#or how obi-wan would lol
tennessoui · 6 months
*holds microphone to your face* miss kit, your brain is so interesting and amazing and i love everything it thinks of, so I have to ask *deep breath*….if, in a modern au/whatever-you-choose-au, how would you portray a Vader&Anakin duo? How obsessed would they both be with Obi-Wan? How would the old man handle getting the Skywalker attention x2? How dark would you make it or could you see it going in a more comedic direction? If in the GFFA universe, would they both be Obi-Wans Padawan (via loophole/bullshit-wxlapnation)? How much shit would they get up too? And finally….would be Obi-Wan be getting the double D? 😳
*yanks back mic* that’s all! Thank you for you input, and I’ll def be watching out for that body politic au 😉
(2/2) Whoops! Forgot to add the “Vader-no-crisp-version-just-a-twin note” 🙈😵‍💫
hm this is a great ask -and also thank you for the compliment!! so funnily enough 2 different fics/universes jump to mind, and neither are exactly what you're after, but both are close in different ways -
in the playmaker au, where undercover obi-wan is corrupted by mob boss anakin, anakin is written as having two personalities: anakin & vader, and in the ficlets, both names are used but not interchangeably. they're meant to reflect vaderkin's mind at whichever moment, so it's sort of like both vader and anakin are obsessed with obi-wan and he's getting a crazy amount of attention
but closer to what you're after is: 'if you love me let it remain unnamed', where for some hand-wavey reason, obi-wan and anakin from the gffa universe hop to a different universe where the jedi have fallen and there's an empress and a rebellion. they don't meet vader, but they do meet an older anakin skywalker who goes by the name set and is a smuggler, and for a few days, obi-wan has the undivided attentions of both his padawan who is in love with him and set who wants to fuck him
(spoiler alert, set fucks him. anakin also fucks him. it's a double d situation)
that fic ends with the gffa pair finding their way back to the correct galaxy (it's assumed at least) and set!anakin finding his own obi-wan in his galaxy!
and that's because i'm like a very weird writer/shipper where when i say i only ship obikin i mean i only ship them with each other's other part. i don't really read or have interest in writing a time traveling anakin story where he gets with old ben or a time traveling obi-wan story where he gets with a padawan anakin or something or an anakin from another dimension after his becomes vader. no one understands him like his anakin/his obi-wan understands him and they're a matched set!! idk how i would handle two anakins for one obi-wan in a scenario where it's not a temporary glitch but an actual long-term thing
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oreolesbian · 2 years
Let’s discuss two clips taken from a scene in Return of the Jedi.
The first thing to establish is the metatextual disclaimer that ROTJ was released in 1983. The prequel trilogy was released in 1999, 2002 and 2005 respectively. Because of this, it is important to note that most of the lore about the Jedi Order we know from newer canon does not apply when talking about this film in isolation. In an in-canon context discussion, this is irrelevant, but here I want to discuss specifically the themes and pivotal points to the characterization of Luke Skywalker as established by the original trilogy as a whole.
The entire ROTJ Dagobah sequence as it sits in the narrative is a direct response to the events of the ending of Empire Strikes Back, where Luke disobeyed Ben and Yoda’s instructions and abandoned his training to confront Vader and save his friends before he was ready. That scene in ESB on its own already establishes a rift between Luke’s values and the values of Ben and Yoda. However, it is heavily implied that Luke was wrong to do this because he loses to Vader on Bespin and nearly dies, just as Ben and Yoda feared. However, the revelation of Vader being Luke’s father changes the scenario drastically.
In the scene above and the scene prior to it (Yoda’s death), Luke directly confronts both of his teachers on being lied to about Vader’s true identity. Because up to this point, Luke knows he has been training to eventually kill Vader (and the Emperor). Not bring him to justice - kill him.
Luke, having idolized his father since childhood (as A New Hope establishes), is realistically troubled by the news that he now has to kill his father. So troubled, that he asks Yoda, “Is Vader my father?” just so he can be sure. Luke is visibly angry in this scene when Yoda insists that he knowing would have only made him act more irrationally and emotionally. That he wasn’t ready for the truth. But the underlying question remains, did Yoda or Ben ever really plan to tell Luke the truth? After all, Yoda is disappointed that Luke found out, because he knew it would create resistance.
Yoda and Ben are fearful of another Vader, and it’s why Yoda was reluctant to train Luke in the first place.
After this, Luke confronts Ben with the same question, upsetly saying, “You told me Vader betrayed and murdered my father.”
So now we have a second scene of Luke directly doubting his mentors’ motives. Whichever character you agree with being in the right as an audience member, however, is irrelevant, because in terms of character, Luke believes he is right, Ben believes he is right, Yoda believes he is right, etc. And instead of Luke blindly following the wills of his teachers, he truly starts to question whether being a Jedi for him is directly what Yoda and Ben want from him.
Ben laments in the scene above that Luke is their only hope and that Luke’s refusal to kill his own father without at least attempting to find the man he used to be is a doomed scenario. Ben and Yoda have every right to think this - they have seen Vader in both forms and have effectively lost hope in him. Luke, who has only seen a dark side of Vader, has more room for optimism to reclaim the Jedi Knight his father once was.
Not only this, but as a scene, Luke turning against Ben and Yoda’s wishes directly leads an audience to think: ‘Hmm. Vader went against the teachings of Ben and Yoda. Now Luke is doing it too. Is this his path to the Dark Side?’ Which is another narrative point to the scene. All of ROTJ is pushing this ‘what if’ now that we know Luke and Vader are related — all which builds to the ultimate climax of Luke’s decision in the final throne room fight.
“You cannot escape your destiny,” is what Ben says to Luke. But this is what Luke does.
He proves Ben and Yoda wrong.
He proudly proclaims that he’s still a Jedi, but in a way he believes in.
And it’s not even to say that he fully disagrees with Yoda and Ben, because he clearly respects them as his mentors. But Luke changes from ANH to ROTJ. He starts to form his own ideas about what a Jedi is to him, rather than what he’s supposed to do for the good of the galaxy. He makes a decision that he alone can stop Vader without killing him. That he’d rather lay down his life and die a Jedi than do what Yoda and Ben asked him to do (and ironically, what Palpatine also wanted him to do) and live as something he doesn’t believe in.
“Bury your feelings deep down, Luke. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the Emperor.”
