#in which for once group 2 is the one that leave me the most confused
wearebarca · 4 months
5. Captured // Alexia Putellas x Original character pt. 5
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
synopsis: Rosalie has never stayed too long at the same place. When the opportunity of a lifetime presents itself critical moment in her life, the photographer decides to once again leave behind what she knows and joins the staff of Europe's best football team.
Word count: 4,6k
18+ (eventually)
A/N: Spanish is from google translate so please be nice. French is my first language so all should be good on that part. Tell me what you think, be nice, enjoy.
The return to Barcelona wasn’t as smooth as their arrival trip. Rosalie had ended up with a seat next to Lucy, which was good because Lucy knew how to handle the younger brunette on a plane, but she couldn’t shake the slight disappointment she felt when she realized that she wouldn’t be sitting with the captain. Nonetheless she was still happy with her flight partner since she hadn’t seen much of the English woman during this trip.
Lucy had shown up at six at the photographer’s door, in full training gear and running shoes in her hand, and had forced the brunette to go out on a run with her to relax a little before the flight. They had ended up in a park with a track that circled a nice football pitch, and Lucy decided that it would be a great idea to challenge the runner on a race. Rosalie might be an experienced runner, but explosive speed was the older woman’s strength and an hour later, they were both lying on the field, panting like dogs, with Lucy undefeated. Running back was a completely different story for the defender who had used most of her energy on beating the younger woman in sprints. She was glad when she could see the hotel in front of us but groaned when the photographer lightly shoved her and yelled “ Race you there!”
At breakfast, Rosalie sat with her usual group, sandwiched between Keira and Ingrid, who made sure the brunette was occupied with conversation the whole time. Their goal was clear to the photographer who knew that they wanted her to focus on anything other than the plane trip ahead. Unbeknown to the pair, the task of keeping her distracted was already being fulfilled by the blonde sitting a few seats away from her.
Rosalie’s perception of the blonde had changed since their dinner the night before. Being able to spend some time with the captain without the pressure of work or football allowed Rosalie to see another side of the blonde that she hadn’t encountered before. Now, Alexia intrigued even more the photographer who wondered just how many sides the footballer keeps hidden.
Her daydreaming was interrupted by Keira who had been trying to get the French-Canadian's attention for the past minute. “ Hey, Frenchy are you still here with us?”
“ Oui, yes I’m sorry I was caught up in my own thoughts.” The brunette said, turning towards her friends.
“ It’s ok really, we just wanted to know if you were coming to team building night with us?” Ingrid said.
“ Isn’t that for players only?” the brunette said confused. Back with Arsenal, she never got invited to this sort of night, even if she was, or she thought, one of the player’s girlfriends.
“ Not necessarily no. It is just a normal night with friends and we’d like for you to come.” Keira said, smiling at the photographer.
“ I’d love to.” Rosalie said, turning towards Ingrid. “ When would that be?”
“ We were thinking about two weeks from now, after the game against Levante. I’m just trying to see how many we’re gonna be so I can make a reservation at the restaurant.” The Norwegian said, picking up her phone to look at options. The rest of the breakfast was spent organizing the supper, allowing the photographer to forget about their approaching departure. Unfortunately, her feeling of dread and anxiety came rushing back as soon as she picked up her luggage from the bus and walked towards the terminal. The flight went relatively well for the brunette, who stayed wide awake this time, leaning against Lucy while a bad comedy was playing on the small screen in front of them.
Alexia, who was a few seats behind the duo, could not help but wonder how the smaller woman was fairing and finally succumbed to her urge to make sure the photographer was alright by getting up and quickly trying to find something to say to justify her presence next to them. As she arrived at their seat, a small smile crept on her face at the sight of the brunette bundled up in her oversized hoodie, with her hood engulfing her head almost entirely. She crouched down next to her and took her hand in her own to give it a light squeeze. Without letting the photographer’s hand go, she turned her attention to the defender. “ Could you remind me again of yours and Keira’s departure dates for international break?” She asked the English woman who seemed surprised by the question.
“ Yeah sure mate,” she said, pulling out her phone to check her emails. “ Why do you need to know so soon? Isn’t it in almost two months?” she asked
“ Uhh, I’m just planning ahead.” She said, hoping that the older woman would not see through the real reason for her presence here. Meanwhile, the photographer had significantly relaxed since the captain had arrived next to her, and was putting all her focus on the way the blonde’s thumb was tracing soothing patterns on the back of her hand.
Too soon for the brunette’s liking, Lucy found the email with the dates she was looking for and gave them to Alexia, who had no more reason to stay with them. She gave one last squeeze to the photographer’s hand and walked back to her seat. Lucy, who was far from dumb, had a good idea of exactly why her captain had come to their row, and it surely wasn’t to know their departure’s dates. She sent a look to the younger woman, who simply answered with one that clearly said, : “Not now Luce.”
It was the middle of the afternoon when the brunette finally stepped in the comfort of her small apartment. She refused to let it show too much during their trip, but she was truly exhausted from the strain two plane rides in such a short amount of time had had on her, and as soon as her body hit the bed, she was gone and did not wake up until the morning after. The rest of her weekend was spent mostly working on the editing of the shots she had taken during their day off and training. She decided to go check out the Olympic pool near her place and swim a few laps to allow her body to recover from the week's intense running sessions.
For the players, the week after a match was always slower than their usual training, but for the rest of the staff, it was when their schedules would be the most hectic. Rosalie started her week by following a few players on a media appearance for a foundation that helps little girls persevere in sports, then it was media day which took by storm the whole training complex. Various interviews and fun videos were being filmed all over the facility and Rosalie’s job was to roam from station to station and capture the girls during their appearances. On top of that, the brunette had her usual training content to shoot and edit.
This week’s workload meant that coffee with her favourite couple wasn’t possible, which saddened them even though they understood why. Rosalie also postponed her night with the English couple who were very eager to bombard the Canadian with all the questions they had so nicely kept to themselves during the trip. It was a relief for the brunette, who knew that sooner or later, she would have to go through her best friend’s interrogation.
Weekend couldn't come soon enough for Rosalie. Friday would be a bittersweet day for the photographer who had to finish and send the media day content tonight at the latest for their release the next day, which most likely meant a late night at the office again. Her hunch turned out to be right as she checked the clock around four and realized that she wasn’t nearly done. The girls had already left and the training facility was dead silent when the photographer left her office. Rosalie almost jumped at the sound of her ringtone echoing in the empty car park. The name that lit up her screen made the brunette’s eyes roll as she picked up the call.
“ Non.”
“ Oui.”
“ Non, je viens de finir de travailler, Je suis complètement brûlée, pas ce soir.” Rosalie said in a whiny tone as she all but threw her bags in the backseat of her small sedan.
“Too late, we're already at your place darling.” Lucy said laughing. Rosalie could hear Keira whine in the background for her to come quickly because she was tired of waiting to eat. “ We brought your favourite, now get your arse here, we’ve got questions that need answering.” The defender didn’t even wait for the younger girl’s answer and hung up.
“Mais quel enfoiré.” Rosalie took all the detours humanly possible, just to annoy the older woman. At the sight of Lucy waiting by the stairs of her apartment, Rosalie felt like a child getting scolded by her mum. She took a deep breath and climbed the few stairs that were left between her and her apartment.
“ Took you long enough.”
“ Traffic, ya know”
“ Fuck off you cunt you did this just to fuck with us.” Lucy said as she followed the Canadian back in her flat.
“ Woah woah votre langage madame Bronze.”
“ You’re lucky we like you Frenchy.” She pulled out the bags of fish and chips she had brought while Rosalie pulled out beers for everyone. She eagerly took the plate that was handed to her and made a face at the first bite.
“ I know, it’s not like back home.” Keira said, stealing a few chips from Rosalie’s plate.
“ It doesn’t taste bad, it just does not deserve the title of fish and chips.” Rosalie said, bringing her plate and beer to the couch. The two women followed her, Keira beside her on the couch and Lucy on the ground, on the other side of the coffee table.
“ Ok I’m done waiting so now, what the hell is going on with you and Alexia.”Rosalie almost choked on her fish at the younger English woman’s question.
“ There’s nothing going on”
“ What do you mean? There’s nothing going on. She keeps staring at you!” Keira said in an animated tone.
“Rosalie, you fell asleep on her shoulder, in the goddamn plane.” Lucy added. The brunette was cornered, she could not lie to these girls, they were her family, they knew her too well.
“ She’s just.. she’s easy company you know. We get along nice.” She said, hoping that would be enough for them, but she knew it definitely would not be.
“ We all saw how you were looking at her on the last morning of the trip. You haven’t looked at anyone like that before, not even…”
“Don’t,” Rosalie quickly interrupted. She didn’t want to compare Alexia, even in the slightest bit, to the Irish defender. “ She’s just very intriguing, you know. I haven’t quite met anyone like her before.”
“ She’s a pure soul, that one,” Lucy said, staring at her best friend who was currently looking everywhere but at the two friends. “ She’s shy and closed off but once she opens up, she is truly one of the most authentic girls I’ve met.” She said with a fond smile playing on her lips.
“ Why are you guys telling me all this?” Rosalie asked. Sure, she understood that these women were her family and they simply wanted to know what was going on but this felt like more than the usual interrogation she would be subjected to. It almost felt like they were encouraging the photographer to pursue whatever was going on between the brunette and the blonde.
“ No reason in particular, we just want you to be happy.” Keira said, trapping the brunette in a hug.
“Ok you can let me go now, you’re crushing me” they stayed silent for a moment, contempt in eating their food and unwinding after their week, until Keira decided to break the silence.
“ She talks about you, you know? With Mapi and some of the Spanish players. They think I’m not good enough in Spanish to understand when they speak fast, but I’m better now, and I can understand some stuff.” Keira said, happily stealing more chips from the photographer’s plate, who was too stunt by the woman’s statement to react. Lucy on the other hand, could not hold back the laugh that came out when she saw the look on the younger woman’s face. A deep blush formed on her cheek as she got off the couch and walked to the kitchen to put away her plate.
“I’m sure it was probably something about the shoot or the most recent post.” Rosalie said, trying to occupy herself until her face would turn back to its original colour.
“ No, no I heard your name, than “guapa” was somewhere in there and then they all agreed.”
“ Kei seriously, that could be about anything.”
“ I’m telling you, they were talking about you.” Keira said with a wide teasing grin on her face. They went back and forth like that for a few minutes while Lucy was laughing at the interaction. The couple ended up staying over until past midnight before finally deciding to make their way home.
“ By the way, you’re coming to the beach tomorrow, I’ll send you the time and address!” Lucy said as she stepped out of the brunette’s apartment and closed the door behind her, not leaving time for her to give an actual answer.
The next day she woke up with a text from Lucy only containing a time and an address for a beach not too far from the city. Rosalie had no idea what to bring for this occasion so she assumed that since they were meeting up around lunch time, she should probably pack some food, a quick call to Keira confirmed her suspicion and allowed her to also add beer to the list of things to bring. She put on her favourite bikini with a pair of linen shorts and a swimsuit cover, grabbed her camera bag and her backpack and hopped in her car.
The Canadian had never gone through this part of the city and decided to go explore it on her next run. Her GPS led her to a small parking area in front of a path in the woods. She parked between Lucy’s Cupra and another car that looked similar to Lucy’s but wasn’t familiar to the brunette. On the other side of the car park, she spotted Mapi and Ingrid’s car as well as other nice vehicles that probably belonged to Barça players. When she arrived on the beach, Rosalie realized that this was more than just a hangout between a few friends. Lucy and Keira were here, along with Mapi and Ingrid, Patri, Pina, Vicky, Jana, Aitana, mariona and finally, Alexia.
Barking was heard along with the sound of rapid little steps coming her way. She was greeted with a small white dog she knew very well, along with a small pomeranian. Narla jumped around at Rosalie’s feet, too excited for the Canadian to pet her, but the small pomeranian kept scratching at her leg. The photographer bent down and picked up the small fluffy dog, who immediately licked her face.
A chorus of “Hola”’s and happy cheers was heard as the French-Canadian made her way towards the group, with the small dog still in her arms. “ Finally! We were starting to think you got lost on your way.” Mapi said, hugging her friend tightly and taking the bags in the brunette’s hands so she could greet the rest of the girls.
“ Blame Lucy, she told me to be here at twelve.”
“ I see you met Nala.” Ingrid said, approaching the photographer, hugging her gently to not crush the ball of fur who was getting comfortable in the brunette’s arms.
“ Oui, she’s a little angel,” She said, kissing the top of the dog’s head, “ Who’s the lucky owner? Gotta know who I need to fight in order to bring her home.” She said laughing.
“She’s Alexia’s.” Mapi said, with a cheeky smile, “ She usually takes a while to warm up to people.” Rosalie could feel the blush that was creeping up her cheeks.
“ Good to know…”
“ Ok, can we eat now? I’m starving.” Mapi said as she turned around, to make her way towards the coolers. Ingrid smiled at her girlfriend’s antics and beckoned the French-Canadian to follow her towards the rest of the group. She helped Ingrid and Aitana set up the little potluck while the rest of the girls were setting up some beach chairs and towels around. The sun was high in the sky and not a single cloud could be seen, the heat was quickly getting to the Canadian who decided that the swimsuit cover was not helping cooling her off. She got up and took off the shirt, her actions not missed by a certain blonde, who was in the middle of a game of touch. The action made Alexia completely miss, which made the little group snicker at their captain.
“Capitán, debería limpiarse la baba de las comisuras de la boca.!” Patri said, laughing at her captain 's flustered face.
“ Oy, callate idiota!” To be fair, Alexia was not the only one staring. The photographer had put on a dark green bikini that complemented perfectly her tanned skin and showed off her athletic figure.
“ Ella es muy caliente.” The comment came from Pina, who received a sharp slap to the back of her head.
“ Si Capitana.”
The food was finally set up and the group was called back by the rest of the girls to come eat. Rosalie mainly stayed with Ingrid and Aitana since she still wasn’t used to being with this many new people at once. She quickly found out that there was absolutely no reason to be shy around the girls. The atmosphere was very playful and the air was filled with laughter and bickering in broken English since they all knew that Rosalie and Keira weren’t completely comfortable in Spanish.
“ Rosie! If you want to make your Spanish better, I know someone who’s a very good teacher.” Patri said with a shit eating grin.
“ Si, si very patient, very good teacher. She would love to teach you, right Capitana?” Pina added, trying to hold back her laugh. The look the captain sent the girls would have scared anyone in their right mind, but the younger players were too busy laughing to notice their captain’s wrath coming their way. A sharp cry and a whine was heard when the football connected with the side of Pina’s head.
“Cállate, te lo merecías.” Alexia said as she pushed the younger girl towards the area they had been playing previously.
“ I don’t know if they were serious or not, but I kinda really do need help with Spanish. The online courses I’ve been taking are little to no help with understanding native speakers.” The brunette said as she set up her towel between Ingrid and another towel.
“I’m sure she would love to help.” Ingrid said with a knowing smile. The light sound of little paws hitting the sand caught the attention of the photographer who turned her head to see Nala strut her way. The little dog came over to the photographer to get a few pets then made a beeline to the towel next to her to pick up a little chew toy. Nalla then turned to make her way back to Rosalie to lay right in the middle of her towel. Rosalie laughed at the little dog’s antics while Ingrid smiled and turned to her friend.
“Now that your spot has been taken, you should go show these children how it’s done.” She said, motioning to the little group playing a game of touch. Mapi’s head shot up at her girlfriend’s words.
“ Yes, yes, let’s go, I want to see what you are capable of.” Rosalie let Mapi drag her up and to the group. She stood between Patri and Mapi and after a few passes, she was just as excited and hyped as the rest of the girls. They played for a while, working up a sweat with the sand sticking to their skin. Even though the brunette was focused on the game, she couldn’t stop herself from glancing at the blonde captain. She looked gorgeous in her light blue bikini, tanned skin glowing in the sunlight. She looked so carefree and genuinely happy. Their eyes met and both the women smiled wildly, until a particularly daring kick sent the ball straight to the ocean.
“ Rosie! You are a runner, si?” Patri said, lightly shoving the brunette to get her attention. “ The first to get to the ball gets to dunk the other one in the ocean!” She yelled, already taking off full speed towards the waves.
“ Hey! Non, that’s not fair!” She said laughing as she took off behind the midfielder who had too great of a head start for the Canadian to be able to catch up to her.
As soon as she reached the ball, she felt hands grab her by the waist and hoist her up only to launch her straight in the water. The photographer let out a loud shriek as she hit the cold refreshing waters. She could hear behind her the cheers of the rest of the girls who had made their way to Patri.
Rosalie walked out of the water, slicking her hair back with a sinister smile as she approached Patri, who was still caught in an uncontrollable laughter. She jumped on the player’s back and dragged her down in the water with her. Alexia saw this as an opportunity to get back at Pina for the teasing and grabbed the younger player, hoisting her on her shoulders and walking off in the water to dump her near the two other women who were busy splashing each other.
They all stay in the water for a while, teaming up against one another in a slashing battle. Patri and Rosalie against Claudia and Alexia. The footballers weren’t playing around and Rosalie quickly realized that she was in over her head. For the second time today, a pair of hands landed on her hips but this time, the touch sent shivers down the brunette’s back. She went still which allowed Alexia to swiftly pick her up as she carried the photographer away from the two other Spanish women, too busy bickering and slashing each other to notice the absence of their friends.
The midfielder set Rosalie down, but her hands on her hips stayed until she decided the woman was stable enough on her feet. “ I am sorry, I thought that you looked a little overwhelmed out there," she said, smiling at the smaller woman.
“They do play a little too rough for me.” she said, following Alexia as she started walking deeper in the sea. She was silent, only looking at the water stretching endlessly in front of her. Rosalie could see that something was bothering the blonde. Her beautiful smile had faded and her eyes held a worried look. “I can sense something is not right.” She said softly to the blonde who turned to look at the photographer.
“ It’s just that, the euros are getting nearer, national camp is in a few weeks and the girls are a little on edge with everything that has been going on lately.” The photographer was aware of the tensions in the national football scene in Spain. She knew that the players were fighting for better conditions and better treatment from the coaches, and she knew that this fight had cost some of the girls their chance to represent their country in some of the most important sports events. It was hard for the girls who had to stay behind . It was also hard for the ones who had decided to stay with the team but were enduring the poor treatment from the staff and management. Seeing these girls today, so happy and carefree, she could not fathom just how much pressure was resting on their shoulders.
“ Days like these are important, you know,” The photographer said, getting closer to the captain. “ They help unwind, allow you to forget about everything you know?”
“ I’m not very good at relaxing.” The blonde said, chuckling.
“ What do you like to do on your days off?”
“ I don’t know, I don’t get a lot of those.”
“ Ok, so what would a perfect day off be for La Reina?” The photographer said with a cheeky smile. Alexia gave the photographer a big eye roll before answering.
“ Probably going to get coffee, walk around the market. Maybe buy supplies to cook a nice supper and relax with a movie. Something simple I guess.” Alexia said with a distant look in her eyes. In this moment, Rosalie wished she could take all the pressure on the blonde’s shoulders and carry it for her for a little while, just so she could catch her breath. Unable to do such a thing, the brunette thought of the next best thing.
“ Tomorrow there’s no training right?”
“ Si, no training.”
“ And you don’t have anything planned?”
“ I was gonna train alone and work on some side projects, why?”
“ No you are not, because tomorrow, you are bringing me to your favourite coffee shop and to that market you talked about. Then you are coming back to my place and I’d like you to show me how to make Paella. I've always wanted to try making it but my cooking skills are horrendous.” Rosaie said in a tone that left no space for arguing. Alexia smiled at the smaller woman, she was surprised by the French-Canadian’s proposition but could not be happier with the turn this conversation took. She took the brunette’s hand and brought it to her lips. The action made Rosalie freeze on the spot as she felt the blonde’s lips graze the back of her hand, which sent a shock wave that traveled her whole body and made her breath hitch.
“ It is a date then.” Alexia said, letting the brunette’s hand go and walking back to the beach with a wide smile plastered on her face. Rosalie on the other hand, was still frozen at the same spot, trying to gather exactly what had happened between them. A deep blush had crept on her face and the woman felt hot all over. She lowered herself in the water, dunking her head to try and cool herself off, or wake up for this dream, but she emerged at the same spot, with the silhouette of the footballer walking in front of her, almost reaching the rest of the group, who was now sunbathing.
Walking back to her towel, she could see that Nala had moved to the top of Alexia's towel, near the blonde’s head. She was laying on her stomach, which allowed the photographer a clear view of the multitude of tattoos on the captain’s back. The photographer got comfortable on her back and shoved one airpod in her ear, leaving the other one free to hear the crash of the waves on the sand. She felt something fluffy brush against her hand and opened her eyes to see Nala had changed spots again, deciding to lay between the two women, making sure she was touching Alexia and Rosalie’s hand at once. With the soft music playing in her ear, the sound of the ocean and Alexia’s calming presence, Rosalies quickly surrendered to the week’s exhaustion and let herself drift to sleep.
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mysticcrownwolf · 4 months
So your girl finally had a autistic meltdown and finally asked her mum about her childhood and got some mixed results but long story short I am finally getting an official autism and adhd diagnosis because in my mums words “Everyone deserves things that make their life easier to live”. Not gonna lie guys I did cried about this but it also came up that they did tried to get me diagnosed before (I don’t remember this at all) but were told I just had very high levels of hyperactivity so to make sure this type of bullshit doesn’t happen again I am making a list of all my weird or quirky traits and having the neurodivergents of Tumblr peer review them so I can finally get a diagnosis after 19 years of struggling.
1) I didn’t ever in my life made or had friends that stick around.
2) I was actually alienated a lot by most people in my life for being the umbrella term they all coined as ‘weird’ what this weird means varies from person to person.
3) I have actually been told by other girls that they gave me a chance to keep them company even after many people told them I was too weird and they should stay away from me. These same people later called me slurs, were self absorbed or just plain abusive towards me.
4) Through out my whole life I have sat alone on a double bench because no one wanted to sit with me in class.
5) I have a problem with properly spelling certain words like I write weird as ‘wierd’ or video as ‘vedio’.
6) People constantly doubt I have any sense of knowledge and act like any good idea I give is a surprise even when I was on the top of the class the phrases like “ That’s the first good idea you ever had” weren’t uncommon.
7) I walk a lot and I mean a lot enough that hyperactivity has still been a part of my diagnostic because I walked so much they had no choice but to put that in. I actually come to the school 30 minutes early then walked the whole time, I would just up and leave classes to walk in corridors because I couldn’t sit still long enough, my walking is such a huge part of me my old teachers still tell their classes about me as the girl that walked too much.
8) People in my college nicknamed me the headphone girl because I walked around our whole campus( I would pace a lot around the parameters) with my only noticeable feature being my headphones.
9) I was the only kid in my school not scared of bugs which lead to some notable incidents
I once picked a small green caterpillar and showed it off to my class of 10 year olds they started crying and teacher made me throw the bug even though I wanted to keep it as a pet
Our teacher once asked us to bring butterflies to class so I captured around 30 butterflies put them in a breathable Tupperware and took those to class me being the only person who did this freaked out all the other children with my butterflies , we later released them all in recess it was very pretty
I not only volunteered but gleefully presented live earthworms on my palm to various groups of parents in our school science fare much to the horrified looks of many parents and children about how a little girl like me wasn’t screaming from handling earthworms.
