#which means I have 6 salamander babies
thresholdbb · 10 months
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Extremely normal about them
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foone · 2 years
Which of the lizard babies stayed with neelix? I thought there were only 3. Also this was extremely cute and I love them now. I would let them have kid forms because they're so advanced and can change form but thats me. They can hang out with Naomi who also grows too fast.
I completely forgot I suggested that when I wrote the whole thing. I explain them all as being at Earth (minus Owen, who died).
But I think it was supposed to be Shannon. Maybe the timey-wimey means that in the pre-Endgame timeline, she stays on Voyager, but in the post-Endgame timeline, she stays with Neelix? I'm not really sure.
I was still picturing them as lizards, btw. They mentally grow up fast (like Naomi, who is only 6 episodes younger than them), but they stay looking like the adult forms that Lizard!Paris & Lizard!Janeway have.
They're huge fans of Fair Haven. They don't get to spend much time on planets (they live on a ship on a long journey, after all) other than the occasional stop on a relatively safe planet (which they inevitably get in trouble on, because WHEN ARE PLANETS EVER SAFE IN STAR TREK?), so Fair Haven is their outlet for "normality". The holographic villagers accept them as just some more human kids, who cares that they're big salamanders? There's some more friendships with the lizard kids and fair haven kids (they add more kids characters into the simulation so that the lizard kids have friends their age to play with, outside of Naomi and (later) the Borg Kids).
Their lizardy nature is a running joke in Spirit Folk, the second Fair Haven episode. The villagers are starting to suspect the voyager crew of being supernatural, and keep bringing up all the strange happenings, and it keeps seeming like the villagers are going to go WAIT A MINUTE, SOME OF THESE KIDS ARE ACTUALLY LIZARDS! but no, they bring up some other detail about them, like the time Mark seemly healed Seamus's broken arm, or the time Owen complained it was raining too hard and miraculously it stopped. Seamus even accuses Shannon of having a demon tail! And it's quickly proven she doesn't. (She does have a tail, though, because she's a fucking lizard. it's just not a DEMON tail, which is the specific thing they're accusing of her of having)
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polaritiesoop · 4 months
Rewatching Hermitcraft 6, and I've reached the beautiful civil war arc. But I also realized that grian has some REALLY weird fans that are such a loud minority. Why is it anytime Grian is playfully at "odds" with another hermit or something shenanigans against Grian that there are negative comments toward said hermit? like why are there some people acting threatened by it?
Long Rant AHEAD
I find it concerning it happened even earlier in season 6. I forgot which hermit, or what it was about but I'm pretty sure a hermit was getting HATE for a HARMLESS PRANK in the famous block GAME MINECRAFT. Ridiculous, ain't it? seeing those strings of words in one. Why on God's green earth does Grian have such baby fans? I thought we were pretty chill but I guess it's only here on tumblr and twitter. I don't know if reddit has been kind to Grian and other hermits, I wouldn't assume they weren't over there considering that Grian likes to hang around there more than twitter. I guess it is most on Youtube comments. This does not only happen in season 6, but I bet also seasons 7, 8, 9 , and life series too, my memory's a bit blurry on the details. And even in the current season?! tf you mean people are hating on Xisuma for banning Grian AS A JOKE ? like why does Grian need to constantly remind people when anything playful "conflict" in the server happens that they are friends? That it is all in good fun? I'm glad though Grian has a strong friendship with the hermits, or the hermits are in good bases in general.
I don't know, its sad and frustrating to see unnecessary negative on what is considered one of the wholesome and fun minecraft smps. Hermitcraft is such a genuine server that I bet feels like home to the hermits, that it's more than simply a gaming server or a series to make tens of Yt videos out of. Same goes with the life series, as a little side smp to get some really chaotic fun, short but effective in giving such good entertainment (for both creators and fans) and compelling stories that fans are able to weave perfectly through fanfiction, art and other creative media, or just simple online discussions. But the fun gets a little spoiled by fans that don't know how to have fun. This is not covering yet how the fandom recently feels too ....idk the right word, charged??? Surely, I am not the only one to notice. I see it on twitter. Why are some people being icky? like stop. I'm getting a deja vu here, from experiences on an adjacent fandom that is crumbling (coughs dream smp).
I don't know why I am ranting. Home girl rewatched hermitcraft 6 and suddenly I am ranting out my personal frustrations LOL. Trying not to get TOO stressed out. I got recently released from college kerfuckle (I make it sound like a mental facility...). I guess Grian's personal note on his recent video about uploading schedule triggered it. I feel kinda bad that he felt pressured to produce videos, as opposed to, yknow, at his own convenience at his own time at his own mood? I hope I am not sounding like those peeps that loves to baby content creators. an adult too, older than an average young fan, in the words of others "a man with dick and balls"! All I can say for Grian's fan (or hermitcraft fans in general) being weird is uhhh touch grass. smell the flowers. go outside. talk to your friends. go watch or rewatch your favorite series. watch long video youtube essays of random topics. look at trees. they are great and beautiful. look at the sky observe its hues. pet a cat. a dog. ur pet salamander or snake or ferret or whatever. animal. think about your crush. or partner. or a friend you really love. or family member you really trust with your life
Its simple really! Take time to reflect on your thoughts. Don't be so fucking mean we have enough mean people in this earth. Don't be like them. The world is a cruel place at the moment, so why not make it better for everyone else? I am not saying to be only kind towards Grian or other content creators or people in this fandom. In general. At the same time, you're being kind to yourself. Not to dwell too much negative in yourself.
This kinda spiral into something else, but honestly i don't care. I got it out of my system. I hope i get to enjoy summer time drawing and writing.
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alilrainboo2030 · 5 months
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Ben-zí Black (Neon Villan OC)
Name/Aliases: Ben-zí Black, Shadowman (Nickname), Ghost (Scaredy People), Baby (Her Girlfriend)
Age: 19
Birthday: January 10
Gender: Male ♂️
Place of Birth: Beijing/Hong Kong
Species: Neon Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: Chinese
Country: Republic of China
Ethnicity: Southeast Asian
Color: Black “000000”
Language: “Mandarin”Chinese/English
Object/Weapon: Some kind of darkness powerful claw weapons and some tools for tattoos
Personality Type: ISFP
Alignment: Evil (Main Antagonist)
Food/Drink: Black Licorice, Dark Chocolate, Seaweed Foods, Black Lemonade, Non-Alcohol Drinks, Black Olives, Seafood, Chicken, and Blackberries
Body Type: Rectangle
Occupation: Tattoo Artist
Weakness: Light, Fire, Lightning, and Beam
Status: Deceased
Element/Power: Dark
Animals: Lion, Vulture, Black Mamba, Giant Salamander, Tuna, and Scorpion.
Emblem Shape: Tower
Emotion: Sinister
Super Abilities: Levitation, Manipulation, Earth Teleportation, Possessing, Color-Shifting, Transformation, and Shapeshifting.
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 73-89 kg
Like: Suffering People, Losing their colors. Sabotaging, Saving her Rejects, Winning, Vulnerable Things, and Aggressive Animals.
Dislike: Rejections, Failing, Betrayal, Lying, Losing life, and Dumbest People.
Crime: Murder, Torture, Possessing, Curse, Ambushing, Fraud, Traumatizing People, People Endangerment, Theifs, and Kidnapping.
Hobbies: Gothic, Mysterious Things, Occult Stuffs, Oddities, and Dark Cultures.
Club/Group: The Monochromers
Spouse: Bingwen Black (his Dad), Bojing Black, (His Older Brother) Baozhai Black (Mom), and Bi-yung Black. (His Older Sister)
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Physical Strength: 1.25xBW
Friends/Allies: Gavin and Grant Gray, Willow White
Enemies/Rivals: Rafael Red, Yandel Yellow, Gaku Green, Brody Blue, Cindy Cyan, Oscar Orange, Priscilla Purple, and Penny Pink
Love Interest/Crush: Willow White
Flower Sign: Black Tacca
Gemstone Sign: Onyx/Black Pearl
Zodiac: Capricorn
Punkish, Powerful, and Bright.
Ben-zí has so many gothic looks on him. He wears long black shiny boots with a dark gray hardcover-sole and has a Tower shape emblem on them. His jewelries are black like his tower-shaped earrings and Pearl-beaded necklace with tower-shaped pendant around it's dark elegant tailed coat collar. His belt has the Tower-shaped cutted onyx on it. His whole DNA is black. Except for his pale skin tone. He have black eyes with white tower pupils. His long length hair and bangs are black. Including Blood, Mouth, Toenails, Fingernails, Eyebrows, and Body fluids wastes.
When he was a 10 year old boy, he wanted to make some friends that are colorful and with his monochrome kinds of people and allies. But to his family, they are really busy taking care of their business lives and jobs while his parents are wanting him to have fun alone like things today. So he went back to bed. After 6 weeks he already started making friends that are colorful after his parents just accepted him. But something went wrong, His colorful friends
are started to become mean and use him the whole time. He was deeply heartbroken at his school, church, and even his community service for kids. So he ran away to his home. And he speaks directly toward his parents seriously and his family is deeply shocked about his life and passion. Ben-zi has already turned 16 years old after 6 years. So his parents give him a special surprise for his revenge. The package has a strange address from its location. Since his opening it, it is a Black Onyx that is shaped like a Tower-cutted along with his little body guard species named “Towergram '' which is his Shapie. Ben-zi and his whole family started to become antagonists along with the other ancestors. So the colorful people would mess with him and his ally again. This is where the story ends.
Sarcastic, Sinister, Obnoxious, Strict, Mischievous, Greedy, and Doubtful.
I was inspired by some other villains from other shows. And I'm also inspired of "Big Wolf" more like (惠泰莱) is one of the reason that I made Ben-zí Black. Normally, the color Black made me believe is an evil or reject color because of the darkness like shadows and more. And I was inspired by Caramelangel714's creation. That's why I give him the dark element.
N/A soon
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becorbin · 2 years
Easy Outdoor Activities for Mental Health: Salamander Searching
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Outdoor Acitivities boost growth and healing, especially mental health. 
Here is just one idea that can get you outside.
Salamander Searching
Where to Find Salamanders
If you’re looking for where to find salamanders you should start by looking into which salamanders can be found in your region. I use this book to find salamanders near me.
Get The Book On Amazon Here
If you don’t want to spend the money, try this free app/website I use → https://www.inaturalist.org
It helps you identify what you find (plant or animal).
I like it because if you are looking for a specific plant/animal, you can look up where it’s found and when it has been found.
It’s up to date too, which can give different data than what a book published 10 years ago is going to provide.
Once you have a region to find salamanders, you can start looking.
Salamanders like to stay moist and cool.
So, I look for moist, decaying wood first. Rocks and logs are good places to find a salamander too.
Remember to to leave everything just the way you found it.
Where to Find Salamanders
Look under or in
Pieces of plastic
Leaf piles
Decaying wood
Banks of ponds 
If you do find a salamander, you can use a book or website to see what you’ve found. If it’s a more rare salamander, I would put it back where you found it.
Some salamanders are way more abundant than others.
In my area we have quite a few of the blue spotted salamanders and red backed salamanders.
Here are some of the common questions people ask when keeping the salamander for a pet
Pet Salamanders
How often do salamanders eat?
Most eat every 2-3 days but they can go longer without eating.
Do salamanders eat spiders?
Do salamanders eat ants?
Are salamanders poisonous?
Salamanders are not venomous, but they do secrete poison. Each salamander species secrets a different amount.
It’s always a good idea to wash your hands.
There are some salamanders that can irritate your hands from touching them, but I have never had that happen with any I’ve handled (and despite being a nurse, I’m not very good about washing my hands)… 
Can you eat salamanders?
This is where venom and poison differ.
Venom is injected, while poison is ingested.
Salamanders do have poison in their skin, so I would not ingest one and never have.
Apparently it can cause numbness, dizziness and weakness. There have been reports of people eating salamanders and the results vary from no effect at all to death, so I wouldn’t risk it.
What do baby salamanders eat?
Tiny invertebrates
Do salamanders bite?
The internet says they do, but I have NEVER ONCE been bitten by a salamander. If they did, it likely would not hurt.
What do I put in my salamander’s tank?
You really don’t need anything fancy. I’ve kept salamanders in a container, with a lid, half filled with moist dirt and kept them alive (& forgot about it for 6 months and I shit you not, they were all still alive chillin in there.)
You can use moss, mulch and other soft moist substrate.
You can use slate, or smooth rocks (big enough so they won’t eat them), and live plants.
Room temperature is fine and humidity about 70%.
I never got really technical about my salamander tanks, just made sure they resembled the places that I commonly find salamanders.
Happy Salamander Hunting.
Here are more posts related to mental health:
Outdoor Activities During the Winter
Outdoor Activities During the Spring
Outdoor Activities During the Fall
Outdoor Activities During the Summer
The 10 Best Small Pets For Anxiety 
10 Supplements to Improve Your Mental Health
Best Medication for Panic Attacks & Anxiety
Owning a Pet Slug
Original Article Here
Read more at twoforsue.com
Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.
