jyndor · 2 years
jyn meeting cassian’s adopted mom in force afterlife or whatever
jyn: so what was it like adopting and raising a child soldier in the rebellion, maybe you and saw could trade notes
maarva: oh noooo cassi here was a rebellious kid but he mainly just ding dong ditched the neighbors and shoplifted, he didn’t join the rebellion until he was in his twenties
jyn: *flashbacks to eadu* interesting
maarva: actually funny story the only reason he became a rebel at all was because something happened to me and his girlfriend or sister or smuggler friend
cassian: ... heh um I read theory?
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fir3ylolol · 8 months
we want you!
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pairing: Johnny Cage x Reader
summary: The hot military rep on your college campus finally talks to you, but what happens when he gives you his number?
word count: 2.4 k
tw: vaginal sex, vaginal penetration, oral sex, cunnilingus, afab!reader, very light dom/sub, sub!reader, gentle dom!johnny, he still whimpers tho, kind of anonymous sex, making out, biting, praise, hes actually rly sweet, smut, porn with plot
a/n: DILF JOHNNY DILF JOHNNY im so happy with how this turned out!! OH! and I've got another mk1 johnny fic halfway done so keep an eye out for that :))
other parts
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It wasn’t really fair to call you a college student. Were you still actively going to college? Yes, but! You were studying for your master’s degree. Totally not the same thing.
So you didn’t feel that bad about paying attention to the very hot military representative that you always saw on campus. He was insanely built for an older guy, tall and graying near the temples. Black sunglasses always cover his eyes, you couldn't tell if he was cocky or just avoiding the kids on campus. You wanted to talk to him but honestly? He made you sort of nervous.
He’s just so handsome and confident, nodding your way every time you pass him. But finally, after a couple of months, you decide it’s your turn to be confident. He’s stood next to a table under a pop-up canopy, looking around for more people to scout. You walk directly towards him, trying not to falter any of your steps. He finally notices you, quirking an eyebrow and smirking your way.
Fuck, that’s even hotter.
But it’s too late to back out now, as you stop a few feet from him. Nervous to meet his eyes, you clear your throat and manage to ask, “How’s the military this time of year?” He chuckles lightly, pushing his sunglasses further up his nose. “It’s not too bad. You know, I’ve seen you around campus, but you always seemed like you were in such a hurry that I didn’t want to bother you.” You mentally curse yourself for pretty much scaring him off.
“Well, you know how it is. Places to go, subjects to study. I have been wondering why you haven’t said anything to me. I always see you chatting with other students. I just figured it was because I wasn’t the right material.” You try to be less nervous and casual, leaning against the table as well. He looks down and laughs again, taking his sunglasses off and tucking them into his tactical vest. He looks up, wide brown puppy dog eyes meeting yours.
Shit, can he stop being so hot??
“Nah, you’re too good for us, you’re needed out here. Besides, they only have me out here for star power.” You look quizically at him. I guess he did look sort of familiar. Then it hit you. “Oh shit, you’re Johnny Cage!.” He laughs again, who knew you were this funny?? “You just realized? I guess I’m not as famous as I once was. That, or without the tattoo, you can’t really tell.” He unzips the vest slightly and pulls his collar down, showing hints of a large tattoo of his own name across his chest. You fluster slightly at his show, “Wow, yeah, that makes a big difference. Wait, why are you in the military?” He sighs, scratching the back of his head. “Well, my ex-wife basically recruited me and honestly, it’s been more fulfilling than being an actor.”
And there it is, the awkward reason that someone so hot is single. Coughing lightly, you look away. “A-ah, well, that’s…good.” Sensing that he might’ve just said something a little uncomfortable, he quickly grabs a leaflet and pen from the table and scribbles something on it. “Hey, I feel bad about taking up so much of your time. Here.” He hands it to you, sticking it almost directly into your arms. As you take it and look at the very rushed writing of what looks like his phone number, he flashes a signature smile. “So we can continue our conversation at your leisure.” Folding it up and putting it in your pocket, you try to smile back as confidently. “How kind of you, Johnny. I’ll take you up on that.” As you begin to walk away, you hear Johnny call after you. “Wait! What’s your name?” Turning around slightly, you wave and yell back, “Take me out first!” He laughs slightly and puts his sunglasses back on, light glinting off them mischievously. 
As you get back to your place, you pull the paper out and put it on your bed. This is crazy, you know? He’s like twice your age at least. And a celebrity! But…he wouldn’t give you his number unless he wanted you to text him. But not yet. You didn’t want to seem desperate. You decide to eat a bit of food and check on your grades, trying to ignore your nerves. You can only wait so long though, and you grab the paper again. Putting his number in, you take way too long to figure out what to say. God, you feel like a middle schooler, getting nervous about some cute guy. But you finally pull the trigger, sending a simple hello and hoping that you were the only person he gave his number to.
He responds almost too quickly, immediately recognizing you and being happy that you decided to message him. You smile at his words, then quickly shake your head, embarrassed at how quickly you were getting giggly over him. But you can’t stop yourself, half-flirty messages sent back and forth the rest of the day. Man, a guy like this is dangerous. He’s smart, funny, secure in himself, and genuinely so nice. Plus, he spends half the time talking about you, asking questions, and seeming truly interested. It’s hard to find a guy like that.
As day turns to night, you get ready for bed. As you lay down in bed for mindless social media time, you get a text from Johnny. As you click on it, your eyes widen in shock. A selfie of him, laid out on a hotel bed, completely shirtless with wet hair lights up your screen. Finally able to see the full tattoo, plus the insane muscles he has, you need a second to catch your breath. He captioned it ‘ready 4 bed, but hotel beds r always uncomfortable’. You feel like you’re drooling over him, how can a 50-year-old look like that?? He quickly sends a ‘hope youre feeling comfy’ and you feel compelled to take a pic for him. Fixing your hair and lighting in preparation, you make sure that your pajamas are actually cute. After way too many tries, you get the perfect one. You send it with the caption ‘oh u know it ;)’ and immediately throw it onto your bed, nerves absolutely shot. After a few seconds, your phone buzzes. And buzzes again. And again.
Picking it back up with shaking hands, you see his praise flooding in. ‘oh wow’, ‘you look so good like that’, ‘comfy is definitely a good look on you’, and ‘ur room is so cool too’ are amongst the least of the texts he’s sent. After a short pause, a final text arrives.
‘i didnt think you could get hotter but you proved me very wrong’
All of a sudden, you lose the walls you set up to hold yourself back. The mood is switched rapidly, and honestly? You are no longer nervous about talking to him. It’s time to have fun.
Y: ‘you think im hot?’
J: ‘of course, i have eyes you know’
Y: ‘i mean, i thought i was too young for you’
J: ‘i wont say i didnt notice, but honestly, if you dont mind i dont’
Y: ‘perfect’
J: ‘god, youre so hot’
Y: ‘youre not so bad yourself. dont think i didnt notice those muscles’
J: ‘i was that obvious huh? sorry, i couldnt help myself’
Flirting back and forth, you begin to lose your inhibitions even more. Flirty turns to sensual to almost overtly sexual. Something weird about what happens when the sun goes down. Like a horny werewolf. That was, until, he sent the exact right message.
J: ‘i wish i could see you rn, teasing over text can only do so much’
Holding your breath, you can’t stop yourself from a much too bold text.
Y: ‘come over then’
J: ‘what’
Y: ‘come over, you said you dont like hotels and you wanna see me’
Y: ‘here (address)’
Y: ‘your move hollywood’
J: ‘omw’
Freezing and realizing what you did, you rush to pick up your house a little. It wasn’t messy but still. Nerves. It’s a surprisingly short wait until you hear a gentle knock at the door. Seeing him stand there in the pajama pants you saw earlier and a jacket, you unlock the door. Both of you stand there, waiting and breathing. Finally, he steps in, his right hand shooting to your waist and left hand closing the door behind him. Quickly, his lips meet yours in a messy clash, tongue and teeth and desperation. Finally, you pull away, panting and trying to catch your breath. Your brain finally processes that it’s really him, touching you, standing right there.
And it’s not too long before you begin to kiss him again, hands wrapped around his neck. His hands travel lower, squeezing your ass with a groan. With surprising ease, he picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. He breaks away again, asking in a breathy voice, “Bedroom?” With a nod, you manage to get out, “That way.” He starts the kiss back up, walking towards your room.
You expect him to toss you down on your bed. You’re kind of used to jacked guys having too big of an ego in bed. But he leans down gently, placing your back on the bed. His lips move down, kissing your jaw, neck, and chest, leaving little bites and hickeys along the way. You shiver at the feeling, he's much more tender than you expected, but you’re not complaining. One of his hands slides under your top, swiftly removing it. The cool air of the room can only be felt for a few seconds before his warm tongue latches onto one of your nipples, coarse fingers lightly twisting the other. Light moans slip from your lips as his other hand caresses your hip. He groans at the sound, pulling away slightly to mutter out, “Shit, you sound so good, baby.”
Continuing to play with you, his free hand travels lower. He finally dips below your waistband, quickly finding your wetness, another moan escaping his lips. Finally breaking away, he moves lower, crouching on the ground next to the bed. Slowly, he pulls the last of your clothes off. You’re fully exposed in front of him as he practically eats you up with his eyes. Placing chaste kisses against your pussy, he dives in, licking with a fervor.
Unable to hold yourself back, pornstar moans pour from your mouth. It eggs him on further, moaning against your sensitive clit, and gently curls a finger inside you. Pulling away to breathe, he rasps out, “You taste just as good as you sound. And feel even better.” He keeps working at you, pushing you closer and closer to cumming. Another finger pumps inside you, his thumb rubs your clit, and his free hand grabs the back of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss. He notices you about to finish, rapid pants and breathy moans, and leans in to whisper in your ear, “Come on love, come for me. Let me feel that pretty pussy clench around my fingers. Put on a show for me baby.” And there you go, grabbing onto his shoulder and throwing your head back, cumming around his fingers. He slowly removes his fingers, admiring you while lewdly sucking on them. That earns another groan from him and he cleans his fingers, not waisting a drop.
“Good job, you did so good for me.” He kisses your forehead, quickly removing his shirt. “You ready for more?” In your half-fucked out state, you nod rapidly as he finishes taking his pants off. God damn, aren’t older guys supposed to lose testosterone or something? Rippling muscles littered with light freckles, salt and pepper hair swept out of his eyes, and cock fully erect and waiting. He scoots you onto the bed further, climbing on after you. As he kneels at your legs, he looks down hungrily. He leans in and kisses you, body leaning onto yours. With a final questioning look, which is met with a resounding “yes please” from you, he lines himself up with you.
Slowly, he sheaths himself in you, hissing at the sensation, “Oh god, you feel so fucking good, so tight around me.” Your legs wrap around his waist again, pulling him even closer. It takes you a while to adjust, gentle kisses on the lips to distract you. With a final kiss against his cheek to reassure him, he begins to move faster and faster, grinding against you with each thrust. He’s unable to hold back from loud moans and whines. Readjusting, he leans back and grabs your legs, setting them against his chest. He starts fucking you even harder, nearly knocking the wind out of you. Both of you are definitely annoying your neighbors, loud and unabashedly lost in the feeling. He can’t help the praises falling from his lips, rasps of “so good”, “you sound so sexy”, “you look so good under me”, and “I’ve wanted this for so long, you don’t understand”. The lewd sounds that fill the room are drowned out completely by you two. He seems proud of how you bounce below him, hands desperately searching for a hold on him.
Moving your legs back around his waist and leaning down, his pace is relentless and he’s lost the rhythm in his movements. You kiss against his tattoo, biting lightly against it, which earns another delicious whimper from Johnny. He starts to snap his hips especially hard as you begin to scratch lightly against his shoulders and back, whining out “gonna come, ‘m gonna come”. There’s almost no time to react before his hips snap in violently one last time, coming deep in you. A final moan escapes his lips as his hips stutter with the force of his orgasm and how much physical effort this required. Both of you breathe heavily, trying to regain some composure. He's trembling slightly at how hard he came, pressing his forehead against yours. He pulls out very slowly, a light whimper at the feeling as he lays down next to you. After a long pause, he starts to speak again, voice shaky but words confident.
“So I’ve got two questions for you. Can I know your name now, and do you wanna go again?"
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batfam-imagines · 4 months
Okay are you taking Batmom requests? Cuz I have this absolutely hilarious idea.Blind Batmom gets taken into questioning cuz she "witnessed" a crime. The 2 officers are newbies not knowing she's Bruce's Wife, but Gordan and the others do. There's a line in my head that keeps playing.
Officer: Tell us what you saw!
Batmom: Fine you want to know? *takes off shades* Im blind ya asshole.
Gordan: *laughing his ass off*
“Hey, Gordon! Did ya see who the rookies have in Interrogation room 3?”
“The new kids already dragged some poor guy in?” Gordan quickly stood from his desk, following the group of officers heading to the interrogation viewing.
“Oh you’re gonna love this, Commissioner. But you might wanna call whatever lawyers GCPD has on retainer for the rookies. Her family’s gonna be pissed about this.”
Jim paused, his hand on the doorknob, “Shit.”
Inside the room the two new officers are sitting across from a smartly dressed woman who’s wearing sunglasses and a large dog that’s lying beside her.
Rookie #1, obviously tired of playing nice, slams his hand on the metal table and jabs a finger at the woman, “Just tell us what you saw!”
“Listen, ma’am, we just want to know what happened last night. You are the only witness left who could have seen Batman’s identity. We have several reports that his mask was compromised during the fight. Everyone at GCPD would be grateful if you could tell us anything you saw.”
The woman lets out a harsh breath, “Fine, you want to know?” She pulls her sunglasses of, revealing acid burn scars around both eyes, “I’m blind ya assholes, I didn’t see shit.”
Gordon lets out a barking laugh, doubling over, “Get those assholes out’a there before they get the whole department shut down!”
Once he’s alone in the observation room, Gordon lets out a harsh breath, “Damn rookies. How the hell am I gonna explain this to her kids?”
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evilminji · 11 months
:T Hello there, Thought(tm) of the day...
I? Just remembered that Constantine's "Laughing Magician"(?) title is... f*ckin HEREDITARY?
Like?? As in The Constantine Meances have been out here, harrasing divinity and demons alike for GENERATIONS on behalf of a Good Time, the Lols, and probably Humanity if they can be arsed and you make a good case.
W... What chance would there even BE of at least like? HALF those f*ckers(conflicted but affectionate) NOT becoming Realms Ghosts? With the sh*t they're exposed too? With THEIR luck??
You think DEATH can trick them? Take them away for good? Take away the local Rat B@stard, Tricks Gods Just To See If He Can, Fate Is My Second Mistress and I Cuckold Glory On Your Mother's Bed, Constantine?
They run down main street, *ss in the breeze, wearing someone else's shirt and two shoes that don't match, not a stitch else, like run away lovers. Let Death TRY and catch them. Sorry, Luv, it's not them, it's definitely you.
..........I bet they're the wooooorst~~✨️
No joke, I bet they set up a whole *ss TOWN of Constantine.
Where the odds are in THEIR favor, gods fear to tread, and reality straight out stops working right. Like Diagonal Ally for B*stards, extended to a whole floating island. Everyone's related. It's Chaos. They can barely stand each other. Would sell each other for a toothpick.
Mess with ANY off them... and you can kiss your afterlife good bye.
They have NO neighbors because both no ones dumb enough to get NEAR them AND no one can stand to be around that many Constantines at once. The physical Manifestation of Fate wants to take the whole LOT of the handsy F*CKS to court for child support and a restraining order.
Somehow... they keep getting Earth Booze.
They SHOULDN'T have access. It's been anywhere from decade to centuries since they died. Millennium for a few. Howms't The F*CK, do they keep getting cheap gin and vodka? Bourbon and beer? Even the odd fruity cocktail for funnies.
Please... PLEASE! Tell the Zone at large, that their innate birthright powers STOPPED at Death. They... they are just REALLY good at smuggling right? Excellent con men?
Tell us they can't f*ckin PREDICT AND INFLUENCE Natural Portals!!!
*smug sipping noises from a large room full of Dead @ssholes*
Okay... They Won't Tell You~ 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
Now! I hear you ask? Why are John's Terrible, Terrible, God Awful Ghostly Relatives relevant? Absurdly powerful as they are... they seem to take the afterlife as an extended "Ha! GET F*CKED, DEMONS WHO WANTED MY SOUL!" Vacation/Family get together.
Minded their business and expected everyone to mind THEIRS, or ELSE.
Didn't give two solitary SH*TS that Pariah woke from his little nappy-poo to cause a tantrum. After all, in their family? When DOESN'T some "great and terrible Power That Be" get itself in a snit? Meh... it's baby Johnny's turn to clean sh*t up. Best of luck to 'im~!
They must've been drinking... making out with their equally terrible and bamf trainwreck significant others... sitting around playing "who can cheat best at cards"... when? Huh.
Never seen the Fate and The Odds... STRANGLE like that.
Billions of billions of What-Ifs, Maybes, Could-bes, and more... suddenly YANKED towards a single spot. The allowance of Only One Outcome. Almost like what they can do, but... not, WRONG, per say...
Just... impossible.
There's NEVER.. JUST one way this plays out. You can control the big notes. The script. But the details and set dressing will always decide themselves.
NO ONE can just... Decide What Will Happen. And yet?
...............was....... was that Little Johnny? Has to be. Right? Where's his old man? Oi! Was that your Kid??! John's closest relatives are baffled. Nope. They can still feel him laying a beat down on some demon in Norway. So then? Who?
Well mark them CURIOUS(tm).
They decide to actually get up. Put their various drinks and cards down. Put pants on. Somebody's done something... INTERESTING(TM) and they want to know what's up. So? Off they trot.
It's traumatizing for everyone who sees them. The Constantines have breached f*ckin B*stard Containment and are spilling into the Zone. On this! The DAY Pariah Waged A War! THEY JUST GOT RID OF HIM!
And Danny? His everything hurts. The Eyeballs are starting to come out of the woodwork and ARGUE about him like he's not even there. He's DANGEROUS blah blah blah. Give them the crown. Right now! Etc etc.
Somethings telling him not too.
It's... it's HIS isn't it? Has been for centuries and seconds. And... and... everyone one of him is King. There is only one of him. The Zone covers all the multiverse and all of the Hims that were and aren't here and helped and... and...! His head is starting to hurt.
But the more they try to push him to hand it over, the less he feels like unhanding the dang gaudy thing. No. His now. He'll use it as a DOOR stopper if he dang well feels like it! Stop yelling.
Then all these blonde ghosts saunter in... and all he can think is "F*ck. I think they noticed."
@stealingyourbones @cyrwrites @bjurnberg @the-witchhunter @hdgnj
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lolaxbunnyy · 5 months
IDK IF YOU STILL DO MY HERO ACADEMIA AS IM NEW- but I love your writing so
What about poly Bakugo, Deku, Todoroki x Fem!reader who’s nine months pregnant, due any day now. She’s about to go into labor but they’re not home due to a mission
Idk if I explained this well 💀
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also I hope this is good enough I haven’t been on here in a while 😬 . Also I gave the baby a name and a gender if you want something else then you can feel free to change it. Also if anybody has anything they would like me to write please ask!
warnings: fem black reader, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, nothing bad though just enjoy.
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SHOTO, IZUKU, AND KATSUKI. The top three most amazing and well known pro heros who were well loved by their fans had a little secret. They had a pretty little wife who was carrying one of their babies. Katsuki decided that he was going to be the one to get her pregnant first, the other two had no problem with that. After months of trying and no show she was finally pregnant and all four of them were so happy to finally have their first kid.
It’s been 9 months already and their precious baby girl has yet to leave her place within her mamas tummy.
Y/N rubbed her swollen belly as she did her rotations on her exercise ball. Katsuki’s mom was here helping her out with the little things that she needed. Mitsuki loved her from the moment Katsuki introduced them and now that she’s going to have a little grandchild she was even more happy with her future daughter in law.
"Y/N honey. The boys are calling again."Mitsuki said as she walked in from the kitchen to the living room rolling her eyes. “This is the fourth time they’ve called in the last hour.” Mitsuki chuckled.
"They're so worried that you're going to pop before they get back." Y/N grabbed the phone from, Mitsuki’s hand and put it up to her ear.
“Hello?” “Hey, baby. You doing okay?” Y/N rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see her. “Yes I’ve been okay since the last time you called.” She heard him chuckle. “Okay. You’re a little worked up. What happened? Sick of us calling?” Y/N giggled. “Nope, never. I can’t even miss or worry about you guys because you’re too busy calling all the time instead of focusing on your task that you three were sent to do.” Before Izuku could respond she heard the faint voice of someone talking to him. “Oi? Is that Curls?” Katsuki of course.
Y/N heard what sounded like the phone being snatched away from Izuku. “Oi, Curls! If you ever hand up in my face again we’re gonna have some problems when I get back home, you hear me?” Y/N chuckled. “Yes sir.” She heard the blonde kiss his teeth before handing the phone back to Izuku.
