#imagine being summer and tai
strqyr · 10 months
some branwen thoughts, cos if alyx = raven (alyx was kind of mean—not just a little petulant and inconsiderate, but selfish and cruel—, cheating and lying her way through the book, but she was also just trying to survive, and whatever the herbalist said to her changed her, losing all her trust in her companions, starting to accuse them of things—"the more i tried to get the story back on track, the more she distrusted me" -> raven found out the truth, ozpin tried to salvage the situation but made it worse?) then the whole "alyx didn't know the customs of the town and thus ended up causing a war amongst the townsfolk, and in general trouble just followed her everywhere bc of if" is a goldmine when we already have qrow not knowing what a uniform is and oobleck specifically saying that the branwen twins sure were..... interesting like
they really were just dropped into a world (a kingdom) they knew nothing about huh "they just need to learn how to kill huntsmen i'm sure they don't need to actually know anything else about the place they're going. surely nothing will go wrong with this plan :)"
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t1ts-4-scattorcio · 9 months
i love ur headcanons!! would u be able to do how lottienat would be in bed with a shy partner :)
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Ofc 💕 Shy partner sleeping with LottieNat
LottieNat x Shy Reader
You were definitely nervous about physical contact around nat and lots when you were first dating them, you had never been intimate with someone before so it took you a little bit of time to get out of your shell
the first time you had shared the bed with both girls was at a sleepover at lottie's house, it had been a long night and you were ready to crash. Lottie and nat were huddled up together and you stood at the end of her bed arms crossed looking down wondering how to approach the situation
nat pulls your hand and you walk toward her side, she caresses your cheek and softly pulls the covers off so you can slip in next to her, at first you're stiff but slowly calm down, "It's just me," looks over at lottie "just us" she presses a kiss on your forehead and lottie reaches over and attacks you with kisses and love making you laugh.
you hide your face in lottie's neck when nat compliments you and calls you her baby right after getting ready for bed (or the other way around). You’re so pookie
running hands through your hair and being a little spoon when you're anxious
sleeping with them becomes a coping mechanism fr, place free of judgement
with time you would squeeze yourself between them or anywhere on the bed without feeling odd about it. They were so happy too that you were comfortable enough to do that around them.
nat hogs the blankets so you need to get one for yourself or end up on top of lottie and she holds you close so you're warm. Nat gets jealous though and pulls you into her arms if she wakes up in the middle of the night girl is so needy 😙
Lottie is always SO WARM, personal heater for real it's terrible in the summer "lottie please let go it's too hot" you shove her off and lean into nats space, 5 mins later and lottie has latched you to her side again, but both girls want to be close to you.
nat usually initiates anything sexual especially when you all are high. Inhibitions are low so you relax way easier, you are also bolder and not scared to initiate anything, straddling lottie grinding down on her while grabbing nat by her collar and kissing her.
waking up with nat between your thighs and lottie sloppily pecking your neck, running her hands across your chest and down your waist.
you wake up with loads of hickeys and have to smother yourself in foundation that eventually rubs off when you go to practice. Tai and van always make fun of you for it lmao
Post Crash:
they both become protective since you're in a new space and it's not that comfortable
will make the best makeshift bed you can possibly imagine in the cabin.
will become a cuddle pile whenever you're snowed in and there's nothing to do the other girls get kind of annoyed that you're all relaxing but let's bffr 🙄there's nothing else to do, the other girly pops are just jealous they should cuddle each other.
I think you both start to care more for nat after she gets hunted and is stressed out about being queen, holding her when she wakes up crying from nightmares and rocking her back and forth until she's fast asleep again
sleep is one of the the best parts of your day honestly, it's perfect alone time and beyond comforting in such a scary place.
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nerdlydelicious · 1 year
If the fact that I made 30+ memes about the topic didn’t make it clear enough, I’ve basically gone half feral over grizzled Rusted Knight Jaune. I can’t wait to learn more about his time in the Ever After and how he’s changed.
And yes, I do believe that he is the Rusted Knight from Alyx’s story, not just his heir or replacement. Maybe that will wind up not being the case, but we’ll have to wait and see.
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But do you know what’s really wild about Jaune being the Rusted Knight?
Everyone knows who he is. ‘The Girl who Fell Through the World’ is obviously a classic that’s been read by just about everyone as children. All of his friends, his classmates, his family, those kids he walked to and from school in Mantle. Hell, even their parents.
Everyone knows who he is.
Imagine Blake listening to Kali or Ghira read her the story, waiting for her favorite part: when the Rusted Knight rides in on his Jackelope to save Alyx from the Jabberwalker.
Imagine Weiss daydreaming about a knight riding to the rescue of his princess on the back of a big bunny, sweeping her up in his arms and riding off into the sunset to live their happily ever after.
Imagine Yang eagerly listening to Tai or Summer describe the knight clashing with the Jabberwalker and cheering when he strikes it down. Imagine Ruby being inspired by the Rusted Knight to be just like him: a hero who’s always there when they’re needed.
Imagine Pyrrha wanting to become the very best warrior just like him, unaware that she would play a role in forging his legend.
Imagine Nora and Ren huddled up together in a cave, taking shelter from a storm and reading about how the Rusted Knight fought and slew the big monster, taking comfort in the fact that at least in the fairy tails the heroes always win.
And imagine Jaune with a toy shield and sword, pretending he’s the rusted knight, being carried on his father’s shoulders as he duels with an imaginary Jabberwalker, unaware that he’s recreating his own battles.
Imagine Cinder huddled under her thin sheets, reading the book by moonlight and wishing a knight would take her away to a magical world where everything was okay.
Imagine Emerald reading the story of the Ever After from a book she stole, using it to teach herself how to read word by word.
Imagine Mercury wishing a knight would fight his Jabberwalker and protect him from his own father.
Just think about how Blake of all people reacted when he arrived to fight the Jabberwalker. She was giddy with excitement at seeing one of her childhood heroes in the flesh. If Jaune hadn’t removed his helmet, she probably would have asked for his autograph.
From Vale to Menagerie, the children of Remnant know the story of Alyx’s journey, and they know the Rusted Knight. When they play Ever After they argue over who gets to be the Rusted Knight and fight the Jabberwalker. And some of those children, knowingly or otherwise, are influenced by him to grow up and fight their own world’s monsters, to become huntresses and huntsmen, to be the defenders of Remnant and the shield between the innocent and the Grimm. Just like how the Rusted Knight has defended the Ever After from the Jabberwalker.
