sleep, very rarely talks. Denies it, but he almost always snuggles up to Noisette or sleeps on her shoulder. Sleeps with several pillows despite mainly using Noisette as one. Curls up in fetal position, covers himself with the blanket all the way up to his ears. That's what he calls his "cocoon." (Blanket hog.)
Noisette: DEEP SLEEPER. Could sleep through a tornado. Sometimes talks in her sleep. Sleeps with plushies around her. Drools if she dreams about food. Has absolutely drooled on Noise's head before. Has to push Noise off her shoulder because it gets sore. Starts sleeping under the blanket but wakes up to Noise hogging it.
Fake Peppino: Sleeps really weirdly. Sleeps deep, but in weird positions. Might sleep like a dead cockroach. Might sleep like a cat. Might sleep sprawled out like a starfish. Might just melt into a puddle. Can sleep anywhere at any time. Can also manage to stick to the wall or roof and sleep there.
Skipping Pizzaface bc he's robotic
Pizzahead: Sleeps lightly. Very neat sleeper, too. Hardly ever has to make his bed in the morning. Has plushes that he thinks are "secret" even though everybody has seen them. Probably wears a little hat and nightgown to bed. Sleeps like a princess.
Pillar John: DEEP SLEEPER, can sleep anywhere, any time. Always oversleeps. Does a lot of sleeping when he's bound in the tower. What else is he gonna do, go for a walk?? When he wasn't in the tower, he likes to sleep with lots of pillows. Doesn't sleep with a blanket because it always gets stuck under him.
Gerome: Light sleeper. Loses a lot of sleep because of it. Wishes he could sleep deeper. However, he can fall asleep anywhere. He can be seen sleeping sitting up in the tower canonically. I feel like he has chronic fatigue.
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Wᴇᴀᴋɴᴇss (Dɪɴ Dᴊᴀʀɪɴ)
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Din Djarin × Male/GN Reader.
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 4,2 k.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: You had barely managed to survive that night with Grogu. You really didn't think he would give you much trouble, but damn he did. Luckily for you, Din was back to get him as soon as he had said he would. And luckily for you, he didn't just take Grogu with him.
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: idontknowifitcanbecountedas light violence, awkwardness, grogu making a mess (multiple times), teeth rotting fluff, mentions of alcohol, slight descriptions of smut, allusion to din being top and reader bottom, angst, no physical descriptions of reader, no use of Y/N. (lmk if i missed any).
𝔸/ℕ: why tf do i love writing angst so much HAHAHA im sorry for yall. anyway, i did like writing this especially the angsty part im so evil mwahaha. ahem, enjoy <3
𝕡𝕥 𝕚 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣
𝕡𝕥 𝕚𝕚 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤
𝕡𝕥 𝕚𝕚𝕚 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕
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You almost didn't make it through the night.
Let's be honest, you could handle any type of kid. Well, almost any type. It's not like you had taken Din's advice too seriously either. What bad would a cute little green creature like Grogu cause?
Oh, you were so wrong.
You spent the whole evening hoping and praying for Din to get back as soon as possible. Not only so you could see him again, but so he could take that goddamn kid off your hands. He had said he would be back first thing in the morning. You hoped he was safe and that he'd keep his promise on coming back soon.
When you finally got Grogu to fall asleep, you tidied everything up as well as you could. You knew he would probably make a mess of it again as soon as he woke up, but at least you'd be able to get some sleep yourself. You could barely enjoy some hours of it until the kid was putting it all upside down first thing in the morning. Luckily for you, Din was back early enough to keep his promise.
He knocked at your door when the sun was just starting to rise. You screamed a quick "In a minute" as you were running after Grogu and trying to grab him so he would stop making everything float, like he did with your cup the first time you saw him and Din. When you finally got to put him in your arms, you walked to the door and opened.
"Hi", you could almost feel Din's smile, even with his helmet on.
"Oh, hi!", you gave him a wide smile. Having him finally there with you made you forget about how difficult the previous night had been for you, trying to take care of the green child. As soon as you saw him standing in front of you, your eyelids stopped feeling heavy. "How did it go?".
"I reckon better than you with him", he tilted his head to look inside your place, seeing an identical mess than the one you'd had to deal with the previous night.