“Sorry, bout that. Anyways you’ve got some scolding to do to Katsuki anyways.” “Don’t you dare tell her about that!” She could tell Izuku rolled his eyes. “He was being careless today and almost lost his leg.” Katsuki grumbled. “ ‘Was not bein’ fuckin’ careless. ‘The hell was I s’posed to know he was gonna turn his leg in to a fuckin’ chain saw?!” Y/N pursed her lips. “Y’know if you two are done bickering we have matters to attend too.”
Shoto said out of nowhere. “That’s right. Well baby, look like we gotta go. We’ll see you next week, hopefully.” Katsuki butted in. “Yeah so tell the brat to avoid her eviction notices till then.” Y/N laughed. “I’m sure she heard you, Kat. I’ll see you boys next week. I love you.” “We love you more baby.” Then the phone clicked and the call was over.
Y/N sighed. She truly did miss them. Sure she enjoyed the company of her soon to be in laws, but she missed her boys. It was quiet and peaceful while they were away and she hated that. The bed was always cold and empty and she also hated that but it still smelled of them and she could at least appreciate that. So did the large shirt that she borrowed from Shoto’s side of the closet.
The boys had already been gone for two weeks and they’d be back home next week but it doesn’t feel like Blossom can wait any longer to be out in the world. Her eyes trailed over towards the belly cast that she had gotten done. The boys had decorated it all pretty and even drew a little family of four on it in Katsuki’s terrible excuse of a drawing. She’d never tell him that though because even if it was bad it’s still cute and still has meaning to it. She can still even feel their careful hands on her stomach.
Izuku’s hands are the most scarred and a little calloused but still firm and calming. Katsuki’s hands being the most calloused and somehow a bit sweaty from time to time. Sho’s hands were the softest but were always cold.
She missed the special treatment and massages they’d give her before they left. They were very caring and spoiling.
It’s been like this since they’ve found out that she was pregnant. They couldn’t be home for her, they had their moms take care of her. Then when they came home for the night, they’d be all over her because in their words, “you look so cute when you’re pregnant.”
She smiled softly at Mitsuki as she smelled the cooking of her favorite food. It’s getting later and later and there was a storm outside brewing. She didn’t want her poor boys caught outside in the rain.
"Y/N, Inko sent some more clothes for Blossom." Mitsuki smiled as she handed them to her. “Awe. We’re going to run out of space in her little closets.” Y/N held the shirt to her stomach. “Do you like it, B?” Y/N suddenly winced at a sharp pain in her stomach. “Okay, I’ll put it away.” But the pain kept coming. Mitsuki helped Y/N up carefully and at that very moment, her water broke.
Mitsuki immediately started to call phones. "Inko, Rei! It's happening! I need you here now! The babies coming!"
Mitsuki was rushing around the house to get the bags ready and extra clothes before helping her soon to be daughter in law towards the car.
Once they arrived after some time Mitsuki rushed in to get a nurse and she came back with a nurse who had a wheelchair ready and the both of them helped Y/N out of the car in to the chair and she was wheeled in and rushed towards the maternity floor. They put her in a room and went to go get things ready for her.
“Where the fuck are they going?!” Y/N whimpered out as one if her hands held her stomach while her other arm was draped across her face. Rei and Inko walked in. "They're going to get everything ready. More doctors and your epidural for your pain, Honey."Inko responded and Y/N hummed in pain.
“Did you call the boys?” Rei asked and Mitsuki nodded her head as she tried to get Y/N comfortable and situated. "Yes but they're not answering. I think they're too busy in what they're doing."
Rei let out a soft okay before looking at the clock on the wall. 12:03 AM it read. A nurse came back in and injected her with the medicine but it didn’t have time to do its job because right after the doctors came in and it was time for her baby girl to come out in to the world.
Everything went smoothly. (beside the three mothers having to stop Y/N from attacking the nurse. Twice. First time because if her giving her the epidural late and second because the bitch almost dropped her baby.) when Blossom was all cleaned up it was about. 2:19 when Y/N got to hold her baby and feed her.
She was so pretty. Her skin was a mix between Y/N and Katsuki and her hair was blonde and straight but Y/N was sure that her curls would come in soon. Last but not least her eyes her round and (e/c) just like her moms as she looked up at her through her blonde eyelashes. The three mothers huddled around Y/N to look at their granddaughter. "Awe. She's so pretty." Inko cooed softly. “I’ve got to get pictures.” Rei gushed and both her and Inko rushed to their purses to get their phone out while Mitsuki stayed by Y/N.
"Do you want me to get her so you can rest?" “Yes please, if you don’t mind.” Mitsuki took Blossom and soon after, Y/N was knocked out.
Izuku was the last person to get out of the bath for that morning. They’d been up since midnight going on a fake lead, practically wasting their time all night. Izuku grabbed what he thought was his phone but noticed that it was Katsuki’s. “Hey, Kachaan? You’ve got 10 missed calls from your mom.” Katsuki raised an eyebrow as he set down his freshly cooked spicy ramen.
He went to his call log and clicked on his mom’s name in face time. "Hello?" His mom’s face showed in the camera. “You called 10 times?” He said unamused. Thinking that it was just her being worried and paranoid again. "Well, I needed to tell you something." Katsuki hummed. “Kay?” The camera flipped around and Katsuki saw blonde hair then the phone fell to the floor as his mom let out an agitated ‘damn it’ before picking it up and a sleeping baby was shown.
“Is that?” "Yep." Inko cut off her son. “That’s Blossom guys!” The boys mouths dropped. Their daughter was so pretty just like her mommy. After that face time call that day the boys had to call off the mission to get home to their girls immediately.
Y/N was released from the hospital two days before they could come home so when they made it back they instantly without a second thought came straight home and they finally got to see their daughter. Blossoms little hair started to curl up a little so she most definitely started to look like Y/N.
Katsuki was the first to hold her and she was so small Katsuki feared that he might break her. Izuku and Shoto walked towards Katsuki, standing on either side of him as they looked down at their daughter. “She most definitely looks like a Blossom.” Shoto spoke softly as the little baby curiously looked at the three men.
Their moms smiled at them. "Congrats boys!" Mitsuki had tears in her eyes as little sniffles came out. "Oh my goodness. I'm finally a grandma! I'm never gonna get over this!" She cried into Inko’s shoulder and Inko patted her back comfortingly. “I wanna hold her next.” Izuku held his arms out and Katsuki carefully handed Blossom to him. Once he was secure in his arms, Katsuki turned towards Y/N.
He smiled softly and he walked over towards her giving her a kiss on her cheek. He watched the others coo over the little blonde haired baby.
“Thank you so much, baby.” Three months later, the world knew about their two girls after Izuku had posted a video of Blossom giggling away at Katsuki and Shoto making silly faces at her while Y/N just watched in the background with a big smile on her face. That video was the most brought up topic in their latest interviews and they didn’t mind at all telling the world about their girls.
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this story belongs to @lolaxbunnyy !!
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wintabite · 1 month
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5 reasons why i love you
GENRE! fluff, slight angst (#5)
NOTES! gn!reader, est relationship, mention of reader living in an apartment,
SYNPOSIS! 5 reasons why you love yang jungwon
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after jungwon showed up to your house 1 hour late, you felt relieved that he was okay, but also very confused and even a little hurt. you had made plans to hangout at 6pm, and now it was 7, and jungwon was stood at your apartment door, flowers in hand.
"wonnn? what took so long?" you frowned, still slightly holding onto the door.
"i'm so, so, so, so, so sorry my love. i was getting you flowers, then the flower lady took too long telling me about each kind and i kept telling her i had to go and she wouldn't let me leave and-" you listened to him explain his reason, his voice in a hurry to get it through to you so you'd have to worry no longer.
"you scared me!" you spoke a bit louder, taking his hand and dragging him inside of the apartment, shutting the door behind him and snatching the flowers from his hand. they were your favourite.
"i'll make it up to you, okay? it'll never happen again" he slid his shoes off, keeping his love-filled eyes on you.
"pinky promise?" you stuck out your pinky, just like always. it was a little tradition between you two, absolutely no breaking pinky promises. he smiled, intertwining his pinky with yours.
"pinky promise." he repeated, and after holding for a few seconds, he brought you in by the waist for an apologetic hug. now you were certain he'd never be that late for anything ever again.
jungwon loved inviting you over to his place because every time he did it meant you'd spend a lot of time with maeum. his two loves together was truly a sight for him to see. you never noticed, but he was constantly snapping candid photos of you doing anything with maeum. going on a walk? photo. scratching him in the perfect spot right behind the ears? photo. staring contest with maeum? photo. (you always won, of course).
"i should steal maeum from you" you suggested, holding his leash in your hand as the three of you strolled around a nice, peaceful area.
"whattt? steal me instead, y/n!"
"but i want maeum!"
"wowww so you like him more than me?" jungwon faked being upset, dramatically rolling his eyes, which made you laugh.
"well....." of course you were joking. maeum was like your child, and you loved him dearly, but how could anyone top your jungwon?
"im kidding, i know you love me" he said smugly, kissing your cheek. you were tempted to kiss his back, really, you were tempted to kiss his lips; but you two were in public, so it was best not to, even if there weren't too many people.
the three of you continued your walk, and eventually reached a beautiful cherry blossom tree. it was large and full of life, you walked towards it with maeum with the intention to snatch a petal or two, just for memories.
"wait, stand still, i need a photo!" jungwon took out his phone, opening his camera. you didn't mind him getting a photo of you as long as maeum was in it! after he got the photo, you rushed towards him to see it.
"my favourite love.. and my other love, i guess.." jungwon joked as he pointed to you two in the photo, but immediately felt bad, so kissed your cheek just like before. sometimes when he'd make those types of jokes, you acted mad just so he'd kiss you.
sometimes you wonder what you did to deserve someone so caring, loving, attractive, and amazing as yang jungwon. tonight was one of those nights. after a long day of being out and walking, you were exhausted. you had an off day and just wanted to spend it out of the house, but the shoes you wore probably weren't the best. you were exhausted, it was 10pm, and all you wanted to do was shower then sleep. unlocking the door to your apartment, you entered, and saw a lamp in your living room on and dinner on the table. you inched closer to the food, inspecting it suspiciously.
"yn! you didn't answer my texts i sent 20 minutes ago! are you hungry? and you okay? are you tired? come sit, sit!" he ran up to you, not even giving you a chance to answer any of his questions or even think. he pulled the chair for you, gesturing you to sit down. he sat down right next to you, putting food onto your plate for you. it was everything you loved, still nice and warm.
"how was your day? what did you do?" he asked, more excited to listen to your voice than to listen to what you actually did. you smiled brightly straight at him, he noticed in his peripheral vision and turned to face you.
"what?" he tilted his head. you brought him in by the neck, planting a loving kiss on his lips. as you pulled away, your bright grin seeped onto him too.
"i love you so much, jungwon. thank you." you had absolutely no regrets giving him the spare key. after late nights out, it was amazing to have homecooked food and cuddles from him.
anywhere. everywhere. any time. no matter what. he's a bit protective, and having your hand intertwined with his not only tells other guys to back off, but also makes him know you're safe. in a crowded place like downtown, where people are walking in every direction all the time, it's easy to lose one another, but not when you're holding his hand. especially when it's cold out, his hand provides warmth.
you especially appreciate when he does it while you're stressed. trying to navigate through the city can be hard, jungwon knows, so when you're frustrated because (according to you) the gps is useless and dumb, he stays silent. just holding your hand in a comforting manner. his thumb brushes over one of your fingers, subconsciously soothing you.
"okay.. i figured it out, we turn left" you finally understood the direction, which meant you two could continue walking to your destination.
"there you go!" he gave a faint, comforting smile to you, definitely helping you to calm down from the sudden wave of stress which didn't seem to leave for a while.
the way he reassures you when you're unsure. the way he's always there if you ever need to cry. how he'll always put you first and drop anything to help you. how he refuses to take off his matching bracelet because it shows his commitment to you. how he'll randomly see you out in public and his eyes immediately light up as they meet yours, then you two spend the rest of the day hanging out. or that one time he didn't see you for 5 days straight and when he was finally with you, he didn't leave your side for a split second.
it's such an amazing feeling knowing there will always be someone who you can love, who will never judge you, and who is so loyal, just as you are to him. no matter how far you are from him, for any reason, your love is always strong, always present.
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an: u guys have no idea how bad i wanted to write "skibidi toilet" for that last one. im childish as fuck and im proud about it. watch out for next april fools i swear
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meatonfork · 2 years
Thank you so much for fulfilling my platonic TF141 dreams!!, you can't imagine how bad i need a platonic relationship with them and how hard it's to find similar content for god's sake you're a true saviour 💗 If your RQs are open can i ask for a teenage/young adult reader (17-21)? Where the reader was a hostage before they got rescued by the TF141 and for some reason the reader has to stay with them temporarily for their own safety? I can see the reader bonding with them like some kind of family after the reader was closed off bc of Thier trauma, I also imagine the team giving the reader some kind of code name as a way to make them feel welcomed 💗
thank you for this idea! so lovely, i hope this is up to your needs! :’)
Found Family
pairings: platonic 141 x grim
warning: hostage situation, grim is scared of big storms, usual cod violence
summary: the story of grim’s call sign, and how they joined tf141
you were only 17 when you enlisted. you felt an obligation to your, now dead, family to serve. to help protect others.
you later found it to be one of the best decisions ever made. pretty smart if you asked yourself.
but, at the time you were constantly overlooked because of your small stature.
for about a year, you never had a call sign. just your last name. it never really bothered you, until now.
now you were caught in a stupid safe house after a task force had to come get you after being captured mid-mission.
they were all nice, except the guy with the skull mask. he didn’t talk much.
a large storm had stopped the team and yourself from being able to leave the area. your next best option was some safe house that ghost knew of.
trekking through the woods in a huge storm with minor injuries- cuts, scrapes, and bruises, was the last thing you wanted to do. but, you really didn’t have a choice.
“what happened to you, kid?” price’s voice was raised so you could hear him over the wind.
“fuckin’ teammate threw me back towards the enemy. got caught.” you were pissed, and your tone made that clear.
price nodded, letting out a hum.
“you got a call sign yet?” soap’s voice cut in this time.
“nah. no one bothered to give me one.” you shrug, but it secretly bothered you. you were the only one in your squad without one.
“you’ll get one soon, don’t worry.”
you nodded and continued following ghost.
a loud clap of thunder made you jump. you lost your footing, but ghost’s large hand quickly snapped out and grabbed your arm.
“you good?”
“yeah. hate storms.”
“we’re all scared of somethin’.” his tone wasn’t comforting, but you tell he was trying to be.
“yeah, i know.”
you finally made it to the safe house, quickly rushing to the bathroom to change out of your soaked clothes.
walking out, you saw everyone sitting on a couch, also changed. you joined them, sitting in a chair, making yourself comfortable.
gaz quickly spoke up, “how you feelin’ now?”
“warmer. definitely war-“ another clap of thunder interrupted you.
“you’re good, just a storm.” he offered a reassuring smile, but it didn’t do much to calm your nerves. your small hands unconsciously started to shake.
“let’s come up with a call sign, yeah?” soap could see your nerves from a mile away. hell, if he tried hard enough he could probably smell them.
“uh, yeah. sure!” you smiled softly at him, tucking a strand of damp hair behind your ear.
“you got any strong character traits? embarrassing stories?”
“uhhh… no.” you frowned. “i mean, im pretty small, obviously, but i don’t want to be known for it. you lot can already see it.” your voice wavered slightly as the storm continued raging. rain beat down on the windows like a continuous line of drums.
“yeah, that’s reasonable. hmm.” this time gaz tried making names for you.
this continued for a long while, usually ending in laughs at how ridiculous their ideas were.
ghost even chimes in with ‘bee’ because you were so small, but seemingly could hold yourself, but your distaste for them quickly shut that down.
“oh! one time, on a mission, my squad ran into some real trouble. we couldn’t get backup, it was too compromised. we were stuck in this warehouse, the enemy had us cornered. only me and one other teammate were in the room. we got split off. anyway, he was injured bad. like, on the verge of death, bad.” you were talking animatedly. hands moving about and face scrunching. the boys sat quietly. this was the most you’ve talked, having been too nervous all night.
“he couldn’t do much to help us. i was just a rookie, little experience, but enough to get by with backup. when i saw at least five men coming up to us, i panicked. i guess i just stopped thinking. i blacked out, don’t remember much. but when i clocked back in, my partner looked terrified, yet amazed.” your voice was growing softer.
“there was blood everywhere. i couldn’t tell what was mine or their’s. all he said was, ‘jesus. that was fucking grim. you good?’ i think about it quite often.” your movements slowed, and your eyes glazed a bit.
“damn, kid. i think i found a name for ya.” ghost finally chimes in. a chuckle left price.
your small figure, curled in a ball, looked at all the men. most held amusement. amused that someone that small had the ability to take out so many men.
“glad to meet ya, grim.” soap’s smile was large.
“nice to meet you lot, too.” you gave one back.
a/n: thanks for reading!! hope you enjoyed <3
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 years
it happens in march of 1997.
eddie and steve walking down the road in boston, eddie's arm carrying a small bag of groceries and steve carrying a large bag of cat food to bring home to sabbath and babylon. they were bundled up in coats, still not used to the harsh winters in boston.
their grocery store was only a few blocks from their house, good for times like these when they came home from work to their cats empty bowls and an equally empty pantry, not ideal for the get-together they were hosting tomorrow night.
boston had been kind to them, living merely blocks from robin and nancy, and the kids were able to come and visit frequently. they got away from the upside down and all of its accompanying instability.
it also had the benefit of being gay-friendly. they had formed a close-knit group of several other neighborhood queers alongside nance and robin. and while they personally weren't super big fans of pda, it did allow them to walk down the streets holding hands, as they were now.
so it was usual thursday, until it wasn't.
"no way, steve harrington in the flesh?"
tommy fucking hagan here, in boston. god hawkins just does not let up.
steve becomes increasingly aware of eddie hand in his. it feels like it weigh 100 pounds. eddie must pick up on this as steve feels eddie drop his hand, going to tuck into his jacket pocket.
tommy looks older, he aged just like his dad. he doesn't look bad, he just aged. it's like steve is in a time warp, his brain truly comprehending for the first time that it's been twelve years since he graduated high school and ditched behind king harrington. since he was the steve that tommy knew.
"wow tommy, i uh- never would have, i mean what are you doing in boston? last i heard you were down in dallas "
tommy smiled, "yeah im here on vacation for a couple days with my," there's a pause "... with my partner."
he and eddie glanced over at each other, picking up on that word but no, he couldn't be.
"what a small world. i mean we- i," pause, grabbing eddie's hand, part of him hoping tommy doesn't notice and the other part begging him to, "we live just down the street. had to pick up some food for the girls," gesturing down to the cat food in his left hand.
tommy smiled wide, "it's so cool how walkable boston is. it's been so nice for the last few days, not sure michael could handle this weather year 'round though."
michael? not michelle or michaela? michael.... michael.
he felt eddie's hand squeeze his, clearly aware of steve's train of thought at the moment.
after 11 years together, eddie practically has a window into steve's brain which is why he speaks up for the first time, "yeah we love boston, despite the cold. if you and michael aren't busy, we are having a few friends over tomorrow night if you two want to join? i'm sure i'd be nice for steve and you to catch up."
steve was thankful for his boyfriend in this moment, "yeah that would be great tommy, it'd be nice to meet michael."
tommy smiled, "yeah we'd love to."
eddie rattled off their address and the time, tommy bidding his goodbyes, leaving steve and eddie walking back the short distance to their apartment.
steve still hadn't said much, eyes looking forward.
"you okay, babe?"
steve looked over at eddie, "is every fucking person from hawkins gay?"
eddie laughed at him, "valid point. although to be fair, as much as i love him, hopper is just about the straightest man i've ever seen."
there is now a part two here
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lovelybucky1 · 2 years
"oh really?" / "yes, really." / "lying doesn't suit you, sweetheart."
with rooster?
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send me enemies to lovers prompts with top gun characters from this post
im not even a rooster girlie but this sure got away from me
warnings: enemies to lovers, gender neutral reader, sexual tension, 18+ minors DNI
The sun on the beach is hot and you can feel it scorching on your skin. The football game is winding down as the pilots are losing interest. Some have gone into the water for a swim, some, including you, are sunbathing, and the rest are digging a very large hole in the sand. Rooster isn’t with any of the others, and unfortunately for you, he deems you more appealing than any of the other activities.
He walks up to where you’re laid out on your towel, accidentally kicking some sand onto it which pisses you off before he even speaks.
“Y/L/N,” he greets with a smirk, still smug after beating your team at football.
“Bradshaw,” you respond curtly. You’ve never been a fan of the pilot, always having found him mildly irritating and, frankly, you think he’s a little bitch.
“What’s the matter? Still mad that you lost?”
“I’m mad that you’re blocking my sun,” you say, cracking an eye open to see his dark silhouette, and even despite the lack of light, his stupid mustache is very visible.
He moves out of the way quickly and you end up staring directly into the sun. You curse him as you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to will the colorful spots dancing behind your eyelids away.