Jaune is one of Remnant’s childhood heroes. And I think that’s beautiful.
And yes, I did cry a bit while writing this. Thank you for asking.
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the-marshals-wife · 14 days
Cinnamon Sugar (Colt Seavers x Reader)
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─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ⋅☆⋅ 𝐀𝐎𝟑 ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─
A/N: A spontaneous Colt fic because I saw The Fall Guy again and I'm hopelessly in love. Someone needs to get this man his coffee, and it might as well be you. ♥
Description: Colt Seavers x Fem!Reader, flirty fluff | Warnings: nada, just Colt being the supportive sunshine he is | Setting: before Jody (or AU without) | Word count: 2,129 | Gif credit: user tay-swifts
Imagine being Colt's old flame and reuniting under unexpectedly sweet circumstances
As it turns out, production assistant was just a fancy name for errand girl. At least that seemed to be the case for you in the nearly two years you'd held the title. Yet after everything you'd been through to get here, you couldn't lose this job. Nearly an hour after you were supposed to, you haphazardly assembled the daily morning coffees for the sound crew on Stage B, and were now rushing like mad across set to make the first of many apologetic appearances for the day.
"Excuse me, sorry," you repeat nervously as you duck around people.
You'd overslept your alarm after staying up nearly all night printing a mountain of forms for the design director. Having never even eaten breakfast, you calculated if you also skipped lunch, you might be able to catch up to your usual routine. You weave between the tents as fast as your legs will carry you, trying not to bump into anyone and lose your cargo of caffeine.
As you cut the corner around a camera truck, you're fixated on the tray of beverages in your hands, and you don't see the person right in front of you. You collide at full speed.
The tray flies back into your chest. You gasp as the lids of two of the cups pop off and pour coffee all down the front of you and the poor soul you collided with. You recoil and frantically try to catch the other two cups, but you're unsteady from the impact. A strong hand grasps your arm and keeps you from tumbling completely to the ground as you attempt to regain your balance and find purchase in the loose gravel. Despite your efforts to recover, the tray and all its contents falls at your feet. You're left drenched and clinging to the arm that's gripping yours.
You gape down at the mess, frozen in horror.
"I am SO sorry," you begin shakily, "Oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry! I'm such a-"
The second you look up, it feels like time stops, along with your pounding heart. You would know those baby blues anywhere, even through the narrow visor of a helmet. He removes his headgear, and you stare in complete disbelief at the rugged, all-too-familiar face before you.
He sounds equally stunned, his eyes filled with recognition.
"It's you," you breathe.
"It's you," he says, flashing a bewildered smile, "Are you alright? Did you get burned?"
"I'm fine. It was lukewarm anyway" you reply, embarrassed, "Are you okay?"
"Perfect," he nods distantly, "Long time."
"Yeah. Furious Seven set, right?"
"Close. Fate of the Furious," he recalls, "Summer 2016. Havana, and Atlanta."
"That's right. I can never keep the order straight."
"No one can," he laughs, lips twisting into a grin, "You look great."
"So do you," you smile.
Somehow, he'd gotten more handsome than the last time you met. Memories come flooding to the front of your dizzied mind. Many of hot summer nights spent by the pool, and even more of sneaking off together to the hotel rooftops to be alone. Even now, you could still feel the warmth of his strong arms wrapped around you while you talked for hours beneath the stars, sharing your dreams and imagining the future. You'd hoped desperately that he would be in both. And here he was, crashing back into your life and looking at you as if he'd never left.
Knowing you were already slipping back under the spell of his lovesome stare, the coffee dripping off your cheek and down your neck brings you back to reality.
"Oh, look at your suit," you despair at the splatters, attempting to wipe them away with your shirt sleeve, "I'm so sorry, Colt. You know me, always the klutz."
"Don't worry about it. It looks like it's water and coffee resistant," he dismisses, gesturing to the helmet in his hand, "I'm the idiot walking around with this thing on. Just trying to slip away for five minutes without someone yelling at me. Director's got a stick up so far up his backside today, I think it's stabbing his brain, if you know what I mean."
"Oh I definitely do," you grin, followed with a sigh, "I think the whole art department has it out for me at this point."
As you swipe away the last of the obvious drops, your hand lingers on his chest. Blinking, you remember yourself and quickly step back.
"Unfortunately, I don't think my getup is as resistant as yours. Probably should swing by costuming next," you laugh, looking down at your soiled, previously white blouse.
"What am I doing?" Colt admonishes himself before shouting over his shoulder, "Uh, can we get a towel over here, please? Or two? Thank you."
Much to your gratitude, another assistant walking by hands you each a towel a moment later, the studio logo emblazoned on the corner. You hurriedly rub the black linen over your face and turn your focus to your ruined clothes.
"Great service around here," he remarks.
"Coffee delivery notwithstanding," you add.
As he brushes the remaining droplets off his shoulders, his expression turns hesitant. "Oh, you uh, missed a spot. May I?"
You pause wiping at your sleeves and nod to him. He delicately brushes away your hair to dab your temple with his towel, and his touch is almost as soft as his gaze upon you.
"There. Good as new," he declares.
"Thank you," you say, proceeding to wipe at your java-stained jeans in an effort hide your flushed cheeks. "I had no idea they brought you on."
"I've only been here about a week," he explains, clearing his throat, "The last guy's wife just had a baby. I'm just filling in 'til he gets back."
Your stomach sinks at the news, and you try to conceal your disappointment as he continues.
"But yeah, we started the shoot for the big chase scene today. Just wrapped up the opening shots."
"Wow, that's great. I can't believe I haven't seen you around before now. Then again, I don't see the set much while the cameras are rolling. I'm mostly behind the scenes, running all over creation bringing this and that. Speaking of which..." You toss the towel around your neck and squat down to clean up your accident. "I know some people on Stage B who are probably wondering where their drinks are right about now."
Colt takes a knee and retrieves the tray for you, and you begin to stack the empty cups and sticky lids.
"You're not going to get in trouble, are you?" he asks, worry in this voice.
You flinch at the thought, "Not much if I hurry up and remake these."
"Let me help you then."
"You don't have to do that, Colt. I'm sure you're busy."
"I'm on break, and you only dropped them because of me," he insists, "Even if I wasn't, what are they gonna do? Start without me?"
You smile to yourself. There was no arguing with him. He was just as charming as you remembered, and twice as stubborn.
