#injustice 2 mobile game
shahinelected · 10 days
INJUSTICE 2 Mobile - Синий Жук / Blue Beetle - Любителям Тут Не Место / ...
INJUSTICE 2 Mobile - Синий Жук / Blue Beetle - Любителям Тут Не Место / No Place for Amateurs.
🇷🇺 Приключения Комиксы 'DC'!
Приятного Просмотра!
🇺🇸 Adventures Comics 'DC'!
Enjoy watching!
#shahinelected #injustice2mobile #gamer #dc #dccomics #komiks #комикс #комиксы #геймеры
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dcinjustice · 2 years
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When the weather is right...SNOWBALL FIGHT! - Injustice2Go
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mr-e-nigma · 2 years
Me: this game is bad and I don’t enjoy playing it.
Jeffrey Combs: *is a voice actor in the console version*
Me, about to turbo-hyperfixate on one of the worst storylines in dc history: ohohoho! Don’t mind if I do-
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witchofthesouls · 10 months
Okay, I think the handling TFP/Aligned Orion Pax was weakened by the background inconsistencies that were supposed to ground his personality and motivations.
And that's why Orion Pax can come off as an asshole, weirdly tone deaf, or very naive, yet deep inside the revolution as a competent head.
It's as if the writers took so many cool things to prop up the guy, but let it compete with "How Orion Pax and Megatronus were Different" and made a mess.
And, depending on your view, it either was half-heartedly addressed or done masterfully.
Saltysaltdog did a really great analysis on Megatron's feelings of betrayal and humiliation of letting Orion Pax so close to everything, and it's found here: click
The biggest gripe I have with the whole thing with the characterization of Orion Pax is twofold: 1) the writers didn't leverage Orion Pax's unique, and let's be honest, precarious position, and 2) didn't expand deeper the fundamental differences that essentially broke Orion Pax and Megatron apart and started that catastrophic civil war.
The setup is there. Megatron and Orion Pax are distorted mirrors of each other. The major differences are driven by what was socially appropriate for them to consider as pathways.
The Cybertron that came to was deep in the grips of a well-established and well-entrenched caste system. In that kind of society, it isn't just money that decrees social mobility. The very hierarchy of the society is driven by cultural and religious norms on the "worthiness" of each group at various set levels. And from that "worth," it not only dictates the rights of the members in a caste but decrees the appropriate behavior and outlets as well as dictates how relationships between members of different castes are maintained.
So Orion Pax is a giant "FUCK YOU" to all of that. His very presence would have pissed off so many parties that isn't funny.
As in, I honestly believe he's alive because his initial seclusion from civilization had given him key skills and behaviors that saved his ass and Alpha Trion's personal care.
Yes. There would have been bullying. Yes. There would be complete resentment and hatred. Yes. There would have been social orstracism from his own colleagues.
Even individuals who are lumped with him as "caste climbers" or just sympathetic/pitying would have stayed away by the dangers of their own reputation being tainted.
"You're nothing but a bauble and an ornament. Merely a prized pet for Alpha Trion. One day, he'll lose interest, and that day, you'll go back to where you belong."
Orion Pax defied the appropriate ways of inclusion to their occupation and way of life. He doesn't have a frame or a specialized ability that's related to information. He has no achievements, no accolades, and doesn't even have a sponsored education from a prestigious university or any useful connections.
Orion Pax is both an outsider and a representative. He needs to be extremely mindful of everything: his words, his tone, his body language, his own work... are all subject to scrutiny.
(And it either shows his sneakiness that he's able to shake off all eyes when he descends down to the gladiatorial game, his ability to lie by omission or obfuscation, or his colleagues relief with him out of sight.)
That very grey area would have left deep impressions on him. It would explain his passiveness, the perceptiveness, the way he speaks, and the careful plans he quietly does by the sides in a need-to-know basis.
Violence can come in many forms. And in a world where your worth is tied to your caste, then Orion Pax should be deeply familiar with the various ways it can be soft, sweet, and utterly insidious. A velvet wrapped steel glove. A dagger from the shadows. A poisonous treat. A deal of bad faith. A betrayl from a kind face.
Remember: Ratchet went through the proper channels and with the appropriate frame to match his function. Of course, he has that shield against so many grievances and injustices as well as many prejudices that color his perceptions. Look at the differences in how he recounts the brotherhood between Megatronus and Orion Pax and the outcome of before the High Council.
Orion is both given privileges that Megatron and his cohort wouldn't have, but it's also a noose around his neck. He is severely handicapped by Alpha Trion's deliberate meddling to keep the reincarnated Thirteen/the Matrix's newest Prime nearby and simultaneously well-informed and in the dark.
Unlike the miner-turned-gladiator, Orion doesn't have that option for bloodsport. His too low-caste for the avenues of security by the high-caste, but too high-caste to partake in the low-caste culture. It's acceptable for them to be physically violent, to be in bloodsport, to solve their grievances with their fists.
It's vastly different to the complete ruination of an individual's life that Orion got thrown into the deep end: reputation, finances, personal and professional relationships, involuntary reformat... The power games of the higher-castes are completely different ball-game.
He's stuck with his own thoughts because there's no way he can voice doubts to Alpha Trion (the mech who gave him such a position, advice, and unrestricted access to the archives) nor to his colleagues (who either hate his guts or would sell the information because information is power and the Hall of Records is a major point of power).
Look at the people he attaches himself to. They're rather straightforward: Megatronus, Ratchet, Jazz, Bumblebee, Arcee...
He's drawn to their ease yet still holds himself in a certain degree of formality because that's how he managed to survive in a snake pit. And that's too deeply ingrained into him at that point. People read that negatively. Megatron once saw that but didn't understand what it truly meant. Megatron saw his willingness to give up so much and his privileges, but he didn't understand the extent of the scars that Orion mentally and emotionally has.
