#and yea the anxiety rises back up again
lunarr-stuff · 2 years
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psylocke142 · 2 months
I'll wait for you.
Sana x fem!reader
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synopsis: You and Sana have an on/off relationship. You broke up again two weeks ago. Then you begin to talk at a school event again.
w/c: 2.4k
warnings: angst; hopeless romantic; no happy endings here; on/off relationship; more angst; complicated relationship; even more complicated feelings; smoking
a/n: i am trying something new here. i have never written or posted anything before, so bare with me if you decide to check this out. i just felt like trying something here. btw i love sana and i apologize if she seems like the "bad guy" in this fic. :) DMs and asks open to suggestions and feedback.
You're currently back home, sitting on the roof of this shitty old house. It's been over an hour and the sun is starting to set. However, you can't seem to find the motivation to go back inside. You've been looking back at these past months. Lighting up a cigarette and inhaling a lung full of smoke as you try to figure out where it all went wrong. You're afraid you already know the answer, but one can fake obliviousness.
-- Flashback --
It's been weeks since you were last on good terms. If only you can explain or express how deeply that crushes your heart.
Thursday was open mic night for school. You had finished classes early that day and rushed out of your part-time at the restaurant.
Sana was there along with your friends. You rushed into the cafe, where the open mic was being held. It was crowded.
Anxiety began to rise and take over your body, heart hammering against your chest.
Whether it was from the thought of performing in front of everyone or the thought of seeing Sana, you had no clue.
You had entered through the side entrance. Automatically you searched for her face, wondering if she really did decide to come see you perform.
Sana: of course I'm gonna go!
Y/N: really? you don't have to
Sana: yes i do!
Y/N: ...ok then
Sana: will you be happy if i go?  i mean... do you want me to?
Y/N: ...yea i want you there
Sana: ...
Y/N: ...
Sana: i'm sorry y/n...it's ok if you don't want me to go
Sana: i know things have been weir-
Y/N: please come sana
Y/N: really, i mean it
Sana: oh...ok!
Y/N: ok
As you moved through the crowd you saw the face you've longed for. The person you had been missing. Sana.
She wasn't alone. She was walking next to Momo. The both of them had classes all day so they still had their book bags on them. Their backs were facing you as you approached them. You had an idea.
You walked up to the two girls, making sure to go unnoticed. Then you suddenly yanked on their backpacks lightly while yelling, "I can't do this." Blabbering whatever came to mind first.
Both girls turned around with a scare, Momo screaming loudly of course.
After the initial shock wore off. Sana replied, "What happened?" meanwhile Momo was hitting your shoulder cursing at you.
"I can't do this. I don't think I can go up there."
Despite the punches you were receiving from Momo you were solely focused on Sana. Your gazes met and locked. Sana reached out for your hand to calm your anxiety. Old habits. But you weren't opposed and you didn't feel like pulling back either.
It had been a few days since you both last spoke. Two weeks since you broke up. You would pass each other at school, sharing some of the same classes. But things were a bit different. Post breakup. You texted every once in a while trying to remain friends. Trying to remain in each other's lives. It wasn't the same.
Even though you had broken up, your presence wasn't unwelcomed by Sana. The two of you remained close during the beginning. Sitting down next to each other as you watched the first events. Momo tagged along but stayed a bit behind. You tried playing it cool at first, keeping a slight distance. There's never been any awkwardness between the two of you, so conversation came easily. Almost like nothing ever happened. Almost.
There was a shift in Sana. She went quiet and appeared to be focused on the current musical act, but her face showed she was debating something inside her head. You could tell it was something serious by the way she was chewing on her bottom lip.
You can't recall Sana's exact words. She had leaned close into your side. Her front touching your shoulder. Breath tickling your ear as she whispered, "I miss you y/n/n."
"Take me back y/n..."
You turned around to meet her face. The sudden shift in Sana caught you off guard. Not expecting this sudden topic. You regained focus quickly, shifting to Sana's features that were just an inch away. She had a soft, sad smile. Her eyes pleading. Sana was your weakness. Your everything. You couldn't ever say no to her. So you met her eyes and gave her a slight nod while softly smiling at her. Sana's smile grew and she gave you a small peck on the cheek.
The rest of that night was great. Until Sana disappeared.
She had gone off somewhere with Nayeon and Jihyo. The anxiety had returned. This time you were sure that it was about performing later that night. You wanted to run away. Your hands began to sweat and you searched for Sana.
Professor Park came up to you, asked you when you wanted to go up. Currently it was the second open mic participant on stage. He said you could go third or last for the open mic. "I'll go third. I don't want to end it weak." Professor Park laughed at your comment, thinking you were joking. You were joking. Partially.
Sana came up to you as your conversation with the professor ended. When he left you started complaining and pretended you were going to leave. You knew Sana would beg you to stay. She held onto your hands trying to calm you down.
You were up next and had begun to really get nervous. Performances and public speaking just aren't your thing.
The host called up your name. Your hands started to shake. Heart pounded in your ears. You parted from Sana, she slowly let your hands go. You hesitated letting go. You wanted to take her with you.
As you walked up to the stage you heard cheering and applause. You turned to look at the crowd. There you recognized Momo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu cheering loudly. You took the mic and mumbled that you weren't prepared. Though you don't know if you said it loud enough for everyone to have heard. Hopefully no one had caught that.
You recited your poem's title and said it incorrectly. You mentally slapped yourself, but you rectified yourself and restated the title. You continued with your poem. Your voice, hands, and legs weren't as shaky as the previous performances in class. You heard this one guy in the crowd blurt, "Shiiiiiiiitt" as you read through the final lines of your poem.
At the end there was a small hesitation for the applause because of the sudden twist in your work. That was your intention. The applause and cheers came soon. Especially from your friends. You turned to glance at them and saw Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo pretending to wipe tears from their eyes as they "cried" on each other's shoulders. Competing with each other on who could seem the most realistic.
You got down the stage. Hurriedly walked down the middle towards the back of the cafe. To Sana. As soon as you reached her she opened her arms. You wrapped your arms around her. Sana gently rubbed your back as you held tightly onto her. "I'm so proud of you baby" she cooed.
Sana let go and slightly pushed you off to grab a hold of your hand. She led you to a secluded area of the cafe. Then she palmed your face and grabbed the back of your neck to pull you into a kiss.
You had missed the feeling of her soft lips.
But like all good things, it came to an end.
Nighttime came quicker than you wanted it to. You were now back in your dorm. All you wanted was to lay in bed and relax. The rollercoaster of emotions draining your energy. But the ride still wasn't over. You were sat up in bed, on the phone with Sana.
She wanted to break up again. She had just asked to get back together a couple hours ago but here you were. Sana asked for space once again. Explaining that she had been dealing with insecurities, didn't know who she was, and had other personal issues. She needed time to find herself and figure things out for herself. As hard as you tried to reassure her, tell her she was perfect, give her nothing but love she insisted she needed space. You respected her decision.
That Friday night felt like it would never end. Felt like you couldn't catch a break. You felt nothing and everything at the same time.
Word was out that you and Sana broke up. Again. How everyone found out, you don't know. You were sitting in the common room before class with Momo and Jeongyeon. They were bickering about some nonsense. You didn't have it in you to join them. So you pretended to read your English textbook. Sana entered the common room. She headed straight towards Miyeon, who was across the room, to ask her about upcoming finals. You couldn't stop yourself from looking at her. That was when Nayeon and Jihyo joined your table.
Nayeon shoved your shoulder, "Why aren't you with your girl?"
"She's not my girl," you whispered.
Somehow Momo and Jeongyeon who were bickering the entire time with Jihyo included, who joined in as soon as she sat down, managed to hear and quieted down. They all looked at you, their eyes a mix of pity and sadness. This wasn't anything new to them but it still saddened them to hear the news.
Nayeon had always been supportive of you and Sana. She was the one who introduced you to one another. So she couldn't help but to gently ask, "Why?"
As you remembered all of yesterday's events, Sana whispering to take her back. Holding her hands again. Being wrapped in her arms. Her soft warm lips. Her warm smile and gentle eyes. Being comforted by her. Having her close. The long conversation you had over the phone. The break up. The space she wanted. You felt your chest contort and rip in two.
"I don't know."
"Well, I do know but I just don't want to say."
It was clear what Sana wanted. She made sure of that. You just couldn't explain that to Nayeon and the others without breaking. Thankfully, they seemed to have understood that.
"Hey, we get it. It'll be alright y/n/n." Jeongyeon calmly said as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
"C'mon now let's head to class."
All of you got up and started to head for class.
Throughout the day you dragged yourself from class to class. Trying to forget about Sana. You were failing miserably. You decided to head to the restroom to splash some water on your face. See if that would help.
As you were about to push the restroom door it was suddenly pulled open from the other side. You looked up to find Sana, surprised to see you. Your eyes met and you felt your heart clench. You weren't thinking. Your brain stopped working and your heart started going into overdrive, so you jokingly muttered, "Excuse me...I'm just going in for a quick cry" as you squeezed beside Sana to enter.
Sana quickly turned around and headed towards you. Shutting the door in the process.
You felt a hand take a hold of your wrist pulling you back. You didn't expect Sana to follow you in. You really did feel like crying now.
Sana studied you. You couldn't meet her gaze.
She apologized and you couldn't conjure up a response. You just stood there staring at the floor. Brain still not functioning. Heart still in overdrive, wanting nothing but Sana. Your heart fought with itself inside your ribcage. The hammering and ache screaming to run and stay.
Then she pulled you into her arms. As much as you wanted to cry mere seconds ago you couldn't. Your heart was rushing with a mix of emotions, but the fight inside from earlier had subsided. You just let yourself sink into Sana for the moment. You wanted to kiss her. So you pulled back a little and leaned in. Halfway through you felt Sana's arms begin to come up your shoulders. Getting ready to push you back. It was then you realized you shouldn't, so instead you swiftly glided your head to lean on Sana's shoulder. You couldn't help but let out a defeated sigh. Your heart sunk so low.
A pair of hands lifted to caress the back of your neck. Sana guided your head up and leaned in. The kiss was soft, it was more than a peck but still it felt too short. You had gotten what you wanted, but you didn't know how to feel about that.
Sana pulled back and softly palmed the side of your face caressing you with a sad smile. You tried reciprocating as best as you could, but your smile was much smaller and weaker than Sana's. Then she exited the restroom. Leaving you there. You stood there for a while. You couldn't stop replaying what just happened. You felt so stupid. Lost.
-- End of Flashback --
The sun has fully set. Your thoughts are still filled with Sana. Will she ever come back? It's been at least half a year since then. You still see her around campus but she's always glued to Miyeon's hip. Any and all attempts to get her to talk to you are intercepted by her best friend. Sana also makes an effort in ignoring you. If you pass each other in the hall she practically sprints away with her head down. Or she feigns to be doing something on her phone. Face immensely close to her phone trying to block her face from your sight. If you catch her staring at you she turns away instantly. If she's hanging out with Momo, Nayeon, or any of your other friends she makes an excuse to leave. Never acknowledging your presence. She practically runs from you. It left you dumbfounded the first couple of times. Leaving the others to apologize on Sana's behalf. You couldn't handle the pain all of Sana's actions caused you. So you stopped trying to reach out or get close. You accepted the distance she wanted to create.
Now you just feel a hollow cavern that continues to grow inside your chest as more time passes. At this point your ribcage feels sore from the constant fight and ache your heart has been through. All you could do is sigh as you put out the remaining bud of the cigarette you had lit up. Lazily you brush yourself off to head back inside.
"I'll wait until you're ready."
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cultofdixon · 4 months
Hidden Behind Fangs
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Werewolf!Daryl • He will always find a way to keep his secret behind closed doors. Then things changed… • ANGST/SFW • TW: Shifting / Injuries / Anxiety / Nightmares
Requested by: @lazyneonrabbitt (sorry this took forever)
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“She hasn’t turned up in a while. She could be—-“
“Nah. I’ve got this” Daryl stated as he picked up his crossbow. “I’m headin’ out there”
Rick only gave Daryl a concerned look before nodding and going toward the gates with Carl to open them for him. Carl didn’t utter his confusion when Daryl didn’t leave with his bike and simply his person, but Rick kept a strong exterior for his son to trust the archer’s decision.
The solo run was supposed to be a week long trip that should’ve been an easy sweep of an outdoor mall Y/N has come across before. It took a lot of convincing for the council to let her go alone. Now there was a lot of regret coursing through her half dead body as she held up in an abandoned church after escaping a group of psychopaths that kept themselves hidden in said outdoor shopping mall.
Y/N was sleeping in the pews, but her body was starting to give up on her that the last time she went to check her entrances/exits. She collapsed in the main isle accepting that she will never see her friends again, or him for that matter.
Then it happened suddenly but her body couldn’t and wouldn’t reach to the sound of scratching on the door she barricaded. She couldn’t tell if it were walkers or an animal of some sorts.
Maybe a dog?
She slipped in and out of consciousness at this point. She didn’t hear the pew she had blocking the door fall over. Couldn’t register the unfamiliar footsteps. Didn’t feel herself rise from the floor. She couldn’t even remember how she got back to the prison.
What she could remember was the sound of something sniffing her and a whine?
