#im too kind too caring for my own good...i forgive the unforgivable
lunarr-stuff · 2 years
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proxythe · 4 months
Whats your favourite thing about every sees member !!
ermagerd let me think… ummmmm. i’ve posted long ass posts before but this one feels especially long for some reason so i’m gonna crop it but. it’s hard to pick just one favorite thing about everyone but i tried my best 😭😭😭 press on ahead if u dare to read some of my sees yapping…
minato - this technically could go for kotone in the social links they share, but i’ll count it for him in the sense that he’s the original protagonist. the small ways minato shows he cares for others even when the game has just begun and his care for life can be seen as indifferent, he still goes out of his way to do such nice things for others. i’m mainly thinking about the old couple, where minato gets them something from the persimmon tree when he definitely, from character perspective not game perspective, didn’t have to
kotone - HER AGGRESSION !!!!!! her violent tendencies. her protectiveness over her female friends. i’ll bring this up everyday idgaf ..!!!!! i’ve gone on abt this too many times now so i won’t bore yall but … Violent kotone… if i had to pick something else then i’d say how joyous she is, or how joyous she fronts being
yukari - her selflessness … i’m not sure if this is so obvious that that’s why people don’t often point it out, but i love how in every instance of someone being injured in game, yukari is consistently immediately at their side. i would call it subtle in the way that you’d likely be so wrapped up in the plot u wouldn’t immediately notice, but when u notice it it’s like … god.. yukari… i love u..
junpei - when he’s vulnerable with the protag… i am inclined to goofy junpei 99.9% of the time, but i very much enjoy his serious moments. i like when he is open with the protagonists, mainly kotone, and puts his silly down … tbh i also love when he snaps at them in december(?) and is just completely raw n emotional for once…
fuuka - i think what first comes to mind is just how nice fuuka is to others. like natsuki, despite being unforgivably bullied by her (imo ts was unforgivable… but no shade natsuki). yet she’s very forgiving … and she’s very silly. i love fuukas determination to keep trying something even when she’s horrifically bad at it 😭
aigis - holyyyyyyyy i could go on forever abt aigis oh my word. i suppose ill shorten it to i love how much aigis values life … not even just her own, but every living thing she comes across. i could fkn cry thinking about the cat in her social link rn… not even just the cat either, but the old woman as well. aigis … GAHHH
mitsuru - when she speaks french. her attempt to look like a super genius despite already being one through speaking french is so funny to me. love when a typically serious character like her has quirks like that. especially ones like randomly speaking french sometimes
akihiko - i want to say both how smart he is (bc too many ppl think he’s dumb) & also how silly he is (bc i enjoy when he gets a little dumb) 😭 he’s my favorite character im tweaking out trying to pick just one thing LMFAOO ummm. his autism is my favorite thing… ummm
shinjiro - hrmmmmm i quite like how much he enjoys cooking as a hobby and the very obvious subversion it is to the kind of character he presents as under a first impression… & i love how he uses cooking/food as his own way to show he cares about everyone bc he’s too grumpy all the time to actually say anything
ken - him training alone in his room w a broom lmfaoo it’s a cute little thing... i know ken’s whole thing is that he wants to be seen as mature and an “adult”, so i just love when he gets to be a kid/does childish things. like yes plz act your age you deserve to be a child god damn ur just a baby. SMILE!! BE HAPPY!!
koromaru - hard to say with a guy who’s just a little dog. but i enjoy when he’s fighting that shadow by himself around the time he joins the team and it proves how determined n courageous he is … what a good little guy…
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Might be getting too into philosophy here but love, in Christianity, is generally regarded as being inherently pure and holy. Its the greatest virtue. Typically angels are made from love, and demons are angels who have lost God's love. Going off of Paradise Lost, (which was an influence for GO) angels CAN experience love, but not quite in the same way humans do, and demons can't experience it at all. Eros is essential for humans but angels don't need it, and for demons it's twisted and corrupted into lust, a sin. That's generally the agreement. I think when Crowley thinks of love his first thought is about God. Demons have lost God's love and are unforgivable, forgiveness is an act of love, he rejects love the way he refuses to be forgiven. Romantic love might be like imagination; something he unknowingly picked up from his time among humans.
nope youre good anon, i live for philosophy!!!✨ apologies for taking so long to answer, ive been a bit ask-ed out today, until now!!!
see, im a little conflicted on this - not at all to invalidate any of what you've said, not at all - but im firmly in the camp of not devoutly referring to any texts that inspired GO to actually analyse or parse out GO themes and narratives, if that makes sense. ie, for me personally, if it's not explicit or even implicit in the GO canon, it's up to interpretation... if at all interested, might be worth checking this out which talks about inspiration for GO but not necessarily following it as the blueprint; it was worded far better than i could put it.
but you're right, paradise lost is obviously a significant inspiration for GO. now, ive only read PL once (at like 15? for school) so bear with me on this, ive had to reacquaint myself with it slightly. my recollection of the theme of love in PL is exactly as you've said; that the wider concept of love is what is experienced by angels, that it's virtuous and divine, directly gifted by god, and is embodied in the angels specifically, but also represented through the eventuality of jesus' self-sacrifice. but the element of romantic love, or at least a more human love, is explored with adam and eve. whilst milton put forward a framing of their romantic love that wasn't considered sinful because it was borne of something pure, ultimately it led to their own respective original sins in disobeying god, and facing the repercussions of knowledge.
so i don't disagree with you that crowley possibly first thinks of love as being linked to god which, as far as we know, he isn't, and lost that when he fell. the last time he would have felt anything akin to that kind of love was when he was an angel. this is what i was getting at in my last ask; that he may have once felt it in the abstract and from god, but no longer does. but we know that he must feel something somewhat like love, if not love itself or love of a different kind, in how he views and treats humanity, and aziraphale - because whilst the latter specifically may not be identified as romantic love until ep5, he has certainly cared for him beyond mere fondness for at least a couple of centuries, give or take.
so unless otherwise countered by anything directly from GO (again, happy to be corrected but i don't recall this being directly discussed in the book), my personal thought is that crowley can evidently feel love and has on average always been able to - and possibly by extension so can other demons. but, a) he doesn't inherently experience it the same way angels do (demonstrated in s1 in the Bentley with aziraphale), and b) as you say, he's had the experience of being on earth, so that love has by all accounts been 'kept alive' through them, an experience unique only to him.
but my thought is also that other demons, however, whatever love they can feel, can't put it anywhere like crowley can, and so it dwindles down into being dormant. that's my interpretation anyway, because lest we forget - we have seen that beelzebub was able to feel (as we understand it anyway) love come the end of ep6, and they didn't have the same experience on earth as crowley... so in eventual conclusion to that thought, i think GO demons still can love, but it doesn't have anywhere to go - until it does - and so the ability has withered away over the millennia.
not sure if that answered you or clarified anything, but i love discussing this so hop back if not!!!✨
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abombihoney · 3 years
"I have a lot of mixed thoughts about Jaune and Vi's relationship"
Tell us the mixed thoughts I want to know
So like, obligatory story spoilers and everything under a read more cause i'm sure im gonna write a fucking essay
tldr: Vi and Jaune's relationship is shallow at best and non existent at worst. Jaune's refusal to make up with Vi is likely just to give Vi her own personal quest, but digging deeper shows and older sister who is dismissive, reluctant to repair the relationship, and chooses to believe that Vi would be cruel over forgiving.
so, the reason i have mixed feelings is bc Jaune and Vi remind me a lot of my sister and I.
We're the kind of sibling that are fairly close in age, so like, we were always in each others business, often shared friends, and were in the "i'd kill for you" and "no officer i've never seen her before in my life" kind of siblings.
I was the older "good kid," my sister was the young one who frequently got caught breaking rules and didn't do as well in school. We have very few interests in common. Our favorite bonding activity was dumb arguments where neither of us cared about the subject, it was about winning/entertaining ourselves. bonus points if we annoyed our parent lol.
Anyway, Jaune and I were both the "good kids" who were pretty close with younger "problematic" siblings. Who got along pretty well, but frequently got into arguments silly and serious.
We have both done/said things we really shouldn't have when we were younger. Nothing particularly horrible or unforgivable, but still nothing someone should do/say.
The thing is, I have never stopped speaking to my sister for any prolonged period of time.
Vi reveals that the thing that she did that was so awful and part of the reason she's been avoiding the hive is... that she insulted her sisters art. She said she drew bad. Like yeah that's harsh insult to the professional artist who does that for a living, I'm sure that's a real blow to her career. And on her way out she gave everyone else a piece of her mind which i'm sure boiled down to, "I'm going to be an explorer and all of you can suck it."
So yknow, Vi was just... a teenager. Angry and lashing out bc none of the adults in her life were taking her seriously. Like Kabbu and Leif are right, Vi does need to apologize for her behavior, yelling and insulting people because you're upset is Not an acceptable way to handle things.
But everyone else needs to apologize too, from what we can gather, they all told her that becoming an explorer was dangerous (true), and that it was a stupid career and a bee (or Vi herself) could never become one, or shouldn't want to become one (not necessarily true). (The exact argument isn't clearly stated, but multiple adults were dismissive of Vi's dreams and goals.)
Now we can argue about Vi being a kid, not being trained to fight, not having her own weapon, the inherent dangers of the job, etc. Which are all valid points! But there is a stark difference between warning and worried and being dismissive or worse. It's obvious that none of the adults in Vi's life pointed out any valid concerns with any kind of tact, just dismissing her because she was a teen and didn't understand what it was she was trying to get into.
