#insane bad feelings when they say they like penny like oh i see you wanna rescue the tradwife wojak girl. ok.
skunkes · 6 months
I really tried to like sdv expanded because the new mechanics and locations are cool but the added characters feel like the amalgamation of the worst redditors' fantasies. oh pink haired girl who's depressed and super submissive? dommy mommy millionaire? these are so original tell me more
LMAO my exact thoughts while typing that were i hate that pink haired cosplay girl 😭 im not immune to milf though but i do agree. i get the same grossed out feeling when i see actual redditors talk about that pink haired girl as their wife, as i do when they say the same about penny like oh ok. i see.
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Currently listening to Hawaii: Part 2 for the first time, I wanna see if it lives up to the hype. Thoughts:
(Sincere apologies to anyone who likes this album, I know that when I hear negative opinions of things I like, even if I disagree with them, they can genuinely ruin my enjoyment of said things, so if you’re like me, scroll past. /gen)
Introduction to the Snow: Eh, whatever, it’s the intro
Isle Unto Thyself: good? I don’t like the dude’s singing, but the rest of the song is catchy enough
Black Rainbows: Sounds like My Singing Monsters. Not fantastic, but fine
White Ball: Again, sounds like My Singing Monsters, and again, it’s fine
Murders: Kinda sucks, still dislike the dude’s voice and the lyrics sound like he’s trying to be a lot more interesting than he really is. Also I don’t know if having the piano be compressed to shit is an artistic choice or not, but either way it hurts my ears
*Japanese characters I don’t feel like copying and pasting*: I don’t know if the singer’s Japanese or not, but he sounds like a white dude trying his best to speak Japanese without actually knowing it. Also has some kinda crap autotune and fake trumpets. Ok, got to the bridge, actually speaking from experience as someone who knows French, this dude is definitely not French.
The Mind Electric: This one just kinda pisses me off. The reverse gimmick sounds cool on paper, but it results in a long-ass song whose first half is unlistenable and whose second half isn’t much better. The only cool thing they do is reversing insane so it’s forwards in the backwards part and backwards in the forwards part, but other than that the song kinda sucks.
Labyrinth: HELL YEAH. This is the only song I knew before listening to the album (I first heard of it from Penny Snapcube, who has “I am the mouse” and “I’m trapped!” on her soundboard.) This song’s so stupid, but it’s a breath of fresh air. I went into this expecting stuff like Labyrinth (not necessarily in them being rap-related, but in them being stupid with good musical bits) and so far I’m disappointed. This song’s still great though.
Time Machine: Oh god more autotune. Also that’s definitely a cut up Amen Break in the back. It’s fine? Better than some of the other songs in here, but not really noteworthy. Sounds kinda like a Kirby OST song that someone added bass, amen break drums, and shitty autotune vocals to.
Stranded Lullaby: Now that’s a Legend of Zelda harp midi if I’ve ever heard one. It’s alright, about what I expected from a song with lullaby in the title. I think it could stand to be shorter. More enjoyable than other songs on the album, but other than that there’s not much I can say.
Dream Sweet in Sea Minor: Alright, this is the one I’ve heard everybody say is great. Ok, starting with the intro again, classic. Wait, this is seven minutes long? Why? Wait holy shit is this where Feels Like We’re Flying But Maybe We’re Dying comes from? I hope it is, I love that lyric, it sucks so much. Oh god, more terrible French. THERE’S THE LYRIC. At first I thought it was from Tally Hall for whatever reason. This whole song sounds like background music from a commercial. There is so much melodrama for nothing. Oh the song just ends. Sucked.
In conclusion, I am thoroughly disappointed, I have seen nothing but praise for this album yet it has left me bereft of any sort of enjoyment. Except for Labyrinth.
To any fans of this album who don’t agree with my assessment, don’t feel bad.
1. You’re able to glean enjoyment from something that I cannot, and for that I envy you,
And 2. Don’t worry, I like some bad music too, i know what it’s like /lh
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Californian Dream (Pt. 11 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.3 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
<- Previous part (10)
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
California Never Felt Like Home
Even though he's not going anywhere any time soon, you hook one leg around his waist, just to pull him a little closer. “You're my prisoner now.” You mutter, sleep still clouding your voice.
“I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.” He answers, placing kisses all over your face.
“The good part is that we'll have all the afternoon to ourselves.” You giggle, moving to lay on your back with Billy hovering over you.
“I'll take you to see the sunset on that beach you like. Completely desert.” He says in a low voice. “If we survive your parents.”
“We already did.” Kissing him, you move to lie on top of him. “It'll be at this super expensive, fancy restaurant, so it means they won't yell at me or put on a show.”
“Sometimes I think you should consider what you're giving up.” He gets sad suddenly, sighing. You know what he's thinking about, and it will take time for Billy to see and understand this is what you really want.
“I'm giving up a huge house I never felt like it was mine. Lots of money that never brought me happiness.” In between the words, you place kisses all over his face. “But what I'm getting...? God, it's amazing.” Sitting up, you straddle his hips. “I got real friends now, and a home. And an awesome boyfriend who doesn't compare to the assholes on my parents' list.”
“I'm so happy I'm around to see the good daughter rebelling.” He sits up too, strong arms encircling your waist. “You look so good, little rebel.”
“You're just saying that because I'm wearing your shirt.” Wrapping your arms around his neck, you raise an eyebrow. Yesterday, you decided to pick one of his shirts to put on instead of your regular pajamas.
“Babe, you look good on everything. But I gotta admit seeing you wearing my clothes is very hot.”
Smiling, you can't help but blush. “We still have a few hours, so I think we can maybe make out for a while?” Biting your lip at his smirk, you giggle.
“Starting the day off with good ideas already.” He mutters, holding you up and throwing you back on the mattress. “This is the first day of the rest of your lives, you know that, right? Because I'm never letting you go. Unless you get tired of me.”
“I don't think I'll ever get tired of you, so yes...” Caressing his cheek, you take a deep breath, the sunlight illuminating his face. “The very first day of the rest of our lives.”
The morning bliss had to be interrupted. But, as you sit across from your mother at the restaurant, you don't feel scared, or nervous. You feel perfectly fine. You're not dressed for this place, you can see it in your mother's eyes, but you don't care. You like the clothes you're wearing, and your mother's disgusting stare makes you chuckle under your breath. Making yourself comfortable, you ignore the silence. Nobody is saying anything, and your father has been staring at Billy as if he could kill him with his stare.
“So... I believe you want an explanation.” You start, cupping your hands together above the table. “Billy and I are dating. And I'll be living with him.”
“Is it some kind of joke?” Your mother interrupts, leaning closer. “You can't possibly think I'll believe you'll do that.” You're about to say something when she raises a hand, and you shut your mouth. “I get it, (Y/N). Billy is good looking, he has this appeal, he's different from the guys you're used to, rougher around the edges, I get all that. But this? This is insane.”
It's only a matter of time for the insults to begin, you're aware of that. “That's not all, mother.” You add, not even considering giving her a proper answer. “I'm not going to course Law anymore. I'll look for something I actually like. And go to the public University.”
“What the–”
“I have a good job now, at a store of diving equipment and I love it.” Cutting your father short, you raise your voice just a little. “That's my life now. I'm not going back to the house, but I want you both to know that I'll visit, of course, and you can visit me whenever you want and–”
“I'm not going to let you throw your entire life on the trash because of the freaking pool guy.” Your father's voice storms out, making a few people look your way. He does seem a little embarrassed, but definitely angry. “This man–” He points at Billy, and you hold his hand under the table. “–he can give you nothing. Nothing. What do you have in life, Hargrove? I shitty job, a tiny apartment. Do you think you can provide to someone like my daughter?” There it is. The insults. And, knowing exactly what Neil told Billy, you won't let your father treat him this way.
“You wanna know what Billy gave me, father?” Smiling, you begin. “He gave me a life. I never felt truly happy, never. Not in our mansion, or those fancy galas, or wearing fashionable clothes. Never. But with the pool guy, as you call him, in his tiny apartment with his lowlife friends? I finally felt something. I finally felt life was worth living.”
“Alright.” He slams his fist on the table, glancing at your mother, a mean smile on his face. “If you insist on doing this, I'll disown you.” He giggles, a hand half covering his mouth. “You won't see any cents from me anymore. Is that what you want?”
He looks like he got everything figured out. Exchanging a stare with Billy, you can tell he's worried. Does he think you'll fall for this? Squeezing his hand a little and smiling, you try to reassure him. He must feel awful, seated here, and listening to all this shit. “I–”
The waiter comes and you're cut short, waiting for your parents to order whatever they want to eat. “Oh, finally. We'll want Muffin Pan Shrimp Ragoon. Thought I'll give my kid one last decent lunch at a decent restaurant. What do you think?”
Seriously? “I can't eat that.” You think it's so obvious, but by the look on your father's face, he doesn't get it.
“What? Do you want to order something more expensive as a goodbye to your good life?”
“She's allergic to shrimp,” Billy speaks for the first time, his voice strong and deep. Both your parents look a little surprised, but soon enough recognition comes to their faces.
They completely forgot, but it doesn't bother you. You're happy Billy actually remembered it. You only mentioned it once, at the gala. “It's alright, though. We'll have lunch by the beach.” You tell them, smiling at Billy.
“Let me guess...” He dismisses the waiter with a gesture of his hand. “Sandwiches and soda?”
“Actually, yes.” Exclaiming, you stand up, and Billy does the same. It's over. You told them what's gonna happen now, and they have to make peace with that. And if your father wants to change his will and cut you out of it, so be it. “I made them myself and they're delicious.”
“For goodness sake.” Your mother mutters, running a hand through her hair. “Honey, please think this through, alright? Your house will be opened whenever you want to come back.”
“Thanks, mom. I will visit, I promise.” That said, you smile at them before turning away, hand in hand with Billy, walking away from the table.
“You better wipe off your bank account, (Y/N), because you'll never get a penny from me again!” Your father yells, and you simply wave at him, not even bothering to look back.
When you're outside, you feel light-headed, relieved. “This wasn't as bad as it could be.” You breathe out, walking to where Billy parked his car, a block away.
“Did he mean it? About disowning you?” He sounds serious, despite the smile that's on your face.
Turning around without letting go of his hand, you start walking backward. “I don't give a damn.” Speaking slowly, you wink at him, stopping suddenly and letting him come closer by himself before grabbing the collar of his shirt and tiptoeing to kiss him, sweet and slow.
“What the– (Y/N)?” Someone calls and since you do know who it is, you keep kissing Billy for a while longer. “Holy shit.”
It makes you giggle when he pulls your closer, deepening the kiss. But eventually, you have to breathe, so you break apart, a smile on your lips.
“Care to explain why the hell you're making out with the pool guy? In public?” Daniel says as you turn to face him. He has a girl with him, but you don't know who she is. He seems better, given the time he spent held hostage. “Have you lost your mind, girl?”
Sighing, you roll your eyes at him. You have a lunch date on the beach, and you don't wanna waste any more time with meaningless people. “Yeah. I'm dating the pool guy.” You tell him, shrugging your shoulders. “Actually, I'm in love with the pool guy. And now I work at a scuba diving store, so you can come up with some kind of name for me too, but you wanna know what? I don't give a damn.” Pulling Billy harder, you start walking again. “I'd love to say that we'll be seeing each other soon, but we won't. So... Goodbye, Daniel.” Turning on your heels, you leave the couple behind.
The drive to the beach is short, and instead of sitting on the sand, you chose to seat on the hood of his car. Which he now calls Lily, and you peacefully eat the sandwiches and drink the soda. You wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world. The ocean, the sunlight, the fresh wind messing with your hair. The simple food, the hood of his car... And him. Billy is certainly the best part. Having him here is indescribable, and knowing you'll go back home with him is even better.
“So... Will you help me chose something to major in?” You ask as he helps you climb off of the hood, taking your hand and starting to walk down the beach.
“Actually, I have some fresh news coming straight from Jason.” He says, a bright smile on his lips.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you stop to look at him. “What news...?”
“Mr. and Mrs. Heeler, from the store.” Billy starts, putting a strand of hair behind your ear. “They want to retire and they're thinking about passing the store over to you and Jason since they don't have any relatives. If you both agree on being associates.”
“Oh my God!” You exclaim, tiptoeing to crash your lips on his. “This is amazing.”
“Please act surprised when Jason tells you.” In a sudden motion, Billy reaches for your thighs, pulling you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. Using his shoulder for balance, you giggle. “He didn't want me to tell you but I couldn't resist.”
“This is just awesome. This is...” Taking a deep breath, you take a look at the ocean. The sound of the waves crashing is low and calming, and the way the sunlight reflects on the water shines like liquid silver. Then, you look at Billy again, his smile warming up your heart. “I love you.” You haven't said it yet, but it feels like the right time. And this is how you feel. You've never been in love before, but you know how this is how it feels. Like someone owns your whole heart. “I'm not sure if you feel the same but I just need you to know that–”
“I'm completely in love with you.” Billy cuts you off, bouncing you up a little and making the way back to his car. “I have been for a while and that scared the hell out of me.” When you reach Lily, he puts you down on the hood, remaining in between your legs. “But now... I'm sure of it. I want a life with you. A future.”
Blushing, you smile, your forehead touching Billy's. “So that thing you said about me getting to pick the kid's names...” You tease, placing a kiss on the corner of his lips.
“I mean it, if...” Pulling away from a little, he locks eyes with you. “If you don't pick something silly like the name you insisted on giving my car.”
“It's not silly!” Playfully, you try to push him away, giggling when he grabs your sides, tickling you. “Alright! Alright!” After a while you manage to stop him, his hands going back to your hips. “We'll pick names we both like. How does it sound?”
“It sounds like we're talking about kids even before getting married.”
“What?” Furrowing your eyebrows, you try to process what the hell he just said. “Sorry, I thought you heard you talking about...”
“I never felt like the type for marriage but, God, I want to marry you,” Billy exclaims, connecting his lips to yours.
You have a lot to say, a lot of things to ask, but you surrender to the kiss instead. This is all the answers you need. His lips on yours, on this paradise on Earth.
California never felt like home because home isn't a place, but a person. Billy is your home. Wherever you are, if he's with you, it's the right place. Nothing else needs to be said. The life you had before vanished like smoke in the air, and this is even better than everything you could ever dream of. Not all the money in the world can buy this moment, and you don't regret a thing. Love is far more important, and now that you found it, nothing will make you let it go.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @clockworkballerina @infinitelycharmed23 @lilred91 @moatsnow
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collabwithmyself · 3 years
for he song ask game, if you're still doing it: as many songs for the Sun as you can stand to do in one go, be it 1 song or everything in the playlist
I will hand you 13 songs for Friday the 13th!
And so, lying underneath those stormy skies, she'd say, "oh, I know the sun must set to rise..."
