#is that I wrote 3 and 8 to be so autistic
luc3ks · 11 months
love seeing the dynamic you've got going on with agent 24! i'm curious to know if Three ever ends up warming up to Eight at some point and starts to enjoy having her around
oh yes! LOL it just takes a while. but she is thinking of her here <3
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3 is very goal oriented and takes a while to get acquainted with anyone in general, so this weird girl who gets suddenly thrown into her life is like, well. jarring. offputting. especially after that unprompted marriage proposal, that was weird. the autism is permanent I'm afraid
but it just takes 50 pages of strange weird funny toxic yuri to get to one page of normal yuri with these two
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bumblerhizal · 2 years
Hi hi hi hello, coming in with number 7 (party/museum/wedding) for the FMK alts, for Novhen, Shale, and Morrigan :D
Oh wow! You cannot take Shale to any of those! I feel like the party might be the least disastrous option. I'm not much of a partygoer myself, so when she inevitably starts a scene, it'll be a convenient way to excuse myself and leave before i robbed of every morsel of energy i went in with. If the party has a grind pit, she might just leave in disgust immediately, but hey! Saves me from that shit!
And i really, really want to take Novhen to a museum, but Morrigan seems too risky a +1 for a wedding. So Morri to the museum it is! It could be interesting. I'm not really sure if she'd like my favorite exhibits, but i have a healthy enough love of art and history to get excited about whatever she shows interest in. I'd bet she'd take great pleasure in finding an exhibit, scoffing, and then tearing apart what blatant propaganda it is. Shit, is this museum in Thedas or our world? Either way, i'm sure one of use will have plenty to say
Really, Novhen was always the only sane choice for a wedding. He can be polite and knows (and cares!) how to not embarrass everyone, and he's been to so many weddings at this point, he knows the whole song and dance. It'll be only an hour into the reception, and he'll already have the drunkenly spilled secrets of every extended family member and invitations to 3 recitals. The bus ride home will be absolutely dripping with gossip
[Ask Game]
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Utah at the Roller Rink
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Guh I love this little stupid silly baby and I want to throw him (more under the cut)
I love him he’s so chuckable also I did not know where the hell to put him sooo… Rollerskating? Ig
Utah HC’s bc I’m very autistic :3
He’s a gay aceflux caedsexual cis man
He’s (technically) mixed, he’s Dutch and about 25% Mexican but doesn’t say he’s mixed bc it complicates things and White is just easier
Speaks some broken Spanish but doesn’t use it unless he’s talking to NM
Went on his mission as a Mormon to Boston and then worked at the training centers for as long as he could until he ended up leaving the church
Illithiya and him got divorced after Brayden (youngest) moved out
(Not a Utah HC but) Illithiya now lives in Hawaii
In a relationship w/ the four corners BUT his gay awakening was Nevada who he had severe denial of and convinced himself he couldn’t be gay because Nevada is a trans man and was “technically” a woman
^^^ he also no longer thinks like this
I enjoy believing he was extremely outwardly homophobic until the 2010’s when he finally realized how little he was attracted to Illithiya
Illithiya and him are on talking terms still and she really hasn’t been offended about it since immediately after she found out
Only 2 of his children know that he is gay and in a relationship (Kinsley and Zach, YES I COUNT ZACH.)
(Also not a Utah HC but) Kinsley also came out to him as Trans when she was 23 and Utah had to change himself for her and now currently has the best relationship with Kinsley out of the 8
Jaxon, Kaylee, Kayden, Jayden, and Ahmed all do not know that Utah is gay (he hides it really well at holidays)
Brayden completely cut contact with him and left the church
Hates any and all jokes about him being a “good Mormon boy” or anything like that unless they come from his partners
God I wrote ALOT there whoopsies ☺️
Hope you enjoyed my stupid ranting I’m gonna go spend the next 27 days dissociating until I begin to art more
/srs tho I joined a Graphic Design program at a community college and have been making a lot more art now but idk if I’m gonna become unmotivated randomly so please don’t worry if I disappear with new art content for months on end/j
Tysm for getting to this point! Hope you enjoy my art AND my bullshit, see you again soon :3
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am i the asshole for still wanting my plushes back?
the people involved in this story are me (currently 22m, he/him), and my sibling J (currently 23nb, they/them), and this story happened while we were children, couldn't be older than 7 or 8. i am also autistic, and have very strong attachments to objects, especially plushes, so keep that in mind.
so J and i are not blood related, they lived in an awful situation with their bio mom and grandma until they joined my family when we were about 3 and 4. i think of them as my real sibling, and we are pretty close now, so this is pretty low stakes overall.
because of the neglect and spoiling that their previous caretakers raised them with, the first few years J was settling into our family were difficult, to say the least. they were super fussy, materialistic, and downright mean and entitled. i know this is a cruel thing to say about a mistreated child, especially since they are not like this anymore and regret it now, but it was true at the time. i was a very social and cheerful kid, and i had an older sister too, so i knew better how to treat other kids. i was really gung ho about having a new sibling, and wanted to make friends with them right away, but they did not share that sentiment.
one game i really liked to play (that definitely sparked my love of escape rooms later in life) was a clue-trail scavenger hunt thing where you would follow the clues one after another and eventually find the prize at the end. my parents set up a few of those for us over my childhood, and i got fascinated with it and wanted to set up them up for myself.
i tried multiple times to get J to play my scavenger hunt with me, since i was proud of the hiding spots and the rhymes i wrote on the clues, but they were very icy to me and often refused any game i wanted to play.
so i got an idea, to entice them to play, by making some of my pokemon plushes the grand prizes at the end of the hunt.
now you have to keep in mind, this was the mid-2000s, these pokemon plushes are choice collectors items and they do not make them like this anymore. and after a generous birthday gift from my aunt when i was maybe 6, i had a bountiful selection of them, that i knew J was bitterly jealous of, and sometimes would try and steal.
so i knew this would work as a carrot to get them to play with me, and it did! but they were only playing so they could have the prize, so every time i wanted to play again, i would have to offer up another one of my plushes, and eventually i ran out of all the ones we agreed were good or interesting, and now as an adult, the few i have remaining from my massive childhood collection are the ugly ones, and it makes me really sad to see how gutted it is from its former glory.
over the years, we've gotten a lot closer and J's nasty childhood attitude has all but disappeared, and i feel safe saying we're besties and get along fantastically.
i asked a few times as we got older and i remembered this occurance if i could have the plushes back, though, and they've always responded with a vehement No. they say i gave it to them fair and square, and they consider them a gift from me. i've tried pointing out that i only did it cause it was the only way i could get them to play with me when we were kids, and i kinda regretted giving away such valuable things when i was too young to really think about it. J always got upset at that point and said they didnt like thinking about how they used to be and it wasn't fair that i brought that into the conversation.
i 100% see how i could be the asshole here, since i did technically give the plushes to them, but i still kinda think its not fair of J to not even consider giving some back, because i was a dumb kid who just wanted to connect with my mean sibling. i try not to bring up how they used to act anymore, though, because i can understand how it hurts them to think about, but it is relevant in this specific situation.
i haven't asked them for the plushes back in a long time, but i was thinking about it again. and this is pretty low stakes, it wont ruin our relationship or anything, so tumblr, aita for still thinking J should give them back?