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kaythefloppa · 3 years
Timeline of Wild Kratts
Almost half a year ago, I posted a reddit in which I delved into the full timeline of Wild Kratts. Due to PBS Kids airing episodes out of order, episodes being ordered by production code on Wikipedia and the wiki, as well as chronological inconsistencies that have plagued the show, I have gone on a quest to track down the episode's true orders based on not just production code & episode airing, but on chronological date so I can crack the true timeline of Wild Kratts: Now I will update this when Season 7 comes out. My plan is to update this until the series finale so that we know the entire timeline of the series from start to finish, and yes, the movie will be involved in the timeline (until anything says otherwise, the upcoming movie is canon): Also warning, this took me almost 2 months to make so I might've gotten something wrong. There's no way in hell that I didn't.
I'm posting the link here because I'm scared that Tumblr won't let me physically upload this post by copy/paste so I'll give you the run-down.
Season 1:
The timeline begins with Polar Bears Don't Dance, evident in how the Creature Power Suits themselves have to be physically modified for them to activate, also fitting in how it was the first WK thing to ever exist. Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy comes after that as we see the Walrus Suit under repairs, which I believe is after it malfunctioned in the pilot. After that, we get Mom of a Croc, which takes place after an unknown adventure where the Kratts obtain the Gharial Disc for their Creature Power Suits. MoaC can't take place after Kerhonk as Chris already has a Crocodile Suit there. Season 1 takes place before S2, meaning the power disc holders likely do not exist yet.
Quillber's Birthday Present marks the end of S1, not Raptor Roundup, as it aired after that episode.
Season 2:
The Coral Reef arc begins with Blowfish Blowout and likely ends at Tortuga Tune Up.
The Central America arc starts with Bugs or Monkeys and ends with To Touch a Hummingbird.
The Sonoran Desert arc starts with Rattlesnake Crystal and ends with Desert Elves.
Season 3:
The Swamp Things arc starts with Osprey, and ends with Opossum in My Pocket.
The prairie arc starts with Where the Bison Roam, and ends with Mystery on the Prarie.
Back in Creature Time, whilst made to be the S3 finale, was not the last episode of the season to air. The 2nd half of the Madagascar arc contained the last several episodes of the season. The actual S3 finale was "Foosa Palooza" or "Mini Madagascar." However, in Golden Bamboo Lemur, it's said that it's their final adventure, meaning that episode has to be the S3 finale for reasons we've established.
Season 4:
The China arc begins with Panda Power Up, is broken by Snowy Owl Invasion, continues with Red Panda Rescue, and ends with Pangolin Rescue.
Baby Tooth & Kid Musky & Musk Ox Mania are a duology:
A Creature Christmas comes in very late around the timeline due to multiple creature powers and baby animals introduced in other episodes. However, it can't come after Liturgusa Krattorum because A Creature Christmas treats the villains' team-up like a special occurrence and this episode treats it like a casualty.
Season 5:
The India arc begins with Temple of the Tigers and ends with Elephant Brains.
The Europe arc involves Cheeks the Hamster & Fire Salamander.
Alaska: Hero's Journey has to take place after The 4th Bald Eagle due to the existence of the Bald Eagle Power Suit.
Season 6:
In Search of the Easter Bunny would have to be at the start of Season 6 because that's when the Jackrabbit Power Suit is invented and used later on.
The Amazon arc begins with Mystery of the Mini Monkey Models and ends with Parrot Power.
The Wild Kratts timeline, as we know it, begins at Polar Bears Don't Dance, and pauses at Cats & Dogs.
To quote Danny Rebus from The Adventures of The Electric Company on Prankster Planet -
"A boo, and a yeah"
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veenoms · 3 years
Requesting Suoh for the headcanon thing baby~
1: sexuality headcanon : As i said not too long ago, Bigender and Demisexual
2: otp : Fubuki ofc
3: brotp : Maybe Ukyo ? i just feel like these two could get along quit well
4: notp : Him and Aiger is a nope nope for me srry
5: first headcanon that pops into my head : He has the worst and i mean the WORST voice crack ever
6: one way in which I relate to this character : I usually get jealous from the people i know quit easily ngl, and for a couple of days i always have this feeling eating me up inside but, usually it doesn't last long
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : i just don't like the fact that the whole salamander drama happened at episode 12, like i would've liked it if it happened a little bit later in the serie BUT IT'S JUST MY OPINION PLS DON'T HATE ME FOR IT- 8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? : a big problematic fave, he's such an asshole i love him
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gruviafan-forever · 5 years
One fine morning Gray Fullbuster, Fairytail's ice-devil slayer was getting ready to leave on a S-class mission which would last around a week.
This was his first long mission since his son's birth. Yes!! Gray got married to his lover Juvia Lockser, who now proudly carries the Fullbuster surname behind her name.
It was a dream come true moment in her life, when Gray proposed to her on her special day.
But what turned the sweet memory into delightful one was when Juvia disclosed to her lover that she was carrying their baby and was 8 weeks along.
Gray was over the moon after hearing this happy news and as planned, they got married 2 weeks after.
They celebrated their 1st wedding anniversary along with their baby boy who was around 4 months old at that time .
" Gray-sama!!! What are you waiting for? Get ready soon. You have a train to catch." 
Juvia was urging him to get ready soon.
" Yeah, Juvia I know. Do you really  want me to go? Are you sure? You can manage him alone." 
Gray asked out of concern as he didn't want to stay very far away from his family.
"Gray-sama!!! Juvia is Storm's mother. She will take care of him. Don't worry about that.
      Besides, you need some alone time to clear your mind and to grab some rest.
      Ever since you found out, Juvia was pregnant, you didn't leave her side. You were very protective and took good care of her at the expense of your health.
     Now it has become even harder for you after Storm's birth.
   So don't worry, enjoy your mission, after all, this will help you recover from the stress." 
Juvia assured and convinced him that she would take care of their child.
Storm Fullbuster, now, 6 months old, shares a striking resemblance to his father except for his pale skin, blue eyes and navy blue wavy hair which he inherited from his mother.
When Gray held his son for the first time, he knew he was a goner.
Gray never felt this kind of love and affection for anyone even including his wife at the first meet itself.
Gray's heart melted when he saw his son open up his blue orbs which reminded him of his wife's eyes. 
He was grateful to the genetics as Juvia's eyes were a perfect example of beautiful and mesmerizing pair which was hard to miss for the grabs.
He felt a sudden sense of protective instincts and was determined to live solely for his family without being reckless anymore.
"But Juvia, what if someone attacks you both while in my absence? 
Moreover, you still haven't recovered from your post-natal pregnancy issues due to which your magic is unstable. 
How will you protect yourself and Storm? And..." 
Juvia made Gray cut out his insecurities by hugging him and resting her head on his chest.
"Gray-sama, relax. Thank you for this concern. Juvia really loves this side of yours.
     Don't worry, Juvia is recovering. Besides, Gajeel-kun, Erza-San and others from the guild will visit us to ensure our safety.
   So Gray-sama, take care and be safe. Return back to us. Don't forget that you are a loving husband and a doting father now not an ignorant bachelor anymore.
I Love You."
She tip-toed to reach his lips to give a goodbye kiss which he responded back by leaning forward.
Just then, a wailing sound was heard from the nursery, 
"Looks like my son is not letting me have my ways with his mom."
"Looks like he got that side of yours as well." Juvia giggled.
Hearing this Gray chuckled and went to attend the crying child.
He carried the crying baby in his arms and checked his diaper whether it was wet or not.
"Hey buddy, always interrupting your daddy's moments, huh!!" 
Gray gently pinched the baby's small button nose.
Storm stopped crying after recognizing his dad's voice and smiled at him for being in his arms.
Storm's cute smile reminded Gray of Juvia's smile. 
"You smile just like your mother. Come on, let's go and meet your mommy." 
Gray blew raspberries in his chubby tummy which caused the baby to giggle and soon went to the living room.
Seeing his mother, Storm made cutesy voice and reached out his arms indicating her to carry him which didn't go unnoticed by Juvia.
"Oh baby!! What made Juvia's baby snap out of his peaceful nap time? Did my baby have a bad dream?"
Juvia examined the baby in her arms to see whether he was hurt or got bit by any insects.
After confirming her worries were baseless, she swung the baby sideways which earned her a laughter and giggles from the happy baby.
"Hey I guess he must have freaked out finding none of us along with him. 
   That's why started to cry to capture our attention. Smart boy just like his dad." 
Gray ruffled Storm's soft hairs while feeling a surge of pride growing within him.
"Yeah, that's why now, he looks happy to be in Juvia's arms and bosoms. 
   Just like his daddy feeling happy and warm from the Juvia's contact." 
Juvia teased her husband as he grew red due to embarrassment.
"Yeah...yeah...whatever. Come let's have a family hug. I still have a train to catch." 
Gray pulled his wife into a hug without squeezing the baby in her arms. They silently enjoyed the embrace.
"Bye Juvia, Bye Storm buddy. Take care. Don't overwhelm your mommy in my absence. Bye I love you both. See ya soon." 
Gray kissed his wife's lips and the baby's forehead and left for his work. 
Both Storm and Juvia waved bye to their most important person and went inside the house.
"So what does Juvia's baby want to do? Wait!! mommy has a plan, let's first take a bath and spend some time with your uncles and aunts in the guild." 
Juvia gently bit her baby's chubby cheeks while Storm let out cute giggles.
Soon Juvia reached the guild while carrying Storm in her arms after safely tugging him in his baby blanket and covered his head with a hat to avoid dust and harsh sunlight.
"Hi Juvia, good afternoon. Hi Storm. How are you?" Lucy greeted them with her big smile.
"Hello Lucy-san. Say hi to auntie Lucy." Juvia grabbed Storm's hand and made him to wave.
He flashed Lucy a bright smile which melted her heart.
"Aw!! He is so cute. Hey Juvia, can I carry him?" 
Juvia let Lucy carry her baby after removing the blanket and the hat and made way to their usual bench.
Juvia greeted others while Lucy and Wendy and Charla were playing with her baby.
"Juvia, where is Gray? Didn't he come with you?" Both Erza and Natsu asked in unison.
"Gray-sama has gone on a mission . It would take him a week to come back." Juvia smiled and made herself comfortable in the bench.
Just then Mira came with Juvia's lunch and gave it to her which she happily accepted.
The girls have now ganged up together to take a good look at her handsome boy.
"Isn't he cute?" 
Wendy squealed as Storm grabbed her finger with his tiny hands.
"Yeah, he's definitely cute. He has got the charms of his mother." Levy said while ruffling his hair.
"Yeah, he looks exactly like Juvia." Mira happily exclaimed while pinching the baby's chubby cheeks.
The other girls looked at her with a funny expression. Mira wondered what happened to them suddenly.
Cana broke the silence, "Seriously Mira, have you gonna blind? He is an exact copy of Gray. 
Take a good look at his face, it's definitely Gray's face."
"No, I guess, she meant the smile on his face which is similar to Juvia's smile." Lissanna fought back for her sister.
Juvia was smiling seeing the conversation her friends were having on whom the baby went after.
According to Juvia, her baby boy was in and out resembled her Gray-sama.
Once when Gray tried to kiss her while having Storm in her arms, he cried. Both didn't know what made him grumpy suddenly.
After sometime, they realized he was possessive of his mother. As Gray again tried to kiss her, Storm moved his dad away with his chubby arms. 
He didn't like sharing his mother with anyone let it be his father also.
For the next 2-3 days, whenever Gray was near Juvia, Storm had an awful crying session. 
So Gray didn't want his son to cry because of him so he had to control himself on his advances until Storm let's go of his jealousy.
It reminded Juvia of how Gray was possessive whenever Lyon was around her close proximity.
Her thoughts were halted when she heard her baby's whimpering sound. She looked at him and the girls were smiling. 
Then she felt an arm hugging her shoulders, when she turned to face the owner, it was Cana. She instantly knew the reason behind this act.
"See didn't I say, he is just as possessive as his father. Doesn't want to share anything belonging to him with others." Cana grinned.
"Yeah, you are right, Cana. I wonder how Gray is spending time with Juvia around Storm?" 
Mira winked and Juvia understood the meaning behind it.
"Yeah Mira-San, he doesn't let Gray-sama to touch Juvia at all. Very possessive indeed." Juvia smiled.
When Cana let go of Juvia, Storm stopped crying and had a cute frown on his face which made the girls to squeal seeing his cuteness.
"See that is typical Gray's frown." Erza said while carrying the baby in her arms and rubbing her cheeks on his face causing him to giggle.
Just then Natsu made his way to her and took a good look at Storm. 
On seeing his flame-breath uncle, the baby had a pissed off expression on his cute face.
Natsu exclaimed, "He is surely is Gray's son. See he has the same arrogant face and droopy eyes just like his dad. All that he got from Juvia is that eye colour." Still glaring at the baby. 
Storm also gave him tough competition in glaring which reminded Natsu of Gray's never give up and tough attitude.
