#im just curious what would have happened if they dove into this
SPN except Sam does go to law school and one of the mock investigations for class is about teenagers disappearing from a small town and Sam recognizes the case from 10 years ago when John used him as bait
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googleitlol · 1 year
I’m still working on the next chapter for my current fic but I also thought I’d drop this little piece of writing since that post from @goshilovemesomemonsters got me thinking abt it again. It’s not related to the post tho, this is way before Macaque gets introduced
Btw this is from an unpublished jttw x reader, but I definitely wanna share more of it eventually
Dove Masterlist:
The hunter’s eyes narrow in suspicion at Sun Wukong’s words. It was obvious he held no trust in what he was saying. You couldn’t really blame him. If you weren’t with the bodhisattva when she recruited him, you wouldn’t believe him either.
Still, you were curious to see how this would play out. Now wasn’t the time to reveal yourself, so even if you wanted to vouch for the monkey demon, you wouldn’t. The shock of the little dove on Tripitaka’s shoulder being human would most likely shock them more than having the Great Sage as a disciple—
…Why is he staring?
Sun Wukong seems to have his sight fixed on you, confusion evident in his eyes. You could remember that stare as clearly as the day you met him in the palace. His eyes remained that same blood red, his irises a vibrant gold that hold a diamond gleam to them, accentuating his sharp stare.
He continues to eye you from his prison, his gaze narrowing. If you were in your true form, a frown would be set over your features. Why is he looking at you like that? He doesn’t know who you are… or does he? How could he see through your transformation?
Suddenly, his eyes widen, as though a torch has caught fire in his dimly-lit mind. "It's you! Wha— What are you doing?" His laugh is loud and hearty, confusing the others surrounding him.
The monk looks past your perched self on his shoulder and behind himself, then back to the Great Sage. "I thought you knew... you just said you were meant to be one of my disciples."
"Not you, the dove on your shoulder!" He points to you, the huntsman and his sons sharing looks of bewilderment with one another as they glance at your unsuspecting form. "It's you, isn't it? The vulgar maiden from the Jade Palace!"
This damn monkey! Why does he have to be like this? It’s like he makes it his mission to be the bane of your existence. With a groan, you take flight into the air, revealing your true form and landing on the ground. The collective gasp of your current travelling companions would have made you smile on any other occasion. Unfortunately, being exposed in such a way only made you grumble in annoyance.
His comments made your cheeks flush, a mix of anger and embarrassment rushing to your face. "You impudent ape! How dare you call me vulgar."
The monkey only laughs, seemingly pleased with his powers of deduction. "I knew it! I'd recognize that soothing presence anywhere. Nobody can hide from Old Monkey King." He gloats, making you want to roll your eyes. What an obnoxious egotistical—
"You're a woman?" The confusion in the Great Monk’s voice helps to remind you that you have an audience. That’s right, they thought you were an innocent dove this whole time. It’s not like you didn’t suspect this might happen sooner or later, but yelling at this demon? What were you thinking?
You quickly introduce yourself to the monk and tell him your name. “I am a faithful disciple to the bodhisattva, Guan Yin.” You begin to explain yourself quickly. “I apologize for only now revealing myself. The merciful goddess has tasked me in aiding your journey to the west with your disciples by lending you my gifts.”
The Tripitaka Monk frowns as he digests your words before his eyes widen in realization. “After I escaped those demons… it was you, wasn’t it? I felt as though I would lose my mind until you sat on my shoulder.”
You couldn’t help but smile as the true events of that incident became clear to him. “Yes, I possess the ability to soothe the mind, a gift granted to me by my teacher herself. I have been watching over you since the day you embarked on your journey.” As your eyes trail over to the imprisoned demon by your side, your kind smile quickly became sour. “Originally, it was my intent to observe your pilgrimage in silence.”
At the monkey’s snicker, your brow quickly twitched.
“However, I can confirm that there is no need for suspicion. For reasons unbeknownst to me, Guan Yin has called upon this demon to be your disciple.” You turn away quickly from the simian, instead providing his master with your upmost attention.
That, however, wasn’t enough to stop Sun Wukong from jutting into the conversation with an offended scoff. “Unbeknownst? I know exactly why she chose me, I’m the Handsome Monkey King! Nobody will ever come close to my master with me around!”
“Yes. I’m sure.” You grit your teeth in blatant annoyance as you attempt to retain your smile. No matter how much he got on your nerves, you had to be on your best behaviour.
But if he sounds this arrogant under a mountain, how much worse will he be once he’s free?
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nicosraf · 1 year
hey! just finished abm and it was a great read. i was wondering though, about the plot-choice to make god a perpetrator of ass*ult. do u think it would have been less impactful if instead, god sent others to enact this “punishment” on lucifer instead? or if lucifer were to develop a hatred of god by himself without the ass*ult being written in? i suppose i just find it an interesting decision to see god take such a direct approach, especially when we see that he has normally taken a more indirect seat when it comes to warnings (like the parable of the doves), and normally has his archangels carry out his will. i guess what im trying to say is it’s difficult for me to see god characterized as a perpetrator just bc he seems less hands-on and more like a spectator/moderator for most issues. nevertheless, abm is a wonderful read! the way u write language is like the way mantis shrimp see color
Hello! First I have to mention that my anxiety immediately spiked at this because — especially post-Booktok — I've had to deal with very invasive DMs from strangers demanding an explanation from me for what you mentioned and, really, for everything sexual in the book. I've gotten used to just not answering now — I've made the mistake of thinking people are just curious before they start trying to argue with me (and become even more invasive about me/my-sexuality/traumas/etc)
That said, I think you are approaching me sincerely, so I can talk about it below the cut. It's a bit heavy so CW for SA. I'm sorry if my answer feels jumbled.
I mentioned that I basically got inspiration for how the tragedy of Lucifer would unfold from Ezekiel 16 — in which God grooms (in a very literal way) the personified Jerusalem until she is "old enough for love." God dresses her in all the finest jewelry and ensures she has the best food. Jerusalem is so beautiful that she became famous among all the nations, and God marries her. But then Jerusalem begins to put her faith in her beauty instead; she becomes a "prostitute" unfaithful to God. God threatens sexual violence:
I will gather them against you from all around, and I will strip you naked in front of them so they can see your nakedness. 38 I will punish you as women guilty of adultery or as murderers are punished. I will put you to death because I am angry and jealous. 39 I will also hand you over to your lovers. They will tear down your places of worship and destroy other places where you worship gods. They will tear off your clothes and take away your jewelry, leaving you naked and bare. 40 They will bring a crowd against you to throw stones at you and to cut you into pieces with their swords. (Ezekiel 16 NLT)
And he threatens Jerusalem for similarly in Jeremiah 13, this time even calling out her pride (some line earlier) in specific:
Will not pain grip you like that of a woman in labor? 22 And if you ask yourself, “Why has this happened to me?”— it is because of your many sins that your skirts have been torn off and your body mistreated. (Jeremiah 13 NIV)
And right below, God uses a very direct threat:
“I will scatter you like chaff driven by the desert wind. 25 This is your lot, the portion I have decreed for you,” declares the Lord, “because you have forgotten me and trusted in false gods. 26 I will pull up your skirts over your face that your shame may be seen— 27 your adulteries and lustful neighings, your shameless prostitution!
(You might notice these lines sound similar to those in ABM. That's very intentional. I modified them.)
But it is much deeper than that, of course. And you asked why God does it, rather than order someone else to do it.
For story reasons, I briefly considered God forcing Michael to do it, but that would be too forgivable. I would be taking away Michael's responsibility; in the future, Lucifer could realize Michael was forced to do what he did and they live happily ever after. That's not what I wanted. I also considered God ordering other angels to do it, but there was an obvious predator relationship from the start between him and Lucifer, and so it made less sense for other angels to do it. And, I didn't want the other angels to understand what happened to Lucifer, absolutely nobody.
It's really Lucifer's alienation that pushes him over the edge.
After all, he doesn't start the war after the incident. He grieves, then he returns to life. (The scene with Dina). It was the same thing he did when he lost his voice, and after getting it back. he begins to realize this is different. But, really, Lucifer was already resentful before the incident. In the lead up, before the chasing, Lucifer is talking bad about God is his head, he's talking back. He's furious at him already; if God hadn't done what he did, Lucifer would have started fully hating him over time and, most likely, after sleeping with Michael.
The SA is mostly unnecessary to Lucifer's development into hating God, except in modifying the hate and tying in the core inner struggles of the book. The scene's existence is more thematic.
ABM is a story about bodies, about body hate, and body autonomy. Lucifer has his autonomy denied over and over in the book; God says that he owns Lucifer's body because he created it. I'm referencing 1 Corinthians 6 with that:
All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. (1 Corinthians 6 NIV)
(Relevantly, this chapter also mentions that homosexuality is wrong. And it also states how we should become one with God in a way parallel to becoming one with another person through sex: "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.")
So when God does what he does, he violates Lucifer's autonomy and his body. It's not just a statement about Lucifer's body belonging to him (the body that Lucifer has struggled for so long to find comfort in), it's a way of showing that Lucifer has no escape. When Lucifer ran, God warped the world around them so that Lucifer kept returning to him. Everything on the outside was God, and then...
It's a punishment against promiscuity. Lucifer was growing into his sexuality. He was like an adolescent. He was flirting with the angels in the baths. He was learning to be sensual and to enjoy it. Punishing promiscuity with SA is incredibly Christian; it's what God does in the excerpts I shared above.
It's allegorical to Christian authority figures who've taken advantage of young people, particulalry very vulnerable people.
It's about screaming how violating the Christian God's actions have always felt. He's in your head, he owns your body, he is everything. He is allowing horrible things to happen to you. He is the thing hurting you. But he loves you. But he is watching you and ensuring you stay pure.
It's attached to this theme of a lonely God at the center of it all, so lonely he made a universe where all these things have to love him and adore him and gush about him. So lonely he made Lucifer, who is as close as he can get to an equal, which God neither wants nor believes he can create. But he wants something almost like him. Almost.
So — in most ways the SA is mostly metaphorical. The point is about domination and bodies, rather than God experiencing real desire or the SA just being a Bad thing that happens. And, if it helps, I don't imagine it to have been... normal. God is never described. He might not be human shaped (I don't imagine that he is).
Agh I'm ranting too much now, but this might be the last time I really talk about it. Despite all these things (and I didn't even mention everything), it's at its core a personal book about personal things, and talking about it can get difficult without getting worked up.
But I'll mention this was one of the big decisions I made when I stepped away from traditional publishing for the first time. In the original version of ABM, the SA was actually so subtle that only 1 beta reader caught it. But I didn't want to be a coward.
Thank you so much for reading. I'm really glad you enjoyed. Thank you for asking respectfully! I'm sending you good wishes. And I will think of shrimp mantis colors forever
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anouri · 2 years
hey! im kinda into marauders but i don't interact with a lot of the fandom besides reading fics--if you're comfortable, could you elaborate about whatever unnecessary hate writers have been receiving? /nf np
hey anon! firstly, i recently reblogged (tagged under 'to reference' but it's right before me answering this ask too) an entire masters thesis that is highly relevant and likely more articulate than i could ever explain this topic. i've only gotten the chance to skim it, but it seems like a good jumping off point for discussing this topic.
secondly, i am very much not an authority on this. i've thankfully not been subject to the hate that others have, so none of this is firsthand accounts, i've only been witnessing this happen to other people
thirdly, other people have articulated similar topics prior to this, some of which have been firsthand victims to the hate. i'm not going to point them out or tag them directly on this post because i don't feel comfortable just sending an anon that may potentially be hostile toward them (of course, you seem lovely and asked your question very nicely, i just like to err on the side of caution), but if you are truly curious you can put the effort into scrolling back on my page and you'll likely see that i've reblogged some of these takes
ok. so after i said all of that, this is what i personally have gathered: readers of fics have essentially been harassing writers for a whole myriad of reasons, but the primary one i've seen crop up is that the reader doesn't like something that the writer included in their fic, whether it be a ship or the subject matter of the fic. the thing is, in these instances that i've seen, the fics have been properly tagged most, if not all, of the time, meaning that the reader went into the experience knowing it would take place. for example, readers clicking on a fic tagged 'Angst', then complaining that it is too angsty. or clicking on a 'Dead Dove: Do Not Eat' fic with 'Murder' tagged and the Graphic Violence archive warning, then harass the writer for including such horrific violent acts in their fics. which is madness. this is reaction seems to be particularly popular with fics that revolve around subject matters that one might see as morally reprehensible in real life
essentially, it comes down to people not wanting negative experiences or morally reprehensible things to be depicted in fics; they see that this is being written about, and they attack the author for being a horrible person and for condoning these things. i'm sure this thought process derives from a multitude of things, but it's absolutely puritanical. fiction is meant to depict the entire range of the human condition, including the horrid. if you (general you, not you, anon) don't want to read about these things, then you can exclude these tags from your fic search.
but the thing is, this isn't just people reading something and attacking. it seems to me as though people will see a tag or relationship they don't like and attack the author based on those, even without reading the fic.
which is why i think that everyone needs to repeat to themselves "depiction =/= endorsement" until they can get it through their skulls. people who are attacking fic writers for depicting something, and therefore being horrible people for 'agreeing' with that thing only serves to show how this generation's ability to separate underlying narrative and the obvious plot is feeble at best. horror movie directors aren't being targeted because they've depicted something horrid, no one is telling off the writers of american horror story for having lady gaga and matt bomer murder a slew of people and drink their blood in a weird orgy thing, but we're going to attack fic writers for similar (sometimes even more innocuous) things?? make it make sense.
their line of thinking reminds me of how there are some books banned in more conservative schools in the united states, simply for their political nature or for depicting homosexuality or 'untraditional' relationships. it's just-- i don't understand why they think censoring is a good thing. we don't need censorship, because censorship can always be turned around to yanking away depictions of things that are truly morally neutral (queer relationships, for example) simply because a small subset of the population believes it to be reprehensible
there's also the whole drama of the complicated nature of having underage characters (often in canon-compliant marauders fics, i think) having sex and/or age gap relationships, and people being riled up about that. i really don't feel like getting into it, but i'll just say this: we don't see people chiding tv shows for depicting teens having sex, so i don't know where this double standard has come from (it's funny bc i think the people attacking are probably fans of call me by your name. i need them to think about that for longer than 10 seconds)
in the end, none of this should matter anyway, because fic writers should be writing the fics for themselves not for the readers to consume. but the readers that are perpetuating this hatred don't seem capable of understanding that this is the case
and now i'm realising how much i've word vomited. sorry anon, you unlocked the floodgates on accident. but i hope this explained at least some of it, from my perspective. other people will likely have different perspectives on the subject as a whole
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konigsblog · 8 months
I need more rapist!König :(
After the livestream, what would he do to reader?? Im so curious :((
rapist-könig thots™️...
cw: non-con, kidnapping, rapist-könig, manipulation. dead dove: do not eat. mdni, 18+.
