#im gonna self reblog the shit out of this
hiveswap · 8 months
Im going to fucking throw up
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starlooove · 11 months
I love love being spiteful about my tagging seriously putting #timdrake in a post that has absolutely NOTHING to do with him is so healing because lord knows what we have to sift thru in our faves' tags
IK this is tumblr and all but I’m never gonna forget the Duke centric fic that had him being insecure in his place in the family just for him to realize his place is to coddle tim 💀
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I love going to people's blogs, and seeing huge pinned posts explaining what they won't tolerate, how to speak to them, how to interact with their blog, their political views, views they dislike, and on, and on, and on
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Makes it much easier to spot the people I'd never ever get along with!
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sigh I’m not doing yaoi discourse in 2023. takes three seconds to look up how it originated versus other gay genres/subgenres like yuri, shounen-ai, bara, or BL. I seriously don’t give a fuck if people create/engage with yaoi but ignoring its origins is not helping anyone especially if you’re trying to reclaim the genre.
#mud rambles#yaoi is not yuris counterpart and people pretending it is. is like. ridiculous#men writing yuri and women writing BL in of itself is not an issue but like. yaoi was literally created out of the fetishization of gay men#by women for the consumption of other women. that is not 'pushing a bias' or what the fuck ever it takes two seconds to confirm that#reclaim the genre! idc! but again ignoring how it started isnt helping anyone#it's very distinct from BL bara and shounen-ai#i have a love hate relationship w yaoi as a genre bc it was a big part of my self discovery journey#and it's not even inherently bad. its just that. AGAIN. you cant ignore its origins in favor of having an aesthetic pair with yuri#ive been researching and learning about this shit since i was a teen#anyway seriously. this is the last im gonna b talking abt this#dont send me shit i am not engaging w it further#this was brought on bc somebody screenshotted tags i left on a post i reblogged but have since deleted#cause again. not doing fucking. yaoi discourse of all things as a fucking grown man lmfao#again. idfc if people create/consume/etc yaoi i literally would just like people to actually be critical of what they consume and#not ignore shit because they cant deal with the reality of how certain genres can come from shitty origins#okay bye <3 back to my regular blogging experience#dont reblog this or screenshot this or whatever this is my post my blog if i could figure out how to turn reblogs off for this post i would#i was able to do it before on the mobile app for other posts but that function apparently just does not exist on the web for me specifically#and i deleted the app a while ago. anyway. k bye
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seeresultssweep · 3 months
ik this blog is dead but yknow what, im gonna take advantage of my following to make an important post:
this pride month, i want you to educate yourselves & support the "controversial" queers.
& no i dont mean people with contradictory labels or xeno pronouns or those who use outdated/offensive terminology. i mean the people that even the most sex-positive, pro-kink, self-proclaimed perverts think are dangerous freaks who deserve to die.
i mean the paraphiles & people with taboo or stigmatized kinks/fetishes. i mean the people into the most taboo & stigmatized things like children, animals, corpses, & incest. i mean the people into violent things like murder, gore, rape, & abuse. i mean the people into unsanitary things like piss, shit, vomit, sweat, & snot. i mean the people into things that are constantly memed on like feet, armpits, bodily excretions, cartoon characters, pool toys, & plushies. i mean the people with attractions that would be illegal, immoral, or downright impossible to act out in real life.
no attraction is inherently harmful or evil. there are safe ways to indulge in these things such as fictional content, roleplay with consenting partners, & custom sex toys.
no, i dont think paraphilias are lgbt+ identities. they cant really be grouped into the same category or treated the same way as being gay or trans. but paraphilias are undeniably queer, as theyre highly stigmatized attractions that fall outside the norm. paraphiles face far more violence & hatred than any other lgbtq identity you can think of. it is still normalized & accepted to subject paraphiles to abusive treatments that have been proven to be cruel & ineffective, such as conversion therapy, forced sterilization, & excessive medication. even queer people forget their own history & advocate for this kind of abuse for paraphiles. there is no safe space for paraphiles to seek support, acceptance, or community the way lgbtq has pride, & that's a damn shame.
& believe it or not, many (maybe even most!) paraphiles are gay, bi, pan, poly, trans, nonbinary, aro, ace, & any other lgbtq identity you can think of.
so yes, paraphiles belong at pride. spend this month unlearning preconceived biases & educate yourself on what paraphilias actually are & how theyre not inherently dangerous.
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nyumeii · 17 days
(to my best efforts..)
Now I'm by all means a shitty analyser but I've still gathered enough to make a post about the trailer so here we go ganf
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I do wanna quickly point out how good the fucking art of this stupid show is its actually diabolical
But this shows a bunch of people passing their respects onto jinx, (pls look at the blue hair)
In protests, even irl, people tend to do face painting, or some form of logo is presented so people can identify what they are protesting for.
After one singular Google search, the color blue represents open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity
-> I think the different fonts I've highlighted is what I think Zuan is fighting for (or terrorising for idek)
Open spaces, because zuan is really really really underground, shitty air, very very claustrophobic.
Freedom is very very very unbelievably self explanatory
Sensitivity, Sensitivity as in they are fighting for their right to having some sort of right to feel victimised, so piltover can be Sensitive towards their situation (maybe idek you get what I'm saying.)
It also sets the tone for the scene I guess OK MVOIN ON
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"The arcane is waking up"
Personally, UHM!
