#imma fast writer
stylezxsilvermoon · 2 years
blue ice | chapter five: kill my mind
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❝cause you're a force of nature look at what you've done I can taste the danger but I don't wanna run so pull me to the ground and I won't put up a fight i'm a caution taker, but baby you're a force of nature❞
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
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Through his lips electricity surged through my soul.
The kiss was eccentric as we collided against each other in the most perfect way I couldn’t explain. It made my brain melt into mush and my body crave it constantly as the seconds went on and our bodies moved against each other. And it felt endlessly wrong to extends higher than the skies above, but we just couldn’t seem to tear away.
Our lips moved like running water against rocks in a rushing stream, desperate to reach the end, the fall. The serenity and the peace within our heated kiss made my head spin and my body react strangely as I quickly became addicted.
His lips made me intoxicated and dizzy as my body fought for air between our lips colliding over and over and over. My mind was running wild with a million thoughts a minute, why and how was this happening I thought?
I didn’t know what could have happened next, only in this moment my mind erupted with want and a prying essence of new feelings pouring out of my heart and searing their way onto his cherry red lips. His breath fanned over me as I felt him shake his head, denying what had already been done and fated as a spark erupted in the both of us.
I pulled him closer to me as I whispered sweet nothings, a tender moment after a clandestine kiss.
The look in Louis’ eyes screamed a version of a terror dream I could never comprehend, or perhaps it was a nightmare. Perhaps I would never know I repeated to myself as I tried to make sense of it all.
Louis stumbled backwards, creating space between us as our eyebrows furrowed. After such a heated kiss space was usually not needed, yet he couldn’t feel more far away than now.
He ran his hands through his hair as his eyes rushed red as a vein popped out from the skin of his forehead, almost seeming angry but at himself and the world as I observed it all from a close distance. Not knowing what to do at all in this strange moment where everything felt as if was all a dream. Floating in a reality that was artificial, but potent and raw like the feeling of the sun encasing your body with bright joy and erupting fireworks of fantastically fascinating fantasies.
“Fuck- Harry that shouldn’t have happened.” He said as his voice was strained with worry as he looked around frantically searching for an answer as none seemed to be known to him or I or the space around us.
After an eternity the elevator opens, and Juniper greets us at the door as she stands in shock as if she saw through the entire scene of Louis and I locking lips as my cheeks flush in embarrassment.
“Did you see that?” I asked whisper quiet, barely audible only for Juniper, Louis, and I to hear in the empty hallway as our voices echoed in the empty hallway like a ghost town.
“Oh, only all of it.” She spoke casually with sarcasm laced in her words like an addictive drug. My eyes widened as my mind raced to an invisible deadline that was nowhere in sight, and the thought was terrifying.
Overwhelming feelings cascade over me like a waterfall of bright colors, mixed together and creating new emotions that can’t find their way to untangle with each other. As if they’re meant to be forever intertwined, but in the mix of dark and light in my mind, there is no clear answer, there is no clear ending and beginning, only existing, only forward on.
“Harry?” Louis asks quietly, only audible to my ears as if he was a heartbeat away, my eyes focused on him as he dwindled his fingers as his eyes twinkled with crystal light.
And as clear as his ocean was, it was rocky with thunderous storms coating the entire sea.
And I was trapped directly in the middle of it all.
As I come to the sense of reality is real and all of this isn’t some distinct cruel dream that I’ve been forced to believe is law; I come to realize my feelings for Harry are more than I thought they ever were before.
And forevermore they give me a light feeling as if I was flying, but I have no clue if they are here to stay, but the flutter in my heart begins to say otherwise.
My heart beats wildly as Juniper Harry and I all sit on the couch cushions of our overgrown hotel room that’s a mix between a deluxe suite and an apartment.
Rain beats down on the land below of Lythorn as thunder booms and crackles mercilessly on every living person in this town, and even the dead.
Only the glow of the TV creates a background noise in the back of my head as I look to Harry in the silence, unsure of what to say.
Juniper looked to us as she left the room cautiously as I pondered to where she was going. But alas only time could tell the tales long forgotten.
Suddenly, a new though plots its way into my brain as I’m trapped in a never-ending reality of scattered thoughts and the only calm in the storm seems to be the emerald in Harry’s green eyes.
“Yeah?” Harry finally answers as I look to him with a raging storm in my eyes. Unable to control the next moment, swept up in the strong current that kept me fighting for air in the headspace that I was in.
“When we kissed, did you feel anything?” I asked quaintly as Harry looked to the floor for a moment as the small flame in my heart began to fizzle out as I felt shame after the words I was dying to say went clumsily past my lips. In only a whisper.
“I felt something Louis, I did. Once I kissed you, I couldn’t stop.” Harry admitted truthfully as I blushed wildly at his confession.
But alas, all of this felt so wrong, with Milo being none the wiser that I had gotten myself into a strange English love affair that seemed to weave its way between my heartstrings.
But, with Harry everything felt oddly strange, of course, forbidden but, as if it was meant to be. Something in me compelled it to be truth, to be law, tangible and palpable.
“Harry, there’s something between us, and I don’t know what, but whatever it is, it’s dangerous. The second I threw my thoughts out the window when I kissed you is when I knew I couldn’t avoid it anymore.” I confessed as I looked into his eyes as we sat in the quiet pale dim light of the lamp next to the hotel living room couch.
Harry swallowed heavily before he said another word, inching closer but still worlds away from the final ending. My lips almost itched to be on his again, his warm body against mine is what I craved.
Then, it struck me like lightning in a sea storm.
My feelings for Milo didn’t even compare to what a relevance, an enchantment Harry’s aura had swarmed me in. It all felt so surreal, but I knew there was no going back from this.
And I wouldn’t ever want to.
“Well that dangerous, is addictive Louis, and I think that I like you.” Harry spoke quietly as he leaned his face closer to mine with a hushed whisper tucking in between his strawberry red lips as his breath fanned in my face.
His innocent smile paired with the flirty aura dancing around us like sugar canes in a children’s Christmas daydream had my head beginning to spin. Though I’d soon be coming down to earth as I looked into Harry’s eyes without saying a single word.
Not a single breath left my body as I discovered what I already knew.
That was then, I knew.
“I think I like you too, Harry.” I said as I tasted his name on my lips as I’d quickly rather the taste of his on mine.
As my body inched closer to his innocent sparks flew around us as they lit up a fire deep inside us that raged and demanded to be set free from its cages.
And as soon as the fire could be set, it came alive with the touch of his hands against mine. Our fingers intertwined as they spread and planted deep roots in our souls like trees in a dark forest. His anchor tattoo intertwined with my ropes as our souls tied together in this dangerous dance amongst the fires of forbidden things never to touch the surface of the pure and iridescent.
“Louis?” Harry questioned, his deep voice echoing the hotel room as my ears perked up at the sound of his gravely tone.
“Yes?” I reply mischievously with a hint of something indescribable in my eyes as I looked towards him. Dark swirls of emotion cascade into my bloodstream and present themselves through my senses as everything seems to have a hazy rose-colored hue over it.
“Kiss me.” He whispers in one breath quickly as he does a onceover of me and the remainder of the room.
“This feels so horribly wrong, but I couldn’t care.” I replied back to him as my self conscious was already weighing the options, but the grief and guilt I would carry for this was already worlds heavier.
I looked into his eyes as the amber-colored light set everything alive as the skies turned a stormy blue as thunder roared and shook the building and my soul to its core.
His lips met mine with a fury light brighter than the lights when you met heaven, and darker than the blood curdling red that is described as hells unwelcoming home.
Our lips glided against each other like a skier on a slippery winter’s slope. My body melted against his as I found myself on top of him, hands intertwined and so were our souls.
A rainbow of emotion busted from the deep depths of my stomach as it kept my body aflutter and floating around this heavenly feeling that had covered me in an ivy like substance, spreading deep and searing into our kiss.
And the ivy was Harry, it was Harry.
I grabbed his face gingerly as his mouth opened gradually to meet my awaiting tongue as it slipped dangerously and slowly into his mouth as I explored it, claiming every territory as if it was my own.
His strong fame incased my smaller body as if his heart was destined to fit in mine.
“L-Lou, fuck that was good. Really good.” Harry said gasping for air as I looked to where his body and mine connected as I was straddling him on top of his lap.
He sat up leaning against his palms on the couch as I ran a hand through my hair as we sat quietly. Blushing and simply wondering what this whole ordeal would turn into. A flame incased my heart, not daring to burn or to spread, just to fuel the fire that Harry had set inside of me.
Harry smirked at me infamously as he looked to me happily as if I was the sun, incasing the whole sky as the biggest star.
And maybe, I was, maybe... I could be.
This was the very first page of something unknown, and Harry had written it, deep in the depths of oceans of romance and clandestine forbidden love. And maybe I could discover the unknow, with Harry.
I sat on my bed quietly after the confusing aura around the universe had left. As usual I watched the news as they continued to update the public about the case.
I watched as my eyes flickered around the room for something to fill the time. Eventually I laid down on the bed fully from my supine position and ran a hand through my hair as I found myself here, in the silence alone.
I pondered to how Juniper and I would continue the case as new evidence seemed to present itself in my brain as I was sitting in silence.
I hoped that we would find a lead suspect by now, but unfortunately it almost feels like we’re running in circles with each lead we get. Though hopefully with my lead about the brambleberry bush and Erika’s killer knowing of her identity before she was murdered would eventually lead to something.
I furrowed my eyebrows as I continued to chase my wild thought as I had nothing better to do except think of how we would eventually solve this case.
But it didn’t make any sense, how would her killer even though she was in the forest that afternoon, unless she was lead, or.. someone was with her.
A new possibility opened as I continued my thought as my mind and heart raced as I could be on to something! At least, I hoped that I was.
I grabbed my investigator notepad that I carried around to jot down important things about suspects or leads in cases. I looked to the pen and paper as my mind roared to life like a car in dormant rest in a Nasar race. Ready to race to the finish line, to the conclusion of the murder.
It would make sense that someone could have been with Erika that day, there had to be, and where there’s someone else, there’s witnesses.. and there’s a lead.
I pondered to whom, and what they could have done with that information that Erika was no longer alive. Or they could have killed her themselves, if they were the person responsible for her death, this could be a major lead in the case!
Suddenly my ears perked up at the sound of a breaking news story. I wondered what it could be as I sat up slowly to look to the TV as the newsman spoke carefully at the new information.
“Breaking news, boyfriend of slain Erika Blokes is admitted to the Lythorn Police Office, insiders say that he could be involved with Erika’s murder. Police Chief Liam Payne says top detective and investigator on the case are to meet with the suspect in question at the department headquarters later today, back to you.” The newsman concluded as I shut off the tv as my phone rang not a moment later, in no doubt it was the chief calling us in.
I picked up the phone with no haste as Liam’s voice echoed on the other end of the phone as Juniper knocked on my door quietly as she stepped in to hear the important phone call.
She smiled to me as Chief Payne disclosed the important information that we would need before heading over to the station.
“Tomlinson, we’ve got Erika’s ex-boyfriend Jake Collins, he claims he was at the crime scene when she was killed. I’m gonna need you and Young to get over here quickly. By the looks of it, kids’ a mess, I think you may be able to milk a confession outta him.” Liam spoke in a serious tone as I nodded as another officer at the police department was on the phone with Juniper as well as we both ended our calls. We looked to each other for a quick moment as we both know what we had to accomplish. Though I couldn’t believe I was spot on! I shrugged my shoulders excitedly as I was already hyped up to know more information on this lead we had. Though now I could be confident the case would go more smoothly than I thought.
Though Anna’s case still had to be considered, because it was linked with her sisters whatever information we would get from this would most likely carry over to her ‘mysterious’ disappearance. Though I still believe that there was more to what happened to Anna that day. And hopefully, she truly hadn’t suffered the same fate as her sister, after all.
Their mother had mentioned that Erika had went on about looking for Anna, and she still had hope that she could still be alive, even after all of these years. Anna most likely had been lured, and unfortunately by my beliefs, so was her sister.
Though setting up the case for a major turn new information would most definitely have an impact on the final verdict. Though it’s far from over.
We’re just getting started
The car ride to the station was quick, the sun setting swiftly in the sky as it almost looked as if we were chasing it as we were chasing the traffic to the department. Desperate to get the reigns on this new lead in the case that had already run rapid out of control thanks to the news coverage.
I looked to Louis as my words were caught in my throat as he kept his hands firm on the steering wheel, though wearing a small smile on his face from his ‘earlier’ endeavors. I rolled my eyes at that thought but smiled just the same.
I couldn’t be the one to bring it up to him, but whether he likes it or not I couldn’t pretend I didn’t hear what I heard back at the hotel between Harry and him. Though nonetheless Milo always seemed eerie towards Louis ever since I had known him. Always so far but never close enough. As if he never had a grasp on what he truly wanted. All those years Louis pondered, and wondered what the relationship was to blossom into with the days, weeks, months and years to become. But I wasn’t sure if they ever amounted to anything, and neither did Louis.
Though the seemingly blooming feelings that were blown around in the airs of caution almost seemed to be a seedling of something to be, and what could be. I couldn’t deny that Louis’ feelings for Milo were always so strong, but now it seems like Luis would reflect on all that wasted time, and decided to start anew.
Time could not tell this curious tale, only heart, truth and an aura of something simpler, something wiser, something purer would come to pass.
Louis pulled into the station quickly as news anchors were already swarming the building as it made it difficult to actually get into the police station without running into unknown people at the Lythorn news department.
One thing I had noticed about the people of Lythorn, was that they were always attentive to what mattered, always searching for more information as it came to them. They were always lusting for more, and more had come... with the new light of the case.
“What is going on?!” A newscaster asked as many more began barking inaudible questions at us as we began to get out of the car and attempt to go into the police station. Despite the madness, the chief of police and officer Horan walked out of the station and escorted us into the building amid all of the newspeople’s allegations and looming questions.
“At this time the case is still pending, we think we may have the suspect in question, but we won’t releasing any names since he is a minor.” I concluded as the newspeople began shoving more microphones towards us as Louis waved them off and refused to answer any of their many questions casually.
“Louis why aren’t you telling them anything?!” I questioned confusingly as Louis stopped in his tracks and turned around to face the looming questions that were yet to be answered.
The cloudy grey skies that surely loomed a storm could not match the look in Louis’ eyes at this moment. He looked to me in indescribable way as he went out of his way to answer the questions quickly before going inside.
“Just wanna be sure before we tell the public anything June-bug, I feel like we’ve got it, and I don’t want to mess it up.” Louis nodded solemnly as I shook my head with understanding.
“We’ll get this Louis, don’t worry.” I said comfortingly as he smiled to me and embraced me in a quick hug as we both went inside.
“So, what’s it looking like Officer.” Louis nodded to Niall as he began to speak on the outlook on the situation with the kid.
“Kid’s a wreck; said he’s ready to confess to whatever you tell ‘em. Don’t know what the hell’s going on in that kid’s brain but he’s properly petrified.” Niall nodded as he sipped his coffee as he picked it up off his desk with the label ‘HORAN’ on it as I took note of it.
“Well Niall how would you fell if you’re girlfriend got murdered and you spoke up about it and police want to haul you into the station?” I questioned playfully as Niall shrugged and lead us further into the station we saw when we first got into Lythorn.
I thought back to that very first day we passed the ‘welcome to Lythorn’ sign, it felt like forever ago in retrospect. But I couldn’t decide whether whatever was going to happen next would have a major impact on our lives moving forward. But however it turned out I knew that we would definitely remember this for a long time going forward. But there’s much more road to cover in this case, but there’s only so much you can go from without running into a dead end.
All this time we’ve been searching for an answer, but I knew that the answer would come in riddles we’d have to decipher. And right now, the road to hope was running short.
As time went on, we patiently awaited the arrival of the conclusion to the final question of the day. Whether or not Jake Collins killed Erika Blokes. Or what does Anna’s disappearance have to do with it all.
Or possibly, I pondered, could she never be dead at all? What if she was alive all this time and we had it all wrong? After all that has happened so far, I wasn’t ruling anything out until we had a sure answer and every possibility of a doubt was buried and set in stone to make no return to the case.
Though one thing still left my heart aflutter, and my brain ablaze, if Jake had truly killed Erika, what reason could he possibly have to do that? It made no sense, though the theory I had was merely circumstantial, something told me that he hadn’t done it, but I couldn’t be sure until we had questioned him.
Erika’s killer knew of her before she was killed, or else she wouldn’t have been in the brambleberry thicket that afternoon. Perhaps she was chased? I wondered, or led, my brain continued on to make a multitude of conclusions inside of my head that could eventually come to pass.. but I would never know if they would after all.
“Louis, Juniper, Mr. Collins is in room 2B, I’ll be accompanying you into the room. He isn’t being held on any charges, this is just a meeting between us and him to get some information, go easy on him.” A unknown but seemingly familiar voice said wearyingly, I turned to the direction of the voice, desperate to the answers buzzing around my head in nonstop motion. I looked at the features across her face, Aurora. I had known her well as a smile etched upon my face at her presence, she smiled to us as Louis ran over and gave her a hug before she led us to the room Jake was no doubt to be in.