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rapist-könig tries to convince you that it's alright, that you're doing him a favour by staying obedient and meek, that there's no need to be so whiney and hurt. könig is too far gone to realise the effects he has on you, how much he's hurting his poor beloved. he's narcissistic; he cares for nobody, but himself. having a god complex doesn't help either; he believes he should have the right to do whatever he pleases, that he's the standard and the epitome of perfection, that nobody should hold him back from acting out on his depraved fantasies. the praise and encouragement from the deranger losers watching his stream only fuels his desire to continue assaulting you.
könig has your body chained to the metal table, hole leaking with crimson and thick cum oozing from your sweet, slick cunt. your entire body is coated in a thin layer of sweat, the smell of his musk sticking to your body, his touch staining your skin, hands stained with his sins, getting chills every time he runs his fingertips down your thighs. he heaves, finishing the live stream, gazing down at your bloodied, bruised and traumatised body, shaking and trembling, all while you sob pathetically. you can't defend yourself, especially when your wrists and ankles and pinned down, your hair sweaty and your head pounding with a migraine, the dim light above you only causing your headache to worsen.
rapist-könig may be nice. perhaps he'll let you go, traumatised for an eternity from what just happened, or maybe he'll just have to keep you captive. i mean, everyone watching that stream adored you; the sounds of your screams and wails and how you quickly became obedient when you realised this was all being recorded for sick and deranged perverts to see.
he runs a bath for you, the basement bathroom is old and worn down, the tension in the air thick, and your cheeks stained with your tears. könig won't allow you to make a sound, he'll shame you for crying, make you seem pathetic while smacking you across the face harshly when you begin hyperventilating from being so overwhelmed. you should be lucky he even looked your way...
his large hand grasps at a washcloth, washing down your body, replacing the cloth with his bare, calloused and filthy hands when he gets lower, hand moving between your thighs and fingers sinking inside your raw hole, clit swelling at his touch.
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leviathanspain · 3 years
I loved the seven evil exes !! ‘M kinda curious as to what happens when all 7 meet face to face- it would be a train wreck.. - :[ anon
seven evil exes: reunited
frank castle x reader, matt murdock x reader, pietro maximoff x reader, loki x reader, druig x reader, tony stark x reader, doctor strange x reader
synopsis: your hospital stay pulls out all of your doting exes from the shadows, and a large argument insues with threats of flying limbs and stabbings with spoons
“im fine, nat.” you moved from her reach as she tried to brush your hair over your stitches. you noticed that she had been tidying the room up and cleaning you up, even painting your toes which she must’ve done while you were unconscious because otherwise she would’ve never been able to hold you down.
“what’s going on?” you asked her as you saw an approaching figure that dawned a green cape with a large horned golden helmet that seemed all too familiar-
“natasha!” you yelled as the door swung open to reveal loki, standing before you with a frown of worry.
“my dove-“ he walked over to you and fussed, examining your injuries. you had a broken arm, fractures in your legs and a concussion that had taken you out for days.
“loki. what are you doing here?” you glared daggers at natasha who was stuffing the makeup brushes into her bag. natasha looked up and raised an eyebrow, “oh! i didn’t call him..”
you felt like you got slapped across the face, besides that, the drugs were working.
“well then..who did you call?”
natasha looked past you and towards the window to see a specific blind lawyer and a well dressed tony stark, behind each other and both unaware of the other as they rushed to your room.
“no!” you shoved loki off and tried to stand up, clawing at the wheels of your bed as you collapsed on the floor. you groaned, and loki tried to help you up.
“y/n!” a portal opened up from under you and suddenly stephen strange was holding you by the waist and pushing you back up onto the bed.
“goddamnit!” you felt defeated as the pain hit you like a shock wire. stephen chided you as he let you brace yourself on him. loki had stepped back to stare at stephen.
“what are you doing on her-“ he began but you waved a hand to shut him up.
just as you had finally gotten back onto the bed, matt who had been using his cane the entire time to make it seem like he was just your average blind lawyer, threw the cane onto the chair near the door and stepped up to the side without loki and stephen, who were both giving each other the most menacing glare.
“y/n? are you alright? i could hear your heart beat from the parking lot and it was thumping incredibly loud, like you’re scared or something-“ matt rambled on, his voice shaky.
“what in the fuck is this? disneyland?” tony strode into the room and took his sunglasses off as he glared at you. you looked at him in disbelief, “whatever head game you played on me, wore off. i remember everything now.”
you swallowed nervously as tony stayed in his place by the door, “we got the three blind mice,” he looked over at matt and smirked, “who was actually believable to be blind-“
“i am.” matt piped up but you squeezed his hand.
“reindeer games who if i last remember,” tony gave you a glance, “had faked his death and ran off into the distance.”
“clearly you needed to be caught up.” loki remarked.
“and then we have stephen, who out of this bunch, including my dashing self, seems to be the most normal.”
“can i add myself to that equation too?” pietro had appeared into the room and you wanted to at that moment, literally jump off a cliff. as you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it was.
natasha stepped up from the background and peered behind matt, “this is the one i actually called. for being fast, you got here pretty late!” she scolded pietro and he shrugged, “i was doing some decorating for when she comes home.”
you rolled your eyes, “jesus christ.”
matt nudged you, “hey.” he chided and you waved a hand.
“so who’s actually the boyfriend?“ tony asked as he and the men just stood in place around your bed. any other situation, this many men surrounding you would’ve been the perfect wet dream, but considering it wasn’t dream, you made it to be your worst nightmare.
they all looked at each other before a collective, “me.”
“so leaving brazil lands you in a hospital bed?” another voice spoke from behind the men and you looked up to see the familiar gaze of druig.
“please, no more of you guys.” in the back of your mind you thought of your worst ex and how he would literally have a field day of your embarrassment, and you just prayed he wouldn’t show.
“there’s more of us?” stephen raised his eyebrows and you tugged on a robe, “you’ve been the most recent, so no.”
he nodded intently and looked to druig, “well, welcome to the “we’ve fucked y/n” club.” he gave a fake smile and druig glared at him, “speaking of her so disrespectfully is making me want to reject that invitation.”
you shrugged, “i don’t mind.”
“of course you don’t, draga.” pietro patted your head and you winced lightly.
“watch it. my dove doesn’t need to be dealing with this. asgard has all you need if you just come wit-“ loki was cut off by the stomping of large and familiar boots coming from the corridor.
“where is she?!” a shout rose from the hallway and all the men raised their eyebrows in surprise to see a scary looking man, shouting to find you.
if you could, you would’ve grabbed the pillow and tried to put yourself into a coma.
“this is just great.” you spoke.
frank looked at all the men in the room and laughed, “look at all of you. a circus of freaks.” he laughed again, “hey red, how’s life looking?” he teased matt who sat uncomfortable in his chair, “bleak.” he said bluntly and you could tell by his body language that matt wasn’t aware of you and frank castle.
“wow.” was all natasha said to break the silence. the men were now fully surrounding you in a circle. and you never wanted to hide your face more than this moment.
“i cannot believe you slept with tony stark.” pietro spoke.
“i cannot believe you actually care-“ tony defended himself and a mountain of voices created an argument and you yelled to get their attention.
“can everyone just stop?!” they all turned to look at you and you sighed, “loki. please leave, it’s been so long i don’t even think you had anything better to do today than to visit me. go beg for leadership elsewhere.” you waved a hand and before he could protest, loki was faded out.
“whoa.” was all that druig said as he looked at you, “and you.” you now fixated on him, “youre psychotic. get help.” druig scoffed and you waved him away.
“tony, god you embarrass me. literally get out of my room.” tony began to protest but you waved a hand, but you paused briefly, “remember that snitches get stitches.” and he faded out.
“we’ll talk later, i cant leave the sanctum alone for long.” stephen saw himself out with a portal and you turned to natasha and held a hand out, “exactly what i mean.”
natasha stifled a laugh. and then you were down to the remaining three men.
“you guys are kind of my favorites, the drugs will have me admit that.” the three men looked at each other and shrugged.
“pietro, you can take me home, just please go make yourself busy until nat gets me discharged.” pietro nodded a sped away.
matt turned to you as pietro left, “what’s left for me? ‘i hate blind guys so give me your cane so you can stumble out of here?’”
you laughed and nudged him, “of course not. im taking your glasses too.”
matt laughed and you smiled for a brief moment, forgetting of the looming figure standing near the sink.
“matthew, im really mad over how we left things, i would love to talk more but i don’t think this is the right setting.” matt nodded, “i understand. you know hell’s kitchen will always be your home.” he stood up and kissed your forehead.
he walked out and now you were left with the final man.
“frank.” you held your arms out to the marine who walked to hold you in his embrace.
“i missed you so much but you picked the worst time to see me.”
“worst time? my girl’s in the hospital having an argument with every one of her ex boyfriends and you say that’s a bad time? this was entertaining!” he laughed and you rolled your eyes, “whatever. just promise me that you’ll check in?”
frank nodded, kissing your cheek as he shoved a hat over his face, “yes ma’am.”
hours later and sleep came so easily as you you asked for it. pietro remained the only ex you kept around just for the sake of him scratching that itch every so often while being free of the responsibility that came with it.
but you decided to move back to hell’s kitchen to be closer to matt and frank, you saw a future with either of them.
but for now, you were tucked into your bed as you admired the basket of gifts sent by your lovers, natasha stealing the candy from every single one of them.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
you said to let you tell us things about priscilla!reader x austin soooo - is there anything you want to share or talk about regarding them?? any hcs you’re dying to share??? im all ears!!
please blame this on me finally listening to the podcast where austin is talking about pounding a vanilla pod and stuff. i really would like him to make me grilled white peaches. but also i'd love to be on a baz luhrmann set now like the wrap party sounds like my actual dream. manifesting that shit for my future tbh. also tw: daddy kink, angst, the usual. ( also in case anyone is curious, i am toying with the possibility of the end of this blurb being canon proper for this series. )
i never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love
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so consider. there was a wrap party at baz's house after filming was one. in one world it happens the day of/the night of and it is the last bit of happiness austin and you end up having until- well until everything gets fixed. it's filled with oysters and dancing and swimming in the ocean with baz and watching the sunrise and murmurs of "you're my forever, austin. i can feel it." and "i'm gonna marry you, little dove. when we get back to the states i'll ask you, alright?" "you don't know if i'll say yes." "don't i though?"
but austin gets sick right after and calls you 'cilla and you find the onesie and the ring and you cry so hard you swear your eyes are going to forget what it's like to not be swollen. he tries to break out of the hospital when he realizes how bad you're crying because something has to be so very very wrong if his dove is crying like that. you never cry like that.
"it's fine, daddy." you hiccup. "i'm fine, austin."
"you're not, dove, you're not. tell me what's wrong, i'll- i need to fix it. they can let me out. i'll demand they let me out."
you so rarely call him austin any more unless you were on set or if you were saying something that mattered to you. something is wrong and he knows it but the haze of the pain medication makes him forget any clarity he has about it. and doesn't that start the whole thing?
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but consider in another time and another place, maybe it's the real actual thing. the wrap party happens after austin gets sick because it was like the movie itself was holding him up up up and now he's got to crash down down down.
everything stays the same, you find the onesie and the ring and you cry and he calls you 'cilla and birdie and it's a mess. you don't break up with him just yet. you need to ask him what's going on but then baz is talking a wrap party and all you want to do is sleep with austin and maybe ask him why he called you 'cilla, maybe fix this ache that you have in your chest at the idea that he doesn't love you and that he loves the idea of someone you've crafted in your head. perfect for austin's elvis but not for austin the almost 30 year old from california.
but austin is dragging you out and baz is saying nessun dorma and so you go. you act like nothing is wrong and austin thinks nothing is wrong and everything is fine. you dance and you eat oysters and you go out to the ocean to watch the sunrise with baz and baz goes to the shore to enlighten austin on nessun dorma.
"i'm going to marry you, darling." he says looking at the way the light hits your hair.
"no, i mean it. i never- i never really wanted to marry vanessa, she wanted it too early and it scared me so much i didn't- i never thought about it honestly with her. but i can't-" he pauses and pulls you closer to him. "i can't picture a life without you in it. not any more. i want you in my life."
it makes you skin crawl but your body feel warm in ways you haven't felt since- maybe since pere told you he'd still remain your friend or when- maybe you don't actually ever remember feeling this way. it makes you pause and think about your next words.
"you're going to have to." you whisper, kissing his neck knowing this will be the last time you can.
"what, little dove?" he forces you to pull away from his neck. "what does that mean, y/n?"
"you know what it means, dad- austin." you stop yourself from calling him daddy. "we've- you literally called me little dove before you said my name."
"because you're my-" you stop him.
"you had to think about what my name was, didn't you? i can't be with someone who has to think of what my name is because you're so used to a nickname- a title." you're pulling away fully now, heading back to the shore because this is too much for you. his face is contorted into a look of anguish you want to kiss away but you know you can't, that you shouldn't.
"no! where is this coming from? we were fine-" you both are swimming back to the shore him chasing after you and you just trying to put some distance between you like that first chemistry test.
you're finally on the beach again and baz is playing the opera like he's john cusack in say anything and you and austin have to pretend nothing is wrong in front of him. both of you having to pretend the tears in your eyes are the ocean water versus anything else.
austin pulls you close to him as you both go inside. "we'll- can we talk about this later? please?"
you should say no, you should tell him there's nothing to talk about and that your decision is final, you're breaking up with him, your flight is already booked but- you're selfish. you're young and selfish and you never wanted anything more than you've wanted to be austin's dove. so you lie.
you lie and lie and lie until you're curled up in his arms and maybe he thinks he fixed it. that you'll be fine. or maybe he lies to himself and knows he hasn't but he'll take this morning with you before you do whatever it is you plan.