"Natsu-San, no one should insult Juvia's baby. If you do that again, Juvia will ask Gray-sama to take care of you." Juvia threatened Natsu with deadly glare.
"Okay Juvia, relax. I was just kidding. He is such a cute baby." Natsu tried to pinch Storm's cheeks but the baby was not interested and turned his face away from his uncle.
"Knock it off, Salamander. You are scaring him. He may have the look of that ice-prick but don't forget he is also Juvia's son." 
The baby turned his attention to the iron dragon slayer and showed his cute toothless smile.
"See that is Juvia's smile. The Stripper won't have such bright smile." 
Gajeel extended his arms to carry the baby and Storm happily complied to the invitation.
While Gajeel was strolling around the guild with the baby in his arms showcasing all the things much to Storm's excitement.
The girls turned their attention to Juvia and asked for her opinion, 
"Of course, Juvia's baby looks and acts like her Gray-sama."
"Yeah Juvia. But for now, we can't say much about his personality but we hope he gets that from you. 
   So that he can grow to be more open, broad minded, happy and cheerful unlike Gray how he used to be.
   I'm not trying to offend him, Juvia.  But as we grew up together, I know how his personality was and it's because of you, he has changed into someone who he is now.
   All I and Natsu want is that your baby shouldn't undergo what you and Gray underwent, Fine."
Erza said her heartfelt words with a warm smile which Juvia responded back.
"Yes, Erza-San. Juvia understands."
After spending some time at the guild, Gajeel dropped Juvia and Storm at her house and told that he would visit them everyday till Gray comes back.
Storm fell asleep in Gajeel's arms while on the way back home. She placed him in his bassinet and covered him with his baby blanket.
When Storm slept, he looked exactly like her Gray-sama bearing that peaceful face.
Juvia felt very happy when she saw her son for the first time, she felt complete having him in her arms. He instantly reminded her of Gray.
She forgot all the pains and troubles of labour when she saw the healthy baby sleeping in her husband's arms. 
She vowed that day, she will protect her baby from any harm even by happily sacrificing her life for his safety.
Juvia knew soon her baby will grow up and he will look more and more like her Gray-sama which will make her to spoil him with all the love and pampering.
Juvia and Gray loved their son to the core and made their son's life and protection their important priority.
So till Gray returns home , Juvia had an ample amount of time to spend with her son, bond with and spoil him further which will make her son even more possessive.
This will create a hard time for Gray to convince his son that they both can equally share their most important person's affection and time.
But nevertheless, Storm loves both of his parents equally with unconditional and undivided love or should we say a little bit extra love for his amazing and stunning mother.
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itsdaniclayton · 5 years
I went to see Frozen 2
FINALLY it finally came out where I live. It was an Experience and here's what happened and my thoughts (spoilers ahead, if you haven't seen it don't go on reading) (under the cut because it got long, oops):
First we need context: I live in a Spanish speaking country and Disney movies are usually dubbed. They only are available to watch in English with subtitles in some theaters usually at 10pm or later and only for like two weeks. So it's a very particular group of people the one that goes to see it in English and more so on the day it comes out.
There were two guys sitting in the row in front of me and both had purchased the Frozen 2 reusable cups (which were quite expensive) (will attach a picture at the end of this) and the moment they sat down one of them said in a quite loud voice "this is full of homosexual women".
A bunch of girls sat on the row behind me and they talked non stop during the ads before the movie and then during the credits but were surprisingly silent during the movie.
When the Disney castle came on screen with that song from the first Frozen I was immediately thrown back to 2014 when I went to see that one the day it came out and man life was so much easier back then, I wanna be 17 and just graduated from school again.
The. Entire. Theater. Lost its shit with every. Single. Word. Olaf uttered. Like I'm not joking. That's what hell is probably like.
The second Kristoff came on screen I was like I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH and my friend shushed me.
Olaf's recap of the first Frozen was actually so funny and well done.
I might be biased on this but Kristoff's song is literally the best thing that's ever happened in cinematic history and I'm so glad they gave Jon Groff the song he deserved. That whole part felt like a collective fever dream. Will be listening to that on repeat from now on.
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE Kristen Bell's singing, like yeah she sang in the first Frozen and all but what she sings in this one, especially The Next Right Thing, were so fucking beautiful. Please Mrs Bell sing more I beg you.
The smol salamander is fucking adorable.
Spoiler. It was so obvious from the very first scene that it was the mother the one who had saved the father. And I am Tired of Disney doing that one plot twist where one character is presented as Good and it turns out they're actually mean greedy assholes. Was Not a fan of that.
Spoiler. I didn't cry with The Next Right Thing because it was obvious that Elsa wouldn't actually die BUT I was in tears when Anna and Elsa reunited. It was just so pure and I HATE that the moment was ruined by the entire teather laughing at Anna's antics.
I wish Olaf hadn't been remade so the theater would have just shut up for one fucking second ffs it was so annoying.
Spoiler. LOVED the ending, loved that Elsa is living the good life in the woods with her girlfriend (I don't remember her name but you know the girl who she talked to by the fire at night? That's her girlfriend) and LOVED that Anna is the Queen, it's what she deserves and I'm proud of my baby.
Anna and Kristoff are so fucking adorable and I really REALLY hope that they do what they did with Tangled and do a short with their wedding because if they don't I will go to Disney studios and riot.
Anna actually said this to Kristoff, this is a direct quote from the movie (well maybe not direct bc I might not be remembering it exactly as it was but you get the idea): "I like you better in leather" and I LOST MY SHIT, I couldn't stop laughing and my friend didn't understand until I made a joke about it and she lost it too, but like, it was right there and I have a dirty mind and you cannot tell me that line wasn't thrown in there with dirty connotations. They knew exactly what they were doing.
During the credits the girls behind me went on talking and one of them was like "the woman who voices Elsa is called Idina Mensomething" and I, who only got into Frozen in the first place because of Idina and Groff, lost 15 years of lifespan.
They also said something that I was thinking while watching. It doesn't feel like the movie was made for the kids. Like sure good ol' Capitalism played it's part but I felt like the plot is a bit overcomplicated for small kids? Like a lot of things happen and there are a lot of explanations about a lot of things and I can see it being confusing. And some of Olaf's thoughts were hard to follow. But idk because I'm not a kid and I don't remember how smart I was at 6 years old.
I actually enjoyed the movie a lot and I can't wait to see it again (won't be paying cuz I'm poor so whenever it's online).
Guess I'm Frozen trash again folks. Six years dormant, it's going to be Bad.
Here's the picture of the cup I mentioned before (I needed my friend to restrain me from buying it):
Tumblr media
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featherquillpen · 5 years
References in “Choose Your Faces Wisely”
My dæmon AU of Good Omens, Choose Your Faces Wisely, has a lot of references and allusions in it, and some people in the comments were curious, so I decided to write a “DVD extra” explaining them. 
(Content warning ahead for sexual violence.)
Part 1.
In many cultures, including Japan, ancient Greece, and early Christianity, the butterfly is a symbol of the soul – the word “psyche,” from the Greek, means butterfly. It seemed right for the prototypical first human to have a dæmon that represented the soul in its purest form.
Eve’s goat dæmon has a dual meaning. In the Talmud, goats represent strength and endurance. But also, the term “scapegoat” has its origins in the Book of Leviticus, where a sacrificed goat is used to expunge the sins of a community. After the Fall, Eve is used as a scapegoat for humanity’s fall from grace.
Aziraphale laments privately that he wishes he were sure his nature wasn’t that of a lion. In Torah and Talmud, the lion represents majestic power and courage, but it also represents cruelty and oppression. 
Part 2.
Crawly wears a flax skirt and shawl in Ur because that was the garb of upper class women at the time: a skirt and a loosely draped shawl as a top – you can see this in Sumerian art. It’s dark instead of black because black was almost impossible to achieve using the dyes of the time.
When Aziraphale says that the townsfolk of Sodom and Gomorrah were horribly rude to Gabriel and Sandalphon, he is understating the case. In Genesis, when two unnamed angels come to visit Lot, a mob gathers around the house and demand Lot give the angels to the mob to be gang-raped.
Lot’s wife, who is turned into a pillar of salt when she disobeys an angel’s order not to look back at Sodom and Gomorrah as she flees, has no name in Torah, but a midrash (a Hebrew commentary on Torah) names her Edith. In the Talmud, the owl is a bad omen, though for the Greeks the little owl (Athene noctua) is a symbol of Athena. Bumah is the Arabic term for the little owl.
Aziraphale creates a ewe dæmon for himself as a tribute to the great Jewish matriarch Rachel (which means ewe.) There is too much to say about Rachel to do her justice here, but she was a great woman and Aziraphale has good reason to admire her.
Part 3.
It’s kind of a delicate matter to pick out a dæmon for Jesus, but tbh I’m Jewish and I’m not especially theologically bothered about it. I chose a dove because 1) doves were a traditional sacrificial animal at the time; 2) doves are a symbol of hope because a dove brought an olive branch to the Ark, signaling the end of the Flood; and 3) a dove is often the symbol of the Holy Spirit, and while this is probably some kind of deep-cut Christian heresy,  it makes some kind of sense to think of the Holy Spirit as Jesus’s dæmon. She’s named Zipporah because it means “little bird” in Hebrew.
 Crowley’s dæmon is named Lilith because... well, there’s entire dissertations to be said about Lilith, but in Jewish folklore she is Adam’s first wife, before Eve, who became a demon when she refused to submit to Adam. As a demon, she is a seductress, a mother of demons, and a baby-eater (or at least baby-killer.) There’s a whole tradition of badass feminist takes on Lilith as a woman who refuses patriarchal rule and is literally demonized for it, which is exactly the counter-narrative Crowley is referencing with Lilith, especially since she is canonically female-presenting in this part of the story. (Lilith is also symbolized by an owl in the Jewish tradition, linking her to my version of Edith; see above.)
Aziraphale’s sheepdog dæmon is a reference to Psalm 23: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want / He maketh me to lie down in green pastures [...]”
Part 4.
Aziraphale guises his dæmon as a she-wolf to gain respect in Rome because according to the origin myth of Rome, Romulus, the founder of Rome, and his brother Remus, were suckled as children by a she-wolf.
Part 5.
First of all, all due credit to the fic You, Soft and Only for giving me the idea of Aziraphale and Crowley meeting in medieval times as a nun and a noblewoman, respectively. 
The bible verse Aziraphale quotes is Luke 12:6.
As I explained in the endnotes of the fic, everything I wrote about the choir of sparrows and the Tree of Souls comes from Kabbalah, the Jewish mystic tradition. The myth of the Tree of Souls originates from Isaiah 57:16, where God talks about “the souls that I have made.” In the Talmud, this was interpreted to mean that God has already made all of the souls that will ever exist, and keeps them in some kind of treasury or storehouse. The Kabbalists ran with that and created this beautiful myth about a tree that drops souls on the Earth like ripe fruit, and a choir of sparrows that sings a song for every new soul. Crowley is really the one supernatural entity we meet in Good Omens who recognizes the value of individual human life, and thinks each soul worth its own celestial song.
I chose a swallow form for Edith mainly because of Psalm 84: “Yea, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at thine altars, O Lord.” Here, sparrows and swallows together represent righteous souls who flourish at God’s altars.
Also, in case anyone missed this subtext, when Crowley strokes Lilith’s wing and says it reminds her of something, but cuts herself off, she was going to say “It reminds me of my wings before I Fell.”
Finally, when Aziraphale has her impassioned spiel about Edith, what she’s carefully not quite saying about Lot is that when the mob threatened to gang-rape the angels in his home, he offered up his daughters for the mob to gang-rape instead.
Part 6.
Salamanders are, traditionally, immune to hellfire.
In Torah, leopards are pointed out as dangerous, swift, and cunning. But as it is said in Jeremiah 13:23, “Can a leopard change his spots?” Gabriel is asserting his power by manifesting a leopard dæmon, but he is also showing his immutability and resistance to change.
Part 7.
Naamah means “pleasant” in Hebrew, but it is also the name of a female demon, according to Kabbalah. 
Edith is a rooster in this part because: 1) in the Kabbalistic tradition, the rooster is a messenger of God who calls people to their morning prayers and supposedly banishes the demons of the night; 2) in the Talmud, the rooster is considered vain, impudent, and lustful because of his fine colors and his relentless pursuit of hens; 3) roosters were supposedly not allowed in the Temple in Jerusalem because they eat food from the ground that might make them unclean (a reference to the scene with Aziraphale and Gabriel) and 4) a rooster is also called a cock, and sometimes Aziraphale likes to show Crowley his cock in the back of the bookshop.
Part 8.
I already explained Edith’s serpent form in the endnotes of the fic, though I will add that serpents, like roosters, are considered unclean because they eat food from the dirt (sullying his celestial body with gross matter.) They are also considered a symbol of jealousy, as the serpent supposedly stirred up jealousy in the relationship between Adam and Eve (and I would argue that jealousy is a defining characteristic of Aziraphale.)
