#im realizing that I say one that the states next to me dont say and my parents dont say
staryarn · 7 months
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(Image id: a crawfish/crayfish/crawdad of orange color. It is a side view with the head looking to the left. The floor the crafish on is of gravel and small rocks from the sea (?). The backdrop is a dark blue (also possibly from the sea (?). I don't know where this beast had its photos hoot taken I'll be honest. The crayfish/crawfish/crawdad has two front pincers (imagine a small lobster) with three skinny and spindly legs on each side. It has a tail resembling a lobster they are apparently closely related to lobster so just imagine a lobster but smaller (they are apparently 3-7 in, including their outstretched claws). )
Crayfish/crawfish/crawdad Image from Britannica © Alexei Filatov—iStock/Getty Images
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rafeysdoll · 1 month
i’m literally FERAL
could you please do one where rafe somehow convinces reader and he FINALLY gets to be inside of her🫶🫶🫶
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"rafey," you mewl, tugging at his polo as he laid on the couch, writing emails and conducting business. "im.. needy, want help." you whisper, biting your lip as you tilt your head to the side. "what was that?" he taunts, shit eating grin displayed on his face as he dismisses his phone, tossing it aside as he gets up anyway.
you eagerly head back into his room, quickly jumping to his bed as you wait for him to lay, ready to hump him as if he was your very own toy to get rid of all your overwhelming desires.
but yet he remains the same, standing still with his tongue nudging at the side of his cheek as he sighs rather dramatically, hand now over his hip. "you know, baby.. i.. uh," he pauses, tactifully letting silence fill the room for you to worry, wanting you get yourself worked up.
"i just dont know how to say it," he continues, turning around so he can only give you a show of the back of him. “what is it?” you question, voice bordering a whimper. “did i do something wrong?”
rafe smiles menacingly, taking a deep breath. it was time for the last stone to be set.
“here, come stand next to me alright?” he requests, turning back around to offer his hand. you quickly listen, right besides him in seconds as he caresses your hand in his own. “baby, i don’t know if i can do this.” he states, brows meeting together in a tight line, leaning in slightly as if he was offended.
you take a shaky breath and gulp, a strong queasy feeling in your stomach. “w-why?” you reply, bottom lip put out. “you.. you don’t like it?” you frown.
“no, no i do. that’s the problem, im a man.. and, well uh.. it’s hard, you know baby? got all these feelings and i can’t even act on them. i mean, it can’t be fair.” he confesses, pretty blue eyes staring at your own.
“oh,” you realize, looking down at your connected hands. “well.. well that can change, can’t it? we can just.. you know.” you whisper, heat and desperation tingling through your body. you didn’t want any of this to end, you were willing to do anything before he had to be ripped away from your hands. “oh.. oh i dunno baby, that’s a big step.” rafe pretends to deny, his cock already twitching and throbbing. he was so close to what he had been working towards for so so long.
“no, no really rafe. i.. i mean now we can both.. enjoy it.” you carry on, nodding. “please? don’t wanna go to anyone else,” you plead, small tears collecting in your lower lash line. “you.. you sure?” he smiles, his own heart thumping profusely in his chest. “i’m sure, ray.”
the rest was a fast blur, your best friend’s thick length bullying himself inside you, crying at every single ministration he gave you, hoping this could never end.
it was the first night rafe finally got through to your tiny hole, writing and squirming under his touch as he mumbled sweet nothings besides your ear — telling you he had been waiting for so long.. that the wait was worth it to finally do this. it was perfect in both of your minds.. rafe finally getting his best friend on his cock and you simply thinking you were only making both you and him happy.
you were always rafe’s girl, even before you ever realized it.
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etherealkissed88 · 5 months
i got what i wanted in the 3d but why did i keep assuming negative?
today i found myself assuming that something negative (that ive experienced before) was going to happen again soon. but this was without any clear evidence that it would happen. there was subtle evidence but then i caught myself and realized that is was all an assumption and i thought “why am i even assuming negative if i know the power of the law?💀” so i decided it wouldnt end up that way and i let it go. hours later i saw clear evidence of the complete opposite of my negative assumption. this means that everything was going good like no negative shit was gonna happen and i still literally got physical evidence of what i wanted. at the same time, i felt uncertain and again assumed that negative thing was still gonna happen soon (even tho i saw evidence that it it wouldnt happen).
why did i feel uncertain even tho what i wanted appeared right in front of me? because in reality, i was chasing the feeling. i wasnt fulfilled, i wasnt satisfied within. this is what ppl mean when they say “its the feeling you want, you dont want it in the 3d”. sure you want the object and the physical experience but notice how the “real” and physical thing did not satisfy me at all. i literally manifested what i wanted yet i didnt feel like it would last. the 3d will never give you what you want. it will always be that inner fulfillment that gives you want you want. fulfillment is what gives you the satisfaction so if youre saying that you manifested something in the 3d and felt secure, thats because you were fulfilled. why did i also get what i wanted in the 3d yet i didnt feel secure? it will always come down to the fulfillment. that fulfillment is the FEELING! the feeling of knowing you have it despite seeing it in the 3d or not. this is also why the 3d never matters; its all neutral. bc everything IS based on assumptions and states. you see the world based on which state you are in. if im in the state of being broke, i will look at a $50 headphones as too expensive and i wouldnt feel secure in buying it. but if i was in the state of being a millionaire, i would look at a $50 headphones as if it was fifty cents and i would feel secure in even buying a more expensive one. its not about the 3d, its about if you feel fulfillment because either way if you have it in the 3d and still dont feel as if its not rly yours (fulfillment), then you will continue to assume negative and feel unsecured in your manifestation.
“as within so without” right? this is why when you are satisfied internally, you feel satisfied externally; it gets pushed out because self is always expressed in the 3d. someone who is not satisfied with being a millionaire within, can never feel good in the 3d until they fulfill themselves within (or change states where being a millionaire is normal for them). everything truly is the feeling and everything truly starts within.
back to assumptions: i continued to assume negative even with positive evidence in front of me because i wasnt giving myself the feeling. i didnt feel satisfied within. assumptions are accepting ideas without evidence. i clearly assumed correctly because i didnt have evidence that that negative thing was going to happen but i clearly was in a state of fear which is what caused me to continuously have that assumption. whatever state you are in affects your assumptions. lucky for me and you, we can change states and assumptions instantly. other than that, next time you find yourself assuming negative, stop yourself and just decide/assume it will all work out. change your state -> you are now the person who already has what they want.
anywayz, i realized all this in a span of 7 seconds after i got the physical thing i wanted but still assumed negative. i wanted to make this post because ppl could be doing the same thing and still feeling stuck and thinking that something is wrong with them when thats not the case. catch yourself and assume positive. make it a habit that whenever you want something, fulfill yourself right away. assume its done right away. update: i assumed and fulfilled myself with what i wanted and i no longer feel the need to assume the negative shit 😛. the power of fulfillment am i right ?
kisses, jani ☆
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sunshowerwriting · 11 months
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Pact Marks
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(Obey Me!) Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor x Gender Neutral Reader (Separate)
2.4 k Words
Where the pack marks are and how the brothers react to seeing them.
I am very behind in obey me and i still dont know if im gonna get back into the game but i <3 the boys so even if im way behind im gonna keep writing for them. also i know this has been done a million times but i wanted to write one too so :3
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His pact mark showed up right below your collarbone on the right side of your body. It was in a private enough place that it wasn’t noticeable 90% of the time, but if you ever wore anything low cut or were ever shirtless then there was no way of hiding it. 
He had no intention of seeing it at first. He felt no need, it was just a silly pack mark there was no need for him to search it out. And he certainly didn't think he'd feel as drawn to it as he did when he finally saw it. 
When he did finally see it he was enthralled. He was so mesmerized by the little symbol that he had to stop you from doing whatever you were doing so he could just stare at it. (And maybe touch it if you would let him.)
It was a hot day in the devildom. Hotter than it had been in a very long time and there was no way you were going to let yourself get heat stroke while you were here. So you chose to wear a tanktop that had as little fabric on your body as possible. You hadn't even thought that your pack marks would be on display; you simply wanted some relief from the sweltering heat. However, your housemates did not let you by that easily. Or specifically one house mate, one that you least expect.
You were just leaving your room for something to drink but before you could get the sweet liquid your body desired Lucifer stopped you.
“Y/n, face me.”
You knew better than to decline a request like that so you turned around hoping to get whatever this was finished with as soon as possible. But what you weren’t prepared for was Lucifer just staring at you.
It made you a little self-conscious at first. But the self-conscious feeling quickly turns into amusement when you realize what he was staring at.
“Your pact mark.” You said teasingly.
His eyes didn't move from your chest. So you offered your next question with caution.
“Do you wanna touch it?”
His pact mark showed up on your left side right on your ribs. There was no way anyone was seeing this unless they caught you changing or you offered to show it to them. Which was bad for Mammon.
He wanted to know where it was immediately. But he wasn’t just gonna admit that to you. So he took it upon himself to pay extra close attention to any bit of exposed skin you had. Every time your shirt rode up or you took off your shoes he was examining your exposed skin with a magnifying glass. 
When he finally gave in and asked you (albeit in a very roundabout way) to show him you were more than happy to do so. He was a little thrown off at you showing so much skin to him but after the shock he was really surprised by the pack mark. It's almost like he didn’t believe that it was his pack mark.
“Sure I’ll show you.” Your words were nonchalant if not a little amused at Mammon's question.
You immediately moved to lift your shirt. It may have been better if you had just taken it off but either way lifting it certainly did the job. And there on full display was Mammons pact mark. Mammon had averted his eyes briefly when you started lifting your shirt but when you made an impatient noise he looked back at you reluctantly.
His eyes immediately met with his pact mark sitting on your ribcage. The little symbol fit perfectly there and he seemed to be in a state of disbelief. His eyes were wider than normal and his jaw hung slack.
“Why are you making that face?”
Your words shook him out of his little trance and his eyes shot up to your face.
“I’m not makin a face!” He said, placing his hands on his hips.
You rolled your eyes at him but didn't say anything else on the matter. His eyes went back to the pack mark while you slowly put your shirt back down, covering the little mark.
Mammon would definitely need to see that again at a later date.
His mark showed up on the outside of your right thigh. It was an odd place in your opinion, but the more you thought about it the more you realized just how perfect it was for the avatar of envy.
Levi hadn’t thought about it initially. In his mind he knew you had a pack mark now but it hadn't crossed his mind that you'd ever want to show it to him. But as time went on he did get a little curious. Not enough to ask you about it but enough to start theorizing about where it might be. 
Eventually you brought it up. Asked if he wanted to see it and with some coaxing you convinced him to let you show it to him. He was… embarrassed to say the least. 
When you started unbuttoning your pants Levi started to freak out. You assumed this would happen so you tried not to pay it too much attention. Simply muttering a “calm down” and continuing your action of trying to show him the mark. Once you had pulled your pants down and turned your body to show the little mark Levi had taken it upon himself to cover his eyes with his hands. 
