#in the shape of monkey tails
puppyeared · 2 years
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MK’s monkey form doesn’t feel right to me so i wanted to break up his transformation into stages. Maybe as he learns to accept that side of himself it becomes part of him, instead of changing between human and monkey randomly (which is probably painful). Love yourself, NOW!!!
@zymstarz im tagging you for FULL MONKE
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eggwishing · 6 months
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last thing imma post b4 it's all done. im gonna do a sheet exploring it's biology/behavior n everything ^_^... gooodnightttt
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Happy Halloween 🎃
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tmae3114 · 1 year
one of the fun things about having christian friends who also grew up christian is having the ability to immediately inflict psychic damage upon them in the simplest of ways because there is a 95% chance that veggietales is an inescapable part of their psyche and that is so exploitable
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Danny the Familar
Danny uses his shapeshifting abilities to disguise himself as a magic user’s familar. Only problem, he’s not great at the shapeshifting yet. Don’t be alarmed, he’s never gotten stuck as something else!
It’s just that…most familiar’s take the form of an animal. And Danny has been having a little trouble when shifting into animal form. He keeps getting them mixed up, and comes out looking like someone’s botched science experiment.
Some of his more notable hybrid forms are:
• Shark-dog: the body and size of a dog but with a shark’s head and fin for a tail. He’s still fluffy! But he’s also got gils…
• Cat-erpillar: Exactly how it sounds. A tiny caterpillar with cat ears and little paws, and he hissed and meows.
• Fox-Owl: A regular looking fox with large owl wings and a beak.
• Bat-Squirrel: The body and size of a squirrel with bright bat wings and talons.
• Goat-Monkey: a small monkey with the hind legs of a goat and twisting horns.
• Cat-Crow: A regular looking crow with the hinge legs of a cat and a long, fluffy tail.
Now, this wouldn’t be so bad, if all of these lower level magic users would stop treating him like he’s an idiot. It’s patronising! Being cooed over and told, “well, you’re trying your best. Don’t worry! You’ll be a great familiar some day once you can control your powers!”
Danny can control his powers. Usually. It’s just that shapeshifting was hard okay? And because of his pre-existing hybrid nature as a halfa, it just makes it a bit trickier to get the shape of one single animal down.
Oh stop looking him like that. The fangs and claws are hardly noticeable and yeah, okay the throned tail might be a little much, but at least he looks more like a rabbit now than he did before!
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vor-leser · 3 months
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Benny now an animal, I knew AM would let him play.
(Stuff about my own version of pre-monkeyification Benny below the cut because i have too many thoughts on this)
It's kind of hard to make heads or tails of any of the ihnmaims characters since the cannons of the different adaptations contradict each other so much, so I reconciled my own version of events in my head as to what I think Benny was like pre monkeyfication. I tried to fit everything from the comic, game and book in though.
Benny was a very masculine guy, excelling in every sport, and despising everyone who did not live up to his standard of what it meant to be a strong man. All his life, he tried to embody this ideal, not only marrying and having two kids, but going on to join the military. When he became general, he was known amongst the soldiers as an authoritarian punitive leader, often abusing those below him to whip the weak ones into shape. His ideals were solidified under the pressure of the continuing third world war, instilling a kill or be killed mentality into him. Eventually, he came to the realization that he was gay. However, because this reality threatened to break apart the way he viewed the world and his masculinity. With the mounting pressures from a chain of losses and his own internal struggles, he reacted by overcompensating and becoming more brutal than ever, leading him to kill multiple of his own men. Returning from the Chinese American War, he developed a severe case of PTSD. Constantly making him feel as if his life was at stake, he found himself unable to show any weakness. He hid his own war crimes thoroughly, all the while continuing to receive accolades from his superiors for his tenure. He constantly felt the need to not only hide his crimes, but also his sexuality, making him paranoid that people would realize he was a fraud. This did not only put a strain on him, but also on his family.
AM specifically chose Benny, because he embodied the many ways in which humanity tore itself apart through war, constantly finding new methods to make their own existence miserable for an imagined ideal.
At first, Bennys presence among the survivors proved very useful. Out of all of them, he had the most experience in dangerous situations and a lot of physical strength. His wisdom and leadership helped them a great deal, eventually though, they would inevitably disappoint him. Falling into his old patterns of behavior, he would berate Nimdok the most for his obvious weakness, saying he was holding them back. With time, he did the same with Ellen, Ted and even Gorrister, which formed a rift between himself and all of them. He felt as if he could rely on no one but himself.
Still, his usefulness irked AM. He had gotten one over on him too many times, but this would make his coming defeat even more crushing. It started with his mental state. Paranoia had already slowly crept up on Benny, but when he was forced to relive his trauma, it spiraled out of control. Being starved, beaten and defeated, he started to lose his humanity. His egoism, distrust and brutality, all born out a desire for survival made him a nightmare for the others. AM found it amusing, how he had turned Benny into a parody of humanity and its worst aspects, seeing it fit to strip him of his last remaining bits of humaneness, breaking his body into the shape of an ape-thing.
His spirits were now completely broken, being reduced to a bumbling fool. Even though his shame mellowed him out, there were still occasional outbursts. Now ironically enough, he had become the survivors greatest liability. Luckily for him, the others pity him and keep him around, a kindness he likely wouldn't have awarded them.
(Also drawing a guy thats canonically supposed to look handsome while making him resemble a monkey is hard :,) )
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genderfluid-insomniac · 6 months
S/O being extra sweet to the baby monkeys with Wukong + Macaque (separately)
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Sun Wukong
He’s going to be jealous since yes your playing and getting along with his siblings is adorable but why aren’t you giving him attention? He’s right here and will would cuddle you and give you all the affection you asked for if you said so. You do give him a lot of affection and attention when you aren’t at your job or busy, staying at FFM when MK trains and you reminding them to take breaks to stay hydrated since the man doesn’t stay hydrated as much as he should.
