#im genuinely so close to tears rn
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They all got the same smirk
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omegapheromone · 11 months
Sobbing in my nest because I feel ghost crumbs even when I've cleaned it at least four times now and I know there are none but still somehow Bad Feelings against my skin and I can't do anything about it. The blanket isn't soft enough and my pillows hurt my neck. I might actually start crying about this it's so. Dumb I'm just having sensory issues and being emotionally fragile but it's upsetting me SO MUCH
#why must I be like this like genuinely I feel so frustrated upset distressed and sad and just. why won't it stop I'm tired of cleaning it#im tired of cleaning it over and over acsin even when theres nothing to clean but it still feels like there is against my skin#it's making me frustrated because it doesn't go away and then upset because it's uncomfortable#and then I get mad and upset at myself for being so whiny and distressed over such a small thing#I pride myself on my ability to survive alone and not depend on others because I feel vulnerable and terrified when people get close#so feeling like I want to just be taken care of and have someone solve my issues and bring softer things and just be NICE to me#it also upsets me because I hate feeling like people have control over me or are in a position where they could hurt me#even if just emotionally#so I withdraw and completely shut myself away from people even if by some miracle someone WAS interested#because I want to just be cared for so bad but I hate myself for letting myself get hurt over and over so many times by people#that I no longer want anyone close to me because it's easier and safer for me#but then when I'm emotional and in heat it makes me extra sad and upset to be feeling like this#because I become so desperate and upset because I can't have it. i can't feel like I'm taken care of and soothed#because I push everyone away out of fear even if they seem nice because every shitty person has always seemed nice at first too#waaahhh okay I'm actually tearing up thinking about this#and the GHOST CRUMBS are STILL THERE#I'm in so much distress emotionally rn#gamietxt#heat 🌡
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mariahcarreyyy · 4 months
Max would a 100% say that after overstimulating the shit out of u
🙈 anonnnnnnnnnnnnnn i love you for this im in my max era rn nsfw 18+ work under beware ⬇️⬇️
Mmm thinking about Max fucking into you with you on your back to watch you pretty face as he makes you come over and over again. On his mouth, his fingers, his cock. His eyes stubborn on your tear-stained cheeks and biting his bottm lip whe ur pathetic whines fill the room.
"M-Max, I can't, can't, no more, please," you sob when his thick hands trail over your tits and down to your red, puffy clit.
He tuts disapprovingly, slapping ur clit in a way that has your back arching and vision clouded. "There we go-- fuck, shatje, cum all ov'my cock, yeah, 'jst like that, good girl."
The blond above you fucks you frantically through your (third, fourth, fifth?) orgasm and the clenching of your hot, wet pussy around his cock tips him over the edge. Once he's absolutely sure his all of his cum stuffed you full, he pulls out slowly before immediately shoving his thick digits inside your hole. A loud yelp slips past your lips at the pressure, and your thighs clamp around his arm instinctively. No more, no more, no more.
Max's brows furrow, and he inches closer to you, parting your legs with his body. "Why are you closing your legs, baby?"
And like. Max looks so genuinely confused it's almost adorable. Well, as adorable as he can get with his veiny hands between your thighs. You let out an embarrasing mixture of a moan and whine, attempting and failing to close your legs around Max's hips.
"Your legs were made to stay open," Max grumbles, annoyed at your resistance. "so I can enjoy the view and touch, taste what's mine whenever I want."
Max's fingers are still inside you, plugging you up with his thick, warm cum like you were made for it. Made for him, his cock. A determined sigh leaves your lips, and you obey his wordless demand, spreading your shaky legs as much as you could.
"No, shatje, that's not enough, spread 'em a little more," he sighs, lazily thumbing at your clit like it doesn't make it impossibly harder for you to keep your legs open.
It's all toeing the line between pain and pleasure, but you can take it. You know you could. The hot praises Max whispered beside your ear as he pounded into you from the back told you as much. So, you do.
"Just like that," Max groans at the sight of your fluttering pussy around his digits. "Perfect. Always perfect f'me."
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zwedexx · 4 months
"No ets una càrrega"
Barca Femeni x Teen Reader
Summary: request
TW: none
WC: 899
A/N: None of it is proof read and im am really sick rn so there will probably be alot of mistakes. Also I took some creative liberties ig with the request. I'm sorry if you don't like it. I can always rewrite later on.
You are draped in the familiar stripes of your Barca jersey. It was everything you wanted, everything you work so hard for and you were blowing it. You kept missing passes or being a second too late on your runs. You could hear the collective sighs of the crowd after each mistake you made. 
It all came to a head when you execute what should’ve been a routine pass. The pass was short and was intercepted by an alert opposing player. In a sloppy attempt to halt the opposition, you kick the back of her legs, sending her tumbling. The ref immediately blowed her whistle and showed you yellow. 
“Are you fucking serious. That’s not a yellow! She fucking dove. You can’t be- ” You spat at the ref before being pulled back by a pair of strong arms. 
“Calmat! No val la pena.” Mapi’s words were strong but weren’t enough to bring you out of your rage.
(Calm down! It's not worth it)
“Let go of me Mapi. I’m not a fucking child. This ref is blind as shit and needs to fucking hear it.”
The ref without hesitation reach into her pocket. Alexia and Irene had run in at this point, pleading with the ref to reconsider. You knew you had fucked up when you say the second yellow then red. Not only had you harmed your team with your horrid performance but you’d just burdened them to finish a game a player down. 
After being escorted off the field, the weight of disappointment settled on your shoulders, and as the door closed behind you, a wave of frustration and tears overwhelmed you. You couldn’t believe how stupid and useless you were. Nothing seemed to make sense, you had trained so hard but it wasn’t enough. You weren’t good enough. You needed to be better.
You found yourself in gym, it was the only thing that made sense. If you trained harder, you’d be better. It was straightforward, clear cut. 
Unbeknownst to you, Alexia, Mapi, and Ingrid observe from a distance, concern etched on their faces. After the match they went looking for you, worried because you were no longer in the locker room. In a way you were lucky they were there. You had been sprinting on the treadmill as fast as you could. After a couple of minutes you felt dizzy, your legs were starting to give in but you kept going. And you kept going. 
‘Keep going, keep going.” You muttered to yourself
As the treadmill relentlessly propels you forward, your breaths become ragged, and your legs wobble beneath you. In a sudden, unexpected moment, your knees buckle, and the world tilts. Just as the gym floor rushes up to meet you, someones arms wrap around you, preventing a painful collision. 
Ingrid's firm grip supports your weight, preventing a full collapse, while Mapi and Alexia rush to your side. Concern etched on their faces deepens into genuine worry. Ingrid, with her characteristic calm, reassures you, “Relax elskling, I’ve got you.”
It must have been a few moments when you woke up again. You were no longer in the gym, you were lying on a couch with your head laying on Mapi’s lap. 
“Oh Pequena, you are okay.” Alexia says in her best English
You sat up. You didn’t know what to say. 
“Què està passant? Per què et vas empènyer així?” Alexia asks gently, reverting back to her native Catalan
(What's going on. Why did you push yourself like that.)
You avoided their eyes, unable to say respond, your words choked by shame and frustration. 
“You don’t have to carry this alone. We’re here for you, no matter what elskling.” Ingrid adds, while grabbing your hand.
With a shaky breath, you finally open up, your voice tinged with frustration and vulnerability. “I just.. I want this so badly. And tonight, I felt like ai was letting everyone down. I felt useless, and I thought if I train harder, push myself, I could make up for it and get better.”
