#im so sleepy. got a little carried away :3
clembian · 6 months
hi‼️💥💥💥im thinking abt ctubbo n chommy again [and always..]i’m ur the Beeduo Guy but perhaps you have any headcanons abt those two .?looks at you with my big sad brown eyes
ohhh ghost we r like this🤞 they r so on the mind lately.. ill just give ssome random thoughts w some hcs cos they rsooo important 2 me but also.sniffle.
i lovee the idea of preteen/kid cclingy running around the server gettin up to mischief (partially inspired by the stunts id get up to as a kid) but also they r both trans. ctubbo and ctommy r transmasc and transfem respectively 2 me so i feel like theyd have a moment pretty similar to 'dude do u think its normal to wanna be a boy sometimes' 'yeah i think everyone thinks like that' (i alwayz jump between lmanburg and post doomsday for when ctommy came out but i feel like tubbo realized a lot earlier ? and there was just so much shit going on that ctommy like did Not have the time for that) (this almost turned into a cschlatt and ctubbo rant but i reigned it in :3)
i was listening 2 always gold by radical face cos its soso good and specifically i was thinking abt the lyrics "but i am fine with where i am now, this home is home and all that i need, but for you this place is shame" and i was sortof exploding over it cos like. its so themT_Ttommy still living in (whats left of) thr main smp area. so close to thr ghost of nlm and lmanburg before that and cdreams territory before even that !!!!!!!!!!and tubbo couldnt stay 💥💥he moved to snowchester to get away from it all but tommy stayed in the same home he built at thr beginning because thr familiarity of the horrible shit was better than unfamiliar new (but potentially better) shit.
sorry im a big fan of the idea that they went through a post-Everything period of avoiding each other bc of the guilt(⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞdidnt mean 2 makeit angsty
^^tying back 2 this but likee.. landslide by fleetwood mac as a cclingy song. very much thinking sbt this song as representing the part of their lives where everything that happened is nothing more than a bad memory walking past lmanhole(long taken over by nature) or a distant look in their eyes on a bad day,, them aging and building their own lives.. stevie nicks save me.. <- so much love in my heart 4 older cbench..
i also wonder how much nature would take over the parts of the smp that dont get visited much anymore. (wizard mind beaming u the image of the church of prime kept clean while most of the surrounding area is overtaken by wildlife) do u think that one day the bench will have been there so long that without someone to keep them in check, the prairie grasses will cling to the legs and grow around them
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letsnotperceive · 4 months
Okay, I just can’t stop thinking about John Price honestly. Especiallyyy after he’s *retired*!!
Here is a little drabble (is that the right word? Can’t remember, I’m new here). It gets a little 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 (18+) towards the bottom but nothing crazy. F!Reader
﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ ୨ᰔ୧ ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉
✧.* Because sure, big buff military man who’s puffin’ more smoke than a chimney is cool and all. But give me sleepy, squishy, human teddy bear Price. Give me Price who’s perpetually exhausted after carrying the weight of the world on his back. Price that just wants to hibernate for a while with his luv.
✧.*Im thinking he’s all softened up around the edges. All that muscle mass doesn’t disappear over night, but as time passes and he’s no longer on an extensive workout routine, it ain’t sticking around forever. Big ol’ pecs that you can squish your face against, a little padding to his stomach. Hold on, stay with me now 🤤
✧.* Of course, he’s still got that grizzly sort of appearance. All mapped in scars and maybe the occasional burn from those late nights spent at his desk with a cigar between his fingers while he’s drifting in and out of consciousness with exhaustion. The damn workaholic! Hairy too; least we forget—that beard and those arms. Oh lord.
✧.*Maybe one day you realize in that post retirement laze of his (which is well deserved, mind you. Don’t give him a hard time now) that he’s looking a lil’ extra scraggly. You sit on the bathroom counter, and with a delicate hand and a very distracted focus, you give his beard a shave. All cute and romantic, the room still steamy from your shared shower…
BAD. Mistake. You both agree to never let it happen again. An angel just lost its wings!! Leave his beard alone 😭
✧.*Treat this man so good, he deserves it. Whether you like to cook or not, you find yourself gravitating to the kitchen on occasion to make sure he’s eating well at least some of the time. Some home-cooked meals to cancel out all those shitty MREs he’s consumed in his lifetime.
✧.*Bet he will reward you for it too; he’s got a soft spot for good girls. He is tired of yelling commands and barking out orders, he’s too worn out to deal with a brat. Be a sweet little thing now and show him some love. Offer to climb into his lap and take over when his bad leg starts acting up, see where it gets you.
✧.*Rolling your hips to a steady rhythm only you hear, he lets you have your fun until he’s ready to set the pace. Big hands pawing at your waist, clutching at you just tight enough his fingers are going to leave red marks for him to soothe away after. He doesn’t even have to roll his hips up against you, he can just move you as he pleases with his strength.
✧.*You don’t even have to try to give him a show—he drinks in every little reaction you give him. His heart skips a beat when you mewl, your eyes threatening to roll back in sheer bliss. The sticky sound of your thighs, drenched in arousal, meeting his skin. The way your lips meet his neck and shoulders, kissing and nipping love bites against his body. The mattress springs squeaking from underneath you two. It’s a performance, and he’s dedicated to appreciating every moment.
✧.*He’ll send you melting with his words, too—
“Mmm, is that good, little luv’?”
“You like that, baby? My darlin’?”
“Such a good girl—doing so well f’me.”
“F-fuck lovie, do that thing with your hips again~”
✧.* Aftercare is top-tier with him too, no questions asked. He may have gotten a little lazy in his retirement, but never when it comes to you. Water, a snack, a quick clean up. Him putting his entire weight over you like a human weighted blanket. Whatever you need, Lovie.
Wrote this quickly after doing an online job interview, I don’t think it went very well bc I have awful RBF but wish me luck :,)
Should I do a full fledged fic about this? Anyone interested? Okay, bye <3
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afterglowkatie · 1 month
stubborn | c.f.
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caitlin foord x cooney-cross!reader | 1.8k | caitlin takes care of you while you're sick, once you let her
ˏˋ°•*⁀ based on this ask! hope you enjoy it! i do love my cooney-cross reader a lot <3 hope it's good enough and worth the wait in between all my fics <3 sorry im not very consistent lately!
‘Cait, I’m fine. Just let me sleep,’ You groaned, swatting Caitlin’s hands away from trying to feel your forehead. It was the last day before proper training and matildas camp started so everyone was hanging around the pool relaxing. Normally you’re way too full of energy to just lay around and everyone expected to have found you already in the pool. So your girlfriend was concerned when you told your sister to go away when she tried to drag you into the pool.
‘You’re warm,’ Your eyes closed didn’t stop you from rolling them and groaning internally. You could hear Caitlin’s worry in her voice and you appreciated how much she cared for you and how much she loves you. But you don't need her to worry about you, she should be relaxing and enjoying the bit of down time she has before prep for the olympics starts.
‘I’m laying in the sun babe, of course I’m going to be warm,’ Opening your eyes you smiled towards Caitlin, your hand finding her own, slipping your fingers between hers. You could tell Caitlin wasn’t fully convinced even if she was willing to drop the subject for now, though you knew you were about to be given an almost unlimited supply of water to keep you hydrated and an extra close eye kept on you. 
You were just tired and needed some deep rest, there’s nothing else wrong with you. At least that’s what you were trying to convince yourself of. Caitlin didn’t need to know that every time you opened your eyes the pounding in your head increased and was almost unbearable. She didn’t need to know just how much your body was aching and how much energy it took you to move from your bed this morning down to the lounge you were currently laying on. 
She didn’t need to know how your skin may have felt warm but you were feeling so cold and wished you were wrapped up in a blanket while laying in the sun. Or the way you felt nauseous every single time you stood up.But there was nothing wrong with you, you weren’t sick. At least you thought that if you could trick your mind into not accepting that you were sick, then you would stop feeling as poorly as you do right now. 
Leaning up you pressed your lips against Caitlin’s cheek, leaving a couple of small kisses, while you moved your hand to rest against her hip. You purposely ignored the pout she gave you when you subtly refused to kiss her lips. Not wanting to risk the chance of Caitlin ending up how you’re feeling. You tightened your grip on her hip and left a big kiss against her cheek before pulling Caitlin down so she was semi laying on top of you. Running your hands along her side, peppering her face with little kisses.
‘Get a room,’ You heard your sister yell before you were both splashed with water from the pool. 
‘Go away Kyra, annoy someone else,’ Mumbling out before giving all your attention to your girlfriend. 
Even though it was warm in the sun, you were still feeling cold so you didn’t let Caitlin go, not until you eventually fell asleep and she was able to slip out. Not that she went far from you, only to wet a little towel to keep on your forehead so you wouldn’t overheat while you got the rest that you needed. 
The next time you woke up, you were suddenly in bed in your hotel room with the sun just starting to come through the blinds. Caitlin never had the heart to wake you when you seemed so exhausted, so she ended up carrying you from the lounge beside the pool all the way up to your room. Not without getting teasing comments from some of your teammates, mainly Kyra, Alanna and Steph.
‘Good morning, sleepy head,’ Caitlin whispered once she realised you had woken up. You lifted your head up and instantly closed your eyes to stop everything from spinning around you, ‘Are you okay?’ Caitlin’s hands steadied your body that you didn’t realise was swaying a little bit. The sleep and rest hadn’t helped you at all, instead you think it made you worse. 
‘Yep, just hungry Cait. You let me sleep through dinner,’ Taking a deep breath, you leaned into her hand that was now cupping your cheek. Opening your eyes to look at Caitlin, you pouted a little. Caitlin thought you were pouting because of what you just said and to add a little bit of a dramatic effect like you normally would. But instead you were pouting because the ache in your body had increased and the throbbing in your head was too loud to handle.
Somehow, you dragged your body out of bed, dressed and sat down to eat food before training. You were doing your best to convince everyone you were fine, you just needed more rest but you could still train and play in the match against Canada tomorrow. You really wanted to play at least once more before the Olympic matches came around, wanting to be as prepared as you could be.
So even while your body was screaming at you to slow down and take it a bit easier and to actually rest, you ignored it and kept pushing yourself. Lucky for you that the sun and warmth was an easy excuse for how warm your skin was, your hair sticking to your face from all the sweat that covered your body. But also unlucky for you that the sun was so warm, causing you to feel more light headed and harder to not lose focus on training while you were trying to focus on staying upright.
‘Mate, I think you should slow down,’ You let out a small groan when Alanna had placed her hand on your back, your body so sensitive that even a small touch was uncomfortable against your skin. Alanna had been on the receiving end of your girlfriend's worries about you over the last 24 hours. She’d reassured Caitlin that she’d also look out for you, both of them, if not everyone, knowing how stubborn you can get.
‘Lani I’m fine,’ You rolled your eyes and sprayed her with your water bottle you had been drinking out of. Laughing, as best you could without causing a coughing fit, before walking back out to training.
Though you didn’t get far back into training when you heard a slight ringing in your ears, everything else being drowned out, your vision became patchy before your legs and body gave out. 
Alanna was the first to you, calling out to Caitlin who wasn’t far away but wasn’t facing your direction to have noticed you passed out, ‘What happened?’ The fear and concern in Caitlin’s voice was evident, Kyra was right behind Caitlin leaving Steph behind to get the medical team to help you. 
‘I don’t think she’s too well-’ Alanna started before Caitlin cut her off.
‘You think?’ As if it wasn’t obvious to anyone that you weren’t doing well with the fact you had passed out at training. Kyra gently placed a hand on Caitlin’s shoulder and Caitlin immediately apologised to her best friend, Alanna knew she was just worried about you. 
Caitlin’s attention was on you, her hands were cradling your face gently until the medical team arrived to check you over. It was assumed that you’d hit your head against the ground when you fell so for precautions they’d put a neck brace and were going to put you on a stretcher.
‘Hey, you’re okay,’ Caitlin spoke softly, running her hand over your hair, making sure none of it was in your face, ‘They just want to get some scans done to make sure you aren’t hurt,’ Caitlin noticed the slight confused expression that washed over your face briefly when you noticed where you were.
‘What happened?’ Your voice was scratchy and it hurt more than you remembered. Immediately, Caitlin helped you have some water to help ease the pain in your throat.
‘You passed out and fell pretty bad. It’s strange seeing Kyra so worried,’ Your sister was a pretty easy going person and if you had managed to worry her then you knew you were worse than you thought. You also noticed the way Caitlin’s expression shifted when she mentioned Kyra being worried and you knew that she was just as worried. 
You’d never actually passed out before. Even when you’d tried to push through illnesses all throughout your life, still playing football even with a fever multiple times, you’d still listen to your body or someone else around you and slow down. This was the first time you’d ignored every sign and it was definitely something you’d learn from.
