#im so fucking tired of women being sexualized.
that-bi-fan · 1 year
there's probably a shitton more of these out there, but these are what I had saved to make this post.
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this is fucking disgusting. the headlines are sexualizing both of these young women. they know what they're doing. men will click on the article solely because they think they'll see sexy images of an actress and get their rocks off.
and the worst part? it works. thousands of people will click on the article just to objectify them. Millie's only just turned 18. a couple of months ago, that headline most likely wouldn't have existed. the fact that it's the same distributor making those headlines isn't a coincidence.
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kafkaguy · 2 years
havin a gender crisis at the train station lol #epic
#reading some lesbian comics and marvelling at the butch experience.......... and then also going into Brain Explode Mode bcos#of how similar it is to the transmasc experience#understanding why so many trans dudes are like 'oh what im just butch or a very masculine woman'#and butches are like 'oh what if im a trans guy'#THE VENN DIAGRAMS BRO. INTERSECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS AND SHARED EXPERIENCES#we are FRIENDS but also its making me feel all . What If She Pronouns. What If More Nonbinary Than I Thought...#cos the thing IS as a bisexual i do feel like my sexuality and gender identity are so intertwined its sometimes annoying#so i cannot think of it as like Ah Yes I Like Men Therefore Im a Homosexual#its a like. i like EVERYONE therefore i am EVERYTHING cos ALL my attraction feels Gay with a capital G#im gay for women im gay for men im gay for everything in between and outside#but i dont see my attraction to women as attraction to the opposite gender cos i dont see women as Opposite or necessarily separate#and vice versa i dont see my attraction to guys as . excuse the outdated language - 'same sex attraction'#because i dont necessarily see myself as A Man . yknow?#the binary is fucked identity is everchanging and ever molding and i am just a little wavelength of light floating through space#THEREFORE. idk where i was going with this#i just think that queerness and humanity are so much more complicated than any of us realise#and sometimes it is so frustrating and tiring seeing other people like me and wjth the same experiences as me#being so conservative and so assuming and trying to generalise something so personal#i am not Doing Trans Wrong . there is no wrong to be trans imo#and i also think we need to be kinder to detransitioned people + transmasc lesbians / transfem gays + nonbinary bisexuals ok thanks bye
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dandyshucks · 1 month
experiencing my bimonthly (every two months) morality spiral of "it's bad that i like men, why am i not as attracted to women, i must be a misogynist if I personally am not as often attracted to women as i am men"
i would say i need to go touch grass to get over it but unfortunately I do that at least once a day and it does not seem to help 😔 (this second paragraph is half joke)
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As a LEsbIaN I really think we all lost when we essentially let t*rfs win in their divide and conquer strategy by giving in to the perception that cis lesbian = terf who goes on for days about bullshit over trans women being “men” forcing penises on Real Homosexual Women and claiming that trans men, especially straight or bi trans men, are all just Lost Womyn or Lost Lesbian Sisters who succumbed to self-hate.
Like: it’s not like that ISN’T a thing, it is and we should talk about it. But - and maybe it’s just me here maybe I’ve missed something - why does it feel like lately there’s such a wide perception of all terfs as being lesbians who are super bigoted about trans people and project their own preferences onto everyone else? Because those people exist but they sure aren’t the only road to terf-dom.
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constantvariations · 2 years
I need everyone comparing peoples reaction to the Thor stripping scene to reactions regarding mcu women sexualization to shut the fuck up immediately
Yes, Natasha had that gross scene in IM2. But it has no bearing on the topic of male sexual assault. Shut the fuck up
Yes, Wanda's outfits became less sexual every movie. It has nothing to do with male sexual assault. Shut the fuck up
Stop pitting genders against each other. Anyone can be sexualized. Anyone can be assaulted. Leave the oppression olympics in the dumpster where it belongs
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bellejolras · 6 months
i don’t mean to go on a rant but I’ve been reading reviews of Poor Things bc i hate being happy and ohhhh my goddddd
spoilers under the cut but I have complaints about people’s (lack of) media literacy
Oh my god okay so first of all, if you haven’t seen a movie how are you going to comment on it. Reading summaries and other people’s reviews only is not sufficient to make an original point. you do not know what you’re talking about. just stop.
Second, the movie is. satirical. Which I thought was obvious from the absurd premise and surreal visuals? This is not supposed to be the real world. Nor is it advocating for all the stuff it shows. In fact, it’s even actively indicting some of what it shows. For example: fucked up power dynamics in sexual relationships exist in the movie, but the movie is not saying they are good, it’s criticizing them. Is this not getting through to people?
Third, and related, it’s not ! just ! about ! a sexy baby !! Partly because again, satire. But also partly because she rapidly goes through childhood & adolescent maturity. And it’s not meant to be, like, linear… the regular laws of empirical data and science do not apply to this world… so she is not in fact, like 6 when she’s having sex but more like 16. Which you could argue is still a minor, and im not disputing that, because again the movie is critical of this part and duncan is a total loser. But there’s a massive difference between the mental development of those two ages. ALSO there’s literally nothing inherently wrong with baby bella autonomously discovering masturbation. That’s extremely normal for little kids, often just as a way of self-soothing because it feels nice and not with any awareness of sexuality. And it’s fine if you thought that was a weird scene! but it’s hardly pedophilia to include in the film when the “baby” in question is in fact played by fully grown adult emma stone and I cannot believe that I’m seeing people accuse this movie of that
Fourth, if you claim your takeaway from this movie is “it wants me to believe that women’s power only exists through their sexuality” then I don’t believe you’ve seen the entire movie (see point 1). Narratively it’s only a means to an end for Bella, and when she gets tired of it, she stops! She gets bored of duncan and reads philosophy! She leaves her sex work career and becomes a medical professional! And, even in the sex scenes, while there are many, they center her and her experience, her pleasure. Yes, her tits are out a lot but the sex scenes are weird, intentionally grotesque without being violent. The montage with duncan is shot through a fisheye lens and literally pans away from the bed to focus on a bird landing in the room. Duncan can proclaim himself the best lover in the world, but he’s really not important to the scene ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In conclusion, I know the people I’m complaining about aren’t going to read this, but just in case, I urge you to learn media literacy. And anyone else who read all of this, thanks lol!! accepting good faith discourse in the notes/replies
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Being drunk and complaining how you think your bfGF is prettier than you (genshin men WOMEN x fem reader)
meow i love women <3
im so gay for genshin women lol
characters(SEPERATE): yae miko, beidou, lisa, mona, deyha, ninguang, rosaria, shenhe, yelan,
doing nilou, ganyu, jean, eula, keqing, ei(baal), kokomi, yoimiya next!!
be sure to comment if you want any other characters!!
i just fucking realized that rosaria is a nun, which means she is not allowed to date or have any sexual interaction uh my bad haha
Yae miko rather laughed at your pitiful state. As a shrine maiden, she is not allowed to drink, but rather seeing you intoxicated was rather enjoyable. "fufufu...what do we have here?" She laughed as you collapsed onto her, crying. "How are you so gorgeous?...what if-what if someone steals you from me? Do you even love me?" ...this was what came out of your mouth in a series of lisps and blabbering. "Oh? And what would make you think there is anyone else that could win me over? If you really want to be assured, I'll let you know that I dont just fall for anyone..." She smiled slyly at you. "R-REALLY?.." You looked up at her. "Yes darling, really." You ended up in a sobbing fit and cried yourself to sleep, waking up to puffy eyes and a teasing yae miko who wouldn't tell you what she was had happened last night...