Paradise - Coldplay
Hello, hello, let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero. Let me tell you what it's like to never feel, feel like I'm good enough for anything that's real, real - I'm looking for a way out.
Zero - Imagine Dragons
And everybody is afraid of me, and I'm afraid to go out in the street - reminders of my failures everywhere that I will be... everybody is afraid of me. People freak me out, people make me scared, people make me so damn self-aware.
Self Esteem - Andrew Jackson Jihad
I wanna wake up and feel loved. Will you look me in the eye, tell me I'm not dying? Oh, I'm losing it! Oh, I'm not prepared for this! I'm tired, I'm sick, I'm waging war on everything! I'm wired, I'm licked, I'm addicted to everything! But I'm not prepared for this... tell me I'm not dying!
Panic Attack - The Glorious Sons
I still woke to boxes stacked in the dining room. I blinked my eyes and shot through the afternoon. One glance at the TV - again, it's the evening. A sick kind of replay - better luck on a new day.
New Day - Penny Parker
Fumbling his confidence and wondering why the world has passed him by, hoping that he's bent for more than arguments and failed attempts to fly. We were meant to live for so much more, have we lost ourselves? Somewhere, we live inside...
Meant to Live - Switchfoot
Holy moly, it's a real do-nothing day! I could change address and try another state? I could change my name; it won't do anything. Adventure is out there... so why am I in here today?
Adventure is Out There - AJR
It was a recipe for disaster: a four-course meal of "no siree"! It seemed that "happily ever after" was happy everyone was after me. It was a cup of good intentions, a tablespoon of one big mess, a dash of overreaction... I assume you know the rest.
One Little Slip - Barenaked Ladies
Hey, brother, do we still believe in one another? Hey, sister, do you still believe in love, I wonder? Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do.
Hey Brother - Avicii
"Oh my God! That's so insane! Oh my God! That's such a shame!" Next to them, my shit don't feel so grand. But I can't help myself from feeling bad; I kinda feel like two things can be sad? The world's smallest violin really needs an audience, and if I do not find somebody soon, I'll blow up into smithereens and spew my tiny symphony! So let me play my violin for you.
World's Smallest Violin - AJR
I'm borderline happy and I'm borderline sad, I'm borderline good and I'm borderline bad. And I can't get rid of a tingling fear - you'd sort me out if my head gets clear. I live my life in shackles, but I'm borderline free. I used to be blind, and I still can't see. But I won't get around to a change of mind as long as nobody breaks my stride.
Borderline - Tove Styrke
If there's one thing in my life that I've been fighting day and night, well, it's my fear of changing nothing. So when I open up my eyes, and shake that worry from my mind, I check the clock, and it's still running! So let me show you something new! I need a little revolution! This could be like a revelation! Make you see that a change is overdue... so let me show you something new!
Something New - Set it Off
Well, I can't fall asleep, and I'm losing my mind, 'cause it's half past three and my brain's on fire. I've been counting sheep, but the sheep all died, and I'm not dead yet, so I guess I'll be alright. Don't you love it, don't you love it? No, I ain't happy yet... but I'm way less sad.
Way Less Sad - AJR
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coweggomelet · 3 years
i apparently enjoy putting down my thoughts on the off chance someone will read it and enjoy it so here’s rwby rewatch vol 3. i’m ready to be sad!!
(note: it’s long i’m sorry, i have many thoughts and i tried to narrow it down but oh boy do i think im funny)
- ruby you’re so precious. so sweet. so eager. so earnest. c’mere and i’ll protect you from all the bad shit that happens to you later
- hi cardboard cutout tai
- i keep getting an ad for a rooster teeth show called camp betrayal and the way this man says “hoo hoo hoo” will haunt me for the rest of time
- oh shit the fact that it’s called amity has such insane implications for what it’s used for later. jesus.
- “bffs!” “No.” “…/yessss/” love them
- yeet the yang
- god ruby’s admiration of emerald is so sad in retrospect like… oh boy ruby you’re in for it
- “even if you know how a story ends, that doesn’t make it any less fun to watch” wow cinder are you psychic
- ummmm they’re having a talk can you please respect their privacy
- thor whomst??? i only know nora valkyrie
- hiiiii gavin
- so much mid battle banter. in the middle of a big important fight they just have to make jokes and argue. i love teenagers
- awww winter you’re a disaster and you’re horribly emotionally repressed because of your bitch ass dad but jesus christ you care about your little sister and you wanna know she’s doing okay and i’m emotional about it
- PENNYYYYY my love just keep being you
- jeez i forgot how early on ironwood was talking his shit about being “someone who will act”, the “only person” who will do what needs to be done, as if his course of action is what needs to be done
- every single person who underestimates emerald and mercury gets so fucked up. like so many people look at these youngerish teenagers with some funny one liners and banter and go “oh they seem capable and they’re confident and funny so i like em but i can take em” and then absolutely get the shit kicked out of them. and i think that’s why they’ve been so successful, cause nobody takes them seriously enough to consider them a threat.
- see this is why i love rwby. coco just turned her handbag into a gatling gun and cut down a field of grass with it
- god the way they hint at emerald’s semblance before fully showing what it is. *chef’s kiss*
- winter marry me
- we love an uncle who absolutely destroys his nieces at video games
- “they do and they’re called silver!” ruby i love you
- top heavy. heheh
- this dude’s weapon is a trumpet!! she’s got glowing nunchucks!! i love this show!!
- this battle music is AMAZING what the FUCK they’re fighting to JAZZ
- cinder if you keep having vague ominous dialogue people are gonna get the wrong idea
- oh yeah great idea asking a child to take on immense power which sends her into a stressed out panicky spiral and alienates her from the people she finally feels legitimately connected to and for once didn’t feel alienated from
- oh fuck. oh fuck the finals. oh god. oh no.
- she’s so happy. she’s so ready to have a good fight. i’m gonna cry
- and with one moment, the entire show flipped on its head
- god when i watched that the first time i fuckin freaked. i was not prepared man. i was warned. but i was not prepared for this much of a fucking tone change man. that quickly. like tone changes (in my experience) normally happen gradually, but this one happened in, what? 30 seconds?
- fuck
- god this is so bad
- and it GETS WORSE i can’t do this
- love that we can see yang’s distraught eyebrows through her bangs
- after this episode was the first time my friend asked me “how we doing buddy?” and i’ve only wanted to kill her more since then
- oh god emerald’s backstory. this poor child. she was so alone and cinder was there and said i can give you a place i can give you a purpose i can give you security and emerald latched on so hard.
- hiiiii laura bailey i wish you had more than a lil baby line and some sounds of effort
- god that little anklet
- god what a fuckin backstory episode man. backstory? evil plan explanation? idk but it was good
- great parent move. telling your kid you’ll only save them once.
- jaune you sweet good boy. what a good boy. i love him
- god this poor child. she doesn’t deserve this. FUCK i’m so sad. is that the last conversation they have?
- oooooh shit this song is so good. what the fuck i have chills it’s so fitting
- god everyone else is so happy and excited and then there’s ruby who is one of the very few people who knows how bad a fight between penny and pyrrha could be and pyrrha who’s got to decide if she wants someone else’s aura smushed with hers, which could turn her into a different person. FUCK
- peeeennyyyyy “salutations!! it’s an honor to meet you!” it huuuurts
- it makes me so sad but damn was this a good diabolical plan
- god im so sad. penny is so good. and pyrrha’s fuckin eyes. and ruby just collapsing. jesus christ. it’s all fuckin falling apart
- oh fuck here we go. those klaxons are so terrifying
- it makes me so happy that torchwick gets rescued and then like maybe a couple episodes later just gets swallowed
- the fuckin adam fight is coming up too. jesus. really piling on here
- and she doesn’t even hesitate to save pyrrha
- the one and only time (to my memory) that ironwood is gentle is when he says no one would blame the students if they left. that might be the last time he actually remembers that they’re all teenagers and feels sympathy for these children with all this pressure on them
- oh yeah the big boy
- the first time i watched this i was LOSING MY MIND this whole time. like yang attacked mercury and from then on man. just freaking out.
- eurgh grimm juice
- c’mon blake you got this. i mean. technically you don’t. the fight goes poorly. but you fuckin try and you’re so brave about it and i love youuu
- shut the FUCK up adam you GROOMED her you ASSHOLE
- aahhhh i love velvet!!! her semblance and her whole fighting style is so goddamn cool and has such interesting implications for using weapons and powers of people who are dead
- get fucked, torchwick. GET FUCKED. get fuckin chomped
- a backhanded slap feels so much more violent than any fighting with weapons
- uh oh evil katniss
- god. the fucking blood splatter turning the whole shot red. just their silhouettes. the slow motion. the arm slowly separating.
- my friend was also a big fan of “how we feeling?”
- bad. the answer is bad you fuckin sadist
- oz is… a lot of things, and one of them is a goddamn good fighter
- oh god oh noooo she’s gonna kiss & yeet AWWWW FUCK this is heartbreaking
- pyrrha i love you
- if i don’t look it’s not real
- oh pyrrha my love
- awww hey tai. what a good dad. love tai
- i’m so sad. everyone’s so sad. and then salem just has to do an ominous lil monologue where she lays out her whole plan to divide them and makes a fuckin semblance pun. she’s such a good villain
- jacque you stiff bitch
- they’re all fuckin scattered and depressed
- love team rnjr tho
- there she is. god what an ending
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blackqueenstarseed1 · 4 years
The Friend
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Chapter one - Fall out
Paring -  Rafael Casal x black!reader AU
Summary - You've been in love with one of your best friends for years, you've actually agreed to reveal your feelings to Daveed, but what happens when you find out he's got a new girlfriend. Will his best blonde-haired pal be the one you've always been waiting for?
Warnings - slight angst, heartbreak, Alcohol
Word count : 2,274
Note: Let me know your thoughts please. I love Rafael, and he needs more love on here. 
I’m also making a tag list, let me know if you want to be apart of it.
“Not that dress it’s giving grandma vibes.”, your roommate Jamie said leaning against the doorway to your bedroom. As she nodded towards your floral dress that was in your hands. 
“Well help me find something, I wanna make sure he noticed me this time.” You mumbled closing your eyes imagining his beautiful brown eyes that can warm an entire room. And that smile, oh that fucking smile that felt as pure as the source of light. Returning back to reality you signed, “I’m gonna tell him how I feel tonight, and  I- I want it to be special. You know?”
Jamie raised her brown, walked towards your bed, and took a seat next to you. Staring you in the eye giving you her concerned motherly look, oh here she goes, you thought not wanting to hear another lecture, especially with your nerves today. “Listen y/n, no matter what happens tonight just know that you don’t need some guy to be happy okay? Daveed is an idiot if he doesn’t see how much of a wonderful person you are.”
That was his name Daveed, Daveed Daniele Diggs, and you were in love with him since you first met at freshman orientation which was five years ago. You wanted to tell him how you felt, but he was in a long-term relationship with a girl named Lisa. But about three months ago he learned that she was cheating on him for over 4 years. You honestly felt bad at how happy you were at the news, throwing yourself a little party at some misdeeds. No, really you actually did throw a little party, from buying a mini cake, and jumping up and down as ‘lovely day’ by bill withers played through the stereo. Pathetic. With that, you decided to give him time to heal before you tell him that you were helplessly in love with him. Three months should be good enough you mused.
“Yea, yea I get it. Love myself before someone else. I didn’t ask for a Ted talk, but okay.” You replied getting up from your seat, throwing the dress back in the closet. “Now help me find something to wear. Let me see if that fashion degree was worth it?”
Jamie chuckled, shaking her head at you. Walking into your closet she nodded, “sure.”
Your stomach was beginning to do circles as you and Jamie arrived at the party. It’s okay you can do this ...after some drinks… but no I should stay sober for this.
“Y/n! Jamie! Come and take a shot with me.” Oak yelled, walking towards the pair of you with two shot glasses in his hands. As he came up to the both of you his eyes went wide as he looked at you up and down inspecting your outfit. “Damn y/n, you look ummm, y-you look, I-I mean wow.”
You nodded with a satisfied smile on your face. I hope Daveed likes this too. “Thanks, oak, and no thank you I’m the DD tonight.”
“Cool, cool. Well, I’m over there if you need me.” He winked and walked towards a group of guys.
“Hey wait, I never said that I didn’t want one,” Jamie yelled frowning as Oak walked away selectively not hearing her plea. Turning towards you with a knowing smirk on her face, she shook her head. “See I told you bitch. You’re  fucking hot.”
“Oak flirts with anything that moves, that was nothing.” You mumbled, rolling your eyes. It was true though, you loved Oak to death but if you had a penny for every compliment he gave to anyone you’d be a trillionaire.
“True but- Oh fuck look who just arrived. Twelve o’clock your way.” Jamie mumbled and nodded her head towards the front door. Slowly looking up your heart began to beat fast, increasing in an unhealthy way. Daveed walked in the room like the goddess that he was, dressed to the gods, hair moisturized to the lords. He waved at people nearby as he walked further through the party getting closer to you. Jamie squeezed your shoulder, giving you a warm smile. “Do it now, so you’ll have the rest of the night to drink the pain away.”
You nodded not being able to reply as Daveed walked up to you.
“Hey! Y/n, Jamie. It’s good to see you both.” He said with his beautiful eye smile lighting up the room giving Jamie a side hug. Pulling you into a warm hug looking you up, and down biting his lips. “What’s been going on with you? I felt like we haven’t talked in years!”
“Oh, y'know works have been pulling me in all areas.” You replied, wishing you had taken the shot Oak had offered you earlier. Liquid courage can be a good thing. Gathering the little courage you had you shot him a smile, “Actually I been wanting to talk to you about something-“
“Thanks, diggs for the correct directions. I really appreciate it. If you haven’t noticed I’m being sarcastic.” A voice yelps in the near distance interrupting your plan to drag Daveed away, to confess your love for him. Balling your fists trying to keep your cool, looking up trying to see who was brave enough to interrupt a girl so helplessly in love. Wearing a yellow ‘Oakland’ hoodie, with glasses on, walking towards you with a girl walking beside him, you signed as you made the person out. Rafael Santiago motherfucking Casal, great, now you didn’t hate him per se but you greatly dislike his white ass. From disagreeing on everything, arguing over stupid shit, him teasing, and poking fun at you every chance he got on you. Let’s just say you two weren’t exactly close. Walking up to the three of you he smiled, “ Hey, Jamie. I love ya man, but never ask me for a favor if you can’t cooperate okay.”
The fuck did he just ignore me. You thought saying a silent prayer in your head trying not to go off on his ass.
“Sorry, my phone went dead once I realized I gave y’all the wrong direction,” Daveed mumbled, shrugging his shoulders, reaching his hands out to the girl who arrived with Rafael. What? Who is she? “ Guys I want y’all to meet my girlfriend Serena.”
