#im not spell checking its too late
dolokhoded · 7 months
i need to go to sleep right now but i've got zimon in the brain and i know i won't be able to sleep until i do something to get him out of the brain but i can't get up to draw right now and i sure as hell can't get up to write that would take me around 11 years so i'll just sit here and rotate him in my mind like a burnt chicken
#🧅#im remaking the apostle designs too. just. a lot of disciple disease lately.#if there was more aro representation in media i wouldn't cling to the two characters i hc as aro so i can actually do it in a non shitty wa#and I wouldn't be up thinking about them right now and i wouldn't go to sleep late and i'd be abke to study tomorrow and actually get into#uni and get a degree and find a job a d have a life. so if i get nowhere in life it's actually because society hates aromantic people.#man why did i give up on writing. if i could write right now i could just. write all thr concepts out of my head instead of keeping them#up there.#pfft. ''the two characters i hc as aro'' as if i don't cast aro spells on Everyone Ever.#whatever you get james and simon are my blorbos of choice atm#if i could at least get over my current wave if Aromantic Rage so i could actually make ship content and post some jesus/judas along with#all the aro people so people would care about them more :/#queerbaiting you guys so you consume content about Other type of queers#man. i hate when this happens it alienates me from fandom So much . cause like the second people start talking about ships im like 'cool'#*fades out like that giy doing the peace sign*#and i know its not my actual Opinion either i like these ships it's just. auugghfhfh.#not to mention everyone making amazing ship content and not even being able to check it out because i get irrationally pissed#sometimes i wish i weren't aro so bad#sometimes. then i remember it's awesome and aromanticism is god's masterpiece and i love it. but man.
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silhouettecrow · 1 year
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 262
Adjective: Heavy
Noun: Echo
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Heavy: of great weight, or difficult to lift or move; used in questions about weight; (of a class of thing) above the average weight, or large of its kind; weighed down, or full of something; (of a person's head or eyes) feeling weighed down by weariness; of great density, or thick or substantial; not delicate or graceful, or coarse; (of food or a meal) hard to digest, or too filling; (of ground or soil) hard to travel over or work with because muddy or full of clay; (of a smell) very strong, or overpowering; (of the sky) full of dark clouds, or oppressive; (physics) of or containing atoms of an isotope of greater than the usual mass; of more than the usual size, amount, or force; using a lot of; doing something to excess; striking or falling with force; (of music, especially rock) having a strong bass component and a forceful rhythm; needing much physical effort; moving slowly or with difficulty; very important or serious; (of a literary work) hard to read or understand because overly serious or difficult; mentally oppressive, or hard to endure; feeling or expressing sadness; (informal) (of a situation) serious and hard to deal with; (informal) (of a person) strict or harsh
Echo: a sound or series of sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener; a close parallel or repetition of an idea, feeling, style, or event
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gnc-tits · 2 years
i keep putting off my tshot coz im sick of doing intramuscular but cvs wont fill my sub-q needles </3
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roughdaysandart · 5 months
Rough Day Comic 0-1 "Other Talents"
Based on Rough Day by @no-droids
SERIES GEN WARNINGS: non-canon typical gore/blood, violence, light language, implied nudity, implied trauma (Blood, depression, anxiety, bullying, sexual), typos and general lore errors possible (plz lmk if you find any I enjoy accuracy)
See end for bonus content and credits.
TRACK 1: REPROGRAM (only track til end credits)
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Up Next: CH 0-2: "Rules and Habits"
"And yet, only when she was absolutely certain he wouldn't see ...shed let that nagging curiosity get the better of her, make an exception...and-"
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Well, this is the moment we've all been waiting for, sickos! I'm so proud of what Ive learned and been to accomplish these past few weeks (digital-art and writing in general), and have so much gratitude for all of the wonderful people who have followed along and encouraged me thus far. Most of all, thank you to the wonderful @no-droids for creating the fic in the first place. I cant wait to continue posting what's in store these next few (probably) years.
Thanks so much for reading! I hope you'll consider checking out my homepage for updates, sneek peeks, more depravity, the star wars mega-pinterest boards, and the unofficial soundtrack! 💗
Next chapter coming.....whenever its ready...in-person school is aboutta start and im going to pace myself and figure out how to balance going in person for the first time in a year...workin' and well...life, which includes this depravity and you all 💗!!!
Cheers, Sweet Girls. 💗
-M (@roughdaysandart)
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Credit to @saradika-graphics for the amazing dividers!
Credit to all of the talented artists making covers of the songs I link!
Credit to Brittany Broski for introducing me to RD/Ao3 this late in my life
Credit to...anyone else my mushy brain forgot (lmk ya'll)
credit to my drug-induced psychosis?
Sweet Girl was drawn on the cover before her design was finalized, and so her clothing as well as her body are not exactly the same as how she appears in the series.
On page 5, Din is supposed to be laying in the cockpit's main compartment listening to the closed door, not in the mini hall where the ladder resides.
on page 9, there is a spelling error (talens--> talents)
On page 12, the rendering of the Crest's hull is a bit too wide (most dramatically apparent by the fresher door's length), the hull should be a tad more narrow. In addition, the flooring coloring is somewhat inaccurate, needing to appear more metallic instead of similar to the roofing textures and colorings
On page 12, the handle of the fresher door is supposed to be on the left side, not the right.
Speaking of the handle: I understand that manual doors are somewhat uncommon in the SWU, and it would be inconsistent for the Crest to have one when the cockpit and cot doors are auto, but I wanted to stay consistent with the descriptions in the original fic. In chapter 2, SG is described to slide open the door with her hand as she sees Mando standing outside. But I didint want to just purley stick to the fic's details and ignore in-universe discrepancies, so i thought of how this somewhat odd/niche detail could still make sense in this setting. I figured that with the inclusion of a control panel within the fresher (seen in later chapters) in addition to the one bewteen it and the cot, the option of an automatic function would presumably still be available aside from the manual one (which could be there for the purpose of giving the user a speed or distance preference or to avoid pinching etc.)
on the page beginning with "to say the least", the mini-halls' roof is suppposed to have a window. Therefore, the lighting of the space is somewhat innacurate.
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factual-fantasy · 21 days
23 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🐶
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Guys, please read the FAQ in my pinned posed before sending asks, like the ask button says. You don't have to read them all- just a quick check to see if i have answered your question already and especially to see my stance on requests.
I'm not taking drawing requests at the moment. If I hit an art block and start taking requests, I'll make a post about it and update my pinned post.
Again, please just take a quick glance at the FAQ before sending in your asks. It saves both of us a lot of time. Thank you! <:)
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Currently there isn't actually a plot line I'm following- its more of a "day in the life of the neighborhood" kind'a thing.
The main points of interest though is Wally's home being alive and it watches him sleep at night.. this causes Wally to have terrible sleeping problems and anxiety. But no one knows Home is the culprit..
Another point of interest is Julie secretly actually being a huge beast that is simply disguising herself as this pretty little harmless neighbor.. she truly is a nice person and loves her friends, but she has disguised herself to look this way so that people wouldn't be afraid of her. Only Frank knows what she really looks like..
And lastly, Eddie is a real human from our/another world. He was somehow brought here to the neighborhood.. he has no memory of his original life..
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Oh wow!! :000 That blue one is so pretty.... 🥺💞💞
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Octo is intended to kind'a have normal old man problems- he's kind'a far sighted, has a cranky back, gets tired easy, gets winded faster than he used to.. other than that and the natural aches and sores that came after his major injury- (that comic you're referencing) he's relatively ok! :00 (Those dizzy spells that I talked about come from when he overworks himself.. normal old man things! <:D)
Seafoam is intended to be the youngest of his siblings, and his eldest sister was a rotten egg that had kids way too young.. and her kids were ALSO rotten eggs that had THEIR kids way too young. One of those kids being Red. So because of the age gap between him and his sister, and both generations having kids at like 20 years old... Seafoam is 55-65 and Red, his great nephew, is like 4-6...
Spider crab tends to not interact a whole lot with Pinwheel and Tuna, since they are a little too high energy and loud for him. 😅 But Coco and Red are nice company. :)
Spider does worry about the crewmembers that are missing limbs or eyes.. he does his best to offer help without overstepping. Sometimes those things are sensitive to talk about.. Also Spider sure looks old, but I pictured him being somewhere in his late 30s. Stress will add a lot of age to your face... 😅
I can see Spider crab, Louis and Tuna spending the most time in the kitchen just to be around Ellie. Although if one of them comes for a visit and one of the other 2 is already there, they probably wont stick around long. <XD Spider doesn't like Louis or Tuna's noise and Tuna like's to be alone with Ellie to talk peacefully.. As to who cooks when she cant... I can see the crew eating things that don't need to be cooked until she gets better. Pre-baked bread, easy sandwiches, etc- in an emergency though I can see the crew catching fish and Louis cooking them for the crew :))
Red might have nightmares yeah.. although his family were pretty rotten so this new crew is actually rather nice.. also Coco is his favorite playmate :))
AAA THANKYIUU!! :DDD IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE URCHINS DESIGN!! :)))) Unfortunately though, I haven't thought out her backstory too much..
I'm thinking she met Cuttlefish the same time the rest of the crew did. As for what made them friends, I kind'a like the idea that Urchin can see right through Cuttle's facade. She's not used to having someone see through all her lies, see the REAL her.. and still want to be her friend. Its nice.. 🥺
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Honestly? I have absolutely no idea XD 💀💀 All I know is Poppy is the oldest and Sally is the youngest. Sally is probably around 18-20--
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I haven't decided what the neighbors reactions would be since I have no plans for Julie to reveal herself.. though even if she did, I have a feeling she would want to maintain her smaller form. Even if it takes more energy..
To Julie, this body represents who she really is. Who she really wants to be. This is how she want's the world to see her. Even if the truth got out and everyone accepted her. She'd stay in her smaller form anyways..
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So far I don't have intentions for there to have been any tenants before Wally.. or at least no one will ever find out who they were or what happened to them.
As for how old Home is, I haven't decided this and its also a complete mystery to the neighbors. Poppy has lived there ever since she was a child and Home was already there when she moved in..
Now Home could get creative and find different ways to harm or even kill those it doesn't like.. but thankfully Home doesn't have any intentions to hurt anyone, especially not Wally. Home wouldn't even try to significantly hurt Barnaby, despite him getting in the way of Homes plans.. although Home cant resist the occasional stubbed toe or splinter out of frustration...
As for adding stuff to Home's body.. if Wally purposefully slapped a strip of duct tape on the wall, that wouldn't really become a part of Homes body. Things only really attach to Home if they are significant.
Examples being a new shelf. An added wall to split a room, cutting a hole in the wall and installing a window, ripping up carpet and installing hardwood floors, etc. The nail holding up a picture frame or that nail gun plugged into the wall are not apart of Home..
Though that's not to say Home cant control the outlets, it can! But that would only give Home the power to turn the nail gun on and off. Home cant make the gun fire..
As for plants, even if they engulf Home and grow in-between the floorboards, Home cannot control plants.. or if there was moss or some kind of fungus growing on the walls? If it ate away at the wood that plank would just die off and Home couldn't feel/control it anymore..
Lastly, Home being able to move things quickly is kind'a what you would imagine. Home moves them as fast as that object can reasonably move. How fast do you think you could slam a door? How fast do you think the window would slam down shut if you gave it all your might?
