#that it will crawl at even the slightest happy memory
lunarr-stuff · 2 years
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battymommastuff · 4 months
Batmom x Batman
Prompt: My, my, those eyes like fire...I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Masterlist
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!!DISCLAIMER!! - This likely won't be comic accurate (Obviously), but I did draw inspiration from the comics. If you are looking for something accurate, then this fanfic isn't for you.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked as you shut the door to a random room in your lavish mansion. As soon as Bruce made himself known to you, you dragged him to the nearest place for privacy. The last thing you needed is your husband seeing you conversate with Gotham's resident playboy billionaire.
"I'm here for you, Y/n. I made a mistake, and I can't live with myself knowing you're with...him." Bruce said as he gestured to the self portrait of your husband on the wall. Even then, he still wore that damned mask. You just closed your eyes and let out a deep breath. You've imagined this day would happen. The day Bruce instantly made you regret your marriage. All you wanted in this moment was to jump in his arms and have him walk you right out of this mansion. You wanted that from the moment you accepted the proposal. Marrying you husband was the biggest mistake of your life.
"I believe I am attending a ball as a resident of Gotham's elite." Bruce answered as he took a sip of his champagne. God it felt so good to see you this close again. He's only ever seen you through binoculars or pictures. He missed being this close to you even though he hadn't touched you. Since you departure, he felt himself go slightly feral. Bruce never realized how much he wanted you until he saw you with another man. Now he was going to do everything in his power to make sure he gets you.
You just rolled your eyes. Out of all the events your husband has thrown, Bruce arrives now? When the place is crawling with Court members, "Why are you really here, Bruce?" You asked as you removed your mask. He felt his heart race when he finally saw you face. You were absolutely beautiful. Simply stunning. He couldn't put into words what he felt for you at this moment.
"Bruce, I can't..." You whispered as you shook your head. He didn't like that answer in the slightest. He closed the already short distance between the two of you, and grabbed your face. His forehead resting against yours.
"Y/n, please. All I've wanted...I've dreamed about is having you back. I was afraid of what would happen if I let myself be happy. I couldn't let myself love you, only to lose you." He confessed and shook his head as you started spouting more rejections. Eventually his lips just pressed against yours to get you to shut up. The kiss was instantly reciprocated as you tangled your fingers into his hair. He backed you up against he wall, and started kissing down your-...
"Ugh, I'm going to throw up..." You were knocked out from your story by all of your children looking at you as if they were going to be sick. You didn't go into heavy detail like you did in your mind, but they got the picture. So you just shook your head and continued on with the story after that moment. Bruce, who had been eavesdropping...kept the memory going in his mind.
Bruce had bent you over the desk that sat across the room His hands sliding up your dress to yank your underwear down. There wasn't time for foreplay. He needed to get this out, and he needed it out now. His lips moved along the skin of your neck and shoulders. He wanted to leave marks all over your skin, but he couldn't. It would make your life hell. Your hands gripped onto the edge of the desk as Bruce dropped his pants down along with his boxers.
The feeling of him slowly pushing into you...felt amazing. Your eyes widened as a gasp came from your lips. Bruce's forehead rested on your shoulder as he pushed into you, "At least I know I don't have any competition with the Grand Master." He teased after feeling how tight you were. He was having a bit of trouble fitting.
Minutes later, heavy panting along with the sounds of the desk scooting on the wooden floor was all that could be heard in the room. One hand had reached back to hold onto his wrist while the other had wrapped around the back of his head. His hands were holding your hips tightly, and his hips moved as quickly as he could muster. Both of you lost in ecstasy. You turned your head to kiss him, but it was barely a kiss. Mostly just heavy pants while your tongues brushed together. He had forced your wedding ring from your finger and thrown it across the room. In this room, you weren't the wife of the Grand Master...you were his. As if should be.
"B-Bruce..." You whimpered, your walls clenching around his length. He just groaned in response before pushing your head down onto the table. His thrusts became more sporadic. No ounce of rhythm. Your eyes rolled back once you came. His hand quickly covering your mouth to hide the moan that came out. Bruce's hips slammed against yours roughly as he fucked his cum into you. A 'Fuck You' to the Grand Master for stealing you away.
You both panted heavily as Bruce pulled away from you to grab some tissues and started cleaning you up, "I cheated on my husband..." You panted as you felt him clean you up. Bruce just chuckled in response.
Once you were cleaned up, you went for your panties. That wasn't very easy to do since Bruce took them before you could get them. He dropped them into his jacket pocket, "Those are mine now, beautiful." He purred then pulled you to him once again. Your lips connected in a passionate kissed, "Let me take you away from here..." He whispered and kissed your forehead.
You shook your head, "No let me stay. The Grand Master has something planned. He won't tell me what it is, but I'm close to finding out." You said, your hands running up and down his arms, "Let me be your spy. I'll give you information, and then we can take him down...together. We can get rid of the Court...for good." You said, and with reluctance...Bruce accepted.
Rejoining the party was a bit awkward. Considering the fact that your husband had been searching for you. He took note of your slightly disheveled appearance, but didn't want to question it. His arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you close, "Where is your wedding ring?"
No Taglist for this one because I don't want to tag someone who isn't comfortable with reading smut.
~ Batty
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
sephiroth poofs into a baby and now his terrible friends must raise him properly so that he doesn't one day wake up and slaughter a bunch of innocent randos
Things That Happen When Sephiroth Poofs Into A Baby
• Sephiroth wakes up as a 1-year-old baby (after the previous night helping Genesis experiment with some materia). Lazard notices when Sephiroth doesn't come in, as he had a mission scheduled for that day, so he asks Angeal about it.
• Angeal has no idea where he is, so he asks Genesis who immediately knows something happened due to the materia, but he thinks Sephiroth is hurt. The two of them rush back to Sephiroth's apartment to check on him.
• The door is locked, but they can hear the anguished cries of a baby coming from inside. Angeal doesn't think twice before kicking the door down.
• They run inside and find Sephiroth, scared and uncared for, having reverted back to his infant self without his memories. Sephiroth stopped crying immediately upon noticing them, his eyes wet from tears widening as his tiny body recoils in fear.
• It takes Genesis and Angeal 0.2 seconds to register what happened and wordlessly agree on the same thing. Angeal gently approaches Sephiroth and scoops him up, wiping his tears away and whispering to him softly. Sephiroth melts into Angeal's touch.
• Genesis explains that this is definitely not permanent. They both agree to keep this a secret and hide him until it wears off. From Sephiroth's reaction to them arriving alone, Genesis knows that Sephiroth must've been treated horribly when he had been that age. They cannot let Hojo find him like this. They'll do better. They'll protect him. At least temporarily, he's their baby—not Shinra's, not Hojo's.
• They take him back to Genesis' apartment (he has a bathtub) where they give him a bath. Genesis agrees to finish bathing him while Angeal tries to make something suitable for a baby to eat. Genesis is supposed to bathe him, but Sephiroth is sitting so still, it bothers him. Aren't babies supposed to be a handful? At least he used to splash around in the bath and make a mess, his mother had told him that much.
• So he has an idea. He picks Sephiroth up—still wet—wraps him in a towel, and runs into his room where he keeps figurines, trinkets and other things that could be used as toys.
• Angeal is halfway into cooking when he hears a noise from the bathroom. He drops the pot and runs, fearing the worst. But instead of harm, he finds Sephiroth, rosy-cheeked and laughing with a Stamp figuring in his hand. Genesis is splashing water at him and making a mess to encourage him to play.
• They're happy to find out baby Sephiroth has an appetite. Genesis has him in his lap while Angeal feeds him. He's initially startled by the airplane mimicked with a spoon. Angeal makes Genesis eat a bite so Sephiroth can see that it's okay to eat. This works, and when Sephiroth eats the spoonful, Genesis and Angeal erupt into gentle applause and praise.
• Angeal grabs the rest of the figurines and items from Genesis that could be fashioned into toys. They sprawl out on the living room floor with the trinkets surrounding them. Genesis doesn't care that Sephiroth is playing with one of his Loveless collectibles. If anything, he wished Sephiroth would be a bit more adventurous. He really is a quiet baby, as if he fears even the slightest wrong move will get him scolded.
• They need to make him laugh again. So Angeal puts Sephiroth on his back and starts crawling around, pretending to run away from the wretched fire breathing dragon that's after them (Genesis). This works, and Sephiroth is giggling again.
• Soon he grows tired, so Genesis picks him up and sets him on his lap. He's happy to have amassed a large collection of books over the years, and that includes an array of children's literature that worlds wonderfully. He's reading to him, using funny voices for each character that amuses Sephiroth greatly, and pointing at all the animals and encouraging Sephiroth to imitate the noise that animal makes.
• Sephiroth has been nonverbal this entire time, which lead Angeal and him to believe he had delayed speech. Imagine his shock when Sephiroth points at a chocobo cartoon and goes "Kwee!"
• Angeal and Genesis erupt into applause again, telling Sephiroth he did such a good job. They abandon the reading to teach Sephiroth more animal noises. But it only lasts so long before his eyes grow heavy and he falls asleep.
• Angeal picks him back up to give Genesis a break. They go into the bedroom where Angeal places Sephiroth on his chest so he can sleep. Angeal wraps his arms around him, nuzzling his nose into Sephiroth's head. "I promise I won't let go," he whispers softly.
• True to his word, he doesn't. Angeal wakes up a few hours later with his arms still wrapped around Sephiroth. Except Sephiroth has reverted back to normal.
• Sephiroth keeps himself very still in Angeal's arms, though his eyes are open.
"How long have you been back?" Angeal asks.
Sephiroth hesitates, burrowing himself deeper in the embrace. "A while."
Angeal hides his smile by pressing his lips against Sephiroth's head. Wrapping his arms tighter around him, he whispers: "I promise."
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devildom-moss · 9 months
hello !! happy anniversary to ur blog and so sorry again for not reading ur rules for the flash requests post 💔
may i request sfw + 12 w solomon. just him pining for reader. like doesn't even have to include dialogue w/mc, i just wanna see him being so horrendously down bad for them hehe thank you 🫶🏻
Thank you, and no worries! I hope you don't mind headcanons with this one. Now, did I get too invested in this request? I think so. It's almost double the intended length. Do I regret that? Not in the slightest. I hope you enjoy it!!
1 year anniversary flash request event - SFW
(Solomon x gn!MC)
Prompt 12 – Your choice: Pining
Pining!Solomon, whose hands tremble when you hug him as he slowly brings his arms up to try to hug you back. For his entire life, he had never needed to be held by anyone – not in the way that he needs you. When he’s in your arms, he almost can’t believe it. It feels too good to be true, like some cruel setup designed to bring him a moment of pure joy before ripping you from his grasp. So, his hands tremble with uncertainty and love and hope that he can never speak of. Solomon will snap himself out of his fear, and when he does, his hands will grip your back and pull you in. He never knows when to let go – or rather, he never wants to. If only he could keep you in his arms for a second longer. If only he could hold you every day. If only your warmth would linger on his skin forever.
Pining!Solomon, who will never give up sitting with his legs spread apart now that he knows the feeling of your warmth pressed against him when he refused to give you the space. He knows it’s rude, but he would do anything to keep that prolonged contact. He needs it. Politeness be damned. What does politeness know of the comfort he gets from the physical proof that you are right by his side?
Pining!Solomon, who traces the spines of his books, mapping your name through the topography of every curve or scratch as he waits for you to arrive for your study sessions with him. When you’re running late, your name exists on the spine of every book on his desk. You’ll live on them forever. Now, he can scarcely scan through his personal library without feeling your presence.