“Levi come on, You're not gonna see anything.”
He mumbled something incoherent but with a bit more prying you got him to look at you. And as soon as his eyes made contact with his pact mark his face went a whole new shade of red.
“It's there!” He practically shouted while trying to avert his eyes again. 
But now that he knew where the mark was he was having trouble keeping his eyes off of it. That seemed to be the way it was with most of the brothers and their pack marks, it was like they were drawn to them. Levi was certainly trying to fight that feeling however.
You laughed at the demon, and started to reach to put your pants back on. You thought you were sparing him the embarrassment or at least some of it but much to your surprise Levi stopped you before you could cover up again. 
“Wait! Can you… can you let me look at it a little longer?”
Satan's mark appeared on the inside of your wrist on your dominant hand. It was one of the most obvious places any of your pack marks had been thus far and truthfully that shouldn’t come as much of a shock. 
He saw it right away. He tried to play it cool. He wasn't even that attached to you so why would he go crazy over a little pack mark. But if you paid close enough attention to him his eyes would linger on your wrist every chance he would get. 
But when he actually gave in and took a moment to REALLY look at it he didn't even bother asking. 
You found yourself situated comfortably in the library. Cozied up reading and enjoying your moment of peace. You were bound to get interrupted eventually but who interrupted you came as a bit of a shock. 
Satan came to sit next to you on the sofa with the simple greeting and you put down what you were reading for a moment to see what he was going to do. He glanced at you for a moment before gesturing to a table on the other side of you.
“Would you hand me that book?” He asked.
You did as you were asked and handed him the little book that was sitting on the other side of you. When turning to hand it to him though you were stopped in your tracks when he grabbed your wrist and not the book.
“What are you—“ 
Your words died in your throat when you realized what he was doing. Satan's eyes were boring holes into your wrist, right where your pact mark was placed. His eyes tracing every curve and line of the mark. 
You were content to let him do whatever he wanted so you both sat quietly for some time as he looked at the mark that bound you together.
His was below your belly button. It was fitting  and when you realized where it was you knew there was no way you'd let him see it right away. Perhaps you wanted to tease him or maybe you just didn't feel comfortable enough yet. But no matter how fitting the placement was, you weren't showing him right away. 
Asmo begged to see it. He had so many ideas of where it could be, and considering he couldn’t find it on any of your exposed skin, his ideas were getting worse and worse as time went on.
You eventually gave in and let him see it and he was in love immediately. He would not stop looking at it and cooing over how good it looked on you.
“Alright, fine!” 
You were more than a little frustrated at Asmo’s constant begging but at this point you didn’t actually mind showing him the pack mark that much. So you might as well show him now and get it over with. 
Asmo was very excited. You could tell just by looking at him that he was bubbling with anticipation and excitement. His eyes did not stop looking over you for even a second while you prepared yourself to show him the pack mark. 
With a quick motion you lifted your shirt and adjusted your pants to expose the little mark. Asmos eyes widened way before he could even see the mark but when his eyes finally landed on it he let out a gasp. He was enamored by the little mark and he reached out to place his hands on your sides. It was as if he was making sure you weren't going to go anywhere.
“How has it taken you so long to show me this?” He whined.
You shook your head at him but said nothing. Deciding to let him marvel at the little mark for however long he’d behave. 
His mark appeared on your left shoulder. You actually couldn’t find it at first. Like you knew one had appeal but you could not figure out where it was, but eventually you did  catch sight of it. It was in a place that someone else could maybe see depending on what you were wearing but you yourself weren’t able to get a great look at it most of the time.
Beel hadn’t thought about it much. He kinda forgot you even had a pack mark for a while but even when the thought crossed his mind he didn't have the biggest urge to see it either.
He did see it eventually though. You didn't make a point to show him but you just so happened to be wearing something that shows off your shoulders and there it was. Beel was very nonchalant about it.
You had been looking for Beel for a while. You had to give him something from Lucifer and you were looking to get the errandend over quickly so you could go back to whatever it was you actually had planned for the day. And luckily for you you finally found Beel eating a snack in one of the sitting rooms. 
“Beel, I have something for you.” You said striding over to where he sat.
He freed his hands momentarily to take whatever it was you were giving him but he didn’t look too thrilled with it.
“It’s from Lucifer… Obviously.”
You laughed as Beel’s face scrunched up at your words but you paid it no mind as you turned around and began walking out of the room. As your back was turned to him you weren't able to catch the face he made when his eyes came in contact with your pack mark. His eyes went wide for a moment and he tried to map out the mark before you really left the room. 
He didn’t say anything, just quietly let you go as he stared a hole into your shoulder. He had never had any interest in seeing the little mark before. But now, well maybe he would ask to see the mark again some time in the future. 
His mark appeared on the top of your right foot. It wasn't center to your foot though, it was slightly to the outside of your body. You found it pretty quickly as you do have to take off your shoes and socks pretty regularly, but the mark wasn't so out there that someone would see it every day.
Belphie was curious and he asked you almost immediately where it was and if he could see it. He had no shame in the question and if you really didn’t want to show him you could always say no. 
He was quite intrigued by it when he saw it. There was no way he was going to be genuine about that though. So he resorted to staring at it and making a snarky comment. 
“So can I see it?” 
You shrugged at Belphie’s request to see the pack mark. You’ve gone through this before and at this point you really didn’t mind showing him. So you sat down and took off your shoe, revealing the little mark on the top of your foot. Belphie looked at the mark with a strange look on his face, you almost wanted to ask what was up,but you kept the question to yourself as he continued to gaze at the mark. 
“That's it?”
You rolled your eyes at him but he didn’t even look up so you assumed he didn’t even notice. You could tell he was actually quite interested in the mark and you know how he can be so you let him act that way. But if he wasn’t going to ask the question you assumed he wanted to then you would offer for him. You moved your foot closer to him which made him flinch and look up at you. You only gave him an exasperated look before gesturing to your foot with your hand and spoke.
“Go on, touch it.”
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aothotties · 8 months
How they help you get over someone
| Eren | Armin | Reiner | Jean|
Word count: 1016
Warnings: Levi is in his 30s, car sex, mating press, pet names (mama), squirting, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex.
“But i just feel so dumb, im literally so stupid” you huffed to your gym buddy, Levi as you spotted him.
He finished his set then sat up and turned towards you 
“Y/N, you're so young. You're going to make mistakes plus you're a girl. No ones mad at you for believing what he said to you and having sex with him” he said plainly 
You always vented to Levi when you were upset and he always found a way to give you great advice and help you through everything. Him being older made it easier to trust him because you felt like he was grown grown and had it all together
“I'm mad at myself. I feel like I'm too old to still fall for the same bullshit I fell for in highschool. Were you like me at my age?” you stated as tears threatened to spill from your eyes
“ I was worse” , he responded, “don't feel bad about it. Its a normal thing for you to be upset that he fucked you then never spoke to you again, youre not the problem. Any woman, no matter what age, would be upset about that. I mean there's some succubuses out there that just smash everyone and don't feel a thing, but most women aren't like that”
You couldn't lie, levi always reassured you and made you feel better about making regular human choices and never allowed you to beat yourself up for making mistakes
You both finished your workout and left the gym. He walked out next to you and made sure you were safe in the parking lot because it was late at night. You stopped at the car and he pulled you into a hug
“You'll be alright, mama. Don't be so hard on yourself” he said and you buried your face in his chest and began to cry 
Even though his words made you feel better you were still sad. He rubbed your back and let you get it all out and refused to let go until you finished crying
You pulled away and wiped your tears on your shirt
“Thank you, i really appreciate you, Levi” you said to him once you composed yourself
“Dont worry about it, i'm always here if you need me” he responded.
You stared up at him completely enamored. You had the strongest feelings for him and had them for a while. You tried sleeping with that other guy thinking it would help you get over him but it clearly didn't work. You just ended up sad and crying in his arms which strengthened your feelings. You were convinced Levi didn't feel the same and you were too sacred to say anything in fear that it would ruin the friendship you have
“Aye aren't you glad you asked me to be your gym partner”, he said trying to change the subject
“yeah , i guess” you laughed as you responded 
“You guess? You know you wanted to be like me, that's why you approached me and asked for my help” he nudged you a little bit as he teased 
“That definitely not the reason i approached you but yeah let's go with that” you told on yourself before you even had the chance to realize it
He looked down at you and smirked as he nodded, “ yeah i know”
He confirmed in that moment that he knew exactly how you felt about him and apparently he felt the same because he grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you towards his car
Levi drove a nice white tesla and you had been dying to see the inside 
He had you in the back seat folded completely in half as he pressed his weight onto you 
His dick was reaching so far inside you that your mind went blank. All you could do was moan his name while he fucked you at a steady pace.
Sweat rolled down his abs as he was sliding in and out of your dripping wet pussy. He was mesmerized by the way you were sucking him in. He was also taken aback at how good your body looked folded under him.
Sometimes at the gym he would make slick comments about your ass but you never realized it was his way of telling you he felt the same.
“Fuck Levi, r-right there. Im gonna cum baby” you whined as you grabbed his biceps 
His pace didn't change and he continued to fuck you all the way to your peak
“Mmhmm mama, cum for me” he said as he watched your face contort in pleasure
Your high flooded over you and you came hard all over his thick cock. You felt bad that you squirted on his perfectly clean seats but he couldn't care less. He wanted to see you cum for him over and over again and didn't care about what happened to his car.
He never let up and kept going until you came for him multiple times. Each time you came a mantra of praises left his lips. 
His pace became more erratic as he came close to his climax. You could feel his dick throbbing inside you as he was about to cum
“ gonna cum inside you mama, f-fill you up real good” he stated between deep grunts
He slammed into you hard one last time then you felt as his hot thick cum spilled inside you. He slid out and watched as it pooled out of you but he quickly pushed it back in with his fingers.
You both threw your clothes on and you stepped out of his car and wobbled as you tried to stand up straight. He laughed at you and shook his head. He put his arm around you and walked you to your car 
He leaned down and pressed a kiss on your forehead 
“Best cardio i've ever done” he stated as he opened the door for you 
You hopped in your car and deleted the other guy's number knowing damn well he did not match up to Levi in any way.
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quintelly · 4 months
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Pairings- Theodore Nott x female! Reader
Summary- You've always known deep down that you were infact the other woman but you didn't expect it to have it spelled out infront of you
📍First time writing angst so please give tips or suggestions for other fics :3
Angst w/o comfort :3 Masterlist
You knew about it all along but you didn't expect it to hurt as much.
It hurt because you realized you just one of his many choices, you were just lucky you got picked
It really was tiring thinking if you were good enough, thinking if you could even compare to her. You did not in the slightest way, and right now it has never been clearer.
"Teddy, you wanna hang out tomorrow? Ive got a movie day plan for us"
"Dont call me that. And no i can't im busy."
"Oh then when are you free?"
"Fucking hell y/n you're so annoying can you shut the fuck up?"
