#in which the banter is truly off the chart
helslastangel · 7 days
Compatibility Observations: Capricorn Moon
Note: I posted these as separate notes before, but after internally screaming since July, I've compiled them into this proper singular post now.
Disclaimer: This is based on my own experiences as a pansexual Capricorn moon woman and won't resonate for everyone. If it doesn't apply, let it fly 🪽
Willow Smith has Moon in Capricorn ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
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with cardinal signs
°☆ Cancer moon x Capricorn moon
Closest BFFs or friends to lovers. This pairing provides security and protection to one while injecting warmth and comfort into the other. Onlookers often become jealous of the ride-or-die dynamic between this pair and will try to drive a wedge between them. They may grow apart and become distant over time if either one becomes emotionally unhealthy and selfish towards to other. Otherwise, the only thing that will separate these two is betrayal, which Cancer Moon especially cannot tolerate or forgive.
°☆ Libra moon x Capricorn moon
This pairing often begins and ends with a big question mark on both sides. These are the on-and-off friends who are always drawn to each other, only to remember once again why they drifted apart the last time. Initially, one is comforted by the proactive and stable energy of the other, who enjoys their pleasant and balanced approach to life and conversation. But over time, they can come to take each other's qualities for granted and become annoyed by their differences instead, most notably their values. One finds security and fulfillment in their relationships, while the other finds it in work and accomplishment. This isn't so bad in friendship as they can simply allow the friendship to ebb and flow naturally. However, in a relationship, these two easily become a couple where one is always angry at the other, either for working too much or going out/socializing too often.
°☆ Aries moon x Capricorn moon
Unlikely friends or enemies to lovers. This pairing can provide stability and structure to one while injecting excitement and variety into the life of the other. Their dynamic can seem confusing to people who don't know them, as they may roast or banter with each other quite aggressively. While this pairing can and often does last a very long time, it's not uncommon for the connection to end as abruptly as it started.
°☆ Capricorn moon x Capricorn moon
Perhaps unsurprisingly, this pairing can go either way. On the bright side, they will understand each other completely, even if they don't agree on day-to-day matters or have the same interests. Theirs is the finish-each-others-sentences kind of friendship or relationship. On the downside, it's easy for either one to become too comfortable and stop listening to or truly seeing the other, making the assumption that they "already know what they're thinking." Even if they did, not having any points of challenge or disagreement can suck the passion out of things and lead to an overly predictable dynamic. For some people, this is ideal, so overall, a friendship or relationship between these two will have "twinsies" energy and may be known for acting alike.
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°☆ Scorpio moon x Capricorn moon
with fixed signs
This pairing can be deep and uplifting or baffling and irritable, depending on the composition of the rest of the natal charts. Both are similarly intense people who express that intensity in completely different ways. Both are protective, but one is prone to possessiveness and codependency, while the other is generally detached and prone to keeping others at arm's length. A friendship between these two may be consistent for a time before ending abruptly, or last forever, though marked by frequent periods of low/no contact between clashes.
°☆ Leo moon x Capricorn moon
This pairing has the same energy as the class president and the class valedictorian getting together, for better or worse. Usually for the better, though. One is warm and sociable, the other cool and collected. One knows how to work their way around a room, the other knows how to keep the room from falling apart. Now, these two have an interesting relationship in the sense that they want similar things in life, but in different ways and sometimes for different reasons. Whether they are friends or lovers, they can usually agree on the destination but might have completely different ideas of how to get there. Also, they can fall short of each other's expectations on an emotional level if neither is willing to consider the other's perspective. If one can lighten up and learn to be less pessimistic, and the other can learn to not always turn a blind eye to unpleasant realities, these two can complement each other quite nicely and are often really good hosts too.
°☆ Aquarius moon x Capricorn moon
Genuine friendship is not impossible with this pairing, but it is not so common. Both seek a certain level of warmth and compassion from their connections that they are unlikely to find in each other (unless there is counterbalancing synastry. Although they might stay in touch for intellectual stimulation or relief from the emotional demands of their other friends, they might not enjoy each other's company too often or for long periods of time.
°☆ Taurus moon x Capricorn moon
Can you say "IT" couple? This pairing is classic relationship goals. These are the two who everyone just knew belonged together from day one. One is a creature of habit; one of those habits being to make life pleasant and comfortable as possible, and not being afraid to work hard to get that. The other thrives on feeling secure and having their shit together, and respects hard work just as much as they enjoy it. Like any pairing, they can have their issues, such as becoming too comfortable far too quickly and losing all the passion that was present in the beginning of the connection, due to a lack of challenge to keep either one on their toes. This is more of a problem for couples, but even friendships of this pairing can suffer from a lack of excitement and growth. One thing about this pairing though: don't get in the way of them making their money.
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°☆ Virgo moon x Capricorn moon
with mutable signs
Instant friends and/or love at first sight. This pairing often feels like they've known each other for their whole lives, or perhaps from a past life. Both value security and stability, and tend to show affection in subtle ways that might go overlooked and underappreciated by most other signs. They are often together for life, as best friends or as partners, unless some unfortunate circumstances or betrayal cause them to part ways.
°☆ Sagittarius moon x Capricorn moon
Opposites attract could explain how this connection starts in the first place, but these two often become frenemies or fwbs who don't like each other. One is highly optimistic and would rather take a chance and hope for a good outcome. The other is realistic at best and pessimistic at worst, unlikely to take any more risk than necessary, and tends to expect the worst. While they can transcend these differences by blending their styles into a third, more balanced approach to life, the truth is that one probably won't sit still long enough to even have that conversation and the other can be exceptionally stubborn.
°☆ Pisces moon x Capricorn moon
A true wildcard pairing. Usually for the best, as one is an aggressively soothing, healing presence and the other is a strong, yet gentle, safe place. These are the friends or lovers who never knew how much they really needed each other until they were in too deep to ever think of turning back. Pisces reminds Capricorn to step away from all the to-do lists and just smell the roses now and then; Capricorn reminds Pisces that while the roses will still be there tomorrow, the light bill is due today. If each one is willing to see the value in the other's point of view, this pairing can be one of the most beautiful for marriage or platonic soulmates.
°☆ Gemini moon x Capricorn moon
In theory, this should be a golden duo, at least for friendship. One is imaginative and full of ideas, the other is practical and likes to build. It's perfect on paper, but in practice, this pairing takes on a parent-child dynamic very quickly. One sees the other as an overgrown child, and who in turn thinks of them as a fossil in a young body. Though they genuinely enjoy each other's insights and can have great conversations, to remain friends or progress to lovers, they would need to accept that while they both like to play, one wants every day to be a never-ending game, and the other wants to play when work is done. They can work out, but it will take some effort for these two not to end up resenting each other and looking for understanding elsewhere.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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mathanlin · 1 year
// mentions of past abuse & neglect, burns
Foster AU where foster kid!Tommy’s ready to destroy the Watsons.
Not *fight* them — he’s not stupid (and… maybe he falters at their persistent kindness). But there’s other ways to get his anger out. 
Like vandalism.
And his first target is Phil’s stupid parenting book.
The stupid fucker left it out, bookmarked and all. It falls open as Tommy snatches it, intending to shred the thing.
His eyes catch a few words. Abuse. Neglect. Trauma.
But what he truly reads is the highlighted line.
“...may act aggressive or lash out to hide their fear.”
Tommy… hesitates.
No. This is adrenaline & anger, not— not fear. 
But he won’t rip the book to confetti (celebrating how he’ll surely be forced out). He just grabs a pen, scribbling out the stupid highlighted line.
And scrawls his own note. “Fuck you. I’m not fucking afraid.”
And he’s *not.*
Not when he’s driving back from school, bantering with (and insulting) the twins. Not when he strolls into the Watson’s house, laughing too loud to be safe.
Not when he sees Phil on the couch, book open in his lap.
Tommy freezes in the doorway, paralyzed as the twins tumble past him.
Phil looks up. Right at Tommy. And… maybe, just for a second, he’s afraid. 
But that’s replaced by jaw-dropping confusion as Phil just *smiles,* setting the book to the side. “Hey mate. How was the day?”
Fuck it. Tommy hates him, but he hates being confused more. (And that’s what this is. Confusion. Not fear.)
So he stays silent as the twins joke with him, as Phil makes supper, as they drift off to bed.
And the moment he’s alone, he rushes to the book & flips it open.
There’s his mess of scribbled-out lines. His note, in ugly bold. 
And… neat, small handwriting, right beneath it.
“It’s alright to be scared *or* angry.”
And next to it, a *fucking smiley face.*
Tommy’s jaw drops even before his eyes flick to the other note, a Post-It on the page.
“It’s the one-week anniversary of your first day here! We’d love to get you a gift, let me know what you’d like.” 
One week. Like he’s staying.
Like he deserves gifts, after what he’s done.
Tommy’s eyes don’t burn. He doesn’t forget to breathe, trembling quietly.
No. He just scoffs out loud. (Even if it wavers painfully, far too close to a sob.)
And grabs a pen.
The next morning, the book’s moved, sitting on the end table next to Phil’s favorite mug. 
And the next evening, there’s a stack of gifts outside Tommy’s room. (Despite his note, “I don’t need shit. Fuck off.”)
Soft sweaters. Little fidget toys. Candy.
And an annotating set.
Tommy much prefers his permanent marker — thick, bold, destructive.
But Phil never seems to see it like that. No matter how much Tommy swears or blots out the book’s sappier lines. 
And even then, he’s… talking, more. Having genuine conversations through notes in the margins.
“Which of these sounds nice?”
Tommy goes still, staring at Phil’s neat handwriting. His heart hitches at the little chart above it. Types of affection. Hugs. Compliments. Gifts.
Hand trembling, he grabs his own pen. No sharpie.
For once, he feels like being quiet.
“I don’t need any of these. I never have.”
The thought festers in his mind, no matter how many times Wil ruffles his hair or Techno’s dry remarks turn to compliments. Or how Phil looks at him, so impossibly soft.
And when Phil replies, it’s only two words. 
“Page 96.”
Tommy can barely turn the pages, his hands are shaking so hard. 
And when he does, he can hardly see through his tears.
The book’s text is neat. Scientific. Pragmatic. 
And it still tears Tommy apart.
“Every child requires and deserves affection, both physical and emotional.”
Then, a little note below it. Phil’s.
“Please let me know if you’d like to talk.”
And… Tommy wants to, if just to answer the questions crying out in his mind. 
To stop his tears from dripping onto the book’s pages. 
(If I deserved it, why didn’t I get it?)
He tucks the book under his arm, grabbing Phil’s mug from the end table with shaking hands. 
Tea. He’ll make tea. Phil’s favorite, so that even if he pushes Tommy away, maybe he won’t hate him enough to force him away for good.
(And so Tommy can calm himself. So he can stop crying, so he can talk instead of sob.)
But he never gets the chance to speak.
One trembling misstep is all it takes.
The mug tips, sending boiling water over Tommy’s desperately reaching hands. With a horrible crash, it shatters across the floor.
And the stupid fucking book sits right in the puddle’s center, no longer soaked with just Tommy’s tears. 
Right there, he gives up, crumpling to the kitchen floor despite the shards beneath him.
It doesn’t matter that his hands ache, in agony from the scalding burn. His heart hurts worse, as he finally lets himself sob, alone.
It isn’t anger. It isn’t just adrenaline.
It’s fear.
But it doesn’t matter. He won’t ask for comfort or someone to cling to.
(Even if he apparently ‘needs’ and ‘deserves’ it.)
No. He’ll stay quiet — what every foster parent had wanted of him, and what only Phil had managed to get.
He’d wanted to break everything in the beginning. To be loud, to destroy things, to hurt the Watsons in any way possible.
But now, if he’s the last thing to break? 
He’ll give no words, no written notes.
He’ll be quiet.
“Oh god. Tommy.”
It’s the worst thing that could’ve happened. Phil, standing in the kitchen doorway, staring at the broken porcelain. And the book, utterly ruined. 
But the things he seems most concerned with are Tommy’s hands. 
“Here,” he says, guiding Tommy to the sink and nudging his hands beneath the cold water. He obeys numbly, frozen as Phil disinfects and bandages every burn.
When he finishes, Tommy finds the strength to speak, curled into the couch like it could protect him.
“Are you mad at me?”
They’re the first words he’s spoken directly to Phil in ages. With his burnt, bandaged hands, it’s not like he can write.
(And maybe he’d like to hear Phil’s voice, too.)
Phil looks at him so softly Tommy can almost believe what he says.
“No. I’ve never been mad at you.”
“But— I broke your mug.”
“I just want you to be okay,” Phil says, glancing at Tommy’s bandaged hands like they’re hurting him too. He laughs quietly. “The mug doesn’t matter.”
“And… and the book?”
Phil goes still, and Tommy almost sobs in fear.
But the man just leans closer, ducking his head to meet Tommy’s eyes like he’s uttering a promise.
