#is it because I've been sick the past week? the fact that she wants something done but literally hasn't told us what?
david-watts · 11 months
gonna get screamed at for wanting to eat again :) like ok if I make myself a sandwich like I want to. I will be in massive amounts of trouble for using the fresh bread since well that's the only bread available aside from english muffins which I don't want to use because I actually respect the fact my m*ther bought those for herself and she rarely gets to eat most of them when she does that. I will also probably get called a pig. but if I make myself something else I will get in trouble because 'you ate such a big meal for lunch' and get called a pig again. literally cannot win
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finleyforevermore · 6 months
Hey guys! How've we been since I've been away? Hm? Not good? Yeah, I thought so.
I was AFK (which means Away From Keyboard for those who weren't aware, or didn't think to Google it /nm) because my mom had taken away my phone for a bit but I could still use it to help with my math homework.
I did lurk around Tumblr a bit, and I did "officially" come back online for a bit, but I mostly lurked.
And how delightful it was to see (can not clarify enough how sarcastic this is) that someone I follow but am not moots with decided that March 20th was the day they were doing to commit suicide. They did not succeed. But they sure as hell scared the fuck out of me. Same story I've seen before with my other friends, abusive parental figure, and possibly SA'd like some of my other friends. Lovely.
And then ANOTHER friend as it turns out has an extremely abusive mother and got fucking strangled by aforementioned mother, then said in the posts of a vent post, "something something maybe she should've killed me".
Being technically AFK I had to go on anon for a bit and try my damndest to prove to my friend that their mother is beyond saving, and there's no use seeing her in a positive light, and they by no means deserve what happened to them. I don't know if it worked. If you see this, I'm sorry if I came off as rude. But that really was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I'd been trying to keep together fairly well but I had been thinking of Liam, Nex's death was ruled a suicide (and now his murderers will not be charged), all of my other friends are traumatized and now I've discovered another friend has an abusive parent, and someone tried to fucking kill themselves.
And so, we have this. This song has been my coping mechanism for the past several weeks and what I can best describe as my theme song. Whenever I see something tragic with either my friends or someone else my first thought is the words of this song. Largely because of the themes of getting salvation for the unjust wrongs done upon Sweeney or in this case my friends.
I really don't know why I was blessed to know such wonderful incredible beautiful people only for them to suffer relentlessly and have gallons upon gallons of trauma.
Do bad things happen? Sure. But with my friends it's non-stop. One traumatic event after another after another after another and I'm. Just so done. I'm so sick. And I'm so tired. Of everything. Of all the pain and suffering. Of the fact I can't do anything. Of the fact I feel too much. This probably shouldn't be impacting me so much but for some reason it is.
I would've been apprehensive posting this because I'm kind of self-conscious about my voice but some of my friends are suffering 24/7 so I think my voice is the last thing I should be worrying about.
Enjoy if you want. Or don't. That's ok too. Love you guys.
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KW 2024: Day 7: Proposal
After a million years, Day 7 of Kataang Week 2024 hosted by @kataang-week
I've just recovered from my sickness and can now say I am doing well. Due to university kicking my ass, my updates on other fics will be kind of sluggish and sow since I am constantly busy.
Either way, enjoy this!
Prompt: Day 7: Proposal- Sunday, August 4th Summary: Aang wants to propose to Katara, but he is a nervous wreck.
Word Count: 3.3 K
Rating: General Audiences
“She won’t say no!” 
“What if she does?”
These were the two main voices that have been haunting Aang’s mind for the past few months. The Avatar has been in a relationship with Katara for over eight years. They have been through thick and thin, good and bad, and haven’t left each other’s side at all. Aang had known some time back that he wanted to be with Katara for the rest of his remaining years, and would do anything to make that come true. 
He wanted to propose to her for a very long time, but proposing at the age of 16 was not precisely a good idea. They still had a lot to do, individually and together, and getting married while they were still teenagers was probably going to bring conflict. Additionally, Aang needed more time to back up his decision on being with Katara for the rest of their lives. Even if she was the most amazing person in the world, Aang was still unsure if his choice would be the right one, not because he did not love her, but because he thought she could say no. 
However, all of those doubts began to clear off when Katara saved his life once more a year ago, one of the harshest attacks Aang suffered since Azula struck him with lightning when he was 12. He was in critical condition, and Katara did an exceptional job at saving his life once more.  He was eternally grateful to her for that, and although she would say it was nothing and that she’d do anything for him, he praised her for her kind actions.
It was a tranquil morning on Ember Island, and the sun had just begun rising. The whole Gaang decided it would be refreshing to take a small vacation after doing so many missions in Republic City. Katara decided to choose the place because she wanted to practice Waterbending in a more relaxing place, and of course, everyone agreed that the island was one of the most calming places in the world. 
“Aang, I am certain that Katara will say yes,” Sokka told Aang, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “You guys have been through a lot, and she LOVES you, like… a lot.”
“It’s just that… I’m scared she could say no,” Aang said with worry, looking at the sunrise in front of him.
“Come on, twinkle toes!” Toph said from afar. “Stop being so dramatic! Do you really think that your eight year term girlfriend will refuse a proposal from THE Avatar? No! That’s absolutely ridiculous! She’s probably been waiting for this for years!”
“Maybe,” Aang said.
“Plus, you’ve been working on this necklace for MONTHS!” Sokka pointed out to the necklace that Aang held in his hands. It was a Water Tribe necklace carved from one of the most precious stones in the ocean: Grandidierite. Aang had worked on the designs every day for the last six months, and used every single prototype available. He even went to the Northern Water Tribe to get some prototypes from the people who had these necklaces, but did not find a design he found right, until a jewelrer from the tribe had told him something important. 
“You need to make everything with love,” he said. “Don’t focus on other designs, imagine how YOU want this necklace to look.”
Even though Aang had a natural talent for jewelry making, sometimes, he struggled trying to come up with ideas for whenever he made jewels, and for this occasion, he had an insane amount of trouble trying to imagine something. Aang wanted to combine elements from the Air Nation and from the Water Tribe, but due to the fact that the Air Nation did not do the whole “marriage thing” since attachments were forbidden, it almost seemed impossible. He also had some trouble remembering what other materials the Air Nomads used to make jewelry. 
Then, one day, Aang was meditating in the beaches of Republic City. He was sitting at the feet of the ocean, feeling the cold water touch his feet, until he felt something from the ocean call to him. It almost felt like the Sea Lion was trying to call him back, and Aang walked towards the ocean and submerged himself. He saw a bright, cyan light shining below him. He dived his way there, and that’s when he saw it: the Grandidierite. Aang had heard of the stone before, and it was told that it was one of the rarest to find in the ocean. People would die to find it, and it even cost a fortune. Why would this stone be in plain site in the oceans of Republic City? He thought it was strange, but he decided to take it as a sign. Aang created a small air bubble to maintain his oxygen levels, and then used waterbending to get the large piece of stone out.
When he came out of the water, he examined the stone once more, its cyan color blinding him, and suddenly, he had an epiphany: the Air Nomads would sometimes mine Grandidierite from the ocean so the nuns could make necklaces, and that's how Aang knew that Katara’s betrothal necklace had to be made more Grandidierite. After this, Aang spent the next few months drawing the patterns that occurred to him with the help of Sokka and other people from the Northern Water Tribe, and finally, he had the perfect pattern, and it was time to carve it onto the stone. 
“Good morning,” Katara came out of the bedroom she shared with Aang. Her hair was still messy, and she looked really sleepy. She headed towards Aang and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Aang was happy to receive the gesture, but he was tense due to today’s proposal. Katara sensed this, but did not mention it.
After Katara arrived, everyone sat down to eat breakfast. While they were eating, Aang started to recite the lines he would say to Katara, which was making him look even more nervous than he wanted.
“Katara, you are the love of my life, and-” Aang began to recite in his mind. “And we have been through a lot: ups and downs, thick and thin, life and death-”
“Aang?” Katara called out. The Avatar's trail of thought broke and Aang turned around to face Katara, who looked puzzled.
“Is everything okay, sweetie?” she asked. “You were zoning out.”
“Yeah! Everything is fine!” Aang rapidly said, lying. “Just… thinking! That's all!”
“Wonder what he's thinking about,” Sokka teased. Aang shot him an intimidating warning look and Sokka's smile immediately got wiped off. 
“So, sweetie,” Aang whispered to Katara. “I… kinda have something special planned for us today.”
“Oh! What is it?” Katara asked curiously.
“It's a surprise,” Aang told her, smirking. “But, I will give you a few hints: it's at our special spot on this beach.”
“What's the special ocassion?” Katara asked.
“Nothing in particular!” Aang replied. “Just meet me there at sunset, and wear something nice!”
Aang quickly bolted out of the dining room, leaving Katara confused. The rest of Team Avatar didn't seem to notice Aang’s strange behavior, or at least didn't care.
“Don't you guys think Aang is acting weird?” Katara asked.
“A little,” Zuko said. “I'll go talk to him.”
Zuko headed out of the room and went to the balcony, where Aang was meditating. Next to him lay a shell shaped box that was shut closely. Zuko opened it and saw a beautiful Water Tribe necklace. The stone, which was teal, had a delicate and detailed design of the Water Tribe and Air Nation symbols carved into it, and the chord of the necklace was made of  blue leather.
“It's beautiful,” Zuko told Aang. “You made it for Katara?”
“Yeah,” said Aang, breaking his meditation. 
“Aang, you know perfectly that Katara is not going to say no to your proposal,” Zuko said. “She loves you a lot. I still remember when she threatened to kill me after I joined you guys in the war, and I knew from that moment that she cared about you with her life. Katara would want to spend every breath she has left with you.”
“I don't doubt Katara's feelings,” Aang said. “I just fear that she will say no to well… spending the rest of our lives together.” 
“D’ you really think that she'll say no to that?” Zuko asked, bewildered. 
“I don't know!” exclaimed Aang. “I'm also just… well… nervous.”
“The mighty Avatar is nervous to propose to his girlfriend?” Zuko teased. “Aang, you've faced even more dangerous things: my father, my own sister, the entire Fire Nation Army, and so much more; I know you're capable of proposing to Katara.”
“Thanks, Zuko,” Aang said. “Your words mean a lot.” Zuko then left Aang meditating and went back to the dining room.
“Is Aang okay?” Katara asked.
“Yeah, he was just meditating,” Zuko said. “He's fine.” Katara looked more at ease and finished her food. Once everyone finished eating, they changed into their swimsuits and headed to the beach to enjoy the tropical and hot weather. 
“Where's Aang?” Katara asked. “I haven't seen him since we had lunch.”
“I'm sure he'll be back soon!” Sokka told his sister. “He's probably meditating or doing y'know, Avatar stuff.”
Meanwhile, Aang was in the Island residence preparing everything for the proposal. He packed the food he needed, a blanket to sit down in the sand, a wine bottle, and cups and plates, placing them in a basket. He placed the necklace near his robes, which he would wear later, and headed back to the beach to join Katara.