What are these acronyms?
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myyoungroyalsblog · 1 year
Red, White and Royal Blue fic rec part 2 (part 1)
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*Note: I have a lot of unfinished fics in my subscriptions but since there are over 120+ fics there from other fandoms too I won’t be able to add those, when they are finished I’ll do another post in the future!
*Also couldn't find some of these writers here on tumblr, if you know tell me and I’ll add their @ beside it!
Things I Cannot Accept
18 chapters, 69.703 words
By @sprigsofviolets AU where Ellen lost the election in 2016 and Henry and Alex reconnect in 2019. Super cute and interesting story, with a lot of fluff and angst, amazingly written!
Captious (calculated to confuse, entrap or entangle in argument)
3 chapters, 14.256 words
Blind date AU... Well... Sort of... You'll know when you read it hehe but honestly so so sweet with a bit of angst but so much fluff!
My Only Wish (This Year)
7 chapters, 26.374 words
By @dracowillhearaboutthis AU where Henry marries a woman and has two daughters, set 10 years later and Alex and Henry reconnect, and maybe a romance blooms... Of course it does lol very cute kid fic (with a bit of angst too) but still lots of fluff!
Comfort Crowd
8 chapters, 12.098 words
To all the boys I've loved before AU, I don't like the film but since I'm such a sucker for these two of course I read it and got obsessed with it afajsgshsvsg
And they call it—
2 chapters, 10.148 words
By @clottedcreamfudge AU where Alex can talk to animals, so when Henry needs a dog sitter he goes to Alex, and he and David obviously talk about Henry. So funny and fluffy, guaranteed to make you smile!
(do i really have to tell you) how he brought me back to life?
7 chapters, 38.498 words
By @coffeecatsme High school AU where Henry gets kicked out by Mary and lives with Alex's family. A whole lot of angst and a whole lot of fluff, just a superb story!
I'm Taking A Ride With My Best Friend
23 chapters, 79.302 words
By @cultofsappho The Last of Us AU where Henry is immune and Alex helps him get to the fireflies in hopes to create a vaccine. If you've watched the tv show or played the game, you know how this goes lol could not recommend it enough, so much angsty but has fluffy moments too! And the writing is impeccable
i'd lie
6 chapters, 18.058 words
AU where Alex and June move to England with thier mum and have the Fox family as their neighbours, we see the super six throughout the years and how Henry lies might not work anymore... If you want angst, this is the fic for you
talk too much
3.307 words
By @lazybug16 Alex has his wisdom teeth removed and Henry takes care of him, just fluff fluff fluff, super adorable (yes self promo because I'm very proud of this fic, I love it)
I trace your constellations
13.498 words
Soulmates, coffee shops and demi Henry AU, just pure flirting and fluff, suuuuuuper cute read!
Never Truly Leave
2.443 words
By @clottedcreamfudge Catherine finds a letter that Arthur wrote... To Alex. We cry alongside Alex as he reads it; very emotional, it will make you cry, and fall in love with these characters all over again, could not recommend enough
you knew the entire time (you knew that i'm a mastermind)
8.239 words
By @coffeecatsme Uni and autistic Henry AU, we see Alex and Henry fall in love. Fluffy but also a bit of angst, you just want to protect Henry and tell him everything is going to be okay
starry eyes sparking up my darkest nights
16.367 words
By @coffeecatsme Hugh school AU where Arthur is also alive and becomes like a second father to Alex. Very very sweet with a bit if angst as well, you'll love it and might have a few happy tears towards the end
learning to love (without it having to hurt)
4.861 words
AU where they aren't famous and they are roommates. We see Henry figure out his asexuality and Alex be there for him, and them getting together of course :) very very sweet read!
The last letter
2.173 words
By @floatingaway4 They are in the afterlife, at peace. This weiter managed to combine angst and fluff at the exact same time and I don't know how they did it, it will make you ugly happy cry!
Fourty-Four Days
8.675 words
They are living in the Brownstone when Henry needs to go to europe for the shelters and Alex to California for a campaign, and they end up not seeing each other for 44 days, and it's too much. Angsty but then fluffy, it just hurts seeing them miss each other so so much
take me out, and take me home
11.837 words
Roommates AU and we see Alex get some feelings, only friendly feelings of course... Really cute story and ending!
i’d take the bomb in your head and disarm it
22.392 words
By @evanbuvkley roommates AU and friends to angsty friends to lovers afahsgsjshdj so much angst that you might cry but a bit of fluff too (happy ending don't worry) such an engaging story, very well executed
and I wrote down our song
6.072 words
AU where Alex is a musician and Henry isn't a prince and they meet at a bar where Alex is performing. Super cute and we see how they fall in love and grow and it's just full of joy!
Group therapy
3.243 words
By @stutteringpeach AU where Ellen is Henrys therapist and he is dating Alex and talks to Ellen about their relationship, without knowing that it's actually his boyfriends mum... They "meet" at a family cook out and its honestly hilarious lmao you will not stop laughing
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
About language brainrot. Imagine writer creator reader who finally learns how to write in Teyvat's weird symbols and they want to publish their book. They decided to do it anonymously to avoid the "aaaaaah our creator wrote the holy scripture" sort of situation. Except it didn't work. The reader's style is too different from the rest of the world, so even if they tried to simulate the flowery speech it wasn't effective.
Another thing. Reader who decided to read some local books to practice their reading. They asked for something simple and similar to their speech. But the only books merely similar to it are 2000 and more years old. It's funny how the older text is the more you can understand it. On this note. If reader write something i feel like it would be hard to understand for Teyvat's people.
Imagine a reader who is autistic or has any other NDs imparing their communication skills. They practically trained themselves to say sertain phrases in sertain situation. But it doesn't work in Teyvat. And everything just stacks at each other. Difference in speech, being a God (so people react weirdly to you), bad communication skills, not understanding nonverbal cues and so on. There's gonna be a lot of misunderstanding. I imagine how followers would walk on the eggshells not to upset and angry their God and reader who does the same not to say something people will get wrong. Again.
Reader who regained all their memories of creating Teyvat, they're super powerful and stuff. But they still struggle with the modern language. Because all the memories are like millions years old.
GIF Akashi (black hair) is all the people who read the Sagau/Isekai Genshin tag and Bokuto (silver) is STILL ME RANTING ABOUT LANGUAGE IN TEYVAT LMAO
They cant escape me, sorry people who just wanted to read SAGAU normal things, im filling up the tag💀
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(^ lol biblically accurate deadaquarius)
Also, its getting kinda old now, so here is the blunt language v. Teyvat's flowery language post for reference! :)
Like,, imagine right now if i told you to write me 4 pages of an essay in entirely early 18th century vernacular.
(For reference: when the story Pride & Prejudice takes place)
... like??
Bitch aint no way u can do that and actually show that to a historian or an actual living person from that time period
and them actually say "wow! An excellently worded 18th century essay!"
So tying into that whole, "the only simple texts are like literal cunnieform clay tablets or sm shit"
Your writing to them just sounds like if a scribe just copied off what one of those tablets said just onto paper HAHA
And like, if u try and dress it up, it just ends up sounding like its from a slightly later time period
Like if ur casual writing sounds like 1 million years ago, u being flowery sounds like 8-7 thousand years ago u cant win LMAO
Omg ur trying to go to that-
wait whats it called,,fuck i dont know Sumeru good enough yet
Yeah so ur thinking "Oh what better way to learn a dialect?/vernacular than reading books by them!"
