#in a private setting however like a discord server
awakefor48hours · 2 months
I hate proshippers, all proshippers should be banned from posting on the internet. That's why I support people who will get rid of them. The world will be a lot better without proshippers. Wait, what do you mean I can't post my tododeku fic?
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AITA for accidentally outing my fiance?
I (27F) am engaged to a 24M guy. He is trans, but he doesn't identify as trans anymore - he's post-everything, passes 100%, lives stealth/as a cis man, and no one who didn't know him pre-transition knows him as anything but a cis man. I know keeping that up is very important to him, we've had a lot of conversations about how happy he is just being seen as cis and being able to pass. I know getting outed and 'found out' is also a big worry of his, for example for our upcoming wedding he's rushing around trying to make it clear to his family that they shouldn't mention him being trans or refer to him as she/her at our wedding because he has so many friends coming who don't know he's trans. It's not that he doesn't trust them or he's ashamed of being trans or anything, he's very supportive of his trans friends, but he just doesn't publicly live as trans.
We're in a big Discord server of friends that have been quite close for about a year now, enough that we've met multiple of them in person and two of them are going to be in his wedding party as sort of 'best man' equivalents (we're not really sticking to bridesmaid best man stuff just our mixed gender friends). He has kept his Facebook very private for as long as I've known him, the only people on there are IRL friends and family because he has in the past posted trans stuff on there, like transition updates, it still has old pictures of him pre-T or in early transition, etc. I knew he didn't want this found. He also hadn't told any of this group aside from the people he was especially close with and had invited to the wedding his surname and location in case they looked him up and found something.
People in the server were sharing their Facebook profiles and I shared mine so people could add me. My fiance messaged me right after pointing out that me sharing mine would dox him as I had him in my relationship status and friends list, but I unfortunately didn't see this message for a while as I was distracted and doing other things. By the time I saw, everyone in the group had already clicked and gone through my profile and found his.
He tried to go through and speed-delete everything he could find that was public that mentioned him being trans or showed him pre-transition, any comments from family referring to it, etc but pictures that were set to friends only were still popping up in previews on the side and some of his family have public profiles that show cover images with him pre-T and things like that.
Our friends were making jokes about finally knowing his surname, going through his whole account down to the time it was first made back in 2018, commenting on old statuses of his, so they definitely saw his profile and went through all of it. He was panicking because he had no way of knowing if they'd seen that he's trans or not and got super upset and freaked out about the possibility, and he couldn't ask without outing himself or making them suspicious.
I apologized and deleted the link but obviously by then it was too late.
I do think it's not a huge deal as much as he thinks because I know our friends would be supportive and wouldn't think of him differently, but I know it was still important to him. I'm not sure they did see because some of our friends are the type to have just blurted out "You're trans?!" in the server without thinking about it (not because they're malicious or judging it, but some of them aren't as online and don't really know how to talk about it sensitively if that makes sense) and they didn't say anything. However he thinks they did because they were talking about statuses older than the ones he managed to get to deleting in time.
Like I said i did apologize but I feel like he's still upset with me for not thinking before sending my profile. On top of that I have kind of a habit of doing things impulsively and without thinking (I have bpd and bipolar) and not always taking into account how it will affect him or what consequences it will have,which I've been working on for years but I worry this is just adding to that which I know already wears on him.
What are these acronyms?
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breachverse · 10 months
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Breach: Chicago War Zone - WIP Update 18 - 26th of August 2023
… Hoo boy, this was one of the biggest I've ever made in one go.
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Update 18 has been released! over 60k worth of words, finally finished the entire Chapter 2 Part 2 for the FBI route. This update is mostly for the FBI route with only minor fixes for the Archangel route. This update also includes the 1st hangouts for both Megan House and Rita Collins.
You may play it on the link below.
Breach: Chicago War Zone (Updated)
DEVELOPMENT LOG#18 (26-August-2023)
Alpha - 18
Bug fixes, code and grammar fixes, WD40 fixes everything
C2P2 FBI: Finished day 1 events
C2P2 FBI: Continued FBI arc to day 2 downtime
C2P2 ARC: Fixed sewer tokens not setting correctly
C1P2 ARC: Upgrading heist vehicle armor now cost money
MISC: Added flash grenades to inventory stat
Alpha - 18.5
C2P2 FBI: Added hangout status to the day 2 breakfast scene
C2P2 FBI: Fixed crashing after the Greg scene
C2P2 FBI: Fixed eating sandwich crashing the game
C2P2 FBI: Finished day 2 events
FBI Hangout: Added Megan House's hangout part 1
FBI Hangout: Added Rita Collins' hangout part 1
FBI Store: Added Holliday's opening scene
FBI Store: Added Holliday's randomized cold opens COMPLETED: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The FBI branch (100%)
W.I.P.: AA Hangout Part 1 (26%) W.I.P.: AA Store system (85%) W.I.P.: FBI Hangout Part 1 (46%) W.I.P.: FBI Store system (65%) W.I.P.: Stat screen upgrade (40%)
Word Count: 823,723 words including codes (Last update was 759,012)
Good lord, 62k words worth of update. I honestly don't know what to say, this is the biggest I've ever written in one sitting. For those of you wondering, yes I am doing alright. Just a bit tired is all.
My prediction was that I would've gone over 40k words when I added Collins and Megan's hangout but, ooh boy, I didn't expect to be able to finish the entire chapter, but, yeah, that happened.
This update consists of the newly finished Day 1 and Day 2 of the FBI route, completely finishing off Chapter 2 Part 2 of the FBI route. Along with a few fixes, this is mainly a story update focusing on the FBI arc. There is no new Archangel route content. There is also some new hangouts for the FBI with Megan House and Rita Collins being available for hangouts. I can now finally move on to Chapter 3 Part 1 for both the FBI and Archangel arcs in update 19.
As part of this announcements, I would like to also announce that this is as far as where the public demo will go for now. From this point on, I will be focusing on private testing on patreon only. But fear not, I will update the public demo periodically with all of the hangouts and all of the available side missions.
I don't know what to go is with the Hosted Games requirements, but I may also update the public demo with the full beta version of the game going all the way to the last chapter at the end of development.
With that all said… I can officially say, it is now smooth sailing from here.
Thank you all so much for the love and support you've given throughout the entire journey. It's been a long 4 years but, we're getting closer to the end now.
Much love! ❤
Link to the CoG Forums post
I also have a Discord server!
As always feel free to drop however many screenshot feedbacks you'd like, either in the forums or in our Discord channel!
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joyflameball · 9 months
Making my own post abt this actually, since there is a more popular version running around that has shitty advice and I sure as hell ain't gonna manage to hijack that
Switching to Firefox: What do?
Now a lot of us are neurodivergent and have FAR too many tabs for our own good, and I can understand if you're nervous about switching because of that, since that's a LOT of tabs and you don't wanna lose them. Trust me, I relate to that immensely. I have FAR too many tabs open for my own good.
So what you should do in that case is save your tabs. I personally saved my tabs in a private Discord server, since that let me open the tabs again easily, and make categories for each type of tab, but you can use something like Notepad to save them as well. So, you copy-paste all your tabs over to wherever you're saving them (and additionally, copy-pasting all of them will allow you to see tabs you don't need and delete them, since they're no longer buried).
Once you're into Firefox and signed in, head to Settings. You should see in the general tab the button that says "Import Browser Data." You'll see a dropdown arrow that will let you pick whatever browser you wanna import your data from.
That easy! From there, pull up ALL your tabs and you're good to go!
Simplified explanation:
Save all your previous tabs, maybe in Notepad (I personally used a private Discord server, for the reasons I explained).
Once in Firefox, head to Settings and import your Chrome data.
Pull up your tabs that you saved, and you're in!
So, you're in the general tab with your data from Chrome imported. Now, keep going through the Settings, because there's a LOT more you can do, and Firefox's settings are fairly simple to navigate. I can't give you any advice for the general tab, that's all for you to handle.
Head to Home, and this is where you'll need to start changing some stuff. I recommend disabling "Recommended By Pocket" for the safest experience, not just because it's better for privacy, but also because the Pocket stuff is annoying. Also disable "Snippets" at the bottom.
Head to Search. From here, you'll be able to disable Google as the default browser, which is good for everyone. You CAN use DuckDuckGo, which allegedly is safest, but I'm personally suspicious of that (look up "duckduckgo safety issues"). However, it is 100% safer than Google, so if you just wanna use that, go ahead.
If you wanna use a different search engine from what is shown, it's gonna be a bit more complicated to set up. In the Search tab of settings, set it so there's a search bar in the toolbar.
Go to the address of whatever new search engine you wanna use (I'm personally using ecosia.org, as it helps w the environment by planting trees, AND it's got a really good privacy policy). Let's use as example: youtube.com .