Which Vi didn't, not really. But that wasn't a good reason for every adult to tell her that her ideas and goals were bad or dumb.
Back to Jaune and Vi's relationship, they both miss stepped and said things they shouldn't have. They both insulted each others career and desired career and skills.
But the thing that really gets me, is that Juane wasn't willing to reconcile. They both clearly missed each other, and wanted to repair their relationship. But when Vi tried, Jaune assumed she came to brag and wouldn't even let her speak. (honestly vi deserves to brag a little before she apologizes imo)
Juane, whose sister ran away for an unknown period of time but presumed to be at least a month or two, didn't do anything to try and fix things, and worse than that, she actively tried to prevent Vi from fixing things.
Now we don't know too much about Jaune or her personality, values, history with Vi, or why she acted like that. But frankly, the way she handled her concern over vi's chosen career was gross, and the way she handled a simple insulting argument was pitiful.
I can get being worried over her sister's career and choices. I'm in a very similar boat myself. But just, telling her its stupid and dangerous once is enough, but from what I can gather this wasn't a one off but something constant. Jaune repeatedly stomped all over Vi's goals because she didn't like them.
I think i lost the plot a little bit and i don't really know where i was going with this, but while Jaune may love and care for Vi, her actions towards her cruel, and regardless of intention, she is driving a deep wedge between herself and her sister.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
it's no secret that the writers neglected some relationships in favor of other (*cough* chair *cough*)
what relationships do you wish had been featured more throughout the show? are there aspects of any relationships (like how Blair's treatment of Jenny effects her relationship with Dan) you wish had been explored more? ((I'm talking both romantic and platonic))
oh this is such a fun question!! i wanted to really sit and get to it, hence the long wait time (sorry!) so here we go!
relationships i wanted more of:
first, and this is a popular opinion, i think blair and serena should've been the focus of the show, instead of blair and chuck. a dynamic that was strongly platonic, but with blurred boundaries and romantic implications like the books, where romance is neither confirmed nor denied but all the subtext is there - i think that would've given the show actual backbone. blairena for the win!!
something i have said a lot on my blog is that the danessa friend breakup SUCKED. it was really shitty (and racist!) that dan can forgive his white friends ANYTHING (serena did that whole revenge porn thing - which i think is really ooc but that's another conversation - and dan marries her) but vanessa is unforgiveable for... what exactly? stealing his story and publishing it without his permission? dude, she did that to you before in 1x11 (?? i think it was 1x11) and you were DELIGHTED that your story was being published. you can't blame her so harshly if you never set that boundary. anyway dan and vanessa should've had a blair and serena kind of friendship (& the first two seasons really implied that that WAS how their friendship was) where there's a certain coming back to each other no matter what, even if it's unhealthy.
i've said this before on my blog, too, but i wanted more sibling stuff!! serena&eric and dan&jenny were like. my favourite things about the early seasons. their dynamics were so real and it was so nice; it brought out a different side to the characters that was really refreshing and interesting to see. dan & serena were both so protective of jenny & eric respectively, in a way that they weren't with anybody else, and jenny & eric had a really candid and honest kind of relationship with their elder sibs, which they didn't have with their parents, and it was just. it gave the show so much more HEART, ok.
i also really wanted more platonic jenny and nate! my 2 favourite jenny and nate moments are that bit in seventeen candles (when will it stop? / it'll stop when you stop it - or whatever it is that quote is, cant remember it verbatim right now) and also that moment in.. the empire strikes jack, i think it is? where nate's comforting jenny and she's like 'what's wrong with me' and he just. looks at her with quiet disbelief before he says, firmly, 'nothing is wrong with you'..... nate & jenny had that thing i love about dan & serena, where they could have REAL conversations with each other, and be fully honest AND vulnerable with each other. and while there was a lot about their dynamic that was canonically not the healthiest, i felt like. they both had a really special type of platonic intimacy? and i really liked that. i wanted to see more of that.
i would've liked to see more nate & chuck, but minus the glorifying chuck. as the show goes on, it's like there's two nates, the nate who actually cares about people and respects women and you can trust, and the nate who shares whiskey with chuck and looks the other way when chuck is being abusive, even if it's with blair. this is a bad writing choice, obviously. i would've liked to see nate grapple with being chuck's friend, and realise that he CANNOT possibly support chuck and still be a good person. though of course that is too much to expect from this garbage show.
nate, blair and serena as a trio!!! i wanted more platonic scenes like that thanksgiving flashback from s1. in the books, they were childhood friends, but in a very 'their childhoods were totally intertwined' and the show scrapped that, which i think is rlly sad. there was something so special about nate, serena and blair knowing each other in a way nobody else does, because they've seen each other grow up, and their childhoods are SO merged, and they are just. so close. that would've been SO good.
and well. platonic nate and blair specifically! they've dated for so long, they obviously know a LOT about each other. i think it would be cool if there was more of like. nate knowing things about blair that nobody else does, and blair knowing things about nate that nobody else does.
aspects of relationships to be explored more...... hmmm
the nate & chuck thing is there. i mean. how can nate be besties with jenny AND with chuck. HOW. for a long period of time he canonically is. but that doesn't seem right.
idk if this goes here but i wish that things like the catherine stuff and the rachel stuff and the ben stuff had been handled with appropriate gravity, and we'd actually seen what it meant for those characters, instead of it just being there for the ~scandal~ and then tossed aside.
something i remember from seventeen candles as well is jenny talking about how it's uncomfortable being at home because of her parents. so that follows that nate knows something nobody else really does - which is that the humphreys have a complicated home background as well. like their lives are not perfect. i think it would've been neat if that came up more, in say, nate's friendship with dan. like him just being like "i know your mom leaving was hard on you" and dan being like "what the fuck who told you that????" and nate being like oh shit because he didn't think before he said it and this is dan not jenny
i think it's really interesting how much dan and vanessa don't feel at ease with their own parents, but feel at ease with the other's parents. like the way vanessa is around rufus - weird accidental romantic undertones aside, she actually likes his company and appreciates his advice, and her relationship with her mom...... is not like that. but the way dan tries to fix vanessa and gabriella's relationship........... it's obvious that he's closer to vanessa's mother than he is to his own mother. i think there was potential for some really interesting stuff there.
oh ive said this before, too, but. we didn't get ruby abrams!!! :(
i also think tv!dan should've gotten a boyfriend. i mean. book dan did. but i think now im getting distracted
there's probably more, but this is all i have for now!
oh. i wish we'd had more carter, and specifically, more carter x serena. those two were so absolutely and wholly on the same wavelength.... carter>>> dan OR nate as serena's bf in my humble opinion.
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
You can count on me to pull up with a thousand of questions sbdhdh. A3, A22, C5, D3, F3 for Jilly ; A18, A23, B9, C1, H2 for Nirn ; A5,B9, C8, D1, I5, for Thurwen ; A9, A13, C1, E8, and G6 for Valkya? 😏
A3, A22, C5, D3, F3 for Jilly ;
A3.Do they have any emotional or psychological conditions? Are they aware of it? Do they try to treat it?
Shawty got that stockholm syndrome in a way. She is…. Sometimes aware of it, though she wouldn't call it that any more. Maybe at first in the basement she was more aware, but now that she can come and go she thinks its a thing of the past. tries not to dwell on it. Kind of in a “well its literally not that bad its kind of fun its kind of romantic were just quirky <3” way, will get mad if someone insists she has stockholm or that the relationship is fucked. Will get enraged and upset on Vincent's behalf, probably cry and yell at you.
A22. Is your OC intended to be found generally attractive? Unattractive? Average? Is there a reason why?
I intended her to be fairly average, maybe kind of cute. It's generally the way she dresses/acts in public that draws attention, not her looks. I tend to make most of my ocs on the average scale besides a select few.
C5. Do your OC’s morals and rules of common decency go out the window when it comes to those they don’t like, or when it’s inconvenient? Aka, are their morals situational?
Good question…. Jillys morals are pretty simple- always be kind and nice, murder and hurting other people is bad, and you shouldnt lie. She sticks to those pretty strictly herself despite the situations she gets put in, often to her own detriment. But she doesn't always put a stop to those behaviors from the people she surrounds herself with, so she's sort of accomplice to bad acts of violence just by not snitching. So somewhat situational? She tries not to think about it.
D3. How comfortable are they with the idea of death?
Not comfortable! She hadn't seen a lot of it before her early twenties and was always sort of sheltered. dead fish are flushed down the toilet bcs they go to the ocean to live again, right? Thought cows and such all died of old age peacefully before they were made into burgers until she was like… twelve. 💀Won't kill mice and other critters despite her prey drive bcs she would feel too bad. And this is just for animal death, she's much more uncomfortable with human death. Also a thing she tries to ignore.
F3. Could they ever live in a “tiny home”?
God no. She hates small spaces unless she's hiding in them and tiny homes have no room for all the shit she stashes! No room for zoomies, or climbing on the furniture, or wrestling around on the floor. It would be filled with junk within a week.
A18, A23, B9, C1, H2 for Nirn ;
A18. Do they get jealous easily? Do they feel bad if they do?
He's never had much to be jealous of, as he's never really been over involved in romantic relationships. They were usually mutually beneficial and somewhat clinical in nature. Hes also pretty sure of himself and his value as an asset and lover. If he finds someone who peaks his interest and they become an item though, he might get jealous if he catches them flirting with other people. Hell be peeved at first but know flirtation in business has its value, so to make himself feel better might flirt with someone else while they are nearby. Make a game of it, see who wins.
A23. Does your OC place much importance on their appearance? Do they feel confident in it?
