#is this even comprehensible
ghoulaudia · 9 months
you know what? i’m okay with skk staying static and not getting any further development. the series has always been about sskk growing and learning how to be like them anyways. what i’m NOT okay with however is that how chuuya’s character itself stays stagnant because of this too.
thinking about it, i don’t remember a single time where chuuya appeared in the series while dazai wasn’t involved. we only ever got to know chuuya through how he is around dazai and it sucks so bad. what about his relationships with other people? how come he never had proper scenes with neither akutagawa nor atsushi? what about his feelings of being in the mafia-as an executive on top of that-? what about his feelings of his own identity and humanity? it’s kinda crazy how asagiri wrote two lns about this guy when they don’t even matter in the main story, where he’s just “dazai’s partner”. sure, these lns also had dazai in it, as he’s integral to chuuya’s life, but the main focus was always chuuya himself.
so, if we’re not gonna see chuuya outside of dazai (in the main series) on top of their relationship not changing either, neither will chuuya’s character. literally the worst thing that could happen to a character with so much potential.
well, what i’m really trying to say is, i would appreciate chuuya’s character actually being explored instead of us getting the skk friendship is magic skit for the millionth time
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sadclowncentral · 2 months
do you believe in life after love? genuinely
i do believe in life after love because i believe that survival, in its own, is worth living for, and the experience of the world does not need to cherish you back to be beautiful. but love does help
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paperuniverse · 7 months
Okay yeah you’d kill for them but would you spend an entire night helping them clean up any evidence of them killing an enemy and setting up alibis for them and yourself and replacing said evidence with new evidence to frame someone else who’s another one of their enemies
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In the midst of all this dysphoria and cramps, calling those fucken meat flaps down there my balls bc I feel like I'm getting turkey tapped repeatedly by these cramps where my balls would be causes me a slight amount of gender euphoria
Still tho,
My bals
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tinrange · 8 months
the idea that boston is getting redeemed in some way by being with nick now and telling nick his feelings, something hes been doing since at least episode 4, is exactly the issue of only friends discourse.
boston is not redeemed. he hasn't apologized, hes not trying to make amends, hes still victimizing himself and hes afraid of growth.
the only thing that happened for him in the last episode was a false accusation and getting back together with nick, things that are deeply intertwined.
because he is back with nick and able to actually admit to himself his feelings everyone has suddenly assumed that boston is changing for the better, as if the non-monogamy and the one night stands were the reason he messed things up with everyone around him.
boston has only ever been honest with nick throughout the series, about his loneliness and his dreams and his hopes, him telling nick he misses him has little to do with a change in boston and more to do with boston getting over his pride for somebody that really values him.
an audience reaction that hinges on the idea that boston is somehow being redeemed by being in a monogamous relationship directly parallels the reason why everybodys reaction to him and atom was especially vitriolic.
Hes constantly slutshamed by both the characters and the audience.
both mew and cheum immediately choosing to slutshame him and his behavior instead of shame the sexual assault they believe had taken place mirror the words they threw at ray previously about his addiction, they believe they have the moral high ground no matter the situation. in this situation its more understandable but it reveals a pattern in the friend group that contextualizes their dynamics.
this audience and its characters have let their view of boston be clouded greatly by his sex life and promiscuity.
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earthtooz · 1 year
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✧˖*°࿐ WELCOME TO THE MAIN EVENT! hello hello everyone!!!! thank you all so much for 5k followers T^T, idk why you all looked at my page and went yas let me interact bc i personally wouldn't xx, but i'm not complaining ᕙ(^▿^-ᕙ)
as a way of expressing my gratitude, i wanted to host something that allows me to gift you all something or allow you to get to know me a little better!
... SO COME ON IN !!!
the event is running from WHENEVER I POST MY FIRST FIC to whenever i get my requests done :p
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✩ PIZZA'S HERE! ✩ come on before it's all gone! this is a writing segment where you all can request a little blurb/fic from me! i'm accepting a maximum of eight requests. to help you all, i'm gonna give out a LINKED prompt list. find out more about this segment of the event HERE. MASTERLIST IS HERE.