‘I’m sorry for worrying you,’ Even if she never said it directly, you’d been with Caitlin long enough to be able to read her quite well, ‘I didn’t want to worry you. I thought if I didn’t acknowledge I was sick then I wouldn’t actually be sick,’ Caitlin rolled her eyes playfully at you, shaking her head, amused was one word she could use to describe it.
‘You’re lucky you’re cute and I love you,’ Caitlin leaned down, placing a soft kiss against your forehead. You closed your eyes and smiled small, enjoying having your girlfriend close to you.
Later that night you found yourself cuddled up against Caitlin in your hotel room, your scans came back clear although you hadn’t been cleared to play with your exhaustion and illness, ‘They’re not letting me play,’ You mumbled out against Caitlin’s chest, where your head was laying, eyes closed. 
‘Baby, I wasn’t going to let you even think about playing,’ Caitlin chuckled softly, of course you’d still be thinking about going back out onto the pitch and playing after a day like today. You let out a little mumble to try to argue back with her, but nothing really came out once Caitlin started rubbing small circles against your back, ‘Next time just let me help you. You don’t have to be strong or push through it by yourself all the time. I’ve got you,’ 
You smiled and tried to cuddle closer to her, you were already wearing Caitlin’s shorts and hoodie, you couldn’t possibly get any closer to her but you still tried, ‘You’re the best and I love you so much,’ Smiling while looking up at Caitlin, eyes softening more when she looked down to see you looking at her, ‘You take the best care of me, thank you,’
You really did think that, maybe you were a little biased. But Caitlin was always so soft taking care of you whenever you needed her too. Until you were better she never let you out of her sight, always making sure you were taking your medicine, staying hydrated and most importantly that you were actually resting. 
‘I’ll always take care of my girl,’ Caitlin kissed your temple softly, letting her lips linger against your head. Leaning her forehead against yours, ‘I love you too, more than you’ll ever know,’ With Caitlin taking care of you, it wasn’t long before you were back to your normal self, reuniting with your sister to pester everyone on camp.
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cyyfics · 1 year
I saw your post and wanted to request general dating headcannons for Simon! (Including NSFW headcannons if you don't mind :D )
Simon Dating Hc’s
Pairing: !Simon Petrikov X Reader
Warnings: !NSFW content at the end of SFW part
Note: thank you for sending me a request!!! much love to you <3
Pronoun stuff: MAINLY gender neutral but there might be some fem coded parts?? With the nsfw stuff there’s fem/gn parts at first and then a diff part for men ^^
And on a third yet different note, a nsfw note: I’m sorry I made simon such a slut!!!!! but also no I’m not hehe
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- when he first meets you he is stricken, immediately getting an interest to you.
- you were already a fan of Simon and his many books that you had read, kicking your feet in bed turning the pages wishing you could some day meet this man.
- that’s when you found out where he was teaching his lectures, and found out that it was actually pretty close to your home town..
- you tried not to dawn over him in person when you actually had finally saw him; taking a seat in the front row and staring at the man with wide eyes while you rested your chin on your left hand.
- you were amazed seeing the few artefacts on the screen in front of you, the lecture only adding to your fanlike obsession over him.
- when the two of you went on your first ‘date’, he couldn’t find himself taking his eyes off of you; your silly antics and your fascination of him couldn’t get him to pull his attention from you.
- he tried to hide his feelings for you for the longest time but when you had finally confessed your heart to him he couldn’t deny you, and so he poured his heart out to you and asked you to be his.
- he was ecstatic when you said yes, immediately taking your hands into his and grinning wide like some kind of mad man, it was sweet. It really was. When he took you into his arms you couldn’t help yourself and kissed him.
- he was shocked of course! he didn’t hate it at all though; he simply pulled you closer and kissed you back. When the two of you pulled away it was like there was stars in your eyes, a small electrical zap shot through you from your clothes rubbing up against his.
-Only confirming for the two of you that there very was much a spark between you two.
- when the two of you started dating after a little while, Simon often found himself spending much more time by you; he would just be chilling in the afternoon on your sofa or he would be beside you wherever you were.
- you’d have to initiate most physical things, kissing him on the cheek when he’s leaned over the kitchen stove making food or wrapping an arm around him on the couch. after a while though he would eventually start doing the same; pulling you close whenever you sat by him and hugging your waist every-time he walked by.
- the two of you were the sweetest couple, finding joy in the little things you two did; enjoying life when you two would be doing laundry together, and enjoying life a little more when you two would be reading and drinking tea besides each other.
- when you’re tired he likes to have you lay in his arms, so he can hold you and lull you to sleep. when he does that though he often finds himself dozing off too not long after, the presence of you making him feel so fuzzy so sleepy that he eventually just falls asleep too.
- he likes to kiss your lips so so much, he will do it every chance he can. wether it’s a passionate kiss or just a simple press of lips to lips, he just likes to kiss you. lounging around on the couch in the early mornings? kiss on the lips. working on the garden outside? kiss to the lips, while he’s bringing you a cup of lemonade to help with the hot sun.
- he finds himself doing many things for you without you ever asking him; it will be simple things too, sorting your laundry, changing your bins, cleaning your mirror, he just likes doing stuff for you. And you like doing the same for him occasionally when you’ll iron his clothes or make his bed.
- in the far future after he became ice king, and then became his old self again; you were there with him then too. Let’s say some sort of very magical and unexplainable essence was able to bring you back, maybe some sacrifices were made in doing that but he neither you cared.
- when he became traumatised you tried everything in yourself to help him, lulling him in your loving arms when he found it hard to sleep, comforting him when he had his many problems, talking him through it all and doing all you can.
- he became way more affectionate, scared that some day he’ll lose you again, he will always be by your side wherever you are. He will be clung onto your waist, his arms wrapped around you and pulling you closer to him.
- “s-simon!!!” you laugh and try to pry him away, not making an actual effort as he pulls you in closer. “i love you so much, more than words could ever know.”
NSFW part starts now
- he initiates it a lot more than you do actually, surprising I know. he will offer to rub your back and then while doing so his hands will start to wander. or he will be sitting with you on the couch or the end of the bed and he will slowly trail his hand that was sitting comfortably on your knee up to your thigh.
- the first time you guys had sex it was very slow and loving, many verbal praises and many physical kisses were given. he found himself immediately becoming obsessed with the way you felt around him, knowing this definitely wouldn’t be the only time he took you like this.
- now though? he will not be as slow. loving? yes. but slow? no. he will have one of your legs over his shoulder as he’s roughly guiding his hips into you, hissing through his teeth as he tells you how much he loves you. he tells you how good he feels as he’s pushing inside.
- you love and live to fuck this man. each time he folds you over like a pretzel you find yourself seeing stars, every golb damn time. he won’t stop until you do. if you’re not all that sensitive it doesn’t matter to him, he doesn’t care how long it takes you to cum. he will be there between your legs in some way or another for hours if he has to. only exception is you ask to stop.
- he loves to finger you, because he likes seeing your eyelashes flutter when he pushes his fingers into you. he likes watching the way your hips squirm around, rolling against his hand greedily looking for that high in you.
- he doesn’t let you. why should he? he will use one hand to roughly grab your hip and keep you in place, his fingers making lewd sounds as the wetness between your thighs coated his hand. he will also be spewing filth into your ear as he does so “you’re taking my fingers so well, you’re doing so good for me my love.” kissing the side of your neck.
- he will fill you up. idc. you go onto birth control specifically so he CAN cum inside you. he’s just so enamoured with the way your pussy clenches and pulses with cum as he pulls out of you, beads of cum often dripping onto the towel below you. towel being put there after sheets were already ruined before hand by his cum.
- he loves your boobs. outside of sex he will still be there resting his head on your tiddies, trying to be inconspicuous as he tries to slowly burry his face in them. he’s not slick, you can see the way his head turns as he’s lying there.
- he will hold you in his lap some days while you’re just resting together or watching some kind of film on tv, and then suddenly one of his hands will snake up your side; his lips pressing against the side of your neck.
- “simon!” you giggle as his hand brushes against your side, pressing yourself back up against him as you know just how easy it is for him to ‘roused up. “y/n, y-you know what that does to me!” and yet he still lets you do it, rocking back up against your clothed hips as he suddenly loses all self respect.
(Some of the hc’s above were GN so this one will be a little shorter sorry! Also to the girls, there’s some down here that’s SORTA gn as well.)
- he loves your chest. idk why he just does, I think it’s the way your heart beats. it’s comforting to him. but he also loves the heat your body gives off, and he likes to rest his head on your chest.
- although. he also likes the way your chest moves when your breath stutters when he’s doing something filthy to you, maybe kissing your stomach, or kissing you between your thighs, he just loves it.
- i think he’d be a switch, some days he’d wanna be inside of you and some days he’d want you inside him; and on those days he would always be so eager to get down on his knees and take whatever you had to give him.
- when you’d be inside of him he’d just act like the sweetest little thing, whining on the mattress underneath you with one hand grabbing at the sheets. “m-more!” he’d be greedy too. “you want more, darling? I’ll give you more.” and you do. and when you do he just gives this amazing blissed out look, his cock twitching and leaking cum onto the bed beneath you.
- but when he’s in you? he’s like some kind of pervert honestly, the way he stares at your ass the whole time. and if he’s taking you in missionary or some kind of position where you’re facing him? his eyes will not leave your face, and he will take notice of every eye twitch and every halt in your breath as he brings you pleasure.
- bloody pervert I tell you. tell me right now that he wouldn’t purposefully rub up against you while you’re doing mundane things. tell me. that’s right, you can’t. he can barely even sit in your lap without thoughts of ‘should I move my hips back a little?’ and ‘I’m gonna shift around a little..’
- he will jerk you off, he loves it, he lives for it. he will pull you into a heated kiss as his hand is down below getting you off, stroking you up and down as he sticks his tongue into your mouth.
- he loves lapping up your cum, he will do slutty things to get to eat your cum. if you cum onto your stomach, he will lean down and lick it off while looking into your eyes. cum on his hand while he’s stroking you off? he’s making a desperate fool of himself and licking it off.
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hyuk4sbf · 1 year
thoughts on txt and somnophilia 👀👀
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warnings(?):consent is kinda ? implied but sometimes pretty dubious here plz b careful just in case! both parties enjoy it all tho!!!!
gn!reader to the best of my ability w top!txt :p
ANYWAY! one of my fave topics how did u know<3 under the cut cuz i got a lil carried away idk im embarrassed i dont rly like this … its like 4am and i wrote this on my phone k? T_T
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> yeonjun who continues to drop not-so-subtle hints that he wants to wake up one morning with ur mouth on his cock. he’ll be ecstatic when u take the bait, rubbing at his bleary eyes as pleasure licks up his body in flames combusting.
and there you are, lo and behold, mouth working over him with eyes heavy and dark, like you’ve just been waiting for him to wake up and see you and your pretty mouth around his hard-on<3 his tongue laps over his parted lips, dry from the night air, before he leans into you and his mouth curves into a sleepy smile.
smooths his palm over the mess of your hair, thumbing over the swell of your cheek before he hums pleasedly, loudly enough that it breaks off into a moan. ‘to what do i owe the pleasure, sweetheart?’ his voice husky and rough, sounding so full of himself like u can’t feel the tremble of his thighs under ur palms— like he hasn’t been practically begging for this :3c
he’ll press his shin up between your legs as best as he can without hindering ur movement, breathlessly grunting how he’ll return the favour when you make him cum in your mouth<3 (+imagine his pretty golden skin under the morning sunlight that peeks through the blinds … phew!)
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> soobin who’s just sooooo sleepy, work tiring and exerting him beyond belief poor baby (_ _).。o○ but!!!!!! :( he misses u so much, misses the intimacy of having u cum in his mouth while his hands hold urs, just misses ur body against his so badly</3
it was like a surge of adrenaline, a rush through his veins when he saw u after such an exhausting shift. has ur reassuring smile always been this pretty? he practically jumps u then and there in the doorway of ur apartment, lips capturing urs with an eagerness rough enough to bruise and swell.
and now… the adrenaline’s wearing off, eyes quite literally fighting to stay open despite the fact that he’s literally inside u. ‘eyes on me, baby,’ you murmur, riding him with ur hands steadying urself on his broad shoulders. it’s not uncommon that the sex will get overwhelming and soobin’s eyes will fall closed— however, the little hum he gives like he’s listening and the way his eyes only just barely open again at ur command makes u realise this is different.
u click ur tongue, chuckling slightly before u go to move off of his lap. soobin’s having none of that, eyes shooting open again and u really see how tired he is up close like this. he whines, louder than he had been most of the night and wrestles an unforgiving grip on ur waist to keep u seated on his cock. ends up pulling u close, eyes already falling snap shut on him again.