And u basically snatch Alhaitham at the soonest possible chance to take you there
(Bc when i went in, it was just random lore books everywhere so)
Needless to say you have no clue how this place is organized, so u convince him to direct you to books u can easily read first
Like as close to your speech as possible!! U tell him :)
It literally takes like 3 hours to get something readable LMAO
Bc when the poor feeble scribe initially brought you smth he thought was pretty old and close to ur speech, like just first thought,
... It sounded like it was from the middle of the 18th century to you lol
So, with a "hmm" and a squint at the dusty book you'd already given up on
Alhaitham slowly went around the library making a stack of books, dropped them off in front of you... not a single sentence.
...then he made a stack of scrolls...
...a stack of stone tablets...
.....getting closer?? it was really weird seeing Shakespearean language carved into stone....
...and then, with a conversation to a second library secretary deeper in the library, past a caged area of shelves to protect them...
...he escorts you behind the restricted section towards the back filled with glass display cases.
(Several of which contain the most ancient looking sets of artifacts you've ever seen)
...Finally, u arrive at a long glass case of several clay tablets.
Half of which sound like they're from the 1910s-20s, and the other, even older half, sounding straight out of the 2000s..
...Good god.
These crazy speaking bastard-previously-video-game-characters were right.
You are suddenly, viscerally hit with the image of Zhongli's idle, "Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory?" 💀
Alhaitham side eyes you,, (he looks,, very interested, yet also kinda concerned??? HIM, CONCERNED????!!!)
"Ahem, the texts before thy Greatest Lord art the eldest- well, perhaps, more appropriately, the eldest and most intact, pieces of written language known to our humankind."
....aYOO MAN 😭😭
...Ur just staring at these half cracked, baked clay tablet thingys, full of slang from like 2003-
Alhaitham coughs.
"Uh, thanks. ...Sorry about all the.. trouble with this..."
"This task assigned to mine own person was of no trouble to my mind or spirit, Greatest Lord, fret not about it any longer."
And with a sort of shell-shocked atmosphere surrounding both of you, Alhaitham walks off to check out some other restricted books, hovering nearby yet also trying to give u space LOL
Top 10 cursed images: Seeing "Chillax, bro, dude, and weeb" carved into ancient clay tablets that look like they would be part of the Egyptian exhibit back in ur world 💀
You eventually just kind of end up writing a couple pages after studying the writings, going younger and younger (nothing has ever made u feel more powerful...yet also more old..)
You stretch, just as Alhaitham finally has made his own little stack of creaky old books
He seems very curious to read what u wrote, peaking a glance over the top of his book every so often (lol nerd, cute nerd... but NERDDD)
You just offer the academic lunatic what he wants 🙄
"Haha, wanna take a look? Some drafts are... closer than others..."
The scribe immediately puts his book down, not even saving his page,
"I would be honored, Greatest Lord."
Is he excited?? 💀 omfg
U very slowly hand ur most recent practice pages over, he curls his hand under his chin "hmm" ing
...Alhaitham shakes his head
"My..deepest apologizes My Creator, but this still seems, at the earliest, from when papyrus was invented, and not yet even into scrolls..."
U let ur head plop on ur pile of papers, srry babe youll never be as fancy as Mr. Darcy 😕
And as ur resting there, contemplating just walking out and finding smth to eat instead- same
Alhaitham picks up another draft.
Except it's your first attempt.
As in, you didn't even try, first attempt.
You just made some bullet point notes or some Bs, in ur regular. modern. language.
Alhaitham knocks his chair over standing up so fast-
(HE GETS SHUSHED BY THE RESTRICTED LIBRARIAN LOL, also another person unafraid to scold God lol)
...he says its a perfect example of the oldest records they've found of writing on the continent, most of which they haven't even translated yet
He asks u to teach him how to read this/speak like this lol
(^^^not my best work but hope yall got smth outta it💀)
???¿¿?????!!! <- THEM ALL THE TIME
(ok ill tone it down before i also get shushed)
U used to be a player!!
Which would maybe mean u got rlly comfy playing Genshin all the time!
...like i know im kinda stimming when im gaming (and my natural stim is rocking so yeah no way they wouldnt notice that 💀)
So, since u may be still yknow unconsciously wanting to be comfy (esp around ur mains/team/favs)
U probably have stimmed a little around them, which, not that neurotypicals dont stim, but like
They would notice after awhile
And esp people like Alhaitham, Zhongli, Ningguang, Xiao, Ei, Aether/Lumine, Kaeya, Diluc, Kazuha, Heizou, Shenhe, Kokomi, Sara, Albedo, Dainsleif- !! GASP- !! <- my bbygirl omg i forgot abt u before now im so sorry </3
(once again i have not checked a character list, forgive my sins my readers)
^^^ Are like pretty focused on you/observant, so they'd eventually pick up on it first probably
....which allsssooo means they're like, collecting all ur neurodivergent thingys lol to compile as EVIDENCE AGAINST YOU AS TO WHY THEY KNOW UR THE CREATOR LMAO
Honestly the biggest factor against u is definitely social interaction,, srry love :/
(if it helps, its bc i know itd be my downfall too thats why thats there ^ 😔)
Mostly bc i have this idea/theory? obervation? that when I especially met Adepti for the first time
Esp ones that werent as close to human society for as long as some others (like think Xiao vs. Ganyu)
And for literally every other non-human people we've met so far in Genshin-
They kinda- they kinda, radiate neurodivergent energy??
Like, they're not adherring to social norms, and not in like a bad way,
But its still rlly obvious (i mean also its probably exaggerated for us as an audience) that theyre not human pretty quickly
oh geez wow excuse me, cold weather must be gettin to me- ahem hem-
Anyway, like what Nexy said in the ask,
...Yall are all just tiptoing around each other 😭😭
Bc these ppl arent from Earth countries,
All their behavior is weird to you 😭
U dont know how to mask with them yet 😭😭
Bc they cant even understand ur phrasing bc its so simple 😭😭😭
Tldr: "Being Neurodivergent means ur a god, confirmed." - says all of Teyvat's denizens
*rubs my little rat gremlin hands together*
"hmHmHMMMM BuT wHaT iF mAYbE yOU reMeMbeREd cReATinG TeyVAT, hmHMHMMMMM"
(one of my favs, if u cant tell)
I would (platonically) kiss you right now dude.
Instead I give this:
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♡ ily
PSPSPSPSsppspspspssss Last Time! CLOSES TOMORROW @1pm CST: VOTE on my 100+ followers celebration POLL :)
Tell me what u wanna see me write about! PSPSPSPSpspspspssss
(U can vote even if ur new! :] )
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza lol ur own ask im a menace sorry
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
okay more pictures I had thoughts about
Starting with these:
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This handwriting is diff than how he wrote his name on that scan sheet in so I’m glad I can see his natural handwriting and not the neater one for tests and such, also the 😩 emoji he drew out I’m cryinggggg he’s so silly 😭😭😭 and I loved the little drawings he did in the book too, esp the cute version of the spider and the hearts around the bite!!! His memory is so fucking good too, to be able to remember all the details in the people he’s drawn and a spider he hasn’t seen in a long while (or a few days, idk when he actually drew this part)! Next ! :3
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This one is soooo fucking funny to me. Bro can’t stand his ass he really can’t believe this is NYC’s new protector. Miles needed to get charged 50% more for embarrassing himself and by extension me bc I had to defend him here. It is a quick moment with him and Lenny (I think that’s his name?) but I like to think that they know each other, or at least have a friendly relationship for Miles to be so casual about this. If I really wanted to reach, and I do, I would say that he knows it’s Miles lol bc the voice is a dead giveaway.