Aziraphale’s quote “Easier than air with air, if spirits embrace” is from Milton’s Paradise Lost, a major influence on Good Omens.
King David loved his friend Jonathan. People have been reading a love story between these two men for as long as there’s been a Bible. It’s hard not to, with passages like “Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.” (Samuel 18) I reference the great Jewish songwriter Leonard Cohen in Aziraphale’s description of David and Jonathan touching each other’s dæmons. His song “Hallelujah” is about King David, among other things, and he sings, “Your faith was strong but you needed proof / You saw her bathing on the roof / Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you.”
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mystical-apprentice · 5 years
Main 6 reacting to the MC having a Dragon as their familiar
First time making headcanons in like... two years? So it might be pretty choppy. It’s gonna be under the cut since I made them too long.
Asra is well aware that having a familiar at one point or another is important for any magician. So when you ran into the shop saying that you found you’re familiar, he was overjoyed
Of course when he went outside to greet your familiar he came face to face with the biggest creature he had ever seen. People were already running away and a few market stalls were crushed beneath their tail.
Faust was the first to react with a friendly ‘Big Snake!’, while Asra looked at the dragon, then at you and said ‘We’re gonna need a bigger shop.’
Honestly, Asra wasn’t even surprised, he knows how unique your magic is after all. Of course a dragon is a little extreme but their your familiar.
Finds a spell to turn your familiar smaller so that that can fit inside the shop without much hassle, making them seem like a large winged dog rather than a dragon.
But when you and Asra go out to travel together, that baby’s going in their full size, flying you anywhere you want, you even end up travelling much farther than you’ve ever done on foot, seeing so many new things.
Your familiar and Faust become fast friends, she tries to get them to steal stuff and do crimes and the greedy dragon they are can’t help but agree. Faust is always on the dragon’s head, where they see the world while in the air. Somehow, either they never realised it or it’s because a bad habit, but Faust calls your familiar ‘Big Snake’ while they call her ‘Tiny Dragon’. Your familiar also knows the stove Salamander, which you had to reassure wouldn’t have it’s job of lighting fires taken.
Every golden item you and Asra found now belongs to the dragon, from rings to even a coin. It’s theirs and you have to WRESTLE them to get the money you need.
On some lazy days out of Vesuvia, you can find Asra sleeping on your dragon. He’ll sleep on them while their in the air too and the familiar’s surprisingly careful of keeping Asra on him. Though Faust might be a good help in that department.
Let’s just say that now that you have a dragon, not only are less people being cruel to you because you’re both ‘witches’, but no one’s ever attempted to break into the shop for months. 
You were planning on having it be a surprise, to bring Nadia out and introduce her to you’re new familiar
The thing is you underestimated the greed of a Dragon, and while you took Nadia out, they went in. You didn’t even realise what had happened until Portia came running to tell the countess that there was a DRAGON IN THE BALLROOM
Let’s just say the first meeting was less than favourable. And trust me, it didn’t get better when you had to admit to Nadia that the dragon was you’re familiar. She had to get someone to fix the wall you’re dragon barrelled through and had to help all the terrified servants.
But after that first encounter things got better. For obvious reasons, renovations had to be made to accommodate you’re familiar. Which would have been easy, were they not nearly half the size of the palace.
So instead she decided to have a new tower built, one that the Dragon could happily live in and close enough so you can constantly visit them. It gives them plenty of room, along with a small water pond, a large pile of food and multiple assortments of Lucio’s old treasures that Nadia finally found a good way to get rid of.
Chandra was and is still pretty neutral to the dragon. She knows that they won’t harm anyone and she knows how to keep them in line.
They behave like a baby at times, and now you’re dragon knows where the bedroom is and so whenever they feel bad you’ll wake up to find a dragon head poking through the window.
Which might be because Nadia goes to see your dragon everyday, having them pampered and entertained in any ways possible. She even sometimes reads to the dragon when she’s not too busy and can stay in the tower with you and your familiar for hours.
Negotiations with any high classed individual are almost magically in her favour now that she has a literal dragon at her disposal.
You were so excited to show Julian you’re familiar, to the point that he too started feeling excited about it. The two of you went to the flooded district, where he was told to cover his eyes and not to peak until you said so.
Julian felt something poking his hand and a strange presence, but he didn’t think much of it until you finally gave him the okay.
Let’s just say that Julian’s screams were heard throughout all of Vesuvia. To the point that both Maz and Portia (who were in the opposite ends of the city), rushed over to see what was wrong.
After the initial scare it takes Julian a long while before he’s fully used to the fact you have a DRAGON now. Though his biggest concern is where would you put them? On the room of the shop? You have to ask Asra for help on this matter.
Once Julian’s more calm about the whole dragon thing, he’s actually pretty curious. And he’s asking you about where you got the dragon in the first place and how you managed to hide one until he met them.
Play fights with your dragon are basically a necessity for Julian. His stories of taming a wild dragon can finally ring true across the lands. (Even if you were the one who tamed them). 
Also if Julian gets into a scuffle you bet the dragon will be there, grabbing Julian’s shirt in their jaws like ‘Yes, this is my idiot and we are leaving now’ before flying off. They even do this in the bars around Vesuvia, they don’t care if the door gets busted or they have to claw their way to Julian. 
Your familiar and Malak despise one another and had it not been for the mutual agreement to protect Julian, there’d be a battle to the death.
Julian tried joking around with your dragon ONE TIME and nearly got burned to a crisp. He forgot that some dragons could breathe fire and the fact that you shared your magic with them. That dragon was powerful and the doctor knew it. Which is why he knows that your familiar will keep everyone safe when he can’t
There has admittedly been some times that Julain forgot you even own a dragon, and the face he makes whenever he steps out the door and is tackled by your familiar will never in a thousand years be not funny.
Okay, Muriel too understands the importance of a familiar. He’s grown close to his after all and judging by how you care for Inanna, he knows that whatever familiar you gain, it would be given so much love and care.
And yet here you are, standing in front of the door he had just opened, with a dragon behind you. And he just… sighs
Well, you always stood out from the others, this is nothing new.
The hunt to find them a good home was fairly easy, knock down a bit of the cave’s walls and you’ve got a perfect home for you’re familiar. Though they have a habit of sleeping in the forest most of the time.
Muriel seems to really like you’re familiar, having someone (even an animal) larger than him felt reassuring. And he found plenty of you’re traits in the dragon, which made him like them even more. 
Inanna right off the bat was friendly with you’re familiar, treating them like a little cub that needed protection and lessons. And boy was she ready to teach them everything she knew.
Seeing as neither of you had any gold to give the dragon, Muriel carves small wooden figures and gives them to you’re familiar instead. Strangely, they seemed pleased by it
Flying trips become a daily thing for the four of you, though it took Muriel a while before he decided to join in. Seeing everything from up above was a strange feeling, especially since the rest of Vesuvians seemed like a small dot while that high up.
Despite liking your familiar, Muriel worries that they might hurt you or someone else by accident. They were big, bigger than the trees. Big things can hurt more. He didn’t want you to get hurt because of your familiar so he trains them to be careful. Muriel actually gets grumpy with the dragon if they do something that could hurt someone, but he never gets MAD at them.
Their the greatest line of protection you have for the forest, only an idiot with no sense of self preservation (Julian) would actually try to fight them.
She may not be all that knowledgeable about familiars but she knows that having a familiar means that the two of you have a new pet. And THAT makes her so excited to meet them.
Portia spent hours guessing what you’re familiar was, a fox? A raven? A cat?! Oh please be a cat! But none of her theories went even close to the actual answer.
It takes her like 0.2 seconds to go from silent shock to ‘Can I ride it? CAN I RIDE IT?!’
Needless to say she becomes friends with you’re familiar right away. The first thing you do is hop on their back and fly around Vesuvia where Portia happily greets everyone, from the baker all the way to Maz and Julian.
Introducing Pepi to your familiar was quick and simple, she jumped on their head and just like that they were friends. Your dragon plays with Pepi all the time and it’s honestly cute to see them snuggled up together after a long day of playing. Your familiar’s so gentle when they want to be.
Borrows every book she can about raising dragons and even asks Nadia for help. You end up making a nice lil hut for the dragon, with the countess’ help, of course. They stay near the cottage because they love that place. Plus, not many people go there so it’s not likely that someone would walk in.
When there’s a thunderstorm or a storm of any kind, Portia grabs all her things, grabs you, grabs Pepi, and you all go to the dragon hut to stay with your familiar. Their not scared of storms but she wants everyone together and ‘comforting the large dragon’ is the best excuse.
Has to ask Nadia for some treasures to give the dragon and the next day everything that once belonged to Lucio was now in your possession. Including the arm, your dragon loves it to bits.
Portia loves training your dragon to do basic tricks like a dog. Her favourite trick is having the familiar hunt down one of the courtiers and watching the reactions that ensue. There’s no hurting anyone, she’s not evil after all.
Rides your dragon to work every single day without fail, even if she doesn’t live too far from the palace, she just wants to show off. And the dragon stays in the garden until Portia’s ready to go home. It’s shocking to see how she’s managed to befriend such a creature and all the servants have a whole new level of respect for your gal.
Oh a familiar? Does that mean Lucio has a new animal he can spoil rotten? Why, that’s MARVELOUS
He’s all excited to meet you’re familiar, until he actually meets you’re familiar.
He’s sees the dragon and gets jealous. How can he not be? A dragon is one of the rarest and most powerful beast on the planet and here you are, having one as a pet. Lucio couldn’t help but throw a tantrum on how it wasn’t fair that you got so lucky.
He’s grumpy about it for a few weeks, but then he comes to the realisation that if YOU have a dragon, then by the fact you two were together it meant that HE has a dragon too. And just like that he’s being extra adoring to you in case you were mad at the whole tantrum thing.
Has everything prepared for the familiar as soon as he can. A whole wing was renovated to fit a creature their noble size, filled with golden trinkets of all kinds to keep the dragon entertained. Lucio probably even gave you a list of things that he wanted to do with the dragon. It’s twelve pages long and the count doesn’t even care. Having a dragon was like Christmas every single day.
Has probably tried to get a matching dragon, but sadly their too rare to do that.
Lucio has lots of fun parading your dragon across town, with you sitting on their back. The count can’t help but flaunt it. ‘Look at my S/O, their so powerful that even a dragon is tamed by their might’
As for how the dragon handles the other animals... it’s complicated. Merchedes and Melchior are jealous of your familiar since their taking Lucio’s attention away from them. While Camio doesn’t even care that there’s a dragon now.
If anyone tries to threaten Lucio, he’ll have your dragon come forward and just… stare at the person in question until they surrender. It’s an effective way to keep his rule in tact, after all.
However, Lucio also has to be careful when around your familiar, his arm is shiny and golden after all. He’s seen how the dragon stares at it, if he’s not paying attention he’d be down an arm again. (And this time Salim and Aisha won’t be there to make a new one)
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operativesurprise · 5 years
Dreams I’ve had recently enough to find with a quick scroll on my fb wall
was dreaming about a cave last night. With lots of shallow pools of water along the floor. I feel like if I'd seen the layout from above it would have looked like paisleys. There was a creature there tending the pools. Sweeping detritus away, skimming the surfaces of the water. It took moss that was growing too thick in some places and put it into bare areas, and it was very gentle with the little frogs and salamanders living on the walls.
There was the sound of bats and the dripping and echo of water, and a low hum in the background, but the creature itself made no sound. You heard the bristles of it's broom, and the soft shift of stones it touched, but no footsteps, no breathing, no nothing but a soft chiming noise as it looked in each pool.
The waters all glowed, some white, some pale blue, others pulsed through light pink to deep magenta. The whole dream had this aura of calmness, of being content. It was like being in a giant zen garden but dial the peace up even more. I'm not really sure where -I- was in the dream. My POV was kinda hovering over the figure as it tended to the pools, but I'm fairly certain I wasn't the figure itself. I was like, 6 inches up and to the left.
I've been trying to sketch an image I had in a dream last night and it's just not setting up right. It was like. Honestly it was like the first few seconds of the Adventure Time intro animation - that super fast 'drone camera' POV that swoops down through trees and stuff and focuses in on a character with their back to the camera and then they turn and look?
I was swooping through this orchard of blooming apple trees - and I took note bc for some reason I was surprised they weren't pear and peach trees like 'they were supposed to be'.
But as the camera/I got closer to this feminine figure standing under the branches and the flowers and these really almost black-green leaves in this rich green velvet textured dress (it's totally the dress that's on the original golden book cover of Ella Enchanted), with big free fall bouncy waves of BLOND hair, they turn and instead of it being that kinda anime "turn and wink/smile" and the camera goes to the next, she turned around and it was a dead eyed marionette.
My camera POV just slammed to a halt with the freeze frame of this... entity (which I 'knew' in my dream was The Druid) (Even though this wasn't really an MJ dream) looking up and over their shoulder at me, like they'd become aware of the camera and were looking straight at ME. The branches with the flowers and the leaves above it framed it really close and I couldn't see much other than the scribbly ovals of it's eyes. Then the colors all got desaturated except for the apple blossoms.