I think these two scenes finna go hand in hand, I'm not rlly sure what's gonna go down with the arcane since bro I wasn't expecting all this BUT I'm so open to theories if you guys have any
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OK HO BECAUSE WHO IS THIS I wanna say this is powder but I lowkey don't know it might be a protester with jinx but I deadass huh. This is something else I need help with so AGAIN REBLOG ??? COMMENT PLS THANK YEW
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Shit screenshot sorry
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This is most definitely during the (final)?? Battle. Like the one we see in the teaser trailer deadass Idk what's going on here right but I think it's gonna be Jinx's ult/idk whatever you league players call it. But it's gonna fuck vi up, and she's gonna breakdown to caitlyn, which leads to the "My sister is gone" talk
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Big showdown between vi and warwick, again THE COLORSSSHUCWVCVUWC7HWFU
Blue is the color of the sky and ocean, and it can represent purity, truth, and clarity. Alternatively, it can represent sadness or coldness
Red is often associated with passion, love, and vitality and can also represent anger, danger, and aggression.
So yeah! The meanings definetly contradict eachother, but they all correlate with eachother in some weird cool way. We know warwick is vander, Vander loves his secondhand family, he has so much fight for them, he openly protects them. But now that he's Warwick, he's easily seen as dangerous and he's most definetly angry I'll tell u that
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So before the trailer I thought these two wpuld be on opposite sides I WAS WRONG I WAS SO WRONG AND IM SO GLAD I WAS GENUINELY CELEBRATING
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I think this is the thing that wakes up the arcane I'm reaching idk anymore
Idk if anyone else point this put
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kaisworlds · 1 year
sorry if my english is bad its not my first language and i kind of went on a rant
since some of you dont know the difference between top and bottom and dom and sub let me explain cause i've seen a few reblogs with some very weird hashtags that might just a joke that im not understanding
being a top and being a dom is not the same thing u can be a top sub or a dom bottom but thats not the point
if you tag ur writing with top means im expecting my dick to go into someone
if you tag ur writing as dom im expecting to be dominating someone
if u tag ur writing as sub ppl are expecting to be dominated
if u tag ur writing as bottom ppl are expecting to get dick/strap on or whatever in side of them
feel free to correct me if you feel like im wrong
and i know being on top is a sexual postion but there is a difference between being ON top and being A top
off topic but it can also be dysphoric for trans people such as my self when people dont use the right tags like im reading things to get out of feeling dysphoria from my private parts then you just gonna jumpscare me with reader having massive tits and a pussy bro of course everyone is different this is just my experience
also tumblr needs to stop recommending me shit i dont want to see
im sorry if this was rude or disrespectful as that was not my intention
thank you for reading this
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popstart · 2 months
Ok, i Saw that post about you complaining about How Gw*ncan shippers are racist to Courtney.
Can you give one example of that?
I had to go through my blocked accounts list to get this shit and it made me wanna shoot myself 20 times in the head so its not gonna be 1000% comprehensive bc i think that would qualify as self harm. ANYWAYS.
the biggest one is the massive amount of double standards and hypocrisy these people have between duncan and courtney (+ gw*ncan and duncney. censoring makes me feel like a child but i dont want people finding this post when theyre looking for ship content)
when the white man is "hostile but theres more to him than that" and when people call the white boy a "horrible person but hes literally a child" but courtney (and sierra) should be beaten to death because theyre obviously unable to be complex characters or children. its a really classic example of expecting women (ESPECIALLY of color) to grow up faster than men and having higher expectations of them
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another example of weird violence and double standards people have towards courtney while not caring about anything either white character has done. post not made by the same person but it is reblogged by them
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and ive posted this before because it seriously baffles me but this is just such an extreme reaction to a character existing. also the constant comparison to animals and dehumanization these people push onto courtney doesnt get past me. like calling a character a cunt and comparing her/her fans to tapeworms. get real man
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and sure. this could all be a gross exaggeration on my part because theres just no way all of this is meant to be taken 1000% seriously, its just such a weird pattern to see. people constantly praising two white characters for doing nothing wrong and for being perfect and happy and healthy (despite the show frequently showing the contrary) while completely ignoring and shitting on a 16 year old brown girl in entirely absurd ways. These people genuinely believe that gwen and duncan are innocent, with the biggest thing they takeaway is that theyre "flawed but still good and complex."
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anyways do i find it accurate to call these people definitive racists/misogynists? not rly no. i just think its extremely telling how much they praise two white characters for being pure and innocent and doing nothing ever wrong when provided with textbook evidence that its not the case.
like you can love any character (or ship) you want but love them WITH their flaws and recognize that nothing is perfect. in 0 way am i saying that liking duncan or gw*ncan is terrible and awful and should be grounds for public execution and im also not saying that courtney is perfect and did nothing wrong and everyone should love her forever. im just asking for a mutual respect that doesnt seem to exist for these people. everything has flaws, but blowing out of proportion the flaws of things (or characters) you dont like gets very very icky and hypocritical when you turn around and praise something that had very similar fall outs
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stormywinter42 · 6 months
Feel like I should’ve done one of these by now so…..
Welcome to my intro post :3
Oh also if you like someone’s art wether is music writing or some visual media FUCKING REBLOG IT likes don’t do shit
Im a pretty silly (not funny at all) person (not a person) who is severely addicted to this little known band called My Chemical Romance a good portion of my blog is just dedicated to them.
