#is into cryptids. and has a big fluffy cat.
rosenfey · 1 year
what if... I made a scarlet in the hollow oc
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batmanfruitloops · 11 months
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You can't imagine how excited I was when I found out about Scarebeast. My favorite character becomes a big creechur? Wonderful! Amazing! It makes my autistic little brain so happy! Two of my special interest meshing together! Batman and monsters. I'm also bringing another one of my special interests into the mix with my own design, speculative biology. Making him more cryptid and werewolf-like than the tree-like design from As The Crow Flies.
There's definitely more to work on but these are the ideas and concepts I have so far. The bottom drawing is older and not up to date, but it gives a better view of what he looks like with his clothes on. He also doesn't talk anymore. He would not be able to with those teeth and a more animalistic body.
I've mixed a bunch of different traits that animals use to either scare or sneak. His body is that of a lion, for the cat-like reflexes, strength, stealth, and especially the hair to make him look bigger than he actually is. Along with porcupine spikes on his shoulders and back, but not very many, since porcupines also use their hair to seem scarier than they are. He has the head of a barn owl, to amplify the cryptid look and give him incredible eyesight, especially in the dark. His neck is longer like an owl as well, so he can turn his head upside down and 180 degrees. He has a mix of crow and cat feet, crow for climbing and grip, and cat for paw pads that help him stay quiet. His hands are the same but with a bit of aye-aye for the long creepy middle finger. Bat-like ears for better hearing. His mouth is kind of snake-like, mostly inspired by a cotton mouth. Cottonmouths flash their brightly colored mouths at any threat to show they are venomous. Since Scarebeast can breathe fear toxin, and most animals have bright colors to show they are toxic I thought this was fitting. Of course a forked tongue for "smell." The hair on his arms is similar to a yeti crab, so it's not as soft compared to the rest of the fur and is actually bristly but not painful to touch. This was for the sake of the silhouette and because some people find yeti crabs creepy.
Lore wise, this doesn't happen in the au but instead in a separate timeline. Jonathan as Scarebeast suddenly has to consume fear toxin to sustain himself, because of the serum used to transform in the first place. He won't die if doesn't consume it but it will make him sick to not have it for long periods of time. This is also how he breathes it. It's processed in the body and recycled to new glands in his neck to be used as a defense mechanism. Similar to how poisonous animals will eat toxic things to make themselves poisonous. In this form he is very quickly dying. He is the only one who knows how to make fear toxin so he’d run out eventually, and a stature so big requires so much food and water to sustain he wouldn’t realistically be able to find so much so often. He was already very malnourished in the first place so that’s wouldn’t help.
This version is acts a lot more like an animal instead of just having a beastly body. Reacting more on instinct than conscious decisions. In this case he was turned into Scarebeast against his will (keep in mind I haven’t read the comic Scarebeast comes from, I’ve tried to research what I can but I couldn’t find much). So he his not very happy after his transformation. Reacting in pain and anger. Though still having some understanding of what’s going on. If you talked to him he could understand what you were saying but couldn’t respond very well or get distracted. So he can recognize Ed at least. Because Jonathan is so uncomfortable he only allows Ed to be near him.
I hope you enjoyed this infodump. I have a much better time expanding through visuals than text. So hopefully this made sense. Since this is non cannon I can share more, so I can make some things more clear through other doodles and what not.
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bluiex · 2 years
thinking about scarian werewolf au except instead of scar being a werewolf he's a werecat.
scar comes to grian who he's been dating for about a year and he's like "grian" 😔😔😔 I have a terrible horrible secret to share and grians like "you're a werecat" and scars like "WAIT HOW DID YOU KNOW"
grian, as well as being an expert on various cryptids and other monsters, has also noticed the large amounts of fur that appears around the full moon, and scar just straight up talking to cats. grians known pretty much ever since he started dating scar.
grian sees scar in his cat form for the first time and scars like "im hideous :((" meanwhile grian thinks it's the cutest thing in the whole world and reassures scar that he's not awful or anything like that and he manages to get scar to purr and it's absolutely adorable
I love werecat Scar so muuuch Grian knowing an Scar being clueless about him knowing is amazing Grian would love to cuddle and hug Scar in his cat form <3 big fluffy cat to cuddle an fall asleep on? Hell yeah, Grian living his best life
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shepardlives · 2 months
Abby headcanons ALL OF THEM
AUGH (mwah I kiss u thank u)
1. Holiday headcanon
Abby isn’t a big fan of holidays- he didn’t have a normal childhood and he’s got a hard time connecting with people- but he’s slowly warming up to them, being a part of a team again
2. Cooking headcanon
Abby spent time after he left blackwatch back in New Orleans, where he’s originally from, so now he knows how to make a mean dinner. He likes learning to cook though; eating is one of his favorite things
3. Sleeping headcanon
Abby is much more prone to cat naps throughout the day rather than sleeping through the night- he still has issues feeling safe enough to sleep a full eight hours
4. Driving headcanon
Do Not Get Into A Car With This Tiger Man He Does Not Have A Valid License
5. Bathing/showering headcanon
Abby keeps himself as clean as he can, although sometimes it takes a lot to groom himself to human standards
(Abby always smells like pine and a hint of spice)
6. Hugging headcanon
Abby is a wonderful hugger, if he’s comfortable enough with you. He likes to squeeze the life out of people to show his love
7. Kissing headcanon
Abby is surprisingly shy about kisses, but he’d be a sweet, gentle kisser
8. Sex headcanon
Abby is Big Horny on main but sometimes he has trouble finding partners (see the aforementioned tiger man part). He’s very attractive though, so a lot of his partners have been omnics
9. General physical contact headcanon
Abby isn’t big on physical contact unless you’re close to him; even then he can be a little unsure. But if you win his trust he’s very affection and will lay on you (you’re pinned)
10. Physical appearance headcanon
Abby is a Big Fluffy Tiger Man
11. Wardrobe headcanon
Abby owns a lot of sweatpants and sweatshirts, but that’s mostly because he doesn’t feel bad about cutting holes in them for his ears and his tail
12. Jewelry headcanon
He really doesn’t wear jewelry honestly!! He’s not big on it
13. Nickname headcanon
Abby is a nickname for Abeo- He’s not aware if he has a last name or not. That was the only name listed in his file
14. Dancing headcanon
Abby is very good at dancing, but it’s not something he does in public. Usually it’s reserved for when he’s alone listening to music
15. Singing headcanon
Abby’s vocal chords were altered by the experiments he went through, so he isn’t much of a singer. He does in the shower though (it sounds like yowling or meows with a particular vibrato sometimes)
16. Anger headcanon
Abby has a …. Shall we say short fuse, but a lot of restraint. Even if he’s ready to burn down a building he’ll hold it in
17. Soft spot headcanon
Abby is very gentle and kind to kids and to omnics; even if you’re just someone in need, he’ll stick his neck out for you
18. Favorite possession headcanon
Abby has a stuffed tiger plush from his therapist (who belongs to @willowwhispers ) and a necklace from his mother that was recovered from the lab he was found in. It’s the only bit of jewelry he’ll wear, wrapped around his wrist
19. Favorite photograph headcanon
Abby really doesn’t like pictures; he’ll duck out of the way or hide his face any time a camera comes out. He’s a bit of a cryptid that way
20. Relationship with/thoughts on (blank character) headcanon
Abby gets along well with Reyes- he was a solid commander and stuck up for him when everybody else wanted to put him in a lab. He was also pretty instrumental in Abby wanting to experience the world outside of blackwatch and not just hide somewhere or become a merc for hire.
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paradiseshards · 2 months
I had bits of this in my head at the end of reading Thunder, and now its kind of expanding but its by no means a solid thing- anyway.
So its kinda related to a lil art thing i did back when thunder was released. After Frostpaw had her big revelation, or maybe when Riverstar told her the ‘you were never meant to be a medicine cat, but now you’re one anyway lol’ thing (he did that, right? It wasn’t just him thinking it?), she was given a sort of, direct link to starclan and prophecies and whatnot. Like Jayfeather, but more biblically accurate and probably overpowered. And some Rootspring typical possession maybe, that’d be fun.
But i digress. They get back to the clans, and Frostpaw and Nightheart decide that since everyone thinks Frostpaw is dead already anyway, they could fake a sign from starclan to take away everyone’s trust in Splashtail.
Luckily for Frostpaw, the night was already a particularly cold one. Despite it being relatively early in the night, dew was already clinging to the grasses, and she was fully prepared to take advantage of this. Carefully brushing her fur against the plants, she collected the water drops at the ends of her pelt, and prepared for probably the biggest lie she would ever tell.
A comforting nod from Nightheart and the park cats gave her a small boost of confidence, and she stepped out into the clearing.
A loud, deceivingly calm mew cut through the chatter of the other clans, silencing their discourse over Splashtail’s announcement. “Splashtail is no leader; he’s a murderer. He killed Reedtail, and he killed me too.”
The cats turned to look at whoever this cat was, interrupting their meeting- and see her, they did. Frostpaw’s white and gray fur shone like a second moon, dewdrops glittering like her namesake in her fur. To all the gathered clans, Frostpaw truly did look like a Starclan cat.
Now if any of you remember that one scene where Lion, Jay, and Holly all faked a sign with their kind of cousins, and then Starclan actually turned it into a real one? Yeah, that happens here.
Frostpaw’s dew freezes and actually glows like stars, and because all of starclan is one collective theater kid with a taste for the dramatic (and i just think it’d look cool, sue me), Frostpaw’s funky silly stitches are still there and shine like gold. Rule of cool or something, I don’t take criticism on this.
Here’s where it starts growing into Wind events, kind of.
Whether the clans actually believe her or not, Splashtail is pissed and isn’t about to let her ruin all his plans. So maybe he calls her bluff, and maybe his hold over Riverclan is already strong enough to convince them all to keep following him despite a ‘literal starclan cat’ claiming he murdered their deputy and a child.
She could still end up in Shadowclan, but something is different about her now. She walks with the confidence of a cat many, many times her age, and when others look at her, it’s almost like seeing double. That cat is fluffy, small Frostpaw, but that cat is also dark gray, with all the knowledge of starclan and leadership in his eyes.
Riverstar has pulled a retroactive Cinderpelt on Frostpaw.
Maybe she’s permanently a bit glittery and borderline ghosty now, or maybe its something she can turn off, or it only happens while Riverstar is, I don’t know, lending her his blessing. But she stalks the Riverclan borders during dawn and dusk, staring silently at the cats who refused to believe her, and at night, she finds ways to haunt Splashtail.
Those cold, frozen blue eyes watching him from the entrance to the leader’s den, her blood dripping down from a neck wound that should have long since healed.
General cryptid Frostpaw stuff. I think she deserves to be a little silly as the local Horrors. Starclan and the powers that be have done more for less, before. Probably. Okay maybe not but shhhh, let me have this.
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cat-alyzing · 2 years
⚡️Thunder Clique Allegiances⚡️
Icestar: light blue gray molly with darker paws, sharp ears and shadowed pale blue eyes. She has a scar across her shoulder and a chipped ear. Aromantic, ace, agender she/her. (Bluestar) Apprentice, Firepaw
Redtail: mostly pale gray tom with dark ginger patches and tail with pale stripes across his pelt. He has deep amber eyes and tufted ears. Rose petals dot his tail. Son of Rosetail, Brother of Spottedleaf, Mate of Kiteflight and father of Sand. Trans gay he/him.