At that moment you could’ve sworn that the entire room can hear your heart-shattering in millions of pieces. After all this time of pinning after a guy, you always cared for giving your every thought to, but in reality, he will never give you the time of day. Fuck I’m a desperate piece of mess you thought feeling your throat getting hard. Fuck don’t cry you weak bitch. Jamie looked up in surprise, her eyes instantly falling on you shooting you a sympathetic look. But no you weren’t gonna be a bitter bitch just because someone wasn’t into you, you were better than that. Putting all of your feelings aside you nod. “Nice to meet you I’m, y/n, and that’s Jamie.”
“You too. Oh my god, I love your outfit, it's beautiful.” She smiled, making Daveed grin as he pulled her into a side hug, happy that she was getting along with his friends. Mumbling a small ‘thanks’, you felt defeated, not only was she pretty, but she was nice too. You couldn’t even hate her if you tried, at least his last girlfriend Lisa was a total bitch, something that your whole friend group silently thought as well. Which was good because it didn’t make you feel guilty for your feelings for Daveed because you had a villain in your love story. Kissing her cheek making her giggle, Daveed smiled and looked up at you. “So what were you trying to tell me earlier?”
“Oh, um it was nothing. Just forget it. Listen I should go see everyone else.” You rasped, pointing towards an area of the house far away from them. “It was good seeing you all.”
 “Okay, well don’t be a stranger.” Daveed frown noticing the change in your state, just a minute ago you were on cloud nine. Serena waved bye at you. While Jamie stared at you squinting her eyes, silently asking if you needed her, you shook your head no. Rafael glanced up looking away from his phone for a moment and mumbled. “See ya.”
Oh? so he did know that I was here, fucking bitch.
Grabbing a bottle of vodka on your way out towards the pool area, you found a place farther away from any eyes. You began to take a gulp from the bottle. “Fuck.”
“I guess I don’t need this.” You laughed fully drunk after finishing almost half the bottle of vodka. Standing by the pool with the letter you wrote Daveed in your right hands, and a lighter in your left trying to burn your feelings away. Maybe it was because you were drunk off your ass, or maybe the lighter was cheap as hell. But It wouldn’t work no matter how much you flick the little rolling thingy. “Fuck can something work for me for once. DAMN IT!”
“Hey what the fuck y/n! Are you trying to burn the house down?” Rafael yelled running up to you snatching the lighter from your hands. Making you jump in surprise, him coming out of nowhere throwing you off, so much so that you slipped on a puddle of water nearby. Feeling gravity defy you, You gasped “Shit.”
But before you could even fall into the pool, you felt warm arms around you. Looking up into the eyes of the person who saved you from embarrassment. You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowed, confused as to why the guy who hated your entire existence decided to save you from humiliation. Rafael’s expression hardened. “Are you insane? What if you would’ve gotten hurt?.”
“Please, stop yelling. My head hurts, and the room is spinning.” You whined, placing your hand on your forehead trying to block any more noise, coming your way. You didn’t need someone, especially him, making you feel guilty for drinking your feelings away. Because you weren’t in the mood right now. Shoving the letter back into your purse you glared at the blonde man, 
“Leave me alone.”
“There’s no way I’m gonna leave you in this state. I mean look you can barely walk.” Rafael proclaimed pulling your arm sitting you down on a nearby bench. “Stay here.”
He walked back into the house as you sat there with a dumbfounded look not believing that he was actually trying to help you at this low point. Coming back towards you he hands you a bottle of water. “Drink this.”
Squinting your eyes at him wondering if this was a setup and if he poisoned the water. You decided to take the risk, and grabbed the water from him and mumbled a small  ‘thanks’ as you gulped down the water. Rafael nodded watching you finish the water pleased with your compliance. “You good?”
“Yes. Thanks,” you replied, playing with the top of the bottle trying to avoid any eye contact with this confusing man.
“Ain’t that’s what friends are for?” He mused, staring into your eyes with his beautiful eyes. You always thought that Rafa was a handsome man, especially with his way with words, and his wisdom was simply out of this world. And your attraction to him never fully went away, especially after your altercations. But just because you think he’s cute doesn’t mean you’ll go out with him, he’s still Rafael the guy who gave you hell. Peering up at him leaning further into the bench you replied. “Friends?”
“Yes, friends. What?” Rafael questioned eyebrows raised at your statement.
“I’m just saying I never consider you a friend, and I’m pretty sure you would say the same too.” You confessed not caring how honest you were being. Liquid courage 1, sober 0.
“Ouch.” Rafael chuckled, as he jammed his hands in his front pocket. 
“I’m serious Raf, for as long as I can remember. You couldn’t stand to be in the same room as me, and now you wanna help me. What’s your deal? Huh.” You demanded crossing your arms, glaring at him. Wanting him to stop playing games with you.
“That’s not even remotely true! I-I, look listen to me when I say this. I know pain when I see it, and it’s written all over your face. I just want to make sure you don’t do anything stupid. Okay.” Rafael answered threading a hand through his hair, his lashes fluttering. Staring deep into your soul, bringing an unfamiliar sense of comfort to you. Damn he really is serious
“Thanks, but I’m fine. And I don’t need you to check on me.” You argue, looking away from his intense stare. Rafael huffed, shaking his head in return. “Sure.”
Sitting in silence for a few minutes Rafael stood up from his seat and jerked his head in the direction of the back exit. “This party is getting pretty boring. You wanna go grab something to eat.” 
You honestly didn’t know what to make of his sudden interest in you. For the longest time, the only attention he has ever given you was to either say something rude, or correct you. This was definitely weird, yes, but you were too drunk and too hurt to care right now. Glancing up towards the house seeing Daveed with his arm around Serena. You frown, tearing your eyes away from the man who still had your heart. Standing up, throwing the water bottle by a nearby bush, you nodded. “Let’s go.”
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mab1905 · 3 years
More Fitzjames content? Yeah... here’s a playlist for ya’ll...
These are songs which I think describe him at different points in his character developement or simply different aspects of his personality. Somewhat James/Crozier (Fitzier) but all about James.
(25 songs, 1 hour 33 min)
Song List + Most Character-Relevant Lyrics:
Fancy — Orville Peck
We didn't have money for food or rent / To say the least, we was hard pressed / Then Mama spent every last penny we had / To buy me a dancin' dress / Mama washed and combed and curled my hair / And she painted my eyes and lips / Stepped into a satin dancin' dress / That had a slit in the side clean up to my hips / It was red velvet trim, and it fit me good / Starin' back from the lookin' glass / There stood a woman where a half-gown boy had stood / ... / It sounded like somebody else that was talkin' / Askin', "Mama, what do I do?" / She said, "Just be nice to the gentlemen, Fancy / They'll be nice to you" / "Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down / Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down / Lord, forgive me for what I do / But if you want out, well, it's up to you / Now don't let me down now / Your mama's gonna move you uptown"
gold rush — Taylor Swift
What must it be like / To grow up that beautiful? / With your hair falling into place like dominos / ... / At dinner parties / I call you out on your contrarian shit / And the coastal town / We wandered 'round had never / Seen a love as pure as it / And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea / 'Cause you know it could never be
The Name Of The Game — ABBA
Your smile, and the sound of your voice / And the way you see through me / Got a feeling, you give me no choice / But it means a lot to me / So I wanna know / What's the name of the game?
Spectrum — Florence + The Machine
And when we come for you / We'll be dressed up all in blue / With the ocean in our arms / Kiss your eyes and kiss your palms / And when it's time to pray / We'll be dressed up all in grey / With metal on our tongues / And silver in our lungs / ... / And when we come back we'll be dressed in black / And you'll scream my name aloud / And we won't eat and we won't sleep / We'll drag bodies from the ground / So say my name / And every colour illuminates / And we are shining / And we'll never be afraid again
Dreamy Bruises — Sylvan Esso
How can we question / What we knows feels right / Black eyes turn to marigolds / In the morning light / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / Shaken all over like some dogs at the pool / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / They’re kicken all the records over acting like they hanging water / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / Down in the basement where the sun don't show / Ohweeohweeoh kids movie so slow / Naked dollars wonder piles dreamy bruises rotten lovers / And they say I want you / To bend me back in two / To make me sing your tune / To make those words so smooth / Fill me like a song do
Wolf — Sylvan Esso
But no birds nor beast does he eat / He only wants the tenderest meat / And oh the sounds he makes them speak / Under all different patterns of sheets / ... / The modern wolf, the modern wolf / Drippin' in all the lives that he took / He'll go on home, try to wash them off / But when he shaves, he hears them call
Francis Forever — Mitski
On sunny days I go out walking / I end up on a tree-lined street / I look up at the gaps of sunlight / I miss you more than anything / I don't need the world to see / That I've been the best I can be, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me / And autumn comes when you're not yet done / With the summer passing by, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me
James — MGMT
James / If you need a friend / Come right over / Don't even knock / And I'll be home / The door is always open / And we both can say, "Who's laughing now?" / Oh, James / My little doll / You just go outside and you call / Oh, James / Oh, you're never too far off / If your fire's out / There's no need to shout / I'm always home / And walk on in / I'll make you tea and breakfast / And we both can say, "Who's laughing now?"
South London Forever — Florence + The Machine
I drive past the place that I was born / And the places that I used to drink / Young and drunk and stumbling in the street / Outside the Joiners Arm's like foals unsteady on their feet / With the art students and the boys in bands / High on E and holding hands with someone that I just met / I thought it doesn't get / Better than this / There can be nothing better than this / Better than this / And we climbed onto the roof, the museum / And someone made love in the glass / And I'd forgot my name / And the way back to my mother's house / With your black cool eyes and your bitten lips / The world is at your fingertips / It doesn't get better than this / What else could be better than this? / Oh, don't you know I have seen / I have seen the fields aflame / And everything I ever did / Was just another way to scream your name
Oh! You Pretty things — David Bowie
I think about a world to come / Where the books were found by the Golden ones / Written in pain, written in awe / By a puzzled man who questioned / What we work here for / All the strangers came today / And it looks as though they're here to stay / Oh You Pretty Things (Oh You Pretty Things) / Don't you know you're driving your / Mamas and Papas insane / Oh You Pretty Things (Oh You Pretty Things) / Don't you know you're driving your / Mamas and Papas insane / Let me make it plain / You gotta make way for the Homo Superior
Venus As A Boy — Björk
His wicked sense of humor / Suggests exciting sex / His fingers they focus on her and touches / He's Venus as a boy / ... / All across your lips, oh, then until / Well be that it's a little now, until / He believes in a beauty / He's Venus as a boy / He believes in a beauty and gentle
Winds Change — Orville Peck
Had a lover but I lost my patience / Gonna get a song on a radio station / Got a fire but you just can't use it / I don't mean no lies, baby, please don't lose it / Lost my way on the other side / I know why, I don't know when / From the way that we said goodbye / I knew I'd never see you again / Left my mind in the Salt Lake City / Met a lot of men who would call me pretty / Pack of reds, watch the days get colder / Don't it make you cry, how we're getting older?
Fluorescent Adolescent — Arctic Monkeys
Oh the boy's a slag / The best you ever had / The best you ever had is just a memory / And those dreams weren't as daft as they seem / Not as daft as they seem / My love, when you dream them up... / Flicking through a little book of sex tips / Remember when the boys were all electric? / Now when she's told she's gonna get it / I'm guessing that she'd rather just forget it / Clinging to not getting sentimental / Said she wasn't going but she went still / Likes her gentlemen not to be gentle / Was it a Mecca dauber or a betting pencil? / Oh the boy's a slag / The best you ever had / The best you ever had is just a memory / And those dreams weren't as daft as they seem / Not as daft as they seem / My love, when you dream them up / Falling about / You took a left off Last Laugh Lane / Just sounding it out / But you're not coming back again.
Cheerleader — St. Vincent
I've had good times / With some bad guys / I've told whole lies / With a half smile / Held your bare bones / With my clothes on / I've thrown rocks / Then hid both my arms / I've played dumb / When I knew better / Tried so hard / Just to be clever / I know honest thieves / I call family / I've seen America / With no clothes on / I don't know what I deserve / But for you I could work / Cause I don’t want to be a cheerleader no more
Queen Bitch — David Bowie
She's so swishy in her satin and tat / In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat / Oh God, I could do better than that / Oh, yeah / She's an old-time ambassador / Of sweet talking, night walking games / Oh and she's known in the darkest clubs / For pushing ahead of the dames / If she says she can do it / Then she can do it, she don't make false claims / But she's a queen and such a queen / Such a laughter is sucked in their brains / Now she's leading him on / And she'll lay him right down / Yes, she's leading him on / And she'll lay him right down / But it could have been me / Yes, it could have been me
Boys Keep Swinging — David Bowie
Heaven loves ya / The clouds part for ya / Nothing stands in your way / When you're a boy / Clothes always fit ya / Life is a pop of the cherry / When you're a boy / When you're a boy / You can wear a uniform / When you're a boy / Other boys check you out / You get a girl / These are your favorite things / When you're a boy / Boys / Boys / Boys keep swinging
Caterpillars (Of The Common Wealth) — Will Connolly
You know you'll always be my valentine / Now swear to god that you will never tell / They're streaming every indiscretion live / For caterpillars of the commonwealth / Gotta go / You can stay / Make yourself at home / Gotta go / This campaign / Don't run itself you know / You've got potential little parasite / I tie your hands so i can wish you well / Cuz i'm a gentleman and you are like / A caterpillar of the commonwealth / Gotta go / I said no / You need to know your role / Gotta go / I said no / It's all under control
Imposters (Little By Little) — The Fratellis
You wear your mask, I'll wear mine / They don't come cheap, but they fit just fine / You can be her and I can be him / We can both sink when the rest all swim / ... / We can pretend that our fates were entwined / A beautiful lie is the beautiful kind / Everybody knows that the sun still sets / And everybody gives and everybody gets / ... / I could be the one that you just can't shake / Till you swear that your eyes go blind / We can disappear till the sun burns a hole / In the life that we left behind
Sweet Painted Lady — Elton John
I'm back on dry land once again / Opportunity awaits me like a rat in the drain / We're all hunting honey with money to burn / Just a short time to show you the tricks that we've learned / If the boys all behave themselves here / Well, there's pretty young ladies and beer in the rear / ... / Forget us we'll have gone very soon / Just forget we ever slept in your rooms / And we'll leave the smell of the sea in your beds / Where love's just a job and nothing is said
Super Trouper — ABBA
Super trouper beams are gonna blind me / But I won't feel blue / Like I always do / 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you / ... / So I'll be there when you arrive / The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive / And when you take me in your arms / And hold me tight / I know it's gonna mean so much tonight
Babooshka — Kate Bush
She sent him scented letters / And he received them with a strange delight / Just like / His wife / But how she was before the tears / And how she was before the years flew by / And how she was when she was beautiful / She signed the letter / All yours...