By the way if I ever tag you in a post and you want me to take it down lemme know and I’ll do it immediately
Basic info
Name: Winter (make sure it’s capitalized)
Deadname: [[REDACTED]]
Pronouns: she/it gendervoid transfem (robot girl?)
Sexuality: what are you a cop?? (I like who I like and that’s that)
Age: 16
Relationship: poly (dating my girlfriend@moldyburger1 and my boyfriend @threecheersslxt)
Oh also @robyntheloser is my daughter be nice to her
Time zone: PST
Alts: @winters-rambles (reblogging)
#what/ever/major/loser - posts reguarding updates/previews for my indie pop Midwest emo solo project
#Sandcore - anything relating to the beach and/or sand
#wintex - anything relating to my sweet lemon shark @threecheersslxt
#girlfriend stuff - anything relating to the lovely @moldyburger1
#insane shit - me being horny or saying otherwise questionable things (which are probably also horny)
#reblog on main - self explanatory (usually important)
#accidental reblog on main - self explanatory for when I’m too lazy to delete and post to my other blog
Music genres: Emo, pop-punk, Midwest emo, Electronic, Post-Punk, Ska-Punk, Indie Pop, Prog-Rock
Bands/artists: Pink Floyd, MCR, Daft Punk, Gorillaz, Depeche Mode, Sublime, Modern Baseball, CAKE, Polyphia, Green Day
Hobbies: Guitar, Dungeons & Dragons, Marching Band (percussion), Gerard Way, Learning new skills, Baking, Balisong Flipping
Films/Shows: The Owl House, The Breakfast Club, The Matrix, Gravity Falls, Amphibia, DuckTales, Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline
Games: Celeste, Undertale, Deltarune, Terraria, Hollow Knight, Rhythm Doctor
Bad Things
DNI: Homophobes, Transphobes, Racists, People who are gonna harass me for being underweight, Pedos/MAPs, anyone who is otherwise bigoted
Triggers: [[REDACTED]]
Oh also fair warning sometimes (very rarely) I post insane horny shit because sometimes I can’t just keep it to myself
If I say something you don’t like you can block me without verbally harassing me I’ll ignore you anyways if you do
My Airbuds :3
You should follow my insta I play guitar there :3
Will expand on/update in the future
✨Mwah!!✨ Thanks for reading! Love ya!
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hi bhie 🧍‍♀️
(Are you tired of my gabri shit yet)
No? Great, Im gonna req something then :)))
Gabri x spiderperson reader
Imagining them coming home from a long mission, like really exhausted from work, or spider duties. They’re probably really scarred/bruised
Seeing his partner in such a state, Gabri goes into househusband mode KAJSJWJDIJSKDJSKSKSKSK
Taking care of their wounds, patching them up, doing cleaning and cooking for them 😭
Can you tell which character im obsessed with atm
is it miguel
gabriel o'hara x wounded!spider person!reader
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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"nena, what happened to you?!"
gabriel rushed over to your fatigued, scarred, and injured self. he was heaving and panicking internally, and externally, as he guided you to the sofa and sat you down–rushing over to the bathroom and, in his anxious haste, made several containers and toiletries clatter. your wounds weren't that grave, you sought immediate medical aid the minute you got back to HQ before you came home to gabri, but your dearest was always so easy to shake up and worry, he can never sit still and be calm when he sees even a single new blemish or fracture on your otherwise perfect skin.
you tried telling gabriel you were fine, the scars would heal up and would, hopefully, go away soon. gabriel shook his head and kept repeating to you in spanglish that your wounds didn't look very good... he wanted to be assured that you would most definitely be okay, not just told that you were, but confirmed to himself that you would be okay. you let gabriel tend to your worse wounds, with him looking up at you with concerned doe eyes in between him bandaging you up. "ay, mi vida... i know you're very strong, capable, smart and all, but... i can't help but worry sometimes." he muttered as he finished bandaging you up. you told gabri that this wasn't anything new, you would walk it off fine–even better now that he's taken care of your other wounds.
gabriel smiled at you and kissed your cheek, deciding to make your evening a little better with a good batch of treats you loved. he was a decent chef, but a better baker, in your opinion–he was hellbent on making you the best damned treats you would ever taste in your whole life. after an hour or two, gabriel finally finished the batch of treats he made for you–flour, icing, and some other ingredients coating his face and arms; they adorned his smiling expression with a bit of literal sweetness behind them as he giggled in slight embarrassment at how messy he looked.
"dig in, cariño, you've had a long day... you deserve this much." he tells you as he hands you a piece. he expected you to take it from his hands and dig in, but you bit off a piece as he held it out to you and smiled a little wider as his eyes widened and he got all... flustered at your bold, unexpected move. "only if you'll feed me, gabri." you said with a grin as he chuckled and smiled even wider like a dork, taking you up on your offer and fed you from his own, clean and sweet hands with a smile.
tags !! @hearts4gabri @ophanimgold
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wayward-asshole · 3 months
what courtney love means to me, and why shes so important to me:
courtney has always stood for the exact opposite of what she's supposed to.
im gonna be really fucking vulnerable in this post and talk about what courtney means to me, why shes such an important figure in my life, and why i just feel like she gets me. tws here: suicide, self-harm, abuse, sexual abuse, sexual assault, mental abuse. brief mentions, nothing in depth.
