#institutionalized racism?????
sakuraswordly · 8 months
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genericpuff · 4 months
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hi this is your obligatory reminder from a Mi'kmaq-Saulteaux pal that:
1.) the ribbon skirt is a traditional ceremonial garment worn by many First Nations women to celebrate their connection to Mother Earth and reclaim their Indigenous identity from and in spite of colonization;
2.) the RCMP was literally founded as a colonial police force meant to drive Indigenous / First Nations peoples out of their territory to make way for settlers (see: the "starlight tours")
3.) racism towards indigenous people in Canada is still alive and well (the last residential school didn't close until 1996) and so the RCMP adopting ribbon skirts is not only incredibly tone deaf towards their own history and the role they played in wiping out Indigenous culture, but insulting to the practice of ribbon skirts and what they mean to many Indigenous people across the country
4.) when a government entity limits who can comment on their posts, that should tell you exactly where their priorities and intentions lie.
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afriblaq · 16 hours
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hussyknee · 9 months
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"Solmaz, have you thanked your executioner today?"
Read it here | Listen to the author read it here
Reblog for a larger sample size!
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civanticism · 1 year
Our culture sets up marginalized groups to fail and then, when they do, blames them for the failure. Those few who succeed against the odds are held up as proof that the system is fair and unbiased, as if they were the norm, not the outliers. This attitude is true of almost all cultures, but ours has made an art form of it.
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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thashining · 15 hours
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odinsblog · 2 years
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Fort Worth ex-police officer Aaron Dean shot and killed Atatiana Jefferson in front of her 8-year-old nephew after a nonemergency call about an open door in her home.
The door was open to get smoke out from burned hamburgers. Dean claimed self-defense.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 9 months
usually when i write up posts about the talking animal stuff in sdmi, i try to tag the ones that are more coherent than venty.
sometimes though i am struck by just, oh my god the asylum thing is so so so awful, whose fucking idea was that. pretty much everything to do with the talking animal worldbuilding manages to combine some incredible nastiness re: both racism and ableism, and the asylum (which is made specifically to incarcerate them indefinitely--in practice, for the rest of their lives--instead of the set sentence they'd get in prison) is already horrifying both in-narrative and out.
then you realize that the deal with the talking animals is just recreating the historical dynamic of physically disabled people being kept as literal pets, but dressed up in the veneer of Cutesy Hanna-Barbera Animal Mascots, and it uh. jesus fucking christ. what the fuck lmao
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thresholdbb · 10 months
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Extremely normal about them
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justmaghookit · 8 months
the government of so called australia cannot stand against isntreal because if they did they would have to admit to their own ongoing murder of the indigenous population and they're too big of a coward to admit to that
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mental-mona · 3 months
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soleminisanction · 2 years
I do not have the time or brainpower to go into it in detail tonight because it's part of a much longer essay I've been trying to string together for ages but.
Someday, I need people to understand that everything you think you know about the infamous "Batman and Robin are gay" section of Seduction of the Innocent is wrong. It's not about sex. There's not a single implication that the comics depicted or even implied a sexual relationship. And it's not some out-there interpretation that Fredrick Wertham pulled out of his ass because he was some weird, paranoid conservative weirdo.
It came from his patients. His gay patients. Gay men and boys who described, in interviews with Wertham and other psychiatrists, how they discovered their sexuality by reading comic books and finding themselves attracted to the idealized depictions of masculinity depicted therein.
With Batman and Robin specifically, the focus is entirely on their emotional bond, the way they care about and constantly look out for each other. There's a quote from one of the patients that starts with, "I think I saw myself as Robin," and ends with, "I thought I would like to be loved by someone like Batman or Superman" that's stuck with me for years.
Mind, this is still framed as a not-good thing, because this book came out in 1954 and homosexuality was still pathologized... but it's always stood out to me that Wertham is not the one going, "Ewww, the icky gays got their gay in my superheroes, so immoral, get it away." That was the mainstream audience's reaction to being told that some gay people were fantasizing about being in a safe, happy, and loving relationship based on that of a superhero duo.
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kim-poce · 2 years
Full House/Pet-verse question: How do people become pets? Eri pretty much immediately clocked Day and Night as guard dogs, so were they born for that purpose (how German Shepherds are bred to be attack dogs) or were they rounded up somehow and, because of their size, designated guard dogs and trained accordingly?
BBU Worldbuilding. Heed the warnings.
CW: BBU (boy box universe), pet whump, institutionalized slavery, human trafficking (including children), kidnapping (including children), child abuse in general just to be sure, talks of sex slavery, racism, classism, ableism, noncon body modification (includes mutilation), food control, near death experience, torture, brainwashing, long term captivity, minor whumpee. If I forgot to tag anything PLEASE let me know.