“Where were you?” Katara asked. 
“I was just getting the stuff ready for our date tonight!” Aang told her, planting a kiss on her cheek.
“What exactly are you planning that needs so much of your time?” asked Katara teasingly. 
“It's a surprise, sweetie, I can't tell you,” replied Aang. 
“You know I hate surprises!” Katara said.
“I think you'll like this one,” Aang said. He gave Katara a loving kiss on her lips and went back to the water, and Katara chased after him. They played in the ocean, splashing water on each other using their bending and laughing like childten. They were 12 and 14 again, playing in the water like they used to when they were younger. It brought them so much nostalgia and love, and in that moment, they wished that they were that age once more. 
“I love you Aang,” Katara told Aang, laughing and catching her breath. 
“I love you too, Katara,” Aang replied, hugging Katara from behind. 
“Well, I think I should go get ready for the surprise you have in mind for me,” Katara smiled. “I’ll see you at our spot.”
“I’ll go with you, I need to prepare everything quickly before you come.” Aang said. He pecked Katara’s cheek and rushed back to the residence. He showered, put on his robes, and got everything he needed to head outside. Katara was getting ready as well, but took a little longer to get herself prepared. She put on a white beach dress, some sandals, and a pair of Earth Kingdom style earrings. 
Aang placed the blanket on the sandy beach and placed the dishes and cups neatly. He placed the necklace in one of his pockets and patiently waited for Katara. As he waited, his nerves were beginning to build up even more, and soon enough, his body seemed to be shaking, and his heart was beating rapidly. When Katara began to head over to him, he almost fainted. She was looking ethereal with the rays of sunset, her blue eyes glowing with the reflection of the sea. 
“Sweetie!” Katara greeted. She kissed Aang’s and could savorthe salt from the sea in his mouth. “You look really handsome.”
“You look stunning, my love,” Aang said, holding Katara by the waist.
“So, this is the surprise?” Katara said, looking enthusiastically at their little picnic.
“Yeah, but only part of it,” Aang said, teasingly. “There will be more to come!” 
They both sat down in the blanket and Aang took out the wine bottle and served two glasses. 
“Let’s make a toast,” Aang proposed, holding his glass of wine. “A toast to our love.”
“To our love, which will be everlasting,” Katara responded. They clinked their glasses and drank a sip off the glass. Then, Aanf took the first bit of food, which was an appetizer based off kale and originated from the Earth Kingdom. It was similar to the dishes Katara saw when she sneaked into the king’s palace in the Earth Kingdom during the war. 
“You made this?” Katara asked, savoring the delicacy. 
“Yeah, with some help,” Aang replied. 
“Aang, it’s so good!” Katara exclaimed with some food in her mouth. 
“I am so glad you like it,” Aang said. “Because I think you will like the next dish!” He took out two wrapped bowls of fire flakes. They were the chips that Sokka first tried in that Fire Nation festival, which were extremely spicy. To reduce the spice, Aang made a creamy dip to soak the chips in. 
“I remember these!” Katara said, taking a chip out of her bowl. “These were the chips that Sokka tried at that festival!”
“Yeah,” Aang said. “I found a recipe here and decided to make them. They are not as spicy as the ones Sokka had.”
“I love them!” Katara said, devouring her chips. Aang tried to eat at a normal pace as well, but his heart was thumping in his chest and his hands began to sweat. Soon enough, he knew he had to pop in the question. 
“Here is the next dish,” Aang took out two small pots and inside were stewed sea prunes with salmon. Due to his vegetarianism, his soup had tofu, but still had the fishy flavor the stew had. 
“You made sea prune stew?” Katara asked excitedly. “But… you don’t like sea prunes.”
“This one has tofu!,” Aang said, trying to contain his anxiety. “It tastes just as good as your stew!” 
They both ate their stews in comfortable silence, but as time went on, Aang’s eating began to become uneasy. He felt sweat build up in his body, and his chest tightened even more. It was now or never, and he had to do it quickly. 
“Katara?” Aang called her name. Katara stopped eating her stew and looked at her boyfriend, who looked extremely anxious and worried. 
“What is it, Aang?” she asked, trying to discern his expression. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, um…” Aang said, his breathing hitching. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask… Katara… I…” He took a deep breath, and placed his hand on his chest, trying to calm himself. 
“It’s okay, sweetie,” Katara cooed, placing a hand on Aang’s hand. “Take it easy.” 
Aang breathed once more and began to speak again. “Katara, from the moment I met you in that iceberg, I knew my life would never be the same. We’ve been through so much over these past eight years: we’ve been through thick and thin, life and death, ups and downs… We’ve gotten through everything together, and I want to ask if… if…”
“If what?” Katara asked, feeling her own heart beat like crazy.
“You’re the love of my life Katara,” Aang interrupted. “You’re the best thing anyone could ever ask for. I… I love you more than anyone in this world, and I want to ask if you want… if you want to spend the rest of our lives together, because I cannot imagine a future without you in it.” Aang took out the shell shaped box and opened it, revealing the handmade necklace. Katara was in shock, not knowing how to react. Did Aang just… propose to her? Now, she realized that he did ACTUALLY propose just now.
“Oh my gosh,” Katara whispered, feeling tears brewing in her eyes. The necklace in front of her was magical. She recognized the Grandidierite, and saw the delicate pattern carved onto it. She couldn’t believe it: Aang was ACTUALLY proposing to her right here. Was this all a dream? Katara could not decipher it, but whether it was real or not, she did not want it to end. 
“Katara… I want to spend every breath I have left with you,” Aang said shakily. “Will you… will you marry me?” 
Katara stayed silent for a few moments, still trying to process what just happened. She did not know how to react at all, which began to set Aang in a state of panic. His breathing accelerated and his heart began beating in a way that could give anyone a heart attack. Katara has loved Aang since she was 14 years old, and had fallen in love with him even more over the years. She did not just love him because he was the Avatar; she loved him because he was one of the kindest people she has ever met. He showed her what real kindness and compassion is, and is something she would never forget. How could she say no to spending the rest of her living days with the love of her life? 
“Yes,” Katara murmured, tears streaming down her eyes. “A thousand times yes!” (1) Aang sighed in relief and even felt tears building up in his eyes. She launched herself towards Aang and kissed him passionately. They embraced each other for minutes, feeling their hearts beat in unison and their breathing synchronizing. 
Aang broke the hug and got the necklace out of the box to wrap it around Katara’s neck. He clasped the necklace onto her neck, and the color of the Grandidierite was glowing with her eyes. 
“Aang, you are the love of my life,” Katara said, wiping her tears with her hand. “You’ve been my guiding light through the darkest of times. You've shown me what it means to truly live, to truly love. I’ve watched you grow into the incredible person you are today, and I’m so proud to stand beside you. I will stand beside you for as long as I have left in this world.”
Aang smiled sheepishly with tears brimming in his eyes, and pulled Katara into a tight hug. They stayed there cuddled, laying down on the blanket while watching the sun go down over the beach.
“I love you so much, Aang,” Katara whispered. 
“I love you so much as well, Katara,” Aang said, kissing her lips once more. 
As the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of deep orange and purple, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that quiet, magical moment. The gentle sound of the waves lapping against the shore was the only thing that filled the silence between them.
Katara rested her head on Aang’s chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear. It was a sound she cherished more than anything in the world, a reminder that he was here, with her, in this life they had built together.
Aang gently stroked Katara’s hair, his fingers tangling in the soft strands as he gazed up at the emerging stars. “This is just the beginning, Katara,” he whispered. “The start of our forever.”
Katara closed her eyes, letting the warmth of his words wash over her. “Our forever,” she echoed softly, her voice filled with love and certainty.
They stayed there, wrapped in each other’s arms, as night slowly enveloped the world around them. The promise of a lifetime together, sealed with a kiss under the twilight sky, lingered in the air as they drifted into a peaceful slumber, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them side by side.
And so, with hearts entwined and spirits lifted, they welcomed the dawn of a new chapter in their lives: a chapter that would begin with love and continue with unbreakable unity.
This line is from the 2005 movie adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, when Mr. Bingley proposes to Jane.
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austinslounge · 19 days
I don’t know how you can be an Austin fan and said you’d prefer he be with Vanessa again, someone who multiple people have said was not nice to him in public/around other people. There’s a reason Ashley Tisdale “chose” him. Baby V is problematic for more than just that too and would be an embarrassing publicity nightmare for him if they were still together to this day. If people think Kaia has tarnished his image, what little she’s done is nothing compared to what the other woman would’ve done.
I don’t like him with Kaia but spoiled nepo baby or someone that’s been mean to him in public on multiple occasions, is buddy buddy with foreign dictators, was selfish about COVID-19 deaths and defends Hollywood predators like Woody Allen? I choose the spoiled nepo baby any day if those are the only two options. The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.
He’s nice about her publicly because he’s the bigger person and doesn’t want drama. That’s his choice, but fans can make their own and it’s not just Kaustin shippers that don’t like her. I don’t like either of them and don’t understand Austin fans who feel the need to defend her. Fuck her. I’m glad Austin went to Australia and never looked back.
You're entitled to your own opinion, as are others on here.
I just want to clarify something though.
I never said that I was a huge fan of Vanessa, or that she was the best person for Austin. I'm very well aware of some of the problematic things she's done (and said) in the past.
What I was saying was that from the outside looking in, I'd rather take what Austin and Vanessa's relationship looked like, vs what we know and see of Austin and Kaia's relationship, any day of the week!
Do I think Vanessa is/was perfect? Hell no! But you can tell that she genuinely loved Austin to pieces, and you can't change the fact that Austin loved her deeply as well. You can just look at pictures of them and tell that they loved each other.
Vanessa was also there for Austin during one of the toughest moments of his life, and helped to take care of his sick mom in their own house. I don't care what you say about someone, that's pretty huge.
And these reports of Vanessa being mean to Austin 3 times in almost 10 years? 🥴 First of all, how do we even know these rumors are true? The internet says a whole bunch of stuff.
I can only go by what I see. I can't go by what I haven't seen. That's not to say that these things didn't happen, all I'm saying is that I can only go by what I have actually seen. From all of the photos and video footage that I've seen of Austin and Vanessa in nearly a decade together, I've never seen her treating him "meanly". She always looked super happy with him -- almost deliriously happy rofl 😂
I also look at what Austin said himself about V, not just during their their relationship, but after their breakup. I also look at how he still followed her long after their breakup... even after she stopped following him. If she had been as horrible to him as some shippers now are trying to spin, why on earth was he with that woman for nearly 10 years, and why on earth was he still following her after their breakup?