Beidou, is a drinker all right. And so were you. Unfortunantly, the rather large difference between the two of you drinking was your rather awful alcohol tolerance. One or two drinks and you were saying your deepest darkest secrets. Which is why it usually ends up with you and beidou drinking alone. "Gosh..." You fangirled at your wife. "So hot, pretty, cool, smart, strong, hngg" You hit your head on the table as your hand which was supporting your head slipped. "OW!" You yelled in pain, crying to your wife. "Wifey it hurtttttttsss." You cried to beidou, and she just laughed. Which resulted in you staring at her in seriousness. "That laugh...."You suddenly gush, warmth rising to your cheeks. "That was so hot!" sparkles appeared in your eyes. "Do it again! Do it again!" You eagrly begged her to laugh again...and again...and again. How happy beidou was to have someone love her as much as you did.
Lisa, was actually the one to intoxicate you in her office after you gifted her multipole bottles of fruit wine, insisting that it would taste better if she drank it with you. However, rather than drinking it for herself, she took small sips while encouraging you to drink more. And you, somewhat of a people pleaser (or maybe just a lisa pleaser), drank until you couldn't tell how many fingers you had on your hand. "Lisaaaaaaa" you groaned, holding your head. "Yes cutie?" she smiled slyly, swirling the wine in her glass. "I envy you so much.." You laid your head on the office desk sighing. "You're so cute, gorgeous, and pretty...how is it even possible? And your voice is so soothing..." You blinked slowly, perhaps it was the alcohol (or lisa's voice), that made you tired. "Haha, are you a fan of me?" She gazed into your eyes smiling as her hand lifted your chin to look at her. "I think your cuter, isn't that right my little cutie?" You shied away from her embarrassed. "I was trying to complement you...not turn it around to me" You kissed her and giggled, "Hehe, you're my girlfriend! I'm so luckyyyhngggg" You blabbered, drifting off to sleep giggling.
As a rather wealthy person (or at least, richer than mona), you brought mona to your house for a little dinner date at home. You were quite nervous, even after months of dating, trying to impress her. Mona found it a bit cute, you've already stolen her heart, you still want to impress her? This 'cute' intention and nervousness made yourself drink the whole bottle of alcohol for a confidence boost. "Ah! [n-name] dear, you shouldn't drink so fast!" Mona stood up worriedly and rushed to your side. She held your arm as the alcohol started doing its job, and you started to loose balance. "Monaaaaaa I love you sooooooooo muchhh" You turned to her smiling drowsily, but unfortunately loosing your balance which caused you to topple over her on the floor. "[n-name]! Are you okay!?" she sat up, perhaps a bit embarrassed with a tint of pink dusting her face. You, arms wrapped around her neck and staring at her a bit too intently, spoke. "You're the prettiest astrologist-no the prettiest person ive ever met, how did i even get to date you?" You gushed at her. "P-pretty? Well of course I am!" She boasted, turning her head to face the wall to hide the redness of her face. "You're so cool...I wanna be just like you" You stayed like this for a while, sitting in her lap on the ground until you dozed off. "You're so silly [name], I love you for who you are..." She mumbled under her breath, staring at your sleeping figure on her lap.
An eremite and a scholar..dating? Yes, perhaps it was a bit unusual, but you were so in love with Deyha, sometimes you couldn't even look her in the eye. First meeting when you commissioned her to protect you in the runes, as you were a haravatat student. You asked her out, and rather very surprisingly, she said yes. And now it comes to this, having a date in a treehouse? The picnic blanket was spread on the wooden floor, and a candlelit dinner was set on the blanket. "[name]...you can't get drunk alright?" Worried for your safety, she set the bottle to the side, away from you. You were quite the infamous scholar at the akademiya known for your alcoholism, which made many other scholars shy away from you. Deyha paused for a moment, seemingly trying to process something, then picking up the bottle and shaking it, only to hear the airy inside of the bottle, without a single drop of wine. "[n-name]?" She went over to your side and looked at your face, in which turned out to be pink. She sighed. Truth to be told, you were trying to fix your alcoholism, which was (kind of?) working, you only got drunk every other week or so. It seems that the wine was too tempting to resist. You looked at Deyha and took her face in your hands. "Your makeup is superb pretty and gorgeous and cool and hot today." Deyha sat up straight, blushing. "I'm not wearing any makeup today [name].." Covering her face with her hand embarresed by your compliment. You snaked your hands around her waist and closed your eyes. "Mmmm...youre warm too..." You cuddled next to her as she laughed. "Of course, I'm your little heater." You smiled, breathing in her scent. "You smell good too..ehe" You took a deep breath and sighed.
The jade chamber was rebuilt, so you decided to have a mini party with only Ninguang. "I've brough some high-quality wine from mondstat for us to celebrate." She opened the bottle, the two of you a drink. Savoring the wine, she smiled at you gently. "Do you like it?" She asked you, waiting for your reply. "YES! Ahem, sorry i meant yes, i do like it." You blushed, flustered of your outburst. It was still hard to wrap your head around the fact that you were dating the ninguang. Perhaps it was the alcohol slowly taking effect, or maybe just the nerves, but you suddenly blurted out, "I think you're the nicest and prettiest lady in the entirety of teyvat! I-I'm really happy that you gave me a chance to date you considering our vast diferences..." You stuttered, fumbling with your hands. She let out a slight chuckle and stood up, walking in front of your chair to bend down to look at you. As here hands were on both of the arm rests, pining you to the chair, she spoke sternly, yet also in a loving tone. "It should be me who's the grateful one here, someone as cute and charming as you is hard to come by you know?" She teased you, showing her rather playful side than her work personality to you. After all, you were someone who truly loved ninguang for who she is and perhaps her no.1 fangirl and supporter.
As someone who was kept void of emotions, Shenhe was always learning new things about love and emotions when she was with you. She always felt calmer(less homicidal ykyk) near you, which was something quite new. And blushing and being embarrassed...was a bit confusing sometime. You invited her to your house for a drink or two, which caused shenhe to panic a bit and cloud retainer to have her little 'my baby's growing up!!' moment. Appearing at your front door step, you invited her in. "Oh! I bought this bottle of alcohol when i visited Snezhnaya, I've been really wanting to try it with you!" You smiled, which instantly caused shenhe to be a melting mess. "R-really...you wanted to try it with me?" "Yes!" You took two cups and poured some alcohol in each one. "Cheers!" You smiled as you downed the whole thing. "Ack-" You coughed, choking a bit on the alcohol. "Are you alright?" Shenhe asked worried about your wellbeing. "Yeah haha..and this alcohol seems to be wayyyy stronger than I thought it would be." You silently apologized to shenhe for the person you were about to become once drunk. Taking another shot (which actually was more like 5 shots in your cup), your face started turning red, and your words started to become more carefree and slurred. "Mmmphhh i really lov your eyes their soooo pretty...Just like you entirely ya know? Gosh how did i get someone as cute as you?..." You smiled at her, as she was a mush of shyness. "You're doing it again...saying these things that make me feel weird..." She mumbled, but you heard her. "Do you not like how it makes you feel?" You looked at her, tilting your head in curiosity. "N-no! I really like these um-compliments you give me." She covered her face. "Awww whats wrong?" You smiled, pouting. "Those expressions of yours...so...cute..." She fangirled internally at you. Tonight, shenhe will be receiving all the affection she deserves <3
"YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN" you yelled rushing to the front door of your rather luxurious home you shared with your wife. "Hello love, I'm back from work." You jumped onto her as she caught you. "You're such a child...I haven't even been gone for that long." You sniffled and sobbed. "Yes it was! You were gone for two days! I missed you so much!" You cried, and yelan took one smell to know you were drinking. She sighed and laughed "Drinking without me?" She said. "Im sorry...I just missed seeing your pretty face and your touch i thought the alcohol would help...It's-It's a weekend so its fine!" You tried defending yourself. "Well I'll say, I missed you lots too. I got you a little souvenir" But you were already fast asleep. Well at least she loves taking care of you at times like this, she found it pretty cute.
