#im procrastinating depression actually. i can do that.
3gremlins · 2 years
me: sends my family a carefully thought out ideas gift list for my partner with sizes, options, etc *2 months* before december since he can be difficult to gift and they all get stressed about it b/c they procrastinate. Also stated in the email that gifting is optional and not to stress about it
october, november, first half of december: crickets my mom, literally a week and a half before gift-giving event: i wish to get a thoughtful gift for your partner and have waited till now. pls halp, i am very stressed. me, internally: *eldritch screech into the endless void*
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vilelittlecritter · 1 year
I love it when my brain does everything except the task I want it to...
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mikajunie · 3 months
how to deal with failure when all you know how to do is beat up yourself (as an adhder)
please read this if you are a chronic self-loather like myself.
i used to hate myself for everything i did; the way i talk and walk, my accomplishments, my daily activities, how i cannot keep up with my peers, all that jazz. and especially as a late-diagnosed adhder this gets worse overtime. i ended up getting into a 6-month burnout, failed 3 classes and have to extend one semester, and i had lost my identity as a person.
overall i was just a breathing, walking flesh with depressive thoughts every day.
but after many many months of rediscovering myself, i have come up with the conclusion that life gets easier when i don't fucking hate myself.
shocker, right? ik this is probably like a 'obviously' type of thing, but i think many ppl with adhd can confirm that this is one of the hardest pills to swallow.
but trust me, you don't need to feel bad!!! and i will tell you how to do it down below. pls read, i hope it helps.
(keep in mind im not a psychiatrist or a therapist btw i just wanna help fellow ppl with adhd)
reminder #1: adhd makes you more prone to making mistakes - beating yourself up for every failure is torture.
as people with adhd, we are more prone to making more mistakes and questionable decisions. we are just built that way. we can work on it, but that's our baseline.
self loathing encourages you to beat up your baseline. your default state. your non-productive mode.
beating yourself up for making a mistake is literally like beating up a cat for sleeping. humans are bound to make mistakes, and us with adhd are bound to make more. it's fine, let yourself breathe. im not saying we cannot do anything right or that our mistakes are permissible, but missing an alarm clock or forgetting things we want to say are not surprising. it's just embedded inside us, so either be miserable for the rest of your life or work on reframing your thoughts on failure in general.
reminder #2: you can learn how to be better even if you don't beat yourself up for it
these neurotypical adults who tell you that you should feel bad about failing are stupid. and whoever tell you that negative reinforcement is needed for you to get better are the dumbest motherfuckers ever.
you don't need to feel bad to ge better.
in fact, once you don't feel too bad about it, you can focus more on how to do better in the future instead of replaying the past over and over again.
literally after almost failing college, i only realized that i should not be hard on myself. literally. i remember deciding i should try being nice on myself and now boom! i feel better AND i actually have been working towards fixing my life more and more.
and you know whats the best part?? i can finally start enjoying my life again!!
reminder #3: not everything you do is a failure. seriously.
this is a thought pattern i keep seeing in every person with adhd.
"nothing i can do is right" WRONG!!!! you do some things wrong but you also do some things right!!!! quit discrediting yourself
now try acknowledging your failures:
cry about it first. let yourself sit in and feel your feelings first. you can continue after you finish crying about it
do some form of meditation that helps you clear out your mind. i suggest just 5 minutes or until you don't feel as heavy anymore
let yourself know that failing is an action and consequence, not a part of your identity. it is not you: you are someone who succeeds and fails sometimes. you can fail, but that does not mean everything you do will be a failure.
identify what kind of failure you're thinking about , why you feel so shitty about it, and what you should do for next time. it'd be good if you could write this down. here is an example from me:
failure: failing out of class
what happened: i failed bc i kept procrastinating and ended up sleeping in, so i could not submit on time
consequences of event: i had to retake the class, paid a significant amount of money, and now i cant graduate on time with my friends
why i feel shitty: i feel so left behind and stupid. i feel like this is such a stupid mistake that was easily avoidable.
and now i have so many thoughts in my mind right now, like "how can i be so stupid? how can i be so careless? this is such a stupid mistake."
now notice. if you also think like this, you are actively judging yourself. you are being so mean to yourself, and for what? would you ever told your friends they are so stupid and dumb for making careless mistakes? even if it's stupid, you wouldn't say it to their faces.
after identifying everything, confirm what actually happened, reframe your thoughts, and apologize to yourself:
"How can I be so careless?" -> It's not intentional, and I did try my best to work on it. It's not my fault my executive dysfunction took over the better part of me.
"How can I be so stupid?" -> Just because I cannot initiate tasks as well as the others, it doesn't mean i'm stupid. i am pretty good at other things, i cannot expect myself to be good at everything.
"This is such a stupid mistake." -> It is stupid, and that's... okay. It's fine. I accept it, I'll work on how to make it better in the future.
when you combat negative thoughts, make sure you combat them not only with facts but also with empathy and future action-focused thoughts.
the key is to focus on what you can do now, not what you should have done.
because focusing on the past is very very unhelpful.
now please focus on what you can do now:
Make small goals for the future.
What you should not say:
"I promise I will try harder to focus" -> Nope, you are relying on your ADHD symptom to not be ADHD anymore... which is impossible.
"I promise I won't forget next time" -> Same thing.
"I promise I will make a routine that I will stick to" -> This is too idealist, don't commit to anything for a long run, it's just setting yourself up for more failure.
What you should say instead:
"Next time, I will try to write it down so I won't forget next time" -> Tell yourself the clear steps on what you need to do. You cannot rely on your brain to just be better, come up with actions that can support you!
"Next time, I will set more alarms and ask a friend to remind me. In fact, I will do it now" -> Commit to things you can do immediately! The faster, the better so you won't lose this momentum. Stop thinking that your future self is 100% reliable. Always assume you need to do it as soon as possible to help yourself in the future.
"Next time, I will try out this routine and see if it works or not" -> Experiment with routines. Routines don't last long, so don't give youreelf empty promises. Instead, accept that your routine will chance every once in a while so you need to learn what works or not.
Apologize and forgive yourself
Say sorry to yourself.
It's normal to make mistakes, and it's unrealistic to think you won't make more.
Move on
Seriously. Don't sit on it too much.
Once you know what you need to do to not fail in the future and you have written it down... just let it go.