For full context, Ben says this immediately after revealing Leia’s true identity to Luke - which leads us to believe that Luke’s care for his sister is something that could be used against him (as we see in the throne room fight when Vader threatens Leia). Luke cares for Leia and Han immensely, hence why he risks everything to rescue them on Bespin. And ultimately his fear of losing Leia is what makes him snap in his fight on the Second Death Star (which we later learn in the prequels, of course, as a direct parallel, is that Anakin’s fear of loss is what drove him to the Dark as well - so it matches up that Lucas is focused on fear as the emotion Jedi must control above all else, and interestingly enough, fear is driving Yoda and Ben throughout the duration of the OT). His feelings served what the Emperor wanted from him - to kill Vader and take his place.
But Ben also says - “[your feelings] do you credit.”
A simple acknowledgment that maybe, maybe Luke’s endless compassion and determination could change something. For the audience, who is fearful that Luke may fall Dark, and for Ben, whose last bit of hope is left lingering on a sentence. “You were our last hope.”
Luke Skywalker is hope. He’s hope. He’s Ben’s hope. He’s Padmé’s hope. He’s Anakin’s hope. He’s Han and Leia’s hope. He’s the Rebellion’s hope. He’s the Jedi’s hope. He’s the universe’s hope. He’s a New Hope.
He represents all of that in this film - in this few seconds, we get so much character.
And this - quintessentially - is why ROTJ is the perfect blueprint for understanding Luke’s character. How he interprets the Jedi way, how he has complicated emotions that both serve him well and lead him astray, and how he triumphs through hope.
So in full — Luke redefines what being a Jedi is for himself. In ANH, he expects it to be a whimsical adventure (it is not). In ESB, he expects it to be whatever Yoda and Ben have planned for him (it is not). And in ROTJ, he doesn’t know what to expect anymore, but embracing what he feels is the right thing to do is what pushes him forward.
He claims the Jedi title in a way that is fully earned and does not need the approval of his mentors nor the standard training (that he would never get in his era anyway). The Jedi return because of Luke - but they come back different. And not in a direct ‘the Jedi of old were all bad’ way, but in a ‘looking towards the future’ way. Because Luke believes in and values the idea of making your own destiny and the flexibility of the Force’s will. An idea which would inevitably pass to his students (who would then have their own personal interpretations of the Jedi way or even the Force in general).
So yes — writing Luke in a way where he teaches exactly the way the old Code would’ve gone without critical thought, or having him lose faith in a student over a single bad feeling, or disregarding him (meta-textually) as a Jedi, or presenting him as sticking to a very strict and specific set of rules for how training is supposed to work, etc., is all directly contrasting to the arc we are presented in the original trilogy.
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starwarsshippings · 1 year
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ok but what if for the clone wars 20th birthday they released a special addition where early padawan ahsoka is wearing this outfit instead of the tube top? (since it's been retconned in both totj and now in ahsoka)
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tranakin-skywalker · 1 year
Screaming crying tearing my hair out trying to figure out how the fuck the GAR is structured
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for the character solidifying asks - 49 and 50 for the oc(s) of your choice !
hiiii oh my gosh is this the first time youve been in my ask box. i think so. i am so sorry it has taken me a literal month but here, i offer you my second favorite jedi dad and then a miserable wet rat of a seer character solidifying asks here
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent? Hellir’-Amderak Edi Drovaddal // Hellir’ has a very smooth, soulful, I won’t say gentle but.. non-domineering voice. He is a Diplomat and must adjust his voice as needed for pretty much any situation but at rest he is quite soft-spoken, and pronounces his words pretty easily? He doesn’t speak so crisp when he’s not on the job. It’s between a mumble, and just on the tip of a smile. He’s VERY deliberate, no matter what the case may be. If he says it, he means it. And he has kept his native Balosar accent to him (which is like a typical Coruscanti Basic accent, just.. slightly to the left of the usual from what you hear on the surface but not quite found on any other level. A bit gruff, choppy at times, but never upset or accusatory or negative. It’s just a little to the left of it all.)
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating? Jupso Onurimaa // He always looks like he’s suffering, because he usually is. It’s the slightly furrowed brow, a little frown to him, lips pressed tightly together, he’s got worry and remorse in his eyes more than anything else. He’s withdrawn even in expression, when anyone’s able to see it. He used to be very good at hiding this away from others but he’s slipped up majorly since resurrection, and if you see him with no veil…
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
So in your opinion, how would anakin handle meeting youngling obi wan? who was even more chaotic than anakin lol
meeting?? i think just hearing about him would be enough!
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tarre-was-right · 1 month
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Remember, this is NOT about who would win in a fight. This is about who makes the best leader for Mandalore as a whole.
Explanation post
Propaganda below the cut! You can submit more on this post and I will reblog it back to here!
Anon: Boba The Builder, can he do it? Boba The Builder, yes he can!
@spacetime1969: He grew up in the political game that is the criminal underworld and managed to out manuver all the other groups on Tatooine to take control of the planet. That's not something you can pull off without political and tactical skill.
Anon: Boba Fett Propaganda: - Boba Fett was explicitly raised by his father, past Mand'alor Jango Fett, to be the legacy of his own adopted buir, Mand'alor Jaster Mereel; while this training did seem to focus more on the bounty hunting and mercenary aspects of their work, it presumably included many lessons about working with people and negotiating, both of which would come in very handy - Boba is commonly held to be a classic example of a child who grew up in a cultural diaspora, feeling largely disconnected from his Mandalorian roots; given the climate on Mandalore after the Galactic Empire glassed it during the Rebellion Era, his experience is likely representative of many of the surviving Mandalorians, who likely also grew up away from their traditional homeworlds in the sector, possibly even in hiding as in the case of Din Djarin's Covert - speaking of Din Djarin, the strong respect between him and Fett would likely put Fett in good standing with those traditionalists, who would similarly respect Fett's connection to their people as the son of a Foundling, even if he wasn't raised the same way as them - in Legends, Fett's connection with Goran Beviin and his family really brought him more fully back into Mandalorian culture, and in a way that makes a good story to sell to reporters (and readers, breaking the fourth wall a bit there, lol) - finally, Boba DID become Mand'alor in Legends continuity, and one that seemingly enjoyed popular support!
