#im also in my phase of I wanna feel special
pitifulbaby · 2 months
i have so many edits ive never posted bc i just feel like i get barely any interactions on my stuff anymore and that’s why I don’t post them and like i get it that they aren’t good like a lot of peoples edits are but it is kinda sad when you have been making edits since a month or so after the second part of season four and I don’t do it for likes or reblogs but sometimes it would be nice? like idk im happy to see people coming out and doing edits of eddie bc there isn’t a lot of content of him but it’s like everyone else can get crazy amount of reblogs and likes and hhhh
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agendabymooner · 10 months
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 !!! 𝐥𝐧𝟒 — 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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chapter summary: honey-sue is… honey-sue. she knows who she idolizes (and have a crush on; mason mount), she knows that she’s looking forward to getting the hell out of the university after two years of her masters degree program, and she knows that she doesn’t care about the formula one teams that aren't mercedes amg - she also knows she cares about mick schumacher.
so when her fans (who were coincidentally fans of the sports as well) began to ask her things about her lack of interest, more people (mostly just a group of british youtubers and a certain f1 driver) immediately shifted their attention towards the socially awkward woman as she and her brother got invited to a party in monaco hosted by an f1 driver. newsflash: it wasn’t hosted by either lewis hamilton or george russell.
content warning: use of explicit language, chatfic + tweets, mentions of social anxiety
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jideeee 😚😚
who dis?
stfu you know this is your best girl stop capping
no? idk who you are
so if i were to say that i told simon about you using his towel to clean up the mess you made in his room then you wouldn’t be phased about it?
naw fam i’m all jokes 😭 don’t tell simon
what’s up, honey??? can’t pay your rent this month?
oh har har 😒 we all know who’s most likely got more money in her savings
and we also know who’s most likely to get someone anything she wants because that someone refuses to use her money on any stupid shit for once
fuck off i’m being practical. at least i haven’t lost my money to crypto
ouch ok. i’m hurt 😒
ong??? holy shit, that’s fast. did you make it to the president’s list???
ok but what do i get when i tell you the result? /jk
a pat on the back and congratulations? 🤣
i’m expecting for something more than that but as long as you’re fulfilling your promises i’m solid
smart ting you are what the fuckkkkk
happy for you honey!!!!! 😮‍💨
lowk wish i’m there rn to celebrate that with you and the mandem 🙃 stupid boxing trainings
ugh don’t even worry about it jj 😁😁 i was just v excited to share this to u
i’ll make it up to you i promise!!! i’m hella proud of u and ur ability to not even have a breakdown during those days ✊
i gtg tho 🙏 congrats again bro! lmk when ur graduation’s gonna be and what u want for this. i’ll ttyl
forget about it jj— i was just joking when i said get me sumn
it’s a good thing i don’t listen to you whenever you tell me not to get you something huh?
that’s just your guilt from calling me a sket on harry’s diss track.
haha just tell me what u want and i’ll get it sorted out as soon as possible
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oi honey
oi harold
i’m at the mailbox rn
u got a package
gee do you ever wonder what the mailboxes are for? 🤔🤔
i was going to bring it upstairs but i guess never mind 😒
a simple “oh really? thanks harry!” would suffice
just get up here and bring it 🤡 you could’ve just brought it up instead of texting me
what’s so special about it that you had to text me before you get up here n e ways??
i dunno. something about it screams fancy.
did you get any bag by chance because this seems a bit too expensive
i don’t buy expensive stuff online???
can you come up so i can open it?
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sorry i was on the gym
don’t break into my house
and yes??? you said to get you something right?
yeah but i was joking 😭😭
this is so cool
but this is expensive. do you take paypal?
no tf 🤣
as i said. i’d get you anything you want. but you didn’t tell me what you wanted so i just asked the boys
you never should’ve listened to harry lmfao
lol it was vik and simon who recommended we get you and harry those tickets lololol
i was like “hmm idk what to get her” so they were like get you a trip to monaco or something. they specifically said get you a paddock pass for mercedes
so like go see your michael schumacher or that ken doll you showed me
jj babes 🤣🙃 mick is in haas
and the fact that we’re taking your jet too 😭😭 you didn’t have to go all out on me
but seriously thank you thank you thank you
letting you know as well that will, filly and chunkz are coming along. they got passes from mclaren and all that. it'll be a full plane lol. so it won’t be as overwhelming for you and harry to go alone
no way?!!!! MY FRIEND FILLYS COMING ?! 😭😭
yeah lol
so you have fun in monaco. everything’s been paid for by your personal bank account
ugh my personal bank account is so fucking amazing
i could give ‘im a lil kiss on the mouth rn 😮‍💨😮‍💨
naw don’t do that i don’t think your brother would like that
lmk if there’s anything else you’d like i’ll see what i can do 👍😉
a little kiss of appreciation on the mouth for you?
no 🤣🤣🤣
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hey! i hope this isn’t so weird but you’re honey-sue right? wroetoshaw’s sister?
uh hi.
yes it’s me. it does say it on my username and bio. sorry if this is very rude.
no no! all good haha!
i just wanted to confirm! we got the information from will about you. i’ve known the sidemen and your brother but when he mentioned you were coming along to the race in monaco i had to look you up :)
i’m ria btw! i happened to be acquainted with him and filly bc we collab’d with them before. quadrant?
i’ve heard of you guys before because will spike a lot about you lots.
all good things i hope 😉
haha. yeah.
nice to meet you
likewise :))
we’ve been told of you because apparently you got lucky with ksi getting you free tickets and trip to monaco for the race
yeah idk.
i don’t watch formula one as much as i used to years ago. i don’t know much about who’s racing now and whatnot except from whatever’s happening with merc
oh… not at all?
not even mclaren?
no. this will be the first time i’ll be watching in a while.
you seem very nice!
listen, will and filly said you’re all flying in at the sunday before the race week begins. lando’s got will, filly and chunkz paddock passes and they’re all hanging around with us quadrant lots for the week.
would you and w2s be interested in coming with us? take you around monaco and get to know each other better since we all live in london and all :))) lando’s been wanting to meet harry for a while so him being in the monaco gp would def work out for all parties. lando will also be hosting a party in his flat in monaco. what do you think??
to be honest you’ve lost me at the first message. if you don’t mind— can i ask who lando is? i’m not like any sidemen people— i don’t watch f1 as much as i used to.
i’ve heard of his name before. but that’s because there are people on my twitter saying he’s made references about my videos and songs and whatnot.
