#im including colour in my aus and writing. because i love colour.
bengallemon · 4 months
(little experimental piece i did so i could figure out how i want to write isabeau, set some time pre-canon. technically au but its v ambiguous)
It’s raining.
The clouds – cumulonimbus, specifically – are coating the sky, an endless torrent falling from them.
Thunder rumbles and lightning strikes at random intervals, sudden lights and sounds coming from all around yo- that’s incorrect. The stimuli comes from above, the reason it feels like it comes from all around you is because your feelings are all over the place and it’s screwing with how you’re perceiving everything that surrounds you.
you were never good with storms, were you?
sudden sounds that feel deafening to you, coming with no warning, no way to understand or predict or learn about it because you were too busy being caught in your anxiety.
sudden sounds that feel deafening to you, coming with no warning, no way to understand or predict or learn about it because the schoolkids around you never understood what space or volume was.
or depth and area and circumference and diameter and radius or anything else for that matter.
You’re at an inn tonight, thank Change. Being caught in a storm like this on the road would be hell. Well, being in a storm is hell either way, but at least you all got to a secure place of shelter. A place of warmth and comfort and a quiet-enough room you can hide away in and pretend like you’re doing anything but hiding from yourself and this stupid crabbing storm-
You don’t know exactly where you all are, currently. Aside from being in an inn, in a relatively large town. If memory serves you correct (it has to, what else do you have?) your party is…
Somewhere close to the coast, but a lot further down than where you’ve ever been. Even Madame Odile hasn’t been this far down the country, and she’s been all over. (you stayed in the same two crabbing spots in your life)
There’s mountains nearby, that much you know. In all honesty, the lower half of Vaugarde is mostly a mystery to you. You never really got into geography. (you were too busy dealing with yourself)
It might have been a good idea, considering you’re now wandering all about the country with no exact clue where you’re all going. But that doesn’t really matter now. (even though you were never going to say you know anything anyway)
You stumble, trip and fall face-first onto the bed you’re supposed to be sleeping in tonight.
Crabbing Change you’re a mess today­
The thunder is always a surprise, a stupid damn surprise you’re never prepared for.
Your breaths are too shallow now
You slide off the bed onto the floor.
And cry.
And sigh.
You don’t know when the storm will end. Just that with every clap of thunder your heart stops and starts again, a cycle, an endless, repeating loop of panic and calm and panic and calm and panic and calm and panic and calmandpanicandcalmand-
You think
it’s tears
you’re not supposed
to cry
It’s leather. Cold, unnaturally icy to the touch. It settles against your cheeks and stays still. Firm. Gentle. Cold. You can barely feel anything else. Barely hear anything else.
You open your eyes. You don’t remember closing them.
Your heart is in your throat. You don’t even need to see to know who’s knelt down in front of you. Well, mostly standing, really. Only one of your companions wears leather gloves. Lightless, cool to the touch, roughened over untold years of travelling across more than Vaugarde, simple hand-stitching going around the edges, clearly done by an amateur.
Lightless eyes stare back at you. You’ve never seen them so close to you before. It feels like you’re lost in the night sky, tiny glimmers of something beckoning you further away from yourself, a visual siren’s song to the lost, promising a world away from your woes, red stars dancing in front of you-
It’s Sif staring at you.
Oh Change Sif is staring into your eyes HURRY BLINK LOOK AWAY-
You frantically blink and avert eye contact. You can’t speak. You can barely breathe with how hot your cheeks are getting, despite the leather still pressing against them. You can barely process that they’re speaking to you, static lost against your new flurry of emotions.
You jump and freeze again. Oh. More thunder, apparently. You stare at the hardwood floor you’re sitting on. A rich, dark brown. About the same colour as your eyes, even. How funny. You assume it must be very durable, considering it’s being used as flooring for a multi-story inn being hit with a monster of a storm.
Pretty deep brown, some panels a little lighter than others…
“It’s walnut.”
You blink, looking back up at Sif, who’s blinking back at you. His hands are off your face. When did that happen? You blink again.
“The flooring of this inn’s walnut. Rich dark brown, pretty durable, pretty pricey… it lightens with age.”
17 words in a row from Siffrin? They were reasonably loud, too. Like, the normal volume for someone talking.
“The fact that certain panels in the flooring are lighter means they’re older than the other panels, meaning the darker ones were probably replaced.”
24 more words. Add on the 17 and 2 from before and that would be 33 words in the past minute.
You still can’t find any words. They’re standing fully now, looking on you from above, like an an- like a perfectly normal human being who just so happens to be above you currently, crabbing Change Isabeau-
Siffrin is staring at you, blinking. You blink back.
“… you feeling better?”
His voice is quiet again. It feels… musical, almost. A lyre being played in the surf, the tinkling of chimes in the salty air. The songs of the seabirds flying in, the people talking as they gather amongst the market stalls, looking over catches of fish and seafood, the shade away from the scorching sun.
Darkless hair weaved into waves, fluttering about in the coastal winds.
You’ve… never properly been to the coast. And you’ve never seen young people with darkless hair. That only happens with much older people.
Oh right. Sif asked if you were feeling better.
You try to open your mouth and speak, but only a garbled mess of sound comes out. Your cheeks grow warmer, now with the embarrassment of fumbling your words in front of Siffrin. Good job, Isabeau. You’ve done a terrible job.
They turn to the side briefly, a gloved hand raising up to cover their mouth. A cough, maybe? It is cold and wet after all, and they were running through it for a little while before finding their current lodging.
He turns back to you and offers a hand.
“Get up and sit on the bed, at least. Hardwood floors aren’t that comfy.”
You get up. Your bones creak, even though you’re only twenty-four and in good shape. Insulting.
Siffrin does the maybe-cough thing again. You should check if they’re sick, later.
You sit on the bed. It’s comfortable. More comfortable than the walnut flooring. You can call it that, now that you know the wood. You should ask Sif about different types of wood sometime later, since they seem to know a bit about it.
You’re being poked again, in the shoulder this time. You’re tired. It takes a few seconds for you to register what is happening. It takes a few more seconds for you to turn your head, and even more to blink at Sif again.
They sigh, shadows dancing in their eyes.
“Lay down, Isa. Please.”
You blink and do as instructed. You’re… not sure what you’re feeling, aside from exhausted. You haven’t even done anything and you feel like you lifted a hundred kilograms thirty times. That would be a total of three thousand kilograms.
The pillows are cold and soft. You sink into them. You don’t move your legs. You will need to get up again soon, to go downstairs and eat with everyone else.
All of whom you’ve been avoiding since you got in.
That’s a problem for future Isabeau. Present Isabeau is currently enjoying the comfy bed he’s laying on, with heavy bones and eyes.
Out of the corner of your vision, you see Sif smile. It’s small, like flower petals in a clear pond of water. He says something you can’t exactly make out, and leaves the room.
Your eyes are heavy.
It’s raining. The lightless cumulonimbus clouds coat the sky, torrents raining down.
You’re warm.
It’s nice.
trying to understand how i want to write isabeau. he's obviously a smart guy who did a lot of studying, and he has the best emotional intelligence of the party (mira is second), but considering he was such a shy kid i pulled on my experiences as "the shy kid" (i was just autistic and hated people) a little bit.
also headcanon that isa isnt too fond of storms because. loud noises. sudden lights. he likes to know things and he cant exactly know storms. odile is v similar to me in that way.
anyway. ill be back. maybe with more writing. later.
ko-fi for any who want to chuck a couple dollars my way
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denzartriste · 6 months
Hello hello! My name is Denz, I go by all pronouns including neos – only pronouns I don’t go by is they/them (won't be mad if you call me those, i just prefer variety - dont stress about it <3), my usual neos are in my bio but i like all of them. Gimmie the unusual ones the funky ones i love em all //// Allo allo! Mon nom est Denz, j'utiluze tout les pronoms et des neo - les seul pronoms que j'utiluze pas est iel/iels (je dit sa pour variété dans les pronoms que les gens m'appelle, stresser pas trop c'est correct <3), mes neo habituite son dans mon bio mais je les aime toute. [note: Ca cest mes pronom anglais, en francias j'utiluze encor n'importe quel neo, mais mes pronom en francais sont il/elle/y] Donne moi eu qui sont funky j'l'adore toute
My ao3 is here, something i'm working on right now is a really awesome super cool pirate au im not biased at all i swear. Quick summary is it's an au where Techno's a pirate cursed by a jerk of a sea god because it thinks he isnt a good person, but it's fine he's got this. (Another one that i mention a lot is my Alien au, which isnt posted its still in the works but when its out it will be my magnum opus) //// Mon ao3 est ici, j'ai un AU de pirate c'est vraiment cool je suis pas partial je promets que j'suis encore en près de travailler sur. Un petit résumé vite est que c'est une histoire où Techno est un pirate maudit par un connard de dieu de la mer parce qui pense qu'il est une mauvaise personne, mais c'est correct ca vas toute etre correct (Un autre que j'parle de beacoup est mon Extraterrestre AU, c'est pas posté mais je travaille fort desur ca, ca vas etre mon magnum opus)
I draw/write for Dsmp, Traffic series, Qsmp, and planning on doing a couple hermitcraft drawings //// J'ecrie/dessine pour Dsmp, la series traffic, Qsmp, et je vas faire des chose pour Hermitcraft dans le future
Tags /// Mes mots clés!! v
#my art- all my art // toute mes dessin
#fancy art- Coloured art // Mes dessin avec d'la couleur
#sketch art- visible sketch/sketch used as lineart // Dessin avec un sketch visible/un sketch que j'utilize pour le lineart
#Fridge worthy art – art I really like and am proud of, probably a good tag to look through if you wanna see what I've made :D // Mes dessin que je suis fier de, probablement une bonne place de voire ce que je fait :D
#drawning talks- talking about my art/mainly complaining about the process because drawing is hard // Parler de mes dessins/se plaindre principalement du processus parce que dessiner est difficile
#writing- my writing, including snippets I’ve posted // mon écriture et des fragment de mes wips(wips=les histoire que je travaille sur)
#writing talks- talking about my writing/ talking about my wips // Parler de mon écriture/parler de mes wips
#space rambles - talking about space. I really like space. I have been talking a lot about peekaboo galaxy. // Parler de l'espace. J'adore l'espace. J'aime parler de mon bébé, le galaxie peekaboo.
I also speak french (canadian french), my tag for that is #francais And my english translations for those posts is #my translations But i havent translated all my little french posts, so if theres something you want translated send me an ask i like translating my rambles //// J'parle francais (canadien), mon mot clés pour ca est #francais et mes translation anglais est #my translations Mais j'ai pas traduit toute mes mot francais en anglais, si qu'il a quelque choose que tu veus que je traduit juste dit moi et j'vas le faire! [anglais ou francais]
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enri-ch · 1 year
Tumblr media
(last update 04/09/24)
u can call me Enrico/Enri/En/Enca/Enri'ch/Ench/Rico/N/Cocha/'cha-cha/etc., whatever you want!:33
¡Bright Warning!
pls remember, most of my works have very bright shadows, so before you watch them, lower the brightness (I'm so sorry if I burned out your eyes:(...)
I don't take
Art Requests
4.09. 24
[Close now]
01. 08. 24
-allowed: your Ocs/Fandom character
-not allowed: ships (i can explain in dm, if you want to know, but so far, I can't draw it in request arts for personal reasons)/nsfw/gore/other bad messages.
-you can request my art 2 times
-the request can include up to 2 persons maximum
-i can decline request if it is immoral
about questions:
dont be shy and ask questions as much as you want or say something
If you want to do art trade/collab with me, then write to me in DM :D
Please don't repost my artwork without credits if want to use or repost it
A some info about me:
My bday 29/01 (January).
I loves every rose/pink colours >:3
i have 23 phobias that throw me into hysterics sometimes💀- (The strongest of course is atelophobia and sociaphobia lol). Yes, I have a rather weak psyche... (or fears??? idk, it still makes me shake from many things🥲...)
I madly adore cappuccino:33
i dont know Spanish
Im aro/ace
What to say next?....
Things I post:
sometimes submissions for DTIYS
rarely redraws
Sometimes I can disappear for a while because of my studies-
(This year I'm going to be beaten up with exams, so... :_)
Have fun! I'm happy to share my joy with everyone through my artwork, draw or cheer up, if I can:)
✨Other Social Networks:✨
°My pinterest° page:
@/En's doodles :3
°Мy insta°:
You can go to them if you want to see more of my ut fanarts/doodles and my other works.
other my blogs on tumblr:
@dumbestart (old doodles acc.)
@gsfan (idk why, but i can note it and I don't get a notification from it:_( its current doodle acc.)
if you want to chat with my ocs use c. ai and share my page: @/CochaCocha.
remember that bots can say non-canon things and they is headcanon/fanon/aus vers.
¡(please DNI if you are)!: proshipper, don't mock someone because of nationality (all those who insult Ukrainians, Russians or other nations, please leave this blog). russophobe, other phobe, pedos, groomer, fetishist, racist, NSFW fan, transphobe, sexist, immoral persons, lovers of controversial topics and etc. (all basic creterias*). i will block these blogs.
✨my sona's ref:✨
(it's an ordinary person in a mask and an oversized hoodie)
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To be honest, I'm very bad at English grammar, so I use a translator.
Im creator of ⛰️MountainsTale⛰️ (unfinished now)
I'm still working on my au, but I'll be honest, I'm not able to write anything except fanfic yet (I'll probably never be happy with the plot I wrote myself) and I have a lot of unsuccessful designs for most of the characters, including Rudy (aka Gaster in this au). My inner tedious-self will never let me write a non-logical plot without explaining any details, unfortunately:>
I have the plot and less characters written there, such as: Rudy (Gaster), Sans, Chara, Papyrus, Frisk and the concepts of the rest.
Rudy, by the way, has a human name for a reason. And I'll be honest, I was partially inspired by Glichtail, but there is not and will not be a soul/trait of fear.
I'm also working on a fanon of monster/humans/magic now (it's a very long T_T).
I btw.... when I gave my sona a name/nicname, I didn't know how her name was translated (I mean "Enrich" ). I actually didn't even know that the name Enri existed (I was 12 when I created she) and honestly just took and combined my real name with the name of my past gacha club sona. My English is still bad enough, but when I first started my blog here it was even worse :D (I didn't even know what mutuals, dnis and all that were, lol). I don't even understand how those with whom I communicated tolerated my stupidity:_)
i know that its male name, but auuuuuuuugh, i got used to this name, my sona has already been wearing it for 3 years (and not the first one)
I also sometimes don't control my anxiety when communicating with anyone, so I'm sorry for that (I just get eaten up by my a sociaphobia sometimes-).
im introvert irl.
yes, I know I'm chatty and I'm always talking, but hey, why do I need a reason to hang out with someone here? I'm happy to chat with anyone if you also want to talk to me and don't fall under one of the criteria of DNI (written above)
I do not know if you need it, but my fav Sans(-es) are Asher(EstelTale) [by Colorzartz], Ink (Inktale/____tale) [by Comyet] and Passive Nightmare (Dreamtale) [by Jokublog].👀
My fav character is Gaster too👉👈 (my headcanon/fanon ver. etc.)
I'm not against criticism, on the contrary, I'm even for it, I'll be glad to read it to understand my mistakes^^
Please don't hard hit me, I'm not an artist =). I just draw arts in my spare time to relax from the stress of the day. I've been drawing for about 3-4 years. I tried to go to an art class (I studied there for 6.5 years), but I was expelled because I can't draw anything except "cartoons" (idk how they determined this:/ So, I very hate this school because it deprived me of self-esteem, bullied me and pretty gave me a burnout). This is probably not surprising, considering that I took a 5-month break from art class due to terrible emotional burnout ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I came to this school and couldn't even pick up a pencil). In any case, I really like to draw, and I sincerely love all my artwork (except maybe super old- ), no matter how bad and anatomically incorrect they may be. They were right when said :"You never become to an artist, its not correctly, etc.", but aaaaaaaa, I love draw, cuz It lets my imagination run wild and allows me to relieve the stress and pain that people in my school cause me, so even if I'm not an artist, no one will stop me from drawing all sorts of garbage, I love it!
(p. s. I don't know how to draw traditional arrrrrrtttssssss-)
To be honest, if I hadn't started a blog where I share my art to day, I probably would have given up drawing and wouldn't have improved it if I hadn't been inspired by the people I subscribe to here. I used to be very afraid to publish my work anywhere at a younger age (mostly because of the very aggressive ru community in which I was a member for some time). I really thought that I would face a barrage of criticism (non-constructive ofc) there, but here are very kind people here, really no kidding, most of you are such cool and pleasant guys💗!
oh- i reblog very rarely cuz I forget this very often :_)
eh. my memory is short
Have a great day to everyone who has visited my blog or read this post! :D ... And.. I want to hug u🫂, srry if I embarrassed u with this (*´▽`*)
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unikron-kitten-kat · 2 years
Hey! I see you interacting with my friend Myles pretty often so I decided to check out ur tmblr and read the bio/intro/thingy and decided I'd ask cause I feel like u don't get enough asks. For you, what are your personal headcanons with your fave pasta characters? :0 {also I hope ur having a good day/night}
-toasty anon🌸
{Also please lemme know if I ever come off as rude, it is never my intention and if I come off that way I'd like it to be addressed so I can fix it/gen}
Whew boy! Personal headcanons on my fave Pastas? Well, ya might see only the Slenders here 😅 They are my favorites only because they dont have much of their own lore, lol. I do really like Myth's blog and I enjoy the interactions!
I am having a good day! Hope you are as well!
Ah, and don't worry, I have seen you often enough on Fettuccine's blog to know you are hardly rude.
Now Im just gonna dump Slender headcanons with a few other creeps sprinkled in
Slender is an enigma as not even I have him or the other brothers fleshed out completely
But to start, I will say that the Brothers in my au are Offenderman, Slenderman, and Splendorman. Trenderman is their cousin. Slenderman is actually the second eldest. He and Offenderman are twins and Offenderman is older by only a few seconds, lol. Splendor is.. At most 50-65 years younger than them.
Slenderman really likes birds. He has a really huge greenhouse that has been well overgrown, both inside and out, that houses a collection of birds he owns. The birds don't like to leave the greenhouse. It is very safe.
Offenderman is a dog and reptile person. He has a couple of the larger breeds, like a mastiff or the great dane or the cane corso. He has a huuuge collection of snakes, and a few of his oldest snakes include ones he raised from lil bebys, anacondas! He also has other reptiles, but you can tell by his collection that snakes are his favorites. He also thinks hognoses are the cutest fucking things ever, especially since the adults are still pretty much baby size in his hands when compared to a human.
Splendorman loves macaws. Especially the rainbow ones. He owns one that is unfortunately nearing the end of its life, but he has a younger one too. He also enjoys frogs! He has a small terrarium "library" with a few different frogs.
Trenderman is a cat person. Listen, he has an uncharacteristically cluttered house, so a dog wouldn't do well, and the cats he does have spend much of their time outide in his very expansive and lush garden anyway. He does have a place he can store his fabrics for his personal projects, but he is having to almost constantly go back and forth between his storage area and his projects so he kinda.. Gave up on that part.
All of them love to garden. The gardens adorning the Manor grounds are well kept by Slender, but his personal greenhouse is a mess,, but nobody knows about it because he hasn't told anybody about it. Offenderman actually grows his own food. So does Splendorman. Trenderman only grows his own spices and condiments becuase those are things he really doesn't understand having to 'waste' money on. They all grow flowers too. Offenderman always has and always will love roses. Slenderman loves to grow wisteria, hydrangea, and digitalis. Splendorman love tulips, any colour, so he has every colour. Trenderman has a garden at his shop that grows every flower he could possibly have.
Slenderman.. Where does he get his money? One source of his income is his side hustle, his 'assassin' buisiness, where his proxies come in handy. The other is actually through books. He is a writer, though he has a pen name completely different from his own, and the proxies only know of journals he occasionally writes in, and he is also a painter, an illustrator. Quite a few of the pasta children's books were made by him. He also has a few resturants, though he hardly visits them. He has been to pretty much every place in the world, and he doesn't have a favorite country's dish he makes,, though he absolutely adores Offenderman's sushi.
Offenderman actually is quite popular, if not for his pubs and bars and clubs he runs, all under the same company name. He sometimes hops behind the counter at each, though most of his time is spent at home with his animals. He is currently looking for someone. But,,, the problem is not even he knows who it is. He just one day got this feeling telling him to find somebody. I suppose he will know when he finds them. He is also a private investigator, and he has also helped out the authorities, even if they don't know an Eldritch-Alien-Demon helped them out. Offenderman also runs a small, but very popular Japanese resturant, with authentic food! Grown by him! He actually spent a good chunk of his life in Japan, where his love for sushi got him landed with someone who taught him how to make traditional foods, even sushi!
Splendorman runs a bakery, and his desserts and pastries are to DIE for!! He is an amazing baker, and it shows in the unwavering buisiness he gets! His cakes especially are popular, especially for weddings. He also has a fair share of japanese recipies up his sleeves. Though, he spent a bigger chunk of his life in Germany, and picked up a majority of German recipies, and these are made in a resturant side of his bakery!
Trenderman runs a boutique, and he has such a big name that if he is seen wearing a brand of clothes, that brand gets a sudden influx of buisiness. It is also a very big honour to have him personally design something for you, and it is an even bigger one to have an outfit inspired from you! Along with his boutique, he also creates his own makeups to sell. Now, when he first saw one performing, he knew he absolutely wanted to be a drag queen! That's right, Trenderman is a drag queen! He is absolutely famous, and is actually a huge role model for most people.
As you could probably tell, the brothers absolutely love to cook, and this comes from the fuzzy memories of their parents cooking. Though.. Their parents have been elsewhere since they were children and they have no idea where to look. Little do they know that their parents are fighting a war in The Underworld. So, to help keep what little memories they cling to of their parents alive, they cook. Now don't get me wrong, keeping the memory of their parents alive isn't the only reason they cook, they absolutely love to do so, if not for the absolutely delicious food their parents made, and they are all happy to share their fondness of food with people through their resturants, and their own cooking at their own places with friends or with Slender's 'adopted children' at the Manor.
