#even our “free healthcare” is a joke
genericpuff · 4 months
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hi this is your obligatory reminder from a Mi'kmaq-Saulteaux pal that:
1.) the ribbon skirt is a traditional ceremonial garment worn by many First Nations women to celebrate their connection to Mother Earth and reclaim their Indigenous identity from and in spite of colonization;
2.) the RCMP was literally founded as a colonial police force meant to drive Indigenous / First Nations peoples out of their territory to make way for settlers (see: the "starlight tours")
3.) racism towards indigenous people in Canada is still alive and well (the last residential school didn't close until 1996) and so the RCMP adopting ribbon skirts is not only incredibly tone deaf towards their own history and the role they played in wiping out Indigenous culture, but insulting to the practice of ribbon skirts and what they mean to many Indigenous people across the country
4.) when a government entity limits who can comment on their posts, that should tell you exactly where their priorities and intentions lie.
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Paradise Lost nobles reacting to being called babygirl
Gamigin: Make sure to take your vitamines.
Mc: Sure thing, babygirl.
Gamigin confused: I'm not a girl. Shouldn't I be your babyboy?
Mc: Nah, babygirl suits you better.
Gamigin is confused, but he's got the spirit. Trys to call you babygirl as well and you almost choke while laughing. Please explain to the autistic dragon what babygirl is, he doesn't get it, but he wants to be included. Once you explain to him the joke behind it, he'll start calling everyone in Paradise Lost babygirl. Uses it so much that it infiltrates Lucifer's vocabulary. You won't be able to go to Paradise Lost again without being called baby girl
Morax: Done! The cavaty has been removed. How are you feeling MC?
Mc: Amazing... Thanks babygirl
Morax: You're welcome!
This man... when I tell you that Morax is the most squishable character in whb. He has no fucking brain, this man is an orange cat, a lobotomy survivor. He gets high on nose sprays every morning. I want to aggressively shake him until he pukes from motion sickness.
Anyways, he wouldn't even notice he's been called babygirl. Even if he goes, he just takes it as a compliment. He is very babygirl if you ask me.
Buer: That would be 200 dollars
Mc: What?! I didn't know Paradise Lost doesn't have universal healthcare.
Buer: We do have universal healthcare, but yoga isn't considered healthcare. So, that's 200 for all of our sessions.
Mc: Can't you make a discount for me, babygirl?
Buer: No.
Calling him nicknames isn't going to get you free yoga classes. There's no nickname you could use that he hasn't heard before from people trying to weasle out of their payment.
Marbas: ...
Mc: ...
Marbas: Don't say it.
Mc: Babygi-
Mc proceeded to get body pressed by Marbas and his metal wheel thing (tf are those called?). This man has been called babygirl by the entirety of Abaddon since he's the doctor assigned to that region. He has had enough. If he hears anyone call him babygirl again, he'll start friendly-firing right through your skull.
Lucifer and MC are cuddling peacefully
Lucifer: Become imortal with me, Mc, and I'll make sure not a single day of yours is touched by sorrow.
Mc: ...damn, babygirl, who gave you the right to be so poetic?
Lucifer just takes it. No reply, no nothing, he just nods. It kind of reminds him that you're human, since only those would laugh at sarcasm like this. It's fine, he loves you even if you aren't imortal. He just wished that you would call something more romantic like "love" or "darling", though he won't say that out loud.
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intersex-support · 2 months
Hi! I'm probably not intersex, and recently I've been trying to educate myself as much as possible on the intersex experience, entirely through reading posts from intersex people here on Tumblr.
I was wondering if there was any chance I could get some guidance on how I can best be supportive of intersex people both online and out in the wild! I try a lot to reblog everything I see on here and in general just treat everyone the same way, no matter if they're intersex or not, but I can't help but be worried I'll say something wrong out of being still on my journey to being educated.
So I thought I'd come here and just... ask?
What can I do to be the best ally I can?
In the same vein, do you happen to have any suggestions on sources I could use to educate myself further?
Thanks in advance!
Hi anon! Thanks for wanting to be a better ally.
I would recommend checking out the sources shared in this post.
I'd also specifically highlight that I think it's really important for allies to learn about intersex justice. Intersex justice is a specific movement and framework created by intersex people of color from the Intersex Justice Project that looks at intersex justice as a part of collective liberation, understands the important of cross-movement organizing, and recognizes the way that systems of power based on white supremacy and colonialism shape and enable intersex oppression. The seven principles of intersex justice are:
Informed consent
Legal protections
Children's rights
Patient-centered healthcare
These are really important values to center your intersex allyship around.
I'll also share some miscellaneous tips for things to think about in your intersex allyship:
Listen to intersex people about our experiences, not doctors! The medical system plays a huge role in our oppression, and is not the expert on our experiences.
You're going to have to unlearn a lot more biases and myths than you might think you have to. Intersexism/compulsory dyadism shows up in a lot of small ways, like the fact there's only M and F boxes in forms, jokes about micropenises, beauty standards about body hair, and more. Keep an eye out for all these ways our society props up the sex binary, even though it's a myth.
Avoid DSD terminology, referring to "male" and "female" bodies, calling intersex a "third sex" and never use the h slur. Other terminology that isn't always bad, but often gets misused that can be good to keep an eye out for: AFAB/AMAB, biological sex (when people say that gender is socially constructed but sex is biological).
Research if there are intersex organizations in your country and join their email list! That's a great way to stay informed about if there's any current initiatives, protests, legislative proposals, or other forms of activism you can get involved in.
Speak up when you see intersexism in every space you're in, whether that's people advocating for normalizing surgery, using the h-slur, or otherwise talking in ways that dehumanize or isolate intersex people.
