#information graphics
strathshepard · 2 years
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A diagram of a fungal network that links a group of trees, showing the presence of highly connected “mother trees.” 
Suzanne Simard: “Kevin Beiler, who was a PhD student, did really elegant work where he used DNA analysis to look at the short sequences of DNA in trees and fungal individuals in patches of Douglas fir forest. He was able to map the network of two related sister specials of mycorrhizal fungi and how they link Douglas fir trees in that forest.Just by creating that map, he was able to show that all of the trees essentially, with a few isolated [exceptions], were linked together. He found that the biggest, oldest trees in the network were the most highly linked, whereas smaller trees were not linked to as many other trees. Big old trees have got bigger root systems and associate with bigger mycorrhizal networks. They’ve got more carbon that’s flowing into the network, they’ve got more root tips. So it makes sense that they would have more connections to other trees all around them.”
via Yale University
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thebreakfastgod · 5 months
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America's Roads: Dangerous by Design
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bloghrexach · 3 months
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💥 … #Boycott … here’s info!! —There’s something minimal you can do!! … 💥
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nobleriver · 2 years
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Doctor Who Parallels - Rose // The Time of the Doctor
When you realize Clara's family lives in Rose's old apartment
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mister-a-z-fell · 1 year
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I was asked to provide a guide to the Celestial Hierarchy, so this is a very rough guide, with certain details omitted for various reasons.
The ‘alt text’ thingy didn’t seem willing to contain a full description, so I include it below:
An attempt at describing the informative ‘graphical’ representation.
The image describes the Hierarchy of Heaven, with the titles of angelic choirs and notes on their roles and functions.
God is, of course, at the top (although in a more dimensionally accurate depiction, this would be the centre).
Beneath God is the Metatron - Voice of God. The appended note reads ‘TECHNICALLY PART OF THE SERAPHIM’ but further information is blocked out with ‘REDACTED’ in its place.
There are three groups of angels below Metatron. They are the First, Second and Third Spheres.
The First Sphere includes Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.
The following notes are attached:
1: ARCHANGELS (this is written with a capital A)
Senior management, drawn from the ranks of Seraphim and Cherubim.
Theirs are CENTRE-FACING ROLES (Enacting the Will of God, facilitation of the Plan, long-term strategies and Angelic Resources).
2: As a point of etiquette, Seraphim and Cherubim are only to be spoken of as a plurality. Do not refer to one Seraph or one Cherub.
3. Cherubim are not to be confused with Cherubs — young/neonate angels, or cherubs — quasi-sentient firmament devices. (The word ‘cherub’ is written with strangely accented letters, suggesting that the words may sound different.)
Thrones have their own role description: LOGISTICS & LARGE-SCALE
MACROCOSMIC FORCES, and an additional, emphatic note: NO WHEELS. NONE OF US HAVE WHEELS.
The Second Sphere includes Dominions, Virtues and Powers.
The role description for Dominions and Virtues reads: ARCHITECTS. ENGINEERS, FIRMAMENT-SMITHS, but the description beside Powers has been redacted.
The Third Sphere includes Principalities, archangels (with a small a) and Angels.
A note on etiquette regarding archangels reads ‘don’t forget the small a. But don’t bring it up in conversation’.
This Sphere is characterised as ‘EARTH-FACING ROLES & ADMINISTRATION — Guidance, observation, soul-conservation & procurement, record-keeping’.
A note on Principalities warns ‘Don’t make jokes about how few of them there are’ and ‘This means you, Sandalphon.’
Conversely, regarding Angels, the advice says ‘There are so many of them. Millions. Don’t try to remember every name when you can generally get away with ‘Mumble-iel’.
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ashxketchum · 3 months
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jasmines-library · 11 months
The Basement
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WHUMPTOBER DAY 18. Prompt: Tortured for information Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: You are captured alongside your brother Sam by the BMOL. They want something you won't tell them, so they try to force it out of you.
Warnings: Torture, drugging, hallucination, violence, guns, death? kinda.
Word Count: 2.4k
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
“Toni Bevell. London chapter house.” 
Sam’s voice faded in and out as you regained consciousness. You felt sick, your stomach churned and bile settled in the back of your throat. Everything felt out of balance and you knew that whatever they had drugged you with had hit you hard; they had caught you with it in the side of your neck when they ambushed the bunker. You could feel the bruise lingering on your neck. Vision blurring, you craned your head to try and take in your surroundings. The room was pitiful; bare save a few shelves that had been thrown together. It was clearly a basement of some sort because the windows were high and let in very little light.  
Sam sat across from you tied to a chair barefoot and dishevelled. It was then that you suddenly remembered the muffled gunfire. They had shot Sam. You could see where the blood had bloomed on his clothes, though the darkness of it told you that it had stopped bleeding. 