Spottedleaf: silky mostly black and red molly with spots like leaf rot and glowing orange eyes. Various leaves decorate her mane and rose petals dot her dark tail. Daughter of Rosetail and sister of Redtail. AroAce.
Robinwing: a old tufty furred dark brown molly with heavily scarred back legs, a scratches lip, and slice down the right side of her face with her cold olive eyes sharp. Ex mate of Fuzzyflower, Foster parent to Goldenflower and Lionheart. Cishet she/her.
Rosetail: a pretty gray tabby with muscular frame, long strong legs, and a big fluffy red tail that passed down to he son. Mother of Spottedleaf and Redtail. Trans she/her and pan.
Lynxfoot: thick furred white and pale brown cat with a blind left eye and pale yellow right one. They have very wide paws and is a excellent hunter, the tufts on their ears and shorter tail like their namesake. Parent of Speckletail and adopted parent to Frostfur. Non-binary they/them and aromantic. (One-eye)
Dappletail: beautiful brown and yellow dappled molly with short ears, pretty golden eyes, and fluffy legs. She has dandelions decorating her tail after her kits she lost a long time ago. Cishet she/her.
Whitestorm: big fluffy white tom with a sleek tail, large paws, dull yellow eyes, and willow leaves wrapped around his front foot. Mate of Willowpelt and niece of Icestar. Cishet he/him. Apprentice, Sandpaw
Willowpelt: soft round gray and brown molly with sharp blue eyes, a limp scarred ear, and cut across her belly. She has odd white spots that seem to grow as time goes on. Mate of Whitestorm, Sister of Patchshine. Cis bisexual she/her.
Mousebite: short mousy brown molly with round short ears, long fangs that poke out of her mouth, half blue half yellow eyes, and a long tufted tail. Daughter of Smallear, foster sister of Kiteflight and older foster sister of Sparrowtail. Trans she/her and ace. (Mousefur) Apprentice, Graypaw
Tigerclaw: huge deep red tabby with a thick coat, deep red eyes, short pointy ears, and scars across his front leg and a particular one across his chest. His claws are always sticking out from his paws. Mate of Goldenflower, father to Swift and Lynx, brother of Brindleface, Kit of Goosefeather. Cis but questioning and uses he/him.
Kiteflight: pale brown tabby with swirly stripes, light green eyes, and a long sharp tail. He has nicks in his large ears and a cardinal feather on the base of his tail. Mate of Redtail, father of Sand, brother of Sparrowtail. Cis and gay he/him. (Runningwind)
Darkstripe: dark gray and brown cryptid chimera tom with thick dark stripes, a bent spiky tail, scar across his chest, and sharp blue eyes. Son of Willowpelt, half brother of Gray. Trans he/him and pan leaning towards toms.
Sparrowtail: young sandy tom with brown and black stripes, bright green eyes, a torn ear, long jagged tail, and scar across his chest. Younger brother of Kiteflight, son of Wrenpelt, uncle of Sand. Questioning but uses he/him. (Longtail)
Thrushheart: soft pale brown and white tom with brown speckles on his chest and back, pale green eyes, and flowers twisted around his head. Cis bisexual he/him. (Thrushpelt)
Lionheart: magnificent golden tom with a fluffy mane of fur, deep brown eyes, buff frame, and a branch in his ear to mark him as a builder. Mate of Frostfur, brother of Goldenflower, foster son of Robinwing and Fuzzyflower. Cishet he/him. Apprentice, Dustpaw
Patchshine: small skinny black and white cat with a knack for balancing and a branch in its ear, and pale blue eyes. Sibling of Willowpelt. Non-binary ace they/it. (Patchpelt) Apprentice, Ravenpaw
Dustpaw: spiky slightly stubby tom with dull brown fur and back markings, white across his chest and round green eyes. Brother of Raven. Cis he/him and unlabeled. Mentor is Lionheart
Ravenpaw: tall lanky black cat with white on his chest and tail tip. He has odd purple eyes and wears starling feathers on his tail. Sibling of Dust. Non-binary he/they and questioning, tom leaning. Mentor is Patchshine
Sandpaw: strong pale brown molly with brown stripes and a few black patches, her eyes green. Daughter of Redtail and Kiteflight, niece of Sparrowfeather. Mentor is Whitestorm
Graypaw: round dull gray fluffy tom with a darker stripe down his back and lighter gray on his muzzle, with yellow eyes and messy fur. Son of Willowpelt, half brother of Darkstripe. Unlabeled he/him. Mentor is Mousebite
Firepaw: soft flame colored tom who was a former kittypet, white on his belly, white paws and brilliant green eyes. Trans he/him and bi, poly. Mentor is Icestar
Speckledlight: pale yellow ticked tabby with a short tail, folded ear tips, golden eyes, and a scratch across her side and belly. Perma carer after she lost her litter when a fox broke into camp. Daughter of Lynxfoot and mother of Cricketkit and Featherkit. Cis and unlabeled she/her. (Speckletail)
Frostfur: tall soft white and gray spotted molly with dark blue eyes, a flowy tail, and various herbs decorating her pelt to help him through her pregnancy. Mate of Lionheart, younger adopted sister of Speckledlight and adopted kit of Lynxfoot. Genderfluid bisexual she/he.
Goldenflower: golden molly with black and brown speckles and white on her belly and tail, she is fluffy and has dark brown almost black eyes. Sister of Lionheart, mate of Tigerclaw, mother of Swiftkit and Lynxkit, ‘daughter’ of Robinwing and Fuzzyflower. Cis she/her and lesbian though she tries to push that down.
Brindleface: banded torbie cat with messy fur, a round face, and one blue one green eye. Herbs decorate their pelt to help with their pregnancy. Kit of Goosefeather, sibling of Tigerclaw, cousin of Icestar. Non-binary she/they and pan.
Swiftkit: small white kit with dark brown tabby patches and dark amber eyes. Kit of Goldenflower and Tigerclaw, brother of Lynxkit.
Lynxkit: incredibly skinny dark golden tabby with white speckles and long ears and dull cloudy eyes. Named in honor of her mother’s mentor and to promote strength. Coughing a lot lately worrying her mother a lot. Kit of Goldenflower and Tigerclaw, sister of Swift.
(Soon Ash, Fern, then Bright, Thorn, and Bracken.)
Wrenpelt: skinny brown Tom with silver hairs and a half torn tail. Father of Sparrowtail and Kiteflight, Grandpa of Sand. Cishet he/him. (Halftail)
Fuzzyflower: very spiky furred cat with black fur and golden eyes, daisies dot his pelt as a show of her love to his adopted kits. Ex mate of Robinwing, Parent of Goldenflower and Lionheart, Grandcat of Swift. Genderfluid he/she and bisexual.
Smallear: tiny round eared tom with gray and brown fur, yellow eyes, faint stripes, and a lighter belly. Silver hairs dot his pelt and he has cloudy vision. “Father” of Mousebite. Cishet he/him.
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articskele · 7 months
Silly fun facts about Mel!
She has a cat that's big and fluffy and stupid adn very cuddly ouo (I'm thinking either an orange cat or calico)
Her shadow's a little funky! Maybe she can control how it looks?
Uses Halloween cookie cutters all year
Fursona is a racoon
Official cryptid
Can't tie her shoes (just like me fr)
Bone spurs from having Osgood Schlatter as a kid (just like me fr!)
Goes by she/her but nobody knows what her deal is in terms of gender and she chooses not to label it ouo
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
EDIT: I removed the "W"'s because it felt too unnecessary
Plain text: K I'm dropping one more HC AND napping my god fasting( for ramzan) is making me so goddamn hungry
CONSIDER: Putunia also picking up Habit's speech patterns.
I wrote a little something like this a while back actually. I don't want to post the whole thing but here's excerpts. For some context here- Buddy and Rose( me and my friends OCs, a Habitician and a Flower Kid, a dubiously humanlike cat person and a rose-flower nymph. ) can't figure out what Habit is( cryptid, cartoon, evil, misguided, vampire, human?) so they go around asking every Habitican about him. Keep in mind this is an AU so it has NON- CANON elements.
Also TBH everything I've written here doesn't necessarily have to be AU canon because I'm putting it on indefinite pause...so IDK, man. But I still thought it's neat enough to share.
Here's Putunia's take...(not the whole thing, which I won't be posting ) I'll provide plaintext under the cut!
Setting: We've just questioned the punchiest kid around, who is now officially Regaling us around a campfire, her midnight cape blowing as the fire lights her acting-out up in brush strokes of orange, red and yellow against the dark sky.
*clears throat* HURRUFF-HUR-AHEH-AHEH
[ skip excerpt..]
[ skip excerpt..]
HES...A ....MAMA...DRAGON...EVIL.....WARM...WINGS....BEG...BEEG.....
( She's asleep. )
( three red hearts divider )
I have a WHOLE THING about Habit and dragons hopefully I'll have the energy later to provide more HSSJK
On a lighter note than this what aboutttt:
:- ) [ Smile emote with straight nose showing Habit ] ----> to :O ) ( Smile emote with big O nose showing Putunia )
Plaintext under the cut!
The Menace!!!!
Shoosh shush. Be vary quiet now big kid and big kitty witty
He hears
Beeg cotton fluffy ears
Like the evil dragon!
In leetle red riding hwood
"Allll the betterrrr to hearr you with my dearrrr-ieee!!!"
Goodness gooderestness!!! What beegbeeg hands you have!
"The beeeetterrrr to hugggg you withhh my dearrr-ieee!!~~~"
Dont jump scaredy kitty!! Hee heee!! Its just a story!
Flower power hero #2 rose is a weak little baby. More babie than me. He can't carry you!
*clears throat* hurruff-hur-aheh-aheh
Ohkay! So!
The most spine-burning, affrightening, chickens will exploded, herrorizing part!
At the moment
You are least expectating
"Grandmammmaaa dear!! What sharrrppp teefs you have!"
Beeg mouth open at you
Laughing! Snorting! Bwa ha ha ha! So bright!
Fire ball
Beeg one!! Wowwwww
[ skip excerpt..]
Hee hee. Sill-ee butti. Budy. Buddedy. Dont be a pussyilanimous now.
You need to be brave! [...] dont cry! Never cry! Be strong! Good girl! Good girl! Come here to me! I win!!!!!
[ skip excerpt..]
You two flower heroes will also win
When he saying
"Allll the better to eattttt you with!!!!!!!" scream!!!!! Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
Putunia the midnight petunia knight also knows all! Like the menace. But she is good. A very good little girlie.
Thats what mama menace habit tolden me!
Hes always always telling me that sometimes I get bored and hit him soft thump on his silly head so he stops say-say
Soooo long time! Its horrible! I luver my mummy so much! Bad! Very bad! Hes hurting all! You! Me! Buddy!
Talking yakking puppet papping blapalapping since he stealed me away from the bad parents in my seventh foster home at scary dark night when he singy-singy beautiful song and I was sleepy seepy me zzzzz......
Hes...A ....Mama...Dragon...Evil.....Warm...Wings....Beg...Beeg.....
( She's asleep.)
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commander-hanji-zoe · 3 years
Vets/Levi OG Squad Halloween Costumes & Pumpkins
I haven’t forgotten about this blog I promise! But i know I’m not here a lot because I sadly just don’t have the time.
But I plan on using NaNoWriMo to write/finish all the requests that are sat in my inbox. And for now I wanted to write something very short in the spirit of Halloween, I hope you enjoy.
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Would dress as a Highway Man/Phantom of the Opera. Something dramatic with a fantastic fancy costume and nothing relating to a military background.