“Maybe if you weren’t so distracted by looking at me, you wouldn’t have lost so bad,” he laughs, sitting next to you in the sand.
You roll onto your stomach and lift yourself up on your elbows and look at him over your sunglasses.
“I wasn’t looking at you, asshole,” you roll your eyes.
“Yes you were. I saw you,” he says with a taunting voice like he’s a child, not a professional navy pilot.
“Glancing isn’t looking, and either way, I wasn’t distracted.”
“Oh, I see,” he smirks, “So you just let Phoenix take you out like that?”
Maybe Rooster was right. She had caught you in a moment of weakness where you happened to turn your attention away from the game and saw Rooster, skin glowing with salt water, sweat, and tanning oil, doing a stupid celebratory dance. You weren’t distracted, though.
“Yes,” you respond through clenched teeth. “I hate to break it to you, Bradshaw, but you’re nothing special. I could go to the bar and find ten guys who look just like you, pornstache and all.”
Rooster isn’t affected by your dig in the slightest, laughing it off and continuing his pestering.
“Why find a lookalike when you could have the real thing? I know you’ve thought about it; pornstache and all,” he grins.
“I haven’t.”
It sounds like a lie even to your own ears. You have thought about it, usually late at night after Rooster spent a long, frustrating day of training poking and prodding at you with non-stop comments and jibes about your flying or your sex life or god knows what else.
“Oh really?” he asks, eyebrow quirked over his sunglasses in a way that makes you want to snap them in half.
“Yes, really.”
“You know, lying doesn’t suit you, sweetheart.”
Frustration builds inside of you, and you almost think you might burst.
“What do you want, Rooster? Do you want me to admit I think you’re attractive? Do you want me to sleep with you? Do you want me to get down on my knees and thank god for blessing me with the Bradley Bradshaw?”
Maybe you had lost your temper, but after weeks of this, he deserved it. He looked taken aback by your outburst, and an almost remorseful look appeared on his face.
“No… that’s not what I want,” he mutters.
“Then why do you insist on fucking with me?”
Rooster is quiet for a moment while he thinks of his response. “Because it’s the best way to get your attention.” You furrow your brows in confusion. “You wouldn’t give me the time of day otherwise.”
“You’re kidding.” He shakes his head. “All this time you’ve, what, been pulling my pigtails so I’d like you back?”
He shrugs and gives a half smile, clearly embarrassed that his intentions are being exposed like this.
“That’s pathetic, Rooster. You could’ve just told me you’re interested like a big boy.”
“I did tell you!”
You shoot him a look that says really?, and he shrinks under your gaze. You sit up on your towel so you’re almost eye level with Rooster.
“You’re an irritating, annoying, frustrating son of a bitch,” you say, and it looks like he’s prepared to be slapped. Instead of slapping him, which you would have done in a heartbeat half an hour ago, you press your lips together in a bruising kiss.
He gasps into your mouth, but his surprise only lasts for a second before he kisses you back. It’s like you thought it would be. A kiss to break the tension, full of passion and weeks of built-up frustration melting away as you bite at his soft bottom lip.
When you pull away, Rooster is flushed, not just from the sun, and his eyelids are heavy and half open. He wipes the glistening spit from his mouth with the back of his hand, then clears his throat as he regains his composure.
“That was… good,” he says.
“Just good?” you lean in close again, and his eyes almost go crossed as he tries to keep eye contact. You put your hand on his abs, and you wish you hadn’t waited this long to touch him.
“Yeah,” he breathes, and despite the blush that spanks from his cheeks to his chest, he still has that infuriating cocky smirk.
“Lying doesn’t suit you, sweetheart.”
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jeanboyjean · 7 months
you're the worst - ft jean kirstein. mdni!!
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summary: you and jean are rivaling lawyers on the partner track and it’s your firm’s xmas party. what better way to prove you’re better than him than to fuck him?
content: (nsfw) f! reader, rivals to lovers, coworkers, fucking at your work christmas function … in a storage closet!! f! oral receiving. p in v. unprotected sex oops. big dick jean, light choking
a/n: inspired by (actual irl) boyfriend's beef with his coworker. she recently got a promotion over him and he wont shut up about it so i was like wait … i gotta write this down this is a great idea HOLD AWN. their xmas function is next week and theres always drama!! enemies to lovers is THE TROPE for meee so i may expand on this later on and make a long fic but for now this is it. ty to @gallliard + @cowgirlikets for beta reading bc im goofy!! tag: @poopwons
2.7k words
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String lights twinkle from the ceiling as people mill around you. Music is thumping from the large speakers near the DJ stand as you make your way to the bar to get another drink. Your law firm’s annual christmas party is in full swing right now and it's around halfway through the night - about the point where everyone’s finished their dinners and washing them down with drinks. The cocktail tables you had initially stood around at the start of the night, schmoozing with partners, have been cleared to form a crowded dance floor. You carefully thread your way between your coworkers while they let their hair down after yet another busy year.
When you finally reach the bar, you flag down the bartender and order another drink. In the holiday spirit, the firm had requested custom themed drinks and he sets down a very festive vodka cranberry in front of you. You're taking a sip, turning away to lean your back against the counter when a figure next to you catches your eye.
You sigh. It’s your coworker, Jean Kirstein - a.k.a the bane of your existence.
The two of you had joined the firm at the same time as new grads and had moved up the ranks together. Now, he’s your biggest competition, the one thing standing in the way of you becoming junior partner. He’s good, you’ll give him that. You both are. The two of you are the firms biggest rising stars, pulling clients and racking up billables like it’s nothing.
Unfortunately, he’s also a bit of a dick. At first, you couldn’t tell if his cocky persona had been an act, but after working alongside him these years, you’ve just come to accept that he is naturally a loud, smug asshole. The breaking point had been when you had stayed up late one night in your third year, working on a proposal, only for Jean to rock in the next day with his own that overwrote everything you had done. You’ve never really forgiven him for stealing your thunder and have used every opportunity you can to shine over him. Since then, he’s been nothing more than your rival and enemy. This was even more so lately, what with the announcement coming up next week to reveal who would be getting a promotion.
Jean turns his head to follow the bartender and meets your eyes. You quickly turn away and sip your drink.
“Hey,” you hear him say. He’s moved across to stand next to you, leaning his side on the counter.
Inwardly, you tense a little, always on guard when he interacts with you. “Hi Kirstein,” you say stiffly. “What’s up?”
“Just thinking how good it’s going to feel when they call out my name for junior partner,” he grins smugly.
You roll your eyes at him. “Yeah, in your dreams.”
“Not my dreams if it’s a fact,” he sings and you bristle at his words. There’s no way he could know this for a fact. Everything’s been kept under wraps and you know you have just as much of a chance as him. You both went well over budget and the partners love you equally. It’s anyone’s game at this point.
He laughs. “I’m just kidding. I’m 99% sure it’s gonna be me but who knows what could happen. You might still have a shot.”
“Fuck off, Kirstein,” you snap at him, getting ready to leave.
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” He waves his hands. “It could be either of us. Or maybe even Reiner might pull an undercover steal and take it from us.”
You can’t help but laugh at his words. Reiner’s good but he’s far from partner material so you know Jean's taking the piss.
Jean straightens up, demeanour becoming a little more serious. “You know … I think it might actually be you this time.”
Your eyebrows raise. “Are you playing mind games with me, Kirstein?”
“Nah. I think you deserve it, that's all. You worked really hard on that last merger with the Reeves company and it paid off. All the partners are raving about it.”
His voice is sincere for once and your mouth hangs open in shock. You can’t remember the last time you had a conversation with Jean that wasn’t the two of you throwing jabs back and forth. It’s no secret to anyone that you can’t stand the other’s guts.
It's strange. For some reason, he's smiling at you and that fact that you don't feel the need to snap back at him makes you want to smack him.
The lighting at the bar brightens up his sandy brown hair like a halo around his face and his eyes glow as they stare intently at you. Fuck you Jean Kirstein and your perfect hair and your perfect face.
“You look nice today,” he admits, gaze travelling down to give you a once over. The surprises won’t stop coming.
“Yeah, you clean up well too I guess.” It's not a lie - he's definitely attractive. The problem with Jean though is he knows it. You have to be careful with what you say so as to not feed his already bloated ego.
He smirks, obviously pleased by your admission. He hums, eyes wandering around at your surrounding before landing back on you. There’s a split second where you swear they flicker down to your lips briefly. “You wanna go dance?”
Your eyes widen in surprise. “You want to dance ... with me,” you say flatly, eyebrows furrowing.
“Yeah, why not?” He gestures to his body. “You know you want to.”
You roll your eyes. “Fine, Kirstein. I’ll indulge you this one time since you so clearly want to.”
Whirling around, you down your drink then stalk away to the dance floor. You hear him snicker behind you as he follows. Once you find a free spot, you turn to face him, suddenly a little unsure. He’s got a devilish grin on his face as he steps in closer to you. His hands come to rest on your waist and your body lights up at his touch. Hesitantly, your arms come up to wrap around his neck as you let the music guide your body, alcohol pumping through your blood.
After a few minutes, his head dips down and you shiver when his nose grazes your neck. Lips at your ear, he murmurs, “I mean it by the way. You look really good.”
“Don’t tell me you have feelings for me now, Kirstein,” you say in response, trying your hardest to hide how his words rock you to your core. He doesn’t say anything and just laughs, shoulders shaking.
When you look up at him, his eyes are fixed on you, glowing molten lava. Your breath catches in your throat. It feels like the world disappears beneath your feet as you find yourself trapped in his gaze.
Wanting to break free of the moment, you spin around. His hands are still on your waist so you find yourself pressed with your back against his chest. His grip tightens, hips still rocking to the music. You let yourself be moved along too, trying your best to calm your racing heart.
The song is slow and bass heavy, soulful vocals crooning - a little sensual for a conservative law firm like this. When the last few notes trail off, his head drops again to your shoulder and you can feel more than hear him groan.
“Shit,” you hear him mutter. He goes to move away from you but it’s too late. There's an unmistakable hardness pressing firm against your ass. You still and slowly turn to face him.
He has the decency to look embarrassed now, sheepish expression on his face as he puts his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, I just got carried away. Please … pretend nothing happened.”
You stare at him, blood thumping in your veins. Despite everything, heat pools in your stomach while a wetness builds between your legs. You shake your head and grab your hand. “Let’s go.”
You drag him through the crowd, turning into the corridor towards the bathrooms. With a tug, you pull him into a storage closet and shut the door behind you. He looks at you in a mix of confusion and curiosity. “What are we doing in here?”
You roll your eyes and step in towards him. “Do you want to do this or not?”
His eyes widen and they flicker from yours to your mouth and his breath catches in his throat when your tongue slides out to lick your lips.
Without a word he closes the distance between the two of you. His hands come to grip your jaw as he presses his mouth hard against yours. You share a messy kiss, your hands tangling in his hair, his sliding down your body.
He places wet kisses down your neck as one hand cups a breast, the other groping at your ass. You moan, head falling back as he sucks into your sensitive skin and pinches a nipple through your dress.
“I want to take this off,” he almost pleads, tugging at the fabric. “Can I take it off?”
You nod, letting him unzip and feeling it fall to the floor. His eyes roam your body. “Fuck. You’re so hot,” he groans.
He walks you back until your back hits the closed door behind you. Kisses trail down your body as he falls to his knees and hooks a leg up over his shoulder. He licks a wet stripe up your inner thigh, pulling your underwear to the side to reveal your glistening folds. Wasting no time, he dives forward to lick at your wet slit.
“You taste so good,” he moans into your skin. You’re breathless above him, eyes screwing shut with pleasure as he works his magic.
He takes your sensitive clit into his mouth, swirling around with his tongue and sucking. A finger dips into your folds and you clench tight at the intrusion. He curls it inside you, searching for the sensitive bundle of nerves and it’s obvious when he finds it because you jerk above him, moaning in delight. You feel his lips lift in a smirk and he’s relentless now. Another finger joins and he’s pumping, massaging your slick walls, still sucking at your clit. Your toes curl, heat building in your core.
“Come on, pretty girl. I want to feel you cum on my face,” he moans into your soaking cunt. At his words, it only takes a little more before you feel yourself let go and your orgasm takes over. Waves of pleasure rip through you as you pulse and squeeze around him. Your knees buckle and he catches you with one hand, pinning your hip against the surface behind you.
He grins as he removes his fingers, sucking them clean before wiping his face with the back of his hand. He stands, pulling your face into a messy open mouthed kiss. It feels nasty, the way you're panting into his mouth as you taste yourself on his tongue.
You reach down to palm at his crotch, feeling his hard cock straining against his pants. Eagerly, you pull them down and release him, feeling him hot and heavy in your hand. With all of his arrogance, you had been sure he was overcompensating for a lack of something downstairs but now you're sorely (or maybe thankfully) mistaken. He's easily the biggest you've ever had.
“Shit, I don’t have a condom,” he says.
“Oh,” you say in response, but all you can think is, damn he's big. You shake your head. “I’m clean and on the pill so I’m fine if you are.”
Jean grins. “Sounds good to me.”
He kisses you again before spinning you around to face the door. Your hands fall in front to catch you and he presses into your back. His cock is hard against your ass and he takes a moment to grind against you slowly. He guides it with his hand to slide a few times over your slit, gathering the wetness. You hold in a whine, already a little overstimulated when he finally lines himself up and pushes in slowly. There's a little resistance but you relish in the feeling of stretching around him.
“So tight,” he moans into your hair, cock throbbing inside you.
Jean moves slowly to begin with, letting you adjust to his size but it’s not long before his pace picks up and he’s fucking you in earnest. His hips thrust against your ass, cock sliding in and out, reaching areas you didn’t think were possible. You moan as you rock back into him, desperately meeting his movements.
Your head falls back onto his shoulder and your eyes screw shut as you feel him driving in relentlessly, letting your body go limp in pleasure. One of his hands grips the door next to yours, while the other reaches up to wrap around your throat to hold you up against him. He’s only resting his hand there really, but it makes you clench around him even tighter.
At the sensation, he hisses, hips stuttering. “Oh, you like that?” His hips snap in hard. “I knew you would, you dirty girl.”
His fingers tighten around your neck, lightly cutting off your air supply. It’s enough to make your head spin, stars forming in your vision. He pants into your hair, softly muttering curses as he pounds in quicker. You’re at his mercy now, moaning freely, as your orgasm builds again.
Legs shaking in the effort to hold yourself up, you lose yourself in the moment. Electricity streaks through your body, lighting up all of your nerves. The lack of air is making your limbs tingle, heightening your senses. The hand he’s using to steady himself falls down to your hip, sliding down to your pussy. You jerk when his fingers find your clit, the pleasure almost too much to bear. With a few quick circles at your sensitive nub, you're crying out as you cum around his cock. Your walls clench tight, uncontrollably and your hands claw at the door.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he moans, hips stuttering, all finesse out the window. “You’re squeezing me so tight. I’m gonna fucking come.”
He fucks into you without abandon, using both hands to grip your hips tight enough to leave bruises. He pounds into you relentlessly, the slick sound of your skin meeting each other filling the air, before burying into you all the way as he cums. His hips falter and slow as he reaches his high, spilling deep inside you. His forehead drops onto your shoulder, as he tries to catch his breath and carefully, he pulls out, his cum leaking out of your cunt down your thigh.
You fall forward, catching yourself with your forearms against the door. You turn around to face him. His hair has fallen out of its careful styling, a few stray strands sticking on his damp forehead. He grins at you, blinking slowly, lids heavy with contentment. You’re a little surprised when he dips down to capture your mouth in another kiss. His lips are more gentle now, movements softer as his hands lightly hold your jaw. When he pulls away, you’re breathless and frazzled, completely taken aback by the entire sequence of events.
“You good?” he asks you, eyes twinkling with mirth.
You nod in response, racking your brain to think of something to say but coming up empty.
“That was so hot,” he says in your silence. “I knew all that tension between us would lead to something great.” He smirks. “Didn’t think it would be so easy to get you like putty in my hands.”
You straighten at his words, batting his hands from your warm cheeks. “Fuck off, Kirstein. It was just unexpected. You’ll see. Next time you’re the one that’s gonna be putty.”
His chest heaves with laughter as he bends down to pick up your dress and hand it to you. “Next time, huh? Good to know.”
“You're the worst,” You groan, making a face at him as you step into your dress and slide the straps back up over your shoulders. You turn around, holding your hair up with your hands to let him zip it back up.
A shiver runs down your spine when his fingers graze your bare skin. He presses a light kiss against the side of your exposed neck. “Let’s get back out there then,” he murmurs into your skin.
You pretend your legs don’t buckle a little at the feeling of his touch and shake yourself off, smoothing down your dress. You can still feel the ghost of him inside you and his sticky cum dripping down your inner thighs.
Next time, Jean Kirstein. You’ll see.
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rise-my-angel · 2 years
Past Retribution
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Length: 17.7k
Warnings: Violence, angst with happy ending, smut, oral (m receiving), p in v, keeping secrets
Notes: I don't know what happened with the length im so sorry. Can be read as a sequel to Confused Warmth and Distracted Mistakes, but also can be read as a standalone. Follow up Haunted Anguish.
It all felt somehow so familiar, despite how many years it had been. The stinging pain radiating through your body as the world around you seemed to spin ever so slightly. The humid air gave way to a cold you know didn’t really exist, a coldness in your bones that contrasted with the warmth around the worst of the pain. The putrid, almost moldy smell of decay mixed uncomfortably with the smell of blood. 
Blood seemed to be everywhere, his all over your face, and yours pouring from your body as you sat in the puddle it was creating. The heavy smell of blood was overwhelming, so much so you could almost taste that rusted stench it gave off. Your head was leaned back against the concrete behind you, your back propped up against it as you looked at the body right in front of you. It’s unmoving silence almost worse now that it was dead, because now you could see it so clearly. 
The cracked skin mixed with whatever grew all over their bodies, the colours of their skin turned along with it as what was left of the human shape disappeared. The scariest of the infection, their mutated heads twisted into nothing but a vessel for the cordyceps to spread further. If you could focus on anything but the cold dizzy world around you, maybe you could still feel it’s teeth sinking in. 
Maybe you should have felt more scared. Seeing time and time again what this infection turns you into, and how much quicker it works on you if it enters from your bloodstream. But right now, your bloodstream was currently dripping out onto the floor, so it didn’t matter. If you didn’t stop the bleeding you’d be dead regardless. Just last night everything was so different, so normal. This strange feeling of family you had found with Joel and Ellie fading away the more your vision faded. Maybe you’d be more scared if your last memory of them wasn’t so comforting. 
In that memory, you weren’t leaning up against a wall bleeding out. No, it was Joel's warm, protective chest that you felt behind you. His large hands held firmly against your hips as you both stood in the evening air looking out into nothing. His deep voice rumbling in your ear with stories about his own youth, “I’m not kidding, it’s almost pathetic thinking about how attractive I thought I must have been to girls. My long ass arms with zero muscle, and there I was trying to show off in a tank top like I was actually cool.” 
You laughed, and you could feel the vibration in your body as Joel chuckled alongside you. “Anything would have impressed me at that point. I don’t even think I knew what a boy was yet, spent way too much time with my head in the clouds.” 
Joel moved one hand from your hip to slide around your stomach, gently tugging you back into him just a tad more tightly. “So you’re basically saying nothing’s changed.” He felt your eye roll even without seeing it, laughing once more as you huffed. 
“Laugh all you want, but I’m willing to bet you were the type of kid who thought pulling hair or bumping into in you in the hall was how you were supposed to show a girl you liked her.” A tiny yelp left you as Joel tugged at a strand of your hair without a seconds hesitation. His lips pressed into the top of your head no doubt in the form of a smirk. 
“Yeah go ahead and tell me you don’t like when I do that.” He had the audacity to tug again, so you playfully nudged your elbow into his stomach behind you, pursing your lips to hide your own smile threatening to slip through. 
“I hate you so much.” Your breathy laugh finally broke through. 
Joel leaned in to catch your cheek with his lips, brushing over the skin as he mocked. “Definitely what you were saying this morning,” your elbow pushed him a little harder this time, an oof from his mouth coming out as you laughed and slipped free of his grasp. Turning to lean against the wooden railing. 
You could hear Ellie somewhere in the distance approaching the house, and the sight in front of you, Joel rubbing his hand over his stomach, warm brown eyes watching you gently.  He had gotten used to you being here, spending more time and more nights at his house. Living out this quiet little life out you all had wanted, but spending more of it together. It had been so long since either of you felt anything like this, that it almost seemed strange to you both. Out of place to feel like you had a house and a family to come home too at the end of the day. 
You tried not to think about the word family. Still worried that you were intruding too much on Joel’s life with Ellie. As if your very presence got in the way of their growing bond as father and daughter, neither had said as much, but it felt that way to you. The feeling coming up once more as Joel’s attention shifted to the girl bounding up to the front of the house. “I don’t understand how she still has so much energy this late.” Ellie’s voice sounding exasperated and tired. 