A few days passed and Y/N woke in her cell feeling the bandages on her torso but more importantly the pain that came with it. She slowly sat up to see the rest of the damage but nothing some stitches and bandages to do the job.
“Well look who’s awake” Hershel laughs happily bringing himself in as he came initially to change a few bandages while she slept but thank god she’s awake. “You remember what happened and how you got back?”
“Fuck…I got back here?”
“Yeah? Rick and Carol found you outside the gates with your stuff or at least what’s left of it” Hershel helped her sit up in her bed as she noticed how torn her bag was. “You have a large gash in your side so that’s what caused most of the blood loss. A few nasty cuts on your legs and arms. But nothing just a bandage couldn’t help with the healing process. Bruises obviously”
“Obviously” Y/N sighed helping him check the one on her torso by lifting her…whoever’s shirt she was wearing. “Has uhm. Daryl showed up?”
“His bed is currently outside your cell, currently he’s on watch duty but every night since you came back he stayed close” Hershel finished with the bandage letting her fix out the shirt back down. “It’s his shirt by the way. Heat of the moment, couldn’t grab any of yours. He had his at the ready”
“Mmm” Y/N looked down at his shirt moment as Hershel went through his med bag to grab some pain killers. “I’m guessing he’s going to hover for a bit”
“Most likely. Besides, I doubt you’d want to go back out there…” Hershel noticed her tense and grab onto herself. He carefully rested a hand on her for reassurance but she flinched. “What happened out there, hun?”
“Squatters…one too many…” Y/N kept her gaze away from Hershel. “I got chased…then grabbed and…”
As she was telling the old man what had happened, little did she know Daryl was eavesdropping.
She was chased out of the strip mall
Then captured
Her saving grace was a herd
“And that’s how I ended up in the church but I guess I build enough strength to get back…”
“That must’ve been scary…I’m really sorry. Wish we went out for yea sooner”
“It’s whatever. Can I like. Get up and walk now? Or am I stuck inside for a while”
“All I’m gonna say is be careful, and you are technically stuck inside for a while. Just within the gates.”
“Figured” Y/N watches Hershel leave her be as she carefully bent down with a groan to get her shoes on.
After getting her shoes on and starting to walk to prison grounds, Y/N could feel the stares coming from her family and the Woodbury folk as the anxiety started to eat at her from it. Practically came back half dead. There was also more to it that started to come clear the more she breathes.
“You doing alright?”
The retired sheriff’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts as she quickly noticed the worry now in his expression as well.
“You were out a bit but we knew you’d pull through”
“Uhm. Can I ask you something? It’s going to sound very stupid once it leaves my mouth”
“Do you believe in the supernatural? Because I’m starting to get this weird feeling that I didn’t get myself back here” Y/N frowns, feeling the tense feeling return in her back as her anxiety did its best to present itself. “I doubt walkers would regain consciousness but there’s much more to just them evolving. There’s other things in the supernatural”
“It would definitely be an odd one but Hershel kind of…confirmed in a way that you got there on your own because you looked at if you’ve been walking for days”
“Anybody who looks weak can be that way for many reasons. It’s not just one thing…and with the blood I’ve lost, I should’ve been eaten out there”
“Y/N…what exactly could you be getting at?”
Would it be weird to tell him exactly what you remember? Y/N thought as she continued to stare at him and the blankness that meant nothing only drew more of his concern out.
“I uhm. Forget it, Rick. I’m getting exhausted…” then she didn’t wait for him to get a word in, but right when she left and turned back to him…Daryl had approached with something urgent by the looks of it on his face.
When night came around, Y/N couldn’t sit with her thoughts inside the prison as she sat on the steps into their cellblock. She flinched to the sudden appearance and feel of a blanket draping over her shoulders. Carol making herself known with a soft smile as she sat beside her friend.
“Rick wanted me to check up on you” Carol never lied to Y/N, and she appreciated that. “Said you were a bit on the squirrel-y side. You wanna talk about it?”
“You’re only going to think I’m crazy”
“Well. I stayed with a horrible man for years while he mistreated me and my daughter. I think we’re both crazy…and even then, you’re probably less”
Y/N frowns giving her friend a concerned look but she shook it off. It was in the past, doesn’t mean she doesn’t worry. She took a deep breath before admitting.
“There was…a big dog. Or a wolf. Or whatever. When I was held up in the chapel it sounded like walkers were trying to get in. But I went out for a second that when I opened my eyes, I was like…face to face with a snout. A big ass dog.”
“Probably a wolf. Given these parts.”
“You don’t think it’s weird?”
“That it didn’t eat you? Yeah. But you’re just saying you encountered it. Then you brought yourself back”
“That’s the thing…you guys just saw me at the gates on the ground. I had no strength to get back here…that..wolf dog…it dragged me.” Y/N frowns watching her friend’s concern grow but he couldn’t tell if it’s from what she said or something else. “The last thing I remember was being dragged by the wolf dog.”
“You think I’m crazy”
“I once thought walkers wouldn’t ever happen but yet here we are. Anything is possible” Carol reassures resting her hand on Y/N’s shoulder giving it a squeeze before getting up. “Don’t stay out too much longer”
Y/N nodded watching her head back inside and when she turned toward the gates of the prison she noticed the eyeshine of an animal. The animal slowly approached the gate which drew her to lift herself discarding the blanket as she approached with caution.
The hesitation the animal had when getting closer only made Y/N bring herself up to the gate. The smallest gesture led it to finally come into the light the watchtower emitted.
A wolf… Y/N stares at the creature watching it bring itself up close sniffing her. But when she reached her hand through, it stepped away quickly.
The wolf ran back into the woods still within view for Y/N to see. It gave a quick glance at her before turning back toward the darkness and rising on its hind legs. It turned back to her a last time as all she saw was a silhouette and the eyeshine.
It’s been a few weeks since that event and Y/N couldn’t stop thinking about it. What was it? was the big question in the front of her mind because no wolf can stand on its hind legs like how a human stands.
Y/N currently lays in the grass of the prison after spending a few hours taking care of the garden. Even harvesting some vegetables. She stares up at the sky still thinking about that night when she heard footsteps approaching, only to find Daryl carrying dinner for the both of them.
That was another thing. Daryl has changed since she came back from her attack. He’s grown more…attached to her. Their relationship is complicated. More on the side of friends who can confine in each other, while one has feelings for the other. Little did she know. But ever since the accident, he’s done his best to always be there. Even ditch runs to spend time with her on her watch.
“You almost missed dinner”
“Guess I got too lost in my thoughts that I forgot” Y/N slowly sat up taking the bowl given to her, watching Daryl sit with her. “How was the run?”
“Long” Daryl sighs leaning back on his hands after setting his bowl in his lap. “Didn’t find what I needed”
“What was it that you were looking for?” She asks while taking a bite and when she noticed the annoyance grow on his expression. She choked a bit to get her words out. “Sorry if I—-“
“Nah it’s fine. Needed new parts for my bike” Daryl stated while he picked at his dinner as Y/N sets her finished bowl beside her. “Uhm. You ever wanna go on a ride…with me on my bike?”
The heat instantly reached her cheeks which lead for his blush to appear raging on his ears. Y/N couldn’t help her smile though.
“I’d love to”
“How about tomorrow? I’ve got watch in a bit”
Tomorrow never came. The outbreak had to happen and people were starting to get sick…
People like Y/N…
But…when the few that were assigned to get the medicine, something more happened aside from Bob’s drinking habits almost costing lives. Something more on a divine scale.
When Y/N woke after receiving the medicine, she felt a hand squeeze hers as she quickly glanced to the archer who has seen better days by the looks of it.
“Are you okay?” She rasped out, receiving a scoff as if a ‘seriously?’ from Daryl.
“I’m okay…got uh. Stuck in a pickle” Daryl frowns feeling her squeeze his hand. “You gotta…you gotta stop leaving me”
Y/N brought his hand to her lips gaining some confidence in that moment to display that small form of affection by kissing the back of his hand.
“Stay with me”
Y/N hated how her own words rung in her head when she stared at the prison engulfed in flames. Alone in this hell again only brought back pain and anger. She needed to find her family or him and she won’t hesitate to continue spreading the fire in order for such to happen.
When the night crawled in and the prison was back to state it was in before they moved in…the beast from that night approached the prison in a hurry as if it were looking for her. Something was off with it that it didn’t hesitate to rip apart every walker that came in its way, the growling gave away its hidden feelings about the event…he experienced.
As much as the prison was in ruin, he destroyed the place when he caught onto a familiar scent that was driving him nuts if it meant she was under it all. The growling grew louder with frustration but he finally caught onto where the scent was coming from.
Blood. But no body. She got out.
Even with relief the wolf was still enraged.
She was out there and so are the monsters that hurt her
The news of this Sanctuary reached everyone from her family that when Y/N came across it, she thought it was a safe bet to head in that direction to reunite with them.
When she found herself in a ruined neighborhood, she half expected walkers instead of people when she went to check the noise coming from one of the homes. Thankfully, Carl lowered his readied gun partially dropping it before hugging Y/N. Michonne following his lead on the affection.
“God I’m lucky I found you” Y/N smiles, on the verge of tears which led her smile to quickly fade to an unwelcome thought. “Have you—-“
“We haven’t see anybody else. But there are signs for this sanctuary. They might be there” Michonne reassures as she brought Y/N into another hug.
There seemed to be a trend of bad things occurring and running into…an old group of squatters, hell a few of them were psychopaths had caught them on the road to the sanctuary. The leader had already ordered a few to grab Carl and Michonne while he had his grasp on Rick. He gave Y/N a look while Billy, one of the Claimers are what they’re called, grabbed her harshly pinning her against the car.
“Remember Len? The one that wanted to do all kinds of things to your sweet little ass?” Joe laughs. “He’s a non-issue…but knowing you’re part of his crowd? Oh we’re gonna do all kinds of things once we’re done with boss man here”
Y/N couldn’t help the tears as it was clear to Michonne and Rick that these were the men that harmed her a while back. Michonne tried to rush to her when Billy forced her on the ground and pinned her there but Tony had his gun readied at Michonne’s head that there wasn’t a window.
Until he made himself known.
“Joe…what the hell are you doing?”
“This is the guy that killed Lou, Daryl…he shall pay for what he’s done” Joe stated and Daryl was going to say more on why they shouldn’t but noticed finally who Billy was pinning to the ground.
Daryl had enough. He had enough.
The archer dropped his crossbow and slowly made his way toward the leader but when one tried to intervene…all hell broke loose.
One of the claimers went to grab Daryl when he forcefully grabbed his wrist, snapping his arm with an unexplainable strength that soon made sense when the man started to shift. The wolf…werewolf from before was Daryl and the only few that knew were Rick and Carol, Michonne when he went full beast during the medicine run, and now Carl…and now her.
Y/N stayed in her place as she felt the man pinning her suddenly lift off of her and torn in half by Daryl biting down on his upper half. Then the bottom being practically torn off the upper from the throw.
“Son of a—-“ Joe couldn’t even finish his sentence before Rick got to end his life with a bite that does compared to the wolfman’s.
Daryl lunged at the man towering Carl after grabbing Tony and practically throwing him into a tree, giving Michonne her window to grab the boy keeping him out of harms way. Y/N was frozen in place for a moment while the wolf, her wolf, took out most of the claimers with either his teeth or his claws.
His ears twitched when he heard her scream from the remaining Claimer grabbing her and using her as a shield to get out of there. But as he approached the two on all fours watching the knife the Claimer wield press itself into her neck. Y/N instantly stomped on the guy’s foot causing him to release temporarily but enough for her to duck when Daryl ran on all fours jumping the man not even hesitating to rip him in pieces.
Once Rick made sure his son and Michonne were okay, he quickly went to check on Y/N who simply watched Daryl do his thing and sniff out for anymore claimers. She didn’t radiate any fear toward this form and that surprised the retired sheriff.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s not my secret.”
“…is that why he left on all those runs? To find them, avenge me?” Y/N frowns watching him step into the woods. “There’s so much explaining he has to do”
“You know he’d never lie to you. He cares about you…in his own way”
Y/N gave Rick a quick look as he understood which led him to go back to his family while she went after Daryl.
Daryl had only stepped away to shift back and let the pain of shifting back causing him to stumble. Eventually falling onto his knees expecting no one to have followed him because hell, who would want to see him that way? He flinched to the sudden touch on his shoulder which led to a quick knife draw but he stopped himself when he noticed it was Y/N. He dropped his knife and quickly scrambled to his feet circling her person to make sure she was okay but she was getting overwhelmed by his action that she quickly took a hold of his hand making him stop.
“Daryl…why didn’t…why didn’t you just tell me? Or show me that night weeks ago…”
“I didn’t want to scare you off…” Daryl hung his head down feeling her arms snake around him as she slotted herself in his embrace because he instinctively brought his arms around her. “Y/N…I…I don’t want this to change anything”
“It doesn’t. All it does is make me worry for you…” She frowns looking him in the eye as confusion written itself on his face toward her worry. “I don’t want you to get hurt”
“I won’t, sunshine. It’ll take a lot to get me down”
“I’ll always come back to you. One way or another”
Y/N held onto him for a little while longer until they regrouped with the others for the night. Even then, he kept close to her not wanting anything to happen to her during the night.
He’s never letting another person lay their hands on her. Unless they’re asking to be bitten.