Ratchet would be one of the few that really perceives that. The medic may not fully understands but he keeps trying, and the war eventually breaks down the barriers.
It would make so much sense about his strange notions, why he doesn't allow Megatron explore "his" world, why he keeps everything to himself, why he relatively comfortable with others outside his "caste."
This guy would literally ruminate the entire work day (both legal and subversive) until he fell asleep after rechecking the locks 27365837 times so an assassin or unfortunate "pet" didn't come into his room.
This could explain why he basically highjacked the damn meeting. Orion Pax has unrestricted access to many records. He knows his history. He can read between the lines. His A-game was on, especially in this endeavor.
Was it a well-intentioned plan to draw fire to himself because he had Alpha Trion’s strange degree of protection compared to the others? Was it panic because he knew all the ways to kill a person until death was mercy? Was it Plan 27-b because he thought all the ways it could go wrong? Was it his well-honed instinct demanding him to divert and pacify, but careful with the words (soft and fluttering with hidden danger with what is unsaid) to keep avenues open because to have the Primacy bestowed upon them would be an honor and completely legitimized the movement? Did he see the noose closing around Megatron and couldn't bear witness to have it strangle him, too?!
There's so much going on here. It all hinges on cultural absorption and clashes and the meddling by an ancient fart of an oracle, and it's just so tragically fascinating.
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aralenorimaki01 · 1 year
The Sims 4 Supergirl (Sasha Calle)
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I try to revisit my Supergirl suit thanks to better texture and mesh from Injustice 2 mobile games. She sure will be up up and away this Saturday! So be sure you don't miss em 😊
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
Cassandra Cain in Video Game Media
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Tonight, I'm going to cover the various appearances Cassandra Cain has in video game media. Some might surprise you, even startle you, and even might get you interested in said game (that are available).
Now her first appearance in video game media is a rather infamous one, Batman Dark Tomorrow released for the Game Cube and X-Box. The game is rather infamous for being quite awful for its atrocious controls and camera angles.
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Cass (along with Tim Drake Robin) show up after you defeat Stage 3 after beating Scarface & the Ventriloquist. And that's about it. Just a random appearance. 🙃
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A fun little note is the game's story was written by Scott Peterson, who had a slight hand in Cass's Vol. 1 ongoing throughout the Puckett/Scott run.  So it's highly probable he snuck her in for this scene.
The second appearance of Cass in a video game is one usually forgotten but released a few months after the first, Batman: Toxic Chill (2003).  An educational game where you as Batman would solve various puzzles to progress.
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The game's character design is HEAVILY influenced by BTAS. However, with a KEY difference, the Batgirl is Cass (and voiced by Christiane Crawford).
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Later that same year, we'd get the game's sequel, Batman: Justice Unbalanced, and again Cass would be in the game (voiced again by Christiane Crawford).
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Her roles in both games are relatively minor just showing up, and the vocal performance by Crawford is quite good.
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After that three-prone assault in 2003, we'd have to wait until 2011 for the next time Cass as Batgirl would show up in a video game. This time in DC Universe Online.
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Yeah, you read that date right in 2011, several years after she had abandoned the role (and would soon be wiped away with the New 52).
She appears in the game as a vendor for hero characters. Mindy Raymond voices her in the game.
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There's just so great irony in the fact that this game has Cass walking around as Batgirl when DC was shoving Barbara Gordon everywhere else as THE Batgirl at this time.
Not only that, but when Cass was reintroduced as Orphan in 2016, she was still Batgirl here. And the game still exists to this day and she’s still the Batgirl in it!
Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure is our next surprising Cass appearance which came out in 2013 (at the HEIGHT of her being labeled "toxic" by DC).
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Cass is one of MANY DC characters in the game. She's not just Batgirl in the game, but also her Black Bat persona is here too!
Fun little Easter Egg, if you type in Kasumi you'll get Cass instead (go figure 😝).
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2013 would see the release of the mobile version of "Injustice Gods Amongst Us" a vastly different version of the fighting game on consoles and pcs.
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However, Cass (a reskinned Babs Batgirl) is among the unlockables in the game.  If I recall right from friends who played the game she's highly difficult to fully unlock.
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As I said in my Alternate Universe reading guide not much is known about this version of Cass. But she was name-dropped in the last comic released (a prequel to the series, Injustice: Year Zero #2),
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2020 would see Cass appear in another mobile game, DC Legends.
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This would technically have her appear in her Orphan identity but it's never explicitly listed. In the game she's listed as "Cassandra Cain: The One Who is All".
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Much like Injustice, she's hard to unlock buuuuut a bit easier to attain than that game. Once fully geared up and evolved into the game's "Rebirth" mode, she can be an absolute beast and bane to many players.
There is one tiny bits of note. In last year's Gotham Knights video game, it was revealed one of Barbara Gordon's rejected concept costumes was heavily inspired by Cassandra's Batgirl look.
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In Batman: Arkham Origins (2013), Cass's pop is amongst the files of rejected assassins Black Mask was pondering to hire to kill Batman.
He's also listed in the game as an acquaintance of Lady Shiva (who does appear in it). Sadly, nothing ever comes of these little bits.
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There you have it. Every single video game appearance of Cass.  SO FAR...
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ddddd-pixels · 26 days
About Me
Name(s): Ddddd, D, D⁵, anything like that... My elder sibling tends to call me DD on here, and a friend usually says 5Ds, so I'm pretty flexible with it.
Pronouns: I'm cool with any, really; most commonly called he/him, though.
Age: 18, first got Tumblr late into 17.