“It’s nice of you to join us, Y/N.” The blond woman said when you let out a groan. “I thought for a moment there you were going to miss out on all the fun.”
“Where are we?” You asked groggily, moving to rub the sleep from your eyes, but it was a pointless gesture. 
The woman looked up from where she was screwing on her notepad. Her handwriting was uniform like the suit she was wearing. “It doesn’t matter.”
“She’s just wondering how far we’re gonna have to walk back to town after we kill you.” Sam said before nodding towards the other darker haired woman who stood like a puppet next to Toni. “And her. But you first.”
Toni let out a huff you could only describe as some sort of laugh. “Yes. Well, before you murder us all we do have a few questions about you two. Your brother, other hunters in America. Oh, and how you saved the sun.”
Sam scoffed, shaking his head. “Right, you shoot me. Drug my sister, kidnap us both, but sure. Happy to help.”
“We didn’t want to hurt you, Sam. You gave us no choice. And I could say that it was never supposed to go this way, but, you’re Winchesters. It was always going to go this way.”
“And you know us?” You raised your brows.
“We do. We’ve been watching you and your brothers for years. Ever since you almost ended the world the first time. We knew all about Lucifer and the angels falling-”
“Then where were you?” You spat. “People died. Innocent people.”
She pursed her lips and tapped her pen between her fingers. “Fair question. See, some of us wanted to get involved, but the old men wouldn’t allow it. Thought we were overstepping our bounds. After all, this business with the darkness even they have to agree that things have to change.” Her accent was thick as she spoke with clear dictation. The words rolled off of her tongue. “Whilst you might not believe this, we’re here to help.”
You directed your attention towards the other woman who still stood with her arms folded behind her back. “Yeah. I can tell.”
Sam rearranged himself in his chair, trying to find a weak spot in the metal cuffs that were padlocked around his feet. “I won’t apologise for locking you up. You're dangerous to others. And yourself. But if you answer my questions, I promise you’ll walk right out that door.” 
She gestured to it with a flick of her pen. The woman looked far too happy there. 
Sam pondered for a moment, surveying you from across the room. He knew that what he was about to do would have consequences for you too, but he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of being right. 
“You can ask us any kind of question you like, but the answer is always going to be the same. Screw. You.” He told her. Sam was surprisingly calm, given the situation. “And if you wanna get mad, you wanna get mean? I’ve been tortured by the devil himself, so you are just an accent in a pantsuit. What can you do to me?”
Toni nodded humbly, though the hint of a menacing smirk crept into the corners of her lips. “To you? Maybe not a lot. But to her? Lets see how long she can hold out, hm?”
She capped her pen, placing it on the table next to her gesturing to the other woman. The tap squealed as she twisted it all the way to the right. Icy water cascaded down over you. You spat it from your mouth, tipping your head back to stop it going spilling onto your face, but it just pooled on your lap and spat back at you anyway. 
“A cold shower? That’s your play?”
You shrugged it off, but after some time the cold began to sink into your bones and it was impossible to disguise your shivering. Sam tugged against the restraint, but Toni and the other woman just waited you out. 
“Screw you.”
After some time, the water finally trickled to a halt and you were left there shivering uncomfortably in the clothes that clung to your body. Sam wanted to shy away as he watched your body try to fight the cold, but he opted to stand his ground and keep up a false front for both your sake and Toni’s. The woman still watched you with piercing eyes. 
“I know you two were always a lost cause, but I'm hoping that there are other hunters that we can work with. Teach.”
The two of you glared at her as she moved towards Sam, much too close to his face for his liking. “So, I need you to give me names, locations and everything else. Meeting places, an organisational hierarchy because maybe with all of us working together we could do what you never could. Make America safe.”
“So, maybe you’ll tie them to a chair.” Sam narrowed his eyes. “Maybe you’ll do something worse. Maybe you can go to hell.”
Toni recoiled at the statement, humming. “Fine. Have it your way.” She turned, retreating up the stairs and leaving you with the dark haired woman. 
Then came the humming of the blowtorch. 
Closing your eyes, you tried to collect yourself and prepare for the pain as the woman stalked forwards. Sam protested in his chair, rattling the chains. 
The woman eased herself down next to you and lowered the blowtorch. You could feel the sweltering heat against your bare feet. 
“Are you really going to make me do this?”
You took a deep breath and looked up at your brother. It was a mistake because you could see the pure guilty hopelessness in his eyes. 
“Screw you.”