Appearances are crucial to him and spends a lot of time and money making sure he looks his best. He needs to appear above the rabble and impenetrable, dressing well and having immaculate posture and an air of both grace and otherworldliness.
B9. What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
Definitely not one to find fart jokes funny. Very rarely laughs genuinely or full heartedly, he keeps all his expressions of emotion close to his chest. Sharp sardonic wit is appealing to him in the right circumstances, even a jab directed at himself can make him chuckle if it's well formed enough. Irony almost always gets him, even if its dark irony or gallows humor. Bit of a hard nut to crack. Would laugh enough that hed have to cover his mouth with his hand if he were to see Felix fall face first into mud, though. More often than not you can tell he finds something amusing by a gleam in his eyes and a slight squint.
C1. Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it?
Well he used to have a real moral code :/. Now I mean…. The ends justify the means. By any means necessary. He considers his family's needs first, then the good of the world, then any individual in the world. Has ordered executions of entire families, had babies stolen and sent away, sent armies to certain death knowing full well they would all die, commanded individuals be tortured for information, sacrificed many in what he considers to be a game of chess where he is the player and others are the pawns. He finds senseless violence and savagery to be unforgivable, but if violence has a sense and purpose to employ it, then he will do so.
H2. Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
Nirn tends to be a very thoughtful and attentive person in general, just for the wrong reasons lmaoooo. But with a lover? He's going to be utilizing that to show them how much he cares and using his powers for good. Mention you like a certain fabric while shopping one time and then complain your favorite tunic has a wine stain in it several months later, he's going to be taking your measurements for a new one in your preferred material without a moment's notice. Very keen on picking up moods, expressions and tone. Also has a very good memory. He doesn't really think about it but gifts are how he shows his love. Also a great attentive listener.
A5,B9, C8, D1, I5, for Thurwen ;
A5. Are they good at handling change in their life?
I would say so, yeah. Shes been used to things constantly changing since she was little and has had little to no control on outside influences. Shes also not one to over think about the past and lament, shes more of a one foot in front of the other, the only time is the present kind of gal. Of course large changes like becoming a warden were a bit more severe, but shes mostly able to think in the present as long as she has immediate problems to deal with.
B9.What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
Slapstick is always gonna make her laugh as long as nobody gets seriously hurt, even if its her own ass tripping into a tree. Not a fan of scare pranks, 0/10 recommend trying to scare Thurwen. You will end up with a broken nose at best and an angry elf. Likes puns, but she's the one to groan at them and try and hide the grin spreading across her face. Gallows humor but only if its her in the gallows, otherwise doesn't find it funny at all. If a little kid calls someone a fartcicle she will be tears in the eyes giggling, which is hard when your warden commander and everyone looks toward you to be serious and mature gyshsdhdfsghsd.
C8. Is your OC more practical or ideal morally? I.e., do they hold people to high expectations of behavior even if it’s not realistic for the situation, or do they have a more realistic approach and adapt their morality to be more practical?
She definitely holds herself to moral ideals and is very hard on herself, but has realistic moral expectations for others. She can understand self serving and people only wanting to survive and she will only give people a little bit of shit for it, no one's perfect. But then she expects herself to be perfect and berates herself constantly for not living up to the hero of ferelden warden commander ideals.
D1. How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
Atheist ever since her mom died when she was a kid, but now Shes in a weird mixed state ever since the urn of sacred ashes where shes like. fuck the maker, but Andraste is cool I guess. So respects/believes in the power of Andraste while thinking the maker is a piece of shit and the chantry sucks ass. Even she doesnt know what she really believes, but she did see the ghosts of Andrastes disciples and Shartan, used her ashes as healing salve, killed an old god, etc. So shes been in a weird place recently, crisis of faith/non faith pretty continual.
I5. Are they a good cook?
I mean…. She can cook basics. Shes been feeding herself and the alienage kids since she was old enough to walk so she knows how to get protein and make things edible. Does it taste good? Probably not. She didnt see her first spice till she was 17 years old, but she can skin a rabbit in seven seconds.
LA9, A13, C1, E8, and G6 for Valkya? 😏
A9. Does your OC make a lot of excuses? For themselves? Others?
She tries to excuse bad behavior of herself or others a lot, yeah fgdgdsfhdhs. Mostly she doesnt have to make excuses for herself because she can wholeheartedly be like “yeah i fucked up but whatever im sexy and large and awesome and everyone loves me 🙄whatever baby” and when other people fuck up shes pretty sympathetic even though they are not as large nor as sexy. Shes very used to forgiving and excusing herself its totally alien to her when she really fucks up and is suddenly like wait… valkya…. Did bad?? What is this feeling. Shame?? Guilt?? IMPOSSIBLE.
A13. Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from?
She hates those giant bugs in morrowind and valenwood a whole fucking lot but I wouldnt exactly place it as a phobia. Those huge mosquitoes and haorvers got no respect but she really hates the morrowind bugs ever since they knocked her over and jumped her while she was pants down peeing drunk as hell in the sand :/ never forgave. Never forgot.
C1. Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it?
She was raised in a healthy household that tought the basics, prety much “harming others needlessly, stealing, torture, rape, dessecrating the dead, being selfish and not doing right by others, etc etc all basic bad things” are her morals. Her morality is basically treat others how you want to be treated. And if they treat you badly, then have fun beating the shit out of them to show everyone else not to fuck with you. Its a pretty nordic morality in that way. Her morality is also since she was ‘blessed’ with being so large and strong, that she has to also look out for the little guy who cant protect themselves. So If someone treats them how valkya wouldn't want to be treated, then beat the shit out of the person harming them to show them the little guys got backup. Her parents raised her to be a hero and thats p much how she sees herself, which has its benefits and its fuckin problems.
E8. What’s one of your OC’s biggest regrets?
Fucking up Dem and Dariens relationship for sure dude :/ valkya always gonna be sulking over that one. She doesnt regret becoming a vestige, even though it would have made her so much happier not to be because it ended up saving so many people and the world. She regrets not spending more time with Naryu, regrets always having other life saving business she had to run off to, regrets not cherishing the time they had together. Regrets not telling Lyris how she feels, either. Regrets not being able to save as many people as she should have, regrets she wasnt stronger in coldharbor and didnt break out herself. But she tries not to think about it <3
G6. Do they have any favorite childhood memories?
When she was seven she once spent two months training to hold her breath underwater, because her cousin always held it longer and won the gold bet. She trained for hours almost drowning in the river until she could comfortably hold it for up to three minutes. During the next holiday when they all got together again the competitions were on and they both went under- her cousin won, holding their breath for four more minutes before they decided to come up. This was the first lesson she learned that shocked her world view- you always need to know your opponents capabilities. (after she lost 26 gold in the bets, her mother later had to inform her that her cousin was an argonian.)
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ellana-ravenwood · 5 years
“What it means to be a big brother” - by Damian Wayne (Batfam x Fem!Reader)
I wanted to write a story with Damian as an older brother, and how he came to learn what it meant to…well, basically the title haha. And since quite a few of you lately asked for more Thomas, here we are. I hope you will like it :
My master list : @ella-ravenwood-archives . Links to stories where Thomas appears (for those who do not know who he is) in the author’s notes at the end of the story.
Right there, with his new little brother in his arms, standing in front of his family...Damian didn't dare to move an inch.
There wasn't a muscle in his body that wasn't tense.
In this exact position, things were going well, so he wasn't about to move. Staying like this forever sounded more and more like a good plan.
Because if he did move…There was a chance he’d drop him.
"You don't have to be so stiff you know ?"
Tim said, amused.
He was the one that was holding the baby just a few minutes ago, and was clearly not as stressed as Damian about it. He was also the one that laid little Thomas in his brother’s arms, and therefor was the cause of the “full body lockdown” Damian was going through.
Slowly, Damian turned his head towards Tim (he couldn't move too fast, because there was a risk he'd drop the baby !) and said through gritted teeth :
"Yes I do. If I don't, I might drop him !"
The word “drop” was resonating in Damian’s head, and it was the only thing he could think about.
Drop. Drop. Drop drop drop drop.
It was starting to lose it’s meaning, and only the fact that it would be terrible if he “dropped” something stayed in the boy’s head.
But then the baby moved, and Damian looked down instinctively.
His eyes fell upon his new little brother’s face and...He felt his heart drop.
What was this feeling ? Why, all of a sudden, did he feel overwhelmed and full of...something ? An emotion he couldn’t quite pinpoint.
It kinda made him want to cry.
His eyes glued to the little body in his arms, trying to understand this intense surge of emotions, he finally raised his head after a few seconds and said, a hint of disbelief in his voice :
“I’m-I’m a big brother.”
And boom. There it was.  
Up until now, you had managed to keep your cool, looking at your sons and daughter holding Thomas in turn, and beaming at him happily.
But here, that bewildered look on Damian’s face, and that smile he probably didn’t even notice he had on, was a little too much for your heart.
Damian was the one you were most worried about, when it came to meet baby Thomas. You weren’t sure how he’d react.
All along your pregnancy he was doing fine, and seemed excited about the prospect to have a new brother. But at times, when nobody was looking at him, you noticed the worried look in his eyes, and it frustrated you to no end to not be able to know for sure what your son was thinking.
You’ve always been good at deciphering the Waynes’ emotions, sometimes even better than them themselves. But in that case...You couldn’t quite put your finger on what kind of worries were assaulting your boy.
Was he afraid you’d love his little brother more ? Or that he wouldn’t be the “baby” anymore ? Maybe afraid not to be a good enough role model ? Or to simply to not find a way to bond with him ?
So many questions, and no answers. 