Paris is Burning — St. Vincent
I write to give word the war is over / Send my cinders home to mother / They gave me a medal for my valor / Leaden trumpets spit the soot of power / They say, "I'm on your side / "When nobody is, 'cause nobody is / "Come sit right here and sleep / "While I slip poison in your ear" / We are waiting on a telegram / To give us news of the fall / I am sorry to report / Dear Paris is burning after all
Dream of Sheep — Kate Bush
Oh I'll wake up to any sound of engines / Every gull a seeking craft / I can't keep my eyes open / Wish I had my radio / I'd tune into some friendly voices / Talking 'bout stupid things / I can't be left to my imagination / Let me be weak, let me sleep and dream of sheep / Ooh, their breath is warm / And they smell like sleep / And they say they take me home / Like poppies, heavy with seed / They take me deeper and deeper
Hunger — Florence + The Machine
At seventeen, I started to starve myself / I thought that love was a kind of emptiness / And at least I understood then, the hunger I felt / And I didn't have to call it loneliness / ... / Tell me what you need, oh, you look so free / The way you use your body, baby, come on and work it for me / Don't let it get you down, you're the best thing I've seen / We never found the answer but we knew one thing / ... / And it's Friday night and it's kicking in / In that pink dress, they're gonna crucify me / Oh, and you in all your vibrant youth / How could anything bad ever happen to you? / You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment / I forget to worry
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Reviewing RWBY: Volume 8 (+My General Thoughts On This Shitshow)
Hey! I am officially done with RWBY which means I can go back to posting about YGO more actively, which is great news for me and all five of my followers who all followed me for YGO content and probably dont appreciate me posting about a bad show that I dont even particularly like, as opposed to posting about a bad show that I do like
That being said, what the hell was that? Like, I cant put it into a coherent review but I feel like I cant just do bullet point lists again? I jjst
Why the fh k
WhomST?!!??? Allowed this bullshit
You know how in my previous review I said something along the lines of "Damn I thought you guys where joking or something but Ironwood really was that bad huh"
Yeah, thats me about this entire volume, like wHAT
God, I already had a wholeass essay conceptualized about how Pennys entire arc this volume sucked but didnt wanna start writing it until I actually say it with my own eyes, because I still had... I wouldnt call it hope but like. I knew how bad it was, I had this entire show spoilered for me, I literally had NO expectations and yet. Yeah
I feel like there is something to be said about disspointing someone like me to this degree. My standards for what I consider to be 'good' or atleast 'enjoyable' are very low and I while I wouldnt say I particularly enjoy 'bad' media, I do have a bit of a soft spot for 'not good' media.
If you take one look at the shit I post here aside from RWBY critique/review thingies (or even if you literally just read my RWBY posts) you mightve noticed that I also really enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh, specificially YGO Duel Monsters aka The One That Everyone Watched When They Were A Child, Apparently. And as much as I liked it, its definitly not good. However, it and the first three volumes of RWBY were very charming and fun which is what made me stick around.
Also, the fact that YGO was just. Batshit insane. Like, my introduction to this franchise was accidentally watching the second or third part of the season 3 finale completely out of context, these fuckers were talking about Egyptian God Cards and Weaker Selves and the fuckinh Shadow Realm and I had no idea what was going on. Honestly, I have no idea what made me watch the other series beyond "They were out here summoning actual gods and youre tellin me they made 6 more of these? I gotta see where this goes"
And yeah, turns out where it went was being actually good. RWBY is the exact opposite of that. It started out as badly written but fun and charming and then just. Got less fun and charming while still bring badly written. Great.
So yeah, Im still gonna critique RWBY, Im still watching Volume 9 when it comes it in a few weeks but Im mostly gonna focus on stuff that I actually enjoy, atleast here on tumblr. On Reddit I dont really do anything thats not RWBY-related, so they shouldnt really notice the difference but yeah. Thanks for reading
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dakotacrisis · 5 years
Transferred (7)
Kagami and Marinette are adorable besties and no one can change my mind.
Today was the day! Marinette was going over to Kagami’s house to work on their project. She had been rehearsing what all she was going to say to her when she got there. Marinette really wanted this to go well. Now if only she could keep her cool and not get tongue tied while speaking and everything should be fine.
Marinette arrived at the address Kagami had sent her. It wasn’t what she had expected. It was a rather modern looking house with smooth pristine white walls and large windows. It didn’t really seem to match the brick and wrought iron architecture of the rest of the city. She rung the door bell and waited until Kagami answered.
“Good afternoon, Marinette, I hope you didn’t have trouble finding the house.” Kagami smiled at her. She was dressed in a pair of dark grey sweatpants and a t-shirt with a cartoon character’s face on it. Seeing how casual Kagami was Marinette was starting to think she was overdressed in her sundress and ankle booties.
“Hey, Kagami, I found it just fine.” She stepped inside, “Wow it looks so much bigger in here.”
The house was simply designed with lots of open space in all directions. Some pictures lined the walls and a couple of houseplants rested in the corners but besides that it was pretty plain.
“Can’t have too much stuff crowding the hallways for mother.” Kagami said, “Oh, can you take your shoes off? I have a pair of slippers you can wear.”
“Not a problem. My mom used to try to implement the same thing at our house but with how much running in and out we do she gave up.” Marinette stepped out of the ankle booties she had put on and wiggled her feet into the slippers Kagami had handed her.
“Can I ask who that character on your shirt is?” Marinette asked.
“Oh that’s Pucca. She’s the main character from this TV show I was obsessed with as a kid. Kinda still am.” Kagami looked at Marinette with a chuckle, “Kinda looks like you with the dark hair tied up in red ribbons.”
“New Halloween costume idea.” Marinette followed Kagami into the living room and sat down.
They started unloading their project materials. “What is up with that empty room we passed on our way in here?”
“Practice room. When the weather is bad it is where I practice fencing. It was where I usually practiced all the time before I convinced mother to let me start training outside at different parks. Had to convince her the open air and city noise was better for getting me accustomed to fighting in front of noisy crowds.”
“Got a pretty short leash as a kid, huh?”
“That was last year.”
“Oh,” Marinette shifted in her seat, “Kagami, I am so sorry. I didn’t--”
“Don’t be. It was a short leash.” she made a little choking gesture that made both of them laugh. “Now, where were we on the project?”
Marinette relaxed and looked over her checklist of project hit points. “We finished the list of laws and regulations in class and were starting on the essay. At some point we are also going to draw the map of the island.”
“You’re the more artistic one if you wanted to do that part and I’ll construct the essay from our notes.”
“But that seems like so much more work for you.”
“If we collaborate on it then I feel our different styles of writing may clash and it will look a lot less neat than one person writing it consistently. Also, don’t take this the wrong way but, I wanna make sure it gets finished on time. Your schedule of chaos may impede that.”
Her mouth dropped open. “My schedule is not chaotic.”
Kagami arched a single eyebrow at Marinette. “Sure. What are you doing after we finish up here?”
“Go home and finish the rest of my homework, research water flowers, finalize the design I want to paint on my blouse, call Nanette, eat dinner, I need to get back to Jagged’s assistant Penny about if I can help design a new t-shirt for his tour, I haven’t watered my flowers yet today too, then I…” When she listed it all out like that is did seem pretty packed, “Okay I see your point.”
“Don’t worry about the essay. We’ll write down what the values and culture of the island is like and then I’ll piece it together.” She assured her. “Sound fair?”
“I suppose.” Marinette still felt like she was getting off easy in terms of the workload.
“Also, Marinette,” Kagami said, “Don’t overwork yourself.”
Marinette smiled at her and the two got to work. Kagami was a very diligent and straightforward worker. No surprise there seeing how she is in life. Which made it almost impossible to find a place to bring up the Adrien issue.
Marinette cleared her throat and turned fully to Kagami, “Hey, I wanted to say something.”
“Go ahead.” Kagami kept her gaze down on her notebook.
“You got a bathroom around here?” Marinette kicked herself for chickening out.
“Down the hall, first door on your right.” Kagami pointed, not looking up from her notes.
“Thanks.” Marinette got up and went down to the bathroom. After locking the door she opened her purse to let Tikki out.
“Is something the matter?” Tikki asked.
“No, just wanted to chat.” Marinette leaned against the sink. “How you been? Anything new?”
“Marinette,” Tikki flew up to eye level, “You’re just putting off talking to Kagami about Adrien. There isn’t going to be any better scenario to do it so you might as well go out there and bring it up now. The sooner you Ladybug-up, the sooner it’ll all be over.”
“Ladybug-up? Is that supposed to be like man-up or--”
“Marinette!” Tikki poked her nose.
“Alright! I’m going!” Marinette snapped, “You know you are really cranky when you miss your after school cookie.”
Marinette left the bathroom and walked back to the living room. Kagami was still working ever steadily on the project. “Ladybug-up,” Marinette whispered to herself and entered the room again.
“Hey, Kagami,” Marinette sat down next to her, “Can we talk about something?”
“Get lost on the way to the bathroom?” Kagami smirked.
“No, nothing like that. And it isn’t about the project either.”
This grabbed her attention. Kagami stopped writing and diverted her entire attention to Marinette. “You have my attention.”
“Okay, perfect,” Marinette took a deep breath, “Well, the thing is, I um--I wanted to say--it’s not a big deal or anything but uh...drat.”
Kagami was patient and didn’t push her to get to the point which was appreciated.
“Alright, there’s no easy way to segway into this so I’m just gonna go for it.”
“Please do.” She nodded.
“You and I both like Adrien and every time someone mentions him things between us get weird and it makes me really uncomfortable because I really like you and I don’t think a crush on the same guy should ruin the friendship we have.” Oh by the powers above Marinette felt like that simultaneously took three years off her life while also lifting a huge weight off her shoulders.
Kagami wasn’t saying anything. Her composure seemed to have slipped a notch and her big brown eyes were blown wide. ‘Please say something!’ Marinette screamed in her mind. ‘Anything!’
“Well,” Kagami looked away, “That was...not what I was expecting you to say. But I’m glad you said it.”
“Really?” Marinette didn’t dare relax yet.
“Yes. I’ve been thinking about it a great deal too.” She tugged at the hem of her t-shirt, “I know that you and Adrien have known each other longer and he thinks a great deal of you. He got so concerned at the ice rink when you left. Seeing how quickly he came to your aid made me a tad envious.”
“He’s like that with everyone really.” Marinette tried to keep her emotional distance, “He’d be there in an instant for one of his friends.”
“But when one of those friends has a crush on him?” Kagami probed.
“It’s not like he notices.” Marinette clenched her hand around her pencil, “In truth, it got to be more hurt than it was worth at one point. I almost gave up on him completely in terms of romance.”
“You.” Marinette felt her face grow hotter, “You two get along so well and have a lot in common. When he came up to me asking for advice on how to ask you on a date it crushed me but I said yes because I want to see him happy. Whether that be with me or you or someone else.”
“It probably also helped that you had a cute older guy mooning over you the entire time we were at the rink.”
“Luka. It is a lot easier with him, that’s for sure.” Marinette shook the thought from her head, “We’re getting off track. We were supposed to be talking about how our crush on Adrien is affecting our day to day interactions.”
“Right. Yes.” Kagami straightened, “If we’re being brutally honest then I should say that I feel a little threatened by you in that regard. I’ve done everything short of confessing to Adrien and still I feel like he keeps looking back at you.”
“Threatened by me? How? You’re so confident and cool all the time. Not to mention that you’re insanely pretty. You’re like Mulan made real!”
“Are you kidding?” Kagami scoffed, “How many passions do you excel at? You can create just about anything and already have major professional contacts in different industries. Also, you wanna talk about pretty? Have you looked in a mirror recently? You little blue eyed, button nosed, cream puff! How am I supposed to compete with the definition of a cinnamon roll?”
The two girls stared at each other before bursting into laughter.
“Oh, wow,” Marinette held her belly, “A cinnamon roll? Seriously?”
“Are you serious? Confident and cool all the time?”
“You are!”
“I can’t even muster up the courage to talk to my classmates in a social capacity half the time. For class or fencing I have no problem but if it is just me trying to be casual then…” Kagami trailed off. Their laughing fit flitting away into a dark hole of insecurity and awkwardness.
“Kagami, look at us,” Marinette rested a hand on her shoulder, “We’re friends. Nanette and Quinn and Adrien are all your friends too. There is nothing for you to be nervous about. Not in front of us. Not in front of anyone.”
“We are friends.” Kagami sniffed, “And I don’t want Adrien to come between us.”
“Neither do I.”
“But I also don’t want to stop pursuing him.”
“I don’t want you too either. Just like I don’t want to stop my pursuit of him. But I think we can rope that off as its own entity.” Marinette could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
“You mean the both of us keep on crushing on Adrien and try to date him but keep it civil between us.”
“Exactly. No sabotage. No jealousy. And if one of us does get to date him then we will back off and be happy for the other. Sound good?” Marinette stuck out her hand.
“Sounds perfect.” Kagami shook it. “I am so glad we got that out of the way.”
“You cannot even imagine. I was so stressed about bringing it up because it never seemed like the right moment and I didn’t want to run the risk of making you angry or ruining things further.”
“And I didn’t want to scare you off. I know I can be intimidating sometimes but I like you and I just wanted this whole uncomfortable part of our lives to disappear.”
“It’s over now.” Marinette cast her eyes down to the coffee table littered with their project supplies, “Unlike this major project we have to present in a couple days. We should probably get back to that.”
“Oh geez, I didn’t realize how long we were talking. Hand me the notes you made on the culture of our island.”
Now panicked and pressed for time before Kagami’s mother came home the two girls raced to make up for the time they had lost. By the end all that was left to do was for Marinette to take the rough draft of the map they had constructed and make it neater while Kagami ironed out their essay. They said goodbye and Marinette made Kagami promise that the next night they had free they were having a sleepover.
Marinette caught a bus home and took a few minutes to relax in her room before she jumped onto the list of other things she needed to do.
“I’m glad you worked things out with Kagami,” Tikki was sitting on Marinette’s knee munching on a cookie, “I knew the two of you would make great friends.”
“I’m more thankful that it’s over with. I never want to have a conversation like that again for at least the next year.” Marinette reached for a cookie off the tray by her computer. “Hm…”
“What is it?” Tikki perked up again. “Wave of inspiration?”
“Sorta,” Marinette booted up her computer and started searching. “Kagami is gonna love this!”
“And you’re sure that we can do this?” Adrien was on the phone with Chloe. Usually at this time he was talking to Marinette but Chloe had brought something to his attention that was pretty dire.
“When have you ever known me to fail?” Chloe bragged.
“It’s not that I don’t doubt you, Chloe.” Adrien was pacing his room, “But are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to help?”