Joel raised an eyebrow playfully as his arms crossed in front of him. “If you actually went to bed before the sun comes up when you know you gotta get up early, you’d have that energy too.” Ellie rolled her eyes playfully, disappearing inside with a “Yeah, yeah.” Joel gently shoving at her back with barley a touch as she passed him. 
That was the real family. Not you playing the imposter in their quiet lives. At least you wouldn’t be that way for long, not anymore. That false hope of normalcy shattered just days before at the mere sight of an old face wandering into town. The second they saw you, it was only a matter of time and just earlier today your fears were confirmed. A threat found it’s way to you, with clear instructions attached. It was either your safety, or Joels, that was the choice given to you. You weren’t going to put his life in jeopardy for something he couldn’t possibly know about. 
His warm hand cupped your cheek as your face was pulled to look into his, brows furrowed as he looked at you with concern. “Hey,” his face leaned in to brush his nose against yours. “Don’t go disappearing on me, again.” This wasn’t the first time Joel caught your mind wandering off in the past week. 
It tugged painfully at your heart, but you couldn’t show it. He’d stop you. He’d convince you otherwise, and you know you’d let him if he tried. His gentle embrace and quiet whispers too enticing to resist and he knew it. So you smiled, put a hand on the wrist holding you, while the other found the back of his neck. “Never.” 
Pulling him the remaining distance into a kiss, his hands finding new homes on your body the more it deepened. Just as Joel teased your lips to let him in, he pulled back and moved the kiss to your forehead. The hand that found your lower back moving you to follow inside. “C’mon, it’s getting late.” 
Promised him what you wouldn’t keep, and you didn’t even give him the mercy of not tricking him into thinking he would still wake up beside you tomorrow. 
The night was normal on the surface. Indulging in Ellie wanting to spend increasing amounts of time with you, feeling Joel’s consistent need to have his touch find it’s way back to you. All covered in the dread of losing this, the weight of wondering if you ever even deserved it. You knew one way or the other what was about to happen to you, and as you were pressed against the wall right before Joel’s bedroom door, his mouth against your neck, thigh pressed up between your legs, your mind wandered back to if you deserved to let what happened years ago just happen then and there. 
Not to tease you with this loving warmth in the same addicting way Joel’s hands teased you thumbs stroking the skin above the top of your pants. Your own hands searching blindly for the buttons on his shirt, barley letting them all come undone before you greedily traced the skin of his chest. Tracing your fingers down before brushing past his nipples and pushing your palms up against them grasping at the surrounding skin. 
Joel pulled away from your neck with a hiss, his mouth brushing against your smug one as he bites against your bottom lip. “Now you’ve done it.” Pulling you inside, door closing behind him, he recaptures your lips as he positions you in the middle of his room. Shredding off the red flannel, it dropped onto the ground where he stood before he moved to tilt your head up with both hands on your jaw, one thumb tracing over your lips. “Always teasing me, aren’t you sweetheart?” 
Wanting to undress him more, Joel didn’t let you. Pulling your shirt up and over your head, your bra following shortly after. His dark eyes raked slowly down from your face to your chest, his hands sliding against the sides of your chest, and down to undo your pants. Kissing you as he does so, a softer one but no less commanding. Your own lips tried to follow as he pulled away, but Joel knelt down instead, yanking your pants and underwear down in one rough pull and tossing them to the side. “Always trying to rile me up.” He kisses the skin of your stomach, pushing your hands back to your sides when you reached for his hair. 
Holding your thighs for leverage, Joel sunk lower pressing his lips to your mound, “This sweet pussy always begging me to take care of it, the needy fucking thing it is.” His name leaving your mouth with a gasp as he licks right from your clit down to your entrance, wasting little time as his tongue works it’s way inside you pulling moan and whine after whine. His hands moving once again to hold yours against your sides before sliding down to rub at your clit. 
You couldn’t tell if it was him or you that kept pushing your legs further and further open for him, but his mouth pulled you closer and closer to the edge. Pulling away as his other hand took his place and teased inside of you, a string of spit still connected before snapping as he looked up to your head thrown back. Your fingers clenched at your sides, his thick fingers refusing to fill you. “What do you need, sweet girl?” 
His voice gruff as needy, listening to you whine out, “You. Just you,” 
Standing with a grumble vibrating in his chest, Joel slipped his two teasing fingers right inside your tight pussy slick with your own arousal they slid right in with ease. His mouth bite and kissed into yours as you gasped what seemed like the start of his name, thumb rubbing your clit as his other hand was free to grasp at your body turning you to the bed. 
He didn’t lay you out, instead he sat you on the edge separating from you entirely, the only touch left was his now slick covered fingers shamelessly tilting the bottom of your chin up. “You need me?” All you could do was nod, and if Joel wasn’t so worked up he may have smiled. “Come on then, you can take all of me.” 
Tracing his jean belt but not undoing it. No, he was making you do it. Part of you wanted to look up into his eyes as you tugged his cock out, but you refused to look way from it. Thick and threatening to start leaking from the tip, you pulled his jeans down just enough so you could hold onto his skin. 
Joel gripped his cock, even his large hand giving away how girthy it was, he teased his cock pressing and stroking lightly against your lips. “Open up, sweetheart. There we go- fuck, that’s it.” His cock siding into your mouth you had no choice in what you took. Joel fed you as much cock as he knew you could take and held himself there. Not moving, not asking or begging for you to suck him, just keeping his cock tucked away inside your mouth letting the spit accumulate until it threatened to drool out. 
Your own hands siding up to his hips and squeezing the softer plushness, Joel tsked at you condescendingly. “No? You still need more?” The nod of your head shocking Joel enough to grip the back of your hair suddenly, he met your eyes, hints of watering the longer he tested how deep you could hold him for so long. “Greedy little thing,” Your fingers dug into his skin just as he pulled your head slowly off of him. “I’ve got you, I’ll take care of you.” 
He raked your hair lovingly once as he pulled you off just to his tip, groaning at your tongue brushing him, soaking it with the saliva built up in copium. Finally he pushed on your head again. Sliding your head back and forth against his cock for you. Sometimes he’d let you suck him at your own pace, other times his patience wore out and he fucked into your mouth in desperation. But this was utterly purposeful. 
Pushing and pulling you along his cock sucking and soaking him, not moving a bit but still controlling every move of your head. As if you were doing the work, but at his total command. But it would never last long, you begun to moan with every swipe of your tongue against him and Joel’s hips slowly matched the pace he pulled you onto him with a thrust. Your moan turned to a muffled whine, and he hissed out throwing his head back, mumbling nonsense, just terms of endearment in the form of needy rambling. 
It was almost too much, he filled your mouth so much that his cock felt everywhere inside of you. You let him use your mouth, eyes sliding shut as your cunt pulsed with need. One hand wrapping around his thigh for leverage, the other slid behind to grasp at his ass with your fingertips. Joel stuttered a whine out and his grip on you tightened almost painfully. “That’s my girl, that’s it, letting me fill your tiny little throat.” 
He wasn’t even looking at you, you couldn’t even see, the tears building up as all you could feel was the pressure of his cock thrusting deeper and deeper into your mouth. His teeth gritted as his pelvis tensed up in need, “Gonna swallow me, sweet girl? Drink up everything I fill in your mouth?” 
Your own hold on him pulled him closer, forcing his cock even deeper, almost too deep. Joel gasped out at the sudden move and his thrusts became so shallow, refusing to give up your warm wet mouth. He stuttered out your name between moans, readjusting his grip onto your hair as his voice just barley cracked out, “Fuck, baby-” before his orgasm hit him. His cum spilling into you as he held your head tight against his hips, feeling the coarse hair there on your own skin as he fills your mouth up with his seed. Needy groans gasping out as you tightened your throat around him with every try at a swallow. 
Letting you milk his cock as much as he could give you, Joel finally pulled out of you. Only able to get a single breathe in before he leaned down to kiss you, finally moving you onto the bed properly. Joel laid his head against the pillows, his legs spread wide as he helped you on top of him, his cock still half hard between your legs. 
For a while he refused to let you go, your hands all over the others body as he kept kissing you like a man possessed with desire. You were more than happy to keep his lips occupied, but Joel ignored his once again hardening cock to stop himself. Hoping the love he poured into your mouth would be enough to keep it contained. Reasoning with himself not to admit it during sex, not now. You might not believe he means it if he only tells you when you’re naked on top of him, remnants of his cum still painted on your lips as he mixes it with whats left of your own on his. 
You could feel his cock teasing you between your legs, the more you two moved against each other the more you felt it swipe along your entrance or press up against your ass as Joel grabbed at you roughly. His hair curling the more he sweat. Luscious curls you raked your fingers through as he leaned up suddenly, holding you propped up against his knees as his mouth worked your breasts. Groping as much of a handful as he could get, biting at one nipple and teasing the other with his had before swapping. 
You could read him like a clock, it happened every time you sucked his cock. Feeling your mouth around him only would make him more desperate to sink it into your cunt, and while he lets his cock recover he works himself up more. Losing himself in your body, and by the time he’s ready to fuck you his energy and need is peaking once more. 
His mouth lets go of your nipple and grips the back of your neck, looking up at your wide eyes before tilting you down to watch him. Gripping his cock as he runs it along you, sometimes pushing enough that his tip prods inside before he pulls it back. His gentle kiss is a stark contrast to his rough hold, but so are his eyes. “Ask me,” 
Your hands falling to his neck, you whine as his tip prods your entrance once again. “Please,” It was barley a whisper but he heard it. 
Not enough though. His nose nudges yours, “C’mon. Ask me properly, sweetheart.” Another thing he did often, his touch and fuck was rough but he spoke soft and prompting. Getting you to talk to him, check in and make sure his roughness hasn’t made you drop too far down. His lips press against you again as he whispers your name. 
Holding his neck and another on his shoulder you leaned your forehead against his. “Please fuck me, Joel?” There was the smile. Joel pulled your lips back and fall backward onto the bed spread once more, your body following as he finally pushes inside you. 
Moans covering the sounds up at first, Joel rumbles to himself about how good you feel. Slow thrusts as his cock drags along your walls, you can hear how wet you are and how soaked you’ve made him as it almost squelches when he thrusts back in. The slow pace keeps as Joel tucks his face into your neck, taking a deep breathe as if needing to ground himself before looking back up to your hovering face. “Feel so fucking good, don’t you?” 
It was embarrassing how loud the sound of his cock sliding in and out of your pussy was, but your nodding prompted him further as he started to pick the speed up more and more. “You always need me to fill your pussy up so badly.” Harder he thrusted as he moved to let you sit up more on top of him, giving you more room to meet his cock back. “Such a good girl, letting me take you over and over.” 
You shake your head yes fervently, the sweat on your skin heating you up the faster you fucked, your hands holding him tightly. Joel shifted his angle ever so slightly and hit that sweet spot pulling a gasp from you, watching your head tilt back, your tits flaunting his vision as you did so. Over and over he worked that spot inside of you, addicted to the moans and needy sounds it granted him. Your eyes squeezed shut too overwhelmed to even realize as you bounced back against his cock. Missing the bright loving look Joel watched you with as he fucked you. 
“God, Joel. Your cock-” Almost unable to speak you were so overwhelmed by the coiling burn inside you, winding you up the more of his length you took. “It’s so, you’re- fuck,” Big you wanted to say. How ridiculously thick his cock was, and how small your cunt felt in comparison, it was all you could really think about anymore. Whimpering out all you could, “S-so thick, you feel so fucking good,” 
Now leaning back down, needing to be closer, even just so you could feel his breathe on the skin of your cheek. One of Joel’s hands moved to grasp at your ass, holding onto a cheek and pushing you deep so your cunt took as much of his cock as it could take, you calling his name out so loud his only option was to let you moan into his mouth. 
Shallow thrusts, Joel picked up the pace, taking the work over and fucking up into you faster and faster. The slap of his skin against yours echoed through the room, the loud smacking that he needed. Quick fucks would never truly be enough for Joel, he needed to hear your skin slapping together as he sinks his cock deep. “Open up, baby.” Joel muttered against your lips, his tongue tracing yours and in and out as you kissed, much like the in and out of your pussy. Gripping your ass so tight you knew his hand would be marked if not bruised into it.
It never took much to bruise for you, and Joel never let that go to waste, keeping reminders of his love on your body at all times even just for him to see. Adoring that you craved his marks as much as he craved leaving them. 
Your neck stung in tandem with the burning hot pleasure between your legs, your hips angled perfectly so your clit brushed against the hair framing his cock, leaving a sting almost like the one his scruff and his moustache left on your neck. You could feel his cock throbbing, and you clenched tightly around him making him moan your name out. Nudging his nose at your cheek, “Gonna let me cum all over this beautiful ass, sweet girl?” He smiled as you nodded, his hand not quite slapping it, but definitely giving the cheek he held a smack loud enough to ring in your ears as he re affirms his grip, causing the walls of your cunt to hold him even tighter. 
Joels own moans growing higher and higher in pitch, need whining from his breaths as he thrusted short but pounding fast. The jostle of your body against his rubbing your clit enough to catch your breathe. “Please, please...” Kissing him you finally wound up enough and let go. 
Soaking his cock ever more, Joels jaw clenched as he finally reached his own. Your orgasm tensing every limb and the pleasure flowing through your veins, you cried as he pulled out of you. Gripping his cock up against the middle of your ass as he came. Painting it with his cum, his hand moved you back and forth slightly to let his cock rub between the cheeks as he spurted the last of his seed. Muttering into your lips “I’ve got you,” over and over. 
You didn’t move, his hands finally rubbed against your back and hip while yours caressed his chest and waist. His heavy cock softening finally, resting on your cum painted ass as you both came down. 
Not realizing it, but both of you deeply lost in thought as you held each other in your arms, nuzzling the other gently. Joel holding it back, telling himself not to say it. Not to blurt it out, not to rush it. He occupied his lips, on your own, on your neck, on the top of your head. Anything to keep him from scaring you off before you were ready. 
You on the other hand, focused on the feeling of his body. How large he was, yet his skin soft and even plush at times made to fit you perfectly. How warm he was and how much you depended on it during cold nights. You had to remember, because you’d lose it no matter what. 
This man right here, was what was at stake. Either you were selfish and refused to give in, and he would rip Joel away from you, away from Ellie. Or you left and let him and Ellie live their quiet lives in peace without your burden. It was better this way. 
You drifted in and out of sleep that night. Each time you woke, you and Joel turned into a new position, never quite letting the other go. Just until the sun just pokes it’s head out. You stayed in his embrace until then, slowly untangling yourself not to wake him. 
You sat for a moment at the edge of the bed, looking at his handsome face, peacefully asleep. Maybe that peace would be good enough to hold onto. As you quietly packed a bag, you felt the guilt of not saying anything. Not telling them what had happened, where and why you were leaving, it made you feel like a coward. 
Too stuck onto the fear of what others had done to get to someone like you, and too afraid of how these two people you care so deeply about would feel. Shame you for not handing your own life over for the possibility of saving others? Would Joel and Ellie treat you that way, or was this just your own guilt trying to cope with running away in the early hours of the morning with no goodbye. 
You paused at the door, fingers holding onto the frame tight as your eyes shut tightly. Don’t look back at him, all it would make you do is want to climb back into bed. Heart beating faster, you shut the door quietly and looked towards Ellie’s closed bedroom door. More guilt. You couldn’t linger in their house, it was surrounding you with temptation and it was just too much. 
Finding your way onto the steps outside, the crisp morning air felt refreshing compared to the stuffy overwhelming inside. The sun finally starting to shine light onto Jackson, illuminating the empty streets. Bracing your hands on the railing, all you could do was stare down at the wood. You and Joel wrapped up in this very spot last night as if you were two normal people, but it was also the same spot you stood when he approached you and ruined everything about this small life you tried to find here. 
Willing yourself too look from the wood, you only got as far as your arm. Pulling the red sleeve up, you laid our forearm out on the banister, the normally hidden underneath facing up. Eyes baring down on the scarred tissue in a mocking tone. You could still see the metal pressed up against it, the burning heat forced down as you bit down on something to keep your cries of pain muffled. The healed scarring now covering what you didn’t want anyone to know about, but it seemed it didn’t matter. No one here questioned it, but that days events still found their way back to you. 
Movement in the far distance caught your eye, head shooting up as the sleeve fell back down your arm. Squinting too see through the sun shining on her directly, you saw blonde hair attached to a pretty figure. Maria. 
Always up early as hell, always trying to get ahead of the mountains of work she took on, but also not the woman you wanted to speak too.  She was friendly, good at making people feel comfortable but the guilt eating away at your insides wanted nothing to do with comfort. You knew she could see the bag at your feet and would say something if she suspected something was wrong. So you took a deep breathe through your nose, picked up the bag and slung it over one shoulder as you approached her. 
Getting away from the one place you felt welcome in. You stood a good few feet away from her, shifting one foot to the other in awkwardness that she hopefully read as your natural disposition to not be chatty. “You’re up early, not sure I’ve ever seen you awake at this time before.” 
Nodding, you looked briefly away from her face before turning back with an indifferent shrug. “Didn’t sleep well, figured I’d just make myself useful.”
“Would you like some help-” 
You answered too fast. “No.” Back peddle, don’t be defensive towards Maria she’ll probe your further. “No, I’m good, not much for company this early.” Maria just nodded silently looking you over with an intention you didn’t quite catch. “Nothing personal.” 
It was her time to act indifferent. “Didn’t take it that way.” There was a stark silence between you as your heart once again picked up the pace. “Well, I won’t keep you.” You nodded back and pivoted to start leaving when she called your name. “Remind Joel about coming over for dinner tomorrow would you?“.
Trying to will away the memory of his touch your hand gripping the straps of your bag tightened enough to sting. “Yeah, don’t worry I will.” 
Maria squinted at you in what seemed to be distrust, if you weren’t too cowardly to look her in the eye, maybe you’d have caught her almost inaudible muttering much akin to “I bet you will.” Instead she waited a beat before changing tones. “You just know what he’s like when he gets wrapped up in something else. Still forgets to just stop and enjoy himself, he and Tommy both honestly.” 
You forced a weak chuckle out, “Right.” Trying to hold a vague semblance of a smile, Maria just waved you off. 
“Talk to you later, okay?” 
Maybe you answered her with an “Okay” or a “Bye” but you weren’t sure. You just turned and walked away from her. Years alone never exactly did wonders to help your ability to lie, walking away was what you were better at. 
Beams of the suns light waved in your face as you walked down the empty streets, giving you just a hint of warmth in the colder air. The quiet was deafening now, months living here coaxing you to adjust to the constant sound of people making your retreat more tense. You had travelled here at a glimpse of hope to find a place to rest, and it did just that. But you didn’t plan to get attached, to find people you felt this strongly for, to think you were starting to relearn what a family felt like. 
Jackson was only ever supposed to be there for you to catch your breathe. You had predicted leaving not long after, but with the intention of going about your regular solitary life. Not leaving behind these people to hate you for abandoning them, and certainly not to travel and face a man unwilling to give up your past together, a past that changed your own life. 
But also, a past neither you or him, had ever expected you to survive. 
You didn’t know he was was in Wyoming. Hadn’t even thought about him in a long time. Not since a someone had previously mentioned to you that he was apparently with the Fireflies now somewhere in Salt Lake City. That was fine with you, that was one city you wanted to avoid, and Don was one of many people you never wanted to see again. 
Parts of him were easily distinguishable, though. That’s why one day while you were sitting along Joel’s porch you heard his voice with no question. You were leaned against a banister on the top step, one foot bent on the pain porch, the other perched on the lower step to more easily lay out the rusting shotgun you were attempting to salvage. Off in the distance, you heard that high pitched nasally voice, croaking out that obnoxiously loud laugh of his. 
Your head shooting up in almost shock, looking at the origin of the sound. Two men walking passed not too far to make out their faces you saw him. Whatever he had been doing in Utah was not kind to him. His hairline was as far back as his ears, and he was clearly favouring his left arm, holding it tight against his side as if it wasn’t moving along with the rest of his body. 
Gripping the barrel, your knuckles turned white as you could hear your heart beating in your head. The other man he was with, a guy you occasionally worked with that you could call a friend. Well, if you made more of an attempt at being social then he might be considered a friend. But he knew you well enough to call your name happily as they spotted you. Not walking over, but loud and waving somewhat embarrassingly peppy. 
It felt as it your arm was made of led, your muscles straining to lift up enough to give a half wave with a few fingers, your smile as strained and tight lipped as your insides felt. Don though, said nothing, and did nothing. 
He stood in spot, body turned to face the house and looking right at you with the stillness of a statue. The beating of your heart sped up more and more, leaving you feeling sick. You could see that angry squint even from this far away, features no doubt frowning in discontempt as he put the pieces together. He was as much in shock as you were, but yours was terror. 
He had left you there to die. Trapped you so conclusively that he didn’t even feel the need to stay and make sure, the way he left you? Every single other person would have died that day, you at the time assumed the same. 
For a moment all he did was stare, and you back. Finally that nasally voice spat out towards you, “Howdy, always nice to meet a fresh face.” 
That son of a bitch, the exact thing he said when he first met you years ago. You watched as Don looked slowly around the property you were on, back at the street he just came from until he landed back at you, this time a smug grin plastered across his face. So you just gave him the same treatment. 