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xzinbdg · 2 months
- heart racing
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ʏ/ɴ ᴍᴏᴠᴇꜱ ɪɴ ʜᴇʀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴀᴘᴀʀᴛᴀᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪꜱ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴏɴ ʜᴇʀ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ꜱʜᴇ ɪꜱ ᴡᴏᴋᴇɴ ᴜᴘ ʙʏ ʟᴏᴜᴅ ᴀꜱꜱ ɢᴜɪᴛᴀʀ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴅᴏᴏʀ.
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all of your friends were hanging out in your new apartment, well almost all. sohee was absent but he's on his way. "maybe he's visiting wonbin? that traitor" you thought. not even a minute later your doorbell was heard.
- you almost missed the movie - said visibly annoyed anton
- sorry, some last minute stuff came up with the band, as we're on the topic would you guys like to come to our show this weekend?
that was a bit tricky, you always loved hearing sohee sing but he won't be the only person there. you unlike your friends never met sohee's band mates so it could get a bit awkward, not to mention wonbin will be there and it could be the first time you actually see him aside quick glances in passing.
- i'm free - said the youngest of you all
- you're always free anton - said minjeong - but im free as well - she quickly added
- yea me and won also don't have work - this time karina spoke for herself and your shared friend, since they work together. now everyone is looking at you for an answer.
- i'll go as well but keep me away from that bitch - you signed
- wonbin?
- who else is a bitch around here?
- I know lots of people - remarked winter.
2 boring days passed very quickly and today was the day of sohee's band show. minjeong and jimin came over to get ready as they were really excited for your first real outing since you moved in and of course you were excited as well but also nervous as hell. after 2 good hours of picking outfits and doing makeup the three of you were ready and heading to jimin's car. just as you walked out the door, wonbin also walked out of his. your two friends giving slight side eye to each other and then at you.
- wow a homebody is finally leaving the cave - he smirked, you turned to him.
- yea, you better play good today or else i'll boo you - with that you tuned and walked out to the elevator. your two friends sent wonbin an apologetic smile.
- good luck today! - said karina before running to you with minjeong.
- where the fuck is sohee?
- i'm here, let's go!
you were starting to regret this. right now sohee is taking you guys to the back stage to meet his friends and with each step you feel your anxiety rising.
- everyone meet yn! it's my dear friend that moved in recently...next to wonbin...- he finished kinda weakly
- hi! sohee always talks about you is a pleasure to finally meet you - a slightly taller then sohee man greeted you - i'm shotaro - he gave you a smile.
- ah..i'm y-yn - the introvert in you was screaming seeing all those new people.
- i'm sungchan, hi! - he was very tall even taller than anton which you thought was impossible - yo i'm eunseok - he didn't even look at you just checking his bass guitar.
- hi, i'm seunghan! it's nice to meet you - his soft smile made you a bit calmer - ahh you know that one - he said awkwardly looking at wonbin - hi neighbor, i'm wonbin - he gave you a challenging look - i know - you rolled your eyes.
- okay let's get you to your seats - trying to keep peace sohee quickly got you out of the back stage room - wow she really doesn't like you - smirked eunseok.
the show was 2 minutes from starting. you felt more excited now. hearing sohee sing again after almost 2 years was something really special to you as you grew up together and always attended his shows. the sound of guitar brought you out of your thoughts and the show was starting. as always sohee sounded amazing but someone else was catching your attention. it was wonbin. you were mad for even thinking that but seeing him do something he loves made him like 10x times more attractive. you made eye contact with him for like a minute and your heart skipped a bit.
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previous ✮ next ✮ masterlist
a/n: is someone falling???? 🤭 double release today!!
pairing: guitarist!wonbin x reader
genre: smau, crack, strangers to enemies to lovers, boy next door! wonbin, neighbors, band au
taglist: @p-d1ddy @wiggledingle @pxnklover @pinklemonade34 @cherrytaesan @soheendo @jiaisfox @i03jae
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talaok · 1 year
Hey love . Can I request a pedro × reader ?? Pedro is having a bad dream and the reader calms him down?
By the way... loved the last thing you wrote. Looking forward for part 2❤❤❤
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Love this idea sm, sorry I took so long
The dark veiled your room like an immutable quilt.
As you opened your eyes, a deep sigh left your mouth. 
You let your face roll onto the pillow, hopefully soaking all your frustration.
The fact that you were used to waking up during the night, didn't make it any less annoying.
The only thing that perhaps ever made it better was knowing Pedro was an even worst sleeper than you. Most nights you'd wake at around three and catch him already up, his head against the headboard and his eyes trained on you. He would smile knowingly and with a nod invite you closer to him.
You'd spend the rest of the night talking or just sitting in each other's presence as your head rested on his chest until one of you (most times you) would finally fall asleep.
So tonight, as usual, you turned to your left, but while you were awaiting to see that damningly sweet grin tugging at your boyfriend's lips as he stared at you, your eyes set on something much different.
He was on his side, his brows were creased like he was in pain, but his eyes were closed.
You noticed the sheer veil of sweat coating his forehead, and that's when you saw his body twitch.
He was having a nightmare.
Your heart started beating faster, panic and anxiety rising up your spine.
Slurred sounds that resembled the words no and please left his mouth as his body kept moving, like he was fighting the nightmare itself.
You didn't know what to do, but you couldn't leave him like that, so you settled for the only thing that came to mind, waking him up.
"Baby" you whispered tentatively at first, your voice rumbling off the walls and not getting his eyes to open in the slightest.
"baby wake up" you urged him, your voice higher as your hand found his shoulder, shaking him gently.
His lips kept parting to make way for incomprehensible protests.
"Baby" you murmured again, caressing his cheek, "Baby wake up, it's me," you said, "Babe wake up" you repeated once more, and finally, his eyes snapped open.
He inhaled sharply, like he'd been underwater, and quickly propped himself on his elbows as he felt his heart pounding from the fear.
"it's me, baby, it's me" You felt like you could finally breathe "You had a nightmare, everything's fine"
"shit" he sighed, wiping his eyes, clearly still shaken up "Did I wake you?"
Of course that was gonna be his first thought
"You didn't baby, don't worry," you reassured him "Are you alright? "
"y-yea I'm just..." his gaze felt distant for a moment "I haven't had a nightmare in a while, or at least not like this"
"I'm sorry honey" you cooed, your hand going to stroke soothingly his chest "You wanna talk about it?"
"no, not really" he replied " think I just need a moment"
"Sure" you nodded "Can I do anything? You want some tea, cookies, blankets?"
He smiled for the first time since he'd woken up.
"thank you, sweetheart but I've got all I need right here," he said, taking your hand in his.
You bit your lip, fighting back a grin "That is the cheesiest thing I've ever heard Mr. Pascal"
He chuckled "Well I'm sorry ms y/l/n but it's the truth" he smiled, as you leaned down to kiss him.
"c' mere" he nodded, inviting you to snuggle closer to him, which is exactly what you did.
You both laid back on the bed, and you rested your head on his chest.
The rhythmic pounds of his heart echoed in your ear through his pec.
"Baby, your heart's still racing"
"I just need to calm down a sec," he said, his arm going around you to keep you as close as possible.
You set your leg on his, clinging to his body, and looked up at him "Can I do anything to help?"
He smiled weakly, meeting your eyes
"talk to me," he said, "tell me about your day"
"I already told you about my day"
"tell me again, I want to hear you talk" he explained, "I just need to hear your voice"
"Are you sure that's gonna help?" you asked, skeptic
"I'm sure" he promised, kissing the top of your head.
"alright," you agreed.
"thank you sweetheart" he smiled "I love you"
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beeloovedd · 4 months
Dew finally facing his fear of the water
Thank you to @wrathofrats of rats for the banner <3
Tw: Fear, Anxiety, Facing Fears, The ocean/Water
Inspired by this beautiful mini fic!
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Dew sits on the beach hugging his knees
He watches Rain jump and play in the water
A big smile on his face since he's finally reconnecting with his element
Dew smiles, though it's a sort of melancholy feeling
Seeing and hearing the thing he once loved and depended on now something that he fears and dreads to even be near
But he's happy that Rain is having fun and content
And that's all that matters
But despite the melancholy feeling, he watched the ocean with admiration
He realizes that the ocean is beautiful
He zones out while his mind runs and before his mind can even catch up with his body
He's walking towards the ocean
He sees rain walk over with a huge smile on his face
"hey firefly" rain says happy to see dew near the water but also confused for that exact reason
"Hey Raindrop" Dew says quietly, wincing as the water rides up the shore, he backs up before I can touch him but the noise still slips through
"You ok?"
"yea" Dew says quietly as he looks down at the water
Rain smiles and dries his hand as much as he can before reaching out to dew
He knows what dew wants, they've been in this situation before
On tour when they'd have a beach day dew would always stare at the water or attempt to touch it but he never went through with it
He'd always let his hands or his feet get wet a little bit before he pulled away
But Rain's been with him the entire time going at Dew's pace and comfort
And Dew was thankful for that
But due to the water rising higher then normal onto the shore that meant Dew would have to take the first few steps
Rain was prepared for dew to run back on the sand if he couldn't do it, he'd be happy to comfort him again
But Dew was tired of running back to the sand, he was tired of fearing what he used to love
He was gonna get back into the water today
He takes a deep breath before taking a tiny step
Then a bigger step
He backs slightly and bites the tip of his tounge when the water rises again
He takes a deep breath before taking another step
He walks even as the water begins to rest on his feet and the sand
He freezes when he first feels it then continues to take slow steps
He realizes how much harder it is to walk now that he's not a water ghoul
Rain watches in surprise and proudness that Dew is finally doing it
He holds his hand out for dew to take it when he's able too
Dew keeps walking, feeling the sand and water flow near his legs
He eventually gets close enough to rain and they lock hands
Rain pulls him in with a smile
"You did it" Rain says, squeezing his hand
Dew smiles, snapping back to his reality
"I did" he says with a smile and small laugh
Rain smiles and chuckles before spinning them both, making them splash
They both laugh and play in the water untill rain pulls dew in a kisses him gently
They kiss as the waves hit their legs and the sand flows in the ground under them
When they separate they put their foreheads together and enjoy the peaceful moment
"I'm proud of you Few" Rain says with a smile
"Me Too" Dew says with a smile
He finally got over his fear
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All white party
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A/N: I really don’t like this but it’s something I guess 🥴 hope you enjoy 🦋
The day started off slow jack got invited to Michael Rubin's 4th of July party of course jack made sure you were going with him
He wore a white outfit while you had a  simple white dress on
You were a little nervous because it was white you didn't wanna mess it up
"Jack I'm not sure about this" you said
"Babe your gonna be fine you aren't really a messy person anyways I think you'll be good" he said hugging you from behind
You smiled
The ride to the party was pretty quiet
"You okay" he asked you he knew you had anxiety
"Yea I'm good just a little nervous that's all" you said
"Don't be nervous I'm here with you" he said grabbing your hand
Putting the car in park you both got out he took your hand as you both walked inside
You met a lot of famous people that day like Kevin hart, Kelly Rowland etc
You we're getting a drink (water of course stay hydrated)
"What's up y/n" druski said
"Hii dru how are you" you said
"I'm good where's jack" oh he's over there with zack
You said unamused
But right when you said that Jack walked over to you guys
"Hey" you said drink your water
"Heyy you having fun" he asked
"Yea I'm good" you smiled at eachother
"Awww look at you being a lovely boyfriend" druski commented ruining the moment
"Can you stop" jack said blushing
"Alright I'll let yall love birds be" he said
"Let's dance" jack said
You looked at him before getting up
You guys were having fun dancing the mood switched when thot shit by Megan thee stallion started playing you started dancing like you never did before Jack was shocked but he was also enjoying it
Pressing yourself against him you felt his hard on through his pants
Jack had stopped you whispering in your ear
"Bathroom now" he said making you get goosebumps
You both walked to the bathroom jack made sure nobody was watching you too
You opened the door Jack quickly pushed you in there closing the door and locking it
He smashed his lips into yours
"Fuck I've never seen you dance like that" jack said kissing you again this time using tongue
"Did you like it" you said teasing him a bit
"Did I?" Jack walks you over to the mirror turns you around and bended you over the bathroom sink
"I want you to be the judge of that" you felt his hand rise pulling your underwear to the side
He teased against your slit making you bite your lip
He kiss along the back side of your thigh his while pressing circles around your clit
You moaned out
"You like that" jack asked you
Moaning out with a yes
He moved his fingers faster making you moan out loudly
"Jack  fuck"
"Mhm" jack hummed as you came
You breathed looking at Jack through the mirror
"We're not done yet and I think you already know that" he said undoing his pants he slowly slid into you not giving you time to adjust
"Fuck" you moaned
"Never seen you dance like that before usually your all shy and shit" jack moved further into you you gasped
"I enjoy the show"
He made sure not to hurt you as he increased his thrusts
"Jackkk" you moaned
"Shit y/n" jack moaned in your ear
"Oh my god" you both looked at each other through the mirror
Your eyes never leaving each others
"Fuck I'm gonna cum" you groaned out
"Me too" he said
You felt your body get numb before you came
"Fuck" jack said pulling out of you making you whine
"Never thought you would get turned on by me dancing" you said grabbing a paper towel to wipe yourself
Throwing it in the trash you and Jack both fixed yourself
"You'd be surprised" jack said making you laugh as you both walked out of the bathroom going back to the party
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konigsblog · 1 year
Okay okay but imagine the guys and reader finding out könig's rank as colonel by accident but having totally different reactions😭
Even way before it was revealed that könig is colonel you were always so soft and loving with him even when he was supposedly just a seargent :(( he was just so twitchy and anxious that you were actually worried about him ever since kor tac came onto the base so you decided to love onto him a bit more!! Ofc the 141 weren't happy at all >:( why would you even want to lovingly kiss and touch this gigantic wreck of anxiety but you just glared at soap and ghost and continue to kiss and caress könig's stubbled cheeks and the man in question just whines and hides in your neck which evokes a series of giggles and the displeasured growls of other soldiers; you're so cute and young and soft and loving but you're wasting all of that on the newcomer >:( yea he may have a huge cock (they definitely watched him like hawks in the showers) and heavy balls and he always hugs you close and reciporates your love but just whyyyy :(( they'd be so whiny on god
And now imagine that you're all sitting in the common room with the guys sitting around and glaring at könig and you sit in his big lap all happy and smiley, kissing the big man's cheeks and lips and feeding him chocolates
Suddenly there's a commotion and in runs some recruit who calls that 'colonel könig will be later needed at a training session' before escaping again, leaving everyone in the room stunned
Soap and Gaz would roar about how it's impossible that könig is a COLONEL of all things, even Ghost and Price are speechless as they didn't expect it at all but everyone is soon quiet at your reaction which is basically the opposote to the outraged men
You're still sitting in his lap, a pout on your lips and saying 'whyyy didn't you tell me that you're a colonel :( you're so cute my big guy, and now you need more love' before kissing könig passionately, moaning together as his big hands grasp at your hips, his own broad hips thrusting up desperately needing to feel your heat again :((
Ghost, Soap, Price and Gaz are stunned, cranky, angry and weirdly horny but mainly angry as the reality that this big anxiety riddled guy is not only a colonel, higher than all of them but now he also has THEIR girl in his lap and about to breed her from the looks of it💔
omg you're so right anon, they'd be jealous and upset and annoyed :( just because he's new, he loves you back and presses kisses all over your body doesn't mean anything !! you're their girl. :(
könig becoming a whiny mess when you ask him, burying his face into your neck, your soft hair covering him slightly. they're so confused !! how is this big, anxious mess a colonel ? and higher than price ?!