Once in a while, Wukong has to not so subtly ask his successor to bring you with him so he can spend time with you and totally not show off plan more dates since he’s still learning how to use the phone MK gave him after the whole Azure nearly ending the world disaster. Back to the monkeys residing on Flower Fruit Mountain; you give them extra special food than they’d normally have (search up food that monkeys can have as treats that won’t kill or hurt them) and give them scritches where they want.
Playing games like hide and seek, tag, soccer, or simple toss is nothing new however the smaller monkeys adore it and use ripened fruit as a ball. If you asked Wukong, who you’d have to bribe with some kisses or a night of cuddling, he’d tell you they ask him when you’re coming back and if you can play with them more.
Putting aside his jealousy it is incredibly heartwarming to see you bonding with his siblings and reminds him that might be what it’s like if you had a family with him. That though is something that pops up whenever you interact with them and if you catch him staring you’ll see his tail shaped like a heart.
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Six eared Macaque
He’s not as jealous as Wukong is because he isn’t at FFM often unless it’s because of MK or a world-ending disaster and he likes how soft and cute you are when many of the monkeys climb all over you like you’re a jungle gym. Especially when you feign innocence of “stealing” a fruit like a peach or banana that one of them left lying around which ends in them running after you until they tackle looking for said fruit. Of course, you’ve switched it up by throwing the fruit to your boyfriend who instinctively caught it and then pretended that he stole it from you, which since most of the monkeys were fond of you they helped you and a good amount of them managed to latch onto Macaque.
Other times when it’s sunny you and some of the cubs are napping in the sun comfortably with you sleeping on your lover’s shoulder and many white monkeys curled up on some part of your body. He’s never really fully asleep more like in a relaxed or meditative state due to how sensitive his hearing is in addition to being vulnerable but when he looks over to you and sees how peaceful and adorable you look. He doesn’t want to move you but if it gets cold or looks like it’s going to storm then he’ll pick you up bridal style and the cubs that fall or aren’t on you when you’re picked up are carried by his tail.
You have begged him to spend a night or so on FFM to see the baby monkeys more but that means Macaque would have to ask Wukong and both parties don’t wanna do it unless they have to. Luckily for you, there have been times when a storm rolls in and with some pleading, he helped you gather the monkeys around you into a nearby cave till the storm let up which wasn’t that hard given they love you and you’re adorably sweet to them.
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miffysrambles · 10 months
Hi, I was wondering if I could request some headcannons for being best friends with Macaque while also being Wukong's S/O? Like the reader is part of Monkie Kid Gang and they somehow formed a friendship with Macaque during adventures or something.
oooo what a good prompt, absolutely !!! ^w^
Wukong with an S/O who’s best friends with Macaque
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You and Macque developed a friendship while saving Wukong and the rest of the world from the Lady Bone Demon.
Wukong became aware of your friendship as you two talked to each other after everyone was safe and you all had noodles to celebrate. 
Oh, you better believe Wukong is jealous with every fiber in his immortal being, seeing Macaque getting all buddy-buddy with you knowing he’s probably just doing it to make him mad makes him bare his fangs while crossing his arms. 
Of course, Macaque was genuinely your friend but he couldn’t help but relish in the fact it made Wukong mad. Doing subtle things like placing his hand on your shoulder and brushing his tail against you while Wukong crushed whatever was in his hands which in turn made Macaque cackle. 
You were very much aware of Wukong’s jealousy as you consoled him over and over he was YOUR boyfriend and you were HIS s/o. 
You would cup his face in your hands as you kissed it over and over, taking his attention off of the darker monkey back onto you, replacing his scowl with a love-sick expression as his tail turned into a heart shape. 
Macaque soon stopped doing things to purposely piss Wukong off as he had genuine respect for you and your friendship, but he just couldn’t help it at first it was just too funny!
Wukong learns to accept it later on, knowing of course you can be friends with whoever you want and he respects your friendships and boundaries. 
This doesn’t stop them from butting heads, that’s never gonna change. 
Sometimes you intervened if it looked like they were going to physically fight, leaving them hanging their heads low in shame that they fought in front of you.
“Sorry peaches…”
“Sorry (Name)...”
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Cursed Warlords Lmk Au - Meeting The Mortal
Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque have been cursed. Luckily for them, a young mortal (You) has chosen to take care of them.
*Chirp* *Chirp*
Sun Wukong couldn’t believe this, he was a feared warlord! He was a dangerous being who struck fear into the hearts of humans. He ruled an entire island and had a whole island. Now he was but the size of a small cub, and he couldn’t figure out how to get back to normal. Growling he threw his arms around trying to shape-shift, which he was unable to do at all right now.`
*Chirp* *Chirp*
The sound of his mate caught his attention. He huffed as he turned to Macaque who was also stuck in the form of a cub. The two weren’t even demon cubs, no they were stuck looking like normal monkey cubs! He loved cubs, but he hated the idea of being stuck as one!
‘Calm down, being loud won’t do us any good,’ Macaque chirped jumping to sit beside him under a large tree.
Wukong huffed as he looked around, they were sitting in a large forest. It was dense and filled with highly dangerous creatures. None of which could best himself and his mate of course so there was no need for them to worry. Seemingly sensing what his mate was thinking Macaque chirped. ‘We can’t beat anyone stuck like this.’
Macaque wasn’t stupid, far from it he was a dangerous warlord who ruled right next to his husband. Now the both of them were stuck as defenseless cubs with no way to return to their own bodies. He held back his own growl at the thought, they would get back to normal, there was no way he would just sit back as he was stuck in a form like this!