You'll see a magnifying glass with a plus sign in the smaller search bar. When you click it, you'll be shown a dropdown that says "This time, search with: [all the search engines]." Click the YouTube icon that has a plus sign next to it (again, YouTube as example).
I'm explaining this somewhat confusingly- Mozilla's website has a much better explanation.
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Head back to the Firefox settings, and set your default search engine to the new site. Bam.
(Additionally: to disable ever searching with Google, scroll down to Search Shortcuts, and remove the check mark next to Google.)
Simplified explanation:
Set it so there's two search bars.
Go to the address of whatever search engine you wanna use.
Click the magnifying glass, then the icon of the new search engine.
Head back to the Search settings, and switch to the new engine.
Privacy and Security
THIS is what you're here for. Firefox has LOADS of settings to make you more secure. My personal recommendations are:
Set enhanced tracking protections to Strict, or if you wanna customize it yourself, Custom. This will allow you to block cryptominers, trackers, cookies, and fingerprinters.
Set it to clear history when Firefox is closed.
Set it so that the search bar will not show you suggestions from sponsors, and don't allow Mozilla to process your search queries.
Under Permissions > Location, set it to block all requests to access your location. You can do the same for whatever other permissions you'd like, but especially block Location.
Block Firefox from making personalized extension recommendations, at the very least. If you don't want Firefox to use telemetry data, set it so Firefox won't send technical and interaction data to Mozilla.
Block dangerous downloads, obviously, and set it to HTTPS-Only Mode on all windows.
Enable secure DNS stuff using Max Protection. I'm personally using NextDNS (recommended by r/piracy).
Again, I'm not the arbiter of information here. You do whatever you want with your privacy and security settings. These are just my personal recommendations.
A point of contention in the original post was how many fucking addons the OP had that essentially did the same thing, like several different adblockers when just one is enough. This is risky not just because it'll slow your browser down to hell and back, but also because it'll make you MORE traceable.
However, this doesn't mean you should go around with zero extensions. Especially since In Today's Day And Age, you WILL get ambushed with ads wherever you go. So at the very least you'll need an adblocker. However, there are extra extensions you can use to help clean up, for example, YouTube Search.
Here's my personal list of extensions, with ones that I feel you will DEFINITELY need marked in pink. I made sure these aren't redundant, or don't cover settings that Firefox already has.
I could be wrong in places, so if anyone wants to push back on this, I encourage it.
Ublock Origin: GET THIS ONE. Everyone and their mother loves this bad boy. Great adblocker that works REALLY well to clean up the web and make things less... awful. It lets you block specific website elements (so if Tumblr's pulling shit you can block it), and in settings it has a WHOLE lot of privacy/safety settings you can turn on which I won't go over, since this is a post about Firefox. The point is: GET UBLOCK. Everyone loves it, it's great, it's reliable, 10/10.
SponsorBlock: This is a GREAT addon that completely skips sponsored sections in YouTube videos. It feels kinda seamless sometimes. It also lets you skip a lot of extra unnecessary stuff as well.
Youtube Search Fixer: Unclogs YouTube's search so you won't get playlists, shorts, unrelated search results, all that fun stuff, so you can just find what you're looking for.
Youtube Shorts Block: Automatically turns YouTube Shorts into standard YouTube videos so you can get away from the fucking TikTokkification of the Internet.
Return Youtube Dislike: Remember how YouTube inexplicably removed the ability to see dislikes? This addon reverts that. You can see dislikes again.
Shinigami Eyes: Marks anti-trans sites with red, and trans-friendly sites with green (with the ability to change those colors, in case of colorblindness). It works with Tumblr blogs, Youtube, Twitter, a fuck load of sites. Great for knowing FOR SURE if a post is an anti-trans dogwhistle, and for going through gender critical blogs and blocking them on masse. It's INCREDIBLY reliable at catching transphobic sites, and finding trans-friendly ones.
Auto Tab Discard: We're all neurodivergent here and have way too many tabs, and that slows down our fucking computers. Auto Tab Discard basically puts those tabs into sleep mode- not deleting them, but making them go offline for a bit so they aren't taking up as much running time. It also lets you mark specific sites to NOT get put into sleep mode, if you need them up for whatever reason.
XKit Rewritten: Look. We're on Tumblr. We know this site's bullshit and how it's impossible to use. XKit helps fix a LOT of the bullshit on this site and adds on helpful stuff. Seriously, get XKit, they're the ones carrying this whole fucking site.
Again- I could be wrong. And I think the only one you 100% DEFINITELY NEED is uBlock. The others are just for convenience, or in the case of Shinigami Eyes, safety. You don't need to install any of these extensions except uBlock. It's just my personal recommendations.
Get Firefox. Save all your tabs from Chrome, sync your data, do all that jazz.
Set your default search engine to anything but Google. You can do DuckDuckGo, or if you're suspicious of DDG like I am, use something like Ecosia (and you can add that as a default browser with the instructions I laid out).
USE FIREFOX'S GREAT SECURITY SETTINGS. You don't need a million extensions to do stuff Firefox already CAN do.
The only extension you 100% need is uBlock Origin, but here's my list of ones I personally recommend to help clean up the web and have a better experience.
Get off of Chrome. Google is currently on trial, brought there by the fucking DOJ, for being an illegal monopoly. The trial started about a week ago, and will last for about three months. Depending on how this goes, this could shake up Google's whole monopoly, and change the future of the entire internet.
Firefox is better in every way than Chrome. Firefox will actually try to protect you and lets you opt out of unnecessary data collection. Firefox is not based on Chromium. Firefox is open source, and its code has been scrutinized and deemed as safe. It's not perfect, no corporation is- and Mozilla is ultimately that, a corporation. But god, it's leaps and bounds ahead of Chrome. Switch to Firefox.
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taevolu · 4 months
Parasocial [Part One: What can go Wrong?] 18+
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Brief Summary: she was a streamer that liked to play games for fun and to meet new people. Her fanbase was growing more and more and she loved to interact with her fans as much as possible. However, someone wanted something more than just online interactions. He wanted her, needed her and would do anything just to be with her.
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader 
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 2,961
Warnings: yandere tae, taexdom, obsessive/possessive tae, stalker, computer hacking, masturbation, porn, home invasion
Parts: Part One, Part Two
***I do not portray any of the members to act like this in real life as they do in this story, this is all fictional!***
“Good evening everyone! I am so stoked to play Sun Haven for you guys!” You say to your viewers on Twitch. You always loved to play games after work and decided to make it your side hustle to get extra money. It was always your dream to become a full-time streamer and based on your growing viewers, it might even happen. Your viewers are all very supportive by showing up and tipping you as much as they can, it was like you had your very own fanbase! There was one viewer in particular that joined everyday, his name was Taehyung. He was always hyping you up, tipping you huge amounts of money, and staying until the end of your stream. You really appreciated him as one of your viewers.
You continued to stream and interact with your viewers, having to scroll through chat to read and reply to every single one. But you stopped at a comment that caught your eye as it was from Taehyung, “You make me so happy, thank you for taking some time off of your day to stream for us!” It warmed your heart when you saw his comment, thanking him in return.
You were about to end the stream but wanted to chat with your viewers before going. A lot of them wanted you to create a discord server, saying that it would be a fun way to keep chatting with you or with others after the stream. You thought that it was a great idea as you wanted to talk and get to know your viewers a bit more too.
After creating your account and announcing the server, you got tons of  friend requests from your viewers and without any thinking, you added them all as a friend.
You got a notification from your discord’s private messages.
Taehyung [21:03]: hi y/n! im so glad that you finally set up a discord account!
You [21:10]: hi taehyung! Yeahhh it did take a while to finally decide to
Taehyung [21:10]: well im glad i can talk to you everyday now and not through your lives 🙂
You [21:19]: thank you for supporting me!
Taehyung [21:19]: goodnight ❤
You [21:26]: Goodnight 🙂
You got ready for bed, glad that you had another successful stream.
Taehyung chuckles at himself as he hearts your message, happy that he had a platform to finally talk to you privately and not with other people. He loved you so much and wanted you with him forever. He wanted you for only him and no one else, just the thought of you being with someone else angered Taehyung. He planned to hack your computer to receive your IP address to find out where you lived but he wasn’t able to do so until you went back on stream.
“You’ll be mine soon.”
Before work, you went to your usual cafe place to wake yourself up after a long night of gaming. You see your best friend, Mael, behind the counter.
“What’s up y/n! How are you?” He greets you as you walk over to the counter.
You and Mael have been friends since junior high and used to hang out often, unfortunately, since you both graduated, life has been busy. But the both of you always caught up every morning while he got your usual ready.
“I’m doing well!” You reply.
He chuckles, “You seem a bit more cheerful than usual.” He said as he was about to finish up your drink.
“Just had another successful stream last night. A lot of my viewers asked me to open up a discord server and I’ve just been raided with a whole lot of compliments.” You explain.
