#into the cage little birdie
void-tiger · 2 years
Domesticated for egg-laying is pretty body-horror but…I’m hungry and that’s a stable protein source. Just make sure the hens are compensated for the constant drain of calcium and protein and other nutrients with access to Really Good Food.
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gremlingottoosilly · 3 months
What would monster Konig do with a little harpy reader? Like an exotic type or even just common little dove, maybe she works in coms and information and the big boi catches sight of her fluffy feathers >///<
Imagine working as one of the scouts, mostly because your smaller size allowed you to fly undetected and get into tight spaces...and your first meeting with Konig was literally because you made a small nest in one of the unused vents of the base. You weren't aware that it was a vent with one end ending up near the colonel's quarters...and you didn't know that your soft moans and mumbling in your sleep were keeping him up at night. He was so freaking horny, endlessly searching for the source of the sound and wonderful smell - he just wasn't aware that a perfect mate can be so close. You're his direct opposite - he is the sea monster, you belong to the skies. You don't know how to swim, you hate getting your wings wet - still, you are trying your best to be respectful towards the colonel, understanding exactly how hard his work is. You're respectful, you're undetectable, you're flying under the radar...and yet, somehow, he manages to get you. Konig often uses your wings and your fluffy, feathery tail to overstimulate you - he knows how sensitive it is, how even the slightest touch to your feathers will somehow make you tremble, even though it doesn't really make sense...and he can drive you crazy from just biting on the hard part of your wings, making you scared that he will rip them away. It would be so easy, too - chain his little birdie down in their gilded cage, only allow her to go out if she promises to never go away...he won't be like this, of course...or you hope so, at least. Konig makes you the prettiest nest with the shiniest trinkets - he especially dives to the deepest part of the nearest seas so he can give you some shiny pearls and little shells, smiling as you parade your trophies around and display them in your nest. At least your harpy nature made it easier for you to carry his eggs...although your protective nesting behavior is far more adorable when you're a bit dizzy.
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perlelune · 4 months
Oxytocin | Coriolanus Snow | v. {END}
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One act of kindness from a peacekeeper may be your salvation or your doom. Possibly both.
Warnings: DUB-CON, Blackmail, District 8 Reader, Stalking, Kidnapping
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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A deep breath flows from your lungs as you examine your reflection in the cracked, stained mirror. It’s been in your family for years and you never had the heart to rid yourself of it, despite the object’s sorry state. Like everything in the small house, it harbors a plethora of fond memories.
You arrange a few unruly strands of your hair. Though you immediately feel silly for doing so.
It’s not like he cares what you look like. It never bothered him before. He always seeks you out, even when you are worn and sweaty after working a long day at the factory.
As you tiptoe across the room, your gaze settles on Tilly’s tiny form. Soft breaths lift her chest up and down. She is fast asleep, thankfully. Words are amiss to explain where you’re sneaking off to tonight, who you’re planning on meeting up with…or perhaps there are words for that, some you are too terrified to even fathom. Two young people secretly wandering the streets of District 8 at night to find each other and…
Your cheeks flare with warmth.
This isn’t what Coriolanus is to you. He is your tormentor. That is all. If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t be shaking like a leaf in the dark, your stomach threatening to drop to your feet.
One of the moth-eaten, dusty floorboards squeaks below your feet as you reach the exit door and nudge it open.
“Are we going somewhere?”
Startled by your cousin’s drowsy voice, you turn around so fast that your head spins. She blinks at you curiously as she sits up in her bed. A heavy sigh peals from your lips. Smiling from ear to ear, you approach her.
You hunker down in front of her.
“I am. You’re not, sweetie.”
Your stomach coils. Still, your smile remains intact.
“Just gotta run an errand quickly,” you lie while cupping her cheek. “We’re running out of your medicine. We have to make sure you stay healthy past the winter.”
She yawns and glances at the twinkling stars through the window.
“But it’s so late.”
Excuses dwindle in your head. You retreat to the authoritative older sibling tone you sometimes use to get your cousin to do her chores.
“I’ll be back before you know it. Just go back to sleep, okay?”
You tuck Tilly back into bed. Arranging the blanket over her gingerly, you drop a soft kiss on her forehead.
Your cousin nods and curls herself beneath her blanket. Relief swells within you. She is too little to hear about the purpose of your nightly trip. In fact, you plan on her never knowing a thing about it. With luck, all of it will end tonight. You’ll bow to the peacekeeper’s demands. One last time. Then you’ll bury the awful memory in the furthest, deepest recesses of your mind and never look back.
It’s what you hope will happen.
Cool winds skate across your skin when you step outside. The moon trails your quiet, anxious trek through the alleys of District 8, its silver beams lighting the cobblestoned path. Every time your feet hit the ground, the nervousness in the pit of your stomach grows. Perhaps you should have stayed home, risked his wrath. You are so painfully unready for whatever the peacekeeper has in store for you. Your wild, palpitating heart seems as if it’ll burst out of your chest any second now.
Suddenly, your tremulous walk is halted.
Familiar fingers snake around your wrist. You’re pulled into a dark corner and shoved against a wall. A stunned gasp hops from your throat. 
Coriolanus smirks at your reaction.
“No need to be scared, birdie. It’s just me,” he whispers, balancing his arm above your head in a way that makes you feel caged.
He seizes your chin, cobalt eyes drinking you in. His voice is almost soft.
“You really thought I’d let you walk on your own at night? It’s not safe.”
He parts from the wall. His hand wraps around yours. He tugs you along and you have no choice but to follow.
“Where are you taking me?”
“You’ll recognize it.”
Indeed, you do. To your utter despair. After strolling through a vertiginous amount of dank alleyways and narrow stairs, you and the peacekeeper end up in front of a place that bears a daunting familiarity.
As the neon lights of the brothel fill your sight, your apprehension skyrockets.
Snippets of memories of what occurred the last time you were here lurk inside your mind. Your insides clutch.
Coriolanus sighs. His thumb sweeps across your palm, almost tenderly.
“It won’t be like last time. I promise. You can trust me.”
The same beautiful woman welcomes the two of you. Once again, there’s a flirting lilt to her tone, one the peacekeeper ignores. Coriolanus asks about a room. His questions about it fade amidst the uproarious drumming of your heart inside your ears. You’re a jittery wreck behind him, your gaze bouncing from wall to wall.
His deep voice yanks your attention back to him.
The corner of his lips quirks upward.
“Come with me.”
You nod. Is it too late to make a run for it? Though you’d rather not find out how much worse this could get, how mean Coriolanus could turn. He didn’t even hesitate to have you on your knees before, simply to make a point. He’s in good spirits now, nicer than he’s ever been to you, even humming a light tune to himself. Maybe you should aim to keep it that way. Tread the path of least resistance, as much as you loathe yourself for surrendering to him so easily.
You enter the room. Your heart leaps when you hear him lock the door behind you. The inside is nicely decorated. Candles around the canopy bed at the center of the room provide a soft, intimate light. 
Red and white rose petals are scattered over the silk sheets.
Your heart skips a beat when his breath ghosts over your neck.
“It’s pretty, right?” His hands settle over your hips, his chin resting on your shoulder. “I had it decorated specially for us.”
He shifts you so you’re facing him. Fingers sneak below your chin, tilting it upward. Your stomach flutters as you get lost in his blue eyes. They burn into you like coals in the swaying candlelight.
“Has anyone ever done something this nice for you?”
You remain silent for a while, fiddling with the scarf around your neck, the one he gave you.
“N-No,” you eke out after an eternity.
He starts pulling on your scarf. When it hits the floor, exposing your neck to his gaze, you already feel incredibly vulnerable. You tremble as Coriolanus begins to circle around you. As he does that, more articles of clothing join your scarf on the floor, turning into a growing heap at your feet.
First he unbuttons your shirt. When it’s loose on your frame, he pulls on it lightly until it slides off you. Next he unlaces your skirt. Coriolanus is slow, digits dragging over your quivering flesh as he peels every layer of fabric off you. Eventually, you are bare before him. Goosebumps peek under your skin as he spends a torturous minute simply appraising you. Lust swells his pupils, nearly drowning the blue in his eyes.
“Have you ever done this before?”
You shake your head. He seizes your jaw, angling your face upward.
“No miners? No factory worker? No one before me?”
Heat rushes to your face. Still, you shake your head again, faintly wishing you could sink inside the earth and disappear.
Satisfaction illuminates his features.
“So I’m your first.” He caresses your arm. You will yourself still, despite the itch to run away searing through you like a hot knife. His voice lowers to a husky whisper. “I wish you’d see I’m not your enemy, birdie.”
He then shocks you. Layer by layer, Coriolanus starts to shed every part of his peacekeeper uniform. Every piece of clothing falls into a heap on the floor that melds with yours.
When he peels off his boxers, your throat dries. He’s thick and long, just as you remember. Apprehension settles within you. His eyes lock with yours. “Do I look like your enemy right now?” he mumbles. Your pulse picks up as he approaches you. Your gaze drifts everywhere and nowhere, your breath caged in your lungs.
“I don’t know.”
“Do I scare you?”
His mouth slants crookedly.
“But not in the way you wished, right?”
You gawk at him, wide-eyed and dry-mouthed.
The courage to answer never finds its way into your heart. Coriolanus’ lips however find their way onto yours. At first, the kiss is soft and firm. Cradling your face, he sweeps his mouth over yours without haste. Meticulously slow. As if he wishes to commit your taste to memory.
He nudges you backwards onto the bed. When your back collides with the mattress, his mouth turns more ravenous. His tongue explores the roof of your mouth while his hands wander lower, kneading at your curves. Your head spins. You keen against his tongue as a sick twinge of something you won’t name flickers in your core.
When his mouth parts from yours, you’re both equally breathless, his warm breath mingling with yours. You find yourself almost longing for the heady feeling. Almost. The blond smiles down at your dazed expression.
He traces your jaw with his thumb.
“You can scream as much as you like, you know? No one will come to your rescue.”
“I won’t scream,” you say, defiance igniting your gaze.
“Oh but you will,” he replies with confidence. His mouth ghosts over your earshell. “You’re all mine tonight, pretty bird.” His mouth tugs upwards. “And I plan on making you beg for it before the morning comes.”
As if to emphasize his point, he slithers down your body. The entire time, he corrals your gaze, his blue eyes shimmering in the darkness. He wedges himself between your thighs, meeting only meek resistance as he pushes them apart. 
Coriolanus appraises your slick folds. He drags a finger alongside your slit, mirth lighting up his face. 
“Already so wet for me, birdie,” he says.
Your face heats. You could try to contradict him but the evidence is right there between your legs. Impossible to escape or deny. You are sinfully, embarrassingly wet in front of the peacekeeper.
Brazenness melts off your tongue when he presses his lips to your core. He feasts on your weeping folds, his unyielding fingers keeping you placid and open. His tongue teases your tender nub, drawing torturous patterns. Your muscles tighten. The air in your lungs rushes in and out faster as Coriolanus’ tragically skilled tongue sends zings of shameful pleasure through your spine. 
Meticulous and slow, he takes his time to taste you. Every second he spends unraveling you is the most sensual torture.
Your trembling fingers claw at the sheets, your eyes rolling back. You glance down. A peculiar tingle dances through your belly when you catch sight of the blond’s head bobbing between your thighs. Despite your center aching for release, you fight the urge to buck your hips into his mouth and seek more of the delectable contact. He sucks your swollen clit between his lips, pushing his tongue between your folds. You gulp down a sharp scream. Waves of pleasures sweep through your frame. Your lids flutter as your stomach tightens. A painful tension settles in your limbs, heat gathering in your core.
For a long time, you try to stay quiet. You bite yourself hard enough to draw blood as you muffle every whimper and moan struggling to break past the confines of your lips. 
Coriolanus makes his way up your body, his index and middle finger replacing his tongue. Quick exhales burst from your chest as you peer at him through your hazy vision.
“I want to hear you, birdie,” he rasps, his fingers catching on your bottom lip, forcing your mouth open. He sinks a finger inside you. Your chest lifts, brushing against his. When the digit hooks between your slick walls, grazing against your sensitive spot, you unleash a loud squeal.
The blond smiles.
“There. So much better.”
He sneaks another finger inside your core, stretching you even more. Unused to the feeling, you whine and grip a fistful of the sheets. He pumps inside you, finding a steady rhythm that has you twitching beneath him. The broken moans spilling from your tongue mingle with the wet sounds your cunt makes as he explores you with his fingers.
Embarrassment is slowly nudged aside by the storm of delectable sensations growing inside you.