i really don’t know who he is
ah right.
that’s alright ;)
lando drives for mclaren and he has the driver number 4. he’s actually one of the members of quadrant. he races and all that! that’s how will and the lots got their passes lol
oh okay.
about the invitation.
i think it’s ideal you ask my brother or shoot him a message in insta about it.
he’ll gladly answer
thank you for the offer. i’m sure he’d say yes. i have to go sadly. i’ll talk to you later!
okie. ttyl 👋
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you absolute knobhead
you call me socially inept all the time yet you’re out here trying to get me to talk to people?!
oh my god. i am so so sorry
i didn’t think ria would actually be sending and shooting a message to your way
you know what
i don’t even care
whatever it’s not like i’d be talking to them anyway.
if you’re talking about not being around them during the week nice try.
because harry just said he’d come along with us in monaco before the race. so the chances of you being friends with the quadrant lads are high.
i’m not sure if it’s just me but lando’s more than excited to meet you. harry just ok’d that you two would hang out with us.
oh my god. does anybody in my circle ever use their brain?!
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ari i’m curious do u have kenny hcs
i do have some kenny hcs <333 take a seat here's a snack we’re gonna be here for a while 🧁🧃 (THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME <3 this man genuinely makes me feel ill im sooo delusional abt him)
okok so first of all; general hcs !!
he likes art!! loves art!! this one is canon to me i just think he is so interested in any and all of humanity’s creative outlets and ofc art is the most prominent one. he loves all different forms of art — from sculptures to paintings to writing to video games (HEAVY on the latter btw i think he's so entranced by new technology) and so on.
and on that note!! i think he paints and writes himself :3 hes been alive for so long, learned so many languages, there's no way he didn't have time to pick up a paint brush. i think he paints to release stress!! and his styles vary but there's something mildly macabre abt all of his pieces. tends to gravitate towards expressionism above all else, especially the abstract kind.
i also feel like he sincerely enjoys ”bad” art like low budget movies and modern romance fiction and goofy video games…… he just thinks they're fun. def gets a good laugh out of them (this man canonically had a whole comedy phase he just wants to have fun!!)
and and and!! this is self indulgent as hell but i also think he cooks. there's just so much to learn when it comes to different cultures and their cuisine and i think they all interest him. but i hesitate to say that he's a good cook bc i feel like he’d make really weird fucked up food combinations just for the hell of it…. he's a freak. 100% the type to mix orange juice w black coffee just to see how it tastes.
i also hc that he has a soft spot for children, seeing as he literally carried and birthed one of his own LMAO... i just think he admires the innocence of childhood !! that childish and simple hope that adults tend to lose. he's very good w them too!! gentle and patient. and in geto’s body he has the softest nicest voice so i feel like kids gravitate towards him (i'm just thinking abt that One scene where he blows bubbles at a playground and all the kids chase them… they love him i just know he's a regular at that park)
OH AND……. idk if i’d call this a hc exactly but i just wanna see kenny in more feminine clothing. he literally has All the genders i don't think for a second that he cares abt gender norms. one moment he's in that tacky middle aged divorced father core hawaiian tshirt (he's so Me), the next he's wearing a purple floral dress or a puffy turtleneck <33 i just think he could pull anything off.
NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF……. relationship hcs <33333 hes a whole red flag but hes also my silly pookie bear just trust me on this
FIRST OF ALL he's huge on quality time. if he's in a relationship w u then that means he sincerely enjoys ur company and therefore has a tendency to just bring u with him wherever he goes. otherwise he gets bored and starts whining abt it (silly silly man) hes a lonely guy ok </3 i feel like he gets very sudden urges to explore new places / do new things and he’ll make sure you’re right there w him !! you’ll wake up in his arms only to find you're in a snowy forest or some shit and he just WILL not tell u where he's taken u bc its ”a surprise ^_^” LMAOO
he also takes on a teaching role in the relationship and i think that's where hes happiest !! gets a kick out of it but it's also kind of special to him. especially if you haven't seen much of the world, or if you're just a naturally curious person — preferably both. he just enjoys teaching you new things, leading you towards new sights, drinking in your expressions and reactions. it's precious to him. something to cherish.
ON THAT NOTE i think he has this unquenchable curiosity that gets temporarily sated when he tries to like . Dissect you. see inside your mind. it's like hes solving a puzzle that never runs out of pieces. hear me out riko but i see him as somewhat similar to makima, he's detached and has trouble connecting w people and handles you almost like a math equation….. but since he unlike makima is a human being, i think he still has the capacity to grow to care for you and treat you like an equal (or something close to an equal). he genuinely does love you, but he's rusty. kenjaku just wants to know all there is to know about you — every single thing. he’d dig into your brain if he could, but he’ll settle on just brewing you tea, listening to you speak about your fears, hoping it’ll give him the same insight.
he's a little possessive . kind of a Lot. idk i just think he feels a pang of jealousy when he sees u laugh and have fun w someone else (he's like a preschooler getting pouty bc his bestie is playing w someone else LOL) and that makes him Uncomfortable so he just waltzes in and steals u away w a smooth smile and a hand on ur waist. pretends like it doesn't bother him in the slightest but if u tease him too much he drops the smile and gives u a Look (it's scary as hell so u immediately shut up LMAOO) and god forbid someone else is like… teaching u something… a subject they're knowledgeable abt while u sit there listening happily to their rambling……..... ohhh he gets so jealous it's funny. researches that particular subject in frightening detail JUST so he can correct your little friend and teach u abt it himself <33 weirdo. freak.
also (this is extremely important to understanding kenny's character) he's both mother coded and father coded but in the worst possible ways.
he's mother coded in the sense that he's a smidge controlling, good at coaxing you into doing things outside your comfort zone, an expert at making you feel guilty by acting especially sweet and gentle, has the ability to make you cry w one disappointed look etc etc
and he's father coded in the sense that he's easily offended but pretends not to be, wants to see you succeed so bad that it's almost more for him than you, forces you to have really deep onesided philosophical talks at 2am when you just want to sleep, sucks at voicing his love for you out loud so he just buys a bag of your favorite fruit, cuts them into slices and calls it a day. etc etc. he's awful actually. i need him
but !!! as for more soft hcs i think he's honestly an affectionate guy deep down… like deep deep down but it's there. he just likes having u close. preferably touching him. not constantly bc that’ll annoy him but he wants you to stay near so he can pull u into his lap whenever. loves reading to u while u rest ur head on his thigh, playing w ur hair and lulling u softly to sleep <3333 (it's the geto kinnie in him) AND idk why this came into my mind but i think he likes nose kisses. just bc ur face scrunches up and he thinks it's cute. he can be sweet !! probably.