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kindlespice · 2 years
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you know what time it is... 
there’s some reshade questions, some wcifs, so if you asked me a question sometime in the last few months while i was awol it’s probably in here! 
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@awkwardwhims​​ :  Hello! I recently downloaded your original dove reshade (not the 2.0 version) & I was just curious which setting would I adjust for the opacity on the UI? I love the effect but I’m not used to that just yet lol. Thanks so much & it’s such a gorgeous reshade!
hi hi! it’s probably the mxao. i would recommend turning it off completely or lowering the “ambient occlusion” amount in the settings to help the opacity
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@candywentmissing​​ :  hi! im a reshade noob and was following ur video tutorial. i got to the part where u say to change "reshade_depth_input_is_reversed" to 0, however i accidentally hit the - button and deleted the section rather than changing the number. even after uninstalling and reinstalling the reshade application and dove 2.0, this section is still missing. do u know at all what i have done or how to fix it? lmao tysm in advance!!
hi hi! don’t worry, it’s a pretty simple fix! just below the minus buttons, there should be a “+” button, click that to add a new field. input the “reshade_depth_input_is_reversed" back on the left side, then the 0 on the right.
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anon:  hoi hoi, i hope you're doing well! i've been going crazy for the past two hours trying to find these glasses after seeing them on your Dreamland makeup set on Patreon, and then again here on post/630527080084504576/i-made-the-executive-decision-that-in-2027-when-i would you happen to know where i can find them? (:
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hi hi! sorry for driving you crazy, but rest assured i know exactly where to get ‘em!!
pearl glasses <3
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anon:  Hiii!! May I know WCIF Marc’s eyeshadow in the one where he’s with Amelia?
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hey! most of the heavy lifting is actually done by an ea eyeliner (surprising i know) but here’s the eyeshadow:
hadlow <3
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@dbuhamad :  hi so after i downloaded the reshade the whole lot turned into a shadow i was wounding if u know how i can fix it
hi hi! sounds like an mxao problem to me. try disabling it or decreasing the  “ambient occlusion” amount in the settings. also the further you are zoomed out the more intense the shadows are--zooming in should also help.
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anon:   whats your spotify user lol, i go to the 4liens page just to hear the sick playlist
lullabyfish :D
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anon:   hi there!! i was wondering where the earring you used in your fruit basket makeup set were from? (i'm so obsessed with the makeup, its so pretty thank you!)
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hi hi! thanks im glad you like the set!! this took some digging but i gotchu!
peach + heart lollipop  -  starburst // stars  -  heart rhinestone
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anon:  Hi, why does ur CC finds redirect me to a page saying that this page is blocked because of it being a fake page trying to steal information? its weird because all ur other pages work fine (like ask, archive etc)
hi hi! i’m really not sure actually.. it works fine for me but kinda pissed bc it did this a while ago and i re-created the whole blog hoping it would fix itself :/// as far as i know it’s safe (literally just another tumblr blog) sooooo *shrug*
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anon :  Han i turn off edge smoothing (without touching the effects) the outline of texts look grainy and pixelated, and the world map and loading screen is all blurry. turning off SMAA and FXAA makes the text look normal but I have to turn edge smoothing back on in order for the objects to not look grainy. why is this happening?
hi hi! for some reason they don’t really play too well with text idk why. i would suggest maybe disabling smaa but keeping fxaa on? that seems to clean up the text a bit while still keeping some smoothing. theoretically, you could use the game’s edge smoothing instead, but i think that disables mxao and/or the dof--if you can live without those though it should be fine
also the blurry maps and loading screens is probably bc of the depthhaze or dof shader, try disabling them!
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fatehbaz · 3 years
hi maybe you’ve written about this before but i’m working for someone who is part of the ecological landscape alliance and we’ve been having big talks about the concept of “invasive” species vs “native” plants and how the concept is rooted in xenophobia, and also talking about how maybe invasive plants aren’t that bad?? this goes against everything i’ve ever heard anyone talk about invasive species but i really don’t know all that much about it. sounds silly maybe coming from a farmer but i really don’t have a super firm ecological understanding, most of my plant knowledge is agricultural based and im really curious to learn more and was hoping you could point me in the right direction?
Yes, I definitely run into this disk horse all the time. Especially the “maybe invasive plants aren’t that bad” discussion. It seems the native/alien stuff is most often mentioned in disk horse about the Anthropocene. Basically, you’ll sometimes see statements like: “Is anything really natural in the Anthropocene?” I have also seen, and spent a lot of time contemplating, how belief in the categories of “natural” and “alien/invasive” in discussion of ecology might be rooted in or at least inadvertently support racism/xenophobia.
But I am still wary of the “native vs alien” and “no creature or landscape is really natural, not any more” disk horse, at least as explored by some white/settler-colonial academics, for exactly the same reasons: because it might be rooted in or support racism/xenophobia. Because the proposal that “nothing is native, nothing is invasive” itself can actually engage in a sort of “settler absolution” that obscures how there really is a contrast between imperial and Indigenous peoples, and the “nothing is natural, nothing is invasive” proposal could excuse the colonial/imperial introduction and expansion of monoculture by accepting the spread of industry/agriculture/non-native species as an inevitability. And these concepts can actually work to generalize conditions of ecological degradation and apocalypse, as if to say that “all humans now live in such a damaged world, we’re all victims” (even though many non-white, especially Indigenous, people actually bear most of the violence and burden of living in “post-apocalyptic” ecologies.)
But actually, I don’t think I can be too helpful here.
I still have a lot of contemplating to do, about how categories of natural/invasive in ecology might support the violence of categorizing people as natural/invasive. Don’t really know where I stand yet, y’know? So I don’t want to be too quick to come to a conclusion. I don’t even really want to offer opinions here. That said, I am very sensitive to language, and the language that I use. So I do appreciate that there is an effort to interrogate the negative consequences of describing things with words like “alien”. Also, the categorizing of lifeforms is and always has been a mess.
I don’t have many reading recommendations. The “native vs alien” and “nothing is really native, actually” proposals are concepts that I brush up against but don’t read too deeply into, even though this disk horse has been popular-ish in dark ecology and academic ecology/environmental studies circles for at least 10 years or more by now.
I guess, for my thoughts on native vs alien, what counts as “natural”, invasive species, and how the disk horse can excuse settler-colonial/imperial racism, I would point to this post I made about Pablo Escobar’s feral hippopotamuses in Colombia.
One introduction to the concept, which I think is an enjoyable read (though I don’t necessarily agree with all of his implications), is this essay by Hugo Reinert about the category of “natural” and the “purity” of a species: “Requiem for a Junk-Bird: Violence, Purity and the Wild.” Cultural Studies Review. 2019.
Anna Boswell’s very famous article about stoats and non-native species in Aotearoa kind of dances around this same issue of naturalness: “Settler Sanctuaries and the Stoat-Free State.” Animal Studies Journal. 2017.
Generally, I agree with the implication that there is no “remote” or untouched corner of the planet where ecology has escaped human influence.
On that aspect, here’s a post I made about “planetary urbanization”.
But the native/alien disk horse can be extended to problematique degrees, with proposals that sometimes remind me of sci-fi goofiness, like fans of dark ecology or weird fiction or Mieville/Van der Meer got a little too excited about “the boundary between human and other-than-human has become so blurred that there may as well no longer be distinctions between native species and invasive species”, like they got a little too drunk on theory and just decided that “everything is in flux!”. Criticisms, then, of the “nothing is native” disk horse include how this oversimiplifies ecology and might enable/excuse settler-colonial invasion.
A lot of the “invasive plants are good, actually!” disk horse I’ve seen shows up in Australian literature written by settler scholars, which might be pretty telling.
Basically, it seems some scholars will take Alfred Crosby’s “neo-Europe” and “ecological imperialism” concepts, and then say something like “look, the damage is done, so much of Earth’s soils/landscapes are altered by introduced plants that we may as well accept it as the new baseline/normal ecology, and work from there.” As if to point at how North America has been entirely overrun by non-native earthworms and then to say “well, the worms are going to inevitably destroy hardwoods forests, soils of the Great Lakes region, the boreal-temperate transition zone, and maple trees which supply place-based maple syrup foodsheds, so we may as well accept that we live in a damaged world.”
I don’t know if I’m entirely satisfied with this.
Other related concepts brought up in the same  discussion of “nothing is really native” might include “invasion biology” and “assisted migration.” I see these concepts brought up in academic writing from the University of California system, Australia, Aotearoa/New Zealand, and “environmental humanities” generally. Basically, these writers/scholars will point to the past ten thousand-ish years of the Holocene, and how humans have had such profound influence on global ecology that “introduction of non-native species” and “mass-scale anthropogenic climate/ecological change” are not just recent developments since Industrial Revolution or Indus/Yellow/Mesopotamian statecraft, but even older. For example, I’ve talked a lot about how, in the Late Pleistocene or early Holocene, the Asiatic steppes and parts of the Great Plains could have apparently been more like intermittent woodlands before humans engaged in deliberate fire-setting to better target megafauna herds, meaning that the human role in creation of vast “naturally-occurring” grassland regions may be underestimated. This dove-tails with the better-established fact that the forests of Central America and eastern North America in the early Holocene were/are actually more like cultivated food forests managed by Indigenous people.
The argument, then, may also point to yams, sweet potato, and coconut as examples of creatures with what now appear to be “old” and “established” widespread transoceanic distribution ranges which actually may have been introduced via assisted migration by humans.
The argument, basically, says: Well, let’s say hypothetically that humans didn’t play a role in spreading sweet potato or coconut. By chance, if ocean currents “naturally” introduced these species, if these plants “naturally” colonized whatever lands they were swept off towards, doesn’t this mean they could essentially be “natural” to anywhere they might arrive and successfully establish themselves? Therefore, does it really matter if humans helped them get there?
This seems to be related to the “no plants are actually invasive” proposal. As if to say: “If English pasture grasses have successfully reproduced themselves in Patagonia, Aotearoa, South Africa, the Canadian prairies, etc., what does it mean that their migration was assisted by humans?”
But this is where I have reservations: It wasn’t just any humans that “assisted the migration” of monoculture grasses from Europe to the prairies of Turtle Island. It was specific humans, with deliberate intent, upholding specific institutions, protecting their own well-being at the expense of other humans and lifeforms, enacting specific violence against specific victims.
Another aspect of this which I see mentioned often is how early human/Polynesian settlement in Oceania and the South Pacific is an example of how mass anthropogenic ecological change doesn’t always involve statecraft, mass mono/agriculture, and imperialism. Aside from the famous decline of creatures like the moa, Polynesian islands were also home to relict species of large land turtles and ancient terrestrial/semi-arboreal crocodiles until human arrival in recent millennia. Writers will also point to human settlement in the Caribbean, where human arrival coincided with extinction of remnant populations of endemic Pleistocene ground sloths. (This also happened on Mediterranean islands, which hosted endemic species of hippopotamus and goats until recent millennia.)
Again, though, this is where white/settler-colonial academics advocating “nothing is natural” can kind of obscure settler-colonial violence, by pointing to history of anthropogenic environmental change and saying “see, all humans provoke extinction.”
Thus, you’ll see these scholars invoke Anna Tsing or Donna Harraway, referencing the “arts of living on a damaged planet” or “living in post-capitalist ruins.” Essentially, advocates of “nothing is native, any more” might say “we all live in a post-apocalyptic world now, so we should get used to it.”
This, coming from white/settler-colonial academics, sometimes rubs me the wrong way, as if it’s sort of like wish-fulfillment, or “an adventure” for comfortable white academics to engage in low-stakes thought experiments about extinction, naturalness, and apocalypse from which they’re actually largely insulated, at least compared to the poor, non-white, non-academic people who cope with the worst of environmental racism and ecological collapse.
This, again coming from white/settler-colonial academics, is also of course more than a little grating, since it kind of co-opts or culturally appropriates the “Indigenous/Native people actually live in a post-apocalyptic world” concept proposed by Indigenous scholars. It kind of takes from Indigenous/non-white people, and then generalizes the apocalypse as something that all humans now live with in seemingly equal measure, obscuring the fact that many people are actually forced to cope and/or live with more-serious-of-an-apocalypse than others.
At the end of the day: Sure, kudzu or English pasture grasses or coconuts or European earthworms or domesticated cattle might be generalist species which can successfully inhabit landscapes across the planet. So whether humans introduce them via agriculture, or whether they "naturally" expand by some accident or by drifting across ocean currents, they might exist in this strange ontological space between "native" and "alien" which confounds human conceptions of what "belongs"? And this is worth considering! This is good to think about! But there are still, and always have been, those "small" landscapes, those isolated pockets, those relicts and remnants in shaded stream corridors, where small populations of endemic species teeter on the verge, with highly-specialized adaptations to highly-specific microhabitats. You're not going to "assist the migration" of or "accidentally introduce" a cave-obligate salamander from a limestone cavern or a temperate rainforest-dwelling land-slug to a desert biome.
But, again, I still think it is good to stop and ask ourselves whether categories of “natural” and “alien/invasive” in ecology make sense, are outdated, or if they reinforce racism/xenophobia. And, again, I haven’t read enough -- I haven’t grappled with these questions enough -- to have an opinion which I’m comfortable sharing, so I don’t want to discourage this disk horse too much.
Anyway, hope some of this is interesting. Sorry. Again, I don’t really have any good recommendations.
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citadelspires · 3 years
Amphibia Oneshot Thing(I Never Claimed To Be Good At Titles)
I had an idea for a fun little story thing while I was at work over the weekend, and decided to take the time to write it up into this. In all honesty this is ridiculously self indulgent, and I wrote it late at night with no editing, beta reading, or even just looking back over it once I finished. Essentially I wrote this entirely for myself and just threw it on here in the hopes maybe a few other people might enjoy it like I do. That’s all I gotta say up front so just, here you go. (this is a long one so most of the story will be under a cut).
Anne found herself wandering around a lot of parks these days. After all her time inAmphibia sitting around in her house only made her anxious, and the city was just dull. So she would sit in the areas with the most foliage, where it always felt the most comfortable. Like one of her old adventures could come find her any second. Like she could pretend her friends were just around the corner and surely if she waited just one more second Marcy would come tumbling out of those bushes, launching right away into a rambling speech about a new plant she'd found, the perfect mix of adorable passion and somewhat interesting information that would always make Anne smile.