"Alright, you win, Mr. Bigtime Stuntman," you tease.
He holds up the last cup and he raises his eyebrow suspiciously at the letters scribbled in marker on the side.
"What does the 'C.S.' stand for? Colt Seavers?"
"Cinnamon sugar, actually," you chuckle, "Vanilla latte with exactly six shakes of cinnamon sugar on top. Executive producer's favorite. He orders it every single day, no joke."
"That sounds good. I might have to try that myself," he smirks, "Is there like a coffee list I need to put my name on? Or do I just...swing by your trailer?"
"Like they give trailers to production assistants," you scoff, standing up.
Before you can pick up the loaded tray, he snatches it off the ground and jumps to his feet. You know better than to try to take it back from him.
Tucking his helmet under his arm, he gives a little bow. "Lead on, milady."
"The machine's in the catering tent," you giggle, walking in that direction.
"Why are you running around getting coffee for people anyway?" Colt asks, following alongside you, "I thought you were writing the greatest paranormal, pseudo-thriller mystery romance movie of all time? 'Lovers of Lives Past.' What happened with that?"
"You remembered," you say, blushing.
"Of course I remember! I love that story! Did you finish it?"
You frown, reminiscing on the hand that fate had dealt you since you were last together. "My mom had a bad fall, and I took off a year to take care of her. She's better now, but when I got back, I couldn't find any work. The studio wouldn't take me back in my old role. Said they 'downsized the crew.' That included the writer's room. I couldn't even get a spot as a proofreader. When this position finally opened up, I had to take it. It was that or quit the filmmaking world altogether," you sigh, crossing your arms, "I don't know, after being away so long, working on the script didn't seem to matter anymore."
"It does matter. If it means something to even just one person, it matters," he states emphatically, "It matters to you, and it matters to me, so that's already two people right there. Look at you go, Miss Bigtime Hollywood Screenwriter."
His words get a snicker out of you. You'd missed that unbridled enthusiasm of his so very much.
"Oh Colt," you say, shaking your head, "I don't think I have it in me to write a real movie. Besides, you know how quick the landscape changes in this business. No one wants the stupidly optimistic, cheesy stuff I write. They all want gritty, dark scripts or things they can make ten-year franchises out of."
He stops in his tracks and immediately faces you. "Now that's where you're wrong. People want the cheesy. They want the hope, even if they don't know they want it. They need it," he insists, "I know you can do it. I believe in you. But that doesn't matter unless you believe in you."
You stare at him thoughtfully, heart swelling. He was wasting no time reminding you of all the reasons you fell for him in the first place. As if you could ever forget.
"You're sweet," you say.
Sweet. Warm. Inviting. Comforting. Your cinnamon sugar.
He smirks. "It's the vanilla latte."
You start walking once again. The catering tent was close up ahead, and the butterflies in your chest were building up with every step.
"So um, where are you heading next? When the other guy gets back, I mean," you stammer.
"I'm not sure. My schedule is actually pretty open after this," he answers, giving you a coy look, "Why?"
"Just wondering," you say, biting your lip.
"I was thinking of maybe hanging around here a bit. Slow down, take in the scenery, see the sights," he suggests, "You know anyone who could show me around town?"
"I might." You fight to suppress your excitement as you sense his meaning.
"Colt!" someone calls out from behind you, "Pyro wants to talk to you about the ramp launch! They're worried about the impact of explosion on the car with you in it!"
Colt comes to a halt and groans, bowing his head.
"This is why I had the helmet on," he says under his breath.
You look over your shoulder and see that the voice belongs to the stunt coordinator. He had been friendly the few times you'd spoken to him while handing out donuts to the crew, but at present, he looked less-than-thrilled to be delivering that message.
"I see you, man! I know you can hear me!"
He finally turns on his heel to shout back. "Alright, just gimme a minute!"
"Chief wants to see you now. They're almost done prepping the next shot!"
Colt pivots back to you, wincing. "I'm sorry. He always gets intense over fire stuff."
You laugh and take the tray from his hands. "You better go. Wouldn't want you to get in trouble either."
"I'll be back for that coffee. Cinnamon sugar, six shakes exactly," he says with a wink as he steps in the other direction.
You give him a thumbs up. "I'll keep the machine running."
Mere seconds after you turn your back, he calls your name, and you're spinning around again.
"Hey, Y/N?"
"Yes, Colt?"
"Promise me you won't give up on your story?"
"Okay," you agree.
"Say you promise," he points a finger at you, walking backwards, "Say the words."
"I promise I won't give up," you concede, grinning, "Promise me you won't blow up?"
"Cross my heart."
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lovingdabeessss · 2 months
Because I love to suffer I imagine Summer would have been more protective of Yang than Ruby if she didn't die ,what's more I think she'd notice Yang and Blake falling in love long before they themselves noticed it.
Instead of projecting Raven on Yang , as Tai did , she would project Tai on her and be completely mama bear over Yang's romantic relationships because of it .
She would 100% be the kind of mom " I don't care who you love but right now you need to love books" and advise Yang to gard her heart telling her what kind of problems dating your partner could bring all of that to Yang's confusion because "Mom, you're embarrassing me and I have no idea what you're talking about? " but she would also be a safe place for Yang to turn to with her heart problems and cry her ordeals when Blake left the team.
But we'll never have that , so suffer with me I guess ?
I REALLY like that
I like that a lot
Cause it’s summer treating her differently cause of what happened but it’s so much of an act of love and I love that
I loveee imperfections in their little loving family when the family gets to be imperfect (summers alive) instead of flat out disfunctional
And I love her being protective of Yang cause that’s 1 SO cute 2 makes sense cause there was so much going on when she was so so young with raven abandoning them and all, and so with all that stress and trauma going around when Yang was just a baby probably made her be a little bit more protective over her
I love the “right now you need to love books” cause if you’ve noticed I personally believe Yang has perfect grades
Summer: you need to focus on your studies and she’s a bad influence
Yang: my studie- I have some of the best grades in the school??
Also Yang ADORES summer she thinks she’s perfect so this is just that much sweeter and that much more painful
And in like an alternate universe where she didn’t die even if she and tai still weren’t around much, if they were still doing active huntress/huntsmen work and so the sisters childhoods weren’t too different just a lot better with a lot happier campers of caretakers
They could’ve been so close
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notmaplemable · 6 months
My Thoughts On Jaune x RWBY + JNPR Marriage Surnames
This is the... well not follow up since those polls are still live, but just my general thoughts on what happens with the surnames for some Jaune ships.