i endured some fucked up shit as a kid, stuff i wouldnt wish upon my worst enemy. ive watched my mother try to kill herself. i got the shit beat out of me as a kid, i watched my mom get the shit beat out of her, i was sexually assaulted.
when i found hole, early this year, i had just got out of one of the worst relationships ever. i needed a change, and i needed it fast. i told myself i wasn't going to be walked all over anymore. i told myself i was done putting up a front of being nice and sweet, because deep down i knew i wasnt.
i discovered hole, i started deep diving on courtney because then the only reason i knew about her was because of kurt. and i fell in love.
i finally realized my potential. i started sticking my for myself more, when back then i only stood up for others. i started to realize that i liked being a bitch. i enjoyed making everyone else fucking uncomfortable because i was loud and i took up space and i stood up for myself and others.
courtney inspired me so much that i started writing songs again. at the time i hadnt written songs since i was a kid, like. a LITTLE kid. but i started writing again.
ive written two songs inspired by courtney or hole songs. one is inspired by softer, softest and its titled wood. its about my childhood, and its about childhood abuse. specifically being whipped with a paddle. a repeating line in it is "pee girl gets the wood" because every time my disability caused me to wet the bed, i would get paddled.
another is about courtney and how she inspired me, how i interpreted the song babydoll to be about girl that courtney couldnt stand because she put up a nice girl front, and how i was sick and fucking tired of being babydoll. i was fucking done with being babydoll. i used to be quiet, i used to just go along with everything everyone did. but not anymore. i am not going to be babydoll once again, i will forever be the violent bitch i am now.
one of the lines in it refrences the "i want every girl in the world to pick up a guitar and start screaming" quote, saying "courtney i listned to you/i picked up a guitar and now im screaming/i wish you could tell me where to go/i dont know where to go from here."
i relate to courtney on so many levels. she gets me. i almost lost one of my (now ex) boyfriends to suicide last year, i still wet the bed because of my disability, and i was the pee girl. i was the girl that smelled like piss every fucking day. i have an awful mother, my dad was never there.
courtney taught me how to be a fucking bitch and every day i become more and more thankful for her. courtney love taught me how to say no. courtney love is for the girls with violent moodswings. courtney love taught me how to love the dark parts of myself. courtney taught me how to hold my own hand, she taught me how to put on my best sunday dress and walk proudly through all my messes.
you can be a disaster and be beautiful. you will walk through flames with your head held high. you will live through this too, you have to. prove everyone wrong, not right. dont give up on yourself, be a fucking bitch.
reblog this with what courtney means to you PLEASE tell me in depth what she means to you i want to know.
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eddieshellfxre · 2 years
How can I resist
Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: Eddie and y/n have always had a comfortable and flirtatious friendship, but i guess it all comes down with a little alcohol and leather
Content: 18+ unprotected PiV sex, creampie, swearing, alcohol, smut, kink
a/n i have been gone for so long, but i took advantage that im on bed rest to finish up this one that ive had in my drafts for a while.
reblog and like if you do ♡
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Tuesday night, like any other Tuesday night it was Corroded Coffin night, with that your best friend Eddie always picked you up, and like always you were running late when you hear the doorbell ring
“shit shit” you say worried “mom can you please open its Eddie, i just got out of the shower” you hear the door close downstairs and try to find a towel big enough to wrap your body in, you manage to find one but it barely covers your ass cheeks. You run to your room to find Eddie already there “hi, im so sorry i’m late, ill be quick i promise” you kiss him on the cheek and run to your walk in closet
“its alright we got time, i was just bored at home…. Decided to drop by early” he pauses looking at the clothes you have displayed on your bed, alongside it your bra and panties “damn” he whispers as he stares at the lace lingerie set.
“oh but still i dont want you to be late. Ill just get dressed and do my makeup” You run back to your room still in nothing but your towel and grab your clothes and underwear. Eddie lays down on your bed, resting on his elbows waiting for you.
You get your bra on and panties, and put on some new black leather pants, you stare at your self in the mirror and notice that the outline of your panties shows up in the tight pants “fuck it” you remove your leather pants and panties and decide to go commando, no one is gonna notice it anyway, and besides it looks way better. Top part you decide to pair it with a corset like top with some red detailing around the front. You try and tie it well but you can't do a knot behind your back “Eddie???” you call “i need your help, can you tie a knot behind my back please” you say as you walk back into your room. Eddie sits up straight once he sees you “what?” you ask as you notice he's not moving
“i—i nothing you just—you look great” he says nervously “c’mere ill help you” You turn your back to him, so he can tie the knot, Eddie totally wasn't aware of the big mirror in front of you, so he didnt hide the fact at he was completely starring at your ass, you blush at his reaction, butterflies go crazy in your stomach, you couldn't deny he had some type of effect on you but you tried your best to hide it “there you go sweets, all done”
“thank you, Eddie, all i need is my makeup” you walk over to your dresser and lean over it to do your eyeliner, once again noticing how Eddie is completely starring at you while sitting on your bed “you alright Eddie? You keep starring at me?” you point out
Eddie breaks his eye contact, cheeks flush red he says “i just think you should dress like this everyday, it looks—great”
“oh stop it, i look normal” you finish your makeup and put on your high-heeled boots “all set, what do you think?” you say while he takes your hand and twirls you around
“i think—“ he says pulling you in “you look hot” sliding his open palm down your back, resting just above the curve of your ass, “you’re not wearing any underwear are you?” he smirks
“i think you’ve stared at my ass for way too long sir, it's time to go”. It was comfortable with Eddie, you have known him all your life, you know absolutely everything about each other, the flirtatious conversations were just part of your friendship, none of you ever acted upon it. you let go of his hold and grab his hand and make your way to his van.