“Rory, how are you love?” Louis said excitedly as she giggled quietly as she was embraced in his warm hold. They broke apart quickly as they both realized there was more work to be done. But that couldn’t stop a small smile from creeping on my face slowly seeing the both of them so filled with joy.
The story of Louis and Aurora is sweet with a bittersweet twist of an ending, as far as I remember Aurora had moved in with Louis’ family early in their relationship, after a mysterious fire committed by an arsonist that was driving the city of Doncaster rampant. Then not soon after the two became quickly bonded like siblings but as they drifted into their college years, moreover when Louis and Milo began their premature romance the spark between Aurora and Louis faded out into a darkness of unexplainable proportions.
Suddenly, one night Aurora had mysteriously flown out of the city of Doncaster in search of bigger things that were unknown to all of us. To this day I still wonder where she went or what she could have been up too during that time, though the tale has told itself now that she is present and back again in our hearts and minds.
“I’m wonderful Lou! Now, we can talk all about this later, there’s a possible murderer waiting in room 2B!” Aurora rushed in all seriousness with a mix of playful tone in her voice as we both descended down the dark hallway.
I looked to the fading sun as it dipped down in the sky over the horizon while warm colors left a temptation for warmer weather as it left many of us to wonder when the sun would rise up again, would we rise to the challenge to complete the deep depths of this case.
Or would we sink to the bottom, cold, forgotten and completely out of options.
The cold interlude of the examining room stands to reason why Jake Collins was absolutely terrified of the people facing him on the opposite side of the room.
He almost felt as if he was bait for sharks, the case of his late girlfriends sister hadn’t gone on for years, as soon as they found a single piece of evidence that could stand to reason for the crime. He knew they would act fast to solve it.
And he was their bait, he was their target.
At least, it illuded to be as such, but all would be revealed as he began to give more information to the rather short investigator and detective duo sitting across from him.
“We’re just here to ask you a few questions lad, tell me what did you see that day?” Louis asked Jake quietly as he looked around the room, avoiding the handsome investigator’s eyes and glance, afraid of what might be lying under his ocean eyes. Could it be evil, or magic? Jake whispered to himself as his mind created delusions that he couldn’t tell apart from reality.
And with his body spinning out of control, Jake tried to gain sense of it all. After all, he wouldn’t want Erika to die in vain, so he did what anyone else would do.
He looked him in the eye and sold his soul.
To whatever forces were above, he hoped his information would help catch the killer who took Erika from Jake.
Who took Erika from everyone?
“Erika had said she seen a shadow as we were walking. And I shook off the eerie feeling because it was still daylight, though walking in the historian’s brambleberry thicket wasn’t such a good idea. But we were hopeful, until they appeared out of nowhere.” Jake spoke quietly as Aurora entered all the information he was revealing to them into the filing system for the Lythorn police department.
“They? Did you see their face?” Louis questioned as Jake nodded his head with a no, he continued on the story he had memorized ever since that day, hoping he wouldn’t lose the reigns on the memory just yet.
He couldn’t let it fade, not ever.
“No, but Erika was searching for her sister Anna. She was still hopeful that she was alive, that was why we were there that day, investigator.” Jake gulped quietly as he felt a heavyweight upon his shoulders for something he thought would be easy. But as it came to pass, nothing was ever easy in the sights of a cold case turned reopened murder investigation.
“We were planning to run away together to find her, because there’s this rumored old village linked to the town off shore of the river. But you can’t ever see it because its deep on some sort of island off shore. And it’s always raining so… the fog covers it.” Jake continued as Juniper and Louis nodded as they continued to intake the information.
“She was really deadest on finding her sister?” Juniper asked as Jake nodded with certainty.
“She was, she had almost driven herself mad about it. She created all these theories and ideas of how the police went wrong. She really had hope when she discovered you two were being added to the investigation of her sisters case. She wanted to help, that’s why we had went to search for her. Because Erika, Anna and I had always played in those woods when we were little kids. But never this deep into it, as we were.” Jake continued as Louis looked to Juniper suspiciously at his choice of words.
“Driven mad, you say? So... she was driven mad about her sister being gone and you two were driven mad about running away together, why were you ever going to do that?” Louis questioned as he furrowed his eyebrows at the teen sitting across from him.
As the light shone on his eyes, he looked as if he was a deer caught in headlights. Jake’s mouth went slack, as if he was at a loss for words.
“Because I didn’t want her to go alone. And there’s too many memories of this old town and bad things happening to good people. Neither of us could take it any longer, and now look what’s happened.” Jake spoke defeatedly as he held his head in his hands.
Louis and Juniper both looked to each other. As the sun set on this conundrum of a day, there was only one thing for certain in this world.
They now knew who the killer was.
And it couldn’t have been Jake.
But mysteries loom where madness and curiosity begin to fill in the blanks, so as more information is revealed. The more the both of them begin to suspect the true answer was in front of them all along.
After the examination with Jake, Louis drove Juniper and himself back to the hotel. The city lights at night created a perfect scenery for a picturesque dream. Though the events of today only added up to nothing short of an absolute nightmare.
But it was real, and there was no escaping it.
“So... Louis?” Juniper questioned quietly with a hint of something mischievous in her voice, but it was hidden between bookends of something more. Something pure, something iridescent was in the air, was it love? Was it trust?
It wasn’t to be known what was in the air, but to who was spreading the toxin, the antidote, and the sickness to all of this confusion that loomed in the streets of Lythorn. All of the chaos, all of the history and all of the new blood incased in a messy murder cased seemingly turned bad.
“Yes June-bug?” Louis questioned carefully as he kept his eyes on the road, seeing the blue moon hotel in plain sight as the traffic began to ease up and become lighter as Louis’ car raced down the streets towards home.
A temporary home, at least.
“Do you like Harry?” Juniper finally revealed as Louis looked to her with an offended look on his face.
“Why would you ask that, June we’re in the middle of a murder case and you’re asking me if I like fucking Harry love! Jesus!” Louis said defensively as he simply refused to answer the question at this time.
Why were his feelings for Harry important anyway? He questioned quietly to himself. Though he couldn’t deny the way his heart seemed to fit perfectly in his hands was all he ever searched for, and all he ever wanted.
But he couldn’t be drawn to him, could he?
“Tommo answer the question you wank!” Juniper said immaturely as she hit his shoulder lightly and playfully as he continued to drive through the traffic.
Louis rolled his eyes and let out a string of curse words before finally answering with a small yes, that could barely be heard audibly over the traffic.
“I knew it,” Juniper said accomplishedly “you thought I didn’t hear you guys making out in there, you practically forgot we’re in the same hotel room Louis! Walls are thin you know.” Juniper said with a smirk as Louis licked his lips at looked to her for a split second before stroking his chin and looking back to the traffic.
“But, in all seriousness darling it feels so wrong. But I can’t help but want him, it’s impossible!” Louis admitted as silence fell over the both of them.
“But you and Milo Louis, I mean you know how he is, you two just..” Juniper started as her sentence fizzled out into a little over nothing as Louis nodded in understanding.
“I know, we’ve been on and off for years and I just feel like he doesn’t want what I want. Relationships are all about love and trust and it all just feels so artificial, why can’t it feel the same as Harry an I do? Am I the problem?” Louis voiced sincerely as Juniper shook her head and dismissed him.
“No... it’s just, you and Milo are just strange together you know? And for years you’ve been trying to make it work but he just keeps tearing it down, I know how hard you’ve worked Louis, I just don’t think it’s built to last.” Juniper voiced solemnly as Louis nodded finally, in defeat.
“I feel like a dirty cheater, well that’s because I am. I’ve always felt safe with Milo, I’ve just never wanted anything else, and now Harry is here and he’s making me feel shit! Dammit!” Louis said as he held his head in his hands at the stop light as I hugged him sincerely as we shared a moment together.
“Don’t you remember when Milo allegedly had that fling with that girl when you guys were on a ‘trial’ breakup senior year of high school? Isn’t that how you feel right now?” Juniper asked in all seriousness as Louis’ eyes widened in understanding.
Now he finally knew.
“I still don’t believe that, it’s bullshit, just some stunt to bring his football career down, you know she was spying with our rival back then.” Louis mentioned playfully as Juniper hit him on the shoulder again as Louis let out a laugh at their silliness on the drive back to the hotel.
Suddenly, Louis’ phone rang in the silence as he fumbled to get it out of his pocket as traffic picked back up. Juniper watched as Louis attempted to reach it as it bounced off the dash and onto the floor mats as she let out a horrendously loud laugh at his attempt.
“Oh shuddup, you couldn’t have done better, will you get it for me, hurry before it stops ringing!” Louis voiced quickly as Juniper bent down to pick it up before the ringing stopped and the call went to voicemail.
“It’s the chief of the Doncaster PD.” Juniper voiced confusingly as she picked up the call nonetheless as she pressed the button as she held it up to her ear as Louis continued to drive, being mindful of her facial expressions giving clues to the details of the call.
“Okay, bye.” Juniper said quickly before she hung up the call, all color drained from her face as she looked to Louis, all words seeming meaningless as she discovered there was no more hope, no longer, not a drop in her spirit.
“Louis, Milo’s dead.” She said finally, before Louis pumped the breaks in the hotel parking lot.
It felt almost as if the world stopped spinning.
A/N: ABSOLUETLY GUTWRENCHING ENDING, cliff hanger as well also, Hehe.
#queen of cliff hangers
Besides that, VERY long chapter, how does everyone like Blue ice so far? Let me know what you think in the comments!
What do you think of Louis’ and Juniper’s friendship? I absolutely love it, and Larry’s newfound relationship suddenly blooming into something more.
Not to mention the new details of what REALLY happened to Erika Blokes that day.
But overall, how was the chapter?
Gentle reminder, there are FIVE chapters left to this epic conclusion of a short story.
What could there be in store more for the Lythorn police department? Or the history of Lythorn?
Could it finally go up in shambles? Or will the investigator and detective duo rise it out of the ashes?
as always comment your theories and predictions!
All the love, Louiscarrotsxoxo
link to blue ice master list
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Hope y’all have got some kromer or this call might be pretty short.
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(a quick thanks to my beta reader @prunpplee)
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hahaifolded · 29 days
Two chapters for two different series in a day... wow! I'm literally a literary genius now (this is a joke, I know I am nothing but a babbling fool obsessed with animated men)
As a treat to myself, Imma write this Gaz fic that's been brewing for awhile!
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smileysuh · 8 months
hello !!
im the same anon who messaged recently about the new mark fic :) since you're one of my favorite authors on here do you have any fic recommendations? Im interested to see what you deem a good fic
hi!!!! This is such a good question! You can find my archived rec's here. tbh, I don't read that much, and when I do read, I'm usually already friends with the author, or through reblogs and such I become friends with the author- so Imma tag some of my favourite writer beans :)
@domjaehyun (masterlist) - NCT & others
Jewel has a writing style that I can't even quantify. Her stuff is INTENSE, it gets you in the moment, it's literally everything- she's got some long fics that pass so fast cuz you're just THAT into what's going on. Her Hyuck filth is GOD TIER
My favourites are: Pussy Fiend & Quarentine Chronicals & Kiss U Right Now
@sehunniepotwrites (masterlist) NCT & others
Nikki is another one of those writers who I could read forever. Her stuff is so wholesome and sweet, but the smut is also hot as hell. The amount of detail is astounding- literally publishable work. Like, babes, write a book already
My favourites are: Going For The Gold & The Midnight Shift
@milfgyuu (masterlist) NCT & Ateez & SVT & others
Lana is so good at everything she puts her mind to. Like, the multi fandom in me lives for her blog. I started reading for her SVT stuff, died for her nct content, and I was foaming at the mouth when Ateez was added to the mix. 10/10 content no matter what group.
My favourites are: Babe Watch & Bingo & Peach
@seokgyuu (masterlist) SVT & others
Mitchie my love- I'd been meaning to read her long standing chaptered series for a while, put it off- finally started and couldn't put it down. Read the whole series in a day and now I'm obsessed. This hoe holds it over me tho- who is mc going to end up with? we don't know- but I think I'll cry no matter what because it's the end of an era
My favourite is: the Challenge Me Series
@bitchlessdino (masterlist) SVT
Nana is such an interesting writer. One of the softest bitches I know, down BAD for Dino- and then just pops up with a Halloween fic that included blood play. I really can't even with this girl- all I know is, her mind is amazing, and I wanna read more.
My favourites are: Scream Your Heart Out & Nobodys Home
@honeykyeom (masterlist) SVT
Mo is another one of those writers who does poetry. I've sat with this girl for hours and she types out one like four paragraphs of some of the most thought inducing, detailed shit I've ever heard. Fics like hers take time, and it shows
My favourite is: White Noise
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jade-jini · 11 months
“y/n i have no idea where your clit is can you help me out :((??”
and then once she shoves her cock inside she’s like “damn its so… tight um nngh” and then she cums bc shes such a loser
OMG my first ask is one of my fave writers🙊 Imma flex yes bdjdndk 😎
OK BUT all this starting because I was bullying minjeong in the chat so you know I have to make it virgin loser g!p jeongie x bully (but not really) reader.
Going from daily annoying her; taking her books and stretching so she won’t be able to reach for them, pushing her out of the way, stealing her dessert knowing damn well she was excited to eat it :( “Thank you Jeongie I was hungry byeee” and you would kiss her on the cheek, making her shy and buying you enough time to run away with the food “y/n wait! That’s unfair :(” like poor puppy 🥺
To constantly teasing her. Trapping her against her locker every morning, saying “good morning Jeongie” right on top of her lips making her sigh and completely blanks out, teasing her every time she talked with a girl and looked shy or nervous (minjeong didn’t know this was out of jealousy ‘cause why is anybody talking to YOUR loser?), calling her out and telling her she was such a virgin, Sitting on her lap before the class starts and she just gasps because you keep moving. Why are you doing this to her??? when you have a perfect chair right next to her (yes, she was your seat mate, how unlucky for her huh?) And she just doesn’t have the courage to tell you to move (plus even tho it was wrong it felt too good). You’re so busy saying how she’s such a nerd because of her little Pokemon stickers and plushies that mind you were a gift from her other nerdy friends (yes the other Aespa girlies), that you don’t notice how you’re affecting her 😭 until you feel something hard against your ass and when you instinctively were to get up she automatically grabs your hips to stop you fbdkdn
“Oh someone is enjoying herself a little too much huh little pervert? You’ve probably never had a girl on your lap before.” you whisper in her ear with such a mean smirk and she just whimpers because it’s so embarrassing that is true:((( she got hard in class and right in front of her crush bully. She was gonna panic and then you just “Don’t worry puppy, I’ll help you after class. Just behave until we’re out.”
AND MINJEONG IS ABOUT TO LOSE IT ‘CAUSE NOBODY HAS EVER SAID SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO HER???? but she’s an obedient puppy so she does as you say. She was trying to distract herself from the literal fear she was feeling thinking about what you were gonna do to her. She has never done shit with nobody so she was genuinely nervous 😭 until she felt your hand under her desk, teasing her over her pants. Minjeong looked at you almost begging you to stop because that poor creature felt like she could come right there in that classroom, but you simply told her to stay quiet with your finger, so she had to endure the rest of the lecture with her boxers wet with her precum 💀. After class she got up super fast, covering herself with her bag actually considering running away feeling too scared of pussy but you grabbed her arm firmly.
“Your car or mine?” You asked her. She gulped, catching herself unable to escape you. “wait you don’t have one I remember. You’re always walking home. Lame. C’mon.” Why are you so mean 😭
“A-are you sure that’s a good idea? I thought you were joking…” she said with her little shy voice 🥺 she’s so pathetic and cute. The reason you loved annoying the sht outta her was because of how endearing you found her! She was such a cute little loser who just needed to get ruined.
You rolled your eyes and simply dragged her to your car. Once you got to your place you lost no time and pushed her to your bed, straddling her and kissing her and when I tell you Minjeong can’t stay still 😭 she doesn’t know how to act or what to do she just knows 1. She needs to get her pants out of the way NOW and 2. You were the only one who could help her right now. “Y/n.. please” she’d moan, feeling you moving on top of her again, this time with much more intension. She kept pushing her hips up trying to get more friction. “God you’re so desperate, can’t even let me have my fun before we start” you’d scold but bro fvck you you were just as desperate, you just knew how to hide it better. But it became too hard to hide the way your mouth was almost drooling once you put minjeong’s pants and boxers down because this girl is BIG. And not only big but also idk her dick is just so.. pretty?! Knfkfj like it just looks so amazing, size aside Idk-
So you wasted no time and put her dick inside your mouth, as deep as possible and goshhh minjeong’s eyes went completely to the back of her head. She’s never felt such sensation. Getting deepthroated during your first blowjob is an experience not a lot of people get so she was lucky af “aghh.. y/n.. oh my..~” she’d moan your name so softly it was almost heart melting. That if it wasn’t ‘cause she was literally balls deep inside your throat- anyway. She did sound both so hot but so cute, moaning and whimpering and grabbing your hair a little bit with her shaky hands Aww. You thought she was just a sensitive one but oh stupid you how didn’t you notice it was more than just that??