Wrt to Ashley and Vanessa -- Did it ever occur to you that maybe it was Vanessa who cut friendship ties with Ashley because she and Austin are still close? Maybe it was Vanessa who couldn't handle that. Maybe it caused a rift because Austin is like Ashley's little brother and she's known him the longest, and Vanessa couldn't handle that.
We really don't know all the facts.
All I can go by is what I see. And what I see with my own eyes with how Austin and Kaia are with each other is not a good feeling at all.
Plus, let's not try to sit here and act like Kaia is miss perfect. She's done and said some problematic things herself. Also, the whole kissing other people while in a relationship with someone else doesn't really sit well with me. And I'm sorry, but the way Austin doesn't even look/seem comfortable or himself with her speaks volumes to me.
But hey, to each his/her own.
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writtenonreceipts · 10 months
Hi friend! How are you? I hope this sparks some ideas for your secret santa: N.12 for Elorcan, please?
Hi! I've been alright, I survived my holiday weekend and am back to the usual grind! I hope you're doing well! Thanks so much for sending me this, I really did enjoy this one!
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from this prompt list
Prompt: "H-how long have you been standing there?” - “Long enough.”->I tweaked it just a little.
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Tear In My Heart
The gritty scent of cigarette smoke was the first thing Lorcan noticed when he entered the bar.  Being this far out in the middle of nowhere Colorado led to no one caring about enforcing the law about indoor smoking, especially not the owner.  Mort never seemed to care about that sort of thing and it showed.  Lorcan doubted any sort of deep cleaning would ever rid the place of the stench so there was no use banning smoking.  Especially not when it was accompanied by the sharp tang of alcohol and vomit.
Unfortunately, there was nowhere else to get a decent drink around here unless you sat out on your porch with your own.  And even Lorcan didn't drink alone.
But there was another reason to come to the bar.
Eighties rock played through the speakers adding to the grungy atmosphere.  Dim lights over the counter set everything in an orange haze.  Even the neon lights of the different beer logos and other paraphernalia didn't add anything.  Two pool tables sat in one of the back corners along with a dart board.  No matter how few people were seated at the bar or various tables, it always felt overcrowded and tonight was no different.
All Lorcan focused on, however, was the woman behind the bar.
Her black hair fell around her shoulders in loose waves, framing her face.  He'd always found her beautiful, striking really, with her onyx eyes and pale skin, that sarcastic twist of her lips when she made a quip. 
She hadn't noticed him yet, which was good, he didn't need to be caught starting.  Instead, she was focused on pouring out a drink for the man across the counter from her.  She laughed at something he said, though he didn't know what.
Lorcan felt his own blood heat at that and he strode across the hardwood floor in just a few quick steps.  When he approached the bar, Elide finally noticed him and a smile lit up her entire face.
"Well, well," she said, sliding the drink to the other customer.  "If it isn't Salvaterre."
"Lochan," he said.  He took a seat a few stools down from the other man.
"Let me know if you need anything else, Dan," Elide said to the other man.  She moved down the bar until she reached Lorcan.  With her arms crossed she leaned against the polished wood so she could properly examine him. "You look like hell."
Lorcan rolled his eyes.  It was true enough.  This past week had been miserable.  The small shop he ran had been struggling a bit and things at the ranch were not better.  It shouldn't have surprised him, things always slowed down this time of year, but summer had been slower as well.  And then there was the fact that he had feelings for the girl he could never have.
"I always look like this," he said.  And because he was a bastard, he leaned forward, drawing closer to her.
"Yeah, you should do something about that," she said.  Her endless black eyes stared directly into him as though she could see to his very soul.  Then with a laugh she pulled back. "You want your usual?"
"Yeah, sure," he said.  He watched her go as she turned for a new glass, a bottle of whiskey. 
Elide had always been the sort of woman he knew he could never have.  She was good, first off.  She came from a good family with a good background.  She'd graduated high school with honors even though she had pretty bad dyslexia.  Then when her dad got sick she'd dropped out of college and left everything to move back home and help her mom out with bills by working at a crappy bar that probably doled out even crappier tips.
As she assembled the drink she glanced over her shoulder at him. "Just you tonight?"
"Nah, the twins'll show up eventually," he said. "And Rowan if he can drag himself away from another fight with Galathynius."
Elide snorted a laugh and she turned back to him with the drink. "Aw, upset your best friend actually has a life?"
"You know how annoying that woman is," Lorcan groused.  He accepted the drink.
For the last year and a half, Aelin had been working at the Whitethorn ranch as a trauma specialist in youth and children for kids needing help in various forms of therapy.  Rowan had inherited the business from his parents and for some reason thought it was a good idea to keep it running.  Even if he and his lead psychologist did not get along.
"Yeah, that's why she's my best friend," Elide said drily.  "She's a good person."
Lorcan doubted that but he'd shut up.  There would be plenty of other chances to put his foot in his mouth tonight.
"I'll take your word for it," he said instead.  He took a long drink, ice clinking gently in the cup.
"Well I am a very reliable source," she said. 
And then she was gone to fix another round for a couple at one of the far tables.  Lorcan watched her go, unable to look away from the sway of her hips or the sliver of skin that peeked out between the edge of her shirt and her jeans.
He only managed to tear his gaze away when the door of the bar opened and Fenrys Moonbeam entered.  Lorcan knew it was him without even looking because Fen, annoying as hell, always made sure his presence was known.
"Lochan!  How's it going?" Fenrys called, looping over to Lorcan.  Behind him was the more subdued Connall, eyes glued to his phone.  Lorcan had the sneaking suspicion that Connall was about to start dating someone.  But being who he was, wouldn't talk about it until it was an actuality.  Even quiet and distracted, Connall still managed to balance out his twin.
"Hi Fenrys," Elide called back.  She kept with her current task of drink refills and checking the kitchen on a food order.
When Fenrys dropped into the stool beside Lorcan he smacked a hand on his shoulder.
"You know you're getting obvious, right?" Fenrys asked.  "What's this?  Three nights in a row?"
"He's not that much of a psychopath," Connall spoke, he dropped into the seat on the far side of Fenrys. "He puts a day between the visits."
"Shut up," Lorcan growled.  He took another sip of whiskey, relishing in the bite as it slid down his throat.
Somehow, in some pathetic and sad twist of fate, his friends had learned of his crush on Elide.  He blamed it on a night a few months ago involving too much tequila and spur of the moment round of truth or dare.  It was pathetic enough that he was a thirty-year-old man playing truth or dare but to follow that up with the admission of having a crush?  Pathetic. 
He really had to get a life.
"You should make a move 's all I'm saying," Fenrys said.  He snagged a half-filled bowl of pretzels from down the bar and dragged it closer so he could snack.
"He's right," Connall added, finally looking up from his phone. "She's not going to stay single forever.  I heard Archer Finn wanted to ask her out."
Lorcan couldn't help his scowl.  Finn was best described as being a player.  One night stands, ghosting, playing games.  He wasn't a good person.  It was the one thing he could agree with Aelin Galathynius about.  He certainly didn't deserve to even talk to Elide.
"Yeah, the scowl's real convincing about your feelings," Connall said.
"Archer's an ass," Lorcan said.
Fenrys laughed. "So are you and she still talks to you."
Lorcan kicked his chair. "Shut up."
"Man."  Fenrys shook his head, brushing his blond curls from his eyes. "You've been obsessed with her for years.  At this point it's your own fault if she gets picked up by someone else."
"I'm not--" Lorcan began.
"You have her shifts memorized," Connall said, "know her birthday, her mom's birthday, dude you got her flowers on her dads anniversary."
Lorcan was never telling Rowan anything ever again.
"Didn't you fix her car for free too?" Fenrys added, mouth full of pretzels.
In the last five years of knowing Elide, having moved to this town on a whim after school, Lorcan had indeed done all of those things.  There had just been something about Elide and the first time he'd met her.  It had been at this very bar, just a few months after her dad's passing.  He hadn't been in the best of moods, admittedly that was usual for him, and she'd called him out on it.
Their friendship slowly developed from there where he'd learned all those things and more about Elide.  He'd been in love with her as long as he could remember.
He couldn't say anything of course because he was Lorcan.  He was the town miscreant who usually stayed on his property unless it was to come in for a drink.  He managed the stables for the Whitethorn ranch and ran a side mechanic shop.  Really, the jobs weren't stable and would likely only get worse from here.  His father was an alcoholic, his mother gone since he was eighteen--he wasn't good enough for someone like Elide.
"She's going to figure out you're in love with her eventually," Connall said, "and what are you going to--"
Connall abruptly cut off with a rather colorful curse and Lorcan felt his blood freeze.  He abandoned his drink and spun in his stool to find Elide standing behind them, half empty tray of drinks and plates in her hands.
Her eyes were too wide and her lips parted in shock.
"I-" Her gaze bounced between the three of them before settling on the floor. "I'll be out with drinks in a minute."
She dropped the tray on the nearest table and immediately left through the front door of the bar--not through the kitchens.
"Hell,” Lorcan muttered.  He stood and punched Fenrys' shoulder for good measure. "Thanks for that."
"Connall's the one that actually said it!" Fenrys shouted.
Lorcan ignored him and launched himself out and across the bar to the door.
The cool air of the night immediately washed over him, clearing his senses of the heady scent of the bar.  Overhead, a waning crescent hung in the sky with patches of stars filling the inky darkness.
He spun, looking for where Elide had gone.  He knew she was still on shift and wouldn't take off without a replacement.
It didn't take long to spot her.  She'd walked down the length of the sidewalk outside the bar a few yards away.  Overhead, a streetlamp burned with pale light, illuminating her as she paced with quick, uneven steps.  She tugged one hand through her hair, holding it out of her face as she muttered under her breath.
When Lorcan's boot scraped on the ground, she looked up.  Her eyes were still wide and shock remained cleanly written on her face.  Lorcan kept enough distance between them so that if she really wanted she could skirt around him and head back to the bar, but close enough that he could reach out to her too.
"How much did you hear?" he asked, because really that's all he really cared about, how much damage control he needed to do.
If there was one thing that Lorcan knew about Elide it was that she didn't shirk away from a problem.  Even if she didn't like the situation or what may come with it.  Just like now.
Her dark eyes met his and, for once, he couldn't read her.  He'd gotten so used to knowing her little quirks that the radio silence unnerved him.  Or maybe that was how it was supposed to be.  Maybe he didn't actually know her and everything he thought he did know was more or less a facade, an illusion.
"Is it true?" she asked, voice soft and far more vulnerable than Lorcan was used to hearing from her. "Or were they just talking shit, I know how they are."
"I--" Lorcan scrubbed at his face, looking away.  He didn't know if he could tell her the truth.  If he did there was no guarantee of how she would respond.  And he didn't know if he could take the rejection.  Because something like this?  It would ruin any semblance of friendship between them.
She wouldn't let him get away with the silence or the pretending to ignore what she had heard.
"Do you really want me to answer that?" he asked.