Now, admittedly the answer to that is partially going to come down to the cultures of Remnant. There are 5 confirmed married couples in RWBY, at least in the main show. Those being Kali and Ghira, Jacque and Willow, Li and An Ren, Terra and Saphron, and Taiyang and Raven.
3/5 have one of the partners taking the other's surname. 1/5 are hyphenated. And we don't know if Raven took Taiyang's last name when they were married, but since Yang is a Xiao Long, we can assume he didn't take hers and they probably didn't hyphenate.
Also, we don't know if Tai and Summer were married or not.
The majority of characters also just have singular surnames, so it seems one partner taking the others surname is the default on Remnant.
With that in mind, I also don't think Jaune would want to give up the Arc name anyways. Since trying to live up to the Arc legacy is a fairly large part of his character. At least in my interpretation of the character.
So let's get into it, I'm also going to link each poll if you want to vote in that.
I can see the Rose name being important, but not super important to Ruby. Kind of depends on where the marriage takes place in the timeline I guess.
I'm leaning a bit more to Ruby just being an Arc, but I can see them going with Rose-Arc to keep the alliteration for Ruby's name.
White Knight:
Weiss cares about her family legacy as much as Jaune. No way either are giving up their surnames.
Arc-Schnee sounds a little better, so I'll go with that.
This one definitely depends on when it happens.
If it happens before Blake reconnects with her family, somehow, she'll just be an Arc.
If after, then definitely Belladonna-Arc. Arc-Belladonna just doesn't sound right.
Honestly, I think Yang is just a bit of a hopeless romantic and would just take her partner's surname unless they really wanted to hyphenate it.
So Yang Arc for this one.
Nora's Arc:
I don't really think Nora cares about her surname... at all. So she'd probably just go with whatever her partner wanted to do.
That or she'd want to arm wrestle for it.
Honestly, I think Pyrrha would change her name to be less recognizable. And because she knows how much being an Arc matter to Jaune.
Pyrrha: Pyrrha Nikos? No, I'm just plain old boring Mrs. Arc. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go try for my 17th child now.
Though I'd imagine whatever company represents her would just want her to keep Nikos.
Martial Arcs:
I can't say I've thought about it much, but I'd imagine Ren would care about his family legacy as much as Jaune.
So I'll go with Ren-Arc.
Bonus Arculus Rift:
Does Penny care about surnames?
I'll just go with a 50/50 on Arc or Polendina-Arc and call it a day.
And yeah, I used witch instead of which on all of the polls. But it's okay, English is only my first language.
What do you think?
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howlingday · 3 months
What if Jaune was a Xiao-Long? Does he either inherit Tai’s puns but are actually good, or Summer’s obsession with weapons, specifically swords.
Well, let's talk about the changes that would come with Jaune being born a Xiao Long. I'm assuming that he's Raven and Tai's son and Yang's twin brother, since him being Ruby's twin would potentially give him silver eyes and take away Ruby's role as the innocent and pure soul that she is, since she'd have to share the big hero spotlight.
As a Xiao-Long Branwen, Jaune's eyes would be red, blue, or purple, which is a choice of colors I love. Like, Yang isn't red like her mothers or blue like her fathers, but a lovely mix of purple to show she is both her mother's and her father's child. So Jaune also being born with these would be nice, though him having either Tai's or Raven's colored eyes would be a nice contrast to Yang. Also, fourth option, just putting it on the table so it's there, Jaune being heterochromatic with red and blue eyes. But to be honest, that feels a little too OC for me. Honestly, I'm leaning to Tai eyes since it would give Raven more reason to not stick around.
Jaune would grow up with Yang and help raise Ruby, but I could see him acting more like a brother than a father with her. He plays video games and reads comic books with her, while Yang is acting more as a mother-figure, filling in the space Summer left. I can also see Jaune having a Luigi dynamic to Yang's Mario, with him being the more timid and cautious twin of the two. Like, I'm imagining the three leaving to look for Summer with Jaune making constant whines like "Yaaang, we should go back!"
Now, with Jaune's weapon, let's address the goliath in the room. Crocea Mors? Not a thing. There's no family heirloom for him to take from the wall to attend Beacon. Instead, since he'd attend Signal and Beacon with his sisters, he'd make his own weapons. What weapons? Ooh... That's... Oof... If you're familiar with my Ru-Ja-Gun-Con series, you know that there are A LOT of weapons Jaune could choose and be inspired by. I even hinted at one being a solid choice for me if I had my way, BUT that was Jaune in canon. This is an entirely different Jaune. However, since this Jaune is still, essentially, Jaune, I would still like to keep the Jaune Arc style, so I'll let him keep the sword and shield and say he was inspired by the fairy tale stories he would read to Ruby, and yes, it is the Rusted Knight. However, I'd also like to borrow from the Joan of Arc inspiration and give Jaune something from her arsenal. I'm thinking a sword and shield/sheath that can be turned into a crossbow! But wait, there's more! Since both Ruby and Yang use theirs for combat AND mobility, I'd like to suggest Jaune has a rappelling line/bolt that he can slide on. Neat, right? Now we just need a name... How about... Juniper Rose, named after his favorite character from his favorite fairy tale.
"But what about his semblance?!" The voice in my head cries, mimicking what I think is what you're asking. Well, since he is heading off to Signal and Beacon with his sisters, it would only make sense to have Jaune unlock his aura and his semblance, but instead of coming up with something wild like Juniper Rose, I'd suggest keeping Aura Amp as his semblance BUT obviously have it unlocked sooner. I'm imagining a scenario during training where Ruby or Yang got really hurt, so he rushes over to help them and uses his semblance to quickly heal them.
But yeah, there's my Jaune Xiao-Long for you.
