rasairui · 4 months
"The bigots up top think we're ALL fucked up! They want us ALL dead!" Hey that's cool dude you're right! Now are you saying this as a genuine expression of solidarity and community, or do you only bring this point up when the acknowledgement of intersectionality makes you uncomfortable? Is it a rallying cry, or a way to shut down people affected by intercommunity bigotry?
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transgymbro · 5 months
i don't think transandrophobia is real but - *proceeds to talk about the specific issues and discrimination trans men face as an intersection of their transness and gender which is exactly what transandrophobia is*
Seriously y'all are either the epitome of the piss poor reading comprehension meme or just believing the first post about a thing you read, and NEITHER of those are a good look
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starryjoy · 28 days
I'll be fully honest rn, sometimes I get kinda scared of pointing out transmisogynistic and/or exclusionary behavior within some accounts that post in the transandrophobia tag, but it is mostly because I am terrified of my posts about it going out of target audience and people telling me "see!!they're turning on you now!!!" when every single transmasc I've ever shown these things to has agreed that yeah, they look pretty bad
anyways if your focus on defeating transandrophobia is on how there's some really mean trans women and you only ever talk about that (when the transandrophobic Tumblr community is full of self hating transmascs and there still being cis people yk) OR if you talk about such things as "every non-transmasc hates transmascs" / "trans men don't need trans women" (actual things I've seen in the tag) then I don't trust you and I never will
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giritina · 11 months
I just read maia crimews great article on the BRG tiktoks and felt vindicated to see the dog whistles called out for what they are. There are tons and tons of angles to analyze this from but I wanted to talk about the anti schizospectrum ableism. I get these videos on tiktok a lot and they're the biggest example I can think of of the aestheticized ~schizoposter~
I just want to highlight to people who might be thoughtlessly using the word schizo because it's becoming sort of memetic lately that this is the kind of person who started that meme.
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People on 4chan and in alt right circles know that schizo is a slur and use it as such. But now they realize applying it to the self is a great way to normalize this edgelord shit while ostensibly being sort of "anti-ableist" or pseudo leftist via the framing of it as reclamation. People start out being minorly edgy, thinking they're joking about universal stereotypes people apply to the mentally ill, but it's a useful dog whistle for a reason.
I want to emphasize that you can't reclaim words that don't apply to you. Schizospectrum symptoms are real and that slur applies to real, specific people. The "schizo", a delusional, paranoid person, is not a trope formed from thin air. Learn about us and be our allies in the fight for disability justice and you'll be better for it. It'll be easier to spot this kind of shitty rhetoric even when it's disguised as harmless memes.
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actualalivecreature · 3 months
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the fact that this has 500 notes, while just casually dropping ‘transandrophobia isn’t serious or real’ is so fucking sad and scary to me. how can you hate your fellow trans folks so much that you flat out deny their oppression exists (which in itself is an example of that oppression).
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viciouslyrobotic · 26 days
Its not trans fems we need to be taking issue with, its patriarchy and polarizing ourselves only serves that. Trans radfeminism is already a polarized ideology and we do not need to feed into it to have our criticisms of those perpetuating transandrophobia.
Its also been primarily folk like fite-club (fellow trans mascs) going abt being egregiously transmisogynistic and transandrophobic, too, and it should NOT escape our purview that trans fems like starryjoy, velvetvexations and intersex trans fems like impunkster-syndrome have been called fakers or straight up cis/trans men pretending to be trans women for speaking up and supporting us including the trans fem HARASSED INTO SHOWING ID for fighting alongside us. Intersex folk in general have ALSO been getting thrown under the bus and ran over repeatedly by the discourse on all sides and we shouldn't be doing that!
It not only trans mascs that are continuously sticking up for us against trans radfeminism! And they are getting hurt with us because this ideology hurts ALL of us bc trans radfeminism relies on transmisogyny, exorsexism, intersexism and transandrophobia to sustain itself. Please don't lose sight of that.
Also fite-club if u see this purchase some glass cleaner or better yet a mirror bc not a single one of us is a reflection for you.
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months
Chappell Roan being openly demisexual is really neat. I worry our community will ignore the ace part and only acknowledge her lesbianism.
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mewos-laptop · 17 hours
"Well don't trans mascs get male privilege once they transition ?" actually no not really
Not even cis perisex men get male privilege if they aren't performing masculinity the "right" way
"Well men aren't oppressed for being men !" unless they're black, or trans, or intersex, or POC in general, or gay, or GNC, or disabled, or fat.