Once you could feel her breathing a little too irregular, knowing she was close, you got up not wanting her to come yet. You heard her groaning and laughed at her. “Shut up, you’re not the only one who gets to feel good here are you?” You teased her while getting completely naked and Omg 😳 minjeong’s face got sooo red ‘cause she has never seen a girl naked before. So she quickly covered her eyes and you thought she was just a shy loser bsdjfn “I literally just had your cock in my mouth what are you so shy about” “y/n! Hmmm…”. But she said nothing else and once she took her hands off her face you were lying down right in front of her, looking like a goddess and Omg 😵‍💫 her brain stopped working. She’s trying to learn so the best next step would be to get closer and kiss you right? Yes. So that she does, getting in between your legs trying to do it as confident as possible. “Fuck me, jeongie~” you whispered in her ear and gosh she was so ready for it but also so naive about how that was gonna happen 😭 the few videos her useless pervert friends have shown her are those where you can’t see Wtf is going on between the couple’s legs. Her cock was right against your clit (but she didn’t know that lmao) so when she moved and you moaned ‘cause of the friction, she connected it with her doing something right, so she continued but since the contact was also making her feel good, she started moving faster and a little.. abrupt 😭
her cock moved up a little too much. She was too shy to look so the tip literally ended up resting on your bellybutton BSKSNSKS. Minjeong didn’t notice it but you did. She rubbed it against your body a little bit and for the first couple seconds you thought she was just trying to tease you in her own weird nerd way but you grew both tired of that and desperate to feel her deep inside you already so you told her to stop playing and fuck you already. Poor thing panicked again 😭 she grabbed her cock and stared at it and then at your pussy, not knowing how was she supposed to do this 💀but you were always teasing her about being a virgin so at least you knew and it wouldn’t be so weird if she asked for help right? Right?
“Umm.. y/n?” She’d start, clearly confused and nervous. Which made YOU confused ‘cause why the fuck wasn’t she inside you yet?? “It’s just I’m not sure how.. you know.” And Omg that’s when it hit you. “I don’t wanna do something wrong or hurt you or-”
“Hold on. Minjeong.. have you done this before??”
“Hmm? No? I-I thought you knew. You’re always calling me a virgin!” She answered in a defensive tone lol but that’s ‘cause wdym you didn’t know 😨 now she was even more nervous and embarrassed!
“It was just to tease you! How would I know that? But gosh you are pathetic.”
“And you’re so mean :(” Dbdkfn Aww leave her aloneee🥺🥺 “could you ugh.. help me out please? I wanna make you feel good :(” and Aww how could you be mean to her when she was saying those things and asking for help with such a cute face 🥺 you just sighed and rolled your eyes before smiling at her softly.
“Here.” You started, grabbing her cock, making her groan and bite her lip (that woman is hot 🫵🏼). “So right here is the clit, pay attention to this ‘cause the more you stimulate it the better I’ll feel.” You explained to her, teasing yourself with the tip of her cock. And she just went ohhh :o with those puppy eyes she has dndnfk fvckin loser melts my heart istg. You started guiding her a little lower, so she could finally get inside your hole. You decided to move and get the tip inside yourself which with how big she was, was already your own little challenge “g-god.. now you just push it more.. a-and fuck me already.” You told her, already needing more of her. And so she slowly started pushing her cock deeper and deeper inside your pussy, mumbling about how good you felt, her head already in the clouds. Once she was fully in, you let out a big trembling sigh trying to get used to such a big thing inside you. Minjeong was trying her best to stay in a slow tempo at first, worried she might hurt you because you had a painful expression 🥺 but baby didn’t know that it was both hurting but feeling so fucking good. Until you basically ordered her to go faster, while your nails went to her back.
So she started fucking you deep and fast, making you moan so loud which only motivated her to go faster and faster “God you’re so tight.. so warm… hmmgn feels too good y/n… y/n!” She’d cry with a string of voice. She was pounding you so good, grabbing your legs and sucking on your nipple like a fucking baby. It was all way too good. Before you were even closer to your own climax tho she was already coming inside you 💀 poor loser barely lasted but cmon cut her some slack she is a virgin anyway. Plus you can always train her so she’ll get better with time 😌(and when I add cockwarming her in the future then what). She came so much inside you it was dripping down your thighs once she pulled out and it looked so fucking hot… but poor baby felt embarrassed :c
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to finish so fast, you just feel too good..” she said out of breath with a pout :( Aww she thought y’all were done silly puppy.
“It’s ok, it’s not like we’re done anyway” you told her and she just tilted her head looking at you, until you turned her around and started riding her 😭 you hadn’t come yet >:( you didn’t care if it was her first time or not, you were gonna teach her how to make you come with her cock from day one. And that’s how you spent the whole night milking that girl until she actually passed out ‘cause of the overstimulation bdidnds. Needless to say her cock was still inside you as you both fell asleep <3
Y’all’s morning routine barely changes dnndkf. Just that now you drive her to school whenever you spend the night together and take her home after class. You keep teasing her every morning against her locker, but now before saying good morning (like you didn’t see her literally the moment you woke up) you actually kiss her, always pulling her lip making her lose her train of thought and she just sighs and follows you to the classroom with the silliest dreamy expression in her face 😭 she’s such a cutie.
(puppy! minjeong agenda preacher here as you noticed)
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funera1pyre · 4 months
vessel nsfw alphabet
was inspired by a few other writers to make my own!!! here’s vess, i may do the other members
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
vessel will spoil the fuck out of you after sex. you’re his everything, and he treats you with upmost respect. getting you water, wiping you down, running you a bath, anything you desire. will always tell you how good you were for him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
imo vessel loves his stomach. he loves when you kiss his abs down to his dick before you suck him off. also his hands, loves seeing how small you are beneath them.
for his partner, he loves your thighs. always leaves bite marks all over them and loves having them wrapped around his head when he eats you out.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
vessel LOVES to cum inside you. the intimacy of it, also he has a huge breeding kink 🤭 will also cum on your face if you ask nicely
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he sometimes jacks off above you while you sleep. don’t hate me cuz im right
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s fairly experienced, and the more you two have sex, he memorizes all the things that drive you crazy
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
basic but he loves missionary because of the closeness of it. he gets to see the expressions you make and kiss you, and vess is such a romantic. i also think he enjoys fucking you against the wall
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
serious. he takes every act of pleasure with you as worship, a whole side of him takes over when the two of you fuck tbh
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
definitely keeps hair down there but keeps it trimmed, has a happy trail ❗️
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
vessel is super romantic and intimate, not only just during sex. he’ll hold your hand, tell you how much he loves you as he cums deep inside you.. you’re his everything.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i really don’t think he jacks off much (except watching you…. see above). he’d definitely like to keep himself pent up if he’s away from you
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
breeding kink 100%. as mentioned previously he loves to cum inside you and the idea of getting you pregnant drives him fucking crazy. LOVES when you bite him hard and will practically beg you to. also, overstimulation. he won’t stop making you cum until HE’S finished. will literally eat you out for hours
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
imma go basic and say the bed. again, vess is a very romantic person and he wants you to be comfortable. occasionally fucks you in public/risky places too
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
seeing you in his clothes, when you kiss his neck, hearing you beg
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i definitely don’t think he’s into rough bdsm (ex. pain play) even if you consented to it, he wouldn’t like the idea of causing you pain.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
vessel LOVES sloppy blowjobs and fucking your mouth. on the other hand, he can spend hours between your thighs. bro is a munch
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he can be both, but more often than not its slow and he takes his time with you. but if you’re being a brat? he can definitely be rough.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
vess doesn’t do quickies, as stated in the previous sentence he likes to take his time with you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
absolutely. vess will try anything with you if you ask him to. also likes to fuck you in situations where you could get caught.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can go all fuckin night ❗️ legitimately. he’s able to get hard again quickly after cumming and can cum multiple times in one session
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
tbh i dont think he would really be interested in them. he def has a collar for you, and will use your vibrator on you but nothing other than that
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he’s SUCH a tease. will tease you around other people/his bandmates all the time. he knows exactly how to drive you crazy and get you begging for him. he’s obsessed with the effects he has on you
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
vessel talks dirty a LOT. he’s especially loud when he’s cumming, panting and groaning lowly, saying obscenities as he fills you to the brim
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
as i mentioned in one of my most popular posts, vessel LOVES to share you with the other members. it makes him so fucking turned on to watch them fuck you. his favorite sessions by far are with you and iii, domming both of you and having iii fuck you in doggy while you suck vess off 🫥
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
shouldn’t come as a surprise…. but vessel’s dick is huge. it still is hard getting used to.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
pretty high. i’d say if the two of you are together, you’re most likely having sex nearly every day
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i think he can definitely keep himself up for a while after sex. he makes sure he takes care of you first before relaxing, often waiting for you to fall asleep before he does.
i hope you liked!!!!! i may do the other members but idk yet, thank you for reading :3
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moodymisty · 10 days
I’m not exactly a writer by any means, and this isn’t a request, I just need someone to hear me out on this before I go insane. Space Marine 2 related but I don’t think it’s got spoilers, and I’ll keep it very vague. This idea has been rotting in my head for the entire time I’ve played the game and I feel like imma explode
Setting: Space Marine 2 timeline
Imagine you’re Titus’ personal serf, or at the very least you’re tasked with cleaning and caring for that sector of Astartes rooms (with other serfs of course - at first). Titus used to be a captain so I don’t think he’d be unaccustomed to it, but you happen to be one of the first people to show him genuine kindness, even if at first it’s a bit out of fear of him. I’ll be real tho he’s got this Aura™️ about him that makes me think once he’s interacted with you the first time, you realize he’s actually not an…overly-zealous Space Marine on the verge of throwing you out the door, or spewing insults your way on how your lack of efficiency offends him AND the Emperor.
You’re probably still prepping his room or doing final rounds, and he returns from the first mission and finds you there. After deeply apologizing for the lack of urgency on your tasks, deep bow and voice near shaking, he dismisses it with a wave and says none necessary, with no demeaning sneers or stabbing glares you’re used to receiving, no threats of reprimand or orders to leave his sight.
In a bit of a shock, you dare to glance up to him ever so slightly, to see who this surprisingly calm & somewhat tired-sounding Astartes is, and boom eye contact. You have a “oh no he’s HOT” moment, but also can’t help but notice how…tired his eyes look. Maybe tired isn’t the right word. But anyways you bow one more time and hurriedly make your way out to your other duties. You can’t help but think about him tho. Uh fast forward, you probably bump into him a couple more times, and each time a few more words are exchanged between you two. You obviously have no idea who he actually is - no idea what he’s been through or what he’s been accused of. He’s just a new marine on the ship you serve. But you can’t help but feel he’s got the weight of some great world on his shoulders. The look in his eyes. The tone at which he says some things. Guarded, almost. However, he doesn’t seem to be as on edge when speaking with you, or annoyed with the small talks. So, you feel encouraged to keep these talks happening.
In Titus’ view, you’re just a mere serf, and I think that gives him some reprieve — talking to someone who doesn’t know. No suspicion. No prying questions (or digging more). Just casual small exchanges between two humans, even if one is a genetically engineered demi-god. And it’s…nice. Like he breath a little, even just for a second, without worrying about what is stressing him out.
Eventually when he comes back from another mission, perhaps a more..taxing mission, you decide to have balls of adamantium and bring him some kind of drink that you and your fellow serfs enjoy now & then as a way to help ease themselves to sleep (I imagine it’s just some kind of hot tea…I love hot tea. In some Giant Astartes size cup). Obviously you KNOW Astartes don’t need this. They literally have to eat space mush bags of protein just to keep up with the demand of their bodies. (And I’m not 100% on the lore but I think they can still consume regular food??)
you just want to show a little bit of kindness to someone in what is a very, very harsh world, and Astartes are, beneath all that augmented muscle and training, humans. Titus seems more so than the others. He showed you that rare kindness from the first interaction. So, maybe you can return a little more kindness to him, since you doubt it’s hardly something he encounters anywhere else.
Anyway I’ll try to wrap up this idea oops I don’t mean to go on a tangent anyway this small gesture turns into you both becoming closer. There’s nights you just stay with him, no talking. You know it won’t help. And you know he can’t/wont say what this great burden on his shoulders is. You just want him to know you’re there for him. Maybe you stroke his hair gently to soothe him to his scheduled very small amount of rest. Maybe he does just want some casual company, someone whose conversations are as easy and light as breathing air. eventually becoming something he looks forward to when on missions, someone to think of when especially beaten down by enemies, his one place of solace he’s had in many. many. years. and yeah uh eventually yall smooch smooch and progresses to full on you gettin dicked down and now you’re both in this relationship you can’t put a label on exactly but you can’t imagine being with anyone but him and vice versa. I can imagine Titus also being a bit thrown off from these feelings (Astartes brainwashing crashed.exe), but he doesn’t…dislike it. And the further the relationship progresses the more he allows himself to feel them. Leading to the dicking down of a lifetime. They’re both letting themselves be a little selfish. Something/someone that’s theirs and theirs alone. Just this once.
or something like that. that’s just a bare bones outline and can be altered as anyone sees fit. but this is my little version.
sorry for the novel.
- 😈🐈‍⬛
God I would do fucking unspeakable things for Titus, let me clean his quarters all day, and then when he gets back I can spend time on my back worship the Emperor with him ❤️
I love the idea of Titus falling for someone that doesn’t know about his past or even better simply doesn’t care. He just wants to move on.
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prettymrswright · 2 years
not in the way I want to. (s,f)
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pairing: shuri udaku x black!fem!reader
background: you and shuri met in college while the young prodigy was freshly on the rise in the media for her latest creations. the two of you were inseparable from the very first class you had together. many people would assume the two of you to be romantic, but you guys knew it wasn’t like that. you’ve had the same boyfriend since freshman year, and up until recent events, considered yourself straight (curious at most). shuri wasn’t too fond of him, and initially, it perplexed you. but what happens when trouble arises in ‘paradise’, and hidden feelings are revealed?
content warning: fluff, smut (18)+, sub switch!shuri, dom switch!reader, explicit language, dirty talk, pet!names, overstimulat!on, oral (both receiving), strap (reader receiving), scissor!ng, finger!ng (both receiving), rough!gestures, praise!kink, multiple orgasms, mentions of coming out, cheating
word count: 9.6k translations: nkosazana, princess. usana, baby. mhlobo wam, my dear. intombi entle, pretty girl.
authors note: y’all! hello everyone 🤭 i was gonna insert an intro but imma put it in my bio chile ik what y’all here for. i’m excited for this, this is my first fanfic on this app & y’all done woke up the writer in me again, these stories are so good!!! i’m usually a reader/consumer of the content but I love this community so I wanted to jump in there myself. i hope you guys love it, im gonna figure out the masterlist/requests/taglist thing if you guys want more. below tagged are my favoriteeee writers on here, baby y’all write down!!! oh and baby this is SMUT, okay we ain’t come here for play play! 🤣 no need for likes or reblogs, just wanna hear y’all feedback in the comments! (divider by @firefly-graphics)
@inmyheadimobsessed @pinkwright @generallysapphic @vixentheplanet @ventingfanfics @zayswriting @vampzx
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"sssshit, baby wait--" you hissed through slightly parted lips as the princess's hands slid all over you, one finding its way to your entrance making teasingly slow circles. she brings you closer to her chest and lowers her pretty lips to your ear. "please don't deny me, nkosazana" she says with a low tone, sending chills down your spine. "i've been waiting so long." and that she has been. and you'd be a fool to deny her any longer. you fully surrender to her touch, and as soon as you relax, she sends her slim, polished, ringed finger up your pussy, pumping with a curve, sure to touch your center. "aghhh--" you let out a sharp wince and bite the corner of your bottom lip, preventing your scream. she then slips another finger & with each pump, she coos your praises sending you into overdrive. "shuri i'm so close please--" she moans at the sight of your reaction, pleased to have been successful in pleasing you. "let it go for me, usana, that's it" "fuck!" you cry out. "I love you so much" you throw your head back into her neck and flutter your eyelids into a slow shut, anticipating your release. 3 seconds away from arriving and-- ERRRR!! ERRRR!! ERRRR!! you launch your body up rapidly at the sound of your alarm, panting, attempting to catch your breath. "ugh," you groaned, as you turned over to silence the machine, almost breaking it with the force you applied. that was weird. this was the third time this week alone that you have had a wet dream about shuri. even weirder that you were annoyed at its end. the two of you have never been intimate; you weren't even attracted to women. sure you two were close, but it never exceeded its platonic state. awoken by your sudden movement and noise, your boyfriend, Jalen, turns over to you, eyes still shut. "mm, you good baby?" he asks, still half asleep, not totally interested anyway. "yea i'm cool, just startled that's all." halfway through your sentence, he was fast asleep again. you rolled your eyes before grabbing your phone to send a much anticipated text. "Happy Birthday to one of the realest, flyest, smartest, coolest, and kindest people to ever tread this floating rock. I love you! Oh-- and you a bad bitch too." you giggle at your dry humor. tonight was your friend Sevyn’s birthday. Sev had been there for you and Jalen all throughout college. she helped coach y'all through y'all issues both together and individually. she had been there emotionally, mentally, and even sometimes financially. she was an outstanding friend, and it was important that you made tonight special for her. you decided you would get up early and run some errands before the event tonight. as you rise up out of bed, you lightly stretch out your limbs, and walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day. after your normal face and dental hygiene routine, you prepare to take a warm shower. sliding down your underwear, the crotch of your lace peels off your body like a banana, slowly being attached to your skin by the slick caused by the series of imaginative events. it made your skin hot, leaving you slightly embarrassed at the fact that even affected you like that.
as you run your shower, you're certain Jalen was still sleep, and he needed to be up getting ready too.