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simlit · 3 months
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TAYUIN: So your visions, they’re still blocked? KYRIE: Yes, unfortunately. Though, I suppose I should be grateful for some internal peace and quiet. TAYUIN: It’s never happened before? KYRIE: The obstruction? No, it’s never happened before. TAYUIN: You’ve… always had visions? KYRIE: Since I was a child. They were fairly innocuous back then. Little more than intrusive thoughts. Often about things that didn’t matter much. Certainly nothing dire. TAYUIN: And you have no control over them? KYRIE: Not entirely. They usually come when they like, and I make of them what I can. But sometimes they can be prompted. Touching something and concentrating hard enough can jolt it into submission. When I was younger, I wish they’d just go way. Now that they’re gone, I feel… oddly incomplete. TAYUIN: They’re a part of you, no matter how much you might wish otherwise… or if they cause more trouble than they’re worth. KYRIE: I shouldn’t complain. Likely my situation is only temporary. You’ve struggled your whole life with your seasonal connections. I imagine that’s far more distressing. TAYUIN: I’m used it. Doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable. But I’ve never known different so… KYRIE: And if it were up to you, which would you choose? Spring or winter? TAYUIN: Winter… of course. KYRIE: Of course. TAYUIN: I just mean… Well, maybe it suits me more… I don’t know. KYRIE: Does it? I’ve never met another Eladrin. TAYUIN: Winter faeries can be quiet, reserved. Though, no less strong or intimidating than Summer Eladrin. They make up the Frostguard. I would have joined them if… If I could. They’re elite soldiers. Intelligent, powerful strategists. People admire them. They respect them. KYRIE: Then, you dislike your spring attachments? TAYUIN: No, I mean… Spring Eladrin have powerful magics all their own. Masters of tricks and illusions. They should be feared, but their charismatic personalities draw people in. Just part of the manipulation. It's a survival tactic, and I understand the importance of it all too well. But then, I’ve suffered at its hands just as much. Not to say winter faeries are perfect. Far from it… They can be cold. Negligent. Sometimes... remorseless. KYRIE: Your mother, the Queen is…? TAYUIN: Winter. Maybe our only similarity, and still, I’m a fraction of a half. TAYUIN: What about you? Your mother? Your real one. KYRIE: I can’t know her. It’s explicitly forbidden. Even if I wanted to, I expect neither of my birth parents would come forward. It wouldn’t exactly be smiled upon in our society. TAYUIN: Were you never curious? KYRIE: It’s just not worth being curious about. TAYUIN: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed. It’s not my culture. KYRIE: Don’t worry about it. I’m sure we’ve both got a fair bit of judgement. Your world seems strange to me, too. KYRIE: I think winter does suit you more. The real you. Though, the spring in you isn’t all bad, either. Of course, if you were to lose either connection, perhaps you’d become something neither of us recognize. So, I’m glad you’re both. TAYUIN: Glad? KYRIE: They’re called silver linings, Tay. You should try them. TAYUIN: I know what—! KYRIE: Shh, little winter faerie. Your spring is showing.
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periwinkle-musings · 9 months
Did Taylor Swift write "Sweet Nothing" about Paul McCartney and his wife's summer in Wicklow in 1971?
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The song "Sweet Nothing" on Taylor Swift's Midnights has always stood out to me as a bit of an anomaly. Until this intriguing quote by Paul McCartney caught my eye:
In a 2001 ABC interview about his wife Linda, who passed away in 1998, Paul McCartney said:
"I would go out for a run, think of some words, get home from the run, write them down, and make a cup a tea for Linda," said McCartney, who would bring it to her for breakfast. "I'd make a little tray, and go up, and then I'd say, 'Hey, by the way, do you want to hear some poetry?' She'd always … she'd say, 'Yeah.' And so I wrote that poem." 'Blessed.' I would come back from a run. With lines of poetry to tell. And having listened, she would say "What a mind."
This is a direct quote and exact same storyline as in "Sweet Nothing." There is NO WAY that is a coincidence. So I wanted to see if Paul and Linda had any connection to Wicklow - the place mentioned in the song. 
I think the McCartney family vacationed at the Luggala Estate in Co. Wicklow, Ireland in the summer of 1971 as an escape from the aftermath of the Beatles breakup.
A sweet Wicklow love story:
Paul McCartney has connections to Luggala going back to 1965-1966 when he partied at the estate with Guinness Brewing heir Tara Browne who was killed in a car accident a few months after his raucous 21st birthday, and inspired the Beatles song "A Day in the Life." Paul was close to Tara and his death deeply impacted him. This Rolling Stone article details their relationship and mentions that Paul has visited Luggala to visit Tara's gravesite since then on "numerous occasions." Paul had not met his wife Linda yet while Tara was alive, but this proves Paul's deep and personal ties to the family and their 5,000 acre private estate in the Wicklow Mountains, which continued to be a private retreat for celebrity guests until it was sold in 2019.
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Paul McCartney has posted multiple family photos taken by his wife in the summer of 1971 that appear to be taken near the Luggala Estate in Co. Wicklow. He tweeted this photo on St. Patricks day in 2017 which a previous Reddit thread links to Wicklow in 1971. And recently on March 2022 he tweeted this photo which appears to be taken the same day judging by his shirt and his dog, and credits the photo as being taken by his wife (she was a professional photographer) in Ireland in 1971. Here you have a better view of the surrounding mountains and rocky streams (full of pebbles I'd imagine...) It's notable that the second photo was posted March 2022 around the time when Taylor would be writing and recording the Midnights album.
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If you look at the aerial view of Luggala Estate (Now showing on Google Maps as Luggala Lodge), I believe that these photos were taken in one of the rocky streams that feed into the private lake...which is named Lough Tay. (I like to think it's an extra little wink from Taylor that this investigation literally led me to a lake named Lough Tay.)
This area is completely private and the closest public access is from a hiking overlook. This seems like a great place for one of the most famous musicians in the world to hide out with his two young children, 2 dogs, and Linda, who would have been pregnant with Stella McCartney (born Sept 13, 1971).
We know that the family and their dogs were in Ireland in the summer of 1971 from this newspaper article where they were photographed at an airport in August leaving Ireland, which means it's possible that they were in Wicklow a few weeks earlier in July.
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Even though The Beatles broke up in 1969, it continued to be messy between members of the band and the financials involved for the next few years. During the summer of 1971 Paul McCartney and John Lennon were embroiled in a very public fight. There were lawsuits and scathing letters (dated 1971) and it's all very complicated so I won't go into it here, but this article has a good overview.
The lyric, "Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors and smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other" could reference these incidents. I could see Taylor relating to Paul going through this public turmoil surrounding business with former friends, because it is similar to what she's going through with her masters.
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The lyric "You're in the kitchen humming" could reference Linda's passion for cooking and vegetarian activism. She literally founded a food company and wrote a cookbook. This darling photo on her website shows her cooking at the family home in Scotland in the 1970s. Linda was also a singer and recorded many songs with Paul, so the idea that she could be "humming" makes sense.