‘c’mon bun,’ you’ll urge him with a giggle, joking that ‘you’re falling asleep at the wheel, silly.’
‘don’t care, keep going… missed you so much. use me and make yourself cum…’ v(^_^v)♪
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> beomgyu has the biggest kink for being used in his sleep i’ve ever seen (・・?) that one video of him pretending to sleep on stage and wrapping his own hands around his throat? hm!
ask him bashfully if there’s anything he’d want to try in bed and he’s practically leaping to tell u he wants u to take him while he sleeps. god only knows how many opportunities he gives u on the daily, sleepy bear always tired ‘n napping whenever he can :p he wants so badly to wake up w u riding him and ur hand around his throat :<<<
waking up with a head fuzzy, feeling like his whole body is on fire and— oh! there’s you, mouthing over his cock through his pyjama pants, hands pushed up his shirt and thumbing over his nipples.
you want to be disappointed he didn’t sleep through it, pouting a little where u tease his cock, but he looks so incredibly pretty like this too. eyes blinking like he just can’t quite get used to the morning light, chest already heaving under ur touch and face flushed a pretty red hue<3
he whimpers into the otherwise silent bedroom, hands shaking as they come up to cover his face embarrassedly because fuck he is so hard right now.
‘don’t hide, baby bear.’ u smile up at him, cheeky and smug and so so fucking pretty and he’s so gone.
u laugh at the tears in his eyes, although not unkindly. he’s just too cute (〃ω〃) u move upwards, planting urself in his lap and grinding downwards and fuck he really might just cream his pants at this point and you’ve barely even done anything. arousal is one hell of a feeling!
‘please touch me,’ he begs with his lower lip wobbling, a hand smoothing over the curve of ur ass to encourage u to grind harder into him. you coo, pushing his hair from his face.
‘go back to sleep, baby. can’t use you like you wanted so badly if you’re wide awake, hm?’
he’s never conked out faster in his life, maybe he’s even pretending, who knows? :3
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> taehyun who wakes you up with head, peeling your pyjamas and underwear down your legs as carefully as he can and spreading u for him like ur a whole meal <333
head between your thighs as he watches the way your eyelashes flutter and eyebrows furrow with every flick and suck of his mouth and tongue against ur sex, so so so aroused for him even when ur not awake ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ
he hums against u when u finally wake, moaning so the vibrations cause a jolt in ur pretty thighs that are already in his grasp. his mouth becomes rougher, used with more intent when he feels your trembling hands finally lace through his hair and tug. his eyes never leave yours, even in the dark as u struggle to keep ur head from rolling back into the pillow. ur eyes screwing shut ‘til there’s static behind ur eyelids because fuck how is he so good at this everytime without fail? didn’t he just wake up too?
palms rubbing up and down your thighs to soothe u through the intensity of the orgasm he gives u, something u weren’t exactly expecting at an ungodly hour of the night while the moon still kisses the horizon, about to clock out for the sun to rise.
he’ll press a kiss to ur sex before he pulls away and moves himself so ur face to face, watching the way ur chest heaves as u try to catch ur breath. he grins, incisors peeking through cutely like he didn’t just make u forget ur own name for a good minute. like he’s not literally hard against your hip and ready to go. u can practically imagine the puppy tail wagging behind him excitedly. he pecks ur lips, sharing the taste of you like it’s simply his chapstick.
‘morning, honey.’
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> kai who doesn’t really understand at first why u would want that, what fun would sex be if ur not even technically there enjoying it? he’s not shaming u though!! he’d never dream of that and he’s (somewhat) willing to try just for u!
and oh. that’s when he starts to get it
how could he ever resist u when u always look so delectable pressed up against him of the night time, body soft and warm, pliant, against his?
he breathes shakily through the arousal that licks up his spine, ur breath hot and damp where u sleep tucked into the crook of his sensitive neck. it’s what u wanted, he tells himself, you said it’s okay. that u like it. poor baby is caught in a dilemma of morals, but it doesn’t take him long to work himself up into a frenzy and god hmmmm :( he really needs u right this second </3
shifts u over so delicately, so gently because he doesn’t actually want to disturb u, wrapping himself around u so ur secured back in his embrace. and the guilt starts to shift away, a moan falling from ur lips as u rouse briefly, and he’s so hard, why is he so hard?
he doesn’t know if he could start with actually fucking u in ur sleep, so he settles for this— testing the waters by starting to hump against you while u sleep, rhythm picking up and breath hitching in his throat because it just feels so good, you feel so good.
poor pup’s working himself up so bad :( he doesn’t even realise he’s whining and whimpering rather audibly until ur already awake and stroking his hair, pulling him as close as close can be, and murmuring sleepy praises right into the shell of his ear.
make him cum in his pants, yawn and tell him to fuck u properly as u drift back off<3 ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ
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leave me ur hard thoughts here !<333
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Caine, Jax and Kinger with an kid reader who is like sleepy and very calm most of the time; like having that sleepy voice and is most likely to sleep standing up.
But when someone gives sugar to reader OH BOI
Reader gets eletric, like running around 300 kilometers per hour (Figuratively, not literally) does jumping jacks and starts like accidentally wrecking havoc with their running cuz they keep knocking things on accident while their run, but after an hour or two, reader just... Sleeps on the ground like they didnt almost destroy the entire place an minute ago.
Im going through an hard time in my life and currently your blog has been comforting me, so ilysm! Tyy<3 stay safe!
- ♣️
Caine, Jax, and Kinger x sleepy!kid!reader who gets zoomies (platonic!)
Eeueueuee lemme just say I love this idea so much I remember seeing this when it first got sent in and I just
Hope you enjoy anon!
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I was about to say that he would wear one of those kid baby carrier harness things to carry you around when you fall asleep but then I remembered how short Caine is LMAO... that said I think he would probably like. Idk summon a digital cloud or something to carry you to bed. Very nice very sweet, I think! Honestly I kind of love dad Caine...
Thinks you look absolutely adorable when you do the sleepy wobble when you're standing. Probably calls for nap time periods during IHAs
One day he thought it would be a good day to reward everyone with candy after a IHA and he just
Watches wide eyed when you suddenly start running all over the place. What happened? Is this normal? Are you okay? He tries to zoom after you to catch you before you hurt yourself
Lots of chaos for the next half hour or so. I think he would even resort to sending out bubble to intercept you
Carefully scoops you up when you succumb to the sugar crash and just
Stands there as you fall asleep on him
Very lost very confused, though the sugar rush thing was a myth
Very similar event from Caine's part. Everyone is given a piece of candy after successfully completing an IHA. I do think that Caine would still enforce naptime breaks during IHAs during Jax and Kingers pieces too, since I think caine would just generally want to keep this kid friendly/safe but maybe that's just me falling in love with dad caine
But this is about jax
Real quick before we get into the sugar rush, let's talk about your general sleepiness. Honestly I think he would be a little worried about how tired you are all the time... what's that? Jax worried about something? Now that's new!
Jokes aside I think he would try to ask around for any advice on how to boost your energy. Earns him some looks because it's kind of out of character for him. And you know what? It is.. but I think he would be soft for his new adopted kid
Tends to carry you around when you get sleepy, which is often
Now for the sugar rush. One second you're there and the next you're bolting and running around all crazy. I think he just. Stand there flabbergasted for a second because he thinks it's a little funny
Doesnt intervene until you start knocking into things... and almost knock into him
Now we know how fast jax can be, so I think he wouldnt have much issue catching you (assuming that part in the pilot was more than a gag.. it likely was just a gag but I'm feeling silly)
Kind of just holds you up in the air while you flail and try to run away.. before eventually going limp in his grasp
Similar to caine he kind of just stands there. Very taken aback. Thinks it's a little funny though.
"Comeon kid, let's get ya to bed"
Same scenario with the candy after an IHA.. but first, of course, how kinger is with your eepy self
Honestly you two just hang out together in the pillow fort. Its nice and soft and cozy. So even if you werent so tired all the time you would still have a very easy time falling asleep in his fort!
Usually he will take you to your room when it's nighttime... cue the universal memory of falling asleep and waking up somewhere else as a child
Always makes sure you're tucked in and with your favorite plushie... now kinger would have a baby harness and be able to carry you around when you get tired
Let's out a yelp when you suddenly get your sugar induced zoomies. Tries to run after you but you're just way too fast. I think some of the others would take some pity on him and try to help him. Probably pomni, ragatha, and gangle.. zooble cant be bothered and jax is just laughing at the situation because it aint his kid.. caine may try to help if hes still hanging around
Panics when you suddenly slump over and fall asleep on the floor. Is going to have to be reassured that you did not just
You know... and that you're just asleep
Makes a mental note to limit sugar
...its not even real sugar.. its digital.. bro is beside himself trying to make sense of it
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truly-a-snitch · 10 months
Hi! Hi! I just discovered your blog and I have a request. So can I request Ranpo, Sigma and Dazai with a s/o who is like really calm and reserved in public but when they're alone together you can't separate them. Like a clingy, touchy, overprotective s/o who is reserved in public or at work. BUT if anyone hurts their partner they will go to war!! THEN afterwards come home and cuddle with them.
🍬 - Idk if you do the emoji things but I'm signing off with this one.
(You can just ignore this if you want, NO PRESSURE)
this is actually so cute. me and who
this sorta turned into just ways they show affection sorry i got carried away. jn my defense i love these three
warnings: none !! this is fluff but only sort of partially answers the prompt oopsies
Ranpo, Sigma, and Dazai with a reserved but affectionate S/O
ranpo is very affectionate no matter where you go so you two could not be more different in that regard
like. at home ? hes never not in your lap. shopping ? your arms Will be linked together (so he doesnt lose you, in his own words). at work ? he sidles up next to you and slings his legs over yours while he begrudgingly does his paperwork
he doesnt mind that youre more reserved when it comes to pda !! he knows how to tone it down when he gets to be too much
he just has a lot of love to give ok :-(
ranpo is 100% the type to just like. after a long day he will very dramatically splay himself across your lap and be like "ughhh im dying of boredom..... blehhhhh........."
his favorite activity is laying on top of you and demanding that you entertain him (any means possible) (especially reading to him)
he BITES !! leaves hickies on accident sometimes (he says hes sorry but like. is he really) and he encourages you to bite him right back fr. hes so silly i love him
admittedly he is a little upset he cant be as affectionate w you in public but he loves u enough that its ok and he makes up for it by not letting go of you from the moment you get home to the moment you go to bed
has fallen asleep in your lap before. also has fallen asleep on top of you on the couch before. haha good luck getting up you cant youd disturb him
congrats on the cat boyfriend btw
silly... as somebody who runs a casino (yes he still runs the casino in my head. canon can get bent) he is very very busy, so he understands that there simply may not be time or energy to dedicate to him during working hours
affection shared between him is often that tired sort if only because after a full day the last thing he wants is something high energy
seeing as he spent a lot of time around fyodor, public physical contact of any kind is probably still a taboo hes deconstructing, so hes very much grateful that you arent really big on pda yourself (if only because he doesnt feel ready for all that at this point in time)
he likes to just lay against you, or hold your hand while he does his paperwork :3
big on forehead kisses. he loves them okay. the inherent tenderness of it makes him forget how to speak for a little bit he gets So flustered its actually the cutest thing ever
sigmas also a big big fan of massages (he runs on energy drinks, stress, and pure unfettered anxiety okay. i bet his muscles are Stiff)
and if you give him coffee...? doesnt matter if u made it or not. you are Getting Kissed
sleeping next to each other,, sleepy kissing,,, naps together,,,, top tier
sigma likes to just sit on the couch and watch tv with you. lay on him right now do it. diy weighted blanket
he treats you with fancy schmancy meals from the casino kitchens. you guys get to have date night where its just you watching tv and eating good food and drinking wine (hes a white wine guy you cant tell me otherwise)
dazai isnt super affectionate in public, hes sorta similar to you in that regard, but he still has to be touching you almost all the time
HES SO ANNOYING ABOUT IT TOO his love language is annoying you so he will find the most inconvenient ways to Just Barely Touch You so that you have to talk to him and tell him to stop
getting home tho you get to literally watch the mask melt away. you sit down on the couch and he immediately just relaxes into you, he is ALL over u
(pspsps play with his hair. and like gently run ur nails over his scalp a lil bit. he gets so so sleepy when you do that)
dazai is so NEEDY w affection but he knows how to act like he doesnt want/need it in front of other ppl
if ur in private and ur not actively giving him attention. he will stare at u for a bit before practically tackling you. bro sprawls
hes not like AGAINST pda btw i forgot to touch on that its just that he prefers to be more private with his genuine romantic endeavors :3 like hell annoy you on purpose in public but behind closed doors hes a softie fr
dazai also bites as a love language like ranpo does but dazai is always careful not to accidentally bite too hard (ranpo may not give a fuck but dazai certainly does)
he rly likes laying on top of you. fair tbh laying on ur s/o is better than therapy
anyway overall hes very much like. purposely annoying or embarrassing in public but hes much more romantic behind closed doors
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lizaloveslino · 1 year
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Pairing: bf! Hyunjin x reader x friend group! lesserafim
Summary: Sick day with Hyunjin while having schedules at the company and hanging out with your friends the fimmies
TW: sickness, throwing up
Genre: Sickfic
A/N: Hii I’m Liza! I write SKZ fics…mostly sickfics because they’re my favorite thing ever. If you have any requests lmk <3
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You lay beside Hyunjin on your cozy bed in the early hours of the morning, he was still fast asleep which was unusual for him because he was an early bird. You were certain that he had rehearsals with the boys this morning but you shrugged it off thinking that perhaps you’d made a mistake.