His Pumpkin would be minimalistic but spooky, perhaps just a mouth, plenty of sharp jagged teeth and no eyes. 
Isn’t sure why he has to dress up but will to please Erwin/because secretly he doesn’t want to be left out. Ends up going as a fairy tale character like Little Red Riding Hood or Tom Thumb because he lets Erwin and Mike pick a costume for him. The alternative is a bunny outfit - so fairy tale it is, but he won’t let them forget it.
Levi’s pumpkin is one of precision. It’s scary - some classic horror movie monster like the Swamp Thing with really great attention to detail. 
Dresses up as a Pirate - but not just any pirate, more Captain Flint in Black Sails. Attractive, commanding, great attention to detail with the costume and he’s a little toooo good in the role. 
Very Classic Pumpkin, stereotypical & perfect like in the Halloween films. No frills, no nonsense but perfectly carved and perfectly spooky (probably a little cute) 
Wants to dress up as a scientist but Levi objects, it’s even lazier than he wants to be! So Hanji dresses up as a bat - they make a beautiful costume with giant wings and big fluffy ears. It really suites them. 
Carves a pumpkin to look like a Titan. Truly there is nothing more terrifying (and fascinating) than a Pumpkin. 
Nurse - but not the ‘sexy nurse’ lazy costume. No Nanaba is more ‘Silent Hill’ Nurse and does such a good job at her costume that others don’t recognise her at first. 
Nanaba tries to make her pumpkin scary but can’t help but add a few hearts or make it appear like it’s winking - a flirty ghost pumpkin. 
Moblit enjoys a classic Halloween costume like a ghost. White bed sheet over his head with two eyes cut out. He might where sunglasses and a hat as well. He’s a ghost out partying after all! 
He tries to carve a pumpkin in the likeness of Hanji as a testament to his admiration for them. It ends up looking a little wonky and not much like Hanji, but they appreciate it all the same. 
Dresses up as a cat - or rather a witches familiar so she isn’t just the ‘cute/sexy’ stereotype. 
Goes advant-garde with the Pumpkin and doesn’t carve it at all. Instead she paints it either pink or purple and then makes a flower arrangement inside of it that’s very ‘Autumnal/Halloween’ themed. 
Dresses as a Prince or a Knight. He wants to play noble for the evening and look as impressive as he can. 
Really wants his pumpkin to look scary and perfect - basically he’s copying Levi. Except his ends up looking more dopey than anything. 
Dresses as a Plague Doctor - it’s the perfect costume to go around spooking others without knowing it’s him. Plus it’s easier to hide from Levi this way! 
Carves his pumpkin to match his costume. 
Dresses as a zombie folk musician - don’t ask me why. 
Carves a geometric cryptid into his pumpkin. 
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afewnovelideas · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika | Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story, DCU (Comics), Batman (Comics), Young Justice (Comics), Robin (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Teen Titans (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Kyubey (PMMM), Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Selina Kyle Additional Tags: Tim Drake-centric, Tim Drake is Robin, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Tim Drake Gets a Hug, Alternate Universe - Madoka Magica Fusion, Soul Gems (Madoka Magica), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Magical Boys, Origin Story, No Beta We Die Like Mami, Don't Have to Know Madoka Magica Canon, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent Series: Part 1 of Eques Magi: Originem - Magicka Knights: Origin Summary:
"The Labyrinths of Gotham City are so tightly concentrated, no human born here can escape the influence of at least one or two Witches, if not more. Despite the aura of despair and the constant work of the Witches' various Familiars, there are still those souls who persist in clinging to hope and will do whatever they can to try and make this city a better place, even though all their efforts will ultimately fail in the end.
"It's the perfect environment to find a new Magicka Knight."
"Have you ever seen an albino cat?"
Catwoman, aka Selina Kyle, glanced over at Batman's newest Robin curiously. She hadn't been expecting to cross paths with him, but since it was obvious the Big Bad Bat was out of town and Nightwing hadn't shown up at all in the past week, she decided to keep an eye on the new kid for at least the evening. He certainly wasn't like the previous Robin. This thirteen-year-old boy was quiet and thoughtful, which had been quite a change from the previous brash impulsive kid Batman had been mentoring a little over a year ago before they were murdered by the Joker. 
She also noticed that this Robin was glancing over his shoulder at something on the rooftop on the other side of the street. "An albino, huh?" she said as she tried to follow his gaze. However, despite using her binoculars to zoom in on the far rooftop, she couldn't see any sign of any animal, feline, albino, or otherwise. "I've heard of them, but never seen one in person," Selina admitted casually as she put away her binoculars. "They are extremely rare." She smiled at Robin. "Have you seen one around town?"
Robin leaned against his bo staff thoughtfully. "I think so, but I'm not really sure." 
"Not sure?"
The boy looked up at Selina earnestly. "Y'know how a cat has two pointed ears about here?" Amusingly to the professional cat burglar, Robin made a vague pair of cat-ear shapes with his hand at the top of his head.  She smiled affectionately. 
"Yeah. It's kind of a defining cat trait, having pointy ears."
Robin pouted slightly at the teasing tone he caught in Catwoman's voice. Then he continued. "Well... This cat I've been seeing... It looks like they have a second set of ears too."
"A second set?" 
He nodded. He made a motion with his hands that seemed to make another vague shape that started at the base of where the cat's ears ought to be and downward along either side of its head. "Yeah. They kinda start out here and go all the way down there."
"Are you sure what you're looking at is an albino 'cat'? That kinda sounds more like a white rabbit to me."
"But it has pointy ears like a cat," Robin argued. "And its got a long fluffy tail, and its legs are like a cat's." The young teenager frowned slightly. "It's really weird looking."
"Well it does sound like a unique creature, whatever it is," Selina said thoughtfully.  "Maybe it's some sort of cryptid or mutant? This is Gotham after all." She smiled at Robin. "Tell ya what. If you can catch a photo of the critter, I promise I'll take a good hard look and let you know if it's a cat, a rabbit, or something completely different." Then she gave him an almost stern maternal look. "But be careful. Don't get too close. If it does turn out to be something 'not normal', it could be dangerous."
  It was two nights later and Tim Drake, fully decked out as Robin for another solo patrol, had just finished trussing up a pair of would-be carjackers. As soon as he placed the anon call to the Gotham PD for pickup, he glanced up to fire his grapple gun and froze.
There, on the rooftop above him, was a familiar white shape with two sets of ears and red eyes. The "cat" was peering down. He could see the animal's long fluffy tail swishing this way and that. Tim's breath caught in his throat. This was the closest he'd ever seen the animal come to him before. Rather than risk his grapple gun startling the animal and scaring it away, the young vigilante quickly indulged in some impromptu parkour up a garbage bin and a chain link fence to reach the metal fire escape attached to the side of the building. 
When he pulled himself on the rooftop, Tim was disappointed to find that it appeared to be empty. Not a trace of red eyes or white fur anywhere. He walked across the roof slowly, scanning the area for any sign of the small creature as he pulled out a small portable camera from his utility belt. "Hey there," he whispered softly. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty. I'm not going to hurt you. C'mon out please. I just wanna take a picture." 
When no one came out of hiding, Tim tried a different tactic. He reached into another pouch on his belt and pulled out a small package of beef jerky. He shook the bag temptingly before opening it and setting it on the ground before stepping away from it. "Got some food here if you want. All for you."
"Thank you, but no. I'm not hungry."
Tim froze. Then he glanced around himself as quickly as he could before zeroing in on the form of the albino "cat" sitting on top of a large A/C unit just a few yards away from him, its white body practically glowing against the cloudy night sky of Gotham City. This close, Tim could see this was not a normal "cat".  It did appear to have two sets of ears, but the two longer rabbit-like ones had golden rings attached to them and were tipped in pink with red spots. Its tail also appeared to be unnaturally long as it swished back and forth casually.
"Did you... just... talk?"
The cat-like creature flicked its smaller pointy ears. "Of course I did!" it said in a childlike voice without moving its mouth at all. Its long white tail finally stopped swishing and settled into a question mark shape behind it. "How else am I supposed to introduce myself?"
  Tim Drake gave up caffeine for the rest of the week. When the boy returned to the Cave from patrol and declared that he was quitting cold turkey, Alfred asked about it curiously. All the old butler got from the thirteen year old was a confusingly vague answer about talking albino cats with pink ears and clearly not enough sleep with too much stress before marching himself into the showers before he would make his eventual way back to his bedroom. 
  Unfortunately for Tim, giving up his favorite sodas, teas, and coffee did not stop the appearances of the strange cat-like hallucination that had introduced itself as "Kyubey" and seemed hell bent on following him and talking to him both day and night, in and out of uniform.
"You think I'm a figment of your imagination?"
Tim sighed as he reached over the creature sitting in his high school locker in order to grab his workbooks for math and english. "I'm not talking to you here," he whispered as he slammed the locker door in hopes of locking the hallucination behind it.
"It's probably better that you don't, at least not out loud," Kyubey agreed, after reappearing on the top of the locker to look down on Tim. "If people catch you talking to something they can't see, they might think you're losing your mind."
Somehow, Tim managed to choke down the near hysterical giggle that wanted to bubble up at that matter-of-fact remark. Kyubey had made it quite clear that night on the rooftop that no one else could see them except Tim.
"Besides, why waste your breath?" Kyubey said as they trotted along the top of the lockers, keeping pace with Tim as he walked to his next class. "We can speak telepathically just fine."
Tim paused at the end of the lockers and glanced at Kyubey. "Telepathically?" he asked experimentally without voicing the word.
"See! Easy!"
"Oh my god, I AM losing my mind," he thought with a grimace before sighing and stepping into the classroom and tried to ignore Kyubey as best he could for the rest of his school day.
  "So why are you here?" Tim finally asked Kyubey after tossing down his pencil and finally giving up on trying to concentrate on his homework. "What is my subconscious trying to tell me?"
"I'm not your subconscious, and I'm not a hallucination. I'm a messenger of magic." 
Tim raised his eyebrows at Kyubey as he echoed incredulously, "A messenger of magic?"
The cat-like creature made themself comfortable on Tim's bed. "That's right."
The teen noted with a slight measure of concern that he could see the disturbance Kyubey's form made on his pillow and blanket, proving that, at least right now, they had a solid physical state. Still, he was not about to reach out and try to touch the creature. "I'm probably going to regret asking this, but why is a 'messenger of magic' in Gotham City, and why am I the only one who can see and speak with you?"
"I'm on a mission to find people with the potential to become Magicka Knights to fight Witches and save the Universe, and you have that potential."
"Seriously? Magical knights? Actual witches?" Tim shook his head as he scoffed lightly. "This sounds like the plot of some generic magical girl anime."
Kyubey titled their head to one side. "And you and your mentor go out at night in masks to fight criminals who can control plants, have freeze guns, are living clay, and are occasionally half reptiles. How is that more believable than Magicka Knights and Witches?"
Tim snickered awkwardly. "I guess I'm in no position to throw stones in glass houses."
"You really aren't."
  Finally! Bruce was back from his Justice League mission and he was going to go out on patrol with Tim. Batman and Robin flying through Gotham City for the first time in over two weeks.
At least that was the plan until a call came through from Oracle barely an hour into their patrol.
"A report of potential Joker gas exposure has been put out by the GCPD in Chinatown near the Dragon's Den."