Pining!Solomon, who reviews your last sent message when he hasn’t seen you all day. His fingers hover over the screen as he contemplates reaching out. But is one day too soon? He scans his mind for any believable excuse to contact you.
Pining!Solomon, whose mouth is a reflection of his mind, always wandering in your direction. Whether he’s chatting with the demons or angels or in a conference with the Sorcerers’ Society. He can’t resist asking about your well-being or your daily life (the parts of it that he isn’t involved in). He brags about his adorable, talented apprentice to the Sorcerers’ Society and even random demons and witches he’s acquainted with. However, he’s always careful not to brag too much – less someone try to harm you or steal you right from under his watchful eye. If anyone so much as considered it, Solomon would see red until his anger was soothed by disproportionate aggression or the comfort of your voice and touch.
Pining!Solomon, whose body follows after you whenever you pull away. When you break off a kiss, he leans into you, chasing the feeling of your lips on him again. When you let go of his hand, he reaches forward, ever so slightly, trying to recapture your touch. When you let go during a hug, he inches just a bit closer. When you walk ahead of him, he picks up his pace to catch you. When your bonds strengthen with the others, his heart aches, trying to crawl its way back to you.
Pining!Solomon, who doesn’t know how to be alone anymore. His mind has your face and voice memorized. When you aren’t around, sometimes he imagines you calling him from the other room – that if he sat up and walked in there right now, he’d see your precious face, smiling at him. He’ll use technology and magic to preserve these memories with routine frequency – in case the worst should ever happen.
Pining!Solomon, who has never known fear like this. His entire life could collapse in on itself, making him an emotional black hole, from a simple shift in your existence. That is the magnetic strength of his love for you. No change in your presence goes unnoticed. If you got hurt. . . if you died. . . he would pull all realms into his pain.
But, also, Pining!Solomon, who has never known peace like this. If anything could wash over the wreckage of a garden that Solomon has cultivated himself – sick with rot and death that poisons instead of fertilizing, that smells of chemicals and rust, where only the toxic and wretched could bloom – and make it divine, it would be your presence. It would be your laugh when Asmo has pranked Solomon, and the witty sorcerer was none the wiser. It would be the way you danced along to music with Solomon in the kitchen as you prepared dinner – if for no other reason than pointless joy, then to distract him from his desire to help with the cooking. It would be the way you rolled your eyes when Solomon caused you trouble, because your annoyance couldn’t overcome your affection for him. It would be your warmth and the gentle sound of your breathing as you slumped against Solomon’s shoulder – when he longed to trace his fingers along your beloved form, but the fear of waking you stilled his hands. It would be the trusting, understanding smile on your face, when Solomon couldn’t express his feelings in anything more than a whispered “I love you” – even when you needed his praise shouted to the sky for all to understand.
A/N: this will be the last request for the 1 year event - SFW request day. I still have 3 more SFW requests in my inbox though.
Requests are now closed. I will be working on the NSFW requests tomorrow. Don't worry, if you got your flash request in (or if you're waiting on requests from the previous round of general requests), I'll still be working on those. This was a lot of fun so far, so thank you all for participating with me.
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itrithenbartist · 11 months
lil spicy hc's for sdj
literally 18+, any and all blogs that's ageless DNI otherwise you'll be blocked. Any minors DNI.
so with all that out of the way, here's my personal thought process for the dang man. also this is going to be gn for everyone to enjoy. and try to censor myself as much as possible so i don't get clocked by tumblr lol...also added is that i only recently got into this game and that i don't know everything so im sorry if there's a lot of things that aren't really good listed...thank you <333
-of course if you played the extended demo, you know he loves to praise mc, right? Oh man now can you just imagine the power he has??? Mr. Jack will use that for basically anything like to condition mc to go back to him...sort of like pavlov's experiment.
-now, if you uno reverse poor jackie boy...the outcomes is without fail, so good. he'd be all flush and whiney, immediately just do everything he can just to be told he's good. he's not above groveling. just to hear mc call him "good boy" makes him into a puddle of jello.
-now putting into perspective of joseph/jack...one's weakness doesn't go away when they transform. the weakness is the filthiest sloppy toppy mc can give. it doesn't even have to be that good, pretty sure especially jack would just love seeing how excited mc is to give it...he's about to blow no matter what...
-he loves giving head, favorite thing ever to do. sure he can stick it in...but why would he do that when he can give mc the best head they've ever had in their life??? he has to make mc nut (i hate how i have to use that) at least, like 2-3x before he even Considers helping himself. what a gentleman.
-is 100% okay with letting mc top. proper equipment or bought equipment, doesn't matter, he would be so proud of mc. the entire time he's getting absolutely demolished and ravaged by mc, he's still praising them, telling how good they feel, and how good they are to him.
-obviously we've seen how he tops, how he absolutely loves tearing mc apart and putting them back together again...he just adores watching mc's face as they get closer and closer to the edge. the best pleasure for him is to see mc getting the pleasure they deserve
-most def a tease. he always wants to please mc, don't get him wrong. but also he loves how borderline delirious he's made mc, making them work hard and 'earn it'...of course his rewards is so delicious.
-now if mc would flip the table on him...he'd be putty in their hands...and he would be pouting the entire time. being unable to do anything but just sweetly beg for some release off his c*ck...
-if mc says anything about how big he is...it's a wrap. jack is not egotistical in the slightest, but he will no forget what mc said. will be thinking about it Forever
-we all know the premise of the game, he's so possessive it's safe to assume he'd leave Marks all over mc's body. only stops putting it in visible places when mc complains how many times parents scolded them for leaving the apartment like that
Here's a bit softer hc's i think:
-loves when mc and him laugh during s*x...it makes him so elated that even when mc is asleep, he replays the memory in his head over and over again
-he's been locked in that tape for so long...of course he's touch starved. this man Yearns for any form of affection.
-genuinely loves to get to know mc, their favorite music, and pictures, and just everything, it makes him so happy to know everything about mc
-going back to about how he wants so much affection and attention...literally is the epitome of when someone says "i want to crawl into their skin, that's the only way i can be close enough"...yea that's him. cannot stand being without mc's touch for a second.
-loves when mc does small...nothings. like simple things that most people would just skip over. take for granted...not him, not jack. jack would worship everything that mc does.
last one:
-jack/joseph love fat mc. like big belly, smaller belly, whatever. apron belly? muffin top? they eat that shit up daily. chef's kiss thank you for coming to my ted talk
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Can you do a ladylesso x female reader.
It's there anniversary and reader wants to be pounded problem is the last time they did it lesso ended up hurting her by accident so lessos alittle paranoid. Reader ends up convincing her and ya(reader keeps asking lesso to go faster and faster)
Idk have reader squirt, legs and body shaking, can't even make out words just noises. Did it so much in the middle of it reader needs to catch her breath.
(Slap, mommy, and breeding kink.maybe have reader leaking alittle, maybe a few tears of pleasure and drooling)
...ok thank u bye
Show me love| NSFW
*Authors note~ lesso smut is honestly one of my favourites to write*
Trigger Warnings~ lesso dom sub r reader squirting mommy kink slap kink breeding kink strap on
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
If there was one thing you wanted for your anniversary it was to be railed within an inch of sanity by your wife. You knew your request would take some convincing, she was sure that you shouldn't be doing that kind of rough sex ever again. The thought of hurting you made her heart ache and twist uncontrollably. But of course you had a plan to combat this. You need a good old fashioned dicking down and you weren't gonna stop at anything to achieve your desire.
Leonora often had more paper work than you to complete most nights, that gave you ample chance to prepare for her arrival and dress in some of your skimpier sets that she absolutely couldn't help but drool over. You were proud of your appearance and judging by the clock Lesso would be arriving soon. You decided to warm up for her, after all tonight was purely a selfish need. You needed her to fuck you good and proper and if she wouldn't do it because of a fear of hurting you then you'd make sure you were ready to take her in all her glory.
Your anniversary gift to Leo was a special enchanted strap on, it would allow her to feel everything as if was actually a part of her body. You also had one of the potions teachers enchant it to be the perfect size for you and Leonora. It was special and you couldn't wait to see her reaction to it. A slightly selfish gift but one you knew would be used more often than not.
Leonora entered the room she was greeted with you spread out on the bed, a perfectly wrapped present with a small bullet teasing your clit. You couldn't help but wither against the sensations and whimper for your girlfriend to pound into you until you couldn't walk for two weeks. "Dove" she warned as her eyes darkened at the suggestion, "I don't want to hurt you sweetheart."
You switched the vibrator off and shakily sat up to hand your girlfriend the bag containing your gift. "Happy anniversary Leo" you murmured before kissing her sweetly. "Well aren't you the prettiest present baby" she murmured back causing you to giggle and point to the bag.
"Darling? Is that a?" She trailed off as the realisation set in. "I need you mommy," you whined and your hips rolled in a show of your desperation, " it's special Leo, try for me please?" You have her the best puppy eyes and crawled forward allowing her to get an eyeful of your breasts. "If it hurts even the slightest you will safe word" it was more a demand than a question but you still found yourself nodding in confrontation. "Then by all means dove, let me ravish you."
Ravishing you was exactly what she was doing, your whole body showered with loving touches and kisses as she showed you just how appreciative she is to call you hers. To say you were drenched by the time she had finished loving on you was a massive understatement. "Oh dove, is this all for mommy? You really want mommys cock that bad" she purred toying with the wetness that laid there. "So bad mommy please, please take me" you mewled hoping the red head would take pity on you.
Lesso used her magic to strip herself of her clothing. Watching Leonora strapping up was definitely a sight you wished to commit to memory but sadly you lacked the ability to do so. You were practically drooling at the sight of her new appendage watching as she made her way to her bedside table and pulled out her own gift. A vibe that would easily attach to the shaft of her new toy. "I'm going to absolutely ruin you darling dove, you're gonna regret being such a whore and begging for me to do this" she purred before adding some lube to her new cock.
"Mommy please" you whimpered squirming on the bed as she made quick work of the thin material leaving you bare and at her disposal. The strangled cry you let out as the woman pushed the head of her faux cock into your soaked folds. The sting was overwhelming at the start but it seemed to ease off as she slowly repeated the pattern of pushing in and waiting before continuing. It wasn't long till you'd taken the whole length, the enchantment stopping the length from being more than you could reasonably handle.
Lesso let out a shocked gasp at feeling just how tight and wet you were for her. "Dove I can fuck what" she whispered seemingly transfixed on where your sex joined with her cock. "Surprise mommy" you whimpered as your hips bucked upwards. "Oh you dirty girl, you had the strap enchanted?" She murmured before bringing her lips to Latch onto your neck, "I need to move baby you're suffocating my dick" she purred against your pulse point.
The moment lesso pulled out to push back in was absolute heaven, it didn't take much longer for her to find a rhythm that had you becoming a blubbering mess. True to her word, Leo was absolutely ruining you, she brought you over the edge more times than you can count, each time she stuffed you with her massive load. You felt so full but now lesso had gained confidence she didn't seem to be stopping no matter how much you mewled about being too sensitive.
The moment Lesso activated her gift you screamed, the vibrations adding to the feeling of being stuffed with cock and her cum. "Mommy mommy fuck I'm gonna pee" you cried hoping she would stop only to realise it encouraged her. You squirted all over her dick as she muttered something about making sure you were nicely bred with her cum. After cleaning up you and your lover spent the anniversary cuddled up in one and others arms feeling fully stated for now.