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meraxesmoon · 1 year
Yandere HOTD Husbands <3
note: im tired of u guys pretending corlys isn't fine af 😭
warnings: yandere content, dark content, mention of pregnancy and having children, so afab darling, darling is called their wife, infidelity, possessive behavior, touch-starved aegon, gaslighting, you guys forget that aemond is not a pookie bear, criston
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♡ He's a mess, but at the end of the day, Aegon just wants to be loved. You can imagine his darling is just miserable with him, but Yan! Aegon is a different case. He just wants his sweet wife's attention on him, and he'll go to whatever means necessary in order to get it.
♤ Aegon has no real use for whores or servant girls anymore now that he has a wife that he craves, but that doesn't mean he won't use his past sexual deviancy against his wife if she refuses to give him the attention that he wants and needs. Aegon can be petty, and he uses the threat of fucking other women against his darling if they refuse him. His mother berates him for his behavior, but it works for the most part, so he doesn't care.
♡ He's extremely possessive over his wife. Aegon never gets any positive attention from anyone, so if he's blessed with a wife who actually dotes on him, he becomes obsessed with their attention. This, however, can become problematic. Aegon isn't keen on sharing his darling with anyone, and seeing his wife shower anyone else with their love makes Aegon delirious with jealousy.
♤ He really is starved for affection, so there's no doubt that Aegon's wife would have at least a few children. Aegon is a very sexual being, and he craves his wife like no other. There will be children. If his wife suffered from infertility, he'd probably just snatch one of his bastards up and bring them to his wife 😭 however, Aegon isn't the best father and just wants his darling wife to be happy with him. His children aren't strangers to Aegon, and he doesn't hate them, he's just focused on other things.
♡ Aegon is the type of husband who gaslights his wife all of the time, too. He's so scared that they'll get tired of him and find themselves a lover that he has to make them believe that he's the only man that could ever love them fully and as they are. He's absolutely toxic.
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♡ Believe it or not, Aemond is even more toxic than Aegon. Both of them are desperate for their respective wives, but the difference is that Aegon is obvious about his desperation, Aemond is not. That's not how he operates within his marriage, and Aemond can get increasingly aggressive when his wife doesn't do their duty to him as their husband.
♤ Aemond is dutiful, over everything else. He knows how to be a dutiful husband due to the way his mother talks about how wives should be treated, but when his wife is stubbornly intaking moon tea every morning, you can imagine his frustration. Aemond wants his wife to be willing to give him children, obviously, and he doesn't quite like the idea of forcing it upon them, so he's stuck in a bad mood until the problem is resolved. That being said, he would definitely tamper with his wife's tea once he gets his hands on the maester who's making it. He has more power within the castle than his wife does, the maester can't refuse him.
♡ That's not to say that he's a completely horribly husband, though. Aemond courted them before they were married, and he's clearly obsessed with his wife. He holds no hate for them, and many say he's a better husband than Aemond's wife could have asked for. He's accommodating, and he makes sure that his wife wants for nothing when they're with him.
♤ Aemond, however, has the soul of a dragon. He has a fiery temper, almost like Vhagar herself. His jealousy is unrivaled, by all accounts. Aemond, in the eyes of Westeros, is disabled and maimed. He went through phases of learning how to work around his lack of an eye, but people still consider him less than other men. That being said, he gets extremely uncomfortable when other men approach his wife. Aemond had to pull some legs for (Name)'s parents to agree to marry them to him, and Aemond isn't willing to share them with anyone.
♡ Aemond's jealousy would definitely cause some arguments between him and his wife, though. These are mostly one-sided arguments because he's rather scary when he's angry, but they leave Aemond feeling empty and insecure in his marriage. Aemond has this habit of locking his wife in their chambers when he's in this kind of mood, despite his mother telling him it's inappropriate.
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♡ He can not actually have a wife, obviously, but the way Criston acts with his darling makes it look like he might actually be their husband. I imagine that they're a lady-in-waiting for either Alicent or Helaena. Maybe they're just a random servant. Criston meets them right after his big blowout with Rhaenyra.
♤ Just so we're clear, he was absolutely destroyed after what happened with the princess, so I can see his darling being someone who he feels safe around. I actually really like the idea of his darling having a motherly vibe, so they coddle Criston in secret. Unlike Aegon and Aemond, there isn't much of a sexual aspect to his relationship with his wife. Criston is sort of averse to the idea of sex after Rhaenyra.
♡ Once he becomes more comfortable around his darling, I think he would dote on them a lot in private. They're so precious to him, and Criston is just so thankful that they exist, so he does everything in his power to make them happy. This may come off as rather smothering, but he's incapable of stopping.
♤ The one thing about him is that he gaslights his wife a lot. He's afraid that they’ll find out that he isn't the white knight in shining armor that he makes them think he is, and that terrifies Criston. He doesn't want his little wife to lose the love they have for him.
♡ He lets his invasive thoughts win sometimes and almost asks Alicent to actually wed him to his darling.
♤ He's delusional <3
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This has been in my drafts for a while, i like the way it came out :)
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that-stone-butch · 5 months
how would you define lesbian in a way that is exclusive and totally separate from bisexual? ime the only way is through terf rhetoric so would love to learn a fresh perspective!
totally separate? impossible. there will always be a little overlap. that's a good thing. but distinct in definition? ohoho you betcha
most bi people i have talked to define bisexuality as attraction to your own gender, and to other genders (here the prefix bi- referring to these two categories) as opposed to simply gay or straight
i would define lesbianism as being a (woman/woman-adjacent/nonbinary person who finds that 'lesbian' adequately describes their relationship to gender) and experiencing attraction to (women/women-adjacent/nonbinary people comfortable with lesbian attraction)
here lesbian is attraction from one gendered category to the same, (though a varied and inclusive category) whereas bisexuality is attraction to multiple gendered categories. make sense?
now, please apologize for associating lesbianism with terf shit. i am so tired of being asked to distance myself from terfs every. single. time. i discuss lesbianism as a sexuality and subculture. those bigots are not fucking affiliated with us
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AIB Boys Getting the silent treatment from their S/O
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Includes: Chishiya - Arisu - Tatta - Banda Sunato - Karube - Mori
Notes: Sexual comments - ANGST - Creepy Banda -
♡ Arisu
Arisu knows one thing, the moment you start to give him the silent treatment its because he fucked up BAD.
But how does he reacts? He goes into a crisis mode where he checks dates, gifts, events, family days to see if he forgot something.
He ends getting sad and down because you are his safe space and wants you to talk to him again.
So he ends making a big dinner (orders take out because he does not know how to prepare a proper meal), buys you flowers and waits for you to get back from work.
When you return he has the most dorky smile and makes you take a seat in the living room, puts your favorite movie and gets the food.
Once the movie ends he will hug you and ask you what he did wrong and apologies for it but will tell you to be more Open with him.