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Taylor Swift has been friends with the McCartney family for a while. She first met Paul in 2010. She collaborated with Stella McCartney in 2019 for a clothing line as part of the Lover era, and Stella also dressed her for the Evermore album cover in 2020.
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Taylor and Paul McCartney famously interviewed each other for Rolling Stone's "Musicians on Musicians" in 2020. In this article they mention how they both like writing under pseudonyms.
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But the most surprising thing I learned is that Paul actually wrote a song dedicated to Taylor and her relationship with her fans called "Who Cares."
Notably, the music video also features Taylor's longtime friend Emma Stone wearing rainbow makeup in an otherwise black-and-white world full of cartoonish bullies. It's notable that the music video was released Dec 2018, right before the Lover era would kick off a few months later. Perhaps Paul was showing a bit of preemptive support for Taylor as she embarked on what many of us believe was intended to be her coming out era?
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Now to the William Bowery of it all:
Taylor clearly wants us to think Sweet Nothing is about Joe because of the Wicklow name drop, where Joe was papped in July 2021, which looks staged to me.
Interestingly, I can't find any photos of Taylor being seen anywhere near Wicklow, but for some reason she staged a whole photoshoot in Northern Ireland in July, where locals said she "arrived and left by helicopter in a fleeting visit."
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She was also seen in several different locations in Belfast in fan photos. This article also says part of Red TV was recorded in Belfast.
Clearly she wanted to be seen and linked to Northern Ireland, and the lyric easily could have been "Does it ever miss Belfast sometimes?" (same number of syllables) but it's not.
"Sweet Nothing" does have a William Bowery co-writing credit. Would Sir Paul McCartney agree to a secret writing credit? Maybe.
I read an interesting twitter thread from a lawyer (who is a Gaylor) that discusses how William Bowery could be a name under which Taylor commissions writing "for hire." Meaning it could be Joe or multiple other people writing under that pseudonym, as opposed to the "Willam Bowery" (spelled different) which is listed as a U.S. Citizen.
Even if Paul wasn't involved in writing the song, I believe he inspired "Sweet Nothing."
Note: This theory was originally posted on the R/GaylorSwift subreddit Dec 22, 2022 which is currently set to private. I am the original author of the Reddit post (u/-periwinkle), and am reblogging it on my Tumblr because this theory has been gaining traction and I wanted to create a public version. This version has been slightly expanded and updated with better images. Also, I was not the first person to uncover the "what a mind" quote, and the original person who found it is tagged on Reddit.
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bestworstcase · 1 month
on the last rose of summer. again.
Tis the last rose of summer, Left blooming alone; All her lovely companions Are faded and gone; No flower of her kindred, No rose-bud is nigh, To reflect back her blushes Or give sigh for sigh!
summer is not the last rose; her epitaph (“thus kindly i scatter”) identifies her with the poem’s speaker, who plucks and scatters the last rose. “the last rose of summer” means the same as “summer’s last rose.” her emblem is the burning rose; she sets the rose aflame. scatters its petals and ashes to the wind.
RLR2: “i never planned that i would leave you there alone […] i didn’t have a choice, i did what i had to do/i made a sacrifice, but forced a bigger sacrifice on you” -> the last rose of summer left blooming alone is ruby.
all her lovely companions/are faded and gone/no flower of her kindred/no rose-bud is nigh: what happened after summer left? tai “shut down” and yang “had to pick up the pieces;” raven fled and returned to banditry, qrow was often taken away by long missions in distant places. ruby couldn’t even talk yet.
summer is her own reflection: the evil stepmother is also the good stepmother, and the best of us is the one who would set the world on fire to do the right thing. duality is in her nature, is the foundation of her character.
I'll not leave thee, thou lone one. To pine on the stem; Since the lovely are sleeping, Go, sleep thou with them; Thus kindly I scatter Thy leaves o'er the bed, Where thy mates of the garden Lie scentless and dead. So soon may I follow, When friendships decay, And from love's shining circle The gems drop away! When true hearts lie withered, And fond ones are flown, Oh! who would inhabit This bleak world alone?
for every life: “some roses will never bloom/some dreams will rot on the vine/some lives will end much too soon/some evil will never, ever die/some wars will not end in peace/some heroes choose the wrong side/sometimes it’s worth it all/to risk the fall/and fight for every life”
& sacrifice: “born an angel, heaven-sent/falls from grace are never elegant/stars will drop out of the sky/the moon will sadly watch the roses die/in vain/loss, no gain/but you’re not taking me”
& guide my way: “open wide/you were born to hypnotize them all/they said their prayers/can you hear me up there?/what survives/after all the dust has gone?/were you there til the end?/were you at least called a friend?”
& rising: “and we’re on our way/love’s the choice we made/we’re looking to the sky/the light will guide us/the rose will grow to be a seed/from every life, another leads/born the way we’re meant to be”
& RLR2: “you’re not the only one who needed me, i thought you understood […] would i change it if i could?/it doesn’t matter now/the petals scatter now/every nightmare just disclosed/it’s your blood that’s red like roses”
and: “we don’t have to kill you to stop you, and we will stop you.” -> “your mother said those words to me; she was wrong, too.”
summer’s epitaph, thus kindly i scatter, is the inflection point of the poem when the speaker plucks the last rose and scatters its petals—a mercy-killing, to end the grief and loneliness the speaker imagines it must feel.
summer rose meant to kill salem, to end the war once and for all. (did she think of it as a kind of mercy, for a being so ancient and terrible?)—the last rose of summer, left blooming alone (but some roses will never bloom). some wars do not end in peace, some heroes choose the wrong side. summer thought he would end a war that existed only in fairytale; when she learnt the truth, when she realized the cause she served was one of subjugation and genocide on behalf of a god who holds humankind in disdain, she took salem’s hand and ignited a firestorm. sometimes it’s worth it all to risk the fall and fight for every life.
i’ll not leave thee, thou lone one, to pine on the stem; and oh! who would inhabit/this bleak world alone?—were you there til the end? were you at least called a friend?
if summer is the burning rose… what survives after all the dust has gone? the rose will grow to be a seed/from every life, another leads…
& this time: “this time/the ways of the past we’ll get over/this time/enlighten a new state of mind/and now/i’ll stand with you shoulder to shoulder/out of the ashes, a new flame ignite/rise up from shadows and into the light/well stand undivided/our futures aligned”
& rising again: “stand firm/outlast/we won’t be beaten by the past/one goal/one pact/looking forward, never back”
ALL THOSE SALEM-RUBY PARALLELS… they are. both. summer’s last rose: the one summer left behind, petals scattered among her faded and withered companions, and the one summer would not leave to inhabit this bleak world alone. out of the ashes a new flame ignite/rise up from shadows and into the light—this is the faunus’ motif but (of course) it is also salem’s; she works from the shadows, ozpin says, but truth will rise, revealed by mirrored eyes, salem answers, and i can’t wait to watch you burn.