You don't need to feel bad to grow. You don't need to feel bad to be better.
You are allowed to feel good about yourself.
In fact, you should feel better about yourself now because you are showing your commitment to getting better by reading this long ass post.
Pat yourself in the back.
Failure has its consequences already, you don't need to punish yourself more. Please get something nice.
Failing is EXHAUSTING. Please give yourself a snack or some gaming time.
Allow yourself to breathe.
We are humans, we are not failures. We succeed and fail sometimes, not all the time.
Be nice to yourself, you have been through a lot.
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cleostoohot · 2 years
Cleooo im the anon that promised to write my void success story!
Sooo this is my journey:
I found out about the void in late june, it was my 12 year old sister that had told me about it/loa, (i'm 17 btw) and at first I was like "no this is fake, no way" during the course of june-the day i entered the void i had only actually tried to enter 5 times, each time i flipped over and went to sleep. I would constantly doubt myself and procrastinate the void i was like, "nah, i'll do it tmr instead" etc. what got me together was the fact that my sister kept telling me how good our lives would be like when we entered (I was struggling much more than her). She was more interested in manifesting without the void. Anyways I imagined myself with the life of my dreams gave myself pep talks and on september 19th I told myself "fck it, I'm entering the void tonight"
This is how I entered:
I meditated to clear all the thoughts out of my mind (I did the 444 breathing method, inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4, exhale for 4)
Once there were NO thoughts in my mind I begin to affirm ("I am in the void", "I am the void" were the ones I used)
After about 2-3 mins (I can't remember exactly) I felt like I was being sucked into darkness, complete fcking darkness
I kept affirming for about another minute then I got that floating feeling and by that point I knew I was in the void
I was in complete darkness ( i didn't see any stars btw) , I couldn't feel anything or hear anything, I felt like I was pure, just..me it's hard to explain but tbh it was he best feeling ever
I used the blanket affirmation: "I have all my desires from my notes app" and then I was outta the void
the feeling coming out of the void was... CRAZY i've never experience before.. it was surreal
Now onto the good stuff, what I manifested (A LOT):
Desired mansion
Desired face
desired body
desired voice
instantly entering the void
perf self concept for me n my sis
desired biological mum and dad
no depression
desired friend grp
desired wardrobe
desired things from my pintrest board
a wish diary
holiday to france and shanghai for christmas
desired grades (a+ ofc)
Getting desired scholarships
Meeting famous people
never in danger
$10 mil
my family n friends always being safe
desired apple products
omg this took me AGESS!!
i'll prob post another longer and more detailed post later on but expect my sister's success story soon ;)
love again,
-rosie 🧡 🧡 🧡  (ps. I'll be back soon)
her other post
great job my love you deserve it!!! i love receiving success stories in my inbox! keep ‘em comingggg
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huellitaa · 20 days
hello hello huelittaa 👋✨ do u have any tips for someone struggling with motivation to workout? or even to take a simple walk? thank uu 🤍
bee's physical activity handbook: motive 🎀 . ݁₊ ⊹
hiiii ml!!!!!!!! 🫶🏻🩷💗 sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a few days BUT IM HERE NOW !!!!! honestly this is something i also struggle with myself ,, i am still recovering from depression personally so this is still difficult for me sometimes too but these are some things i do !!!! ♡
🧁𓂃 ࣪˖ 1. prepare urself for the possibility
so since i know i have this problem a lot, it helps me to be prepared for this in advance. i actually have a whole notion page filled with a table of letters to myself in specific situations i find myself in a lot, this included, and have a whole archived stored of cute photos and motivation and things like articles and videos and tumblr posts on the main page and in the letters that make me wanna get up and do shit and its my LIFESAVER. (should i make a post on this?)
but i'd suggest to keep a note or page or document , physical or digital, filled with just motivation for this specific thing, like things you like about it, photos romanticising working out or going outside, songs that motivate you, etc etc etc. the list goes on but you get the point ♡
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ 2. detective chapter: analysis! ♡
figure out why you dont want to. this is the main thing that helps me and its so simple but once u figure out the root u figure out the rest and this applies just the same here too. is it laziness? mental health? exhaustion? overworking? burnout? you won't be able to continue until you haven't found the actual problem. it's like trying to travel with no path to travel on.
💭𓂃 ࣪˖ 3. pep talk!
one thing i do that helps me the most is literally just lay in bed or wherever you are where ur procrastinating and thinking about this over and over and going back and forth whether to do it or not is to force the thoughts out (literally. u can envision it if it helps!) and deadass bully myself into doing it 😭😭
(🗒🎀 note: i've also found it helps for some people to do this in the mirror, just so ur face to face w urself as it were. plus u get to admire urself at the same time so its a win all around)
if ur not into harsh motivation, another thing i love, esp when im not feeling great enough to deal w harsh motivation is pretend ur giving advice to a friend or ur child in this position. this is one of the greatest pieces of advice ive ever gotten i literally cannot stress this enough. do this‼️ p.s. you can do this in ur head or out loud. i usually do some mix of both because i am a professional at talking to myself constantly literally all the time
🧁𓂃 ࣪˖ 4. use gratitude in ur favour!
one thing i like to do is essentially guilt trip myself into doing it. erm. you can also call this gratitude it sounds a lot better. think of how grateful you are to even have the opportunity to go outside safely to go for a walk, to be able to work out and keep urself healthy, because there's always someone who's not going to be able to do those things. it is a privilege to live your life and this should be classed as one too.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ 5. all about the outlook
another thing i love that falls into the category of motivation is treating it as an act of love and luxury rather than a chore and changing ur outlook on it. for example,
"oh, i have to do this or i'm a failure" or "i really don't want to do it today"
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ into...
"i deserve to do this for myself because i deserve to be taken care of and kept in good health."
and i find this makes me so much more open to it because you do deserve it.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 6. romanticism; obviously!
okayyyy i know you hear this EVERYWHERE but ‼️its‼️because‼️its true‼️ romanticism is my LIFE not a day goes by where i dont act like im a silly girl in a pink girly shoujo world, and i do this even more so when i dont wanna get up and do simple tasks like this.
some things that give me motivation via romanticism is getting dressed up and cute even if i'm just going for a walk and listening to music and appreciating the world (🗒🎀 note: i love taking pictures or going on different routes whenever i go for walks! it makes the experience so much sweeter and more enjoyable ♡), or putting on cute clothes, loud music and grabbing a pretty waterbottle and hyping myself up to do even just 10 mins of pilates because something is always better than nothing!!!!!!!!!!!