♡ Chishiya
This Man is PRIDEFULL and does not understand emotions. So when you give him the silent treatment Chishiya will ask you to stop being a kid and just talk to him. However the more you refuse the more he gets bored of this and will end not talking to you.
This goes for about 2 weeks. But its not like a tense week. More like a silent week. Both of you are tired of Daily life and your personalities sometimes hit eachother.
Eventually you will start talking to Chishiya again, telling him directly why you were angry at him.
"You could have done this from the start. But I know I may come as insinsitive and cold most of the times so I dont blame you"
Wont apologies but will compensate you with some cuddles.
♡ Tatta
This Man will cry at work and make conspirancy theories about the reason of why he is getting the silent treatment.
He will go and aks your Friends if they know something, he has a good relationship with them!!
Once he discovers the reason (and it does not matter if its important or not) he will go and buy you chocolates/snacks, a plush and will write a love note to you.
Why? because he truly feels bad.
(Even if its was because he ate the last chocolate, he FEELS BAD).
Give him cuddles pls he needs them.
Insecure boy
♡ Banda Sunato
Do you think this man cares ?
He is used to you not talking to him a lot.
He kindapped you, of course you give him the silent treatment lots of times. In fact Banda is used to you screaming at him instead of holding a normal conversation.
"Cant you see im the best for you?" Banda says as he cleans your fresh cuts and gives you medicine for your throath. "If you were a good pet then you would not need to suffer"
♡ Karube
The moment you give him the silent treatment Karube knows its because:
you are jealous of women/men flirting with him in his bar.
And Karube its used to it and does feel bad. He would give you space and then suprise you with dinner and cuddles. He would tell you how you are the only one he loves (and fucks,you two are like rabbits). Will end the night taking you to bed fucking you hard till you cry his name.
♡ Mori
This big softie its actually scared of you when you give him the silent treatment. He is LOST wondering what he did but knows not to ask you because that would make things WORSE.
Will end asking his friend "Hatter" for advice (bad idea) "did you not fuck her right?"
Mori ends sending flowers to your work promising you to be a better boyfriend.
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menalez · 4 months
Sorry i just want to put it out there... toppdyke moved to youtbe. She ended up in with some ... Interesting... women (GC not feminist) and they've only just found out her tumblry past and I think it's about to be another huge shitshow. I'd been wondering if this would happen eventually after I realised VF555 is toppdyke a few months ago and ! It's happening!
crazy reading accusations that toppdyke/vf555 was in some kind of threesome with a slightly twisted female and astf's boyfriend ngl and crazy that toppdyke admitted the boyfriend was there but she did not have sexual contact with him (but I guess he was at the very least watching?!?? which,,, idk i think thats fucked up. some straight man should not be watching women having sex considering how men are about lesbian sex. but two radfems being involved in that is even wilder to me)
but also I knew about the ASTF situation as it was unfolding long ago bc toppdyke told me & asked me to keep it a secret back then (ig its no longer a secret) and its funny hearing how ASTF is like changing up the story now. she was thirsting after toppdyke while her boyfriend was in jail and I Guess they actually dated for a bit (even tho when toppdyke n i were talking, she was clearly conflicted n not willing to be some 2nd choice of some woman with a boyfriend again. so i guess sth happened to change her feelings there) after toppdyke n i lost touch. ASTF seemed to be misleading TD and it seemed like they were not a good fit whatsoever & last I heard from TD, they had become enemies again. i guess they then became lovers after that then became enemies a 3rd time and now ASTF is posting my very old posts on TD to get her cancelled? fhdshfd
in regards to ASTF's claims which involved my old post, for the record: TD/VF555 was not run off of radblr for having been with significantly younger women. i was one of the few people who actually seemed to take issue with that on here. her blog kept getting termed and then a straight conservative "radfem" on here "exposed" TD for "being a fauxbian" by pointing to some old account on a site called shybi from over 15 or so years ago. TD got termed again and when she remade she kept things lowkey.... until getting termed again. eventually she moved onto youtube bc she was tired of being termed ig, but she was never actually chased off of here. im sure ASTF knows the real story and is purposely twisting things to make it seem more ~scandalous~ tho
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
y/n: if i open instagram and see namjoons feet again i’m going to go insane
tae: me 2 😆
jimin: tae makes physically ill !
hobi: real.
tae: i never said i am going the good insane what the hell
jin: you didn’t need to say anything
we know
jk: the fact ur not trying to hide it anymore is real upsetting bro
tae: society will never progress with people like you guys
i am the future
yoongi: why are we always taking about feet?
jin: some times at that prehistoric age you tend to do drastic things like that
jimin: prehistoric?? ur older than him?
jin: okay and? you look fucking older than him
wrinkled fuck
jimin: you are turning into dust as you type
namjoon: bye we are not talking about feet again.
y/n: tae and joon for therapy i say!
jimin: jin for a retirement home!
jk: who do you think will die first?
like out of us
hobi: you
tae: probably jimin
jimin: are you insane jin is literally 82 on deaths doorstep fr
jin: i agree jimin will be first to go no doubt in my mind in fact i will single handedly make sure of it and that is a promise to you all as my closest friends
jk: omg! ur so cool!!!!!
jimin: wtf???
what about that is cool?
yoongi: jimin would die first
jimin: WTF?????????
jin: LOL
jimin: FUCK YOU
yoongi: when have you guys ever had a civilised conversation
namjoon: who wants food? i’m ordering
jk: maybe it’s all sexual tension
y/n: fr just kiss or something
jimin: the way i almost threw UP
namjoon: can someone answer me
jk: sometimes there is no answer
hobi: deep bro.
jk: awomon
namjoon: is it not amen?
jk: clearly you are NOT a feminist!
jin: me personally? i’m a feminist
jimin: me 2 i love pussy
hobi: awoman 🙏🏼
tae: international womens day everyday!!!
suga: 🤞🏻
y/n: can you guys go one day without mentioning feminism omg
jin: it’s so deep in my veins i cant
jk: what is an orgasm??
namjoon: i’m actually leaving the group
jimin: kook not knowing what an orgasm is was ur last straw?
weak 🥱
namjoon: no it was actually after tae talked about feet for a least the 1000th time today
tae: is it not the power house of the cell??
y/n: oh wow
jk: holy shit ur right
yoongi: ????
tae: wydm ???
yoongi don’t be upset cuz you didn’t know
jk: right…
tae: nvm it’s actually pretty common knowledge so maybe you should be a little upset
jin: you guys make me want to pull my hair out
jimin: it’s practically falling out already doesn’t really make a difference
y/n: tell me you guys aren’t being fr…
tae: wait….
MY FAULT i thought you said organism 🙏🏻
wasn’t wearing my glasses
yoongi: the way that’s still wrong
hobi: he wears glasses?
jk: so what does it mean
jimin: guys i have a crush 🤭
jin: always a crush never a job
hobi: set him free for fucking real
yoongi: pt2
jimin: fuck you all i didn’t want to talk about it anyways
jk: do you think ironman gets lonely in heaven
namjoon: maybe you should join him
jk: OMG???????
namjoon just told me to kms (real) (not clickbait)
tae: what if jungkook doesn’t go to heaven?
who knows what he does behind closed doors
y/n: he vapes
jk: NO
y/n: if you say so
jin: jimin and namjoon going to hell that’s all i know
jimin: omg take my dick out your mouth
jin: ew?
namjoon: ????
tae: i know joon does coke on the low
yoongi: :3
namjoon: what???
hobi: i could be a red velvet member if i tried hard enough
y/n: i believe in you
hobi: means the world tbh
namjoon: when have i ever mentioned coke in my life?? let alone taken it
tae: see how defensive he’s getting
someone call the police
yoongi: jungkook joined a cult yesterday
namjoon: what?
hobi: namjoon are you not tired?
namjoon: ?
hobi: always asking questions like are you not sick of it
have you found the answers you’ve been looking for
if not i suggest you stop asking and give up all together :/
y/n: I AGREE
namjoon: im leaving before i say something i regret
*namjoon left the group*
jin: he was so gonna say the n word
tae: stop the namjoon hate 2023
jk: i miss him so much
my life is falling apart
*jk added namjoon to the group!*
namjoon: leave me ALONE.