Interests: ...It's mostly just fighting games, lol. I first got into the genre from Street Fighter, which is also the one I'm most familiar with story-wise, but I'm pretty knowledgeable on other series' as well - my personal favourite fighting game is Dead or Alive 4. I also have an interest in Pokémon (not as much as I used to be, I know pretty much nothing about anything beyond Gen. 7.), and I listen to a lot of K-pop, but I'm not really in the fandom for that.
Focus: I started this blog to share my sprite art - I pretty much exclusively work in the style of SNK's Neo Geo Pocket fighting games, although I experiment with other styles occasionally. This is also where I post about and share my M.U.G.E.N. creations; I'm still very new to making stuff there, but I can only improve with time! You can find all of my currently public creations here.
Extra, less-important stuff below:
Identity stuff: From the UK, white, queer but I don't really care much about labels. Asexual is a simplified way of putting it, I suppose.
Other socials:
Sideblog for reblogging things & occasionally talking about non-pixels stuff.
DeviantArt for posting finished spritesheets of my characters.
YouTube for announcing my character releases, and sharing WIP updates and occasional combos.
M.U.G.E.N. Archive, for... something. I don't really use it for much besides downloading characters.
Not really a social, but my Drive folder with all my M.U.G.E.N. stuff.
List of fighting games that I've played:
Street Fighter IV (all versions up until Super: AE, including 3D)
Street Fighter X Tekken (very briefly, no DLC)
Mortal Kombat (2011), and Mortal Kombat XL (hardly played 2011, no DLC)
Injustice 2 (no DLC)
Skullgirls Mobile
Dragon Ball FighterZ (no DLC)
Dead or Alive 4, 5, 6 and Dimensions (no DLC for any)
Soul Calibur IV and 6 (no DLC)
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS (no DLC)
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lasatfat · 3 months
dadwc prompt list/info
general info:
I'm most familiar with the Inquisition roster, and I've played Origins enough to get a handle on those guys, I think. DA2, I haven't played as much. I'd avoid Awakenings and Absolution for now, because I haven't got around to them yet.
Please specify the prompt list you're using, if you can, so I can link back to it. Don't worry if you can't.
I'll be reposting stuff to AO3 by default, but if you'd rather I didn't repost for your prompt, I will absolutely respect that.
OT3/poly prompts are welcome, cracky ships are welcome, rarepairs are welcome. "LI swaps" are welcome (e.g. my Surana romances Alistair in my game, but you can request her with Morrigan, for example. Or a non-romanceable character. Anything you like). Nothing really grim, though, please.
If you send me prompts for platonic interactions, I will love you forever. I will give you a little digital kiss/hug/handshake/high five/wave.
If you send me something that I have a real mental block against for some reason, I will let you know and you can send in another prompt, if you want to.
If I combine prompts, I'll post one with a screenshot of the other(s), and privately answer the other ask(s) to link you up.
prompt fills
Blood of the Lion || Blood of the Crow || Two Hands Longing (For Each Other's Warmth) || Tempting Fate || An Unfriendly Wager || Shadows and Tall Trees || Sanctuary || Easy Like a Sunday Morning || Scathefire || A Rose Upon a Thorn || Let Me Walk (Before They Make Me Run) || Risk My Hands to Pick Up Shards || Fair Game || Safe Under Cover || The Beginning of All Things || The Safest Place to Hide (NSFW) || You Will Find Him Next to Me || Don't Look Back Into the Sun || The Nug King's Prize
prompt lists
I have a whole tag for story prompts and ask games HERE; this is just a selection of various types and topics. Again, please include the name of the list if you can, but don't panic if you're on mobile or just forget.
dragon age artefacts
unusual words and Raleigh's lost words
adventuring party dialogue pt. 2
50 wordless ways to say "I love you"
touches ask game and romance of hands and touch
smut prompts and dirty talk
platonic sentence starters
fluffy sentence starters
hurt/comfort dialogue prompts #1
angsty sentence starters
two-part drabble game
my ocs
canon protagonists:
Eireann Surana, Hero of Ferelden - City elf mage, arcane warrior and spirit healer, wielder of Spellweaver. Mother of Farah. Radically kind, values honesty, wishes she didn't have to keep so many secrets. A good tactician. (she/her, bisexual)
Rian Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall - Human hedge mage, force mage. On the diplomatic side of sassy, or the sassy side of diplomatic, depending on your view, but always aims for compassion. (they/them, pansexual)
Gideon Lavellan, Herald of Andraste - Dalish storm mage, Knight-Enchanter. Twin brother of Athim, brother of Aisling. Cunning, and good-hearted, a great believer in uplifting the downtrodden. His title is a burden, but he tries to use his power for good. (he/him, gay)
my other characters (I made characters to try out most of the Inquisition romances, and ended up shoving them all into my canon for funsies):
Athim Lavellan - Dalish mace-and-shield reaver. Twin sister of Gideon, sister of Aisling. Honest and inventive, good with problem-solving. Shares her brother's dry humour. (she/her, bisexual with a preference for men)
Kali Lavellan - Dalish dual-dagger tempest, sketches anything and everything. Perpetually anxious, and hides it well until she doesn't. Always goes the extra mile. (she/her, bisexual)
Sigyn, the Lady Archer - City elf mage of the Kirkwall Circle, escaped at the age of fifteen. Mother of Camile. Isn't used to being around people. Angered by injustice, will always protect those in need, but still building her social confidence. (she/her, grey-ace)
Farid Adaar - Tal-Vashoth mage, shapeshifter. Level-headed and kind-hearted, until a game board or cards come out. A friend to all living things. (he/him, aroace)
Basvaarad Adaar - Tal-Vashoth rift mage, freed saarebas. Says little, and chooses his words carefully. Painfully shy, but loves deeply and well. (he/him, they/them, bisexual)
Nanna Adaar - Half-dwarf Vashoth, two-handed warrior, non-verbal. Brash and hot-tempered, but easily mollified. A lover of all physical contests. (she/her, lesbian)
Torunn Adaar - Vashoth archer and midwife. In-game she's an artificer, but in my heart she's a bard. Emotionally intelligent and always eager to learn new things. (she/her, bisexual greyromantic)
Farah Surana - daughter of Eireann Surana and Alistair Theirin. Gregarious and inquisitive, she could make a friend in an empty room. (she/her)
Camile - adopted daughter of Sigyn. Shy and quiet, but always eager to help. (she/her)
Aisling Lavellan - baby sister of Gideon and Athim Lavellan. She's brought to Skyhold to live with them after their parents are killed in the fighting in Wycome. Still finding her feet, but curious about everything. (she/her)
my 'ships
As I said, I'm up for trying most any ships, but these are all the ones I have in my verses:
Gideon Lavellan/Dorian Pavus
Eireann Surana/Alistair Theirin
Kali Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford
Rian Hawke/Anders
Rian Hawke/Varric Tethras
Athim Lavellan/Solas
Basvaarad Adaar/the Iron Bull
Nanna Adaar/Sera
Torunn Adaar/Raleigh Samson (quasiplatonic)
Torunn Adaar/Cullen Rutherford (Lion and the Hind AU)
Kali Lavellan/the Iron Bull (FwB)
Gideon Lavellan/the Iron Bull (FwB)
Carver Hawke/Merrill Sabrae
Cole/Krem Aclassi
Fenris/Isabela/optional Zevran Arainai
Josephine Montilyet/Leliana
Raleigh Samson/Ser Thrask/Ambra
probably more I can't remember right now
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chouxtranslations · 8 months
Shizun 024 - Moon in the water
Wujian peak has a perfect professional record after establishment! 