(I understand-)
“But you don’t understand Alexia. You’re la Reina, you are the best and you deserve to be here. I don’t, im a liability out there. Every misplaced pass, every late run, it felt like I was letting the entire team down.”
“You deserve to be here too. Jonatan picked you for a reason.” Ingrid adds
“You don’t get it! No matter how hard I try, it’s never enough. I’m sick of feeling like a burden. Sick of failing when it matters.” 
“No ets una càrrega. Estem aquí perquè creiem en tu i en el que ets capaç.” Mapi chimes in while wrapping her arm around your shoulders, her touch grounding.
(You're not a burden. We're here because we believe in you and what you are capable of.)
“I just… I don’t know how to fix this.”
“No cal que arregleu això sol. Estem aquí per a tu.” Alexia calmly tells you.
(You don’t need to fix this alone. We are here for you.)
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ilovechuuy4 · 15 days
if you are not taking requests at the moment please ignore this (aside from how much I adore your writing and how I need it in my veins)
if you're taking requests, then could I request Chuuya and Dazai (separately and with a gn! reader) when they cheat on the reader and how they get back together? angst to fluff. my heart could never handle your angst, your writing is too good and it would genuinely wound me in ways I would never recover from.
love you :)
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I Told My Friends I Hate You, but I Love You Just the Same✯*٭˙∘
Chuuya/Dazai x Gn!Reader (seperate)
Warnings; Thick tension / Angst
Description; They cheat but then want to get back together with you.
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🐟Dazai ೃ⁀➷
⋆·�� He intentionally cheated on you, the night you caught him with another person in the bed y'all shared TOGETHER.
It was a late night when you arrived 'home' or the place you thought was home. You shuffled inside the eerily quiet apartment, but something was off, usually your boyfriend was home waiting for you on the couch but today wasn't the same as you heard distant moaning from your bedroom. You skittered to the bedroom, swinging open the door a loud thud and then a recoil of the door. Your eyes widening at the sight of Dazai in bed with another. 'Why?' is all you said you couldn't find any other words to say as tears pierced your eyes and trickled down your face that was already a red hue from frustration.
The brunette couldn't even say a word before you stormed out the entire complex. Running down the empty streets of Yokohama tears streaming down your reddened face. You weren't sure where to go other than Yosano's house it was your best bet. When you arrive, you were already heavily breathing as you rang the doorbell. It was already pretty late so you weren't sure if she was up or not but to your luck, she was. As she opened the door, her eyes snapped open at your tear-streaked face.
"Oh Y/N what happened.?" She asked, gently pulling you into the house and closing the door. She wrapped you in a gentle hug, her hand rubbing your back as she listened to you explain what exactly happened. Yosano was astonished, it was obvious Dazai would do a thing like that cause he's well, dazai. But in the bed y'all shared together is an entirely different step. 'Cmon lets just go get you some change of clothes and get you to bed." Yosano says as she guides you to her bedroom.
Once you had taken a shower and borrowed some of Yosano's clothes, the two of you rest on the couch for the remainder of the night watching different dramas, romances, actions etc. When you woke up in the morning, your phone had multiple of missed calls and messages from Dazai himself. You read through some of the messages; “Im sorry” “Hey, please answer me.” “Baby, please.” They were all simple messages but as you read further down, they got more urgent and desperate even. “Hey i know you’re getting the calls, answer me.” “Please im SO sorry, Y/N, please text me.” and so on. You bite your lip as you read through the messages you felt worried, if that was the right way to put it. You let out a staggered breath as you sought up the courage to call your boyfriend.
As you sit there on the soft sofa, listening the rings echoing in your ear, you eventually here the soft ‘click’ of the call being answered and on the other line, an urgent and distressed tone. “Babe? Hey where are you?! You didn’t answer any of my calls or messages! What happened!” His breathing was loud as you heard the shaky breathes, he let out. “Fuck, i know i messed up and im sorry. That thing i done, i know it was fucked up and im sorry! Please forgive me it won't happen again!” He explained through the phone, on his side he was biting his nails.
You hadn’t heard him this distressed since missions he had for the agency. “Dazai, calm down.” You mutter through the phone, you didnt know what to say there really wasnt much. “I just need you to calm down. Im fine, just meet me at Yosano’s house i guess.” You said fidgeting with the strings of the shorts. You couldn't lie to yourself, you missed him. Maybe it was hard to forgive what he did but you really did miss him.
Rubbing your temples, you slowly stand up going to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water. You sip on it slowly, waiting for your boyfriend to arrive. Thirty minutes go by before you hear knocking on the door. You sit up from where you were leaning against the counter before you slowly shuffle your way to the front door, Yosano wasn't home, she had left a note that said she went out and she'll be back later.
You knew that it was Dazai, not only because he told you he'd be there soon but the urgent knocking on the door. You opened the steel door, the hinges creaking. You stare at the taller figure, his eyes seemed to be "shaking" as he stared at you before hugging you tightly. You could feel his body trembling against your own, you couldn't fully forgive him for what he did, you knew it would take time and he knew that too.
You let out a staggered breath before resting your head on dazai, forehead pressed firmly against his shoulder. You could feel the brunette slowly massaging your hips, the other cupping the nape of your neck. "I'm sorry." You heard him say beneath his breath, you knew he wasn't all too big on apologies so for now this was okay. The hug meant a lot to you.
"It's alright, you already know I can't forgive you though. We can work around all the flaws, nobody is prefect." You tell him, but deep down you knew you'd slowly end up forgiving him, you loved him, you always would. You felt him gently grip your chin, pulling it to make you look at him.
"I mean it. I'm sorry. I'll never do it again, I truely do love you." The bandaged man spoke, he was sincere, you knew he was. The way he looked deeply into your eyes, forehead pressed against your own as leaned in to slowly kiss you, lips colliding in a tender kiss. "I love you, I dont want anything changing that." He managed to mutter out, slowly pulling away with a smile, tears pooling in his eyes, things were going to be okay.
⋆·˚ You misinterpreted EVERYTHING. the thing you saw wasn't the story behind any of it, he didnt enjoy seeing you like that.
You, the pretty joyful person that was going out with a "scary" port mafia executive? Maybe opposites really DO attract. But that didn't seem to be how things work out today. You wanted to surprise him, bringing him some lunch and a new wine you found, you had everything planned for a nice lunch date. You had taken time out of your day to refrigerate the wine so it was still cold when arrived, to go get food not gourmet or anything but food nonetheless.
Did that mean nothing to Chuuya? The love and affection? The time you spent doing everything to make him the happiest man alive, it meant nothing? When you had arrived in the corridor to Chuuya's office, there he stood with another, that same person kissing the man you love. Chuuya's eyes we're wide, he didn't see you but they we're wide but you didn't care about that, you cared that he didn't automatically push her away.
You could feel the paper bag with the wine inside slip from your hand, shattering on the ground with a loud crash. It echoed through your own ears and the ears of others that were nearby. You watch as Chuuya snaps back to reality, his mind and body know fully processing that his colleague kiss him, in front of you. He heard the loud shatter of the glass, his head snapping over to wear you stood, tears flowing down your face that was erased from any other emotion other than sadness.
You feel yourself stumble back before sprinting out the large building, not even giving yourself a chance to rethink your decisions. Tears kept pouring down your face they wouldn't stop, no way. He wouldn't actually cheat, right? The image only rolled through your head like a record on repeat. You could hear heavy steps chasing behind, laboring breathes as there was deep, staggering, almost terrified yells of your name.