And then that dream was over.
Vivid dreams last night about being on house hunters. With Lithrick as the realtor.
Also had a very ominous dream about standing in a misty open field, feeling the sawgrass scrape my bare arms and shins, staring up into the grey sky while sharp winged birds with broken bodies 'flew' through the air. It looked like how a washcloth you are swirling in a tub of water looked. There was no sound for that one but I could feel the rain on my face as I looked up.
Then I was dreaming about being on the beach in Belize with the chitons and baby hermit crabs and the breeze and I was watching the sunrise.
I've been having zombie nightmares since Sunday. Sunday and Monday were taking place in the shopping mall (which is a relatively new venue for my dreams), Sunday being the Beginning of the outbreak (and star trek themed) and Monday mostly about life starting up in the 'colony' of this gigantic shopping mall.
But last night I dreamed about the collapse of the colony and then survival in the forest.
There was a man in a wheelchair who had arrived at the shopping mall with his mother - both of whom were injured but not infected. We let them in and the mother succumbed to her injuries shortly after.
This left the man in the wheelchair distraught and he would wheel around the open plaza in the center of the mall mumbling. It was not concerning - until other weird things began to happen.
Like how one of the dorm areas had mysteriously become locked, how some people were going missing (presumably they left to try and find their families), and how some older people were getting injuries in the night - explained away by "well, old people have delicate skin and maybe they bumped themselves".
But then the man in the wheelchair wheeled up to the mezzanine and shouted for attention. And then he collapsed, and clouds of mosquitos erupted from his wounds and began to attack people.
Flash forward to a weird mix of irl and larp characters living in the woods behind my house in an abandoned homestead - I had gone from dying by mosquito to being Sano and a group of us avoiding Velociraptors in the long grass as we made our way back to the relative safety of this bombed out building husk.
But then The Rattler Gang came - horribly tattooed and violent and they ransacked through the homestead and were almost into our barricaded room when not-quite-Malaki and sorta-Allison with an ancestor spirit wig on saved us.
The dream ended with us all in a cave explaining to a horrified Morgrym that "see what happens when you're late?"
It was so weird bc as the dreams progressed and became more MJ and less Real World but with Zombies the zombies became less of an issue (I mean, repel undead is a thing)
Last night I dreamed about Ridge Road being a swamp instead of a road. The fields on either side were the same, but the road itself was a Louisiana/Florida/Bayou/Swamp thing with hot, moist air, dragon flies, grasses, alligators, everything you could want (though the water was clear as day).
And I was walking along the broken up boards that served as this sorta river trail following the path of the road. Slats were missing in places and it was a distinctive walnut color, and it was rickety and I could smell the heat of it like being on a dock in the summer time.
And as I was walking along I knew I was heading toward Harris Hill farm but instead of the farm it was the Pirate Tavern bar that I dream about fairly often.
(as I'm thinking about it, it kinda has the air of a setting in a Curse of Monkey Island game crossed against Diablo II)
But before I can get into the tavern there was a crowd of tourists wading through the water nearby. Like, the most stereotypical hawaiian shirt white-sunscreen-on-nose and flyfishing capped tourists you could imagine. And they were lost looking for their fan boat but I didn't know where it was - but I also didn't want them to find the Pirate Tavern bc it's a secret and my co-owner Matt Sch would be mad if we had to relocate AGAIN bc non-pirates had found us.
And in my dream I am DISTINCTLY aware that LAST TIME there were also VAMPIRES there, but Skye Collins had bought out their half of that Pirate-Vampire Tavern to own it outright as JUST a Vampire Tavern so this time I went into business with Matt. Not Lithrick, Matt.
And I was -upset- in my dream until I 'remembered' that I hadn't skipped out on Skye and the Vampirate Tavern, I'd just opened another location with a different partner after reaching an amicable business deal. We still traded aligator blood grog for peat moss from the other location to serve a certain cocktail with at THIS one.
Had a dream last night that I was diving on a whale fall. But either I was minuscule or the whale was super gigantic bc the rib bones were these looming spires like I was watching a stroll under redwood trees through a low fisheye lense.
Thinking about it I can totally piece out the different dives that meshed to make this dream up.
The stalactites from the Blue Hole, The gelatinous muck on the bottom in the St. Lawrence The cold from the Brownstone Quarry
If we want to talk about a fever dream... last night I had a dream about being trapped on a volcanic island while the whole chain of volcanoes were erupting.
The evacuation was happening but I went back to the house for the animals and got stuck there. And other neighbors who couldn't get out in time were coming over with their pets and supplies.
I was watching the lightning and the ash fall outside when I saw three red colored golden retrievers but I could only get two of them to come inside and I spent the rest of the dream upset and trying to find the third one. I found other animals trying to hide from the ash and storm, but I woke up before finding that 3rd golden.
The lava flows were coming down the mountain too.
Dream time. So. A classical vampire and an actual bat demon are out on the town looking for something to do when they come across a nail parlor.
What a great idea, they think! We'll get manipedis and then do brunch over at IKEA.
But when they go into the nail parlor there is far too much religious imagery to be comfortable and the demon doesn't want to stay anymore so they go back outside all sad.
Vampire suggests they just kill and eat the occupants of the nail parlor and find something else to do with their day off.
Demon agrees to the plan but they have this 'thing' where when the two of them murder a bunch of people they leave a haiku written in the blood on the wall.
They begin to argue because they both have different accents and can't decide on the syllable count for a certain word.
So there's a string of tall, skinny houses in Litchfield after 'The Church' that usually feature in any nightmares I tend to have. Last night did not disappoint.
The lineup was this:
🏚🏠🏡🏠 An empty house, My house, the neighbor's house, and then for some reason my grandmother's house.
And we had gone next door to the neighbor's house for dinner, even though we knew it was dangerous to be outside of our house after dark. But as we gathered in their entryway the spotlights on the rest of the neighborhood started turning on and we knew we had stayed too late.
"They" were out there. You were safe in the daylight, you were safe at night as long as you didn't open your doors. BUT now it was night. And we had to get home.
So we slip out the door and we can hear the neighborhood using birdcalls to communicate the 'all clear'. As we are going down this overgrown embankment toward our house we see it.
One of them.
And then we hear someone sound the alarm, a series of owl hoots. It distracts the thing for a moment and we think we could slip away but it turns and starts trying to get into our house so we run to the empty one next door and JUST barely make it.
Dream me's mother and little sister make it into the screened in porch just ahead of me and I fall in and turn and only just get the door closed in time when It attacks.
It was a zombie. Or a ghoul. Or something. a woman with a bloody face and terrible teeth and honestly it looked like Reagan from the Exorcist and she launched herself against the screen door which I'm trying to keep closed.
I know she can't get in the door but then she makes this horrible noise and says,
"You won't be safe for long. We're getting stronger,"
And the door is almost coming off its hinges but I -know- as long as I keep the door closed at night we are safe and then she laughs and presses her face to the screen and says,
"I'll just get in tomorrow morning. Before you're awake. Because, really, what difference does the sun or stars make? I'll get in tomorrow,"
And then I woke up.
My dream last night was so complicated I can barely keep it straight.
I was some grizzled, older ex-con dude pulled out of my soft retirement as a school bus driver because a child genius was being used as the catalyst for the robot war apocalypse by his wealthy mother's greedy board of directors.
And somehow I had a time machine that I was gonna use to bring the kid back to the beginning of all the issues and he was gonna start sabotaging the dangerous inventions so he could just be a regular child genius instead of responsible for global-scale mass murder.
At one point I had thrown the kid's manifesto at him but he hadn't actually read it bc it was too big and there were no pictures but also bad language and he asked me what "twat" meant and the kid was horrified that they would use that kind of language. Like he was ambivalent about the murders but bad language was crossing a line.
And as part of my "wait. He's just a kid I can help him instead of kill him" epiphany for some reason I looked out the time machine window and saw my old motorcycle which was painted in blue tiedye pattern and that memory moved me enough to offer to help the kid.
So the kid grabbed his froggy backpack and offered to give me all of his science fair winnings (which was like. Hundreds of thousands of dollars and two telephoto camera lenses for some reason. And a green and purple feather boa) but I just took enough to buy a new motorcycle and told him to hide it from his past mother so they're not suspicious.
Okay subconscious, doing laundry with the elves of mirkwood is NOT becoming a reoccurring dream. Three times is enough. Stop now. ____
I was an undercover secret agent posing as the nanny to a royal family's children. The children had a pool party for the oldest's birthday, and I was in charge of the yacht rides in the aquarium tank. Halfway through the dream, Pirates attacked with large assault rifles, trolls, and fire elementals. I managed to save some of the children, but then Katina was healing the ones that had been injured when a Shadow quick deathbed them and I had to resort to Improv comedy to keep the remaining kids from screaming as their friends turned to ghosts around us. None of the adults would listen to me that the attack had been planned, they were convinced that it was random, and despite the fact that I had a way to turn back time and catch the one woman who had started the fight they refused to do anything but complain that dinner had been delayed.
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Fantastic Beasts: CoG Thoughts and Observations
*SPOILERS* Press ‘J’ if you want to skip to the next post.
Grindelwald is a badass. I don’t even like him and yet he’s a fucking badass. He was in fucking prison for 6 months and they had to change his guards multiple times because he’s so damn charismatic that he kept luring the Aurors to his side!
He then got out long before he was supposed to be transported and literally took out everyone on the transport team. And he drove the damn carriage and without even looking behind him, directed bolts of lightning to take out some of the Aurors on their brooms.
He did not come to play.
Newt is still my adorable child. He’s so awkward and still feels like he did in the first film which is great. A lot of people whined about how he wasn’t ‘manly enough’. Because Newt shows compassion on the regular and is more soft-spoken and not interested in ‘manly professions’ or some shit, so he doesn’t fit the ridiculous type of masculinity Hollywood shoves down our throats and dudebros can’t relate to him.
“There are no strange creatures, only wicked people,” is a great line and should be used in reference to animals as well since some people still walk around acting like sharks and pitbulls are evil incarnate. I really love Newt.
Leta knows him well enough to know what he’d say in response to her comment. They have an awkward air of camaraderie about them.
Newt stood up to a teacher with that line of his and got a month’s worth of detention. Leta left a dungbomb in his office to get back at him so she could join Newt. Good friends fight the intolerant assholes in charge of your education together.
Theseus gives off this smarmy vibe. I seen people praise him as a good brother but at present just the way he stands annoys me. And it makes me sad that Newt feels like he can’t be himself in order to be rightfully treated like a human being should be treated.
The dude playing Theseus really does resemble Eddie though, so props for getting that right at least. I can believe they’re siblings.
As usual the Ministry is useless. Grindels is literally the reason NYC got fucked up. Him and his messing with Credence. Newt made some mistakes but actually worked to fix them and then saved all their asses in the process. Why is he getting blamed with misinformation? Even in the 20s Magical Britain’s Ministry is full of morons.
There’s a black dude in a high Ministry position. I think there are more POC in this film than all the HP films combined, jfc. ‘bout time!
Also, they never told Newt that Credence is alive and are now using that fact as a way to try and guilt-trip him into joining the Ministry. Cleverish I suppose, but I still don’t like them.
Some dude just referred to Credence as an IT. wtf? Credence is a wizard who, because magical people suck at getting abused children the help they need, ended up a massive mess. He’s not some thing to be treated like shit!
The brothers are arguing and Newt starts spouting off things he’s mostly likely heard from Theseus and his parents. I will admit Theseus seems less annoying now that he’s spoken a bit, but the fact that Newt starts saying, “Okay, right, here we go, selfish, irresponsible-” speaks of somebody who is used to being compared to another and having what others consider to be ‘faults’ shoved in his face and complained about. That sucks a lot.
Okay, Theseus isn’t as annoying as I expected him to be. He does seem to care for Newt and understand how his mind works to an extent. He isn’t offended that Newt doesn’t go to hug him back. Newt is just awkward with physical contact from humans. He’s always seemed to be on the spectrum for me and I’ve only recently found out that others feel the same, which makes his character more interesting imo.
Grindels is in lift shoes! Needs that extra height that badly? 5′10 isn’t short or anything but he really needed that lift to 6′0″? XD
At least Grindels and the Gang are only using AKs(silently btw). I don’t get why everyone always acts like AK is the absolute worst spell in HP when literally it’s just a quick and painless death. There are a bajillion others spells that are actually terrifying.
Newt easily noticing that he’s being followed and fucking with his stalker is the best. People who say Newt is weak are effin stupid.
I would not take the hand of some random glove hovering in my face. Now way, no how. idc who it might belong to, that’s some shady shit. I don’t trust people.
Though we have to admit that the glove forcibly Apparating him, even if it’s a small distance is pretty cool. Dumbles annoys me but as Phineas Nigellus will say in the future, “He’s got style.”
The fact that Newt knew it was Dumbles makes me wonder if Dumbles has done this before.