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THIS IS MY FAV PAIR OF PHOTOS TODAY. So I love the squinty then closed eyes, the use of his other powers besides the usual spider-man abilities, AND how he’s using them effectively but ends up indirectly causing a blackout ! Of course this isn’t the way I wanted it to go, I would prefer him being the direct cause in a scenario where maybe he takes the energy or overloads it to the point of a blackout, BUT this was funny, and it was still basically what I really hoped to see! And wasn’t this robot villain super similar to a robot toy either Miles or Ganke had in their dorm room??? can you imagine that the villains have more merch than Miles does and Ganke makes sure to remind him of that 😭😭😭 help
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Now listen I think Miles would be ADORABLE. SO PRECIOUS. SO SILLY. with a few hairs actually above his lip. He swears it’s a full on mustache but it looks like he drew it on with eyeliner. Can you imagine how similar he’d look to Aaron when he laughs AND has those few hairs? He’d be ecstatic and would be showing them off to everyone he knows, he’s telling his dad that he’s a man now and can’t be grounded and that his curfew needs to be later, Rio’s probably only egging it on and Jeff is so proud but SO annoyed bc both him and spider-man, by pure coincidence, are starting to act like they’re much more mature and above anything and everybody in the way teenagers are when they reach a milestone, only to still be an anxious teenager underneath the new attitude lol. Also bug eyes :3 you know I love me them bug eyes
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And I have no words for this autistic ass smile. “Didn’t know how to smile until I was 8” faceass. “Intelligent young boy but struggling to connect with peers” written on his 3rd grade report card faceass. “Doesn’t get along well with the other boys in class and opts to read instead of participating in recess or class fun” said in the PTC faceass. I don’t even care that this isn’t even his natural smile and he’s rightfully awkward looking here, to me he has been canonically stated to be some form of neurodivergent. Sword slash to the chest. And you’re on fire
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
thank u @zenstrike for the tag <333333333 i see ur mic and i'm elated about it
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
185! but i haven't updated in like a week and a half so we're probably closer to 190
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
556,104. i am very excited to watch it jump up when i finally finish my longfic teehee
3. what fandoms do you write for?
literally just voltron lol. well not counting baby me's wattpad lol. i started writing almost two years ago and just went ham basically. i've been intentionally avoiding things that i know i will get hyperfixated on bc i don't want to stop my writing obsession lol
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
ooooou i'm excited to check. i know it's changed quite a bit over time. i usually sort them by hits!
i will grind you to sand (beneath my louboutin heels) [voltron, 2573 words]: bamf lance fic where i give him a revolver and let him go ham basically
mr. snuggles [voltron, 1656 words]: one of my very earliest fics! lance, lover of weirdo animals, finds a demonic cat-sized spider and adopts it despite his friend's freakouts
he might not look like he gets bitches (but honey that dick was eleven inches) [voltron, 1136 words]: this one is so dorky lol but it's just secret relationship klance coming to light in the most embarrassing possible way
does anyone know where the love of god goes (when the waves turn the minutes to hours) [voltron, 4283]: a canon divergence au where lance is a seer and convinces the skeptics on his team of his abilities by ending the war
this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever get away) [voltron, 3262 words]: a lance & shiro hurt/comfort with a small autistic lance character study! i'm very proud of this one
5. do you respond to comments?
i definitely do on tumblr! it's one of the first things i do when i wake up actually. on ao3, though...i'm pretty sure i have about eight hundred unanswered comments sitting in my inbox 💀 it's an ongoing issue
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i'm almost sure it's this post-game show lance leaving fic, because i got comments and asks for weeks begging me to write a happy ending lol. but this fic from the hana universe, from when keith is little and shiro is fighting for custody and they haven't figured things out yet. that one is sad. this dream pov adashi fic is also sad and has no happy ending bc, you know. shiro is in space and adam thinks he's dead and everything. my loneliest series is also still in progress and as such there is no happy ending. and this is my earliest angsty-ending fic with MCD
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh god pretty much everything i write has a happy ending?? if i’m being serious?? frankly i don’t do a lot of linear plot. i just write Scenes that are vaguely connected. BUT my h2o fic had a plot that ended happily, as did my cowboy fic, but truly i’m more of a slice of life kinda gal. all my active wips are plot-driven, though, and i plan for all of them to end happily.
8. do you get hate on fics?
oh god yeah. i get it on brown eyed lance, autistic lance, adhd keith, allura just in general (are you sensing a pattern), my refusal to use readmores, and lately just some demands for me to write differently/more?? most of it is just funny so i post it to goof on it lol, but some of it i just delete and pout about until i forget about it 💀
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
yes and it’s nasty and i will literally never ever post it. although i guess i’ve written some softer stuff that’s more allusion than anything, like in my loneliest series.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not anymore, but i did when i was a kid?? i think i wrote a pjo/hoo/divergent/the mortal instruments/homestuck/a bunch of other shit fic when i was 13. i’ve successfully blocked that era out of my mind tho so i’m not sure. i do a lot of insane aus, tho. i wrote a fic based off a country song written in the sixties. so.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
i’ve had people write continuations of my wips?? which i didn’t rly like. i just ignored it.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
someone has asked me about translating a fic before! haven’t heard anything since tho.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have tried. i’m not very good at it. i have very Specific ideas about things and can be very controlling, so it’s honestly better that i don’t lol.
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
klance, easy. been in the trenches of this goddamn fandom since i was 13 years of age. it’s been a Journey.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
god, the butterfly effect. i get people asking me to update all the time and i genuinely feel bad, because i have absolutely no ideas or plans for it. i might try to come up with an ending of some kind?? but i wrote that like two years ago, so i have changed a LOT about my writing since then.
16. what are your writing strengths?
dialogue and humour, i think. and sometimes writing lack of emotional communication (if that makes sense — i like to try and write around an emotion).
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i over explain a lot. and i overuse dialog ur tags sometimes. i have a Very Specific scene playing out in my head and i want everyone else to see it like i’m seeing it, which is my downfall a lot. i’ve been trying to work on implicit stage directions.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i think sometimes it’s necessary? it can be a good tool for humour, like with cussing that can’t be achieved in english. but while i understand and read several languages i have always always struggled to speak or write in them. it’s very frustrating so i often avoid the subject entirely lol.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i’ve been writing fanfic in my head since before i knew what it was, but i started typing things at around 11 when i used to homestuck roleplay with my friends lol. messy messy times.