Anon: You know what? Boba Fett was given a bad hand in life. He’s done some bad things. But you know what he’s shown? Drive. Commitment. Determination. Resilience. Willpower. And a shocking refusal to die when he’s gone up against bitches badder than himself. Thats more than some Mandalorian leaders can say for themselves. He keeps going. And it’d be funny. Here IS how Jaster can still win. - Also I think that he would be pretty chill. Cody prolly couldnt be. We’ve seen him rule a city, maybe questionably.. but he was hot doing it. Fennec would probably help him and she’s hot too. Din would prolly be good with it. Cody’s last experience ruling was being involved in the empire and witnessing a horrible execution after negotiating a surrender. He prolly wants nothing to do with it now. And good for him! Let!! Cody!!! Retire!!! This isn’t a popularity contest.
Anon: Boba Fett Propaganda: Boba Fett literally was the Mand’alor in legends, and he did a pretty fine job
Anon: Propaganda for Commander Cody: - Cody was a student of Alpha-17, who in turn had been personally trained by former Mand'alor Jango Fett, giving him a strong training lineage claim to the title - Cody's service as Marshall Commander in the GAR gave him a lot of the diplomatic, organizational, and military experience needed to govern a planet like Mandalore
@spacetime1969: This man has led more people at once than anyone on this list.
Anon: Cody should be Mand'alor because it would be unspeakably sexy
@cha0s-cat: Cody has experience with negotiating from accompanying Obi-Wan, he leads a massive amount of his brothers already. Can recognize when there is a need for negotiations vs a need for violence. This would balance out the majority of the two factions (pacifists/traditionalists) excluding the extremists on either end. And with the amount of chaos that he has to deal with when it comes to Obi-Wan and Anakin, this would probably be relaxing.
@skykind: - Has resisted facism and its attendant police/military state at great personal risk (Bad Batch 2.3), which is apparently necessary to successfully govern Mandalore so long as Death Watch is fully armed and also backed by someone more cunning than their usual leadership (Clone Wars 5.15). - Possesses exceptional leadership and organizational ability from his time as one of the highest-ranked Clone officers of the GAR. The Clone Wars and Bad Batch narratives furthermore present him as Obi-Wan’s peer, so he should be interpreted as equally skilled, wise, kind, and unhinged-in-battle as Obi-Wan. Jury’s out on the sarcasm. - Turns to diplomacy before fighting (Bad Batch 2.3). - Has caught a Jedi’s lightsaber mid-battle at least two times (Clone Wars 1.20 and Revenge of the Sith). This is a very useful skill to have as the prospective or current leader of people who keep chucking the darksaber about. - Has returned a lightsaber to a Jedi at least two times. This is a crucial skill to have as the prospective or current leader of people who should stop selecting said leader via darksaber acquisition.
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the-trash-site · 10 days
My favourite type of fanfiction at the moment has been 'y/n is reincarnated into fandom to save the characters from canon!'. (currently mainly reading for JJK and MHA as that's what I'm obsessed with.) There's something so pure about the plot and how the author has fun with it. With scenes where yn is lowkey simping or the actual character of the fandom being dorky.
I think the appeal (besides the amazing writing and passion given into each chapter of these fanfic, rec list below) of this is how straightforward it can be. You already know the characters, you know the canon. All you learn when first reading is what ability you get and how you fit within the world. Which is usually attending the school or growing up with the character.
But mostly, what I love is seeing the butterfly effect and the new dynamics it can create. But lately, I can't help but wonder about a fanfic that has the vibe of 'careful what you wish for'. And seeing what ripples that could make. (I write mostly of JKK and MHA but these ideas could be apply to AOT or Demon Slayer or any other fandom.)
I find it hilarious if instead, the y/n is older than the main group. Imagine being the milf/dilf of MHA. Being the same age as All Might or old enough to adopt characters like Shigaraki.
Or being the in-between age of Deku and the teachers. Where your options are; hanging out with the League of Villains, working hard asf to be a top hero to be around Hawks/the plot. Or becoming a teacher/assistant to watch over class 1A to change canon. I mean, what else are you meant to do in your early twenties? You literally have to force yourself into the plot lol
Oh, you have a favourite character, like Nanami, Gojo or Choso you want to meet? Here you go, a new life as their child! (probably be a sibling for Choso lol) Oh you met you wanted to rizz them up and treat them right? Nope, sorry, you're forced to tag along and face any challenges that would come as being a child to a; Jujutsu sorcerer/ the strongest/ a half-curse spirit.
Oh, this time you specified the thought of being dating/married to Aizawa/Geto/Toji as you died? Kinda weird but here you go! Your new life as their spouse! But only, you don't gain memories from this new life, as you only remember about the canon. Don't mind the grief and odd looks the character is giving you, their amnesia darling. It's not like you can't remember the wedding you two shared. (for maximum angst, they have the kids and you're just clueless about being a parent and saving the canon. yikes)
Okay, but what if you get super lucky? You get to be with the main character and do real help! Everything is fine in JJK but Sukuna is dead set on killing you. Every chance he gets, he uses until he kills you. But it's only after he brought you back that you learn it's because he actually loves you. After all, you're the reincarnated of his reincarnated dead wife. (not confusion at all, lol) He was just pissed that you dead centuries ago and couldn't have the life you two planned. It was his way of getting even. Definitely not annoying when trying to save characters.
Okay, for real now. Everything is perfectly fine...But what's this? Yuji and Izuku are actually yandere for you? Oh, that wouldn't change canon that much, right?
Anyway, here are my favourites fanfics;
Otherworldy attraction by Kilkyo851 JJK | on AOE | multiple pairings
When I catch you Gege by Quinnyundertow JJK | on AOE | multiple pairings
Daybreak by sexy-captain-rexy (smolkatsudon) Star wars | poly Obi-Wan, Anakin Skywalker and reader pairing| on AOE
Promise: Thorin x Fíli x reader Hobbit | love angle with true pairing haven't been shown | on AOE (this one is interesting as reader has more visions than knowledge from media.)
Changing History [MHA! Various F!Reader] by summerblack | MHA | on Qoutev
The Future's Keeper [MHA!Various x F!Reader] by summerblack | MHA | on Quotev
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padawansuggest · 10 months
Okay so on Coruscant there are very few people that don’t actually go out into the streets (I’m thinking politicians and Jedi might be some of the few who don’t have to go outside very often if at all because the senate and the temple are both the size of a small city) which means that 1: they NEED to have vitamin D lights on the streets of Coruscant because otherwise everyone would be depressed like in the deepest winter at all times. And 2: that means I think the Jedi temple and the senate themselves also are just full of Vitamin D lights.