Jeff and Toby cling to Slender. Not physically(toby sometimes) but most certainly mentally and emotionally. He is the dad they wish they had, even if he is an ass sometimes. Honestly, most if not all the creeps are emotionally stunted, and a lot of the time, Slender, his brothers, and Tim and Brian fill the roles of Dads or Cool Uncles they wished they had while their life was going to shit. Slender is especially fond of the 'younger' creeps, especially the ghosts. The ghosts, like Sally, are mentally stuck at the age they died, so they very much are still children despite being almost half a century old, but it is because they are kids that Slender is fond of them. They lost the memories of their past life, and therfore the memories of their deaths, so they still retain the childish innocents that helps breath a fresh air of life in the otherwise Emotionally Stunted Murderer Hideout. The children are honestly favored by everybody, to the point of everyone trying to avoid being within eyesight of the children after coming home from a mission, some even opting to pack a change of clothes to change into before they return home to avoid exposing the kids to gore.
But, when it comes to physical appearances, the kids don't mind how the creeps look. Sure, they might make funny child's banter about someone's appearance (Slendy looks like a tree!!), but they don't mind living with people who could otherwise be considered the monster under the bed to other, 'normal' children, as they have been living with the creeps for a long while, so they are used to odd looking people.
Tim and Brian together are the second longest reigning proxies of Slender, majority of the Demons, especially Laughing Jack, being the longest lived proxies. Laughing Jack and Slender actually go way back, with Laughing Jack seeing Slender in the background way before he got locked in his box and forgotten. It was actually Slender who found him again. He actually still retains some of his colour, and therfore cheerful nature he had because he wasn't stuck in his box nearly as long thanks to Slender. See, Slender was actually scouting Isaac, as Isaac had the recipe for becoming another mentally unstable human to mentally torture rescue, but Isaac soon lost Slender's interest, and Slender turned toward the memory of the felt clown he sometimes saw with the child. It was then that Slender realizes it was missing and went looking, first in Isaac's house as that was the most common place the clown was veiwed in.
Lo and behold, a Jack in the Box was found in the attic, collecting dust. Jack could feel the sudden change of environment, and the opening of his box. He didn't waste the chance of being free and possibly seeing Isaac again, but he was met with Slenderman. Here's the thing,, Slender used to be cruel and an asshole at nature, and it was during this time that he found Lj. He spun the story to Jack, telling Jack he saw the child laughing about Jack's predicament at being stuck in his box, soon coming to the event of Slender finding his box in the attic, gathering dust and bringing it home. At first Jack didn't believe it, trying to argue that Isaac wasn't like that. But when enough time passed, Slender brought Jack with him to view the disgusting things Isaac was doing. It was with that that Jack finally believed that what Slender told him was the truth... For a time.
After a time, when Slender gained more.. Emotionally troubled teens who actively showed that he had basically saved them from their hellish lives, when he got more empathetic, and was actually sympathetic at what he saw happening to children (despit them being humans, of which he dislikes to a large level),, when he started to not like being such an ass, he started to feel bad about lying to Jack. And it showed. He soon called Jack to his office.. To tell Jack the truth. Jack knew something was wrong with Slender's story, even if he believed the story for a short time, but he figured Slender spun the story to protect him. And Slender kind of did, even if he lied to make Jack stay.
It is for this reason that Lj and Slender are the closest of friends, knowing things about eachother they wouldn't share with anybody else.
Tim and Brian also noticed the change in Slender. The change from the cruel asshole who pushed them too far past their limits in each waking moment, to the empathetic, sympathetic Dad/boss that he is now. And they like the change honestly. How they became Masky and Hoodie was under Slender's influence, mainly through their masks. But, the influential masks soon became an alternate personality. Masky and Hoodie are to Tim and Brian as Sully is to Liu, kinda. While Sully came about through Liu's trauma as a shield, and later empowered by Zalgo, Masky and Hoodie came about through Tim and Brian being in the vicinity of an Eldritch-Alien-Demon man who, at the time, loved to make people's lives miserable.
Some of the Proxies are straight, others are not. Its meh. Most of them just don't give a crap about that stuff, so would care less if your trans or non-binary, gay or bi. They will support you, and help you fend of any mean people, but for the most part, you do you. Slender would love to have an s/o who is longer lived like him, but he wouldn't mind a human partner, even if they have such a short life span compared to him.. Even if he gets crushed when they finally pass....
Offender... As long as they aren't an ass for no reason, its a yes. Though he is more male oriented. One of my things about Offenderman is he is actually scared of actually impregnating anybody, especially a human, even if he knows the chances of conceiving with a human are slim to none, he is still worried of.. Well, trapping a human with a not-so-human baby. He knows, first hand, what happens to people who don't fit the 'norms'. He has a human form, but he has virtiligo in this form because he personally thought people with it are so fucking pretty, which he was actually picked on for having. He knows what its like to be singled out, and therfore dislikes people who are an ass just to be an ass. And if people treat different looking people like that... He doesn't want to imagine what life would be like for a Slender Halfling.. The possibilities scare him.. Offender would also like to share cooking with someone, even if it is just a friend, or to just enjoy food with.
Splendor, like Offender, will get with aaaanybody, so long as you aren't a bully just to be a bully. He hates bullies who bully just for the fun of it. Isn't nice. He would like an s/o who would love to bake with him though! It is something he can live without. As long as he has someone to enjoy a mocha and cookies with, he is fine.
Trenderman wants a man. Sorry ladies, but this man is gay all the way. By all the way, I mean he will get with any male identifying person. End of. Ooohhh, imagine all the outfits he could make with, or without, you. If you watch, he will include you by asking how you think it looks as he makes it. Forget doing your own shopping, as you will likely end up with a new outift at least every week with how productive Trender is. He does absolutely take breaks. He knows when his body is being overworked and takes as long a break as needed. In his free time, when he isn't shitting out the most amazing clothes you have ever seen, he will take you with him to fancy resturants, sometimes opting for his cousin's resturants(their cooking is top notch, what can I say?), or secluded areas where he would paint with you leaning on him, or laying beside him, or what have you. He has a boat he likes to take onto lakes and such to watch the sunset away from people.
Slender is an Introvert. You can't tell me otherwise.
Offenderman is an ambivert, thought leans more toward an introvert.
Splendorman is an extrovert, but he does need his recharge time.
Trenderman is an ambivert too.
And most the Creeps are introverts. Most, not all. I don't have enough fleshed out to know who is an ambivert or extrovert.
20 notes · View notes
areislol · 2 years
I'm so excited everytime you update your streamer au series! I feel so giddy because I love it!! ♡ I'm thinking about reader continuously answering questions in the stream like "Do you like cats?" "Do you hate dogs" and then there's "Do you have a boyfriend?" then you instinctively say yes. Everyone was shocked, including you since it's just your little imagination bc ur crushing hard. Now cue jealous genshin characters interrogating you who is it. "They're like call him, call him! I want to TALK to him."
And everyone saw their shocked meme like face when you just called their number.
streamer! xiao, dainsleif, zhongli, childe, ayato x online friend! reader
ft— xiao, dainsleif, zhongli, childe, ayato warnings— slightly suggestive??, super long!!, fluff!!, not proof-read so maybe some bad grammar, mentions of feet pics/feet... a/n— this idea is so cute omg!! and i love the “call him, i want to “TALK” to him.” it’s funny cuz i can 100% imagine them actually saying that. and im so happy you get so happy every time i update my streamer! au, makes me more motivated to post more!! hope you’re doing alright. 
was originally going to add albedo but i was kind of stressed as it meant i was going to write 6 characters in total and my motivation was just nowhere to be found so i had to remove him, sorry!!
recommend listening to: sweetest pie/wink -  megan thee stallion and dua lipa
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streamer! xiao x reader
“what cup size are you?” “...what the-” *xiao immediately blocks and kicks the person who asked that question* “...... :)”
“ignore them 🥰 ”
you might be asking.. why did they ask that? why on earth would they ask you such question? why were they asking you questions?
like? 🤨
well.. that’s because you had a mini qna during xiao’s stream!!
did xiao mind at all? nope! he didn’t mind at all <3 if anything, he would be learning more about you(as if he doesn’t know everything about you..)
during one of xiaos stream, one person donated to xiao with a message which they said “does y/n like cats?” which you immediately say yes to!!
since then you started to answer more and more questions from xiao’s viewers and most of them(you’ve got to say) were pretty nice questions
questions that you’ve never heard before but did you care? absolutely not as you loved answering their questions.
xiao on the other hand.. minded.
every time someone would ask you questions that seemed kinda of weird or creepy to xiao he would eye them(?? eye who?? who’s them?? im kidding, ... xiao would eye the screen)
xiao would fight the urge to literally ban the person who asked that question AND OR stop the mini qna but you seemed so happy answering their and everyone(s) question so xiao obviously stopped his urges ;(
and so the mini qna went.. many questions such as “what is your favourite animal” and “your fav colour?” was asked a lot and many uhm.. questionable questions were being asked too.
“what’s your feet size?” and more which i will not be adding.
you felt extremely uncomfortable when people would ask you questions that were just creepy over all, so when you told xiao about it, he immediately blocked the user and told E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E to not ask you those type of questions and did his word get into the people’s head? yes!
most of the questions they gave you were pretty simple, you always ended up saying “yes” to many of them.
you practically said “yes” so many times that you’ve kind of.. counted how many times you’ve said “yes”
“do you enjoy going to hotels?” “yes!! i do actually.” *xiao: WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN!!!!!*
and then suddenly.. “do you have a boyfriend” and now you didn’t really concentrate on what you said and since you’ve said “yes” so many times you accidentally responded with “yes” and oh my god.
the ruckus you’ve caused after saying that...
xiao WAS paying attention and DID hear what you said so when you said “yes” xiao full on whipped his head to your direction and poor baby.. his face said it all..
xiao was like “HUH?! BOYFRIEND?!” in his head, you never told him that you had a boyfriend!!
now he’s upset, really, upset.
and yes, he’s upset because 1, you didn’t tell him and 2, you have a boyfriend!! :(
everyone in chat was shocked, they were all spamming “OH MY GOD???”s and “Y/N HAS A BF????”s
and in all honesty, why did you even say yes?
you did have a crush on a special someone... and as a matter of fact, you were crushing hard.
crushing on who? can you guess who? 3..2..1..!!
xiao!! you had a crush on xiao himself! the very one who’s in your room, looking at you in defeat.. anyways..
lets cut to the chase.
after you and xiao staying silent and the chat wildling, xiao finally spoke up and what he said startled you a bit
“who are they?” “huh? who’s who?” “the special man.” “o-oh! uhm..”
xiao: 🤨
you’re absolutely flustered, your face and ears are just red
xiao and everyone(in chat) could tell that you were embarrassed which made them even more curious and wanting to know WHO the lucky man was
after some silence you decided to grab your phone and when you were unlocking your phone xiao asked “what are you doing?” which you responded with “calling my boyfriend, you wanted to know right?” “..”
you wanted to tease xiao because.. you wanted to see his cute flustered face, but if xiao had no reaction at all then.. that would be embarrassing..
so you decided to call him!! as a.. prank? (i guess you could say that)
xiao was blushing - blushing a lot. sure he “knew” you had a boyfriend as you said “yes” to the question but he didn’t expect you to actually call them.
he was waiting for you to say “JUST KIDDING!!” or “IT’S A PRANK!!!! >:)” but those words never came and so now xiao’s just anxiously waiting for you to call the person without trying to look like he’s constipated or nervous.
 a few minutes pass by and you’re still not calling them, weird isn’t it?
it’s totally not like you’re nervous to press “call” to a special someone(xiao) or anything, right?
you wanted to do this, so why are you struggling to press the “call” button? were you nervous? scared? too embarrassed? you’re feeling all of them right now.
taking in a few deep breaths you decided to just do it, you wanted to see his reaction after all.
“beep” you closed your eyes waiting for xiao to say something but you hear nothing except for a distinct sound coming from right in front of you
you expected to hear a ringtone that everyone would use but instead you hear a song instead. it was a very.. romantic song...
you open your eyes and just stare at a very flustered xiao who is trying to silence his phone but is failing terribly
but before you could laugh or do anything - xiao suddenly stops his attempt on closing his phone and just pauses for a second before he turns to look at you, he stares at you with wide eyes
“why are you looking at me?” “did you just.. call me? “.. what?”
you both are now just blushing profusely and avoiding eye contact as much as possible
everyone in chat was just going crazy or was just simply in shock.
“ahem, i did uh.. call you xiao.” *chat: SO CALL OUT MY NAMEEEEEE* “... i know you did, you said you were going to call your boyfriend, right?” “correct!”
(why did you say that so happily.)
you gave xiao a small smile while trying to suppress the urge to go cover yourself with tons and tons of blankets.
xiao on the other hand.. wasn’t so happy, not in a bad way of course!!
he was shocked, it was a joke and he knew but the thought of him being your boyfriend just makes him feel all jelly like and flustered.
you prevent a laugh from coming out of your mouth but ultimately fail - you burst out laughing while patting xiao on the back - spilling out many “im sorry xiao!!” and “you should’ve seen your reaction!!” but many of those were always cut from your continuous laughter.
xiao no longer cares about what just happens but rather your laughter, god you were so cute. your laugh too!
while xiao still does care about what happened, he doesn’t really mind it now as long as you’re happy <3
(except for the fact that everyone in his chat/comment keeps on making fun of him for looking like he was constipated or his reaction over all)
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streamer! dainsleif x reader
🤨 i see, so you want to scare this poor man’s soul? is that right?
sigh, poor dain ;(
dain was just talking with his viewers, asking them questions and asking if they were doing fine, if they did anything fun and stuff like that
when all of the sudden someone asked if you loved to eat choco pops which you replied “yes! i do, they’re so yummy..” because they were delicious and you couldn’t just leave the person who asked the question hanging!
*dain in his mind: y/n likes choco pops? i might as well buy thousands of them by tomorrow.*
and soon after everyone started to flood dain’s chat with questions that were directed to you because why not?
although you wanted to answer them all you couldn’t, there were just too many questions!! the chat was just going WILD
they were eager for you to answer their question!! you skimmed and scanned the chat but you could only make out some of the questions - the rest were blurred by the continuous bombarding of questions.
you sigh as you get ready to try to answer all of these questions
“atrialopdo donated $3! : do you enjoy shopping?” “yes i do”
“jumpeylap donated $10 : do you enjoy dain’s presence? do you like to hang out with dain, i mean.” “of course i do!! why wouldn’t i? dain’s the best to hang out with!! i enjoy being around dain and he’s just the absolute best and....”
honestly, you kept on talking and talking about dain that dain’s mind just goes blank, he can’t even hear what you’re saying!!
“dainnn? dain! DAIN HELLO?! >:(” “ah! huh? what-” “see? he’s alright guys” “...” “yea! he’s just being quiet right now, i think he’s getting shy just by me talking about him”
you continued to talk while dain was blushing a whole lot.. yea..
lets get into the juicy part >:) 
someone finally asked if you “had a crush” and all of the sudden you said ‘yes’
to be frank, you’ve said the word ‘yes’ or ‘yup’ too many times so...
you were caught off guard with that question which prompted you to answer with “yes”
so it’s not your fault. definenetly not your fault!!
after a few seconds you finally realized what you said but didn’t say anything, but dain? oh boy, when he heard your response he full on whipped his head towards you.
dain had a “did i hear that correctly??” type of face, he looked so confused yet nervous-
you had to hold back your laughter because dain’s face was just too hilarious, how could you not laugh?
you just sat there, looking back and fourth between dain and the chat
dain’s just staring at you with wide eyes, unable to comprehend what you said EVEN though he knew exactly what you said
it was just hard for him to take in kay?!
eventually, dain snapped back to reality and cleared his throat.
“so, who’s.. this man of yours?” “glad you asked! i’ll call him right now!” “dain: 😨”
now dain’s scared fr
dain gets even more scared the more you talk about your boyfriend
“oh yea, and he’s super hot, like handsome. and he’s just like: mwa, chefs kiss”
why must you do this to him?!
you’re just talking and blabbing about your (non existent) boyfriend while pretending to look for his contact when you knew damn well that dains’ contact number was at the top of the list
you didn’t plan on calling dain at all but since you said you had a boyfriend on accident and since dain was there.. , why not entertain his viewers! by calling dain!
dain’s still staring at you, looking at your phone and right back at you, waiting for you to press down on your phone and waiting for the sound of ringing.
you bite your lower lip not knowing if you should do this or not but you decide to just go for it because.. you need to get his reaction.
his reaction will 100% be worth it!!
you press the “call” button and dain suddenly feels and hears a buzz
it came from his pocket, dain just stares at his pocket and grabs his phone, looking at it he sees that you’re calling.. HIM?
while your awkwardly smiling, dain is dying.
everyone in chat was freaking out because they thought this was for real and that this thing was set up to reveal that you and dain were actually dating!!
dain is just slowly melting away, his poor heart ;(
“y/n..” “it’s a prank!! i have no boyfriend and uh yea!” “...?”
it was just a mess over all.
you had to tell dain that it was all a joke and that you actually had no boyfriend and that you accidentally said “yes” and blah blah blah
dain forgives you, of course. but he won’t forgive how you scared him to death(he’s obvi kidding dw)
but dain wasn’t the only person who was turning red, you were too!!
but why? well, that’s because you actually like dain!! what a surprise!!
what a shocker!!
so the thought of you actually dating dain made your just feel absolutely warm and fuzzy, like extremely.
like.. him wrapping his arms around you while nuzzling into your neck.. him kissing your neck and- STOP IT. 😔 not yet..
so yea!! :D two people that look like idiots because they’re blushing profusely while looking anywhere BUT the other person
now kiss
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streamer! zhongli x reader
zhongli was talking to his viewers and talking to you too(of course), zhongli spoke about many things: weird facts about animals, weird facts about the human body, and surprisingly, how to be financially stable!!
(as if he is LMAO)
and it was over all fun!! many of zhongli’s viewers also chimed in there and then to tell some facts too, it was just amazing to talk to everyone.
during one of zhongli’s “lesson of the day” speech, a sudden notification popped out of nowhere, it was a question if you liked cats or dogs more and why.
although the question came out of nowhere you were quick to answer it so zhongli could go on with his speech but it just seemed like more and more people decided to ask you more questions too, you didn’t mind of course. but you felt bad for zhongli as he’s just sitting there, waiting for everyone to quiet down so he could finish what he was saying but it just never happens :(
“do you prefer chocolate over strawberry?” “are you allergic to anything?” “what’s your favourite place to go to and why?”
you answered all their questions but occasionally looked back to zhongli to see if he was feeling down or anything but to your surprise, he didn’t look all that sad!!
instead he was actually enjoying you answering all their questions.
“is there something wrong y/n?” “ah-! no, nothing’s wrong..” “hm, if you say so.”
after answering many questions you were starting to get bored, all you were doing were answering questions, with the same answer over and over again.
“yes” “no” “mmm maybe?” “yes” “i think yes”
how many times did you say “yes”? you were unsure, but all you knew was that you must’ve said “yes” TOO many times that you answered “yes” to the next question that would put you into the situation you’re in right now.
now, what was the question you accidentally answered “yes” to?
“do you have a significant other, y/n?”. yes. that question.
when i tell you zhongli full on turned his head like a 90° angle.. i mean it, zhongli turned his head to face you so quickly. it was kind of scary to witness
“ah- you guys- i-” “you have a lover?” poor zhongli, he had a full on heart attack when he heard you.
your face is extremely red from embarrassment, but why? why would you be embarrassed? that’s because you have a little crush~  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
a crush on who? zhongli! that’s right, the very man who’s right in front of you!
just the thought of actually dating him makes your heart go into a frenzy. you’ve been crushing on him since forever, so him being your boyfriend? oh god.. BUT! another thing that made you red from embarrassment was also because the thought of zhongli being jealous? what a dream!
zhongli isn’t the type to be jealous but your imagination is going wild(rn) so it’s hard to not think about it
the possibility of him ACTUALLY being jealous makes you weak to your knees, like him? looking dead in the eyes of another person? or maybe.. him just mad at the thought of him not confessing earlier and now his chance is gone?
“y/n? are you alright?” “mhm! im fine, and uhm.. yes! yes i do have a lover.. haha...” “is that so..”
“well do you mind calling them? it’s alright if you don’t want to. one’s friend should be able to know one’s significant other, do correct me if im wrong.”
。:゜(;´∩`;)゜:。man... JUST GIVE ME ONE CHANCE PLEASE
zhongli keeps on bombarding you with questions, “what’s their name?” “when did you start to date them?” “are they (even) GOOD looking?” “are they able to provide you with EVERYTHING?”
you’re caught off guard with all the questions and your face reddens even more, you stutter while trying to get a response out of our mouth
“ah- uhm, o-of course! just give me.. a minute” you take out your phone before scrolling through your contacts, and honestly, you didn’t know who to call but in the end you chose zhongli because.. you just wanted to get this over and done with. you click “call” and wait for “him” to respond.
you hold your phone in your hand while looking at your phone and at zhongli anxiously, suddenly, zhongli feels something buzzing in his pocket - it’s his phone.
maybe this was a coincidence? zhongli spares a glance at you, seeing your very red face, he observes you before reaching in his pocket and pulling out his phone and TO HIS AND EVERYONE SURPRISE.. you called him!!
was this some prank? did you accidentally misclick or something?
“y/n- i think you misclicked..” he says while showing and pointing at his phone
you stare blankly at zhongli while trying to think of an answer, but you are unable to.
you stare at zhongli, not knowing what to do before laughing nervously and saying that it was a joke WHICH, you could see zhongli’s shoulder slowly falling down(he’s relieved/heavy burden is gone)
“ah.. i see.” “yeah! so, it was actually a joke.. i don’t know why i said “yes” but uhm yeah. sorry guys!” 
zhongli and everyone forgives you, and then you all lived happily ever after.
not before zhongli tells you to hug him for like hours after stream because of the pain his heart had to go through.
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streamer! childe x reader
you should be scared of this man 😍(in a bad and.. good way?)
childe was streaming himself playing a horror game while you sat beside him, watching(his every move) him play the game
it was kind of boring but you didn’t mind, it was funny when childe got jump scared and screamed like a little girl
after a few rounds childe decided to stop playing and just focus on talking to his viewers, sure playing games are fun and all but childe loves and cherishes his viewers so why not talk to them?
(he loves you more than them ofc..)