"Yes."  The hard line of her voice drew him back to her.  With hands on her hips and the way her hair swept over one shoulder, Lorcan knew he wouldn't get away with delaying any longer.  
The thing about it was that he didn’t like not being able to control the outcome of a given situation.  And he knew more than anything that there was no controlling Elide.  She was exactly who she was and would yield to no one.
Lorcan often put his foot in his mouth over so many things--especially when he had been younger.  It simply became easier to act.  Which was what he did then.
In two sweeping steps, he reached her.  Lorcan cupped her face in his hands, feeling how soft her skin was against his own calluses.  Her dark eyes gleamed in the streetlamp overhead, her full mouth opening in surprise.
Lorcan acted without thinking when he kissed her.  All he was really focused on was wiping that look of mixed hurt and confusion from her face--to show her exactly how he felt.
A part of Lorcan thought she would shove him away, but instead her hands gripped the front of his shirt, fingers digging into the fabric to pull him closer.  Her lips were soft against his, soft and warm and everything he’d imagined in all these years.  And when she exhaled a soft moan, Lorcan nearly broke at that sound alone.
One of his hands slipped into her hair, the thick locks like silk in his fingers.  His other hand went to her waist as he tugged her closer.  He could feel her warmth and her soft curves and all he could think that he wanted more.  More of her and more of what they could have.
“Lorcan,” Elide whispered against his lips.  She broke away only to catch her breath, her chest rising and falling heavily as she met his gaze.
He leaned in close enough to press his forehead against hers even though all he could think about was kissing her again and memorizing the way she felt against him.
“I’m in love with you,” he told her, voice soft.  He’d never said these words to anyone before and they felt strange on his tongue.  But he knew they were true and he knew that he had to say them at least once.  And it would only be for her.
He felt her tremble in his arms and listened to the sharp inhale of breath she made.  When she didn’t try and pull away from him, Lorcan felt a bit of hope rise in his chest.  Instead, Elide tilted her chin until her lips brushed against his.  The touch was barely there and hardly even a kiss but Lorcan swore he came alive with that simple act.
“It took you long enough,” she replied.  Her dark eyes stared into him with a spark of that same fire that had first caught his attention five years ago.
When she kissed him she held nothing back.  Her mouth was firm and insistent, her hands moving with determination until her fingers curled over his shoulders keeping right where she wanted.
And for the first time since he’d moved to this town, he felt like he’d finally come home.
tagging still is not functioning properly, so if you'd reblog/comment I'd really appreciate it! Y'all are so great <3
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erabu-san · 11 months
i've been on a cylou brain rot for the past week👺 so I thought I'd share some of my hcs with you🤭
(I blame your art for getting me into cylou, you awfully wonderful person🗿)
Cyno will sometimes secretly watch Nilou's performances at the Grand Bazaar. And maybe sneak some gifts to her after them, anonymously of course
Nilou has gotten used to the thoughtful gift from an anonymous fan who named themself "adventurer of Mondstadt". She appreciates the gifts, and they make her happy :)
Tighnari has heard so much about Nilou from Cyno, to the point where he feels like he knows Nilou himself. Bro is fed up with Cyno, just praying that he'll confess soon so he doesn't have to this obvious lovesick rambling
Cyno always finds himself letting loose around Nilou, letting down his guard, he feels like he can be himself around Nilou.
Cyno teaches Nilou tcg, and he gets really passionate while playing which Nilou secretly finds cute
I think Nilou just really admires Cyno. I think she maybe started having this admiration for him during the archon quest
Cyno sees Tighnari because he's been feeling "sick" and when he describes his symptoms to him, Tighnari just does a long sigh and says something along the lines of "you're in love, dumbass"
Idk how they would actually get together but then they'd be very secretive of their relationship because Cyno doesn't want Nilou to be involved in his Matra affairs
I think Cyno would be slightly overprotective of her. Just a little.
they're really cute🤭
well. Idk if it is really a secret, this man is showing himself in first rank for Nilou's spectacle hahahaha but yeah he would definitively send anonyme gift !!
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And yes !! I also brainrot on the fact their relationship would be a secret... except for their friends who know everything hahaha
Nilou admires Cyno a lot, and enjoy to know more about him. Maybe she won't say it loud, but. I am sure she thinks he is cute !! Not only about him talking tcg 🤭
Nilou loves listening Cyno talking about his passion, and Cyno adores when Nilou is talking about hers 🥹🫶
BAHAHAHAHA THE SCENE "omg tighnari. I am sick...." tighnari would be worried at first "oh gosh man go rest !! Here take a sit and tell me your symptom-" "my heart is beating fast when I am w nilou i think i might explode" aND THE BIG SIGH TIGHNARI WOULD DO AFTER THAT HAHA "okay well next time you are REALLY sick guess i will let you die since you love WASTING MY TIME. 🙄" gosh between TCG, terrible jokes and now Nilou, the bestie won't have any rest 😭😭😭
-"maybe i have a dendro vision and she is pyro because she makes me burning...of love"
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mel-13-29 · 2 years
vada cavell x reader
Talk of shooting I slight smut discretion is advised
~~ "Are you fucking kiding me right now?"
"I'm so sorry ..please"
You were furious. Angry didn't even cut it anymore. As you stood in the middle of the room, thankful your parents were gone, Vada sat on your bed looking lost and frightened. But somehow the anger you felt outweighed the need to comfort her. Right now she didn't deserve comfort.
"I get kissing Mia, hell I've kissed Mia," you watch Vada lower her head "But Quinton? you go behind my back and kiss Quinton?!"
"I'm-…. I'm sorry, y/n. didn't mean anything-"
"Then why do it?!" You scream and Vada flinches. Again you were to mad to care. "why would you kiss him? when you know we were dating?"
"I just wanted to feel something!" Vada finally snaped. Then she slapped a hand on her mouth with a gasp.
You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you as you swayed back slightly. brows furrowed as you processed what she had said.
"So….so you dont feel anything with me anymore?"
"No…thats not what i meant!"
You clench your fists. "thats what it sure sounded like to me."
Vada stood up, Now she was angry. Angry that you'd think such a thing about her feelings towards you. She took a step forward and you took one back, trying to keep the distance.
"You kissed another person, Two!, And you want me to believe that you still feel something for me?"
"No!" you point a shaky finger at her, feeling tears sting the corners of your eyes as a lump forms in your throat. "I have't talked to you in weeks, weeks Vada, because I've been giving you space. But when i finally hear from you it's because you got caught kissing Quinton. How the Fuck do you think that makes me feel?"
Vada held her hands u, a stray piece of hair falling from her messy bun and brushing on her cheek. "It didn't mean anything and he pushed me away before it could get to deep."
"The fact that he had to push you away is what makes my stomach sick. you wanted to kiss him,"
Your voice trails off into a soft whimper at the thought as you take another step back and place a hand over your mouth so a sob couldn't escape. you look away from the girl because at the moment, you couldn't bear to see her face.
"Please just let me explain-"
You snap you're gaze up, a very heated one that causes Vada to swallow hard but didn't say anything.
Your girlfriend took thins as a sign to continue. she opened her mouth to speak but then her phone started to ring. You furrow your brows and watch as Vada pulls out her phone from her short pocket.
"It's Mia."
Your jaw clenched "Answer it.."
Vada's head snaped up and you could see she was fighting a battle. she knew if she left here she'd never see you again, but she also knew that Mia needed her She was in a hard place with only one decision to make, she answers the phone.
"Hey Mia."
Your hard twists in pain at the way her voice switched to a sweeter version of it self. One she's used on you plenty of times. you turn your head away and do your best not to watch her. The start of a panic attack could be felt, you tried to shake it of but it was no use. you deserved better.
"I kinda cant right now Mia, I'm doing damage control."
Oh, so you were damaged and needed to be controlled? thats when the doubt started to settled in. Maybe Vada didn't want you because you were to damaged. Maybe all of the weight of your past was to much for her. Maybe Mia could give her a better life, hell even Quinton he was a good gut, right?
"If it all works out then sure,"
You hear Vada say though it was distorted, Kind of like your head had been submerged under water.
Vada hangs up the phone call only to toss her phone behind her on the floor. That's when she looked up and noticed how you were staring out your window, your hands were trembling.
"Do you want to be with Mia?"
Vada stares on in confusion as you slowly turn to face her, tears dripping down your cheeks. Vada knew she fucked up.
"Am I too much for you? Too much that you had to find safety in Mia and Quinton?"
"No! That's not what this is about."
"Then tell me Vada! Because I'm on the verge of a panic attack and if you don't explain to me right the fuck now why you chose to ignore me for weeks while kissing other people behind my back, I will make this decision for you." You suck in a deep shuddery breath, "and I promise, you will not like the outcome."
Vada chewed on her lower lip. You weren't normally an angry person, most of your anger would always be bottled up until it was too late and you'd burst. Well, you've built up enough anger to let that bottle shatter. And Vada knew that. But she also knew you weren't threatening to harm her, you were threatening your relationship with her. Something you've never done before, but something you've talked about. You promised Vada that if she ever cheated on you, you'd break up with her.
"After the shooting, I stopped feeling things. I was numb for a while. And I didn't want to pull you down with my negativity." Vada started, "Mia and Quinton were in the stall with me when it happened so I felt obligated to make sure they were okay. Quinton watched his brother die and it made me feel bad for him because that could have been my sister."
Your eyes soften at the thought of Amelia, the poor girl had called you a few times during Vada's weeks worth of dissociating.
"The things I did weren't me, I wasn't even present for most of it. I had clocked out and was on autopilot or some shit."
Vada was slowly taking steps towards you, and while you wanted to be far away from her, your back pressed against the wall behind you from the amount of steps you took to keep the space between her, which made you trapped. You could have walked around her but she was fast, faster than you, so she'd easily catch you.
"Mia and I kissed. And we almost went further than that but she stopped it. Told me I had a girlfriend and made me realize I wasn't being fair to you."
"Oh my god…." A hand presses over your mouth as you look away from the girl, tears falling again now that more of the truth is coming out.
"Y/n, listen to me." Vada tried again but this time you weren't having it.
"You almost fucked Mia?!"
Vada sighed and nodded her head.
"Get out…" you were seething.
"No, baby please…"
"You don't have the right to call me that! Not after what you did!"
Vada stood her ground, she wasn't about to lose you.
"I'm not leaving."
You could feel annoyance swell up in your chest. You just wanted to be alone, to process the heartache but Vada was inching towards you. The longer you stared at her, the more betrayed you felt. Could you even forgive her? You could barely stand to look at her. She was crying too but it had stopped a bit ago and now she just looked determined. She was absolutely beautiful but at the same time, you couldn't recognize her. Vada had changed and you weren't sure if you liked it or not.
"Vada, if you don't leave then I'll call my brother and have him make you leave…" you threatened.