Figure out a way to bring intersex awareness to the spaces that you're in! Whether this is putting up posters for Intersex Awareness day in October in your neighborhood, work, and community spaces, hosting an event at an organization or club about intersex topics, watching an intersex film with your friends, even something like making intersex pride stuff for the Sims if that's a hobby of yours--those are all great ways to introduce more people to intersex topics.
Listen to the intersex people in your life about how to support them! A lot of intersex people have a lot of very different experiences, needs, and wants. We don't have universal experiences and there are many different opinions on things in the intersex community. A lot of us are also multiply marginalized and our intersex identities are shaped by that.
If other intersex followers have tips, please feel free to add on!
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vy-canis-melodis · 6 days
the following is a blog post, written by tanja, in the Bird HRT universe:
UPDATE and a cancelled article!
Hi all, it's been a long time since my last blog post. Here's the deal; I was in hospital. Long story short, some things went pretty wrong, and here I am, having to deal with a huge backwards step in progress then having had to retrace those steps with additional gooey complications and therapy.
Anyway, here's a journalistic article I was pretty close to finishing and submitting to actual newspapers before everything went down and I had to cancel it.
Rejecting Humanity - Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Just Be Myself
As I write this, I'm sitting in the waiting room of a Hospital cross Research Laboratory in London. By the time you're reading this, I'll have been on my treatment journey for over a year. What treatment, you ask? Well, it's Humanity Removal Therapy. One year ago, I undertook a radical new procedure which slowly transforms you from human to another form. Perhaps you've seen strange creatures out and about; a snow leopard at the supermarket, a dog at the drive-thru, or a tuatara at the thrift shop. Or, perhaps, you haven't; as I write this, the number of patients might not yet have reached triple digits worldwide.
Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Tanja ------, and I am an Iberian Azure-winged Magpie, scientific name 'cyanopica cooki'. One year ago, I was fully human, and now I look like a hybrid between our two species. So, let me guide you through my world.
How is this possible?
A little over a year ago, certain medical circles revealed that species transformation had been trialled in mice, turning them into various other creatures, with various success rates from 20 to 80% depending on size and how different the target species was. Now, I'm not for animal testing, but when I heard that human trials were going to open, I kept that pinned to my calendar. And so, after a few months, I was able to finally sign up and have my first interview. Which was… short. Turns out, they had pretty elaborate ways of gatekeeping people who really meant that they wanted it from those that they thought would regret the procedures. They also had a little joke, based on gender HRT, where they would ask if you'd spent years living as your preferred species beforehand. Or at least, I think it was a joke. And then, I was on my way to becoming the bird I love.
How much did it cost?
Well, luckily for me, the NHS provides free healthcare. Then, due to this being a clinical trial, I get paid for being a test subject. Then, due to the effects of the medicine, I receive Disability Benefits. The treatment itself is… a bit of a legal loophole, really. This very article may well be the first you've heard of it.
Is it just a magic pill?
Nope! It's a mix of CRISPR, gene replacement, hormone injections, and surgeries over time. It's a real mishmash, at least in my case. For example, keratinous structures can be grown through selective DNA editing and hormones that stimulate 'hair' growth in specific areas in specific ways. Bone structure can also slowly be altered in some cases through gene replacement, though in some cases, surgery is needed. My back, for example, will soon be undergoing surgery to adjust the way the vertebrae are laid out. Some aspects just are too difficult to be done naturally, and so artificial parts and prosthetics are added. But this complicated procedure has an upside - it means that there is more customisation possible! For example, a Harpy would be a very specific set of applications of Bird HRT that exclude certain aspects such as the face!
Are there downsides?
Definitely. There's the immunosuppression that has to occur to stop new parts from being rejected. There's the high risk of cancers and other diseases to occur as a result of this procedure. There's just the risk that your organs will fail. Most of this is irreversible too.
Why even do it then?
Because, to that small number of people, it's so worth it. This is a new life, an opportunity to discard that uncomfortable human vessel and be yourself at last. For the vast majority of people, being oneself is being human, but that's not the case for everyone.
Is it going to be banned?
Well, that's hard to say. Governments worldwide are, I'm sure, now aware of this phenomenon. And I think it presents a threat to the status quo. This is something new, something scary, something intimidating, that shifts the power balance between subjects and governers. And it's not just because some people have become huge fire-breathing dragons - it's the meaning behind it. They've rejected the very notion of the social contract between humans and crafted a new identity. Do we still count as people? And that's really the question, isn't it. So much of the way government and society works is to split people into groups of those that are 'more' people, and those that are 'lesser' people - and that dictates what societal violences are permissible, for example. This whole new procedure will have to make governments rethink so much, and it can either be a source of worry for us, or a source of hope for everyone. We just have to be loud enough to be heard for who we are.
So what will come next? Well, I'm going to hop on in to my next appointment, and the Earth will keep spinning. My first set of wings has almost reached full-span, and my toe-dexterity is almost at where I was with hands as a human. With my next set of primaries, I may have enough of a wingspan to fly, if I keep my weight low enough. Meanwhile, Parliament will likely have a debate on the issue, as a petition to legalise the procedure has a few thousand signatures on the government's official petition website. I'll be waiting on that result eagerly.
If you have any other questions, I'd be more than willing to answer them!
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alister312 · 24 days
His mutterings are little more than mindless white noise. The price Christophe pays for free healthcare, or perhaps the price Gregory pays for free labor.
Christophe returns from a job, injured, and Gregory is upset.
Read now on ao3 or below the cut!
“— can’t believe you. How does one even have this much blood in them, Christ alive—”
Another yank as Gregory pulls the bandages tighter, cursing at the way red continues to seep through to the outer layer. “A bloody Sisyphean nightmare is what you are, literally…”
He could go on and on, and he does, but his mutterings are little more than mindless white noise. The price Christophe pays for free healthcare, or perhaps the price Gregory pays for free labor.