Just then your cellophone chimed and when you saw who it was you smiled, it was Yunjin frantically telling you about her new solo song she was working on.
JEN: Y/n!! I finally finished my new song
JEN: yupp you should come over to the studio today to get a sneak peak, I’ll be with the girls except for Sakura because she has a photo shoot :)
YOU: I would LOVE to come over
JEN: Kazuha says she’s excited to see you and misses you xx
YOU: AWW omg wife tell her I’m omw
YOU: also um… c-can I bring…
JEN: UGH fine you can bring the boyfriend
JEN: Tell him he wins this time 🙄
YOU: YAY xx see you later
You turned to talk to your boyfriend but noticed that he was still asleep, his hair was stuck to his forehead a little with perspiration and you figured that was odd because it was still cold outside. You pressed a gentle hand to his forehead and felt the heat radiating off of him as he began to stir in his peaceful slumber. Your eyebrows immediately furrowed in concern.
“Jinnie, are you okay baby?” You wondered as his eyes fluttered open and he winced from the sunlight bleeding through the open window.
“Hmm, I’m fine it’s just hot today.” He told you, “what time is it?”
“It’s almost nine.” You answered honestly and his eyes widened in shock. “What?”
“I have rehearsals for the new album today, shit.” He cursed tossing off the covers, grabbing a towel and heading into the bathroom to take a shower, not even bothering to close the door. “Good morning by the way!”
“You’re so…” you chuckled to yourself. “I knew it.”
Just then his phone started going off with messages from the boys group chat rushing him. “Chan says you better hurry up!”
He took a while in the shower but you didn’t think much of it, he usually prioritized his skin care routine and perhaps he was shaving too. You poured at the thought of that last one, he usually asked you to help.
Afterwards the two of you had breakfast which consisted of fried eggs, toast and jam, he didn’t eat much which was odd so you tried feeding him a spoonful of scrambled eggs and he cringed.
“Damn, are my eggs that bad hm?” You asked slightly hurt.
“No I just, I have this headache that won’t go away and judging by my light sensitivity I’m guessing it’s another migraine.” He told you and you got up and took his medicine out from the cabinet. “I don’t know if I should take that yet it makes me sleepy and I have to dance.”
“Yeah maybe you’re right and you haven’t eaten much either so it might do more harm than good.” You pondered, “okay I’ll carry it just in case.”
“I’ll be fine don’t worry, it’ll go away.” He reassured you, he was always so good at doing that.
“I hope so.” You sighed, “by the way after practice we’re going over to HYBE to see Yunjin and the fimmies, she wants to show me her new solo song!”
“Yunjin hates me.” He complained with a pouty lip.
“She does not!” You argued with a chuckle, “you’re so dramatic babe.”
“She’s good at writing songs though.” He commented. “Love you twice has been on repeat in your car since.”
“I≠DOLL is way better.” I argued and he shook his head is disappointment. “Hey just because I’m an author doesn’t mean I don’t know anything about music.”
“You’re lucky I love you.” He hushed and you shoved his shoulder playfully.
Immediately after you got in the car and begun your dive to JYP, Hyunjin made you drive because he said he didn’t feel up to it yet. He leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes, you had to admit that you were growing undeniably worried about him.
Once you arrived at the company you greeted the boys and sat in the corner with your laptop working while they had dance practice. Hyunjin kept lagging behind which was very unlike him and the choreographer was getting frustrated with him as well as his members.
“What’s gotten into you today?” Lee know asked placing a hand on his shoulder, Hyunjin wiped sweat from his forehead looking beyond exhausted.
“Yeah are You okay, you don’t look so good…” Jeongin asked and as Hyunjin’s gaze met yours across the room he shook his head ‘no’ in refusal. “Oh.”
“If you weren’t feeling well you never should’ve come Hyunjin-ah, your health is our top priority you shouldn’t push yourself so much.” Chan asked of him shaking his head. “Go home and rest okay?”
“Yeah, feel better hyung.” Seungmin agreed with a gentle smile.
“Okay, I’m sorry again.” Hyunjin apologized as Felix handed him a towel and a bottle of water. “I’ll go…home after Y/n and I go to HYBE.”
“Alright.” Chan nodded.
Hyunjin immediately approached you and sat down next to you, you shook your head in concern. “We don’t have to go…”
“But you’re so excited to see the girls, it’s fine we can go.” He assured you, “I’ll be fine promise.”
“Promise?” You clarified.
“Yeah, let me Just get changed.” He affirmed. “I’ll take the medicine now I think.”
“Okay,” you agreed handing him the a bottle of water and a two pills which he took gladly. “Let me know if you start feeling worse, we’ll go home.”
“Okay.” He agreed. “My stomach feels a little off though, God I hate having migraines because it always makes me feel like this.”
“I’m sorry baby.” You hushed. “It’s probably because you’ve taken the medication on an empty stomach.”
“Yeah probably, it just feels off like my breakfast is moving around.” He told you. “Let’s just go, it’ll be fine.”
By the time you arrived at HYBE the fimmies we’re waiting for you in the studio, you hugged them all and Hyunjin said did so as well, having been well acquainted with them since they were such close friends of yours.
You put on the headphones Yunjin gave you as Hyunjin sat down in the corner talking to Chaewon about one thing or the other.
“Watch him for me Chae.” You asked her in secret, “he isn’t feeling well today but he’s being stubborn so just let me know if anything comes up.”
“Aww really? Shame. I’ll be sure to do so, I’ve got him don’t worry.” She assured you giving you a side hug.
As you listened to Yunjin’s new song you were still amazed at how incredibly talented your friend was, how she was able to write such amazing songs.
“This is amazing!” You complimented her and she smiled.
“You mean it?” She lit up, “I was so uncertain about it.”
“No I mean it you did well.” You comforted.
Just then Chaewon tapped your shoulder and she had a worried look on her face,
“What is it Chae?” You asked her taking off your headphones. “Is it Hyunjin?”
“Yeah he said he’s really not feeling well.” She told you, “you can go home you know? We love you for coming but it’s okay!”
“Yeah Y/n it means so much to me that you showed up despite everything.” Yunjin thanked you.
“Of course I had lots of fun, let me go check on him.” You told them and made your way over to the couch Where Hyunjin was seated, his skin was pale and his hair stuck to his forehead. “Hi baby, you okay?”
“No I feel nauseous my head is killing me, I don’t feel good.” He told you, tears collecting in his eyes. “I’m sorry I’m ruining your day.”
“No you’re not love don’t talk like that,” you attempted to comfort him, “lean your head on my shoulder it’ll make you feel better just close your eyes. “Chae is driving the car closer to the entrance so you don’t have to walk far.”
“Mmm.” He sighed leaning against you and placing a hand over his stomach.
“Migraines are the worst, I’m sorry.” Yunjin apologized. “Feel better Yeah?”
But Hyunjin was so out of it he could barely hear her, he burried his face into your neck and said, “I feel like I’m going to throw up.”
“Shhh, don’t worry you won’t.” You attempted to calm him down but you could hear his stomach doing flips and knew.
“The nearest bathroom is two floors down and the elevator isn’t working today.” Kazuha warned.
“Shit.” You cursed just as Hyunjin gagged and covered his mouth, he shut his eyes as vomit began to deep through his fingers. “Is there a trash can?”
“No I’m sorry!” Yunjin apologized but tossed a towel onto the floor to at least attempt to do the cleaners a favor for what was inevitably happening. “There.”
“He can just throw up there’s no time.” Kazuha told you.
“Just let It Go Hyunjin it’s fine baby, you’ll feel better afterwards.” You comforted him as he let go of his mouth and gagged once more as a thick stream of vomit splattered onto the floor despite the towel. “I’m sorry baby.”
“Y/n…” He groaned and held your hand as he started throwing up again, his watery breakfast making an appearance in front of you as Chaewon arrived with a trash can and stepped back as to not get any on her shoes. He coughed as you put the trash can under his chin and he continued throwing up bile.
“Shhh you’re okay.” You hushed.
“I’ll call the cleaners.” Kazuha volunteered leaving the room.
“I’ll call Chan and tell him you can’t make practice tomorrow too.” You told Hyunjin as he nodded silently, saliva dripping from his mouth and vomit through his nose. “You’ll be okay.”
After the whole ordeal at hybe you and Hyunjin went home and you helped him take a shower before settling into bed, he fell asleep fast and you held him close to you. “Sleep well angel.” You hushed. And he did just that.
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ggumjjun · 2 years
pls DO share your hard thoughts esp if it involves TXT!! 🥹😩 i especially love how you write about subby soobin and hueningkai like yesss give me the drooling overstimulated fucked out baby boys who can barely breathe out the softest of thank you’s after you’re done with them 🥹
(alternatively having them as the softest doms also does my head in 😩 tell me more about how they get off on you getting off ughhhhh)
i see, i see… sure~!
soobin, ultimate soft dom who’d never hurt you n cries when you do because he feels pleasure when you do~~ so when he’s so deep inside, cock too big but can’t stop, your whimpers n cries are his heaven because all he wants to do is make you feel his love n adoration, his giant frame pressed to yours, nuzzling n pressing kisses to the sensitive spot on your neck, moaning when you shiver n cry his name <3 n maybe he’s too big, cock stretching your cunny too much, but soobin lives for pleasuring you, he’ll do anything you ask, even if it’s to go faster or harder >< n when you’ve creamed on his cock, it’s all he needs to cum all over your cunny and tummy— what can he say, his climax comes once you’ve been satiated ^^ n please, please let him cockwarm, he’ll say thank you when his cock is buried to the hilt in your warm, soft cunny, touching the bulge in your tummy n softly massaging your tits, n he just can’t get enough of pleasuring you, so when you wake up n his cock is still inside, give him a gift of thank you and ride him? he’ll plead n say so many weak thank you’s and babble how much he loves you, squishing the soft plush of your breasts… n maybe let him suckle a little after? he might cum untouched while sucking your nipples n kneading your boobs;;;;
huening kai, who just wants to be used for your pleasure; he’s not experienced or good at sex, but he’s got a massive cock and wants you to use it however you’d like~~ he’s so sloppy and messy at eating you out, but he’s addicted to it, pussy drunk and buried between your thighs, licking up all your slick like he’s starved of your taste, nose brushing against your clit in his ravenous need. n maybe he’s a bit… unskilled, but he makes up for it in genuine enthusiasm n love, eagerly lying down when you climb on top, whining so much when you rub the tip against your slit, precum dripping down his shaft~~ drooling when you ride him, he loves every inch of you so much, cowgirl or reverse, kai’s never had it better. please, please let him touch, he’ll knead the soft plush of your thighs, ass, or boobs without hesitation, moaning at the sight of the bulge in your tummy (might buck his hips a bit much… that’s up to you whether to say no or not~) cumming almost right away because you’re so pretty and soft and plush and so warm, he can’t help it ~~ that’s okay, he’ll be hard for a while, so please, he’s begging you while drooling n whining, use him however you’d like, he just wants to pleasure you as much as he can <3 and when you’re done, he’ll mumble incoherent thank you’s, so fucked out n dumb, covered in his own cum because he can’t hold back at all, let him rest his head in your lap because he’s sleepy and he’s been a good boy, and don’t forget to praise him for doing so, so well ~~
eeep im always carried away w asks
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meowmeow, sweety! 'you gave yourself away' you dont think these were accidents, dont you?) im glad to be here too. a little uncomfy though bc i still feel like im scamming your subs TT bc usually just some people who just send messages r anons and those who have at least ups r some bloggers. but alright. pathetic man evil meow meow TT yeah we love him. 'i’ll even distort reality if i have to' tbh sounds like a good fic idea for me... 'its more of a compliment to viserys' yk i also was confused when vissy called daemon 'son'. i was WTF. bc while its understandable why daemon acts like that, why vissy acts like this?? esp if the difference between them is 4 years (idk but you said 'too' so ig so?)? at first i even thought maybe its a twisted dream of daemon TT 'everyone deserves love even stinky daemon' FUCK GHDKFHFJ i meant to write he thinks he does NOT deserve love (thats why neither from wife nor). HGJDF my sleepy mind just read the previous not as the negative and was like in english they dont say that so no. so silly TT like daemon seeks hes brother approval (thought he gives it to him in a way), he insists that his WIFE hates him (though she still took a ring and made wedding promises), he REEKS of insecurities abt not deserving love. 'FOR YOU FOR NOTICING' dont forget i passed an exam where you dont have right answers you just analyse the texts and write 5 essays. i notice too much. not always write abt it (bc ive been writing these 2 replies for 3? hours or so) but always notice. 'even tho ur siblingless' im siblingless but not eyeless? mindless? 5 essays girl. 'DONT APOLOGIZE' i remember how you enjoyed my first expressive reply so im sorry i cant give you these emotions anymore( 'a very specific reason i added it in the first place' 😶 TUMBLR DONT LET ME PUT THIS STUNNED EMOJI WITH THE HAND BUT NO BLUSH. nvm. will the dragons' skeletons regain muscles and soft tissues and become real or will oberyn martell come to life out of his coat? 'ITS A FANFIC BUT ITS NOT' HAJSJD catmom youre so mean. AND how come you promise to watch tlou but dont watch doctor who😡 youre so cruel and dont like me and matt smith and good plot and twisted timelines. 'something so deeply intimate' yeah absolutely understand. i nave a specific form of my name which can make me literally cry when called. 'he would 100% make a shrine for her and worship the ground she walks on' he better make it up for her for waiting for 2000 years for him. 'NOW I WANNA WRITE SOME AEMOND FICS' NOT hinting on that idea with the hades and persephone, no, ABSOLUTELY NOT😶 are these 2 kitties aemond and aegon while investigating? gsdjmlsk 'HELP ME THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFULLY AND BREIFLY PUT' ooh thanks. hope its a compliment. also. ive just thought. i can see daemons horniness as not so real desire to have sex with he reader but to feel her closer and get some familiar and more tangible confirmation of their love, bond and her not going away. makes sense. 'to be super tender and sweet and full of love' YES! big brains think the same! absolutely yes! in this case its essential! although all dominant daemon is hot, i can imagine him being subby more often than anyone wants to agree and also so pretty. SORRY i got distracted. i can see him as the type to just kiss readers shoulder/neck/arm/any bare skin he can see whenever he can to just feel her and confirm that shes with him, not leaving him, not always sexually. 'if you dont feel comfy reading smut if i do write it just skip it' 1) thanks for caring abt me🥺 2) i reblogged frost bite... girl... 'I 100% MEANT' OMG TT no but imagine him calling reader 'my queen' in a hushed voice during the wedding night and in high valyrian bc its still a treason but shes HIS Majestic Eternal Wife. i really wanted to make it short but got carried away so pt 2 again. sorry TT
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idk what his cat is doing so silly HAHHAH
meowmeow, sweety! 'you gave yourself away' you dont think these were accidents, dont you?)