I scared our class mean girl by capturing a butterfly and then turning my hand holding the butterfly in her direction she and a few other girls screamed when I tried to tell them that the little critter was harmless and even offered to let them hold her (I was very confused why they didn’t like this).
10) I was friends with a lot of my teachers as well as higher class teachers especially the Science, Social studies and English teachers. I would often spend my recess in the biology lab chatting with the biology teacher about the different specimens in the lab and how much I enjoyed biology in general. I am half sure I would have loved to study biology/medicine if not for the fact it was a minimum investment of 7 years though I am still an avid reader of new biological discoveries and follow many niche youtube channels that focus on flora and fauna.
11) I was actually friends with all 3 principles in my school and would go to them after my last class to chat about my school day. This was so bizarre to others but I actually enjoyed how much these adults would listen to my info dump even if my own peers won’t.
12) Every single time my report card came I would usually top the class in most subjects except maths in which I usually underperformed ( don’t worry guys I figured out later I just need to know every basic concept to get the deep understanding of mathematical principles which my teachers were very bad at build but I later learned how to do it myself) but it would always have in big bold letters that “I talked to much and have weird questions and am disruptive in class ” which my bad I thought I could get details about what your are teaching and develop great interest but nah we just need to complete the syllabus as fast as we can. Salt on the wound I would only ask questions and discuss topics in class with the teacher since I don’t have friends I could talk to in class. They deadass never ever punished a single student from disrupting in class except me the girl who asked silly questions about what we were studying maybe they thought my questions were weird so I was asking them to disrupt they flow of the class rather than genuine curiosity who knows
13) I had very bad anger issues stemming from how the system as well as authority figures treated me ( I have since been to therapy and gotten help for it ) but a lot of time I verbally and physically attacked an authority figures usually when they punished me for something I didn’t do or when they tried to empty out their frustration on me or tried to bully me in anyway. I never took bullying face down from anybody be it younger or older than me my flight or fight response was always on fight
14) People did tried to bully me physically or verbally but I always returned it in kind with interest so it never really stuck like the isolation did. My most memorable experience with bullying was when I bitch slapped our school mean girl so hard the whole ground heard it , I don’t think I ever got any punishment for it and she later burned every friendship she had by throwing her whole group under the bus for some vandalism they did.
15) I unfortunately never had friends so when they school told me telling an authority figure I am being teased, harassed or even that someone is breaking the rules is what’s morally right I ran with the rules set for me rather than knowing the social norms that this would mark me as the school snitch without the teachers ever doing anything about the issues. Unfortunately I learned the hard way through trial and error that once you are labelled as a snitch their is nothing you can do to get that tag off and it comes with the added benefit of making people never talk to each other near me or even just leave the places I visit alone so yay more loneliness for me
16) I actively volunteered for every single activity and program my school office this sounds great but I picked and got selected for all 7 different fairs (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social science, Music, Art) but rather than pick out one or two I helped out with all 7 of them. They later added a 3 groups per person limit.
17) I am actually trained in both classical instrumental and singing but couldn’t complete my singing degree before the program closed down and it’s been 6 years since I played a Casio that I don’t think that even matters anymore. Anyway I added this because at first I did both of these at the same time along with volunteering for all the other activities before they added a 1 course per year limit which is a shame since it cost me my vocal degree.
18) I love reading that just the fact I found reading in my school library when I was 8 haven’t let it go since by my librarian’s estimate I read almost 3000 books (mostly children books) from my school library. I also have a mini collection of about 300 books that I have passed down to both of siblings. These days I read mostly on ao3 or the occasional paperback I bought at the airport but reading is still something I do almost daily.
19) See one thing about me is I was one of the first student at my school so much so my identification number was 35 so me being such an old student my school has actually legends about my quirky ( neurodivergent ) behaviour which has made me understand where most legends actually come from
I walked out of classes so many times teachers to this day still tell stories of the weird girl that likes to walk
My whole school knew who I was mostly because I would be the first and only person that likes to answer philosophical questions asked by our principal in the assembly, I was also great with improvising assembly conductions, thought of the days, assembly quizzes, full speeches on topics told to me 2 minutes ago, even improvised song recitations (can you guys pick up I have social anxiety now).
As I told you my lovelies I love reading so if I was immersed in a book and the class started I would just hide the book to read in class once I got caught so I got termed the girl who like to read books in class( is it stupid yes did it still happened certainly). I later learned to zone out to the stories in my mind during class which was very helpful.
As I told you guys I was actually on pretty friendly terms with my principal and teachers so guess who became the teachers pet for the next 8 years even though most teachers care jack shit about my interest and was further alienated because of this me ofcourse.
I actually once locked myself in the school bathroom for like 4 hours because I hadn’t completed the homework a teacher had given me and she was quite physically abusive towards me. I got suspended for a week because of this funnily enough nobody in my school actually remember this and most are really surprised to know I was suspended.
I am actually really famous or infamous by the way you look at it for physically assaulting a teacher funnily enough the name of the teacher, why I am attacked them and even how I hit them changes from person to person I have actually heard 10-15 different variations from different people( I am not even sure if I actually ever hit a teacher most I remember is I lunged at one teacher but she stepped back so I didn’t even touch her).
20) I was depressed from age 14 to 17 which caused me to chronic pain which later caused me to meet my current psychologist who helped me a lot but is vehemently against me getting any sort of neurodivergent diagnosis most she say is I have borderline adhd tendencies and that I think to much and should focus on calming down my mind which honestly is quite invalidating.
21) I can’t wear any sort of itchy or frilly materials when I was younger ( the texture was soo bad) but my sister could which made my mother think I was being a drama queen.
22) When I was younger I use toilet paper after using a bidet because the feeling of wet pants would over stem me so bad it’s not a problem for me anymore except from sometimes during winters.
23) I didn’t know Chewelry existed when I was younger so I chewed on my nails/skin,my lips, squishy parts of remotes, plastic toys, legos, scarfs, hoody strings, hot glue gun glue, chalk, cement, sand, mud etc. (Yes I know about the microplastics now no I don’t care).
24) I am highly sensitive to sounds so if my fan have a weird creak sound I won’t be able too sleep I also can’t sleep if I hear a clock ticking or any other repetitive sounds ( my mum still doesn’t understand why I can’t just force myself to sleep).
25) I also can’t sleep in continuous silence I need background noise to fall asleep.
26) It took me a whole year of forcing myself to wear bra and panties for my body to finally get used to me wearing them. It was a stimulation nightmare but I think it was worth it I enjoy wearing bras and panties now.
27) I can’t eat apples like I physically cringe even thinking of the sensation of biting into an apple. I have tried cutting an apple into every single why I could I still can’t swallow or even properly chew an apple the texture is such a sensory nightmare for me. Cabbage used to be the same for me but though constant reintroduction I can usually for myself to eat it with a glass of water
28) I have had many foods be absolutely sensory nightmare for me throughout my childhood. I was a very picky eater think bread, soup, lentils and noodles(packet noodles without vegetables). I couldn’t eat any kinds of fruits(except banana), vegetables, pizza , burgers (still don’t eat this), dumplings, wraps, pasta,etc. Heck I was a vegetarian for majority of my life before I learned chicken is actually a great textured food for me though I still don’t eat any form of red meat or sea foods and my food list is still very limited I have constantly reintroduced many foods for myself over the years which I can now usually bear to eat. I also learned that I can usually consume fruit and vegetables better if they are liquids so fruits juices, smoothies and soups were also great help.
29) I was and still am an absolutely clean freak and organiser. Like my bag use to have books organised in this specific order English, Hindi, Maths, Science and then Social studies and it needs to been in this order or I would get anxious. Fortunately no one else in my house ever wanted to organise anything so I would organise everything with way I would want it to be while also being neat.
30) One of my biggest sources of stress came from how dirty my siblings made our room. I would deep clean everything and then organise our books , toys and clothes and then clean and organise our bed they would just bulldozers through and ruin all my hard work in a day or two. Unfortunately I had this sense of cleanliness and order since I was a child and my siblings who were even younger then me weren’t slobs(ok maybe my brother was but anyway) they just weren’t wired to like cleanliness and order like I did and being children anything I told them about how we can keep our room clean went over their heads because I was always their to do it for them.
31) I actually had many special interests growing up though I didn’t have trains as an interest except for the cool toy train set I got as a gift or the maglev trains who are objectively very cool. My biggest special interest were rocks, space and animals especially all the books Nat geography and scholastic puts out on animals. I actually had a rock collection mostly made up of sedimentary rock and a piece of lime stone which my mother later kept in the shed where it got lost during home construction. I also have a modest collection of books and another collection of small childhood trinkets that I still have (I recently bought a clay bird that mimics actual bird call when filled with a little water to add to my collection).
32) I forget I need to eat and drink it’s always been like this I don’t have that internal clock that says you are thirsty go drink water or you are hungry go eat food . I need to remind myself it’s been 12 hrs I probably need water it’s been 32 hrs you should probably get some food or at least have a protein shake it’s like my body has no sense of hunger or thirst but I am getting better at eating and drinking at least the drinking water part anyway.
33) I am tired it’s not recent but in the last few years since I became an adult I feel so tired I use to be the topper of my class the gifted children that participated in everything now I am in college and just getting an 80% feels draining everyone has so much hope for me that I could and should do better but I am just tired. I walk and trekk sometimes but I don’t participate in any events and I see others I see my roommate who participates in like 5 different events and still gets a 95% if she can do it why can’t I. I use to be able to do so much and now I don’t have the drive to do much of anything anymore it’s so painful to realise that I should do better but what does better looks like for someone who is as tired as I am.
I did took some online test as well just to see if I even had a chance and the results were mostly the same I have many Adhd/Autistic tendencies and should probably get a professional diagnosis. I would be very thankful if my fellow autistic and adhd people would help me add more targeted experiences so I can finally get a diagnosis
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@my-autism-adhd-blog you inspired me write all of this down and it would be very helpful if you could guide me to get a better diagnosis because of your experience. Also I greatly enjoy the contents of your blog so thank you for that
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purplecoffee13 · 5 months
Nemesis with Benefits - Part 2
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Summary: “You come over to help your friend with setting up their new couch, but soon you find out that you weren’t the only one
Wc: 4.6k
Tropes: enemies to lovers
Warnings: mention of blood and cheating. loads of banter and tension…
A/N: Hey guys! Here is the second part of Nemesis with Benefits! The tension is brewing and it’s stirring up nothing but confusion!!! I’m so excited about this series, and I’m so grateful to see it getting such a good response. Enjoy!!!
General Masterlist
Series Masterlist
From Benjamin:
Can someone pls come over and help?
You stare at the text messages Benjamin sent in the group chat. You are quick to open your agenda app to see if you are free to help your friend. Before you can even text Benjamin that you're available, and will come over soon, he calls you. You pick up.
"Help!" Benjamin's panicked voice sounds from the other side of the line. "If I have to tackle this couch alone for one more minute, I'm gonna kill someone. And since the couch and I are the only things in the room, it's probably gonna be me!"
You stifle a laugh. "I was just about to text you that I'll come over. Stay there. Don't move, and don't kill yourself."
"I'll try." Benjamin whines dramatically. You roll your eyes as you hang up on your friend, and grab your headphones and jacket.
Within two minutes, you are outside your building and walking to Benjamin's apartment. He moved into an apartment building off campus this summer. A couple of weeks ago his couch—which was already on the verge of breaking—broke, and he had to order a new one. Not that he minded; he loved shopping for anything. He'd always join you whenever you would run errands.
It takes no more than ten minutes to get to Benjamin's apartment building, though, because it is quite close to campus. Plus, you are a fast walker, so you are always a couple of minutes faster.
You ring the doorbell and Benjamin lets you into the building. After riding the elevator, you walk to Benjamin's apartment. He is already waiting in the doorway and gives you a big hug once you're within reach.
"Oh thank God you're here!" He exclaims, hugging you so tight that it is getting hard to breathe. "You are truly the only reliable friend I have around here."
"I'm happy to be of help, babe." You choke out a laugh, pulling out of the embrace, and walking past Benjamin into his living room.
“Now, let’s see what this evil couch is about…”
30 minutes later
"How did you manage, out of all couches in the world, to buy the most complex and pain in the ass one?!" You huff, a drop of sweat running down your forehead. You are sitting crisscross applesauce, hunched over, trying to figure out the way this stupid couch is set up.
You managed to get halfway before getting stuck. Step 17 was the devil in disguise, and it had you developing lower back pain and a stress induced headache. Still, you were determined to figure it out. Benjamin asked you for help, and if the help couldn't manage to assemble this couch, you knew he would leave this unfinished for weeks.
"The people at the store said it was easy!" Benjamin protests with a sigh.
"Yeah, maybe for people who sell couches for a living. Not for broke students who prepare all their food in the microwave!" You say, frowning at the couch. Benjamin's killing comment from earlier isn't seeming as dramatic as it did before. You might just throw this couch—or yourself—out the window.
There's a faint knock on the front door. You aren't sure if there is even someone there, but the way Benjamin skips to the door washes the doubt away.
"Hey! What are you doing here?!" Benjamin's voice sounds slightly distressed. You look up to see who he let in, and your face falters immediately at the sight of Harry walking into the living room.
"You said you needed help, so I—" Harry stops talking once he spots you too, and he sighs. Your eyes widen. He has the nerve to actually sigh? What a douchebag!
"I'm going to the bathroom." You say, glaring Harry down as you move out of the living room. You hear some footsteps behind you, and you know that Benjamin is following you. You let him enter the bathroom with you, and turn around as he closes the door.
"I can't believe you would let him come over while I'm here!" You cross your arms. You are quite upset with Benjamin, but even more so with Harry. The sole sight of his smug face sets you off. He annoys you to no end.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know! I texted him, and he never responded. He just comes over without warning a lot. This wasn't intentional, I swear." Benjamin explains, and you can tell that he's sincere. Benjamin can be almost as much of a pain in the butt as his stupid couch, but he would never intentionally hurt you. But Harry would, and he did.
"I just..." you take a deep breath before you make the confession you've been bothered with for a while now. "Harry hurt me, a lot. And you're still friends with him..."
It's Benjamin's turn to sigh. He grabs your arms and levels with you, searching for your eyes.
"Harry is on the bench." He tells you, like you are supposed to know what that means.
"You know we're building you a couch, not a bench—"
"No, dumbass!" Benjamin interrupts you. "Harry's on the friendship bench. He was demoted to second string. He ain't playing in the game that I call my inner circle."
You sigh. "Okay, could you just leave the metaphors for a second and tell me what you mean—"
"I punched him." He shrugs as if it is as simple as ever. You, however, have your mouth hanging wide open.
"You punched Harry?"
"Of course I did. What he did to you was beyond shitty, and he totally deserved it." Benjamin confirms, and your heart sinks at the fact that you doubted his loyalty to you in the first place. "But Harry has been one of my best friends since high school. And what happened— well... let's just say that the story is not totally black and white."
That makes you feel a bit offended. "What is not black and white about this situation? Dylan cheated, Harry participated."
"I agree, that part is black and white. That's why I punched him." He nods his head. "Now, you can go home, and I will try and assemble this stupid couch with him. I totally understand that you don't want to stay here."
"No!" You say angrily. Benjamin's eyebrows crease into a frown, almost as surprised as you by your drive to stay here.
"Why?! So he can brag about the couch that I basically put together?!" You murmur as you cross your arms, eyes squinting a bit at the thought of him walking around with that inflated ego of his. There is absolutely no way he is getting another something of yours, again!
"Y/N, it's just a couch—" Benjamin tries to argue, but you won't hear of it.
"This is not about the stupid couch!" You blurt out. This shuts him up. He stares at you for a few seconds with this look in his eyes that reads 'go home, don't do this'. But you don't feel like listening, so you walk past him, out of the bathroom and back into the living room.
"I don't think this is a good idea!" Benjamin calls out from the bathroom.
"Too bad!" You call back. Benjamin is right on your heels and right next to you by the time you stand in front of Harry again. He has already seated himself in the place where you were sitting just now. He's got the manual in one hand and a screw driver in the other.
"I fixed the problem. You were using the wrong screws." Harry says, the comment more directed at Benjamin than at you. But you take it personally anyway, because you are the one who selected the screws. You walk over to him and snatch the manual out of his hands.
"I read it five times, I definitely used the right—" upon reading step 17 for the fifth time, you finally see the name of the screws you were supposed to use. Your brain tends to mash up words after a while, and all the screws' names really read alike.
When you look up from the piece of paper, you see Harry smirking at you. He knows he's right, and he knows you know he's right, and that makes you incredibly angry. He shouldn't be allowed to be right, ever. Not in front of you, at least.
With a groan, you sit yourself down next to Harry and snatch the screwdriver out of his hand before burying your nose into the manual again. You mutter a small profanity under your breath, and Harry just scoffs at the sound of it.
This is gonna be a long evening...
"Fuck." Harry curses, mainly to himself, when the leg of the couch doesn't stay in place once again. He has tried three times now, not letting you help him.
"I told you to—"
"Shut up." Harry growls, not even sparing a glance at you. He is heavily concentrating on his failing work.
"This could be solved quicker if you'd just listen to me." You tell him, reaching towards the sofa table where you've put all the screws and other necessary stuff for building this couch.
"No. This could be solved quicker if you'd just let me look at the manual." Harry responds. You squint at him, even though he can't see you. He'll feel the hate of your withering stare nonetheless.
You don't say anything, though, keeping yourself as you sort out the screws that lie in front of you. It has been an hour of sitting with Harry and trying to piece this couch together. So far you have had the upper hand, mainly because you have the manual.
Benjamin tried to help the first 30 minutes, but after being snarled at too many times, he resigned to cleaning his kitchen. So now you are sitting alone with Harry.
"Okay... done. What's next?" Harry asks, looking at you and the manual in your lap. You don't return the glance, still focused on counting the amount of screws you need.
Harry rolls his eyes. "If you'd just give me the stupid manual—"
"Damn it! Now I lost count." You look up and glare at Harry. "Could you shut up for a second?"
"Nope. Give me the manual." He crosses his arms. Leaning against the wall behind him. You shake your head. There is no way he is getting this piece of paper.
You go back to counting the screws, when all of a sudden the manual is snatched away from your lap. Your mouth falls open and your eyes follow the way Harry's hands take it away. You are about to cuss him out, when Benjamin's voice announces something from behind you.
"Guys, I have a class in twenty minutes, so I have to go. C'mon, I can finish the couch another time." He says and you don't miss the relief in his voice. He's probably already happy that his apartment didn't blow up in the first ten minutes of you and Harry being in the same room.
"It's fine. I can finish it up. Won't take long, now that I've got the manual and everything." Harry offers with a smile. Jaw clenched, you swallow his stupid comment and also turn to your friend.
"I'll stay too. Have to finish what I started."
There is no way in hell you're letting Harry get away with acting like he built this whole couch by himself, when it was actually just the step 17 and about five others after that.
"Oh, that's very sweet, but I don't know if—"
"We won't kill each other, I promise." I try to reassure him, hoping to get some backing from Harry about this.
"We won't?"
You turn around and give Harry your greatest death stare.
"I'm just saying, you were being pretty aggressive with that screwdriver just now." He puts his hands up defensively. You sigh, redirecting your attention back to your friend.
"Fine. I promise to refrain from impaling Harry's head with a screwdriver until we're outside of the apartment." You say.
"Yeah, that sounds more believable." Harry murmurs approvingly.
Benjamin looks at the two of you, thinking it over for a bit. Everything about his face reads that he thinks this is a bad idea. You don't blame him the slightest, but you let your eyes plead him to let you do this anyway. You need it. The exact reason why, you don't know. But... you just need this.
"Okay." Benjamin finally says, earning a smile from you. "Help yourself to whatever is in the fridge. I'll be back in about two hours."
"Aye aye captain." You joke, giving your friend a hug before returning to the floor alongside Harry. You hear the rattling of the house keys Benjamin grabbed from the counter, and watch as he walks to his front door.
"Don't get blood on my new couch." He shouts just in time for the door to slam shut. You take a deep breath, the fact that you are alone with Harry now really kicking in.
It's fine. You can do this. He sucks.
"Can you tell me how many screws I needed again?" You ask, attempting to be as polite as you possibly can to the guy your boyfriend cheated on you with.
"I don't know, can I? Oh wait, of course I can. Because I have the manual." He taunts, flicking the pages to step 25. He reads and reads, and a smirk forms on his face as his head lifts up.
"Don't be an asshole. Just tell me, I want to get this over with." You say, your head tilting. The look in your eyes radiates seriousness, and for a moment you think Harry understands how you're feeling.
"Erm, that wasn't a guess, that was just words."
If it was physically possible to exert steam from your ears, you would've looked like an old train. You groan and lean forward to snatch the manual away from Harry, but he is quick to move it out of reach. He holds it over his head.
"Aw c'mon, it was just a joke!" Harry teases even further. You are seeing red with rage and it takes everything to not scream every foul word in the book at him.
"It's not funny!" You try to grab the paper again, but Harry is too swift for you.
"It kind of is."
"No it's not! Nothing about this is funny!" You suddenly snap. "I don't want to be here with you. I just want to finish building this stupid couch and go home, so please give me the manual."
"Then why are you still here?!" Harry inquires firmly, a deep frown knitted onto his face.
"Why are you?!" You fire back, frustrating grown with each second that your eyes bore into his.
"I asked you a question, Y/N. I told Benjamin I'd do it myself, you cannot stand me. There is no logical reason for you to still be here, so why the fuck are you?"
"Because I can't let you take another thing from me!"
You blurt out confession before you have a chance to stop yourself, and your cheeks instantly go red with embarrassment. Harry's mouth hangs slightly open at the collection of words that just left your mouth. You avoid his eyes burning onto your skin as you try to steady your breathing. Your heart is pounding out of your chest.
"Just give me the stupid manual." You mumble, snagging it from his unsuspecting hands. You open the little book to your page, but the hiss that leaves Harry's mouth has you looking up at him. Your eyes widen at the sight of blood.
Dripping from Harry's hand is quite a bit of blood. Shit, you gave him a huge paper cut. Guilt washes over you, and you rush to the kitchen and back to give him some paper towels. Out of instinct, you wrap the towels around his hand. You are closer to Harry than you would normally be, but it's an emergency—one that you caused—so there's a necessary reason for it.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to— let's get you to the kitchen." You put some pressure on his small wound and drag him to the kitchen. Harry doesn't say anything, but he lets you lead anyway. It is like your confession has shut him up, which is very rare because Harry never shuts up.
You put Harry's injured hand under the faucet and let the water wash away the blood. You get a better look of the cut and can deduce that a little bit of bandage would be best to keep a bit of pressure on it for now. You tell Harry to keep his hand in the same place, and reach for the first aid box you bought Benjamin as one of his housewarming gifts. This one was more of a joke, but it comes in handy now.
By the time you've collected everything you need, you turn off the faucet and dry Harry's hand with some new paper towels. It is completely silent between the two of you as you dap the towels onto his skin. But you can feel Harry's stare. It doesn't surprise you very much when he speaks up.