OHHH AND he loves playing board games w u <33 everything from chess to monopoly. he thinks it's fun + a good bonding activity but it's only fun in the beginning. he's condescending if u lose and petty if u win but he’ll still ask u to stay up w him all night just so u can finish the game (he's insufferable actually) if u decline he’ll huff and play by himself while shooting u petty glares until u feel bad and join him. then he's back to being all suave and calm and mature ohhhh i hate him
he wants to be the mature stoic indulgent person in the relationship sooooo fucking bad but he’s plagued by silly impulses day and night. he’s just good at hiding it. but deep down he is and always will be a silly nerd <33
and finally; i think that in a no curses au he's significantly less of a freak but still weird and obsessive and a lil mean. bullies u just a tinyyy bit and acts condescendingly sweet but he cares for u a whole bunch. probably struggles w showing it in a way that isn't too overbearing or mildly alarming… maybe through writing. poems and paintings of u… sculptures…. just wants to portray the beauty he sees in u (can u tell artist!kenny makes me go a little crazy)
overall hes a weirdo hes a freak (def wants u to kiss his brain just to see how it feels) and he may or may not be a bundle of red flags but i love him dearly <333 hes a silly goose. i want to study him in a lab
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fandomfluffandfuck · 26 days
hi S ok you definitely dont have to answer this bc its basically just me venting and its pretty lame haha but im curious if its something you've ever dealt with or if u have advice... basically i have diagnosed ASD and marvel is my special interest and has been since i was a kid and im pretty positive its going to stay my favorite thing for the rest of my life lol. and sometimes i get so sooo sad and kinda lonely thinking about the fact that like .. i know its basically still one of the biggest fandoms out there but like all my favorite fics were posted like 5-10 years ago mostly from authors that arent even in the fandom anymore and theres never gonna be another movie with steve and bucky together that everyone gets excited about and wants to talk about and theres also just so much less of a fun goofy little tight knit community for stucky on tumblr and online like ... idk i just miss so bad when the mcu was at its peak and there was so much content to consume and so many people passionate about it... and i know theres definitely still a huge presence and like im so thankful that youre an author that i love thats still super active and im always glad to visit your page and to see that theres still so many fans out there that care and wanna interact yknow. but tumblrs different now and its been like ten years since peak stucky content and the actors are all doing their own thing now idk it just makes me sad 😩😩 i feel like such a loser saying it i swear i have other interests and an irl life that is very fruitful and lovely hahaha its just makes me a bit frustrated at my autism because i know i wont be able to ever really stop loving these characters even as others move on
Hey, sweets!
I understand what you mean and you're not a loser, not at all. It's fucking great to have an interest in something, anything--what else is life for? You gotta have something to be focused on and interested in that gives you joy, otherwise, what is there? Just blandness. And, yeah, Marvel fandom is still very much active and that's wonderful and great! But, it's also true that it will never be the same as it was in its heyday. Personally, I wasn't around when the stucky fandom was exploding along the release of CA:TWS/the general MCU height, but I certainly see all the old art, edits, cosplay, etc. that's still reblogged and I've read so many of the fics from years prior, so I have a grasp of what was happening. And I can totally see how you'd miss generally, but especially if your fixation has attached deeply to these characters.
I have a sibling on the autism spectrum (who's old enough to have been diagnosed with Aspergers's syndrome before that was phased out but they are, of course, on the spectrum regardless of arbitrary hierarchical labels that I will restrain from ranting about because I fucking hate that shit, don't talk to me about "high functioning" ugh) and they have a few different life-long hyperfixations as well. So, you're not alone, but, it is hard to think of any actual advice per se. I think you're already doing what you need to be doing, y'know? You're here and enjoying what is going on now, connecting to blogs that are active, finding space where you can talk about these characters, you've got other things to do that also capture your attention, and, of course, you know you're sad about what isn't going on anymore. It's okay to be sad. You can't control what you're passionate about in the same way you can't control who you fall in love with. Are these silly little fictional characters not just people we've fallen in love with a little or a lot, no matter if they don't "exist"? I love that for us. Humans are so cute and full of love.
Fandoms and people change and sometimes it fucking sucks when it happens, sometimes it's great. Either way, it's part of the ecosystem of life. Water and nutrients and air and sun--it makes people change, it makes them grow, and you're allowed to be sad about what they used to be, you just have to keep growing, too. Remember what they were and know who they are now.
Hopefully, something in there helped you feel better, even if it was just from telling someone how you feel.
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whole-circus · 11 months
could I request any of the creepypastas with a ftm reader who’s basically like urumi akamaki from alice in borderland please? this can be seen as platonic or romantic btw :)
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Nina the Killer and Eyeless Jack with ftm Urumi Akamari like reader!
➥ Hi hello!! Im actually pretty fine, comparing to other days lolol. Hope you are fine too!! Ohh i remeber my huge AiB phase lol. Anyways here you go dove!!! If you wanna someone specific too then feel free to inform me, I will always gladly update!! :) Ah im so so so sorry that you waited so long :((
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Nina the Killer
You and Nina are definitely pretty similar in some aspects - even if its hard to believe! Nina tend to be pretty..well pretty crazy and insane, so its not like you will be freaked out by her..! From the killing part to some stupid ideas (for real, every adult who would see what she wanna do would  clutched one's head in disbelief). Sooo, I guess she would need someone like you! With your tendency to be total control freak, you can easly make most of decision for her and Nina would even thank you! Also she isnt scared to take any risk, as i said earlier - Nina is a bit of adrenaline junkie!! Your a bit distant and mysterious mask would be the perfect balance to Nina, who is really out-going and a huge chatterbox!! And your fake persona will perfectly match hers!
When it comes to you being trans, she is such a huge sweetheart i swear!! Well, by accepting and not treating you any diffrent she isnt doing anything super special - its just the bare minimum! But Nina is always ready to soothe you if you feelin dysphoric - she tries talk to you and she never ignore your feeling, all you say and do is valid! Be ready for lots of complements - she means every single one of them! You are the coolest boy she had ever met, how could she not like you??