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anthurak · 1 month
Okay so, in Ice Queendom: Weiss' nightmare side was a dictator (because she most feared becoming exactly like her father), Jaune's nightmare side was an infant (because he most feared being powerless), Blake's nightmare side was Adam (because she most feared losing herself the way Adam did), and Ruby's nightmare side was a failure (because she most feared getting all of her friends killed).
What do you think the Nightmare Sides of other characters would've been like?
This is definitely an interesting one, particularly because I don't think we actually got a good sense of Ruby's nightmare-side, as it seems to have basically fizzled out before it could properly form*.
With that being said, I imagine Ruby's actual nightmare-form to be something of a combination of her fears of failure AND her fears of not living up to the 'legacy' of her mother, ie; the pedestal that Qrow and Tai put her on, plus unresolved grief of Summer's believed death at the hands of grimm.
Meaning that I imagine Ruby's nightmare-form would be some twisted fusion of Summer and a Grimm. Which in a fitting case of dramatic irony, would almost certainly represent Ruby unwittingly foreshadowing what ACTUALLY happened to her mother, ie; Summer becoming Salem's first Grimm Hybrid.
Yang is admittedly a bit harder to pin down, at least at this stage of the story, as Yang is still repressing a LOT of her baggage. The obvious answer is that Yang's nightmare form would take after Raven, tying into Yang's fears of abandonment. Though I also can't help but think her nightmare would take after Tai as well, as I have to imagine that Yang has a fair bit of repressed/unresolved resentment towards her father.
*Btw, Ruby's Nightmare basically fizzling out like it did could be considered another subtle hint towards her Silver Eyes, ie; Ruby being far more resistant or even outright immune to Nightmare-infection just as she and Maria proved highly resistant to the Apathy.
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derangedweirdo · 2 months
can you imagine being at the first show of the eras tour after ttpd comes out when tay has already sang miss americana and cruel summer and she’s starting to talk to the audience and then she looks at her hand and says “let me just try something…”
and the crowd goes wild at her fingertips
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citadelofmythoughts · 12 days
I really like how this person put it that a reason beacon Yang leaned more towards feminity and probably experienced comphet is that she thought in order to fill the role of mom for ruby, she had to become Summer in almost every way possible, even at the cost of her own individuality. And we know Summer chose to present feminine and while I like the bi Summer hc, the only relationship Yang saw growing up was between tai and Summer. So I can imagine losing Summer at such a young age, Yang's only conception for "how to be woman" came from what she remembered about Summer. (+ growing up in a small island and only having time to raise ruby meant she probably didn't get out much to socialize despite the facade she puts on as a party girl) I don't know if this makes sense or not 😭 but I like the idea that Yang tried so hard to be a copy of Summer for ruby's sake that it stunted her own growth for self realization and that's why we now see her embracing her masculinity + figuring out she's a lesbian (+ the whole being new to relationships thing) Honestly love how yangs character subverts the "tomboy only becomes happy when she becomes girly and boycrazy" trope that I hated from the 90s and 2000s by making it the reverse, -> feminine girl is truly happy when she becomes masc/a lesbian. Yang is truly such a complex character with many facets from her gender and sexuality to her disability to her parentification coupled with abandoned issues etc
This makes complete sense. Yang's early life revolved around Summer and Ruby and then just Ruby. It follows that she would try to emulate the one real mother figure she had and yeah, living on Patch probably didn't help things
Like so many of us, she gets out into the wider world and meets new people, has new experiences and starts to fit the puzzle pieces together.
I know it's no surprise that I completely adore Yang, she's so fascinating and complicated and "more than meets the eye" and is always open to discovering more about herself and changing and growing.
"If there's something I'm missing, it's not because I lost it, it's because I haven't found it yet and the only way to do it is to keep going."
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“Knowing what it is to feel loved…”
So, I want to preface this by saying some of this is from my own personal experience as well as just kind of what I know from adopted people in general. While not outright stated, Summer Rose basically did adopt her, and the fact he was so young when Summer died, and she found out about Raven are both relevant. Because I feel like if Yang truly knew what it was like to feel loved on a deep, visceral level, she wouldn’t put herself in a position to always sacrifice herself for others. She wouldn’t martyr herself and have someone else feel the pain she has felt by leaving them behind.
The thing is, I don't think people understand how unlovable you can feel when you are adopted. Our society, puts motherhood on such a pedestal (and RWBY not existing in a vacuum we can assume there too), that it is so easy for a child to internalize there is something inherently unlovable about them that would make their own mother give them up. And you can just learn that as a kid even under ideal circumstances where others try to make you feel loved. Had Summer not left, Yang could have possibly lived a happy life without ever knowing Raven didn’t want her. But that’s not what happened. She had two mothers leave her and was left with a dad unable to take care of her and having to step up for her sister. No one ever stays, and Yang has to be the one to pick up the pieces.
When Beacon fell, Blake ran, Weiss’s father came and took her back to Atlas, and Ruby went off on her mission. Her own father says in ear shot he can’t go looking for Ruby because he has “to look after other things” while looking over to Yang’s room. As if she’s in the way of the daughter he really cares about because he out right states she reminds him of Raven. Speaking of, imagine growing up knowing your dad almost resents you for reminding him of the mother who left you, who you’ve been trying desperately to find, only to find out your father knew where she was and was intentionally keeping that information from you. Yang’s feelings of being unloved are so directly tied to being Raven’s daughter, and being forced into a parental role way before she should have been. I also mentioned with Blake in another post, that she did everything “right” with Blake, and she still left without even saying anything. “What if I needed her here for me?” Blake leaving her is just further proof that she must inherently be unlovable and not enough to stick around for.