grinding your warm cunt against his clothed cock, you could feel the outline of a bulge forming with each drag you made, dragging your hips all over his big, big lap and soon being stuffed with his huge cock :(
also i feel like ghost is jealous of könig's cock :( the girth, length and veins on it, he lowkey stares at him in the shower which results in blush rising on könig's back, covering himself slightly.
it's not fair how you snarl at soap and gaz, hiss and price and roll your eyes at ghost. they can feel jealousy blooming in their chests, rising in their throats and just as they're about to spill out some nasty comments to könig; you're sat on his lap, happily cooing and kissing him :((
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garbinge · 1 year
The Long Game
Din Djarin x f!Reader
Day 29 these April Prompts: “Deep Breaths”
Summary: You contemplated (overthink) the news you have to tell Din as he walks you home. 
A/N: This is the start of a larger multi-chap (a theme I have LOL) not sure when I’ll get to posting more parts. I also haven’t watched s3 yet (I know I know, I’m waiting for my partner to catch up on Boba Fett so we can watch together!!!) but this is a little AU from the canon plot anyways. Also in this fic, the Mandalorian code has some stuff about marriage and love in it. Just to add some dramatic effect. First time writing for Din, I hope to get more comfortable as I write more!
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Mentions of pregnancy, anxiety/panic attack, overthinking, stress. 
Mando Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics​
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Your nerves were starting to manifest into bile in your throat. You stared at the back of the helmet of the man you had been sleeping with for, well, years at this point, and yet you were nervous. 
“Din.” You said at a mumble, part of you hoping maybe he didn’t hear you and you could call this an attempt and try again tomorrow. 
“Yea?” He turned to look at you. Now his visor was staring directly at you, and even though his eyes weren’t visible you felt them burning into your own. 
It was a scene that was familiar to you, you'd pretty much seen it everyday, and when he was away on a bounty hunt, it was something you truthfully missed. The dark sky with bright stars, the low lighting of the town since everything had closed and the cantina was usually one of the last things to shut down every night here in Nevarro. But the vision of him standing there to walk you home was comforting, or at least, it had been before you had news to share with him. 
“Walkin’ me home?” You took a deep breath, the first of many, and stepped towards him, not letting your eyes move from where you assumed his were. 
“Of course.” His helmet rasped. You weren’t sure if the helmet altered his voice to sound like that or if that was just how he spoke since he’d never taken it off in front of you. Honoring his code despite the situation you two had. That’s when you started to spiral in your head. You never even saw this man’s face. You were lucky to have his bare hands touch you, in intimate situations as well as not. You knew his full name, but that was after months of him visiting you on Tatooine. Suddenly, the bile that had settled for a moment was rising, the thought that you might not really have known this man was eating at you and you were getting overwhelmed. Breathing was becoming hard, your chest felt like there was a bantha sitting on you. But something cut through the noise. 
“Take a deep breath, what’s going on?” 
Din was now standing in front of you, and his gloved hands were lightly touching your shoulders, in an attempt to ground you without being too forceful. It was something you never told him calmed you but just something he picked up on from knowing you. Right, knowing you. Din knew you. You knew Din. You might not have known his face but you knew him. His intentions. His life. His personality. 
You inhaled and let your shoulders rise, his hands not removing themselves as you did. 
“I’m good.” You kept your reply simple as you nodded your head forward to show you wanted to start walking.
He didn’t question any more, his hands dropped and he walked alongside of you on the path that began your journey home. Another amazing thing about Din, he didn’t push.
“Do you remember when we first met?” You looked up at the sky almost like you could envision that moment entirely right there. 
A chuckle left Din’s helmet. “Do I?” His boots crunched on the pavement as he walked. “I have a permanent scar to remember it forever.” 
“Sorry.” You smiled and looked over at him. “You're my best friend, you know?” You said after a long pause. 
“We’ve known each other for a long time.” Din agreed in his own way. 
It was funny, because he was right. You did know each other for a really long time. But yet, you never established any definition of the relationship you had. He visited you frequently on Tatooine when he was there for work. He brought you with him to Nevarro when your house burned down on Tatooine, he walked you home every night, you two started fooling around somewhere in the midst of all that and you never established any ground rules or titles, except you hid the intimacy from everyone. You understood the Mandalorian code, and you knew how much Din honored that. You didn’t argue it because well, it's part of what made him, him. 
In the years you’ve known Din and been sleeping with him, he’d gone away on hunts and he never questioned what you did when he was gone or vice versa. You picked up business as usual when he came back. You never did anything, although you did flirt with people at the bar, even when he was back, it was how you made a decent living and you thought he knew that but as the news you had to share with him right now mulled in your head you started to wonder if he truly did. 
Maybe he did keep warm bodies around when he was away. Maybe even more than that, and this was just what it was, friends with benefits. But could you even call it that? Friends? Benefits? Especially now? Then you remembered you just called him your best friend. Probably for the first time, or was it? Why was it such a big deal you hide whatever this was from everyone? They knew you two hung out? Oh, right, Mandalorian code, that calmed you down for a minute, but then the next thought funneled in. Well, there had to be a work around with that? He couldn’t have been the first Mandalorian to fall in love? Fall in love? Who were you kidding, you didn’t even know if calling him your best friend was appropriate and now you’re assuming he’s in love? Maybe you thought that because YOU felt that. Holy shit, were you in love with a Mandalorian? Your next thought shook you to your core. Not just a Mandalorian but YOUR Mando. Your Mando? Again the man who you couldn’t even call your best friend without going into an overthinking spiral? Your stomach turned. There it was that bile again. Making its way up your throat.
“I have to tell you something.” You blurted out, getting overwhelmed by your own thoughts. 
Din said nothing and stared at you waiting for you to say something. 
You stared at him, and for some reason, pushed all your thoughts aside. It was what you did every time you spent time with him, it was what you did to put you in this situation so it would have to work to let it out. You took one last deep breath before speaking. 
“I’m pregnant.”
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magical-regical · 5 months
i'm sending you another ask because wth. anyway. i know we know bare minimum about thomas but what is the owl city vibe
So I went back and tried my best to dig up any scrap of information about I can about him and now this turned into more like me yapping about Thomas himself than his Owl City vibes. I greatly apologize.
So there's a cut just in case and the usual tldr;
Dementia & Deer in the Headlights
That second one might be a bit (a lot) of a stretch but I was fully vibing by then.
He gets two because I said so dammit.
This was the song that immediately popped up when I first read the ask. Since we don't see a lot of him in the story, I only really remembered him as Rafayel's stressed manager.
His character profile literally says he works himself to the bone every day planning Raffy's exhibitions and scheduling appointments and as much as Rafayel is extremely entertaining in-game, I think if I had to work with him, I'd have an anxiety induced breakdown within two days. Have you read Rafayel's first anecdote? I want to strangle him. Motherfucker said 'yea I'll get it done in three days' and then DIDN'T GIVE HIM ANYTHING. He is the motherfucker in the group project who does sweet fuck all because he doesn't care. My anxiety levels are rising just thinking about it.
So yea. If Thomas is anything like me, Dementia is right up his alley. It's his fucking background music.
All the verses in the song describe how incredibly stressed he is. Because they all end with
Dementia you're driving me crazy.
(Cuz' this is driving me crazy)
In fact, just replace every instance of the word 'dementia' with 'Rafayel' and it's just him talking.
And then the chorus hits, especially the last iteration of it,
Big surprise I'm a ghost keeping out of sight
Rub your eyes, you're a star in the summer night
This is love, this is war, it's insanity
Dementia, oh dementia
The first two lines. Yes he's the one that organizes all the exhibitions but it's not his paintings that are on display, he's not the one who gets swarmed by reporters wanting to know why the painting is the way it is. He made the sky but he didn't make the stars.
And then the second half,
Through the skies you're en route at the speed of light
So realize there's chaos in the air tonight
This is love, this is war, this is pure insanity
Dementia you're driving me crazy
Again, first two lines. Rafayel's first anecdote is from Thomas' POV and I re-read it today and felt kind of sad because he was an artist himself in the past, it's only after he met Rafayel that he switched to business to become his manager. (more on my feelings on that in the second song)
I think those first two lines are his thoughts after his first encounter with Rafayel and that is the exact moment he accepted, invited even, all the chaos that's currently in his life.
Deer in the Headlights
I thought about this one. I really did. But I think it's still a stretch and I'm definitely just projecting with this song in the background. I'm basically gonna go through Raffy's first anecdote and how the sequence of events fits with the song.
In the anecdote you see Thomas was kinda cocky at first, he wants his paintings to bring in the big bucks so he made it so his and Rafayel's paintings are in the same exhibition.
Then he actually sees Rafayel's paintings and I think his reaction can line up with the two verses in the song,
Met a girl in the parking lot,
And all I did was say hello
Her pepper spray made it rather hard for me to walk her home
But I guess that's the way it goes.
Met a girl with a graceful charm
But when beauty met the beast, he froze
Got the sense I was not her type by the black eye and bloody nose
But I guess that's the way it goes.
The 'girl' is Rafayel's painting while the 'pepper spray' and the 'black eye and bloody nose' is the slap in the face that comes with the realization that Rafayel's work thoroughly stomps the 'beast' he calls artwork.
Then we have the chorus,
Tell me again was it love at first sight?
When I walked by and you caught my eye
Didn't know love could shine this bright
Well smile because you're the deer in the headlights.
The fact that Rafayel's paintings are incredibly beautiful compared to his probably already hurt but I feel like it hurts more not knowing why something that's so similar to your own work is somehow miles ahead in terms of quality. (I mean the closest hint he got was some old guy saying 'the color in your painting is off', load of good that does)
It's suffocating to say but the female mystique takes my breath away
So give me a smile
Or give me a sneer
Cuz' I'm trying to guess here
He meets with Rafayel and what he sees is someone who is beyond his comprehension. Someone who doesn't mind crushing bugs or conches for three days just to get a gram of paint
He even asks him,
"Isn't it better that every color can be chemically synthesized? It makes them more accessible."
At the end of the song, when the last chorus plays it replaces the last line with,
I'm sorry I ever tried
If life was a game you would never play nice
If love was a beam you'd be blind in both eyes
Put your sunglasses on cuz' you're the deer in the headlights
Have you ever accepted that no matter how much you try, no matter how fast you run, you will never ever catch up to someone because they're just that good? They look at things in a way you could never imagine. I have, and I think Thomas has too.
So does that mean he fell into despair and that's why he quit art? No. He wouldn't be Rafayel's manager if that was the case.
Sometimes you will meet that person who is so far ahead of you and you will want nothing more than to do everything in your power to help them succeed in life. That's why Thomas works so hard for a guy who could not give more of a fuck about who sees his art because he's the same guy who taught him what it truly meant to be an artist and appreciate art.
