#im not writing off trying it or anything!!
Book Club
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modern!aemond x fem!reader 
Summary: A man comes into your book store and you both exchange book recommendations. This turns into you both having discussions about your thoughts and theories and feelings begin to blossom. 
Warnings: 18+ swearing, oral(f), p in v, unprotected 
Authors Note: i literally have to restrain myself from writing for this man bc im actually rabid :)
Word Count: 6.6k oops 
I groan resting against the counter watching all of the people walk past my shop. This is the slowest time of day so I resort to curling up in the chair near the windows and pulling out my current read. The soft music through the speakers helps set the mood and soon I’m immersed into my book. I look up when the bell on the door rings. 
“Hi, welcome in.” I close my book and rise from the chair. “Is there anything I can help you with?” I offer him a smile as my eyes meet his. 
“No, thank you.” his voice soft as he brushes past me. 
“Let me know if that changes.” I call after him as he delves deeper into the store. I bring my book to the counter and begin to read. I lean over the counter as I get to a particularly tense part and let the store drift away. I gasp at the sentence I just read and shove my bookmark into the pages and shut the book. 
“That’s how you can tell it’s a good book.” I jump at the man’s words. 
“I’m sorry.” I look up to him with flushed cheeks. “You could’ve said something.” I move the book off the side. 
“I knew what part you were at and it’s best left uninterrupted.” he offers me a smile that softens his sharp features. 
“You’ve read this one?” I beam. “This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I’m thoroughly enjoying it.” he places his books on the counter. 
“I can recommend some others too. If you want.” he offers and I nod my head. I get out a pen and paper and slide them over to him. I watch as he scribbles out a couple titles and pushes it back to me. I pull out another sheet and write some of my own recommendations. 
“If you want them. You don’t have to but I thought I’d give you some recommendations as well.” I nibble my lip and he folds the paper and places it in his pocket. 
“Thank you.” he offers me another smile that turns him into every male fantasy I’ve ever had. 
“Did you find everything alright?” I hum as I start to ring up his books trying to avoid staring at him for too long.
“I did. It’s a lovely shop.” he nods to me as his eye scans me over.
“Thank you. I try to keep it warm and welcoming.” I place his books in a bag and offer it to him. 
“Is it yours?” he offers me cash. 
“It is.” I smile typing into the register. 
“Then I will see you here when I need another book.” he hums taking the change from my hand. 
“I can’t wait to hear what you think of the books.” I smile to him before pulling my book back out. 
“Likewise.” he nods before dipping out the door and leaving me to my book once more. 
I shake my head shutting my book and slamming it on the table. That was simultaneously one of the best and worst endings to a book I’ve ever read. I look through my aisles searching for the next book on the list when I hear the bell on the door jingle. 
“Hi, welcome in how-“ I stop when I see it’s him. “Gods I just finished the first book you recommended. The ending was just..” I trail off shaking my head. 
“I didn’t think you would actually read them.” he squints his eye with a hint of a smile. 
“I was just looking for the second book on the list.” I smile up at him as I start to walk back to the aisles. I turn and see that he’s following behind me with a smile as we stop and look for the title. 
“I can borrow you mine. Although I guess you do own a bookstore..” he trails off pulling the book down from the top shelf. “Here.” he offers it to me. 
“You can bring me the third one on here.” I pull the list out of my pocket. “I can bring you one of mine. If you want.” I flip through the pages of the book I’m holding. 
“I would like that. When do you want me to bring it?” his smile brightens up his whole face. 
“I’ll probably be done with this before the end of the week.” I look at the page numbers and nod my head. 
“Then I’ll come on Friday?” he tilts his head. 
“That’s perfect.” I smile. “If you have time can I make you coffee or tea and we could discuss the book I just finished? I’m dying to talk about it.” I nibble my lip studying him. 
“I would like that.” he hums. “Tea would be nice.” I wave him over to the chairs as I begin to prepare his drink. I steal glances at his perfectly groomed long silver hair and internally sigh at how beautiful he is. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting your day.” I turn back to him and he shakes his head. 
“I had no plans besides coming here.” his words make me feel like less of a burden. I bring him his tea and I sit with my cup and we start talking. We talk for well over an hour and our cups are soon forgotten and turn cold. “I’m really glad you enjoyed it.” he rests his head in his hand watching me talk. 
“I’ll stop and let you get back to your day.” I stretch my legs out from the chair. 
“Point me in the direction of the first book on the list you gave me.” he prompts me and I stand with a smile. 
“Of course, this way.” I nod for him to follow. I stop at a shelf and I pull the book down. I hold it against my chest and turn to look up at him. I see his knowing smile and sigh. 
“And what kind of romance book will this be?” he holds his hand out and I feel my cheeks heat. 
“A good one.” I purse my lips flaring my nostrils. 
“I’ll decide that.” he chuckles grabbing the book from my hands. 
“It’s not just a romance book. Just give it a try.” I pout before brushing past him. “I’ll be up front when you’re ready or if you need any other help.” 
“Can you find me the other two on your list?” I stop in my tracks at his words. 
“But I was gunna bring you them?” I scrunch my eyebrows turning to him. 
“You’ve already read two of mine so I need to catch up. At least let me buy the second one too.” he smiles. “I want to be able to talk about them on Friday.” a smile spreads across my face at his words. I lead him down a couple of aisles and pull a book from the shelf. 
“I really enjoyed reading this one and I can’t wait to hear what you think about it.” I admire the cover and hand it to him. 
“I’ll come with all of my thoughts and theories.” he hums and follows me back to the register. “When and where do you want me to meet you?” he places the books on the counter. 
“Here at like seven?” I ring in his books and look to him. 
“I’ll be here.” he nods his head. “I never got your name.” he hands me cash and I realize I haven’t gotten his name either. 
“Y/n.” I place his change in his hand. 
“Aemond.” he smiles grabbing his books from the counter. 
“I hope you enjoy the books, Aemond.” he looks at me with a soft smile. 
“I’ll see you Friday, Y/n.” he nods his head and slips out the door. 
I quickly walk around the store cleaning up after close and start to brew some tea. I don’t know if I should’ve brought something more or if this is enough. I sigh shaking my head and sit in the chair to wait for Aemond to arrive. I stand up with a smile spread across my face when he walks through the door. 
“Aemond.” I beam and usher him inside before I shut and lock the door behind him. I can’t help but look over him and admire him as he strides into the store. 
“Locking us in?” he turns and raises an eyebrow at me. 
“Well the stores closed and I don’t want us to be interrupted.” I walk over to the table and begin to make him a cup of tea. I bring it over to him with a smile that he’s already sitting and comfortable with the books in his lap. “It’s like we’re having a little book club.” I coo placing the cup in his hands and see his cheeks redden. 
“How was your week?” he hums before taking a sip. 
“I had another great book to get me through.” I curl up in the chair across from him. 
“You liked it?” his eye lights up as I nod to him. 
“It was perfect. I think I liked this one more than the last.” I settle back into the chair and study him. 
“What was your favorite part?” he watches me talk about the book for the next thirty minutes with a soft smile on his face. He asks me questions, content to listen to me talk about the book. We discuss theories and I decide I could sit in this chair and listen to his soft voice for hours. 
“Do you want more tea before we start with your books?” I start to uncurl from the chair. 
“Let me.” he hums getting up and grabbing my cup from my hands. 
“Thank you.” I smile up at him as I settle back. He brings me my cup filled and steaming with tea. “I’m sorry I didn’t bring more. Like food or other drinks.” I nibble my lip allowing my hands to hug the warmth from the mug. 
“Your company is enough.” my eyes look to his as a blush creeps up my neck. 
“Tell me what you thought of the first one.” I offer him a shy smile. 