“I’ve already explained your part in this, Adrikinz. Don’t worry about a thing and keep Dupain-Cheng’s nose out of this. I’ll call you when I have an update.”
“Can’t I at least hint at it?”
“Adrien,” Chloe’s tone was warning.
“Fine. I’ll keep my lips sealed. Goodnight, Chloe.”
“Sweet dreams, Adrien.”
They hung up and Adrien slumped onto his couch. He didn’t like the idea of keeping things from Marinette but this was a pretty big deal. Hopefully it would all work out in the end.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8)
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starkeyboy · 5 years
move here? ° steve harrington
requested: Hey! I don't request a lot but can you do Steve Harrington were she is new in Hawkings or went to spent summer there because she has familly who lives there and they met in his work and then later she ends up helping them fight the russians and the monster but got hurt really bad and he just feels so guilty because, even if he doesn't know yet, has starting to have feelings for the reader, you can decide what happens to them after everything's calm now, thank you!
ST3 DISCLAIMERS: major spoilers! read at own risk
i might do a part 2 of him treating her.
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“may i have the peppermint swirl?” you said, digging out some cash.
“of course!” steve smiled at the shy girl. you gave him three dollars and let him keep the change. as he went to go get the cone and ice cream a girl stopped him from doing so.
“we figured it out!” robin said, smiling widely. y/n looked down at her shoes, seeing how steve looked at her and how robin looked at him. y/n has liked steve for a little bit now. she would come into scoops ahoy every now and then to maybe keep up with him but he never really noticed that she came in almost everyday. “well, the first sentence, which is like 3 words, but still!” y/n was about to be petty and ring the bell but she felt embarrassed. he doesn’t even know her.
“hey, y/n,” you looked up, hearing your name, seeing dustin. he was one of your, not so many, cousins that you visited almost every summer. lately you’ve been thinking about moving to hawkins, but hearing the stories from dustin about demagorgins and other monsters always strayed you back home.
“you know her?” steve said, pointing behind him. dustin nodded and leaned over the window area a little bit. “how? she’s like nineteen!” you smiled and blushed again. robin looked over at you and smirked, seeing your blush.
“how old are you again, steve? oh, right, nineteen. AND, she’s my cousin, she’s visiting!” dustin said as he looked over to you. “do you know russian? you told me you did at one point,” the young boy questioned. steve turned around with raised eyebrows. you gulped and only nodded as dustin raced up front and dragged you to the back.
“i never got my ice cream though,” you said as dustin sat you down. i heard the door being pushed opened and not seeing steve around anymore. nor robin.
“she’s the one steve!” robin said as steve looked at her with shock.
“are you being serious!? no she isn’t, first of all she’s dustin’s cousin and second of all, she’s only visiting this summer, i won’t see her again probably until next summer!” steve said as he looked at her, having the slightest crush on robin. i mean yeah, he thinks your cute and sweet, super shy as well. but he doesn’t really see it.
“how do you not see it!” as she practically read his mind. “her blushing gave it away,” she said. currently they were both whispering, not wanting for you or dustin to hear, and you both heard nothing, just sounds like bickering. “she likes you steve!” she says excitingly. steve only shook his head and grabbed the cone and scooped up some peppermint swirl.
“i didn’t even know her name,” he said guilty, piecing it all together. he did see you blush and shy away from him, a sign he saw in nancy. “but it’s like i see her everyday,” he says matter of factly. once he was done scooping up your ice cream and pushed back into the room, not looking back at robin. he saw your eyes light up as you saw the ice cream. only though, your eyes lit up seeing steve.
“thank you,” you said shyly. steve only nodded and sat across from you, getting as much space as possible between you and him. not wanting to lead you on. he saw your shoulders slump as a saddened look went over your face, seeing as he only nodded and didn’t say anything to you and making as much possible space.
as you got the code written down, you stood and threw your napkin away.
“i better get going,” you said as dustin looked at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“you’re not leaving until we finish this mission missy. you know the code, you can tell people and then BOOM, we’re dead because the evil russian spy’s found out you knew and then you tell them our names out of peer pressure and then EVERYone is dead. including your mom,” everyone looked at him shocked and looked over to see you had a scared expression.
“i wasn’t-”
“nope, not. going. anywhere.” dustin said, cutting you off. you only gulped and sat back down with shaking legs and hands. steve looked at you with pity and sympathy, seeing as you didn’t want this. now not wanting you to get hurt. or robin.
you guys were now in the storage room as erica opened it up. she was the only one to fit in the vent and crawl through. we looked through the box and saw a safe. somewhat like a safe at least. steve picked it up and looked over at robin. y/ns eyes saddened again as he looked at her, just wanting know what that feeling was. you stepped back as dustin was profusely pushing a button.
“dustin, what the hell are you doing?” y/n said as you walked over to him. the door was currently closed as we didn’t want anyone seeing you guys but to what dustin was trying to do, it wasn’t opening back up.
“the door won’t open!” he said looking over to you. erica pushed her way in and looked at him with a stupid look.
“push the button and maybe it will open,” she said as she clicked it but still not opening. you gulped as you felt the storage room shake. you looked around yourself and looked over at the light and it soon felt like you all were falling. you stumble a little bit not being used to how fast this elevator was. y/ns eyes landed on steve seeing how he looked terrified, his eyes landed on you, seeing if you were at least standing up, but darted straight to robin and speaking to her.
y/n was in the back as they all walked in a formal horizontal line down the very long hallway, but dustin was in the front. you just felt out of place, not being very adventurous, know dustin is always up to an adventure everyday.
“y/n! walk faster,” erica shouted as you started to fall behind more and more. wanting to be home. you knew if moving here was an idea this year would only be an if. not a for sure. she just felt lonely, even with her cousin here. you took a deep breath and stopped completely, as they didn’t even notice. you slid down the wall and put your head in your arms, wishing to be in bed, sleeping with ice cream around you.
y/n woke up in a room, seeing soldiers around her. she immediately felt terrified and tried to run away but had someone holding her back. you looked around you more and saw that two russian soldiers were gripping your arms and saw one walking towards you. tears clouded your vision as you should have kept up with the group.
“who do you work for?” the soldier said in a very thick russian accent. she looked at him confused as tears were still spilling from her eyes.
“what?” she whispered, afraid of her own voice.
“who do you work for?” he said more sternly. she started to shake her head not understanding why she’s held back and being tormented.
“i-i don’t work for anyone, sir, i’m visiting my family down here, i-i didn’t-” i was cut off by a punch in the stomach as i hunched over as much as i could and groaned.
“who do you work for?” he said with more anger. i just only let out a cry.
“i’m visiting my family! i don’t work-” a slap to my face.
and it was just repeated more and more. harder and harder. until you were pushed to the ground, hands tighed up behind you and left there to the taste of pennies in your mouth and the sight of foggy vision. little whimpers coming out of your mouth as you spit out the blood. your back and stomach hurting. having the biggest headache. hearing the ring of nothing. just a long ring. nothing.
what felt like hours later the door was opened and your eyes snapped open as your body shook. terrified for the worst. you repeatedly saying ‘no’ and crying out for them to stop but nothing happened to you. only feeling a thump beside you and hearing a groan. you looked over to them, seeing steve’s uniform. you saw another figure being thrown to the ground, seeing blue. robin.
you felt grips on your arm as you were pulled up. steve looked over to the figure and saw you. he immediately looked over your body and saw the torn clothes and bloody spots. he saw how your face was badly beaten. you looked half alive but very awake. your shaking body and crying whimpers brought him back to your face, shaking his head.
“don’t hurt her,” he said as they kicked your legs, making you fall to the ground. he closed his eyes not wanting to see you in pain, but wanting so bad to stop them.
“one. more. time. who do you work for?” the russian said. she let out a cry of help and a slap was givin to her.
“i work for no one! i’m visiting and i wanna go home!” you cried out and pleaded to be let out. feelings rushed through steve seeing you. when he noticed that you weren’t behind them anymore, it was the only thing on his mind. him pleading for dustin to turn around and find her but dustin only disagreeing, thinking you had your own plan.
“henderson! are you insane? what if she’s lost or found by a russian!? how are we going to know!?” he said frantically. robin was only smiling slightly, see how he cared for you so much. she knew he had the feels for you. he just doesnt know.
you looked at steve as his eyes bored into yours. your eyes bloodshot red. his eyes tired and bruised. being tortured himself. robin, the only not being tormented or tortured. only a slap to the face.
you three were strapped in chairs. being able to look at one another but your head was tilted down.
“y/n? you okay?” you heard robin say. you didn’t say anything, not being able to feel anything.
“y/n?” i heard steve say with concern. you looked at your hands and saw the dirt and blood on your fingers and in your nails. you looked at your legs, beaten and bruised. you tilted your head up, steve looking over at you.
“i didn’t come to hawkins to be in a bed all day,” you only said, whisping though. your voice very rough and hard. tears flooding your eyes, remembering the events before steve and robin were put in here. you looked at the ground and saw your blood. you took a deep breath and let out a hurt sob. “but i didn’t come to hawkins to be beaten and tortured till i was broken and pleading for them to stop.” steve looked up, hating himself for every second that you spoke. he should’ve turned around for you. he should’ve forced everyone to turn around and find you.
“i’m so sorry, y/n,” steve said looked over to you. he studied the side of your face and saw you blink away tears now. “i should’ve turned around when dustin said no. he said that you had your own plan but i just had this feeling that it wasn’t right. i should’ve-” he was cut off by you shaking your head.
“i should’ve kept up. not fall behind. i just-” you looked over at steve and seeing tears of his own. you wanted so badly to hug him and tell him that you were okay. that he was okay. “i feel lonely here, steve. i-i,” you stuttered as he waiting for you.
“take your time, y/n, don’t rush,” robin said as she looked at you. tears came back as you looked at her.
“i like you, steve. a lot. i come into scoops ahoy and hope for you to remember my order or say, ‘hey, y/n!’ i just remember how sweet you are to my cousin and how he deserves you. but i know it wouldn’t work. even if you don’t like me. being friends would be to hard,” you said looked over to him. he looked at you shocked at the confession. even if he had a feeling that you liked him. he was shocked.
this rushing feeling went through him as he saw you stop speaking. he liked you. he just never knew. he was first to find out you were gone. after only being gone for a minute. he immediately got your ice cream once he heard you say it. he felt guilty seeing your saddened face. his body raging with anger seeing the russians beat you. seeing what they did to you. and they were going to pay the price.
he always thought he liked robin. but he didn’t. he liked y/n. a lot.
“move here,” steve only says as she looked at him confused. that’s all he got from the conversation, you thought.
“we’ll make it work. just move here. i know it’s scary seeing that this happened last summer but, y/n, doesn’t it just feel like an adventure? i mean, yeah, there’s peopling dying here and there but think about it! that’s earth. that’s life, y/n. just move here for the next year and see how it feels. i’ll come over everyday to see you and protect you because,” he says seeing your eyes fill with hope. “because i like you too.” robin smiled seeing steve let out a breath of air.
y/n looked at him softly. she knew she had some hope in this town.
“you’re crazy steve harrington,” you say as you leaned your head on his shoulder. “but, ok. i’ll stay for a year and see how it goes.” steve smiled and looked at robin. she winked at him and leaned over, letting you hear to.
“i told you.”
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missjukebox8bit · 5 years
And now for my Top 10 Tumblr Posts of 2019!
1). 3,659 notes - 02 January 2019
Me: Hi Tumblr, how’s your day been?
Me: (sipping tea) so its been a pretty average day all things considered
Ah yes, my number one post of this year was one I made at the very beginning of the year! and was also about the first major discourse of the year. I remember this, I made this post and went to bed, and then it suddenly had thousands of notes and I got my first Tumblr hate! Ah, good memories ^_^
I haven’t been following the Gaud situation since then so i dunno what my stance is on them right now, but this post was never really meant to be pro-Gaud or anti-Gaud, more just a statement on how controversies that sound this bizarre out of context could only happen on Tumblr
2). 882 notes - 27 October 2019
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is this real life
I have always loved Homstar Runner as a kid
and i recently began loving anime
so the day that anime and Homestar Runner met
was the day I realized anything is possible
3). 717 notes - 03 November 2019
Pyrrha, who is definitely still dead and probably isn’t coming back ever again:
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When Penny came back in RWBY everyone was like “they’re undoing everything bad that happened in Volume 3!” but like... guys
did you forget Pyrrha
luckily a bunch of people shared my sentiment
4). 535 notes - 25 November 2019
Seven years of the RWBY fandom making “Weiss you useless lesbian” memes and one volume has made the foundation of our oldest joke crumble to the ground due to the revelation that Yang was the useless lesbian all along
Look I love Bumbleby but “Yang you useless lesbian” just doesn’t have the same ring to it, ya know?
5). 463 notes - 12 November 2019
hey guys you know how PM Seymour has repeatedly said he doesn’t care how lewd people think Cyana is and he’s really tired of us all telling him about it
now this might sound crazy, but maybe
just maybe
we should all stop telling him about it
Ooh yay more discourse posts!
All the stuff that happened with P.M. Seymour last month was really disheartening, he’s a great guy who makes great content and does not deserve all the inappropriate comments he gets
I hope things turn out better for him in 2020! Love you, PM ^_^
6). 290 notes - 12 May 2019
@mars-the-4th-planet​ asked: So whats the deal with projared, pbg, etc?
oh boy **cracks knuckles**
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more discourse! yayyyyyyyyyy!
I’m not copy-pasting this whole thing because it is very long so just click the link if you wanna see. It was funny because at the time i was trying to avoid the whole ProJared drama, but then my good friend mars asked me about it so I was like “WHELP, TIME TO UNLOAD ALL THE INSANITY THAT IS THIS CONTROVERSY”
Man was that in May? That feels like so long ago
This year has been long
7). 283 notes - 15 September 2019
I feel like we don’t talk enough about the time the McElroy’s threw a tarantula parade
I regret not having elaborated more on just how ridiculous this tarantula parade was
So a guy calls into MBMBaM and asks the brothers to convince his wife to let them get a pet tarantula
So they decide to throw a parade with an actual marching band playing “Itsy Bitsy Spider”, and a float where they crowned themselves King of the Ranchos
man i aspire to be that level of extra
8). 279 notes - 08 November 2019
Me: Hey Tumblr? Can I see the posts from this blog I willingly followed?
Tumblr: Hmm…
Tumblr: Let me think.
Tumblr: …
Tumblr: Nah
This is a situation we all can relate to. A few of the responses to this post made it much funnier than my original, if you’ve seen this around you’ve probably seen it with @remusthedukeofdeodorant​‘s or @rafa-starkiller​‘s additions, thanks for spreading my post! And making it better!
9). 209 notes - 09 November 2019
Ironwood: What did Ozpin say about the relic? Did it have any questions left?