His grin grew. You both knew now what was inevitable. He finally turned to catch up, as you slowly stood up. The gun gripped tight in both hands as you raised, watching Don stroll casually down the street as if he didn’t just learn an earth shattering secret in one single glance. You watched and watched until he was too far away to even see anymore, but even still you didn’t look away. 
Were you just staring into nothing, or was your mind trapped in the memory of the sounds of screaming, the slam of the metal door and the persistent horrible clicking and snapping of the figure in front of you. 
Nothing was a solid stream of consciousness, more like flashes that came and went out of order, foggy images as if half of your sight was blacked out, and the booming noises that rung in your ears for days after. You hadn’t in anyway seen or heard Joel approaching. 
It wasn’t until his hand physically turned your body to face him that your mind snapped back to the quiet present, the deep comfort of Joel’s voice calling your name. “You’ve been standing here like this for 5 minutes.” Your gaze snapped to his eyes finally, hands relaxing somewhat and lowering down as the strain in the muscles let loose. “Hey,” his hand on your waist moved to lightly cup your cheek. “Talk to me.” 
Your fingers stretched and flexed out, fiddling with the shotgun before placing the broken machine unceremoniously on the ground. “Just zoned out, I guess.” 
Joel’s gaze would mirror the same one Maria would give you a week later as you snuck out of town. A hesitant concern sweeping the depths. “If something’s wrong-” 
You barley looked at him as you fidgeted around, leaving his warmth entirely. “Nothing, I’m fine.” You turned away and back, mouth trying to form an excuse. “Just gotta, stop by my house,” gesturing behind you, “Running out of clothes, you know?” 
It wasn’t quite a smirk, but a tinge of playfulness sneaking across his features. “I think these suit you just fine.” Nodding down to the unbuttoned shirt that absolutely was not yours. He took a step closer with a playful but softer look you were getting far too used to. “Or you could just do what I talked about. Just bringing your stuff over here.” 
Your heart had yet to stop pounding and everything was suffocating and heavy, filling your lungs like smoke. You needed to leave, and finally you were upset enough to just brush him off rudely. “I know, I just- I’ll be back later.” And you took off, your head too loud to hear Joel saying your name to come back. 
Tunnel vision filled your eyesight as you threw the door to your small, cramped house and slammed it shut so hard that the wall shook. Scrambling into your bedroom your breathing was bordering on hyperventilating, sweat forming on your skin the more your blood flew through your veins. Yanking a small chest from under the bed, you fumbled with the simple lock keeping it sealed. 
The only moment of salvation coming as you finally tossed the open lock onto the wooden floor with a bounce. You grabbed a few things, but the blade was what you most wanted, needed really. One you hadn’t used since you started travelling alone. 
Would it come to that? Don worked for the Fireflies now, or maybe used too. But he had connections now to people who were all too happy to cut away your life for their own pointless experiments. 
Now you walked alone, one bad over your shoulders and a rifle hanging off one. The crunch of the gravel beneath your shoes helped fill the silence. Focusing on the steady crunch beat after beat as you calmly approached the clearing. Surprisingly, it was less painful the further you went. You could feel the tension dripping out of your body with every step, and the heartache was replaced with a kind of solemn acceptance. 
Out here you could pretend you didn’t leave people behind. You could pretend it was like the almost two years you spent alone, and it was just another day. The same sounds back then were around you afterall. Crunching gravel, light ruffle of leaves in the wind, the faint sound of birds high off in the treeline away from the problems of the world. 
The overgrown path you walked along opened up into what likely used to be a city street. The pathways now covered in dirt with tree and plant life overtaking the open space and winding themselves into the derelict buildings that remained. The open space was large but empty, not a soul to be seen. You knew better. Don was around here somewhere. The question was was he here alone or did he get you to walk into an ambush? 
The Fireflies weren’t likely to come out in aggressive force, they preferred to trick you with sympathy. Act calm and rational, feed you a story you’re likely to buy only to trap you into something you knew nothing about. Nothing you could see scanning your eyes around told you there was anyone hiding in larger numbers, so you stepped forward. 
Entering the clearing with slow steps. The crunch of gravel smoothing out into a smush into the dirt, leaving the air even more devoid of life. You didn’t bother entertaining the idea that no one was here but you. Having that kind of hope was becoming something of a disappointment. The further you walked into the middle the more your fingers at your side twitched. The gun was your primary choice, but it also sat along the shoulder the same side as the knife you had tucked away. You were ready to grab either if you were jumped. 
But you weren’t, not physically. In the dead air, and echoed shot blasted through the silence and shook away the birds in the trees. Merely a foot or two in front of you the dirt blasted up onto your shoes as a bullet forced its way into the ground. So he was somewhere in front of you. 
You stood silently, heart treading on racing once again as your head kept forward while your eyes looked as far as they could reach. Then his nasally voice yelled out, “You alone?” 
More twitch of your fingers, don’t reach for the gun. “Yeah.” You didn’t quite yell, but was loud enough to hear if he was further away than you think. It did however, strike a thought into your head as Don responded. You had without thinking, reached for Joels shirt. In trying to be silent you didn’t even notice you had picked up and thrown on the very red flannel shirt he had torn off of him the night before. It didn’t comfort you. It only made you yearn for his broad frame and cozy body heat all the more. 
“Drop your gun.” When you didn’t comply he shot again, this time inches closer to your feet. “I said drop it, or I’ll drop you, you got that?” 
Your jaw clenched, teeth scraping together as you shrugged it off your shoulders, plopping it onto the ground. He’d yell at you anyways, but you raised your foot just slightly over it’s side as he spoke again. “That’s right, kick it away from you.” It slid clumsily on the rough dirt, but it was enough that you’d have to go too far to grab it again. “Now throw the bag.” 
You couldn’t stop yourself. “Seriously? What do you think I’m hiding in there?” 
Don didn’t shoot again, but his agitation was growing. “Just throw the fucking bag.” Rolling your eyes, you slid each strap from your shoulders. Holding it dramatically in the air with an annoyed raise of your eyebrows, you tossed it even further then the gun. Dirt muffling the clang of the heavy weight slamming to the ground. “Okay now just stay right there. Don’t you fucking move, got it?” 
Tilting your head slightly, it was as much of an answer as you’d give him. You couldn’t grace his hiding cowardice with a real response. 
Finally the weasel barrels out of the tree line ahead, his own rifle primed and pointed at you as he came towards you. For some reason, it struck you how utterly disgusting his collared shirt dyed a dirty mustard yellow looked on him. Maybe you were finding things to look at that took away from what was about to happen, or maybe you were just starting to accept the start of the end. 
His eyes wide and bulging from his sockets, he leaned to the ground as he keeps a slightly unsteady aim at you. Not even looking down he fumbles along the dirt to grab the gun without looking away, taking a few tries of patting around. Finding the metal, he snatches it back, barrel dragging across the dirt leaving an imprint in it’s path before he flings it over his own person. He then went for the bag. 
“What you scared I’m hiding backup in there?” Gun pointed at you, you reminded yourself. Gun pointed at you with a man working for the people wanting you to, essentially die. Not the time for being a smartass. 
Don took the higher road and just glared as his right side leans down to grab the bag, snapping it open clumsily and yanking it upside down to pour everything out onto the ground. Mostly just medical supplies, a small canteen of water, a few random supplies and a box of ammo. Don pocked those without even thinking. 
Pausing before he stood back up, he looked between you and the pile before flatly picking the water canteen up and tossing it at you. Raising your eyes up in doubt he shrugged, hoisting his own gun up to keep it properly held on you. “I’m not that cruel.” 
Your face felt just as flat as his looked, a complete portrayal of annoyed and unimpressed with a voice just as monotone. “Thanks. I’ll remember this always.” 
Silence danced between you, waiting for a move to be made by either party, Don seemingly had anticipated a fight from you, and was almost unsure of himself now that you gave him control from minute one. His mouth opening and closing a few times as he licks his lips as a nervous tick before fixing a firm look. “We still got a bit to walk. So get to it. No funny stuff.” 
How Don ever worked as security for the Fireflies was beyond you. You could only wonder where it was he was stationed that clearly didn’t require him to be in any way tough or enforcing. Maybe one of their research places. Low population, usually in some kind of a hospital that no one thought to look in. 
It showed. The gun never was totally steady and unshaking in his hands for even a minute. Don gestured with the barrel and a nod of his head in tandem to force you to walk in front of him. 
You didn’t say anything to him as you walked, there was nothing you wanted to say. The only thing you wanted was to ignore the overwhelming feeling of loneliness as you thought about what you left behind in Jackson, and how foolish it was of you to assume you’d ever get to keep it. 
It was rare these days for anyone to be on the receiving end of Joel’s temper. He had settled into a quiet life without the paranoia jadedness that plagued him for so many years. He spent months pushing away Ellie and directing his pain into anger in order to do it, but she was still here, and so was he. The anger had simmered into a difficult acceptance of fatherhood, and it was still a process both of them were working towards. For a long time Joel had given up the idea of family, he and Tommy barley spoke afterall and now he was grappling with coming to terms with being father again, without being eaten alive with guilt and falling back into the circle of pain.
The more his quiet life with Ellie stayed calm and quiet though, the easier things became. Whatever paternal instincts he once thought he lost forever continued to come back day after day, learning how easy it was to be a father to Ellie and accepting that it was truly this internal anger and loss that planted that seed of doubt. But it had been over a year now in Jackson, and everyday it got a little easier to feel like a family. 
Then months ago, on a gloomy day constantly threatening to turn the light mist into a downpour, Joel went in search of his brother to complain about a broken pipe and found a quiet but tense figure he didn’t recognize. A woman sizing him up as if his frustration on a bad day was a sign of incoming aggression. The Joel just kept seeing you around, and slowly worked your way into his life as it you were meant to be there. 
It wasn’t always easy with you. You tended to be quiet and reserved, holding back your thoughts and feelings in favour of keeping the status quo, regardless if that’s what Joel wanted or not. You clearly didn’t have a lot of relationship experience, if any. Joel found it easier for him to remember what a relationship felt like then it was for you to let yourself enjoy it. 
This past week though, you had been off. Not just quieter than normal, but tense. Very tense, ready to snap at any moment and constantly sneaking back to your mostly empty house hoping he didn’t notice. Yesterday you were less tense, but almost like you were gone. The afternoon you were distant and disconnected as you lost yourself in your thoughts, and Joel spent the night trying to pull you out of it. He knew all too well how fast being pulled under like that could get. 
So when morning came, and you had taken not only your bag, but your emergency supplies, your weapons, and left all before he and Ellie woke up in the early morning? He knew something was wrong, he just didn’t realize the extent of it until Maria stopped by. Suddenly, that growing anger was returning. 
“You just watched her leave town and not bother to ask where the hell she was going?” Anyone walking by would be able to hear the argument between Joel and his sister-in-law. Maria was growing just as angry the more Joel lost his cool. 
“Do you really think she would have told me the truth even if I pried? Interrogating her would only clam her up more.” Their stances were one in the same, in the middle of his living room hands on their hips with angry eyes blazing at the other. Only Maria kept moving a hand to her forehead in exasperated exhaustion. “What was I supposed to do?” 
Joel didn’t move an inch. Standing as still as a statue as an acidic mixture of anger and panic boiled up in his stomach. “How about you come in here and wake my ass up before she got too far?” 
There was a sorrow in Maria’s tone. “Joel if she wanted you to know she was leaving she would have told you.” 
That wasn’t an option. You were the third piece of the family he and Ellie created, you practically lived in their house now, you all needed each other. You wouldn’t get up and leave without a word just because you were done with them. 
Ellie had stormed off at the insinuation you had abandoned them. Yelling she was going to your place with a slam of the front door that shook the wall. It wasn’t just Joel that felt a deep attachment to you. Returning, she flew threw the door not bothering to shut it. A panic flash over her entire face between heaving to catch her breath. “She didn’t just leave.” 
Holding a small box in her hands, she rushed to kneel down in front of a small coffee table and started pulling things out. “She-it was just sitting out in the open. I think she had it hidden for a while.” 
Joel knelt down next to her, a hand briefly on the space between her shoulders with a small rub as her breathing came down. He didn’t like going through something you wanted to keep personal, but it was all right there. A few trinkets were scattered about, small sentimental things like an old broken mp3 player, a necklace, and the sorts. Scraps of paper sat in a pile, gently combing through them, there were drawings. Rough pencil sketches of people and places he didn’t recognize, and near the bottom of the pile, one unfinished drawing that looked like Ellie and himself. 
Joel’s thumb rubbed over the lines with a barley there touch, he didn’t even knew you could draw let alone that you were trying to draw them. “I also found this,” 
Ellie handed Joel a larger folded paper, opening up to be a torn part of a map, in red was a little nowhere spot a town or so over with today’s date. Clipped to it was a ripped paper not in your writing. A large messy script that had written Joel’s name and crossed it out in a red X, below with the words ‘Just you’. 
“What the fuck?” Joel’s soft muttering was enough to reach Maria’s ears, circling around the room to see what they found. Joel and Ellie met the others eyes with a wide look filled with some level of tense panic. You didn’t just walk away, but for the life of him he couldn’t figure out why someone was using his life as a threat to get you to leave, and moreso, why you didn’t just tell him what was going on so he could help you? Why keep something like this from him? 
It wasn’t until the duo were nearly out the door that Maria’s comments finally registered. “Let me get Tommy, we’ll set up a search area-” 
Ellie whipped around, her face was tense and clenched as she white knuckled the straps of her bag. “No. The sooner we leave the more likely we can catch up to her. We have to go right now.” 
Lord, the ways Joel and Ellie somehow looked nothing like each other but also exactly the same would be fascinating on any other day. Joel’s jaw clenching as a determined fear blinked across his eyes. “She’s right. If we don’t go after her now, she’s just going to make it harder for anyone to follow her, and I’m bringing her home.” 
Maria looked at him for a moment with understanding, before nodding. “I’ll ask around, see if anyone knows anything. If it’s someone in town doing it, there’s gotta be at least one person who has any idea.” A gentle hand squeezed Joel’s shoulder, in the short time they’ve known each other she feels like she knows him well. He and Tommy are one in the same in a lot of ways. When thing’s hurt, they wear that hurt on their sleeve. Joel briefly covered her hand in thanks before the pair left. 
Ellie’s voice kept filling the air, a confused hurt that he hadn’t heard from her in a long time. Not since he himself had tried to leave her behind. “Why wouldn’t she just tell us if someone threatened her? What, she didn’t think she could trust us?” It came out angry, but it was guilt, he felt the same. 
“I don’t think it’s personal, Ellie. She trusts us, but she also refuses to put any of her problems on us, like it’s not worth our time.” Nearing the edge of town, Joel braced himself for whatever they may find out there. 
“But we’re family, that’s what we’re for.” 
Both their voice were quiet. Joel’s heart felt a pull he had been holding back for a while now. He couldn’t remember the last time he spoke those words or even felt that towards another person like this, and the last thing he wanted was to scare you off by dumping it on you too soon. He couldn’t help but wonder, if he just said it beforehand, would you have finally trusted them? Finally understood your problems weren’t a burden? 
Maybe you’d finally have understood that you’re not intruding on he and Ellie’s little family, but that you were apart of it. Instead the pair walked through the path Joel vaugley had plotted out in his head. He knew how to get there, he just hoped that he’d be able to track where you went if whoever had you had taken you somewhere else. 
Turns out, Ellie was thinking exactly what he was. In the silence, she muttered out a few short words in anger. He didn’t blame her, he felt the same way. “You should have told her.” 
The air was hot and stifling as the sun found it’s way up, there was little sign of life as you were marched forward. Most animals and insects seeking shelter from the heat, but you had no opportunity. You didn’t dare take Joels flannel off to cool down either, it might be the only reminder you’ll have of him ever again, as childish as it felt to say. 
Don had rambled on the entire time. Telling you about his time with the Fireflies, about what he did and who he met as if any of it mattered to you. You had your fair share of run in’s with them since that day and all it did was put your secret on red alert. Painting a target on your back, and you quickly learned that said target was directed at any and everyone who was like you. Their claims were that it was necessary to protect lives, but they had taken away every single one of you they met. When did that body count outweigh whatever they were trying and failing to look for inside of you? 
That day you found out still stuck with you. The further from Jackson you went, it was as if the clearer and clearer that memory became. Don had lost his wife the previous night. You had been put on watch in the dead of night, running on no sleep going on 36 hours and no food you had begged to switch shifts. You were younger than them all though, you were only told what to do. 
Men had shown up at the darkest part of the night, you didn’t even see it happen. Leaned up against a tree you had heard a twig snap and turned your head just in time to meet a painful whack. It only knocked you out for a few seconds, but it was long enough that they walked into the little camp with no warning. Your vision was fuzzy, and you had fresh cuts from your skin scraping against the rocks below your feet. 
The group never found out what they wanted, likely just vultures looking to take what they didn’t have, but Dons wife had been the casualty. You had staggered into the camp, blood dripping down from whatever he had hit you with at the top of your head, and vision blurred. All you could really see was her bright hair splayed out across a rock and blood painting it’s blonde colour a sickening red. 
Don blamed you, and honestly you blamed yourself as well. The rest of the next day was horrifically tense between you two. Don would lash out and lose it once an hour and you were starting to realize you deserved it. Maybe now it would have been different, but it was years ago, you were younger and less capable. And you certainly were far worse at defending yourself. 
You were pushed out of your thoughts all of the sudden. Literally. Don shoved your forward with the gun like a child shoves a sibling in annoyance. “You listening to anything I fucking said?”  
If you clenched your jaw any tighter you’re bones were going to start cracking. “Something about how great the Fireflies are and how well they treated you.” A thought passed through you and slipped out before you could access it. “Tell me Don,” Turning your head to just see his mustard shirt, “What kind of security does a hospital need? We both know these people aren’t healing people out of the good of their hearts. What’s the point of guarding a place only other Fireflies know about” 
“Wouldn't you like to know.” You had forgotten how utterly childish he was. 
“What? I can’t know their secrets? You’re forcing me at gunpoint to them, I think I have the right to know before they cut me open.” He was muttering to himself, something that sounded like a question or doubt but he was too quiet to understand. 
The steps of your feet suddenly were alone, the sound of his own on the ground no longer playing alongside your own. Turning around fully, Don was standing in place, gun still aimed at you but lowered casually as he ran a hand over his mouth in thought. As your eyes met, you raised an eyebrow in question only to be met with him gesturing with the gun to move once again. 
He finally spoke after you figured he was ignoring you. “I was asked to go to Salt Lake City. They got an old hospital down there that they use as some research facility or something. Not much action, sometimes a few new people would show up. Sometimes they’d leave not long after, some of them never came out.” 
You could feel your guts twisting, but you needed to know what you were walking into. “Whose some of them?” 
Don stammered, “I-k-,” before letting a large sigh out. His voice had lowered, akin to a whisper spoken out in a tinge of shame. “Sometimes they came in already unconscious, the adults at least. The few kids I saw came in willingly, but I don’t think they really knew what was going to happen.” You could feel foam and bile pushing it’s way up your throat in horror. “Only one of ‘em ever managed to get out.” 
Your fingers tensed until they turned colour from the strain, willing not to form them into fists or even dig your nails into your palm, he’d take that as a threat. But your chest burned at the implication he knew you understood. “By get out I assume you don’t mean they just held the door open as they walked out.” 
Dons voice was rough, gritted out in an emotion that felt painful even to you. “No. That one uh, cost a lot of lives. Don’t even think the good ole doctor survived that one.” 
You didn’t care. Truly, you didn’t care. You knew they were still doing it, still looking for answers in the same places they always failed to find them, but you sure as hell didn’t know kids were on his table as well. From the interactions you had with the man, you found yourself fantasizing it was justice. It didn’t matter how polite he was, how much bedside manner he had, or the soft spoken ways he tried to convince people that giving you up was for the good of humanity. You knew better. You knew his work, his body count, and now you knew that included children. 
“So who do they have doing their dirty work now?” 
A building entered your vision, a small rundown shack of a place that may once have been some small town sheriffs office. There was one cracked window covered up hastily with wooden boards and the wood was dilapidated from moisture of the plants overgrowing around it. “Few of us, finding people who may help us,” 
“You mean be useful to you.” 
You could hear the eye roll in his tone. “Whatever. I got told to look for doctors and convince them to join our cause.” It was hard to tell with the Fireflies if they really believed the things they said, or if everyone understood it was nothing but propaganda to fool people. Whatever righteous cause they started off as, you didn’t think they cared about much other than themselves anymore. 
“So you came to Jackson.” Don begun directing you towards the building, coming more up to your side than holding you at gun point. “And told them you found me.” 
Closing in on the main door, he nodded his head for you to press up against the other side as he prepared to grab the handle, but he paused, his hand hovering above it as he stared intensely into nothing. “No, not really. I told them I’d bring anyone of interest around here and I’d radio them to come and pick us up once I got you there.” 
A hollow chuckle left you as you looked with disdain at him. “Is that the plan, Don? Lock me up again, but this time trust you to just hand me over?” 