Maybe it was a mix of all of that. But you just couldn’t decide. And it was an immense source of stress for you.
But here, right now, as you witnessed Damian smiling widely and whispering “Im a big brother”, your own worries suddenly vanished.
You turned to your husband who was right next to you, and put your head against his chest, muffling a "awwwww" sound that you feared might put Damian on the defensive. Instinctively, Bruce wrapped his arms around you (this called for some “I know, I know they’re cute” support).
God forbid anyone would catch your little buddy being so sweet. Haha. He hated when you called him that.
But he truly was ? He just didn't know it yet.
You were sure no one ever told him he was "sweet".
But he had all this little attentions for you, his father or siblings. 
He might think of it as nothing, but you all noticed. You noticed all the drawings he’d left in strategic points for all of you. Or how meticulous he was in preparing pop corn or hot chocolate for movie nights. Little things, that when added, became grand. 
You noticed everything. All of you.
Most importantly, you noticed the big changes in him.
Damian was 12 now.
He came into your life two years ago and, after quite a while of him refusing this little family his father made for himself, and making life difficult for everyone…He came around. He understood.
And you never blamed him for being difficult at first, on the contrary. You were the most understanding of them all, scolding your kids or Bruce himself, when they were too unforgiving or frustrated too fast !
It was a team work, to make Damian feel like he was finally home. 
Feel like he was amongst his family. 
Like Dick, Jason, Tim and Cass were his siblings, and although you weren’t his biological mother, you saw him as your own son too.
It was a learning experience for everyone. 
Bruce did a great job at being patient, and teaching him about his own values and such. Forgiving him when he took the wrong decision, all the while still being strict. It was a balance of understanding, softness, forgiveness, and yet still putting important boundaries. Damian never really experienced any of this... 
Your kids had some practice at being older brothers, and only Tim needed an acclimating moments...But he was a fast learner. After the first initial bad meeting, they became close. Although of course, they still bickered from times to times. After all, they were little/big brothers. Everything couldn’t always be perfect. Life wasn’t like that. 
As you looked at Damian and Thomas, you wondered...Would Damian, just like his siblings, find his own way to become a big brother ? How would he proceed ? He had, after all, a lot of role model for this. But would he decide to take the same approach ?  
The future was more unknown than ever, but as you looked at your family surrounding you, and this new beaming little life that entered yours, you had quite the high hopes. 
"July 15th 20?? (I’m not putting an exact year cause ya know, it wouldn’t stay accurate). Thomas : three days old.
          I am starting this logbook to understand. I got the idea from Grayson, whom I think got the idea from mom ? I always see him write in that journal of his. I think when he was younger, after he lost his parents and just started to live with father and mom, she suggested to him to write his feelings down. And so he started journaling. He has a bunch of filled notebooks in his room. I saw them a few times, but I never looked. Mom says it’s his thoughts, I would never intrude (okay maybe I “intruded” once. Or twice.). 
         That’s not the point of this anyway. According to both him and mom, writing down their feelings help a lot. So I asked Grayson if he could give me a blank notebooks, since he always has some in advance. He gave me a stupid bright pink one that sparkles and light up in the dark...But oh whatever, at least like that, nobody will know it’s mine, and will open it.
         Now, what is the point of this exactly. Laying it out is suppose to help so, here goes nothing : in this logbook, I am planing to “write down my feelings” so I can understand. I’ve never felt that way before. Love is very new to me, people actually caring about me is very new, having a sort of freedom is new, being happy is new. I’ve come a long way in two years, and I still find it difficult to put words on all the things I feel. Hence, this book. 
          More precisely though, I will record in this “logbook” (not to confuse with a journal or something), my journey as a new big brother. I think it will help me, to write things down. The idea doesn’t sound as stupid as when I first heard it two years ago. On the contrary, I already feel like my brain is getting more organized about my feelings, just by writing this down. Like now, I understand that what I felt as I held Thomas for the first time was love. And a need to protect him. But it was so instant, as soon as I truly saw him, that it made me wonder...Why ? And How ? Is this what it is to be a big brother ? A sudden instinct coming out of nowhere ?
          I will implement my studies of becoming the best big brother (notes for self : competition = hard, have to work very hard), and understanding what it actually means to be one, as it’s a first for me. 
          My life now is full of “firsts”. But in this logbook, I will mostly talk about being a big brother to Thomas, because that’s the newest and most intriguing thing yet. After two years, I think I know what love is, and what it isn’t. It isn’t praising me for being the best, but encouraging me to always do my best. It isn’t training me and being proud of me when I’m perfect, but accepting my flaws unconditionally. Yes. I think I got love down. It’s in little gestures, like when father goes to the other side of town to get my favorite take away. It is in small (and sometimes big) affectionate things like calling me pet names, ruffling my hair, or making sure I am alright. Love englobes a lot of things (my feelings for Thomas being in it). It took me a while to understand it, and I think if I had a logbook to write my findings down, it would’ve been easier. 
          So here I am. Starting a new journey of discovery. But with the knowledge I already have. How my brothers and sister are with me. How my parents are with me. How my friends, are with me. What love truly is. I’m not starting this new canvas blank, but with already a large array of color. What I need now, is to make this painting my own.
*There is here a drawing of himself standing at the front of a large pirate boat, ready to start this “new journey of discovery”, with the annotation “I think Grayson would enjoy this analogy of being captain of my own boat, as in of my own destiny. He always enjoyed pirates”*
         A plan : 1. Get books on babies.                        2. Hanging out with Thomas.                       3. Observing how the others are interacting with him.                       4. There is no 4 yet. But there will be as I come along, I suppose.”
It all happened so fast. 
Bruce and the kids were about to go on patrol, when you started to scream at him that it was time. In a panic, you rushed to the hospital, leaving behind your children who anxiously waited for some news. 
Hours went by, and no news were given. 
Everyone slowly started to freak out, but Damian was the one who was touched the most. 
When Jason dared to tell him : “Hey buddy, no news mean good news, right ?” in an attempt to comfort him, Damian went on a rant about how this expression was idiotic and made no sense. 
No news meant a lot of things ! Like, maybe their father RECKLESS driving got them into an accident, or maybe there was complications with the babies, or they ran in any kind of troubles that prevented them to give news ! 
No news meant “no news” ! And was in no way, in Damian’s eyes, a positive thing ! 
It’s as Damian was going on and on about what could’ve gone wrong that could explain the lack of news, and starting to freak everyone out, that the phone finally rang. 
“Ah, see ? No news did mean good news.” 
Jason said ruffling his little brother’s hair. Although his apparent confidence was only a facade, because Damian’s list of “what could’ve gone wrong” really got to him too (he’d never admit it but Jason was quite the worry wart). 
But everything was fine now. He could joke, and tease his brother again. Because...
It was official, there was a new member in the family. 
Thomas Clark Wayne was born, on a sunny July day. 
Damian didn’t know how to feel. Or rather, didn’t know what he felt.
He knew that day was going to happen, he saw his mother’s belly grow. He touched it, and couldn’t help but share his parents happiness...but it all seemed so surreal at the time ?
Like the baby would come in a very long time ?
He wasn’t an idiot. Plus, he was already 12 now. He most definitely knew where babies came from (ew) and how they came to life (double ew). 
But even with this knowledge, he just hadn’t been able to visualize having a baby brother ? 
So when he found himself in the hospital corridors, following after his older siblings, running a little to keep up with their hurried pace, he wasn’t really sure what to feel.
What would he find in that room ?
Probably his mom and father, smiling at him, and holding a baby in their arms...
It was weird. Because Damian had always been the “baby” of the family. Was this spot now his brother’s ? How did that make him feel ?  What was his place now, then ?
He didn’t know. He didn’t know !
Did he still have a place ? How was he suppose to know what it was ? 
So many thoughts were rushing through his head, he didn’t have time to process any of them that they already were in the room. 
The first thing Damian saw wasn’t the newborn, as his brothers gathered quickly around his mom and father while he stayed a bit behind with Cass (who rolled her eyes a lot, whispering : “boys” every two seconds). 
No. The first thing Damian saw was his father. His smiling father. 
Given the looks his older brothers gave in his direction, Damian gathered that Thomas was in their fathers’ arms. And Bruce was smiling so widely. 
It was pretty rare, to see him smile. It only happened when he was with his family. You made him smile a lot, even more so when you both thought nobody was looking at you. 
Damian thought that it was the first time he saw this specific smile of his father. 
Thomas’ existence had created a new awe induced smile... 
Bruce was looking down at his tiny son in his arms, and was just smiling widely and...sort of like a child ? 
Like even when he smiled to his wife, or to his kids. Those actual genuine smile he gave them, not the fake "Brucie Wayne" persona ones. They were always very him ? They always had his past in it. When he smiled at them, they could see they meant a lot, because he was able to smile even through all his pain. And they were the one that brought his happiness forth. 
Bruce’s smiles to his family were grateful, full of pure joy, and recognition. With a hint of sadness, however. Of traumas he could never forget. 
But here, as he held Thomas, it was like he forgot everything, and was carefree for the first time since he was eight. 
Of course, it only appeared like that to Damian because he wasn’t quite sure yet about how he should feel. Happy, or jealous ? He never noticed the many times his father gave him that exact pure child like happiness and awe too. 
Bruce wasn’t always the best at showing his feelings, a lot of time, he would smile softly, full of love, in the way he was right now, only when he was sure no one was looking. 
He most definitely smiled that way to all his children, they just never had the chance to witness it due to Bruce’s own self-consciousness, and not being sure  how to handle his own feelings at times.
In that way, Damian and his father were very much alike. You often said so. They sometimes had great trouble expressing themselves. 