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I’m glad so many of my RWBY posts this volume are getting notoriety! The second I saw this episode I immediately knew someone needed to make this meme. And if no one else would, then I will!
10). 198 notes - 09 August 2019
Hey so does anyone else think Joey Claire, Jake’s canonical daughter in Hiveswap who was raised by Roxy as a babysitter
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kinda looks like Roxy and Jake’s baby that Caliborn made Dirk draw
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ah yes this observation that i believe was actually made by my friend @standardkarma135​, i just made the post first before them. And man was it a crazy thing to realize
Was that intentional?
Did Hussie intend this to be the way things go
I mean knowing him it could definitely be intentional, I wouldn’t put it past him
Well that’s my Top 10 posts on Tumblr so far this year! I guess the moral this year was
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But I’m glad there were a few non-drama posts in there like my RWBY and Homestuck stuff! Thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged my posts this year, and especially thank you to all my mutuals and everyone I follow that make such amazing posts that keep me coming back to this website! Let’s hope that 2020 is better for all of us!
Created by TumblrTop10
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audreysjensens-blog · 5 years
central pines - chapter 2 - siren eyes [elodie davis x reader]
chapter twoooooooo :)
elodie’s POV
Elodie hadn’t been in the car for longer than about an hour before the sparse roads turned into the larger, dense forest. She used to like going hiking with her friends, or just hanging out with Tabitha and Moe around Kelley Point, but wasn’t exactly thrilled at the prospect of hanging out in the woods with a man who was way too into the Big Bang Theory and a couple of other fuckups like her.
Wait. Not exactly thrilled wasn’t the phrase here. How about fucking hated?
Elodie closed her eyes and leaned her head against the window of her dad’s car, letting one of Sabine’s new songs float through her headphones.
Every time I see you,
in dreams and in front of me,
I swear you’re holding
the key that you want from me in your
siren eyes-
Elodie paused the music, momentarily waiting to try and find another song. She knew that the song was probably about her, but she could do without the constant reference to be pulling over by the cops. Even if that wasn’t what the “siren” eyes were supposed to be. She didn’t like remembering. She didn’t like the exactly zero kisses she and Sabine had time to share before they got pulled over, and she definitely didn’t like what had come after. Her father and stepmother coming to pick her up from the station, the concerned hugs masked in what could only be anger and grief, and Sabine’s tired expression that showed that she had to move on without Elodie.
Elodie snapped out of her daze when her father waved his hands back and forth from the front seat, pulling off her headphones and preparing for whatever he was about to say.
He exchanged a furtive glance with his wife before turning back to Elodie.
“We’re here, kiddo.”
Elodie looked out the side window then, seeing a tall building come into frame and nestling itself in the way too fucking big pine trees that she kept seeing. God, she was really sick of pine trees.
There was, however, someone she recognized (but would sooner like to forget) standing in front of the facility with a large clipboard in hand and a hat that said, “Welcome, new camper!” in bold yellow letters.
Bazinga John.
By the time they’d swung into one of the parking spots, John’s entirely-too-cheerful face was in their passenger side window, tapping on the glass.
He knocked three times before laughing at himself, letting out a “Penny!” and joining in the polite laughs Elodie’s father and stepmother made. Elodie cracked a slightly concerned smile, not wanting to get off on the wrong foot, and stepped out of the car.
“How ya doing, Elodie?” John said, practically vibrating with excitement and energy. He put out his hand for her to shake, and she took it for a brief and uncomfortable second before shoving it back into her pocket.
This was so weird.
“I’m good,” she said tentatively, turning to remove her backpack from the car and putting her headphones around her neck. “A little hungry, but good.”
“Great!” John exclaimed, popping his hands on his hips like this was the best thing anyone had possibly ever said to him. “We have another camper coming out to give you the tour, and she’s super nice, and she can definitely take you to the kitchen first-“
“Uh, John?” Elodie’s father said, pulling a larger suitcase out of the car and standing next to it awkwardly. “I think I have to do some paperwork or something? Could you take me to the admissions office?”
John, again, looked beyond thrilled at the prospect of doing absolutely the most. “Of course, pops! Just follow me! Elodie’s tour guide will be out in a second. I’m gonna take that responsibility for her being late, I asked her to grab me some more cold brew- mmm! Nothing like some good coffee at this hour, am I right Els?”
“Sure,” Elodie said, wide eyes betraying the cheerful tone John was trying to push into the air. “Yes, coffee. It’s uh… good.”
Suddenly a door slammed open in the front of the main building, a girl with an embroidered jacket running out in white sneakers and with a to-go cup of coffee in her hand. Her Y/H/C hair bounced in the air behind her, and an obvious coffee stain on her pants betrayed the polished look that her button-down and rings put off. She ran up, passing the coffee cup to John, and stopped in front of Elodie.
Elodie knew this wasn’t the time to absolutely scout out really, really god damn beautiful girls, but you were on a whole other level. She was almost starstruck talking to you, snapping out of it only when you stuck a hand out in front of yourself.
“I’m Y/N,” the pretty girl (oh, who was Elodie kidding. The fucking hot ass girl) said, looking at Elodie with an infectious grin across her face. “You’re Elodie, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” Elodie said, reaching out to shake your hand and try not to smile too big. She was in rehab, and kept reminding herself of that fact, no matter how good looking her prospective tour guide was going to be. Also, she was probably straight, right? I mean, her jacket was very decorated, and she was wearing sneakers with slacks, but straight people could wear stuff like that too… Right?
“Elodie Davis,” Elodie said, nervously playing with one of her headphones and adjusting her backpack. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N March,” you said, still smiling and shaking her father and stepmother’s hands before sticking your hands in your back pockets. “My friends call me March, though. Given that we’re gonna be roommates, you can call me that.”
Elodie stopped in her tracks. “Roommates?”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “John!” you half-yelled, laughing in the process. “You didn’t tell her?”
John clasped his hands together and made a fake pouty face. “I didn’t wanna ruin the surprise!”
You continued laughing then, and Elodie had to stop herself from creepily staring at your general… everything.
“Sorry, Elodie,” you said, pointing back behind you with your thumb. “We can head in, get some food, see your room. Or, my room. Our room. My bad.”
“It’s cool,” Elodie said, pulling her four-wheeled suitcase behind her and watching her dad and stepmom disappear through the front gate behind John. He was humming a tune under his breath that Elodie recognized, but-
“If you can believe it, it’s The Big Bang Theory theme song,” you said, sighing in disappointment. “If you ever hear him humming anything, that’s probably what it is. Every time I hear it I feel like I’m in hell.”
Elodie laughed, watching you start to turn on your heels to go inside. “You hear a lot of Bazingas around here?”
“OH, DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED!” you yelled, causing Elodie to break out in a peal of surprised laughter. “Every day. Every day. But anyway, you can follow me, set your stuff down.”
Elodie pushed down her grin, desperately trying to actually bring up the subject at hand, which was that she was in rehab. This wasn’t a fun place, or a cool club where she could hang out with pretty people and her actual friends, but rehab.
A downcast expression fell over her face then, and you noticed, reaching out and placing a tentative hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. I know it’s not easy, and I really fucking hated it when I first got here. I’m not saying you have to like it, or anything. Don’t try and act like you do if you don’t. If you do, you’ll go insane.”
Elodie looked back up, locking eyes with you and sending a small, grateful smile your way. She was totally ignoring the fact that you were so close to her.
“Thanks. Any way we could get some food first?” Elodie said, trying to cover up the sound of her grumbling stomach in your presence.
“Oh, hell yeah. I’m starving,” you said, starting to turn back into the building and holding the door open for Elodie. Elodie looked quickly at the back of your jacket, seeing it adorned with iron-on patches and the occasional “Reproductive Rights are Human Rights!” or “Useless Lesbian” patches. She quickly squashed down the excitement that came with knowing you were gay (or, queer) and stepped through the door.
“Thanks, March.”
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marie-lamb-b · 5 years
 You can’t really enjoy a date when you know someone’s waiting for you at home.
Alright. I had a spark of inspiration (I wrote this quite fast, in less than a day…), and… this came out. 
And although I can’t say I ship them as an OTP of mine, at this point actually I think I’m more like a multishipper with this fandom (everyone fits with almost everyone in certain ways…)
Also, I’d like to specially blame this to @adobe-outdesign​ and @insane-control-room​, why? No idea, I just see their post and works and mostly they sparked that spark that sparked on me (???)
*Tumblr version under the cut*
It was pass 1 in the morning, and the door creaked slowly, letting the lights of the hallway glow a bit in the rather dark apartment. You could say if someone has arrived home so late it was just because they had fun. Not like he cared really.
“So, how was your date?” Sammy asked from the sole lightened corner in the room, sitting next to the windowsill and bathed in moonlight coming from the window.
Wally seized any movements as he tried to process the idea of the man still awake at such late hours only to give him a little scare-. Why had he to be so dramatic?
“Eh– Y’know!” He started nervously. “Quite a dame, really pretty! He heh…”
He started to take off his jacket as he kept his stare fixed in the musician, warily. All the while the man didn’t give him more than a crooked brow and an unamused look, expecting more. But against anything expected, the humble janitor only stayed there, bouncing nervously in his toes and with arms straight down and tight against his own body, still looking at the musician with a wobbling smile.
“…And?” Sammy asked finally.
“Ah– ‘and’ what?” High pitched voice betraying his already crumbling stance.
“Where’s the catch?” He insisted.
“Catch? Psh… There’s no ‘catch’. I mean, what’s a ‘catch’, anyways? I don’ even know the meanin’ of that. Anyways, it doesn’t matter, I’m outta here, bed is callin’ mah name–”
“IT WAS AWFUL!” He finally broke, plumping into the man’s chest and crying way too overdramatically, much for the musician’s likeness, whose response was a disgusted grimace and an awkward pat in his head. “I mean– I mean… She spent the night fidgetin’ with her nails, to later I find she was pushin’ back and cuttin’ her cuticles! And, and then… Her Hair! Gosh, if it weren’t her nails was her stupid hair! She spent the rest of the time trimmin’ it and brushin’ it with her fingers! And don’ make me start with her voice!”
It was obvious he wanted to be asked about her voice. “What had her voice?” Sammy asked monotonously.
“IT SOUNDED LIKE A SQUEAKIN’ TOY!” He wailed, absolutely not squeaking himself. “Oh, geez… and ya know what’s the worst part of it all?”
“No, but obviously you’re gonna tell me.” It didn’t matter if the janitor actually heard that.
“She actually liked the date. She liked me!” He whined out loud, clearly disgusted.
“…I don’t see the problem with that.”
Wally stopped his mourning– way too quickly– to shot a really stern glare to the man for once.
“…Ya kiddin’, right?” He stood up in a jolt, letting the moonlight show all his features clearly. “I mean, look at me!”
Sammy took his couple of seconds to look at the young man carefully from head to toes, not showing any sign different to his common unamused and apparently uninterested face.
“Yeah, I look at you.” He answered, too literal for the likeness of the janitor, and he was well aware.
“No! You–… I mean… C’mon, Sammy. Ya even know too well why I am just a janitor!”
“Because is a lousy job and no one would give you the time of the day even if their lives depend on it? And hopefully not, as you do such mediocre job that everyone complains” He ended murmuring.
“Exactly! Wait– except the part of the complains; no one can complain to such a cute face like mine.” Wally bragged.
“I complain all the time.” Sammy clarified, narrowing his eyes to his companion.
“Aw, but I know ya don’ mean it.” He tried to soothe playfully.
“I mean it. All the time.”
“But Sammy, If I get my job done by yer office so well and fast, we wouldn’t spend so much time together!” Wally approached his cheeky face to Sammy. And the musician, with a huff, rolled his eyes in attempts to fight a smirk creeping in his face and pushed Wally away– hopefully, he didn’t notice.
“Work time doesn’t count. I already told you.”
“Then what other time do we have, Sammy?” The way his playful demeanor changed so abruptly actually caught the man’s attention. “C’mon Sammy. It’s already too weird that a man like you took in a guy like me to their home!” He plumped once again, but this time taking seat next to the musician, slouched and allowing the moonlight to hide his features in the shadows as it only bathed his back. “We… we can’t go and have dates like… like normal people. We can’t hold hands as we walk along. Heck, we even can’t go to work on the same freakin’ hours! And now…!” He jerked a little, enough to allow the man next to him to see his somber face, all constricted in sheer frustration. “Now I have to go and date ladies that I certainly don’ like, and all to avoid any rumors that could surge with all of this!”
Sammy saw him, and honestly he hated to see him so frustrated and emotionally exhausted. He’s supposed to be the happy-go-lucky between them and Sammy was the moody grouchy one; he wasn’t good at cheering up like the janitor was! But he had to try… at least for him…
“Well, it seems like you’re doing a really good job in it. I haven’t heard anything weird about me at least. Susie would’ve told me already.” …Gosh, he was so bad at this…
“Really, Susie?” Wally responded deadpanned. “I am the first one that gets to know whatever rumor runs around the studio. And if Susie haven’t told ya anythin’, it was because she was the one askin’ me for somethin’ curious or dirty about you now that I live at yer place.” Sammy wasn’t a man too expressive far from moody and angry, but Wally always had his ways to notice the man’s real impressions; just a little jerk or a twitch from his face was enough for him to read his emotions like a book. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. And that’s why I’m doin’ this. So those gossipmongers stop their chatterin’.”
“…I didn’t know you were so worried about what others think of you.” Maybe his tone was as plain as usual, but for Wally was too clear the hurt hidden in his words.
“Me?! Oh, for God’s sake. I don’ give a penny what them think of me. Sammy, I’m worried about you.”
Again, a little twitch that Wally easily recognized, even if his words tried to not reflect it.
“M– maybe you should calm down a little, as you normally do. I don’t really care.”
“For real, Sammy?” The musician just shrugged, but the janitor gave an honest huff of pure exasperation. “Then what do ya think woulda happen if them rumors keep going?” Another shrug. Another stern glare. “What if them gossipmongers go to Joey? What’ll happen with yer career?” A flick of his eyes; doubt. “Look, I don’ care what them think’a me. They could fire me, I don’ mind. There’s tons of reasons to fire me! But you…” He straightened his stance, fully watching the man next to him with creased brows and lovely compassionated eyes.
“Sammy, I really don’ care ‘bout me. I could be on the streets, spittin’ on some shoes to give ‘em some shine for a penny. Heck, I didn’ even finish school! I got nothin’ to loose! But unlike me, Sammy… ya had to climb with claws and teeth to get were ya are. How many can say that ‘bout their life? ‘Bout their dreams?”
“More than I’d care to count, actually.”
Wally released a giggle as he stretched his hand, reaching for Sammy’s and lacing their fingers, letting the man to rub his hand with his thumb.