Word count ~ 1137
Tag list~ @farahtissaiamyloves @i-write-sometimes-maybe @blu3berrykiss3s
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metallicaislife · 10 months
Birthday Wishes
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A/N: Happy birthday Kirk!!!!🎊❤️
Requested by: Anon
Genre: 18+ fluff and smut minors dni
Word Count: 1,120
Warnings: Oral(M receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, p in v sex
Kirk and I had spent the whole day together. It was his birthday after all. I went over to the Metallimansion early to make him breakfast in bed. We went to the comic shop, and music store. Goofing off and having a good time. I kept him out of his house all day, so that the guys could decorate for the surprise party I had planned for him. 
We were having dinner, I excused myself saying I had to use the restroom. Really, I found the nearest payphone. 
“Hello?” James’ voice came over the receiver. 
“We are finishing up dinner, we will be back in 20 minutes.” I told him in a hushed voice. 
“Perfect, everything is ready.” He replied. 
“Thank you! See you soon.” I said and hung up the phone. 
Kirk smiled at me as I took the seat across from him. 
We were on the sidewalk leading up to the house when Kirk stopped. 
“Is something wrong?” I asked looking back at him. 
“The house is too dark. And I see cars for people who don’t live here. There is a surprise party on the other side of the door, isn't there?” Kirk asked, a small pout on his lips. Shit. 
“Yeah…” I replied. 
“I appreciate the effort, but I really don’t want to have a party. I was hoping we could just chill out.” He whispered looking down. 
“Then let’s leave.” I offered, he looked back up at me. 
“But you went out of your way to plan a party.” He said. 
“So? They can party amongst themselves, while you and I go to my place.” I told him. 
“Really? You aren’t upset?” He asked, I smiled to reassure him. 
“Not in the slightest. It’s your birthday, babe, I want to do what you want to do. If it isn’t a party that I painstakingly planned and coordinated with the guys to execute, then so be it.” I teased with a wink. “Seriously though, it is totally fine, I hate hosting anyways.” I said as I laced my fingers with his. Kirk kissed me softly and we began walking to my place. 
“We can go back.” Kirk said when we were about halfway to my apartment. 
“Kirk, what is your birthday wish?” I asked him. 
“I just want to be with you.” He replied. My heart melted. 
“Then that is what we’re going to do, okay?” I gave his hand a squeeze, “We’ll snuggle up on the couch and watch horror movies, or whatever you want to do.” I said. Kirk nodded. 
When we got to my apartment we went to my bedroom to find comfy clothes. I took mine and went to change in the bathroom. 
“Babe, why are you changing in the bathroom?” Kirk asked. My cheeks heated. 
“There is, uh, one more surprise.” I mumbled and slammed my bathroom door. I changed quickly and exited the bathroom. Kirk was sitting on the edge of my bed in a pair of sweatpants he had left and a Misfits t-shirt. I was in a pair of shorts and another shirt he had left ages ago. 
He looked up at me and smiled. 
“Thank you for planning a party, and thank you for ditching the party with me.” He said. 
“Anything for you, even if it isn’t your birthday.” I said and stood in front of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned up to kiss me. I kissed him back cupping his cheeks. I pulled away resting my forehead on his. 
“What do you want to do?” I asked him. 
“I just want to cuddle… For now.” He said with a cheeky grin. He scooted back on the bed, laid down and opened his arms. I smiled and crawled over to him and into his arms. He rubbed my back softly. 
“Do you think they’re still hiding?” Kirk asked, I laughed. 
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” 
“Should we call them?” He asked. 
“Nah, they’ll figure it out.” I replied, he laughed. 
We stayed in one another’s embrace, chatting for a while. I rested my chin on his chest, I stared at his face trying to commit every feature to memory. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asked softly. 
“How handsome you are, and how much I love you.” I responded smiling at him, he grinned back. I leaned up and kissed him. It started slow but turned passionate. I moved so that I was straddling him. He started playing with the hem of my shirt. I sat up and let him take it off revealing the top part of the lingerie I’d bought for his birthday. His eyes widened slightly as he took in the intricate material. I got off of him so I could take my shorts off showing the full set. He was propped on his elbows watching me. I climbed back on the bed and started to remove his sweats. He moved accordingly to help me get them off. He took his shirt off and flung it into my room. I took his cock in my hand and stroked it a couple times before leaning down to give the tip a kitten lick. I licked from base to tip and took his cock in my mouth. I hollowed out my cheeks as I went down as far as I could before finding a sensual pace to bob my head up and down. 
“Oh god. Feels s’good.” He groaned, throwing his head back. I sped up using my hand to squeeze his balls. He thrust his hips up and began softly fucking my mouth. I could tell he was getting close. “Wait, wait. Stop.” He said. I stopped and our eyes met. “Wanna come inside you.” He said. I released his cock from my mouth and wiped my chin. I straddled him and sunk on his cock. “Yeah, jus’ like that.” His eyes were glazed with pleasure. I started moving. He gripped my hips helping me move. I moaned as he used one hand to rub my clit. I knew I’d get off too, but I was more focused on his pleasure. I sped up my pace. He groaned as he came, filling me up. I continued until I found my own release. I leaned down resting my head in the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around me. 
“Happy birthday, Kirk.” I whispered and kissed his neck. He hummed in appreciation. 
We made love a couple more times before falling asleep in each other’s arms. 
The following day we got an earful from the guys, worried something bad had happened to us. We promised the next time we ditched a surprise party we would give them a heads up.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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dairy-farmer · 11 months
(You are absolutely spectacular, love all your stuff)
I feel like Bruce would quote literally be insane enough to find a concoction to permanently de-age the rest of the bats to young children, stage an accident, and convince Tim that in order for them all to be a “true” family, he needs to be their mother and Bruce’s wife. Or maybe it happens by actual accident on a mission and Bruce takes advantage.. Even better if eventually, a new little sibling was on the way .
👀👀👀👀👀!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim returns to the manor following a long mission and is greeted by the sight of a todder dick and cass, a baby jason who has only barely started to crawl, and damian who can't be more than a month or two old. all along with bruce who looks gray and haggard with an unshaved face and clear exhaustion painting him. bruce tells him about some dimension traveling magician that tore through gotham while he was away. that bruce had been scrambling to catch all the falling babies from falling off a roof to send out an alert. he tells tim about how the magic user had already flickered away and that the magic consultants they kept on retainer couldn't fix this, the magic was too archaic for one. for two it was done by an outerverser and the possible complications of trying to undo it were too high risk. and so, on the suggestion of three different consultants... the safest thing to do was to just...let them all grow up again. it was the only was to make sure they didn't suffer some horrible blowback from the magic in them which included mind wipes, changes at the cellular level, chronal element level time magic.
tim is thrown for a loop. devastated and horrified for his siblings because they've lost their friends, their lives, the things they went through. dick and jason will no longer have memories of their biological parents only of bruce. both cass and damian...have lost the traumatic childhoods that carved them into the people they were. and...tim tries to ignore how part of him believes that's not quite a bad thing.
he watches as cass loudly giggles at a barbie movie playing on tv and tim just stares at her from where he's carefully holding a fussy jason while she's being bounced on bruce's knee in a puffy tutu and hairclips galore.
dick is napping in a playpen on the floor between him and bruce while surrounded by blocks and soft toys that he joyfully chucks out before wearing himself out and nearly falling asleep while sitting up on his little diaper clad tush.
damian is upstairs in his nursery napping and awaiting another bottle feeding that bruce has a timer for to wake him up for. there's a baby monitor on the coffee table between them tuned so finely that tim can hear the slow and soft inhale and exhale of an infant. he knows that the moment damian makes the slightest cry he'll be up and racing up the steps with bruce close behind him.
tim has been helping for a few days now, helping relieve bruce of the various duties he has shouldered all by himself. alfred is still out of the country on his month long vacation he takes every year. it's a silent rule to never call and bother alfred during his recharge time and its only bad luck that all this happened while he was out of the manor. bruce had struggled those first few nights, tim knew that much. he'd seen the desperate searches on the batcomputer and the inquiries about how to change a diaper, how to hold a baby, how to rock a baby, what do babies eat, how to burp a baby. then the rapid purchases for diapers, clothing, bibs, binkies, and various other supplies that were delivered to the door of the manor within the hour.
batman has taken a temporary leave of absence from the justice league and tim is going to be sending a similar notice to the titans because the family needs them both more.
tim can see the exhaustion lining bruce's face but also the small bit of happiness every time he picks up one of the babies. tim has to admit that once the shock wore off, his siblings were all rather cute. they're small and chubby. dick is a darling child...when he's asleep. awake is when he's constantly toddling away and giggling with glee while he's chased. cass is deeply enthralled with the tv and the most well behaved so long as there's a movie or show on. jason is a lethargic baby. always sleepy and tired to the point that tim was concerned something was wrong because when jason wasn't asleep he was crying or clearly in great discomfort. bruce has an appointment for him with a discrete pediatrician in a few days (along with another for the other children) and so tim does his best to comfort him, holding, and kissing him until they can figure out how to make him feel better.
still. it's hard coming to terms with everything knowing that his siblings, as he knew them, were now no longer the people they'd grow to be. tim was scared, worried that they'd grow up and hate him or hate bruce because of what they did or didn't do.
bruce seems to think the same because he brings tim into his room after they've all been put to bed. he talks about how all of the kids need structure. they need parents. reliable parents who love and care for them and can give them what they need to grow up happy and healthy. bruce has been studying and he tells tim the statistics and the studies about the effects of growing up with a single parent. about the impact of different parental authority figures. about the effects of all the parenting styles.
they need stability, they need parents who will care for them, and bruce says he knows he's asking for a lot but he just needs to ask- can tim be there for them.
bruce can't do it alone. he knows he can't give them everything they need from a loving parent he's too...broken. but tim...tim can. he can fill the gaps- he can make sure the children never have anything to want for. bruce will take care of them all but he needs help....he needs tim.
bruce asking him to be the other parent...the be the....mother...it makes tim stop. makes him consider the needs of his siblings of his...children.
he knows bruce is right. tim knows he'll feel better if he's there to help bruce learn and to make sure all the mistakes he made while raising them aren't repeated again.
and...he sees the potential. the potential lives the children can lead. happier, better adjusted, more fulfilled, less timid, less scared of disappointing bruce. tim knows its a lot. becoming a parent is a huge sacrifice but...if it's him and bruce in it together....then there's nothing batman and robin can't do.
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fadingwinnerpirate · 1 year
My Understanding of The Story of Signalis
1. Ariane is a soft, artistic soul that isn't fit for the brutal, totalitarian regime of Eusan and eventually signs up for the Penrose program to escape the bullying that awakened her bioresonance.
2. On the Penrose-512, she meets and falls in love with Elster-512, where they do cute couple things like watching movies and listening to music, which awakens Elster's human memories and emotions, which made her love Ariane in return.
3. Because the Penrose program is basically a way for Eusan to dispose of people that don't conform to it's whims, Ariane starts going crazy from isolation, the reactor starts leaking and Ariane gets cancer from the radiation. Elster puts Ariane into a cryosleep to preserve her life, but not before Ariane makes her promise that she'd come and put her out of her misery if Elster couldn't find a way to help her.
4. Eventually, the Penrose-512 crash lands on a habitable planet by a complete miracle and Ariane is awoken from cryosleep and walks out into the snow so that Elster doesn't have to see her cancer ridden body, passing under a mysterious arch that connects her to a Lovecraftian outer god called The Red Eye, turning Ariane and her memories/experiences into a big pit that Elster promptly crawls into in search of Ariane.