"Oh sorry"
"God i don't even know why i put up with you"
With that he left the room, leaving you with tears spilling from your eyes.
You've been trying to reach out to him doing anything you could to get his attention. All he did was scoff or walk away.
While you were taking a walk in god knows where you saw a flower thag reminded you of him. Theodore.
You couldn't help but smile sadly because while you're out here thinking of him, he's out there not sparing you a thought.
It doesn't matter though, he'll come around. He'll love you as much as you love him. Right?
A day went by, and you've heard just now that he's been in a fight. You suddenly got worried and rushed your way to the hospital wing which people said he was getting healed in.
On the way, you saw him.
'Oh god im glad he's ok.' You thought but then you saw her with him
You ran away as fast as possible before they could see you
Then finally your pandoras box has been opened.
It really was pathetic on how you thought you could really be the one for him.
You thought you would be the one to make him smile and laugh like he was right now. With her.
It was pathetic TRULY pathetic.
Who were YOU to make him feel that way? You were nothing, a nobody. You just got lucky
Its was pitiful that YOU thought you could change him, fix him, love him.
You couldn't, you never could and you never will. Because you were a no one.
No one in comparison to him.
He was everything and you were nothing.
You really were never enough and you were a fool to believe that there was a chance, a little chance that you were.
You were a fool, an idiot to fall to his charms, to his sweet whispers, to his promises, to his capability of actually falling in love, with YOU.
You were in a delusional state to think that the both of you would actually work.
Then you realized, every time he would cancle or say he was 'busy' He was probably out with her.
You were that replacable. No.
You were never the 1st choice to begin with.
You were nothing to be replaced. You werent anything to be replaced. YOU werent worth ANYTHING, to be replaced and he made it known the very next day.
While passing through the hall you saw him, with her. Showing her around like a trophy.
It hurts because he didnt even do that to you. He said,
"I want to keep us a secret because i dont want anyone stealing you away from me"
what a fool you were to believe that.
Unfortunatley he spotted you and stared for a while. And to add she noticed.
"Teddy, do you know her?"
"No my love, just some delusional girl that annoyed me before"
He never saw you as anything but a plaything. He just liked the attention you gave him. The feeling you gave him.
It was all it was. You were just something that boosted his ego because after all,
Who were you to love him?
Fin (?)
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snooyaki · 4 months
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paring ୨୧ : taesan x female reader
genre ୨୧ : angst
warnings ୨୧ : taesan is an ass, alcohol, aggressive makeout, cussing
wc ୨୧ : 2669
a/n : im back w a taesan fic FINALLYYY!! pls listen to this song while reading!! moth to a flame by the weeknd is what inspired me! hope u all enjoy 💋
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all your friends say hes the one, his love for you is true.
SHE COULD NOT STOP thinking about the way his hands cupped her face, smashing his soft plush lips against hers as they kissed roughly to the point it left her lips all swollen and bruised the next morning.
or the feeling of his fingertips grazing over her waist before giving it a tight squeeze as he pressed her up against the wall, nipping at the thin skin of her neck.
god, y/n could think about him all day long.
“y/n! you should totally go for him!”
y/n snapped out of her daydreams, her eyes trailing from the wall, to her friend who sat in front of her. the girl blinked a few times, realization slowly hitting her.
she had just dozed off for the third time that day. she needed to get a hold of herself.
y/n rubbed the nape of her neck with a soft embarrassed chuckle, tilting her head to the side with slight shame.
“sorry … what are we talking about again..?”
wonyoung groaned as she rolled her eyes in annoyance. “hellooo, we’re talking about myeong jaehyun!” she reminded, her lips pouted slightly as she frowned at you not listening to her.
right, the upperyear myeong jaehyun. the captain of the soccer team and the school’s sweetheart. y/n’s friends had been trying hard to set the two up after finding out that jaehyun had just a little crush on you, a little meaning a lot.
you were pretty, kind, and lit up a room with your warm smile. how could myeong jaehyun not fall for a girl like you?
despite all the attention she received at school, she showed no interest in any of the boys around her. sure jaehyun was good looking, played soccer, and had such a good personality, but y/n showed little to no interest in the soccer boy. the girl’s friends had always wondered why, but never wondered because of who.
“he obviously likes you y/n, why dont you just give it a shot?” minji piped in, finally lifting her nose out of her book she had been hooked on for days.
y/n shook her head with a sigh, reaching into her bag to bring out the compact mirror she planned on using to make herself look “busy”.
“im not interested in myeong jaehyun.” you stated, staring at the three girls surrounding you before opening up your mirror as your eyes scanned your face.
the lipstain was rubbing off, slightly revealing your bruised lips. y/n had decided to wear a darker plum coloured lip shade in attempts to hide the bruising. it seemed to be doing a good job considering none of her friends had noticed. at least the concealer covering your dark hickey was holding up.
“but y/nnn! myeong jaehyun is so good for you, hes perfect!” sullyoon beamed excitedly, her eyes watching as you swipe the soft applicator across your bottom lip while concentrating on your reflection in the mirror.
“cant talk, busy.” you mutter, causing all three girls to let out an exasperated groan.
“myeong jaehyun huh? i agree.”
y/n knit her eyes brows as she gazed up, only wishing she hadnt. it wasn’t odd for him to show up whenever y/n was hanging out with her friends. his best friends, jungwon and leehan, were friends with hers, wonyoung and sullyoon. but no matter how many times she could see him in a day, she would always be taken by surprise.
“see, even jungwon agrees.” minji sighed, shaking her head as the three boys came to sit with the girls.
y/n felt a shiver go down her spine seeing him take a seat diagonally across from her, fighting every urge she had to not look his way.
“jaehyun is a good guy, right taesan?”
leehan nudged his friends shoulder to get his attention, watching as the boy shrugged his shoulders with a disinterested nod. “hes alright.”
“y/n, hey!”
speak of the devil.
the group look up to be met with none other than a smiling myeong jaehyun, whos attention was all on you. it took your friends everything in them to not stop squealing, hitting each other in excitement.
y/n smiled lightly back at the male, slowly scooting down in her seat to make room for the other. “hi jaehyun, no soccer practice today?” you question as the male takes a seat next to you happily.
jaehyun shakes his head like an obedient puppy, gazing at you with nothing but love in his eyes. “not today, i thought id come see you.” he chuckled, as you lightly smile in response.
“so cute ….” wonyoung whispered to minji next to her as they fangirled at the sight of you two together.
no one seemed to notice the smirk playing over taesans lips, as he watched you and jaehyun interact closely, and carefully.
no one seemed to notice but you.
but does he know you call me when he sleeps?
“so, myeong jaehyun huh?”
you roll his eyes at the mention of his name, running a hand through your hair as you flipped onto your stomach, laying on the bed with your feet in the air.
“dont mention his name, taesan.” the girl sighed, resting her chin against the palm of her hand.
you could hear taesans sinister chuckle on the other side of the line. you can just see the stupid smirk he has on his face.
“why? i wanna talk about it.” taesan hummed in response.
“does he know about me?”
y/n shook her head with a light huff. in all honesty, you were a bit upset at taesan. y/n didn’t know why or how she ended up on the phone with him at 1:16 am. but thats how every night went. well, those nights they werent together.
but does he know the pictures that you keep?
y/n had been spending her night peacefully on her bed, soft music playing from her speakers as she scrolled through her phone aimlessly, before finding herself going through her photos. more specifically, the photos you and taesan had taken together the morning after a steamy night. all bundled in your bedsheets, naked, and holding each other close.
thats how you found your way to the phone app, pressing on taesans contact.
in all honesty, you were upset at him after finding him in the washroom of a party kissing another girl. after catching him you two broke out in a huge fight. its not the first time it had happened. you two were nothing but friends with benefits. but of course, as always someone catches feelings within that relationship. that someone was you.
“im not talking about this with you taesan.” you reply shortly, and bluntly. taesan could tell you were upset.
“are you still upset?” taesan questioned in a taunting and irritated tone. that was enough to get you all riled up again.
“i dont know, you tell me.” she spat viciously, hearing a scoff coming from the male on the other line.
“oh dont start-“
“you were supposed to be with me that night!” you shouted at him, your hands catching a hold on one of your stuffed animals as you squeezed it to your chest for comfort, sitting up from your laid position before taking a deep breath, “but no, like the dick you are you just had to be fucking another girl when you told me you would stick by me that night- you know what i dont know why i trusted you. this always fucking happens with you!!” y/n finally concluded, feeling herself get choked up with tears at the end.
but does he know the reasons that you cry?
you were crying again. crying all because of han taesan.
“the fuck did i tell you that night, y/n?” taesan spat, causing you to almost flinch from the venom dripping from his voice.
“stop acting like we’re dating.”
y/n held her breath at his words. right. they weren’t dating. she had somehow forgot that when spilling out her emotions just now.
“youre really fucking annoying, you know that? god. we arent even dating and you’re just so suffocating.” taesan groaned.
his words hit her like a stone. tears were spilling from her eyes as she tried her best to keep quiet. she could not let han taesan hear her cry, although she knew he knew.
“we’re over taesan. i fucking mean it.” your shaky voice concluded. you couldnt take it anymore. you needed to be free from satan himself.
“baby, there wasnt even a beginning to start with.”
“go to hell.” you growled, ready to just hang up the phone before taesan had spoke, causing you to pause in your tracks.
“no matter how much love he gives you, you’ll always come back.” taesans voice spoke eerily, causing you to run a hand through your hair frustratedly, a sniffle coming from you as you continued to silently sob.
you knew it was true.
“you’ll never escape me.”
buzz, buzz, buzz!
y/n’s phone would not stop buzzing as the girl stared at the device that lay on her bed in distress. no. you couldnt. you cant answer that damn phone.
you could not give in to han taesan this time.
“y/n!” sullyoon, snapping y/n out of her thoughts as she gazed her attention up towards the girl appearing from out of her closet. “should i wear this tonight?” the girl questioned, as she smiled, nodding her head in approval.
“you’ll look so pretty yoon.” you hummed, as she nodded her head retreating back into the closet.
it had been two weeks since your last argument with taesan over the phone, and two weeks since you last spoke to him.
it had never went on for that long. y/n was scared. no matter how badly taesan treated her, she was scared of losing him.
so, she decided to spend a lot more time with jaehyun.
she knew it was wrong, using jaehyun to get over taesan, as well as get back at him. all of her friends approved of this sudden change. they really believed jaehyun was the perfect guy for her.
“your boyfriend is the best y/n, tell him thanks for getting us into this party.” minji hummed, focusing as she dabbed eyeshadow onto her eyelid.
y/n shook her head with a soft sigh and an eyeroll as she sat at her vanity, gazing into the mirror and lightly curling her hair.
“hes not my boyfriend.”
“yet.” wonyoung intervened, spritzing perfume on her neck before looking at you. “not your boyfriend yet.” she snickered.
after an eternity y/n and the girls had finally finished getting ready, making their way inside the huge house party as the booming music rang through their ears.