"I'm sorry."
Your body stops everything it was doing and takes in the apology for a few seconds, then resumes back to drying Harry's hand
"I'm gonna put some bandage around your hand. It'll keep pressure on the cut. You'll be able to switch to a band aid after a while." You casually explain, choosing to ignore his words. You don't really have the mental capacity to deal with it right now.
"Y/N, I'm not just saying it. I mean it, I'm sorry." Harry almost pleads. You look at him and hate the sincerity that flashes through his eyes. You'd prefer it if it wasn't there. It's gonna turn out to be bullshit anyway; he shouldn't be saying it like he means it. "What I— we did was stupid, I shouldn't have done that. I was just... I was in love, and I thought—"
"I don't want to listen to your excuses, Harry." You interrupt him. "You may have your reasons, but you did what you did. It already happened, you can't talk yourself out of it."
"I'm not trying to talk myself out of it."
"Then what are you doing?"
"I'm trying to tell you the truth." Harry grits through his teeth.
"So what? So I can feel bad for you about stealing my boyfriend?!" You respond, the condescension in your tone dripping over the words you speak.
"You stole him first!" He growls very loudly. You are taken aback by the sudden aggressiveness.
"What?" The questions almost comes out like a whisper. You are utterly lost. What is this guy talking about? Harry huffs, looking away from you. He is clearly embarrassed.
"No, tell me." You demand, wrapping the bandage around Harry's palm. "You owe me, at the very least."
Harry sighs, shaking his head. His eyes flick between yours and the his wounded hand. He exhales deeply before finally beginning with talking.
"We were... sleeping together, Dylan and I. It was casual; he said he didn't want a relationship, that he wasn't ready. Then about three weeks after saying that, he started dating you."
You don't open your mouth, instead focusing on processing the information that Harry is throwing your way, which is proving to be a bit difficult. You shake your head.
"That's shitty of him." You simply say, deciding to not want to offer him any pity. It is indeed a fucked up thing to string someone along and then date someone else, but it doesn't excuse what Harry did.
You focus on finishing up with the bandage on Harry's arm, and smile at your work. You could definitely be a nurse if you wanted to.
"Okay. Let's go back to that devil of a couch." You say, and the air feels a bit lighter now. It isn't so heavy with unresolved tension as it was before. There still is loads, but it is easier to breathe than before.
"Alright." Harry agrees, walking behind you to the living room.
One and a half hour later
"I'm never doing favors for anyone ever again." You say, staring wide-eyed at the couch you and Harry finally managed to put together. It took you long enough—thanks to Harry—but you're finally done.
"Gotta agree with you on that one." Harry nods, hands on his hips as he analyzes the couch.
"Of course you do. I'm always right." You shrug, and Harry rolls his eyes.
The past hour and a half have been strangely good for you and Harry. You still hate him, and you are pretty sure he feels the same way about you, but there is kind of a non-negotiated truce now. That doesn't keep you from seizing every opportunity to insult him. You haven't lost your edge.
You flop down on the couch, and Harry follows suit. You sit in silence, staring at the white wall in front of you. That's when you see something on the sofa table, and you can quite literally feel the blood drain from your face.
In the table lay a ziplock bag of screws. Ones that you were supposed to put somewhere in this couch, but you didn't. All freaked out, you start looking for the instructions again.
"Where's the manual?" You question, aimlessly scanning the room. When your glance goes past Harry, you see the little white book in his hand. You lean forward to grab it, but he moves it away from you very quickly.
"Come on. It wasn’t funny the first time, it’s not funny now.” You tilt your head and reach out your hand, hoping that your motherly tone will make him put the piece of paper back in your hand. But he doesn’t, only shrugging at your tiny lecture. Your lips break into a slight smirk, and you heave a sigh.
“Fine. You want to play foul, then foul it is.”
Then, in a matter of seconds, you’ve thrown yourself over Harry, grasping the manual. You have managed to get a hold of it, clearly having caught him off guard. But that doesn’t hold for long, as he’s regained his senses quickly and puts an arm around your waist, lifting you up and throwing you off the couch. You land on the rug with a small thud, and although it doesn’t hurt much, there is fire in your eyes when they meet Harry’s cocky face. He’s holding up the manual behind him as he laughs at you lying on the ground.
Without thinking for another second, you charge at him, jumping on him and snatching the manual out of his hands. You lean back to get away, but almost fall backwards. That is until an arm around your waist catches you. You are pulled into Harry and his action to save you leaves the both of you very close to one another. You are still breathing heavily from your ‘attack’, but then you feel something else.
The beating of your heart at the proximity between you and Harry; it stresses you out to be this close to him. Suddenly, it becomes apparent, too apparent; Harry’s fingers are dug into your waistline.
You blame the way your body reacts to the fact that you haven’t gotten laid in a month, yet you can’t seem to tear your eyes away from Harry. He shares your troubles, his gaze fixated on you like you could fade away at any second.
Your eyes widen ever so slightly when Harry leans forward. A couple inches, but forward nonetheless. No matter how radical and ridiculous your mind finds this action, your body doesn’t do a thing to stop it. There is a spark that radiates off Harry and enters your veins through the touch of his fingers, the heat of his breath, and the feel of his stare.
His eyes dart from yours to your mouth, asking without asking, as he inches closer with every few seconds. You feel those sparks morphing into a flame as Harry’s lips brush yours ever so slightly, and your heavy eyes flutter shut.
“I’m back!”
You jump off Harry’s lap in an impressive short amount of time, just in time for the door to shut and Benjamin to walk through the door. His eyes travel to the counter, where a partly bloodied paper towel still lies. A gasp leaves his lips.
His eyes fly to you and Harry, and he sighs deeply at the sight of the both of you unharmed, well… mostly.
“I can’t believe you’d think I’d stab him.”
“Why did you think she was the one who stabbed me?”
You and Harry responded at the same time. You flick Harry a look before explaining the situation to your friend.
“I accidentally gave him a paper cut.” You point to Harry’s bandaged hand, which he is holding up. “But thanks for thinking I’m vicious enough to stab someone, I guess.”
“Yeah, and thanks a lot for thinking I’m not.” Harry adds with a frown, his arms crossed. Benjamin stifles out a laugh.
“Well, thanks for the couch. I owe you guys.” He smiles, pulling you into a hug. “D’ya wanna go for a drink together?”
“No!” You call out as soon as Benjamin finishes his question, earning a pair of confused looks from the two boys. “I— uh, I have to go. Assignment. I have to do an assignment.”
You stumble over your words and steps as you grab your jacket and headphones, heading for the front door.
“Okay… will I see tonight?!” Benjamin shouts the question which reminds you of Tyler’s birthday party tonight. Tyler is a friend you got to know through Benjamin. Almost hooked up with him once.
“I’ll let you know!” Is all you say before walking out the door, shutting the door behind you. You rush to the elevator, not wanting the boys to catch up with you. You put on your headphones, taking a deep breath before putting play on the music.
You need some time to think about what the fuck happened back there.
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infamous-if · 1 year
As won by the poll, the MC x Seven first kiss drabble is first! A few things: 1) this drabble is fucking long sorry and 2) though this is what I imagine their first kiss to be like, I don't want to go as far as saying it's completely canon, mostly because I'm sure it can go many different ways with different types of MC's. And 3rd) I tried really hard to make this fluffy and not so serious and I'm sure you can see the shift where I thought 'oh crap' but...I am not a fluff writer and I will be working on that lmao 4th) as always, I do not edit my drabbles and I really only do one draft of them so excuse the wordy/awkward sentences or typos or any of that sort and finally, sorry about that last line lmfao
“Have any of you seen Seven?”
That’s the question you’ve been asking all night since your band left The Golden Spoon, a bar in the crux of the city. It had one of your best audiences in recent memory; there were no lulls in engagement, no dull moments that made you question yourself. People loved the songs and danced their hearts out, some even asked for pictures once the set was over. Fame, however small, feels pretty fucking good. 
That holds the most truth in Seven. After the set was over, they were on a high, laughing and talking to anyone who offered them even a sliver of their time. That’s usually how it goes with a successful set--Seven becomes a magnet for all sorts of attention. Unreachable, untouchable. No wonder you barely had a chance to talk to them after leaving.
It didn’t bother you, considering you were all heading to the bar owner’s apartment for a small after-party. You just assumed you’d talk to Seven there, considering it’s an apartment. Eight-hundred square feet at most. Small enough that you could spot Seven’s familiar red bandana in any crowd. 
Or not. 
The group you just asked share equally confused looks and answer with varying shrugs. 
You huff, pushing through the slightly sparse but growing crowd. You maneuver through the kitchen and ask a haggle of women who claim they didn’t even see Seven arrive. The man standing alone in the hall? Saw Seven once and never again.
You’re growing frustrated.
With every answer, your impatient grows. Where the hell could Seven be? You came with them but were quickly swept away by the hordes of people throwing various questions and praise your way. Seven hasn’t responded to any of your texts either, which sprouts up a small seed of worry in you. 
“Hey, MC!” 
You look up to see Jazzy beckoning you over to the couch in the living room, where most people have congregated. In the center stands Rowan, gesticulating wildly as he tells a story from high school...one you’re sure you’ve heard many times before.
Jazzy waves you over again and you sigh. Half your mind still on Seven’s whereabouts, you stride through the living room and take a seat in the corner of the couch next to Iris, half your body pressed against the armrest.
“…and that’s when I had to sit down because I kid you not, I was about to fucking eat concrete…”
The group laughs as Rowan weaves a tale of failed skateboarding antics. The names of you and your friends come up a few times, and whenever Seven is mentioned you can’t help but jolt and look around in hopes that they slipped back inside at some point in the story. With every mention, your body deflates further and further.
Until your phone buzzes. 
You turn it around, only to catch Seven finally responding to your million texts asking where they are.
Seven: Roof
You quirk a brow at the message—the one word that says so much—and type something quickly in return.
You: Thought you died.
Another buzz.
Seven: Can’t get rid of me that easily.
You snort, though no one else is laughing. You lower your phone a bit to appear engaged but send back a quick text. 
You: Aw, really? I was hoping I’d finally be free of you.
Seven: Har-har. Are you coming or not? I’m feeling lonelyyyy
Your heart races and another laugh bubbles out of you when Seven sends a GIF of someone ungracefully falling on the floor. You didn’t realize how much of a relief it is to hear from them until now, seeing Seven’s text on your screen. Is your body that attuned to them? That, whenever they’re gone, you can feel their absence, so palpable it’s as if a part of you is missing? When they’re near, you feel more than complete. Drowning in so much joy that it’s almost overwhelming?
What do you call that?
You shake away the thoughts and send a reply: Coming. 
Brushing yourself off when you stand, you catch your friends looking at you. You shoot Rowan a small smile and walk out of the living room, where you quickly hear him go into another story about who-knows-what. At least the party seems interested.
Another buzz. 
Seven: Bring some bears please
You: Bears? 
Seven: Beers. Whatever. 
Shaking your head, you put your phone away and divert your path to the kitchen where you swipe two bottles of beer. You use the end of the counter to pop open the tops before making your way out of the apartment…only to soon realize you don’t actually don’t know where you’re going.
Dangling the beers between two fingers, you take out your phone. 
You: Where am I going?
Seven: Are you serious? It’s a roof. Just go up.
Seven: lol
You: I will kill you.
Seven: OMG you really are trying to get rid of me
You: Seven Lawless
Seven: Using my whole name? Just shivered. The roof entrance is down the hall to your left. Ignore the signs telling you…not to go to the roof. 
You move to the door and sure enough, there is a large sign warning of any trespassers. 
You: You mean the sign saying that ‘violators will be fined and/or arrested?’
Seven: Ignore it. It’s just a very strong suggestion
Seven: (trust me) 
Scoffing, you push it open with your shoulder and go up the single flight of stairs to the roof. Stepping outside grants you a cacophony of sounds; car horns, the sound of the wind rushing past your cheeks, music playing from Seven’s phone. 
“I’m starting to think you look at the floor plan of every place you enter just to find the roof,” you say by way of greeting as you approach them.
Seven looks behind their shoulder from their spot on the ledge, their previously blank face widening into a sly grin. 
Your heart races at the image of Seven smiling at you, though you quickly push it down. You don’t know what’s been happening but lately, everything Seven does pulls a reaction from you. A simple look makes your stomach squeeze. A brush of their hand sends goosebumps up your arms. A smile can throw your whole body out of whack. 
“I needed a break,” Seven replies, turning back around to face ahead. As you get closer, you see their legs dangling over the edge. It’s not too far below—the building is four stories—but it’s still enough to give you vertigo when you go to sit next to them. “Someone asked me to sign their divorce papers."
Your lip twitches as you hand them a bottle. “Did you?”
Seven looks over to you, gaze glittering beneath stray strands of dark hair that fall in front of their eyes. “Yes.” 
You laugh and Seven swats your following hand away in your attempt to shove them to the side. “Woah, woah!” Their brief panic from the possibility of falling is laced with humor and you let out a small, ‘sorry!’ that Seven waves off. 
"Signing divorce papers," you muse. "I wonder what we'll sign when we're global rockstars."
Their humor subsides, and their smile weakens as they toy with their bottle. You wait, silent, as Seven inhales through their nose and says, “Do you ever regret it?” They gesture vaguely around them. “Doing…all of this?”
You face ahead and think about it, stretching your legs out in front of you. “Not really. Do you?”
Seven takes a swig of their drink before setting it down next to them, lifting both shoulders in a quick shrug. “No. This is all I ever wanted to do.”
“Then why don’t you sound so convinced?”
Their eyes cut to yours and they snort a little. 
“Hey, you brought it up,” you prod.
They huff through their nose, eyes narrowing in mock annoyance. “Shut up.” Once again, their humor is brief, and you start to think that there must be something within Seven that’s torn, fighting to come out. It wouldn’t surprise you; Seven has always loved too much, hurt too much, felt too much. They call it a Fatal Flaw, how attached they get, but really, you find it endearing. It’s rare to find people like them in this world. You wish they knew that. “Ah, I don’t want to ruin the mood.”
You nudge them. “Say it.” 
They begin rocking back and forth in thought, nudging you back every time they move. “Sometimes…when I’m on stage…” They clear their throat. “Sometimes I feel so lonely.”
You expected many things, but not that. 
Lonely? Seven is lonely? Granted, Seven hasn’t had the greatest home life, but you assumed that they found an abundance of people to surround themselves with. Hell, they looked like they were having the time of their life after the gig!
Seven’s frowning now, their eyes glazing over with an emotion you can’t read. “I see all those faces and I love it. The attention. The way they sing our songs. I feel fucking alive, you know?”
You nod, hanging on to every word. You understand them; the feeling of music and standing on that stage, singing emotions and states of being that can’t be explained in any other way but through song.
“But then I look back and…” They chew on their inner cheek, brows furrowing as they evidently search for the right words. “I wonder if they see me. Like really see me.” 
Your lips part. For a moment, you’re speechless. “Sev—“
“And I know it’s unfair to think that,” Seven breaks in quickly. “They’re fans. I shouldn’t put so much responsibility on them, but it just….fuck, I don’t know what I’m saying.”
“No!” you say. Seven jolts and whips their head toward you, giving you a look of alarm. “I get what you’re saying.” You adjust to face them completely. “I feel it too, sometimes. You just want to be seen not as Seven Lawless but…” You clear your throat. “Seven Duckstein. You know?”
Seven holds your gaze. Their eyes sparkle under the fairy lights that are strung around the lattice detailing on the roof. As their eyes dart around your face, searching for something, you wonder if it was wrong to bring up their real name. It’s always been a sore topic for them, amongst other things. You just hope Sev understands what you’re trying to say. 
They crack a small smile and nod. “Yeah.”
You let out a small breath of relief, grateful Seven understands what you mean. You gaze around, looking down at the street below. Distantly, you can feel Seven’s eyes still on you. Your skin burns under their stare, but you do your best to keep looking at the tiny people running inside shops, chatting, and slipping into cars. Living entire lives that you will never know the depth of. 
You wonder if you have learned the true depth of Seven Duckstein. Even after all these years…they still seem like a mystery to you. 
And you sort of hate how exciting that feels. As if uncovering the hidden layers of your best friend is something to look forward to. 
“I’m not lonely with you, though.”
Your eyes flicker up to meet theirs. You laugh a little. “How could you be? I’m with you 24/7.”
Seven rolls their eyes and it’s their turn to shove you. “Can you be serious a sec? I’m trying to tell you I appreciate you.” They drag the syllables on the word ‘appreciate,’ trying to emphasize the severity of the moment. 
You raise your palms in mock surrender. “Keep going. I’m listening.”
They pause for a beat. “No. I’m nervous.”
“Too much attention.”
“You’re a performer?!”
They raise a finger. “That’s different.” 
“Oh, please—“
Somehow you and Seven fall in a lighthearted round of bickering, swatting each other’s hands as you playfully fight. That fighting soon turns into tickling, and Seven’s usually even voice turns into high-pitched squeals that you wish you could record to use against them later.
You don’t know how it happened, but somehow Seven ends up on their back, sighing happily at the darkened sky that hovers over you both. You lean on your side, your body pressed against Seven’s, and rest your head on your hand.
“Come onnnn,” you prod, poking their rib. They squirm. “Tell me how much you appreciate me.” Your voice softens as Seven’s humor dies. “Tell me how you really feel.”
You meant for it to come out as a joke, but the delicacy in your voice betrays the true intention that’s hiding deep within you.
Seven’s eyes slowly, hesitantly, glide away from the stars pulsing in the sky to meet your eyes. With their hair framing their face, their small smile, and the glare of the fairy lights dancing on their face, they have never looked so vulnerable.
“I don’t think I should.”
That has you stiffening. A flare of panic rises in your stomach. What does Seven mean by that? Part of you knows but…no. You’re being ridiculous. 
They turn their head away, rolling their lips. It’s silent for a moment. You convince yourself Seven won’t speak until they say, “I’m afraid. Of you.”
“What?” you blurt, eyes wide. You hardly know how to act right now. This conversation has gone a direction you’re not sure of.
They turn back to face you. “You have too much power over me. It scares me.”
You open your mouth to speak. The only thing that comes out is a pathetic noise from your throat.
Seven snorts at your reaction, frowning at the sky. “You really don’t know the effect you have on others.”
“I doubt I have any impact on others," you mutter, feeling oddly self-conscious.
“Fine then. You don’t know the effect you have on me.” They huff, throwing their bandana aside to run a hand through their hair in frustration. “It’s kind of annoying.”
You sputter out a laugh, reaching out to poke them again. “Are you seriously insulting me—“ 
Seven grabs your hand mid-way, their skin warm against yours. You look down, staring at the polish on their nails as they curl their hand around your palm. “I’m not trying to insult you.” 
“Then what are you trying to do?” you mumble, your eyes still on your joined skin. 
“I’m trying to do as you asked.” Seven inhales a shuddering breath. “I’m telling you how I really feel.”
You jerk a nod. “Okay. Sorry.” Your voice is quiet. “Go.”
Seven’s lip twitches as they look up at you. “Nervous again. Too much attention.”
“Fuck off,” you throw out, though there’s no strength behind your words. 
It’s Seven’s turn to apologize. “Sorry.” They swallow. “I just think I might mess up my words with you looking at me.” 
You debate something. Debate the logic behind whatever you’re going to say next. This moment feels too big to make decisions on feelings you don’t know are fleeting or not. This is Seven. Your best friend. Anything you do will permanently change the comfortable camaraderie you two have had since you were kids. 
But…you can’t stop from thinking it might be worth it anyway. 
“Then don’t use words.” 
Seven’s lips part, mostly from surprise. And then you see it; the shift in their expression-- from uncertain to determined. Their eyes darken and slowly, they release their grip on your hand to place it on the back of your neck, pulling you toward them. 
Your heart races in your chest. Are you two really doing this? After years of casual closeness; sleepovers, handshakes, private looks across crowded rooms. Has there been an underlying attraction you just never paid attention to? Or maybe you did, and both of you were too afraid to confront it. 
Seven is slow at firs, as if they aren't quite sure they should be doing this after all. But when you don’t pull away they grow the confidence to close the remaining inches of space between you.
Kissing Seven isn't like anything you imagined. And you can't lie; you've imagined it plenty of times.
What is happening...?
Lips warm against yours, you clutch the leather of their jacket as they pull you closer. The kiss is a messy and desperate dance of teeth and tongues but you don’t mind. Not when Seven tastes like gum and alcohol and is sending goosebumps down your arms as they absently run circles on the skin of your neck. 
Messy seems about right.
Seven smells of lavender and pine and mint and so many other smells you never noticed until now, when you’re so aware of them and their existence that your brain can’t make out any words except Seven Seven Seven.
Seven kisses you like it's their own salvation; as if kissing you now is the only thing anchoring them to this moment. As if pulling away means breaking whatever dream you two have found yourselves in. So they pull you even closer, deepening the kiss and sighing happily into your mouth.
You could kiss Seven Lawless all night. Shit, you could kiss Seven Lawless forever.
They tug on your lower lip with their teeth just lightly before closing their mouth to plant a more chaste kiss before pulling away. You swallow a frustrated groan, stifling the urge to pull them back into another kiss. 
Your eyes flutter open at the loss of warmth.
"That...that was a lot better than I thought," they breathe.
"You've thought about it?" you joke, careful not to speak too loudly in fear of ruining the moment.
Their answering nod is jerky. "Yeah. An embarrassing amount of times."
You both laugh. The humor quickly dies. Then...the worst part comes: the silence.
The horrible, awkward silence.
See, no one ever talks about what comes afterward. The reality of realizing what it is you've just done. The panic that follows the post-kiss clarity.
They slowly drop their hand from your neck. 
And then they burst up, making you fall back on your ass. 
“You—“ They whirl around. “Did you just kiss me?”
“Me?!” you guffaw, standing on your feet as well. “You mean you kissed me!”
“Me?” They stand there, and then a manic, happy laugh escapes them. You watch as they put their hands on both of their cheeks, blowing out a long breath. “So I did, didn’t I?”
It’s your turn to laugh. You feel drunk. “Yeah. You did.”
“You kissed me back.” Their voice comes out almost accusatory.
“Yeah.” Your brows furrow. “…I did.”
Seven and you stand there. A rush of wind passes. Neither of you speak.
Until both of you do.
Seven physically clamps their mouth shut with their hand. Your brain is a static fuzz of nothingness. 
Songwriters at a loss for words. It’s almost funny. 
“Is…” You clear your throat. “Is that how you really feel?”
Seven meets your eyes and then quickly looks away. “Yeah.” A mumble. “For a while now.”
Your eyes widen. “I—“
“Don’t say anything!” Seven raises a hand, stopping you. 
You jolt, mostly because Seven just acted like they saw a bug or something. “What!”
“You know in the movies and TV shows where a person confesses to another person and that other person feels obligated to say something back even though they likely didn’t think it through as long as the other person?” Seven says in one breath.
You blink. “I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.”
“—well, I always found that to be pathetic. Almost like a pity response.” They begin nervously smoothing their hands on their pants, exhaling a heavy sigh. “Just don’t…say anything, okay?”
Seven, still a bit frantic, comes over to you and puts their hands on your shoulders. “Just forget this happened. I’ll get over it. I just…I may have drank a bit and I needed to get it out of my system and I don’t want this to ruin what we have.” 