*namjoon left the group*
jimin: yikes
yoongi: skill issue tbh
y/n: i take no blame for this btw
jimin: i didn’t do anything!!!!
tae: not me
yoongi: ❌
jin: lowkey hobi’s fault
hobi: i blame jk
jk: wtf…
303 notes · View notes
ms-nesbit · 8 months
the crow
jason todd x reader
rating: 18+ (read at your own risk)
warnings: rape, sexual abuse, marital abuse, noncon, emotional abuse, explicit violence
summary: Jason Todd and y/n despise each other. Love? An unreachable destination. Not at first, at least.
note: this was my ex's name. this was what he did to me when we were together. im tired of being silent about it.
Dim in the distance, the headlight on Jason's motorcycle bounced from the puddles on the ground, illuminating a path for the vigilante to follow.
Not that he'd follow it - Jason often resisted orders and ignored pre-planned paths, typically resulting in his own demise; not with y/n, though.
It wasn't love at first sight, nor did y/n explain it that way: they despised each other, passion of vitriol permeating their relationship into a wildfire that spread into other areas of their lives.
So much so that their peers would comment on the supposed hatred. "Jesus, just kiss already." Tim muttered through clenched teeth.
Jason spat his remaining orange juice at him, apologizing to Alfred for the cacophony at the dinner table before insulting his younger brother. "The fuck , Timmy? Seriously?! I don't- I-I don't have any goddamn-"
"Yeah, you do." Dick chimed matter-of-factly. "Babs and Steph have an ongoing bet to see who would make the first move."
Jason's face reddened. "Are you joking ?" he looked at the pair of brothers, who simply nodded whilst consuming their breakfast. Even Alfred made a polite affirmative noise in his throat as he poured Dick a cup of coffee. "I mean, I guess she's kinda nice and all, but she's so stubborn, and it's so fucking-"
" Endearing?" Tim and Dick both answered.
Jason shook his head. "Frustrating!"
"So, lemme get this straight," Tim reclined in his seat, rubbing his patella. " you are upset at someone for being stubborn . You ?" He awaited Jason's confirmation, and replied, "So then it's a match made in heaven."
"Wh-wh-WHAT?! Are you deaf and stupid?" Jason pushed himself out from the seat, leaving the dining room as an erupting volcano, his loud ash and magma polluting Wayne Manor.
Yet the thought refused to shake from Jason's mind. They stirred in his head, every time y/n grinned or the streetlights shone on her face, and it clicked - he loves her.
Visual images of her appeared spontaneously as Jason completed otherwise mundane chores; while tossing his dirty, malodorous clothes into the washing machine (no matter how many times Alfred offered to handle the task, Jason insisted he be the one to handle it, given his fascination with a properly working device), Jason recalled a moment when y/n smirked at him after she out-squatted him; as he was grocery shopping (an exaggeration, obviously, as Jason conducted his routine shopping for protein bars and high-protein snacks at the corner convenience store), he passed the aisle of reasonably fresh flowers, the aroma of geranium sneaking her way to Jason as a reminder of y/n.
He was as hopeless as a runt in a pack of puppies, doomed from the beginning. He contemplated switching gyms altogether, in fear of confronting y/n and seeming too blatantly into her, but was acquainted with the rigid (and expensive) cancellation policy.
When they brushed shoulders at the gym the following week, Jason behaved standoffish, more aloof than hardheaded, and if y/n wasn't busy assembling her rack on the squat bar, she would have caught on (especially when Jason formed a lump in his throat when he spotted y/n on the bench press).
Sheepishly, Jason attempted to insult her authentically, but came across as frigid. Y/n quirked a brow and laughed. “Really, Jay? Strong women scare you that much?”
But they never did. From infancy, Jason was fascinated by powerful women, an unfortunately scarce species (due largely by the patriarchy, according to him). He wondered why he hadn’t felt this way sooner about y/n, and made a note to kick himself for it later.
When y/n wasn’t looking, Jason spent too long staring at her; in fact, even when she could notice, his stare would linger, and she’d comment on it.
As she was leaving, Jason insisted on accompanying her, something she sniffed as suspicious. "You never offered it before, Todd."
“Well, I heard the crime is getting worse,” Jason summed under his breath, irritation stiffening his tone, “plus you can only bench 120. Not brag worthy.”
She spared his life with a flat blink, pursing her lips to prevent even the most miniscule of insult to leave in a sharpened knife. They walked together in silence, until they approached y/n’s vehicle, a…police interceptor. Retired, Jason surmised, by the absence of bars dividing the pigs from civilians. He sucked on his teeth as he observed the vehicle burning into his eyes.
Y/n held up her water bottle in her hand, remaining liquid sloshing in it. “My ex told me to buy it. One of… many poor decisions I made.” she sighed at the statement, rolling her eyes lazily as she fumbled with her lanyard holding her keys. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the attention and fear when I’m driving, and it is a V8, but since it was used for chases, I have loose bullet holes under the chassis, and the transmission is starting to stutter when I’m shifting.” She said it without hesitation. Jason really was in love.
“Why do you still have it then?” his hands were fists in his pockets.
Y/n shrugged, finagling with the janky manual lock. “The thrill of it.”
“And the ex, he uh…” Jason tried to play it cool, “was he okay?”
The door unlocked with a hard click, and y/n cracked the driver’s side door. “Why do you wanna know?”
“Sorry if I’m overstepping boundaries, I just don’t think anybody willing to pressure their partner into supporting the police in any way is exactly a green flag.”
Y/n nodded, the streetlight illuminating her face enough for Jason to see a hint of a grin. “I’ll unlock the passenger side if you want.” She turned to face him, but didn’t quite look in his eyes.
Maybe he was another monster in the night to her. “S-sure.” Jason stammered, before pacing in front of the car to the passenger side, tossing his gym bag in the backseat before he sat down.
Y/n locked the doors. “He was okay.” she started, hands gripping the frayed vinyl of the steering wheel. “I mean, he was…he sucked.” Jason could hear in her voice more than he could see of her face.
“Was he just a douchebag?”
Y/n shook her head, hair following it. “He was so nice in the beginning, y’know? I mean, they always are.” They always are . Jason knew where it was headed, and his forehead thumped with frustration. “Buying me things, texting me these long things in the morning and evenings, as if he didn’t have a job.
Jason bit down on his bottom lip, drawing blood. It still failed to stifle his anger. “ But? ”
“He was like the sun. So many people around us were applauding him, telling him and me how good he was doing, how lucky I was, all that. My best friends started to see his texts change, and how I would sleep less. At first, y’know, they thought it was because I was just so in love-” y/n’s voice started to break. Jason’s heart did upon hearing it. “-but they found the texts. Love-bombing, they said it was. He was setting me up, gassing me, and then just throwing me down to the ground when I wasn’t compliant.” She shut her eyes and let her head fall to the steering wheel, impact broken by her hands. Jason’s fist clenched in his hoodie pocket. “He then told me to choose: them or him.” Still resting her head against the back of her hands, she turned to face Jason, exposing her teary eyes. “Wanna guess who I chose?”