She shrugged, before bringing the flame to the side of your foot. You tried to inch your feet away, but they were held securely by the shackles. You screamed in misery as the flames hacked away at your skin, causing it to blister and morph into an angry shade of red. Sam flinched at your blood curdling scream and arched your back, trying to create as much distance from the weapon, as he was haunted by the memories of his time in the cage. As the woman moved the flame closer and began to move it further up your shin, you continued to cry out. Your pained expression would forever be burned in the front of his vision. 
Eventually the woman let up and disappeared behind you up the old stairs. It was when your screams turned into whimpers and then nothing at all. There were nasty burns littering the lower half of your body and every twitch of your muscle sent pain spiralling throughout your body. Your eyes drooped as you finally allowed your body to go slack into the back of the chair. 
“I’m okay, Sammy,” You mumbled. 
“Oh Y/N/N… I'm so sorry.”
“S’ not your fault.” 
“I’m going to get you out of here, kiddo. I  promise.” He began to try and find a way out of the binds. Now that both women were gone he could take a closer look at them. 
At some point, you must have passed out because when you awoke  you were lying on the concrete, but your head was resting on something warm. Beginning to push yourself up you forgot completely about the burns on your foot. You took a sharp inhale, fighting against the stabbing pain that radiated throughout your body. 
“Hey, take it easy.” Sam said. It was then you figured that it was his lap that your head resided on. He helped sit you up, mindful of the burns. Sometime during your daze, they had been bandaged up. 
When you sat upright, your vision doubled, and after rubbing you raw wrists, you reached up to touch your neck gingerly. It was still tender from the first shot they had given you, though you could feel another small bump where they had clearly dosed you with something else. 
“S’mmy?” You muttered.
He nodded. “They got me too. I don’t know what it is, but they’re watching us.” He looked up to draw your attention subtly to the camera that they had strung up. 
“Do you think it has sound?”
You were silent for a moment as you thought. “How long was I out?”
“I’m not sure.” Sam frowned. “I didn’t see the other one return once you passed out. I kinda freaked. Then they got you before they knocked me out too. I wasn’t awake much before you.”
You scanned the room and your eyes fell on the entrance hatch. You tilted your head at it and raised your eyebrows suggestively. Your brother rose to his feet and pushed up against the wooden frame. It shifted, but not enough for it too was tied together by chains which rattled with the motion. He went to try again, but was shut down by an ear splitting ringing. He groaned, covering his ears with his hands before slumping against the wall and breathing heavily. 
“Sam?” You hauled yourself forwards, uncaring about the pain in your foot. You had hardly made it anywhere though by the time you were met with the same fate. You fell to your knees as the sound cut through you. 
Faces began to dance in your vision. People you knew. People you didn’t save in time. People you loved. 
Dean was calling to you from the other side of the library, You had begun to doze off, head drooping over the lore book you had been studying. 
“Hm? Sorry.”
Dean chuckled. The sound was light and reverberated in his chest. “Why don’t you finish up for the night, sweetheart? It’s late. We can catch up in the morning.”
You yawned, bookmarking the page before closing the book and sliding out from underneath the table. You had been working tirelessly all day, and the sun had long set. But you didn’t want to stop, you had to find the answers to stop the guilt gnawing away in your stomach. 
Dean followed closely as you began to retreat back down the hallways. He took the last swig of his beer before tossing it in the trash as he walked past. 
“It’s your fault. You know.” He said nonchalantly when you were about halfway to your room. 
You stopped abruptly. “What?”
“You heard me. It’s your fault that they’re dead. If you had gotten the lore right in the first place then that family would still be breathing.”
Turning you recoiled at the sight of your brother. His eyes were an endless black as he stalked toward you. You stumbled backwards, until you hit the wall. And that was when something strange happened. As your back made concrete with the tiles, something flashed in your vision. A dark room lit only by the streams of light that had managed to force themselves through the cracks of the hatch. 
It was a strange feeling as your vision flicked between the two scenes. It was like you were seeing between two lenses. That was until you saw Sam passed out on the concrete, surrounded by a puddle of his own blood, that blond woman was hunched over him and you forced your mind towards him. 
When you gained some grip on reality, you surged forwards, landing a harsh blow to Toni’s temple. She grunted, keeling to the side only to be picked up harshly and pinned to the wall by Sam, who showed her the deep gash on his palm. 
“Perhaps you’re not as good at your job as you thought.”
Toni spluttered and slumped to the floor. 
Sam was quick to secure an arm around your waist and help you hobble to the stairs. You had hardly made it to the third one when tased the back of Sam's leg, causing him to drop. She ran past and slipped out of the door, locking it behind her. 
“No!” Sam yelled through gritted teeth, ramming his fists against the wood. 