Officially, pets are people who signed up to the facility. There are laws for it; adult applicants must have a witness, underage applicants as young as 12 years old must have the guardian’s permission and at least three witnesses; after a test, the applicant can choose which, from the given option, kind of pet they wish to be. No children under 12 allowed.
Unofficially, there is a lot of illegal human slavery, the consent papers are often fake or forced, and children really young go to the facility often and the register about it is erased.
The facilities avoid illegal acquisition because there are several people against the BBU system, people who jump at them at any given chance. There are however circumstances that makes them more prone to illegal acquisition:
Children: Easier to train and more moldable to whatever the client wants. 
Foreign people: Some clients want specific races that do not always come by so they don’t lose a chance when they get one.
Neurodivergent people: Again, some clients have specific tastes.
Pretty people/People with unique features: For obvious reasons.
Training and Customization
The training is personalized both to the client's tastes and to the pet needs. Touch starved pets are sold to not-touching clients, pets allergic to fur are sold to people with no animals and so on.
In matters of customization, well, as long as the client pays, the facility will make ANY body modification asked: tattoos, piercings, removal of vocal cords/eyes/hands/etc, sewing the mouth and make the alimentation integrally IV, and so on. The more hardcore modification the less it is shown to the public.
Another important point is alimentation: To the underaged pets (the ones who are still growing) the alimentation is controlled. Guard dogs's rations are really nutritious and meant to make them big and strong. Lapdogs are feed enough to survive so they can be small and cute. Domestic and General pets are fed in an irregular way so they can work under any circumstances. Romantic Pets are usually also kept small, but the future owner can "customize" them (feed less if small, more if big, if they want the pet thin or fat, hair length, etc). 
Guard dogs: Torture with no regard to scarring. Trained in martial arts and weapon use over stamina and strength training. Kept 24/7 with a shock collar and when the client pays enough they are implanted with a kill switch. During training, the torture often gets them in the brink of death, this happens so whoever owns them after it’s “merciful” in comparison, so the pet will see them as a “savior” and don’t try to fight back.
Lapdogs: Trained to be as touch starved as possible. Torture usually leaves little to no scars. fed and touched as little as possible so their owner may be their only source of comfort. The training is usually about being as still as possible, acting cute, identifying tricks and traps and acting as such, and makeup and hairstyle. Also, they learn to undergo pain in silence unless told otherwise.
Romantic Pets: Torture leaves little to no scars. Trained to be silent until told otherwise. Kept touch starved all the time but during sex, they have stamina training, and acting lessons so they look as if they are really enjoying it. Their interaction with everything and everyone in a non-sexual setting is cut so sex can be their only form of comfort and contact with other people. Training includes long periods of torture with no apparent reason, where the pet is kept in constant pain, the pain only stops during sex training so they make the realtion of “no sex=pain.”
Domestic Pets: Torture with no regard to scarring. Punished for every sound they make. Not allowed to talk until said otherwise, choke collar activated by speech (and it is kept on n moment they are obligated to speak so even allowed words hurt). Training includes cleaning and cooking lessons, made to overwork with little to no food, hours and hours of repetitive tasks.
General pets: Torture with medium scarring. Usually they sign up as adults and aren’t conventionally attractive so they go into basic training for all types of pets and are sold at a cheaper price.
The Full House pets:
If you want to know about other's series pets, please ask.
Beige: He is a Domestic Pet who voluntarily  signed up when he was a young adult. He had no family.
Pink: He is a Lapdog who voluntarily signed himself when he was a teen. The money went to his father. One trainer tried to make him into a Romantic Pet but the facility didn’t allow him to.
Purple: He is a Lapdog who was forcibly sold by his uncle when he was a teen, it was so he would protect his brother. Money went to his uncle.
Day: He is a Guard Dog who was kidnapped when he was a really young child. No one got the money. He was meant to be a lapdog at first (he was cute) but he grew up too much so his alimentation and training was changed.
Night: He was kidnapped in his teens for political reasons and made to be a guard dog because they couldn't tame him enough to make him a Romantic pet.
Little One: He is a Lapdog who was sold by his parents as a young child. Training was customized so the “ugly” autistic traits were not shown and the “cute” ones were encouraged. At first they tried to make him touch starved, and since it didn’t work, they made him a dancer. Was meant to be sold to a non-touching owner but his first mistress wanted to “fix him,” she signed a document declaring she was aware that she was buying a touch repulsed pet and took responsibility for any defects about it.
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callese · 1 year
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