5. At the same time, back in the Eusan Nation, the mining facility S-23 Sierpinski discovers a mysterious Artifact that's also connected to The Red Eye, and when it is presented to their bio resonant leader Falke, she synchronizes with Ariane and essentially taking on her "role" in the Promise that The Red Eye took from Ariane's memory, passing on the "role" of Elster to Falke's subordinate, Adler. However, because Falke has the most amount of authority that a Replika can have in the Eusan Nation, and she doesn't want to seem even the slightest bit vulnerable, she forces herself into the role of Elster, the white knight who "saves" the girl and doesn't have to show any vulnerability or weakness to do so (at least on the surface). The Red Eye takes great offense to this, and afflicts Falke, and the rest of Sierpinski through her, with the same torturous, endless existence that Ariane went through on the Penrose in an attempt to force Falke to accept her role. Eventually, reality starts coming apart due to this, and copies of Elster-512 start entering this cycle in an attempt to uphold the promise she made, leading to the gameplay of Signalis and its endings.
6. The Memory ending is the simplest, where Elster fails to uphold her promise and causes the cycle to continue repeating as it has been. The Promise ending is a bit more complicated, since it's unclear if Elster fulfilling her promise and killing Ariane breaks the cycle and restores reality or if it still isn't enough to satisfy The Red Eye, though I think it's more likely to be the latter. The Artifact Ending is, by far, the most open to interpretation, but I choose to interpret it thusly: as Elster works to gather the keys and the code that open the safe that (most likely) represents Ariane's heart, she shows The Red Eye that she loves Ariane to the point that she'd be willing to sacrifice her own life and do completely impossible, insane, and unreasonable tasks so that Ariane could be happy and healthy again, and by sacrificing the six versions of herself that represent different aspects of who she is (her base personality, her memories as a human, her role as a protector, etc.), as well as the vase of lillies that I think represent Ariane's love for Elster, The Red Eye releases its grasp on reality, possibly allowing Ariane's bioresonance to become powerful enough that she can cure her cancer and either ressurect or make a copy of Elster that she can live her life with, essentially rejecting the sacrifice that Elster made so that they can live the happiest lives they can on this untamed, snowy paradise, Together.
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habeascorpseus · 10 months
thinks about qquackity and the phrase "life's a bitch and then you die." how he lost everything and received nothing and never won a single time in his life on the island. his child was only a few days old and he had no time to understand the responsibility of parenthood, no second chance afforded to him like charlie and mariana. he, like charlie, died with her, and grieved the same. he seethed and twisted himself into something monstrous to achieve the impossible and when that failed he tried to play by the rules and still ended up being drowned. disappeared for weeks on end, replaced by a clone everyone knew wasn't him but didnt bother to look for the original anyways. came back with no memories of love or loss or pain or happiness, his spanish stripped away from him, unable to read, to write, to move in the way he did before. a second death, this time somewhat more literal, his mind the ship of theseus with no comprehension of the loss of its own pieces. he got angry. he grieved some more. he hurt people in a desperate attempt to understand what had happened, who he was, what was done to him. he was kidnapped and shot point blank, his body discarded and replaced again by a clone who everyone knew wasnt him and yet nobody questioned where he was or where his body lay broken underground. a third death. he wakes up in hell with all of his memory. his daughter tells him to give up, to stop asking for mercy he doesnt deserve, that she hopes he rots, that he's just as useless as he was in life. its probably not his daughter, but the words still torment him, following her to his prison within a prison within a prison within the prison that is his own body and his own mind. there's something tragic about how the pain meant nothing in the end. how it wasnt about a man crawling through hell and emerging dirty and harrowed from the depths to see the setting sun. how he fought alone for so long, a rabbit caught on a snare, kicking and gnawing at his own caught limbs in desperation while the rest of the forest beasts were uncaring enough to notice he was even trapped. his pelt is stretched on the hunters table and abandoned. there will be no rescue or reprieve. he's been forgotten entirely with no legacy but the inconvenience at most that he was to the lives of everyone around him. life was a bitch, he died, and he doesnt deserve even the slightest amount of mercy.
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The Merry Whump of May
May 16th- “Take a Break.”
[Branding Iron | Cemetery | Moonlight]
(tw: branding, death threat, implied past torture, magical whump, a guy gets speared with ice)
Villain had given up on finding their Sidekick.
It had been two months. Two long, dragging, horrible months. Nothing.
Villain hoped Sidekick had decided to change their identity and beat it to another country. They hoped they had faked their death and were living somewhere far, far away. Hey, maybe there were even happy.
Maybe they had learned to smile again. Sidekick had stopped smiling years ago.
Maybe Sidekick had followed the call of the void. The l'appel du vide. To simply disappear. Vanish. Never to be seen again.
Villain walked with their head down and hands shoved deep in their pockets. Because their gloves were ripped and did little to keep out the cold.
They had been feeling the l'appel du vide recently. Maye they would take a vacation. Buy a car and drive and drive and drive until they reached dirt roads. Then they would keep driving until the roads disappeared entirely, taking them with it.
But not today. Today was Monday and their shift was almost done. They really should buy some new gloves. Their fingers were going to be numb by the time they got home.
They passed by a cemetery without noticing it-- memorial stones crooked and gaping like teeth in the moonlight.
Villain walked by it. Stopped. Walked backwards, hair lifting on the back of their arms.
The shadows behind the stones had shifted. A new light had appeared– the raw red of an open flame. In contrast to the watery moonlight and its cool touch, the fire seemed bright and garish. Wrong. 
Villain didn't always think things through. They couldn't afford the time. They either acted, or they didn't.
They acted. They were over the gate in a heartbeat. Crouching low over the ground, Villain was hit with the smell of upturned dirt and rot. It brought to mind images of creeping worms and decaying skin.
Lovely. What joy.
Using the shadows and the towering stone memorials for cover, Villain crawled closer to the fire. 
The darkness had distorted into four separate people around the pit. Three stood together, while the fourth stood over the pit, hands clasped behind him.
As Villain's eyes adapted to the firelight, they were able to make out that the group of three people was in fact two people holding someone between them.
The third figure had his hands tied behind his back and wild hair in his eyes.
The world tilted. Shit.
In the flickering shadows, Villain could see the terror whip across the prisoner's face. It rose and fell as he tried to mask it. A trickle of blood dripped from his nose where he could not wipe it away. Every so often, he’d desperately try to lick it off. 
The defiance? Unmistakable. The fear? That was new.
Sidekick, apparently, had not escaped to another city.
The temperature dropped several degrees around Villain. A deep cold filled them. Not anger. Not horror. Just...empty. And so, so cold.
“--I told you to give it up,” said the man by the firepit in a voice barely louder than the snapping flames. “Did you listen? No. You had to keep on trying to escape, again and again and again.” 
Villain hissed through clenched teeth. They did not like where this was headed. Not in the slightest. They had lost feeling in their hands and now the cold spread up their arms.
L'appel du vide.
Though they were a good distance away from the fire, they could feel it on their face— blistering and painful. 
“There is no escape from us.” The man slipped on a pair of gloves and reached for a metal rod that had been resting in the firepit. 
Muscles curled like wires inside Villain as they watched. 
The rod was a branding iron. White-hot at the tip, curling to red. The pattern at the end was the insignia of the Agency.
The cold increased around Villain, breath freezing on their lips.
Sidekick struggled, biting and snarling, as the man approached, branding iron held like it was some lofty and sacred tool of higher purpose and not an instrument of torture. 
“Please–” Sidekick's voice was nothing but a shattered whisper, hoarse from screaming. “Don’t– don’t do this.” 
The man didn’t respond, merely nodding to his companions to rip the prisoner's shirt off. Which they did, with ruthless efficiency. 
Something inside Villain snapped. They stood, shadows falling off their skin like a discarded cloak to pool at their feet. The cold pooled out with the shadows. Unstoppable.
“Touch my Sidekick and I'll kill you." I will enjoy staring down at your lifeless corpse.
The man dismissed Villain with a laugh. "Stand down. This is official Agency business." The brand hovered only a moment–curling red over dark skin– before beginning its plunge. 
"And that is my sidekick."
The cold erupted into splintering ice, spearing the man through his hand. Blue ice completely swallowed the two companions who’d held Sidekick.
In the flashing light, Villain caught sight of blood and splintering-white bone in the darkness. A scream.
The branding iron fell to the ground and burned the grass. 
Sidekick lay gasping on the ground, eyes locked on the iron. It was a bit too close for comfort.
Villain did not stop with spearing the man. They sent another jagged edge of ice through him. And another. And yet another. Until all four limbs were transfixed to the ground with icicles.
If Villain hadn't been so empty, they would have laughed at the comedic value of it all.
They walked past the firepit and past the now-unconscious man. They crouched down in the rotting dirt by Sidekick, knocking away the branding iron. 
Wild eyes. Deer-in-headlights eyes.
“It's me.” They drew a knife and he flinched back. “Oh. Sorry. It’s for the ropes.” 
The only answer was shaky breathing. Villain carefully cut away the ropes and Sidekick jerked his hands away, rubbing his blistered wrists. 
"Are you hurt anywhere else?"
Sidekick lunged forward, almost knocking Villain backwards. He hugged Villain. It took a minute for Villain to realise that Sidekick was crying.
The cold dissolved inside Villain. The void retreated into aching silence. They sheathed the knife and wrapped their arms around Sidekick in a hug.
Shaking sobs.
Villain was also crying.
"Missed you," managed Villain.
"They-- they said you weren't coming."
Villain exhaled sharply. They didn't answer at first. Then: "C'mon. Let's get you home. You're going to be taking a long break. In fact, let's call it a vacation."
Villain stood and half-supporting Sidekick, left the burning light of the cemetery behind and walked in the moonlight. 
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takeyourcyanide · 6 months
Too Much
(Soul Eater Fanfiction)
My Ao3: takeyourdailydoseofcyanide
Summary: Spirit and Marie pester Stein into going to a party. Stein gets drunk, and shenanigans ensue.
Word count: 4 009
Note: Only parts of this have been proofread. I really need to start switching my shit up. It seems one note. I’ve some other ideas for them, I suppose.
“Stein? Stein!”
Lithe and petite fingers snapped loudly in front of Stein’s distracted face. His memory of whatever conversation had taken place at the round cafeteria table was nothing but a blur, as he had seemingly dissociated for its entire duration.
“Huh?” He hummed in acknowledgment, whipping his head around in order to face the snapper in question; Marie.
“You should really come to the party with us,” the blonde suggested with a bright smile. Stein wondered silently to himself what she was so happy about.
“Yeah, I think it would be good for you. You don’t really get out much,” Spirit chimed in, despite his opinion on Stein’s social life being entirely unwanted. “You’re always alone. Doesn’t it get lonely?”
“No, not really,” he responded with an unchanging expression, wishing to God that people would stop commenting about him being supposedly “withdrawn.” It wasn’t unusual to him. That’s simply how things always were. That’s how he preferred it.
“Not really? Then it does sometimes?” The redhead continued to pester his meister. He was starting to sound like every single psychologist, or Doctor Status Quo, on the planet.
Stein shrugged his slumped shoulders, yawning, “I don’t think so.”
“Still… Have you ever been to a party?” Marie asked with a glint of curiosity shining in her eyes, staring intently at the male before her.
Marie, always the expressive type, gasped. “You should totally go, then!”