“It wasn’t just a romance, you were right.” he talks about the book with a smile and I watch him talk. His features are relaxed as he talks and I can’t help but admire him. I sip on my tea and nod my head at his words. 
“You’re very thoughtful.” he studies me with a curious expression.
“I really did like the second one too.” he picks up the book. “Different than what I expected.” he pats the book on his lap. We go back and forth about the characters and what we think their true motives were. We watch each other in silence for seconds or minutes before he hands me the other book in his lap. 
“Here’s mine.” I stretch across handing him mine. 
“I’ll treat it with care.�� he hums adding it to his pile. 
“I really enjoyed my night.” I smile watching him run his fingers down the spine of the book. 
“I did too. When do you want to meet again? If you want to, of course.” his eye looks away from me. 
“I would love that.” I respond quickly nodding my head. “We can meet here again if you want. I can bring us actual food and drinks.” I tilt my head. 
“Or you could come to mine and I could cook for us.” he offers and I chuckle. “Hm?” he smiles at me. 
“Of course you cook.” I look up shaking my head. 
“Is that a bad thing?” he scrunches his brows. 
“No, you’re just perfect.” I sigh and he chuckles. 
“I’m not.” he shakes his head. 
“From what I know, you are.” I hold his book in my lap. “I would enjoy it if you cooked me dinner while we talked about books.” I nibble on my lip. 
“Tell me when.” he leans back looking me over. 
“I could have this finished in three days.” I size up the book. 
“So Monday?” I nod. “What time do you want me to pick you up?” 
“Around seven again? Unless that’s too late?” I start to stretch out my legs. 
“I’ll be here at seven.” he smiles standing up. “Have a good weekend, Y/n.” he starts to walk to the door. 
“Enjoy the book, Aem.” I call after him and he pauses at the door. I get worried about the nickname I gave him until I see his shoulders relax and he turns back to me and offers me a smile before leaving.
“You’re early.” I look up when I see Aemond enter. My tongue darts across my lips as I take him in and he offers me a smirk as I come to the counter. 
“I can wait.” he hums placing his ring clad fingers on the marble. 
“I’ll be quick.” I drag my eyes up to his. I whisk through the shop making sure the aisles are clean and there’s no stray books. I make my way back to him and drink in his form leaning against the counter. His attention turns to me and my cheeks flush. I go behind the counter to grab my purse and l go to his side. 
“Ready?” he looks down at me. 
“I am.” I hum and he leads me out to his car. He opens the door for me and I slip in and wait for him to get behind the wheel. The drive to his house is quick. As we walk up the sidewalk I stop to take in his manicured yard that seems to have nothing out of place. 
“You can come in. I won’t kill you.” my eyes find him at his words and a giggle bubbles out of me. “Or we can sit in the grass if you want, but the sprinklers might come on.” 
“You’re not getting out of making me dinner that easily.” I smile coming to his side as he opens the front door for me. I look around at his subtle yet ornate decorations. “You have a beautiful home.” I hum turning to him. 
“Thank you.” he smiles slipping off his jacket and I can’t help but look at the way his shirt is spread across his toned chest. 
“Come.” he gestures me to follow him and we end in the kitchen. He pulls out a chair for me to sit at the counter while he goes to the other side. “Tell me about your weekend.” he requests as he starts to pull out ingredients. 
“The store was busier than normal, not that I’m complaining. I’m happy more people are starting to read. Although, it did interrupt my reading time.” I sigh and he chuckles. 
“How long have you owned the store?” he hums turning on the stovetop. 
“A couple years. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.” I get lost in thought about everything it took for me to get here. 
“That’s impressive. You should be proud.” he smiles to me and my cheeks tint. 
“Thank you.” I watch him begin to chop something. “What about you? What do you do for work?” I rest my head in my hands watching him. 
“I work with my family.” his response short as he starts on another task. 
“Do you like it?” I try to pry a little more. 
“Yes and no.” he shrugs. “It’s been more tolerable since I’ve gotten my own place.” he drops the ingredients in a pan and I hear it sizzle. 
“Families can be interesting.” I nod and he chuckles. 
“To say the least.” he shakes his head before turning to me. “Do you have a big family?” he tilts his head. 
“No, it’s just me. I just couldn’t- I moved away.” I shake my head meeting his eye. 
“I was going to raise my glass to you but I just realized I’m a terrible host and haven’t offered you anything.” his eye widens and I chuckle. 
“It’s okay, Aemond.” I smile. “I’d be happy to die of thirst in your kitchen.” his eye snaps to mine as a smile spreads across his face. 
“Tea?” he tilts his head. 
“I can make it. You’re cooking.” I slide off the stool and spot his electric kettle. I start to fill the kettle and place it back on waiting for it to boil. 
“I have a lot of options.” he opens the cabinet above me. 
“Are you running a cafe?” I chuckle looking over the different flavors. 
“I could be.” his tone playful. 
“Mm and what are the hours?” I reach for a couple packets. 
“I’ll be open whenever you want me to be.” I turn to him at his words. 
“How generous. Always wanting to satisfy your customers.” we smile at each other before going back to our tasks. I bring him a cup and take mine back to the other side of the counter. He begins to finish this meal and plates it. 
“Go to the dining room.” he nods his head to the softly lit room. 
“I can help bring things out.” I stand there looking up at him. 
“Go take a seat.” he hums gently turning me and scooting me in the direction of the table. I take a seat and watch as he brings in plates and silverware. I offer him thanks every time he sets something in front of me and he hums in response. Once everything is placed he takes a seat across from me and looks at me expectantly. 
“Tell me how it tastes.” he nods. 
“It looks exquisite.” I say softly before cutting into the food. The second the flavors spread across my tongue I sigh and take another bite. “Aemond,” I moan. “This is amazing.” I look up to him and see his red cheeks. 
“Thank you.” his blush deepens and I smile biting my lip. “What’s so funny?” he raises an eyebrow. 
“You look so cute when you blush.” my voice soft as the bold words fall from my mouth. 
“Cute?” he raises an eyebrow. “I don’t think anyone’s called me cute before.” he shakes his head before beginning to eat. 
“I could call you a lot of things.” I scold my tongue for speaking. 
“Is that so?” he sets down his fork and looks to me with an amused expression. 
“Yeah, but cute is enough for today.” I sip on my tea watching him try to hide his smile. 
“What did you think of my last book?” he watches me think. I start to talk about it in between bites and he makes points I didn’t even think about. We continue to talk as we bring our plates to the kitchen and he starts to clean them immediately. Much to his distress I help him with the dishes. “You don’t have to.” 
“If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t.” I hum drying off another dish. Once they’re done he’s leading me deeper into his house and my heart starts to beat faster. My breath catches as he walks us into his library. “This is a dream.” I look around at all of the shelves. 
“You own a bookstore.” he chuckles from behind me. 
“Yeah but these are all yours.” I walk to the closest shelf and look at some of the titles. As I continue about the room I can feel him following me and I stop on an empty shelf that has my three books on it. “I feel like my recommendations are out of place here.” I turn to him and my face almost smashes into his chest. I crane my head up to look at him. 
“No, they belong here.” he hums reaching out to brush some of my hair back. I lean into his hand before turning back around and grabbing the last book he read. 
“What did you think about this one?” I turn looking back up at him. 
“Come.” he leads me to the couch and grabs the book from my hands looking over it. “This was more of a romance. I don’t even know if we could call it that.” he chuckles. 
“What would you call it then?” I pout. 
“Erotica.” I roll my eyes at him. “What was the main plot then?” he bites his lip to hide his smile looking down at me. 
“It was like a fated love story.” my voice soft as I feel my cheeks heat. 
“An excuse for them to fuck for half of the book.” his tone playful. 
“So you didn’t like the book?” I nibble my lip. 