The heel of his hand keeps grazing against your swollen button, eliciting spikes of pleasure through your flesh.
His forehead rests against yours, his feathery lashes falling to half-mast as he whispers,
“Come for me, birdie.”
Your breathing accelerates, his words propelling you closer to your peak. You clench around his fingers. Your legs tense. Warm tingles swirl across your flesh as your back arches. 
A lightning bolt of pleasure passes through you, quick and intense. For a few seconds, not a thought occupies your mind. You are nothing but a million nerve endings on fire.
Your boneless frame crashes over the sheets.
“Good girl,” he praises, his smile expanding. His fingers pull out of you and he brings them to his lips. You watch, sickly fascinated as he dips them into his mouth, reveling in your taste. He hums in appreciation. Your face warms. He then places those same digits over your own lips, forcing you to taste yourself. He bends over you, peppering sluggish kisses in the crook of your neck. His hand splays over your heaving chest, his thumb rubbing your nipples until they pebble under his touch. His lips trail lower on your body. 
He pauses, looming over you. Hands on each side of you, Coriolanus lines his tip with your entrance. Your eyes widen in surprise. You squirm and try to scoot away, panic rushing through you. 
He yanks you back on the bed with ease, his body pinning yours onto the mattress. When you reach for his face, hoping to land a blow, he snatches your wrists and slams them above your head.
He scoffs, “So feisty, even to the bitter end.”
Your breath falters when his thick tip stretches you open. Even that single inch of him feels like too much. Rapid breaths burst from your fluttering chest.
Tears quiver beneath your lashes.
“It hurts…”
He pushes until he’s halfway inside you. Pain shoots through you as you sob.
The tears spill. He releases one of your wrists to fondle your cheek.
“Shh, it’s okay, pretty bird. I’ve got you.” 
He shoves inside you until he grazes your hilt. Your lips part in a quiet scream, your vision flickering. For a while, Coriolanus remains still, giving you time to accommodate his thick girth. He starts moving, his thrusts slow and deep. The longer he fucks you, the more the pain morphs into something else. Something not entirely unpleasant, albeit a little terrifying. The aching stretch becomes tantalizing, your wet walls clinging to his length every time it drags against your soft spots. Little whimpers leave your throat as you cling to his bicep.
Coriolanus’ hand wraps around your jaw.
“Focus on me and only me,” he instructs.
Your eyes dive into his. Flames dance in his cobalt orbs. He smiles, his thumb sweeping  over your bottom lip.
“Such an obedient girl.”
“How does it feel now?” he grunts. You note the sweat glistening over his bare muscles, dotting at his brow. His exhales are more strained now, matching yours. 
You keen at a sharp snap of his pelvis into yours. He picks up the pace, bending one of your thighs against your chest to thrust as far as his cock will go. Your toes curl, blissful shivers creeping their way up your spine. 
“Awful,” you wheeze out. 
He snickers. “You’re a horrible liar, birdie.”
You sense him nearing the cusp of his pleasure. His cock twitches between your walls and you plead, panicked, “Corio…Coriolanus…not inside, please.”
A crooked grin spreads on his lips. 
“But wouldn’t it be wonderful, if I left you something to remember me by.”
You shudder, shaking your head. “No…”
He slips his fingers between your joined bodies, drawing a long moan from you when he starts rubbing your pulsing clit. He plays with your tender bud until you cry out. You come apart around him, slick walls hugging him snugly as he shoots his thick seed inside you. 
Dread settles in your bones, piercing through the haze of delight. You tremble as the stickiness trickles alongside your walls.
He lets out a throaty sigh, trapping you underneath him so you can’t move. 
“Yes,” he breathes out, burying his head in the crook of your neck. Your mouth opens in shock as another tear traces a blazing path down your cheek. He scatters bruising kisses along the column of your neck. His cruel words sear into your flesh. “That way you can never forget you were mine before anyone else, birdie.”
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You awake with a start, bruised and sore, in the massive bed. Your glance darts around, confusing filling you as you tuck the blanket against your frame. Your shoulders sag. You note faint sunlight pouring through the crimson curtains. All the candles from last night have been blown out. 
It’s the next day. You are alone. You shiver at the sight of the rumpled sheets, glimpses from the night before seeping through your mind. Coriolanus kept true to his word and made you sing for him the entire night. He was relentless and didn’t stop until you passed out from pleasure. In fact, you were so exhausted, you can’t pinpoint the moment he left. You simply recall him cooing soft praises in your ear as he had his way with you for the last time. 
For a moment, you held some fear that he would never leave, since he was so hellbent on making you come around him as many times in a row as he could.
What terrifies you most however, is that last night wasn’t terrible. Not entirely. Or not in the way you pictured at least. Heat creeps up in your cheeks at the thought. 
You clamber off the bed, wincing at the aching stiffness of your limbs. You collect your clothes and begin to dress. You’re eager to leave the room. It stinks of sex and shameful mistakes. 
As you climb down the stairs, the madam greets you with a wiggle of her fingers. You bristle, shame glowing inside your chest. 
She bends over the wooden handrail, her cleavage threatening to spill out of her dress.
“He said you were free to stay in the room to rest for the entire day if you wished. Paid in full before he left.”
“I don’t want to stay.” 
You hasten your pace to reach the exit faster.
She stops you in your tracks, a mischievous grin dancing on her lips.
“So the pretty boy didn’t tire you out then?” She tilts her head and pouts. “Pity. I imagined him to be a more…zealous lover.”
Your cheeks flame as you rush out of the brothel. You can’t get back home fast enough. 
You need a shower expeditiously. Never before have you longed for the freezing cold spray to hit your skin so badly.
You return home to at least a month’s worth of supplies and medicine in several bags. 
There’s even candy for your cousin, the same he brought her last time. Your cousin’s overjoyed, of course, but you remind her not to overindulge. 
Nothing else accompanies them. No letter. No card. You should feel happy at that, you surmise. Finally, you are free to live life on your own terms, return to your routine. 
Part of you is a little stunned by it however, and perhaps expect the peacekeeper to not be truly gone. For days, you keep wondering if he’ll materialize from a dark corner or surprise you as you stroll down a dank alleyway. 
None of that occurs. Still, it takes weeks for your blood not to chill anymore at the sight of a peacekeeper. After a month of tranquil, humdrum days, you’re forced to admit it. Coriolanus has granted you the peace he promised.
Your chest is a little lighter as you head to the factory everyday. You even start smiling again, which Yara and Tilly keep teasing you about.
But you can’t help it. No more feeling scared or confused. No more eyes trailing your every move. You’re relieved, happy. Life in district 8 may sometimes be uncertain but, at least, you hold your destiny in your hands once more.
Blessed freedom. Finally.
So you let yourself relax. Over time, the terror gripping your gut melts away. The tightness in your chest eases. 
Your mind is so at ease that you don’t notice the shadow creeping behind you on your way out of the factory. It’s too late when you do. 
A black cloth is shoved over your head as you turn a street corner. You’re hauled off your feet and dragged into a dim alley. Your heart races, panic flooding you as you’re tossed into the back of a vehicle. 
The engine roars to life. Every question you ask is ignored, your kidnappers frustratingly silent. You wonder if you’ll die or be sold off to traffickers. You’ve heard of district girls disappearing sometimes, the kind no one will miss or ask too many questions about. 
They often end up in sordid places. You’ve heard the stories. Some could end up in the mines, in shady brothels or even wind up as an Avox maid with their tongues cut off. Chills swirl over your skin. 
Is it to be your fate? Being carted off to some hellish place and worked to death? 
The car stops. Your pulse soars. Quick breaths pour from your mouth as you’re roughly carried to some other place. You struggle, trying to kick your assailant. You land a blind strike and hear a curse. You make a run for it, your blood singing wildly. 
It’s pathetic the swiftness with which you’re caught, as if your attempt meant nothing. 
You’re shoved into a box. As the slamming of a hammer surrounds you, sealing your fate, you begin to sob. You used to think you were just born in the wrong place, unlucky, like so many others. Now you’re starting to believe you are cursed.
Shivers wrack your frame as the box is lifted. Your stomach lurches. The entire trip is a nightmare. Dread grips you tight as questions crowd your mind about who’s taking you and why. After a while, you realize you’re on a train. Your terror swells. 
You’re being moved out of District 8. You haven’t left your district since birth. For better or worse, this was your home.
After an awful, rambunctious journey, the box is finally opened. You hear grunting above you as the lid of the box is pried open. 
The bag over your head is removed and you take in a lungful of clean air. Strong arms hoist you out of the box. You clumsily stumble to your feet. 
You whirl. 
An audible breath skips off your tongue as you take in who stands before you. He looks so different. No more peacekeeper uniform. No more buzzcut.
“Coriolanus?” you gasp.
He smiles. “Hi, birdie.” A wave of snow engulfs your veins.
He sweeps a hand over his silver curls, sounding almost bashful.
“Do you like it? I’m trying to grow it out again.”
Ignoring him, you peer at your surroundings. The white room has a vaulted glass ceiling that allows sunlight in. The pearly marble tiles are pristine. Other than that, you only find one opening. A small door on the other side. You scuttle across the room to reach it. 
The door knob shakes but doesn’t give. Still, you insist, your desperation growing. Your heart sinks as you glance down at the tiny keyhole in the door. 
Coriolanus’ deep voice approaches from behind you. 
“This is a locked cell, pretty bird,” he explains. “And I’m the only one with the key. Dr. Gaul uses it for her more…feral experiments. But she’s granted me permission to use it for an experiment of my own.”
You whip around. “Dr. Gaul?” 
You feign interest, hoping to distract him, having noted the tiny golden key dangling from his neck. Coriolanus catches you looking at it and smirks. “My mentor. Don’t worry. I’ll walk you through everything. I’m sure you’ll fit right in over time.”
He inches closer and you stagger backwards. 
“W-Why am I here?”
Instead of being offended by your attempts to shy away from him, the blond seems mildly amused, studying you as he paces around the room.
“I couldn’t let my sweet bird wither away in a filthy district, of course. I belong in the Capitol, and you belong to me.”
You gape at him. While you knew him to be some entitled rich kid from the Capitol, you never imagined he’d take it this far. Steal you away like you’re some shiny object that struck his fancy at the marketplace. Not a person with a life and desires of their own.
“You’re insane,” you hiss.
His mouth twitches, marking the first hint of displeasure at your reaction.
“We’ll have to work on that coarse mouth of yours. It will not stand here.” His tone grows chillier. “Here in the Capitol, we have discipline, order.”
“Let me go,” you shout, lunging yourself at him. You attempt to tackle him and grab the key from his neck. Unleashing a sigh of annoyance, Coriolanus seizes your wrist and twists it with hardly any effort. The sickening sound of bones snapping lands in your ears. He throws you on the floor, kicking your side for good measure. You keel over the tiles, cradling your throbbing wrist against your chest.
Coriolanus shakes his head as he considers your curling frame on the floor.
“Look what you’re making me do, sweet bird. As I’ve said, your uncouth District wench ways will not stand here. You’re going to behave…” He hunkers down before whispering, “Unless you never want to see your cousin again.”
Your head snaps up, tears filling your eyes.
“She needs me. Coriolanus, please-”
“She will be cared for. There’s a very nice orphanage south of the Capitol, one for all the children who lost their homes in the war.” He beams at you. “She’s being transported there as we speak.”
“Oh my god…”
“You want to see her again? It’s all up to you, birdie.” A slow, wicked smirk blooms on his lips. “...Or perhaps she would fare well as the District 8 tribute for the 11th Hunger Games. She may be a little young…but at least she’d increase viewership.”
“You can’t do that,” you protest, your lip quaking as tears skip over your cheeks.
A dark chuckle leaves him.
“I can and I will. You see, birdie, the world isn’t fair.” He cocks his head. “No one cares about innocent children dying. Hell, I was kicked, beaten and starved so many times during the war, I lost count. No one cared.” His blue eyes turn icier as they meet yours. “The world…it’s an arena. You’re either a predator, or you’re prey.” He lifts his hand to cup your cheek. A gesture that’d be almost tender if the words spilling from his mouth weren’t so cruel. “It’s best to just embrace your role.”
He caresses your tear-stained cheek.
“So will you be my sweet, obedient girl?”
As you sink in his empty blue gaze, a sense of defeat cloaks your frame. You come to realize, you were never meant to come out unscathed from meeting Coriolanus Snow, never meant to win. The fire in his eyes is the kind that burns all standing in its path.
There is no getting away. If you survived him, you’d be lucky.
Your chin trembles as you reply meekly, “Y-Yes, Coriolanus.”