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ 7. something is better than nothing
with the last note from my previous point in mind, try and always do just a little bit, even if it's not the amount you intended. say you wanted to workout for 20 minutes every day, but you really weren't feeling it today? do 10 instead. this way ur still doing something. we always have tomorrow. take it at ur own pace. you wanted to go running every day? just go for a walk. you can always try again. there is no limit on how many attempts you have with these things. this is always better than just doing nothing at all. this is basically finding the middle ground when you do these things. which leads me onto my final point ,,♡
✨️𓂃 ࣪˖ 8. finding the middle ground
the no.1 thing in all of this is please don't beat urself up for it if you don't feel like it sometimes, but still keep to it as best as possible. say for example you really didn't want to one day but you had no real reason not to, you should still do it. but if your emotional or physical health or anything like that is in a bad place right now, then allow urself to skip for a day or two. dont beat urself up over it, but keep to it when and where you can because i know its difficult sometimes ♡
all my love, and u got this!!!!!!!!!! 🩷🫶🏻💬💗🎀
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c3ec3es-findings · 2 months
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October 4th
Mt Uncle keeps asking why I'm not exploring the rest of the town. Why would I want to do that? Even if my sanity wasn't on the line, the people here are super freaky. Except for Wendy. She's cool.
- This one is different
- Stanford Pines
- I’ve seen pictures up on the shacks walls of this guy
- Now I’m getting lectured, wonderful, its middle school all over again
- I know I made a terrible mistake
- Im taking notes to figure out how to fix my mistake
- Riddles?
- Am I not supposed to be solving these?
- But what if they’re useful in getting me out of this deal?
- Hes barely looked at this book, so, how would he know?
- Low point!?
- I’m not at a low point in my life! I’m not desperate! It's not like I wanted to find this book! 
- I would love nothing more than to close this book, I would, but I don’t have much of a choice. HE HAS MY BLOOD AND SOUL AND STUFF 
- That is a pretty cool Goth Moth though
Ok, I have to focus. I gotta finish this book
- “The Secrets of The Universe?” Please
- There’s this little thing called “unanswerable questions”
- A test?
- Like… a puzzle?
- Ok, I’m down
1. “Is this a young woman, an old woman, or an illustrator having a psychotic break?”
Obviously, if Bill wrote this quiz, he went with the most out of the box answer.
Answer: An illustrator having a psychotic break.
2. “This may look like an ordinary cube, but if you look closely, this cube is actually, really SUPER depressed. (Hey, he’s had a rough year! Cut him some slack!) What can you say to this cube to convince him to leave the house more often? CAREFUL: Too much pressure to hang out will make the cube even more anxious. But if you never invite him out, he’ll think you hate him!”
What kind of a question is this!? How am I supposed to answer this!? I don’t even know this cube! It's a cube! It has no personality! Why do I hear crying? CAN CUBES CRY!?
Answer: It would be good to see you every now and then! I miss you! You’re great!
3. “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck were up against a wood-chucking deadline and had procrastinated
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demvalhaken · 19 days
I will eat your house
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Anyways Queen Bloodlust is a very large black widow cus her immortality causes her to never stop aging/growing… She used to be Divine’s height
Oh yeah if you didn’t read the older post about Bloodlust which is also buried in the termite post. Divine (Guy at the bottom right) is her great-great-great-fucking too many great grandson, he’s king of the spiders, they do not care if its a king or a queen, they are desperate
I’m like the hugest nerd ever, I watched an in depth video about cannibalism and then I proceeded to eat all of that information so I can babble to my friends that don’t even listen to me… I wish I could talk to people rather than somehow ruining my relationship with everyone, it’s giving Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives. There’s also like 100 Tyler, The Creator songs in my playlist, there’s a 50% chance after every song that it’s Tyler. It’s crazy how good I am at being lonely, like bro, why can’t I keep friends with me without doing something wrong… at least my teachers are nice to me :D
Wtf am I on, please don’t give me coffee, It brings the locked up depression out of my brain. I actually don’t think the depression left from Covid… I think it’s just been dormant… GUYS THIS MIGHT BE A HUNCH BUT I THINK IM NOT OKAY!!! Sorry if I go off track in literally every single post, my brain wanders too much. MY HANDS ARE SO FUCKING DRY, THEY BURN, THEY HURT, AND THEY ARE BLEEDING :( I’m still gonna wash my hands 40 times a day, no one can stop me
Queen Bloodlust misses her home because after a battle/war, they had to move, this was during the reign of Bloodlust’s mother, her mom died in the fight… poor Bloodlust, forced to live eternally and watch everyone around her perish slowly
All lore previously stated is subject to change as I’m always rethinking lore but it does stay fairly consistent and rarely changed unless its boring and bothering me
Okay love you guys, sorry for yapping, also be a menace to society, just don’t eat uranium
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Hehe reference, this was during the drawing, I got bored
Edit 2: Why are my parents always mad at me for washing myself constantly, like bitch what? You can’t just say “stop” and expect that one word to work, I’m just trying to keep some goddamn cleanliness! It’s like they want me to be covered in grime, dirt, spilled drinks, and grossness! Then they get to be homophobic and racist without any consequences when that’s literally worse than being clean 24/7 and tired. At least I actually like black people, we literally all have the same insides, stfu parents… ALSO THEY SAY THAT OFFENSIVE WORD, LIKE BRO WE ARE VAMPIRES YOU CANT BE SAYING THAT
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strawglicks · 11 months
Talking About Cathal's Flaws Because Why Not
cathal is my whole world my whole universe they are allowed to do anything they want they can end the world and i will stand by their side i adore them. ok now that i got that out of my system let me genuinely talk abt his flaws and analyze it a bit more in depth
To Be Real, He's Very Spoiled.
Now, it wouldn't be fair to demean Cathal to just some spoiled brat. But, to be fair, the only reason they've gotten as far as they have is because of their dad holding their hand through it all. Cathal's dad is the only reason he has a job, is the jr V.P, and hasn't gotten fired.