She knew that wasn't going to happen. She'd known and tried to force herself to get used to the idea, but even as her miserable daydream was interrupted by the rustling of the very bushes she'd imagined, she hoped for a second maybe she'd imagined it all. She hadn't of course, and the boy who pushed his way out of the bushes was anything but her Marcy. Even so, he must have noticed her solemn expression, because he immediately walked over to where she sat with a look of concern on his face.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Anne was surprised by the question for a moment, then again, she realized, she probably did look pretty miserable, moping around in the dirt in a random park. She was tempted to give an offhanded reply of dismissal, she was fine and his concern was almost certainly just a polite formality. But she was never good at following through with all that smile and say Im fine stuff.
"I've been better," she sighed.
The boy in front of her frowned, and took a seat beside her.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Anne blinked in surprise, not expecting that reaction. She took a second glance at the kid, wondering what his deal was. He looked a few years younger than her, probably about Sprig's age, dressed for wandering around the woods. He looked like a kid who liked an adventure, maybe that's why Anne felt like she might be able to talk to him. She couldn't say everything of course, god knows she'd need a full time therapist for all her turmoil, but maybe she could simplify it a little bit, dance around the truth slightly. Besides, the more she thought about it the more the idea of talking to a regular kid sounded nice.
"Well," she began, searching for each word and phrase carefully, "a while ago, me and my friends found this weird place. It was scary at first, and I was nervous for a bit, but after a while I grew to love it a lot. I think- I know my friends felt the same. It was a really magical place, but it, uh, well its not around anymore. And I feel like I left a part of myself with it." Anne suddenly became overwhelmingly aware that she had just poured her heart out to a random stranger, and probably sounded insane on top of it, "Ugggh I sound stupid, nevermind kid just ignore me, thanks for trying though."
She started to get up and walk away but the boy jumped up at the same time.
"Wait, hold on. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but from the sound of it, I think I kind of get it. I've got a pretty magical place of my own, I can't imagine loosing it. I know it's not the same but, I could take you there, if that would help?"
Anne turned back to look, not sure why this kid was so eager to help, until she saw the look on his face. He just looked like a kid who wanted to help, just for the sake of being nice. In that moment he reminded her of Sprig again, and she couldn't help it, she laughed.
"Seriously? You don't even know me. You sure?"
The boy shrugged and smiled. "There's lots of cool people I don't know yet. And you seem nice. So," he reached out his hand, "my name's Craig, nice to meet you."
As weird as this was, Anne had seen weirder, so sure, why not. She took the boy's hand.
"Call me Anne."
As they walked Anne started to wonder where this weird kid was taking her. Sure “magical place” in her situation was fairly literal, but she didn’t think she was exactly in the most common position for a kid. Or really for anyone for that matter. Still, the boy seemed pretty excited about it, so she figured she’d give it a shot. Better than moping around in some random bushes all day. Who knows, maybe she could even get her hopes up a little bit there would at least be something cool out there.
‘Something cool’ turned out to be a tree stump. Anne wasn’t sure if the kid was serious or not when they first got to the clearing, but based on the way he jumped up on the tree base and spread his arms wide.
“Welcome to the stump!”
Anne stared at him for a few seconds, not sure how to respond. Before bursting into laughter. She just couldn’t help it. There had been so much buildup, all for, apparently a regular tree stump. Craig crossed his arms and spoke up.
“Hey, I know it doesn’t look like much, but you haven’t seen anything yet, watch this!”
Whatever he was about to do, though, was cut off by a battle cry and a flash of orange hair flying at Anne from the trees. It was pure instinct, really, when Anne dove behind cover of the stump screaming,
“It’s an ambush!”
She realized her mistake a few short seconds later. Ivy Sundew literally could not be here. So, with no small amount of hesitation, she peeked over the edge of the stump to see a small girl pointing a homemade sword at her while trying to cover up a pouting expression. Anne could vaguely make out the girl muttering under her breath about how “noble warriors don’t ‘ambush.’“
“So, uh, are you gonna put the sword down orrr...”
Anne trailed off as the girl gave her a weary glance and muttered something about ‘intruders.’ It was at this point that Craig, who seemed to have tripped and fallen off the stump in the chaos, also poked his head back up and called out,
“Kelsey, wait! She’s with me!”
The short girl’s demeanor changed immediately.
“Oh, cool! Hi Craig, hi new girl, sorry I attacked you, I thought you were a devilish intruder.”
“Don’t worry about it, I get randomly attacked a lot, it happens.”
The girl, Kelsey, apparently, looked over Anne again, a thoughtful expression on her face.
“You do? Do you need a heroic guardian to protect you?”
Well, Anne noted, maybe this girl wasn’t so similar to Ivy after all. Though she still got the feeling the two of them would get along exceptionally well. She gave Kelsey a grateful smile, but shrugged off the offer.
“Nah, I’m good.”
Kelsey nodded, seeming to finally relax, though she did pause for a moment and stare off into the distance, though to Anne it seemed more like she was probably just gazing into the depths of a random tree. She gave Craig a curious look, but he only waved it off, apparently this was just how things worked with Kelsey. Noted. When she came back down to earth Craig was waiting with a question,
“Where’s J.P.?”
“Oh he found a butterfly and then chased it into a mud puddle. It was close though so I went on ahead.” Her tone of voice suddenly changed into a much more dramatic one. “He and I both had our own battles to fight.” Before immediately going back to her normal one. “But he should be right behind me.”
Sure enough it was at  that moment another boy crawled out from the foliage outlining the clearing. This one already in a considerably messier state than either of the kids Anne had met so far. He wandered over to the stump, repeating the tale Kelsey had just told them, this time with a much higher focus on the mud puddle. He didn’t seem to notice Anne at all until she cleared her throat and waved hello. The boy, J.P. she assumed, immediately jumped with an exclamation of surprise.
“Relax J.P. she’s cool.”
Anne was a little pleased to notice this reassurance came from Kelsey this time, and didn’t miss the way Craig nodded in agreement.
“She was off by herself so I thought we could give her a tour of the creek.”
That last bit caught Anne off guard, just a bit. Up till this point she had just been assuming Craig had took her here to see the stump and his friends. She wasn’t sure how much more exciting one creek could be, but after all her time in Amphibia she wasn’t one for making too many assumptions about that kind of thing. Turning her focus back to J.P. she noticed how he looked her up and down with squinted eyes, before seeming to focus on the leaves and sticks that had (again?! seriously?!) gotten tangled in her hair, and nodding sagely.
“Good call Craig! I like her style.”
As J.P. immediately began to inspect the ground for his own leaf, which he immediately deposited snugly in his, much shorter, hair, Craig waved Anne over to the stump, where he’d rolled out a large piece of paper.
“This,” he announced proudly, “is my map of the creek!”
Anne wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but a fully detailed expansive rendition of what must have been a really large area of land, complete with notations of inhabitants, activities, landmarks, and literally anything else one could find to write down, had not been it. She gave a low whistle of appreciation. Man Marcy would’ve loved this.
Craig beamed at her show of awe, allowing himself a pleased, “drew the whole thing myself” before asking, “So, where do you wanna see first?”
After that, Anne was pulled around the creek to all sorts of locations, each one more intricate than the last. There was an entire colony of kids in these woods, a civilization even. Even on Amphibia she had never seen anything quite like it. It was wild, and, kinda cool? The more she saw the more she started to get what Craig meant. The whole place had its own feeling to it that didn’t quite mesh with any of the surrounding area. After a while, she was even able to push (most of) the weight that had been on her shoulders for so long to the back of her mind.
Which wasn’t to say that her time in Amphibia left her completely. In all likelihood it was more inclined to have already made her a primary target for whispers and gossip to all the kids there. Though she never would’ve expected it before she’d gotten flown away from earth so long ago, she was kinda an expert at being in the woods now. Though she did slip up once or twice. For one dangerous moment there she was mortified that everyone would think she was insane when, upon being shown to the trading tree she had casually remarked,
“I don’t see why you need a whole place to trade for snacks when there are so many perfectly good bugs to eat out here.”
In her defense, she also preferred a good bag of chips over tiny dirt critters, but what could she say, she’d gotten used to a lot of weird things. While her immediate first reaction upon the words escaping her mouth had been to play it off as a lame joke(especially considering the way all the kids stared at her, some in horror, some in awe, at least one clearly wondering to themselves why they didn’t think of that first, the clearing totally silent save one kid who apparently didn’t get the memo and loudly exclaimed something Anne thought sounded like “my candy!”) her backup plan ended up being totally unnecessary as J.P. just started laughing, confidently proclaiming,
“I told y’all, she fits right in here”
And sure, maybe that made Anne smile just a little bit.
After that they had a few more people to meet, including a few girls prancing around a big open field, one of whom blushed slightly as she informed J.P. that she liked his leaf, to which J.P. gave a cheerful giggle and a thanks. (Anne considered it one of her foremost signs of character development that she didn’t break out any magazines as soon as they got back to the stump). But eventually things started to wind down, and the trio of friends, along with their new straggler, made it back to the little home base.
Anne took a few minutes to discuss the finer points of exploring woods with Craig, who had been eager to talk about it since they’d gone out earlier, while out of the corner of her eye Anne watched Kelsey do mock battle with an imagined enemy.
“You know, my little brother is much better at this stuff than I am, maybe you’d like to meet him sometime?” Though she’d posed the question to Craig, she didn’t bother to wait for an answer, as she saw Kelsey perform another made up sword move, and something occurred to her. “Hold that thought.”
Walking over to Kelsey, Anne continued to watch her form, confident enough based on where she was swinging and where her eyes were trained on that she had a pretty good idea of what the fake enemy the other girl was fighting might look like. Eventually she offered,
“You’re pretty good, but if you’re fighting something that much bigger than you, you’re gonna want to switch up your strategy a little bit.”
Without waiting for Kelsey’s reaction Anne grabbed a stick off the ground and performed a demonstration of a few moves she’d picked up in Amphibia. Though sword fighting was never something she had expected to be proficient at, she couldn’t deny that at this point she’d picked up a decent amount of skill. Once she’d finished her quick combo demonstration she turned to where Kelsey was standing, a little surprised to see a look of pure awe on the younger girl’s face, before she shouted,
Anne grinned sheepishly at her excitement. “Uhhh, yeah, a little bit I guess?”
She’d barely gotten the words out before Kesley was on her, begging her to show more moves or better yet, spar with her. Anne waited for the tirade of excitement to slow down before smiling and offering,
“Sure I guess I could, but honestly my little sis knows way more about this fighting stuff than I do. If you want someone to practice with she’s your best bet. I could bring her out here some time, if you’d like.”
Kelsey’s excited nodding was interrupted by an instrument Anne couldn’t quite place, and suddenly the smaller girl’s shoulders fell in disappointment, before immediately perking back up again.
“That’s dinner, but you can bring her tomorrow! I’ll see you then!”
She waved goodbye as she rushed off, as did J.P. though with considerably less rushing, leaving just Anne and Craig, who seemed to also be on his way out. Anne figured that was just one more of the natural ways of the creek. As he left, though, Craig paused for a moment.
“I’m not sure where your special place was, but this is a pretty good one for a lot of kids here. I hope you had fun, I know we did. See you around Anne?”
Anne could tell the last bit was phrased as a question, and she paused to think, if only for a moment. Sure this was no Amphibia, and sure a lot of the stuff that had happened since Craig had tumbled out of those bushes was pretty weird. And maybe she did feel a little guilty that she was off playing around while her friends in Amphibia were, well... But still, for the first time since her birthday, Anne had gone one day where she actually felt like the 13 year old kid she was. Sooner or later she could blow their minds with magic powers and frog siblings, but for now, she was just Anne, she was just a kid. She gave a grateful smile.
“See you around, Craig of the Creek.”
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digitalvoidheart · 3 years
Proud indeed...
The black cat is back. Same place same time as always. Ccino figured out why.
Ever since this fluffy black cat appeared at his quaint shop at the boardwalk, he's noticed it avoiding all the cat treats he has offered to it, only giving it a tiny sniff and turning away. Trying to figure out why it refuses to eat was quite a challenge considering he has to run his coffee shop and follow the stray cat. His luck did turn for the better later.
Ever since realising that cats liked to bask in his shop when the weather gets too hot, he replaced the front screen door to have a pet door. It was small enough that during one evening, the little fuzzball came dashing through it, covered in scratches and its fur matted. On the other side through the pet door were a pair of sharp canine jaws snapping uncontrollably to try grab the injured kitty behind boxes. Ccino realised the situation, chasing the dog away before tending to his new visitor.
They were feral at first, not surprising since one of their eye was scratched up and closed to reduce pain. After several minutes of coaxing, sweet words and promises, the teal eyed kitty gave him a chance to tend to his wounds (it was a boy, Ccino found out).
For the next few days, during a visit to the vet, Ccino named the kitty "Night" because of his beautiful black fur. The vet insisted on calling him 'Nightmare' due to his feral nature and resistance against the doctor. Albeit being a stray, his only injuries were his body and right eye now permanently blind. No problems with emaciation or parasites in his luscious fur. It put Ccino on edge but he shrugged it off later.
He then decided to adopt the fuzzy kitty, even going as far as to getting him toys of his own liking and an adorable belled-collar that even Night loved.
Nightmare (Ah-he meant Night. Guess the nickname stuck) didn't usually show affection much, only the occasional twisting around his legs (though it could be mistaken for scenting Ccino as his) and purring whenever Ccino pets him and gives him wet food. Although it came to a halt when Night decided to stop eating again, going out more often than staying indoors at night.
Ccino, with nothing to do at night and having no idea on Night's history, followed him one day without the kitty's knowledge. Night only stopped his journey when he figured out Ccino was following him, returning to the Café only to repeat the next day.
Being extra careful this time, Ccino followed him and surprisingly, he stopped at the empty docks. Thinking he might've been caught again, Ccino decided to walk away. Until sounds of something emerging from the water stole his attention.
A skull, connected to a strong skeletal frame and glowing sanguine tail, looked up at his pet cat. A skeleton mermaid! His cat is friends with a mermaid!
The mermaid's gentle male voice was soothing as it spoke to Night.