“Wait a second… What party are you even taking about?” Stein finally questioned, completely and utterly lost.
“Oh.. There’s this party being thrown by some of the seniors here. It’s, like, some sort of graduation party, I think” she explained.
“Is it going to be loud?” His exhausted eyes narrowed at such a prospect.
“Well, it’s a party, so yeah, probably,” Spirit crossed his arms, snickering.
“Then I don’t want to go,” he declared, slinking lazily further down in his chair. “You’ll have to drag me there kicking and screaming.”
“Oh, come on, Stein,” Marie whined in complaint, her former grin morphing quickly into a childish pout.
“I’m with them, but only because I really want to see how this goes,” Sid chuckled with mirth, smirking teasingly at him.
Stein gave the meister a side-eye, shoving his hands inside of his pockets and fiddling with their inseams.
“Can’t you think of it like an opportunity to observe human behavior or some shit? You know we’re gonna bug you about this until you do it,” Spirit tucked his crimson hair behind his right ear. It appeared to be rather soft and silky, which did not surprise Stein in the slightest, given the weapon’s extensive self-care routines.
“You only want me to go because you think it’d be funny.”
“Well, come on, Stein, you have to admit that it would be rather amusing seeing you at such an event,” Azusa said, adjusting the position of her glasses on the bridge of her nose with her pointer finger.
“Well, yeah, but still,” Stein chuckled, removing his hands from his pockets, crossing them over his chest.
A deep sigh dripping with dread racked Stein’s frame, as he moved to sit more properly upright.
“Fine. I’ll go. Now leave me the hell alone already,” he ordered exasperatedly, his monotone voice possessing a hint of playfulness.
“Fine, fine,” Spirit flew his hands up as a makeshift white flag of sorts - a symbol, a gesture of peace.
Stein wished he had some noise-cancelling headphones on his person as he felt the blaring music reverberate through the floorboards, crawling upwards through his feet. He was standing in some dingy corner, holding onto a flimsy, red solo cup filled with vodka for Marie, of whom was taking her dear sweet time in the bathroom.
“You here all alone?” A girl Stein had never once laid eyes on approached him. She looked to be a little older than he was, a smirk filled with flirtatious intentions present on her rosy visage. She happened to have relatively long, light brown hair, her eyes of a similar color. Her tan hand was placed on her hips as she leaned closer towards the internally grimacing Stein.
“No, I’m with a few of my friends,” he replied, having to raise his voice simply to be heard over the music.
The girl nodded her head, scanning the room. “That yours?” She asked, pointing at the cup in his hand.
“No, my friend’s in the bathroom, so I’m just holding onto it,” Stein lifted his hand, bringing it back down again.
“How about I get you a drink?” Her smirk grew even larger. She looked him up and down with a sparkle in her eyes that made Stein simultaneously uncomfortable and a little bit intrigued. How far would this girl, of whom he didn’t even know the name of, attempt to take this?
“What are you going to do, drug me?” Stein asked with a lighthearted chuckle. He knew if he grinned a little, then she’d take it as a joke and not immediately view him as being supposedly paranoid.
“Of course not, silly,” she laughed heartily. “Don’t you want to have a little fun?”
“And what exactly do you mean by ‘fun’?” Stein furrowed his eyebrows in response, a questioning look on his face. She began giggling rather playfully. It repulsed Stein for some unknown reason, forcing him to dig his nails into the palm of his empty hand in an effort to deter himself from ripping her lustful face off. If he was allowed to be viewed as a sack of meat to everyone else, then he should surely be allowed to view everyone as a test subject.
“Thank you, Stein!” Perfect timing. Marie trotted joyfully over, fetching her drink from out of his hand. “Sorry I took so long.”
“Where were you anyway? I thought you were just going to the bathroom?” The brunette beside him pouted, her previously flirty face contorting into one of annoyance and envy.
“There was a long line. Some two idiots were fucking in there and wouldn’t get out,” she huffed, shaking her head as she elaborated.
“So, what, then, is this your girlfriend or something?” The giggling nuisance prodded, huffing and puffing like a bratty toddler.
“No?” Stein confusedly answered, looking back and forth between the two.
“Oh, yeah, who is this?” Marie gestured towards the girl.
“I honestly have no fucking clue.”
“Whatever,” she shook her head repeatedly, stomping away from Stein and Marie.
“What’s her problem?” Marie wondered after she had exited the room.
“I think she was jealous of you,” he replied.
Marie turned her head to properly face Stein, an eyebrow raised, as her body shook with amusement. “You can’t be fucking serious.”
“Well, I am. She was definitely trying to fuck me, and then you ruined it, thank god,” Stein snickered.
“Oh, but she was clearly such a catch. What’s wrong with you?” The weapon sarcastically mocked the girl, slapping her knees, as well as Stein’s shoulder.
“You better be enjoying yourself now,” Marie stuck her finger in front of his face, jokingly threatening.
“Well, not particularly. But that was kind of funny, I’ll have to admit,” he began. “I’m gonna have to tell Spirit about that.”
“Yeah, after he’s done romancing that girl over there,” she stuck her head out, along with Stein, observing Spirit’s cringeworthy behavior. He had the mystery individual pinned against one of the house’s walls, evidently whispering sweet-nothings into her ears as she blushed.
“How do those girls fall for his bullshit?” Stein chuckled in disbelief.
“God, if I know. He must pick some easy targets.”
“I think I’m gonna get some vodka of my own. That’s the only way I’m going to get through this godforsaken brothel of a party,” Marie elbowed his arm, earning a halfhearted glare in response.
“This is what most parties are like, Stein.”
“Then why do people even attend them?” She flashed him a “are you joking” look, a hand coming to meet her hip. “Yeah, that was a stupid question.”
He grabbed one of the many cheap cups available at everyone’s disposal, filling it with what was hopefully going to act as his “miracle juice.”
“Wha..happened t’your girl?” Stein slurred, giggling as Spirit approached him.
“Her boyfriend almost fucking killed me is what happened,” he pointed towards his bruising eye and busted lower lip. Even as fuzzy as his head felt, Stein took pleasure in Spirit’s current appearance.
“Are you drunk?” Spirit asked, rather shocked as he gave Stein a once over. His typically colorless face was flushed with a dusty pink. He was stumbling over his own feet just standing, and his speech had clearly taken a hit. The random giggling was pretty normal behavior, though, coming from Stein. And to be fair, he seemed to always have the motor skills of a fawn, being unable to walk in a straight line sober. “You reek of alcohol.”
“Yeah, ‘m drunk. Didn’ like this place, so I drank,” he smiled, latching his hands onto Spirit’s shoulders, shoving his head down into the crook of his neck. “‘M dizzy.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you are. How much did you drink?” He wrapped his arms around his abdomen, effectively keeping him from causing the both of them to topple over.
“Don’t know. A lot,” he mumbled into his shoulder.
“Oh, he drank more than a lot,” Marie walked up to the pair, finding humor in Stein’s little predicament. “He refilled that cup, like, a thousand times, man. I was with him. He would not stop drinking. He’s a better alcoholic than you, Spirit.”
Her latter comment earned a pout from Spirit, as Marie laughed at his glare.
“I’m just a stupid teenager, Marie. Drinking is normal at this age,” he grasped at straws for some sort of excuse.
“Not the way you do it, Spirit,” she teased.
“Hey, I only had one or two cups of that shit tonight,” he groaned.
“Wow, that’s crazy, congratulations!” She feigned a gasp.
“Fuck you,” Spirit laughed, shuffling Stein over just a smidge.
“I only had one myself,” Marie moved closer to the two of them, lifting Stein off of Spirit. “But you most definitely did not, so, why don’t we get you home?”
“Thank fucking God, no more torture,” Stein looked elatedly up at the ceiling, his arm flailing upward, and his pointer finger pointing in the same direction.
“He can lean against me if you want, he doesn’t weigh a whole lot,” Spirit gestured towards the limp male tilted against Marie’s side.
“You and I both know I’m physically stronger than you,” she smirked victoriously, a sense of pride evident on her face.
Spirit childishly stuck his tongue out at her, marching over to where the babbling and dazed Stein happened to be, walking right next to him as the three of them trudged out of the house.
“Where’s Sid and Joe? I thought they were coming,” Spirit curiously asked.
“Oh, they left a long time ago,” Marie responded, glancing at her small phone.
“What time is it? How long were we even there?” He crooned his head over Stein, attempting to get a good look at the time shining on the mobile screen.
“It’s 2:31, and it’s Saturday now.”
“Only good thing ‘bout tha’ party was the vodka,” Stein continued to giggle, throwing his head in various different directions, as he tripped over the air.
“Be careful, Stein!” Marie exclaimed, gentle, yet stern, holding onto him tighter.
“When has he ever been careful?” Spirit snickered as he watched Stein recuperate from what was almost a fall.
“Obviously never,” she chuckled.
“Do you want me to stay? I can help, if you’d like,” Marie offered as they laid Stein down onto his bed, slinking him down under the covers.
“Nah, it’s late, you should go home and get some sleep, I’ve got this covered,” Spirit gave her a polite smile, further tucking the meister in as he stared up at them, giggling once again.
“You sure?” She asked, taking steps towards the front door, Spirit following behind her.
“It’s sweet of you to offer, but seriously, we’ll be fine,” he clarified, opening the door for Marie.
“Okay, then. Goodnight, Spirit,” she gave him the same polite smile in return. “Goodnight, Stein,” she said much more loudly than before, ensuring that Stein could hear her.
“Goodnight,” he nodded, waving her off.
“‘Pirit!” Stein yelled from his dimly lit room.
“Yes, Stein?” He shouted out, reentering the bedroom.
“Pirate,” he laughed, appearing as though he had a hanger in his mouth. Surely his cheeks hurt by now.
“Pirate, huh?“ He lifted an eyebrow. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile so much,” Spirit pointed out, plopping down beside Stein on the edge of his bed.
“Y’know, I thought you put cameras or listening devices around the apartment, but now I realize it might’ve been the man,” Stein admitted, much to the confusion of Spirit. He acted relatively normal around him, as though he wasn’t overly paranoid. Well, disregarding some of his questioning and staring, but he figured he was just kidding. Or bored.
“You thought I put cameras around this place? Why? And who’s ’the man’?” He squinted his eyes, placing one of his hands on top of the grey comforter, of which was, of course, embroidered with a stitch pattern.
“Spirit,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Don’t ask questions you know I won’t answer. I’ve already said too much.”
“Said too much?” The weapon thought aloud.
Stein’s smile disappeared, as he inched farther away from Spirit. A familiar feeling stirred within him, one of which caused his eyes to flicker about, scanning the room suspiciously. His facial expression altered between being blank and hollow, devoid of any discernible emotion, to one of almost childlike apprehension, and something akin to a childlike fear. He’d pout a little, quickly bringing his lips back to where they were supposed to be. His eyes were enlarged, his pupils growing to almost cover his irises. He threw himself upwards, sitting up and backing into the corner.
“I’ve said too much,” he huffed out in a hushed tone. “Oh, no, no, no, no.” He did not move, only gazing fervently at Spirit.
The shadows surrounding them seemed to dance and curve around him, engulfing him in their darkness. He could feel the presence of people all around him, they would never leave him be. Every noise, every feeling, everything was simply too much. He was at his brain’s mercy. Or was he simply at their mercy?
“I shouldn’t’ve said that.. I’m never getting drunk again. I knew I shouldn’t have. I always did. Not in the presence of others,” he rambled on. Spirit could practically see the little hamster wheel spinning endlessly inside of his cluttered head. Still, he was not expressing a thing Spirit could discern properly, his eyes being the only things to give away how cornered he felt.