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
oh i am my own target audience. i have several.
i need a man (who’s patient and kind): keith-centric post canon (divergence) fic where lance takes him to his family and keith is good with kids and just keith being loved is the whole point. always.
what if i lose it all: an alternate universe where lance, as a baby, loses both his parents, and then is raised by his oldest siblings. in luis’ pov.
when does a ripple become a tidal wave (when does the reason become the flame): brogane fight & angst canon divergence post season 6; covering shiro’s guilt complex and keith’s unwavering loyalty
he’s into superstitions (black cats and voodoo dolls): halloween verse with witch lance and vampire keith! i have barely spoken about this au on here but rest assured i’m thinking about it all the fucking time
the applebee’s universe: modern au with young keith and lance learning how to love each other
ceilings (plaster): non-linear dream-like fic that’s just so trippy and strange i’m obsessed with it
if the sky comes falling down (for you) there’s nothing in this world i wouldn’t do: a keith character study about how the biggest bleeding heart in the universe loves
the hana universe: brogane-centric universe as their family starts rocky and grows
thank u again for the tag zen <33 open offer for anyone else who would like to hop on!!
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trlvsn · 1 year
heyy!! I just found your blog and I didn't read a ton of your posts yet but u seem super cool and articulate. i love finding ppl with great analyses! I am curious if you have any narumitsu fic recs you would be able to share? I loveee hurt/comfort. My bad if you already have made a post about this! :D Hope you have a great day !!!!
ahh thank you so much! seriously, this is very flattering.
and actually, let me use this ask to make a proper rec list, because why not... (not going to recommended anything explicit, because idk how appropriate that would be? but read the ratings and tags in case my memory fails me).
1. grant us some indulgences - established relationship narumitsu, short and funny.
2. the star to every wandering bark - something i bookmarked recently so it must be good?
3. ab initio - i think it's phoenix -centered.
4. rough around the edges - hurt/comfort!!! kinda, i think? also autistic miles, tension and seven year gap nrmt.
5. a seven-year engagement - collection of two works that i enjoyed very much.
6. trust issues - hurt/comfort isn't tagged, but it kinda counts. this got recommended to me first, actually.
7. dating for a turnabout - also recommended to me first, a case fic.
8. let nothing you dismay - they are so stupid in this one, if memory doesn't fail me. more angst with a happy ending rather than h/c, but it's... close? i think?
9. promises - oh this one is h/c. they go on a walk.
10. set sail and cannonballed - they try their best in this one.
11. the sum of two halves - personal favorite. love the take on miles here.
12. (confetti)(smile)(heart) - phoenix gets a phone.
13. turnabout elevator - rec specifically for the asker as it is explicitly hurt/comfort.
14. alternative dispute resolution - not really focused on nrmt, but i liked it and hurt does get comforted here.
15. the walk to tomorrow - also h/c.
16. one step at a time - phoenix takes the bar exam.
17. i know that look, dear, eyes always seeking - wrote this one, now hate it with a passion but it's also my tiny 3000 word baby, so.
have a nice day as well!
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writerscafehub · 5 months
Tumblr media
From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
Hmm I'd say I'm like, 2.8? I'm pretty basic and don't do much editing but my stories are good and I'm proud of them!
2. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I think I excel at fluffy family fics. I just love writing good dads being sweet with their kids, especially daughters. Another thing that makes me stand out is how I write autistic!reader. I haven't seen anyone else write that for the Chris Evans fandom (not including Steve) so I'm proud to be the one to do it.
3. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Everyone in the server is so talented and they all inspire me in different ways. @a-lumos-in-the-nox puts out story after story with her OC and Ron Weasly and I just love that! Especially as someone who wants to start writing more OCs. @flordeamatista’s writing is so poetic and beautiful and I admire it so much
4. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
I'm pretty proud of my Suburban Dad Sunday verse. It's done so well but it's also just very fun for me to write and it's letting me explore characters that I hadn't written for previously.
5. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
Jake Jensen is definitely the easiest. Idk he's just so sweet and fun and the vibes are immaculate with him! The most difficult would probably be any dark character
6. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
I write a lot about Jake and fluff/hurt and comfort.
7. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
I have a Lloyd Hansen fic with a living music box ballerina. It'll be a giant/tiny fic which I know isn't super popular but I find it so comforting and I'm excited to share it!
8. First fandom you ever wrote for?
I believe it was Phantom of the Opera 🙈😂
9. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
I can't think of any tropes, but I do love reading daddy kink fics lmao
10. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
I mean never say never, but I do not like enemies to lovers. Idk why, I just can't get behind it. I also will likely never write a mob au.
11. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Probably my most recent one with Jake Jensen x Reader x Ari Levinson. H-O-T-T-O-G-O was my first time writing a throuple and it was interesting!
12. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
I love writing Lloyd Hansen and his Reader for SDS. He's just so funny and petty and it's fun to see his shenanigans!
13. Do you listen to anything while you write?
No, I get too distracted. I need it to be quiet while I write. I do have playlists to help me get into the right headspace or to help with muse.
14. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
One shots all the way
15. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
All the time! Although I feel like most of my fics are little side quests to one big story/universe. I want to do more with The Purrfect Pair- Kitten is so cute and there's lots of potential for mischief with her and Wanda.
16. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Soooo many things. I want to write a smutty series but smut is just so hard for me to write for some reason. I admire those who write it so effortlessly!
17. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
There are many comments that I hold near and dear to my heart. Recently I got a comment from @thezombieprositute who said my ability to turn simple prompts into heart warming stories was a testament to my skills and it really made my day.
18. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
A long time ago I wrote a Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers Halloween fic. It was on my old account so it isn't around anymore, though I might repost it here. It was definitely a challenge as it was more involved and took a lot of world building. It turned out okay, but maybe I'll revisit it and do some editing!
19. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Fluff, all the time.
20. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Do I?? I have so many. Thank you for the time to infodump about some of my favorites lmao
I have Eloise Montgomery who is a sexretary for Pete Brenner. Her face claim is Sydney Sweeney!
There's also Charles Randolph who is similar to Ransom in that he's a bratty rich boy who I pair with Ari Levinson. His face claim is Logan Lerman.
I have soooo many but they are my favorites!
21. If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
Oh gosh, that's hard. Probably my The Purrfect Pair au. I want to live in a cottage with Wanda Maximoff more than anything!
22. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I can't think of anything in particular. It just takes me a while to write because of burn out and stuff but I love it and I love sharing it with everyone 🩷
23. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Oof this is hard for some reason but I do like this from Pine-ing For You
One time when you both were drunkenly singing All I Want for Christmas is You, he pulled you over to the plant hanging from the ceiling and kissed you straight on the mouth. It was a chaste, puckered lips type of kiss and yet it still made your heart flutter from excitement. You both carried on as if nothing happened, never brought it up when you were sober. You eventually decided the incident was merely drunken shenanigans and nothing more, although a part of you wanted to feel his plush lips against yours again.
24. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I'm excited for all that I have planned this year and I hope I can venture into some new territory with my fic writing. I appreciate everyone's support, you all mean the world to me! 🙏🏼 
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wyrmyblog · 17 days
Wyrmy's greatest hits Masterpost
Hey all! I figured I would make a little post for my blog giving a run-down of the most popular fics I've written, in case anyone came to my page and wanted to check these out. Happy reading!