"Jalen!--" You shout out of the bathroom. "hmmm?," he groans in annoyance, proving you right. "you know we got somewhere to be right?," you semi-yell and wait for his response. "I'm up, I'm up" he says, not convincingly at all. lately, he had been constantly putting off important things, or 'forgetting' them and you didn't know what the root of the issue was. It just seemed like he lacked interest lately. you just blamed it on his work, since it had been requiring his attendance overtime recently. spending all that time could drain somebody for sure. you were sure he meant no true harm. you take a hot, brisk shower, filling up the bathroom with vanilla, white birch, velvety rose and a drop of strawberry nectar-- the scents emerging from your you're the one shower gel from bath and body works.
your mind begins to wander as you lather up your body. you couldn’t figure out why you were so on edge. You and Jalen haven’t been too sexually active the past weeks, or active at all in that matter, but even when you were, it never riled you up like you had been in that dream. maybe you were just missing the constant physical attention you received at the beginning of the relationship. but didn’t that mean you would’ve had a dream about him?
today was so exciting. you had been so emerged in your own adulting, you barely had time to see your friends. you couldn't wait to link back up with sevyn, riri, and shuri. at the end of your shower, you dry off, lotion up, and get dressed in your fav, emerald green, 'running errands' sweatsuit. you put your thick, kinky hair in two space buns, slip on your AF1's and grab your things. walking past the bedroom you hear the deafening snores coming from your boyfriend. you decided to leave anyway and go run errands on your own. .. in a three and a half hour timespan, you were able to get your nails and toes done, pick up some new accessories for your outfit, and get your hair freshly silk pressed. the first time you have put heat in your hair in 3 years, and the health benefits were showing. you had it up in pin curls, and tucked away.
after your errands, you head to the venue and drop off the balloons, the cake, and the shoes you set out for Riri to match her outfit. Sev had no idea she was having a party. she knew you guys were taking her out tonight. you helped set up for a little before you headed out. as you go back home to get ready, you walk in and see Jalen on his game. "Baby, we gotta leave in a couple of hours. How have I managed to knock out my whole day and you ain't move but 3 feet?," you spat, visibly annoyed. "Oh uh, actually," he began, "I can't make Sev's tonight." you walk closer, scanning your boyfriend's facial expressions and body language, waiting for the punchline. "What do you mean you can't make Sev's? We been planning this for weeks, J."
he sighs in a somewhat sympathetic tone before standing to meet your gaze. "I know, babe, I'm sorry. Work called ag--" you cut him off, ready to spazz, but trying your hardest to remain a least a little level headed. "Work? you had all this time to put in for today, J. I mean, damn, they need you there, late, every day?" he pulls your body closer to him and lifts your chin to meet him eye level. "I'm sorry. I'll make up to you and Sev, you know I'm good for it. " he exclaims before slowly pecking your lips. you slightly shudder at the interaction, the most you have gotten in weeks. you roll your eyes before turning to walk away and he pops you on your ass. "Aye, don't give me that 'tude, aight." Jalen laughs. "Go finish getting sexy. And make sure I get my pictures!" he trails off to the bathroom.
you were disappointed, but decided you wouldn't let that get the best of you. you go back into your room and begin to set up your vanity dresser/mirror, in glam mode. you plug in your speaker and shuffle your caribbean vibes playlist, pre-gaming before the festivities. you took off your clothes, leaving you in your panty and bra set, and turned up the lights beaming from your vanity mirror. nothing could ruin this night, not even Jalen's lack of attendance. you decided to text the groupchat to check everyone's status. m'baku's big toe
you: ahem, hearye, hearye. i hope you hoes is getting ready! riri: girl i been getting ready, yk beauty takes time. or do you? idk you be lookin' a lil questionable 🥴 you: girl, fuck you! 🤣 shuri: I’m quicker than you both. 🙄 I’m dressed and out the door before you could attach your second false lash. sev: what you guys wearing?🙃 you: aht aht! it don't matter what we wearing, it's YOUR birthday. sev: i know, but i still don't know where you guys are taking me, i don't want to be over or under dressed😩 riri: girl you could come to the corner store in a disco ball. it's YOUR DAY. you: no, exactly shuri: whatever you guys wear, I'm sure it'll be glorious. now please hurry, i'm falling asleep!
you smile brightly at the texts laying out before you. one thing your friends could always do, was boost your mood. you breeze through your makeup, pausing mid-blend and mid-bake to buss a quick whine or to shout lyrics at the mirror with your gun finger emotes up.
you cocoa butter and oil up your body, giving it that shine and glow. you loved to look like you were glowing when you were dressed up. you slip on your black, mini, spaghetti strap body-con dress with a small slit in the thigh. you put on your sandal strap heels with the black base and clear straps. you place the single gold chain with a heart-shaped herb pendant on your neck, and the gold name plate bracelet to match both gifted from Shuri. It went perfectly with your outfit and the gold accents in the black hand purse you chose to wear for the night. you let your pin curls down and let them fall, slightly below your collarbone. you grab your favorite scent, instant crush by mancera, and give a spritz to all your intimate areas. glancing over yourself in the mirror, you have to say; you totally outdone yourself. it's been a while since you gave yourself this much attention to your appearance and it was well overdue. Jalen pops his head the room, dressed and seemingly in a rush. "alright babe, I'm out. have fun tonight and be safe." he turns out before you can even respond. "you didn't tell me how I looked!" you yell, trying to catch his ear before it was outside. "you look great as always! Love you, bye!" and with that the door shut. it's not that you needed to hear him say it to confirm how you looked, it was no question. but it's always nice to hear it from your partner. you shake it off and hype yourself up in the mirror before your phone begins to ring. it was Riri. you swipe to answer and were met with an enthusiastic exclamation. "We outsideeee!" Riri shouts, followed by cheers from the rest of the group. "Aowww!" you chuckle. "I'm on my way out now." you begin to walk out the door and towards the black Mercedes SVU truck, driven by Shuri. the windows roll down and it is an immediate uproar.
"Bombaaaa, what a gyal suh pretty, man eeee??!" Sev says flick-snapping her fingers, accentuating her Jamaican accent. "No, you look tf goodt! This how you step out for your friend, okay!" Riri says smiling ear to ear. Shuri's reaction is delayed but only because she's trying to take it all in. you were beautiful to Shuri, in every way, and she never hesitated to tell you that. Immediately she felt all the feelings she felt when she first met you rush to her heart , her throat and her stomach. If pupils could take shape, hers would be shaped in hearts. looking at her and waiting for her reaction, you catch her scanning your body and getting flustered. It was silent for a minute until she snaps back to the present moment. "Damn." she breathes out, causing everyone to fill up the rest of the silence with laughter. you hop in the backseat with Riri, admiring her orange turtleneck dress and her small straight back feed-ins. you guys take off, riding out about 20 minutes to your destination. every few minutes or so, you and Shuri would exchange a glance in the rear view mirror, slightly making you nervous. it wouldn't have been the first time, but this time was particularly making you feel a way. she had on a white hoodie and matching white joggers, a pair of 1's and a single plaited gold chain. she smelled of satin and eucalyptus, a strong but soothing scent. the fingers attached to her tattooed hands were freshly polished with a clear coat, reflecting a glare off of the traffic lights as her hands rested on the wheel. her undercut was freshly buzzed, emphasizing the powerful structure of her face. she was breathtaking. your mind began to wander, if you weren't mistaken, in the direction of the dream you had the previous night. before it could get too deep, your thought was interrupted.
"Time out," Sev turns to face you from the front passenger. "Where is J?" you sigh, initially forgetting all about him. "He had to work late, he told me to tell you he'd make it up to you." "Yo, that man is gonna work himself right into an early grave" Riri exclaimed. shuri scoffs at the sentence. you look up, interested in what she thought. "That's some bullshit. Ain't that much overtime in the world." she spat. you knew the two weren't the best of friends. but this comment was clearly shade. you got somewhat defensive. "What are you implying? I mean, he is the main provider of the house. It sound like his priorities are straight to me." you say, colder than you would've liked to. Shuri stared off into the distance of the road, giving a condescending hum before responding. "Mmm. Is that what it is? Okay. I mean one of your closest friends of 4 years' birthday sounds worth prioritizing to me, but what do I know, right?" this was the most you've seen Shuri get aggravated over him. Or anything for that matter. and in a weird way, her protectiveness made you feel something you wouldn't want to admit aloud. The silence after was bitter, but quickly broken after Sev jumps in. "Hey, look, it's fine" she lowly smiles and places her hand on mine. "I'm sure he didn't mean any harm by it. I'm with my girls tonight, let's just have fun." Shuri immediately shoots you an apologetic look. although she didn't regret what she said, she was always gentle with you & didn't want you to feel otherwise. you give her a slight nod and half smile, letting her know it was okay. I mean after all she was right. how could you wither away all your time somewhere where you didn't even need to, especially when you had the choice to be there for your friend? we park and step out the car, walking towards the venue. you could now see everybody in their entirety. the assignment was very clearly understood.
Sev looked beautiful. her locs she had been growing since the 3rd grade were up tightly in a neat, high bun. she had on a silver sequined body suit with a white mini skirt and white open toe heels to match. the windows were made with an ashed out material on the outside, only being able to see the lights reflecting. you, shuri, and riri shoot each other excited looks as Sev walks up first. "Damn, this restaurant is big!" Sev says, having no idea what she was getting ready to walk into. "She don't got a clue in the fucking world--" Riri says under her breath, imitating the Druski meme. simultaneously, you and Shuri tap her arm to shut her up, laughing all the while. she opens the door and everyone turns around. "Surprise!" Everyone yells and cheers, phone light cameras on, brightening up the space even more. all of Sevyn's closest friends and family were in attendance. you and the crew spent weeks formulating this. you knew Sev was homesick, and you wanted to make it as special as possible. the DJ plays Barbie Doll by Vershon as she walks out, giving her her dream entrance.
the different color fluorescent lights lit up the entire space, making the dance floor look electric. there were purple, gold, and silver confetti balloons bunched together and tied in every corner. there was even two 2 balloons tied above the special chair you guys decorated for her to sit as you sung happy birthday. "Oh my g--" Sev turns around to us, hands on her now heavily beating heart. her eyes immediately well with tears. "No you guys didn'tttt" you guys pull her in a group hug. "Yes we did!" Riri says, grabbing a napkin off the side table to pass to me. "Hey hey, don't cry sister, you gon' mess up your pretty makeup!" you pout, using the napkin Riri passed you to blot the corners of her eye. Sev was so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. she loved you guys dearly, but she missed her family back home as well. she mouthed 'I love you' and blew a kiss before she turned to make her rounds around the room. the three of you made a couple rounds yourself and headed for the bar, ready to get your night started. .. about an hour goes by, and Riri rounds everybody up around Sev's chair to sing happy birthday. Shuri brings out her favorite-flavored, cookies and cream ice-cream cake and lays it on the table before her. Happy Earthstrong, Bad Gyal Sevyn! it reads, in purple letters, two gold 2's standing besides each other in the middle. she makes her wishes and blows out her candles, and from there, the real celebration begins.
as the night went on, the tunes were rolling in and at this point every one was tipsy and dancing. one of your favorite Afrobeats songs off of Wizkid's new album started playing. before you knew it, you felt yourself floating to the dance floor. you began to roll your hips, slow to the downbeat, eyes shut, feeling every word.
Mami You making me lose my eyes for other girls No do me something wey go make me stress Give me less of that, give me more of you Give me something I'll never want to lose, yeah
as you continuing dancing, you feel familiar hands slide around your waist and pull you into them. It was Shuri. she had been watching you dance and decided she no longer wanted you to do so alone. as she presses up against you, she begins to whine her hips, matching your rhythm. smiling to yourself, you slightly bend over, adding more dynamic to your movement. as a result, Shuri leans back and catches it. "You go girl," she says in the American accent she had been practicing so heavily lately, making the two of you laugh. you lift back up, keeping the whine more intimate, and she lowers herself to your ear. "You look stunning tonight, nkosazana." She says, sending a chill through you. she had called you that same thing in the dream. her nicknames for you sounded so much better in Xhosa than it did in English. "As do you, my love." you reply, still dancing. "I'm sorry for earlier," she begins, "I didn't mean to offend you. I just get protective when I feel my friends are being taken advantage of."
you slide your hands down to interlock over hers, which were placed around your waist, in an attempt to soothe her, wanting to forget the conversation happened. It works, as you feel her melt further into you. "Shuri it's okay, I promise. I appreciate you looking out, you know that. you were right anyway. he should've been here." you lift a hand to place a kiss on it. she uses that same hand and turns you around to face her, wrapping her arms around your waist. you smooth your arms around her neck and for a moment, it feels like it's only you two in the room. the two of you rock side to side, legs intertwined, in a kompa-like style and she brings herself to your ear and begins to lowly sing-hum the lyrics to the song. Who's gonna know? At the end of the day, I'm yours For the night only, baby, ooh Turn me on, I'm yours For the night only, baby, ooh Ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh you felt like you were dreaming again. was she singing these lyrics to you? or was that just something you wanted to hear? you pull back and make eye-contact with the royal girl, and she's looking at you with a look you've seen before, but just not in real life. "I've been dying to hold you just like this." She blurts out, not breaking the eye contact and you can feel a lump begin to form in your throat. you smile at her, slightly nudging her off. "what are you talking about? we're always affectionate with each other. you hold me all the time" you laugh. it was true. hugs and kisses weren't foreign to you two, and neither was dancing. but somehow this felt intense. "not in the way I want to." she says, making a triangle with her eyes from your left-eye, to your lips, to your right-eye. "and what way is that?" you say directly, almost seductively. you felt it slightly inappropriate to build upon this tension, but once you got in that flirtatious mode, it was hard to come out of it. however, it only happened when you were attracted to said person. and you admit shuri was beautiful, but it never occurred to you that your attraction had been more than just a friend admiring a friend. she picks up on your tone, taking it as a green light to continue.
“Like this.”
she says into your neck as she turns you back around, leaving 3 soft kisses down your collar bone.
you lightly hum in satisfaction and reach your hand around Shuri’s head, bringing her closer and pressing yourself on her pelvis. you drag your hand down her undercut and across her jaw, holding her face to your neck, keeping it warm. she shudders under your touch and lowly moans at your reaction to hers.
I've been waiting for you to come my way (my way)
Put the sun in my rainy day (rainy day)
For your type, I go wait for days, my girl
Girl, your type of feel no dey give me pain
Girl, your picture fits my frame
There for you in a thousand ways, my girl
For the night, for the night
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, ooh, yeah
“Come home with me, tonight Y/N.” she pleads. immediately you feel your knees buckle at the statement. you wanted to say yes so bad, but you couldn’t promise good behavior. And for that, it would be inappropriate for you to. besides you had to let Jalen in since he lost his key.
“I don’t know, Shuri. I gotta be home to open the door for J.” You say with slight disappointment in your tone of voice.
Before the Princess could respond, the two of you are interrupted by a loud mic feedback screech, followed by a very drunk and very happy announcement.
“Thank you everybody for coming out tonight!” Sevyn begins. “I’m so grateful for my beautiful family and my BOMB ASS FRIENDS, I’m having the time of my life, truly. One more year pan di fucka dem, how yuh mean?!!! “ The party erupts in cheers and mimicked mouth sounds of gunshots.
“And with that being said… IT’S SHOT O’CLOCK!!”
Beaming at her excitement, you match her energy. “SHOT O’CLOCK!!!”
Everybody takes their shot given out to them earlier throughout the night, raises it, and backs it. The music starts up again and people are back dancing. The four of you group up by the bar.
“So sis,” Riri starts, facing Sev. “Do you love it or do you love it?!”
“You guys are fucking unreal,” she says slurring. “I’m having so much fun. Thank you. All of you.” She hugs us each and begins to tear up again.
“You know we got your back like your spine do, Sev.” Shuri says, doing the handshake the four of you had created with her.