"Y/N!! Just give me a damn minute to explain!" Chuuya yells, his voice trembling with every word. He didn't want to use his ability in this type of situation, he didn't want it to seem like he ruled over you cause of an ability he wasn't even born with but that wasn't the point. He kept sprinting right behind you, no matter how hard it was to breath, he just needed you to stop.
You didn't want to turn back, you couldn't. He couldn't see you like this. Broken, if you'd have to describe it yourself. You just ran. Ran and ran and ran until you were unable to anymore. You were letting out deep gasps of air as you could quite literally feel Chuuya staring into your back. "Darlin' would you just give me a chance to explain what happened?" The ginger spoke, gently sitting down on the ground next to your out of breath form.
You didn't have the energy to argue back as you just give him a small nod. Chuuya pulls you close, letting your head rest on his shoulder. "You know I didn't cheat right? It was a big 'ol misunderstanding, I didn't kiss my colleague I wouldn't ever do that to you in a life time." Chuuya told you, he was sincere when he told you this as he reached down, interlocking the both of yall's fingers together.
You glance at him worrily, you wanted to trust him you really did but there were so many questions. "Then why didn't you automatically push her away?" You ask, your breathing now back to normal as you trace your thumb on the lines in chuuya's hand. "I wasn't expecting anyone to kiss me, it took me a moment to process anything. Im sorry darlin', how can I make this big ordeal up to you?" The blue eyed male asked you, glancing over at you with eyes that begged for all your forgiveness.
You had a blank stare on your face for a moment as Chuuya was practically begging for your forgiveness with his piercing blue eyes. You exhale with a soft smile, you couldn't stay mad at him even if you wanted. "Just a kiss then." You answered, it was always an "apology" Chuuya enjoyed even if he always asked multiple times more if there was "anything else you needed" cause a simple kiss didn't seem like a good apology.
Chuuya let out a soft huff, he knew it! He knew you were going to say a kiss, he had a love, hate relationship with this sort of an apology, but he leaned in and kissed you anyways. It was slow and tender and full of silent love that sometimes neither of you shown. You let out a content hum as y'all kiss before pulling away, this was enough for now you knew that you'd pester him later though. It was a silly misunderstanding on your end and you're up to admit it too.
"I'm sorry again, doll. It won't happen again. Hell of you want I'll try to dress unattractive?" Chuuya teased, his hand running up your thigh as the two of you sit on the curb of the side walk. "How could you, of all people, dress unattracively?" You ask, letting out a soft laugh under your breath. "Well I'm not sure, sweetheart. But I could sure try for you."
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kyuteflesh · 4 months
captain john price / f!reader
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 。・゚゚・*°:⋆ₓₒ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
uhhh genuinely so down bad for this man (came out of nowhere) and i need him in my life rn so here’s this short lazy excuse of a smut
⚠️: use of ‘daddy’, degradation, unrealistic sex lowk, major writers block, +18
“you’re mine—all mine. try thinking otherwise with this cock stuffed in your stupid little cunt.” price growled as he landed a final, harsh smack on your rear. “come here and help me with my belt like the bitch you are.”
“yes, sir.” tears swelled in your eyes from the stinging sensation left on your ass. you rolled over and started to fumble with his belt buckle.
“atta girl.” he cooed. “i have it from here. you just get your pretty ass in the air.”
you were completely naked, while price was still fully clothed. the only part of his body exposed was his fat, hard cock.
he started to rub the soreness of your cheeks. you could feel his swollen tip rub against your clit, teasing your entrance. without any futher warning, he slowly started to enter you.
“nngh- fuck-! it hurts!” you cried out. it had been one minute too long since he was able to find a moment alone with you.
“quit yer whining, i’m going as slow as i can. seems like your pussy could use this. need to break ye in again.” his thrusts started to quicken. you could feel him hit every spot possible. the mix of pain and pleasure was unbearable.
“john—please! i can’t take it.” you buried your face deeper in the pillow. price started to rub your clit. taking a fistful of hair in the other hand, he forced your head up. “go on. keep screaming you dumb whore. tell them who you belong to.” john snapped, still going at a brutal pace.
“y-you. you, john. my body is yours and only yours!” he only smacked your ass again in return.
you started to feel the knot in your stomach grow tighter and tighter with each thrust. “john, im so close to cumming. please don’t stop!” you exclaimed. he finally let go of your hair, face slamming back into the bed.
john lowered down to your ear. his breathing was quick and heavy. you knew he was close from how much sloppier his strokes got.
“thats it. let it all go. want me to fuck my cum into that tight pussy of yours? wanna cum all over my dick?”
you could only give weak nods in response. there was so much happening to your body you couldn’t even think coherent thoughts.
“really, really wanna cum, daddy.”
the use of that name is what sent him over the edge. you could hear low moans and grunts of ‘fuck’ as he shot his load deep inside of you, burrowing into the crook of your neck. he was weak by this point, practically dry humping you to reach your climax.
it worked for somebody who was as cock hungry as you. finally releasing, you both rolled over. price lazily slung his arm around you and peppered your face with kisses. “i love you so fuckin much, doll.”
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catcze · 8 months
here me out.. so like i was scrolling a pinterest and i found this one song on spotify called “cigarettes out the window x dangerously yours” and the first thing i thought about is neuvillette!! LIKE THE BRAINROTS IN MY HEAD RN. reader and him are in his office 😱
OH OH OH OH OH OKAY HOLD ON HOL D ONNNN 👀👀👀👀 The way i opened YT so fast!??! HASKJDNA but my GOD do i see what u mean anon—
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I'm getting vibes of reader who is, perhaps, from the fatui? or from some other hostile organization (idk im workign on it 💔) and they get assigned to be a double agent at the Palais Mermonia and acquire sensitive information for the organization they work for. Initially, they weren't supposed to do anything complicated— they certainly weren't even supposed to ever cross paths with the chief justice of Fontaine. But what do you know, Neuvillette falls for you first and invites you out to a meal, and you can't necessarily refuse.
Your superiors are delighted by the change in plans— if you get closer to the chief justice, you could easily get your hands on all sorts of information! So, although you're hesitant, you're forced to go along with getting closer to Neuvillette. But over time, you find that he's much, much more than most people think he is. He's more caring and gentle that most realize, and he's so sweet. Gods, he is so sweet. The way he cares for every single melusine is adorable. The way he enthusiastically encourages you to try water that he imported from gods-knows-where, just because he says that it taste fresh and clear like no other. And the way his eyes shine when you take a sip and tell him that he's right, that it's sp distinct, and he smiles, and you don't have the heart to tell him that in truth, it just tastes like water to you.
Before you know it, you're actually falling for Neuvillette. Not for the mission, not for the files. You're genuinely becoming head over heels for him. You can't tell your superiors this— you know you'd be pulled out and disposed of immediately now that you're compromised, but you can't go along with deceiving Neuvillette anymore. But if you tell him... no doubt he'd turn you away, like the double-crosser you are.
But you still find yourself in front of his office anyway, a heavy hand and a heavier heart knocking on his doors.
"Come in," he says.
And it's hard. Gods, it's so hard to come clean to him. You stutter and you just can't seem to spit out the words, so Neuvillette decides to talk first. He pulls something out of a drawer and sets it on his desk, opening its contents for you to see. And you gasp, because these are the files that you had been told were the highest priority. If you ever got your hands on them, you were to risk your life to get them back to your organization.