They needed to think of a plan, hell they needed to find out how this happened in order to find a way to fix it! Macaque looked at his mate, he wasn’t taller than a foot now with the same bright golden fur and golden eyes. The marking under his mouth vanished but he still had his red, heart shaped mask surrounding his eyes. Though now it was closer to a peachy orange color.
‘You got any ideas on what to do than?’ Wukong growled back, they had been stuck in this form for almost two days now with no clue of how it happened or who was responsible. In that time this was the first time that Sun Wukong had calmed down enough to talk.
Macaque thought about it, they needed to get back to Flower Fruit Mountain and get seek help. Knowing his mate though there was very little chance that he would want to do that because it would show his weakness. That weakness having only just appeared once whatever curse was set on them settled. They had no way to get to The Mountain, they were terribly far from Camal Ridge as well as The Demon Bull King’s territory in the desert.
Wukong frowned when he didn’t get a response from his mate. His still taller than him mate, he was like an inch taller still even with both of them shrinking down to this height. It kind of pissed him off if he was to be honest. His mate who still had his six eared, feather like purple mask, as well as his dark purple eyes. The single marking below his lip had vanished and he was stuck with his bright white fur, which caused him to stand out rather well in this place.
‘We need to get to Flower Fruit Mountain,’ Macaque chirped, looking around for the best way to get back without drawing too much attention.
‘Okay? How do we do that, it’s going to take ages,’ Wukong whined in response, his tail whipping back and forth as he sat next to his mate.
Before Macaque could answer the two heard a snap from behind them. Immediately the two turned around, hackles raised and ready to run. However that didn’t happen when they noticed a lone human woman walking through the forest. The two glanced at each other confused as to why there was a woman all alone in the forest, especially a forest such as this one.
“Hey come on, wait up!” A young demoness called out behind her.
Okay so she wasn’t alone. The demoness was small, standing at three foot tall with ankle long black hair that gently floated around her. She was monkey demoness, with light grey almost white eyes and black fur covering the majority of her figure.
“You’re faster than me, you can keep up,” The human responded, pushing some branches out of her way.
“Come on. You don’t have to be mean, Reader,” The demoness whined jumping in front of you with a grin.
“I’m not being mean. And you still haven’t told me why you’re even following me,” you said with a deadpanned look as she walked forwards.
You didn’t hold any fear for the demoness that was clearly superior to you. Both Wukong and Macaque glanced at each other before climbing up a few branches to watch you for a moment. You were heading in their direction, they could get the demoness’s help back to the Mountain.
As you were getting closer however suddenly your foot snagged on a root and you went toppling forwards with a yelp. The monkeys couldn’t help but laugh at your expense as dirt and mud covered your face.
The demoness chuckled her tail swaying back and forth as she jumped to walk next to you. Getting closer the two noticed that you were wearing, very strange clothing. Dark blue pants that hugged her legs, a black top that barely covered her shoulders and strange boots.
“If I had known you would follow me than… Nah I still would have helped you. Anyways Spirit- if that is your name, can you point the way to the closest village?” You asked as you stopped below the very tree that the two monkeys were sitting in.
“Just keep traveling this way. At your rate, we might be able to reach it in the next three days,” The demoness shrugged with a laugh when you whipped your head around with a yell.
“THREE DAYS!? FUCK!” You groaned slapping your forehead.
Wukong and Macaque looked at each other again confused. Why were you so surprised, it’s not like that was a very long trip. Mortals were so impatient, they thought before glancing at the demoness. Just as they were about to try and get her attention, there was a loud screech behind them. Turning they saw a large demon bird. Immediately they stumbled just enough to fall off of the branch.
‘SHIT!’ Macaque chirped but before either of the two hit the ground they were caught in a pair of welcoming arms.
The demon bird went to attack only to flee when it saw Spirit who jumped in front of you with claws and teeth bared harshly. Almost immediately the bird was gone and you were now holding two small monkey cubs who were quickly trying to get out of your hold.
“… What just happened?” You asked looking at the two monkeys.
“Demon birds, gosh I hate those guys. They must have attacked these two, where are your parents little ones-,” Spirit kind of stopped talking as she looked at the two in your arms.
“Poor dears, you’re safe now,” You couldn’t help but mutter as you held them to your chest getting little chirps in return, mostly from confusion.
Humans weren’t nice, especially not to their kind. No humans were either hateful creatures or scared out of their minds. They would attack their kind or run away from them. They never cuddled with the enemy, so what was up with this one? Did she hit her head somewhere?
*Chirp* *Chirp* Wukong calls out, demanding that the demoness get the human to release them. The demoness stared at the two for a moment, nodding her head in what appeared to be understanding. However, she didn’t tell the woman to release them no instead she looked up at her and with a loud voice declared.
“Yeah, I have no idea how to speak monkey. Do you know what they said?” She asked, sweat dropping from her brow.
Both Wukong and Macaque stared at her in shock, she couldn’t understand them!? No! NO! NO! This was bad, they were stuck in this form and not even this monkey demoness could help them! Wukong couldn’t help the low growl that soon made its way from his throat. He tried to sound dangerous and threatening, unfortunately for him… But he only sounded adorable.
“SO CUTE!” You cheered pulling the two into a hug, Macaque quickly tried to push you away with his paw.
“Yeah, sure. What do you want to do with them?” The demoness asked with a frown, her eyes narrowing at the two cubs.
You looked at her with a confused expression before what she was asking hit you. She wanted you to decide where you two were going to drop them off. Looking down at them, you noticed them staring at you too. A warm smile covered your face as you pulled them slightly closer.
“We should find their parents,” you said looking back up at her.