Batman and Robin paused on the roof of St. Peter's Cathedral. Tim felt a weight settle in the pit of his stomach as he took in the tightness of his mentor's jawline. He knew what was coming next.
"Go home, Robin."
"But B--"
"It's the Joker. I need to handle this alone."
"You don't have to. I can stay out of the way and watch your back. Make sure no one gets the drop on you."
Batman shook his head. "Head back to the Cave, Robin."
The leather of Robin's gloves creaked a little as he clenched his hand into a fist and turned away from his mentor. "Fine."
Without even looking, Tim could tell when he was left alone on the cathedral's roof with just the gargoyles for company.
Then, he wasn't alone.
"He doesn't trust you?"
Tim looked up to see Kyubey sitting on the head of a nearby gargoyle. He sighed. "It's not like that," he said telepathically. No need to risk Oracle or Agent A overhearing him talking to Kyubey. Not like the mic would pick up the magical creature's voice anyways. Still, better safe than sorry. "The Joker is really dangerous. He killed the Robin who came before me. B just doesn't want to risk me being anywhere near him."
Suddenly, Tim heard a pinging from his comm link, a sign that Oracle was attempting to signal him. "Yes O?"
"I know B ordered you home, but do you think you could swing by Amusement Mile along the way? I got a report on a Mad Hatter sighting there."
Tim brightened visibly at the prospect. "Sure!" He reached for his grapple gun and loaded a cartridge. "Any idea what he's up to?" 
"There have been earlier reports over the last few months of missing girls fitting the Hatter's preferred victim profile. Children with long blond hair under the age of twelve. But since the children are usually street kids or runaways, most attempts to investigate by the police have been half-hearted at best. Those that have tried haven't found anything but dead ends."
"Well, that's going to come to a stop tonight." Tim declared confidently. 
"Be careful Robin," Oracle warned. "Focus on recon tonight. Don't engage Hatter unless absolutely necessary."
  "What's this?" 
At Amusement Mile, Tim was just in time to stop a kidnapping in progress. While the sudden appearance of Robin was enough to send the Mad Hatter scurrying away into the shadows, the young vigilante reluctantly let him go in favor of caring for the victim, a child of eight or nine who appeared to be in a catatonic state.
However, nothing Tim did seemed to be able to wake her up. He was about to notify O to call an ambulance when he noticed a small red mark, like a tattoo, on the girl's neck, right above her pulse point. It was about the size of a quarter and looked like the symbol used in chess to designate the Queen piece. 
"Hey O. I found a weird tattoo on the girl. Sending you a pic now." Tim quickly snapped a photo and sent it electronically to Oracle. A moment later, he got a response.
"Are you sure you sent me the right photo?"
"What do you mean?" 
"There's no tattoo in the pic. All I see is a bare neck."
Tim opened the monitor of his camera and his eyes went wide. Even on the camera, the girl's neck had no tattoo. He took several more pics to be sure, but despite being able to see the crown icon with his own eyes, they defied being photographed.
"Not sure what's going on, but I can't take a pic of it," he told Oracle. "Maybe it's some sort of weird ink that comes up invisible on cameras?"
"That's not it."
Tim glanced at Kyubey, who was sitting beside the girl. The white creature sniffed at the tattoo. "That's a Witch's Kiss."
He felt his chest tighten a bit at Kyubey's words. Tim carefully masked the sudden nervousness he felt in his voice. "Can you call an ambulance to pick up the girl? I'm going to investigate the area and try to find out where Hatter ran off to."
"Will do. Be careful."
Once the comm was silenced again and after the EMTs came to pick up the rescued child, Robin backed into a secluded alleyway and hid within the shadows before addressing Kyubey telepathically.
"What's a Witch's Kiss?"
"It's a mark used by Witches and familiars to control the minds of their prey."
Tim felt a shiver run down his spine. Still he continued. "Is... the Mad Hatter a Witch?"
Kyubey tilted their head thoughtfully before shaking in the negative. "No. I think he's just a familiar being used to bring humans to a Witch's Labyrinth."
"Why? Why would a Witch want a human child?"
Kyubey sighed. "A Witch is a creature that feeds on misery and sadness," they said very matter-of-factly. "What could be more delicious to a Witch than the grief and fear of a kidnapped child? At least this one seems to prefer the despair of children in particular."
A sudden sensation of dread settled over Tim. "That's.... That's horrible! We can't let this continue!"
"But you can't stop them."
"Why not?" Tim's righteous indignation flared up. "Batman's stopped the Mad Hatter dozens of times. Why can't I?"
"Most likely it's because your mentor has never captured him near his Witch, and never within an actual Labyrinth." Kyubey stared at Tim with their round red eyes, their stoic tone never wavering. "You're just a human being, and so is he under all that armor. Even with all your training, there's no way your frail human bodies can endure the strain of fighting a Witch and their familiars in their own Labyrinth. If you get trapped in a Labyrinth, there's no way out until either the Witch is dead or you are."
Tim watched the retreating lights of the ambulance carrying the nearly kidnapped child away. Then he took a deep breath and released it slowly.
"Can you help me find the Witch's Labyrinth?"
"I can."
  He was going to die.
Tim leaned against the wall and watched helplessly as his blood flowed freely from beneath and between his fingers to pool on the floor under him despite the pressure he tried to keep on the wound in his stomach. The Witch's familiars, not just the Mad Hatter, but a March Hare and other fictional characters pulled straight from the story Alice in Wonderland, had been too numerous and too merciless for him to fight off alone. 
The Witch herself, in the guise of a twisted Queen of Hearts, shrieked for his head through the twists and turns of her Labyrinth. 
   ͙̹̫ͪ̆̏͝  "̶͚̜̪̣̬͇ͭ͑ͅOͩͫ̄͏̬͖̳ Ḟ̖̝̟̜͖̭͑͢ F̡̜̼̰͓͍̟͎͇̆̾̐ ̨͚̫̗ͮ̚ͅ W̐ͧ̑͏͍͎͍̖̤̥ͅI͓͙̤͔̺̦͌̓̌̍͠T̖͍͒͛͢H̡̳̪̭̹̺̒̓̿ ̹̥͉̟͙̝͓̅ͫ͝H̸̝̬̘͕̩͙̤͇̾ͥ͂Į̯͔̦͖̳̣ͥ̌͆̂S͆̑ͪ͏̦̥̭̺̞̳̪͔ ͙̪̯͗̑͞Hͧ͏̤̯̪̩ E̶̯̣̰͌̆ͨͯ A̬̦̻͍͒͝ͅD̖̹͂͒͟ !ͫͯ́͆҉̺̦̩̹̺
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  Her magic.. too powerful.
His… everything... too weak.
Trapped in this magical Labyrinth that resembled a scene from Wonderland, he couldn't even get a signal out to call for a rescue. He'd tried early on to call Oracle... Nightwing... Agent A... Batman... But the only thing he got for his troubles was static.
Tim felt tears flow down his cheeks as his vision became dark and hazy around the edges and his limbs began to grow numb. He could hear the sounds of his pursuers coming closer, searching for him, and he just didn't have the strength anymore to run. All he could do was hide and wait for the inevitable.
Batman was going to lose another Robin.
Dick was going to lose another little brother.
Jack Drake was going to lose his only son.
He was going to die.
"Oh dear. I was almost too late."
A set of dainty white paws walked into his sight line, contrasting starkly against the pool of crimson blood on the floor. Weakly, Tim lifted his gaze.
The magical creature stepped closer to the fallen teenager and took a seat in front of him. They tilted their head slightly. "I tried to warn you. A normal human isn't able to fight a Witch. Only a Magicka Knight has the power to defend against a Witch's curses and attack them in kind."
"I know," Tim whispered. "I should've listened to you."
Kyubey titled their head to the other side. "It's not too late. You can still listen to me."
Despite the cold feeling in his limbs and the shadows in his vision, Tim did his level best to keep his gaze locked on Kyubey, on the one bright spot in his dying world. 
"If you enter a contract with me, you can become a Magicka Knight." Kyubey explained. "You'd be duty bound to fight Witches, but in return I can grant you one wish. Anything in the world your heart desires."
"If I become a Magicka Knight, I'll have to fight this Witch right away, right?"
"I'm afraid so. It's the only way to escape her Labyrinth."
"And there's no guarantee I'll win?"
"I won't lie to you. Turning you into a Magicka Knight is not a promise of victory. But at least you'll have a fighting chance."
Tim closed his eyes and smiled sadly. "Then I want to make a wish that can outlive me, in case I die." When he opened his eyes, tears slipped down his cheeks again. "I wish Bruce Wayne's son, Jason Todd, was alive."
Kyubey's round red eyes seemed to shimmer in the darkness, and the twin gold rings that encircled their longer set of ears started to glow brightly even as Tim's vision finally faded into blackness. As his consciousness slipped away, he heard Kyubey's voice, as if it was very far away.
"As you wish."
  "Dinner was great, Alfred. Thank you." Tim set down his fork and watched as the kind old butler retrieved his dirty dishes.
"Will you be heading out with Master Bruce this evening?"
Tim got to his feet and placed the cloth napkin that had been on his lap onto the table, though he fidgeted with it a little before finally letting it go. "'Fraid not. B wants me to stay in and 'do my homework'."
Alfred gave him a knowing compassionate look. "I see. Well, if you want to take your dessert upstairs to have while you work on your homework, I'll allow it for tonight. If you need anything else, I'll be in the Cave on comms tonight..
"Thanks Alfred," Tim said with a smile and a quick side-hug. "You're the best!"
Tim made his way upstairs with a small plate of cheesecake topped with strawberries. Once in his bedroom, he closed the door behind him with a sigh.
"Bruce isn't letting you patrol again tonight?" 
The teenager glanced over and watched as Kyubey unwound itself from the fluffy white ball it normally curled into while it napped on Tim's pillow. Tim couldn't help the fond smile as his little friend stretched leisurely and indulged in a wide mouthed yawn. 
"Nope. He's still got his cape in a twist over Jason's whole empty grave thing." Tim shook his head before making his way to the window seat and making himself comfortable. "I think he just wants to make sure I don't wander off either, but it's still annoying! It's been nearly a month and B still won't let me go on any solo patrols." 
"Well, look at the bright side. Now you can get a full night of sleep and wake up early to go Witch hunting before school."
"I suppose."
Tim and his sullen mood weren't alone for long at the window before Kyubey leapt gracefully from the bed to his shoulder. The startled expression on Tim's face lasted only a second before it melted into one of amusement as Kyubey headbutted him affectionately against the cheek. Once they'd managed to wring a chuckle out of the boy, Kyubey hopped down to the window seat where Tim had placed the cheesecake and began sniffing at the selection. Tim watched as his friend picked up the reddest strawberry it could find and popped that into its mouth first, eating it with obvious relish. Then he looked out the window and thought back about the night he became a Magicka Knight, about the moment he set foot back in the cave after defeating his first Witch and claiming his first Grief Seed.
  "Where have you been?!" 
Batman had stormed up to him the moment Robin pulled up on his motorcycle into the Cave. Tim froze the moment he saw his mentor barrelling toward him. "You're back already?"
"The Joker gas was a false alarm," Bruce said as he pushed back his cowl and grabbed Tim by his upper arms, Tim was startled by the frantic way Bruce's eyes were darting over him. "Where were you?! Barbara sent you to investigate a Hatter sighting, then you didn't check in for hours! It's nearly sunrise. Where have you been?!"
Tim swallowed hard. "I... I got lured into a maze trap by Hatter," he admitted quietly. "The place had some weird interference so my comms were scrambled. Hatter got away and it took me forever to find my way out. I'm sorry."