"Why are you showing me this?" You ask him, voice quiet, brow furrowed. Your hand reaches out to touch the papers, but you hesitate. Neuvillette just watches you, smiling mysteriously.
"Because you have my wholehearted trust," is all he says, and it's enough to break you.
The tears come flowing faster than you can help them. There's a lump in your throat, making it hard to breathe. Even as you splutter out the words, the confessions to why you're here, why you got close to him, and everything else in between, Neuvillette listens patiently. He doesn't yell, doesn't glare or curse you out. He doesn't shout for guards to come and toss you into the darkest pits of Meropide. Instead, he's calm.
"I know," he says as a means of explanation, and you still. His hand reaches across the desk, holding yours gently. "Since the very first day we met, when you stood beside me drenched in rain on the balcony, I've known. And my heart is yours anyway."
You shake your head, still crying quietly. "I will betray you. If not, I will be killed."
Neuvillette's hand squeezes yours. "Do you think so little of me that I would allow any harm to befall you, my love?"
"I think the world of you," you argue, and he smiles.
"There is no safer place for you than by my side. Should there be any threat to your life, I would use every ounce of my power to dispose of it, " Neuvillette vows. "Your organization has made a great many mistakes, but the greatest of them all has been sending you to me, and expecting me to ever let harm befall you."
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HAJSDSAJKL LISTEN the monologue in the clip that i found (hopefully we're talking abt the same mashup ?!?!?) was longer + had more drama but OUGH my brain craves soft sweet tender romance without too much drama and life-or-death haksdkajs
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dorims · 3 months
make you fix me [ sneak peak ]
gif creds @/endiness
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roman roy x therapist!reader
wc. ~550
genre. fluff, angst,
spiraling into a more than confusing dynamic, roman roy's relationships have always disrupted the balance between professionalism and an HR complaint. It wasn't his fault his authentic-roy-ways didn't follow the 'being a decent human being' guidebook. People fell in love with their therapists all the time anyway, and being a nepo-baby billionaire didn't save him of that fate.
tags. WORKING TITLE, NO BETA AS OF RN, prone to grammar mistakes !! the story is set some time after s4 as of rn, gif is not representative of the timeline this takes place in, allusions to abuse, being dismissive of therapy, roman uses the word looney as an insult once, tags will be added as the story progresses, these are mainly for the text below the cut
a/n. this is a little sneak peak of one my wips! the full document has 3.5k words ish but im aiming for at least 7k, maybe a little more. if anyone wants to join the tag list for this fic please send me an ask off anon or with your url
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“Are you writing that down?” He frowned, “why are you writing that down? I literally just said I wasn’t.”
Yet again, another bold demonstration of your therapeutic ineptitude. You dared to look up at him for a couple of seconds too long, scanning him over until his eyes widened in confusion while he jostled his hands in the air, preparing to retaliate. But just when he started stringing words together, you decided to start what seemed like a new sentence.
“What are you even writing?!” He wanted to tear all his hair from the roots. “I haven't said anything!”
“Well, you have.”
“It doesn’t matter!” Groaning in protest, he scooted closer to the edge of the couch, almost like he wanted to stand up. “I said nothing that means anything.”
“Then,” you clicked your pen, and his gaze immediately zeroed in on your fingers toying with the shiny metal. He gulped, knowingly so, like waiting for the stationary to stab him in the neck. But nothing had happened, and instead, he missed the way you [had noticed] “There’s nothing you should worry about.”
His shoulders dropped with the heavy weight of being scrutinized. One would have thought he would’ve been used to it by now. But from experience, he had learned that the everlasting bitterness of getting examined under a microscope would always linger. No matter what he tried, the only way of coping with it was to wait for it to pass with his tail between his legs. 
“Can you just like stop? Writing?” With his elbows resting on his knees and his face burrowed against the nook of his hands, his voice came out pityingly muffled, much like the hint of the child he had been tasked to cast aside way too soon.
“Because, it’s, fuckin’ weird?” He forced himself to stare straight at the spot right between his Oxfords, shaking his head in disbelief as he attempted a laugh. “I’m not paying you to scribble on your looney book.”
You had hummed once more, and he had wanted to tell you to stop. With his gaze still zeroed on the floor, he failed to notice how the plain Moleskin had been pushed to the side, neatly closed in a genuine display of concern. Or as genuine as a therapist would allow themselves to be during their first session. 
“Then what are you paying me for?”
“To like, you know,” he shrugged in disbelief. “Ask me to draw a stick figure under the rain and tell me how to fix this.”
“Fix this?”
“Yeah, this.” The words had left his tongue sitting, heavy in his mouth, and the rest that wanted to tumble out felt foreign in size and shape, though similar in weight to that of shame. The same one that had seeped from between his teeth and gums and skin countless times when the inconceivable consequences of his actions caught up to him growing up. Shame so thick it would put blood to shame, though they sure shared the same taste. And it had always been easier to spit it out in private, drown the aftertaste with fierce scrubbing and hide the searing imprints on his cheeks underneath the covers. But the walls surrounding him were no longer the ones in his childhood bedroom, and you were still waiting on an answer. “Fix, I don’t know…me?”
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shaynawrites23 · 8 months
🤭 of failing in the study aspect and so you won't be able to achieve your dream (this is so personal rn)
With Peter (parker of course) or Remus or Sirius. Whichever inspires you
You'll Succeed
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Word count: 745
A/N: it's been really long since you requested this, im sorry 😅 if you still see this, i hope you enjoy!
When Peter came back from class, he expected to find things different from how he'd left them. He's been gone a couple hours, after all, and you'd assured him before he left that you'd finish up your work while he was away and take the rest of the day off, to give yourself a bit of a break after all your hard work. You'd even discussed dinner plans, and while he'd said time and time again that he'd cook, and that you just had to sit back and relax, you'd said something about getting it started, and he had to choose between bickering with you about it or being on time for class.
What he found upon coming home, though, was not what he'd hoped for. Surrounded by textbooks, papers and a half-full cup of tea, you're still busily typing away on your laptop, as though you haven't moved since he left. He touches a hand to your cup, his backpack hitting the floor with a dull thud.
And all this while, you don't stop your incessant typing, don't take your attention off of your work for longer than it takes you to say, "hi, Peter, how was class?"
Peter ignores your question.
"Babe," he sighs, saving your document with one hand and gently closing your laptop with the other, "I thought we agreed you'd take the rest of the day off?"
"Yeah," you sigh back, swiveling in your chair to face him, hands gesturing helplessly as you talk. "But then I looked at my planner, and I- there's so much more to do, Peter, and if I can't do it all I'm gonna fail this class and watch my dreams slip through my fingers. Like little dandelion seeds floating on the wind."
He's ready to make a joke, but you look so exhausted, so dejected and genuinely afraid of all your work being for naught, that he swallows those words and replaces them with something gentler.
"Hey, babe. Babe, look at me." His warm hand touches your chin, gently guiding you to meet his eyes as he kneels in front of you. "You're up in your head again. I promise you, one night off isn't gonna shatter your dreams. It'll be good for you, actually; if you keep pushing without a break, you'll only burn out and get sick, and then you'll lose more time. Take a break with me, yeah? Come relax, we'll make those little dessert things you like, we'll watch your favorite show and I'll give you lots of kisses."
Damn, that's tempting. Part of you wants nothing more than to say yes, but then the overwhelming guilt of not being productive takes over and you shake your head, blinking back tears.