An established relationship human AU fic made up of single chapter one-shots, not in any particular order, but all in one continuity. There are a couple of chapters rated E but most are rated T and all are pretty fluffy. It's part of a larger series which might give needed context for certain things, but mostly each chapter can stand on its own. The fic and the series on the whole are based around the experiences of a human Aziraphale who is autistic and a survivor of an abusive family. Rated E, 19k, 17 chapters and counting.
2. I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly (in Vain)
A standalone human au fic about Az and Crow as two university music students collaborating musically and falling in love. Aziraphale is, once again, autistic and from an unhappy home. (yeah... it's a pattern, what can I say). This fic is probably not my best work, because I basically just gave up on editing it part-way through when I got frustrated with the quality of the writing (it's one of the first things I ever wrote for the fandom and I was coming back to it after years away) despite that, I think it's very sweet and has some great moments, as well as lots of juicy angst moments, so if that sounds interesting I still recommend at least checking it out. Rated E, 22k, 16 chapters
3. In Silence Born
In the same universe as Vignetttes, this fic comprises three fairly fluffy established relationship PWP oneshots. The fic is based around exploring the idea of a person who is non-speaking during sex and how that would work practically. Rated E, 3k, 3 chapters
4. The Wax is Melting (I Need to See Under)
Canonverse fic, standalone but added to a collection of thematically similar canonverse stories, exploring the theory that Aziraphale was demoted from Cherub to Principality at some point before canon, and his reaction to the trauma of s1. Rated T, 3k, 1 chapter
5. Suck it and See
The getting-together fic of my Untitled Human AU, the series that both Vignettes and In Silence Born belong to. Features a meet-cute, awkward sex, and lots of feels. It's a good jumping-on point for the series, as it explains some of the things that come up in the two prequel fics, as well as things mentioned in the rest of the series. Rated E, 7k, 3 chapters
6. O That I on Wings could Rise
A canon-verse fic in same series, and much the same vein as The Wax is Melting. This fic explores the difficulties faced by an Azirphale who is now in a relationship for the first time in his life, traumatized by Heaven, and struggling with the idea that he might have Needs. lots of angst with a fluffy ending. Rated M, 5k, 2 chapters
7. Angels ever Bright and Fair
The first fic I ever published in the Untitled Human AU, before I had everything about it figured out entirely. Aziraphale has an uncomfortable encounter with a family member and Crowley supports him afterwards. Rated T, 2k, 1 chapter
8. I Call my Baby My Sugar
A standalone human AU fic where Aziraphale is a sugar baby and Crowley is his much younger sugar daddy. This is a fic I have a slightly odd relationship to and honestly don't feel great about how I handled the subject. But here it is, anyway. Rated E, 9k, 6 chapters
9. Turnaround
Another fic in the Untitled Human AU series, this one showing Aziraphale having a calm meditative moment of looking back on a past negative relationship and forward to a more positive one with Crowley. Rated G, 1k, 1 chapter
10. Not Unsaid
A gentle, canon verse fic exploring the theme of acts of service and non verbal ways of showing love through the ages. One of the fics I am most proud of as a writer. Rated T, 2k, 1 chapter
And Special mention.... Night and Day
My most ambitious fic and also (at the moment at least) dearest to my heart. It's an angst-heavy melodrama Human AU fic about an Aziraphale who grows up trapped in a cult that not only worms its way into his mind in insidious ways, but also controls and restricts his life to a horrifying degree. For me, this fic is the ultimate expression of "write the fic you want to read." Mind the tags, but I hope you enjoy. Rated E, 39k, 7 chapters
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sarah-sandwich · 6 months
20 Questions (for fanfic writers)
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
1,280,212 lol
3. what fandoms do you write for?
presently? Just spider-man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. top five fics by kudos:
Paradise (spread out with a butter knife) - spideypool 72k - soulmates au that's actually about the power of friendship
Don't Freak Out - parkner 136k - the one where they get kidnapped and spidey saves the day in the first chapter then they spend the rest of the fic falling in love
A Peach Like You - parkner 73k - sequel to a 16k coming of age one-shot in Harley's POV. This one is Peter's POV and he's autistic, overworked, and overwhelmed and this is the very worst time ever for falling in love so he's absolutely not going to do that... on purpose.
The Distance Between (You and Me) - parkner 29k - bodyguard au! Harley was kidnapped and rescued but his kidnappers are still out there so Tony begs an old friend to keep an eye on him until Natasha hunts them down.
You're Freaking Out - parkner 166k - sequel to Don't Freak Out this time with Plot! and Miles!!!
5. do you respond to comments?
Sometimes? I've gotten really bad about it :( After an update/new fic I try to get all the comments that come in over a week or so... but then I retreat into my cave and giggle and squee over them in private.
6. what is the fic your wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm I don't really do angst and especially not endings... but maybe The Devil is a Hopeless Romantic? I wouldn't call it an angsty ending though. Maybe bittersweet? Idk it's been awhile since I've read it. Not my favorite tbh
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happy endings are my bread and butter lol The happiest? Uhhh
Lemme just plug For the First Time, Eye to Eye because it's one of my all time favs and hasn't come up yet.
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut?
yep! Baseball Smut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ yeah that's the title just posted this morning!
10. craziest crossover:
I haven't written a crossover since I was writing for spn and none of them ever made it out of my wips folder lol I had spn crossovers with Firefly, Teen Wolf, The 100, Criminal Minds, and (naturally) The Hunger Games. Man, I miss that. Such a versatile show.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
YES! biggest compliment so cool
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! Done some brainstorming a time or two but just for fun. idk that I could collaborate that well what with my disappearing into the abyss habit...
14. all time favorite ship?
I mean parkner's got the longevity doesn't it? Dean and Cas will always have a special place with me though
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My time travel time loop parkner fic le siighh
16. what are your writing strengths?
Hmm I think overall voice (not just dialogue but internal narrative too) and breathing fresh air into old tropes.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes. My god they take forever to think of a way to do them that isn't tired and boring. And then I still have to write it.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
adds enrichment in my enclosure
19. first fandom you wrote in?
20. favorite fic you've written?
oof umm probably Peaches Ain't Pretty (the alluded to 16k Harley POV coming of age one-shot). Taught me I could write outside of fanfic if I wanted. It's actually the foundational inspiration that lead to Red, like my bleeding heart in your hand. Opened up the whole beach (if I'm brave enough to leave the sandbox). Anyway it's got a special spot in my heart. I'm probably due for a re-read tbh.
Thanks for tagging me @spoofymcgee!
no pressure tagging: @jammerific @wyxan @myarmsaretoolong @fieldsofview
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owlsandwich · 5 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks so much @verba-writing for tagging me in this!
I wasn't sure which of my 2 WIPs I should answer for, so I'm just going to do them both :P
I'll tag @pb-dot @teacupsandstarlight @eccaiia @stits @ahungeringknife @mundanemoongirl and leave an open tag (please jump in! This one is a lot of fun and I want to read about other's WIPs!)
The Mechanics of Magic:
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
A handwritten draft of what eventuall became chapter 3, written back in 2010
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I'm not sure about a theme song, but I wrote most of Mechanics while listening to Portugal The Man, so something by them!