"Are you hurt?"
Tim shook his head. "I'm fine B. Just... tired. It... was a really long night."
After another long moment of Bruce looking over him, the older man finally seemed to relax. He released his hold on Tim's arms and raked his fingers through his cowl-mussed hair. "Please don't go running off like that ever again, Tim. If anything had happened to you--"
"I know," Tim murmured, his eyes focused on the floor even as he wrapped his arms about himself tightly. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Master Bruce?"
Both Bruce and TIm turned to see a shaken Alfred coming toward them with a phone in hand. 
"What's wrong?"
"Commissioner Gordon is on the line."
Bruce and Tim shared a confused look. "Why is he calling at this hour?"
Alfred swallowed hard. "He needs 'Bruce Wayne' to come to the precinct as soon as possible. There's been a robbery."
"I don't under--"
"Someone broke into Gotham Cemetery tonight. They stole Master Jason's body."
As Bruce immediately went after Alfred as the old man gave him the phone, Tim stood in the Cave in shock before daring to glance at Kyubey, who had materialized at his heels. 
"My wish... It really came true?"
Kyubey curled their tail around Tim's legs in a comforting gesture. "Of course it did. We made a contract."
  "I wonder where Jason is," Tim mused aloud as he continued to stare out the window. "I thought he would've come straight home. Bruce has looked everywhere. I've looked everywhere..." He looked at Kyubey who had taken a delicate bite of the cheesecake itself. "Do you have any idea where he went after I made my wish?"
Kyubey looked up at Tim, a curious tilt to their head as they stared back at him with their round red eyes. "I was with you in the Labyrinth when the wish was made," they said matter-of-factly.
Tim shrugged. "Yeah. I know... I guess I was just hoping... Well, I hope he's alright, wherever he is." 
Quietly, Tim studied the new silver ring encircling the ring finger of his right hand as well as the green alchemical symbol of Mercury that was now on his fingernail. The small emerald gem inlaid within the ring itself shimmered with magic. With a smooth motion, Tim turned his palm up and the ring morphed before his eyes into a brilliant green gem encased in an intricate cage of gold, just like a faberge egg. 
His Soul Gem. The source of his power as a Magicka Knight.
For several minutes there was nothing but a comfortable silence as Tim watched the swirling glow of his Soul Gem and Kyubey ate their fill. Once the plate was empty and their paws and muzzle were thoroughly cleaned, Kyubey trotted onto Tim's lap and laid down comfortably. Unconsciously, Tim began to stroke Kyubey's soft whilte fur with his free hand. 
"I just hope Jason comes home soon," Tim said as he finally put his Soul Gem away, turning it back into his ring. "That way, he and Bruce can reunite, they can be a family again, and I can step away from being Robin so I can devote myself to being a Magicka Knight instead."
"In the meantime, it's not so bad for you to be both Robin and a Magicka Knight," Kyubey mused. When Tim glanced down at them, they continued. "You have to admit that nearly every night you go out on patrol as Robin, you stumble upon one or two Labyrinths. Even if we can't get to them immediately to flush out the Witch, at least we know where they are for later!"
Tim grinned. "Yeah. I guess there is a silver lining there." Impulsively, he picked up Kyubey and gathered them into a gentle hug. "Thanks for staying with me."
Kyubey nuzzled the underside of Tim's jawline. "Of course I'm staying with you. You're my Magicka Knight. We're in this together." Kyubey flicked their short pointy ears cutely. "Besides, it's not like Bruce or anyone else can separate us. You're the only one here that can see and hear me."
"I'm glad," Tim said. "It's nice to not be alone all the time." He smiled gratefully at Kyubey. "And it makes being grounded by Bruce easier to swallow when I've got you for company."
Then he glanced back out the window at the dark outlines of Gotham City's skyline when the appearance of the Bat-signal lit up the night sky above it. "Still--" he mused. "I really hope Jason shows up soon. I can't wait to meet him."
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theskeleton-system · 3 years
A Fungus Dangerclaw Masterpost
This is a post about Fungus' relationship with every Grumpus on Snaktooth;
•definitely stumbled upon Fungus while looking for Liz
•was initially friendly toward Fungus, until Fungus took it personally and chased Filbo out of the woods, growling and claws beared
•when Fungus inevitably stays in town with the others, Filbo is rightfully so still apprehensive, but as Fungus warms up to him, he warms up to Fungus
•Fungus never learns his name, but knows the word Mayor, so calls him that (it is a constant Filbo Confidence Boost [tm])
•would meet Fungus when they'd have come to town
•Fungus has absolutely attacked Wambus, he's the biggest man in town and Fungus believes in fighting for dominance, so he attacks him to become the Alpha of town lol
•Wambus doesnt like to make eye contact with Fungus due to this very event
•Fungus does eventually calm down when Wambus lets them rummage in the farm sometimes; it turns out Fungus is handy for digging holes to plant more crops
•after a while of Fungus trusting Wambus, she starts bringing sticks to the farm and burying them in hopes of growing crops too
•Wambus eventually decides he's adopting them. No arguments.
•is morbidly curious of Fungus (that feeling is mutual)
•Beffica has absolutely kept Fungus in her cave out of storms, and so is probably the closest thing to a friend at first to Fungus
•she likes to paint his claws, and he loves to watch her do it, he also loves picking out the colours (pink is his favourite)
•Beffica will sit Fungus down and gossip to them while she paints their nails and brushes their fur, Fungus has no idea what she's saying, but likes to feel included and picks up on some words
•the few words he's learnt from Beff are "Squeeb", "Like", and "OMGee"
•Beffica does understand that Fungus can be dangerous, and she knows when to stop pushing their buttons
•Gramble met Fungus in the middle of the night, when they broke into town to steal supplies
•Fungus DIDN'T attack Gramble, only because he's smaller than Fungus and therefore not deemed a threat
•when Fungus stays in town, they become enamored by the barn, and the Bugsnax there (because Fungus refuses to eat them too) and hangs out in the outdoor pen with them
•Fungus inevitably imprints on Gramble and begins following him around and bringing him Bugsnax that are very hard to catch (cheepoofs, grapesketos, lollives, scoopy banoopys) and Gramble is Confused.jpeg
•Gramble learns to trust Fungus when the first fight breaks out at the party (The "that's why your wife left you" Scene) and Fungus defends Gramble, literally standing between him and Wambus
•now Gramble accepts Fungus as family, and is just mildly frightened of them
•with Fungus constantly following Gramble around, it was only a matter of time until they met Wiggle
•Fungus took one look at her and was prepared to fight a bitch, but when Gramble stopped them from attacking her, they stopped being aggressive
•Fungus definitely wants that pink fluffy scarf around Wiggle's neck, but hasn't devised a plan to steal it yet
•Fungus doesnt understand how instruments work, so when Wiggle starts playing her banjo, Fungus is simultaneously frightened and interested
•Fungus begins loving listening to Wiggle's music and starts hitting the ground in percussion with the music
•Wiggle will never pass up on an adoring fan of course, and starts teaching Fungus how to make music, Fungus learns nothing, but is happy to have attention
•Fungus has ended up with the Banjo before, and absolutely tried to eat it
•(Fungus has worn Wiggle's glasses before and was fully prepared to wear them forever)
•Triffany would find Fungus in one of the ruins, probably lost
•Triffany would be confused, but curious
•Fungus trusts Triffany quickly, as she's sensible and knows a feral creature when she sees one, so takes her time
•Fungus likes to try and help piece history together with Triffany, but obviously he has no idea what he's ever doing, so he isn't really much help
•Triffany's accent is completely foreign to Fungus, so they can have problems understanding some of her pronunciations, however, they absolutely adore her accent and loves listening to her talk
•Triffany is most likely the Grumpus who brought Fungus to town, probably to show Wambus the creature she adopted, and ask Floofty if any of this makes sense
•Fungus likes to chew on bones Triffany gives him, it helps sharpen his teeth and subdue his pure, feral rage
•Fungus would take a VERY long time to trust Cromdo, due to his sleezy nature
•Fungus absolutely wants whatever Cromdo is selling (because they're a hoarder) but doesn't know of the economy, only knows stick. Fungus will buy material objects with sticks and leaves or Cromdo will die
•a sick part of Cromdo wants to sell Fungus to Floofty for science, but knows that would be the second most illegal thing he's ever done (Grumpus Trafficking is no joke-)
•Fungus would probably want a tie, let's be honest
•to Cromdo, Fungus is like a cat, running around scratching the walls and knocking things off of tables
•Cromdo isn't afraid to scold Fungus, and Fungus will learn to listen in due time
•despite the tension and issues the two have, Fungus does it to show care for Cromdo, everyone knows this but Cromdo
•Fungus likes the word "Pal"
•Chandlo is Fungus' favourite. No questions asked.
•he found Fungus in a tree and brought him home to Snorpy, like gay people do
•"Snorp-dawg, I found a cryptid!"
"you WHAT"
•Fungus appreciates Chandlo so fucking much
•didn't attack for same reason as Gramble (small = not a threat)
•Chandlo likes Fungus because they're a hard-core survivor of the wild, and Chandlo vibes with that
•Fungus originally likes to watch Chandlo work out, finding it fascinating; but eventually starts joining in when Chandlo offers
•Chandlo just wants to keep this feral creature, that is all
•Fungus learns so many words from Chandlo, that he accidentally turns Fungus into a feral version of himself
•Snopry is (rightfully so) terrified of Fungus
•what is it? What's it gender? Why does it barely speak? How much sentience does it have? DOES IT WORK FOR THE GRUMPINATI??!
•but of course, Chandlo wants to keep it and Snorpy can't say no, so he ends up playing babysitter when Chandlo is gone
•Fungus, on the other hand, is enamored. Obviously-
•Fungus understands so little when it comes to Snorpy, all these conspiracies and big words and intricate connections, Fungus has no brain
•Fungus likes to listen though, and likes to look at the conspiracy board (also likes to hoard all the red string lol)
•of course Snorpy warms up to them, mostly when Floofty starts trying to steal them for experiments; Snorpy feels a newfound need to protect this gremlin from his mad scientist sibling
•Fungus just likes the attention
•Floofty kidnaps Fungus for experiments (not clickbait)
•I mean, can you blame them? How does Fungus exist? A completely feral Grumpus in a society of modernized, evolved, civilised Grumpuses? They gotta know how Fungus works
•however, Floofty underestimated Fungus' energy, and now they're shouting at a gremlin, who is barking back at them
•Floofty loses so much sleep over keeping Fungus in one place.
•"fascinating...your survival instinct is completely intact- stop chewing my leg."
•Floofty tries to teach Fungus basic language, but learns the next day that Fungus forget everything they learnt
•Fungus doesn't know what to make of Floofty
•Is this good or bad? Friend or foe?