Christophe runs his hand over the towels he’s sitting on. Cheap, scratchy things, swiped from motels, destined for getting bloodstained and burnt; Gregory’s too fond of the sheets to subject them to such a fate. Christophe’s suggested doing this in the kitchen instead for easy clean-up, but Gregory insists on the bedroom. More privacy, less chance of table scraps getting into his first aid kit. Not that there are scraps. It’s just always been the bedroom, back when it was the only place they knew as their own. This makes it sacred, ritual; Gregory loves to heap such significance on things that don’t have any.
While Gregory is preoccupied with one arm, Christophe’s other fumbles in his pocket for a cigarette and lighter. It’s one of the many one-handed skills he’s mastered. He’s quick at it, a practiced, fluid motion of retrieve and light but Gregory has always caught on quicker than Christophe can act.
“No, no, absolutely not!” He snatches it directly from Christophe’s lips and tosses it in a glass of water on the bedside table. “Christophe Germain DeLorne, how many times have I told you—”
“You know it helps with the pain,” Christophe spits.
“Of course, how could I forget, the pain,” Gregory laughs humorlessly. “What about the pain of lung cancer thirty years down the line? Or perhaps more like five years down the line for a chimney stack like you.”
“Fuck you Gregory, save your soapbox for the masses. And why the hell did you throw it in the water, what if I wanted to drink that?!”
“What, the tepid water that’s sat there undrunk for three days? You didn’t even put a coaster under it Christophe! If that wood is warped or stained I swear…”
“Pah, of course a pussy like you would care so much about his wood.”
“Excuse me for valuing my possessions and not wanting to see them destroyed by torpor.” It’s a word Christophe doesn’t recognize, which means Gregory wants the conversation over. Christophe shuts up but makes sure to squirm and pull away and glare through the rest of the inspection. Making Gregory’s job harder is hell on both of them but the thrill of petty delight Christophe feels watching the man’s prim facade twitch in annoyance is worth it.
“There.” Gregory stands and puts his hands on his hips with a sense of finality. Whether this is because he’s used up all the gauze on hand or because the blood now only seeps through in trickles, Christophe isn’t sure. He flexes, frustratingly familiar with the way it grips his skin.
“You’re going to want to keep pressure off that arm,” Gregory says, “and keep it clean.” Like Christophe isn’t intimately acquainted with wound care. Like he wasn’t spitting on scraped knees and ripping shirts to make tourniquets when he was eight years old. Not that Gregory would consider that proper treatment.
Gregory’s eyes follow him as Christophe stands, narrowing in confusion when he doesn’t go for the balcony. He’s broken ritual, casting aside his single chance to smoke.
“Tell me you’re joking,” moans Gregory as he sees what handle Christophe reaches for. He scrambles to his feet and lets out an indignant “Ugh!” when the taps turn on. “Christophe, that was the last of my supplies on hand! You cannot be getting it all wet and soggy!”
Christophe struggles to toe off his half unlaced boots. “You’re wet and soggy.”
“And you’re a child, apparently.”
“I’m just doing what you told me, bitch.” The boots come off, along with the socks, heels threadbare from how often he does this. “Keeping it clean.”
“You’re doing this to spite me,” Gregory hisses. “I know you are.”
“What, a man can’t come home from a day of digging and getting shot at and treat himself to a nice, hot bath? C’est tragique.”
“You hate baths!” That is true. Christophe doesn’t see the point in making a soup of himself, no matter how often Gregory insists it would melt away all the tension in his muscles. Mercenaries need that tension anyway. Gregory can don gloves before he gets dirty all he wants; Christophe loves the dirt beneath his fingernails, the grey grit he gets scraping sweaty hair out of his eyes.
Pants kicked off, he pulls his shirt over his head and Gregory’s scowl softens to a frown. He approaches slowly, fingers ghosting over a large bruise, purple and splotchy. Christophe turns away before he can flinch away instead.
“That’s new, isn’t it?” Underwear off. Tub nowhere near full yet but he sits anyway. “Christophe.”
“It’s fine.” Pain stabs as he shifts to grab the soap. “I’m fine.” Christophe must not be hiding his grimace well enough because Gregory sighs and takes the soap from his hands. Not like he fought him as soon as their hands touched. He’s fought enough for the day; Gregory understands.
The washcloth is nothing like the towels on the bed. It is gentle and thorough. The man who wields it insists on every nook and cranny, though he is careful to avoid the freshly bandaged area on Christophe’s arm. The bruise is also handled as delicately as a baby bird, patted softly. Dead skin and dirt cloud the water so Gregory insists on draining, then refilling.
“What’s that?” Christophe eyes the liquid pouring from a bottle in Gregory’s hands suspiciously.
“Lavender.” He caps the bottle. “It’s relaxing.”
“It’s bubble bath soap. Gregory you prissy little bitch, you are not about to make me take a fucking bubble bath.”
“It was a few drops! It’ll hardly make any bubbles.”
The top of the tub water looks like cappuccino foam and Christophe punishes Gregory’s lies with a foamy beard. Several beards, as Gregory keeps wiping them off when his hands aren’t preoccupied with scrubbing at Christophe’s disastrous mop of hair. It would be smart of him to cut it short, maybe even buzz it. He likes the way Gregory’s slender fingers feel running through it though as it gets cleaned, and the few days afterward when he doesn’t think it's an oily disaster. Gregory always smiles when he does it, which is an added bonus. Says it's nice to get it out of the way so he can see Christophe’s face.
Gregory takes him by the shoulders and lowers him into the water to rinse out the shampoo. Christophe’s certain he wasn’t handled with nearly this much care by whatever fuckhead priest baptized him. It was probably in a grand chapel, stained glass pouring in technicolor streams of light while his mother and godparents stood by in their Sunday best. Gregory is bathed in bathroom fluorescents and he’s rolled up his sleeves and pant legs but they’re soaked at the ends anyways. Stained, too, with Christophe’s blood from earlier.