His lips brush over yours before he gets to his feet, satisfaction glowing on his handsome features.
“Wonderful. I can’t wait for you to meet everyone, birdie.”
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kingconia · 10 months
[ Animagus — a magician, who can turn into an animal and back by their own will. ]
Leona Kingscholar.
— I actually headcanon that Leona has a strong Disney princess vibe, which means he is always surrounded by a lot of animals—and it is not about his classmates—so, when a stray cat starts following him around he doesn't see anything strange in that;
— Whenever he wakes up, there is always the same cat curled on his chest, a very pleasant weight on him almost reminding him of you, his lover;
— Leona's friendship with the cat starts when he offers it the peace of his meal that Ruggie brought. It licks his fingers and face after, and he introduces the cat as ”my partner in crime” to Ruggie affectionately;
— The cat hit him on the cheek with these little paws of it, when the headmaster is too close to the spot, where Leona sleeps carelessly, instead of being on lessons;
— Instantly, Leona wants you and the cat to meet each other. But when he tries to arrange the meeting in the botanical garden, something always goes wrong. He is so annoyed.
”Fucking fluffy brat!” Leona hisses, sniffling more intensely, trying to pick of the scent of the cat one more time. ”That is embarrassing, I swear.”
You smile as you lean on the tree with your shoulder. There is something especially funny about Leona, who searches for the cat desperately, with his tail swinging nervously. You don't even mask your laughter.
”I swear, this furball hates me,” Leona mutters. He is suddenly in front of you, with hands gripping your shoulders as he gently shoves you in the opposite side. ”Move, move. I think, she is somewhere here.”
“Su-ure,” you yawn with the fake sympathy.
”I am sure... It is somewhere... Here...”
You can't help but wonder how someone could be so smart and stupid at the same time...
Ruggie Bucchi.
— When a little bird sits down on his windowsill in the morning, Ruggie's first—and honest—reaction is to wonder if it is morally correct, to eat it alive;
— He stops thinking about that right after the bird throw a few branches in Leona's head, after he was especially mean to Ruggie;
— Since then, considers to befriend it. Brings some food for birds, and allows it to peck on his cheek;
— Allows it to travel on his shoulders, while he shows ”the bad guys, you should throw branches at, Birdie”, and complains the bird about everything and everyone during the day;
— Ruggie finds it unbelievably unfair how you, his lover, and Birdie, his best friend, are never in the same room.
”You hung up with Draconia boy too much,” Ruggie tells you, with the absolutely serious expression on his face, when you come to look at the empty cage again.
You blink, not really understanding where it is coming from.
”...What it has to do with you never being able to keep your bird to my arrival?” You mock, folding arms on your chest.
”His darkening aura annoys Leona, and it surely scares the Birdie away,” Ruggie hums.
You really can't help but burst out in laughter. Instantly, you throw a pillow in his head.
”Ouch, ouch!”
”And you should start hang out with Leona less,” you chid. ”Malleus is no at fault that you can't even train your pet.”
Though, of course, you are not his pet. And there is no way you are going to be train, even for a game.
”Yeah... You are right.”
But Ruggie doesn't need to know that. For now, at least.
Jack Howl.
— ???
— When a random rabbit starts following Jack around, he looks absolutely lost. Had this animal never heard that wolves eat their kind???
— ”Hey, come on... Go away, bunny... Go!” (Looks at it with the warmest eyes ever) ”Fine... The strong must protect the sweet one... But only because you are so small, and helpless!”
— He can't bring it to Savanaclaw, for the obvious reasons, so Jack makes a deal with Epel, to keep it in his dorms. Epel stress out, because the animal keeps appearing and disappearing on its own wish, though...
— Jack, somehow, justifies this strangeness with the fact that, of course, his Bun-Bun is not like other rabbits, huh! (He is so delusional...)
”Oh, Jack,” you mutter softly, scratching him behind the ear. ”Don't be sad. Surely, once I will be able to meet this rabbit of yours, too.”
Jack sighs, putting cheek on your shoulders, obviously disappointed that his two favourite creatures hadn't met yet. In moments like this, you are so close to tell him the truth... It is just impossible to see him sad...
”I know... But it happens so often. It is, as if you and Bun-Bun are the same person!” He blinks. ”Actually... You kinda act the same, you know?”
You pale visibly. How the fuck, from all of the in this school, Jack the only one who assumed the right answer, though, by the accident?!
”I... Jack...”
”Ha-ha,” the sudden loud laugh from the other end of the room startles both of you. ”Our dear Y/n, cette douce étoile, a bunny? Don't you think, a cat would fit them more?”
You sigh, waving Rook Hunt off, though, with a certain gratitude.
”Jack, you would notice, though, wouldn't you? You have extra senses.”
He nods reluctantly, but you can see doubt in his eyes. And when you turn around, Rook winks at you, knowingly.
You are in so much trouble...
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damiansgoodgirll · 3 months
hello, can you write about damian priest x reader where she just got into the main roster on RAW and she felt left out in the women's lockerroom (except becky and liv) and a impossible crush with the archer of infamy but he is the one who ask her out
love this request!
‼️a little angst and rhea’s a little mean, sorry
damian priest x reader
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my birdie
you were a shy person.
always been. but when it came to wrestling, you were an animal, everyone knew about your abilities and they loved you for it. that’s why you went from nxt to smackdown and from smackdown to raw in less than two years.
people wanted to see you doing big things and big things came when hunter placed you in a completely different roaster.
you made some friends in nxt, you’ve been there the most so your colleagues got to know you better. it’s not that you were rude, you didn’t like being on your own either but you were shy.
some of your colleagues got to know this side of you and tried to involve you in more activities together, others didn’t care as they all wanted to focus on themselves.
when you spent a few months on smackdown, everyone apart from bayley ignored you. she immediately understood what you were feeling. fear of being alone and starting in a roaster where you didn’t know anybody and the fact that you weren’t talkative at all was making it 100% harder.
you were grateful for bayley and for her patience with you, that’s why you cried to her when you were being shifted on raw.
you wanted to be on raw, you were just scared of how you were going to be treated. it wasn’t easy on smackdown but at least you made a friend.
the first two weeks were hard. bayley was constantly checking on you, making sure you were okay and doing good. she even said to the other girls that you were shy and needed a little time to open up but it felt like they didn’t care.
liv and becky were the only two people who never made you feel unwanted. they took times to introduce you to the rest of the raw squad.
basically, everyone was ignoring you.
shayna tried to get to know you, and in fact she liked your shy and calm persona but she was too focused on her goals to have time to get to know you better. still, you appreciated her efforts. she still spent time eating lunch with you and you were really grateful for that.
but, apart from the three girls, it was clear that you were unwanted. other girls saw you as a threat.
especially rhea. you would describe the meeting with the judgment day “the most scary day of your life”. liv introduced you to them and you felt like an animal in a cage when you felt all of their eyes on you.
dom and finn didn’t really care about you. rhea ignored you but kept watching you. damian, well, damian had the audacity to make some stupid jokes about your shy persona.
“what is a scared birdie like you doing in a place like this?” he joked making everyone but liv laugh “cat really got your tongue birdie? be safe out there, you’re a little bird in a room full of cats ready to eat you alive”
“and the one right here” dom said pointing at rhea “is the scariest cat you’ll ever meet” and with that they all left.
you remember crying that night.
you also knew that becky and liv had a conversation with them because they stopped poking at you. they just watched you from afar. especially damian. who you got a little crush on but could never tell him. you couldn’t really understand why he was constantly watching you. when you were training. when you were on live television. when you were basically doing nothing. he was watching you and his beautiful but firm eyes made you a little scared.
“what is she doing here?” you heard rhea saying to finn, one time you were all training together. she didn’t know you were listening but you were. and her words hurt you “she looks like a lost princess from disneyland” she said making finn laugh.
you excused yourself from training with becky and seth and they immediately knew something was wrong. they took you under their protective wing, training with you and teaching you new moves.
“jeez rhea, was that necessary?” becky said with an angry look on her face.
“what?” she said like nothing happened.
“why do you all hate her so much? what has she ever done to you?” seth said to finn and the rest of the judgment day.
they had no reason to hate her “like i thought” seth said.
“she’s in the wrong place” rhea said, not making eye contact with becky.
“wrong place? she kicked your ass last week” becky said laughing “just because she’s shy doesn’t mean she isn’t capable, she’s just as smart and strong as you rhea…she just has more difficulty to open up to people…you guys should help her instead of making fun of her, or at least, if you don’t feel that kind to get to know her, ignore her…for her own sake, stop making fun of her” becky said very annoyed before leaving with seth.
that night you kept thinking about rhea’s words. maybe you really were in the wrong place. maybe you didn’t belong with them. maybe you really should be doing something different. and those thoughts made you cry because wrestling was all you ever wanted to do in your entire life.
but before you could overthink again, a soft knock on your hotel room awaked you from your wandering mind.
you weren’t definitely expecting to see damian priest in front of you.
“hey…” he smiled at you.
“you should at least wait until tomorrow to make fun of me” you said, looking at the ground “again…”
damian felt guilty.
he saw how you quickly wiped your tears away. he also knew he fucked up.
he felt guilty because in reality he was in love with you. you caught his attention the moment liv introduced you to them. he was watching every move you made, making sure you were being safe but he didn’t want to let you know what he was feeling.
“i’m here to apologise…”
“sure” you still weren’t looking at him.
“i’m serious y/n…i’m so sorry for how i made you feel, for how me and my team made you feel…” he began apologising and you let him in the room before you could catch other’s attention “we thought it was funny at first but…we clearly weren’t thinking and for that i’m so sorry, we didn’t mean to hurt you” he said truthfully but still you weren’t looking at him.
his eyes had a different effect on you.
“can you please look at me?” he said moving closer to your body “are you scared of me birdie?”
“i’m not scared…” you said raising your eyes.
now you were both looking into each other’s eyes.
“i’m sorry…really, so so sorry for hurting you…” he apologised again.
“it’s okay damian…thank you for your apology, uhm…it’s okay now i guess” you shyly smiled at him.
“and if you’re okay…i would like to get to know you a little bit more…only if you’re okay with that” he said a little awkwardly.
“yes…it’s okay for me”
“perfect” he smiled “what about tomorrow? i’ll take you somewhere nice for lunch, if you’re free of course” he rambled.
“i’m free” you smiled, seeing how funny he was being.
“then i’ll see you tomorrow birdie” he smirked before leaving your room.
“would you ever stop calling me that?” you asked him.
“i don’t think so” he smiled at you closing your hotel door.
you looked at the door for about ten minutes before moving into your bed, smiling like a teen who just got asked out.
now, all you had to do was to get a nice sleep and waiting for tomorrow to come.
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fisshbones · 1 month
Sunday’s little bird 🪶
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A/n: first and probably only attempt at yandere, blurb, likely ooc, not proofread, tbh i hate how fhis came out, written before I finished 2.1 or started 2.2 Gn! Reader
(set in an already established relationship)
Cw: yandere, kidnapping, toxic relationship, manipulation, lowkey naive reader, drugs, birds, hinted animal death.
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Sunday had a pretty little pet bird that he named after you. The bird’s feathers are the same color as your hair. The bird is treated like royalty. A big beautiful white cage, for when it’s misbehaving or sleeping. But if you ask for the bird’s name he’d just say some random name. He fears he’ll weird you out knowing that he named an animal after you.
Somewhere down the road Sunday starts to wonder about the possibility of keeping you in the cage instead of the bird. After all if you were caged you would be safe. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing you, not after he lost his sister too. Locking you up just seems like the safest option. Would you forgive him for locking you up? He hopes you will because it’s his only option..
He starts having you come over and help him take care of his little birdy-you. It’s his tactic on helping you acclimate to your future home. You’ve been to his home many times, the only thing that’s different is taking care of his little bird. While you’re getting acclimated with your future roommate, Sunday is out making arrangements for people to ‘attack’ you. He knows you won’t willingly stay caged, so he needs to scare you. Every time you’ve gone out for the last few weeks you’ve been threatened, attacked, or robbed. Without fail Sunday is always there to comfort you, like the sweet loving boyfriend that he is.
After a particularly bad attack he brought you home and patched you up. He gave you some pain killers and helped you to bed so you’d feel better in the morning. The following day you would awake to a chain around your ankle, locked in the big beautiful white cage, with your feathery roommate in your food dish. After you’re done eating your breakfast, he’ll help you bathe and get you dressed in some pretty white clothes. You will forever be Sunday’s pretty little dove now.