Also y’all need to stop writing fics where kids are afraid of ‘getting caught sneaking around after dark’ or something because the temple is literally so full of species that you have no idea of that kid is nocturnal or whatever. They very well could be. Tbh I wanna write a fic where someone catches Obi-Wan sneaking around at night to play a prank with Quin or something and he’s all ‘bruh my eyes glow in the dark I’m obviously meant to be awake at this hour’ and no one can argue with him. Stuff like that.
Also I think the temple neeeeeeeds multiple healing halls (once more. It is the size of a small city) one in the aquatic center of the temple (which canonically exists) one in the temple main (which should span over like four levels and act as it’s own building okay) and one in the creche. This is the MINIMUM amount of healing halls I think they should have.
A tram system should be inside the walls. Places in the temple that act as sideways lifts and also a subway system because believe it or not, there are species in the temple as small as one foot tall, and I’m not just talking about Grogu, I’m talking about others like Kushiban and others similar. Once more. It is the size of a small city. They should have both subway type stations (that take you certain places like the main healing halls or the biggest canteen or the supply sector of the temple things like that) because oh my god imagine how many hours the commute to your workstation could take if you didn’t have that shit. Annoying af.
They gotta have names for all the different canteens okay. Like ‘meet me in the cafeteria’ in a temple the size of a small city is bullshit cause even in the books they have multiple cafeterias.
A… let’s call it a Mall Section of the temple. A place where you can pick up groceries (the temple makes their own food and I assume most of it is cooked in careens but also not letting people cook their own food is a recipe for a Jedi starving to death on a mission lmao) but they also have a salon (skin care and hair care are very important and if you let all these babies cut their own hair they gonna turn out like me no one wants that) and a clothing ‘store’ where you can get certain size clothes and robes from, or even undercover mission clothes. There need to be Jedi in these places too!!! Imagine going to the salon with your master and having a gossip talk about your new lineage member!!! It’s important to society!!!
A Jedi movie theater where the masters send their kiddos on the weekend so they can enjoy a glass of wine and not be sneezed on for three hours.
I’ve actually seen a few mentions in fics and posts about tea salons so that is def also a thing. It’s the Jedi version of a cafe. I think people who like baking take turns working there and everyone chips in for tea selections and stuff.
Droid Ubers. They need to get somewhere but feel sick as heck and it’s not near any good lifts or the subway trams??? Call a droid Uber lmao. It shouldn’t be unusual either lol just grandmaster on his way to bother his kid while not aggravating his hip after hip surgery.
Remember that Jedi who are like 10 foot tall also exist so remember there ARE apartments in the temple that could fit Kenobi’s Dino-Horse girl Boga.
There should also be apartments with like 10 bedrooms and bathrooms (or even one giant communal bathroom) around a singular living/cooking space!!! Let Jedi live in communes!!!!
The aquatic levels of the creche are def the cutest place in the temple you can’t argue with me on the idea of water babies swimming and cuddling under water.
On another note to the fact that species like Kushiban exist???? Imagine tiny doors and corridors that used to be used by mouse droids but they became so useful to tiny Jedi so they got taken over. Just imagine that.
Bartering markets where Jedi trade things, mostly things they get on missions or are given to them as gifts, nothing goes to waste so they find a proper place for all gifts and extras here.
Cooking classes. Obi-Wan has been kicked out of all of them his cooking is so bad. Anakin claims bullshit he loves Master’s cooking! But then, he also eats worms…
Anyways. Y’all too single minded with this shit. It just be all ‘cafeteria, living quarters, healing halls and archives’ with you guys. Where is the culture. Where is the acknowledgment of multiple species all living in the same area taking place in a culture of peace and galactic exploration???? Give them a liquor store idgaf.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
Remember my post about Anakin pulling a Mike Murdock? Yeah, no, I have a full on AU concept now (with contributions by @threebea! indented)!
He lies so hard about having a brother that the universe invents a twin from scratch for him. It happens when Anakin is like twelve.
Anakin was just committing to the bit on a mission because he was bored.
The Force was also bored.
Oh no Anakin force manifests a sibling Obi-Wan: …That's not how the Force works. Anakin: You tell the Force that. Obi-Wan: Well, I suppose this would be your half-brother since the Force is your shared parent. Obi-Wan after the initial shock: This might as well happen.
New brother is better at some things and worse at others, as any person is. Anakin is, naturally, a fucking mess about all that, worries he'll be replaced, etc.
Obi-Wan just brings this to the Council and nobody can DENY this Skywalker from the Jedi after they already took the first one. So. Mace volunteers.
This Skywalker is a bit more Force than Anakin, got glowing eyes and visions and the Animal Communion buff. But is worse at flying, worse at tech, and unfathomably worse at people. Which is a FEAT, since Anakin's not too hot at social skills in the first place.
Mace has his hands full in many ways, including "keep this child from walking face first into the wall."
Obi-Wan: We are not calling him Anagain.
Anakin had many mixed feelings but! If he's going to have family then he's going to commit!
The other option is that the brother is younger by enough that the Older Brother instincts kick in, but I think the one-sided twin rivalry is funnier.
Anakin: I'm a big brother now. Anagain: I think we're supposed to be twins. Anakin: I have more worldly experience. Anagain: I'm taller. Anakin: wut Anagain: alpha twin alpha twin (that's his nickname until you come up with actual name lol) Obi-Wan: Well, I'm taller than both of you, and while that is the case you both need to listen to me. Anagain: (flash of foresight) So, not for long Obi-Wan: What? Anagain: Nothing. Mace: (the Shatterpoints are blinding) Yeah, I'll be taking this one. More seriously tho, Anakin definitely torn between what if everyone likes him better he's born from the force what if he's the chosen one what if and also: I have a brother I have family I need to take care of him. Probably some fun twin force bond too. Oh man Sheev after digesting all of that would definitely try to get some jealousy going.
Anakin talks about the new brother with terms like Freshly Hatched and Innocent Baby and it's mostly a joke except that now HE thinks Palps is a creep when it's aimed at Not Him.
Palpatine: When do I get to meet him? Anakin: [absolutely not] Mace won't let him [Yeah that'll work] Mace: Yeah, absolutely not, he didn't help save Naboo there's no reason for my Padawan to have a relationship with the Supreme Chancellor
I've decided to call the brother Aion (EY-yon). I like the whole thing about Anakin's name being based on Ananke, even if it's a disputed thing, so I go for Greek myth when doing alt names for siblings.