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dude-iloveu · 1 year
the m'sian government: depression and anxiety are on the rise among higher education students. we want to do a correlation study on this with an important factor that might have influenced this behaviour
also them:
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noctis and aeron are probably the most developed ocs of mine i've had. not probably. definitely. hdkdjdjjd. the ones that come close to their level are characters that were basically self inserts. i mean i guess they're the only ones i've ever cared to give a proper consistent story going on and all. and maybe. i guess. since i'm starting to learn and unlearn stuff, they're like, the best outcome of uh. my general thoughts i guess. mmh. i want to talk but i can't.
anyway. general idea for noctis' story that has been in my mind for a while is that she and her twin who i'll call C, are very differrent. like, C is the 'better half' of it while noctis got the shorter end of everything. it wasn't as obvious when they were younger kids but only after their parents separated. the mom is a jealous and kinda controlling person, she has a high position in a company or whatever, and the dad is also somewhat a person with a slightly high position. yeah but it's all like just a cover because 1. they're not that well off but act like they're living high class or something, with perfect children that have good grades and are active and stuff. 2. is that the dad is not a faithful husband (which amplified the wife's suspicions) and the one time he was caught was because noctis had mistaken a jewellry thing she found lying around as a gift her dad wanted to give her mom or whatever instead and well since it belonged to like. another woman. the dad tried to cover it up and wanted to get it back but then things escalated and yea. ah who would win. a private detective gathering info for months vs 1 curious kid who just wants the best for their parents. anyway at this point the parents just, endure it and hide the fact from anyone because perfect family. all the while the company they work at is in hot watsr and that the parents kinda fell into their drinking habit tendencies (nothing bad happened directly to the kids the parents just argued alot) anywayi forgot to say. that the kids relationship witht he dad is good. like. hes not that much a present father but he takes them out to places and do fun stuff on the weekend. noctis' interest in acrobatics and stuff started when the dad brought them to a circus and stuff. so yea anyway the last straw was when the parents were drunk and had a big fight that led to bottles being thrown (no one got hurt) but the kids saw it on the sidelines(?) and the parents stopped arguing when they realised their kids were watching after things got overwhelming for noctis. so like fastforward a little they had a divorce and just some messed up manipulation shit by the mom that the dad wasn't allowed to see his kids again. some parent alienation shit going on and aghhh kid noctis sees this as their fault and neither parent explained to them both properly what had happened.
fast forward to school years C became a very high achiever student while noctis struggled. there were recommendatjon from teacher for special ed but the mom sees it as an insult and insists that she could tutor noctis herself. it also is worth noting that the mom kinda leans more to C than noctis and while she is harsher(?) to noctis, she doesn't like, neglect her needs (except emotionally ig). all this doesnt affect noctis and C's bond as siblings, theyre close as ever.
then highschool , noctis managed to enter a higher prestige school that her twin entered too. well, it was mostly normal but the school wass well known for their olympiad teams. noctis kinda became a delinquent and often skipped school things, while still managing to not get any disciplinary trouble, while her sister was a top student and tried hard to enter an olympiad team. even tho they're significantly different, noctis doesnt really have anything against and is protective of C. also she got a friend who she sort of helped from being bullied. the two kinda became best freidns from then on. meanwhile C got accepted into the team, which led to her being a target by people that were also competing to get in. something something an important exam came up and after that, C had been accussed of stealing the answer sheet and cheating. and there were like, camera footage or something. which would be a big fuckin problem no. anyway noctis maybe like, found evidence of answer sheet being found in the perpetraitors possession but ultimately. it led to noctid having to take the blame and with everything piled up, she was expelled. the mom was mad but also like, she didn't want to deal with any problems noctis had. she then enrolled noctis to a different school that sooner later met again with her friend, who had also moved schools because they wanted to join a certain team or band or something that only that school offered. so yey rejoice.
all this while i didnt mention noctis being really into acrobatics and have been training by herself (imprtant detail that i didnt talk about wtf) and she has been looking up on how to join those acrobatics schools or teams and stuff. and applying to institutions that offer these courses and stuff. welp, a long list of rejection but there was one school in particular that she did loom forward to get an audition of. it was one she had higher hopes in because it didnt have the requirements of having experience professional training and whatnot. well. the mom noticed she'd been really into something and asked and noctis explained about the whole thing. while the mom didnt object or anything, noctis probably asumes she thinks its dumb since the mom didnt allow or wanted to pay for noctis to attend acrobatics classes when she was a kid. but she doesnt think much of it, because lowkey. she does want to be accepted so she could show the mom something she has accomplished (and get parental affirmation ooughfhs). well no noctis doesnt get this luxury. because the letter came and the mom got to see it first, she saw noctis got accepted, but also realized that if she didnt get any sort of scholarship, the pay would be really expensive. so the mom kept the letter, though the jntention was that she wanted to discuss with noctis first on "better academic choices". then time went on and noctis found the letter while cleaning up her mom'a study room and. well. ouch. the betrayal and all the anger she had just bursted. worth mentionimg that the twin had known this before but didn't say anything. anyway noctis confronted this and while the mom explained it was an honest mistake or whatever, noctis didn't want to give any more benefit of doubt. not when the mom didn't give them the same benefit when they had been accused of that stealing and cheating stuff from high school.
so the desicion has been made. she ran away from home. with help from their uncle and his wife, that didn't have close relationship with noctis' mom anymore.
whoah. i've been talking so much. i should stop now because damn. noctis biography be long
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i0-0na · 2 months
Entry 10 - Animation Party
Date : 06.05.2024
This week Monday, Dom, Matthijs and I were invited to an animation welcome party. I was pretty tired though, and somewhat anxious to be honest, so I was kind of unsure about going. I couldn’t really explain why, at one point I even felt like I was going to be sick. However, I decided to go anyways because why not~
We put name tags on ourselves (I wrote my name both in Japanese and English, I’m good at hiragana and katakana alphabet but not Kanji ;-;). However, I felt my anxiety rise again as soon as we were put onto random tables, and I wasn’t with my friends. I find it easy to make friends and stuff but honestly the language barrier was what was making worry, but I did my best.
I was so confused I ended up asking one of the professors who understood English, and she was like “Yeah! Are you in a circle?” I just stared blankly back at her. I had no clue what she meant. So, I pointed at the table and I said “I guess we’re in a circle now???” They just laughed and the conversation moved on. Later I told Matthijs about this cryptic message and they told me ‘circle’ was like another term for club or in this context because we’re at university, society. I was like oooohhh, I get it now wow ToT.  When food was brought out people started moving around so I went to Matthijs’ table, I wasn’t hungry, so I barely ate anything. Also, I still kinda felt ill. A bit later on that’s when I started feeling a bit better, as well I felt more comfortable to get out of my shell and began to start talking and making friends with people. Since we’re all animation majors one of the key points of our conversations was anime we liked and I put on my name tag. Even though I put Space Dandy on mine, I honestly dislike the idea of me having to pick my ‘favourite’ because I like so many works its hard to pick unless you give me a really specific category, but to be honest even then depending on the genre I sometimes would give you a top 3 answer instead lol. So yea that basically allowed me to talk more about different shows and video games like Nier:Automata, Persona 5, Attack on Titan and other such.
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Then out of nowhere we were made to play a game of Jan Ken Pon (rock paper scissors). There was a whole cafeteria sized table which was just stocked with prizes to be won. On the second round of the game, I actually won lolololol!!! So, I made my way to the table and I decided to take a Denji prize figure, it isn’t like a raffle where you know depending on which tier/rank you get you are limited to the amount of prizes, we could just honestly pick whatever thing we wanted. I debated on getting this cushion with one of the sensei faces on, I think he was like the head of animation at Zokei, but I was like you know what I think someone else should get it probably because it would probably mean more to them in a way idk but it was pretty amusing none the less to see that as a prize. As soon as I got my Denji figure I nearly immediately start to rub it into the face of Dom hahahaha, as a joke of course, but none the less it was a great triumph.
My rock paper scissor skills are elite
I’m glad I ended up going, there’s no reason not to give social events ago. Especially on student exchange, even if I feel nervous, I think people should always try to push themselves a bit out their comfort zones.
(Y)ou (O)nly (L)ive (O)nce
Later that week we talked about Golden Week during our Japanese classes, as well as learning the usual useful language technique/grammar. I’m really sad that these classes will be ending so soon, I genuinely enjoy these classes as well as learning Japanese language ☹. It’s always been a goal of mine to become fluent and to live long term in Japan. It’s so crazy that now I am living in Japan but still I think I want to stay here for an even longer term.
After class we asked our teacher if he wanted to come drinking with us at an izakaya, originally, he was but then when we arrived something came up, so he had to go home. However, Silvia, Matthijs, Dom and I decided to still go. This izakaya is right by the uni/train station. At this place I tried hot sake, it was kind of weird to try “hot” alcohol and I mean it was hot, like a nice cup of tea kinda hot lol.
It was such a nice evening~
I’ve noticed by my window that the plant outside is a rose tree. The pink roses are blossoming, when I saw them, it reminded me of myself. Of how so far, how I’ve grown, and feel more stable living in a foreign country, as well as other aspects of my personal life. I feel at peace.
Other notes:
I’ve found these crisps which are mentioned in this one mobile game I reallyyyyy liked, it called Mystic Messenger. I bought some and tried it, they were awful ☹! Like with sauce or put into a sandwich they are somewhat okay but by themselves?? Sorry 707 I cannot fathom, fictional or not, why they would want to eat that like every day.
On a separate separate note, it seems that its Mother’s Day in Japan (12th). So, I had to wish my mum a second happy Mother’s Day lololol. Before leaving for Japan, I bought her a Collin/Collette the Caterpillar cake (spa day themed) for her and my brothers to share. From the sounds of it they all seemed to like it.
Till next time ✌️😉
Song Playing: To the end - Blur
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luvsersi · 2 years
Can you write something about the reader going to a premiere and she gets attacked by a fan or something like that and Tom gets really protective and worried? I love your writing it’s so good!
Tom Holland x fem!reader
A/n: Tysm for the request! Wasn’t sure if you wanted Y/n as his date or as a fan but I just made her his date. Enjoy! (:
Warnings: rude fans, anxiety, swear words, yelling, paparazzi (idk if that’s a warning but yk), kinda angsty but not really
Word count: 875 
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“Tom? Are you ready sweetheart?” You asked Tom who was sitting in the back of the limo right next to you. The two of you were going to the Far from Home world premiere and Tom was a tad nervous. Premieres and big events like this often triggered his anxiety but you were always there to help him and calm him down.
You felt him breathing heavy and squeeze your hand as tight as he could. You turned a little to his side and cupped one of his cheeks with your other hand.
“Thomas? It’s gonna be okay. When we’re finished here we can go back into bed and cuddle. I promise it’s gonna be okay.”
He gave you a smile and kissed the palm of your hand. “You promise we can go back to bed?”
You nodded. “Yea. Now let’s go out and show everyone the amazing work you’ve made.” He opened the door and you could hear the screaming from fans when he stepped out of the car. He took your hand and helped you out of the car, the screaming becoming even louder.
You felt Tom squeeze your hand and tense up because of the screaming, yelling and bright lights from paparazzi everywhere.
“Hey- ” You whispered. “It’s okay.” You assured him and he nodded his head giving you a kiss on the cheek.
You fixed your dress and Tom slid his arm around your waist. You walked up to the carpet and immediately heard fans screaming even louder and trying to reach Tom.
Tom looked at you and he was absolutely mesmerized. You looked so beautiful with your open-back silk dress and silky hair. Earlier Tom had insisted you’d wear a color similar to his suit so the two of you could match, which you did.
“Tom what do you say we go up to a couple of your fans and answer some questions?” You asked him.
“Yeah that’d be great” He smiled. You walked over to some fans, his hand still on your waist and starting making conversation with them.
You passed a couple of girls wanting to take a picture with Tom. “Should I take the photo?” You offered and the girls nodded.
You took a couple of steps back and got ready to take the photo.
“Oh no Y/n you get in here too!” One of the girls said and gestured you to come over. Your face lit up and you skipped back to Tom and the girls.
Most of his fans we’re extremely nice and supportive of your relationship.
Others were… well not. Due to the constant screaming and shouting from everyone around you Tom wasn’t really able to hear everything going on. He moved a few meters away from you to talk to some of his fans. That was when some of his less polite fans took their chance to speak with you.
“Y/n?” A girl asked you, poking your arm. You turned around to face the girl greeting her with a smile. “That’s my name! How are you?”
“I just want to say that I don’t think you deserve Tom. He is way out of your league. I don’t even understand why he is with someone like you.”
The girl stared you down, making your insecurities rise and not knowing what to say. Another person standing right behind the girl agreed.
“Exactly. What does he even see in you? You’re probably just using him for his money. Besides no offense, but you’re not that pretty as people say you are. I’d say you’re slightly.. ugly.”
The other girl was about to go on again but suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Excuse me? What did you just say?” It was Tom. And he did not sound happy. He sounded rather offended. The girls faces went pale.
“Oh no, no we were just-”
“No I know damn well what you ‘were just’. What do you think you’re doing?” He had raised his voice.
“No we were just kidding!” The girls slightly chuckled trying to get out of the situation.
Tom was getting riled up and he clenched his jaw. You tried to take his hand in attempt to get him to calm down, but did not succeed.
He started yelling and the screaming crowd around you stopped screaming completely.