“I did. It was just different from what I normally read.” he hums handing me the book. 
“You don’t want to keep it? Will it sully your shelves?” my eyes alight as I look up at him. 
“I think it’d be more of a bedside table book.” his voice low. 
“Did you read this before bed?” I raise my eyebrow at him. 
“I couldn’t read it at work.” his tongue snakes across his lower lip. 
“I did.” my voice barely audible. 
“That’s because your cheeks will just get red. It’d be a little more obvious for me.” his eye darkens and I groan internally. 
“Here I was thinking that was tame.” I keep my voice soft and he laughs. 
“Tame?” he raises an eyebrow. “Now you have to give me the dirtiest book you have.” he smirks at me. 
“I can bring it to the shop tomorrow.” my tone alluring. “But I want your dirtiest book.” I look around the room positive he has to have at least one. 
“In the books I read it’s more like love making.” he smiles as my cheeks heat and I decide I won’t be the only one tormented. 
“You don’t like to fuck?” I look up at him through my lashes and his nostrils flare. 
“I like a lot of things.” he looks me over and I squirm under his gaze. “Let’s go find your next fantasy.” he teases rising from the couch. 
“Aem,” I whine before dragging myself off the couch. 
“Hm?” he hums as I trail behind him. He stops at a couple books before shaking his head and keeps us moving. He stops at a shelf and pulls a book down and nods. He turns to me with a smirk and hands it to me. “There’s a plot and romance.” he places the book in my hands. “And the fucking that you like.” I gasp at his words and he tosses his head back and laughs. 
“Shall I tell you if it becomes my new nightly fantasy?” it’s his turn for his breath to catch. 
“I’ll do the same for you with the book you give me tomorrow.” he hums. 
“The book I give you will be strictly for bed time. I couldn’t even read it at work.” I bite my lip and his eye catches the movement. 
“Is that so?” he purrs. 
“That book gave me my favorite nightly fantasy since you’re so interested in it.” I notice how close our bodies have gotten and I step back an inch. 
“Now I have to read it.” he chuckles lowly. We tease each other for a couple more minutes before he begins to drive me back to my shop. He parks next to my car and we linger in his car, neither one of us ready to leave. 
“Can I have your number?” his words soft and I turn to him pulling my phone out. 
“Of course.” I hand him my phone and he hands me his. We exchange numbers and continue to talk and stare at each other for a couple minutes before we part ways for the night. 
Aem: Is it a good time for me to come and get the book?
Y/n: Of course. 😌
Aem: I’ll see you soon. 
Aem: This book is crazy, Y/n. 
Y/n: Why? 🫣 
Aem: You know why.
Aem: Do you want tea? 
Y/n: I’m at work. 
Aem: Yeah, I’ll bring it to you. 
Y/n: I would love that. 🥰
“You are so so sweet.” I coo grabbing the cup from Aemonds hands. 
“How are you liking the book I recommended.” he nods to it on the counter. 
“I actually adore it.” I nod my head with a smile. “Did you see the author is coming out with a second?” I look up to him. 
“We can read it together.” he smiles sipping on his tea. 
“So what made you want to stop by?” I hum. 
“To see you in a different light after almost finishing the book you gave me.” he chuckles shaking his head. “I can’t even tell what your fantasy is, there’s so much in every chapter.” his eye slowly looks me over as my cheeks heat. 
“We can try it all.” I look up at him through my lashes and he dips down with a dark eye. Right when he opens his mouth to speak the bell on the door rings. “Hi, welcome in.” I lean back and poke my head to the side to greet the customer who trails down the first aisle.
“What did you mean?” his voice low. 
“Hm?” I smile up at him. 
“What did you mean, Y/n?” I pull his book back in front of me. 
“About us trying it?” I tilt my head with a smirk. 
“You said all.” he corrects. 
“It might take us a while.” my body heats at the thought as I lean closer to him. 
“I planned to take my time with you.” a whimper falls from my mouth at his words. “Would you like that?” he caresses my cheek. 
“Please.” I look up at him leaning into his hand. 
“When will you be done with your book?” I don’t even process his words as he trails his fingers down my jaw. He tilts my chin up and looks at me waiting. 
“Aem,” his name falls from my lips breathlessly. I look at his mouth and he chuckles. 
“I asked you a question.” he hums tilting my chin further up so I have to look at his eye. 
“Tonight.” my tongue slides across my bottom lip. 
“Dinner at mine tomorrow?” he tilts his head. 
“I would like that.” I sigh as he removes his hand. 
“Text me when you finish the book and we’ll make plans from there.” he hums and slips out of my shop. 
Y/n: I finished. 
Y/n: I’m excited for the second one. 
Aem: I’m glad you liked it. 
Y/n: Did you finish mine yet?
Aem: Just under 100 pages. 
Y/n: Do you like it?
Aem: It’s been.. interesting. 
Y/n: Interesting because you like it so much? 🤭
Aem: I didn’t say that. 
Y/n: It seemed like it earlier. When you just had to come see me. 
Aem: I wasn’t the one whimpering on the counter. 
Y/n: Let’s make it your kitchen counter next. 
Aem: I’ll see you tomorrow. 
Y/n: I’m sure I’ll be the star in your dreams tonight. 
Aem: What makes you think you haven’t been?
Y/n: Have I been? 👀 
Aem: I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven again. 
I’m finishing cleaning up the aisles when the bell to my shop rings. I turn and see Aemond slip in and I continue to clean quicker than before. I dump my cleaning supplies behind the counter and go to his side. 
“Someone’s eager.” he chuckles escorting me out the front door. 
“Your cooking is to die for.” I smile as he opens the car door for me. 
“I can cook for you more often.” he slips into the drivers seat and has us on our way to his house. 
“I would like that.” I smooth my dress looking out the window. He ushers us into his home and pulls out the chair for me at his counter and begins to cook. I watch his back muscles move as I nibble my lip. He turns and offers me a taste on the spoon and I prop myself up and moan when the flavors hit my mouth. 
“Do you like it?” he smiles watching me lean over the counter. 
“I do.” I gasp as his hands come around my waist and pull me across the counter. My legs come under me and I sit on the edge of the counter in front of him. “Aemond.” my voice like a plea as he spreads my legs to stand between them. 
“You asked to whimper on my counter.” he places his hands on either side of my thighs.
“But the food.” I look up to him with red cheeks. 
“Has to cook and I’d like a taste.” my breath catches as his fingers dance up my legs. “Can I?” he searches my eyes. 
“Please.” I nod my head and spread my legs wider for him. He smirks before capturing my lips and I bring my hands to him to pull him closer. His fingers push my dress up and I whine into his mouth as they brush against my panties. He kisses down my jaw before helping me lay back. He pulls my waist to the edge and I giggle until his lips are pressing against my thighs. He slides my panties down my legs and his tongue licks up my slit. 
“Aem,” my voice wrecked. His hands grip onto my hips before his tongue lashes against me. My breathing comes out in pants as he swirls around my bud and I push myself into his face. He chuckles and my legs shake at the feeling but he holds them open. His tongue is relentless and I squeak as I feel his fingers near my core. 
“Is this okay?” he lifts up and looks at me with a dark eye. 
“Yes, Aemond, please,” I whine pushing his head back down. He laps against my bud as he presses two long fingers into me. “Fuck,” I whine clenching around his fingers as he starts a quick pace. I arch off the counter as my fingers tangle in his hair. My hips grind into him and my pleasure washes through me as I pulse around his fingers. He continues to work me through and I become a whimpering mess on his counter until he’s pulling back. 
“Let me know if you have any other requests.” he hums kissing me softly before turning back to the stove. I’m still spread across his counter trying to catch my breath as he finishes dinner. He turns back to me and chuckles before turning off the stove and moving the pan to another burner. He pulls my dress down and helps me off the counter. “Go sit in the dining room.” he kisses the side of my head and I walk into the other room on wobbly legs. 