“soooo, how are you guys?” “good? that’s good.”
“that sounds extremely creepy childe.” “?? what”
so yea, it was very interesting to say the least, but after asking everyone questions, they decided to ask you guys questions too!!
plus they would get more information about you guys, but mostly childe so those people can FINALLY add the correct information in childe’s biography.
and so the questioning begins.
but i won’t bore you with those questions so time skip to when someone asks you the question
you still sat beside childe and listened to everyone asking him questions and him answering back, when all of the sudden, someone asks you a question - “y/n do u have a lover?”
to be frank, nobody was surprised or shocked with the sudden question but everyone soon was wanting to know your answer, including childe.
childe paused and turned to look at you, giving you the “do you?” look
you open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out, you eye the screen then eye childe.
childe is still staring at you, waiting for your answer while everyone in chat starts to bet if you have a lover or not.
then you finally answer. “yeeesssss?” did you mean for it to come out like that? you sounded unsure.
“was that a “yes i do” yes or a “maybe?” yes, y/n?” childe says while raising his eyebrows, god his stupid face was making you flustered - the things he does to you..
you avoid eye contact with childe and turn your attention to the chat, everyone was asking you questions such as “does y/n have a lover?” or “so does y/n have a lover or not? someone tell meee!!”
you stare at the chat, looking at texts overlapping each other.
you turn to look at childe who now looks absolutely devastated, his smile was now gone, replaced with a frown.
before you could ask if he was okay childe suddenly asks you questions, questions you weren’t able to answer due to the amount of questions he asked you.
“does he treat you right?” “is he as rich as me?” “does he make you feel good.”
then came the “call him.”, you’re just there - not knowing what to do before slowly grabbing your phone while staring at childe who is now looking at you with that shit-eating grin, his whole facial expressions screamed “mischievous”, he was going to do something to your “lover” once you call him, you just knew it
childe scoots closer to you to peer over your shoulder to get a glance of your “lover’s” name but it unable to as you move to face him so he can’t see this “lover” of yours
of course, childe frowns. he stops and just patiently waits for you to call them
you bite your lip as you wonder what do do know, who should you call? what if they don’t play along? you sigh in defeat, but then you think - “what if i call childe?” it won’t hurt to try right? plus! you would be getting a 10/10% reaction from childe.
thinking about how he would react suddenly awakened the demon inside of you 😔
now YOU had a shit-eating grin on your face, and it kind of scared childe(/j)
you pressed “call” and starting to grin even more when you saw how childe’s body froze from the vibration coming from his pockets.
he rushes to grab his phone and what he saw made his heart going into a frenzy that his heart could actually stop.
childe almost faints from what he saw, you giggle before going over to where childe sat to whisper something in his ear and oh lord
what your doing is making childe and everyone CRAZY
and what did you say?
“did you not know we were not dating? what a shame..”
listen you’re not all that flirty okay?! that was the best you could say to be uhm, you know..
but you’re not all that flirty so when you pulled away from childe you became a blushing mess, just like childe himself.
everyone’s in awe now, you two are just so cute <3
now everyone’s determined to get you guys together. they know that you and childe both like each other so now it’s up to them to get you two together!!
it was a sight to see you and childe blushing in silence, yes.
childe gets up and stumbles over to his pc where he ends the stream, not before saying “g-goodbye everyone.” in a rushed manner, now they’re curious about what happened next!!
what did you guys even do after childe ended the stream? 🤔 i’ll leave that one to you!
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streamer! ayato x reader
ayato is a very calm and collected man as we all know, but if you haven’t said that this was all a “joke on accident” he might’ve actually cussed this “lover” of yours
can y’all just imagine him spitting out the most disgusting, inhumane, vile, nasty, despicable, abominable, hellish insult you’ve ever heard out of his mouth. while smiling as if he didn’t just say the most disgusting, inhumane, vile, nasty, despicable, abominable, hellish insult you’ve ever heard out of his mouth...
but anyways!
today was an unusual day, instead of streaming games like scheduled, many of ayato’s viewers demanded that they allow them to ask you questions SINCE ayato had banned everyone from asking you questions as someone had asked you a very personal and creepy question that made you uncomfortable which of course, got ayato mad and banned everyone from asking you questions. even if they were harmless. he would NOT budge
you sigh and close as your eyes as you listen to ayato reminding everyone about what happened last time and that if anyone did ask a question they would be banned.
this went on for a bit before you got a bit tired and said out of no where -  “just let them ask me questions ayato, it won’t hurt right? plus even if someone were to ask me such questions you or the mod could just ban them!”
although it was true that he or the mods could just ban the person he was still hesitant to allow people ask you questions, but ayato reluctantly allows everyone to ask you question but on one condition, once someone asked a creepy a question or a question that makes you uncomfortable he WILL end the questioning stream and will never do a questioning stream ever again.
everyone agreed and somehow “pink promised” ayato not to ask such questions and within a second ayato was now smiling and in a good mood.
and so went the questioning, while it was a little boring because all you were doing was just answering their questions - it was kind of fun as you could answer questions that normally wouldn’t be asked. they were really interesting questions!
of course ayato and the mods were on the look out for any weird questions that would make you feel uncomfortable, and when they did spot one they quickly deleted it and went on to find more
but you might be asking, why did they end the stream like they said? well that was because when ayato saw how much you were enjoying the questions and when he saw how you answered them with such enthusiasm he couldn’t bring himself to stop the stream, he didn’t have the heart to do so. (awww 😊 🔪)
in the middle of the stream someone asked you if you had a “boyfriend or a lover” in which you responded yes.
after saying yes you froze while laughing nervously.
why on earth did you respond with “yes” when you know damn well that you don’t have a boyfriend?
you were still answering a question before that one came and once that question(^) came up you accidentally said “yes” without even knowing you said it. it was, you could say “instinct” but you’ve never been asked about having a lover or not so there was no way you could call it an “instinct”
ayato had to take a moment to process what you said and what the question was and there was no doubt - you said “yes” to “do you have a lover”
he stared at you with wide eyes and an open mouth, you stare back at him while awkwardly laughing
ayato shakes his head as he regains his composure, he clears his throat as he calmly asks you questions about this “lover” of yours.
you play along as you didn’t know what to do and just answer his questions.
“when did you meet him?” “uh like, 3 months.. ago?” “hm okay, is he handsome?” “most definenetly.” “...okay..” and so on
ayato’s heart was breaking one by one as you answered all of his questions
then, ayato decided to ask you if you could call him.
“y/n? is it okay for you to call him? i just want to talk to him.” “just talk? are you sure? i’ve heard you say that many times and then go onto-” “yes! yes, just talk to them.” “ ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ “
you sigh in defeat while pulling out your phone, you had to play along!! what if he gets mad at you for faking this? what if he never talks to you ever again?!
you go into your contacts and while skimming and scanning everyone’s contact you can’t help but feel like you’re being stared at intensely, you take your eyes off your phone and look up to see ayato smiling at you, weirdly. you puff up your cheeks and go back to looking for someone that you know that WOULD play along
you try to find someone, anyone, but to no avail.
then you just decide to give up and press “call” on ayato’s contact
which of course his phone starts to buzz and ayato stops smiling for a bit before picking up his phone
your face is now bright red, though your avoiding eye contact with ayato, ayato is looking at you with a smirk once he realizes what you’ve done.
ayato gets up and turns to stream off leaving everyone on a cliffhanger(good luck to y/n)
once he turns to stream off he turns around and heads towards you
you’re aware that he’s getting closer and closer towards you but you still stay in your place. your face still bright red from embarrassed but also from imagining.. things with ayato.
what do you except anyways?! you have a crush on him so it’s not possible to not think about someone you like in that way!
once ayato is right behind you he ends the call and you hear the sound of ayato sitting right beside you
you slowly turn around to see ayato right. in. front. of. you. literally 2 inches away from your face
you gasp and your cheeks burn a even brighter red, ayato chuckles and pulls you in for a hug, you can hear ayato hums while twirling your hair
now you’re heart is not stable anymore, ayato’s heart isn’t either.
ayato too, is absolutely red from this interaction. although he is the one initiating he can’t help but feel uhm, you know, embarrassed and mushy?
you then hear ayato sigh, a relived sigh. “so you don’t actually have a boyfriend right? or is this some type of way to confess to me?” ayato says while smirking, you could just see him smirking.
you mutter out a “i.. don’t have a boyfriend” before resting your head on ayato’s shoulder.
ayato lets out a hum before going back to playing with your hair, you sigh in pleasure.
“are you alright?” you could only let out a “mhmmm” before closing your eyes, ayato chuckles and pulls you closer where you’re practically up against his chest.
this was the closest you’ve ever gotten to him and you thanked the gods while leaning in to be closer even though you were already close.
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note: if you would like to be added to the genshin taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn (there were two other people but it says that your account does not exist so if you sent an ask or comment to be added please ask again, accs: @mobiuskiss/@viaxiao) liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!! another note: sooo you know how i said that the sagau x reader series will be coming out soon...? well uh, im going to postpone as i don’t think im fully ready to post it out yet so maybe later in the year? also this took me weeks to do because i was writing then i lost motivation, then wrote again and the cycle begins. i have many requests(including event) to be done so i will try to prioritize one or two and yeah! i hope you guys enjoyed this <3 kinda rushed towards the end but just ignore all the mistakes, posted this a lot more earlier than expected..
im such a sucker for blushing dain//imagine if this flops
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simpsiren · 4 years
sticky notes: the story
mark lee x reader
main masterlist
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description. you use sticky notes to get into contact with your soulmate.
genre. soulmate au, high school au, strangers to lovers au
warnings. nonee
a/n. so some people requested for a full story of this so here it is! i really liked making this because the concept is just so cute cudndn oh and i did include the same idea as what i did in my previous post but i had to change it a little so that it would fit the plot. this is a really really long ff since its a slow burn typa thing so please try to stick with me on this one HAHA anyways enjoyy! :D
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“you actually believe that?”
you lift your head up from your notes to look at soyoung. she nods her head and hum eagerly. you rub your temples from seeing her respond. “i do believe soulmates exist. but sticky notes to talk to them? what’s social media for then? and how is it even scientifically possible?” you question soyoung, bringing your eyes down as you continue to do your homework.
“that’s the beauty of soulmates, ray!” soyoung whines. you shake your head. “you’re dumb to believe it without confirming the information with other relevant sources.” you mutter out bluntly. you hear soyoung letting out a ‘tsk’. “here you go again being a history student. i swear im glad i never took it.” you scoff and slam your pen on the table gently.
“excuse me, woman! at least i dont have to memorise the whole textbook and only having 5 pages of content coming out in the exam.” you stick your tongue out playfully to tease soyoung. “i cant get over the fact that valcanos didn’t come out eventhough i memorised so much for it.”
the both of you laugh, knowing that the two of you can never stop debating on whether history or geography is the better subject.
“ray complete your homework at home. we cant stay in the classroom for long you know?” soyoung stands up to get to her seat, which is 2 rows down yours since you were sitting right at the back. you liked sitting at the back. it allowed you to always be able to use your phone in case you get bored in class. you still cant believe that your teachers think you’re a good and obedient student. you figured they only assumed that due to your high grades.
you sigh “that’s true.” you turn around to grab your back that was hanging in your chair and start packing your materials. once you were done, you grab the class key and walk over to soyoung’s seat, waiting for her to finish packing. you notice soyoung has finish packing and went to switch off the lights. you allow soyoung to step out first before you close the door behind you and lock the classroom door.
you and soyoung walked down the hallway silently, you were looking out the window to watch the sunset while soyoung had her eyes on her feet. only your footsteps could be heard as almost everyone has left the school grounds except for some teachers who were working late. the school normally closes at 7pm and you’re walking out at 6:50. to break the silence, soyoung opens her mouth to start a conversation.
“okay if you dont believe me why dont you try it yourself? like write a simple introduction to your soulmate.” you raise an eyebrow as you shove your hands into the front pockets of your mom jeans. “why dont you do it?” you fought back as you huff. soyoung bites the inside of her cheek as a moment of silence passes for her to think of an answer.
“because i believe it. and you do not. so you should try it.” you smacked soyoung’s arm, making her flinch back and shouting a loud ‘ouch’. you roll your eyes, knowing you didn’t hit her hard and she was just overreacting. “brilliant excuse,so. but if its going to make you stop talking about it, i might as well.” soyoung face lit up as she jumps happily and starts skipping ahead of you. you laugh and pull the handle at back of her bag to keep her explosion of excitement to the minimum.
“you owe me brown sugar milk tea. large.” you taunted. soyoung waves her hand lazily. “i’ll buy you one after school tomorrow. but you better update me during math.”
you wanted to say how you could just text soyoung to update her, but you remembered the fact that soyoung’s mother took away her phone since she didn’t do well for this year’s midterms. although to you, soyoung’s grades were decent. unfortunately for her, soyoung has to live up to her asian mom’s high expectations. the thought of this made you want to frown, but you showed a bright smile regardless as the two of you finally made it to the school gate, waving to each other and bidding farewell before walking down opposite paths.
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once you arrived at home, you took out your phone from your back pocket. you saw a notification from your mother saying that your parents would be home late. you shrug your shoulders as you walk to your room. “as always.” you breathed out.
you did your normal routine of showering and eating leftover dinner that you needed to heat up at the couch while you completed one episode of the anime series you were so hooked on. you continue watching but with the amount of homework you have, you might finish them all by midnight if you dont slack.
you turned off the tv and washed your plate before heading into your room. as you close the door behind you, your eyes immediately went to your desk, which was pretty messed up since you had a test to study for yesterday that you completely weren’t prepared for and had to squeeze in as much information as you can. hence, the scattering of notes and textbooks.
you stroll over to your desk and sat down. you take out your homework from your back which was beside the desk. looking at the stack of homework, you groan in despair as shove it to the back of the desk till it hit the wall. “ah fuck it! im just going to ask kun for help.” you admitted your defeat depsite thinking you would be able to gain some energy from your dinner. you also thought about how you’ve done your homework in the morning plenty of time so i shouldnt be a problem unless kun doesn’t offer his help.
you jump to your bed and lay down, bringing your phone out and immediately start scrolling through instagram. as you swiped your finger up to look at the posts of the people you follow, you stop at one. a picture of a couple who met through the sticky note theory. or so they claim. your thumbs hover over the screen as your eyes look up to the ceiling, starting to remember what soyoung asked to do to get your bubble tea.
yoy tap your index finger on the side of your phone as you constantly started to think whether you should do it or not. you’ve heard the rumours. but are they even true? the more you thought about it, the more intriguing the idea got. but at the same time, you also thought of how stupid it sounded and was probably made to fool people.
after contemplating and having in a debate in your head that felt like forever, you finally place your phone down beside you and take a deep breath. “ill do it.” you groan to yourself, letting curiosity take over your other feelings.
you gather up your strength to stand up from your bed and walk over to your desk. you push all the papers and textbooks aside, grabbing a yellow sticky notepad from your stationery organiser. you had other colours too like pink and purple, but you figured that you should go with the classic.
pulling out a random pen that was laying in between the pages of one of your textbooks, you tilt your head to the side as you start thinking of what to write, unconsciously biting the end of your pen in the process.
you bite the side of your cheek and shrug, deciding to go with the plan of writing whatever that comes to your mind.
um hi? i dont even know if you’re going to see this. its funny, really. i heard a rumour that you can communicate with your soulmate through sticky notes. it’s probably just fake news and im writing to a nobody. that would honestly be embarrassing but it’ll be like love letters.. to myself(?) or my soulmate. write back? haha
you read over what you wrote an endless amount of times, thinking if you should make changes. you groan and immediately stick the sticky note onto your wall, giving up on giving second thoughts about what you call this ridiculousness.
you went about your night, forgetting you have left the sticky note on the wall. as you were on you bed scrolling through tumblr at 2 in the morning, you hear something. it sounded like a piece of paper had fallen from your desk.
unable to see in complete darkness, you turn on the flashlight from your phone and walk around your room, trying to find whatever it is that fell. it didn’t take you long to find a small yellow sticky note that you accidentally stepped on.
you pick it up, remembering that you wrote on the sticky note and thought that it was yours. however, once you were able to get a closer look, you noticed that the words on the sticky note have changed. so has the handwriting.
holy shit. i dont know what is this. but apparently a sticky note appeared on my wall saying i have a soulmate. my friends told me i should write back because of some rumour. so here i am trying. hi im mark. i dont know your name, but hope you’ll tell me once you recieve this. you’re in luck because apparently the rumour is true. im just as crepped out as you are.
you froze in your spot. your fingers shaking as you read the note again. you scratch your head. being too tired and unable to think straight at 2 in the morning, you place the sticky note on your desk and went back to bed to play with your phone. you soon forget about the fact that your soulmate has replied to your message that you have written on your sticky note.
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as you got ready for the next period which was math, soyoung immediately runs over to you, dragging the chair from the desk beside you and taking a seat. you flinch a little when you suddenly see her close to you. 
“so did you try it?!” soyoung asks, her voice filled with enthusiasm . you brushed a few pieces of hair behind your ear, nodding your head as you take out your textbook from under the desk. “did you get a reply then?” 
your mind started to take you back to the mysterious encounter that you had last night. “mhm.” you reply simply. “though the only thing i remember because it seems to be the only relevant information is that the person’s name is mark.” soyoung gasped loudly, making you crease your forehead as you watch her overreacting again. 
“your soulmate’s name is mark then.” soyoung concludes, folding her arms confidently as if she made a great discovery. you laugh, rolling your eyes sarcastically. “isnt it obvious?” soyoung frowns fakely. 
your mouth gapes open as you hit soyoung’s arm lightly. “buy me my milk tea!” you demanded with a wide smile. soyoung places her notebook on your table and nods constantly. “i will you addict.” she groans. you happily say thank you as your teacher comes into the classroom and class began. 
“what are you going to do about it now though?” as you recieved the question from soyoung, you kept silent for a moment, giving time to think of an answer.
 “ill write something back? i dont know.. ill have to read the letter again when i get back home.” you whispe to soyoung. she nods in reply as the two of you payed your attention to the front again. it surprised you that soyoung was paying attention but you only assumed that she wanted to do better in class and shrug your shouders, writing down the notes youve missed while talking to soyoung.
as for you, your concentration in class dipped slightly because now, the thing that is occupying your head the most is the thought that the sticky notes theory might actually be real and you cant say its not possible anymore, making you even more shocked than you did last night.
lucky for you, today is the only day of the week where your class ends the earliest, along with two other lower ranked classes. you and soyoung quickly pack up to go to the mall to get your reward. after soyoung buys you your drink, you and soyoung went your separate ways.
after about 30 minutes of taking the bus and walking, you finally arrived at home. you place your drink on the living room table and proceed to place your bag in the room and head for the showers.
once you were done showering, you walk out of the bathroom to head to your room while drying your hair with a small towel. opening the door, you enter and went straight to your clothing rack. just when you were about to grab a shirt from the hanger, you heard the same noise last night. another piece of paper has fallen on the floor.
you turn your head and look down. this time, you found another sticky note right in front of your feet. the colour of the sticky note changed from yellow to a light blue. you tilt your head as you pick up the stick note from the floor, finding it odd as you wonder how the colour of the sticky note changed.
you take a deep breath before reading it, noticing that the handwriting was similar to the one you read last night. a little messier, but still readable.
hi again.. im not sure if you’ll recieve this since its the afternoon and i know people are busy with work or school. i skipped school today so haha. um i just wanted to write to you, despite me not knowing a single thing about you. its odd really. its like i feel the need to write something to an unknown identity that people assume to be my soulmate. i still dont know your name, so i hope youll reply soon. take your time and take care :)
- mark
“skip school? what is he, a bad boy?” you scoff to yourself. you try to take in whatever’s on the note, but another thought comes to mind. you walk over to your desk and saw that the yellow sticky note with mark’s reply was still there. you find everything about this weird and just odd in general. a lot of questions sprouted, but you didn’t want to think of it since you were afraid you would complicate your thoughts and just throw yourself into a stress hole.
you continue to dry your hair with one hand while the other held onto the light blue sticky note. you bit your lip and gulp. after letting out a long sigh, you place the sticky note next to the other one and changed into your clothes, as well as bringing your drink from the living room table to your room, placing it on the desk as you sat down.
you take out your pencilcase from your bag and brought out your fresh new black pen that you just bought at the school’s stationery store. the previous pen you had was full of ink till soyoung was dumb enough to drop it, spoiling the pen and was unable to be used again.
peeling off another yellow stick note from the stack at the edge of your desk, you were about to put your pen on paper when you realise you dont even know what to write. what do you say to this person you barely know about? you continuously tap the edge of the pen against your desk as you take a sip of your drink. you look over to the two sticky notes with the messages that the person has left. its funny how you have to think so hard just to write a short message.
hey again. i actually ended school early today. my name’s raven. but my friends call me ray. i honestly don’t know what to say to you. im still dumbfounded over the fact that you’re my soulmate and we’re here communicating over sticky notes. the world really does work in a strange way. if you dont mind, i guess i want to know how old you are and you’re education status?
you held out the sticky note in front of you and sigh in satisfaction. why? it’s because of your neat handwriting. it was always a trait of yours that you deeply appreciate. you place the sticky note on the wall and advert your attention to the other sticky notes, placing them on the wall beside the new one you have just written.
“will this drive me insane? i might end up with a whole wall of this.” you say to yourself, rubbing your face with your palm before going to your bed and laying down, wanting to have your evening nap.
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“this is awesome!”
“no its scary.”
mark and his group of friends stared at the sticky note that has a message written with beautiful handwriting. mark flinched when he felt an arm on his shoulder, turning around to notice it was chenle’s. “when did you write your previous sticky note?” renjun suddenly asked. mark tilts his head as he tried to find an answer.
“less than an hour before you guys came i guess?” mark shrugs, standing up from his desk and taking a seat at the edge of the bed beside jaemin and haechan. “this raven girl is your soulmate then.” chenle walks towards mark and stands in front of him. mark nods slowly. the room grew silent again with everyone having the similar thoughts.
“you know what would be funny?” haechan smacks mark’s thigh, the sound making everyone turn their attention to mark and haechan. “what?” mark asked with a sigh, running a hand through his hair.