"Oh, that", you looked inside for a moment as well. "He did give me some trouble, but nothing I couldn't handle", you forced a smile. You weren't going to deny you wanted to impress him.
"Sure...", he grabbed Grogu from your arms. You felt a huge weight lifting off your shoulders. "Your eyes say otherwise".
"Yeah, well", you cleared your throat, trying to keep it cool. "Nothing I couldn't handle, but it kept me awake for a while", you crossed your arms and leaned on the doorframe. "Bet he's way more tired", you gave the kid an evil smirk. He stuck your tongue out to you.
"I'm sorry, I really had no one to leave him with. I know he's not usually good to people that aren't me or—".
"Hey, it's okay. I had fun", you smiled up at the Mandalorian. "It was a new challenge. Now I've grown stronger as a kid caretaker", you said in a dramatic tone. Din laughed.
Oh, you had missed that sound.
"Well, I'm glad your time with him was useful. I'll make sure to leave him to you more often".
"Oh, no need!", you almost didn't let him finish. "Take your time, you enjoy your time with him", you let out a nervous chuckle. Din laughed again. "Oh, d'you want to come in? Maybe I can give you something to drink, and I can tell you more about the trouble this little one gave me", you patted Grogu's head. He smiled and squealed. It almost looked as if he had forgotten about that last night.
"Well, I won't say no", Din sounded like he was smiling again. You stepped aside to let him in. "Thank you. For taking care of him, I mean. Well... And inviting me in", he sounded nervous, too. You felt relieved to not be the only one.
"My pleasure", you smiled at him. "Uh... Sit wherever you can...", your face heated up in embarrassment. "I'll try to leave it as decent as it was before", you let out a heavy sigh. "You weren't supposed to see this place like this...", you whispered the last part to yourself.
You put some water to boil while you tidied it all up —again. Behind you, Din was whispering something to Grogu as they both sat on your couch. His distorted voice sounded soothing in the background as you did your things. When the water was ready, you put a glass on the table along with some spices jars so he could choose what to put in it. You smiled at Din before getting back to fixing Grogu's mess.
A sudden noise made you turn back around. The first thing you saw was pieces of ceramic spread all over the floor. You looked up to Din a second too early to see part of his chin uncovered. That second was enough for you to take note of his short stubble, barely covering any of the tan skin under it. You were left unspoken, knowing it would give you something to fantasize about that night.
"Dank farrik", he whispered, taking you back to reality. He took Grogu and put him up away from the broken ceramic pieces. "I'm s—".
"I didn't see anything", you spoke involuntarily, fast as a speeder. Din cleared his throat.
"Sorry, he doesn't usually do these things", he kept talking as if nothing had happened. You tried to do so as well.
"Don't worry", you tried to keep the conversation on, despite the uneasy tone you both had.
He helped you clean the mess Grogu had —once more— caused. Both of you kept an eye on him as he stayed away from it all, seeming focused on keeping a little piece of food afloat.
"How can he do that?", you whispered to Din.
"I don't exactly know", he whispered back. "His race seems to have a strong connection to a natural force that allows him to do that", he turned his head slightly in your direction. "Sorry about it, by the way. I know it's pretty uncomfortable to deal with a child with such... abilities".
You laughed at the word.
"It's not your fault, you don't have to apologize", you smiled at him. He sighed as if he also did. "I already knew what I was in for when I told you I'd take care of him, and I didn't really take your warning too seriously. Many parents give me those, but all of their children end up being little angels", you smiled to yourself this time. "Guess not yours...".
"I suppose it was your fault, then", Din cleared his throat. "And I suppose I also owe you one for the messes he made. How about I pay you something to eat? You still have to tell me how did he manage to keep you awake for that long".
Right. With that other mess, you hadn't had time to relate yours and Grogu's adventures from that last night. And he was inviting you out to eat —the very Mandalorian Din Djarin himself—, how could you say no?
"Alright", you got up from the couch. He followed suit after you. "You better pay me the best meal in all of Nevarro".
"Don't get too ahead of yourself", he chuckled lowly.