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As always likes, comments, & reblogs are appreciated <3 Also please send in inspo :((
Song that i listen to while writing this -> Bernadette (post romanian storm) iamx
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blueparadis · 9 months
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⟣ ──┈ · · · + synopsis ➢ At an after-party of a match when Rin comes to know that you are looking for a suitable candidate to pop your cherry, he decides to help solely because he needs to blow off some steam too.
⟣ ──┈ · · · + cw ➣ soccer player!pleasure-dom!rin itoshi x ceo!sub!female!reader, little angst, flirting, obsessive and toxic tendencies, éxplicit smut { s/d dynamics, s/m dynamics, foreplay, nipple stimulation, m→f oral acts. overstimulation, orgasm control, orgasm denial ( 3 times sorta pain play), f!ngering, cunnilingus.} aftercare; 2,1k word count. | blog navigation + koct’23 masterlist. |
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“Need help?” Rin asks as your hands keep fidgeting with the buckle of his belt. His knees were wide apart from each other as much as possible to provide you the space you require to sit in between his legs in the W-position on the carpet floor. The air conditioner is on but still, it is getting blamed for not doing its job properly.
“Oh.Right.” he drawled. “I haven't asked you,” His arm extended to chin-up your face. “Your name,”  He did not even have to lean forward to touch you. “What’s your name?” Your hands were still resting on his inner thigh, eyelids blinking slowly yet with pressure, forming creases in your forehead. Rin was right. You should not have had so many drinks, especially when you are about to get laid. “C’mon, you know mine already,” he added running his thumb over your tightly sealed lips.
“Cherry,” you muttered and at the very next moment, a teeth-flashing grin spread from ear to ear across his face. Rin leaned forward, dipping his face halfway. A throaty chuckle escaped from his mouth before it asked the same question again. “Alright. Cherry, what's your real name?” There are still some inches between his lips and yours but the night lighting of the room makes him seem closer; jocking down a bit further he whispered.“What’s the name I should moan when I'm inside you?”
You licked your dry lips feeling the proximity of his face unbearable. “I have. many,” you started off with a tiny smile as his hands slowly moved underneath your cheeks tickling you, rubbing your cheeks, playing with your hair strands. “Umm...but you can call me— pretty, angel, princess. . .” You uncurled your finger from a fist, one by one as you kept going on. Unlike your ex-boyfriend and vapid hook-ups, he is actually attentive or at least has the decency to be or maybe he is just another hot guy taking pity on you. He pauses you by grabbing your palm in his, lowering it to meet your gaze but you do not look up at him. Instead, a short-lived gasp leaves your mouth, eyebrows jump, and eyes widen at how his hands wrapped around yours perfectly. 
Your lips remain parted from each other, eyes still lingering on his hands, fingers that are gradually filling the gaps in between yours Rin regrets his decision. He regrets not dragging you out of the bar sooner. Shit! You are so wasted. How long have you been drinking while sitting at the lonely corner of the bar? Maybe long before he showed up. If he did not get bored with his own match after-party you would have been too wasted to go home or come to your room in this multiplex. 
Whatever little time he spent with you at the bar, you had complained to him how your ex-boyfriend treated you and dumped you a week ago. A perfect candidate to hit. According to him, one night stands should always be like an open and a shut case, even better when no past details regarding either of the party are shared, or pitied upon. But when you mentioned ex-boyfriend and a certain familiar name, Isagi Yoichi in the same sentence with tears in your eyes and trembling lips Rin was too tempted to give up the little birdie he caught in his cage of charms. 
He should have walked away and let you down humbly instead of dragging you to the room. Still, he is glad that you already have a room booked here, otherwise, he would have to take you elsewhere. He never takes a girl to his reserved room, either he hits a pub or a bar if he has to blow off some steam. Truth be told, he is not a good guy, not good enough not to take advantage of drunk girls.He has never done it before, but he has thought of doing it. And in his defense, it was you who kept — damn it! Why is he thinking like a horny teenager?
Rin tucks a few of your hair strands behind your cold earlobes. He notices a heart-shaped pendant with a keyhole in between your collarbones. Damn! Isagi did quite a number on you. The key locket that he saw hanging from Isagi's pocket a few weeks ago must be yours.
“Y/N.” You blurt out peering at him. Your lyre of a voice borrowed in his mind making him arch his head, lips following the lead suggesting he registered your answer. But you were not done yet. “Y/N. . .” 
“Y/N Mikage.”
Another brick in the wall. He is utterly fucked. Not only you are the ex-girlfriend of his rival player but also sister to Reo; Reo Mikage. He had a feeling he saw that pretty face of yours somewhere. He remembers it now, clear as a day. You are the CEO of Mikage Corporation given Reo has zero interest in becoming one. He even remembers being an ambassador for the sportswear and accessories your company has for four months. Damn! The world really is such a small place, isn't it? 
Lost in his reverie of thoughts, Rin disentangled his hand from yours weighing his probable decisions. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I knew you’d back out.” you blurt out. “Most people do.” 
That's not it. You are wrong.
Rin wants this, he is sure of it; maybe more than you but the stimulus fueling such intentions is not of a saint. Rin stands up grabbing you by the arm, pulling you up. It is abrupt, and not in his control. He is not sure who is more drunk at this point. You do not struggle to stand up but the dizziness accelerates. He enquired, “Most people do, huh?” He knows Isagi did not. “Why do you think so… why did you think I'd back out?” 
His hands were at work. One hand at your back while the other unbuttons your shirt. He is keeping you distracted, and busy. He is not entirely invested in what you think, what you say, and what your reasons are right now. He only knows that he has the right piece of a puzzle to complete and relish the victory for as long as he lives. In the playground, Isagi might be a threat to his existence but right now, he is one. “Wish I knew.” you murmur under your breath as he unzips your pencil skirt and drops them on the floor. 
Pushing you onto the soft mattress on the bed he basks in the view in front of him: You sprawled out on the bed, shirt unbuttoned from the bottom to top except the collar button just to keep the ribbon intact. He did not remove your lacy tights. Rin is not the type of guy who would small-talk before doing the deed but right now as he stares at your face in this pale night light he wishes he had something to say. 
“I'm on pills. But if you don't trust me.” You pointed at the drawer. “Feel free to use.” God! Isagi is such a sleaze for making you take pills, especially when you are a virgin. 
“I don't need one.” Rin huskily exclaims as he sits by the edge of the bed, placing a pillow underneath your head. 
“Woah. You trust me now?” You mockingly mutter watching him run a finger through the turtle neck collar. You look at the A.C. it's at 20°C. 
Rin dips his index finger through the elastic of your panty, running his finger from one end to the other of your waist. “What are you doing?” your voice slurred, skin covered with goosebumps.
“Time to see how much you trust me.” Rin remarks with a small smirk before dipping his head in between your legs peppering kisses, sucking in between, and placing open-mouthed kisses along your inner thighs. You squirm and buck your hips wanting to feel more whatever he is making you feel. He holds your hips, firmly this time, to make you stay still as he wets your entrance by lapping his tongue over the cloth. The stockings are still on, and so are your shirt and lacy bra.
He is no foreigner to a virgin body but seeing your panty getting wet, dripping with juices increases his urge to explore you more. He knows you are close. But he does not want you to cum, not like this. He wants to see your face when he makes you cum, so that he can tell Isagi how beautiful and hot you looked while screaming his name as he gives you the best orgasm.
Getting up he sits by your waist before sliding his hand into your panty, cupping your vagina. It is wet, leaking with juices. He wished he could have put his cock into your juicy warm hole but he restrained himself; one at a time. Two fingers went inside you at ease. As he starts to finger you slowly, intensely your hands arch above your head to grip the sheets. He quickened his pace and the wet noises became louder. You try to look at him but with the mix of alcohol and second approaching high, you could barely make eye contact for five seconds. 
All you do is clench the sheets. He jocks down, pausing his ministrations to suckle onto your nipples, bite it and that too over the cloth; running his tongue over your cleavage tasting the salt of your skin. Your white bra is soaked with his saliva around your nipples. You wish he could have done it without any clothing on but the least he does is to pull out your boobs out of the bra. Your nipples are pebbled and with the cool of the A.C goosebumps can be seen. You start to buck up your hips because of the prolonged pain in between your legs that keeps increasing with his slow, strong, and sensual strokes.
“No. Don't.” Rin almost snarls as your hips move. You try to but your body still resists. He takes his fingers out of your vagina holding your cheeks, his thumb barely touching your lips. “do you trust me?” you nod instantly conveying to him that you do. He smiles inwardly at your petty obedience while you can smell yourself on his hand. It is nasty you think but when he pushes his middle and ring finger into your mouth, you lick them clean. Rin smiles at your desperation. It makes him hard. It makes him wanna fuck you till you pass out. 
“more than your ex?”He adds. You do not nod. You do not look away. You might be a virgin but you have known the most sincere eyes of a man in your lifetime and trampled upon them just because of one stupid love. “Right now. I trust you. I don't know about tomorrow” You pant and huff as he pinches your clit, and plays with it. You are half naked, and so is this guy, Rin yet you feel so seen. God! How badly he wants to kiss you and taste you properly! How did Isagi let go of an angel like you?
You struggle to keep up the eye contact as his fingers pick up the pace again. You arch and squirm as he continues but he is not fond of the look on your face now. You are still struggling, still halfway about this idea of one-night stand. Rin puts his palm over your eyes as he moves his finger up and down, rough and vigorously making you moan and arch like a bow as you reach high. 
Rin pulls out his hands out of your panty. He still has his hand over your eyes as you calm down from the high, You ask him “Will I see you when I wake up?” removing his hand. 
“Yes. Of course.” He lies. He says you will because, by the time he is long gone, you will not remember much of him in that heavily intoxicated state. He lies because, by the time his lie reaches your brain, you will be too exhausted to remain awake. 
As you toss and turn around the bed, he goes to the bathroom. By the time he is out, you are already asleep. He leaves your room by locking it from inside. As he leaves the elevator he spots your P.A. He walks past him and then takes a U-turn to inform him to look after you in the morning. What a mess he is in! Stupid hormones.
He leaves for his hotel texting Isagi, “Thank you for leaving yn...” his finger pauses before it hits send. He diverted his thought into another twisted curve. What if? What if he can have you more than this? What if he can make Isagi see what kind of gem he lost? You are a gem. He is not wrong about that. The stakes are high — reputation, lust, rage, and repentance but it is worth a try if it is you, yn mikage.
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@tteokdoroki @orchid3a @seirinz @semisgroupie @saenora
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r0-boat · 5 months
Birdie Bride
Sfw Yandere!Harpy! Larry x GN!reader
Cw: slight yandere, (no killing or harm towards reader just watching them and kidnapping)
Gendered nickname: Wife (Larry does not know anything about humans)
Author's notes: yandere Larry is easy mode. I see him being a very light yandere. The most he'll do is kidnap you really and stalk you, but that's about it. So, you people who don't really like yandere's for their overbearing and murdering nature I feel like you enjoy this one.
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Gentle claws brush against your cheek. Sharp jet-black eyes gaze down at you, taken in your unconscious form sprawled out in his nest. Curiosity took over the creature's mind as he tried to figure it out. Who or what are you? He had always watched you from afar his, his claws digging into the bark of a tree, watching you, studying you, a craving to satisfy a need to creep closer. 
Now that he had found you unconscious in that weird, thin hide cage. Larry could finally fully drink you in, cause gently prodding your hair and pawing at each strand to find out a single feather; at the same time, his own talons graze through his own black and white hair as if he was comparing mammalian hair to his mixed concoction of human hair and avian feathers.
He wasn't done. However, his claws gently grazed against your skin down your arm as if meticulously looking for a single feather on your skin.
You were not a harpy, it was evident, not a single feather on you. Your Talons were dull and flat, and when he gently pressed his thumb against your lip to inspect your teeth you had no Sharp things to rip and tear through meat, feeling your soft fleshy lips in the process.
You were not a harpy, but he can't deny the Primitive feeling he felt when he caught a whiff of your scent, even now as he pressed his nose against the nape of your neck, his black and white wings puffed up, his eyes open and softened.
If not, mate, then why is his body reacting this way? Why is his heart pounding in his chest? His face flushed with heat, instinctually letting out a low-throated cooing noise. He wanted more. Larry wasn't sure what he wanted, but he knew he wanted more: no more light touches with his fingers to inspect you. He tried to place his hand against your stomach, almost hypnotized by how it moved up and down as you breathed calmly. Despite his eagerness to be close to his mate, his hand approached you slowly and carefully.