“No, it’s fine, you didn’t say too much, I swear,” Spirit rushed out, a little panicked at how fast Stein’s mood did a full 180.
“Yes, I did! And you’re gonna tell Lord Death! You have to tell him everything! You’ll tell everyone else! And then they’ll know… Of course, they still don’t know the extent to which it goes, but.. it’s too much,” he brought his knees to his chest and his fingers to his lips, only to yank said fingers back down, seemingly at a loss for what to do.
“I’m not gonna tell anyone, I promise!” Spirit exclaimed, moving his hand outwards as some sort of peace-offering, placing it upon the boy’s knee. Stein slapped his hand from off of him, wrapping his arms around them, as though he was guarding them. Or truly, as though he was guarding himself.
He had never once seen Stein so… paranoid before. He always behaved rather confidently, and unbothered. Then again, it is certainly possible be both simultaneously.
That didn’t make it any less shocking.
“I can still fix it, probably, so it’s fine. But it won’t go away, even despite that. I can always fix it. It’s always in my favor, right? But what if that’s not true? They’re waiting, aren’t they? I’m not who I think I am, less integral,” Spirit truly had no idea what in God’s name Stein was even talking about anymore, but it was clear that Stein did, and it was clear that it was important to Stein, so he listened.
“What’s not going away?” Spirit asked, his head tilting to the side.
“Am I even making sense?” Stein chewed on the plush skin of his lips, once again bring his fingers to his lip, opting to bite on them instead.
“Yeah, I get what you’re saying,” Spirit offered his partner a white lie, figuring the truth would only cause Stein to become even more distraught than he already was.
“No, you don’t, just look at you and your face, you’re lying,” Stein pouted, rocking himself only a little bit. “What if everyone is lying? I think they are. I’m never understood, am I? Maybe I am sometimes, but when I’m not going off of my data, my script, I mess up, and I can’t explain as well…”
Stein appeared almost sad as he spoke his latter statement into existence, his eyebrows furrowing and pushing downwards on his eyes. He looked utterly miserable, and more confused than Spirit had even thought of being throughout their whole conversation.
“I said too much again.. ‘n I can never know, can I? Why ‘m I saying too much? I need to stick to nicotine.. No more cheating on it,” he allowed his head to fall against the wall behind him, his eyes filled with nothing but helplessness and longing, a glint that conveyed the fact that he couldn’t seem to accept the fact that he’d never escape the utter hell he was born into, one that revealed to Spirit how little he really knew about his meister.
“Don’t tell anyone, please,” he turned his head to face Spirit, almost begging.
“I promise I won’t,” Spirit wanted to reach out and comfort the male, but it seemed to cause such discomfort for Stein the last time he tried, leaving him to repress the urge.
“I can’t trust you,” Spirit had never seen anyone look so utterly exhausted before. He looked as thought he had just come back from a brutal war.
“That’s okay,” he smiled kindly at Stein, unsure of what else he could do.
“No, it’s not. I can’t live like the rest of you do,” he said morosely, somberly, as though it were some sort of confession. “It’ll never go away. He’ll never go away. She’ll never go away. Stupid cats won’t either.”
“What are you talking about?” Spirit questioned once more.
“It’s nothin’,” he replied plainly, cryptically.
“Do you want a glass of water or something, to, you know, offset all that alcohol?” Spirit gently offered, standing up.
“I don’t want you to leave, but I want you to leave, but I’m never alone anyway, but I can’t trust you, but it’s a distraction, but- goddamn it,” he shoved his head in his knees momentarily. “You won’t take it seriously, ‘cause you think it’s funny.”
Spirit stood still in his position, not certain of what to say or how to help him.
“Jus’ go get the water, i’s fine,” Stein said, his voice shaking slightly, almost unnoticeably.
“Are you sure? I swear it’ll be quick,” he asked for the sake of clarification. It didn’t seem like a very good idea to leave him alone for even a single second.
“Mhm,” he hummed in agreement, nodded his head against his pants.
Oh, of course, his pants! He still needed to put on sleepwear.
“Oh, and do you think you’re good to change on your own while I get that glass?” Spirit flashed him a thumbs up from the doorframe.
“Sure,” he mumbled.
Upon his return to Stein’s bedroom, he ran to put the water down onto the nightstand, and assist Stein with effectively getting his limbs into his comfortable clothing.
He had found him with his head going into his left sleeve, though his pants were on as they were meant to be.
Spirit approached him, laughing, helping him to shove his skull through the intended hole. Stein, however, maintained his usual unexpressive face.
“You should get back into bed and rest, and take a sip of your water, of course,” Spirit pointed towards both the bed and the glass, of which stared menacingly at Stein.
Stein peered down at the floor, observing how it waved about, moving up and down slightly as though it were breathing. Was it alive? No, it couldn’t be. That would be stupid to even suggest. But it sure felt alive… As did that conspicuously threatening glass of water.
“You good?” Spirit asked with a hint of concern, leaning the boy back to his bed.
Stein distractedly nodded his head, allowing himself to be gently lead.
Spirit pulled the blankets over the meister’s cold, shivering body. He graciously accepted the warmth.
“Are you nauseous or anything?” The ginger asked, ready to bolt off and grab some sort of bucket to place by his bed.
“Don’t even know anymore,” he responded, burning holes into his ceiling with his stare.
“I’ll go get something for you just in case.”
Stein wondered to himself why Spirit was putting up such a fuss about him. Perhaps he was attempting to earn Stein’s trust, make him believe that he cared even a little about him, only to report back every breath he took back to his savior. He’d betray him, surely. But he was always multiple steps ahead.
At he listened to the weapon rustle around in the kitchen for some sort of something, he questioned what it was like for the others he knew, what it was like to trust so easily. Or were they only faking it to lure everyone else, including Stein, into trusting them?
“Here you go,” Spirit sung as he placed the blue bucket down beside his bed. “And make sure you lay on your side,” he placed his hands onto Stein, positioning him horizontally.
Spirit let out a sympathetic sigh, lamenting the fact that he had no idea how he could really help his partner. “I’m sorry, Stein.”
“I can’t do anything. Can’t even comfort you,” he looked shamefully and disappointedly at his feet.
“It’s not your fault. There isn’t a thing in existence that could make me feel any better, in the end,” Stein admitted, not even sparing so much as a glance at the scythe. “It’ll never go away, will it?”
Something about that sorely depressed Spirit. Everything that was coming out of his mouth was just so hopeless.
He clenched and unclenched his fists, opening and closing his mouth, searching for the perfect words to say. But there were none.
“Well, then I’m sorry that ‘it’s won’t go away. It doesn’t sound very nice,” Spirit shrugged his sorrowful shoulders, moving stray hairs from out of his eyes.
“Me too.”
There was a smidgen of unintelligible screaming to his dead tone, to his dead eyes, and dead expression. He was dead, and yet a living jumble of chaos. It was complete agony, that much was obvious to anyone. Though, what was not obvious was what was the catalyst behind it all. And what it was truly capable of.
Spirit gave Stein a pat on the head, ruffling his silver hair in between his fingers.
He whispered a “good night” to him as he exited the room, forcing Stein to promise that if he needed anything at all, he’d wake Spirit up.
But he and Spirit both knew that he wouldn’t bother, much to Spirit’s displeasure. He’d, instead, suffer alone, away from the scrutinizing world around him. Though, in a way, he almost took more comfort in the vileness he sought to escape from than the vileness he could never escape from that was his very own mind.
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demosuo · 2 years
The Snow Melted (Giyuu Tomioka x Reader)
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
tw: physical abuse, alcoholic parent.
Kind of slow burn bc idk how to pace in stories, childhood friends to lovers in a way. I’m doing character building in this chapter, you’ll meet the man in the next chapter, promise. 
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You walked through the village, periodically adjusting the basket of charcoal on your back as you greeted everyone. You were trying to sell as much as you could, hoping that you would be able to save up enough money for you and your family to have an extravagant dinner, where everyone can eat as much as they wanted.
“Oh, (Y/N)!”
“(Y/N), (Y/N)!”
“Tanjiro! I didn’t think you’d show up today! I see you’ve bought some company!” You waved him over, jogging over to meet him up in the middle. You gave the short boy a quick hug, squeezing him tightly before doing the same to his younger siblings. You and Tanjiro would bump into each other often during your runs through the village, it was only a matter of time before the two of you became close. There were occasions when he would invite you over for dinner and vice versa. Although, both would rather just go to his instead. Not only was it closer, but a safer option.
“They snuck onto the cart...” He pouted.  “By the time I realised that they were on, it would’ve been too late to turn back.” He sighed. Not in the slightest was he annoyed, more just worried that he had to keep an eye on them while trying to sell. He watched them hop off the cart to run around before turning to face you. “How much have you sold already? Would you like to walk around together?”
“I haven’t sold that much yet but I’d be more than happy to do it together.” You ruffled his hair before dragging him along. He would talk about what had been happening with his family, all the silly little things his siblings would do, and how his mother's new recipe tasted amazing. Never once has there been a dull day with him, he was like a little brother to you.
“Hanako! Shigeru! Please don’t run off too far!”
“You’re such a good brother to them, Tanjiro. I’m glad they have you.” He looked up at you, ready to throw his modesty at you before he saw the soft look in your eyes. “I wish I had an older sibling like you, it’s too bad that I’m an only child.” He suddenly let go of the handles of the cart and grabbed your hand.
“If it makes you feel any better, everyone in my family thinks of you as their older sister! Especially Takeo, but he’s too embarrassed to admit it. Mother really likes you too!” Shock flew onto your face. Man he could be so obliviously bold sometimes.
“Oi! You two! You guys are being very cute and all but can you help me with something? I also need a restock on some charcoal!” Their heads snapped towards the voice.
The two of them immediately jumped to help the old man waving them over. The day continued on as per usual; the two of you walked around chatting and selling as much charcoal as you can, helping with day-to-day problems the civilians had, and fixing small items.
“See you later, Tanjiro! The two of you better behave, Hanako! Shigeru!” You gave one last tight hug to the boy and his siblings before departing in the direction of your home.
Home was supposed to be a place of safety and comfort, a place full of memories attached to every room and every item. So why was it that you felt so much dread and fear every time you had to leave the village? Or why even the thought of having to walk through the front door had your breathing hitched? Would you even consider it your home or a place you live in?
You rushed through all the snow, legs burning as you kept running. You had to get home before sun fall, you couldn’t let your mother and father be mad at you. You quickly dropped off your basket the second you reached the grounds of your home before running to the door. Noticing how dark it has gotten, your hand froze near the handle. Your heart racing with anxiety, the uncomfortable sensation crawling from your stomach up to your chest, your hands shook and you knew well enough it wasn’t from the cold.
Each inhale got released quicker than the last, you had to enter through this door, what was so hard about opening a door? You took a deep breath in and shut your eyes, sliding the door hard enough for it to slam at the stopper, bracing yourself for what could come.
“(Y/N), come here.”
“Yes, father.” You shut the door as you entered the building. You kept your eyes trained to the ground, not daring to look up at the man. You knelt down before him, closing your eyes shut once more. Your body tensed, your hands gripping on to your robe, ready to shoot up to protect yourself.