The ride to the Hideout was short, especially with Eddie driving. You arrive there with Eddie’s arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close, you walk up to the bar
“hi Betty” you greet the bartender
“hi y/n, sup Munson you ready for tonight? heard the turn up is pretty big” she says “the usual im presuming? Beer and a whiskey for the lady?” you give her a smile and a wink as she pours you a glass of whiskey.
You look over at Eddie and see he's a bit restless
“you alright Eds?” you ask
“yeah, no im—yeah im fine im just a bit nervous tonight thats all” he takes a sip of his beer and looks at his watch “im gonna go on in like 15 minutes i need to get ready, so let's do a check” he says placing his hands at your hips
“alright then” you start saying as you begin your weekly routine ritual “teeth? Check hair? Check! You’re good to go Munson, give ‘em hell” you pull him in for a quick peck on the lips as always, his hands clenched together at your touch, you tried to make nothing of it, since it was a normal thing you always did, it was sort of good luck kiss. He gives you a wink and walks away, no one could deny the grip he had on you didnt make you absolutely melt but—
“you guys make such a cute couple” Betty says interrupting your train of thought
“we’re not a couple Betty, we’re best friends”
“honey, the way he looks at you all the time isn't just friendly, besides what kind of friends kiss each other holding onto you like that?” she laughs
“best friends! it's a good luck ritual we’ve always done, before any big event in our lives… its no big deal” you excuse yourself. Betty laughs and goes on to attend other customers. Shortly after you see Robin and Steve enter the venue, you wave at them as they make their way to you
“dont you look hot” Robin says with a smile
“hi Robin, how are you?” you say politely
“no yeah you’re right Hi y/n….. You look fucking hot” she says smiling again
“hi Steve” you say with a hug
“hey sweetheart, has Eddie gone on yet?” he says
“he should be going up any minute now—there he is” you say smiling, your face absolutely lights up when you see him, god he’s beautiful! You smile at him, and he returns with a wink as usual. He made you feel special, always have!
Corroded Coffin started playing and everyone was just having the time of their lives, dancing and singing along! Eddie like usual kept his eye on you the entire time, god he's beautiful, you love staring at his fingers move quickly along the neck of the guitar… its hot As the show continued, you, Robin and Steve get to talking
“they are gravity defying!” Robin says, somehow the conversation turned to your boobs “literally cannot fit anything between them!! Look at how tight they are pressed together” she says to Steve
“im i may… im looking respectfully… but she's right” Steve says taking a shot straight after
“i bet i can fit a shot glass between them” you joke
“if you can, ill take a shot of it” Robin says with a smile, you laugh at her but decide to play the game.
You grab onto a shot glass and squeeze it between your boobs, far enough where it’s stable “Betty, give me something to pour” you say. Betty hand you a bottle of vodka and you pour it down “go on then, take the fucking shot” Robin seemed nervous, but she was down for it, you push your chest up, and she takes the shot glass with her mouth and drinks it up
“ah, i did it” she says pulling the weirdest face “most exciting thing that ever happened in my life” she laughs.
Steve was silent, no words no nothing, he just kept taking sips of his beer. He knew it would be pointless to say anything to Robin, she would just do it anyway!
The conversation continued, and the show came to and end, with that Eddie came straight to you after the show
“sooooo” he starts “how was it?” he says fixing his bangs
“you were so goooood!!! im so proud of you” you say giving him a hug
“Eddie i took a shot out of y/n’s boobs, it was awesome” Robin interrupts. Eddie quirks an eyebrow at the two of you. “with a shot glass might i add…. It was great you should try it” she says without thinking. Your mind went blank, she really needs to shut up sometimes.
“i—i dont think so” Eddie says nervously “its—its im alright”
“c’mon Munson, man up and do it”
“im alright with it, its just a shot”
“no make it interest…. Tequila shot! Lick the salt of her too” Robin says, a cheeky grin forming up on her face, she loves an uncomfortable situation.
This cannot be happening, how were you gonna control yourself. Betty pours the tequila in the shot glass between your boobs, and sprinkles the salt from your chest to your neck, handing you a slice of lime
“you ready Munson?” he nods as he holds onto your waist with both hands, just this alone made you weak already, he lowers his mouth to the glass taking it and drinking up the liquid pulling you in closer you feel his tongue lick the salt from your chest, your eyes close as you feel his tongue licking the salt of your chest, you can't help you let soft moan escape, hoping Eddie couldn’t hear but the way he squeezed your hips made you think otherwise, you didnt know what to do, you were getting nervous and felt like things were getting out of hand “lime?” you ask with a smile, handing him the slice. He bites it never breaking eye contact with you. His hold on you became tighter and tighter as the tension between the two of you grew
“excuse me but like get a room” Gareth says “we’re gonna head out you guys are staying? Wanna grab a bite” you both nod your heads yes and make your way of the venue with the rest of the band following right behind.