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intersexcat-tboy · 4 months
On today's episode of trans intersexism:
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Perisex trans ppl claiming sexual harassment is deserved if the other person is "disrespectful" (pointing out facts and science)
Love how their comment also completely ignores the existence of those who have dysphoria rooted in not having both
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grecoromanyaoi · 10 months
genuinely what did he post that was antisemitic
remember "fucking jews"gate? bc i do. local (idk what gender he is) surprised that jews are in fact a part of our respective cultures and that middle eastern jews are in fact middle eastern and not a-ethnic aliens (the person in discussion is yemenite)
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transgymbro · 7 months
Ok, probably a bad idea for me to get into this during midterms week but I've been seeing a lot of (really bad) misinterpretations of what transandrophobia is and I feel the need to get this off my chest.
Transandrophobia is NOT
A way to excuse or mock transmisogyny
"Run of the mill" transphobia
"Run of the mill" misogyny
A tool to oppress or speak over women of any kind
The same thing as "men's rights"
Thing is: I'm not saying that transmascs cannot ever be misogynistic or transmisogynistic, what I'm saying is that the idea of transandrophobia is not that. Transmisogyny is a real problem, and I do not deny that my trans sisters suffer from it. If you genuinely believe I am being transmisogynistic and point out specifically where, I am willing to listen and correct myself.
But I am also asking that you do the same for us. Just as transmisogyny is a word to describe the unique type of discrimination experienced by transfems, transandrophobia is a word to describe the unique type of discrimination experienced by transmascs. And again, it's not just misogyny + transphobia, it's being invisible, condescended to, having our identity dismissed in the context of reproductive healthcare, being excluded from discussions around reproductive healthcare, and much more. Some of these may overlap with what transfems and nonbinary people face, and some may not.
There's also the myth going around that transmascs, especially trans men, are privileged because it's "easier" for us to pass. That's far from true. I am a binary trans man who has been on T for 2+ years and I pass insanely easily. BUT I AM ONE OF THE RARE LUCKY ONES. And even if my experience was common or guaranteed, any male privilege I have is CONDITIONAL ON PASSING. "Choosing" to be a man in spite of my birth circumstances does not make me privileged. Privilege does not get handed to you if you are changing your identity away from your AGAB, regardless of what gender you're changing to or from. (This is without touching on how me being east Asian may factor in)
And while I'm at it: MEN OF ANY SORT ARE NEITHER INHERENTLY EVIL NOR INHERENTLY BIGOTS. SIMILARLY, WOMEN ARE NOT INHERENTLY GOOD OR SAFE. Neither one's birth sex nor their chosen gender have any weight on whether they are a good or bad person. It is the individual's actions and only the individual's actions that matter.
This is getting long and rambly, but to reiterate the main point one last time:
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starryjoy · 15 days
hey @bullshit-sriduangkaew you're an actual piece of shit who should stay the fuck away from any trans discussion ever and shrivel up into your weird radfem ableist hole forever. when only radfems are agreeing with you and everyone else is telling you you're being an asshole maybe you should listen to them instead of continuing your streak of being a pathetic transmisogynistic transphobic ableist worm who calls people weak for being upset at you using actual literal neo nazi tactics to insult trans women you don't agree with or to call transmasculine people who are upset at you weak and feeble.
I'm tagging directly into a new post because yours are seriously the worst posts on this website and I don't want to put a single one on my account. please to everyone that sees this don't even go look for this person for your own good it's truly disgusting what they're doing and saying.
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nimeuh · 10 months
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goat-moth-thing · 24 days
i need you all to understand that theyfab is channer language. it's not critiquing transmisogynistic nonbinary people. channers just think nonbinary people who were afab are women trying to be quirky. if you're going to be transphobic at least be honest about it and know what the words mean.
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librarycard · 8 months
my number one issue with tumblr discussions of queerness is that many of the people talking about it on here are all so resistant to recognizing many of us, including you, are more alike than different. so resistant that they are addicted to inventing problems so unfounded in reality and the history of the lgbt community and suffused in bad faith readings of other people in the community that they sound legitimately insane
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isdalinarhot · 22 days
have been thinking about adolin using neopronouns specifically to piss off sadeas all morning. do you think vae could get sadeas to call vaer a trender
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