“why dont we prank her and say you’re a sugar daddy and live in a mansion?!” everyone gave yuta weird looks, making haechan laugh hysterically. “are you crazy? do you think i want to chase my soulmate away?” mark scolded haechan, smacking him hard on the chest, resulting in haechan’s back falling onto the bed.
“you’re always asking for a beating i swear.” renjun comments, walking towards haechan and balling his hand into a fist and acting as if he was about to attack. jaemin laughs to try and calm them down. “kids let’s not fight.” jaemin announced, looking over to jeno only to find him standing there watching quietly.
“go ahead, mark. you should write something. we cant keep her waiting.” jeno finally spoke up, grabbing the sticky notepad and a random pen from mark’s table and passing it over to him.
mark stared at the blank paper while the others were talking about what to have for dinner. it didn’t take him long to decide what to write. when mark starts writing and began to be in full concentration, everyone crowds around him to see what he’s writing.
sup raven! i wont call you ray since we aren’t friends yet. im still shocked. like the possibility of things like this being possible is just another possibility that can possibly happen. but anyways, to answer you question, im a high schooler from dream high. im in my third year. its kind of awkward for me while im writing this since my friends are reading every word im taking down. i guess i should ask you the same question back then. hope to hear from you soon.
“will you guys stop being nosy?” mark groans, standing up and pasting the sticky note on his wall, along with the other sticky notes he received from you. “you didn’t have to say that we’re here.” haechan retorts. mark rolls his eyes. “jesus..” mark mutters under his breathe. “anyways, yall are paying for dinner since you guys bribed me to write back.” mark sticks his tongue out playfully and runs out to the living room. everyone follows suit.. except for jeno.
jeno slowly walks towards the wall and leans forward to get a closer look of the sticky notes, specifically the two others beside the new one that mark just wrote. “raven? why does that sound so familiar? the handwriting...” jeno brings his finger up and lightly hovers them over the uniquely written words. it looked like calligraphy, and retro looking. jeno felt as though he had seen it before somewhere, or knew someone who wrote like that.
jeno snapped out of his deep thoughts when jaemin called out to him, making him walk towards the door and glancing at the sticky notes once more before joining the others in the living room.
you were currently video calling your friends when you heard the crackling of a piece of paper. of course you knew what that meant. you peered down the the floor from your bed and reached your hand out to pick up the sticky note. “ray?” doyoung called out to you when he noticed your face wasnt on screen. you lay back down on the floor and brought your phone up to show your face.
“what was that sound earlier?” lucas asked, currently sounding hyper. “the mysterious mark sent me another sticky note.” you reply sarcastically, waving the sticky note to the camera to let everyone look at it. everyone nodded their heads at the some time, some letting out a long ‘ah’ as well. “read it out loud!” yuta shouted.
“the fuck no!” you shouted back. you stared at the sticky note, but didn’t bother to read it. you thought of doing that once you’re done video calling them.
“how was today for you guys?” you asked, wanting to know how they’re doing.
“its tiring! we had dance practice, then we have to do recordings for our new albums. we barely get any sleep.” ten whines, his tone filled with stress. you laugh loudly. it made everyone frown and pout. you sigh. “pursuing your NCT world domination is never easy.” you commented, highlighting the word ‘world domination’ with a change of tone.
everyone lets out a long sigh and started to complain one by one, making the whole video call chaotic for almost 10 minutes. you could only smile and shake your head.
after about an hour or so of talking about basically everything and catching up with each other, everyone decided that they should end the call here since it was beginning to get dark and they needed to start practice soon. you bid your goodbye to them once more and ended the call.
you now adverted your attention to the sticky note. reading the letter, you raise both eyebrows. “dream high? that’s not far from here..” you mumbled to yourself. you started to think about everything you know about dream high. you know it’s was about an hour’s journey from where you live. it wasnt really well known either. the overall vibe of the school was mediocre.
however, you felt like you were missing something. something about that school is somehow related to you. you just couldn’t think of an answer despite squeezing all thoughts that you have in your brain. you groan and stood up from your bed and to your desk, proceeding to wanting to write a reply to mark.
hey. sorry if you get this quite late. i was busy video calling my friends. to answer your question, im a third year as well from jookin high. i would ask for your number so we dont have to do this all the time but my friend would scold me saying “but you’re removing the fun out of it.” but anyways, mark aka my soulmate, tell me about yourself, to start off.
you stick the note onto the wall, looking at the row of messages you’ve had recieved so far. you found it weird how the first time you’ve sent the note and got a reply back, it was on the same sticky note, just different handwriting. but you had to write on a new sticky note to send a new message only to get the same sticky note with a different message in return.
you only see his answers lined up on your wall. you started to wonder how this mark guy looked like. is he good looking? what are his hobbies? his attitude towards school? you really wished you could just text him through instagram and not have to go through all this trouble. but that option would earn you a large smack on the back by soyoung and your really didn’t want that.
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“do we really need to be here now? like now?!”soyoung whined, while pushing the cart and following behind you while you tossed some packets of frozen bacon. you stopped walking and turn around, nodding your head intensely. soyoung groans and took out her phone, proceeding to use it while still pushing the cart.
you walk around the supermarket, trying to find the ingredients listed on your notes in your phone. it was the weekends and you’re parents were going to be away for a business trip for a week so you thought of inviting soyoung over and making home cooked meals as a bonding session for you two.
after about 30 minutes of gathering the ingredients and having soyoung constantly screaming and fangirling over tiktok edits of jaehyun from NCT. one note: she has yet to know that you know them and that they’re your friends. you figured that it would be best to not let anyone know so as to avoid any situation that would put your friends in a tight spot, since well they’re idols, you were looking for one last item that you had trouble finding.
“soyoung help me! stop watching tiktoks!” you groan, snatching soyoung’s phone away and shoving it in her back pocket. soyoung rolls her eyes lazily and the two of you proceeded to scan the different isles and shelves, looking over every item.
while you were too concentrated looking at the bottom shelves, you felt that you have bumped into someone. you squat down, letting out a soft ‘ouch’ before standing up and looking to see who you bumped into.
“wait. jaemin?” you furrow your eyebrows as you tilt your head, pointing your finger at the guy in front of you. “raven!” you noticed that it was jaemin after all, and both your faces lit up and the same time, grinning widely at each other.
“uhhh..” soyoung says out loud, you and jaemin turn your heads to face soyoung who was behind you. “oh! this is jaemin. we used to be neighbourhood friends before he moved out 4 years ago.” you introduced jaemin to soyoung. jaemin nodded and gave her a bright smile. soyoung only shrugged her shoulders and took out her phone. you turn your attention back to jaemin.
“why are you even here? dont you live quite far?” you ask, your fingers interlocked behind your back. jaemin nods, running a hand through his hair.
“well yes. but we came here to find something that only this supermarket sells.” jaemin replied back, his warm smile never leaving his lips. you smile, reached your hand out to ruffle his hair, laughing softly afterwards. “we? who’re you with?” you stared at jaemin with eyes of suspicion. jaemin started pinching your cheeks, making you whine and begging him to let go.
“with my friend, ray chill. im still single.” jaemin pulled away and folded his arms, pouting. “im sure you’ll find one soon.” you reached out to ruffle his hair and give off a wide smile.
while you and jaemin were catching up and being in your own world, soyoung got too bored of watching the two of you and decided to walk around the supermarket, leaving the cart behind you.
just as she was looking at the drinks isle to get her favourite sweet drink, she sees someone picking up a bunch of bottles one by one and placing them back on the shelve. out of kindness, she decided to help, picking up a bottle and placing it on fhe shelve before looking up to face the guy, who had a straight face while looking at her.
“i was just trying to help. im soyoung.” soyoung smiled, reaching her hand out and waiting for thr guy to greet back. he looked at her but doesn’t respond, proceeding to pick up the last bottle that was seen on the floor. “im jeno.” jeno stands up and nods his head to greet soyoung. soyoung nods back, walking down the isle to grab her drink from the shelve. “have a nice day.” soyoung says before leaving the isle and disappearing out of jeno’s sight. he only shrugged in response and went to do his own thing.
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“you met who?!” haechan asks as he takes a sip of his ice cold water. everyone had their heads turned to jaemin, who raised an eyebrow at everyone’s weird expression. “i met my old friend raven. what’s so shocking?” jaemin asks back casually, picking up a few pieces of fries and dipping it into the sauce before shoving it in his mouth.
“dude that’s the name of mark’s soulmate!” haechan screams, making everyone flinch due to the loud noise. “i highly doubt it. there’s plenty of girls in the world with the name raven.” jaemin protests with his mouth full and chugging down gulps of coca cola.
“i mean that’s true. jeno you were with jaemin, right? dont you suspect anything?” renjun starts to question jeno, who was silently playing with his phone. looking up at the others, he gulps.
“i didn’t know he met his friend. i was picking out drinks. i just met a girl named soyoung.” jeno shrugs, taking a bite of his burger. mark scratches the back of his head, now starting to think of the fact that jaemin might have met his soulmate. though he also thought about how that could not be totally possible.
“nah i dont think its her. like really ‘raven’ could be anyone.” mark says, siding with jaemin. haechan tilts his head in awe. “jaemin do you know what school she’s going to?” jaemin only shakes his head.
“i lost all contact with her when i left her neighbourhood. plus we were young. i barely knew her honestly.” the living room falls silent, everyone trying to think of a conclusion to this.
chenle groans, standing up from his seat and slamming his hands on the table, gathering everyone’s attention as their heads shot up. “instead of pondering as if yall are solving some crime, why dont mark just ask her through the sticky note god dammit?” chenle pinches the bridge of his nose.
everyone’s mouths gape open as the room was suddenly filled with ‘ah’s all over. chenle shakes his head. everyone was now looking intensively at mark. mark furrows his eyebrows. “okay guys hold up ill grab the stick note.” mark stands up and takes one bite of his burger before going into his room for awhile and coming out with a sticky note and a pen.
jaemin noticed jeno being silent the whole way. and althought thats normal since its jeno’s nature and personality to not be so outspoken like the others, jaemin could sense that jeno was off and seem to be in deep thoughts.
and jaemin was right. jeno couldnt stop thinking about jaemin’s encounter with ‘raven’. the name sounded so familiar. he tried to recall every girl he has came into contact with during his life. why did he feel like the name was tied to the handwriting he saw on the sticky notes?
“jeno.” jaemin nudged him in the shoulder. jeno mumbled a soft ‘oh’ before turning his attention to mark just like the others. “she didn’t send me a reply after my last one though.” mark says, looking up.
“its fine. she probably didn’t see it. just write already.” chenle says in anticipation. mark shakes his head. “calm the heck down its not like we can get an answer immediately.” mark rolls his eyes and began to write.
hey raven. um i know this may sound weird. but have you gone to a supermarket and met a guy names jaemin? im not a stalker i swear. its just that he’s my friend and apparently you know him. though i dont think that such a coincidence and come by just like that. hope you hear from you soon.
jeno stared at the sticky note that mark proceeded to place at a random wall of the living room while everyone continued to eat and chat. his thoughts finally linked and a imaginary lightbulb appeared on above his head when he finally realises why he was so drawn to mark’s soulmate.
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you were focused on wanting to solve a math question when the sticky note above your desk’s wall had fallen in front of you, revealing a new message. you place your pen down and let out a sigh, remembering that you hsve forgotten to write a reply and that mark probably sent you another one.
you tied your hair in a messy low bun before picking up the sticky note to get a closer view. you blink your eyes rapidly as your eyes furrow in awe. what the note said really shocked you and made you freeze in your spot. jaemin is friends with your soulmate? there’s no way.
you sat there for awhile as you constantly read over the words, still in shock with your moutb hanging open. you just couldn’t believe it. was it really what it seemed to be? another thought came to your mind as well. the thought of just who is this friend of jaemin’s? could it be mark? was your soulmate literally in the same place as you yet you never knew?
you grab a fresh new piece of sticky note and proceeded to write a reply after staring at it for so long and thought that it was finally time that you do something.
okay what you wrote really was weird. jaemin’s my old neighbourhood friend. its such a coincidence how you know him. i guess the connections are there. so haha yeah. damn. im very mind blown right now.
you take a look at your handwriting again, smiling to yourself. “i really do love my handwriting.” you mumble under your breath. you stuck the sticky note on the wall and resumed doing your homework, hoping that mark would reply soon.
while the boys were immersed in the horror movie they were watching on friday night, everyone turned their heads to each other when they heard the noise of a piece of paper falling onto the floor. in unison, everyone turned their head to where the noise came from and seeing the sticky note that fell.
jisung grabs the controller and pauses the movie. “we’re watching a scary movie and creepy stuff like that happens?!” jisung asks, stuttering out of complete fear.
mark decided to be the brave one after seeing everyone’s terrified face and stands up to pick up the sticky note, going back to take his seat on the couch soon after. “d-does that always happen?” mark shrugs. “well duh. that’s how i know she sent a reply. it wouldn’t be this scary if we weren’t watching a horror movie.”
everyone’s heads once again gather around mark as he read the note out loud. everyone gapes their mouth open, some covered their mouths while jeno could only stare at it in disbelief. “i guess we’ve confirmed its her.” mark breathes out, placing the sticky note on the table.
jeno reaches out to grab the sticky note to have a look. the unique handwriting that he suspected would belong to you really was yours. out of anger, he tears the sticky notes into two. everyone had their eyes widened at jeno’s sudden shocking action. mark snatches the now torn note back, looking down at them before facing jeno.
“what the heck was that for?!”
“dont talk to her anymore. she’s trouble.”
everyone lets out a sigh in unison except for mark, looking at everyone’s weird reaction. “what do you mean trouble? and why does it look like you all know something except me?” mark furrows his eyes as everyone exchanged glances continuously for a moment.
“she’s just not someone you should be with. that’s all.” jeno stands up and walks to his room, slamming the door shut and produring a piercing noise. the room was silent for awhile until mark speaks up.
“what am i missing here you guys?”
no one replies.
“we’ve been friends for a year and you guys are all keeping secrets for me?” mark scoffs in disbelief, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“we arent in the position to tell you. its jeno.” jaemin murmurs under his breath, looking down on the ground just like the others.
marks keeps silent and stands up from the couch, the palm the torn note was in is balled into a fist as he goes into his room as well.
haechan sighs. “jeno has to tell the truth. he’s been holding onto that grudge almost forever now.”
everyone nods their heads in agreement. “if not, he’s going to live in despair now that he knows she’s his best friend’s soulmate..” jisung adds on. 
everyone could only silently hope that things could go well. 
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after that day you’ve sent a reply, you havent heard from mark since. you dont know why. due to your lack of information on him, it felt as if he disappeared into thin air. although only a week has past by, you felt concerned and somewhat worried for him. did something happen to him? what made him cut off his connection with you? its not like you did anything wrong. 
out of pure desperation, you decided to skip school today. youve never skipped school before, and you felt so rebellious and bad. why did you do this? so you could go to dream high and meet mark in person. youve had enough of the sticky notes. you just wanted to see how he was like in real life, not having to think about it through notes. 
with a little help from jaemin by texting him on instagram, you knew that mark’s class should be ending by 4pm, and you were there at 3:50 in the canteen where jaemin told you to wait. funny how the security guard lets a student from another school come in with a pass or anything.
you slowly start seeing groups of students going down the flight of stairs that lead to the canteen which had a path leading to the front gates. some eyes glanced at you as they notice someone who doesnt belong at their school, you couldnt care less though. your thoughts were only filled with mark. how he looked like, how he would carry himself. your anticipation was the only thing you felt.
you wore your headphones yet you could suddenly hear a lot of squealing and shouting. you look up, turning you attention to the stairs. a large group of girls crowding around another group of people, who you assumed to be guys. you scoffed, thinking about how there’s always that one group of good looking guys all girls seem to go crazy for. you watch as the group of guys push through the large crowd.
once you got a closer look, you tilt your head to the side. you slowly bring your headphone down from your ears and let them rest on your neck, getting intrigued by how the girls were getting so crazy, even more crazy than the ones from your school.
“its mark! he’s so cute!” 
you widen your eyes as you heard the word ‘mark’. you stood up from your seat, peering your head up to find which one is the girl referring to. you only see two guys walking. one smiling sheepishly while the other kept a straight and cold face. just which one is mark?
suddenly, you felt an arm grabbing yours and pulling you back. you jump out of fear and turn around noticing it was jaemin. you calmed your breathing as you look at jaemin. 
“meet mark under the block nearby. its too hectic here for you to talk to him.”
jaemin dragged you out of the school grounds and to a secluded block where only a few students where walking past and left you there. you were lost in confusion but decided to trust whatever jaemin was doing, sitting down at a random bench.
“jaemin told us to meet him here where is-” 
you immediately stood in front of the two guys you saw at the canteen as you notice a familiar face. you werent able to get a clear look at them before, but now you realise that you knew one of them. “jeno..” you look at a different direction a you tried avoiding his gaze, though you knew you couldnt, forcing yourself to meet his eyes.
mark looks at the both of you, utterly confused as his attention shifts from you to jeno constantly. “this raven?” mark points at you, tilting his head. you nod slowly as your turn your head to face mark. you observed his body up and down. he was good looking, just like jeno.. yet his aura told you that he was way more outgoing and open than jeno. 
“you look...”
everyone was silent.
you gulp in nervousness. “im busy. bye mark.” before jeno could go, mark pulled on his arm to bring him back to stand beside him, earning a glare from jeno. the one you could never forget. “stay. i know something happened. you were always quiet whenever we talked about this girl. and i also know you all kept something from me.”
you slowly turned to jeno. you could he was annoyed whenever he looked at you. you felt it through his eyes, and it was terrifying. jeno took a deep breath in, folding his arms and placing his weight on one leg. 
“if you remember clearly, chenle told you that before we became friends with you, we had a fight and didnt talk to each other for a long time. we didnt tell you this, but it was her who caused it. she brought chaos into our group. everyone forgotten about it clearly, but i cant. after what she did.. i cant forgive her.”
you opened your mouth, wanting to reply but your words were somehow stuck in your throat. you didnt exactly know what to say or do in this awkward situation.
“it.. it was a long time ago jeno, please. my feelings for you were real, even if we werent meant to be. i dont know how many times you need me to say sorry.” you pleaded, biting your lip as you waited for jeno’s reaction.
jeno sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he lets out a huff of rustration. “then why did you leave? you left me stranded, and because of you, i almost left my friends becaused i lived in agony since i missed you so much. i almost pushed everyone away.” you shivered as jeno’s voice started to raise. 
 you also glanced at mark, who still kept his confused expression on his face. through his gaze never left you as you felt his eyes scanning you body up and down. 
“you two used date?” mark asks. you nod in reply.
“we were kids. we didnt know about all this soulmate stuff. but now..” 
“you know what? be together. im not going to leave my friends just because of my pent up grudge and feelings. i cant control fate either.” 
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years had now past since you met mark. it really was fate. the two of you became close in no time and now.. you were fianally married. you couldnt be more happy to be with mark. who you were destined to be really was made for you, and you only. and to think this all escalated due to a note you sent out in pure curiosity.
you still remember what happened with jeno after that day, despite the lack of interaction between you two, jeno was open enough to accept you as his friend again. you are now living a happy life with mark, and always being able to hang out with his group of friends. today was no different. 
“haechan get the chilli sauce!” you hear mark shout as you smile widely, feeling his arm snaking around your waist to pull you close. having a barbeque was a great idea to celebrate jisung’s birthday. 
you soon see haechan with the bottle of chilli sause, placing it on the table where everyone gathered around the table which had jisung’s birthday cake. “before we do anything with the cake, let me announce my wish.” jisung announces proudly. you raise an eyebrow. “you cant say you birthday wish out loud!” you scolded jisung, but everyone laughs.
“his wish is something we all know.” jeno says, winking playfully at you. you tilt your head in confusion when you suddenly feel mark’s arm leaving you waist. you look over to mark who was shoving his hand into his pocket as if to find something.
you were completely clueless when mark nods towards jisung, to show some kind of signal. “i wish for mark and raven to get married!” jisung shouts. 
you gaped your mouth open in shock when mark pulls out a small box, opening it in front of you to show a ring. you cover your mouth in disbelief. “did you guys really-”
“please marry me, raven. my sticky note soulmate.” you hear everyone clapping s a tear of happiness drips from your cheek. you quickly wipe it away as you heard the nickname that mark gave you. “we wouldnt normally do this but it was jeno that suggested this.”
you look over to jeno who had a soft smile on his face as he nod his head. looking back at mark, you grin widely as more tears started flowing out. “of course ill marry you, you dork.”
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hongism · 4 years
thank you to the one and only ultimate top thot on top @honeymoonjin for tagging me i love u ma’am 🤧🤧
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: most recent would be mists of celeste 34! first creation uhh whew let me thing waY back it was this seonghwa drabble on january 1st whew!
one of your favorite creations from 2020: feels like floating 100%!!! it was my first full-length long mxm piece so it’s very sentimental and special to me! a close second would be liquorice and ivories! they’re both very special and precious fics to me, and i can’t believe that i was able to write them and be proud of them because that’s quite rare for me but! they’re definitely special and dear to me!
a creation you’re really proud of: um these days it’s feels like floating, under my skin, and mists of celeste!!
a creation that took you forever: feels like floating ;-; good god it didn’t take a LONG time in terms of time, but it was laborious and took 5 days of nonstop writing and that felt like it took me forever! 
a creation from 2020 that received the most notes: as you wish! unsurprising but aiosdjfiodjf lil bit disappointing 
a creation you think deserved more notes: honestly i really wish ‘the little things’ series got more notes, but i understand why it didn’t and that it’s mostly because it’s a sfw series and that’s not really what garners notes most of the time, but im very proud of that series and it’s very much a comfort series for me so i wish it could have gotten more !
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: i was already a stay but i started writing for stray kids this year!! my first creation i ever made for stray kids was ignition :3
a creation you made that breaks your heart: um two hearts connected! it’s an old one but it’s golden and i love it a lot and it was really heartbreaking to write and i loved seeing people’s reactions to it!!