“oh! guys its jaehyun- y/nnn its jaehyunnn!” wonyoung slurred, as minji and sullyoon squealed in excitement.
maybe you four went a little hardcore during your pregame.
“hey … you guys okay?” jaehyun chuckled lightly, eyes widening at the sight of you stumbling.
jaehyun quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, steadying your balance. you, drunk and in heels was not a good combination.
y/n’s red face gazed up at jaehyun, a tipsy smile playing over her lips. “jaehyun!” she cheered, wrapping her arms around the males neck latching onto him with her dear life.
jaehyun was flustered. it was her first time making physical contact with him. although you were drunk, he loved it.
“hey y/n,” jaehyun chuckled, snaking his arm around your waist as he gazed down at you with a blush over his cheeks. “come on, lets get you some water.” jaehyun suggested, guiding you through the busy crowd.
“no!” you exclaimed, grabbing jaehyuns hand before dragging him with much force towards the dance floor. “come on, lets dance.”
it didnt take much for jaehyun to give in, and forget about grabbing the drunken girl a cup of water. here he was, dancing with you on the dance floor as your bodies pressed against each other from the crowd.
you knew he was watching.
there taesan stood, a drink in his hand as he leaned up against the kitchen doorway, watching you and jaehyun like a hawk. his grip on his red solo cup grew tighter, and tighter as he watched you and jaehyun get closer, and closer.
he didnt know why he was so upset. taesan swore he only liked y/n for casual hookups. but no, with the feeling of jealousy raising inside of him, he didnt have time to think and reason with himself.
“hey, han. you okay?” a voice spoke, although not catching taesans attention whatsoever as his eyes remained on the pair.
taesan downed his drink in one harsh gulp, wiping the alcohol spilling from the sides of his mouth before throwing his cup aside.
“im fine.” he stated coldly, fiercely making his way towards you.
taesan shoved past the crowd aggressively causing others to stumble at the determination. the boy grabbed jaehyun’s shoulder, pulling him away from you with much force.
“hey- what the fuck man??” jaehyun shouted, displeased. but it didnt phase taesan, who was busy staring down at the girl.
“youre coming with me.” he growled, causing you to raise your eyebrows in shock.
taesan grabbed your wrist, making his way through the crowd as he yanked you with him.
“hey!- hey taesan- ow! stop!!” you shouted, although taesan paid no attention to your discomfort.
or tell me does he know where your heart lies?
y/n took a deep breath of crisp air when finally out of the crowd, gazing around curiously in attempt to identify where they were headed.
“slow down tae!” you exclaim, drunkly struggling to keep up with his pace.
it all happened so fast.
taesan grabbed the bathroom door, yanking it open as he pulled you inside and shoved you up against the wall. the taller then slammed his hands on either side of your head, causing a small flinch.
you would be lying if you said you hadn’t found this action deadly attractive.
“what the fuck was that stunt you pulled over there?” taesan questioned, cocking his head to the side in a taunting way.
“what are you talking about? why does it matter to you.” y/n hissed back, gazing into taesans eyes daringly.
your reply only infuriated him more, lifting a hand from the wall as he harshly grabbed your face, a sound in surprise escaping past your glossed lips.
“fuck. you drive me crazy.”
with that, taesans lips came crashing down onto yours. the two shared a heated, yet passionate and longing kiss. a kiss full of desire, and desperation. it was different from all your other kisses. a good different.
“i want you, y/n. shit i want you so bad.” taesan muttered into the kiss as you felt the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
god this boy will be the death of you.
taesan wrapped his free arm around your waist, grazing and touching you as much as he could as his hand landed on your ass, giving it a tight squeeze. y/n knit her eyebrows, moaning into the messy kiss and arching her back in response.
“then have me. for real.” you replied, causing him to pull away. your eyes trailed down to his swollen lips, seeing your tinted lip gloss smeared all over his chin. it was quite a sight to see.
taesan stood quiet, his heavy eyes gazing into the girls as nothing but the muffled booming music and their heavy breaths echoing through their ears.
“youre mine, l/n y/n.” taesan finally stated. “youre mine, and no one else’s. you hear me?” the male spoke, his hand tugging your face closer to his.
y/n nodded in response, a playful smile over her lips. “i hear you han taesan.”
where it truly lies.
— nari ¨̮
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Being drunk and complaining how you think your bfGF is prettier than you (genshin men WOMEN x fem reader)
meow i love women <3
im so gay for genshin women lol
characters(SEPERATE): yae miko, beidou, lisa, mona, deyha, ninguang, rosaria, shenhe, yelan,
doing nilou, ganyu, jean, eula, keqing, ei(baal), kokomi, yoimiya next!!
be sure to comment if you want any other characters!!
i just fucking realized that rosaria is a nun, which means she is not allowed to date or have any sexual interaction uh my bad haha
Yae miko rather laughed at your pitiful state. As a shrine maiden, she is not allowed to drink, but rather seeing you intoxicated was rather enjoyable. "fufufu...what do we have here?" She laughed as you collapsed onto her, crying. "How are you so gorgeous?...what if-what if someone steals you from me? Do you even love me?" ...this was what came out of your mouth in a series of lisps and blabbering. "Oh? And what would make you think there is anyone else that could win me over? If you really want to be assured, I'll let you know that I dont just fall for anyone..." She smiled slyly at you. "R-REALLY?.." You looked up at her. "Yes darling, really." You ended up in a sobbing fit and cried yourself to sleep, waking up to puffy eyes and a teasing yae miko who wouldn't tell you what she was had happened last night...
Beidou, is a drinker all right. And so were you. Unfortunantly, the rather large difference between the two of you drinking was your rather awful alcohol tolerance. One or two drinks and you were saying your deepest darkest secrets. Which is why it usually ends up with you and beidou drinking alone. "Gosh..." You fangirled at your wife. "So hot, pretty, cool, smart, strong, hngg" You hit your head on the table as your hand which was supporting your head slipped. "OW!" You yelled in pain, crying to your wife. "Wifey it hurtttttttsss." You cried to beidou, and she just laughed. Which resulted in you staring at her in seriousness. "That laugh...."You suddenly gush, warmth rising to your cheeks. "That was so hot!" sparkles appeared in your eyes. "Do it again! Do it again!" You eagrly begged her to laugh again...and again...and again. How happy beidou was to have someone love her as much as you did.
Lisa, was actually the one to intoxicate you in her office after you gifted her multipole bottles of fruit wine, insisting that it would taste better if she drank it with you. However, rather than drinking it for herself, she took small sips while encouraging you to drink more. And you, somewhat of a people pleaser (or maybe just a lisa pleaser), drank until you couldn't tell how many fingers you had on your hand. "Lisaaaaaaa" you groaned, holding your head. "Yes cutie?" she smiled slyly, swirling the wine in her glass. "I envy you so much.." You laid your head on the office desk sighing. "You're so cute, gorgeous, and pretty...how is it even possible? And your voice is so soothing..." You blinked slowly, perhaps it was the alcohol (or lisa's voice), that made you tired. "Haha, are you a fan of me?" She gazed into your eyes smiling as her hand lifted your chin to look at her. "I think your cuter, isn't that right my little cutie?" You shied away from her embarrassed. "I was trying to complement you...not turn it around to me" You kissed her and giggled, "Hehe, you're my girlfriend! I'm so luckyyyhngggg" You blabbered, drifting off to sleep giggling.
As a rather wealthy person (or at least, richer than mona), you brought mona to your house for a little dinner date at home. You were quite nervous, even after months of dating, trying to impress her. Mona found it a bit cute, you've already stolen her heart, you still want to impress her? This 'cute' intention and nervousness made yourself drink the whole bottle of alcohol for a confidence boost. "Ah! [n-name] dear, you shouldn't drink so fast!" Mona stood up worriedly and rushed to your side. She held your arm as the alcohol started doing its job, and you started to loose balance. "Monaaaaaa I love you sooooooooo muchhh" You turned to her smiling drowsily, but unfortunately loosing your balance which caused you to topple over her on the floor. "[n-name]! Are you okay!?" she sat up, perhaps a bit embarrassed with a tint of pink dusting her face. You, arms wrapped around her neck and staring at her a bit too intently, spoke. "You're the prettiest astrologist-no the prettiest person ive ever met, how did i even get to date you?" You gushed at her. "P-pretty? Well of course I am!" She boasted, turning her head to face the wall to hide the redness of her face. "You're so cool...I wanna be just like you" You stayed like this for a while, sitting in her lap on the ground until you dozed off. "You're so silly [name], I love you for who you are..." She mumbled under her breath, staring at your sleeping figure on her lap.
An eremite and a scholar..dating? Yes, perhaps it was a bit unusual, but you were so in love with Deyha, sometimes you couldn't even look her in the eye. First meeting when you commissioned her to protect you in the runes, as you were a haravatat student. You asked her out, and rather very surprisingly, she said yes. And now it comes to this, having a date in a treehouse? The picnic blanket was spread on the wooden floor, and a candlelit dinner was set on the blanket. "[name]...you can't get drunk alright?" Worried for your safety, she set the bottle to the side, away from you. You were quite the infamous scholar at the akademiya known for your alcoholism, which made many other scholars shy away from you. Deyha paused for a moment, seemingly trying to process something, then picking up the bottle and shaking it, only to hear the airy inside of the bottle, without a single drop of wine. "[n-name]?" She went over to your side and looked at your face, in which turned out to be pink. She sighed. Truth to be told, you were trying to fix your alcoholism, which was (kind of?) working, you only got drunk every other week or so. It seems that the wine was too tempting to resist. You looked at Deyha and took her face in your hands. "Your makeup is superb pretty and gorgeous and cool and hot today." Deyha sat up straight, blushing. "I'm not wearing any makeup today [name].." Covering her face with her hand embarresed by your compliment. You snaked your hands around her waist and closed your eyes. "Mmmm...youre warm too..." You cuddled next to her as she laughed. "Of course, I'm your little heater." You smiled, breathing in her scent. "You smell good too..ehe" You took a deep breath and sighed.
The jade chamber was rebuilt, so you decided to have a mini party with only Ninguang. "I've brough some high-quality wine from mondstat for us to celebrate." She opened the bottle, the two of you a drink. Savoring the wine, she smiled at you gently. "Do you like it?" She asked you, waiting for your reply. "YES! Ahem, sorry i meant yes, i do like it." You blushed, flustered of your outburst. It was still hard to wrap your head around the fact that you were dating the ninguang. Perhaps it was the alcohol slowly taking effect, or maybe just the nerves, but you suddenly blurted out, "I think you're the nicest and prettiest lady in the entirety of teyvat! I-I'm really happy that you gave me a chance to date you considering our vast diferences..." You stuttered, fumbling with your hands. She let out a slight chuckle and stood up, walking in front of your chair to bend down to look at you. As here hands were on both of the arm rests, pining you to the chair, she spoke sternly, yet also in a loving tone. "It should be me who's the grateful one here, someone as cute and charming as you is hard to come by you know?" She teased you, showing her rather playful side than her work personality to you. After all, you were someone who truly loved ninguang for who she is and perhaps her no.1 fangirl and supporter.