“Who the hell do you think you are to talk to her like that? I don’t know if you need to hear this to get some sense into your little brain but she is my girlfriend. I’m so tired of people like you. You’re not fans when you speak to my girlfriend like that.”
Tom looked at them and saw that they had the audacity to stick out their posters to get them signed.
He sighed and snatched the posters out of their hands only to throw them on the floor.
“I’m not going to sign your fucking stuff! You should learn to shut your mouthes and gain some respect!”
He took your hands and walked inside with you.
“I’m so sorry darling. They were just being such dicks I couldn’t help myself.” He apologized and seemed genuinely upset. He turned to face you and you pulled him in for a hug.
“Thank you Thomas.”
Another a/n: I feel like I got kinda lazy with this?? Idk I hope u guys liked it though
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cultofdixon · 1 year
In a past life it was yours, the present is mine
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • At the line up it was revealed your family history, in the future it won’t be used against you, but for now? You have to change the problem from the inside out or all those you love will perish • ANGST/SFW • TW: Past Mental Abuse / PTSD / Trauma / Anxiety / Canon Violence / Depression • Canon re-written
Requested by: Anon
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“Well, let’s meet the man shall we?” The right hand to the mystery man says with a smirk as he approaches the RV.
The archer turns to his other half seeing her keep a calm exterior even if the inner feelings spilled in tears.
I’ll always keep you safe Y/N Daryl mouths to her watching her nod smiling through the tears as both of their attention snapped back to what’s in front of them.
As the tension grew in the woods and the creek of the RV door opens followed by whistling that drove chills down their backs. The man stepped out and instantly locked eyes with the archer’s partner, standing there for too long as neither of them said a word. Until a smirk brought itself on his face as he grabs his right hand by the collar pulling him close to tell him something.
Then you know the rest…
As Negan drags Rick into the RV after killing two of their own. Abraham and Glenn. The right hand that is named Simon approaches the group as the vehicle disappears.
“Take the girl” Simon states watching two saviors come up behind Y/N grabbing her by the arms. “Take the hits and scratches, guys. She’s just a little thing anyway”
“Wait WAIT!” Maggie yells watching her friend getting taken as Daryl tried rising to his feet again when Dwight hit him in the back of the head with the blunt end of his crossbow.
Y/N froze watching such as it made it easier to drag her body to one of the trucks. The bigger man out of the two practically tossed her into the back of the van and was immediately pistol whipped by Simon.
“Best I do somethin’ before boss man puts a bullet in your head” Simon scoffs shutting the doors after pushing the guy of the way. “Take her back to the Sanctuary. She don’t need to see what else the man’s gotta do”
And with that the van left, leaving the group confused…Maggie hurt even further and Daryl livid. They didn’t understand why Negan ordered such to happen. Hell they don’t even know when that was ordered. His hushed side conversations were so short because he had other business to attend to.
How…how could he
How could he do this
To me
The drive was long, at least it felt like such. Y/N didn’t know where she was going or who else she would be dealing with but during the unknown period she simply cried. Cried over her deceased family and over the fear of losing the man she loves.
Soon the doors to the back opened and no one was forcing her out of the vehicle until a blond woman came. She grabbed Y/N by the arm and let the girl scratch at her or try to pull away but the grip she had on her? Good luck.
“Where are you taking me?!”
“I demand to know!”
Again, nothing
“What is he going to do to my family?!” Y/N snaps before getting shoved in a room as the woman stood at the door a second.
“Family? This is your family, dollface” and the door shut, locking from the other side.
Y/N immediately went toward the door and started pounding against it, screaming out for anyone to let her out. Then she started to look for something to pick the lock with but as she searched the room she was in…it took a second to realize it was a room and not a cell. She decided to look around in hopes she’d find something to help her escape.
Instead she was met with her past.
How come yea never talk about your old life?
I told you a lot. What specifically?
Everybody’s got a family. You never said anythin’ bout that
Guess I’m just. Never ready to talk about it
I don’t think I’ll ever be, even now Y/N frowns holding a picture frame in her hands and the sound of keys jingling startled her to grab something heavy.
When the door opened and Negan stepped through, he quickly dodged the jar of pickles Y/N had grabbed as it hit one of his saviors behind him instead of him.
“Still got a hell of a throw”
“How long have yea been with these people?” Negan asks watching her tense and retract at every step he took, inevitably stopping. “You have no idea how long I’ve been lookin’ for you” he snapped for one of his own to close the door to give them more privacy as Y/N immediately shoved him away.
“WHY!” She yelled loud enough for those standing outside the door, even if the walls were thick. “WHY DID YOU BECOME THIS MONSTER?!”
“Princess, please—-“
“No! You killed my best friend. You don’t get to ‘princess’ me, dad. You took me away from my family…you killed those of MY FAMILY”
“IM YOUR FUCKING FAMILY” Negan finally yells back in her face watching her cower, making him step back taking in the sight to memory. “I’m your blood. You’re my daughter and my family. At least what’s left of it”
“I was your bastard child when you were a teenager…you only cared cuz I got stuck in your care. Then you met Lucille and I was already out of the house…you cut the line there. You moved on but even then…you still went back to your old ways.” Y/N frowns feeling the tears roll off her cheeks. “Now you’re just worse. A monster that put the woman you loved’s name on a bat that killed those important to me…where do you get off”
Before Negan could say another word, Dwight opened the door abruptly which was a big no-no on his part.
“Hey we got Daryl in one of the cells. What’s the next—-“
“What? WHAT” Y/N pushed Negan out of the way as he quickly grabbed at her arm only for her to pull with all her force. He tightened too hard that he heard a crack and instantly let go resulting in her shoving Dwight over like it was nothing and going through the halls.
No one was touching her
Or at least weren’t allowed to intervene
Unless she tried to escape…or help someone escape.
The banging on his cell door gave his position away as Y/N was stopped by the brute guarding his door. But she had about enough in the moment.
“Move out of my way”
“I can’t do that princess”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Or Wha—-“ He was instantly cut off by her leg swung right in between the legs hitting the family jewels hard enough for him to drop. Giving her a window to go for his knife and threaten to cut his throat open the second those chasing her approached.
“Jesus Christ. This is your blood?” Dwight scoffs stepping back every second their eyes locked.
“She’s definitely Negan’s daughter” Laura laughs at the sight watching Negan step closer not giving a single fuck if Y/N took the man’s life.
“It’s best to let him go. Wouldn’t want to be like me right?”
Y/N felt instant regret for her actions after he said such. She slowly released the knife as the guy quickly pulls away bringing himself behind Negan.
The man stood there for a while staring down at his child while his people stand behind him in fear of both Smiths. Then a pain brought itself in his chest watching her cower when he tried to simply step forward and help her up.
A small child took her place sitting there on the floor as he stood before her in his early twenties with a suitcase in one hand and a ticket in the other.
The two locked eyes and he turned around closing the door behind him. Never turning back.
“You get five minutes. But I’m not letting either of you go” Negan frowns opening the door to Daryl cell as he was about to fight whoever opened it when he saw Y/N and Negan on the other side.
The two were soon closed in the cell for privacy with a lantern for the light. Y/N frowns looking at Daryl after just telling him about who her father is and why she hasn’t told him or anybody. It’s not like she knew about his dictatorship in the old world, just knew the man as someone who wanted nothing to do with her as a child and when she became an adult he had already moved on.
“He…we gotta get out of this shithole”
“I don’t think that could happen without a window…or a bullet in one of us”
“From how he wanted yea at the line up, doubt he’d hurt yea”
“I’m not going to let him hurt you” Y/N frowns bringing herself close expecting Daryl to reject her after finding out of her bloodline.
But the archer carefully took her face into his hands wiping away the tears that suddenly sprung from her waterline.
“He may not hurt yea sunshine, but he can still break you”
Before another word could be shared, the door sprung open and Y/N was suddenly grabbed pulling her out of the cell as Daryl tried to use that as a window but was met with his own crossbow aimed at him.
“Don’t you fucking dare hurt him” Y/N thrashed against the grasp two saviors had on her as they lessen their grip when Negan glared at them. “You lay a hand on him and I will make you fucking regret taking me too”
Negan glared at his daughter before turning back to the archer and his people keep him in. He shoved Dwight back before shutting the door and locking Daryl in there. No more words were exchanged but all he did was grab Y/N by the bicep leading her to the rooms and locking her in a new one.
“How come yea never talked about your family?” Daryl frowns joining Y/N on the porch of their new home. “Ever since we got here you’ve been extra quiet so I’m just assumin’ what the subject matter is”
“I just. Never experienced this niceness before. Like when y’all found me in the woods outside the prison? I had just gotten lost after seeing where my dad had lived all my life without me”
The sadness grew in his expression as he noticed hers barely shift, she’s accepted it a long time ago…but the pain will always be there.
“He had me as a teenager and my mom just gave me to him then fucked off. So he struggled for four years with the help of grandma, then one day I was seated on the carpet watching him pick up a suitcase and walk out the door.” Y/N frowns hugging herself as she kept her gaze to the floor. “It’s a mess of a story. Raised by my grandma, left at 18, heard years later he remarried and didn’t care about my existence further, his wife found out about me and met me in private…then the outbreak happened later and I went to see if they were alive because I had their address for the longest time…and all there was was a house in ruins”
“I’m sorry, sunshine”
“If he’s…still out there and our paths cross…I don’t think I’d want to be on this rock anymore”
Daryl kept banging on his cell door for what felt like days. Granted…it was. To be real with what’s going on in Daryl’s mind, he thought he would be beaten to a pulp at this point. Or put through even worse, mental abuse of some kind.
They’ve been treating him well?
His wound
Keeping him fed
He doesn’t quite understand it until Dwight opened the cell one night to give him a sandwich and decided to talk.
“Your woman almost ripped me a new one when I tried to feed yea dog food. She’s takin’ everything like a champ though…with a dad like that.” Dwight laughs. “Everything I had of yours, she almost killed me for. But daddy will do anythin’ to get her to smile. Even if she cries most nights”
“Why the fuck are you telling me this”
“You ain’t dead because she’s doing everything Negan asks of her. Her reward? We don’t hurt you” Dwight states before making his leave and shutting the door forcefully behind him.
Y/N laid in the bed given to her, in the room made just for her. She kept staring at the ceiling dressed in a black dress that someone pointed out was made for pointing out Negan’s wives. But that was shot down by Simon who was assigned to keep her at the Sanctuary and to be honest? Neither of them were happy about it.
“Yo! Princess, boss man wants yea” Simon knocks on the door as Y/N sighs bringing herself to the edge of her bed slipping her boots on before leaving the room.
The two walked to the conference like room and found a head on the table, an anxious Dwight, and an angry Negan.
“Good luck princess” Simon whispers to Y/N, leaving the room laughing.
The annoyance on her face grew, but immediately changed to anger and worry.
“Daryl escaped” Negan snapped the second he locked eyes with his kid. “Who did it.”
“I’ve been with you and in my room almost every hour of every day. Your GOON here doesn’t let me anywhere near Daryl’s fucking cell. Even when he’s not on watch” Y/N gave back the same energy her dad was producing. “You’re always so controlling of everyone around here but what happens when your eyes aren’t glued on your fucking prisoner. He escapes on his GODDAMN OWN”
In a split second, with no thinking before actions made, Negan grabbed her by the throat and forced her against the wall as the thud echoed in the room but the alarming sound was the crack that came from her skull when she made contact. Tears instantly started to stream down her cheeks as she held onto his wrist feeling his grip loosen while her eyes slowly fluttered open after the impact made them shut tight.
Daddy please don’t go
The leader of the saviors suddenly pulled away making her drop to her knees as she instantly pressed her hand to the back of her head noticing the blood on her hand when she retracted.
“You’re just…the same fucking monster…I’ve always known” Y/N sobbed through broken words as Negan towered her unable to move or breathe for the matter. Dwight looked at him a bit confused but a wave of concern came over him as he brought himself to Y/N not caring if she protested.
“Come on. We’ve got a doc” Dwight helped her to her feet directing her out of the room, glancing back to see Negan in his frozen state.
“Daddy please don’t go” The four year old cried hugging onto her father’s leg as Negan drags her agaisnt the carpet before forcefully shaking his leg to get her to fall on her butt.
The tears broke out as she sat on the carpet right in front of the main door.
“I…I can’t do this” Negan frowns picking up his suitcase after slipping on his jacket. “I never should’ve had you”
The pout that grew on the little one’s face as the tears streamed down her cheeks while no more sound escaped her.
“I never should’ve left you…” Negan whispers to himself while his own tears rolled off his cheeks.
It’s been days with nothing going on…nothing…not even a visit from his saviors to communities they have under their thumbs. If you were new to one? You wouldn’t be able to tell they were controlled by someone unless somebody told you. But even then, they didn’t collect every other week. Didn’t threaten anymore people.
Nothing happened. Then the radio gave off receiving static.
“Rick. We gotta talk”
Rick looks at his radio with concern before looking across the table at his partner as Michonne shared the same concern but was also littered with confusion and doubt. This could be a trap of some sorts.
While Negan may have done nothing. The group had gotten to work on lessen the Savior population (once Daryl returned) by attacking more outposts with the help of the Kingdom, the Hilltop, and few Oceanside…it was top priority while certain few wanted to get their person back.
“He could’ve killed her by now” Daryl frowns sitting with Maggie on the steps of the Barrington House as they all decided it be smart for him to stay there in case if they did look for him.