well i just thought 'oh well i know who she is now'
im glad to be here too.
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a little uncomfy though bc i still feel like im scamming your subs TT bc usually just some people who just send messages r anons and those who have at least ups r some bloggers. but alright.
scamming my subs? first of all what? subs? is this youtube? i- no one is being scammed ??? you can send me as many messages as you want. also 'at least ups r some bloggers' i dont know what you mean T_T
pathetic man evil meow meow TT yeah we love him.
'i’ll even distort reality if i have to' tbh sounds like a good fic idea for me...
/: i mean its what happening to THIS fic so HAHAH
'its more of a compliment to viserys' yk i also was confused when vissy called daemon 'son'. i was WTF. bc while its understandable why daemon acts like that, why vissy acts like this?? esp if the difference between them is 4 years (idk but you said 'too' so ig so?)? at first i even thought maybe its a twisted dream of daemon TT
no T_T it wasn't viserys calling him son wasn't him trying to say 'oh im older than you and this is our dynamic, father and child' it was more like, he froze because daemon thinks he's their dad and so he's just pretending to be who daemon thinks he is so that #1, he'll get the closure he wants in this moment, #2 he'll listen to what he'll say, #3 it's easier to go with it rather than tryna explain smth to a drunk man. i guess that part wasnt very clear. i thought people might confuse his intention there and i was right T_T it be like that its ok it was too next level and i knew it
'everyone deserves love even stinky daemon' FUCK GHDKFHFJ i meant to write he thinks he does NOT deserve love (thats why neither from wife nor). HGJDF my sleepy mind just read the previous not as the negative and was like in english they dont say that so no.
ah i see HAHAHA that makes more sense AHAHAAHHA he is looking for love everywhere T_T its ok ur sleepy mind mind needed sleep sleep
so silly TT like daemon seeks hes brother approval (thought he gives it to him in a way), he insists that his WIFE hates him (though she still took a ring and made wedding promises), he REEKS of insecurities abt not deserving love.
'FOR YOU FOR NOTICING' dont forget i passed an exam where you dont have right answers you just analyse the texts and write 5 essays. i notice too much. not always write abt it (bc ive been writing these 2 replies for 3? hours or so) but always notice.
'even tho ur siblingless' im siblingless but not eyeless? mindless? 5 essays girl.
'DONT APOLOGIZE' i remember how you enjoyed my first expressive reply so im sorry i cant give you these emotions anymore
T_T im touched you remember. im just glad to get anything you are willing to give my love <3
( 'a very specific reason i added it in the first place' 😶 TUMBLR DONT LET ME PUT THIS STUNNED EMOJI WITH THE HAND BUT NO BLUSH. nvm. will the dragons' skeletons regain muscles and soft tissues and become real or will oberyn martell come to life out of his coat?
HELP ??? WHAT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH no no it's nothing like that... or is it HAAHH
'ITS A FANFIC BUT ITS NOT' HAJSJD catmom youre so mean.
HAHAHAHAH its what she deserves for making get into pedro pascal
AND how come you promise to watch tlou but dont watch doctor who😡 youre so cruel and dont like me and matt smith and good plot and twisted timelines.
T_T i only agreed to watch 1 episode. ive watched 3 episodes for doctor who! i love you and i also🤢love🤢matt smith but taking on doctor who is so much more daunting than that zombie flic. and again i'll only watch 1 ep. if its tHAT good then i'll watch more
'something so deeply intimate' yeah absolutely understand. i nave a specific form of my name which can make me literally cry when called.
see 😩
'he would 100% make a shrine for her and worship the ground she walks on' he better make it up for her for waiting for 2000 years for him.
'NOW I WANNA WRITE SOME AEMOND FICS' NOT hinting on that idea with the hades and persephone, no, ABSOLUTELY NOT😶
omg i forgot about that!! we'll see. i have some aemonf reqs collecting dust in my queue so lol HAD:HASDAS i might do those first
are these 2 kitties aemond and aegon while investigating? gsdjmlsk
'HELP ME THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFULLY AND BREIFLY PUT' ooh thanks. hope its a compliment.
also. ive just thought. i can see daemons horniness as not so real desire to have sex with he reader but to feel her closer and get some familiar and more tangible confirmation of their love, bond and her not going away. makes sense.
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'to be super tender and sweet and full of love' YES! big brains think the same! absolutely yes! in this case its essential! although all dominant daemon is hot, i can imagine him being subby more often than anyone wants to agree and also so pretty.
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SORRY i got distracted. i can see him as the type to just kiss readers shoulder/neck/arm/any bare skin he can see whenever he can to just feel her and confirm that shes with him, not leaving him, not always sexually.
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'if you dont feel comfy reading smut if i do write it just skip it' 1) thanks for caring abt me🥺 2) i reblogged frost bite... girl...
'I 100% MEANT' OMG TT no but imagine him calling reader 'my queen' in a hushed voice during the wedding night and in high valyrian bc its still a treason but shes HIS Majestic Eternal Wife.
i really wanted to make it short but got carried away so pt 2 again. sorry TT
DONT EVEN APOLOGIZE IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN but i do have to finish my homework and do laundry so i might read your other messages later
i love you thank you so much for this response. i hope you are doing well
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elysianslove · 4 years
the little things ; haikyuu boys
synopsis; the little things he does that show just how much he loves you
pairings; karasuno x reader, aoba johsai x reader, fukurodani x reader, nekoma x reader, shiratorizawa x reader
genre; fluff
warnings; will make u hate being single <3
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karasuno ━━
sugawara koshi; whenever your hair gets caught in anything, he’s so gentle yet quick at fixing it. if your hair is long, and you pull a bag or a shirt and your hair gets tucked in, he’ll wordlessly pull it out. if your hair is short and a bracelet or zipper gets caught he just continues whatever he was doing (talking to someone else for e.g.) while helping you out. also always makes sure your hair isn’t bothering you; if you’re leaning over writing something, he’ll always tuck it behind your ear so lovingly ahhh
daichi sawamura; massages. he’s descended from heaven for this purpose only. his hands are rough and like hard on your muscles, but it’s so perfect. he’ll approach you when you’re in school sitting anywhere, from behind, and just knead his hands into your muscles for a few seconds. euphoric. or if you live together, he always greets you with back/shoulder/neck massages in the bathtub hvjkwkd.
nishinoya yuu; always makes you try his food. always. whether it’s with a group of people or just you two, he just goes “hey babe open ur mouth” with this face 😏 bc he’s cheeky, and just shoves a mouthful of food. spoiler alert, it’s always way too hot. but it’s just tradition at this point. he takes a bite of his food, decides if it’s worthy enough for your mouth or not, then just. yeah.
kageyama tobio; buys you a snack whenever he gets his milk. if you’re special special, he’ll buy you your own carton of milk. he goes up to the vending machine and automatically thinks of you when he sees your fave snack, and it’s like mindless at this point he just routinely does it. it still surprises you to this day, even when he’s so nonchalant about it.
tsukishima kei; kisses your forehead. tsukki is not too big on pda, and even privately he’s not very touchy feely either tbh. but just a simple peck on your forehead grounds you, and it’s a small reminder of the fact that despite his outward coldness, he really does love you. he rarely does it in front of others, but sometimes, he’ll indulge both you and him, and settle a small kiss on your temple just randomly.
asahi azumane; anime jesus always has a hair tie/clip carried around for you on his wrist/in his pockets. i mean he’s always needing them, he just stocks up when he starts dating you. somehow he’s always there when you’re frustrated with your hair all over the place what a savior. later on it evolves to him carrying around your scrunchie and yes the boys make fun yes he blushes but no he does not take it off.
tanaka ryunosuke; carries you on his back, or your things, when you’re too tired to walk. whether that be if you’re too tired because of your heels or you’re just lazy, he just loves helping you out what a respectful gentleman. honestly it just becomes that every time he sees you he like barricades over to you so quick and flips you onto his shoulder or spins you around. anyways. walking with tanaka means walking empty handed bc he will never let you carry anything. ( shifts pile of bags on one arm just to hold your hand ).
hinata shoyo; learns hairstyles to try on you. whether it be short hair or long hair, expect his youtube search history to look a lot like “how to make a french braid” or “cute hairstyles for short hair for your cute girlfriend”. he’s always so entranced by you and watches so carefully whenever you do anything on your hair, and he gets do excited whenever you let him try and he gets it right. also !!! a lot of the times you’ll sit between his legs and he’ll just softly card his fingers through your hair or lightly braid it.
yamaguchi tadashi; buys you flowers a lot. he doesn’t overdo it, just so it doesn’t lose its value and worth. but for example, mondays suck ass and he knows how much you hate them, so he always makes sure to either leave a single rose on your desk/in your locker or give it to you himself if he can. it’s so endearing and motivating honestly, and the constant reminder every once in a while is so cute. continues to do it even like 3 years in, which is so fkn sweet honestly.