She says nothing, just keeps stepping closer. You both hold eye contact for a moment, neither of you breathing, before your hand shoots out and grabs the phone off your desk next to you. Vada rushed forward quickly and pinned her entire body against yours, both hands gripping your wrists.
"Let me go!!" You cry out and try to get your hands free but Vada was strong, maybe too strong.
"Not until you calm down!"
"I am calm!"
The struggle lasted for a few minutes as Vada fought you for your phone, trying to take it but you managed to switch it to your other hand. Vada's face being close to yours.
"Let me go ..just let go!" You started to sob as you desperately tried to get your phone, fighting against Vada's hold. But eventually she won and tossed your phone behind her where it lay next to hers on the ground.
She then slipped her thigh up and pressed it between your legs in order to lock you, though it caused different effects as your body tingles from the sudden touch. You gasp and look down at the girl. The girl who had been your first everything. When your eyes connect with hers, you could still see the love she held for you. It made you cry harder but Vada wasn't having it. Vada wanted you. She wanted to prove that to you. So she pushed forward and kissed you.
It was like second nature to you. Vada knew her way around your mouth, knew what to touch with her tongue that would make you buckle at the knees, knew what techniques could make you succumb to her. She remembered it as clearly as you did. So when you try to push her, albeit weakly, Vada pressed her entire body closer until her thigh pressed into your core. You moan into her mouth as the anger slowly dissipates into lust, though it lay dormant at the surface.
Vada parts from your lips in order to pepper kisses along your cheek and jaw, letting you catch your breath as she thrusts up against you. Your body betrays you and you're left grinding down on her thigh.
"….let go .." you beg, and this time she does. So your hands move to grab onto the back of her shirt. The rhythm between you two was matched, you easily became in sync with her movements until you were both one unit, dry humping against your wall. You didn't care, this was the first time Vada paid any attention to you and against your better judgment, you soaked it all up like a dry sponge.
Vada was busy creating a hickey on the side of your neck while both of her hands gripped your hips to keep you from going anywhere. Your hands tugged at her shirt until it was being pulled over her head. Which left behind her sports bra and shorts. You then, with the little self control you did possess, pushed her away. Vada stumbled back with an undignified sound as the both of you stared at the other.
You panted heavily, lips swollen and neck throbbing from the mark that would take pounds of makeup to cover, as you take in Vada's form.
"If you don't fuck me like you mean it, I'll kick you out of here myself and you'll never see me again." You demand, venom lacing your voice that made Vada shiver. She grabs the front of your shirt and pulls you back to your bed. A/n sorry i could not give the full chapter cause tumblr would not let me go through the word limit mark thing but got this on Wattpad and got permission from the author so if you want part 2 with the full fic & the book ( on wattpad ) tell me A/n here the full book
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thorniest-rose · 1 year
I was going through your old fem Steve posts bc vibes and I like almost did I spit take when I read the “Eddie comes to school one day with Stephanie Harrington’s promise ring around his neck” I mean it’s just so fucking good. I love sexually empowered Stephanie pre Eddie, but there is just something so brrrrr about Stephanie Harrington the hottest girl in school who no one can get because she is saving herself for marriage. Like imagine all the Hawkins boys just fucking haunted by this ring like it’s the star of their nightmares. And they all try so hard, constantly pulling out all the stops to try to woo this girl, birthday and Christmas money spent, all with the goal of getting into Steph’s pants. So far no one has come closer than a chaste kiss goodbye after a date. All of them come back from summer break her senior year ready to once again give it their all, extravagant dates planned, presents bought, etc. Then she walks, in her now very bare left hand clasped by the town freak who is now wearing the greatest villian of their high school experience around his neck like a fucking trophy. They then proceed to publicly act in a way that makes it very clear Eddie’s new necklace is in fact a trophy and one he loves to show off to all the assholes that made his life hell for the past 4-5 years.
Also maybe something like a couple weeks later Stephanie and Eddie and making out in a semi public area and as steph is sucking on Eddie neck one of steph’s most determined suitor pre Eddie (maybe tommy) walks up and Eddie makes eye contact before tells steph to take her top off (she is facing away from the guy). She does no questions asked, her bra is also quickly disposed of but in a way that makes sure the other guy only sees back while Eddie goes to town, sliding her panties to the side so he can fuck her right there while staring this guy down as he has steph say just the most disgusting shit all in the vein of how she belongs to him and would let him to anything to her.
oh my god thank you anon because I've been thinking about this non-stop all day. Like the thought of Eddie wanting to show Stephanie off as his girlfriend, but also how desperate she is for him, how she's not only his sweetheart but his slut?? He's got her promise ring around his neck, but he's also taken her virginity and is climbing through her window and fucking her every night just down the hall from her parents? Ngh.
And then one afternoon he takes Stephanie to a place where he knows Tommy Hagan's going to be, Tommy who's wanted Stephanie for years and who tried to win her over for years but to no avail, was forever described as a brother and a best friend. Who's been sick with jealousy for weeks knowing the town freak's got his claws in her. So Tommy sees them. Sees Stephanie on Eddie's lap, her creamy smooth back on display as Eddie unclasps her bra and kisses her neck, cupping her in his hands so he can bend his head and kiss her nipples, baby pink against her tan. Then, Tommy not being able to tear his eyes away, watches as Eddie reaches between her legs and pulls her cute little lacey white panties to the side so he can push inside her, Stephanie moaning all sweet and soft into his ear as he encourages her to ride him, and to tell him how big he feels inside her, how good it makes her feel. Tommy watches the entire time, watches Eddie's dick fucking her raw, all wet and slick from her pussy, as Stephanie puts her hands on Eddie's shoulders and kisses him, tells him she's all his, she'll do whatever he wants, she's his slut. And then as Stephanie locks up and moans all high and whoreish, her head thrown back as she comes on Eddie's cock, he pulls her hair and sucks a bite into her throat, catches Tommy's eyes over her shoulder and gives him a little wink.
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sak-supernatural · 8 days
Just a quick poll because I feel like shit:
My rambling story if you care;
I work in a caffe/coffee shop and have been there for 2 years now. Things were pretty great to start with and they seemed to accept the fact that I'm autistic. But recently the tone has shifted and I am constantly being ordered around (things that I know to do and am usually in the active process of going to do). This is all coming from the bosses wife. I have been uncomfortable and annoyed with the tone she takes with me for a long time now, and things all came to a head this past week when she was running the shop more often than usual (she typically only does an hour here and there, and covers breaks). There were two incidents and if it had been handled with an ounce of professionalism I would not even have brought it up. The exact words that were spoken were; "just make the drinks, I don't want to hear any more about this" (in the tone one might speak to a disrespectful child). "This" being an order she had taken that was wrong. The customer came up to the till (I was running the till) to amend his order (he was wrong initially and offered to pay the difference, nice guy) and instead of letting me ask which drink he wanted to change she butted in and said; "oh that's OK we’ll get that for you", while having no idea what exactly needed to be changed. She then poured away the drink she thought was wrong (it was in fact one they wanted) and made us make two new drinks, one of which was completely the wrong thing! We (me and the other girl) had questioned this, and that's there she bit our heads off about it.
The other incident (the one that made me speak up) was about my timing on my lunch break. Apparently I was late (she has said this so many times). We have 30 minutes for lunch and when I got back from mine (I set 30 mins on my watch, every day) she whisper called me over, away from where I was working on clearing the backlog of dishes that were strewn all along the worktop in a mess that she had created. AND ACCUSED ME OF BEING NEARLY 10 MINUTES LATE! I was sick and tired of being spoken to with the disrespectful tone she was using so I stood my ground that I wasn't late (and she didn't like that). She is egotistical and can't accept that she can makes mistakes.
I want to quit so badly 😫. I tried to have a conversation with my boss about what was bothering me (you know, like he has insisted I come to him with any problems) and he just dismissed me completely. The ONLY thing he focused on was the lunch break and he pulled up the cameras, as it turns out I was apparently 3 WHOLE FUCKING GOD DAMN MINUTES LATE! 3 minutes! What the actual fuck is wrong with you if you think 3 minutes is rounded to 10?! And being told; "your break starts when I tell you to go, not when you sit down" and; "you need to be back, apron on, ready to work before the end of the 30 minutes". OK I think I've got it, so my break is not in fact 30 minutes it's more like 25 at a stretch. /pa Thanks for misinforming me, I greatly appreciate not being told the specifics. /s This also goes for when he said my performance had been "slipping" in the last few weeks, and when I asked exactly how and what I had been "slipping" in, HE WOULDN'T TELL ME! Because there wasn't really anything and he was just grasping at straws for something to throw in my face.
At least now I know where I stand (not valued) and can move forward from there, and as he directly said to me; "this is how things are going to be, and if you don't like it maybe this is not the place for you". No sir, an ableist, excuse making arse is not someone I want to work for.
The best part is my brother was sitting right near us in the caffe and heard the things that were being said to me. My family are all angry on by behalf and I'm trying to let that make me feel better. It's hard to keep being strong, and not fall into the belief that I'm the problem. I did nothing wrong in asking to talk through some problems, I'm just so done. 😔
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a-friendly-fangirl · 1 year
Random thoughts on We're in Love (or "Your average Italian girl has had an awful week and Boygenius' love saves her ass again"):
So, I've been listening to the Boys and to their solo stuff the whole week (for the past 5 months, to be honest... but who's counting?) and I've been going crazy lately for the beauty of We're in Love.
I think we can all acknowledge that that song is one of the greatest songs in "The Record" and one of the best ever written. And then I started bawling, when my mind got stuck on its lyrics and realised just how heartbreaking and beautiful it is.
This will be kind of my personal analysis (also inspired by some suggestions here and there... thank you to all the geniuses around that have noticed certain things. I wish I could write down all your names, but my memory is awful), so if you disagree with it or feel the need to add something, do it. I'd be happy to meet more Boygenius fans!
Ok, I'd like to begin with the third and fourth line of the first verse, where Lucy sings: "I don't need the symbol of a scar/ So put down the knife, we're not swapping blood". And yet, in "The film", Julien still takes a blood oath with the young versions of Lucy and Phoebe. I think that this was such an interesting choice to make, considering the difference between the words and the actions. This actually makes sense though, when underlining that 20$ is Julien's song and these words belong to Lucy.
Julien, as her solo albums readily witness, has no real problem with hurting herself ('Cause I'm so good at hurting myself - Brittle Boned) both physically and psychologically. We also know, from 20$, that she does believe in being connected to Phoebe and Lucy in every universe or life (In another life we were arsonists). Lucy does too with them (And I told you of your past lives; In the next one [life], will you find me? - We're in Love). Same goes for Phoebe, even though it's a little more subtle with her. In fact, more than believing in other lives, she seems to believe in changing herself in the present life, so much that, even though Emily I'm Sorry is her song, she has decided to sing it with her best friends, because, maybe, she'd rather be someone that can be loved by them in particular and not someone only Emily "could want".