Dumbles literally just summoned a big ass fog to cover the city! I don’t like him but he keeps impressing me! It’s annoying! Stop it!
“A Phoenix will come to any Dumbledore in desperate need.” Interesting.
A wizard doing sleight of hand. Oi vey. Dumbles is a drama queen to the umpteenth degree.
God he was a cryptic asshat even back then. It’s very easy to believe this dude becomes the Dumbledore we all know. I think people are just bitching because they refuse to see Dumbledore for who he is. Lots of people whining about ‘how manipulative Jude’s Dumbledore is’ not realizing that HP-Dumbles is literally a Master Manipulator.
Baby Nifflers are effin adorable and I love how well Newt knows them!
Newt literally has someone working for him. And he’s been nothing but reassuring in his own way. He especially tells her to avoid the Kelpie because he doesn’t want her to get hurt. I have seen several people whining about him ‘being mean’ to her and I just have to ask, are y’all fucking stupid? He knows his creatures and when he tells her to not go near one alone because of how dangerous it is and she might lose a finger, he’s not being mean. He’s being a responsible employer. I know some of your bosses don’t give a shit about your well being, but Newt is actually a decent bloke. Chill the fuck out.
She’s flirting with him and is really bad at it. But it’s kinda funny at the same time.
Also can we just stop and talk about how talented Newt is that he can create such realistic habitats in such seemingly small and cramped places? He’s really good at magic.
Queenie and Jacob are cute. And to all the people whining about how ‘unnecessary’ he is to the plot, can y’all chill? He is there for a reason. To show how fucked up MACUSA is when it comes to dealing with Muggles. Queenie will literally be imprisoned if they find out she’s with a Muggle. It’s ridiculous and his character is supposed to show how even the American wizards are messed up.
Queenie calling Newt, ‘honey’ is sweet. I swear she’s the Molly of this new group of friends. Seems like she wants to take care of people and just adopts everyone who comes along.
God, even the magical gossip rags are shit even back then. They deliberately made it so it looked as if Newt and Leta were a thing. Though tbh nothing really happened between Newt and Tina in the first film so her being all offended over him possibly marrying another woman is ridiculous.
These weird shots that are supposed to be directly from someone’s point of view are a bit annoying, I must admit. It’s kind of like watching through a somewhat less annoying fish-eye lens, but still annoying anyway.
Newt is very smart. He notices very quickly that Jacob is out of sorts and that he hasn’t been acting normally. He deduces very quickly that something is up and then stops it.
I really like how level-headed Jacob is about everything considering all the crap he’s just thrown into. He cares enough about Queenie to not want her to be imprisoned/possibly killed for breaking a stupid law. I got really emotional at that part because MACUSA is full of idiots.
Jacob is right though, she’s not being sensible. There’s a lot at stake and it isn’t smart for them to marry yet no matter how much they want to. 
Jacob looks at the bird thing and then’s just like, “I got my own problems.” He’s been through enough shit to just not care atm.
And now everyone’s basically going to Paris anyway.
Walking through weird barriers into new places should no longer impress me but it still does!
The magical circus looks kind of awesome but the I’m also not a fan of how circuses are handled. So it’s this cross between amazement and annoyance at the inhumane way animals(in this case creatures) are being handled.
Literally, they are kept locked up in filthy places, I am unhappy! Also Claudia Kim, who portrays Nagini, is so very beautiful and I am so very gay.
Nagini’s hair has that little serpent-like curl at the end as it rests against her neck. It’s such an awesome little detail to throw in there.
Her transformation is really cool btw.
Wow! You treat the creatures like shit and mock them, and get all confused when they attack you? I hope pain was dealt.
What is it with all the bad guys in everything having to incorporate skulls into their dirty business? Is this supposed to be a play on the whole skulls and crossbones thing meaning death?
Though Grindels does make it more interesting than some wiggly tattoo at least.
Dumbles is considered the greatest threat to his cause when he’s practically been doing nothing but playing teacher. That’s some high praise I suppose.
He’s already known as ‘The Great Albus Dumbledore’! What did he do to gain such belief in his prowess? He’s like 46!
Newt’s asking Jacob for advice on what to say when he sees Tina again, and Jacob gives him great advise. “Best not to plan these things.” It’s good. And then Newt’s like, “She has eyes just like a salamander,” and Jacob’s tune changes immediately! XD “Don’t say that!”
Jacob is a good friend. I really like him!
Jacob’s reactions are the greatest because he’s literally like an in-universe representation of the fandom when we saw magic in the movies for the first time!
Do people know that Eddie Redmayne actually licked the ground?
Newt talking about how narrow Tina’s feet are and Jacob just being like, ‘okaaaaaaay’ is the best!
Queenie must be so lost. Hearing all these thoughts and not knowing the language they’re in. And it must be stressful to not only be in an unfamiliar place but also be completely unprepared for everything going on.
That is the perfect moment to trick her. Literally, I don’t get how people can’t see that she’s emotionally vulnerable and a prime target for manipulation right now.
Credence is just a mess. He needs friends. Glad Nagini seems to be filling in that role but honestly he needs a few more. Those who are ‘cursed’ in essence, like he is. So they’ll understand him.
I really love Jacob’s character. He’s just so amazed by magic and all the things it can do. ^-^
Newt! Knows how to tame and capture creatures he’s never even met before! Zuowus are cute imo.
Hedwig’s Theme, I am crying!
Also, Hogwarts brings back my feels.
Very confused about the McGonagall thing unless this involves time-travel which idk how advanced that was at the time.
The fucking Aurors just break into the class and Head dude’s like, “I can go wherever I please. OUT!” And all the kids just standing there and look to Dumbledore for direction. It’s fucking hilarious that they won’t even listen to the dude who could imprison them with whatever excuse he can make up. 
Now, there seems to be students of all ages in this classroom, which makes me wonder if it’s actually a class or Dumbledore has a Dueling Club set up, because he’s literally teaching a Gryffindor how to not make the same mistakes in a duel, right before owning his ass. idc what anyone says, no class of 17/11 year olds will have multiples students the size of first/seventh years in it. People are either really really tall or really really short. So I vote for a Dueling Club happening.
The Gryffindor who just lost the duel gets up in the dude’s face and is like, ‘he’s the best teacher we’ve got’. Props.
Dumbledore is way better than this Travis dude. And I mean by power and presence. I don’t like him any more than I do the Travis dude. Meaning not at all, But you get what I mean. Dumbles is far better for the good guys than this hoity toity asshat who thinks that because he’s Head Auror he can do anything he wants. Him ignoring Dumbledore’s warning is going to get a lot of people killed.
“We were closer than brothers.” How else can anyone take that? What is closer than a familial tie? A romantic one! Duh!
He’s banned from teaching DADA. But he isn’t banned from teaching any other class! Travis should have been more specific! This is probably how Dumbledore ended up teaching Transfiguration during Tom’s time at school since he doesn’t fight Grindels until 1945. I love loopholes!
Are the candles in the Great Hall just lit all the time?
I for one, think that ‘Talk Shit, Get Hit’ is a very wonderful saying to take to heart. So when people were talking shit about Leta, she damn well deserved to tear them a new asshole over it! I applaud her for cursing that gossiping little bitch’s mouth shut in the corridor. She deserved it. I am a blood-thirsty bitch!
Young-Newt literally looked like a young Eddie Redmayne. Superb casting on that part, God damn! He even got all of Eddie’s chosen mannerisms down!
You know, I’m not shocked that Leta’s being harassed by Gryffindors. The whole school treats Slytherins like shit the moment they’re Sorted. Even when they aren’t raised on the magical side and know nothing about Slytherin’s reputation.
I have mentioned how annoying I find the weird fish-eye-like lens view, right? ‘Cause it’s annoying me again.
BTW, I will always firmly believe that Hufflepuff/Slytherin friendships are the strongest. That is a deadly combination right there.
Albus admits that he didn’t love Ariana as much as he should have. Age does somewhat remove that veil from the eyes, doesn’t it?
I really, honestly think that people just decided that anythngn they saw in this movie was going to be horrible and that’s why y’all are being a bunch of whiny bitches over everything. Queenie didn’t just up and decide hey, I’m joining Grindels! She’s honestly at the end of her rope and is getting manipulated. Y’all are fucking ridiculous. Don’t pay for tickets if you intend to find fault in everything the movie has to offer.
The good sis stands up and points her wand at Grindels despite knowing full well she wouldn’t be able to do shit to him. Temerity ftw.
You gotta give Grindels some props. This dude knows how to play on everyone’s soft points. He just sees them and immediately goes in for the kill. Was Voldy like this in the 70s? It makes more sense that people would follow him if he acted like this before ‘dying’ the first time. ‘Cause after his resurrection he wasn’t follow-worthy imo. Too frantic and mad to take seriously.
He literally tells her that she’s an ‘innocent’ and that ‘he doesn’t wish her harm’. He then tells her to leave, which puts her under the impression that she’s safe from him and can make her own choices. This is a prime manipulation tactic because she’ll come back eventually once she remembers that he supposedly gave her a choice and no one else will. She told Jacob he wasn’t giving her a choice, and now Grindels, the supposed bad guy, is doing just that. And he makes it like he understands her suffering in her desire for love without restriction. Even good guys make mistakes. Y’all want to kiss Dumbledore’s ass for every shit thing he did by saying he was trying to save the world, so you can get over Queenie having a lapse of judgment during an emotionally and mentally trying period.
Ah, the Mirror of Erised, in which you see your heart’s greatest desire. And Dumbledore sees him and Grindelwald alone.
Also, I’m just saying that pressing their hands together would have been enough to make the blood mix. Linking their fingers is not necessary at all.
Finally it’s just Grindelwald as he currently is, staring him down with an innocent expression. And Dumbledore’s sad smile is the only thing we see as the scene fades to black.
Newt is so good with creatures, I love him!
Every time he comes out of that case I am reminded of how slight Eddie is.
Newt asks Jacob to get the tweezers from his bag, but after the mishaps in the last film where British and American English were proven to be different to a degree, he goes on to explain what they look like and both Tina and Jacob are like ‘we know what they are, dude’. XD
They disinfect the unconscious dude, Tina gets her info and heads off. And Jacob tries to get her to come back and then looks at Newt and is all, “You didn’t mention salamanders, did you?”. XD
Upon Jacob’s insistence he goes after Tina and tells her she’s different from other Aurors because she’s got Middle Head, in reference to the middle head of a Runespoor which is said to be a Visionary/Dreamer and doesn’t argue like the heads on either side of it. Tina doesn’t want to kill Credence like everyone else which makes her a different kind of Auror.
So that whacky black shroud that covers the city is Grindels’ way of calling his peeps together?
Grindels’ appears before Credence and tells him he ‘wants nothing from him and wants everything for him, that Grindels never had’. He and Dumbles are perfect for each other. Master Manipulators. A certain kind of Dynamic Duo. Grindels even uses the whole ‘my boy’ thing!
The shot is on Jacob. His stomach growls and it pans down and then up. And Flamel is right behind him when it comes back up! Shit like that always gets me in films! The only kind of jumpscare I’m not into. I don’t like my back being exposed so shots like this kill me.
The Flamels don’t keep food in their house. What exactly was the exchange for living so long? Like, I just thought the Stone kept them youthful and stopped their aging, you know? Apparently they have no need of food. Wouldn’t living that long be boring as hell when you can’t even enjoy the basics of life?
“You don’t look a day over 375.” I love Jacob! XD
Seriously though. Nicki looks like he’ll fall apart at any moment. Is living forever like this really worth it?
Nicki “Hasn’t seen action in 200 years,” OMG!
Newt Polyjuices himself into looking like Theseus and calls him ‘an Auror and a hugger’ in this long-suffering but fond tone.
Theseus and Leta are literally right there too!
It was all going so well and then Theseus looks down and isn’t it always like that? The plot must continue on somehow? I’m dying! XD It was a good plan until that happened.
Tina gets him down with a flick of the wand? The War Hero? Really? Good for her!
Newt is such an awkward turtle. I love that they didn’t insist upon Eddie changing up the way he portrays him!
Newt describes Tina’s eyes as “Having and effect in person. Like fire in water, dark water,” and if that isn’t the nicest way to describe dark brown eyes idk what is. HE’S TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SAY THE SALAMANDER LINE! XD
SHE SAID IT INSTEAD! XD How she got that I have no idea. I don’t know shit about salamanders.
And Leta finds them and runs with them. I wonder if Tina is feeling awkward.
He’s known the Zouwu for so little time and it’s already cuddling up to him! The Snow White of fucking wizards, everyone! He is a cinnamon roll and must be kept safe!
Honestly I am proud I kept up with the whole Lestrange family tree business because holy shit it was convoluted!
The Lestranges are so sexist. Only the men get recorded on the family tree, what bullshit. Leta’s father Raped her mother via Imperius and never loved her. Frankly, a child being jealous of a new sibling that he did love shouldn’t be surprising. Kids make mistakes all the time and hating her for making a rash decision she didn’t fully understand at that age, is ridiculous. She didn’t even mean to get him killed. It’s not like she’s some super horrible person for that.