Mael hands you your order, a warmed croissant with a chai, “Isn’t it a bit risky to do that though? Like creeps messaging you everyday?”
You shrug, “Maybe, but I will be careful, promise!” You say as you grab your things from him, waving him goodbye as you exit the cafe to go to work.
‘I'm excited to watch your stream tonight 🙂.’ You look at your phone and see that Taehyung has messaged you. You smiled and reacted to his message, no time to message him back as it was almost time to start your stream.
“Good evening everyone! Today’s game will be…” You continued your stream like normal
As you continue to play your game, Taehyung quickly gets to work. It did take him a while and was glad that you decided to play longer today as you didn’t work the next day. He was able to get ahold of your IP address and found your information. He chuckles to himself, he was close to having you.
Taehyung started to look around your area, trying to find a home to be close to you. He wanted to hang out with you like you were friends, he wanted you to like him, and wanted you to finally notice him.
Taehyung shouts with glee as he found a home that was just minutes away from your area. He began to pack up his things, not caring about anything else that he was going to leave behind.
He was on a mission and you were his goal.
It took Taehyung a week to own his home and to get everything ready for him to confront you in person. He was able to locate and observe you to figure out your daily routine, knowing which stores you always visited and where you worked. You weren’t much of an outside person which made this easier for Taehyung.
‘Everything was going as planned.’ Taehyung thought.
You started your morning routine before work, going over to the cafe for your usual. You greet Mael as you enter the store, him already getting your order ready. You sit down on one of the booths, opening up your phone to reply to your fans that commented on your post last night.
You suddenly hear footsteps walking towards you, assuming that it is Mael with your tea. You turn around to grab your things to leave but you were wrong. 
“Hey y/n! Fancy seeing you here!” Taehyung says, excitement showing throughout his face, you looked at the man in confusion, not knowing who he was and why he knew your name. The man then realized and introduced himself, “I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Taehyung, I watch you on twitch!”
You froze, you weren’t expecting to ever see any of your viewers in person, especially Taehyung. You had to admit, he was a good looking man. His body was slim, his hair looked messy but styled at the same time, and his face looked godly.
You didn’t realize that you were standing in place while still staring at Taehyung until Mael cleared his throat to get your attention.
“Here’s your order y/n.” He says, then passes Taehyung to walk over to you to hand over your things.
“Thank you, Mael.” You murmured, Mael nodded and began to walk away. Taehyung had his eyes locked onto Mael as he walked away, eyebrows furrowed, but changed his expression once he turned back to you.
“Sorry if I disturbed you, I didn’t mean to.” Taehyung says while fiddling with his jacket.
You shake your head, “It’s okay, I just didn’t expect to ever see any of my viewers in public, that’s all.” You nervously laugh, “But I gotta go to work soon.” You wave Taehyung goodbye as you reach the door but he stops you by grabbing your hand.
“I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime?” Taehyung asks.
You turn around to face Taehyung, “Yeah sure! Just message me and I’ll be there.” You reply. You see Mael looking over to you, mouthing ‘don’t do it.’ but you just shrug him off. Taehyung was one of your #1 supporters on twitch and have stuck with you since you started streaming. 
What can go wrong?
Taehyung watched your stream that night, chuckling to himself as he finally had you in his hands. The more he looked at you, the more aroused he felt. He ran his hands all over his body, feeling himself and wishing that it was you touching him. He reaches down to his pants to reveal his cock, pumping his cock as he moans your name. He begins to pump faster, groaning as he wished it was your pussy instead.
“Fuck, y/n, I want to feel your warmth so fucking bad.” He moans, gripping his dick harder as he was about to cum. He groans as he shoots his cum all over your face that was displayed on his monitor.
He stands up from his chair, wiping his cum off of his monitor, “Next time, my cum will be on your pretty and soft face, my darling.” But that gave him an idea. Your stream was about to end and as you say your goodbyes, he begins to dress up to head somewhere.
Your home.
He didn’t live too far from you, just 2 minutes away, glad that he was able to find an apartment unit so close to yours. He walked up the stairs to your apartment’s front door and saw all of the lights in your unit were off, noting that you were already asleep. The doors in this apartment complex were easy to get into as they can be unlocked by fingerprint or keycode. Good thing for Taehyung, he got your fingerprint when he grabbed your hand as you were leaving the cafe earlier this morning. He uses the tape that got ahold of the print and unlocked your door in an instant.
Taehyung slowly opens the door, no creaks to be heard, and tiptoes his way into your unit. His layout was the same as yours, making it easy for him to find your room. He sneaks into your room, slowly opening your door to see you without any clothing, masturbating while watching porn. You moan in pleasure as you rub your clit, your wet pussy and the video filling up your room. Taehyung can feel his erected cock suffering in his pants, waiting to be used. He pulls out his cock, pumping it while he watches you rub your clit. Your moans start to build up as you are getting closer to your orgasm, your speed increasing. Taehyung sees that you are getting closer, pumping faster to cum with you. You moan in pleasure as you reach your orgasm, twitching from the sensual sensation. Taehyung notices as he sees your body twitching, feeling the same sensation as he cums into his hands.He pulls his pants back up and begins to watch you get ready to fall asleep, waiting until you fall into a deep sleep.
He stood there, hearing you softly snore, queuing him that it was time. He opens up your door even more, slowly walking in towards your bed. He was glad that you decided to not clothe yourself as it made it easier to touch you. He lightly touches your legs to move them apart. He feels you move under his touch, stopping his action to not wake you. He hears you softly snore again and begins to lean in close to your pussy. He inhales to smell the scent of your pussy, the smell of your cum still lingering. His mouth started to water as he was impatient to taste you. He inches his mouth closer to your opening, his tongue softly touching your pussy while he licks up your juices. He then sticks his tongue into your pussy, motioning his tongue to your clit and down to your entrance, feeling your pussy becoming wet under his touch. He smiles as he hears you moan in your sleep. He continues to lick your clit while he carefully pushes a finger in your entrance, you start to squirm but he didn’t care, he was waiting for this moment. He slowly pumps inside you while he quickened his pace with his tongue, your juices and his saliva piling up on his chin. He feels you tighten around his fingers and quickly pulls away as he doesn't want to wake you from your sleep. He slowly crawls back out of the bed to not wake you up, and stands up to observe your body. He smirks admiring your perfect breasts, staring at your erect nipples. He begins to lean down, kissing both and creeps out of your room slowly while carefully shutting the door behind him. He smiles to himself, satisfied that he finally got a taste of you.
You woke up as a cold breeze came into contact with your exposed pussy, realizing that you forgot to clothe yourself back up before getting into bed. You sat up in bed, going over the dream you had last night. You had a dream of someone eating you out but you couldn’t see who it was. You haven’t had someone eat you out in a while, blaming that reason for your dream. You groaned as it made you horny again but you had to get ready for work. You stand up from your bed and get ready.
You finally got to the cafe, walking over to the entrance. When you walk in, you see the same people that go in there daily like you. However, you see someone who you don’t see often and it was Taehyung. You feel different after seeing him sitting with his coffee, the feeling of your pussy gushing underneath your panties. You were wearing a skirt today and the breeze between your legs led a shiver down your spine. You shake your head to compose yourself, scolding yourself for being horny so early in the morning.
You walk up to the counter and thank Mael but he stops you, “Please be careful y/n, I’ve been really worried about you lately.” You roll your eyes at him. Mael has always been protective but you don’t blame him, you were a juvenile teenager and always chose poor choices but you were an adult now and knew better, you didn’t want him to worry about you forever.
“Mael, I am quite sure that I can take care of myself. I do appreciate that you care about me a lot. I will be more cautious with what I do, I am not like the teenager that I was back then.” You hear him sigh.
“I know, I am just worried.” He starts, he then leans in closer to whisper, “Ever since that one day, he has been showing up lately.” He whispers as he looks over to Taehyung. You raised your eyebrows in disbelief.
“Mael, don’t worry about him. He is a kind person. And plus you don’t know him that well to be assuming stuff about him.” You say in a hush tone.
He shakes his head with a sigh, “And you know him?”
“I don’t, but he is harmless, trust me please.” Of course you didn’t know him personally but you didn’t see that in Taehyung, he never showed the intentions to be a ‘creep’ when it came to your lives.
Mael sighs again in defeat, “Okay, fine, but if you come to me for help just know that I told you so.” You smile and nod in response.
You walk over to the door to leave for work, feeling sharp eyes on your back. You turn around to see who it was and it ends up being Taehyung. You gave him a smile and a small wave, he does it back and stands up to walk over to you. While he does, you see Mael’s eyes shift over to you both but you ignore him.
“Hey, y/n! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow at the club?” Taehyung asks.
“Yeah, sure! I do want to get my mind off of some things right now so I would love that!” You reply. You see Taehyung’s face lighten up in excitement.