He grabbed Grogu and exited the house so you could close the door. You walked through the streets, just following Din to wherever it was that he wanted to take you for that meal. The child spent the entire walk giving you murdering looks every time Din wasn't looking. You just decided to play along and stick your tongue out when he gave you those looks. Deep, very deep inside you, you did like that kid, despite all the trouble he had been giving you the previous hours.
You started telling Din everything about it as soon as you took a seat and started eating. With everything you said, he looked down as his kid and gave him the same murdering looks the little one had been giving you all the way to the canteen. He was also trying to excuse his manners, telling you Grogu didn't usually like people he had recently met, and people not close to him and Din, in general. His abilities were just his way of blowing steam.
"I'm sure he didn't want to make such a mess at your place", Din said. "He was just overwhelmed and uneasy in a new place with someone he'd just met".
"Yeah", this time, you were the one to give the kid a murdering look. You still hoped Din wouldn't notice. "I'm sure he didn't", you forced a smile.
It was already late afternoon when you finished your food. Of course, you thanked Din for paying it himself, and for having freed you from Grogu's caretaking. When you came to realize, the green kid was sleeping in his father's arms. For the first time in all the hours you had spent with him, you felt tenderness towards him. Your heart swelled with the same love a parent feels for their kid. You smiled at the feeling, suddenly remembering why you liked children.
You walked Din home to make sure he and his kid were safe —"How gentlemanly of you", he said. It was a long walk, but at last it gave you more time to talk with the Mandalorian. He also invited you in when you got to his place. You couldn't reject it either, since it made things technically equal for the both of you. Then, he told you to get comfortable as he put Grogu to sleep on his room. And then he brought a drink.
"I don't think I should—".
"Come on", he interrupted you, sitting beside you on the floor. "It's my way to repay you. I'm too much of a womp rat as to pay you with credits", you heard him chuckle. For the first time in the two days you had known him, you could feel he was calm and relaxed. Maybe it was because he had finally gotten home —his home—, with his kid safe.
"Next time you leave him with me, I'm not letting you pay me in any way", you gave him a dissatisfied look.
"Fair enough", he shrugged.
He served a glass for each other. You didn't cheer for anything in particular, you just clinked your glasses and gulped it down. Well, at least you did. Din stayed still and silent for a moment, thinking.
Oh, right, the helmet.
"It's okay, I won't look", you said before turning around and giving him your back. You heard him sigh, as if he was smiling again.
"Thanks", was his answer. Then you heard him swallow. "I'm done".
You turned back around. None of you said anything, and he didn't serve more of the drink for any of you. The air was suddenly feeling tense, and you could tell the situation was now uncomfortable.
"Hey, about this morning...", you started. "I meant what I said, I didn't see anything", you stopped to think for a moment. "Well, I saw one bit, but... it wasn't that bad, if I might say", you couldn't help the smirk that formed on your lips, though you tried not to look at him.
"Huh", he let out the beginning of a chuckle. "Thank you... I guess".
A weight seem to be lifted from you both. Din poured more alcohol in each of your glasses. You clinked again. He made you turn around every time he had to drink, but you kept talking with as much enthusiasm as if you were looking into each other's eyes all the time. You were already a few drinks in when he served another one and you, as the previous times, turned to look at the wall behind you. Unexpectedly for you, he grabbed your shoulder and made you face him.
"You already saw this one bit, right?", was the only thing he said before lifting his helmet just enough for his mouth to show, and he gulped down his drink. Then, he put the helmet back in place.
You didn't say a word. Your mind was too busy thinking of the way his lips enveloped the edge of the glass and pursed when he swallowed. When you became aware of how your jaw was dropped mid-air, you shut your mouth with a dark blush, embarrassment being evident on your face. You tried to keep it cool, so you took a sip from your own drink. Still, your eyes didn't leave his helmet —specifically the downer part of it, as if you were expecting to see his mouth again. A hoarse chuckle roamed from the bottom if his throat, then he served more drinks for the two of you. He grabbed his glass again, and lifted his helmet to gulp the alcohol down. Even when he was done with drink, though, it stayed in place.
And then, he took it off.