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: the little things! it’s a very simple and basic concept but it’s so fun to write and i enjoy it to pieces and i really adore everything about it and im looking forward to writing more for it!!
a creation that was inspired by another one: i don’t believe i have one!! maybe sway with me? i was inspired to write a vampire au after reading this fic on ao3 as well as this one!! they’re both two of my all time favorite stories!! 10/10 would recommend!!!
a favorite creation created by someone else: my absolute favorite fic i’ve read this year has to be licensed to survive on ao3 which was recommended to me by an anon and oh my GOD i am SO beyond grateful for that anon because this story is truly phenomenal on every level and it’s insanely good and i will never be over it!!
some of your favorite content creators from the year: oof this will be long brace yourselves! @honeymoonjin @baekhyyun @dreamyhan @starrdustville @wheresmymoniat @sanshine ( and @thanxx bc i love all ur creations biba :3) @inkigayeo @vocalyunho @hwacinth @j-sope @monotape @parkshwa @jungwoyoung @felixity @lee-haengbokkie @barsformars @sweetheart--sannie @closer-stars @atiny-piratequeen @atiny-dazzlinglight @blueish-sun @atinyinwonderland @queen-of-himbos @kimnamshiks @wintertae @jinned @kkulmoon @introtae @prksnghwas @thelargefrye @promisesox @lovingonrepeat @daybreakx @kireiwoo @sleepylixie @mikoto-ica-fics @nightshade-minho @hanflix @ppersonna @cest-la-tae @hobicomeholla29 and goodness sosososo many more gif makers!!!
and for good measure, another couple more creations of yours that you love: goodness i don’t even know what to put here fshjakjhfd um !
colours of love! sway with me! the little things! mists of celeste! feels like floating! under my skin! power grab!
tagging: um HMM well i am gonna tag anyone who wants to do this and everyone included in my fave content creators (only if you haven’t done it yet!!)
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azure-stars · 4 years
Hey there I saw your venxiao mermaid au art and like I'm entranced by your art! The way you colour and your style overall is gorgeous im in love! I'd love to hear more about your au if you have anything more you would like to share :0
omg thank you so much!!!! < 33333 i actually have an ongoing thread on my twitter where i talk about it and just add stuff whenever ideas pop into my head, but ill summarize them here too!!
As far as general worldbuilding goes, Mondstadt is entirely underwater, and Liyue is a kingdom that borders the sea. While all the Mondstadt characters are mermaids, everyone in Liyue is human (including Xiao!!!). Keeping within the classique little mermaid story fashion, Xiao fell off a boat at sea while they were throwing a birthday party for him, and Venti saved him <3 In this au though Xiao sees Venti and knows who it was who saved him, but he’s wary at first and avoids going anywhere near the sea, esp after Almost Dying. He starts getting more curious abt Venti when he begins to hear singing and music at night below his bedroom balcony, which overlooks the sea. He feels all Fight or Flight about it at first because Why Is This Creature Harassing Me, but on stressful nights, and when he feels his most alone, he finds it more soothing and reassuring.  After awhile, once he’s Calmed Down and figures the mermaid isn’t secretly trying to lure him down there to Kill Him, Xiao starts visiting Venti at night and the two start getting to know each other and learning about each other’s countries, circumstances, etc. Xiao finds Venti fascinating, if not a bit undisciplined, and Venti is just entirely fond of Xiao and likes needling him bc he’s so broody but complex xoxoxo After the two start getting more attached to one another, and once Venti starts getting a sense for how terribly isolated and trapped Xiao feels since he refuses to abandon his Royal Duties and Obligations, Venti decides to figure out a way to go on land. He’s motivated both by his own attachment to Xiao as well as a general wanderlust to explore Teyvat beyond the ocean. hehehe in this au Signora is the sea with and i figure since the tsaritsa > god of love, that might be why she bargains with Venti that Xiao has to make some gesture of affection for Venti to get his voice back (also in this au, Venti’s voice is contained in his gnosis...so that’s how he loses his gnosis to Signora </3) Atp Venti’s kinda like “love??? woah it’s not THAT deep ahahahah (im in danger)” but he goes through with it anyways because what’s life without a little fun without a little risk.
So that’s how he ends up on land, and Xiao’s just like ??!!?!?!? confused when he finds Venti with New Legs No Voice, and it stresses him out a little trying to get Venti into the castle with no Real Explanation as to who he is, but! he makes it work. and it’s a little weird not being able to talk anymore, but they play music together and that somehow becomes so much more tangible and potent than words.
And that’s about as far as I’ve gotten, since both Disney’s Little Mermaid and the original Little Mermaid are kinda angsty after this point and I kinda wanted to leave this as a mostly fluffy since two venxiao fanfics im currently working on are kinda angsty, but i’ll figure something out at some point : 3 Also I def know it would take Xiao awhile to even realize he loves / is falling in love with Venti, and what that means for his place in the kingdom and his obligations, and he has to make a choice between a kingdom or Venti. Instead of 3 days maybe Venti get’s a month to get Xiao to fall in love + enact a gesture of love, and on one hand Venti would never want to force him to do anything, but on the other hand he DOES kinda need his gnosis back because Mondstadt is otherwise at risk.
heheh and again tysm for liking my art, i’ll probably stick to doing small drawings and doodles for it for now : 3 c not sure if i’ll write anything yet..
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lollybliz · 4 years
bout to make a Monster of a fic rec post here we go
heyo @jinx108! We’ll start with the complete ones because sometimes you’re just not in the mood to wait for the last chapter, you know? I don't remember details of all of these so i’m just going to copy the author’s summary rather than write my own. I am literally just going through my bookmarks, I got 400 of these to sort through. if ive talked to or am familiar with the author im gonna mention them, but if I mention you and you don't want me to have Please tell me and i’ll remove it.
If you’re not into spoilers Please Tread Carefully, I don't watch out for that stuff so I wont know to label it
1>Crushing Truth by Bunzuku: Tododeku. “Romance is hard enough for a teenager to understand when they have a good relationship role model. For Shoto, it takes two excited meddlers for him to even realize what his feelings really are.“
2>Disowned by b00mgh: tododeku + others. Unrated, some traumatic elements. “Shouto freaks out under a bridge and I use the word "grass" a lot more than I really should. Izuku does his stupid martyr thing and everyone makes continuous references to his propensity to break his bones. Aizawa goes "oh FUCK my kids are dying again" and his students use him as emotional (and physical) support. A friend requests angst, I say what kind, she say idk make someone get disowned and i say oh this I can absolutely provide my good buddy.”
3>cotton candy hands by @chonideno: Kiribaku. I will take Any excuse to rec this fic, its the most fluffy pile of feels Good Lord. also the first fic I ever bound into a physical book. “Studying to become a hero requires knowing how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you might need help on the way so if your crush offers to do your hair for you or to give you a well-deserved back rub, it'd be stupid to say no. A series of soft vignettes in which a love-struck Kirishima and a touch-starved Bakugou care for each other and it's definitely not making their hearts jump through hoops, they’re never this close to kissing, no, they're totally best friends bro“
4>Catching Sight of the Storm by neo7v: Kiribaku, tododeku. A considerable amount of Whump and related angst, and kinda sad tbh. “Blind. Quirkless. Useless.The first two things were stated clearly by the doctor that sat about five feet in front of Izuku. The third was a word that Kacchan called him everytime he failed to make the jump on whatever forest excursion they were on or when he ran into a tree because he hadn’t seen it. “I’m so, so sorry, Izuku.” Was his mom giving up on him already? But he could still be a hero if he tried hard enough, right? Quirkless or not. Blind or not. Just because Izuku was useless now didn’t mean he would stay that way forever, right? *** A Blind!Izuku AU”
5>Yell Heah by fakecharliebrown: Chatfic. M a n y pairings. technically complete, but part of an ongoing series. “Iida creates a group-chat for Class 1-A. It doesn't go as planned.“
6>Sunshine by Rosey_Note: BIG SAD. tw- failed suicide attempt. KiriKamiBaku. “They didn't deserve to put up with his crappy mood. Because Denki Kaminari did not feel like Sunshine right now. And they deserved sunshine. In fact, Denki didn't feel much of anything right now.“
7>Electric Connection by  Onlymostydead: ShinKami. “Kaminari's quirk has always had... Weird side affects. Like his ADHD. And his constant energy. And his insomnia, which wouldn't leave him be right now, when he really needed to just get some sleep. But, thankfully, he has good friends.“
8>The Best (The Worst) by Onlymostydead: no romantic pairing. tw- rampant transphobia, both outside and internalized. “Bakugou Katsuki has known who he was since he was four years old. He was a boy, it was as simple as that. Around his friends, at school... But things couldn't just be that simple, could they?“
9>Lichtenberg Figures by Q_loves_you: no definite romantic pairing. “Kaminari Denki has a very powerful force of nature running through his body. Kaminari Denki doesn't want to hurt anybody. He doesn't always get what he wants, and "anybody" does generally include himself.“
10>Eventuality by KikaTouka: ill be honest I don't remember this one at all, I maaaay not have read it yet :/. anyway. ShinKami. “Shinsou learns more than just hero lessons after being transferred to 1-A.“
11>Pickup Lines for the Soul by MustardSoup: ShinKami. “Denki is twelve when he is flicking through the TV channels and lands on an old RomCom movie about soulmate marks – specifically the same type that he has. “I can’t believe I’ve had to walk around with a cheap pickup line written on my ankle my entire life because of you!” The leading lady yells at the leading man as he stares at her in awe. Denki laughs. “Oh no.” His mother says, watching him. “Oh no, indeed.” His sister repeats quietly.“
12>caught in my own web by @anxioussailorsoldier: ShinKami. “Shinsou needs some help after getting caught up in his capture weapon. Kaminari enters from stage left.“
13>not so summer love by nataliya: ShinKami. “Class 2-B’s common room, although typically quiet, was currently filled with five students—three slowly giving up on homework, one bitching about noise and another that rushes through the front door. “We’ve been waiting for you—” Mina starts, but Kaminari’s vaulting over the back of the couch, eyes wide as he practically buzzes out of his skin, emitting light like crazy as currents dazzle across strands of hair. “I have a big ugly crush,” He steps off the couch and onto the coffee table, much to Bakugou’s chagrin, “On big ugly Shinsou.””
14>Blamed by coldandhotsoba: ShinKami. Tw- they fuckin kill a guy and its a lil nasty. “This was not how the day was supposed to end. They were supposed to end the day like they do most nights.  Kaminari clutching onto him like a koala as he slept, wrapped in the millions of tacky blankets Kaminari had bought. Warm and safe in their bed. It was not supposed to end with both of them tied up in some cold metal room.“
15>Lightning Scars by Present-Mics-Scream (write_your_way_out): Shinkami. “It's hard to be confident in your abilities when you're surrounded by people with incredible quirks. Shinsou Hitoshi would know better than anyone. Sure, he was admitted to the hero course in his second year, but being admitted to the hero course, and keeping up with the rest of the class are two different things. Lucky for him, Kaminari is there to prove that the flashiest quirks come with the largest drawbacks.“
16>See No Evil, Hear No Evil by randomfan188: no romantic pairing. “Kaminari Denki is legally blind. When he forgets to wear his contacts and breaks down during math class, comfort appears in the strangest of ways.“
17>how not to enjoy the weather, an article by kaminari denki by dreamtowns: no defined romantic pairing. “If there was one thing Kaminari hated the most in a world wth villains, it would have to be thunderstorms.“
18>”Studying” by emmyrox22: ShinKami, EraserMic. “Shinsou and Kaminari have been “studying” together for a while (but not for school). Shinsou gets stopped by his dads on the way to another “study” session and mistakes are made“
19>Weaknesses by sunflowerstorm: ShinKami. “Kaminari's quirk and storms compliment each other in the worst way, but he's convinced he can deal with it on his own... until he really can't any longer. When Shinsou accidentally overhears Aizawa confronting Kaminari about recent changes in behaviour and hears about the hell his quirks been putting him through, he can't just pretend he never heard. He wants to help.“
20>it’s hurt denki hours by memeingfultrash: ShinKami + others. ““Certain members of our class are...under the impression that...you’re the traitor.” Denki’s body went cold and felt like he was going to short circuit. ~some of class 1a believes that denki is the traitor and avoid him”
21>Petition to replace Mineta with Shinsou- (signed by Kaminari Denki) by CharaTheQuartz: ShinKami + others. This is one of my favorites, I go back to reread it from time to time. It SAYS 41/42, but that's just a glitch cus chapter 36 doesn't exist for some reason, I talked to the author about it and its fine. “Mineta brings shame to the color purple. You know who does not bring shame to the rich color, but pride and sexual tension to one infatuated Kaminari Denki instead? Shinsou Hitoshi, aka sexy zombie man, aka the most perfect hunk of a man to walk planet earth, aka future husband. Shinsou has finally gotten his chance to prove himself to the hero course, and he did more than prove himself. The only question left unanswered is whether he will start in A or B, and how Kaminari can manipulate the end result.“
22>How to Get a Boyfriend (in Four Easy Steps!) by e1ana: ShinKami, EraserMic, + others. “Step 1: Get kicked out of the house by your homophobic parents. Step 2: Run headfirst into your brooding, mysterious crush. Step 3: Sleep in his dad’s (see: your homeroom teacher) house Step 4: Watch everything you thought you knew go to shit. This isn’t exactly the sweet, romantic plan that Kaminari Denki longed for. Will everything be ok, or will step 5 be to crash and burn?“
23>Bakugou and Todoroki’s Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Fuck with Mineta Minoru by Anubis_2701: Kiribaku, TodoDeku, + others. This is another one of my favorites, and the one I am currently folding and sewing into a physical book. you learn how to do funny things when bored and quarantined ig. “It was a simple enough idea; screw around with the resident bastard of Class 1-A to let him know that his medieval ways and perverted behaviour weren't going to be tolerated by even the most career-focused of UA's students. To say that things had snowballed was an understatement. Todoroki had no idea how he had ended up sitting on Bakugou's floor at 1 am, holding a dossier of incriminating material that would make the FBI slobber, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know. The long and short of it was, fuck Mineta.”
24>Colour Theory by chancellorxofxtrash: TodoBakuDeku. this one’s a series. “Midoriya/Bakugo/Todoroki slow burn soulmate AU. All three of them are nerds with their own emotional issues, trying to navigate their way through becoming heroes, and their own relationship with each other.“
25>Summer Sunshine by Mara97: TodoDeku. Ever want a Barbie in a mermaid tale/Bnha crossover? No? well here you go anyway! “Instead of worrying about college, Izuku spends his summer vacation finding out his father is, supposedly, a dead merman king and going on a quest to dethrone the current king, Endeavor. Along the way, Izuku becomes close to the three journeying with him, makes friends with strangers, starts crushing on an unattainable prince, and, in the end, learns to love himself. Oh, and he saves a kingdom, too.“
26>The snowflakes on our skin and the flames in our soul are one (and the same), my love by missunderstuffyou: TodoDeku, Kiribaku. this is one of the ones I keep a running reread comment going on. its at,,, 6, atm.  “Before your quirk begins to present itself, the soulmate link comes through, and suddenly whatever you write upon your own skin appears on the body of your soulmate. As your soulmate writes to you, the emotions they feel follow through the ink.Izuku Midoriya is four years and a few months old when he first feels the slight ebbing in his arms. It doesn’t hurt… he can just feel something, and it’s enough to make him sprint into his mother’s arms screaming that his quirk is coming. She had been washing in the kitchen, and the sudden screech as her son rockets into her side is enough to make her jump with panic, immediately grabbing at him and looking for cuts and bumps before she understands his words and the stupidly bright, alight smile on his face with large, watery, hopeful eyes. Shoto Todoroki doesn’t feel his soulmate connection open up. It is drowned in the aches of a small body worked far too hard.“
27>It was dark inside the closet by Chad_Champion69420: Pre-ShinDeku? maybe? its tagged shindeku but like. it’ll make sense if you read it. “Midoriya is invited to a party. He and Shinsou decide to play a little trick on the rest of the party during Seven Minutes in Heaven.”
28>how to woo your local trash gremlin: a comprehensive guide by Todoroki shouto by wonhaebunny: TodoBaku. this is the fic that dragged me into todobaku, fun fact. “five times shouto tries to confess to bakugou, and one time he doesn't bother tryingaka: wikihow is a scam and bakugou is a terrible, terrible boy“
29>top ten photos taken right before disaster by Shookspeare: ShinDeku. “Izuku participates in a harmless prank, only to end up ruining it and running for dear life.“
30>Secrets to Share by pechebaie: no definite romantic pairing. “Kirishima comes out first, and nothing changes. Kirishima and Kaminari still hang out to complain about class and talk about boys - and sometimes girls, too, in Kaminari’s case; he still plans stupid pranks with Sero that get them sent to the principal’s or nurse’s office every time; Ashido still kicks his ass at Mario Kart without hesitation; and Bakugou doesn’t get angry at him any more than he usually does.“
31>What One Hides by Pinalinet: TodoDeku. “All Might gives class 1-A an unusual assignment that results in Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto attending a weekly acting class. But with a mysterious villain targeting individuals without Quirks, and a developing issue of Todoroki's own, an after-school assignment is the least of their worries.“
32>whether or not we’re fated, we’re meant to be by juurensha: KINDA SPOILERY. TodoDeku + others. “Todoroki didn’t have a soulmark for most of his life.His siblings all did, but up until the day of the U.A. entrance exam, he had shoved the idea aside. It’s not like they could help him anyway. And then a 9 appears on his chest, and a green-haired boy barrels into his life with a fire and ice soulmark on his arms, and suddenly Todoroki cares very much about all this could mean.”
33>The Midnight Shift by meiishu @meiishu @totallytodoroki (idk which you’d rather I attach so I went with both): ShinKami. ““Hey Toshi,” Denki says, and he laughs, clearly embarrassed. He’s got on a jean jacket that did him absolutely no help and a white tee shirt that is currently stuck to his torso. It’s got a pikachu design in the center. “By any chance, do you sell umbrellas?” “You really went out in this weather.” Hitoshi deadpans, instead of dignifying that with an answer. or hitoshi works the midnight shift at the gas station, which also doubles as a pokestop for pokemon go. of course, denki is a regular.”
34>Rock the House by AkabaneKayo: ShinKami. “It wasn’t just his bed. It was his entire fucking room shaking. Only one thought crossed his mind at that moment: “Holy shit. My room is haunted.”“
35>Technically, they’re morning kisses by CharaTheQuartz: ShinKami. “Most nights, Shinsou cannot fall sleep. Neither can Kaminari. It seems counterproductive to have a sleepover then, but they try to make it work. And they fail, but that is okay.“
36>someone to call mine by nearly_theyre: ShinKami, EraserMic “From: Me wish you were here, denks From: kitten 💛💘💛 what if i was tho? OR Four times Denki snuck into Hitoshi's room and one time he walked through the front door.“
37>Pretty by Onlymostydead (noticing some repeat authors? me too): no definite romantic pairing. “(Or, Kaminari still can't figure out bra clasps.) Kaminari has never really felt good about himself. Herself? Whichever way, not knowing doesn't make anything easier. Especially when he (she?) and Mina have their bodies swapped during training, and everything seems too right.“
38>If I offer you my hand, will you take it? by bleukitsune: Kiribaku. SPOILERY. ““Why?” Kirishima leaned back on his hands, trying to create some space between them. Too close. The ash-blond looked really nervous, his usually arrogant and cunning demeanor gone. “What do you see when you look at me? Kirishima is worried. Bakugou is hurting. After his confrontation with Midoriya, he finally reaches out to him. “
Theres way more but I haven't tagged them properly yet so that m a y come later if I can ever finish going through and adding my sorting tags.
and then a last few that Are Not Complete but im really very fond of them. not as many as id like to add, but my hands are getting tired tbh.
39>State of Mind by GuardianOfTheLoaf: no relationship YET but its looking like it’ll be either tododeku or shindeku, probably the former. EraserMic. tw- childhood neglect and severe depression. Izuku’s not a happy kid. “Izuku was a late bloomer, his quirk lying dormant until his tenth birthday when in a fit of emotion he grabs his mother and she disappears. With All Might slowly restoring his confidence Izuku begins the difficult journey into becoming a hero.“ 18/? chapters.
40>Izuku Eats His Problems by CosmicAce: ShinDeku. Izuku’s a flerkin, what more could you want? “His whole life, Izuku Midoriya was taught to keep his powers, his Quirk, hidden from the world. His kind were feared, hunted to near extinction because of it. He just wants to show people he’s different. That he can be a HERO. And nothing is going to stop him. Even if his Quirk IS like an eldritch abomination.“ 43/? chapters
and then probably my current favorite bnha fic- although it fights with Apertum Mortem for that spot but that ones d a r k and not here-
41>family of the year by periiwren: EraserMic. “Hitoshi is done. Done with moving around every few months to a couple that will scrutinize him and eventually dump him right back where he started. Good thing he’s well past his strike limit now- at least he can stay in one place, be content to age out of the system and finish out his training with Aizawa. Maybe transfer into the hero course, maybe be a hero- but none of that was guaranteed. The only thing for sure was that he was going to stay in that center for the rest of his childhood. Or so he thought- because Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi have other plans.“ 24/? chapters. we’ve been informed that this one’s gonne be l o n g and im Very Grateful.
42>Here There Be Dragons by here_and_there: pre-ShinDeku. “Izuku looked at the small circle Aizawa had motioned to in front of them. "I won't fit," he whispered, thinking. He raised his hand, tentatively. Sighing, Aizawa grumbled, "What?" "I-I have a question. Actually, two." His teacher just stared at him, unimpressed. Izuku continued. "Can we activate our quirks before we step into the ring?" Aizawa looked up into the sky, muttering something Izuku didn't hear. "If you must." "O-Okay. Uh, second question. You said we have to stay inside the circle, right?" "Yes." The man looked disappointed, not only in Izuku but in himself for letting the kid speak. "Great. Uh... does that include tails?"“ 6/? chapters.
43>Another Option by sandersonsister: TodoBakuDeku, Touya/Hawks, Dabi/Hawks. Potentially Spoilery, depends on whether horikoshi has the guts to confirm Touya. this one is waiting around the corner with a baseball bat, its really cute, and then r e a l l y painful. it might be getting better though. maybe. it might be getting worse. “When Touya stops his mother from hurting Shouto, he decides enough is enough. He needs to get out of this house and he's taking his baby brother with him.“ 33/? chapters.
That's it i’m done for now, oof. maybe ill edit more onto this post later, maybe i’ll just make another one. hope some of these work!