Still not looking at you his chest inflated as he took a breathe. He wouldn’t respond to that. He was willing to admit to what he was doing, but he wasn’t going to admit he beat up a girl ten years his junior, let her get attacked and tossed her in a locked cell for days assuming it would kill her. That’s a guilt he was unwilling to take responsibility for. “Shut up once we’re in there. We don’t know if there’s any of those fuckers hiding in the offices or some shit, and no I’m not giving you your fucking gun.” 
Don hated the playfully condescending look you gave him. “Didn’t ask for it.” Guns were loud and awkward, and Don never asked you to give up any knives you may had hidden on your body. 
So he opened the front door and scoped the joint right away. Enough light seeped through the wooden cracks to illuminate the room, and like he predicted there was nothing right away, but you were willing to bet if you made enough noise, you’d start to hear loud clicking coming from those closed hallway doors.
It was the loud echos of a gun that drew Joel and Ellie into a run. They knew if there was a confrontation, they wouldn’t get there in time but the adrenaline flowed through their veins all the same. The clearing indicated on the map came up quickly as they finally past the tree line. 
Both panting and looking around to see no one on either sides. There was however, a mess right near the middle. Nudging Ellie to keep in front of him, Joel scoured the treeline for any sign of movement but nothing but the blow of the leaves found him. 
Right smack in the middle was a tossed array of supplies. Emergency medical items, stray ammo seemingly dropped from a box, and a minuscule amount of anything to survive long lasting out here.  The sickening feeling grew as Joel realized that if you never planned on coming back, judging by what you had on you, you sure didn’t intend on lasting long out here either. 
Ellie’s eyes were stuck on a scattered spray of blood. Not enough to be from a gunshot wound, but someone was definitely hit here. Fingers gripping the edge of your bag tightly she almost started trembling. “You should have told her.” 
It was quiet but she knew Joel heard her. His unresponsive look only upset her more, this time she yelled. “You should have told her!” Taking steps towards him she looked up at him in anger as if her short stature could be a threat. “If you just told her how you feel, she wouldn’t have just walked out on us!” 
Joel was quiet. His heart brewing in his chest as the way she worded it felt more than just an accident. Walked out on us. Like they were a normal family whose other parent just left one day and didn’t come back. “Ellie, she was hiding something she thought was bigger than us-”
Standing her ground, Ellie didn’t back down. “And if she knew you loved her maybe she would have actually realized we wanted to help-” 
Joel sternly gave a warn of her name more than once, trying to overpower the increased emotions from the teenager without losing his cool. Finally, he yelled it once more, leaning down to grasp at her arms and force her to look him in the eye. Her voice was quieter this time. “I know how it feels to think the people you love don’t care about you like that back. Like you’re attachment to them just interrupts there life.” 
Not quite watery, but a misty glaze over her eyes stabbed at his heart. One hand moved to hold her cheek as his voice softened. “So we find her. We get her home and prove her otherwise. Okay?” 
Taking a deep breath, Ellie’s composure returned and stood a little taller again. Joel bent down for a minute to gather you’re forgotten things. His low view giving him a better vantage point to look, as he squinted around to see any hint. And he found something. There were a scattered array of footprints in the light dirt around them, some of which dragged in the opposite direction Joel had come in. 
He knew not much was out that way. Ellie came into his view to join. “That way?” Nodding, the two stood up to leave, but she had one last fear to voice. “Joel, what if he find her and she’s..” 
The anxiety ate away at him, you were so afraid of getting in the way of their lives that you were willing to die out here just to spare them your problems. He couldn’t think that way. They’d get to you and you would be totally fine. It was a stupid hope to so desperately hold onto, but finding nothing but a corpse would only dominate his fears if he festered on it. “We bring her home, Ellie. No matter what.” 
Joel told himself to focus on your feeling. How you so rarely ever touched him in any way that wasn’t filled with a hesitant wave of strong emotions, the way you reciprocated how intense he was growing to feel about you. The bark of laughter you’d give out when the cracks finally were chipped away at. 
The image of you trying to hide your mouth behind a laugh or smile, and how that turned into a full smiling giggle with a roll of your eyes as Joel would grab at your hands and pull them behind your back, mumbling into your ear to “stop hiding from me, already.” 
Focusing on nights, how intimate sex with you was like you craved close and meaningful as opposed to just casual and fun, and after every time, it was the only time in decades that he felt so comfortable falling asleep next to somebody. 
Focus on that he told himself. Joel had to focus on that, not the gut wrenching nightmare they may find.
So far he had let you pace around freely, watching you just wait for him to make any kind of move. That sickness in your stomach never really going away. You only ever heard of other adults being brought to them, but you didn’t know kids had been as well. Kids that had never even experienced a world before everything was ravaged by infection. Demanding they give their life up for something they never even knew about. 
You had seen it, people genuinely finding a way to rebuild their own lives and live in relative normalcy. You had traveled into a small community one day many months ago and found that long forgotten experience of a peaceful civilization. Maybe you were just naive, you had never actually lived in any of the closed military run quarantine zones. You just went from living a quiet unspectacular life to being pried away from your parents and forced into an existence of non stop running. Maybe it was childish to wish that kids got to have what was torn away from you. 
You turned from looking mindlessly at faded, dusty frames on the wall, to the shaking end of a pistol. Face falling from impassive to bewildered, “Hey, look you have my gun I’m not trying to run.” You took slow steps towards Don, hands out to appear non threatening. “Just call whoever you’re going to call, and we’ll wait here in peace.” 
You stopped abruptly, when Don shifted to point directly at your head mere feet away. “Neither of us are going anywhere.” 
Tilting your head in confusion, you lowered your hands back to your sides. There was an upsetting waver to his voice that put you more on edge than you liked. 
His mouth opened and closed trying to put the words inside it. “You know what I see when I look at you?” Your eyebrows raised in question but you said nothing. “I see the hazy little face of a dumb kid who let those fucking monsters come into our camp. The stupid kid who looked wide eyed and confused as I held my wife’s bloody head in my fucking lap.” 
Swallowing hard, you tensed your muscles. That tingling sensation flowing through them as you braced yourself to move quick. You still didn’t speak, Don wasn’t finished and honestly, there was little you could say. Not of guilt, and not in defense. He didn’t want you for what the Fireflies thought was right, no he wanted you for something far more personal. 
“I see the face of that little bitch who left your worthless ass bleeding out, hoping to god you’d get torn apart before it took hold. Now I’m standing in front of you, looking at you surviving what none of us could and deciding you don’t fucking deserve it.” 
The flashes of memory in your mind became clearer and clearer. You had little reason in the last while to ever think of it, but it still wove it’s way in front of you eyes. 
Don cornering you in a room drenched with the crawling of the filthy reach of the fungus. The yelling and screaming of nothing as he knocked you around, and the burning pain alighting your arm when he became loud enough to attract a clicker, and just stood and watched as it sunk it’s rotting teeth into your skin, waiting to kill it only after it was done. 
You remember feeling frozen, your heart lurching in your chest constricting your breath in terror, only to have it get worse. Don had finally taken advantage of your shock, yanking you by your hair painfully, just so he could toss you in a cell and lock it behind you. Dangerous colours like moss spread around your body and blood watching the wide bloodshot-ed look in your eyes. 
He never spoke a word, he just turned and opened a door you had yet to check, letting another one of those things out and abandoning you. 
You had no idea how long you were in there. The world spun and faded as you were forced to face the end. The clicker guarding the outside as if just to remind you what you would eventually become. For a few hours, you sat against a wall on the floor, knees to your chest as you gripped your knife to upright against your chest. You didn’t dare move, make any sound. You wanted to feel when it happened and stop it before it was too late. 
The bite wound bled, the room tinged in a musky scent of decay that should have pulled you with it’s reach. Maybe it was the shock and exhaustion that did you in, but you felt the world become dazed before falling to the side as your head slammed into the concrete. 
You had woken up maybe days later, and that was it. You had woken up. Nothing had changed but dehydration. The bite in fact, was already scabbing over like it was just a scrape. Tears flowed freely down as you felt too much at once. Never once in your life had you been told someone could survive the infection, and even up until you made it Jackson you never met anyone else. 
Rumours of the immune being seeked by Fireflies only found it’s way to you when one of them saw the healed bite on your arm. That’s when you scarred it over. A night spend hiding away with a fire only big enough to burn the metal blade until it seared into your flesh and hiding the evidence away from the world. 
Rattling of doors brought you to the present. Had he kept talking, had he been yelling? It was as if you were entirely absent as soon as your memory invaded your mind. He was still talking, but now spitting at you to hide against the pillar opposite of him near the hallway entrance. His back was braced against the wall, with nervous hands checking his gun. 
You weren’t quite sure what compelled you to risk it, but in quiet whispers, you begun poking at his resolve. “You really willing to risk your life for this?” 
Dons eyes bulged from their sockets in shock, “What are you-” 
“You left me to die once, what does doing it again accomplish?” You didn’t need to even peek at the oncoming sounds. Unchecked doors finding their ways open as the clicks grew loud. If you had to guess, there was at least two. “Kill me for what? To avenge a dead wife I had nothing to do with?”
He all but hissed at you, “Shut up.” 
“You won’t even hand me over to the one cause you actually believe in, that how selfish you are?” Your whispers kept even, trying to stab at the part of him that would get distracted. “You’re fine with letting those people lying to people so they can keep cutting open kid’s brains, so you must just be selfish.” He’d get too loud, attract attention, force him to turn the other way to watch. 
His eyes flickered between you and the pillar behind him as if trying to look through it. “You’re the reason she’s dead I don’t give a shit what they do to you?” 
He finally met your eyes, “Would you have given her up if she were immune, Don?” His eyes blasted with rage the more you spoke. It didn’t feel good, slandering what you remember as a decent woman, but he took your stuff. Left you with one hidden blade and that wouldn’t keep these things off of you. “Hand her over like you did actual children? Other peoples lives don’t matter to you, right? Sacrificing kids is fine to you, would she agree? Be proud of what you’ve done? Or be disgusted at who you are-” 
“It’s about making you pay!” 
Too loud. Not enough to send them into a frenzy, but they clicked more. The cracking of their limbs and the groans that were left of their vocal cords screeched louder as they listened for more. Don’s anger flashed to fear in an instant. His body whipping around to finally brave a peek around the corner. 
You could still feel the blood on your face from slamming into the ground, the phantom stinging of your arm as their grotesque sounds filled the dead air, the terrifying fear braced against the wall waiting for the infection to take you, and the threat of murdering that ‘fuck’ that you lived with if you didn’t meet him and do what he demanded, that he’d take away what he no longer had. 
And so your fingers slowly grasped the blade of the knife. Your entire back braced against the wall and watching him to turn around as you slowly pulled it out, your grip tight, your resolve hardening. It was simple. Don either was going to kill you, the ones you love, or hand you back over to the Fireflies. None of those were an option to you. So your body inched forward slightly and slightly more. 
Making your move, Don had gotten smarter then you thought. You both met in the middle, your knife held sideways across his neck and a similar feeling piercing the skin of your stomach. A silent fury brewed between flaming eyes as you fought to keep an even breathe. 
You could feel the teasing poke of the tip of his own knife as if challenging you to stab him first. But that wasn’t what you planned. Your own free hand wasn’t anything he focused on, the silent creep towards his loose grip on his pistol. 
It all happened in a moment. You yanked it from his own hand, and in return he slashed at your stomach.  A long lash deep and harsh enough to force a cry of pain to yell from your mouth. The screeching roared in an instant, both your bodies exposed in the halls entrance. 
Your guess was right, there were two, and both had their own targets to pursue. For a brief moment you only could watch one lunge past in a blur towards a now flailing back Don. A moment lasting long enough for the other clicker to come up behind you. 
Trying to move back away from it, your footing wasn’t steady enough and send you flying to the ground, the knife clanging against the floor away from you as the pistol dropped next to you much harder. It didn’t hesitate. 
Clickers only had one goal, the same goal that had once consumed their own lives. Cordyceps didn’t seek blood or violence or even food, they simply saw a host. And in the spinning world as you fell, it followed and sunk it’s mouth into your side. It’s only goal to spread it’s fungus to more and more hosts. Their teeth were sharp and unforgiving, as you could feel a firing burn splash across your skin like acid, and the mix of two open wounds bleeding in tandem. 
Your hearing fell to the pounding of your heart, unable to hear Don’s own cries or even what existed around you. But you had still gotten what you pried from his person. Mustering enough to kick at the creatures body it pushed back far enough to give you a chance to grab the gun laid beside you. It’s teeth ripping part of your skin out as you did so forcing another cry. 
It let out the very sounds you were once terrified of becoming, it’s mutated head baring blood soaked teeth at you before you pulled the trigger, watching more of it’s own blood splatter across your face and fall to the floor. 
The other made a similar sound, now lunging towards you only to find the same shot forcing it to the ground with an unforgiving slam. 
For a moment you were both quiet. You on the ground, trying to lean against the wall as you found yourself soaked in blood not just the clickers, feeling the wound scream at you in agony. Don was partially against a table, holding a bloody hand to his neck, eyes soaked with fear and a watery gaze. 
The silence between you so heavy that not even the desperate need to gasp or cry came out, just a painfully silent feeling of pain. Don tried to say anything. Muttering softly, he called your name out to get you to focus on him, 
“”I-,” another shot rang out. Your arm weakly outstretched as a final bullet plummeted into his stomach. Whether it was shock or physically unable to speak, Don said nothing. Just slid to the ground looking down at his stomach, hand weakly falling to his sides as a bleeding wound much like your own on his neck. 
You just looked away. There was a brief concoction of distressed noises softly coming from him before they gurgled and stopped all together. 
You weren’t sure how long you sat there. Body sitting and soaked in a pool of your own blood. The thick air could make anyone feel sick. The stench of whatever toxicity flowed through the clickers reeking the air and mixing horribly with the overwhelming rusting scent of your own blood. 
There was no way of guessing how long you sat there, maybe fading in and out of consciousness, it was hard to stay present. Lulling your head to the side finally you braved a look. Don was motionless, limp and not breathing. 
Should you feel guilty? Maybe. But twice now you sat with a burning pain from the bite of a clicker as he left you to die, only this time he had died first. Avenging a wife you never intended to be harmed many years ago. A man who told you, truthfully but with little remorse, that his new found group of rebels murdered not just you, but innocent children. All for a chance to look for a hint of a cure that you knew they already never have found. 
You thought of Joel. A memory strange to think of in this moment, but it was clear as day. 
Both of you sat side by side on his front steps, arms, shoulders and legs brushing up on the other with no space between you. From your view his scruff showed off the mixed in greys of the dark brown that matched his dark hair, just slightly curling in the summer heat. 
Weirdly enough you could clearly see the outside of his face, a softness to him that was often hidden by a harsh glare. The strong angular nose framing his side profile in a way you previously never knew could be handsome or attractive. For a while you remember staring at him, before his deep voice pulled you back. “If I had a camera, I’d tell you to just take a picture.” His face looking at you to show off his looks face on, even if that's not what he intended. “Instead how about you tell me why you’re gawking at me like I’m a zoo animal.” 
Joel’s face held a slight smirk, a lightness in his eyes that even he still was getting used too. All you could do was shake your head with a small smile and turn away again. His shoulder purposely bumping into yours. His voice warm in your ears as he had leaned in closer. “You gonna tell me what’s stirring through that head of yours?” 
With a breathe, you looked down at nothing before flickering your eyes up to where you could barley see Ellie off in the distance. “Just not used to it, is all.” 
“Used to what?” Joel’s voice was comforting even when he didn’t intend it to be. 
With a half shrug you nodded over to where you had been looking. “All this. Being around people this way again.” Your fingers toyed meaninglessly with each other in distraction to his deep gaze. “Feeling like I belong.” 
He was silent for a beat before nodding his head out to her. “I never thought I’d feel this way ever again. Not after everything.” From your peripheral vision you could see Joel’s hand toying with the watch always on his wrist. You had sort of talked about it, about Sarah, but you never brought it up yourself. She was his daughter, his loss, it wasn’t your place to ask about her unprompted. “But having that girl in my life? It helped me remember how much family really means, how much we all need that feeling deep down.” 
Your brows furrowed, refusing to look up at his thoughtful gaze. You didn’t mean to imply you had intruded on his little family, that’s what you had been trying not to do, not to force yourself into their lives when you didn’t belong there. “She’s good for you. You’re good for her.” 
Not saying anything at first, Joel raised his hand to cup the side of your head, pulling you into his space as he kissed the top of it. “So are you. You outta remember that.” You could feel his lips mumbling against your hair before one last smaller kiss and he stood up. His hand trailed along your head in a slight caress until it was too far. 
You just watched as he joined Ellie, and how quick they turned to smiling and joking together anytime they were near each other. You weren’t sure how you felt, if you longed to be apart of that, or if it was guilt for wanting to intrude on it. 
You still felt that now. The bleeding wasn’t pouring so severely, but you trembled and every muscle weighted down with lead. Your gaze had remained on the blade when you started to move. Crawling across the floor, face tight in a grimace of pain as your blood smeared along the path. 
In the only other pocket you almost didn’t remember you had, you pulled out a dinged up lighter. It was agony, trying to pull yourself up enough to pull the fabric of your shirt away from the bite, it bled more than the gash to your stomach, so that’s all you could even focus on. 
Your breathing was heavy and bordered on hyperventilating as you took hold of the knife. The blood left in your veins rung in your ears as you barley could see anymore. Enough to see the bright orange of the flame licking across the metal. You hoped you remembered how long it took last time to do this. The last time was to hide the healed bite, but now you’d settle for stopping the bleeding before the blur became too much to stay awake for, maybe alive for. 
Your breathing was quick and light headed inducing as you hovered the knife’s flat edge over your abdomen. Your eyes squeezed shut as tension coursed through your body. 
This time you had no memory of it. No chance to think or wonder, just the gasp of what felt like a scream, the tiniest register of searing burning, and then nothing. Passed out from shock, you saw nothing in your dreamless state. Just the vaguest dream of a deep voice, one full of such warmth and concern with the slightest of a Texas twinge, but maybe it was simply a dream of a better life. 
It wasn’t clear to you how much you slipped in and out of consciousness. Sometimes you felt hands on you, pressure and pain on the bite wound you tried to cauterize, large and rougher feeling ones usually closest to the pain, and smaller ones floating around you. Other times you were awake enough to register the voices belonged to Joel and Ellie, other times you were weakly trying to bash their hands away from you too close to being pulled back under to recognize them. 
By the time you had woken up, it was just starting to get dark. Ellie was no where to be seen, but you could see her backpack sitting by one of Joel’s packs. Your vision was still somewhat blurry from sleep, but you could still see enough to make out Joel solemnly in thought as he read something on a piece of paper. 
Your muscles felt weak sore, but much lighter and the burning pain in your side toned down. It took you a bit more effort to push your torso up from the palms of your hands as you winced in a bit of pain. Before you really knew it, Joel has breathed out your name and knelt by your side. A large hand supporting your back and another on your hip to help you move in general. 
His brown eyes bore into your face with a hardened look, not quite anger but certainly a degree of frustration. A flash of held back concern as you sighed out a breathe of relief as you were upright, but quickly was swallowed down with a shake of his head. His hands left you while he looked to the ground collecting himself before his head shooting back up to meet your eyes. “What the fuck were you thinking?”
Weirdly enough, his bluntness was comforting. Your mouth opened and shut as many things zoomed past your field of thought too fast to catch one. Lucky for you Joel wasn’t finished. “Why didn’t you just tell me what was going on, or ask me to just help you?” 
Pressing your hands up to rub your eyes, as if when you reopened them you’d magically have a good answer. You didn’t. “It wasn’t your problem to deal with.” 
His hands flying up grasp at the sides of your face, almost shaking you as he did so with his teeth slightly baring as he did so. “You went and almost got yourself killed, of course that’s my problem. What did you want, me to leave you there and bleed to death?” 
One of his hands slipped away as you turned to look away for a moment. Fingers gently tracing along your now bandaged side. You could feel Joel’s gaze following, there was no way he didn’t see. You know the shock overtook you before it could be burned over. His hands clenched into fists at his sides now. “When someone threatens your life over something you had no part in, yeah I decided getting you involved would be selfish.” 
Your jaw clenched, teeth biting the inside of your cheek as Joel looked with tense eyes still on your side as he nods his chin towards it. “Does that part have anything to do with the bite you already got healing over?” 
You didn’t say a word. Nothing good ever came from telling someone, and it didn’t matter how much you trusted Joel with all your heart, that instinct to keep the secret to yourself felt stronger. Reaching for your arm, his thumb trailed over the long healed scar tissue, brows furrowed as he did so. “How long have you know..about..” his eyes flickering between the healed burn and the bandaged one. 
“A couple years. He uh, Don, was the reason I even found out.” Relaying what happened that day, you couldn’t spend much of it looking Joel in the eye. Heaping with guilt for your actions and shame for not trusting this man with that information. Finally, you looked up and off into the distance nothing in direct mind, but far away in thought, you talked about the Fireflies. What they wanted from you, what you learned that had been doing, and that all you wanted to do was keep him and Ellie away from that. “You two don’t deserve to get wrapped up into it.” 