I hope I cleared up these questions! :00 And sorry if I accidentally missed one or two! <:D
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No worries! :DD
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On desktop the limit appears to be 100, I'll see what I can do! 😅Also thank you! :))
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AW! :DDD I'm glad they like it! But yeah absolutely keep it to the light stuff-- my Octonauts art has a surprising amount of blood in it for a kids show 💀
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(Referencing this post)
I might just be! XD🪄✨✨✨Also thank you!! :)))
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Oof... welcome back? <:D ... sorry-
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Awe! I'm glad to hear you liked my Gravity Falls stuff!! :DDD Thank you so much!! :))
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Oh no no! :0 reblogging is a feature of Tumblr and is not reposting! :))
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My idea is that Wally only really has sleepovers with Barnaby. He would have sleep overs with Howdy too, but that Pillar's on a pretty tight sleeping schedule/routine <XD
Now Barnaby has noticed that Wally sleeps better when he crashes at his place. Because of this he has started offering his house as a getaway for Wally when ever he notices he seems a little extra tired..
Something to note; neither Barnaby nor Wally think something is wrong with Wally's house because of this- they're just starting to think that Wally's anxiety is worse when he's alone..
Also thank you so much!! :DDDD
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I don't think much would change to be honest.. they'd still be the same old Wally and Barnaby even after a species swap!
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This was sent right after I commented that I'm still open to Welcome Home suggestions. Are these Welcome Home AUs..? <:0 I am unfamiliar with them..
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Oof, went back and fixed it. I tend to type too fast and get slime and smile mixed up. 😅
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It can be a little embarrassing when people point out my typos, mostly because every single typo I make is pointed out every single time without fail.😅💀 But no worries, I know you meant no harm-
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cerberus-new-owner · 26 days
do over cause i went to save this as a draft to look at something and there was an error (im fuckin crying rn, yes i broke my self censoring streak but this desrved it)
sooooooooo it caught my attention that the dumb little sleeping heacannons i made a while ago caught your attention sooooooo
i may be interested in writing a part two but for the Angels + Solomon (raph not included) (btw this is like a rn thing like you're reading the post RN)
part three with barbie and dia at some point too if i remeber (they were originally going to be in this part but i got lazy lol)
Part 1 - The brothers Part 2 - The Angels + Solomon Part 3 - Diavolo + Barbatos
Content thingy-o - GN!mc, implied romance between mc solomon and simeon (seprate) (not luke), slight angst for simeon and lukes parts, mentions of asmodeus and barbatos, pet names for simeon and solomon
w/o mc - he is a light sleeper like mother let kid sleep in their own room but is paranoid that something may happen (him and luke cause i hc that luke has night terrors often) he does let luke sleep in his bed if luke has a really bad nightmare or is just really shaken up for whatever reason, doesn't snore but does sleep talk and sleep walk usually to lukes room out of habit of checking on baby luke but occsionally just stands in the corner of solomons room mumbling random things almost creepily (need eggs for the cookies and flour for the cupcakes), i've said this many times before but w i n g s c a n b e b l a n k e t mans sleeps with his wings out as a blanket.
w/ mc - pretty much the exact same buuuuuuuuut cuddle positions!! (i promise i'll add this to the brothers version) love love loves it when him or mc lays on the others chest and he will use his wings to hold mc closer to him also loves big spoon little spoon mainly big spoon so he can wrap his wings around mc (cant tell me he doesn't love holding/hugging/cuddling mc with his wings) will use his wings to block out any morning sun light (if they're in the human realm its a good excuse to sleep in 'simeon, i have to get up its late' 'no you dont angel,its still dark' 'no it isn't, your just using your wings block the sun out') he's also pretty cold and enjoys teasing mc with the power of his freezing cold hands like just placing them on their back or something suddenly to feel the jolt of mc jumping at the sudden temperature change
w/o mc - frequent night terrors like cannot sleep kinda night terrors so simeon has to help him get back to sleep or atleast try ('luke i promise nothing like that will happen to me' 'are you sure'), he is a restless sleeper he is all over his bed at once and he has like a million plushies on his bed if any fall off he's appologising immediantly, he snores but not loudly like average kind of snores, and like simeon but also not like him (like father like son type a stuff) luke sleeps with his wings out (i feel like its a realm wide kind of thing in the celestial realm) but his wings are not quite blanket size for himself so he does have to use a blanket at night
w/ mc - he's mostly the same (he has slapped both mc and simeon on accident due to his restlesness) but he will bring one plushie with him if he does end up going to simeons room to sleep, also best sleep he'll ever get is when mc is with simeon cause he knows that they're safe with simeon but more importantly if he has a nightmare theres the chance that mc will go to comfort him ('m- mc? i had another *sniffle* nightmare' 'it's okay luke 'm here') it'd help especially if his nightmare is about something bad happening to mc and when he'd end up sleeping in simeons bed he'd be inbetween mc and simeon both of his parental figures helping him go back to sleep helps him to not have night mares or terrors
w/o mc - when he does sleep he sleep talks like very big sleep talker tends to accidentally say spells in his sleep or summon asmodeus and/or barbatos in his sleep ('solomoooooooon honey i told you t-' 'so you got summoned by the sleeping bastard at midnight too?') he sleeps sprawled out starfish on his stomach probably still in his uniform (he does not give two craps) average sleeper too like not too deep of a sleep but not too light of a sleep, he will wake up when ever he hears simeon running to lukes room or when simeon is doing the creepy corner stand thing though
w/ mc - he sleeps alot more often still sleep talks and occasionally summons asmo or barbs but not as often stops sleeping starfish but still prefers to sleep on his stomach (which leads us to cuddlessssss) feel like he'd prefer to be ontop of mc like head resting on chest but like face down asleep hugging them as they either play with his hair or sleep, mans if also probaby burning hot so no need for a blanket when you have him ('solomon you're too hot' 'i know i am but you're way hotter my little aprentice' 'solomoooooooon you know what i mean')
edit part thing (i forgot to say goodbye oops)
GOODBYEEEEEEEEEEE AND THANK YOU FOR READINGGGGGG have a goooooood night, day, lunch, brunch, afternoon, pencil idk just have a good one!
Obey Me one Master List to rule them all
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infranuz · 2 years
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“ MY GF’S FAMOUS ” — tokyo revenger headcanons ( x fem )
where tokyorev boys s/o is a kpop idol,, female reader,, draken, mikey, baji, mitsuya, chifuyu ,, modern au
— IVE BEEN WANTING TO DO THIS FOR SO LONG, just thinking abt it always had me thinking of ideas to how they would all have their kpop idol s/o im so glad to finally be writing this &lt;3
warnings;; none I think (hopefully..) most likely bad spelling and a lot of grammar mistakes (not proofread bc it’s late and I’m too sleepy,, hopefully everything is right tho..)
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ryuguji ken “draken”
surprisingly he actually knows a thing or two about kpop and idols. Was surprised to see you pop up on tv when he stayed over with Mikey because Emma actually likes ur group. “Woah Ken-chin!! isn’t that [name]??” Draken seriously had to double check to see if it was actually you.
When you actually told him you were a kpop idol he kissed your forehead and said “I know” so proudly. Believe it or not he brags about it to his friends “my girlfriend is a kpop idol, you should stream their music!!”
ALSO he once dragged you along to a party (mitsuyas bday party) and everyone was there, when I tell you hakkai froze and almost fainted at the sight of you. #3 biggest and supporter right there (according to draken) you had to kind of step out for a second with draken before hakkai had a heart attack.
still he was so happy to meet you (his bias btw..) many congratulations and nice to meet you’s from him.
at some point paparazzi actually noticed you with him out on a date (thankfully they didn’t get to snap any pictures) draken dragged you out of the park as fast as he could covering you with his hoodie. he protects you from paparazzi you can’t tell me otherwise &lt;3
BONUS: whenever he hears your songs pop up on the radio (no matter where he is) he turns it all the way up. If anyone is around him he recommends your unit to them. “They’re really good specially [name]!!” (Of course he also looks up to your group members he just likes to brag about you a lot <33)
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sano manjiro “mikey”
Once again,, surprisingly knows what kpop is all because of his sister. (I’m telling you Emma is a kpop Stan u can’t tell me otherwise) when he actually gets into your music he’s hooked
He would steal Emma’s photocard collection of you or pretty much anything with your face or name on it. Wouldn’t even feel guilty abt it, not one bit “she’s my gf I think that’s enough explanation!!” “WELL I BOUGHT IT SO ITS MINE” yeah they would both argue until you actually gave Emma new signed merch
MOVIE NIGHTS WITH HIM AND HIS SISTER and many Shinichiro.. you can’t tell me otherwise. You guys would have pop corn and snacks before watching the movie all while having your groups music playing on the background (supportive bf I love him <;3)
He hates paparazzi sm, I feel like he would be really jealous of other people taking pictures of you specially when you’re just trying to have a nice time at some cafe. Anytime paparazzi came to bash you and take pictures with you he would cling onto you and cover you from their view. “Only I should be able to take pictures of you” with a pouty face
You would take him to meet your group members and he would ask for autographs from each of them (to brag to Emma ofc). The dude doesn’t even know their names.. it’s okay tho because he’s now best friends with them!!
He actually stayed on set once you guys were filming an mv for your recently released song. Your group tried to get him to try and learn the dance (he actually made it to the behind the scenes videos which was him dancing with your group)
he reads those [name] x reader fan fictions, hee proud of it actually. Others can keep imagining while he can actually have the real thing, im almost sure he would actually have a fan account just for you.
he 100% goes to your concerts with Emma, you actually reserve him and his sister seats. Most of the time you’re always looking at him when you’re performing. if you send him kisses or winks while you’re dancing he’ll immediately go insane.
he gets backstage privileges. yes he does indeed get that privilege. always congratulated you and your group mates for your amazing performance. is extremely clingy after you guys leave for the hotel you booked. he ends up staying with you because he’s too lazy to drive back to his own house.
BONUS: CUDDLES, the best cuddles you’ve ever received in your life, specially after an exhausting performance. he takes care of you <33 “you did great today”
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baji keisuke
he has some idea what kpop or idols are.. the moment you told him he just said “cool” Chifuyu would be the one to explain it to him. Afterwards he would be happy to listen to your songs and even buy your albums
100% convinced his mother would listen to you, idc idc fight me she would. His mother loves you i know she does, the moment you visited baji to meet his mother she cried tears of joy. give this woman free merch SIGNED, dude you would go as far as to take her to your group members so she could meet them all sobs.
once you were tired like really tired since you were coming from endless hours of practice so all you wanted was to spend time with your bf.. you knocked on the door and when he let you in all of his friends were there playing a board game
chifuyu who had begged baji to let him meet you immediately greeted you, bro was fascinated, astonished, flabbergasted to finally see you in flesh and bone. that day you stayed over and played games with them by the end of it you fell asleep. baji tucked you into his bed and afterwards fell asleep hugging you.
HE LOATHES ABSOLUTELY HATES PAPARAZZI. he almost punched one of them once because you were caught completely off guard as they took pictures of you with the flash on. “Piss off cant you see we’re busy??” Most of your fans actually think he’s rude but he’s a sweet guy who just wants to protect his gf <;3
No but fr he would go as far as to break some cameras just so you could have some relaxing time without having to worry about paparazzi. although many attempts have failed because there is abt 100 pictures of you and baji online having dates and picnics.. let’s just say he’s pretty pissed off abt it
baji would 100% teach you how to protect yourself from weird people, pervs and all that stuff. “There’s weird people out there so you need to know how to at least land a punch” you actually ended up sending some perv to the hospital for kicking him where it hurts. baji was proud yet disgusted at how the man even tried to make a move.
BONUS: yk how cats often come into his room, you always take care of them with baji when you stay over. it’s as if the cats were your children and you and baji were their parents.