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aloera · 3 years
The ask prompt is too long to fit into an ask TT_TT but here's the doc for it docs(.)google(.)com/document/d/1yDI7iFRhOJ8ENv_IwZAo3rDSUqj80EiJROS10RzRbj4/edit
the lengths u are going for this,,, much appreciated you're very sweet!!!
prompts + answers under the cut!!
Name: aloera
AO3 account: aloera
Fandoms you write for: bnha
How many stories have you written so far: 19
What's your favorite fandom to write for? hmm,,, used to do pjo and eah (ever after high) and eah was fun as fuck i will say!!! i think bnha is my fav mostly bc i made the most friends in this fandom :D
What's your favorite character/person to write for? bkg and kirishima!! cannot choose do not make me <3
Fic you'd want to improve? probably what we deserve? i rushed the beginning and the confession is a bit stilted imo
Hardest fic you've written? between lion and men -_- bc there is so much canon compliant stuff i've gotta write out before i get to the divergence and its HARD
Easiest fic you've written? come home to me!!! it happened so easily,,, no second guessing no writers block just vibes <33 was lovely i miss it
What would you say is the most "famous" fic you've ever written? also probably come home to me? its got the most interaction
first line of the first fic you've ever written and published. [not including my 2014 ffnet fics] "The bell rings, class starts, and Katsuki and Midoriya are inexplicably absent." from come home to me
Have you ever done a collab with another writer? yes!!!!! on two separate occasions and its so fucking fun i highly recommend trying it out its the best
Do you beta? if asked but honestly im a shit beta lmao
Do you like joining fic fests/exchanges? depends on what i have going on irl but in general yeah!!
Fluff or angst? definitely fluff
"OCs" or "Reader" inserts? reader inserts!! have been going ham on them recently
Blurbs or drabbles? blurbs!!
One thing you love about fanfiction i just. i really love slice of life romance?? and most media doesn't give you that bc its dedicated to plot and action and that's valid!! but fanfiction fills in the gap which is really nice
One thing you don't like about fanfiction most of the stuff i don't like is less about actual fanfiction and more about how people behave about it
What is/are your favorite fandom author/authors? IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! TURN IT UP!!!
bnha: hiuythn, rae_tnub, Moniix, Ata_Lanta, wrunic, chezka, PurplePersnickety, surveycorpsejean, mahadevi, arxaris, deviance, Oceanbreeze7, MikeWritesThings, bonnia, wonhaebunny, dinosuns
voltron: hiuythn, Oceanbreeze7, DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee, arahir, dinosuns,
and honorable mention to loveclouds im not even in the haikyuu fandom i just love their fics So Much
these are just the ones off the top of my head i have so many favourites idc if i'm only supposed 2 have one!! die mad about it!!!
What is your favorite trope? secret relationship + relationship reveal til the day i die babie <3 <3
Least favorite trope? hm,,, probably just like. angst lmao i cannot stand 90% of it
A fanfiction cliché that you can't help but love? coffeeshop aus,,,, so good
Do you have a type when it comes to pairings? the otp where its like. piece of shit + himbo = love. ex. krbk, catradora, jade/beck
Favorite setting/au? hm,,, truly i cannot pick one KGKSJNHKj but i really like college aus!! and modern aus!! and roommate aus!!
Explain the meaning of your favorite line of dialogue you've written as if someone hasn't read it in context. “He doesn’t know,” Katsuki says, softly. “My timer stopped and nothing happened. He’s not mine.”
the line is from what we deserve!! it's a soulmate au where your timer counts down to the moment that you meet your soulmate!! bakugou's timer ends at USJ when he and kirishima attack kurogiri at the same time (impulsive kings <33) but kirishima's timer doesn't end until kamino because that's when he accepts himself as bakugous soulmate!! unfortunately, when bakugous timer has reached 0, he turned to see that kirishima's was still ticking and therefore believes that kirishima isn't his soulmate.
this line just,, idk. it's really sad. bakugou is such an action-driven character? if something doesn't go his way he Makes it go his way. he's got this insanely volatile quirk and he's got impeccable control of it!! but his love for kirishima isn't something that he can change and he's not going to ruin kirishima's chance of finding his own soulmate because he loves him and wants him to be happy. i really wanted to focus on how resigned he is? and how unusual that is for a character like him.
Favorite trope/genre to write? again, secret relationship with relationship reveals <33 fluff in general is my wheelhouse!!!
A trope/genre you haven't written but think would be a fun challenge? idk if this counts?? have been working on some dead dove concepts!! its super different from what i normally write so its a cool challenge
The one trope/concept you'll never touch and why probably cheating/infidelity?? it just looks,,, super difficult to write well and i don't have enough of an interest in it to try it out
Which do you prefer to write: longer or shorter fics? shorter!! low attention span gang <3
Ideal length to read? 5-10k?
Ideal length to write? 4-8k!!
How long was the longest fic you've ever written? control fraek is around 28k i think?
Have you ever written an AU? yeah!! i've done restaurant au's, soulmate au's, pro hero aus, and fantasy aus (general, not the bnha fantasy ending)
What's your favorite AU trope? hm,, probably when two people in authority are in a secret relationship? ceo's/uni professors/etc etc
Have you ever written smut? yeah!! was. difficult tho
What's your comfort genre? (the one you fall on most in writing/reading) fluff,,, hurt/comfort,,, fix-it fics with happy endings <3
If you were to start writing in other fandoms, which would they be? maybe jjk?? the characters are really cool!!!! fr i might go back to my ever after high roots i love the characters and setting so Much its so fun!!! idec if no ones into it anymore!!!!!
Is there a trope you think you could be easily recognized by in your writing? i've had people say they saw the mention of buff hagakure and recognized it was me so. probably that skdjhnksjd
How would you describe your style? i tend to use shorter sentences and pretty simple words i think? and i gravitate towards lighthearted concepts that allow for ensemble casts and humour!!
Describe your style in three words romcom but fanfic
Favorite words to use when writing? the word reverent!! fuckin love including it!!
Dialogue tags or no dialogue tags? (she said, he said, they said, etc) dialogue tags!!!
Favorite dialogue tag (other than said, if you use them) again idk if this counts but "they said softly" is unmatched
Long sentences vs short vs a mix short <33
What colors would you use to describe your writing? hm,,, depends on the fic i would say?? control fraek is dark green to me?? kinda like a forest at night yk?? scary but there's still life there. sugar cookies is yellow like early morning sunlight, when it rains is yellowy-orange like a caution sign. not gonna list all of them cause theres a lot its just. do u get it? the colours change based on the vibe of the fic.
What song or music genre would you use to describe your writing? think. i am constantly trying to emulate that moment at the end of wasteland baby when hozier goes "im in love/im in love with you."
What kind of metaphors do you rely on? religious metaphors my beloved <33 they're just so pretty!!! i also love comparing stuff to water for some reason?? like that ocean vuong quote thats like "what are you now?/water." it goes hard!!!
What's something you'd say is experimental in your writing at this time? definitely action!! i have,,, no idea how to write it so anything i do is really just me playing around and seeing what works and what doesn't
Do you prefer to write by hand or to type? i've tried both!! personally i prefer typing because it goes way faster but i will say that writing by hand lets me get words down when i'm going through writer's block
What is your preferred place to write (notebook, laptop, cellphone, etc.)? laptop!!
What app/apps do you use to write (word, notepad, etc.)? google docs skjdnkjh its fine on desktop but mobile is,,,,, disgusting
Do you keep a notebook or file/notes page in your phone/device for notes on your writing? ngl i just have everything organized in my drive?? one folder per fandom and then sub folders for ideas+hcs, unfinished wips, and finished fics. multichaps get sub sub folders so i can organize outlines and drafts
Do you listen to music to help you write? yeah!! playlists organized by fic vibe :D
Where do you usually go to write (bedroom, living room, etc.)? mostly in my bedroom??? but moving around to different stops helps too i think!!
How long does it usually take for you to write? again this depends on what i have going on irl, how attached i am to the idea, my mindset at the time, etc!! i am,, the least consistent person skjnhdkjh.
What's your favorite font to use when writing? times new roman my beloved
Other writing habits? sometimes i'll write in the dark?? bad for my eyes but for some reason it gets the words flowing
How do you conceptualize your ideas? (See specific moments like they're a movie, writing specific lines in your head, don't know until you put the words on paper, etc.) i tend to get inspiration from movies, books, poems, or other fics!!! sometimes one line just makes me go oh,, i want to write something like that,,, and then it helps me create an idea that makes me feel the same way?? i did this with control fraek!!!! i wanted a scenario where bakugou was cold and calculating and i was like hm. to do that he’d have to be focusing on something important. and from there i was able to flesh out the rest of the idea.
Which comes first: the pairing or the plot? with krbk its always always the pairing,, i'll be sitting there like wow <33 i love them <33 what if one of them had amnesia <33 (which, yes, wip!!) otherwise it's usually the plot!! and i slot in characters that i feel make sense
Have you ever used a prompt? yeah!! used a prompt for wlw week 2020 and it was fun as hell
Do you write around the story around a specific scene you want to get to or do you start from a plot idea definitely the first!!!! i almost always write like,,, a super messy scene thats 90% dialogue, keep it in my head, and then write the entire fic around that one moment
Do you find that you include a projection of some part of yourself in the way you write a character? a lot of the time when i write love confessions or love in general i'll have one of the characters think or say that the other person makes their head quiet? and it's because that's what i feel whenever i'm in love?? a quiet mind. i project on characters yeah but i think most of the projection actually goes to the way that i write love
Do you research some of the things you write deeply, partially and kind of wing the rest, or play entirely by ear (in this case, go with whatever base knowledge of the subject you have)? most of the time if i do research it'll be about the setting (ex. the izakaya in to have and to hold) or if i'm having the characters interact with an object that they like. need to know how to use (me, in control fraek: google. hey google. does someone die if they get shot in the foot??? no???? awesome thank u <3)
Have you ever had an idea for a story and forgot about it? lmaoo yeah all the time i'll find like 500-2k words of concepts in my gdocs like i do. not remember this at all
Is there a trope you think you could be easily recognized by in your writing? probably krbk secret relationship lmao
Are there concepts you've tried that turned out better than expected? yeah!! i fully thought the action in control fraek would be awful but it turned out not bad??? which im happy with
Are there concepts you've tried that turned out worse than you expected? again, what we deserve, i personally think it would have worked out better if i'd paced it slower and drawn out the pining but i. do not feel like going back to fix it so its staying the way that it is. pining is so fucking hard to do AHHHH i get so tired with it!!! im like just date already!!!!
How do you come up with titles? in rare occasions (literally. all my multichaps for some reason) the title comes after writing like .5 words of the first chapter im like YES this is it!!!!! sometimes i write the whole thing and pick out one line that fits (what i did with come home to me) a lot of the time i just. steal from songs or poems that i like
What's your favorite emotion to cause on your readers? i like making people happy!!!! love when people comment saying they're cheered up
What's your favorite emotion to write? lovelovelovelovelovelove
Have you ever cried or felt any emotion while reading something you've written? never cried?? but sometimes i'll rereading my hurt/comfort fics 4. yk. comfort
Do you write in order or whatever comes to you? in order!! unless i have a scene that i Need to write and i'll quickly jot it down so that i don't forget
Usual way you procrastinate while writing? ...doing asks like this, making playlists, discord, watching netflix. what don't i do smh
Do you outline or free write? i am. so shit at outlines. i mostly free write and write lil notes for stuff that i wanna add later
Do you set word goals or scene goals (scenes you want to include)? yes!! like i said i'll write loose notes for scenes that i want to add later!! it gives me something to write towards :D
What do you consider when writing your scenes? what goes into making the atmosphere and mood you want? to set a scene i do two things? the first is like,, the five senses bc that always sets the scene really well and makes it feel Real. i'll visualize stuff in my head like its a movie and write out what i would want to tell the set designer?? if the lights are low, if the space is busy, if it's supposed to exude comfort or not.
for putting forward the character's mood one thing i've found that makes a difference is sentence length!! long sentences are good for making a character seem flustered and nervous or not really in control of their emotions? good for love confessions. short sentences are good for when the character is focused on something or short on time. good for fights!!
What's something you never considered to include in your writing that you can't leave out now? def buff hagakure,,,, once i thought of it i was like. if i don't include this at least once in every single fic how could i look at myself in the mirror!!!!!! how could i face anyone!!!!
How do you start a story? establishing a fact about the character or describing the setting! option a is one single thread of gold, option b is between lion and men
How do you end a story? either by tying it back to the beginning or doing like a funny kind of closing??? option a is sugar cookies, option b is a godless society
How do you get out of writer's block? change something!! move something!! i go from typing to handwriting, moving from my bedroom to my living room, switching wips to work on something else!! i do sprints as well?? give myself like fifteen minutes to write something and sometimes 200 words opens up the way for another 2k. sometimes i'll just delete like 500 words and start fresh
Do you edit? or do you toss your writing out there? i edit!!! i'll go over it myself then send it to one or two betas (bee my beloved <33)
How do you edit? do you use spellcheck, grammar checkers, etc? bee is my grammar checker bc he is So Good with grammar. i use grammarly as well for spellcheck stuff mostly?? sometimes my edit process is just like "am i tired of looking at this!! yes <3" and then i post it
Do you usually like what you write? yeah!!! i post stuff that makes me happy and that i'm fine with rereading!!! i write stuff for self-indulgence reasons first and foremost and i think my writing reflects that sjhnksj
Have you ever written something you didn't like but posted anyways? nope!! even what we deserve i LIKED even if i see a lot of room 4 improvement!! if i don't like smth it's not getting posted
Do you find yourself rereading your writing often? yeah!! the reason i wrote so much krbk secret relationship is because i loved it but i'd read all that there was so i just,, wrote more,, ngl its kinda nice being in a place where i actually like my writing bc i can write stuff that i want to see and really enjoy it!!
Can you tell us anything about your current WIP? sure!! i'm currently working on when it rains which is a fic where bakugou gets hit by a crying quirk!! i'm gonna be using it to explore So Much of all might's character and his relationships with bakugou and aizawa (and i think some people from his past!!)
Can you give us a sneak peek on your current WIP? “You did something. What the hell did you do?” Kirishima sounds pissed off. It would amuse Katsuki if he wasn’t fighting just to stay standing.
“Nothing he didn’t ask for,” Shinsou replies.
“K’ri… shima,” Katsuki croaks out. “‘S fine. Not him.”
His chest collapses back into the familiar dry heaving after that but Kirishima shuts up. He doesn’t apologize to Shinsou.
Kirishima’s a good friend, stubborn and loyal. He stands by Katsuki’s side like an attack dog, blocking him from the view of anyone ogling at his tears.
The last line you've written Ochako knows more than she'd realized. She knows enough to keep her guard up.
It’s not enough.
Open a wip. what’s the first line?
Katsuki wakes up feeling like absolute fucking shit.
What's your favorite thing about writing? touched on this before but it's mainly just being able to write the things that i want to see and actually enjoy them!!! actually reread them!!!! i thought "wouldn't it be cool if bkg and kirishima owned a restaurant together" and then i wrote it and i like it enough to reread it!!!! being able to create content for myself makes me. so happy
How do you keep yourself inspired? this is gonna sound narcissistic maybe but honestly i'm just really excited about my ideas and where i'm gonna take them and the idea of "i'm gonna get to That scene" keeps me going through the entire thing. also my friends!!!! i'll talk to them about fics and their reactions keep me hyped up enough to finish!!!!
What is your favorite thing to write? just,, slice of life romance,,, stuff thats silly and makes people laugh!!
What do you think your strengths are in writing? i'm good with dialogue!! i do lil voice acting sessions with myself to make sure everything sounds natural and like it's coming from that character skhjnskj
i'm comfortable with my portrayal of love as well??? i spend a lot of time thinking about what it is exactly that i'm trying to get across and i think it turns out well!!
What are things you wish you could practice more? on one hand i wanna get better at writing angst on the other hand i dislike writing angst. do you see my issue
One way you've improved your writing since you began? characterization!! i think i've gotten better at writing characters that are all Different and bring different things to the table!!! i used to project a lot more and it would compromise the characterization because the character was like 70% me and 30% them? not to say that projection is bad but if you do it too much it just,, doesn't read like the character and from a reader's standpoint the narrative can become less compelling
One aspect of writing you're still working on? writing action!!! i. literally hate writing it but i write for a fandom about superheroes so. Unfortunately i gotta learn.
A piece of writing advice you've learned while writing saw this on another tumblr post but they said sometimes if you're struggling with a scene, the problem is five lines back. i've found that to be true!!!! sometimes u gotta delete a chunk and start a little ways back!! i did this with too busy being yours because i was stuck for Weeks and i deleted like 25% of what i had but it helped me actually finish it :D
A bit of writing advice you can't stand when people shit on show don't tell for being overrated lmao bc when u read their writing you can Tell
Something you wish you knew when you first started writing? ,,,,honestly i kind of wish i could know some of the stuff that i used to when i first started writing?? technically i'm better now but creatively i was must better when i wasn't stressing about whether anyone would like what i was writing. so i guess i wish i knew that i should keep that confidence? i kinda wish that i wasn't as insecure about other people's writing styles because i never used to be!!
Something you've learned in life that you apply in writing there's no point in feeling inferior?? writing one genre isn't better than the other. being in one fandom isn't better than being in another. the kind of language you use or the length of your paragraphs- none of that stuff like. matters. what matters is that you're having fun and happy with what you're creating!!!! enjoy other peoples writing but don't let it make you feel worse about yours :D
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years
Im goin to sleep rn so i dont wanna do stuff but i want you to do this so have an untraditional tag
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Oooh, this was fun Lucy!! Thank you :D
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*I used orange as it’s one of my favourite colours XD
I’m going to explain them a little to say why I chose the shading I did! Or at least for most of the characters XD
Atsushi - I like him as a main character however I don’t have much attachment towards him beyond that so I only filled it up to around half-way. He’s kinda bland asadfdsasdfgfd maybe I shouldn’t say that but I can’t help but feel that way T-T
Dazai - The light of my Bungo Stray Dogs experience <3 I love Dazai a lot, he’s such a complex and interesting character and while the fandom frustrates me with how little they understand him which reflect a lot in their work about him, I still love him a lot and it hasn’t diminished my love for him. I get attatched to characters way too quickly and strongly T-T
Kunikida - I like him! I find his and Dazai’s dynamic really interesting. His ideals are a double-edged sword and we see time and time again on how often he’s confronted about them and how they’re constantly pulled into question.
Ranpo - Brat detective! I love him. He’s both the smartest member of the ADA and the dumbest and it’s such a combination T-T I am curious how he’d be able to solve a crime that relied on the knowledge of train times and tickets though considering he knows nothing about them...
Kyouka - Precious baby who must be protected at all cost. She’s cute and I’ve loved seeing her struggle to fit in with the armed detective agency. Her “first mission” is still one of the funniest things to watch. I’m kind of disappointed we haven’t had more Dazai and Kyouka bonding considering they’re both former members of the mafia.
Yosano - Waifu. I should have more shame in saying that but I can’t, I love her. That only grew even more when we got to learn her past and what she had to go through. It really makes you understand why she was so unforgiving towards Kaiji for his views on death when she fought him.
Chuuya - Short gremlin who I also care a lot for. His shading is brought down by the fact I’ve faced fatigue from the fandom using him as the mouthpiece to shame Dazai constantly and how the fandom ignores more of his negative (but very interesting) personality traits to do it. I also wish we got to see more of him in canon by I digress T-T
Akutagawa - He was like Atsushi for me at first, I liked him but found him a bit boring and so didn’t get really attached. But then the fandom happened, my lord does the fandom love to use what happened between him and Dazai to completely rip Dazai to pieces and yet then turn around and make Akutagawa and Kyouka best buddies <.< It’s like with Chuuya, the fandom ignores all his negative traits for some reason and hyperfocuses on Dazai’s instead and it’s tiring. I’ve grown to dislike Akutagawa because of that :(
Mori - I hate Mori but I do appreciate his character. He’s a horrible person but he’s not bad for the sake of it, he has reasons for why he is the way he is even if those reasons are fucked up logicial reasons. He’s an interesting villain to say the least (I just wish the fandom would stop turning him into Mafia Dad. Guys, Hirotsu is right there and has adopted four children already *I’m including Higuchi and Akutagawa*).
Oda - Oda revival when? asadfgfdsdfg I love Oda. I mourn for him very strongly because I want him back so bad but most people don’t write fix-it aus for him (I’m going to have to be the change I want to see T-T). I love him, he’s so interesting and I can see why Dazai was fascinated with him too. Shading brought down by the fact I’m sad he’s dead D:
Ango - Ango is another interesting character for me. I don’t like him but I appreciate his character. I know he’s not a bad person, in fact he’s going out of his way to help the ADA clear there name and helping Dazai despite how antagonistic Dazai feels about him and I appreciate him for that. But I’m still salty about the Oda thing T-T I also hate how the fandom have this bizarre insistance that Dazai should forgive him and move on (and yet other characters don’t have to do the same for Dazai) so my like is also brought down by that.
Francis - I liked him as a villain and I don’t mind his role as a mostly neutral entity in the story so far. Out of everything Francis wanted, bringing back his dead daughter wasn’t what I expected. I’d be interested in how he met Lovecraft because that seems like a story.
Poe - Lanky mystery goth/nerd who’s crush on Ranpo is really cute T-T I love his and Ranpo’s dynamic, it’s cute. Poe is just cute, if you looked up cute in a dictionary you’d see Poe’s picture next to it. Have I said cute enough yet?
Fyodor - Another villain I enjoy! I like smart villains and so I actually did enjoy the ADA and the PM teaming up to take him down in season 3. I want to learn more about him, though I do admit I was a bit put off with him when he and Dazai were able to speak in code somehow despite no code even existing between them...
The rest - There shading is based on how much I enjoyed their roles in the story so far rather than characterization. They don’t really have much characterization beyond Lucy and Oguri who aren’t exactly stand out characters for me. I’d be interested in learning more about Gin and her bond with Akutagawa but it’s kind of ignored and pushed to the side :(
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Hello and thank you for the ask, obvi I have my own curiosities abt Kat's future life... 😏 If you don't mind, questions 3, 8, 6 and 12 are what came to mind first, though I'm also curious abt 15! I don't want to touch anything that may result in your series spoilers bc it's soo good - but her broader family life after all this I'm very curious about :D
Hi! This took soo long I'm so sorry lmao- Long post ahead From this ask
3. What is MC’s family like now?
I’m leaving here Kate’s direct family. I didn’t include Kate and Charlie’s daughter because I don’t have a name or a back story for her.