“She’s his daughter. He wanted her, I doubt he would’ve killed her…but something still could’ve happened” Maggie didn’t mean to plant anything in Daryl’s mind, granted he was already thinking of such, but it was overwhelming. When Daryl returned and Negan’s first visit to Alexandria, everyone Y/N was close to found out that she’s Negan’s daughter. It brought a lot of mix feelings but even with certain negative ones, everyone collectively agreed they wanted to get her back safely.
“Daryl…you think that Rick would hurt her?”
“What.” Daryl says sternly noticing how calm and collected Maggie presented herself after saying such.
“From what you’ve told me, Y/N and her father are estranged. He didn’t raise her. She’s nothing like him. It’s just…instead of running with fear, Rick is turning back to that scary version of himself when we first came to Alexandria.” Maggie frowns her finger tips gently brushing her barely showing pregnant belly. “I’m afraid of him hurting her indirectly. To be fair…when I found out, I wanted to do exactly that. But then I remember she’s this outgoing person who’s super smart and an amazing listener to every single concern a person may have…she doesn’t even have to know you long to care so deeply about you…she’s nothing like this monster but he will hurt her and Rick will break some part of her”
While all of such happened, the Sanctuary sort of collapsed within itself once Negan disappeared. He just left without a word and Simon tried taking his place but then the people that Negan tortured under his boot for so long, started to fight back finally. Y/N watched it all unfold while packing up her stuff and planning her route out but it came clear to those die hard followers that she’s something that can bring him back.
Which he was planning to do while he stood in the old outpost, the first one the group attacked that led to their deaths. Negan sighed when Rick didn’t immediately come into view but once he did, he wasn’t alone. He didn’t have the whole group or those who’ve lost their partners. All he needed was Michonne and his son Carl. Knowing they’d keep him centered.
“If this is a trap, the others know to come rain hellfire on—-“
“The Sanctuary is currently imploding. None of’em like Simon and won’t follow him. Whatever you want to do to me, I’ll let yea do. As long as you don’t punish her for my actions”
Carl’s expression softened hearing such as he didn’t think about that. His dad was just mad and terrified of what else could happen since Negan hasn’t done anything to them. Little do they know the shit he’s been putting his kid through mentally, and the few times physically that one would think she endured it all for her family.
“Dad. This seems…like the truth, but we still need to be careful”
“You should listen to the kid.” Negan states only for Rick to take that moment and right hook him making him stumble a bit as Michonne quickly pulled Rick back knowing he was about to do more. “I deserved that”
“You deserve a whole lot worse”
“And I’m telling you…” The man straightens himself up brushing the blood from his busted lip on the back of his hand. “Do whatever you want to me”
Before Rick could get to say his response, Carl stepped in front of him to physically cut him off.
“Why? Why are you rolling over on your back now? After you killed Glenn…killed Abraham…killed all those people just to gain superiority but we just…” Carl couldn’t connect the dots, even if they were right there, guess part of him wanted him to say it.
“I hurt her.” Negan stated watching all of them tense. “I hurt my daughter. I tried so hard to get some fuckin’ relationship back after what I’ve done in the past. But the present was never mine. Then I really hurt her…for something someone else did, and I could’ve killed her…I’ll do whatever yea want me to do, and let you do whatever you want to me…for her promised safety”
Daryl sat on the porch checking his bike after they had gotten it back from the outpost. He felt her presence and felt it when Y/N brought her arms around his waist.
“You alright?”
“You know, whatever happens with whatever comes next…I’d always choose you”
The archer brought himself to turn toward her so he could wrap his arms around her kissing the top of her head whispering again asking if she was okay. She was.
She will always want to be in his arms.
Y/N stood outside the Sanctuary or what it used to be as people left…communities took people in, die hard followers were skeptical but given a second chance, Simon ran off, and she stayed at the place that kept her mentally beaten. But with her father, the Grimes (minus Jude), Daryl, Maggie, the king Ezekiel, Cyndie from Oceanside, and those who wanted to witness Negan get punished.
People wanted him dead. Rick wanted him to rot. So a bit of both happened. Y/N watched Rick put all his anger out on Negan and every punch made her flinch. She felt the tears come but no sound escaped her. Maggie brought herself to the other side of her friend while Daryl was on the other. She carefully took her hand into hers feeling her squeeze.
He’s a monster. He did all this horrible things and even with a good like…getting rid of it all…the pain was still there but so was the child from before the hell.
Michonne grabbed Rick’s shoulder when she thought Negan had enough but she also had enough of her friend watching her partner beat up her father.
“Patch’em up” Rick scoffs turning away from Y/N knowing if he looked at her, the regret will build. The new doc that his son found on a walk in the woods, Siddiq, took care of patching up Negan while Gabriel and Aaron tied him up taking him back to the cell that Morgan had made.
It was late in the night when Daryl felt the emptiness beside him and decided to get up looking for his partner who simply sat on the steps leading to the main floor. Her tired eyes said it all as he wished she had woken him to the nightmare she endured alone. He brought himself to sit beside Y/N as she flinched when he tried to check the bandage that was on the back of her head. The doc at the Sanctuary had to shave a part to get stitches in there after…yknow.
“Does it still hurt?”
“No…I mean, does it still hurt” Daryl frowns watching her tears build up as she continued to hug her knees to her chest hiding her face feeling him bring his arm around her. “You should’ve never had to deal with that shit, and shouldn’t have seen what happen”
“I couldn’t…let him hurt you or my family…I just…the words won’t come out clear in my mind…I just couldn’t lose anymore”
Daryl watched her unravel as he didn’t let her go bringing her into his embrace and into his lap. Holding her desperately close as Y/N latched onto his person afraid they’d fall apart if she let go.
“You can have everythin’ and you still choose him?”
Y/N frowns looking at her father after she was forced to put on the outfit given to her. She looks around at the room surrounding her before locking eyes with the man that helped bring her into this world.
“He fixed what you broke” She states crossing her arms and holding her ground. “He didn’t have to, hell I did my best to keep my past to myself. But he loves me, protects me, makes me feel wanted…”
Negan wanted to speak but watched her hold her hand up to shut him up.
“I will always choose Daryl Dixon, over every man on this god forsaken planet”
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mavsstar · 3 years
Sugar Rush- Lee Bodecker
18+ blog, MINORS DNI
a/n: this is an unfinished piece lmao, still unsure of what direction it should go in. will i ever finish it?? yea probably. i hope you enjoy it. i love you all :D
pairing: lee bodecker x innocent!reader
warnings: age gap (reader is in their early 20s, lee is in his late 30s), innocence kink, and i think that's about it??
w.c: 724
next part >>>
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Lee had been going to Missy’s Diner consecutively for the past 3 weeks just for you. You were so sweet it made his teeth rot. You were the only one who attended Lee, if someone else were to serve him he would immediately ask for you. Despite serving him for the past 3 weeks you can’t help but get shy and nervous around him, he was the sheriff after all.
You greeted him the same way every time he entered,
“Hello Sheriff, what can I get you?”
And he would always ask about the house specials, he never actually ordered something off of it, he just wanted to hear your voice. Your voice to him put him under a trance and made the blood rush to his cock.
“I actually don’t know what I want darling, why don’t you surprise me.”
You squeaked a little ok before going to the back to look over the menu to give something to give to Lee. Your anxiety spiked, wanting to give Lee something good and something he liked. You lived for his little praises. You settle on giving hima good old fashion American burger and peach cobbler.
15 minutes later and you come out trying to balance the food on your arms, the plates wavering with each step you take. Somehow you were able to reach the table without spilling anything or tripping over and making a fool of yourself. You set the food in front of him with a nervous smile.
“Anything else sheriff?”
Lee licks his lips and they twitch into a mischievous smirk, “Yeah, come sit with me.”
The blood rushes to your cheeks at his demand, you gulp nervously looking around the diner. Even though there was no one around. “Um I don’t think I can sheriff.”
“Why darling?” He chuckles looking directly into your eyes, “There’s no one around.”
He was right but sitting on his lap would cross various lines. You look around one last time before dragging out the chair to sit across from him. He lets out a tsk while shaking his head. “Wrong seat darling.”
“Wrong seat?” You asked, cocking your head to the side. “Where should I sit then?” You stand up from where you were sitting.
He smirks again, pushing his chair back to create more space. He pats his delicious thick thighs you’ve thought about more than once, “Right here.”
Your lips part in surprise but stay frozen in place unsure if you should really sit on his lap. Even if it’s all you ever think about during the day. He grabs your arm with a soft force and places you on his lap. You can feel the heat rising all the way to the tips in your ear. You’re stiff in his hold and you look down at your hands that are settled in your lap. Your dress had rode up halfway your thighs, you mentally cursed at your boss who changed the uniforms and made them a tad bit smaller.
Lee places a hand on the side of your stomach rubbing it, “Relax darling, get yourself comfortable.”
You shift in his lap, complying with his orders. When you finally get comfortable his thigh is right underneath your cunt, any slight movement and it sends jolts of pleasure. He can feel it pulsating on his thigh, it gives him relief you want him just as bad as he wants you. You sit in silence, still in shock this is happening.
“What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?” He asks taking a spoonful of peach cobbler.
“Nothing,” you whisper.
“Really?” One of his hands goes on your thigh, his thumb rubbing small soothing circles, “I can feel you darling.” His hand starts to inch up higher and higher, “I bet your pretty little pussy is weeping.”
His words cause you to squirm in his hold, every single one of his words making you even more wetter. If that’s even possible. “Have you ever touched yourself?” He breath fans over your ear. You shake your head, afraid your voice might betray you.
“Words, darling. I need words.”
“No, I haven't Sheriff.”
He chuckles, kissing your neck sensually eliciting a gasp from you. “Oh darling I can make you feel so good,” his hand cups your cunt, “all you gotta do is say yes.”
437 notes · View notes
supraveng · 3 years
Marvelous Friends
Part 10
Summary: You babysit Dodger
Pairing: Chris Evans x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, smut, mentions of anxiety, Dodger Evans (his cuteness is a warning) I think that’s it
A/N: sorry it took so long for an update 
word count: 3.8k
previous part          series masterlist            main masterlist
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Pulling into Chris’ driveway you weren’t sure why you were nervous, you had slept over several times since you started dating but this just felt more intense, you have been together a few months but this felt like a big step.   
You could handle this, and even though it’s been ages since you had a pet, you could handle this.  Who were you kidding? This is the most face dog on Instagram, if you screw this up you know your relationship with Chris will be over. Shaking your head at the down spiral of nerves over taking care of his dog you reach the front door.  
Deep breath, you can handle this. You reminded yourself as you knocked on the door.  Once the door opened you were immediately greeted by Dodger who seemed just as uneasy to see you as you are to care for him over the next week.  
You crouch down to his level and scratch behind his ears while whispering to him about all the fun you have planned for the week, laughing at Chris’ eye roll that Dodger was greeted before him.  “Awe, I’m just saving the best for last babe” you rise on your toes to wrap your arms around Chris and pull him into a kiss.  
He seems a bit tense, but you know he has a lot going on and brush it off.  “So, should you give me the proper Dodger Evans care lesson now or after dinner?” trying your best to read his mood.  He didn’t seem upset, but maybe a bit anxious and you didn’t want to add to that and be the obnoxious and demanding girlfriend. 
 “Yea, dinner first sounds good.  Did you still want to try that Indian place you mentioned?” he asked with a soft smile.  
“Well, we can, if you really want to but I’m kind of hoping we could just stay in” you smiled back at him hoping to ease whatever tension he was going through.  “I know it’s selfish, but you’ll be gone for the next week and I’d kind of like to have you all to myself today” looking up at him and hoping that a quiet night in would help him relax a bit.  
Chris seemed relieved by your suggestion “that sounds great actually” kissing you again.  Dodger happily followed the two of you around the house while Chris pointed out all of the important info you needed to know to take care of the world’s favorite rescue. You realized he wasn’t that hard to take care of, and you were bound and determined to spoil him rotten while you were his caregiver.  
Deciding to order in to make things easier, you perched on the couch, “so I assumed you're packed, any other pre trip rituals you have before leaving town?”  
“Pre-trip rituals?  Like what?” Chris smirks at you from behind his beer bottle. 
 “Well, I’m not a big fan of flying, so I try to relax as much as possible before a trip.  Usually a long bath with a bottle of wine, maybe a little weed if I can get my hands on some” you shrug.  Chris chuckles at you before getting up and heading into the other room, you aren’t sure what he’s doing or if you should follow him, but before you know it he’s back with an open bottle of wine and two glasses, grabbing your hand and dragging you to his master suite.  
You could only smile as you watched him turn on the tap to the tub and start to undress. “What are you waiting for, you are joining me” he shrugs then extends a hand to you as he steps in the water.  
Deciding that this should be about him you try your best to object but the sly smile and attempt at puppy eyes breaks your resolve faster “c’mon, please”.  
You shake your head at him with a smile as you undress and join him “you know, this was supposed to be a way for you to relax and decompress before your trip, not me trying to get in your pants” you sat down across from him, so your legs were entwined.  
Chris automatically fake gasps and tries to look offended by your comment, only for you to laugh at him “wow, you’re a really good actor”.  