By the time Dean arrived, you had lost three fingernails and some of the skin on your left pinky. His failed attempt at a rescue had only ended up with another Winchester locked up within the clutches of the British Men of Letters. You were about to lose another nail when the sound of a gun cocking caused everyone’s attention to snap towards the woman wielding it. 
“Yeah.” Dean shrugged. He seemed to have missed one tiny detail out from his time away from you. 
She pressed forwards, snagging the keys from the table and ordering the woman to drop to the ground. When Toni failed to do so, she delivered a harsh blow with the butt of her gun. But Toni was smart, quick and well trained. She landed multiple punches to the four of your before Mary managed to get the upper hand. Dean scrabbled to untie the chains which hung above his head with the keys she had slipped him, it took him a moment, but once he did, he made quick work of dealing with the British Woman of Letters. 
After releasing you from the restraints, Sam wrapped his arm around your waist again to relieve you of the pressure from the burns. Exhaustively, you leaned heavily against him, so Dean came to your other side to help move you towards the car. You had never been more grateful to see the sleek impala as you slid into the backseat, as the car sped away from the house. Your stomach churned. Toni Bevell was not dead. But oh boy did she have it coming.
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
<- DAY 17 ⛤ DAY 19 ->
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dandp · 5 months
The innate phannie ability/desire to do investigative journalism and statistics is maybe my favorite thing about us
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valravn72 · 6 months
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Apparently the ATLA graphic novels are on Webtoon now.
While I’m excited for them to get a wider audience I honestly doubt that Gene Leun Yang and the rest of the graphic novel team came up with this idea on their own terms and there’s no way whoever suggested it had 100% the integrity of the art and the artists at heart.
So yeah, you can read them for free now. That’s nice.
But as someone who has read through all the artist commentary and seen how much went into this series it really pains me to see this happen. I hope the team has been compensated in some way for this, they all seem like great people and it’s been fantastic to have an Avatar series actually primarily written by someone of East Asian descent, especially one that goes out of its way to address issues the series couldn’t.
It also sickens me in a lot of ways that webcomics, a format once utilized to escape the constraints of publishing, has become another industry built on artists having to let companies make decisions about their art for them.
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zeenmrala · 5 months
━ Mimi Mirage: Star Wars OC
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A set of graphics I put together for fun (I love staring at her), as well as for quick reference to my pop star OC Mimi! As always a thank you to all the artists that have brought Mi to life, and to my lovely friends for their support and creativity.
@stardustbee @kimageddon @rogue-kenobi @necr0byt3 @elledjarin @agirlunderarock
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strathshepard · 1 year
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garadinervi · 27 days
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W. E. B. Du Bois, [and Atlanta University students (researchers and designers)], [A series of statistical charts illustrating the condition of the descendants of former African slaves now in residence in the United States of America] Assessed value of property owned by Negroes in three states of the United States, (ink and watercolor), Paris, ca. 1900 [Library of Congress, Washington, DC. The W. E. B. Du Bois Center at the University of Massachusetts Amherst]
Bibl.: W. E. B. Du Bois's Data Portraits. Visualizing Black America, Edited by Whitney Battle-Baptiste and Britt Rusert, Introduction and captions by Silas Munro, Design by Benjamin English, Princeton Architectural Press, Hudson, NY, 2018
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bloghrexach · 4 months
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💣 … well, the USA and Israel must be very proud of these ‘records’, right?
I’m being facetious, of course!! … 💣
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yesand87 · 3 months
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putterphubase · 6 days
hot take and ill give anyone the benefit of the doubt once but i feel like someone who saves a gif off of someones blog and then reposts it into about 15 fandom tags with the intent to get internet points knows what theyre doing is probably not proper etiquette and doesnt really care as long as theyre not being too heavily called out on it. and sometimes even then they still dont.
with that being said, i dont think any gifmaker on this site should have to give a huge disclaimer not to do this, because like i said, i think most people who do it just dont care. so this is my official stance, if you do this to me even though i havent made an official disclaimer knowing full well that its wrong, i am assuming that your official disclaimer is that im allowed to come to your house and steal your playstation or whatever i find interesting in there. so if you are reading this you endorse this message and i will be seeing you soon if the conditions are met. thank you.
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reel-fear · 10 days
Mike's posting on Youtube now. If you're a Bendy fan very unhappy with the awful decisions he's been making recently or the way he spoke to his fans.... I would heavily consider making a somewhat civil comment about how fucking annoying his constant stubbornness to keep posting on social media no matter how fucking poorly it goes for him Every Time is, and how just because he's moved to a new platform we aren't going to stop criticizing his actions nor forget how awful he was on Twitter/X
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Here's the comment I left, no I wasn't super kind because Mike is rich and a bigot, he'll be fine if I'm a little rough on him. Wonder how long he'll let it stay up lmao.
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