Riri’s phone buzzes and as she checks her notification, her face drops.
you all pick up on the shift in energy, but Shuri beats you guys to the chase.
“What’s wrong, Ri?” she asks attentively.
anticipating her answer, you look at her waiting for a response, and she immediately looks up at you.
“Y/N,…” She looked so sympathetic. As if something happened to you.
“What? what is it?” you began to get nervous.
Riri squeezes in between in all of us, sharing the view of the phone.
It’s a video sent to Riri’s instagram.
‘Ri, ain’t this your friends man?’
It was your boyfriend Jalen, wearing the same thing he had on when he left the house earlier that afternoon. In the bed, with another familiar face. It was his ex, Mya. the two were kissing. the video was captioned ‘never too far’ with the song “Can’t Leave Him Alone” by Ciara and 50cent attached to it.
a hot pit immediately formed in your stomach and you felt nauseous. Before you could think to cry, the tears were already flowing.
“Are you fucking serious!” Sevyn says, unaware of how loud she truly was, compliments of her inebriated nature.
“I’m sorry, sis. this is so fucked up.” Riri says rubbing your back.
work huh? he had been cheating the entire time. the lack of affection, the flopping on plans, forgetting important dates, no sex. the whole time you’ve been making excuses for him, considering his emotions and hardships, he had been occupying his time and energy somewhere else.
“That fucking jerk-off.” Shuri spat so harshly it almost made you jump. as you glanced over her face, you could see a dark, glossy glare in her eye and her jaw flexing from her biting down so hard. her Kimoyo beads turn a bright, glowy red, activating the mood generator she had added to it, just for shits and giggles in her free time. It meant anger. you knew that. she turns to you, noticing your state and cups your face and immediately wipes your tears with her thumbs.
“Listen to me,” she says, holding the attention she already previously grabbed. “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, inside and out. This has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with him. He didn’t deserve you then, and he doesn’t deserve you now.”
you nod at everything she says. you know she’s right, but the tears just wouldn’t stop flowing. it was hurtful. it was downright disrespectful.
“Girl, we can pack up all your stuff and you come stay with me,” Riri says very sweetly but very serious.
“Fuck that,” you laugh in between sniffles, with your thoughts residing in audacity. “That’s my shit. He could get out!”
“I know that’s right!” Sevyn says smacking her hand down on the bar countertop.
you all laugh. humor was how you four coped with everything. more than anything you were appalled at these series of events, but you wouldn’t let it sack your night. tonight is about Sevyn. You got yourself together, had a few more shots, and the four of you continued the night, as intended.
It was 1 AM and the night was over. everyone kissed and hugged goodbye and made their way out. Shuri had Sevyn over her shoulder, placing her gently in the backseat of the SUV. she was too drunk to function, but in Sevyn’s words, “The night wasn’t crunk, If I wasn’t drunk”
I laughed aloud at the thought of her saying that. we all hop in the car and Shuri being the most sober, barely even tipsy, drives everyone home. we get to Sev’s house first.
“I’m gonna stay with Sev and nurse her back to health.” Riri half chuckles, gathering all of her and Sev’s belongings.
“I am health!” Sevyn slurs, mixing up health and healthy. We all laugh.
“Yeah ok superstar.” Shuri smiles.
“Goodnight y’all,” you say warmly. “Happy Birthday again, Sev.”
“Goodnight, take it easy, okay Y/N/N?” Riri says to you. You give her a reassuring nod.
“Yeah and fuck that nigg—!” was the last thing you heard before the back door shut. You laugh uncontrollably, knowing it was Sevyn, making it clear she had your back. you wait until they get inside and Shuri drives off. for a while, it's silent, until you break it. "Thank you, Shuri." you began, sheepishly, fidgeting your fingers. "For speaking life into me, and making sure I enjoyed my night." you could see her crack a small smile. "Of course, Y/N. What kind of friend would I be not to?" she reaches out and rests her hand on your thigh, giving it a light squeeze. the gesture makes you squirm. Pretending not to notice, Shuri asks, "Did you want to stop by anywhere before we reach your house? Something to eat? Or maybe an airbed?" "Shut up!," You burst into laughter, nudging her shoulder. She was very good with lightening moods, and she was also very funny. "Actually," you began, feeling that bold feeling you had felt earlier. "I was hoping you could take me home. to your home." you say, this time, with the full intent of sounding seductive. you reach over and rub the back of her neck, ever so gently. "Oh, uh-" you notice the 'adam's apple' portion of her neck move as she swallows, caught off guard by your sudden gesture. "Yea, definitely, that's fine with me." her kimoyo beads then started to glow a dark fuchsia. Your head tilted at the sight. That was new. You were there the millions of times that Shuri had ran tests on this feature, but you couldn't recall seeing this color before. "What does fuchsia mean, Princess?" You turn to her, genuinely interested. normally, she hated when you were formal with her. but as of these recent events, she was sort of turned on by it. she looks at you, and with a shy, stuttered tone she replies, "Arousal."
"Oh.." at a loss for words, you feel the pace of your heartbeat pick up, in both places of which a heartbeat may reside in a woman. she was aroused by you. a gentle touch alone from you made her arousal grow and the thought of that made your curiosity quickly turn into certainty. you wanted her bad, and was over pretending that you didn't.
You finally park, and the two of you head inside Shuri's apartment complex, which she had owned and had other people rent out. you went up to the top floor and trailed off into the Princess's palace. Shuri's home was so warm. Welcoming. the decor filled with blues, whites, and silvers, mimicking her lab back at her home Wakanda. The two of you enter her spacious room and immediately she begins to undress. she slips off her hoodie, exposing her toned and muscled arms elongating out of her wifebeater. her beauty was so effortless. And in that moment you could only think of those arms holding you. Or restraining you. either would suffice. "I'm gonna hop in the shower, Y/N," she begins. "You're welcome to shower here or in any of the guest bathrooms. It's up to you." "I'm gonna go in the guest room. Where are your towels?" you ask. she goes in her closet and comes out with a baby blue towel and two wash rags, one white and one blue, and hands them to you. you notice they're the same set from when you slept over last summer. "I never used them and purposely and kept it separated from all my others. I know blue's your favorite." She says, almost bashful. "How sweet, Shuri, thank you," you swoon at the gesture. that's another thing you adored about Shuri. She was so attentive. she knew everything about you & incorporated that information into thoughtful gestures like those. It seemed small but it made your day. "Anything for you, nkosazana." she says, sealing her statement with a wink. There that word went again. Princess. It was like she was taunting you. you smiled bleakly, and made your way to bathroom. the words lingered in your mind. did she mean anything?
as the hot water steams up the bathroom and falls against your skin, rinsing it of the dove body wash it was lathered with, your mind began to wander again. you began to have flash backs. when the two of you first met, your first 1 on 1 hang out, the shows she'd come see you perform in, her taking you to meet her family back in Wakanda. You felt safe in her presence. Comfortable, relaxed, inspired. Beautiful. Something you haven't felt in someone for a really long time. And it hit you. You were in love with Shuri Udaku. You weren't sure what to do with that information. It would mean two things, forcing you to face the truth; One, you were attracted to women. And two, your relationship with Jalen wasn't at all what you painted it out to be all these years. Oddly enough, you still felt bad for carrying on the way you knew you were about to. Not that bad though. after your shower, you walk back into Shuri'’s room, seeing her in her tank & a pair of boxers, at her desk, finishing up some last minute work drafts like the workaholic she was. you knock lightly and break her focus. "Hey," you say meekly, and before you know it, you're back into tears. "Hey, hey, hey, come here. " Shuri quickly pulls you into her lap. "Fuck him. I want you to fully process your emotions, but I don't wanna see two many tears shed over that waste. unless they are tears of joy, of course." she rubs the sides of your shoulders and kisses the back of them. but it wasn't even that. the truth was, you were overwhelmed. of course it hurt seeing what you saw earlier. but through all that turmoil, the only thing you could seem to think of was your feelings for Shuri. "Shuri-," you say, through a sob. "What is it my love, talk to me." Shuri's face grew with concern as she positioned you to now be face to face with her. "I think I'm in love with you," you manage to get out, eyes overflowing with tears. Shuri's reaction was mixed with shock, relief, and excitement. she had been in love with you since she meant you. It had been hell to pretend like she wasn't. she was equally allured by the content of your character as she was your pretty face and equally perfect figure. sure, she was a little jealous watching you be with someone else, but it wasn't jealousy alone. she knew Jalen wasn't shit. It just had to come up in the physical form. “Oh, Thank Bast.” Shuri says, exhaling heavily.
you playfully tap her shoulder.
“Shuri, I’m serious!” you say, almost pouting.
“I know, I know. All jokes aside, you don’t know how happy I am to hear those words from you.” she says lowly, staring into your eyes.
“Really?” you say, not knowing what to think of the situation just of yet.
“Really.” she confirms. “I’ve been in love with you since I met you, Y/F/N.”
hearing those words sent a rush all over your body. if you could be desired by anyone, especially in that way, it would be Shuri. a woman of her beauty and intelligence being enamored by you was way more than flattering. The more time passed, the more your arousal grew hungrily. "So come show me." your response sounding more lewd than intended.
you positioned your body to sit on one of her legs. you grab her face and bring it towards you, kissing her slow and passionately. you both moan into the kiss, breaking the tension that had been so heavily building over the night. a wave of bliss washes over you immediately. as you deepen the kiss, Shuri’s hands travel up your sides and lands on your ass. you slide your hands up the back of her neck and tug lightly at her head of curls. you adjust yourself, purposely separating the boundary of your wrapped towel and your lower region, and you begin to grind your clit against her thigh. you could feel the secretion sliding between your skin.
“Y/N..” Shuri leaves a light moan onto your lips, lifting up for air. "Yes?" you begin kissing down her neck, lightly sucking. "I-is this okay?" Shuri could barely get out. "We don't have to"
you stood up, still hovering over her and peeled off your towel, dropping it to the floor. you take her finger swipe it across your entrance, allowing her to feel the mess she was beginning to create. you sucked yourself off of her, keeping your gaze onto her. "Does that answer your question, Princess?" you say, in an almost sinister tone. "Fuck.." Shuri trailed off, pleasantly surprised at your behavior. without any further question, she lifts you up with one arm and walks you over to the bed, laying you down. you wanted her so bad. this would be your first time with a woman, and although you were nervous, you were ready. you could easily figure out what she liked. you seen it in your dreams a million times. Shuri began kissing you all over your face, traveling down to your neck, eventually stopping at your chest. she hovers over your right nipple, the breeze from her breath causing you to jolt. she slides her hand up your torso and cups your other breast, lightly tugging on the nipple. she slightly drops her jaw, allowing her dribble to fall and coat your puffed nipple. she cleans it up before it droops below the surface. simultaneously, she drives her knee in between your legs, just close enough for the tip of her knee and your clit to kiss. you gasp at the quick exchange, your body squirming under her touch, semi-begging for more. "Stop teasing me, Shuri, please," you breath out. "Mm, mm." she shakes her head, detaching her lips from around your areola. "I've been waiting a long time for you. I'm taking my time. " she gives some attention your other nipple before traveling down your torso. she makes sure not to leave any skin on your body unloved. she wanted the way she truly felt to translate through her actions. she tugged you by the inside of your knees, pulling you closer to the end up of the bed, and kneeled down in front of your heat. "Shuriiii," you whined out, aching for her to do something. "What is it, usana?" she says, wanting you to be vocal. she was so deeply grateful to have heard you say the things she had only dreamt. "What do you need from me?" you had absolutely no problem being vocal. all your guilt, sadness, and confusion was out the window. all you wanted now was to make her feel how she made you in your dreams. sitting up on your forearms, you lock eyes with her, "put your mouth on her, please." "Yes, my love." she breaks eye contact with you and makes eye contact with your folds. "Hey, pretty girl," she cooes over your entrance. the seductive introduction made you melt like putty. She slides her two fingers up your slit, separating your folds, and exposing your now pulsating clit. In one quick motion, she wraps her pretty, royal lips around it and gives it a french kiss. "Yesss, fuck!--" you cry out. you been yearning for this moment, and seeing it come into fruition was driving you insane. still eating, shuri hums inside you, sending the vibrations through you. she slowly slides her fingers inside and begins pumping. you could feel the love at the end of her tongue, and you feel your eyes begin to well up. you throw your head back in intense pleasure. she taps the side of your hip twice, coming up to speak. "aht, aht. keep those pretty eyes on me, gorgeous" demanding your attention, still pumping. soon as your tear-filled eyes, meet hers, she adds another finger and begins to twist. "Ahh!" you pierce out a glass crushing scream, grabbing the sheet so hard you almost pop it off its corner. "I can't--" she silences your protest, shushing loudly, "yes you can baby, hold it for me, yeah?" wanting to be good for her, you just gave a weak nod. she lowers her lips back to your super sensitive bud, now edging it with the flat of her tongue. the combination of the two movements immediately tossed your stomach into knots, signaling a releasing creeping. "Shuri, I'm going to fucking cum--" you say through exhausted breath and gritted teeth. her expectations of you holding anything would soon be met with disappointment.
"I know baby, just a little while longer," she attempts to soothe you, failing terribly. she sucks one more time, slightly tugging at it, making the popping noise at the release. she takes her thumb and uses it as replacement for where her mouth was and uses her free hand to push your knees to your chest.
your legs involuntarily began to tremble and you knew you could hold it no longer.
"Baby," you gasp out, in a warning tone.
"come on, let it out." she gives you the green light and on command, you immediately pour out onto Shuri's fingers.
"Such a good fucking girl." she praises, and you ride out your O off of her fingers. she takes them out and lowers herself to your lips, giving you her fingers for the two of you to share. "You taste so good." she exclaims, moaning to herself.
you're a whimpering, moaning mess. you've never felt such an intense feeling in all the years your were in a relationship with that man. it awakens something in you, and you're ready to do whatever to make Shuri happy.
sitting up with her towering you, you and the Princess collaborate in lifting her shirt over her head. you take time admiring her slim but toned body and her small, perky and stiff breasts.
"You are so beautiful, Shuri." You say looking up to her, so very sincerely. she was really ethereal in every way. she had an androgynous vibe to her, being equally as pretty as she was handsome.
" I am a reflection of you, mhlobo wam." she replies before lifting your chin, placing a peck onto your lips. she always knew what to say.
you slide your fingers around the brim of her shorts before pulling them down, being greeted with her black boxers, being soaked at the front.
"Oh shit," you chuckle. "It's like that?" you look up at the now flustered girl. It was funny, but cute. as quick as she could be in control was as quick as she could become coy.
"It's not my fault," she says in a pouty tone. "You're just so--"
In the midst of her talking, you slip her out her boxers, lift her leg, and rest her foot on the tall bed post that stood beside you, exposing her pretty and dripping two-toned cunt. your eyebrows raised, surprised at her flexibility.
you let out a secluded breath, loving what you saw in front of you. "So..?" you ask, tauntingly, sliding your thumb up and down her middle.
“—Sexy.” her breath stifles, and her chest began to heave up and down.
“you think i’m sexy?” you taunt even further, now dipping your thumb in every one and again, enjoying watching her squirm.
“Y-yes,” her hips disobey her attempt to keep cool and begin bucking up.
“How sweet. Let me say, thank you.” you palm her plump bottom with both hands and pull your lips closer to her sweet spot. you lick a straight path from the bottom of her opening up and to the top and make a quick circle around her clit, sealing it with a kiss.
“Ohhh my f— Y/N..” Shuri felt as if she began to float. she had the prettiest girl at her mercy, and now she had her at her own. to see her underneath her, wanting her in the same way— the thought alone was enough for her cum.
“Tell me how you like it, Princess. Teach me.” you plead, wanting nothing more than to make her feel how she just made you. your eagerness to learn her body made her all the more excited to continue.
like a magnet, you attached your lips onto her second pair, and she guides you right where she wants you.
“Right there. S-slow, please.” she almost begs.
as asked, you rolled your tongue around her bud slowly. painfully slow. you were pleased with her taste & moaned in confirmation.
“Ughh,” her breathing becoming more unsteady, “Fuck, that feels so good, nkosazana.” proud and driven by the praise you were just given, you speed up your pace, just a little. this time, making it sloppy and shaking your head in it. you raise a finger and trace it along her entrance, waiting for the confirmation that it was okay. she nods.
you strike a finger up briskly, tongue still attacking her clit.
“Yes!” she cries out, holding a tighter grip on the sides of your head. you give a few more pumps before slipping another finger, eager to send her over. pushing deeper and deeper, you notice her juices begin to trickle down your fingers.
“are you close, my love?”you chase her expressions for an answer.
“I’m so close, please don’t stop,” she whimpers out as you keep pumping. her eyes shut tight and her leg began to shake. she was a whimpering little thing. it was different from her normal, calm, masculine presenting energy. and you loved it.
you increase the pressure of your sucking and soon after you feel a rush of creamy substance floating down your tongue like a river. she sobs out as she comes down from her first O.
“Mmm.” you vocalize your satisfaction with her flavor. “thank you, princess.” you feel yourself oozing at the sight of her squirm.