“Thank you.” my voice soft as he places a plate in front of me. 
“Did you want me to feed you too?” he smirks at my widening eyes. 
“I think I can manage.” I roll my eyes at him as he continues to chuckle. 
“Tell me what you think?” he nods to my plate and I take my first bites. 
“Gods Aemond,” I sigh as the flavors travel across my tongue. “This is divine.” I hum taking another bite. 
“I’m glad it’s to your liking.” he smiles at me across from the table. We eat in silence and share heated glances throughout. Once our plates are emptied we bring them to the kitchen and wash them together. 
“To your library?” I tilt my head looking up to him. 
“Unless you want to get back on the counter and give me dessert.” I tug his hand down the hall not bothering to respond to him. He chuckles going in the lead and bringing us to the couch in the center of the room. “Let’s hear about how you liked your book first.” he turns to me. 
“I think it was perfectly balanced and if that’s your dirtiest book then I must have corrupted you.” I smirk blinking at him. I got into what I liked best while he chuckles and nods his head listening before I turn all of my attention to him. “Well what did you think about my book?” 
“I think we can just call that porn.” he raises an eyebrow to me. 
“There was some plot..” I trail off with a hint of a smile. 
“What was it? How many times she could come?” he laughs. “It was written well. I’ll give the author that but Gods..” he shakes his head. 
“There was some of the love making you like though.” I pout. 
“That’s generous.” he bursts out in a loud laugh. 
“Where is it? I’ll find it in the book.” I huff getting up and walking to his shelf to retrieve it.
“On my bedside table.” he smirks. 
“I figured you would read in here.” I look around. “Sprawled out on your couch, book in one hand, the other down your pants..” he rises at my words and stalks over to me. 
“Is that how you read it?” his voice low as he towers over me. 
“No, I would wait until I was done reading for the night and swap it out with something else in my bedside table that could help me.” I bite my lip. 
“How many times did you come?” he licks his lips. 
“Until I was shaking.” my voice barely audible and he groans. His hands go to my waist and pull me closer. “We still have to talk about what you think.” I tilt my head further up. 
“I thought about us as the main characters.” a soft whine leaves my lips at his words. “All I thought about was fucking you for the past couple of days. Nonstop.” his words low. 
“Yet you still haven’t.” I tease him and he lifts me up and carries me out of the library. He pushes open a door and tosses me into the middle of his bed. My dress rises up and his eye catches my dripping core. 
“I decided I will have dessert.” he hums before kneeling on the ground and pulling me against his face. 
“Aemond,” my voice cracks as he starts to feverishly lick at my bud. He pushes my dress further up as his arms wrap around my hips. I gasp as his tongue travels down to my entrance. My hips try to buck against him but his hold is firm. His nose continuously brushes against my bud while his tongue explores me. My toes curl as quick whimpers fall from my mouth as he coaxes pleasure from me. I cry out as my high washes through me as he holds my hips in place. I try to move out of his grasp but his fingers dig into my flesh. 
“Stop squirming. I’m not done.” he lifts his head up to look at me with a dark eye before diving back down. 
“Aem, right there,” his tongue doesn’t move from its spot but he moves it faster. He pushes his fingers into my core and my moans turn high pitched. “Fuck, I’m gunna-“ my hand flies to his hair as my coil snaps and my legs tremble in his hands. His fingers continue to slam into me and my eyes roll to the back of my head. I feel his mouth leave but his fingers curl inside of me and I clench around them. 
“How’s it feel?” his voice taunting as he speeds up his movements. 
“So good,” my voice slurred with pleasure as my hips slightly rock into his fingers. The second his tongue touches my bud again I burst across his face. “Aem, Aemond,” my voice breaking with every chant of his name. He removes himself from me and I lay there catching my breath. I crack open my eyes as he pulls my dress off of me completely exposing my body. 
“Beautiful.” he slips his tongue around my hardened nipples and I sigh as he peppers my chest with attention. “Scoot up the bed.” he nods his head toward the pillows as he stands to undress. I watch him with low lids once I’m propped against his pillows. I lick my lips as he crawls into bed over me. “I’m going to show you what I read.” I nod my head before reaching up to kiss him. 
He slows the kiss down and slowly grinds against me. I writhe beneath him as I gasp for breath as he continues to explore my mouth. His tongue caresses against mine as he steadily rocks his length through my wetness. He lines himself up and slowly pushes in and I let out soft sighs. He rocks into me while keeping our mouths mashed together. With every hard thrust he’s brushing against my bud and I cling onto his back. 
“Aem,” his name spills from my mouth into the space between us as he slowly pushes into me. Our bodies have no end or beginning as he pushes into me. I feel every inch of him and the second his thumb rubs slow circles around my bud I’m coming undone around him. 
“Did you like that?” he hums stilling inside of me waiting for me to come down. 
“I did.” my words breathy. I whine as he pulls out. He quickly flips me over and my head presses into his pillows. His fingers dig into my hips as he lifts them into the air and slams into me. “Fuck,” I moan into the pillow as he starts pounding into me. His hand travels up my spine before tangling in my hair and pulling my face up. 
“Let me hear how much you like being fucked like this.” he grunts. His pace is relentless and I begin to push my hips back to meet his. He groans as his hips snap into mine. He pulls me up against his chest and hammers up into me. His hand leaves my hair to wrap around my throat. I clench around him and he chuckles before applying light pressure. “Yeah you like that?” he growls in my ear as his pace becomes brutal. 
“Yes,” I whine as my hands cling onto his arms. My pleasure unexpectedly slams through me and I push back into him as he grunts digging his fingers into my hip as he keeps his pace. 
“Such a good girl taking everything I give you.” he pushes me back down onto the bed. His rhythm falters and I arch my back more to help him find his pleasure. His arm snakes around to my bud and my vision blurs as my pleasure tears through me again. I feel him fill me with his warmth and slowly pull out. I lay on his bed with my ass still in the air before he chuckles and pulls me down onto his chest. 
“We have a lot more of that book to get through.” he chuckles holding me against him. 
“I’ll find us more. I don’t want this to ever stop.” I cuddle into his chest more as he brushes my hair back. 
masterlist 🔌 
there will like 99.99% be a part 2 🙂
taglist ✍️
@clarityisnofun @gabriella-aesthetic @callsignwidow @llynx7 @violetiss3lfish @ka1afbr @akiko-oo @papichulo120627 @lizzylovebooks280501 @thatgirl101blog @ashovertheriver @zanygot7straykidsbonk @hueanhdang @malfoycassimalfoy @april-notthemonth69 @anaviieiraaa @p45510n4f4shi0n @neocockthotology @thereaderwitch @hardkiddonut @faenyra @hiimava11 @daintylittlesunflower @primroseluna @fiction-fanfic-reader @povofjustme
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frogcereal29 · 3 days
Nikto x savior!reader
So IDK what i was going for with this- but reader saves Nikto's life and he is... Grateful, in his own special Nikto way :)
Also Witten entirely in bulletpoints like hcs sjsgskshs cause heaven forbid I have to write a continuous story without any sudden jumpcuts when I can't come up with more shit to fill the space😭😭
Warning for military inaccuracies, mentions of religion, and google translated russian‼️ also nikto's thoughts are a bit obsessive. 18+ preferably
- He thought it was over. The building was about to collaspe, almost everyone else had been able to get out, but he was injured in the leg, and the fire was surrounding him. It wasn't the worst way to go, he supposed, a bit unmemorable. But who remembers a nobody anyways? Thats all he was.
- "You're not going to die." a voice? He knows that voice.