"I can't, Peter. I can't lose this, this opportunity, this- I've dreamed about this for years and I can't lose my chance, not when I'm so close- Peter, I want this so bad, but what if I can't-"
You cut yourself off there. The thought of not achieving your dreams, not getting what you want so badly, what you've worked so hard for, is painful to think about, and a single tear rolls down your cheek as you take a deep breath and remind yourself to think about something else. Alarm flashes across Peter's face, but he tries his best to hide it and reaches up to gently brush your tears away with his thumb.
"Hey, angel, don't think like that. You really think you could lose it, when you've worked this hard? Babe, don't underestimate yourself. You've worked hard, you're still working hard, but you can't work yourself to death either. You need to find a balance, between work and rest. And get those thoughts of failure out of your head, okay angel? You're not gonna fail. Not your class, not your course, not at your goals. You'll succeed, I promise."
Peter sounds so earnest, so honest, so much like he truly believes you can do it, that you can't do much more than stifle a sob and nod, reaching for a hug he's all too happy to give you.
"That's my girl," he smiles, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. "Now, no more work tonight, okay? Come to the kitchen, and remind me how to make those dessert things you like before I mess it up and something completely different comes out of the oven."
Your answering giggle is all he needs to smile.
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lifmera · 3 months
hazbin/helluva (one for each) matchup for an acearospec he/they/it with massive audhd swag (masc leaning attraction ways)
i love art and fiction, both as the audience and artist/author,
especially collaborative storytelling like roleplay or improv!!!!
and i love to use my artistic skills to make things for others.. or myself. alot of the time just myself. theres probably a reason im called an egotist
im very creative imaginative or whatever and daydreaming isnt an oddity. or just getting stuck in my head re-narrating the same idea over and over.
im known to have a large vocabulary but if you ask me what any of the words mean i cant tell you (i know im using them right but i learn all my words via inferencing rather than precise definition)
hidden role games are my bread and butter (think mafia,,, or among us)
in the past i made for a very convincing serial killer. take that how you will
i can also get well enough into character to genuinely provoke tears in an acting scenario. though im a quick crier regardless so that doesnt say much
I'm very over the top "fashion"-wise wearing bright garish eccentric colours.
this overbearingly true to my selfness extends to basically every facet of my being which is only balanced out by how god damn low energy i am (chronic pain ass mfer)
I'm probably cold blooded, put me under a heatlamp idk
id say that i bite but im too germophobic for that shit
thank you :]
I didn’t pair you up w Velvette… only cus i wasn’t sure if you were gay or just prefer men!
I’ve decided to pair you with…. BLITZØ & VOX 
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He’d probably force you to do some pony role play with him. Please do it- he just loves his ponies :(
ALSO DRAW HIM PONIES!! OR TEACH HIM?? He had to pay so much for art classes, just for him to still suck…
He want’s to hear your thoughts most of the time. He’s like.. “whats going on inside their head rn…?”
He’d think you are a little like Stolas using big words- but he’d be impressed. He’d probably ask you to help him increase his vocabulary so he can actually sound more intimidating and boss like.
Serial killer? Join the IMPS :) they only have like 3 other people anyways.
Well enough character?? Lure in the clients like Loona did??? SIGN HIM UP!!! He’s already offering you a job.
Roleplay…. Games? He’d probably ask wtf is that, but then enjoy it sm. Probably asks moxxie and millie to play in their free time.
He’d be surprised you are wearing bright colors!! Usually people in hell wear all red, black, white and pink.
He’s definitely think you’d get along with Loona, so he was like “perfect lover?!!? Esp if they might become close to my daughter?!?”
Ok, VOX time!!
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If you are able to Improv… it’d be perfect… you can help him manipulate people…
Especially being able to cry on spot??! If you can act he’d probably bring you everywhere- and you’d join the face of the company.
He’d need someone with a creative imagination to help him come up with new/more ideas for vox tech. Eventually he might run out.
Your large vocabulary would also help him out a ton. You can help write scripts for him, and act them out that’ll make everything sound WAYYY convincing!
Serial Killer? Join the Vees x2!!! They need someone, esp against Alastor.
Fashion? Thank god! You’d get along with Velvette!!! And he wouldn’t have to worry about you not getting accepted into the Vee’s.
Hope this was okay!
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choicesmc · 4 months
Really quick drabble I wrote insprired by @jerzwriter [this post] It's not exactly a Valentine's fic but 😭 it was so fitting that I had to!! Will edit later for formatting stuff 👍 (im tired rn)
Title: Happy Valentine's, Hater Book: The Junior (i think) MC: Rin (you haven't properly met her yet!!) Words: 749
Rin chewed the butt of her cigarette. She sat in the corner of the cafe, wrapped in leather from head to toe. The lingering winter chill bit through the freezing leather, but even that was a welcome sensation. A sharp grin spread across her face as Rin flexed her fingers in front. She’d never thought she’d be able to tie up her loosest ends so neatly.  
Somehow, her mother had found her. Against every odd and prayer, Starla Bishop was going to saunter back into Rin’s life like she’d never left. Like she hadn’t abandoned Rin in an empty lot at thirteen while police swarmed the place where all the people Rin knew were being handcuffed one-by-one. 
The older parts of her remembered everything: the blue-red of police cars blaring through the windows, the shattered glass, the pain as she struggled to run alongside her mother. The setting anger as her mother’s back went farther and farther without her. 
And yet, the six year old in her only recalled her mother’s warm smile. Only remembered the occasional chunks of chocolate they’d share on special days. Only remembered the scant good things they were to remember about that wreck of a woman. 
The rest of her kept count of the colder ones, like unsettled debts. Her back remembered the sharp sting of cold, ragged sticks on dark nights. Her ears still stung remembering all the different curses Starla would hurl at her during the day. Her eyes still remembered the pure vitriol leveled at her with every action. Her heart still remembered each disparaging comment. 
So when Starla, voiced pleading –almost repentant– had begged to see Rin, even if just one day… Rin knew it was finally time to settle the score.
The cafe door chimed. 
Rin saw a cloud of grayed hair. 
She heard the clack of shoes against the wood floor. 
Before she knew it, there was her mother. The same height as her. The same smile as her. The same eyes as her. 
Unbidden comments from her childhood spilled into memory. There was a time Rin would sit up prouder after noticing another similarity between her and her mom. Now? The very idea made her itch for a lighter. 
Looking away, Rin gestured to the seat across from her. Tears tethered on the verge of falling, constricting her voice, “Don’t just stand there like a dumbass.” 
Starla’s hands reached out, showing off expensively decorated nails. Her voice was comforting, it was the tone of the mother who’d adored her baby. A voice that Rin could sparsely recall, “Oh sweetie…” 
Yanking away, Rin swatted at Starla’s hands. “Let’s get somethin’ straight,” she said, cold and hard, “you ain’t gotta right to touch me like that or call me like that, clear?” 
Starla nodded, the sort that was too practiced to be genuine, “I understand, Renee.” 
“The name’s Rin now.” 
“A shame, Renee was such a pretty name…” She trailed off, cautiously asking, “is it a nickname for Renee?” 
“No, ain’t want nothing with that name,” Rin responded, flippantly flicking her cigarette towards Starla, admiring when she flinched away, “and that includes you.” 
 Enough hurt painted Starla’s face that Rin felt bad. 