"Hello there, beautiful. Been a while, where've you been? What's this? A collar? That's wonderful news! You found an owner!" A soft mewl from Night as he headbutted the outstretched hand of the mer. "Haha. Alright, you've been forgiven. Why are you closing one eye though? Did a bad dog hurt you?" A grumbling purr "That's not good. At least you got an owner. They'll keep you safe. You can come here whenever you want too!"
Ccino wanted to go there, but he didn't want to risk ruining this adorable reunion. He should leave. If Night decides not to return, that'll be alright. Its not like Ccino didn't know how to live without an amazing pet, or emotional support, or-
"Hey! I found your favourite type of fish! The one from that shiny box you gave me! Hang on." A quick dive and an equally speedy return from the red mer scared his kitty. "Pffft, you got scared," a growl emitted from Night. The half skeleton put up his hands defensively, "alright you egotistic and proud cat, you weren't. Don't scratch attack me or no minnow- or whatever the box said this was." He handed out a pile of fresh Minnow to Nightmare before resting his head on his hands on the dock, watching Nightmare eat.
Minnow... That was the flavour of wet food Nightmare preferred. It was funny to think Night brought a can of wet food to the mermaid monster to get more. The cheeky bastard. No wonder he's not slimming down. Though Ccino learned one fact about Night's secret friend. This mermaid knows how to read.
He sighed as Night nudged one back to him "As much as I love to share with you, I already ate. Plus, I prefer Salmon that tiny fry." Night gave him another guttural growl as he scarfed down the fish. "Jeez, fine. I think I should call you Proudy for your demanding nature and anger towards insults." He picked up one fish and swallowed it.
Looking behind at the sea as Night finished the last of the fish, he sighed, "time you go back to your new home, kitten. Your owner must be worried" the red mermaid reminded Night. With a small drop of his tiny head, the mer chuckled lightly, petting Night and taking a look at his belled collar. "Well Night, I'll be waiting as always. Goodbye." And the handsome mer dove back in the ocean.
The next night was the same as the day (or should he say night) before yesterday. Night didn't return. Killer figured that would happen. He guessed he grew too attached with the once stray cat which didn't fear him like the rest, his bravery and pride is one he looks up to greatly.
He shouldn't stay. After all, Night didn't return- maybe might never... Pushing himself off the edge of the docks, he began to leap into the waters.
That is until he heard a little familiar growl.
Turning back, there he was. Little Night. The little adorable kitty cat with an equally adorable backpack. That was new.
"What's this about, little Night?" He chuckled, letting his hand wander and open the little clasp holding the bag close as Night Nuzzled his phalanges. Inside was a rolled up paper, likely a message.
Being a nosey and curious mer, Killer opened it. As he read it, he was surprised the message was for him!
Dear Mermaid,
My name is Ccino (si-seeno? Keeno? Cheeno? Killer didn't know how to pronounce it). I'm Night's owner. Please do not fret. I promise not to tattle of your existence. It is between Night and me and you. I only want to thank you for keeping this kitty safe. I shall leave a special something every night for you under the docks. Please accept my gratitude.
Looking around, he only saw Night standing with a puffed chest like the proud creature he is. No sign of any human or monster in sight. Deciding to humour the message, he dove under the docks. There was a small crevice where rocks resided, on top of them was a platter with circular white balls.
Picking one up, it was kinda squishy. Giving it a sniff proved it was edible from a fresh fish scent. Killer popped it into his mouth and bit into its chewy surface. The burst of flavour was an instant flood of fresh Salmon. He scarfed down the others, loving them just as equally. He made sure to leave one before reuniting at the docks with the pretty black cat. He pushed the white chewy fish ball to his friend, only to be surprised when he nudged it back.
It became a small back and forth game until Night gave his signature growl, stopping the game as Killer took the fish ball and downed it making the kitty relax in satisfaction.
He laughed. "I guess not all landwalkers are bad. I mean you don't look like you lost your spunk at all!" Petting his friend, glad he wasn't abused and became fearful like the rest. No. Night was brave. Tilting his tiny head upwards like a king on his throne to show he isn't and will never be hurt "a proud creature indeed".
Day 2 of Fluffynightkiller week
Did this all mid class and during day 1 so the ending looks very rushed. I apologise if it isn't that nice...
Although since its still mermay, I added a smol story with kitty nm and fishy friend killer! No drawing tho. This was a last second idea. Sorry. ^^"
Fluffynightkiller week by @help-im-a-gay-fish
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checkers-dance · 2 years
anyway after that we ended up talking about nct AND THIS LEADS ME TO THE FICS I WAS GONNA TELL YOU ABOUT BUT FORGOR. anyway, i was telling noxia abt how i remember discourse over the johnny/mark ship because people thought they "acted like brothers." so we ended up watching a video compilation of them (ill admit, i think they're kinda cute, they have this very dudebro x dudebro dynamic that i find really amusing). we read the comments and people are like genuinely terrified of admitting they like the ship its so fucked up 😭
so i got curious. i wanted to know if anyone had taken that idea and played with it. and yeah there were some incest fics IVNFJNJFNV. there was this one where johnny and mark hadn't seen each other and then when mark was asleep Stuff Happened. kinda messed up. and then there was another fic inspired by that one where the same thing thing happened but mark woke up and then they consensually fucked. good for them. im kinda obsessed with that idea ngl VBFJVNFJ.
anyway there was also some incest play so like not actual incest but still fun.
so the first one is this omegaverse fic where johnny goes in a rut at the same time mark goes into heat and bro. BRO. im such a fan of siblings doing stuff impulsively and then regretting it immediately and thats exactly what happened. neither of them were thinking straight so the next day they are both disoriented and confused and they both feel awful ITS SO GOOD, I NEED INCEST WITH GUILT AND COMPLICATED FEELINGS. but the fic hasnt been completed yet, and it was posted last year... im so scared it may never come back. i think im probably gonna dowload it just in case it gets deleted because i would not be able to handle it, im so attached.
AND THEN THE OTHER ONE.... i didnt think i would enjoy it much because it was dadson but bro. the writing is so good and the dynamic is so interesting. so basically mark is johnny's kid except he didnt know because it happened when he was a young teen and the mom never told him and gave up mark for adoption and its only now as an adult that hes making effort to contact his biological parents. (actually they meet when mark is like seventeen but they dont actually start interacting properly until mark is an adult). anyway, his adoptive parents turn out to be shit and they kick mark out because they find out hes gay. and also his ex was a dick and they broke up. he moves in with johnny and bro. they are so sweet. like they have this really interesting dynamic where they have a really cute familiar bond but then they also have a clearly romantic/sexual thing for each other thats also really loving and caring. BUT johnny isnt as happy about it as mark is because he wants mark to have a normal life eventually. but then he also indulges both mark and himself and then pulls away so mark is rlly messed up about it and it all ends up leading to this really bad argument between them. and then when johnny comes home mark is fucking GONE, HE LEFT, AND THERE'S JUST A NOTE TELLING HIM HE'S LEAVING, AND JOHNNY HAS NO IDEA WHERE HE IS. WHEN I TELL YOU I FELT PHYSICAL PAIN READING THAT, I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED AND THEN THIS HAPPENED, NOOOO. AND THATS THE LAST CHAPTER... THE FIC HASNT BEEN FINISHED YET.... IM SO FUCKED UP ABOUT IT.
NOOOOOOO NOT BOTH OF THE FICS BEING UNFINISHED.....AND THE CLIFFHANGER TOO....why are u so unlucky when it comes to this 😭. I hope at least one of them is continued. Also yes, please download the fics, it would be devastating to have a repeat of the jackson/jooheon fic deletion situation
And gjskfksjf, it seems like the discourse over this ship has spawned a lot of fucked up ideas in fic, I love that. The dead dove writers always win in the end <3
But hmmmm....dudebro4dudebro.....I was going to compare them to jookyun but I don't think either jooheon or changkyun can rlly be considered dudebros 😭
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story-thief · 3 years
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Y/N- Age: 16, Hight: 5'5", Gender: female, Quirk: Mind Reading, Class: 1-A
AU- None, Domestic fluff
Relationship background: You and Eijiro have been dating for quite some time now and are extremely close. ___________________________
It was early in the morning and Eijiro Kirishima had decided to go for a short walk before school started. UA was still asleep or just waking up, along with the majority of the city at that time. The red-headed boy couldn't help but hum to himself softly as he wandered the plot around the high school dorms. He liked nature far more than the city, though he loved both, and as such, he liked to take a short lap around the campus before starting his day.
The grass padded gently underfoot as he neared the end of his stroll, and that's when something caught his eye. It was a patch of bright blue and purple flowers covered in a very curious design, Kirishima had never seen anything like them. "Woah!!" He chimed excitedly as he squatted down to give them a closer inspection. The flowers were very extravagant despite their small size, looking as if the worlds most talented and skilled artist had done each one by hand. Seeing them made him think of his girlfriend, (Y/N)!
Kirishima blushed lightly as she came to mind, he'd have to show these to her after school, he was sure she'd love them!!!
Ecstatically, he reached down and gently picked a few, smelling them. They were sweet like fresh fruit. Upon reaching the pavement of the dorm's grounds he soaked in a little more of the morning's crisp atmosphere. As he took a deep breath he was quickly overcome with a strong sensation of vertigo. Stumbling lightly he shook his head briskly, blinking rapidly, surprised by the sudden tiredness. "What the-??" He coughed. What was that!? His body was probably still trying to get up and going, he'd be fine, he thought as he shook it off, flowers still in hand as he marched toward the building doors.
As he walked in, the teen boy felt another strong wave of dizziness and fatigue hit him hard. Geez, why'd he feel so out of sorts all of the sudden he was fine though, right?! Kirishima ignored the sudden change and attempted to keep walking, successfully making it up the stairs and to his room.
Opening the door, he felt unsteady on his feet. The red head made his way over to his bed where he plopped down to stop for a quick breather. What was going on??! Did he just not get enough sleep and it was only just now getting to him??? Gripping his head in his hands, he glanced over at his clock to see how much time he had. It was only 7:20am, he could probably squeeze in another forty-five minutes to an hour with plenty of time to get ready.
Eijiro flopped backwards onto his bed, eye lids getting heavier and heavier till eventually the world went dark.
(Y/N) chirped and talked excitedly with Tsue and Uraraka before class started. It was about five minutes or so till it was time, and it was only then that she realized that Eijiro was no where to be found. "Hey Bakugo!" She called to the grumpy blond who only turned around in his chair to glare back at her. "Have you seen Eijiro at all today??" The young girl asked him, to which he responded curtly, "Tch- How should I know??? The dumb idiot probably missed his stupid alarm." He grumbled, turning away from her to stare straightforward.
(Y/N) furrowed her brows, weird.... he didn't typically cut it this close...something must be wrong. She worried as concern flashed her features. "hmm, I'll be right back!!" She called as she dashed out the door, Iida's protests could be heard as she jogged off.
Quickly pulling herself along, she moved from the school to the dorms; she then made her way to the boy's dorm halls. She swiftly and easily found Kiri's door, her quirk picking up on his brainwaves which were surprisingly relaxed and passive for how outgoing and high energy he was.
Easing his door open, (Y/N) was met by a dark, empty room. Wait- where was he?? "Eijie...????" She called softly, slowly walking in. "Eijiroooooo~~???" She whispered quietly before flicking on the lights.
The room was indeed empty and tidy with the exception of his clothes strewn lazily across his bed. “Weird... where’d he go?!” She wondered aloud, walking further into the room. She could sense him near by, so where was he??? “KIRISHIMA!” She called one last time, causing something to stir.
Motion caught Atashame’s eye and she looked down at the clothes on the bed to see a tiny lump the size of a rat or a mouse moving under the shirt. “WHAT THE-?!”
Kirishima slept peacefully in what felt like a large warm mass of blankets when something woke him. “KIRISHIMA!!!!!” He heard a familiar voice call loudly, startling him awake.
As he opened his eyes and looked around he couldn’t quite make out where he was. All he could see was-.... red cloth? He squirmed around trying to find the opening to whatever or wherever he was. “WHAT THE-?!” He heard the same voice again, only now he was able to recognize who it belonged to. “(Y/N)?!” He asked looking around, still confused as to where on earth he was.
”K-KIRISHIMA?!” He heard her exclaim, “Yeah! Where are you?! Where am I?!” He replied, still crawling through the endless ocean of fabrics. “I-Is that really you?!” She asked again, only confusing him more, why’d she sound so confused, what was going on, AND WHERE ON THIS BLASTED EARTH WAS HE?!
”Yes it’s me!!! (Y/N), what’s going on?!” He yelled, growing weary. Suddenly the fabric opened just enough to pop out his head.
(Y/N) watched in absolute disbelief as the lump crawled around confusedly. It sounded as if it were Eijiro, but how in the galaxy would he have gotten that small??! She couldn’t wait any longer....
She tentatively reached out and opened the shirt from the neck collar, tossing it back a little, still nervous of what she might find. As the shirt fell back, a tiny head with frazzled, staticky red hair popped out.
His little head looked around, blinking in the bright light. “(Y/N)??” He asked again still trying to make out what all he was looking at, his complete size difference making everything seem so foreign.
Things finally registered and (Y/N) finally came to grip that this was indeed, reality. “YOURE SO SMALL!!!!” She cried. Eijiro winced at the loud noise, eyes going wide as he worked to look at her, “WOAH!!! YOURE HUGE!!!” He squeaked back, his voice only slightly softer and higher than normal.
(Y/N) shook her head briskly, “NO, YOU SHRUNK!!!” She exclaimed, gesturing to the rest of the room. Kirishima sat up and looked around, the shirt still draped across him. “WH- YOURE RIGHT?!” He exclaimed, falling back over from the sheer surprise.
(Y/N) reached her hand out in an offering for him to climb on before realizing that-... his clothes were on the bed..... and he was inside of them... which would naturally mean-
“WAIT!!! YOURE WEARING CLOTHES RIGHT?!” She yelled, turning bright red. The little man moved to cover his ears again at her loud yelling before processing what she said. With wide eyes, he quickly looked down at himself which was still covered by the shirt, to see that he was, indeed, naked. “Uh- No not really!!” He admitted, wrapping the shirt tighter around himself, a rose color tinting his cheeks. He looked up at her sheepishly, “Y-you don��t happen to have any kind of tiny clothing... do you?” He asked in embarrassment.