“Shit. The bandage—”
“Shh. I’m sure I have more supplies lying around somewhere.”
He does. Of course he does. Gregory redresses the wound and presses a cold compress to the bruise, eliciting colorful language from Christophe in his native tongue. He doesn’t shy away though. He lays down carefully afterwards, shifting pressure to his good side; Gregory joins him. His fingers comb through Christophe’s hair and his eyes stare but they’re not scrutinizing, or even studying. It’s a lost in thought look, the slightest crease between his brows, lips parted a mere millimeter.
Christophe could be enraptured by it forever.
“Désolé,” he says instead.
The crease between Gregory’s brows deepens, curious, but he pairs it with a smile and his tone is nothing short of tender. “Whatever for?”
“Not putting a coaster down.”
Gregory tuts fondly, caressing Christophe’s cheek. He is forgiven.
As he always will be.
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quaddmgd · 10 days
Fuck it, life update.
I can finally say that I'm done with my job. I was stuck there for an entire year, dealing with shitty coworkers and even shittier higher-ups, with each month bringing even more things to worry about without any rise in pay. My back problems (and arguably my eyesight) worsened a lot over this year, I was being overworked, often working six days a week, guilt-tripped into taking unreported overtime and all I got is a workplace injury that put me out of work for a month and a half and... hormones!
So basically, I'm trans. I kinda suggested it a few times in the past, but since I'm on HRT, feeling much better in my own body, I'm much more open and proud about it. I live in a country where informed consent isn't enough and I had to spend a lot of money and time to get hormones.
I started working on getting hormones in october and due to it requiring multiple meetings with specialists, some bureaucracy and some mistakes made by my psychologist, I only started HRT on July 1st.
That's how long it took me and I only really started earning money after January because of how costly the procedures are (and how little they paid me I guess).
So, after January it was "working until I get hormones", with the start of July it was "working for as long as I have the strength and no boobs".
Funny thing is, a few days after starting HRT I suffered that workplace injury that put me out of work for a month and a half - partially because of our shitty healthcare, but who am I to complain?
Technically it was a broken finger, but I'm reality it was just a crushed tip. I could do all I wanted in my free time, just had to have it splinted. I got to rest after almost a year of working with no days off, all the hell I went through, all the transphobic assholes I was working with. Most importantly, I got to experience some of the first hormonal changes in the safety of my home.
Funnily enough, my boobs started developing about two weeks after starting HRT (much sooner than I thought they would) and by the time I went back to work they were already visible (and bouncing when going down the stairs uwu).
Getting changed with a group of transphobic boys could soon end up being dangerous so I knew it's time to give them a quit notice. Oh and my employers pissed me off by guilt-tripping me for getting injured, I guess, and trying to cancel my scheduled week off.
It was already decided - the moment I come back, they're getting a quit notice. And they did. They didn't even ask why I'm quitting and tried to put me on forced overtime once again. This time instead of coming to work, I went to a local pride event <3 (the way they do overtime is illegal where I live and they can't force me to do shit).
I finished my last night shift on a Saturday morning and now I'm looking for a new, less physical job, ideally not requiring getting changed with other people. Even though I'm lucky to look quite feminine, you can only get so feminine living your life on testosterone and I'm going to have to continue boymoding for some time.
I'm not really going to list all the things that happened at work since it's not a place for that. Along with a few coworkers we were considering reporting them to a labor inspectorate but no one wanted to take action with me. No one really wants any change. And I just want to forget about all of it. I just want to focus on my transition and on getting a more comfortable job.
It's been hell of a year. I lost my parents and most of the family after coming out, I heard a few transphobic jokes at work (thankfully not directed at me... i don't think anybody suspected anything), I lost so much money and went through so much to get these stupid pills.
But I'm so much happier. And quitting the job is only a small part of it. Since I started emotionally changing on hormones, I finally see things a bit clearer, I understand my emotions, I can finally cry when I feel the need to, I'm so much more creative, I'm feeling so delicate and I even find myself more attractive, I feel more in my own body, even though most changes probably haven't even started... and much more (just some things I'm going to keep to myself :3). I underestimated how good the emotional changes on hormones must feel. I would never want to go back.
It feels so good to finally be on estrogen and be out to my friends. I'm feeling much better.
Wish this was written better but I'm still kinda hungover from the last few weeks and I didn't feel like splitting the job and transition into separate posts. But I'm for sure going to continue talking about the latter because it makes me so happy.
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immaterial-pearl · 2 days
This sounds insane but I went to a panel at a con about the worst yaois ever made (it was two hours long and i have never in my life read actual yaoi mangas despite my long time jokes about yaoi im sorry) and it was great except for the part where one of the hosts was pro death sentences unironically (I know how that sounds but I promise you she really highlighted this was part of her belief system).
BEFORE YOU ACCUSE ME OF DEFENDING RAPISTS I am a victim of rape, I am a victim of sexual assault, and yes, I wish my rapist and people who assaulted me died. But the goverment should not be able to kill them.
First we must admit that death sentence, if it should ever occur, it must only be given to people who are guilty of horrible crimes, yes? Let's go through the first list based on that assumption.
It's irreversable. In most cases we cannot be sure the crime was actually committed because we aren't omnipotent. Yes we can have extremely solid evidence, but on the off chance (and I repeat even if it's minimal), we should not kill innocent people. Imprisoning them, gives us a chance to give them back their freedom, even if we cannot give them back time.
The justice system is biased. Black inmates in the US are way more likely to be sentenced to death than white people convicted of the same crime. Black people are being killed for being black, not just for being guilty.