“… I don’t think that’s going to work,” She responded with a frown.
You narrowed your eyes in confusion,“Why not?”
“Because they don’t smell like anyone else. There parents…” Her words were wrong, their parents weren’t dead. They never had parents, they were born from a storm and a stone.
“Then we’ll take care of them,” You responded determined.
“Wait… WHAT!?”
Opinions? Thoughts? My newest Au is Shadowpeach x Reader! Welcome to the Cursed Warlords AU!
Part 2 - Peaches and Plums
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
May I ask for lmk Macaque with your list of prompts 59, 57 and 22 :3
Sure! Here's sadistic shadow monkey that follows you around :) I really do love him, lol. Hope you like the plot (It isn't much but I'm sure him learning you have other friends... opens old wounds.)
Yandere! Macaque Prompts 59, 57, 22
"Are those friends of yours? Are they your everything?"
"You're stuck with me, like it or not."
"They never loved you. Only I love you."
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Emotional manipulation, Stalking, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Clingy behavior, Forced relationship/companionship.
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Macaque had recently found a new toy to mess with. He had always been one to mess with humans for his own amusement. Mischief was one of his favorite things.
Speaking of favorite things...
"You aren't ignoring me, are you~?" His voice echoes around you, shadows changing shape on their own. You had grown used to such anomalies recently. Shadows following you around had been something you were dealing with for months.
"Aww, come on, sweetheart! Did you really think I'd just leave you alone? You're far too interesting for that...."
Just like that the shadow monkey manifests, piercing yellow eyes staring into you as he materializes. He has a grin on his face, arms crossed as he circles you. Here he was... your forced companion.
"It's just so boring without you in my sight, Y'know?" Macaque purrs, acting like he ever let you out of his sight. He follows you from the shadows and in animal form. Really... there's no way he ever takes his eyes off you.
Which is why he felt he should 'cut in' when he saw you with a group of supposed friends.
"Didn't even bother to invite me~?" Macaque pouts playfully, dramatic as ever. He then wraps his arms around you, fur tickling your skin as he flicks his tail. He can feel your body tense under his touch, making his grin return stronger. "I thought you loved me~? Aren't we friends?"
Macaque can see your teeth grit at his comment. In response he really rubs it in, nuzzling into you playfully with a sigh. Oh how he loves your little reactions.
"Not now, Macaque." You say, trying to shoo him away but the monkey stubbornly stays. You had just had finished hanging out with your group of friends before Macaque stepped in. So luckily... they didn't have to see you try to shake off a shadow monkey.
"Why~?" Macaque whispers, tail swaying as his grip tightens. "Were those friends of yours?" Macaque coos, circling so he's in front of you. His grin is teasing... but also appears to be hiding something underneath. "Are they your everything?"
"Yes?" You answer, making Macaque lean back and cackle. You glare at him... only to pause when he stops with a serious expression. He looks... irritated.
"Oh, sweetheart..." Macaque purrs, staying close to you. "Do you really think they care about you?"
"Hey, what's your problem!?" You growl, pushing at the monkey as he grips your hands. He grins, holding them up to place on his cheeks with a cruel look in his glowing eyes.
"What? Don't believe me?" Macaque frowns in a growl, playing with your mind. He doesn't like the idea of you having other friends. Really... you deserve so much better.
"Of course I don't!" You hiss, pulling your hands away as Macaque frowns.
"Really now?" Macaque tilts his head before giving a concerned look. "If anyone knew the truth, it would be me!"
You look at him confused, Macaque humming with a nod of his head. He begins to circle you again, occasionally prodding at you affectionately. He loved when you squirmed.
"Don't give me that look, dear! Can't you tell?" Macaque prods, leaning his head against you. "If I can follow you around... Then I can follow them! Which means..."
Macaque notices the hurt in your gaze, leading him to quickly latch onto you.
"Oh, don't worry... that's why I'm here!" Macaque chirps, embracing you. "You look like you're about to cry... it's okay... just let me comfort you~"
Macaque knew how to use his words. He knew just what to say to manipulate others. You, poor oblivious thing, looked like you believed him.
Which made it much easier to lure you in all for himself.
"They never loved you. I heard it myself!" Macaque nods, playing the role of looking genuine as he sees your eyes water. Such a bittersweet look. "Really, only I love you."
"You're lying..." You whisper, the monkey leaning closer to your face.
"I swear I speak only the truth." Macaque whispers, tilting your chin up. "Cross my heart and hope to die."
Macaque observes as you stare ahead, not quite trusting him. He understands, he's a known liar. In fact, he's lying right now.
But your emotions are quick to take over rational thinking.... It's not like you can prove him wrong, right? Maybe your friends really are just pretending.
"I see..." You whisper, Macaque smiling when he realizes he has you wrapped around his finger.
"You never needed them anyways, sweetheart." Macaque shakes his head, humming while he pets your hair. "Seriously, they were so dull."
You can see Macaque stick out his tongue in disgust before returning his attention to you. You swore his piercing eyes dilated as he wraps his tail around you. You couldn't believe this.
"Well, I think it's time I made you feel better." Macaque hums, patting your back playfully before grabbing your hand. "How about we go on a little walk? Get something to eat?"
You look hesitant. Macaque wasn't someone you could necessarily trust. Although... he's been working on getting better lately, right?
It's not like he's hurt you....
"Again with the looks?" Macaque pouts. "Yeesh, the truth hurts, doesn't it?"
You nod and Macaque hums, a grin returning to his face before he pulls you into him.
"Well, come here then!" Macaque sighs, embrace tight against you. "I'll be here to comfort you... maybe even teach them a lesson for you, yeah?"
Macaque chuckles darkly, eyes half shut while he holds you tight against him and presses his face beside your ear.