“Well, I’m not on that count, for sure. But even though, I don’ wanna see ya loosin’ all ya have worked for just by mah fault.”
“Wally, it’d never be your fault. Don’t say that–!”
“It’ll be if them find out!” He cut off his companion, although a wave of shame quickly invaded him and made him to release his hand. “Just… Look, I’ll keep with this datin’ thing, and then none’ll suspect anymore. With one of us datin’ dames, then no one’ll be talkin’ ‘bout… us… and ya’ll have no worries if them go with Joey or Susie or any other.”
As he concluded his sentence, he swiftly made his way up and out of the spot next to the music man, or at least tried. As soon as simply stood up, a tender hand stopped his withdrawal, enlacing its fingers with his owns. He gave a glance, only to notice the reduced demeanor his partner held, not even daring to rise his stare.
“…Sammy, I, ah–…”
“When you said out loud that you finally got a date with this ‘swell dame from the coffee shop’– as you described…” He sighed. “Not gonna lie, I thought you got bored of me of something; that you wanted try something… ‘new’. It… honestly made me upset…” He released in a whisper. And Wally slowly returned to sit on his spot next to him. “Worst part was when you came and asked me some advice on what to wear and what could you get for her in the middle of the break room…” he trailed off, but he didn’t need to say anything else. He was already a quite reserved man, and being so open, even with Wally, made him feel vulnerable; and Wally felt overwhelmed.
Shame, regret, hurt, sadness; a bunch of emotions started to pile upon the janitor’s chest. And feeling the menacing sting of tears in the corner of his eyes, he freed his hand from the musician’s, only to quickly change to a tight hug, using his hands now to rub by his hair and back in a soothing manner.
“Am… am sorry, Sammy. I just… saw how all those rumors started to run and I had to think fast. I thought of tellin’ ya, but also thought that they’d suspect even more and that it woulda help ya to keep yer moody grouchy façade. But y’know, in the end I’m not the most smarterest.” He finished with an attempt of a laugh, but felt hollow with all those tears rolling down his face.
“Heh, and you can properly use the word ‘façade’?” He smirked a bit, although genuinely. “You are the most smarterest.” And that reassuring made the janitor authentically giggle a bit.
“Ha! I made ya say–”
“DON’T.” He growled, more in character. And Wally shut his mouth.
They stayed there for a while; tears long since dried and any remorse steadily fading. And as Wally kept caressing his hair, Sammy started to sink into the janitor’s essence, burying his face on his neck, and so starting to stamp tender kisses from his shoulders and crawling up to his face. Ticklish as he was, Wally recoiled a tad when he climbed upon his neck. And as closer he got to his face, the Janitor slowly turned his towards the musician, until both their lips met and pressed against each other’s. Still bathed in the moonlight as their only witness.
“I’m sorry, Wally.” Sammy said once they parted, sight staring down. “Even if you’re a real pain in the studio and just… a moron– most of the time, I should’ve trusted you, and not jump into conclusions without even asking you what’s the matter.”
“Heh. And apology from you, who woulda told!” He cheered, regaining his playful demeanor little by little. “Maybe that mean I didn’ screwed all this time fer once.”
“Don’t push your luck.” He retorted, and obtaining that goofy innocence-pleading smile so proper of the young janitor. Gosh, what a lovely goof. “Better we head up to bed. It’s already past 2 and we gotta go to work in the morning. You before me.” He motioned to stand up, offering his hand to Wally so he could stand up too, and keeping it held as they moved towards their room.
“Yer right. But I guess I should warn ya: is quite probably that I’ll lose mah keys by yer office durin’ the day.”
“Please don’t do it. I have to finish like 15 songs for Drew.”
“But what if is an accident?”
“I’ll leave them hanging from the knob. Outside.”
“Aw… And what if we meet by Norman’s both later?”
“Don’t involve Norman. He already has a lot in his plate.”
“But, Sammy, I need my dose of annoyed grunts comin’ from ya at work. Even more since that date!” Wally whined, but sleep-deprived Sammy didn’t allow much.
“I said boohoo.”
“Aw, yer not fun.”
“Fun, eh? Then why not enjoy another sweet date with this ‘swell dame’?” Sarcasm dripped each word, but something in his eyes glinted with malice. “Actually, why don’t you ask her if she has a friend that would want to date me?”
“…Yer smiling. Why are ya smiling? Is these a kind of vengeance?” As the man’s smile widened a notorious tad, Wally felt safer listening to his instincts.
“Eh, we’ll see. It’ll all depend on if things work.”
They reached their bed, ready to sleep and leave any trace of suspiciousness aside– except for the ones Wally himself has started to build. Gosh, this man could be dangerous if he wanted; a ‘hopeless romantic’ for the ones outside his personal life; but a romantic nonetheless, as Wally knew far too well.
Oh, boy. What did he get himself into?
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Tasked: Ask Meme for BDRP
Sentence Starter Style
“Sadly I’m 15″ “Ah! Phoneee” “oh my god you’re a fucking princess!” “I don’t blame you, but I really think you’re blowing the paperwork out of proportion.” “Would you be open to an alternate route of learning?” “I’ll have to call you back” “You’re no use to anyone sleep deprived” “We have reasonable grounds to enter without a warrant” “Would you be willing to answer a few questions?” “Uhm….s-..sorry.”  “Is that...okay?” “I think there would be cause for concern if you had been” “I think your check book will be thankful that neither of them make onesies. Even if it is a real travesty.” “It’s never too early!” “You ‘ave this natural tone that can come off as…cross.” “You - You gave up on us.” “You look lost” “Well, I can’t exactly say hello to something I can neither see nor hear” “A ghost, of course how silly of me” “We can reschedule this murder for tomorrow maybe” “When you cast a spell your magic lingers” “If you are afraid to hurt her, should that not tell you enough?” “Good. See you on the other side then.” “If you ever send me a text that vague again, I don’t care if it says ‘Help, oh help, I’m dying’, I’m leaving you on read and dyeing your eyebrows pink while you sleep.” “It’s not fucking there!” “We call on the ghost that haunts Phoebus de Martin” “How do you know that?” “You seem young, like, the same age as my TA I dated when I was in uni.” “Your sister is a bad bitch” “When are you leaving anyway?” “Oi, we ready?” “Nah, it wasn’t that bad” “How old is this place anyway?” “I’ve cried like every day for the past three months” “Feel like I have to at least make one a lion” “Joke’s on you, because I don’t know how to play that one” “I’m really bad at cleaning.” “I feel so disconnected.” “That’s not funny.” “I apologize on behalf of the table in the corner.” “I’ve been holding down the fort.” “I can give you – well, anything but my sight, really.” “Unless my sense of smell is going as well” “The traditional ‘Eat a Dick, Shuriki’ Day treat” “I let her dress me as a tree!” “I’m still tragically sober.” “Almost busted your head there...you alright?” “Still doubting me love?” “I’ll be your best bartender in a matter of moments.” “Oh hi, yeah no harm no foul.” “I can only cite temporary insanity.” “Could use a break” “What’d I miss while I was gone?” “I have had quite enough of listening to those men” “You must be mistaken.” “What’re ya doin’ gettin’ dressed and all. Maybe I wasn’ done with you.” “Look…I really didn’ mean t’…” “I’m not the sort to run my mouth.” “Sure it’s real, and I’m rich.” “The hair does match.” “I am more of a home body” “I actually do have a safe room in my basement” “I only 60 percent fake-laughed at this one.” “Wasn’t it halloween yesterday?” “You look like you sleep less than I do.” “Voila. How to survive as a landlocked mer 101!” “Shit’s fucked right now, to say the absolute least.” “I’m sick of secrets.” “Me? Pfft, I’m fine. Pfft. Me? Totally. Why wouldn’t I be fine? I’m definitely fine.” “So sorta yes, sorta no.” “Went for the reeses, came home with a sedimentary rock and a piece of concrete.” “Nothing like two shots of tequila and a few beers to make you feel 100% better about the zombie apocalypse!” “This town keeps you well on your toes.” “oh trust me, none of you want me working here.” “You know you have such a unique aura” “They may not appreciate our boldness” “Is it news that isn’t going to be in the paper?” “Shit, I didn’t grab plates.” “I’m not a fan of that.” “What toppings did you get?” “What ever are you looking for, by the way?” “You remember the um, last unfortunate event?” “Maybe we’ll run into a french bulldog here and I can point them out.” “I want a bag of the gingersnaps, aye?” “Here I thought you were just coming onto me at the gym” “Sometimes cookies can be...more than just cookies” “So which is it: did you want to sell him drugs or did you want to flirt with him?” “It didn’t hurt at all! Just a sting!” “How… sturdy, by chance, do you think they are?” “Which one are you?! What are your favorite colors?! Movies, food, drinks, hobbies, books, BLOOD TYPES?!” “Food rained from the sky?” “You keep telling yourself that, yeah?” “I’m gay, we’re all cynics” “I don’t know what I’ll do with all the space” “Then go…? Back to class…?” “I know I’m pretty amazing. It would be awfully sad to be me-less.” “Are you a protagonist? You look like one.” “Irrelevant.” “I know how to keep ghosts out of the bedroom, thanks” “Just because YOU can't go to rhinebeck doesn't mean rhinebeck cant come to you” “But lovely witches were ten a penny.” “It’s...it’s all for me” “On that note, how do you feel about pumpkin spice cookies?” “They tend to be narrow-minded in their rose-colored perception of our world.” “It’s all kind of shitty, ain’t it?” “I think an army of walking snowmen would be easier to deal with than an army of zombies.” “Don’t tell me about it. I like plausible deniability.” “That is, I never had a reason to cuddle. Until now.” “It’s not- it’s not just guilt” “Fucking hell mate, talk about an entrance.” “Do you think you could talk me up?” “Ye didnae have tae do that” “Maybe not any book” “I’ll take a fun fact instead if you’re so inclined” “Do people still read comics now that there are movies?” “I don’t have to th’ay anything” “Wanna take some deep breaths?” “I think meeting your parents once was enough. I’ve no interest in continuing the charade.” “So, how do you think I should proceed?” “Well I hope I don’t disappoint you then” “I’ve never really figured out how to do it though.” “What’s your favorite superhero movie?” “___ found out didn’t they?” “Well you don’t have to insult your way to the washroom, just so you know” “I have ways of dealing with my mistakes” “Stretch your legs out, stay a while, I get a long day.” "I just straight up have no idea what I wanna study” “I thought the same darn thing!” “So we’re agreein’ to disagree.” “We’ve got that ‘people pleasers’ look, yeah?” “Does it hurt too much?” “Honestly? I don’t know why people put that much effort into decorating so early.” “it’s working great. Thank you.” “Fuck–sorry, sorry. Not focusing.” “The worst people never look scary” “No bruise no foul?” “Sounds like bullshit t’ me” “Better…better to b-be early th-then late“ “But life’s shitty enough as it is.” “Do you do those things for you?” “Hopefully you’re free. If not - then cancel your plans.” “And we can’t let all these special snowflakes dictate what we do, hm?” “I love a rich, full-bodied taste.” “And would you be willing to teach me?” “Yup, just fine. Thank you. Nothing to see here.”  “He’s not around, so it doesn’t matter.” “So is there a theme to this whole shindig?”  “So I guess I’m not basic.” “I see how it is.” “Curious is a word for it, yeah.” “So you’ll speak lies? Or avoid the truth? Sounds like a cop out to me.” [text] Well I’m glad my text went to someone with such good taste! “The aftermath has been...awkward.”
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illsingyourname · 7 years
all of my favorite taylor lyrics in one place
okay so i got this idea from @alltooalex because she did this earlier and i thought it was really interesting to see how my favorite lyrics shaped up to everyone else’s. so this is kind of going to be a long post but it’s fine. also, you’ll probably notice a trend in my favorites because i’m a bit of a hopeless romantic, but i think we all are and i think that’s probably the reason why we’re on this website stanning the most wonderful superstar. anyways, i started listening to taylor for her amazing songs, but i stayed because the words that she’s said and the person that she is truly resonate with me and they made me never want to leave her side. i always feel like i have someone i can turn to when it comes to her and her music. so here’s my list.