•if Floofty has to hurt Fungus to get what they want, they WILL be attacked (i.e taking blood or testing pain level)
•sometimes Floofty just snaps and throws Fungus into a river to "experiment" if Fungus can swim
•Fungus does like the attention though
•Shelda is one of the only Grumpuses that Fungus shows concern and care for OPENLY
•He gives her gifts of sticks and rocks and leaves, and he'll throw a tantrum if she won't take them
•he likes to sit next to her while she meditates so she doesn't get lonely 😳😳
•the only problem with this is that Fungus is easily bored, and will start making noises and bumping rocks together
•and it's very distracting when you're trying to meditate
•But Fungus knows this and tries to behave as best as they can, they wanna make Grandma Shelda happy
•they become a part of Shelda's little fanclub, and listens to her wisdom despite not knowing ANYTHING she's saying
•he pretends he knows, nodding and agreeing all the time
•Eggabell, being a doctor, just wants to get her hands on Fungus to take care of him
•I mean, he's messy, and covered in mud and sticks and leaves
•he probably has the Grumpus equivalent of mange
•he DEFINITELY has fleas
•and she just wants to sit them down and clean them up
•but Fungus isn't having it, and is actually a little scared of Eggabell, as they don't know why she wants them to stay still
•Fungus will learn to trust her, and let her take care of the fleas and rabies and mange
•and when he does, he will never leave her side afterwards. He'll recognise she made him feel better and constantly want her attention
•He may get a little distracting for her sometimes, but she knows he means well
•also, because Fungus is a good listener, Eggabell airs her problems out to them, she knows they don't know what she's saying, but it's nice to rant to them while they eat a whole tree, bit by bit
•there isn't many opportunities where Liz and Fungus would interact sadly, however, I feel like if they did they would get along far too well
•Liz bringing Fungus on adventures around the island? Fungus showing Liz little cave systems they've found so she has shortcuts around the areas? Makes my heart ache-
•Fungus wants the hat, give her the hat Liz-
•because Liz is such a simple name, it would most likely be the only one Fungus would learn
•I can imagine Liz getting distracted from studying Bugsnax and instead studying Fungus, until Filbo or Egg reminds her she has more important things to do
•Fungus is incredibly agile, and I can imagine them scaling trees or cliffs and finding a safer route for Liz to take
•Fungus is Liz's emotional support adventure dog
The Journalist
This would be in terms of if Fungus was a character you'd meet;
•You would meet Fungus in Sugarpine Woods, but somewhere far away from Chandlo and Snorpy.
•Fungus would flee from you once spotted (sorta like the Snaxsquach, but not at certain times).
•You would then have a quest to ask around to see if anyone knew what this Grumpus was (and you would receive a resounding "no").
•The puzzle would then be figuring out how to cohearse Fungus into trusting you, which would be with sticks and rocks, making a pile of them to bait Fungus from hiding.
•Once you would have their trust, you would still have quests to complete before they move from their spot and follow you to town, this would include collecting more sticks and rocks, and finding Bugsnax so Fungus can have friends.
•They'd communicate these quests very poorly, you would probably have to rely on the quest descriptions to figure out what the objective is.
•After enough errands, Fungus would make a happy noise and start following you around. Then, if you walk into town, you approach Filbo and he takes Fungus off your hands.
•When you return to Snaxburg, it's in anarchy as Fungus has gotten out of control. Your next objective is "survive". Eventually, through sticks, rocks and leaves, you calm Fungus down enough for them to live in Snaxburg without killing anyone.
•However, some side-quests would involve Fungus, and the other residents having to deal with them now.
I had this neat idea that all this is optional, you don't have to even do the main quest for Fungus because they weren't supposed to be part of the expedition and know no one. So why interview them, not like you can anyway. You can escape Snaktooth with all the normal residents and leave Fungus on the island, then their fate would be left unknown (but man I'd feel guilty for it 😟).
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amphii-writes · 3 years
Random Haikyuu Head Canons I Have
these are all taken from my discord server cause i remember to write them there, if you want to request fanfics, my requests are W I D E open! there is also nO order! these are just all the headcanons i could find tbh
warnings: mentions of blood, and just overall wild times, swearing
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Asahi loves knitting sweaters because his shoulders are broad and he also loves seeing the reactions from his teammates when they get a sweater from him! He says he buys them but he doesn’t
Aone likes knitting socks because he has big feet and he loves fluffy knee high socks but his team will never know
Asahi and Aone regularly hang out and knit together! (after asahi wasnt scared of him anyways)
Nishinoya gives you shiny rocks he finds because “your eyes shine like them!”
Yamaguchi likes to have your head rest on his chest while cuddling!
Aone likes to bake
Aone dressed like a polar bear because koganegawa told him to- halloween was amazing
Daichi secretly can make some kick ass steak and is amazing at grilling sorry
Okay but real talk, Kenma and Yaku swear like sailors and it scares everyone because they always whisper the most foul, insulting things under their breath. Hearing it is like seeing a cryptid
Speaking of cryptids, Fukunaga and Shibayama are THE most true crime, mythology, and mystery obsessed fanatics on the team and often fanboy about it together 
Fukunaga’s obsession with moth man has gotten to an unhealthy stage
Kenma absolutely had a vampire phase and has read twilight. Only Kuroo knows and has sworn to secrecy via blood pact
Kuroo’s a musical nerd. Knows all of the lyrics to Hamilton, BMC, DEH, Heathers, Rent, Beetlejuice, Etc. Kenma considered dropping him because of it
Iwaizumi tells the worst dad jokes and Kyotani, wanting to beat him, started doing it too and it drives everyone insane
Yahaba and Matsukawa get along surprisingly well. Both are true crime freaks and bond over their forensic files obsessions
Matsukawa didn’t really like his thick eyebrows so he got one of his female friends to pluck it for him, but almost cried and gave up after the first hair. Oikawa called him a pussy for the next year
Hanamaki jokingly flirts with everyone on the team so most of them just got used to it, but it still confuses Kindaichi to the point of mental breakdown
Makki called Kyotani ‘puppy’ as a joke once and now mad dog is truly terrified of him
Kyotani’s dog absolutely ADORES Oikawa and it’s the funniest shit to the rest of the team
Mattsun and Makki play DnD and once convinced Yahaba and Kyotani to join. Kyotani kept rolling to fight everyone and Yahaba was a bard that kept rolling to seduce everyone. They kept yelling across the board so they had to kick them out
Outside of his school uniform, Goshiki specifically wears only plaid
Tendou makes little chocolates for the whole team every once in a while so they don’t think he’s scary
Semi and Shirabu once had a fistfight in an abandoned McDonald’s parking lot while Tendou filmed and Goshiki cheered them on
Everybody makes fun of Shirabu’s haircut but nobody dares to say it to his face. its gotten to the point where they say he got it done by a blind old lady
There’s a running joke about Shirabu also getting his haircut from prison but Goshiki is starting to suspect that it may not be a joke
Yamagata and Tendou are good friends with the mutual goal of collecting as much blackmail on their team as possible
Tendou loves animals generally considered to be ‘ugly’ like rats, crows, reptiles, etc.
80% of Goshiki’s playlist is shit overplayed on the radio. Him, Shirabu, Tendou, Kawanishi and Ushijima have a permanent ban from the aux cord
Nobody watches YouTube with Ushijima because he never skips the damn ads (other than tendou)
Suna once said y’all’dn’t’ve unironically and made a first year cry
Akagi once said UwU unironically and had an identity crisis.
Osamu has one of those rainbow gaming keyboards and is constantly on a discord call. Atsumu always yells weird shit in the background to embarrass him and once pretended to be him
During Seijoh group chat arguments. Hanamaki and Mattsukawa like to drop facebook minion memes in just to piss everyone off even more
mattsun and maki both have separate photo albums in their phones labelled ‘minion memes to piss everyone off’
Hinata carries a pocket knife and no one has no fucking idea why
mattsun and maki both have matching rat fursuits that look like they actually where in a sewer- they chased oikawa around
For all his talk of plant analogies and metaphors, Ushijima cant grow shit
Goshiki’s Bangs are the way they are because his favorite character was Rock Lee from Naruto
Oikawa has watched Ouran High School Host Club front to back so many times and he can quote all of Tamaki’s lines by heart -He keeps bothering Iwaizumi to “be his Haruhi, since you’re shorter than me”
Koganegawa has definitely gone as an Angry Bird for Halloween
Fukunaga has those reflective cat eyes, and he has terrified Yamamoto on several occasion
Hanamaki and Matsukawa have a teddy bear that they pretend is their child and they share custody
Suga always sprays whipped cream straight into his mouth whenever he sees a can
Nishinoya definitely bit people as a kid
Nishinoya would be the guy to wear shorts all year round and even if it's snowing, he'll insist he's not cold
Tendou is still stuck in his emo phase and would fangirl over Creepypasta with me and I appreciate that (me too buddy, me fuckin too)
Kyoutani LOOKS like he’d listen to viking death metal, but in reality he listens to Mother Mother and knows all the words to Ghosting
Sugawara would definitely encourage me to dumb shit and not stop me, and you’re all dumb for thinking he wouldn’t 
KENMA IS NOT ‘uwu owo’ SHY, HE IS ‘your fucking gross’ SHY SO LITERALLY STFU
Bokuto listens to Nicki Manaj. And knows all the words. To every. Single. Song.
Ushijima for some reason knows an odd amount of 90′s-2000′s R&B and he will hum along to the songs if they come on the radio (he also loves Dolly Parton) ((he says he relates to her music))
Bokuto once ate instant ramen for an entire month
atsumu let’s you put makeup on him and pretends to eat the brushes (do yk what im talking about- like n o m)
tendou ran for school president as a joke but actually won
i 100% believe that all of karasuno’s third years apologize when they bump into inanimate objects, but when suga is really tired or stressed out, he’ll yell at them instead.
Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Taketora have a group chat called "Bros who want sum hoes" and they send each other hypebeast memes and shit
Sugawara knows how to do a bunch of flexible shit because he sometimes goes to yoga with daichi and asahi's moms, its fucking hilarious
tanaka and noya both breakdance- they work as a team and sometimes go to tokyo for underground competitions- saeko drives them
Daichi knows a little ballet- nobody other than Kiyoko knows because they saw each other at the ballet class and had to work together- dont tell tanaka and noya that he lifted her though
Osamu once put glitter on Atsumu's pillow- he still finds hot pink glitter on shit
kita knits and crochets with his grandma
Kita's grandma knows everyone's names because kita talks shit bout them, her favorite is Aran
Kuroo has burnt his eyebrows off doing an experiment. His goggles didn't cover all his brows,,, so he just showed up to practice like that. No eyebrows and a chemical burn
kenma has played all kinds of games, but he was dared to play corpse party by kuroo. He wasn't scared because of the gore, he was thinking about the trauma the characters went through. Punched kuroo the next day because that game was fucked up
Lev isn't a strong swimmer, so he often grabs people by the head to keep himself up. happened with kenma and lev couldn't walk due to the force of kenmas suprised water kicks
akaashi has those fancy pens that you have to dip in ink and they're so nice
Bokuto has and will eat pencil erasers again
Daichi once almost lost his shit at his team but instead he lost his shit at the door that decided to stub his toe on the way out of the gym. not the best thing to be found yelling to.