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mitsuya takashi
mitsuya actually listened to your songs even before you started dating. he was quite lucky (as he claims) to have met you that rainy day that you had forgotten your umbrella and he had offered his. “excuse me? here you can use my umbrella if you want” he was so sweet about it “ah, thank you so much I can’t afford my papers getting wet, will you be fine?”
you were surprised he didn’t bash you with questions and asking for an autograph so you guessed he didn’t know who you were. you ended up giving him your personal number so you could return his umbrella. he was shocked when he found out who you actually were,, the rest is pretty much history
his sisters love you, you always make sure to bring them some type of gift before visiting. mitsuya actually tries to get you to not buy them anything because he thinks it’s a lot but cmon now mana and luna deserve love. they wanted your groups albums for Christmas and they got that and more, you got all your group members to record some type of video and greeting they thanked you profusely afterwards
he’s a designer and you are an idol.. guess what that means. HE MAKES YOUR OUTFITS,, he totally does I know it. anytime your group and you come up with a theme for your mvs Mitsuya always offers to make your outfits. you always proudly wear all of his creations,, like for an interview?? red carpet?? music video?? or just an outfit overall Mitsuya is your guy.
paparazzi would be asking you who the designer is and all you have to say is “This is a piece made by my boyfriend, Mitsuya Takashi.. thank you for asking” he gained a few hundred of followers that day.
dates a lot of dates with him whenever you have free time, even tho paparazzi may sometimes ruin it’s okay because there’s a few 20 new pictures of both of you online showing the world how in love u are.
BONUS: movie nights with him and his sisters, it’s pretty much basically just you and Mitsuya since mana and luna always fall asleep on the first 10 minutes of the movie. anyway it’s more time for you and Mitsuya so win win??
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matsuno chifuyu
now this little silly he has a whole shelf full of your groups albums, magazines and posters. he listens, streams, quite literally enjoys your music (he stans new jeans and wonder girls you can’t tell me otherwise)
your relationship is pretty much public, all of your fans know who he is. I believe they follow peke j’s Instagram account, (it’s what they love most abt your bf) like his cats account has more followers than his own main acc😭
every time you stay at chifuyu house you always make sure to bring some type of treat for peke j, he absolutely adores you. cuddle peke j and leave chifuyu outside his own bed quite literally
LIBRARY DATES,, you both go to the library to check out/buy manga and other books you may like. you guys have those cute little cafe dates where you guys either spend your time reading or just talking about your day and life
he watches your interviews, AND he was once invited to go into one. like a couple interviews or yk those interviews where couples get cards with questions that only they know abt each other. or just cute games for couples,, yeah those basically. fan base went crazy after that interview dropped
you planned on adopting a cat once so chifuyu recommended some adoption centers. sadly you didn’t end up adopting a cat but you did get a date at a cat cafe so a loss and a win?? “look at this cat!! her name is bee she’s so cute” so many cats surrounded him it was cute <33
he’s neutral abt paparazzi tbh, he just dislikes it when you feel uncomfortable being bashed by so many people at the same time. sadly he can’t do much about them,, but when you’re both out of their sight he treats you to whatever you want a lot of comfort from his part
BONUS: since you’re friends with a lot of other kpop idols you invited chifuyu once to meet some of them. he got to meet a lot of his biases and got a shit ton of autographs and merch,, afterwards he thanked you endlessly,, lots of kisses <33
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©asalamis ,, please don’t copy, steal or plagiarize my work in any way, reblogs and likes are appreciated,, hope you enjoyed ty for reading <;3
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cerise-on-top · 1 month
Hi im.. a tad... late, (12 days exactly), But i was... wondering if i could request a platonic fic with Ghost and Gaz where they take reader to an arcade for their 18th bday? (You can probably guess who this is, Mr Cerise, Heh, Howdy howdy!)
Hey, Archi! Don't worry about requesting anything late, I don't mind in the slightest :] This got a little bit longer than I wanted it to be, I hope you don't mind that! I hope you can like it at least a little bit as well, I really tried! Have a nice day! @butchersflower And happy (belated) birthday again! :D
Happy Birthday!
“Well, look who it is. If it isn’t one of us fossils!”
Smiles all around, even with a statement as stupid as that one. And yet, as embarrassing as it may have been, you couldn’t help but be fond of those two fools. Dangerous as they were, they were among the best pals you could have ever found. Yes, an adult may sometimes spell danger to someone much younger than them, but those two goofballs had known you since you were ten years old. And after all this time, they were among the first to celebrate proper adulthood with you. As proper as being 18 could possibly be.
“Kyle, be mindful of what you say, Archi might feel old and his back might start hurting.” A sly grin, crossed arms, even familiar as you were to him, Simon still seemed closed off. But it ultimately didn’t matter, it was his idea to meet up near the old arcade after all. For as intimidating a man as he might have been to anyone, who didn’t know him all that well, you couldn’t say you feared that man. He was tall, muscular and had probably killed more people than you ever knew by now, but fear was the last thing on your mind as you rolled your eyes at him.
“Howdy. Good to see the both of you as well.”
“Come on now, show a little more enthusiasm. Today is a special day!” Kyle gave you a pat on your back. “Happy birthday! Welcome to adulthood!” There was a certain sweetness to him being so excited for you. He was usually so calm, even when put under pressure, it was almost astounding, but on that day, Kyle seemed almost more excited than you were. Not that it was a day unlike any other, but it was still nice to be appreciated a little bit for once.
“Happy birthday, kid! Let’s make this a nice day for you.” You would have never thought either of them cared this much for you. As they were still on deployment, fighting for their lives, they texted you about that day. As they were still on deployment, they remembered your birthday, wanting to spend it with you. As they were still on deployment, they realized you liked going to arcades, wanting to take you there to make the day a little more special. It was far sweeter than you expected two men, capable of killing people without a second thought, could be. Even as you tried to bite back a smile, even as you tried to seem nonchalant about all of this, it felt good to be spending time with someone, who cared this much about you.
“Well, you brought me to the arcade, didn’t you? Just as a heads up, I don’t have too much money with me, so we might not be able to make the most of it today.”
Kyle huffed in response, clearly amused. “Oh, yeah? You think we’re gonna let you use up your allowance for this? Pocket your wallet again, we’re paying for everything today. It’s a good use for our military money.” And with that, he took out his wallet, checking its contents. He seemed rather satisfied, knowing fully well that, if he did run out of money, Simon could always just pitch in. Besides, there was an ATM nearby anyway, so it’s not like he had to walk too far to get some either.
“You gonna let us wait out here all day or are you gonna go in? Lead the way, champ.” If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that Simon was more excited to go to the arcade than you were. When had he even gone there for the last time? He was quite a bit older than you were, so it might have been quite a long time ago. Not that he had much time for games these days anyway. Either way, he hinted at the arcade doors with his head. For a sniper, he sure was an impatient one. But you supposed it was a rather hot August day, so it’s not like you didn’t understand where he was coming from. You agreed, opening the door and going inside. It was much cooler in there, the cold air hitting your face. Much more pleasant than that hot summer day outside, you would have preferred to spend all day there.
It was a rather dim room, illuminated by the small lights above, that barely lit up anything. But it was still rather chic. Very retro, very nice. It was hard to believe that something like this would do as well as it did these days, but the teens seemed to be in agreement that an arcade was a nice place to hang out in, with the adults giving into their nostalgia for the good old days. But aside from a few people, it seemed rather empty today. Perfect for playing some rounds. But what to play first? There was quite the selection there. From classic Mario Bros to Pac-Man, it was hard to decide on one game. You didn’t want to take advantage of Kyle’s and Simon’s monetary situation either. However, there was nothing wrong with going for one of the classics first: Tetris.
For as eerily quiet as it was at first, there was something undeniably nice about that song starting to play. By no means had you been alive for long enough to be able to be nostalgic for it, but it was nice to hear such an old melody, one that has been famous throughout generations, in all its chiptune glory. If you had to take a guess, then you would have said that you were doing quite well as you played. With unwavering concentration, you stacked those blocks. With unfaltering determination, you decided on your next move, hoping it would result in another level. But no matter how much you tried to keep your cool, you were bound to lose eventually as the blocks fell at a velocity you could no longer keep up with. As you looked at the high scores of previous players, you were somewhat baffled. How could anyone score this high? You were likely never going to make it into the top five, but it didn’t bother you as much. Playing Tetris at the old arcade was time well spent. You considered whether or not you should play another round.
“You know, back in my day, I used to score pretty high on Tetris. Could always give you a tip or two, if you’d like.” Ah, cheeky Kyle, always so confident in himself. At least he seemed to have been having fun alongside you.
“You’re more than welcome to beat my score. I’d love to see it.”
“Alright, I’ll come get you once I lost. You can find Simon at the Mortal Kombat machine over there. Play a few rounds with him, will ya? But do watch out, he gets a little vicious once he’s played a few rounds.” It’s not that you were unfamiliar with playing video games with Simon, but unfortunately, Kyle was right. If you wanted a chance at beating Simon, then you had better hurry over to him while he was still unfamiliar with the controls. Once he had figured those out, you were never going to win against him. Besides, it seemed as though Kyle was busy now anyway, proud as a peacock, flaunting his skill at Tetris. You were happy he was enjoying himself this much, though.
Looking around, you definitely found another few machines that caught your eye. Mainly Contra and Galaga, but you were definitely eyeing Space Invaders as well. But for now, you had a mission. Not a hard one as Simon was just across the room, thinking. He wasn’t really moving, just looking at the machine more so than anything else.
“Howdy, Simon. You wanna play a little bit? I think it’s a two player game.”
“Gladly.” And with that, he immediately put in a coin, waiting for you to join him. Although he wasn’t bad, it was evident he wasn’t sure of what he was doing at first either, pressing buttons at random to figure out what they were doing. Yes, he may have gotten a few hits in at first, but he was fairly far from beating you. Yet, it didn’t take long for him to figure everything out, giving you a harder fight for your well earned victory each time. At first, there was no rhyme or reason to what he was doing, but soon enough he was just like a viper. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike, injecting his venom into you. Indeed, he was playing nice at first, but his hunger for victory grew more and more into a certain type of greed. You were an adult, you were his equal, you were not to be underestimated. But it felt kind of unfair anyway to watch him use his special moves, without you actually knowing the button combinations for any. After your ninth match, there was no beating him anymore and losing every match didn’t seem like much fun either.
“It’s so unfair how quickly you figure everything out. But I’m glad you seem to be having fun.”
Much like Kyle, he seemed proud of himself, even if he did try to hold himself back. That amused glint in his eyes did not go unnoticed by you. “We can always play something else. Find something new that you can beat me in, I don’t mind. I want this to be a fun day for you first and foremost.”
“I wanna check on Kyle, see how he’s doing.”
“Where is he anyway?”
“He’s playing Tetris, saying that he used to be really good at the game when he was younger. It kind of got me curious to see how good he really was back then.”
“He’s an intelligent man who can keep his calm, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a fairly high score.”
“Do you wanna try to beat him too?”
“No, I don’t think I can.” Huh, even Simon knew his limits, it seemed.
Watching Kyle from afar, you weren’t sure he even noticed the both of you as you got closer to him, too engrossed in his little block stacking game. The blocks were unbelievably fast by then, with half the screen being covered in them already. Two other men gathered around him, watching in awe as he never faltered. It was quite the spectacle, it seemed. Looking over his shoulder, you saw that his score was roughly 795.000. Well, you felt accomplished enough with your 56.000. Truly, there was no denying that he was good at Tetris, he had every right to boast about that. Especially since his score just kept going up and up. You knew that Kyle was a very capable man, he was a sergeant in the SAS after all, you just didn’t know that this also extended to arcade games. He didn’t curse, he didn’t flinch, his eyebrows didn’t even furrow as the blocks got closer to the upper part of the screen. A few times, he was able to lessen them, but in the end, even he lost. It wasn’t a game meant to be won.