“I only cared about that book because of you,” he says quietly. “So you’d feel comfortable. So you’d ask me for whatever you needed.”
Tommy swallows, curled in on himself. There’s no time to think about his response, no proofreading like when he’d written them out. 
So when Phil quietly asks, “Is there anything you need?”
Tommy whispers, weak and desperate, “A hug?”
And of course, Phil gives it. That, and so much more.
The mug’s shards get sweeped up, and the first thing Phil makes in the kitchen is Tommy’s favorite breakfast. 
For once, he lets himself enjoy it. Enjoy *them,* their laughter and love so freely given.
And the first thing he writes after his hands have healed? 
His name. His signature, really.
Right next to Phil’s, on the final line of his adoption papers.
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astro-in-prog · 1 year
Some Polin musings
I don't think people understand how truly excited I am for Penelope to drop her facade - because let's be honest here, squeaky-high-pitched-and-constantly-nervous-around-Colin isn't PENELOPE. It's so clear in Nic's acting too the way her voice and demeanour change in scenes with Colin.
The scene about LW and Gen made it extremely obvious that Pen is way more mature than we have seen so far. We get little glimpses of that around Eloise too when they are having deeper conversations.
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Pen has what I think can be described as a crush on Colin and maybe a little bit more. I don't think it's love just yet for her either. As much as I love to joke about Colin being oblivious to his own feelings he is definitely not in love with Pen yet - although there is a deep sense of caring and understanding between them.
I think in Colin's head too Penelope is just the girl he grew up with. The outfits she's been put in (I cannot with the bows and sequins) haven't helped with challenging the perspective either. (But we somehow still got 'heart eyes and took my breath away' Colin.. Luke is going to be the death of me)
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The biggest thing that the last scene from 2x08 will do is CHANGE the way Pen interacts with Colin. (I stand by my theory that she will give him a cold shoulder in a 'there needs to be distance between us' way and not in a 'how dare you not return my feelings' way.. she will be ticked off which she has every right to be but I don't see Pen ever hurting Colin's feelings or being rude)
This dynamic change reminds me so much of when someone you have a crush on says something that changes the way you look at them, it feels like you have been hit with a bucket of cold water and the feelings almost go away (ALMOST).
I can't wait to see Penelope be herself completely in her interactions with Colin without worrying about what he's thinking of her or just being hyperaware of all her words.
The closest we came to this was of course the purpose scene. It was one of the highlights of s2 for me because Colin is totally enraptured by what Penelope is saying (don't get me started on the blatant staring and heart eyes). Pen is being her unfiltered self and its amazing😭🤌🏼 Their chemistry is off the charts with just LOOKS?!
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I just really hope we get both flirty banter (lots of innuendos, smirks and gossiping please!) AND deep conversations (about Colin's purpose and writing and Pen's reasons for wanting to get married and starting LW) between them because that's honestly the best part about the friends-to-lovers trope - actually getting to see their friendship evolve into love!
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colosplash · 8 months
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“You guys are here to see our performance, right? Let’s get it started! Hey— No paparazzi, alright? ☆”
Ashi is a fairly petite girl with not too much of a build to her from the waist up. She has brunette hair which go down to her bust, and bangs that always sway to the right. Her bangs are split into three stands, a very small stand to her left which splits into three smaller bits, a middle strand that sways to the right, and one last strand to the right that frames her face and covers her ear. Ashi has a curved ahoge on the left of her head where her roots are. Her hair is slightly messy, bouncy and a little wavy.
Ashi does not wear any sort of makeup, and her eyes are pointed and fairly large. Her eyes are a chocolately brown with salmon highlights. She is almost always found with a smile on her face and pointed brows.
She’s always found adorning a pair of sunglasses on her head, no matter the weather.
When wearing her club/SEKAI wear, she wears the Colorful Splash! varsity jacket in a usual fashion, except that she lets the jacket fall off of her shoulders just a little. Under it, she wears a cropped white top with a pair of slightly baggy, dull blue ripped jeans.
Ashi is known around school pretty well, to the point that she can definitely be considered popular around Kamiyama High. Many people know her (including the main cast), and she has no issues talking with whoever. She enjoys it as long as the person talks back.
Ashi is a natural performer, and her charisma is off the charts. She’s fairly loud, but not enough to gain weird stares. She makes sure that all glances at her are never the result of judgement.
Despite Ashi’s playful, positive, and at times childish behavior, Colorful Splash! notes her as a very strong leader, always bringing reason into discussions and giving solid advice. Via finds comfort in the way Ashi always reaches out and helps each member. She is often the one to lift everyone’s mood, and is known as the group’s cheerleader. Each member states that they wouldn’t know what the group would be like without Ashi.
Ashi is good at tending to others needs, and even if she does seem narcissistic and self centered at times, she does deeply care for her club mates. Though, even if she’s caring and allows the other members to be true to themselves, she doesn’t display any behavior of her own when it comes down to it. Several Kamiyama students view Ashi as a shallow person because of it.
Even as the leader, Ashi is easy to poke fun at and Colorful Splash! enjoys teasing her for her height and behaviors. Naoto in particular picks fights with Ashi. She always has a reason to fight back and banter with Naoto, but when she is met with no further evidence, she takes the loss.
A pretty crucial part of Ashi’s character is the fact that she’s strictly cisgender. Her sexuality is up in the air, but I would like to refrain from any headcanons or ideas about her gender being anything else for character’s sake.
Ashi’s character is a little hard to write sometimes, because she has different views and ideas before and after one of her focus events. You will often see her being referred to as “pre-ashi” or “post-ashi” depending on what stage of her development I want to talk about. This can lead to her character being seen as inconsistent, but there is still a basis you can follow for her character (her personality as stated above).
This focus event is often referred to as “Ashi cancelation event”, purely because I haven’t planned out the entirety of Colosplash’s story and events yet.
This development and change in character is due to a realization of the truth. Ashi’s character issue is that she’s so blinded by the goal of being a celebrity that she is unable to recognize what people truly think of her and her “true” self.
Pre-Ashi is unaware of any faults of her own, and always needs to find reason to verify feelings. She believes that everyone likes her as the celebrity of Kamiyama, and she doesn’t notice that she’s not necessarily close to anyone at Kamiyama. Pre-Ashi is not aware that she’s forcefully pushing down any negative feelings that come up to the surface.
Post-Ashi comes to life after a life realization, and this newborn Ashi now takes note that feelings don’t always need to have reason— they can just happen, and they are still valid. Not everyone is a perfect celebrity 24/7, and everyone has their faults. She realizes now that, performing for everyone and getting a simple like is not worth it when there are people beside you who will love you further than that. Additionally, she finds herself being more comfortable with the people she once distanced herself from, out of fear of what others would think.
Ashi formed Colorful Splash! in attempts for her to build a fan base and a group of people to enforce her celebrity status. In reality, she might’ve subconsciously made the group in hopes of finding true friends. Pre-Ashi is and was misguided about a good chunk of things, after all.
Ashi doesn’t like to associate herself with “weirdos” or “odd” people by habit. This issue slowly dissolves as Ashi gets more comfortable with herself.
Ashi is embarrassed to admit that she does indeed to go Wonderlands X Showtime shows and enjoy them a little too much for someone her age. No, you did not see her three days ago cheering on the show with the five year old sitting next to her.
Due to the reason stated above, Tsukasa does occasionally recognize her in the hallways and tries to get her attention. When this happens, she ignores his presence and hides behind the nearest person she knows. The person is often Akito, and they have a silent vow to run off together.
Note, that does not mean that she doesn’t like Tsukasa. In reality, she thinks that he’s very talented, even if she wouldn’t ever admit it.
Ashi is in class 1-A, meaning she shares a class with Mizuki and An.
Her and An are good friends, due to Ashi not being a troublemaker. They are often compared due to their similar energy.
Ashi rarely ever notices Mizuki when they do attend school. She’s only ever heard a name float around in conversation, but due to not picking up names quickly, it always slips her mind.
On one occasion during a festival, Ashi and Mizuki stumbled upon paths and ended up having a good conversation and kicking it off well— Ashi found herself wanting to talk to Mizuki more, despite not getting to ask for their name before they took off again. Whenever Ashi sees Mizuki on the rare occasion, she instantly tries to talk to them. The fact that Ashi doesn’t associate with weirdos does not apply here, simply because she doesn’t know Mizuki as the person who people gossip about around school.
Both her and Mizuki have issues regarding the way they are perceived. Ashi wants to be able to portray herself in a masculine way, and still identify as a girl, despite the teases and insults she gains from others at times.
Post-Ashi, after finding out Mizuki’s secret (and not making a big deal about it) tends to defend Mizuki when they come up in conversation with others.
Through Via, Ashi began going to Akito for tips on dance and singing. They often go to WEEKEND GARAGE to practice.
Both Ashi and Akito have themes of being “reborn”. In Ashi’s case, this is touched upon after her focus event where she has her realizations.
For Post-Ashi, Akito is an admirable figure and person to her due to his burning determination and drive. She likes to think of him as a rival, in a way.
Ashi is horrified by Rui. She can barely withstand a conversation with him while making eye contact.
Ashi is an artist, and draws in her free time. She designed the Colorful Splash! varsity jacket herself.
Ashi is fairly wealthy, and her often skipping school to go on vacations is mentioned in the story.
She hates the cold. Ashi can never decide on what to wear, and she falls it the “Winter-Fit Crisis”.
Summer and beaches are Ashi’s favorite as she loves the weather, noises, and everything else that comes out of it. She heavily enjoys any tropical motifs.
She has two older siblings, a mom, dad, and dog.
Ashi’s voice is imagined to hold the same energy as Soyeon from G-IDLE and Momo from TWICE. She has the most powerful voice out of Colorful Splash!
Ashi’s dance style is very unique as she often adds her own twist to things. She adds an extra step here and there that radiates a strong feeling of confidence, and it’s fun to watch her. Additionally, she’s very expressive. Her style is very easily recognizable.
She is very good at fanservice. Winks are very common with Ashi.
More to come!
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poppletonink · 1 year
FILM REVIEW: Red, White and Royal Blue
★★★★★ - 5 stars
"You need to figure out if you feel forever about him. Do you love him?"
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The so-called "Cake Gate" was an accident - I mean, nobody would choose to have a £75,000 cake fall on top of you and your worst enemy. Alex Claremont-Diaz didn't mean to create an international scandal, but it doesn't mean he didn't do it. Now, his mother, the President of the United States needs him to do some damage control in order to not mess up her opportunity of winning the next election. Except, Alex Claremont-Diaz cannot stand Prince Henry and now he has to pretend they're best friends. Yet as Alex and Henry spend more time together, they realise that their hatred towards each other is completely unprecedented and quickly find themselves hurtling into a secret relationship with each other. As the election draws closer, Alex realises that he feels something more for Henry. Alex realises that he is in love with him. The question is what is worth the sacrifice? Is he willing to potentially upend two nations and ruin his mother's campaign? Is true love really worth it?
Red, White and Royal Blue seems like some sort of whacky, wild fan fiction in summary - it's a royal au, follows the enemies to lovers trope and very much so idiots in love. Despite the AO3 tags it perfectly fits into, Red, White and Royal Blue is so much more than it seems. It's a beautiful love story, a tale of hurt, heartbreak and comfort, that emotionally hits the viewer in ways you aren't expecting.
As someone who read the book a long time before the film was even conceptualised, (and as it's one of my favourite books of all time) my standards for how great this film needed to be were extremely - and I mean extremely - high. Despite leaving out bits from the book, which as sad as it may be is understandable due to time constraints, it still hit me just as viscerally as the book. Somehow even though some of the largest plot points (e.g. Bea's cocaine addiction) and most important characters (June Claremont-Diaz who I adore so very much) were missing, it still remained really accurate to the book. That sounds really contradictory, I know, but it was genuinely amazing how many lines they kept word for word from the original novel. It's something that I truly appreciate about recent book to screen adaptations, and I loved the fact that I could notice every time that it happened.
Nick and Taylor's chemistry was off the charts, which is something that seemingly came out of left field for a lot of people, but quite genuinely made the perfect Alex and Henry. They perfectly performed the witty banter, the yearning looks and the complete and utter disdain they have for each other at times. They made Alex Claremont-Diaz and Henry Fox Mountchristen Windsor real and by doing that they too made history.
Music played quite a large role in this film from the beginning until the end. I think the greatest song choice was undoubtedly Katarina Stratford's anthem. Bad Reputation was a brilliant choice for the theme song - it's such a perfect representation of Alex as a person, of him not caring what other people think and simply doing what he wants to do. It was also great to see Henry's karaoke performance of Don't Stop Me Now by Queen on the screen, and Henry and Alex dancing in the V&A was quite frankly beautiful.
Overall, Red, White and Royal Blue is a must-watch film of 2023. It's raw and emotional; it's a master class in romance; and it's extremely funny. It's a story that will make history.