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Here we have the Williams part of the family Nicholas (Obliviator) and Aurora (arithmancer and the actual brain behind the family's finances), Kate's grandparents, had 3 children: Evira (professor), Erick (auror), Joseph (dtp of International Magical cooperation). Joseph is Kate's dad.
The Walsh side of the family starts with Bernard (potioneer) and Julie (muggle nurse), Kate's grandparents, who had 2 children: Natalia (journalist) and Cornelia (apparition examiner). Natalia is Kate's mom.
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This is the Walsh side of the family. Bernard's parents were Taidgh (broom maker) and Fiona (owl trainer). They had 10 children (see below).
Julie was the only child of muggles Ronan (fisherman) and Ciara Flannigan (fish seller)
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The 10 Walsh siblings in order are: Imogen(farmer), Muireann (tutor), Paddy(broom maker), Adeline (aurologist), Collin (saleswizard in quidditch games), Cornelia (alchemist, Bernard's daughter was named after her), Brian (magizoologist), Jane (muggle relations), Bernard (potioneer), Seán (squib)
Details of these characters will be on another post about the Ireland fic character list that Im working on. (I might change a few names)
6. How has MC’s style changed?
The first year at Hogwarts was very child-like. She was still that little girl that came from a wealthy and sinister family, always in the shadows and behind doors because she wasn’t allowed to enter most of the rooms. She carried a small charm that Jacob gave her and it was the year she adopted Grimoire in Diagon Alley, first rebellious act since the Williams manor only allowed owls and Aurora Williams’ spider. In her defense, she went to Diagon Alley all alone.  Her style reflected innocence.
There was a huge leap between 1st and 2nd-3rd year. Mom went to Beirut, dad was busy in the ministry, and her brother was still missing. She opted for the same 3 outfits all the time.
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The next big change occurred in fourth year. She started hanging out with Tonks and she absorbed a little bit of her dark style. All-black outfits were daily and she started experimenting with skirts. That dark look in addition with her winning every single game of gobstones, being fearless in duel and her original bad reputation, reflected confidence. Also, mama gifts her a nice bag.
From 7th year and onwards she shifts to more ‘badass looks’. She still favours dark colours like blacks and browns, but her go-to outfits include leather jackets and boots. Before the war, she became an animagus, which is a black cat form. An important accessory is the dragon necklace that Charlie gives her before going to Romania, and she wears it until the war, where she loses it. Another detail that I’m not going to explain now (still figuring it out and I don’t want to give away too much about the next fic) is that she gets a matching tattoo with Charlie: a serch bythol (with some magic properties)
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In her 30s and 40s she is a respectable mediwizard now and she starts dressing a little bit more classy. She is not giving up her leather jacket yet but more blouses and dress pants are added to her closet.
Kate went full witch mode when she passed her fifties. Loving the aesthetic of it all, she shamelessly wears her witch hats to every party, reunion or gathering. Long dresses with pockets are a favourite. 
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In reality, she is a softie, and you know that when talking to her. If you are lucky enough to be her apprentice you will find her elegant, intimidating and very very wise. After a while, you will discover that she has an enormous heart.
8. How is MC’s and Jacob’s relationship now? (If your Jacob is alive)
My Jacob is very much dead. I don’t plan on changing that. If he was alive (let’s imagine that au) I think their relationship will be problematic. He loved her little sister, but she was more of a burden than anything else. Growing up in the Williams manor was the first curse he encountered in his life: his grandfather pressured him to follow every Williams man’s steps and become a Ministry employee, dad did the same, mom was never home, and he had to take care of his little sister because leaving her alone in that house wasn't an option.
When they reunited, he would still see her as the toddler that sniffled every leaf and flower, that collected pretty rocks and buried her little fingers in the soil just to experiment, all while he tried to read his book under a tree.
There would be a slow and long process of getting to know each other again.
In fact, now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t think Kate would have moved in with Charlie so soon if Jacob was still alive. The two years that they were apart, maintaining a long-distance relationship, she was grieving and living alone in a flat in London that the Williams family provided. If Jacob had survived, they would have moved out of the manor together and it would have taken longer for Kate to go to Charlie.
12. What was MC’s reaction learning Bill and Charlie’s little sister went missing her First Year?
Well, she couldn't do much about it, it's not like she would go to Hogwarts and look for her herself. But she was worried. Some old fears came back, the similarities with her own experience with her brother made her uneasy, but after confirming it didn't have anything to do with the vaults she could think a little bit better. At that time she was a healer trainee at St Mungo’s and Charlie was already in Romania so there was a lot of letter-exchanging just with updates of the situation. 
15. MC’s experience at Bill’s wedding? (Did they attend Bill’s wedding? What did they wear? Did they play a role in it? Were they the bride? =p)
Kate and Charlie attended Bill’s wedding but they weren't happy about it. They love Fleur, and Bill too but with everything that was happening then it didn't seem like a good idea. They were vigilant the whole evening, especially Kate.
Reuniting with Tonks and other Hogwarts friends made her relax a bit and actually enjoy herself. We'll leave the details for a fic I'll write someday.
I shamelessly say that they matched outfits. Kate wanted to wear a pointy hat that Charlie gave her one Christmas with a dark blue dress that matched the inside of the hat.
She noticed the disappointment on his face when he saw it and later found out that he had chosen a shirt to go with the previous dress she had shown him. She changed outfits and with some gold accessories, they went to the Burrow thinking they were the best looking couple there.
I couldn't find a picture of what I had in mind for him because I took the idea from this fanart from cursebreakerglenetive .
That’s the exact outfit. I fell in love when I saw the concept. No tie, of course, the burgundy undershirt and inside of the jacket, the belt with golden dragon details is everything.
For her, a simple but elegant dress, with her golden dragon necklace and long earrings.
Nice experience overall until everything went to hell, we all know that part.
Thanks for the ask! This was fun to make 🖤
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colourful-void · 4 years
Hope’s Peak AU General Outfit Headcanons
It’s more au!!!!!! I was really tired while writing this and it probably shows. If I missed anyone lemme know! I think I missed someone from v3 but I'm not sure who. If people are interested in the dr3 characters beyond Ryouta, I can add on to this post. Lemme know!
As a general rule, any special events that require uniforms (graduation, entrance ceremony, etc) will have most students wearing uniforms. It’s important to note that while Hope’s Peak has a uniform (the same ones seen in the dr3 anime) there is no dress code. You can buy a uniform in the school store, but they aren’t at all mandatory, and so Hope’s Peak Students can wear Literally Whatever They Want. So you don’t have to wear the uniform for your agab, you can wear a halloween costume everyday, pj’s everyday, really the only rule is that if you would get arrested for wearing it on the street, you probably shouldn’t be wearing it here, and you need to be wearing something.  
(I’ll also mention free time a bunch in this post, which is just whenever the students aren’t in class. I’ll explain the daytime/nighttime and class time/ free time schedule in a later post)
Long post, so details on each character underneath the cut! =)
[Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc]
Makoto: wears his outfit from THH, but the pants are the uniform and the jacket is the uniform. during free time he’s just in hoodies in jackets. He gets cold easy.
Sayaka: wears the uniform, she thinks it’s cute. Has hair clips/hairbands to accessorize. wears cute and trendy clothes!
Leon: doesn’t wear the uniform. Wears whatever was closest lying on the floor. 
Chihiro: wears the uniform, but sometimes with her in game skirt instead of the uniform skirt. some of the other girls took her shopping for dresses and skirts and she loves all those outfits and wears them all the time! =)
Mondo: wears the uniform, but not the tie, and has his shirt unbuttoned in that delinquent way most of the time. Sometimes Taka will through a tie on him, though loosely tied. (Mondo doesn’t like things restraining his neck)
Kiyotaka: are you kidding he wears the uniform religiously. He’s never seen in anything else. Even after class hours, on weekends, over break, he’s wearing it. Some of the under (and upper) classmen wonder if he even owns other clothes. 
Hifumi: owns a uniform. Usually wears it, but sometimes he just comes in pyjama’s. 
Celeste: never. She’s not even wearing it in the pictures from THH, she’s probably never even touched a uniform. She’s committed to the aesthetic. dresses all the time.
Sakura: wears it everyday, but only during school hours. wears stretchy workout clothes normally. 
Mukuro: wears the uniform, though she’s modified it so the neck is looser, and there are lots of hidden pockets for weapons. She also made her skirt longer. she also has a bulletproof vest she wears both during and after classes. shes got leggings with hidden pockets. 
Junko: also wears a modified uniform, with extra pockets, and a shorter skirt. She also has her tie from THH, and her THH skirt. Keeps her Monokuma Hairclips.
Aoi: More likely to be wearing her gym uniform or other work out clothes with the hope’s peak logo on them than the actual uniform, but staff will take what they can get.
Hagakure: doesn’t wear it.
Touko: wears the uniform, but Syo doesn’t. Syo just wears whatever, so if she’s in control when getting dressed, she’ll probably just wear whatever she can find. She doesn’t care if its clean, ripped, etc.
Byakuya: The Great Byakuya Togami has better quality clothes than the hope’s peak uniform, but will wear it when requested by Makoto, or at any school events where he wants to look part of the class or something. (School fair, stuff like that)
Kyouko: wears the uniform. It makes her dad happy.
[Ultra Despair Girls]
Komaru: Doesn’t go to Hope’s Peak, but wears the uniform for her own school.
All the warriors do not wear uniforms. I don’t think that Hope’s Peak Elementary has a uniform. They wear their in game things. Except Jataro, who wears an allergy face mask instead of his in game mask. 
[Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair]
Hajime: Wears the Uniform, though usually not the jacket. He’ll keep it with him, but hang it on chairs or something. If he’s wearing the jacket either Izuru is in control, Hajime is cold, or he’s at a formal event.
Imposter: they’ll follow the outfit choices including uniform of whoever they’re impersonating, they are Dedicated. 
Teruteru: doesn’t wear the uniform. Is always wearing a chef’s outfit. He didn’t wear it in dr3, he won’t wear it here.
Koizumi: Wears the uniform during class hours, wears simple dresses and overalls during freetime.
Peko: wears her uniform most of the time, though does own and wear casual clothes. She’ll usually wear those around her own room though, and she has little dresses she’ll wear on outings or on dates
Ibuki: it’s debated if Ibuki even owns a Hope’s Peak uniform. She’ll wear whatever she feels like, which means you may see her in a full suit, a ballgown, a tracksuit, her gym uniform, or a uniform for a school thats she’s never been to, and you can never tell what it may be. She is pretty fond of neon colours though, so typically she’s wearing really bright colours and casual clothes. She also ties her hair up different constantly, with no rhyme or reason other than ‘she felt like it’. She looks like Haruhi in that one opening scene to The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya.
Hiyoko: shes still wearing kimonos and she still cant tie them
Mikan: she wears the uniform most of the time, and casual clothes when it’s not class time. Her uniform has been modified for her by Tsumugi, to make the skirt longer. Her casual clothes are nice skirts, leggings and long sleeved shirts.
Nekomaru: He wears the uniform most of the time, and track suits/ his in game clothes during free times.
Gundham: wears the uniform during school hours, and his in game clothes during free time. However, he always has his scarf and arm wrap.
Komaeda: wears the uniform, but has his little sweater vest thing. Basically what he looked like in 2.5. His hair has a touch more colour to it though, and there’s brown starting to come in at the roots by his 3rd year. During free time he wears his jacket from the game.
Chiaki: same clothes as dr3 during classes. Will wear anime graphic tees and hoodies when she’s not in class.
Fuyuhiko: Guess what it’s his vest from 2.5, I’m sorry it’s getting repetitive but canon did alright with outfits in some places and I’m not gonna fix whats not broken.
Sonia: Sonia loves the hope’s peak uniform. She wears it often, but she does have some casual dresses for when shes not in class. A note I will make, Sonia is way more practical about her hair in this au because I refuse to believe that someone like Sonia would have hair that long and not tie it up. She wears high ponytails and her braid crown from the game, and is happy to try different hair styles, such as braids or buns.
Souda: “wow souda, how come your mom lets you have two jumpsuits?” also teeshirts and basketball shorts.
Akane: wears the uniform, but also gym clothes on the regular. sometimes she wears oversized teeshirts, and general work out clothes.
(Im putting Ryota here because I’m lazy)
Ryota: wears the uniform during class, and oversized hoodies when class is over.
[New Danganronpa V3: Everyone’s New Semester of Killing]
Shuuichi: wears the uniform. He also has his hat. He wore it a lot in first year, and slowly grew to wear it less. Now he wears it sometimes, but not always! When he feels like it. 
Rantaro: wears the uniform, and his normal clothes when school hours are over. He’s got a laid back style of dress that matches his personality 
Kaede: she wears the uniform and she’s very happy about it! Her casual clothes look like a uniform, they’re very preppy. Sweater vests and pleated skirts.
Hoshi: wears the uniform but replaced the normal jacket with his leather one, and his in game clothes when he’s not in class.
Kirumi: she’s wearing the uniform the majority of the time, even when class is over, since it makes her more recognizable to the other students. She keeps the gloves though. Students are Messy.
Angie: Ok previously I said she didn’t wear the uniform, but then I started drawing her in the uniform and I changed my mind. She wears her raincoat instead of the jacket and ties off the end of her shirt to show her stomach, like Brittney Spears. She has no clue who Brittney is, she just tied it like that to show off her piercings. Keeps the uniform skirt, has art supplies tucked into every pocket she’s got.
Tenko: wears the boys uniform actually! All uniforms offer equal mobility and she likes that uniform better. The dress code is like non existent, so no one cares. When she’s not in class, she might wear skirts or pants, she doesn’t really care. So long as it offers good mobility for kicking degenerates. 
Korekiyo: wears the uniform and his in game outfit. Keeps the mask.
Miu: doesn’t wear the uniform, keeping her in game clothes. She also has some other clothes, almost all of which have swear words on them, or pants with things written on the seat of them. Good thing hope’s peak doesn’t have a dress code!
Gonta: gonta is a gentleman who wears the uniform with pride! 
Kokichi: now with Kokichi it depends. Most day’s he’ll wear casual clothes, like hoodies and jeans. On good days/ days he’s particularly excited, he’ll wear his Dice costume from his art. If he’s not having a good day, he’ll wear the uniform. So far the only people who have caught on to this pattern are Sonia and Shuuichi. No matter what he’s wearing his scarf. If he ever came to class without it, Shuuichi/Sonia would probably pull him out of class in a panic to ask what was wrong. Beyond that, he’s got a bunch of hair clips he’ll wear sometimes, as well as rings and bracelets. His favourite bracelet is a bunch of purple glass beads that make a satisfying noise when he shakes his hands.
Kaito: He replaced his uniform coat with his purple coat. He is always wearing that coat. He also has JAXA shirts and other space themed clothes
Kiibo: for a while he didn’t have a uniform because.. well he’s a robot he doesn’t need one. But after he told Kiyotaka he wanted one, Taka gave him one, and now he wears it a bunch! It makes him very happy. When he’s not in class though he usually doesn’t wear it since he doesn’t want it getting dirty.
Tsumugi: Tsumugi made a lot of alterations to her uniform to make it ‘cuter’. Sometimes she’ll just come to class in different uniforms for various anime characters. As someone who sometimes just wears cosplay on a normal day and who goes to cons, there is something fantastic about seeing someone in cosplay doing mundane things, and thats what Tsumugi looks like near constantly. she’d rather have other people wear them, but ‘if no one else will wear them, I will!’and it makes good advertising. Also cosplay is fun!
Maki: Joining the modified uniform gang, also with pockets for knives and things. Also has a longer skirt. She braids her hair sometimes, because I can verify from experience that hair like Maki’s would be super inconvenient and get in the way. 
Himiko: she’ll usually wear the uniform, but if she’s feeling lazy/tired/depressed, she might just come to class in pj’s. Same thing for free times.
I think that’s everyone! lemme know if I missed anything, or you’ve got thoughts/things u wanna share! Thanks for reading this all!
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jimimn · 4 years
hi shiviiiii 🎨🥺
IF IT ISN’T ONE OF MY MOST FAVOURITE PEOPLE ON TUMBLR 💖💖💖💖💖 alice ily im so glad you sent this now i can properly scream about your talent in a long post and not just in tags 😌😌😌 Lets go this is gonna be a long one 😌
okay now im completely gonna ignore the rule of last 10 creations here <3333 OKAY BUT BEFORE THAT I HAVE TO MENTION... alice the talent you have in making headers 😭 every single headers of yours just SO BEAUTIFUL i will never forget the jikook black swan one 💖 you would totally totally pull of making AMAZING MIND BLOWING graphics I have no doubt about it!! <3 now coming to gifs and im gonna sound like a broken record BUT I AM SO HAPPY YOU STARTED GIFFING!!! <3 the moments that you gif are the most most precious and some that make my brain short circuit your colours are always so warm and vibrant and they’re always SO SMOOTH and so hq!! when I said that I never want to miss a single gifset from you, I meant it with all of my heart <3 okay lets goooo
im in love with him THE!! SOFT!! COLOURS!!! like I can’t believe this is your first gifset in seven years because everything about this is absolute PERFECTION from top to bottom!! The colouring is so soft and so pretty and it really DOES makes him look like cotton candy im gonna eat his cheeks and the sharpening is perfect and the gifs are SO SMOOTH! the sharpening just amplifies the sparkle in his eyes in the most beautiful way 😭 the love I have for compact zoomed-in gifsets like this <33 his lips look so soft dear LORD HOW DID YOU EVEN SURVIVE GIFFING THIS ALICE 😭😭 drowning in the puddle of my own tears thanks
KITTENS THE FACT THAT YOU MANAGED TO GIF SUCH A DARK SCENE SO BEAUTIFULLY???? i would’ve skipped giffing this if I were you, honestly. just absolutely can’t deal with lightings like this YOU’RE A BRAVE AND TALENTED PERSON AND YOU TURNED THIS PRECIOUS MOMENT INTO SUCH A PRETTY GIFSET 🥺🥺
(please know that im trying REALLY hard not to include every gifset you’ve ever made here)
just here patiently waiting for the next in this series there are days when i think about this...... and how it is a crime that this hasn’t been made into an au yet...... kitty gang jimin and kitty gang’s newest member jungkook who doesn’t give two shits about anything.... yeah that would be a fun read 😳 the clips you’ve used are so perfect and the whole vibe of this gifset is something i cannot put into words alice.. just please keep your galaxy brain safe for me thanks <33
trying really hard to cut down but i can’t help it im obsessed with these gifsets
i can’t breathe SO MUCH BLUE IN A GIFSET AND YET THE QUALITY IS THIS????? NOT A SINGLE GRAIN???? how do you do it ma’am!! not even gonna talk about this moment nope i won’t survive if i dive in too deep bECAUSE HIS NECK IM SDCGVHBDJK AND HIS STANCE FDGHJ😭😭😭😭
DENIM JIMIN!!!! I HAVE SUCH A HUGE THING FOR THIS LOOK and you captured it PERFECTLY. cannot stop thinking about how intimidating he looks in the first gif. the colouring is so so pretty because he’s GLOWING i love love love his skin tone here!! Love how vibrant this set is. and yet even after all the vibrant colours... the quality is just *chef’s kiss* 
THE ONLY GIFSET EVER TBH I 👏 LIVE 👏 FOR 👏 BIG 👏 BEAUTIFUL 👏 GIFS 👏 AND YOU’RE SO GOOD AT MAKING GIFS THIS BIG!!!! this moment just NEEDED to be giffed and that too in such huge gifs. the colouring is STUNNING and ofc you know what brain damage this gifset has caused me <3 but im not complaining <3 
the only only only reason I'm stopping here because I don’t want you to read through my endless rambling 😭 please know that your gifs and your mere presence on my dash and dms bring me so much joy and idk what I’d do without you here. Thank you for being you <3 well that escalated quickly and i became emo asdfghjkl im gonna stop ILYSM <3333
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mikkock · 5 years
Uhm??????? Unacceptable?? Please tell me more about your OCs in that last art? I demand it? I want a full report on my desk before morning? Cite your sources please?
Oh no,, you’re asking,,, about my own faves,,, sorry to everyone, but I guess im never going to shut up ever now. (i already don’t shut up ever, what have u done, im now going to speak so much that society will collapse AT LEAST)
But for real. I enjoy pretending I don’t have faves, I love all my kids the same, buT WE ALL KNO THAT’S A LIE, those two my fave bitches (they snatched that title from the last two faves, rip to them, and they also snatched, n I must really make that clear, the title of “the bitches with the most AUs from the previous previous faves. Their power.)
SO. Get ready for a ride, table of content: them, their respective character, their story, and the pLETHORA OF ALTERNATE STORIES I GAVE THEM because i must yell about all the versions of my kids i have (non-exhaustive cause its that serious bro, but ill take extra time for the universe depicted in that art just for u bby). (tbh if clamp is allowed to sprinkle their fave gays in all their universes so am i, except they aint secondary characters there, every story is just theirs. love that concept.)(itll be so long you’re getting a whole novel even if i have to post it in two posts)
So~ Em twos. Dari n Wei-wei as I call em, or Dumbass n Egg if you wanna get friendly.
They’re my proudest instance of “oops i made a squad of characters, and two of them just accidentally were so perfectly compatible and complementary oh no I guess they’re in love now.” And then they became my favourite. Cause I guess their potential was too much (jk its bc they hot)
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I spent ten minutes wondering which to introduce first cause dang son, I want to talk bout them both so much shefjgfdg
First, as I technically designed him first (like ten minutes before the other), my man weiwei. if u ever saw my art its impossible that you havent seen him at least once. cause i’m legit always drawing him. cause im in love bro.
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Demonstration : here are my computer scribbled weiweis of 2020 so far (with a few daris there n there they’re a package deal), that i could find, and they do not include all the paper sketches that i’m too lazy to take pics of. (i just been drawing him with so much hair these days that’s illegal, his brand is baldness)
But anyway, he’s CHEN Chia-Wei, he’s 21, he’s Taiwanese n I love him. Two very important facets of his character when you meet him: he doesn’t talk, and is absolutely, in every single dimension, built to make you fall head over heels for him.