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Their dad wrote their personal statement to ensure they were hired.
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Their dad specifically makes sure, no matter how many disciplinary records they have, that Cathal doesn't lose their job. This line may actually imply that they HAVE almost lost their job (which makes sense due to the amount of rules they've broken) but their dad stopped it from happening.
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Not to mention, even when made aware of his son slacking around, Allan straight up lies to management. He claims he'll disconnect the cable immediately, but according to the following lines in Cathal's battle:
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...Allan didn't do anything about the cable like he said he would.
Due to all this, it makes sense Cathal is spoiled. They just have their whole future handed to them on a silver platter without them even needing to try. And because they're not even given the chance to learn, grow, or develop new skills, they wind up rather depressed and apathetic. Which leads me to another point.
Cathal is Extremely Apathetic/Careless, Which Affects Themselves and Everyone Around Them.
A huge aspect of Cathal's character is his laziness, procrastination, and carelessness. But I think it's important to dive into the "why" of these qualities.
Like I said before, Cathal has their career handed to them without even lifting a finger. There are several times he slacks off, doesn't show up to work, doesn't DO his work, etc., yet he keeps his job because of his dad and nothing is done about these problems. This is likely one of the biggest reasons he's so apathetic and doesn't care to get around to his work anyway. If there are no consequences, what's the point of following the rules?
And that's where most of this behavior drives from. "What's the point?"
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If the toons won't attack Cathal, what's the point of Cathal attacking the toons?
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If their dad just keeps getting repaired, what's the point of destroying him in the first place?
What is the point of any of this?
Cathal seeking a meaning and finding none leads to their apathy and carelessness, which then causes them to slack off and make things harder on their fellow coworkers. This is shown in things like this comic, featuring a skelecog who's overworked just to do a simple, minimal effort task just because Cathal didn't feel like it.
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What's the point of doing ANY work when he can have someone else do it instead?
Which leads me into another point-
Cathal is Quite Selfish and Doesn't Value Anyone's Time But His Own.
There are several instances of Cathal being pretty self-centered, specifically about their time being wasted. Almost like a certain someone...(graham. its graham. im talking about graham. these two are like two sides of one coin but thats another post for another day)
Many of these instances can simply be found in their fight dialogue.
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They give total attitude when you interrupt their shows, rushing to get back to it because they find it much more important than their actual job: fighting the toons.
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They're shown to generally be impatient and rude whenever they feel their time being wasted. (This handful of lines also displays some of Cathal's attitude and snarkiness, which I think goes WAY unnoticed in the community)
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Cathal doesn't even seem to have any shame in the fact he wastes time. As a matter of fact, he almost seems prideful of it, like no one seems to understand how pointless this all is except for him. It almost gives him a bit of an ego (almost like a certain someone.)
That All Being Said, I Don't Think Cathal Has Any Malicious Intent.
I think they're young, spoiled, and inexperienced in the workplace. Their only real jobs have been helping their dad with small chores around the office rather than working for a massive company as a whole (not to mention being next in line as Jr. Vice President of said company. it's a lot of responsibility to spring onto someone so inexperienced, and it's a big responsibility to just hand to someone who clearly has no interest or passion in it.)
Cathal's never been given a real chance to find something to be passionate about, or given any real motive to be passionate about the things he DOES have. I don't think it's an excuse for him to sit back and make everyone else's lives harder, but it is an explanation.
I think Cathal is an important character to mention when discussing Cogs. Inc and how capitalist companies like this tend to destroy people. All it's done for Cathal is drain him of any passion or motivation whatsoever, if he had any before. The one thing he seems to be passionate about is his Dad, which is why he puts up with all this in the first place.
Anyway that's all I had to say. Cathal's an extremely important character to me, my absolute top favorite from TTCC (alongside Graham) and is heavily underappreciated and underdiscussed.
Here's a drawing I made a bit back of Cathal gaming because. This has been sitting in my files and I haven't found an excuse to post it LMFAO
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cpeedemon · 10 months
Green/Blue Fire in HB + Specific focus on Asmodeus
Gonna start off by saying that I am certainly not the first person to identify the clear narrative difference between green and blue fire in HB.
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While green fire has destroyed everything, it arguably correlates both to the nature of fire and the symbolism of the color green.
Green symbolizes money/greed (this is redundant, ik im sorry). But we can say, Fizz became both literally and figuratively wounded/consumed/scarred by the greed of Cash Buckzo. I’m not sure of the extent that Fizz was working under Mammon at this time, so I think it might be better if we stick with Cash’s greed. Although Fizz’s idolization of Mammon may have been one of the factors that aided in ignoring the abuse, we can also argue that Cash laid the groundwork for normalizing an exploitative relationship.
Furthermore, green can symbolize envy. So maybe, we can view green fire as not only a symbol of Cash’s greed, but .... possibly Blitzo's jealousy?
I'd argue it is a bit of a reach. Although his jealousy is apparent from childhood, before the fire Blitz always seems to be supportive of Fizz even after he's got fans.
After the misunderstanding between the two that further separates them, his jealousy is a bit more obvious though. Never can he forget about his own lack of success in the circus, and Fizz seems to represent that era of his life.
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So again, the idea of Blitz's jealousy as one of the things that "destroyed" Fizz is iffy... But Cash’s greed makes sense symbolically.
Let's move on.
Blue fire, on the other hand, seems to be ineffective to hell's citizens just like normal red fire, seen as how Fizz doesn't flinch using Ozzie's fire batons and yknow openly cuddles his big blue flaming bf.
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But I looked into the further symbolism of blue fire, cuz I felt that there had to be a reason why it was such a big aspect of Ozzie's design. Furthermore, what makes blue fire more tame? In part because i was interested, in part cuz of my increased procrastination during finals season, I stumbled upon this dandy lil article --
https://atlasmythica.com/blue-flame-symbolism-meaning/ .
TLDR: describes distinct symbolism of blue fire (meant to be interpreted in relation to dreams, but i think it's interesting to see in HB's context, too)
Although red fire -- fire in it's purest form, really -- can symbolize destruction, it also symbolizes passion, energy, desire, or love.
The color blue intrinsically seems to combat fire in itself, being that it symbolizes depression, tranquility or rationality.
What the article really deduces is that blue fire can represent 'healthy emotions' -- those in which we balance passions and desires without repressing them.