“Could you please explain to me why a broken bottle of sake was spotted near the trash?” There was that feeling again. You felt the walls closing in on you, you felt as if your heart was about to burst out of your chest. Oxygen wasn’t reaching your lungs properly, it felt uncomfortable with every breath you took in and let out. A wave of heat splashed on your body, your hands were starting to get clammy.
“F… Father, it was an accident, I promise! I didn’t mean to break the bottle or to hide it from you-”
“You piece of shit!” A loud slap echoed in the room. “You can’t do one single thing right! You should’ve never been born in the first place, I should’ve left you to die!” 
You bought up your arms to block your head, hoping that the impact wouldn’t be as harsh. One after another, his hands started to curl into fists. His knuckles buried themselves into your skin every time they make contact. Why couldn’t you fight back anymore? You used to be able to fight back so well, why couldn’t you bring yourself to yell back at him, try and physically fight him back? What changed?
“I’m sorry! Stop, please, I’ll do better! You’re hurting me too much!”
“Honey, that’s enough!” Your mother grabbed onto his arm, only to be flung into the closest wall. He stared down at the woman, the cries that tried to be silent never reaching his ears. “Did you seriously just do that?!” The older woman yelled. He turned his full body at her, arguing back with her.
The screaming and yelling.
The burning, throbbing pain all over your head and arms.
The strangling in your throat as you tried to hold back a sob.
It was too much.
All the tension in your body finally snapped. You turned towards the door and pushed your body to move. Stumbling towards your only exit, you slammed the door open.
“Get back here! I’m not fucking done with you!”
Don’t stop, keep going. Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop.
You heard a pair of footsteps behind you, fearing that it may be your father, you didn’t dare to look back in case it was. You dodged through the trees, trying to keep your stride short enough to run effectively in the snow. The only thing you didn’t account for, was the narrowing of the path. You were running alongside a cliff, a once easy walk through was now a death trap as the ground beneath the snow started to ice over.
That voice didn’t belong to your father. It was laced with hope and desperation. The second you looked back, you saw a taller figure with a red and white kitsune mask on. Just as you tried to slow down, your foot slammed into a root hidden beneath the white blanket. Your eyes widen as your body falls forward and over the edge of the cliff. A hand grabbed onto your haori, tugging you into an embrace before the impact of the ground hit. The hold was protective, it was warm.
“Hey, can you hear me? Squeeze my hand if you can.” The man felt your hand curl around his, nothing close to a squeeze but it was a sign to him that you were still alive.
“I’m going to take you back to my place, you deserve better than a house full of those wretched demons.” He stared down at you, feeling your hand go limp. You were now unconscious; all the adrenaline finally knocking you out. The man carefully picked you up, gently placing you over his shoulders as he trudged through the thick snow. “Speaking of…”
He placed a firm grip on your back as he raised his katana at the glowing eyes that stared him down. It was going to take a lot longer to reach home than he would have liked but as long as you were safe, he could let it slide for now.
Your eyes shot open as your body threw itself forward. You were going to have a look at your surroundings before your vision darkened. Everything started to blur, your head feeling light, it was only seconds before you slammed your head back down on the pillow.
“Hey, be careful now.” A hand caught your head, easing it down on the soft pillow. “Your body is still recovering.”
“Who are you?” You croaked out, turning your head to look at the voice. The same red and white kitsune mask you saw from last night, sitting on the side of the man's head.
“My name is Fuyuhito Touwa. We met when you were younger.” He placed a warm cup of tea beside you. “Please, take your time. You are safe here under my protection.”
“Oh… I remember… You and father wanted to train me to be the next snow hashira?” You slowly flipped onto your side and propped yourself up on one arm. “What happened to that?” You grabbed the handle of the cup, bringing it up to your lips to take a sip.
“Your father and I got into a rather big argument about you becoming one. I can understand where he was coming from to an extent, but I did not support his way of training you.” His focus was on you, gauging your reaction with every word that fell out of his mouth. “He would use his hand against you a lot. It is absolutely no way anyone should be treating their own kid. If you want to stop talking about this, please let me know.”
“I will.” You softly spoke back. Memories flashing in your head from what he reminded you of. You placed down the cup, not realising how quickly you skulled the drink. “I will be honest, I did forget about it. It’s one of those memories I’ve suppressed.”
“Understandably so. Would you like a refill?”
“Yes please.” Everything about him felt comfortable. It was the opposite feeling to your father. Instead of dread and fear, it felt safe, peaceful even. “What made you come back? I wasn’t expecting you to be the one chasing me.” You tried to joke around, not liking the depressive atmosphere.
“I must’ve frightened you quite a bit, I apologise for that. I wasn’t expecting to be chasing you.” He chuckled, going along with your attempt to lighten the mood. “I felt… Something off. I regret leaving you behind with that man and his wife, so I came back to try and ask if he would let me resume training you as an excuse to get you away.” Your gaze softens at the man, heart warming with familial love.  
“You came back for me.”
“Of course, I did.” He placed his hand on your head, ruffling up your already messy hair. “On a more serious note, would you like to continue your training?”
“Yes,” Without missing a heartbeat, you responded with no hesitation. “I want to be able to fight back and not only protect myself, but the people I care about.”
“There’s that fighting spirit again. Rest up for now, we will begin the day after tomorrow. We shall talk more in the morning.” He blew out the candles that lit up your room. Before leaving your  new room, he glanced back one more time, a small but noticeable smile creeping his lips.
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
please leave a comment or reblog it if you want! I'd love to hear everyone's feedback on this series!
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So I've just finished reading Assassin's fate. I have only one single question - SPOILERS AHEAD
Said question being - how the fuck did I not know how it all ends?!
I know, I know - I tried to avoid spoilers. But I searched for fan art, I've seen some memes! Sometimes I searched something like "fitz chivalry farseer" or "fitzloved" on tumblr and tiktok! Fuck, I tried to avoid spoilers, but I did not isolate myself from fandom!
So how on earth did I not know that's THAT how it gonna end?
I wish I was emotionally prepared.
Not gonna lie, this pain I felt - it was good pain, but at the same time it was absolute agony! I wept through last chapters like I'm ten and watching Titanic for the first time, but I'm actually 25 and I've been through some tragedy fiction in my life! I thought I was ready for the most grim scenarios, but I wasn't the slightest!
Fuck it's so personal now. Like yeah, being with his fool at last, it kinda made it better, but no one, no one deserves do die (or to go) that way! I'm so angry. Fitz became so much more than just a character to me, and his departure was so painful, so ugly at his last moments, he couldn't even hug his family and friends. He couldn't even tell them he loved them with all his heart - not with what's left of him and his memories. Why couldn't they let him know that they love him with him being able to fully perceive that? Fuck, he was being eaten alive! It's so, so unfair.
I wish he had just few more happy moments with his family. Wish Dutiful knew that Fitz is his biological father. Wish Bee communicated with him without her walls (and before you say she did, remember Verity in his last days. It was Verity, but it wasn't fully him. So did Fitz in his last chapters wasn't fully himself.) Wish Kettricken said that she loved him and him to realize what she actually meant. Wish Fitz was Fitz Chivalry Farseer for a little bit more and saw that his people he protected actually love him. Wish he spent more time with Motley and let himself to have another pet in lis life - not as a replacement for Nighteyes, but as friend.
"But Fitz was with his whole family and he didn't actually die, and he became one being with the Fool and Nighteye like they always were!"
Oh shut up! He was being eaten alive! Worms crawled out of his face! With his memories in the Wolf! His small daughter he could never spent some quality time with or present her some gifts or introduce her to his friends watched him slowly dying! Coughing blood! Worms in his mouth! Not purposefully doing this to save his country but because he had no fucking choice - yet fucking again!
Fitz Chivalry Farseer deserved so much more happiness in his life.
So yeah, it's 4 a.m., I'm ugly crying, my heart is broken.
It's not bittersweet ending, it's so fucking bitter, with just a little bit sweet piece, so small you barely feel it.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 2 years
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Feels Like Home
19: Burned Cake and Happiness
I wake up quickly to a knock on the door. I haven't gotten much sleep because I kept reliving that glorious, perfect day that I had spent with Jake.
It is early, but hoping it is Jake, I check myself in the mirror before I open the door. I smooth down my hair, trying to make myself presentable just in case.
Butterflies. That man always gives me butterflies.
It is just the mere thought of him, of his kindness, of the way that he protects me and encourages me to be strong. Then, there is the way that he can kiss, it shouldn't be legal. He can at once make me feel powerful in my abilities and weak in the knees.
I'm convinced that I would do anything that he asks if he pays me in kisses. In truth, I would probably do anything he asks just to see his smile or hear his laugh, but that shouldn't undermine the power of those kisses.
I realize that I have lost myself in thought when I hear someone knock for the second time.
I run to the door and open it, it is not Jake, but a delivery boy, about fifteen, whose baseball cap is a little too large for his head and whose body hasn't quite caught up with the length of his arms. He carries a bouquet of orange and white flowers with a figurine of a werewolf planted inside. A smile creeps up on my face. Jake is never going to let me live that down. This is fine because the way he treated me after will long live on in my memory.
Those butterflies return again n full force.
The boy also holds a large cup of coffee. I take it from him and with thanks. I shut the door and gulp down some of the coffee. It is perfect, as usual. He is incredibly thoughtful. I will add that to the list of the wonderful things that he is.
I look down and notice that on the cup, in his hastily scrawled handwriting, he has jotted down a note:
I can't wait to see you tonight and learn more about the one I love.
I quickly text him.
MC: Thanks for making me feel loved. I can't wait to see you tonight.
Jake: You are loved and it is my pleasure. :)
A smile crawls across my entire face. I will never hear it enough times. This wonderful man loves me through all that we have been through, all that he had to fight to gain his freedom. He still thinks of me when I should be thanking my lucky stars to be in his presence.
I try, I really do, but the smile will not leave my face, I go through the entire morning this way, in a la la land, smiling and humming through all of my chores, dancing from room to room.
It is ridiculous, I know, that someone can make me feel this way. He knows how to bring happiness to my soul, even when I should be nervous. I don't want to fight this. I want to live in the moment and allow myself to feel it all. I am happy and I am going to act like it, I am not going to be afraid or ashamed of it.
And I did live in that blissful state until I get the text.
It is from Jessy.
I am not mad at her, not in the slightest, but I have been avoiding her since I am not really ready to face Dan. I know that she will make me. She is a good friend and will not let things go unresolved for too long.
I am not sure if I am ready to forgive him. I know he meant well, but I can't continue with both Jake and Dan in my life if Dan can't figure out how to get along with Jake.
I love Dan, but Jake is my world.
I check the phone, knowing that avoiding her isn't fair. I can't avoid her any longer and I don't want to. I miss her.
Jessy: MC, are you ever going to talk to me again? I know that you love me, so stop being stubborn.
She is right. I quickly respond, my fingers frantically typing.
MC: I miss you, Jessy, I am just trying to figure out how to talk to Dan. I know that you are going to make me do it.
Jessy: You need to talk to him. He thinks he has lost you. The three of us can meet and talk it through.
MC: He may have if he can't get over his bad feelings for Jake, and it will be the four of us. I don't want to talk to Dan right now without Jake present to hear all of the details. I don't think I can even look at Dan without his sincere apology to Jake first. Jake deserves that. And I can't live constantly striving to keep them away from each other.
Jessy: I understand. I do. I believe that Dan wants to apologize. The part that misses you as his friend wants to apologize. does. tomorrow night work for you?
MC: I'll talk to Jake. but yes.
Jessy: OK, good. I can't wait to see you and give you the biggest of all hugs. Don't ignore me anymore. I hate it.