897.000. It was fair to say that he was pretty good at the game. But he still didn’t make it into the top five.
“Oh, you’re really good at Tetris, you weren’t lying.” You almost didn’t want to believe that score, but you weren’t exactly sure it was possible to cheat at an arcade game either. Especially not Tetris.
“I’ve played a little more than you have in my life. I was young at one point too, you know.” Wasn’t he 31? He wasn’t that old yet either. Well, if you asked him to, he probably could give you some good tips on how to score a little higher in the game. You almost couldn’t tear your eyes from that score. The other two men congratulated Kyle before leaving him alone again. “Nothing wrong with admiring that work of art, but I used to score higher than that when I was younger.” Show off. But you still felt inclined to believe him.
“Kid, when do you want to grab a bite? Wouldn’t want to let you starve in here either.” You took out your phone to look at the time. For some reason, the time being 13:43 was less believable than Kyle’s score. You hadn’t even noticed that it was that late already. Well, some food definitely wouldn’t hurt. Wouldn’t want those two men to get grouchy.
“Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get something to eat. I don’t think I’d want to miss out on Kyle’s gaming prowess, after all.” You put your phone back in your pocket. Unfortunately, this was likely the time where you had to decide on what to eat. You didn’t really mind anything, in fact, you were okay with most things. But if you had to choose… “Well, Wilson’s is open right now. I could go for a really good burger right now. Besides, a chocolate pie would be pretty good as well, not gonna lie. I hope that’s not too expensive for you guys.”
“Archi, I don’t think you understand that we earn enough money to buy you whatever you want today. If you were 21 we could take you to a damn casino as well and it wouldn’t hurt us too much to lose a few hundred bucks. Just tell us what you want, we’ll get it for you. Unless it’s an expensive car, we can get you just about anything. Buying you a burger or two won’t set us back. Order whatever you want at Wilson’s, it’s on us. We mean it.” Considerate as always, even when he was preaching to you, Kyle was just being kind. You were so glad to have him and Simon as your friends.
“Come on, get in the car. Tell us where that restaurant is and we’ll take you there. Wouldn’t want you to starve on us, after all.” Even Simon was being more stern than usual right now. Maybe you really shouldn’t mention money around those two, as conscious as you were about costing them too much. Then again, you really didn’t know how much they earned. As curious as you were, you weren’t sure you should be asking the two of them about that. ‘It’s enough to feed you and have you have a nice day today.’ Right.
Well, not like you were complaining. It was about time you got a nice burger. And maybe you could go back to the arcade later as well? You haven’t gotten to play as much yet as you would have liked. Surely, Simon and Kyle were open to the suggestion, it did seem as though the two of them had fun as well. Besides, there was a chance you weren’t going to be able to spend as much time with them anymore in the near future, so you had to make what little time you did have with them count. How nice it was to have the two of them care about you, even if you had no idea yet how to repay them. Knowing them, you likely didn’t have to either, but that just wasn’t your style, no. If anything, because it was your birthday, you should have gotten the two of them something as well.
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mako-neexu · 1 year
that manga fucking rules so much i didnt even care the handwriting made me slowdown reading what the kanji was and i stared at it 15 minutes per character. i messed up my sleep schedule by reading this but its worth it theyre uploading it gradually but its about 14 out of 89 pages so im looking forward to the rest hehe
im too lazy to typeset so i will describe it instead~ It's your average yakudou comic with guda getting hurt. But its a perspective that i love so far...so i want to ramble about it
but of course it starts with a fight: "Everyday life" "Fighting, getting hurt, healing, and-" then theres a beast approaching her, "sometimes, death"
then it cuts to guda in the hospital bed, waking up 3 days later from her injuries with rider vinci on her bedside in the infirmary, checking her vitals. then da vinci casually drops onto ritsuka that if it wasnt for medea lily she would be alive bc, THE ENTRETY OF HER LEFT HALF OF HER BODY WAS TORN APART BY THE MONSTER and shed have died <3
then she says "anyways, im glad your right hand (command spells) wasn't damaged/taken and your wounds was deep but youre healed now. anyways, you good to go on the next mission?" then we cut to the flashbacks of guda in their moment of "death" at this point i was eating all of my fist... then guda just says "yeah lets go" with a smile
theres so many things wrong with that scene in a single instant but its a drug to me to see this kind of interaction where someone says "thank god your staff is safe but anyways 3/4ths of yourself got blown away but thats fixable <3"
then next was oberon's perspective where he describes her as a self sacrifical idiot, that theres no other word for her as she always comes back with scars and wound from fighting, and he doesnt know just what drives her to come back again and again until shes satisfied. then oberon sees artoria being worried she confesses to him about today's events where "ritsuka and i were walking in town to run some errands but just when i heard screams from ritsuka i was too late to notice"
and when castoria turned around all she could see was Ritsuka getting attacked by the enemy from behind, smiling peacefully as if saying "Ah- this is where i die" and castoria is so distressed and worried and shes crying a little and she talks about hers and oberon's love for ritsuka about protecting her and about her not knowing what to do bc she just wants ritsuka to smile my heart was going to give out for the three of them😭 i love them really much
but then next scene fucks me up even more with obecas visiting ritsuka again in the infirmary, then i find out castoria was also the reason why guda is alive. then da vinci says, "no matter what i'll heal ritsuka as best as i can" then oberon says, "Wow, aren't you so desperate about whether she lives or dies?"
Da Vinci, exasperated but now smiling: What are you saying?? It's just natural, after all...
"She is our Master!"
Then Oberon pauses. Then internally he goes, "Our Master?"
...Because isnt that saying:
"Precisely because Fujimaru Ritsuka is a "Master" that she is worth healing."
then the comic ends im dying over here bc its 14 pages so far but i need more to stuff it inside my guts
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kennysboxergf · 1 year
Attractiveness scale
Im trying to sleep at the moment but the sleep just ain’t coming ya know so im gonna post this and dip but I wanted to rate the Beta Squad members and a few of the guests by attractiveness for fun 🤷‍♀️
this is personal so like not who’s conventionally attractive but who is to me 🤭
the ten ppl I will be ranking are Sharky, Kenny, Chunkz, AJ, Niko (obvs) and then Darkest, Filly, Gib, HP and Johnny Carey cus i cant remember no one else
also no one talk about the spelling mistakes in this it’s late and i dont wanna spell check rn
Coming in on Number Ten its
10 - Harry Pinero
his hairlines reached the base of his skull at this point and he’s just never really been my fav guest so he gets last place unfortunately 😕😕 i think this is only bcus he violates my faves and I stand up against bullying thank you very much
9 - Yung Filly
ok yall gonna get mad at me for this one but he’s very bf material i cant lie just not very attractive for me? There’s some vids and photos where he’s like FINNEEE but then most of the time he’s mad funny and cute just not that attractive ya know and he looks like he’s 4’3”, like I KNOW he’s taller but he dresses and the way he moves idk he moves short af
8 - AnesonGib
ok so I had him 6th originally but I acc looked at pics of him and changed my mind, I have not seen a single Gib vid like from his own channel, ive seen gib in the Mafia vid, some old Chunkz vids and ive seen his fights but he’s so FINE and underrated as fuck like?? Appreciate this man?? And he seems mad kind. I <3 Gib. I do not know anything about him tho but I recently saw a vid of Chunkz from like 6 years ago with him in it and Young gib? Mad fine but also he looks almost child entertainer ish so do with that what you will
7 - Chunkz
aight ya ok, my BAD, im SORRY but like he’s just not it for me, he’s leng i wont lie but like he’s so authoritative and i cant with that ya know? Like I need a chill man for me im somehow worried this man gonna slap my neck if I talk back and im not tryna get treated like toddler im tryna be your girl? calm ur ass down and we talk
6 - AJ
ok SO I know, I know, im going to get absolutely dragged and maybe even jumped for how low this is but like once again he’s very aggressive and sh and I cnat deal with that, he MAD fine tho he’s so Hahrhdhhfbdnsk but like I rate the others better he is taller then me tho so he can have that
5 - Johnny Carey
YALL SLEEP ON THIS MAN, YALL ARE SNORING AND DROLLING AND EVERYHTING CUS THIS MAN IS SO FINE like I cnat deal with him he’s so fine to me? Like yeah he looks a little wonky and asymmetrical but like? Have you seen the wya he looks at people? Omgmgmmgmg
4 - Kenny
considerably low considering my username but ive developed as a person dont judge me but he mad mad good looking, when he boxes?? 10/10 in a track suit?? 10/10 this entire man is one big SMASH like ❤️
3 - Niko
this man is so cute but also hot its weird to believe he exists like?? I want to climb him like a tree, nuff said and maybe he IS a little lanky but he’s MY sorta lanky (ive always been this way, the nickname for my crush in middle school was lanky tree like taht legit what he called him and looking back he WAS lanky af)
2 - Sharky
Sharky, Sharky, Sharky where do I even start? I think the Sharky girlies on here have said enough for me, he’s hot, he’s cute, he’s nice, he’s funny what more do you even want? And he dresses so NICE and his smile is so SWEET and he’s CARING like omg I might fall in luv and his Hands. Thats it. Look at his hands my Lordy lord.
1 - Darkest Man
my bae, my love, I will defend his bald head for life, Aaliyah has SPOILED me by mentioning how fine he was cus now i cant Stop watching every video ever with him in it, ive watched FootAsylum, his own channel, Chunkz Channel, Sharky’s Channel, even JD sports just to watch him on my screen like he’s so funny I’m cracking up every other second and he looks good doing it too and the faces he makes and HIS HANDS omg dont even get me started heiwkwkskfb I cnat even he’s my no. 1 🫶🫶
ok so taht was my list and now im gonna nominate my mutuals to do this too, you can go for the same guests or choose your own its entirely up to you but I wann see some more opinions so please do it 🫶🫶
Taglist- @b4tasquad @allygatcr @shuuuuush @vctrvn-ls
Sadly that is all my moots, I thought I had more but thats it I guess, I hope yall can find time to do this otherwise its fine 😭🫶
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archivist-the-knight · 6 months
love how the entire slimecicle bg3 gang is like really smart they're also all just. actually im exploring this
xiv is very smart. not only are they an arcane battery, their father likely gave them plenty of books to read about spell-casting. so they're a big thinker. but what stops them from reaching their true potential is the fact that they likely don't allow themselves to properly process their more negative emotions, like rai's death and whatnot. and they're... literally going through this entire adventure after escaping an incredibly toxic and neglectful environment. they're probably trying to push back how their father was a piece of shit as well and its not working because their dream visitor IS their father!! so they know their way around a book but don't know how to deal with their father screaming from the other room :-3
tal i think is very aware of others feelings, and partially emotionally intelligent for himself. he tries to talk rai down before he's forced to kill him, being kind to him in rai's final moments of lucidity. he understand's something wrong with xiv, that there's something they aren't telling the rest of the group, but he doesn't wanna pry. in terms of more "intellectual intelligence" i think he is smart but just... doesn't know how to articulate it. he can do it, but unlike xiv he literally cannot explain it to you. it's like how he mispronounced monotonous; he knows of it, he just forgot the pronunciation. basically him and xiv are kind of inverses of each other; xiv is smart and can explain it, but can't deal with their emotions. tal can recongize his and others emotions, and while being a bit smart he can't explain it like xiv can and forgets the information sometime. another thing i think they have in common is accidentally lashing out in anger. tal doesn't know why (not a violent dog; doesn't know why he bites) and xiv knows but wishes they didnt (violent dog; wishes they didn't know why they bite.)
klip. i'm gonna be honest i think he's the most normal in the group and that is genuinely saying something. he's about average in terms of emotional and intelectual intelligence, but. the way he reacts to rai being weird is touching the book thats glowing ominously, but at the same time checking to see if he's okay. it's like he's barely passed the skillcheck, and thus while it's good, there are aspects of it he's missing. its not the fact that he can't read the room, its the fact that he can read parts of it. the rest of it he realizes depending on the person's reaction. im 50/50 on whether or not he harbors a bit of guilt from not actually defeating that goblin camp but this again. is klip we're talking about. surprisingly the most well adjusted of the group despite the squidfucking.
now rai... i think rai. thinks he's well adjusted but oh. isn't. i think its the book that makes him realize he craves a family more than anything. but its really too late to change anything is it. and just god... rai's death was so fucked man. he didn't even get to learn anything about his parents, we didnt get to learn anything about his parents, before he died. its so... goddd its fucked. anyway yeah. rai thinks he is. the book reminds him so coldly and cruelly that he isnt <333
all of that to say. just because they're dumbasses does not mean they're stupid. also @flammablefaerie the bread is here
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blissfulraine · 8 months
I need fluff/funny in my life...