“Great! I’ll meet you at Forum tomorrow, 22:00 okay with you?”
You chuckle. You appreciated that he respected your stream time but you were planning on canceling your stream plans that night, “I’m not streaming tonight so we can go at 21:00!” He nods in response. You say goodbye to Taehyung as you were getting late for work.
Once you got into your car, you get a text from Mael. You sigh after looking at his text message.
Mael [7:47]: Be careful please.
You [7:48]: If you are so worried, why dont you just come with? We are going to the Forum at 21:00 tonight.
Mael [7:48]: Okay, I’ll see you there
You threw your phone into your bag, tired of talking to Mael and started driving over to work.
While you left the cafe, Taehyung sat in his spot, his heart racing as he started to think about the things he wanted to do with you as he had you in his hands. His thoughts suddenly stopped as Mael approached him.
“What intentions do you have with y/n?” Mael asks. Taehyung shifts his gaze over to the man. Taehyung didn’t like Mael as he always talked to you, especially earlier as he heard your conversation with him.
“Nothing. I’m just one of her biggest fans.” Taehyung says nonchalantly.
Mael huffs in annoyance, “Well whatever it is, don’t do anything stupid.” Taehyung nods slowly and begins to make his way out of the cafe.
Mael was going to be a problem between you and Taehyung. And Taehyung had to do something about him. But now wasn’t the right time. He needed to have you first.
PLEASE do not copy, translate or post my writing on any other platform without my consent. ― taevolu🤍
Inspired by trivia-yandere and the parasocial game by chillas art
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jademelanoleuca · 6 months
Beware Tumblr User potaxiepower / jadereblogs / jixngchxng (formerly known as kimetsunozushi69)
Panda, otherwise known as Jade, is a Spanish-Chinese Tumblr user in the Hetalia and Modaozushi fandom with a history of racism, emotional abuse, and verbal abuse. 
This was initially kept quiet due to not wanting to air our private matters, cause harassment towards Panda, or retraumatize themselves by gathering screenshots of triggering conversations. Even as Panda continued to speak negatively about the people in her old friend group, it was kept quiet since it was only in private settings. However, as Panda has now shown herself to (likely) be inciting harassment against a former friend and recruiting minors for her new discord (with the context that she lacks emotional self-control), the writers of this document have decided to step forward to prevent further abuse, to warn people, and to ensure she cannot control the narrative surrounding her former friends. 
Although the writers of the document have attempted to put together as many screenshots as they can, not everything has been included due to many of the conversations referencing personal topics, as well as the fact that Panda had deleted the original server she made for her inner circle during a breakdown halfway through the summer, around July 2023.
This document is NOT made with the intention of spreading or inciting harassment towards Panda, we have no intention of smearing her name.
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moon-and-seraph · 5 months
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To celebrate the season of love, we at Moon and Seraph are hosting a little gift exchange over on Discord! Our aim is to celebrate not only romantic love, but character ties of all kinds. Therefore, this event’s theme is centered around characters and interpersonal bonds.
Event Dates
January 28th — The last day to sign up for the gift exchange (soft cut-off; waitlist opens).
January 29th — The list of gift givers and receivers is shared on the Discord server.
February 10th — The waitlist closes, and there are no more opportunities to join the exchange
February 11th — The second round of names, from the waitlist, is released on the Discord server, if possible.
February 23rd to 25th — Gifts are exchanged.
How to Participate
1. Join our official Discord server, where the event will take place, so we can easily moderate the exchange.
2. Read and agree to our community's server rules.
3. Navigate to the “#exchange-sign-up” channel.
4. Leave a reaction on the relevant message, which will let us know you'd like to sign up.
Read on for more information and rules below!
How the Event Works
Those interested in participating in this gift exchange are asked to register (join our Discord and head to #exchange-sign-ups) within a set time period (Jan. 14th - Jan. 28th). Once the window of time to register for the gift exchange opens, interested parties are asked to do so as soon as possible.
After that window of time closes, participants’ names will be collected. Each person will be randomly assigned to create a gift for another writer who has also agreed to participate in the gift exchange.
At this time, a waitlist will open. Those who request to participate in the gift exchange from this point on will not be guaranteed participation in the exchange— this will be determined by whether an even number of interested parties decide to join the waitlist. A second round of participants will be shared soon after the waitlist closes. Once the waitlist closes, there will be no further opportunities to join in the gift exchange.
Inspiration for Gifts
(Keep in mind, your gift should be character- or relationship-themed! This could be romantic, platonic, familial, etc.)
Pinterest board
book cover
Rules & Guidelines
1. You must be a member of the Moon and Seraph Discord server in order to participate in this gift exchange. The event will be hosted entirely on Discord, because it's the easiest way for us to make sure everyone receives a gift!
2. This isn't a secret gift exchange— you are encouraged to contact the person assigned to you and request whatever information you require in order to create their gift.
3. Be sure to communicate with the person for whom you’re creating a gift to ensure they’re comfortable with the content of the gift. Any gifts that reference or depict violent or sexual content should only be given if both parties are in agreement as to these themes as its focus.
4. Contact server mods (Seraph or Luna) if you anticipate the gift you are creating will be delayed, or if your participation status changes. You can let us know in '#gift-exchange', or by Discord DMing us.
5. Deliver your gift to your specified person within the designated window of time.
6. Those on the waitlist are not guaranteed participation in the event. This is determined by the number or people who decide to join the waitlist.
7. We encourage you to share the gift you create publicly in the Discord server. However, we understand that doing so might be uncomfortable for various reasons. If you choose to share this gift privately or on Tumblr, just let a mod know you've done so (on-server or via Discord DM). That way, we can track who has and hasn't sent their gifts. We also encourage you share your gift on tumblr— though this is by no means mandatory!
8. Because this is a Discord-hosted event, any requests to join the exchange that are received via Tumblr will not be taken into account.
9. We will, however, answer questions regarding this event via our Tumblr ask box.
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samasmith23 · 8 months
We need to talk about EssenceOfThought's ongoing bullying & slander campaign against Rachel Oates...
I normally don't make posts covering this kind of stuff since I mostly try to keep my Tumblr blog here relatively positive and cheerful. And I normally try to avoid YouTube drama in general. But recently I've become increasingly frustrated and angered by the behavior of a certain YouTuber whom I regrettably used to be a fan of awhile back known as "Essence Of Thought" (aka, Ethel Thurston), whom in the past 2 months has been continuously releasing multiple videos & shorts which slander and defame another YouTuber named Rachel Oates. I know that Rachel herself is currently trying to combat this situation and has even filed multiple claims against Ethel's videos, but I felt the need to try and show my support for Rachel by help signal-boost her story in response to Ethel's revived targeted harassment campaign against her.
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Content Warning: Mentions of Transphobia, Cyberbullying, Self-Harm, Suicidality, and Child Abuse.
Also, while this post is going to be very critical of Ethel and her conduct, I will NOT tolerate any misgendering or deadnaming of her! Just because I think Ethel is a bad person does NOT excuse any transphobia that is directed at her, and I will immediately block and report anyone who engages in such reprehensible behavior!
Section 1: Confessions of a former fan, or my personal falling out with Essence of Thought
For those who are not aware, Ethel Thurston is a transgender atheist content creator who regularly produces video essays analyzing and criticizing TERFs and the broader far-right. This content greatly appealed to me as both a supporter of trans-rights and as someone who vocally opposes both TERFs and Neo-Nazis. However, exactly 1-year-ago I unsubscribed from Ethel's channel when she began made a series of videos accusing Lily Orchard of being a child groomer. While I do agree that Lily is an AWFUL person who has received multiple credible accusations of sexual abuse from both former partners and even her own younger sister Courtney, Ethel's videos which accused Lily of "grooming all minors in her audience" were actually heavily criticized by several former victims of Lily's abuse who have argued that the way Ethel & her editor "ABirdCalledLevi" (aka, Levi) presented their information against Lily was not only overly inflammatory, but only served to misrepresent and damage the testimonies of her other victims.
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Specifically, critics like "Patchwork Heart" (aka, Shiloh Conner) took serious issue took issue with Ethel & Levi's constant liberal usage of the word "grooming" to describe Lily's actions towards individuals like Glade, who accused Lily of encouraging him on her Discord to watch a livestream where she repeatedly flashed her audience (Glade was still 17 at the time of this incident). Essentially Shiloh stated that while Lily was undeniably guilty of sexual harassment, neglectful misconduct, and indecent exposure, her behavior technically does not qualify as "grooming," since "grooming" is a term specifically meant describe the gradual breaking down of a victim's boundaries through manipulation and isolation from others (online it's usually conducted through private DMs rather than on public servers like Lily's channels). Furthermore, Shiloh and other fellow victim's of Lily's abuse also criticized Ethel & Levi's usage of the phrase "parasocial audience grooming" to argue that Lily was grooming her ENTIRE audience instead of individuals, as "parasocial audience grooming" is NOT a legally or medically recognized term, but was instead invented by the commentary YouTuber "Korviday" in 2020 to describe Shane Dawson's sexually abusive behavior towards several underage members of his audience. Essentially, it's impossible to groom an entire audience all at once since grooming is defined by the specific and deliberate targeting and manipulation of individuals in private or isolated settings with the intention of eventually sexually abusing them. But when criticized for the way they badly mishandled the testimonies of victims like Glade, Ethel & Levi instead doubled down by not only continuing to misuse the word "grooming" in their videos, but actively smeared and defamed their critics and other victims of Lily's like Shiloh as "abuse/groomer apologists.” Ethel even went as far as to compare Shiloh criticizing how she misrepresented Glade’s testimony to “defending Harvey Weinstein.”