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Not gonna go over Ozzie's little love/lust tangent we get when we're first actually introduced to him cuz I think by now everyone gets the gist of it. But it's important, cuz it underlines his regard/performance of his sin. And I think the article's conclusion of what blue fire represents really correlates with his identity as the embodiment of lust/passion.
Lust is not meant to be forced, neither should it be repressed.
Arguably, his expression of lust can correlate to how he shows all other emotions.
Overall, Ozzie is a chill guy - blue very well matches his personality in the sense that he kinda oozes comfort, contentment and self-possession. Outwardly, he seems naturally charismatic, like Fizz, loves entertaining a crowd, and is very open and proud about his sin.
But, dude doesn't hold back when he's pissed, as do all the other sins we've seen, yet even that has nuance. Yeah, he gets disgruntled at the thought of all his factory assets being given to Crim, but at the thought of Fizz's head on the guy's wall -- that's an automatic hell no.
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When it comes to things he's passionate about, he bares his emotions on his sleeve, impulsively letting them guide actions that someone like Stolas would have thought twice about.
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He wanted Fizz back so badly, he was willing to sign Crim's contract off the bat -- imagine if Stolas hadn't intervened. And what about the factors that built up to his public confession of loving Fizz?
I get it -- Ozzie was fed up of hiding his relationship, but this confession wasn't a goddamn soft launch either, it was very abrupt, in the heat of the moment. Right then and there, he's not thinking of the consequences of his actions, which are hinted at considering Mammon will def make a reappearance.
So, along with his naturally relaxed demeanour, there’s that component in accordance with fire — the passionate, fiery, shameless side that cannot be repressed.
What I mean to say, at the end of it all, is that what we can surmise about blue fire really matches with Ozzie's character. It's a testament to his design. Love the guy and I'm so curious to see what the show ends up doing with him and Fizz.
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cdbabymp3 · 6 months
yap sesh with jules while i procrastinate folding laundry
tldr ; hamzah dream number 18759472737
i cant keep having dreams abt hamzah it’s actually making me depressed. had a dream last night that we were walking around disneyland and he kept asking me questions about getting his wisdom teeth out bc i’ve already gotten mine out. he was so cute and nervous typing in his notes app what you can and can’t eat 😭 and be kept asking “yeah but you’re gonna take care of me right?” UUAAGGHDGDDH. also it was cold asf and we were wearing matching beanies and i was holding onto his big ass bicep as we maneuvered through the crowds. i was holding onto him for dear life bc he was lowkey dragging me around lmao he was so excited to go on the rides. i cant do this. im actually giving up.
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why-the-heck-not · 11 months
how do you study/code everyday? Genuinely asking, like how do you maintain focus and not get distracted or stop when it gets hard? Ignore the following question if you live your major and school and all that: how do you not get sad? And if you do what do you do when that happens?
With love and admiration, a fellow computer science student who is struggling so much
Heyy and thank you for the ask!
Honestly, I get very distracted a whole lot. Like 50% of my days are procrastination bc I don’t want to do things. And I don’t study every day, but most days just bc I’m bad at taking full days off bc of The Guilt lol. Waking up early has helped me a ton, bc even if I procrastinate the morning bc don’t want to start doing things, it’ll still be early. The annoying thing to say, but it rly does feel like u have more hours in a day that way.
For stopping when it gets hard: I have this one playlist that’s like 30mins long, and everytime I wanna give up, I put that on, and it’s like a ”okay just gotta work until this playlist stops”-thing. And sometimes I do just stop after bc I’m getting nowhere, but sometimes that ”permission” to stop doing things actually makes me want to get them done. And sometimes u luck out and figure out the thing in that 30mins. (Sure a timer would work as well but I time my time with music a lot of times idk)
And yeah I get sad, bc like who doesn’t. Idk, I feel like the key is to try move on the second u can. You had ur bad days and can’t do anything abt that now, so wallowing & feeling guilty about that is not gonna do anything. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and a week or so won’t ruin things. Trying to not get stuck in it, the cycle of ”I’ve fucked this up ohno” and getting more depressed from that and then continuing to not being able to do anything is very real. At that point, u gotta remind urself that any little bit helps (if that’s either towards the school things or like washing piled up dishes; anything to move anything along helps to get urself out).
Also big thing that has helped me; no social media when it gets bad !! All that ”respect the grind” ”that girl” ”grind mindset” etc. makes it feel way more shitty. But also the mental health awarness side sometimes makes it too easy to be ”yeah so im sad, im not going to even try to do anything” (it’s fine obv when u just can’t, but when u notice 2 years have gone by bc ”i’m just having a bad day today” everyday, it’s no longer selfcare). So idk, what helps for me is to have the bad days just by myself in the bubble and at some point getting up and doing a thing. Which sometimes/usually snowballs into a couple things. And never underestimate the power of taking a good long shower. Everything seems more doable after a shower idk why. Also I think I say this in about every ask but WALKS !! Are so good !!!!! For everything !!
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amoonytalks · 5 days
0.2 - trying to start a conversation about love and failing miserably
It's 3 o'clock (afternoon) as I write this. I have been procrastinating for days now to start putting this post together, even though I have some bits of it well established in my head and the only thing left to do is to actually sit down and write it. Its a mix of procrastination and not at the same time, but I think the context in general is useless here. What matters is that I'm writing now, if it really matters, if someone is really going to take the time to read a random girl complain about love.
Love. Its probably one of or my favorite subject in the world. I cant explain it, but I have always been fascinated by all the issues surrounding love. We tend to be dazzled by what is unknown. Not that love is actually unknown to me. In my depressed daydreams, I sometimes thought that I didnt deserve love, but nowadays I recognize that I have been and continue to be surrounded by it. Love is in the little things. We have a habit of trying to define simple things in ways that are mostly unnecessary, and love is one of those things that, despite being everyday and natural, trying to put a definitive concept on what love is seems offensive, because love can be many things. If I were to ask a group of different people what love is, we could analyze how each person tends to have a unique vision for various reasons. That is what fascinates me. Love is something Im so curious about that I can hardly help the excitement I feel when I'm asked to talk about it, and I even end up stumbling over words trying to put something together that makes sense to others.