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🦇 Truly, Madly, Deeply Book Review 🦇
❓ #QOTD Do you believe in love at first sight? ❓ 🦇 Sparks fly when a lovelorn romance novelist and a divorce lawyer who has sworn off relationships agree to cohost a podcast series offering dating advice to viewers. As a bestselling romance novelist, everyone thinks Truly Livingston is an expert on happily-ever-afters. Unfortunately, she feels like an imposter after catching her fiancé cheating learning that her parents are separating. When she meets Colin McCory, she's anything but ready for a relationship, even if Colin drives her a little crazy. Okay, a LOT crazy. Can he change her shattered view on love, or are there no more happily ever afters?
💜 Excuse me while I shove my entire fist into my mouth to squeal in delight from the absolute cuteness of this. For the record, I read most of this between 10pm and 1am with my girlfriend fast asleep beside me. I lost track of how many times I had to stop reading to silence myself before some giddy, disgustingly adorable, definitely disruptive sound of glee escaped my body to keep from waking her up.
💜 Now that we got that out of the way, why are we not talking about this book? You bookish bats LOVE asking about book boyfriends/girlfriends. Have you MET Colin? You need to meet Colin. Just, trust me. Listen to me. Meet this man.
💜 It's 2am as I write this all heart-eyed, with a fire alarm chirping across the house and a storm raging outside, and I don't care about any of it because this. WAS SO. CUTTTE. From the MOMENT Truly sets eyes on Colin, all bets are off. She describes him as gorgeous, her breath hitches, she (a writer) stumbles over her words. We expect that from plenty of rom-coms, right? But the moment they get at it, their witty banter CAPTIVATES, chemistry off the charts, screaming off the page. I told you I had to pause reading multiple times? Every, EVERY time, it was because of a quick-wit exchange between these two. Truly looks at him appreciatively at first, sure, but otherwise tries shutting her heart off. Colin, though? Colin is full-on SMITTEN over her. He's lost from the beginning and KNOWS IT from the very start. And then we get to the smut and woooooh I had to get out of bed to find water and the nearest AC vent.
💜 And then. AND THEN they both realize they're bi but have never been with someone of the same sex, and maybe don't quite feel "queer enough" because of it (please, check the quotes I shared!). Bierasure is a real thing, but it's not often that we talk about internalized biphobia (a topic I haven't seen in a book since Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales). Bisexuality is part of the queer spectrum. We're not confused, and who we're with does not change or negate our sexuality. This was such a perfect scene to read at the start of Pride Month.
💙 The pacing for this one was a bit off for me. While I loved every scene, the momentum doesn't pick up until the very end, and by then, we're nearing the epilogue. The Parent Trap-esque sub-plot, while important to Truly's character development, felt awkward and a bit immature (though perhaps fitting for a romantic who defined love based on her parents' relationship). My biggest hang-up is the lack of real conflict, which is more internal (Truly's doubts about love) than external (which only manifest as Truly keeps Collin at arm's length...briefly).
🦇 Recommended to fans of Practice Makes Perfect in search of a steamy, queer rom-com that's full of tension, heat, and witty banter.
✨ The Vibes ✨ 📚 Bi4Bi / Queer Romance 📚 Contemporary Rom-Com 📚 Parent Trap Sub-Plot 📚 Opposites Attract 📚 Forced Proximity 📚 Witty Banter 📚 Musical Theatre References 📚 He Falls First
💬 Quotes ❝ No one, and I mean no one, deserves to be living rent free inside your head if they aren’t making you come so hard your brain leaks out your ears.” ❞ ❝ “Maybe I don’t want to play nicely with you.” ❞ ❝ Words were her thing, and Colin gave as good as he got. ❞ ❝ Colin’s praise was like swallowing the sun. It left her hot all over, flushed not just in the face but from her hairline down to her feet, damp in the creases of her elbows and her knees, uncomfortably sweaty all over. ❞ ❝ There’s no such thing as being queer enough. Action and attraction are two different things. You could go the rest of your life never dating a woman and it wouldn’t change a thing. If anything, I think you’re the perfect person to talk about bi- erasure in media because you spent the last six years in a straight- presenting relationship that was queer because you’re queer. And the gender of your partner? Doesn’t change that.” ❞ ❝ Truly (11: 16 p.m.): Screw you, McCrory. Colin (11: 16 p.m.): Promises, promises. ❞ ❝ As much as she got a thrill from playing verbal tug-of-war, there was an argument to be made for this tenderness, in laying down her sword and letting Colin hold her. ❞ ❝ With anyone else she might’ve considered the moment broken, but with him it just felt like turning to the next page in a book she’d never read. A book she’d left lingering on her nightstand for weeks, picking it up and putting it back down, her hopes for it so high she feared there was no earthly way the reality of it could live up to her expectations, too afraid she wouldn’t like the ending. She didn’t know what would happen next, but for the first time, the thought didn’t make her want to close the book and it didn’t make her want to flip ahead. ❞ ❝ I do like you. I like your obscure facts and how your eyes light up when you talk about them, when you share them with me. I like it that you aren’t afraid to call me out on my bullshit and that for some reason that’s completely beyond me, you haven’t given up on me even though I’ve given you a hundred opportunities and a thousand reasons why. For some reason you like me and most of the time I’m not even sure why, but you do and I like that, too. I pretty much melt when you say my name, it sounds better when you say it, and when I’m with you, it’s easy to forget what I’m afraid of, but when I’m not, I guess I have a tendency to get in my head.” ❞ ❝ “You said it yourself; we’ve all got flaws. But the day I don’t want you is the day the earth starts rotating backward, okay?” “That’s a hell of a bold statement from a guy who’s known me two months.” “Remember this moment in twenty years. Can’t wait to tell you I told you so.” ❞ ❝ “I see, caffeine and kisses are the way to your heart in the morning. Good to know.” ❞ ❝ Love launched ships and started wars and inspired sonnets and drove people to madness. Love was heaven and hell, sin and redemption. It was as real to her as any other force of nature, hurricanes and earthquakes and lightning storms and meteor strikes. It fascinated her as much as it terrified her as much as it humbled her and— She’d spent her whole life trying to put it into words, eighty thousand of them at a time. Love had to be enough. There was no point if it wasn’t. ❞
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cto10121 · 7 months
Twilight Clown Takes—Part 5
Featuring not only fan dumb but anti fan dumb, which is arguably worse, Team Jacob dumb, and just another whole set of clownery. Without further ado, let’s get to it.
Anti Fan Dumb
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“I own all the Twilight books and movies and have made custom T-shirts but also Twilight is garbage and it’s not hypocritical or bullying to say so!!1!!1 😡”
(Also, Twilight’s themes and even plot are anything but simple. There are so many interpretive lens you could apply, even critical lit crit ones, it’s dizzying. Like R&J, it only seems to be that way because people assume romance = dumb. Because they think romance = women, and women are inferior. It’s Sexism 101.)
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This is going to sound truly crazy, but hear me out…if you don’t like something, just don’t engage with it? Ignore it???? Go be a fan of literally anything else????Out there, I know.
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“I got what I wanted and I still hated it!!1!!11 😡”
Meyer Is Racist Round ♾️
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…You know, I honestly can’t tell what this comment is supposed to aver. “Meyer’s portrayal is racist but also her series was ahead of its time in its portrayal of NA characters”????? Idek.
Anyway, it’s canon that Forks is neutral territory for both Cullens and the werewolves, so them looking after Charlie should be fine (I know Jacob says differently in New Moon but I have a feeling it is because of Alice’s presence—there is definitely a “we won’t be anywhere near you” component to the treaty). In Midnight Sun Edward says specifically it’s a five mile radius from the Cullens’ house.
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There are so much wrong with this one sentence, it’s breathtaking. As in, I can’t breathe from choking with laughter.
1) “Despite its”—Because of, you idiot. It was Meyer’s success in tapping into ancient and nigh universal tropes and modernizing them without diluting their power.
2) Just because Twilight doesn’t have sex doesn’t mean it is chaste. There is nothing chaste about the erotic and sexual tension Meyer builds. It is literally off the charts.
3) “Forbidden love” and “steep imbalance of power” are not opposites. On the contrary, they are complementary. Literally every forbidden love romance has that aspect. Even Romeo and Juliet with its beautiful relationship of equals has Romeo’s privilege raised as male vs. Juliet’s raised as female. And yes, it does affect their tragedy.
4) “Damsel—” She is a human amid vampires and werwolves, idiot. Of course she is not going to girlboss her way out of danger. That would have been a one-way ticket to literal death. And she would have deserved it, for being too stupid to live. But Bella is not an idiot; she has more wit in her elbow than any of her antis combined.
Team Jacob Dumb
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Ugh, kill this fanon with fire.
Meyer makes it clear that Bella is not attracted to all vampires the same way she is attracted to Edward. She isn’t taken in by James, she isn’t fooled by Laurent, and the vampires in Breaking Dawn are referred to in fairly basic terms. Even the way she describes the Cullens’ beauty differs—Carlisle’s and even Rosalie’s beauty (!!) she likens to Hollywood and Sports Magazine respectively. Very clichéd and emotionally empty descriptions. Most tellingly of all, she doesn’t describe other vampiric scents at all.
Meanwhile every little thing Edward does makes this girl cream. His voice, his scent, his crooked smile, his windswept bronze hair…because she’s in love with him, duh.
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You may have had a point some years ago, Clown OP. Unfortunately for you, we now have Midnight Sun. There Edward does correctly guess Bella’s thoughts and feelings around 80-90% of the time. The only time when he’s consistently off is her attraction to him. He, like Bella, just sells himself short, as he relies on his mind reading too much.
Even if it were true that Jacob just naturally gets Bella better…in actual practice it’s mostly due to the fact that they are much closer in age. So their brand of humor (the running joke about ages, banter, the Simpsons allusion in Breaking Dawn) and style of communication are not that different (hence why Bella thinks he is so easy to talk to). Bella can truly be a regular 17-year-old with Jacob, and that is understandably attractive for a parentified teen.
Aside from that, though, Bella/Jacob don’t have much in common. Bella’s tomboyishness begins and ends with her truck and stretches to its limit to motorcycles. Otherwise she is a parentified class-conscious bookish Austenite and Jacob is your basic mechanic native boy who by all accounts is perfectly fine at the rez. He takes care of his father, but his situation is far from being as parentified as Bella.
Overall Edward is much closer to Bella in personality and likes than Jacob—he just has the disadvantage of being born in a different time and living a hundred years. Also, Jacob’s understanding of Bella doesn’t translate very well into respect for her—see forced kiss and manipulative second kiss.
Edward Hate Dumb
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…I’ll give it to this one, this clownery almost sounds like a legit criticism. Almost.
First of all, it is clear beyond the shadow of a doubt that Edward would have never given up on Bella. Even when he left her he always planned to return and see how she was doing. In Midnight Sun he confesses that had he seen New Moon!Bella in her screaming nightmares he would have woken her up and stayed with her. And in Eclipse he tells Jacob explicitly that even if Bella did choose him he would always “be waiting in the wings,” seeing if she was okay and happy and watching out if Jacob imprinted on someone else.
So no, Edward would always be there for Bella, if just in his stalkerish way. That’s the problem with Edward, or what he feels is a problem: He wants to be this noble hero, but he is a simp at heart. He and Romeo could go neck to neck just on love clownery alone.
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For fuck’s sake—
1) Edward telling Bella he cannot live without her is not and never was manipulative. For such a thing to be manipulative he would have said it in order to convince Bella to stay with him. He never does; he says it only as a simple statement of fact. Actually, Edward preferred Bella living her life as human—with or without him—so long as she is happy. That was literally his original plan except for Bella’s horror of growing older.
2) Edward actually does accept—deep down, but he does—Bella’s desire to be a vampire, even if he disagreed with it. He even accepted his family’s vote to turn Bella into a vampire quite fast. That’s because deep down, despite himself…Edward actually does want Bella to be with him forever. He just thinks it’s selfish of him to pursue that especially when he believes that humanity would be so much better for Bella. How do we know this? He admits this explicitly in Eclipse when Bella says she is afraid Edward doesn’t want her to become a vampire because he doesn’t want her to stick around for a millennia.
3) “Coercion” For fuck’s sake, it was just a proposal. Bella was free to reject it or negotiate (which she did! And Edward accepted her rejection!). Y’know, what actual irl couples do.
4) Ugh, I’m sick of these clowns whining about Edward dismantling her truck. Yes, it was shitty!!! Bella was annoyed and angry!!! He apologized for it!!! He said he was wrong to stop her and would not impede her from going to La Push from then on!!!! It’s called character development!!!!
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Clown OP knows Twilight is horribly written because they’ve never read it. Works for me! Into the clownery bin you go.