As someone who was kept void of emotions, Shenhe was always learning new things about love and emotions when she was with you. She always felt calmer(less homicidal ykyk) near you, which was something quite new. And blushing and being embarrassed...was a bit confusing sometime. You invited her to your house for a drink or two, which caused shenhe to panic a bit and cloud retainer to have her little 'my baby's growing up!!' moment. Appearing at your front door step, you invited her in. "Oh! I bought this bottle of alcohol when i visited Snezhnaya, I've been really wanting to try it with you!" You smiled, which instantly caused shenhe to be a melting mess. "R-really...you wanted to try it with me?" "Yes!" You took two cups and poured some alcohol in each one. "Cheers!" You smiled as you downed the whole thing. "Ack-" You coughed, choking a bit on the alcohol. "Are you alright?" Shenhe asked worried about your wellbeing. "Yeah haha..and this alcohol seems to be wayyyy stronger than I thought it would be." You silently apologized to shenhe for the person you were about to become once drunk. Taking another shot (which actually was more like 5 shots in your cup), your face started turning red, and your words started to become more carefree and slurred. "Mmmphhh i really lov your eyes their soooo pretty...Just like you entirely ya know? Gosh how did i get someone as cute as you?..." You smiled at her, as she was a mush of shyness. "You're doing it again...saying these things that make me feel weird..." She mumbled, but you heard her. "Do you not like how it makes you feel?" You looked at her, tilting your head in curiosity. "N-no! I really like these um-compliments you give me." She covered her face. "Awww whats wrong?" You smiled, pouting. "Those expressions of yours...so...cute..." She fangirled internally at you. Tonight, shenhe will be receiving all the affection she deserves <3
"YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN" you yelled rushing to the front door of your rather luxurious home you shared with your wife. "Hello love, I'm back from work." You jumped onto her as she caught you. "You're such a child...I haven't even been gone for that long." You sniffled and sobbed. "Yes it was! You were gone for two days! I missed you so much!" You cried, and yelan took one smell to know you were drinking. She sighed and laughed "Drinking without me?" She said. "Im sorry...I just missed seeing your pretty face and your touch i thought the alcohol would help...It's-It's a weekend so its fine!" You tried defending yourself. "Well I'll say, I missed you lots too. I got you a little souvenir" But you were already fast asleep. Well at least she loves taking care of you at times like this, she found it pretty cute.
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t3ag3rs · 21 days
g e n s o - 1 3.
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you groan feeling a sudden pressure hit your head as you wake up slowly in the infirmary.
fluttering your eyes you look around to see bakugou asleep in the chair by your side.
"what..?" you groan feeling disoriented, looking down you see your leg in a cast. "oh cmon...." you whine, waking up bakugou.
"goddamn your loud..." he mutters as he stretches, "took you long enough to wake up.."
"what happened? why am i here?" you ask signaling to your body and around you.
"okay so... you made it to the finals in the 1v1's... fought against me and thats why you're here.." he pauses, "but- you did get third out of everyone"
"really bakugou." you reply with a deadpan expression, "you really had to put me back in a cast after i had just gotten out of one?"
"its not like i was trying to genso!" he shouts, "would you rather me go easy on you and show everyone that you still cant beat me, or fight you like i would with everyone else to show that you are strong?" he asks with a scowl.
you widen your eyes as you realize his reason, "oh..." you look down, "thanks then.. i guess.." you mutter before looking up at him, "okay but seriously though howd i end up in here?? every time i get injured i somehow end up in here but i have no idea how..."
he clears his throat, "thats not important... but now since your up ill be heading out.. damn shitty hair forced me to stay here until you woke up.." he mutters standing up.
"oh.." you sigh slightly looking down. why do i feel kind of disappointed that hes leaving...?
he stops right before he exits, "for what its worth.. i think a lot of pros were impressed by our fight. you did well genso." he states before opening the door.
"thanks.." you mumble with a slight blush covering your cheeks.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you limp into class slowly the next day.
as soon as you open the door, your crushed by mina, "oh my gosh! are you okay?? are you feeling better?? i was so worried y/n!" she rambles pulling away and checking over your body.
"chill out mina... at this rate shes gonna get hurt from you.." chuckles kirishima walking up to you with a soft smile, "how you feeling?"
"way better.." you chuckle, "okay but seriously though.. who took me to the infirmary?? because whenever i get hurt i always end up there, but i dont know how..."
"okay babe.. get ready cause its quite shocking..." giggles mina, "its yours truly... mr. bakugou katsuki over there..." she whispers while jabbing her thumb in his direction.
you let out a laugh, "hah! thats a good one..! but no really.. who is it..?" you sigh as your laughter dies down.
"we're being serious.." repeats kirishima with a slight grin.
you widen your eyes, "no fucking way..." you look at mina, "but he hates me..!"
"well he must hate you soooo much that whenever you get injured during class he just has to pick you up and rush you to the infirmary..!" she says sarcastically.
"yeah.. he did that during entrace exams too! i honestly thought you two were a thing.. kinda like an old couple yknow?" kirishima quips in with a grin.
"yeah exactly!" mina agrees, bouncing on her heels. "im sure everyone in class thinks it too from the way you two act around each other..! theres just- so much tension!" she squeals.
you clasp your hand over her mouth, "shush..!" you blush, pulling her away from bakugous hearing range. "you two are so loud..!"
"is someone getting flusteredddd...?" teases kirishima with a dopey grin.
"kiri!" you gasp, "youre supposed to be on my side here..!" you grunt slapping his arm lightly.
"no way..! do you like him..?" she asks with a slight whisper. "cmon tell ussss..!" she repeats, poking your shoulder.
you blush heavily, "n-no..! i mean- i dont think so..! ughhh.. i dont know- im not sure..!" you respond frustrated.
"yknow what i just heard?" says mina with a grin, "i like him i just dont wanna accept it!!" she answers with enthusiasm.
right as you start to open your mouth mr. aizawa walks in. "this conversation isnt over..!" you whisper before sitting down in your seat.
"listen up everyone" sighs aizawa, "the hero offers for each one of you have came in..." he says before turning on the projector and presenting the results.
you widen your eyes as you find your name with 3632 offers, "geez... thats a lot.."
"now since you all have made a name for yourselves today you all will be figuring out your hero names." states aizawa, "to help with that midnight will be monitoring over you all" he says welcoming midnight to the front before walking out.
you look at the slate on your table. cmon... whats a hero name i can use..? you think groaning slightly.
"can you stop whining genso?! i cant concentrate!" barks bakugou as he hits you in the head with his slate.
huh. maybe genso isnt a bad hero name... you let out a small smile before quickly scribbling it on your board and raising your hand, "im ready..!"
midnight smiles beckoning you to the front, "okay.. im gonna be known as the elemental hero: genso" you state with a small smile.
"traditional japanese! i love it!" claps midnight with a happy smile on her face.
"well then... i guess i can thank you for your brilliant nicknames" you grin playfully, sitting down.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you stare at the paper of offers with your eyebrows furrowed. which offer do i choose...? theres so many..!
soon the bell rings causing you to stand up and place the papers in your backpack. slinging it over your shoulder you head your way out.
"genso..!" calls a voice from behind you, "wait up."
you turn and see bakugou glaring at you, "what is it?" you ask slightly intrigued.
"where are you gonna go for your offer..?" he asks gruffly looking to the side.
"uhh.. im not sure yet. why..?" you ask slightly confused to why he wanted to know.
"you should go for endeavor... one of your weakest elements is fire no..?" he says walking beside you.
you nod a bit, "huh.. your right, maybe i might go for him then. what about you?"
"im going for best jeanist. he is the no. 4 hero for a reason so i might as well see what hes all about.." he mutters.
"really?" you ask incredulously, "i would never see you going for him to be honest... hes so reserved and well.. your so- not reserved..?" you say trying to sound as nice as possible about your true opinion.
"you calling me a mess genso?" he snarls, glaring at you.
"no..! not at all..!" you chuckle sheepishly. "okay well maybe i was..." you admit scratching your neck. he chortles slightly, causing you to widen your eyes in shock. "no way you just laughed..."
he suddenly snaps back to his original self, "the fuck you say..?" he says setting off mini sparks in his palm.
"well.. it was nice seeing you bakugou but ill be off- bye....!" you exclaim, quickly running away.
bakugou stared at you running off, chuckling to himself lightly.
what is this feeling...?
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 next part: your all caught up for now!
☆taglist! @katszumi @coolgirl458 @niktwazny303 @crumbycrumb3
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stainedstardom · 1 year
Can you do a chad and reader imagine, where reader and chad are best friends since middle school, and lately have gotten even closer since they both developed feeling for eachother, but reader walks in on chad and Tara kissing at the party and they get into it and chad and Tara say things they don’t mean to the reader and then reader gets attacked really bad and when she wakes up in the hospital she doesn’t think she can forgive them?
yes omg the angst and pain and sadness
chad meeks martin x fem!reader (not dating but she is in love with him)
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falling in love with your best friend is the worse thing you could ever do to yourself. you knew they wouldn't love you the same way, wouldn't care for you the same way, wouldn't look at you the same way and yet you fell.
you and chad had been best friends since 5th grade, over time you got closer and closer. after everything happened during your senior year in woodsboro, chad decided that he wanted you to never be alone, he wanted you to be safe and sound and the only way he could do that was by being as close to you as he could be.
so he came to new york with you, against his own judgement, he began to fall for you the way you fell for him but something in him told him it wouldn't end well. told him you didn't feel the same way and so he did what he does best.
he distanced himself, he made himself scarce and practically non-existent in your life. it hurt you more then you thought it would but you let it happen. you let him fade no matter how much you hated it and no matter how much it hurt.
you stuck with him and the group. which brings you to here, you sat in the living room of sams apartment. tara and chad were away and you knew what was happening but you didn't want to believe it. you wanted to make it fake
"FUCK Y/N, GO GET CHAD AND TARA" sam yelled as quinns dead body got thrown and you screamed. you ran to the room and opened the door to see chad and tara
"fuck y/n go away" chad yelled as he made eye contact with you. you were frozen
"god y/n youre so fucking weird, theres a reason we don't talk to you" tara told you and you nodded. you felt your chest tighten and almost forgot what was happening outside
"Y/N GO, I DON'T WANT YOU HERE" he yelled and you turned to see ghostface down the hallway. they stared at you in almost a sad way, they had heard everything and even they felt bad.