To better understand the scar line/imagery, I think it important to notice that Julien doesn't take the blood oath with her adult friends but with their younger selves. In my opinion, it's like a machine has brought them in Julien's universe or timeline to help her get out of her home, which, listening to her music, is a synonym of recovery or at least of a better state of mind (in Go Home and Please Stay, it is quite clear: "I wanna go home, I'm sick", while in Graceland Too she finally gets out once she's feeling better). But, not belonging there (and we know they don't thanks to Julien's surprised expression when she sees little Phoebe), pehaps she's afraid that she'll lose them once they're done with the car, therefore asking them to do that oath. Childhood scars never fully leave us, so Julien might be convinced that it'll help adult Phoebe and Lucy to remember her, once they meet as intended or hoped.
When you think about it, the layers here are so many that it's scary. Scars have always at least a touch of negativity, even when you get them for something not negative per se (I have so many scars I got from running around as a child...), because they always follow pain. Julien and Phoebe have dealt with it their whole life and have actively put themselves through it more than once, so of course Julien chooses to use a knife (which also brings us back again to Please Stay: "The hunting knife you kept by your bed". I don't think the mention in We're in Love is a coincidence) against herself if it means being sure Phoebe and Lucy know it's her. But Lucy stops her for two main reasons:
Julien won't have to wait for them to find her, because she and Phoebe will, according to Lucy, be the ones going to her, if they want to (Will you find me?);
Instead of remembering each other through something painful, they could use the happy and positive memories they've shared in this life. Lucy once again wants to do everything in her power to dismantle her friends' self-destructive tendencies and replace them with something good (even the "happy" in Letter to an Old Poet was her suggestion).
Moving on to the next lines (Isn't it enough that we stripped down to our skin?/ Cold and porcelain like bathers in a painting), the beauty of this specific portrait delivered by Lucy kind of proves the point just made. Saying that the skin is "cold" and "porcelain" delivers a poetic image of extreme fragility that could be both literal or figurative and it shows just how much they trust each other. What Lucy appears to be pointing out is that she doesn't need any more pain to believe they're in love with each other, since they've already done the great sacrifice of showing themselves when they were most vulnerable (something they're still learning to do, according to recent interviews).
In Lucy's specific case (And I told you of your past lives, every man you've ever been/ It wasn't flattering, but you listened like it mattered), I'd go as far as to think that she did that by letting Phoebe and Julien listen to the stories of her past friendships or even relationships, telling them whom she had had by her side before them. She sings that that tale wasn't flattering: why? If I had to express myself on that, I'd guess, by her albums, that, just like any other human being, even Lucy has had a lot of troubled bonds with people she might have wrongly thought were as true and loyal to her as the Boys are now (take Strange Torpedo, Nonbeliever or Brando as examples). My personal take on this part is that she hasn't tried to tell Phoebe and Julien who they've been in the past, but to confess them who had had their roles in her life previously, feeling perhaps embarassed by it. But they're in no way bored or mad at her for that, listening, however, "like it mattered" (quoting True Blue: "It doesn't matter anymore", 'cause they're together now, but it is still important to her that they are paying attention to this part of her story).
She also admits being open to them about her own insecurities, especially the fear of being or seeming crazy (I feel crazy in ways I never say/ Will you still love me if it turns out I'm insane?/ I know what you'll say, but it helps to hear you say it anyway), making herself vulnerable by exposing this side of her she usually keeps hidden in hope of being reassured by them, which they've probably done a thousand times already.
Long story short, coming to the end of the first chorus: Lucy loves and values them for the trust they've put in each other and no scar will ever match that feeling. I have a lot more to say about the rest of the song, but this is mostly me ranting about it, so I'll see how it goes. Sorry for all of this :P
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boabelboo · 3 months
ok but now I need azurtiger content you gave me a new otp
THEYRE MY LOVES FOREVER AND ALWAYS OK!!!!! so i have this little au i cooked up where something causes tigris to rebel earlier (maybe like 5-10 years post-tbosas) and coriolanus sends her to twelve to serve as a peacekeeper, since his resentment of the place is somewhat still fresh in his mind.
before you read: tw for suicidal thoughts and mentions of murder (just thg stuff in general)
here's a little scenario that ive been thinking of from said au (which i'll probably turn into a one-shot soon!)
- so tigris is depressed and resents the capitol for what they did to her, and also for what they've been doing to victors and tributes this whole time.
- she ends up wandering off to the meadow at one point, sick of the constant noise of the district and the duties of being a peacekeeper. at this point, she's contemplating suicide. she hates that she's actively aiding the capitol and wants her duties to end, though they can't because she needs to serve for at least twenty years.
- she sits down on the old rock lucy gray used to use when she was writing her songs, and spots an old goat in the distance. his lead is roped to a tree branch, so his owner is definitely around here somewhere.
- suddenly, barb azure comes up behind tigris, startling her.
- barb only spots tigris' clothing, peacekeeper fatigues.
- "you know damn well you ain't supposed to be around here, peacekeeper. get lost."
- tigris turns around, and barb looks at her blankly, not recognising her as one of the peacekeepers that comes around trying to cause trouble with the covey.
- tigris seems to almost be entranced, she isn't sure how to respond.
- barb doesn't budge on her point, though, having dealt with spiteful peacekeepers a hundred times over.
- "can you hear me? i said go!"
- "oh, i'm-, im sorry. i never knew this meadow was out of bounds. ill get out of your hair."
- barb azure pauses, recognising tigris and her accent from somewhere.
- "you're new 'round here, aren't you?"
- "yes, yes i am. i arrived here about a week ago.. from the capitol. look, im-.." she pauses, trying to read the expression on barb's face. "im really sorry for the inconvenience, ill be sure never to cross this field again if its that much of a bother, i had no idea-"
- barb interrupts her, remembering something. she always was good with faces.
- "i know you from somewhere.. from somebody." after a long stare between the two, something clicks for barb, so apparent so that tigris can see it on her face. "you're snow's cousin, ain't you? well, what's a fancy capitol girl like yourself doing all the way out here? thought it'd be fun, did you? to rub it in our faces that she's gone. well it was him that did it! he killed our lucy gray, not the mayor! and he's gonna pay for it, you mark my words! i may not be able to say nothing in the district, but here i can! he killed her!"
- all tigris can manage to get barb to hear over the shouting is "please, please listen to me. i know what he did! he sent me here! he sent me here with no money, no contact with the capitol and twenty years of peacekeeper duty. i know how you feel, i felt it too! that's why i told him he can't go on like this. that's why im here now. i want to help."
- tigris sits back down on the rock, the tears that have been brewing from years of watching her coryo become somebody else now silently streaming down her cheeks. she hates coriolanus. she hates him.
- barb walks over to her, she hates seeing people cry.
- "you really wanna help, huh?"
- tigris tries to stifle her tears to speak, but its no use.
- "i.. i do. it's what i've been trying to do for the past five years. small things. things i can do to help you from inside the capitol. until he noticed, and it was too late. i think it was lucy gray who made me realise that this world needed changing, and im so, so sorry for what he did to her, and the fact that i couldn't stop him from becoming.. a monster."
- barb sits down next to tigris, and wipes a tear from her cheek. she then says in a soft, comforting tone, which is a stark contrast to how she was just a few minutes before:
- "why don't you come in. we'll talk over some tea."
aaand that's all i have so far!! tysm for the ask, im so glad that i could get someone else to ship them!!
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Hii, I hope you are doing well💜💜💜
I wans wondering how would the member react to Snowball Princess eating something she wasn't supposed to and gets sick for a few days??
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"I think it's best to talk to her about filing for independent living." The nurse offers kindly. "Or at least slowly ease her into it, to make sure she properly prepared. She got away with a scare this time, but considering her age, she needs to be a bit more careful moving forward." She reminds the idol, who soberly nods at that reminder.
He knows that. He's known for a good while now.
And he's also been thinking about the future for a good while now. He knows for a fact that you're a part of it- one that's not possible to be just cut away like that, no matter how hard he'd be able to try. You've been at his side for so long, have bonded with him so tightly that he would probably feel like he'd lost a limb if he was to lose you.
He can't.
When he steps into the room you'd been staying in for a few days after having accidentally eaten non-hybrid foods a week prior, he smiles gently at you folding your own clothes. He instantly walks closer to help you with the task, feeling a little weird to have you do this on your own when he or the boys have always done it for you in the past. When did they stop? When did you learn to fold so neatly?
"I'd like you to stay with me for a little bit." He says softly, and you open your mouth to disagree- but he shakes his head. "Not because I think you're not capable of living on your own baby, just.." he thinks over his words for a moment, before he finishes his sentence. He knows it's a delicate matter for you, and while he can't truly understand why you're suddenly so eager to get away from them, he wants to make sure you feel validated in your decision, even if it's not what he wants you to do. "...we haven't really spent much time together in a while, no?" He asks, and you seem to think- before you shrug.
"..but you have schedules." You mumble.
"Then let's go together?" He offers, zipping up your little overnight bag. "You know I love traveling with you."
"But it's a hassle." You shake your head. "You're gonna have to-"
"I know, I've done it before, hundreds of times?" He chuckles, hand on your shoulder, and you seem in thought, before you tear up, bottom lip trembling. "Hey, no, what's wrong?" He worries at the sight, helping you sit down on your hospital bed where he holds your face close to his chest.
You remember him doing that.
He held you like this after the first nightmare you had at their dorms, where you've been too scared to ask to sleep in someone's room because you thought you might come off as childish- even though, technically, you had still been somewhat of a child at your age. The first time you had to stay at the hotel all by yourself, and they'd rushed out without saying they'd be back. The day you got the news that your favorite caretaker back at the center where you'd grown up had passed away, her last gift to you a dried flower cast in resin, to last forever just like her love for you would. When you'd gotten scared by a passing firetruck turning on its sirens, causing you to trip and scrape open your knees, shock of it all proving too much to just be passed off as nothing. The night you'd gotten lost in London after having strayed off too far, tag on your neck having helped Jimin find you quickly.
And he'd held you like this when Jin left for the military, and when Hoseok did.
Who will hold you like this when he leaves?
Who will hold you like this while he's gone?
How long until you forget those memories?
Will he be there when you mourn the loss of them one day too?
"Hey, you're okay.." he tells you softly, hand on your back trying hard to calm you down. He's aware you've been going through something he's not too sure of. At the beginning, he'd thought it must've been from Seokjin leaving. But it had just gotten worse now, and in a way, it scares him how far you seemed to have slipped from his fingers. Everyone's, in fact.
You're right here, in his arms, and yet you seem miles away, way out of reach.
And he doesn't know how to get to you, how to somehow get a hold of you again.
"Why are you so far away?" He asks quietly, and your ears move at that, before you slowly move to look up at him. "I want to help you but I don't know how." He offers, and you look away, eyes jumping from his necklace to his collarbone, from his ear for the hem of his shirt. You don't know either. You don't know what he could do to make you feel better.