- you were one of his teammates, he recognized you from trainings and mealtimes, you never stood out to him before though. Just another body. But now. You were attempting to hoist him over your shoulder, despite him being so much bigger than you.
- "что? What did you say?" He rasps, voice weak. The smoke was starting to get to him. It didn't help he's been smoking for years, making his lungs shitty as can be.
- "I said, you're not going to die. We're not going to die." You seemed so self-assured, despite the seeming hopelessness of the situation, you started down a path yet to be touched by the flames, but one that was in the process of collasping, meaning you had to act fast. Jogging your way through the smoke, trying to keep your breathing steady.
- He knew you could go faster if you would just drop him. You would've been out of the building by now.
- "Just drop me. Im dead weight." He begs, his vision clouding as oxygen struggled to find its way to his lungs. His body trembled, his eyes stung and watered. But he wasnt scared. No.
- his time with Zakhaev taught him there are fates much worser than death. He's seen enough to last a lifetime, so he wouldn't mind dying so you could live, even if he didn't really know or care about you.
- "No." Was all you said back. So defiantly to a man who could kill your smaller form so quickly, of course, he was in no state to do so, but your firm rejection shocked him. He usually didn't have to ask twice for things, people usually understood what he was about and listened the first time.
- "We're not going to get out in time, save yourself. ты идиот? ты на самоубийственной миссии?" He cursed you off in Russian, flying right into one of your ears, and right back out the other.
- And then you did the absolute unthinkable. You were consoling him. Muttering phrases of reassurance and comfort. What the fuck?
- "you're going to be ok.", "Keep breathing.", "The team needs you Nikto.", "We need you."
- to say he was shook would be an understatement. You weren't technically doing anything wrong. And it wasnt like he'd never received help before. But never in his goddamn life, or at least never in this field of work, had anyone ever been so gentle and caring about it. To a stranger none the less. Yes, you were teammates through the PMC you both worked for, but that was the extent of your relationship prior to this, you had no worldly reason to risk your life for him, yet here you were. It dumbfounded him.
- you come to an exit, only to find it swarmed with flames. The only way out, you were surely doomed.
- "hang on." You said, and started running. Nikto would've screamed at you had he anymore strength. He was right, you were a suicidal lunitac, even moreso than him.
- congrats, you've startled nikto (I wouldn't say scared, he doesn't get scared to often) running into the wall of flames. He closed his eyes.
- It only lasted a second or two, nikto felt the flames brush his skin, and no doubt yours too. Searing away any exposed hairs on your body and face. But you flew through the doorway and stumbled out into the grass.
- when the coolness of the night air flew in through his mask holes, he shivered. How you two survived, he genuinely didn't know.
- He had abandoned all his faith, God ignored his cries and prayers when he was being tortured, something Nikto could never forgive, but in this moment he was thanking him again. Not just for his safety, but for the angel he just sent him. Thats what you must be. An angel. It wasn't his time and God sent this angel to carry him to safety.
- seconds later, the building completely collasped, but like a sick ass action movie, you didn't look back. Carrying Nikto to safety.
- When your walkie talkie catches a singal, asking for your status and reporting Nikto's MIA status. The team, whereever they regrouped, must've noticed your absence.
- "alive." You say informally into the walkie, "Nikto is with me." You report back, Nikto tunes you out as you dicuss further plans of meet up with your team, Nikto is just thinking about you.
- it isn't long until the team came to your aid, the combat nurse who came along on the mission took Nikto from your arms, and checked you down for injuries as well.
- everything ended up working out, the mission was a success despite some of the causalities, and you and Nikto made it out alive with only minor outter injuries and a bit of internal damage from the smoke inhalation, nothing you two couldn't sleep off in the hospital.
- life for you went back to normal after everything was said and done. But Nikto? Oh no. No no no. You changed everything for him. He would repay you, somehow, someway. He owed the angel his life. Eго ангел.
- everyone except you seems to take notice of a pattern immediately: wherever you were, Nikto would start showing up too. His previously reclusive behavior abandoned as he put himself in more social situations around base simply to be in the same room as you.
- maybe someone will eventually point it out to you, if it doesn't eventually become painfully obvious, finding flowers and russian chocolates outside your door all the time.
- hell, some nights you wake up in a sweat from a nightmare, and swear you can sometimes see a figure standing in the corner of your barracks, and a gentle voice distantly whispering to you, still delirious and sleepy.
- "Тсс, ангел, это всего лишь сон, я защищу тебя так же, как ты защитил меня."
- Your kindness wss like a drug in his head. He almost wants to injure himself on purpose nearby you, maybe you'd scoop him up, kiss his forehead, and tell him everything was going to be alright.
- Maybe you'd personally wrap his wounds and carry him back to your bed, and lay with him. He was sure he'd heal faster having you around, his pain always went away when you were near.
- His thoughts get a little deranged from time to time, but he tries to be so controlled with you, his little bird. And he is. He never acts out around you, even when everyone is being annoying and he has to stare off into the distance real still or else he's going to snap and kill everyone here. The last thing he wants is to scare you.
- He may be Nobody, but you, that fateful day, made him feel like a somebody. You brought back a small piece of Andre. And he will forever be yours. Please accept him, angel. He will take such good care of you
(ty for reading! If you haven't read but would like to check out my nikto and krueger hcs thei under the tag #lexwrites, its in my search too on my blog so yeah ;3 hope you enjoyed I love yall /p)
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lovelookspretty · 5 hours
lover of mine
drew starkey x actress!reader au
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— in which drew and y/n, secretly exes, must fake date in order to keep the peace at a mutual friend’s wedding, but the forced proximity makes them question whether they ever truly moved on.
warnings: cute little way to end the night .. OR SO U THINK
one | two | three | four
authors note: 😋😋 dont be mad guys im writing the next part asap. if you arent already part of the tag list, let me know in the replies, anons, or dms !! notifications are always on <3
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(pretend he’s wearing the same clothes stop)
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Liked by 14,082 others
dstarkeynews Drew and Y/N’s first appearance in a year on September 30th in Santa Barbara, California!
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user1 i haven’t heard about them in forever
user3 I thought they broke up 😭😭
↳ user4 i think they’re on and off
user5 I remember them from 2018 they’re so cute!
user6 tbh i’m happy for them !!
↳ user6 i’m crying .
user7 y’all don’t love them like i do
user8 i was really hoping they didn’t break up omg
user9 they thought they could keep it a secret 😒
user10 WERE THOSE FLOWERS FOR Y/N ????!?$:!:! OMGMGF 😭
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you’re carrying a basket of groceries as you walk with leila through the area. there’s not much on your mind besides checking items off of leila’s list. and it feels nice not having to worry about anything because leila makes you feel normal, makes you and drew feel normal.
speaking of, drew’s just trailing behind you both, though he checks out a few things whenever he sees something he wants to try.
eventually he comes up from your left side and places something he’s bought into your basket, then takes it from you so he can hold your hand with his opposite hand. it feels so natural that you don’t even react, and even if you did acknowledge it, you don’t care.
“it’s so nice to just be out here like regular human beings,” you say, though you note that there’s always a few following behind you three but keep their distance to be a little respectful of your space.
you can hear them giggling every now and then or saying ‘hi’ to their videos that they capture you in, but you don’t think much of it. you think it’s adorable.
drew, however, is itching to get to the car and go home already. leila’s complained twice already that they haven’t completed her list but you’ve already bought everything important for tonight, so you just suggest you go home so both parties still benefit.
leila’s a stubborn one but she gives in when drew is pleading with his palms together. you laugh when she says she can’t stand seeing his “stupid fucking puppy dog eyes”.
when you’re done with your little mini-trip, you return to the car. leila is skipping over with two bags of things while you and drew walk together behind her, swinging your hands back and forth.
he opens your door for you and takes the basket from you so he can keep it in the backseat with leila who happily takes it, and you slide into the passenger’s seat without a thought.