Yamaguchi for sure has been dragged to one of terushimas parties because he didnt wanna say no. oh and terushima has like frat boy level parties too. Yams has for sure had some wild nights and doubts anyone other than Tsukishima and the party-goers will ever know
Akaashi can actually flirt very well! He reads romance novels sometimes and has analyzed any and every book in his possession! so he's actually quite charming
Daihsou unironically posted on twitter after mika broke up with him "I still see her shadows in my room"
Mattsun and Maki run a fake oikawa account; its been going ever since twitter even started getting popular and they even started sending messages in spanish. The posts would range from "I love all my fans!" to flirting with them :) Oikawa is pissed cause the account got verified before he did and most of his fans also follow the fake oikawa. Tooru has no idea who runs it JUST IMAGINE OIKAWA JUST LIKE RANTING TO THE SEIJOH 3RD YEAR ALUMNI AND JUST "no Iwa-chan, you dont understand! they run a fake account and pretend to be me!" while makki and mattsun laugh their asses off
Oh, kenma for sure has pretended to be a girl on discord and has gotten someone to buy him stuff. after they do he says in his normal voice "fucking simp" and then hangs up and blocks the other persons discord
Yamamoto, despite his rough appearance, loves kids and has and will be a human jungle gym
suna in middle school had a game with his friends about who could make kids cry the fastest
The twins switched places back in middle school and nobody could tell because of how great they are at acting like eachother
Daichi once arrested coach ukai for public intoxication after a game :|
Daichi has arrested many people from his old volleyball team but the most memorable case was when he arrested tanaka and noya for reckless driving. poor idiots got so scared when they saw their old captains face in their mirror and started to pray
tanaka, while trying to intimidate someone, once said "You dont gotta tell me twice, i may be straight but these hands are bisexual" and he often cringes at night thinking about it
Kageyama, as a comeback to Tsukishima, said "one thing about us royalty is that we love to feast" and he also fuckin hates what he said
the third years made a cult for Kiyoko. they chant every wednesday "i'll do anything for kiyoko, she makes me go loco"
oikawas fangirls are known to be fucking rabid
Makki and mattsun sang two trucks in front of the entire team. everyone was so confused. Makki: "twO TRUCKS HAVIN SEX!!" Mattsun: "oH yEs!"THEY'D SWITCH OFF AND HAVE LIKE CHOREOGRAPHY TOO LIKE THEY'D DO A TANGO WHILE THE SONG IS LIKE "two beer trucks, making love"
tendou once called Oikawa "mr. no-nationals" and got kicked in the shins before iwaizumi could save him
Tsukishima had a my little pony phase
you work with matsukawa at a morgue and he makes dead people jokes while you fix some dead guys face with wax and makeup he'd be like "so didnt he like,,, stick his head out of the sunroof of a moving fuckin car??" he'd be singing dumb ways to die the entire day
i feel like Kuroo has one crazy accident a year. like it might not be deadly but its fucking crazy like for example: Kuroo for sure has ridden in a shopping cart at past midnight with kenma (who pushed him down a hill) causing Kuroo to get scratched up hella well. he lied and said he spent the night with a girl and kenma fucking hated himself cause he would be the girl if that was true
Mattsun has flirted with the 4th years moms before (AS A JOKE), and because of this: he is known as “fuckin milf hunter” sometimes by the team
Warning, this next headcanon is talking about cannabis, weed, mary jane, the zoink root. so if your uncomfortable, please dont read below :)
dude i wanna get high as SHIT with Asahi 
i think Asahi would be one of those mfkers who takes one hit and is gone 
IMAGINE HIM SEEING TSUKISHIMA AND JUST "he looks so judgemental,,, im scared" 
OR LIKE A MAD DAICHI AND JUST "i'm gonna,,, im gonna go jump out the window now" 
Noya and Tanaka would know tho, i feel like they'd have a 6th sense when it comes to weed. they probably get some from Saeko cause she'd rather they do it in the house. they'd smell asahi like fucking dogs and just so,,, big guy had fun without us huh? 
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clanonadventures · 3 years
Part 1
Mint Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-She's 14
-Unfazed by fnaf jumpscares (watched a lot of fnaf videos when she was younger)
-Easily scared by other video games though
-Parental issues
-Please hug her, she really needs hugging (or any platonic physical affection)
-Has a lot of interests
-Will ramble about her interests, although she will probably say "sorry, i'm probably annoying you" if she thinks she's annoying you
-Is about 5'4 tall
-Doesn't want to bother anyone, so she usually tries to smile through the day, but (kinda) breaks down when in private
-A bit used to her friends betraying her
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Candy Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- she/her, they/them
- 20
- 5'4"
- can sing. usually only sings when she thinks she's alone. if caught, she just stops unless she trusts you
- always has at least 1 song fully memorized
- enjoys many sugary things. not all though. for instance, do not give them bubblegum
- perpetually unsure whether she has friends or not because she can't stay in touch. but she sure tries
- wants to be a superhero, but isn't sure how to go about it. all they know is they can do a magic hair thing. when "powered down", hair is black. when "powered up", hair turns red with white bangs
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ButterBee anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
Eldritch being from another plane of existence
all pronouns
fascinated by earths creatures
they have a soft spot for maned wolves
do see humans as of a bit stupid but lovable species
can shape shift
a bit of a trickster but excitable
there body looks like it's constantly melting. They have darker yellow stripes and a wide mouth with big chompers. They have long antenna and a set of four bee-like wings. They can melt themselves to go into small places. in this form they look very gooey. They Are 14 ft tall in normal form.
Hidden Masked anon - Hidden
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- he/him , they/them
- when he joined TSP he stopped aging, but they are 20 years old
- he is 9'4
- fearless
- friendly
- is protective
- doesnt talk much, but talks more to people he is comfortable with
- only shows how they look like to the people he is comfortable with
- is accually pretty lonely
- likes to give gifts to his friends, and also headpats-
- can take off his blanket and mask but then their mask won't transform and will stay normal and he won't have wings,
- he learned how to transform their blanket to wings and wings to blanket
- the transformed mask stares at you
- Hiddens friends won't get hurt by TSP or their other helpers
- can sense when something bad is about to happen
- used to be a normal anon once
- likes to collect random stuff
- is extremely quiet
- likes listening to people
- rememberes everything
- will only become agressy when somebody hurt his friends or kept attacking them
- likes to fly with his wings
- Has claws
- can't walk with these spider like limbs
- Has five of these spider like limbs, four pairs are big and one pair is small
- calm
- doesnt get involved in drama and just watches from afar
- accually Has a lot of sharp teeth but hides them
- He can still grow both in power and size by consuming souls of people he caught
- can bend and shift reality
- doesnt talk much to strangers
- knows A LOT of "why tf do you know that" facts
- the gifts and headpats are their form of showing affection and that he cares about someone, and if someone if somehow taller than them, he will give hugs to that person
- Hidden can be summoned
- Hidden Has a pretty wierd voice, it sounds like several different voices talking all at once
- Hidden is an entity that should not exsist
- He is kinda a cryptid
- if You say something like "damn, I really want that new computer" He will bring it to You
- can purr
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True form, also has five pairs of these spider like limbs but for some reason only drew two
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Hikkomo - Helen
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
A humanoid sprout mole
No clear age -(possibly either a teen or a adult)
9'4 feet tall
Shuts down if sprout is damaged in any way
Lives with an alternate version of themselves...for some reason -(Omo)
Not affectionate, but will give out sweet and supportive words
Definitely plays favorites with coke and basil
The cause of all chaos
Currently in a height wars with hidden
Fluffy hair jesus I want it so bad
Fwompy, messy, brown hair with a sprout on top. Hazel eyes, with pale skin. A pink tuxedo with an orange tie, black pants, and boots.
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Milk anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
It/its pronouns
Best friends with chocolate milk
Just slightly shorter then hidden (8’6)
You can take a bite out of it, it’ll just regenerate, tastes like gummy
A giant teddy bear
Would and can purr like a cat if you pat it’s hair fluff
Has a soft spot for animals
Its a bit overprotective over its s/o
“Conspiracy anon won’t stop stalking me” -milk 2021
Rarely speaks, just makes random noises as responses
Is a combination of any type of milk you can think of
Hehe claws
Pretty much genderless, has no age either
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More anons will be added in the future
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frozensriracha · 4 years
What are your Doby hcs?
a very, very physically affectionate boy
not only are cuddles a must in a relationship, but he also loves to platonically cuddle with his friends and his mothman body pillow
(a lovely anon gave the fantastic headcanon that he had a crush on the mothman, and that is 100% canon on this blog)
pride is a BIG deal for this boy
he goes all out, like, he’s worn a full-ass rainbow unicorn costume before (trender helped him make it)
every time he goes, jane has to keep him from spending every cent he has on anything with rainbows
rj told me that doby’s emo, which spawned my hc that he rocks out to mcr, fall out boy, p!atd, green day, good charlotte, and other classic 2000s emo bands
i can also see him going to raves and has accumulated a rather large collection of kandi
he also makes it himself and gives it to his friends!
we stan an emo king
going back to the cryptids thing, he’s always been a little obsessed with cryptids and has hatched some wild conspiracy theories about them
was definitely there to storm area 51
mothman will always hold a special place in his heart, as he was doby’s first cryptid and the one that helped him realize he was gay
i’m not sure where i heard this one, but someone said he paints his middle fingers with glitter so it sparkles whenever he gives someone the bird
collects enamel pins, especially pride pins and pins with sarcastic sayings
loves frogs, has a terrarium full of them in his room and even more outside it
nobody had ever heard slender scream in pure terror until he went to the toilet in the middle of the night and discovered that one of doby’s frogs had been staring at him for the past minute before jumping onto his,,,,,, crotch.
slender has since forced him to limit his collection
@neerasrealm and i agree that he’s a horror fan, can watch ten slasher movies at night and still not be scared
probably critiques them and rates how realistic they are based off his own experiences
owns a pair of cat ear headphones! nina bought them for him to match hers
owns a large collection of fluffy and usually oversized hoodies, most of them in neon colors. don’t touch them unless you have a death wish
unless you’re his bf then he’ll practically ascend to heaven if he sees you in his hoodie 🥰
ticci toby and x-virus are his BFFS, practically his brothers
since arriving at the manor, doby’s been learning to draw! his favorite things to draw are cryptids, dinosaurs, and space
insomniac, usually spends most of the night stargazing. he’s been taking vitamins to help with it, but some nights he does like to stay up and stargaze with friends and maybe some hot cocoa. he’s started making his own star map!
he’s very easy to befriend and very family-oriented, so once he befriends you, consider yourself having a friend for life
total people-pleaser, which has led to some poor choices in friendships before, but dw, brian and tim are teaching him to be more assertive
HUGE sweet tooth, do not leave your cakes and candies unattended around this boy
in case you couldn’t tell, i love this boy 🥺
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eatprayworm · 4 years
tsomd/rongzhi animorphs au pt. 1
a week ago i created a tsomd/rongzhi animorphs au because WHY NOT. i post about it on twitter, but thought i’d add it here too! i wanna write more for this au bc it comforts me, so i figured it’d be helpful to have the info crossposted :) 
the animorph au started as a thin disguise for my desire to have ding rong as an andalite (photo of andalite here for reference) bc hooves! telepathy! scorpion tail! cryptid bliss.
i have some drabbles to crosspost later, but for now, here’s some  headcanons/scenarios to consider.
general/background stuff:
sui zhou, tang fan, wang zhi all getting the powers to morph. maybe it follows true animorphs canon and they get the power from ding rong's dying brother. i haven’t decided. they might just get them from ding rong
 the three of them use these powers to help solve crimes and protect the emperor. ding rong is also There.
sui zhou morphing into a horse for tang fan to ride (hurrhurr). tang fan morphing into a bird to follow suspects unknowingly
wang zhi is annoyed bc he can't?? seem to morph?? he morphed into a rabbit once but can't seem to get any other morphs
ding rong catches a shrew for wang zhi to touch and ok, yeah, that morph works. so does the flying squirrel 
ding rong: apologetically paws the ground with a hoof
they all have to team up to fight someone bad. sui zhou is a bear, tang fan is a tiger, ding rong is himself, and wang zhi is a marbled cat
tang fan makes fun of wang zhi a lot but be careful tang fan, wang zhi has mastered the art of biting ankles as a weasel. no ankle is safe from him.
