generalelectionmusings · 10 months
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scribbledquillz · 1 year
First draft of Your Fire chapter five complete! Woo!!!
Gonna let that bad boy marinate for a couple days while I throw myself into some Spring cleaning, then go at it with the editing shears. Hopefully I'll be ready to post sometime this weekend or shortly after. 😊
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mewvore · 3 months
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been styling my hair based on mountain dew flavors
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inklingofadream · 7 months
love people referring to the dracula offseason. i can't stop picturing exchanges like "well, we're in the offseason" "the Superbowl is literally this weekend" "no, not football. dracula"
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poobirdy · 2 months
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a bingqiu witches x xianxia fusion, as prompted by cass and fulfilled as part of an ongoing fundraising event at svsss gotcha 4 gaza!
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hamable · 5 months
Ok no I do have to make it it’s own post bc I don’t remember the book’s scene in detail but Annabeth seeing the fates cut a string at the arch is so fascinating. Bc we know that’s Luke’s string. He’s not dying soon, but it’s been decided when he will die.
The moment the fates decide that Luke will die and when is right after Percy sacrifices himself. Right after he shows Annabeth his care and loyalty. That she is worth saving. That she doesn’t deserve the wrath intended for her. A set of dominoes has just been toppled and when they all finally fall, she will stand between Luke and Percy and choose Percy. From this moment, from this early on, Luke’s fate is sealed.
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bara-izu · 7 months
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Star kiss, coloured edition! + Silly bonus
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canisalbus · 5 months
machete is so babygirl
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benoits-neckerchieves · 7 months
Think I’ve finally figured out why Daniel Craig is trending
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This image has become a meme in comparing him to a banker / accountant / antiques dealer / European MP, university professor etc etc (whilst also acknowledging the sexiness ofc)
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Why does he keep accidentally creating viral memes and he doesn’t even know 😭😭
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salami-dono · 9 months
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It's Eddie Dear. I have a lot to say about Mr. Dear here.
First off, I wasn't sure how to present them in a post, so I just lined them up all together. I could post them separately, but the resolution wouldn't be any better. If you don't know about the Welcome Home project, you should look it up! Support Clown if you end up liking it.
The Big Challenges here (➡🐊⬅) were keeping all of the images consistent and, of course, coloring all of them the same way. Oh, what a nightmare! I also tried another new thing. Most of the coloring was done on one layer. The exceptions were the hats and rainbow neckties. Oh, and the envelope.
It was worth the trouble, he said, grinding his teeth.
All of the poses were referenced from the animations of Bobby Fulbright from Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies. He is one of my favorite characters. He's cute, he's funny, and I admire his passion for justice. (🚨Do NOT look up Bobby Fulbright if you'd like to play Ace Attorney spoiler-free.)
Eddie #1: Oh, Dear! Eddie's lost his hat! He can't deliver mail without his hat! Won't you help him find it, neighbor?
That's... kind of the idea for the first Eddie. It reminded me of a funny childhood memory. I stole my uncle's hat and he pleaded for me to return because it was "the source of his power." Obviously, I had to keep stealing it after that. He pretended to wither away and die if his hat wasn't returned. haha
I'm done! If you'd like, I could tell you a little about Bobby Fulbright and his partner, Simon Blackquill. It won't be a great description. If you're an Ace Attorney fanatic, you're not allowed to correct me!!! You can, however, tell me how diabolical I am.
Bobby Fulbright is a police detective and a self-proclaimed champion of justice. He acts like a superhero. He even has a catchphrase! It's, "In justice we trust!" In Japanese, it is simply, "JUSTICE~!" He has a friendly, honest, and bold personality.
He's also very loud.
Mr. Fulbright was assigned to Simon Blackquill, a cold-hearted killer with a tear-stained face. They call him the Twisted Samurai. He worked as a prosecutor while serving time. Prosecutor Blackquill constantly barked orders at the half-witted detective. Fulbright seemed unfazed by his insults, manipulation, and intimidation. Despite his past, Detective Fulbright fully believed in Blackquill's redemption and eventual return to society.