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The Dirty Air by Lauren Asher
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My sister bought me this series for Christmas and I have been so anxious to read it. <3 It even made me interested in watching Formula 1 races. Which, is a rather unfortunate atrocity seeing as my time is already booked with escaping reality through literature. *sigh* What I loved– the angst, the swoon, the character development. I adore the epilogues, too. So so much. What I could have done without– the constant crassness of the men at the beginning of each book (I don’t mind them being assholes but I could do without “fuck” in every line of dialogue and inner thoughts. Honestly it’s my only qualm with Asher’s writing. Sometimes, I read a book or series and think “wow this will be a reread for sure.” However, I had never finished a book and immediately wanted to reread it to annotate it. Until the dirty air series. Brain, meet obsession. There is a direct correlation from how beat up my books look to how much I love them. The chart looks like this.
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These books? Absolutely wrecked (heh get it? Because of book thre– okay I’ll stop.
Oh my lord. Do you love brother’s rival (enemy?) tropes? How about forbidden romance (see brother’s rival)? Slow Burn? This is the book for you! Noah and Maya are so funny I love them so much. Both of their characters developed so much through this book and it was a joy to read them. I especially how much Maya was able to stand up for herself to Santi. She had as much growing to do as Noah did, which is one of my favorites. I also adored how much of a simp Noah is for Maya. Simps reign supreme in my heart. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I’m not going to lie, I was really apprehensive about going into Liam and Sophie’s story, even though Collided’s cover was the one that drew me into the series in the first place. Once again we have a forbidden romance between our protagonists, ah how cruel the heart can be. Sophie’s list had me cackling certainly NOT because mine looks ⅔ similar Liam’s prologue was totally unexpected and I can honestly say it hooked me. I did feel that the push and pull between the friendzone and the warring chemistry was a little drawn out. I think this book could have moved 100 pages from that to secret dates or *gasp* emotional bonding. Overall, I did enjoy their story. Sophie is a pure soul. I also really enjoyed seeing the alternative side of the same timeline we experienced in Throttled. James Mitchell is my fave, btw. 10/10 dad. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wrecked Oooh ooh ohh angst from the get go. Thank you thank you thank you Lauren Asher. After meeting Jax in book one, he was the racer I was least excited to read about, but, (butta butta but) he is a curly haired tattooed man with anxiety.What can I say? As my queen and goddess stated, “it’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me”
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SO, now I’m in. Also, he is SO SO sweet with his Mama I love him. Jax is a scared little puppy waiting for someone to get past his defenses enough to scoop him up and take him home. Once I realized this, my heart melted for him. Elena might be coming for Maya’s spot as my fave fmc in this series. She is so assured and witty. At the ancient age of 26, nearly 27, I found I could relate to Elena’s more mature narration. She is confident, assured, and truly a “do no harm take no sh**” kind of lady. I think I could like her a lot. And don’t get me started on sweet baby Elias. Oh my darling carino. Too pure, must protec. Elena and Jax’s dynamic starts off very strong. Both with zest and fight coursing through them. I love love love their banter. Both of these lil babies are emotionally stunted, which is becoming a trope I wasn’t aware I craved. Their easy volley of clap backs had me smiling so much it hurt. And the character development my GOD the character development with these two was so so good. By the end I was literally sobbing. Was this a fragile week for me? Yes. Do I think I still would have sobbed? Yes. And that epilogue? Heart, meet knife ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Redeemed At this point, I think Lauren Asher sits on her throne of hell writing chair and thinks “hmmm how could I make this prologue more gut wrenching than the last one?” Yes, yes, I hear you. “But Chey! How can (view spoiler) and I HEAR you but also, Santi? SANTI?! I love him. The lead up for this story is both comical and heart wrenching, which makes us all look like jerks for laughing. Chloe has found an ancestry kit to lead her to her long lost dad. Will he be awesome? Will he suck as bad as her mom (almost impossible)? Who knows!?! Coincidentally, her journeys take her to the same town our broken hero Santiago Altorre is residing in. And what do we find Santiago doing? Well, he was just told that Maya and Noah need to watch their son Marko for two weeks because (view spoiler) Angst and comedy leading into the perfect setup for this fake dating trope? *Swoon* Alright, confession time. My favorite tropes are one bed, fake dating, single dad, and accidental pregnancy. I know that last one is wildly unpopular but my god it’s my kryptonite. Santi isn’t a single dad, but taking care of Marko for the two weeks means that he fits the bill, even if only temporarily. And I absolutely adore the friendly banter between them– how much they want to help the other heal. If you like Archer’s Voice, I think you’ll love this book. This book gave me nearly everything that makes my heart sing about romances. Gahh A million stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Words of love
Manic Panic- When I first found out I got you as my Secret Santa I was super stoked! I have fallen in love with your work time and time again as this past year has gone on through your drabbles, banter, and even our DND sessions. I am not always attentive and honestly, I have ADHD so bad that I'm not sure which browser in my head is running, how many, or where the music is coming from, but you never hesitate to welcome me into the fold and shenanigans that the Bat Fam is getting into. I value your friendship and I love how you encourage everyone's muse around you. You are such a bright light wrapped up into a Dark Knight here to save everyone from their writer's block and bullshit. I'm not the only one who feels this way and on down you will see the others that have reached out to add to my little love fest here! Happy Holidays Bat Dad. We love you and your brooding face!
J. -
God, I'm so not good at this mushy gushy stuff, BUT! It's Christmas, and part of a present, soooo…
I know I've told you time and time again how happy I am that we stumbled across each other, how grateful I am to have you as a writing partner and friend, and how incredible your writing is, but here I am, telling you one more time. (And I'll probably still tell you like a bajillion times more.) What you do? It's special. You really do have this innate ability to encapsulate Bruce's character— you give him life, and you bring a uniqueness to him through your words that cannot be replicated. And I think that comes from your own experiences on the other side of the screen. You're such a talent, and it doesn't hurt that you're so kind. And funny! That's always a win in my book.
Anyway, I don't want this to turn into a long, rambling tangent about how great you are, which it very well could, so let me just say that I adore you, I hope that you have an amazing Christmas, and I look forward to cooking up more stories with you.
Love, -J.
BOY WONDER - OKAY SO. I'M NOT SURE HOW I'M GONNA SUM UP HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU IN ONE PARAGRAPH, BUT WE'RE GONNA TRY. You are so special to me literally my best friend, the person who can make me laugh when I'm raging or wanna cry, and the one I know I can always count on to be in my corner no matter what. You're literally so talented like… sometimes I'm legit baffled by the beauty that is your writing. And now I'm not exaggerating No matter what character you're writing, whether it be a canon or oc you put every bit of that talent into them, and you dive in deep, getting to know them and expanding and it's just sdfjklsdf AWESOME okay. I love it. And I love every single connection we've ever made. Part of why I try to drag your ass around with me wherever I go but seriously. You do so much, not just for me but for everyone you come into contact with. You're generous and always quick to uplift and encourage people. And I for one would be completely lost without you. I'm pretty sure this is for your SS gift so MERRY CHRISTMAS and I love you and I can't wait to see your reaction to reading how much other people love you as well. xoxox GUNFIGHT - Bruce. Old Man. Your creativity is off the charts my guy. Reading your stuff is always an absolutely amazing experience no matter what character it is from. Your drabbles, to poetry, to replies, the writing always flows in a way no one else can match. Though some may try. But also your edits are cool af and bantering once in a blue moon is always fun. MEOWY CATMAS - Waynetech is one of the most supportive people I’ve met in this site, always encouraging others and sharing their work. He goes out of his way to make everyone feel welcome and included and he’s even nice to people who write the same character he does. This community could use more people like him.
BELIEVES IN LOVE - What can I say about Wayne Tech? They're a beautiful writer that captures Bruce so fantastically. They truly build a world and suck you right into it making you feel every last emotion and allowing for you to see the scene so well it's like you're watching a movie. They are also such a lovely friend and I'm so grateful that I've met them.
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shireness-says · 4 years
Swan’s Seven (4/?)
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Summary: After two years behind bars, Emma’s out, and she’s got a plan in mind. Now to put together the perfect team… Let’s stage an art heist. (A CS Ocean’s 8 AU) ~3.9K. Rated T for language. Also on AO3. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
A/N: Hello, all. It’s been a while on this one. 11 months, nearly to the day. Word to the wise: don’t sign up for six writing events all at once. The good news is there’s not a lot to refresh on, if you need the refresher! The gist: we’re robbing an art galley, and CS are trying to come back from starting out on the wrong foot.
Thanks, as always, to @snidgetsafan​​ for beta-ing, and to YOU ALL for being so patient with me.
Tags: @optomisticgirl​, @spartanguard​, @profdanglaisstuff​, @captainsjedi​, @thisonesatellite​, @thejollyroger-writer​, @let-it-raines​, @teamhook​, @kmomof4​, @snowbellewells​, @searchingwardrobes​, @winterbaby89​, @scientificapricot​, @superchocovian​​, @welllpthisishappening​​, @ohmightydevviepuu​​. Shoot me a message if you want to be added/taken off the list.
And a last note: last September, @spartanguard​​ made some AMAZING fan art for me! Check it out and give her love, if you haven’t already!
Enjoy - and let me know what you think!
Emma makes her living off of first impressions and gut feelings. She’s a career con; those feelings can keep you alive and out of jail. Emma prides herself on rarely being wrong, with few (if spectacular - looking at you, Neal) exceptions.
Perhaps that’s why it rankles so much that she finds herself liking Killian Jones - it’s an admittance that her first impression, that he was nothing but a cocky bastard there to undermine her, was wrong. But underneath that seems to be a kind man, a polite and chivalrous one, a man who held the door for Elsa this morning and is currently with Belle unwrapping some kind of machine for replicating bronzes, as promised, the both of them displaying near-childlike glee at the new toy. It’s a side of him that Emma hadn’t expected to see, given those first few disastrous interactions.
(The side of him, so to speak, that Emma is treated to watching Killian bend over the box isn’t half bad either.)
A low whistle sounds from over Emma’s shoulder where she leans against the bar, almost as if she conjured it into existence. That’s not the case, of course; Ruby may be practicing her drink mixing before she starts at Robin’s tomorrow, plying them all with dangerously strong cocktails in the process, but as far as Emma’s aware, the saucy brunette isn’t any sort of mindreader. 
“Damn if that’s not a pretty sight,” Ruby comments with a smirk as she measures out a hefty shot of vodka. “I love a man who can fill out a pair of jeans right.”
“I thought you were more interested in a woman who can fill out a pair of jeans right.” It’s not a criticism - just, apparently, a significant misread on Emma’s part. Another one. 
Or not. “Baby, I’m not picky,” Ruby winks. “I like everyone. Just say the word if you’re ever interested.”
“Not really looking - especially not if it mixes business with pleasure - but I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks, Ruby.”
Ruby hums. “That mean you won’t ever make a move on Jones?”
“Why would I ever want to make a move on Jones?” Emma snorts.
Ruby just shrugs in response. “I don’t know. You two have got that charged tension going on. It’s a lot more fun to fuck it out than fight it out. You can’t deny he’s easy on the eyes, either - I’ve seen you looking.”
It’s a little too late to claim she was watching where Regina and Elsa hover over a laptop, monitoring the feed from Tink’s glasses from her first day at her new internship. That just leaves sarcasm to fall back on - always a solid choice. “Yeah, well, I’ve been in a women’s prison for two years. Can’t blame a red-blooded American woman for looking.”
“I’ll let you pretend that’s all it is. For now.” As if to accentuate, Ruby slides a bright aqua cocktail across the counter. “Enjoy your Blue Motherfucker.”
(Emma didn’t order the cocktail by any stretch of the imagination, but damn, does that burn feel good going down.)
Liquid courage doesn’t have anything to do with the way she saunters over to meet Killian where he hunches over an instruction manual. At the sound of her boots on the industrial concrete, his head snaps to attention, turning to meet her face to face. 
“What can I do for you, Swan?” he asks with that smirk she’s learning is just an affectation. She thinks it might be armor, the same way she wears her red leather jacket; warn everyone away and you won’t get hurt. 
“What are you up to tomorrow?”
“Depends. What are you about to propose?”
“How about you and I have a little date at an art gallery?”
“Not that I don’t appreciate your efforts, darling,” Killian murmurs in her ear, “but next time - I plan the date.”
“You seem awfully sure that there will be another date,” Emma snarks back. “Think highly of yourself, don’t you? And I’m not your darling.”
“What can I say, love - I can’t help that I’m devilishly handsome and charming. I’ve found it a winning combination.”
“Not your love, either.”
It’s not actually a date - just something intended to look like one. To anyone else at the gallery, they look like a pair of lovers, whispering sweet nothings to each other as they observe the masterpieces. All the while, Elsa observes exactly where the boundaries of each video camera lie from her computer back at the Poison Apple as Emma and Killian slink past corners with a faux-smitten giggle or tug on the lapel of a leather jacket. 
“You are aware that we can hear you, right?” Regina drawls in the hidden earpiece they both wear.
“As if I could ever forget you, Madame Mills,” Killian replies smoothly. “I must say, I wouldn’t normally invite someone else along on an afternoon romantic excursion, but if the lovely Swan enjoys someone else listening in to… shall we say, private moments, then I am happy to —”
“So help me God, if you finish that sentence, I will remove your balls with my pocket knife,” Emma interrupts. 