Newt gets this! He literally gets it! And she tells him “You’ve never met a monster you couldn’t love”. I hurt. She’s not a monster, she’s a fucking human being who made a grave mistake when she was like 7 and it haunted her for the rest of her life.
Nagini doesn’t trust Purebloods because, “They kill the likes of us for sport”. Her life must have sucked.
And here’s where is all leads up to. The literal Crimes of Grindelwald. And not in the sense of law-breaking, although there has been a lot of that. The title means in reference to an act of of great offense which isn’t illegal but still considered morally reprehensible, against another person or persons. He’s spent this whole time manipulating the hell out of everyone and doing things both illegal and simply sinful. Lying isn’t against the law, but the way he’s doing it is wrong, and it helps him commit his ‘crimes’.
Also what the hell is with evil people and graveyards/tombs? Is this a requirement in joining the dark side?
Grindels finds muggles “Not disposable but of a different disposition.” He’s really workin’ it because he knows the kinds of people who showed up to this little speech thing of his and he’s getting all of them at once.
He’s literally showing them a vision of what will happen in WWII with the bombs in order to scare them into joining his side. It’s what will ‘rise up’ from the muggles, and Jacob understands it instantly. Scare tactics ftw! He has a point in a sense. Could we really say that the leading governments of our world wouldn’t try to enslave magicals in order to have the most power over all other countries?
The Aurors are called down to face the crowd and Grindels knows just what to say to stir up feelings of distrust. Though they’re cops so it’s not shocking. They’re all power-hungry and with the experience a lot of the people have with Aurors, plus Grindels sweet-talking them all, of course some chick just up and moves against them and get murdered on the spot. Not even detained. Cops kill first and ask questions later, not shocking magic ones do the same.
Auror used an AK without hesitation. But you know, everyone says that is the most evil spell in HP, right? And no one, not even Aurors, should use it?
And as expected, it all plays in Grindels’ plans. I’m not shocked. “Spread the word. It is not we who are violent.” Right after an Auror just murdered someone. Talk about playing on the emotions.
The fire Grindels’ conjures is blue, compared to normal fire. Which means it’s hotter. Voldy’s fire was also blue. Is this just because they’re magically powerful or are both Dark Lords?
Grindelwald uses magic like he’s a conductor. It’s interesting because everyone else but Voldy has only ever had a death grip on their wands. Voldy holds his wand more gracefully and loosely.
Nagini does not side with Grindelwald. And she has a point. He knows what Credence is, not who he is.
Okay, so a lot of people died in the blue fire, but Newt was able to hold the fire off from consuming him several times. My child is so powerful! He’s just never violent with it! *APPLAUSE*
Queenie’s desperation makes me so sad. She and Jacob love each other but go about it very differently.
I can’t tell if Leta was saying ILY to Newt or Theseus. Maybe to both but with different meanings? Romantic Love isn’t the only kind of love out there. One is her long-time friend whom she could have romantic feelings for if their bond is deep enough. The other is her fiance though her bond with him doesn’t seem that deep. Confusing and shot deliberately like that to confuse us too.
She tries to kill Grindels knowing it won’t work. I like Leta. I don’t get why people don’t like her.
He’s literally using his fancy Fiendfyre to destroy Paris. This dude aims big!
Flamel is a genius and a bunch of people, most who aren’t trained Aurors, just had to put out some powerful magic that would have destroyed a whole city.
Newts hugs Theseus!
The Niffler lives and got the Blood Pact thing from Grindels! How did he not notice it?
Queenie’s skills are very useful to Grindels in how to deal with Credence without scaring him off. He knew what he was doing in manipulating her to his side.
Grindels and Dumbles agreed not to fight one another. Wonder what would happen if they turned their wands on each other with intent to do harm. Pain? Or maybe... their spells being directed elsewhere by some unseen force and hitting nearby things(*cough* Ariana *cough*)? 
So here’s where I am confused but I have many thoughts. A.) Percival Dumbledore died some time after 1890 but no date is given. He was in Azkaban during the time and immoral things happen in prison. He could be the father. B.) Kendra Dumbledore died in 1899 and Credence was born ‘circa’ 1901(meaning around that time frame but no specific details are known) so she could have birthed him. Albus wouldn’t know since he wasn’t very present at home and was distant to his siblings. Kendra isn’t actually a Dumbledore but she had the name, Credence doesn’t know the details, and Grindels could have sent the Phoenix in some way. C.) Grindels is just lying altogether but he’s really believable. D.) He used the word ‘brother’ to mean family, like how he addressed the people as his ‘brothers and sisters’. His fellow magical people. So perhaps he meant as in like Credence’s kin. So he could be a child of Aberforth who would be old enough to sire a child(teens do it all the time), or of their Aunt Honoria who could have had a kid for all people know.
Dumbles is the one to tell us all about the Phoenix thing first. Grindels strengthens that fact later on, making it not just some children’s tale. It’s all left to us to wonder if he’s lying about Credence or not.
I observed a lot.
So for the cinematography, it was really well done save for the fish-eye lens crap. I really didn’t like that. But I am a sucker for panning from above. Also clever use of the camera while certain people speak. Angles can do wonders to tell a story.
I thought the plot was very easy to follow. I’ve seen people whine about it not making sense but literally, in stories about multiple people, the POV shifts. A lot. In order to understand why everyone is doing what they are doing, you need to know what is going on from their ends. So yeah, why is everybody just randomly in France of all places? Paying attention lets you find out!
I do have one really big annoyance and it’s more for it taking this long instead of it happening at all. In the original HP films there really aren’t a lot of non-white actors portraying characters, even if they’re just extras to fill in for other students and such. In this film there were extras of all kinds of nationalities. I saw a lot of Black and Asian folks just filling up the background. And I’m glad the universe now seems more realistic and diverse. It’s just annoying that the most diverse of all the films in this fictional world, is the newest one and kinda makes the others a bit disappointing since the 20s were less progressive than the 90s.
My initial opinions on certain characters did change. Naturally I hate Dumbledore as a character no matter what but he’s more interesting than before. And I don’t really like Grindels all that much but he is a badass and watching him is interesting. Theseus and Leta grew on me with such little time. I cried for both of them. I’m disappointed but not shocked or angry at Queenie’s actions. I cried for her too. Flamel creeps me out still. I like Nagini. She’s been through some tough shit and is mildly distrustful of everyone. And now she’s away from possibly her only friend(I got not romance vibes between she and Credence btw).
I liked all the story-telling. There were a lot of creatures. A lot of talking. A decent amount of action. And humor spread out here and there for some levity.
I thought it was a fine film. It was good. I’d re-watch it with the first without hesitation. I had moments where I laughed, moments where I cried, and moments where I wasn’t sure what I was feeling at all.
Grade: A
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Ryden conspiracy theories/evidence/pls just be frens now...+ a short history of P!atd...(part 1)
DISCLAIMER I find all of this stuff on the internet so idk if it's yours just tell me and I will make sure you get credited anyways onwards...
Oh and another thing I don't hate Sarah. Sarah is a queen and Brendon and her are happy and I wouldn't want to ruin a happy couple cos that would be unfair anyhow oh and I also think it's important to have a bit of Panic! history that many people might not know about as it gives you an idea of the kind of time frame that im talking about also its intresting too.
And if u don't know what Ryden is (tbf idk why ur here but this will educate u) it's basically the ship name of Ryan Ross (ex guitarist and backing vocalist of panic!) and Brendon Urie (singer and last man standing)
Ryan Ross and Spencer Smith (ex-drummer of Panic!) have been friends even since they were little the photo below would prove this
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They're so adorable 😊😊
In 9th grade they decide that they want to start up a band btw for reference Ryan and Spencer at that time attend (Bishop Gorman high school) and they invite Brent Wilson from Palo Verde high school to come and try out for bass along with another guy called Trevor they formed a band called Pet Salamnder this was when they were around 16 ish (They acctually still have a website for the band and you can go check it out if you want)
There some of the pics on the website but check out their bios as well because they made me laugh....
Here are some of their pics tho
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Spencer and Ryan and the whole band together (Ryan😂😂)
Anyways don't really know what happened to Pet Salamander but in short they kind of lost Trevor (don't know correct me if im wrong but I think Trevor was the guitarist in the way things worked out it would make sense and I think there was another band they created in between these 2 bands but idk its not important) The band now needed a new guitarist. Brent who went to the same high school as Brendon told him he should audition for their band so Brendon did just that and became the guitarist. Orginally Ryan was meant to be the lead singer but Brendon then became the lead singer because they heard him do his singing and they though he was good. At the time especially Ryan and Brendon were having a hard time with their families and their education as they wanted to quit high school and as a result I think they both got kicked out of their houses . Brendon got a job at a smoothie shack to try and earn some money to pay for rent. He also would sing to people for tips. In other words they were hella broke.
Here is a screenshot from Ryan's livejournal (which he has now deleted) where Brendon would post underneath
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I love ya' baby! wednesday. practice. be there of be....GAY!!
Brendon 😂😂
Anyways Ryan and Brendon started creating the demos for their album and Ryan decided to send them to Pete Wentz who was in the LV area recording under the cork tree with FOB. Pete listened to the demos and signed them up to his new record label decaydance after hearing them perform 2/3 songs.
I'm gonna leave you with some 2004 recording sessions this is filmed on a potato but is somehow high quality content of Ryan doing a this is our apartment tour its great
So yeah that's cool and also hilarious in it's own ways (gay bars!! 😂😂)
AFYCSO era 2005/6
AFYCSO was released on the 27th September 2005 on that same day Ryan posted something in his livejournal (I'm not sure if it was just something to commemorate it being released or if he was acctually in a relationship at this time but here is what he put)
'Whisper babe...i'm as good as it gets in this town.whisper babe..i'm a fever you can't sweat out.These are my deepest thoughts and secrets under a microscope or spotlight.Forgive me if i'm not quite ready to give them to you.it's such a different feeling..when I see you smiling and singing back to me i'm still playing different pictures in my head that arn't so pleasent. I'm doing the best now to live in the song and not just the meaning.'
(Yes this could be about Brendon but when you read it again it dosen't sound like that at all it seems as if hes talking about the lyrics and the meanings of the songs of which have things he had to deal with in his childhood his dad being an alcoholic ect. But he tries to be happy with the fans who are smiling and singing and live in the moment not just the past)
Obviously AFYCSO became popular especially the song I write sins not tragedies came out but there's many different interviews and pic that i'm going to share below.
This is the one where Ryan says that Brendon washes his hair and he blushes red. It's adorable 😊
Here is another 2005 interview by the same girl who thought Pete was called Jason 😂 but anyways it's old like just look at Ryan's hair he's in his troll phase still 😂
This is another old interview that shows them acctually performing and only contain Brendon and Ryan talking about the band they're so awkward its adorable.
And here's a pic of them from a photoshoot
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Idk but Brent looks so confused rn 😂
(Look at Brendon as well staring at Ryan...hmm..😉)
And here's an adorable pic of them together my bbs 😊❤
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Look at them they're soo adorable ❤❤👌😊
Anyways 2006 is when it all became big for the boys who announced a tour and where becoming bigger than ever. At the end of 2005 to 2006 both Brendon and Ryan began dating scene queens Audrey and Jac. Pics below
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Yup this is them together.
Idk when they breakup but they break up and some evidence that I've found online is very interesting.
Here is screenshots of chats that Audrey and Jac had online. The first picture shows that Jac is blaming Brendon for turning her bf (Ryan) gay
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The next one shows kinda the same thing exept this time Audrey blamed Ryan for turning Brendon gay
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Hmmmm... All very interesting I think....
(Note there's another conversation or so that I want to include in part one but it's way too long to put on this one post so i'm going to do a little post to finish off part 1. And also i'm obviously going to work on part 2 straight away but I just feel like the whole panic! and especially Ryden stuff needs to be updated abd i also find it super interesting as well. Also I feel I need to adress all the lyrics that could somehow lead to something to do with one another there's so much stuff out here and I need it all in one place cos im fed up of trawling the internet for all the theories and stuff never getting anywhere 😂)
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Kursus Teknikal Separuh Masa Percuma
A person who installs and repairs piping, fixtures, appliances, and appurtenances in connection with the water supply, drainage systems, etc., both in and out of buildings. The best of the best plumbers practice the fine art of water balancing. Our focus of providing quality plumbing service and products combined with honesty has made our plumbers the first choice of many residential and commercial clients worldwide. If you've ever been caught in the middle of lathering up or ready to rinse the shampoo out of your hair only to be shocked by the sudden blast of ice cold water spewing from the shower head during your morning shower then you've no doubt experienced a water heater failure. First we're going to assume your pipes are clear and clean and the water flows freely. Say goodbye to plumbing and heater related worries with Blocked Drains Elwood No plumbing problem is too big or too small with NLK Plumbing. Don't be tricked by our name, we also offer service excellence when it comes to heating systems.