Jason was sarcastic, expecting a different answer than the affirmation he received. His blood boiled as y/n spoke, fuming in the passenger seat of her interceptor. “Yeah. But he threatened to kill himself if I didn’t comply. I thought it would be my fault. I made myself just…believe that I didn’t deserve those friends, anyway, and that they were just jealous of our relationship.”
A grunt left Jason’s throat. Y/n dismissed it. “I just…he was like the sun. All of the people in his life, revolving around him, praised his devotion and love, and he wanted me to orbit him, too.
“But I got too close to him, and I got burned.” she hunched over her steering wheel, letting out hollow, agonizing breaths. Jason froze, hesitating to touch her in fear of scaring her, hurting her.
“Where did he hurt you?” his brows furrowed, practically kissing.
Y/n shook her head, sniffling and wiping the corners of her eyes away. She refused to allow herself to lose composure over him, and was breaking the promise that night, in front of the man she previously thought was more a frenemy than friend. “I thought that because we were engaged, it was okay. Because we were married, it was okay. I should be thankful.”
She was lost in her head, leaving Jason to frantically attempt to complete the puzzle. “He beat you? You married him? What happened, y/n?”
The car was off, engine as cold as the brisk dusk air, but the heat within the interior was thick and tense. “I said no, Jason. I tried to push him off, and he just-just held me down.” Crimson flooded Jason’s ears, heartbeat loud with turbulence. “I’m sorry.”
Why was she so sorry? The apology broke the threshold, Jason cursing loud enough for y/n to hear. She was trembling. Scared. In the year they’ve known each other, glaring teeth at one another, he hadn’t seen her so terrified, and hadn’t scratched the surface of her past. And as if she read his expression, as obnoxiously obvious as it was, “That’s why I lift weights.” y/n sharply inhaled through her nose, quietly tapping on her olive polyester legging-covered thigh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to dump this on you.”
She was vulnerable, naked, and Jason was ashamed to walk in on her in such a state. “Is he in prison?” his fingers crossed, hoping her answer was simply Hell .
“No, he lives just outside of city limits. Couldn’t get a restraining order because his record is so clean.”
Jason screwed his eyes shut, utilizing the grounding tool Dick taught him in his tenure as Robin. “May I give you a hug?” The words were forced, jagged in delivery. But y/n managed a nod, and as soon as Jason registered the affirmation, he pulled her close to his chest, as much as the center console dividing them would allow, and guided her breathing to something steady, rhythmic.
After that night, y/n and Jason were inseparable, the friendship blooming beautifully. They accompanied each other during their respective workout sessions, throwing each other shady comments and snide jokes, but leaving the personas in the locker room as they attended dinner together shortly after.
Y/n loved…loose-fitting cotton pants; her closet was filled with oddly folded clothing, some buried in the back for formal events she’d eventually excuse herself out of attending; her left cheek had a dimple, something Jason failed to identify until he made her laugh one night. They were all idiosyncrasies y/n allowed him to explore, deepening their relationship past anything he previously experienced. The admiration he felt bubbled, rather than simmered (as he hoped), and it flourished into an agape infatuation, y/n’s life and entire being a novel he couldn’t (nor wanted to) complete.
His attitude improved at home, initiating constructive team-building activities, much to his family’s surprise.
“You…wait, you want to try the simulation?” Dick repeated back to Jason, who nodded with a benign smile.
“Sure.” his nose scrunched as he spoke, and if it wasn’t for the context provided, he would have considered that perhaps Jason was under the giggle gas that intoxicated thousands of Gothamites years prior.
By accident, Jason overwelcomed his stay at y/n’s apartment, falling asleep on the couch after a lengthy conversation about loafs. Y/n tiptoed to the closet, gingerly opening the sliding door to pull out a spare blanket, and lying it over Jason’s tall and muscular frame. She watched as his chest rose and fell, inspiring a desire for her head to be resting on it, the curiosity causing a whiplash that distracted her from the initial knock on her door.
The next group of knocks drew her attention away from the sudden discovery of romantic feelings she had for Jason, something she noted to explore later.
Distracted, she unlocked the door, opening it before checking the peephole.
There stood a disgruntled, soulless man, staring darkly at y/n. Her heart fell, and she instantly found fault in her negligence of safety. She was too vulnerable, it seemed, and it costed y/n her solace.
“Cheating.” he spat at her.
Y/n shook her head wildly, whispering timidly, “N-no, Matt, you don’t understand-”
“It seems very telling just exactly what transpired here.” he responded curtly, wasting no time in his conviction. He looked up at her with rage in his eyes and wrath in his spirit. He followed it with the words, “Nobody will ever have you like I did.”
Then, a bang.
One that was so familiar, Jason jolted from his sleep, torso snapping from the bed as his head failed to catch up with his heart. He stood on his feet, rushing over to…
Y/n’s body. Lifeless, frozen. A coldness in her eyes, as nothing was behind them. They were glossed over.
For the first time since his betrayal by the Joker, Jason screamed for help.
He didn’t tell her he loved her. Not once did he mention nor hint at it, and the thought of it made him feel dirty, and his stomach twisted in pain. He repudiated the gym, canceling over the phone and threatening the manager when reminded of the hefty cancellation fee.
Dick found his gym bag collecting dust in the back of the laundry room, hiding in a corner, punished for its association with y/n. It was the bag he wore to y/n’s flat that night, and Jason was quick to rid himself of the thought of it, sure that her blood spilled on it. After inspection, Dick was unable to find a trace of it, and instead deduced that Jason was flooded with grief, so much that the vigilante was beginning to hallucinate out of fear.
“We have to talk to him, Bruce.” Dick cornered his adoptive father in the Batcave, arms crossed. “He doesn’t drive his motorcycle, hasn’t left the house in a week, I-I’ve never seen him like this.”
Rather than engaging actively, Bruce remained in his seat before the bright screens, supervising his own search for Gotham’s antagonist. He didn’t even blink, let alone flinch, when replying flatly, “Dick, we all process grief differently. Don’t you remember-”
“What the hell are you even doing, Bruce?” Dick snapped, gripping the head cushion of Bruce’s seat and yanking it, pulling the seat further from the computer. He swiveled the seat and approached Bruce with heavy eyes, hands gripping the arm rests to prevent Bruce from fleeing. “This isn’t about you, and it isn’t about me. Your son saw his loved one get killed , and you’re not even showing a glimpse of sympathy for him? The hell is wrong with you?”
Bruce’s jaw clenched. “Dick, it is best not to interfere with the personal matters of others. You know more than anyone-”
“ Fuck that!” Dick pushed Bruce’s seat back into the computer, the back cushion hitting the keyboard with a thud. “You got yourself involved when my parents died, and had no problem moving on from Jason when he died. Now that he’s back, you not only dismiss what he went through, but you refuse to learn from your mistakes? You’re a fucking coward.” The insults reverberated through the cave, but Dick didn’t care, almost wanting the rest of the family to hear his response. “Your son needs your help. If you won’t do it, don’t you dare get pissed if he leaves town and goes on another rampage.”
Huffing, Dick marched off from the computer, headed toward the hidden staircase leading to the mansion. Behind him, he heard Bruce’s firm voice. “I know what I did. I learned from his death, mourned him, just as much as you did. Don’t you accuse me of anything.”