The second you mentioned the Fireflies, Joels free hand clenched tightly. A wavering crack in his steadfast demeanour. Your name passed his lips with force, as if he had to push the word from his mouth calmly instead of breaking free. “This is bigger than just you. I can’t just let you go off on your own, family are supposed to protect each other.” 
Flickering to meet his eyes, you were surprised to see a softer gaze, one with an indiscernible softness you still struggled to identify. So you looked away again, down to the thumb now pressed against the scar issue. “I was trying to keep you and Ellie out of it, you two are family you shouldn’t have come after me, you were doing fine protecting each other.” 
“And what does that make you?” You looked up at him, Joel’s face a mixture of many things, confused, maybe even offended. “You said Ellie and I are family, do you really not think you’re apart of that by now?” 
You didn’t want to get upset, but your heart and your mind swirled around you too much. “I’m not-” 
Finally, his hands encompassed your face once more, this time a small smile sliding across it in affection. “If you don’t realize you’re family to us by now, you might not be as smart as I thought you were, sweetheart.” 
A breathy laugh left you, wincing as you did so. Joel moved to steady your waist just above the wound shushing you to take it easy. Covering the one on your cheek with your hand, you met his warm brown eyes. “It felt wrong, trying to intrude on your lives just because of how I feel.” 
Pulling your head lightly into his, Joel pressed his lips against your forehead, leaning back only to press your foreheads together in a small moment of quiet peace. “Think you got it the wrong way around. If I recall, I’m the one who dragged you into our lives first. You’re family. To me, to Ellie, you are family, okay?” 
Nodding against his own head, you two stayed for a moment. He just found out your biggest secret and all he had to say was he’s upset you didn’t let him help you before running off? Sometimes you just didn’t understand Joel Miller. 
You two stayed like that for a while, taking in the other’s closeness and finding comfort in his touch. It wasn’t until enough time had passed that you realized a certain someone hadn’t yet joined you. Pulling away you squinted looking around before looking back to Joel. Joel with a hesitant look on his face. 
“Where is Ellie?” 
He let a sigh out. Mumbling your name before finally finding a seat on the ground beside you. “She’s here, she uh, needed some time alone to think while you were in and out.” 
He had to pull you back down as you stood to go find her, “Joel,” another wince of pain. “I should go talk to her-”.
Joel moved to stretch one arm over your legs to rest his palm down on the other side, finding a more direct look in your eyes. “Listen, before you do...there’s something about her, about us that you deserve to know about.”
By the time you joined Ellie at the small cliff side, hardly a cliff, mostly just a meter or so drop down the sun setting was glowing a beautiful array or yellows and oranges in the sky. A bright contrast to the forgotten emptiness below. Joel had gently pushed at your lower back as you stopped in place staring at her. 
You now knew what they had been through, what she was, and what Joel was keeping from her. You understood why. You couldn’t very well judge him for keeping a huge secret from the people you love to spare them from possible pain or danger, but you also were beginning to realize that the longer those stayed a secret the harder it weighed on you. 
Ellie didn’t look up at you as you sat next to her, joining her shorter legs in dangling over the edge. Her own gaze was the same as yours the morning you left. Sleeve pushed up, only able to look at the reminder of what was so different about you. Only on Ellie, there was no mistaking the completely healed over bite mark. 
You let the silence flow between you, letting her approach however she felt comfortable. This was a rare moment for both of you. When she did speak, her voice was drenched in a held back waver. “Why didn’t you ever tell anyone?”
Briefly you looked at each other, Ellie’s eyes flashing with upset and a watering glaze you know could spill at anytime. You didn’t get far into your sentence before looking off into the distance again. “I did actually. Some people I admitted it too, others just found out when they saw my arm. It never ended in trust. It just ended in me having to run, leave people behind because they were always going to look for people like us.” 
Feeling her still looking at you she asked, “They?” 
You had to approach it carefully, it wasn’t your place to tell her about the events of the day Joel went in for her. That was going to be something they had do do themselves. She’d get over what he did to save her, that much you knew. It was being lied to by the man she’s grown to see as her father that’s going to hurt the longer it goes on. 
“The Fireflies aren’t who you think they are, or who anyone thinks they are for that matter. They play nice as long as they eventually get what they want from you. Those people will gain your trust, and throw it away as soon as it can be used against you.” 
You pushed your own sleeve up, turning your upper half towards her as she did the same, slowly moving to line your marks against the other. Yours healed over from a burn and hers out for everyone to see if she chose to do so. Your fingers gently touched over hers and she did the same. 
Neither of you had ever met another immune person. “There aren’t many of us, but the Fireflies will hunt down whoever is left. I didn’t tell anyone because ultimately your life means nothing to those people if you let them.” 
Pulling back Ellie’s hands dropped into her lap, her brows furrowing in a similar fashion to the broad man leaning against a tree behind you both. “Marlene told us something inside of me might help find a cure, but that they couldn’t find anything viable.” 
Clenching your jaw, you squeezed your eyes shut for just a second of composure. It wasn’t that they didn’t find anything, they never got a chance to even try. Don had mentioned a bunch of people at a Salt Lake City getting killed, and that an immune child escaped. 
Ellie called your name, “If they’re not good people then what did they even want with me?” 
Your face didn’t chance, a strong amount of effort and will to not give away what wasn’t yours. All you could do was raise your hand, and stroke the back of her head with a light touch. “They want us, Ellie. Any of us that exist out there, and they will lie to you if they need to.” She was looking up at you, a mixture of some degree of upset and a strange kind of affection trying to overpower the other. “You’re life is more important then what they want, Ellie. Both of you. You two are family, that’s all that matters now.” Your head nodding over to the side where he watched. 
Ellie looked tired by now. “You’re family too, you know?” 
That made you smile, and a deep chuckle floated close behind you as Joel came up stand just behind where you sat. You raised an eyebrow, finally your amused look giving her permission to relax, remember what normal feels like again. “You two sure you’re not actually related? ‘Cus you sure sound like it.” 
Joel finally sat down next to you, the feeling of his hand once again finding it’s home on your lower back. “Don’t I know it. Why do you think we never get anything done without a debate?” 
You shook your head, your little smile matched by either side of you. “Most stubborn duo I’ve ever met.” For a while you all enjoyed the lowering sun and the disappearing golden light shining in the evening sky. 
Ellie’s head at some point had fallen into your lap, too much action, too much fear and way too big of a revelation between you two wearing own the smaller girl. Your hands raked through the lose strands of her hair sitting past her ponytail. Watching the unbothered face lost in a dream where maybe thing’s were less harsh and cruel outside this little bubble. 
Joel ‘s voice whispering close to your ear. “I’ll tell her eventually. I know it’s right, I just can’t find the words for it without worrying she’ll resent me for it.” 
Your heads leaned against the other as you moved it close to his, “She won’t. It’ll upset her, you can’t get away from that, but she needs to know. The longer you hide it, the more painful it’ll be when you do tell her, or worse. She finds out without you.” 
“Just like it hurt to wake up and realize you took off because you thought leaving us in the dark would hurt less than knowing the truth?” Boy he got you there. 
Your whisper was all the energy you could even summon. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” 
Joel’s hand slid to cup the back of your head, his other gently letting his fingers grasp the bottom of your chin. His lips brushing over yours as his breath heated the skin it blew onto. “Hey, just remember. I’ve got you. We’ve both got you now.” 
Your free hand awkwardly moved to find the back of his neck while trying not to disrupt Ellie. “You-” It wasn’t the right time, not for that. You had no experience on when normal people even felt that for their partners, but it didn’t seem right in this moment, but honestly, you suspected Joel read right through you anyways. “You mean a lot to me, Joel. You really do.” 
Leaning, he soft as anything rubbed his nose down yours and then back again. “You mean everything to me too, sweetheart.” Finally his fingers pulled your chin the tiny space and pressed his lips against yours. 
His soft lips fit you like they were fated that way, soft kisses turning into intimate swipes of his tongue on yours, but never to escalate. Just a need to feel you as much as he could, make sure you were still there with him. He was a man whose lost too much, and he’d keep your lips against his if it meant always knowing you were still there with them. 
The Fireflies, the immunity, none of that was discussed that evening or the day after. Staying at that small cliff clearing to let your side heal as much as possible before the journey back. Ellie was curled up in front of you, her eyes finding your arm and your side many times before falling back asleep. Finding comfort in another person just like her. 
Joel was pressed up against your back, an arm wrapped around your front, pulling you constantly into him closer and closer, and resting just above your wound not to agitate it. 
It was weird, thinking you had a family in Joel and Ellie, but if they thought that way about you? Followed you out here to find and protect you? Now, it was now your responsibility to start protecting them too. 
You three were family, and that’s all that matters in the end. 
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jacaerysgf · 1 year
hii🤝 can i request an ethan landry ex’s to lovers fic where the reader and ethan broke up cause of ethans jealousy so they’re just kinda mean and sarcastic to each other they’re basically just still mad at each other while being broken up and so there’s a lot of tension between them like but no smut i suck at making requests i’m sorry🙏🙏
Second Chances
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Warnings | best friend anika, ex's to lovers, very bad insults (im not good at insults), implied attempted sa, asshole when drunk ethan, slight angst but with happy ending !! not proofread
wc | 2.4k
a/n: hiiii i really appreciate the request i hope you like it !! sorry if its not exactly what you wanted !!
“Clean up in isle four a bunch of fucking garbage spilled all over the floor.” You turn to your coworker next you who rolled her eyes and walked away mumbling something about the back.
Ethan and the others had found their way to your work establishment. Ethan turned his head towards you and rolled his eyes, “Don't you have a job to do?” “I am working asshole see” you gesture to your work uniform and pick one of the items off the shelf just to put it back on. He shakes his head and makes a step towards you so youre almost face to face, “you're so stupid.” You mock him, “How dare you?” “There's nothing wrong with pointing out the truth.”
“Just make out already Jesus christ.” Tara, tired of the two of you, leads the others out of the isle, Ethan scoffs and turns away from you, giving you one last look to which you flip him off before he walks out of the isle.
Watching him leave sucks, you hate to admit it but you miss him. So much. The night two weeks ago is still burning in the back of your memory.
you were just at a party only maybe thirty minutes ago, you had walked away from him and the rest of the group for a quick second to grab a refill only to get stopped by a guy. He grabs your arm and smiles at you. You think his name is mark? You recognize him from your English class.
“You wanna be my beer pong partner?” You shake your head and smile at him, “No sorry i just need to grab a drink.” he sighs, “can i atleast get your number gorgeous?” You shake your head, “I got a boyfriend.” “I'm sorry.” He nods and walks back over to the beer pong table.
You make your way over to the drink table, “what was that?” As you pour a drink you see your boyfriend, Ethan, standing behind you with an unreadable look on his face. you smile at him before turning back to the table, “you know that guy mark from english? he asked if i wanted to play beer pong with him.” you laugh and fill up your cup.
However, you turn back to see Ethan have an upset look. “is everything okay-” “why was he holding your arm?” Your expression turns grim due to his tone, “um… he asked for my number, i told him no obviously.” His face didn't let up, “Ethan, I promise nothing happened.”
He scoffs and turns away from you, “you looked a little too happy to have said no.” You look at him in disbelief, “are you kidding ethan?'' He doesn't look at you. “I can't believe this, you can't even trust me?” he turns back to you, “why should i?” you open and close your mouth in shock, “because i'm your girlfriend? You know what, no I'm not. you're unbelievable i'm so done with you.”
He follows after you, you can see a stumble in his step, is he drunk? “Baby please-” You huff, “Leave me alone, seriously. Dont text or call me.”
He had left you a large array of messages and tried to call you many many times but all of them went ignored.
Whenever he would try to approach you in person you shut down any sort of advances with an ache in your chest.
You feel a hand tap your shoulder and you turn to see anika there with a sad expression, “you still haven't talked to him?” why should you? he was disrespectful and mean, despite how much you may miss him you will never let someone treat you like he did.
“y/n please just talk to him, you two are miserable.” You sigh and shake your head, “I don't feel miserable, I feel great.” you let out a halfhearted laugh before playing with the already perfectly arranged shelf, “sorry but i have to get back to work.” You see in the corner of your eye her frowning but before she can say anymore you hear Mindy calling for her to join them as they leave.
She walks away and you feel regret at the sad look on her face, you'll have to text her an apology letter.
One of your bigger regrets from your breakup is that you cut contact with the whole group, it's not like they wanted to but you didn't want them to have to choose. you watch out of the corner of your eye as they walk out the front door and you take a breath of relief. This sucks.
When anika invites you to go shopping at the mall, you are shocked to see her standing around with the rest of the group. Ethan standing further back in the group in a seemingly heated discussion with mindy. God this sucks.
Praying she hasn't seen you yet you try to rush away, maybe text her that you aren't feeling well but of course, “y/n!! over here!!” you sigh and turn back with a forced smile.
you slowly walk over and seeing her genuinely cheerful smile puts a real one on your face, “anika hey, hi guys….” you look at the rest of the group who all greet you except one. He looks to the floor as anika begins to drag you along talking about what clothes she wants to get today.
Soon enough sam, tara and chad split off from the group leaving just you anika mindy and of course, ethan. You are now walking side by side with Ethan as Mindy and anika hold hands in front of you.
You look over to him and see him already looking at you and you scoff despite the fact your heart races, “it's rude to stare you know” he rolls his eyes, “it's hard not to when you have something in your hair.” your hands immediately fly to your hair picking and pulling at it.
He stops you with a sigh, “it's here.” He turns you head towards him and your face heads as he pulls something from your hair and flicks it from his hand. You two stare at each other, his doe eyes softening seeing your face. You look down at his lips, remembering how they felt, wishing you could just grab his neck and pull him against you.
You snap out of it hearing mindy laugh, “god they're so stupid.” You see anika smile at you as you two pull away from each other. You scoff as you move in front of the group, “don't do that again.” You begin to walk away not bothering to look if they're following you, “not even a thank you?” you don't turn back to look at him, not trusting yourself to.
“Your outfit looks bad.” “is that the worst you have?” His outfit doesn't look bad. Hes wearing a fucking suit of course he doesn't look bad. It was Sam's birthday so you were all going to some really nice restaurant. you turn your body fully away from him as you all wait in the lobby for the table.
“the worst thing here just so happens to be your hair.” you hear him scoff, “you love my hair.” You turn back to him with an angry look, why would he say that, it's true of course but he has no right. “i don't like your hair just as much as i don't like your face.” he shakes his head and looks away from you with an unreadable look.
“your insults are really bad today. did you wake up on the right side of the bed this morning?” he finally looks back at you and stares at your face, you think he's looking at your eyes but his eyes are turned down slightly, your lips.
Before you can say anymore the table is ready while walking there his hand brushes against yours and you immediately pull your hand away. He looks at you with a frown before he shakes his head and sits far away from you. Good, you think no it wasn't good. It sucked.
You're at a party anika dragged you to, you hadn't gone to one since Ethan and you split. Anika decided it was time to get you out of the house so here you were. She ignored you anytime you asked if ethan would be there which leads you to believe he is which sucks.
You stare at the empty cup in your hand and sigh as you stand up to go fill it again despite the fact you are probably way too drunk and shouldn't be drinking anymore. You finally stumble your way towards the table, you pour yourself another drink and chug it down attempting to ignore your pounding head.
“Something wrong, gorgeous?” You turn and see Mark, the same guy from a few weeks ago, You shake your head unable to answer him and wave him off. “Are you sure? you nod again, putting a hand on your head.
“c'mon i'll help you to a room upstairs.” you feel in grab you and begin to lead you towards the stairs you try to push him away but he keeps a tight firm grip.
at the bottom of the stairs you grab the railing to stop him from pulling you up when you hear a voice, “uh what's going on here?” ethan. Thank god. He has a confused look on his face as he looks between the two of you.
“Hey man, I'm just taking her upstairs to rest her head.” you shake your head and look at ethan with a desperate look and he immediately steps into action. “I'm friends with her roommate, I'll just take her back to her dorm.” Ethan moves towards you to grab you but Mark gets defensive and pulls you towards him, “she asked me to take her don't worry man.”
Ethans face hardens, “let her go.” The rest of the group had made there way over to you guys and chad stepped next to ethan. “I don't see the big deal man-” Ethan ripped you from his arms and grabbed onto you as Ethan slammed his hands into the guy's chest. “dont fucking call me man again, leave my girlfriend the fuck alone.”
“are you alright?'' You nod at Chad and watch as Ethan gets in the guy's face and says a couple more things you can't hear before he rushes back towards you and holds you in his arms.
“are you alright? god i'm sorry baby, cmon lets go.” He lifts you into his arms and carries you out, not before he and Chad exchange a few words with a nod from Chad Ethan leaves with you in his arms.
It feels nice, for a moment you forget everything that's happened between you two the last couple weeks and lay your head on his neck. you feel his grip tighten as he pulls you closer, “i got you baby dont worry.”
You close your eyes and breathe in his scent feeling relaxed you almost fall asleep. He cursed to himself and you opened your eyes again.
You notice you aren't on the way to your dorm, “where are we-” “my dorm, sorry i didn't grab the keys from anika.”
You look up at his face and he looks down at you, he's so beautiful. you notice his face turns red and his pace quickens. Had you said that outloud?
You arrive at his dorm, “I'm gonna put you down for a sec, okay?” he only moves to put you down once you nod, he places you on your feet your body leaning against his and he opens the door.
He lifts you back into his arms and walks you inside, closing the door behind him. you feel his warmth leave you when he places you on his bed.
You watch him leave, wanting to ask where's he's going but he comes back quickly with a glass of water, “drink it please” you chug down the water, not realizing how parched you actually were he takes the glass away from you still don't making eye contact, “you can sleep on the bed, i'll call anika to let her know-” you watch him try to move away from you and you whine and grabbing his arm.
“don't leave me.” you don't want him to leave, all the nights you've spent alone since breaking up with ethan flood back into your mind and your eyes water why did being drunk have to make you so emotional. “please.”
His eyes widen before he sits down into the bed, taking off his shoes and yours before lifting up the comforter and squeezing in next to you. A smile grows on your face as he finally faces you, you run a hand along his face and trace his features. “I've missed you, I'm sorry, for everything.” his eyes close at the feeling of your hands.
you keep running a hand along his cheek, “what in particular?” you want to make sure he knows what he's apologizing for, now is not the time you know that but you need to ask. “That whole night, the words I said and what I insinuated, I was drunk. That's not an excuse I know but I want you to know I didn't mean it baby I promise.”
You nod your head, feeling sleep overtake you. “If you really mean it, tell me in the morning.” you mumble as you wiggle into his arms, knowing you already forgive him. He wraps his arms around you, “of course baby I love you.”
You wake up the next morning with a pounding headache. You groan and put a hand on your head, you should never drink like that again. You run your hands along the face before realizing you're not in your bed, oh right. last night.
you turn over and see ethan already looking at you, now sober you feel awkward “um good morning.” he smiles at you, “good morning.” you two sit in silence for awhile with him admiring you while you try to avoid eye contact, why was this so awkward?
“So do I need to go through the whole speech again or do you remember?” he looks at you hopefully to which you nod. “never talk to me like that again.” he shakes his head, “never.” you laugh, giving into your true desires and wrapping your arms around him.
“Does this mean I'm your boyfriend again?” You pull back slightly and kiss him, “does that answer your question?”
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runningfrom2am · 10 months
all i think about is karma
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summary: you and rafe take on a mainland bush party where he knows no one, and you know too many people for his liking.
this can be read as a stand-alone but it's technically a part four to getaway car, big reputation, and this is why we can’t have nice things.
pairing: rafe x fem!reader
wc: 2.1k
tags/warnings: jealous!rafe, highschool au, (some) nondescript nudity, cursing, mean kook!reader, underage drinking, (i think that’s it??)
a/n: hey y’all!! sorry i haven’t posted anything in a little while, i’ve been busy but now im back home and on my usual schedule so there shouldn’t be any serious interruptions for a little while. i missed y’all and i hope you like this! this is what won my getaway car poll quite some time ago so im so happy to finally get it out!
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"No, Y/N/N, I'll be fine. I don't want to dampen your week, you'll have so much fun!" Bella insists, adjusting where her phone is laying in her lap while she lays in bed, surrounded by tissues and snack wrappers. She came down with the flu at the worst possible time: right before you were meant to go on your spring break trip.
"It won't be the same without you! I should just stay home, I can come over and we can have a movie marathon or something. That'll be just as fun." You reply, watching her through the facetime camera while you sit at your vanity.
"No. Absolutely not. You're going- and you'll get to hangout with Rafe! It's worth it for me to get all the juicy details after." Bella giggles, sniffling and quickly wiping her nose.
You roll your eyes, rubbing your forehead. "Okay, yeah, but nothings gonna happen- you know I swore that off."
"Yeah, whatever. The two of you, alone, drunk and sharing a tent? Whatever you say." Your friend teases you. "It's actually worth it for me to stay home so you can come back with tea."