Maybe like imagine how guys react when Y/n not answering texts only to find out later when she arrives back to find out her phone just died due to forgetting to charge it or playing games on it too long that it died-
Enjoy writing this lmao
sorry it took legit a thousand years to reply to this one but her you go this is based off of bayveres tmnt.
warnings: grammer and spelling mistakes, and angst( mention of death).
he wasn't all to concerned at first with you not texting him back. your a busy person with a busy life, but its now officially 7:34pm and haven't answered a single text message from him. you haven't even read it.
starts by telling himself that you must just be busy walking or still doing things to be able to text so therefore he calls. no answer. he try's again, and still no answer
begins to start span calling and texting you, even using your emergency contact to make sure there was a ring.
mind is racing right now going to absolute worst case scenario.
did you get mugged? are you hurt? are you kidnapped?
blood runs cold at the thought of you dead in an ally way somewhere because of the foot or a random gang.
its 8pm, the time you usually get here, and yet after checking the entirty of the lair, asking around frantically if his brothers, even Splinter has seen you.
after figuring out, no, you were not there he sprints back to his room.
hes throwing on his gear, sheathing katana about to leave but halts right in his track after seeing you, confused eyes and face tilted upwards to meet his frantic gaze.
"Leo, whats wrong?"
bro drops his stuff, as the metal clatters to the floor as he reaches out to you.
your face is met with his hard plastron, heart hammering behind it.
" Y/N, i thought something happens to you, you weren't answering your texts or calls and-" he was cut off by your explanation.
"ooooooohhhhh. i'm sorry i made you worry. my phone hd died because my ( best friends name) wouldnt stop bothering me about this new hobbie they picked up."
the sigh he exhaled as he kissed the crown of your forehead seemed to trail all of that pent up anxiety with it.
"im just happy your here and safe my love."
hes just working out, sweating up a storm, and thinking about you.
finally, after what felt like an hour, he finished his final rep on working out his fabulous biceps.
walking over to the bench you would always sit, he picked up his towl and whipping is face and neck in one fowl swoop.
speaking of you, weren't you meant to be here by now? you were almost always around when he was working out, even when you were running a bit late from work.
he picks up his phone, looking almost microscopic in his hands, even though it was modified just specifically for his large hands.
8pm. your (place of work) closed an hour ago.
even if you were taking the bus or metro its not that far.
did you walk? he doesn't take you to be stupid, especially with the crime wave wit gangs that have been happening recently.
then he remembers vividly the argument you two had last week; when he had been following you home and asking Donnie to check your location constantly. how you told him rather angerly that you could take care of yourself and how he scoffed.
you wouldn't put yourself in harms way just to prove him wrong would you?
that temper h was so famous for began to bubble in his chest, but an even greater feeling beat it. Fear and guilt.
as he explored the lair, in persute of trying to find you in your most frequent of locations he began thinking.
if you gut hurt out there, it would be all his fault.
looking in the kitchen and the moving his gaze to the dinning room.
the idea of you being hurt made him cringe as those feelings swelled and filled him. the pure grotesque imaginary of you trying to defend yourself from someone twice your size and being hurt in disgusting and morbid ways. maybe even being worse than just hurt.
his tooth pick snapped in half. he looked down at its broken pieces.
chucking them to the trash, not even checking if they made it he makes a dash to his room, heavy footsteps thudding as he went.
he stopped at seeing you placed on his bed plugging your phone into the charging port on his desk.
"oh hey raph," you say to him not looking up.
he runs over to you and smashes his rough lips on yours as your eyes widden in surprise. it was a hot minute before he let go.
"what was that for?" you asked breathless.
" it thought something happend to ya tiger."
you giggle, quirking a brow" i'm fine! Vern and i were talking about some business deals, and so he drove me home after work cause my stinking phone died."
next second Vern passes by the door asking whoever was in the hall where the remote went.
raph kisses you once more " love ya babe."
you give him a slight punch to the arm "love you too big red."
working in the lab as per usual, didn't actually realize what time it was till he looked over at the clock. 10:30pm.
his brows furrow, as he looked around for your presence, the couch he set up in the corner didn't seem to have you on it, just an immense amount of blankets and pillows on every surface.
he grabs his phone and texts you. no answer. he assumes your somewhere you cant text or maybe your notifications are off so he calls. again, no answer.
he told himself he would only track you in case of emergency but at this point his mind was panicking.
its so late where could she be? hes running through possible locations as he pulls up your phones GPS log. but theirs nothing showing. a slow chill runs down his spine, under his shell and through his whole body as he realizes your completely off the grids.
he checks the lair but you're nowhere to be found.
fully panicked he begins hunting for his gear and boa in his lab. it causing such a racket you wake up from your nap, as you move the blanket off your head.
"Donnie? what are you doing?" you ask sleepily rubbing under your tired eyes.
he does a full 360 turn, coming to look down at you buried fully under all the blankets. turns out you didn't add to your collection. you were the collection!
" Daring! you scared me, i thought you were still out. because you weren't answering any of my calls" he says rushing over to you an smoothing out your hair as he sat down.
you rolled your eyes at the tall dork.
" Donnie, i told you i was here when i walked in like three hours ago. my phone died and has been charging for that entire time." you finish with a wave of your hand to the desk right next to you, filled wit books, mugs ,and sure enough your phone fully off, on the charger right there.
you giggle at his face "oh." was all he could make out as you burst out laughing, kissing him on the cheek.
"your so goofy."
lazily twirling a nunchuck in one hand while reading an old comic book in the other. mikes latest trick was the ability to flip pages with his nunchucks and by gods was he ecstatic to show it to you when you got here.
he looked over at the alarm clock you got for him, an orange one with black and green stripes. it read out 8:45.
his brows furrowed and his smile drooped as his nun chucks expertly came to a halt in his grasp.
picking up his phone he texted you in the most serious manner he could, beginning to worry. it was just simply asking you where you were and when you would be down. a few minutes go by and nothing happens, you don't even read it. so he sends a few more and waits for a reply. again no answer.
he dials your number frantically, and yet after calling twice threes still no response.
refusing to let his mind wander to anywhere dark, he thinks maybe your just here?
sitting up he looked around and called out for you.
"Y/N? you here angel cakes?"
there was no answer from anyone, that was until Leonardo entered his room.
"they're not in here with you?" he asked confused. Mikey shook hsi head no, his eyes wide and panicked as he jumped up, abandoning his newfound talent.
" i thought she was out there?" she should have been her an hour ago dude!" leo nodded to his younger brother who started throwing his gear on.
"did you call her?"
"Yes dude!" he said picking up his second nunchuck from up off the floor. "i called and texted her, and she didnt respond at all!"
leo accnowleged this new information with another nod" ill go see if donnie can track her phone."
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"i cant see to find her guys." Donnie states anxiously turing around to face the entire inhabitant of the lair, including Splinter whom sits in the corner silently stroking his beard.
"shes completely off the grid." everyone murmurs and turns to Leo for the next move.
"gear up guys." he says un-sheathing his katana," lets go find Y/N."
as they were all just about to run out, fully geared up they here a small voice.
"guys? where are you going? if you leave now your pizza will get cold." they turn, almost all in unison to see you holding 5 extra large pizza boxes smiling up at them.
mikey is the first to move out of the four as he reaches down placing the pizza on the nearest surface and swooping you up into a bear hug.
" BABE! OH MY GOD! we thought something happens to you and we were about to go try to find you!" you looked at him confused." what do you mean thought something append to me?"
Donnie stepped forwards, explaining how they couldn't contact you or track where your phone was.
" yea i was playing games on my phone while waiting for pizza, and it died cause it took forever."
" oh thank god your safe," mikey sighed ourt swaying back and forth.
" y/N, please tell us if your phone is going to die soon so late at night." Leonardo states heading in the direction of his room." it will save a lot unnecessary stress if we know your not hurt."
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( photo of all of the turtles after realizing your not dead)
okay thats all! hope you enjoyed. now, remember to drink plenty of water, eat bot body and soul nourishing foods and get plenty of sleep. ta ta lovleys!
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Red Hood and the Outlaws Take 3
(im reposting a comment i made from reddit bc i rlly like this idea but others don't seem to be sharing my enthusiam... anyway free to use fanfic idea!)
jason and batfam are on a mission. Rose is chilling at a motel or smthing (idk what she does). jason gets caught in gunfire or an explosion or smthing, and dies. Rose gets murdered whilst her gaurd is down by someone who wanted revenge on her for some reason.
jason and rose end up in hell, bc u know, murderers. they see each other and are like, bruh. did we die at the same time? besties!! idk what hell would be like (is there a comic for that?) but i assume slave labour and they get forced to work, whips and chains and all that jazz. they see eddie. rose is like omg??? ur here??? why?? jason is like u know this guy? and then theres this whole moment between jason and eddie when they figure out who the other is and they're like bro,,, u changed. anyway, insert random reason for eddie to be in hell bc i dont know enough about him. maybe just talking to the devil is enough for u to go to hell? anyway, jasons like, this blows. i don't want to be in hell anymore. wanna break out?
gang is like wdum? we're dead. Jasons like, my body isn't here right? my soul is, and i got taught by some cranky old lady (ducra) how to weaponise my soul, (all blades) so here goes nothing. and he does some cray magic protagonist shit and literally breaks out the gates of hell, rose and eddie following. before they go back to their bodies theres a comedy/suspense moment where eddie reminds them he got blown up (he did get blown up right?) so he doesn't have a body to return to but uh oh too late fade to white.
jason wakes up back in his body in the morgue. he's all been checked in as a dead guy, and its very freaky for jason to have to break out of the morgue. fam totally thinks he's dead. rose wakes up exactly where she was killed, clearly having been dead for a couple days but had no one check on her or notice (this fucks her up a bit.) eddie wakes up in some random feild butt naked (maybe whatever the last place he died was) and has wings now. and feels much much different. (has newish powers too. theres a reason for this.) eddie is big confusion and really trying to figure out whats going on.
cut back to hell, theres some devils, demons and such, im going to assume theres levels to hell like in real life scripture, so who ever ran the level of the hell they broke out of, is going to be pissed. he wants them back and theres some creepy mage devil thing that casts a spell, and it marks all three of them. A strange looking tatoo mark appears on eddie, rose and jasons shoulders, and all three of them are like,, fuck. all them simultaneously wonder if the others have a mark like theirs and it probably has something to do with breaking out of hell, so they want to find each other and ask if its just them or if theres repurcussions to reaking out hell (of course there are!!)