Eyeless Jack
Okay, Jack just loves smart people!! Is all into brain > body thing, so you are perfect! He is an intelectual person (demon, im sick), and appreciates these things in people. With you, being all two-sided and often using manipulation in order to get what you want - man, you are just his type of person i swear!! He enjoyes psychological games, and will gladly team with you against someone..you guys will be partner in crimes 100%! Enjoys that you are such a mysterious person, and no one can see through your sweet and cute persona, you have so much power! Would like to see what you are really like, he can guess that there is so much more in you. Yet, i think that Jacks personality makes him easy to get along with, and you kinda seem similar in some aspects. Jack also isnt scared to take a risk, becasue well..its not like he has anything to lose. But he got the right spirit!
Jack absolutey wouldnt mind if you are trans or not - you are still this handsome boy he liked and nothing will change that! He literally would eat kidneys from people that were trasnphobic (thats all what they good at i guess). He is the first one to be always by your side and reassure you how many times you need it if you feel dysphoric. Would also try to help you the best he can, trying to find you some healthy ways in order to make you feel at least slightly better. Jack is also patient, and wont be mad if you yell at him or be mean during your bad days - he gets how hard it can be for you, and wants to be your safe place!
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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ahqkas · 14 days
hello again!! i hope ur doing well, plus good luck with your works and such, keep fighting were here for you!!
ARCTIC MONKEYS IS SO GOOD! i also had a phase with them back then but I came back recently bc my favorite song from them (Knee Socks) suddenly played in Spotify and I got hooked on the song again!! Safe to say nothing has rlly changed HAHAHAHA, but Do I Wanna Know is still such a banger i love them!!
also, I checked out some of ur playlists while I was sketching, and I rlly like Cherry Waves by Deftones :0 thank you for this I will place this song in a special playlist of mine!!
I might create a blog soonn!! But rn I’ll stay as anon since Idk if I can write to my potential yet HAHAH, plus I might have to study for some entrance exams (I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE 😭😭😭✋✋✋✋ SAVE ME)
anyways, I hope youre doing great!! im hugging u thru this, you got this bae ur strong!! ILYSM 🥹 - c: anon
KNEE SOCKS IS SUCH A GREAT SONG ???? 😩 i love it , i rlly like ‘no.1 party anthem’ !! we have such superior music tastes ml 😼😼
YES YES CREATE A BLOG ❕❕i’ll be the biggest fan of it !!! take your time tho and decide whenever u feel like it’s the best time , GOOD LUCK on ur exams !! u’ll do great on them i’m sure ☹️🫶🏻
i just cut my hair btw ! gave myself curtain bangs 🥹
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jemmo · 7 months
for the ask game, 7, 12, 17! 💗🌼
thank you for the ask :)) and sorry its late i was gonna answer this at the bus stop yesterday but for once they decided to be on time
7. top 5 bl
man i had to stare at my mdl completed list for a while to decide this, but i'll preface that these top 5 are here both bc i have such a strong emotional connection with them and bc i want to scream about how actually good they are from a rooftop (also not ranked bc thats too hard):
utsukushii kare - don't know else i can make it clear how beloved and special this show is to me. an excellent story across both seasons and the movie with even better mains that are characterised to perfection, develop in the most beautifully human way and are performed brilliantly. and if i think about this show any longer and remember its over i will break so moving on
old fashioned cupcake - it was one thing to give me a bl starring THE og kageyama stage play actor bc those things were my life during the height of my anime phase, but to then have it be this good?? the story is beautiful, the fact they manage to do so much with such little run time amazes me, and to this day it has the most romantic line in any bl that always gives me goosebumps when i watch it. and i dont wanna talk like im that old, im only 25, but as someone who's barely had anything you can call a romantic experience, this show left me with the warmest sense of hope and comfort that beautiful love stories aren't reserved for high schools, and its never too late to find happiness
blueming - i havent rewatched this one in a while, or much at all, but i'll never forget the visceral response i had when i binged it all in one night. i adore the fact that this is just the gentlest story of 2 people falling in love and finding comfort in each other and just how naturally and simply it happens, and i think its portrayal of that specific family dynamic is phenomenal, bc for me at least its as much about that family being in the process of healing as it is about the love story, and the fact they go hand in hand is even better
bad buddy - what else is there to say. for the 12 weeks it aired, i ate, slept and breathed this show. literally did not even think about anything else. and this show has rightly been praised to the moon and back but as well as all that, its always gonna be special for me bc of the people and community i found and shared the watching experience with. what can i say, you just had to have been there, and im so glad i was
the eighth sense - surprisingly this was my last pick and i was debating swapping it for a few others, but it ultimately stays bc of how refreshing and how much of an emotional rollercoaster it was. i haven't ever brought myself to rewatch it, but i can vividly remember how enraptured i was by the sheer amount of tension they managed to create in those initial episodes, and how well they managed to maintain it. and i hope people take note of how much people loved its artful and kinda raw vibe and become inspired to do something similar bc i think it gives great balance to the genre (and i also, clearly, love it, just look at these pics. i promise i do love fun and silly stuff too)
12. most rewatched bl
i was debating putting this on my list but ultimately, while not being my absolute favourite, its my definition of a comfort show and that is my dating sim. idk what it is about the show, but ever since it came out i go back to it at the very least monthly. i think its the fact that when im really craving a good bl, it manages to not only hit all my favourite tropes (unrequited but secretly requited love, reuniting and digging up the past, that initial clash gives me a lil bit of enemies to lovers, plus it has enough fluff to make me all warm and giddy), but it also does them so well, and the story is so perfectly simple and succinct that i feel so content when the whole thing is over. truly the perfect show for when i wanna do nothing and feel happy.