Law is not equal to morality. In the past, rape, one of the worst crimes a person can commit, has been defined in law, as an act of a man forcing a woman he is not married to, to have sex. As we know, rape can be marital, can be done by men to men and can be commited by women. Law is never equal to morality and is subject to change, ergo, we should not let something that biased to define who can and who cannot be killed.
On why capital punishment is bad in general, even if the person is objectively guilty.
The goverment should not have that kind of power. Law is not morality, but further than that, the goverment has its own agenda. We shouldn't let Real Life Rapist Donald Trump decide if a rapist should be killed or not. We shouldn't allow Believes Israel Should Get To Do Genocide Kamala Harris decide if a murder should be killed. You know, holocaust was legal, slavery was legal, raping your wife was legal, no goverment is innocent, and every life lost because of it should stain it entirely, like a drop of blood in water. The goverment should not kill people. The goverment is not an omnipotent entity that is always right, and death is final and undoable.
The justice system should not be a moral god, it should be utilitarian. Why would it be a moral god (insert any moral all knowing thing)? It's not omnipotent. It doesn't have solid morals because it's constructed out of prejudiced people following or not following prejudiced laws, which were decided by prejudiced people. Prison is for increasing safety and minimising harm. How does killing an imprisoned, powerless person minimise hurt? It doesn't. It's a way to 1. decrease cost (horrible reason to kill anyone really) 2. give finality to victims (I can empathise with this, but there are better ways to improve a victim's life, than murder, that also are not an eye for an eye murder).
Killing people is bad actually. No, really that's the easiest most basic argument. Every person deserves to live as long as they can, and as long as their life isn't a danger to other people. Isolating a person via prison, and working to undo their harm, via providing free healthcare, therapy, financial support and improving the safety of our society, is better than killing someone. A whole person, even if they are the scum of the earth. I can condone killing in situations where it isn't possible. But it is very possible if the subject is already in court.
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gothamstreetcat · 3 months
Hi everyone, I know everyone is going through some pretty severe times right now, but recently I’ve found myself in a rough predicament. A week ago I suffered a pretty severe fall, where I fell 20ft off an overpass. It was really dark, raining pretty hard, and there were no traffic lights where I was at. I could barley see in front of me and I didn’t have on my glasses because they were useless at the time. I was walking home.
Because of the fall I hurt my back and chest pretty bad and I wasn’t able to move myself much when I was first admitted. I also broke my heel which resulted in surgery. Between the EMT’s finding me, the ambulance ride to the hospital, and being admitted it was extremely disorienting, scary, and frustrating.
Due to the surgery I will be out of work for a minimum of three months but probably more. I am unable to put weight on my foot for those three months and even after that it will be very hard - if you’ve ever broken a bone before you know it’s no joke. And if you live in the US, you also know what a rip-off our healthcare system is. I had not even reached my own outrageous deductible before this occurred and I’m not even sure what my insurance is even going to cover after that. I will also have to pay for physical therapy and on top of everything, I just got a notice for my rent going above 1k - which is extremely outrageous where I live.
I am also being moved into a psychiatric facility under the false assumptions that a jumped off the overpass. Despite that there was no evidence before or after the incident that supports this assumption. I have tried time and time again to prove how unfair this is to me to no avail. While being in the hospital on suicide watch, they confiscated all my belongings (despite that I could barley move in the bed due to how much pain I was in) and have since lost my wallet, keys, shoes during this time.
I have some money saved up in an account and enough paid time off to late me a month but I know it’s not going to be enough to sustain me being out of work.
I have spent so much of my life doing for others. Helping them, making things for them and doing for them all because I care about them and like to make them happy. I don’t regret any of it - it is truly one of the few things that bring me joy in this world, but now I need to ask for some help.
I’ve been on this site for a long time making gifs. I also do lots of crafts, like modifying jackets, making buttons, and painting. I write fanfiction and have made some fan videos over on YouTube. I plan to do some jackets and painting to try and cultivate a source of income while I am not working, but I am worried it won’t be enough.
I am willing to do commissions for stories and videos if anyone in interested. (But please keep it literally within my capabilities, I know it’s so limited but I’d be willing to go to the depths of hell if someone would pay me for it). I am also open to gifset requests. And I would be open to selling some of my art on here.
I have also set up a ko-fi for small donations and here is a link to my PayPal.
I know everyone hates these kinds of posts and there are A LOT of people in A LOT worse situations than my own. But I would literally be so appreciative of any support anyone is willing to give.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns/want to know more about my fall - please feel free to ask me. Thank you all for listening and those who have been supportive thus far.
Here is some of the work I’ve done:
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crossdreamers · 2 years
It Is Journalism’s Sacred Duty To Endanger The Lives Of As Many Trans People As Possible
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The Onion takes aim at the media’s coverage of transgender people. Julia Serano makes a news story bingo card.
(Remember: The Onion is not like other news sites. This is satire.)
“Good journalism is about finding those stories, even when they don’t exist. It’s about asking the tough questions and ignoring the answers you don’t like, then offering misleading evidence in service of preordained editorial conclusions. In our case, endangering trans people is the lodestar that shapes our coverage. Frankly, if our work isn’t putting trans people further at risk of trauma and violence, we consider it a failure.
We stand behind our recent obsessed-seeming torrent of articles and essays on trans people, which we believe faithfully depicts their lived experiences as weird and gross. We remain dedicated to finding the angles that best frame the basic rights of the gender-nonconforming as up for debate, and we will use these same angles over and over again in hopes that this repetition makes them suffer. As journalists, it is our obligation to entertain any and all pseudoscience that gives bigotry an intellectual veneer. We must be diligent in laundering our vitriol through the posture of journalistic inquiry, and we must be allowed to fixate on the genitals.
It is against free speech to stop us from fixating on the genitals.”
Read the signed editorial declaration here!