Only to flinch away when you stir in his nest, tossing in the soft straw pillows and blankets. Keeping his distance but quietly observing as you slowly awaken from your slumber, expecting to wake up in your tent only to realize that your hand grazes through a straw immediately. Your heart quickens the fog of sleepiness immediately lifting as you bolt awake, scaring the figure next to you. Black wings flap as he jumps back, startled by your sudden movement, only to crawl toward you slowly.
That's when you finally saw your kidnapper. Jet black eyes matching with his feathers, with with what you see patches of graying feather. Even as he crawled, it was clear that he could easily tower over you. You were unable to speak due to your circumstances, and you're being riddled with anxiety and fear of just being kidnapped while unconsciously thinking that it's just a bad dream. Your palms were sweaty legs and arms shaking. You are not on the ground anymore, your eyes looking down a high drop. 
Larry notices your eyes filled with fear. His voice is low, husky, yet gentle.
"Do not be scared, wife. I will not hurt you,"
Out of everything that was happening, that one little nickname robbed your attention away, finally getting you able to speak.
"W-wait what did you just call me?" Your voice cracked fear still in your system as you try to scoot a little away as the big birdman urges you closer to his body.
"This is what human males call their mates, is it not?"
His knowledge of humans is highly lacking. However, getting him to change his mind on the little pet name he gave you seems complicated. But you had better things to worry about, like getting out of this nest and away from him.
" you do not have wings, wife; please stay away from the edge."
Larry cooed, still using that softer voice. You pull your arms closer to your body, or fists clenched as your whole body tenses up. His black wings brush against your side and closing you against his chest.
Almost in his lap, your body was pressed against him, a firm hand against your back, and his wing wrapped around you. You feel his nose nestle against your forehead.
Even though you've been kidnapped, things could have been worse. This bird guy doesn't seem like he wants to hurt you. You can't help but feel your heart fluttered by his voice when he calls you that little nickname. Even though he's technically wrong, it doesn't feel bad. Holding you against his chest like this feels kind of nice; it is better than killing you. Hopefully, you can convince him to let you go. Unbeknownst to you, Larry plans to keep you for a very long time.
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pennylanefics · 23 days
Animal Shelter - Seth Jarvis
a/n: ahhh i think this turned out so cute! 🥰 i'm more of a cat person but there are a couple breeds of dogs that i have a love for, and greyhounds are one so i put my own personal touch to it :)
summary: you and seth plan to adopt a dog, but things take an unexpected turn while at the shelter
word count: ~2k
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“You wanna get a dog?” Seth asks you late one night, as you lay in each other’s arms in the soft candlelight. The power had been out for a couple hours due to a bad storm, with no idea of when it would come back on. But thanks to a few flameless candles, you were safely able to light the room.
“What?” You wonder, looking down at him in confusion, the question seemingly out of nowhere.
“I feel like it’s a pretty straight forward question. Do you want to adopt a dog?” He repeats, his hands playing with the ends of your hair. You stare at him in disbelief.
“What kind of dog?” You ask, sitting up to stare down at him, your hand running along the chain of his necklace that laid on his bare chest. He shrugs against the pillow and moves his hand to rest on your back, caressing it up and down your shirt covering your skin.
“Dunno. I figured we could go to the shelter and find a good fit,” he nonchalantly says. “I think it would be a great addition, you know. We’ve been together for a while, we finally have this house with a backyard so they can run around and play. Just a thought.”
After talking about it for the rest of the night, since there was nothing to do with the power out, you make plans to head to the animal shelter close by in the morning to go and ask about adopting and meet a few dogs.
In the morning, you and Seth head to the local animal shelter and are immediately approached by a volunteer when stepping inside.
“Hi! I’m Rhonda, how can we help you today?” She welcomes you in, standing up from her spot near the entrance to the area where the cages are.
“We’re looking into adopting a dog, just not sure which one,” Seth chuckles, looking over her shoulder at the noisy room.
“Wonderful! If you want to come with me, I can show you around or you can roam yourself, whatever you would prefer. Are you looking for an older dog or more of a puppy age?”
You and Seth share a look and shrug.
“Not too old of a dog, but older puppy a puppy,” he answers. She nods and walks through the automatic doors, pausing after she steps in and making sure you two are with her.
“So a lot of the middle aged dogs are on the outer aisles, but there are some spread about.”
“I think we’ll just take a quick walk through and see,” you say.
“Okay! Everyone adopting gets to meet with two dogs per day, so if you don’t find that special pet today, you are more than welcome to come back another day.”
“Alright, thanks so much.” 
Seth takes your hand in his and begins walking around, pausing every few steps to take a look at the dog in the pen.
“Oh look at this lovely lady,” Seth coos, leaning down to let a pitbull sniff his hand. Her tail wags like crazy, but she was a little older than you two had the ability to care for.
So, you keep on looking, and after a bit, you have a couple dogs in mind that you’d like to see their personalities outside of their pens.
Meeting with the first dog, a Norwich terrier named Birdie, she was far more shy than either of you noticed. She cowered away when Seth tried to pet her, and he sighs, looking up at you.
“She came from a house with five other dogs small dogs that were not properly trained. She doesn’t do well sometimes, but she just needs some time and patience,” Rhonda explains.
You and Seth share another look as she describes the dog’s situation, and your heart aches for her; she looks so friendly, but extremely timid.
“We have found that she finds comfort in larger dogs, so if you have another pet at home, she’ll be just right.”
“Oh no, this is going to be our first pet,” you say, looking at the sweet brown terrier, who finally warmed up to Seth a little bit.
After spending a few more minutes with her, Rhonda leaves and brings in the next dog, a chocolate brown greyhound, just under two years old.
“Maple is a rescue from greyhound racing, she came off the track a little over a year ago. She’s been here for a little while. Her foster home didn’t work out and she was surrendered to us.”
“How long has she been here?” Seth asks.
“Almost eight months.” You groan as you hear this, Maple coming right up to you and licking your hand that you stick out to pet her with. You laugh softly, her tail beating from side to side excitedly as Seth calls her over, showing her a rope to play with.
The two of them immediately start playing, and you could tell this was the right decision. However, after Rhonda takes her back and gets the paperwork ready to fill out, Seth looks at you.
“We should adopt both,” he says, a serious yet sad look on his face. “Birdie would do so well with Maple, I think. And that way, she won’t be in here alone anymore and we can give her a chance at having a happy life.”
“Two dogs? Will they even allow us to adopt two at the same time?” You wonder in disbelief that Seth was bringing this up. You rub your face, but think back to the little dog that was first in here.
You could tell she was happy that someone was around, but her nerves were too much and it was overwhelming for her for a moment; she just needed patience and love, something you saw once the energy in the room settled a bit and you sat on the ground with her.
“We should do it,” you say, nodding a little. Seth smiles widely and wraps you in a tight hug. 
“She did say Birdie would be good with bigger dogs. And with Maple being so much larger and full of energy but still calm and sweet, I think they’d fit well together.”
“We can ask her when she comes back.”
So, when Rhonda comes back with a set of adoption papers and everything, you ask her for her honest opinion on things. After some deliberation and conversation between the three of you, a second set of adoption papers is ready to be signed, for Birdie.
Rhonda leaves you alone with Maple while she brings back the smaller dog, Seth looking at you with a huge smile on your face.
“You think this is a good idea?” He teases, scooting over closer to you as he sets the paperwork aside, petting Maple as she comes up to you.
“Maybe not financially responsible, but we’re giving two wonderful pets a happy home, so it’s definitely a positive choice,” you chuckle, resting your head against his shoulder. 
Maple rests her head on your lap, staring up at you, her tail still wagging a little. You rub her head and your heart soars. This was a new chapter in yours and Seth’s life, and it felt so right and perfect.
Not long after, Rhonda returns with Birdie, Maple turns around and sniffs the smaller dog. To your surprise, Birdie stays put, allowing Maple to examine her and check her out. Birdie’s little tail starts to wag a bit, causing you and Seth to look at each other, ecstatic and eager.
When all the right forms were filled out, Rhonda gave you a few personal tips that she thought would be important, just a couple things she’s learned from personal experience. Both of you listened and kept those tips in mind, and finally, you were ready to be on your way.
Seth helps both Maple and Birdie into the back seat, carefully putting a harness around them and buckling them in, a product that you just bought at the shelter, and it was definitely going to come in handy.
“So, you want to head to the store with them, or do you want me to drop them off at home with you and I’ll go buy food and beds and toys and everything?” Seth wonders as he hops in the driver’s seat. 
“I think it would be fun for them to pick some toys out themselves,” you say, turning around to look at them. Both were panting lightly, due to heightened anxiety from being in a car for the first time.
After half an hour at the pet store, you are headed back home and ready to finally settle in with your two new pets. Seth unbuckles them the second he parks in the driveway, not wanting them to be in distress any longer.
He helps Maple up the porch steps while you carry Birdie in your arms, leaving Seth grab all the items from the store that were left in the car.
“Come here, let’s see the backyard,” you coo to the two dogs, leading them over to the patio and opening the door up. They rush outside, Birdie far more timid than Maple, who runs out and circles the large backyard like she does it all the time. You laugh as she sprints freely, and Seth comes up behind you, his arms going around your waist.
“They seem to be enjoying it here so far,” he whispers in your ear.
“I think so,” you smile, turning around in his arms. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
You watch them continue to explore the backyard before Birdie decides she’s had enough and heads back inside. You give her time to scope out the new space on her own, while Maple, enjoying the nice weather, lays down in the grass, panting like crazy as she tries to catch her breath, a joyful gleam in her eyes.
“Should we change their names?” You wonder, looking up at your boyfriend.
“I like Birdie, so we should keep that one. For Maple…” he pauses to think for a moment, staring over at her in thought. “Maybe we can think on it for a few days.”
Later that night, during dinner, Seth had fed both Maple and Birdie, and you were in the kitchen making your dinner, which consisted of breakfast foods, when Maple comes strolling in to get a drink of water from the metal bowl near your feet. 
The toaster pops up the bread and Maple’s head pops up in curiosity, and suddenly, she starts to howl. The sound startles you a little, but it’s not a noise of fear, her tail is wagging back and forth, her head tilted as she gazes up at you. So, you test it again. You click the trigger down, then pop it back up, and she does it again.
Seth walks in with a confused expression, thinking something was wrong.
“What was that?” He asks, stepping over to where you are, looking down at the greyhound. You giggle and reach to pet her brown fur.
“I think I just found her new name,” you say, the idea clicking instantly in your head. Seth’s eyebrows raise in wonder. You show him the discovery you made and he laughs with you, crouching down to give her a hug.
“Toast,” he says. “My toasty girl. It’s perfect because she also looks like slightly burnt toast,” he comments, running his hands along her fur, kissing her head playfully. You continue making your food as Seth and, now Toast, head to the couch to curl up for the night. 
Birdie was at your feet as you cook and eat your dinner, already attached to you, and that’s when you feel like everything worked out. Seth and Toast bonded almost immediately, and Birdie was drawn to you; neither you or Seth were left out, and the dogs didn’t have to feel “in the middle.”
Everything was falling into place, and after dinner, you joined the two of them, Birdie curling up at your feet on the blanket, as you all relaxed together, Step Brothers playing on the tv, and Seth’s arms around you, holding you close.
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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flowery-mess · 3 months
One of my boys
For my birdie anon🦜💚 I had fun writting this, thank you for your request! Also I don't know anynthing about birds, so of someting doesn't makes sense I'm sorry and feel free to correct me
Noah x reader
It goes without saying, this is work of fiction, don't mistake it for real story!
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You and Noah first met at Sumerian Christmas party last year where you talked for a bit, but that was it. Until just a few months ago.
You work at the Sumerian law department, so before their tour started you had to go through some papers with the band and their team. You never got to work together before, so you were happy you finally had a chance to meet with Noah again.
Even tho you expected Noah not to remember you. But he did. When you walked into room full of BO crew he said “Oh it’s you!” with more excitement than you would expect. He gave you a little wave before you went through the things you needed to.
After you were finished with them, everyone slowly started leaving the room as you were packing your papers and things you brought with you.
“I’m sorry for that earlier. I just didn’t expect to see you today. Actually I never saw you around I thought you maybe quit.” You heard Noah behind you when you were zipping your bag.
“Oh, quit my lovely 9 to 5 job, really?” You said with sarcasm in your voice. Even tho you like your job, working with musicians and doing law, it still was office job with lots and lots of papers. Noah just chuckled at your comment.
You two continued to talk for another 20 minutes before you excused yourself for having another meeting in a few minutes. You saw Noah’s face drop a little when you said that, much to your surprise.