It was said that they worked in-sync in the courtroom.
I'd better stop there. You see? He's not at all like Eddie. 🤣 Thank you for reading!
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weaversweek · 2 years
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“Where next for the semi industry” asks a magazine.
A difficult question, the answer is quite hard.
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mondoreb · 2 years
A word which is not used so much anymore is “inadvertent.” It means “not on purpose; an accident or unplanned happening.” Perhaps in a simpler time past, the unexpected REALLY was NOT planned or schemed? Maybe the unexpected was just an accident? Maybe those who suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune were just ‘unlucky’? At any rate, ‘inadvertent’ seems to have slid off the map of…
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ditzytwinks · 6 months
phil is honestly great representation for smart people who can’t speak
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superbat-love · 7 months
Clark: Bruce, if we ever have kids together, do you think he’d look like the both of us?
In the background, Hal spits out his coffee. Wally starts to laugh until Bruce gives him a dark look.
Clark: Come on Bruce, aren’t you even a little bit curious?
Bruce: Have you been exposed to silver kryptonite and didn’t tell me again?
Diana: [clapping both of them on the shoulder] I think he’d be a handsome blue-eyed warrior just like his dads!
Wally: No way, this league already has too many dark-haired and blue-eyed superheroes. He should be a redhead with bright green eyes!
Clark: Hmm, I don’t think he’d be a redhead. Green eyes though…Bruce, didn’t your great-grandmother have green eyes?
Hal: Or you’d have a girl, and she’d be as huge as the both of you and look like Miss Trunchbull from Matilda. No man would ever dare to date her.
Clark: [angrily stands up] You take that back, Hal Jordan! How dare you insult my daughter! She’ll always be the most beautiful girl in the world in my eyes!
Bruce: Calm down, Clark, we don’t have a biological daughter. But I’m sure if we were ever to miraculously have one, Clarice would be able to throw any man who insults her out the window.
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obliviani · 15 days
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lobotomy kaisen
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comradekatara · 1 month
a really defining moment of aang and sokka’s relationship is that sokka literally lets himself get beat up for aang’s amusement and entertainment like a day into knowing him. like he is literally letting aang drop him onto the ground from a not insignificant height over and over again just to see aang smile and laugh. he is putting his own safety and physical wellbeing at risk because it makes aang happy. and there’s a lot we could get into here about how sokka fundamentally views himself and his body as a vessel through which to provide services to others instead of a whole human being in his own right, but what matters for the purposes of this post is that it’s very immediately established that sokka will do anything to see aang enjoy himself, to the point that he will quite literally put up with physical abuse without complaint to make aang happy. so when people are like “it’s crazy how sokka is so smart and yet loses all his braincells whenever he’s around aang,” it’s like yeah, teenage boy adhd2adhd communication will do that, but also a large part of it is sokka contorting himself into an image that he thinks aang will appreciate, because he knows just how valuable preserving aang’s childhood joy and laughter is.
and what’s beautiful is that through actively becoming this person for aang’s benefit, he also actually starts to internalize the sentiment. through the process of letting himself be silly and goofy for the sake of making aang happy, he also absorbs some of that sillygoofy happiness and regains some of his own childhood joy and laughter and sense of wonder he truly thought he had lost forever. he’s not just helping aang retain his childhood, but aang is also helping sokka regain his sense of humanity. the sokka of book 3 is someone who enjoys “wacky, time wasting nonsense” and throws beach parties, a far cry from the sokka of book 1 who thought fun and joy were luxuries no one could afford. his selfless love for aang is also self-affirming, helps him to embrace aang’s point of view, to love himself slightly more than he otherwise would have. because to love aang is to necessarily let kindness into your life; it’s to learn how to be free.
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