"After all, You're stuck with me, like it or not, sweetheart."
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luxthestrange · 7 months
LMK Incorrect quotes#90 Cheeky monkie
Spouse!Y/n: What are you doing?
Wukong*hanging upside down from baby monkey bars, wiggling his brows at you* Trying to kiss you~
Spouse!Y/n: You look like you’re gonna fall...
Wukong: …
Wukong: Hurry up and kiss me Sunshine, I’m getting lightheaded-
Spouse!Y/n*Grabs his face and gives him a FULL makeout,pulling back and with a handkerchief cleans drool and pinches his cheek*Your lucky you're my peachy cheeky lil monkey~
Wukong*Is giggling nonstop with a lovesick grin and unfocused eyes as his tail becomes heart-shaped ...making him fall onto the ground*
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puppyeared · 2 years
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empyr-lymbo · 3 months
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Pairing: Sun Wukong x GN!Reader Rating: NSFW Summary: You learn how to give the glock glock 9000 from the monkey king himself, master of bananas and all things phallus shaped. Warnings/Tags: Cussing, choking, peaches as a pet name.  Word Count: 500+ words
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"That's...haa...that's so good, peaches, you're doing so well." The voice cooed.
You were on your knees staring up at Wukong. With hollowed cheeks, dribble trailing down your chin, and snot threatening to fall from your flared nostrils.
"Don't forget to breathe~"
Furrowed brows and muffled words caused the recipient of this mediocre service to chuckle.
"If you need a break then say so, there's no shame in tapping out for a few minutes, hun," Wukong grinned as his eyes glowed with amusement.
Ire welled up in your chest. Scowling indignantly at the man who allowed you in this situation in the first place. Your throat tightened around the twitchy length stuffed in your mouth. Your tongue flattened just as you were instructed to keep it.
"Mm, fuck-! Guess I'll take that as a no."
You tore your heated gaze from the king and focused on breathing as he so graciously advised earlier. Multitasking wasn't your forte, especially if it involved trying to breathe while sucking on your friends mentor's cock.
"Now that the pesky gag reflex has been taken care of...let's make use of that tongue of yours, yeah?" Wukong dropped his head into his hand as his tail curled beside him. "Hey, hey, hey-! Easy on the teeth, tiger."
You groaned as the lack of oxygen made you dizzy. Yet, you attempted to oblige the request by swirling your tongue around his shaft. You underestimated just how thick he was and ended up struggling to move your organ around at all.
The momentary panic made your throat squeeze his cock like a vice, Wukong certainly didn't have any objection to the added pressure and moaned. His hips, in a desperate attempt to gain friction, bucked upward and made your cheeks bulge before you couldn't take it anymore.
 You pulled off his cock with a loud 'pop', thin strings of spit followed, and inhaled. "Hnk! Sh-shit that..."
 "Sucked?" Wukong sighed as he frowned at your disheveled form. "Yeah, I know...well, at least you lasted longer than last time."
"...hurt, asshat." You hissed as you tried wiping the spit and pre-cum off your face. "I thought we were gonna go slow this time, not do a million things at a time."
"C'mon, that was me being 'slow'," Wukong offered his hand to you and pulled you up when you placed your hand in his. He leaned against you as you took a seat on the couch beside him. "It's not my fault you're awful at multitasking."
"I swear I-"
"-buttt, let's not dwell on that, peaches, you've done enough for today so let's just cuddle! Hey, I'll even be big spoon this time."
You rose a brow as your lips fell into a thin line, not amused at the king's proposition of his version of 'aftercare.'
"You mean dry hump my ass until you cum?"
"Tomayto tomahto." Wukong rolled his eyes. "Be good and I'll return the favor, m'kay?"
"Whatever you say, teach."
Nevertheless, you allowed him to snake his arms around you and bring the two of you to lay on the couch. Thus signaling the end of that lesson.
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🍜 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence.
mdni banner by @willsgraphics!!
orange sparkle banner(s) by @adornedwithlight!!
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Dude Tang sanzang really sound like a gentle but also....ya know-
and maybe we could get a fic of him?I kinda curious actually-
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Taken Aboard
Yandere Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong
(I’ve noticed recently that I enjoy writing yandere introduction fics- them meeting you. The content is a bit softer, but I enjoy establishing these things!)
You don't really want the shiny little key, no matter how important it looks. You just know that it's important. Made from polished silver and ending in many prongs, with a large gemstone set into the bulb... it was clearly valuable.
But you don't want it. Not the silver, not the jewel. You want what comes with taking it- a chase. And if these people didn't want to play your games, why would they come into your forest?
They’re only at the very entrance of the forest, where the trees are thinnest, but it’s still a foolish expedition that they’re surmounting.
There's easier ways to get through the area, after all. The forest is thick with trees and sharp vines, running with many rivers and populated by thousands of different animals. Clearly, these strangers are in no rush and have supplies to spare if they're traveling directly through instead of around.
So what's the harm in one little game?
You’ve learned all the creatures in this forest by heart- their scents and sounds and shapes, each palm-sized critter and earth-shaking beast impossibly dear to your heart.
Your hands; diminutive and deft, shift from tight skin to soft feathers. And as nail curves to talon, the bones of your fingers slide around your palm until they’ve diminished from five to four. In a sudden. startling flash of golden light does the rest of your form fall away.
As the aureate rays that wrap your body burn away from your reducing frame, the new truth of your body becomes clear- you’ve taken the form of a diminutive songbird. Were it not for your green-flecked wings, you would be entirely indistinguishable as a demon by the eye alone.
There’s just enough wind filtering through the dense forest to aid your feathers, sending your small form skyward.
You gather speed by twisting around clustered branches and thick tree trunks, breaking through a canopy of foliage and soaring to the warm sky.