Sect leader Lu was so happy he almost couldn’t tell left from right. Last time he had this much money in his account it was the reimbursement money and reward money that his grandpa traded for with his life. He didn’t want that kind of unexpected money and donated it all. 
This money was earned with his own skills, he can spend it! 
Lu Yunzhen thought that he could get rich through being a cultivator. Most of the work was by Mo Changkong, so if he split it properly Mo Changkong should get 60% while he and Jin Yunu got 20% each.
However, Jin Yunu said that skin painting demons have nothing to spend money on and turned down the secetleader’s offer. Mo Changkong insisted that everything he owns belonged to Shiziun and refused the money firmly. 
They also didn’t have an ID to open a bank account with. 
Seeing that everyone trusted him, Lu Yunzhen decided to put the money into an account for the household to be used for the sect’s daily expenses, and then sent some pocket money into the mobile wallets on their phones. 
Mo Changkong loved phones, especially the photo and gaming functions. Unfortunately his phone was too old and had lots of problems. 
On the way home, Lu Yunzhen saw an open mall and immediately dragged Mo Changkong in.  Extravagantly, he picked out the same phone as Jin Yunu and topped up the phone plan. Then he remembered that he didn’t have much clothes and needed more for cold weather, so they went into a chain store that he never dared to go into before. 
This store is super expensive, even a t shirt costs over 100 yuan! 
Lu Yunzhen extravagantly picked out a load of checkered button ups, long sleeve tees, jeans, vests, and coats and had Mo Changkong try them on. 
Mo Changkong let Shizun fuss over him without making a sound. He was fine wearing anything, as long as Shizun liked it…
The store was actually about to close. The sales girl saw that they were handsome and wanting to buy quite a bit so she decided to hold off. However, when she saw the clothes that Lu Yunzhen picked out…. She couldn’t hold back anymore. 
Look at this handsome young man, why does he have the fashion sense of a shut in?! Blue red and white checkered button ups, polos, old man vests, potato sack jackets with flower patterns?! 
She accidentally saw Mo Changkong’s figure which was even better than a models as he wasn’t that careful when changing. It was as if her heart had stepped on a marmot’s nest and wanted to screech. Don’t just do whatever you want just because you’re hot! This is a rare treasure and you’re about to be charged with murder! 
She finally walked up to Lu Yunzhen and offered to suggest some outfits. 
She had impeccable taste from her years at the job. WHen Mo Changkong stepped out in a form fitting shirt and joggers, everyone stared at him and couldn’t look away. Lu Yunzhen was shocked, his brain being filled with envy and a small sense of injustice. 
He wanted a body like that. 
Lu Yunzhen had capitulated in the face of the sales girl’s tastes and asked her to pick out 5 or 6 cold weather outfits. He also grabbed 2 androgynous sets for Jin Yunu, and then, remembering, grabbed 2 sets for himself. 
The sales girl was amazing and her clothes made him quite a bit more handsome. He was feeling very satisfied looking at his reflection. Some of the other girls working in the shop were whispering to each other while smiling at him and it made him feel like he was floating on clouds. 
Was he that handsome? 
Lu Yunzhen thanked the sales girl and took the pile of clothes to the cashier. 
The cashier left her chat, jogged over, and sincerely complimented him. “Gege, your boyfriend is so handsome.” 
Lu Yunzhen was dumbfounded. “Wha?” 
She continued with envy. “You two seem so close, coming out here when it’s so late. Your boyfriend seems so cool, but loves you so much and wears whatever you want. I wanted to get couples shirts with my boyfriend but he just complained the design was too childish…” 
After a moment, Lu Yunzhen thought about it from the cashier’s point of view and realized… this scene really seemed off… 
Two young men went to the mall, one picking out the clothes while the other put them on. The former being massively excited and the latter being completely obedient… That seems to be the default setting for girlfriends picking stuff out for their men? 
This misunderstanding is super awkward! 
Lu Yunzhen desperately tried to think up an explanation… 
“Don’t speak nonsense.” Mo Changkong immediately walked over after overhearing and cut in sternly. “I won’t have that kind of dirty thoughts about men, and I definitely won’t do such disobedient things towards Shizun.” 