Pour in one cup steaming hot water to flush to Clorox from your pipes. If the pipes can be connected in the center of your plumbing layout then a better balance can be achieved. For example, they all install pipes and fittings that carry water, steam, air, or other liquids or gases. Both systems generally use conventional water heating methods as a backup or to augment the solar system. There are thousands of people who realize Milan vodoinstalater majstor the importance of Licensing Plumbers through the State. Moreover, the top 10% of plumbers earn more than $79,000, and the job segment is projected to grow 26% through 2020, with new construction and a wave of baby boomer retirements among older plumbers spurring employment. At times, a plumber may have to keep an eye on dials or gauges while performing a repair or installation, so being able to multitask can be an asset.
If you find any, the pipe will have to be repaired. The main energy source for water heating is natural gas, followed by fuel oil and district steam from Con Edison. A review of the existing domestic plumbing services led us to specify the installation of a Salamander Shower Pump Right Hand Twin 75 model. If frozen pipes are a recurring problem at your house, heating cable would be a wise investment. The last thing that we want any of our customers to have to do is live with leaky pipes, a clogged sink, or a toilette that does not work. Attempting an involved plumbing project without the proper knowledge and experience can result in expensive repairs, and sometimes entire re-installations. It is administered in Ontario by the Apprenticeship Client Services Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities.
I found him in this forums and he came round to do two small jobs - fix a leaky toilet bowl and a broken waterpipe. Properly adjusting or repairing your sprinkler system will require some basic plumbing knowledge, a few tools, and most of all, the ability to follow some simple instructions. Then it was off to the nearby Hotel Albatros, while we killed time had some refreshments until it was time to head for the airport and our LAN charter flight back to Buenos Aires. Galvanized steel potable water supply and distribution pipes are commonly found with nominal pipe sizes from 3⁄8 inch (9.5 mm) to 2 inches (51 mm). Whether your pipes are leaking or your furnace needs routine maintenance, the professionals at Hartlaub Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electric are here to help.
Day four has started in a fairly uninteresting manner—out of bed, into the shower, wash my face with just water (is that really washing?) then reapply at 6:30 am. Pumps- Plumbers service, maintain and replace the faulty pumps. They also install specialized systems such as medical gas, process piping, compressed air, water conditioners, fuel piping, sewage and water treatment, and storage and flow equipment. So it is necessary to avail the professional PLUMBING SERVICES, SYDNEY for keeping hygiene to your home. Once the tub is drained pour one cup steaming hot water into the drain. Yesterday, I was out in Pasir Ris in the afternoon, my mum called me and complained the shower water got choke again. All it takes is one lousy morning with no running water (or a clogged sink or phantom-flushing toilet) to remind us how dependent we are on the expertise of plumbers.
Install pipe assemblies, fittings, valves, appliances and fixtures (e.g. sinks, toilets, dishwashers, heating and cooling systems, gas appliances, water tanks), e.g. using hand and power tools. Apart from the normal pipe fittings in the house, even water and sewer lines require enough time for inspections from time to time. Licensed plumbers, electricians, mechanics, insulators and Milan Vodoinstalater drywall installers are all great examples of skilled tradespeople. For plumbing services in the Atlanta area, Mr. Plumber is the number one choice. A lot times when I talk to plumbers they're sometimes using all these code words to keep me on the 'outside' if you know what I mean. Many plumbing problems in Los Angeles ,i.e. burst pipes or repairing leaks crop upon on a daily basis.
Unfortunately, I had started late in the day and it was starting to get dark; no time to fix it. So I spent a night with egg on my face and a night without water. To drain a water heater, you will need a regular home and garden water hose. Let Plumbers Today help connect you with a local plumber for your residential, commercial and emergency plumbing needs. Pay for plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers depends on experience. Cold weather can also cause sink drainage problems through clogged or frozen drain pipes. Many people don't have the time or skill to do this job themselves. Plumbing services are so important; we need them time and again. We seek a Qualified and Experienced Plumber to join our new & expanding Plumbing division at Sharpe Group. With one service truck and the notion to give people a quality job at a fair price.
Give us a call at (760)780-9365 to schedule plumbing service and get your free estimate… and we will make sure that your plumbing troubles are a thing of the past in no time. You can count on Jakarta Plumber to take care of your plumbing and drainage needs-day or night with never an overtime charge. Ideally, the homeowner would have a plumber remove the toilet before the wallpaper goes up. But removing and then replacing plumbing fixtures can be expensive, you have to coordinate the plumber with the paperhanger, and you have to live with a non-functioning toilet for a period of time. Sometimes you can get by very inexpensively with something like the Drano Snake Plus Kit and other times depending on where the clog is you might need to rent or buy a plumbing snake tool or call a plumber.
That's why when you need us for a plumbing repair or installation, you can consider it done. Although there are significant energy savings to achieve by upgrading from steam to hot water systems, the conversion cost is high. Let Plumbers Today's professionals handle that for your company storefront or building. Another option is to replace piping at the origin of the system with larger diameter pipe that will carry more water to the center of the system and therefore deliver more pressure as it branches out to the smaller pipes running into bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Plumbers lay out, install, test and maintain pipes, fixtures, metal roofing, fittings, gas meters and regulators. All buildings covered by LL84 and its amendment are required to submit energy consumption data, but water consumption data is not required unless the property has been equipped with an automatic water meter, for at least a full calendar year before the data submission date.
The tankless heater can only move water through its pipes so fast. Our team of qualified professionals are committed to providing Apprentice plumbers, Journey plumbers and their skilled workforce with the highest quality competitive training that will enable them to excel in their professional career. Top companies provide same day repairs - This means that the professionals at this company work diligently to fix your problems within a day. Bringing it back into the house, and transferring it to pots and pans on my stove, heating it until it melted, letting it cool enough so that it was not boiling, and poured some down my bathroom drains, which by the way are the closet to the outside water supply. Instead, just shut off the water supply valve, cut the copper pipes with an inexpensive pipe cutter so at least several inches of copper pipe extend from the floor or wall, then lift out the old faucet.
Plumbers receive training in general and specialist vehicle operation and are required to support other trades in the performance of their duties. Which is why the Real Plumbers team has been the local leading service provider for these types of services, for 30 years now. On "workman who installs pipes and fittings" as lead water pipes became the principal concern of the trade. The Containers Micro-conference at Linux https://vodoinstalater-odgusenje.com Plumbers is the yearly gathering of container runtime developers, kernel developers and container users. Our master plumbers at Kevin Ginnings Plumbing Service, Inc., are the most trusted plumbers in South Kansas City, Overland Park and all of Johnson County, KS. Our commercial and residential plumbing company is backed by more than 30 years of experience, and we have proudly served the area for more than 28 years.
Just reliable plumbing services from one of the most experienced plumbing contractors in the entire west Portland metro area. The plumber comes out and says yes, your water heater needs replacing and yes he has one in stock and can install it the first thing in the morning and estimates it will cost $1400. Our professional Plumbers in Carroll County MD provide quick service to: Westminster , Finksburg , New Windsor, Union Bridge, Upperco, Union Mills, Taneytown, https://vodoinstalater-odgusenje.com Manchester , Hampstead , Keymar, Lineboro, Linwood, Woodbine, Gamber , Eldersburg , Sykesville, Marriottsville, Mt Airy, Winfield, Taylorsville. Here, you learn about water supply, heating systems and roofing. While plumbers usually stick to copper and PVC pipes and fittings, pipefitters are more on the industrial side and tend to deal with slightly different materials when it comes to the pipes, hardware, and what's being contained in the pipes.
The term of apprenticeship for apprentice plumbers in Alberta is four years (four 12 month periods) that include a minimum of 1,500 hours of on-the-job training and eight weeks of technical training in each year. We specialize in a variety of services from basic plumbing and sewer repair to water line repair, rodding, ejector and sump pump installation and repair, laundry tub installs, floor drains and basement flooding services. This new qualification also www.vodoinstalater-odgusenje.com incorporates the BPEC Water Regulations qualification and is designed solely for plumbers with at least 5 years industry experience on the job. Licenses required for plumbing, electrical, HVAC, heating, and hydronics trades. If you've got a major leak on Christmas Day and need a plumber, you may be glad to find anyone who will fix it. However, if you're planning a costly renovation, take the time to interview more than one plumber before picking one.
Our certified technicians are highly trained in repairing and installing plumbing and HVAC systems, ensuring your Milwaukee-area home stays comfortable and functional all year long. If you are looking to hire a professional Plumber Mill Park then it is important for you to trust and bank on the plumbers who are just the best in their job. Although a tankless on demand water heater will give you unlimited hot water continually, you will still have to run the water for some time, while waiting for the hot water to get to your location. Every time I talk to someone about plumbing, they comment on how gross it must be and every time I reply, that is why they pay us the big bucks.” People, of course, think I am kidding, but the average starting salary for a licensed plumber in our shop is $45,000 per year with full health benefits, life insurance, a paid cell phone, a take home vehicle and matched retirement savings.
Cracked pipes can cause major flooding and incur thousands of dollars in water damage. However, maintenance and repair of plumbing and pipe systems must continue even during economic downturns, so plumbers and fitters outside of construction tend to have more stable employment. With very few people left on deck, we cruised through the famous Lemaire Channel, a narrow body of water surrounded by high peaks, snow, and glaciers. Many vodoinstalater-odgusenje.com of these depend on how easy it is to access the existing pipes in your plumbing system. Speaking from experience, I would suggest a unit that you can stretch your legs out when you sit in them for a walk in model, if you have the space, because you will find yourself spending a lot more time relaxing in a steam shower than just a normal shower so being able to sit down and stretch out your legs will be greatly appreciated.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 6 years
5 things tag
tagged by @undinefin サンキュー!
Rules: list 5 things under each category then tag some friends!
5 Things You’ll Find in My Backpack/Bag:
(aside from the normal things like wallet, phone, keys, ect):
oof the only bag i use is my school bag
• sketch book
•3 classes worth of stuff i really should get rid of
•atr pounch thing im using as a pencil case
•tsuyu & ochako pins
•a book rn a certain magical index 2
5 Things You’ll Find in My Room:
•6 bottles of tea 5 of which u couldnt pay me tp drink anymore thats how long theyve been there (open)
•bookcase with just about all my utaite stuff on & albums
•another bookcase that actually has books
•a lot of scissors why do i have so many scissors
5 Of My Favorite Things:
•reptiles & amphibians dear god theyre so cute i love them esp like turtles frogs snakes salamanders etc but all of them
•music (go fucking figure) i love game soundtracks a lot & of course vocaloutaite certain songs just give me such a strong emotional response & i just always have earbuds in listening to something except in class i just really love
•dreams theres just so many different impossible things that happen in dreams like yeah sure ive died maybe 7 times but the things like dreaming soraru’s real name was “chouki milkmilk” and “did you know quail are the only flightless birds” and all the other stupid things dreams are fun
•art im REALLY frustrated rn bc i cant get risru right & im probably gonna have the same problem with shiru but honestly???? until u get rid of my hands entirely i’ll always be drawing something theres like 3 pages from school that DONT have doodles on them and i love how other people do things its just interesting how a collection of lines an colors looks like something else entirely and of course other forms of art like pictures & crafts & writing & music just so many protrayals of so many persectives & all pretty
•language although i kinda hate how picky rules can be & i can never express one (1) coherrent thought i love how word choice changes things in any language like the other day i said “so you get yourself a brand new kid” that made it sound like the kid is factory made rather than like ... a baby.... & also how there are so many collections of scribbles that are somehow representatives of words and people just?? read. and it means something. or how collections of sounds make words and sentences and its just... kinda cool
5 Things I’m Currently Into:
•the obvious: utaite. there are so many. i cant keep up. but i try to. when do they sleep. i dont know. voice pretty tho
•Etrian Odyssey. i SUCK at eo but the characters are cute & whats better than beating up monsters with a team of cute girls??? & wow the music is so pretty. i really love the second stratum in eo4. sure wish i could finish a game tho lmao
•ive been reading clockwork planet bc atr just had to do the ed & i actually really like it naoto reminds me of toki from heisei project
•the weathers finally warming up so i’ll be bothering the frogs again soon the water they live in is fuckin nasty tho
•corpse party. i’ve been meaning to replay it bc im missing some name tags but i havent gotten around to it yet. speaking of good music i really love some of the songs but of course those are the ones that werent on the bonus cd (at least theres that room in game tho)
5 Things On My To-Do List:
•actually study for once in my goddamn life. i really wanna. learn japanese but like... reading tweets & listening to twitcasts really isnt the most intense studying method i’ll get on it soon but oof havent really studied since second quarter and 4th quarter just started
•I WANNA LEARN TONCHINKAN NO EN & various other songs (c-caste)
•i have a list of things to draw mainly shirurisu shikioriori, shintaro’s pilgrim he just covered, atr’s yuudachi, ageyuki’s shoumei, ohayou, & c-caste, & i want a new lock screen for my phone so soborogohan
•kinda goes with sudying but i wanna reply with more than just good morning
•i wanna read bnha rather than just watching it but we’ll see
im not tagging anyone
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