(Yepp, this is clearly in response to the transphobia found in the New York Times.)
Introducing The Anti-Trans Op-Ed & News Story Bingo Card
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Scientist, trans activist and thinker, Julia Serano, has presented The Anti-Trans Op-Ed & News Story Bingo card in response to the utter moral depravity of so many newspapers and media channels.
She writes:
“Because these writers and media outlets are a fucking joke. Not in a funny ha-ha kind of way (especially given that they are publishing their “trans-skeptical” think pieces amidst an all-out assault on trans rights, healthcare, and lives). By joke, I mean that they’re like “the one joke”: so astoundingly repetitive and unimaginative that they’ve become a fucking farce. And I’m laughing along! It’s pure gallows humor at this point.”
Read her whole post here!
Photo: Rosalind Russell and Cary Grant in “His Girl Friday” (1940). New York Public Library
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peaxhxhair · 9 months
Hello ! Could you write a story with Tae Ju about Y/N going to the gym and being teased by men?
Thanks so much! I love your stories !
A/n: I tried to write this like… Six times before I got something that I felt good about posting. Thank you for the request! This might not be what you were expecting but it was truly a struggle writing something I was happy with LMAO- Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Jung Taeju x FTM! Reader
Warnings: No use of Y/n. Mentions of blood.
Word Count: 351
Kofi <3
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“You should think about leaving” The one thing I disliked about Jung Taeju was his lack of empathy. Even as I lay on the floor of our gym, blood gushing from almost every part of my face, he had no remorse for me.
”No point in crying over some blood” I huffed, sitting up and wiping the red liquid from my nose. “Maybe you should think about supporting your colleagues. Fucking hell” Jung Taeju cares too much about this job to join unnecessary fights, though it wouldn’t hurt him to pull the guy off of me.
“If you’re not going to fight back, what are you doing here?” His question irked me, considering that he knew the answer.
”It’s stupid to fight colleagues. You know that. That’s why most of these members won't last” He hands me. Tissue and nods. I use it to cover my nose, shielding him from the unpleasant sight. “Especially, with their attitudes recently”
”You knew what you were getting into”
”I did, but I hoped for a little more respect” Moving up the ranks of Dongcheon meant we got things like insurance and free healthcare. Getting injured is part of the job, so it was nice that Mr.Choi gave us some security. Though, recent additions to the organization did not receive those benefits. Lucky for me, the faker who landed his fists into my face will probably lose his job, or get his hands chopped off.
“Respect means nothing if you won’t earn it”
”Suck my balls, how ‘bout that?”
”Like you have any”
A stunned silence filled the space - I pretend to be offended, but his joke was funny. I can’t hold in my laugh, and I chuckle as I pull myself onto my feet.
“Bastard” A sly smirk graces his face - only slightly. Barely noticeable. Another silence takes over us, this one slightly less tense.
”I’ll drive you home” He offers, his keys jingling as he pulls them out of his pocket.
”I can drive” I wipe the blood that had dripped into my eyes.
”Can you even see right now?”
”…Not really”
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romanticallyghosting · 10 months
Have you seen the Morbius Musical "Morbin' Time"? It's free on YouTube, and is a genius musical and commentary about our modern society and healthcare system. Plus it features Morpheus from the Matrix! -Monsoon
WHAT. raine get ur mutual what is even going on here anymore im pretty sure this is a joke but i can’t be sure 😭
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I have never in my life had to pay to see my doctor, a visit to the GP has never cost me a cent, I have always been able to get a Drs note for work, or catch an illness before it got too bad, I've always just been able to go in whenever I needed to without having to worry about being able to afford it
until now
now for the first time in my 28 years of life GP offices are starting to charge people for appointments
what a fucking phenomenal step backwards we have taken in our healthcare system
now I'll have to pay money not only to get my medication, but to even have my script renewed
we were supposed to be moving forward with healthcare, we were supposed to be making advancements, not sliding back down into the fucking capitalism ditch
I was hoping one day I wouldn't have to spend so much money on physiotherapy just to live without pain, I was hoping the healthcare system would fix it's holes in support for ongoing care for chronic conditions
and INSTEAD I am now being told that soon I will have to PAY just to go see my doctor, I got FIVE free physio appointments per year, FIVE, which is a JOKE, and now I have to PAY to have access to those, WHY AM I PAYING MORE MONEY
how can we be going backwards, how???
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peligrosapop · 1 year
I can’t sleep and have a headache, I’m in pain and sober ( weed would help 2/3 at the least)for some stupid reason. So, I’ll rant.
I went skating (as in skateboard) yesterday
did my first ever 50-50 trick (skate trick) at 40
but also pulled a muscle in my upper thigh and I’m limping a bit and it hurts. (Hi, It’s me, Pedri without free accessible healthcare)
A girl flirted/hit on me and I can’t thinking about it bc, maybe I liked the attention? and she’s cute? I get plenty of attention at home though, dunno wtf is going on.
I forgot to call my mom on her bday but I called her today and we talked like an hour and it was nice. I like my mom a lot. I don’t want her to die, ever. My dad’s death anniversary was last week and I just realized yesterday. None of us surviving family members said anything either, guess we rather forget.
The call with mom also made me realize I barely call anyone anymore, ever. Last time my older sister called I didn’t pick up and have ghosted her since. I told my mom I’m being anti social atm. I need to call my pregnant younger sister. I guess I’m the asshole.
I text with a lot of people that I don’t know IRL and have neglected a lot of my IRL friends. I even have neglected online friends I like a lot. I still chat people a bit too much, I’m afraid.
I think my current obsession with Barça on tumblr and tumblr in general helps me focus on something else but myself when I’m stuck creatively or emotionally.