Which could cause great misunderstanding, like right now. 
As Damian witnessed his father smile this way for the first time ever, and wondered...
Wondered if..If Talia gave him to Bruce as a baby, would he have smiled the same way ? 
…Probably not.
It made Damian feel all sort of things, to realize that. 
Strangely, the emotions he felt weren’t negative. On the contrary, he was glad that his little brother was lucky enough to be born into this family he thought amazing, and would grow up immediately loved and never alone. 
Sure, Damian wished it would’ve been the case for him too. But you told him once that the past was the past, and it did no good to dwell on it (he was pretty sure you misquoted Dumbledore from Harry Potter but never said anything), and it really stuck with him. 
He would never be a baby anymore, hurting himself and his feelings thinking about what could’ve been was useless. It would only bring him misery. While thinking...Thinking about his new brother having this chance...Well, it made him very happy. 
He was glad, times were changing. 
“Do you want to hold him ?” 
You asked him, taking him out of his reveries about how he realized he only had positive feelings about this new life coming into his. 
Good feelings yet, but not enough to dare hold him. Panicked, he took a few steps back and said : 
“No ! No no, I’m good !” 
You tried to hide your disappointment, and instead gave the boy to your oldest son, Dick. You kinda wished Damian would’ve accepted to take Thomas into his arms. After all, his reaction was the one that worried you the most... 
It’s only as he witnessed all his sibling holding their new brother, and beaming brightly at him, that he felt like he wanted to do that too. 
He felt like he was missing out, because they all seemed to thoroughly enjoy holding Thomas ! And he felt like he was building unnecessary boundaries between him and his new baby brother. 
What if Thomas thought he didn’t want to be his brother ? 
Of course, right now, being only a few hours old, Thomas couldn’t think about that yet. But Damian read somewhere that infants could feel this sort of things. And so he turned to Tim, who was the one holding the baby boy at the moment, and said : 
“Can I-...Can I ?” 
Of course, Tim understood, and did not hesitate to put his little brother in his other little brother’s arms. He explained quickly to Damian how to hold him, making sure Thomas’ head was all good, and let go (later, he’d admit that he watched YouTube video to know the proper way to hold a baby). 
And the rest was history. 
“I’m-I’m a big brother.” 
“Friday, October 16th 20??,  Thomas : 4 months old. 
       I found books about babies. Many of them. 36 to be exact. They were in the library, I suspect father bought them to read up on how to take care of a baby. After all, he never had one, since we all arrived around 8/10. 
       I put in practice what I got from them, and was very successful doing so. Thanks to them, I was able to refine my studies on what it truly means to be a big brother. 
“Damian ?” 
Bruce was looking for you, and guessed you were in your office, which, just like the bedroom you shared with him, was right next to the nursery. Of course. 
He knew you must’ve been there at this time of the day because it was your “writing time”, but also Thomas’ “nap time”. In your office, you could make sure to be there for him quickly. 
Bruce had just come home and as usual, looked for you immediately. He had a tough day at Wayne Enterprise, and you always were his respite. 
But as he walked in front of Thomas’ room (where he was planning on going after seeing you), he was stopped in his track by the door being open, and quite an odd vision. 
Damian was standing next to his brother’s crib, an arm reaching out in it. As Bruce, intrigued, approached them, he noticed that one of Thomas’ tiny hand was wrapped around one of Damian’s finger. 
Before he could ask what was happening, his boy whispered, as to not wake his little brother up : 
“I read somewhere that babies need physical contact so their brain can develop well. A baby that nobody ever touches just doesn’t speak much, and isn’t as advanced as one who received affection. So I’m holding his hand.” 
Bruce’s brain went blank, as he looked at the extremely cute scene of his youngest son sleeping peacefully, holding his older brother’s hand. It was too much for his heart, trying to not sound choked up, he asked : 
“How long have you been here ?” 
Damian looked up, thinking, before he answered : 
“A couple of hours ?” 
“A couple of-That long ?!” 
“Ssssshhh. Father !” 
Damian whispered scolding his dad for his loudness. He gave a worried look to Thomas, afraid he woke up, and then turned to his father again saying : 
“I heard him cry, and recognized it as being his lonely cry. So I came. Mother fell asleep on her desk, I think she was just too tired to even realize he was crying. I know neither of you have been sleeping very well lately, so no one can blame her. You two work tough jobs, then do the vigilante thing, and have to take care of a baby who doesn’t sleep through the night yet. It’s understandable, to feel very sleepy. So I came.” 
Bruce felt it through his entire body. This warm, fuzzy feeling. The same one that he forgot for so many years, until you and Dick came into his life. 
“How did you hear him ?” 
“I rigged his baby phone to my phone, so it would give me alerts if he cries. Tim helped me develop a sort of app for that.” 
This specific feeling he only felt when looking at you or his children. A sort of serenity filling his entire body. Peace.
“I rocked him a little bit. He smiled at me a lot, and cooed too. And then he felt back asleep, but as soon as I put him in the crib he cried again. I figured he didn’t wanna be alone, so I stayed and held his hand, and he eventually fell back asleep. Now I’m too afraid to wake him up if I leave, so I’m here.” 
“So you’re here...” 
Pride was in Bruce’s heart now. A beaming, strong, huge pride. Pride of having such a sweet little boy. Ah. Who would’ve thought, over two years ago, that Damian Wayne would stay two hours near a baby in fear that if he left, he would wake him up ? 
Feeling inspired, Bruce bend down and kissed Damian’s forehead affectionately. This took the boy by surprised, and he literally gasped ! 
It made Bruce feel a little guilty. His sometimes odd way of loving made it so that he reserved those forehead kisses only when his kids felt bad, or when he through they were asleep (though they never were). Moments of distress; or moment he was sure they wouldn’t notice. 
Sometimes, Bruce just wasn’t too sure how to react with his children. Except on definite moments, like them needing him, or them being too cute for him to resist a forehead kiss (they were always adorable, sleeping). 
Or, in this instance, his boy doing something so sweet he felt the urge to kiss him with all the love and affection he had. 
Now though, a little embarrassed, he took a step back, and ruffled his son’s hair again, saying : 
“You’re a good brother.” 
And then he left awkwardly, going to your office so he could pick you up and go take a nap with you in your room. Yes. This surge of emotion he felt, as he saw his two youngest children together, definitely called for a nap in your arms. You always had a knack, to calm him, even unconsciously... 
Damian stayed in Thomas’ room, a huge smile plastered on his face. 
His father just said he was a good brother !
“(...) Continuation of the previous entry (October 16th).      I put in practice what I got from them, and was very successful doing so. Thanks to them, I was able to refine my studies on what it truly means to be a big brother.
      Now, after four months of studying Thomas’ behavior and such, I came to realize that he has different kind of cry. They are as proceeded :  1. High pitch continuous noise = he’s hungry.  2. When he makes a series of loud “heh” = he’s too cold, or hot, or wet. It’s his sign to express a discomfort. Usually means dirty diaper, if no dirty diaper, means something else and then you have to look for what is bothering him. Example : Yesterday, the bird outside his window chirping was annoying him and keeping him from sleeping soundly. 3. Loud screams punctuated by pauses = He’s lonely. The pauses are him listening in to see if someone is coming to get him.  4. Almost silent cries, when it’s so loud it becomes quiet = he didn’t burp properly after eating and desperately need too. A few light tap on his back will make him feel better very quickly.  5. When he whimpers, it’s usually because he has gaz. Putting him a little straighter helps him...evacuate.
        I put this directly in practice today, when I realized he was doing his “lonely cry”. I went to his rescue, and I didn’t mind staying hours with him even though he’s still a little baby and doesn’t do much. He smiled at me a lot, I think he recognized my voice. And my singing (note for self : make sure no one is around when such occurrence happen, almost got caught by father today). Then it felt like he didn’t want to let me go, so I stayed. 
      Is that what it is, to be a big brother ? Being needed ? If it is, it actually feels nice. It would certainly explain all the time Dick, Jason, Tim and Cass came to my own rescue. Wether help for my homework or to comfort me. But, I do that too, as a little brother ? I comforted them too many times. And I witnessed Jason, Tim or Cass comforting Dick and vice versa and in all ways. So, this means it’s a sibling thing, not quite a big brother thing. Need to keep studying to know what “big brother” is exactly.” 
"Saturday, December 9th 20??. Thomas’ first Christmas/6 month old.
     I started to build his gift. I think he will like it. I-” 
“What are you doing, Damian ?” 
You asked him, walking towards him as he busied himself at the gadget station in the Batcave. You saw him jump in the air slightly, and put away a bright pink notebook quickly. 
And then he saw you had Thomas in your arms, and when Damian saw him, he hid whatever he was doing as fast as he could. 
“Mom, you’re gonna spoil the surprise !! Get Thomas away !” 
Surprised, and without thinking about it, you went to your husband who was typing away on the computer and put the baby in his arms. 
Bruce was about to grumble that he was busy and brush the both of you away (he could be a jerk sometimes), but you didn’t gave him a chance, shoving your son in his arms. And when he looked, annoyed, at his baby and how the little one seemed the happiest of them all as he just recognized his father. Bruce’s mood lifted all of a sudden. 
He smiled softly, realized he was being an asshole and was going to apologize to you but you were already gone back to Damian. Your husband and baby son exchanged a curious look, before Thomas got very interested in his father “Bat” logo and started to try to grab it, while Bruce smiled softly again and, holding his son in one arm, continued his work. 
Balancing family and night activities had been hard for him to get and do, but he had it covered, nowadays. Well. Almost. 