✩ FACE MASK TIME! ✩ let's do some self-care, you deserve it! here you have the option of receiving a personalised moodboard or playlist from me, or we can play matchups for which character i could see you with! (specify which fandom) how to request: send me your name/alias, your star sign, mbti, what you like doing in your spare time, your aesthetic and music taste, and what your fav colour is, and who your fav anime character is!
✩ GOSSIP SESH! ✩ no way, they said what? in which you can ask me a bunch of things to get to know me a little better ;) likewise you could make me a moodboard, give me a playlist of your favourite songs, or match me up with a character you could see me being with! things you can ask me: • opinions on anything • ask me anything (no holding back- although keep it pg) • fuck, marry, kill • would you rather • ask for advice from a brutally honest teenager ROFL • anything? what's my fav movie/book? idk- you could ask me what's a life lesson i'm learning and i'd answer the shit out of it !!!!
if this flops i'm blocking all of you and deactivating (jk but GO!!! anyone is welcome to participate so don't be shy!!!!!)
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blu-engineer · 10 months
trans man aroace butch in a lesbian honoring way
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yourlocalenbyreblogs · 4 months
dude i dont care (cares so much) (literally about to explode from all the care)
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lilybug-02 · 2 years
A comic/theory concept.
Chara stands in a black room, talking to the reader. At the end it slowly cuts to Kris’s back, implying Kris really is “Chara”.
[“Chara” in the void]
I am the Fallen Human.
I possess the name you chose that fateful day when you played our game,
You remember this, correct?
[may or may not have them reach out a hand in anticipation, eyebrows raised]
I am normally representative of your name.
As this was a somewhat intended move by my creator…
But many of you only believe me to be named “Chara”.
The “True Name”,
a simple abbreviation perhaps to be something more profound…
[definite change in tone and atmosphere. Darker shadows.]
This is false.
[darker shadows]
I am no “true name”.
I am no anything.
I am only the name you gave me.
[scene transition]
So next time,
be aware if I do not go by “Chara”.
[cuts to Kris, facing away from the camera]
I will be there all the same. =)
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sillysquid11 · 4 months
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i have very specific thoughts about this one scene i can only express through tally hall lyrics
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masterbaiting · 9 months
remembered janet fielding posting pics of her at a wildlife sanctuary in my state and for a moment lived in a fantasy world and was like damn if only she'd gotten a pic with a thylacine (this is a reference to the doctor who thylacine episode me and my friend desmond made up the other night. its twelfth doctor era but at the end tegan and nyssa are there)
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countinglegoclowns · 2 years
Something that I really hope that they hit on for season four is how the gang aren’t the original pilgrims. I see it as a big story point for Mk and Tang, trying to live up to these big legends. I hope that they realize that they are not those legends, and be okay with that. I think we see that a lot with Mk, and I’d love to see it explored more.
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littlerussianboy · 1 year
Interpret this as you may <3
He looked down at him, drawing closer with caution. Not a dangerous caution, but a shy one. A caution that said ‘I do not wish to hurt you, just to hold you.’ He accepted. He took a step closer to him. He was not scared. Neither of them were. They wanted each other. Wanted the warmth. The warmth they felt when they made eye contact. The warmth they felt when they brushed shoulders. The warmth of loving another. No, not another. The warmth of loving him. It was a warmth he could never grow tired of. Because, wether he liked it or not, he loved the warmth.
“I will never grow tired of you. I will never lose you, nor will you ever lose me. I wish to stay by your side. Til dawn is no longer.”
He merely nodded. Words were not necessary. Only actions. Small actions. Small actions to show that love was awake. That love was never leaving. That the love they felt, was theirs.
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sun-jellies · 2 years
You know that one post that’s like “I don’t think making out will alleviate the situation but I think it’s still needed.”
That. With Reyna and Viper in the new cinematic
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notyrfinalgirl · 11 months
hng electric touch taylor swift byler coded
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the things i realize while drying my clothes in the sun
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