You don't know if you can feel better.
"Jungkook talked to me too. He's worried about you just as much as Yoongi is. And Namjoon. And everyone else." He asks, hands on your knees. "What's happening?"
"I don't know." You shrug, because you truly don't know. "I feel like I have to decide something because things are changing, but I don't know what the question is. I don't know what I'm supposed to choose because I don't know what the problem is I'm supposed to solve." You ramble to him, and in a way, he breathes a bit easier now hearing you open up again.
Like you're taking a step towards him again, back into his range.
"Princess, why are you making things so hard for yourself?" He asks gently. "I feel like you're looking way too far ahead right now. It's okay to try and be prepared for what might change- but you can't put your present life on hold just because you're trying to figure out what's not even decided yet." He tries to reason with you. "There's things we all know will happen. Things that probably will happen, things that might, things we're not sure about and things we don't even know yet." The idol explains, wiping your cheeks for you. "And it's fun to try and color in the future, even if there's no lines to guide yet. But you can't get lost in that." He shakes his head.
"I ruined it all now, didn't I?" You worry quietly, looking down. "I made everyone upset, and worry, and sad-"
"You were trying to make it easy for us, and that's understandable." He smiles encouragingly. "And I appreciate that. Everyone does." Jimin nods at you. "But the easiest for us is when you're with us. That's when we're happiest."
You sniffle a little, having calmed down now. "...do you think my vaccines are still up to date to fly out?" You ask meekly, and he laughs happily at you, pulling you close so you can't spot how he's holding back tears.
"We can worry about that when we're home."
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
here's a question, what do you think happens to Debbie (and Franny) post s11? Personally I'm not a fan of the idea that Debbie would go off with Heidi after she fought tooth and nail to stay in her own house, plus Heidi is...not really what I'd picture for a good ending to Debbie's story. What would you see being a good post script for Debs?
ahhhh i love you for asking this
i mean, there's a part of me that wants to say that everything will go great for them, but i think that it'll be rough for a little while.
to answer the heidi thing (which i have talked about many times before but this ask is a little bit old lol sorry!), she will not last. she'll be gone in like, a week, and will never be heard from again. i think that the finale made that pretty clear, even though other people interpreted it in other ways. when heidi mentioned texas, debbie looked hesitant, and considering how she spent the past season fighting for this house, and the past eleven seasons fighting for her family, there isn't a single part of me that thinks she will be leaving for texas and if she does, her kid will be coming with her 100%.
but anyways, debbie will be going through it. she will have lost her father and her girlfriend in the same week or so and given her abandonment issues, i think she'll probably break. she'll have a whole breakdown over it, then be a bit depressed for a month or two, and then i think she'll slowly start to feel better. also, something that nobody talks about for some reason is the fact that post-11x12 all of the gallaghers (including mickey, tami, kevin, and veronica) all most likely get covid since they were all around frank and like touching him and shit, so that will probably happen.
i think that, as always, she'll pick herself up on her own and fix everything herself. her business will thrive, maybe she'll help out at the alibi if carl and tipping buy it (i hc that they do), but i think that money-wise she'll be set.
she and lip will definitely still have some conflict. every gallagher kid has a complex, difficult relationship with frank (i've actually been writing about this) but these two and frank have always stuck out to me (but they all stick out to me, honestly). i think that since the two of them were already fighting and are both notoriously awful at handling their emotions shit will go down.
debbie will keep the house since it's been in her name since the season nine finale (i mean duh, why would lip get to sell HER house??), lip, tami, and fred will move to milwaukee but then lip and tami will split up and it'll be messy, maybe he'll come back to chicago and they'll get split custody, carl will live there for another year or two, liam will live there until he graduates, and ian and mickey will move back to the south side. debbie will feel uneasy because of all of the change, so she'll insist on family dinners weekly, absolutely NO exceptions (you could be sick with some sort of flesh eating virus and she'd still demand that you attend).
she will never fully process losing frank. even dead, he still manages to fuck her over. i think that she'll set up a memorial for him a lot like the one she set up in 3x01.
if she reads the letter it'll fuck her up even more and i'm hoping that she gets therapy (i have a fic in my drafts about this lol) to help her deal with trauma, abandonment issues, grief, and help her navigate parenting while being only twenty.
i seriously just wish her the best because season eleven really made me realize how much she actually needs help.
live laugh debbie gallagher
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UPDATE: the offical police report of the wilson/claire case has finally been released. i'll link it here, but i don't think it explains everything, since a good amount of the details have come from witnesses and locals that havent been contacted by the authorities regarding the story. so, for continuities sake, i'm gonna give a final summary on here before i close out their case on this blog.
the timeline i've put together relies partially on an official statement released by claire (who still refuses to provide a last name to the public, and has no official documents connecting her to any identity living in mourning star), who has initiative to lie. however, i matched her story up as many other sources as i could, so i'm pretty confident on this being correct but just keep that in mind.
after meeting him in september at a party, she and nicholas began spending a lot of time together. claire states that he faced severe struggles with his mental health including attachment issues- he was "so sad, all the time. he couldn't stand to be alone. i didn't know why."
claire had always had many dreams of what she calls 'a bigger life', which she often told him about but he did not share. but due in part to his anxious attachment disorder, she was eventually able to convince him to run away with her so they could be 'together, away from their small town', as she claims.
the details are fuzzy at this point, as she seems to contradict herself often in regards to the actual murder, but she claims she had reason to believe that Sears was attempting to attack her, and that she alone acted on self-defense. there are no witnesses to this other than nicholas who is not providing a statement; however, the lack of a murder weapon points to the idea that it was not premeditated, as the death was caused by sudden blunt force trauma.
she then claims that, very soon after the murder, Wilson started to fall sick and needed lots of treatment. this allegedly led claire into a cycle of systematic robberies, which she used to 'care for him'. this is also proven by the fact that he was found to be suffering from an unknown illness, in addition to his various injuries, upon rescue. she also claims that she stole a car belonging to a local, who does not want to be named at this time, because nicholas's had been crashed and the winter was too harsh for them to survive in the cold.
her story then details their living in the woods and how he was "barely concious through the whole thing. like- [she didn't] even think he realized he wasn't at home". this leads officials to believe that the entirety of their time spent running from the police was planned and carried out by claire, without wilson's discreton at all.
when questioned about his injuries, she states that she returned to the car they had been staying in to suddenly find him in his current condition. from there, she tried to drive him to the hospital, but he alledgedly attempted to climb out of the moving car. "he had been hallucinating the past few weeks. i think it was from fever, or dehydration? something. probably a mix of things. but he'd been really sick. [...] i think he saw something and left [the car], i found him away from it. i really don't know what happened." she never mentioned any plan of hurting him in her confession.
nicholas, however, has refused to speak on his side. he has recently been discharged from the hospital, but despite being questioned he has not made any statements.
so there you go, that's all i know. if you have any last questions, you can ask me, but i'm not sure how many more answers i can give.
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blueisquitetired · 7 months
This is the second part of the last WIP Wednesday, which I can't link here because I'm writing this in the past and it hasn't been posted yet. I'll fix it later.
Here's the final WIP that I'll be posting in this major batch- I've hope you've enjoyed them this past month or so!
Anyway, this is the outline of the entire fic overall, as well as a scene from later on in the narrative!
Heroes and Villains- Ingo is a Dad Now (Part 2)
Length: 2,132 words
Rating: G
No archive warnings apply
Akari has light powers. (Get it? Light? I’m hilarious) This is a VERY powerful ability as you can do things like lasers and their ilk- but also illusions and invisibility. She can manipulate light which means she can make you see what she wants you to see. The commission obviously really wants her abilities, but she is a stubborn authority defying teenager. With amnesia. Her first memories are waking up in the commission building with them being oh so worried about her :(( and her catching their bad vibes immediately. She plays along though, before eventually breaking out and running away. She ends up being taken in by the (Pearl clan equivalent, I forgot what it was called lol) a few weeks after Ingo and immediately reverse adopts him due to the shared amnesia. Her claim to fame is “well he could be my dad. We don’t have any proof either way >:))” (they don’t particularly look alike) She also super wants to be a villain- but Drayden’s organization is not letting the teenager fight for them. (Except in very specific situations where she is in no danger they just need her illusionary abilities- and Ingo is there to make sure she doesn’t run off to punch someone)
the main plot line is (humorously) her relationship with Emmet. She’s able to easily connect the dots about him being Eeletross and is very not pleased with having a hero that can rat her out hanging around. Of course, they end up getting along just fine, especially because Emmet thinks she’s just paranoid and there’s no way the commission is after her
and then she goes missing
Ingo  is besides himself, praying desperately that it isn’t the commission- but as time passes it becomes increasingly obvious that that’s what happened. Emmet is still in denial of course, and in his free time is looking for the devious criminal that stole his niece away (part of him is tempted to report the crime to the commission in order to get more help looking for her- but he promised, he’s not gunna break that promise) Something that makes this even sadder is that Akari had confessed to Emmet at one point that it was an inevitably. She’s knows that she can’t hide forever, that the commission will find her and take her away eventually- so she’s just enjoying the time she has now before it’s all taken away from her.
And then, months after Akari goes missing, Emmet is assigned to help a new recruit with physical training. It’s Akari.
Emmet finds a way to pull her aside and goes “what are you doing here??? Ingo’s worried sick! I thought you hated it here!” But Akari just kinda looks at him and is like “how do you know I don’t like the commission!?! Are you a mind reader??? And who’s Ingo?”
and then Emmet gets to have a crisis because a) she was right all along and b) she got her memory wiped again
Turns out that this is just a thing that happens with Akari!! She’s very hard to manipulate the old fashion way so they’ve had to resort to memory wipes! If she was anyone else they would declare someone as difficult as her just not worth it- but Akari is powerful. Her illusions are much too useful to just toss aside- so they keep going at her, locking her up under tighter and tighter security every time she escapes, becoming increasingly frustrated that despite the fact she has literally no memories that they cannot erase her subconscious feelings about the commission… which is that she very much does not like or trust them. They just need to find a way to break her, and then they will have all of this power at their disposal. It might take a while but they can do it. They’re quite patient after all.
Pen: Question: does Akari meet Ingo or smokestack first?
Not sure! Since this is from Emmet’s POV that stuff isn’t really important? He just finds his amnesiac brother and the next day sees a teenager crawling through the window via fire escape
I think she just showed up one day, amnesiac teenager on the run who got taken in- and then immediately imprinted on Ingo
Like, Calaba or something was supposed to take care of her but she declared Ingo is her dad now actually and they all have to just. Roll with that.
Other fun things to consider:
Emmet having no idea how to tell his brother that he found Akari in the hero commission
Emmet breaking Akari out and then having Akari just casually let slip to her dad that she’s so glad her uncle is a spy that could break her out
they actually break Akari
Vision is just our eyes taking in light bouncing off of stuff, so if you could bend that to your will….