Yang’s feelings seem so secondary to her that she finally finds Raven to help find Ruby. Yang gets to confront a woman who is nothing like the woman Tai eventually told her about, just for Raven to deflect and not answer the question of why she left. Yang’s feelings truly don’t matter right now because right now this is about getting to Ruby. Never mind, finding her trying to find Raven was how we were introduced to her character (Yellow Trailer). When Yang gets to confront her again, no one around, call Raven out on her shit, all but beg Raven to pick her over power and safety. Beg Raven to be a mother to her and love her, and Raven can’t. We, the audience, can see that Raven is conflicted and loves Yang as much as she can (which Yang can’t see because her back is to her), but it’s truly not good enough. It’s not what Yang needs. Raven might have been able to come up with an excuse before for leaving Yang, but now Raven is actively not picking to her face. Because in the end no one picks Yang.
But Blake did. Blake picked her all the way back in the Emerald Forest, and as far as we know Yang doesn’t know that. We don’t know if Yang knows that Blake ran to keep her safe. Yang doesn’t know Blake wanted her to hate her to further keep her safe. Everything Blake did was for Yang, but Yang doesn’t know that. Yang doesn’t know Blake is doing so well now because of Yang being in her life. Blake is in a perfect position to be there for Yang now and help Yang feel loved. Blake has gone through her journey and processing, and she’s seen and been demonstrated loved through her parents. We can only truly understand love when it’s been demonstrated for us. Yang has never had that, and Blake can be there to focus on her needs and show her what a good partner is like, because she knows what a bad one can be. Blake can take the lead and allow her to feel love in a way neither of them has felt before. It won’t completely fix Yang’s feelings of abandonment, but Blake can be there to help her hold that feeling so it’s not such a heavy burden.
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pokenk · 2 months
I’m not much of a shipper but when it comes to villain Rwby in the AU I’ve been working on I do think about it more. And because yang xiao long is my favorite character I’ve been thinking about who she might end up with.
Edit I realize this post is way too long so I’m gonna colorcode parts of it so you can read it easy if you want
Now the obvious first answer is Blake. But I think a villain Blake, even one who has I’ve said would be a horny shit poster would probably be racist to humans . I think that can be an interesting dynamic I think it would probably prevent her from ever admitting her feelings. Although that could be a fun dynamic between them each of them in a secret love with each other Blake, who is not willing to admit to Yang that she loves her because she’s a human .
Or alternatively, they do get together, and she must keep it secret from her white fang allies that she’s dating a human. I imagine the dynamic if I was ever to summit up would be kind of the relationship that dragon ball abridged, Bulma and Vegeta have.
And from yangs perspective she doesn’t want to get together with Blake either because she’s feels too dedicated to Ruby as a sister to have other relationships. Or she swears never to be hurt again by people leaving.(tai, Raven, and Summer). And realizing that she’s falling for the trap of either caring about someone who’s not her sister or someone for who’s not herself. makes her feel all kinds of weird emotions. 
And so the relationship is kind of a weird inversion of Yang and Blake’s relationship, which is based on trust, and their mutual belief they’ll be there for each other. Well, villain, Blake and villain Yang , clearly love each other. They cannot be honest with each other for fear of having the attachments around them in Blakes case(her connection to other anti-human Faunus ) and the ability to feel perfectly safe by not being close to anyone and yang case. prevent them from building the necessary foundation for any healthy relationships, both romantic and platonic.
The other relationship that I like for villain Yang is freezer burn, because the cruel sadistic leader of a banded organization is the perfect secret right hand for a aloof cold calculating businesswoman like a villain Weiss should be. 
although I wouldn’t call a villain freezer, burn relationship healthy, I think it would definitely last longer than a villain bumblebee relationship. And it’s mainly down to how they view each other in relationship yang views herself as an instrument for Weiss’s to use she kills her political opponents, breaks up strikes and helps her gain her rightful position as air to the SDT.
Weiss views yang as an extension of herself as a way to do the things that a prim and proper air to a giant company can’t do. A physical way to enact change she wants to in this way Yang is her rapier.
And yang who’s trying to not feel all the emotions that come with being abandoned, and being forced to raise your sister, is really eager to abandon all sense of self, and just become Weiss as weapon.
And that’s why I think their relationship would last longer although it’s just as toxic and maybe even more then villain bumblebee the codependency they foster on each other would keep them together longer. also for comparison, think of a version of cersei Jamie without the incest(although I know, saying, that’s removing a pretty big part of their story)
Sorry for the essay posting 
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lovingdabeessss · 7 months
No idea how this would come about but just imagining Summer seeing her daughters in Vacuo and stuff happens and Ruby just casually mentions, "Oh yeah Yang raised me." like not even too Summer but she hears it and is just like, "Um, what?"
Cue Yang trying to step in and be like, "Oh she just means I helped out cos you know, things were tough for a bit, not your fault-"
Ruby: No I mean Yang raised me, like dad was there I guess, he's, ya know... Dad?
Yang: See she calls Tai dad, I can't have been raising her if she does that.
Ruby: I used to call the teachers Yang.
Yang: U-
Summer: Sweetheart let your little sister speak.
Ruby: I just mean like, Yang fed me, taught me, got me to school, read to me, helped with my studying, shopping, and like... Everything?
Summer: And what did Tai do?
Ruby: he was... There? He said stuff sometimes?
Summer: I... See.... So you had to raise yourself and your little sister alone, Yang?
Yang:... Qrow was also there?
Summer: and what was that like?
Yang & Ruby (Flashing back to holding Qrow's hair as he throws up in the toiled)
Both: Uuuuuum
GOD that’s so Yang to go immediately into damage control mode
Yangs a chronic taiyang defender for many many reasons and it has several negative consequences but we don’t have time to get into all that cause I need to sleep soon even though I totally want to get into that
And that’s so Ruby to actually address the issue I never give ruby enough credit for being physically able to do that without needing to immediately fix it just address it
But this breaks my heart all the more because not only is it a damage control and her trying to make sure her mom doesn’t feel guilty but also because it’s summer it gives so much of the vibe of yang trying to get Ruby not to tell on her
Like Yang feeling guilty for having taken care of Ruby like she’s done something wrong because summer definitely isn’t going to be happy about it and she doesn’t want to upset summer the second she got back and she also probably has a lot of guilt over maybe not doing the most amazing job raising Ruby
Also Yang just refusing to acknowledge to people anything bad has ever happened to her is so very Yang
I love thinking about summer interacting with her kids again it’s always so good
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