He has held back very well and would never let his shizun be mocked and hurt by others because of his dirty thoughts again. If anyone has noticed anything, he… has to deny it harshly, push it down, and not show any openings! 
The word “dirty” was said very harshly and with a terrifying expression. The cashier was scared and desperately apologized with red rimmed eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
“What happened?” The salesgirl noticed something was wrong and came over to apologize. “This girl is new and inexperienced. Please forgive her if she made a mistake.” 
“No, no, it’s not her fault, it’s just a small misunderstanding.” Lu Yunzhen shoved Mo Changkong behind him and explained with an apology. “We’re relatives and we’re pretty close. He has a scary face and is bad at talking, but he’s a good guy…” 
The salesgirl immediately understood. “You’re brothers?” 
Lu Yunzhen nodded hard. “Yes, and straight as an arrow!” 
He finally understood why Mo Changkong avoided physical touch and didn’t like men sleeping naked. This guy is even straighter than himself, plus he’s from the past and must be rather conservative towards these things. He is going to be more careful in the future and make sure not to joke around these things. 
Lu Yunzhen was worried that the girl would be scolded by her manager and piled on the compliments until she was laughing, leaving the fear behind. She was very cheerful and made a zipper gesture at him. 
Mo Changkong was beyond impatient with Shizun talking with girls. He walked over, grabbed the big pile of bags, and hurried Lu Yunzhen home. Lu Yunzhen was embarrassed letting him do all the carrying, and tried to grab two for himself. 
“Give them.” 
“Give them.” 
“Absolutely no.” 
The store employees were all confused seeing them talking with each other. The tall man looked like a block of ice, only when he was gazing at the young man did he show a different kind of gentleness. 
The customer is king! Everything is as the customer says! 
Don’t over think it! It’s like the TV dramas say. This is bromance! Deep, pure, censored, without an ounce of impurity! 
If you don’t think about it in a straight way then that means something is off with you! 
They were amongst the last of the customers in the mall. 
Lu Yunzhen felt conflicted seeing all the men gallantly carrying things for their girlfriends. But Mo Changkong was very stubborn about piety towards his Shizun, and there was nothing he could do. 
This disciple is too serious… 
He has long since believed that they were master and disciple. “How did me in the past get such a good disciple? I feel like we had a great relationship.” 
Mo Changkong looked away. “Yes.” 
“Too bad I can’t remember the past.” Lu Yunzhen was a little disappointed and a little curious. “Did we have fun?” 
Mo Changkong’s mind was immediately filled with images of madness. In the darkness and silence, he indulged himself without limits, taking everything. Shizun finally couldn’t handle it anymore and quietly moaned, begging. 
“Changkong, softer…” 
“Changkong, we can’t keep going.” 
“Changkong, this is an immoral mistake…” 
Even though Shizun was humiliated, was shaking, was begging, he was ecstatic and became even rougher. He wanted to hear more, wanted Shizun to sink with him to the depths of hell, wanted to use the harshest of methods to gain the anwer he wanted. 
The moon was very beautiful, high up in the night sky. It looked delicious, like a pastry. 
When he was little, he harassed Shizun to eat the moon. Shizun worried about it for a long time, and finally dug a pond in the yard, wanting to fill it with spring water and catch the moon’s reflection…
Shizun was a liar, he couldn’t eat the moon in the water. 
He was upset for a long time. 
He finally understood, the moon was a massive satellite over 400,000 km away from earth. No matter how powerful he became, he could never have it. 
Flower in the mirror, moon in the water. It is all but the wishful thinking of a fool…
With a cry smile, he replied. “There wasn’t much fun to be had.” 
Lu Yunzhen was shocked. “Was the peak that boring.” 
“En.” Mo Changkong answered quietly. 
“Don’t worry, times are different now.” Lu Yunzhen reached out, wanting to pat him on the shoulder. But he remembered that he didn’t like to be touched and quickly retracted. Rubbing his hair, he smiled. “There’s lots of fun things in this world. I’ll take you, it won’t be boring!” 
Mo Changkong stared at his dimples dumbly. Realizing that his mind was straying he forced himself to look away. He can’t touch. He can’t be too close. He might accidentally crack the ice over his heart, allowing the lava within to burst forth again and ruin the moon. 
“Yes”, he answered.
“Thank you, Changkong.” Lu Yunzhen turned around and walked on cheerfully. “I’m so glad I met you. Every day has been so happy, my luck probably turned good…”
He hated loneliness, hated being alone. 
But he knew that his fortune was awful and didn’t want to involve others, so he turned down a lot of well meaning gestures and chose to live alone. 
Every day, he would turn on the light and say “I’m home” to an empty house. 
He would make food for himself, compliment himself for the food, then wash clothes for himself, study by himself, work by himself, sleep by himself, and say “good night” to his stuffed bear. 
It’s different now… 
He wanted to hurry home to that old but warm house. He wanted to order take out! He wanted to get lots of roast lamb and beer and celebrate with everyone! 
Lu Yunzhen splurged on a taxi. 
As soon as he got off, he saw Jin Yunu wearing a long coat and a sad expression, desperately looking around the intersection. He seemed injured and weak, being barely able to hold his shape. 