On your way to Eddie’s van was pretty much normal until you were actually alone in it
“did it weird you out?” you ask in a hush tone, afraid to know the answer
“no, did it weird you out?” he asks
“no!! im comfortable with you i dont care, besides we give each other a peck on the lips all the tim—its no big deal” you say looking away. Eddie drives up to this diner in the middle on nowhere, everyone was already parked there. You take a seat on Eddie’s lap, his hands straight up to meet your hips, holding you in place
“just please dont move” he laughs “for the love of god dont move”
“im sorry, these pants are slippery against your jeans, im trying” you whisper. You try your best to keep your posture but it keeps getting harder…. Everything! Feeling his bulge press into your ass you knew he had to be worked up already. You try to ignore it, it wasn't the first time it happened but this time felt different… why did it kinda feel good? what was happening? this is ridiculous, maybe its just the booze getting to you…. Both of you
The cold Hawkins night breeze was getting to you, you cross your arms to cover yourself from the cold
“you cold?” Eddie asks
“yeah a bit”
“here take my jacket”
“but then you’ll be cold”
“not with you on top of me” you blush and get his jacket on “looks better on you than it does on me” his hands sliding down to your thighs “keep still” he says in a serious tone.
Not long before everyone was done with their food and drives off, you and Eddie do the same.
Arriving at your door the tension kept growing
“you wanna come in for coffee or something?”
“Bit late for coffee dont you think?” he laughs
“just—shut up”
You could feel his gaze on you the entire time you walked up to your room, you still dont know what is happening but you dont really mind it…. i mean its Eddie.
You walk in and Eddie is already making himself comfortable while you try to untie the knot behind your back
“Eddie help me out, i cant get this knot out” you say, pulling your hair over to one side, exposing your neck to him, he helps you untie the knot and starts kissing your shoulder “Eddie?! what are you doing” you ask nervously
“if you dont want this, tell me right now and ill stop” His voice comes from right behind you, big hands gripping your hips to pull you against him, continuing to place sloppy kisses along your neck ” you smell so fucking good”
“Eddie i dont think we—“
“should be doing this? Why we already kiss all the time dont we?” he says mocking your earlier words. Hands on your hips he turns you around, you smile at the ground as you feel his index under your chin, raising for face to his “give me one good reason as to why this is wrong?”
“It could ruin us Eddie i dont want that”
The space between the two of you closes as you feel his lips onto yours, but not like the other times, it’s different!! Its needy, its hot. what began a soft gentle kiss quickly became a clash of teeth and tongue. You feel a smirk forming against your lips once he realizes you’re pulling him closer to you
“you’re that needy huh?” he whispers, next thing you know he's got your bent over your bed while he's standing behind you “fuck you’re hot” he lets out in a sigh, hands straight to your ass, slapping the leather on it slide up, reaching the band of your pants and pulling them down, totally exposing your self to him “oh babyyyy” he whines “i totally forgot you were commando” he lets out a moan, biting his lip. You feel two fingers running up your slit, collecting your juices, your head falls forward at the feeling of his fingers rubbing small circles at your bud, you moan out load when he inserts two fingers inside you, curling them to hit just the right spot to make you absolutely mental “come on princess let me hear you fall apart” he says fingering you from behind
You try to make words come out but your mind is blank as soon as he kneels down behind your and you feel his tongue flat against your pussy
“ohmygodddd” you mewl as he continues to eat you “ohmy—yes just like that” , all these new sensations are overwhelming, no one has ever made you feel like this. His large hands both on your ass, spreading your legs wider
“hmmm baby, you taste so good” he says against you, vibrations of his voice making you go feral
“Ed—Eddie? fuck me, fuck me haaaaard” you manage to say, his mind freezes but his body takes full control, reaching for his belt, undoing his jeans. It doesn't take long until you feel the tip of his dick
“you sure baby? this isn't like kissing” he says smiling, teasing your hole with his dick. You turn your head giving him a serious look “fuckkkkk, you're so tight baby” his head falls back as he feels you tight around him “so good for me” You moan as you adjust to him inside you “it feels so good” he says as he slides in and out of you harder and harder
Your moans fill the room a little too much, you reach out to grab a pillow and sink your face on it to muffle out the sound
His arm snakes around your waist, his middle finger coming in contact with your clit “come for me beautiful” he starts rubbing you in circles, while thrusting in and out of you relentlessly, the knot building up in your stomach soon to be undone begins to gain more and more pressure
“im—im close” you let out softly “ohmygo—now fuckfuckfuck” Eddie thrusts into you a couple more times before pulling out, you soon feel a warm substance coat your ass
“that…. was amazing!! jesus christ” he says falling onto the bed next to you, you continue silent as you try to catch your breath “was it alright for you? Did i hurt you?” he asks sitting up worried.
“It was amazing Eddie” you laugh “im just trying to catch my breath thats all”
“ohh, oh thats cool”
“also…. Can you grab me a towel or something?” you ask shying away “and clean… you know…” your crunch your nose, trying your best not to laugh, he's so out of it its cute
“yes im so sorry, i didnt know if i could come ins— sorry be right back” he gets up and grabs a towel that was left on the floor from your shower earlier, he cleans you up gently and helps you stand up.
You were both so nervous, you have never acted upon your feelings for each other, it felt comfortable but still nerve racking
“thank you, Eddie” you smile, reaching up to his face kissing him, his hands snaking around you hold you close to him, you break away smiling” want coffee?” he replies with a smile, kissing you.