“Renee, sorry, Rin,” Starla said, only looking a little apologetic. Shifting forward, her voice grew thick, tight with tears, looking at her own splitting image glaring at her. “Know that I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 
“So? You did.” 
“I was young–” 
“You were thirty.” 
“I was dumb.” 
“I agree.” 
“I want to make things right with you.” 
“I know.” 
Starla perked up, “Rinny? You changed your mind.” 
“Rinny?” Rin repeated, “Who the hell’s that? My name’s Rin.” 
Starla flushed, “I thought it was a cute nickname.” 
“We ain’t close enough for that.” 
“I’m trying to fix that.” 
“I don’t think it’s broken.” Rin suppressed a snort, placing her cigarette back between her lips. She licked over the groove her teeth had made, standing up before she lost her nerve. Callously, she handed Starla a small gift bag. Barely bothering with a glance, she continued, “I wanna a clean break from you. I got you a little something for Valentine’s, in case you ever feel like talkin’ ta me again.” 
Pulling out the gift, she placed the small teddy in front of her mother. Each of its fur-covered paws held half of a broken heart. It wore a black shirt reading: Bye Bye! 
Rin didn’t stick around long enough to know what Starla said. If she said anything at all. 
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
Hello! I dont know if you are taking requests rn but if you feel comfortable could you write the bsd characters helping/comforting reader through a bad panic attack? Maybe reader has been super stressed w/ school or work and has just been bottling things up until they snap. Personally my panic attacks are intense: hyperventilating, shaking, tears, digging my fingers into my arms and legs almost bruisingly, unable to hold my weight- just in case you need ideas. If this is uncomfortable for you then dont worry about it. Love your writing!!!
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Helping with a bad panic attack
a/n: hello!! im so sorry if this isn’t as good as usual, feel free to vent <33
atsushi nakajima, osamu dazai, saigiku jōno, doppo kunikida, kōyō ozaki
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#Atsushi Nakajima
atsushi is unfortunately no stranger to panic attacks. nor is is he a stranger to stress to be better.
seeing all your peers have talents, barely even surviving, it was so much pressure— even your boyfriend, atsushi is well, the most important ability user in the world.
there was a ringing, its so loud. so loud, you could pull out your hair, bang your head against a wall, it’s so much stress.
“ugh.. im seriously questioning how mr. dazai is still alive..” atsushi said as he closed the door to your dorm. “ah! s/o, are you alright?” he puts down the dinner he bought beside you and went to hold your hand.
he pulls you beside him and rests your head on his shoulder. “im here for you, alright? just tell me when you’re ready.” he gently coos, wiping tears away with his glove.
listening to your cries of self-hate “im not good enough, im not good enough to do anything.” hearing you made you think of himself, what had he wanted most?
kindly grabbing your hand once more, “here’s an idea… what if we train together? i know the feeling of self-doubt very well so why don’t we work together to be stronger?”
“hm— yes, id like that, atsushi..” you smile. “alright! mm, how about we start after dinner?”you nod and following, he started unwrapping your dinners. “eat up, s/o. it isn’t good to train on an empty stomach <33.”
#Osamu Dazai
8:45 PM, and your report’s due in two hours. everything was going wrong, your stupid professor forced the class to switch to a new website, the fucking thing shut down when you were almost done and your ‘friends’ ran tail when you were the one who wasn’t ok. it was so ironic, so funny, you could manically laugh— “My, why does god hate me?”
until a familiar voice rang out through the living room. “Oh, my nightshade, i’m back! look what i found at the convenience store!” your annoyingly sweet boyfriend pointed to the baggie of treats in his hand, a bunch of your favorites and even some boba in a plastic bottle. Ah
scars on your legs, the unevenly constant clicking of nails and the shaking of your body— unfortunately, dazai recognized this behavior of yours.
laying the treats on the coffee table, he sat down next to you. “dearest, what’s on your mind? is it school?” he genuinely asked, laying your head on his chest and rubbing your back.
crying into his navy vest, you told him all about what had happened; the stress, your assignment and what had happened. calmly brushing your hair, dazai began to spoke again. “shh, shh, it’s okay, dear. listen to my heartbeat, alright? relax your body, i’ll help you find a way, promise.”
kissing your head, he waited until your breaths had calmed. wiping your tears with his thumb “are you alright, dear?”
“ah, yea, i am, sorry, osamu, aha…” you nod and weakly laugh. “alright~..” he says, playfulness slowly coming back— he smiles and grabs your laptop “come! get some snacks, we’ll finish it together! <3”
#Saigiku Jouno
losing was not fun. and your opponent rubbing it in your face is even worse. holding in your tears hurt like hell. and upon arriving home, all you wanted to do was cry. crouching down on the floor, your tears stained your outfit and your nails dug into your wrists. eventually, you had tired yourself out and somehow made it to the couch..
it wasn’t until late midnight that jouno finally returned home. it was not something he liked. the faint smell of iron and the unevenness of your heartbeat. you were alive but, something had happened.
using his ability, he made his way beside you on the couch, carefully waking you. “jewel, why are you upset?” he asked, tilting his head. for once, he didn’t sound sarcastic he sounded like he really cared. “uh.. it’s nothing, sai’. its stupid anyways…” you look away in embarrassment, despite his blindness.
“if you’re crying about it, it appears its not stupid to you.” he frowns. “seriously, sai’! im alright!” you defend yourself. “hm~ your heartbeat is faster.. that only happens when you lie. what’s wrong.” it didn’t seem like a question, more like an order. he really wanted to know, huh?
giving in, you tell him about it all, “hehe, i told you, it’s really stupid…” you laugh at yourself. “hrgh, i understand the feeling. losing is.. awful, it makes you feel inferior. but it does not make you any less talented. tetchou may be the strongest hunting dog but i, myself am better than him in interrogations, right?” he.. hes joking right?
“aha.. ahahahaha!” you giggle. “wha?!? hey, thats a genuine question!” he complains. “ah.. hahaha! sure, if that’s what you wanna think!” you cry, but this time not from sadness or frustration, happiness. well.. if it’s you, he could be the clown, just this once.
#Doppo Kunikida
a huge case has came the way of the agency. after it had been resolved, you were the unlucky soul who had to summarize it to the bureau of unique abilities and god, was ango a fucking critic.
‘i’ll go to sleep in an hour’ you told kunikida— 3 hours ago. ah, it’s almost 2 already and you’ve just finished an evaluation of the enemy. in theory, this isn’t so hard, so why? ‘am i just incompetent? or am i stupid? why can’t i do this?’ you thought while crying into your hands
“s/o, dear what are you still doing up?” kunikida said, sitting up onto the bed and grabbing his glasses. “you need at least 7 hours of sleep to function properly, it isn’t healthy to pull all-nighters.”
grabbing a tissue from the box beside your lamp, you swiftly clean your face “y-yea just… finishing up some work.” of course, kunikida is much smarter than that. “come here.” he says, his arms wide open. “are you alright? what has got you so stressed?” petting your head gently, he listened to your woes, never even once bringing up some sort of schedule.
“you were working on your report?” he asked, almost mocking you… “s/o, work is there for a reason, there is a time when you should work and a time where you should rest or else you can’t work properly.”
rolling you down onto your side of the bed and tucking you in. “rest for now, alright, dear? the report is tomorrow’s problem.” he said while turning off the lamp. “and if you’re still struggling—“ kissing your lips, “ill be there to help you.”