“who— taught.. you.. that,” She says in between each gasp for air. you laugh at her possessive energy but flattered that your succeeded at your first attempt to please her.
gaining some of your leg strength back, you fall back on the bad, pulling Shuri on top of you and rolling over so that you were on top. you thought about this so many times and was ready to try it.
you spread her legs and lower your wet and pulsating clit to meet hers. feeling the warm & gushy sensation between you to caused you both to gasp at the same time.
“You so fucking nasty, my God.” Shuri groans aggressively, staring into your soul.
“For you. You damn right.” you bite back. you swooned at thought of being her fantasy. you were laying it all out for her, making her long term attraction worth it.
you held yourself up slightly, rocking back and forth, tribbing the nucleus of her treasure.
“That pussy feels so good on mine, fuck,” you moan, wanting to throw your head back but also not wanting to miss any reactions, for they were the navigator of your success rate.
“Shit!” her pretty brown eyes beginning to gloss over with water. she couldn’t believe how submissive she was acting, but she even more so couldn’t believe how filthy you were, especially involving her. you also couldn’t believe it either. to have never been with a woman, being with Shuri in this way felt so natural.
“Y/N please!” she cried out, grabbing your neck, pulling you forehead to forehead, the heart shaped herb necklace she gifted you now dangling in her face.
thrusting harder, you reach your hand up and massage her left breast, grazing her nipples with the edges of your nails.
the two of your bodies moved in the same patterns like a missing puzzle piece. you grabbed her by her face and kissed her passionately. uncontrollably moaning your mouth, she begins to cry, this time, letting her emotions take over her.
“I’m cumming, please, I can’t take anymore,” she reaches out to push your torso further away, but her hands are quickly pinned down over her head.
“I’m almost there baby, hold on.” You coo sweetly, noticing her begin to get overstimulated. You continue to thrust, picking up the pace to speed up your orgasm, talking Shuri through.
Shuri’s eyes began to roll back and her mouth was agape for so long from her silent cries, she started to drool.
“Shit,” you feel yourself getting ready to release. The sight of her under your control sped up the process by a whole lot. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming—fuck!” you began to whimper. By the time your juices flow out, Shuri let out a piercing screech, squirting all over you.
Shuri was now sobbing and shaking, violently. You wipe her tears and kiss all over her face, now laying beside her.
“I know baby, I know. Let it out,” you continue to kiss her and rub her to calm her down.
“I—I” she tries to vocalize something, but still hasn’t come down yet.
“Take your time, no need to rush.” you reassure her, still slightly out of breath yourself. you help her regulate her breathing and she finally makes out her sentence.
“I need to fuck you. Now.” she growled.
if she hadn’t before, the desire now was through the roof. this was the most aggressive you’d ever seen her-- also the most vulgar-- and after the damage you had just done to her, you were excited, but nervous to see how she would handle you.
her wobbly legs refraining her from being able to move as fast as she could, she hops up and limps over to her dresser draw, opening the top draw and taking out a pretty black, blue and silver strap. the design on it mimicking what would be the inside of a gadget. by it’s shiny and potent structure, you knew it was made of vibranium.
she slips the harness around her hips, tightening both ends to secure it, arms flexing in the process. effortlessly turning you on with every move.
“Come here, duchess.” she motions you over with two fingers. you immediately oblige, following her lead like a lost puppy.
she leads you over to the large mirror that resided on the wall on the other side of the bed. she swipes the slick from the middle of your entrance and uses it to lube up the tool.
“The safe word, is mango.” She began, looking at you through the mirror. “If it’s too much or it hurts, say that word, and i’ll stop immediately. Got it?”
you bite your lip nervously, and nod, doubting that you would ever be using it.
“Words, princess.” She says sternly, lifting up your chin.
“Y-yes.” you breathily respond. and just like that, you were back under her spell, ready to be used anyway she desired.
“There’s my girl.” She smirks before positioning herself behind you. something about her referring to you as her girl made your stomach erupt with butterflies.
you bent over and braced yourself on the mirror and suddenly you felt a poke at your entrance.
“You ready?” she asks. you nod way too eagerly. “I’m gonna count to 3… 1–“
before she ever got to two she slides her length up your canal and you gasp super sharply.
“Shuri!” you half moan, half growl, feeling good but snapping at her for cutting your time to prepare.
“Shh, you got it, come on,” she coaches. Shuri stroked her length in and out of you, slow and long, building up your anticipation.
“Shit!,” you spat, bitting down on your lip, adjusting to her length.
shuri had been developing this piece for a long time. she also was secretly restricting it for you, not knowing if you’d ever actually be together. but the very few times she did have other partners, she’d only use the regular silicone strap for them. only a woman of a certain poise and power was worthy of the contraption, and in this case, that woman was you. her intombi entle.
she had designed it to feel as close to skin as possible. she wanted you to feel the intimacy just as she did, being that she also designed it to allow her to feel you.
as she pumped in and out of you, your walls tightly clenched around her, almost fighting to keep her inside.
“Ugh,” Shuri grunted aloud. “Pussy so fucking tight.”
“Oh God,” you slur out. as your body was working overtime to stay cool, you feel yourself beginning to sweat profusely. your freshly done silk press now glued to your shoulders. “You feel so fucking good”
The Princess swiftly grabs your arms and folds them, locking them behind you. She holds up your perfect frame, forcing you to look at you both in the mirror.
“Look how pretty you look taking this dick, hmm?” she says lowly in your ear while speeding up her pace.
“Oh, fuck,” not having any control over what happens now, you begin to panic, the knot you now knew to be so familiar beginning to arise in your stomach.
“Say it. I wanna hear you,” she demands.
“Shuri, please,” you beg her to go easy on you, but she wasn’t having it. She gives an electrifying smack to your ass.
“Say. It.” She says through grit teeth, now with one hand full of your hair, slamming into you harder, directly on your g spot.
“I— aghhh!” you fight to get the words out. “I l-look s-so pretty taking th— this dick!”
she smiles sinisterly and quickly agrees. “Mm, yes you do.”
a question you usually scoff at arises, however, it’s a pleasure to hear the next sentence come from Shuri’s lips.
“Who’s pussy is this? Hm?” she knew exactly how to get you riled up. She so badly yearned to hear you surrender to her after watching you with someone else all this time. especially someone who didn’t deserve you.
“It’s yours, Shuri,” your words began to spill over like a fountain in sonic moans. “It’s yours, I’m yours, I belong to you!”
it was music to Shuri’s ears. you were hers. you said it, and that’s all the confirmation she needed.
“and don’t you ever fucking forget,” she spat.
hearing the royal speak so filthy and so rough was so shocking yet so enticing. her every word carried you closer and closer to your whit’s end.
still stroking, she yanks your head back and passionately kisses you, swallowing all your moans.
stomach tight, shuri’s strokes began to get sloppy, feeling your constant contract and release. she was quickly approaching her arrival.
“Shhhhuri, I’m about to—“ you began, almost snatching the words out her mouth.
“Cum. Cum with me, my pretty girl.” she gives 4 more sloppy pumps before she slides out, cumming all over herself; but not before you left a creamy, white ring all around her base. as soon as she comes out completely, you squirt out all over her lower region; something you had never done before. you squeal, in shock and excitement.
“You did such a good job, usana” Shuri pecks your lips and taps your slightly bruised ass. you beam at the praise she gives. she picks you up and carries you to the bed, gently laying you down before slipped off her harness and climbing in with you.
draping the covers over your naked bodies, you cuddle into Shuri, placing your head on her chest and she pulls you in closer. you throw your leg over her lower torso to get close as possible. you both listen to each other’s breath slowly come down to its original state. Shuri picks up and holds your hand that was previously laying on her chest, and kisses it. At peace and well satisfied, you feel yourself begin to drift off to sleep.
“not you falling asleep already,” Shuri laughs, mockingly.
usually you’d protest, but you let her rock on this one.
“I love you so much.” you mummur, gazing up at Shuri.
“I love you so much more. Thank you for trusting me with your body.” She says sincerely.
“I trust you with my life.” you say authentically as ever, overcome with feelings of euphoria.
“I trust you with mine.” she replies, almost instantly.
shuri lifts her hand, inviting you to do the handshake your friend group had made. the two added a special ending that nobody new about. the two of you share a blissful laugh at the comedic ending of it.
“Alright, my love, get some sleep.” Shuri rubs small circles on your back with one hand and rubs the leg thrown over her with the other.
“You got a boyfriend to break up with tomorrow.”
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smilingangel582 · 4 months
Wind breaker, here I come! I couldn't watch the new episode yet due to some minor issues! Well... I wanna see more fics from others, but I'm too impatient 😤 so I'm writing one again!
Can't think of a better lee than Sakura, so... im gonna put a switch, Nirei and Sugishita! Totally ler Suo and Umemiya!
The other characters aren't gonna be part of the fic because... I never read the manga but ik bits of spoilers from it... soooo imma skip them till the anime introduces them... yeeet imma add some of the teeny tiny bits I was spoiled from the manga!
My spelling sucks ik and I'm a faster writer, so... I tend to make a lot of misspelling stuff as I type fast. (It's not ADHD or anything special... I'm just a hyper person in real life... hehe)
Warning spoilers from the anime and perhaps manga "my imagination after episode 8"
The big man himself
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Sakura Haruka, an outsider, but everyone in this town accepted him as family as quickly as Sakira pummeled five dudes in an instant whiff.
What the hell is this town...?
His thoughts are often reserved and well kept to himself. Even as he walked through the hallways, he noticed familiar faces greeting him as grade captain and respectful gestures. Sure Sakura can take in most and yet...
"Omg! He's the first year grade captain who beat shishitoren second in command!"
"His look is so cool!"
A small blush crept up to his cheeks, he just grunted in response, leaving them mid-praise towards him.
It's almost like an attack mechanism to Sakura, like compliments are his weakness, and the opponent strikes it mercilessly till he's crumbled.
Honestly, Sakura hates that about himself.
"Sakura-san! We need your help!"
Hearing Nirei's voice in front, he looked up, his bangs lifting at the sight of Suo and Nirei...
And Sugishita???
"What the hell do u want?" Sakura grumbled.
Suo's calmly allows to explain themselves, "Now Sakura-kun, us first years have a job to do... its specifically by Hiragi-san"
Straightening himself, Sakura nods seriously, "OK... sure"
Suo stares for a moment before chuckling into his hand, this made Sakura frown, "What's so funny?"
"Oh, nothing... I just thought how cute it is that you actually listen to your senpais..."
Sakura got flustered and began to sputter angrily, "Q-Quiet! I don't respect... well, uh, I m-mean... ugh, never mind. What the heck do we need to do anyway?"
Suo noticed in amusement how Sakura faltered in defeat, then he replied, "Oh nothing... Sugishita-kun and Hiragi-san over-watered one of Umemiya-san's precious tomato plants..."
Sakura blinked.
"And... whats the issue?"
Sugishita snapped, grabbing Sakura by the shirt, "It's a big problem dumbass!"
Sakura gritted his teeth in fury, "Who you calling dumbass?! Dumbass!"
Sup calmly separated them and began to run over what they should do, "So... the big issue is... they are a special gift from his -I quote 'Kotoha-chan'"
Now that made sense. Sakura pinched the bridge of his nose... no wonder they dragged him to the roof when Umemiya isn't around.
"Now what should we do?" Sakura asked folding his arms.
"We have to distract Umemiya-san, and make him forget about that plant" Nirei said, sweating buckets throughout their whole conversation. Sakura stumbled in surprise. He really forgot Nirei was actually there...
(Ps. I did, actually... teehee ^w^)
"Oh..." Sakura said blankly, putting two and two together. He turned now, "So good luck... its not my problem anyway"
"Waiiit!" Nirei clung yo his jacket, "You are out grade captain! Dont abandon us pls!!"
"Sakura-kun, we told u the story so... basically you are involved" suo shrugged nonchalantly, Sugishita glared daggers as if he's blackmailing Sakura, "You better help..."
"I could care less!"
Before anyone could pass out any words through their conversation. Sakura heard the door on the rooftop open, Umemiya came.
Oh shit.
"Ah! My cute little underclassmen!" Umemiya rushed towards the group with joy and then without warning ruffling everyone's hairs.
He specifically embaraced Sakura, showing he's a favourite.
"Ahhh! Sakuraaa" a childish cry of bliss came from the leader's lips, as he almost squashed the first year.
Sugishita glared and growled like a rottweiler, Suo claimed he's a jealous puppy further angering him.
"Well, well! What brings you lot to my humble paradise!"
Sakura squirmed out of his grip, grumbling, "Trying to protect that stupid plant of -hmph!"
He forgot... he forgot... Sakura luckily closed his own mouth before digging his own grave... and yet... Umemiya looks like he already got a shovel close to him.
"Hmm..." Umemiya smirked, now flicking his forehead, "Sakura.... When you lie, I can tell that your ear turns red"
He got flustered "I-i do not! I'm not lying!"
Sakura noticed Nirei seemed anxious, Suo with a calm and an unapologetic smile and Sugishita totally ignoring him. They all abandoned him... he was bait after all...
"Oh no~ Sakura-kun," Umemiya sang playfully, suddenly stepping forward with incredible speed, "You shouldn't shift your attention to something irrelevant when your opponent is right in front of you"
Sakura gasped when he felt Umemiya grab his waist instantly. Without realising he was pinned to the wall, he slid down when those fingers made a funny sensation over his sides...
Wait... is this... tickling?
Resist! Resist! Resist damn it! Come on, Haruka! U have to!
Sakura felt his own thoughts fighting the urge to laugh as mad fingers scurried up his ribcage instantly. He struggled and kicked in reflex, surprisingly arching is back like a flexible sprig when Umemiya skillfully tickled his lower ribs.
"G-gah!" A squawk left him. While Suo and the rest awkwardly saw what was happening, the eye patch guy had to comment, "Oh wow... Sakura-kun are you ticklish?"
Umemiya grinned at that, "Oh, he is... how cute, little bro... but be careful. Your big bro is a biiiig tickle monster!"
Sakura suddenly jolted when Umemiya traced his waist beneath the shirt. The tingling sensation on his bare skin was insane. Its perhaps because Sakura never felt tickling before that he actually felt it like something so strong and unbearable.
How embarassing... he's giggling like a four year old.
"Shihihihihit! Hahahaha, whyhehehe whhhyy hahaha??!" Sakura squirmed, now twisting on his stomach, trying to escape.
Why is this man even tickling him?
"Why?" Umemiya grabbed his sides, pulling him closer to him, "Because you are obviously hiding something from me... aaaand... your are too cute!"
"Dahahahahamn ihihiiiiHIHIHIT! NOHO!" Sakura's laughter kicked an octave when Umemiya traced his armpits - not even tickle - just gentle featherlight tickling he never expected to tickle so much!
But...it feels good... it's the first time someone ever touched him so playfully...
Not cruel jabs that sting like poker sticks or burning hits from harsh punches... just mild subtle ticklish jolts like electric shocks.
"Suo, Nirei, can you grab him for a moment?"
Hearing this, Sakura snapped into reality. Huh? Why? Why are they restraining him?
Suo grabbed his wrists up above his head, the warm concrete floor beneath him, giving his wishes before his doomsday, Nireo sitting on his shins... and Umemiya on the side with a wide grin.
"I would've resorted to other easier methods, but I guess you like being tickeld. Eh Sakura?"
Blush, Sakura yelped, "N-no! Obviously not! Ugh, y-you bastard... and -" Sakura turned to the other three."Are you guys ditching me????"
Suo gives a gentle grin, "Sorry, but you are strong enough to handle this unlike us, plus..." Suo gives a teasing scribble under Sakura's armpit, making the latter jolt in surprise, "Umemiya-san said you like it"
Sakura exploded, "I NEVER SAID THAT -AAAH!"
Umemiya launched his tickles instantly before Sakura could express anything. Sakuta couldn't even focus his priorities as multiple spots are being targeted.
"Saakuraaa~, what's the juicy secret you're keeping from me?"
Gosh... the others guys are supposed to be on his side! Did they all deviate from the plot just to mess with Sakura? Unbelievable!
Sakura panicked with a squeak when Umemiya kept lingering around his stomach. He felt a plunging sensation in his gut as Umemiya poked his naval.
"D-Doho nohohot pohohohoke thahahat!" Sakura shrieked, now bucking himself tryinf to shake them off but they all remained resilient.
"Wow, Sakura-san, you really are sensitive" Nirei unconsciously squeezed his kneecaps making it worst despite his feigned innocence.
Sugishita watched with an unreadable expression his face was so judgemental, and Sakura hoped it didn't mean 'cute' to the taller guy.
Suo leaned towards Umemiya now, not even bothering to lower his voice through Sakura's booming laughter, "His armpits seem pretty sensitive too, boss"
It's bad... though Sakura has never been tickled before, his alert senses are tingling mad. Its bad...!
"Oh...?" Umemiya slowly crawled his fingers up the boney ribs and finally into the light muscular armpits, "Here? Is Sakura sensitive under there?"