Without hesitation, Dick responded through his teeth, “You’re heartless.” and left the cave, slamming the door behind him.
Upstairs was quiet, air thick with tension as Tim’s eyes darted between a fuming Dick, and his college homework. He finally laid his pencil down on the table. “Do you need anything from me? I dunno how I can help, but I can try.”
Back against the grandfather clock, Dick buried his head in his hands. He breathed for a moment, collecting himself, before responding to Tim’s offer. “Have you seen Jay at all? Heard from him?” Tim shook his head, muttering a negation. “I haven’t, either. Try to see if Cass or Steph have heard from him. Assume he’s on suicide watch. I’ll contact Luke and Babs to see if he’s still in Gotham.” Dick began to walk away, unlocking his phone to dial Barbara’s number.
“What do you think Todd’s gonna do?”
Dick shrugged. "That time a bully beat you up, Jason got even by kidnapping the guy. I dunno what he might do now."
Rain pattered against the car window, washing away as the vehicle zipped through Gotham streets. Inside, Jason gripped the steering wheel with his life, with all control he could possibly have, and bit his bottom lip underneath his red hood. As unsure as he was, Jason brushed it aside with his insatiable urge for vengeance. Beside him, a ghost, a spirit he wished was real, and instead was an apparition conjured by his forlorn heart.
In the seat, his thoughts were loud, so loud he could hear them in his ears, and only then did he realize he was actually speaking. “My fault.” he overheard. “My fault.” he repeated, again and again, until the sting from the words hurt him as much as an actual bullet.
His phone rang in his pocket. He ignored it, and debated silencing it; Jason removed a hand from the steering wheel only to unlatch the glove compartment and shove his phone in it.
Struggling to maintain his stoic impression, Jason forgot he was wearing a mask, and allowed himself to exhale, before the tears followed, rushing down his cheeks to escape the suffocation they shared with him. His lip trembled, body riddled with a revolting concoction of emotions.
Following behind him was Cassandra, in an unmarked rental vehicle. Her phone was faced forward on her dash, to capture all evidence of Jason’s whereabouts, and she maintained a reasonable distance, dimming her headlights to draw attention away from herself. Eventually, at a traffic light right out of downtown, Cass lowered her window and secured a mobile tracking device below the passenger taillight. She grinned to herself cockily, applauding her ability to outsmart her big little brother (again).
“Thanks, Orphan. It seems like my fears were right - Jason’s headed toward Matt’s place.” Dick stated into Cass’ ear through the group communication line. “Red Robin, you’re my ears, what’s going on?”
“Looks like it.” Tim said, voice blinking from the wind atop the building where he perched. “Oracle, you got the geolocation for Matt, and backup in case something happens?”
“Affirmative.” Barbara replied.
Jason heard none of it, as his earpiece was left on his nightstand in his room, but felt eyes on him. He quickly made a detour, weaving through traffic and cutting through alleys until he was satisfied.
“He’s on to us. Batwing-”
 “At the building.” Luke replied abruptly, clothed back against the dilapidated brick of the townhouse. “Suspect is inside, having… relations.”
“Are you fucking serious ?” Tim spat into the comm line. “He fucking killed someone, and he still felt good enough in his conscience to sleep around? Dick, are you sure we’re doing Red Hood a favor by-”
“Yes, we are.” Dick interrupted. “Batwing, is Batwoman with you?”
Luke shook his head. “Nope.”
“Oracle, do you have eyes on Batwoman’s whereabouts?”
Barbara typed into her computer, before finally replying, “Negative. Tracker and microphone are offline.”
“Shit.” Dick sighed into the comm line. He was afraid of what it might entail, Kate’s disappearance, as she showed obvious support for Jason’s decision when brought to her attention earlier that evening. “Does anybody know where Batwoman is?”
Having shaken Cass from his trail earlier, Jason raced to the subdivision, fueled by anger. According to his GPS, he was only a quarter mile away, so he pulled into a street parking spot and shut off his engine. “I only have this chance.” he said to himself, setting up his pistols and placing one in his holster, and another under his pants belt. “This is it.”
Meanwhile, at the townhouse, Luke stood with crossed arms, awaiting the homicidal intruder. “Batwing, Orphan lost eyes on Hood, and Oracle informed us his car’s been parked on the 1100 block of Commonwealth. Any visual?”
“None.” Luke replied. “Just the same as-”
And the comm line disintegrated into static, all members reacting with the shrill sound of it in their earpiece.
Leaving his vehicle, Jason ensured to close the door slowly, entering into a brisk walk through the open backyards of the cookie cutter residential duplexes. He kept his head hung, in case of security cameras.
“Just you and me.” he muttered under his breath as he approached the address, matching a grainy photo of a brick-walled building with a tall wooden fence. He heard a faint sound of a beating heart, oddly drawn to it. Jason hopped the fence, bringing a hand to his knife before he stopped at the sight of Luke along the side of the townhouse. Grayson , Jason thought to himself.
Before he could back away into a secure hiding area, Luke snapped his head toward the faint footsteps Jason made, and called to him in a forced whisper. “Jason! What are you doing, man?”
“Stay out of this.” Jason snapped back.
“You should know better. There’s a warrant out for him. Let the goddamn system do its job.”
“Are you fucking naive?” Jason darted toward Luke, tricking him by sliding between his legs and using his weight to force Batwing onto the ground. Jason then knocked a rock onto Luke’s head, deeming him unconscious.
Jason waited for a sign of consciousness before standing on his feet again, mumbling angrily under his breath, “Justice system? Here? If there was one, I’d have stayed dead.”
As he approached the side door, he heard commotion, and one that triggered his gag reaction. He worked at the lock with a pick before gaining entry, gingerly opening the door before entering slowly. The noises were louder, mangled, obscene and desperate. Jason snarled under the mask, becoming a beast more than man.
He followed the sound, interested more in the crescendo of the heartbeat than the filthy noises that disgusted him, until he reached a bedroom with an open door. He slipped in, drawing a gun from his holster. “You. Out, now .” Jason sneered at the woman, throwing a piece of clothing to her as she scattered out of the room with a shriek.
The man, also unclothed, sat up on the bed, hands raised. “Jesus Christ, what the hell is your problem, man?”
“Matt, is it?” Jason cocked his gun, pointing it at the man.
He nodded. “Yeah, why?” his eyes were wide in fear.
“Remember y/n y/l/n?”
He blinked at Jason. Then, his face relaxed into a cheshire cat grin. “Ah. You’re her new boytoy she was cheating on me with. Jared? Justin?”
“Justice.” Jason answered, stepping forward and using his other hand to suckerpunch Matt on the nose. “She told me what you did.” He was growling now, feral instinct consuming his rational mind. He grappled the man; after pinning Matt down to the bed, Jason shot Matt’s right bicep, then left, rendering him useless. “You want this? Hmm? You want me to penetrate you again?”
Matt screamed in agony, blood oozing from his bullet wounds onto the dirty, disheveled mattress sheets. “No. No! Stop, please!”
Jason only cackled loudly, throwing his head back. He pressed more of his weight onto Matt before replacing his pistol into his holster and withdrawing his knife, scraping the sloppy skin of Matt’s abdomen open, inch by inch, deeper every time Matt let out the faintest of noise.
“Oooh. You feel so good. So tight.” At the last word, Jason twisted the knife in Matt’s abdomen, pressing it in deeper into his body. Spurts of blood splattered onto Jason’s costume, while the rest gushed from the blood wound onto the now-painted sheets below them. The smell of copper filled the air, and it only drove Jason’s cogence further away. “I’m gonna fuck you all night.”