Tim McGraw: when you think Tim McGraw i hope you think my favorite song, someday you’ll turn your radio on… Picture To Burn: there’s no time for tears i’m just sitting here, planning my revenge. Teardrops On My Guitar: i’ll bet she’s beautiful, that girl he talks about, and she’s got everything that i have to live without. A Place In This World: i’ll be strong, i’ll be wrong, oh but life goes on. Cold As You: oh what a shame, what a rainy ending given to a perfect day. The Outside: you saw me there but never knew that i would give it all up to be a part of this, a part of you. Tied Together With A Smile: but he leaves you out like a penny in the rain ‘cause it’s not his price to pay. Stay Beautiful: you’re beautiful, every little piece love and don’t you know you’re really gonna be someone. Should’ve Said No: i can’t resist. before you go tell me this; was it worth it? was she worth this? Mary’s Song (Oh My My My): i’ll be eighty-seven, you’ll be eighty-nine, i’ll still look at you like the stars that shine in the sky. Our Song: our song is the way you laugh, the first date; “man i didn’t kiss her and i should have.” I’m Only Me When I’m With You: when i’m with anybody else, it’s so hard to be myself and only you can tell. Invisible: and all i think about is how to make you think of me, and everything that we could be. A Perfectly Good Heart: and realized by the distance in your eyes that i would be the one to fall. Jump Then Fall: we’re on the phone and without a warning i realize your laugh is the best sound i have ever heard. Untouchable: but you’re untouchable burning brighter than the sun and now that you’re close i feel like coming undone. Come In With The Rain: i’ve watched you for so long, screamed your name; i don’t know what else i can say. Superstar: i’m no one special, just another wide eyed girl who’s desperately in love with you. The Other Side Of The Door: and i broke down crying, was she worth this mess? Fearless: you walk me to the car and you know i want to ask you to dance right there, in the middle of the parking lot. Fifteen: in your life you’ll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team, but i didn’t know it at fifteen. Love Story: Romeo, save me. i’ve been feeling so alone. i keep waiting for you but you never come. Hey Stephen: boy you might have me believing i don’t always have to be alone. White Horse: i’m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well. You Belong With Me: dreaming ‘bout the day when you wake up and find that what you’re looking for has been here the whole time. Breathe: it’s two a.m. feeling like i just lost a friend, hope you know it’s not easy for me. Tell Me Why: why do you have to put down my dreams so you can feel whole inside? You’re Not Sorry: this is the last straw, there’s nothing left to beg for. The Way I Loved You: you’re so in love that you act insane and that’s the way i loved you. Forever & Always: so here’s to everything coming down to nothing, here’s to silence that cuts me to the core. The Best Day: Daddy’s smart and you’re the prettiest lady in the whole wide world. Change: but i believe in whatever you do, and i’ll do anything to see it through. Mine: braced myself for the goodbye ‘cause that’s all i’ve ever known, then you took me by surprise and said “i’ll never leave you alone.” Sparks Fly: my mind forgets to remind me you’re a bad idea. Back To December: it turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you, wishing i’d realized what i had when you were mine. Speak Now: she flaunts down the aisle like a pageant queen, but i know you wish it was me. you wish it was me, don’t you? Dear John: i took your matches before fire could catch me so don’t look now; i’m shining like fireworks over your sad empty town. Mean: someday i’ll be living in a big old city and all you’re ever gonna be is mean. The Story Of Us: this is looking a contest of who can act like they care less, but i liked it better when you were on my side. Never Grow Up: but don’t make her drop you off around the block, remember that she’s getting older too. Enchanted: this is me praying that this was the very first page not where the storyline ends. Better Than Revenge: they wouldn’t teach you that in prep school so it’s up to me, but no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity (think about what you did). Innocent: minds change like the weather, i hope you remember today is never too late to be brand new. Haunted: i’m holding my breath, won’t see you again; something keeps me holding on to nothing. Last Kiss: i hope the sun shines and it’s a beautiful day, and something reminds you, you wish you had stayed. Long Live: if you have children some day and they point to the pictures, please tell them my name. Ours: seems like there’s always someone who disapproves; they’ll judge it like they know about me and you. If This Was A Movie: i know that we could work it out some how, but if this was a movie you’d be here by now. Superman: i always forget to tell you i love you, i loved you from the very first day. Today Was A Fairytale: you told me i was pretty when i looked like a mess, today was a fairytale. State of Grace: so you were never a saint, and i loved in shades of wrong, we learned to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts. Red: remembering him comes in flashbacks and echos, tell myself it’s time now, gotta let go. Treacherous: all we are is skin and bone trained to get along; forever going with the flow but you’re friction. I Knew You Were Trouble: i heard you moved on from whispers on the street; a new notch in your belt is all i’ll ever be. All Too Well: time won’t fly it’s like i’m paralyzed by it; i’d like to be my old self again but i’m still trying to find it. 22: you don’t know about me, but i’ll bet you want to; everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we’re 22. I Almost Do: i just want to tell you, it takes everything in me not to call you, and i wish i could run to you. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together: then you come around again and say “baby, i miss you and i swear i’m gonna change, trust me” remember how that lasted for a day? Stay Stay Stay: all those times it’s been occurring to me i’d like to hang out with you for my whole life. The Last Time: you find yourself at my door and just like all those times before you wear your best apology, but i was there to watch you leave. Holy Ground: i guess we fell apart in the usual way and the stories got dust on every page, but sometimes i wonder how you think about it now and i see your face in every crowd. Sad Beautiful Tragic: kiss me, try to fix it, could you just try to listen? The Lucky One: they say you bought a bunch of land somewhere, chose the rose garden over madison square. Everything Has Changed: all i feel in my stomach is butterflies, the beautiful kind, making up for lost time, taking flight making me feel like i just want to know you better now. Starlight: he was trying to skip rocks on the ocean saying to me, “don’t you see the starlight? don’t you dream impossible things?” Begin Again: you throw your head back laughing like a little kid; i think it’s strange that you think i’m funny ‘cause he never did. The Moment I Knew: there in the bathroom, i try not to fall apart and this sinking feeling starts as i say hopelessly “he said he’d be here.” Come Back…Be Here: taxi cabs and busy streets that never bring you back to me; i can’t help but wish you took me with you. Girl At Home: i just wanna make sure you understand perfectly you’re the kind of man who makes me sad. Welcome To New York: everybody here was someone else before and you can want who you want; boys and boys and girls and girls. Blank Space: i get drunk on jealousy but you’ll come back each time you leave, ‘cause darling i’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream. Style: i should just tell you to leave ‘cause i know exactly where it leads but i watch us go round and round each time. Out Of The Woods: when we decided to move the furniture so we could dance, baby like we stood a chance, two paper airplanes flying. All You Had To Do Was Stay: had me in the palm of your hand, then why’d you have to go and lock me out when i let you in? Shake It Off: can’t stop won’t stop grooving, it’s like i got this music in my mind saying it’s gonna be alright. I Wish You Would: you always knew how to push my buttons, you gave me everything and nothing. Bad Blood: oh, it’s so sad to think about the good times; you and i. Wildest Dreams: i can see the end as it begins, my one condition is; say you’ll remember me… How You Get The Girl: tell her how you must’ve lost your mind when you left her all alone and never told her why. why? This Love: this love left a permanent mark, this love is glowing in the dark. I Know Places: they take their shots but we’re bulletproof, and you know for me it’s always you. Clean: when i was drowning, that’s when i could finally breathe. Wonderland: you search the world for something else to make you feel like what we had, and in the end, in wonderland, we both went mad. You Are In Love: one night he wakes, strange look on his face, pauses then says; “you’re my best friend,” and you knew what it was, he is in love. New Romantics: heartbreak is the national anthem, we sing it proudly.
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samwinlover-blog · 7 years
Penny For a Cup- Part 8
Masterlist Here! Part One Here Part Two Here Part Three Here Part Four Here Part Five Here Part Six Here Part Seven Here
Pairing: Sam x Reader Characters: Sam, Reader, Alisha, mention of reader’s brother Noah Warnings: fluff, light swearing, businessman!Sam, barista!reader, coffee shop AU, a little angst Summary: The reader owns a little coffee shop in New York city called, The Manhattan Mocha, and Sam Winchester is a frequent costumer of hers. She’s always had a slight crush on the sharp business man who comes in for coffee everyday, and has even memorized his order: black coffee, double shot of expresso- intriguing and mysterious just as he is. A/N: Sorry this took so long! I’m writing a bunch so more parts of some of my other series will be up as well:) Thanks for sticking by me, guys<3  Tag List: @amanda-teaches @myplaceofthingsilove @evyiione@mogaruke@aliensdeservebetter @spnfanficpond @27bmm@craving-cas @spectaculicious @bambinovak@writingthingsisdifficult @padackles2010@mamaredd123@milkymilky-cocopuff @iwantthedean @zeppo-in-a-trenchcoat@spntrista @d-s-winchester @just-another-busy-fangirl@winchesterprincessbride @waywardjoy@supernaturalyobsessed@whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname@sandlee44@fangirl1802@kittenofdoomage@evyiione@winchestersmut@purgatoan@mogaruke@therewillbeblood@megansescape@taste-of-dean@leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @scarlet-soldier-in-an-impala@deathtonormalcy56@wildfirewinchester@notnaturalanahi@jensen-jarpad@impalaimagining@fangirlextraordinaire@itseverythingilike@jesspfly@lovekittykat21@mysteriouslyme81@mrswhozeewhatsis@aiaranradnay@supernatural-jackles@girl-next-door-writes@spnsasha@27bmm@spnfanficpond @amanda-teaches@myplaceofthingsilove@spectaculicious@bambinovak@writingthingsisdifficult@spn-imagines-to-feel@spn-ficfanatic@cleverdame@saxxxology@jensen-jarpad@keepcalmandcarryondean dancingpanda137
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The rest of your date with Sam was spent bouncing from ride to ride and in a constant state of laughter. The day wound to a close when the two of you rode the ferris wheel. Sitting crammed together in the tiny cart, you and him went around and around until you stopped at the very top, and the view was breathtaking. 
From where you were positioned, you could see the entire fair and a lot of the park beyond as well. Being as it was later in the day, there were fewer dots of people decorating the ground, but what really caught your eye was the skyline. Being as you’d grown up in a small, rural town, New York City’s skyline never ceased to amaze you, but something about that specific view was special.
The sun had started to set just as the two of you reached the top, and rays of purple, orange and pink painted the fair below and the buildings in the distance as well. A few seconds after you’d gotten to the highest point, he’d kissed you. It wasn’t unexpected, and it didn’t take you by surprise, but something was different about it. You couldn’t put your finger on what it was until the two of you pulled apart, and you realized it was like the first time all over again.
The next day at work Alisha had all but interrogated you for details of the date, being as you’d gotten home so late that you’d gone straight to sleep despite her pestering. She’d hit you on the shoulder and demanded specifics; so, just before the early morning rush, you’d told her everything. 
From the two of you arriving, to his irrational fear of clowns, you’d spilled your guts as Alisha sat there in awe- completely stunned at how well it went. When you were finished, she hopped off the counter with her brow raised, “Damn, (Y/N) that sounds incredible. I mean sure he’s super cute, but I didn’t know he was like, I don’t know, perfect.” 
“Hah, yeah ‘perfect’ sure,” You rolled your eyes and started cleaning the coffee pots. But even though you wouldn’t admit it aloud, for fear of Alisha tackling you to the ground in excitement, you did think Sam was pretty perfect. 
A few minutes later, the clock struck 7:30 and the morning rush began, which was somehow more hectic than usual. You thought people would have wanted to sleep in on a Saturday morning, as you definitely had, but apparently not. The regulars bustled in one after another to order their usual coffees and breakfast items to go, only a few of them staying to eat in the store. 
About a half hour later you were wiped, and so was Alisha. You had no idea what she had been doing all day yesterday to make her so tired, and possibly hungover, but she looked exhausted. Yet apparently exhaustion alone wasn’t enough to stop her from teasing you about Sam, “You excited to see lover boy in 10 minutes?!” 
“Ha. Ha,” You rolled your eyes and tried to think of something witty to say back. But just as you thought of something, a ding from your phone on the nearby countertop halted all conversation. You walked over and picked it up, expecting it to be a text from either Erin or Mia, but were surprised when you saw Sam’s name popup instead. 
Hey, so I’m running super late to work so I can’t make it to The Manhattan today, but I want to see you! So maybe we could hangout later today? I get off work around 3, so wanna get lunch? I can already tell today’s gonna be hectic, can’t wait to tell you all about it;)<3 
“Is that from Saaaaam?” Alisha startled you from behind, causing you to flinch so bad that the phone nearly dropped to the floor, “Jeez, Alish you scared me!” 
But she just laughed and continued peering over your shoulder, “So it definitely is from Sam. What’s he saying- anything dirty??”
“Alisha! It’s like 8 in the morning, oh my god.” You scolded, shaking your head at how crazy she was sometimes, “He just said that he can’t make it this morning, but he wants to get lunch around 3?” 
“That sounds fun, you should totally do it- we’re off by then anyways.” She shrugged and started cleaning the coffee makers, getting ready for the few stragglers that always showed up right after the early morning rush. 
The next few hours went just as any day at The Manhattan would, and pretty much flew by without any hitches. You and Alisha did well on your shift and you found yourself once again surprised at how popular your shop was growing. New customers seemed to become regulars everyday, and all those new faces sure did love spending their money on the coffee and breakfast items you made. 
Honestly, the shop was doing so well, you knew you’d made the right decision in dropping out of Cornell. You saw the way Erin and Mia nearly killed themselves to do well on their exams, and you knew that if you’d stayed in school that would have been you. Going on wild carnival dates and dancing with Alisha until 1am was much more colorful, and you were pretty sure Alisha thought the same way. 
But when you thought of your own life and the various twists it had taken, you couldn’t help but think of your brothers. What would Noah had done with his time on earth if he’d had more of it? Would he have become a doctor like your parents wanted? Or would he have made an insane, life altering decision such as you had and gone to art school instead? 
The anniversary of his death was coming up in a few days, and you knew it was going to be hell. Over time, most of your wounds had healed, but October 20th had a terrible habit of reopening almost every single one. 
Alisha, Mia and Erin knew all about it, in fact they always tried to distract you from what the day truly meant. But it never worked, and try as they might to cheer you up, on October 20th you were, without fail, completely distraught.  
Speaking of which, just as your last customers shuffled out and the shop quieted, Alisha walked over to your side of the counter and said,“Hey, so you know what Monday is?” 
“Yeah, how could I forget.” You gave her a quick smile before finishing assorting the breakfast muffins on display, “Happens every year, I don’t know why I can’t just get over it.” 
“Because you’re not supposed to just ‘get over it’, (Y/N). Noah’s a part of who you are, like it or not, and you know we’re all here, right?” She made her voice soft and read you like a book, walking over to grab your hand and squeeze once. 
You stopped what you were doing and turned to her, “Yeah, I know, I know. I seriously love you guys, by the way.”
“We love you too, but chin up- we have a whole day planned and it’s going to be amazin-” But before she could continue, she was interrupted by an almost obnoxiously loud ding from your phone. You looked from her to your phone on the marble countertop and gave her a look, to which she just nodded her head and said, “Yes, yes okay go check and see if Sam texted you.” 
But when you clicked your messages open to see what he had to say, it wasn’t the usual joke or complaint about work you were expecting: 
Hey, (Y/N), okay I’m so sorry I know this really sucks- but I don’t think I can make it to lunch today. We just got this new case in and it’s just impossible, all hands are on deck and I just really need to figure this one out. I was really looking forward to seeing you though:( Sorry, I know I’m a terrible boyfriend </3
Your face fell instantly when your read the text, “He cancelled on lunch.” 
“Why?” Alisha called from the back of the store, where she had gone to retrieve a few extra coffee filters. 
“He says work’s got him swamped,” You shrugged and shoved your phone into your back pocket, “I’m just gonna reschedule.”
“What does he do for work?” She called again, sounding farther away this time. 
You shrugged again and started walking to the back room to meet her, “Lawyer, I think.” 
“(Y/N)!" She came bounding out from behind a few shelves, looking like she’d just discovered the answer to all your problems, “You do realize you were the top of our class at Cornell Law, right??” 
“Well, yeah, but this isn’t just textbook stuff, Alish.” You let out a laugh and shook your head, there was no way you would be of any help, “He’s an actual lawyer, and I kind of dropped out of law school halfway through, remember?” 
But Alisha didn’t seem convinced, “Oh come on, we both know you were taking Junior classes as a freshman, and could easily pass the bar right now if you wanted,” 
You sighed, she actually might have been right, “I’m just going to tell him to bring the work here, Lish I haven’t even told him I went to law school.” 
“Well, that’s a start!” She chirped up and bounded back into the store, fresh filters in hand, “And don’t worry, if I figure out the case before you do, I’ll be sure to let you take all the credit!” 
“Hilarious.” You rolled your eyes and drafted your text back: Hey, that’s totally fine- we can do lunch another time! But I really want to see you too, ever consider taking some work to The Manhattan:) I promise free coffee and a table by the window! 
Within moments of sending, you got a response:  Yes definitely! But are you sure I won’t bore you? Criminal law isn’t exactly riveting ;) I can be there in an hour if that works! 
Another few seconds and you’d sent your reply, assuring him that you wouldn’t be bored and that you couldn’t wait to see him. 
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