MC: You know that it wasn't about you. I won't do that again. I missed you too much! See you tomorrow, hopefully.
I am feeling a little better after having chatted with Jessy. I have missed her and so much had happened with Jake. It isn't unusual for us to skip talking for a time because life gets busy, but not speaking for a month has been a bit much. We will be fine and I hope that Jake and Dan can talk things through because he is a brother to me, an annoying pig-headed, ill-tempered brother that I can't help but care about.
I have to stop thinking about this. I need my happiness back. What will do that? Oh, yes, thoughts of Jake. If I wasn't his before, I surely am under his control now.
I smell the flowers that he gave me this morning and return to my happiness, thinking about the wonderful man that is coming to my house tonight and the fact that I can call him mine.
I finish all of my chores. Dessert is in the oven and I' m dressed in a simple black top and red skirt, my hair falling down my back.
I hear the knock at the door and run to it. I can't wait for a second longer. I am going to greet him with the biggest hug, but when I open the door, he bursts through it, his arms full of boxes and bags, stopping long enough to kiss me on the cheek and whisper, "Hello beautiful," as he flies by.
His arms are full. He has a huge box in one arm and a couple of bags in the other. I don't even try to avert my eyes
from his muscles that are absolutely bulging as he tries to balance everything. I want to help him, but I can't stop staring. All too soon, he puts the items down and the spell is broken.
Before I can mourn the loss of those beautiful biceps, he is across the room with his arm around my waist. His hand moves to my cheek and he brushes it lovingly locking my eyes with his. We stay there for a long time. His sapphire eyes always show such a deep love for me. I know mine show him the depths of my love as well.
"How has your day been, my love?" he breaks the silence and leans in to kiss the side of my cheek, finishing by rubbing the back of his fingers across my cheek.
"It has been a great day, but it is always a million times better when you are with me," I tell him.
He smiles. It is a soft smile, full of emotion. "I have waited my whole life to have someone that I loved tell me that they feel the same. I won't take it for granted. Thank you for loving me."
"That is like telling the sun thanks for shining or thanking the ocean for its ebb and flow. I have no choice but to love you. though if I have to choose to love you, I will. Every time."
He takes in a deep gasp of air and sighs like he has been holding his breath all day. "Why do you always smell so intoxicating?" He asks me, taking another breath while leaning into me. He whispers in my ear "Why do you always look so intoxicating?" he growls a little in his throat as his lips brush against my neck.
The kisses are gentle. I feel cherished and treasured. He pushes back, though I can tell it was regretful. "I have been waiting to hold you like this all day. It has been torture, but it is only more torture with you in this dress." He says. His eyes gaze up and down my body.
Suddenly, his hands move to my hips and he leans in and pulls me close. My arms fly around his neck. He kisses me, deep and dusky He smells like cedar and sage. As deep as the kiss is, his hands begin to roam my ass and get dangerously close to the edge of my skirt. The kiss lasts a while. His hands roam my body and my hands roam his. The same sense of happiness that I have had all day flows through me to my toes and I am lost in his arms, at this moment.
He pulls away slowly, though his hand lingers on my hip. I look at him with eyes full of lust and my eyes linger on his swollen lips.
"I have been waiting all day for that, for you. "
I am able to take him all in. He is in a white button-down shirt and some jeans that fit him just right. He really is everything, the perfect mix of attractive and gentle, tough and kind, strong and soft.
He pulls away knowing that if we stay here, we won't talk or eat dinner or accomplish anything.
He heads straight for the big boxing carries it to the kitchen. I had been so distracted by him that I didn't give much notice the box or what is inside.
"What is all of this? You know that you don't have to buy me things. I am not with you for your money." I say with a wink.
"Darn it. There goes my plan." I see a slight smile form on the corners of his mouth. It is gorgeous. "Well, I wanted to bring you something special and the most special thing to you is coffee.."
"Not true," I interrupt while giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You are the most important thing."
"Enough flirting, woman, we won't make it through the night, much less dinner." He gently pushes me toward the oven. "I am hungry. Make dinner already." I smile and concede to his request. I am looking forward to cooking for him. Tonight is my first chance
He begins to open the box. "Anyway," he continues his explanation from earlier. "I know you love coffee, but I am pretty sure that you own one of those coffee pots from the grocery store, the ones that barely qualify as coffee makers. I want you to have the best. This is the one that I bought and my lie has never been the same."
I take a good look at the box. It is an espresso machine. A fancy one.
"Jake, I don't know how to use this," I say, thinking this is too much of a machine for me.
"I will set it up and teach you. In the meantime, check the inside of the bag," he continues.
I forgot about the bags, and I love surprises. He was too much of a distraction for me. Inside is a coffee grinder, coffee beans from my favorite place, honey from a local beekeeper, and two cups that say his and hers. Cheeky.
"These mugs are perfect because I can use them with all of the boys that come over," I smirk.
"That is what I figured. One can never be too prepared." He winks.
It wasn't that it was a coffee pot or that he brought me a gift, it was the thought that he put into the machine, how he considered what would make me happy. It was the fact that he considered me at all.
He plugs things in, washes things, and gets the first cup ready. I can't take my eyes off him. I am trying to make dinner, but it is hard with him here. I can not focus.
When everything is set up and the first espresso is brewed, he offers it to me. As I sip it, I think of how it tastes like heaven and I dream of the day when we can share this every day. This delightful time of normalcy.
I am still nervous about the things that I have to tell him, but at this moment, all I can do is enjoy watching him work while I cook and imagine all of our days living in this easy peace.
Jake's POV:
I watch her sip her coffee and close her eyes in delight.
She is happy. I can see it in the way that her eyes shine and in the smile that won't leave her face. That was my absolute intention.
I watch as she cooks dinner. The kitchen is small. The walls are painted a lovely shade of yellow and very uplifting, something that I am not used to. A window behind the sink and one by the table fill the room with light. I love the way this room feels, it is the exact way that she fills my heart. She fills me with light and uplifts my dark thoughts. I dry the dishes and begin rummaging through her cabinets when I try to find out where they go.
"Do I smell something burning?"I ask as I lean down into a lower cabinet.
She runs to the oven with her mitts in hand. "Oh shit. I forgot about the cake." She pulls it out of the oven, cursing under her breath. What she pulls out of the oven is a black steaming circle of something in the shape of a cake. She throws it in the sink, obviously frustrated. "I wanted everything to be perfect. You always do everything so perfectly."
"I do not. I am not even close to perfect. This cake isn't a big deal."
I stop and wrap my arms around her for a tight hug. "Baby, I don't need anything sweet as long as I have you by my side.
She giggles but shakes her head. "That was terrible."
"But it made you smile," I say, bending down to look straight into her eyes.
"It did". My arms loosen from around her body. I don't move, but I need to soon.
I could stay with her in my arms, who need food and sustenance? I look into her eyes. They are locked on mine, and so is the smile on her face. The sun is almost set as the remainder of the day shines on her face. She is a work of art, one that Michelangelo himself would fail to do justice to.
Before I pull away, she instead pulls me in tight with the arms that are still wrapped around me. Her lips crash into mine and one of her hands runs through my hair. My arms respond by tightening around her waist again. The kiss turns deeper than I would like because I am losing my resolve to pull away. But pull away must.
I need her to talk to me so we can be completely honest with each other. I also need to make sure that we get through dinner and the night without the out-of-control behavior of last night. We haven't had any normal since we have been together. I need her to see that normal between us will work. I need her to know that the long haul is a possibility for us.
As I pull away from her kiss, she looks at me with cloudy eyes and swollen lips and tries to lean in for more.
"Mahri. I love you so much. Let's pretend that this is a normal night. Make dinner and I will make you another coffee and then we can talk about all sorts of things,' I say, Did you check the bottom of the bag?"
"No, she says and rushes over. There's more? You know that I love surprises."
"I know," I respond.
The bottom of the bag contains some chocolate shortbread cookies that Cleo made. They are Mahri's favorite.
"Perfect for dessert don't you think?" I say with a smile. I will show you how to use the expresso machine and we can chat over coffee and cookies.
I love that idea, but I don't know if you will want to talk to me after I tell you what I must.
"Nothing you can tell me will make me want to stop talking to you or stop wanting to be close to you or make me stop loving you." I have moved across the room toward her. One more hug to reassure her is all that I can handle.
I know that she is nervous, but without a doubt, I know that my love for her is stronger than anything from her past. Nothing that she can say or do will change that, I don't know how else I can prove it to her. Convinced I will listen to her story and proud that she is opening up to me, I had to get us on task.
"Mahri, I am very interested in your story. Let's finish our dinner so I can hear more about my lovely girl."
"I am a woman," she says trying to lighten the mood, "and I should not be ordered around."
"Right, my stubborn, tough, beautiful, funny, kind woman, I will not control you, though you didn't seem to mind when I was controlling with you last night." I wink and she blushes.
"Dear lady, if you wouldn't mind finishing my dinner, I am famished."
She laughs at me, "Of course, fine sir. I would love to."
She smiles and heads back to make dinner. We don't talk, just enjoy each other company. I can imagine this world of happiness, just enjoying being together and doing ordinary things. I don't care if we are in this cramped kitchen, or in a larger space, I only want to be with her in these small moments that mean so much.
If this is what domestic bliss looks like, sign me up.
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idv-thespians · 10 months
“Papa- I-I’m sorry-!” The boy’s weak yet shrill cries pierced through the air like a heartbroken prayer.
A small child raised his skinny little arms that did little to block the harsh hit he received. The cane was hard, solid wood, varnished. He could feel a stubborn ache in the bone of his arm where the deceptively heavy stick had hit him.
His legs failed him, and he collapsed to the ground, helplessly shifting his body back, until he felt he could back away no more.
Father was angry. Father was rarely ever happy anyway. His inane ramblings were lost in the memory, but the vitriol in his voice stung the child anyway. A face of raw emotion carved on his usually stoic face, tinted with a slight redness. The little boy recognised each agonisingly hard breath Father took, his frail body not hindering his wrath.
The shouting grew louder, as Father grabbed a green bottle from the table. It was half empty, some of the maroon liquid in a cup that was barely half full. Father raised it in the air, as Mother came from behind, somehow quelling the violent rage.
The child was so absorbed in fear that he failed to recognise a faint coolness on his cheeks, tears drying on his expression. He quietly wiped them away, trying his best to control his sobs, his failing attempts resulting in a soft rhythm of “hik, hik, hik.” from his throat. Father and Mother left the room, leaving the boy to his own thoughts. Usually he’d scramble to his own room — his safe place — but he didn’t even have the slightest bit of energy to muster.
Yet even after putting the glass bottle down, Father did not seem pleased. Somehow, the softest whimpers of the boy were caught, and Father stormed up to the boy, who didn’t even try to react — either too slow or too afraid — and Father swatted his hand, a harsh slap on the boy’s cheek, enough to throw him off balance from his kneeling pose. Catching himself with both arms, the boy was unsure if he should move back up. He tried to hold back more sobs, his throat throbbing with pent-up sobs. He bit his tongue, harshly, anything to distract himself from the pain and terror.
Father uttered more words, before Mother pulled him by the arm and moved him to a different room. The poor boy crawled the best he could, shaking in fear, hiding. The couch was a poor place to hide, and he didn’t want to be in the kitchen. He opted to hide in the dining room, weaving his way through the chairs and tables, hiding out of sight of anyone who might walk past. He curled up, covering his wet face with his small, trembling hands, sobbing as loudly muffled as he could muster himself to.
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