"fuck run" you told them but they didn't listen, they didn't care, not until they saw you get stabbed and they ran. they didn't even look back, chad did but he didn't stop. you had blood flowing out of your arm and your stomach.
you passed out and the next morning you woke up in the hospital , the light shined on your face and you groaned making mindy look over at you
"y/n youre awake" she said
"im alive?" you asked and she laughed
"youre alive" she told you as she hugged you and you hugged her back. in the corner of the room, there was chad and tara. they stared at you and you scoffed as you looked away from them
"y/n" chad began and you turned to him
"get out" you exclaimed
"what?" he asked
"get the fuck out" you said and tara sighed as she walked out with Mindy. chad sighed
"im sorry" he said and you laughed even though it hurt you, the stitches seemed to stretch but not burst and you were grateful for that.
"ya know, i never thought you could be such an asshole, actually no I knew you could be one but not to me. you've never been mean to me and I guess that's what made me love you" you told him
"love me?" he asked
"ive been in love with you for years and you never noticed, at some point i thought you loved me too but i realized that i just cared too much and you didn't care at all" you stated
"no no i do care" he tried
"chad come on, dont lie we both know you don't. i mean last night you and tara both told me that there's a reason you don't talk to me and you don't want me there. i think you should leave because right now, I cant even look at you" you told him
"y/n please" he begged
"youre not the guy i fell in love with and you're not the guy I thought I knew" you said and that took his breath away. he got up as he walked out of the room and looked to see mindy , sam, tara and ethan staring at him.
they had all heard and usually they would be proud of you for telling him your feelings but now they just felt sad for you and wanted to hug you.
you couldnt forgive them and you didnt know if you ever would
A/N; the angst broke me
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sillyyuserr · 3 months
ever since chapter 108 tbhk has been getting progressively worse, after reading chapter 112 i had to take an hour long lap around my room before i could write this 😭
Chapter 112 analysis/thoughts
❗️obviously, chapter 112 spoilers❗️
aoi is seemingly less popular, and the burden of that has been lifted, her and nene also being much closer.
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ALSO WHAT?? Like ok lesbians
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Mei’s alive, which kind of confused me because she died due to illness?? But i guess not if shes here
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This page really intrigued me, not because of kou or anything but because of what aoi says
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She refers to teru as “teru-kun” differing to that of what she used to call him
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Which i guess means she’s close to him too
after kou runs back to the stand it shows this
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Kou and mitsuba??? HE’S ALIVE?? This is literally all we get of them so i don’t have much for this part
Nene singing at the play, having a thought just at the back of her mind, thinking she was wanting someone to watch her, but not sure who
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Until they’re finally done, everything’s quiet, she looks up at the crowd to see
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Hanako?? Im not quite sure if he was actually there or if she was hallucinating or something but she remembered him, enough to remember his name. ALSO HE KEPT HIS PROMISE AUGH 😭💔
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i dont have much to say for this because i really dont know whats going on but im interested to see what happens next w/ them
This next part especially killed me
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Teru is distressed, he’s fucking devastated, he feels betrayed and hurt by the only person he’s trusted as much as he has, teru reacts impulsively when it comes to something that weakens him. akane was right when he referred to him as a little kid, he is like a child, he does not know how to control his emotions since he wasn’t taught, and sure as hell not having a mom made it worse
also his face 😭 my mans is HURT
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Him not knowing if he should treat akane like a human or like a supernatural hurts me. this reminds me of the picture perfect arc with hanako and nene, akane being in hanako’s place and teru being in nene’s. akane making the decision for the greater good that he doesn’t even fully believe in, just as hanako did when he made shijima make the painting
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I have so much to say about this panel its insane
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The tension goes CRAZYY but also wtf
The demotion from “aoi” to “clock keeper” back to “aoi” shows he really doesnt know. Also showing he really did trust him, but now that he’s done what he did, he doesnt know how to feel about him. The “you really let me down” again suggests he didn’t at one point, and he did like him. GOSH AidaIro sleep with one eye open tonight
Akane looking worried like that shows he really did care about teru too, and what he thinks of him, i mean like look at him he looks disappointed too, but in himself
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His face he feels so bad 😭😭
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Teru gripping his tie like he’s onna run away 😭 my mans ur ON TOP OF HIM i think you got him
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Teru looking progressively more worried/concerned as akane continues explaining whats happened
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Teru’s perspective shot on the top left is painful like the rest of this chapter, him looking down at akane with a face of disbelief, as akane removed his hand from his tie, and redoes it, explaining the rest.
again, reminding me of the picture perfect arc, with the whole “be here long enough and you’ll forget your past life” with again, akane in hanako’s place and teru in nene’s
Akane says this could be a better present for Nene, and we see her initial hope of being popular come true (also taking aoi’s problem away, as stated at the beginning)
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but he also says this could be a better/more preferable present for teru aswell, which makes me want to see how teru’s life changed, and what akane considered something teru would want, and what he lost to gain it. (like how nene gained popularity but lost hanako and the connections she made bcs of meeting him)
Fuck i just realized something. Akane was under the impression teru has a crush on aoi so what if he made them closer as in like dating closer SHE CALLS HIM TERU-KUN is this what akane meant by “some people might prefer this ‘present’ over the former one. could be you president.” HUUH
i have a problem with saying “this will never happen, i know it wont, and i wont even consider it” and genuinely will be under the belief that it wont, but then it fucking happens and if thats what happened here i might as well archive my acc
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Back to the current topic, as a wielder of time, an important part of making this present, is making sure there is no way his memories will be replaced too, or so im guessing. He says "some" and “their” instead of "we" or “people like us” when talking about the people that will forget the old present. Meaning if akane des remember, he will be so indefinitely alone and self aware (him knowing so much more than the rest of them) and have to play along with everything. Everyone else has the comfort of forgetting, which will make it much easier to adjust, meanwhile if things stay the same, akane will be the only one to remember and will be like this for as long as they stay like that.
Which i like this new one, as mitsuba and kou can be friends without one of them literally being dead, and how aoi can be more open and is closer to nene, but if this is how it ends (obviously not this chapter but if it ends with them staying in the new present) tbhk is so fucked.
its kind of a win-lose, lose-win type of thing, but either way akane’s cooked.
Todays a rough day for everyone 😭
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slayfics · 1 year
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Inosuke finds himself for the first time ever not wanting to leave on a mission. Tanjiro explains it might be because he will miss you.
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Inosuke, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu all stood outside the gates of headquarters getting ready to leave for their next mission. An assortment of people gathered around to say goodbye to the demon slayers and wish them well on their journey. Inosuke realized that the helper who always took extra care of him was making their way over to say goodbye.  
“Are you all ready to leave Inosuke?” They asked.
“Yup sure am! Those demons better be ready because Lord Inosuke is coming!”
The cutest giggle escaped their lips.
“Be careful for me ok, and here shhh I made you some extra.” The helper handed over some rice cakes to the demon slayer. Inosuke didn’t realize the feeling he now had in his stomach. Oh duh it must be hunger. Inosuke grabbed the rice cakes and began to eat them.
“Those are for the journey Inosuke! But something told me you’d eat them right away, so here promise to save these ones ok.” Inosuke grabbed them from the helper. Hu... that feeling again... Maybe I'm still hungry he thought. He put the extra rice cakes away to humor the helper, but as soon as they turned away, he planned on popping them right into his mouth.  
“Ready Inosuke?” Tanjiro asked already starting to head out with Zenitsu.
“Well looks like you're all ready... be careful ok...” The helper moved towards Inosuke and pulled him into an awkward hug. Inosuke wasn’t sure what this custom was.. Were they trying to fight? Surely not they were no match for him or even a beginner swordman. He did not move but stayed limp in the hug.  
“Umm ok bye!” They said turned and quickly left. Inosuke noticed they were breathing heavier and seemed to have turned pinkish... Maybe they were sick? Or was there something he was missing. Whatever there's demons to take care of he thought and took off after the other two boys.
“Wow that was embarrassing to watch.” Zenitsu said.  
“Hu?” Inosuke wasn’t sure what he was talking about.  
“Stop it! Both of you! It’s too early in our mission for this.” Tanjiro stated hoping to calm the two boys.  
The two demon slayers stopped arguing and continued on their journey. Zenitsu caught up to Tanjiro and they both were in a conversation about whatever, Inosuke didn’t care to listen.  
A hug? Is that what that was? What was that supposed to symbolize? Inosuke found himself wishing Zenitsu wasn’t here and maybe then he’d ask Tanjiro. He didn’t want to give the yellow hair boy any excuse to make another jab at him.  
A hug had to symbolize something good right? After all the helper took off looking a bit flustered. I mean who wouldn’t be after being so close to Lord Inosuke though. For the first time Inosuke found himself not as excited to be out on a mission. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but his stomach felt weird, and he had the slightest urge to turn around. For what?? This never happens.. Maybe I'm sick he thought.
“Inosuke?” Tanjiro asked approaching the demon slayer.
“Hu? Yeah what do you want?”  
“Are you ok?”
“Yes! And I don’t need you checking up on me alright!”
“Ok.. You're just falling behind quite a bit and that’s unusual...”
Inosuke realized Tanjiro was right. What was wrong with him today??
“Ok maybe something is wrong.” Inosuke replied.
“What do you mean?”
“I think I might be sick.”
“Sick? How do you feel?”
“Usually there isn't anything else I want to do but be out here on a mission... But I have this weird feeling like I want to turn back. I don't know I just don’t feel right. My stomach feels weird and... I DONT KNOW OK I’M SURE IM FINE NEVER MIND!”
Inosuke found himself frustrated not being able to describe what was going on with him, he just knew he felt different.
“Oh I see..” Tanjiro said with a sly smile.
“I’m sorry Inosuke... but could it be you're going to miss your friend?”
“That helper that is always sneaking you food and gave you hug before you left. Could it be you’re going to miss them while we're on our mission.” Tanjiro asked in a curious tone trying not to upset Inosuke anymore than he already was.
Miss them?? Inosuke didn’t think he’d ever missed someone in his whole life. He’d had no family or friends before Tanjiro and Zenitsu and they were always together on missions or at headquarters. But Tanjiro might be right. The thought of the extra food the helper always found ways to get to him, and the way they smiled at him as though he was the best thing in the world gave him the slightest desire to turn back around. And even though he wasn’t sure what a hug meant it made him curious for more interactions with them.
“What would that mean if I missed them?”
“Well, it could mean you like them...”
“Like them?”
“Yeah you enjoy their company and being around them makes you happy.” Tanjiro attempted to explain.  
“I don’t like that it makes me feel different. I’m not used to wanting to do anything other than missions and testing my strength.”
“Well when I miss someone, I use it to fuel my motivation to fight even harder and to be even stronger. Then when I come back, I'll have amazing stories to share, and the time apart only makes seeing each other again even better.”
Inosuke thought about this for a few moments before responding.
“Yeah.. That makes a lot of sense. ALRIGHT THEN! Let's get this demon and when we get back, I'll tell them all about it!” Inosuke felt fired up and ready for the mission now, and for the first time ever excited to come back as well.
Tanjiro smiled at his friend. It was endearing to see him grow and learn human customs. Tanjiro always tried to be patient with Insouke and explain things in a way that would make sense to the stubborn boy.
“One more thing.. Next time you should probably hug them back.”  