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nekoma ━━
kuroo tetsurō; plans the best dates. seriously. like not one moment spent with him is dull. i don’t think being with kuroo entails a high energy relationship, i just mean that even a walk in the park is fun with him. he also always knows when to plan a fancy dinner and when it’s just something casual. like he always puts in so much effort, gives 120%, for every date with you. is your favorite band/singer/artist in town? he’s got tickets. the weather is amazing? you’re going to the beach. you’re sleep deprived? nap dates. 10/10
kozume kenma; he teaches you how to play his games. the fact that he’s letting you touch the console in itself says enough, but whenever he buys a new one, and learns it thoroughly enough, he will always sit by you and teach you its ways. picture you sitting in his lap while he guides your hands <333 if you’re not a gamer, he’s actually v flattered by the fact you’re willing to sit through this w him. but if you are a gamer, expect daily competitions. oh and if you beat him? you’re dead to him :).
haiba lev; instead of reaching for things that you’re too short for to grab it himself, he just lifts you up lmfao. i mean w the way he teases yaku, i can imagine he’d be v teasing with you as well if you’re even an inch shorter than him. but fret not! it’s all in the name of love. he’s very loving though, and if he sees you struggling he’ll just wordlessly hoist you up from your waist or something. at first it’s terrifying, but later on it just makes you giggle cause he’s like so willing to do it and it’s effortless for him hehe.
yaku morisuke; always makes sure you’re taking care of yourself, but kinda aggressively? lmao anyways. like he’s always “babe have u eaten” and if u say no expect him to start yelling like “what do you mean no??? are you insane???” v dramatic but honestly <333 he’s always texting you after parting ways “did you get home safe” or on weekends where he cant meet you, he’s asking how it was, if you indulged yourself a bit, relaxed. it’s very sweet and he makes sure it’s not overbearing. he just wants his baby to be healthy and happy.
yamamoto taketora; walks on the side with the cars. it’s not a very noticeable thing, but you see it, and you recognize it. he makes sure he’s always walking where cars are speeding by, a hand on the small of your back guiding you away and to the other side of him. it’s the little notions of protectiveness like if he’s driving and stops suddenly, he’ll put a hand out to keep you from lurching forward, he pushes you gently out of the way before you bump into someone. things like that.
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aoba johsai ━━
oikawa tōru; he doodles in your notebooks, or on your skin. if you have class with him, and sit next to him, he’ll always be doodling on your notebook like little hearts or stupid, cute things like your initials + his in a heart. or if you’re at a study date together, and you’re focused on your laptop screen, he’ll leave little encouraging messages on your notes for you to notice when you’re revising. sometimes you’ll be sitting with him at lunch or even if you’re out w him and a bunch of other people, and he happens to have a pen. expect a little smiley face on your inner wrist, or a heart plus his initials ( o.t. )
iwaizumi hajime; he helps you take off your make up/takes it off for you. if you’re too sleepy, he’ll just take the products he’s used to seeing you use and start following it step by step after he props you up next to the sink. while he stands between your thighs he just so gently starts rubbing at your skin and washing away the make up. if you’re already asleep, he’ll have to like google the steps oh my god im gonna cry hes so cute. if you don’t necessarily wear make up, then he’ll just help you do your nightly routine, or even your shower routine, like using a body scrub or a face mask or, bruh, even shaving lmfao.
hanamaki takahiro; saves everything you buy/send/make him. i mean everything. has literally over two thousand photos of you, all the polaroids or postcards are saved in a little box he has under his bed. anything you make him (unless it’s edible) he has. if you make him a small embroidery thing he will literally attach it to his sports bag or something. any chain you make him is automatically added to his keychain. that flower crown you made with him on one of your first dates? he still has it. the flowers are dead but the memory loves babyyyy
matsukawa issei; carries extra clothes of his for you to borrow. hey have i mentioned that mattsun is big? 😃 because he is 😃. meaning regardless of your size or height or whatever, his clothes will drown you <3 i see him as preferring more oversized or just loose shirts rather than tight ones, so yk. on you???? if y’all are just hanging out and you even think about being slightly cold — here have five options of mattsun’s clothes to choose from. he always makes sure they smell like him too. it’s self indulgent really, because he loves the way they look on you, and he loves that it leaves a trace of his scent on you. territorial? i think yes.
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fukurodani ━━
bokuto kōtarō; always hugs you like it’s the last time he’ll see you. sometimes, even if he doesn’t know it, you need his hugs badly. y’all are gonna try and tell me bokuto doesn’t give the best fkn hugs??? yeah get outta here with that bs. he SO does. he either kneels down and wraps his arms around your waist, picks you up, and spins you around, like he hasn’t seen you in 3 years, or he’ll just wrap his arms around your neck and pull your head to his chest, cradling it, and just sighing like he won’t see you for the next 3 years. his hugs always make you feel so much better, even if you weren’t feeling down to begin with.  
akaashi keiji; plays with your hands and caresses them. it’s the delicate feel and gentleness of it all. akaashi’s generally an anxious person, leaving him very fidgety. but once you two get together, and he starts being comfortable with you, expect to find your hand always between the two of his, just fondling with him. he’ll trace random figurines on the back of your hand, or have his fingers ghost over your wrist and up to your fingertips. if his hands are especially shaky, expect him to just grab one of your yours and hold it tightly between the grasp of two of his. it conveys trust, and all you have to do is kiss his knuckles gently and he’s melting.
konoha akinori; he has your reminders app linked with his, and sneaks in small, motivating messages. every once in a while you’ll get a notification from the app that tells you to drink water or have a snack (or text konoha he’s bored and he misses you). also always sends you pictures to distract you from stress. like it could literally just be a picture of him smiling with a thumbs up and you’d just ,,, melt bc you love him so much.
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shiratorizawa ━━
ushijima wakatoshi; he has so many plants that are named after you, or your nicknames, and he’s like so gentle with them too. like strokes their petals and speaks to them so softly, the same way he does with you. you’re honestly so curious how he hasn’t run out of names, but he’s just a genius like that. whenever you go over to his place, and he’s bought a new one, he’ll take your hand and guide you to where it’s growing and just be like “look it’s baby y/n” and you just 🥺🥺🥺
semi eita; he has a playlist on his phone, that’s constantly being updated, for you and him to listen to. the first time he showed it to you, you were stargazing and he took out his phone and headphones and was like “i made a playlist for you wanna list” and every part of your body lit up in flames im not joking. now, a lot of the times, you’re coming back home on a train, and your head is on his shoulder and you’re sharing headphones listening to the playlist. when either one of you is driving you’re blasting it (a lot of the playlist is the hsm soundtrack)
satori tendō; tendo reads people so well, and being in a relationship with him means he will read you so well. so a lot of the times, in social situations, he’ll recognize the signs of you wanting to leave, for example, or if someone’s bothering you, he’ll know exactly how to approach it too. this also entails having a lotta inside jokes hehe, and also just like. talking with your eyes. yk that thing. yeah. all you have to do is look at him a certain way, and he just knows exactly what you just said.
goshiki tsutomu; he buys the both of you this small plushie, and whenever you’re missing each other you just. squish it. and he squishes his. he would rather die than let anyone know this, but you’re not too keen on letting anyone know yourself tbh. it’s just this little thing you have, and it means a lot more to you than just this. when he first bought it he was like “look we have matching plushies” and you passed away on the spot ❤️
shirabu kenjirō; loves trying out new recipes with you. he’s not too big on cooking or baking, but there’s just something about doing it with you that really — hits the spot yk. nowadays, whenever he comes across a new recipe on social media that he thinks you’ll like he just automatically sends it to you like with no words no texts just the post and you’re like “OMG CAN WE DO THIS” and he’s like “why else would i send it. yes we can :)” hvskwkeke
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end note;  thank you sm for the love on my last two posts!! i’m glad you guys enjoyed them sm. if you have any requests, they’re open and i’m happy to deliver, mwah!
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chuuyrr · 3 years
What was baby fushi’s first meeting with nanami like? How did it go?
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader meets platonic! uncle! nanami for the first time
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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warning(s): possible anime/manga spoilers for jjk
this is going to be last written work for today/tonight (1/19/22) because by the time you're reading this, it's currently past one in the morning already and i've written about three requests today #speedrun, anyways happy reading and goodnight i will now pass out <3
(p.s. sorry if it's short, im sleepy! i might edit it when i wake up if i ever get more ideas and thoughts, do check out my general headcanon for uncle nanami at the masterlist of this series :D)
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nanami most likely thought gojo stole a baby when he first saw you. he was genuinely confused as to why there was someone at his door in the middle of the night and the moment he swings the door open, he sees a sleepless gojo holding a wide awake you and it turns out shoko didn't answer him this time, so he's other to-go-to was nanami.
even though nanami was not parent or never had a child at all, he knows how to handle one, and you easily and surprisingly warmed up to him the moment he took you from gojo's arms to give him well a break with his journey to parenting you. you stopped crying at an instant and starting cooing, squishing nanami's cheek.
though gojo feels relieved to get a small break, he gets jealous right off the bat because apparently nanami's the chosen one which was unfair. so, gojo may or may not have taken you back from nanami's arms almost immediately 💀
nanami's first initial reaction when he brought you to his face and saw you though—he was bewitched by your adorable face and big, curious [color] eyes. you were so small. he almost immediately started interrogating gojo on how he cared for you and got angry when found out the wrong and irresponsible parentings he did, and lectured gojo.
"this is how you're supposed to carry a baby. the reason [name] has been crying because you've been holding her wrong!" nanami steals you back from gojo, showing the white haired man the proper way of carrying you.
"oh, okay. can i have her now?" gojo's hands were slapped away.
"i'm not yet finished, another reason why she has been crying is because she wants to sleep with you. you're [name]'s dad now, aren't you? babies want to be coddled in the embrace of their parents!" nanami reprimandeds gojo, wagging a nagging finger at him.
"so, that's why kikufuku's been crying." gojo realizes as he finally takes you from nanami's hold.
"i really don't get why you decided to care for a baby all of a sudden when you literally have no idea how to care for a child, but you better take care of [name]." nanami says sternly.
"well, i made a promise to her biological dad that i'd look after her." gojo sighs, pinching your mochi-like cheeks, watching you giggle at him which makes him smile. "plus, [name]'s too cute and young for her own good. she needs someone to raise her."
gojo adverted his attention towards nanami, his eyes bearing a serious look this time which contrasted his usual lax and carefree attitude. "it's just like you said, i have no idea how to care for a child. i'm barely a graduate and i also have her older brother, megumi, in my custody. i know i can always turn the responsibility down and give her away along with megumi, but.. i already love [name]. she's my child—my little kikufuku now. i don't want to give her away. i want to give her a happy life and a good childhood myself, but i need help."
nanami blinks, slightly surprised at gojo's statement. this was one of the few moments he had seen gojo act in such a way. with a rare smile tugging on his lips, "i'll be [name]'s uncle. i'll help you care for her."
"thank you nanamin! you're the best!" gojo's carefree and playful aura returned instantly right after.
but really, nanami was doing it for you.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
»» — {♡} —— { ♡ } —— {♡} — ««
comforting sleep deprived s/o | bnha
➳ incld  ;; bakugo and kirishima 
➳ warnings ;; none, just fluff, pro-hero!au 
➳ wc ;; 1.8k overall. 
➳ a/n ;; i haven’t slept properly in days. running on empty so this is how im coping. i love them. 
»» — {♡} —— { ♡ } —— {♡} — ««
i. bakugo katsuki 
- doesn’t like napping cause he insists on keeping his sleep schedule tight. not that you can really get mad at him over that - hero work is busy and he doesn’t like being tired cause it makes him more aggravated than usual. 
- so he avoids naps almost at all costs and rarely gets tired. his sleep schedule is really, really good. 
- not so much the same for you though. 
- bakugo accepted pretty early on that you were something of a night-owl. bad sleep anxiety and just generally having too much energy at night made it so that he rarely ever saw you go to bed. you were at least lagging a few hours behind him like. at all times. 
- he didn’t really mind at first, but at some point he realized just how little sleep you actually got. one time he woke up at 7am, surprised to see you also awake - only to find out you hadn’t slept the entire night. 
- he was pissed. after almost blowing up your kitchen, he sighed and basically told you that if you need helping sleeping to just “fucking ask him” or else. 
- needless to say, it didn’t get that much better. you two compromised by setting a time that you had to be in bed by, even if you weren’t asleep. whenever bakugo has time, he’s always trying to get you to rest but sometimes his schedule doesn’t really allow him to check up on you how he likes. 
- he’s coming home from a long mission. not super tired but just tedious work. he just wanted to relax. it was late, 3:37am on the clock when he finally walks in. 
- to his surprise - there’s a light on in the kitchen. when he walks in, very confused, he sees you sliding cookies off of a sheetpan into a little plastic tupperware. he stops. he stares. 
- why the hell were you baking at three in the fucking morning 
- “what the fuck are you doing awake?”
- you jump back with a hand over your chest, barely catching your breath. you blink a few times before sighing. 
- “baking. i didn’t think you’d be home so soon” 
- he hears it before he sees it. your voice is absolutely tattered - he can literally hear how exhausted you are. he pumps the breaks, walking towards you swiftly before staring down at you hard. 
- “when was the last time you slept,” 
- you press your lips into a tight smile, and he sees the dark purple under your eyes. he feel his heart hurt a little. his hands come up to your face as he brushes his thumb every so slightly against your lashes. 
- “it’s uh.. hard to sleep without you. more than usual, you know” 
- “Y/N” 
- “i don’t know. maybe two or three days ago properly? i mean i got some sleep in between but -,” 
- he stops you before you can start. he shuts the cookie container and leaves the tray in the sink before grabbing your hand a little forcefully and tugs you to the bathroom - lifting you up onto the counter. you know to stay put. 