Like... YIKES!
I'm not going to lie... when I saw the way Ethel & Levi actively bullied and slandered other victims of Lily Orchard, I was deeply disappointed and disgusted. While I was already starting to grow weary of Ethel's tendency to overly moralize in her arguments, and I knew she was unpopular in a lot of online spaces, for the longest time I tried to give both her and Levi the benefit of the doubt since I knew she had been harassed by TERFs like Graham Linehan past simply for being an outspoken non-binary trans-woman online. But the way Ethel bullied people like Shiloh Conner was simply inexcusable! And personally, I completely agree with Shiloh's criticisms against Ethel & Levi. Even though I dislike Lily Orchard and think that she's an abusive scumbag, spreading misinformation about issues as serious as CSA only serves to inflict further harm onto the people that Lily has hurt. Victims like Shiloh have very publicly stated that they either want their testimonies to be reflected as accurately as possible, or not at all. And I especially understand their concerns about misusing the word "grooming," especially because of how that word in particular has been so easily co-opted as an anti-LGBTQ+ slur by Republicans and the far-right in the past 2 years alone, which only serves to promote bigotry and obfuscate actual instances of child sexual abuse (Ethel claimed in their video that they "saw no harm in extending the definition of the word" BTW). Here's a link to Shiloh's video responding to Ethel if you want further details on the ways in which both she and Levi so badly mishandled the testimonies of Lily Orchard's victims BTW:
So how does Rachel Oates fit into all of this exactly? Well...
Section 2: Reevaluating Ethel's past conduct and the targeted bullying of Rachel Oates
Once I witnessed the ways in which EssenceOfThought bullied and smeared the victims of Lily Orchard's abuse, it honestly caused me to reevaluate and question a lot of their past content, especially because Ethel & Levi already had reputations of being overly inflammatory figures who've burned tons of bridges with lots of other leftist YouTubers. It was then that I was reminded of the biggest controversy Ethel's been involved in, and one I was only tangentially aware of before the Lily Orchard drama. That being Ethel's 4-year-long and currently ongoing defamation campaign against feminist and atheist British YouTuber, Rachel Oates.
The conflict between Ethel & Rachel all started back in 2019, when Rachel's friend and former atheist YouTuber "Rationality Rules" (aka, Steven Woodford), got into serious trouble when he posted a video arguing against the inclusion of trans-people in sports (which relied on heavily fallacious scientific data and even cited clips from Fox News, Ben Shapiro, and Joe Rogan). Unsurprisingly, the backlash against Woodford's video was enormous, and it even resulted in him being deplatformed from hosting a panel at an ACA conference in Austin, Texas that same year. However, a lot of Woodford's friends within the YouTube atheist community, including Rachel, argued that Woodford did not make his video out of intentional malice or bigotry, whilst fully agreeing that it was a terrible poorly-researched video that did serve to reinforce transphobic narratives even if it was unintentional. This led to Woodford not only delisting and demonotizing the original video, but also releasing both an apology and retraction video to try and help mitigate the damage his original video caused.
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Ethel however, refused to accept Woodford's apology and retraction, and made several response videos accusing his apology of being fake and him continuing to spread transphobic misinformation. And while that's perfectly understandable if Ethel personally didn't find Woodford's apology to be adequate or genuine, where this crosses the line into unacceptable behavior is that Ethel then went onto repeatedly attack Rachel Oates simply because she was both friends with Woodford IRL and didn't want to get directly involved in the controversy. Essentially, Ethel is engaging in the "guilt by association" fallacy here. In actuality though, Rachel not only repeatedly stated that she disagreed with the content Woodford's original video and agreed that it was very bad and harmful, but that she is supportive of the trans community and felt unqualified to weigh in on the subject matter of trans-people in sports since she has barely any knowledge or interest about sports in general.
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This response was not good enough for Ethel however, who instead misinterpreted Rachel's comments as a backhanded attempt at silencing Woodford's critics.
Things got even worse when a random fan messaged Rachel a screenshot taken from a private Facebook group from a trans-self-help group which compiled a list of public figures for the trans community to avoid following the Woodford controversy, and her name was included on that list. Rachel, not knowing that the list was from a private chat, immediately went on Twitter to defend herself, which led to Ethel accusing her of doxxing by publishing private information. This is in spite of the fact that not only did the screenshot already exist before Rachel discovered it, but she went out of her way to censor the names of the members of that Facebook group. Furthermore, Ethel had also blocked Rachel on Twitter which led to the latter asking some of her followers to show her what Ethel was stating about her so she could try to adequately defend herself, which in-turn resulted in Ethel accusing Rachel of sending her millions of followers to circumvent her block and harass her.
The situation escalated even further however, when Ethel posted a now infamous tweet to one of Woodford and Oates' friends' Lizzy Lang, not only described Woodford as a "violent transphobe intent on stripping away dozens of human rights,” but called Lang and others (presumably Oates) "members of Woodford's church a transphobia" before ending the tweet with the words, "do this world a favor and exit it."
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That last line in Ethel’s tweet, “do the world a favor and exit it,” got a lot of people justifiably angry since it was very easily misconstrued as Ethel advocating for Woodford's defenders to commit suicide (she claimed it was meant to say “exit Woodford’s church of transphobia”). And while EoT later apologized and clarified the incredibly poor wording of that last comment, she still refused to apologize to Rachel after several months of targeted bullying and defamation. When Rachel saw the infamous tweet, it only served to amplify her pre-existing feelings of depression since she mistaken that tweet to be directed at her instead of Lizzy Lang. And a few days later, in an act of desperation Rachel posted an impromptu unedited video begging and pleading for Ethel to stop bullying her, not realizing that she was still badly bleeding from cuts on her arm due to feeling completely hopeless and isolated (Rachel already had a history of engaging in self-harm and cutting).
But not even Rachel engaging in self-harm nor her feelings of suicidality were enough to sway Ethel, who still continued to double-down on their harassment by arguing that Rachel "weaponizing self-harm, transmisogyny, and benevolent patriarchy," and was using "upper-class cis white woman tears" (even though Rachel has openly admitted to being lower-middle class). And to this very day, Ethel still continues to slander Rachel and falsely label her as a "serial transphobe" and "abuser" all throughout her videos, even going as far as to not only claim, "Rachel Oates' [abuse] was the second most psychologically destructive thing [she's] ever suffered, only being second to being raped as a child," but that she would rather relive her trauma of "being outed as bisexual, groomed at age 15, and sexually assaulted."
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Seriously... FREAKING YIKES! Those are incredibly extreme and inflammatory statements to make! I do understand that Ethel is a CSA survivor (and on that level I 100% empathize with her because that is of course absolutely terrible and is one of the absolute WORST things anyone can suffer from), but claiming that someone circumventing a Twitter Block and or begging you to stop bullying her whilst feeling suicidal is even remotely comparable to “being raped as a child"?! That is so unbelievably insensitive on so many levels that I don’t even know where to start! It’s insensitive to not only Rachel herself, but to other CSA survivors as well since it trivializes their trauma! Ethel should know better than this!
Also, that screenshot of Ethel tweeting a link to a Guardian article discussing the weaponization of white woman tears? That was literally the top pinned-tweet to her Twitter account immediately days after Rachel posted that desperate video of her pleading to Ethel to stop her harassment campaign whilst feeling suicidal. What a truly vile and unempathetic thing for Ethel to do!
Section 3: Showing support for Rachel Oates
After I did more research into the whole EssenceOfThought Vs. Rachel Oates situation, as well as hearing Rachel's side of the story, I ended up subscribing to Rachel's YouTube channel and have since become a fan of her work. Before I eventually unsubscribed from Ethel's channel due to the way she similarly bullied several of Lily Orchard’s victims, I was given the impression by her that Rachel Oates was just another garden-variety TERF YouTuber based on he way Ethel constantly talked about her. But that’s NOT accurate at all… Rachel's channel from what I’ve seen is mainly just about discussions of secularism and religion, feminism, book reviews, and cute dog videos!
Seriously, her dog Kyra is so FREAKING adorable!