“Ah, so you like them quiet too.” At her sharp look - one she’s sure could cut through steel if she just tried hard enough - Killian bows his head in concession. “I’ll stop, if only for the sake of my anatomy.”
“Good decision.”
“And I’ll repeat, we can hear you,” Regina snaps into their earpieces. 
(Emma will never admit that in the midst of the banter, she forgot.)
“Alright, Your Majesty, don’t get your knickers in a twist.” Killian’s voice isn’t exactly soothing, but it’s something approaching conciliatory. Emma just hopes the cameras aren’t so good as to see the way he winks, completely contradicting his words.
“How’s it going, Elsa?” Emma asks under her breath, hoping to change the subject. Turning things back towards the reason she and Killian are here in the first place. 
“Just fine, Emma,” Elsa’s calm voice trails through the ear piece. “The cameras up front will be… somewhat trickier to manipulate just due to sheer numbers, as you can imagine, but doable. I’ll work on dissecting their alarm system on the displayed paintings next. I would appreciate a closer pass around the doors to the staff-only areas, if you don’t mind terribly.”
“Not at all.”
Slowly, they make their way towards Elsa’s directed areas, keeping a leisurely pace and making sure to stop and briefly examine the works on the walls as they go, maintaining their facade as a somewhat distracted young couple. Jones pauses for a particularly long time to examine an impressionistic landscape Emma won’t pretend to recognize without the assistance of the side label she has no intention of looking at. By all appearances, he sees something in there that she doesn’t.
“Shopping, are we?” she leans up to whisper in his ear. It’s not flirting, not really; not real flirting anyways. It’s just all for show, and Emma? Well, she’s a born actress when it comes to a con. 
“‘Fraid I don’t have the space on my walls, darling,” he smirks. “Ask me again in a few weeks, maybe I’ll have a bigger, better place. In the meantime, just admiring the colors.”
“I wouldn’t have pegged you for an art enthusiast,” Emma comments as they finally saunter into the particular camera’s range, extracting the gallery guide from her back jeans pocket to give herself a reason to stop.
“I’m not. Doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate it from an amateur standpoint.” He leans in close - for show, of course, all for show - to whisper back in her own ear. “Now let’s hurry up and finish so we can get out of here.”
Emma tosses him a sideways look. “This may seem like a date, but you’re not getting lucky, buddy.”
“And I’d never presume as such. Now, Elsa, what else do you need?”
“A round by the other staff doors, and then just a final pass by the front guard’s desk, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course, lass.”
Killian may be an annoyance, but he really does make a good partner for this kind of thing. Two people on a date is a good reason to stop, to linger, especially in inappropriate places and at inappropriate times. And Jones? Jones is a master of suggestive smirks and flirtatious gazes whose salacious intimacy turns guards’ eyes away. By all appearances, they’re two people going through the motions of a date and just biding their time before some more enjoyable activities - at least on his side. 
Emma is fine playing along; it’s easy enough to make the effort to linger in his space - all for appearances, of course - and create little affectionate touches. Hell, it’s even fun to slip her hand into the back pocket of Killian’s jeans and imprint to her memory the way he tries so hard not to jump in surprise at the gesture. But all the while, her mind is elsewhere - cataloging entrance and exit routes, taking note of pieces they’ll want to target, and remembering the faces of the guards to relay to Ruby later. This is work, not fun time; any enjoyment she might be finding is secondary to their goals.
“You can relax now, Swan,” Killian comments once they’ve finally made their way back outside and down the block, tapping at his earpiece to turn it off while Emma does the same. She’s had rather enough of Regina’s particular brand of sarcasm today. 
“I’m always relaxed,” she all but snaps back. It rather undermines her own point, but whatever.
“Oh yes, that’s so clearly evidenced by the set of your shoulders. Tell me, are they supposed to sit quite that high and tense?”
Carefully, she makes sure to relax her posture. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Hmm. I’m sure you don’t.” Killian’s smile nearly sparkles, even in the middle of that mocking, not that she’d let it distract her. No, Emma is made of sterner stuff than that. With a quirk of an eyebrow, he slings an arm - the one with a hand, she notices - over those same shoulders. “C’mon, Swan, let’s go down to the bar and check on Ruby,” he declares. “I’ll buy you a drink.”
Emma debates shrugging his arm off, coming back with another snappy quip, but ultimately decides against it; some things just aren’t worth the effort when it’s been a weird day and she’s tired. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have questions about this little side trip he’s proposing. “Why?”
“Why do I want to buy you a drink? Well, Swan, when a single man - like myself - meets a pretty young lady —”
“You know what I mean, smartass. Why do you want to go to the bar?”
“Ah, that. Well, you’re a bit of an open book Swan, and one who likes to hold all the cards. You’ve been carefully steering this whole data-gathering enterprise; I can tell you want to check in on how Ruby’s doing. I’d never call you a control freak, of course - that’d be terribly bad form - but, well…”
“I am not a control freak,” Emma protests.
“No. Regina is a control freak. I am a… control enthusiast.”
“Do you just want me to use my pocket knife on you? Is that it?”
“That’s a little too kinky for me, actually, but if that changes at any point, I do promise, Swan, you’ll be the very first to know.”
With a glare, Emma reaches for her back pocket. There’s something so satisfying about the way Jones lifts both his hands in surrender at her renewed threat.
“Alright, Swan, I yield,” he laughs. “Might be best to add another drink onto what I owe you, call it an apology.”
“Make it something dark and strong and you’re on.”
Ruby is, by all appearances, more than fine behind the bar at the Den of Thieves - at least if the tip jar is any indicator. Her low cut blouse and that particular sway of her hips probably helps, but Ruby is naturally predisposed to this kind of thing, friendly and just a little bit flirty and a people person in her very core in a way Emma could never manage. The peppy brunette gives no indication of recognizing either Emma or Killian as she serves them, but their drinks, even for being simple, are prepared and delivered in record time, along with a basket of onion rings a few minutes later than Emma never even had to ask for. 
“So,” Killian says once they’ve nearly finished their first drinks - rum for him, bourbon for her - and put in an order for a basket of wings, tucking his hands jauntily beneath his chin. “Tell me about yourself.”
“This isn’t a real date, Jones,” Emma quips back, draining her glass and signalling a Ruby for a refill. “Sorry to break it to you, but that touchy feely business back at the gallery? All for show.”
Killian clutches at his chest dramatically. “Break a man’s heart, why don’t you, Swan?”
Emma just shrugs, reaching for another onion ring. No real way to respond to that, and no real need, either.
“But really, Swan. Tell me something.”
“Well, I’m a Scorpio, I like long walks on the beach, and I’m just looking for that perfect partner in crime, you know?” Emma replies, purposefully pitching her voice high and giggly. 
“Oh, now that was funny, love. Partner in crime - I see what you did there.”
“I couldn’t possibly begin to understand what you mean.” Batting her eyelashes really sells the effect, in Emma’s opinion. 
“Picture of innocence, truly.”
“That’s me.” Emma quickly nods her thanks as one of Robin’s regular staff deposits their wings platter, picking up and twirling a saucy drumette between her fingers. “Why do you want to know.”
“I don’t know,” Killian shrugs, reaching for his own bite. “As long as we’re working together, I figured it’d be nice to get to know each other. We don’t have to, I suppose, but I thought it might be preferable to sitting in silence.”
“What, 20 Questions then?”
“Aye. I’ll even let you go first.”
“You’re the one who wanted to play.”
“Yes, but I’m also a gentleman. Ask your questions, Swan.”
“Fine.” The problem is, Emma doesn’t really know what she wants to ask. But the silence sits there, complete with an expectant look on Jones’ face, and she finally settles on a cop-out of a question. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Unexpected choice of question. I like it. Blue grey, like the ocean on a windy day. Pancakes, waffles, or French toast?”
“Oh, and you said I picked something unexpected. Pancakes. With chocolate chips and whipped cream. Fantasy heist?”
“Some old sailing ship. Really embrace the pirate vibe. Any hobbies?”
Emma looks at him skeptically. “Does art theft not count?”
“Fair enough,” he laughs. It’s a nice sound, not that she’s paying attention. “Back to you.”
“Dream trip?”
“Someplace ancient. Maybe Greece. Ask me again next week and I’ll tell you something different. How do you take your coffee?”
“This feels like some kind of sly come-on,” Emma comments wryly.
“And that feels like avoidance. Answer the question, Swan.”
“Fine. I take it in the form of hot chocolate. With cinnamon. If I need the caffeine I’ll shotgun a Red Bull or something instead.”
“Red Bull? That’s disgusting, Swan.”
“That’s effective. And it’s my turn to ask a question.”
“So ask it.”
She pauses just a moment before diving in. “How did you find your way into this business?” Even as Emma speaks the words, she knows this is what they’ve been leading up to - why he, a man who should be able to make a respectable living, has wound up here, trafficking stolen goods. It doesn’t make sense, even if he is excellent at his job.
“Ah.” Killian’s smile is visibly strained as his head bows to address the table instead of Emma’s face. “It’s not a particularly noble story, I’m afraid.”
“You don’t have to tell me,” Emma rushes to assure him. “I know when you suggested this game you didn’t think that —”
“It’s fine, Swan, really. I was never some knight in shining armor anyways.” He knocks back the rest of his drink quickly and signals for another. “I was actually in the Royal Navy for a stretch. Joined up with my brother.”
“That… actually makes sense. How’d a nice Navy boy turn to the life of crime?”
“Lost my brother, lost my hand. Was left with… pretty much nothing, really.” He jiggles the empty glass like a nervous habit, making the remaining ice cubes click softly together. “Found myself very at ends. And then, Will Scarlet sauntered back into my life, needed help.”
“Wait - Will Scarlet?” Emma should let him finish the story, but she knows that name. Fuck, she’s worked with that name before. “You know Will Scarlet?”
“Aye. Grew up together, actually, though we took very different paths after graduation. I take it you know him as well?”
“Pickpocket and thief? Kind of an asshole?”
“Oh, an absolute right bastard when he wants to be. Which he does, nine times out of ten. But he’s a loyal friend, and when I was drinking my benefits away at any pub I could find, not much caring whether I lived or died, he came to me and told me he needed help. Someone charming enough to help him get a good price on one of his larger pulls. And it just kind of… spiraled from there. Half of dealing in stolen goods is charm, you know. Charm enough to talk a price up or down, or convince a buyer that there’s absolutely no way a purchase can ever be traced back to them even when you know you can’t promise it. It’s a good fit for, if not the one I anticipated when I first joined up, fresh out of school. What about you, though?” he asks, quickly changing the subject. “How’d a lovely young lady like you embrace the life of crime?”
This isn’t really a story Emma likes to tell; Regina only weaseled it out of her after several years and quite a lot of tequila. But it seems like something she should tell Killian - tit for tat, and all that. Besides, he bared his soul to her, and all because she asked; it’s only right that she do the same.
“It was probably inevitable, one way or another,” she admits. “I, uh… I grew up alone. No parents, ward of the state, blah blah blah. A couple of prospective adoptions that didn’t happen when I was little and then a whole chain of temporary group homes. Until…” 
“Until?” Killian gently prompts when Emma doesn’t pick back up immediately.
“Until I ran away from the umpteenth foster home or group home - I honestly don’t remember which - and David caught me trying to shoplift from a gas station.”
“Ah. The infamous brother.”
“The very one,” Emma agrees. “Who you obviously know now isn’t my real brother. But he was… he kind of took me under his wing, you know? In a way I didn’t expect at 15. His father was a big name in certain circles - less than legal circles. Robert Nolan. Infamous for faking his own death a couple times. And they took me in - David and Robert and his wife, Ruth. Turns out angels or saints or whatever the fuck you want to call them don’t necessarily live on the right side of the law. Robert taught me to pick my first lock, and, well, the rest was history, as the mysterious they always say.”
“That’s nice, in a larcenous kind of way.”
“It was. Is? Robert died, for real this time, a few years back. Ruth’s still around, though. Made sure to come visit me in prison, even when I told her to stay away. Moms, I guess.”
“And your brother? He didn’t…”
“Wind up dead or behind bars?” Emma completes. “No. Though he might as well have. David was the safe-cracker on the east coast for a while, but he retired.”
“No shit?”
“None to speak of. Met a schoolteacher, got married, moved out to Maine. They’ve got an honest-to-God farm, with sheep and a tractor and… other farm things that I never want to know about.”
“Different strokes, I suppose.”
“Or something. I’m just happy he’s happy. Maybe when this is over I’ll drop in for a visit. Try my hand at gathering eggs or something.”
“I’m sure he’d like that,” Killian smiles. “Especially if you haven’t seen each other in years.”
“Yeah, well, if he doesn’t, too bad. He’s the one who adopted me, not the other way ‘round,” she comments, raising her glass in a mock salute. She likes the way it makes him laugh - though that might just be the bourbon talking. “I think it’s time for… literally any other question, honestly. Tell me about the pirate fixation.”