I need to finish writing 4 songs that I started and are almost done. One about staring at your crush, one about dreaming of people that have passed away, one about Messi (in the most non-obvious way) and one about leaving everything behind to move somewhere else to remake your life. It is annoying to feel like I can’t when I’m perfectly able to. They are 80-90% done.
Right now I’m in between jobs doing some gigs and the break in routine and extra time to do fun stuff things has been , instead of being liberating, weird.
My fav girl friend has been really busy lately and I fucking hate it. I feel needy. And I hate it.
My boyfriend is amazing, thank god he’s there. My bff. I am a mess rn. He was trolling me a week ago saying “I read this list of symptoms of depressed people and you checked out most of them” and I laughed at him and he was like 😅. I’m not depressed. It’s okay. I have depressive tendencies from anxiety but that’s it. I’m a hedonist most of the time, anyway. 🤣 Very few fucks given but active existencial dread.
My health/body has been changing since I hit 40 and it’s pissing me off. Also I kinda stop caring care of myself for a second but getting back on track. Also need to start saving money for all the “hey you hit 40 so you may have this” health test, like cancer screenings and shit. But hey, better old than dead.
and….I need a hug. And to write poems but they won’t come out. I don’t need anyone to do anything. I just need to get it out of my system.
I wish you were here and not so far away, you know this. I punched my pillow today like I told you I wanted to. I wish it was easier.
We had a friend as a house guest for a week and he just left today without telling us, even though he was supposed to be here 2 more weeks and now he said he is with a dude we don’t talk to anymore. lol wtf is wrong with people?! can’t they be normal?!!!! You can say you wanna go see a friend, why just disappear and tell us a one like text when we asked where the fuck you are. He may come back? I dunno ahahahah. Maybe its our bad for having a bunch of moody musicians as friends.
Also, like my bf jokes all the time….when I die, be happy for me because I won’t have to pay any more bills.
Maybe this was too real but IDGAF. The end.
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yooniesim · 5 months
i dont understand how ppl hate u for making a corona joke when ure asian yourself
tbh they should call me out for making a dumb ass joke lmfao it was stupid af & that's why i said sorry for it. I ain't afraid to say when I fuck up and apologize. It's part of being a human being with the ability to grow. Saying "corona unnie" was damn stupid even if it was a lighthearted joke/reference and I appreciate being checked on that cos I know better. I'm a healthcare worker and I worked through covid for three years, I had patients that would ask me if I was Chinese before they'd let me near them or wouldn't let me work on them at all when they clocked me as asian. I had people call me corona my damn self. And had multiple ppl say to me that covid was "a hoax by the Chinese" before they died of it. I know damn well how serious it is. It's a sensitive subject that I got used to making light of for my own coping purposes but the fact of the matter is you gotta be careful with your words regardless bc you can hurt people regardless of intent. Using "funny" nicknames like corona unnie or senpai or whatever the fuck may seem funny as a harmless one off, but not everyone sees it that way and can get hurt by it. I ain't gonna judge people for how they cope with all that but it is dumb to joke about.
And just bc you're Asian doesn't give you a free pass across every asian culture. We share some experiences but not all & we are not the same people, we face different challenges & have different histories & cultures. The key is to learn how to be respectful to each other both within our race/ethnicity and outside of it. And that takes self reflection. If someone wants to hate me for it, that's their own prerogative, lord knows I can't control how people feel about me lol. I've learned well all I can control is myself, and I do that by apologizing when I fuck up and learning from it. That's about all we can do really.
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josiebelladonna · 5 months
listen, i fucking hate tiktok. it’s destroyed everything, from people’s attention spans to fanfic to art to music to instagram to the way people talk and it’s radicalized an entire generation of young people to hating jews and their gentile allies like me. it should have been put down a long time ago.
but our government could have done something about… oh, i don’t know. the asinine cost of living. the complete and utter disgrace that is the education system. the absolute joke that is our healthcare system. the homeless catastrophe. whatever the fuck is going on with the climate. the collapsing infrastructure. cuts to art programs. there are a myriad of other things, literally anything that could be of genuine service to us, that they could have gotten to work on, but they instead went for this.
i took a glimpse at the tag just now and you guessed it: “oh, no, we’re losing our free speech! oh, no, we won’t be able to talk about palestine! oh no! uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu” this is only going to get worse from here because you have people who are already unnecessarily angry and they’re just going to get even more enraged.
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masarukt · 1 year
🏳️‍⚧️On Misgendering🏳️‍⚧️ - ⚠️I Would Really Appreciate It If The Non-Trans Folks Would Stop To Read This⚠️
TW/CW: Transphobia/Transantagonism themes and all (and I do mean ALL) the awful and horrible things that go along with it are discussed - such as suicide, death, misgendering, deadnaming, assault, anti-trans bills, etc. Please make sure to look to the tags for more.
So, due to the fact that there are literally SO MANY anti-trans bills that have been introduced across the country (The United States of America) and CONTINUE to be introduced across the country that seeks to block us trans folks from receiving the most basic of healthcare, education, legal recognition, and just the right to exist publicly, I feel the need to talk about this very real issue that seems to be considered a “small issue” to some folks:
To some, it might seem like something small - a slip up here, a small issue there…and I am here to tell you that it is not. It is NOT a small issue to misgender a trans person. Ever. Even if it is by necessity (I say this because sometimes, I need to be misgendered for the sake of not confusing one of my relatives who has memory issues, for example - or if the trans person isn’t out of the closet just yet).
But, when it isn’t necessary to misgender someone, like in the rare cases like the examples that I just gave, then you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT BE MISGENDERING THEM. This is especially true if you have known about them being trans and about what their pronouns are and what their name is for an extended period of time.