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Look at her! Kyra's such a good girl! She's such a cute doggy!
But yeah, this is a prime example of how Ethel’s pattern of engaging in bad-faith moral absolutism while misrepresenting events and evidence can be seriously damaging to uninitiated viewers. And I say that not only as someone who was largely unaware of the full extent of what she had done to Rachel, but also because Ethel frames her content in a very pseudo-academic/intellectual manner and uses a lot of professional sounding words to try and disguise severely misguided and inflammatory arguments. She tries to portray her YouTube videos as if they’re akin to college-level essays with lots of citations and crap, which can easily fool people into thinking that her content is well-researched and sophisticated. Except looking below the surface, in hindsight Ethel’s videos are mostly just pretentious word-salad, cherry-picking evidence, and relying heavily on academic terminology in order promote her thinly-veiled absolutist black-&-white views on morality, attacking anyone who is “not progressive enough” for her (in addition to Rachel, Ethel & Levi have also done this to other leftist YouTubers like Lindsay Ellis, Philosophy Tube, & Suris the Skeptic). According to Ethel’s logic, you’re either an entirely good or entirely bad person, and there’s zero in-between and if you dare disagree with her to even the slightest degree then she’ll automatically consider you to be just as bad as the far-right. Basically, it’s moral absolutism.
All of Ethel’s fallacious claims against Rachel Oates are textbook examples of bad-faith moral absolutism, and I deeply regret the fact that I was ever once a fan of Ethel’s content. She is a bully and a liar. And that’s a conclusion I arrived to after seeing how Rachel’s stories about being repeatedly slandered & bullied by Ethel heavily paralleled the similar experiences of individuals like Shiloh Conner, thereby revealing a pattern of toxic behavior on Ethel’s part.
Section 4: Ethel’s renewed and current bullying campaign
So why do I bring all of this stuff up?
Well, even though the worst of the harassment Rachel suffered was back in 2019 and she has since tried to move on from this whole fiasco and continues making her usual feminist book reviews and dog videos (she even deliberately avoids mentioning EssenceOfThought by name in her videos...), Ethel has not only repeatedly tried to drag all of this drama back up, but has this singleminded obsessive vendetta to defame and destroy Rachel's YouTube career at all costs. For instance, in 2022 Ethel tried to further slander Rachel by yet again engaging in "guilt by association" fallacy because notable transgender TERF YouTuber "Rose of Dawn" (aka, the British equivalent of Blaire White) once tried to befriend Rachel in 2020 after the initial harassment campaign by Ethel, and later in 2022 Rose openly defended self-confessed genocidal serial rapist Lily Cade when the latter was platformed in an infamous transphobic BBC article. What Ethel completely neglects to mention however, is that Rachel had permanently stopped interacting with Rose when several members of her audience informed her that Rose is actually a TERF (and the way Rose suddenly tried to befriend Rachel after Ethel's bullying of her strikes me as very cult-like since TERFs sadly do have a history in engaging in incredibly abusive cultish tactics to recruit new members, as many people who have escaped that disgusting hate movement have reported...) and she has since apologized for ever giving Rose any attention. Regardless, Ethel still tried to falsely implicate Rachel alongside "Rose of Dawn" in a video condemning Lily Cade & the BBC, which led to Rachel rightfully filing a defamation claim to YouTube, getting Ethel's then-latest slanderous hit-peace against Rachel blocked in the UK.
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But even worse however, is that starting in August 2023 Ethel has begun releasing a constant stream of videos continuing to smear Rachel even further by both repeating all of the exact same aforementioned slanderous claims along with a whole bunch of new ones. Like, not only has Ethel already released 3 main videos out of a planned 6-part series ranting about Rachel Oates, but she has also released 24 shorts taken from the main videos!
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Geez! Not only is this beyond obsessive, but this is just straight-up targeted bullying and harassment on Ethel's part! And the new claims she makes against Rachel in these videos are equally slanderous as the ones before! For just one example, Ethel & Levi’s cite a now-deleted livestream of Rachel's that they re-uploaded as a mirrored-copy to their channel, accusing Rachel of denying trans-women's existence by making the offhanded comment of, “No, the only thing a man can provide me that a woman can’t is a p*nis. Only thing.”
Except… I actually went and watched the ENTIRE 3-hour mirrored livestream myself just to see the full context of Rachel’s quote, and it turns out that Ethel took that quote completely out of context! Not only are there lots of points in the livestream wherein Rachel repeatedly states that “gender is a social construct and that trans and non-binary people exist,” but during the stream she's doing a counter-response to a Christian fundamentalist incel who once responded one of her earlier videos. And that potentially problematic quote of Rachel’s, “No, the only thing a man can provide me that a woman can’t is a p*nis. Only thing,” was actually a sarcastic response to the incel’s homophobic argument that “women don’t want to love their equals [(aka other women)] because they actually all want what only a [dominant alpha male] can provide them.”
Essentially, Rachel was criticizing the incel’s sexist & homophobic “logic” that, “all women secretly only want p*nises,” in a snarky & sarcastic manner, but Ethel took Rachel’s comment out of context to try and instead paint it as some transphobic-slip-of-the-tongue/TERF-dogwhistle, accusing Rachel of “completely ignoring the existence of non or pre-op trans women,” in order to try and support the fallacious argument that, “Rachel Oates doesn’t actually view trans women as real women, but instead as props to objectify in order to make herself look like a better ally.”
Not once does Ethel ever mention the context that Rachel was responding to & mocking a bigoted incel during the livestream... at all...
I don't have time to go into all of the other new lies that Ethel & Levi are currently spewing against Rachel Oates since this post has already gotten incredibly lengthy (for instance, Ethel also claimed that Rachel “downplayed JK Rowling’s transphobia” simply because she used the words “incredibly problematic” to describe the Queen TERF’s bigoted views; which is such a weak and pedantic argument), but it’s a whole lot…
Overall, I just wanted to bring attention to this situation because EssenceOfThought's harassment campaign against Rachel Oates has been ongoing since 2019 and it shows ZERO signs of stopping anytime soon. Ethel & Levi are serial bullies and liars who regularly engage in bad-faith arguments, misrepresent evidence, and engage in moral absolutism in order to paint anyone who disagrees with them or makes even the slightest mistake as the worst people imaginable. So the more people who are made aware of this mess, the better.
Please show support for Rachel, whether that be through signal-boosting this post, subscribing to her YouTube channel, or even donating to her Patreon if you so choose.
And to EssenceOfThought, aka Ethel Thurston, (along with her editor Levi...) specifically, the famed basketball player Michael Jordan would have some choice words for you:
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And I mean that sincerely. Seriously... just stop this targeted bullying & slander campaign against Rachel. It's incredibly unhealthy and obsessive. Just let it go already...
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blxckcatwritesx · 15 days
obligatory pinned post/permanent plot call below! if after you read the mound of text below and you interact with this I’ll assume it’s okay to approach for plotting 🖤
I might be dating myself and my tumblr career here with this kind of post but here it is nonetheless!
My name is Lia and I’m finally getting back into the swing of writing over on discord and I’m in need of new writing partners 🖤 I’m 23 so 21+ preferred!
I like to write longterm and while I enjoy being consistently active I’ll be starting school up again in September and I work full time now so I may have sporadic bouts of inactivity however I will communicate those and still be around for ooc chatter and headcanons and the likes!
writing preferences:
-I write on discord exclusively at the moment and I love to write in organized private servers which I have no problem setting up :)
-I also prefer multiple muses and pairings and building interconnected worlds with my writing partners! at this time solo ships are a bit hard for me but we can talk it out! however I do not “double” as I do not want to write transactionally. I will love every ship we have and it makes me sad writing against writers who don’t orient the same
-I write m in mxf and mxm as my preferred pairing types but can also write f pairings in fxf and more selectively in mxf. with this being said, as much as I love pairing my boys against your girls I am not the right partner for female only writers :( I do enjoy having mxm pairings and even if we don’t actively have one I like the potential for one down the road
-I would love to befriend my writing partners because I think it makes it more collaborative and fun so if you don’t enjoy that I may not be the right partner for you either because I will ramble :,) I love talking about our ships and where they can go next and sending visual inspo for our muses and pairings but I also am always happy to lend an ear if my writing friends ever need to vent 🫶🏼
-I’m very laidback and if you have wanted plots or things you want to do odds are I’m the person to bring ‘em to because I will be 100% down!! I won’t ghost and even if we have periods of time we’re too busy to really write I’ll always be down to pick them back up and if something isn’t clicking for me (which isn’t often) I will communicate it and I hope you feel comfortable doing the same!