Mace still bitter about having to let Palps get time with Anakin not about to do the same if he can help it. Although that comic takes place later eh (handwaves) still The Jedi might try to be hush hush about where aion came from anyway since he would fall directly under Jedi business
Help I'm imagining Mace and Obi-Wan on a walk and the twins are on child leashes. Anakin because ADHD will have him trying to run off to look at something. And Aion because he's going to be so distracted by visions that he will walk into traffic.
"Can we send a letter to mom so she knows he exists?" The other thought was ANAKIN holding the child leash for Aion, and then Obi-Wan or Mace holding the one for Anakin. Lil chain.
Aion: Hey… I know I've only existed for a few months, and yes my memories of before are sort of built by the Force, but I'm pretty sure the Supreme Chancellor is evil. Mace: You saw that in a vision? Aion: No, he's just super creepy. Bad vibes.
Obi-Wan: Of course he's evil, he's a career politician. Anakin: What about your friend from Alderaan? Obi-Wan: That's different.
One of these boys is constantly zoning out. The other is smiling, but the smile contains murder.
They're both adhd but with wildly different sides of it.
Aion: [silent, a bit upset but mostly chill] Anakin, holding his hand: He asked for no pickles!
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tennessoui · 6 days
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it’s like baby gorl there’s no way I, the author who wrote the fic you’re commenting on and who is the intended audience for this comment, am gonna agree with you 😿🙏 some things can just stay on your chest 🙏
#there’s a threshold I think of what I accept in comments about characters#and their actions or about who is in the wrong or what should happen#because I do like reading people’s opinions#and sometimes when someone is like I didn’t like obi-wan in this fic#I’m like makes sense! maybe you weren’t supposed to or maybe the argument they had was supposed to not be clear cut on who is right#because arguments in real life don’t always have a clear cut winner or morally superior person lmao#I’m ok with that I’m ok with comments saying boo this character is annoying#because sometimes they just are (eg the amount of people who just don’t like obiwan in pbatmb like?? yeah of course he’s not gonna be nice#but I digress lol#anyway but there’s a threshold of when comments about not liking a character go too far and you’re just like.#saying mean things about the writing itself and that’s not something lm gonna allow to be normalized#no matter the intention behind it#you do not type a comment like this knowing it wil be send to an author#who will get an email notification about a comment#click on it and go oooo long comment :D and then go oh.#you don’t do that it’s rude it’s being a jerk#I’ve been here for like 3 almost 4 years I feel ancient in this fandom sometimes#and I’ve gotten so much feedback on my work through that time and so many nice comments and community#but mean comments can really hurt especially new writers#and they can make people who maybe would write fic for a fandom decide to not#like this isn’t even that mean I can almost see the writer just wanting to say how they feel#but sometimes you do not have to 🙏#also I just think this understanding of the characterizations in the fic and probably their understanding of the characters in the films#is a wee bit trash but that’s for me to say in the long tags of my own blog post and not for me to comment on their fics for the fandom#(they don’t have any but I did check because 3am kit felt nosy)
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anilovie · 9 months
Could I request something with a shy! Reader who has a huge crush on Anakin. And every time they see him, they just—run away. Lol.
This drives Anakin up the fucking wall, because he just wants to talk to them and see their sweet face and hear their beautiful voice. He thought their little crush was cute/funny at first, but as time went on, he actually fell harder. 😌💕
Eventually, he corners them and seduces them into looking at him. Like—cups their jaw with his leather glove and presses his thumb against their throat to force their neck back to look at him. 🥵 And then he just DEVOURS them.
I love your writing sm, by the way. 💕
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A.N: I loooooved this request. i could write about this for HOURS. lmk if you want more, sweet anon 💖
CW: fluff, lots of fluff, solely fluff, kissing and requited pining with a dash of fluff, gn reader
WC: 1.5k
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♡ Let’s be real. Anakin would certainly know you have a crush on him from the moment it forms.
♡ As the ‘Brotherhood’ book insists, Anakin is better at reading peoples emotions through the force than anyone else. So of course he’d be able to pick up on the way your nerves spike whenever he’s near, the rush of elation coming from you when he walks in the room, the stutter of your heart when you lock eyes and he offers a polite nod in greeting.
♡ He can feel how you stare at him from across the room when you think he’s not looking. Can see the goosebumps on your skin when he ‘accidentally’ brushes you. He can tell when you’re even thinking about him just from the way your heartbreak quickens and you begin to fidget with your hands.
♡ He knows everything about what you’re trying to hide from him.
♡ But you have no idea that he returns those feelings.
♡ It only makes your crush on him that much more frustrating. Because he wishes he could just sit you down someplace and talk to you for hours— stare into your eyes and study the way your face moves when you smile, and frown, and laugh, and cry. He wants to know every inch of you, to study all your flaws and perfections, to know everything about you.
♡ More than anything, he wants to just have you already, raw and real and unapologetically you.
♡ But you’re always making excuses to leave him early whenever you’re left alone. Always turn away when you catch him staring. You’re always crossing your arms or pulling your jacket tighter when he’s near, or hiding behind Obi-Wan, or cutting yourself short when you speak. And if he tries to flirt with you, you clam up and practically disappear in a puff of smoke.
♡ One time, he’s almost certain he made you cry. All he said was that you looked pretty, and tapped the bottom of your chin with his finger. That’s it. But your eyes got all wet and your lip started to wobble, and you quickly turned away, muttering some excuse about being late for an appointment.
♡ most infuriatingly, you’ve only been able to make eye contact with him a handful of times; much less hold it. Your pretty eyes turn wide with embarrassment, your nerves go haywire, and you rip your beautiful gaze away far too quickly for his liking.
♡ And force forbid you have to speak to him. Always staring over his shoulder when he talks to you, or at his chest, or his shoes, or your shoes.
♡ If you manage to get a few sentences out without stumbling over your words or cutting yourself short, he is so proud.
♡ If you’d only just look at him, you would see that.
♡ Though you can never seem to form a complete sentence around Anakin, to Ashoka you can’t seem to shut up.
♡ “Kriff, alright! I get it! Enough about my ‘hot master’!”
♡ In all honesty, you think Anakin merely tolerates you. You’re friends, and you work together, so you think he’s obligated to be nice to you.
♡ the only way you can come out of your shell around him at all is when he makes it glaringly, sickeningly obvious that he’s head over heels about you, too.
♡ Sweet smiles, soft touches, and gentle words of praise and adoration. Constant endearment and doting. It’s endless coming from him, earning constant eye-rolls from Ahsoka.