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papakhan · 1 year
Lol why would someone even say that. Like... idk im transmasc im personally mortified of the idea of getting pregnant but... its none of my business if another man wants to be pregnant why would there be any judgement there 😭😭😭 plus the post was very funny people need to stop projecting over a sillay little post. Have a good night king the haters dont get it
the thing is I totally understand trans guys being uncomfortable with the concept of (trans) men getting pregnant. In our society its a very gendered concept, it gets fetishised by weirdos online all the time and to a lot of (especially queer) afab people its strongly associated with control and abuse. I totally get it. That was me not so long ago but after a lot of research I became more comfortable with it because I want to have children one day. I shouldn't have to expose this part of myself as a defence against people calling me transphobic when I am literally trans and half the fight for trans people is "my body my choice"
what gets me is that the tumblr fallout community gets in this fucking argument allll the fucking time over whether the fallout universe should be "dark and gritty and ~realistic~" in regards to Everyone being transphobic Or if the wasteland should be some kind of trans haven without the binds of society. I personally lean on the latter and get a lot of comfort out of the idea that the Great Khans specifically are a bastion of trans joy and experience and to them women having dicks and men giving birth is just. normal.
the end goal for trans people should be to de-gender concepts like pregnancy and penis but we're never gonna fucking get anywhere if trans people project their dysphoria onto each other and start self-flagellating themselves whenever someone steps out of line or makes a stupid joke.
And yeah this is an overreaction to someone critising a stupid post of mine but I'm more mad at the wider culture of the fallout community (and tumblr) regarding this topic because like I said shit like this keeps happening. part of my job is about educating people about trans bodies and saying shit like "don't assume who can and can't get pregnant" and trying to help fellow trans people find comfort in a country that's actively trying to get them all murdered. To then log onto tumblr dot com and get called transphobic because I said I love headcanoning Papa as trans and him being able to deflect the Legion's misogyny because of his transness is like a slap to the face. you guys are meant to be the transgender love website what the fuck are you talking about?? Also Saying that I'm enabling transphobia by allowing people who arent trans men to reblog my post is also stupid and for the record most people in my notes right now are either trans people who are genuinely agreeing that Papa is trans or ghost fans who think I'm talking about their band (but are still trans and still agreeing).
sure maybe I should have put a trigger warning on the post or something because it might trigger someone's dyphoria, but just say that. Don't act like I'm the problem and that I'm too stupid to recognise internalised transphobia and calling me "too comfortable with joking about trans bodies" when 1. I wasn't joking About trans bodies and 2. ITS MY FUCKING BODY
My joke was about how Caesar cant handle Papa being trans. it was a joke about how society cant handle trans people who they can't clock. it was also a joke about how Papa comes from a society where transness is so normalised that he wrongfully assumes that its something everyone can do. At no point was I "nasty about trans bodies" like this person claims I was. In fact I think that pretending that I was says more about how they view trans bodies than it does about how I do, That I can mention trans pregnancy and they automatically assume I'm fetishing or being disrespectful.
anyway. that's a lot of shit. thanks for letting me ramble and tucking me into bed so sweetly <3
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schnozzythebozzy · 3 months
Welcome Welcome, travelers! Nice to meet you folks! =]
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I'm Schnozzle, the Bozzle. Call me Schnozz or Bozz, go ahead and pick one! I'm the big bad owner of this oc blog thingy- YES IM CHANGING THIS BLOG FROM A SELF SHIP BLOG TO AN OC BLOG BC IM NOT RISKING CLUTTERING MY DAMN MAIN.
I'm Transmasc, Demiromantic, Asexual, and i go by he/him! Other pronouns are okay, but it would be nice if you dont call me by she/her.
I'm in a LOTTTT of a fandoms, that it's genuinely gonna be a load of work to list them off. If you DO wanna see fandoms im in, go ahead and read it on my main blog, @schnozzlebozzle !
Now, time for tags!
Me talking normal shtuff #❗~ Schnozz nonsense
Me posting doodles and/or art #❗~ Schnozz arts
Me responding to asks #❗~ Schnozz screams
Me reblogging oc ask games #❗~ Schnozz askies
I have a few tags for my OCs =3
Jasper's tag #🐟 ~ Freshwater fish lover!
Schnozz the sona's tag #🔺~ schnozzposting!
Thief's tag #♥ ~ stealin' whats not yours!
Jackie's tag #💥 ~ Bandit of the east!
yeah. Thats it.
Anyways.. DNI ❌ TIME! DNI if you're a proshipper, tcest enjoyer, fontcest, pedophile, and basically every weirdo freaky shit label out there. If you do interact i'll fuckin block you and send you to the deepest parts of the ocean where you'll drown. /j on the last part but srsly, dont interact if you're included in the DNI!
And BFY 📣 I'll possibly post gore art, anything bloody, y'know. And i'm very immature at times so lemme know if i act like it so i can stop.
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Hi so i talked alittle before about my 5+ year artblock and how im Slowly forcing my way out of it by drawing ocs..
if you have been following me for a while you would know i have a fake band in the sims called WeiRdoW and i decided to start drawing them in what i always wanted my style to look like growing up but never got around to it because people around me would complain to my mom about how creepy and scary it was ( the main theme of my art growing up was eyes and spirals and an underlying feeling of horror or danger but that freaked out people i guess) and she would snatch my art and tear up my silly doodles in to pieces so i was forced to draw "perfect" art for a while which led me to my art block but i managed to save some small peices here and there of my old stuff and im Gonna post them also since im Being brave right now ...