17. best kiss
unsurprising but yes, it still is the bad buddy rooftop kiss. i dare not watch this kiss bc i know if the weakness ever overtakes me i will fall into a void that i will not escape for at least a week. and honestly, while there has been some good competition, idk if she'll ever be beaten, and idk if thats bias talking or just the objective truth, but i encourage all bl's to keep giving it their bests shot
❤️🧡💛bl ask game💚💙💜
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kitty-the-wizard · 2 months
Twilight Brain Dump✮⋆˙
i literally love twilight so much. it is my greatest special interest and one that has impacted my life the most. other special interests ive had have also shaped my life but fixating on twilight lead me in to a different part of my life that had some positivity to it, some depth, some cool lore, etc. when i first got in to twilight i was definitely team edward, i guess because bella and edward seemed “better” together and it was just a cool original plot. but, now that im a few years deep in to my special interest, im 110% team jacob. and, with changing teams, ive changed my favorite movie to new moon because hes more in that one and greatly in bellas life. i enjoy the original twilight movie a lot because jacob does make appearances earlier and throughout the movie unlike the book (which im still in the process of reading) where he doesnt until pretty late. i only recently started reading twilight because i was scared that it was going to alter my perception, idea, and extreme interest in twilight. but, it has actually made it greater! im pleasantly surprised and relieved. i have the mass market twilight book and it is SO adorable- i literally almost cried when i got it in the mail! my dear boyfriend bought it for me <3 im kinda assuming that every neurodivergent person goes through this with special interests, but i go through waves and phases within each other - if that makes sense lmao xD like, sometimes ill be way in to one part of twilight, or not so in to the details but in to the movies, or detached from the movies and book but love merch, etc. it’s fascinating when looking at it from afar but scary when you feel like you are falling away. ive never actually fallen away, only “evolved” with my special interest in it. this evolving and growing interest makes me wanna be in the twilightverse so bad ;-; i want to live in this world!!!! i also really want to see bella just be with jacob OMG dont get me wrong, i love edward and his plot line/his family’s plot line - but HEAR ME OUT!!!! bella and jacob look so natural and cool as a couple, plus they have family friend relationship lore, bella moving back lore, getting back to knowing each other lore!!!! maybe wattpad has fanfic?? probably XD
i highkey wish i wasnt a CHILD when twilight came out. i should’ve been 16 LMAO i shouldve been able to cry at hot topic and scream at the movie screen XD
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goblinbugthing · 8 months
ok so there’s stuff in my brain again. thoughts
basically i have this group of 7 ocs that i originally made during my dra phase and haven’t touched in years, but ive been thinking about them a lot recently and ive started to feel like revamping their characters, giving them a good old redesign, and rewriting them and their story.
ofc im gonna remake them so they’re less. yknow, really terribly written. but when i say i wanna rewrite their story i mean i wanna turn it into a fic, instead of just remaking them and leaving them alone and rotting again.
im gonna ramble more under the cut, but that’s the basics of what’s happening in my brain rn
(cw for mentions of cults, human experimentation, death/murder, and implied abuse)
anyway, these guys are pretty old characters — i made the first two of them when i was like 11 — and so of course, they are. Not Good. and its gonna take a solid amount of work to actually fix them up and make them decent. but i really want to.
lemme introduce their dumbasses real quick:
first of all, we’ve got jay! real creative name, i know (/sarcasm). they’re 16, agender, intersex, and bisexual, using they/them pronouns, and they’re a human experiment. they were abandoned when they were 6 by their (super religious) parents who thought they were a fucking demon, and they got picked up by some cultists that claimed to work for an orphanage. spoiler alert, they did not work for an orphanage, and those fuckers grabbed jay, dragged them to a facility, and experimented on them for the next 10 years. those experiments turned them into a shapeshifter. dont ask me how because i dont know. they’ve also got several very badly written mental illnesses, as is the usual with creepypasta ocs. oh yeah they were a creepypasta oc btw
then there’s jay’s gf, willow. she’s 17, cis, pan, and ace, using she/her pronouns, and she’s just a normal human girl with no special abilities. but she does have a shitty dad and a dead mother. she and jay kill her dad after a bunch of Wild Shit. violent revenge, yay!
aaand cora. she’s 17, cis, bisexual (i think, i cant find her info anywhere), and uses she/her. she’s jay’s identical twin, and also a normal human, but she has psychokinesis. like she can move stuff with her brain. cool
next on the list is sigasi. she’s 21, cis, and aroace, using she/her pronouns, and she’s also a human experiment. jay sees her as an older sister, but they’re not actually related. she’s not a shapeshifter like them, but she’s got weird void claw hands and some fucked up wings that don’t work.
and then oh dear god, delta sun. he’s 26 (i think), cis, neptunic, demiromantic, and asexual, using he/him pronouns, and he’s in the same boat as jay and sigasi. instead of being kidnapped, though, he was given to the cultists by his mother (who thought he was a demon) and was raised in the experimentation facility. also, he’s half angel. his dad is an angel while his mom is a (super religious) human.
and SPEAKING of delta’s mom, it’s hope! she’s technically in her 50s but she died at 27, cishet and uses she/her pronouns. she’s essentially just hara before hara, but she is SO MUCH MORE INSANE. LITERALLY. she’s super religious and superstitious, she’s scared of everything, she’s been gaslit and indoctrinated into the same cult that the human experimenting fuckwads are in, she’s dead, she’s fucking crazy, she’s so badly written. i love her.
and as for delta’s dad, that would be ea. he’s 427, completely genderless, and doesn’t label his sexuality. uses all pronouns because fuck it, and they’re a somewhat biblically accurate angel. i dont have much info on him unfortunately, and what i do have written down is unimportant.
as you can see, three of them are human experiments. this is because i had a phase where i was obsessed with human experimentation. i thought it was so fucking cool.
anyway! the lore behind these bastards is super complex and ive been hyperfixating on that for a few days. i dragged some old shit out of the abyss to actually remember stuff about them, and uh. god theyre so badly written it hurts me.
fuck it im making a lore doc
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minmin-pal · 1 year
i am?? having whiplash from how rad your art is?? i know i said your rendering is nice but i actually wasn't expecting the second image?? someone please tell me why: 1. i kept looking at it for like 10 minutes straight just analysing all the details, rendering nd brush strokes (they were all immaculate as heck and there was such a cool variety of them)
2. i forgot how much range of style/phases an artist can have? /not serious /lighthearted
your art is just generally one of the coolest i've seen tbh, even the anime-ish one was just super cool (it was like i was looking at a sketch of a magical girl manga artist /positive) and thank you for the infodump, it's always very fun to read them and thank you for showing us some of your other artworks :D i know you said you didn't not show it for any special reason just that it would be jarring but it honestly was very cool to see them and they were lovely as heck, so thank you for being willing to show us /genuine also since it helped me remember that art isn't linear and that it's a form of self expression, i tend to forget it since i always just see a singular style with most artists i follow so the whiplash here was very much appreciated, likely weird and unwarranted to say this so i apologise in advanced but thank you again :) /genuine
hope you have a nice day and sorry for the long ask, it kind of derailed ^^; have a flower :)🌷 /not forced
im so glad u like the other art styles as well as my blog usual :sob: and im super happy u like my art this much and yes, i will feel free to share more art,as well as thank u for. your kindness 😭 like this was genuinely so sweet (also onto ur last point; even though i self proclaim myself as an artist, i feel like its so easy to just stick to one thing and never really branch out, like even with all my styles, i sometimes find myself having everything looking the same overall.. this is derailing. um. BASICALLY. its like if u make houses; if u keep making all your houses look the same, youll... get used to it, so youll never try doing other stuff, so i as this hypothetical builder, like building all kinds of houses, so i dont get too comfortable with one type. that was a really bad metaphor.)