“But not too hard! Gently ok!” Tanjiro said having an image of Inosuke squeezing the life out of the poor helper.
“Gentle, got it! They do look weak.” Inosuke said.
“Ughh!” Tanjiro ran faster to get away from the two boys bickering. The two followed and continued their journey.  
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ifimdreaming · 1 year
could i request jack hughes? any plot:))))
jack hughes x reader || mostly fluffy
summary: you are feeling sick adn just need jack by your side
word count: 0.7k
you finally woke up from your nap at around 6pm - at least 4 hours after you had laid down. you hadnt had this bad of a migraine in forever and felt so awful you couldnt even stand up. 
You knew jack was busy with practice and didnt want to bother him with how you were feeling, but all you wanted was to have him by your side.
You tried and failed to make your to to the kitchen to get some water, quickly retreating back to your bed after a dizzy spell. 
defeatedly, you gave in and decided to give your boyfriend a call and tell him how you were feeling.
you call him once and he doesnt answer, so you try him again - “hey is everything ok?” he finally picks after a few rings, clearly out of breath from practice.
“im so sorry to interrupt practice j, but i had to call you…i have a fucking migraine and i feel so sick i dont know what to do” you say as your voice cracks and you begin to cry just from the pain.
“hey, hey, hey, its ok, dont worry baby!” he says, gently calming you down, “can you wait about an hour? I can leave practice early. I just need a bit more time, does that sound ok?” he reassures and you sniffle and wipe your tears as they fall down your cheeks. 
“yes please. thanks jack” you say between sniffles.
“just try to relax ok?, ill be there soon, love you”
“I love you too”
you didnt realize you had fallen asleep again as you are awoken by the sound of your bedroom door quietly opening and closing.
you blink to adjust your eyes to the brightness of the room and are met with a messy haired jack standing over you, one hand holding a delicate bundle of pink tulips and the other a small tub of ben and jerry’s ice cream and some pain medication.
you smile at the sight of him and he comes over to you and leans down, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“hey hunny - how are you feeling?” he says gently and quietly, trying his best to be respectful of the state you were in.
“Ok..” you say as you sit up on your bed and scooch over so jack can sit down beside you.
“I brought you these” he sets the tulips on your bedside table and sits at the edge of your bed facing towards you, “do you want the icecream now? I can go get you a spoon?” he says as he rubs your leg. 
"im - just not very hungry...sorry" you say quietly, not wanting to hurt his feelings.
"hey, its ok, ill just put in the freezer, yeah?" he says and you nod in response.
jack comes back quickly with a glass of water, handing it to you, and you take a sip as he begins opening the headache medication.
"do you want to take these now?" he asks you, trying to do anything he can to help.
“honestly? I just need you” you say as you begin to break down again, softly crying as you cover your face with your hand.
“oh baby” he stands up to set your water and medicine down next to the flowers and sits beside you again. you crawl into his lap and he cradles you in his arms as you cry into his shoulder.
he begins to shush you and rub your back, and it doesnt take long for you to calm down. just being in his touch is enough to make you forget about the pain.
“you ok? how can i help?” he asks as he lifts up your head, looking into your eyes adoringly.
“just lay with me?” you say wiping your tears, peering down at the tear stains on the side of jacks devils tshirt.
“until you ask me to go.” he says as he begins getting more comfortable on the bed, leaning against the headboard with you lying in his lap between his legs.
you nuzzle your head into his chest and close your eyes, as theyre starting to sting from crying, and from the brightness of the room.
“jack?” you ask up at him, “hm?” he responds as he is gently placing kisses on the top of your head, his arms wrapped around your body.
“thanks for coming over” you say in a whisper as you begin to feel sleepy again. 
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ghouljams · 8 months
ah, i realize ive been liking a lot of your posts at an alarming rate IM VERY SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO IYGRWGFHERU i took a break from tumblr and have just spent the day catching up on everything i missed (my bad:( ) BUT WOW SCRUMPTIOUS AS ALWAYS THANK YIU FOR THE FOOD GODBLESS HOLY FUCK. YOUR KNIGHT N PRINCESS AU GOT ME SOBBING ITS SO WELL WRITTEN I WANT TO SCREAM (1fae1 and viking!soap still has me bouncing your writing is SO insnae oh my god AND THE DEMON DARLINGS? i was having SUCH a blast bingeing) BUT. still standing on the hill of goose being my favourite god im so in love with her WITCH IS A CLOSE SECOND please please just one chance... 🧎 🧎 🧎 (i get disembowelled) im like, so serious about this. your goose x reader fics are my favourite fucking thing in the world. goose (and on occasion witch, ...i think im just very gay) is the only one that can make me squeal and giggle and run laps around my room you dont understand the visceral squealing that was happening. the cod men? yea im hyperfixated but like ehhh🙄 mid. just some guys. some dudes. got me straight faced no expression i read for mindless entertainment. (/hj) LMDEFOIGRJGRTUGTOGFEWFER BUT GOOSE?? IM BARKING IM MEOWING ANYTHING PLEASE JSUT ONE CHANCE IM CRAWLING ON MY KNEES ARRURRYRGHRRRR 👹 👹 👹 👹  (so sorry for being abnormal in your ask box im done now 😔)
Be abnormal in my inbox I'm loving it. I'll write some Goose x reader just for you my love(and for me)
The only thing worse than Halloween in the city is Halloween in the country. There seems to be nothing these people enjoy more than scaring the hell out of the city folk unlucky enough to wander into their "haunted trail" or "corn maze of doom." Popular attractions that boasted what looked like startlingly real entrails, and over excited ranch hands revving chainsaws at anyone that walked too close. It's the best, you would spend every weekend out here if you could. Especially if it means getting a peak at the real attraction.
You've seen more than one person posting on social media about one specific corn maze's "killer". The mask is nothing special, one of those blank white party masks, but the bursts of laughter and physicality of the woman under it? You were a little smitten.
Smitten enough to be leisurely as you wander the maze. You're properly spooked by the glowing eyes in the corn, the growing sense of unease as you come across blood splatters and viscera, even the other scare actors jumping out to make you run for the next turn. Still, none of them are who you're looking for. You're not quite paying attention to the maze, you don't think you're lost, but you're starting to worry you'll get out before you ever meet your favorite scare.
You shouldn't have been.
You turn away from your fifth dead end and come face to face with her. Everything about her is curated to inspire danger, her clothing ripped and splattered with blood, the grimy mask leaving just enough room for her eyes to shine through it, down to the butcher's knife clutched in her hand. Deep crimson liquid drips off the startlingly realistic blade and onto her boots. Her posture makes you feel like you're staring down a wild animal, her movements unnatural as she takes a step towards you.
Despite all of that your heart skips a beat for a reason so far from fear you're actually a little worried about your mental state. You're frozen at the sight of her, unsure how to drag out this moment. You want to say something. Fuck what do you say to a scare actor you're more than a little in love with?
"You're supposed to run sugar," She tells you, tipping her head to one side. You giggle nervously at the affection, watching her flip the knife in her hand. She hums, hunching her shoulders to tip her head further, looking at you sideways. "It's no fun if you don't run, you want this to be fun don't you?" You nod, you think she wants you to say yes and you desperately want to do what she wants. "Then go on baby," She presses, straightening to her full height, "run."
She stands to the side as you sprint past her, you feel the wick of metal against your leg. When you look down your pant leg has a fresh cut right at your thigh. That's a real fucking knife. Christ, that's a real knife. Why does that make you so excited?
You glance behind you and she's gone. Your disappointment is short lived, you're forced to stop short by her cleaver cutting through the tall stalks of corn on your left. Her eyes wild with excitement as you start to wonder if this is maybe... not a haunted corn maze. She flips her knife and swings at you. You duck with a sharp yelp and take off running again. You don't bother checking behind you again, you take turns quick and haphazardly. You hear the 'shick' of her knife as she cuts the air behind you and you know she's on your tail.
Your heart pounds in your chest, your breath heaving as you run. Despite the adrenaline you can't help responding to her wild laughter with some of your own. You're having fun. Really terrifying fun, but fun none the less.
You turn into a dead end and stop short, just as you feel fingers grab the back of your neck. Your pursuer tugs you back against her chest, the edge of her knife pressing tantalizingly against your throat.
"Well that was unlucky," She tells you, low and sweet against your ear. The plastic of her mask hardly dampens the feeling of her words. You shiver, careful of her blade as you swallow.
"Fuck you're hot," You blurt out, adrenaline making you significantly less eloquent than you would have liked. You cringe a little. She snorts.
"That right?" Her fingers drift from gripping your neck to your hair, scratching your scalp before grabbing tight at the base. The ache of it is pleasantly sharp, you get the feeling that this isn't part of the scare. "Always fun when y'all come through," She breathes, talking to herself. You press back against her, feel her slot her knee between your legs as you do. You were just trying to put some distance between yourself and the edge of the knife, but this feels like something totally different. "You want me to slice you baby?" She patronizes, barely a whisper against your ear.
"No," You grit, although...
"No," She coos, "You want mean Goose to fuck you, right?"
"I'm not supposed to play with my food," She stands, "so call me once you get your head on. Probably won't be workin' by then."
She nods your head for you, careful of her knife, before pushing you to the ground. You scramble to crawl away from her, turning onto your back when you hear her crouch. She pushes her mask up with a wicked grin, still holding all the intent you'd been running from. This feels more dangerous than her knife. Something about her teeth, the way they're bared for you, sets you on edge. You think it's seeing her face, that makes this feel more real.
You recognize her. Goose. She helped jump your car when it died in town. She'd seemed so nice. She tugs a slip of paper from her back pocket and tosses it towards you.
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woofwoofwolf · 1 year
Go home, Hobie Brown pt. 2
Hobie Brown x reader
Part 1:
Notes: Alt and aro ace reader (although that’s less relevant here), fluff-ish, reader remains GN but might have a writing bias towards fem, Hobie does some illegal shit, Hobie and reader are adults, use of (y/n), no phonetic spelling of Hobie’s accent, brit written by a European sue me, he’s probably a bit OOC in this one,
“Why does reader work at a factory and not, say, a pub? That’s a little weird isn’t it?” it’s bc I work at a factory and this is once again ✨wish fulfillment✨
So this initially was something else, but I realized that it was similar in structure to my previous work and that if I reworked it a little bit, it would be a nice addition to that. Is this a series now? I fucking hope not, I have a bad track record finishing those. Loosely connected two shot for now. I might come back tonight to tweak some stuff, but I think it is in a readable state lol
Pls dont repost anywhere thx ✨️
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You tried your best to ignore him. An half hearted attempt to deprive him of the reaction he wanted while you continued to flatten out your stack of cardboard boxes, throwing them into the container next to you. Hobie was standing right in front of you, not having said anything to you since he arrived. He stood far enough away from you for it to appear casual and incidental, but close enough for him to still tower over you.
Finally, his patience caved. “…hey,” he said.