♡ he always lowers his voice so it’s in that soft, raspy register with you. He doesn’t even notice it, but you do. It’s like he’s reserved all of his gentleness just for you.
♡ most days, he has to call your attention to him, otherwise you won’t dare trouble him. For example, you’re hurrying past him in the starfighter bay, heart jumping into your throat as soon as you recognize that curly head of golden hair, when;
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“Hey— you just gonna walk right past me?”
You skid to a stop and turn back around, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry… thought you were busy. Didn’t wanna bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me. You never bother me.”
“Oh…” you laugh nervously, clasping your hands in front of you. His attention pins you to the spot, forcing your gaze to your shoes as you awkwardly rock back on your heels. “So, did you… did you need something?”
“Yes, actually,” he gestures with his head behind him, toward his ship. “Come with me?”
Your gut swirls in anticipation for what Anakin could possibly need to be alone with you for. You’re no genius when it comes to spaceships; you can only hope that whatever it is, you don’t make a fool of yourself in front of him.
Anakin leads you inside to the control room, and then abruptly stops. He turns to you with his arms crossed, intense stare piercing into your face, and comes right out with it:
“Why won’t you ever look at me?”
Immediately, your face grows warm. He gives you no time to even wrap your brain around the question before adding;
“You’re not scared of me, are you?”
As if to prove him wrong, you flick your eyes up to his face, and then quickly away. “I do look at you.”
“That hardly counts,” He scoffs.
It’s worse. He’s making it so much worse. The small space, the forced proximity, the confrontation— your heart is going haywire in your chest, skin breaking out in a nervous sweat. Your mind goes absolutely blank.
“Am I that hard to look at?” His tone is light, teasing, but there’s a hint of seriousness behind it.
“No— no, you’re not hard to look at, at all,” you quickly assure. And because your brain has melted, you add, quieter, “that’s sort of the problem.”
He’s silent for a long moment. And when you sneak another glance at him, you see a grin slowly crawling onto his face.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Shut up.”
“You think I’m handsome, hm?”
“Just a little,” you mutter, arms crossed defensively. “Doesn’t mean anything.”
You search for the exit, thinking it’s about time you get out of this situation before you quite literally pass out. With every word, Anakin leans closer to you, and your pulse has quickened to the point of dizziness.
“I think you like me,” Anakin’s voice has dropped to a near-whisper, rasping as he leans down close to your face. You’ve shrunk back as far as you can go, almost hitting your head on the control panel above.
You turn your head away, trying to escape him, only to find his arm already braced against the wall by your head, trapping you in.
There are so many thoughts flying through your head. This can’t happen— he’s a Jedi— you want him— you can’t breathe— is he getting closer?
“Look at me,” he demands. And it’s like he’s the pied piper: His voice controls you.
“There you go,” the corner of his lips tilt up. “Not so hard now, is it?”
“It is hard,” you whisper, eyes welling with overwhelmed tears. “You make me nervous.”
He can feel your fragile will shatter, bringing his other hand to cup your jaw, keeping your head tilted up with leather fingers. Even if you look away, you have no choice but to face him.
“Well, I’m proud of you.” His voice is incredibly soft. It’s not mocking or teasing or anything.
He’s proud of you. Anakin Skywalker is proud of you.
That knowledge coaxes you back to him, slowly, and you see true adoration shining in those glittery, softened eyes. Your shoulders finally relax, shaky breath filling your lungs.
“Please don’t make fun of me,” you beg, giving up on hiding what you truly feel for him. He’s forced it all to light now, anyways. “I know you can’t feel the same. And I’ll keep it to myself. I don’t want to trouble you—“
“Hey, hey,” he cuts you off, hushing softly. “What did I say? You’re never troubling me,” his gaze shifts between both of your eyes, as if unable to decide which to look at. “And who says I can’t feel the same? Who says I can’t feel more?”
Your attention accidentally shifts down to his mouth, and your mind goes absolutely blank again.
Pretty, plump lips curl into a smile. Mischievous, this time. Knowing.
“What’re thinking about, hm? Tell me, please. What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
His face draws impossibly nearer, you almost go cross-eyed trying to keep looking at him. His breath tickles your lips, and you instinctively squeeze your eyes shut.
“Show me what you’re thinking,” he urges. And with a surge of confidence, fueled by the desire to just take what you’ve wanted for so long now, you lift your chin and close the last remaining centimeters between you.
“Mmm,” he immediately hums, appreciating your eagerness. He smiles against your lips, and it lights your body on fire.
You are kissing Anakin Skywalker.
His lips are just as soft as they look.
You finally know what Anakin tastes like.
These three thoughts are all you can grasp until you pull away too soon, stomach somersaulting from the soft sound your lips make as they break apart. Only he hasn’t had enough. Using the hand on your jaw to keep you still, he captures your lips in a bruising kiss, tilting his head to taste you deeper, harder— he lets his tongue swipe your bottom lip, coaxing you open, wanting to know if you taste this good everywhere— only the feeling of his hot tongue on your lip fills your face with unbearable heat, and you pull away from him with a gasp.
“Anakin—“ you whine, bringing your hands up over his to cover your face.
He’s laughing now, ducking his head so that his bangs cover his eyes. If the lighting wasn’t so dim, you could have sworn there was color blooming on his cheeks.
“What? Too much?”
Again, you’re left speechless.
But you’re not stupid. Of all the words he’d just spoken to you, all of the gentle touches and longing looks in the past, of how he’d just kissed you—
“There’s no need to be so shy around me, sweetheart,” he tries to amend. “I adore you. Everything about you,” he shakes his head. “I always have.”
He couldn’t make it more clear. A tiny, hopeful smile eases its way onto your face, but you bashfully push at his chest. “Okay,” you huff. “Just— just let me breathe for a minute, okay?”
He laughs again, but leans back and returns his arms to his sides so you can gulp in a deep breath. Your face is so hot, and your lips are tingling from his phantom touch. And he’s still just staring at you, unblinking.
“Stop looking at me,” you mumble, and he responds by affectionately squeezing your cheeks between his thumb and pointer finger, stealing a quick kiss on your pouted lips before you can complain.