Wings close to your body, you zip overhead the group and unfurl them in what would be a grand display, had you a more imposing form.
Tucking your wings tight, you dive haphazardly, snatching the key from a very startled monk all dressed up in a fancy cossack with a jangly golden stick.
Prying the metal free from his fingers, you retreat to the denser woods, taking a moment to perch as he calls out indignantly for you to return.
But you don’t even have time to gloat to yourself before a multicolored hawk comes at you, red and blue and ginger feathering.
Barely you manage to dodge, watching the bird soar past. The wind left in it’s blazing wake is so fast that your feathers are nearly torn out by their quills.
It rounds sharply, lurching at you again, only missing when you drop from the branch and dip towards the ground. The hawk turns and dives, losing you as you loop a low-hanging branch. It curves the bend with you, only inches away. Through the leaves, it misses by a hairsbreadth, mistaking a browning leaf for your insignificant form. Over the river your shadows startle the koi, causing them to retreat to the muddy depths. All across and through the forest are you hounded, slowly falling closer to the talons of the glorious hawk.
And you finally slip, diving too slow to avoid the clutch of avian claws.
But cold keratin is not what cages you.
Furry fingers tightly enfold your fragile form, stuck fast between the palms of the Monkey King.
He drops from the sky with some measure of grace, tail swaying in glee born of victory.
Exhausted from the chase, you concede defeat in the form of birdsong, melodically peeping and chirping to the simian from the cage his hands form.
Sun Wukong pauses at your display of surrender. It’s not often that a demonic enemy accepts being beaten. He carefully opens his hands to view you- and, to his disbelief, you hop onto the pointer finger of his right hand, holding the little key in your beak.
“You’re a funny little demon, aren’t you? So cute, but so darn troublesome… here, give me that.”
You don’t protest or fight as he snatches the jeweled key, stuffing the metal into his pocket.
“Wukong! Wukong, don’t hurt them!” Says a worried voice from just a few paces away, clearly out of breath from running. “Wukong do not make me recite the… sutra?”
His voice trails away at the sight of you, cupped in the simian’s ginger-furred hands.
“…they aren’t running, Master. They just… gave me the key after I caught them.”
The monk approaches slowly, then takes you into his gentle hands, a note of pity in his contemplative eyes. One soft finger brushes against the green spots that speckle your quills.
“Demon, I kindly ask you- reveal to me your name and form.”
With a giggling peep, you do as asked and immediately return to your true form- in his palms.
Tang Sanzang gasps from the sudden shift in weight, pulled to the ground before he can right himself. You giggle again, sprawled half on his lap and half on the dirt. And Sun Wukong laughs too, enjoying a moment of indignity from his oft-stoic master.
There’s a flash of irritation that fades the second the monk gets a good look at you- gods, you’re only a child. And so thoroughly ragged too. Mud and leaves in your never-cut hair, your fingernails chipped and uneven. Shredded clothing and no shoes.
“Have you been out here long, little one? In the forest, all on your lonesome?” Pity in his voice, compassion in his eyes. “When was the last time you had a meal? A drink? Come, quench yourself with my canteen,” he commands, lifting the fur-wrapped metal to your lips.
“They’re not a baby,” Wukong argues, tapping one clawed finger against your nose. “And don’t act like they’re harmless, Master.”
You pull away from the canteen after a long sip, sticking your tongue out at him. “No one asked you, Hóutóu!”
“Are you getting cheeky with Sun Yéyé? Maybe I should chase you all around your own home again, brat!”
Tang Sanzang sighs, not cutting into the squabble. Petty arguing was better than outright violence, and neither of you seemed all too serious about the verbal spat.
All he can really do is change the subject.
“I can hardly leave a little one all alone out here- even in the forest, it must grow cold at night. Come, you may rest in my tent when the sun falls. Then we shall find your parents, and-“
“…excuse me? ‘N-no’, little one? You mustn’t joke with me like that-“
“I’m not joking,” you cheerily and confidently respond. “This whole forest is my home! And I don’t have parents, anyways! I was born from a fallen peach tree!”
That didn’t sound… too implausible, honestly. Strange things gave birth to demons, after all. Rocks, in Wukong’s own case.
But, even if you were a demon born of nature and the wilds…
Wouldn’t it be horribly cruel to leave a child out here, all alone?
You were small enough to still fit in his lap, small enough that you only came to Wukong’s hip even when you stood on your toes.
A child. Gods, how could you have survived on your own for so long? Demon or not, you were a child. Gods above, he couldn’t leave you here.
It couldn’t be that you’d leave easily. You had just declared that this forest was your home. And with the powers and skills you had, simple force wouldn’t be enough.
He… had some praying to do. To Guanyin, and to another blessed length of golden metal.
You would not be staying here a night longer.
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spookygibberish · 8 months
I am trying to think of what characteristics are important in designs for my stuff, what works and doesn't work, and it's very hard lmao.
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For dagnyd designs I only really have a good sense of Jacanti's design language, but it walks a tightrope between decorative and functional. All dagnyds follow principles of other biological entities, and when they're ornate, they're ornate in a way that animals are. Especially fancy ones have lots of sculptural elements but what is Correct and what Isn't is so based on my own whims it's almost impossible to articulate.
Any dagnyd needs to be able to exist even if it's existence isn't comfortable. Something that actively looks like it's rotting doesn't work, but something that's experiencing the everyday torment of being born a pug is perfect.