Abruptly removing the knife from the gash, Jason dragged it against Matt’s now-mangled torso, stopping at his heart. He let out a low, deep groan. “What’s this? All this for me?”
“Please. Please have mercy. Please.” Matt was pathetic in his whines, heart pounding, and Jason found himself smiling sadistically through his hood.
He tsked Matt, mocking the pleas. “ Oooh ! Oooh, please !” Jason laughed. “I thought you didn’t understand the meaning of the word no.” Jason removed his hood from the base near his chin, bringing it over his head to stare Matt directly into his fear-stricken eyes. “Do you want me to feel the beating of your heart, Dear? Really?”
Jason watched Matt devolve into a bumbling mess, spurts of blood spilling from his mouth as he choked a faint plea. “N-no. N-no, no.” he repeated the word as if it were all he knew, and in that moment, it was.
“Oh.” Jason lifted his knife in faux contemplation. He brushed his hand through his skunk-patterned hair. “I’m really sorry, you’re gonna have to forgive me for this one, Matty, I completely forgot…” he leaned in to Matt’s ear, whispering, “Like you, I don’t believe when someone says no.” And without hesitation, Jason’s right hand holding the knife lifted higher, before lunging the blade into Matt’s chest, before repeating his action once, then twice, and again, and again.
And again.
He heard Matt took his final breath minutes ago, but the vigilante wasn’t satisfied, still hungry for vengeance. He stabbed and scraped until there was an untidy hole in Matt’s chest, skin flung through the air in the room from Jason’s reckless act. Ink of blood scattered across the room, now decorating the wall into a morbid, murderous mess. It wasn’t until Jason felt the scratch of a mattress spring did he stop, and sat back on his knees, still crouched over the dead man in a heaving mess.
The thumping of his heart ceased, and Jason could finally sleep in peace. Y/n could finally rest, free of shame, guilt, and worry.
Yet he felt no different. His eyes began to water, and quickly stood from the corpse, pacing out of the room and erupting into a cry with his bloody blade still in hand.
Running into the room, Dick examined the scene, pulling Jason into an embrace.
“What did you do?” he asked, apprehension in his voice.
“She’s not coming back, Dick.” Jason sobbed into Dick’s shoulder now, falling apart, “Y/n, she’s not coming back.”
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poppy-metal · 6 months
okay there's discourse on twt and its left me GENUINELY confused and i dont really trust them to set me straight if im being wrong so I'll ask here. do any of you who identify as bi-gender, genderfluid, nonbinary, trans, ext. find it offensive when other queer women headcanon or write canon bi-gender/genderfluid characters as having a sexual preferences? to clarify, is me writing fem!jordan using a strapon invalidating? is using gendered terms for them, depending on how they present, something i should avoid, even if the character themselves have expressed being okay with all pronouns being used for them? is me as a queer woman wanting to be fucked sexualizing queer characters?
people are under the interpretation that because i want jordan in fem!form to use a strapon on me it means i only value them if they have a dick and i don't understand how thats the case because i hc all the women presenting characters i like as using a strap, not because i want them to be a man, just because i think its hot for a woman to dominate me that way.
anyway, let me know. this isn't something i want to be wrong about or accidentally hurting anyone over. Im very tired because I've been invalidated as a queer woman over and over today for having a sexual preference when that sexual preference is tied to truama.
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1eos · 6 months
you are so welcome. it actually works my nerves that so many ppl try to act like misogyny is okay in the bedroom like for kink to be SAFE both parties need to be seen as EQUALS. when men who are MISOGYNISTS get into kink theyre using it as a get out of jail free card for the shitty way they treat women oftentimes without their consent. that's why so many women lately are reporting having men try to choke them and basically brutalize them sexually the moment they get intimate under the guise of kink despite never ever consenting to any kind of kink play!
and bc these misogynists have shitty views on consent and tbh just women's bodies in general when women do consent to some kink play it can be hard to navigate SAFELY bc men frequently try to skirt around and knock down boundaries and coerce sexual acts someone isnt willing or ready to try! and then bc theyre into kink at all when they express how unsafe they feel mfs will be like 'oh well what do you expect? its kink? kink is fucked up? expect to get fucked up when you're with a kinky man. oh but you were okay with x y z' im just so fucking tired of the way men dehumanize women being seen as a ~kink~ im just supposed to be okay with. in this worldwide femicide epidemic? be so fucking for real
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sexisdisgusting · 4 months
but do you or any other radblr lesbian girlies have advice for dealing with a "conventionally attractive" body aka an oversexualized body? big ass, big tits, small waist. I hate how i was groomed into believing that coping with sex was okay. i hate how i tried "being more feminine". like i can never get that money back and i can never take back the times ive let those men use me. it sucks. what sucks even more was that ofc it was other women, the handmaidens, who were the main ones to perpetuate that agenda. Because if men were like "yeah its okay to wanna be raped again <3 and getting with men to play out past trauma" then everyone would know their intentions. but no, it was seeing all the women be like "omg this helped me a lot <333 !! and im so much more happy now!!". showing off their age regression stuff. god i hate it. Without those women, there wouldnt have been anything to begin with. I wish more women saw through that BS.
also, to cope with gender dysphoria (like actual gender dysphoria) all ive been doing is just objectifying myself. since my body is very "feminine". its the fucking Porn Artist stereotype. I hate it. I feel like a walking object. I feel like its why I wanted to be a boy, like i wish I had no tits and no ass. because then i wouldnt be sexualized. Buying clothes to "hide" my body doesnt help because then i feel bulky/stuffy and overwhelmed. I hate how i use my body for social validation since because my face is deformed, its all I basically have.
lol im kinda glad though that I struggle with this in a way.... because it made me detrans. Especially seeing as i didnt even feel accepted as trans since I was a transmed. And then seeing these "omg trans healthcare saves lives, tho!!" people go about supporting literal AGPs truly peaked me. When my one ex friend group all trooned out at once, all the men being AGP anime / porn obsessed freaks who previously made fun of my trauma and victim mentality (despite me literally being marginalized) .... now theyre all pretending to be oppressed despite being white men from upper middle class families. Like damn, I AM NOT being in that community then. If that gets accepted? Yet me and my gender dysphoria diagnosis at a young age wasnt? Then nah. Its all nonsense.
i wish lesbian spaces werent taken over bc all this shit be isolating. Like im so sick of sex and porn and all that, i want LOVE goddamnit. Love and friendship. I am so burnt out, dude.
HIIIII MY LOVE, thank you so much for your ask
ugh i can feel first hand how tired you are with this shit in your wording, and i can relate, its really fucking draining
reading about your journey was really interesting, thank you for sharing it with me, im so happy you feel im a safe space for you because thats what i aspire to be <3
ALSO u dont have to apologize for sending a lot of asks, i love it
i feel for you, mootina
its hard to truly love your body and accept it as yours especially when you see pornsick idiots fetishize it
i read recently about the concept of body neutrality, and its where instead of praising, or hating your body, you simply thank it for doing all it does for you, i think perhaps looking into that will help you feel more in tune with yourself, and your body
also, of course this goes without saying, but feminist literature can help you, and also researching the female anatomy
in my struggles with my body, learning more about the capabilities of it helped me a lot with how i felt regarding it, and made it easier to tune out the fuckery of whatever anyone else has to say about it
i love you so much, ill leave the floor open for anyone else who has advice for you
thank you again for entrusting me with this <3
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