#Koyo Ozaki
working in the port mafia had never been easy, especially when you’re your girlfriend’s informant. of course, she didn’t favor you at all, you were still expected to finish your reports and tell koyo of all the things you learned.
despite being a mafia sub-executive, you weren’t kind to the screams of agony often heard in koyo’s torture chamber or the blood that often stained the floors. you always were in your office or out with a client.
that is until koyo had went out to complete her own will— an ability user from the government had landed into the port mafia’s trap. “mx. s/o, what should we do? if we wait for lady ozaki to arrive, he might escape!”
logically, it’d be best to wait for koyo’s official orders but who knows when she’ll be back? you cant ask another executive for help, you’re the one in charge? what do you do? your head is fogging up, it’s getting harder to think, voices are layering it’s almost like you’re just a spectator.
“t…try to get as much information out of him right now..” you finally say, falling onto your chair. the cries of misery overheard from the walkie talkie never seemed to end.
time seemed to pass slower, the next thing you remember, koyo was holding you close to her. “flower, what has you so gloomy?” she asked gently, never even frowning when you stuttered.
“i..i hurt someone. im sorry, im s-“ you pleaded before koyo carefully hushed you. “it wasn’t your fault, my light, he was a… misogynistic and patriarchal man, the only thing he was really good for was giving us information and thanks to you, darling, we got it.” she smiled gently at you.
“how— hic how do you know..?” you rub your red eyes. “he guaranteed us use of a rolodex filled with info of who has landed into yokohama recently. ogai suspects that we will find out where that dostoevsky had hid.” she explained, pulling you to rest in her arms. “now rest. tomorrow, it will be a better day for the both of us.”
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crulixto · 1 year
note: im allergic to cats too (and dogs aswell, a luci chapt on this w dog shall be awaited) and im a big satan(and lucifer) stan sooo i thought it’d be fun to write this :•
edit: this was kinda lame ngl HAHHAHA hope u enjoy
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this man, at first he’d be so shocked offended when he found out (before u guys were dating)
he would have probably tried to avoid you at some point
But when during his character arc (lesson 10-11 ish?) he started to empathize with your situation and that it isn’t your fault
Hanging out could get difficult
“i see… then we’ll have to change plans..”
“W-wait no it’s fine really!”
“ I insist”
you’re sneezing all over the place. Every goddamn time he came from a cat cafe.
Walking home from RAD together, he comes across a BOX OF KITTENS.
“Are those kittens? In a box? Who’d leave such precious creatures behind? And in such a small and worn out box too.”
He goes up to the box and literally scoops them all up to carry them all
While he was playing with all those kitties u were just standing there like ‘bitch i cant play with the cats with you are fkin fr rn’
Satan notices this and apologizes then tries to come close to hug you
The key word was tried, your eyes started watering and you started to sneeze and try to sneeze (that struggle to sneeze but you cant do it last minute, ugh my eyes start to bring out a pool worth of tears
He always. ALWAYS. Bring tissues and some medicine with him at all times.
There was one time too Satan made his trained cats scratch Lucifer and his study, you were surprised when you enter Lucifer’s study to pass your tasks to be welcomed by that fuzzy, itchy feeling in your nose and your eyes felt like swelling
Lucifer was deep cleaning his study because he knew you had tasks due that day😭
“My apologies MC, it seems that Satan had brought cats in here earlier today to scratch me. Just leave the papers there.”
Poor guy and you
one of the hardest parts of dating him, he’d come home after playing or tending cats in the streets. And you? Pass the tissues you dont even feel safe from sneezing in his room.
He genuinely tries to hold back from even coming close to a cat now, since he would be probably taking u out on a date, want to cuddle, or anything when it came to bonding with you really. But cats. Cats!
Its the only thing keeping you both apartt~
Honestly at some point he’d get upset and conflicted then just gets a book and tries to find a spell for u allergies to go bye bye
Wrong move, it got kinda worse
So now you’re both sad and miserable
Once your allergies got so bad ur face swelled after he came from a animal shelter
You guys stayed in your rooms but texted/called
“Satan, what are you doing right now?”
“Im reading a book of spells about allergies, dont worry MC once i can put out your allergy we wont have this problem anymore—“
“Hey! Remember the last time you did that?!”
In weekdays, you guys hang out as muuuuch as possible and you secretly hope from within that you both dont pass by a cat so he does not get you sneezin all over the place again
He once passed u a sticky note in class, you opened it and saw cute doodles of cats, just to play with him you draw yourself in a chibi version, sneezing and suffering from allergies
Once you gave the sticky note back to him, he smiled abit at your drawing and realized what it meant
He glares at you, and pulls you by your chair and side hugs you
“Would you look at that MC, no sneezing or such?”
He is smug and proud
“Haha then after recess you go tend to that box of kittens you found at the west tower of the office”
“…” “…okay..” “wait mc—“
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onlyjaeyun · 9 months
i truly wish poison would never end like it has become my favourite nighttime routine its like watching your favourite show come out with a new episode everyday and you patiently wait for it like every time i get the notif (bc i OBVS have notifs on) i get myself a snack put a playlist depending on the chapter if its angsty/fluffy/smutty and idk what i will do without it im truly so obsessed 😩😩 not to mention the amount of times i have reread it i think there are certain chapters that i reread daily i know im crazy but its just that good and ive tried to find things that could satisfy but nothing comes close im so sorry for saying it but the angst in posion doesnt angst like other angstssss its much more angsty if that makes sense anyway thank you a million times for the commitment and writing this fine piece of media and being so dedicated and such a perfectionist abt it its amazing i cant find enough words truly 🤍
i had the longest and most exhausting day ever and this brought tears to my eyes. knowing my writing is such a big and positive part of your days seems so surreal to me, thank you so much for this love and support, i promise i wont ever take it for granted. i'm actually tearing up rn, i really needed this (tho i get sweet and genuine messages like these every day) but either way i'm just SO grateful, thank you so much. i hope you have a great day/night. sending you so many kisses rn 🩷
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holy shit IM LOSING MY MIND??? I’m done it’s over and
I- I’m running out of ways to express my obsession with your Sickfics… I need to invent new words? Or new ways to scream in text form because I need you to understand how fucking AMAZING this new fic is 😭😭😭😭
It’s so damn good???? It’s SO SATISFYING????? HELLO?? oh my word cyno cyno cyno what an absolute mess you are.🥺 poor poor thing!! I love everything in this fic. I love their relationship and how comfy they are together - how much Cyno loved spoiling nari (and tighnari deserves it let’s be real) I love the use of implied both ends!! I feel like it works really well in this case and it’s subtle but I love the implication that maybe Cyno was coming down with a bug before hand since he wasn’t feeling hungry? But then it’s like the heavy food expedited that process. I love the descriptions of fullness and how he just- very quickly - is NOT okay anymore. UHG HIS ANXIETY??? you captured the thought process perfectly of just being seen and being seen too much and the constant what ifs. Idk if Tighnari knew cyno hated being sick in public but he ABSOLUTELY gets the picture now.