jason immediatley heads back to his hideout to gather his stuff, and survelliences the fam for a while, and just witnesses a repeat of what hurt him the first time. they left his body to be discovered as jason todd (hacked the batcomputer to see the uploaded recording of their masks) and never avenged him. he listens to the comms and even hears one of them try to justify his death??? by saying maybe its not all bad, he wasn't a good person on his second life and now less people will die, and that they all tried to save him but he refused to be a good person. max angst if its bruce who says it. jason is fucking pissed, but also super fucking heart broken, and just decides fuck it, they think he's dead, let them. and leaves to find the others. (he's really given up this time)
meanwhile rose is freaking the fuck out and having the worlds biggest break down bc she just died in a seedy motel to a cheap shot and no one noticed that she was dead for a week. and now shes back with a freaky mark and wondering if there was a point returning bc apparently no one gives a shit. she wants to find jason bc if anyone can understand this feeling its him. those two meet up pretty easy bc they have each others contacts, though its heavily coded bc i doubt they just have each other on a snap streak.
eddie meanwhile is also going thru hell on earth bc uhm, no one wants to apprach the literal devil (naked) asking for a ride to the nearest town. eventually cops get called, eddie is struggling with his new powers, accidently kills some people, becomes a villain by accident, and u know what? just all around making things actively worse everytime he tries to make things better. he really just wants some pants guys please stop shooting at him.
anyway, after a little while of causing problems on accident, he gets some pants, realises that hes an actual demon this time around when a preist starts chanting at him, (apparently when you stay in hell too long and break out without a body to return to, you end up just,,, materlising one thats a little more demonic than last time) and fucks off toward gotham bc thats the only place he can think of to find jason (since he was robin last he saw, maybe batman knows where he is?)
the jason and rose duo meet up with half way and laugh at him a little bc dude, can u stop setting things on fire please. in the middle of them meeting up, huggin it out bc omg dude we're actually alive!! they get interrupted by a different demon thats trying to kill them. fight ensues, they defeat it, learn that theres a bounty on their head (in hell) and that they're being tracked via magic mark. the team then decide that they need to suit up, gather materials and weapons to deal with devil bounty hunters, and off they go. the adventure for the new outlaws begins. (with actual plot this time)
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yuuniee · 2 months
💀 Close Your Eyes... 🦪
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💙 Synopsis: In which Fawn decides to pay a visit to Idia, who is recovering from his overblot.
A/N: I felt like sharing a small drabble I wrote before :)
🏷️ @thehollowwriter @twstinginthewind @twst-the-night-away @cyn-write @ice-cweam-sod4
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Walking around the school to her next class with her close friend, Fawn was chatting with Auburn about the daily things they had in life.
“A student in Ignihyde has overblotted as of late, or so I’ve heard.” The redhead said as he carried his books in his arms again.
“Oh dear... Shall I pay them a visit, I wonder..” She looked down on the ground in her P.E. uniform and her broom in hand.
“That wouldn’t be necessary, your highness.” He politely, but formally, replied to her while looking at her. “While I may not know the identity of that student is yet, I do believe you need to stay out of the matter until they recover.”
“What if they are in bad condition? Perhaps I can use a spell or a potion to help them recover from it..” She smiled hopefully as her eyes sparkled in joy.
“Fawn, please… Just for this once.” His gaze softened. “I just want you to stay out of other people’s business. You don’t have to help others and waste your magic like this. You may overblot one day from this, you know?”
“I know you’re concerned about me as always, Aubbie. But trust me, I’ll be alright. Just allow me to lend them a hand.”
The young man sighed in defeat.
“If you say so, who am I to defy that order?”
In response, she kissed his cheek and beamed in joy.
“Thanks a lot, I’ll be careful not to overuse my powers.”
As they departed to their respective classes later on, the two Ignihyde students’ conversation caught her attention.
“I wonder where Dorm Head Idia is...”
“Probably in his room again.”
She turned her head towards them to hear it more clearly.
“He sits there all day, every day… I wonder if he’s alright.”
“Eh, who cares?”
“I do!”
Then she realized something and took out her phone to check her messages.
(01:30 a.m) Me: idyyyyy 🥺 💕
(01:30 a.m) Me: r u there?
(01:32 a.m) Me: i’ll get you those gummy worms u like omw to igni after classes<3
(Seen: 06:32 a.m)
Blueberry Baby 🥰: im feeling tired fawn
‘Strange, he would usually reply to me even when he’s tired...’ She thought to herself and scrolled more to see his latest message, which was two weeks ago.
Blueberry Baby 🥰: can we stop here for now?
Me: okay :(
Me: have a good rest, sleep well <3
Blueberry Baby 🥰: thx babe u too ❤️
She then remembered that his last login in the game they played together was also two weeks ago, and it instantly clicked in her head. The student who overblotted was Idia, probably feeling weak ever since it happened. Knowing how that feels, she brought a hand over her mouth in shock to conceal her quiet sobs, being angry at herself for not realizing it before. But now, she knew what to do. The feeling of wanting to help her long time friend and now boyfriend as much as she can was even more intense now. But not right now. For now, she had to attend her classes.
Her low heels clacked in the distance as she walked to his room with Ortho. As the younger Shroud gestured to the door of his room and opened it for her, she couldn’t help but peek at his room and she instantly spotted the older Shroud’s sleeping form under the dim lights.
She gently stroked the warm, silky, fiery hair he had as they waved on her fingers. She let out a quiet chuckle before tidying up the trash with magic and took them out, and then she sat next to him and watched him sleep for a few moments.
“Probably something you haven’t been doing for a long time, hmm?”
Her hand made its way to his cheek as she cupped it with her hand.
“Sleeping, resting, just letting your mind wander into the realm of dreams...”
She looked away and sighed.
“An overblot obviously takes so much mental and physical toll on one’s body, so you obviously do the same. D-don’t ask how I know this..!”
As she nervously fidgeted her fingers, she turned to face him again and put her thumb on his lips to caress them. Those lips that he bit whenever he felt anxious, those lips that curled into a shit-eating grin, those lips that had placed such soft kisses on her cheeks... She quietly contemplated what she should say next as if the guy in front of her was fully awake.
“Board Game Club has been quite lonely without you, my love... With Azul chatting my ear off whether you have made a full recovery because ‘I know you the best’, and with Ortho not being in our club anymore, and without you... it feels pretty lonely... But at least you’re recovering..! At least you’ll be alright soon!"
Having noticed that she raised her voice, she sighed.
“I miss being with you.. in-game, or in real life... Raids feel lonely without the legendary Gloomurai, you know? A-also.. I quite miss your hugs too... Heck, I would give the world just to see you smile once again…”
She slowly leaned in and kissed his temple while touching his cheek again.
“...Mmm... Ortho... noooo.... Don’t goooo... Nnngh…”
“O-oh dear…”
In an instant, she quietly went beneath his sheets and she held his trembling body in her arms. Her lips met the corner of his eyes this time, and she kissed his tears away.
She noticed his bottom lip quivering, a sign that he’s about to cry. Soon he started to let out quiet sobs while hugging her torso, thinking it’s the ever so familiar pillow under his head. He cried and cried until he felt calmer and he rubbed his cheek onto what he felt like it was a pillow. But quickly realized that it wasn’t it. First he heard a little squeak, then a faster heartbeat, neither of which being a thing that his pillow had. That was when he decided to look up and have the realization hit him, that he was actually laying his head on Fawn’s chest. She had tried to hold still for him so hard, but her voice ultimately betrayed her. The tips of his hair started to turn bright pink and he let out a small sob while looking at her with wet eyes. She gently cradled his face in her hands and planted a gentle kiss on his face.
“I’m here, blueberry... Forever and always...” She quietly whispered in his ear and put his head back on her chest.
“I’ll always be there for you whenever you need me...”
He awkwardly held her too and laid back, slowly drifting back to sleep.
“Thank.. you...”
His hair became brighter and pinker in response, and he slowly closed his eyes again.
“Good night, sweetheart... Sweet dreams...”
And she watched his sleeping face until she eventually fell asleep as well.
“Big Brotheeeeeer~! It’s time to wake u-- ...Ohh!” 🫢
The sight that greeted the younger Shroud was nothing short of a sweet moment shared between the two. So he went ahead, took a picture with his eye camera at a closer angle and saved it in his memory card to send to his parents later. He giggled before quietly waking up Fawn to get her to her classes.
“Pssst, Big Sister..! It’s time to wake up!”
“...I know, I know… I’m up already…” She groggily said before gently placing a kiss on the top of her boyfriend’s head and putting his head on his pillow. Then she slowly entangled his arms that were around his waist and had him let her go. After that, she practically slid away and stood up.
“Thanks for waking me up, Ortho..” She said, patted his head and went back to her dorm in quiet steps.
“You’re welcome, Big Sister. But.. will you visit my brother tomorrow too?”
She nodded.
“I will visit him every day to make sure he’s doing well.”
“Waaahh, that’s so great!!” He beamed, “I’m sure he’ll recover in no time when you stay by his side like this!”
She let out a half hearted laugh.
“I hope he does.” She replied, “I believe in him. He’s stronger than he looks.”
“Right?! My brother is the best brother in the world!”
“...Yes. Yes, he is.”
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johnniestheme · 11 months
simon and stellas lore
heavily based off the hawaii pt ii album by miracle musical
(early summer) 
determined to impress his deadbeat father, simon sails off to hawaii on a fishing trip. he finds himself caught in a storm which destroys his ship and leaves him washed up on the beach with nothing but the clothes on his back. stella finds him and gets him help. the octangulas offer simon a place to stay, in return for working on the small family orchard.
(late summer now, simon and stella have established a relationship together)
the city holds a yearly ball to celebrate the end of summer. simon asks stella to go with him and she agrees. after a while they sneak out the back and run off to "their spot" 
(an abandoned stone lookout on a cliff, with a view of the ocean)
as they jog through the forest together, simon catches his foot on a small branch. not realizing her date is currently on the ground, stella keeps running. simon scrambles up and immediately starts yelling out her name. his shouts grow more frantic as he hears a scream in the distance. blood seeps from her chest as he finds her collapsed on the stairs of the lookout, a knife sitting not far from her body. he gives her one last quiet goodbye before running off to the local police station for help. the group of men follow him to the spot of her murder, and simon is detained as one of the officers notices the blood on his hands. 
uuruurgghhh the court stuff is boring but basically the evidence is stacked so high against simon that he decides to plead insanity for what he assumes will be a lighter punishment. he is sentenced to electro shock therapy (before anesthesia was common) and is to be shipped off back to the mainland of the states to spend the rest of his life in an institution. 
(mid/late winter)
simon escapes after months of enduring the torture of the asylum. by the time he got out, the electro shock therapy had done a number on him. he forgot almost everything about him or his life, including stellas death. he only knows that he longs for someone, and that someone is in hawaii. determined to find her, he steals a small wooden rowboat, planning to sail off back to hawaii to find her. 
with absolutely no plan or preparations, simon takes off in the dead of the night. his mental health worsens the longer he is alone at sea, considering hes slowly starving to death. 
(this next part is planned to dsism, down to the very second, but ill try not to be too wrapped up in their every move)
in the middle of the third night, simon hears the sound of the water stirring. lifting his head, he sees stella standing over the water, looking no different than the night of the ball. she reaches out her hand, and as he grabs it, he is suddenly in his suit. the feelings of hunger and worry wash from his body. he doesnt feel tired anymore, just at ease. they dance on the water, and slowly up into the clouds, where they reside happy in heaven together
the end :3
and just to clear a few things up:
-the story is set in the 1960s
(in the original ref sheet drawings it says 1940s but my dumbass forgot hawaii wasnt a state until 1959)
-i have 2 versions of my hpii story. the first one (this one) is less realistic and has a few unnecessary changes because i just decided i wanted to
the second one is my hpii movie concept ideas. the movie concept is pretty similar with 2 exceptions. 