“Yeah I wouldn’t want to make you late. I guess I see you around then.” He gave you same little wave as in the beginning of the meeting and left the room.
You felt the same feeling as you felt at the party. Another nice talk and nothing out of it. Girl can have dreams, right? And you kinda wanted to get to know Noah more. He was friendly, polite and hot… who wouldn’t want to get to know more of that.
Next morning you sat behind your desk with your favourite coffee from the coffee shop next to Sumerian. You did your morning routine to check and answer new emails. You had replied to 3 emails and opened the next one, surprised that this one had just two lines of text.
“Hi, I’m sorry for bothering your work email, but I didn’t know how to approach you. Would you be interested in dinner or movies sometimes? We could continue to discuss how monkeys aren’t really pets. Noah:)”
Oh. You didn’t realize that you were holding your breath in while reading that email. You didn’t expect that at all. And his comment about monkeys made you laugh, because that wasn’t even from yesterday’s conversation. You talked about pets and animals at the party, and you mentioned monkeys are cute.
Your reply said that you would love to discuss monkeys with him and you agreed on coffee in your favorite coffee shop. It was down the street you lived at, small and private space, because you know that Noah is more and more famous everyday, so you thought that this place will avoid anyone seeing you two together. You made reservation for booth at the back, where you two would have privacy.
Week before Noah had to leave for European tour, you had two coffee dates and dinner date at his place. You said it’s only fair to have dinner at your place next time.
You live in little cozy apartment by yourself. You have little bedroom, kitchen joined with living room and bathroom.
Well actually, not really by yourself. You have four little baby roommates.
You warned Noah that you have four little birds at home and made sure he’s okay with coming over. You thought about locking them up in their big cage in your living room for his visit, but decided against it. They are home and he is the guest, so you thought you’re gonna let him have a full experience.
You heard knock on your door as you were putting the meat in the oven. You decided for meat and vegetable mix for dinner, easy and delicious. You went to open the door just to see Noah standing there with flowers in his hands.
“Hello there.” You said with welcoming smile.
“Hi. These are for you as thank you for the dinner.” He handed you small bouquet of tulips, gerberas and other flowers you couldn’t name. He matched color of the flowers to your apartment very well. You had pretty colourful place, so those green and yellow flowers went with it so well. And it also matched your birds, which is Noah about to meet.
Talking about birds, one of them, Milo, sat on your shoulder staring at Noah, who was just taking his shoes of.
Noah stood up noticing this little friend on your shoulder.
“Oh hi there. Let me guess your name.” oh cute, he remembers names of your birds you mentioned the last time you saw each other.
“Hmm Simba?” Noah said that more as a question and got loud whistle as answer.
Before you had chance to correct him, Simba flew to your other shoulder.
“I hate to disappoint you, but this is Milo,” you pointed to your left shoulder “and this is Simba.” You pointed to your right shoulder.
“Nice to meet you guys, I guess.”
He earned one little squeeky “Hi” from Simba, but not from Milo. Let’s just say Milo is the most protective one and he takes the longest when it comes to meeting new people.
“Don’t worry, they’re gonna warm up to you. Milo is the hardest to win over, but he will come around. Come on in, dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”
You led Noah to your kitchen slash living room space. He was amused by the big cage you had in there.
“Wow. That thing is big.”
“Yeah, pretty expensive, but everything for those lil bitches you know.” You love them, but they can be annoying if the want to “Mavi, Kovu!” you called out.
They flew out from the bathroom, Mavi straight to Noah’s shoulder and Kovu to his head.
His face was priceless. He stood still, scared to move and scared they’re gonna bite him.
“Okay what do I do?” Noah asked with fear in his eyes.
“They like you! They are birds, they like heights and you are tall person. Those two are the easiest to get along with, obviously.” You laughed at the scene. Noah was like a statue scared for his life.
“And can I move?”
“Of course. If you don’t like them sitting on you, just tell me or you can tell them the word ‘leave’ and they should fly away. I don’t know if they’re gonna listen to you though.”
“Oh I don’t mind it, I want them to like me so I’m going to let them sit there for how long they want to.”
“Okay. Let me show you one more.” You lead Noah to your bedroom, but first you called Mavi and Kovu off Noah, because they can’t go in your bedroom for now.
“This is my foster baby bird that I took as a foster parent for now. Her wings are broken, so she can’t fly and she can’t hang around the boys, because they would take advantage of her state and probably attack her or something.” You explained Noah as you were both watching this little white baby in her cage.
“You took her in? That’s so nice of you. Poor baby, she’s so cute. I mean the boys with their colors are nice, but this is different, all white. Cute.” Noah studied her some more and you took that as a chance to study Noah’s face.
He was cute too. He was handsome and hot. And he was nice person, you liked hanging out with him. You didn’t really know where this was heading, because you haven’t been physical with each other yet. You planned on asking him, but didn’t want to make things between you weird.
“Yeah, we will see if she can heal. I am thinking of keeping her.”
“That’s really nice of you, really.” He said again and this time with his eyes on you, which made you blush a bit.
“Let’s go back, the dinner should be ready.” You went back to the living room and Mavi found his place on Noah’s shoulder again.
“I think he likes me the most so far.” Noah said with proud face on his face.
“Seems like it. He’s the friendliest so it’s no surprise.”
“Wow, way to make me feel special.” You both laughed at how your comment sounded ironic.
“Wow” Mavi talked back to us. I am used to them imitate me, but Noah isn’t and his face was priceless once again tonight.
“Did he just imitate me?”
“Yep he did.”
“Yep” another one of Milo’s words.
“And now he did imitate you.” Noah pointed at you.
“Yes. They do that. They can’t talk like parrots tho, but they can try and imitate what they hear.”
“Those are little interesting creatures.” It was funny watching Noah explore this kind of animals. Most people are amused when they meet them.
“They are, that’s why I picked them over typical cat or dog.” You smiled at the sight in front of you. You wanted to take picture of Noah and Mavi, but you didn’t know if Noah would be comfortable with that. “Let’s eat dinner Snow White.” You couldn't help with that little comment, he was looking like her and you bet his voice would have the same effect.
Just a few seconds after you dig into your food, four little creatures flew to the table.
Kovu, once again, on Noah’s head, Mavi on your right, Simba on your left shoulder and Milo sat on the table.
“I’m sorry I can put them in their cage so they don’t disturb us while we eat.” You said rushing from the table. You were used to their company while you eat, but not everyone has to like it.
“No that’s okay. I want them to like me, so I’m going to have dinner with them, maybe even Milo will crack up after this.”
“Oh, okay.” You sat back and started eating again.
After minute Milo hopped closer to Noah’s plate and started eating little piece of carrot.
“Milo!” you shouted at him, waving him back off of Noah’s plate, but Noah took it well and laughed it off.
“Don’t send him away! I’m going to share my dinner with him if it makes him like me, he can have it all.”
“Oh my god Noah. You don’t have to do that, he’s going to like you sooner or later.”
“Well it better be sooner, I don’t want any enemies.”
You couldn’t stop laughing at Noah’s attempts to make Milo like him. Because him letting Milo eat from his plate made others have a bite too. So the dinner was full with laughs and full bellies for all six of you.
As the night went on you and Noah sat at your sofa just talking about everything, while from time to time they boys made an appearance to make sure they don’t lose your attention.
At the end of the night even Milo sat on Noah’s head, which was like the biggest compliment Noah could get.
You had great time, so when Noah said he should leave you were a bit sad.
“We’re leaving in a week and I have a lot to do before the tour starts, but we can hang out again the next week?”
“Yeah sure, I’d like that. How about Wednesday?”
“That sounds fine with me, but I’ll make sure the boys won’t need me and let you know.”
You just nodded your head as Noah put his shoes back on.
When he stood up the silence fell over the two of you. You felt something change suddenly.
“Soo.” Noah said.
“Soo?” You didn’t really know what answer you should give him to that.
Before you noticed it, he was standing closer to you, his hand on your cheek.
“I had a great time tonight, thank you.” He whispered.
“Me too, I am glad you met my boys finally.”
“Yeah I think they gave me a pass to be one of your boys too actually.” He said with a smirk.
He leaned closer to your face, looking at your lips, then at your eyes looking for a sign if he could kiss you or not.
Well, before he could see anything in your eyes, Milo flew to you and started whistling at Noah. Which made him pull away with fear in his eyes.
“Milooo stop.” You chuckled. “I said he’s protective. Not sure about your pass though.”
“Yeah well how do you ask a bird for permission to ask his mum?” when he noticed what he just said you both started laughing.
“Maybe you don’t ask the bird, but ask the mum.” You sent Milo away and waited what’s going to happen now.
“Can I kiss you then?”
“Yes you can.”
So he did. And it was nice. And you wanted him to stay at your place and never leave. But you weren’t there yet.
“Good night Y/N.” he pulled away, placed last little kiss on your forehead and took his jacket.
“Good night Noah.” You watched him walk down the hall until he disappeared in the elevator.
You closed the door with hope that no one is going to need him on Wednesday because you needed to see him again before he leaves.
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f10werfae · 2 years
Bikini Bottom
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pairing: Frat!Chris Evans x Girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Frat!Chris falls lovesick and clings onto his girl for dear life, it doesn’t help when she’s parading around in a bikini. Overall, Y/n and Chris are the ultimate campus couple 💌 (lovesick puppy chris)
requests are open/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist Form
Y/n posed in the mirror, rightly checking herself out in her newest bought black bikini, the underwear seamed with fine jewels. Hearing her friend’s bedroom door open she saw one of the head brothers of the frat, her boyfriend. Dressed in navy blue swim shorts, the brunette strolled over whistling out in awe, Chris' hands landing onto her sweet behind.
“Why don’t we just slip these off for a min?” He whispered placing his head onto her shoulder, making direct eye contact through the mirror. His fingers naughtily playing with the strings holding up her bikini bottom; giggling she pulled his hands off and turned to face him.
This was one of her first college parties of her sophomore year, it was her best friend’s Lucy’s pool party, and of course a certain frat was invited.
“How’d ya know I was in here pretty boy?” She smiled combing back his hair underneath his backwards cap, his hands now climbing up her waist and settling on her ribcage.
“Little birdy called Lucy told me, how long were you gonna hide all this from me then?” Chris growled grabbing a handful of ass once again, smiling contently as Y/n leant up and kissed his lips gently. Her hands cupped his face while he fondled her softly, his hands going up to her breasts and copping a few feels.
Despite him being a senior, Chris couldn’t help but feel enamoured by the girl in his arms, and it all started because he knocked on the wrong dorm door; the rest was history. Even though frats have this reputation, Chris definitely put his to rest, the poor guy was seen following her around campus like a lost puppy. Holding her books for her, walking her to her lectures, spending his weekends in her bed, taking her home for thanksgiving and even proclaiming their relationship on his social media.
“God how are you all mine? Is life even real right now?” He moaned against her lips, pecking her twice more, their lips moulding perfectly together. Her hands playing with the St.Christopher medallion around his neck, as she pecked his cheek once before turning back around to face the mirror, placing his arms around his waist.
Now Y/n was definitely the more keep to herself kind of girl, her social media was private yet it adorned over 1k followers, courtesy of being Chris' girlfriend. Her only post was one of her dog from years ago, so Chris was pretty shocked when she reached for her phone and told him to pose with her.
She turned halfway, her ass to the camera with his hands gripping onto it for dear life, both of their lips connected in a passionate kiss for all to see, his other hand held onto her waist whilst she held onto his bulging bicep.
“Well that was a lovely surprise” Chris laughed wiping the side of his lips, his shock deepening when he saw her caption it with,
“I’m a handful, but only his handful 🍑” Before pressing post.
“Now what have I done to deserve a place on your VIP post”
“I think it’s time people know for real that you’re taken, and that i’m taken too. I’m serious about you ya know?” Y/n said throwing her phone onto a table, her eyes landing on Chris’ chest on the multitude of tattoos covering it, her heart pounding waiting for what he had to say.
“I’ve said it a hundred times, and i’ll say it again. This is for life baby, I already know it yeah? Doesn’t matter that I graduate this year, because you know damn well i’ll still be up your fine ass every second I get-“
“Chriss stop ittt” She whined embarrassed, his arms caging around her waist so her head laid on his chest, his lips peppering kisses onto the top of her head,
“Come on, we’re missin the pool party and I still wanna see you all wet and-“
“I swear Chris say another word and you’ll be sleeping on my doormat instead of my bed, that you love oh so much” Y/n said playfully turning around as they walked back out the room, Chris' lips forming into a big pout, “You’d really do your future husband like that huh?”