First here is Batsy and Androida
Batsy was the first thing i drew after 5 years of doing nothing and thats why he is alittle wonky and fish like as i was not sure what the fuck was i doing i might redraw him again lol
Androida is awsome and im So proud of how it turned out i did get carried away with her hair alittle but eh it was therapeutic lol also im still trying to remeber prespective and shit so thats slightly wonky too but im So proud of my self for making these and im excited for the rest of the band ❤️
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Here is some of my old art that managed to survive ( some of these i only have pictures of cause its original was torn up but i had taken pictures before that happened)
Unfortunately all the art i made in my early- mid teens is gone all i have is stuff from 19 to early 20's
These here are the only surviving stuff from then im Really proud of those especially the first one ❤️
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Here is some other stuff that i drew right before my art block i tried to make pretty art so i would get to keep my sketches but still tried to inject my style into it there are other ones than these that i dont like cause they are your typical instagram art lol
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Tumblr only allows 10 images so i might reblog with more if im Still feeing brave about it i have some stuff where i attempted to use color and some stuff where i tried to draw in the art nouveau style and some more "Instagram/Pinterest art" ones that i hate alot but those are what convinced my mom to leave me the hell alone so yeah if anyone is interested in seeing those let me know
Also i might share my warm up sketches which are basically pages full of eyes lol
Anyway if you made it to here thank you so much for reading ❤️
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pbs-theundeadmaggot · 2 years
₊°✧︡˗ˏˋ❤ˎˊ˗ 𝖩𝖺𝗇𝗎𝖺𝗋𝗒 ₊°✧︡˗ˏˋ❤ˎˊ˗
I hope everyone has had an amazing start to the new year, I know it can be tough and January lowkey sucks but it will get better! 2022 for me was a long year of recovery and somehow I'm kinda clean (although I still don't know how to feel about it, especially when people comment on how much 'better' I'm doing but I'm taking it a day at a time.) Anyways, I kinda feel like 2023 might be a good-ish year so I hope it is for you too <3
ps. I know this list is early but I'm like a toddler who gets to excited to wait for anything and ruins it, so here is the early but one of my favourite rec lists to make. (idk why but it was particularly fun this month lol)
this year I'm also gonna try putting out some decent content starting with my fics (available here). I'm currently only writing for Steve and Eddie from Stranger things but in the future I may try writing for other fandoms (the Xavier Thorpe fic was a self indulgent piece idk if I'll carry on writing for him though), I'd really appreciate anyone to give feedback and reblog cause it keeps me motivated (pls I'm actually begging for some attention lmao my last two fics have got like zero attention and I genuinely don't know if I'm a shit writer or something else lmao, pls even if you hate it lmk! I'll take anything atp).
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anyways... ignore my rambles as always, the last piece of news im sharing is my new series I'm starting soon! where I'll be diving into the history of metal and what it means to the community etc so if thats something you'd be interested in you are more than welcome to join the army of maggots I've got going on (I say an army but I'm pretty sure it's just me lol).
[please respect writers terms, I am not responsible for what kind of content you consume but please be aware that minors will be blocked if they chose to interact with 18+ content.]
more fic recommendations available here
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The mixtape detectives by @babyrunsforfanfic
Want me like I want you by @beezywriting
Under the covers by @stevesbabysittingservice
Hey Steven by @munsonsreputation
If you loved me (why’d you leave me?) by @1986harrington
When we are together by @foreverromanticising
I’m never going to dance again, the way I danced with you by @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone
Love as sweet as honey (and lover I’m hungry) by @stevebabey
Time after time by @musingginger
Sharing secrets by @livingintheupsidedown
A virtual romance (new series!) by @justmeinadaze
Tis the damn season (series!) by @katyswrites
Bad at love by @loveshotzz
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚。˚ ⋆ -- 𝖤𝖽𝖽𝗂𝖾 𝖬𝗎𝗇𝗌𝗈𝗇 -- ⋆ ˚。⋆˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Need you tonight by @sebuckyverse
Flipped by @ashwhowrites
Bottom of the bottle by @fanficsgal0re
New sensation by @darkdarkroom
Fooled round & fell in love (series!) by @bimbobaggins69
Lavander haze by @munsonsreputation
I think I’ve loved you forever by @cinemaquinn
Something new by @newlips
In the middle of nowhere (ongoing series!) by @sweetpeapod
Mine and yours by @muertawrites
Morning coffee by @jamdoughnutmagician
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Side effect by @delaber
cherry blossom by @buckycuddlebuddy
Everyone’s watching him (but he’s looking at her) @writing-for-marvel
Shouldn’t have gone by @imyourbratzdoll
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Chocolate & promises by @michelleleewise
lost prince (ongoing series!) by @xxntiimulti
For better or for worse (ongoing series!) by @wheredafandomat
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Flower power by @pythonees
Siren song by @wintervalewritersecond
Rumors by @yourmidnightlover
Kiss me and shut up by @elysianrogers
Invisible string by @mntalbrakdown
Foxglove to adorne thy dells (ongoing series!) by @nevermoremagic
Something that we’re not by @profound-imagination
Artists collide by @shesluxurious
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚。˚ ⋆ -- 𝖱𝖺𝖿𝖾 𝖢𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗋𝗈𝗇 -- ⋆ ˚。⋆˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
So gorgeous it actually hurts by @folkloreslovechild
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