“Sect leader, master, where did you go? Why did you only come home now?” Jin Yunu burst into tears upon seeing them. “Yunu is imcompetent and couldn’t watch the house properly, there’s been an incident…” 
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mochiixia · 1 year
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About Me
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♡︎ = love or likes
♥︎ = do not love or dislikes
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ⵌ Info:
♡︎ delila (nicknames: dee, lila, or mochi)
♡︎ she/they
︎♡︎ 15+ only (allowing 18+)
♡︎ demigirl + bisexual. biracial (aa, white, 🇪🇸)
♡︎ born on 06/14 & gemini
♡︎ lives in usa, does speak english/french/spanish either one
♡︎ is autistic person who’s funny, shy, and cute sometimes
♡︎ kpop lover, anime lover, music lover, multifandom
♡︎ is an editor, cosplayer, shifter, and does traditional & digital art
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ⵌ Blog:
♡︎ a biracial reader in this blog and fanfic page
♡︎ sfw/nfsw
♡︎ i made cute layouts inspired by y2k, kawaii, anime, and other aesthetic
♡︎ main fandoms are tekken, genshin impact, & soulcalibur but is a fan of any fandom that i like and post when i feel like it (will be opening request asap)
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ⵌ Loves:
♡︎ music, spotify, apple music
♡︎ youtube, pinterest, notion, tiktok, discord
♡︎ food, cats, dogs, coffee, rain & cold weathers
♡ anime, kpop, video games, mobile games
♡︎ blackpink, loona, bts, twice, newjeans, stray kids, txt, and other kpop stans
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ⵌ Does Not Love:
♥︎ struggling things like mental health, hardworking
♥︎ school, bugs, hot weathers, chaotic days
♥︎ panic attacks, crying a lot, getting picked on a lot
♥︎ anti-kpop stans, anti-anime fans, people who shaming a person’s insecurities
♥︎ people who are using mental health as a jokes/trendy, people who makes jokes to lgbtq+ community
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ⵌ Things I Love:
♡︎ tunes i love: blackpink, bts, twice, loona, gidle, stray kids, newjeans, le sserrafim, itzy, txt, pink fantasy, nct, aespa, seventeen, dreamcatcher, ive, nmixx, kep1er, morning musume, akb48, asca, lisa, sora amamiya, angerme, juice=juice, tsubaki factory, =love, riho sayashi, airi suzuki, yoasobi, ariana grande, taylor swift, little mix, dove cameron, the weekend, ice spice, nicki minaj, marina and the diamonds, beyoncé, lana del ray, miley cryrus, becky g, mina okabe, olivia rodrigo, cardi b, etc
♡︎ fandoms i love: tekken series, genshin impact, cookie run ovenbreak, cookie run kingdom, soulcalibur series, street fighter, kakegurui, demon slayer, aot, naruto, dc comics, marvel, injustice 1&2, total drama, mha/bnha, disney, final fantasy, stranger things, xenoblade chronicles, legends of zelda, resident evil, super mario, mortal kombat, etc
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omegaphilosophia · 9 months
Balancing Prosperity: The Case for Establishing a Wealth Floor and Ceiling in Economic Systems
In the intricate dance of economic systems, the distribution of wealth plays a pivotal role in shaping the well-being of societies. As we navigate discussions around economic justice, there emerges a compelling argument for implementing both a wealth floor and ceiling. This blog post delves into the rationale behind establishing these bounds, exploring the potential benefits for individuals, communities, and the overall stability of an economy.
The Wealth Floor: Ensuring Basic Dignity and Opportunity
1. Eradicating Extreme Poverty: Establishing a wealth floor ensures that no member of society falls below a certain standard of living. By eradicating extreme poverty, we can uplift the most vulnerable, providing them with the resources necessary for basic needs such as food, shelter, education, and healthcare. This not only fosters a more just society but also contributes to overall social stability.
2. Promoting Economic Mobility: A wealth floor serves as a launching pad for economic mobility. When individuals have access to essential resources, they are better equipped to pursue education, skill development, and entrepreneurship, creating a pathway to upward mobility. This, in turn, contributes to a more dynamic and innovative economy.
3. Enhancing Social Cohesion: A society without extreme poverty fosters greater social cohesion. When all members have a basic level of economic security, disparities and social tensions are reduced. This can lead to stronger communities, increased civic engagement, and a sense of shared responsibility for the well-being of all.
The Wealth Ceiling: Curbing Excessive Inequality and Instability
1. Mitigating Social Inequity: Implementing a wealth ceiling helps curb the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. Excessive inequality can lead to social unrest, eroding trust in institutions and contributing to a sense of injustice. A wealth ceiling promotes a more equitable distribution of resources, fostering a fairer and more inclusive society.
2. Encouraging Responsible Corporate Behavior: A wealth ceiling places limits on the accumulation of wealth by corporations and individuals. This can incentivize businesses to adopt socially responsible practices, such as fair wages, ethical supply chains, and environmental sustainability. By aligning economic success with broader societal benefits, a wealth ceiling promotes corporate accountability.
3. Preventing Economic Instability: Extreme wealth concentration can contribute to economic instability. When a small percentage of the population holds a disproportionate share of resources, it can lead to market distortions, financial crises, and reduced consumer spending. Implementing a wealth ceiling acts as a safeguard against these destabilizing forces, promoting a more resilient economy.
Finding the Balance: A Holistic Approach to Economic Prosperity
1. Maximizing Human Potential: A well-calibrated combination of a wealth floor and ceiling maximizes human potential. By ensuring that basic needs are met for all and preventing excessive accumulation, societies can foster an environment where individuals can thrive, innovate, and contribute meaningfully to the collective well-being.
2. Sustainable and Inclusive Growth: The establishment of both a wealth floor and ceiling encourages sustainable and inclusive economic growth. It acknowledges that prosperity is not a zero-sum game but a collective endeavor that benefits everyone when wealth is distributed fairly and responsibly.
3. Promoting Long-Term Stability: Striking a balance in wealth distribution contributes to the long-term stability of economies. By addressing extreme poverty and excessive inequality, societies can build resilient economic structures that withstand shocks and prioritize the well-being of all citizens.