On this blog, we'll still be talking a lot about love, in all its forms and colors. You can be sure of that. But the kind of love I want to talk about today is romantic love. I'd also like to make it clear that if you came to this post expecting an in-depth, scientific analysis of love, sorry, but you can leave. This blog is more about the daydreams I have when the night turns into dawn and baseless philosophical theories. It's more about me than anything else. But I still talk because I believe that somewhere in the universe you would read this and identify with it, or at least welcome it. I have a lot to say and little to add, perhaps.
Im 16. Im still a teenager, going through moments that are probably less stressful than the hormonal upheaval that a 13-year-old goes through, but which are still a bit complex. Nowadays I have a group of friends who make my school career less hopeless than it could be, and honestly, even though I'm not the friendliest person in the universe, I feel comfortable with them. Not as comfortable as they probably feel with each other, given the variety and ease with which they deal with certain subjects, but there is still a sense of comfort, I guess. Anyway, whether you are 16 or not, it's not hard to imagine that there's an incessant search by people in this age group for love. My psychologist says that all our feelings are much more intense at this stage, and love is not so different. Passion, fever, everything is much more intense now than for people who have lived longer.
But its just that in this part of life there we have a false feeling that we had experienced every possible emotional level, but love can be seen very new, because you will rarely truly experience it at a young age. As we grow up, our feelings become more complex, but in contrast, we become more & more mature in dealing with them. But, this is in theory. In practice, we are still the same star mass we were when we born, just with more experiences. But experiences dont always form maturity in certain people. Look, its easy just analyze the amount of ignorant and immature beings we find out there, on the streets, on television and even in positions of supposed power (yes, elon musk. I'm talking about you. you're like a cry baby. or as clarice lispector would say: you're like a hair in the soup). This ignorance is projected into various scenarios, affecting the world in a certain way.
Well, we are still talking about love. We all know that immature people end up hurting people, and you probably know (or you are the person) who has already had a major disappointment in love. They say that breaking a heart in love is one of the most painful feelings in the world, just like losing a piece of yourself. That sounds crazy to me. Dont get me wrong, if you are that person with a broken heart, I would never take away the value of your feeling. Its not crazy that you feel bad about having your heart broken, what I find crazy is the fact that someone, in their merely human and mortal existence like you, can hurt something as precious as a heart. If I were to elaborate further, I would add that my perception of romantic love in certain scenarios is closer to pain than to a positive feeling. Im not going to go into depth, at least not in this post. But if you are wondering why my view is supposedly pessimistic (it's not), know that I say this without ever (fortunately) having experienced disappointment. But if you're the person who had your heart broken and found my speech unfortunate, if it makes you feel a little better, know that I've never experienced romantic love. In any way.
It was because of this that I had the idea to start writing this post while doing the dishes. Its not something unknown or that I suddenly discovered, but it still left me in a state of shock for a few seconds. I'm pretty sure that I'm still very young and that love will still come, but it was a strange shock to realize that among all my friends and acquaintances at my age, Ive been lucky (or unlucky) enough never to have been graced by romantic love. On the other hand, whenever people ask me if I ever liked someone, I say yes. But the reality is that I havent really feeling the feeling of what love is suposed to look like. I have come very close to it, so close that remembering the feeling causes me distress. Because it was painful, like I have already say (but I have that pessimistic view of love even before that). It was like having my pharyngeal pathway blocked by thorns. This whole thing about love not hurting is a lie. Love hurts, just like all other feelings. Even joy can be painful, because while you're feeling it you know that it's going to end and one day your happy moments will just become memories. That could be considered pessimism, but I see it as a way of facing reality.
I believe that never having felt love is also a bit of a misnomer. Everything I know about romantic love comes from stories. And trust me, I have heard a lot of them. As I said at the beginning of the text, Im completely obsessed with this subject, and I think part of this interest started when I saw people talking about it so much. Im curious by nature, but for as long as I can remember I've had people around me treating me like some kind of therapist, what creates a feeling that they can be free to tell me their most secret confessions. Also, It must be because Ive always been an extremely considerate girl towards others, in the sense that Ive always been very fond of being silent and consequently thinking too much, what creates in me a feeling of empathy. The more you think, the more you acquire the ability to be a good analyst. Analytical people give good advice, apparently. I leave that as a tip to make life easier. The more you analyze, the more you know, the more you know, the easier it is to deal with the world. But knowledge, like love, can be very relative.
“The more I knew, the more I wanted to know. He had mad appetites that grew more eager as he fed them” - the portrait of dorian gray (book good as hell)
It's already 6pm. I had more to say, but this text has tired me out. Ivee realized that I go round in circles for too long and in the end I dont even know what Im getting at. I think its because this is still my first post, so unfortunately I still feel a bit stuck… But let's get back to it, so you will have to follow me to know what my big conclusion would be.
Actually, you don't have to. There's no big conclusion. Thats exactly what love is. You start trying to fit words together to try to explain it and in the end you get nowhere. Or it would, if I wasnt so tired. Tomorrow I have a chemistry work at school to present, so I could use that as an excuse, saying that Im only going to close my computer to study. But I definitely wont. I hate chemistry and Im going to study what I need to 5 minutes before my presentation. Normally Im very involved in schoolwork, but this time Im not in the mood for several reasons. One of them is that I have lost patience with my more intimate relationships at school. The same subjects tire me out. Talking for a whole morning about love and sex has become quite exhausting… What the hell?
Love… I genuinely couldnt care less. I lie. I genuinely couldnt care more. Because talking and listening about love every day is definitely taking its toll on me. These days I've started to crave love more than anything else, because it seems so good, the new always seems either good or scary. And when it becomes scary, I feel angry, because instead of making fake scenarios like the ones I usually like to make alone in my room, love comes up like a damned curiosity and Im left trying to dismember a feeling that seems impossible to understand, and not knowing something causes me either stress or fear. I know I shouldn't be afraid of love, but just knowing doesnt make me stop feeling it.
Knowledge is relative. Love is relative. And what could be more interesting than relative things? I wish I had more time to study about love, but school drives me crazy with its unfortunate content load. Anyway! As soon as I have more time, I'm going to study love from a scientific point of view and form my own philosophy. And I will write about it. But until then I will write about other things, obviously, but in my view no other post would be cooler than one about love. Or maybe. I have several ideas.