You have whiplash. Maybe it was you who drank too much. You two were just kissing—kissing—and now Seven is telling you to forget it...?
“That kiss was in the heat of the moment and I mean, I did like it but it may be weird and we’ve been best friends for so long that I know you might find it odd. And hey,“--they let out a burst of shaky laughter--"maybe we can write a song out of thi--'
You pull their face forward, stifling the rest of their words in another pathetically desperate kiss that burns you all over.
It takes Seven a few seconds to catch up, but when they do, their hands go from your shoulders to your cheeks, cupping your face.
By the time you pull away, you're both slightly breathless. You say, “Just…shut up.”
Seven simply stares at you, parted lips glistening and eyes peering at you as if you’re a painting in the Louvre. Like you're something worth their awe and wonder. 
Maybe it’s now, just like when they were laying down, that Seven is seeing you differently too.
The sound of metal squeaks in the air with the door opening. You and Seven jolt, quickly shuffling away from each other just as Rowan, Iris, Devyn, and Jazzy appear. 
“We were looking for you gu—what’s going on?” Jazzy asks, her eyes darting between you two.
“Nothing.” Seven takes a wide step away from you, swiping a hand across their lips. You swear you see the shadow of a smile on their face. “We were just...talking.”
“You were missing the party, Sev Sev.” Jazzy comes over to Seven and throws her arm around their neck in some sort of move that can’t possibly be comfortable. “Where did you go?”
“Sorry, Jazz Jazz,” Seven jokes back, exasperated. They keep one eye on you as Jazzy pulls them away back inside. They steal one glance at you before they disappear down the stairs.
You stand there, ruminating over what just happened. Your lips still sting and the phantom touch of Seven’s mouth still makes the hair on your arms rise.
“You okay?” 
Rowan’s voice has you jolting back to the present. “What?”
“You and Seven.” Rowan gestures at you. “Are you guys alright?”
“Huh? Oh. Yeah.” You wave a dismissive hand as you begin walking back inside. “Totally. We’re just peachy. What are we doing?”
“We’re heading home, actually,” Iris says, shooting you a curious look. “Party got boring.”
You snort, and you and your friends walk down the stairs to meet Seven and Jazzy in the hall. Seven looks your way and quickly averts their gaze, grazing the bottom of their teeth along their lip in evident thought.
You know, eventually, you and Seven will have to talk about…whatever that was that just happened. You’re not quite sure yet what it means. Though you do know one thing: tonight has changed something. Suddenly your friendship is something far more than precious: it’s fragile. And you can’t help but wonder what that kiss means for it.
“Should we get something to eat?” Iris asks the group as you saunter out of the building. “I’m hungry.”
“You’re always hungry,” Rowan snorts, weaving Iris’s jab. 
“I’m okay with anything you want.” As Seven says this, they look over to you, and you know they’re not just talking about food.
“Yeah,” you decide. “Me too.”
“Burgers it is,” Iris says. Devyn hums in agreement.
Seven smiles at you, and you can feel the shift in them. When they gaze at you, something else lies there. Something else that makes your heart quicken.
Yeah, you may not know what comes next in your friendship, but you do know one thing: you and Seven will never part.
And that thought comforts you.
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2-dsimp · 1 month
*Jumping in complete excitement after the revelation of Soma* Even if I should be crying for that angst, I can't blame you for giving me so much motivation to ask.
What if Soma's darling finds him some day, now peer up with a survivors group, but she is unable to killed his infected boyfriend and tries to convince his teammates not to kill him. Even making a whole damn argument while helping the team with blowing up the hard of zombies. (Summing up, an stubborn and silly darling)
Don't know, maybe suggesting silly ways to keep him up with her and avoiding him to attack the others, like making him use a muzzle and kid leash wrapped around her wrist.
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A/n: if only things could work out like that. Not in this scenario unfortunately.ヽ(´o`;
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𝕋𝔸𝔾 𝕃𝕀𝕊𝕋: @apeiceoflump @fruk-you-usuk-fans @avalordream @manunkan @twinklingbeautifulstars (anyone else who’d like to be tagged for future parts lmk~)
Cw: blood/gore, betrayal (?), obsessive tendencies, angst, possessive tendencies, jealousy/envy, Soma losing his mind like a woman scorned.
Synopsis 3: Soma, your yandere undead boyfriend, finally reached the promised land and finally found you. But at the sight of someone else at your side he quickly became a frenzied beast of green envy.
You could barely register the sheer chaos that ensued from having the wall to the safe haven you’ve found in a fellow survival camp caved in by a mass of sharpened spikes. As the wall crumbled down, the other survivors screamed. Scrambling like chickens in utter confusion, fear, and dread.
But all you felt was joy, as you saw the one you’ve been mourning over for the few days. You guys were split apart, your boyfriend soma, in the flesh. His infected eyes were hyper transfixed on you, the target of his unrefined love. That was about to overflow and burst his heart from how he fell for you again. Hard.
You were all scuffed up, like an adorable kitten. Hair was a disaster, your body carried dirt and minor wounds from squabbles you had encountered on your own from trying to survive. You were an utter mess but to him you were a perfect achievement that he wanted to unlock once more.
Soma’s mouth opened, there was so much he wanted to say to you. But most importantly he wanted to call you out by your name. Tell you that you’re truly is here to come pick up his player 2. But he clamped down his jaw so hard so hard out of having the jitters. that he accidentally bit his own tongue off like a brain dead idiot.
Blood spurted from his severed tongue which happened to stain your face. You were in utter shock not believing that you were witnessing your undead boyfriend try to kill him self even when he’s technically already dead. Naturally you screamed as you saw his severed tongue wriggle around like a fish out of water.
“We must leave, now miss.”
A eerily calm voice seeped into your head, there was hands, albeit cold encircled around your wrist. As you were elevated to your feet and the scenery ran past your mind in a disillusioned blur. Your heart was pounding out of your chest, your breathing heavy and uneven.
You couldn’t make sense of it.
Why did the man say that you must leave? There’s no need to run! Your loving boyfriend has come to pick you up just like he promised. Away from this infected shithole. He wouldn’t hurt you, he definitely wouldn’t harm anybody else right? Sure he karated the hell out of this zombies in the store but that was self defense.
He said he’d come back to you. And he did, so why? Why were you running away from him? Your valiant boyfriend who sacrificed himself to keep his precious babe, you, alive.
Your feet carried you faster than you could think, with the captain of the survivor camp taking you by the hand. You were too frazzled to register the screams of terror and the frenzied clicking of other parasitic zombies who had found their way to the source of all the noise. Every single variation digging their claws and teeth into the survivors who were unable to get a grip.
But most importantly you missed the sheer look of rage that twisted Soma’s face into something unrecognizable. His tentacles were tore out of his flesh, turning a dark hue and snapping into deadly spikes. His mind was running field goals with the sight of you running away hand in hand with another man.
A man that wasn’t him.
Did you forget that he told you he was coming back? Who the hell was this bitch clinging onto your hand like a pest. Your boyfriend didn’t like it. Not one bit his tongue had regenerated in wisps of steamy smoke. Allowing him to rip out an unearthly screech that made everyone weak from racking their brains with his pitch frequency.
His eyes darted every which way studying how the captains fingers were touching you on too many areas of skin. He clawed at his face practically tearing off the mask that kept him human from pure agitation. His eyes bulging at the sight with veins a showing as he repeatedly gashed his teeth.
‘‘F̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞l̨͓̠̹̿̔̋̈́͝i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠h̨̟͔̣̣͊̄̇̏̿y̦̲̩̪̺͋̀͐̏̋,͓̾̌ f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞l̨͓̠̹̿̔̋̈́͝i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠h̨̟͔̣̣͊̄̇̏̿y̦̲̩̪̺͋̀͐̏̋,͓̾̌ f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞l̨͓̠̹̿̔̋̈́͝i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠h̨̟͔̣̣͊̄̇̏̿y̦̲̩̪̺͋̀͐̏̋!̳̆͋̈̾ G̢͚̙̣̬̎͋̊͐̽e͖̖̤͙̅̈́̏͌ͅţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ o̳̘̗̗͒̽͑̚͝f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞.̪̍̉ G̢͚̙̣̬̎͋̊͐̽e͖̖̤͙̅̈́̏͌ͅţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ o̳̘̗̗͒̽͑̚͝f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞.̪̍̉ G̢͚̙̣̬̎͋̊͐̽e͖̖̤͙̅̈́̏͌ͅţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ o̳̘̗̗͒̽͑̚͝f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞.̪̍̉ G̢͚̙̣̬̎͋̊͐̽e͖̖̤͙̅̈́̏͌ͅţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ o̳̘̗̗͒̽͑̚͝f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞.̪̍̉ G̢͚̙̣̬̎͋̊͐̽e͖̖̤͙̅̈́̏͌ͅţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ o̳̘̗̗͒̽͑̚͝f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞.̪̍̉ G̢͚̙̣̬̎͋̊͐̽e͖̖̤͙̅̈́̏͌ͅţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ o̳̘̗̗͒̽͑̚͝f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞.̪̍̉ G̢͚̙̣̬̎͋̊͐̽e͖̖̤͙̅̈́̏͌ͅţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ o̳̘̗̗͒̽͑̚͝f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞.̪̍̉ G̢͚̙̣̬̎͋̊͐̽e͖̖̤͙̅̈́̏͌ͅţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ o̳̘̗̗͒̽͑̚͝f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞.̪̍̉ G̢͚̙̣̬̎͋̊͐̽e͖̖̤͙̅̈́̏͌ͅţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ o̳̘̗̗͒̽͑̚͝f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞.̪̍̉ G̢͚̙̣̬̎͋̊͐̽e͖̖̤͙̅̈́̏͌ͅţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ i̡̫̭̮̅̔̇̚͠ţ̨̞̲̎͆͘̕͠ o̳̘̗̗͒̽͑̚͝f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞f̞͓͚̱̜̃̍̋̚͞.̪̍̉’
Soma’s parasite took the reins, taking advantage of how their host wasn’t able to maintain stability. Zombie, humans, and other unaffected variants alike were skewered. In his fit of manic fury, his tentacles striking towards your location like a viper. The tip of death missing the chance to stab through your clasped hands by a hair thanks to the captains diligent reflexes.
You tumbled trying to look back only to be swept off your feet and carried off into the arms of the ever so calm and collected Survivor Captain. Who by human standards looked flawless, not a blemish on his skin nor any sign of imperfections. But you didn’t miss how alienated it made him his whole reaction to the camp being decimated was lackluster. His eyes were like pearls without any shine, it was as if he was just a wearing a humans skin for show.
Gaining a sense of clarity at how fast you were retreating from the scene you took a moment to properly look at your boyfriend’s rampaging. And the way his eyes seared into your flesh and bone made you freeze up like a petrified goat.
You’ve never seen this side of him, could the infection truly take away the man you loved? You heavily denied it but the way he was aggressively targeting you his dangerous spiked tentacles indenting themselves just one step behind from impaling the captains body.
For the first time you felt afraid of him. He has clearly lost control to differentiate between who the true target of his ire. As he was under the impression that he was being betrayed/abandoned by you.
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farleighlover · 3 months
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— “i always want you when i’m coming down.”
| farleigh start x fem!reader
w.c.: 2.1k
a/n: hello loves !!! i am SOOSOOSOSOSO sorry for not uploading in so long, i have been very busy this past month ! so sorry once more. i hope this makes up for it, i wrote the ending literally tonight, so i’m so sorry if it’s sloppy :(. i also did not know if phones in 2006 had voicemails so let’s roll with it and not question anything! anyway idk who ordered a yappuccino
— / part two. (part one here.)
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you’re in your english period, sitting where you usually sit. next to farleigh.
when farleigh finally enters at the last second and takes his seat next to you, you move. you can feel the confusion and his gaze on you as you find a seat next to a girl. she immediately lets you sit and holds out her hand for you to shake it. “hi! my name is ava. you’re the girl who farleigh cheated on, right?”
of course people mostly know you for your messed up relationship.
you sigh and smile a little before shaking her hand. “yeah, that’s me.” she nods while smiling. “moving away from farleigh when he just enters is definitely mean. good for you!” she’s energetic, shaking your hand with a firm grip and quick shakes. at least you know she’s confident. you chuckle dryly, “haha, i guess so.” she gives one quick smile before looking away when the professor starts class.
all throughout the class, you can feel farleigh’s stare burning into you. you take a quick glance at him. his expression is unreadable like always, although there’s hints of anger and frustration. you smile at yourself because you got a rise out of him, which you have never done before, shockingly. when class finishes, farleigh moves towards your seat but before he reaches it, you move and leave, leaving him there.
its been almost 2 weeks, another party arrives. farleigh has made no attempt on trying to get you back after that “inconvenience” and you haven’t either.
most times you just stay in and don’t go to the parties, but this time, you finally went. it felt a little freeing, going out yourself, not caring if you get drunk and high, all that sort.
you wore a black mini dress, showing your curves yet not too revealing. you haven’t wore this dress in forever. it felt… somewhat refreshing and relaxing.
you went with ruby, a small duo but you were going to get noticed throughout the party from how popular you were from your relationship. and all this attention led to farleigh staring at you.
he was in a table with felix and his group. you could hear their loud chatter and laughs all during the party, but not a familiar laugh, not farleigh’s laugh. you glanced over and saw farleigh staring directly at you before he quickly looked away. but all throughout the party, you could feel his piercing gaze on you.
ruby spied at farleigh for you. “oh yeah. it’s working.” you set your drink down. “what? it is-?” you almost turn around to look at him before ruby snapped her fingers in your face. “don’t look at him! you’re going to communicate to him with your eyes.” you rolled your eyes. “you can’t get enough of this “eye-talking” thing.” she scoffed. “oh whatever. you know i’m right.”
ruby kept her eyes peeled on farleigh, trying to act like a spy or like those cowboys in those bars who always have a shotgun on them. she picks out every “weird” detail about him, like how he spaces out a little or how it looks like he plays with his hair more than usual, although you know that that’s just how farleigh is.
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“and with these problems comes solutions, and i use ‘em, when i’m faded i forget, forget what you mean to me. hope you know what you mean to me.”
“he’s so high. jesuus…” she let out a giggle before trying to bite back a smile. ruby has always had a little crush on farleigh. even though it somewhat weirded you out, you knew multiple people had a crush on farleigh because he was popular. it was just something that happens. “it’s like… his eyes. they’re getting redder and redder. somebody get him a mirror.” as she continued laughing and picking insults at him, not as the “what the fuck is wrong with him”, but as “he’s so cute” kind. you couldn’t help but just blur out everything. partying isn’t fun anymore if it just meant spying on your ex and being around sweaty guys, trying to find an one night stand and failing. it was actually quite pitiful.
“oh my gosh.” ruby gasps, widening her eyes. you try to read her expression and sigh, rubbing your temples when you give up. “what now?”
“he’s flirting with another girl. and it’s serious.”
you clock your head to look at what’s happening, before ruby snaps her fingers in your face. you roll your eyes and groan. “who is it?”
“it’s that… ava girl.”
“ava? no fucking way it could be ava.” you thought. ava was… totally farleigh’s type in pure reality. a short, pretty blonde who’s hyper and flirty, and also known as a whore. she’s the type girl to list men as “hoe 1, hoe 2, and hoe 3” on her phone.
you didn’t expect farleigh to move on that fast, but at the same time, you somewhat did. farleigh has a dull type, letting anybody who caught his eye do whatever.
ruby studied, making disgusted faces and commenting also criticizing every move, before you had enough. “jesus christ, ruby. forget this, i’m going home.” ruby almost spits out her drink, sputtering as she tried to keep you sat down in your chair.
“okay, no. let’s think about this, how can we make farleigh jealous?” ruby thought, actually squinting her eyes and stroking her chin. you sigh and before you’re able to call off this an entire thing, she blurts out her idea. “what about to flirt with another guy? i know, i know. i’m so smart.” she flips her hair as you cringe a little.
the idea finally settles in your brain. “what? flirt with another guy?” ruby nods, slightly amused. you were thinking about how badly this could go. farleigh was always a little “protective” if you will, over things. but at the same time, farleigh was all bark and no bite. and you were drunk.
as you thought, ruby dragged you out of your chair. “c’mon! you can flirt with uhh…” her eyes roam around before it landed on felix. “felix! go flirt with him!” she pushed you a little closer to their booth. “what?!” you were a little startled at the thought. actually, horrified at the thought. what if felix totally rejected you in front of everybody, including farleigh? if that happened, you wouldn’t even know what to do! you would just crumple as you get laughed at and dissolve away. you shook your head. “you’re insane, ruby. i’m not doing that.”
she swatted her hand, trying to swatting your concerns away although it didn’t help. “nonsense, you only live once.” before you can do anything, she give you one final shove and now you’re right in front of everyone. felix, farleigh, god when did it get so hot in here?
you immediately glanced at her, seeing ruby cheer you on, giving you a smile and thumbs up. you scoff and roll your eyes before facing back to felix.
“fi,” you call, having a small grin on your face. it was a name you called felix sometimes which also, made farleigh extremely jealous because he wanted to be the only guy you gave a nickname to.
you gave out your hand to felix. “wanna dance?”
felix peers up and glances at farleigh and ava. as he looks, you also look. you see farleigh rolling his eyes and trying to play it off, but you know deep down he’s jealous.
felix decides farleigh has his girl, so he stands up and gives you a soft smile before taking your hand. “of course,” he brings your hand to his lips and gently kisses your chuckles. you smirk before walking and leading him away, giving farleigh one last glimpse. he looks angry and disrespected, but also hurt and powerless. you look at ruby as she gave you a smile and a cheer.
you led felix to the dance floor. not too far from farleigh so that he could watch every single move. you two did what regular college kids did. dance, flirt, make out a little, just whatever felt right in the moment. it made you feel a little bad for farleigh, but every time you thought of him, it immediately made you think about how he could just cheat on you with not a single regret. so you continued with your plan.
eventually the party died down, and felix said his goodbyes and how he had a fun time with a kiss on the forehead before leaving. after a little, you went to ruby.
“ohhhmagosh, you did amazing! i was so stressed out, but you did sososoososo well! did you see his reaction? he was totally…” ruby spoke a mile a minute. you tried to register her words, but only a few sentences stood out. “—he was looking at you so much, ava stood up and left! it was so funny, you should’ve saw the look on his face. and then he went somewhere… i don’t know, went and sat on a couch, just smoking and… he looked like he was waiting for someone? i don’t know, but he was thinking a lot.”
he was waiting for someone? you knew instantly what farleigh was doing. you and farleigh had this tradition that after everybody left, you two sat on this couch and just… talked. you two always did it after a party. no making out, no sex, no nothing. just talking. nobody ever knew you two did this, not even felix or ruby. it was a secret between you two and you two only.
you felt a pang of guilt. this was farleigh’s way of getting you back. he would never go up to you in front of everybody and ask you back, especially after you danced with felix. his pride would never allow that.
you swatted your hand in the air, sweeping it under the rug even though you still felt bad. “ruby, it’s getting late. we should go to sleep.” ruby nodded before yawning. “yeah okay… good job girl! you stood your ground!” she smiled and gave you a high five. you chuckled, the corners of your lips tugging to a smile.
“thank you, ruby. now let’s go back to the dorms, okay?” she nodded yes. she looked like she was going to pass out. as you two took your leave, you glanced at farleigh, both of you meeting eyes. his expression was unreadable like always, but also somewhat pleading. you felt yourself get a little remorseful, but you played it off by scoffing and looking away.
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“(pick up your phone), the party’s finished and i want you to know, (i’m all alone), i’m feeling everything before i got up.”
you don’t know how long farleigh sat on that couch. it was on your mind throughout the night. you ignored text messages of him asking and actually begging you to talk to him, until you heard your phone ringing. you flipped it open, seeing a call from farleigh. ruby told you to just let it ring and go to voicemail, which you did. it wasn’t soon before a voicemail from farleigh appeared on your phone. you took in a breath before listening to it.
“jesus christ… hey. you could at least answer my calls or something.” farleigh sighed and groaned quietly. “listen, i’m sorry okay? is that what you wanted to hear? making me watch you get with felix and everything…” he scoffed and paused for a little before continuing, sighing once more. “baby, i’m sorry.” his voice a little more apologetic and genuine. “you know i love you, i just— forget things when i get high. can we— can we just talk? please? like before? i just… i miss you. please call me back when you get this, i love you.”
you felt yourself feel a little sad at farleigh’s words, but at the same time you knew if you went back to him now, he’ll do the same thing all over. you’ve been trying to get farleigh to quit and every time he fails, no matter what. you have had enough of his bullshit.
throughout the night, you kept receiving more calls from farleigh and in each one was him getting more desperate. he sounded like he was on the brink of tears at some point. you lost count how many he sent awhile ago. eventually, he stopped calling when he realized you weren’t going to accept his apology. on his last voicemail, he muttered,
“i always want you when i’m coming down.”
.. taglist: @fuckshitslover @themoonchildwhofell @khxna @flipsconhelado @nataliesfirefly
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luvyunjinxo · 1 year
airplane mode || karina x fem!reader
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CW: s3x on an airplane 😭, y/n receiving, perv reader (not that bad I promise..), fingerfucking, possessive karina, not proofread. lmk if I missed anything<3.
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You worked for an airline, to be specific you worked for the 5 star airline. It was hard to get into and had high beauty standards for the employees. Luckily you were accepted and worked with your crew, including this girl named Yu Jimin. She was the hottest amongst the group, and you couldn't lie she was mighty fine. During flights people would ask for her instagram, number, tiktok, you name it. and you couldn't lie about this either but you would get jealous even though it wasn't your place to be.
What made it worse was that you guys had short uniforms that didn't really go past your knees so you would see your colleagues shorts/sometimes only underwear. Karina would accidentally bend down every now and then which caused some travelers to look. That made you infuriated.
You guys were on your flight as usual except that it was a 14 hour flight. Always having to tell the passengers to buckle their seatbelts, or to quiet their kid down and you've had such a shitty flight you could use some karina omg.
It was now time to pass out the passengers food/dinner and you and karina were on the job. You just had to stay behind her while she would pass out the food just in case she needed help and lord .. it was a painful job.
She would have to grab food from the bottom of the food cart, which meant she had to always bend down. This time, her shorts were shorter. Almost exposing her underwear and crotch. You could clearly see she was wearing some lace underwear and it seemed like she didn't wanna hide it either.
Literally she has bent down at least 100+ times now and your princess parts were dying at this point. Your panties were drenched and soaked by the way Karina was making you feel. You were thinking about her long fingers pumping in and out of you, her bending you over, spanking your ass and calling you a good girl. Man, you needed that badly. You were getting lost in your thoughts until a calm voice spoke.
"Hey Y/n are you okay? I asked you to pass me the napkins for the passengers five times already."
"Sorry rina, I just don't feel well and getting lost in thoughts." You bowed, passed her the napkins and rushed to the back leaving her confused. No you weren't okay, your wetness spread to your thighs and your dumbass is in the back trying to clean yourself up where all your colleagues could walk in any moment.