"Okay, fine," You agree, not admitting that the idea is very tempting. "But I'm not sleeping with him again."
"No! Of course not." Bella laughs, shaking her head. "But if you did, at least be safe this time. We don't need a repeat of what happened last time-"
"Okay! Okay! Bye, Bella I'll call you later!" You quickly cut her off, hanging up the phone.
Several long hours after texting Rafe the update that Bella wasn't going to make it, you found yourself in his truck on the mainland, driving into what seems to be the middle of nowhere for a bush party you caught word of from some friends you met playing soccer on a local team. You were excited to see them, and meet some new people, but you're honestly so glad Rafe still wanted to go. You'd rather not go alone if you didn't have to.
Judging by the large space in front of you full of various groups of kids your age putting tents together or starting fires around makeshift campsites at the edge of the water, you assume you're in the right place and get to work setting up your own tent off near the edge of the lake.
It wasn't long before the sun started to set over the abandoned gravel pit, and you just finish up when you crack open your first drink from the cooler. "So like... are we actually going to talk to anyone or just hide over here and be weird all night?" Rafe asks as you bring the can to your lips.
You roll your eyes a little and nod. "Well, duh. My friends are coming. I don't know what your plans are." Rafe looks around at that, seeing if there's anyone he might be able to talk to, but he was counting on hanging out with you.
"Wow, you're ditching me?" He asks, reaching into the cooler as well and grabbing a beer. "Cold."
You go to reply with a matching, somewhat snarky attitude the two of you almost always share when you recognize the purple jeep that's pulling in. "That's them! Good luck making friends!" You call back, jogging over to where they parked.
Rafe flips you off as you turn your full attention to your friends, sighing a little to himself as he lays eyes on a group of local boys who look enough like his friends that he's comfortable talking to them.
By the time that the area is lit only by the orange glow coming from the several cooking fires and the large bonfire everyone is centered around, you're already stumbling over your feet with a half-drank bottle of some liquor you didn't bring, and you're not even sure where you got it.
Rafe has been trying to keep an eye on you from a distance, but now he's lost you. He's drunk himself, so he's not overly concerned, but he would just at least like to know where you were. He looks around frantically, trying to keep his cool as the boys around him are laughing about something he didn't care to pay attention to. His eyes land on some figures out in the lake, and he squints to see if he can make out the shape of your hair in the dark. He takes a few steps away to get a closer look, hearing you laughing and shouting over the music coming from an on shore speaker. He walks down to the shore with a smug look on his face, polishing off his beer when he looks down and notices piles of clothes on the shore. Are you naked?
"Hey, Y/N!" Rafe shouts, waving to you in an attempt to grab your attention.
"Rafe!" You shout back, smile never fading as you push your wet hair out of your face. With the liquor warming you, the water feels amazing and so soft on your skin. "Come out here! Come join us!"
Rafe sighs as he finds your stuff, relieved to find only your shirt, shorts, and bra. At least you weren't fully naked in front of all these strangers. He strips of everything but his boxers and grabs your bra, wading out into the cool lake water to you and your friends as they cheer and laugh.
"Rafe! Where have you been?" You giggle, throwing your arms over his shoulders once he gets close enough for you to reach.
"I've been around- apparently I should have been babysitting you ladies." He chuckles, trying to hide any frustration in his tone as he avoids looking at your friends who are just as well clothed as you are. "Put this on, at least." He adds, pulling away from you and handing you the article of clothing, crossing his arms to watch you put it on despite his better judgement.
"Hey! Girls! Come on in, we're going to play chandelier!" One of the guys Rafe had the pleasure of talking to for the last couple hours shouts, and quickly everyone makes their way in to shore.
"Y/N, hey, we don't want you to get sick. Come warm up." Rafe turns his head as he gets his shirt back on, watching as one of the other guys, Jesse, is quickly wrapping you in a small blanket and guiding you up to the bonfire with a hand on your lower back. He scowls at the two of you behind your back, following as he urges you up the small hill and towards the large fire pit ahead.
You walk side by side with the boy, until you can feel the warmth of the flames on your skin where you stop and stand to dry off both your skin and what little clothing you have on. You don't know you're shivering until Jesse is tugging on the blanket around your shoulders. "Here, let me help you warm up.." He chuckles, wrapping his arms around you from behind and draping the blanket over both of you.
"Oh, thanks, Jesse." You say, teeth chattering from the soft breeze. You lean back into him, swaying from the alcohol still in your system and he steadies you.
"Anytime, sweetheart." He mumbles, pressing his lips to the back of your head.
You are well aware of his hands wandering, fiddling with the waistband of your underwear as you have your arms crossed tightly over your chest. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth as you gaze across the fire and your eyes land on Rafe, who's staring at you intently.
You smile and wave at him, but he just rolls his eyes in response and looks away. Is he upset with you for ditching him? In hindsight it wasn't very nice, even if that is the kind of relationship you normally have. If it was you you'd be upset- he didn't know anyone, and he was left to fend for himself, granted; he was clearly fine.
"Hey, Ashley?" You find yourself calling over to your other friend, but she doesn't hear you as your eyes well up with tears. Why do you feel so bad right now? Does Rafe being upset with you really bother you that much? You've hardly felt like this before.
"Ashley?" You ask again, but she hardly glances at you as she's got another boy draped over her shoulder- one who is definitely not the girls boyfriend.
"You okay?" Jesse asks, leaning his head over your shoulder to get a better look at you.
"Uhm, yeah, I just have to go to the bathroom and I was hoping she would come with me." You explain, watching Rafe again as he buries himself in conversation with the two girls standing next to him.
"I'll take you." Jesse offers. "Come on, I won't watch. Swear." He says, already guiding you away and tossing the blanket back to his friend.
You glance back at Rafe over your shoulder as Jesse walks you off into the dark. Just as you look forward again to try and watch your step, Jesse's hand is smacking your butt playfully, making you jump. You laugh it off and give him a shove, but he's grabbing your hand and pulling you in the direction of his truck.
The swing of Jesse's arm to where his hand hit your exposed skin drew Rafe's attention again fully, and he furrows his brow as he watches you stumble away. You were sharing a tent with him and you were really about to hook up with that mainland loser? He quickly downs the rest of his beer and storms after you, fists clenched at his sides after discarding the bottle on a nearby pong table.
"Hey!" Rafe shouts, making the two of you turn just as Jesse backs you up against the side of his truck and starts kissing down your neck. You're confused, but not one to turn down an opportunity like this- especially when you never have to see him again. As soon as Jesse turns his head, though, it's snapped back again with the contact of Rafe's fist into his nose.
He groans and quickly brings his hands up to his face, tipping his head back as blood pours from between his fingers. You gasp, reaching out for him but hesitating, not sure what to do.
"You think you can hook up with any girl who accepts a blanket from you when she's cold? She came here with me." Rafe spits, and you feel your features pull into an expression of anger as you quickly step towards him and shove him back. "What?"
"Come on." You mutter, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the now bleeding boy. "What the fuck was that about?" You ask, storming back to where your shared tent was in the corner. "Do you think you have some stupid claim over me just because you drove me here?"
Rafe rolls his eyes, stopping with you next to the tent as you drop his arm and turn to face him. "He was taking advantage of you!"
You scoff, shaking your head and crossing your arms. "No, Rafe. He wasn't. Did you ever consider that maybe I wanted that?"
"Whatever, Y/N- don't act like you weren't eyeing me up for the whole drive here."
"Oh. My. God." You find yourself laughing suddenly, realizing what this is about. "You were jealous."
"What? No I wasn't." Rafe replies defensively.
You smile at him cockily, tilting your head and waiting for him to spiral on it.
"I wasn't! I tried to help. That's what I get, I guess!" Rafe throws his hands up.
"And here I was thinking you were mad at me for ditching you. Turns out you were just horny." You smirk, knowing you were just pushing his buttons this time for fun.
"Oh, fuck off, Y/N, you're just trying to piss me off now for fun."
"You're not denying it." You shrug, looking back over to the fire for a moment, seeing Jesse sitting there with paper towel pressed to his nose and a few girls surrounding him.
"You're making it difficult not to be when you’re walking around like that.” He replies, smirking as he looks you up and down.
“Don’t be gross, Rafe.” You smile, dropping your arms from they were crossed over your chest.
He takes a step closer at that, delicately placing his hands on your hips. “You love it, Y/N/N, you know you do.”
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taglist: @bookishbabyyy @madelynie , @whore-4-drewstarkey , @slut4drudy , @winterrrnight , @totalswag , @sadfury @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron , @urfaveluvr , @chenslucy , @hxnnah-397 , @s-we-e-t-t-ea , @tahliac11 , @ragingsammie , @ietss, @dee127
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jeridandridge · 11 months
Hi! Idk if your asks are open but I thought I'd give it a shot!
Melissa has the flu or a cold and reader is taking care of her. And she's being both "melissa" and a big ole baby about it. 😁😁
Also Drunk is so gooood! You are 1000000% right, soft melissa is EVERYTHING! Thank you for writing!!
Hi 👻! Thank you for the request! 🩷
Tea and Hot Nurses
On Monday when you don’t see your girlfriend in the lunch room you give Barb a look. “Where’s Mel?”
“I was wondering the same thing. She still may be in her room.”
You nod tapping the doorframe with your fingers on the way out. You walk down the hall with a smile giving one or your students a high five before you get to Melissa’s classroom. Through the small bit of glass on the closed door you see the lights are off and that signals warning bells to go off in your head.
Opening the door you step in to see your girlfriend with her head on her jacket as a makeshift pillow.
“Baby, are you okay?” You ask gently rubbing her back.
The red head turns to look at you, her nose red and her eyes bloodshot, Kleenex balled up in her hand.
“What happened? Did someone do something? I’ll find them right now.” You stand on guard ready to move, thinking she’d been crying.
Melissa lets out a shaky laugh before coughing hard into her arm. “No one did anything, hon. I think I caught what the kids were passing around so I’m gonna try to nap before they come back.”
You let out a sigh rubbing her back. She sounded congested and she looked miserable.
“Mel, you should really go home. I can go talk to Ava and cover your class during my prep period.” You tell her.
Melissa gives you a soft smile shaking her head. “I’m fine, hon.” She lets out just before she starts coughing again.
“Yeah you sound great.” You roll your eyes. “Come on, baby, I don’t wanna worry about you the rest of the day.”
“Y/n, Im fine. You think a little cold can knock me out?”
You huff putting your hands on your hips eyeing all the Kleenex in the trash before meeting her eyes with a quirked brow.
“Fine, but after school I’m taking you home and making sure you take care of yourself.”
Sure enough when the bell rings two hours later you’re downstairs at Melissa’s door with your bags ready to go. “I’m gonna follow you back to your place but make a stop on the way to get some supplies.” You tell her.
“Hon, I have stuff at the house.” She says coming out of the doorway.
“Okay but you need other things. Just go home and get comfy I’ll be there in a few.”
“So bossy.” She teases you with a smirk.
When you get in your car you stop by the pharmacy closest to Melissa’s house before heading there. After you get everything you need you head to your girlfriends using your key to get in. When you set everything down on the kitchen counter you hear the shower running upstairs and take the time to get tea going on the stove and unpack everything else you bought.
“What did you do buy the entire pharmacy?”
Putting a Gatorade in the fridge you close the door turning to see your girlfriend with her hair up and in her sweats with her favorite hoodie of yours.
“Very funny. I got tea and honey, Gatorade, Kleenex, nasal spray, halls for your throat, a new thermometer, and, your favorite.” You smile handing her a bag of chocolates.
Melissa smiles taking the bag and squeezing your hand.
“Thank you, Tesoro.”
“Of course.” You beam sliding the large mug of tea to her. “This should open up your sinuses according to the box.”
“Ya know you don’t have to stay here, hon. I don’t wanna get you sick.”
“Mel I had my tongue down your throat last night. I probably already have whatever you have. Besides, I’m not leaving you alone.” You reason as you migrate everything to the couch.
Melissa stands with her hands in your, her hoodie watching you with a smile before she joins you on the couch cuddling into your side.
She takes the mug sipping the warm drink with a hum, your phone chime and laugh capturing her attention.
“Ava said, and I quote ‘Melissa’s covered for tomorrow. Make sure she stays home and recovers I can’t be the only baddie around here it’s too much responsibility.’ “
Melissa lets out a breathy laugh keeping her head on your shoulder.
“I should admit I’m sick more often, eh? I get compliments from Ava and a hot nurse.” She grins up at you.
You can’t help but lean in and kiss her forehead.
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dylanisdazed · 5 months
so yall know i got an online job. well its online but its also local and today i had to meet with the boss man. he's like 65.
i went in there late cuz i had the kids and stuff so i waited until parker was home to watch his brothers.
so i walk in his office and he closes the door.
he says you drink? you look like you like to party.
i kinda laugh. like idk what this old man means. im 23. yeah i do like to party.
so i say yeah, i like to drink.
he says what do you drink?
i say pretty much anything but i really like bourbon.
he has glee in his face. "BOURBON! my boy! that's a man drink. that's awesome, it'll put hair on your chest! I've got bourbons I'm sure you've never had."
so he tells me to sit down. he pours half a glass of bourbon in the office. i drink it with him. then he pours another. he asks about my major and my life and i tell him about adam...
he's been married to a woman for 40 years and they have 3 children.
He talks about being a teen in the late 70’s/early 80’s. Honestly the conversation wasn’t too bad but as he talks about all the exploring he did…with marijuana, other drugs…and sex…he shifted his eyes and was staring into my soul.
Then without asking he pours a third drink. And moves over closer to me. I should have just said I didn’t want anymore but there really is something to the whole power dynamic that I just drank it. I felt so uncomfortable. I’m alone with him in his office and he’s got the door closed (no one else was at the office it was 6 pm) and I’m drinking a third glass of bourbon with this guy.
He watches me sipping the bourbon and says “I have to say, you’re a beautiful boy” normally I would be flattered hearing that and I just can’t describe why but it’s like I instantly felt how millions of girls must feel everyday when an old man in power is trying to take advantage of me. But I’m also polite and southern and idk so I smiled and said thank you and to help my nerves finished the drink.
He goes “you must really be a good time Dylan, you can hold your alcohol. I’m gonna have to use this whole bottle on you”
And that’s when I really felt weird and scared. Not to mention I had accidentally left my cell phone in my Jeep.
I sorta laughed and said I’ve got to drive home and I have eaten much today. He goes “Come on we’re just getting started”
I say I really need to go, my kids are waiting on dinner and he replies “you’re just a boy yourself, it’s interesting hearing you say your kids. It makes you even sexier.”
I laugh and say thanks but I need to go. I started to stand up and he put his large hand on my thigh (he’s like 6’5) and sort of held me down.
He said “you’ve got to have at least one more drink with me, an ending drink.” I just felt kinda helpless and didn’t have my phone and I was getting pretty drunk at this point so I said okay. He said “good boy”
He pours a last and stronger drink. I sip it as he stares into my soul and talks about how his wife is in Arizona and he’s pretty lonely and reminiscing on his youth and fun sexual explorations. He put his hand back on my thigh and started rubbing up towards my cock. I feel kinda dumb because I just sat there. I was scared and shocked and drunk.
He told me I had a pretty mouth and began unzipping his pants.
Then. THANK GOD. His office phone rang. He looked defeated. He picks up and I hear his wife. “Why are you still at the office? Your phone pinged you at the office.”
“Yeah honey, I’m just finishing up reports, I’m in no hurry with you out of town.” Blah blah blah
I finish my drink. Stand up and head to the door. I wanted to get out of there while he was still on the phone because I could tell he wouldn’t stop me or say my name while his wife was on the phone. I just turn around and do a wave and pretty much bolt to my Jeep.
I start driving immediately, wanting to get away from him. Then I start bawling. Nothing even really happened and maybe I’m just over dramatic or more innocent than I thought but I felt dirty and scared 😭😭
I’m driving drunk and crying and I called my mom. She tells me to tell Adam and so I do but when I get home Adam is waiting for me and consoles me but…he’s the most calm, gentle hearted person I know and he’s like homicidal angry.
I’m like no ur not gonna do anything like that…
He’s like I’m waiting outside that office and I’m gonna kill him.
😭 it was kind of scary but also very heartwarming and sorta hot seeing him that way 😂
Anyway……. I’m sorry for the long and poorly written story.
I’m okay and we’re taking care of the matter and Adam is also okay and didn’t kill anyone 😂💚
Thanks for the love and concern.
It’s been hard the last few days because I keep thinking about it and wondering what would have happened if his wife hadn’t called. I can’t help it, but my body starts to shake violently when I think of it. I’m shaking now writing all this. 😭😭
But just know overall I’m okay and things are being handled. 💚💚
I’m not gonna talk about this again, at least not for a long time because it scares me.
Please don’t ask me questions about it. 💚💚 I felt like I owed an explanation though and I appreciate all the concern and well wishes.
Now back to fun Dylie!!!
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This is a request by @asterio14 hope you like it sorry it has taken me so long to write your request.
Another Spencer Reid X Teen convicted reader.
This is not related to all to my other Spencer Reid x prisoner teen reader completely different.
Request: Both Spencer Reid and Reader are serving life sentences at adult prison. Reader has already served three or four years. is a character who doesn't mind being in prison, perceiving it as natural habitat. He is the one welcoming Spencer into his new home. The reader is put in for Arson but accidentally killed someone.
Third person pov...
In Millburn Correctional Facility a H/C teen sits in his cell, the cell itself wasn't very large but he still had a sink, a usable toilet, small plastic mirror hanging on the wall, a small bed with a thin cover and single pillow.
Opposite another bed but with no one staying in it, 18 year old Y/N had been in this correctionally facility for 2 and a half years for arson and accidental homicide, when he was 16 he stupidly played with matches and accidently set a barn on fire and the owner happened to be inside the barn.
He tried to save them but was already dead when Y/N dragged them out. Since he got sent to prison, he has been a model prisoner and was allowed curtain things others weren't, such as books to read and a sketchbook to draw in.
After a couple of months the teen got used to being in prison, as he was a minor he was sent for a juvenile centre then when he turned 18 was sent to this correctionally facility.
Currently the teen was sketching on his bed, humming a song he liked, his back lent against the wall his knees up so prop up the sketchbook for him to sketch.
A guard knocks on the barred door alerting the teen, he glanced awa from his sketchbook then back just as quick. "Prisoner L/N, you've got company" calls a guard, Y/N just gives a thumbs up to the guard but doesn't move, by now the guards know the teen enough that he wont move when they open his cell.
Once the door was closed, he looked up and saw a man. "Guess your my cell mate then" he says, the guy was young looking with longish curly hair with a young but haunted face, he was tall and lanky around 6ft.
The man just stares at the kid, Spencer was first surprised at how young his cell mate was, the kid didn't look older than 20, he had H/C hair and E/C eyes, he was wearing a white t shirt and the prison uniform pants the shirt was hung up.
Y/N gives the guy a friendly looking smile. "Yo! I'm Y/N, nice to meet you" he says Spencer is glad he doesn't hold his hand out for a handshake, Y/N goes back to his sketching.
Spencer then sits down on the opposite bed, he was glad to be moved into these smaller cells and away from the public ones he was first in, Spencer watches the boy before realising he didn't introduce himself.
"Im Spencer Reid, nice to meet you Y/N" He says, the boy only smiles and gives the man a thumbs up. Over the next few days Y/N and Spencer got to know each other.
Y/N tells him why he was in prison and Spencer explains his story about him being an FBI agent and how he got blackmailed and put in prison, 3 weeks later they had bonded like brothers.
Y/N told his tragic backstory of loosing his Mum at a young age and having an ass hole of a dad, who neglected him and didn't tell him what was right or wrong so he went with anything.
Spencer was sympathetic to the kid and told him about his dad leaving him and his mum alone. Y/N laughs making Spencer look over at the teen. "We both had shitty Fathers then" his words makes Spencer laugh as well.
"I suppose we do" he mutters into the darkness of the cell.
12 weeks later, Spencer has been released from Prison but his team and Mr Scratch is no more, for his last day and night Spencer spends it with his new friend and brother Y/N.
After dinner the two sit in their shared cell, Y/Nsat on his bed and Spencer sat on his own, it is silent until Spencer gets up from his bed and sits next to Y/N on his.
The teen currently had their head in their knees not looking at Spencer, he had been secretly hoping the this day wouldn't come so soon, when Spencer goes he would be alone again.
Spencer fidgets awkwardly before breaking thr silence. "I'm sorry Y/N, but I've been found innocent by the Judge I have to go" he tries to reason with the teen.
Y/N keeps his head in his knees not talking, Spencer sighs and sits suddenly Y/Ns pulls him into a tight hug that he couldn't seem to want to let go off.
Spencer frozen physical contact was not his thing, The teens arms shake as they hug the older man tightly, Spencer relaxes slightly and hugs the teen back.
He will miss the young kid alot and will always be thinking of him.
The end!
So sorry for thr wait I didn't have alot for this oneshot so sorry that it is alot shorter than thr usual 1000 + oneshots, I've been busy with my classes and trying not to burn out from everyone and thing.
As usual so sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Worr count: 960
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