Meanwhile, you were back next to Damian, and with a sigh of relief, your son uncovered his project. 
It did all kind of things to your heart... 
“Damian, is that-” 
You couldn’t finish your sentence, too touched. Your son, proudly, said : 
“It’s a mobile to go above his bed ! I think he doesn’t like the one he currently has. So I’m making him one with things he’ll like ! See mom, that’s you. Do you recognize yourself ?”
Damian seemed worried about this, and you nodded. It definitely looked like you. So. Your son wasn’t just good at drawing, but also at sculpting... 
“It’s for Christmas.” 
He said, smile wide. And as you grabbed him and crushed him against your chest, he got a little confused... 
"Saturday, December 25th 20??. Thomas’ first Christmas/6 month old.
*There’s here a drawing of Thomas beaming at his mobile above his bed that Damian build for him*
       I knew my present would be Thomas’ favorite. After all, it represents everything he likes. I put everyone from our family (Father, mom, Alfred, Dick, Tim, Cass, Jason, and of course, me), and a few of his favorite animals (I used Ace and Titus for the dogs, Tommy is very fond of them). And it makes music, which he seems to enjoy a lot. Especially when our mom, dad or anyone from the family sings to him. I recorded all of them secretly when they sang to him, and made it so he just has to push a button on the side of his crib to turn the mobile on.
       I wasn’t even worried that he wouldn’t understand how to make it work. He’s only six months old, but he’s already very smart and curious (I think the physical contact  we all gave him is a lot to “blame” for). So when I put the mobile above his bed, and pushed the button to start the voice of our mother, he moved his little arms and legs excitedly and smiled at the mobile widely ! I only had to push the button a few times more, and for our father, Dick, and Jason’s voice to be on for him to notice the button, and to push it himself. Or rather, to kick it or throw himself on it as best he could. He is still not that coordinate when it comes to movements. But he’s smart. He understood that, to have the music, he had to push the button.
         He didn’t pay attention to all his other gifts, but mine he loved. It’s because I made it with everything he likes. So of course, he loves it. Is that what it is, to be a big brother ? To know your little sibling and be the best at giving him a gift ? No. That doesn’t sound right. Tim, or Jason, already gave me absolutely useless terrible gift, and yet it still made me happy to receive them, and that they thought about me. Mmm. The researches are still on.”
“Thursday, March 7th 20??. Thomas : One year and a half.
      Father and mom entrusted me with babysitting Thomas today, as everyone was busy. I was very happy to be trusted with such responsibilities. I thought it would be easy, at that age, they're easily manipulated. Well...I was wrong"
Thomas was screaming, while Damian was trying to be heard : 
“Thomas, listen, you need to put your pants on or-”
“No”, was one of the first word Thomas pronounced. Right after “mama” and “dada” (the jury was still out on which words he said first, and was source of endless bickering between you and your husband). 
Then he started to try and pronounce his siblings’ name, although he wasn’t quite there yet. Damian being the youngest and still at home (Dick and Jason had their own apartment by now, and Cass and Tim were starting to be very busy with college), he was able to sort of say his name first. 
“Damdam”. Close enough. 
But right now, Damdam really wasn’t having a good time. 
It started rather smoothly. Thomas was a pretty calm child, so Damian (wrongly) thought it would be all good all day.
Only, it was the first time he was taking care of his brothers for so long. A couple of hours there and there. He made sure to be with him at least once a day, for at least two hours. Most of the time, it was more. 
They really started to be very close, sometimes, Thomas would choose Damian over you or Bruce...it vexed the both of you, but you had to put yourself in the shoes of your young son. 
Damian only had the good times with him. Playtime, and bed time stories, and such. While you and Bruce had to be strict with him sometimes, and give him boundaries (like no jumping on his bed, or no pulling the dogs’ tails). 
Bruce once mentioned that Thomas most certainly inherited your petty side, given the fact he always went to Damian when you scolded him. But when you smacked him on the head, vexed, he said he was joking (although we all know he wasn’t). 
In any way, Damian, in that year and a half, only had the good times with his brother. And today, as he had to take care of him all day long, he realized that...it wasn’t always that easy. 
Proof : the morning had gone well, but now, it was over, and it was time to put some close on. Problem : Thomas didn’t seem very keen on putting pants, today. 
It started slowly, as if it was a game. 
Thomas ran around the room, laughing, repeating : “no ‘an’ !” (which probably meant “no pants”). Up until Damian tried to take his father’s strict tone and said : 
“Ok Thomas, enough now, you need to put your pants on.” 
Well. That didn’t play well in Thomas’ book. Frowning, he said : 
“Yes, Tommy. It’s day time, you need to put pants on.” 
“Yes. Come on, I’ll help you.” 
“NO !” 
Thomas ran away from Damian’s grasp, and your son was so surprised that he wasn’t able to catch him right away. He caught up to him though as Thomas was climbing a couch, sure that he’d be out of reach at its top (probably not understanding that Damian wasn’t as small as him...). 
Once on the top of it, he sad down and put his hands in front of his eyes, clearly thinking he was hidden, now. 
“I can see you Thomas.”
“Stop saying no, I can see you.” 
“Come on Thomas, I’m not playing anymore, I can see you, and you need to put some pants on.” 
“NooOOooOOoOOoOOoOoo noooooooo.” 
“NoooOOoOOoo no no no no no no no !!!!” 
Damian realized trying to talk it out wouldn’t work. His brother was probably too young to be reasoned with. Quickly,he scratched his head to find a solution. 
Maybe making him laugh again ? Like Dick did with him at first. 
It felt like such a long time ago, but there was a time when Damian was a really big brat. He still was, sometimes, he wasn’t perfect of course. But he improved a lot. 
Regardless, one of the way Dick would make him stop being bratty, was making absolutely awful jokes and trying to make him laugh by doing stupid things. Ok. Here we go then : 
“Hey hey Thomas look, look !” 
“No no no no...No ?” 
Ok. Good point. Thomas was now watching Damian doing backflips and running around. Beaming, the little boy smiled widely and clapped his hands. 
YES ! Damian most definitely won. He stopped doing his acrobatics and turned to his little brother, saying : 
“Ok, time for pants now.” 
But Thomas frowned again, as if vexed he fell for the show, and gave Damian a definitive : 
Well. That was a fail. What did Jason do again, to stop one of Damian’s own tantrum ? Oh. Right. Um. That probably wouldn’t be a good method with such a young kid. Skipping that one. 
Tim ? Tim would talk to him about his favorite things. Video games, or whatever. And blackmailing him a lot (as a good big brother). Damian wasn’t too into blackmailing, but he was kinda running out of ideas. 
This was the first time Thomas was being difficult with him, it was too new, he needed more data to know exactly how to react ! 
So, blackmail it would be. 
“If you put your pants on, we’ll watch your favorite movie !” 
This seemed to peak Thomas’ interest. He looked at the Tv, then at his pants. Then at the TV again and...oh...Ooooh...Damn it ! Damian could see he almost got him. But it didn’t work, his brother shook his head “no” so strongly he almost fell of the couch. 
Ok. What were the options left ? What did Cass do ? Mmm. She would hug him and tell him things would be alright. Which worked for him, given his past, but Thomas was a little over one and had a normal happy childhood so far ! 
They couldn’t relate to their past, like Cass and him did. 
Ok. What would his mom do ? Well, with his mom, Damian had the intimate feeling that Thomas would’ve put on his pants without a word. He knew she wasn’t joking around. He’d never pull this sort of things with her. 
He would though, pull that with his father. And what would Bruce do ? Either let it go, or, if he was in a bad mood, be very strict and force him to put his pants on. Nobody said his father was perfect...His mother, neither. She could be implacable in her way of educating her son. 
Thomas was a calm boy, and was of course allowed to have tantrums. Their mother was mostly understanding. But if she was tired, she’d be less patient...It wasn’t always easy, raising kids. And the gods knew the Waynes had a LOT on their plates, at times.
MMm. Damian didn’t want to force him to do anything, or to lose his patience. 
And then it hit him. The solution was right in front of his eyes. Of course. It was so simple ! 
"(...) Continuation of last entry (March 7th) 
         New observation after today’s babysitting : toddlers sometimes focus on one thing so much they don't know how to react, and therefor, explodes with feelings 
        I found that my siblings tricks to calm me down would not work on Thomas, because he isn’t me. We don’t have the same personality, or background. I never even noticed before, how Dick, for example, used different methods to comfort all of us. Adaptability is key. Like how father gives us all different trainings, according to our own needs. Little brothers are the same. When mad, they need to be calmed in different ways. Thomas is such a calm kid and has so few tantrum, I feel comfortable doing what I did. 
       Which brings me to my next point. Being an older brother sometimes mean being the bigger person. Giving up, and letting them do what they want. I never realized how many things Tim, Dick, Jason or Cass gave up for me. But it now becomes very apparent to me. They switched things around in their lives to be convenient for me. Like, Tim used to love playing video games on his own, yet he let me come and play with him even as he doesn’t like multiplayer modes. Jason is afraid of snakes yet took me to Gotham terrarium where there’s one of the largest concentration of snakes in the US when I asked him. Dick gave up on ever taking many hoodies I stole from him back. Etc etc. 
         Being a big brother means being the bigger person sometimes, and letting the small one have their ways. Dick, Jason, Cass and Tim did it all the time with me, and it’s my turn to do it with Thomas. Unlike our parents, I don’t need to be the “police officer” of the house. I can have only the good times, and when appropriate, just let go. 