Little did you know, the taller girl was almost about done passing out all the food and she was about to come in the back where you were. You were done cleaning yourself up, which you think you got most of the wetness off your thigh.. you think. Anyways you were bent over the small counter you guys had in the back head down, ass up, didn't care if anyone walked in now because you were so stressed and tired. You were about to fall asleep in that position I swear.
Karina on the other hand, had walked in at least 2 minutes ago but she didn't notice you till she was done cleaning the cart. She knew about all your little doings, seeing you stare, looking at her every move & you getting jealous. She knew what affect she had on you too. She obviously decided to tease you to your limits tonight knowing you guys had a 14 hour flight together.
Seeing you bent over like that.. sent an affect on her too. Something just snapped in her, and she felt like a full on beast wanting to ruin your pretty cunt completely.
She patted you gently, "Y/n .." and as soon as you looked up at her she had lust in her eyes, complete desire in her eyes and it was all just for you. You were still bent over and she had one hand trap you which meant her left hand was gripping on the small counter.
You were so confused and you felt your wetness dripping down your thighs AGAIN. lost in thought once again, you felt her slender fingers suddenly touch your clothed cunt slowly. With her ring and middle finger, she was rubbing your folds so slowly you swear you were just gonna start humping her fingers if she wouldn't do anything.
"r-rina? what are you doing?.." you asked as she kept rubbing painfully slow.
"making you beg and realize y/n. I know the way you look at me when I bend down. do I make you horny baby?"
you look up at her again seeing her seductive eyes and whimpered because she spanked your ass cause you wouldn't answer.
"answer, or else there will be consequences princess." she spanks you again.
"rina n-no were gonna get caught back h-here.." she rolled her eyes and gave you another spank, but this time to your clothed cunt.
you jumped and yelped to the sensation:(
she really didn't give a fuck so she pulled down your underwear to your knees and collecting your wetness with her fingers.
"was this why you went into the back? to get away from me hm?" she started to toy with your clit, rubbing and abusing it. you started to cry, you were really sensitive and you were bound to come just from that small foreplay.
enough with the toying around rina thought. she slammed her fingers into you roughly without saying a word to you and felt your fluids coming onto her fingers.
"if you wanted to fuck with me y/n why didn't you just say so? I would've bent you over myself and fuck your brains out."
she said while moving you right leg up to get more access to your cunt. shit, she hit your princess parts so well. with her left arm she started to undress your uniform top and groped at your titties while she continued to finger the fuck out of you.
she pinched your buds and played with it and all you could do is bend over like a good girl and take whatever she gave you:(.
"stand. I wanna taste you." you complied and stood against the counter as she ate you out, starving like you were her last meal.
"f-fuck! I-i can't anymore .." you moaned
"you can and you will. shut the fuck up you don't wanna get caught now right?" you were on edge about to cum from the ecstasy. you were moaning out all kinds of curse words at that point.
you gripped on her hair, making it all messy. before you came you looked down at her and you both made eye contact while she was sucking on your clit roughly. fuck that was such a pretty sight you thought.
"give yourself to me y/n, say your mine and say that cunt of yours is owned by me only." she mumbled while still giving you the best head ever.
"I-i cant! fuck .. i-im yours and you own me completely rina! shit just make me cum already!" you screamed while gripping her hair harder. she kept eating you out, more aggressively, and even using her fingers at the same time with the same pace.
you finally came and you screamed so loud, everyone knew someone was fucking in the back. you had your eyes rolled back and everything. you even collapsed on the floor from being so fucked out. she kissed you on the lips helped you get dressed again, and you even helped her fix her hair into a neat bun then headed out to work again.
all the passengers complained with a noise complaint, and gave both of you very weird looks knowing you two were the ones fucking back there. you both knew you guys would get scolded by your boss but it was so worth it.
whenever you guys needed to fuck again, you would just signal each other "airplane mode" from across the plane, and you would fuck all over again<3.
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gloomiebearwritings · 6 months
Reiden, Fujin, Erron, Kabal, and Kitana with an s/o that has ADHD?
Sorry if it's too much or it makes you uncomfortable you can decline the request!
Sorry for takin' so long, I went on a break for a bit there! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) I had to leave out Kabal and Kitana as I'm a little rusty still, but I did add Old and Current timeline Raiden! ❤️❤️❤️
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Old Timeline Raiden
ADHD was a new concept to him, at least in terms of being named- but he’s seen a few people before with the same behaviors.
It takes him some time to learn all your little quirks and routines, or lack thereof.
May sometimes become impatient, but always apologizes for his behavior- which over time gets better.
You were asked about by just about everyone, and it seemed to frustrate him more than it did you. Resting off in a room away from everyone else, Raiden takes the brunt of most of everyone’s curiosity for you.
“Y/N needs rest- there is too much going on right now.”
He made sure his voice was stern enough to make his stance clear, “No one is needed that badly right now.”
Though a bit later he catches Johnny going towards your room, stopping him before he gets to the door, “What did I say, Johnny?”
“I was just tryin’ to bring some water!” 
“I will take the water. Go on.”
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Current Timeline Raiden
When you first brought it up to him he joked about how Kung Lao must have it too. 
He’s more open to your needs, learning what you need to get things done and feel more comfortable.
Quite patient and understands you’ll have times of being overwhelmed, and tries to help you in those moments.
“Hey, you alright?” he asks you, seeing you utterly spaced out at all the noise. 
When you shake your head “no” he sighs, offering you his hand and giving a reassuring smile. Once he’s got you to your feet he brings you out of sight of everyone else, letting you pick a spot to calm down. 
“Johnny can be a little loud, I know…”
Sitting next to you he uses himself as a comforting barrier between you and the group, “You stay here as long as you need, okay? There’s no rush.”
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He has a better understanding of it than you’d expect considering his time among humans.
By far the most patient and open about things, offering to help remind you of things.
Will help create routines to help curb bad habits, and steer you away from getting too distracted. 
You felt a gentle nudge on your shoulder, breaking you out of your disconnected daze.
“You seem distracted, did something cross your mind?” 
His voice was sweet, face just as sweet as he leaned over to see yours more. When you shook your head “no” he gave a soft smile, “Overworked yourself? Maybe we should take a minute to refresh you?”
He opened the windows in the room to let fresh air in and brought you something to drink. 
“Have this to start, but let me know if you need anything else…”
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Not the most knowledgeable about the subject, but granted he’s never had to think too hard about things like this before.
Willing to learn however, albeit a little slow when it comes to getting used to new routines.
He will leave little notes around the house for you though, little reminders for things either of you need to do or get. 
He’d left a note on the dining table telling you he’d be home later than usual because he’d be swinging by the market. Which really you didn’t notice until it was almost an hour after he’d normally have been home that it caught your eye. 
Though it seemed like only a minute later he was home, putting things away before coming over to you to give you a friendly little pinch, “Sorry for bein’ out so long…”
Looking at the clock out of curiosity you realize it was 2 hours ahead of when you last looked at it. He chuckled as he realized you must’ve gotten distracted given your mildly confused expression, “Least you didn’t miss me too bad?” he teased.
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neevblanc · 9 months
Aizawa with a pro hero & highschool sweetheart reader finally talking again after months (or even years) of no contact 😋
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a/n —hey hey anon!! thx for sending this in! I've never written for shouta b4 despite having read my fair share of media involving him lol. i hope i can do him justice for you!!! this is such an interesting prompt hehe p.s this was literally the funnest thing to write ever im actually incredibly invested. i might as well have fleshed out a whole au for this, not that it rlly reflects it i think haha!
blanca’s cafe event!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
Aizawa Shouta x GN!reader
Tags— semi-angst, awkwardness, mentions of injuries/war, bittersweet
CW/TW— Manga Spoilers?
note — quirk — Revitalize: the ability to heal wounds and injuries by simply touching the affected area. They can accelerate the body's natural healing process. Their healing abilities also extend to others. They must gain the energy to do so by taking it from enemies or using their own(think Moyra from overwatch, sorta. w/ a mix of bastille's group healing ability thing teehee).
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"Have We Met Before? by Tom Rosenthal, Fenne Lily"
02:20 ━━━━━━━●─ 02:39
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ Will you know it when you see it? Have we met before?”
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You hadn’t been in Japan for years, having been sent to America by the Hero Commission as soon as you had graduated from Yuuei. Adjusting to the culture (both civilian and hero) was a struggle, but you did well with your healing-centered quirk.
Once the war had taken place, the commission had called back all of the heroes they sent to foreign countries they could, and you just so happened to be one of them. All for One was a looming threat, and with the amount of casualties suffered, they sent you home to help the war effort.
You stand inside Yuuei’s walls, stomach rolling at the bleak sight. Cities had been razed while you were gone, and Yuuei had been converted into a base for civilians and heroes alike. People milled around almost aimlessly, no doubt restless, as they were afraid to leave school grounds. You make your way through the crowd, eyes focused on the building you had been directed to.
Yuuei hadn’t had dorms since you last checked, but amongst all the changes you’ve seen in your hometown, you didn’t have the energy to even question it. You hurry up the steps and knock idly on the door, rocking on your heels while you wait for it to open.
The door creaks open, and an eye with a black sclera blinks at you before it opens wider, revealing a yellow-eyed, pink girl. She grins tightly at you, obviously confused by your presence.
“Hello, can I help you?” She said, and you take note of her for just a second. Young, most definitely not any older than 17- and tired. Her demeanor screamed of exhaustion. You smile gently at her.
“Hi, Nezu directed me this way. I’m looking for your teacher. This is 2-A, right?” You say, taking a step back just in case you had gotten it wrong (which you hoped wasn’t the case, seeing as the dorms were marked with the class names). The girl nodded and opened the door further, shifting to allow you room to enter.
“Yeah! You’re in the right place.” She says, and you enter the building quickly. You take your shoes off and place them into one of the cubbies near the door, and you note the number of shoes already in the cubbies. It reminds you of school, and you can’t help but smile at the sight.
The girl hands you a pair of guest slippers, and as you put them on, she grins a little softer.
” I’m Mina, by the way.” She says. You nod, both of you making your way out of the genkan.
” You have a very pretty name, Mina. I’m Revitalight, but you can call me y/n.” You reply, and she squints a little at you.
” Revitalight? I’ve heard that name before…oh, and thank you.” She says, startled out of her contemplation as she remembered the compliment. You nodded, a soft laugh leaving you. Even with the war, she was kind and very much a child. It both saddened and warmed you how her demeanor did not wholly mirror that of the community outside.
You both make it to the couches, where another group of teenagers are milling around. Their idle conversations pause as you stand at the edge of one of the couches. You wave politely, and Mina gestures toward you excitedly.
“Please welcome American Pro Hero: Revitalight!” She introduced, and you don’t have it in you to fight the American label- you’ve been a Pro in America for longer than she’s been in school. No point in telling her you went to Yuuei, too - or that you were still under the HPSC’s rule. The others say hello enthusiastically, waving from where they were sprawled out on the couch.
“Please, call me y/n.” You say, sitting on an unoccupied section of the couch.
Mina explains you’re looking for their sensei, and a girl with frog-adjacent features stands from her place on the couch.
“I’ll get Sensei down here for you then.” She says, voice horse how you’d expect a frogs to be. You send her a grateful smile.
” Thank you.” You respond, and she does little more than nod and disappear down the hall.
“Why are you here, Revitalight-san?” A boy with glasses says, and you pause to consider what you can tell them.
“The commission asked me to return, and I’ve been dispatched here. Principal Nedzu said I should head here before finding Recovery Girl.” You explain, trying to ignore the way the kids around you sober up quickly at the mention of the Hero Commission. You didn’t know how much they knew, but you hoped it wasn’t much- for their sake.
“What’s your quirk do?” A blonde asks, and you can see his curiosity blatantly on his face. You smile and raise your hand, gesturing toward him. He straightens from his flopped-over position and stands excitedly, opening his arms.
” Hit me!” He says, pouting at the bespeckled boy when he tries to get him to sit down.
” Denki, we don’t know their quirk. What if it’s dangerous,” he cautions, and you laugh a little to ease his worry.
“Don’t worry, um,” Mina whispers into your ear quickly, “Iida-kun. This won’t hurt him at all.” You reassure, and Iida settles back into his seat without further complaint.
The kids watch as you flex your hand just slightly, and suddenly, a bright yellowish-white light floats slowly from your hand to Denki, curling and moving in the air. The glow hits Denki straight in the chest, and he takes a deep breath.
“Woah.” He says, shaking out his body and looking down just in time to see the glow follow lightning-like patterns below his skin and fade down his arms. You tilt your head and eye the lightning bolt in his hair.
“Your quirk is electricity, right?” You say, prompting him to nod. The way the kids stare at you makes you want to laugh, but you hold off in case they take it mockingly.
“I can tell from the patterns it made. I only see those jagged lines from people who have lightning quirks or have been exposed to high voltages.” You explain, and Denki brightens at the information.
Mina’s about to ask a question when someone clears their throat behind you, and the kids all deflate into exaggerated whines or pouts.
“That’s enough, all of you, to your rooms. Or anywhere but here, really. If you even think of eavesdropping, I’ll have you scrubbing bathrooms for a week.” The voice says dryly, and you grin as the kids file out quickly, whining, “This is a common area; it’s not eavesdropping,” and “Sensei’s such a buzzkill.”
You turn to face them with a sheepish smile already in place.
“Sorry for intruding. Principal Nedzu said I should speak to you before,” You pause, finally registering who exactly you’re talking to. The gaze you get in return is similarly dumbfounded.
“Shou- Aizawa-san.” You stutter, correcting yourself. The man before you is every bit the boy you remember, even with the injuries you can see littering his body. The same tired eyes, pitch black hair, moody expression.
And still, you’re hit by his age. The mature structure of his jaw and the strong frame that screamed, well, Pro Hero hit you more than you’d think. Most of all, his height struck you. Last you had seen, Aizawa was pretty short for your age. He stands in front of you at six feet at least, and you wonder when a growth spurt that big hit him.
You flick your fingers anxiously, and his eyes follow the gesture for just a moment.
“Y/n. It’s been…a long time.” He says, crossing his arms in an attempt to seem casual. You can see the awkwardness of the action, though, in the way his shoulders tense and his brow furrows. The familiarity makes you a little light-headed. You smile, nodding.
“Yeah, it has. 12 years, now?” You say, looking around for just a moment to avoid his gaze. His hair, longer than you remember it being, is tied into a half-up, half-down style. He nods, and you lace your fingers together in front of you.
“Nedzu said the commission was sending someone, though he didn’t say it’d be you.” He says, and you try to find some emotion in the statement. When you don’t identify anything negative from his words, you shrug.
” Principal Nedzu didn’t tell me you were the teacher I was meeting either. Speaking of,” You hum, stepping closer. Aizawa shifts, obviously watching you but not moving away. “Sensei? Didn’t know you wanted to be a teacher, Aizawa.”
Aizawa grimaces slightly with a sigh and drops his arms from his chest to shove them into his pockets. “It’s not really my thing. But someone has to do it.” He says, and you squint a little at his response. With his hands hidden in his pockets, it clicks in your mind, and you bite back a smug smile. Aizawa had a similar tell to you- his hands start motioning to crack his knuckles, even if no pop comes of it.
You let a calmer grin settle on your face, staring up at him.
“Totally. Either way, I think it’s pretty cool of you.” You compliment, and his mouth twitches faintly in response.
“Why are you here?” He asks suddenly, and for a moment, you can see in his face that he hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
You huff a sigh, “Same reason as everyone else. The war effort needed help, so the commission sent me home.” You explain. Aizawa nodded absently, reaching up to rub at his neck as he thought.
“You’re here to help Recovery Girl, then?” He says, face serious. You shake your hand in a so-so motion.
“Yes and no. I’ll help RG here for now, but I’ve been told they’ll send me with patrol groups and into war zones when needed. I can heal en mass in a way she can’t.” You shrug. Aizawa frowned, and you could tell he wasn’t happy with how the hero commission seemed comfortable throwing you wherever. Still, they’ve been this blasé with your life since you agreed to the program years ago, so it wasn’t something you concerned yourself with anymore.
“That doesn’t seem sustainable at all,” Aizawa says, critical as always. You give him an unimpressed look.
“War generally isn’t, no. I’m sure it’ll be fine,” you say, waving your hand casually. “Anyway. I meant to ask, what’s up with…this.” You say, gesturing toward the eye patch. He pursed his lips briefly.
“War causality. Still getting used to it.” He rumbled, and you smiled gently at him.
“If anyone can kick ass with one eye, it’s you, Aizawa.” You hit his shoulder playfully, almost in slow motion as a joke. The movement is familiar, and for just a second, you remember how this same punch made him hiss like a disgruntled cat and glare at you, teetering away from the force.
Now, the stare he levels you with is unimpressed; mouth curled upward. He hadn’t budged. Your stomach flutters for a moment. “You’re ridiculous.” He mutters. That is familiar. The warm tone in his voice makes you painfully nostalgic, and through the ache in your chest, you laugh at his response.
“One of us has to be,” You tease, backing up and crossing your arms. Aizawa shoots you a look and rolls his eye. Without another word, he turns back down the hall he came from, and it only takes you a beat to realize you were supposed to follow.
“C’mon, Mic would wanna see you.” He calls, waving a lazy hand to gesture you over. You follow eagerly, almost tripping over yourself.
“Oh my GOD, Mic’s here too?!”
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endofradio · 2 months
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WARNINGS: gore mentions
NOTES: i lowkey locked in with this chapter WHY IS IT SO LONG. i also decided to spice things up a bit by having sylvie talk to abigail instead of joey doing it (when abigail says that frank is valdez). i am VERY excited to write the scene where abigail exposes everybody because the drama is going to be REAL.
SUMMARY: now that everyone’s locked inside, sylvie decides to make the decision to talk to abigail herself, something that she regrets. after rickles dies next, sylvie confronts frank, which only leaves her feeling more confused and frightened than she already is.
TAGLIST: @reclaimedbythesea @creelmalfoylaufeyson69 @that-one-gay-aew-enthusiast @evildarliing @maggotmommys @maggotssmichael @13th-floor-in-moonstone @vampireheist @xashleyo03x @blackwolfstabs @atcarpenter
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shoot me a message if you’d like to be added to my taglist! and… seriously — reblogs and comments are heavily appreciated. don’t just leave a like! it helps keep me motivated. 🙏
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“Come on, Rickles. Hey!”
Rickles was storming straight for the front door, adamant on his decision to leave. Even with Joey calling for him and following after him, he didn’t change his mind one bit. Once he reached the door, he attempted to open it.
Well, unfortunately for him, the door was completely locked. There was no way to get out. In fact, as Rickles attempted to open the door, some sort of silver gate rose up, blocking the door from any sort of access. It was completely shielded by the gate. Everyone stared at the door in confusion. How the hell did that happen?
“Where the fuck did that come from?” Peter asked. He figured that since he was the strongest of the entire group, he probably had a chance at unlocking the door. It was worth a try, at least.
Turns out, being 6’5” and over 200 pounds doesn’t always make somebody the strongest. No matter how hard Peter strained as he tried to break the door free, nothing happened.
Confused, Peter looked up at the door. “What the fuck?”
He turned around to look at Rickles. “Rickles, stand back.”
Rickles took a few steps back, and then Peter threw himself at the gate, trying to use all of his strength in an attempt to successfully break through it. Still, nothing happened. It only resulted in some physical pain that definitely hadn’t been worth it.
“It’s locked,” Peter announced, disappointed.
Frank rolled his eyes. “Thanks, Peter. It’s obviously fuckin’ locked.”
Sylvie and the others watched as Peter still tried to unlock the door. Great, so now everyone was stuck here. Dean had mysteriously been killed, and now the front door was completely unusable. It almost seemed like this entire place was just one big trap.
Frank sauntered over to Sylvie with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. “Looks like you’re stuck with me, then.”
Sylvie looked up at Frank, a half-annoyed expression on her face. Seeing that infuriatingly smug grin on his face made her want to just smack him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Maybe she was a coward, maybe it was something else. Either way, the fact she couldn’t make herself do anything about it was bothering her. It was as though her feelings toward Frank were slowly beginning to do a complete 180° in the span of just a few hours.
“And I bet you’re just happy about that, aren’t you?” She asked, trying to sound like a total smart-ass. A snarky response was the most Sylvie could do.
Frank’s smirk grew at Sylvie’s response. He only looked cockier. “Well, I’m certainly not complaining.”
“This whole thing is a trap.”
Frank and Sylvie looked to see Rickles walking away in an obvious hurry. If the front door wasn’t going to be any use, then he figured he’d keep looking. He was determined to get out of this place somehow.
Peter watched as Rickles disappeared. “Rickles! Where’s… hey. Where’s Rickles going?”
“Goddamnit.” Frank hissed under his breath. “Don’t worry about it, Peter. I’ll go after him.”
Peter sighed. “Alright.”
Joey then had an idea. “If Valdez is here, perhaps he checked on the girl and left her there to throw us off…” she speculated.
“I’ll go talk to her.” Sylvie then offered. Right as Joey was about to speak, she was already making her way back up the stairs to the kid’s room.
Sylvie paused, turning around to look at Joey, who was trying to catch up with her.
“You can’t go in there, Ava.”
“She’s already seen my face. It doesn’t matter.”
Before Joey could say anything else to try and stop Sylvie, she continued on her way.
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When Sylvie carefully opened the door, Abigail looked up at her, fearfully clutching a blanket. The sight made Sylvie’s heart clench. She felt really, really bad for the kid. None of this was right at all. She should be at home right now, not locked up in some mansion in the middle of nowhere in Massachusetts.
“What do you… want?” The girl croaked, her voice trembling. “Where’s Joey?”
Sylvie sighed, carefully taking a seat on the edge of the bed, making sure to keep her distance. The last thing she wanted was to make the kid even more afraid than she already was.
“I just need to ask you something,” Sylvie explained, trying to sound as gentle as possible. “I’m not gonna hurt you. I just need to talk to you, okay?”
Reluctantly, the girl slowly nodded. She still seemed wary of Sylvie, but not as much. Well, that was a good sign at least.
“Has anyone else been in this room?” Sylvie then asked.
Abigail paused, then shook her head. “N-no… just you and… Joey… and the man with the glasses…”
Sylvie slowly nodded. Only her, Joey, and Frank had been in the room, apparently. Just to make sure that Abigail was being honest, she decided to press a little more. She knew how scared kids could lie, speaking from her own experience. Sylvie had personally lied a lot as a child to protect herself. If Valdez had come in here, there was the possibility that he could’ve threatened Abigail into keeping his name out of her mouth. Hopefully, that wasn’t the case.
“Are you sure?” Sylvie asked, slowly raising an eyebrow.
Abigail gave a quick nod.
Sylvie sighed. “Nobody else has been in this room, is that correct? By the way, you can be honest. Nobody’s going to hurt you.”
Abigail shook her head. Sylvie tried to search her expression for any sign of hesitation, but… she appeared to be telling the truth. Sylvie couldn’t detect a single sign of dishonesty.
She was about to get up and leave the room when Abigail suddenly spoke up.
“He’s gonna hurt me.”
Sylvie turned around to look at her, noticing how the girl seemed to be completely frightened again. She paused, feeling her chest begin to tighten with concern.
“What do you mean? Who’s gonna hurt you?”