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nahalism · 10 months
i was wondering, how did you get to develop your art? im currently in a process where i am trying to experiment and go beyond the need to create art that is realistic (as in "objectively like reality as it is", like I was being told by both school and family). i feel like I struggle a lot to follow my inspiration because of this, and I am also trying to learn how to draw scenes from my own ordinary life, but unfortunately I am quite impatient and frustrated with my inability to create what I wish to create + perfectionism in general makes me scared of using colour as well 😭 I really admire your art so much, both your sketches and finished pieces, and I have always wondered your own learning process throughout the years. please feel free to not reply if you feel uncomfortable cause I know it is a very personal process as well, and above all I hope you are doing well and I am sending you endless love <333
🥺🥺 this is so lovely to receive because if im completely honest there are multiple moments where i feel exactly as you've just described and despite pushing through it, a message like this is very validating that ive progressed in some way
i dont mind sharing at all. i started drawing/painting when i was 21/22 which is relatively late and i was so fearful because despite having a vision for what i wanted to create i lacked any skill that could help me bring what was in my minds eye to fruition. i was also insanely depressed and in the middle of getting my degree at uni (so felt like i had no time to pursue art, at least not to the extent i wanted to). — my plan to get better consisted of multiple things. id draw everyday. i had/have two styles i'd practice, one realism, and the other 'freestyle'? basically draw only from my head and from the rhythms that came naturally to my hand, no references. by doing that, or drawing the human figure/portraits/cars/buildings from my imagination, not only was i reinforcing what id actually learned from my study of the fundamentals, but i was learning to incorporate my own creativity into the rigid structure that sometimes comes from only drawing from reference. by doing that and drawing studies every day i began to build a library in my head of images/poses/character archetypes i could pull from which made drawing from my imagination easier, but also had the structural knowledge of forms/perspective/anatomy to make them look credible. id do this whenever i had free time, and once i left uni began practicing anywhere from 6-9 hours daily. a bit extreme but i felt like i had time to make up for since i started drawing relatively late in life. only tip there is to balance practice with making finished pieces. finished pieces will show you which fundamentals you still need to work on & how much progress you've made. they also show the completion of a thought whereas practice only gives you the tools to bring that thought to reality
just so u know, ur practice of the fundaments is not in vain. you just need to revive your own capacity to draw from your imagination/subconscious. the main thing is knowing your going to find your work horrible for a long time before it gets better. the joy has to come from the process of creating rather than the end product. by the time it gets better, your eye will also have improved, so you still wont be satisfied. thats where growth comes in. being your biggest critic is what will make you great, as long as you remember where you came from (date and keep your work so you can look back on it) and the role criticism plays. separate your skill from your self worth.
something helpful i was once told is along the lines of 'perfectionism is a lie we tell ourselves to justify our procrastination. no one is ever perfect, so the only way to gain skill is to practice. you cant grow if you dont begin. so if your really a perfectionist, your only solution is to start'
i would love to see your work someday and hope i will. wishing you luck and sending you all the courage to begin and be great. you got this <3
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princesssmars · 2 years
sam and mike headcanons
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a few headcanons about sam giddings and mike munroe
contains: fluff, some angst and mentions of the prolouge of until dawn.
wc: 395
her wiki says she love nature so she takes local hikes often to wind down from the pressures of school and work. she likes to just stand and listen to the sounds of the world around her.
she listens to really chill and lowkey artists and music
mom of the group, will always check in to make sure everyone is ok and started a group chat for this reason
its one of the reasons she was best friends with hannah, she made sure to be there for and comfort her whenever she needed it.
shes wanted to be a conservationist since she was a kid, since her mom also loved the environment and would take her to parks often
she loves animals (she is a vegan so) and her favorite is a capybara because they are so cute and laid back.
hannah and beths disappearance broke her for a while, 2 of your best friends being embarrased in front of your frienda and then going off into the dead of night to never be seen again is a unique and depressing experience
i think she def would have tried yo go after them but one of the friends held her back
this just intensified her proyectiveness over her friends (even if she had some hidden resentment because of what happened)
so the first thing that popped up in my head is that he def listens to rock music and jams to it during study sessions
he's probably getting a degree in something relating to business or leadership ?? idrk
his favorite animals are dogs ofc
i just know he was tryna persuade the police and investigators to let him take his wolf buddy home
he says hes really in tune with his feelings (needs to figure out his commitment issues out then but whatever) so hes the one in the group that if you need emotional guidance hed be like "oh yeah lets have a chat" and youre like ???? you ??? mr big guy on campus with a new girl by his side every month ???
but hes actually really good at it, he is very academically and emotionally intelligent which is probably what attracted him and emily to each other
he can be is a dick but he does care about his friends and will go through drastic lengths to protect them as we've seen
ok im releaisng this bc im writing the sam x reader x mike so fucking slowly. i think im gonna do it over the course of the whole game bc im ambitious. hopefully i stop procrastinating soon 😭
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petrichoraline · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
i did this some time ago but most answers are gonna be different so let's go!! thank youu, @fangirlmedstudentblog and @markpakin 💞
Three Ships
TinnGun - no surprises here, these two have become everyone's comfort couple so quickly
HiraKiyoi - again, not a shocker in the slightest, they are my insane comfort bfs
DaisyIntouch - in honour of opp's viral moment with The7's Get Loose i can't not mention the most gentle, sweetest couple in SCOY; i wish their arc was handled a bit better, it felt rushed by the end; they're amazing nonetheless
First Ever Ship
let's go with first bl ship (live action) which i beliiieeve is kenji and shiro from kinou nani tabeta? and if it's not them it might be junjae and takuya from the lover
Last Song
Last Movie
i procrastinated on this just so the answer would be worth it (cause i watched a mediocre french movie but mostly didn't pay attention and that didn't sound like a good answer); the movies i saw today instead of the indian movie im procrastinating on seeing:
She's Dating the Gangster (2014) - this philippino movie made me realise that netflix's "true love" category should've been called "heartbreak" but they renamed it so well
the intros and summaries truly suck because i thought i was going into a light "fake dating" romcom with a pair of cute silly teens as the leads! what i got instead was so sad and a tad bit melodramatic that at the end i didn't know how to feel.. i did cry though! i was hanging in there and yet it got me; it's a sweet movie, although it could be overwhelming, and i would recommend it! it's kind of my fave out of the three, i wasn't too sure how it was gonna end too; one really strong point is the sweet twist on the makeover trope that the movie doesn't even use to promote itself, it's kinda naturally in there and it made me so happy
Jumping From High Places (2022) - this italian romantic-but-more-about-self-growth movie about a young woman with anxiety was not technically confusing but it had me bored halfway through (again, the sample video thingy netflix shows had an energy that imo was not there throughout the film, i found it misleading); i'm just happy i picked up on smth that is probably supposed to be a surprising reveal hehe; i wouldn't not recommend it, i feel like it could be relatable and a sweet experience for some
Your Place or Mine (2023) - a typical hollywood movie, what can i say, it's been pushed onto me and i was kinda interested, gonna lie if i say the cast wasn't a part of the reason i caved in (i'm curious bout what kutcher and witherspoon are doing now, yeah);
i think it's kinda bland, it had some good sentiments but at the end i found the female lead too unlikeable and the story kind of stretched out and a bit rushed at the same time (maybe it was actually well paced and a proper length, just not my thing, that's possible. the gray overlay (?) was so depressing though, even her bright and green home felt awfully unwelcoming)
Currently Watching
literally only My School President lol everything else is in either "on-hold", "plan to watch" or "have to catch up on!!"