       Today was the first tantrum I witnessed Thomas having, and I decided to let it go. After than, it went all smooth. And honestly, he’s just a bit over one. It’s ok, if he doesn’t wear pants...” 
Their parents found them both asleep in front of Thomas’ favorite movie. 
They were still both in their pyjamas. 
“No pants” day became a thing, for the two brothers. 
“Wednesday, April 19th 20??. Thomas : 3 years old.
        Today, I learned a new lesson. I kind of already knew it before, by observing Dick, Jason, Tim and Cass. But it only became obvious to me today :  A big brother is here to help his little sibling walk his own path. And discover the world.” 
Damian was looking at his baby brother toughtfully. Mmm. Seemed like the kid liked animals too. Maybe they could bond further over this ?
Your boy remembered that that's how his own siblings handled him. They found common ground on which they could understand each others.
With Dick, Damian learned how to perfect his flips and other acrobatics. They enjoyed the creativity and yet physical training of this “game”. 
With Jason, he used to spew all his frustration at him, and Jason would nod and say things like : “that’s right little bird, you tell ‘em !” and just agree with him on everything, even when he was wrong. They could particularly agree on how sometimes, Bruce could be a jerk...And yet wouldn’t wish for any other father. 
With Cass, they’d do artistic things. Drawing, or dancing. Sometimes sitting in silence for hours, back to back, while they painted. It was nice. Relaxing. 
With Tim...Well, Tim was a big advocate of this definition of sibling, that he made up himself : “The only people who will pick on you for their own entertainment, and beat up anyone else who tries.” So they’d bicker a lot, but then if anyone else was trying to rile Damian up, Tim would appear out of nowhere to give them a piece of his mind.
Yes. Yes. As Damian was observing little Thomas hug and smile at his stuffed animals, and thought that this could be quite the approach. 
After all, he really loved animals too.
"'Ook Damdam, ook ! SIMBA !"
Damian had become an expert in his brother's baby talk, and knew this meant : "Look Damian, Look ! A lion"
"No Thomas, not a Simba, a lion. Not all lions are called Simba, just like in the film."
Patience was key. Damian was pretty sure he already told Thomas that exact same thing a hundred time, but for some reasons, the boy stayed stuck on his Disney knowledge. 
But today, something different happened. Things clicked in the boy’s head.
Thomas looked at his stuffed animal for a while, and then asked : 
"…Nala ? Girl ?"
"…Wether it's a boy or a girl, their names aren't simba or nala, they're lions. And lionness. Simba and Nala are characters in a movie."
The boy looked at his  brother, confused, then looked back at his plushy lion and asked, to make sure :
"…Not Simba ?"
"…'ion ?"
"That, not Nemo ?"
OH ! They were making progress ! So far, Thomas didn’t really listen to Damian when he tried to teach him animal names, and just gave them names of Disney characters ! 
Now, he was pointing at his stuffed clown fish, asking wether he was a “Nemo” or not ! PROGRESS ! 
Damian smiled internally. Thinking it was cute, you and Bruce never did much to correct your son, which Damian found frustrating. But here they were, him finally gaining grounds !
“Right, not Nemo. Clown fish.” 
“On fish.”
“Clown. CL-OWN”.
“K-K. LL. AON. Repeat after me Thomas, Clown.” 
“...Cl...cl...clnown ?” 
“CLOWN !” 
“YES !”
Thomas said proudly, showing his plushy. And Damian felt a rush of pride.Yes. That was it. Clown fish. He learned a new thing. And...And he probably wouldn’t have learned it yet if it wasn’t for him ? 
Oh. So a big brother also kinda had the role of a teacher. Interesting. 
And as Thomas ran to his father and screamed “CLOWN FISH” at him, Damian couldn’t help but being proud of him. Even though their father was clearly confused, as the little boy now was running to Alfred to show him he knew what a clown fish was, and didn't give further explanations to Bruce. 
“Clown fish ?”
The big scary bat repeated, utterly confused. By a three years old. What was it again ? Best detective in the world ?
“No Thomas, no, I’m Dick, not Grayson !” 
“...Dick ?” 
“Yes ! Damian, stop teaching him that my name is Grayson ! Ugh. I swear, he hangs out wayyyyy too much with you. I need to spend more time here...” 
Damian grinned slyly, and Dick rolled his eyes. Thomas was growing up fast, and it made sense that he sometimes seemed closer to Damian, whom he saw the most. 
Dick and Jason had their own place, and both Cass and Tim were busy with college. Damian was still in high school, and a lot home. 
Although they weren’t seeing each others as much as he wished, the youngest Wayne and the oldest one still were extremely close. 
In fact, Thomas was very close to all his siblings. They almost were all like second (or third, or fourth) father, and mother. They were so much older than him, of course they’d have this sort of status at time. 
Their parents would take a lot care of him, and he was also very much a “daddy’s and momma’s boy” (like all his siblings really, though they’d never admit it). 
But Thomas did spend a lot of time with Damian, and wether it was on purpose or not, he took a lot after his mannerism and such...just like Damian used to copy his older sibling mannerism, and so on and so forth. 
“Gwayson” though, he could avoid. 
Dick rolled his eyes again, and smirked at Damian, before returning to play with Thomas. 
“Thursday, July 23rd 20??, Thomas : 4 years old. 
       Today, father and mom told me I was to take a night off and not to go on patrol. And that was a very big inconvenience. I had things planned, to prove my valor. I was about to sneak out anyway when (...)” 
Damian, his costume on, made sure his parents were busy before starting to come in action. 
First, he had to wait for his father to go on patrol, and join his other siblings out. And for his mom to get in front of the Batcomputer to monitor everything. 
Then, he had to wait for Alfred to put Thomas to bed, and to go himself sleep, the baby phone near him, just in case, even though Thomas was already 4 now and had full nights. The butler would never just leave him like that, even if his room wasn’t too far. 
Finally, he'd just have to sneak out by...
Damian jumped in the air, surprised, and turned around. 
His little brother was right there, in front of him, smiling widely. 
“Thomas ? How did you get here ?” 
“I jumped out of bed, and walked.” 
Thomas said the most natural way ever, as if it was obvious how he got there, while it was almost 1 am and was supposed to be in bed. 
“It’s way past your bed time buddy.” 
“I can’t sleep. Mama and daddy awe not hewe. Cassie and Tim either. Alfwed is sleeping !” 
“Well you should be sleeping too !”
“But I can’t ! I just told you !” 
There was a short silence between the two, and...Oh. Oh he dared. 
Thomas was giving his older brother his world famous “puppy eyes” (a method he directly stole from Damian, of course). And as usual, it worked. 
Damian took his mask off, sighed and said : 
“You want a bed time story ?”
“YES !” 
And without invitation, the boy jumped on his brother’s bed, slipped under the covers, and waited patiently for Damian to go fetch the book they were currently reading. 
“(...) Continuing last entry, (July 23rd)
       And then Thomas fell asleep in my lap, and I realized something. I guess it was good, to have a night off. If I went out, I would’ve never made this important discovery : Tonight, I have learned that to be with the ones I love is enough. And that I do not need to chase after anything else to be happy. 
     It’s a discovery I thought I made long ago, but as I felt more big brother than ever after reading him a story, it truly hit me. Being me, and being with them...It’s enough. I don’t need to have more. And maybe, maybe being a big brother means to simply be there when you feel lonely ? Like Thomas, tonight, as our parents were away, and none of our other siblings were there. Like me too, when I had nightmares and went to hide in Cass, Dick, Jason, or Tim’s bed...whoever was available when mom and dad weren’t. 
       Mom and dad. They do their best. And their best makes them the best parents anyone could wish for. But they have a lot to do, wether in the day or at night. So sometimes, it comes to me. Or to my older siblings, to take care of each others. To take care of Thomas. We have to be there for each others, always. Being a big brother means taking the time to be there. Simple.”
“Look Damian, it’s a freakin’ elephant !!”
“Um, what did you say ?”
“It’s a freakin’ elephant !!”
Damian looked around at the disapproving looks he got, and couldn’t care less. Of course, he wasn’t particularly thrilled about his little brother using “freaking” but oh well. It was to be expected, when everyone around him used it (and in some cased *cough* Jason and you *cough* used even worst). 
But as Damian came towards his little brother, he realized something. Something that made him burst out laughing. 
Thomas was starting to read on his own now. 
It was exciting, to witness Thomas’ progress as he slowly but surely learned how to read. And it felt so nice, to participate in said progress. To be there every steps of the way. 
Damian shared the pride Thomas felt whenever he showed his parents how well he’d gotten at reading.
And it was so nice, to see his mom and dad congratulates both of them…Thom because he really started to read well, and Damian for helping him out.
Far were the frustrating days when Thomas was a stubborn toddler that refused to call animals by their “actual names”. 
Damian spend many hours trying to explain to his younger brother that no, mice weren’t called “Mickey” and elephants “Dumbo” ! 
Nowadays, the little boy knew what the animals’ name actually were. Which didn’t mean no incident ever happened…Like today.
It was Thomas’ sixth birthday and he asked to go to the zoo (Damian definitely had an impact on that boy).
“Look Damdam, it’s a freakin’ elephant !!”
The boy said excitedly, pulling his brother’s sleeve and pointing at the elephant’s massive enclosure. Damian shook his head, slightly shocked. 
Not because his brother just called him “Damdam” (it was the nickname Thomas gave him long ago, when he couldn’t pronounce things quite right, and it just stuck), but because Thomas’ words were very much unlike him. 
Their parents were a bit further, being disgustingly cute together, holding hands and all, and trusting Damian to keep an eye on Thomas (they knew he’d never let that kid out of his sight, plus Damian was almost an adult, now, he was responsible…sometimes).