- when he comes back it’s with a fresh change of clothes for the both of you. you blink at him owlishly as he strips himself off of his clothes - grateful he took time to shower at the agency. 
- he takes his shirt off and then takes yours off too, before pulling you right towards him. your arms instantly are around his neck, the warmth of his body pressed against your figure with his chin tucked over your shoulder. 
- and god - he’s so comforting you kind of want to cry. he smells like clean soap and deodorant and a little like smoke. feeling his skin against yours makes you feel instant relief. just hugging in the bathroom has you falling half asleep. you were just so tired. 
- when he pulls back, his whole face looks so damn worried it makes you want to cry. you put your own hands on his face and cheek, brushing your thumb on his cheek bone as he rests his forehead on yours. 
- “dumbasss. i can leave something with you if it’s that bad - fuck, you could’ve called me, you know?” 
- and you sigh and smile and kiss him a bit before pulling away again. man, you’re tired. you’re so, so tired. 
- “yeah.. i know,” 
- he helps you get undressed and freshened up, even rubs your facewash into your skin and rubs all your skincare in before hauling you off the bed. he turns the lights dim and just holds you, rubbing circles into your back as he holds you right to his chest. 
- “go to fucking sleep,” “love you katsuki” “..love you too” 
- he doesn’t sleep until you do, and wakes up the next morning to call in sick for you while you sleep against his chest. he should probably wake up but.. sleeping a bit longer won’t kill him. 
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ii. kirishima eijirou 
- kirishima likes to wake up pretty early so he can workout and do his cardio at the start of his day and his weightlifting later on. sleeping well is important to him cause his workout routine is super unforgiving if he’s not resting properly on rest days and the like. building muscles absolutely requires sleep! 
- that being said - he doesn’t mind not sleeping early if he has something to do. drinking especially normally keeps him up on weekends. overall, it was good but he doesn’t limit himself. 
- overall, it’s not something he paid a ton of attention too. life is all about balance so kiri goes with the flow. his rule of thumb is trying to get at least 8 hours a night tho. 
- but because kirishima is so go with the flow - it took him a long time to figure out that you were a night owl and something of an insomniac. he assumed that when he wished you goodnight everday, you fell asleep around the same time as him. 
- but one drunken even, he finds himself stumbling to your apartment. knocking on your and barely standing upright - he immediately is planning on apologizing for disturbing your sleep. 
- but then you.. open the door and you’re literally wide awake. you look tired but you’re clearly not sleepy. kirishima, once gain, blasted - pushes the thoughts to the back of his mind and grins toothily. he’s just excited to see you at that point and forgets about the whole ordeal until a few weeks later. 
- he ends up texting you about it a couple weeks later, assuming it’d be a once off thing that you’d explain to him. 
- ... is upset and shocked to learn that you rarely, if ever fall asleep before two am like on a good day. poor man is in shock for the rest of the day and proceeds to ask you about why you have a hard time to sleeping to try and see what he can do. 
- he wants to help but you just keep brushing it off and it honestly made him so upset he didn’t know what to do with himself. he couldn’t sleep a wink that night because the whole thing is bothering him so damn much. 
- what really sets him off is when he finally has a chance to see you after a few weeks. you were busy with uni and didn’t really have a ton of time to see him so the two of you couldn’t see each other properly for a few weeks. 
- he’s elated to see you. he’s missed his baby so much and he’s pulling all the stops out when he’s getting dressed. jeans cuffed, his best cologne, fresh shaved, brand new sneakers. he really wants to impress. 
- he’s wrapping you up into the tightest hug when he see’s you. your dressed comfortably but he still thinks you look so beautiful and he’s complimenting you, giving you kisses and overall just doting on you. he wraps your hand in his yours and just talks. 
- in fact, he’s so excited to see you, he doesn’t notice how..deflated you are. not at first anyways. 
- but as the date goes on, it becomes more and more obvious you don’t share his enthusiasm in the same way. 
- sure, he’s talkative but you haven’t said a word about how your week has been. all of his jokes have been met with mere huffs and forced chuckles and your eyes seem really distant. 
- it hits him all at once at the end of your date when you just seem so... out of it. he’s about to take you somewhere else but you stopped listening a while ago. kirishima stops dead in his tracks and holds your hand nervously, calling you a few times to get your attention. 
- “Y/N.. are you mad at me? is something wrong?” 
- your eyes go wide, flailing your hands to reassure him. you knew you were acting strange but to see kirishima this upset makes you feel awful. 
- “oh kiri - god no, it’s not you. sorry for being so.. distant - it’s not you,” 
- “well then.. what’s wrong?” 
- kirishima feels his heart get pierced when he sees you laugh. you look... so exhausted. your eyes are so heavy and the makeup on your skin is only barely concealing your dark circles. why did it take him so long to notice? 
- before he can even reply, he remembers that little tidbit about your sleep schedule. his heart so genuinely aches. 
- “Y/N.. when was the last time you got any proper sleep?” 
- you flinch, visibly at the question. with an awkward laugh you inform him that it had been at least a week since you’ve had the time to actually sleep. 
- “why didn’t you sleep today? on your day off?” 
- “i uhm.. wanted to see you. i know you had a date planned and i was excited to see you. sorry for.. ruining your plans” 
- he’s devastated by how cute you are. hugs you so damn tight. 
- “baby, you can see me whenever. im happy being with you even if all we’re doing is napping together” 
- when you mumble a soft “oh” in his chest, he can’t help but melt into a sigh. before you can protest, he’s dragging you back to his car and driving you home ignores your protests and buckles you, covering you with his jacket before kissing the crown of your head and telling you to sleep on the way back to his place. 
- he watches you like a hawk the whole time until he arrives at his place. he wakes you up and carries you on his back until he gets inside. all he does is kick his shoes off before pulling the full weight of you down on his body, kissing your whole face. 
- “sleep well baby. ill wake you up in a few” 
»» — {♡} —— { ♡ } —— {♡} — ««
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robinrequiems · 3 years
damian has insomnia, but he also has a really good boyfriend hcs:
• b4 dating jon, damian survived on the bare minimum of sleep, he had already worn makeup previously to hide bruises & cuts, so he also used it to hide the bags under his eyes from prying eyes ( jon )
• damian did try to sleep, he did, but between his vigilante work and other stuff, he just couldn’t, when he laid down, he felt up, or when he did sleep, the nightmares happens
• but whenever damian did sleep, it was always random, but his family members knew not to wake him up
• but the people in school didn’t. more specifically. jon
• “d? cmon get up, we gotta get to study hall.”
• all jon got was a whine. Damian whined at him as he slowly stood up. jon could see Damian’s droopy eyes
• “are you okay? you aren’t one to sleep during class”
• “‘m sleepy”
• jon frowned as that, during their study hall, they ( mainly jon ) ended up asking to go the library to study, and after finding a secluded corner, they sat down
• “did you not sleep or something last night? are you okay?”
• “not that much, im fine” damians words lacked bite, even though he intended for it to be harsher, hell, jon should’ve known something was up when Damian LET him carry his bag
• “if you want, you can go back to sleep, I’ll wake you for your next class”
• damian pondered that for a moment before he accepted it. he was just gonna sleep sitting up, but jon, in his glory, just threw an arm around him to hold him as damian snuggled up and fell asleep
• jon didn’t bring it up when it happened again, but he began taking notes on damian and his mannerisms, at least every two weeks, damian would have a day where he was sluggish or where he didn’t answer his phone ( damian was on his phone 24/7 or at least had it on him 24/7 )
• look, jon is not a complete himbo, he knows things
• but a month later, damian came in tired again, basically clinging to jon. jon had to take him to his classes and pick him up until after 3 periods where jon texted Tim ( only batfam member he knew would probably answer ) to pick him up
• TO TIM: “can u pick d up”
• TO JON: “y?”
• TO TIM: “he needp sleep he keeps nearly passing out”
• TO JON: “ok b there soon”
• jon ended up visiting damian after school, damian was now awake in his room, cuddled up in blankets and makeup wiped off
• “holy shit you look bad”
• “wow. hello to you too”
• “how— what the hell d?”
• damian could feel the disappointment rolling off jon
• oops
• but soon enough, jon realized a pattern, he knew damian would get defensive if he brought it up, so he didn’t
• instead he was just there for Damian
• when they became boyfriends, jon would just pull damian into his lap when they were alone and Damian would end up asleep. jons lap was comfy
• jon realized damian slept better with someone next to him, jon was a somewhat heavy sleeper, but whenever he heard damian shifting around in bed, he was up since it normally meant that damian was leaving ( to go sneak back into the manor ) or a nightmare
• when they weren’t with each other, jon would call damian and talk until damian stopped responding
• damian still had circles under his eyes, but it wasn’t as bad as before
• jon would lie awake with damian, just telling him stories or softly singing to him while damian fondly rolled his eyes
• jon realized damian fell asleep easier after socializing for a period of time, he gets socially drained and drowsy, there were times where damian just got on his back and fell asleep while jon continued socializing
• when Damian didn’t fall asleep, they’d normally just binge movies
• jon has caught damian lying about if he slept or not, damian may have trained both himself and his heart beat, but jon knows his best friend, but jon doesn’t bring it up, he knows it would only set his friend back
• when damians out in the sun all day, he gets tired, there was a time where he fell asleep at the beach and jon picked him up and threw him in the water / prior to jon finding out abt damians sleeping issues /
• jon nearly died that day
• jon realized that damian easily functions with little sleep, it’s sorta scary, but he just assumes it was his training from the league
• whenever damians asleep, he tries to not bother him, he makes sure to not bug him or to not move, he knows damian needs sleep
• jon got dames a stuffed animal that damian absolutely cherishes, it helps him sleep at night or keeps him calm after nightmares if jon isn’t there
• it took a while for jon to figure out how to help damian when’ a nightmare happens, but he figured it out eventually, he just had to be patient
• damian normally called him after a nightmare now, he realized jon was there, he didn’t have to hide himself away. jon talked him through it and didn’t care that he just woke up and was tired
• Damian’s his best friend
• damian confessed his feelings when he was sleep deprived + socially exhausted and then passed out
• jon didn’t bring it up until the next week
• “I was wondering when you would say something”
• “I didn’t want to embarrass you!”
• “you? Embarrass me? in your dreams”
• jon actusllt dealt with his own sleeping problems, not as bad as damians, but he had trouble falling asleep or dealt with nightmares
• but listening to damians heartbeat helped focus him, so that’s cool, plus sometimes jon can just roll over and holding damian ( if he wasn’t already ) and that makes him feel better. ( his nightmares revolve those who he could not save, whether that be civilians or his family/friends )
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Disappointment | Ivan x Daughter!Reader
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Requested by @theweasleytwinsownmyjuicyass​: “so I’m really a sucker for parent tropes so maybe you could write a Ivan x daughter!reader where he had her with a non grisha woman who gave birth and later left the baby at the little palace for him. Now she is grow and Ivan being Ivan is hard on her especially because she’s kind of failing being a heartrender (cuz that’s not her real grisha power) and they have a huge fight about it and she runs away in the middle of the night. When Ivan find out in the morning he becomes very worried and asks The darkling and Fedyor to help him find her. (Maybe they find her a bit hurt cuz she was attacked. Just for more angst and feels:3)”
Pairing: Ivan x Daughter!Reader, Fedyor x reader (platonic)
Word Count: 1900
Warnings: angst, mentions of blood
A/N: As always, spelling and grammar are not my strongest skills so please be kind :)
- - - - -
“Ivan!” Fedyor calls as he runs down the corridor carrying a medium size wicker basket “Ivan, someone left this outside the doors of the little palace” 
“Oh?” Ivan says, uninterested as he continues walking.
“The note left with it says its for you.” 
Ivan stops walking and abruptly turns around to finally face Fedyor who hold out the basket to him. He takes it and slowly lifts the lid, freezing when he lays eyes on what’s inside. 
“What is it? What’s in there?” Fedyor asks curiously but gets no reply “Ivan?” 
He moves to stand by Ivan’s side, peering over to see the baby girl wrapped up tight inside, fast asleep without a care in the world. 
“I don't understand, why would someone give you a baby?” Fedyor asks. 
“Because she’s my daughter.”
— — — — 
Seventeen years later. 
Growing up in the Little Palace wasn’t exactly a normal childhood, especially being the daughter of one of the Darkling’s most favoured Grisha. You never really felt like you fit in with the other kids, especially since your father made you learn with Heartrender children even though you were actually a healer. He was convinced you would share the same power as him and because you wanted to please him you went along with it. 