“The man with the glasses.” Abigail continued, her voice growing more panicked. “He said he’s gonna hurt me.”
Sylvie could feel her chest start to tighten even more. “Wait, hold on. Are you telling me the truth?”
Abigail frantically nodded. “Yes! I’m serious… I’m serious. Please… please believe me. I’m really scared. He said I need to keep a secret, or… or he’d hurt me.”
“What secret?”
What she said next made Sylvie’s heart just about drop to her stomach.
“He said he works for my father… he said his name’s… Valdez.”
Sylvie didn’t know what to believe. Sure, Frank was a cold-hearted bastard in all honesty… but a ruthless murderer? Maybe she was just in denial, but she couldn’t picture him doing what had been done to Dean. She wasn’t sure if he was that sadistic, that cruel. The idea of Frank working for Lazar and being a brutal killer was enough to make Sylvie sick to her stomach.
If it was all true… then what else did Sylvie not know about Frank?
“You’re not just saying that, right?” She carefully asked.
Abigail looked so afraid that she seemed as though she was about to break down in tears. She fervently nodded again. “I’m telling the truth, I promise!”
Sylvie had to get out of there. She couldn’t bring herself to hear anything else. She didn’t want to hear anything else.
But, as she started to head for the door, Abigail spoke up again.
“Why are you surprised?”
Sylvie was starting to feel increasingly agitated. She turned around again, suddenly sick of hearing the child’s voice. “What the hell do you mean?” She asked, sounding almost irritated. She instantly regretted it.
“He’s a very bad man. I think you know that.”
Sylvie had enough. Quickly, she rushed out of the room and shut the door, her mind struggling to process everything she had just heard. None of it made sense. None of it seemed… real. She leaned against the door, trying to steady her breathing.
What am I supposed to do now?
As Sylvie remained there, her back pressed against the door, she tried to think. As she reflected on Abigail’s words, she thought about what she said about Frank working for Lazar. As she thought about it… she reluctantly realized that it made sense. She remembered back to when she and Frank were talking earlier, how he had admitted to leaving his old life behind.
What if he had been referring to working for Lazar?
The more Sylvie thought about it, the more sick she felt. She didn’t want to think about it anymore. Maybe the kid’s just lying because she’s scared.
But… why would she say something like that?
Why are you surprised? He’s a very bad man. Those words kept repeating in Sylvie’s brain. But… what confused her the most was Abigail’s next words after that, “I think you know that.” What the hell had she meant by that? I think you know that? Sylvie didn’t even know who the fuck the girl was.
What was even worse was that she was right — Sylvie knew that Frank wasn’t a good person. But… “a very bad man?” What the fuck— nevermind. She was done thinking about this bullshit. The more she thought, the more confused she became.
As Sylvie continued to lean against the door, she heard voices coming from one of the rooms down the hall — Joey and Rickles. Quickly, she hurried down the hall and into the room, clearly interrupting a conversation. Upon seeing the worry on Sylvie’s face, though, Joey and Rickles both became concerned.
“What is it?” She asked.
Sylvie drew in a shaky breath. “Something is really fucking wrong.”
Joey narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean?”
Sylvie couldn’t bring herself to explain. “If you want to know, go talk to the girl yourself. I don’t… I don’t know if she’s being serious or not.”
Joey and Rickles exchanged a disconcerted glance before looking back at Sylvie. Joey slowly nodded. “Alright. I’ll… be right back.”
Once Joey disappeared, Rickles glanced at Sylvie again. “You look like you’ve seen a fucking ghost.” He commented. “The hell happened?”
Sylvie shook her head. “I don’t… I don’t want to talk about it. If she tells Joey the same thing she told me, I swear to God…”
Now, Rickles just seemed confused. “What are you talking about?”
“Look. Are you sure there’s no other way out of here? I need to get out of here. I… I want to go home.”
Rickles sighed, crossing his arms. “Trust me, I wish there was. As far as I know, we’re all locked up in here for who knows how much goddamn longer. I’m not buying the ‘twenty-four hours’ bullshit. I guarantee this is a trap.”
Sylvie nervously tapped her foot against the floor, her eyes darting around anxiously as she waited for Joey to return, anticipating what she would say. Seconds ticked by, and they were starting to seem like hours at this point.
“You believe Valdez is real, right?” Sylvie then asked.
Rickles slowly nodded. “I’ve heard too much shit about him for him not to be.” He answered, his voice taking on a grave tone.
“Do you really think it’s possible he’s here right now? Like, one of us is actually him?”
“Dean’s head was ripped clean off. That’s some bullshit that only Valdez is capable of,” Rickles explained, “and if the girl’s Lazar’s daughter… gives him more of a reason to be here.”
“Have you two seen Frank?”
Sylvie and Rickles turned around to see Joey briskly walking towards them. Her expression was difficult to read, but she did seem rather pissed. At least, that’s what her tone of voice suggested.
“I can go look for him.” Rickles then offered. “Why? He the next victim?”
Joey scoffed. “No. Actually, he might be the killer.”
Rickles’ eyes narrowed in a mixture of confusion and shock. “Wait, what?”
Sylvie felt like she was going to vomit right then and there.
“Frank is Valdez.” Joey continued, her voice cold. “He told the girl.”
Rickles wasn’t exactly buying it. “He wanted to leave. That doesn’t make any sense.”
He had a good point, Sylvie thought. If Frank was really Valdez, then why the hell did he seem so adamant about leaving after talking to Abigail?
“He acted like he wanted to leave.” Joey then said.
“If he’s Valdez and Lazar’s his boss, then why kidnap his kid?” Rickles questioned.
Sylvie was relieved that at least Rickles was skeptical… but at the same time, if Frank wasn’t Valdez, then who was? Jesus Christ… none of this was making any sense.
“Maybe he and Lambert are planning a power play.” Joey suggested.
Rickles let out a sigh. “You’re telling me that skinny motherfucker rips people apart?” He scoffed. “Something doesn’t add up.”
Sylvie decided that she might as well offer her opinion. “I know he’s an asshole, but I can’t picture him doing some gruesome shit like that, y’know?”
Joey seemed reluctant to believe Rickles and Sylvie, her expression wary. “All I know is that Frank definitely isn’t an amateur. Something about him doesn’t sit right with me.” She spoke. “If Frank really is Valdez, then he definitely knows how to get out of here, which means so would I if I spend about six minutes with him.”
“So… what’s the plan?” Sylvie asked.
Joey sighed, clicking her tongue as she tried to think of something. “You two split up and take the main staircase. I’ll go south. We’ll meet in the middle.”
Reluctantly, Sylvie slowly nodded. “Alright.”
Rickles tried to offer a small, reassuring smile. “We gonna get through this.”
“I have to.”
“You have a kid?” He asked.
Joey nodded. Sylvie felt a pang in her chest. God… she definitely did not belong here. Silently, Sylvie hoped that Joey’s son was safe and well back at home.
Rickles placed a comforting hand on Joey’s shoulder. “We’ll make sure you get home.”
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As Sylvie wandered through the mansion, she started to feel unsafe now that she had lost sight of Rickles. Now, she was by herself, and suddenly… everything seemed eerily quiet. Where was he, anyway?
Sylvie stood there in the hallway, her eyes anxiously darting around as she tried to see if she could hear or spot any sign of him. Yet, there was nothing.
And then, she heard what sounded like gurgling coming from the distance. Her heart starting to race with worry, Sylvie dashed toward the direction of where the sound was coming from, leading her to another room. As she stood in the doorway, she saw Rickles standing there, his back turned.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Sylvie asked, her voice cautious.
Then, Rickles suddenly collapsed, and that was when Sylvie caught sight of his face — it was horribly mutilated and looked as though a fucking dog had ripped through his face. His cheek was torn open, and she could see his teeth through the gaping, bloody hole. The wound went all the way down his neck, dark blood staining his shirt.
Covering her mouth, Sylvie took a few steps back, desperately fighting the urge to vomit. She immediately wanted to break down and cry right there, just… scream. “What the fuck…? No, no, no…”
Two people had just brutally died in this mansion. Already, two people were gone in only a brief span of time. Sylvie didn’t know how much more she could handle. Who was going to be next? That was all she could think about.
Quickly, Sylvie ran to the nearest bathroom, opening the toilet seat as she retched. Nothing came up, so all she could do was let out painful dry heaves. Once she was done, she closed the seat and staggered to her feet. Suddenly feeling a rush of anger, she slammed her fists against the wall, as though she was trying to knock some sense into herself. Maybe this was just a nightmare, and she’d wake up from it.
“Wake up… fucking WAKE UP!”
She continued to punch the wall, but nothing happened. She only felt pain… which meant this was either real or a hyper-realistic nightmare. Unfortunately, it was beginning to seem like it was… real.
“Hey, what the fuck’s the matter with you?”
Sylvie whipped her head around, her senses on high alert. Any movement, sound, or voice was enough to make her jump out of her skin at this point.
When she turned around, Sylvie saw Frank standing there, looking at her with a mixture of annoyance and… perhaps a bit of concern, which was rather rare to see from him. It seemed more like an annoyed type of concern, whatever the hell that meant.
Upon seeing Frank’s face, Sylvie didn’t know how to react. One thing was for sure — she didn’t feel good.
“Get… get away from me.”
Frank narrowed his eyes, his annoyance growing. Instead of listening to Sylvie and backing away from her, he only stepped closer to her. She flinched as he moved towards her, almost as if she was expecting him to hurt her.
Frank let out an irritated scoff. “Jesus Christ, would you calm the fuck down? I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Why don’t you have any… blood on you?” Sylvie asked, her voice shaking.
Frank looked taken aback by the question, his eyes widening slightly in a genuine expression of shock. “The fuck are you talkin’ about?”
“You… you’re Valdez. The girl… the girl told me.”
Frank went from shocked to annoyed in seconds. “Are you fuckin’ kidding me? You’re seriously listening to her?”
“Rickles just… Rickles just died. Rickles and Dean are both dead. You…”
Frank rolled his eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Sylvie, for the love of God. You don’t have a single clue what you’re fuckin’ talking about, do you? I know you’re smarter than this.”
“Well, can you please tell me what the fuck is going on? I just saw two people die. I’m scared. I want to get out of here.”
“What’s going on?” Frank repeated. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
“Please tell me the truth. The girl said the same thing to me and Joey, that you’re… that you’re Valdez.”
Frank let out an annoyed huff. “Did she, now? Well, I don’t appreciate people trying to tarnish my fuckin’ reputation.”
Sylvie swallowed, trying to steady her breathing. “So… she’s lying?”
Frank chuckled, the sound devoid of any humor. “No fuckin’ shit. Children love to lie… but lying about something like this? I’d say that somebody needs to be put in their goddamn place.”
“But then… who did it? Who’s… killing everybody?”
“I don’t fuckin’ know. That’s what we’re all trying to figure out, right?”
Letting out an annoyed grumble, Frank turned around to walk away. Just as he was about to leave, Sylvie spoke.
“You’re not going to let anything happen to me, right? Just… tell me everything’s going to be okay. I don’t… I really don’t want to die. Not here.”
Frank paused, looking back at Sylvie for a moment. His expression was unreadable, but he seemed slightly caught off-guard by her sudden vulnerability. In the time that he knew her, he never once heard her ask him for reassurance. Frank had always known Sylvie as a defiant, feisty little brat… yet, here she was, frightened to death because she didn’t want to die. It was a side of her that he had never seen before.
No, don’t let her get to you.
Frank remained silent for a few moments, trying to think of how he would respond.
“You’re not gonna die.” He simply answered, his voice matter-of-fact. Cold. Emotionless.
And then, he left.
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Jooyeon XH smutty hcs pt.1
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A/n: where to start with this man hmmm also don’t pay any mind to the pics they were done really fast
warningz/ info: obviously smutty lol, kissing, mentions of giving head, jooyeon oral fixation if you squint, this is written badly since it was in my drafts for so long, talk of marking up your partner, i think that’s it!
~this is simply a piece of fiction. My imagination onto “paper”. This is in no way is meant to be taken as an actual and real representation of anyone~
firstly, I think he’d be a bottom. Honestly try to change my mind on this one, nah you can't. well, at least most of the time a bottom. So yeah a sassy kinda bratty bottom lmao
like sure he'll have his moments but they're pretty much far in between.
Hes also a complete nibbler when he hugs. Like, mostly nibbles your neck or ear lobe. Which I guess isn't really nsfw in itself buttt still do with that what you will
number 1/2 out of this group that when ya'll are making out he’ll excuse himself to the bathroom like twice. And youre like ??? like yeah of corse you understand what hes doing that its just that after yall have already broken the ice in that area/ yall have made each other cum like a multitude of other times so needless to say its kinda confusing why hes taking care of himself when you're right there?? It’s just like how he was before yall two took that step. *sigh*
He's just pretty much always gonna be a shy little baby and probably won’t initiate much
hes a little worried that you don’t want— no, need him as much as he needs you. You’ll just have to show him
and probably takes a minute to understand how you practically start fucking dripping at the sight of the tent in his pants.
how you want noting more than to run your hands down the expanse of his back
speaking of his back… you scratch it and he’ll be in heaven. Wants to wear them proudly. Or like hickies???? Yeah that too. It’s like he’s telling the world that he’s yours. And my god does he love that thought.
A "Anywhere, anytime." Kinda guy. You're horny while ya'll are drving somehwer? Cool, he'lll pull over. Y’all are in the bread isle in Walmart? Great, the bathroom it is!
( don’t worry he’ll make sure to line the seat and spray it with Lysol lmao)
Low key high key likes it when you order him around. Noting too drastic like “shut up bitch.” But something along the lines of “come here.” Or “faster.” Ya know what can I say? Mans likes to be informed
i cannot stress this enough. He. Loves. Digging. His. Nails. And. Fingers. Into. Your. Hips. Not really to the point of leaving bruises but definitely to the point of leaving red marks/ crescent moon shaped indents. Kinda like you leaving marks on him. Like to look in the mirror at them and admire them. Or simply the next time yall are fucking he likes to see them to himself (if that makes sense) it serves as a little reminder of how close the two of yall are
has a thing for being close to you. Intimate or romantic. Whatever
the type of person to pull you to him 24/7 in general when y’all are having sex and or pull himself to your lips when he’s giving you head
1/2 of the: probably sometimes gets to the point where you can barely get any “work done” and you jokingly complain about it.
what can I say the man likes his kisses
Ya know how he’s a picky eater… well lemme just say in some ahem other regards he’s not lmao
like you cannot change my mind that Jooyeon isnt practically pussy drunk.
Ya know what scratch that he is pussy drunk
rip most of your free time cause once you let him get a taste he don’t wanna stop
legit probably always askin you if he can taste you. (“I swear it’ll be fast, baby. Just a couple licks”)
mans is bargaining lol/j
anyhow I can basically talk about this forever if I don’t stop now lol
©️2024copywrightforshutupheathersorryheatherr do not copy or translate my works even with credit to me
a/n: hope your liked it! Like I said this fic has been in my drafts since forever! So after making some edits I decided to post it for the fist fic of the new year! If you liked it, please leave some love like comments and or reblogs!
Taglist: @itz-yerin
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cfcalcaraz · 2 years
mastermind II - mm
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summary: after weeks of no contact, you “run into” each other at a club and paparazzi snap a few pictures
author: part 2 since y’all asked for it 🥳 also, thoughts on a part 3???
warnings: smut. mason deadass scheming to get you back????
weeks had passed, and still no sign of Mason or any form of contact. you had even begun posting pictures on instagram and hanging out with Christian more often, with hopes he’d miss you and reach out eventually. you had begun to lose hope and just assumed he’d moved on or something. 
what you didn’t know was that Mason had been plotting how he’d get you back for a while now. although seeing pictures of his best mates with you made him jealous, he knew to get you back, he couldn’t give you any attention. he kept tabs on all your whereabouts and made sure no other guys would express their interest in you. so when he overheard Reece and Chris talking about going clubbing with y/n, he knew he had to get in on that.
Mason may have been head over heels, stupidly in love with you, but he definitely was smarter than you thought. he knew his plan would work out perfectly that night. he got all dressed up to go clubbing, but his main focus tonight was really only getting you back. he sprayed your favorite scent, jazz club, with hopes that would draw you closer to him.
as Mason got out of the uber, he spotted his boys standing outside of the club waiting for him; y/n was also there. he paid no attention to y/n as he greeted all the boys, but still, he could see the bitter look on your face. you guys all head inside the club as a group but eventually split up once you are inside. Mason spent the majority of the time with Hakim and Reece, avoiding Chris as he knew y/n would be with him. Mason noticed you drinking quite a lot that night, which made him feel more confident that his plan would work out. 
as the three boys were talking, Chris and y/n began to approach them. with that, it was Mason’s queue to leave. he quickly said bye to Hakim and Reece and made his way out of the club and began waiting for his uber. the only thing he needed now was for y/n to come out there and look for him. and oh boy did he plan accordingly. as y/n noticed Mason walking out of the club, she knew she had to follow. a decision she knew she’d regret the morning after.
y/n walked out of the club and began looking for Mason. she spotted him nearby and had the urge to approach him. “what’s wrong with you Mason? why did you never call?”. she was angry and she knew her sober self would regret ever confronting him. “what’s wrong with me? aren’t you the one who ended things, y/n?”. “yeah, but did you never once think about me? you know i would go back in a heartbeat”. you were on the verge of tears at this point, which lead Mason to face away from you. “y/n, i’m not arguing like this in the middle of the street. come back to my place if you want to speak”. he noticed his uber approaching and signaled you to come with him. which of course as planned, you had done. 
this had been the most silent uber ride ever. you were cheerful to have arrived at his place after not being able to bear the silence any longer. you sat down on his couch. “so?”. he sat directly in front of you, still a bit confused. “y/n. what would you like to talk about exactly?”. you were going crazy at how nonchalant Mason looked. but deep down, all he wanted to do was fuck you right then and there. maybe it was the alcohol talking or the jealousy he had kindled over the past few weeks. whatever it was, he just needed you. Mason got up and sat right next to you. “Mase, do you really not want me anymore?”. he just chuckled. “you really think that’s a possibility? me not wanting you?”. you could tell by the look in his eyes exactly what he meant, so without bothering to reply to him, you just leaned in to kiss him.
frankly, he didn’t bother kissing back. you were shocked, to say the least, Mason had never done that before. he gripped your face and looked you dead in the eyes. “you want me, yeah?”. you nodded your head. “get on your knees for me, slut”. you obeyed his orders, a little frightened by the sudden change in words. he took off his pants and grabbed your hair in a ponytail, not wasting any time to get what he wants. a loud groan escaped his mouth as his cock felt the warmth of your mouth. you couldn’t help but get turned on at the sight of Mason. he aggressively began to fuck your face. “breath through your nose, baby girl. i know you can do it”. you looked up at him, about to break out in tears, but the sight of you struggling only turned him on more. he let out all sorts of profanities as he continued to fuck your face. you felt his cock twitch inside of your mouth, and you knew he was close. “fuck, y/n. baby. i’m gonna cum”. his head fell back in pleasure. “you’re gonna swallow it all for me, right pretty girl?”. you could only nod as you felt him let go inside of your mouth. you swallowed his entire load as he watched you, still in shock at how great you were at taking his cock.
not bothering to take a second to chill out, he threw you on the couch and got on top of you. he started making out with you as he pulled up your dress and removed your panties. “you’re gonna take my cock like a good girl, right y/n?”. you nodded in desperation. “i need words”. “y- es, Mason”. you could barely form words as his fingers played a number on your clit. within seconds of getting your approval, he pushed himself inside of you. you both let out a loud gasp. “fuck y/n. i missed this”. he began fucking you at a slow pace, but still harder than usual, trying his best not to explode inside of you right now. “Masey, please. faster”. you let out a loud moan as he obeyed. Mason always knew how to fuck you straight. rough or not. “Mase, baby. i’m so close”. you screamed so loud you were sure the neighbors would hear you. “don’t you dare cum until i say so”. Mason gripped your neck with one hand. “you feel so fucking good”. Mason knew he was close. “you let any other guys fuck you like this, y/n? i see the way you look at Chris”. you groaned in anger. “Mase- baby-, it’s not like that”. you could barely get any words out due to the way he was gripping your neck. “oh yeah? i bet you’re thinking about him while i fuck you, aren’t you?”. “Mase, no. only you. i’m only yours”. you could barely hold on any longer. “you’re only my slut, right y/n?”. you could feel him twitching inside of you as you nodded your head, not being able to get any words out. “words. slut”. “yes, Masey. only yours. i’m for you only”. you struggled to let the words escape your mouth. Mason knew he was close. “cum for me, y/n. all over my cock”. you moaned so loud as you felt yourself release all over him as he did the same. you both became a gasping mess as you pulled out of you. 
after Mason processed himself back into reality, he got up to grab a washcloth to clean you up. “you could spend the night if you like”. Mason didn’t really know what to say. he couldn’t tell the difference between what was wrong to say and what was alright. “yeah. i’d like that”. you smiled up at him. 
you put on a pair of pjs you had left at his place and hopped into bed with Mason. you rested your head on his chest, grateful for where the night left off. you were both too tired to speak at this point. “i missed you, y/n. i’m sorry for not calling you”. you looked up at him in awe. “no, it was my fault too. i’m sorry. but let’s go to sleep now. we can figure things out later”. he nodded his head and kissed your forehead as you both slipped into the abyss.
 @tmz: Chelsea star Mason Mount spotted outside of London nightclub with y/n y/l/n. the two seem to be in a heated conversation!
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euphoricimagination · 2 years
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Secret Santa
It's Christmas Eve in my country, so i thought of doing a Christmas special with my 2 favorites Haikyuu characters. Merry Xmas!!
If there’s something that Sakusa dreads about Christmas season, apart from the cold, is whenever someone wants to do a secret Santa, and when he had to participate in it. Whenever his family or his high school team wanted to do it he groaned in frustration; he just never knew what to give others, always ended up in awkward situations because of them.
Once he entered the Jackals he thought he will be completely free of them, and it would have been that way if only Hinata had stay quiet.
“So who did ya got Omi-omi?” Atsumu ask him once in their locker room
“It’s call secret Santa for a reason, Miya, is a secret” he rolls his eyes ignoring the nickname that Miya keeps using. In his pocket he has the paper that he picked with your name on it, carefully folded to keep it safe. You had been the first person he got close to once entering the team, you were witty and patient, were able to calm Bokuto and Hinata down, keep Miya in lane; he, surprisingly, feels way too comfortable with you around.
“C’mon! Is no fun without telling others! Unless ya got me?!!”
“Thank god you aren’t. Now move, I’m leaving” he says moving away from the blonde one. Despite having a week to buy your present he was already trying to think what to give you. He remembers you mentioning a speaker that you saw, some hair treatment you read about, a book that you been wanting to buy. His mind was so busy that he didn’t see you in front of him.
“Hey Omi-kun, what’s wrong?” you ask
“Eh? Nothing”
“Suure, it’s just weird that you don’t pay to your surroundings” you add with a chuckle. He glares at you softly, not actually trying to intimidate you. He noticed that you were wearing a different lipstick, how did he knew you it was different? He didn’t know, but he did notice the difference “I like your lipstick”
“Thanks! I really like this one, I literally put it in the morning and it hasn’t move at all!” you said excitedly as you show him the product, he looks at the brand and quickly tries to remember it as both of you go out of the gym.