“What did you say, Thomas ?”
“It’s a freakin’ elephant !”
The boy seemed so proud of himself. Damian knew elephants were some of his brother’s favorite animal, but he just couldn’t get over the fact that his precious little brother just used the word “freaking”, even if it really wasn’t a bad one. 
That’s when Damian noticed it. The plaque giving informations about which kind of elephant it was. …His laughter resonated in the entire zoo. Both you and Bruce went to see what happened, and were face by a son shaking with laughter, and another little one that seemed very confused. When you asked what happened, Damian barely manage to say, pointing at the enclosure next to you :
“It’s a freakin’ elephant !”
And there, there came the laughter. 
Yes. Yes it was an “freakin’ elephant”…Or, for those who weren’t as new at reading as Thomas was, an “African elephant. 
Damian later shared what just happened with his older siblings, and they in turn gave him many occurrences of him being naive or such sometimes. 
Like that time Jason made him believe that the hays in fields covered with white plastics were marshmallows’ fields...But instead of being vexed, Damian laughed with them. 
Because that was what being a little sibling meant. And being the older one meant to see the evolution the small one went through, witness it all, and help out. Be there. 
Finally. Finally Damian felt like he truly understood, what it was to be a big brother ? 
“Saturday, July 12th 20??, Thomas : 6 years old. 
          It took me six years, but I think I know now. After countless study and experiment. After spending hours and hours with Thomas. I think I know what it means to be a big brother. 
         First I had to understand what being a sibling meant. And that was easy. I had good model. Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass. They’re the best older siblings you can wish for (after me, of course). They helped me understand so much...Thanks to them, I finally got what it was, to be a sibling. And here it is : 
        Being siblings means our bond is stronger than any outside force, and we always have someone to lean on. It means late night pillow talks, awkward phone conversations, and insane laughter. It means calling each others over for no reason other than to sit in silence or talk for hours about nothing. One minute I'll be talking to one of my brother about Harry Potter, and the next I'll be talking to my sister about the newest music we're listening to. 
        But being an older brother...Being an older brother goes beyond just that. When you’re the youngest, sure you’re there for them, and you help out. But most of the time, you’re the one being helped, and having the most support. While still having fun ? 
        Being an older brother, it's keeping that balance between letting out my inner child (which I didn’t even know I had for the longest time, and was let out thanks to my older siblings at first) but still looking out for my little brother.
       Basically, it means having a free therapist and the greatest confidante you could ask for. I went to my older brothers and sister many times, in time of need. And Thomas comes to me often, too. When it’s things we can’t tell our parents, you know ? 
        Being an older brother means being there for your little one through thick and thin. There were many times I had to stand up for Thomas even when it was difficult, whether it was to our parents or someone else. And there were even more times when Dick, Jason, Tim or Cass stood up for me. 
        But it also means being a little strict at times. I came to realize that when Dick told me to do something, or Tim, or any of them...It came more from the fact they wanted me to not get into trouble than anything else, and that...That I realized with Thomas. Sometimes, you have to tell your little sibling what to do. But some other times, it’s totally ok to let go. 
        Being a big brother means loving and supporting your little sibling no matter who or what they choose to be or do. That’s what my brothers and sister showed me, and my parents too. And that’s what I discovered with my own little brother. So what if we didn’t have all the same interest ?
        Being a big brother means celebrating individuality and being proud of the fact that your little brother/sister is a part of your family. I’m glad we’re all different, with my siblings. And I’ll never make Thomas feel bad for that. It’s good, that he’s the calmest out of all of us, and had a different kind of life.
        Maybe being an older brother means that occasionally, I take advantage of the fact I can tell Thomas what to do (and how easily he listens to me), but...I am his biggest fan. If he falls, I will always pick him back up (right after finishing laughing, like Jason would say). 
        Yes. It took me six years, but I think I finally know what being a big brother means. I’m glad, because this is the last page of this logbook. 
        One day, I think I’ll give it to you, Thomas. Just in case. If you’re going through a tough time, or you’re not sure of who you really are. To remind yourself I went through the same thing. 
        To remind yourself I had to write, for six years, certain important interactions I had with you so I would understand a simple concept such as “being a big brother”.
        And that Dick did too. It wasn’t easy for him to go from a circus life with his parents to Wayne Manor with mom and dad, who were both rather young at the time, and inexperienced. 
         Jason came from the street, rejected by everyone. Do you think it was easy for him to acclimate to a life where he could finally be at peace ? Nope. And then, when he died and came back ? Ask him, and you’ll know. 
         Cass came a long way. Now, she speaks a lot, especially to you. But she used to be “mute”. And had a hard life. You should ask her, sometimes. 
         Tim struggled with being ignored all his life, and then he came in and suddenly had siblings, and “real” parents. Then I came along and fucked things up a bit (don’t swear)...but he came through, understanding what a big brother was supposed to be. 
         We all came through. Mainly because we had each others. So please Thomas, if you ever feel down, just come to me. Or to them. To us. We’re your older siblings, and that what it means. 
          I’m here for you. We’re here for you. Forever.”
The end 
So, y’all know I was very nervous about posting this. I hope it wasn’t a total fail and you enjoyed reading it ? Thank you for reading, and as usual, if you liked it and all, comments and reblogs are always more than welcomed :). Here we go. See you next time with another story. Now, I’m going to go hide in a whole out of fear that you guys will hate this and how different it might be from other stories (as it’s mainly Damian/Thomas centric). 
For those who do not know who Thomas is and are curious, here are the stories from my main Batmom timeline in which he appears : The Great Mall adventure, Master of Diaper, Shaky steps and bad teaching, Polichinelle, “Go away, you’re confusing my baby”, How do you make babies ?, Wild Child 2, “We want them back” and After Batmom’s death
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therewas-a-girl · 7 years
I've been so bitter about a large part of this fandom and its hypocrisy & double standards. They've made things miserable and been awful (to the cast, crew, other fans), only to change their tune or been about the moment it became clear that they were going back to olicity and Felicity's Helix story took off (and I say that as a Felicity fan). They don't care about other characters. They're only good when they need other example to prop up their complaints. The season has been far
from perfect but it also had some great stuff. They don’t care about Digg outside of being yoda/couple cheerleader. Where did the good fandom we had go? or maybe I was too naive to see how it was before.
I get where you’re coming from anon, i really do. there’s being critical of a show and then there’s piling shit on it only because you’re not getting the storylie you want. 
the problem with arrow is that its so problematic that all the reasons for being critical of it overlap: the logical and illogical ones. 
however i do understand that for some people olicity is the only reason they watch, so if they’re not together, arrow is not worth watching. its a valid reason. (for example, while we’re talking about Felicity: i was one of the people that would have punched arrow in the face, had arrow been a person, for flippant and dismissive/diminutive way it treated Felicity in the first half of the season. ...and i would have murdered them in the throat for her storyline last year… and in the gut for the one in s3 ) 
to be fair to the arrow and olicity fandom, I don’t think there are good fandoms anywhere. there are just good corners. and no matter what, people have a right to like or dislike a material given to them, for the reasons they chose to. (within reason and decency, meaning that no, i do not understand or condone harassing other fans or the actors, who are just doing their jobs. i dont understand the relentless offensive questions and the holding these people responsible for things they have no control over, nor do i understand this fandom’s blindness to the fact that actors/producers/crew are here to sell a product and will speak accordingly. 
nevermind gugenheim tho, he’s a prime ass pig, he deserves the middle finger cause he’s gross and thinks he’s god’s gift) 
i do believe in confronting people for their bullshit, but only on the issues of where someone’s opinion disrespects another person’s humanity - like confronting the racist language some fans use to bash Rene, for instance, just cause they dont like the show’s direction, and use him as an outlet for their anger.
can we maybe … take a moment … to appreciate how AMAZING team arrow looks right now !!!! and how GOOD this season has been for representation !!! and the fact that the New Team Arrow: Rene, Curtis, Dinah, are ALL people of color !!! like, can we do that? cause its so beautiful !!! 
on matters of how ppl like/dislike the show, you and i can’t really do anything about it. nor should we - at least i dont think so. it’s not fair to ask anyone to shut up because their opinions are ruining our experience - it’s our job to safeguard that experience, whatever it may be. 
Im with you on the fact that s5 has been remarkably better quality-wise, in comparison to both s4 and s3. if one doesn’t count how hard arrow has backtracked from certain slorylines and - what i most despise in any kind of writing - refused to deal with the consequences of its own stories for too long, until it was convenient (and used contrived ways to do so) s5 is actually quite fun. the overall quality feels higher, and i can admit that despite being a VERY critical fan of the show, because i realize that my issues with arrow are systemic, and have been in the shows dna from the start 
(raging unforgiving sexism, racism, fridging, manpain, silencing of women’s stories, overall low quality writing, the utter disregard for emotional continuity, the cheerful ignoring of the emotional fallout of certain storylines etc)
they are - these things are not new! the only thing that is new that has caused so much ruckus is that oliver and felicity are not together - which makes ppl impatient and less forgiving of things they have overlooked before. yeah, that is a double standard - and frankly a little alienating, to me, how ppl’s obsession with olicity overshadows so much - especially since this show fucked up hard in much more offensive ways before, and hardly anyone had that many shits to give because oliver and felicity rode in the sunset together. 
people will be people, you know. we cant come in here to preach the right way or try to change people’s minds, cause it will ruing it all for everyone, but most especially for you. we just have to admit that we’re different and like the same thing for very different reasons; hopefully friends friends who share those reasons and enjoy the ride, i guess. 
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