Gratefully, Killian lets her change the subject. “Ah. Well, you see, when I was a young boy, my brother read me Peter Pan…”
It’s just a drink. Well, several drinks, and a basket of onion rings and a wing platter. But it somehow makes Killian a person, a person Emma could actually like, instead of some man with an attitude she didn’t want on her team at the beginning of all of this. She knows a thing or two about defense mechanisms and emotional armor anyways. 
“Oh, please tell me that you and Jones just buried the proverbial hatchet and not the euphemistic one,” Regina groans after Killian hands Emma a coffee cup with a wink the next morning. A large hot chocolate. With a healthy sprinkle of cinnamon on the top. 
Seems he might have listened, just a bit.
“Okay, first of all, the euphemistic hatchet is not a thing. Like, that’s not a phrase. And if it was, I don’t think Jones needs that kind of ego boost. We’d never hear the end of it,” Emma argues.
“None of this sounds like a denial.”
“Well, it is. Because - second of all - we did not have sex. Which is the phrase real adults use.”
“Calling yourself a real adult undermines the spirit of the thing.”
Emma flips her off. It’s earned.
“Fine. You didn’t have sex. So this is all just… you suddenly discovering a new and more forgiving side of yourself?”
“Well, you know, I figured he was less insufferable than you, Reg, and it was all sunshine and roses from there.”
“Fair enough.” Regina holds out her own coffee cup - doubtless filled with some disgusting double shot concoction she ordered herself from an uppity coffee shop - to tap against Emma’s. “I’m just glad to see you two getting along better. Though maybe we could hear it less.”
“I make no promises.”
Across the room, Killian meets her eyes with a smile from where he’s listening to something Tink is saying, and Emma can’t help but smile back. They would have managed this job even if Killian and her hadn’t come to this agreement (detente, he’d probably say), but she can’t deny this makes things easier. 
Alright, Swan? he mouths from across the room, smiling even wider when she nods in return. 
It’s just drinks, and it’s just coffee - but it’s a start.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
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+18 HEADCANON :: Gettin’ Frisky With The Måneskin Members 
# word count. 2.5k | bullet points
♡ note. they put a spell on us and spiced up 2021, i thought hello world why not write about ‘em. måneskin at their very core are all about being gnc and their bdsm aesthetic is off the charts, it’s all over their lyrics as well — pretty much what i blog about, match made in heaven. yes to some fic content, and time for some ot4 agenda because we’re exploring each member in depth. enjoy!
WARNINGS. ⚠️ explicit content, gender neutral reader, switch!damiano, hard domme!victoria, vanilla!thomas, sub!ethan, freaky stuff, toys and s/m, oral (both ways), degradation, spit, pain play, brat taming, bondage, sinning cuz rock’n’roll never dies
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⌜ /// damiano david ⌟
oh, sweet roma with the jawline of god, clad in ruffles, crop tops and mesh
i can sense the kinky switch in him from a mile away, he just radiates it
if this guy isn’t open to try almost everything i don’t know anymore
so yep — as versatile as can be my luvs
not just a sexy beast in tight pants but also really charismatic and good at communicating
damiano can tell you exactly what to do, or do exactly as you say, the man knows how it’s done
totally has a thing for your legs, kisses your hands, sits on your lap, lets you feel up his masterpiece of a body
can go on and on and on like... woo, stamina. this guy is just living the wild and free life, perks of being the group stuntman i mean lead singer, he’s athletic af
divine techniques of giving head, his favorite thing to do, he’s a tongue guy for sure. damiano’s craving for oral spirals out of control when the hormones strike
curses like mad, reaction king, full of flirty antics and banter, talks a lot in bed
the sexy jewelry stay on during sex m’kay
if you have a kink for rings and necklaces this is the right address
not to mention that he maintains a whole collar and choker collection. this guy’s all about ownership, just you wait he probably has a leash for you to hold as well
might also bring out his box of sex toys, damiano is a curious soul in love with all kinds of pleasure so if he knows you like that shit too things will get mighty busy
you’d think ethan is the one to have his hair pulled all the time but it’s actually damiano, figures though
he’ll admit he likes pain to you at some point. but you won’t be that surprised. when you pinch his waist and abs, guy straight up groans
confident being naked generally, figures as well
thrives being tied up, it’s art to him, he looks like art
always torn between wanting to blow your back out and getting roughed up by you until his eyeliner starts running, and his lipstick is all smudged. lord he loves grabbing you by the neck and getting choked out himself as well
yep, a slut, obviously
the type to take the strap balls deep because he can
and vocal as hell, i mean there’s not much explaining to do here. damiano is one loud motherfucker, extroversion here we go
one-on-one is cool with him, but if you are interested things will get poly pretty quickly. damiano is gonna go all out, a roman emperor doing orgies. grapes and good sex and a house full of moaning people, cum everywhere, elaborate roleplay scenes and pole dancing competitions and— okay okay i’m exaggerating but he’s seriously into pleasing several partners
which includes being eye candy. if you wanna lick his tattoos and run your hand through that glorious undercut while you’re cumming... go ahead he likes that
all the madness aside. wholesome aftercare, he truly has a puppy personality. rock’n’roll is one thing but damiano is a genuinely sweet guy, i mean you can just sit down and paint his nails and talk about everything
you’ll be eating self-cooked italian cuisine and cuddle lots before a long nap together, forehead kissing included
what an interesting man. good on him, damiano david everyone.
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⌜ /// victoria de angelis ⌟
oh my god this lady is on a new level
ding ding ding, dominatrix
rock’n’roll baby
miss de angelis doesn’t have girls bite back written on her bass for no reason
she can and will bite you, marking is her favorite thing in fact
prepare for hickeys all over your torso alright, everything tongue-in-cheek she just loves to tease you so much
vic is take-charge and a dirty talk legend, she’s gonna grill you if you’re all bratty i swear
her body is a stunner and she knows it, those hips, that hair... geez
will sit on your face as a hobby, might practice new bass lines while doing it, you’ll feel those in your bones hot damn
can crack a whip on you without hesitation as well, kneel and pray you peasants the alpha bi has arrived
this gal i swear, she can step on you, put you in a tight corset and peeptoe heels to make you extra pretty for her, spit in your face and you’re gonna say thank you mamma mia
talking about mama, victoria got the occasional mommy kink going, you gotta be prepared for that
also rough sex and cigarettes my dear, vic wants to fuck some shit up
loves degradation, calling you pathetic is her favorite, having you lick her boots as well, imagine that
this must be the portal to heaven 
might look like a doll but you’re the one she’s gonna throw around like one huh, get ready to get pushed on a bed or pinned against a wall, wow she’s assertive and physical af
watch out for your ass, too, she’ll find ways to destroy it i mean—
guess why maneskin won, the world is longing for unbridled asskicking energy, vic definitely has it
she’ll go down on you so intensely, have fun catching any breath at all
putting you in your place is all she ever needed to see, your begging eyes, your whines and crying, the way you look like cuffed and connected to her favorite vibrators — the sweetest torture, really. she can go on for hours spoiling you with every fantasy a masochist could be dreaming of, and she’s happy to be your mistress
will take off her lingerie, stuff it in your mouth, slap you for good measure, and enjoys you writhing thoroughly. even better, overstimulating you with those agile bass fingers... bad girls do it better.
let’s just put it into words once and for all victoria is a goddess
rolls out the soft domme as well, adores you for aftercare, she’s totally kissy and loves the pillow talk, ma’am your taurus is showing
victoria is a gal you can have outrageous fun sex with and philosophize about the world afterwards, she has so many thoughts to share
you can get an essay about every political issue there is, or every abstract topic, she’s great with languages too
let me tell you: if you like her, it’s guaranteed you’re a hopeless sapiosexual. congratulations for sure
yeah wow she’s a phenomenon inside out
bless her you’ll be crushing so hard
vic rules and she owns your ass peace out
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⌜ /// thomas raggi ⌟
how cool is he
resident smooth operator
he got the moves like jagger, the shoes too, and he’s wearing lace jackets come on look at him. he understood the assignment utterly and completely what a joy to behold
fashion is his way of flirting with you, run that hand down his chest and you’ll know
wanna fuck him in that leopard faux fur coat? or the perfectly transparent sequin suit from sanremo that brought out all of his femboy glory (oh my god, the untapped potential of it)? of course you can, no limits
this guy just radiates the sass without even trying and it’s gonna show in bed
mister raggi is like one of those adverts... sexy italian man in your area wants to get to know you 
well he really does: the quality time love language is going strong so the getting to know you part is not just gonna be sex all night
the flavor of rock comes with guitar solos and jamming out, imagine fucking several rounds with thomas playing some new pieces for you in between, and you become his muse
god that would be ecstatic, heaven, the stones would be so proud of you, freddie mercury would give a major thumbs up
who needs drugs indeed, just listen to thomas hitting a sick riff at full volume, eargasm
this guy grinding on the floor with just his guitar and a leather jacket on, nothing underneath, singing an ode to you... that’s gonna be an image you’ll never forget i’m telling you
but hey rock star attitude aside he’s actually full of crack, watch him serenade you on the ukulele too and invent a little dance, that’s his real form of foreplay
making you laugh and move your body to the music is the ultimate aphrodisiac for thomas he’s so in love with that
slow sex is on the menu right here. thomas is super relaxed about this, carefree, everything goes
experienced, huge pleaser
thomas is for the vanilla folks, he can spice it up without power exchange ye know. as i note time and again the characters in this group are in perfect equilibrium, vic and damiano are all about that sadomasochistic stuff meanwhile thomas and ethan keep it calmer in that regard
thomas is always upbeat and loves to tease with lighthearted pranks, you blink once next thing you know his shirt is off, damiano has some serious stripper competition
his hair is so cute. those blonde waves and curls, super soft and shiny, this whole band has such great outstanding hairstyles my god. he doesn’t mind you twirling it at all
but mind you. it won’t stay with just teasing and fooling around, this guy can go through a whole pack of condoms in one night. always dances his heart out so you know those hips can keep on grinding
semi-public sex? yesh, he’d fancy it. he’d absolutely make out with you on stage anyway. thomas feels the most comfortable when it’s body on body
a little party never killed nobody: imagine if it wasn’t for covid just how much the two of you would conquer the night life of any major city. loves going out with you to check out all kinds of new genres, clubbing legend. it’s getting steamy on the dancefloor, thomas got his long ass legs between your thighs in a hot minute
can stroke you like his guitar can i get an amen
as you can tell he got that certain kind of confidence 
hard to describe, british rock band of the 90s you know, that kind of feeling
keeps it chill with the kinkiness unless lavish fetish wear is concerned, he’s a fashion king after all, harnesses on deck everybody
yeah as you can tell he’s just cool through and through
just an allround great and merry time with thomas, good stuff
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⌜ /// ethan torchio ⌟
and now for my personal favorite fella, i’ll tell you why
ethan vibes different, i know right. the balance of personalities in this group is simply beyond astounding. guy’s in his own world, but he’s glad to invite someone dear to him
truest to the band name’s meaning. as in danish for moonshine, if that doesn’t hit home for mister taciturn torchio
subtle elegance in person with a whole sexy and primal twist
ironically he’s the most unhinged and intimidating on stage with his hair flying all over the place and the glaring eyes it’s hilarious, such a duality
off-stage he becomes this elusive buff dracula, bloody hell (pun intended) he is beyond his years, his decade in fact. you gotta be the chosen one — he’s very very picky with who he lets his guard down for. and if he does, it’s gonna be super twin flames i don’t know what other word fits
that’ll be moonshine lovemaking indeed, luxurious and artistic, in each other’s embrace
because he’s a royal vampire count lost in thought, he’s the kinda guy who’s glued to your neck with those lips absentmindedly, wow he loves kissing and worshipping it so much. but he’s almost too afraid to ask
yeah you’re dealing with a shy bean with some hidden kinks
once you get to know each other he’s not awkward at all though, ethan is just very particular with who he’s hanging out around and what words he’s putting into the world
expresses himself with the body instead. can be pretty quiet in bed but it’s not because he’s not feeling anything. he does moan, just very softly and sensually, and he likes to compliment you so much it’s gonna catch you off guard
the more he opens up the more goofy he’ll become like... yeah, closet romantic. ethan is one big honey bear who loves being chest to chest with you, with all that eye contact and snuggling
most of his energy is already spent on destroying the drums, that’s his release
so you can guess how careful he’s gonna be with ya. and ethan enjoys you being the feisty one and the big spoon, he thinks domination is so hot like tie those strong hands to the headboard of his bed already and ride his brains out until he ascends
who knows he might go full on subby and let you drop that candle wax from his favorite antique table on his back, welcome to lord torchio’s vampire castle ba dum tss
SO eager to make you come, his concentration is such a turn-on
indulgent french kisses alert, you leaving scratches on his back and muscles yum
easily led, eager to switch positions a lot, fast sex hell yes it’s so good, loves getting his ass and waist grabbed, control his body how you want to, he will read every wish right from your lips
very much into clothed sex, as we can tell by his insta he loves the gentleman aesthetic so why would that suit come off? it’s part of the experience, he can blow your mind like no other
ethan is kinda packing — and a little embarrassed about it — so you get a whole treat, blowjobs blowjobs blowjobs, you’re gonna eat him alive, suck his soul out, and make him feel so damn good, shit he deserves to go insane from all that head
orgasms so beautifully like... you need to have a camera ready, just how many polaroids of him do you have in your wallet
when you both reached your climax, the way he looks at you is so emotional like goodness me, his eyes always tell no words needed
aftercare is basically you brushing his hair, on the balcony watching the sunrise or sunset, gotta come down in style. he’s so beautiful, mother of god
your gorgeous man is very lowkey, but remember that still waters run deep. he’s such a devoted lover i’m living
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© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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mirambles · 2 years
Love All Play : Park Taeyang
I had only seen Park Ju Hyun in Mouse before and she was completely overshadowed by the main leads and experienced actors. I didn’t form any opinion about her. I’m now watching her as Park Taeyang and though she hasn’t raced to the top of my favourite actress lists, I am loving her portrayal of Taeyang.