He’s (in the “canon” storyline if i may call it that since it’s def not my most developed one but oh well) an art student, mostly paints but is also great at photography and videography (his vibe is busy hectic pieces with strong bold colours, lots of harsh edges, and very people focused).
Aside from that, he’s also super into fashion, and because he’s part of the rich boy squad (the “im broke so im giving half my characters wealth in compensation) he Can and Does exhibit some quite funky fits when he feels like it. (maybe a reason I draw him a lot, since my fave thing is pretty boys in weird ass clothes)(and then i also draw him in just casual shit cuz tittiful men in plain white tees you know. there’s just something about it.)
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Small compilation of outfits. ft me and my band handwriting roasting outfits that id also kill to own but ok u know.
He digs music. (i make playlists for my OCs and i gotta say, his is the best one, i spent so many hours researching it, “arranging” it etc n its still a work in progress but dude. she got many moods my fave part is when it suddenly turns into so many cheesy ballads also she’s enormous cause im as wordy in playlists as I am in writing.) listens to a lot, n also he can play piano n guitar. cause you know. heartthrobs got to win your heart with a song (and if he’s alone he can even mumble some songs, who knows maybe even sing em softly, definitly a sight to stumble on accidentally). Big main artists that have his vibes are Hello Nico, No Party for Cao Dong, n Circa Waves’s “what’s it like over there” album.
He does a lot of sports. He ain’t fit through magic, rip to him. He’s got a serious routine, and it’s a time he likes to use alone, cause nothing like running at the break of dawn, alone with your thoughts, which you can just easily forget through the exhaustion of a workout session afterwards.
he also eats. A lot. Food is just good, bro. (the canon story is def happening some place europe aka his biggest struggle is how expensive food is here. outrageous.)
He secretly loves super cheesy movies. the dramatic romcoms??? the cute shows that are just so cute and worriless?? anything involving soulmates??? yeh dude. he watches it, he reads it, he listens to it, and he may cry about it, but no one will know. That’s the one true guilty pleasure. (and he definitly has a collection of romance dvds, books n manhuas in his old room back at the family home. where no one can see it. perks of studying abroad. no one can see ur hoarding of material that clashes your image. “yes i watch edgy experimental things haha yes i love those smart people movies of course wow the philosophy…” and then immediatly goes to watch the trashiest predictable but oh so sweet dramas all night)
While he doesn’t speak (as in with the mouth) he can communicate in a bunch of language, due to having moved around quite a bit. On top of his native mandarin and hokkien, he’s fluent in English, so he can use those to write, and is also fluent in TSL, and pretty good in HKSL (and from that, other close-in-syntax sign languages). So he doesn’t have trouble getting around, but then he is also overall quiet in public (with close friends and over text though, that’s another story, that’s where he gets chattier, and also where you may get more of his true personality). Also, he can speak with his sister. That’s pretty cool bro.
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I was going to say he’s a very “hides his true colours under a shell” type of character but you know, for an egg character, that’s pretty ironic. We love poetic cinema.
He presents himself as a very laid back, chill detached dude, going with the flow and all that great stuff, and masterfully mixes just the right doses of mysterious, flirty and calm to just go around vibing. But ain’t that jUST THE MILLENIAL’S ILLNESS, those dANG KIDS, going around, gettin relationships but never intimacy 👏😢 (there’s more to it dont leave)
First of all, before you see the Drama, the Turmoil, the first thing you notice when you really do befriend him is that he’s c h i l d i s h, he gets sulky when things dont go following the plan, he gets whiny n jealous for not getting attention , he gets competitive over stupid challenges, and way too playful if you start teasing, and when he gets flustered too…you think you get cool stoic dude but actually you get a dude who’s reacting to things with way too much intensity, and boi i thought u were gon be mature what’s that why have you been pouting for three days over losing a bet come on- That’s mostly coming up when he interacts with his sister, but the closest you are to him to more of it you get to see.
He’s also an affectionate dude actually. Like physically. As in you’ll get spontaneous hugs. He’s come nap on your shoulder. That’s a perk of befriending him if you ask me.
Also he tries to look so cool, so tough haha. He’s actually a lil sensitiv boi. he gets fluffy, he gets flustered, he heart eyes. you turn around and he’s gazing at ya as if you were the whole universe. he gets a mini crisis for holding hands with his crush. ya know. he’s secretly a softie.
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Then in the “what he doesn’t show” (my fave part), where you stock all the anxieties, all the trauma… Obviously there’s a lot of anxiety here (selective muteness being a symptom of it, he hides the other ones very well) mostly fear of inadequacy, of abandonement and of loneliness. mmmmmmmaybe that’s why he was v reticent to continue pursuing that one guy he was into when he realised he was just a tad too into him oh no is that some,, like?? some lovey-love?? cant have that im afraid of gettin heartbroken bro. Aint that sad for a someone who’s one true goal is just findin someone to love and to be with forever, the struggles of yearnin for a soulmate when there’s nothing you fear more than getting attached to a person and letting them see you and your flaws.., delicious.
Now tho (because its so alone speaking about a character on their own and i just wanna get to the part where i can speak bout em together and how they bring out bits of each others ya kno, the good kush….), Dari…
He’s pretty, i must say, and got the funniest hair to draw, and comes from the most opposite background to weiwei’s.
Darian Andriev PARVANOV, also 21, comes from the remote Bulgarian countryside, but i still love him (this makes it sound as if i wouldnt normally love someone from the bulgarian countryside. its not what i meant. by default ud remind me of my son so you’d start being liked if u came from the bulgarian countryside) Now for the first instance of “wow, the complementarity”. The first thing i thought making Dari was that he looked too cool, and that he obviously was a dumbass, and mostly that he was physically unable to shut up. (o fuck he’s me)
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best picture i could find of him. He’s got the dilemma of “wow he looked so pretty n cool until he opened his mouth” 
He’s ALSO an art student (cause they were initially created for the purpose of filling the gap of “i have ocs in every field except the one i sorta know that’s so stupid”), painting major (def vibes differently than weiwei though, he’s doing those soft pretty landscapes n flowers, everything real pretty and peaceful, we got some impressionism nerd in here folks). 
He was/is a real country boy, farm family, he helped tend the fields, he worked in plantations for pocket money, he knows how to take care of cattle and chicken and goats and all the cool babies you can take care of, he can tell whether the soil is good or not, he can drive a tractor, and doesnt fear dirt.
but then also he’s kind of a neat freak, he hates getting paint on himself, so the duality of man, dirt ok but paint? disgostin. his spaces are real neat and spotless, he likes cleaning (its relaxing) and does it nearly too often.
his dumbassery comes from lack of common sense and impulsiveness, aside from that he’s actually what you’d call “mad smart”, dude had em good grades, he can memorise pages upon pages of the most trivial information, he has an accumulation of knowledge beyond limits, and is good at problem solving. so he can recite all the words of the F letter of the dictionnary, but would also put a curling iron in his mouth to see if it would curl his tongue. (side note, he does have a problem with heat n fire, most his “oopsie how i wound up hurting myself on acccident” story involve burning -that stove was just too tempting…)
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while he doesnt feel very attached to his home country, he does feel strongly for his family. he’d do anything for his mum (and actually does everything to make her proud already, that’s his one main goal), and he’s ready to sacrifice a lot for her (as in, spend years working non-stop a really uncomfortable job so his mother wouldnt have to pay a cent of his expenses even though she said she could by doing some sacrifices herself,and then being ready to come back as soon as needed if anything happened, and potentially drop his career and dream n go back to the farm life to provide for mama)(also he still does hold onto some parts of his home country’s traditions, and does sometimes feel homesick but more in a ‘i left the most beautiful landscapes n the city feels cramped and claustrophobic and i dont know people and i dont feel in the right place cuz im a forreigner with a thicc accent who doesnt master the language of this place and straight up have different body language communicators due to cultural difference oh lord i wanna be home where a nod means no and a head shake is yes i keep misunderstanding everything”)
if you want background noise he’s the perfect pal to call over, he’s just so chatty, he got hours and hours of non stop speech ready for you. you can shut him up once you’re done listening with the offering of food. works everytime.
he’s definitly not shy. neither in terms of talking to people, nor when it comes to making decisions. he’s quite bold, and rarely hesitates to go towards something he wants. he’s direct in his approach to most everything.
he likes partying. mostly the socialising part, talkin to people is just fun ya feel. and being in the crowd, doing whatever, pressure free? ya can dance n enjoy yourself, and people wont notice? yeah that’s nice. but doesnt do it super often cause broke bitches aint got the party time n budget. 
he likes arm. (just an excuse for me to drop this thing here cuz i like it)
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While he’s an overall bubbly looking character, with a cheery loud personnality, he does carry some youth trauma that has him more reticent to engage in happiness, he comes from what you could call “not the wokest background” and he may have fallen victim of it : he’s kind of a flashy noticeable character, both physically and in his personnality, and doesnt exactly matches the expectations of dudes in the area he comes from (delicate, emotional and sweet guy? that doesnt exist bro). He went through it, and it has definitly had some impact on his confidence in many aspects. But he’s 100% the type of guy to put on the fake happy front because if feeling bad is sad, making the people you care about sad for you too is Unacceptable Right??? relying on friends?? what???
But then what are we supposed to be doing with such charming characters huh,,, 
Make them fall in love obviously.
Their story obviously has to do with falling in love and workin a relationship cause if I dont write romance i literally die, but I make the center pivot of all of it communication, and barriers in communications. Most obvious being them coming from wildly different cultures, having different native languages, and also the ways you adapt to muteness (what i love most bout that part is even then they fucked up given the easiest quickest small body language things to communicate are head nods n then i managed to make one come from the one country that reverses those like iconic how do they even understand each other -through a lot of work and love bro) but also on more “introspective” points, how to say things that you are even afraid to think about, how to open up and share your burdens and trauma with someone, how to say words you’ve been convinced you weren’t allowed to, the inner turmoil of communication in short. And then also communication through art, and through alternative unusual ways. If i were snobbish i could call it something like “a thinkpieces on how humans overcome obstacles in communication, and adapt, all for the sake of pursuing love” but fact is its mostly boys being in love n learning how to speak, figuratively and also quite literally. And also its me having fun with making characters evolve from each other, be able to influence each other for the better, helping each other be more comfortable with themselves and express the true things of their personnality, and discover new aspects. I just wanna write intense and soulful love bro.
So in less concept and more facts, weiwei meets dari, dari being his puppy self just immediatly strikes a conversation and weiwei gets interested cause “oho nice pretty boy? very good. i want some of that”. they get closer because you cant fight off the Power of friendship (and also the power of “what your friend is bestie with my friend?? guess we hanging out”) and then friendship and interest turns into pining, held back by respective dread of what romance with the other would mean (as in “romance?? cant have that we cant feel” and “with him?? cant do that, convince yourself he’s just a friend immediatly what would the family think”) but eventually they do have to just crash into one another cause that’s just the gravitational pull bro, its physics bro. and from then on its all unlearning destructive behaviours, bettering oneself with the help of the other, and getting over trauma to finally live ur best life. and gettin fckin married bro they’re both cheeseballs theyll wanna wed
BUT MAKING EM FALL IN LOVE ONCE ISNT ENOUGH time to make 3894853 alternate universes about em.
Lets speak bout my fave of those for a hot second.
First of all, the one of the art that brought this ask, guess i could call it “Pretty Tribes” AU, bunch of tribes live and do their things, having nature and energy powers. Dari n Weiwei’s tribes are bros, the latter’s powers needing them to move around to get energy from different places, enabling them different abilities. So basically they get to hang at the other’s place while the regenerate energy from there, and in exchange they help them out with various tasks (dari’s tribe is a rly farmer oriented one, with plant magic, while weiwei’s got more poyvalent powers, and have very good healers notably, so it comes in handy). The two boys were born a few months apart in their respective tribes, so naturally, anything the two clans meet, they’re put together to play and all, and from that they became besties, and each time they meet, after the gaps of time separating the two groups, they feel more and more of a little something else~ story is themed round growing up, friendship between clans, their traditions and cultures, and pretty boys in pretty clothes in pretty landscapes interacting with nature.
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The superpower AU, i fuckin love it bro. Its an old one, made for other characters, but i just love it so much that i had to inject my faves in it. Its got a grimy ugly setting, bad government, propaganda, and fights between super-people (heavily mediatised for entertainment and reinforcing the idea that “look at these evil villains thank god us the good government protects you from them”), with a side of bad ethics in science. In all that, those two have the role of “those two young enemy warrior and villain, they were so powerful and fought so hard”, public figures, legendary and admired by both sides, everyone followed their fights, til one day they presumably died in one of their showdowns. (haha sike they actually found themselves talking for 5 seconds and realised they lived in a society, n built a plan to run away). The main characters get to find they’re alive because one of em had history with super-warrior-golden-boy and go to seek their help to overthrow the Big Bads. (stealing them from their nice gay cottage hermit life smh so rude)
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Mermaids. I like those. Sailor weiwei sees merman dari, they both save each other in different occasions, they grow fascinated with each other, they’re at sea, water romance. Amazing. AU made half cuz i just like water n fish. and shirtless sailors.
(i couldnt find art of it in five minutes so have a link to that lil animatic piece i made of it once)
Indie band AU, where i was listening to songs that vibe so well with those two in general n then my brain was like “what if they’re the ones playing”. They’re (along with the rest of the art squad) a nice little alternative rock band, doing their thing, then one of their songs blows up, and they get quite the attention, to the dismay of dari who wrote that song in a moment of “oh no im so in love with my bandmate but i cant tell him what if i ruin everything we have going on ill just have to love from afar and deal with that” and now has way too many people interested in who he wrote it about and theorising from his every move when performing it (a mix of music, secret crushes and social media) (ft a picture of neither of them but its the least ugly art i found of this AU cuz its old and instruments are the bane of my existence)(also kelana is so pretty i gotta flaunt her around)
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in kind of the same vibe, as in we’re in a music world overexposed to social media, i also integrated em to an AU i did for fun, “boyband AU” as its called aka idol based band system cuz you kno, i got a hobby, lets apply it. Band boy Dari and bodyguard Weiwei got a thing going on, but can’t really act on it in any way, because they’d just destroy the whole band if it ever came public. Featuring annoying bandmates, catchy pop songs and people making fanaccounts of that one hot Mr.Bodyguard cause dang he hot.
(all the art of this one so ugly im sorry)
SPY AU, one of my fave brand. They spies, they get assigned on the same mission, they work real nice with each other. spies hot. fights. strategy. i just like the concept. Gays taking down the worst traffics imaginable??? I love that song.(i actually have so much on this cause s p i e s are fuckin great)
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Fashion. U kNOW i have an AU for fashion. Supermodel and his private stylist, trying to maintain the line of professionalism. And failing to do so. Lets make out in unpractical designer clothes.
Have an highschool AU for a bunch of characters, injected them as “spinoff”, start chatting online being art buddies, fall in love without meeting (ft. all the iconics of internet friendship like knowing tiny details of their personnalities but not the fact that they have a sister or “waIT ur a GUY i thought u were a girl wow wild good news for my gay ass”)
n those are my faves as far as i remember, i got a fuckton of small other ones that arent fleshed out enough, or some that are more of a guilty pleasure universe, and some that are more like “projects that i can expend on as soon as i run out of daydream material” (like u kno those hospital drama shows with super innacurate medicine n shit like idk scrubs or whatever, yeh i want some of that but im keeping it for later)
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liebeanneliese · 5 years
Käte, Königsee, 21st November, 1940
Dear big one,
My sincere thanks for your lovely letter, the newspaper clippings and last but not least for the chocolates, for which our fat one, of course, always has an eye. We were very happy that our big one wrote to us in detail.
I sincerely regret that you were sick; but there’s nothing to be done. I would like to see our big one with glasses! I’m laughing at the mere idea. Whether you look like a professor or, as dad always says, like a "bread eater"? Now I hope that you take a little more care and do not have to watch the bed again!
Now I want to tell about myself, because you're so strangely curious that one can't resist answering your question. Until last Friday everything went fine in our kindergarten. But on that day, our director Ms. Wolf kept cutting me off for no reason, so I told my papa about it. He complained to Frau Wolf and one word led to another. Dad said he said he wanted to go to Rudolstadt and take me to another kindergarten where there was a certified leader. To which she replied in her anger, "You can take your daughter with you!" And so, it happened that I have been at home since Friday until the district manager Hermann has another job for me. Overall, I was very happy with my job. The greatest reward comes when the children hang on you like that. At least you know that you have achieved something. Even now when the children see me on the street they run away from the mother’s hand and towards me. Cries and shouts "Aunt Kate" come from every corner! Even in Rudolstadt at the train station a little boy called out to me. You can believe me that I don't want anything more than being back in a Kindergarten soon. My working hours were from 8 a.m. until 7.30 in the evening. We were 3 helpers, 1 nanny from Saxony & Mrs. Wolf. About 14 days ago we got a certified one from Lobenstein, but she had no control.
So now I have probably answered all of your questions and now I want to slowly come to a close. I bought our mum a blanket on which I still have to embroider, so it can be ready by Christmas. It’s a pretty cross-stitch rose pattern, in the colours dark red, red, 3 x pink, yellow, green & brown. Mama mustn't see it before Christmas and I always go over to Waltraud Fichte in the evening. Mum keeps scolding me a little when I go away; but she thinks we're moving around.
Now I want to close and will soon hear something from you again. What about Christmas vacation? Unfortunately, you have not yet complied with my urgent request and told me what you want. I would have liked to make you happy! So, let me know immediately, ok?
Warm kisses and greetings,
From your Karl
Text written in the margins:
The teacher Enders married Hilde Lettermann on Saturday. Judge wedding. A few days before, Lieselotte Gunkel also married a musician from out of town.
Greetings from Papa & Mama and Hannchen. Papa is writing the next one himself. Many greetings to Elvira & family & to Mrs. Hillger.
A picture of the following of the kindergarten is included. This is in the former shoe factory in Lange (at the petrol station)
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(Keep reading for German text and envelope)
Liebe Große,
Meinen herzlichsten Dank für deinen lieben Brief, die Zeitungsausschnitte und nicht zuletzt für die Pralinen, auf die unsere Dicke natürlich wie immer, gleich ein Auge hat. Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, daß unsere Große mal ausführlich geschrieben hat.
Daß du krank warst, tut mir aufrichtig leid; aber daran ist ja nun nichts mehr zu ändern. Unsere Große möchte ich mal mit Brille sehen! Bei der bloßen Vorstellung muß ich schon lachen. Ob du aussiehst wie ein Professor oder, wie Papa immer sagt, wie ein "Brotfresser"? Nun hoffe ich, daß du dich bißchen mehr schonst und nicht gleich wieder das Bett hüten mußt!
Jetzt will ich mal von mir erzählen; denn dir fragst so komisch neugierig an, daß man garnicht wiederstehen kann dir auch diese Frage zu beantworten. Bis vorigen Freitag ging alles in Ordnung in unseren Kindergarten. Aber am genannten Tage kanzelte mich andauernd unsere Leiterin Frau Wolf ohne jeden Grund ab, dass ich diesen Vorfall meinem Papa erzählte. Dieser beschwerte sich bei Frau Wolf und ein Wort gab das andere. Papa sagte er sagt er wollte nach Rudolstadt fahren und mich in einen anderen Kindergarten nehmen, wo eine geprüfte Leiterin wäre. Darauf antwortete sie in ihren Zorn "da können Sie ihre Tochter mitnehmen!" So kam es, dass ich nun seit Freitag zu Hause bin, bis der Kreisleiter Hermann eine andere Stelle für mich hat. Im großen Ganzen war ich mit meiner Stelle sehr zufrieden. Der schönste Dank war es, wenn die Kinder so am einem hängen. Da weiß man wenigstens, dass man etwas erreicht hat. Auch jetzt, wenn mich die Kinder auf der Straße sehen rennen sie von der Mütter Hand weg und auf mich zu. Aus allen Ecken schreit und ruft es "Tante Käte"! Sogar in Rudolstadt auf dem Bahnhof ruft mich ein kleiner Junge. Du kannst mir glauben, daß ich mir nichts seligeres wunchse, als bald wieder in einem Kindergarten tätig zu sein. Meine Arbeitszeit war von früh 8 Uhr, bis abends 1/2 7 Uhr festgelegt. Wir waren 3 Helferinnen, 1 Kinderpflegerin aus Sachsen & Frau Wolf. Vor ca. 14 Tagen bekommen wir noch eine geprüfte aus Lobenstein, die aber keine Leitung hat.
So, nun hatte ich wohl alle deine Fragen beantwortet und will nun langsam zum Schließ kommen. Unserer Mutti habe ich eine Decke gekauft am die ich noch faste sticken muß; denn sie soll doch bis Weihnachten fertig sein. Es ist ein hübsches Rosenmuster in Kreuzstich. In den Farben: dunkelrot, rot, 3 x rosa, gelb, grün & braun. Mutti darf es vor Weihnachten noch nicht sehen und da gehe ich abends immer rüber zur Waltraud Fichte. Mutti schimpft ja immer bißchen, wenn ich weggehe; aber sie denkt wir ziehen rum.
Nun will ich aber schließen und laß bald mal wieder was von dir hören. Wie ist es mit Weihnachtsurlaub? Meine dringlichen Bitte bist du leider noch nicht nachgekommen und hast mir mitgeteilt was du dir wünschst. Hätte dir doch gern eine Freude gemacht! Also, sofort nachholen, gelt?
Sei herzlichst geküßt & gegrüßt
von deinem Karl
Am Sonnabend hatte Lehrer Enders mit Hilde Lettermann verheiratet. Richter Hochzeit. Ein paar Tage vorher hatte auch Lieselotte Gunkel mit einem auswärtigen Musiker Hochzeit.
Viele Grüße von Papa & Mutti sowie Hannchen. Papa schreibt dennächste selbst. Viele Grüße an Elvira & Familie & an Frau Hillger.
Ein Bild von der Gefolgschaft des Kindergartens liegt bei. Dieser befindet sich in der frühere Schuhfabrik Lange (bei Tankstelle)
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