In conclusion, the implementation of a wealth floor and ceiling represents a nuanced and compassionate approach to economic governance. By ensuring that no one is left behind while preventing the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, societies can pave the way for prosperity that is sustainable, inclusive, and morally grounded. The pursuit of economic justice requires a commitment to finding this delicate balance, where the welfare of individuals and the collective good are held in harmonious equilibrium.
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shahinelected · 23 days
INJUSTICE 2 Mobile - Синий Жук/Blue Beetle - Штурм Острова Страйкера/Ass...
INJUSTICE 2 Mobile - Синий Жук/Blue Beetle - Штурм Острова Страйкера/Assault on Stryker's Island!
🇷🇺 Приключения 'DC' комиксы!
Приятного Просмотра!
🇺🇸 The Adventures of 'DC' Comics!
Enjoy watching!
#shahinelected #dc #dccomics #gamer #bluebeetle #комиксы #комикс #синийжук #игрынателефон
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dcinjustice · 2 years
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Love is in the air! Happy Valentine's Day from your favorite devious duo! - Injustice2Go
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Terrible Video Game Idea: Persona 6
Terrible Video Game Idea Part 2:
"Persona" but in a shopping mall.
You take on the role of a new employee in the upbeat, snazzy, popular shopping mall erected in the city. It's a well paying job, and you need the money! But something is afoot here, there is a terrible secret going on in the mall. And soon it falls to you to stop it and solve the mystery! Accompanied by the mysterious powers of "Persona" and a few other workers here - you must take on these demons and save the world!
It's not just teenagers, it's adults this time!
Hiro - A spry and confident man at the mobile phone shop, who fancies himself something of a ladies' man. Unfortunately, as handsome as he is, he never got into college, and is stuck in this job. He loves his parents, even though they seem unhappy with his job too, and lives in the shadow of his elder siblings, but is happy to get drunk on the weekends and hang out with his band! You can shake this party animal from his rut and fight evil with him! And with his store, you can get first pick of all the tech which comes through!
Megumi - A clerk at the food court, this was only supposed to be a temporary position to make a little extra cash for her; now the wannabe author is stuck with no prospects and being looked up to by the young student workers as "the older hand". She's not even old! But it's money, and it just about pays bills... She doesn't want to be "responsible", or a killjoy or "the old crone"; she wants to be seen as fun, which she is! But it'll take a lot to shake her out of this preconception of her... And with her store, what better place to stock up on supplies?
Kaito - The security guard was kept out of the police force by his thick glasses, so he had to settle for this. It beats working another job and is the closest he's ever going to get to "fighting injustice" and protecting the innocent like he wanted to do when he was a child, which he still is at heart. He loves walking around feeling like a sheriff in the old West, or a beat cop, and pretends to have a secret identity! But stopping the poor and protecting rich store's stock isn't exactly a noble endeavour, and the kind-hearted man may not be cut out for this... Still! You can up his confidence, help him out and in return he will be a most useful ally in combating darkness! Hell, he even has the keys to the building!
Tomoko - Easily the coolest to many here, she works at the music store! Carefully cultivating a cool, collected and snobby persona as "the classy music snob"; she is actually super-embarrassed by her family's enormous wealth and her status as an heiress to a large fortune. Complicating things further, she actually really likes dorky stuff and music seen as "trash", but must be seen to be cool and "knowledgeable" about music. Can she shake free of her image and find a way to ground herself effectively, whilst discovering who she really wants to be? With the aid of our protagonist and his friends, she probably can!
Takeshi - He used to be somebody. He used to have his own business. Now the businessman is struggling to make ends meet here in the travel agency, an industry he knows nothing about and with strict quotas he is not able to to meet. He watches as those with more money and dreams than he will ever have come in and demand that he make their dreams come true, whilst he struggles to keep his daughter in school and a roof over their heads. His marriage is on the rocks, and he needs a miracle. What he does NOT need is the power of "Persona" to awaken inside of him, but he'll do what he's always done: make fucking do. His store gives you the maps and places to travel in this evil metaverse, don't navigate without it!
Yuuko - A gold medallist in figure skating, once known as "The Golden Swan" for her beauty and grace, now working at the sporting goods store, fitting ice and roller skates to kids and couples. She's constantly noticed and it's seen as a "fall from grace", but she's happy here! There are no pressures, no trappings of celebrity, no parents and coaches pushing her further: just a job she has to do! But she feels as if she should want more, and also: do people only want to befriend her because of her fame? Because they feel sorry for her? Because they want to hook up with the "Golden Swan"? She fears that she is boring and a washout: this adventure will hopefully change that! Her store lets you access the weapons and equipment you'll need to fight evil!
Wataru - The janitor. A grizzled old badass sporting tattoos and a cool beard, rumour has it that the man is a Yakuza. But Wataru is simply one of many lost in the shuffle: a day labourer, cab driver, dock worker and all round blue collar guy; he has shifted from job to job and struggled even to get this one. He's constantly worried about two things: being seen as useless and thus replaced by somebody younger (especially since upper management don't like him; and schoolchildren keep thinking he's a creepy old man or wise old man who has been a janitor all his life as some sort of punishment from the Gods); and word getting out about his sexuality, something most improper... You can hep Wataru kick some ass and show this old dog some new tricks! Plus he's the janitor: he's been everywhere, he can get into anything, and he'll clean up the enemy nicely.
Ai - The absolutely useless and incompetent new girl in the jewellery store, Ai only got this position because her parents are incredibly rich and famous stakeholders in the mall. She comes across as common and vulgar to the customers, and the snobby staff too, and it's gotten her down. She has no idea what she's good at, and knows that everybody thinks of her as "the rich kid who'll never have to work a day in her life", something she is keenly and painfully aware of. She doesn't know what to do, but her heart is in the right place. She has no real friends here until your gang of misfit employees show up, but she's willing to learn! Time to take charge and break free of your shadow Ai! And with her wealth and influence to call upon - she's a perfect addition to your gang!