Taeyang was (is) a prodigious badminton talent and her career stopped from taking off owing to an unfortunate incident which was not entirely her fault. She was 22, player at her peak, just wanting to have some fun and cheer her teammate whom she adored and looked up to. I don’t like how everyone blames her like she caused the incident - girl had no malice and freak accidents happen, neither did she nor her teammate anticipate the accident to blow up and harm their careers like it did. People need to be forgiven where there was no malice and intention to harm involved.
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She is being treated like an outcast by one and all - primarily owing to false rumours spread to hide the original accident and there is no one who truly believes in her. Yet the girl is fighting and back to playing badminton - because that is what she knows best.
I admire her resilience and inner strength to focus on her game and just do anything and everything to get that one chance to be back on court. She takes in all the bullying, discrimination, nasty comments by her new teammates and old ones , and not once gives back or is rude to them. She suffers and cries alone , but doesn’t let this affect her focus.
She probably needs just one person to believe in her and it comes unknowingly , unexpectedly in the form of her new teammate Park TaeJun; who also happens to be the kid who discovered her prodigious badminton talent - well Kdrama destiny trope in full swing here 😬
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She admires his talent and he admires hers, there is so much mutual respect and support for each other, that this couple is climbing up the healthiest KDrama couple charts for me .Their banter is hilarious and how they rile each other up, and how she is totally me while calling out all the cringe acts her new boyfriend pulls on her. Often when life feels like a burden, we run away from the relationships that could help ease this burden. It’s natural - and am glad Taeyang came back to TaeJun even if at first she didn’t want to commit to the relationship given her personal circumstances.
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We are at halfway mark of this series and the arrival of her senior colleague is going to create hurdles for her relationship with TaeJun. He has her back, but is Taeyang willing to be selfish and fight for her happiness after all she has been through is going to be the crux of the plot over the remaining half of this drama.
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Did I shout enough from the roof top how much I love the writing, the characters, the pacing of this new show Love All Play?
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
👀 Would you ever consider writing for another fandom?
I pray every single day that I get the drive to write for another fandom, anon. 🤣🤣 I haven't been a part of many fandoms in my life, haven't written that many fics, mostly because it takes a very particular drive for me to even feel like reading fanfiction, let alone write it. When I get into a fandom, I usually stay for a few years, consume it like wildfire, and then I just lose interest and move on, and it might be years before I get interested in something else to that level. Every day I wish for something to awaken in my the will to write fic for different fandoms. 😭😭 I've been in the KC fandom for three years, it might be time to move on. But nothing so far. 😢 BIG SIGH
🥳 Any fic recs?
Oh, I have several! If you search Klaroline Fic Rec on my tags you will find several of my posts reccing fics. Unfortunately because of work I haven't been having much time lately. :( I wanted to do a fic rec event to celebrate 1k followers but life said NOPE. I hope to be back to normal in like September, hopefully still in the mood to get that going. But here are some recent/not-so-recent reads I did in the last couple of months and would really recommend:
Two Sides by @withyouandthemoon - canon-compliant fic set around the time of Silas' shanenigans with a double POV which is just delicious! I love me some canon-compliant fics and the writing on this one is stunning! ❤️
Quiet Light by coveredinthecolors - AH DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA with a dose of Carolijah and some major complicated feelings involved that just awakens THINGS in me!! I'm addicted to this, but please mind the tags! Make sure it's your thing.
Old Love by @yanak324 - Absolutely stunning writing! There's an Inertia Overcome feeling to this, if you're into the old classics. Also canon-ish, with Caroline working through her feelings for Klaus and the long-chase before she's finally ready to embrace him for eternity. It's really beautiful.
Battle Lines by @jinxedwood - A fandom classic! I've been making my way through this one slowly because life hates me, but it's amazing! Also canon-ish, and it has a really darker, grittier version of Klaus and his relationship with Caroline. Mind the tags! But it's really so compelling and the plot keeps you glued to it!
Cafuné by @destellolunar - I cannot believe Sabrina thinks she can't write, but her drabbles are just incredible! I love this one so much. It's a very different take on the hunter's curse and the idea of soul mates. Truly gripping, fantastic writing and it comes with an amazing edit!
Until the Break of Day by @little-miss-sunny-daisy - on-going AH AU where Klaus is an art thief and Caroline an FBI agent. Honestly, the chemistry in this just screamings. It's delicious! The banter is off-charts. Sunny Daisy's writing is RIDICULOUS in the best kind of way and I will vouch for anything she writes.
And there you go!
Thank you for the ask, anon! ❤️
If anybody wants to play, send me an emoji from this list!
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theonionsmademedoit · 4 years
reasons why you should watch ginny and georgia
first off, let me say, this is not a cheap gilmore girls
when this show was announced, many people complained that we didn’t need another gilmore girls and that this show shouldnt even try to compare. and this is fair, gilmore girls is such a unique show that nothing can truly replicate its banter and dialogue, but let me assure you, nothing about this is like gilmore girls. of course, i know, i know, the show is based around a teenage mom and a fifteen year old daughter, but after that, there are no similarities.
before i get more into the actual show, let me talk about some tiny things that i loved
the lighting
on my first watch through, i noticed how as the show progressed and (ahem) changed, the lighting got physically darker.
the show starts out very “the good place,” in its lighting, all bright and sunny and happy, but as the show went down, all the scenes were very “buffy the vampire slayer,” were almost every shot was dark and beautiful. it truly showcased how the show takes a turn for the ~darker~
the smaller details
i’m a sucker for references that mean nothing when you first watch but EVERYTHING on a rewatch. and let me just say, THIS IS SUCH A HEAVILY DETAILED SHOW??? there’s parallels (that i’ll get into in another post) from the very first episode to the last episode.
for a show where new info keeps flying out at you, it’s incredibly foreshadowed.
the soundtrack
it’s just incredible
next, the characters
some of the best parts of this show are the characters and how they are all unique and complex in their personalities and how they interact with eachother.
now, not all of the characters are perfect, *cough cough stoner boy marcus* but i was shocked at how none of the other charectars fit into a box
the romance
what would a teen netflix drama be without romance? well don’t fucking worry, because there’s romance.
and with romance, drama follows right behind.
there are love triangles, multiple love interests for one goddamned charectar (like chill tf out pls is 2 not enough?? now you need 3??), sexual tension and lesbians
most of the romance in this show is painfully highschool and have OFF THE CHARTS CHEMISTRY,
if you love love, then you’re going to love this
the best part-
this show is so fast paced, there are multiple plots going on in every episode and it stays upbeat which is a GODSEND for people like me who get distracted easily.
this show was keeping me hooked and invested until long past the last episode.
if you can’t sit through a show, than this is PERFECT for you
the actual message
i’m gonna be honest, this show is not what you expect it to be but past all the crazy shit, it deals a lot with learning where or who “home” is to you, and the idea that family is who you make it
my favorite part
i had no idea where this show was going. not even at the end.
the back faded to credits and i was SCREAMING.
this show is not what you expect it to be and it will take turns you didn’t expect
im done, i’m done
if you got this far, i am in love with you,
long story short, it’s a good show that wasn’t advertised as much by netflix and it doesn’t have nearly as much recognition as it should.
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ms-gallows · 4 years
Astrological signs for Anakin Skywalker!
I mostly just focused on the signs and planets, not on the houses that they fell into, so there may be some inconsistencies! I might change these later the more I learn, but this is just for fun! Here is my take on Anakin! (with some minor Obi-Wan analysis for comparison!) Read Obi-Wan’s interpretation here. Edit: I changed Anakin’s moon!
Before I get into this, I want to explain the elements and the modes: Air = thoughts/intellect Earth = materialism/pragmatism Water = emotion/spiritualism Fire = Action/Instinct 
Cardinal = initiative Fixed = stability Mutable = adaptability
Anakin has mostly Fire and Water, making him active and emotional. He has just enough air to give him an unconventional intellect. He is also Cardinal and Fixed dominant, which gives him initiative and stability (not often a word you would describe Anakin with!). He has a beautifully intense chart, this boy belongs in a Gothic novel. Lord Byron would be proud.
Scorpio Ascendant: The ascendant is our mask or ‘filter’. It is the first layer of our personality, what we show to people before they truly know us. Anakin processes the world around him through the lens of a Scorpio; with high emotional intensity and an almost psychic perception. He is reserved with most people around him, he keeps his guard up like a Scorpio. Most of the time he keeps quiet, letting Obi-Wan do the talking with his more chatty Libra Ascendant. Scorpio Ascendants also look very intense, and may come across as cold to people. Unlike Obi-Wan’s airy Libra, Scorpio has a very heavy presence, because it’s a fixed sign. It has the intensity of a black hole. 
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He’s not going to budge an inch, until he knows that he’s safe around you. 
This is probably why Anakin comes across as a loner most of the time, even though this boy is like ‘im so lonely please love me i’m so lonely’. When people get to know Anakin better, and he lets his guard down, they get a glimpse of his core Aries self (Obi-Wan is very familiar with this side). 
Aries Sun: The Sun is the ‘core’ part of the personality. Anakin is an Aries Sun, a fiery cardinal sign, making him highly action-oriented. Anakin seems to have a lot of trouble staying still, always needing to do something with his body or work with his hands. He needs to see the fruits of his labors right now dammit.
Anakin often gets typed as a Scorpio Sun, however I think Scorpio, for all of its emotional volatility, can be frighteningly calculating. Scorpio Sun likes to hide in the shadows, waiting patiently for the perfect opportunity to strike. Anakin broods like a Scorpio, but he has the impatience of an Aries, and carries out most of his actions like an Aries.
His Aries Sun is very active, always on the move, acting on its feelings almost without thought. Anakin seems to be flying by the seat of his pants in most areas of life. He’s also naturally pretty fiery and competitive, having no issue with showing off. Anakin is restless, he has an urge to push boundaries and to experience everything. He’s very open, and his moon blends in easily with this. It’s this fire and action-oriented cardinal energy that has given him drive to become a Jedi, and probably his Aquarius/Scorpio that gives him the follow-through. Cardinal energy wants to lead, and Anakin is a natural-born leader. It comes more naturally to him than to Obi-Wan’s mutable Virgo!
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Moon in Sagittarius Leo: The moon is our vulnerabilities, our emotions, and our maternal instinct. It is the side of ourselves that comes out when we are most comfortable. I thought that Anakin was a Sagittarius moon, since he seems given to sensory experiences. The more I saw how he interacted with Ahsoka, however, I’m starting to think he is in fact a Leo Moon. His emotions are wrapped in his pride. I remember the idea that Anakin wants more than what a Jedi’s life offers, even though he shouldn’t. He has strong desires. There is a nobility to Leo, fiercely protective of what it claims as its own. The way he tells Ahsoka he would never let anyone hurt her makes me think of a lion protecting its cub. Anakin is so fiercely protective of her, he sneers at the mere implication that Asajj sees a part of herself in her. With Padme, he wants to express his love in grand, dramatic gestures, probably in ways that he wishes he could show the whole world, but he can’t. He wants to save people who are suffering and right wrongs in a very grandiose manner. It feels like a divine calling, a narrative in which he is the main character, it is his purpose in life. This is how Anakin mothers the people he loves. Extreme, devout protection and gestures of adoration. Just think of a Lion’s majesty and ferocity, and you’ve got Anakin’s moon. 
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Mercury in Aquarius: Mercury is all about how we understand things, think, and communicate. Anakin’s Aquarius Mercury is having a hard time breathing with all these fire and water signs around it. This is where Anakin’s unconventional thought patterns come from. Anakin will come up with a solution to a problem that is very unexpected. Anakin’s action-driven Sun, his possibility-driven Moon, and his forward-thinking Aquarius Mercury combine to make him a very daring pilot. Honestly it makes him very daring in many areas. His Aquarius Mercury is fascinated by tech and creating new things with it. He also doesn’t care much for social etiquette, and may even be amused by saying something blunt. He has a taste for innovation. Him and Obi-Wan having Mercury signs in air makes me think that’s why their banter is so amusing. They are both quick witted in this regard.