You barely had time to process what was going on before you found yourself mesmerized by his appearance —again. The small stubble and mustache you had seen that morning looked even better in that dim light, the small gray hairs in between the brown ones making your insides flutter. His lips looked more delicious than any meal you had tasted before —full, pink, tanned like the rest of his skin, and that smile sent you straight to the skies. His nose was perfectly shaped —well, everything in him was— despite the small scar on it, so much that it made you want to run your fingers through it all. His hair did, too. Even disheveled as it was, you had never seen such perfect, beautiful locks. His brown orbs were looking into yours —no, they were staring into your soul. It was all a mix that resulted in a serious expression. 
He had taken his helmet off.
You then understood that it wasn't easy for him to do so. The fact that Mandalorians like him were supposed to never show his face to anybody hit you harder than you had expected when you realized that he was looking directly at you, and with no visor in between you two. He probably hadn't showed a bit of his skin to anyone in years —you wondered if Grogu had seen him the way you were seeing him now.
He cleared his throat involuntarily, making you jump in your seat and taking you back to the real world. He noticed immediately and lifted his hands up in an apologizing way, his expression shifting to one of slight concern.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...", he paused to search the correct words. "I know I'm... not too—".
"You're so beautiful", you whispered before he could say anything else. It had been an automatic sentence, involuntary like most of your actions now. The alcohol was starting to get to your head, and to his, you figured.
He didn't answer back. You could see how he was blushing now, his skin going from tan to red. You tried to hold back your smile as well as you could. Instead, you approached him and grabbed his hands. You heard him swallow hard.
One of your hands went up to his face, cupping his cheek as softly as your shaking fingers allowed you to. Din sighed and closed his eyes, leaning into your touch. The feeling of his breath on the inside of your wrist turned your heart into mush.
You had definitely fallen hard for this man.
As soon as his eyes opened again, you almost jumped over him in an attempt to kiss him. A little peck was all you got, but you didn't want to push it too far. He was the one to kiss you back, for longer. He didn't really wait for you to pull fully back, he just went right in as another automatic answer to your previous action.
What happened next went too fast and too slow at the same time. You didn't have much time to process the fact that Din was leading you to his room and taking his armor off. As soon as alcohol allowed you to catch up to him, you started taking your own clothes off. When you were finally naked, he threw you onto the bed and climbed on top of you.
He touched you like no one had done it before, fucked you like no one had done it before. He was soft, slow, patient with you —even though he wasn't in reality, but he did it, for you—, and still he went all rough and hard when you asked him to. He wanted to make you comfortable about it, tried to make you like every part of it, reaching all the right places in just the right time. And it felt so good.
He left you exhausted. You slept straight through the night, feeling safe in his arms. For the first time in years, you felt full, contented, your heart swelling with happiness. It seemed like you had finally found your place with the right person for you.
Din, on the other hand, didn't have it that clear.
He had revealed his face to you. It didn't sound that bad when he said it that way, but then he started thinking more and more about it. For him, the only thing you had done was taking care of his son. You hadn't even known each other for more than two days! How could he have done that?
How could you have done so much to him in such a short time?
It didn't make any sense. He wasn't supposed to be falling in love with someone like you. He wasn't supposed to be falling in love with someone at all. And yet there he was, arms wrapped around you in the dead of night after giving you the best orgasms of your life. He hadn't felt so confused since the Armorer told him he wasn't a Mandalorian anymore, all because he had taken his helmet off voluntarily for someone else to see.
Did that mean he wasn't a Mandalorian anymore as well?
He pulled away from you and got up from the bed. He went to check on Grogu, who was still sleeping soundly in his room. It looked like he was even more tired than you, after making such a mess back at your place. It made Din smile for a moment, then he remembered you were in his bed.
He walked to the living room, where you'd had the beginning of your encounter the previous night. He grabbed the glasses and put them in the sink, throwing the bottle of alcohol into the trashcan. Din stood still, looking at it in complete rage. That damn bottle had been the cause of his troubles at the moment. He told himself that, after what'd happened, he wouldn't drink a drop of alcohol in a long, long time. Especially not with anyone else, especially not with you.
He put on his armor as fast as he could. The windows let the first rays of the morning sunlight come through and bathe the room. Din sighed, knowing what was going to come later on. He then sat on the floor by the table in the center of the room and waited for you to wake up, as he thought of what he would say to you.
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The rays of sunlight danced on your eyelids when you rolled on the bed. You almost didn't wake up, your body too comfortable on the bed of the man that had given you the best day in a long time. A smile played on your lips when you remembered the previous night's events.