Now when I say they stuck together, they meant it. Whether it be them clinging onto each other in the pool, or her making sure he had enough sunscreen on him and food in him. The campus couple everyone strived to be like, but no one could; no one could love like they do.
“You comin back to mine tonight baby?” Y/n asked rubbing her hand softly over Chris’ stomach, looking up at him from her place on his chest, the sun-bed somehow fitting them both. The alcohol slowly taking its effect in Y/n as she felt more drowsy, although Chris made it a rule for himself not to drink when at parties with his girl, he had to make sure she was safe. Her safety always comes first.
Chris knew that once they got back to her place there’d be an array of activities going on, from cuddles all the way to full on make-outs, whatever it takes to get his precious princess to sleep. Heck sometimes he’d even have to scratch her back to sleep, or she’d request for him to be inside her as she slept (Chris' favourite method)
“Of course I am, is that even a question? I can’t skip out on my newfound skincare routine, and I still need to feed your fish because I swear you don’t feed the little guy enough”
Y/n smiled up as the man beneath her babbled on and on, Chris had ultimately become a major part of her life, hell her parents loved him more than they loved her at this point. Sure at first she was wary with his social position in the frat, but on the inside he’s a big cuddly bear that needs a lot of lovin. Lovin that she’s extremely willing to give.
Chris fell first, and he fell even damn harder.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @patzammit @pandaxnienke @stormcloudss @stuckysgirl27 @bval-1 @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @emvebee @chrisevansdaughter @cevansgurl @marvelgurl @evanstanwhore @mirikusashes @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @hallecarey1 @misshale21 @mischiefsemimanaged @thereisa8ella @uwiuwi @diyabhanushali1 @angelmather1 @lastwandastan @ravenhood2792 @feltonswifesworld87 @fdl305 @bluebellsn @mdpplgtz03 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @roofwitty779 @aerangi @s-void @oliviah-25 @nikkitc0703 @meetmeatyourworst @imboredat2am @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mansaaay @adoreyouusugar @annajustwrites @caps-shield1918 @ilovetaquitosmmmm @xoxokiaraaxoxo @royalwriteroftheuniverse @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chrisevansangel @tinyelfperson @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymomma @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @mrspeacem1nusone @ninasw0rld
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norrisleclercf1 · 9 months
Hellooo, could I please request dark obsessed mafia Lance stroll with ex naive reader or something? Like she finally realise his behaviour isn’t healthy and gets out and he founds her and traps her in his mansion
Did you love him? Yes. Was he unhealthy for you and totally unhinged? Absolutely. It only took you 3 years to realize it, but it hit you when he placed a tracker on you and someone to follow you and report to him everything you were doing.
You had gone out and met up with your male cousin and when you came back, Lance had lost his mind not listening to the fact that the male was your cousin not some boytoy you were meeting up with. He was furious and trashed your apartment leaving you there in tears staring at the utter mess of your two's home.
So, you took off all your jewelry and didn't take anything with you as you leave. You didn't know where you'd go but you just left, hailing a taxi and leaving your tail behind. You knew they called Lance as you look in the mirror seeing them yelling as you slip into the traffic of the night.
It's for another 8 months before you see Lance again, having thought nothing of it. You kept you key and needed to grab your stuff keeping an eye of when Lance would be gone. Sighing you sneak into the house knowing no one was home. Grabbing all of your personal belongings you move through the dark.
Turning you gasp, choking on a scream as you see the outline of Lance. Light clicking on he sits in the chair, smirking. "Little Birdie thought she could fly hm?" Backing up, he stands shoving his hands into his dress pants. "Lance, please, don't." You beg knowing it was useless.
He'd never physically harm you, but what he'd do would be so much worse. He'd make you fall in love with him all over again you'd forget all the bad he's done. "Birdie, come here. I need to clip those wings of yours." He smirks, but you throw your bag at him bolting for the door and storming down the stairs.
Getting to the front door you yank, but it's jammed and you bite your lip hard enough to draw blood. "Little birdie thought she could fly, little birdie locked in a cage." You turn seeing Lance walk down the stairs smirking. "Little Birdie, is trapped."
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thepenultimateword · 6 months
Secret Santa 2023
For this year’s secret Santa I got @watercolorfreckles (I know you got mine too, but I promise I used a randomizer!) I’m sorry this is late, I’ve been traveling and just writing every chance I can get. I got a little overambitious and wrote several scenes instead of just one, so hopefully it doesn’t feel choppy and you like it!
"Hero's shy medic is the unsung and unappreciated glue that keeps the team together, magically repairing their every injury with her power to heal. What happens when Villain finds out how the hero's broken bones are always so quickly mending, and kidnaps the medic to utilize himself?"
Henchman was waiting in baggage claim when Villain arrived. His violet-dyed hair, thick mess of scars, and tall stature made him stand out against the crowd, but he still waved his whole arm over his head as Villain came through the doors.
Villain's glove creaked feelingless against his suitcase handle. This was getting tiresome. Probably for Henchman too. It was ridiculous that he insisted on picking him up from the airport every trip instead of looking for a new employer.
"Any luck?" Henchman said, seamlessly transferring Villain's bag into his own hand.
Villain's insides twisted. Maybe he should fire Henchman. That would force the underling to think about himself. Though Villain couldn't deny his reluctance to lose such loyalty. He wasn't sure he actually had the strength to enforce his own abandonment.
"Nah." He rubbed his numb hands together and forced a lighthearted tone. "Just another waste of money. I spent three weeks meditating away the damage, only for the so-called "power guru" to say I don't want to be healed. Apparently, if I did, I would have been able to banish the "bile" from my body."
Henchman gave the suitcase wheels a little bang against the ground. "Morons and scam artists.”
"Yes, well, it was a 50/50 shot in the first place. How's my bird?"
Henchman grimaced. "Still eating very little. She has stopped beating against her cage, but now she's very lethargic and despondent."
"You've tried cheering her up? Good food, nice things?"
"Yes, but she's not very chatty. Maybe we should have waited to get her until after your trip. This would have gone better with...some stability."
The automatic door swooshed open, and they stepped out into the chill winter air. Villain blew out a long cloudy breath and watched it disappear into the dreary, gray city landscape. Everything was so temporary. Here one moment, gone the next.
"The opportunity was too good," he said. "Besides, we couldn't leave her with our friend."
Hero had enough of an advantage without also having a decent healer on his side. No matter how many hits Villain divvied out, the heroic team always got back up unscathed. Perhaps without their golden goose, Villain could actually turn the tide. And maybe... Villain didn't want to get his hopes up, but maybe she could do something more too. He knew that Henchman knew that was the main reason he’d stolen her away in the first place. By this point he was just pretending to himself that there was a bigger purpose behind it all.
The crosswalk sign beeped its permission to cross the street, and Villain scanned the lot for Henchman's car, spotting its orangey paint job near the front.
"I am concerned she's been doing poorly this whole time. Why don't we stop by her enclosure first."
Henchman nodded and very kindly played along with the act that this was truly concern over an asset and not another cowardly excuse for himself. “I don’t think she’ll be very pleased to see you.”
She’s not going to help you.
“That’s alright.” Villain slid into the passenger seat. As Henchman loaded his suitcase into the trunk, he muttered under his breath, “I don’t have much left to lose.”
Villain called her Birdie.
Of course he knew her real title as Hero’s medic, but the nickname just encapsulated her so well.
So small. So skittish. Always flitting around the outskirts of a fight, the great folds of her medic’s cloak flapping at her sides like wings as she lighted briefly at each fallen party. The color was supposed to mark her as a noncombatant, take any targets of her back, but she had the instincts to remain wary always. Most villains didn’t follow the rules, and the gray was as likely to get her killed as not.
So why continue to wear it? Villain wondered, watching her through the one way glass of her cell's wall mirror. It was really more of a mini apartment than a cell--sitting room, bedroom, bathroom. The sitting room was the only room Villain could view into, but he doubted whether Medic knew that. Perhaps it was riskier to give a hostage so much blind space, but anyone worth keeping around couldn't be kept like any regular prisoner. Though, from the looks of it, Medic wasn't exactly grateful for the thoughtful accommodations.
She sat with her face buried in her knees, grey cloak nearly swallowing her little curled up body whole. He'd asked Henchman to prepare daily clothes changes, and the peeking green edge of sleeve implied she'd been taking them, but the cloak remained the same.
Villain moved around to the front of the cell and drew back the bolt on the otherwise regular door, taking a breath before swinging it open with a flourish. “Hello, Birdie.”
The woman leaped a little, head shooting up and fixing him in the inky black pools that were her eyes.
“Sorry for the delay." He locked the door behind him as casually as he could manage. "I’ve been out of town. But now we can finally chat."
Medic blinked then turned her chin into her shoulder.
Villain plopped down on the couch a couple feet away from her place on the rug. "Apparently you haven't been eating properly. Is the food not up to standard? Can I get you something else? Any favorite meals or treats?"
Medic didn't turn or respond.
"Hmm...what do birdies like. Worms?"
The healer's lip curled a little but still nothing.
"How about chocolate? Steak? Fruit tarts?"
Medic only tucked her chin tighter.
"Alright, I get it. The nice treatment doesn't work on you. Unfortunately, I don't have a mean treatment. Not for you at least. I can't asks favors from someone by relying on fear."
That got her attention. She still didn't unfold, but her eyes watched him sideways. Wary but curious. What could a villain need from a healer. He must have his own, so why her? She didn't need to speak for her thoughts to clutter the air.
"No, I can't just tell you," Villain said with a loud sigh. "You might go tell that precious hero team. I know you're quiet, but I don't believe for a second you're that quiet."
Medic swiveled her shoulders ever so slightly. "How...?"
Her voice was not so birdlike. Short yes, but like a rasped breath than a chirp. Still...
Villain grinned. "The very best of ways: by pretending I knew what you were thinking. Throw out a guess and you'll be right 80% percent of the time. That's also a guess by the way, I haven't actually researched the subject."
Medic retreated back into her cloak.
Either he was totally unhumorous, or Medic was just that hard to entertain. Then again, she'd seemed interested by the prospect of a supernatural ability. She'd only clammed up again once she got the simple explanation for her question. She should've already known his Gift from the fights she'd witnessed, though he had held bad considerably this last year.
"You're not like other medics," he said, redirecting the conversation. "You have a Gift, don't you? And don't deny it, I've seen the recovery your patients. Scarless, rapid, perfect. One fight I saw a hero putting full weight on what, minutes previously, had been broken femur."
"And that's why you want me?" Medic squeezed her hands together, nails digging into the back of her knuckles like each word spoken aloud pained her. "Because I'm better than your medics? You want me to turncoat?"
"Not entirely. I took you because your good, yes. So good you've kept that ragtag trash hero team up and running way longer than it should have ever been allowed to go. Hero needs to be stopped."
"I'm going to the statue unveiling tonight." He watched her face closely. "I'm going to break it. And while I'm at it, break him."
"He's not that fragile," Medic said, her voice hushing a little further, and her brow furrowing.
"Ah, you know because you've tried?"
"I know because I' m his medic and I know how much treatment each fight requires." It came out quite a bit snappier than Villain expected and Medic must have realized it too because she set her jaw and looked away again. "I can't help you."
Villain pushed himself back to his feet. The declaration was firm, but hardly the denial of a truly devoted team member. Or maybe he was just reading to hard into things. Medic was shy. Maybe she wanted to make herself clear in as few words as possible. But if there was a chance only her fear was holding her back...
"I'll let you know how it goes," Villain said. With that, he made his way back outside the cell, bolting the door behind him with fumbling fingers. He flexed his hands a couple times, as if to warm them back to full function, but they felt as clumsy and disconnected as always. He shoved them gloved into his coat pockets.
Don't think about that. You have a hero to fight.
Villain couldn't feel his shoulders. He'd definitely overdone it. He'd overestimated his ability to fight with his arms as damaged as they were and he had relied too much on the power he'd been so careful to conserve.
He stumbled hard against Medic's door, sliding weakly to his knees. He didn't know why he came here. Henchman was probably having a fit searching for him after he'd bolted. Most of those heroes laid in shattered pieces at the scene. Or at least, parts of them did. Villain had found long ago that his Gift--the power to turn whatever he willed to stone--could be used strategically. The loss of limbs was usually enough to make a hero retire, no need to end a whole life. He wouldn't have minded ending Hero, but once again, the leader was the only one who escaped unscathed. Too this day Villain had only ever managed to take a pinky. It was a wonder no one found that suspicious.