Some folks are also given a grace period to learn pronouns. This is very much true, even, for “They/Them” pronouns because for some folks, those ones can be hard for folks to wrap their brains around even though, technically, singular they/them has been around since 1375 at least - so over 600 years old. It was being used as a singular pronoun by famous writers such as Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Henry James, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. (I have not provided a source for this because you can easily find this information if you search via any search engine for “when was singular They first used”.)
So…I’m sorry folks, but there is really no good reason for folks to be getting their panties into such a twist over using “they/them” as a singular pronoun for folks…at all. And at the end of the day, if it IS an issue, there is a lot of educational material out there to help learn how to use “they/them” as a singular pronoun when referring to someone. Plus, if nothing else, you can always practice on your own in order to get the hang of it. That way, when you are talking to the person, or about the person with someone else, you wont run the risk of misgendering them on accident.
You could even write about them in a journal - that’s always good practice too (I am literally giving free advice here - please take this advice, I am BEGGING YOU). All that I, as a trans person, am asking here is for the non-trans folks, the Cis folks (and Cis is NOT a slur for folks who think that it is - all it means is “the same side of” and in this case, it just means that you identify as the gender that you were assigned to at birth; that’s all) to be better allies to us trans folks.
Because we need you now, more than ever before. We need you by our side right now. We really do. Because we are out here suffering, scared, feeling so very alone.
And dying. A lot of us are dying.
And do you know what else contributes to our deaths?
It does. It really does. Because do you know what Misgendering does to us?
It makes us feel like you do not see us for who we are. It makes us feel like you do not care. Like as if we are a joke to you. As if we do not matter. As if our existence doesn’t matter. And it makes us feel as if our worth in this world, our struggle, means nothing. As if all of our battling through it all was meaningless.
And then, the next thing you know, another dead trans person ends up on the news…gone far too soon…
I almost lost one of my trans siblings, who will remain nameless because I want to protect their identity, because one of their family members refuses to gender them correctly, among other things…but Misgendering contributed to them almost being lost to this world.
They’re very lucky to still be here with us. I’m extremely relieved and happy that they’re still here.
So…This is one of the many reasons why if you do “slip up” with our pronouns and/or our names, we or someone around us who does know our correct pronouns and/or name will most likely correct you. And, if you are corrected? It is generally best to not get defensive about it. If you do get defensive about it, do you know what that does? It shifts the blame onto us - making it seem like it’s somehow OUR fault for being difficult or something when no, it isn’t our fault. It isn’t really the “fault” of anyone, really - all that this means is that you just need more practice in recognizing and/or remembering our correct pronouns and/or name.
So, a better reaction would simply be “Oh, thanks -“ then proceed to use the correct pronouns and/or name and continue on with whatever it was that you were saying. It’s as simple and quick as that. It doesn’t need to be a big show and dance, it doesn’t need to be a huge deal - it’s as simple as that, and we can move right along. And all it means is that a little more work needs to happen on your end.
Literally EVERYONE messes up at first - we all have messed up before, no one is perfect, we are all human. I’ve had to practice correct pronouns and names before - I’m sure everyone has had to before - especially neo-pronouns. Those ones can be hard for me sometimes, especially because my mouth doesn’t want to form the words properly sometimes so I actually have to practice as if I’m learning a new language or something. But, I do eventually get the hang of it.
Matter of fact, for folks who may want extra practice with names and pronouns, here is a great resource for practicing such a thing called the 🏳️‍⚧️Pronoun Dressing Room:
I need for the Cis folks to understand something: Misgendering IS IN FACT a form of Transphobia - Transantagonism. It is a form of violence towards us trans folks. Whether you realize it or not, that is EXACTLY what it is.
So is Deadnaming us. Even if you knew what our name was before we changed it, constantly Deadnaming us - unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY - is a form of violence towards trans people and can ALSO contribute to our deaths.
I’ve lost so many of my trans siblings over the years…so many trans friends…
So many…
I do not want to lose more. But I know I will…do you want to know why?
504 Bills in 49 States.
45 Passed.
362 Active.
97 Failed.
Right now. That’s where we are at…RIGHT. NOW.
So…where are my Cis allies at? What are you willing to do for us? It better not just start and stop at the voting booths at with the voting papers. It better not just stop there. Because trans folks are going to need your voices. Your actions. Your protection. We’re going to need you to speak up at town halls. We’re going to need you in the streets. We’re going to need you to say something if we are being attacked in front of you in the store, in the mall, on the sidewalk, outside your church, in the parking lot.
And what if it’s a cop? Would you be willing to step in if a cop decided that just by existing while trans was a crime, would you speak up for us?
Remember that once upon a time, it was LEGAL to round up and take into custody people for just being of Japanese descent in this country…so, as both a Japanese American AND a trans person, I ask you, Cis people:
What are YOU willing to do for us? How far are you willing to go for us? If you are our allies…how much are you willing to risk for us? If you ARE our allies…I, and every single trans person that you know and are close to, every single gender non-conforming person in your life needs for you to consider these things very VERY seriously.
Because I promise you…all of us, every single one of us are thinking about this every single second of every single day. Many of us are considering our “out plans”. Not because we want to…but because we HAVE to…and some of us have to consider if we even CAN (because being disabled ABSOLUTELY plays a factor if we can even leave the country).
So…Please…Cis folks…if you consider yourself to be an ally to the Trans Community…and if you have ever been wondering “when will be a good time for me to prove myself?”…now is the time. This is that time. We need you. Please be here for us. Check in on us. Please gender us correctly. Name us correctly. Please help us fight these horrific life-destroying bills. Please help us to be able to just exist.
Because that’s all that we want…we just want to exist. We just want to exist and to live our lives in peace, just like everyone else on this planet…
This is my plea…and I pray to HaShem that it will not go unheard…
🏳️‍⚧️To My Trans Siblings - I See You & I Love Each And Every One Of You🏳️‍⚧️
💜Masaru💜 They/Them
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