This isn’t just a hyper realistic illusion that can affect one person- she can make illusions that everyone sees and no one can tell the difference
Her power is terrifying and the commission needs it
unlike most of my AU’s she’s a legit teenager here Complete with the teenage invincibility concept backed up by the fact that she’s super powerful, has amnesia, and is living the yolo life because she thinks she could be spirited away any minute
No one lets her be a super villain so she does that on her own. She was climbing in through the window because that’s just ‘how she is’. When she’s comfortable she has zero filter, self preservation instincts, or craps to give. (This terrifies Ingo)
It’s not like she goes to public school either- she can’t. She’s completely homeschooled and while she does well at that…. gestures she has free time
Everything she does is underlined with the knowledge that she is constantly minutes away from “death” (an erasure of personality and memories) so it’s not worth wasting time
She grows attached quickly but is extremely flighty, constantly putting on a don’t care attitude. she’s terrified, but what else is she supposed to do? Nothing she does really matters in the long run- the conclusion is still the same
I like the thought that she was an orphan kid. Ran away from every orphan program she was ever in and lived on the streets. Tuning her powers on her own. It’s why she’s got wandering feet even when she has a home (plus, being as hardened to societal programs makes her horrid at listening to orders)
Akari initially suggested that Ingo was her dad as a joke basically. She wanted to hang out with him more and that was the excuse she gave. She didn’t expect him to actually start acting like her dad and is high key terrified about how attached to him she is at this point
And, as promised, the small scene:
(Set after Ingo has met up with Eelektross and Akari several times in secret during Akari's on the field commission training)
The apartment is as silent as it gets when Ingo sits at the kitchen table, head in his hands and sigh on his lips. Melli had gone over to a friends place for the evening and Ingo didn’t have any plans that could delay this… conversation any further.
A conversation with himself. One that he has been putting of for quite a while.
Letting out a groan, Ingo slumps so his head is resting in his arms, the darkness helping him confront the mental beast head on.
No use putting it off any longer.
He starts with the facts, lining them up mentally like a legion of toy soldiers. Heroes are bad. Akari is a hero. Akari isn’t made bad by the fact the commission took her in- she’s still Akari and he still loves her.
Which means…. Some heroes can technically be good.
Ingo groans again as he lets his head drop all the way to the wooden table. He’s barely four facts in and he’s already completely over this “conversation” ….but it needs to be done, and Ingo doesn’t trust himself to try again if he aborts now.
Where was he? Oh right.
Some heroes can technically be good.
Right that…. He shifts tracks.
Eelektross hates him for killing his brother.
Honestly, Ingo can’t even blame him for his anger. If some hero came along and murdered Emmet, Ingo is fairly certain he would react the same way.
Elektross no longer thinks he killed his brother.
Which is because- No, not yet. Ingo doesn’t want to touch that one yet.
Elektross no longer hates him, and apologized for accusing him of murder.
Which is… much more then Ingo was ever expecting really. But more baffling-
Elektross has been taking care of Akari and taking her to see him.
Why?? How did he even know Akari was his child in the first place?? According to Akari that was the first thing he said to her- asking her what was she doing there and that telling her that her dad was worried. But not many people knew about Akari in the first place- or at least not in relation to him. The only real people who would know Akari would be the other Hisui residents and-
Nope. Backtrack.
Electross had been taking care of Akari and had been going behind the commissions back in order to let Ingo see her. Some heroes can technically be good. Elektross is technically a good guy.
Oh great, now Ingo feels nauseous. Squeezing his eyes shut eyes even harder, he try’s to get his roiling gut to accept the conclusion he’s come to.
But it’s true! Elektross has proven himself trustworthy time and time again- from the aforementioned Akari watching to just the fact that he HAS to know Ingo’s secret identity in order to know that he’s Akari’s father…… and Ingo hasn’t had the commission knocking on his doors. Yet another part of his mind whispers- but he has no idea what eelektross would gain by waiting, so he puts that thought to the side as well.
Which leads him back to…. Elektross knows chandelure is alive. Elektross knows Ingo couldn’t have killed chandelure because he saw his face. Elektross recognized Ingo. Elektross must have known Ingo before his memory loss.
Oh he hates where this is going. Full of nervous energy, Ingo begins to pace around the kitchen, anxiously biting at the skin around his fingernails.
Elektross- No. Reroute.
Ingo did not steal chandelure’s powers- Emmet says he has always had them. Chandelure’s powers are extremely similar to Ingo’s. Ingo appeared shortly after-
Nope nope nope nope. Ingo falls into a crouch as he begins to clutch his forearms, desperately holding back his frantic breathing. He needs to- He needs-
There’s Lichtenberg scars on his arms. Emmet hadn’t wanted to talk about those.
Ingo finds this route a bit easier to take, his breathing evening out as he releases his death grip on his arms.
Emmet found him shortly after elektross saw his face. Emmet wasn’t surprised by the burn scar.
…Emmet knew Akari was his daughter.
Aaaaaand he was back to pacing, hands flapping in an attempt to rid himself of anxious energy. It wasn’t working.
Emmet was- Ingo was-
Emmet was a good person, which is why he couldn’t be a hero. ….but heroes can technically be good. Technically. Especially if- their parents died when they were pretty young right? So hypothetically…
Ugh no this wasn’t working either. How was he supposed to….
Gray zones. Right. Some half remembered psychological thing that Ingo had no idea where he learned- maybe before the amnesia? Yes so, gray zones. Not everything is black and white. People can change. People can be good people but make bad mistakes. People can be-
Ingo is chandelure. Heroes are bad and if Ingo was a hero then that means Ingo is bad and-
He rushes to the bathroom to throw up, barely having enough time to pull up the toilet lid before puking his guts out. He’s pretty sure he’s crying.
But if Ingo is chandelure that means that-
Emmet is Elektross.
Emmet’s been taking care of his daughter for him.
Something in Ingo gives as he slumps in place, the agony of the previous reveal buried in the wake of the sheer relief he feels at the moment. Because Emmet is a good person who loves Ingo and Akari- and he will take care of her and help get her home.
And that’s more important then anything else isn’t it?
The rest of the night was spent in and out of a long running panic attack over the chandelure thing- but by the time the sun had risen Ingo had mostly made peace with himself. Mostly.
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mysticalcrypt · 1 year
not sure if you're already taking requests, but if so can i request something about kit walker being in briarcliff please?
thank you :)
"I don’t know how much more of this I can take..”
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(swearing, asylum stuff and mention of the mentally ill.)
Kit sat in his cell with his face down, thinking of how he was ever going to be able to leave this asylum. He was starting to lose that positive mind set of his, but who could blame him? Imagine staying in asylum for weeks, having unnecessary surgeries and constant beatings. Anyone would be pessimistic.
Then he started to think about his wife, Alma, he wanted to believe she was still alive but it was clear as day that she wasn’t, based off of what he remembered about that night. It was still all a blur to him and unbelievable. So far, since he’s been in here, he’s made a few friends. The one that really was on his mind was Y/n, he often thought about her a lot.
They both stuck together, they’ve tried finding ways to leave and aided each other when it was needed it. After while, he caught feelings for her but he wasn’t sure if she felt the same way. Knowing that he had a person in here who would care for him and help him was reassuring, at least there was some comfort.
But she hasn’t been doing well, either. She was depressed, her anxiety was through the roof and she also felt like she wasn’t gonna make it out alive. But if she did, this experience would haunt and traumatize her forever, Kit too. It honestly was hell for everyone.
Kit’s hand slowly grazed over the scar on his wrist, those cuffs, he thought to himself. They made sure to put those cuffs on him tight, and when it’s happening everyday, you’re bound to have a few scars on your arms. Plus, Kit was constantly being taken to Dr.Arden’s room for whatever sick experiments Arden wanted to perform on him.
And Y/n...well, just say, she was getting her fair share of pain and suffering, too. She's had to go through things that would give a person nightmares. Kit sighed and looked up. "Why?" He said to himself. He knew that no one was going to answer his question, but he always asked anyway.
He laid down and thought about the times when he was happy, the times when he was free. It’s a shame that now he could only think about the past and not the future, it was the only thing that made him feel happy.
He heard footsteps coming closer to him, but it was more to the cell next to him, he wasn't sure if it was the warden or doctor but he was pretty sure that it was neither. Then he heard a female voice, it sounded like Y/n, he wasn't sure, though. He then heard the sound of the cell door closing, it sounded like someone got locked in.
He decided to call out, just to make sure it was her.
"Y/n?" He called.
"Yeah?” She said, tiredly.
"I…I just wanted to make sure you're alright." He replied, feeling a sense of relief now that he knew that she was okay.
"I'm fine, I guess, considering the fact that I’m in a place like this." She replied. “How are you? You don't sound good."
"I'm okay, I just..I don’t know what to do anymore. I mean, we haven't found a way out of here and I've been through so much and, I just feel hopeless. Like there's no reason for me to keep on trying. What's the point if we never find a way out?”
"I've had that same thought, Kit, and I think the same thing, but we can't lose hope. I know that this place is full of nothing but pain and torture, but we need to keep on hoping that there is a way out. We need to have a reason to keep on trying." She reassured.
"I want to believe that, but I'm not so sure anymore. It seems like we’re not getting out of here."
"Don't say that, Kit. There's no need for you to have a negative mind set, because you're never gonna get anywhere by thinking like that. Remember when I lost faith and you told me that we can't give up and I believed you, but now you're giving up. We've come too far to turn back now. We've been here for a long time, so let's just keep our head held high and we'll get through this. Together."
"What if I don't get out alive? What if something happens and I can't get out?"
"There’s always a risk..but there’s a chance that we could get out. Just don't let it consume you, don't give up hope."
"I can't do this." He said, his voice starting to crack.
"Yes, you can, Kit. You've been through so much in your life, why give up now?"
"Because, I feel like there's no reason for me to stay strong. Everyone thinks I’m just some murderer who can't feel any emotion."
"Kit, listen to me.” She said.
Kit stayed silent, waiting for her to speak again.
"You are not a murderer. I don’t believe you killed those women, it all just doesn’t make sense. You're a good person and I don't believe you did it. And no matter what anyone says, that's what I'll always believe. Because you're a kind-hearted man, you're not a murderer. Don't let their words get to you."
Kit stayed silent, trying to take in her words, trying to believe what she was saying.
"Thank you." He said. "For sticking up for me, you've been so supportive and kind, I don't know where I'd be without you."
"You helped me, Kit. You're a good person, and I want to see you out of here."
He smiled, even though she couldn't see it. He felt a bit better, knowing that there's still hope. “Will you please just..try for me, Kit? Try not to give up. It's hard for me, too, but we need to stick together, I'll be here for you, always."
"I promise." He replied. “I’ll try.”
sorry if it’s not what you expected, wasn’t sure what to put.
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