Villain slammed his fist against the cell door, or more like tapped. He stifled a sob. “I don’t want to die.”
Not yet. Not without bringing down Hero’s deceit.
Villain strained to reach the bolt, fumbling it twice before finally jostling it outward. He practically collapsed onto Medic’s rug.
Dark spots clouded his vision but suddenly cool hands were running trails down his face.
No wait, the door…he needed to close…why was she still here?
“Uuughh…” Villain rolled into her knees. “It did not go well.”
“What did he do?”
“Besides use every other person as a shield?”
“I mean to your face.”
Villain squinted up into Medic’s dark eyes, so deep and concerned and…and infinite.
“My face,” he mumbled.
“Are these bruises?” Her fingers trailed a second time down his cheek. “It looks painful.”
“It’s in my face?” Villain barely restrained a wail.
“Villain,” Medic said firmly, her quiet rasp getting almost loud. “What happened? Do you need healing?”
Villain’s throat felt thick and swollen, too sticky to get out words. Of course he needed healing. But if she couldn’t help him…he didn’t know if he could take another failure. He didn’t know if his body could take it.
He extended his hand. When Medic only stared, he nodded at the black, fitted glove.
Medic’s thumb worked under the edge. Villain felt nothing but he imagined her fingers felt just as gentle as they had on his cheek.
She gasped.
Villain glanced at the bare skin for only a moment. The once caramel colored palm now a deep ebony. Like something rotten. Like something dead.
Villain cleared his throat, fighting the words upward. “All powers have a price.” He forced himself to look at blighted appendage. “Mine’s is killing me.”
Medic turned his hand over in her own. “How long?”
“Always. It used to just be a little. Nails. Hair. Parts I could cut off. Then it hit skin…and it won’t stop. I can’t feel; I can hardly move. And no one…” He choked. “I’m going to die. All from trying too hard to rid the world of Hero, and I couldn’t even finish him tonight.”
Medic rested her fingers on the cuff of Villain’s sleeve, eyes meeting Villain's with some unspoken request for permission.
Villain nodded.
Medic's nimble fingers gently picked at the button, freeing the fabric and rolling it up to his elbow. Villain’s eyes widened along with hers. What had once had been dark veins was now as pitch black his hands. From the nothingness in his shoulders it was probably no different above the elbow.
Medic felt gently at the half-petrifaction. Most people, even his most loyal were afraid of the blight. Henchman was unfazed, but the previous medic had quit rather than admit they didn't want anywhere near Villain. And yet Medic touched him willingly.
“You can’t fix it, can you?” Villain said, practically plead. He didn’t care anymore. Even with the doubt in his gut and in his voice. He just needed help.
“I…I might…” Medic said.
“But Hero wouldn’t like it.”
Medic ducked her head. “It’s not that. Well, no…you’re right, he wouldn’t, but he wouldn’t have to know. And there are no specific rules that say I can’t heal a villain, it’s just…”
Villain blinked groggily up at her as she chewed her bottom lip.
“Like you said, all powers have a price.”
“And this one is too much,” Villain said.
“Yes, well, no. I don’t know.” She glanced toward the open door. “Maybe there’s a better healer…”
Villain closed his eyes, practically sinking with resignation. “No. Already tried. I don’t think I have the energy to search anymore.” He clasped numb fingers around his numb arm. “Or the time.”
A long silence stretched between them.
“It’s alright, Birdie. Fly away.”
It didn’t matter who she told now.
Medic pushed him carefully off her lap, clothes rustling as she rose. Two steps sounded toward the door way and then stopped.
“I’m not supposed to…but I’ll do it.”
Villains eyes shot open. “You will?”
Medic sucked in her lips but nodded. “Just…don’t tell.”
She knelt beside him, long gray cloak fanning out around her. The second glove peeled off easier than the first, and she held both hands in hers.
He’d always wondered what it felt it like to experience one of her gifted healings.
It was warm. Like drinking something hot. It spread from head to toe, and the numbness leeched out little by little. The skin lightened from black to charcoal from charcoal to heather grey from grey to brown.
Medic’s hands turned soft in his grip. He squeezed them lightly, his mouth parting in disbelief at the feeling of pressure of warmth of regular mobility. When he sat up, it came easy. Tears sprang to his eyes.
“You did it! You actually did it! Medic, you are—“
He stopped at the sight of her slumping figure. Sweat rolled down her temples, her face was flushed, and her teeth were grit as if in agony.
Medic only shivered.
“Birdie. Birdie, are you alright?”
Villain reached out, but she lurched back, stumbling toward the back corner. Veiny blackness spread from her fingertips, trailing up the creases in her skin. Her shoulders trembled. A small vein popped out of from her forehead. And she glared at the blight. Not like someone afraid of it, but like someone who’d like to peel it off and throw it away. Or burn it.
“No!” she cried and slammed both palms against the wall mirror with a feral cry. Immediately the glass crackled and, like a rolling wave, turned to cold, hard stone.
The black faded from dark ebony to a tan spot only
A few shades darker than her skin. She still glared.
Villain gaped. “You… That’s what I do. How did you do what I do? Did I…? Did you…?”
Medic’s eyes darted toward the door.
Villain jumped in front of it first. “Hey hey hey! I’m not going to tell!”
Another guess but apparently the right one because Medic’s shouldered untensed a fraction.
“I’m not going to tell,” Villain repeated. “I just… How?”
Medic wrapped her cloak tighter around herself. Her eyes had taken on a glazed shine suspiciously alike to unshed tears.
“It’s not exactly healing,” she murmured. “More like stealing. Taking injuries and making them mine.”
“The price.”
She nodded. “But this sort of injury…made from a Gift, it doesn’t work the same. It’s more like a build up of power concentrated in one place. And now that it’s mine…I can do what I like with it.”
Villain cocked his head. “And that’s…bad?”
“I don’t work for Hero,” Medic said. “I’m on the team because he’s supposed to watch me. Stop me from doing things like this.”
“Becoming too powerful?”
“Becoming a villain.”
Villain might have laughed if she didn’t actually look so scared. He took her hands carefully, savoring the sensation of skin on skin warmth once again. He fixed her with a hard stare that she seemed uncertain to hold or shy away from. He smiled, the first real one in a long time.
“What’s wrong with villains?”
Medic swallowed, looking away but not pulling back her hands. Her voice came out very quiet. “I guess…not everything.”
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Yandere Brahms with his female S/O finally moved away from him far away. He would find her no matter how far away like countries. He realized he loves her more than everyone he meets even more than Greta.
"Anywhere For You"
Brahms Heelshire x GN|Y/N
Warnings: Trauma, Angst, Yandere
Brahms paced back and forth his feet heavy against the creaky floor boards, replaying the situation from a few months ago over and over in his head.
You had escaped him... The person he felt the safest with had ran away. Someone he treasured more than even Greta.
You had filled the void in his heart in a way no one else did, the warmth within you coating him in such a sweet sensation, yet he had you caged like a desperate bird.
You had finally got the chance to take flight and you took it, leaving him behind with furniture turned and objects smashed. He threw one hell of a tantrum when he awoke to find you gone.
No. He wasn't going to let you go. Not like this.
He's never felt like this for anyone before, he was willing to chase you to the ends of the earth if he had to. Anywhere for you.
You were sitting on the bus with your ear buds in, quietly listening to some music when you caught a glimpse of a tall figure behind you. Naturally because of the trauma you faced, your first assumption was 'BRAHMS?!?'. However when you whipped your head around you spotted a normal man just relaxing into his seat... Of course.
You were so far away from Brahms Heelshire and that wretched manor now... But those memories haunted you, slinking their way into every crevice of your life.
If you heard a mysterious thud your whole body would tense and you'd grab the nearest weapon, only to find it was simply a box that toppled over because you left it setting on the very edge of the shelf.
Sometimes you'd awake in the middle of the night and were convinced you heard something in the walls... There wasn't anything but that didn't fix the issue.
Finally you gave in and went to therapy and after awhile you finally began to feel settled. You felt safer. He couldn't hurt you anymore.
You were washing the dishes and humming along to a fun little bop in your head when suddenly you heard a familiar child-like voice... Certainly it was just your mind playing tricks on you.
Thud Thud Thud
You knew that sound of footsteps anywhere, plate slipping from your hands and crashing to the floor, shattered pieces scattering.
No, it can't be...
Before you could reach for a knife a pair of strong arms embraced you from behind, pinned up against his broad muscular chest, you could feel his heavy breathing.
His masked face pressed into your hair, breathing in your scent desperately.
"I missed you."
It was no longer the childish voice, it was a far deeper and gruffer one, his real voice slipping through. How could this happen? How did he even find you?
His grip grew tighter and it was hard to breathe, you swore he might even crack your ribs if he kept this up.
"Brahms... You're hurting me..."
You didn't receive a verbal response, he only emitted a soft grunt that rumbled from deep within his chest.
He finally got you back and he wasn't letting go.
This time there wasn't a chance at escape.
This little birdies wings were going to be clipped.
{More Content}
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tinfairies · 6 months
Ok hear me out the Victor of the 12th hunger games being another little runty underdog from 12, maybe even another member of the covey, and young!snow isn't gonna let this one get away so easily, so instead of sending her home to the Victor's village he keeps her snug in his home, feeding her, clothing her, fucking her, and she's so sweet she doesn't suspect a thing, she thinks he loves her. Only Snow knows the truth. He can't let his pretty little songbird escape again, it's always best to keep pretty little birds in a cage. (Bonus: he calls her birdy or nightingale or some other bird related nickname)
Omg he calls her "little dove"
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nalyra-dreaming · 20 days
I'm sure you've heard already but ppl on Twitter tearing sentiment about Louis entering relationship with Armand for protection TO SHREDS. Going off how flirty Louis looked on the date. I just have two question for them:
1)What is that happened after that date that would've made Louis change his heart? (Sarcasm) Yes, Louis clearly boldly flirted with Armand there (lets ignore lestat third-wheeling and Louis taking photos of lestat with Armand being at the side). And AFTER he nearly died by Armand's hand. And Assad confirmed that Armand was planning to kill him, it wasn't just a sham. So, it's understandable that Louis started to look at Armand differently there.
2)"it's also the beginning of the ultimatum with Armand and the beginning of the darker side of their relationship" from Jacob's mouth. They need to look up definition of ultimatum. It's a CONDITION usually combined with a threat. We're being NICE when discuss this scene because I haven't seen single person imply that Armand was pressuring Louis into sex. All I saw people saying this situation happened unintentionally on Armand's part because he's used to power plays, toxic relationship etc
People are sooo hypocritical in this fandom. They SWEAR they love toxic love stories but get scared by toxicity. Bet same people who are pissed about this believe that Louis didn't want sex in ep6 and that he did it to appease lestat. Picking and choosing where to see abuse and where don't.
Also it seems like some give more importance to reviews than cast's interviews. I read reviews and read about tender romantic loumand in Paris.
I also heard Hannah saying that cage in bedroom was intentional. I also read jacob saying Armand is dark looming presence and that he serves function to Louis and that Louis becomes dissatisfied. There was a lot in Jacob's interviews actually.
Reviews and interviews don't always say the same thing, sometimes even contradict each other (Assad and Eric mentioning devil's minion and reviews saying there's nothing between them). And you would think people will focus on words of someone who WORKS on the show, but they prefer to hear only things that support their headcanons
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Tbh, I have been taken aback by how willingly everyone is jumping/hating on that post (and, I mean, I have pointed out the same thing???), because... it completely dismisses what Assad and Jacob have said...
AND it completely dismisses Jacob's acting there.
Really look at him. I'm not going to pull up the gifs now, it's the current episode, go look at Louis' face and expression and body language... and then remember what his "inner Lestat" said.
And we all know how good an actor Jacob is, right.
I mean. The fandom dismissing what cast and creators say in favor of accusations is nothing new. God knows I've ranted about this. But... I mean... how can you think Louis, after Armand almost kills him... would just happily enter a relationship? When he just asked to be decapitated??? When the only thing that stopped him - was Armand's comment that Claudia wouldn't be around for long.
THAT is, as far as the tale is currently spun, what made Louis stop. Literally.
Jacob said that it would go darker from here and I... don't doubt it. But I think some people are not prepared, lol.
Dubai is a golden cage, by intent and set design as stated. And Louis was "the little birdie for the next 50 years".
Or does anybody really think the overlay with the coven telling Claudia that was a coincidence....
Or wonder why AMC did not promote Loumand as a couple... at all.
I'm just glad the gag orders have dropped away, at least I can listen now to Assad, Jacob, Sam and Rolin telling it like it is.
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