1: its more realistic (stellas last name isnt octangula, the court system is more true to life ect ect)
2: it sticks to the album better 
-last thing to know is im dyslexic so pretty please ignore the grammar mistakes. because of the built in spell check, spelling isnt usually a problem, but i do sometimes overcompensate with my punctuation, so theres probably a few out of place commas out there.
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ sunrise in versailles (part 1) (chapter 13)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 6k ish
warnings- swearing, angst, some kissing, theres an argument whoops. mentions of pregnancy. fluff.
a/n- Hey m'loves, sorry for the late chapter, I hope you enjoy!!! (excuse any typos, have not spell checked!!!)
You tried your best to offer a small smile at the camera, taehyungs parents looked back at you through the screen with confused and angered faces.
"we are gonna have a baby" taehyung declared again, his hand coming down and out of frame to grasp yours, giving a reassuring squeeze.
Taehyungs mother looked more than upset, devastated was more the correct and fit term, while his father just seemed disappointed.
"You told us you werent together" she spoke up, her hand over her mouth as she exchanged glances with her husband.
"funny how things happen, huh?" tae chuckled nervously, this time you squeezed his hand.
"are you sure you are the father?" his dad added, making your chest pang with pain at the accusation that you were the type to sleep around so carelessly.
"You dont need to cover for her" his mom spoke
"I know he is the father, im not stupid, thank you. How dare you ask that?" you spit, feeling guilty at your outburst, but mad at his parents for even going there. "look..it wasnt our plan. Some things....occurred...and we cant change them, all we wanted to do was tell you guys and its up to you to support us or not, either way...its happening, and im sorry if you dont like it" you mumble, taehyung softly nodding and smiling, proud of you sticking up for yourself.
Taehyungs mother simply scoffed, her hand wiping her tear that had fallen.
wow. she really wasnt happy about this, about you.
"we taught you better than this, and y/n I know your mom taught you better too....you know how things are supposed to be done. You get your career started, you marry, then children." his father cleared his throat
"we dont need to do things in order, you know" taehyung spoke against his dads words, "we have a plan...I think we will be alright"
You smile at your boyfriend, hand rubbing his back. "Yeah...." you whisper, "and besides...my parents had me before marriage, they were younger than taehyung and I when they got pregnant" you try to point out.
His mom glares down at you through the laptop screen, "yeah and how did that work out for them? wheres your dad now? hm? exactly."
Your face falls at her words, you didnt even have anything to argue back, a sick feeling falling over you.
"mom..." taehyung warns, his eyes darting to make sure you were ok.
"why would you bring up such a thing?" you whisper
She shrugged, "because its life, and things dont always go as planned. I wanted my son to be an established business man by now but no, you've tied him down to the ground again."
You watched, feeling numb, as she spoke more
"we had a feeling you two would end up together, but not like this...no no...not like this"
With that, you looked at taehyung before looking back at the screen.
"I think we are done here" you were quick to hit the disconnect call button on your laptop, standing up immediately as you ran upstairs.
"y/n!" taehyung closed the computer, standing up to follow you.
Once you were inside your bedroom, you wrapped your arms around your stomach, pacing the carpet. Taehyung abruptly walked in "baby..."
"why would she say that to me? why would she go there?" you cry softly, questioning how his own mother could be so cruel.
"I am so sorry my love" he is quick to wrap you in his arms.
Your hands held him tightly as you tried to calm your breathing.
"im terrified to tell my mom now" you whisper
"something tells me she will be a little kinder..." taehyung chuckled softly.
You moved to sit on the bed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable given you were still in your work outfit from this morning. You were a bit stressed at all the sudden life changes, and the least you wanted was some compassion. You will never understand how such cruel people could birth and raise someone as loving as taehyung.
"Im sorry" you lay back, eyes on the ceiling.
"for..?" he climbed next to you, laying on his side as his hand crawled up to your stomach.
"all of this mess...your parents..."
"baby thats not your fault...screw their opinion...I have my girl, and if its just you and me in the end, im alright with that. you know why?" he mumbled softly
"because we've already made it this far, look at how good we are doing, hm? I love you, and im proud of you....please dont listen to my mother or father, their words mean nothing. Focus on us, on you and me okay?"
You gently nod, holding his hand as he kissed your cheek. You both laid in the comforting silence of the room for a bit, before taehyungs voice brought you out of your trance. "lets take a bath"
The next morning you were up and at work early, checking attendance for the young children at the daycare center.
You and taehyung both agreed to hold off on disclosing the information with your mom for a few days until it felt right to do so, however part of you wanted it over with. You were about 3 months along, and it felt like things were passing quickly.
"Daniel?" you called out gently, looking around the room to find the small hand raising up to your attention.
You checked off his name before finishing the list, handing it to the main teacher.
The children were adorable, there wasn't many, only 8....5 girls and 3 boys. Though its only been a few days of work, most have warmed up to you just fine. One even trusted you to watch over their stuffed animal during recess time (thats a big responsibility)
The group was mainly produced to watch over little kids who's parents worked all day, which, you hate to admit, but made you feel a bit sad.
Children need full time attention and care, and you questioned if you would ever hand your child away to some strangers for hours, days, weeks at a time. It was crazy now that you had this wild perspective.
During your lunch break, you sat down in one of the empty classes to facetime taehyung, who answered after a few rings.
"hello?" his groggy voice came through, the screen showing the ceiling.
"aw sleepyhead, did I wake you from your nap?" you giggled, speaking sarcastically as you watched for his face.
"mm" he finally looked over his phone, a soft smile apparent, "hi baby...hows work?"
"its good actually....im not as nauseous as I was when I woke up, thank God"
"thats good."
you nod, smiling as you bit into your protein bar as you slowly sunk into your desk chair more. "how are you?"
"im good" he smiled, "I fixed the drain"
"woo!" you giggled
"I know..." taehyung yawned, rolling over and out of bed. "It doesnt make that weird noise anymore, see?" he pointed the camera down to the sink, the water flushing through normally
"good job, thank you" you smiled at your phone
"Oh and also...um, my mom called me again after you left."
"yeah, I think me explaining things sort of helped her, she still isnt happy but she takes back her comment."
You sigh, "well im still upset about it"
"and you have every right to be, im just saying....she knows she was wrong"
You nod, crumpling the wrapper in your hand.
"and of course, I told her that we haven't told your mom yet, so no contact. She promised she wouldn't say anything" he mumbled
"well...thats good" you smile blankly, "maybe we should tell her tonight? I dont know..." you sigh "im so nervous"
Taehyung looks back to the phone, offering you a sympathetic smile. "angel...I know its scary but we cant not tell her...we need any support we can get"
"i know" you nod, defeated as you look at the clock. "okay honey...I gotta go, ill be home at 3, okay?"
"okay baby, love you" he smiles gently, waving goodbye before disconnecting the call.
You sigh, putting your phone into your jean pocket as you make your way back into the classroom.
"Ah, Kenji is feeling a little bit under the weather right now, I am going to direct you to sit with him for a bit while I begin the next activity?" the main teacher came up behind you, pointing you in the direction of a young boy sitting at an empty table in the back, his hidden face in his arms.
"is he feeling ill?" you question, sympathetically eying the small boy
"no..." she shook her head, whispering, "he told me his parents had been fighting all morning"
your heart pangs deeply in your chest, the surge of the feelings you felt at your own parents fighting resurfacing, you knew what it felt like to have drama at home and then be forced to go to school or work and act like nothing happened, despite being upset.
You nodded sadly and quietly made your way to the back of the room, pulling the stool out from beside him and sitting. "Kenji, you alright bud? whats going on?" you gently rub his back, trying to get him to lift his head up.
"mm..im okay" the tiny voice squeaked
"you know...its okay if you arent" you whispered, leaning your head into your palm. "do you wanna talk about whats going on? you dont have to, but sometimes it feels better to let it out, especially if you dont always get the chance to." you try to course him along, not wanting to pry but rather wanting to provide relief.
With this, Kenji slowly lifted his head, cheeks red in embarrassment as slight tears watered his eyes. "I dont wanna talk" he said apologetically
You frowned for a moment before composing your teacher-like empathy, "thats okay, but is it alright if I sit here with you?"
He nodded, putting his head back down as he leaned closer to you, the only thing you could possibly do was rub his back for a bit longer before grabbing the nearby crayons and paper.
"you wanna draw?"
He nodded, silently as his chubby hand grabbed a crayon. "'dont know what to draw"
You giggled, "well....do you have any pets?"
He nodded enthusiastically, almost as if the mention of his pet was able to pull him out of his behavior.
"really?" you smiled widely "what kind of pet do you have?"
He grinned, his smile missing many teeth, "I have a cat! her name is chibi!"
You laughed, "chibi, small in japanese, is chibi really tiny?"
"yes, she this big" he reaches his hands out to show you the exact measurements.
"wow! that is tiny, you should draw her for me, i'll hang it up on my fridge at my house" you giggle
"really??" he widened his eyes, grabbing the paper as he furiously began to draw, you were happy to take his mind off whatever home troubles were burdening him.
He, at least for that moment, completely forgot about his sulking, and the way he drew quickly told you that.
"I have a pet fish, yknow" you smile, watching him draw.
"mhm, his name is Hae" you nod, "hes a tiny yellow fish"
"hae is a funny name" he blurts, smiling as you show him a photo of your pet.
"its Korean for sun, like in the sky" you add, knowing that Kenji isnt super familiar with the Korean language. "My boyfriend bought him one day and now he has this huge tank, we even put a little spongebob figure in there. Do you like spongebob?"
He giggled, "yeah, maybe hae and Chibi can be friends"
you grin, "Oh that would be lovely huh?"
He held up his picture before immediately putting it down "wait!" he grabbed the yellow crayon and began to add a small touch to the corner of the page, turning it around and waiting for your approval.
"did you draw hae and chibi?" you spoke, your hands holding his smaller one.
"oh my! this is beautiful Kenji, thank you bubs! i'll make sure to show this to Hae so he knows his new best friend"
Kenji beamed in confidence, writing his name on the page before gifting it to you.
"thank you!" you spoke, kenji gently hugging you before the main teacher made her way over.
"hows everyone?" she cheered, glancing at you
"we're good, right kenji?"
He happily nodded
"your daddy is here to pick you up, but make sure you hold Miss.Y/n's hand out to the front okay?"
You gently take kenji and make your way down the stairs to the parent pick up spot, you kneel down. "do you see your daddy?"
The smaller boy eagerly looks around, scanning the tall adults for the familiar face, "oh hes here!!" he jumps up and down, dragging you over to the man standing against the wall on his phone.
"daddy!!!" Kenji runs and clings to his fathers leg, his dad laughing and picking him up. "this is Miss.Y/N!!"
the fathers eyes drag up to you, offering a greeting smile. "hello" he bowed his head politely, "Min Yoongi" His hand reached out for yours
You shook it, smiling back "nice to meet you, Kenji had a fun day, make sure he tells you all about it"
He chuckled softly, his arms squeezing the small boy in his hold. "oh yeah?"
Kenji nodded, "I told her about Chibi"
"oh yeah, chibi, our fat cat" Yoongi teased
"shes tiny!!"
"not anymore"
You couldnt help but giggle at the adorable interaction, "well make sure you say hi to her for me, yeah?"