-I will do pretty much any plot type or genre except for zombie and apocalyptic
-nsfw friendly but don’t mind fade to black
-I prefer to write against actor fcs with acting resources so models and musicians are not my cup of tea :,)
-I am very friendly to looking at your wanted opposite tag to pick up a muse I will not think you’re face chasing so don’t be shy to ask if you have one OR you see one of them in my fave face/future muse tag because I will write any of those people HAPPILY.
triggers/limits: I am definitely open to darker plots which we can discuss over DM but I will not write bathroom play, vore, illegal age gaps, and probably more as I can think of them.
if you’re still reading at this point ily already 🥲 here’s a cookie 🍪
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myfandomrealitea · 23 days
I'm so upset by antis sometimes. once i made a few mistakes with a minor as an adult:
acted inappropriately with them, i thought they could handle more than said they could, things they consented to at the time they were facetious about how 'comfortable' they were-- probably to set me up
now everyone labels me as a predator just because of that and the fiction i like. so much for 'forgive and forget', huh? :/ i hate child brats in Fandom so much they ruin it for everyone. i don't get mad if i see some kid get shit bc at this point i know they're lying or exaggerating claims to get out of trouble.
This is one of those scenarios where I really can't comment on anything except future safeguarding because "acting inappropriately with a minor because they consented" could literally mean anything and I'm not about to validate actions I do not actually know.
However, in the future, its best to adopt the practice of setting firm boundaries with minors. Very firm boundaries. Unfortunately the internet never forgets, no matter who forgives, especially when it comes to things like this.
While minors are absolutely welcome in fandom spaces and I refuse to participate in trying to segregate minors off and treat them like fragile little glass babies who can't know about murder and sex until they're 21, I also understand for the safety of both sides there needs to be a certain level of separation and firm boundaries in place.
For example, I refuse to have any private conversations with minors online. Any discussion I have with one must happen publicly so there is evidence and witnesses to the original texts, and evidence that can't be so easily manipulated.
(E.g; if someone edits a screenshot of a post I made, its all too easy to link to the existing, original post proving its fake.)
I don't roleplay with them or collaborate on fanfiction (again, this involves too much closed-off and private communication, unless its something public like a SFW round robin). If I'm in Discord servers I use the note box on their server profiles to mark who is a minor so I know what is and isn't appropriate to say or involve them in.
It really is better to be safe than be sorry. I can't control what a minor chooses to involve themselves in or expose themselves to but I can control how much I involve them in and expose them to.
I'd also fully recommend blocking anyone who attempts to contact you or interact with you in bad faith. Some people will simply weaponise anything they can against someone they disagree with.
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houseofsol · 2 years
discord as a thread tracker
hello and welcome! hopefully this tutorial will be understandable and easy to follow. all the credit goes to phantom (@timerevolts​) for the actual steps and zara (@lghtpulled) for the screenshots. they’ve allowed me to turn it into a tutorial to share with all of you.
this tutorial requires some knowledge of discord. more specifically you’ll need to know how to create servers, how to create categories within the server, and then how to create channels within those categories. you should be able to google them and find other tutorials on how to create them.
first, you need to set up a private server. you can set it up however you like, but for the purpose of this tutorial our example looks like this:
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next, we will be using webhooks. don’t worry if you don’t know how. this tutorial will explain it to you. you need to go to server settings -> integrations -> webhooks. it should look like this:
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since we’re using webhooks, you’ll want to click on ‘new webhook’. our example server is already set up with webhooks so once it’s done it’ll look like this:
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when you click on ‘new webhook’ the following window should pop up:
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this is where you can get as fancy as you want. as you can see in the previous image, the webhooks all have their own unique icon. that is something you can do if you’d like. but with this currently webhook you want to give it a title. blog url could work or you could use your muse’s name. whatever you choose that’s where it goes. for the channel you put it in the channel you already created for this webhook. this is where all the posts will go into. once you’re done click on ‘copy webhook url’. you’ll need that for the next step.
once you’ve set up the webhook in discord, you need to go to your blog and turn on ‘tumblr labs’. this is something you can find in your settings and it’s at the bottom of the sidebar. (settings/blog/YOURBLOG). when you click on tumblr labs, you need to go all the way to the bottom until you find this option:
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once the toggle has been turned on, you need to go back to your blog settings. (settings/blog/YOURBLOG). scroll all the way down to the bottom and you should see something like this:
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you’ll need to paste the webhook url from discord into the top box and then click on the toggles of the things you want sent to your discord server. depending on how active your blog is you might not want to toggle every single option to on. since we’re using this as a thread tracker you want to at least toggle on ‘send new reblogs of your posts to discord’. and that’s it! that’s how you turn your discord server into a thread tracker. each time you get a notification it should look something like this:
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should you guys have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask and i’ll do my best to answer. don’t forget since this is tumblr labs it might be a little wonky. if it doesn’t work as described send them a message so they can perfect it!
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thewrathfulwitch · 9 months
Broom Closeted/No Budget Witchcraft
Are you in the broom closet or can't afford any materials to do physical witchcraft? There is lots of ways to do magic and I wanted to put these tricks I have picked up over time that have helped me.
Discord Related Tricks:
Grow a Tree: If you are in a server with a group, you can plant a tree with this bot. You can use this in a couple of different ways: growth and destruction. As you keep watering the tree, you can let each watering be another step towards your personal growth or let it be another step towards someone's downfall. The fertilizer is the extra boost in giving you a couple of extra steps.
Emoji Reacting: If you make a message that shows what you are making your intent/ward for, others can strengthen it by emoji reacting the same thing. Example using transmutation (credited to a friend who remains unnamed): 😒💩🔪♻️😊🌼☀️. From this original message being sent in a server, you can emoji react with ♻️ to allow for strengthened use of hate being directed at you to be turned into positive energy for you.
AsterieBot: This Discord bot can flip a coin, read tarot cards, do shufflemancy, and so much more. This can allow you to do readings without needing to buy tarot cards and needing to hide them. Results do not disappear so you can go back to them whenever you need.
Servers Used As Book of Shadows: This can be done publicly or privately, where you can make a whole server dedicated to what you learn over time. This can be paired with AsterieBot to be able to keep it all in one place. This way, you do not have to worry about needing to rearrange things and can group things together.
General Tricks:
Lyrics/Quotes: Song lyrics, mixed with intent, can be a strong spell and even a ward. There's so many different ways that this can be set up that there is no limits. This a method I like to particularly use despite having materials to physically form wards because of the creativity that can come of this.
An example of a quote turned into a ward would be Tommy Shelby's Wire Cutting. In Peaky Blinders, Tommy Shelby speaks about how in France they used to leave behind wire cutters to make the German's think they are about to trip a grenade. It was a mental mind game. This can be turned into a ward by setting up a trick should anyone run into your wards. They will believe themselves trapped and about to get hurt. It can be disguised too: Erasmus Lee was in France could be the quote, seeing as in this context, Erasmus Lee knew the damage that this mind game inflicted. It's all about how you visualize it when you go to set it up. Let your energy feed into it from there.
Water Bottles: Generic water bottles that are from the grocery store can be perfect for making moon water. Placing a bottle in the window overnight, with the intent of making moon water, will work just like it's water in jars.
Using the Dollar Store or Clearance Section: These are your best friend, they can be life savers in not breaking the bank in the rising economy. Nothing and I mean nothing has to be fancy when it comes to your craft. Your spirit guides/deities/ancestors are not going to care if you use little plastic containers from the dollar store or if you use fancy glass jars you ordered online.
Pop Bottles/Prescription Bottles/Old Containers: Anything can be used as a spell jar after you wash it out. You can not bury these things however, you would have to keep them on your altar/in your house or throw them away in the trash. They will still work so long as it's sealed.
Overall, there is absolutely no need to be entirely fancy. You do not need to compare yourself to other witches' craft either, for that is what they want to do. Sometimes we do not have the ability to buy everything just for that sole purpose and it has to be something recycled. Like I iterated above: Your spirit guides/deities/ancestors are not going to care how you do your craft, they care about the quality of your craft. Don't let others dictate what you do EVER.
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breachverse · 1 year
Breach: Chicago War Zone - WIP Update 14 - 10th of February 2023
I didn't think I'd be able to finish it this month considering my hard drive decided to corrupt itself, but, goddamn, I did it.
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WIP Update 14 has been released! Chapter 2 Part 2 for both routes have started all the way up to the first chance of a downtime. Though you can't hangout with anyone, except for Hayne, you can now enjoy the limited shop for both the Archangel AND the FBI route, as well as the completed skill training feature.