He has an idea now.
The week pass fast and soon enough everyone was gathering around to do the secret Santa thing on Christmas Eve. He wasn’t really paying attention, he would rather be anywhere else than hearing Atsumu rumble about the shoes that Hinata gift him. The only time he paid attention was when it was your time to give Bokuto his gift, he liked watching your reactions.
“Sakusa-san, is your turn” Hinata calls him, making him finally pay attention. He takes the big box he had behind his back, goes to the center of the group with what most will call an annoyed expression (he glares at Miya when he said to be excited) “My secret Santa is Yn”
“Me?” you stand up going beside him, which made his stomach twirl in a funny way. You look at the big box in between his hand, frowning in confusion “What the hell is this Omi? Why is it so big?”
“Just open it and find out” he says shortly, pulling his mask as he feels his face start to go red. You break the wrap off and find the many packs of the lipstick that you said you liked, in all the different colors they had
“Omi! You didn’t seriously buy all of this for me?”
“You say you liked it, of course I’ll buy them for you” he looks away, noticing his teammates smirks
“Omi-Omi, ya knew that the maximum was 15000 ¥, right?” Atsumu asks “would ya have spend that much if it was any of us?”
“Shut up Miya” he says blushing even more, he had completely forgotten about the money limit, the only thought on his head was to make you happy
“Leave him alone Tsum. Thank you Omi, you’re amazing” you hug him by the waist, and even though he tense up once he felt your arms, he didn’t take them of him “Are we done now? Is there anyone else left?” You ask still comfortably hugging him
“Yeah, we’re all set, so we all going to go now, right boys?” answers Meian making the team quickly taking their things and leaving, the fastest that you’ve ever seen them leave the place
“Anyways” you chuckle “do you want to go an eat something together? Unless you have something planned for Christmas Eve, of course”
“Sure, let’s go. I wanted to spend this evening with you anyway” he says without processing the words that came out of his mouth, quickly realizing the mistake “I mean, eh…I”
“Let’s go then” you smile taking his hand and pulling him out of the gym “I wanted to spend today with you too”
The Nekoma team, for the first time ever, was having a Secret Santa for Christmas. In the many years that Nekomata has been in the school he never seen the teams do something like this; but then again, this team was much closer than the previous ones, mainly because of Kuroo, who clearly was the most excited.
Kenma, on the other hand, had mix emotions. He chose you as your secret Santa, but he didn’t knew if he should feel excited because of that, nervous because of you, annoyed at Kuroo for even suggesting this activity, or confused because of what to give you.
He wasn’t particularly sure as of why he was feeling this way towards you; he got to know you a lot better ever since you became the manager of the team, and admittedly he liked you better than all of his teammates, but he doesn’t understand the weird twists his stomach does lately whenever you were close to him.
However, he was extremely suspicious about Kuroo when he easily guess that he got you, almost as if he had plan to help him get you a gift from the beginning. But who was he to deny help when his friend seem so excited to help him?
He knew that you liked similar games than him, and even though you weren’t particularly amazing at them, you liked seeing him play; but Kuroo had other plans for his gift despite him not being your secret santa. He made him walk around the whole mall, showing him from necklaces to flowers, claiming that it has to be ‘romantic’ for some reason.
He was walking through the games section while Kuroo was buying his own gift when he saw it. A huge cat plushie. An while it was on the more expensive side, but something was calling him to buy it for you.
(Once Kuroo saw his best friend struggling to walk with he plush he burst out laughing, he knew that Kenma was whipped but not to this extend)
Finally the day of the exchange arrived, but Kenma being himself, decided to ignore everything Kuroo say about waiting until the end of practice.
“Yn, can you come with me for a sec?” he quietly ask you once break started
“Of course Ken, are you okay? You’re quite red” you ask him while walking outside, taking his hand to stop him and pressing your free one in his forehead “you don’t have any fever”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine” he looks away from your eyes, holding your hand tighter as he guides you to the gym. He doesn’t look at you the whole way there, effectively ignoring your confused expression “can you close your eyes for a second? I need to go and get it”
“Sure, but what is it? Secret Santa shouldn’t be until later”
“Don’t worry about it, just close your eyes”
“Fine, fine, I’ll do it” you close your eyes as he walks towards the changing room where the plush was waiting with a bow (which the team teased him for once they saw it). He struggled to get it out, putting it right in front of you once he did
“You can open them” he says out of breath. He sees you open your eyes, which go wide at the sight of the gift, making him go into a slight panic “I’m your secret Santa, this was very expensive so you better like it”
“Ken, this is so pretty” you say in awe, quickly going towards him and giving him a hug. It took him by surprise in the beginning, but he quickly hugs you back with a smile appearing, his heart beating faster than in any game he ever played “You’re so amazing, Kenma”
You kiss his cheek after saying that a bunch of emotions appearing in his body. He finally realized that you were more than a mere friend thanks to that kiss; how did he not notice while he was buying the expensive plush? He doesn’t know, but better late than never.
Sadly, he couldn’t escape the teasing from the rest of the team, especially since you made sure to brag about it and hug it whenever you could (which despite the embarrassment he was glad he saw you so happy).
Sure, he got made fun of that day, but he couldn’t care less since he finally ended up with you.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
So what's the Celebi au?
How bout i throw in some writing?
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And visits his friend Delia who, somehow, is just much more somber these days
She gets visits from kids that visited her once and she somehow sweapt them under her wing
And then theres this Pikachu
He's waiting for someone and no one knows who
Everything in the world changes
But subtly
Legendaries are off the radar, not a single false sighting in sight
And these unknown, uncatchable pokemon just wander the ranch, theyre an odd group
Pokemon of different species, different regions, different types
Are sticking together for no reason that the Professor could tell
Professors from different regions, easily recognize the starters/pokemon they used to care for
But no one knows how they got there
Theres one day, two years after that, that Ash comes back
Because Legendaries are forgetful, they never return the memories to Ash's loved ones
The Professor wakes up to see this black haired kid wandering around, he looks vaguely familiar, but the professor shakes it off
"Excuse me, young man." The professor calls and the boy turns far too quickly. "This is private property, please leave immediately."
"Professor Oak?" if the Professor wasn't famous, he might have tilted his head.
"Young man, i will not warn you again."
The boy startles, as if confused, but quickly clambers over the fence and wanders closer to him.
He can see bright brown eyes and scarred cheeks. The boy was young, probably ten years old at most.
Ah, he must have been a new trainer, of course, the professor must have forgotten
"Come along young man, we need to head to the lab."
The kid walks by his side, staring at the ranch and pokemon.
"Yes yes, i will set you up with your new pokemon shortly, please be patient."
The boy looks at him far too quickly, eyes wide and peaked in alarm.
"Wha- no Professor i was wondering if you've seen my mom." the boy pulls away standing by his side. "Ketchum, remember??"
He freezes, and stares at the boy. The only Ketchum he knew of was Delia Ketchum.
And as far back as he could remember.
Delia never had any family.
But the Ketchum kid looks determined, as if he knew he was in the right.
"The only Ketchum in this town at the moment is Delia." the Professor Breathes. "And shes never had any children."
The boy starts again, his whole body freezing in place.
Was this a ploy?
"But...It's..I'm Ash...Remember me? You gave me a Pikachu about 2-3 years ago?" The boy, Ash, pleads. "You reprimanded me for about ten minutes for being late? Pikachu was considered disobedient?"
The old Professor tilts his head.
"I've never sponsored any trainer named Ash, I'm afraid you must have your professors mixed up."
And the boy deflates, he doesnt seem to understand any implication of whats going on. Regardless, if he was a trainer, like he claimed to be, he must have some sort of record in the system.
"Again, lets head into my lab, i can help you find some things out if need be."
Ash looks ready to argue, ready to fight tooth and nail for something that was false. But he deflates and just nods.
What a strange boy.
The walk up the long trail of stairs in quiet, he can clearly see Delia's car hanging around the corner, she must be tending to the infantry at the moment.
And there, sitting at the top of the stairs, is that mew damned Pikachu.
The mouse is violent, he absolutely hates having anyone be near him, but hes also determined to stay and sit in the places people need to move in and out.
The only good thing is that the Pikachu wont attack unless you try to pick him up.
But the mouse looks angry, irritated at the moment, which means someone must have tried to move him.
He heaves a sigh, holds an arm out to stop the kid from moving.
"Come on, lets move closer to the left."
But the boy grabs his arm and gently lowers it, eyes never leaving the mouse.
"It's Pikachu!"
And with that, the old Oak is certain that the boy has never seen one before.
"Yes," He bites back sarcastically. "Hes got quiet a shocking personality, we need to steer clear of- HEY!"
The boy walked past him, rushing up the stairs to Pikachu. And like clockwork, the mouse is on four, snarling and sparking at Ash.
And the boy slows down, at least the kid had a touch of Common sense.
"Pikachu... Its me."
"Kachu!" it was strange seeing the interaction, it seemed odd to see something like this happen.
But the crushing look on the boys face seemed to just...Ennunciate even more.
"I...Ash...Satoshi? Member?" Ash takes another step forward, and Pikachu steps back. "You're friend?"
And Pikachu snarls, sparks beginning to fly off his coat.
Professor Oak can see his interns and Delia peak out the open windows, staring intently at the scene before them all.
From what he can see, not a single person recognizes the boy.
"Your name is Pikachu " The boy states the glaringly obvious. "You've never been apart of a clan before, you know Thunderbolt, thunder, electroweb, iron tail, double team, agility, electro ball, tackle and volt tackle."
Now everyone is startled, the only move they have ever seen Pikachu use was Thunderbolt. It would have been impossible for Pikachu to learn all those moves without a trainer.
And yet
The electric crackles stop, as the mouse looks on in stunned disbelief.
And Ash continued.
"You're naughty by nature, your ability is static that you never use cause you think its cheating." Ash presses on. "You love Ketchup and your favorite berry is Sitrus. You hate being confined in any space alone, so pokeballs are the worst and you've never ever been in one after being caught. You're favorite curse word is the F-word and you would much rather battle then be paraded around as a pet."
And Ash kneels onto the stair, far closer to Pikachu then anyone has ever gotten.
And just like that
Pikachu steps forward.
Theres small gasp that echo the area, including his own but Ash and Pikachu stay locked onto each other.
"Pi...Pikachu?" another step forward.
When Oak turns to focus on Ashzl, the boy is shaking. Shoulders very vaguely quaking.
"Yeah bud," Ash pauses to clear his throat for a second. "We've been partners for a long while... Im...Im sorry."
He expects Ash to whip out a pokeball to recall Pikachu, but instead he stays in his spot.
He does lean forward, and it takes a bit for the old Professor to realize that the boy was begging for forgiveness, not in a way he'd ever seen before.
"Pi....Pika..." And Pikachu crawls forward to bump heads against Ash.
Theres a bit of a broken sob, and Ash looks up, lays a hand against the mouse cheeks and just brokenly laughs.
And to his surprise.
Pikachu tears up too.
The mouse's eyes begin to clear, soft brown finally peaking from the angry black everyone is so used to. His tiny paws reaching up to grip onto the boys face.
"Pikapi." and the sob deepens from Ash's throat.
Like a spell that was supposedly there, Pikachu ears perk, his zig zag tail wagging ever so slightly. But the sudden lip quivering turns into broken laughs and cheers from the electric type.
"Pikapi, Pikapi Pikapi!" He chants, slamming head first into Ash's shoulder.
And Ash laughs, tears rushing down his face.
Something the Oak never expected to see. Was that angry mouse crawl all over a child, a stranger, so happily in minutes, when he was ready to bite any other child he had come to know.
"I'm sorry, im sorry, i really...I just..Im sorry!" Ash cries, fianlly managing to grip Pikachu tightly in his arms.
"Pikachu!" and with a raise of their paw, Pikachu bops Ash harshly on the head. "Pika chu, Pikapi!"
"But i-"
And with a small electric bolt, Ash is laughing.
"Okay. Okay, i promise."
And finally Pikachu looks far happier
(I also have a part with Pikachu but this is long enough :) )
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thetargaryenbride · 1 year
Nail To The Coffin - S3 - Chapter 3
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Warnings: none
Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!Byers!Reader
Word Count: 6469
A.N: Hello, dearest readers. This chapter is a bit different than the rest because there is no Y/N. Instead, we'll be focusing on Eddie and the others going on a goose chase. From this chapter on, Eddie plays a big role and you'll see him much more. I hope that's compensation for his absence in the season 2 plotline haha Also, I've tweaked the canon a bit regarding Eddie's knowledge and you'll find out what I mean soon enough. As always, please do make me know if I’ve written certain characters OOC and if you think there is something that can be corrected within the story. Thank you for reading. Hope you like it! 🖤 🥀
Masterlist || Chapter 2 || Chapter 4
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Early Next Morning
“Harrington!” yelled Eddie as he pushed his way through the group of kids to get to the counter, eliciting all kinds of looks and reactions.
“Hey! There’s a line, you stinky jerk!” snapped Erika and he whirled to send her a nasty look before focusing back on Robin who was looking weirdly at him.
“Where’s Harrington?” he asked urgently and she shrugged.
“Somewhere in the mall,” she answered. “Why are you looking for-“
Before she could finish the sentence, Eddie was already sprinting away, leaving her and the group of kids confused as they looked after his retreating form.
He darted from one place to another, checking every store, every restroom, the escalators, and the benches, but he couldn’t find Steve anywhere, and his nerves were pulled as tight as guitar strings on the verge of snapping.
And then they did snap.
“Steve Harrington!” he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted at the top of his lungs, making people around him cease what they were doing and look at him oddly. He heaved as he lifted a hand apologetically.
“Jesus, what is wrong with you?” sounded Steve’s voice from behind him and he turned to see the boy he had been desperately searching for since stepping into the mall come from behind a big potted plant.
The people had resumed whatever they were doing prior to Eddie’s unhinged episode and he had to make his way through the crowd, with everyone throwing him looks to which he could only respond with a tight awkward smile, as he bypassed them while marching over to Steve.
“We need to talk,” grit out the boy as he grabbed Steve by the arm and began dragging him away.
“Hey, wait for me!” called Dustin as he followed them and Eddie turned to look at him and then back at Steve.
“Who was this kid again?”
“Uh, don’t you remember? It’s Henderson. He’s a friend of mine and Y/N’s,” reminded him Steve as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and Eddie let out an ‘aha’ as his mind went back to before Christmas when you had hosted that gathering and he had gotten to meet your friends.
Fortunately or unfortunately, Eddie hadn’t gotten the chance to hang out with the middle-schoolers after that because he had been busy with his own things but he did remember Dustin and how they had talked about Dungeons and Dragons. He thought that maybe he could recruit him into Hellfire Club once the kid gets to high school.
“Yes! So whatever you have to say to him, you’re saying it to me too,” added the boy and Eddie had to physically slap his cheeks to get off this train of thought and get back on the main topic at hand which elicited weird looks from Dustin and Steve.
“Alright. Alright, fine,” he let out a sharp exhale, nodding in agreement.
“Is it-is it something important? Is it about Y/N?” asked Steve quietly and Eddie hummed.
Steve gulped before wriggling himself out of Eddie’s grasp and taking the lead. “Then follow me back to Scoops Ahoy. We can talk there.”
The trio walked briskly towards the ice cream parlor and ignored the questioning looks Robin threw them as they walked past her and into the staff room at the back.
“What is it? What’s wrong with Y/N?” stammered out Steve nervously and Eddie rubbed his face.
“I think she, uh,” cleared his throat the boy as he looked between Dustin and Steve a couple of times, evidently contemplating on whether he should speak his mind or not. “I think she went to…my drug dealer’s house,” he stuttered, “and stole all of his stash,” he blurted out and Steve and Dustin’s eyes widened in shock.
“D-drugs!” stammered Dustin as he looked at Eddie in disbelief. “Holy-“
“He called me yesterday evening and told me someone broke into his house. They didn’t steal any money. Just the drugs,” explained Eddie. “Mind you, there are some people who know about him but none of them have disappeared mysteriously a-and Y/N hasn’t shown up since the other night, right?”
“Yeah, but that’s weird,” said Steve as he put his hands on his hips and Eddie lifted a quizzical brow. “I went to her house yesterday morning and yes, she was still gone and I was mad worried but Mrs. Byers said that apparently she got a call from a friend the night before and went to help them. It was an emergency, she said. So how could she be the one to have broken into your dealer’s house and stolen his stash?”
“I don’t know, Steve, maybe that was just an excuse,” offered Eddie and Steve glared at him.
“Okay, hold on for a moment there Munson, are you kidding me right now? Do you seriously believe that Y/N, our Y/N, is someone who would break into a person’s house and steal from them? Much less drugs!?” Steve exclaimed scandalously.
“I’m just trying to see things from all sides, alright!?” snapped the boy as he lifted his hands in surrender and the other sighed in exasperation. Dustin looked between the teens, still in utter bewilderment, as he tried to process the whole situation – particularly the drug part. “And you didn’t think to go check again after work yesterday, Steve?” asked Eddie with an accusatory tone and Steve looked at him in distress.
“First of all, Mrs. Byers promised to call me if Y/N came back home so I decided to come back to work. Second of all,” he gesticulated with one hand. “She didn’t call me for the rest of the day and of course, I got worried and went to the Byers after work! But Y/N was still not there. I spoke to Mrs. Byers, to Jonathan, to Will. We’re all concerned, ok? We decided to go look for her if she doesn’t appear today. Why-why are you blaming this on me!?” bit out the boy as he pointed to himself. “Where were you yesterday evening, huh? Why didn’t you come tell me about this immediately after you got the call?”
“Because I was this close to becoming dead meat!” barked out Eddie. “I had to go to Rick and convince him I had nothing to do with the stolen drugs. Do you’ve any idea how long it took me to deal with this jackass?”
“Alright, you two, calm down! Jesus!” exclaimed Dustin while he extended his arms towards the two older boys as if he was trying to placate two aggressive animals. “I have a plan,” he said and the two looked down at him. “Why don’t you, and I mean Eddie,” he turned to look and point at the boy in question, “go to the Byers and check if Y/N hasn’t returned by any chance? Did it occur to you that maybe you’re just overreacting and jumping to stupid conclusions and maybe she just had to do something important and simply forgot to call you? Shit like that happens, okay?” he shrugged and gesticulated, scrunching up his face, as if stating the most obvious thing. “Calm the f down! Go look for her and call us here,” suggested the boy and Steve whirled to fully face him.
“No way! I’m not staying here. I’m going with him!”
“Steve, you have to help us with the Russians! You can’t just bail!” he yelled in disbelief and Eddie’s eyebrows shot to his hairline.
“Dude, Y/N is my girlfriend!” snapped Steve. “I’m not gonna stay here while he goes out there to look for her!”
“Hold on, care to tell me what Russians are you guys talking about?” asked Eddie in utter confusion and Dustin let out a sigh.
“We intercepted a secret, coded Russian communication, and now we’re trying to crack said code because we believe they are right here and are planning to do who knows what that will definitely, potentially harm everyone in Hawkins, and who knows, maybe in the whole damn country! So maybe, just maybe, you can go out there, find Y/N, bring her in here, so we can all go stop the evil commies!“ Dustin hit one hand against the other aggressively as he shouted the last words and the two teens could only look at him, frozen on their spots with Steve shaking his head lightly, face distorting into one of displeasure at the way Dustin had revealed everything.
Eddie was the first who snapped out of the stupor as he turned to face Steve. “Care to tell me just what the hell-“
“It’s all true, dude. Yeah, I know it’s hard to believe but, here we are,” exhaled heavily the boy as he threw his arm in the air before dropping it down in defeat.
“Okay, this is officially the strangest summer I’ve ever had in my life,” Eddie’s hand went down his face, rubbing his chin as he took a minute to think everything through and let it all sink in and process in his brain.
“Tell me about it,” muttered Steve as he looked at the tiled floor, hands on hips.
The three spent some time dwelling in silence and thinking before Eddie grabbed Steve by the arm and pulled him forward. “Come with me,” he said, now a bit more calmly, and began dragging the boy a bit further away from Dustin. “Look, stay with the kid, ok? You know better than anyone what’s going on here and… you’re good with that kinda hero stuff. I’ll just…I’ll just freak out and run away, okay? I’m not good at all that,” admitted the boy ashamedly and Steve looked at him with sympathy. “Besides, he doesn’t know me that well and… now he knows I deal with drugs. He’s not gonna trust me. But you two seem close. You can’t leave him all alone.”
“But Y/N-“
“I’ll go to the Byers. I’ll go check if she’s there and I’ll call you, ok?” he placed a hand on Steve’s shoulder and squeezed. “Maybe Dustin is right and we’re just overreacting and jumping to conclusions. Let’s not panic… Trust me.”
The boy didn’t look convinced at all, his eyes darting between Eddie’s and the wall before he finally nodded.
“Alright…I trust you.”
As much as it pained him and as much as he wanted to bolt out of the mall and go look for you, Eddie and Dustin had a point. So he chose to put his trust in the boy.
But he silently made a promise that if you were indeed missing, he’d abandon everything he was doing to help you because you mattered to him more than any country or person in the world did.  
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A bit after Eddie leaves
“Hey, kid,” called out Robin and Dustin turned to look at her, taking a few steps closer. “What’s wrong with dingus over there?” she asked as she nodded in Steve’s direction who was sitting at one of the tables, leg bouncing nervously, fingers drumming against the wooden surface while the binoculars were abandoned on the table, away from him.
“He’s just worried about Y/N.”
“Why? Did something happen to her?” she furrowed her brows in concern and Dustin shrugged.
“We honestly have no idea. She stood Steve up the other night and hasn’t appeared since. I mean it’s been a day and a half so I get why he and Eddie are freaking out.”
“Jesus, you guys really think you’re the center of the world, don’t you?” she rolled her eyes and Steve looked at her over his shoulder, scrunching up his face in a “seriously?” manner and she lifted a brow at that. “You do realize that the world does not revolve around men, as much as you want it to, right? She may have wanted to spend some alone time, do some self-care, away from everyone.”
“No, I understand if she wants to do that but she’d tell her close people first,” said Steve as he stood up and approached the two. “After everything that her family went through with Will vanishing and the attacks, she always tells her mom if she’d be going somewhere for a longer period of time. Otherwise, there’s chaos, I’m telling you,” sighed the boy as he put a hand on his hip while the other ran through his hair, and Robin folded her lips, not knowing what to say to this.
“You know what, I’m going after Eddie,” Steve said suddenly before heading for the staff backroom to change out of his uniform and Robin and Dustin shared an incredulous look before following the boy.
“You can’t just abandon us like that!” exclaimed Dustin and Robin crossed her arms.
“You’re the one who started this whole investigation. You can’t back out and leave all the work to us two,” she reprimanded him and he furrowed his eyebrows.
“Well I’m sorry to break it to you but if you haven’t understood yet, Y/N is most probably missing and I’m not sitting here while Munson is out there looking for her alone. I don’t care about the Russians or whatever plans they may have! Okay!? All I care about right now is that my girlfriend is somewhere out there, missing, and I’m sitting here playing spy when I should be looking for her! Do you understand?” he yelled which silenced the two and sent them into a stupor as they stared at the boy who was breathing heavily, eyes filled with mad panic, face twisted in a sorrowful expression as stress oozed off him in waves.