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lightasthesun · 4 months
i heard there was a HUGE outcry for more codywan fic recs...(@tapemonkey21 & @dontbelasagnax lol) so here I am posting another one
As always please mind the tags before diving headfirst into any fic you read and consider sharing your unbridled joy and unhinged thoughts with the writer in the comment section 😉
Desert Box by br1ghtmouth | 7k words
With a chip in his head that has already caused the ruin for which he was made, Cody finds his way to Tatooine in the hopes of tending to the painful layers of memories left behind in his own silt.
Facile Felicity by br1ghtmouth | 14k words
Primary functions are supposed to be useful: survive against all odds; shield one’s battalion; fight until the very last breath. Cody would prefer anything besides the bleeding heart he’s been dealt.
Or: the General makes plans. Cody follows.
Good man of war by scrapathon 🔒| 16k words
During a medic’s first mission with the 212th, everything goes wrong. In the midst of it all, Cody deals with his growing feelings towards General Kenobi.
Across the path by Threebea O(ThreeBea)| 1k words
Cody is inspecting a cave system. He meets his General.
No. Not his General.
“The pathway,” Obi-Wan whispered. “I understand now. C-Commander, I owe you an apology. I am not your General.”
But Obi-Wan isn't the only one that has crossed over into his universe.
Safe in hand by Threebea O(ThreeBea) | 11k words
Cody ends up where all griefstricken people on the run end up in the galaxy far, far away. He makes a life for himself looking for scrap in the deserts of Tatooine.
He always did have a knack for finding Kenobi's lightsaber.
in the middle before I knew that I had begun by tenderjock🔒| 2k words
Obi-Wan beams at him, feeling unbearably fond. His Cody. His darling. Always looking after him.
Cody’s face is very still, just a few inches above his. Obi-Wan reaches out, touches his scar.
“What are you thinking?” he wonders.
OR: as the war stumbles to its end, Obi-Wan is forced to reassess his relationship with his commander.
Floating on a Starless Sea by shadowmaat🔒| 2k words
A cave-in leaves Cody trapped and badly injured. With another contingent of droids on the way there isn't time to try and dig him out. Obi-Wan is forced to make a difficult choice.
when the jebwa flower blooms by mxartbotboy🔒| 10k words
One year since the end of the war, and Cody still hasn’t figured out what to do about Obi-Wan. With Coruscant struggling to make the transition with the New Republic, Cody already has enough on his plate without trying to untangle the knot that is his feelings for the ex-Jedi. Will the tightly twisted flower bud finally bloom?
love without compromise by mxartbotboy🔒(ch.1) |
Cody has a panicked moment with his General and reveals more than he means to.
grip my hand through the pain by The_Last_Kenobi🔒| 2k words
It's all just happened, and yet Cody cannot stop playing it over and over in his head.
The trek into the hills, the deserted path.
His General standing like a human shield between his battalion and a wall of fire.
Panacea by MissyPup | 4k words
Cody has been falling for his General for two years. Two long, war filled years. But he's been able to stay in control of his feelings by just not acknowledging them.
But having to share a bed with the man he's been daydreaming about for two years makes Cody so tense Obi-Wan decides to give him a massage to help out.
Obi-Wan would certainly be the death of him.
Facula by MissyPup | 5k words
Obi-Wan would only be gone for a few days, Cody could handle that alone. Until his thoughts catch up to him thanks to Beru.
Or: How the Kenobi series should have gone because Cody deserves to be there.
Interrobang by MissyPup | 10k words
“I love you.” Cody blurted out so fast that even he was surprised by it.
Obi-Wan leaned back a bit, enough to touch Cody’s cheek and grin, “I love you too, Cody.”
“Keeping this a secret is hard.” Cody admitted, reaching up to grip Obi-Wan’s robes again. “But I know what would happen if anyone found out… Kriff, Rex found out on his own and I thought I was going to-”
coming full circle by catboydogma 🔒| 5k words
Or: five times Obi-Wan has handed Cody his lightsaber and one time Cody handed Obi-Wan his lightsaber
A Hush Sublime by catboydogma | 10k words
When Master Qui-Gon died, Obi-Wan had known him for half his life. He thought—sometimes, distantly, like the artificial Coruscanti sunlight—that he should have told Qui-Gon more often. They hadn’t needed words in living: Qui-Gon was a man of action more than anything else, and they both had difficulties in unspooling the thick vines of feeling inside their chests enough to speak of them. Obi-Wan had loved Qui-Gon. He’d thought, more than once, that that adoring love, of the Initiate that Obi-Wan still was at heart, had been a sign of a terrible and thorny attachment.
that is that + this is this by catboydogma🔒| 8k words
“Here. Drink, Cody. Come on. Don’t die on me now, not when you went to all the trouble to get out here.”
“Didn’t know,” Cody rasped.
“So I shouldn’t be expecting a cavalcade of Imperial stormtroopers to show up here, then?” The man asked, bland as anything.
The Commander gave this the consideration it was due. “No.” “Forgive me if I don’t immediately believe you.” The man’s voice sharpened, but his grip on the Commander stayed gentle, supporting his head even when it lolled back against his will. “When have I ever let you down?” Cody asked.
The man’s breathing hitched. He set Cody back down against the blankets and retreated to his spot several feet away, blaster and charge pack between the two of them like some strange barrier. “When you killed me,” the man said.
repeat, replay, return by Serie11🔒| 3k words
The last time he saw his General, Cody was ordering him shot off a cliff.
Ten years later, and Obi-Wan is in a bacta tank again. Some things, it seems, don’t change; Cody’s feelings among them.
all the world in my arms by biscuityskies | 5k words
A brief wry smirk flashes across his face, and as Cody meets his own eyes in the reflection of his drink, it softens. If he had to rationalise it, this anxiety most likely stems from the recent developments with the general.
Something's been off about him ever since he came back from the mission to Kadavo.
Compartment Syndrome by elwenyere | 3k words
Cody was lucky, really, that Obi-Wan had lost consciousness during the crash, because otherwise he would never have gotten away with the tender pressure building in his wrist - much less the lance of pain that sliced across his arm every time he adjusted his General’s weight over his shoulder.
I Promise by dontbelasagnax🔒| 6k words
Mace raises an eyebrow almost imperceptibly. He looks over Cody for a solid thirty grueling seconds, evaluating. "Hypothetically," he says in that dry way of his that is nearly impossible to tell whether he's making fun of Cody or teaching him a lesson, "if someone wanted to propose to their partner, they'd bring it up with said partner."
[ OR: Cody has plans. He's going to make a certain Jedi a very happy man. ]
The Lessons Not Yet Learned by meadmeinthemiddle | 23k words
The Force works in mysterious ways. Cody knows this, theoretically, but it all seems so far beyond him that he tends to not pay it any mind.