Kenji nodded, standing to his feet as he took his dads hands. "well i'll be seeing you around then" yoongi grinned, watching you say your goodbyes to Kenji
"yep, i'll be here tomorrow" you giggled, waving the two off before helping attend to a few other students.
Min Yoongi couldnt help but notice how gentle you were with his son, it made his heart happy that he could be at a safe place during the day instead of having to witness the downfall of him and his mothers marriage.
He also took in your appearance, noting how beautiful you were, but the thoughts quickly disappeared as his son begging to leave for ice cream.
You texted Taehyung as you left work, your feet dragging you down the street as you avoided bumping into others
Me: taetae im free...want me to pick you up coffee? (3:06pm)
Tae<3: yes, thanjs my love (3:07pm)
You giggled at his typo as you looked up, turning your direction in the way of the store before you felt a hand on your back, gently asking for your attention
"um..hello?" you took your headphones off as you turned, your eyes widening as you took in the appearance of the man you haven't seen in quite some time.
"Y/n..." he looked upset, rough, and like he had not been taking care of himself, not that he ever really did anyways.
"kaito?" you scoffed, looking around as if this was some joke
"please, im sorry, I dont mean to interrupt you and I know i'm the last person you want to see right now but I just ...I need to talk with you" he exhaled, hands defenseless as they fell openly to his sides, his venerability at show.
Your eyes glared over him before you took a breath, deciding that the risk factor here was low.
He swallowed, looking down at you sadly. "are you pregnant?"
Your breath caught in your throat.
Yup. he knows.
Trying to figure out what to respond was hard, the pause and lack of defense was probably enough to answer his question. "I...."
"I saw...taehyung..." he said his name as if it was venom, hard to pronounce, "a-and I know you guys are kinda...whatever. I just want to know....are you? is it...is it mine?"
Throughout everything that has been clouding your mind, you haven't had a moment to sit down and realize the possibility that the child could realistically be either Taehyung or Kaito's.
You rarely were intimate with your ex, but the slight chance was still there, and the fact you never realized it until now only adds another problem onto your already spilling over plate.
He took in your panicked state, speaking up "if it is, im....not mad, I just want to know. I know you hate me and you deserve to, but-"
"yeah what?"
"I am...pregnant" you whisper, "please dont tell anyone?"
his eyes fell low, his expression turning soft. You aren't used to seeing Kaito like this, his kind side..
"Its Taehyung's" you gulp out, because hell, even if it is Kaitos, in no way would you want him back in your life. Not after what he said, what he did. He could swear up and down that he's changed but it wont matter to your opinion or baby, at the end of the day, taehyung would be the father....biological or not.
With a sigh, he covered his face "im not gonna tell anyone....I just...I miss you, and I wish that I was the one with you during this and-"
"you dont deserve to be the one, Kaito." you spit, growing uncomfortable. "annie, chae and dahyun all abandon me over your words, over your actions...I was the one who was painted out to be the bad guy...and not once did you come to my defense!"
He nodded sadly "I know...I know"
"you fucking blame taehyung but hes been the only one there for me through it all, hes the only one I have!" you choke out, turning around in frustration "fuck...the nerve you have to do this to me right now"
"are you sure its Taehyung's?" he whispered, not in a rude way, more so in a last attempt to get you to talk with him
"stop with that!"
"If its mine I want to be there, I want to help out, even if you hate me, y/n" his face read regret and desperation
"as if I would ever let you close to me or my family again...the audacity you have is beyond anything ive ever seen....its never gonna happen, you treated me like shit over and over again, nothing will change, Kaito, and ive moved on. You need to as well...." you spoke before brushing past him
Kaito looked up at the sky with dreadful eyes, not able to watch you walk away from him again. He regretted his actions everyday, and just wanted 5 minutes to explain exactly what has been going on during the past few weeks. He wanted to explain that it was all Annie, that she was the one who spread rumors, she was the one who turned your friends against you, he wanted so badly to sit and apologize for anything hes ever done, and tell you that hes trying to change for real this time....but now the only thing he can do is store his thoughts away, as you leave again.
"I think we just need to say fuck it and go to Paris"
Taehyung looked away from his hands as he hung up new curtains you bought, the ladder he stood on shaking as he turned to you. "hm?"
"I think we should just go, I really need to get out of Busan"
He smiled gently, eyes returning to his task "I thought we agreed to go in a few weeks, that way you can visit your mom after words during vacation time"
"we should go now, I dont really care anymore"
He frowned a bit at your tone, "whats the urgency, baby? everything okay?" he stepped down the ladder.
You swallowed, "everything is fine, I just need a vacation, and I think its good to just...go"
He nodded slowly, trying not to pry into your sudden desire to leave, "okay...um, we can do that. I'll call them..." he smiled, "what about your mom? thought you wanted to tell-"
"it can wait"
"are you sure youre okay Y/N?"
you sigh, laying into his chest as you hug him, "I just want to be away and alone with you, stressed." you mumble, deciding against getting into the whole kaito thing, knowing he would blow it out of proportion.
Taehyung rubbed your back "ahh...okay....well how do you feel if I move the trip to Monday?"
"i'll let work know"
Taehyung handed you a cold cloth that he had dampened in the airplane bathroom, allowing you to put it on your neck.
Given that there has been time between your last airplane experience to now, you were more prepared on what to do when you felt sick.
"thank you" you mumbled, closing your eyes "how much longer?"
"6 hours baby" Taehyung spoke sadly, looking back at you, your face was pale and clammy.
"I know but just sleep, i'll be here, okay? breath through it" his gentle smile brought you to feel even a little safer.
The flight was long, and bothersome. When you werent on the verge of puking, you tried to sleep, but the seat was too uncomfortable so you tried to lean up against Taehyung, who was moving too much, so you decided to just lay back and count the minutes until this hell ride was over.
The only safe thought was that soon you and taehyung would be alone, entirely, in Paris. The most romantic place...pretty much ever.
You did your best to ignore the whiney nagging voice in the back of your head reminding you about what Kaito said, and how the baby could possibly be his. You wanted to discuss with your boyfriend, which would have been the right thing to do of course, but the way Taehyungs eyes light up when you talk or even slightly mention the pregnancy in anyway, makes you feel like a knife was throw directly into your heart. You cant break him, its okay to lie in some instances, right?
Besides, you were 99.9% positive it was taehyung's anyway, considering there was only a few times you and Kaito ever did it, and only once without secure protection. Chances here are, youre worrying about nothing.
This trip will be nothing but relaxing, a week away from all the shit in both of your lives.
The last time you and Taehyung went to Paris was a few summers ago, it was before the whole friends with benefits and emotionally constipated feelings arose, so this time around will be like an incredibly new experience.
Once the plane ride did finally come to a stop, Taehyung helped gather your luggage as you made your way to the center of the airport arrival gate.
"The taxi guy told me he would pick us up around 6:25pm, we have a few minutes, lets grab something to eat....you didnt eat on the plane"
You smiled, pulling your bag behind you, "because the food was gross, and I felt awful"
"are you feeling better now?"
"a little...I just need to sit and drink water"
He made sure to allow you time to relax as you felt your nausea slip away
Once you both got in the taxi, you eagerly looked out the window to admire the beautiful city that is Paris, the way everyone dressed, the beautiful agriculture, Busan had its perks...but Paris was such a different experience.
"im glad we're here" taehyung whispered, kissing your shoulder as he reached for your hand
"me too" you grinned softly, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to his lips "thank you for taking me"
"I wouldn't know who else to take, your my only one." he whispered, squeezing your hand
It was late in the evening, but the sun was just starting to set once you both arrived to your hotel
"oh this is beautiful" you spoke as you stood out of the car, admiring how fancy everything seemed.
"wait until you walk in"
your boyfriend assisted you with getting the bags out, putting them on a small wheeler as you began to lead inside the building.
A cool breeze hit you once you entered the lobby, an overwhelming aroma of cleanliness and bakery foods filled you, making you turn to taehyung "wow..."
"yeah...." he smiled, eyes looking everywhere, "lets check in, I wanna see our room"
The room that was arranged origanally just for Taehyung, included a king sized bed, a large flat screen tv, a mini fridge, and.....a terrace with chairs.
"this is so fucking cool!!" you giggled, running around the spacious area before collapsing on the bed
"this is so exciting, look!!" he ran to the terrace, admiring the view of the now dark city, lights shining everywhere.
You had gotten up to follow, a smile creeping onto your face as you hugged him from behind. "I love you"
He turned his body to face you, arms grabbing your waist before pressing a delicate kiss to your lips "I love you" his forehead was pressed to yours as he gently swayed, the music from the cafe below was loud enough to hear from outside, adding to such a perfect moment.
"this is gonna be a fun trip"
"I agree....lets just not worry about anything, just you and me" you whisper, hands cupping his face
"just you and me, thats easy" Taehyung chuckled, spinning you around before teasingly dipping you over, kissing you again
"how romantic" you giggled, holding onto him
"mhm I try" he led you back into the room "we can unpack in the morning while we have breakfast, I plan to go museum searching tomorrow anyways"
"that sounds fun...let me at least unpack an outfit so I know what to wear" you ran to your suitcase, eyeing some dresses and taking them out as taehyung laid on the giant bed, eyes looking at the french tv guide.
You held a fluffy white dress up to you in the mirror, tilting your head as you decided if it was a good choice or not. Taehyung looked over and smiled, "thats cute, baby"
"is it?" you look over, "I tried it on before we left....its okay, its kinda tight around my stomach and you can kinda see the bump at this point."
Taehyung stood to stand behind you, arms hugging you as you shared a gaze in the mirror. "my beautiful girl" his lips reached your neck "why wouldnt you want to show it off? youre sexy" he teased, gently squeezing your butt as you sighed
"ahh! stop" you jokingly scolded, folding the dress "I guess i'll wear it...its supposed to be really hot tomorrow" you tossed the clothing down on top of your suite case as you turned to look at your boyfriend "what are you doing?"
He scrolled through his phone, tapping something before a gentle jazzed tune emitted throughout the room, you raised an eyebrow as he set the device down.
"dance with me"
"no" you giggled, turning as his arm gently grabbed yours
"please, baby, just for a little" he smiled, voice low and quiet as you fell against his chest. "you look so beautiful...wanna enjoy every moment I have with you"
You blush, closing your eyes as he sways a bit to the music "i look dirty...I am dirty, we just had a 12 hour flight"
"you're always beautiful, and we can take a shower after this"
"so you admit it, I stink" you giggle
He sighed, pulling away to look you in the eye "no, im just saying we can clean up after, stop questioning everything and just let me love you right now and always" he smirked
"mmkay...." you smiled, hiding your face before swaying again
The room was dim, and you had to admit, you were more at peace in this moment than you had been in the past month.
"love you...so much" his hands grazed your back as he spoke against the top of your head.
"Love you more" you whispered, tightening your grip on him.
For a split second you felt guilt, guilt because you forgot that you were pregnant, and it wasnt just the two of you...and you will never have time like this alone again...and somewhere deep down you feel sad about that.
As if he knows your mind is wandering, he leads you to the bed and sits down, pulling you to his lap. "do you wanna sleep before we order dinner?" he asked, hands combing through your hair
he pulled you down to lay on his chest, between his legs. The rather loud sound of his heartbeat allowed you to melt into his touch.
You couldn't help but imagine as you closed your eyes, that is was just you and taehyung....and you had done things the right way....just you, and your boyfriend together on a trip.
The thought was rude, and selfish, but it didnt stop you from thinking it.
Life would change, and you knew you needed to start taking advantage of these moments now, before youre mom and hes dad.
right now?
you're Y/N and Taehyung.
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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