Lots of "horror" designs don't actually work bc they don't look functional as creatures. No dagnyds should be especially recognizable as any particular animal, or just an animal with other animal bits stapled on. A lipless ghoul beast and a dog with wings both don't work equally. If something has exposed teeth they will need to be tusks that are designed for that. A dog with wings isn't transformed enough, it needs a humanlike face or hands or something too, or scales or a monkey tail or a vase for a head. The only dagnyds that are humanoid are almost entirely indistinguishable from humans (other than a mark on their back thats baisically a fancy keloid), none of them are JUST people shaped with extra stuff glued on. Lots of dagnyds also end up with masklike or "ceramic" faces. Even when this is the case they still need to be able to eat and shit and shit like that, all dagnyds have the standard suite of biological needs.
Dagnyds are also not really spec bio creatures. They should have thought out biology but they explicitly did not evolve and are created by people. Think of them more as preindustrial meat robots or fancy homunculi. They are tools created by people while also themselves being people.
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Anyways have a Waterbearer as an example design
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What about monsters au or maybe a fairy au
These have yandere themes to them from when this was supposed to be part of a Halloween event, but I decided to keep it that way because I like it. The first paragraph lightly explains what they are, the second is a reader-insert scenario.
Yandere Straw Hats Monster AU
2.3k words
Monkey D. Luffy - Faerie
Luffy has some intense fae vibes in my humble opinion. He’s chaotic, marches to the beat of his own drum, and he’s prone to dragging people into lifelong friendships that they CANNOT escape from. Luffy finds other fae to be rather uppity, and he prefers the company of humans. They’re so funny and weird! Plus he likes their food. Luffy comes from a very powerful bloodline, though people tend to forget about this fact until it’s too late and they’ve already provoked him.
One day when you’re out foraging, you almost step inside a fairy ring. You count your lucky stars that you didn’t and turn to leave and give the ring a wide margin, but a voice comes from behind you. A faerie is casually sitting in the circle and asks if he could have some of your food. Not wanting to upset him, you toss the snacks you brought for the day to him. He all but demands that you come to visit him once in a while, and you’re forced to abide. Refusing would upset him, but agreeing and then not keeping your word would be even worse. Fortunately, as you continue to meet with him, you find him to be awfully kind and fun for a faerie. You begin to look forward to these meetings. When he asks one day if you’re his friend, it’s only natural for you to say yes. A big mistake, you would quickly come to realize. By agreeing that you’re his friend, you’ve unwittingly given him ownership of yourself. But it’s okay! You two will have lots of fun along with all of his other friends!
Roronoa Zoro - Werewolf/Barghest
Another case of vibes, Zoro just screams werewolf to me. The barghest is a monstrous black dog originating from English mythology, with some sources claiming that a wound inflicted by its claws will never heal. I’ve combined this creature with a werewolf to make it a bit more interesting. When Zoro transforms, he takes on a grotesque and massive wolf-like shape with green fur. He’s capable of standing on two legs, but walking on all four feels much more natural in this state.
Zoro is a renowned monster hunter, as well as a close colleague of yours. After working with him for years, it’s deeply concerning to you when he comes back from a mission only to seal himself away in his home and refuse to interact with anyone. You try to be patient with him, but as time goes on, you NEED to get to the bottom of what happened. He’s been holed up for over a month, so you figure that he must be leaving in the night to get food and water. As you’re lying in wait in a nearby shed, rather than seeing him leave, you hear crashing and yelling coming from his home. Without thinking, you rush in. You don’t know if he’s being attacked or what, but you can’t leave him to suffer. It takes some effort to break the door down, but you do. The home is in shambles. Furniture is ripped to shreds, holes have been punched in the walls, and there are claw marks everywhere. Your attention turns to the writhing mass of limbs and fur in the corner. The moonlight illuminates the room just enough for you to recognize the shade of green the fur is, and your heart falls into your stomach when the creature turns to look at you. There’s a scar over the left eye. Before you have a chance to process this gut wrenching information, he’s on you. As he’s snarling over you, you wonder if you’ll be able to bring yourself to kill your friend before he can kill you.
Nami - Kitsune
Kitsunes are highly intelligent, cunning, and mischievous. All of these traits fit Nami perfectly. She is still quite young for a kitsune and only has two tails so far. In order to make some easy money, she establishes herself at a shrine and demands tribute, primarily in the form of money, though she will also accept fine jewelry and kimonos. 
The shrine she occupies happens to be the one your family cares for, making you her personal shrine maiden. Well, shrine maiden in training. In the beginning, you’re run ragged trying to accommodate such a demanding spirit. Once Nami is confident that you are a good match for her, she relaxes somewhat, but demands near constant attention. You’re unable to eat with your family because she wants you to eat with her instead. Opportunities to see friends are consistently shot down by her requesting that you brush her hair/fur for her or other mundane tasks. It was a little flattering at first to have a prestigious spirit favoring you, but it rapidly becomes draining. It isn’t truly your place to be asking her questions, but you do anyway. Why is she so dedicated to taking up every second of your time? You aren’t even a proper shrine maiden yet, doesn’t she want someone more experienced assisting her? Nami giggles at your inquiry and pets your head in a way that feels more than a little condescending. She explains that it only makes sense for her to be focused on you. Your initiation ceremony is coming up, and those play out like wedding ceremonies more or less. Of course she’s going to favor the person who is about to essentially be offered as a spouse to her.
Usopp - Drider/Anansi
Anansi is a popular figure in Akan mythology and is strongly associated with storytelling. He’s known for being a bit of a trickster, but also a hero and extremely cunning. I’ve combined this with a drider to make him more humanoid, but he is also capable of shapeshifting when he so pleases. Usopp has a reputation for being troublesome, but ultimately helpful. Sure, he drives the locals up the wall some days, but he’s willing to step up into a heroic role when necessary.