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Venus in Scorpio: Venus rules romance, aesthetics, and taste. Oh boy, this is a doozy. Where do I start?
Having a water-based Venus is compatible with Obi-Wan’s water-based Moon. Water signs are compatible with other water-signs. However, there is a problem: Obi-Wan’s moon only comes out when he feels completely comfortable to do so. That happens extremely rarely. 
Anakin’s Venus is pulling at Obi-Wan’s Moon, demanding that Obi-Wan share a part of himself that Obi-Wan only shows when he feels absolutely safe to do so. Unfortunately, being a Jedi, it’s never safe to do so. Scorpio probes, which might even feel parasitic to Obi-Wan.  Obi-Wan will block it out, because it’s sensitive, it hurts. Anakin interprets this as a rejection, and thinks that he did something wrong, when it’s really just not the way Obi-Wan expresses his love (most of the time). That said, the detail-orientation of Obi-Wan’s Venus and his emotionally-psychic moon are extremely precise in detecting Anakin’s mood-changes and feelings.
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(Obi-Wan’s Moon/Venus: “I love you but I don’t know how to deal with this.”)
Anakin’s love is raw. It is an all-consuming type of love, it’s like an addiction, a drug. Anakin wants to know the depths of someone’s soul, he wants to know someone’s deepest traumas and demons, to accept them and love them for all that they are, because ultimately that is what he craves for himself.
This kind of love is extremely intimidating to Obi-Wan’s gentle Virgo Venus and sensitive Cancer Moon. I don’t think Padme really knows how to deal with it either. I don’t think he’s shown all of it to her.
Scorpio Venus, along with his Scorpio Ascendant, makes Anakin very possessive and stubborn. This doesn’t mean that Scorpio Venuses are bad, only that they have an urge to take things to an extremely intense depth that most others don’t feel comfortable going to. Not everyone sees that as love. A Scorpio Venus has to learn that not everything has to go that deep, and that boundaries need to be respected.
On the plus side, you can probably tell your deepest secrets and insecurities to Anakin, and he won’t tell a soul. He’ll probably feel closer to you. 
Suspecting rejection, Anakin thinks he has to prove how much he loves someone, so that they don’t let him go. I think of the scene where Anakin gives his lightsaber to Padme, as a symbol of his life and love (I also suspect that Padme is probably a Cancer Ascendant, which would explain Anakin being drawn to her because she has a mothering, caring energy that he wants in love). Anakin doesn’t realize that he doesn’t have to go to these extreme lengths to prove that he loves someone, he doesn’t see that they already love him. He feels wrong and broken, and he wants someone who can heal his soul, when he really needs to look inwards and heal himself.
A Scorpio Venus can also take things very personally and become wrathful. Scorpio has a divine wrath, it is complete and utter destruction. Anakin is fire and ice, he burns everything to ash and freezes it over.
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(Anakin’s Leo Moon/Scorpio Venus: “Why are you leaving me? What did I do wrong?”)
Losing someone he loves is death itself to him. When he speaks to Master Unduli about not giving up on Ahsoka, the thought of losing her looks like it physically pains him. 
In short: Anakin not properly dealing with his Scorpio Venus/Leo Moon is probably the cause of his fall. 
Also: Scorpios like darkness and intensity. To them, it is the most real, the most deep. Explains why Anakin likes black, huh?
Mars in Aries Scorpio: Mars rules passion, war, instinct, and sexuality. An Scorpio Mars is a planet in the sign of its old rulership! It is not as potent as Aries, but I changed it because I examined the way Anakin goes to war. He is more likely, at least later on, to use underhanded and sneaking tactics. This is where he becomes very cold, calculating, unyielding. Having a third inner planet (Ascendant sort of counts as a planet) in Scorpio makes his personality slightly unbalanced. There’s a LOT of Scorpio here, a lot of intense emotions that he has difficulty understanding. He can never completely express himself, there is something he’s always holding back, and he doesn’t even know what it is that he’s holding back.  
When it comes to sexuality, this is another area where Anakin gets possessive. This is where not only his Mars, but his Scorpio Venus and Leo Moon all come out to play. The eroticism is ridiculous. It’s wild, uninhibited, dark, passionate, emotional, and probably loud. What a drama queen. He’s easily aroused and wants to give everything he can to his partner. Having Scorpio in the planets of love and sexuality makes his expressions of love tinged with darkness. He probably has a dominant edge and wants to explore dark taboos. He wants to utterly consume his partner and have them consume him in return. This is an intense sensory and emotional experience for him, and he wants the best. His ideal is a luxurious bed with candles, a beautiful moonlit view, and nobody else for miles. Leaving his partners exhausted and satisfied is what he strives for, and he’d wish they could do this forever. Aries/Leo/Scorpio make his head, back, and well...his genitals, his erogenous zones, respectively.
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Selfish Vs Unselfish
Jesus. Yeah I have nothing to comment here, I’m going to read this later when I haven’t just woken up.
You know the drill. Put it under ‘Read More’. A matter of perspective it can be, but there can be an objective truth to sort that out. Let me e x p a n d on this matter using Homestuck and some philosophy. And for those who missed the last ask on Active/Passive divide, please do remember that these labels are on a continuum, not strictly boxed categories. “UNSELFISH” or UNSELFISH - The passive classes lean more to this. How? By being group-oriented. Like support classes in RPGs, their asset comes mainly from a drive to benefit others. Roxy is one of the best examples of this. While she was passive-aggressive in her pursuit of romance, she is ultimately willing to put her self aside and bettering herself if that meant making sure the group stays together. She does this by, to quote Dirk, never turning the tables to make a talk about her when she knows her friend needs something.
TG: i was gonna say why i finally quit drinkin TG: i mean if you want to know GG: Yes. GG: Actually, once you did stop, it made me finally realize it was a problem for you for a long time. GG: And I didn’t say anything at the time, but it made me wonder if I wasn’t doing the right thing before. GG: By failing to point out you might have a problem? Or just going along with it and participating in lively banter any time you clearly had too much to drink? GG: Was I just being a bad friend? TG: nah it wasnt your responsibility to fix my shit TG: and anyway i think i made it hard for anyone to come at me like it was a real problem TG: i was always joking around so much and havin a good time like kind of overzealously so TG: that i probably just made people feel like a shitty wet blanket for even mentioning it
She wants to be of use to her group. However, the downside to this is that, as passively Roxy can be, she often needs them as well.
TG: and now dirk knows that too and for some reason letting him down feels like the worst part?? TG: which is equally lame and weak cuz i should care for my own sake not for how it makes a dude see me but it still just really bothers me ???
TG: i didnt want her to meet a sloppy embarrassing mess of a daughter
TG: even if she did like to drink at some point it was kind of a childish idea that doing so myself would make me closer to her or help us bond or whatever TG: anyway i think i might of overestimated her drinkin habits
How would you know if a class is truly passive when a character just been a really selfish a-hole through the story? It’s how they mainly rely on others as well. Let’s use Aranea as the main example of a selfish passive Sylph of Light that tries to emulate a Thief. Aranea says that Sylph is a healer type of class that involves boosting others, even excessively. However, while she claims that she merely wants to help and shepard the Alpha timeline by taking control of it, Meenah says otherwise. What Aranea has been doing is a self-aggrandizing act to get into the spotlight and not sit on the sidelines anymore, much like her fellow Serket. Like Kanaya, she is meddlesome. She asserts that what she does is for the good of all, even if that means doing something others would object to. They don’t want that. But, she does it anyway.
At first, she complies when the recipient refuses, but when it eventually comes to her ultimate takeover plan, everyone else comes second. She may believe that she’s just granting their wishes, but her underlying motive is ultimately selfish- albeit by excessively “helping” others for her own cause. Aranea failed to learn what Mindfang did:
“8ut as I sit here deciding what to do with the damna8le little sphere, I understand my error. It was not in failing to chart a course through future events to turn my fortune’s tide, even so many sweeps from now. It was in 8elieving the future was mind to know, and fortune mine to control.”
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Now let’s use Rufioh and compare him to Roxy. Both of them are Rogues. Both of them are group-oriented characters that act selfishly from time-to-time. The difference is that Rufioh is more selfish. He’s extremely affable to the point of being a doormat to please others all while trying to be polite about romantic advances despite being a flirt himself. He’s reluctant to voice his own reason that he wants to leave his matespritship with Horuss. Sounds familiar? He’s the Jake of the love triangle. Rufioh cheated on Damara and never takes responsibility from it, focusing on Damara being a crazed scorned girl.
Passive players that fail to balance supporting others and fulfilling their own desires often end up being thrown in a loop. Forcing your solution solution on others for 'their own good’ is selfish. Your concern on how others perceive you may be sprouted from your own insecurity. Whenever you make a donation to the less fortunate, how can you be certain it’s not without the purpose of staving off guilt, doing it because it simply aligns with your moral code, or because it feels good? 
AG: I decided not to, 8ecause I didn’t want to 8e the one to make you sad about it.
AG: Was that selfish of me? I dunno.
It’s a gem to see volunteers whose instincts are to help people to make life more bearable, mind you. But they’re also doing that because they want to see them better and it’s often their own desire to do so and fulfill that dream.
-I’ve rambled on this a bit. Here’s a recap:
*Unenlightened Selfishness is… pretty much the archetypal self-centeredness that makes people jerks. It’s whenever you do something for yourself with little to no regard to other people’s desires. It’s the greedy shark hoarding all the treasure. It’s when you try to justify your actions with a perspective of “everyone else is selfish, so I’m entitled to be an asshole to everyone too”.
*Enlightened Selfishness or Enlightened Self-Interest is the opposite. It’s when you respect that everyone has their own wants and needs by compromising and coinciding them with your own. It’s like a deal. It’s the Golden Rule. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. It’s when you do things for other people for the good you’ll get from it, even when the payment is simple politeness and being generally nice. Society expects each individual to benefit the community in turn by working. We work with the expectation that others work for us. Unlike the first, this form of self-interest benefits both parties. Another term is Selfish Altruism.
We see an exercise of selfishness burning brightly through Vriska’s arc.
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(VRISKA): I’m not a loser though! (VRISKA): I LIKE who I’ve 8ecome. (VRISKA): I actually feel happy and good a8out my life for the first time in… may8e forever?? (VRISKA): Like, ACTUALLY good a8out my life in a way that feels real, instead of forced. Don’t you realize that’s what it was like for us? VRISKA: You don’t have a life! VRISKA: You’re DEAD, remem8er? VRISKA: I’m the one with the life! VRISKA: And I fully intend to use it in a relevant and constructive way to help 8ring an end to all the horri8le shit that’s 8een going on for way too long. VRISKA: Remem8er when you used to care a8out that sort of thing? VRISKA: No, o8viously not. VRISKA: All you care a8out now is 8ullshit hipstery fashion trends, feeling “happy”, and… whatever the fuck it is you’re doing here? VRISKA: Frolicking with some horses in an ugly field or some shit. VRISKA: Just a8solutely disgraceful. VRISKA: How could I have 8ecome so selfish??
Vriska is accusing (Vriska) for being selfish despite being selfish herself. Remember her popular hero quote?
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VRISKA: I only ever wanted to do the right thing no matter how it made people judge me, and I don’t need a magic ring to do that. VRISKA: You don’t have to 8e alive to make yourself relevant. VRISKA: And you don’t have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero. VRISKA: You just have to know who you are and stay true to that. VRISKA: So I’m going to keep fighting for people the only way I ever knew how.
VRISKA: 8y 8eing me.
And a few panels after that, she does this.
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Sure, her resurrection got everyone’s attention, but also annoyance. A lot of their personal problems aren’t truly solved, just put on a temporary chokehold by someone with a stubborn, assertive personality. She’s taking charge so that her team won’t be in poor condition for the big fight, but also to, well, be in the spotlight. She doesn’t care how others think of her, she just wants to help… but also because it makes her important, even if that means overpowering her friends, including her moirail Terezi. Vriska’s the active counterpart to Roxy in both class and aspect. A positive part of this is that it’s easier for Vriska and other folks like her to be self-driven.
What am I getting at? It’s a matter of intention. Are they doing it to mainly benefit others? Or are they acting to benefit themselves? Even if it’s grey, there’s often a tint or shade that’s lighter or darker that makes someone lean somewhere. It doesn’t matter how they see themselves and how they perceive their own actions, it’s their motivation that defines the line. Accidents don’t count. It’s the will. Looking at one’s intention is a way to objectively sift through the blurriness of it their actions, even when said intention is subconscious. You can also simply take the Active/Passive divide on strictly class roles in terms of RPG abilities alone if you’re not keen on the personalities of the bunch.
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