tang fan helping wang zhi infiltrate an enemy base. cue tf in falcon form, flying to the enemy base and clutching weasel!wang zhi, who is screaming bc he's being flown hundreds of feet in the air and is being held by dagger-like talons
some rongzhi things i do be thinking about:
ding rong thinks he's adorable. cute fluffy animals didn't exist on his planet so he's !!!!! wow so soft
quiet mornings where ding rong feeds aka absorbing nutrients from crushed grass, and wang zhi watching from beneath a tree
ding rong can shift into a human temporarily! he learns to eat as ppl do. aka big dinners at the suitang household.
 also ding rong being able to morph into a human makes him handy for crime battles and political stuff. suddenly wang zhi has a new assistant who isn't around a lot, and when he is, he's staring too much and sniffing things, but wang zhi seems to trust him so it's ok
ding rong stays in an old stable in western depot. no one else goes there
one night wang zhi is talking to him in the stable, and then oops he falls asleep. he wakes up snuggled against large firm buff blue horse alien and yeah he doesn't hate it.
the above happens on more than one occasion
ding rong referring to wang zhi as Prince!!! 
wz trying to explain that prince means something different to humans (*gestures to crown prince*) but ding rong is like.....ok, anyways prince wang zhi
("prince" is a military role on andalite culture, and basic ranking warriors serve under a prince. congrats wang zhi, ding rong has chosen you)
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secret-engima · 4 years
I am horribly sick and just want to stab everyone that tries to make me use my incredibly sick throat. May I get a ramble on fangs and feathers? Or even Prompto-Cloud thingy bit thing. (Uuughgi. Sickness makes my memory WORSE. I can't remember its name and honestly F&F was a hit or a miss but it LOOKS RIGHT SO.)
I’m so sorry to hear that!! Ummm let’s go with the Prompto-Cloud thing (Clouds and Moonlit Skies verse btw). Actually *grins* let’s go with a nutty xover.
-Zack and Cloud are ten years old in this. They trip into another dimension and at first don’t realize it. They were busy exploring an old part of the Citadel, Seph is with them, having abandoned his paperwork on Zack’s puppy eyes and Cloud’s teasing. They have fun for a while, poking around dusty old rooms and discovering a new, spacious training ground to trash later.
-Then they get hungry and troop their way for the kitchens to grab a snack.
-They enter the populated part of the Citadel and come face to face with a Crownsguard.
-The Crownsguard isn’t human.
-Well, the upper half of him is, but his lower half is some kind of fluffy tabby house cat, like a centaur, but a cat.
-Both sides stare at each other in astonishment for several very long seconds before the guard shouts in shock and rears back, tail puffing out to stupidly huge proportions as he reaches for his com to ... alert someone.
-Seph acts on pure instinct, lunging for the guard and tackling him to the ground. He knocks the guard out, but not before getting a nasty claw-made gash on one arm and the guard screaming into his link something about “Drautos is here!” Which really shouldn’t be cause for alarm because he works here- except he doesn’t, because he’s half sitting on an unconscious, man-sized half HOUSE CAT person.
-A frantic game of keep-away-what-is-going-on starts up with Noctis, Prompto, and Titus all ducking into rooms and through camera blindspots to avoid the Crownsguard who are ALL centaur cat people (Zack: Cataurs? Cloud: Not the time Zack) eventually though, they get caught, because of course they do, the Citadel is different and the cameras are too many. They get cornered in a very large, grand hallway with lots of very potentially breakable art, surrounded by wild-eyed and tense Crownsguard who range from cat people to deer people to ... is that a ferret over there? Cloud is pretty sure that’s a ferret person.
-Also Cor Leonis is there, tail swishing madly as he clutches at his sword and eyes them, fur bristling slowly as their hunters all seem to finally realize that the “Drautos and unknown intruders” they’ve been chasing are NOT half animal of some kind.
-Zack is the one to break the silence by stage whispering to Cloud, “I thought he’d be a lion. You know, with the name and all.” Seph, uncaring of leaving himself open to attack, takes a moment to facepalm with a heavy sigh while someone in the Crownsguard gives a nervous, semi-hysterical laugh.
-Tension now thoroughly ruined, the three allow themselves to be herded by a stiff-legged, bristling Cor to the Throne Room where the Regis and Clarus of this dimension are. Zack smothers (badly) a giddy laugh at seeing his dad with lion hindquarters (so cliche! Lion King!) and ooing softly over Clarus’s tiger stripes.
-Seph notices something subtly relax in the king despite his bristling tail and the way everyone keeps staring at them like they’re cryptids. That is CONVENIENTLY when Gentiana shows up (as an actual centaur???) and explains that the three of them accidentally slipped through the boundaries between worlds from a nearby world, and that it should wear off within three days time.
-She disappears and the awkward conversations start. It quickly becomes apparent that the ... Taurs are a little bit in awe at the sight of their two-legged status (apparently, as the king explains, all taurs used to be humans but were turned into taurs at the FALL OF SOLHEIM. Cloud wonders if this was how Aerith felt when people gushed over her being an Ancient). It also becomes evident that none of them trust Seph. At all. They keep their eyes on him far more than Zack and Cloud (though Regis does stare at Zack a bit, no doubt it’s weird looking at his son with human legs). Cor looks two steps away from murder at all times while glaring at Seph even as Clarus and Regis argue over where to house them for the three days that will be secure and how to keep this from getting all over the media.
-Finally Cloud snaps at Cor that if he has a problem, come out and say it. Everyone stares at him in astonishment for reasons he can’t fathom (yet) and finally Clarus explains that the Titus Drautos in their universe was a traitor who tried to assassinate Regis and conquer Insomnia. Seph blinks very slowly at that because wat. Why would he work for the people who experimented on him AGAIN. Then he realizes that without his past life memories he probably would have been brainwashed into it yeah. “I can see that,” Seph muses aloud while Zack sputters and Cloud spaces out dangerously at the distance. At the sudden tensing he waves a hand and drawls, “Niflheim and I do not get along.” He pauses, then adds just in case it come up somehow, “I cannot speak for your Titus, but I was forcibly captured out of the Crownsguard, experimented upon, and implanted with an armor unit codenamed Glauca. It did nothing to endear them to me.”
-Zack flings his arms around Seph’s and yells loudly before anyone else can say a word, “He’s mine! You gotta problem with them then fight me!” Zack pauses then adds, “Actually, you gotta problem with him then I’ll sic Prom on you.”
-“I don’t think that’s a very intimidating threat unless you know our Prompto,” Seph points out dryly but Zack loudly shushes him.
-They end up in a guest suite meant for visiting royals, with a few Crownsguard outside to make sure they don’t leave and aren’t disturbed. Of course, because their luck is their luck, the rumors have spread far enough that Regis, Cor, and Clarus are unable to run damage control before the Chocobros of this world hear about it.
-A day into their stay, Regis reluctantly takes the children to visit with Clarus, Cor, and Aulea all as backup. They enter to find all the furniture pushed to the far sides of the room, Titus on one end of the room, all three having what appears to be a mini war complete with battle lines. All three pause in their war, Noctis-Zack calmly dangling from Titus’s fist by his ankle while Prompto-Cloud lies sprawled near the door, feet up by his own head, arms splayed like he’s just been kicked in mid-air and didn’t have time to land right.
-“Are we interrupting something?” Cor asks stiffly. Noctis-Zack just laughs and Cloud attracts more than a few stares as he flips himself upright in a smooth movement utterly impossible for a Taur. Seph casually drops Zack without warning and the boy easily twists to land on his feet. Regis ... reluctantly asks if they would mind meeting their child counterparts plus a few friends, which Zack is all for and the other two fold to his whim. So Regis reluctantly lets the children enter. Noctis thunders up to Zack with bright eyes and gapes at his two-legged status while Cloud finds himself suddenly face to face with 10,000 Rays of Sunshine wearing his face and wagging a tail like a mad thing. Gladio trots up to Noctis while Ignis just kinda watches from next to the adults as the Nocti exchange greetings and then Zack hastily goes to extract Cloud from Prompto, because Cloud looks two inches away from a panic attack and stabbing is not recommended right now (Cor sees the sheer difference between his son and this human version and something in him growls. Why is the human Prompto so quiet, so alert and wary, watching everything, even himself, like it might attack?)
-Prompto deflates a bit at his counterpart’s silence and wariness, not understanding why and Seph breaks the tension by humming, “You know, Zack,” (who is Zack? The Taur adults wonder until human Noctis perks up), “I find myself a bit surprised. I would have been certain that your counterpart wouldn’t be a lion.”
-“Why’s that?” Noctis asks with a head tilt.
-Seph smirks, cool and smug and positively catlike, “Because he’s nothing but a big Puppy.”
-“Oi!” Zack yells but he’s laughing, “I make a great lion!”
-Cloud’s lips twitch against his will and he adds, “Well, this is another dimension. Some differences in temperament are to be expected.”
-Zack puts his hands over his heart with a gasp, blue eyes big and watery, “Cloud- Cloudy- My Cloudy Prompto Cloudy Spiky Buddy! How could you betray me like this??”
-Cloud just raises an eyebrow very slowly.
-Their banter is interrupted by a laugh from Prompto, “You guys are weird,” he says with a tail wag.
-Zack grins back and despite having known his son as a lion cub all his life, Regis can almost see the matching wagging tail on the boy, “You don’t know the half of it! Wanna play something?”
-The kids end up playing a strange mix of tag and the floor is lava (which Ignis RULES at because Ibex and Cloud rules over right behind him because Stubborn Mountain Boi) while Seph watches with fond eyes and finds himself slowly dragged into a conversation with Aulea.
-Some questions are exchanged and answers given, Cor snarls under his breath at the news of Prompto being given up to a neglectful home until finally being adopted by Cor where he belonged, and Regis and Aulea clutch hands when Seph slowly admits that Zack (they’re going by Zack, Cloud, and Seph to differentiate counterparts, claiming it’s an “in joke” and “nicknames”) hasn’t noticed her because he doesn’t recognize her. Queen Aulea died when Zack was a year old.
-But it’s not all sad things with the adults, Seph tells them little anecdotes of his world, and Regis notes how much more ... mellow this Titus is. Cunning yes, and somewhat cold, but not pushy and angry. Much more patient, and there is clear devotion in his eyes as this Titus watches his Noctis and Prompto play.
-Cor ends up sparring with this Titus, because Seph isn’t going to turn down the chance to Throw Hands with a cheetah man anymore than Cor will a human.
-It’s a tie that ends with both of them wheezing and tired on the floor.
-Cloud ends up falling asleep at one point and Prompto flops down next to him and soon they are both out and cuddling. All the Pictures are taken.
-Regis and Aulea are bemused and horrified by just how much of an Energizer Bunny Zack is. Like- HOW. Where do you store it all child and they thought Prompto was bad in his puppy stage.
-The three days end and the three disappear as swiftly as they came, and Zack is gleeful to have all the photo evidence Seph thoughtfully took to prove that YES they went to a world with Taur people and LOOK DAD YOU MAKE AN AWESOME LION. SO DOES MOM. SO DO I. AND HAH IGGY IS A GOAT (Ibex, Cloud corrects with a sigh and is ignored by Zack).
Tagging @robininthelabyrinth because I’m pretty sure Nocturne is your fic? Hope you don’t mind this little silly xover. I just loved the story too much to resist.
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