Breach: Chicago War Zone (Updated)
DEVELOPMENT LOG#14 (10-February-2023)
Alpha - 14
Tons of bug fixes typos and grammar fixes
Added the ability to buy plasma cutter pre-hangout
Added ARC skills training and store (limited)
Added FBI skills training and store (very limited)
Fixed FBI armory not being free. (Everything should now be free)
Tweaked a few of the weapon's descriptions to be available for both routes
Tweaked several weapon accessories token modifiers
Tweaked available accessories for the UTS-15
Added Flash Grenades
Added AR-10 Battle rifle (I know, I'm calling it one)
Added KSG-12 Shotgun
Added RPD Machine gun
Added AK-12 Assault rifle
Alpha - 14
Added Chapter Part restart feature to Show Stats screen (Testing)
Added Settings tab to the Show Stats screen (Testing)
Added Cheats tab to the Show Stats screen (Testing)
Added Hayne's 1st hangout
W.I.P.: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The AA branch (23%) W.I.P.: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The FBI branch (23%) W.I.P.: AA Hangout (9%) W.I.P.: AA Store system (60%) W.I.P.: FBI Hangout (9%) W.I.P.: FBI Store system (50%) W.I.P.: Stat screen upgrade (30%) COMPLETED: Chapter 2 Part 1 of The AA branch (100%) COMPLETED: Chapter 2 Part 1 of The FBI branch (100%)
Word Count: 656,856 words including codes (Last update was 637,822)
The private testing for this was uploaded last month so technically I managed to get an update out once month but still… it was quite a delay and I'm terribly sorry.
For those who don't know, I had a horrible setback in which my computer's hard drive decided to bork itself and I had to reinstall windows. I lost a small number of data but it took me some time to rebuild my database and retrieve data from my corrupted hard drive. Thankfully, Breach itself is saved due to the number of backups I've made and the precaution of having multiple copies on different hard drives.
More detail on the situation on this post if you want to see the exact problem I was having.
But, all of that is past now and though I am still building up everything again, I was able to get my workspace back in order and thankfully, I've managed to finish this damn update before the end of the month for private testing, and added a few things for the public update.
The update also consists some scenes for the ARC route where if you choose to do the prep work for the grate work or wall work in the tunnels under the bank, as well as some new scenes for the FBI route where [spoiler]if you let Greg escape during the raid, he'll want to meet with you and he'll give you some secrets about the trio.[/spoiler]
I'm sorry it's taken so long, and thank you for being so patient. It's not a huge update, but it features the shop and the skill training system in-game where you can buy and change your gear however you wish, though the FBI armoury is quite limited for now.
Thank you all for your patience.
Much love! ❤️
Link to the CoG Forums post
I also have a Discord server!
As always feel free to drop however many screenshot feedbacks you'd like, either in the forums or in our Discord channel!
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thenon-fictiondays · 1 year
Lets talk about this (because my friend told me apparently ppl on twitter are losing their shit about it).
I realize that these requests seem kinda strict. In particular I find the "no anime vs manga comparisons" a little silly, also the "no unofficial translations bc they might not convey the author's intent" is hilarious bc its not like YP's TLs are all that great at conveying the author's intent either lmao.
Ya'll need to understand that this is Harusono-sensei's content that she is choosing to share with us. This is not open-source material for us all to play around with as we like. Harusono-sensei has asked multiple times for people to not edit her content and post it where she can see it and mfs keep ignoring her and doing as they please. I know we live in an era where people feel entitled to use others' works for their own gain, but yall need to remember that there is a real human being who created this work and respecting her wishes is the LEAST we can do to show our gratitude.
And yes, I'm aware that I'm also breaking the rules! I'm not saying everyone has to follow these requests to a T. But for god's sake be judicious about it!!! I started the kghr tl back before we knew it was going to be localized and I'm posting it in a place where Harusono-sensei and associated staff are never going to see it. I'm not selling it either. If you wanna color the manga panels, do so, and then keep them on your hard drive, set them as your lock screen, send them to your friends, post them in discord servers with a no-repost request. You don't have to post them on twitter with the tags. You don't have to post screenshots of the manga on instagram to farm likes. "Don't use my work, edit it slightly, and then post it on the internet for clout" is actually a very reasonable request. Hell, they even announced an offical twitter tag you can use on original fanworks!! They're not saying you can't make any fanworks at all, they literally just do not want you to manipulate the official content.
tl;dr I get that these rules seem strict but if you think about it without being selfish for a minute they're actually pretty reasonable, and if you're going to break them, do so PRIVATELY, NOT to rake in social media clout.
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kenziedrawz · 6 months
Hello to all who may see this post! I, Kenzie, come at you once again with yet another splendid roleplay server. As you may know i have advertised a roleplay server upon my tumblr in the past, but this one is a different one. (as always, the invite link is at the bottom.)
So let me ask you a question, do you like slice of life rp mixed with a bit of adventure, a lot of mystery and just a teeny bit of horror if you consider some certain implications? Then boy do I have the right roleplay for you!
Introducing, Crown's County! A roleplay that's a mix of primarily Slice of Life and Mystery. Your setting is the small little town of Crown's County, but that begs the question, how did you character get there? Did they move there one day? Or had they lived there all their lives? (somehow, neither of those seem just right)
Can you trust your memories? That will all depend on your Awareness Level, or AL for short! AL is a fun little mechanic for this roleplay, and will help you with rolls(like in dnd) and serves as a marker towards your character's progression in solving all of Crown's County's mysteries!
But do you think that's all i have to share? Nope! Because I have a limited time offer for those willing to join! (and stay)
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Behold! For the low low price of joining and participating in this roleplay, you too can get a blorboplied drawing of one of your characters! But make sure to do so before January 7th(aest) And if that's not enough incentive to join, we have plenty of lore to uncover!
Though, you are also welcome to simply just spectate if that's what floats your boat.
The possibilities in Crown's County are almost endless! You could make a (sealed for lore purposes) Eldritch Horror work in retail! You could investigate a spooky forest! You can get up to highschool hyjinks! There's tons of possibilities to be discovered!
Of course, we do have rules though.
} You know what I'm gonna say, don't be rude, transphobic, Homophobic, Racist, you get the jist, don't be a jerk.
} Proshipping will not be tolerated here, if you are a proshipper then please get the heck out of this server.
} There's a limit of two to three main characters per person, however you can request to play an NPC character as well
} If your character has powers, I must say that they are sealed. They can use pathetically weak versions of those powers though. (Such as, someone who can fly can just levitate now.) Why? Well, that's a lore reason i can't spill yet
} Yes, there is a chance that your characters can die in this rp. But, who's to say that a new version of them can't come and take their place? But, if your character dies, then don't throw a hissy fit. There's a chance they can come back
} Please be patient with the mods (aka me), we have our own schedules and such
} Don't make yourself a protagonist, or a mary-sue/gary-stu. While I admit being all powerful and being unable to get hurt by like, anything. Nobody really has all that much power here, not even gods.
} If you wish to do any evil plotting or secret actions, then do so in your private channel which will be provided to you by the mods upon you claiming a character or saying that you will be roleplaying.
} Absolutely no ERP or NSFW, there are minors on this server
} Oh yeah, if you want to ship your character with someone else's character within the RP you must ask for their permission to pursue their character
} Non-human characters will have to be humanized but can retain certain non-human aspects, but not too many. (for lore reasons)
} PLEASE remember to censor potentially triggering topics, if you don't know how to censor it's just putting || on both sides of the text you are censoring
} Please abide by the Blacklist.
and those are all the rules! More may be added if seen as necessary.
And finally, you've reached the end of this post, where the server link is! I hope you enjoyed reading, and look forwards to promotional doodles as well! I hope you enjoy your time in Crown's County.
Also have some more examples of the Blorbo-plied style! (mostly ocs)
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and a bonus more complex doodle of the aforementioned potential eldritch horror working in retail
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unstablewifiaccess · 2 years
Discord Book Club!
Hi! I am the administrator for the Lovely Hearts Book Club on Discord! My mod team and I have been running it for 4 whole years now and I'm honestly pretty proud of us. It's been a hot second since we've advertised though, and the server's starting to look a little slower than normal, so this is an open invitation to join us!
Who's allowed? Everybody! We fully welcome anybody 13+, with roles and protections so that minors are safe and that any adults have their private roles as well.
What do we do? Easy! We're a fully digital book club that runs 24/7. Between monthly books (which are suggested and voted on by members every month), we also have specific chats for pretty much any book or interest you may have! And if it doesn't exist yet, we are more than happy to create one for you.
But what if I don't want to see every chat and just want to see those I'm interested in? Our role system is set up just for this reason! As you join you'll be given the option to select which rooms you would like access to and will never even have to see the ones you have no interest in!
What if I can't read a monthly book, or don't want to? This is perfectly fine! You will never be forced to read any book, and you will absolutely not be judged for not reading any as well. This space is for you and you can make it however you want it to be!
Is there going to be drama? Nope. We pride ourselves in being a drama free zone. This is a safe space meant to bring people together to talk about anything that interests them, especially books!
Are you LGBTQIA+ friendly? We sure are! Everyone in the Mod team is some shade of queer, and we will always be there to support anybody in the community!
I hope you join us soon! This is a really really awesome community to be a part of and I've loved every second of being a part of it. Come on down, make some friends, and read some books! <3
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