“No, I don- WAIT!!! I MIGHT!!!!” She exclaimed running out of the room, leaving the little red head on the bed.
Aaaaaaaaaand she was gone. Kirishima was left in his room by himself. He stood and began walking around on the mattress, still trying to get a gage at both his current hight and at the reality of the situation. This was a dream right?? What happened?/ He was fine this morning!! As he did, he heard footsteps returning. "CRUD!-" He then dove for the cover of his shirt, his head poking out, just as (Y/N) had left him.
He watched the giantess come skipping in, "Tah-dah!!!!" She exclaimed cheerfully, holding up a doll's outfit. The was a red T-shirt and ripped shorts, along with black leggings that had been cut to create makeshift boxers. Eijiro lit up, surprised she even had the stuff! "Its so manly!!!" he exclaimed happily. "Here!! I'll uh- heh, I'll give you a moment of privacy...." She chuckles, tossing him the clothes and turning around.
The tiny bean of a child takes them gratefully and ducks back under his original clothes to change. He soon comes out fully dressed,  toothy smile and all. "This is awesome!!" He laughs, "O-Oh!! Im decent, you can look now!!" He tells her, signaling her that it was safe.
She turned around and was met by the most gracious darn adorable thing she had ever seen in her life. "AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW!" She couldn't help but squeal at the precious sight. "You're so tiny and cute!!!" (Y/N) giggled hysterically. Eijiro blushed lightly at her reaction. "Hey!!"
What (Y/N) saw before her was truly an image from heaven. There he stood, proud and small, dressed in the clothes her dolls had been wearing previously, hair a fluffy, wacky, tussled mess, sharp, sharky smile shining a bright glow, and best of all, He was so tiny, he could easily fit on her hand, shoulder, pocket, you name it!!! It was simply too much adorableness for her and she could no longer help herself.
She eagerly held out her hands as if asking his permission, to which she was granted as he carefully climbed on, wrapping his minuscule hands around her thumb as she lifted him. "You're so stincon lincon cuuuuuuuuuteeeee~~~~" She giggled, looking him up and down as he sat cross legged on her palm. He blushed more, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!" He laughed. "How did this happen?!" you ask, sitting on his bed where he once stood.
"I- I don't know.... I felt sick at one point so i decided to lie down and get some more rest and well- I only woke up when you came in and I was already small!!" He explained. "Huh-.... Well... you know, Recovery Girl might- OH NO WE'RE LATE FOR CLASS!!!" She cried, standing quickly and knocking him over as he gripped onto her hand for dear life. "Woah!!" He cried, startled by all the sudden movement. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!!" She apologized, “I keep forgetting....” she admitted embarrassedly.
The tiny boy shakily sat up, giving her the same determined smile as his little body quivered from the adrenaline shock. “Don’t worry about me!” He exclaimed hardening himself in her hand as he grinned up at her. The giantess smiled back though she was still very apologetic. "I should still be more careful though, i'm just glad you're alright." She told him with a relieved sigh.
"Let's go see Recovery Girl about this first..." (Y/N) suggested, him only nodding in response. "Here.. Uh..." The girl then began looking herself up and down, trying to find a suitable spot to place him. Kirishima quickly caught on, "I can just ride on your shoulder!!!" He suggested, which she silently hoped he would. "Sure!!" (Y/N) chimed.
She tried the awkward motion of keeping her palm facing up while trying to make it easier for him to get to her shoulder. In short, he almost fell.
Once he was comfortably standing onto her shoulder they headed for the infirmary. "I really hope this can be fixed...." (Y/N) half muttered, slight worry crossing her features. The tiny shark on her shoulders only nodded as she opened the door and walked inside.
The sweet, short old woman known as Recovery Girl was tiding up the place when they came in, possibly after a different patient. "Oh!! Hello (L/N)!" She greeted, "Aren't you supposed to be in class?? What's wrong!!" She asked, apparently not noticing Kirishima's current state.
”I’m fine thanks! Um, I’m actually worried about this little guy....” She chuckled, turning her shoulder more toward the old woman, showing off her minuscule classmate. “Oh!!!” She cried, startled to see him like that. “What ever happened??” She asked the two. “We don’t know.....” “I just woke up like this...” they both commented.
Recovery girl thought for a bit, “Well what did you do in the last bit of time before it happened???” She asked, (Y/N) turning to look at Eijiro best she could whilst he thought. “Well, when I first woke up this morning, I was normal sized and I went for a walk around the campus grounds...” he recounted, “then when I came back to the dorms I suddenly got really dizzy and nauseous.” He finished.
The old woman placed a hand on her chin, “hmmm was there anything out of the ordinary or slightly different as opposed to other days??” She asked, making him think for a minute.
”Not that I remember- Wait!- I think, YES! I remember near the end of my walk there were these flowers!! I’ve never seen them before!” He exclaimed quickly, earning an interested look from Recovery Girl. “Were they blue and purple with little white designs?!” She asks, “YES THEY WERE HOW'D YOU KNOW!?!” “Wait have you dealt with them before?” (Y/N) asked after Kirishima.
The little woman let out a long sigh, “Yes I have, they’re a nuisance those things...” she grumbled, “Eating or inhaling them have the same effect, only eating will cause it to last longer,...” She explained. “And as I’m sure you’ve noticed so far, they make you shrink. The effects will ware off after a little more or less than 24 hours, depending on how much of it you took in, otherwise it can’t be helped.” The woman finished illuminating the situation for them, “I’ll send someone out to exterminate them in a bit.” She says, “For now I believe you two have classes to be attending.” She says, handing them a pass that explains where they’ve been, most likely for Aizawa Sensei. “Oh- ok then!! Thank you!!” They both called as she shooed them out the door.
“Looks like you’ll be like this for the rest of the day!” (Y/N) comments to him as they walk to their home classroom. Kirishima, still smiling ear to ear just shrugs, “I’m honestly excited about it!! Sounds like I’ll be fine, so I think this could be pretty fun!” He tells her to which she snickers, opening the class door. “Heyo! were back!”
Being small wasn’t all that bad! Eijiro got to sit on his girlfriend’s shoulder and desk throughout all the classes and while he didn’t admit this out loud, not having to take notes was actually kinda nice!!! And when lunch rolled around, Lunch Rush even made him a tiny dish just for himself!
Yet despite all this, Hero training classes for that day were called off, much to the little rock’s disappointment, leaving the two of them the entire afternoon.....
“So what do you wanna go do??” Eijiro asked as they flopped on the couches of the common room, little Kiri sprawled on her stomach. (Y/N) shrugged, “Well, before you shrunk I had a date planned for today...” She half asks, looking down at him with a soft smile. Kirishima perked up immediately, “REALLY?! WELL LETS GO!! WHO’S TO SAY WE CANT STILL HAVE FUN!?!?” He yells enthusiastically, standing now as he smashes his little baby fists together. (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh, knocking him off his feet.
Gracious she was beautiful.
And the size difference only seemed to emphasize everything amazing about her despite how people said it typically brought out every imperfection.... maybe that’s what he liked so much about her, that both he and she were so different yet similar, they completed each other in so many ways, every quirk and goofy thing about her just seemed so amazing to him.
Oops!! He must’ve gotten lost in thought!!
”Oh yeah!! Sorry, I spaced off for a minute!” He laughed with a blush, scratching the back of his neck. (Y/N)'s face lit up with a smile, “It’s ok!! Just noticed you seemed somewhere else!” She grinned, sitting up some.
As she offered her hand, the little red head climbed on, beaming up at her. "So where are we going!?" He asked excitedly. "I just guess you'll have to see!!" She teased, slipping her shoes on and jogging out the door with him still on her shoulder, using her ear as support and not fall.
After some nice small talk about random things and the events of the day, they soon arrived at the train station. "Come ooooonnnnnn you've gotta tell me!!! We're going on the train, man!!" The little man begged. "Nooo, That ruins the surprise!!" She responded, determined not to tell, just as much as he was to find out.
Coming to a bench, (Y/N) stopped to sit down and wait for their ride. As they did two little girls and their mother sat beside them.
Kirishima pouted on (Y/N)'s shoulder, trying to plot on how to get her to reveal their destination. As he did it was only out the corner of his eye that he saw a giant hand reaching for him. As he moved to react it wrapped its fingers around his upper half and face. “ACK-?!” He let out a muffled cry as he kicked and pushed at the hand gripping him.
(Y/N) was preoccupied looking up details about her and Eijiro’s date on her phone, which she held next to her hip on the opposite side of Kirishima so he couldn’t see. So much so that she didn’t even notice when the two little girls plucked him up and began playing with him excitedly like they would a doll.
“Alright Eijiro!!!” She chimes, turning off her phone and turing her head expecting to see him on her shoulder only to see a couple of girls practically torturing the poor little guy. “Oh my heavens!!!! Um, you need to give me him back!!!” She told them, reaching for her boyfriend. “No!” One cried, holding him out and away from (Y/N). “Excuse me, Madam???” She panicked and got the attention of the woman who seemed to be absorbed in something on her own device. The woman startled when (Y/N) rapidly tapped her shoulder, “Hi!!! Yeah- um that’s mine and your little girls seem to not want to give it back!!!” She quickly told, terrified they might smother him.
Their mother reacted swiftly, “Lina, Haru!!!” She scolded, “If that’s not yours then you need to give it back!” She chided.
The girls looked down each and apologized, handing the limp little form back to (Y/N). “Thank you!” She said quickly, cupping him tenderly in her hands as he gasped for breath the moment the tiny fingers released.
The mother startled upon seeing that Kirishima was alive and not some other little doll of sorts. “Oh dear me!!!!” She cried, “Is that thing alive?!” She asked in disbelief.
(Y/N) didn’t answer, too occupied in making sure her shrunken boyfriend was alright. “Kiri are you ok?!” She cried, subconsciously holding her breath as he sucked in every possible one he could.
The tiny shark gave a weak smile and a thumbs up, still coughing and choking on each breath.
“I am so sorry!!!!” The mother apologized again, still absolutely dumbfounded. “It’s ok!” Eijiro croaked, “Dont worry about it, I’m fine!!” He added, trying his best to put the giantesses about him at ease.
The little girls just stayed quiet, looking terribly sorry, but too shy and ashamed to say anything.
It was then that their train arrived, quite busily too. “I think he’ll be ok, it my fault for not paying better attention....” (Y/N) reassures, supporting the shakey tiny in her hands as she got up and began heading for the train. “Oh my heavens!!! Are you ok?!” She asked again once they were out of earshot. Eijiro did actually seem alright now and he nodded, “Yeah! Just scared me, I wasn’t expecting that!” He says cheerily despite the fact that his body is still clearly vibrating. “Yeah me neither, and honestly I’m kinda worried about being on here....” (Y/N) admitted as they climbed onto the train and began looking for a seat. “Do you have anywhere safe you’d feel comfortable letting me sit??” Eijiro asked, cocking his little head to the side.
(Y/N) looked herself up and down, “Would you be ok in a pocket??” She asked him, using her thumb of her other hand to pull open one of her front pockets on her pants.
Kirishima lit up and smiled, “Yeah!! I don’t mind that!!!” He chirped. She smiled warmly at this, lowering her hand so he could climb in. She watched with slight amusement as he awkwardly tried to slip inside, swinging one leg, then the other, and completely disappearing from sight as she could feel him drop down inside.
As Eijiro slipped into the pocket he wasn’t honestly expecting such deep pockets, like who needs pockets this big?!
Luckily the pocket was loose and he was able to wiggle around, trying to find how to best be comfortable. It took a while but the mini man finally settled. It was like a giant warm cocoon of blankets!! Enough so.... that.... he began... to......... drift....... off~~.....
"Hey! Kiri!!" Kirishima awoke to something very large nudging his side softly, "Hmm?! Huh???"  He muttered, blinking in confusion as he tried to figure out where he was. He found himself in a warm, dark, and cushioned room that swayed steadily back and forth. And he quite frankly didn't remember entering it... "Eijiro!!" (Y/N)'s voice broke his thoughts, and that's when realization struck him. He had fallen asleep in his girlfriend's pocket on the train. "What??" He asked, squirming to peek his head out the pocket and up at her.
She giggled upon seeing his fluffy little head emerge. "Did you seriously fall asleep??" She laughed, walking through the station as she climbed off the train. "Maybe?" He grinned back up at her, "Wait, wait, give me your hand!!" He cheered, already getting out of the pocket, "Woah!! Geez little dude, are you trying to fall and get crushed!?" The young girl exclaimed, stumbling slightly as she tried to catch him.
Kirishima ignored her question and wasted no time in climbing her arm, pulling himself up to her shoulder. "SO WHERE ARE WE HEADED!?" He eagerly bounced, ecstatic to finally be getting to see what she had in store. (Y/N) couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm.
(Y/N) walked out of the station and down the street, people they passed giving shocked, startled and amazed looks at the enthusiastic little bean that bounced relentlessly on his girlfriend’s shoulder.
As the building came to view, Kirishima let out a gasp. “NO WAY!!!” He cried, his sharky little smile growing wider than his face could handle.
(Y/N) lost herself in laughter over his reaction, the place she had taken him was a new restaurant. It had only been open a week and it already had some of the highest ratings in the area. And best of all, they were famous for their numerous meat dishes. Kirishima had been talking about wanting to go ever since it was announced that one would be built here.
”If you like it enough, we can always come back when your bigger and can eat more!!” She told him, to which he eagerly nodded.
She pressed the door open and walked in. They were then seated at a table for one, in an outside area underneath a covering. “Wow!! This is actually really nice!!” (Y/N) chirped, Kirishima waddling carefully down her arm to sit on the table before slipping and sliding the rest of the way, which he quickly shook off, adding his own excited comment, "I know right!?" He cried, "I've been looking forward to this for a long time!!" He yelled, absolutely hyped, per usual.
Not too long after they had sat down a waiter came over to take their order. "Good evening ma'am, my name is Akio!! I'll be your server tonight!!!" he hummed, giving her a charming smile. Kirishima silently grew jealous, frustrated that his lack of size made him invisible, and therefore his girlfriend a target for this young fellow. (Y/N) on the other hand seemed to pay it no mind, "Ah!! Thank you!!" She responded politely as she would under any occasion, yet it only grew the miniature man's jealousy.