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
Oliver is my favourite character - I love how stressed he is, under the weight of his responsibilies, and I put a lot of myself into him. The character I love the most though might well be Morgan. He really sums up that question of what if a good person did something terrible? What is enough to earn redemption? I don't know if there is a clear answer on whether he deserves happiness, but I believe that he does, and because of that, maybe I can believe it for myself as well.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
I'm not actually sure! My stories aren't particuarly marketable.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Defining the genre. I have been told that it's not possible to create a new genre, but Mechanics doesn't appear to fit into any existing fantasy sub-genre.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
I wish there were more! Roy has a betta fish named Mr Shinysides (named after my friend's fish).
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
The word is very similar to the UK in the 00s, tech-wise, so usually cars and trains, though I think they might have air travel as well.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
Going through all the changes the editor made and signing off each chapter for the final edition.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
Tropes... maybe found family? I love how they all come together, despite being from very different walks of life. I have canonly autistic characters as well, though even the ones that I didn't intend to be autistic, probably are (it's hard to make characters that don't share some of my fundamental way of thinking).
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
I hope it can find the people who need it, and that they might love these characters as much as I do.
Burning The Darkness:
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
I imagined chapter 1 a month or so before I wrote it down, and played with the scene over and over in my mind. I have a diary note somewhere musing on whether I should actually write it.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Surely it would have to be Darkness At The Heart Of My Love - The Ghost song that inspired it!
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
I love Julian. His character allowed me to explore so many of my own feelings about being raised in someone's image, purged of kindness and softness, and the conditional love that comes with being a golden child (though I'd say he got more of that than I did). I smile when people say they dislike him.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Again, I am not sure! People who like queer paranormal romance, but with layers of metaphor? This really is a story about discovering you are queer, even though it's about vampires.
Maybe Buffy fans!
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Overcoming the shame of having written a romance. It being paranormal with a bit of smut in it, makes me feel like people will think less of me and that no one will take the deeper themes seriously.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
There is a blackbird singing in one scene, but again I need to add more animals into my work!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Vampires are fast walkers, so they mostly just run around the place. Darkness is set in basically Eastbourne or Brighton though, so they have all the usual transport methods.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
Wondering what I should do with it really! I need to edit out the smutty scene in chapter 2, if I ever want to self publish it.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
There's a lovely bit of enemies to lovers in there I think. Also Oren's arc is basically a direct metaphor for me realising I was trans and starting testosterone, so I'd love if other trans guys read it and related.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
Kinda what I said before - I hope it can find its way to people who will love it. Particuarly I'd love to find a queer audience who might relate to the themes.
One day I would love to be traditionally published, but so far I haven't written anything that has stood a chance, so that's a dream for a future WIP!
Blank Questions:
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
What part of your wip are you working on rn?
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
What are your hopes for your wip?
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hillarydiangelo · 1 year
omg tell me about the chosen it sounds cool
Hello ❤❤❤ Yess, happily!!
Okay okay, where to begin? The Chosen is a series that tells about Jesus' life and mission through the eyes of the people who lived with him. But!! listen. As someone who has been posting about everything on this blog but religion for the last four years, trust me, this series is amazing.
The Chosen shows Jesus in a human way like, he makes his bed at night, accidentally cuts himself at work, he eats, dances, sweats, laughs and jokes, he plays ball with his childhood friends and plays in the sea with his student friends. He hugs and kisses his mom and his students, and he hugs and kisses everyone who comes to him who needs it. And showing so much of his human side just makes his divine side amaze us even more. The LOTR healthy masculinity part is true. I promise, this series is such a joy even if you aren't a christian and Jesus is a teacher, a doctor and a love like you've never seen. "Come and see"!!
Most noteworthy is that one of Jesus' students, Matthew (who wrote one of the four Gospels) is autistic in this series!! I love Matthew sm and he does shows up a lot.
The quality of the series is amazing!! They developed the characters so well, real and complex. The series' photography is stunning. What we see of Jewish culture and beliefs are very interesting. They didn't ignore women, they are just as important. The actors are not white (well, some of they are, I suppose, but the actors have very different nationalities/ethnicities).
And don't worry!! If you don't know the history or don't know much about Jewish culture and beliefs, we have characters like Mary, Matthew and Tamar who are also new to this and the others explain things to them and to you.
The series currently has 3 seasons (it is planned to have 7 seasons) each of 8 episodes ranging from 30 to 60 minutes. It is all produced with the support of donations by people who love the project and is available for free forever on the website comeandsee.net and on the app with subtitles and dubs.
As someone who couldn't listen to religion without an anxiety attack in recent years, this series is a safe place to give it a go. And I insist because I really loved it and I know it's a difficult subject for many people. It is a safe place to hear the story of this man that changed the world for the first time if your only contact with it was through people who couldn't tell you this without hurting you.
Like any adaptation of a true story, The Chosen takes artistic liberties to fill in the gaps we don't know about the story, but the series seeks to stay true to the original message of the Gospels and you will find most of the conversations and miracles are reported in the Gospels.
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autisticwriterblog · 3 months
I was tagged by @pintsizeninja. Thanks for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2345. That's what happens when you've been posting since 2016 and don't study or have a job for health reasons so you've got nothing better to do than write fic. 😂
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
2,682,156 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently it's Alan Wake and Control, with occasional dips into Dishonored and sports anime like Haikyuu.
4. Top five fics by kudos
All of these are old (like over 6 years old) and I'm not that proud of most of them (especially the HP one because fuck it). But they're popular for some reason, so here they are!
Healer - My Hero Academia
The Boggart - Harry Potter
NSFW OTP Challenge: Erasermic - My Hero Academia
"Keep breathing." - My Hero Academia
The Date - My Hero Academia
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try my best to, because I really appreciate every comment I get.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Let's stick with Remedyverse fics for this question. In that case... I'll pick:
Five Times Ilmo Hugged his Brother (and the Time he Didn’t) - because for spoiler reasons, we all know why Ilmo doesn't hug Jaakko at the end. It's otherwise a fluffy or hurt/comfort fic until the end and then bam! Angst!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, sticking with just my Remedy stuff... let's go with:
The First Step is Always the Hardest - from my Ahti/Norman series.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have done in the past, to the point I've needed to block them on ao3. Just the other day, I got a transphobic hate comment on an old fic. Luckily, it hasn't happened with my current fandoms.
9. Do you write smut?
Quite often, yeah.
10. Craziest crossover?
It's more an AU than a proper crossover, but recently I wrote an Alan Wake fic set in a Zero Escape AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few times, yeah. It was super flattering to be approached with the offer to translate my fics!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, and I'm not sure I'd want to.
14. All time favourite ship?
All time? Hmm... let's go with my faves for my current fandoms, plus a few I've written a lot for in the past/think about a lot:
Ahti/Norman MacDonald - Alan Wake (my incredibly niche rarepair that I love a lot)
Jesse Faden/Emily Pope - Control
Amity Blight/Luz Noceda - The Owl House
Micah Bell/Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption (I like enemies-to-lovers and redeeming utterly hateful characters lol)
Kozume Kenma/Hinata Shouyou - Haikyuu
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I've got a half-written oneshot for Critical Role somewhere in my drafts that I never finished. It's about a character getting hit with the Feeblemind spell and the others looking after him.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm good at dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I really struggle with fight scenes.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If the character drops dialogue in a different language in canon, it only makes sense to do it in fic too. Case in point: the amount of Finnish idioms and swear words I've learned because of Ahti.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
This would've been way back in 2012 when I was 13. On fanfiction.net, I posted (really cringy) fics about The A-Team.