"Thank you, I'm flattered you even know I'm an actor, I heard you haven't seen many of my movies" he challenges you with a smirk. It's your turn to gasp as his allegations,  "that is not true, and who ever told you that is a liar."  
You had seen most of his movies, so you weren't sure who would have told him otherwise.  He just stared you down while you sat there wondering how the evening made this turn. Is this why he was seeming a bit off, because you haven't seen his films?  That doesn't seem to make sense, he wasn't that egotistical,  but this conversation did seem to shift to a more relaxed feel between the two of you so why question it.  
"Did Sophie or Benedict mention what I said about Steve Rogers?  Because that has nothing to do with you personally or your portrayal, it was just my response at the moment and…" you are rambling and realize by the look on his face that your mention of Captain America was new information. 
"No one said anything did they?" you sheepishly look at him hoping that this conversation will be over quickly and it won't cause you to die from embarrassment but that really is the only possibility right now. He just shakes his head and looks at you unquestioningly to elaborate. 
You huff and reach for the wine glasses “I'm gonna need a little liquid encouragement to open up to you about this, I was hoping to take it to my deathbed."  
Handing him his glass you both drink before you dive into your take on Steve Rogers, "his immersion from that capsule was intense and while all the muscles were appealing, the smooth shiny skin reminded me of a dolphin" you shrug. "I much prefer you hairy and covered in ink" you wink at him trying to lighten the mood. 
"That's it? Just his dolphin skin?"  
"Yea, for the most part. There were some parts of the story that I would have written differently,  but he's a good guy." 
That seemed to be enough for him and you decided to try and just enjoy spending the night chatting about everything that has been going on before he heads to LA in the morning.  Unfortunately the tub water turns cold and you are forced out of the bath to prevent you from pruning, getting ready for bed in a comfortable domesticated silence was nice and you were both exhausted by the time you turned in. 
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Chris’s early morning flight means you are immediately thrown into Dodger duty head-on, but you can handle it, he’s a sweet dog that seems well behaved.  You are determined this was going to be a good week, productive as you were getting headway on your newest novel you were writing and you had a buddy to keep you company.  
Finding your way to the dog park was  a bit more challenging but once you did, Dodger’s humdrum disposition vanished in an instant.  So your pathetic excuse of a ploy to get this dog to like you was taking him to the park daily in addition to your strolls around the neighborhood so you could both get plenty of fresh air.  
It was day three of your bonding week and decided to stop at a cafe without door seating so you and Dodger could dine together after your time at the park.  Dodger was relaxing on the concrete beside your table when a few 20 something ladies passed by, you didn’t think anything of it until they stopped and back tracked to your table.   
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The first woman gasped as she approached and stage whispered “Is that Dodger Evans?” 
“It has to be, look at him!” her friend responded immediately.  None of them had even looked your way, but you could tell they were looking for someone, probably Chris.  
It was a little weird, and you wanted to laugh but you also didn’t want to cause problems with his fans, so you just waited for them to say something to you before interacting. 
The third woman finally looked at you and plastered on the fakest smile you had ever seen, you weren’t sure you could make it through this interaction without laughing.  
“Hi, um is he around here somewhere?” she looked around into the café like the others had but seemed a bit more impatient than the others.   
You took a sip of your coffee before responding, “um, who?” trying your best to seem oblivious to what they were going on about.  
“Chris Evans” she sighed as if you were inconveniencing her, “this is his dog, I know it is, so where is he?” her smile started to drop a bit, apparently you were irritating her with your mere presence.  
Well, here goes my attempt at acting, you thought to yourself.  “Oh no, he’s not here, just me and Dodger” you speak softly and have to look down at Dodger to keep from laughing.  And if it was choreographed they all deflated with an ‘oh’, clearly disappointed not to be getting a glimpse at your man.  
When did I get so possessive?   You distracted yourself by petting Dodger and giving him a bite of your bagel, which you hadn’t asked Chris about but a little bread shouldn’t hurt him.  
“Um, so what’s he like?” the first girl asked, but apparently you were in a mood and decided to mess with them.   
“Oh, he is the sweetest! Best dog I’ve ever met!” you praised Dodger while scratching his ears and making kissy faces at him.  As soon as the word’s left your mouth you could feel the eye roll from all 3 of them but actually able to contain yourself before looking back at them.  
Ms Fake Smile immediately huffed, “not the dog, Chris, what’s he like?” 
“Oh, I wouldn’t know, I only met him once” you shrug and return back to your coffee and brunch, hoping they would just walk away, but that answer didn’t sit well with her.  
“You’ve only met him once and you have his dog?  That doesn’t make any sense” her hands are now on her hips as if she’s challenging you.  
“Um, well yea, just for the interview, I’m his assistant” reaching down and giving Dodger more food to keep him appeased.  
“If you're his assistant you would be around Chris all the time and know him pretty well” the first girl seemed confused.  
“Oh, you misunderstood, I’m Dodger’s assistant.  I take care of him whenever Mr. Evans is out of town, or occasionally travel with Dodger to take him to Mr. Evans when he’s away. So, I’m around Dodger all the time and know him pretty well, but only met Mr. Evans during the interview process” you shrug and take your coffee trying your best to control any laughter that may come out as you think of the absurdity of the claim you just made.  
The three of them looked at each other as if they were trying to process what you just said, but you realized they must think celebrities live in a different world as you watched them nod at each other because it made total sense.  All you could do was wave at them as they said their goodbyes to you and Dodger without trying to break from the ridiculous character you had just created.  
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Chris' week was nonstop meetings and more exhausting,  he hadn't realized how much he missed you until a week of short calls and occasional texts were the only communication.  He quickly decided getting back to Boston as soon as he could would be the best way to end his week.   
Making it home a few hours earlier was easier than he had anticipated, he knew he wasn’t homesick per se, but he was in dire need of a comfort that only you could provide.  Remembering the relaxing bath you forced on him made him smile, he was anxious about the trip and you had taken it upon yourself to help him without really knowing what was going on. 
Chris automatically breathed a sigh of relief when he saw your car at his house, wanting to surprise you by showing up early and worried for a minute that you might not be here.  Once he made it through the front door, he was surprised to not be met by Dodger immediately, but he could hear music coming from his bedroom and decided to find out what the two of you were up to.  
Stopping dead in his tracks to take in the sight in front of him, he wasn’t sure if he should laugh or take a picture, but he most definitely felt a bit jealous when he walked into the bathroom.  There, in the same tub the two of you had shared last week, was now Dodger and you sharing a bath together.  
“Well, I thought this was our special thing, but apparently you bathe with any guy around, huh?” he asked with a smirk on his face.  You squeal when you hear his voice, Dodger immediately jumps out of the tub and runs to Chris.  
“We had a rough day and needed a bath, come on Dodger, we aren’t done yet” you call the dog back and he gladly jumps in, wanting to continue the belly rubs and butt scratches you were doing before you greeted his owner. 
You immediately felt guilty seeing Chris, you were bathing his dog, looking like a complete mess, when you had planned to have a nice romantic night waiting for him when he got home.  This wasn’t how you wanted this to go, but you did your best to school your anxiety about the situation and took a deep breath before explaining what he just walked in on.   
“I wasn’t expecting you until later tonight, Dodger and I went on a little hike and were skunked” you pout at how ridiculous your day had turned out.   “This is our second bath today, the first in tomato juice to get rid of the skunk smell, and now this one so we don’t smell like marinara”   
Chris is looking at you, and you aren’t quite sure what he’s thinking.  Your illogical brain decided you should start rambling on to explain yourself  
“I know i should have called and told you, but it was really stinky, so I didn’t want to delay” before you can continue your apology, he’s kissing you so passionately that you can’t think straight.  
Pulling away for air, Chris looks into your eyes and whispers “I love you,” you gasp and start to smile when he starts kissing you again.  
“I love that you stayed here and took care of Dodger this week, and I love that you are taking a bath with him, even if I’m a little jealous” before he’s kissing you again.  When you finally pull away, you are delirious, 
“I love you too” you tell him as he’s picking you up and taking you to the bed.
 “Wait!” you stop him from climbing in bed with you. He looks at you, worried he did something wrong.  “I love you, and I want this, so much, but Dodger needs to be dried off before he runs loose in your house” you are giggling as you see the realization flash across Chris’ face.  
Thankfully, Dodger, being the good boy he was, stayed in the bathroom to roll around on the floor rug and towel you had pulled out, and kept all his dripping on the tiled floor. The two of you tag team to get Dodger dried off as quickly as possible, and get back to your intimate reunion. 
Before you even realize it, Chris has you back on his bed and is kissing you with such passion you almost melt.  He mumbled into your neck as he kissed his way down your body, how much he had missed you this week.  
“Mmm, you feel so much better than my hands” you breathlessly whispered as Chris was worshiping and kissing every inch of your body, but your comment made him stop almost immediately.  
Looking at you with so much lust you weren’t sure why he stopped, ‘have you been touching yourself while I was away working?” The smirk on his face told you he enjoyed the thought of you in his bed, making yourself cum and envisioning him.  
You could only nod, your brain was too foggy to form words at that moment, until he replied with “show me.”  You were a little shocked, you’d never done that with someone else, but you weren’t embarrassed.  Sex was something you always enjoyed, especially with Chris, so you started to run you hands from your chest and down your torso, but decided to stop and make the moment more fun.  
“I need a little help” you told him with a coy smile. He shook his head at you, telling you that he was only watching until you explained that you had brought toys with you.  
“Wh-what kind of toys?” he seemed a bit flustered at the idea but you knew it was going to be worth it.  You giggled at his reaction and just pointed towards your bag on the other side of the bed, he got up much faster than you had expected him to move after a long and exhausting week away.  
Coming back, he had quickly found your toy bag inside your luggage and dropped it on the bed next to you.  Reaching in you pulled out your small bullet vibrator and rubbed it across your nipples before descending to your clit, humming you closed your eyes and slowly increased the intensity settings and basked in the vibrations before teasing it to your entrance.  
Opening your eyes to the movement on the bed, Chris was down to only his boxers and was palming his erection while his eyes raked over your entire body.  Your orgasm was building and you had started to pant and moan when Chris’ hand took the toy from you and continued to stimulate your pussy.  
His assistance had you finding your release much quicker than usual, and you were surprised at how quickly you came.  “That was incredible, any other toys in that little bag of yours?” he asked, kissing your body again, leaving bites and bruises in his path.  
You shook your head no, “I was hoping I wouldn’t need any artificial assistance” and smirked at the way Chris grinned down at you.  The next thing you knew, Chris had captured your lips in a bruising kiss and was slowly sheathing his length inside of you. He trailed kisses down to your neck, but when he hit that spot behind your ear you could only respond with a soft moan of his name escaping from my mouth. 
And all at once, his hands and mouth were on every inch of you, consuming you like never before, the euphoria only allowing you to pant and moan with each new sensation he brought you.  You weren’t sure how long the two of you made love, and you lost count after your third orgasm, only your breathing slowly coming back to normal when he reached his peak and laid next to you.  
“That was one hell of a welcome home” he smirked as he kissed the crown of your head and pulled you into his chest.  You both laid there for several minutes before you heard your stomach reminding you of your hunger.  
Chris chuckled before lifting you from the bed and brought you into the shower “let’s get cleaned up and I can take you to dinner.”   
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The restaurant Chris chose was one you had never been to before, but you could tell it had been around for a long time, run by the same family for generations.  Once you ordered your meals, you were able to catch him up on everything going on with you this past week.  
  “So you are going to NY?” he asks as the waiter pours your wine.  “Yes, the day after tomorrow, I have a meeting and from talking to Gabe on the phone, he seems like a good option as my new manager.  I haven’t booked the flight yet, do you want to join me for a few days?” you bite your lip hoping he will join you, it could be a nice getaway for both of you, even if it is work related. 
The flight to NY is quick and you are excited, getting a new manager means getting your career back on track.  You have been writing non stop since your classes at Boston College ended but without a contract with a publishing company, you weren’t as diligent as you could have been, you needed a deadline to really focus.  
Checking into the hotel, Chris waits in the bar until you text him the room number, he warns you that NY papz are just as ruthless as LA and wants to not bring any unwanted attention to you.  When he finally makes it to the room, he’s busy talking on the phone, so you decide to freshen up a bit before getting ready for your meeting.  
You are nervous, and you aren’t sure why.  You’ve had these types of meetings dozens of times, but this one feels more important, after everything Aaron has put you through, it’s hard for you to trust someone with your career.  His hands wrapped around you from behind but you hadn’t even realized he was off the phone, you were too preoccupied on what to expect with the meeting.  
“So that was Scarlett, she invited us to have dinner with her and Colin tonight at their place. I told them I would check with you first” he kissed your neck while talking making you completely distracted and you would probably agree to anything he asked you.   
You hummed as you allowed Chris to have his way with you, you need this to relax enough to not freak out during your meeting today.  “What time is your meeting?” he asked between kisses.  
“I need to leave within the hour to meet him for lunch” you pouted, realizing that you just wanted to spend the day in Chris’ arms.  
“Hey, don’t stress yourself out, he’s the one being interviewed here, not you.  If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll be begging you to work with him” he winks at you.  You can’t help but to giggle at him “do you always know exactly what I need to hear?”   
“That’s how I earn the best boyfriend award” he shrugged before pulling you into another heated kiss.
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