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“come on,” his voice pulls you out of the tiktok you’re watching, and you switch your phone off, leaving it on the bed as you drag a blanket with you.
drew’s heading downstairs and he dives right into the sofa, awaiting for everyone to come down already. you wrap the blanket around your body as you shuffle over, seating yourself by his legs.
he sits up instinctively and wraps his arms around you, the side of his head resting on your shoulder as you look around. only a few of you are there—you’re just missing gia and libby who, you guess, are getting the snacks and drinks. and you’re right.
“incoming everyone! don’t be alarmed,” libby says as she and gia make way with the food, and you’re in awe at the spread they’re providing.
“you have your homemade sandwiches—”
“that leila bought from the store,” libby is playing gia’s truth echo that makes you and the others laugh.
“assortment of chips!”
“that i got carried away with and ate half of!”
“can’t go wrong with your candies!”
“theo you owe me fifteen dollars!”
“and lastly,” gia closes it out as libby runs back to the kitchen to bring over the tray of cups and drinks. you see oscar rub his hands together mischievously as leila practically drools at the sight. “our drinks!”
libby holds up a cup, “with your name on this complimentary glass that you get to take home after the trip.”
you woo as the glass cups get passed down, and you compare yours with drews while giggling about the free gift. you reach for one of the bottles and fill your glass with it, then take a sip.
“this is what you were working all day on while we were away?” leila asks the girls, extremely impressed by how much dedication they had to providing everyone snacks for her movie night. it essentially is just putting the items into cute bowls and calling it a day, but still. it made her heart warm.
you reach forward and grab a few of the candies and hand one to drew, hinting that you want to try it together. these were purchased by you because you were curious about the taste earlier while you were out.
“ready?” you ask him quickly as he already knows the drill, getting prepared to try it as you count it off. “one, two—” you lean your head back to let the multiple candies you have slide into your mouth while drew just pops his one into his mouth.
as you chew, you raise your eyebrows in surprise. they're really good, and he nods, a small ‘oh yeah’ escaping his lips as he sucks some of the chocolate off of his fingers. you reach over to grab the small bowl, then keep it for yourself without saying anything.
you and drew share a blanket so you’re able to hide the bowl on your lap while he reaches to fill his glass with a drink. oscar hits play on the first movie and you lean into drew’s side to watch the movie this way.
you fall asleep during the second movie, long story short. you can’t help it. but at least you last longer than leila, who fell asleep toward the end of the first one. she was the first one to fall asleep during her own movie night.
drew’s arm tightens around you for a moment, and he shifts to look down at you, finally noticing you’ve completely drifted off.
with a sigh, he decides to call it a night and he rises, sliding out from under you. you stir but don’t fully wake, instinctively curling into the empty spot left by his body.
he hesitates, but then scoops you up gently. you don’t wake up even a bit while your head rests against his chest and he carries you upstairs to the guest room.
the room is already dimly lit by the moonlight filtering in through the windows. he carefully lays you down on the bed, your body finding the most comfortable position as he covers you with the blanket. your breathing is steady as you fall deeper into sleep, and he stands there for a moment, watching you in the soft light, before he moves to sit at the edge of the bed, his fingers brushing against your leg as he retrieves his phone from his back pocket.
for the first time all day, drew unlocks his phone, the screen lighting up with a shit ton of notifications. missed calls, texts, and a few unread emails flash across the screen, and he scrolls through them with a frown, trying to catch up.
as he gets back up to return to his side of the bed, he swipes through several messages, most of them from his close friends—some teasing, some concerned—before he pauses on one that makes his heart sink.
his eyes narrow, his thumb hovering over the text as his mind races. he was expecting a couple of messages, but not this. not this many. his phone buzzes again, a few more messages lighting up the screen, and he rubs a hand across his face, letting out a quiet, frustrated breath.
his gaze flickers to you again, making sure you’re still fast asleep. the last thing he wants is to wake you up with this, but he glances back down at his phone.
he presses the power button on his phone with a little more force than necessary, the screen going black, then he tosses the phone onto the nightstand with a dull thud. he quickly winces when the sound is a little louder than he expected.
his heart skips a beat when you stir, your eyes fluttering open just slightly, still half-asleep.
“star?” you mumble softly, the name slipping out instinctively.
drew freezes, his gaze immediately shifting to you as you shift under the covers. he forces a smile, leaning forward a little, his voice low and soothing. “sorry,” he murmurs. “just dropped my phone. go back to sleep, okay?”
you blink at him, your eyes barely open, but you manage a small nod, already too drowsy to fully process what’s going on. you can’t read that he’s just lied to you.
“mmf, okay…” you mumble, your body curling into the pillow as you drift back into sleep.
he lets out a quiet sigh of relief, watching as your breathing evens out again. for a moment, the tension in his chest eases, but only just. he leans back, letting his head rest against the headboard, staring up at the ceiling for a few moments before turning off the bedside lamp.
as the darkness settles around him, the weight of everything presses down harder, and he turns onto his side, facing you. the soft glow of moonlight still filters through the window, and you look so . . . peaceful.
he stays like that for a while, watching you sleep, his mind swirling with thoughts he can’t quiet.
but eventually, drew pulls the blanket up over his shoulder and closes his eyes, trying to shut out the noise in his head and go to sleep.
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@rubixgsworld @itgirlbrina @thepopcultureaddict @samsmelodrama @kissfinalgirl @itsamegazaddysworld @willowpains @toterry @wearemadeofstardust0 @maybankslover @itneverendshere @httpsdrewstarkey
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iid-smile · 2 days
waterfall , tomioka giyuu
x gn!reader ! giyuu using his water breathing, he asks for permission to confess and impress you!
author's note: im having writers block with kny specifically (future sunny: thats a bad excuse btw... i just dont because idk what to write for majority of the characters) so literally everything these days is jjk. justice for kny!!!!
double author's note: hi... future sunny here. this message ^^ yeah, that was FOUR WEEKS AGO now its just laziness rather than writers block... thats why the dialogue has literally no description half the time and i really did not want to finish this
triple author's note: ahaha i bet you've never seen three in a row 😈 anyways i forgot to post this after i proofread it half asleep so here u go
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"do you like rivers?"
"what about lakes?"
"i like anything to do with water, tomioka. you don't need to worry so much about what i like."
"i'm not worried." giyuu's gaze turns away from you, like it always does, and he looks straight ahead. "there's just something i want to try."
though slightly wary of his intentions, you know that giyuu isn't the type of guy to put you in situations where he doesn't have your consent first. and quite clearly, it's something to do with water, because he's been awfully chatty about different bodies of water, fishes, and just nature in general. it's difficult to make a guess of what he's planning, because sometimes he can just be so unintentionally unpredictable. and weird. he's a weirdo.
you walk behind him so he's able to lead the way. now that he's gone all quiet again, you can't help but furrow your eyebrows a bit. something he wanted to try? what could he possibly want to try in the middle of the night? let alone in a forest...
finally, he comes to a halt. obviously, you're a bit... confused, being stopped in front of a large, and deep body of water surrounded by rocks.
"hold my hand."
as if he knew you were going to ask that, he turns to face you with not a single change in his expression, neatly holding out his hand to you. "i'm going to do something, and i don't want you to slip." something. there's that something again.
your eyes flicker from his hand to his face just a few times, then to the surroundings, looking out for anything odd. he wouldn't be the type to prank you, would he?
"do you not trust me?"
"i do. it's just this something that you mention..."