“Hey, Hobie,” your tone was cool. You didn't feel as embarrassed now that there were no people around, right outside of the small factory you worked at.
“What are you doing?”
You peered up at him with a smirk on your face. “I need to throw out these boxes. You know, for my job? My job that I have at this factory that we’re currently at. That you jumped a fence over to get to just now.” You gestured towards the fence right in front of you.
“Ey no way,” Hobie laughed as if he hadn't known all along. “You think they got cameras?”
You shrugged, all the while continuing your work. “We have a front door. You could’ve just talked to the lady at the front desk. She might have let you through, you know?”
“Nah, didn't like the look of her.”
"She probably wouldn't have liked the look of you either to be fair," you laughed. Technically, she'd be right, Hobie was trespassing. But she was a sour tart anyways, so you understood Hobie’s comment.
"What's wrong with those boxes anyways?" He pointed. "They look brand new."
You had noticed that he had been antsy about that. He probably didn't like you throwing out boxes that were still more than usable. It wasn’t something you agreed with either, but it wasn’t up to you.
"Dunno." You answered. "I don't think theres anything wrong with them perse. They probably prepared more than they needed."
"That's IT?! What a bloody waste," He gave the container a kick after his outburst. "Why are you contributing to this,"
"Boss's orders" you gave him a cheeky salute.
"I'm disappointed in you," You choked back a laugh.
"I knew you would be. I'm part of the machine, Hobart," You stuck out your hands and did a mock robot walk. “they’re coming to get you, Hobart-” 
Hobie pushed your arms back to your sides. His hands lingered there longer than your heart could handle "That stupid uniform too... They're stripping you of all the important bits."
"Well.” You said, hoping to go back to a lighter tone. “If you know of an anarchist version of this part-time job where I can come and go when I want, where I barely have to speak to people and where I make this much money, doing the workload equivalent of Homer Simpsons job, then let me know." It was true, this was the easiest part time you've ever had. "If you look at it like that, I'm practically stealing from the boss, don't you think?"
"I know of a job like that." He said, playing along. "It's called 'dating me'. heard It's got real good benefits too. "
"Ohhh does that include the part that I dont have to talk to my boss?" Hobie’s big dumb smirk dropped to an amused smile.
"No, I'd prefer if you kept doing that to be honest."
You couldn't hold it in and you awkwardly laughed alongside him.
"Can I have them?" He asked out of the blue.
"The boxes.”
"What do you need cardboard boxes for?" You put the box you had picked up back on the pile. "Don't become a hoarder, Hobie, I'll stop visiting you guys."
"Not me," he picked up one of the boxes to inspect. "For Gwendy. These are the exact size she uses to ship her clothes in when she sells them online."
You looked at him with narrowed eyes. If he took the few remaining boxes, you could finish up and go back inside, which was tempting.
Before you could answer him, the door to the building opened.
"Hey (y/n)," your manager said. "I came to check on you. Who's this..?" She frowned at Hobie, who was obviously not supposed to be there. Hobie looked troubled, even though he liked testing the boundaries he didn't want to get you fired over something like this. Which is honestly something he should have thought of before coming over, but what can you do.
"Actually," you said in the most somber tone you could muster. You placed your hand on Hobie’s arm in a comforting gesture. "Hobie just told me his grandma passed away this morning." You felt him stiffen up, his emotions shifting from confused to amused to acting out sadness in a split second.
Hobie, of course, didn't have a grandma in his life.
"Oh..." your manager said, you knew how empathetic she was. "I'm so sorry to hear that."
“I’m sorry ma’m.. I know I’m not supposed to be here, but,“ He let out a very fake sob and you suppressed the desire to roll your eyes. “I just know how close (y/n) was to my nan... I’ll be going now...“
Before he went though, he turned around and grabbed an entire armful of cardboard boxes. Leaving your manager stunned. Hobie walked towards the fence gate.
“You perhaps got a key for this gate? Ah, you do? Thank you I’ll be leaving now, Cheers.“
Your manager looked at you when he left. “Ah well. Nan would have hated for those boxes to go to waste.”
Alright wow, I'm being so productive with fics at the moment this is kind of crazy.
I hope he isn't TOO out of character? I think it's really hard to get his speech pattern right. And then I don't just mean his accent, but how that interacts with his cheeky and confident way of talking. But my biggest pet peeves in fics of his at the moment are a) phonetic spelling of his accent and b) people who write fake and cringey British slang. (He doesn't constantly speak in cockney rhyme in the movie ppl lol) Bonus point if both are true, haha... I've lived in England, but honestly, getting it right is difficult, and I still feel like I'm having him say american phrases 😭
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psych0-str1ngs · 7 months
Izzy Stradlin x reader- Kids
Authors note: I think this request was a great idea, so im getting on right quick, so anon, when you see this i hope you enjoy it!!!!
Warnings: not many just crying and kind of sad topics.
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You were laying down in bed, reading a romance novel, particularly a chapter where kids were involved. You had always wanted a kid, that was for sure, and you knew that you wanted a kid with Izzy. You and Izzy had been dating for quite awhile now, so you thought it was time to mention kids to him. The idea of having a little one running around the house warmed your heart, you couldnt even count how many nights you day dreamed about seeing Izzy holding your baby, or seeing him teaching your kid how to play guitar.
It plagued your mind completely. You felt ready, and you thought he was too. You hear the door open and run downstairs to greet your boyfriend.
“Izzy!!” You giggled running up to him and hugging him.
“Hi sweetheart,” He smiled brightly at you.
“How was work?” You asked, staring up at him with a sweet smile.
“Stressful,” he sighed. “But its okay cuz im home now”
I nod and kiss his lips.
“I have something to talk about when you’re ready,” You said quietly.
“Let me take a shower then we can talk yeah?” He responded, pushing a stray piece of hair from your soft face.
“Of course,” you smiled and sat down on the couch watching Izzy walk up the stairs and to your shared bathroom.
Your legs shook, as you zoned out, slightly nervous. Zoning out you stared at the floor, not even realizing how much time was passing. Izzy’s heavy footsteps broke you out of your hypnotic state and you looked at his wet hair, smiling at how untamed it looked.
“Hi honey,” you said, playing with the gold ring on your middle finger.
“Hi babe,” He sat down next to you on the long couch. “What’d you wanna talk about it”
“Well,” I turned to face him. “You know how we’ve been together for pretty long”
He nodded in response, his dark eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“I…” you trailed off, being way more nervous than anticipated. “I want to start thinking about having kids?”
His smile dropped, and he looked at me.
“Kids?” He said quietly. “I uh”
Your heart had dropped to your stomach. “Y-yeah kids”
“I don’t know Y/n,” he started.
“You dont want kids?” You stood up, sounding hurt.
“No no its not that I just” he started, you cut him off.
“Are you serious?” Your eyes welled up. “You really dont want kids with me?”
He stood up
“I do!” He stopped for a second. “I dont? I dont know y/n.”
A tear rolled down your cheek.
“I thought you loved me,” you bottom lip quivered as you spoke.
“I do y/n” He grabbed at your hands, looking offended when you pulled them away.
“Then why wont you think about it” you snapped.
“Because we’re so young y/n! I mean, we’d make horrible parents,” He said, getting just a little bit louder.
“You dont even know that!” You yelled at him. “I cant believe you’d say that Jeffrey.”
He looked sad, and confused, he looked angry, but not at you. He sighed.
“I gotta go,” He said turning on his heel and grabbing his car keys.
“Wow,” you said. “Real mature izz, real mature”
“Whatever,” He slammed the door shut.
You ran up to your bedroom and slammed the door before sitting on your bed and sobbing your eyes out.
Meanwhile, Izzy was driving to his bandmates house, Steven. If anybody had romance advice it’d definitely be him. Izzy turned into Steven’s drive way before walking up the doorbell and ringing it.
“Dude hey!” Steven said, opening the door immediately.
“I need advice,” Izz looked at him sadly.
“Oh come in,” He said confused, walking to the couch. “Whats up?”
Izzy looked down at the floor before speaking.
“Y/n told me she wants kids,” He started.
“Anddd?” Steven sat with his fist pressed against his head, holding it up. “What’d you tell her?”
“I told her i didnt know,” Izzy looked down at the floor again. “Its not that I dont want kids, and its not that I dont want kids with HER. Im just so terrified of being a bad father you know?”
Steven nodded, intently listening.
“I’d love to see you/n as a mother to my children, god she’d be amazing at it. But the last thing I want is to ruin her and our kids life. You know what if the band goes on more tours and U have to leave for extended periods? Or what if i slip up and drink too much. Im so scared of hurting her or our future kids”
“Well first of all, you can always bring them with us, and secondly, you’d be a great dad, and besides, do you really think she’d mad for one tiny mistake? I mean dude have you seen the way she looks at you?” Steven replied.
“I’ve noticed, and I really adore her. Im just… totally scared” Izzy sighed.
“Have you told her that man?” He asked, looking at Izz.
“I dont want her to judge me,” He shook his head.
“Trust me, i dont think theres a single ounce in that woman that could judge you.” Steven laughed, patting his shoulder. “Go home and try again”
“Yeah yeah you’re right man,” izzy got up. “Thanks I really own you one dude.”
“You sure do,” Steven walked Izzy to the door.
They said their goodbyes and Izzy left for home.
You lied your shared bed. You had put your hair up, mascara staining your cheeks, your nose was seven shaded of red. You had been crying the whole time Izzy was gone. The nights events’ replaying continuously replaying in your head.
You heard the front door open and close, but chose to ignore it, simply rolling over and facing the wall away from the bedroom door.
“Honey?” Izzy’s soft voice spoke out.
“Fuck off,” you said, curling into a ball.
Izzy opened the door and sat behind you, removing his shoes before laying down and turning to face your back. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the back of your neck. You pulled away lightly.
“Can we please talk?” He asked quietly, his strong hand on her shoulder.
You turned around and sat up, sitting in front of Izzy.
“What.” You said.
“Im really sorry,” He looked deep into your eyes. “The last thing I wanted was to hurt you, you mean the world to me. Truth is i’ve always wanted kids with you, it’d warm my heart so much to see you pregnant with our baby, and stuff. Im just so scared of messing it up”
Your eyes softened as your right hand reached out to his face.
“What do you mean?” You pouted. “You’d make an amazing dad.”
“What if i have to go on tour? Or if i drink too much, i dont want to make any mistakes and hurt your or our child.” His eyes slightly turned red. “I love way too much to let that happen”
“Never in a million years would I think you’d hurt me or our future kid. It’d make me so happy to see you as a dad, you be amazing at it. I think you’re the perfect guy, and making mistakes is okay, especially as first time parents,” Your hand stroked his cheek.
“I want to try y/n” He spoke.
“Really?” Your eyes widened.
“Yes,” his eyes found yours.
You jumped on him and pushed him down to the mattress, pressing soft kisses all over his face.
“I love you izz,” you looked down at him. “A lot, no matter what”
“I love you too y/n” His eyes sparkled up at you.
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