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(second image was quickly edited. and looks scuffed, the original one u can find on this post > (tw drawn self harm)
but basically it sorta shows a cool contrast between the two, despite really similar posing, and both being the exact same version of how i draw myself (minus the clothes)
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cometisms · 1 year
I think smth i realized about d2 and why i dont play it “hardcore” as much as i used to is that i think ffxiv raids speak to a part of me that destiny raids dont anymore, and that’s not to say destiny raids are bad necessarily !  i actually still think the formula works really well but like.
its ultimately a limitation of the game that can’t be helped and i don’t think it’s fair to voice it as criticism, so i’m not voicing it as criticism, rather as observations - but without traditional MMO roles and mechanics (i.e healing, tanking, aggro, raidbuffs, etc) a lot of Destiny 2 raids will inevitably fall back into very similar patterns because honestly those patterns are what work best for a shooter - pattern recognition and communication / obfuscation of information, focuses on a team’s ability to do a task that is not complicated but requires like, shooter skill and gamesense, etc. all of this works very well! it genuinely has worked super well for a few years, but i can say also that destiny raids feel like destiny raids. for better and for worse, a lot of them feel very similar. i think there’s comfort in that and i think that’s why i enjoy them, but it’s also why i’ve been trying to branch out more.
on top of having a way less elitist community i think ff14 has mechanics that, by nature of being an MMO, can create more interesting and strange scenarios, and the game designers are very VERY clever about using game mechanics to create completely new mechanics that are genuine puzzles in their own right. and i think that, in its own way, is special to me on the opposite of why destiny raids are special to me - they both coexist in my brain, but like, i wanna gush so shh https://youtu.be/yrKMjOo8d2U this is abyssos: the eight circle (savage) the final boss of the previous raid series in FFXIV and it’s a clusterfuck in the best way possible. Thematic significance aside (which, it’s a payoff of a decade’s worth of storytelling with its music, boss, etc) It’s got striking imagery, and it has a theme of mutation and creation in the mechanics, with the core mechanic of the second phase being a delicate operation where the party must (in most cases, wordlessly) coordinate to use the raid’s alchemy mechanics to build a phoenix that will resurrect the party when they are forced into a wipe by the boss.
that shit is cool! and it’s not like any of the fights before or after it! so many FFXIV fights have a setpiece that is so completely unique and just strange (the newest final boss has a really neat mechanic of “shrinking” the party and pulling the camera out to give the illusion of the party being trapped in like a snow globe kinda dealie) and stuff like that just scratches my brain, i love seeing game devs just do genuinely wacky shit with mechanics and i love how much freedom FFXIV devs seem to have. it really strikes at the imagination i guess and i dont know where im going with this but im also sick and very tired so blehhhhhhhh
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mxescargot · 1 year
wow pinned post!
[Profile picture description: An image of KAITO, an anime-style character with fair skin, short messy blue hair, and a headset, against a muted genderfluid pride flag background. End ID]
[Header description: a digital drawing of a glowing white butterfly perched atop the spherical knob of a brass cage. Also atop the cage is a decorative horn to one side of the knob; the entire cage is coated in a translucent, glowing white filigree pattern that varies in opacity, getting brighter towards the butterfly. End ID]
helix or leucine or kamino, they/them mostly, minor, east asian, adhd diagnosed autism vibechecked by every autistic person i know, disabled and a mobility aid user, very queer, also a median system that mostly uses i/me dwai
tealblood, prospit dreamer, mage of light ✨
i try to put image descriptions on my posts with images whenever possible and i use tonetags when i feel like tone is unclear. posts with undescribed images are tagged #no ids
i talk in caps and i dont tag weaponry or most "creepy crawlies"; i tag arthropods as #bugs for my own usage though. most common triggers + foo d and fire are tagged #trigger, #cw trigger, or #trigger mention
im buddhist and talk abt that + my interest in other religions under #religion
my occasional vents are tagged #vent, block that if u dont wanna see them
i reclaim cripple and queer
dni in a nutshell: dont be awful or assholeish or exclusionary (esp militantly so) thanks, more detailed dni in my carrd
i draw things sometimes (usually in autodesk sketchbook) and thats under #helix draws, sloppy stuff is under #helix doodles
i dont make much music but what i do is under #helix composes even though the only thing there rn is not an original composition
i answer mostly non-askgame asks under #helix answers and other talky talking is under #helix talks
i have so many fandoms a list can be found in my carrd although it is probably not complete also i have ocs in some of the fandoms and ocs in my own universes; here is a list of most of them
for whatever reason my current hyperfixation is now Homestuck (done reading canon story, epilogues, and caught up with hs^2!), and i have special interests in biology, costuming/textiles, and linguistics as well as old sci fi, social justice, and US politics i think?
pfp by @prosekai-pride, header my own screenshot redraw from the silksong trailer
my carrd hasnt been seriously updated since i was in a big "heck yeah art is my Thing" phase sorry about that lmao
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nancyboy1997 · 2 years
alright art project info dump coming through
brief warning lots of trans talk ahead
so we have a big project cause its senior year and the theme is "Tiny Man" basically we have to make a doll and put it in a situation that represents an issue that bothers us a lot. and then we have to connect it to an artist
so i knew my issue but didnt know how to picture it, so naturally we start using special interests for inspiration. which are all musicals taking place at least a century ago
now the issue is the trans debate and how gender is seen in society which gets us so the fun part........