Squeal. To say Sakura let out such an embarrassing sound was not a lie. He wanted to crawl it yo a rock and die right now for making such an absurd noise like a squeal.
"Ehh? Already? Wow, that didn't take long?" Suo teased, and Umemiya winked back, stopping gradually as he persisted, "Tell me, kid~"
"Ahahahahaha ohoohohohok ohohohok! Ihihihits yohohour duhuhuhuhumb plahahahant thehehe ohohone Kohohohotahaha gahahave yahahaha!"
Sakura confessed... all it took was a tickle to his armpits to spill the milk.
Umemiya stopped instantly. Uh oh... all of that may be fun and games but Nirei realised that they were suppose to keep him distracted not make Sakira confess...
Umemiya sigh, scratching the back of his head, "Well I wanted to make Sakura confess about liking to be tickled... I almost forgot why I started this..." he smiled now ruffling Sakura's messed up hair and his still blushing face flowing more red.
"Well im glad you kept your comradeship safe sweet brother" Umemiya grinned.
Sakura blushed to the tips of his ears, huffing, "Not like I did anythjnf but be a victim..."
It was all OK...
"So... what's this about my plant?"
Or... It wasn't
"Did I hear you say it was Kotoha's plant?" Umemiya's smile darkened, sweet to bitter ...its bad now.
Sakura gulped but suo being the rescuer instantly grabbed everyone and scurried away before the leader of Borfurin could catch up.
Sakura couldn't say he hated his day but he really wondered what happened to the tomato plant Hiragi said he was gonna replace...
No one will know the depths Hajime Umemiya would go to cherish what Kotoha gave him.
Sakura shivered... a bigger tickle monster is lurking inside the leader.
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The end was rushed, ik! Ik! It came too cute, too, so the plot was messy! Sorryyyyy my badddd also don't blame me! It's so late, and I'm hyper from caffeine! Byeee
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shysublimecoffee · 9 months
I prefer not to sound harsh, but Miraculous has become a fandom where I find more enjoyment in reading fanfics than watching the show. It feels like there's a lack of effort or an attempt to justify and rearrange elements, often ignoring past seasons and assuming the audience won't notice. The handling of Derision is a notable example, with more astute critics than me delving into their dissatisfaction and the evident retcons.
I didn't anticipate the show going to such lengths as portraying Gabriel as someone deserving of a statue, and it left a sour taste in my mouth to see the hero endorsing it. Adrien/ChatNoir's portrayal has become quite pitiful, with a peculiar shift where Ladybug takes on a significant role in the Agreste Saga despite her absence from that narrative. Ladybug, who isn't even part of the Agreste Saga, is the one delivering heartfelt moments. The decision to sideline Adrien and put him out of commission is disappointing. It's his story yet she the one who has to make it about her. She gets to shine along with a cool costume to boot.
There's a palpable bias from Astruc against Chloe, evident in the show's treatment of her character. Despite her being manipulated by Gabriel Agreste, the narrative blames her for becoming mayor, and the absurdity of the situation is magnified when everyone in the story goes along with it. The inclusion of a scene in Revolution where Chloe is crying is perplexing and frustrating, as it seems to perpetuate the negative and irredeemable image the show consistently paints of her. The added layer of her mother being horrid to her intensifies my annoyance, especially when sympathetic scenes are presented in a seemingly contradictory manner.
I mean you want her to be the worst but yet she has scenes like this? Why not go all the way wtf. Why give her depth only to take it away and then make her be so demonized in s5 and act like she was like this from the start. When she's been a joke
I hate to be critical, but seriously, it's hard to ignore how the Miraculous universe is just dripping with untapped potential. Five seasons in, and the movie outshines the show effortlessly. It makes you wonder about the writers' team and their approach—seems like they're just coasting on low effort for profit, and somehow, it's working, thanks to Miraculous inexplicable popularity.
The show's been beating the monster-of-the-week horse for five long seasons, lacking any creativity in crafting interesting villains. Gabriel, honestly, feels like a starter villain, and if they're going to make him the big bad, can we at least get some villains with a bit more pizzazz? You know craft creative interesting villains? KNDS, Original PPG, Totally Spies they got it so why not Miraculous. It's so damn tiring seeing the same old song and dance with Gabriel 24/7 monologuing to his wife and releasing the akuma I thought Mayura would be important but she's barely there.
It's not even an excuse kids do deserve better entertainment so why should Miraculous lower its standards. Marinette is very weird to me as the protagonist because her lovelife is more focused over everything I gauged her well enough to know about her that the rest of the secondary needs more of a spotlight to be cast on them. I like her but am I the only one who just skips when she starts the whining about Adrien and her plan to again get together it was cute at first now I fast forward to the more interesting part of the episode because it irks me i'm tired okay... what other facet of her character do the writers focus on besides her love life? I hope I don't appear to salt on her but Imma tag it just in case. I think she's in neutral treading to dislike because how can I come back from her gaslighting her boyfriends I'm sorry I can't.
You know what I'm afraid of that if Lila gonna be the next big bad they'll just recycle everything from Gabriel onto her. We'll have the same akumatizations same monster of the week formula only this time it's Lila.
I trust more in the fanfic community to come up with a better substantial plot than Miraculous could ever be. I know romance is a big part but the lore is so damn little it's season 5 are they ever going to expand more in the later seasons lol.
I'm tired from writing this long. Imma go to bed now.
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therantsofawriterrr · 2 months
Alright so before i start writing my tua fix-it fic to keep my own sanity, i kinda wanna rant a bit coz this show is genuinely one of those which are very close to my heart. Emo talk/rant and spoilers underneath the cut
Alright so, the first season was released on 2019, right? I watched it on december 2020. There was a thing here where netflix kinda made the services free for two days, and i only got one day cause the first day, the seats were full or smn like that. my original plan for it had been to watch stranger things, but i ended up watching tua. it was the show that kind of introduced me to gore and dark humor and stuff, plus, its one of those shows which has perfect balance between all the genres.
Immediately in the first season, it was established that even if it has love stories for its characters, it's ultimately also a story of love between siblings. a love story of a son having love for his mother just because she was there. a love story of sisters. a love story of a brother keeping his dead one alive just cause he was needed and also cause he didn't deserve to die that soon. a love story of a bunch of people hating their situations and places in their world, but loving it enough to know that they have to save it. a love that made someone come back to his family even though he knew they were chaotic and shitty and idiotic, but his family nonetheless.
It kept being re-established in the next two seasons (yes, I'm counting s3 because it was just as fun as the other two) in various moments that I'm sure all of us can remember.
Five was the dearest character to me for just one reason. He was the kid who had that burden of growing up fast and the maturity that comes with it. He was always the one trying to save his family and there were many moments when he was just overwhelmed and struggling while his siblings were having their own struggles. But, ultimately he was lonely, because he had gone through too much all by himself, and its not really something that he can put into words. I related to that. I was and probably still am in a similar situation.
Then, the writers had to ahead and fuck it all to oblivion. They had to, first of all, ruin the sibling-coded besties dynamic between Five and Lila. Was it just me who got the ick watching that montage of them on the train? And the greenhouse scene? wtf. Neither Five nor Diego deserved that. Also, Five would never do that. Not to mention Lila wouldn't do that. They could've just left it with the fact that they were having a rough patch and were trying to work through it. Like i get it, you wanna make the timelines look messy and all but that was unwarranted and idc what anyone says.
Also, all the characters were just butchered this season and almost none of the plot points established in s3 were literally just forgotten??? Thats not vv nice. they just left us with more questions for this being a final season.
Anyway, imma start working on the fix it fic. I'm gonna try to be frequent with it, but just expect me to post drabbles for other stuff cause writers block takes a hold of me fast. but i'll still try to update.
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Dog Days of BL but July is Incoming
June 2023 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 10 of 12 - I’m finding the time frames confusing. Still, a lovely crying kiss + a very high drama-lllama gay confession. Kitchen counter make out, my fav! The actor who plays Jeng kisses at MaxTul levels, which is to say = like a man who has actually done it before with genuine desire and is capable of portraying that on screen. (What makes MaxTul kings is that they BOTH do this.) Pat caught up, thank goodness. Also P’Jeng!!!! P’JENG!!! I love how intimate phi is when it’s been all khun prior. This is the Thai version of hyung slinging. Errotic linguistics, my fav. And ALL the work drama and homophobia fall out when you sleep with the boss. I really enjoy that the angst concerning their relationship has to do with the fact that this is an office romance. Lastly? I love Chot so much. Everyone needs a gay auntie. Also Bruce is SO DAMN GOOD. (I mean we knew he would be from Lovely Writer, but this... chef’s kiss.) 
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 10 of 12 - There are enough meta-analysis on this one for me not to have to weigh in. Suffice it to say that I like what it’s trying to do, and I certainly appreciate the levels of consent and so forth but I’m not sure I actually like it as much now that we are swimming in high concept. Too much lying. I’m not sure I want my BL to make me think this hard. Also poly, boys = final answer. (Anyone else getting Color Rush flashbacks?) 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 6 of 12 - I love Max now and forever, and I made some very bad puns in the Trash watch here. Otherwise I’m not super invested. 
Dinosaur Love (Thai Sun iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 eps - from Ultimate Troop (The Yearbook people) so I shouldn’t watch this as it airs, after Remember Me? I swore never again. But there’s so little on right now, I’m falling on the pulp sword...  My initial thoughts? It’s an En of Love installment? What is going on? Why all this opening with the sides in a bar? Are we framing? Just move on to the 2 boys kissing! Don’t try to be clever, for fucks sake. Okay, good, the pulp has begun. I like soft wet-blanket Rak and his sad love life. I’m not wild about how aggressive Dino is plus insta-SINGING but I DO LIKE THAT HE’S OUT and knows what he wants which is refreshing. It’s trope filled nonsense (crash into me, instalove, sing feelings, floppy drunk, he’s in engineering, fast and bi-curious) also Dino used ter at first (how forward!) then he went to gu/mueng after rejection, while Rak uses khun & phi/pom. Love this for them. Despite my justified reservations with this production team imma stay watching. I need something on Sundays. * 
Luminous Solution (Sat Gaga) ep 6fin - That’s it? Bullsheiit. No seriously. That’s my review. 3/10 I DON'T KNOW WHAT I JUST WATCHED AND NEITHER DOES IT AND I’M MAD ABOUT IT.
* I got to say, you have only yourselves to blame for Dinosaur Love’s ranking. Once upon a time, I lived happily in ignorance of the Thai film industry. And then you all kept asking me extremely intelligent questions about it. And because I am a nosy little shit, I had to figure out what was going on. And now a BL like this, which ordinarily I would just love unconditionally, is a really scary place for me, because I know too much about the production house. The evils of too much information are all true. Remain happily in ignorance, I advise you, especially where BL is concerned. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Love Tractor (Korea Weds iQIYI) eps 7-8fin - Yechan is such a frank character it confuses all who meet him, also a truly terrible flirt. This is such a puppy/cat relationship. It was cute but it went too far into cringe for a KBL (for me). I don’t think Kdramas are good at farce (sorry), better if they stick with more subtle humor. It was a sweet ending tho, not too cheesy. Nice kiss for KBL but pretty rather than sexy. Full review below.
Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 3 of 8 - Oh, it’s GREAT. Damn it. There is a lot of subtext and things not being said. This is going to be one of those shows where it’s endlessly frustrating that they don’t just talk to each other. The crying first time was gut-wrenching. Ren is complicated & scarred & closed off. Kazuma is earnest & empathetic & thinks he’s unworthy - so will take whatever crumbs are handed to him. They are both giving parts of themselves away in a desperate attempt to shape themselves to the expectations they have of each other. These 2 are gonna fuck each other up while they fuck and fuck with our hearts. Japan is giving us the Bed Friends that Thailand can never even imagine. There is absolutely no guarantee this will end happily (it’s from the Eternal Yesterday people) but it is guaranteed to be painful and beautiful along the way. Oh Japan, must you? I guess you must. 
Stupid Genius (Vietnam Fri YouTube) ep 4 of 6 - I’m mostly confused by the catfishing & tarot side plots. But the mains sure act like bfs. To the point of our tiny jock idiot getting gay panicked by how much bfs they are. Surprise kiss! For everyone, it turns out. Yes I laughed. What? It was pat but also… FUNNY.
Tie The Knot (Pinoy YouTube) ep 3 of 8 - The main couple is adorable, but I’m not wild about the gay bashing blackmail side story. Still, it’s the best we’ve had from the Philippines in a while so I am keeping my fingers crossed. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) ep 9 of 12 - Seriously? Bah Vinh = chemistry with EVERYONE. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 12fin - So Souta just disappears off to Singapore and doesn’t say anything to his boyfriend about it? And then comes back with the perfect plan and life for both of them? Oh Japan, must you? Review below. 
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It’s airing but ...
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end.
Stay (Pinoy YouTube) 7 eps - It’s mostly English & set in LA (shudder) so I’m not bothering.
Ever After (Pinoy YouTube) 12 eps - Spies reported that it's a real mess and not a hot one.
Stay With Me ... NO I WILL NOT! And you can’t make me. 
In case you missed it
BL Express reviewed The Egoest. Oh boy am I never going to watch that. 
One in a Hundred - Gaga dropped all 12 episodes (c.10 min ea) at once. This is a 2020 Chinese show. It’s not BL. And it has a laugh track. I watched the first & final eps and won’t bother with the rest. DNF
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I finally watched the 2022 thing I should have. 
To Sir, With Love - REVIEW
This is a true lakorn with scenery chewing performances from an ensemble cast focused on family obligation and past sins, especially from the mother characters. It is a Thai tellenovella + Gone With the Wind but gay. That said? I loved it: A glorious central brother relationship (the best, made me cry), het romances, class divide + gay *gasp* main romance, the camp of it all! It’s like it was invented by drag queens. Arranged marriage, rebellion, cut sleeves, dramatic death with curses and regrets, beautiful if inaccurate costumes, secrets unraveling, cover ups, sparkle murder, sex herbs, coils within coils including snakes and death by glitter (is anything gayer on this earth?). It’s a WILD ride. It’s not BL. It’s not a romance, it’s a family drama Thorn Birds style but it does end happy for our gay boys. Like Manner of Death I’m struggling to rate something on a BL scale when it patently isn’t a BL. I think I have to give it exactly what I gave that show, 7/10 
I loved it, but not as a BL. 
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Zenra Meshi - REVIEW
AKA Naked Dinner 
I have to be honest, I didn’t really like much about this show. The central premise was too odd and the main character too clumsy & slow on the uptake. I like the food, but there have been food-set BLs before that failed to meet expectations. Too many of them. This one joined that throng. Good ending tho. 7/10 
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Love Tractor - REVIEW
Most of this country-set BL had me feral for the beautiful broken city boy and his hot young farmer. Hyung romance, puppy/cat pairing, open frankness meets jaded reserve, language play, water hose frolicking, only one bed, all my favorite tropes. This show was basically a light-weight Restart After Come Back Home and I’m not even slightly mad about that. 
But (and you knew there was a “but” coming) something about the cringe of the final 2 eps and the impermanence of the ending (both of which highlight the fact that ultimately these 2 are I’ll-suited: too different & too far apart) left me with the feeling that they probably won’t last as a couple. However, in this case, rare for me, I forgive it this finale for my love of the rest. 
I did dither a lot though, it’s not an 8 but not a 9 either. Better than Love Mate (8/10) not as good as The New Employee (9/10) but in the end I’m value adding up for the premise and the cast, giving it a 9/10. 
(Gotta say, because this is rare for me, that this had a great OST. Not the credit music but the refrain, Rainbow.) 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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July 2023 Supposedly... 
7/3 Be Mine SuperStar (Thai Mon Viki) 12 eps - JaFirst whipping boy/spoiled prince, obsession, celebrity/mundane. Third-year film student Punn (Ja) gets an internship on the set of a drama. He’s come to learn, but "what lights his passion even more than the work" is leading man Achi, Thailand's sweetheart. Adapted from the novel “The Superstar and the Puppy on Set” (พี่พระเอกกับเด็กหมาในกอง) by Orpheus, cast includes Benjamin Brasier (2moons2), Bosston Suphadach (UWMA), Jo Kavinpat (War of Y), Kokliang (TharnType). Directed by David Bigander (Bite Me) which makes me nervous. Maybe he'll do better with an adaptation?
7/6 Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu ????) 12 eps - The story is a continuation of Minato & Shin's love story, and it picks up 10 years after the events of season 1 but the characters don't seemed to have grown at all. Very Japan of you, Japan.
7/7 Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 10 eps -  Gu Bu-Xia has the ability to hear ghosts, except when he is around his new roommate Jiang Chi. So he starts to find ways to approach Jiang Chi. But is it  the ghosts or Jiang Chi’s charm?
7/8 Low Frequency (Thai Sat YouTube?) 8 eps - ghost boyfriend, celebrity/mundane - Mon's life as a spirit-seeing interior decorator is full of headaches. On good days, he helps settle problems for his relative, who is a star manager. But then he gets involved with the spirit of Thames, a famous young actor who is in a coma.