"don't worry. i won't do anything bad."
would it be bad to say that he immediately soothed your worries? he was already speaking more than he usually would, and you noticed his free hand was always on the handle of his sword, so he's vigilant. no worries at all. you take his hand. it's cold, and unexpectedly smooth. "what are you going to do?"
no answer. he takes a step closer to the edge, just one little tip toe away from the surface of the water. "by any chance.." giyuu remains quiet, head bowed to the water below before his eyes move back up to yours. "do you have a significant other?"
"then," for a beat, he looks off to the side, and then turns his head back to you. "can i ask for your permission for me to... attempt to court you?"
"ah, is this why you brought me all the way out here? you have feelings for me?"
"...you found me out."
"you just told me that?"
"i didn't mean to."
the back of your hand comes up to your lips, poorly silencing your giggles. "you're a bit silly sometimes."
no response. "come."
giyuu takes a step down from the rocks, and into the body of water. from above, it was difficult to tell how far down the bottom of the lake was. "my clothes—"
he cuts you off. "don't worry. they won't get wet."
maybe he's telling the truth, since his aren't either. one last time, you look down at your covered feet, a nervous twitch running through them as the chill breeze suddenly became so apparent.
immediately, you're met with dreamlike arches of water and splashes surrounding the two of you, frozen in time and unmoving. for the first time, it feels like you're genuinely seeing his breathing technique visually, the sight similar to a vivid lucid dream. except this... this is way better. right in the climax, streams shoot up into the air, curving and twisting to form a heart in the center, then dispersing just as quick, the drops of rain disappearing into nothing as it touches skin.
it was beautiful, but beautiful wasn't even a word good enough to describe it.
"tomioka—?" but as you turn around, giyuu is nowhere to be seen. "huh? tomioka?"
you look left, and you look right. nobody's around: not a single life in sight. the trees are quiet, only the splashing of the waterfall fills in for the lack of noise around. and when you look down at your feet, you only see your legs submerged in water, all the way up to your knees. your haori steadily soaked up the liquid, the material darkening and growing heavier on your shoulders. "my socks!"
yes, you did have to walk home with wet tabi socks and zori with an uncomfortably damp surface. and yes, you did walk home with a constant flutter in your heart, not even knowing when the next time you'll catch a glimpse of him will be.
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Ooooommmmgggg i love golden chain! Its so good, Jason keeps getting more and more toxic towards us, suffocating us but he doesn’t care because we have him and what else could we need? I just know he was seething at seeing replacement Robin there, trying to take you away from HIM and i KNOW seeing Batman trying to save you didn’t help anything.
Batman sending Robin there means that he either knew where we were and was jut waiting for a time to strike or Jason had slipped up somewhere, doesn’t matter now bc now he’s kept you away from Batman again and AAAAAAAAA the small parallels between how Joker treated Jason to how Jason keeps us. Snatched up under Batman’s nose, kept secluded in a place no one would expect, Jason giving you that necklace and being gentle but firm that you keep it on, like how he can’t escape his own brand you can’t escape Jasons love obsession, and even eventually chaining us to a chair after escaping Batman? Love it, he’s awful he’s never letting us go, Joker won’t leave him even if he’s dead and by god Jason will make sure it’s the same way with us
He also definitely didn’t let our friends Krystal, Destini, and Robbi live, trying to warn us like that? They’re dead im so sorry my lovelies hes crazy
Also BEAAAANNN please tell me he’s ok the poor little baby kitty don’t let harm befall him he’s innocent, i love your writing, if u continue this (and don’t feel pressured to!) i just wish for bean to be ok our little meow
Ah, nonnie!! I literally read this so many times!! I'm so glad you liked it! Omg, I'm actually smiling so wide! Thank you for taking the time to send this! 🥰🥰
Between you and me, I do plan on continuing the series, I don't have too much written down for it right now, but I'm planning on calling it A Glass City.
I'm so thrilled people picked up on the parallels between how Jason's treating you and how he was treated! It's angsty, and I actually made myself unwell over it.
I'm more or less following the games timeline, and right now, Batman has no idea who the Arkham Knight is. What Batman does know is that the Arkham Knight kidnapped Jason's best friend.
Batman thinks it's a way to get under his skin and show his failure over not saving his last Robin. He has no idea that you being taken has nothing to do with him and everything to do with you.
Robin being the one to save you was pure coincidence. (On Batman's part, intentional on mine) Bruce, again, has no idea that you're important to the Knight. He had no idea that AK was going to drop everything to get to you, because he assumed you were just a tiny part of the game.
Robin was the convenient one to send, and it definitely made Jason more volatile than he would have been if Nightwing went instead. (He probably wouldn't have jumped off a building with you)
Some light spoilers under the cut about Bean and your three friends:
Bean is okay and will return in chapter four!
Krystal, Destini, and Robbi are alive, I SWEAR, but he definitely scared them. Jason knows you like them, and it would only be a problem if he killed them.
Honestly, they've been really nice to you, and he knows they make you happy. If anything, he wants them to keep doing their job after this all blows over. (If he gets his way and wins)
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oscconfessions · 1 day
you know, i kinda wished more people took into account that maybe OJ (ii) is autistic and not really something like NPD? it feels a bit wrong to say he is that by the writing of the show? there's nothing wrong with headcanoning him as such though. (as i know it's a personal comfort for people!) maybe im a bit biased, but as someone who's autistic, i tend to see a lot of oj's traits and behaviors being stuff i've done before. (miscommunicating, unable to handle sheer amounts of social stressors, cleanliness/over-cleanliness, etc...) and yes. autistic people can come off as selfish/mean/etc. it happens to me all the time without me even trying sometimes. :/ i know his writing in season 1 was even supposed to be "the quiet normal one" and then he got a chance to be in the spotlight more, but even in seasons as late as three he still struggles with the same traits he's had since season 1. (he even says to paper in season 1 that he's not able to trust anyone because his past connections fell apart due to the nature of the competition and he seemed really genuinely happy that paper wanted to be his ally/friend) he even went out of his way to apologize to pickle when he said something he knew he was wrong, so he tried to amend the issue as soon as possible! and he even went out of his way to help paper when he was struggling with the evil paper stuff. i know a lot of people disregard season 1 for writing, but i feel his season 1 time is a huge part of why he's the way he is in season 2 and onward. yeah he won the show, but he HATES the spotlight. he doesn't revel in it. when he was the host temporarily in season 2 he did a really horrible job at it and that's because of the pressure placed on him. (he even talks about how the show puts a pressure on people. if anything his conversation with balloon came from an extremely personal perspective: his own!) he wasn't trying to push balloon away in a negative way he just didn't want the same to happen to him too! i just don't think saying he's selfish and self-centered is right. i wish there was more headcanons that focused on him being autistic because he very much reads this way to me and not necessarily NPD. it's just an extreme disservice to his character to me. he's not "self-centered/selfish" he just doesn't know how to express himself without using a high social status that his peers know him well for. that's much more in line with an autistic trait imo.