Although, techinically, the first time I wrote a fic was when I was 6. I didn't know other people did it and I certainly didn't share it. But I've got an old story (and illustrations) in a notebook from like 2005 when I wrote about Charlie and Lola, a British kid's show.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Just sticking with Remdyverse again... currently I'd choose:
Episode - part of my autistic Odin series. It's angsty, but also has lots of protectiveness from Tor and Bob being a good friend. i just really like writing about the Old Gods at the moment and I'm especially proud of this one.
Tagging: @quailfence, @koskela-knights, @taniushka12, @hamyheikki and anyone else who wants to do this!
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theredmaynefiles · 1 year
My Story: A Journey of Loss & Depression
Let me start by saying this isn't a blog about Eddie. I'm not sure why I'm even posting this here, except that for the longest time, I've needed some sort of outlet for some of the things I'm struggling with... and as this is my only blog, I guess this is it. Maybe someone out there will read this & be able to relate. Maybe it will help explain why my blog on Eddie has gone largely silent. Or maybe no one will even notice. Whatever. I need to get this out.
So first of all, hey there, I'm Marci. You know me as an Eddie Redmayne blogger, but I'm also a mom to a son who has ASD & a person who has dealt with what seems - to me, at least - to have been a lot of crap to cope with over the past 8 years. And I've reached a point where coping is more like just existing but more on that in a bit. Maybe.
My dad was always the strongest person I've ever known. He wasn't perfect, but he was one of those dads that could fix anything & always knew the answers to anything you want to know. In October 2013, my dad was diagnosed with cancer - specifically non-Hodgkins lymphoma. My family wasn't new to this particular diagnosis, as my brother, Jeff, was diagnosed with the same cancer in 1999. At this point, Jeff was considered in remission after successfully completing chemo & radiation treatment. So we thought we knew what to expect. Thing is, dad's cancer was in his stomach (my brother's started in his neck) & it was extremely aggressive. I became my father's caregiver. Besides cancer, he was diabetic & dealing with kidney failure. We saw doctors 3-5 times a week for the next year+. My dad went through 3 different types of chemo, including one clinical trial. None of it made any difference, and the cancer continued to spread. In January 2015, he was put on hospice, & in May 2015, my dad died. I wasn't entirely unprepared for this - I mean he was on hospice, & I've worked at a hospital & nursing home, & seen how this sort of things goes many times, but seeing it happen to your own dad - & someone who was so freaking strong - was really rough. It was a horrible experience.
After dad passed, a lot of things changed. Jake & I moved into a house my dad had left us, leaving my mom (with whom I'd always had a very complicated relationship, to say the least) on her own. In late 2016, while watching 'Fantastic Beasts', Jake suddenly exclaimed, "Mom, Newt is autistic like me!" It caught my interest, & my blog was born of it. For the next year & a half or so, it was an amazing creative outlet for me. Eddie is an incredibly talented actor & a truly kind-hearted human being, who actually makes it a point to connect with his fans. I've spoken to him a few times during the fan interviews, & he even wrote me a letter during the pandemic, which was both shocking & awesome. To be honest, though, the best thing about my blog was meeting Charlotte, AKA @bespokeredmayne, who has become one of my dearest friends, & is an amazing person in her own right. (total shout out there!)
My mom didn't cope well with my dad’s passing, & in March 2018, she had a stroke. She died less than a month later. I've already said we had a complicated relationship - without going into that much more, my mom was a narcissist who enjoyed hurting people. My feelings about her are still not great, even after she's been gone for over 5 years. I have a lot of guilt about that, but it is what it is. What I don't understand is why, after she died, my creativity died, too. I couldn't blog anymore. Mind you, at this same time, I was dealing with some health issues - I'd been having mobility issues, which I started seeing a doctor for in early 2018, but mom's sudden passing kind of shunted all of that to the side. Still, I can't even begin to explain the way things changed for me, much less to understand why I was so affected.
The next year was okay, we went to England, which was a lifelong dream, & things seemed like they were mostly going well enough, despite my increasing mobility issues as well as memory issues. While sorting through all our parents' stuff to get their house ready to sell, my brother, Jeff, and I became closer - we'd always been reasonably close, I guess. We got along well as siblings, despite an age gap of just over 10 years (he was older). He'd looked out for me when I was  little & we were friends as adults, which is more than either of us could say about our other sibling, who has been estranged from us both since the 90s. So, yeah... we were pretty close.
So I mentioned about mobility issues, memory issues, etc. I had thought that at least part of this was some kind of ongoing complications from a car wreck I was in back in '95. Turns out, it wasn't - I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 3 years ago. In the time since then, with the pandemic in full swing for much of the time, I became homebound. Besides the MS, I have asthma, & also a vaccine allergy. Between that & the autoimmune disease, I cannot be vaccinated, & I am at high rick for severe covid because of my health. Ironic, no? Add that to my increasing mobility issues & my life became more & more isolated.
The summer of 2021, my brother, in his 50s at the time, was diagnosed with heart failure. The cardiologist he was referred to said this was likely a complication of the chemo he'd had years earlier. In December 2021, just a few days before my birthday, he texted me that he was going to the e/r - this was around 2 in the morning. He texted me one more time after that, & then... nothing. I kept trying to get ahold of him, or the hospital, to find out what was going on, but no one answered until about 4 hours later, when I finally got someone at the e/r. To my absolute shock, she told me my brother was dead. He died less than an hour after his last text to me, of a sudden cardiac arrest. I couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it. To this day, I cannot really cope with it. I don't know why it's hit me so hard - I see people who cope with loss & move on, & I did that with my parents, but this one, I couldn't. It was like it was too much, losing both parents & then my brother. It has destroyed me in some way. I'm not the person I was before. So much loss, & then everything else....
One the day my brother died, I went to the hospital to say goodbye to him. I didn't leave my house again until about 4 weeks ago when our cat needed the emergency vet. For a year & a half, I stayed home. (& I haven’t gone out again since bringing our cat home) I work from home as a data analyst. I pay my bills online, & have my groceries, etc, delivered. The only person I see is Jake. My world is so isolated & so depressing. I'm very limited in what I can physically do & that adds massively to the depression. Plus, & this will probably sound selfish, but it's true nonetheless, ever since my brother died, I've felt this sense of impending doom & hopelessness. Like I'm next & it's only a matter of time. I don't know what to do about any of it. I sit here, in my messy house (I hate mess, but I can't physically do most of the cleaning, & Jake doesn't really do cleaning, despite being a huge help to me in other ways) & I exist. Nothing much changes from one day to the next. I feel not only so depressed, but such a horrible anxiety about my life, & about what will happen to Jake if something happens to me. And yet I feel totally helpless to do anything to change any of it. I just feel so emotionally exhausted all the time, like I can't cope with anything at all.
So, yeah... that's me. If you've made it this far, you're probably either bored to tears or disgusted with my moaning. Still, if you've read this, thanks. If anyone reads it, at least I'm not keeping it all to myself anymore. Maybe offloading all of this here will somehow make it easier for me to cope with it. Either way, it's out!
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