It was hard growing up without a mother too. Your father was always honest with you, about how he had spent the night with a non Grisha woman and hadn’t even known she was pregnant until one night you were left on the doorstep. Part of you wished you could meet your mother, but the other part of you didn’t care about a woman who could so easily abandon you. 
You were close with your father’s lover, Fedyor. He became the closest thing you had to a mother figure. He was softer and more caring than your father. When you were younger he would occasionally sneak you away for fun days out playing games in the woods. Even now he would take you out on horse riding lessons when he felt you needed a break. 
Ivan did not approve. 
“She’s my daughter and I say she must attend all her training sessions!” 
“You're too hard on her Ivan, the poor girl is exhausted from all the pressure you put on her. Give her a break” Fedyor argues back as you press your ear to their door so you can hear. 
“I’ll give her a break when she earns one. Right now she’s the worst in the whole class of heartrenders. Even the children are better than her”
“Maybe because I’m not actually a Heartrender!” You say as you burst through the door.
“This is a private conversation!” Ivan shouts. 
“Not if it’s about me it’s not.” You shout back
“Y/N” Fedyor speaks calmly, trying to defuse the situation “maybe you should go-”
“No Fedyor, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t live like this” you turn and address your father “All I’ve ever done, all I ever do is try and live up to your expectations. Try to be like you. Hide my true self because I’m terrified of disappointing you. But I can’t lie anymore. I’m not a Heartrender. And no matter how much you or I try to force it, I will never be a Heartrender.”
You take off your red and black kefta and hand it to your father. There’s a silence as he looks down at it before finally looking up at you.  
“You're just going to give up on everything we’ve worked for, everything you’ve wanted?”
“I never wanted any of this Dad. You did! I just went a long with it to please you”
“Get out of my sight!” 
“I have never been more disappointed in you than I am right now. I am ashamed to call you my daughter”
“Ivan!” Fedyor speaks up as you stand there silent for a moment, staring at your father.
Fedyor comes to your side, placing a hand on your shoulder but you shake him off and run out the room as hot tears fill your eyes. You hear Fedyor call after you but you ignore him, continuing to run out of the Little Palace. You don't stop running until you reach the woods, leaning against a tree and sliding your back against the rough bark to sit on the ground. You bring your knees up to your chest and let the tears flow, unaware of the stranger watching you in the darkness. 
You're disturbed by the sound of a twig snapping behind you. You lift your head up and take a deep breath, silently listening. Slowly you stand up, keeping your back to the tree as you look around you. Then you spot him, an unknown man creeping toward you. From his clothes you guess he’s a peasant from the village. 
“Are you alright?” He asks. Something about him sets your nerves on edge. 
“Yes I’m fine” you say quietly, wiping a tear off your cheek 
“Are you from the palace?” He asks, taking a step closer. You nod. “What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?” 
“I could ask you the same thing” you reply
“It’s not safe to be out here alone you know” he takes another step closer “never now who you might meet” 
“You're right, I should head back” you go to leave but he grabs your arm, pulling you back “let go of me!”
“Not until you give me something in return” he pulls a dagger from his pocket
“What do you want from me?” You struggle against him but his grip is tight 
“Whatever you’ve got. Money. Jewellery. Anything that’s worth something. You lot up in your fancy palace have no idea how hard it is to be poor”
“I’m sorry but I don't have anything”
“Then you're no use to me!” He growls, plunging his dagger into your side. You let out a silent gasp. He pulls the dagger back out and you drop to the ground, clutching the wound, feeling the heat of the blood cover your hands.
“Grisha bitch” he spits before running away, disappearing into the darkness. You try to drag yourself back toward the palace but you don't have the energy. You prop yourself up against the base of a tree and wait for the darkness to take you. 
— — — — 
“Fedyor wake up!” Ivan rushes into their room, opening the curtains to let the morning sun stream through “Y/N is missing!”
“What!” Fedyor sits up instantly 
“I went to apologise but she isn’t in her room and her bed hasn’t been slept in. Im really worried Fed. Where is my girl?” He chokes up as tears spring to his eyes.
“Okay calm down. We’ll find her” 
Ten minutes later the boys are heading out the Little Palace, searching the grounds with the help of General Kirigan. 
“Do you have any idea where she could have gone?” The Darkling asks. Ivan shakes his head. 
“I think I might know.” Fedyor announces
The three of the mount their horses and set off towards the woods. Once they enter they slow down as Fedyor explains this is where the two of you come to relax and get away from the Palace when things get too much. Ivan feels his heart sink, knowing that he’s the reason you even need a place to escape to. 
“There!” Fedyor shouts, pointing to your lifeless body laying on the ground. 
 The men jump off their horses and run to your side, Ivan cradling your head in his lap and stroking your face while the Darkling checks your wound. 
“Oh my saints! Y/N, my girl. Please come back to me” Ivan cries
“We need to get her back to the Palace. She needs a healer” The Darkling announces as Ivan picks you up and carries you to his horse. He rides faster than he’s ever ridden to get you there.
“We need a healer! Now!” The General shouts the second he enter the Palace, and instantly multiple healers come running. They follow him as he carries you to your room and lays you down on your bed. 
Ivan and Fedyor watch anxiously as the healers get to work. What feels like hours later they finally finish, turning to address the men.
“She’s stable now.” 
“Thank you, thank you so much!” Ivan lets out tears of relief as Fedyor hugs him.
“We’ll leave you three alone.” The Darkling says, ushering the healers out of the room. “I’m glad she’s okay” he smiles before leaving, shutting the door behind him. 
A few hours later you're eyes finally flutter open. You look around the room confused as to how you got there. You remember the woods. The creepy stranger. Being stabbed. You sit up, lifting your shirt to see now no wound at all. Then you look over and see Fedyor and Ivan asleep at the foot of your bed. You reach over and gently squeeze your father’s hand. He opens his sleepy eyes and when he sees you awake shoots up right, quickly pulling you into a tight hug. Fedyor also wakes up and smiles at you. 
“I’ll leave you two to chat” he says smiling again before leaving. 
Your father sits on the edge of the bed facing you. 
“Y/N. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I said last night, I didn’t mean it. I was angry with Fedyor but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you”
“It felt like you meant it”
“I could never be ashamed of you. You are a beautiful, intelligent, strong young woman. I am proud to be your father.” He takes your hand in his “And I am so sorry I made you feel like you had to be someone else just to please me. I always hoped you’d be a Heartrender like me, but I shouldn’t have put that pressure on you. From now on you are free to be the person you want to be.”
“Are you sure I’m not a disappointment?” 
“You could never disappoint me Y/N. You are my daughter and I love you more than anything in the world” he moves to sit next to you and puts his arm around you. You snuggle into him.
“Even more than Fedyor?” You ask playfully
“Even more than Fedyor” 
“Hey I heard that!” Fedyor shouts as he pokes his head back in the room
“We love you too Fedyor!” You shout back, gesturing for him to join you. He sits on the other side of you so you are sandwiches between the two of them. You hold his hand and rest your head on your father’s shoulder. 
You may not have a mother, but you do have two fathers. And you wouldn’t change them for the world. 
Your perfect little family. 
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komoreangel · 4 years
𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐪
pairings: xiao, childe, and diluc x gn!reader (separate) 
scenario: you’re very tired today, and your boyfriend makes such a nice pillow
request: Hi! I just found your blog and your writing is just incredible! Could I request falling asleep on their lap for Xiao, Childe, and Diluc?
genre: im running out of ways to say fluff but fluff 100% 
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you two would probably be sitting on the roof of the wangshu inn
or maybe the roof of that one tower thats a bit ways away from liyue 
just a roof in general
and maybe he notices you’re a bit tired so he decides he’s going to tell you some stories
just to help you relax
so he tells you about the adventures he’s been on, while trying to keep it lighthearted for your sake
and the sound of his voice is so relaxing 
so you lean against him a bit and then
you have successfully fallen asleep in none other but the guardian yaksha’s arms
after a while of you not responding, xiao looks down to see you softly snoring
the first thought that goes through his mind
protect y/n
i mean yes theres nothing posing a threat to you at this exact moment
but that could always change, no? 
so he pulls you a bit closer to him, and holds you just a bit tighter
the fact that you trust him enough to let your guard down in front of him means so much 
as someone who doesn’t trust his own self a lot, seeing that you are willing to become vulnerable in front of him can help with his self esteem
he lets you sleep until the sun goes down
then he hoists you up into his arms so that he can carry you back to the inn
it wouldnt be smart to stay out after dark after all
if you wake up on the way back, he’d apologize for disturbing you, and take you to your room so you can rest in a bed
he doesn’t think he’s that good of a pillow, but if you want to cuddle then he’ll oblige 
as you sleep, he might just watch over you and make sure you’re safe
which if you woke up to see, you would urge him to get some rest
if he’s tired enough, he will lay down next to you 
maybe even reach his arms out over you 
overall, he’d be very soft and want to make sure your sleep goes on undisturbed 
might even try to fight pigeons who land on the same roof as you guys 
and if you want to thank him, you can make him some almond tofu when you wake up :) 
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childe would at first not notice that you’ve fallen asleep
maybe you two would be on a bench or a date around liyue
and it’s been a long day, so while stopping to rest he notices your tired state
teasingly asking you “do you need to take a break~” 
but he really just wants you to be comfortable so he leads you both to a nearby seat 
maybe watching the sun set over the harbor with you on his lap 
and wow you’re so good to him and wow he doesn’t deserve you
meanwhile all you’re thinking is
childe warm i sleep 
probably would ask you a couple stupid questions like
why do slimes do the jiggle wobble thing
and you’d be like “mhm, yes sweetheart.” 
he knows you’re tired tho so its ok 
you wouldn’t be able to keep your eyes open anymore so you’d just slowly drift off 
he’d be lost in his own thoughts that he isn’t aware you aren’t answering him anymore
after a while he’d look down to realize
oh they’re asleep 
most likely he’d immediately take you back to your house, or his house if yours is too far
he’d put you on the couch and gently wake you up so you can put on comfier clothes 
maybe some pajamas or if you’re at his house he’d let you wear his 
“y/n, wake up~” 
you might be a bit sleepy but he knows that overall it’d be more comfortable for you this way 
after you’ve changed he’ll bring you over to your bed
and tuck you in, yk laying the blanket over you, making sure your pillow is perfectly fluffed and all that
only the best for his y/n ! 
if you’re a light sleeper, he’d stay on guard over you so that nothing can wake you up
if you sleepwalk, he’d be right there to bring you back to the bed 
he wants you to feel as comfortable and protected and safe as possible
maybe if he was feeling a bit tired he’d lay down with you
but he wouldn’t completely fall asleep, as that would put both him and you in possible danger 
letting his guard down isn’t something he can afford to do around you
as in yes he would treat you very well but also he wants to keep you safe
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you’d be out on a walk around mondstatd or windrise
most likely windrise because diluc wants every chance to not see kaeya
he knows you enjoy the landscape of the area near venessa’s tree
maybe a little picnic underneath it
with all the mondstatd specialties courtesy of good hunter
you also glared at donna as you two walked past her house 
and when diluc asks you why you hate her 
smile and wave boys smile and wave 
but like most people, you get a bit sleepy after you eat
diluc notices and offers to hug you for a bit, because the grass might be soft, but it’s certainly not warm
so you do, and sitting in his lap, you feel warmth and happiness 
which causes you to yawn and begin to fall asleep 
diluc had been reading a book while you sat, and when your head nods to the side, he closes it 
you...you fell asleep 
yeah he knew you were tired but 
wait what time is it
basically he was in a trance the entire time just thinking about you and how you smell good and your hair is so soft and
the sun is setting
while normally that would be something gorgeous to watch
you two are kind of far from the winery, which means it’d be dark by the time you get home
so he decides he’ll just stay the night at the angel’s share
yes he might run into kaeya but if it means you don’t have to wake up 
then so be it 
thank god the angel’s share has an extra bedroom that was installed in case someone needed to stay there
he covers you with a soft blanket and sits on the chair by the side, watching the door
if you ask for cuddles or reach out to him he’ll get up and lay down with you
but it’d be really awkward for a bit because you’re all bundled up and here he is in his long black coat skhakfsdlhf
you might also just want to lay against him for that extra warmth
which he will eagerly provide don’t you worry  
who knows he might even fall asleep???
of course the next morning kaeya would bust in to wake you two up 
because he’s like that
and diluc would glare daggers at him because how dare he wake up my beloved y/n i will make him rue the day he stepped foot into my father’s house 
after kicking kaeya out he turns back to you and like asks how you slept
and maybe you two cuddle just a bit longer because he suddenly is in need of hugs 
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a/n: i really enjoyed writing this one, especially diluc’s with the donna slander dskhfsdjkh and i havent got xiao yet :( but i’ve seen some people have like c3 xiao?? bruh what. but i hope you guys like these hcs and thank u anon for the request <3
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