THE COSTUME cause gender isnt defined by clothes but society says differently
so for easy distinction for the cishets ive decided to use the old gender roles and dress them historically its like a dashing pirate with a feminine aura (not my words btw)
so now we get to SYMBOLISM so the shirt and pants have been neutralized so they will be in a nice fabric thats not see through
and the vest oh the good old vest so its not that neutral to me, tis kinda masc, but alas agab and society's views, so i wanna make it a mix of masc and fem by using organza (yes i know i need to use a backing fabric) but according to my grandma its a nice mix cuz of the dark color but shiny fabric the back also looks like princess seams and i plan on making them look sewn together kinda corset-like, you know with the lacing (itll be a pain to sew)
then my favorite part the crinoline cage, which i need to make out of some time of metal, now my dad suggested copper which i really like cuz the saying is "speaking is silver, silence is gold" (maybe its only a dutch one) but i feel like being trans speaking or silence are neither seen as good therefore i also like the copper.
lastly the head, it doesnt have to be human just has to have a face, so i wanna make mine a moon, cuz of the phases and different names, also for some musical reference
whoops this is pretty long, but oh well
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mmesutozill · 1 year
Hiiiii. I hope you would still continue your personality traits gifset 😔 what do you think about potentially see more kinn and porsche and the possibility of a s2?
hellooo and thank youu. ugh i have been the worst and haven’t really gone back to ps since i had a phase of making kp gifsets and my kinn personality traits gifset is halfway done and….remains that way. but thank you and i hope i’ll get motivation to finish it soon as well! 😌
with kp s2…boy…i have spoken to a couple of friends about it…and long answer short i honestly don’t know and if it happens it’s not gonna be any time soon and definitely not this year. <pls be warned about the incoming word vomit>
i know a lot of people esp on twitter are hella depressed after the final concerts over the weekend with it seeming like a goodbye to the characters and this chapter in their lives and also cause boc seemed to have maintained from the end of s1 that s2 was intended (with how they ended s1 and what was said unofficially by some cast members and pond). and we have never got any official confirmation whether it is happening or not. so i get that that’s kinda confusing cause i know i did strongly believe s2 was coming but to be really honest idk about that now.
i think it’s primarily got to do with rights issue (with the original novel writers leaving daemi house and us not knowing what rights boc has over the story and characters). I don’t think boc will (and should) adapt a s2 unless they’re able to take liberties with the storytelling just cause the source material is truly a hot mess. but with the original writers gone i don’t know what kinda tricky situation boc would have to deal with with respect to that. and also throw in the whole build scandal and i don’t think they wanna touch on kp again with the scandal so recent and social media would turn into a war zone with whatever they choose to do with pete whether it’s to recast or write him off. so they may wanna stay away from kp and by extension the scandal or anything build related until things calm down. and to a lesser extent I think crew availability and possibly funding could be possible reasons. i did initially feel like the 2023 projects were also green lit first to give visibility to the main pairings of kp and keep interest while a s2 is being written. and also the profits from the shows to help fund s2 without them having to rely on mile money.
i wish we had more clarity on what’s going on and where they stand with it. it does seem like they don’t wanna commit and say it’s not gonna happen but at the same time they also don’t wanna commit and confirm it is. so it’s hard to straddle in the middle and sort of string fans along. personally, I think when and if s2 drops, i’ll rejoice at that and tune in to watch. but i don’t think we should have too much hope on it but just focus on what projects the actors are gonna be focusing on next. just cause there is a possibility it may never happen. which sucks. but it is what it is and im sure it’s as hard to swallow for boc as it is for us. ideally, i would have hoped for them to definitively wrap if it’s really done and have a grand send off to the characters and maybe even a special ep as a love letter to the characters. but i do think leading up this weekend some people suspected it was over and this was it, and some people still had hope. i am just gonna look forward to the trailers of their upcoming projects and i will very likely check out the mileapo movie in theatres when it drops. but as for everything else, we just gotta wait and see im afraid 💕
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swagship-sideblog · 1 year
Pinned! Read for info!!
pro-fiction pro-whatever lolicon cartoon fan. dont like - dont look
[art tag]
The main things I enjoy at the moment are: Ed Edd & Eddy, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, Ojamajo Doremi, Mob Psycho 100, Homestuck, and whatever other shit i'm into at the moment
Read more below to see my fav ships & characters!
Current Waifus:
Senoo Aiko - my baby, my one and only, I love her so much........... I relate to her on so many levels and just love her alot... I actually have 2 different narratives in my head for this one, one where my self insert is a cute lil catboy who gets sent to her universe, and one where she magically shows up in mine. I could talk about her for hours but all you need to know is that she's my sweetheart of the whole world and I love her <333
Double Dee - i would do. so many things. i shant say...
Ships I like:
Anything ed edd & eddy - any combination of the characters works for me. I love all of them so much
MobRei - been a fan of this one for years, always been there for me and I quite enjoy it [ageswap AU is my fav <33]. Many of the fics I read of them are very cathartic to me, so these 2 hold a special place in my heart
RitMob - also love this one, it's very very cute, was there for me when I was stuck hanging out with antis but my love for mob could never be fully repressed <3
Rickorty - this one's so fucked up but my brain loves it lmao... the first time I read a fic of them I got suuuuper guilty about it the next day, but unfortunately I find guilt pretty hot so this one latched onto my brain like a virus, huge fan
Stridercest - pretty much all forms of it are right up my alley. Don't post about it as much currently but it's an absolute longtime CLASSIC and I love it. Most recently was on an alpha stridercest kick because I love dom shotas and watching Dave fight for his life
Kris x Spamton - I absolutely love the themes being developed in deltarune so far, and I feel like these 2 characters and their interactions explore the themes relating to control and freedom very beautifully... both Kris and Spamton are characters whose struggles I can relate to easily/empathize with, so some of the fics I read of them can be very cathartic and comforting... alot of complex emotions arise from this ship, and I really love it. its also really hot lol.
SaiGenos - oh man.... cyborgs...... I read a fic where some of Genos' wires get fucked up and he needs Saitama to plug them back in cuz hes basically immobile until they get fixed... and OUGH it's really hot..... I read alot more im addition to this, but this one was REALLY good
Scratch x Molly: I enjoy a veeery specific wholesome flavor of this ship, but not many people draw it the way I like (last I checked), so any fellow shippers feel free to say hi lol
Style (south park) - this one is an ABSOLUTE classic, a childhood favorite of mine, and im glad to say it lives on in my heart after all these years <3
Kyman (just a little) - I can have a little kyman... as a treat :3
And many others......
Other Waifus (for historical purposes):
Bloo: jeeeze louise he's so cute. He's such a little brat I just wanna pick him up and shake him around <3 bloo crying 10 minute compilation on loop
Dirk Strider - had a big phase of liking him lol. He's really cute <3
Eddy - I need to put him in a dress and make him cry tears of pleasure
Eric Cartman - I have a thing for little chubby boys in drag btw
Brobot - yes, the battle robot dirk made in his image. It's hot. I like to imagine giving it a personality <33
Mob - unfortunately I was hanging out with antis during my original Mob Psycho phase, so I didn't really accept my love for him & he didn't register in my brain like that... but I still had dreams of cuddling with him and fantasized of being able to meet him and comfort him (and got really high an pretended to cuddle with him using my cat lol), so I believe he still counts
Reigen. - I had a pretty substantial reigen obsession during my first mp100 phase, I have a 125 image porn collection of him from back them lmfao. He's pretty alright
Hal 9000 (2001 a Space Odyssey) - I fucking love hal
Karkat Vantas - excuse my french but I need his transboy tentacle cock in my mouth he is very cute
Mituna Captor - Mituna.......... yippee!!!