"Are you ready to order or do you need a little longer??" He asked, still very clearly into her. "I think we'll wait a little longer!! For now could I get a water??" she asked. Akio gave her a confused blink when she said 'we' but shook it off, "of course!!" he chimed, moving to walk off before (Y/N) glanced down, "What do you want to drink??" She asked Kirishima, confusing the waiter even further, "I'm sorry me-??" he turned around, seeing that she was not looking at him, but down by her folded arms that rested on the table. And there his eyes met the tiny crimson ones of Eijiro, who gave him a quick look before returning to his bright and happy demeanor and answered the giantess. "Wanna just share a strawberry lemonade?!" he chimed, to which the girl seemed to perk up at, "Oooo!! Actually that sounds great!!" she beamed, turning to face Akio, who was currently in a state of shock.
"I- He- He's alive!?" The server finally sputtered, "And so small!!! How?!" the man couldn't believe what he was looking at, causing (Y/N) to scratch the back of her head, "Right, I forgot that this would still startle people,... I feel bad I've kinda gotten used to you like this..." She laughed to Eijiro who smiled back, "I know right?? Anyways, its a long story!!" He told the waiter who remained starstruck. The man nodded nonetheless, making his way off to go retrieve their drinks.
As soon as he left Kirishima felt better, he didn't like the look he was giving her, but now that the waiter knew the young girl wasn't alone he'd most likely lay off. "So what's the menu say?!" He asked merrily, rubbing his little hands together. (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle as he hopped onto the menu where she was trying to read, already looking at the kabobs. "OOOOO!!!!" He gasped at a specific option that he was definitely getting! It was an assorted kabob of fish, shrimp, beef, pork, and chicken, some vegetables like tomato, cabbage, and beets. "I know what Im gonna eat!!" He cheered hugrily, mouth watering madly. "What about you??" He asked, his smile like a tiny sun glaring up at her. "Well, I think i'll figure it out once I can see what's there!!" She teased, gently grabbing the back cuff of his shirt between her two fingers and setting him down, off the menu. "Sorry!" He sheepishly chuckled, wriggling briefly at first but going limp when he saw she was going to set him back down. She then couldn't resist the urge to ruffle his soft hair with her index finger. "Hey!! You know that's hard to fix!!!!" He whined at the motion, gently pushing her finger away with his tiny hands. (Y/N) just grinned wider, suppressing a giggle.
"I'll probably just get a Katsudon!!!" she told him as their waiter was returning with the drink. He brought a little shot glass that was filled with some of the drink. (Y/N) thanked him before telling him their orders. they agreed that Kirishima would get the meal normal sized and they'd just take whatever he didn't eat to go. Soon they were enjoying some of the best food they had ever had.
Surprisingly Kirishima had managed to eat an entire kabob, but given the fact that he was a human vacuum, it didn't startle her too much.
After dinner they went for a walk, making their way down the streets of the area, more wandering about rather than having a set goal in mind. "Today's been really crazy..." The hero in training commented with a laugh as she waltzed one of the area's public park walkways with her boyfriend perched behind her ear. He liked the spot as it was more secure than just sitting on her shoulder and he got to mess with her hair. "But very manly!!" He added, braiding a couple strands. "Yeah!! It has!!" She agreed as they made their way back to the station. As they walked, (Y/N) spotted an ice cream cart. "Ooo!! Hey, wanna get a quick treat before we head back to the dorms?!" She asked him, feeling as he quickly stood, gripping onto some of her hair for balance.
"YES!" "OW,OW,OW,OW,OW!! KIRI THAT HURTS!!" "Agh-!! S-Sorry!!" he quickly apologized, letting go, therefore losing his balance and quickly falling. "Woah!!" "Eijiro!!!" Atashame caught him before he hit the pavement, "Jeez...." She muttered, taking a slow breath after the heart attack she had just received. "Y-You ok?!" She asked, pressing a hand to her chest as if to calm her heart beat and breathing. He just nodded, giving her another shaky smile like before. "Well I'm just glad you're alright..." She sighed before lifting him up to her face and planting a kiss on his small, soft head. He blushed and smiled radiantly as she pulled away, leaning up to return the gesture on her large nose, causing her heart to flutter. He was just so sweet and precious, and huggable, and squishy, and soft, and adorable, and fluffy, and ahhhhhhhh~~~~  (Y/N) couldn't help but think to herself, subconsciously squealing and hugging him to her cheek, lost in her own thoughts. "Ack- don't crush me!!" Kirishima laughed as he hugged her back.
She finally pulled away, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself!!" her tiny boyfriend grinned mischievously before jumping from her hand to sit on her nose and better hug her face. "Hey, I wasn't done hugging you!!" he half pouted, earning another soft giggly squeal from his giant girlfriend. "Ok, now Im satisfied!! You give very manly face hugs." He declared proudly, grabbing the hair atop her head to pull himself up her face. "Ow! Eijiro I just told you that hurts!!" She flinched, hovering her hands just below him as if for him to jump down but he ignored her, eventually climbing up and onto her head where he sat proudly. "Sorry, but I really wanted to try siting here!!" He told her as she could only smile at his silly antics.
"Alright what flavor?!" She asked him as she walked over to the cart. "hmmm.... How about fudge and vanilla!" He suggested, "Really?? Just fudge and vanilla??" She laughed, "Yeah!! Its a classic!!" He complained back, slightly put out by her silent judgement. "ok, ok, that's a good point, I will admit." She gave in as they came up on the cart.
"Could I get a soft serve mix of fudge and vanilla??" (Y/N) asked the man as he served them up in a small paper cup. He nodded and handed her the soft frozen treat, not really noticing the tiny man on her head at first before taking a double take as the two walked off to find a park bench to sit on.
They soon came up on a decent bench, and (Y/N) sat down carefully as to not knock the itty bitty shark off her head. "Alright!" She grinned eagerly, "Ready??" She asked him, feeling the pitter patter of tiny hands and feet crawling toward the front of her head. "HECK YEAH!!!" He cheered, just as excited, if not then more. "Catch!!!!" He yelled taking yet his third leap of faith. "DUDE!!! STOP JUMPING!!!" she cried in surprise as his tiny little form went hurdling from above yet again.
Kirishima just laughed wildly as the soft, warm cushion of his beloved girlfriend's delicate hands caught him, cupping up around him protectively. "No more. I revoke your rights!! You keep giving me heart attacks!!!" (Y/N) scolded, completely cupping her hands around his tiny warm body. "Wha-!? Hey!!!" He squawked, trying to press against her hands in retaliation, "You can't do that!!" He protested, squirming around trying various different ways to wiggle his way out of her grasp. "Well I just did!!" She quickly shot back before she was startled by something warm and wet running itself across her fingers. "A- ARE YOU LICKING ME!?" She asked in loud disbelief, hands flinching for a brief moment to lessen her grip on the tiny man-child who stopped briefly as a chorus of tiny, mischievous giggles came muffled from her cupped hands. "SO UNCOOL!!" She added before a sharp needle-like pricking registered with her. "DID YOU JUST BITE ME!?" She cried again, this time hesitating in her grasp just enough for him to poke his head and arms out. He was a laughing mess.
Much like a worm he continued to wriggle through her fingers. "Oh no you don't Mr!!!" She scoffed, reaching a second hand to grab him, just his arms and the topmost parts of his fluffy red hair poking out of the top of her fist, just his legs kicking wildly as he refused to yield. "Ha! Gatcha!!!" (Y/N) spoke too soon when he began to plant his feet against the base of her fist and he slide out of her hand, slipping out of his shirt too in the process.
And now she had a tiny, shirtless boyfriend running across her lap and the park bench as she tried desperately to stop him.
Oh brother.
"Kirishimaaaa~~~" The girl whined, grabbing him by the ankle and quickly bringing him up to be eye level with her as she glared at him. "What do you have to say for yourself??" She asked as he tried desperately to atop laughing, "You're beautiful and that was awesome!!!" He finally answered, tears running up his face from laughing so hard and being held upside down by his foot. (Y/N) couldn't stay even remotely put out if she wanted too and soon she too was laughing as she set him back down on her knee, planting a loving kiss on his head again. "So are we gonna eat this or are we just gonna let it melt??" She finally inquired, still grinning at him as he caught his breath.
Smiling his wide, toothy smile, he finally nodded in response. "Yes!!" He added a vocal reply, still quite excited from their little wrestling thing. "You wanna try it first??" She asked, scooping a small amount of the frozen dessert out of the cup. Kirishima nodded, reaching for the large spoon, leaning to take a bite off of it before (Y/N) moved the spoon forward so he'd be able to reach better from where he was. And so, The tiny red head got a face full of cream.
"OOP-" (Y/N) exclaimed as she accidentally shoved the sweet into his face. Kirishima popped is head out of the large spoonful, taking a moment to process what had just happened. "PPFFFFTttttttt-!!" The girl was soon lost in laughter over the sight of his stuned face completely slathered in gelato. "Um, I think you have a little something-" She tried to manage through her laughs.
Eijiro finally grinned, starting to laugh with her, "Maybe I should hold the spoon." He told her, wiping the ice cream from his face and onto his hands, and then into his mouth. "Its good though!" He piped up again through a full mouth. (Y/N) finally calmed herself, grabbing a napkin that they had also received from the vendor. "Here let me help." She offered, using the paper cloth to gently wipe and clean his face. "Better?" "Yeah thanks man!"
(Y/N) Then tucked away the napkin and they were able to enjoy the rest of the treat, taking turns taking bites, Kirishima at one point or another got his revenge, slapping a dollop of the treat onto her face. "Eijiro!" She exclaimed as he chuckled. The rest of the walk went nicely after they were able to sufficiently clean sticky hands.
After another warm pocket ride on the train, they walked to the dorms, both happy but tired from the long day. It was late when they got back as well, meaning it was dark and they were both feeling sleepy. Walking into the dorm building, they were met by friends who were eager to hear about the date, tease, and poke fun at the couple.
"Hey Eijiro?? Do you want me to just drop you off in your room??" (Y/N) asked after they were away from the others. Her minuscule boyfriend bit his lip seeming unsure. "Well... I don't really want to be alone while I'm this size..." He admitted, "Could-... Could i maybe stay with you for the night??" He asked her sheepishly, a bright pink glow lighting his features like a lantern. His girlfriend could only smile, her heart swelling in her chest, "Of course Baby!" She comforted, and began heading back to her room.
After opening the door, (Y/N) very gently set the little man down on her bed before grabbing a pair of folded clothes off her dresser, "Here, get comfy!! Im going to go change." She told him before heading into the bathroom.
After she left, Kirishima bee-lined for the large fluffy pillow, jumping on it and sinking into its mushy surface, feeling very warm and secure as it smelled strongly of (Y/N), by far his favorite smell in the world. The bathroom lock soon after clicked and his girlfriend came out, dressed in modest, simple pajamas, a white top and light blue shorts. She looked around trying to find where he had gone before she noticed the tiny lump sprawled across her pillow. Letting a soft giggle escape, she crept quietly toward the bed, pulling herself onto it without disturbing him. She then promptly lied down, gently burying her face into the pillow, nuzzling the tiny man with her nose and forehead. Kirishima gives a soft "oof-" at this, startling him awake from his nodding off. (Y/N) rests the weight of her head on the pillow, still hugging it to her face, tiredly kissing Kiri's belly as it’s the closest thing to her lips. She then let a warm, airy sigh of exhaustion escape and wash over the little body, ruffling the clothes a little, mindful that the breeze isn’t in his face.
The little shark is delighted and surprised by the sleepy snuggles. He hugs the giantess's nose and kisses the closest spot he can reach, between her eyebrows, which he then begins to massage in a satisfying circular motion, hoping to coax the muscles into a softer expression and ease any tension there.
With a small smile curling at her lips, (Y/N) continues to plant very slow, gradual kisses on her little boyfriend's entire torso along with the side of his face, pausing now and then, almost as if she'd fall asleep with her lips on him and her face half atop the tiny.
With a tender expression of his own, Eijiro caresses the girl's nose and cheeks all the while, enjoying the love and attention. He felt like if they were the same size right then, (Y/N)’s head would be buried in his chest, and he would be petting her soft, well kept hair. He had to admit that it was strange to be the comforting bed for a giant, but still, he loved it. He noticed the giantess dozing off and his little beaming grin grew. It really had been a long day especially with the fun they had had, and snuggling sounded very very inviting.
(Y/N) was almost asleep when she felt his tiny hand pat her face, signaling her to let him out from under her face. "Mmmm- Sorry..." She giggled groggily, letting him scurry out from underneath her. the two then carefully situated themselves with (Y/N) on her side, curled around her tiny man who hugged to her large warm body.
(Y/N) had slept very soundly throughout the entirety of the night, and when she awoke, it was to the very soft warm golden glow of the sun stretching itself into the room through closed blinds. The sleepy girl didn't quite remember closing the blinds last night. As her eyes gently fluttered open, it came to her attention that Kirishima was not a tiny little bean anymore, but very much his normal hight as he wrapped himself around her. A bright blush that rivaled the color of her man's hair blossomed on her cheeks, ears, neck, and tops of her shoulders. She looked up at his peaceful face as he held her close in a spooning position, her being the little spoon. (Y/N) then noted that he had her sweats on, but remained shirtless, his body like a human heater. She smiled to herself and snuggled close to him. 
Truly one of the best days ever.
A request for: Sunshine
i had a lot of fun writing this!!! Thank you to WinterKlover for being my beta reader and helping me sort my story to its finest!!!!! Keep up the cute requests!!! Ill be working on them as much as I can!!!! ____________________
Up next: ( ∆ requested, Ω inspiration)
∆~ Bakugo x tiny YN - Hot Pocket
∆~ Giant deku x YN - Baby Bird
∆~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - Dynamight!? More like Firecracker!!!
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Crown Jewel
Ω~ Shoto x Tiny YN - Baby It's Cold Outside
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Hickery Dickery Dock
Ω~ Bakugo x Tiny YN - Pest Control is For Pests
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - The Prize Fish
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - Baby Shark
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Big Bad Wolf
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Peter Rabbit
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - He's A Pop-Rockin Pixie ___________________
let me know if you guys want some of these sooner than others, right now they are in the order of request and then inspiration. Requests willl come before inspiration.
This is my art please do not trace or repost without my permission. feel free to reblog though, id appreciate that!!