You turned back around to wrap your arms around him, but instead you found an empty spot next to you on the bed. You frowned in confusion.
You got up and stretched as well as you could. Your legs were still a bit stiff, but they let you walk.
You found Din sitting on the floor by the living room. He was already dressed, even with his helmet on. You would have thought he was asleep if he hadn't lifted his head up to look at you when he noticed your presence.
"Good morning to you, too", you chuckled and walked in his direction. "It's still early. Maybe we can go back to bed", you grabbed his helmet, ready to take it off. It shocked you that he grabbed your wrists with such strength you thought he would break them right there. "Hey!", you frowned again, pulling your hands away in a quick move. "What's wrong with you?", you made sure to sound upset.
"We have to talk", he said with stern tone.
You feared the worst.
"Don't you dare", was your only answer. You fought as hard as you could to not let the tears escape your eyes.
"Get dressed", he almost sound like he was giving you an order. You knew better than to go against him, so you just did what he had asked you to. "What happened last night can't be repeated", he didn't even wait for you to be seated in front of him.
"Seriously?", you dropped your weight on the floor. "Not even one day?", you scoffed. "I know, maybe it was a bit soon, but we still could've—".
"It's not that", his voice echoed in the room, distorted by the helmet but still sounding angry. "It can't be repeated".
You stayed silent for a moment. Then, you let out a sarcastic laugh.
"So what?", you kept your ironic smile displayed on your lips. "We're going to pretend this didn't happen?", you threw your hands up. "Because I'm not forgetting it easily".
"You should", Din stood up. "It's what I'm going to do".
"Oh, right", another sarcastic chuckle left your mouth as you got up, too. "I forgot you're one of those lonely Mandalorians who can't get close to anyone because whoever it is they love gets hurt", you paused to grab some air. "Or maybe you think you could repay my babysitter services with a special night with Din", you said the last part with a high-pitched voice. 
"Could you be a bit less loud? You're going to wake Grogu u—".
"What if I don't wanna take care of him anymore?".
Silence ruled between the two of you for a little while. Then, Din was the one to laugh in a sarcastic tone.
"Okay, you're just acting like a child now".
"Oh, me?", you huffed. "And it's so mature to tell me to go fuck off because you think you're gonna hurt me if I stay by your side for too long—".
"I told you it's not that—".
"Then what is it?!".
A distant squeal interrupted your conversation. You were so desperate trying to understand why Din was pushing you away like that and you didn't realize you were talking a bit too loud.
Din walked towards Grogu's room. You heard him talking as the kid squealed again. You needed nothing but his absence to walk out of the house as fast as your legs let you move. You looked back many times, waiting for him to, at least, come out and look as you walked away —you didn't even care that he wouldn't say a word. But he didn't. He was way too proud and full of his Mandalorian bullshit to feel any kind of empathy towards you anymore, you thought. After a while of cursing yourself for letting all of that happen despite knowing how Mandalorians were all the same, you stopped looking back and tried to focus on how to get back to your place . You knew it was a long walk, so you had time to think and cry.
But you didn't.
You wouldn't let one single of your tears be wasted to cry for someone like Din. Not after he had taken all of you and then thrown you into the trash as if you were just that —trash. Not after you had opened not only your house, but your heart, to him —and his son—, and he had still treated you like that. You should have known it would happen. Because you did know better than to trust a Mandalorian enough to develop feelings for him. You just happened to be wrong, thinking Din might be different.
He had heard you walking out. He knew it would happen, and he let it be. He knew you were mad at him, and to be honest, he was also mad at himself. For letting all of that happen, for letting you see his face, for letting you get into his heart. And he wanted to go after you and tell you he was sorry —for letting you be his weakness.
But he let you go, and didn't dare to look as you did.
He thought it was the best for you, both of you. But deep, deep inside him, he knew he hadn't done well. Deep, deep inside him, he wanted to go and tell you to come back, that he was wrong and you were right. But he was too proud —and full of his Mandalorian bullshit— to even take a step in your direction. And even being as Mandalorian as he was, he still wanted to go after you and tell you he was sorry. 