7/9 Hidden Agenda (Thai Sun GMMTV YouTube) 12 eps - JoonDunk are back. Zo, a college freshman whose never been in love, decides to change it by making the college’s star Nita as his gf. He approaches Joke, Nita’s ex, for dating advice. What he fails to realize is that Joke has had his eyes on him for a long time and uses this opportunity to approach Zo. TMS 2.0.
7/15 Laws of Attraction (Thai Sat ????)  Stars the pair from To Sir With Love and with the same production team, cryptic description, but it seems to be Manner of Death esk.
7/19 Wedding Plan (Thai Wed YouTube & iQIYI)  - It's Mame and she's coming for our GL. She's such a misogynist IMAGINE what we will get with a GL? It's going to be absolute carnage. To crane your neck as you drive by the car wreck or not... that is the question. Me? I'm wallowing in the guts.
7/20 Jun & Jun (Korea Thu Viki) - From 2022 (TutorYim rumored to cameo) this office romance features 2, yes 2! Bls. Seme looks aggressive, we in classic yaoi territory. There is an idol involved. Past failed flirts. I am very excited about this one.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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To Sir With Love
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Best execution of the piggyback trope ever? I think so. 
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Fucking GENIUS piece of acting. Bruce we LOVE you! 
All Step By Step 
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It was stupid funny, okay? (Stupid Genius) 
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Ridiculous man, you don’t have to eye fuck THAT hard. But we all appreciate it. (Vian) 
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Dangerous thing to say in a show about identity in relationships. 
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Brave boy.
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I said this show was deep, not that I was. Although Patts seems to be going there. 
I’ll stop now.
All La Pluie. 
(Last week.)
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*Spits my drink out*
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boxblondiecoops · 1 year
matt stone FLUFF🙏🏾
LISTEN YALL GOT SO MUCH MATT/REMER STUFF................... fine. 🙄 I'm kidding I love y'all. Ok let's see what I conjure up this time. I'm sorry if it's kinda short.
Gender neutral again, brief mention of smoking at the end.
Ok imma just go based off what I know of the dude but oh my god.
I feel like this guy's stressed 24/7. Like they both probably are but Matt's gotta deal with the higher ups and sometimes he just needs to let that anger out.
But listen. When you show up to his office. And you have a coffee in your hand just for him. And you give him a smile.
Suddenly he's not nearly as pissed as he was. He'll either have a second seat by his desk for you or say "fuck it" and pat his lap.
He loves when you sit on his lap for cuddles. Especially if you wrap your legs around his waist, hug under his arms and rest your head on his shoulder. And he can just work and hold you and nuzzle you and give you kisses.
And that way he can drink the coffee you made him too. He sighs into the cup and melts into the chair a little.
You are his number 1 stress reliever.
And the whole office knows it.
Trey has your ass on speed dial in case Matt starts getting snippy with everyone and constantly threatens to call you as a way of teasing his bestie.
Like he will literally call you, put you on speaker and go "Matt's being a turd again" while they're in the writers room and you can hear Matt in the back like "I am NOT!"
And he's clearly pouty and leans back and crosses his arms and throws another fit.
And when you show up and lean against the back of his chair and massage his shoulders he blushes just a little bit but calms down and Trey is just giggling to himself and probably kicking his feet under the table.
Everyone coos and Matt glared at Trey for a solid 20 seconds but then you kiss his forehead and he just leans back and sighs.
Also he can carry you, if you're comfortable with it.
Like bro has zero problem just picking you up in whatever way he wants to mess with you.
Over your shoulder? Check. Under his arm? Check. Bridal? Check. Anything and everything.
He loves seeing how much bigger his hand is than yours..... He'll kiss your knuckles every time he holds you.
His smile? When your around?? And you can see his gap tooth smile??? Absolutely adorable. If you look close enough maybe you can see the hearts in his eyes.
And it's not even a smirk but a genuine smile and he probably calls you "doll" no matter what.
He loves you.
He is not scared to show you off to anyone by the way. Paparazzi be damned. He skirts his arm around you all the time, just walking with you and guiding you to whatever destination he has in mind.
It's probably a diner or some bar but whatever your comfortable with and he keeps you close to his side, not even looking at people who give him that "yo I recognize you" look of shock.
He doesn't care.
This isn't about Matt. It's about you. Spending time with you. Being with you. Holding you. Petting you. It is time for YOU.
Let's see. Cuddles.
They probably happen on the couch.
Him laying flat on his back and you laying on him. He just loves the feeling of you on top of him. It makes him feel a little bit smaller than he actually is? But also like it's- it's like those satisfying anxiety blankets.
But he won't say it out loud.
Like I said earlier too, he loves holding you on his lap too.
If you nuzzle against his neck, he smiles like a dork and kisses your head and holds you a little bit tighter than before.
He'll massage your back for you, by the way. Starting at neck and going aaaaaallllllll the way down to your lower back. He has big hands and big muscles so it's not hard for him to work out those knots.
It's sweet.
Oh my god, if you take his glasses off and wear them? His heart goes bududududududdudududud but extra extra fast.
Because oh my god you look so cute and he kisses your nose and he smiles and shakes his head and holds his hand out, asking for them back.
If you say he's blind or laugh about his frames, he gets pouty. And if you call him out on it, he says he's just copying what you do when he teases you.
He's high key smitten with you tho I'm not even gonna lie. Like he's soft for you.
If anyone in the office says something even slightly disgruntled about you, he'd turn to them with his classic Matt Stone "you fucked up" expression.
You're name in his phone probably has some hearts or some shit in it. But he refuses to acknowledge it. Even to Trey.
If your hair is long enough, he does try to braid your hair tho. It's cute tho and they actually turn out really well.
If you paint your nails, he'll fix it up for you..... Even tho he's bad at it.
He'll share his cigarette with you if you ask nicely. He doesn't mind, honest, in fact he finds it adorable. He'll even hold the cigarette against your lips and lite it for you.
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brideofhantengu · 1 month
Another important thing is
When is the fifth part of the mpreg Gyotengu comin'
Just cannot fucking wait
As we speak I'm drawing the threesome, but I think I'm gonna do it around 4:30/5 today because my computer (where I usually sit and write) is being a little bitch and has sat on a blank screen for over five minutes so imma get my hot chocolate ready when the time comes and start Stephen Kinging my shit right up 4 u 💜💚 Is there anything specific you'd like for me to include in the story? I'm facing a bit of writer's block with it and I can't tell how I should go about it. Like do I do it like fast forward they have the kids already or do I have them rush to the hospital while Hantengu erratically drives or do I have Gyokko do a water birth in their tub at home with the clones as midwives and just deliver them?
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somecallmejohn · 2 months
sleepy rose oneshot ideas (like after they confessed)
1.Simon sleeping but every time Asha is nearby, he would unconsciously move closer/cuddle to Asha
2.Simon having nightmares of killing Asha, has a panic attack, Asha calms him down, sleeping together
3.Simon got drunk, unwittingly flirts with Asha with the cheesiest pickup lines
4.Simon being overprotective of Asha and she gradually gets tired of it
can you write them all? I’m ok if you do it one by one. tho if not, what do you think? Good?
Okee... I really like those ideas even as headcanons, but I am gonna try and write just one of them (for now prolly).
I'm more of an illustrator than a writer, but again if I really want to write that queer Disney-esque fairy tale I've been thinking about for a long while, I will hve to practice my writing skills somehow.
Imma go with the second prompt since it's one I've actually thought about before as it is a headcanon of mine that Simon has some trauma from his brief time being brainwashed by Magnifico.
Anyway, enough yapping. It's time for some cringe writing from a wannabe writer.
(P.S. I altered the situation a bit to take place 2 or 3 months after the events of the movie and before Asha and Simon got together.)
(Post-writing note: this took longer than expected and I ended up writing more than I was planning. I also ended up using some headcanons I've shared in asks and sleepy rose headcanon post, which was kinda fun. Anyways hope you like it!)
It was dark and quiet in the deep woods, where only the snapping of twigs and the sprinting steps of a teenage girl could be heard.
Those stepping sounds belonged to Asha, a girl who had just recently found herself wanted for treason against the kingdom of Rosas. And all that for what? Because she believed that everyone deserved to own their wish and have the chance to chase it and make it a reality.
Asha was running as fast as she could. She didn't even dare to look behind her. But alas, all that running was for nothing as she found herself at a dead end. She tried to look for another exit, but it was already too late, for she could see in the shadows the glowing green eyes of the person chasing after her.
Out of the shadows emerged Simon, but no... This wasn't Simon... not anymore, at least. This was the King's loyal knight, his only knight that was a real human being and not an enchanted armor. Aquired by tricking a teenager so desperate to get the missing piece of himself back that he ended up bertraying the person he cared about the most.
"Oh, Asha..." The knight said with a voice that sounded familiar yet completely foreign to her ears as he was heading towards her."The King is waiting for you. It's a shame to leave him waiting, don't you think?"
His eyes were fixated on her and a menacing yet simultaneously apathetic expression was formed on his face.
"Simon, please, this isn't you!" Asha cried."You're under Magnifico's spell! I saw it! Once he put you in this armor, you've not been yourself ever since!"
He was getting nearer and nearer. Almost everything about him was unrecognizable. His posture, the way he moved, his expression even the way he was dressed.
"But, this is me, you see. Magnifico helped me make my wish come true and he could have done the same to you had you been loyal to Rosas."
At that point, he was just a breath away, towering over her.
"Come on Asha, just tell me where the star is and I promise you Magnifico will forgive you and reward you accordingly. You can have the life many dream of and..."
He took hold of her hand and his expression softened a little. It was as if the real Simon was talking now.
"We could be together at last."
Asha's cheeks flushed. She's had feelings for Simon for longer than she can remember and hoped he'd reciprocate them, but this was not the Simon she loved and this was not a deal she was willing to take.
"No! Never!" She exclaimed, pushing him away and attempting to run as far as she could, but she wasn't fast enough and he caught her by the hand almost instantly.
Everything went pitch black.
"I'm sorry it has come to this way, Asha" the knight said right before the sound of a sword being taken out of its case was heard.
"NO!" Simon exclaimed, waking up in cold sweat.
It was that nightmare again.
He was back at the royal kitchen. Everyone was looking at him. He had fallen asleep laying against the wall yet again.
His face went scarlet red seeing everyone's gaze pinned upon him, especially when he saw Asha's concerned expression.
"I-i..." he struggled to think of some excuse "forgot to bring some flour bags."
He then swiftly left the room to get to the pantry for more flour bags despite the kitchen having already a whole pile of them with enough flour to service them for at least a week.
It's been only a couple months since the redheaded teen had been brainwashed to be used as a pawn in the former King's scheme to capture Asha and Star and although it hardly lasted a day, the effects of that brief time were here to stay.
Every time Simon closed his eyes to sleep, the same type of nightmare would be playing in his head. He'd be in the woods with no control of his body or mind, dressed in the armor Magnifico put him in, chasing after Asha and it'd always end with her captured or something worse.
At first, this nightmare would only play at night. Despite his extreme need for sleep, Simon would keep himself awake at night by training for the upcoming Knight tryouts Queen Amaya had announced, to replace the enchanted armors that had lost any magic in them after Magnifico's defeat, and would take nap breaks during the daytime.
This plan had worked for a couple of days before the nightmares returned. He could no longer escape them and that took a toll on him. He got a lot more tired, failed the tryouts and gave up on his wish of being a noble knight.
With the repeating nightmares reminding him of what he did, he even distanced himself from his friends. He couldn't stand being around the same people he had let down, especially Asha, who he so selfishly betrayed.
Simon stayed in the pantry for a few minutes pretending he was looking for the right flour bags to bring back in the kitchen only for him to instantly fall asleep on a pile nearby.
He was back in the woods, dressed in his knightly attire, chasing after Asha. But, at the moment he was about to draw his sword, something different happened. He felt in control again and let go of it before he... woke up.
When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of Asha nudging him and asking him to wake up.
"Hmph... Asha?" he said groggily.
"Simon... are you alright?" she asked concerned.
But Asha entered his way placing her hand on his chest to stop him.
"Oh! I-i..." he exclaimed and with a forced smile, trying to sound as upbeat and awake as he could, he said,"Yeah, I'm doing great! Just... looking for the right flour bags." he added a fake chuckle as he stood up and grabbed the first two bags he saw before he proceeded to leave.
"Simon..." she repeated compassionately "you've been acting very strangely lately. You're as tired as ever, even more than you were when you gave your wish away to Magnifico, you've been avoiding us and Queen Amaya even told me that you refused her offer for a second chance at the knight tryouts. I thought being a knight was your wish. Why did you give up on that Simon?"
"I-i just ended up changing my mind." he mumbled struggling to wake up fully "Sometimes wishes change and that's what happened with mine."
"I don't believe that. Your wish was so strong you weren't the same without it, you can't have changed it so quickly!"
"Well, I have!" he said coldly and left with no further explanation.
Later that day, just when the sun had begun to set, somewhere deep in the woods at a spot near a lake, there was the redheaded teen who had just dismounted his horse.
His horse wasn't exactly his perse. It belonged to the royal mews, but Simon had nurtured and taken care of it ever since it was just a foal with the help of his father, who worked there. He'd often take it for a ride from time to time with permission from the queen.
Simon loved horse riding. It was his favorite pastime before he'd given his wish to Magnifico and he still loved it after taking it back. It was the only thing that could clear his mind whenever he felt overwhelmed after a day full of tiny nap breaks and the same nightmare playing in his head again and again.
As he let the horse go drink some water from the lake, Simon sat down under the nearest tree and took out his favorite book to read, it was a fairytale book his mother would read to him every night to sleep. He loved the stories about brave knights saving the maidens and he aspired to be just like them. Even if he had given up on his wish, he could still live through his favorite stories, or at least so he said to himself.
Just as he was about to begin reading, he heard stepping noises approaching him.
"Simon?" a familiar voice sounded
"Asha?" he said, surprised to see her "What are you doing here?"
"I was looking for you. You have no idea how worried I and our other friends are about you"
"But, how did you find me?" he asked
"We used to come over here a lot as kids, don't you remember?"
"Oh..." he said, his cheeks turning red "I forgot about that."
"You always loved how quiet it was here." she smiled as she sat next to him "Now tell me. What is going on with you?"
"I told you it was nothing" he said defensively
"Simon..." she placed her hand on his and looked him straight in the eyes "please."
He couldn't help it any longer. It pained him being so secretive and avoiding her and his friends. He wanted it to stop. He wanted the nightmares and the guilt to leave him alone. And he confessed everything about the nightmares and how they've been haunting him for the last few months.
"But Simon, I forgive you" she told him, setting her hand on his shoulder.
"But I don't deserve it!" he cried, tears beginning to form under his eyes. "You trusted me and I betrayed you!"
"And you regretted that and apologized for it and I forgave you. What more is there?"
"I-i don't know... I don't think I deserve to be your friend." he'd finally confessed, looking at the other way.
"Maybe the problem is that you haven't forgiven yourself yet." she suggested, setting her gaze elsewhere as well.
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is that you're so hard on yourself for that mistake you did that even Gabo is concerned about what's going on with you."
"And what if I do "forgive myself" and the nightmares are still in my head? What do I do then?"
"I don't know, but..." she placed her hand on his again and set the other on his cheek to turn his gaze back to her."I'll be here for you"
The two teens kept staring at each other's eyes until Asha's gaze turned to the book Simon was holding.
"What are you reading?" She asked, curiosity filling her eyes.
"Just some fairytales"
"W-would you mind reading them aloud so that I can hear?"
And so Simon began reading one of his favorite stories as Asha scooched in closer to him.
It didn't take long for the young sleep deprived man to fall asleep once again.
The nightmare played the same way as it always did, but for the second time that day around the end of it, he'd find himself in control again and this time he'd warn Asha about Magnifico's plan and help her go to the castle fast and stop him.
Simon woke up and next to him, Asha was still there and had also fallen asleep next to him with her head resting on his shoulder. The sky had darkened and the moon was up. The horse had even bent down and proceeded to sleep as well.
Simon eventually explained to his other friends about the nightmares and decided to accept the queen's second chance offer and begun training for the next tryouts. He even started taking Asha with him on horse riding sessions and stop by the same spot they fell asleep at where they'd sit to read other stories from the book and take small quick naps together, but this time they'd be home at their time or a little later than that.
He'd thought of waking her up, but ultimately, he ended up going back to sleep next to her. For the first time in a long while there was no nightmare playing in his head.
They stayed there for the remainder of the night and the morning when they returned home needless to say that neither Simon's parents nor Asha's mother were happy about what had happened, but for the two teens it was all worth it in the end, even if he got in trouble at the castle for the horse's longer than expected absence.
The nightmares didn't leave for a while. They came and went, making sleeping hard for Simon, but as time progressed and he began focusing more on his future than his past, they began to fade away until they were gone for good and never returned.
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