Little does Cody know, the Force has its claws buried deeper into him than he can possibly imagine - he just hasn't realized it yet.
: (Is to) :: (As) by TamerLorika | 12k words
Cody notices that Kenobi's regard for himself is always clinical and utilitarian. As he ponders a way to break the stalemate, he begins to learn more about the lightsaber that is so often in his hands, and how it relates to the subject of Kenobi's own soul.
for you, only you by dontbelasagnax | 11k words
“What's next for you, my dear, now that you’re a citizen of the Republic?” Obi-Wan tilts his head, expression alight and imploring. “You could get a job and find a place of your own amongst the many levels of Coruscant- or the stars.”
Light Will Prevail by kotekenobii | 3k words
In the aftermath of battle, an exhausted Obi-Wan slips away to watch the sunrise. Worried, Cody seeks him out.
Based on the end of Obi-Wan Kenobi #3.
You're the Only Stim I Need by Captora | 7k words
The five times Marshal Commander Cody brought General Kenobi bad GAR caf and the one time Obi-Wan showed Cody what caf was supposed to taste like.
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the-greatest-8 · 4 months
Obi-wan has had visions before, even when he was in the creche. It was a simple fact by now. Master Yoda had even offered comfort before, after a particularly difficult one. Obi-wan was well aware the risk of reading too far into them- because that simply wasn't how they worked. 'Always in motion, the future is.' Obi-wan knew this.
However- Obi-wan had one vision, one, that he hoped so desperately would become true. It always started the same, he would feel so light, so free- It was a comfort he has clung to in his darkest moments. He would be in bed, warm, and content. He would hear the sound of rustling next to him, before arms would wrap around him. Obi-wan always remembers how he sinks into, how he'd fall back asleep. That's how the vision always ends. It was never enough- not enough information.
Obi-wan wanted so deeply to know how to make that vision real. He knew it wasn't proper; He was just a man though, he tried so hard to follow all the rules- but oh, how he wanted. That feeling never left, even during the war he was in now. If anything, it made him wish even more, for a warmth to keep him grounded around all the deaths. Around all the sorrow after battle, Obi-wan just wanted to feel safe, like in the vision.
It wasn't often, he wouldn't mope, not when he was needed at his best. It was moments like this, however, when the desires in him felt suffocating. The last mission him and his men went on was successful, very successful. Morale was high, and so a stop into town to celebrate was made.
Obi-wan had been corralled into joining, as had Cody. It was enjoyable, even, he drank plenty with his men as they all laughed and told stories. Obi-wan was even sporting a buzz, he was happy, he had realized. Here, with his men, next to his loyal Commander. It made him pause for a second, surprised. Cody, vigilant as ever, took notice and sent him a look, feeling questioning in the force.
Obi-wan smiled at Cody, "I'm fine, Commander, I simply was surprised at something." Obi-wan said exasperatedly. Cody hummed, "If you don't mind me asking General, what was it?" He asked, and sipped his drink. Obi-wan huffed, "I just realized I'm enjoying myself, that's all my dear." He says. Cody smiled then, a soft expression that momentarily made Obi-wans heart flutter.
"I'm glad, sir, we've all noticed you've been tense." Cody said, his worry in the Force being replaced with a soothed, content feeling- and the gentle flames of fondness. Obi-wan almost stuttered, his face flushing slightly. Obi-wan felt warm, his heart raced while he worked on keeping his face straight.
The Force was entirely unhelpful, almost mockingly it made him more aware of how soothing Cody feels to him. Obi-wan decided then he was far to sober for this, and ordered another drink. He doesn't remember a single thing after.
Obi-wan awoke feeling warm, and content, surprisingly without a hangover too. He must have filtered his blood through the force before bed, he thinks distantly. He was sleepy, not entirely certain what woke him, so he just let himself feel. He was floating in soft feelings, he felt light and free, his troubles seemed all the more distant. Obi-wan doesn't remember feeling like this, not in a long while at least. Obi-wan hears rustling next to him, and before he can panic about another person in his bed, strong arms wrap around him and pull him close. "Go back to sleep, General.." a half asleep Cody mutters, before he fully succumbs to his rest once more. Obi-wan pauses, his heart thudding in his chest, and face ablaze.
Obi-wan decides this is a dilemma for future Obi-wan, and sinks into the embrace. He fleetingly thinks about his vision, but is unable to put more thought into it as he drifts off once more. A smile on his lips.
Authors note-
Honestly I'm not sure I'm happy with this one. Maybe I'll try again later, but I had to write my idea down or I wouldn't be able to to remember it lol. Hope you like it 😊.
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intermundia · 1 year
no offence but obi wan should grab a fist full of those clone wars curls anakin was rocking
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literally he should slide a hand in flat, weave his fingers through the soft, messy curls, make a fist, and then tugggg, and it would fix everything lol. there's just no way he could be normal about anakin's heroic curls screaming youth and delicacy and all manner of charming wildness, and signaling loudly that anakin's a knight now. watching his hair grow out, such a visible sign of how he is growing away from him, means obi-wan should definitely use it to hold him close instead <3
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jedi-grandmaster · 7 months
I really love how you view Mace Windu as a character, he deserves so much more appreciation than he gets
High anon!
Y’know when I was a tiny child, before I knew what fandom was (oh blessed times lol), Mace Windu was always one of my favorites. In a galaxy-wide war zone where everything is falling apart and the government is corrupt and your peaceful religious order members (family) are being slaughtered on battlefields, he was right there the whole time keeping everything together. He was attending the government votes and meeting with government officials, trying to keep what little left remained afloat. When he wasn’t acting diplomatically, he was leading his own group of men, giving that much more of himself for the good of the republic.
His final battle, his last stand, was daring to go against one of the order’s most noted members and the chancellor of the entire galactic republic. He was always doing what was right, and even as young as I was I respected the hell out of that man for it. Obi-Wan was fun, and Yoda was the old wise one, but Mace Windu was the rock in the storm, every time he was on scene I always hoped just a little that maybe things would end differently because if anyone would do it, it’d be him.
That’s why it baffled me so much when I first joined a fandom space and found that not many people shared my view. I couldn’t figure out what movies everyone else had been watching because surely they hadn’t seen the same movie I had.
Thanks for the ask anon! I’m glad my love and respect for Mace Windu comes through loud and clear.
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