Dave Strider - he's every transmascs favorite character of course I like him... tried writing a self insert kissing practice gone wrong fanfic but I couldn't get his dialogue right so I gave up lol
Charles Calvin (Henry Stickmin) - now I know this one's pretty out of place compared to the rest but uh... yeah he was probably my BIGGEST obsession with a fictional character... like it was detrimental at some points lol. But man I really wanted to fuck this stick figure X] I actually created a Google drive folder with about 230 pictures of Henry stickmin porn, even including a document with all the sources I could find lol. If you recognize me from this information, no you don't
Genos (OPM) - god I was reeeeaaally into him when I was watching one punch man and I LOVED him. I still love him just focused on other characters atm <3
And probably some others
Other fav characters
Hunter (TOH) - bro he's just like me fr fr... quite love him and want to see him happy
Scratch (tgamm) - DUDE he's so silly funny, so goofy silly..... these so underrated and ppl need to appreciate him more >:3
Kyle (SP) - mannnn Kyle is pretty cute, some of these south park characters are nearing the waifu tier, it's going to be very silly goofy
Kenny (SP) - dude kenny is one of my classic childhood crushes, shoutout kenny lol
Spongebob (Squarepants) - another one of my childhood crushes, youll see me occasionally post about him too lol.
+ plenty others lol
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itsdelicate · 1 year
its totally fine that ur busy!! im not lol just in this waiting period for my exam results so i have all this time to send u a whole essay reply lmaonjdsmk. aw :( felt like it just flew by like suddenly its 2023 which is crazy
ahh its so great to have a friend like that!! i dont lmao my friends listen to music that is vv different from my music taste so i just google recs. like im getting back into r&b music cause i had a bit of phase where i was obsessed w it during quarantine and also joni mitchell and elliott smith and i just googled and saw recs on reddit. YES YES YES a ten min version of the great war would be mmmmm perfect
tbh ive never been to any concerts like just little recital sorta stuff but i do really love live music!! wbu? what are the best concerts youve been to? that would really suck if they laughed at u for that omg. ohhh yea i get that like recently ive been in a very speak now songs mood but i listened to it A LOT so now im listening to the new sza album!! ooh how was the musical? ive never heard of it before tbh ijsdmk
wdym by that? like bought? cause i havent actually like gotten a physical copy of an album before (or even like a digitally bought one). i just listen on spotify. but the first album i got into like listened to (and loved) the whole album is prob harry styles' first album!! like i got into one direction during quarantine (weird as hell i know) and all the other boys but i listened to his whole album first and it was everything !!!! wbu what was the first album you got (like bought) or got into?
LMAOSKMDF that is alr more than enough. i do really wanna watch the latest puss in boots movie tho just cause i love puss in boots jdskm
i didnt know there was a life of play omg how was it?? my brothers and my parents loved the movie back then!! ooh thats nice!! havent been to the zoo in a while lol. what's studying animal welfare like? idk anyone who studies it so this is vv cool to me lmao
omggg i really love lover so i dont know how to feel ab this 😭yes!! it has some great songs. okay heres a question that could be a dealbreaker to me if you answer wrong (jkjk lmao) but thoughts on false god? yea i was one of those ppl too sdhcnjk but now i love all that lmao
thats nice!! what was the recipe for? my days gonna be very boring i think lmao ive nothing to do so im prob just gonna be doing online courses and listening to music
now ab the matilda musical: YESSS its literally one of the best htings ive watched in 2022 (havent watched a lot of things tho lmao). omg i'm here is def number one like i CRIED sm at the "dont cry daddy" part djis. one of my fav parts tho is the part in when i grow up where miss honey sings cause it makes me cry and its so very. i just could not. also love my house and still holding my hand (basicallt every scene ever w miss honey she is so special to me <3) and the smell of rebellion (EMMA FREAKING THOMPSON!!!!!!!!) i dont think so actually ive got a lot of shows and movies sitting in my list on nfx waiting to be watched lol so those will be next prob. my friend got me into this reality tv show recently ab rich ppl in dubai called dubai bling and all the drama is so funny so ive been watching that and re-watching queer eye for the fiftieth time lmaodfmk. wbu? any musicals or movies or shows you're excited for?
xxx ur secret santa
omg all the best for your results!! i always find the waiting period so nerve wracking whew i know! it went so fast
yeah it’s fun to get recs!! during covid my friends and i tried to do this month long song challenge from prompts and we all added in songs into a joint playlist and ended up with almost 200 songs that were all over the place it was fun ahdjf ooh r&b is interesting! god yes i need that song to possess me idk
aw but that’s fun! live music is great <3 taylor’s concerts for me! (big surprise i know 😭) are you liking the album? the musical was great!! it’s a jukebox musical so it was really really fun!! shakespeare’s wife doesn’t like that he kills of juliet just because of romeo so she proposes rewriting it so juliet goes on to live her life shdjg
that’s fair! the first cd i ever bought on my own was hannah montana when i was little 💀 a quarantine one direction phase is so valid, did you like harry’s first album? i haven’t heard the whole thing just a few songs!
omg yes i want to watch that too! and the play was really good! the animal puppets were incredible! it’s great!! i study animal welfare and anthrozoology and i love love love it :’) nothing in the world i love more than animals so it’s <3333
shfkgk i’m so sorry 😭 i feel like i’m neutral about false god like i don’t Not like it but i also have to be in a specific mood to listen to it 🤔
it was bahn mi! ooh what online courses?
everything u said!! yes yes!! i want to rewatch the stage musical again hopefully this year 🤞 omg that sounds wild i haven’t heard of it before! aw nice! i’ve seen like three episodes of queer eye it was great idk why i never continued it ahdjf i’m not sure actually!! idek what movies are coming out this year or anything hmm (also have u ever seen taskmaster? it’s my fav hehe)
also i think i’ll find out who you are tomorrow if u revealed yourself so i just wanted to say thank you for all your messages!! i’ve loved talking to you sm it’s made me so happy 🫶🫶🫶
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