Currently Reading
oh how i want to say svsss vol.2 but i'm stuck once again, i mostly read long posts and student books, not even manga
Currently Consuming
"too much media at once in theory and not nearly as much in practice" is a valid answer, isn't it lol
Currently Craving
more convos w moots ig
i might be tagging people who have done it or don't like tag games, it's very hard to track these sometimes so sorry 🫶 @hello-n-goodbye @himbodelamain @soundgun @sillsif @jingyanwang @catwalkninja @catboyjosten @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @chinzhillababy
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hyperbolicgrinch · 6 months
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Im sorry there's so many. I'm just a simp for my author wifey, and you can ask me anything forever 💖
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Don't apologise, I adore you for it. Thank you, 🥜, for taking the time to send me anything. ☺️
(huhuhuhu permission granted, let's go 👁️👄👁️💖)
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Hmm. If it's like punctuation (and grammar too, I guess), I'd say it's like 4 (1 being the best thing ever sgsggdj) cause 85% of the time I know exactly what to to with that and love fixing little low stake slip-ups that have laid out rules I can follow and don't really need to overthink about.
Editing, like going through and punching everything up a notch or cleaning up flow is hmm, still pretty high. Like a 5. Cause even though it can be daunting and painstaking, I love that I actually have words on a page to play around with. I think it let's the ideas and scenes reach a closer version to the ones I had in my head. It's a lot of work and can drive one crazy but getting things to sing or spark is so satisfying ngl. 😌
Editing when you have to overhaul and rewrite large parts and fix one big problem but maybe make ten more is a quick and easy way to go insane but I still think it's not that bad. Like a 6 or 7. Cause, once again, I've already got words to fuck around and find out with and I'd take that over a blank page any day.
Proof reading editing can be really fun because spotting inconsistencies and lining them all up so they match makes brain go brrrrr so like a 5 or 6. Especially because at that point I know I'm so close to the finish line and the pay off is right there if I just get my shit together. 😂
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
fuck it, more than 5 be upon ye: 🥣🚩🫀🧵🧲😤💋🦋🏴‍☠️
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
Fatigue. 😅 Depression. 😅 Imposter syndrome. 😅 The stars not feeling like they've aligned correctly. 😮‍💨 The pressure to write a scene how it is in my head. 😩 The "what's the point?" poison to my whimsy and motivation. 🙄 The amount of time that's passed since I started writing the thing. 😭 The constant desire for instant gratification. 😐 The everyday horrors. 😵‍💫 My pedantic ass. 😮‍💨 Me forever renting real estate in the procrastination CBD. 🙄 I love to shoot myself in foot and just stare at a wall thinking about writing but not doing it. So just about everything under the sun, really. 🤪
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I don't know if this is what the question meant sfsghfhjjj but arghh I want a modern au that's so specific and catered to my exact tastes and based on the rambles my sister and I have had hsjjajjsk but there's also like this canon divergent ??? fix it??? au??? manifesting?? idea I have been thinking about non-stop since it got inside my brain but that I'm worried to to do in case it gets my hopes up for canon but basically I want two characters (and their crews) (but also these other two random characters that are not related to the first idea or each other bwhhah but I have thoughts for too and need them to come back exactly how I am envisioning because it would honestly be the Best Thing to Happen Since Sliced Bread ppfft hshajjajahsh) to somehow find each other again and team back up and take no shit to get revenge and then maybe kiss a little bit in front of the 1️⃣☮️ or something agshshsjaka after a dramatic entrance and while they hold some huge threat off so Luffy can get the ultimate boss fight done hdhsjskjshdj (Oda I'm so fr like if you need a rest or wanna hand their arc off so you can focus on bigger things, I'm right here cracking my metaphorical knuckles, I'll do it for you so fast, I have Ideas, put me in coach you won't regret ittt🙂👉👈) but it would be like so much work to make a plot that even made sense for it because I would have to do so much reaching and hand waving unless I got real serious about it and even then I would have to make so much up because there is no word of Goda or known timeline yet or events to use for its structure. 😅😂
But just anyone. Anyone that isn't me should write it (like Oda if you've got a moment...I mean, you've already done most of it,, might as well keep going, man) 😂 Maybe they even have... I haven't had a chance to look. 😅
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Any and all comments spark joy and make me hehehehe and teeheeteehee and kick my feet and then I put them in my "reasons to keep writing" folder so I can go back and look at them when I'm feeling like a fraud or giving up on the thing. I wish I could be more specific but I really do cherish when people take the time to just leave anything. If they say what they liked or quote something they loved, that's even better, but merely a kind-hearted bonus. ☺️
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Hhrrmmm. If the vibe check just ain't passing for whatever reason or the tone and character is off to an unforgivable degree. 😌 Maybe it's in character for them and the version of that character they have in their heads, but if it ain't clicking for me, it ain't clicking, and I can't push through it. 😩 I think this is a very common one but yeah, character makes or breaks a fic. Cause it's the whole point, at the end of the day, ya know? 😅
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