Because you really were his weakness, but he didn't want to admit it out loud.
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1eoness · 1 year
I need Leon starting to date a girl with curly hair and he LOVES her curls and tries to learn how to style them
i'm not sure how you want me to format this im sorry so i'll just write like a list of hcs GRRRRRRR but i love the curly hair stuff HEHHEEHHE
content: fluffy leon kennedy with fem curly-haired! reader
synopsis (?) : leon kennedy has a curly-haired girlfriend :3
-leon's hair has ALWAYS been straight ash so when he saw you and the way you took care of your curl he was like woah :0
-it's like a level of enlightenment to him lol (jk)
-this man will always look at you while he has the chance so you can expect him to pick up on your routines. sometimes he'll be present in the bathroom while you're doing your little hair pampering routine and he's like 'so what's that?' and points at a bottle and u have to explain it to him LMAO
-no matter what the length (hell you could be bald) leon loves your head because 1. it holds your pretty lil face 2. your HAIR
-and idk i just have a general hunch that this man just loves carding his fingers through your hair or your head a lot (as you can notice from my first works lol)
-and leon is MESMERIZED by your curls everytime. whenever leon is standing behind you at a queue or waiting for you to finish doing something, like say putting your makeup on, his hands will absentmindedly bounce on the ends of your curls and just watch them go boioioiioioing
-there was a time when you were at a night bar with leon and some other friends. you guys were sat on stools and your back was turned to him while you were conversing with your friend, and leon just kept bouncing the ends of your curly locks because it's like a satisfying fidget to him.
-he loves the shape, the texture, the way it feels in his fingers (especially when he pulls on it in bed oops im sorry hehe)
-and tbh what can i say? leon likes taking care of you and that can apply to different parts of your everyday life; before you go to sleep he reminds you to take your vitamins, and whenever you come home and he's there he will undo your shoelaces :3. but he will NEVER forget to brush your hair (especially if it's long as hell, he knows ur arms probably get tired brushing through it and applying product through it)
-if you were bashful at first and said it was okay, he insisted with a lighthearted and joking tone. he's like 'i got the strength for this c'mon gimme that brush NEOWWW'
leon loves to approach his pretty girl while she's perched in front of the mirror. he sees you brushing your wet curly locks and, silently, walks up to you from behind. he's a rather silent man right now while he takes your hairbrush from your hands, your arm slowly stopping its brushing motions as you looked up at his reflection; him being behind you while his eyes are downcast to your locks. "and where's my love going?" he asks with a mild tease. he knows you're going out somewhere because you seem to smile a little more when you're anticipating some plans. you giggled while feeling leon gently brush your hair with tenderness. maybe by narration it sounds obscure, but he adores the back of your hair while you're rambling about your day so far and where you're heading off to next. "so she's a busy girl. hm?" leon grins slightly, eyes locked onto your soft hair while he helps in spreading moisturizing product (rather expensive product that leon willingly paid for u bc, well, he loves you like that) on your hair in moderate amounts, being careful not to accidentally pull your head back or something lol. his fingers tread and work caringly— and he even scratches his fingertips on your scalp lightly and briefly to top it off ♡ he continues the rest of the brief conversation with his thumb gently stroking your wispy baby hairs, and you're just so cute to him he just wants to eat u tbh
-and whether you want him to put some lil bows, ribbons, clips or extensions in it is up to you. you probably have an array of hair accessories and leon memorizes all of them. he knows when one is new and which ones are the ones you've always had in your dresser/vanity.
-speaking of, leon LOVES seeing you accessorize your hair. beads, hairclips, anything that furtherly charms your pretty hair literally makes him melt you have this man in an entirely different state of matter atp he just loves you sm argghh. one time you let him put some little butterfly clips in your hair after teaching him how they're clipped on and you had leon WHIPPED the entire time in front of that vanity ♡
-omfg and leon does this thing where whenever he's hugging or cuddling you from behind, he nuzzles his face in the back of your head and start inhaling your hair like you're some sort of freshly-washed pillow. it tickles a little for you and he can feel your frame repulsing or squirming in his arms but leon doesnt rlly care lol (he's kinda sorry)
-i feel like leon has more of a tendency to ruffle your curly hair if it's short, maybe like above shoulder length or something.
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