29 notes · View notes
hitsuackerman · 4 years
The Last Nugget (Hawks x Reader) pt. 2
So, this here is the part 2 of The Last Nugget :’) This was doing pretty well and @rynxenvy​ would kill for a part 2 so... here you go :) 
link: part 1, part 3
warnings: fluff(?), slight angst(? but ya’ll im bad at angst huhu)
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Now that you were out of the meeting and up in the sky, your eyes took in the amazing view of the city. The cool wind and the warmth of Hawks arms around your body was not helping at all. You had already passed by a few branches of McGonald’s so you were pretty sure Hawks had other places in mind.
With that, you gave in and closed your eyes.
Hawks, on the other hand, did the little joy ride on purpose. Of course, he did this not only for you but also for him. He had a lot going on in his mind. There was a tugging feeling in him that something horrible was bound to happen in the months to come.
Unconsciously, his hold on you tightened and his jaw tightened. He stopped moving forward and stayed suspended in the air. Looking at your sleeping figure, he couldn’t help but grit his teeth at frustration. Damn the committee for making him into a spy. Adjusting his hold on you, he moved once more and went to the nearest McGonald’s he could find.
“Can I get 2 boxes of 20 pieces Nuggets?” Hawks ordered quietly. Making sure not to disturb your dreams. The cashier was all too stunned at the sight before her. Hawks carrying Pro-Hero #15. Asleep.
“Oh. And an Oreo Flurry as well.” Smirking at you then to the cashier. “She likes Oreo, in case you didn’t know.”
So the rumors were right, the cashier thought. There had been some activity in the grapevine that #2 and #15 had a thing going on. Yet because of how Hawks had the power to wipe out any article and how you preferred to remain lowkey (despite being ranked high) there weren’t that many blogs. Save for eyewitnesses who saw first hand how you two would interact.
Giving the payment, Hawks made his feather hand over his card. Finally moving to the last window, the employee handed the meal to the same feather as well. This time, curiosity got over him and he couldn’t help but ask.
“Uh. I’m sorry for asking, Mr. Hawks.” He began to fidget a bit with his fingers. “Are you two dating?”
Hawks eyes widened for a wee bit. He was not expecting that question. But there was no running away from the curious minds of people.
“I wish we were.” A ghost of a smile on his face.
Not wanting to answer any more questions, he excused himself and flew away. Heart clenching at the next months to come. Adjusting his wings, he swooped in faster than intended. His eyes now focused on the opening of his penthouse.
Landing gracefully, he made the feather place the meal on the table while he made his way to your room. Despite turning his offer down, he still chose to give you a room in his space. But, you would be lying if you said you had never slept in that room.
Whenever you two would have dinner, Hawks would always manage to persuade you to stay the night. And that happens more often than not. Besides, the two of you liked the quiet moments shared between breakfast.
Placing you gently on your bed, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh. You were one, if not the most, important person in his life. The one thing he looked forward to when he would finish his patrol or come back home from spending time with the LoV. To him, you were what kept him sane from his fast ways.
Letting you get your rest, he closed your door and readied the plates and utensils.
When you finally realized that you fell asleep, you woke up with a recollection that you were just in his arms and in the sky. Now, you were inside Hawk’s penthouse. Feeling heat beside you, you were not expecting him to be beside you. His eyes closed shut and with even breathing. Turning to face him, you noticed he had taken his jacket off.
You always loved it when he was without the jacket. The body suit complimented him well and his cuts were always lovely to stare at. Not able to resist, you began to trace his jaw. Booping his nose, you let yourself smile at how you ended up falling for such a cocky and teasing bastard who has wings.
Not noticing, he had wrapped his arm around you and in turn, you shuffled in closer and wrapped your arm around him. That seemed to wake him up.
“You awake now, lovebird?”
“Yeah. Did I wake you up?”
Pulling you into a tighter hug, you were now buried in his suit. His chin rested on your head.
“Nah. I just drifted off.” His voice had a teasing tone to it. “You were touching me, lovebird.”
“Shut up.” But you were smiling and he knew it.
“Shall we eat? Bet you’re hungry.” Hawks offered which you gladly accepted. Unwrapping each other, he led the way to the dining area despite you knowing perfectly here it was. This did give you the perfect opportunity to stare at his wings from behind.
Up close, they seemed to be quivering. For some reason, they seemed to be fuller as well. Almost as if he were saving them for something. Chewing on your lower lip, your brows furrowed at the unease growing with your tummy.
Pulling your chair for you, you sat down and snickered at the fancy dinnerware he used. Even though it was just iced tea, he still placed them in expensive wine glasses. This would seem all too amusing but you knew this was his way of conveying a message.
“You wanna talk about it?” You offered. Biting a piece of nugget.
“I feel like I’m flying too close to the sun, lovebird.” His eyes were focused on the view his balcony offered. They were distant and closed off. His fingers tapped the edge of the table.
Sadness coated the both of you. You knew this day would be coming, there was just this selfish part of you that it would be later rather than sooner. Losing your appetite, you stood up. Catching his attention, Hawks eyes followed your every movement. Seeing that you were moving towards him, he pushed his chair back and let you sit on his lap.
“You know I’ll always catch you no matter how fast you’ll fall, right?” You nuzzled into his neck. The stubble on his chin a little ticklish on your skin. You saw how he made his feathers cocoon the two of you. “I’ll come catching you with a first aid kit…”
“I know, lovebird.” Hawks began to draw circles on your back. “Say, if things go according to plan, go on a proper date with me?”
“And what kind of date do you have in plan?” You went with the flow. If there’s something he needs, he needs his mind to be taken off of the gigantic weight on his shoulder. “I think nuggets in fine dinner plates is an amazing date.”
“Oh yeah?” The sadness in his voice was something he couldn’t hide from you. “I’m still taking you out to a fancy private restaurant. And there, that’s where I’ll ask you to be mine. Properly.”
“Is that your way of saying you’ll come back?”
“Perhaps. I just want you to know I like you”
“I know you do.” Wrapping your arms tighter around his neck. Your hands find the base of his wings. Giving him a small massage, Hawks let out a small content moan from all the tension being released. “How long will you…”
“In about 4 months.”
“Oh.” That’s all you could say. Any further and you were bound to release the waterfalls. Your lower lip began to quiver and despite your effort, a few stray tears ran down your cheek.
Pushing you a bit, Hawks wiped the tears away and gave you a small kiss on the cheeks. His heart ached when he saw that had only made things worse. The waterfall had flowed and the only sound that filled his dining area were your quiet sobs. Pulling you back into his arms, he hated himself for having to see you in this state.
Whispering sweet nothings in your ear, the shaking and crying subsided.
“I’ll come back, my sweet birdy.” Tucking in a strand of hair behind your ear.
“In one piece I hope.”
“You can bet on that, love.” Now that the mood was better, Hawks refused to let you stand up. Making a feather push your plate to his side and have you eat from there. From time to time, you would feed each other earning a few fits, tickles, and giggles.
Night had fallen and Hawks managed to persuade you to stay in his unit. Not knowing what’s to come in the next 4 months, you agreed and the two of you stuck like two peas in a bod. Now, you were using his chest as a pillow and taking in his scent as much as you could. You were certain that once you wake up tomorrow, you would be alone with his side of the bed cold.
“What do you want for breakfast tomorrow, dove?” Hawks silently asked.
“I want to wake up with you beside me.” That was the truth.
Silence hugged the both of you. Slowly, you began to drift on and off. Using your last bit of strength, with eyes closed you whispered his name. Tears forming a puddle on his shirt. The rapid beating of his heart in your ears. His fists clenching tightly on his shirt you wore, hoping that tomorrow wouldn’t have to come.
“Don’t go…”
Hawks said something but you were now dead to the bone. Fatigue had won. Even in your sleep, you regret giving in to your body. All you wanted to do was wait till the morning sun would shine through his windows. All you wanted was to spend the remaining hours awake before who knows how long Hawks will be gone.
When you woke up, the other side was now cold. A lone red feather took his place. With trembling hands, you gripped the feather and held it against your chest. The room was now filled with your wails and cries. Damn the community. Fuck the LoV.
Not too far from the unit, Hawks had been cursing at the sight of you. All he wanted to do was to fly to you and bring you into his arms but both of you know it would be selfish. With a heavy heart, he turned his back on you and flew towards his demise.
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More soap opinions <3
Pears in blue
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I love this soap so much i want to try the other scents/colors by this brand. Its a little bit pricier than what im used 2 (around 1 euro), but its ok its worth it i think. Has a pleasant lather, a little bit creamy delightfully bubbly but got very foamy in the shower. Was my introduction to the peppermint scent and i love it im always putting it up to my nose to smell it its fresh and a bit masc this peppermint soap bar is what every brand who markets stuff for men as manly but clean thinks theyre doing (but they're not). I only have one complaint: these soaps (the other colors as well) claim to be transparent but theyre not they're translucent. The color is fascinating though (very vibrant blue closest to royal) and it only gets prettier as the soap wears down. Mine is very thin right now
Lifebuoy classic white one
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Another big hit for me this shit is amazing. Clean beautiful slightly cream like scent and the creamiest lather i have ever tried ever. Its instant you don't even have to work much. Its so good i will forgive how they harassed us with advertisements for this thing on tv a decade ago. Well that was when i used to watch tv they could still be at it and i wouldn't know but i understand i get it the soap is cheap (less than half a euro) it works wonders superior sensory experience like. I get it ill allow it
Fa Citrus
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God this smell takes me back bc my father used to use its cologne for the longest time bc it was cheap. Its a clean scent i know every soap bar i talk about has a clean scent the reason is i hate perfume like smells on products (not even perfumes). And also i guess it was just how we were brought up associating certain smells with cleanliness but you just cant deny it though its different genres of clean like dettol clean is like bleach 4 the skin your richer classmates or family members home mopping their floors and tending to their delicate kids' wounds from playing outside. Dove clean is on the feminine side cute daring classmate in highschool (or at a camp if you had something you can call a childhood) you sort of had a thing with but also nothing happened. Alternatively pretty girl model child you've had a thing FOR but she definitely didn't like you back like not even as a person but was nice and polite nonetheless. Pears clean scent is like the cleanest he/him in class or in your family that has found the perfect balance between caring for his hygiene and nobody calling him gay for it. Lifebuoy clean is like spoiled cousin whose parent (never the one you're related to by blood) works abroad. So if i were to describe the Fa take on clean scents itd be along the lines of floor detergent for people. Again positively so. It definitely has a hint of that element common to so many colognes hence why it translates so well to one . Nice note is the shape of the soap has a single dent on one edge and it really secures it in your hands. Not that i know of why anybody would use a bar soap like that and risk dropping it on the disgusting floor of dorms instead of just using a loofa or a shower glove. Its good enough that it made me curious about the rest of the saga but there is close to no citrus notes within the scent it only smells clean.
Pears in amber color
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Mamma bought me this bc she knows i wanted it... 💘💘💘. Anyways this is a little bit more translucent than the other one since it seems to be one of their selling points. Lathers the exact same as the blue. Unfortunately the smell is... tragic. Smells like warm glycerine, a smell i loathe. The natural oils notes are present but they don't do much for this scent to me it was a big let down. My roommate has a bunch of glycerine+lavender soaps and they smell the exact same at this one: bad. Never buy a soap that says glycerin on it i will struggle to go through this one bc i feel too guilty to give it away now. Oh well
Misky in honey
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A most welcome addition that just launched in the bim stores. Three little soaps for less than a canadian dollar ... A steal in my opinion. Its especially a steal because the lather is sooooo nice and creamy just delightful. It smells like soap (so thatd be something like the classic el keff if you know it) with the honey notes pretty present. Its nice bc its not an agressive smell and youll catch a whiff of it while using the soap and it smells nice when you bring it up to the nose. Unfortunate that its ugly mainly because of the color (classic sick yellow-beige) but i respect that they didn't want colorants in. Not drying
I tried other soaps but they were like. Nameless brands suspiciously cheap and they turned out to be such trash im so sad i dont even want to talk about it. Never venturing that far again 'big name brands' are risk enough. I do want to try more locally made stuff but I feel like thats leaving relatable territory. Not that it should matter 2 me <3
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lemonjoonah · 4 years
GOD I AM SO OBSESSED WITH ALL OF YOUR INDULGENCES YOUVE BEN GIVING FOR BEASTLY GODS. IM A LITTLE DRUNK RN BUT LISTEN I HAVE TO TELL YOU I THINK UR MY FAVE BTS AUTHOR. if your up for it will u PLEASE GOD bless us with some more hcs? if not no worries!! this is ur cal babes. perhaps... however... what if little dove just says fuck it one day and gets stupid drunk... responses from the flock? PLEASE im so sorry if this is irritating you pero like i said im SO curious😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Omg sweet anon I promise you it’s not irritating at all, I live for this stuff!!! I don’t want anyone to ever think they are bothering me, especially when they sent the most passionate ask! You’re so sweet and I hope you don’t mind the format I just whipped this together really quick.
-Scenario: the morning after the Little Dove got super drunk. Questions asked by yours truly ~Lemon-
Lemon: So does anyone want to talk about what happened last night?
*Little Dove and the flock are sitting on the opposite ends of the room. Taehyung and the Little Dove are silent (she is clutching her head due to what looks to be a nasty hangover), while the rest of the flock are covering there mouths in what seems to be an attempt to hide laughter.*
Seokjin: The village was kind enough to give us some spirits with their offering. Taehyung though it would be a good idea to let her have a drink or two.
Taehyung: It was a mistake. I can see that now. Can we please just move on? 
Namjoon: She ended up taking the bottle and climbing into the tree branches, where she proceeded to drink half of it. Her language got very colourful. *Smirks* She brought up the topic of her night together with Taehyung. 
Hoseok: What were the words she used again? He was a weak fuck, with a smaller cock...
Jimin: With a smaller cock than the last human she bedded, and the sex would have been far better if any of his brothers had come down from their perch and taken over for him. *Proceeds to giggling madly*
Jungkook: *mutters quietly* I would have come down...
Lemon: Little Dove is this true? Or were these just words of spite and said in the heat of the moment?
Little Dove: *Hiding her face in her hands* No comment.
Taehyung: Obviously it was a lie! You all saw it!
Seokjin: You keep telling yourself that. If you need us we’ll just be tending to the needs of OUR Little Dove. 
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