Usopp had been dwelling near your village for a while now, longer than he normally would. He just can’t help it though, you’re one of his favorite people to tell his tales to. You never question the validity of what he’s saying or roll your eyes, you just eagerly listen to his stories with a sparkle in your eyes the whole time. When he’s causing trouble, you take it on the chin and laugh it off. He falls fast and he falls hard. Slowly, he starts to incorporate scarier stories into his repertoire. To make sure that you fully believe what he’s telling you, he’ll shapeshift into various forms and lurk around just barely in the corner of your vision, only to flee when you whip around to investigate. When you vent to him about how frightened you’ve been as of late, he’s quick to offer a solution. Why don’t you come with him? He’ll bring you somewhere safe and keep all the monsters away from you. Doesn’t that sound perfect?
Sanji - Yaoguai
I bounced around with a lot of different monsters before eventually settling on this one. A yaoguai is a type of demon from Chinese mythology. Though technically, he’s only half-demon. His father was a god turned demon who was banished from Heaven by the Jade Emperor when he became too arrogant in his power and miserably failed in defending an important artifact. Ever since then, he has been desperate to regain his godhood and has resorted to trying to make supremely powerful warriors of his children. Their mother was a human who was forcibly taken and used in their creation. Sanji suffered a lot of cruelty for being the weakest of his siblings, with the only kindness he ever received being from his human mother (as well as a certain chef after he ran away from home). It’s unsurprising that he strongly prefers the company of humans to demons.
That also means that in his quest to find true love, he’s only looking at humans. Unlike his father, he desperately wants to have a loving, mutual relationship. He tries so hard, but his courtships always end the same way. Everything seems great in the beginning, they’re happy, they’re falling in love. The problem is that all of these begin with him taking on the appearance of a normal human. He wants to be open and honest with what he’s hoping will be the love of his life, so when it’s gotten serious and marriage is brought up, he reveals his true form. Every time, every single time, they scream and run away in horror. Sanji has lost track of how many times he’s been chased out of a village after doing this. He’s getting desperate. By the time he ventures into your town, he’s made up his mind to not tell the next person. At least not before the wedding. Even if you scream and cry and say that you hate him, he’ll make you stay with him long enough to see that he’s the same Sanji that you fell in love with even if he does look different now. He isn’t going to hurt or eat you, you just need some time to realize that. After you have, everything will be fine. At least so he hopes.
Tony Tony Chopper - Leshy (there are so many spellings I’m sorry if this isn’t the right one)
A Leshy is a type of guardian deity for forests from Slavic mythology. They rule over and protect their given forest, and their attitudes towards people imposing on it can really vary based on where the legends originate from and how the intruders act in the forest. They are able to take the form of anything in the forest and imitate woodland noises. It’s anyone’s guess how they will handle a human wandering into their domain. Maybe they’ll be lighthearted and playful, or maybe that person won’t ever be seen again. They’re very ambiguous. Chopper leans towards the more lighthearted side of things. He’s very shy towards most humans, but can become angry and lash out if they do something he doesn’t approve of.
Living right on the edge of a massive forest can certainly be nerve wracking, but you do your best to make it work. You did everything in your power to avoid potentially upsetting whatever Leshy is inhabiting the forest, and it seems your efforts worked… Perhaps a little too well. It started with seeing a bizarre deer-like creature amongst your livestock or outside your windows. Then you started hearing things. One day you could have sworn a terrible thunderstorm rolled in abruptly, only to dash outside and see nothing but clear skies. Eventually, the Leshy got bold enough to approach you directly. You knew you should have been distressed to have such a deity so close to you, but it was hard to be scared of such a small and cute creature. Chopper seems so youthful and childlike that you can’t help but grow fond of his little visits. Then he starts pushing for you to visit him. He has a home at the center of the forest and he desperately wants to show it to you. It couldn’t hurt to go just once, right?
Nico Robin - Harpy/Gamayun
The Gamayun is a prophetic bird with the head of a human woman from Russian mythology that is said to know literally everything and to spread prophecies and divine messages. Again, I’ve combined this with a Harpy for the sake of giving her a more humanoid form. While some people appreciate the endless knowledge Robin possesses, others fear and want to repress it. Robin can rarely stay in the same area for long without worrying about an attempt on her life.
It’s after an almost successful murder attempt that she meets you. One of her wings was shot, leaving her unable to fly away. When you suddenly appear and usher her into your home, she is highly suspicious of your intentions, but she goes along with it because she feels like she has no other option. Much to her surprise, you misguide the people hunting her and then tend to her wounds. As time goes by and she stays put while she’s still healing, she is shocked at how you never once ask her for information or prophecies. You’re being kind to her… because you want to? And you expect nothing in return? It’s unheard of for her. By the time she’s healed, she’s completely enraptured by you. She can’t go back to her perpetual solitude now that she’s gotten a taste of kinship. You must feel the same. You have to feel the same.
Franky - Talos
Talos was a giant bronze statue built by Hephaestus to guard the island of Crete in Greek mythology. His main job is to drive off pirates and other enemies by hurling boulders at them. For the sake of this AU, let’s say that rather than dying, he is simply subdued and ultimately lives. Franky feels lost and like a failure. He leaves Crete to set up shop on a new island where he takes it upon himself to take misfits under his wing. He doesn’t want other people to feel the way he does, so he does his best to take care of them and give them a sense of purpose.
Admittedly, you haven’t made the best decisions in life, that’s a given. Being a petty thief and general troublemaker is hardly anything to brag about, but it’s your life and you’ll do what you want. That is, until some giant bronze behemoth snatches you up and declares himself your mentor. He isn’t even giving great advice, it looks like he’s herding cats when he tries to get all of the local hellions to work together to better their lives. Unfortunately for you, not only can you not escape him, the others are buying into it and trying to drag you down with them.
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