OMG and Cyno just refusing to be sick in the public restroom sent me. I was genuinely shocked he managed to not lol 😂😅 like you know you just KNOW that’s so much worse feeling in that situation. Tighnari must have been so concerned and absolutely not buying it at all. Cynos little “I’m fines” when he sounds like he’s close to tears STOP. AH!! And the weakness??? OML his faintness was just so good and I’m feral over all the little details with nari being like “ok if he doesn’t sit he’s going to collapse it’s time for mom mode” and how he takes command in those moments. So damn GOOD. don’t even get me started when Cynos finally sick I can’t. My heart. Just all the worst things he wants to lay down his stomach feels so sick and now there is puke everywhere and- It was such a perfectly written scene 🥺🥺🥺 and the little FOX TOY THAT HE CUDDLES??? I’m gonna DIE?? IM TRULY DEAD?? I LOVE how attentive Tighnari is with his fussing and then very tactful more subtle support, just giving him the toy so Cyno can hug something on the way home cuz even if Tighnari knows cyno would never in public he knows him and knows he wants to be held rn and i -
I believe it’s 100% a tummy bug and not the food and that the ‘heat’ he was feeling was for sure fever and nausea and that maybe it wouldn’t have been this bad but anything he ate that day was going to more or less rot inside him. I have no doubts he was not done with the restroom for a number of reasons after getting home but I absolutely know he was 1000% times more at peace. Except for him replaying the events in his head for all eternity.
I’m truly never going to recover.
amazing fucking work. I’ve already re read this and I will re read again and again and yeah. That’s it. I’m just. Simply. Deceased. 😭😭😭
Thank you for this gift 😭🩷
I AM SCREAMING, I WOKE UP TO THIS IN MY INBOX THIS MORNING AND I WASN'T ABLE TO STOP SMILING AS I READ THROUGH IT 😭 You have no idea how much these comments mean to me, you made my whole day with this!
I am SO HAPPY you enjoyed it this much!! Allow me to get sappy for a moment, it already makes me so happy that people are actually reading what I'm creating, but knowing people enjoy it so much?? It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and it makes me so happy. I enjoy writing sickfics so much, it's just a fun, self-indulgent hobby that I also happen to post online. And just knowing something I created, purely by having fun, is being enjoyed this much?? All the happy emotions!!
Alright, happy sappy earthquake out, let's scream about Cyno!
HE IS, he is such a mess, this poor boy 🥺 I definitely had it in my head that he was beginning to come down with something before the date even started, but having a heavy restaurant meal just made things go south so much faster. I'm really glad to hear I was able to pull off the implied both ends without it seeming too out of place!! It definitely felt like if I was going to have it anywhere, this was the fic for it, Cyno had a very unhappy stomach. He went from "i can handle this" to "i am NOT okay" in the blink of an eye and I feel so bad for doing that to him. THE ANXIETY! THE VULNERABILITY!! He can't stand that other people might just THINK of him as vulnerable, the smallest sign of weakness and he wants no eyes on him immediately. I definitely think Tighnari knew he didn't like being sick in public, but he didn't know it was this bad. He definitely hadn't expected Cyno's anxiety to go through the roof like that.
He BARELY held it together in the bathroom, I think Tighnari was just as surprised that he didn't throw up. Oh Cyno baby, I know you didn't want to get sick in a public bathroom, but you could've spared yourself getting sick in the parking lot. You just know he's going to replay this event in his head a million times thinking where he should've done something differently to make the day somewhat less mortifying.
THE LITTLE FOX!! PLEASE THAT WAS SUCH A FUN LITTLE DETAIL TO ADD. I have a feeling that little thing is going to become a big comfort item for Cyno. Only private because you know he would NEVER let anybody outside of Tighnari know that he even has a stuffed animal, but it'll become a massive comfort for him. We love Tighnari just knowing. He's so good at handling these situations and we adore him for it. He's giving Cyno so many hugs when they're home.
I definitely agree with you there, boy was feverish. His body temperature was all over the place, first the hot flashes and sweating, and then he was feeling shivery?? He's definitely sick sick 🥺 He's definitely not going to be done with the bathroom for a while. In my head I imagine even the drive home is going to be hell, I mean can you imagine being in a moving car on the road when your stomach is feeling as bad as his was? Yeah they definitely pulled over more than once.
ARGH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! I'm genuinely happy you enjoyed it as much as you did!! Again, thank you so much!!
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I think im asking too many questions atp idek if uve already answered this one so IM SORRY IF IM BOTHERING but whos ur fav music artist???
Also i know ive requested him before but im unoriginal and inlove so
Can i request
Gyro angst
I feel like being sad rn
Imma be here when u hit 10k fr
I talk too much OKAY BYE HAVE A NICE DAY!
You're not asking too many questions, omg. i think it's lovely that you wanna ask me stuff <333 currently, my favorite music artist (because i listen to A LOT OF MUSIC) is Gorillaz. I've listened to them since I was a kid and love them so so much <33
also, not unoriginal, i never get Gyro requests and I am so down bad for this cowboy, so thank you for requesting him because AWOOOOGA
it's not super angsty or anything, but I quite like it :)
Stuck - Gyro Zeppeli
pairing - Gyro x reader
warnings - slight angst, nothing crazy tho
word count - 615
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You screamed at the top of your lungs, trying to claw yourself out of the earth. How the hell were you supposed to know that there was quicksand in America? And why the hell were they making racers take their horses through it?! Your horse had run off to god knows where and you were stranded. You were going to die here.
Prior, you made the stupid mistake of screaming at Gyro for being an idiot, and he left you in the dust unapologetically. You couldn't blame him though. If your horse didn't have a scratch on her leg, you would've gladly left him in the dust too, but instead you were left behind. And now it felt like the last breaths you were going to take.
For some reason, your brain couldn't stop feeling bad for yelling at Gyro, for being such an asshole to him since the race started. Maybe if you didn't cause all of the situations, karma wouldn't be here to bite you in the ass.
You really couldn't help but cry, watching the sky get further and further from you. God, this was awful. Wet, hot tears ran down your face as the cold mud grabbed your collarbones. You knew you shouldn't have signed up for this godforsaken race.
You took a breath and decided: screw Gyro Zeppeli. He just left you here like he knew it was going to happen. Like he wanted you to die in the middle of the-
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted as you felt a hand grab yours. You were pulled out of the mud and into the arms of… dammit.
“Gyro?!” You pushed him away and almost fell back into the mud, but he grabbed your hand to prevent that from happening.
“Are you hurt?” His voice sounded genuine, like he really cared about you.
“N-No. I'm fine.” You shuffled in your spot before Gyro ran with you, avoiding anything that could be quicksand.
“Dammit, y/n, I can't believe you!”
“I don't wanna hear it! You get all pissed at me and I leave you just to find out you almost got killed, you dumbass! Thank god your horse showed up to our campsite or else you would probably be dead because I wouldn't have found out!”
You stood and allowed yourself to get yelled at by Gyro. You did deserve it. You were being the asshole, so the least you could give him was your time. So you swallowed back your pride and listened.
“I'm just, ugh!” Gyro threw his hands in the air and then wrapped his arms around you. “I'm just glad you’re okay.” His voice was soft against your ear, and his hair tickled your arm.
“Sorry Gyro.”
He pulled back and looked you up and down. “It's okay… just… don't do it again.” He grabbed your hand and went to walk off again, but he felt the force of you standing still and stopped, turning to you. “What’s the matter?”
“I'm really sorry Gyro.”
“You already said that, y/n. It's okay real-”
“No. About earlier. I'm sorry Gyro.”
Gyro looked at you with concerned eyebrows and jumped when you threw yourself on him, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. He pulled you in close by the waist and smiled. “I'm sorry too.” You kept your muddy, dirty clothes covered body pressed to his warm one, letting him pick pieces of trees and rocks off of your shirt. “Now what do you say we get back to the campsite and get you cleaned up?”
You nodded and placed a little kiss on his cheek before grabbing his hand and letting him guide you.
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