You'll meet others in your adventures, both staff members of other stores and customers who frequent the place, as you get to know your party and yourself - in the most salary-based Persona game yet!
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twinhood-2dot0 · 1 year
My Favourite LGBTQIA+ Characters
It's Pride Month! I scheduled 2 posts ahead of time (Yes, I'm that bored. No mobile, no laptop, and mediocre books, so I have nothing better to do.) and now I realised it's Pride Month :P. Anyways, I could go into the history of Pride month and stuff, but you could read that anywhere, but you can't read about my opinions anywhere else, so this is what you get.
What better bi representation than a psychopatic-psychiatrist-who-fell-in-love-with-the-Joker-and-became-his-sidekick-and-stuck-in-an-abusive-relationship-then-broke-up-and-found-another-woman-who-has-even-less-regard-for-human-life? Harley Quinn has been a fan favourite ever since her appearance in Batman: The Animated Series and became probably more loved than Superman and possibly Batman too. The Harley Quinn series is a morbidly hilarious series and I love their relationship in it. Kinda sad that she didn't really have a WLW relationship in the DCEU though. Actually, is there even a Poison Ivy? I think her last appearance was in Batman & Robin and wouldn't we all wanna forget that movie ever existed. Harley and Ivy had ties even in BTAS but it wasn't much explored. In the comics, they were also part of the Gotham City Sirens along with Catwoman. The romance only continued to blossom since then, and they've even wed in the Injustice (fighting video game series, in short, Superman becomes a dictator after Lois and his unborn child dies and Batman works to stop him) universe.
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I love this art so much.
YumiHisu is the ship of Ymir and Krista Lenz from Attack On Titan. I don't want to spoil much, but this is the closest thing to a couple Attack On Titan has, and I love it for it. I hate romance in most stories, so I really love that Attack On Titan has so little of it, and the one they do is a really cute one. Ymir and Krista aren't really a focus, but their interactions we do see are very cute, and their story in S2 was awesome.
Batfam characters
Yeah we're back to DC again. A lot of these are going to be DC :P. What can I do? DC has a lot of great representation.
Tim Drake is the 3rd Robin, as I've probably burnt into your memory by now. I didn't really care about him for a long time, because he's surrounded by so many Robins who are all so memorable. I mean, he's competing with Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Damian Wayne, so :P. Although after reading more I've come to like him. He's the biggest nerd, his origin story is him figuring out Batman's identity, and he has a great sense of humor. He's not the usual Uber smart character who forgot to invest in the charisma skill. He also canonically has( had? DC's timeline is a mess) a low self esteem, which is why he was never Robin in the New 52 Universe, so I can relate :P. He has dated Stephanie Brown, the 4th Robin and Spoiler and Batgirl and it has been hinted that he had something going on with Conner Kent, Superboy. It was made official in Batman: Urban Legends where Tim agrees to go on a date with a guy he rescued.
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Tim comes out to Batman.
I sadly haven't reached that part yet because I'm still at 2018 :P but I've read the Pride one-off comic, and wanna see more of it. Jonathan Kent, Superman's son, also Superman, is also bi, and has a cute boyfriend. I don't care much for Superman so I guess I'll be skipping that tho :P.
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Batwoman, Kate Kane was one of the highest-profile LGBTQIA+ comic book superhero. I, regrettably, haven't read much of her, I think I've only seen her in Detective Comics (2016) and Grant Morrison's Dick Grayson Batman run. Although, her character arc in Detective Comics was pretty cool, so I hope to someday remedy that.
Alysia Yeoh, while a pretty minor character, as a trans person, I love Gail Simone so much for her character. Alysia is Barbara Gordon's (Batgirl) roommate in the New 52 run of Batgirl and was such a badass character. She's a professional activist, and she's also the first trans character in comics to get married.
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Alysia in DC Pride.
Huh, funny, Killer Moth was also Batgirl's first supervillain in Batgirl: Year One. Don't think that's a coincidence.
Okay, that's enough DC.
Literally the only one of two couples I cared about in Riordanverse. Percabeth is bleugh, even the ship name is bleugh, and Jasper is, well, they ended up breaking up, sooo, need I say more? Sadie and Anubis and Walt seems like a polyamorous relationship? That one is interesting, at the very least. Magnus Chase and Alex is also meh, I love Alex, but the relationship I couldn't care less for. Let's also talk about Alex. Alex is the first genderfluid character and oh do I love them. They're badass and I love their humor so much. Solangelo is such a cute couple and I love that a sun of Apollo is dating a sun of Hades. I just finished reading Sun and The Star today and I loved it so much. They're just perfect for each other. Nico has always been such an intriguing character, and Will's contrasting personality is fun.
Rosa Diaz and Captain Raymond Holt
Bi and gay characters from Brooklyn 99. Rosa was initially shown dating just men, but later comes out as bi and has a whole arc with her parents. Holt has always been gay is also married, and they break up and get married again. I love Rosa's badass character and deadpan humor and basically her whole personality. Holt conforms to 0 gay stereotype. He's not flamboyant at all and not very effeminate. He's deadpan, hates humor, and takes no crap.
Typing on phone is hard and I'd like to stop now thank you, so here's a rapid fire honorable mentions.
Cam and Mitchell from Modern Family, Princess Bubblegum and Queen Marceline in Adventure Time, Nia Nal (trans-woman, played by an actual trans-woman), Stargirl in Supergirl, okay, that's it.
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I dont need to revisit the injustice games, i dont. But i dont remember if i watched injustice 2 at all. I vaguely even remember watching the 1st one. But i remember the general plot.
I used to have the mobile game 😭😭
I used to want the game but i dont have my 360 anymore
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