They have never seen him in such a distressed state. He lifted a hand, tightening his lips, before dropping it back down in defeat as he looked at the two in utter despair and shame. Shame because he should have gone to look for you much earlier. “I should have gone out there immediately after-“
The ringing of a phone cut him off mid-sentence and Steve darted towards it like a lightning bolt, yanking the device and putting it to his ear.
“Eddie, what did you-”
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Eddie was pissed and worried beyond belief.
He had gone to your house but not only did he not find you, he did not find anyone. It was empty and your whole family was nowhere to be found. He had gone to a phone booth immediately after and had called Scoops Ahoy but nobody had picked up.
“Damn it!” he slammed the phone shut as he ran his hands through his hair and let out a sharp sigh of frustration before rushing back into his van and driving away.
He checked every friend’s house he could think of.
He went to Tina’s, to Lorelei’s, to Margot’s, he visited each cheerleader’s house in search of you, and he even went to check the homes of his own friends – Gareth and Jeff – but there was no sign of you. It’s like you got swallowed by quicksand.
He grumbled under his breath as he parked at the last house he could think of – the Hargroves.
Now, he wasn’t sure if he could call you and Billy the best of friends. But he had seen you hang out at school and at the diner you worked at, and he had seen the way you put effort into communicating with the boy. He had seen you hang out with Billy’s sister on many occasions so the siblings were the last idea of connection to you he could think of.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, however, when he saw two girls walking to the front door, one of which he recognized as Billy’s sister. He quickly got out of the van and yelled at them to wait up, making them stop in their tracks and turn to see who was calling them. He ran to them and greeted them awkwardly.
“Uh, hey there. My name’s-“
“Eddie?” Max’s face lit up with recognition. “You are… one of Y/N’s best friends,” she snapped her fingers and the other girl let out a prolonged, quiet ‘Oh’.
“Yes, that’s right! And you are…Max,” he pointed and she nodded, making him look at the other girl. “And you?”
“Uhm, El. My name’s El,” she smiled.
“Nice to meet you! Um, I have a question that’s probably gonna sound like, super weird, but,” he drawled. “Have you seen Y/N, by any chance?”
“Y/N? I haven’t seen her since the other day when we went to see Dustin,” said Max with furrowed eyebrows as she and Eleven shared a look of confusion.
“Why are you looking for her?”
“Because no one has seen her since the other day. Not me, not Steve, not even her family,” he finally revealed and the two girls frowned in concern, eyes widening.
“You don’t think he-“ gasped Max quietly as she snapped to look at El, her heartbeat increasing rapidly.
“But what if he did,” the girls talked hushed amongst themselves and Eddie tightened his lips before snapping his fingers.
“Hey! Care to share with the class?” he asked as he crossed his arms.
“Hold on!” exclaimed Eleven before taking Max by the hand and dragging her away, leaving the boy to sink in confusion, patience wearing thin as he began pacing in front of the entrance of the house, untangling one arm and propping it on top of the other so his fingers could take a strand of hair and play with it nervously as anxiety gnawed on him.
“What do we do?” asked Max quietly and El gulped. “Should we tell him to leave? That we know nothing?”
“Maybe we should tell him about Billy.”
“Tell him what exactly? That we somehow suspect Billy might have done something to this girl and Y/N?” whisper-shouted the redhead.
“This is not a coincidence, Max. Maybe Billy really did hurt this girl and Y/N. Maybe Eddie can help. We need help,” stated Eleven worriedly and Max sighed, rubbing her forehead in frustration and worry.
“Well, I… guess we can…trust him. He’s one of Y/N’s best friends. And he’s older so…maybe he can be of use,” she admitted after a minute of contemplating and El nodded.  
“But what do we say? How do we explain our suspicions? We can’t tell him we found out because of your powers,” scowled Max.
“We’ll just say,” drawled El. “That Billy was acting weird, then he disappeared, and then the girls went missing right after, so we suspect him.”
“Ok…ok, sounds like a plan,” nodded Max in agreement but deep inside she felt a horrible, unsettling feeling suffocate her. Her gut twisted and cramped as if someone continuously delivered punches to it.
It didn’t sit well with her that she and Eleven were suspecting Billy of something so horrible. He was a jerk, yes, but he wasn’t a kidnapper and a murderer.
On the contrary, he was beginning to change and it was visible. If she had to be honest, she really appreciated his efforts and she was beginning to fill with hope for the future – that maybe he could really become a better person and that the two of them could build a good brother-sister relationship.
She didn‘t want to believe in what El had seen last night. She refused to believe that Billy has reverted into something so low and horrible. She really wanted to convince herself that it was just some misunderstanding. But even she had to admit that there was something off to the whole story because Billy did sort of disappear. She hadn’t seen him at all in the past two days. Then Eleven had seen him standing above a wailing girl, and just now they found out that you had disappeared out of the blue two days ago.
It was too strange to be just a coincidence.
So at least for now, she decided to believe in Eleven and choose to put her brother as the main suspect even if it pained her to do so.
“We need to tell you something,” let out Eleven unsurely, interrupting Eddie’s pacing and getting his full attention.
“So, the great council did decide to fill me in,” he joked a bit, hoping to diffuse the tension and the two girls shared a look before leading him inside the house and telling him about their suspicions.
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“Look, Mayfield, if your brother really ends up having something to do with the disappearance of Y/N and this other girl, I’m gonna enjoy watching Harrington beat his ass, ok? I might even join and lend him a hand,” commented Eddie offhandedly as Max opened the door of Billy’s room.
“Yeah, and I won’t stop you,” she muttered as she and the others entered the room and looked around. “Why do I get the feeling we’re gonna find all kinds of wrong in here?”
“Well, at least he has good taste in music,” Eddie let out a breathy chuckle as his eyes shot to the stereo which was playing metal, nodding impressed.
“Ugh! Gag me with a spoon!” exclaimed Max in disgust after opening a drawer filled with adult magazines and Eddie strolled to look over her shoulder, eyebrows shooting to his hairline as a smirk grew on his face. It faltered when Max’s disgusted, unimpressed look shifted onto him and he cleared his throat, moving away awkwardly.
Everyone moved to the bathroom then, taking notice of all the packs of ice in the bathtub after El had pulled the curtain.
“Ice. It’s just ice,” she said as she grabbed and lifted one of the floating, empty packages. “Probably for his muscles or something. He works out like a maniac.”
“Does he get hurt often?” inquired Eddie which drew the girls’ attention and they looked around to see him pointing at the cabinet under the sink which had blood smeared on it.
Eddie didn’t hesitate to yank open the cabinet and rummage through it, taking out the bin and slamming it on the counter, aggressively pulling out a couple of scrunched-up papers, a bloodied lifeguard whistle, and a fanny bag.
Eleven and Max’s blood ran cold.
Eddie left the objects on the counter and returned to Billy’s room, breathing heavily through his nose as he tried to contain his anger and growing worry while opening all kinds of drawers, cabinets, and doors to look for any other evidence. While he was rummaging through one of the bedside cabinets, he noticed a pair of jeans thrown haphazardly on the bed, with something in them that was shining on the light. He lifted the piece of clothing and inspected it, at first thinking the glint he saw was just the metal buttons and zipper but then he noticed that something was dangling from the pocket.
“What’s this?” he asked and Max furrowed her brows.
“His jeans?”
“No…this?” he clarified when he pulled out the glinting object and dangled it in front of the girls, their eyes widening. “Look familiar?” he asked but the question was rhetorical, leaving the girls to simmer in speechless silence and disbelief.
Because it was your necklace.
“I’m gonna kill him!” snapped Eddie as he threw the jeans away and bolted towards the door, clutching the necklace tightly in his fist as hot rage built up inside him.
“No! Wait! Eddie, wait!” yelled Max as she blocked his way and put her hands against his chest in an attempt at stopping him from going further. “Let’s be rational! We can’t jump to conclusions!”
“Rational? Conclusions!? What are you, blind? What more evidence do you need?” he bit out as he grabbed her by the arm. “I’m going to find the son of a bitch and I’m gonna bust his face.”
And suddenly, he couldn’t move. He tried his best to pull all his muscles and take a step but it felt like an invisible power was keeping him in place. He was barely able to shift his head, eyes widening when they landed on Eleven who was looking at him with panic in her eyes and a bleeding nose.
“What the hell?”
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Eddie had fallen into a state of complete and utter shock when the girls had to begrudgingly tell him all about Eleven’s powers, Hawkins Lab, The Upside Down, and everything that had happened during the last two years.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” is what he had said after they had finished the whole story but then Eleven had used her powers to lift a can of coke in the air and crush it, causing some of the liquid to sprinkle onto Eddie. He sputtered as he wiped it off his face and looked on with wide eyes. “Alright, maybe I’m just high,” he had lifted his hands in defeat, eyes wide and brain going haywire, but then he had remembered that he hadn’t taken any drugs in the past twenty-four hours or so.
All in all, it had been quite the experience learning all this.
He thought he was going crazy at first or that the girls were just pulling a massive prank on him but at one point, things began making too much sense.
Your mysterious injuries every year for example.
Will’s vanishing.
You telling him “Once Will comes back home, we’ll spend more time together” right after you had buried ‘him’.
He had begun putting two and two together and their story had become more and more plausible by the second.
“Understand? We can’t go running like headless chicken and jump everyone we suspect. We have to be careful about this,” said Max and he nodded.
And now the trio found themselves at Hawkins’ pool. It was pouring rain outside and the sound of thunder rumbled throughout the darkening, cloudy sky. Max and Eleven pulled down the hoods of their raincoats while Eddie used his leather jacket to cover his head. He shook the clothing off the water droplets and tied it around his hips before his hands flew to muss up his hair to get rid of the moisture and then straighten it out.
“Excuse me.”
“No one in the water until thirty minutes after the last strike,” said one of the lifeguards casually as he chewed on his gum and browsed through a magazine, not even sparing them a look. “And don’t try and argue with me. You wanna get electrocuted, go climb a tree.”
“Yeah, we don’t care. We’re not here to swim,” sassed Max. “Or get electrocuted.”
“We found this,” added Eleven as she pulled out the lifeguard first aid kit fanny bag which finally made the guy look up.
“Does that belong to anybody here?”
“Oh, yeah. That’s Heather’s. I’ll get it back to her.”
“We could give it back to her.”
“You could, ‘cept she’s not here. Bailed on me today,” drawled the boy and the trio shared a look. “What is this? You guys want a reward or something?”
“No. We’re just being good Samaritans,” smiled Max tightly and the girl lifeguard shot her a look that made her scrunch up her face while Eddie curled up his lip.
The two’s attention shifted onto Eleven, however, when they noticed she wasn’t standing by their side anymore, and they followed her to the staff board where pictures of all lifeguards were hung on.
“Heather…Do you think you could find her and Y/N?” asked Max and Eddie’s eyes widened.
“She can do that too!?” he asked excitedly and Max hummed. “That’s soo cool! You’re like, a real-life Jean Gray!”
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“So you’re saying she needs some kinda static sound to get her into this state?” asked Eddie after he and Max had turned on all the showers in the dressing room and she nodded. “Ok, then why not just go outside? I mean it’s raining and all.”
“Because she needs to focus properly and there are cars and people passing by outside, causing extra noise.”
“Please, be quiet,” sighed sharply Eleven, and Eddie made a zipper motion with his hand over his mouth and plopped on the ground, crossing his legs and propping his elbows on his thighs, using his palms to rest his chin on.
She tied a cloth around her eyes and concentrated, easily falling into a meditative state and sooner rather than later she found herself in the familiar Void, looking for clues about the missing girl.
“What do you see?” asked Max after some time passed.
“A door… a red door.”
There was silence for a while as the two watched Eleven intently, perking up when her breathing began increasing.
“What is it?” asked Max tensely.
“She disappeared! She-she…was pulled underwater,” whined the girl and Max put a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s ok. We’re here. You’re ok… Try to focus on Y/N now,” encouraged her the redhead and Eleven tried to calm herself, taking a few deep breaths, before painting your image in her head.
And then you appeared in front of her.
You were sitting on the ground, rocking back and forth, creamy dress stained with dirt, hair a bit damp and messy.
She gulped as she took a few steps forward and circled you, coming to stand in front of you and get a better look. Her eyes widened when she saw how pale you were and how bloodshot your eyes were, holding heavy bags and dark circles. Your hand trembled a bit as you scratched the crook of your arm. She heard shuffling and whimpering and watched you turn your head to look at the source, lifting a finger to your mouth.
El furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before crouching next to you and reaching out for you, touching your shoulder.
Suddenly, your head snapped to look at her and she almost fell back in shock.
“El?” you breathed out and she gulped, eyes widening in stupor. “El!” you shouted as you crawled towards her but just like Heather, something pulled you under the watery surface and she could only watch you scream as you got dragged further and further down while pointlessly trying to grab your hand and pull you out.
“Y/N!” she yelled as she tried to reach for you but you were long gone and she let out a sharp gasp when she exited the Void and harshly pulled the blindfold down, making Max and Eddie stand on edge.
“What happened? El! What did you see?”
She could only pant as she tried regaining her bearings and fight back the welling of tears.
“I-I saw Y/N on the floor,” she stuttered out after she calmed a bit a minute later. “She…didn’t look well…She was…dirty and shaking and scared.”
“Where was she?” asked Eddie urgently and she shook her head.
“I don’t know…I couldn’t see…But there were some other voices I could hear. And…it looked like she was telling the people to keep quiet,” gulped the girl unsettled and Max and Eddie shared a look.
It felt like this left them with more questions than answers.
By the time they left the pool, it was already dark as evening had descended upon them.
Eddie had tried dialing Scoops Ahoy one more time but once again nobody picked up and he was going to pull out his hair from the way stress was escalating.
They had absolutely no idea where to begin looking for you so they decided to go to the place El had seen, hoping to find clues there before informing anyone else of their discoveries.
“Is this it?” asked Max as they looked through the windows of Eddie’s van and El nodded.
“Yes…It’s the same number I saw.”
“C’mon, c’mon!” ushered them Eddie as he got out of the vehicle and held his leather jacket above his head, the trio quickly running to the porch of the house.
The door was locked so Eleven had to use her powers and unlock it from the inside, letting it creak open and allowing them to enter. They slowly walked down the hallway, eyes widening when they saw multiple portraits of Heather and who they supposed were her parents.
“This is her house…It’s Heather’s house.”
They had expected to find an empty, dark house but instead were greeted by the sound of light music, laughter, chatter, and the shocking scene of no other than Billy himself, sitting at the table alongside Heather’s parents.    
“Isn’t that cute, huh?” they heard the boy laugh and they approached a bit more, drawing the attention of the occupants. “Max?” Billy’s grin faltered a bit when he saw her and the others and they looked awkwardly at each of the adults.
“We didn’t mean to…barge in,” she tried to explain. “We tried to knock but… maybe you didn’t hear us over the storm.”
“I’m sorry, who is this dripping all over my living room right now?” asked Tom agitated and Billy finished chewing his bite before letting out a charming chuckle.
“I’m sorry. Janet, Tom, this is my sister, Maxine,” he introduced her before standing up and nearing the girl. “What on Earth are you doing here? Is something wrong?” he asked and maybe for the first time ever he sounded genuine, making Max blink and look in confusion.
“We just wanted to make sure everything was ok.”
“Ok? Why wouldn’t it be ok?” asked the boy with furrowed eyebrows and Eddie snorted.
“C’mon, man, don’t play around. Where are they?” he bit out and Billy glared at him.
“I’m sorry? Where is who?”
“Well, they’re a little burnt, I’m sorry,” came in Heather’s voice and everyone snapped to look at her in shock. She appeared to be perfectly normal as she entered the room, happily carrying a tray of cookies. She halted in her words and steps once she saw the trio.
“Heather! This is my sister, Maxine,” he introduced once again as he pointed at the girl before tucking his hands in front of him. “And, I’m sorry but I didn’t quite catch your name,” he turned to the other girl as he spoke but there was something biting in his tone that one could catch onto only if they listened close enough.
“El,” she responded flatly.
“El,” he repeated, eyes not leaving hers until Eddie stood in front of her, gaining his attention. “And you were…the Munson boy…Care to tell me just what are you doing with these two? They don’t look like the typical people you surround yourself with,” he asked with a tight smile and Eddie returned the hostile energy.
“I don’t know, man, maybe I happened to stumble upon your sister and El who were dead worried about our mutual best friend going M.I.A,” he said tersely. “And Max just happened to find her necklace in your room,” he whispered the last part and Billy’s expression fell.
“You went through my stuff?” he asked quietly as he looked at Max and she paled, eyes darting between Eddie and Billy. She was put in a tight spot and she wanted to gut Eddie for throwing her under the bus like that but she understood why he said what he said because it would’ve been even worse if Billy learned that all three of them had snooped through his stuff.
“I just wanted to turn off the music because you had forgotten the stereo on and it was distracting,” she stammered out a plausible reason. “I just saw it on the floor and we were wondering if you had seen her because we haven’t in the past days and we got worried.”
“Yes, I did see her,” Billy’s smile melted back into a charming one instead of a menacing one as he looked at each of the trio. “We met two days ago to discuss something. I can’t tell you much other than she’s planning a big surprise for everyone. She had to skip to Indianapolis to get some stuff and yes, she did drop her necklace and I picked it up,” he explained way too easily and crafted, making Eddie narrow his eyes unbelievingly.
“Oh…I see,” muttered Max as she sent him an awkward smile.
“And why didn’t she tell any of us that she was leaving town for a while?” snorted Eddie and Billy’s charming smile faltered, eyes hardening.
“I don’t know,” he accentuated every word as he stared unblinkingly at Eddie. “I don’t believe that I’m the person you should be asking this. Why don’t you ask her once she comes back?”
“Yeah…yeah, we’ll do that,” interrupted Max after picking on the rising tension and grabbed Eddie’s wrist warningly. “We’re sorry to bother you,” she apologized as she tried to take a step backward but Eleven moved from behind her and Eddie and came to stand between them, looking at Heather.
“But, I thought I saw-“
“-your manager. At the pool,” Max was quick to fill in the sentence with a smile. “He said you guys didn’t come in to work today so we got worried about you too,” she wormed her way through the situation and Billy hummed.
“Heather wasn’t feeling so hot today, so we thought we’d take the day off to nurse her back to health,” explained the boy with a tight grin. “But you’re feeling just fine right now, aren’t you Heather?” he asked as he turned to look at her and she nodded enthusiastically.
“I’m feeling so much better! Do you guys want a cookie? They’re fresh out of the oven,” she smiled as she offered them a treat and they all shook their heads simultaneously.
“Nope! No, thanks,” exclaimed Eddie as he waved and threw his hands in the air. “We, should keep our figures in check! Hah,” he let out a laugh as his lips twitched into a fake grin as he pointed at his body and put a hand over his stomach before he waved at the family and whirled around, walking briskly out of the house. He had seen too many horror movies and he was accepting no cookies from strangers ever in his life.
The girls apologized once again before bidding the others goodbye and following Eddie out of the house and into the van.
“I don’t know about you but I’m not very convinced,” grunted Eddie as he struggled to put on his belt and turn on the vehicle.
“I don’t know…it seemed plausible to me,” muttered Max as she stared out the window at the house.
“But then what was it that El saw? Y/N? The people with her? And did you see Hargrove’s expression and the way he spoke?” growled Eddie.
“He’s always like that. He has an asshole voice and intimidating expressions,” tried to explain Max.  
Everything seemed to fit and everything Billy had said seemed very reasonable.
But somehow Eddie wasn’t fully convinced.
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vatican3 · 6 months
Do you have any weird or funny stories from working at the escape room?
People do a lot of confusing, frustrating things at the escape room. Often before they are even in the escape room. The escape room I manage is also inside of a mall, so a majority of the people we talk to are not going to book a room but are curious. Though we do get a lot more walk-in business than standalone escape rooms; these people are not "good" at escape rooms, but the thing about the mall-going general public is that you can say everything short of "you should not book this escape room" and they will anyway.
A lot of the time people walk up and seem to be confused by the concept of an escape room. They hold me hostage for 5-20 minutes explaining to them exactly what it is (and I assure them at least twice, because they keep asking, that it is not a VR thing, no, it's not on the computer, it's in real life, it's not AI, I don't even know what that would mean). Sometimes people show up to book, or worse yet, having already booked, and still seem to have no idea what an escape room is. Today a man walked up and said "This is all laser tag, right?"
A woman once asked if she could bring a charcuterie board. A group of enthusiasts once told me going into the room that this was their 58th escape room, and on their way out informed me it was their 66th. People constantly walk up and ask if we "really have escape rooms".
A lot of the stuff that drives me crazy isn't stuff that's actually very funny or interesting. One thing is that we have bathrooms in the back that you have to be walked to because we have about a billion doors and if you walk in the wrong one someone is going to be very unhappy and it's going to be me. Everyone ever shows up needing to use the bathroom. Why didn't you piss before you got here? This is an hour long experience? And it's always the groups of 8 people that are 5 minutes late already that need to go to the bathroom and it's ALL of them EVERY SINGLE TIME. And then our times are off, etc. etc. we're on a schedule here and nobody seems to understand that.
Anyway, the interesting people just seem like aliens, usually. They are unfamiliar with basic concepts in bizarre and jarring ways that you didn't even know existed. The escape room brings out kinds of stupid yet-unthought-of by mankind. My beloved once ran a group in our casino themed room that said, at one point about halfway through, "they have you spending most of your time in this damn room" as though the escape room could take place anywhere else. I once ran a group in the pirate themed room that was making overtly flirtatious, nigh sexual comments toward their talking animatronic parrot guide. A young man shit his pants in the casino once.
I will leave you with a series of events that happened to me in quick succession one day while I was at the front desk:
1) A man runs up to the front desk, panicked and sweating, and says “I’m supposed to be meeting someone here for the 4:25 Casino. It’s under the name Christine?” To which I say: We don’t have that booking, our 4:25 casino is a group of 7 and they’re already in there. He walks away.
2) A group of 4 people walk up and want to book but they are confused about what an escape room is (I cannot stress enough that this is not cheap--it's about $37/person, so around $148 for 4, and people still do this on a whim). They ask what’s available and I tell them that they can do the storm themed room right now or come back at 5:30 and do the alien or pirate themed one. The girl says “When is [wizard-themed room] open?” I say: It’s not. (if i had any wizard bookings I would have mentioned that). They decide to book the 5:40 pirate room.
3) The guy from before is back. This time with Christine. They discover that they both thought the other one made the booking and neither of them double checked, I guess? They say they drove a considerable distance to get here and would still like to play a game so they ask what we have free. They’ve already done the alien themed one so I tell them: they can do the 5:50 casino or do storm right now. They decide to book the casino.
4) Earlier in the day I had received a call from the person that was supposed to be the 2:30 wizard room group of 6. She told me she was running late and wanted to reschedule. I said okay, the only time we have left is 5:50 is that okay? She said yes. Now her and her family are here wearing matching sweatshirts. She walks up to the desk and says, verbatim, “we have tickets for 1:50 I think. Are there any earlier showings?”
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