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tennessoui · 6 months
*holds microphone to your face* miss kit, your brain is so interesting and amazing and i love everything it thinks of, so I have to ask *deep breath*….if, in a modern au/whatever-you-choose-au, how would you portray a Vader&Anakin duo? How obsessed would they both be with Obi-Wan? How would the old man handle getting the Skywalker attention x2? How dark would you make it or could you see it going in a more comedic direction? If in the GFFA universe, would they both be Obi-Wans Padawan (via loophole/bullshit-wxlapnation)? How much shit would they get up too? And finally….would be Obi-Wan be getting the double D? 😳
*yanks back mic* that’s all! Thank you for you input, and I’ll def be watching out for that body politic au 😉
(2/2) Whoops! Forgot to add the “Vader-no-crisp-version-just-a-twin note” 🙈😵‍💫
hm this is a great ask -and also thank you for the compliment!! so funnily enough 2 different fics/universes jump to mind, and neither are exactly what you're after, but both are close in different ways -
in the playmaker au, where undercover obi-wan is corrupted by mob boss anakin, anakin is written as having two personalities: anakin & vader, and in the ficlets, both names are used but not interchangeably. they're meant to reflect vaderkin's mind at whichever moment, so it's sort of like both vader and anakin are obsessed with obi-wan and he's getting a crazy amount of attention
but closer to what you're after is: 'if you love me let it remain unnamed', where for some hand-wavey reason, obi-wan and anakin from the gffa universe hop to a different universe where the jedi have fallen and there's an empress and a rebellion. they don't meet vader, but they do meet an older anakin skywalker who goes by the name set and is a smuggler, and for a few days, obi-wan has the undivided attentions of both his padawan who is in love with him and set who wants to fuck him
(spoiler alert, set fucks him. anakin also fucks him. it's a double d situation)
that fic ends with the gffa pair finding their way back to the correct galaxy (it's assumed at least) and set!anakin finding his own obi-wan in his galaxy!
and that's because i'm like a very weird writer/shipper where when i say i only ship obikin i mean i only ship them with each other's other part. i don't really read or have interest in writing a time traveling anakin story where he gets with old ben or a time traveling obi-wan story where he gets with a padawan anakin or something or an anakin from another dimension after his becomes vader. no one understands him like his anakin/his obi-wan understands him and they're a matched set!! idk how i would handle two anakins for one obi-wan in a scenario where it's not a temporary glitch but an actual long-term thing
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My entry for a prompt week we organized on the SatoSho Discord Server. The prompt was Soft Touches
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lovesickeros · 3 months
popping in randomly after almost an entire month just to talk non stop about the tsaritsa again everyone sit down.
specifically just thinking about the implications of tsaritsa's ideals originally being about love + the abandonment of those ideals to complete her goal of, presumably, destroying Celestia or whatever she's cooking up. to the point even her people don't love her and I probably don't even remember a time her ideals were of love. now it's all just ice and snow and cold.
which makes romantic fics w her even funnier because she's purposely removed this part of herself and suddenly reader walks into teyvat like they own the place (they do) and I can only imagine her reaction. angry, probably. because why you? what are you doing to her that's caused her hundreds of years of strict adherence to rejecting "love" both from others and to others to just. collapse. absolute shattering of her world and you probably don't even know it bc if nothing else she's good at hiding it. a lot of denial. tries to pick you apart and see what's makes you so different.
and oh she just hates it. she loathes it.
basically one sided enemies to lover trope because she can't stand you for a while but if you stick around she starts warming up to you and it makes it WORSE. so much worse. tries to distance herself but your just everywhere and it gets on her nerves because why does she love you? she isn't capable of love, not anymore. she thought she was.
g-d forbid one of the harbingers or PIERRO notices she'd never live it down. might even consider the implications of just killing you (she doesnt). worse if you know about it and act like a brat she will lose her damn mind
just the tsaritsa being an absolutely horrible mess internally.
#sagau#genshin sagau#self aware genshin#genshin impact sagau#self aware genshin impact#genshin cult au#genshin impact cult au#tsaritsa#i could also talk sbt furi here and how similar they r + how writing one of them influences my writing of the other#but anyway#ive been busy moving i havent had time to write unfortunately#but i do have time for tsaritsa! and furi. mwah#i just think its funny imagining tsaritsa trying to be polite snd cordial but ohh shes SEETHING. she hates you. she loves you.#she wants to kiss you snd kill you and devour you. a horrible mess of a woman who closed herself off snd suddenly she feels exposed#she hates it. wants to hate you but oh g-d you make her soft in the worst of ways. she'd destroy teyvat itself if you asked her to#shes like a cat you gotta work to earn her trust but oh lord when you do. velcroed to your side#she will say she despises you before kissing you so tenderly it makes you dizzy. between vitriol she brushes her knuckles against your cheek#longing and yearning so violently you will tear each other apart just to be closer.#is there anything so undoing as loving another so wholly it consumes you?#she swears she's indifferent but she pampers you and sends you extravagant gifts with no name attached yet it smells like her. you know.#oh to be in a horribly complicated relationship thats almost one sided enemies to lovers w the tsaritsa that consumes you both#like two stars wanting to be closer and yet..in doing so you undo each other when you inevitably collide. caught in an orbit that dooms both#this has been ur monthly tsaritsa ranting ur welcome and goodnight 🫡#when i say im crazy sbt the tsaritsa i am so serious. i AM her number 1 fan source me
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suntails · 2 years
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stunie · 6 days
it’s so easy to forget that you can literally write whatever you want
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milkbreadtoast · 10 months
random but i resolved to post abt it every time i find a webtoon that I enjoy... and lately I've been having fun reading this one...
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*rubs nose* heh... I do dabble in het from time to time... no but seriously it's a p straightforward lighthearted enemies to lovers romcom, not groundbreaking or anything yet im over here kicking my feet and giggling the main couple is SO cute to me... i luv them... I actually couldnt wait to find out what happens next so ive been slowly reading ahead in the kor whenever i have time and they're sooo cute😭😭 I also like the art style and costume design a lot!! it gives me like. a nostalgic 90s shoujo anime vibe tbh... w the puffy hair and babyfaces...
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seilon · 5 months
please don’t by k.will did more for the gays back in 2012 than any boy group can possibly do with fan service and crop tops in 2024
#do young kpoppies know about please don’t by k.will. im serious do they know#I think about it a lot#it’s impossible to replicate the feeling of being gay and watching that mv in the 2010s and just getting bodyslammed by the ending.#like he really just dropped that shit in TWENTY TWELVE#kibumblabs#to this day I think that’s the most explicitly gay mv ive seen in kpop by an established artist#(ie not holland. no shade to him but he kinda built his platform on being an openly gay artist and he’s not a big industry name or anything#which makes the impact significantly different. if that makes sense. anyway.)#like think about any other example. almost all of them can be brushed off as fan service or are at least vague enough to be#up for interpretation#please don’t’s ending is nearly fucking impossible to write off as anything but explicitly gay#no fanservice involved. no vague staring in each other’s eyes. just straight up Oh He’s Not Jealous Of His Friend He’s Jealous Of His#Friend’s Fiancé. oh#like that’s the whole point. interpreting it any other way doesn’t make sense with the impact it’s purposefully supposed to make#like seriously try to say ‘he’s just sad he’s losing his friend to marriage :(‘ or something. you have to be REAL fucking stupid or#deeply in denial to make that argument let alone believe it#anyway. I appreciate this mv a lot#k.will the OG of doomed yaoi in kpop#kill me#closest contender off the top of my head is one more day by sistar#also note I am talking about mvs here not songs in general#cause if I were talking about songs in general. key’s out there pretty much writing about gay sex at this point so I mean#k.will#kpop#only adding actual tags because I want you to watch this mv if you haven’t already
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st4rstudent · 2 months
centipede brian feels alot like glados from portal (in a good way) it’s probably the cocky smart attitude that lacks hesitation to mock somebody
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they both love insulting! The difference is that Glados at least has something to back it up with.
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thelesbododo · 2 months
I just realized I accidentally predicted Bakugou sacrificing himself for Deku when making up an AU fic in my head last year 😭
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jenivi · 1 year
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the little flying pearl robot is so cute!! i love her lil crown, the little flaps that look like her tentacles, and the eyes and eyebrows!! im betting marina made it for her💗 its like their child
marina, in this trailer, doesnt seem to be speaking through the same mic with pearl like octo expansion. so if were looking at it in a positive-nothing-bad-happened-to-marina light, marina has her own robot that isnt shown in the trailer. but my main guess is that something happened to marina like being sucked in like dedf1sh and lost within wherever they are
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